#About three cases in Gordon is like
majorxmaggiexboy · 2 years
the....the batman ..but it's .... it's ratatouille,,
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zylev-blog · 6 months
Jazz is Special Agent Fenton of the FBI. She doesn’t go by Fenton when she’s out on a case though; she uses Nightingale. She does this because it keeps her identity secret.
Jazz is investigating a series of crimes. One of the other agents goes undercover to try and set them up in a sting operation. Things go south and now Jazz is going to Gotham to view the murder scene.
When she gets there, GCPD try to stop her at the crime scene barrier. She flashes her FBI jacket and her badge and is given access. She walks over to the police commissioner, a man named Gordon. Gordon obviously doesn’t recognize her, and neither does the vigilante with him—Batman.
“This is a closed crime scene, Miss…?” Gordon asks.
“Nightingale. FBI.” She shows Gordon her badge. “You and your men can clear out. This is our jurisdiction now.”
“We haven’t gotten approval to—“ Gordon stops, but was interrupted by an officer walking over to Gordon and whispering something in his ear. “Fine.” Gordon grumbled, and started telling his men to leave.
“You too, Spooky. I don’t need a vigilante’s help.” She waves off the man without another thought, but Batman doesn’t move. Instead, he completely ignores her and starts walking towards the crime scene. “Obviously, you didn’t hear me.” Jazz scowled. “If you don’t leave, I will remove you with force, Batman.”
Batman turns to look at her. “That isn’t how things work here, Agent Nightingale.”
“It is now.” She kept her expression neutral. “Clear out, or be removed. Your choice.”
Batman tried to look intimidating. Jazz refused to bow. The two stared each other down before Batman took another step towards the crime scene. She reacted instantly. Pulling out a taser, she placed it on his back before he could even react.
He reacted quickly, and sent three batarangs at her in rapid succession. His movements were a bit slower than normal after getting tased. She dodged two of the batarangs, and opted to catch the third in her hand. She flicked it away lazily and cracked her knuckles with a small smile. “I love it when they choose force.”
Batman didn’t react to her comment. He seemed to understand he wasn’t going to be able to get around her without a major fight. He let out an annoyed grunt and grappled away.
Three days later, they meet on the roof of an abandoned building. It seems like Batman was still on the case after all. Jazz was not happy about it. She felt that he was going to ruin the entire operation. She couldn’t trust someone to have her back if they didn’t show their face. She doesn’t let the annoyance show on her face as Batman joins her at the edge of the rooftop.
“I thought I told you to stay off my case, Batman.” She said quietly.
Batman gave a quiet grunt. If she had to put it to words, it would translate to a ‘I do what I want.’
She didn’t speak to him again, but she didn’t kick him out, either. The two didn’t speak a word as they sat for two hours, inspecting the warehouse across the street. It was nearly morning by the time Batman left. She did make sure he left, too—she watched him grapple down the street and heard the roar of the Batmobile pulling away before she breathed out a sigh of relief.
Watching the building was doing nothing. She was going to have to get closer. She was going to have to go undercover herself. The thought didn’t make her any happier, even with knowing what happened to the last agent that went undercover for this operation. She also knew that to keep her tracker on her at all times, she would need to shove it inside a place that nobody would look for it. And boy was that uncomfortable.
Two days after she met Batman did she meet Brucie Wayne for the first time. By now she had been undercover with the modeling agency for a day, and it was going well so far. She was playing her part perfectly, but it could take weeks for them to trust her enough to give her information that she needed to know.
She had been hired to be arm candy for a wealthy man in Gotham. It wasn’t Brucie, though she knew he had a few models on his arms as well. She had gotten through most of the night without incident before she ran into Brucie. Quite literally. Brucie’s champagne spilled down her dress, and she gave a mock scream of outrage.
Brucie tried to clean up her dress, but she swatted his hands away and went to the bathroom to clean up. She never noticed the tracker that Bruce put on the nape of her neck. When she came back out, she noticed her date looking for her. She rejoined him and the rest of the night went smoothly.
A month into the operation and she finally was getting some results. She had been moved from building to building more than once, but she finally got breadcrumbs for what she needed to take them down. It took her another three weeks after that to gather all of the evidence she needed.
At the final takedown, she was joined by none other than Batman. She had half-expected him to show up after she noticed the tracker on her neck six hours after it was placed. She didn’t know when she had even run into the Batman at a stuffy charity gala. She had debated crushing it, but she didn’t have backup and she figured his help was better than nothing. She still didn’t trust him, though. She made sure he knew that, too.
Bringing the tracker up to her lips, she whispered, “Don’t you know it’s rude to listen in on a lady, Batman?”
Together, she and Batman took down the traffickers. They had been using models and trafficking them all over the world to be used as sex slaves. She feels a certain satisfaction while watching everyone be escorted out in cuffs.
“Nice work.” Batman says, figure tall and dark.
She hums. “Thanks.” The silence stretches on for a few minutes before she adds in, “Thanks for having my back.”
“I thought you didn’t need a vigilante’s help?” Batman teased.
She didn’t look at him, but she could hear the teasing on his voice. She smirks and crosses her arms. “I don’t. But you’re harder to get rid of than a ghost in a net.”
Batman didn’t respond back to her, and it takes her a few moments to realize what she had said. She was of course, referencing her parents ghosthunting activities. But he didn’t even know her real name, so how would he even know what he was talking about?
“When do you leave?” Batman asked.
“After everything’s wrapped up. Why, you going to miss me?” She finally turned to look at him. She wished she could run facial recognition and figure out who was under that mask. The psychologist in her wanted to know just why a man would put on a bat mask and fight crime.
“I have a case that could use your input.” Batman deflected her question.
Was that a compliment from the Batman? His way of telling her that he trusted her opinion? Or was it an olive branch?
“Mine or the FBI’s?” She already knew the answer to his question, but she wanted him to say it.
Instead, he just grunted in annoyance. She rolled her eyes and pulled a card out of the pouch that she kept her FBI id at and handed it to him. “That’s my office phone number.” She tapped the card with her finger as he held it. “If you want my personal cell, you’ve got to earn it.”
He nodded and tucked the card into his utility belt. She could see the beginnings of a smile from Batman as he disappeared into the shadows and grappled away.
Surprisingly, it only took Batman a week to call her. She had gotten settled back into her office in DC, and had mostly forgotten about the encounter. She had to report Batman’s appearance in her report, but beyond that, she didn’t have to explain that he helped her take down the ring.
She made a flight back to Gotham the next day. Batman brought her into the Batcave and told her everything she needed to know about the case. She didn’t know where the Batcave was, as Batman had blindfolded her, but she was impressed with his initiative.
“Im not wearing that.” She glared at him with all of the venom she had—which was quite a lot.
“You can’t go out in your FBI jacket.” Batman deadpanned.
“Wasn’t planning on it. Do you think I’m a rookie?” She shook her head and gestured at the costume that the vigilante had made for her. “That doesn’t give you the right to—to—ugh! Im not your Batgirl, or Batwoman, or whatever! I came out as a consult. I don’t dress up in latex, and I don’t wear costumes!”
The costume itself was gorgeous, not that she’d ever tell Batman that. It was solid black, had a red bat on the front of it, and was fully equipped with a utility belt, knife holsters, and a taser. It had a full cowl like Batmans, along with the pointy ears on top.
“I don’t see the problem.” Batman’s voice had undertones of offense in it.
“Look.” She gestured at the costume. “Im honored, truly, that you want me to watch your back. But I’m not a vigilante. Nor will I ever be!”
She had watched what vigilantism had done to Danny, Sam, Tucker, and Valerie over the years. Sure, she’d gone out with them more than once. Without a mask. But there was something more complex about the costume sitting on the table in front of her.
“You said you were going to help.” Batman’s gruff voice got closer as he took a few steps towards her.
“And I did.” She gestured to the Batcomputer. “I already gave you my opinions of the case. I dedicated a weekend of PTO time to be here. But this is as far as my help goes.”
“What about the last operation? You owe me.”
“Owe you?!” She exclaimed, thumping her finger against his chest. “I told you to get lost. You still stuck around. You could’ve cost me the operation!”
“It worked.”
She groaned in frustration. She was close enough to him now that she could smell the faint smell of Kevlar and aftershave from him. She rubbed a hand down her face as she thought over what had happened last time she was in Gotham.
“What about all your other winged vigilantes? You had uh.. Nightwing, and Robin, right?”
“It’s only Nightwing.” Batman responded. “He’s unavailable.”
“I could’ve sworn you had a Robin, too.” She looked up at him and noticed the stiffness of his body.
“Robin has moved on.” Batman replied.
Hmm. Touchy subject. She wasn’t going to push. It wasn’t any of her buisness.
“You must be really desperate if you’re trying this hard to get me to go out in that.” She smirked.
“Things could go wrong.” Batman said with a quiet sigh.
“Don’t they always?” She tilted her head.
“Not always.” Batman mimicked her actions, clearly studying her. “What will it take?”
“If I put that mask on,” She gestured to the table behind her, “You take yours off.”
“Fine. Deals off, then.” She pulled her phone out and immediately started looking for flights back to DC.
“Why?” He questioned.
“I can’t trust someone who won’t tell me who they are.” She shrugged.
Batman let out a quiet growl. As he took his cowl off, he scowled. “You would know, wouldn’t you, Miss Fenton?”
“Holy shit.” Her eyes got wide.
Bruce Wayne was the Batman.
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thekidthesuperkid · 2 months
No Bruce is not "fine with being friends with people who kill all the time"
1) if you're referring to Diana she doesn't kill people all the time, she only kills in very extreme circumstances when she's forced to bc theres no other option, and it's only happened like three times total
2) Bruce very much is not fine with it when Diana kills. When she killed Maxwell Lord, it was written for the sole purpose of breaking up the Trinity for Infinity Crisis drama reasons, and Diana killing was chosen because Bruce (and Clark) would not be fine with it. At all
3) if you're referring to Ghostmaker, Bruce also isn't fine with him killing people and tries to stop him
4) if you're referring to Oliver Queen, they're not friends
5) if you're referring to Talia, Bruce also isn't fine with her killing people, and continuously has conflict with her about it
6) if you're referring to Helena, they're not friends and also Bruce treats her almost worse than Jason
7) if you're referring to Jim Gordon, Bruce still isn't fine with it, but also the copganda around him kinda makes consistent moral characterization a lost cause for Bruce in relation to him
8) I know you're not referring to Clark because nobody making this argument actually reads super comics let alone 80s super comics so none of you know about the Zod storyline, but Bruce didn't even know about that therefore its irrelevant
9) in case you might be referring to Harvey, Bruce also hasn't been friends with him since he became Two Face
10) I can't think of any others right now but whoever you're thinking of I can guarantee that if Bruce knows they killed someone and thinks its possible to influence them, there has been a storyline about him disapproving of them killing
11) if you're referring to Harley Quinn for some reason, they also are not friends
Like I dont get where you're coming from and also Bruce Wayne is very much not fine with his friends killing people
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mochinomnoms · 4 months
Thinking about the Tweels parents reacted to them bringing home a partner, think of how excited mama Ashengrotto will be when Azul brings home his mate. After seeing Azul alone, depressed, and self-loathing for so many years, seeing him have the confidence to bring home his mate. If he is in his Merform she is even more thrilled. When she sees them comfort and hug him and allows Azul to cling to them she may faint. If/when they get married, you know she is throwing the biggest wedding reception in her restaurant. Yuu’s dress or tux, completely covered no matter the cost, all food, covered. She is just happy that her son found someone and Mr. Ashengrotto has to hold her back and keep her from squeezing Yuu to tight out of joy. She would also drop hints that she would be a great grandma and show you how cute Azul was in all his baby pictures.
Azul would probably die of embarrassment when his mom shows baby pictures and when they are finally alone (thanks to Azul’s Stepdad reminding her she has a Business to take care of) he finally relents:
“I’m sorry, she is just excited to meet you,” Azul has yuu curled in his many arms inside his octopot.
“Is she the reason you waited so long to introduce me to your parents?”
“Yes… also she has three books full of photos hidden in the house I can’t find and my step-father won’t tell me where they are. They just appear when guest come over and disappear when I try to burn them later.”
“Well, we are meeting your Grandma tomorrow so things should be better there!”
Azul groaned.
“More picture books?”
“Six books. I have no clue how she got half of those photos, I think she hired the tweels behind my back!”
She's so happy upon learning about Azul's partner. Ms Iris Ashengrotto is a sweet woman whose restaurant started from the bottom to become a renounced, exclusive dining experience that only the most wealthy, prim and proper folks under the sea could have the privilege of eating. It's why the Ashengrottos and the Leech family have worked together for so long, it makes a fine establishment for their… “business” deals. She's what we would equate to Gordon Ramsay, really: no-nonsense, with strict and high expectations in her kitchen. Similarly, she is oh so sweet with children, her own especially.
So it was a pain to watch Azul grow up so lonely, though she could never get him to tell her why. Iris assumed that it was due to bullying, most merfolk are not kind to cecaelias, but she couldn't go off and scare random children into not interacting with her son. Nor could she talk to their parents without knowing for sure if that was the case, or if her son was just naturally shy. It didn't help her worries when her son got skinner and skinner, thinking she didn't notice him look at his body in the mirror as he poked and prodded at what little fat remained on him.
She took comfort when the Leech parents sent their twins off to keep Azul company, though he didn't seem to warm up to them for quite some time. Even when he went to NRC with the twins, opening his own establishment, Iris was still concerned about him making friends. It's why she was so pleasantly surprised to hear from her son during his second year about his partner. He's shyly gushing about you to him, a magicless human that slithered their way into his locked up heart. With the way he describes you, like you hung the moon and starts, she's already planning a wedding in her head.
