#ALSO i saw that you’ve been busy so please take care of yourself!!!!!
ghostofhyuck · 3 days
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Dark Fantasy Series 1
Ghost! Mark Lee x Tourist! Reader
Summary: The North city is eerie, believed to be haunted, and yet, it’s flocked with tourists. You found yourself alone in the midst of the busy city — or perhaps not. Especially when you met Mark Lee who gave you more than what you need. 
Word count: 3.7k
TW: contains suicide and death. Read at your own risk.
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“Now, up next is the Northwest Plaza Hotel. It was built during the 1920s, a prestigious hotel that hosted parties and was patronized by our presidents. It was destroyed during the war and while there were attempts to restore the hotel, some guests didn’t have a pleasant stay due to the paranormal experiences they felt.” 
You watched as the flock of tourists entered the abandoned hotel. You can hear the blaring echo coming from the guide’s megaphone, still giving information about the hotel. You entered the lobby area and you couldn’t help but feel goosebumps around your neck. As if someone’s watching you. 
“There are only a few areas where we are allowed, so please do not stray further. There’s an entrance on the left side where the garden is located, you may go there to take pictures too.” she added. 
That was your cue, you separated from the group and entered the garden. You found yourself surprised by how well-maintained the garden is. The grass is green as if it’s being watered daily, pinecone trees stood tall, covering you from the heat of the sun even though the weather’s always cold in the North, and small stray flowers field some areas. There were a few benches around, so you decided to sit on the nearest that you can find and just let the ambiance relax you for a moment. 
It was an impulsive decision of yours to run away from your home and take a one week vacation in the North. You couldn’t help it. Everything is overwhelming you and somehow, you don’t know where you feel safe anymore. You went to the bus terminal and chose the nearest bus to arrive — which is the bus going north. 
You knew about the North city. Not only is it famous for its cold weather and peaceful ambiance, it is also believed to be one of the most haunted cities in your country. You don't believe in the supernatural, that’s why there’s nothing for you to be scared about the North city. You’ve been here for a day and so far, there’s nothing eerie that happened to you. 
“You seem to be thinking deeply —” you let out a startled scream when a voice disturbed your thoughts.
You turned around and saw a guy, who’s about your age. He’s wearing long white sleeves and a checkered cotton vest. You found his outfit a bit out of date but there’s a small smile on his lips. 
“Are you the type of person who just approaches people and talks to them?” you asked with a rude tone. 
He shrugs, “I’m just curious about what's bugging your mind.”
You know guys and their attempts at flirting. His may be old-fashioned but it’s not going to work on you. 
“Why would you care —-”
“You know what they say to the people who go to the North alone? They’re either depressed, heartbroken, or in need of healing. I wonder which one you are.”
You were surprised by what he said. You found yourself staring at him who only gives you a small smile. 
“What do you think?” you asked instead, not even wondering why the question slipped out of your mouth. 
He tilts his head as if he was scanning you. You found yourself locked onto his bright eyes, his soft smile still painted there. You can feel your ears heating up. For a stranger, he surely is good-looking. 
“You want to run away don’t you?” 
You felt your heart skip a beat. How is that, he was able to read you? 
“So I guess I’m right?” 
You were about to say something when someone tapped your shoulder. You turned around and saw that it was the guide, she only looked at you with a worried smile on her face.
“Don’t stray too far, remember?” she told you, and before you could say anything, she’s pulling you back inside. You glanced once again at the stranger but you found nothing but the empty garden. 
“We don’t want our tourists to be haunted by wandering spirits,” she gives you a wink and with that, she goes back in front where the other tourists are. You were surprised with her action but at the same time, it piqued your curiosity. What did she mean by that? 
As you tour around more to the upper floors of the hotel, you couldn’t help but to be more curious about your encounter at the garden. As you attempt to take a peak from the windows, there’s nothing but the pinecone leaves covering your view. 
You left the hotel without your questions being answered. The tour bus dropped you at the city’s center where your hotel is located. It was six pm. The night is slowly creeping and the streets are becoming more busy. You could only let out a sigh. You couldn’t help but to be curious about the stranger earlier. You found his presence mysterious and intriguing. You wanted to know how he was able to read you, and who he is after all. 
So with your mind fogged with all the thoughts, you hailed a taxi, convincing the driver to take you back to the Northwest Plaza Hotel. 
Upon arriving, you felt the ghostly presence of the hotel. It stood broadly against the gleaming moon of the night. But you braved yourself to enter the area with your phone’s flashlight to serve as a light. There were no guards around the area, which you found odd. As soon as you entered the lobby, it was merely pitch black, much colder than it was before. 
You gulped, braving yourself into the entrance of the garden. And as soon as you reached the same bench, you stopped when you saw him again. Near the trees, holding a guitar as he tries to pick on a few chords. 
“Hello?” you called out. He lifted up his head and his eyes went wide when he saw you. You watched him lay down his guitar, stand up, and walk to you. You couldn’t help but to take a step back, wondering why the place became more cold than before. 
“You came back,” he said. 
“I was curious,” you answered honestly. “How did you know?” 
“You look lonely. The moment you stepped into the hotel, you didn't want to be with the tourists, isn’t that why you went here?” 
“You were staring at me the moment I entered the hotel?” you raised an eyebrow. 
But he only crosses his arms, “well, you did catch my attention.”
A faint blush formed on your cheeks, you looked away from him, flustered with his words. 
“Is that why you returned here?” he asked. “Only crazy people would go here alone.”
“Then you must be crazy,” you said. “And yes that is the reason, and now that I know the answer. It was nice meeting you stranger.”
“You can call me Mark,” he proposed, offering a hand. 
You couldn’t help but to shake his hand, a goosebump forming on your nape as you felt his iced-like hands. “Nice meeting you Mark, this might be the last time we see each other, but my name’s y/n.” 
“I hope this won’t be,” Mark teases, eyes locked on you as he gently shakes your hand. 
True to his words, it wasn’t the last time you saw Mark. The next day, you encountered him once again. You found out that there’s a much secluded park outskirts of the city center. That’s why instead of opting for the tourist-filled park, you venture out to check if it was really secluded. 
You understood why, the place has an eerie atmosphere around it. There’s nothing but narrow walkways and hills where pinecone trees are planted. It looks empty and lifeless. No wonder no one goes there. But it fits you and your want for isolation, so you decided to walk further in the area until you noticed a figure from afar.
“I didn’t know that you’re here!” he said with a tone so bright, it was as if he was happy to see you. You were a bit taken back but you only gave him a small smile. 
“How did you even know this park?” you asked, deciding to just befriend him. You sat beside him who only lightly chuckled. 
“This is my favorite place in the city,” Mark said, looking at the view. “It’s quiet and peaceful, plus it’s clean. You’re surrounded by mother nature unlike the parks in the city, it’s always filled with people.” 
You only nod, “I get you.”
“Is that why you’re here? Because you want to feel lonely? Do you want me to leave?”
“No! I did say I want to feel lonely, but,” you only glanced at him. He was looking at you with curiosity. “I don’t mind having someone too.” 
You saw how Mark’s smile formed into a small smile. “Well, I’ll be happy to accompany you while you’re here.” 
It felt easy having Mark around. He’s not that weird guy that you first met. There you thought, maybe befriending a stranger wouldn’t be that bad at all. 
At first it was merely companionship. He was a gentleman. His tone was soft and he looked out for you. You notice it by the way he pulls you to the safer side of the walkway or whenever you two are in a crowded place, he holds your hand so you wouldn’t separate from him. It’s also how he makes you smile and laugh without you knowing about it. Being with him made you forget all the worries that you left in your town. 
Your heart was heavy when you went to the North. You shared it with Mark one night at the abandoned hotel. You two went further upstairs where the rooftop of the hotel overlooks the whole city. The stars scattered at the sky with the moon accompanying you two. There, Mark quietly listened to your story, even wiping off the tears from your face. 
Your family was a disaster. After your father died, your mother remarried and had a son. Your step-father was nice to you, albeit strict since you’re still young. But it still leaves a bitter taste on you that your mother quickly moved-on from your father’s death. You rebelled and found yourself in the wrong group of friends. Worse, you found out that your boyfriend was cheating on you with your best friend. 
Feeling like everyone is against you, you decided to leave your hometown. Feeling suffocated and alone in the world, you took the first bus that’s departing and that’s how you got yourself in your situation right now. 
You swore to yourself that it’ll be just a few days, but days turned into weeks and no one seems to care that you’re gone. No one, not even your family even bothered looking for you. 
“Sorry for sulking down the mood,” you chuckled. Trying to hold on to the tears that’s still flowing. 
“What? I don’t care about that!” Mark said. “I care about you! You’re strong yn, and if I could, I wanted to show you that you’re not alone.”
You laughed at his sudden declaration. “Stop saying stupid things Mark.” 
“Really, I swear to you,” Mark swore. “I wanted to show you that you deserve everything in this world, and that there are people who can care for you.” 
“Really?” you mocked. “Who then?” Silence. That was Mark’s answer. You don’t know what to feel about it. You two stared at each other, when slowly, realization hit you. 
“You’re not joking aren’t you?” you asked, appalled. 
“Why would I joke about that?” he asked. “I like you yn.”
“But we just met for like a few days ago,” you pointed out. 
“Just trusting my gut feeling,” he shrugs. “When I first saw you, I just wanted to give you a hug, I’m not kidding. You just feel like you’re going through a lot and I want to be that person that will give you strength.”
You became quiet because of his confession. Your heart starts beating fast and you can feel your cheeks flushed. Is this what it feels like to be loved by a person? You didn’t notice how another tear streamed down your eyes. You were speechless, dumbfounded at how Mark is staring at you with a gaze that’s so soft that you barely recalled when was the last time someone looked at you like that. 
Mark followed his guts right? Maybe you should too.
You slowly leaned onto him until you felt his lips. Cold as always but you were hoping that you would give him warmth and love, just like what he told you. You were willing to reciprocate his feelings even if it means being with him in a short amount of time — or not, your mind went hazy. Thinking that you can just settle here in the North and be with Mark forever. The only person who could give you the love that you’ve been longing for. 
Mark responds to your kiss. Soft and gentle just like how he has always been. His hands trailing to your jaw and although you felt goosebumps on your nape due to his cold hands, you ignored it nevertheless. You never felt more alive with Mark by your side. Slowly, he trails his hands on the hem of your shirt and as you two broke the kiss, he was staring at you, waiting for your signal. 
You gave in. That night was filled with nothing but love and yearning. There was nothing but bliss and love as Mark showed you how much he cared for you. 
After that night, you stuck around with Mark. Happy and content with the new found love in the North. You two would go around, have dates and be in love endearingly in the city. You noticed that there are a lot of people looking at you two but you ignored it nevertheless. Maybe you two are a bit affectionate in public, but you couldn’t care about it. 
You found yourself in a garage sale a few days later. You are fond of garage sales, especially antique trinkets and jewelries. The sale can be found in a huge mansion that was once owned by a politician during the 90s. 
You looked at the jewelries, different rings adorned with gemstones that haven’t faded yet. You could only smile as you tried to locate its price when a small notebook caught your attention. 
You opened it and noticed that’s written already. It looks like someone’s diary. You open a few pages, admiring the owner’s penmanship and how they collected trinkets and stickers. And as you scroll through it, a piece of paper falls from it. 
As you picked up the paper from the ground, you were frozen to see that it wasn’t just a paper, it was a picture of a couple. 
There, they stood beside each other. The background being familiar — the secluded park that you once went to. The girl was short, she had her hair tied to a high ponytail as she rocks a windbreaker jacket and tank top. While the guy has his hands wrapped around him. He was smiling ear to ear and despite the picture’s color faded, you knew that face. You’re very much familiar with that face. 
You couldn’t help but to be nailed in where you are standing. You don’t know what to feel but your hands are shaking. 
“Hey —” you were surprised when it was snatched away from you. By a lady who’s in her forties, she also stared at the notebook that you were holding, making you return it to her. 
“I’m sorry but these are not for sale,” she said with an apologetic tone, you only nod but something struck you. 
“I know but can I ask,” you said. “Are you the girl in the picture? Who’s the guy?” 
“He’s my ex-boyfriend,” she said casually. You watched as she placed the picture in between the pages. 
“Is his name Mark Lee perhaps?” you asked. 
Her eyes widened. That’s when you started to feel more nervous. 
“How did you know him?” she asked. 
That’s when you decided to grab your phone and open your gallery to show her. Pictures of you and Mark together. 
“These are all blurred dear,” she said as she looked at the photos. “It won’t make sense too, Mark’s been dead for almost twenty years now.” 
It was as if cold water fell on you when you heard her words. You stood there frozen. Her stare at you was built with confusion, but as she noticed the shocked expression on your face, her eyes widened. 
“When did this start?” she asked. 
You grew confused with the tone of her voice, it was as if she’s nervous about your answer. 
“A few weeks ago,” you answered. 
“Oh no dear, you need to stay away from him,” she warned. “Mark…he’s not who you think he is. For a moment you thought he was sweet and kind, but the more his love got deeper, it’ll turn into an obsession. He will not let anything hinder his love for you.” 
“What do you mean?”
“He's been dead for years! His ghost will not be in peace until he finds someone who can love forever.” she said. “Don’t meet up with him anymore. But he will keep on showing up wherever you are, that’s how obsessed he is. So avoid him as much as possible, even if it means leaving this city.” 
Her words stuck to you even when you returned to your hotel room. You felt stupid. Falling in love with a ghost? It sounds so absurd. 
There were signs, but you were completely oblivious about it. Like how Mark has always been cold or there’s an aura around him that you couldn’t explain. You wouldn’t really suspect him as a ghost either. He looks like a normal human being. 
Or so you thought. Maybe that’s why people are staring at you too. Because they knew that the guy you’re with isn't human at all. 
You let out a frustrated groan as you decided to take the matter in your own hands. You left your hotel room and stormed out of the night.
It was a rainy night, past midnight and the North seems to be empty at this hour. You ignored the way the night became colder than usual. The eerie silence of the road didn’t budge you as you found yourself returning to the abandoned hotel. 
As you step inside, you notice how empty it is. It felt weird, Mark’s not here. 
“Mark?” you shouted, echoing through the void. You called him once again but only the empty hallways responded to you. 
You went to the garden, calling his name once again but Mark wasn’t there. So you went up to the rooftop, hoping that Mark’s there.
The rain becomes a heavy downpour as you reach the rooftop. You didn’t mind that you’re sopping wet because you’ve come face to face with the guy that you’ve looking for. 
“Mark,” you mumbled. 
“So you found out,” he said instead, letting out a bitter chuckle. 
You ignored his words. I guess his ex-lover’s words were true, he does follow you everywhere. 
“Just be honest with me Mark,” you said, taking a step closer to him. “Is it true?”
“Why does it matter if it's true or not?” Mark asked instead, his tone rising a bit higher. “So what if I am a ghost? Does it matter?”
“It matters because you’re dead!” you shouted. “You’re dead Mark! You’re nothing but a spirit lurking around this city.” 
“What’s with the sudden change of heart? Everything doesn't matter anymore just because I’m dead? Have you forgotten that I’m the only one who cared for you?” 
You didn’t answer. Mark’s eyes were filled with anger, he turns around and just lets you be there. 
“Just so you know, it didn’t matter to me if you’re alive or not. I love you regardless, that’s why it hurts that everything shifted just because of something so simple,” he lets out a sigh. 
“It’s not that simple, Mark. You’re dead, while I’m not. We can’t be together.”
“And what? Return to your place? Back to your miserable life when you were here with me, you’ve always at your happiest. Are you willing to throw everything away again?” 
Small warm tears are falling from your eyes. You couldn’t rebut him anymore knowing that he’s right. 
“I’m the only one who loves you yn, why can’t you see it? I tried my best to make you smile and happy. That’s why I hid the fact that I’m dead. I just want you to be happy and not cry anymore,” there, he gently weeps off the tears from your face. His cold hands make contact with your face and yet, you can feel the warm gesture of it. 
“Mark, I don't know what to do,” you said, breaking out in tears. You felt his arms wrapping around your shoulder, hushing you slowly as you leaned on his chest. 
“It’s okay yn, I’m here. I will never let you be sad anymore,” he promised. You lift up your face and as you face Mark, he only gives you a smile as he brushes your hair. 
“Mark —”
“Just promise me that you’ll trust me in this one okay?” he asked, sealing you with a kiss. 
“Mark, what are you going to do?” you asked, heart beating fast. 
“I just want your answer yn, do you trust me?” he asked once again. 
“I —” you found your words stuck in your throat. 
There you two. On top of the hotel rooftop. The rain slowly deafens everything. 
But Mark’s arms never left yours. He’s just there, staring at you. Waiting for your answer. 
“I trust you Mark,” you breathed. “Just take my pain away.” 
“Of course,” he assures you. Leaning on to give you another kiss. “I will make you happy and will love you for eternity.” 
Slowly, Mark takes a step back. One by one you two slowly walked. All you can see is Mark who’s gazing at you lovingly until you take another step but your eyes widen at your feet and feel nothing but the air. 
“See you on the other side yn,” Mark bids before pulling you towards him. And with that, you felt yourself heavy as you fell to your own death.
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astraystayyh · 1 month
hello my sahar…i was scrolling through some of hyune’s bbl msgs n community posts and i think i just had the devastating realization that u and him type like each other ㅠㅠ the cute way of stretching out words and all the little commas…i just had to tell u bc i thought it was so sweet
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RIN MY ANGEL i swear i thought of u ytday and was like i hope rin is okay and then i wake up to this!!!!!! did i manifest u back to tumblr!!!!!!!!!!! ALSO STOOOOOOOOOOOOOP u cant say this to me and expect me to be normal about it 💔 we’re actually soulmates thank u for the further confirmation… 😞😞😞😞
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kimsmuse · 10 months
yandere dilf !!
this was written in gaps, so im not that confident about it?? but here goes nothing. also i fucking love dilfs god. get me a dilf please.
also this was inspired by this one man i saw on my way to my uni admissions and he was there for his daughter 💀 put me in jail fr
the dilf here is in 40s something and the reader in early 20s n i think she switched universities to do her master’s (if you do not like this type of thing please look away <3)
gender neutral!reader (it might be implied femal but the pronouns are they/them) 1.7k words. warnings for age gap yandere behavior, kidnapping, manipulation, obsessive behaviour? dilf is a delusional yandere fr.
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yandere!dilf who is (clichè i know, please look away but this is the best thing i can think of) your father’s friend, but not best friend or anything because he lives in another city, but oh you’re moving there for uni and your parents can’t think of anybody else to contact so they call him up !!
but he’s busy when you’re moving so he can’t help :(( oh but did i tell you he was the one who chose that apartment for you to move into?? it was so close to him and his friend said to keep an eye on you so he chose the one which wasn’t even like 5 minutes away. and he wants to be of help to his friend so bad but these board meetings and stuff ://
best believe that when he’s free he’s at your apartment with a bunch of new home essentials, a few groceries that you might need, and this man is ringing up your door. now neither of you had seen each other, heard about the other from the common point that was your father, yes. but to open the door and be in the presence of a man that is that gorgeous?? and he’s just wearing sweatpants and a tshirt?? god.
not to mention a thin chain around his neck that leads to inside his shirt…. kill me really.
anyway, but he’s equally taken back because um, this was his friend’s kid. literal kid. he shouldn’t be thinking about how alluring your appearance was, get your head straight, he tells himself, as you invite him. aren’t the shorts too short….
if sexual tension could have been visible, man would your apartment be full of it.
but he’s nothing but resisting, it’s how he has been single for so long, it’s not that he doesn’t like commitment, but… he likes to tell everyone that he just hasn’t found his The One yet.
“the apartment has come together nicely,” he says as he looks around and it is, you’ve done a great job at it and it reflects the type of person that he assumes you are.
you ask him if he wants something to drink? and he politely rejects your offer, he does not want this thing to escalate because knowing his track record, he can’t stand a minute more near the kitchen island and not think about bending you over, and that was normal for him but god, snap out of it, this is half your own age, he thinks to himself.
and you want him to stay, but again, it is quite fucked up to think about being fucked by your father’s friend and someone your father’s age.
“here,” he gives you all the stuff he brought with and kept it. “that’s all, i have some work i need to do so i’ll take your leave now,” he starts to leave when he looks back again “and, um, my number,”
to which you blush, but remind yourself, it’s only like an authority figure, nothing else. and he tells you his own address, in case there’s ever an emergency.
that is how it begins, and your father leaves a message for him, “please take care of them,” and he acts like it’s a burden but he’s overjoyed inside, he has an excuse…
anyway, fast forward to you starting university, getting a social circle, and he visits you weekly, awkward and short visits but you’re just glad he can grace your apartment like that, you even light up your special candles around for him to notice, and he does, but you don’t know how hard he’s just trying so hard to not snap.
when it’s been almost an year or something, he finally thinks he should sit down or you’ll catch on to him or something (little does he know that all you though of it was the fact that men like him are always busy.)
“so you’ve settled in okay?” he asks, as if the cctv installed outside your door doesn’t already tell him that you bring a steady flow of people home, friends.. un-friends and people he was genuinely jealous of. he was jealous of your friends too, because he desperately wanted to stay platonic with you and he didn’t know how they did that.
the conversation flows from one point to other and suddenly you ask him, “are you married?” and he looks startled at the question so quickly begin to apologise, you did not mean to overstep any boundaries.
“uh, i don’t know, i just haven’t found someone who i would like that much, i guess,” if the tension before was a lot, this was the worst it could get.
he leaves abruptly again, and you watch from your balcony as he pulls his car out of the parking and out, wishing he stayed sometime.
what you did not know though was the fact that the yandere was fully invested in your life, your friends, your daily errands. but this was what taking care of you meant, right?
the last straw came to him when you were at a party, frustrated by the lack of response that older man was giving you, you were desperate to get laid today even if you would end up being upset over the fact that it wasn’t him. but unknown to the fact that the yandere just had this.. odd feeling today? that he has to follow you and when he got to know it was a party? parties are never good news.
and he’s almost dozing off 2 hours later in his car, parked safely at a distance when he think he hears your voice. and sure enough when he takes a peek out, across the street is you, and wait, is that a guy following you.
“i was just kidding i really don’t want to go home with anybody tonight.”
he gets out of the car silently, and the guy who is insistent on getting his dick wet by specifically you, a statement which makes his blood boil, is too busy persuading you to notice the punch that the dilf throws at him from behind. the yandere doesn’t think about what you’ll ask about how he got there and stuff, this was serious and it only reaffirms his ideals that yes, he had to make sure you were safe and he had to follow you, god knows what would have happened if he wasn’t there.
as soon as the guy is knocked out, he looks at you and you look up at him surprised, your mouth forming an ‘o’ but noticing the haze in your eyes, he can feel relief inside.
“you’re here!” you exclaim and you are drunk, he concludes as you hug him. he might actually burst but he feels euphoric right now, as if he could cry, it was like he had this actual fear, what would he do if something happened to you? it was no longer the responsibility or the feeling of being answerable to your dad.
don’t worry after that, he drives you home, but his home. he has to make sure you’re safe at all times, right? what if someone decided to rob your place? or… the guy from earlier? what if he got your address from one of your friends? he couldn’t imagine it.
so there might be a change in plans, you don’t need to tell your dad yet though, or anybody. in fact, you might not need to go out at all. he made more than enough to sustain, and keep you safe, take care of you, like your dad asked, and he is nothing but a loyal friend, isn’t he?
now let's dive into little specifics, shall we?
yandere dilf is completely smitten, he was the first moment he saw you but right now you're at his mercy, and it gave me a hysterical kind of high. 
and he is so so convinced that he's doing what he can to protect you and this is allthat can be done, there's no other way!
he brings you bits and pieces of news that are the most terrible of them all - murders, rapes, all of the worst stuff, so you realize how much of a favour the yandere is doing you by protecting you.
and your dad? as far as he's concerned, you're still going about your daily routine, there’s nothing wrong with it. he makes you call him because he doesn't want to deal with his friend, not yet.
yandere dilf is caring but he's also really short tempered, if he brings you food and you eat it silently without saying anything, he'll snap :(( because you should have said the food was good or you were happy that he brough you that, right?
but he realizes his fault quite soon, he was mature, he shouldn’t act this way with you. and he apologises, someone tell this man an apology means you would try not to do it again. because he does, he keeps on repeating the cycle.
at first you were completely opposed to whatever this weird idea was, but slowly you gave in, when you realized the heights he had thought all of this through to, all you could hope was someone to notice that this wasn't normal and help you. well, someone to notice and try to help you and not be bought off by the money that the yandere dilf gave them.
yandere dilf coddles you; at first this is how he got to break your shell, he patted your head when you did something good, something like eating, drinking water. and you loved it, as much as you hated to admit it, sometimes it felt like you put in so much efforts in your daily life to get people to love you, that it felt like a relief that here he was praising you for doing the smallest of tasks.
yandere dilf does not fuck you. he keeps himself in control, he does not even touch you if you're angry or upset at him, but he knows a few ways and he's bringing you around slowly to the idea of a you and him together creating an us.. he's getting there slowly and surely.
just… please.. don't try to escape or anything, that would really set the process back… or would it accelerate it…?
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ningvory · 3 months
could i pretty please req g!p brat tamer kkura x brat reader with some cockwarming ?? (its totally fine if you arent comfortable on writing this, just ignore!)
i love ur works <33
and also, could i be 📷 anon ?
