#(i wanted a longer one to give dress the shape i want but i'm just sorta hoping it actually works bc i don't have time for it not to lolol)
velvet-games · 3 days
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in the middle of working on a lucifer redesign :)
thoughts/explanations + minor character analysis under the cut (this was supposed to be short but it ended up being very thorough lmao):
honestly love his canon design so I'm kind of working from that more than I'm trying to rethink stuff from scratch
I'm gonna admit right now that a lot of the design choices were very self indulgent lol; I just want him to be pretty :<
circus stuff~
I've seen a lot of people raise their eyebrows at the circus motif, so I was going to try something different, but I actually think it makes a lot of sense!
I think freakshows/circus acts have been tied to this idea that certain identities/abilities are strange and shameful, only valuable as dehumanizing entertainment -- they're mistakes, freaks of nature
but at the same time many circus performances require a lot of skill and work and love that can go unappreciated, each and every performer at the very least a person worth respecting
I think lucifer sees hell as a freakshow/circus he's been forced to lead and try to control
a bunch of wayward toys meant to be bright and beautiful that have been twisted into something terrifying
and he needs to discover a more empathetic, appreciative, and loving way to think about sinners
and also to realize that it's not about him or his mistakes; it's about a group of people with their own emotions and autonomy that he needs to respect
all that to say: we're keeping the circus ringleader thing!
I think a whip would make more sense for a ringleader, esp since alastor has a staff already (but they're enemies/foils so maybe their designs should reflect each other?)
there's room to turn the whip into a snake maybe
in the pic I made it look like his tail bc I considered making his actual tail a goat tail (cute! but the longer one suits him better I think)
maybe an apple on the top/handle still
the tux honestly looks a little too formal/cool for him most of the time lmao
so I think he should take off the jacket/have the toymaker apron on instead unless he's fighting
vaudeville doll~
lucifer has a lot going on tbh: circus ringleader, angel, devil/demon, snake, goat, vaudeville porcelain doll, toymaker, etc.
I think I'm gonna take out snake just to simplify a little, but I'll talk about that more later
I was also going to take out porcelain doll but
1) the rosy cheeks are super cute
2) fits with the circus theme
3) fits with the idea that he's both a toy and toymaker (an angel that tried to play god)
uhhh there's a couple self indulgent doodles of him in a vaudeville doll dress lol. not relevant to the design at all; I just like drawing stripes and ruffles
I ended up making him sort of androgynous in a lot of ways? (not that he wasn't already lol) which works for him I think
part of it was the vaudeville doll thing; I wanted to give him (keep?) the eyeshadow and add those little vertical marks you see on them sometimes
also because I really liked the puff sleeves in one of the references I used; it kind of emphasizes an extended hourglass shape with the puffy pants
plus I love drawing the more classic tuxedo shape <3 very yummy lines and details
I fucking LOVE when people draw him with messy hair, so I made that permanent
I also think (esp since he's blond) having the hair stick out in tufts kind of makes it look like a star (morningstar, lightbringer, etc. etc.)
even more so with the pointy horns (those are also fun to draw cause they're right in the corners of his widow's peak)
I drew a random triangle on one of these as a reminder to keep the pointy/triangular shape language throughout lol
squares would def be wrong with the implications of sturdiness and stability
I think circles would be wrong too? he's vulnerable and ultimately very soft inside so I kept a lot of round lines, but I don't think he's the traditionally bubbly/friendly/peaceful archetype circles are usually used for
triangles are apparently dynamic, dangerous, and unpredictable, which is a little closer to what I'm going for
(shape language is a very flexible rule btw; I'm not saying they determine everything about a character or that one shape has to mean exactly one thing)
he's also a depressed, tortured soul, so I feel like he should look just a little unhinged and exhausted <3 (hence the eyebags on top of the messy hair)
angel stuff~
(sidenote: cherub and seraph are singular, cherubim and seraphim are plural. even the show gets this wrong tho, so feel free to say whatever ig)
I'm pretty sure most people agree lucifer was probably a cherub? cherubim only have 4 wings so I might go with that
I do think it makes more sense if he's higher ranking like a seraph tho ... it's hard to decide whether to go with the show's ideas about angels or actual religious texts cause both are interesting in their own ways
ARHHGHJF idk how I feel about his nose
again I thought about taking out the snake motif, but he honestly looks good w/o a nose (I mean it's there obviously but you can't see it if it's just snake slits lol), and I definitely like the idea of him having a forked tongue or his eyes turning into slits when he's angry
also also
mini rant on animal motifs in hazbin:
I get the impression that a lot of people think it's a bad thing that you can't tell what animal a character should be? and/or that a motif has to be clearly present in the entire design to be good
and I kind of just accepted that until I started thinking about ozzie's design from helluva boss
like the original demon he's based on is really just that fucked up and mixed with animals you can't always identify
and chinese dragons are like a billion different animals even though they sort of just look like lizards at the end of the day
like obviously if you want the audience to associate a character with a specific animal (like if you want people to think a character's spooky because they're a spider or something), then you do want the animal motifs to be clear/consistent
but sometimes you just want certain elements there and it doesn't matter if the audience picks up on it (at least consciously)
and I think with someone like lucifer, having a lot of animals/concepts mixed together in an ungodly combination makes sense lol
so idk
maybe we'll just give him the nose/tongue
I did try just giving him a button nose in some of these for the doll thing tho
urgh I hate realizing I should've designed certain characters together lol
I took out the rosy cheeks in my original charlie design since I wasn't thinking about lucifer, so I put them back in this time lol (and generally thought about how they should be visually related)
I like that it enforces the idea that charlie's lucifer's creation (toymaker makes a doll in his own image yk)
also they both have puff sleeves now :) (charlie's design is basically princess dress silhouette but make it a suit)
I also gave her goat ears, so I figured lucifer should have them too? idk because I like the way his hair looks a lot better without them, and I kind of like the idea of giving them diff combinations of goat features (maybe she should have a goat tail?)
also drawing this made me realize I have no idea why charlie has a puppy nose??? I thought it was the goat thing for some reason but that doesn't make any sense
maybe I'll just give her no nose
anyway! fucking incredible if you read all of that; idk what possessed me to write so much about a half-finished design lol. feel free to leave suggestions/answers to the questions I had!
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seekingthestars · 26 days
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i hate that i do think it'll be cute to have so many more flowers on eevee 3.0 bc hand-sewing 72 appliqués is gonna be a huge pain 😭
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alilarew23 · 3 months
assign yourself a new role
i know people can find states of consciousness a bit confusing, so here's a super simple exercise you can do to locate (and then be and persist in) your ideal self.
imagine somebody comes to you and says you can be anybody, instantly. you think--in terms of manifestation--well, i want to manifest my SP, so i guess that means i want to be SP's girlfriend?
ok, but what does that mean? what does that look like for you? what does that feel like?
well, i want my SP lovingly obsessed with me, spoiling me, blowing up my phone 24/7, buying me flowers and gifts and a ring, taking me on all sorts of fancy dates and trips, racing home to me at the end of the work day...
ok, so your new identity is "obsessed over, spoiled girlfriend."
i want you to imagine, now, you're on a movie set, and the director comes to you and says, "your job is to be THE obsessed over, spoiled girlfriend. i'm not giving you any lines, though. i'm not telling you how to dress or how to act. you gotta adlib, you gotta do it now, and you gotta keep doing it. that's it. that's the task."
you say ok, and you feel a switch go off within you, right?
you're no longer the person who's obsessively manifesting an SP. no. your SP is chasing you. you cannot get this man to stop texting you. you're thinking, "oh my god. he is such a simp for me, it's almost funny. he'll do anything he can to spend every second with me." you get home from shopping and--he left flowers on your doorstep? and a note? holy shit. your SP wrote you a love poem?!!?! and bought you tickets to ITALY?!
you probably feel...different...in your body, too. energetically. much more secure, powerful, maybe even sensual, a bit savage. focused on yourself and your goals, other areas of your life like friendships and work. all that neediness and yearning and pain just--dissipated. you're no longer the desirer. you're the desired.
feels good, doesn't it?
well, you just shifted your state.
that all took place in imagination, but it felt real because...spoiler alert...it is real.
you're not imagining to become.
you imagine and you are.
so you continue imagining. not because you want to "get" your SP (though you will, by law), but because "obsessed over, spoiled girlfriend" is the identity you've chosen, and you love being her. it feels right to you, natural, effortless, authentic. feels like who you are, like your truth.
(also, you don't want to get fired by the movie director, who is the most badass person alive...oh, right, that's you, too).
this applies to anything, and doesn't need to be a singular identity. you can be "obsessed over, spoiled girlfriend" and "rich as fuck powerhouse crossfit champion of the world" and "the most sought after dog walker in all the land" and "baker extraordinaire" and "bestselling author with a three-book deal." these are all just states of consciousness, and your ideal self is all you assume you are, all wrapped in one.
have FUN.
be because it feels good, because it's true, because it's you.
your world will--because it must--re-shape itself around you.
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jazzthatonewriterchick · 10 months
Writer's Note: Idk...I like the bimbo shit. I might make a fic with a bimbo!reader one of these days. Btw, some of these drabbles are meant for chubby/plus-sized readers, but I'll just put that as a note. Enjoy! -Jazz
*Note: Reader is Chubby 
When he sees you for the first time, he is as intrigued as he is rock-hard the very moment he sees you in your little pink thong bikini. 
He is down the shore with Denki after being forced to take a trip to get out of the sweltering, congested Tokyo heat for a while. Don’t get him wrong; a nice trip down the shore to get away from the villain activity and constant rush of the city is definitely a nice change of pace. But to walk around semi-naked people isn’t is idea of a relaxing vacation. It’s uncomfortable for him, walking around and seeing so many women with strings up their asses. 
“You just need some company,” Denki said when Shinso voiced his concerns to his friend. “This place is swimming with plenty of pretty babes for the choosing, ‘Toshi! Who wouldn’t want to spend some time with the top underground hero in Japan?” 
Though Denki's compliment works somewhat, Shinso isn’t concerned with meeting someone for a hookup. He isn’t even really interested in sex…until he meets you, at least.
While Denki is busy trying to flirt with some girls standing by a hot dog stand, Shinso slinks away into a nearby trinket store. His eyes roam over the seashell fridge magnets and snow globes with the fake snow replaced with sand. He thinks about which gift would be good for Eri, his little sister, until his eyes land on you. 
There you stand a few feet away at a shelf of trinkets, standing on your tip toes with one of your chunky arms outstretched. You’re trying to reach for a pink seashell-shaped purse on the top shelf, and though you know damn well you can’t reach it, you still try. 
Shinso is no longer interested in checking out the store items now that he’s got a look at you. You’re the best thing in here, from your plump little frame to the pink clothes you wear…if you can even call them clothes. 