It takes some nudging after that to get him to bring you for a visit, but he eventually did over the summer break. Oh, she was delighted to see his limbs unconsciously curl around you, holding you close as you curled into him yourself. You were so cute! A sweetheart! A delight! A perfect child-in-law! Azul, please forgive her if she starts sobbing, but how else is a mother supposed to react when she sees her child gaze at someone with so much love in their heart?
The first day she's monopolized your time, feeding you and Azul all sorts of food and snacks, offhandedly mentioning that the two of you would have to fatten up a bit to give her health grandchildren. She had to withhold a laugh at Azul's mortified expression. Iris has several albums of baby and childhood pictures, eager to coo over how cute and chubby Azul was as a baby. Her son is sulking at the other end of the couch, but he still has a tentacle curled around your ankle, never leaving you for long.
It's when she's hiding away her album (one of three, Azul's destroyed many be she always has spares), that she overhears your conversation. Iris had stopped by his bedroom to let you two know that she needed to return to the restaurant, but instead quietly delighted at the sight of you two in his octopot. A cecaelia's octopot, hiding place, is a very private and intimate place. So seeing you, cradled in Azul's lap, as his many arms hold you close to him, makes her heart swell.
She decides to leave you two alone, taking one last peek as you giggle at a pouting Azul, before sharing a soft kiss. Iris is smiling at the sight, sighing as she can finally relax, knowing her son is going to be taken care of.
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suzukiblu · 7 months
NaNoWriMo fic, day one: obligatory sugar daddy Tim/sugar baby Kon AU.
Tim Drake had absolutely no intentions of ever becoming anyone's sugar daddy when he met Superboy.
This would have worked out better for him if Superboy had ever had an actual legal identity or an actual legal guardian or just . . . literally anything whatsoever in life. Ever. At all.
Just a bank account, even.
"You're working for Cadmus," Tim says slowly. "Cadmus, as in the lab that stole Superman's body and cloned him without his consent. Cadmus, which you had to break out of so they couldn't put mind control code words in your head."
"Yeah," Superboy replies like that's not literally insane. Tim stares at him.
"Why?" he asks incredulously.
"Food and shelter?" Superboy shrugs. "And I mean, I dunno, where else am I gonna go?"
Tim is not okay with this situation.
"What did Superman say?" he says.
"Just to like, keep an eye on things," Superboy says with another shrug. "Make sure they're not up to anything shifty."
Tim stares at him.
"Superman," he says. "Told you to just . . . 'keep an eye on' the dubiously ethical cloning lab. The specific dubiously ethical cloning lab that tried to put mind control code words in your head. Specifically."
"Yeah," Superboy confirms.
Alright, Tim is actually even less okay with this situation than he thought, apparently. Like, impressively less.
"Okay," he says. It is absolutely no kind of okay in any way whatsoever, of course, but he doesn't want to put Superboy on the defensive. That'd make effectively interrogating him a lot harder, for one thing. Cooperative subjects are best in these situations. "What are they paying you?"
"I mean, like, they gave me my own room and they're feeding me and whatever, so I don't really need much money," Superboy says. "There's a discretionary fund I can use if I need to go on an undercover mission or anything like that? But I'm not really the undercover type anyway."
"Sure," Tim says. So . . . no way for Superboy to save up to move out and get an out-of-lab life, then. Great. That's not fucked-up or crazy or horrible at all. "Do you like it there?"
"It's okay," Superboy says, shrugging again. "Better than literally everybody in Hawaii yelling at me every time they see my face, yeah?"
Tim wants to set the world on fire, but he's trying really hard not to go supervillain before he's thirty and he'd hate to throw out all that hard work.
"They just let me do whatever, mostly," Superboy adds. "They don't really care as long as I'm around when they need me."
He'll go supervillain as soon as Bruce dies, Tim promises himself. Just–he'll give his share of the eulogy at the funeral and then he'll blow up three-fourths of Arkham and the entire GCPD while Commissioner Gordon is on his lunch break. He can time that out, that'll be easy. And then he'll go and personally murder the Joker with the very specific combination of a rusty crowbar and a shrapnel bomb, and then he'll just . . . well, he'll just go with the flow from there, he figures. Do whatever feels natural.
Seriously, the world as it is does not deserve to exist. It really just does not.
Tim figures he can probably convince the rest of Young Justice to tag along for the whole supervillain thing and hopefully Dick and Steph and Barbara too, and ideally also Alfred, in the unfortunately likely event that he outlives Bruce. He's got time to lay the groundwork with them all and all, and also everything really is awful and horrible and really does deserve to burn.
"Are they sending you to school or anything? Or tutoring you?" Tim asks with what little scraps of hope he has left. Higher education would be . . . well, something, at least. And actually it probably wouldn't hurt for Superboy to learn a bit more about genetic engineering from the same place he got genetically engineered, just in case anything goes wrong with his DNA again. Cadmus should at least be good for that much, right?
"Ew, no, thank fuck," Superboy says, making a face. "Like I said, they mostly let me do whatever until something needs punched."
So . . . no furthered education or learning any usable job skills or making real money or literally anything that could, again, lead to Superboy ever getting any kind of an actual out-of-lab life established.
Just great.
"I see," Tim says.
"It's a pretty sweet gig, considering," Superboy says, and grins brightly at him. It's a very nice grin. Normally being faced with that particular grin would make Tim need to beat down the highly unprofessional urge to kiss it.
Right now, though, he's a little bit more concerned with the fact that his teammate is just . . . living in and working for a fucking lab. As a matter of course. Just as a thing.
And Superman of all people thinks that's . . . fine, for some reason? Like, normal and ethical and okay? Somehow? In some way?
What the actual fuck, Tim thinks to himself.
"You said Superman told you to keep an eye on things?" he asks.
"Yeah," Superboy says, his grin widening. "He took me to his fortress and asked me to do it there. Showed me around a bit, too."
"That sounds really interesting," Tim says, wondering in vague disbelief if that means Superman had never taken Superboy to the Fortress of Solitude before. He must've, right? And just . . . inexplicably not shown Superboy around then.
Yeah. Sure.
"It was awesome!" Superboy says with more enthusiasm than Tim's seen from him since they met Nina Dowd's . . . endowments, seemingly forgetting the need to be "cool" for long enough to lean forward in his seat and outright beam at him. Tim is gonna need a minute to recover from the sight of that expression, probably. "It's seriously freaking freezing up there, but there's so much cool shit in the place. Like, from all over the universe, but from Krypton, even! The only thing I'd ever seen from Krypton before was kryptonite!"
Tim considers moving up his supervillain timeline after all. Like. Just possibly. Just a little.
Maybe he can convince Bruce to take an early retirement off-planet and just go from there.
What the hell is wrong with Superman?
"Oh, wow, really?" Tim says, simultaneously pretending he didn't already know what Superman has in his fortress and trying not to be screamingly obvious about the internal calculations he's running on figuring out how to weaponize red sunlight. Or like, maybe he could look into learning some magic. That's technically an option. Probably more time-consuming and harder to hide the process of, though. Still, it's on the table.
"Yeah. He showed me some of it. Told me some stories and stuff, even," Superboy says, and that excited grin turns just a little bit shy and soft and somehow even more distracting than usual. He ducks his head just a little, and then that soft grin is more like a soft smile, and Tim suffers. "And I, uh–and he gave me something, too."
"What did he give you?" Tim asks, praying to God that the answer is "an emergency contact number" or "an allowance that can cover a semi-decent Metropolis apartment" or "an offer to live literally anywhere but Cadmus, including in the thirtieth century or on a hostile alien planet or inside an active volcano". He's technically an atheist, so the praying thing is probably moot, but times of desperation are times of desperation.
"A name," Superboy says, and his smile widens helplessly. "Like, you know, a real one."
Tim might hate Superman, he thinks. That might actually be a thing now.
Yeah, he's definitely going supervillain after Bruce dies and doesn't need an emotional support sidekick anymore. Better start stocking up on the kryptonite.
"That's great," he says with a very carefully not-forced smile of his own instead of anything more along the lines of "wait, you've been alive and active as a superhero for all this time and no one ever actually named you?!" Superboy would probably take it the wrong way, not in the least because that genuinely never actually occurred to him as being a thing before. Like–he really did just assume Superboy was keeping a lid on whatever his real name was for personal reasons or Superman reasons or something. "Are you allowed to tell me it, or is that a no-go?"
"Oh, yeah," Superboy says with a sheepish laugh, rubbing at his arm. "It's like, a Kryptonian name? Not like a secret identity one. It's, uh, Kon-El."
Of course it's not even a damn secret identity, Tim thinks in absolute frustration and abject loathing. Of course not! Why would it be?! Fuck forbid!
"I like it," he says, because he lies to Batman and therefore there is no fucking way that he's going to let Superboy–Kon–see any sign whatsoever of the metaphorical 9.9 on the Richter scale that is currently happening in his psyche. "It suits you."
"You think?" Kon grins all the wider. Tim can't even calm down enough to want to kiss him, except in the sense that he always wants to kiss him.
"I do," he says, and smiles at him again.
Kon smiles back.
Tim hates everything. All the things. There is nothing that Tim doesn't hate right now, except maybe Alfred's snickerdoodles because he might be having a nervous breakdown but he's not, like, criminally insane or whatever.
"Yeah, it's kinda cool," Kon says, straightening up in his seat and then leaning back, clearing his throat and slipping his sunglasses back on like they're not in a literal cave right now. Tim doesn't call him on it, because he has a supervillain timeline to work out and that's much more important.
Also because the teammate he has an inadvisable crush on is in a much, much shittier situation than he ever realized and he has to reconcile that with his worldview and also his opinion of Superman. Tim doesn't especially idolize the man except in the sense of knowing he's one of the greatest heroes on Earth and a very, very good man that Bruce thinks incredibly highly of, one of the best men on the League and maybe even on the planet, but . . .
But if he's such a good man, then why the hell is Kon living in a lab that tried to mind-control him and why has he only just seen the Fortress of Solitude for the first time?
Why didn't he have a real name?
"So do we call you Kon or Kon-El now?" Tim asks, which is a bit of a senseless question but also at least a bit of a distraction. He wants to say this whole situation is a horrible idea, who the FUCK convinced you this situation was a good idea?!, but there is no possible way that Kon would respond well to that. Ever.
Also, Kon had a point. Where else is he gonna go?
Clearly not the Fortress of Solitude.
Seriously, would it be that hard for Superman to give him a room there? At least a place to stay sometimes, so he wasn't exclusively relying on the mind-control cloning lab for food and shelter and basic comforts?
"I think just Kon?" Kon says, frowning consideringly. "'El' is like Superman's last name, I guess? So I think just Kon."
"Makes sense," Tim says, internally seething. Superman gave him the "El" name but not a secret identity? A name from a dead civilization with a bit of sentimental value, maybe, but nothing usable on this planet? Fuck, you'd think Kon didn't already know his secre–
. . . Kon doesn't know Superman's secret identity, does he.
Tim had thought he was lying, when he'd said that stuff about Superman not having one, before. Thought it was supposed to be a cover or a misdirection or something. But Kon actually thinks that, doesn't he. And Superman has just . . . kept letting him think that.
Becoming a supervillain actually might be an underreaction, in retrospect.
"Just Kon sounds less formal anyway," Tim says instead of so just in theory, do you think tactile telekinesis could trigger a heart attack or stroke in a full-blooded Kryptonian, if you could REALLY concentrate on doing it? like not FATALLY, just dehabilitatingly?, because he still has some groundwork to do before they get that far into potential supervillainy. There's steps to the plan. The steps need to be followed. They're very important steps. "You don't want Bart full-naming you every time he's looking for the remote."
"Like he'd even bother, it's faster for him to turn the living room upside-down than actually ask anyway," Kon says with a laugh, dropping his head back on his neck. Tim has some thoughts about climbing into his lap and figuring out if the TTK makes him hickey-proof, and then buries them. Not appropriate. Not professional. Just not.
. . . technically, if Kon wanted a hickey, he could just let his TTK down and ask for–
Tim buries his thoughts deeper.
Much, much deeper.
"Point," he says. "So what time does Cadmus expect you back?"
"Dude, it's a job, not a boarding school," Kon says, giving him an amused look. "I don't have a curfew."
Tim, technically, hasn't followed his own curfew any way but accidentally once in his entire life, but for god's sake, is Cadmus even pretending to be raising a teenager or are they really just being that flagrant about ignoring all the child labor laws they so clearly do not give a fuck about? Like, there must be something illegal about this. There has to be.
If there's not, Tim will be adding "burn down Project Cadmus" to his list of supervillain plans to set up in advance. In red pen. Underlined.
God, why is the world like this. Why are people like this?
"I guess that'd be convenient," Tim says, internally ranking various methods of combustion. "Though I guess it depends on the cafeteria hours, too."
"It's whatever, I can always eat later," Kon replies with a shrug. "I think I've still got a couple protein bars in my room anyway."
"Just protein bars?" Tim asks, mentally upping the amount of explosives he was considering going with. Cadmus is going to be a crater by the time he's done with it. "Don't you need more calories than that?"
". . . well, sort of," Kon says, folding his arms and looking very briefly embarrassed. "Superman doesn't have to eat, apparently, but, uh, guess I'm not Kryptonian enough for that. Actually I kinda need to eat more than normal humans, it's weird. Like. A lot more."