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parings: ceo!gp!sakura x brat!f!reader
warnings: brat taming 🤭🤭, you guys fuck in her office, cockwarming, cum eating, oral (kkura receiving), mentions of dumbification at the end, not proofread🙏🙏, pet names like baby, princess, and pretty, voice kink, mild choking
wc: 1.1k (1,178) words MIGHTVE GOT CARRIED AWAY..
saw these pictures on my pinterest feed and ceo kkura came to mind😵‍💫😵‍💫 she’s so fine omg just want her to ruin me…OMG HEAR ME OUT..RIDING HER ABS-*GUNSHOTS*🔫
📷 welcome aboard!!🤭🤭 <33
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there’s just something about being such a brat to your sweet girlfriend to the point where she just breaks and does something abt it 😵‍💫😵‍💫 the best time to get under her skin is when she’s busy with work.
as a ceo, her whole day is filled with several boring meetings she could probably care less about, but yk as the ceo she has to attend them. of course you know not to call her unless it was an emergency but that didn’t stop you from doing so, you just needed her so bad you couldn’t help it! :((
when she felt felt her phone ringing she excused herself and told them to carry on. stepping outside of the meeting room’s door so she can answer your call.
“k-kkura~ mm! need you so bad!” your words kept getting cut short due to your moans, she could barely make out any words you were saying.
when she put two and two together, she was downright furious, her cock was starting to harden and she clenched her jaw, trying to keep her cool.
“-mm! baby- ‘gna cum!!” you brought the phone closer to your dripping cunt, the squelching noises and the buzzing vibrator that was stimulating your cunt so she can really hear the noises. anyone walking by could see how pissed she was, her veins in her hands were showing from how hard she clenched her fists.
your orgasm must’ve been intense, right after your loud whine you were panting and soft whines were spilling out your mouth. your noises would’ve been adorable had she been there to see your pretty face and your stimulated cunt, but it wasn’t in this situation that you got yourself in.
“how cute, princess. come by my office once you’ve finished at home. i have business to attend to so it’ll be a while.” her voice was stern and low, and fuck she sounded hot, making you bite back a moan.
“kkura—” you tried to speak out but she hung up the call. you know you definitely pissed her off, but it wasn’t exactly your intention to do so! but your cunt throbbed just thinking of what she’ll do to you.
once you arrived you of course did the usually when you come to her work place, getting everyone with the same smile while making your way to your girlfriend’s office.
once you reached her office, you open her door but she didn’t bother to look up. no one would dare to come in her office without knocking. you took in her appearance, her hair was in a low ponytail with a few pieces of her front hair sticking out on the side. she looked so damn good in her business suit you couldn’t help but clench your legs around nothing.
“lock it.” she spoke out sternly, eyes glued onto her computer screen.
you obliged to her words but not after a exaggerated huff. you were all dolled up for her, wearing your pastel pink skirt that you knew she liked with one of her hoodies just for her to not look at you.
she has you standing infront of her desk while she was still typing away at whatever she was on. you fished out your phone to take a quick glance at the time to see, it’s been about 15 minutes of you standing here.
“kkura..” you spoke out but got nothing in return. the only thing audible was the clicking and tapping coming from her computer, which annoyed you.
you stood for another 15 minutes, you were even more annoyed. she’s been on her computer acting as if you weren’t even standing here, your hands were clinched in fists and your face rested in a pout.
“sakura, why the fuck did you tell me to come here if you’re gonna act like i’m not here?” you starkly spoke out, you noticed she clenched her jaw and let out a sigh.
“c’mere.” she finally spoke out, man spreading in her 360 chair.
she’s got you on her lap, shoving her tongue in your mouth which has you choking and whining into her mouth. her hands are tightly gripping your hips, forcing you to grind on her clothed cock.
“on your knees, pretty.” she says, unbuttoning her pants and lowering her boxers, revealing her hard member.
she doesn’t even waste a minute, she has her hand in your hair, shoving her cock so far in your mouth it has you choking and unable to breathe.
“fuck~ put that mouth to use baby.” she groans, bopping your head up in down. your hand rest on her thighs trying to keep up with her fast pace.
your tears and drool was making a mess on her pelvis, you have no room to speak and nothing was heard but her grunts and the gagging noises you make when her cock is so far down your throat.
you hear her let out a loud grunt and she presses your face down until your nose is touching her pelvis, deepthroating her cock. you feel her buck into your mouth, making tears fall down your pretty face because it hurts so much! she cums in your mouth and has you there until all her load is released and that you’ve swallowed it all. she finally brings your head up for you to breathe, a long string of your spit was keeping your mouth and her pretty tip connected.
“stand up.” she orders, which you stood up almsot immediately.
she slowly pulls your soaked panties down, groaning when she sees your slick connecting with your cunt, “so wet for me baby.” she lowly says after taking them completely off, collecting your slick on her fingers, making you let out a small whimper.
she sinks you down on her thick cock, whining and squealing out when you feel her stretch you out, filling you up so much better that puny vibrator you were using earlier.
“n-ah~ kkura!!” you squeal out moving your hips back and fourth. until she stills you when you go to bounce on her thick cock.
she lands a harsh slap to your ass, making you yelp and look at her with tears in your eyes. “aw~ what’s the matter baby? only good girls get to ride my cock.” she coo’s which has you look at her with wide eyes, tears threatening to fall.
“kkura! you’re joking-” you go to say but her grip on your neck shuts you up immediately, her expression still tells you that she hasn’t forgotten nor forgave you for what you pulled earlier. this must be your punishment.
“oh, i’m deadass princess, just sit still and look pretty on my cock while i finish my work, if you’re a good girl f’me, i might let you cum.” she smirks, pushing your body to rest on hers.
the best way to teach a brat is to punish them by not letting cum and then finally fuck the brat outta them until they’re a babbling mess who can barely remember their name <33
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lovingjingyuan · 3 months
Just thinking about Yan Sunday with Layla reader…
Reader is so tired, weak and stressed all the time about her study and thesis… reader’s state could be vulnerable to him since he can grabs her so easily.
Or Cryo Vision? He just need to keep away from you, make you lose memories and lies that you are his lover.
Please, I need Sunday post with Layla reader..
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Yess Ofccc! I love Layla sm she's so pretty and I relate to her a lot, but I ignore my work on purpose. But her design is so pretty when I first saw her she became my favorite immorality like Furina! I Barely sleep now because of tests and exams. Also Thank you for the request <3
Pairing: Sunday x Layla reader
Warnings: Yandere Sunday, a bit ooc, mention of drugging/spike drink, manipulation
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The paper, assignment, and late work kept piling up on you. You can't catch a break even after completing each assignment. Your sleep schedule started getting messy which raised concern from Sunday.
Yet Sunday never liked how you pushed everything aside to focus on your academics. He secretly hated the mentions of your future that’s without his picture in there. How you'll leave the dreamscape in Penacony once you graduate and finish your studies here, yet he kept a happy smile pretending to support your goals.
Recently a big project and essay was coming soon. You need to submit your thesis and get it approved as soon as possible. Writing endless papers piling up anything to get this approved like your life depends on it.
Sunday lent you his office since the library was packed with others trying to get their thesis approved too. Sunday quietly works on his paperwork reading the new bills and policies trying to get passed. Work was keeping you both busy yet you still couldn't help but start dozing off.
Your head and eyes felt heavy falling slightly. Your tired body rested against Sunday's shoulders causing him to look up from his paperwork and towards you. He raised an eyebrow before smiling and caressing your cheeks.
The tea he offered you really seemed to take effect quickly. He couldn't help but to spike your tea before offering it to you. He couldn't stand seeing the eye bags under your eyes when you forced yourself awake even though your body was already weak enough. The way you've been ignoring him and growing distant from him to focus on your studies, he despises the fact you cared more about your academics than him.
He caressed your hand gently. He was glad you were deeply asleep knowing he was soon going to perform the last step to keep you for himself…
You woke up in a room and stretched. You felt more at ease but a sinking feeling appeared in your heart when you realized your thesis and project was due.
You scrambled, throwing the blanket off and seeing Sunday's hands stopping you and shushing you holding you in his arms.
"What's the matter? You looked at peace when sleeping?" He cooed at you brushing his hands through your strands of hair.
You stumbled over your words as you tried explaining your thesis still needed to be submitted before the due date. Sunday's face darkens slightly as he forms a wan smile
"Oh, the one you were working on? A friend of yours came in stating they were your partner for this thesis and were going to submit the thesis for you today," He held your hands in his.
Your face and heart dropped so far below. You sobbed as you scrambled hugging yourself and started ignoring his words. You were furious at Sunday even though you knew it wasn't his fault for falling for this trick. You’ve never told him what you were working on anyway.
"Oh dear, I'm sorry I didn't know," he said in his sweet tongue. Gosh, you really can't hate him but blame yourself.
In the end, the due date passed and it was too late. You sobbed and sobbed as Sunday held you in his arms comforting you. You were so fragile to him. A fragile weak human who needed his and The Harmony's protection, yet mostly for you to rely on him.
As you cried you looked in his pile of trash paper to see your thesis. You pushed yourself off him and grabbed the paper pushing aside his pile of documents and scattering them all over the floor.
Fury arose yet you sat there in complete silence and confusion, "why?" You muttered weakly dropping the paper as you broke out into a sob, "Why Sunday? Why did you lie?"
Sunday wing's on his head tense up as well as his expression as his smiles slowly fade away.
"What do you mean? Your thesis? I thought you meant the project you were working on earlier," He tries to hide his guilty expression by the fact he was caught in a lie.
Before you could comment you were dragged out by the Bloodhound Family. Sunday was going to make sure you never stress over any academics again.
You open your eyes in a white room. You sat up smelling a familiar white room and bed. A hospital? You looked and saw a man. Gray hair, white angel wings on his head, a golden halo floating above his head, and a sweet angelic smile plastered on his face.
"I'm Sunday... Do you remember me, darling?" The man named Sunday introduces himself with a question. Yet even though he felt similar you couldn't break down why.
"I feel like I know you"
"That's great darling" he brushed the hair from your forehead planting a kiss on your head. "I'm your lover, not just your boyfriend."
You didn't stop him but sympathized with his feelings. Sunday was never going to let you leave this dream now. You'll never have to cry or mess up your sleep schedule and health anymore. You were just too fragile to face reality so he’ll insist the dreamscape is the only safe haven for your fragile body. This was the true dream he longed for and he will make sure you love it too. 
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redrose10 · 7 days
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It took me longer than I wanted, but it’s finally here and I can’t keep editing it and putting this off. This is something I’ve been working on for a few weeks. It’s not exactly how I had planned it in my head, but I guess that’s how it goes. I was going to try something a little different so I do have a spicy bonus chapter that I was going to include as an extra, but I just don’t think I’m good at writing smut so I’m not sure if that will ever get posted. Let me know if you want it though.
Messages and comments appreciated! This is the first time I’ve ever attempted something like this so be kind please.
Yoongi black cat hybrid X Female reader
Summary: When your good friend shows up in the middle of the night begging for your help, how can you say no. But what if their request makes you start questioning everything you’ve ever believed in?
Warnings: Physical abuse, sexual abuse, swearing, light smut (nothing too graphic), mention of no consent, mention of death/dying and murder, violence, weapons
Word Count: about 14,800 😯
Shuffling to your front entrance you felt a range of emotions like anger at whomever was pounding on your door at 3am in the rain and also fear because someone was pounding on your door at 3am in the rain. Taking a peak through the front window the fear disappeared when you saw one of your best friends, Namjoon. However, that fear was now replaced with worry. Namjoon was not the type to be out at this hour unless he had a good reason and what concerned you most was what he wanted with you right now.
Swinging open the door he greeted you first, clearly in a hurry. He looked nervous.
“Hi Y/N. I’m so sorry to bother you at this hour, but there is nowhere else I can go. Can we please come in?”
“We?”, you asked brows furrowed.
Namjoon stepped aside and you saw the smaller frame that was hidden behind him, the hood of a sweatshirt blocking their face. Trusting that Namjoon wouldn’t bring anyone around that would hurt you, you motioned for them both to come inside and take a seat. You offered some towels to dry off and started the kettle on the stove to get them something warm to drink.
As you finally took a seat across from the two Namjoon cleared his throat, “Y/N I’m sorry again for just barging in like this. I just really need your help. It’s been kind of a rough night.”
You nodded, but remained silent as you waited for more information. The person sitting next to your friend had yet to make a sound or even look at you giving you an uneasy feeling.
Thankfully Namjoon took the hint and continued, “We completed a raid today. Something we’d been working on for a long time now.”
“Ahh there it is.”, you thought to yourself. Namjoon worked for the the Hybrid Protection Agency or HPA. They were like the FBI, but specialized in hybrid affairs. You had heard numerous stories of them raiding businesses and buildings that were being used as fronts for different illegal operations involving hybrids. You turned your attention back to your friend to hopefully find out what he wanted with you.
“Have you ever heard of Lee Yan?”, he asked.
“No I don’t think I have”, you shook your head not failing to notice the other person flinch at the mention of the name.
Namjoon continued, “He also goes by Viper.”
“Ooohhh.”, your heart skipped a beat. Viper was known as one of the most ruthless hybrid traffickers in the game. He didn’t care who he had to hurt or even kill to achieve his goals. He owned 90% of all hybrid operations and was consistently listed as the most wanted criminal in the HPA’s database. You’d heard Namjoon ramble on and on about how much of a scumbag he was.
“Well we’ve been watching him for a while now. We got wind that he was going to be in town tonight to check on one of his hybrid houses.”
Just hearing that name made you cringe. Hybrid Houses were technically legal because they operated under the guise that they were there for hybrids to use when their natural instincts kicked in. Thanks to the increasing costs of using Hybrid Houses more and more owners started opting to pay for suppressants while some of the harsher owners chose to force their hybrids to just push through it without any help at all by locking them away until it passed. So now the houses are still advertised as such, but really they’re mostly being used as coverups
You realized you’d been completely ignoring everything he was saying so you sat up a little straighter trying your best to focus.
“Anyways, we showed up and raided the place. We managed to rescue about sixteen hybrids. We arrested two of Vipers guys, but unfortunately he was able to get away. Most of the hybrids are being taken to local shelters, a few had to be taken to the hospital. But one of them needs some special care which is what brings me to you.”
“I’m sorry what?”, you asked choking on air. Namjoon knew better than anyone that you didn’t exactly agree with owning a hybrid or anything hybrid related. In your views they were people more than animals and should be treated as such, Therefore they shouldn’t need an owner and you hated the way the government basically deemed them property. Hybrids had fewer rights and protections than any other species and you hated it. Namjoon had attended a few Hybrid Rights rally’s with you so he knew your views on this and you were honestly a little angry he was even trying to bring you into this.
Namjoon chuckled, “I guess I should’ve introduced you from the start. This is Yoongi.”, Namjoon spoke gesturing to the person next to him.
Your eyes widened in surprise as the mysterious person slowly pulled down the hood of their sweatshirt. Barely poking out of the top of a mop of black hair were two black fuzzy cat ears. A long fluffy black tail curled out from behind him. With so much going on you hadn’t noticed that your friend’s new friend was a hybrid. The hybrid, or Yoongi as he was called, quickly made eye contact with you before returning his gaze back to the floor. He reached for his tail slowly combing his fingers through the fur. You figure it was probably a way of self soothing.
“Nam-, Namjoon I’m sorry but how am I supposed to help?”
“Right, so Yoongi is or uh was Vipers personal pet.”
The sound of that word made your stomach twist. He was a grown man and shouldn’t be considered anyones “pet” and it infuriated you that people even had thoughts like that.
“When Viper took off he left Yoongi behind probably thinking one of his men would protect him, but one of our guys took him in thinking he was just one of the hybrids from the house instead. We can’t take Yoongi to a shelter. Viper will have his guys scouting every shelter with 100 miles from here. It’s not safe for him to stay with me either since I could possibly have a target on my back. I need him to stay here with you.”
You felt bad for the chuckle that you let out knowing that this probably wasn’t Yoongi’s first choice either, but you just couldn’t stop it.
“Namjoon, I can’t just take in another person. I can barely afford to feed myself let alone someone else. Plus you know how I feel about owning hybrids. It’s wrong. They’re people and shouldn’t be owned like an animal.”
Yoongi felt an odd fluttering in his stomach. No one had ever referred to him as a person before.
“Look Y/N, I’m desperate. I’ll send some money your way to cover the extra food and stuff. And you don’t have to officially adopt him. We just need to keep him safe until we get Viper in custody and then I’ll figure something else out.”
Namjoon reached over and placed a hand on your knee. You knew when he resorted to physical touch that he was serious.
“Please Y/N, he’s been through hell and back and has nowhere else to go. I need someone that he can trust. That I can trust. I can’t let him get back into the hands of someone like Viper.”
You peaked over Namjoon’s shoulders to see Yoongi with his hands folded in his lap. His bangs plastered to his forehead and still damp from the rain. He looked at you for barely a second before looking away, but even in that quick glance you could see the desperation in his eyes. You could only imagine what he had been through. Someone like Viper couldn’t possibly treat his own hybrid well when to him all they were there were play things and money makers.
“Okay.”, you spoke barely above a whisper, but Namjoon still heard you. He smiled before looking back at Yoongi trying to give him a reassuring squeeze that everything was going to work out for the better.
Thankfully the kettle sounded giving you an out of the awkward situation. While in the kitchen preparing the drinks you could hear Namjoon and Yoongi whispering back and forth.
“She doesn’t want me here. I can just go back to my owner. I don’t want to be any more of a burden than I already am.”
“Trust me, she’ll come around. It’s just a lot to take in. I wouldn’t have brought you here if I didn’t think she’d take good care of you.”
He was right. You would try your hardest to take care of him even if this situation isn’t exactly ideal for you.
After a drink and some pointless small talk you walked Namjoon to the door as he continued to give you instructions, “So don’t take Yoongi out of the house for any reason unless it’s an absolute emergency and call me immediately if you do. I’ll stop by with some clothes and stuff for him in a day or two plus some extra money.”
You nodded in agreement unsure of what else to say at that point. After he left you made sure to use all the locks on your door suddenly feeling a little less safe than normal. Yoongi was still sitting in the same spot on the couch not having touched his tea.
“I can make you something else to drink if you don’t like it. Or maybe something to eat? Are you hungry?”, you asked awkwardly.
“No thank you. I’m okay.”
“Okay… well… I’m gonna go take care of a few things. I’ll be right back.”
He nodded as you scampered up the stairs to your bedroom. After taking a few minutes to calm down and catch your breath you started grabbing whatever you could think he might need.
Digging through your drawers you found a t-shirt and a pair of old sweats that you thought should fit him after making a hole for his tail. Then in your closet you found an extra pillow and some blankets. Your spare bedroom was pretty much being used as storage so Yoongi was going to have to sleep on the couch which you felt terrible about so you decided to start looking online for a bed getting yourself distracted. You weren’t sure exactly how long he was going to be staying, but you figured it would be a couple weeks at least and you didn’t want him sleeping on the couch that whole time. You’d been meaning to finally set up the spare room so this was the kick you needed. You had to use pretty much every cent you had to afford everything, but it was needed.
After getting everything ordered you realized you had been locked away quite a while longer than you’d expected and got very worried about Yoongi. Rushing down the stairs with blankets and pillows in hand you found an empty couch.
“Fuck did he run away already?”, you panicked. Namjoon was going to kill you. Walking into the kitchen to find your phone you spotted a lump of black curled up in the corner. Getting closer you recognized the tail and ears. A wash of relief flooded over you as you bent down and tried to softly wake up the sleeping hybrid.
You tried to be as gentle as possible, but he still startled awake quickly backing into the corner before letting out a small hiss and curling in on himself.
“Hey it’s just me. It’s Y/N. I’m sorry for scaring you. I didn’t mean to.”
He looked back at you with wide eyes, still unsure of you and the situation.
After he finally calmed down and realized it was only you he relaxed a little before standing up.
“Why are you sleeping on the floor to begin with?”, you asked concerned.
He shrugged, “You were gone a long time so I thought you just went to bed for the night. I didn’t know where you wanted me to sleep and I didn’t want to wake you. I usually get put on the floor or in the garage, sometimes outside so I just chose right here.”
Your heart hurt at that while your face flushed with anger.
Stretching out your hand you motioned for him to follow you into the living room. After finishing setting up the couch you turned to Yoongi who was still shyly standing in the doorway.
“I’m sorry you have to sleep on the couch tonight. I don’t have a spare bed at the moment. I did order one though which is why I was gone so long. It should be here in a day or two. But the couch is really comfy and I can get more blankets or pillows if you need them.”
While you felt like a terrible host for having him sleep on the couch, Yoongi looked at you like you’d just given him the world.”
“I-I can sleep on the couch?”, he asked still unsure.
“Yeah of course. Like I said I’m sorry I don’t have a bed for you but it’ll just be for a couple days.”
You saw the first glimpse of a smile before he went to sit down.
“Oh wait!”, you exclaimed and then made a mental note to try and not be as loud when you noticed how he flinched at your quick movements.
“Come with me.”, you motioned for him to follow you to the bathroom. When you got upstairs you showed him the clothes you’d laid out plus a towel, “I figured you’d like to take a hot shower and have a change of clothes. These should fit you for the night. If you bring your clothes downstairs I can put them in the wash so you’ll have them for tomorrow.”
An awkward silence filled the room as he looked around in disbelief so you just nodded before closing the door behind you and heading downstairs.
Thankfully the rest of the night went by smoothly and you’d almost forgotten all about the hybrid sleeping on your couch downstairs until you heard his soft snores filling the air. Peeking over the railing you spotted Yoongi still curled up in a little ball on the couch. You could see his ears swivel with the noise of a few birds chirping outside. How long had it been since he was able to sleep deeply like that?, you wondered.
As quietly as possible you tiptoed past him and made your way to the kitchen to get some coffee ready. About twenty minutes later Yoongi came walking into the kitchen looking incredibly grumpy. He was definitely not a morning person you thought to yourself.
“Good morning.”, you chuckled.
“Good morning.”, he scowled.
“Would you like some coffee or orange juice? I have some milk.”, you asked unsure of what his diet normally looked like.
“Water is okay.”
You nodded and handed him a glass.
“You can sit down you know.”, you said pointing to the chair across from you.
“Sorry. I’m not usually allowed on the furniture.”
“Yoongi you live here now too. At least for a while. You can sit on the furniture, watch tv, help yourself to anything in the kitchen. You don’t have to be afraid. I promise nothing bad will happen to you here and I’m not going to hurt you.”
He nodded in understanding, but you could tell that there was still a lot of apprehension there.
“Speaking of which, what would you like for breakfast? I’m not the greatest cook, but I can get by.”
“I’m okay. I don’t need to eat anything.”, he shrugged, but his stomach said otherwise following with a loud grumble.
“How about some scrambled eggs and toast?”, you asked which he gratefully accepted.
He offered to clean up the kitchen for you after breakfast and then you both headed to watch a little tv and wait for Namjoon who said he’d be over in the afternoon. There was quite a bit of awkwardness in the air as you both sat on opposite sides of the couch neither of you really knowing what to say or do. After three episodes of some random baking competition show you had put on there was a knock at the door. Yoongi’s ears laid back into his hair as he scrambled to try and find a hiding spot before you could answer it.
“It’s just Namjoon.”, you said after peaking out the window.
Your friend walked in carrying several bags of clothes and supplies.
He and Yoongi carried everything up stairs before returning back to the couch. You offered Namjoon some water as you took a seat across from them.
“So how did last night go?”, he sighed.
“Alright, I think. I have a bed coming for Yoongi. Should be here soon.” You peaked over at Yoongi hoping he’d agree. He nodded his head.
Namjoon took a sip before continuing, “So I have an update about this whole situation. I got a call this morning that Viper has been located.”
Yoongi visible tensed up and you had to stop yourself from reaching out to him not feeling like you had that right yet.
“Okay so they caught him?”, you asked.
Apprehensively Namjoon continued, “Not exactly. The last tracking we have of him is at the airport. It appears he fled the country. We don’t know exactly to where, but our best guess is he probably went somewhere with super lax laws surrounding hybrids where he can hide out and be less likely to get caught.”
“Okkaaayy so what does that mean for Yoongi?”, you asked.
“Umm well he’s still not out of the woods yet. Viper will have his guys looking all over for him. We heard they were already at the shelters on 38th and another on Rose Ave asking about him so he’s going to have to stay here a little longer.”
“Oh okay that’s fine.”, you responded almost a little too quickly for your liking.
Suddenly Namjoon turned his attention to Yoongi,” Why don’t you go upstairs and start unpacking all the stuff I brought?”
Yoongi wasn’t dumb and he knew that was code for I need to talk to Y/N in private so with an eye roll he agreed and headed upstairs.
Once you heard the door close you turned your attention back to Namjoon, “Joon I guess I’m just not understanding why this guy would go through all the trouble to find Yoongi. Couldn’t he just find another hybrid to abuse? Like why is he so set on finding Yoongi that he has guys searching all over for him?”
He took a long deep breath before continuing. His voice barely above a whisper trying to stop Yoongi’s enhanced hearing from listening in.
“Well he’s more than just a pet.”
“Ugh please don’t use that word.”, you spat in disgust.