You’re really wearing just a mesh pink cover-up dress with a hot pink bikini underneath. The bikini top ties around your neck and back, exposing your rolls, while the bottoms are stuck in between your luscious, plump asscheeks that all Shinso wants to do is shove his face in. While he’s still uncomfortable seeing you in a thong, it's a different kind of discomfort now. He can feel his cock chub against his shorts, uncomfortably so. 
“Excuse me?” It takes him a moment to realize you’re talking to him because of how dazed he is from your ass. You’ve turned around to face him now, showing your front, and dear fuck, does he wish you wouldn’t have. He can now see how the bikini top barely covers your big, juicy breasts and how your tummy bulges slightly over the string waist of your thong. Your lips, kissable and soft, shin in pink, glittery gloss and your cute little fingernails and toenails are coated in pink paint. Everything about you is pink. 
He decides that the color fits you especially well when you open your mouth to speak again. “I'm so sorry,” you giggle sheepishly, giving him a smile that feels like a punch in the gut, “but could you help me reach that bag up there?” You point one chunky hand up towards the top shelf. “I’m just too short to reach.” 
Shinso blushes at the sound of your voice, so sweet and innocent-sounding. He wonders how you’d sound moaning his name with his cock buried deep inside of you. “Uh, sure,” he replies, his voice sounding dry and gravely. He can barely breathe. You excitedly clap your hands, thanking him profusely for his help. “I was so sure I’d end up tripping over these,” you giggle, pointing down at your pink sandal wedges. What a pretty princess, you are. 
“It’s whatever,” Shinso deadpans as he walks over to you. “Wouldn’t want nothin’ to happen to those shoes.” He glances down at them. “Steve Madden, huh?” he asks, loving it when you flush shyly at his observation. “I had some extra money,” you confess. “So I splurged. But they’re cute, right?!” 
‘So, so cute,’ he thinks, but he isn’t referring to the shoes one bit. When he steps beside you to reach for the bag, he catches a whiff of your body spray. It is sweet and delectable, like whipped cream or sugar. God, could you get any cuter?
As if answering him, his cock throbs painfully in his shorts. He barely has to stand on his toes to reach the bag, causing you to cutely gasp at his height. “Wow!” you say, shocked. “You’re so tall! I’ve never met anyone as tall as you.” 
Shinso chuckles when he grabs the bag and holds it out to you. “Well, now you have. And you’re welcome…” He trails off, wishing you’d take a hint and spill the space in with your name. He watches as you gulp and stare up at him with those big, doe-like eyes as you take the bag from him. When you do, your fingers brush against his, sending an electric shock through him as if Denki just used his quirk on him. 
“T-Thank you,” you softly stutter. “And I’m Y/N. It’s very nice to meet you, Mr…” You trail off too, cutely puckering your lips. “No Mr,” Shinso chuckles. “Just Shinso. Or Hitoshi. Whichever you want.” 
You tap one painted nail against your chin thoughtfully. “Hit-o-shi,” you carefully pronounce. Shinso has to suppress a groan at the sight of your soft lips forming his name.
“Can I call you ‘Toshi?” you ask, hope in your eyes. And something more. Mischief, it looks like. Hitoshi’s interest reaches its peak when he realizes that there is a whole other side to you than the cute, innocent persona he’s seeing right now. 
He copies your move and thoughtfully taps his finger against his chin, earning a sweet giggle from you. “Only if I can call you princess,” he replies smoothly. “And maybe buy you somethin’ to eat? I’ll admit that I’m not too familiar with the boardwalk though.” 
You look rather shy from the pet name, but you don’t let that stop you from conversing more with him. “Is it your first time here?” you ask, gasping when he nods. “Oh, you’re gonna have so much fun! They have the best funnel cakes and pizza here! I’ll tell you what, ‘Toshi: I’ll treat you to food for doing such a good deed and helping me get my bag. Deal?” 
You reach your hand out for him, peering up at him through your thick, doll-like lashes. All Shinso wants to do is fuck you silly while you look at him like that, but instead, he takes your hand, smirking at the way you bite your lip. “It’s a deal, princess,” he huskily says. 
There’s no way you don’t know what you’re doing to people. There’s just no way! Do you know what you’re doing to him? 
These are the thoughts that run through Shiggy’s head when you step into the dimly-lit, crowded bar with Toga by your side.
The two of you giggle to each other, looking like the best of friends in your little sundresses and tiny purses that hang off of your wrists. The only difference between you and Toma is the combination of innocence and sexiness you seem to ooze. 
Toga had said she was inviting a friend of hers to the annual bar hop adventures she, Shiggy, and half of the LOV always have at this exact bar. Dabi knows the guy so they get drinks half off and the cops aren’t called despite them being out and about in the city. He sits with Dabi, Mr. Compress, and Twice (who won’t shut the fuck up) now, a whiskey in his hand that he knows he’s going to need when you finally come up to greet him. 
Shiggy was initially against Toga bringing a stranger into their activities. “What if she talks?” he hissed. “How can you be so sure she won’t blab to the police about us? How do you even know this girl?”
Toga barely gave him a glance as she poured herself some juice in their lair's kitchen. “She’s an old childhood friend of mine,” she explained. “And no, she’s not gonna talk because she hates cops and heroes. I promise you’ll love her! She’s got a wicked streak to her.” 
When he sees you, he can’t tell what about you is so ‘wicked’. You look like the cutest package of candy in your short, pink sundress that barely covers your ass or your tits that jiggle enticingly. He doesn’t even think you’re wearing a bra. You paired the dress with some pink heels, a charm bracelet, and two high pigtails that he envisions yanking on while his cock is buried deep in your– 
“Hey, guys!” Toga giggles when she finally makes it to the stools. Shiggy nearly jumps out of his skin, earning a low chuckle out of Dabi. “This is my friend, Y/N. The one from my childhood? I told you I was bringing her tonight, remember?” She gives you a toothy, excited grin, allowing you to introduce yourself further. 
“Nice to meet you all,” you say in your sugary, sweet voice that washes over Shiggy. “I hope I’m not interrupting your night out, but Toga insisted I meet you all.” Twice is the first one to make an impression, hopping out of his seat to greet you. “Not at all!” he brightly chirps. “I’m Twice, by the way. This here is Dabi, Spinner, and Shiggy.” 
Spinner gives you a nod while Dabi only glances and Shiggy glares at Twice. “Shigaraki,” he corrects his friend. Toga rolls her hazel eyes while you giggle to yourself. “Ignore him,” she sighs. "Come, sit right here with me! I’ll order us some drinks. Do you like those fruity ones?” 
Eagerly, you nod, making you even cuter. You then turn to him, your big eyes stopping him short of breathing. “Um…is this seat taken?” you ask, pointing one red-painted nail at the empty stool.
To anyone else, he would’ve said something smart, but he can’t even muster words with how soft your lips look and the sweet smell of your perfume filling his senses. ‘What the fuck is wrong with you?’ he thinks to himself. He’s never had any woman make him feel this way before. He thought these kinds of feelings were long gone. 
He nods, earning a blinding smile from you as you take a seat. As you do, the hem of your dress rides up, revealing a sliver of thigh that has Shiggy’s cock throbbing uncomfortably in his sweats. From his right side, Dabi leans in towards him. “You’d better snag that before someone else does, Shig,” he teasingly whispers. “That someone bein’ me.” 
Shiggy glances at his friend, irked at his attempt at pushing his buttons. He knows Dabi also has a thing for innocence; especially ruining it. He turns to you, already finding you looking at him. “You listen to Nine Inch Nails?” you ask, quiet excitement in your voice. Shiggy blinks, confused as to what you mean, until you point at his band shirt. “I like them too! Have you ever been to one of their shoes?” 
It takes Shiggy some time to process words, but he doesn’t keep you waiting or questioning yourself. “Uh, yeah,” he replies. “Two years ago. You listen to metal like that?” His eyes graze over your outfit and your body, picturing you without clothes. “‘Cause it doesn’t look like it.” 
You giggle, adorably scrunching you nose. “It doesn’t,” you agree, “but yeah! I’m into a lot of hard metal and rock, but not too much screamo. That doesn’t keep me out of Hot Topic though.”
Shiggy smirks at your confession and nods down at his wrist. You look down, gasping at the spiked Hot Topic bracelet sitting there. “It’s like we’re one and the same,” you softly laugh, smiling at the bartender when he lowers your pretty, fruity drink down. 
Shiggy watches you sip your drink, your gloss stain on the glass rim making him want to cum all over your mouth. “Are we really?” he asks, but not unkindly. He is actually very curious and interested in you. What is it about you that Toga likes? 
He gets his answer when you turn to him, a mischievous, dark glint in your pretty eyes. Despite your cutesy appearance and pretty clothes, you now appear before him as someone else. Someone darker. “We could always find out,” you suggest, a slight purr in your voice. He doesn’t know if it’s an accident, but your knee slightly brushes his when you shift in your seat. 
Those words are all Shiggy needs. After one too many drinks and the whole “getting to know you” shit, you find yourself underneath him in his bed, your legs up by your ears and your pretty, pink dress on his bedroom floor. Shuddery moans and grunts leave his lips every time he drives his cock into you again and again, his hands wrapped around your ankles. “Tell me how it feels,” he growls. “Tell me, slutty girl.” 
You whine for him, your lipgloss smudged off of your lips and pretty breasts jiggling for him as he fucks you into the mattress. “It feels good!” you babble, your mascara smudged. “You feel so good, Shigaraki!” 
“Tomura,” he grunts down to you. “Call me Tomura.” Realization clears in your dazed eyes and your pretty face splits into a smile before he swoops down to swirl his tongue with yours in a wet, open-mouthed kiss. 
A sudden bang comes from above the wall above your head where the headboard bangs against it. “Could you two shut the fuck up?” Dabi yells. “I’m tryin’ to sleep off this whiskey.” 
“Yeah!” Toga agrees. “I brought my friend tonight to get to know you, Shiggy, but not like this! You’ll ruin her!” A light giggle leaves your lips as Shiggy continues to rock his hips into your wet, tight walls. You lean up, your sticky lips at his ear. “I’m already ruined,” you whisper. “Can you ruin me more, Tomura?” 
Shiggy didn’t need you to repeat. The entire night he spent ruining you over and over again, covering you in his cum until the dawn. Now he thinks you could be an extra good addition to the LOV crew. 
*Note: Reader is Chubby
He could’ve blown his fucking load when Mina brings you along for mini golf one night. 
It’s just an ordinary summer evening where he and the squad are playing mini golf and slurping down milkshakes before you show up. Initially, Bakugou is irked waiting for you and Mina to show up, hating when people are late. “Where the fuck are these two?” he huffs. “They’d better not be doin’ their hair or somethin’ ‘cause I’m gonna be pissed if they are.” 
