#Culture of empowerment
alberryconsulting · 11 months
Join Dr. Almitra Berry as she shares powerful insights into empowering schools through bold leadership and harnessing the transformative force of parent power for achieving equity. Discover the key strategies, innovative approaches, and practical steps to foster a culture of empowerment and inclusivity in educational institutions. Explore the crucial role of strong leadership and the collaborative partnership between parents and schools in driving positive change. Don't miss this enlightening conversation that will ignite your passion for educational equity!
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femmefatalevibe · 10 months
Femme Fatale Guide: How To Decenter Men In Your Life
Consider the values, goals, and desired lifestyle that feel most authentic to you if social scripts/stigmas didn't apply to you
Take time to become radically honest with your desires as an individual – outside of the perception of men, your family, boss, teachers, peers, etc.
Cultivate a sense of personhood and identity established in your interests, hobbies, skillsets, learning capabilities, creativity, and desire for growth in all aspects of life
Act in your own best interests. Speak up for your needs, and advocate for yourself. Be more "selfish." Don't apologize for what you want and go after it. Act in your own best interests
Become confident in negotiating, assertive communication, and standing on your own two feet. Establish relationships in all aspects that are based on mutual benefit and equitable exchange
Unlearn your self-sacrificing & people-pleasing. Stop shrinking yourself or suppressing your needs to make others feel better or more comfortable
Validate yourself: your needs, desires, goals, dreams, preferences, and opinions. You need to choose yourself every day. Your appeal to others means nothing if you don't like the person you are or are becoming to satisfy the needs or desires of others
Consider the ways you're consciously and subconsciously confining your self-expression and belief system to fit the mold/appease the patriarchy. Actively work to deconstruct this mentality and way of being
Be honest with yourself about how men enrich your life. Not the other way around. Do they fulfill you romantically, sexually, both, or neither? There's no right or wrong answer, except the one that requires you to put on a performance rather than live in alignment with your true self
More resources including book recommendations/creators to follow HERE.
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alwaysbewoke · 4 months
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aahanna · 1 month
Indrani Rahman - India's first Miss Universe representative and a celebrated classical dancer."
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Indrani Rahman was all of 22 when she represented India at the first ever Miss Universe Pageant way back in 1952.
Indrani Rahman was the first Indian to participate in the Miss Universe pageant in 1952, representing India after winning the Miss India title the same year . She was born in Chennai (then Madras) on September 19, 1930, .She was a trained classical dancer in Bharatanatyam, Kuchipudi, Kathakali and Odissi, and popularized these dance forms in the West . She received the Padma Shri in 1969 and the Sangeet Natak Akademi Award
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nickysfacts · 1 year
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Happy Juneteenth!🤎
In celebration here are a collection of history facts on African American Women and their part in American history that sadly tends to be overlooked!
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tmarshconnors · 7 months
50 African proverbs.
"A bird that flies off the earth and lands on an anthill is still on the ground."
"If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."
"The lion does not turn around when a small dog barks."
"When elephants fight, it is the grass that suffers."
"The wise create bridges, the foolish build barriers."
"He who learns, teaches."
"Unity is strength, division is weakness."
"Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped."
"Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors."
"A tree is known by its fruits."
"The one who loves an unsightly person is the one who makes him beautiful."
"The strength of a crocodile is in the water."
"The old woman looks after the child to grow its teeth and the young one in turn looks after the old woman when she loses her teeth."
"A wise person will always find a way."
"Where you will sit when you are old shows where you stood in youth."
"Do not be a spectator before life; participate!"
"The rain beats the leopard’s skin, but it does not wash out the spots."
"No matter how full the river, it still wants to grow."
"Wisdom is like a baobab tree; no one individual can embrace it."
"When the mouse laughs at the cat, there is a hole nearby."
"The goat says, 'Where there is blood, there is plenty of food.'"
"By the time the fool has learned the game, the players have dispersed."
"He who is destined for power does not have to fight for it."
"The chameleon changes color to match the earth; the earth doesn’t change colors to match the chameleon."
"The heart of the wise man lies quiet like limpid water."
"If you close your eyes to facts, you will learn through accidents."
"You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do."
"A wise person learns more from his enemies than a fool from his friends."
"You cannot climb to the mountain top without crushing some weeds with your feet."
"A roaring lion kills no game."
"Knowledge without wisdom is like water in the sand."