Namjoon chuckled., “Alright well I’m sure you’ve noticed that Yoongi is particularly attractive. Like more attractive than your average hybrid or person.”
You nodded your head because of course you had. Yoongi was very handsome with his chiseled jaw and cute button nose that sat perfectly under his beautiful cat eyes. His sweet gentle nature combined with his politeness made him all that more attractive on top of it. Unfortunately you were starting to have an idea of where Namjoon was going to be taking this conversation.
He snapped his finger at you, “Reel it back in Y/N. Daydream about Yoongi another time.”
You rolled your eyes before motioning for him to continue which he did, “Well because of that there are people in this world that will pay a pretty penny to spend a night with him, for whatever reason. Some want to fulfill their sexual fantasies as I’m sure you expected, others just want to have a companion, and some want to fulfill other desires that may not be so legal being done to other humans or animals. Either way Viper just lost his biggest moneymaker who brings in a lot of repeat and new customers so he’s not going to stop until he finds him.”
You felt sick thinking about how Yoongi and all these other hybrids have been treated.
“I just need him to stay here for a while. Maybe you can help him come out of his shell a little. You know show him that not all people are bad.”
You licked your lips, “Yeah sure. Of course he can stay here.”
Namjoon smiled, “Thank you Y/N. I owe you big time.”
“Yeah you definitely do.”, you chuckled.
Namjoon went up to say bye to Yoongi before coming back down and giving you a hug, “Alright I’ll keep you updated. Let me know if you need anything.”
The following morning Yoongi’s bed was delivered and thankfully he was quite handy building the bed by himself in just a little over an hour. You tried to help, but mostly just stood off to the side handing him whatever he needed and offering words of encouragement.
After the bed was made you stood back taking a look at the room that was slowly coming together.
“Maybe we can get you a tv or something. Or a computer? Do you have any hobbies?”, you said sneaking a look at him.
He shook his head, “Y/N, you’ve already done more for me than anyone else ever has. I don’t need anything else.”
His words hit you. The thought that having a small bed and a couple hot meals was more than this poor soul had ever received combined with what Namjoon had told you earlier, it broke you.
“Enjoy your room for a while. I’ll be downstairs if you need anything.”, you said before slipping out the door so he couldn’t see your watery eyes.
You may have gone a little overboard on ordering and definitely won’t be able to afford takeout for a while, but seeing the look on Yoongi’s face as he was devouring the pizza made it worth it. Over the last few months he had started opening up to you little by little. First it was little things like his favorite color or how he has always wanted to try pizza but was never allowed. He was still pretty skittish and didn’t seem to like being touched or even really be any closer than just sharing a couch. You didn’t blame him at all. But he had become a very important part of your life in a short time.
Then last night during a particularly severe thunderstorm you heard a soft knock at your bedroom door. Cracking it open you saw him standing there squeezing one of your favorite hoodies close to his chest. You wanted to question him about how and why he had it because you’d been looking for it for weeks, but the terror in his eyes diverted your attention. A loud clap of thunder rang through the air causing him to get low to the ground in fear using his hands and your hoodie to cover his ears. Without even thinking you grabbed his wrist pulling him into your room and tucking him in your bed. You thought he would protest, but he just burrowed deeper into the covers. Once back on your side the realization hit you that you were now sharing a bed with Yoongi, which other than a few accidental brushes against each other, was the closest the two of you had ever been.
You couldn’t deny that there had been some feelings brewing over the last couple weeks. You tried really hard to pushed them as far down as possible, but they kept coming to the surface. Yoongi had been through so much and there was no way you’d ever spring that on him, not right now. Especially when you had no idea at all if he even felt somewhat similar about you.
Another clap of thunder hit and you felt him jolt next to you with fear.
“Hey it’s okay. It’s just a storm. It should be over soon.”, you’d said trying to soothe him.
“I know, I’m sorry. It just loud noises sometimes scare me. It’s dumb.”
“Its not dumb. Is there anything I can do to help?”
He stayed silent for a few moments.
“Can you just hold me?”
His request stunned you into silence.
“N-never mind. It was a dumb idea.”
Before he could scoot away any further you grabbed his hand to stop him and pulled him closer so your arms could fit over him. He buried his face in your neck and instantly you could feel some of the tension leave his body. You prayed he wouldn’t feel your heart about to beat out of your chest. You thought it would be awkward, but it actually felt quite nice and comforting. After giving him a few minutes to settle down you decided to bring up something you had been wondering about.
“Hey Yoongi?”
“Why do you have my hoodie?”
The tension retuned.
“Umm well I found it one day when I was cold so I wore it but then I realized that it made me feel better. I just started hugging it when I feel overwhelmed or anxious and you’re not here or if I didn’t want to bother you. It smells like you and it helps me relax. You can have it back though. I’m sorry I took it without asking. Please don’t be mad.”
He panicked and tried to unwrap the fabric from his body, but you stopped him, “No no it’s okay. I was just wondering. You can keep it. I have a closet full of them. And you never bother me. Ever.”
After some reassurance he happily settled back down and not long after you heard the faintest rumble come from his chest. “Yoongi are you purring?”, you asked trying to hide how happy it made you that he felt so comfortable with you.
“Shut up. Sometimes I can’t help it.”, he said embarrassed that his body had betrayed him like that. He was trying to act mad, but even in the dark you could see the faint hint of a blush on his cheeks. You just chuckled before allowing him to snuggle in a little closer.
After a while you’d thought he had fallen asleep as the purrs died down, but then he spoke, “Thank you for letting me in here. I’m sorry I woke you up for this.”
“Don’t be sorry. I am always here for you. I promise.”
He chuckled, “I really hate thunderstorms. I feel like such a little kid sometimes.”
“Is it the loud noise?”
“Kind of, but it’s more than that.”
He then went on to tell you about one of Viper’s regulars, Mrs. Cho and how she’d always book time with him during thunderstorms because her husband was a meteorologist and was usually busy during those times. Apparently she was in to pain and he tried his best to describe the things she had forced him to do before his voice started cracking and you told him he didn’t have to go any further. Talking about those moments seemed to bring back a lot of painful memories for Yoongi as he spent the rest of the night clinging to you while whimpering himself awake every so often until you could soothe him back to sleep.
That night seemed to change something between the two of you. Over the following weeks Yoongi became a lot cuddlier, often choosing to sit next to you while watching tv and getting into bed with you at night even if there wasn’t a storm outside. You both cooked meals together, his arms around you more than he actually helped cook. He’d help you in your garden since it was only in your backyard blocked off by a fence and he liked getting some fresh air. Your feelings grew deeper and deeper too, but you couldn’t ever bring yourself to say anything. It wasn’t worth the risk of ruining everything you had with him.
So that’s why you decided to splurge and surprise him today with a pizza party thanks to the bonus you got at work. You knew it wouldn’t just magically make everything better, but it also couldn’t make it worse.
He told you over and over how the pizza was the best thing he’d ever tasted and you had to keep reminding him not to overdue it so he didn’t get a tummy ache.
You were just finishing up the dishes when a knock at the door pulled your attention that way. Like usual whenever someone came over Yoongi bolted for his room to hide until he knew it was safe to come out. You were a little nervous to open the door yourself. They still hadn’t caught Viper and you hadn’t heard from Namjoon in several days which was weird and there was an incident at the grocery store last week where you swore a man was following you, but nothing ever came of it so you chalked that up to just some creep following you around.
After peaking out the window you excitedly swung the door open before jumping into the man’s arms.
Yoongi sensing that you weren’t in danger peeked around the corner and saw you hugging it out with some guy. It made his chest constrict, a feeling he didn’t like. He knew he was starting to have feelings for you, he thought he had pushed those all the way down, but apparently not. He made his way down the stairs to the two of you standing right beside you so you’d notice him which of course you did right away.
“Yoongi! I’m glad you’re here. I want to introduce you to my good friend. This is Jungkook.”
The two men nodded a greeting at each other. You missed the way Jungkook eyed Yoongi up and down. Suddenly Yoongi got a really uneasy feeling about this person. He tried pulling you into the other room, but you brushed him off. You invited them both to take a seat with you but you were a little surprised that Yoongi decided to sit right next to you almost on your lap, but still between you and Jungkook. His tail was puffed up and swinging shortly showing his agitation as he glared at you friend.
“So Kookie how have you been?”, you asked offering him a drink.
“Kookie? Why don’t I have a nickname?”, Yoongi scoffed to himself.
“Pretty good. Traveling a lot. How have you been?”, Jungkook asked.
“Good, working a lot.”
The two of you went back and forth making light conversation. Yoongi was getting more and more angry as time went on. He just did not like this Jungkook, but he couldn’t quite place why. He knew a part of it was jealousy because it was clear you and Jungkook
had some history from the stories you told and he knew you’d never be interested in him in that way as much as he was starting to want that.
After what felt like hours you finally walked Jungkook to the door with Yoongi following close behind.
“It was so nice to see you Y/N.”, he smiled.
“Yeah of course. You, me, and Namjoon will have to get together some time. Just like our old college days.”
You both chucked followed by Jungkook extending his hand out towards Yoongi. That’s when Yoongi saw it. On Jungkook’s wrist was a tattoo of a snake. Or more specifically a viper. It was a marking that all of the close associates of Viper had and THAT is why Yoongi didn’t like this guy. He was bad news.
Without thinking he lunged forward attacking Jungkook. His need to protect you overtaking his fear for a moment. You looked on in shock before realizing what happened. By that time Jungkook had already thrown a punch causing Yoongi to fall to the ground.
“Bye Y/N. See you around.”, he said before smirking at Yoongi who was still laying on the floor.
“What the hell Yoongi? Why did you do that?”, you said dropping to your knees next to him.
Softly you moved his hand seeing the welt already forming on this cheek.
“Come on. Let’s get some ice.”
Back in the kitchen and with a bag of frozen peas on his face you went back to scolding him, “You can’t just go around attacking people Yoongi. You could get in a lot of trouble. Especially as a hybrid they’ll look for any reason to deem you as a delinquent.”
Yoongi continued to stare at the floor.
“Do you have anything to say for yourself?”, you asked letting more of your annoyance show through than you had planned.
“Jungkook works for Viper.”
“No he doesn’t. He works with Namjoon for the HPA.”, you chuckled.
“Y/N, I’m serious. He has the viper tattoo. I saw it.”
You were starting to feel the frustration bubbling.
“Yoongi lots of people have Viper tattoos. It’s like a pretty common thing.”
He shook his head, “No it’s a specific tattoo that all his closest guys get. It’s like some initiation bullshit or something.” He took a breath before continuing, “They only get it after they’ve proven their loyalty by murdering a hybrid.”
“There’s no way. Jungkook would never do that. He’s always been for trying to improve hybrid rights.”, you shook your head.
Yoongi removed the bag of peas revealing the red welt, “Y/N I’ve seen that tattoo hundreds and hundreds of times. I know what I saw.”
You still didn’t want to believe him. Jungkook was one of your closest friends. You never would’ve let someone like that into your life. Unable to stop the words from spilling out of your mouth you’d told up backing away from him.
“You’re just jealous Yoongi.”
He scoffed, “Of what?”
“Because for the last couple months I’ve been devoting all my attention and energy to you until now when I showed the slightest bit of attention towards another guy so now you’re making up lies to make me hate him. You only want me for yourself.”
Now it was his turn to laugh, “For what? You’re just my temporary owner. Fuck every guy in the city. I don’t care. I’m just trying to protect myself and that means not having that guy around.”
His words stung you a little. You were starting to catch feelings, but to him you were just another human that had ownership of him as a pet, nothing more.
“You’re lying.”, you whispered.
“Y/N I’m not lying. You need to call Namjoon. Now! We’re both in danger.”
You shook your head, “I can’t believe you Yoongi. I never thought you’d become such a problem hybrid.”
You heard him audibly gasp and you instantly regretted saying it. While referring to a hybrid as a problem hybrid might not seem like much of an issue to a human, to a hybrid it was considered derogatory since they have had to fight for a long long time to prove that they too could be a productive part of society with no issues just as any human could. So calling one a problem hybrid deemed them a lost cause and basically meant they should just be locked away and remain nothing more than a pet on a leash.
“I’m sorry Yoo-.”, you tried to say reaching forward for him, but before you could finish he threw the bag down on the table and ran up to his room slamming the door behind him.
It had been a week since you last saw Yoongi. He refused to eat meals with you. He no longer sat behind you while you worked or cuddled next to you while watching tv. Your bed felt colder and lonelier too after you’d gotten used to him quietly crawling in with you in the middle of the night.
At the end of the week you decided to reach out to Namjoon to ask for advice, luckily for you he contacted you on his own through text. You figured he was probably somewhere that he couldn’t really talk out loud.
Joon: Hey how are things going? Sorry I’ve been MIA. Just a lot going on.
You: Honestly, been better.
Joon: Yeah I wanted to talk to you about that. Yoongi contacted me the other day. He said something about wanting to go to a shelter.
You felt like you were going to be sick. You had tried to apologize several times for the problem hybrid situation, but he never wanted to hear it. You had no idea that he hated you so much he’d rather risk it living in a shelter, but you also couldn’t really blame him.
You: Yeah I let my emotions get the best of me and said something that I shouldn’t have. I really don’t want him to leave, but I won’t force him to stay.
Joon: Technically since you’re not his owner you can’t force him to stay anyways. It’s just still not safe out there and if he goes to a shelter it’s only a matter of time until they find him. What set this all off? Maybe I can talk to him.
You: I don’t even know any more. Jungkook showed up and Yoongi just attacked him. Said he was working with Viper. And then we got in an argument.
You: Have you seen Jungkook recently?
Joon: No I haven’t. He suddenly quit the agency about 9 months ago and I haven’t heard from him since.
Joon: Listen Y/N, I know you and Jungkook have or had a thing, but maybe it’s best to listen to Yoongi. He’s been in Vipers world most of his life. He knows a lot and if he’s saying Jungkooks bad news then he means it.
You: I just don’t see how that is possible. He’s a good guy.
Joon: Sometimes the worst people are the best at hiding their true colors. Just stay away from him until I do some more digging. Please. For yours and Yoongi’s safety. I’m going to talk to Yoongi and try to convince him to stay with you for now. I think it’s best.
You: Alright. Keep me updated. Stay safe yourself.
Taking a deep breath to calm your nerves you knocked on Yoongi’s door with a shaky hand. Surprisingly he opened the door which you were not expecting so admittedly you were not prepared.
“Umm I just got off the phone with Namjoon. He said you wanted to go to a shelter instead. I’m not going to force you to stay.”
You handed him a couple old duffel bags you had, “So here are some bags. You’re welcome to take anything in the room. It’s all yours. Namjoon is going to look around and decide where he thinks it’ll be the safest for you to go.”
Gently he grabbed the bags from you. Just before he closed the door again you stopped him, “Oh and Yoongi, I’m really sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I didn’t mean to break my promise.”
Namjoon tried for several days to convince Yoongi to stay, but ultimately he was stubborn and had already made his decision. Namjoon had his sister pick him up early in morning a few days ago to take him to a shelter about three hours away. Namjoon wouldn’t tell you the exact location for your safety so that’s as much as you got. Now as you laid in bed trying to fall asleep while there was a raging thunderstorm going on outside you couldn’t help but worry about him. Was the storm hitting his area? How was he coping? He’d surely have a nightmare and you felt awful not being there to comfort him, but this is what he wanted even though it was all because of you.
You were just finally starting to fall asleep when a loud knock at your door woke you up. Tempted to ignore it, especially at this hour, you turned over trying to fall back asleep when you heard another knock. Then the possibilities flooded you. What if something happened to Yoongi? What if it was Yoongi?!
Jumping out of bed you sprinted down the stairs forgoing even checking who it was and swinging open the door praying to find Yoongi only to be met with the person who brought this all on.
“Hi Y/N, sorry to drop in like this again.”, Jungkook smiled.
You invited him in even though Yoongi and Namjoon’s words replayed in your head. You watched as he looked around your home before taking a seat.
“What do I owe the pleasure?”, you asked suddenly feeling uncomfortable with him here alone with you.
“Just thought I’d stop by. I was in the area again. Maybe we could go to that diner on Main. Like old times.”, he laughed.
You don’t know if it was the warnings or what, but this definitely didn’t feel like all the old times when Jungkook would show up at your door in the middle of the night wanting to go get chocolate chip pancakes while you both told corny jokes and laughed until the waitress finally had to kick you guys out. This felt darker, sinister even. Only made worse when you noticed the piece of black metal clinging to his hip that he tried to hide with his leather jacket. Jungkook had always been against violence especially anything that included weapons. You remembered when he first started training for the agency and had to learn how to assemble and use a gun. He despised it, almost quitting because of it, but he knew it was for the better of the hybrid community. If he really had quit the agency like Namjoon said then he would’ve had to turn in all of his weapons so the fact that he had one on him made your uneasiness all that more prominent.
“Yeah let me go grab my purse!”, you exclaimed trying to get away from him now realizing something was up. He grabbed your hand stopping you from going any further, “No need Y/N. I’ll pay.”
“Oh well at least let me go get dressed. I don’t want to go out looking like such a slob.”, you chuckled quickly bolting up the stairs before he could stop you again.
In your room with the door closed you frantically searched for your phone wanting to call Namjoon or the police or anyone for help.
Finding it lying on the floor you grabbed it quickly searching your contacts. In your frazzled state you failed to hear anyone creep up behind you until it was too late and you felt the cold metal against the warmth of your forehead.
A strong arm pulling you close against a body much bigger than yours.
“Y/N, put the phone down. You don’t want to do that.”, Jungkook growled in your ear.
“Why are you doing this?”, you asked slowly tossing your phone on the bed. “You were against abuse towards hybrids just like me and Namjoon. Now you work with the worst in the business?”, you questioned him.
“Look, I really don’t want to have to hurt you. I still care about you Y/N. That’s the only reason I didn’t just kill you the other night and take Yoongi then. Tell me where he is and I’ll let you go.”
You shook your head, “I don’t know. They took him this morning.”
You could hear him scoff as he pushed the tip of the gun against your forehead a little harder making you flinch in fear.
“Y/N, I won’t ask again. Where did they take Yoongi?”, he shouted.
“A shelter in North Provence. That’s all they told me.”, you spit out.
You cried tears of relief when you felt him pull the gun away before throwing you down on the ground.
“Thanks Love.”, was all he said before sprinting out of your home.
Quickly grabbing your phone you dialed Namjoon’s number.
North Provence was at least six hours away from you so double the time Namjoon had told you, hopefully buying you some time.
You called him twelve times before giving up.
You knew you had to get to Yoongi and make sure he was safe and apologize for everything. He had been right about Jungkook, but you had no idea where he was. Three hours away could be in any direction.
While getting dressed as quickly as possible you suddenly remembered that Namjoon had a cousin who ran a non-profit hybrid organization that would take in hybrids, rehab them, and then adopt them out. If you remembered correctly it was located about two hours and fifty minutes from you. You didn’t know if you were correct, but it was the only lead you had.
Making the drive there in record time you reached the shelter just as they were opening. You still hadn’t been able to contact Namjoon so you were doing this solo.
Namjoon’s cousin, Jin, greeted you at the front desk.
“Oh hey Y/N! It’s been ages. I really need to get on Joonie to start coming around more.”
You tried to smile, “I know , I know, I completely agree.”
“So what can I do for you?”
Trying to hide the shake in your voice unsure of how much Jin knows you took a deep breath, “Well I’d really like to adopt a hybrid and I knew this was the perfect place to come.”
He chuckled, “Well you certainly did come to the right place. Do you know what you’re looking for? We just got in this Labrador hybrid. His name is Hoseok or Hobi for short. He is the sweetest ray of sunshine and I think you’d love him.”
“He does sound very nice, but I was looking for more of a cat hybrid. Maybe a black cat?l
Jin looked up at the ceiling, “Hmm you know we do have a few cats. Come on back with me and see if there’s any that CATch your eye.”
He laughed hysterically at his own joke so you giggled along trying to hide the fact that you were two seconds away from vomitting.
“So right now we have four cat hybrids up for adoption. I think you’d really get along with Jimin the most. He’s not a black cat, but he’s very cuddly and playful. He’ll seriously be your best friend.”
You nodded taking a look though the glass rooms. You knew the owners of the shelters were just doing their best to find homes for the hybrids, but it felt so wrong walking through a long hallway staring into these rooms holding people for you to buy.
As mentioned Jin introduced to Jimin who immediately came walking up to the glass. Jin told you that Jimin was a Russian blue cat hybrid. He had beautiful fluffy gray hair and the prettiest greenish blue eyes. He shyly waved to you. Jin explained that Jimin had been rescued from a hybrid hording situation. He was very sweet and you had almost considered adopting him, but you had a different mission at the moment.
As much as it pained you to walk away you asked Jin to see the rest of the cat hybrids, but much to your dismay none of them were Yoongi.
“So see any that you like?”, Jin asked excitedly.
“They’re all very nice and I want them to all have good homes, but I was really looking for a black cat.”
Jin look apprehensive, “Weeeelllll we do have one black cat hybrid, but I don’t think he’s ready for adoption yet. Maybe if you’re willing to wait a couple months then you could adopt him. He’s only been here like a few days and he’s just really depressed and anxious. The thunderstorm last night really set him off.”
The more he described the hybrid the more it sounded like Yoongi.
You grabbed onto Jins arm, “Oh please let me see him! Please Jin!”
He looked at you confused by your excitement.
“I don’t know Y/N. I think a visitor would only stress him out more and I don’t want to do that.”
“Jin please. I promise I won’t even say anything to him. I just want to see him. Maybe it’ll help me decide if I’m really set on a black cat.”
“You’re lucky I love you like a sister.”, he sighed before leading you through a set of double doors.
Your heart felt like it was going to beat out of your chest.
“Just please try not to startle him. It seems like he’s been through a lot.”, he said leading you to a small room at the end of the hall.
Softly you tiptoed in front of the window. He was laying on a cot facing the wall. All you could see was black hair with two black ears poking out. That could be any cat hybrid and not necessarily Yoongi. You wanted to shout his name or beg for him to turn around. Anything to see his face.
You went to ask a question when suddenly an alarm sounded through the building.
“Sorry Y/N, I have to go check on that. I’ll be right back.”, Jin said before sprinting towards the back of the building.
You turned around prepared to gently knock on the glass now that Jin wasn’t around when you saw a familiar pair of eyes already looking back at you.
You’d found him. Quickly you began banging on the glass, “Yoongi are you okay? Yoongi please talk to me.”
Unfortunately he was uninterested in talking and turned back around to face the wall. His tail swaying lazily back and forth.
“Yoongi please! You were right about every thing. About Jungkook. He works for Viper.”
Still no reaction from him other than his tail coming to a halt .
“He showed up at my house. He held a gun to my head demanding to know where you were.”
That seemed to get his attention even more. You saw his ears swivel in your direction.
“I lied and sent him somewhere far away, but it’s only a matter of time until he figures it out. I need to get you out of here. Please Yoongi.”
You don’t know when you started crying, but you could feel the tears soaking the top of your shirt. Between the exhaustion and the stress and the fear you were reaching a breaking point.
Falling to your knees your face fell into your hands while you just sobbed. It wasn’t until you heard a tapping on the glass did you look up to see Yoongi kneeling in front of you on the other side. His palm pressed to the glass as he nodded.
Finally the alarm turned off which meant Jin could be back at any moment. You tried your best to wipe away the tears as you heard quick footsteps coming in your direction.
Thinking back to your high school drama days you you knew you were going to have to put on an act.
“I am so sorry about that Y/N. One of the staff members forgot to turn off the security alarm before going out the back door to receive a shipment. Have you given it anymore tho-, why are you crying?”, Jin said coming to an abrupt stop next to you.
You chuckled, “Sorry. You know me and how I get so emotional sometimes. Yoongi was just telling me about his past and I just feel so terrible about what he went through.”
Jin looked at you skeptically. Yoongi hadn’t spoken a word to anyone but he just told you his entire life story?
“Jin, I want to adopt him. Please.”
He looked between you and Yoongi. “No I don’t think that’s a good idea”., he shook his head.
“Jin, what’s the motto of this organization?”
“Everyone deserves a chance.”, he sighed.
“Sooo give me and Yoongi a chance.”
He looked over at Yoongi who gave him a nod.
Jin ran his fingers through his hair, “Alright, but don’t make me regret this. Either of you!”
Jin pulled you into a back room to fill out some paperwork. Thankfully he gave you the family and friends discount so you were able to afford the adoption fee.
As you were standing near the exit waiting for Jin to return with Yoongi you couldn’t help but feel the fear building now that you had found him. You tried calling Namjoon a couple more times, but without luck.
When Jin finally appeared with Yoongi following behind he handed you some more paperwork along with the bags that Yoongi had taken from your place.
You both ran off to your car and you didn’t waste any time to begin driving wanting to get away from the shelter just in case.
Yoongi had been silent this whole time until you heard his stomach grumble. You made sure to drive out a little further before stopping at a restaurant to grab something to eat.
After taking a sip of his milk he looked you up and down, “So what do we do now Y/N?”
“Well” you said finishing up the bite of your omelette. “To be honest I don’t know. I didn’t think I’d actually find you and if I did I didn’t think you’d leave with me. I’ve been calling Namjoon repeatedly, but he’s not answering. I don’t know who else we can trust.”