“You know how girls are, ‘Suki,” Kiri chuckles, watching Denki try to aim his ball at a hole surrounded by gnome and fairy statues. “Mina takes forever to do her makeup sometimes, but it’s all to look nice for us. I’d think her friend is doing the same thing.” 
As if on cue, Sero announces their arrival from his seat. “Look!” he exclaims, a chocolate milkshake in his hand. “They’re here! And damn, does her friend look good.” Each boy turns to look at you and they can all agree. Especially Bakugou. 
He can’t keep his eyes off of you as you strut up with Mina, arms hooked in one another’s. You’re wearing a low cut, white crop top with a push-up bra that make your breasts look immaculate and delicious and a tiny, pink tennis skirt that starts at the waistband of your pudgy stomach and stops right at the top of your thick, jiggly thighs. You paired this outfit with white Nike low tops and pink knee socks that make you look more innocent than the cute little smile on your face that gets wider the closer you get to him and the guys.
He can’t stop staring at you, especially when you get closer and he gets to drink in all of the other details to you––how short you are compared to him (you barely graze his chest!); the Fenty gloss on your plump lips; the tiny bow clip in your hair; the scent of fruit on your skin that makes him dizzy. 
Are you fucking forreal? How are you going to show up like that as if it’s normal? Are you trying to tease him? Are you playing with him? Bakugou can’t help but be irrationally angry from how cute and sexy you are. How is it possible to be both cute and sexy? All he knows is that his dick knows the answer judging by how it’s pushing up against his briefs at the sight of you now. 
Mina stops you right in front of him despite his raging hard-on. Just his fucking luck. “Fellas,” she says with a smile, “this is my friend, Y/N. We work together at my agency and she was just dying to meet you guys.” 
You flush, becoming shy at Mina’s teasing. “C’mon, Mina,” you softly whine, bumping your hip with hers. God, what Bakugou wouldn’t give to feel those hips in his big hands! Would you let him? There’s no way you wouldn’t. Your short skirt says that you want his hands all over you. 
“Oh, really?” Denki asks, raising a brow. He struts up to you, already putting on the charm. “Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Y/N,” he purrs, shaking your hand. “I’m Denki, by the way. You probably know me as Chargebolt.” He raises your hand to kiss it, but is stopped by Bakugou tossing a golf ball at his head. “Kill the flirting, perv,” he grumbles as Denki rubs his temple, glaring at him. 
“Sorry about them,” Mina sighs, but you just giggle. Bakugou’s ears perk at the sound. “That’s Kirishima and Sero aka Red Riot and Cellophane.” Kiri gives you a friendly wave while Sero gives you a wink that Bakugou doesn’t particularly like either. “And Bakugou already made his grand introduction,” Mina sarcastically says. 
You finally face him entirely and he sees your smile falter somewhat when your eyes land on his. Bakugou notices immediately. Do you not like what you see? Are you intimidated by him? He backs up to try and give you space, realizing how small you really are…small enough to break…small enough to toss around in a bedroom. His bedroom, preferably. 
“Nice to meet all of you,” you sweetly say, though your eyes are still on him. “I'm exposing myself here, but I am a big fan of you guys! I’ve got all your posters and merch!” Everyone except Bakugou laughs at your cute little confession. “Oh, yeah?” Sero asks, raising a pierced brow. “So who’s your favorite hero, Y/N? It’s okay, you can tell us.” 
He, Kiri and Denki look at you, interested despite your obvious shyness and discomfort. Even though Bakugou won’t admit it, even he is interested. Even so, he decides to come to your rescue, shocking every single one of his friends. “Ignore them,” he murmurs as he passes you a golf club. “You want next game or what?” 
You stare up at him with those big eyes, looking shocked he’s even saying much to you. You wrap one hand around the golf club, giving him a look at your pink manicure. He can’t imagine how they’d look on his cock while you’re stroking it for him. “I would,” you say, “but I’m not much of a player. I wore the right outfit for it though!”
You swish your hips around in your pink skirt, making Bakugou’s cock even harder when he thinks he catches a glimpse of your inner thighs. “Show her, Katsuki!” Kiri shouts from the sidelines. “She is our guest, after all.” The redhead gives him a knowing wink which emits a growl from Bakugou. 
“Whatever,” he huffs. Despite being pissed that his friends know he is whipped, he leads you over to one of the golf holes located up on a hill surrounded by wooden fans. You stand to the side, your tongue thoughtfully licking your bottom lip and giving him some awful thoughts about your mouth. “Am I doin’ it right?” you ask, even bending your knees though it’s still the incorrect form. 
Bakugou nearly laughs at your cuteness. “Nah, but I’ll give you points for your eagerness. Want me to show you?” You peer at him from over your shoulder and nod. Without even realizing how this looks, he stands behind you, putting a good distance between his front and your back to avoid giving you a taste of his raging bulge. 
“Stand with your hips square with your feet,” he explains, doing his best to not breathe in your shampoo. You do so before his hands cup yours over the golf club. “Take it back once, aim for the ball, and…” He helps you swing the club at the ball, your body twisting with his as you do. The ball goes soaring up the hill and into the hole, never missing. 
From the sidelines, the gang applauded you. “I did it!” you excitedly shout, turning to him. “We did it!” You jump up and down, giving Bakugou a great view of your breasts jiggling and bouncing about. You’re not making this easy for him at all, especially with that pretty smile on your face. “And that’s why you’re my favorite,” you confess. 
Bakugou scowls at you, confused. “Huh?” 
You look down at your shoes, suddenly shy. “The guys asked me who my favorite hero was out of all of you,” you softly say. “And it’s you ‘cause you’re so sweet.” Bakugou’s brain short-circuits. Sweet. You think he's sweet! You, the sweetest little thing he’s ever met. Suddenly, the air between you changes to something more open and flirtatious. He wants to know everything about you now. 
“Well,” he replies, a smirk on his lips, “maybe you can tell me more about how sweet I am over a milkshake?” You look up at him, excitement in your pretty eyes. “And over a phone call!” Denki calls from the sidelines. “Give her your number, dude!” 
Bakugou swears if looks could kill, his friends would be dead by now. But he does, in fact, give you his number at the end of the night. 
*Note: Reader is Chubby
That’s all he can think when he sees you for the first time at the gym. As soon as he sees you in your tight, pink sports bra and shorts that cup your shapely, plump ass so nicely, it’s a fucking wrap for him. You pop up on the treadmill next to him and he immediately notices despite him jogging. So far, he’s at five miles. Another five to go. 
He knows he can’t be distracted by anything that will ruin his workout, but so far, the distraction is winning. You glance at him and offer a smile that makes your little cheeks and baby face even cuter. The sight of you nearly knocks the air out of him. He manages to smile back at you, trying his best to not seem menacing with his sharp teeth, but you don’t seem too disarmed. 
He then pretends to go back to what he’s doing (working out), but all the while, he pays attention to your every move. He watches as one of your chunky fingers presses the buttons on the treadmill, your fingernail pained a glittery pink.
Then you start walking along the moving conveyor belt, your high ponytail swishing behind you and reminding him of some very naughty things, like wrapping his fist in it while his cock is buried in the delectable pussy that he knows hides behind those shorts. 
He’s admittedly never dated a woman of your size or shape before. Honestly, he hasn’t had too many girlfriends due to his demanding job as a pro hero. But looking at the way your breasts jiggle in your sports bra and your soft, chubby waist behind your shorts is making him think differently.
Not to mention how short you are. He’s got a thing for short girls. Maybe it’s because of the whole protection thing. He likes feeling tall and big enough to protect his girl from everyone and everything, you? You definitely fit the bill. 
These thought scare him slightly. Why is he pining after a whole stranger in a gym and thinking that you’re his? He’s eyeing you down like you’re a piece of food and he’s starving for it. He immediately turns away and blushes as red as his hair. ‘This is so unmanly,’ he thinks, criticizing himself for his behavior. 
But goddamn, are you too fine! Most of the men in here seem to think so too. He notices their eyes crawling across your body, stopping on your ass and boobs. He glances at you worriedly, wondering if you notice it too. But you’re too busy singing along to the music in your pink AirPods, your voice making him crack a smile. You’re just too cute! 
He doesn’t make his move on the first day though. He waits for about a month before he actually says something to you. Every time he comes in on the weekends, he does so on the same day at the same time hoping to see you. And he does. You strut in wearing your short, tight gym attire with your J’Adore Dior duffle bag, your ponytail bouncing. You greet each other with smiles before he watches you get into your workout, paying close attention to the way your body moves and any gym rats who may want to bother you. 
The day he actually makes a move isn’t one he planned on. It’s a Saturday morning and he’s busy with his cool-down stretches, pretending not to be looking at you in the mirror squatting with a kettlebell between your chunky hands. His eyes marvel at your body, wondering how you’d feel in an embrace or underneath him. Those thoughts quickly dissipate though when someone walks up to you. 
He is buff and about the same height as Kiri with tattoos and a muscle tee. Immediately, Kiri switches into protection mode and strains to hear your convo. “Hey,” the guy greets you. You pause with your workout, lowering the kettlebell down. “Hi,” you sweetly greet, giving him a smile. Kiri bristles. Those smiles are meant for him only! 
“I’m Trent,” the guy says, offering his hand for a shake. You take it, still the sweetheart. “Y/N,” you introduce yourself. Kiri notices that Trent’s hand lingers a bit more than necessary before it drops from yours. “That’s some outfit, y’know,” he chuckles, leaning against one of the machines as he attempts to put the charm on. 
“Thanks!” you giggle. “I bought this week. I just love pink. It’s such a pretty color.” Trent nods, his eyes trailing lustfully over your body in your tight one-piece unitard and cropped hoodie that stops just above your sternum. You don’t notice but Kiri does. “You know, I could always help you with this workout,” Trent suggests. "Help you get deeper into those squats.” 
You blink at him, obviously confused. “Are you a trainer?” you ask innocently. Kiri feels his cock stir. God, you’re just too cute! Trent smirks down at you. “I can be that and more,” he purrs. “Here, let me get you a mat!” 
“O-oh, that’s okay,” you protest. “I-I’m not–“
But he’s already moving to get you a mat and bends down to put it under your feet, eyeing your thighs and calves as he does so. You look so, so uncomfortable.
'That’s it!’ Kiri thinks, irked to no end. He’s watched for long enough. He can't stop himself from rising to his feet and storming over to you and Trent, anger stirring within him. 
When he stops near you, you’re the first one that sees him. He thinks he sees the corner of your lips twitch into a smile but he isn’t too sure. He stares down at Trent, crossing his arms over his broad chest. “I think she said she’s fine, Trent,” he firmly says, practically spitting the guy’s name. “You should listen to her.” 
Trent pauses and glares up at Kiri. “What do you care?” he scoffs. “So I suddenly can’t be a nice guy?” Kiri glares back at him, his red eyes sharp. “We both know what you’re bein’ nice for,” he almost growls. “And I’m not about to sit by and watch you bother this girl just for some nookie. Leave her alone before I call security.” He eyes Trent down, daring him to fight this. 