"Where there is love, there is no darkness."
"The strength of a nation lies in its homes."
"The best way to eat an elephant in your path is to cut him up into little pieces."
"He who refuses to obey cannot command."
"It is the calm and silent water that drowns a man."
"Patience is the mother of a beautiful child."
"A good deed is something one returns."
"When the character of a man is not clear to you, look at his friends."
"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."
"If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."
"When spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion."
"No matter how tall a tree grows, the leaves always fall to the ground."
"When the moon is not full, the stars shine more brightly."
"A leopard cannot change its spots."
"A village without elders is like a well without water."
"The sun will shine on those who stand before it shines on those who kneel under them."
"The eye never forgets what the heart has seen."
"A dog with a bone in its mouth cannot bite."
"The axe forgets, but the tree remembers."
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akai-ito-official · 1 year
“If I’m a bitch, then I’m a bitch. If that’s what an assertive woman is to you.” -Christina Aguilera
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Empowered Woman ♥️
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jeremiasdorap · 3 months
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As a BLACK PERSON from Brazil, I am extremely shocked by the absurd level of ignorance that part of the black population in the United States has about the issue of blackness in other territories of the American continent. As Asad Haider said, these are the Mistaken Identity.
To explain once and for all: "Afro-Latino" is not an ethnicity dissociated from black ethnicity. Both in the USA and in other Latin American countries there are black people who have lived there for generations, precisely because they were brought by slave ships from Africa. Black Latinos ARE BLACK PEOPLE! To deny this historical fact is not only to close oneself off from a world of territorial ignorance, but also to embark on the same identity nationalism that marginalizes the black population in the USA.
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Essential Feminist Texts Booklist
The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir
A Vindication of The Rights of Women by Mary Wollstonecraft
Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center by Bell Hooks
Feminism is For Everybody: Passionate Politics by Bell Hooks
The Dialectic of Sex: The Case for Feminist Revolution by  Shulamith Firestone 
Sexual Politics by Kate Millett
Full Frontal Feminism by Jessica Valenti
Women Who Run With the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype by Clarissa Pinkola Estes
The Creation of Patriarchy by Gerda Lerner 
Yes Means Yes!: Visions of Female Sexual Power and a World Without Rape by Jessica Valenti
Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men by Caroline Criado Perez 
Bad Feminist by Roxanne Gay
The Color Purple by Alice Walker
Hood Feminism: Notes from the Women That a Movement Forgot by Mikki Kendall
Men Explain Things To Me by Rebecca Solnit
The Female Gaze: Essential Movies Made by Women by Alicia Malone
Girlhood by Melissa Febos
The Story of Art Without Men by Katy Hessel
Is This Normal?: Judgment-Free Straight Talk about Your Body by  Dr. Jolene Brighten
Come As You Are: Revised and Updated: The Surprising New Science That Will Transform Your Sex Life by Emily Nagoski, Ph.D
The Menopause Manifesto: Own Your Health with Facts and Feminism by Dr. Jennifer Gunter
The Pain Gap: How Sexism and Racism in Healthcare Kill Women by Anushay Hossain 
Unwell Women: Misdiagnosis and Myth in a Man-Made World by Elinor Cleghorn 
The Turnaway Study: The Cost of Denying Women Access to Abortion by Diana Greene Foster, Ph.D
Regretting Motherhood: A Study by Orna Donath
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alwaysbewoke · 1 month
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When I was in college, I let German tourists take pictures with me in my graduation gown. Even at the time I thought it was weird. But since my college years, I haven’t allowed strangers to take pics of me “just because” here or abroad. “Curiosity” means very little to me. People on the clock app were saying in China they actually have been known to post pics of Black people on WeChat to make fun of them. So, maybe not the best idea to let strangers take pics of/with you. Anyway, I wish you all safe, joyous, and comfortable travels. You deserve to see the world in peace just like anyone else.
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aahanna · 2 months
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Celebrating the Divine Power
Navratri is not just about dancing and festivities; it's a profound reminder of the importance of women and a call for respect. It urges us to recognize the strength within us and stand up for our rights, dreams, and desires.