The table fell silent again as you both ate.
While Yoongi was staring out the window you took the opportunity to really look at him. He was noticeably thinner than you remembered. Dark circles surrounded his eyes. His lips extra chapped from licking them, a nervous habit of his you learned. His head hung lower than ever. You wanted to engulf him in a hug and tell him everything was going to be okay, but you knew you’d lost that right so you decided on an apology instead.
“Hey Yoongi.”, you’d said pulling his attention back to you.
“I, I just wanted to say I’m sorry for that night that Jungkook came over. I should’ve listened to you. I just didn’t want to believe that someone I had been so close to would have become such a terrible person. And I’m especially sorry for what I said. You’re not a problem hybrid. You’re the opposite actually.”
Unable to take his glare anymore you turned your attention back to your coffee.
He cleared his throat, “Im sorry for what I said too. I guess I just got a little jealous seeing how close you were with him. And then when I realized who he was I wanted to protect you and I was getting stressed out that you weren’t letting me.”
A silence fell over the table again except for you thanking your waiter for refilling your coffee.
“And uh thank you for coming for me. To be honest, I regretted leaving as soon as I got in the car.”, Yoongi whispered while staring into his pancakes. You gave him a smile before finishing up your meal.
“Well I have no idea what to do now. We can’t go to my place. Namjoon isn’t answering. I can’t really afford a hotel for more than a couple night.”
Yoongi took a final sip of his drink, “I might know someone we can trust. Can I borrow your phone?”
You were unsure, but you learned your lesson for not trusting him the first time so you handed it over and watched as he walked over to the entrance. After paying the bill you gathered your things and met him by the car.
“I have somehwere we can go. Just get on the highway and I’ll give you the directions.”
You did as he said ending up driving about two hours south before pulling up to a large farmhouse in the middle of nowhere. A perfect spot for a murder to go unsolved you thought. A man sitting on the porch swing sipping away on an iced tea got up ready to greet you.
Yoongi sensing your anxiousness reached over placing his hand on your knee, “We can trust him. I promise.”
You nodded still unsure but got out of the car following after him.
The man walked over and embraced Yoongi in a hug.
“Hello Taehyung. Thank you for taking us in.”, he said pulling away.
“Of course. You know you’re always welcome here.”, the man spoke in a very deep tone.
The two of them spoke in whispers giving you the chance to really look this Taehyung over. He had beautifully fluffy golden blond hair with deep amber eyes. Then you noticed two tiny little ears poking out of the locks and a long thin tail slowly swaying behind him. It appeared that he was a lion hybrid, which was extremely rare. Exotic hybrids were hard to come by, especially living out on their own in the countryside.
You were woken out of your thought when you felt a pair of arms wrap around you., “Ahh and this must be your friend you were telling me about. You’re right hyung, she is very beautiful.” You stifled a chuckle, but heard a very embarrassed Yoongi mumble something about needing to learn to keep his mouth shut before turning a bright shade of red.
Taehyung opened the door motioned for you two to follow him, “Come on in. I’ll show you to your rooms.”
You both followed him up the stairs and down a very long hallway. Taehyung was very friendly, but definitely a talker you learned. You felt like you were on museum tour the way he described each piece of artwork or architecture.
“I didn’t know if you two were going to be sleeping separately or together but just in case I have both options ready for you.”, he said opening two different bedroom doors.
You and Yoongi looked at each other awkwardly causing the lion hybrid to chuckled, “Well you two can figure it out together. I’ll let you get some rest and come get you when dinner is ready.”
You both agreed that it would be best to sleep in the same room, for safety reasons of course and not because there was definitely something still brewing between the two of you.
“So how do you know Taehyung?”, you asked trying to break the silence.
Yoongi sat down on the bed, “Well uh he actually used to also be owned by Viper and we were pretty close back then. Since he’s younger I always tried to protect him as much as I could. He managed to escape a few years ago though. We kept in touch the best we could. He always tried to get me to escape too, but I was just too afraid.”
“So what do we do now?”, you asked.
“I don’t really know. The easy answer is hideout and hope they’re able to arrest Viper before they find us. But I have a feeling it won’t be that simple.”
You chuckled, “Yeah me too.”
Taehyung called you both down for dinner. He greeted you in the kitchen with two glasses of wine.
At the stove stirring a pot was a beautiful woman. She didn’t appear to be any part hybrid, but fully a human like yourself. She greeted you with a smile, “Oh hi! You must be Y/N, Yoongi’s girlfriend.” The sip of wine went down wrong causing you to choke at her words. Yoongi threw Taehyung a glare causing him to put his hands up in defense.
The woman chuckled, “Sorry about that. My name is Lilly. I’m Taehyung’s wife.”
“Oh nice to meet you.”, you smiled.
She turned back to the stove playfully swatting Taehyung’s hand away from the bacon wrapped asparagus that were set out on a platter before he apologized with a kiss.
They looked really in love and after everything had happened it made your heart bubble with happiness to see it. It was not illegal for a human and a hybrid to get married, but it was extremely frowned upon by both the government and citizens alike forcing most hybrids and humans to never cross that line. You had never seen an issue with it and seeing a couple so happy made you really glad they had that option.
“Alright, let’s sit for dinner.”, Taehyung exclaimed clapping his hands together. Throughout the dinner Yoongi and Taehyung caught up and told stories. You and Lilly got to know each other. You had just finished up the last of the dishes when Taehyung invited everyone out to the back patio for a couple drinks.
“Soooo what are your next steps?”, he asked.
You had such a nice evening that you had honestly forgotten all about the whole reason you were there to begin with.
He continued, “You know Viper is going to have guys looking all over for you. Hell he’s probably still got them looking for me too.”
You hadn’t realized just how much Taehyung was also risking by having you guys there. He could be caught and imprisoned again.
Yoongi cleared his throat, “We’re not sure. Hopefully we can hide out here for a few days and then figure something out. Maybe finally get in contact with Namjoon.”
You nodded along in agreement.
“Well you’re both welcome to stay here as long as you need. We’ll help in any way we can.”, Lilly spoke up.
The next few days you and Yoongi spent a lot of time together trying to help out around the farm as much as possible.
Lilly and Taehyung had made a trip into town to get some supplies leaving just the two of you alone.
You were sitting on the couch cuddled liked you used to. Your back leaning against his chest. His arm lazily around your shoulder while his tail tickled your sides.
You were so engrossed in the movie that you hadn’t noticed Yoongi’s fingers lightly running up and down the exposed skin of your thigh until you noticed the goosebumps he was leaving behind. Slowly he seemed to be testing his limits by going higher and higher.
After a couple minutes of this you looked back at him catching his attention.
“What?”, he chuckled.
“Nothing.” Just as you’d figured he didn’t even realize he was doing it and there was no meaning behind his actions.
Then at some point his light touches turned into desperation. You don’t know how one thing lead to another, but somehow you ended up back in your room. Clothes discarded all over until you were left in nothing but your underwear. Yoongi fell back onto the bed pulling you on top of him. You happily obliged moving to straddle him making it more comfortable for you both. Hungrily you searched for his mouth wanting more. You ground down on him eliciting a moan that only encouraged you more. He helped push you down onto him again this time guiding you to hit just the right spots. You felt his soft tail wrap around your waist giving just a little extra bit of force. Between kisses and filthy words the cloth between the two of you became too much of a barrier to take any more. Without thinking you hooked your finger under the waistband of his boxers ready to release him when suddenly something snapped in Yoongi.
He wasn’t in bed about to make love to you, a woman that he cared deeply for, some might even say love. Instead he was back in one of Vipers “play” rooms. Loud music blaring, some person he didn’t know who had paid a handsome amount of money to have their way with him was grabbing him without his consent.
“Stop! Don’t touch me.”, he shouted making you recoil back like he had burned you. Maybe you had misread the situation after all.
“Yoongi what happened?”, you asked concerned. Instead of responding he fled back. Burying himself under the covers. You could hear the sobs come from beneath.
Quickly you threw on a shirt, yours or his it didn’t matter and gently made your way next to him careful not to touch him.
“Yoongi, it’s Y/N. No one is going to hurt you. I promise. You are just here with me. We’re at Taehyung’s. Remember?”
After a few minutes and a couple more affirmations his breathing started to slow and he peaked out from underneath the covers.
You smiled, “Hey are you okay? Can I get you anything? Maybe some water?”
He shook his head but you felt his fingers come rest against your hand before he intertwined them with your own trying to ground himself and bring him back to reality.
You gave him time to calm down. You didn’t dare move or speak for fear of setting him off.
“I’m sorry.”, he whispered after several minutes.
Lightly you giggled, “What are you sorry about silly? You have nothing to apologize for.”
“I ruined the moment. You probably think I’m some kind weirdo.”
You shook your head, “That couldn’t be farther from the truth. I’m sorry that I didn’t check with you more. I should’ve been more careful.”
He pulled your hand closer to him so he could snuggle in your lap and you ran your fingers through his hair.
“I, I would like to try again one day. If that’s okay with you.”, he mumbled into your skin. The vibrations making you chuckle.
“Of course. Whenever you’re ready we can try again.”
You woke up the next morning to loud pounding on the door. Forgetting where you were more a minute you ignored it until you heard Taehyung’s voice. Jumping out of bed you were thankful you had both managed to get some clothes on after last night when you swung open the door. A very disheveled looking Taehyung greeted you.
“We need to get out of here.”, he exclaimed.
You looked back at him in confusion thankful that Yoongi had finally joined you.
He continued, “I just got a call from one of my friends in town. They saw Viper and a couple of his crew walking around. He’s onto us and it’s only a matter of time until they’re here. Grab what you can and meet me in the garage. We’ll take my truck.” Lilly came running up m to him ready to go but he shook his head, “It’s way too dangerous. Go up in the attic and lock the door. Use all of the locks. Stay quiet and don’t answer the door for anyone other than me. Just like we practiced. Okay?” She nodded and gave him a kiss before running up to the attic as instructed.
Meanwhile you and Yoongi grabbed your belongings which thankfully wasn’t much and made your way out to the garage where Taehyung was already waiting. You were barely in the truck before he sped off leaving the farmhouse behind.
“Fuck, where are we gonna go?”, Yoongi asked running a hand through his hair.
“How did they even find us so fast?”, you asked.
Taehyung shrugged his shoulders, “I have no idea. Viper runs a very large operation. He probably has guys stationed in every city.”
Taehyung drove for hours only stopping for a bathroom break and to get some gas.
“What are we going to do? We can’t just drive around forever?”, you asked once back in the truck.
“A buddy of mine lives a little west of here. He’s an ex HPA officer. Maybe he can help us out.”, Taehyung said turning to Yoongi for assurance.
You were half way to your destination when your phone rang. The screen illuminated with Namjoon’s picture. You’ve never accepted a call so fast.
“Hi Y/N, I’m so sorry I haven’t be reachable. Some crazy shit has gone down.”
“Yeah you’re telling me.”
“Where are you?”, he asked.
“I have no idea. We’re with one of Yoongi’s friends. He was right about Jungkook. He works for Viper now.”
“I know. It’s unfortunate. Y/N, I’m going to send you my location. You guys can meet me here. I can get you somewhere safe.”
“Okay Joon. We’ll see you soon.”
As promised you received his location not long after. Taehyung punched it into his gps and made a uturn.
“Are you sure we can trust this guy?”, he asked feeling a little uneasy. You didn’t blame him after everything he’s been through.
“Yeah. I’ve known him since we were kids. He works for the HPA. He’s the one that initially brought Yoongi to me.” Yoongi nodded in agreement.
After an hour drive the truck pulled up to an abandoned looking warehouse close to the main river.
“Are you sure this is the location?”, Yoongi asked looking around and you quickly showed him your phone to verify.
You dialed Namjoon’s number surprised that he quickly answered.
“Hey are you sure that locatjon was correct? It’s like a creepy looking factory or something?”, you asked.
He chuckled, “Yeah yeah I know it looks rough but I’m inside. We’ve got a little operation running.”
Hanging up the three of you exited the truck and started walking towards the open door. Taehyung lead the way with Yoongi following close behind. He pulled you against him needing to know that you were safe there with him.
Inside the warehouse you didn’t see a whole HPA operation set up like you had imagined. Instead you found Namjoon tied to a chair with several men surrounding him all pointing their guns at the three of you.
You noticed that each man had the same viper tattoo that Jungkook had. Namjoon looked at you apologetically. His eye was bruised and his lip had clearly been spilt open.
“I’m so sorry Y/N. I’m sorry I brought you into this mess.”, he cried.
Instinctively you went to run to him but Yoongi stopped you. Pulling you close against him again. You wanted to protest, but were cut off by a high pitched laugh.
A strange man came walking in directly towards Yoongi positioning himself at eyelevel. “Well well well, you didn’t really think you could hide from me did you Kitty?”, he spoke running his finger delicately along Yoongi’s cheek.
You noticed the large Viper tattoo front and center on his chest. It didn’t take much to figure out that you were looking directly Viper himself.
Then as if you called him by thinking of him he set his sights on you hiding behind Yoongi.
“Ohhhh I see you’ve got yourself a little girlfriend. How adorable.”, he laughed.
“Don’t touch her.”, Yoongi spat.
“Please, I don’t want anything to do with your whore. The hybrid fucker can get lost for all I care.”
Viper walked closer to Yoongi until he was a mere inch from his face, “You know you’ve cost me a lot of money and time over the last few months. You’re going to have to make this all up to me.”
“Fine, just let Y/N go free.”, Yoongi said.
“No Yoongi, you can’t do that.”, you cried reaching for him, but Viper snapped his fingers and two of his men came over dragging you away. You tried your best to fight free, but they overpowered you.
As you were being pulled away you saw Viper kick his foot into Yoongi’s stomach dropping him to his knees in pain.
Something off to the side took his attention away from Yoongi though and you saw his face light up into a disgusting grin, “Tae is that you? I thought I lost you forever. This day just keeps getting better.”
Taehyung let out what could only be described as low roar making you jump in surprise forgetting for a moment that he was half lion.
“Stand down you overgrown house cat.”, Viper scoffed.
“Leave him alone. You have me now. Just like you wanted.”, Yoongi shouted.
You watched as Viper strolled over back Yoongi before backhanding him so hard causing Yoongi to fall over.
You screamed out his name, tears streaming down your face at the abuse he was receiving.
Viper rolled his eyes annoyed at the scene you were causing. He pointed to one of his men that currently had a death grip on your arm, “Finish her.”
Once again you felt the familiar cold metal against your skin.
“Noooo, don’t fucking touch her.”, Yoongi cried using what little strength he had left to try and break free.
Viper sadistically smiled seeing this all unfold., “Do it. Make sure Yoongi see it happen. It’ll be the first step in his punishment.”
You looked at Yoongi. His eyes were bloodshot and he was out of breath. A bruise on his cheek already forming. You mustered whatever you could manage to give him a small smile before closing your eyes. You could hear Yoongi’s pleas and cries. You wondered if you’d feel pain. You wondered if it would be instant.
Everything went silent. Then you heard the familiar sound of a gunshot so you braced. But you never felt pain. You never felt the impact. You thought maybe it really had been instant.
Then you heard doors slamming open and lots of shouting.
“HPA! Put your hands in the air before someone else gets shot.”
You opened your eyes to find dozens and dozens of HPA officers swarming the warehouse. The man who had held a gun to you earlier was facedown on the ground next to you, blood pooling around him.
Three HPA officers slowly walked towards Viper with guns drawn while a forth placed him in cuffs. The rest of Vipers men were quickly placed in cuffs too.
As soon as an officer grabbed the other guy who was holding on to you, you immediately ran to Yoongi engulfing him in a hug and sobbing into his chest.
“This isn’t over. You will pay for all of this. All of you.”, Viper spat at you as he was being dragged away.
“Are you okay? We need to get you to a hospital.”, you turned to Yoongi checking him over.
“No no I’m okay. I’m more worried about you.”, he said squeezing you a little tighter.
“We have a medic outside. They can check you both over.”, a familiar voice stated next to you.”
“Oh my god Namjoon! Are you okay?”, you exclaimed running into his arms.
“Yeah yeah. I’m fine.”, he smiled. “Just some good special fx makeup and terrible acting. Let’s go outside.”
Once in the fresh air you saw a face you never wanted to see again standing next to the ambulance. He gave you a nervous smile.
“What the fuck Jeon Jungkook?”, you shouted as he walked closer.
“Y/N, let me expla-“
He couldn’t finish the statement before your hand connected with his cheek.
“No Fuck you Jungkook. You held a gun to my head. You threatened me. You work for Viper and now you just want to stand here like nothing happened. Why aren’t you in handcuffs?”
Namjoon came in between you two, “Everyone just calm down. We have a command center set up next door. Let go over there, get some water, and cool down a little.”
You were in disbelief that Namjoon was taking his side. You looked at Yoongi for guidance and he nodded his head before reaching for your hand to follow after the two men.
Once in the command center and with a cold bottle of water in your hands you glared and Jungkook still not trusting him.
“How are you feeling Y/N? Can I get you something to eat?”, he spoke.
“Cut the bullshit Jungkook. What’s going on?”, you spat back at him.
“Firstly I want to apologize. That night at your place was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do.”
You scoffed, “I didn’t ask for an apology. I want an explanation about why it happened to begin with.”
He took a deep breath before beginning, “The agency has really been putting a lot of effort into catching Viper. One of the ideas was to have someone infiltrate his group. Since I did mostly office work and was unknown amongst his men it was decided that it would be me. So about a year ago I started working on that. I pretended to quit the agency. The only people that knew about the whole plan at the time were Namjoon and the head of the HPA.”
“Wait, but you have the snake tattoo. Didn’t you have to kill a hybrid to get that?”
Namjoon stepped in, “It was all a setup. A retired officer who happened to be a hybrid somehow found out about everything. He was also in the final stages of cancer and volunteered his body. He wanted to make sure Viper was taken down for the safety of all hybrids.”
You shook your head in disbelief.
Jungkook cleared his throat and continued, “Viper got word that Namjoon had taken Yoongi to one of his friends. For some reason I had a feeling it was you. So I came over that first night to see if Yoongi was there and of course I verified he was. Two of Vipers guys were with me or I would’ve warned you that night.”
You could feel Yoongi’s tail swinging agitatedly next to you. A low growl rumbled in his chest, “So you purposely brought Vipers men to her house? They could’ve killed her!”
Jungkook scoffed, “I would’ve never let them hurt her. I had to keep the act up or they would’ve got suspicious about why I was there.”
The growl from Yoongi got a little louder so you rested your hand on his thigh to try and sooth him not wanting a repeat of that first meeting. Slowly you could feel him settle down even though his tail said otherwise.
Jungkook continued, “When I came back the second time I was planning on getting you both to a hideout for a while, but then Yoongi wasn’t there. I thought I was alone when I arrived, but once I got inside I realized that I had been followed so I had to act like I was there to get Yoongi.”
“Soooo you threatened to kill me to save your own ass?”, you questioned.
“No no no I was never going to hurt you. The gun wasn’t even loaded. I swear. I just needed to make it believable so that none of us would get hurt.”
“So then how did we end up here? How did you know where Yoongi and I would be?”
Jungkook continued, “Well that first time I was at your house and I punched Yoongi, sorry about that by the way.”
Yoongi rolled his eyes not wanting to accept the apology.
Jungkook continued, “I might have stuck a small tracker in your purse while you were distracted by taking care of Yoongi.”
After noticing your anger rising Namjoon took over, “When we saw that you went to Jin’s shelter we knew that you had found Yoongi. Jin confirmed you had adopted him. Then we tracked you to Taehyung’s address. We got his contact info and then told him everything that was going on. He agreed to play along and help us out by getting you guys to come here. Then we had Jungkook call Viper and tell him we had a tracker with Yoongi so that he’d come here too.”
“Wow unbelievable. Everyone in my life is a lier apparently.”, you shook your head.
“Y/N, I’m sorry we lied. We had to do what we needed to do so we could catch Viper. But I promise you were never in any real danger. We constantly had surveillance on you and if anything had ever happened we would’ve had officers there immediately.”, Namjoon said.
“I hope you can forgive me. I’m really sorry this had to happen this way.”, Jungkook spoke standing up ready to leave.
“I-I don’t know. Thank you for catching him, but I thing I need some time.”
He nodded in understanding and followed another officer out of the room.
Speechless you sat back taking in his words.
“So what happens now?”, Yoongi asked next to you.
“Well we have enough evidence to hopefully put Viper away for the rest of his life and we’ll continue to take down any of his operations that are still standing.”, Namjoon responded.
“Okay and what about me?”, Yoongi asked.
“Oh well you have a few options. We can take you directly to a shelter now that it’ll be safer. Or since you are technically considered a rescued hybrid you do qualify for fostering for a while to help you reacclamate back into society.”
Yoongi was silent but you could see him nod his head out of the corner of your eye. His ears twitched in your direction searching for any kind of sound from you.
The realization hit you. Unfortunately the way the laws were setup a hybrid could only live longterm with their legal owner and since you were not his owner that it meant he could no longer stay with you. Your whole life you had been vehemently against hybrid ownership, but the thought of never seeing Yoongi again made your chest ache.
“Ooorrrr if there’s someone who happened to already want to adopt you then we can work that out immediately.”, Namjoon spoke providing you the option to step in.
Biting your lip you nervously looked around. If you were to adopt Yoongi that would go against everything you ever believed and you’d only be helping the need to continuously adopt out hybrids. But then again you did care about Yoongi like you never thought possible.
“You promised.”, Yoongi whispered next to you, he voice slightly cracking.
Staring at the ground because you didn’t have the courage to look him in the eyes you could sense his steps walking closer to Namjoon.
“I can go to a shelter. That’s fine.”, Yoongi suddenly spoke.
Surprised, Namjoon put on his best fake smile, “Sure thing. Let’s get you over there so you can get settled in then.”
Yoongi glanced at you before following quickly after Namjoon. You felt the familiar burning sensation of tears beginning to form.
“Hey, would you like to come stay back at my place. You can go back home in the morning.”,
Taehyung asked next to you.
Nodding your head you stood up and followed him out to his truck. Once back at his place Lilly ran out greeting you both with hugs. Taehyung went to take a shower while you followed Lilly into the kitchen. She offered you some tea as you sat down across from her.
“You love him don’t you?”, she asked smiling behind her teacup.
“Yoongi. I saw the way you were looking at him.”, she chuckled.
“I-I don’t know. I do care about him a lot.”
“So go get him. Bring him home with you tomorrow. That’s where you both want him to be.”
You shook your head, “No I don’t believe in hybrid ownership. It’s immoral and wrong.”
“Look Y/N, If you don’t adopt him then someone else surely will. You’re not doing him any favors. But I know how you feel. I used to have that same way of thinking. Then I met Tae. I didnt want to adopt him. I mean he was my boyfriend, but then we talked about it. What would happen if someone asked to see papers? Or godforbid he ended up in the hospital and I couldn’t prove anything. They’d take him away and I’d never see him again. At the end of the day it’s just a piece of paper. Nothing has to change between you and Yoongi.”
“I just…I don’t know. Of course I want Yoongi to live with me. I don’t want him to think of me as his owner though. I’m pretty sure I’ve got some feelings for him but what if he doesn’t feel the same?”
“Have you sat down and talked to him about it?”
You shook your head.
“Well that’s where you start. Then you make a decision from there. He seems like a smart guy. I bet he already knows what he wants.”
You took another sip of your tea before looking over at Lilly who was softly twisting her wedding raging.
“Did you ever worry about starting a relationship with Taehyung? Like how people would react?”
She laughed, “Oh yes of course! We both had our doubts when we first started dating. And I can still hear the whispers and see the fingers pointing whenever we go into town but we don’t care any more. We love each other and that’s all that matters. The only way to combat the discrimination is to prove to others that their hate can’t ruin you.”
Her words replayed in your head as you tossed and turned in bed trying to get some sleep. You wondered what Yoongi was up to. Was he sleeping well? Did they give him a nice meal? Had he thought about you at all?
After very little sleep you heard Taehyung and Lilly working in the kitchen. Quickly you packed what few belongings you had and headed downstairs. They greeted you with smiles and offered some breakfast. After you ate you thanked them for everything they had done for you and promised to keep in touch.
Taehyung helped you load your stuff into your car before walking back over to the drivers side where you were waiting.
“Alright you’re all packed up. Let me know when you get home safely.”
For some reason you couldn’t bring yourself to get in the car.
“Did you need anything else Y/N? I can get you some gas if you needed it.”
You shook your head before taking a deep breath., “So, umm… do you know where they took Yoongi last night?”
He flashed you the biggest boxy smiled you’d ever seen, “I was starting to get worried you’d never ask.”
After he punched in the address into your gps you began the drive there, quickly realizing you were on your way to Jins. Of course.
You sat in the parking lot for quite some time trying to work up the courage to go inside. You weighed the pros and cons of every possible scenario. As you sat there you saw Jimin, the Russian blue hybrid, happily running along with the young family who you were assuming had just adopted him. He smiled with pride as the families little girl clung onto him as they all loaded into their vehicle. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad after all. That was the final push you needed to walk inside the shelter greeted by Jin immediately.
“Y/N I was wondering when you’d show up. I bet Namjoon $20 you’d be here before noon so looks like he’ll have to pay up next time I see him.”