"I'm ordering pizza," Tim says, upping his mental explosives count again. "What do you want on it?"
"We're the only ones here," Kon says, looking puzzled.
"More pizza for us, then," Tim says.
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pinkiemachine · 4 days
OKAY, so this season starts off with a spectacular BANG! Joker makes his debut, causes a ton of mayhem for the Dynamic Duo, but of course, in the end, the heroes save the day. Here’s some sketches of Joker I’ve been working on…
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Still not sure if this is what I wanna go with. Like I said, work in progress.
Anyway, what really matters is what happens after Joker gets defeated. He’s thrown into Arkham Asylum, for the Criminally Insane, and the doctors there attempt to treat him. Namely, one Harleen Quinzel. This does not go well. Instead of her being able to bring Joker back to sanity, he manipulates her and gets her to cross over to the insane side, becoming his twisted on-again off-again lover, and they break out of Arkham together.
But this is all happening in the background while the rest of the season goes on. The real highlight of Season 2, aside from revisiting classic villains and meeting new ones, is the arrival of BATGIRL! Now, Barbara Gordon (17) was going to get a law degree after high school, but after seeing what sort of corruption there was in Gotham from her father’s police job, she’d lost faith in the system. Instead, she became inspired by Batman to take matters into her own hands. Batman initially tries to tell her to stop—she’s just going to get herself hurt—but then she manages to make a strong case for herself. She’s smart, she’s been taking self-defence classes since she was three, she knows the criminal justice system, she’s passionate about making a difference, Robin’s allowed to fight crime despite being four years younger than her, and… she’s not going to take no for an answer. Batman begrudgingly agrees to let her help, especially after she saves his life on a mission, but he has one condition: no crime fighting alone. She must always have backup. He’s not about to let the police captain’s—now Commissioner’s—daughter get hurt on his watch. Because he knows who she really is. Because he’s a detective.
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So now they’re the fanatic threesome. I should also mention that there is NO Dick X Barbara. He’s 13 now, she’s 17, both going on 14 and 18. He’s like a little brother to her. Moving on.
Some time goes by, more baddies get thrown into Arkham, and then… Bruce meets Catwoman. It happened on a cold night when Bruce was soloing it as Batman. Dick was behind on his homework, Barbara was taking time off to rest, so he was all by himself when he got called in to investigate a series of expert burglaries/murders. He had to admit, she was good at what she did. Barely a trace of her was left behind… but barely was enough. He figured out her next target and then had her captured in one fell swoop. Catwoman. It’s not like she was a brawler or anything, just a cat burglar. It was during their ride in the Batmobile later that they got to talk some and learn about each other. Bruce questioned her about the two other robberies—ones where people died—and Selina pleaded innocent. She never killed people. Then, surprising Batman, she managed to escape from right under his nose. They would meet again, though, when he and Selina teamed up to catch the other burglar who had attempted to frame Selina with murder. The two had formed something of an attachment. Selina found Bruce attractive, and Bruce thought she had some good in her (and was also attractive), and they both found themselves wanting to see each other again some time. Purely for work purposes. Bruce only wanted her to face justice. There was totally NO OTHER reason. *cough cough* I have a post where I talk more about her and her relationship with Bruce.
Moving on, there’s an episode where we briefly head to Star City and meet The Flash, but THEN we get introduced to Ghostmaker. A fellow vigilante from Bruce’s past. His rival… and friend. He had also been one of Ra’s’s top students and they had fought often, but the main difference between them was that Ghostmaker was willing to kill. Bruce wasn’t. They have some funny, witty, exciting times when he comes to visit Gotham, but in the end, Bruce establishes that Gotham is his city. And there will be no killing in his city.
Grande finale sees the return of the Joker, alongside Harley Quinn’s debut!
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And guess who they’re working alongside? TONY ZUCCO!! Dick has his revenge arc, trying to chase Zucco down, but in the end… all those years of Bruce’s training keep his hands from committing the most horrible act. I mean, Dick does rough him up, but in the end, Zucco gets sentenced to life in prison. Now Dick can finally let go. He can finally visit his parents’ grave with a clear conscience. They would be proud of him for what he did. They would be proud knowing their son was not a killer.
So that’s season 2 :)
Part 3 👇
Part 1 👇
More of Bruce and Selina 👇
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
2.1k / stepdad!Joel x fem!Reader /Stepdad
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Warnings: I8+ mdni. Stepcest (reader is aggressor but he's a perv), big girthy age gap, groping, grinding, jacking off, oral m receiving, angst. Picks up after All Recipes. 🦃 Nothing has happened with the Mom, so ignore that hypothetical drabble.
When you get to the theater, Joel reaches over you to get his glasses out of the glovebox and the stretch of his shrunken sleeve makes you reach out and touch his ungodly tricep.  He ignores the touch, puts his glasses on, and puts the case back in the glovebox.  Inside, the manager changes the tickets for you.  You pick the back row, prompting a cautionary look from Joel. 
Your Mom notices the casserole is off-recipe as soon as she looks at it, and she's not happy.  You glance sympathetically at Joel.  He resists the urge to bring up how she wouldn’t tell him where the recipes were, sparing you a tense car ride to Thanksgiving at your Aunt’s house.
In the car, your Mom asks, “Did you buy the movie tickets, Joel?” and you tell her you got them on Fandango.  It’s a tradition for the three of you to go to a movie on Thanksgiving, largely so you can have a set time to leave the family gathering, which will otherwise drag on forever. On the way to your aunt’s house, Your Mom wants a recap of the whole Hunger Games franchise since it’s been eight years since the last one came out in 2015. You do your best and Joel stays quiet.  She picked the movie. 
You and Joel haven’t talked at all since this morning when you kissed for the first time in the kitchen. He avoids you for most of the meal, but when he does look at you, he’s looking at you differently.  His eyes are pensive, concerned, but his brow is softer. It's like a puppy dog look.
An uncle asks if you’re seeing anyone, and you say “kind of.”  The corner of Joel’s mouth twitches.  When they press for more details, you tell them you might have a date this weekend and his face hardens.
“Is he handsome?” Your aunt asks. 
“I think the term is ‘hot’ now,” Your uncle corrects her.  “Is he hot? Can we see him?” He elbows Joel like he should get in on the teasing. Joel musters half a smile but it doesn't reach his eyes. 
You pull up your tinder match’s profile and let them take a peek.  
“Oooh,” your aunt says. “He is handsome.  Jacques. . . is he French?” 
Joel takes a sip of his drink, then glares out the window and chews his cheeks.  The glass in his hand shatters under the pressure of his fist, covering his shirt in iced tea and making two of your aunts spring into action to help. 
“Joel,” your Mom says.  “No, no,” the hosting aunt responds.  "These are too delicate. I just broke one the other day.” None of it got on the table.  Your aunts take him to the kitchen to clean him up.  Meanwhile, you try to explain to your uncle what tinder is.  Joel returns to the table wearing only his shrunken undershirt and pants, looking somewhat humiliated and smoking hot.
On the way to the movie theater, your Mom gets an emergency call, and Joel suggests rescheduling for a later time so she can come, but she isn’t sure when she’ll be available.  You already have the tickets, and she insists the two of you drop her off at home and go ahead without her. She’ll join if she can.  Joel looks distressed at the prospect of going alone with you. 
"Kiss and make up already," your Mom says on her way out of the car, referring to the argument she walked in on earlier about his shrunken clothes. 
When you move up to the driver’s seat, he says “Don’t get any ideas.”  
“We should see the new Exorcist instead,” you say. 
“What if she tries to join?”
“She’s not going to.” He knows you’re right. “Come on,” you plead.  “It’s David Gordon Green.”
“Alright, if it’s still playin'.” 
He clenches his jaw in silence for a minute, glaring at the road ahead, then asks “What’s this about Jaques? You really have a date or just tryin’ to fuck with me?”
"What, if you can't have me no one can? That's fucked up."
He sighs, exasperated. "No shit.".
“We’ve had this conversation,” you continue. "When you got all pissy about that pic being on insta?”
“Yeah, and you deleted the pic."
“Doesn't mean you were right, I was just using it to get you to jack off. “
"God, you're filthy."
"So yeah, maybe I'll go out with him. If you won’t touch me, can't expect no one else to."
"Touched ya this mornin’, didn’t I?” He raises his eyebrows and looks at you cockily. 
When you get to the theater, he reaches over you to get his glasses out of the glovebox and the stretch of his short sleeve makes you reach out and touch his ungodly tricep.  He ignores the touch, puts his glasses on, and puts the case back in the glovebox.  Inside, the manager changes the tickets for you.  You pick the back row, prompting a cautionary look from Joel. 
You raise the armrest and he lowers it between you again. The theater is cold and he’s freezing in his undershirt and slacks, but it’s the hottest combination, especially with his glasses.  When his nipples harden from the cold, you reach over and grab his pec. He gives you a side-eye but lets you massage him for a minute before he takes your hand and puts it on your side of the armrest.  You grab his hand while it’s there and place it on your lower thigh near your knee.  He swallows and shifts in his seat but doesn’t resist.  He stares straight ahead.  He lightly caresses your thigh over your leggings.  
When you move his hand higher up on your thigh, to the hem of your sweater dress,he gives your thigh a brief squeeze before taking his hand back.  He adjusts himself in his pants  then puts his elbows on each armrest, clasping his large hands in front of his stomach and staring straight ahead at the movie.
You leave him alone for a while, then slip your hand under his arm and into his lap, squeezing his thigh. You lean in as close to him as you can. He inhales sharply and doesn't do anything about it. You work your way higher and higher on his thigh until your wrist brushes his hardening cock, flooding you with arousal. You keep your hand on his thigh, rubbing it in a way that rubs your wrist on his package. You feel it getting firmer and it's driving you crazy.  
"Not doin' this," he whispers.
"What?" You stop moving your hand but don't take it away.
"Back of the theater like a couple'a teenagers."  That's what he says. . . but what you hear is we can do it somewhere else. 
His Adam's apple bobs as he swallows and he slowly, regretfully returns your hand to your side, taking his arm back right away this time. You behave for the rest of the movie.
On the ride home, you ask him to stop by your apartment so you can get something. You keep your hands to yourself as he drives. You're getting a new TV on black friday and want to bring your current one to your room at their house. When he parks, you ask him to come in and help you carry it.
He walks into the living room and you say "make yourself at home, I've gotta unhook everything." 
He manspreads on your couch while you bend over and make no effort to be modest as you unhook the cables.  You turn around and he's brazenly staring at your ass, holding his massive hand on his inner thigh. He watches you with puppy dog eyes as you stand up and cautiously approach him.  He slowly rubs his inner thigh and wets his lips.  He makes no effort to stop you from climbing into his lap and even moves his hand to make room for you to straddle him.  Your crotch goes straight to his, and you cradle his head with your thumbs in front of his ears.  You read his face and it’s open.  You press your lips into his. He closes his eyes and opens his mouth, feeding you his tongue as his large hands come to your back.  
You roll your hips into his hardening cock. His hands slide down your back to your ass and he grunts into your mouth as he pulls you into him, using your crotch to rub his hard package. You dip your tongue into his mouth and he accepts it hungrily with light suction. Your mouths make love to each other and you softly moan into each other’s lips as you breathe through your nose and grind into him. 
Your clit throbs and your cunt begs to be filled. He wedges his hand under you, between your legs, engulfing your entire crotch.  He slides the hand back and grabs at your ass from underneath you, his middle finger pushing your leggings slightly into your crack.  Then he rubs all the way forward again from your lips to your clit with a deep breath.  His middle finger ghosts your entrance and he groans at the dampness of your leggings. 
You break away from his mouth and reach your wrists around his arm in his lap, leaving his hand between your legs, stroking you, as you  unbutton his slacks. You rise up and pull down his zipper.  He nudges your breast with his nose, then drags it across your dress to your other breast.  You  reach your hand into his pants, groping him through his boxers with your fingers pointed down and your palm hits the damp spot from his tip.  Then you slip your hand into his boxers and break the kiss to whimper into his mouth as you move the warm, smooth skin of his shaft and he ghosts your clit over your leggings. You wrap your hand around his shaft in an upright fist and sit back down on his thighs. 
Joel murmurs into your cheek, “this is dangerous, sweetheart.  Bein’ alone like this.” He reaches down between you and frees his cock from his boxers, then pulls your crotch into him and moans as the soft shape of your lips cradle his shaft through your damp leggings.  As you grind into him, you watch his face and his brow furls. 
“I know you want it,” you pant and his mouth latches onto your neck. 
His hand wraps around yours.  He pries your fingers off his cock and takes it in his own hand. Then he slides his hand into your leggings and gathers  your slick to lube himself.  He starts stroking his stiff member feverishly.  You’re miffed that he wants to come already.
“What are you doing?” you ask. 
“Told you, this is dangerous, sweetheart.”
“Well at least let me do it.”  You dismount him and get on the floor between his knees. He sighs and looks straight up at the ceiling as you take his cock back into your hand.  You form a broken ring round his lower shaft with your thumb and two fingers, then you bring your head to his lap and suck the tip of his cock into your mouth, followed by most of his shaft.  
“Fuck,” he exclaims, startled by your mouth. “Use your hand,” he pants. “Just your hand,” he trails off weakly, his eyes drifting downward toward you.  You try to make eye contact with him and he looks back up at the ceiling.  “HAND,” he demands.
You take it out of your mouth to ask why.
“‘Cause I’ll never stop seein’ this, damnit.” You begrudgingly use your hand. 
He sucks in a chest full of air and his thighs tremble like he’s about to come.  