Trent stands, his jaw tight and eyes sharp. He glances at you before scoffing to himself and storming off, heading for the locker room. Once he’s gone, you sigh in relief. “Thank you,” you say with gratitude. “I have no idea why he wanted to give me a mat. I didn’t even need one!” 
Kiri relaxes, but only slightly. You’re talking to him. You two are really talking! “Don't thank me,” he chuckles modestly. “Not that I don't think you can handle yourself, but I saw him tryin’ to spit game and you not enjoyin’ it too much, so I just had to step in.” He dares to look down at you and almost creams on the spot at the sight of your cleavage. “W-Well, I’m gonna go and let you–“ 
“I’m Y/N,” you instantly say, twirling the drawstring to your hoodie. You offer him a gloss-lipped smile that gives him butterflies. “Ejirou,” he replies. “Kiri for short.”
You giggle to yourself. “I know; other than you being Red Riot, I hear your name all the time here.” He blushes, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. “I’m a regular here. It’s one of the only gyms that are safer for pros like me.” 
“Well, I’ll keep your secret,” you giggle, “but only if you agree for me to buy you lunch for your good deed.” From the way you slightly rub your thighs together and peer up at him through your lashes, he feels like you’re thinking of a lot more than just lunch. And he wants to know just what. 
He smirks down at you, trying hard to ignore his dick chubbing in his basketball shorts. “Maybe,” he replies, playing along. “I think I’d need your number for that though. I mean, just to tell you what I like…for lunch.” He almost kicks himself. You giggle to yourself, already pulling your rose gold iPhone out of your pocket. “It’s a date then!” you chirp. 
After leaving the gym with your number in his phone, he can’t help but nut to the thought of you while in his car minutes later, the vision of your pretty lips and body coated in his sticky cum making him fuck his fist a little harder.
Call him unmanly, but goddamn, he can't wait for the real thing!  
When he first sees your cute little self in your mini skirt that barely covers your ass, he just wants to follow you around and scare anyone who dares to look at you the wrong way. 
And that’s exactly what he does. ‘Cause what the fuck are you doing strutting around like that in this club? Don’t you know how you’re dressed?
You’re dressed like you want to get fucked. Though he can’t see you from the front, he can tell you’re wearing a halter top judging from the tie around your slender back. And no bra? Those titties must be bouncing everywhere! 
As you can damn well tell, Dabi likes the innocent girls…or the girls who look innocent. Something about ruining them and bringing out that nasty, dark, devious side to them that he knows lies deep underneath their soft, pink, sweet personality. And you’re no different. 
So he lies deep in the cut and watches you laugh and chat with people, blushing cutely when they compliment your clothes and being completely oblivious to the guys who stare you down like they want to eat you alive. He sips on his drink and eyes your legs, wondering how they’d feel wrapped around him. 
It doesn’t take long for this little game to come to an end. You step outside for some air and he’s right behind you, but he doesn’t go out immediately. He watches as you lean against the wall and dig into your pink purse for your bubblegum. Finally, he comes outside, feeling blessed that he can finally get you alone. 
You don't even flinch when he comes up to stand beside you, taking a box of cigarettes out of his back pocket. In fact, you give him a smile as you chew on your bubblegum, your pink lips forming an O for a big bubble. He imagines those lips forming an O when you moan while his tongue is buried deep in your cunt that lies beneath that skirt. From his angle, he can finally see the rest of your outfit––a glittery, pink halter top paired with platform boots and luscious, curly hair that makes you look like one of those early 2000s movie stars. 
“Want some?” you ask, holding the box of gum out to him. His eyes flick from the box to your big, doe-like eyes rimmed with mascara to make them look almost like a doll’s. Like his pretty little doll. “You’re askin’ a stranger whether or not he wants your gum?” he asks, raising a curious brow at you before puffing on his cig. 
You giggle adorably, almost ditzy-like. “You’re not a stranger, silly!” you protest. He blinks down at you, confused. “I saw you when I came into the club with my friend…and while you were following me around.” 
Dabi blanches. Fuck, he’s been caught! How did you even notice? “Accept my apology,” he sighs, smoke billowing from his lips. “Couldn't help myself. You just look too damn cute to be in there not bein’ looked after.” 
At this, you become shy and advert your eyes as a bashful smile adorns your pretty face. “You know, smoke is a bad habit,” you softly say. He nods, agreeing. “What’s your point?” he asks, paying close attention to your body language. He notices how tight your thighs are pressed together and the way your fingers fiddle with your skirt. You’re wanting something. 
“Because…” Your eyes slowly trail back to his, now hooded and lustful. “Nicotine breath ruins kisses,” you purr. “And I’d really like a kiss from you. I have to thank you for watching my back in there, don’t you think?” 
Dabi swears he’s never been harder in his life. He’s also have never ditched a cig that wasn’t a stub yet either, but the promise of finally getting your lips on his makes him toss the cig down and crunch it under his shoe. 
Several minutes later, your glossy, soft lips are on his, the taste of strawberries in his mouth, while his cock is buried deep in your soft, wet pussy. Your hands are pressed against the wall as he grips your hips, your skirt hiked up and your lace panties pushed to the side to give him all the freedom to fuck you as he pleases. And he does so.
“You’re just like a doll,” he grunts into your ear, growing harder with every breathy moan that leaves your lips. “Are you my pretty baby doll tonight?” 
All he gets is a broken moan of his name in response. He chuckles to himself as he lifts your leg up slightly and continues to fuck you silly behind the nightclub. He knew you had a devious side.
You were just the cute girl in his class that he couldn’t stop thinking about. 
You would walk in wearing the cutest outfits known to man, all of them with pink tossed in. His favorite one was the cropped pink sweater and white skirt that swished around your legs and hiked up slightly in the back to give him a sneak peek of your thighs. That was the first day you two met. You had sat in front of him and rummaged around in your backpack, oblivious to Natsuo burning a hole in your back. 
You sighed adorably and turned to him randomly, your glossy lips in an adorable pout that had his cock stirring in his jeans. “Hi,” you say with a smile. “Sorry to bug you, but I forgot my pen at home. Do you have one I can borrow?” 
It took a minute for Natsuo to answer because he was too busy staring at your lips move, envisioning his dick between them. “U-Uh, yeah,” he finally replied, idiotically so. He dug into his backpack and handed you one of his best ink pens. 
You happily smiled as you took the pen from him, your soft fingers grazing against his. “Thanks!” you chirped. “I promise I’ll give it back to you at the end of the day.” And you did. That is when your friendship began. He begins letting you borrow your pens while you send him notes from class if he’s too tired to pay attention and falls asleep during class, dreaming of himself bending you over one of the desks. 
When you first asked him to help you study for your midterm exam, he can’t believe his luck. “You’re just so smart,” you whine as you two walk alongside each other in the hall. “I can’t afford to fail, so I need your help. Meet you at your dorms this weekend? I’ll bring snacks!” 
He was helpless to refuse you, but the idea of being alone with you this weekend made him want to bust and hide under his bed at the same time. He didn’t have that much experience with girls, especially pretty, cute, adorable ones like you. He spends the whole day cleaning up his space and gargling down Listerine mouthwash before you arrive. 
When you do, it’s at 5 PM after you get off your shift. You show up at his door in a pretty, baby pink dress carrying a bag of snacks and sodas. “Thanks for letting me come over,” you say after Natsuo invites you in and get you situated at the table in the middle of his dorm. “I just know I’m gonna pass with you as a tutor.” 
He blushes at the compliment. How is it you’re so sweet? “S’cool,” he chuckles sheepishly. “I’m happy to help. Thank you for the snacks though.” He ogles at the all of the snacks you pour out of your bag––Pocky boxes; chips; cookies; biscuits. You embarrassingly giggle, picking at your pink nails. “I, uh…like snacks,” you shyly confess. 
‘Oh, God,’ Natsuo laments in his head as his cock surges in his sweats. Why the fuck did he wear sweats?! Why the fuck are you so cute?! This is not going to be easy. 
It doesn’t get any easier for him as the night goes on. He gets distracted at some points at the crumbs dusting the corner of your mouth or the way you swipe your gloss over your lips. He tries not to freak out when you lean in to point out words you’re having trouble remembering the definitions for, the scent of your birthday cake body wash and the feeling of your bosom against his forearm. Are you doing this on purpose? 
Despite him explaining and breaking down the study guide for you, all he can think about is dirtying up your dress with his cum or plunging his cock in and out of the gushy walls of your pussy. It’s impossible not to. He’s practically sweating halfway during the session so he has to strip himself of his hoodie, revealing his blue tee underneath that stretches across his muscles. 
When you finally finish the session, it’s around 7 PM and you’ve correctly remembered most of the guide. When Natsuo gives you an approving smile, you squeal and jump on him. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” you cheer, wrapping your arms tight around him. He blushes, feeling your breasts pushing against his chest. “You’re such a good tutor! I’m gonna ace this exam because of you!” 
Natsuo laughs at your cuteness, giving you a one-armed hug in respect to you. “It’s no problem,” he says. “It helps when you have such a great student.” 
You pull away from him, peering up at him with those big eyes and that pretty face. “You know,” you say, your voice suddenly dipping an octave but still oh-so soft, “I’d hate to leave here and not repay you for such great work.” Your hands find his and you begin playing with his fingers, his cock stirring as you do. “Is there anyway you can think of, Natsuo?” you ask, batting your lashes prettily at him. 
Oh, does he. And he knows you exactly what when he has you lying down in his bed with your dress hiked up on your hips where his hands are and his tongue finally fucking your pussy. “Fuck, Natsuo!” you whine, your hands in his snow-white hair. “Please!” 
He moans as he pulls his tongue out of your wet hole and stares up at you. “Stop what, honey?” he asks, smiling at your blissful expression. “You wanted this, didn’t you? To repay me?”
His thumb finds your clit and begins slowly rubbing it, relishing the way you squirm for him. “Well, now you can.” 
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uva124 · 3 months
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This design belongs to the Wish rewrite called "The kingdom of wishes" (Written by @annymation and soon illustrated by @emillyverse and me)
Sorry for the delay, but this guy had so many things to draw and I also had a thousand ideas that it took me a while to capture them all (4 drawings wow, even I'm surprised lol)
Now after this introduction I will tell you the procedure of its design :]
-Maybe some don't notice it, but for the 2D drawing of Aster I didn't add many shadows, because in the classic Disney movies the animation doesn't have many shadows if we look closely, this is for several reasons (at that time they had to inking FRAME BY FRAME, can you imagine how much longer it would have taken to add detailed shadows? I really have respect for the animators)
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(Here are some examples of what I'm trying to explain)
-As I said before, I didn't detach myself much from the concept art of the movie, I just added some other details that occurred to me, Anny and Emy.