You rolled your eyes, “So I’m guessing you know why I’m here then?”
“Yep, already have the paperwork filled out. Just need a few signatures.”, he said placing the forms in front of you.
“Can I see him first? I want to make sure he’s okay with all of this.”
Jin sighed but of course he brought you back down the hall to the same room he was in last time.
“Yoongi you have a visitor.”, Jin said punching in the lock code.
“I told you I don’t want to see anyone.”, he responded. The hoarseness in his voice broke your heart. He had clearly been crying for quite a while.
“Come on now. You can’t sit in the corner and sulk all day.”
“Jin please just leave me alone. I told you I don’t want to be adopted by anyone but Y/N.”
That little confirmation gave you the confidence you needed to step forward, “Well then let’s go sign some paperwork so we can go home.”
Yoongi spun around so fast he got disoriented tripping over his own feet. You giggled as you tried to help him back up.
“Y/N you really came back for me?”
“Of course I did. I promised didn’t I?”
“I thought you were against adoptions so I didn’t think I’d ever see you again.”, he whispered.
You noticed he was wearing your hoodie. A small detail that made you smile.
“I think I can make an exception. As long as that’s what you want of course. And we agree to be equals.”
He didn’t even have to answer. When he walked over and wrapped his arms around you placing a soft kiss to your cheek, that was all the confirmation you needed.
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hello! <3 i saw that requests are open!
could i ask for headcanons on how jade, malleus, leona and ruggie would react/comfort their s/o when they either slowly come to the realisation or straight up get told that there's no way for them to return to their homeworld? maybe also how they adjust living in this world even past graduating nrc!
i hope that's okay, take your time and thank you so much 💗
Jade Leech:
Jade is quietly pleased that you’ll be staying here in NRC, even if you’re coping horribly with the news of never getting to see your home world again. He supposed he could empathize with the fact you could never go home as if he was told he could never return to the sea, he didn’t think he’d cope well, nor would he be happy about permanently being separated from Floyd. He does offer genuine condolences but promises to not give you a moment to overthink what could’ve been, as there was plenty to do in this world (and almost inadvertently promises to remain by your side for as long as you’ll have him).
Leona Kingscholar:
Leona had contemplated how to approach the conversation long before it had ever been confirmed; he was the type to look ahead and while he couldn't predict the future, he knew there was always a chance of failure. He’s not the type to coddle but even he has tact, telling you to take the time to feel sorry for yourself. Once you’re done, he’s willing to offer you his advice, and a place to call home until you’ve figured it out.
Malleus Draconia:
Malleus feels two conflicting emotions: guilt and relief, both stemming from the fact you would be in Twisted Wonderland to stay. He was ready to pick up all the shattered pieces of you, to take the brunt of your rage and grief, to show you the many possibilities that exist in this world for you. He couldn't completely imagine the grief you had but he wants you to know he can be your home now, providing you with both a home and security.
Ruggie Bucchi:
Ruggie’s not bad at showing he cares, and your friendship made it so this was something he cared about, but he didn’t know how to comfort you. He supposed it wouldn’t be hard if he just imagined never getting to return to his hometown with people who are waiting for him, but he didn’t really want to think about that. He could offer you a sense of community, his loved ones would be more than happy to meet you and keep you busy, but he didn’t know if bringing that up so close to the bad news is really something he should do. He tried to be considerate of the pain you were feeling, offering you his services free of charge until you started feeling like yourself again.
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blackhairedjjun · 1 month
staying afloat - k.th
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pairing: kang taehyun x gn reader | genre / tropes: angst, argument -> makeup, implied friends to lovers, office worker!taehyun, the subtlest of love confessions | word count: 899 | warnings: burnout and exhaustion from overwork
part of my 300 followers event (event masterlist)
prompt - HEAT: while engaged in a passionate argument with one another, sender, in the heat of the moment, blurts out “i love you!” to the receiver. think of like, that glorious trope where people have a huge argument and then suddenly sb drops the mic with “because i’m in love with you!” and silences the other person. u know the trope! (requested by anon)
author's notes: HI ANON im sorry this took sooooo long. as i said, this was hard for me to write bc i already did the heat prompt twice before and i didn't want to be too repetitive with the arguments... the argument here is a bit calmer and more one-sided on yn's part but i hope it still works!
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“you are running yourself into the ground, taehyun!” you grab his shoulders and give him a little shake. taehyun watches you closely, and you can see the darkening circles under his eyes. 
he’s still standing before the threshold of your home, right in front of the door. with just one step he could walk in if you weren’t blocking his way. outside, the night air is so cold that you shivered instantly upon opening the door for him. the sky is dark, with neither moon nor stars, and the only light comes from the fluorescent bulb at the doorway.
“y/n, you’re up working too,” he says. his voice is steady but firm. “you can’t tell me what not to do when you’re also working like this.”
“i’m doing overtime for just one night, for god’s sake. but you 一 you’ve been so busy and tired for what, two weeks? you forget to answer my texts. forget!” you throw your hands up. “and you’ve never forgotten before, not in all the years that i’ve known you.”
taehyun stuffs his hands into his pockets and his gaze flickers away from yours for a second before it returns. though he tries to stand his ground, you notice the soft look in his eyes, laying bare the tiredness and worries weighing down on him.
“well, i’m here now. why won’t you let me make it up to you?”
“because it’s one in the morning and you’ve been staying up late for overtime and extra projects for what, two weeks now? you go home late and you wake up early, your boss dumps all this work on you, and you barely get any time off!” you take a step closer, now fully exiting the warmth of your home, to stand so close to him. “please, taehyun. it’s not that i don’t want to see you, but you’re so, so tired. i can see it in your face.”
you reach out to touch his face, but his expression goes taut and your hand hovers just inches away. he turns away from you before you can scan his eyes for the tired look you saw; a cold breeze blows by, causing both of you to shiver and pushing the bangs away from taehyun’s forehead.
he looks... sadder than what you remember. you remember how easily his face would light up before he took on his new position at his job; he would smile at the smallest of your remarks, his big eyes sparkling like jewels. you thought of the steady stream of texts from him day after day, reminding you to eat or commenting on a silly photo you took, and how that stream soon turned into a trickle. the memories make your body feel heavy.
taehyun says nothing for a few moments and just lets out a sigh. when he looks back at you there’s a pained look that wasn’t there before, and you feel an ache in your chest at the sight.
 “y/n, i... i don’t want you to worry about me like this. i can’t... i can take care of myself. please, please just trust me. i hate watching you worry like this.”
“oh, you hate watching me worry?” your tone rises before you even realize it. “and i hate watching you turn into this! you’re exhausted, taehyun. you’re not yourself anymore. i can’t even remember the last time i saw you smile! do you know how much it hurts to see the person you love lose himself like this?”
you tremble in your spot and your words start to trip over themselves. your emotions pile onto each other, keeping you from speaking straight: some anger, yes, but mostly disappointment, worry, loneliness, fear. “i ha一 i hate seeing you like this, taehyunie. i can’t一 i can’t watch一 i love you too much to see this一”
taehyun cuts you off to pull you into a hug. he holds onto you so tightly, as if trying to wrestle you away from the emotions gripping you. one of his hands makes his way through your hair. angry tears prick at your eyes but you relax in his hold, finally letting out a sob.
“i’m sorry,” he says, his hand combing through your hair then rubbing your back. “i know you’re just looking out for me... and you’re right. i am exhausted...”
something shifts and now you feel his full weight on you. now you’re the one holding him, his head moving to rest in the crook of your neck, his shoulders fully slumped. the weeks of exhaustion have finally caught up to him, and you wrap your arms around his waist to prop him up.
“i’m sorry, y/n,” he repeats. “for not... listening to you... for forgetting...”
your hold on him tightens and tears stream down your face, but you manage to speak. “i just don’t want you to hurt yourself...”
neither of you say anything more. taehyun doesn’t let go of you and sinks fully into your touch; despite the chill night air, he’s still warm in your arms. you let your tears fall freely as you keep a firm hold on the friend you love, as if letting go of him means he will sink and drown.
the night is so quiet that the murmur he lets out against your neck still comes out loud and clear.
“i love you too.”
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atinyniki · 7 months
instant ramen
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group: stray kids !
pairing: idol!lee felix x f!reader
genre: angst with a happy ending
warnings + additional info: reader is referred to as y/n, established relationships, mentions of periods and hormonal imbalances, felix is a little mean, felix is referred to as lix, lixie, and felix.
authors note: i was bored and made a short little felix drabble ! this is also not proofread, i just had a thought and felt like posting it. english is not my first language, so please excuse any grammatical or spelling errors. happy reading :)
wc: 1483
(pt. 2) || (pt. 3)
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it’s not everyday that felix comes home in a bad mood. he’s had just about the worst day at practice today. he couldn’t seem to be getting anything right, and often found himself zoning out and getting off track. 
you’ve had a long day too. you couldn’t seem to get out of bed this morning, and woke up in the late hours of the afternoon. your entire house was a mess, and you didn’t have the energy to clean it up. to make matters worse, your period is late and it’s left you grumpy the entire week.
it’s now almost midnight, and you’re sprawled out on the couch comfortably, watching some tv. you have felix’s fuzzy blanket over you, one you both always use when watching shows together. 
suddenly, you hear the familiar sound of the keys jingling at the door. the door flies open, and behind it, you see a tired felix, dark green hoodie shrouding his face. 
you slowly get up from the couch and turn off the tv, careful not to trip over anything while you make your way to the door. 
“why are you up so late y/n?”, his voice was low, tired, but he managed to muster a small smile.
“it’s not that late, i just wanted to wait for you.”
he slowly walked into the home, setting his bag down at the door. he made his way to the kitchen, grabbing some water to drink, when his eyes quickly dart to the dishes.
felix likes having the house clean. after living in a dorm with chaotic men who didn’t know how to clean up after themselves, it got pretty sickening. normally the house would be clean, but felix has been out recently due to his new comeback, and you’ve been busy with work. neither of you had the time to do simple tasks anymore.
seeing the dishes still dirty frustrated felix more, but he decided not to mention it and walked to the bathroom to take a quick shower. he passed by the living room, the cushions scattered messily on the floor, and then your shared bedroom. clothes had piled up in the two hampers you had, some had even fallen onto the floor.
some part in felix just snapped. 
“is it really that hard to put some clothes in the wash, y/n?”
you were zoned out, but his voice brought you back to reality. 
“sorry what did you say? i zoned-“
felix began to walk away, but you walked towards him, stopping him. 
“lix what’s wrong?”, you looked at him, your eyes full of concern. he let out a scoff, “what’s wrong? what’s wrong is that you’ve been home the entire day and the house is still a mess.” 
your eyes widen. normally, felix is understanding about these things. you only have one day off the entire week. you’ve been overworking yourself so much recently that you just needed today to be a break. 
“i’m really sorry lix, i’ll just do it tomorrow” 
he glares at you, a foreign look swirling in his eyes. “if you were really sorry, you would have cleaned up after yourself. you know i don’t have time for this. it would only take thirty minutes max to fix up the house a little.”
“you really need to start doing something with yourself y/n. i’m not going to be doing everything while you just sit around and watch tv all day.”
you started tearing up. you didn’t mean to, but you really wanted to cry. felix saw the tears brimming in your eyes, and he started to feel a lump growing in his throat.
you didn’t know what else to say. you looked down and heard the receding footsteps, making your way to your bedroom. the tears slowly fell from your eyes, but you didn’t dare to make a sound. your boyfriend had never spoken to you like that, and he never really got that cold.
you picked up the clothes off the floor, putting them into the hampers and making your way to the laundry room. you put them in the wash and put the hampers back in your room.
you walked to the kitchen, and started to clean the dishes. you wanted to get it done as soon as possible, so felix could have a bit of relief when he got out of the shower. his words continued to replay in your head. you’ve been so exhausted recently, you felt bad that you couldn’t do anything for him.
you put the dishes back into their respective cabinets, and figured that felix would probably be hungry when he got out. you pulled out his favorite instant ramen, put it in the pot, and began making it for him. you hoped it would cheer him up. 
meanwhile, felix stays in the shower for longer than usual. he takes up the first eight minutes alone just standing in the warm stream, washing all the impurities off of his body. he stayed there for as long as he could, but for some reason, the guilt wouldn’t wash away with him.
he knew he shouldn’t have been so harsh. he didn’t mean to, he was just exhausted and already a little put off, but that’s no excuse to lash out at your girlfriend like that. after a while, he finally grabbed his shampoo, staring at the bottle for a moment before placing it back on the rack.
he reached down to grab your shampoo instead, the vanilla scent calming him down instantly. in a way, he felt closer to you. the foamy bubbles ran down his hair, and he began to wash the soap out of his hair. 
he then took another one of your items, your vanilla body wash. he liked that you’d always use vanilla scented items, it was easy to associate the smell with you. suddenly, the whole bathroom smelled like vanilla, smelled like you.
felix found the smell so comforting, almost like you were right there with him. he closed his eyes, thinking about what he said to you. he knew that as soon as he got out, he’d apologize to you. 
he finally got out of the shower and put some comfortable clothes on. it was almost two in the morning now, so he was expecting you to be asleep. he figured he’d apologize to you tomorrow when you wake up. 
he makes his way to the bedroom, but to his surprise you aren’t there. he didn’t go looking for you, he figured you needed some space. he saw your keys on your dresser, so he knew you hadn’t left the house. 
all of a sudden, he sees you at the door, a wooden rack in your hand with a bowl on top, decorated blue chopsticks on the side. you place it on his nightstand, and start playing with your thumbs, contemplating what to say next.
“i’m sorry for leaving the house a mess today, i know you didn’t want to come back home to that sight. i’ve cleaned it all up now though, and i made you some ramen. i figured you’d be hungry”, you let out a nervous chuckle. 
you looked up, and your heart immediately dropped to the pit of your stomach. you thought felix would be mad at you, but you didn’t expect him to cry.
he took your hand in his and let out a shaky breath. “i’m so sorry y/n. i truly didn’t mean what i said, i was just frustrated and seeing a messy house set me off a little bit. i promise it won’t happen again, please don’t overwork yourself just for my sake.”
you quickly wrapped him in a hug, “don’t cry lix, it’s okay. you’re just tired, i know you didn’t mean it”. you gave him a quick peck on his forehead, before running your fingers through his hair. 
he buried his head in your chest, inhaling the scent he’d been craving for the past hour, staining your his hoodie with his tears in the process.
“i love you lixie, im here for you. you don’t have to worry.”
he only clung onto you tighter after that, mumbling a little “i love you too” and multiple apologies into your chest. you smiled, knowing how vulnerable he was right now, and you were just happy he could trust you. 
“eat your ramen now, it’s getting cold dummy”
he looked up at you and smiled, patting the area next to him. you complied, lowering yourself onto the bed and clinging onto his arm.
the ramen had gone slightly cold, but it was still enjoyable. felix felt a familiar warmth spread throughout his entire being when you wrapped your arms around him, and let himself melt into your warmth. 
you have both been going through a lot recently, but you knew that as long as you had each other, you’d be okay.
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tsmukanii · 11 months
Heir to the Throne
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Wednesday X Firebreather Reader : I'm not sure where this is going but I'm having fun with it.
“Y/N, you’ve only been here for a week, and this is the 3rd time you have been in my office for roughhousing." It's not like it was your fault. People are just asshats that need to be put in their place. You can’t help it if they see you as an easy target.
“I didn’t start anything and you know that.” You couldn’t argue for yourself further, already drained from it all.
Principal Weems could see it written on your face. She couldn’t help but feel pity for you, already knowing how hard your situation is but before she could say anything more on the matter, the door to her office opened. You turned your head to see who possibly saved you from this lecture. 
 “Oh pardon the intrusion, a student said you were ready to see us now.” You immediately knew that it was Eugene, the thought brought a small smile to your face but it quickly vanished when you made eye contact with her. It was like making eye contact with death itself; as if wrapping you up in its cloak. It was calming to you in a way. What you didn’t know is that you had affected her as well. 
“Y/N, do you mind showing Wednesday to the dorms while I get everything settled with Mr. and Mrs. Addams?” You shook your head as a means to break the sudden trance you were in but also knew the headmistress took it as you accepting.
“Oh please no need for formalities Larissa, after all we were schoolmates.” You could see the slight grimace behind her smile but still she nodded along to the statement and then set her eyes on you.  You couldn’t really refuse knowing that this was punishment for fighting again, even though you were just minding your own  business. But still with a roll of your eyes, you gestured for the girl to follow you without saying a word about the matter. 
You could feel Weems’ stare on your back, taking it as a sign that she will track you down after this but you couldn’t care less. You walked in silence, making no move to strike up a conversation with Wednesday. You were halfway to the dorms when she spoke to you, leaving you in shock of how soft her voice was. 
“You do realize you are bleeding, correct?” 
“Your nose is bleeding, though your blood is quite an interesting color…perhaps you would be interested in letting me use you as a test subject one day.” 
You snorted thinking she was joking but stopped when her face never changed realizing that she was completely serious. You quickly reach up to wipe the blood away glancing at the bright green color before wiping your hand on the back of your pants.
“Uh sure, it could be fun.” You swore you saw a little upturn of her lips before it turned back into a blank stare. She didn’t say anything else after that so you continued on your way. When you finally reached the room you hesitated for a second before knocking, remembering how she was when she first gave you your tour. You could see Wednesday raise a brow at your actions and she got her answer when you both walked into the dorm room. Enid squealed when she got sight of you.
“Y/n! Omg, you finally decided to come pay me a visit!” You were quick to interject. “Yeah actually I’m here on business.” you gesture to the girl next to you. “Omg! You must be Wednesday, I’ve heard so much about you!” Enid moved toward her in an attempt to hug her but was quickly rejected. 
“Uh Wednesday this is Enid Sinclair, your roommate. Enid, Weems wants you to give her a tour of the school.”
“Oh ok so what are you gonna do?” 
“I’m gonna go thank Eugene for getting me out of another scolding. Wednesday it was…interesting meeting you.” You sent a nod her way before doing the same to Enid and quickly making yourself scarce.
Wednesday slowly turned to Enid , taking her in before opening her mouth. “So, are you going to stand there gaping like a fish or are you going to start your tour? 
You arrived at Eugene's hut fairly quickly while also being wary of Weems who you can hear entering the courtyard. You push open the door, spotting Eugene sitting at a small table looking over his notebook.
“Dude I owe you big time for getting me out of there, I couldn’t take another moment in Weem’s office.”
“Eh it’s no biggie I mean you only got in trouble because you were helping me. I’m just sorry those jerks said you attacked them.”
“Don’t worry about that. I’m pretty sure I got in a few good hits so that they’ll think twice about messing with you again.” He smiled at your words before reaching into his bag pulling out a jar or honey, holding it out to you.
“Here, to say thanks. I make it myself,
 I add in chamomile and sometimes lavender. It's actually really good.”  You don’t hesitate to grab the jar, smiling at the fact. 
“I’m sure it does, maybe we can plan for tea next week or something.” Eugene lights up quickly nodding his head.
“Of course! Anytime except Thursday, I have a foraging expedition.”
“So I heard that you got into another fight yesterday. Did you win?”
“Of course I did but it wasn’t my fault, they were picking on my friend.”  
“Rude, I thought I was your friend.”
“I can have more than one friend Sinclair, isn't that why you’re in my dorm painting my toes? So has Wednesday tried to escape yet?”
You felt Enid pause at your question quickly looking up at you before focusing back on your toes.“You think she’s going to run?”
“Of course she is, it’s written all over her face.”
“Are you sure we were looking at the same face?” You roll your eyes at her before smiling.“God Enid I get that she’s all stone but trust me she’s gonna do it. Probably during the fair, I bet you ten bucks she asks you to help.” You hold your hand out to her and she quickly shakes it just knowing you were going to owe her.  After that you two talked a bit more about what was going on around campus giving Enid her fill of new material for her blog before her watch went off letting you both know that it was almost curfew. 
After you both said goodnight, you went to your desk to finish sketching the outline for your latest comic but you were interrupted by the sound of scurrying outside your window. You didn’t pay any mind to it, thinking it was a squirrel but then you heard a tap on the glass making you whirl around to see a disembodied hand waving at you. 
“What the fuck?”
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lunasdreamytreats · 1 month
Best kept secrets
Baizhu x fem!reader
Warnings: NSFW // !PSUDO STEPFATHER/STEPDAUGHTER RELATIONSHIP! don't like, don't read // modern au // legal age-gap (Baizhu's in his late 30's, reader's in their early 20's) // drinking wine // reader calls their mother 'mama' // petnames (darling, little girl / good girl) // daddy kink (u call him it a few times and he calls himself it too) // mentions of drugs and aphrodisiacs // begging // oral (m+f receiving) // fingering // dumbification // bad writing (was still finding my writing style as i began writing and its not fully proofread)
Word count: 3.5k... (jeez i went crazy)
A/N: HBD MY LOVE 🥰 I love Baizhu sm, been planning this bad boy forever. Please enjoy and make sure to read the warnings carefully and lmk if I missed something ❤️
'How did this happen again?' You ask yourself as you accept another kiss from the man you knew as your stepfather. It feels so wrong, until you remember how your own mother is a cheating gold digger herself. Virtually your whole life up until a year ago had been on the move. Your mother would marry rich men who owned whole companies or company branches and either bankrupt them and leave or cause a scandal so they go out of business and leave. Over 19 years you’ve had a total of 10 stepfathers and you've never been really close with any of them.
As far as you know, the most recent one is the only one out of your stepfathers that has more than one source of income. He owns the only pharmacy in town while also working as a doctor. It must be taking longer to burn through it than normal, you thought, since you're still there.
You feel as if you should be grateful that your mother hasn't ruined it yet, because you've grown fond of life in this family. Your little sister Qiqi absolutely adores you as her big sister. Although your not sure if your mother knows about this, but your stepdad, Baizhu, absolutely loves being able to spend his money on you. Whenever you get off work he'll wait outside for you in the car with your favourite music ready to play. He'd drive around town with you for half an hour before going to pick Qiqi up from school. If you saw anything you wanted while driving, he'd tell you to quickly jump out and buy it with his card.
“Sweetie I don't care how much it costs if you want it I'll gladly get it for you.” Is what he'd say if you tried to protest in any way, in the end, you’ve just accepted it as him wanting to spoil you. Baizhu was very different to any of your other stepfathers, for one, he's making an effort to bond with you..... Oh and he's young, well, young compared to the others. At only 35 when they got married, he was 2 years your mother’s junior and 17 years your senior.
The 4 of you lived a fairly drama-free life up until tonight, when Baizhu came back home after dropping sweet Qiqi off at her best friend Yaoyao's house for her very first sleepover. He came in and asked you to come downstairs and sit on the couch, saying he needed to ask you about something important. You promptly closed the game you were playing and put the controller back, coming down to see Baizhu in the kitchen with a bottle of white wine and 2 glasses.
“Oh? What's the special occasion, Dad?” You asked before sitting back down with him.
“It's about your mother, (Y/N).” You froze slightly, wanting to ask him if anything bad happened to her. However, before you could speak, he placed one of the full glasses of wine into your hand.
"Do you know if she cheated on any of your other stepfathers, like any one of them?"
“Well I don't know for certain, but I've got a feeling she cheated on all of them, including my father.” You lifted the glass of wine up to the light and swirled the liquid around before continuing.
“Right when she leaves them, I found that either their companies crumbled, or they declared bankruptcy. Some less than 6 months after their wedding. It's happened way too many times to be a total coincidence.” Looking over at him, you saw a small sigh leave his lips as his eyes met yours. The low light of the lamps on the wall adjacent to him made his golden irises glow. ‘Oh fuck that's really pretty.... h-hold on a god damn second, that's your stepdad your talking about, dumbass!’ You quickly shook the thought out of your head and took a sip of wine to distract yourself.
“Why'd ya ask?”
“I saw your mother with someone and they were talking about how long until they can run off together....” You always had a feeling she had an accomplice her little scheme, but a whole ass lover all these years? Baizhu leaned forward in order to put the wine glass back on the counter and shifted to face you.
“Thank you for telling me this, my darling.” Eh why the lovey dovey language? He seems to be awfully calm for someone who just found out what a horrible person his wife is.
“Dad.... now that you've caught mama, when do you want us out of here by?”
“Hm? Why would I kick you out, darling?” Again with the darling! Is this really how fathers express their affection towards their children?
“I-I just thought since she's cheating on you, you wouldn't want her or her child arou-!” He's laughing? How? You thought he'd be annoyed. And yet here he is, not only not giving a toss about the current situation, he's laughing at it.... Why?
“Do you think I'd leave my cute, sweet little girl all alone without someone that loves her like I do? No no no darling. Besides, this is the best time to show you something that I've been planning this last year.” What could that be? You wondered. Come to think of it, from his plans for Qiqi's birthday party to things he's overheard at work, he's never kept anything a secret from you. He stood up and retrieved a piece of paper from inside a safe in the wall that he hid behind his back so you couldn't see what was written on it. As he sat back down, you managed to catch a small glimpse of the contents of the paper, you saw your signature there and what you can only assume is Baizhu's, both written in black ink next to each other at the bottom of the page.
'Oh! He must be holding the adoption papers we signed after the wedding'. You had another quick glance at the paper again before he folded it up and set it down on the table.... What?? You must be hallucinating because your pretty sure the words 'certificate of marriage' were at the top of the page. Hang on, if that's a marriage certificate, then why did you clearly see your signature next to Baizhu's?