“Can I swallow it or do you want it all over your clothes?” 
After a few more strokes, you take him into your mouth again and he shoots his salty load into the back of your throat. 
His arms look ready to burst through his t-shirt as he carries your tv to the car. You drive in silence, looking out the window. 
Then you wonder out loud, "What if we just fucked? Would that be so bad?" 
He looks at you as though to say come on, but you raise your eyebrows inquisitively. 
He says, "Okay, let's play it out." He clears his throat. "We fuck, then what?"
"We fuck again."
He rolls his eyes.  "Okay, but what happens?"
"We fuck again, and again, and we keep fucking" 
"Christ," he exhales, then adjusts himself. "I'm tryin' to have an adult conversation here." 
“Okay,” you say.  “How’s your marriage?”
“How do you think? You’ve known her your whole life.”  He looks at you like you did something wrong. “Don’t ask me that.” 
“How’s it an adult conversation if I can’t ask any questions?”
He groans in frustration.  
It's silent for a few minutes.  When you look over at him, he has his hand on his mouth.  He’s tearing up.  “This is fucked up,” he says weakly, then takes a deep breath. "We can't keep on like this."
As always, thank you so much for your support and engagement <3
Special ty to @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog for getting me over the hump on my roadblock <3<3<3
All Joel: @ethanhoewke @silkiers @eiviea @evyiione @xdaddysprincessxx @queerly-anxious @chernayawidow @ambassadortotrilliusprime @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @jasminespringtime @romanarose  @fandomsfallnomore @djarinxore @lokanda @blackvelveteen1339   @manazo @wolvesandvampires  @taeslarityy @str84pedro @kyloispunk @filthfairy @fieryglutenfreechickennoodles @harriedandharassed @moonlightdivine @worhols @fan-fiction-floozy @cutesyscreenname @weddingfairy 
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It's literally impossible to read bat fanfiction because it's all based off those ridiculous fanon tropes that spread like crazy and people take as fucking biblical!!!!! Dick was never a jerk to Jason when he was Robin- they got along because Dick is mature as hell and in one retelling- Jason was a jerk to him!! And when he came back as Red Hood he had literally not a single damn reason to treat Dick like shit! Not a damn one! But he did, didn't he? Cause he's the fucking asshole! How dare you make Dick grovel towards that bastard! Dick has only ever tried to help him! Reached out during his Batman run, over and over! Also- Dick never put Jason in Arkham with Joker just a few cells down???? What the fuck! The Joker and all those other fuckers had been broken out of Arkham by Black Mask already for like the whole run??? Jason went to Arkham after losing to Dick, and Gordon put him in there because One he fucking deserved it, Two the literal circumstances?? And at that point!! Arkham was fucking rehabilitated itself!! By Dick!!! Because Bruce had him go undercover there for real, and Dick was actually tortured there before he got out!! So Dick put in the work to get that shit in order to actually help people!!
Dick never chose Damian over Tim- Tim refused to engage with him over his grief, shut him out, and left of his own devices! He never told Dick his suspicions on why Bruce was alive, never! And Tim is not the one to bring Bruce back either, there's a whole team at that point! Dick learns Bruce is alive through tossing his 'dead' body into a pit and the body comes to life as a zombie. Tim didn't tell him shit! Tim is also not a little crybaby- Damian cutting his line was a fucking blip on the page, he was momentarily shocked, that was it! He put Damian on his Hit List, which is why Damian cut his line. And his first attempt at "murder" is just pushing Tim off the dinosaur statue in the cave, he didn't go all assassin on him! Also Dick wasn't even there the first incident and wasn't told about the second incident. Alfred is the one who gave Damian Robin and Dick accepted him because he saw that Damian needed help! He needed guidance! He didn't fucking fire Tim the way Bruce fired him, and fuck all of you for thinking that Tim or Jason or fucking anyone has more right over Robin than Dick Fucking Grayson! He tried to promote Tim and Tim walked off. How dare yall make Dick fucking grovel towards that bastard!!!
Jason did try to kill all three of them!! Why does everyone just gloss over that like what the fuck??? Why does he get a pass for every shitty thing he's done??? "Bad writing" stfu this is the same dude that without hesitation kills random criminals, people who deal drugs, do you know how many random ass people deal drugs??? Jason doesn't give a single shit about being his own type of hero or saving Gotham his own way, nor do the people think of him as their savior!! Are you people fucking delusional?? I saw a post that said citizens would trust Jason over CASS and I cannot Believe the hallucinations yall are seeing???
It is literally downright impossible to find fics about Dick or Damian or Cass or fucking any of them that doesn't include these literal bullshit fanon takes!!! It's impossible!!! This fandom sucks!!!! You don't even need to go buy the comics, all these popular takes have been debunked right here on tumblr!!!! Also Dick can do literally everything!! He's hypercompetent as hell, die mad about it!! Jason doesn't like Wonder Woman???? Where the fuck did that come from??? Wayne Family Adventures is not real!!! Those people could not BE more out of character!!! Look at Bruce for crying out loud!!! Yall know that man ain't act like that!
Edit: leaving this here in case anyone wonders what my hot take is towards this question I was asked: "have you considered tho, that fanon is more fun..."
Well of course fanon is more fun if you're a fan of Jason or Tim. Fanon actively caters towards those two pasty white boys. Fanon actively shits on Dick and Damian though. And for Dick? He literally never did that shit! It is all made up! It's literal character assassination?? But by the fans?? And for Damian? He was 10!!! He grew up as an assassin! He was actively trying to grow with Dick's help! How can yall see him as the bad guy?? And not the literal bad guy, (Jason), and the 17 teen year old who literally fought him back btw, (Tim), like old boy did not act victimized the way you people portray. And Jesus for Cass? Cass is just a prop in fanon. So what exactly about this should be fun to me? Like seriously.
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robinfrinjs · 3 months
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Always There, Women in Motorsport: The fast women of la belle époque
Women's history in motorsport is rich, and that has always been the case. Most of these stories however aren’t well known and aren’t spoken about enough. Women have always been in motorsport and always will be.
Three French women, Hélène van Zuylen, Camille du Gast, and Anne de Rochechouart de Mortemart are some of the fastest women from France’s La Belle Epoque (circa 1880-1914).
In 1898 Anne de Rochechouart de Mortemart (1847-1933) (also known as the Duchess of Uzes) became the first woman in France to obtain her driver’s license. While getting out of the car she announced with delight that woman had just overcome a new barrier. Not long after she also became the first to be caught speeding for which she had to pay a five franc fine.
in 1926 she founded the first female Automobile Club, L'Automobile Club féminin de France (ACFF)
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The Duchess of Uzes in 1927
Hélène van Zuylen (pictured on the cover image) was a French author but also the first woman to compete in an international auto race. Baron Etienne van Zuylen, her husband, was the President of the Automobile Club de France
She entered the 1898 Paris–Amsterdam–Paris using the nickname Snail, while her husband used the nickname Escargot. She successfully competed the trail and entered the Paris-Berlin race in 1901 but was stopped by technical failure.
That year Hélène, a lesbian, would meet Renée Vivien with whom she would have an affair. Vivien's letters to a confidant revealed that she considered herself married to Hélène. Most of Vivien's work is dedicated to "H.L.C.B.," the initials of Zuylen's first names.
Just over a decade before she died, Hélène van Zuylen created the Renée Vivien Prize, Honoring the woman she loved and intending to give encouragement to female writers.
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Hélène van Zuylen - Nouvelle Revue internationale illustrée, December 1908
Camille du Gast (1868-1942) finished 33rd (19th in class) out of 122 participants in the 1901 Paris-Berlin race. Du Gast, achieved the results despite driving her husband's 20CV Panhard-Levassor which was not designed for racing. She had to start the race in last because she was a woman. The race did mark 2 female competitors with du Gast and van Zuylen. She loved several extreme sports such as mountaineering, parachuting and frencing.
In 1902 she competed in the Paris-Vienna race and also wanted to compete in the New York-San Francisco but was refused entry because she was a woman.
In 1903 she would start the Paris-Madrid race. Which she would enter with a proper racing car, a works 5.7-litre de Dietrich car. It was a chaotic race with 207 competitors which unfortunately saw several deaths. Camille started in 29th and gained 9 positions in the first 120 km. She had climbed up to P8 before stopping to give medical aid to a fellow driver, Phil Stead (also driving a de Dietrich) involved in a near-fatal crash.
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Camille du Gast in her 30 hp De Dietrich with starting number 29 during the 1903 Paris-Madrid Race
Later one of the leading drivers at that time, Charles Jarrot said that if Camille had not stopped Stead likely would have died. After an ambulance arrived she continued the race eventually finishing 44th or 45th in the shortened race.
The French government would stop the race at Bordeaux, as over half of the field (275 cars) had either crashed or retired and several drivers and spectators had died.
Open road racing was banned, so in 1904 Camille wanted to participate in the French elimination trial for the Gordon Bennett races, as the Benz factory team offered du Gast a race seat. But the Autosport Club France (ACF) banned women from racing. Du Gast published a letter in protest but the ban was defended as the ACF could not risk a woman getting injured or killed in a racing event.
Because of this she ventured to boat racing. One of those races was caught by a big storm which saw most competitors either abandon their ship or they sank. She was rescued and later declared the winner of that race.
Eventually she had to put a halt to her adventurous life when she survived an assassination attempt by her daughter. Nothing was ever the same for her after that. From that point she devoted herself to animals. She would serve as president of the 'French Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals'
NEXT UP > More female racing drivers from the early 1900s
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scoobydoodean · 8 months
Made a similar post before but... I think people in their minds actually revise 2.03 Bloodlust to be this episode where Sam is on this "Monsters can be good" train before he ever gets kidnapped by Lenore and he then is burdened with the task of convincing poor stupid idiot Dean who isn't as open-minded and rational as he is to think for just one second and then at the end of the episode, pats him on the head and tells him not to feel guilty about it when he finally becomes enlightened like Sam has always been but that is not how that episode goes.
Sam's immediate reaction to the alleged existence of good vampires is not any different from Dean's. He immediately rejects the idea that the vampires aren't hurting anyone, and throughout his entire conversation with Lenore, refuses to believe her until she goes, "Fine. I'll let you go to prove it to you" which rocks his whole ass world.
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Face of man having his whole worldview toppled sideways and having to figure out how to adapt:
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So yeah after this Sam and Dean get into a 2 minute fight about it which turns into a completely different conversation because Sam decides for the third time in three episodes to try and pretend he's Dean's therapist then (badly) psychoanalyze him about how Gordon is a substitute for their dad and it (shocker) doesn't go well. But then Gordon steals the car and the moment Sam and Dean walk into the room where Gordon is torturing Lenore, Dean's feelings about the entire thing happening in front of him are "This is bad. This is very bad."
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The SECOND he enters the room Dean picks a side, and it isn't Gordon's.
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Just like Lenore "proved" her goodness to Sam by letting him go, she "proves" her goodness to Dean by resisting the temptation to consume Sam's blood... but Dean started defending Lenore and trying to get Gordon to back off the moment he entered the room.
Dean is also much more thoughtful about where this leaves him and Sam in terms of their past hunts while Sam doesn't consider the past at all?
Istg people rewrite this scene in their minds to be Sam approaching the whole thing from the perspective of someone who was already "enlightened"... but he wasn't. He was equally shocked by the revelation of good vampires possibly existing in this episode. He just doesn't bother to also consider the implications as far as any previous case they've ever been on. He doesn't feel any guilt about it he just lets it go with a shrug and Dean doesn't.
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Add to this that in 1.12, Sam was the one with the hardline stance that they couldn't kill humans—ones who would get away with their crimes because they committed them by supernatural means—and that doing so would make them "just as bad" as the things they hunt. The only difference between a human using a reaper to murder people for clout, and a monster murdering people, is the physical characteristics of the monster versus the human. Dean sees a human using a reaper to murder people for clout and says, "they're a monster in my book". He argues they should take care of it because of the human's actions—otherwise there will be no repercussions for the human involved, while Sam draws a hard line that they can't kill a human simply because they're human and for no other reason. This is also crunchy in terms of how it might relate to Sam's eventual feelings about his inner nature making him evil, versus Dean's actions-based analysis.
Sam has a lot of compassion for Max in 1.14, but it's gone by 2.05 when his reaction to Andy is to immediately assume he's a murderer while Dean rightfully thinks there's something else possibly going on... and that's two episodes after 2.03 Bloodlust.
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bowelfly · 3 months
what are your favorite "wuxia-adjacent" kung fu movies?
hm okay so i started compiling a list but once it got to almost 50 films i realized that i was doing that thing again where i get too excited about recommending shit and go way overboard, plus i was starting to split hairs as to what counts as wuxia and i hate getting fussy about genre delimitations. so instead i'm going to just recommend three films that feel wuxia-adjacent to me and that i particularly love. in this case i'm thinking of movies that contain gravity-defying martial prowess and larger than life characters and stories, but aren't full-on Ti Lung in a big robe flying around on wires chopping up 500 dudes style wuxia--which obviously i also love but i'm sticking to the question's parameters here.
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The 8 Diagram Pole Fighter - this and the next film were both directed and choreographed by Lau Kar-leung, who for my money is probably the greatest martial arts director of all time, or at least in very close competition with Yuen Woo-ping. the fights are great, every single character in this film is at an 11 on the intensity meter the whole time, and the final setpiece in this is one of the most insane things ever put to film.