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-We decided that his cape would have the constellations of the signs of the zodiac (It was Emy's idea), which in the final result are on the cape, the constellations are noticeable more or less depending on Aster's mood.
-In the Wish rewrite it is mentioned that Aster's hair is like a candle (Reference to Hades) so I decided not to add the lineart in that part
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His hair changes depending on his emotions, but not only that, but also his lineart, the calmer he is, the cleaner his animation will be, however with strong emotions (anger, sadness, nervousness) his details will be more neglected, especially when He is REALLY angry, by the way I made his hair look like a flame to give more drama to his design and also make a reference to Ember from Elemental
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And as a final detail, the star-shaped gem that she has as a brooch changes color, just like her earrings.
-When Aster disguises himself as a human, his details on his clothes would disappear and the shape of his accessories would change to ones without a star shape, also the tone of yellow would look duller, you know so as not to draw attention (although he is dressed like a prince with a giant cape, the boy doesn't know how to hide the truth very well lmao)
-In general, it's just that the design becomes simpler, the only thing that changes is her hair that is no longer a flame, her freckles that are no longer little stars, her clothes no longer have so many details and her mark on her eye disappears( ̄▽ ̄) .
By the way, I wanted to thank @the-autistic-idiot for giving us the great idea of ​​Aster having a star-shaped mark on his eye :D.
-Also, I think that those who have seen my other Wish redesigns are wondering why it seems like I had spit a rainbow at Aster's 3D drawings, what happened is that when I was painting my neurons said ✨Change your coloring✨ and well, The drawing in the end came out like this, although I honestly like it better, it better represents how I draw in a traditional way
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Yes, basically the coloring of my drawings is as if a unicorn had spit on them lol
-It was very fun to draw Aster! The boy really has a lot of changes, but thanks to him I already discovered my digital drawing style so I am satisfied.
-Again sorry for the delay, I know that for many Aster must be their favorite character so I hope your wait was worth it :]
See you next time!✨✨
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kettlefire · 1 year
DP x DC Death Train edition
Bruce awoke with a start, eyes sweeping his surroundings to reveal a train. A train filled with three other members of the Justice league. All in civilian clothing.
Clark Kent. Barry Allen. Oliver Queen.
His first action was to attempt to wake the three heroes, all attempts failing miserably. Next order was try to figure out where they were and why.
The sight outside the windows was a deep, dark void. No light or shapes among the darkness. An ominious feeling grew stronger the longer he stared into the empty void.
He then worked to check the cargo holds above him. All of which were stuck shut and closed.
He quickly shifted his focus to the two doors on either side of the train cart. He had absolutely nothing on him that could be helpfully. Still dressed in the Pj pants and a shirt he had gone to bed in.
He moved to the one he thought might lead towards the front of the train. Giving a quick glance towards he's sleep comrades before making his choice.
The second cart was completely empty. The cargo hold was just as seal as the others.
He moved swiftly towards the next cart, softly cracking open the door and peering in.
This one wasn't empty.
Instead there stood a terrified man. Pale skin covered head to toe in tattoos and piercings. An impressive handle bar mustache paired with a bald head and leather jacket.
He wasn't the main focus though. Instead it was the shadow being that stood before him. The dark shape was humanoid, however it seemed to wisp and shift around the ends.
The being itself looked more ominous then terrifiying, but there seemed to be a recognition in the man's eyes.
"Please, please, I'm begging you! I'm sorry, if I had a choice I would never have done the things I did!"
The man's deep voice raised in octaves as the being took a step closer. He took a step back, pressing into the seat behind him.
Bruce barely refrain a flinch as a strange static noise left the being, seeming to echo in the empty air.
"No! No, that wasn't on me. You don't know the full story! Just hear me out, you'll understand, and-"
The man's pleas were cut short as the static sound filled the air again, this time louder. Sounding more hostile.
"No, she was asking for it! Please, look, I know what it looks like but-"
The being seemed to have enough of his pleas, pressing a dark, twisted hand onto the man's shoulder.
Bruce watched with wide eyes and baited breath as the man seemed to melt before his eyes. Screams filled the still area as the man's skin bubbled and dripped.
Starting at his legs and rising up with every second that passed. There was no flame. No reason for his skin to bubble and peel away from him.
In almost a blink an eye, the man was nothing more than a scorched puddle on the ground. Bruce quietly worked to move back into the prior cart, trying to close the small gap he made as quiet as possible.
The shadow being barely moved, but Bruce swore he felt eyes on him. It was looking straight at him. It knew he was there, there was no doubt in his mind.
Throwing caution to the wind, Bruce clicked the door closed and made a fast retreat back where he came.
Glancing over his shoulder to see nothing but the empty space. If that being wanted him dead, there was no doubt in his mind it wouldn't be hard to do.
Not in this state. Not when he had no clue what they were dealing with.
When he flung the door back to his original cart open, he almost ran straight into a sturdy chest.
Clark. He was awake. A quick glance around confirmed that everyone else was as well.
Bruce gave them a quick rundown of what he knew, shifting from Bruce Wayne billionaire to Bruce Wayne Justice League member.
After a brief debate on what to do, the team settled for moving the over way. The further from that thing they could get, the better their chances.
All hope relying on the being not being able to teleport between carts.
They catiously moved their way into the other carts. The others just as empty as the one he was in prior. Every cargo hold sealed shut, not even Superman's strength could pull them open.
Abilities didn't seem to work past the carts walls. Clark could only hear the heart beat of those around him, but nothing further passed the doors. X-ray vision was of no help, either.
It wasn't until their third cart that they ran into someone else. A shocked teenage boy staring back at them from the ground. Wide blue eyes and tossled black hair.
"You aren't supposed to be here." The teen mumbled, taking in the new crowd of four. "How-How did you get here?"
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theillustraitor · 12 days
My human Dan design! Plus some ghost Dan to practice drawing him.
I'll explain more in depth below the cut for those who are curious, but the basic ideas for why he looks this way is that his human half is a mix of Danny and Dan(with a small sprinkle of Vlad). It was supposed to eventually match his ghost form more, but things had to be cut short on that path so he got kinda stuck with a middle of the road body(he's roughly late teens).
I'm desperate for him to not look exactly like Danny, but I also had this funny idea that he would somehow end up attending Casper High after he is decently redeemed(so his human body had to be younger than his ghost form). Like just imagine the interactions. Dan would *definitely* get revenge on Dash lol
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More detailed explanation:
The clone Dan was stuck in was pretty much constantly destabilizing post AGIT. This was due to the imperfect nature of them, Dan's high power, and the physical difference between the two forms. Vlad and Danny kept it from totally falling apart by using the ecto-dejecto. They had to use it *a lot* though.
Vlad tweaked the clone to be able to be shaped by Dan's ghost(to fix the incongruence of the bodies, and to possibly make it so the body could handle Dan's power better). This is what led to the mixing of Dan and Danny; the body was going from Danny to Dan in terms of appearance. It was taking some time though and they were definitely going to run out of the ecto-dejecto, *especially* since Dani also needs it(I like to think that the ecto-dejecto wasn't a permanent fix, so she has to use it on occasion. There's also no way Danny would give a mid-morph sample at this point cause he and Dani are still pretty distrustful of Vlad.)
Since Jack had originally made the ecto-dejecto Vlad could not figure out how tf to replicate it. Jack had also forgotten how he made it because, I mean, it’s Jack(nevermind that he wouldn’t even have a reason to remember how to make something that’d help ghosts/was a failed version of an experiment)
Vlad then developed a way to convert the ectoplasmic nature of the clones to good ol’ human meat(aka permanent stabilization for Dan). Vlad ended up having to do that to Dan before his human form could completely match his ghost form, hence the mix and being physically younger than his ghost form(a note: the bodies not matching remains a problem, but not a crippling/kill him kind of one. Dan is usually in pain after going ghost, especially if he used his powers a lot, but it fades relatively fast. Additionally, he(unrelated to body stuff) cannot be ghostly for too long because the ghost half will destabilize(not goopy, time/reality)).
I also had this idea that the ghost catcher could be used to permanently fuse Dan's ghost to the human body. I doubt he's fused with the clone body in AGIT, and this would continue to be a problem with my idea; Dan is basically just puppeting/overshadowing the bodies. The catcher has a merge side, sooooo
Finally, some design stuff(and a bit about him going to Casper). As mentioned Dan looks younger, which means he is capable of attending Casper High, and he does so because he never actually finished school(and he would be able to stalk/keep an eye on Danny and the others better. By this point he no longer wants to kill them, and is instead paranoid about the possibility of them dying, so yup, stalking). He'd be put in the same grade as Jazz so they could hang out and what not.
Vlad is also glad to have any time away from Dan because they fight a lot lol
But once at Casper due to his Vlad half he plays football(Vlad fusion aside, it’s a sport where he can be violent w/o problem). Dan got a letterman jacket from that, but he still hates the popular kids so he had Sam dye it black.
The hair streak is also from Vlad, but Dan's hair style is just his ghost form's minus the whole fire thing.
His clothing style is a mix of Vlad and Danny’s(except the jacket). Shirt is from Danny, pants from Vlad, then sneakers + dress shoes = boots.
Finally, it’s a bit subtle but he has heterochromia; one eye is Danny's color, the other Vlad’s.
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Frozen: Winter Festival: A new short? | News
Guyyss we might possibly have brand new Frozen content on the horizon!! A new short could be coming out soon!
All credits go to @/girliesandghouls on Instagram. Today, leaks have come out for some Frozen Dolls on Amazon set for release on September 1st. These are the images released.
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These dolls are titled "Mattel Frozen Fashion Dolls". These specific ones are the "Icy Ice Skating" Elsa and Anna. We also have Olaf with an ice cart, Frozen carriage and doll play set, and Frozen ball gown 2 pack.
The details for the dolls are:
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This confirms that Frozen: Winter Festival is some kind of feature, most likely and possibly a short. But more on that in a bit.
The new looks:
They look good but I want to look deeper into what their outfits really look like. These dolls definitely give Olaf's Frozen Adventure vibes with the blues and the winter outfits:
For Anna, her hair seems to be fully done and not in any kind of style unlike Frozen 2 when she had braids at the back of her hair. He jacket has the same structure as her OFA one with the collar, sleeves, the waistline and the buttons. She has a black bodice with the familiar pointed down waistline. Her skirt is the gradient of dark blue. With a similar pattern to her Frozen blue skirt. It could be the same length as that. Her boots however are much shorter than the usual high boots we've seen on her previous looks. They even have a fluffy rim around it and laces too. The boots are a purple pink like her cape in Frozen but because it's a doll, it's probably more detailed in the actual short or feature. I absolutely love her look. I love her OFA look so I'm excited for this one too. Obviously it's going to be more detailed in the short because dolls simplify things.