“Did you see it, my darling?” Baizhu's words brought you back into the moment at hand, oh, that and his hand resting on your waist. The small gesture causing a shiver to shoot up your spine. “You’re my real wife. And you have been all this time.”
“How?” The reality of this situation hitting you like a boulder made your voice go hoarse, coming out like a broken cry. How was he able to hide something so big for so long? “How did I not notice it?”
“I'll be honest, I only got close to your mother so I could be with you, my darling. I knew what your mother was when I saw her, now she's the only one in the dark about it.” Baizhu's voice broke through the stifling silence around us. This is so weird, you’ve always thought your stepdad was a nice man, in personality, heart and looks. And you’ve told your friends about how you'd like your future partner to be like him. So should you go along with it?
“B-But what about the wedding night? Didn't you and mama have sex?”
“Nope, she ran off after the ceremony, I spent the night in your room.”
“W-what!? How the fuck did I not feel you?”
“Not when you've taken the deep sleep elixir I put in your food. I’d put it in whenever I knew your mother was going out for the night.”
“Oh, so that's why I hardly remember those nights.”
“Fuck, you're so cute when you don't know what to make of a situation, darling. I wonder what your reaction is going to be when I do this?” With no warning, Baizhu pulled you closer, onto his lap, and kissed your neck. The bold action made you gasp in shock. While you were distracted, he took the opportunity to catch you off guard again and kiss your lips. The kiss was just as he was, gentle and full of passion, yet demanding. Letting you know that although he’s being gentle, he’s still the one in control. He’s holding you so soft and tenderly, it makes this kiss feel like a natural part of life. Like your forgetting you two had a completely different relationship before...
That's how it came to you and your stepd- no, your husband making out in the open space of the living room. :)
'This isn't wrong. He's my husband.' You told yourself as you kissed him back. The grip his hands have on the flesh of your hips was so soft, as if he couldn't bare the thought of hurting you. Which, in a way, was true. He couldn’t bare the thought of being the reason you were in pain. As the kiss deepened, he felt more comfortable in exploring your body. His hands gently glide up your body before setting on your chest. His hands circle your body to where the dress zipper and bra clasp were.
As his arms pulled you closer, his fingers grazed the bit of exposed skin, making you shiver at the contact. Pulling away from your lips, Baizhu looked at you with love filled eyes and ran his finger over the neckline of your dress before hooking a finger on it and tugging at the fabric.
“My darling, can I?” He asked, rather breathless from the deep kiss. You could only nod in response until you find your voice. That was another way that Baizhu shows he cares, he was patient when you couldn’t get your words out. It was a thing you had struggled with for most of your life. And although it was a small gesture, it was something that mama never bothered to get right.
“Y-Yes daddy~” You managed to whisper a response, your head already felt dizzy and the neck kisses didn't help. Hearing daddy leave your mouth must’ve awakened something primal in him. With a newfound spark of lust in his eyes and a tightened grasp on you, his teeth grazed the skin of your shoulders. You reached behind your back to start unzipping your dress, only for your wrists to be pulled away and held back in one of his hands, while the other pulled the zip down slowly.
“Shhh~ darling, let daddy take care of you now.” An uncomfortable thought came into your head; ‘what if mama came back without warning to see her daughter, clothes slipping off, on her ‘stepdad’s’ lap making out with him?’ But don’t worry, Baizhu has a plan to deal with her if she comes back early. There’s no chance he’d allow this perfect moment to slip through his fingers again. After he pulled the zipper went all the way down, Baizhu started to gently draw circles on your newly exposed skin. The heat building up between your legs was getting frustrating, so you started to rub your clit on Baizhu's thigh to relieve yourself. Until he noticed and gently held your hips in place.
“Darling, I thought you’d let me take over tonight.. you know what happens to bad little girls that don't obey their daddies, don't you, darling?” Baizhu whispered, gently kissing the shell of your ear before continuing, “They. get. punished.” Taping your shoulder blade with each word. Each tap of his finger sent electrifying waves of pleasure down your whole body. You can’t help but lean into his touch, drunk on how quickly you crumbled under his teasing. One thing was for certain, however, the pleasure you felt was unreplicable.
“M'sorry daddy.. don’t punish me, I-I’ll b’good, please..!” You plead, hoping he’d be merciful on you. Since nobody can blame you for being needy. After a few minutes of drawing circles on your back, your dress and bra went flying off you, yelping when the cool air collided with your breasts. Smirking, Baizhu gave your hips a squeeze as his lips left a trail of kisses from your jawline down your chest, before latching onto the hardening nipple. Swirling around it with his tongue, he copied the motion on the other with his fingers, tugging whenever he sucked. All night, Baizhu had been focusing on giving pleasure to your most sensitive spots, like he already had a mental map of where he should focus on.
While your attention was taken up by the stimulation to your breasts, Baizhu let his free hand snake down, across your tummy to settle between your legs. One touch of his slender fingers to your puffy folds sent you jolting forward into his neck with a moan. Thing is, that one touch was only light, nothing much to most people. But to you? Mind-numbing. Actually, you don’t think you’ve ever been this sensitive to anything before.... it’s like your sensitivity to touch became enhanced. Could Baizhu have given you something to do this?
“You like that, don't you, darling? Good girl. Tell me, who’s making you feel this good?”
“Y-You daddy, s’you makin me feel good”
“Good. Fucking. Girl.” With every word, he swiped the pad of his thumb against the nub of your clit. Your hips subconsciously bucked into his hand with newfound lust. Like your body was chasing after his touch after he retracted his thumb. Baizhu's fingers ghosted over the outline of your clit, prodding at your hole. Easing the tip of his index finger inside while holding you steady. When your body relaxed, letting him know you were comfortable with him inside, Baizhu pushed you to the couch so you were laying on your back with him on top. The hand that’d been holding you steady now moved from your lower back to hold your cheek softly, catching any tears that fell over your eyes.
“Fuuck, you're clamping on me so tight.. I’ve barely even started with you, never thought a little foreplay would be all it takes to get you begging for me so soon, darling.” Don’t mind him though, he’s just being all mean and teasing you! He began slowly moving his finger in and out, slightly curving it to graze your soft inner walls. He added a second finger gently, stretching them apart in a scissor motion and continuing to touch places you couldn't dream of being able to touch on your own.
“Fuuck~ ur fingers~ s'deep!” It almost felt uncomfortable, keyword almost. The tender kisses Baizhu left along your body made any kind of discomfort you felt fade away. That is until a strange feeling came creeping into the pit of your stomach. A twisting and churning sensation like a knot threatening to make your insides explode.
“Ha~~! A-Ahh! D-Daddy, feels weird..!”
“Oh? A weird feeling, you say? That's your orgasm building up, darling.” His thumb quickly swiped against the sensitive nub of your clit, “Now be a good little girl and cum for me...” Your eyes peeped open at his words, only for stars to invade your vision as the knot came undone over his fingers and the couch. Your fucked out expression caused Baizhu to smirk in satisfaction, taking pride in being the only person to ever make you orgasm; other than yourself, of course.
“Good girl... ” Baizhu glanced down to where you both connected, taking note of how his wrist was now slightly wet... Did you squirt over him? Or was it sweat? This encounter certainly left you catching your breath.. Your body twitched sporadically as your walls finally began to relax around his fingers, and you sighed in satisfaction. Feeling you come down from your high, Baizhu gently pulled his fingers out, awestruck at your essence which was now dripping down his digits.
“Daddy... love you” You reached your hands out and Baizhu took them in his own, helping your sit up and kissing your knuckles softly.
“Love you too, darling. Cuddles?” He asked, holding his arms out so you could come to him if you wanted. You practically jumped up and slid into his lap, burying your flushed face into his shoulder. ‘Oh, you’re the type to get all cute and cuddly after sexual encounters...’ Baizhu thought, but that’s fine, he’d give all the cuddles you could ever need if you asked. You feel him gently smile on the top of your head alongside wrapping his arms around your middle.
Of course, with all that Baizhu’s done for you tonight, you couldn’t just ignore how hard this encounter made him. His dick throbbed against the cloth holding it back, simply begging for him to do something to relieve it.
“Daddy, lemme help, wanna help it..” You attempted to slip off his lap to kneel between his legs, fully prepared to help him. But he tightens his hold on your body, preventing you from moving much.
“No darling, y’can help me from here.” Baizhu reassured, moving the fabric that concealed his cock out the way. It bounced back against his abdomen, splashing a little precum over his stomach. Your eyes widened, you’ve seen dicks before, (in sex-ed class), but nothing like this. His dick was much bigger than anything you ’ve seen, and certainly bigger than you think you can take. Noticing your unease, Baizhu gently took your wrist and brought your hand to touch it.
“Lemme do it with you, darling... help me feel good too, yeah?” With one arm still holding you tightly, Baizhu’s other hand joined yours, guiding you in jerking him off. Even under two people’s grips, his dick still twitched and pulsed against your hand. Biting your lip, you lean your head down to press small kisses and kitten licks to his swollen, red tip. You looked up at him, still with his tip nestled snuggly in your mouth, eyes trying to convey what you want; for him to use your mouth like a fleshlight.
At first, poor Baizhu didn’t know what to say; he didn’t want to lose his composure and ram into you so hard that it became more uncomfortable than pleasurable, but the look in your eyes conveyed that you were actually begging him to lose it. He let out a long, shaky breath before moving the hand that had been on his cock to hold your hair out of your face. He didn’t even realise he was holding his breath...
“Tap my thigh twice if it gets too much for you, ok darling?” You nodded and began easing more of him into your mouth. He almost couldn’t think straight with just his tip in your mouth, but seeing you slightly struggle to fit him in drove his size kink mad. Baizhu’s fingers raked through your soft hair before setting at the top of your neck, taking control back from you and moving your head along his shaft.
Muffled whimpers and gags mixed with Baizhu’s groans made it easy to lose oneself in ecstasy, so you never noticed the small commotion happening on the other side of the door; never noticed the amused smile on your lover’s face upon realising the trap he and the millelith set achieved it’s intended outcome. Not that you were meant to know about any of this anyway...
“Sh-! Shit, on your knees, darling” You nodded and slid his cock out of your mouth to get into position, obediently for your husband. Baizhu rose from the sofa, guiding his dick back into your mouth as soon as you settled down. This time, he allowed himself the chance to thrust his hips into your mouth, meeting the pace you originally set. His thrusts started slow and deep, becoming more desperate as the pleasure built up.
“god.. m’gonna cum darling” Baizhu’s hold on your hair tightened, pulling at the strands that were wrapped around his slender fingers. He had to lean against the nearest cabinet since his thighs were twitching so much, his legs might’ve given out on him. You have to say, Baizhu’s groans of raw pleasure were a melody you’d never get tired of hearing. Baizhu abruptly pulled out from your mouth, gently taking your hand off from his thigh to place it on his heavy, aching cock.
“Finish it off, darling.. y’did so well, wanna cum on your pretty face..” You nodded and dragged your hand across his dick, feeling the way the large bulging vein running along the underside of his shaft throbbed with need. You leaned a little further up, enough to press your lips against the sensitive skin just underneath his tip. Baizhu’s grip on your hair tightened as his free hand grasped his cock, giving it a few languid pumps.
“Keep still, sweet girl,” He could barely get the words out before the tight coil inside his slender body snapped. Creamy white cum painted your face in spurts and globs, a testament to the adoration that Baizhu had harboured for you for so long.
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fanfic-compass · 2 months
Alastor X Reader
Summary: You're the newest Overlord and meet Alastor at a Meeting, tempting him to offer you a deal.
Word count: 1.3K
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It was your first overlord meeting. Nobody knew who you were when you suddenly appeared in hell and killed a man who was coming just a little too close. Little did you know you killed an overlord on your very first day in hell but that asshole deserved it with the way he was trying to touch you and talking you into becoming a porn star.
Anyways, as soon as you killed that guy you felt a weird tingling sensation as if you could feel power running through your veins. And then you started your own little business in hell by building a casino. Who doesn’t like to gamble? And soon your casino attracted thousands of visitors every week and thanks to some of them being completely delusional with their stakes you also got many of their souls.
And then you got an invitation to a meeting of all the overlords of hell. You were excited and curious to see what they had to discuss and who they were. You stepped into a dark alley and you immediately stated questioning whether or not everything was just some prank or revenge. They alley looked so dark and shabby but then you saw another man. He was much taller than you, wore an elegant red coat and a monocle and he had red and black hair. But what you definitely saw first was the big smile on his face that showed his sharp teeth and simply looked creepy. For a moment he looked into what appeared to be a surveillance camera and then he got into an elevator. After carefully watching him you decided to follow him and see where he would go.
So you got into the elevator too and when you stepped out you found yourself in a big hallway with many other people. There were more elevators than you could see on the outside and so you couldn’t help but wonder where they all came from. But you did notice that they were all walking in the same direction and so you simply followed them into a big meeting room. There was a large table in the middle with many different people around it. When you stepped closer you were immediately greeted by a woman you’ve seen before, her name was Carmilla Carmine. You knew she was selling weapons but other than that she was a mystery to you. However she seemed rather friendly.
“Ah, our newest addition. Take a seat.” She gestured for you to sit down somewhere which you quickly did. You sat next to a woman who introduced herself as Rosie and you went along really well. She told you about the tasty side of cannibalism and invited you to come over to have a cup of tea. You agreed, although you were kinda scared that you were her next meal. When you wanted to ask her something again you heard someone clearing their throat which made you turn around in shock. And then you stared into the face of none other than the man you saw at the elevator earlier with his smile that sent shivers down your spine.
“Excuse me, my dear but you’re sitting in my seat. So would you please move?” He said, sounding awfully polite and not once dropping that smile.
You quickly wanted to move, scared of what he would be able to do if you didn’t but before you could get up, Carmilla spoke up.
“Brave words for someone we haven’t seen in seven years, Alastor.”
“Well yes, I have been absent for some time, I’m sure you’ve all been missing me, wondering where I am.”
“Not really.” Carmilla answered bluntly.
Somehow you could see that Alastor didn’t like the fact that she didn’t really care but yet his smile didn’t drop a bit which was honestly impressive and a bit scary too.
“But welcome back anyways. However you will simply have to find another seat if yours is taken.”
“Oh, I can move, no problem.” You offered, standing up but you were quickly pulled back onto your seat by Rosie.
“Don’t you worry, darling.” She said. “Alastor can find another seat.”
Shortly after that the meeting started. It was quite boring business about extermination day and you had to admit you weren’t really interested in all that. So after the meeting you quickly made your way out and went back home.
You were exhausted from your day so you quickly headed off to bed and fell asleep. In the middle of the night though you quickly got woken up again by weird noises. You got out of bed and investigated when you suddenly saw a figure standing in the corner of your bedroom, staring right at you.
“Hello?” You asked, trying to hide the fear in your voice.
The person stepped into the light and you saw that it was Alastor.
“Hello, my darling.” He said in his charming voice that carried a heavy radio static.
“What are you doing in my bedroom?”
“Well, I noticed you at the meeting today and I was absolutely intrigued by you. What a stunning young lady you are, down here in hell and immediately an overlord. Not many people got so high so quickly. Nobody except me actually.”
You knew his story, Rosie told you after the meeting. He was the radio demon who broadcasted the screams of everyone who tried to harm him.
“I know about you.” You told him.
“Very well, my dear. Then you are aware what I am capable of doing once you get in my way.” His smile grew a bit.
“I do not plan to get in your way. I am running my casino, I have my fair share of souls, I’m happy.”
“I don’t believe you are. Which is why I am here.”
“To kill me and broadcast my screams? Am I too powerful for your liking?”
Alastor laughed. “Oh no, darling. You are perfectly powerful. In fact I came to offer you a deal: We will combine our power to become the most feared pair in hell. We would be working closely together to get everyone under our command.”
It did sound tempting. “And how will I know once we did that you won’t kill me to have everything for yourself?”
Alastor chuckled. “That’s part of the deal, if one of us dies, the other one dies too.”
“That sounds too good to be so simple. So tell me, what do you want in return?” You knew that a deal would never be so easy. A deal always had a catch.
“We will work closely together, we will be partners. Not just in the conventional way like two business partners.”
Ohhhhh, you understood. But he didn’t seem like the type of man who cared about something like that. And Alastor must have noticed that because he quickly started explaining.
“You see, I was enraptured by you today. How you weren’t scared, how you didn’t care and the fact that you’re so powerful after such a short time… truly inspiring, darling. So what do you say? You will be mine and I will be yours… I’ll give you twelve hours to think about it.”
With that he was gone as quickly as he came, leaving you speechless and confused. You started thinking about it and finally made a decision. In the morning you walked o his radio station where you knocked on the door and were quickly greeted by a smiling Alastor. You didn’t need to say a word before he stormed towards you and kissed you fiercely.
The feeling of his lips on yours was a new sensation and you were startled for a moment before melting into him. He held you tightly but he didn’t force you into any position, he was a gentleman after all. After a moment he pulled away and grinned.
“I assume we have a deal?” He asked and without letting you answer he kissed you once again, sealing the deal.
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elsfairy · 1 year
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꒰⠀ARTISAN ⠀⠀⎯⎯ ⠀⠀ABBY. 🪚 ꒱
artisan: a worker in a skilled trade, especially one that involves making things by hand. a/n: hahhaaaa hey. i know nothing about Carpentry, so please if you see something that makes no sense or isn't accurate, you do not. this is literally a self-indulgent with me and my 🎀 anon bc we need carpenter!abby.
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✧  First and foremost, Abby loved her job. Sure, it was a job that had her using her hands for hours on end, but that was something she loved about it, constantly doing something that she genuinely enjoyed doing & didn’t have her bored out of her mind.
✧ Her entire workshop is filled with scraps of wood & all sorts of different trinkets she has made over the years from where she went to work to become a carpenter. From an oak wood bookshelf that’s been dusted over for months to a Pine coffee table that now has many coffee stains covering the surface.
✧ The first time she met you was when she was dropping off a piece that she had started for someone in the apartment building you live in. And if it wasn’t for the fact you had left your door wide open, she wouldn’t have heard your cries and pleas for help when you started failing miserably at building a bookshelf you hadn't taken out the box since it arrived 2 weeks ago.
“You know you’re not supposed to screw the handles on the inside of the door, right?”
✧ Since that first encounter with the blonde, who gave you her number the minute she had been the one to put your brand bookshelf together perfectly without having much trouble, you’ve somehow managed to buy more things that do need to be assembled and you’re finding yourself calling her every time you need help. You’re always calling Abby. probably because you also love to drool over her muscles, the way they flex when she uses a saw & just overall watching her work but still.
✧ Her giddy crush kind of way but she loves to make you little gifts. Even if you don’t ask for them, she’s always finding something you might like but you always complain to her saying that it’s too much so you refuse to let her buy you anything. So she will make it for you instead because she has all the materials for it. That makes it more special & sentimental to her, being able to make you a little gift from the heart. She will spend hours perfecting & sanding the wood to be so damn smooth that you don’t end up getting splinters. Speaking of wood, she takes a long ass time to decide on what she wants to use for a start.
“I love that you always think about me when you make something. Thank you, Abs. I’m not really that artistic like you, but I could buy you dinner… if you want, my way of saying thank you for helping me”
✧ Loves it when you turn up at her workshop. Especially if you turn up with something for her lunch. You being there plus food? That melts her heart more than you could imagine. Most of the time, you’ve got to feed her though because one, she’s either so zoned in her work or two, she has sawdust everywhere on her hands and over her pants. So feeding her is always the best option while she works. It also just gives you a long time to gawk at her. From the way, her tongue pokes out the side of her mouth when she’s focused, to the sweat coating her forehead, strands of blonde hair falling from her braid, and how the sun shines through the window right onto her toned muscles. You also just loved how gentle and caring she was toward every piece of work she decides to do, whether it be a big project or small. She was always so delicate. 
“Are you done staring, Doll? c’mon, let me teach you how to do it. One day I’ll need your help”
✧ Refuses to let you call someone to fix something that is broken in your apartment. She doesn’t care if she’s busy building or making something for one of her clients, if you call her and ask for help then you can be sure that she’s going to be there within 10 minutes to fix it for you. Says they always charge you way too much for their assistance, with her she also refuses to let you pay. She cares deeply about you, and charging you is something she will never do. A literal free-of-charge service.
“Making me one of those lemonades you always seem to have whenever I’m here is how you can pay me. If you’re drinking them a lot, they must be really good Doll”
✧ Secretly adores when you watch her work. She might be zoned out, and working extra hard but that doesn’t mean she can’t feel you staring at her. You’re not as oblivious as you seem. Abby can literally feel your eyes roam over her body and face until she has to pause in her movement and look up at you with a smirk on her lips. It’s not every day you get caught staring at such a beautiful woman designing a new coffee table for you, is it? Drooling just a little at the way her hands move, how tight those pants are around her thighs, and how her muscles bulge under that shirt.
“How about, you come over here, sit on my lap and we can do this together?”
✧ Her work patterns are all whack, not eating at the right times she should be, nor sleeping at a good time but she does love the nights when she finally gets to your apartment, eyes heavy and hands hurting from using them all day to find you already standing in the kitchen of your warm place, cooking dinner with the radio playing quietly in the background and small hums leaving your mouth. She loves your cooking, and also loves to see you using that dammed wooden spoon you practically begged her to make for you because you saw it online, but was too expensive to get.
“Missed you today, you smell like home. My home..”
✧ baby will build you whatever you ask for, or help you put together something you’ve bought for your room. she loves helping you & having you ask for help. 
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ifortom · 7 months
Champagne Problems - T.H.
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Synopsis: Tom and y/n, a couple that used to be inseparable, now face a deep crisis in their marriage. Their daughter, Olivie, 4, is in the middle of this emotional turmoil. With busy lives, differences of opinion and fragmented communication, the love that brought them together is slowly fading. After the aftermath they must face their own demons, rediscover empathy, and find a way to rebuild the relationship they once shared. Not just for themselves, but also for the well-being of their daughter, who longs for a united family.
A/N: Well here it is, this is a rollercoaster of emotions and I hope you enjoy it. An important note: English is not my first language so I hope you understand if there are any errors, be kind and let me know if necessary and I can fix it.
W/A: +5k
‘’Where’s my sweet baby pie?’’ You heard Nikki’s voice before she even opened the front door.
‘’Grandma!’’ Olivie screamed loudly when she saw her grandmother and ran straight into her open arms.
‘’Hi sweetie! I missed you.” She said hugging the little girl tightly. ‘’Everyone was waiting for you.’’ Olivie smiled and made her way inside the house without looking back.
Nikki turned to you, as you walked in the living room and smiled opening her arms just like she did with Ollie, welcoming you into a warm hug.
‘’What about you, darling? It’s been a while since I’ve seen you.’’
‘’I know, and I’m sorry for that. Work’s been so hard lately, there’s a lot going on.’’ It wasn’t a lie, the last few weeks had been a pain in your ass with so much work since you got your promotion to chief editor at the publisher you worked.
‘’Yeah, Tom told me, that’s great news though!’’
‘’Its is, I’ve waited this for such a long time. But is complicated, Ollie is growing up and I feel like I’m missing out sometimes.’’ She smiled softly at you.
‘’I get it, just try not to stress yourself, that girl needs you... and you know, your promotion wasn’t the only thing Tom talked to me about the last time he was here... what’s going on with the both of you?’’
This was a question you really didn’t want to reply and this was a conversation you didn’t want to have, especially with your husband’s mother.
‘’I guess our relationship has seen better times but we’re trying. I’m just... I can’t have this conversation right now”
‘’I see... it’s alright sweetheart. I don’t want to intrude, just want to see you happy, the both of you. And that little girl.’’
‘’Me too.’’ You smiled at her, trying to hide the forming lump on your throat. ‘’I need to go, Tom is probably already home and we need to get ready.’’
‘’Of course. I’m going to find Ollie for you to say goodbye.’’ She walked out in the direction of the back garden.
While you waited, you took your time looking around the living room you’ve seen a thousand times already. Memories spread across the walls in the form of photos. Tom’s graduation day, Paddy’s first day of kindergarten, your wedding day, their family trip to Hawaii, Olivie as a new born. Memories you’re proud to be a part of.
The sound of small feet running to you woke you up from the small daydreaming.
‘’Mummy!’’ She hugged your legs and you bent down to her level to stare into her eyes.
‘’I’m going now, ok? Remember our deal?”
‘’Yeah, to be a good girl for grandma.’’ She said happily remembering your words from earlier.
‘’That’s right! Two nights, ok? And then we’re taking you home.’’
‘’You and daddy?’’ She asked playing with a string of your hair.
‘’Yeah, mummy and daddy.” She nodded. ‘’Alright, now give mumma a hug.’’ You tighly held her for a while, taking in her baby scent, the one you loved so much. ‘’Bye, babybug.’’ She let go of you and turned around finding her grandmother standing next to the couch. ‘’Bye Nikki, thank you for taking care of her. And please, say hi to everyone.’’
‘’Always. And please, have fun. You both need that”
Tonight was a special night. Tom’s company is hosting a party to celebrate a new partnership with a foreign company and, of course, as the wife of one of the partners, your presence is unquestionable. You need to be there to support your husband and keep the facade of the perfect couple with the perfect family. Because no one knows what goes on behind closed doors.