Dirty Ho - most comedy in martial arts films is tolerable at best and excruciating more often than not. this has probably the best gag hit-rate of any kung fu comedy i've seen, and also has some of the all time greatest scenes of dudes having deadly martial arts duels while pretending to not fight, which is a favorite of mine. also like the last film this stars Gordon Liu who fucking rules.
Crippled Avengers - had to include a Venom Mob film in here. directed by Chang Cheh, the king of old school Shaw Bros gorefests, this one has a perfect mix of absurd bloody violence, superhuman stunts, and roiling homoerotic tension. i could just as easily recommend Five Element Ninjas which is also a classic Cheh/Venom Mob bloodbath but if i had to choose just one i'd have to go with this.
anyone who's into classic martial arts cinema is likely already very familiar with these films but while i considered going for some deeper cuts, these were the ones that really kickstarted my own journey into the glorious world of Shaw Bros martial arts films and are thus very close to my heart.
while i'm at it, i am going to include a bonus recommendation for what assuredly counts as just a straight up wuxia but it's an all-timer: Duel to the Death. at one point in this film there's a giant ninja that explodes into a bunch of regular sized ninjas. another time a guy's head gets cut off, delivers a monologue, and explodes. perfect film. i love movies.
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toulousewayne · 7 months
Batfam and Batsis Headcannon: Ages 8-17
Bruce didn’t know about (Y/n/Batsis) when she was born. He didn’t know about her until she was older. By the time Batman began his second year, is when Alfred came across a old letter from Bruce’s earlier days. As fate would have it Batman attend a homicide scene with Gordon that same night. A woman had been beaten to death by her boyfriend who was in GCPD custody. In the small apartment in the East End was a small girl.
Bruce felt like he had seen the girl before but before he could speak with her CPS took her away, returning to the cave he opened the case on the woman and his heart dropped. M/n L/n was a woman Bruce grew close with before he left to train and study abroad. Looking into the girl he found out her name was Y/n and she had been in and out of foster care due to her Mother loosing custody of her several times due several causes but she got her back a year ago and seemed to be doing better. But her boyfriend wasn’t, his record was one of the worst Alfred had laid eyes on and now Y/n was without her Mom. “She’s only 8, Alfred—she’s only..” “…I know Master Bruce, what are you thinking?”
Bruce immediately went to find the girl and it felt strange, the girl before him looked so much like the woman he met years ago but she also reminded him of hisself. It wasn’t until several hours of talking did he learn she saw and heard everything, and Bruce hugged her and she cried for her Mom. Alfred and Gordon arrived and talked to Bruce to tell him that the girl’s “father” was not her real father, her Mother didn’t put him on the birth certificate nor did his DNA match.
Bruce nearly fell out his chair in the police station, a passing by cop made a comment about being a Playboy catching up finally. Once it was over Bruce took Y/n with him while he figured out how to help her.
It was hard at first, Y/n went from a shithole apartment in the dirtiest area of the city to a large gothic manor in the outskirts of the said city. She wondered around a lot and for a while she was very quiet. Bruce thought maybe he wasn’t helping her but instead was hurting her. And that’s when she found the piano in his office. She played it beautifully and found peace in this one room. Bruce joined her and it was the ice breaker the two needed. As time went on she learned about his parents—her grandparents and why he became the Dark Knight. She didn’t want Bruce to continue as Batman, she knew it was selfish but she didn’t want to lose anyone else. Bruce made her a pinky promise that he would always come back to her and she’s never be alone in this world even when his time did come.
Y/n was one of few people who knew Bruce could genuinely sing. And she asked him to sing for her while she played the piano and later on other musical instruments. He’d sing for her and only her. And Alfred had hoped this moment between Father and Daughter could stay. Bruce even stayed in a night every once and a while, but then the Circus happened.
It was only a few months after Y/n began living with Bruce when the three decided to attend the Traveling Circus. Y/n wanted to see all the animals and pet them. Bruce had to remind her that’s she couldn’t do that, but a friendly elephant used its trunk to pet her head. “Sorry, I hope she didn’t scare you.” A dark hair boy apologized. He smiled and Y/n became even more excited about the elephant. Bruce introduced himself and Y/n and shortly the boy’s father came to fetch him as they were on stage next. The boy waved bye to them and Y/n begged to watch the next act.
No one could predict what was gonna happen. Screams, yells for help and people running from the tent after such a tragedy. Bruce rushed through the crowd to find help, but Y/n saw it all, even though Alfred hoped the girl didn’t, having being put through more trauma. Her gaze never left the sobbing boy several feet in the air. The same boy who let her pet the elephants and fed them moments ago.
Y/n went home with Alfred and Bruce who immediately went to work. Y/n stayed in the office playing the piano. It was only a few days later that the same boy from the circus was brought inside the manor with Bruce.
From complete strangers to now being siblings in only a matter of days. Even though Dick was hurting he didn’t once shut out Y/n,and she didn’t pick at him for his random burst of emotions. She let Dick express whatever he was feeling and she didn’t Judge for it.
The nos 12-year-old acrobat showed his little sister how much he doing routines and acts. And she loved watching him, and he loved listening to her play piano and singing which she didn’t even do in front of Bruce just for her new Big Brother.
The two were thick as thieves playing pranks on Bruce, stealing extra cookies, staying up late in Dick’s room watching horror films. And Dick would get reprimanded for later for showing his kid sister Nightmare on Elm Street. But he didn’t care he loved his sister and she loved him back.
School was hard for her because Y/n was never in school long enough and she struggled. Dick had his own struggles but he always helped her with math.
“Little sis, I helped you with his homework how did you fail it that’s easy.”
“Read the question.”
Jokily,”If Sara had 3 dollars, seven quarters, how fast can Max drive to her?”
“What’s wrong Dickie?”
“How do—this is not aister!”
They two only grew closer as they got older and as Dick became Robin, it now meant that Y/n was worried sick about two people and Alfred had told that if they were hurt and didn’t tell him they would feel the wrath of the Lady of the Manor.
Dick began hanging out with other kids his age, and older and then he was gone from the Manor at chunks of time with the Titans.
Eventually she would meet the original Titans, Donna, Wally, Roy, and Garth. They were all older than her but the loved her because their Best Friend loved her.
She loved hanging out the most with Donna because it was like having a Big Sister, and plus if the boys were annoying she tell Donna who would make them scatter.
Everyone knew that Y/n had a schoolyard crush on Roy, well everyone but Roy of course. The other found it funny, Dick didn’t.
“Hey guys!” Roy shouted energetically.
“Hi Roy.” Wally and Dick muttered while playing Mortal Combat. He turned his gaze to Y/n who had her face in a book.
“Hey Y/n.” He greeted, she looked at him red in the face and smiled before speed walking out the room. Dick now had a scowl on his face as Wally laughed and Roy didn’t know if it was because Wally won or something else.
Wally loved giving her piggyback rides throughout the city with the wind flying through her hair.
But time was a cruel thing, as Dick got bigger so did the rift between him and Bruce. They’re days of small disputes become full on screaming matches.
Dick would go to his room and pack his stuff and leave for the Titans. First, it was only a week, than a month, but this last time they both said horrible things and Y/n saw her brother in rage trash his room and pack up whatever he could take and pack his car.
But this time she knew this wasn’t like before. Now older she pleaded with him to take her with him but he told her he couldn’t, it wouldn’t be fair to drag her into his and Bruce’s fight. Dick hugged the now younger teenage girl before him as he now towered over her, he knew he would turn 18 soon and he would be done with Bruce but not his Peanut.
“Don’t worry kid, I’ll be back. I call you when I get to the Tower.” And with that he spend off.
Y/n began to rebel against her Father’s wishes, she stopped playing music for bit, at least in her usual places, she wouldn’t wait for him in the cave, she would stay up late and ignoring whatever he told her. Soon they had their own disagreements and she would get the same scrunch in her nose that he would have on his face from fighting with Alfred.
“I’d say that went well, Don’t you Master Bruce?”
Y/n become last open with her thoughts and she would write down her thoughts, and play guitar a lot in her or sometimes Dick’s room.
She went to spend the weekend with Dick and when she returned with him she unintentionally convinced him to speak with Bruce. Upon her return she found another boy in the cave and this started another fight between the oldest and Batman.
Jason’s arrival brought on new experiences for Y/n even though she was close with Dick, Jason lived the manor something Dick didn’t do anymore she got used to being the only kid again. And Jason ever had siblings, so he made it his mission to be the most annoying big/little brother ever.
Jason would constantly pick at his baby sister even though he was only taller by two inches she still found it amusing.
The two bickered the most and it didn’t help that Y/n was the only girl in the house. She found peace with either Donna, Kori or Babs.
Jason would enter her room and leave her door open, would mock her voice, take her books and hide it., read her song lyrics, take her phone and make her chase him for it while teasing her. Don’t get me wrong Jason love his sister.
One day after school two guys were picking with her and Y/n may not fight like a vigilante but she could hold her own. But Jason stepped in. And by the time Alfred and Bruce got calls the two siblings beat up the bullies and were suspended for a week, Bruce had to pay the families to not sue even though he grounded them he was secretly proud that they had each others back.
Bruce even tried to be more present and take them to movies but Jason didn’t like the plot of the film because so much of it wasn’t in the novels and Y/n just wanted to see the changes for herself.
While out shopping with Babs Y/n got Jason his own personal journal and pen set for his to write down his thoughts. She went to his room but he wasn’t their, she went to the cave where Alfred was sobbing and Bruce was stoic. She asked for Jason but was met with her Father silently crying and tell her that he passed away.
Those words hit her but she didn’t believe them, ran to look for his and found a something covered by a plain white sheet. Only moving a few feet she saw the tuff of jet black hair, the partial showing arm with scarred, charred and bloody Robin suit.
Y/n became emotionless, it wasnt until after his black casket was lowered and covered in Earth did it take her to break. It took Babs soothing the young teen to let it out before she could try to process everything.
She’d visit his grave every Sunday with flowers and would talk about her week. She’d tell him especially about new books she read that she thought he’d read.
Sometimes after school she’s visit a cafe Jason took her to just to read or even journal about her experiences.
Once she turned 16 she begged Bruce to get a car, but just any car it was one Jason had always wanted. Seeing has he didn’t make it to 16 dying at 15 she felt like have the car he wanted was a way to keep him alive.
The first Batgirl and daughter of Police Commissioner Gordon. Y/n looked at up to Babs, she met her officially through Dick since he and Barbara had the same classes and they dated briefly off and on when they were younger.
Y/n found Barbara’s transformation into Batgirl to be bad ass, she loved how both Dick and Bruce didn’t approve of her and she still said,”I’ll show you boys.”
Babs was around a lot for Y/n especially once Dick left, she would text him and give him updates on her telling him how he missed a school play or she was doing good in math. She also scolded him for not picking up the phone to call his sister himself.
Even though she trained with Bruce and a bit with a Dick, she originally had no intention of being a vigilante. Barbara took Y/n under her wing too and taught her more advanced skills in technology and hacking that Bruce didn’t even know.
Even when Jason joined Babs was still there though she was getting older and eventually she retired Batgirl.
Shortly before Jason’s death would Barbara come to terms with a life altering experience.
Barbara shut everyone out and became very cold, she was trying to figure out her new way of life after being shot by the Joker. Just as Babs was their for her, Y/n did not let Barbara mop about. She pushed her to keep training,to find a new way to help Batman and other heroes.
A few weeks after the first year anniversary of Jason’s death Babs asked Y/n to come to her Clock tower and that’s when she asked Y/n to take over being Batgirl, she told Y/n that’s she helped her find a new outline on life and she wants Y/n to figure out if this line of work is not really for her.
She was reluctant at first but she was secretly receiving more training from Babs, and eventually Dinah and Helena.
She put those skills to the test when Gotham was under attack and Oracle sent out the new Batgirl. Bruce and Dick weren’t happy but a break out in Blackgate and Arkham would come first
Barbara told Bruce that Y/n was under her guidance and she would oversee her training. Bruce agreed and once he thank his daughter that was how she took on the new Batgirl identity.
She met a kid outside the manor one afternoon.
“Umm hi, why are you outside my house?”
The tween looked up,”Oh cool your the new Batgirl I thought you were taller. Is Batman home?”
She dragged the boy into the foyer and told her dad they have a guest.
*Part 2 coming soon 😘‼️‼️‼️
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brucewaynehater101 · 2 months
I want Duke included in batfam family fics. being the older sibling Damian needs, relatable yet guiding. Tim being ‘Dukes robin’ and having lots of respect for Tim yet he’d also steal his slice of pie. Duke and Jason hanging out, and Jason appreciating how he never tries to lecture him. Duke and dick matching vibes (or as much as they can) when on patrol and somewhat in the family, and both trying to make their brothers calm tf down. Bruce trying desperately to not fuck up with Duke like he did his other sons, only serving to confuse and slightly alarm Duke. Alfred and duke being the only ones with more then *1* braincell.
he also has so much potential for angst of being a meta in a family everyone thinks hates metas, and people somehow forget him???
(I have more just don’t have the energy to write it all down)
Heck yes! I agree that Duke needs to be included in more batfam fics (and especially as a more pivotal role). I personally try to add him a bit, but I fear I do not include him enough as a key member of the batfam.
Duke is hella important and should be treated as such. I'd love to see more fics with him pissing off GCPD for fun. Just chaos and pranks against GCPD, rogues, Batman, and the Batkids. Also, he should he allowed to punch (or kick) as many JL members as he pleases (Hal was just the first).