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nickysfacts · 3 months
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Hoop earrings are a staple of Latina and Black womanhood, as well as a stylish piece of jewelry for all of the other sisters!💜
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imperfectorange · 1 year
National Girl Child Day
For centuries in India, daughters have been worshiped as forms of the goddess Laxmi, while ironically, it is sons who have been regarded as a guarantee for economic security- the source of wealth and prosperity for the family. They are considered the ideal inheritors of one’s accumulated capital. Sons are expected to take care of their aging parents, and carry forward family businesses. Meanwhile parents start preparing for their daughter's 'vidhai' from the moment she is born, concerned about paying dowries, and expecting to ship her off to another home where she will take care of someone else's family. Due to this, many families have not wanted to invest in the care and keeping of a girl child, leading to historically high rates of female infanticide in the Indian subcontinent. With the onset of modern technology, such as ultrasounds, there has also been an increase in female foeticide.
Gender screenings and sex-based abortions have led to unnatural selection through social factors as opposed to physical ones. Generations of these practices have led to an incredibly skewed sex ratio in the country- as per the 2011 census the figures stood at 943 women per 1000 men, reaching as low as 800 in some states. Although a law was put in place to prevent female infanticide in 1870, under British India, it didn’t do much to curtail the practice. An act prohibiting pre-natal sex determination was passed in 1994, which has criminalized this process and helped reduce it to some extent. This has led to the strange concept of reproductive tourism taking rise in India, as citizens travel to countries where sex screenings are not banned to determine what their future holds.
Similarly, the government has started a lot of schemes such as Beti Bachao Beti Padhao to increase focus and divert funding towards female education. In the modern world, more and more women are leaving the house to work, a result of families that have prioritized their education. The dependency that families feared from their daughters is no longer as great a cause for concern in many families in urban spaces. However, for many rural or poorer families, a girl child is still considered a curse, as funding her marriage becomes a great source for stress. Alternatively, funding her education is not even considered a viable option as they do not expect to see the return on their investment.
Due to this, National Girl Child Day and other recognitions of women are vital in nations like India, to celebrate the achievements of women and show the citizens that they are just as capable as a man, well worth the time and effort it takes to raise them. Especially when women are born into a society that already presents them with a series of obstacles to achieve success based solely on their gender, celebrating and empowering them from birth is vital to their development and that of the nation.
- Shreya, 24th January 2023.
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loveconsumerist · 1 year
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Women began their inner emancipation by their access to literature, by access to the world through books; an access they could not have socially or politically, or of course economically, in the world at large.
George Steiner
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giuliopozzali · 26 days
Five ways to overcome a rejection in life
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Facing rejection in life is a challenging experience that can stir up a range of emotions. It's important to remember that setbacks are a natural part of the human journey and can provide opportunities for growth and learning. Here are five effective ways to navigate and overcome rejection:
1. Validate Your Feelings: When confronted with rejection, it's normal to feel a mix of emotions such as sadness, disappointment, or frustration. Allow yourself to acknowledge and validate these feelings without judgment. Embracing your emotional responses can help you process the experience and move forward in a healthy way.
2. Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind and understanding towards yourself during times of rejection. Treat yourself with the same level of empathy and care that you would offer to a loved one facing a similar situation. Engage in self-soothing activities, such as meditation, journaling, or spending time in nature, to nurture your inner well-being.
3. Seek Support: Sharing your thoughts and feelings with trusted friends, family members, or a counselor can provide valuable insights and comfort during challenging times. Surround yourself with individuals who offer genuine support and encouragement, and don't hesitate to lean on their wisdom and guidance when needed.
4. Embrace Resilience: Cultivate a resilient mindset by reframing rejection as an opportunity for personal growth and self-improvement. Reflect on the lessons learned from the experience and consider how you can use this setback as a stepping stone towards achieving your goals. Resilience empowers you to bounce back stronger and more determined than before.
5. Focus on Self-Care: Engage in activities that promote your physical, mental, and emotional well-being to foster resilience and emotional strength. Prioritize self-care practices such as regular exercise, healthy eating, sufficient sleep, and mindfulness techniques to nurture your overall health and vitality. Taking care of yourself will equip you with the inner resources needed to navigate life's challenges with grace and resilience.
In conclusion, navigating rejection in life requires a blend of self-awareness, compassion, resilience, and self-care. By embracing your emotions, seeking support, fostering resilience, and prioritizing self-care, you can effectively overcome rejection and emerge from the experience with newfound insights and strength. Remember, setbacks are not permanent roadblocks but opportunities for personal growth and transformation on your life journey.
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