For Elsa, her hairstyle seems to be the same as her Fifth Spirit look. Elsa's dress is giving me more of her dress under her Frozen 2 coat vibe with the lines, snowflake designs and sparkles and her leggings/ trousers. But I think the purple part of her dress is that sequin type look of that frozen 2 dress under her coat. Her dress has an asymmetrical shape to it being lifted from the front. Her previous longer dresses have a train at the back however this dress could be shorter with no train just to show her leggings and also for ice skating purposes, so the train doesn't get caught. Her dress has a blue to purple gradient to it at the skirt and the sleeves like her classical ice dresses as well as the familiar pointed down sleeve ends. Her ice sandals have been ditched for ice heels again which I love. Elsa's cape is roughly the same length as the back of Elsa's dress and has a white to purple gradient to it. The shape seems to be the same as her previous longer ice dresses being from the back or under arms. Her leggings are also purple. Overall I think I love this look. As I said for Anna it's going to be more detailed in the short because dolls simplify things. And I love how Elsa isn't in white because it's not her main iconic colour unlike blue. And purple as her accent colour makes sense as her cape is a bluish purple in her Fifth Spirit look.
To clarify, these looks are the "Icy Ice Skating" looks, not the ball gown ones. The ball gown looks have not yet been leaked yet.
These are the Frozen and Frozen 2 Mattel dolls for outfit comparison:
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So yeah we can see that the previous Frozen Mattel dolls have simplified some of the details the actual looks have so it's gone these looks from Frozen: Winter Festival is simplified too.
So with these looks analysed briefly, I'm so excited for their ball gown looks. They haven't had a ball gown look since Frozen when Elsa had her coronation. So just imagine their full length dresses stunning again.
The new short?
So most likely this is from a new short in the works. Some of us probably weren't expecting anything new let alone a short before the big two part movies but some of us were hoping. And looks like it's true. It makes sense to have a short now because Frozen 3 isn't coming until 2026! Some of us were expecting they'd keep the 6 year gap and release it next year in 2025 but they have made the gap 7 years from Frozen 2. So it's great to have another short while we wait.
I believe this short could be out this year and be in front of Moana 2 in November. Mostly because that release date is Frozen's usual release month and Moana is highly anticipated so it's a good strategy to get people to see this short if theatrical. And also because if the short is set in winter, it makes sense to release it closer to Winter time. That's obviously just my guess. But to think that this short is set in winter means it'll give that Frozen and OFA vibe that is iconic to the franchise. I say that because I know Frozen 2 is controversial to the fandom for understandable reasons and with the autumn vibe the theme of change really screams out. So it's nice to be back in the winter element again with the sisters together.
And if some of you believe this is a leak of Frozen 3, I would completely deny that because I doubt we'd get a leak so soon, more than 2 years before it's release date. With all we know of Frozen 3 behind the scenes too, the leaks seem to be tightly sealed because the movies sound big and any details given could spoil it for us of course. Besides a Short around this time makes much more sense.
As for the runtime of this short, that's obviously not known but if we were to guess, it would be 20 - 30 minutes because if any shorter they would only have time for one look. Frozen Fever was 7 minutes and Olaf's Frozen Adventure was 22 minutes. OFA had one main look but Anna's look was slightly adapted for the search for the Olaf scene, consisting of a blue snow hat, her two iconic braids and blue mitten gloves similar to that of Frozen. So it's possible that this short is slightly longer than OFA to have a decent amount of time on both outfits.
When the ball gown dolls leak I'll analyse them too. So keep your eyes peeled.
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roadkillremi · 10 months
Gothic/Punk/Grunge Reader Dating Scream Headcannons
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Warnings : language, mentions Ghostface, mentions of bullying, underaged drinking mentioned
Billy Loomis
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He likes your sense of music and how you like the weird and darkness. Music in the car with him is super fun to listen to. He's more of a rock guy but would listen to goth/metal/grunge. Punk is iffy with him.
You two always watch scary movies together. You remind him of the girls from The Craft (👀 if you know you know).
He doesn't like that it may take you longer to get ready. He huffs and watches you do your hair/makeup. "Do you need that much hairspray?-" he'd ask, cringing at the smell of it. You'd give him a look before using more.
He enjoys that people see you as a threat. He finds it amusing and likes watching others react to you. Especially freshmen in high school, they seem terrified. Sometimes when Billy's behind you as you walk by them he goes "Boo." In a stern voice.
Your fashion. He adores it in an odd way. He watches you layer on a million accessories, sleeves, fishnets, etc. And goes, "you're gonna melt out there-". When he's right he helps de-layer you if you want. He likes dresses and skirts, he's a typical guy and likes it more if it's shorter. If he finds any weird jewelry he might get for you. Or he'll pull you over if you're with him. "look. It has bats." He acts like he doesn't care but he does.
When you first met Billy you thought he was some normal guy. He was popular and slept with a lot of girls. You ignored him a lot which made him more determined. Once you got to talk to him you realized he was cool. He said you reminded him of Elvira and that got your attention. You both ran into each other at Bradley's video. You also both fought over movies ; "It's cheesy-", "No. It's not. It's romantic!", "he's a vampire-".
Hair dying/stick and poke tattoos. He'll help you with the hair dye. But puts towels down everywhere and wears gloves. He doesn't want it in his hair or on him. He makes psycho movie jokes as he watches the hair dye go down the drain. Stick and poke tattoos at first he'd watch you. He'd stare so intensely. Then he'd offer to do it, he'd watch your face react to the needle.
Billy's the kind of guy that remembers small details. He knows your favorite movie, snack, album, outfit, blanket. He doesn't open up like ever. Once you do he may drop little snippets of his life.
Him being Ghostface. You were surprised, he seemed like a nice guy that liked weird things. Before you knew he was Ghostface, Ghostface would call you... A lot. "So what's your favorite scary movie?", "I'm not telling you that. You're a stranger.", "Come on.", "The Craft.", "That's not a scary movie.", "I know.". He knew you were intelligent but didn't know how you'd handle Ghostface. "Why? Wanna ask me out on a date?", "Maybe," "Well too bad I have a boyfriend and he's kinda scary so back off , bitch.". Billy smiled to himself when you said that, he was proud and felt loved. During Act 3 when he unmasked himself you simply stared. Billy just smiled, "You find this attractive don't you?"
Stu Macher
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Stu is very supportive of your weirdness. He buys you clothes and jewelry and weird trinkets.
He himself isn't a very alt person. Your music tastes clash and it's kinda funny. One second it's Beasty Boys the next it's The Cure. He may like some rock and some punk.
You in fishnets are his weakness. Big thighs, small thighs, thighs with scars, thighs with hair, he doesn't care. Fishnets are sexy to him. He sees them, he goes feral. Especially if you're wearing shorts or a skirt with them. Even tights and thigh high stockings get him excited.
Dying hair is too much fun with him. You two get it everywhere and Stu ends up having some in his hair. You'd bleach it for him if he wants. He'd also pick out wacky hair colors for you. If you want he'd gel your hair into weird shapes. He laughs and giggles telling you not to look. Let's just say his dad runs out of hair gel.
He jokingly paints his nails black with you. If Billy makes a remark he'd go, "It's the new style. Get with it man!". He's also the man that'd blow on your nails to dry them.
He'd watch scary movies with you. But he talks a lot. He makes remarks during the whole thing. Sometimes you have to shut him up by handing him a beer.
He lets you decorate his house for Halloween. He's definitely more of a Christmas person but he makes a big deal out of Halloween for you. When he throws his Halloween party he gives you all the credit.
If people at school or wherever make remarks he laughs. Not because he agrees but because it's funny they'd think that. If someone calls you a devil worshiper he'd stick his tongue out and say, "Yeah and I'm the devil.". When he's drunk he asks you if you're a Satanist.
He has a morbid and dark humor. Some of you may enjoy that about him.
When Stu started liking you, you were a bit taken back. Like Billy, Stu is a popular guy. But he finds you attractive and genuine unlike Casey, his ex. He'd ask you stupid questions at first ; "Who's funeral?", "Are you depressed or something?". When he realized that only pushed you away he stopped.
If your parents don't like the fact you're goth/alt. Stu would quite literally tell them to shut up. He kinda hates it when other people tell you how to dress. It reminds him of his stuck up family telling him how to dress.
He thinks it's fun to see you do your makeup. He makes shape-shifting jokes, "Oh here they go. Turning into their true form.". Sometimes he'd make jokes about you doing his makeup. Then one day you do, he just mumbles "Please don't tell Billy.". He then poses in the mirror going "I'm so sexy.".
Stu is a Saturday morning cartoon kinda guy. But when you two are together Saturday mornings it's different stuff. The Munsters, Addams Family (Series), Beetlejuice (Series). Beetlejuice is his favorite though.
Him as Ghostface. He'd prank call you. Unlike Billy above who tested you. He'd go, "Nice PJs." While watching you in your house. He'd see it more as a game of hide and seek. He wouldn't actually hurt you, just scare you. During Act 3 when he unmasks himself, it's a bit shocking. I mean Stu is a caring goofy guy. He smiles widely at you and looks a bit crazed.
Tatum Riley
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Her music genre is totally different. She won't bash your music taste but she doesn't like it. You two are total opposites and everyone thinks it's adorable.
She's definitely the person to go, "I dress you up and you dress me up!". You both have fun styling each other.
Movie nights would be difficult to agree on. You both like different types of movies but Tatum would definitely love Elvira. She'd be down for a drama thriller. She makes popcorn and gets blankets and is all cozy.
She's the type of girl to give you a bracelet of hers to wear. It's the only pop of bright color. It's her way of claiming you.
She'd definitely paint your nails black for you. Dying hair, totally! She wouldn't be as messy as Stu though. You both do your makeup at the exact same time. Sometimes the mirror gets crowded, but she claims she enjoys doing it with you.
She'd get you weird yet cute gifts. Like those stuffed animals but is a skeleton.
She loves to show off your sense of style. She isn't embarrassed by you at all. If anything she's your guard dog. If anyone made a remark ; "What'd you say? That's what I thought keep it to yourself. Maybe it'll make your dick grow bigger.".
Mall trips are a must with her, she even goes into a hot topic for you. And you go into stores she wants to. She tries to help find your style of clothes. You two also style each other's jewelry.
It wasn't exactly obvious she liked you but there were hints. She used Stu as her man on the inside. She makes him ask you about your crush and stuff like that. He soon gets fed up and reveals her secret. She yells that she was gonna tell you but wasn't sure. (Especially if you're a Fem reader. She doesn't want to make you uncomfortable if you don't date girls.).
You go costume shopping for Halloween together. She's more in the sexy side of the spectrum of costumes.
Sydney Prescott
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Sydney found you interesting. You expressed yourself and she enjoyed that. Like Tatum, both of your styles clash. Her room is pink, white, and soft, while yours isn't.