Duke and Dick having similar fashion ideas is a cute idea I've seen in the fandom. I would also just love to see more fanart of Duke rocking some fun outfits for galas (especially if the galas follow the AU of Gotham being super weird with their social norms). Duke being featured on magazine covers, being asked to model, and being interviewed would be cool fanwork ideas to play around with. I've seen so many of the other batboys and none with Duke as a magazine cover.
Here's my ideas on how Duke could interact with different batfam members. Feel free to reblog if you have ideas yourself or think the dynamic should be different.
I feel like Duke and Cass would get along really well as chaos gremlins who get away with their shenanigans. Messing with Commissioner Gordon is a favorite pass time of theirs. For some reason, even when presented with evidence, Bruce doesn't believe that Duke and Cass would do the things they get away with. It's both impressive and annoying to the other batkids.
Duke could have a weird relationship with Tim. On one hand, Tim is Duke's Robin. The cases he's solved, feats he's accomplished, and respect Gotham has for Tim's Robin in general (for being Batman's therapy kid) are unfathomable. On the other hand, he's seen Tim walk into the same wall four times within three minutes. They both share a love for riddles, but Tim can be an idiot at interpersonal relationships.
For Damian, Duke has seen how the world picks up kids and spits them out. He's seen kids lashing out, how they merely want to defend themselves, and how fantastic they are once you get to know them. He's been angry and spiteful at the world too. For Damian, Duke's hella impressed at the kid's heart despite all the shit he's been dealt. Duke would encourage chaos, talk with the kid about how different emotions have impacted Duke's actions and life, and is an overall supportive figure. They can often be seen doing both wild stunts and "common for their age group" activities for fun (although the game Sorry is banned because of them).
Jason and Duke would probably have a complicated relationship due to Red Hood's actions. Their similar childhoods (as far as economically and location based) would lead to jokes and shared customs that they chat with Steph about (such as Creepy Toe Joe or that specific gas station or the phrase they say as they passed that one pothole). Despite that, they have different viewpoints on Bruce and murder.
Duke is probably one of the more emotionally intelligent and communicative batfam members. If Alfred is the sassy version, Duke would get a good laugh out of those remarks and the astute observations.
Bruce and Duke angst could go hard. Bruce is trying so hard not to make his past mistakes. Duke and his perception of Bruce (he holds Bruce in high regard) and how that affects their relationship.
As far as Duke being in a "perceived to hate metas" family, that could either be hilarious or angst. I imagine people trying to intervene or "save" Duke from the Bats would be infuriating and sad to see.
Duke could also laugh at the batkids' superhero friends and how they, even as adults, are banned from entering Gotham. Duke is free to live in the manor and come and go as he pleases. Any of the batkid's meta friends have to be snuck into Gotham.
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hollandorks · 9 months
battinson! bruce wayne x f! reader
chapter seven
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Summary: After the sudden deaths of your mother and grandmother, you’re forced to return home to Gotham…and to the man who broke your heart three years ago. Back in Bruce Wayne’s inescapable orbit, you vow to get to the bottom of your former best friend’s new cold personality. But Bruce’s secrets aren’t what you’re expecting. a
a/n: Fuck it, here's chapter 7 since the previous post was technically just an interlude! Once again I'm basically begging for comments/ messages/ any interaction other than just likes because I'm greedy!
Series Masterlist
word count: 3.5k
All she had was an eager cop, a detective, and the detective’s vigilante best friend. 
She hoped it would be enough.
Y/n knew that boredom would be her worst enemy, so she downloaded a police scanner app and listened to it almost religiously while she worked. The constant stream of voices helped keep the grief at bay and helped her focus. 
To her surprise, the cops seemed to want Batman around. There were a couple of calls those first couple of days–an armed robbery and a creep taking pictures through a window–where the officers mentioned him by name. He’d stopped the armed robbery before the cops got there and also caught the peeping Tom. One cop grumbled on the radio how all their work was being taken by some guy in a costume. The rest of them jumped to Batman's defense, saying there was more than enough crime to go around. “Besides,” one chuckled. “I wouldn't want to be the one to catch some creep with his dick out.” 
Y/n was almost pleased to hear the good relationship the vigilante had with GCPD. She wondered how much Gordon had to do with that. She made a few notes of their comments for her article, because it was definitely interesting to see that a city wanted a guy who operated outside the law around. 
It was a few nights before an interesting call came through. 
A witness reported a woman being shot. A young woman. The details were sparse but it was enough to pique her interest.
Y/n couldn’t say what it was that had her dressing warmly and grabbing her camera and phone. Stupidity, definitely. But it was one of those moments where she felt in her gut that something was happening, something related to her case.
Pepper spray clutched in one hand and camera in the other, she left the safety of Wayne Tower. Every shadow made her jump. She called a cab to take her to the crime scene–or at least as close as she could get. It was practically on the other side of the city and she definitely didn’t want to chance walking alone at night in Gotham. 
They were stopped two blocks from the scene, so she got out and peered around. It looked like the actual crime scene was on the other side of an apartment building to her right, but that alley was blocked off as was the street in front of her. So she walked a little further down to the next connecting alley to get to one street over. 
“What are you doing here?” 
“Shit!” She screamed. She whirled and swung her arm up to use the mace, but her wrist was quickly caught in an iron grip. She tried to scramble away and almost fell when the hand suddenly released her.
Her heart only slightly calmed when she saw who it was. 
The Batman. 
She pressed her knuckles to her chest. Her heart was jumping out of her chest. “Jesus fucking Christ. What are you doing here?” 
He watched her passively, half in the shadows. He had stepped away as soon as he let her go. “I asked first.” 
She closed her eyes for a beat and inhaled a steadying breath. “Probably the same thing you’re doing here.” She shrugged. Her pulse was still racing but she knew she was safe now. He wouldn’t let anyone hurt her. And besides, there were about a million cops just around the corner. If she screamed, they would come. 
“It’s too dangerous,” he growled. He took a half-step forward, like he would grab her again. 
She held up the pepper spray. “Not afraid to use this on you, buddy. Besides, you’re here now to keep me safe. And the other fifty cops out there.” 
He stopped. His eyes narrowed. She wanted to get closer, see what color they were, help narrow down who might be underneath the mask. 
“Fine, let’s go.” He started to walk past her, towards the blue and red lights at the end of the alley. 
She blinked in surprise. “That was easy.” 
He looked back over his shoulder at her. “Only because you’re going to do what you want to do. At least this way I can keep an eye out for you.” 
She grinned and winked. “You’re learning already.” 
They walked down the alley together, her shadowy protector moving to stay one step behind her like a bodyguard. 
At the end of the alley, the world was leached of color in the whirling red and blue lights, the flashes timed almost perfectly to the beat of her heart. She snapped a quick wide picture. She could see the area cordoned off with bright yellow tape. 
“Well, of all the officers in all of Gotham,” she said pleasantly when she spied Martinez keeping onlookers away from the crime scene tape. 
Officer Martinez’s young face brightened when he saw her, then changed comically fast when he peered over her shoulder. She could feel the Batman’s presence at her back, looming over her. 
“She’s with me,” the vigilante said. Martinez sighed but held up the tape to let them under. She sensed there was a story between them and itched to find out what it was. 
“If either of you touch anything…” Martinez grumbled. “It’s my neck.” 
Y/n flashed him her most winning smile. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep the big guy in line.” Martinez grinned back. 
“So Martinez doesn’t like you, huh?” she asked the vigilante.
He ignored her. 
The air around them was humid, wet. It must have rained earlier, like most nights in Gotham. A few cop cars were leaving already. She wondered what had brought on the intense response. Her stomach tightened as they approached another alley. Gordon was talking to a young guy, late teens to early twenties, taking notes on a small notepad as the guy wiped at his face. 
Y/n quickly fumbled for her phone and set it to record. She wasn’t making the same mistake twice. Except for, well, the whole leaving Wayne Tower late at night while a murderer might be after her mistake she’d already made. She snapped another sneaky picture of Gordon and the young man. 
She caught Batman watching her and arched an eyebrow as if daring him to say anything. 
He simply turned away and said, “Gordon.” 
“Thank you,” Gordon said to who she assumed was a witness. “We’ll be in touch.” 
The guy hurried off, shoulders hunched, his face almost green. 
Gordon turned, saw her, and sighed. “I would ask, but…”
She winked. “You’re both learning so quickly. I’m proud.” 
“What happened?” Batman asked, all business. Y/n glanced past Gordon and saw a body covered in a sheet. The medical examiner was unzipping a body bag, about to transport it. 
The detective’s attention turned to the vigilante. “Single gunshot to the head at close range. Woman in her thirties walking home from work. Guy heard the gunshots and came running. Said he didn’t see the shooter but immediately called it in. Unfortunately, his dinner has…contaminated part of the scene.” 
While they were talking, y/n quietly lifted her camera and started taking pictures. 
The medical examiner lifted the sheet. She took another picture but paused. 
She took a shaky step back and bumped into something. Gloved hands steadied her by her elbows. 
“Oh,” Batman said softly. He put it together quicker than she had. Her brain was scrambling to keep up. The girl on the ground was a bloody mess, face down, legs sprawled like she’d tried to run. She was wearing a similar outfit to y/n–leggings, sweater, running shoes. 
But that wasn’t where the similarities ended. 
The height, the body shape, the hair color, even the shade of her skin…
The woman looked like y/n. 
She didn’t realize she was shaking until Batman gently squeezed her elbows. 
“Shit,” Gordon said. He must not have seen the body when he first arrived on the scene. 
“Don’t look,” Batman said in her ear, pulling her away, his voice conjuring–of all people–Bruce Wayne. It was just her mind reaching for something familiar, comfortable, safe. She shook the thought away. The vigilante turned her around and held her close. “Don’t look,” he said again. 
She closed her eyes against the wave of emotion. Her stomach swooped dangerously. She’d seen a dead body or two before but not–not like this. 
“Guess we have confirmation, then,” Gordon said softly. She didn’t have to ask what confirmation they had. She knew already, her gut telling her what exactly had happened despite its churning. 
Someone had killed that woman because it looked like her. 
They knew what she looked like. They knew well enough to kill someone even with the chance it might not be her. 
Which meant they were desperate and that it was only a matter of time before they found her. 
“Come on, you need to get out of here,” Gordon said, and this time he had her by the arm. He pulled her along, the vigilante cutting a path through the crowd before them. 
Her mind was blank. The shock of seeing a body, of imaging her own in its place, had wiped everything clean. She didn’t protest as Gordon bundled her into the passenger seat of his car. At least he didn’t put me in the back like a criminal, she thought almost deliriously. 
Batman stood in the open door, staring down at her. She wasn’t sure when he’d gotten there but now he was filling her vision. Her eyes traced the planes of his armor, wondering what he looked like underneath, who he was. There were dings and scrapes in places, physical memories of past fights. 
“I’m going to find who did this,” he said. His voice pitched impossibly lower. “And keep an eye out for you.” 
This made her snap out of it. “You can’t be in two places at once.” He had black paint around his eyes. She hadn’t noticed before. 
The barest smirk on his lips as he looked away. She couldn’t tell what color his eyes were in the darkness of the night. “You don’t know that for sure.” 
She snorted. “You’re right. Maybe you’re some sort of mutant freak. Besides dressing like a bat, you know.” Despite the joking, her hands shook. She tucked them between her thighs. 
“Listen,” he said, serious again. There was a note of steel in the word. His voice was so low she could feel it as a vibration on her skin. “Stop sneaking out at night. It’s too dangerous.” 
She nodded vaguely but didn’t actually make the promise. If they wanted her dead, Wayne Tower wasn’t going to stop them. Slow them down, maybe, but not stop them. She needed to put the puzzle pieces together, and fast. They were getting closer to figuring out who she was, but she and Gordon and even the Batman only vaguely knew who they were dealing with. They needed to even the score. 
“Then give me your phone number so you can be my bodyguard,” she said. She was half teasing. 
The Batman seemed to consider it. Her eyes went past him as the gurney passed with the body on it. She shuddered and he stepped to block her view. 
“If you have to leave, let Gordon know and one of us will come. But only if you have to.” 
“Right,” she scoffed. “You’re allergic to texting.” And probably don’t want a reporter having your phone number, she silently added. 
Batman stepped back and then Gordon was there. He put one hand on the top of the car and leaned in, expression as serious as she’d ever seen it. “I’m taking you straight home and you’re going to stay there, alright?” 
She waved a hand but nodded. Satisfied, he shut the passenger door. She could hear muffled voices as he said something to Batman. Probably berating him for bringing her to the crime scene in the first place. Or telling him something he didn’t want her to hear. 
Within a couple of minutes, Gordon was sliding behind the wheel. 
“How’d you even know where to go?” he asked as they drove. 
“Police scanner app.” 
He glanced over at her. “I hate those things,” he muttered. “What happened to quid pro quo? I would have called you.” 
She bit her lip and shrugged. “I can’t just sit around waiting for someone to shoot me in the head.” She shivered at the image she now had of what, exactly, that looked like. 
“So you’re going to take yourself right to their doorstep instead?” 
“With the way my luck is going lately, it’s only a matter of time anyway. Might as well get as much done as I can first.” She hated to be so casual about it, but she had had really shit luck lately. There was no use hiding from it. If she didn’t leave Wayne Tower, they would probably find a way to break in. Or send a sniper after her. She thought about the times she’d leaned against the windows in the study and a chill went up her spine. 
“All you’ve done is traumatize yourself and give me a headache,” he said around a sigh. He really did sound like a tired dad half the time, she mused. She leaned her head back and watched the dark streets of Gotham pass by. She was reminded of another night in Gotham, years ago, on the back of a motorcycle with Bruce. 