You stared at yourself in the mirror. The dark red dress you chose hugs your curves in all the right places, the small slit on the leg made it a little more daring but didn't lose the classic touch. It had been a while since you dressed up for a gala event, so you decided to take advantage of the opportunity and remember your features that have been hidden for a while.
Tom entered the room wearing his elegant suit. His hair was straightened and with every step he took he exuded class, and as you watched him in the mirror's reflection, you noticed his gaze fixed on your body.
 ''Woah, you look beautiful tonight'' Was the first thing he said. Tom hadn't had the opportunity to see the dress you had chosen before this moment, so it was definitely a surprise.
''Yeah, I wanted to try something today.'' You smiled, breaking eye contact in the mirror and going to the table next to the bed, picking up the necklace you had chosen. ''Can you put it on for me?'' You walked up to him and handed the necklace into his hands, turning your back.
Tom calmly analyzed the necklace and felt his breathing hitch. There was the necklace he had given you just before Olivie was born. Your pregnancy was not easy. There were many complications during the period and the risk of something happening to you or the baby was high. To this day, he is grateful that you two made it out of the operating room safe and sound.
The small, sparkling jewel dangled from the chain, reminding him of simpler times. He knew the moment he saw it for the first time that you would love it. It was simple, but it carried enormous emotion, love and hope.
He raised his hands towards your neck and noticed that they were sweating. And you felt his warm breath on your neck and his fingers delicately ran across it, making goosebumps run down your body. How long has it been since you felt each other's touch like this? It's impossible to believe that the two young people who couldn't live without having contact with each other for a long time became like two strangers afraid to touch.
Maybe a few years ago he would have come closer, placed his hands on your waist and left a kiss next to your ear. You would have thrown your head back leaning on his shoulder and the two of you would have stayed like that for a while.
But things changed and the two of you were no longer the same couple at the beginning of a relationship as you were before. Life happened and differences emerged, thoughts changed and opinions diverged. How could things be the same as before?
Instead, Tom put space between you and scratched his throat. His hand went to the back of his head. You looked in the mirror once again.
''I'm driving today, so if you're ready we can go''
You nodded and turned to him waiting for some reaction. Whatever it was. But what you got was him turning his back and walking towards the bedroom door. Holding back the cry that wanted to leave your throat, you lifted your head and followed him. Time to play the part.
The path to the venue's party room was silent. In the car, Tom let the music take over the space. As you mouthed the lyrics to a random song that was playing, Tom let furtive glances find you. But you would never know it.
When you arrived, a boy went towards the car while Tom opened his door. He quickly turned around and opened your door, extending his hand to help you out. Tom thanked the boy who entered the space he previously occupied and left with the car to park it.
You held onto Tom's arm as you walked together to the entrance of the already crowded room. Taking a deep breath, a smile appeared on your face as Harrison, Tom's best friend and one of his partners, walked towards you.
''You're finally here, what happened that took you so long?'' He said suggestively, making Tom laugh.
‘’No need to pry, mate.’’ Tom replied, now wrapping his arm around your waist. ''We arrived and we are fine, thank you for asking.''
''No defensiveness, Tom. You look great tonight, Y/N.'' Harrison said.
''Thanks, H. You don't look bad either.'' Harrison smiled and spun around as if showing off his outfit. You laughed at his mannerism.
''Well, some of the investors are already here and want to meet the person responsible for the partnership with the Japanese company.''
''Don't put all this on me, you were responsible too.''
''Wait, Tom... you didn't tell me that this came from you.'' You said resting one of your hands on his chest.
''What? Didn't he tell you? It turns out that if it weren't for this guy here, things wouldn't have happened. He was the one who stayed up working for hours and hours, making it impossible for the company to refuse the agreement.'' Harrison said.
How come Tom never mentioned this? Of course you knew something big was about to happen at the company but you didn't know that Tom was working so hard on it. So every night he took a while to get home, he was at work? Was the silence that came from him caused by this?
Tom looked uncomfortable, which was strange. Why was he acting like this?
A waiter approached the three of you and held out a tray with glasses of what looked like champagne. Harrison took one, while Tom did too and handed it to you.
''Aren't you going to drink?'' Harrison asked raising an eyebrow.
''I'm driving tonight.'' His hand returned to your waist and you felt his fingers lightly caressing over the thin material of the dress. ''Let's do this. I'll be right back, okay?'' He turned to you, who in response just nodded.
''Y/N, Sophie is near the bar. She was looking forward to your arrival.'' He pointed to where his wife was talking to two women unknown to you. ''She said that only you understand her in this place.''
''I say the same about her.'' You started walking towards your friend, who, upon seeing you, completely forgot about the two strangers she was talking to.
''I'm so grateful to see you. I was already starting to panic.'' She hugged you. ''Girl, and that dress! You look wonderful.'' She said looking you up and down.
''Did you like it? I think I made the right choice.''
''Definitely. I bet Tom went crazy when he saw you like that'' She said winking. Sophie was one of the only people who knew about how troubled your relationship was, and she certainly hoped that things between you would get better.
Just like your words to Harrison, she was the only person you could count on at the moment. Ever since their relationship began, just a few months after you and Tom became official, you two had been inseparable. The two of you worked together to help the two of them when they decided to start a company. And in this world made of appearances, you remained the same.
Obviously, Tom and Harrison have other partners who are married to snobbish and difficult to deal with women. And even though their husbands only have a small portion of the company, they act as if they are in charge of everything and everyone.
That's why you two stick together. Holding each other.
''It turns out that I was also expecting a reaction but I didn't get much.'' You say dejectedly taking a sip of the drink. Her hand affectionately roams your arm.
''I'm sorry, darling. He may not have shown it but I bet he won't resist and at the end of the night we know what will happen.'' The suggestive way in which she spoke made you laugh sincerely. ''We know what you have hidden there!'' You chuckled even though you weren't sure how this night would end and if it would go that way.
''For now I don't want to think about it, let's just enjoy it, okay?'' You tell her, holding her hand and pulling her close to the bar. ''Let's order a drink!''
And while you distracted the thoughts that disturbed you with what you were experiencing at the moment, Tom followed your every move, instead of paying attention to the compliments and questions he received.
''What you're doing for the company is great, Thomas! I'm sure it will grow more every day.'' Peter's hand, one of the investors, stopped on his shoulder, pulling him back.
''Thanks, but I wouldn't be able to do any of this alone.'' He said. ''None of this would be possible without the help of everyone who works at the company. Everyone, without exception.''
''And he's still humble. You really impress me, boy'' Peter laughs, making everyone in the circle laugh too.
''If you'll excuse us, we need to talk for a second.'' Harrison interrupts and pulls Tom aside, leaving the circle of middle-aged men. ''Mate, are you okay? You seem a little distant.''
Tom stares at the ground, trying to keep himself steady. His emotions were running high, and he didn't want to show it, at least not here and now.
''Yeah, I just need to have a glass of water.'' He replied walking towards one of the waiters who was carrying what he needed. ''This conversation has stressed me out. Harrison, I didn't do it all alone. You were part of it too.''
''Tom, I know that. Just accept the compliment, you know that's what they like to do. They're just interested in the money they're going to receive from all of this.'' Harrison says, resting his hand on his friend's shoulder. ''You do not need to worry about me. After all, I didn't lie about who actually stayed up late working on this project. The merit is yours, my friend.''
‘’Thanks, mate” Tom smiled and hugged his friend.
''Let's mingle a little bit more, okay? Then we can return to the arms of our dear wives.'' After Harrison's words, Tom's eyes went looking for you again. And they found you in the same place, laughing and enjoying the night, looking freer than before. ''Speaking of which, why didn't you tell her what was going on?''
''I think I was working too much and didn't want to worry her. She just got promoted and you know how Y/N is like. Always putting the needs of others above her own.’’
''Tom, she is your wife. Not to mention she's the mother of your daughter. She needs to know about things that happen, you can't deal with everything alone.''
''I know that.'' He took a deep breath. ''But this is not the time for that, shall we continue?''
Harrison looked a little disappointed but didn't want to step on any more toes, so he just agreed and they carried on with the night.
''I can't believe he did that.'' Sophie said shocked. ''What an asshole.''
''Well, you can believe it.''
''He promotes you and still has the courage to challenge you? Doubting whether you will be able to complete your tasks on time?''
Since you were promoted, your boss has been making comments about your work making you doubt whether it was a good choice or not. Which doesn't make sense because the decision to promote you was his. How can he doubt your abilities now?
''It's been exhausting but I've been trying not to pay too much attention to his sarcastic comments.''
''I bet so, but I'm sure you're doing an excellent job.'' She smiled. ‘’Seriously, you shouldn't care about this asshole’’
''Whoa, who's the asshole?'' You heard Harrison's voice, and turned around to find him and Tom approaching the two of you.
''Y/N's boss is trying to make her work life hell.'' She responded as Harrison hugged her from behind. At that moment you felt jealous of her. ''Hey, want to dance?''
''Hm, one of the bosses embarrassing himself on the dance floor with his lovely wife? Is this something everyone here would like to witness?'' He pretended to think for a while before holding her hand. ''I bet they wouldn't miss this for anything.'' He dragged her to the dance floor, leaving you and Tom standing next to each other laughing.
When the laughter stopped it was strange. They were there, husband and wife embarrassed to be so close. Tom broke the ice and got closer to her, who leaned back on a table. His hands went to her waist while hers went to his chest.
''I would ask you to dance too, but I don't know if everyone here is prepared to watch this disaster.'' The playful tone in his voice made her startle. She feigned shock.
''Are you sure about that? Am I the cause of disaster? Do I need to remind you of our first dance? How many times did you step on my foot that night?'' They laughed together and for the first time in a long time, you felt close to him. Almost complete. He was there, and he was yours. ‘’Tommy...’’
His heart missed a beat when he heard the nickname. Your hands went around his neck, your face slowly approaching his.
‘’Yeah, darling, I’m here.’’
''I really miss you.'' You say placing your head on his chest. ''I'm tired.''
''Do you want to go home?'' He asked, stroking your back.
''Are you sure? It's your party. I can go alone if you want. I'm not that drunk, I'm just really tired.'' Your voice was muffled but he could hear it.
''It doesn't matter, I won't let you go alone. I just need to say goodbye to some people, okay? And talk to Haz.'' He said, making you look at him.
''Okay, I'm going to the bathroom.'' He nodded and let you go. Watching your path before following his.
In the bathroom, you looked at yourself in the mirror and noticed how flushed you were. Not knowing if it was caused by the drinking or the closeness you were with your own husband.
You entered one of the stalls just as two women entered the bathroom.
''Did you see them today?" One of them said. ‘’They look so hot.’’
''Yeah, it's a shame they had those two clinging to their arms all night.'' The second voice said, Ava, you recognized it. She was Tom and Harrison's assistant at the company. The person everyone has to deal with directly before they can exchange a word with either of them. Normally, she is the one who decides which issue is extremely important and needs to reach them or not.
''Did you see Y/N tonight? I never imagined she could dress so well''.
''It was definitely just for the show.'' Ava replied and you held your breath in fear that they would realize that there was someone else in the same room as them. ''At least she looks pretty today.''
''And how do you feel about that?'' The girl asked cautiously.
''What do you mean by that, Izzy? Do you think I'm afraid of her?'' Ava mocked. ''You don't even know the half of it.''
''It's his wife.'' The second girl, Izzy, clarified.
''Do you want to know? Tom and I have become very close these last few weeks. Late one night, while we were at the office, he opened up to me. He was very honest saying that their marriage is not going well. Made it seem like he was tired of her or something.'' She said. ''What they did today was just to keep up appearances. I know what he really wants.''
''You mean he wants you?'' Izzy said and you felt your heart stop waiting for the answer.
''It's not that, I mean, we had a moment. This week, he was in the middle of a meeting when his daughter's daycare center called. Something about her fighting with a colleague over a pen, childish stuff, you know? I needed to act and since my name was on the list of people who could pick her up, I went.'' You felt dizzy upon hearing the information. How had Tom not told you this? ''I think he was extremely grateful, we hugged and well, we almost kissed.''
Everything was getting blurry, you couldn't believe he would do something like that.
''It didn't happen, so I don't want to say he wants me, but maybe he wants to get rid of her.'' She finished. ''Anyway, I wouldn't have a relationship with him. A daughter and an ex-wife? It is not for me. But that's it, looking doesn't take away anything.''
They left the bathroom still gossiping, but you couldn't hear anything else. How could he have done this? Not just exposing your relationship to a stranger and almost kissing her but hiding something about your own daughter? Trying to remember a moment that may have been abnormal, you remembered two weeks ago, when Tom called you informing you that he was already at home with Ollie earlier and that you didn't need to pick her up. This was unusual, and never happened unless you agreed beforehand.
Something happened at her school, little Olivie got into trouble and you didn't know about it. You couldn't discipline your own daughter because your husband decided to hide it from you.
After the shock, some things started to make sense and well, your husband almost kissed another woman. There's a lot going on and you're not in a good place to think about it. Your only goal now is to go home.
Leaving the cabin, you looked in the mirror and finally noticed the tears running down your face.
You quickly wiped your face and left the bathroom, encountering who you wanted to avoid. He was there, near the door, talking to the two women who had just exposed the biggest nonsense that Tom Holland could have done in his life. His eyes met yours and he was distracted, confused by your expression, soon the women also noticed that you left the bathroom right behind them.
And they knew what they had done. They said goodbye to Tom without looking back. He walked up to you and cupped your face with his hand.
''Y/N what happened?'' He said worriedly, you grabbed his wrists, removing his hands from your face.
''I'm going home.'' Was the only thing you said before walking past him towards the exit. Without looking at anyone, not even Sophie.
When you finally left the salon, the same boy from earlier was standing in front of the familiar car, waiting for the owner. He spotted Tom, who was behind you and handed him the keys.
He thanked the boy and stopped in front of you.
''Let's go, and we'll talk about what's going on.'' He held your hand only for you to make him let go right away.
''I'm not going with you''
''What? Y/N, get in the car.''
You shook your head and the tears came back. Soon your face was covered and you couldn't control it.
''No. How could you... how could you do this to me?" Your voice was increasing and Tom started looking around frantically.
''Y/N, baby, please. Let's go home.’’ Your hands went to your face, hiding it, embarrassed by this whole situation.
''You're hurting me so much, Tommy.'' Carefully he approached you and hugged you. And you allowed it. Because you are tired, tired of fighting, of holding this relationship alone, of holding a family alone.
Tom managed to guide you to the car and just like on the way there, the return was filled with silence. The only thing that could be heard this time was the sound of your sniffing.
When you arrived home, you were the first to get out of the car without looking back. Tom hadn't even parked properly and you were already outside. Sobriety overshadowed any drink you had this evening. With difficulty you found the keys to the front door inside your bag.
Finally inside the house, you took off your heels, leaving them at the entrance and made your way to the living room. You can hear Tom closing the door and walking right behind you.
''Can you tell me what happened to Ollie at school?'' You turned to him. ''Or are you going to keep hiding this from me?''
And so, Tom understood. He finally understood what had happened. You knew everything.
''She had a fight with a friend. Apparently, he took something from her and she tried to resolve it by pushing the child.'' Tom said as he ran his hands through his hair, messing it up. ''The child was not hurt and the parents understood that it was just a silly disagreement between the children. But the school called me to talk about her behavior.''
''They just called you, or called us both?’’
''Both of us.'' He said knowing where this was going. Your face contorted into an expression of pain.
''Do you know how that makes me feel, Tom? My daughter behaved badly and you omitted me to be responsible for it. She's not just yours, Tom. I need to know these things. What does this teach her? That it's ok if she hides certain things from me, because you did the same? And when she decides to do this with both of us? That hiding things is better?''
''I know I made a mistake, Y/N but I didn't want to burden you. I know the work has been difficult. Hell, you said that to Sophie today.'' He said trying to defend himself. ''I'm sorry for hiding it from you, but I did it thinking about saving you some worry.''
''Thomas, she's my daughter too. I need to know what happens to her. God, Tom, she's 4 years old.'' You try to reason with him, who just sits on the couch. ''I know that's not the whole reason you kept this from me.''
And when he looks up, you find him with eyes full of tears ready to collapse.
''I heard Ava's conversation in the bathroom, that's how I found out. I know she went to pick up Olivie that day. And for the record, I know she's your secretary but I want her off the list of people who can pick up Ollie.'' You say, moving away from him. ''I know what happened next. Between you two.''
Tom quickly stood up in front of you, his eyes begging you to accept whatever he was going to say.
''I don't know what she said, but you need to believe me when I tell you that nothing happened between us. I could never do that to you Y/N, you need to know that.'' And to his surprise you smiled softly. ''From the first moment you came into my life, I knew I would never need anyone again, no matter what.''
''Tom, what happened to us? When and why did we grow so far apart? Isn't this what we wanted, our family?''
''I know I've been distant but Y/N... things really aren't easy. We almost lost... we almost lost the company. Our accounts weren't good, there was a month when I thought we wouldn't be able to pay the employees. Me and Haz were desperate.'' He turned around as if he was embarrassed. ''We almost lost our investors. That's why I had to work twice as hard. So I spent a few nights away from home. In the midst of all this, all I could think about was the two of you. I needed to protect you no matter what.''
Your face softened upon hearing his outburst.
''It's been 10 years since we started this project and look at everything we've built. I had to do something. I know you work and believe me, you are the best at what you do, and your boss is just another asshole in this world who thinks he is better than others, but wouldn't be able to do half as much as you.’’
His face, like yours, was already full of tears.
''I'm sorry, I just couldn't let it all end like this. So, I did everything I could to rebuild what we have.'' He finished, approaching you once again, carefully his hands cupped your face. ''I'm sorry, my intention was never to hurt you. I would never do that.''
Without thinking twice, your lips pressed against his. You hadn’t felt them in a while. Your hands went to his hair while his went to your waist, pulling you as close as possible. As you deepened the kiss, Tom's hands ran down your back. His lips trailed down to your neck and collarbone, leaving open-mouthed kisses along the way.
Your hands found the jacket he still wore, removing it.
''Y/N, I don't want to... are you sure?'' He said with a hitched breath as you left small kisses on his lips. It had been so long since you had truly felt him.
''Yes I'm sure. I miss you so much, Tom, please.'' You said as you stared at him firmly.
He guided you to your room and as always, you let him, trusting him as you always did. And that night, Tom made you feel what you hadn't felt in a while, closeness to him. The care he always had, the affection. Skin on skin, sweat, short and mixed breaths.
On Sunday, two nights later, in the morning Tom told Nikki that you would be there for lunch and she could barely contain her happiness at hearing the news. Somehow she managed to notice the difference in her son's tone of voice and knew that things were working out.
Of course, you talked afterwards, for a long time, and agreed that you wouldn't hide anything from each other, especially issues related to Olivie. And you would always be there to listen to each other in any difficulty that may arise. That's what you promised when you exchanged rings and it would remain that way for a long time.
''Mumma, daddy!'' Olivie's excited voice was the first thing you heard when you arrived in the back garden of the Holland family house.
''Hi, baby!'' You said as Tom picked Ollie up. ''Did you have fun with grandma and grandpa?''
''Yeah, we made cookies.'' She said excitedly.
''I hope you left one for me.'' Tom said making the little girl laugh.
''I ate them all.'' She said jokingly. ''Sorry dad.'' Tom opened his mouth pretending to be shocked and you laughed at their mannerism.
This was what you missed, moments of joy and togetherness, happiness and love.
Hope you liked it!
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bookshelf-dust · 2 months
Hii love!! I absolutely LOVE your works and was wondering if you could write a fic where Billy finds the readers s/h scars and asks about it? The reader kinda opens about why they did and Billy is super confused about why you would purposely hurt yourself, but he swears to himself he’d never let you do that again?? If not, that’s perfectly fine, i know this topic is pretty sensitive to people🤍🤍
billy hargrove x fem!reader
word count: 2,513
warnings: SH trigger warning!! please heed that. mentions of self harm (specifically cutting), scars described, areas on skin. all scars are healed and reader has recovered. please do not read this if this will make you uncomfortable. this is meant to be comforting and let you know that things do get better. it is about acceptance and change.
a/n: anon!! thank you for this idea. i just want to put it out there that i’m not taking requests for the foreseeable future, and haven’t been for quite awhile, but i got sent this and i felt really compelled to write it because it’s something that’s important to me. i felt like i could do it justice, at least a little bit, and i really hope that it will provide you with some comfort. this is something close to my heart, and my goal here is that it will reach someone the right way and encourage them to keep going. i love you all so much!! please go easy on me as i’ve never written anything like this before. also did a bit of a different format! anyway, mwah! 🥰
Billy knows you’re shy. Of course he does. 
But he wants you to feel as comfortable with him as he does with you. He’s never felt as relaxed and safe as he does when he’s around you. Hell, he’s never allowed himself to let his guard down in this way. 
Inviting you to sleep over was his olive branch, hoping you’d have a space where you could be fully you. He has the house to himself, and he knows that will help ease your anxiety. All Billy wants is to give you all that you’ve given him. And maybe more.
Billy had just stripped, pulling on sweats and an old t-shirt, not caring whether you saw him in his underwear. He’s yours anyway. Sure, you haven’t gone very far in your relationship, but he still wants you to see how comfortable you’ve made him. He’s never done this casual intimacy thing before. 
“I’ll be just a second, okay?” You give him a gentle smile, feet softly padding against the worn hardwoods, sleeve brushing the door frame as you walk by. 
Billy watches you walk out of his room with your pajamas tucked under your elbow. “Okay, baby.” 
He busies himself while you’re gone, straightening the bed, finding the tv remote. (He’d never be allowed to roll it into his room if he weren’t home alone.) He figures you’re taking your makeup off too, maybe doing something with your hair, and heads to the kitchen to make some popcorn for you both to share. 
In the bathroom, you take a deep breath as you pull on your nightgown. You don’t pride yourself in having nice or fancy things to sleep in, but you felt like bringing this with you because it’s one of the few things you own that makes you feel pretty. Something about a freshly washed face and the soft fabric make you all…content. 
You stare at yourself in the mirror. The gown is not tight by any means, and actually a color that brings out your eyes. It has little bows on the sleeves and a tiny strip of lace at the hem. You don’t tend to dress for anyone but yourself, but you do think Billy will like this. Some part of you craves that feeling. 
He’s never even seen your legs before, much less your collarbones. And not because you’re trying to be modest, but because it’s been cold and any other opportunity hasn’t presented itself. Showing someone so much of yourself is harder than you anticipated. And you anticipated quite a bit of work. 
You inhale and exhale deeply, shaking out your arms. You can’t help but be nervous. You’ve never slept over with a boy before. But it’s Billy. Your Billy. What is there to be worried about?
Billy returns to his bedroom shortly after you’ve sat down and queued up the movie for you both to watch. You take the popcorn he offers you, the socks that are much too big, and snuggle into the worn pillows propped up against his headboard. 
You’re sitting too far away for Billy’s liking, munching on your snack and trying to focus on the beginning of Nightmare on Elm Street as if you haven’t seen it over ten times. His eyes can’t stop dragging over your bare legs. This is the first time he’s seen them, and he wants you and all that skin closer.
“Baby,” he drawls.
You can feel his big blue eyes on you, but for once you really are paying attention. “Yeah?” you hum, licking butter from the tip of your thumb.
You don’t even look over at him, and Billy lets out a huff of a laugh. The noise prompts you to spare a glance in his direction, but he’s already got an arm wrapped around your thigh, yanking you across the sheets until you’re pressed against his side. 
He tries not to convey how excited he is that he can feel the warmth of your skin on his, how soft your inner thigh feels. He frees you though, laughing at the “Oomph” you let out before settling yourself more comfortably. 
You swing your leg over both of Billy’s, handing him your popcorn remains and resting your head on his shoulder. He happily sticks his hand in your little bowl, eating what you’d left behind. 
As the movie progresses and Billy finishes all the popcorn, you shift further and further into him. It makes Billy so happy to see you act so comfortable around him. This is everything he was hoping for. He sets your empty bowls on his side table and wipes his hands clean with the wet rag he’d brought with him.
You’re engrossed in the movie, laughing every now and then at something you shouldn’t find funny, or clutching at Billy’s fingers when you get stressed out during a tense moment.
God, he’s so happy to be with you. If he could make this night last forever, he would. Billy kisses the top of your head and wraps an arm around your back, his hand coming to rest on the top of your thigh. You don’t think much of the gesture, only feeling a shiver run down your spine at the contact. At his warm hand on your skin.
Your skin.
Your nightgown has ridden up a bit, and suddenly you register exactly where Billy’s hand is. You take a deep breath, hoping he won’t rub your thigh and feel what you’ve avoided showing him for so long. 
You try not to worry, try to keep your focus on the movie, but you can’t. Your bubble has popped. You want to adjust your nightgown, but you’re afraid to draw more attention to the area, afraid to offend him and make him think you don’t want his touch. 
Billy’s thumb starts to stroke back and forth on your skin. You can feel the exact moment he registers that it doesn’t feel the way it should. The way your arms do, the way the soft backs of your hands do when he takes them in his. 
You feel him sit up slightly, crane his head to look at you. At your thigh.
Upon touching your leg, Billy had expected smooth skin. But he met ridges. Bumps. Lines of raised skin. He knew that wasn’t normal, and it sent a surge of curiosity or maybe even concern through him. 