She doesn't really care what people say about you. she rolls her eyes at people and sends Tatum after them She wants to know you for herself. When Sydney's mom died you stood up for her. When all those girls or whatever thought it was her. You two bonded over feeling like a misfit.
Sydney's not a scary movie girl. She would watch the Addams family, Munsters, Elvira, Vampira, stuff like that.
After Ghostface, assuming you'd survive. You two stuck together. She was more protective and aware.
Scream 2 - (If Fem) You two would dorm together. Not for naughty reasons. For safety. She's also the type of girl to get you pepper spray. (If Masc) she'd check on you and call you. She wants to make sure you got back safe.
Scream 3 - she knew you were into scary and weird movies. So it was a bit exciting to be in Hollywood for you. But not under the circumstances.
Randy Meeks
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You definitely were on his suspect list. He couldn't explain why you just were.
He was a bit scared of you at first. You never did anything to frighten him. But Randy looks like he's scared of anyone he's attracted to.
You weren't very surprised when he told you he liked you. It was obvious.
He definitely took note of your video rentals at work. Then he'd ask for your opinion, it was the only reason why he had the courage to talk to you.
He likes your sense of style. I mean he's a fashionista himself with his matching green shirt and shoes. He finds it cool and reminds him of his horror movies. Like Stu, he would go feral for any skin showing. Fishnets too. I feel like leather and chains also. It may or may not be kinky but he likes them on you.
When you ask him for help to dye your hair. He asks Tatum for help. She tells him to read the instructions ; "I did. They're stupid. So I just soak their hair with it and wait. Okay got it." Then a couple minutes later ; "Will it stain my skin..? I may have got some on my face.".
Randy doesn't mind being with you in public. If anyone said anything to you he'd mock them. Or do a stupid voice or impression of a character. There's no telling with him.
He watches you do your makeup sometimes. When he does he seems impressed. Like Stu, he thinks you're a shape shifter.
You two love your weird scary movies. You watch them all the time. Randy is just happy to be with someone who enjoys it. He's a cuddler too! He'd cuddle you while you watch your movies.
At Halloween you two thrive. It's you guy's favorite time of the year. Couple costumes are a must. He also still goes trick or treating.
When Ghostface starts killing you two stick together. While he's at work you're chilling with him. If anything strange happens he tells you to call him. At Stus party he warns you ahead of time.
Scream 2 : (if Masc) oh you two definitely formed together. And he took advantage of it. Though your room decor doesn't match his. It was perfect. (If Fem)he practically lived in your dorm. Sydney would have to tell him to leave sometimes.
He's the boyfriend to give you a taser. Not a small one. A police grade taser.
He still shows you off. Now that he's more confident hes more of a guard dog like. He also says he wants to make a movie with a main character like you.
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sericasong · 2 months
Sheepish・✦ oneshot
adjective - embarrassed or bashful, as by having done something wrong or foolish.・✦
The poor thing's never been trained on how to appear to events with a date on his arm. Or if he was, he's forgotten completely just by a glance at you.
THIS ONE GOES OUT TO @takami-takami HAPPY WAY LATE BIRTHDAY THIS WAS MEANT TO BE A DRABBLE AND IT GOT SO OUT OF HAND ALSKHKDGLS. I've been trying to figure out what exactly to write for it and decided you deserve a mishmash of everything we adore about the birdie. Much love always and an incredibly happy (month-after-I'm-so-sorry) 26th. 💕
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For someone with such a fun-loving persona, one would think that number two pro hero Hawks would enjoy this sort of thing.
Keigo does not.
Well, he usually doesn't.
Events hosted by the Commission tend to be just like the front it puts up: bright and decorated displays of prestige with little substance under the glitter. A media staging, as usual.
In years past, he's greeted these Hero Galas with a scowl and a cynical remark in the privacy of his thoughts, the only place where he can scorn his handlers all he wants and get away with naught but a wasted evening.
But tonight? Tonight he's greeting you as he escorts you in.
You look nothing short of radiant, dressed in something he'd caught a longing glance at and convinced you to let him buy, just this once, babe, c'mon, lemme spoil you.
And god, he finds new gods to thank that you let him.
It's perfect on you, its shapes elegant and its colors gorgeous on your skin, wrapping you in what may as well be diamonds.
He pockets the thought- solitaire, halo, three-stone, vintage? Details to consider later with the question of how to ask.
For now, he shows you around the venue. Shows you off, in a way, shows his most earnest expression of pride when he introduces you to everyone he can just for the sake of doing it.
Mine, his poorly-tempered smile gloats, they're mine.
As much as he'd like to, he doesn't say that. It's "this is my partner" instead, warmth floating in his voice with the sound of your name.
He's the picture of lovesick at dinner; sliding your chair back for you, sitting right beside, he barely lets you leave the seat because he's preoccupied with rushing to do everything he can for you.
His eyes have barely left you for half a minute in total the entire night, and you get the feeling that the number won't grow by much.
It sure doesn't raise by even a single decimal when the crowd moves to the ballroom. Those golden hues are set on your features like it would hurt to look away, unapologetic in his captivation.
Except for when you step onto the dance floor together, which is when he turns into the most hopeless fool you've ever seen.
Hawks knows what to do here.
Hawks has been through years of discipline, strict regimens for how to act in every possible situation, combat and negotiation and formal gatherings alike. Taught how to present himself with the easy grace befitting of the Commission's winning prize.
But Keigo?
Keigo is forgetting how to dance.
"Uh, dove," his hands linger in the air, hesitant, "do you mind if I-?"
Even when you nod, he's uncertain of it. Not of the fact that he wants to dance- he'd keep you in his arms for the rest of his life if he could.
But for some reason he can't place, his nerves fold upon themselves until they can no longer tell his limbs to move. He looks like a deer in headlights and his legs feel like a fawn only just standing.
When you send a questioning glance his way, he can only give a sort of helpless gesture. "Sorry, babe- I just, uh-"
"You look too pretty tonight, s'just..."
He trails off with heated cheeks as you press your smile to the back of his hands, pouting with a terminal blush as he admits, "feels like 'm gonna mess it up."
"The dance?" you question, just to be sure, and he raises your hands to hide behind them in embarrassment with a mumbled, "yeah..."
You can't help but laugh at the look on his face, like a schoolboy with a love letter outstretched, and don't bother resisting the urge to tease him as you pull him towards a more secluded corner. "I thought you told me that you knew three different kinds of partnered dance. What happened to that, birdie?"
"I know," he protests weakly, burying his flush in your shoulder as he lets a groan escape him. "I know, I know. And- and I do, I promise."
When you respond with a skeptical mhm, he huffs at you, petulant indignation even while his eyes crease at the corners. "I do!"
"It's just... you're so... you look so..." A sweeping gesture at you as if he can't put the words to it; from his brief silence, you figure that's likely the case. Several moments pass, and he continues more quietly, "you look sacred, dove. Feels like it'd be a sin to treat you wrong."
He's sweet. It's probably the most romantic thing you've ever heard.
You let your lips curve upwards in something between fondness and an utterly shit-eating grin. "You're shy."
Keigo does his best to pretend to disagree, and eventually gives up, only responding with a silent nod. That softens your teasing, fingers carding through his hair and sorting the strands. "You don't have to be embarrassed, you know... I'm a little nervous too. It's not like I'm very used to elaborate things like this."
"But you're the last person who should be," he complains, melting easily into the brush of your touch. "You're too good to be here. You look better than everyone else by a million."
"I think you do," you counter, letting your hands settle around the back of his neck as his face makes a home in the crook of yours. He just hums, flustered but appreciative, allowing you to sway him gently to the music in your little dance floor for two.
His voice is quiet when he speaks next, after a song has passed in your corner. "I'm gonna marry you someday, I swear to god."
He looks up at you as if to examine your reaction, his lashes fluttering when you lean forward to kiss him. After you pull away, he's nearly beaming, and he brightens further at your next words.
"I'll be waiting for it."
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wintaerbaer · 4 months
so eden sank to grief (knj)
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summary: He just wants to make you happy. It seems to be the one thing he can no longer give.
pairing: Namjoon x Reader
rating: sfw (but maybe tears?)
genre: established relationship au, breakup au
word count: 1.2k
warnings: HEAVY ANGST, implied infertility problems, this is just the straight-up collapse of a marriage (i'm sorry)
a/n: found this buried on my old college laptop. i wrote this for a class a decade ago and figured i'd give it the fic treatment because why not (though i'm a little wary because i think it showcases how my writing has since declined lmaooo)
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Namjoon’s never been a religious man, but when he sees you walking down the aisle towards him, he’s suddenly certain that there must be a heaven. With your eyes lit up like fireflies and your smile stretched wide across your face, you’re looking at him like he’s everything.
You look happy.
And it’s all he’s ever wanted to give you.
From where he stands he can see you tugging on your father’s arm, taking too-fast steps in that so-white dress, and he tries to project the thought that he’s not going anywhere—you don’t need to rush. Your father leans over to say something into your ear, and it must be along that same string of thought because you slow down ever so slightly, a frown momentarily dipping into the bow shape of your mouth before twisting back up into a grin even brighter than the one that came before it.
When you finally—finally—reach the alter, your father places your hand in his, and your fingers curl around each other, so warm as you turn to him with your tongue poking out from behind your teeth.
“Hey,” he whispers.
You laugh in response.
The officiant begins to talk, but all he hears is static because all he can think about is the svelte line of your body in that dress and your soft curls all pinned back and how it feels to have his hand pressed against the bare curve of your hip, tangled in white sheets, and he’s probably staring at you like a slack-jawed, lovesick fool, but he can’t really bring himself to care about any flack he might receive later.
He loves you.
You’re happy.
That’s all that matters.
The ceremony passes in a blur of sound and color, and then at last he’s kissing his wife—wedding band wrapped around his finger and the church bells ringing in his ears.
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He wakes at 2:13am, the pang in his gut becoming too much to ignore even in sleep. The weight of the day hangs around his neck like a noose, choking him until he’s gasping for air. He rolls over, finds your face on the pillow next to his. Even in sleep, your features are twisted, crumpled.
You look broken.
It makes him ache in a way that he just can’t handle at the moment, and so he swings his legs over the side of the bed and presses his feet into the carpet that’s turned pearly white from the moonlight dancing over it. It’s too good of a color—too innocent, too pure—and he curls his toes as if he could scrape it away, make it feel the pain that he feels, make it reflect the inner turmoil of his soul.
He stands and makes his way into the hall, fighting every bone, every muscle, every pore that begs him to stop—demands instead that he lay down and die. And it is too much—it really is—as he stumbles into the small bedroom and throws himself down in the middle of it.
It hurts even more in here and for some distorted reason that makes it better. Here, he can feel every welt, bruise, and contusion of his heart and somehow—somehow—giving in to the pain makes it hurt less.