She pushed the memory away and said, “I’ll pay for a bottle of ibuprofen.” 
Gordon laughed softly. “Listen, I know you reporter types are always rushing into danger, but this is your life. Can’t write the story if you’re dead. Text me if you have to go anywhere, and either I’ll come or send someone I trust.” 
“Okay,” she said. “But if it takes too long I might leave anyway.” She smiled so he would know she was at least partially kidding. “Have you learned anything new?” 
Gordon was silent for so long she knew it was bad news. He parked right in front of Wayne Tower–illegally, she might add. 
He turned to face her, his hands idly resting on his knees. “It’s definitely the Gallo family. And another of the suspects we caught is dead. Apparent suicide, but we aren’t so sure. The third one is under around the clock protection, but…”  
“Shit,” she said. Now she was the one with a headache. “That is…bad.” 
“Can you see why I want you to stay home now?” he asked pleadingly. “Like it or not, I’m responsible for keeping you alive. If we can catch the last guy and get him and the other to trial…you’re an important witness. The only witness.” 
“Aw, and here I was thinking you were starting to like me.”
A tightening at the corners of his mouth told her he was trying not to smile. “Let me walk you upstairs.” 
“Do you see all the security in there? I’ll be fine.” She gestured towards the lobby. It definitely looked more like a swanky prison these days, even at night when no employees were in the lower floors of the building. 
“I wanted to see if I could talk to Bruce Wayne.” 
Y/n did a double take. Just the sound of his name made her stomach tighten almost painfully. “Why? To tattle on me? Bruce Wayne is not my keeper. He’s not my anything.” She immediately bit her tongue. She’d said too much with that last sentence, let too much of her hurt and bitterness in. 
“I want to talk to him about his security, see if we can bolster it with our officers somehow.” Gordon was already up and out of the car. She scrambled to keep up, briefly getting caught in her seatbelt before yanking it off and hopping out. 
Gordon flashed his badge to the security. They all relaxed not at seeing it, but at seeing y/n. 
“You better talk to Alfred then, if he’s awake. He’s more in charge of that stuff than Bruce. He’s with me, it’s fine.” She said the last part to the concerned security guard–the new one whose name she still hadn’t learned, the one who had called the police for her the night she’d witnessed the murders. He was in charge of the night shift security, apparently. She wondered if he resented being the only guy at the desk at night to having a whole team around. Or maybe it was less lonely. 
Gordon followed her into the private residential elevator. “Be that as it may, I’d like to speak to Mr. Wayne too.” 
She sighed but hit the button to take them up to the residential part of Wayne Tower. “You really sound like a dad,” she muttered under her breath. 
Gordon cut his eyes at her then smiled. 
The elevators opened, and there was Alfred, already dressed and waiting. Security must have called up, warning him the detective was coming. Had he even gone to bed? She was starting to think that Alfred might be nocturnal. Or maybe he didn’t sleep at all. That was new–she and Bruce had gotten in trouble many times when they were younger for interrupting his precious sleep. These days he always seemed to be dressed impeccably, even late at night. 
“Detective,” Alfred said pleasantly. He briefly narrowed his eyes at her. “How can I help you?” 
Y/n idly scuffed her foot against the floor, suddenly feeling like a teenager again. She had always been caught either sneaking out or sneaking back in. Alfred had a knack for it. Or maybe she wasn’t as good as Bruce had been, who had been caught only twice that she could remember. 
Gordon nodded politely. “Is Mr. Wayne feeling better? I’d like to talk to the both of you.” 
“I would like to add here that it’s not sneaking out if I’m a grown woman,” y/n said helpfully. 
Alfred’s eyes narrowed again before he turned his focus back to Gordon. “Mr. Wayne is out.” 
Now y/n was narrowing her eyes at Alfred. He caught her looking. She raised one eyebrow. Was he street racing again? She remembered the bruises on his knuckles. Or part of an illegal fight club? Neither would surprise her. 
Another thought struck and stole her breath. 
Maybe Bruce had a girlfriend. 
“Do you know when he’ll be back?” Gordon asked. His tone was carefully neutral. 
“Well, as I was just told, the rules are different for grown men–and women. He comes and goes as he pleases and rarely includes me in his plans.” Alfred was being too professional with it. His tone was too flat. Oh yeah, Bruce was definitely up to something, and Alfred definitely knew exactly what it was. Fuck, she thought desperately. She couldn’t breathe. Alfred would know if Bruce had a girlfriend and he knew her well enough to hide it from her. 
Why did the thought of Bruce with another woman hurt so much, even three years later? I don’t love you and I never will, he had said that night. 
Which meant he was perfectly capable of loving someone else. 
Y/n bit her lip until the pain made the panic recede. 
“Of course,” Gordon said in an equally flat, professional tone. “I wanted to chat about security measures. There was another murder tonight, and while I can’t give details of an ongoing investigation…it definitely seems like y/n is a target.” 
She cringed, remembering how eerily similar the body had been to hers. Who had the woman been? She hadn’t gotten a name, an age. But she felt like she should know these things if the woman had died in her place. What if she was only the first? Would they kill every woman who looked close enough to y/n before they caught her?
Alfred blinked in surprise, the professional facade slipping. “I–of course, let’s go into my office.” 
Y/n wanted to go with them but decided against it. It really would be smarter to listen to Gordon. If she needed to leave, she would get an escort, even if it was Alfred. He may walk with a cane but she knew he was secretly pretty spry. He’d been a spy or soldier or something in his younger years, before coming to work for the Waynes. 
“Goodnight, Alfred,” she said, taking a half-step towards the hall that led to her room. “And thanks, Gordon.” 
They both nodded and bid her goodnight before disappearing towards the study. 
Y/n waited a second then darted to the elevator. The other elevator. Bruce’s. 
She didn’t really have a plan other than to see with her own two eyes that Bruce was gone and not just hiding. 
She hit the button for what was once the garage and again, nothing happened. She frowned at it and hit it several more times. Still nothing. 
What if Bruce was down there with a woman, showing her his cars? Or–She shut the thought down and mashed the button one more time, knowing it was futile. 
With a curse, she stepped back out. 
Fine, she would go to bed and leave Bruce alone. It didn’t matter if he was wrecking illegally souped up cars or beating someone’s face in and following the first rule of fight club. It didn’t matter if he was with a woman he might love more than he ever loved her. 
It didn’t matter. He didn’t matter.
Except, as much as she hated to admit it, he did.
Next Chapter
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nightwolf14292 · 3 months
Some of my Thoughts About Batman: The Animated Series as Someone Who Knows Very Little About Batman Lore (PART 1)
(This is just the first three episodes because it's late and I'm tired and I'd like to go to bed now lol)
•Bangin intro has me very hyped
•Police blimps
•"No one is taking a vigilante force onto my streets." Commissioner Gordon.. Wtf do you think Batman is-? Do you know who Batman is at this point in the series?
•Gotham citizens have a hard time telling the difference between an emo and an actual anthropomorphic bat despite the fact that they look nothing alike
•Batman really likes using smoke bombs
•From reading the episode descriptions, and from watching this first episode, it seems like a lot of these villains are just drug addicts- •Drug addicts who really like bats, in this case
•The anthropomorphic bat was a doctor's fursona all along •There's a ridiculous amount of furries in Gotham
•They really like breaking windows. This is only the first episode and like.. Three windows have been broken already
•Christmas tree rockets
•ROBIN SPOTTED •WHICH ROBIN IS THIS •I KNOW THERE'S A LOT OF 'EM •Whichever Robin it is has sass, but I think all of them do •"Well ba-humbug to you too 😒" - Robin •THEY'RE WATCHING MOVIES AND EATING DINNER TOGETHER ON CHRISTMAS THIS IS A CUTE FAMILY MOMENT ASJSHAHSJAK •Unfortunately the Joker is here to mess that up tho T-T
•"Looks like I'll have to teach daddy some manners.." Uhhh, Joker..? 💀
•Look at this lovely father & son Christmas bonding, saving people and getting shot at with canons 💕
•I feel like the Joker having turrets shaped like him is really on brand somehow, despite knowing little to nothing about the Joker's said brand
•Batman just has a freaking baseball bat 😭🖐 •"They don't call you Bat-man for nothing! 😀" - Robin
•According to the five minutes of research I just did, I think this Robin is Dick Grayson which is, according to the longer then five minutes of research I did last night, the OG (AKA the first) Robin.. So before Bruce's orphan addiction fully formed, I suppose?
•What did Bruce do to you, doctor guy- •This doctor is, like, really passive aggressive ;-; •Also kind of rude of him to just spout nonsense about Bruce's father and Bruce's father's death as if that wasn't an incredibly traumatizing experience for Bruce lmao •BRUCE DOESN'T EVEN HAVE TIME TO BE DEPRESSED ABOUT IT BECAUSE SCARECROW IS HERE AND HE HAS A GUN- •The villains in this series are kinda obsessed with guns just as much as they're obsessed with drugs
•So Scarecrow takes the "Scare" part of his name literally and makes people hallucinate their fears? •Damn Bruce, dealing with some trauma right now?? 😭😭 I feel like a lot of characters with parent problems (whether those parents are dead or not) have visions and dreams of their parents being like "you suck lmao" to them
•Commissioner Gordon does, in fact know who Batman is right now, so wtf was he talking about earlier with the whole "no vigilantes" thing -_-
•yeah I'd probably call someone a lunatic if they kidnapped people and performed human experimentation too, scarecrow
•Guys I think Bruce needs to go to therapy (again? Has he already been before?) because he's having- like- a panic attack over this Scarecrow guy and his parents and all that.. •I mean my mans hands are SHAKING and his visions going all blurry •YEAH YOU TELL HIM ALFRED, GIVE HIM THOSE POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS AND FEED HIM SOUP ALL RIGHT
•Bruce literally can not catch a break in this episode he went from having panic attacks because of the fear toxin to just.. Getting beat up by random, also fear gassed people 😔
•They like blimps a lot
•Just broke another window
•Tiny plane that looks like it's made out of cardboard
•They also like explosions a lot
•Why's this Jonathan Crane guy so scared of bats •He also has elf ears lol
•Thomas and Martha Wayne? Bruce's parents names acquired
•(This version of)Bruce looks stupid in sunglasses
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igotanidea · 11 months
Taken: Dick Grayson x f!reader x Jason Todd
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Summary: he was in love with his brother's girlfriend.
Warning: bit of action,but nothing explicit, somewhat morally grey, angst, pain, hurt no comfort, no happy ending (sorry.....)
A/N: please, don't ask me for part 2, cause I don't think i could take it
Being around Dick Grayson was a threat to human life and Y/n Y/l/n was the perfect example of this. She was the youngest one ever to become a cop and as her first post assigned to nowhere else, but the shithole Gotham. The place where most of the officials were bought and on the call of different villains. Luckily, she was one of commissioner Gordon subordinate and that let her keep her objective side and not get bribed.
But that was also how she met Barbara. And once that happened, she was quickly acknowledged to Dick, who seemed to like her after the first glance. Y/n was fierce, never took anyone’s bullshit and knew how to take care of herself. With her quiet confidence, ability to listen, deep caring about people and sense of morality, especially when it came to the abused, Grayson soon found himself falling for her.
Not like he was going to tell her, at least not straight away.
Instead, he started hanging out with her more often and made her met the entire Wayne family causing a little teasing from his siblings and one serious conversation with Bruce who specifically warned him in how much danger he was putting the girl by getting close to the civilian. Dick only retorted something about Batman doing the same to Jim Gordon before rushing out of Bruce’s office. Yet, he was still convincing everyone that he and Y/N were just friends.
And even his vigilante instincts and observation skills didn’t make him see the slight relief on his younger brother’s face every time Dick denied allegations of the situation being otherwise.
But since the first day she got into Manor it was pretty obvious that she would become family friend, regardless of what Bruce may think about it.
Even if she only knew half of the story about Waynes.
What finally shifted the dynamics between those two was the moment when Y/n got into some serious trouble while working a work case and stupidly not waiting for her partner to assist her on the field. Her sense of justice and morality simply got the best of her and the girl found herself in the middle of the trap in a heavy crossfire.  Who knew how this would turn if Nightwing didn’t come out of nowhere and, to put it simply, saved her ass.
“Hey!” she yelled slightly agitated, cleaning her cheek from the blood “I was handling it and …..!” she froze the second Nightwing turned towards her and eyed her carefully with the blue orbs…. “No….” The sudden realisation and recognition hit her like a truck.
“Are you all right, sunshine?” he asked taking a few steps towards her, taking her hand in his ”Please tell me you’re not hurt….”
“I…..I….. I’m not.” She stuttered “I think so, at least, but how….why.... what….?”
“Sh.” He silenced her “not here, not now. Meet me at our place in an hour and I’ll explain it all to you, all right? I promise.”
And so he did. Explaining everything. Leaving her in absolute shock, but also making her ask whether she could somehow join the team an help them as one of the very few “clean” officers in town. It made Dick wonder but her wide open pleading eyes and pretty face made him relent. And that may have also been what finally pushed him to kiss her. He just couldn’t hold himself anymore, all those emotions held at bay for almost a year finally finding way out. And it just felt so good to not keep it hidden anymore. But it was also terrifying when he pulled out, not sure of her uptake on the situation, ready to apologise and ask for forgiveness. But before he could say anything, she grabbed his neck and pulled him back wanting more and kissing him like there was no tomorrow. And he knew.
She loved him too.
For three months they somehow managed to keep their relationship at secret. Even despite her now working with bat and spending even more time at the Manor. But it just couldn’t last forever. Not with all those people around.