What he sees confuses him. What happened to your leg? 
“Baby? What’s that?”
He’s sitting up fully now, prompting you to do the same before you fall against the bed. 
The longer he looks at it, the more confused he gets. There are scars on your leg. They’re not big, but there are a lot of them. So many that it’s scaring him. Some thin, some thicker. Different shades of scar tissue and scratched skin that never returned to its original state. 
They aren’t fresh, no, not at all. They are all healed. But he’s so confused because he’s gotten lots of cuts and bruises throughout his life, and they’ve never looked like yours do. They don’t look like a normal injury does. These look…deliberate. And he doesn’t understand.
You turn around and sit on your knees. I guess it’s now or never, you think. If you don’t tell yourself that, you’ll probably throw up. And if you hadn’t moved so far past this, you’d feel even worse. 
“They’re scars,” you say, rubbing your elbow. 
Billy flicks your knee, mainly because he doesn’t know how to react, his other hand rubbing down his face. “No shit.”
Your heart is pounding despite the fact that this is something you have long overcome and are not ashamed of. Even still, there is a part of you that hopes he won’t be disgusted with you. It’s the same part that hasn’t let the relationship go as far as you’d like it to. 
“I put them there.”
Billy blinks. Even if some part of him knew that’s where this was headed, he still can’t wrap his head around that. “What?” 
His eyes dart to your leg again, wondering if the scars are more extensive than what he can see. He’s scared of how badly you’ve hurt yourself. If he’s not careful, his eyes will glaze over. 
“A few years ago. You know how I’ve mentioned my depression and anxiety? And how I have medicine? How it was hard for me to go on dates with you at first or how sometimes I get standoffish?” 
He nods, encouraging you to continue.
“Well, you’ve been really good at reassuring me and understanding my panic attacks and stuff, and I’ve gotten a lot better at managing these things. But before all of that, before how I am now, I had no one. I was all alone, and I couldn’t deal with my feelings. So I took it out on myself. I started cutting myself as a way to cope.” You hate to admit all of this, but he deserves to know.
You start fidgeting with your fingertips and break eye contact with him. Billy’s lips have formed a stern pout, his brows knitting together in a way that shows he’s trying to understand you. To him, he really is just trying to comprehend this. But to you, that’s the look of shame you’ve been awaiting. You don’t want to be looked at that way.
You sit on your hands and stare at a string that’s come loose from your worn-in comforter. 
“Anyway, I didn’t have anyone to help me. I couldn’t talk about how sad and lonely and angry I was, and I certainly wasn’t ready for a doctor. I kept it all in, figuring it was safer that way. But that got to me, and I chose to take it out on myself. There.” You touch your thigh. “Here and here.” Your fingers brush your stomach and hip. “Here too.” Your forearm. I know it’s horrible, but that’s what I chose to do. And I wouldn’t ever want someone else to choose that.” 
“I didn’t want to die, I just wanted the hurt to stop. I needed an outlet for all of those suffocating feelings, and that was what I did. Hurting myself helped me feel better because at least I was expressing something. And I was able to punish myself for being so unlike everyone else. So quiet, so hard to love, so different.”
Your heart is pounding but you steal a quick glance at Billy. He can’t fight the emotion from showing on his face anymore. He feels his eyelashes getting thick with tears that are threatening to spill at any moment. 
“I know this is probably hard to understand. I know you might be disgusted with me. But I guess it’s better that you know, right? I should’ve been more open about it with you sooner to avoid it being so…complicated.”
You stop, not really knowing what else there is to say. You’re hoping that this will encourage him to say something. Anything. You’d be happy to answer a question at this point.
Billy brings the hem of his shirt up to wipe his eyes. You wince, feeling awful for making him emotional over this. 
He takes a moment to try and wrap his head around what he’s just heard. He’s had a habit of self-medicating with alcohol, with cigarettes, hell, even ego lifting shit he shouldn’t at the gym. But everyone copes differently, right? You wouldn’t do what he does. He wouldn’t do what his dad does.
He just can’t bear the thought of thinking that someone would physically do that to themselves. That you, his perfect girl, would be feeling so low that you’d make yourself bleed just in search of relief from the pain. He can’t understand it, but at the same time, he sees that it comes in different forms. 
Billy reaches out for your hands, waiting for you to take them. The pressure behind your eyes immediately softens at the gesture.
“Don’t apologize to me, okay? I’m just trying to process.” He lifts your hand to his mouth and kisses your warm skin.
He kisses each of your knuckles in turn, maintaining eye contact all the while. He straightens, not letting go of your fingers. “I don’t like to think about you being in any sort of pain. Imagining you doing that to yourself…fuckin’ breaks my heart.” 
You tilt your head, scanning his face. He’s hurting for you, and you want to take it away. “It’s okay, Billy. I’m so much better now.”
“But I wish that I’d known you when you were hurting so damn bad. Y-you were alone, and I’m angry that no one was there to pull you out. I would’ve helped you.”
You squeeze his hands. “Billy, baby. I wouldn’t have let you help me.”
“Why?” he asks, his voice cracking. 
“Because I didn’t want to get better. I was comfortable in an endless cycle of hurt, and I had to be the one to finally change something.”
Billy leans forward until his forehead is resting against your chest. “I’m so sorry that you had to deal with that, and I know you sure as hell don’t want my pity, but I just can’t have you ever be in pain.”
You weave your fingers into the hair at the base of his neck. “I know, Billy. I’m okay, I promise? I’ve worked really hard to be okay.”
He straightens, cupping your face. “God, I know you have. I’m never gonna let you hurt like that again, you hear me?”
“I hear you, Billy. That’s not a place I ever want to return to.”
He leans in and kisses you with so much passion, using his lips to say more than he could ever form into words, that it leaves you feeling dazed. Loved.
“I’m so proud of you,” Billy says. 
You smile at him, and if he weren’t already sitting, he’d need to because of how weak you make him. 
“Thank you for respecting me and not treating me differently. You have no idea how much that means.”
Billy’s hands slide down to rest on your collar bones. “Why on earth would I treat you differently? Have people before? If anything it shows me how much of a fucking star you are, because you got through that all on your own. You got through it and now I have the pleasure of being yours.” 
You feel like someone’s poured warm water down your back. “People are usually awful about it, yeah. But that doesn’t matter. I’m grateful that you’re so accepting. And I want to be more open with you.”
“You don’t ever have to worry about that, baby. I’m working on my patience, so I’m happy to wait and learn every inch of you. Inside and out.” He winks at you, hoping to coax out a smile. It works.
“I’m so glad I got to this point,” you admit to him. You never say that out loud. 
“Fuck, so am I.” He kisses your forehead. “My best girl.”
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Late Night Rides
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Moodboard made by me
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Pairing || Dilf!Neighbour!Bucky x Female!Reader
Summary || Having a secret affair with Bucky and needing to meet up secretly in his car for a chat and sex so you won’t get caught.
Text messages; Bucky || Reader
Word Count || 3987
Contents & Warnings || Smut, Fluff, Slight Angst — NSFW, 18+ Only, Minors DNI, explicit content/language, major age-gap (reader is early 20’s, Bucky is early/mid 40’s) infidelity, pet names (babe, baby, doll), unprotected vaginal sex, lots of kissing and touches, teasing, grinding, spanking, praise kink, creampie, mention of bodily fluids.
Authors Note || I’m so happy with this fic! I really put down extra love and care into this one and I’m so excited for people to read it <3 but also nervous
Disclaimer || English is not my first language so I apologise for any mistakes or misunderstandings!
Dilf!Neighbour!Bucky Masterlist
I don’t do taglists anymore so please follow @bucky-barnes-diaries-library and turn on notifications to never miss out on my writing!
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It’s Wednesday night, and you've been cooped up all afternoon inside your room to do some last-minute studying for an important exam tomorrow. You’re lying on your stomach on the bed with your comfy clothes on. Legs crossed in the air as you review some final notes to ensure you are 100% prepared for tomorrow.
You’ve created a pleasant atmosphere for studying—calming music is playing through your AirPods, and the healthy snacks and drinks you’ve made for yourself keep your brain fed so you can cram all the knowledge into your memory with no problem.
A ping of your phone, signalling a text, pulls you out of the concentration, making you groan in annoyance. But once you see who the message is from, you can't help but feel all giddy inside like a schoolgirl with a major crush.
It’s from Bucky, your hot next-door neighbour and the man you’ve been hooking up with behind everyone's back for a few months. It’s been a while now since you’ve talked or texted.
You’ve both been busy with your lives the past two weeks; you with school and him with his wonderful two kids and his bitter wife, so you haven’t been able to see each other in private.
The only contacts you’ve had were some quick hello’s and secret glances when you bump into him in the neighbourhood. Every time you saw him, you yearned for his delightful touch and attention—his soft lips on yours and his intoxicating hands worshipping your skin as he whispered how good you are for him. You shudder at the thought as your stomach fills with tingling butterflies.
For a few days now, you’d hoped you would meet up again soon, and it seemed like tonight might be it, although you should be studying…
Hey! You still up?
Hi! Yeah looking over some final notes for my exam tomorrow 🤓
Right yeah I forgot it's on Thursday. Good luck baby ❤️ Text me when you finish tomorrow
I will 😚 But was there something you wanted due to the late-night text?
Just wanted to see if you were up for a drive. Everyone’s asleep and I could use the company. But I don’t want to disturb you. Do some more studying baby. Get a good night's sleep! I know you will ace this exam tomorrow because you’re such a smart girl ❤️
You felt your stomach fluttering as he called you a smart girl. He was right. You would absolutely smash the exam tomorrow because you’ve been studying hard and you knew the topic like the back of your hand.
You needed a break; you deserved it. So you decided to take up his offer and have some much-needed fun with him (which would definitely lead to sex.)
I want to see you. I’ve studied enough now. Give me a sec. I just need to get dressed and I’ll be out ☺️
Really!? Ok I’ll wait at the usual spot
You put on some more appropriate and easily discardable clothes for your and Bucky’s “date”, if you could call it that. A short skirt, a cute top, and a cardigan to keep you warm on a chilly night.
Very quietly, you tip-toed downstairs and out the door, making sure not to wake your parents, who were sound asleep.
Although it's late and dark, you walk quickly past the neighbouring houses. Paranoia overwhelms you that someone may see and recognise you, despite all the houses being pitch black and not a single soul walking the streets.
You get into Bucky’s car that’s waiting for you a few houses down. You don’t even get to say hello before he’s cradling your face and pressing his lips firmly to yours—eagerly moving them against yours to familiarise himself with them again after the long absence. You melt into him and place your hands on top of his as you make out.
After a few moments, he pulls away, leaving you breathless and making you inhale a shaky breath. He smirks as he brushes his nose with yours while muttering a low “hi.” You feel heat rise to your cheeks as you also greet him with a trembling “hey”. Your mind still foggy from the kissing, and butterflies flutter in your stomach at being in his presence.
“I missed you so much, gorgeous.”
“I-I missed you too.”
He pressed his lips to yours again, wanting to continue where you left off and then some. He put his hands on your waist, wanting to pull you on top of him so you could progress this even further, but you stopped him before he could. It’s not that you didn't want to be pressed up against him; you just didn’t feel so comfortable going at it right in your neighbourhood.
“B-Bucky.” You placed your hands on his chest and lightly pushed him away. “I-I don’t feel comfortable doing this here. Can we drive somewhere a little more private, please?” You pouted.
If Bucky could choose, he would have you right here and now. Loving the rush of potentially getting caught by one of your neighbours that decided to go for an evening stroll, but he knew you weren’t comfortable with it, so he respected your boundaries.
“Of course, we can, baby.” He caressed your cheek while giving you a heartwarming smile, making his eyes crinkle. “I never want to do something you’re uncomfortable with.” “Thanks, babe.” He gave you a sweet peck before he put the car in drive, and off you were.
He turned up the radio a bit to have some pleasant background music and put the heating on to warm you up.
You removed your cardigan, which made him side-eye you and lick his lips as you revealed more of your tempting skin. He gripped the steering wheel hard to try and resist the urge to stop on the road and take your hard. He wanted to have you somewhere alone and secure before he started exploring you because there was no way to stop him when he began.
You glanced over at him as well. He was clad in jeans and a thin sweater, so you couldn’t see much of him. But you knew he was packing behind those pants and that his torso looked like a Greek statue. It made you ache between your legs and mouth water that you would soon have all the time to explore his naked body.
After a while of comfortable and sexually charged silence, you and he effortlessly slipped into a conversation as you talked about your weeks apart—catching up with each other’s lives. There wasn’t much to talk about from your side. It mostly revolved around school and studying for the exam.
Bucky had loads to talk about, especially with his two kids. He beamed with love and happiness as he spoke of them. Laughing and getting so enthusiastic as he shared the latest. It was so heartwarming to see and hear.
You missed them as well. You’d gotten a good connection with them the first time you ever went to babysit. That’s how you met Bucky, and you had fallen for him instantly.
Talking about his kids naturally moved the conversation over to his wife. That’s when the atmosphere switched to something more unpleasant and tense. You didn’t say much while he talked about her, just listening to him complain and letting him vent about how much he essentially hated her, although he never said it straight out.
It wasn’t really your place to say anything about her, although you had lots of input. You wanted to tell him to get a divorce because the constant arguing between them wasn’t leading to anything, and it was bound to be taken out on the kids negatively. You wanted to tell him that he deserved to be happy. If not with you, then with someone else who would give him the love and intimacy he deserved. You just wanted what’s best for him and his children.
After the rant and mention about his wife, it got a little awkward in the car. You knew what you were doing was essentially wrong even if their marriage was on the brink of collapsing and probably not savable, but still, you felt a little guilty about being with a married man. A homewrecker was something you never wanted to be, although his wife was doing that just fine herself.
“You know, the kids miss you. They're always asking when you’ll come over again to play.” Bucky said while looking over at you with a smile, trying to break the awkward tension he created between you two.
Your heart filled with warmth when he told you that they’d been asking for you. You missed them so incredibly much as well, and you couldn’t wait to see them again soon.
“How about this weekend? After my exam, I’ll have loads of free time to hang out with them.”
He placed his palm on your naked thigh, giving a squeeze, as he beamed with happiness once again. “They would love that, and so would I.” He looked over and smiled, which made you feel all fuzzy inside.
For the remaining few minutes of the car ride, until you got to your destination, you sat in now comfortable silence with each other.
Once you arrived at a more secluded area, Bucky turned off the car. You were all alone now. No one would be able to disturb the two of you.
You thought now, when you were for yourselves, he would toss himself over you like he usually did, but he retracted further from you as he furrowed his eyebrows, looking deep in thought as he tried to find the right words to tell you something.
“I’m sorry about the whole, you know….” He gestured with his hands, hoping you would understand his meaning without mentioning who or what he was talking about.
“Bucky, it’s okay. You can always talk to me about anything that’s bothering you, no matter what it is. I’m always here to listen.”
He let out a puff of relief that he hadn’t screwed up anything with you. “Thank you.” He tilted his head as he looked at you, a smile decorating his beautiful face. “That means a lot.”
“I just want you to be happy.” You took his hand and gave it a tight squeeze. It fit so perfectly in yours, like two puzzle pieces meant to be. You never wanted to let go. “I really care about you, Bucky.”
“I care about you also, so much.”
The words you said to each other felt like they held an entirely different meaning. A synonym for those three words that would absolutely change everything if you said it. But neither you nor Bucky were ready to take that next step yet, so for now, “I care” was enough to convey your feelings for one another.
You gazed into each other’s eyes for a few moments. An entirely new atmosphere was brewing around you—one of intimacy, love and neediness.
Bucky’s eyes were fixated on your lips before they flickered to your eyes and then back down again. Your heart beat fast in your chest, and your core fluttered as you leaned into one another. When your lips came in touch, there was no denying the sparks that exploded between you two. You and he were perfect for each other; there was no denying your intense chemistry together.
You kissed slowly and sweetly at first—expressing your love and care for one another through it. The kiss gradually built momentum when his hands grabbed your waist, digging his fingers into your skin, and yours snaked in the hairs at the back of his neck. Your lips now eagerly moved against each other as you were both impatient to feel one another to the fullest.
Bucky nips your bottom lip and growls against you as he tugs you towards him, conveying that he wants you on top. With a bit of awkward shuffling, resulting in a few “ops” and “sorry’s” and lots of giggling, you managed to find your place on top of him, resting your legs on each side. Due to the car being so crammed, your head hits the roof when you go to adjust yourself in his lap.
“OW!” You cry as you rub the top of your head while wincing in pain, which sends Bucky into a slight panic that you’d hurt yourself pretty bad.
“Oh my God, baby, are you okay?” He questioned nervously as he cradled your head while concern was written all over his face. He didn’t like seeing you in pain.
“Y-yeah.” You grit your teeth and suck in air as he touches the tender spot.
“You sure?” Bucky can’t help but chuckle a little, which you do as well.
“I’m sure. All is good now. I-I’m sorry, Bucky. That wasn’t very sexy of me.” You look down in shame, fiddling with your fingers, thinking you ruined the moment between you two with how clumsy you were.
“Hey.” He lifts your chin with two fingers, making you look at him. “You’re always so fucking sexy, even when you smack your head on the roof of my car.” He chuckles again. “You still want to keep going?” He runs his hands up and down your naked thighs, which makes you sink further into him, craving his closeness and intoxicating touch.
“I do.” You mumble against him as a smirk curves on your lips. You cup his cheeks, feeling his scruffy beard underneath your palms, and press your lips firmly to his, continuing where you left off a few moments ago. His tongue caresses yours as his hands reach under your skirt, palming your ass, kneading and squeezing the plump flesh in his grasp. With his hands holding a tight grip on your ass, he aids you in grinding on his covered bulge; your clothed core glides against the rough material, making you moan into his mouth.
With a slight change of angle, your clit brushes against his hardening cock, making you gasp while Bucky leaves open-mouth kisses underneath your jaw. His beard tickles and makes your skin feel tingly when he kisses down your neck.
“Hmm… that’s the spot, isn't it?”
“Keep going, baby.” He mumbled against your collarbone while travelling his hands upwards, leaving you to take control of your hips as he danced his fingers on your waist. “Grind yourself on me, my pretty doll.”
You keep moving on him as he kisses and touches your flesh. Bubbling pleasure builds fast in the pit of your stomach, and you want to chase it, but you need his cock buried deep within you much more.
You stop and call his name, which makes him look up at you with a puzzling expression on his face.
“Why’d you stop?”
“I-I need you so bad.” You grab him through the jeans, making him groan as you palm and caress his cock through his pants. “I want your cock in me so bad.” You purr in his ear, grazing your lips on the shell of it, making him shiver against you while a growl vibrates in his throat.
Becoming impatient as well, he helps you with discarding your top, followed by swiftly unclasping your bra and letting it fall down your arms. His eyes widen when your breasts are exposed, muttering a curse as he takes in their beautiful curves. He’s quick to kiss down the centre, taking advantage of the newly bare skin. You moan and toss your head back as he licks each nipple and tugs at them, making you hiss at the dull pain and grip his dick firmly.
“I love how easy it is to get you so riled up, gorgeous.” His words tickled your skin as he kissed each breast before he got to work on removing this jumper while you undid his pants.
Once he was bare in front of your eyes, you took a minute to study his physique. Your eyes follow your finger as you trace every contour and dip of his chest and abs while he continues trailing his hands on your skin. You part your lips as your eyes fall on his cock, quickly taking him in your hand, making him groan. A glob of your spit falls on his tip, saliva coating his length as you stroke him in teasing motions.
Your lips find his again as he reaches under you and presses his fingers to your covered core, touching you through the soaked material. Yours and his groans and moans muffled into the kiss as you feel and tease each other.
He pulls your panties to the side and yanks your pelvis closer to him, desperate to feel you wrapped around him.
Once you’ve felt like you both had gotten enough of the teasing, you glide his tip through your messy and sticky folds before lining him up with your entrance. Slowly, inch by inch, you descend onto him, your walls hugging his length to perfection, making you and he sigh in satisfaction at finally being connected after so long.
Bucky was starting to become impatient, so he slammed you down the last few inches until you sat on him entirely, making you cry out at the force. He takes hold of your jaw tightly. “That’s it, baby. Right where you fucking belong on my cock and nowhere else.” He grunted against your lips as shivers ran down your spine at his assertion. “This is my little pussy, isn't it?” You nod yes as your eyes become heavy and your mind gets lightheaded with his whole cock sheathed inside you. “Be a good girl and ride me.”
Slowly, you start to rock back and forth on his cock, getting used to having him nestled deep within your walls. He grabs your ass in his hands, helping you move on him as he looks over every inch of your body, licking his lips at having you in such an intimate and personal way, looking so fucking gorgeous and sexy.
You wrap your arms around his neck for leverage as you move up and down on him in quick motions as sounds of pleasure escape your parted lips. “You feel so good inside me, baby.” You whimper against him as your lips brush. His tongue pokes out to swipe on your bottom one.
“You’re so fucking tight.” He gives your ass a harsh spank, making you yelp and jerk upwards till only his tip is inside you before he slams you right back down, your ass slapping his thighs. Continuing this movement rapidly till the only sound filling the car is skin on skin.
Due to your activities, it was starting to become hot and steamy in the car—the windows fogged up. Your glistening bodies moved effortlessly against each other due to the slickness.
All the sensations and stimulations of feeling every ridge of his cock and his tip brushing against your sweet spot, along with his fingers dancing and digging into your sensitive skin, has your face contour in pure pleasure as moans, groans, and whimpers from you both echo in the car.
After a short while, it was starting to become a bit difficult to move on him with the limited space, so Bucky reclined his seat backwards until he almost laid down flat, making it easier for you to ride him.
Placing your hands on his chest, you roll your hips on him, finding the perfect rhythm as your breasts dance along. Bucky trailed his hands all over your body, kneading and caressing your flesh, as his hungry, dark eyes took in your mesmerising form, licking his lips and muttering a curse. “Just like that, baby. God, you look amazing.” You were so appealing as you rode him, so sinful as you claimed his cock and soul for yourself.
His cock twitched against your fluttering walls as he produced a throaty groan when you ran your hands over your naked body. From your hips, up your waist, until they rest on your breasts, palming them in your grasp as you close your eyes and toss your head back. Your face presented pure pleasure as you got deeply lost in the sensations. “God, you’re so fucking sexy it’s unbelievable. That’s it, baby. Such a pretty girl for me.” The sound of his deep and husky voice praising you goes straight to your tingling clit, which Bucky finds a second later and circles with his thumb, making you convulse on top at the overstimulation.
All the sensations are so deliciously overwhelming that you find it hard to keep upright as your mind becomes foggy and your body becomes weak. You fall onto him and let him take charge.
He braces himself, holding your ass firmly in his grasp before he starts thrusting upwards in long and satisfying strokes, till his tip is inside and then forcing himself balls deep, having your cry against his lips as he keeps praising what a good girl you are for taking him all. Your orgasm builds rapidly, ready to snap and wreck you at any moment.
“Fuck, I’m gonna come, Bucky.” You bury your face in his neck, crying against him as you shut your eyes hard. With a few more quick thrusts, the coil in the pit of your stomach ruptures, sending you into a mind-blowing frenzy of nothing but overwhelming pleasure. You embrace the euphoric orgasm as it impacts every single nerve in your body, making you convulse against him as your pretty sounds runs free.
Bucky mumbles a low curse as his cock twitches, and his hips jerk unevenly. He wraps his strong arms around your torso as he holds you close. Not a second later, he spills his cum deep inside you, decorating your fluttering walls as he grunts and moans deeply.
You’ve never felt more satisfied and complete as he fills you up to the hilt with his cock and seed. While Bucky couldn’t imagine anything more remarkable than your tight and warm walls hugging his length.
Once he’s given a few more calm thrusts, ensuring you’ve both gotten everything out from your orgasm and you’re both fucked out and satisfied, he stills, nestling inside you where he belongs. You exhale a shaky breath as he cradles your face and makes you rest your forehead on his, your noses brushing. “You’re so good to me, baby.” He mumbles as he runs his hands up and down your clammy back, making you shiver at his electrifying touch.
His crystal blue eyes gazing into yours, displaying nothing but adoration for you, made you almost utter those three words you’ve been holding in. You even parted your mouth to say it, lips quivering, but instead, you crashed into him to stop yourself. You poured the love into the kiss instead, hoping he would understand as you moved your lips against his passionately. “I know, baby.” He whispered against you, knowing exactly what you were trying to say.
He caressed your cheek as he furrowed his eyebrows, looking intensely at you.
“You said earlier that you wanted me to be happy.” You nod your head yes. “Well, I am happy. When I’m here with you, I’ve never been happier.”
He smiled from ear to ear, eyes crinkling. It made you fall for him all over again. Your face beamed with happiness upon hearing that, making you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. “I’m happy too, Bucky.”
He gives you a final sweet peck before you nuzzle your face in his warm and comforting chest, sighing in delightfulness as he strokes your arm and back lovingly. You stayed for a while longer, holding and cuddling each other, appreciating the last moment of your private and intimate alone time before you had to return to your everyday lives where you had to keep your relationship secret.
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Thank you for reading 🖤 Feedback through a comment is highly appreciated! Or let me know through an anonymous ask if that feels more comfortable. As well as a reblog to share my work with other people!
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