"Y/N, can I talk to you for....." Jason started walking into her room without knocking, but the view in front of his eyes made him freeze.
She wasn't alone. She was with Grayson. In a very unambiguous situation. To put it simple - they were kissing and sure as hell wouldn't stop at that if Jason hadn't interrupted them. Dick was already shirtless, hovering over Y/N, his hands on her waist, lips moving over her skin causing little moan to fall from her mouth.
And she fucking enjoyed it.
She enjoyed him.
There was zero room for interpretation, arching back and nails digging into Grayson's back pulling him closer being enough to break Jason's heart.
"Jason!" she hissed pushing Dick away, the cutest blush creeping onto her face as she quickly tried to fix her top "how many times do I have to tell you to knock!"
"Sorry....." he mumbled, not really sure what else to say "Just wanted to......" his gaze landed on the floor, since all of a sudden he became unable to face her.
"Is everything all right, Jace?" her tone became a bit more concerned and he just couldn't take it anymore. But neither she nor Grayson could know that.
"You two are a thing now?" he smirked back to his usual attitude
"We are." Dick nodded, his love sick puppy gaze landing on her face and she reciprocated with the same expression.
"Make sure to keep it quiet then, will you? I really cannot blast the music on full volume to drown you out or I'll go deaf" Jace rolled his eyes and as fast as he could rushed out of her room.
His cheeks were burning, his hands and legs were shaking and there was only one thing on his mind.
He was in love with his brother's girlfriend.
Since there was nothing he could do about that feeling he just started to ignore her. Every time he saw her walking towards him, he remembered something important that caused him to escape the room, leaving the girl confused and a bit down. She had no idea what happened to the boy she knew and who was one of her best friends. After all, he was the one closest in age to her and since they shared the love for literature, they used to talk for hours. So she didn’t understand what changed. But when he kept on acting like that for a week she decided it would be best to just leave him alone for the time being. It was Jason after all, he had his moods and phases that came and went. Y/n was pretty sure he would reach to her if he wanted. After all, Jason used to say that she was the only one to really care about him and always support him.
If only the girl knew what was going on inside Jason’s head. That every time he saw her with Dick he was burning inside. Why was she with Grayson? The one who were always there for everyone, helping other people, taking care, making sure everyone was all right and barely having time for his own girl, neglecting her? Jason would never do such thing, he would spend every minute with her, cherishing her, loving her, keeping her close.
If only she was his…..
But she was taken, just because Grayson was the first to act on his feelings while Jason chickened out, hoping, like a silly schoolboy, that she would notice his longing, loving stares from the other side of the room.
A few days later, he unwillingly became the witness to one of their conversations. It was the middle of the Saturday and Grayson was duty-free, but apparently he got some serious call from someone in Bludhaven, an old friend (Kory?) and without much thinking, packed his bags and got ready to came for an aid. Once Jason heard what happened, he stopped by the door and peeking through like a maniac, carefully observed the situation unravel.
“I hate leaving you like that….” Dick whispered, wrapping arms around his girl, holding her close on full display for Jason, whose heart was breaking even more, if that was even possible. Todd could swear his heart was beating so rapidly, just because of the thought that she could be touching him, instead of his brother. His fist clenched involuntarily and he barely held himself from rushing inside and breaking that little scene.  
“I know, Dickie.” she hid face in the crook of his neck, pressing herself closer, not wanting to let him go “but you are a hero and people need you, I get that.”
“Say a word I’ll stay with you.’ He kissed the top of her head, caressing her back.
“I couldn’t ask that of you, Richard.” She smiled and looked into his eyes “that would be selfish of me.”
“You deserve to be selfish” Jason though biting on his lower lip hard enough to draw blood .”You deserve love and attention and not a boy who has time for everyone but you…..”
“I love you.’ Dick whispered, pressing his mouth to hers in the gentle kiss, tangling hand in her hair “I’ll be back as soon as I can, I promise, all right? And then we’ll do all those things on our list.”
“Love you more. And I hold you to your words, boy wonder.” She unwillingly let him go with a grin, but once he stepped out the door and was out of sight, her shoulders fell and she let out a heavy sigh. She did love him, truly, but sometimes it was tough and exhausting to act strong and not force him to stay with her.
Two hours later Jason found her asleep on the couch with an open book laying nearby. Judging by the force with which she was holding onto her body pillow she was imagining someone else in her embrace. She was imagining Grayson and it made Jason angry.
Grayson fucking left her.
He left that angel. That kind, gentle, compassionate and caring soul. The one who loved him with the love Grayson never deserved. He didn’t deserve her. That idiotic fucker.
If it was Jason to be with her, he would worship the ground she was walking on. She would never have to worry about a single  thing. He would never cause her any pain, nor let a single tear fell from her eyes.
 But she was not his to love and protect. All he could do at the moment was step forward and put a blanket over her so she wouldn’t get cold. Poor boy. And once the warm, soft material landed on her body she stirred in her sleep and smiled softly, causing Jason’s heart to drop even more. 
“I love you.....” he whispered brushing a strand of hair out her face and caressing her cheek, making her lean into the touch. She probably thought it was just a dream, not a reality.  
Dick might have been in Bludhaven for a few days, but it didn’t mean that his family wasn’t still patrolling, dealing with villains and getting hurt in the process. And since Y/N was staying at the manor, for safety reasons, of course, she quickly took it upon herself to patch all the wounds that any of the Waynes could endure.
Surprisingly, more often than not, it was Jason who got himself injured (blame the distraction), but her attempts to help him were dismissed in harsh words and by pushing her away. Just to protect himself from doing or saying something stupid he might regret.
“I don’t fucking need your help!’ he hissed, watching her gaze sadden and her whole body to cringe. “I can handle my own shit! Just... get the hell away from me!”
Without a second of hesitation he rushed out the batcave, followed with his family’s eyes.
“What is wrong with him?” Damian scoffed
“I might have an idea....” Tim muttered
“Tell me.” Y/N cut Drake off. “Tell me what this is about Tim. I can’t handle him being so .... hurt. I don’t want him to feel like he’s alone and no one understand him....”
“It’s really not my place...”
“Stop attacking me! God! How can you look so innocent and act so scary at the same time? “
“I swear if you don’t start talking....” she warned with the most stern voice she could produce
“Just..... I think you should talk to Todd yourself, Y/N.”
“Fine.” The girl shook her head. She was going to clear this shit out.
“Jace? May i come in?” the gentle knock on his bedroom door got him by surprise and when she entered, without waiting for the invitation he was sitting shirtless on his bed, trying to stitch the wound and holding an ice pack to his bruised ribs. Once her gaze landed on all of the injuries, he flinched, almost trying to hide himself.
“Go away....” his voice was far more begging and pleading than commanding and strong. He didn’t want her to see him like this. All of a sudden he realised that she would never feel for him the same way she felt for Dick. That with his scarred body and anger issues he never stood a chance.
“Jason.” She never listened and this time was no exception “Come on, stop it. It’s not the first time I will help you get yourself together. I’ve seen all those scars before. It’s all right. Safe place, no judgement. Let me.” Her soft hand reached for the needle and surgical thread and slowly, methodically, trying to cause him as little pain as possible started to stich his wounds. “You’ve been acting strange lately.....” the girl pointed out.
“not much more than usually.” He muttered “I am one hell of a strange person. Dead yet alive.”
“Stop it.” She cut him off, finishing the stitching and putting hand on his arm making him flinch again. “Sorry....” his action stung her. “Sorry, I am out of line, I won’t force you to speak to me if you don’t want. I never should have.....” she moved away, but never managed to get far as his arms wrapped around her pulling her close and his lips met hers.  He just couldn’t hold himself anymore. Not once he felt her touch and care. It was just impossible. She started the fire that no one could contain.
At first he was afraid she would push him away, ready for it even, since after all she had a boyfriend. But much to his surprise and joy, she did no such thing. If anything she kissed him back.
She kissed him back.
Could she.... could she possibly want him?
Jason was not going to wonder about it, instead focusing on satiating his hunger of her. He was starved of her, his mouth brushing over hers with desire, passion, wanting more and more and more. He was completely lost in the moment as he lifted her up, bringing her to his lap, hands sneaking under her shirt, travelling up, up to her shoulder blades, brushing over the clasp of her bra, palms pressing into her back, pulling her closer, closer.
It was so good, so perfect, having her like this, not fighting, not pushing away, but making her melt into him, feeling her body flex, touch him back, mirroring all his actions.
She was the only one for him. The only one he could ever trust, love, care about. He would burn the whole world for her if she ever got hurt. He completely lost his mind for her.
The things were getting so heated so fast, when he switched positions gently lowering her down onto the mattress. Shit. She was so beautiful and touch starved and abandoned by Grayson. And Jason was going to show her what it really meant to love a woman.
“Y/N....” he muttered hovering over her, completely blinded by desire, grabbing her wrist gently and pinning them above her head, kissing her jaw, neck, everywhere he could reach. “Y/N.” he nibbled on her collarbone getting a single, breathy moan, getting so hard for her. To tell the whole truth, he almost felt like crying when her hand tangled in his mop of hair, pressing him closer to her body. He never felt so wanted and needed in his whole life and her action got him completely lost. She accepted him. She agreed to everything he was doing to her, simply following his lead and he just wanted to make her feel so good. He whimpered once the warmth of her affection spread inside his chest and belly, right hand slowly peeling her shirt off, exposing her soft skin to him.
God! He had her. He finally had her.
He was lovesick, his own body acting without any control. He just wanted her to want him, need him, touch him and hold him. But it also made him bold. And reckless.
“You’re so beautiful…..”he whispered, trailing kissed up her stomach and between her breast, making her arch her back and squirm in pleasure. “I love you…..”
“You what?” those words were like a bucket of cold water for her, eyes opening wide as she became aware in a second. “Oh, shit, no, shit, fuck!” the girl hissed, taking him by surprise and breaking free from his grip pushing him away and adjusting her messy look.
“Baby?” he whimpered, confused and hurt
“You cannot love me, we… we can’t do this Jason.”
“I’m in love with your brother!”
“He doesn’t deserve you! He does not take care of you!”
“And what do you know about it? He loves me, Jason. And despite of what you say, he does care. Every fucking day. Even when he’s busy! You’re judging my relationship with him of silly little piece of information, but you don’t know shit about it!”
“So why did you let me kiss you?” he stuttered looking straight into her eyes.
“It was a mistake.” She said coldly, hating herself. She despised herself for those words, but what else was there to do. She couldn’t do this to Dick. She couldn’t do it to Jace. And most importantly, she couldn’t do it to herself. She might as well put a gun to their heads and pull the trigger. No matter what she would do, someone would end up getting hurt. Badly. And she would end up being the unfaithful one. Not fair. She had to cut it right now, even if her body kept screaming at her to let go and let Jason love her. He was so gentle and loving and slow and sensual. Showing that part of him she never knew. So different than his brother when it came to intimacy…..  Fuck!
“How…. How was it a mistake?” he was practically shaking at the moment. He bared his soul to her, hoping she was the one to trust, to take care of his poor, shattered heart. And the look in his eyes almost made her cry as well. But she had to be strong.
“We’re just friends, Jason.” She sighed, barely holding herself “nothing more. There won’t ever be anything more between us” she stood up from the bed.
“Please…..” he begged, grabbing her hand “please, don’t go. Stay with me. Let me…..”
“I’m sorry, Jace. I think we should just forget about what happened.” She yanked herself free and rushed out the door not looking back at him.
“I could never forget. And I won’t stop fighting for you.”
She was very well aware that his words were true. That Jason wouldn’t stop. But Y/N also knew that Dick wouldn’t ever relent. It seemed like she got herself in some serious trouble by loving two brothers, each one with different kind of love.
Dick and Jason.
Jason and Dick.
Fuck. Someone was going to end up broken hearted and she just couldn’t choose.
Therefore, she did the only thing that came to her mind.
“Hey, do you have Y/N somewhere around? I can’t reach her phone and she’s not responding my texts…..” very disturbed Dick showed up on the other side of the computer screen, reaching Tim.
“Is she all right? What happened Tim?”
“She left.”
“What?! What do you mean left?! How could she leave the house full of batman crew?! How could no one notice?!”
“She left you a letter.”
“A letter!? Shit, I deserve better. I’m going to find her! I’m getting back to Gotham right the second and I won’t stop until I search every inch of this city, country or planet!”
“Dick!” Tim yelled interrupting his brother’s monologue
“Why did she leave….?” Grayson’s voice broke. “I thought she loved me…..”
“She did, Dick. She wrote it on the envelope…..”
“I will hear it from her. Come on, Timmy, help me here.”
“Yes?” Dick looked straight into Tim;s eyes in the camera and he froze. Something was wrong, terribly wrong and his younger brother’s face was screaming bad news “what are you not telling me, Tim?”
“There’s been a car accident and …..”
“NO!!” sudden scream came from behind and both Dick and Tim saw Jason falling to his knees onto the floor, clutching his head desperately, acting completely out of his mind “No,no,no,no,no.” he sobbed. “no….. this is all my fault, this is all because of me…..”
“No.” Dick became pale, sudden realisation of what Tim meant finding a way to his brain.
She wanted to be fair to both of them. That was why she left not one, but two letters, explaining why she couldn’t stay and destroy whatever frail relationship Dick and Jace managed to build. She also asked them not to look for her and in a haze, unnoticed, left the manor, planning to stay with her friends in Central City.
What she didn’t expect was that truck, speeding and running into the crossroad on the red light…..
And then,
breaks sqealing
glass breaking
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