And so he sits alone in the nursery, save for the pale walls and the wooden rocking horse that he had bought one summery afternoon during a useless fit of optimism. For reasons he can’t even begin to understand, he finds himself crying over that damn horse—over how it no longer has a purpose, how it’s essentially been condemned to sitting alone in this empty bedroom day after day. He winds up curled at its side, choking on great, heaving sobs that wrack his entire body.
It’s the same place where you find him in the morning.
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He’s watching film from your wedding when you come down the stairs looking absolutely striking in your sleek black dress with the matching high heels.
“What are you doing?” you ask. And still, after all these months, your voice sounds dead.
He gestures at the television screen where the two of you are swaying on the dance floor during your reception. “Remember this?”
Your eyes flick up as you regard the image with what can only be described as complete and utter indifference—the sides of your mouth don’t twitch like they used to when you’d try to hold back a smile, nor do your eyes brighten in any way.
Simply nothing.
You don’t say a word about the homemade movie, just turn your back to him and say, “Can you zip me up?”
He gently places his hand at your waist for support, but you flinch so he pulls it back, grasps fabric instead as he glides the zipper up to the nape of your neck.
And then you’re walking away, your figure retreating into the kitchen for your purse before heading out the door, and he’s left wondering why this all went so terribly wrong—what he or you could have possibly done to deserve having the final, beautiful wisps of your past life disappear like smoke, slipping through his fingers as the two of you were sucked into a raging cataclysm of grief.
He just wants to make you happy.
It seems to be the one thing he can no longer give.
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He arrives home in a swirl of shivers and coughs, the downpour outside doing nothing to help his health nor his psyche. He kicks off his boots, flips on a light, and is greeted by what seems to be an empty house.
That’s not right.
You always get home before him.
He takes a few hesitant steps forward, the feeling of wrong wrong wrong wrapping its long fingers around his gut and squeezing and suddenly, he’s speeding around the house calling your name.
You’re not in the living room, napping on the couch with a book propped on your chest; you’re not in the kitchen, cooking dinner with the radio on; you’re not in your bedroom or the bathroom or the nursery-turned-office or the laundry room or the den.
You’re just gone.
He’s always had a feeling that this day would come, but it does nothing to suppress the flood of agony that swells up, rushes in, and drowns him as he staggers back into your bedroom. Now that he’s looking, he can see how things are different—shifted, twisted, tilted.
Your perfumes and jewelry have vanished from the dresser, the painting that you bought a few months back is no longer on the wall, and the pair of slippers that usually sit next to the bed are missing. He moves to the closet, throws it open to confirm what he already knows to be true.
Your side is empty.
He falls to his knees, the last of his composure crumbling away as he gives himself over to the earth-shattering reality that lies before him—trembling beneath the glint of gold that is your wedding ring lying solitary on the bed.
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a/n: apologies for any emotional damage. please feel free to rant at me in the replies or my inbox, and my lawyers will see to it as soon as possible. <3
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sea-owl · 3 months
I just saw this tiktok video of what I believe is an Indian drama. I'm not 100% sure if it was a show or movie. I couldn't find the name on it. But in the video, it was described that a village made its money by selling off daughters to wealthy men for marriage. The female lead was the "ugly" girl (she was not ugly) who managed a side business off this main business by having the potential grooms see her first as their bride and then showing the real girl. Basically, helping with negotiations saying, "Hey, you could've gotten me, but instead, we have this gem here. Don't you think she's worth more?" After getting the higher bride price she takes her cut.
After watching, I said I could see Kate and Penelope making a small business doing this around the ton. Not to say they aren't beautiful, they are, and the girl in the original video was beautiful too. They just don't fit society beauty standards. Actually, side note now that I think about it canonically the only one of the wives who did was Sophie. Sophie was described to fit the ton's beauty standards to a t and would probably have been the incomparable/diamond of her debute season if she was born legitimate.
Anyway, Kate probably started it. For one reason or another, they couldn't wait for Edwina to debute, and Kate wasn't having a successful season, so she thought of a way to earn some money to help her family. It started as an accident, Kate was visiting a friend the same time negotiations were happening for her friend's engagement. Her friend has never met the lord, and two just so happened to walk by the room the negotiations were happening in. The lord saw Kate before her friend and assumed she was to be his bride. He was about to be outraged until her friend turned the corner. Things went much better for the bride to be in the negotiations after that.
Kate's friend apologized for the situation, but the wheels in Kate's head were turning. She didn't care all that much about being compared to her friend. Strangers loved to unpromptly compare her to Edwina when they were together and Kate couldn't really bring herself to care she has other things to worry about. But this new development, might work in her favor.
So Kate started offering her services to get brides to be better deals on marriage negotiations. First looks from arranged marriages she'll be in front and then show the real bride. Sometimes, be part of the negotiations by giving little reminders that hey, she is still in need of a husband, and if they want to pay less, then they can negotiate with her family. Sometimes, she didn't have to do anything besides sit next to the bride to be and just talk with her as a silent reminder. Kate also offered services such as attending balls with her clients and spreading word about bride's accomplishments. Kate would get her cut, which helped her family's financial situation longer, just long enough to get Edwina married.
A few years pass, and Kate is booked, possibly overly so. She has more and more parents there who wish for her to be part of the negotiations. There are so many that there is no possible way she can do them all by herself. Unless she gets a partner.
In 1813, Kate saw a miserable wallflower standing at the edge of one of the balls. That yellow dress did not do the poor girl any favors with her complexion, nor did the shape help with her curvy figure. Her poor red hair reminded Kate of an overdone poodle. She looked to be Edwina's age, and that made Kate's big sister instincts go off.
Introductions were made, and Kate learned the girl's name was Penelope Featherington. Kate learned the girl was rather smart and witty when she relaxed around you. She, like Kate, had a good head on her shoulders and it's a shame others don't see that.
Oh well, their loss is Kate's gain.
"Penelope, how would you feel about helping me with some business?" Kate asked one night at a ball. She had a negotiation to go to tomorrow and it would be an ideal time to take her new friend to get her feet wet.
Penelope looked up at Kate. "What kind of business?"
Kate took Penelope with her to the negotiations, and the deals doubled in favor of the bride.
Kate grinned the first time her friend participated in negotiations, raising deals much more favorably for the bride. By mid-season, Penelope will be ready to go on her own. Which will be good because next season, Edwina debutes. Kate will have to focus on her while Penelope takes on the majority of the negotiation calls. When Edwina is settled then Kate can fully jump back in. Which hopefully shouldn't be too hard, Kate knows Edwina will be popular, so it's just a matter of sorting the good men from the rakes. After that Kate can fully focus on her business.
It will all go according to plan.
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fatguarddog · 8 months
Feedist Kinktober Day 18: Lost Doll
You found her discarded on your front porch, a beautiful old porcelain doll that was unlike any you had seen before. She had loose, blonde curls, adorable rosy cheeks, soft blue eyes with large lashes attached, a pretty scarlet dress in a Victorian style... nothing out of the ordinary really...
Except this doll was fat. Really fat.
Her round belly presented such a nice shape bulging out from her dress, even her arms and legs seemed to have been made all chubby and cute like little stuffed sausages. Something about her smile and unique physique compelled you to pick her up and take her inside; perhaps with a bit of polish she could be worth something? She could be some kind of rare make after all, so why not take care of her for a while.
So you did. You took her in and began to clean the dirt from her body and dress, neatening her up and giving the plump doll a comfortable seat to rest in while you figured out what to do with her.
Over the next week or so, you spent your free time researching old dolls and where yours could have come from. Despite not remembering grabbing a snack when you sat down to do so, you almost always found an array of wrappers and empty plates around you whenever you turned your laptop off. It wasn't like you could really stop doing it since you were hardly aware you'd even started... so soon you began plumping up all over.
Your meals seemed to get larger, you felt more compelled to stay sedentary for longer periods of time... and so your body simply ballooned, all the while your doll smiled back at you... and you could swear she was looking thinner by the day.
Your hair got curly despite you not doing anything to it, your plump cheeks gained a rosy glow, your eye lashes seemed longer and thicker than ever before and you found yourself wearing more old fashioned clothes... heavy old dresses that hugged your new curves and made you look so beautifully comfortable with all your new padding. As the changes ramped up, you never really questioned them... it just all felt so right deep inside. You grew larger and larger as your doll became slimmer and slimmer, taking on a more modern appearance.
One day, all dressed up in your finest and spread out on the couch, you stuffed yourself with a feast of food until you could hardly move. The weight of your bulging, fattened gut held you in place, but when you went to rub it, you realised you couldn't move at all, you were frozen in place aside from your eyes. Looking around the room, you realised you couldn't see your doll anymore, but you could hear footsteps approaching. As they grew closer, a hand came out from behind you and rubbed at your swollen belly through your scarlet dress.
"What a good girl you've been, you've broken my curse," a sultry feminine voice whispered in your ear, deepening the blush on your fat cheeks, "I can't believe how easy that was." The figure walked around in front of you, revealing herself. To your best bet, she looked as though she were a human version of the doll you found after going through all her changes, slimmed down and looking more from the current era. "You see I'm a witch whose spell backfired on her, I was trying to turn someone into my fat living doll, but something went wrong and I ended up as a fat little doll instead," she sighed and looked out the window. "I got tossed around a lot, most people threw me out after picking up on my magical fattening aura... but not you."
She smiled wickedly as she approaching you and sank her fingers into your stuffed, fattened flesh, making you whimper slightly through your paralysis.
"Seems all I needed to do to be free was have someone keep me long enough to accept the spell I'd intended to cast in the first place, getting fatter than my doll form and instead becoming my fat living doll," she rubbed at your soft body, clearly enjoying herself.
"You want to be my fat doll, right? I'll keep you so plump and comfortable and take really good care of you, pretty thing. I know you want it good girl, so just nod that pretty head for me," she gently cupped your face and made you nod your head in response, making a blissful calm wash over your mind and body.
Something told you that being a witch's fat doll could be the best thing that ever happened to you.
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withacapitalp · 1 year
How to Rehabilitate a Jock Part 7
Part One Part Six Part Eight Link to Ao3
Thank you to @stevethehairington for Betaing for me!!! A reminder I'm not adding anyone else to the tag list, be sure to follow or subscribe on ao3 if you want to know when this updates!
-----------Step Seven: Assist Him With His Kids----------
Well, Steve really had to hand it to the kids. 
They sure knew how to scream. 
Right after Eddie’s oh so perfectly timed reveal, the boys had devolved into a full blown raging interrogation. Steve, seeing the writing on the wall, had started walking to the door the second Eddie gave him that little shit eating grin that always spelled trouble. He was already in the hallway by the time the kids turned around to face him. 
Because, as fun as it sounded to get dressed down by four twelve year olds in front of the rest of the group, he thought it might be prudent to skip that bit of public humiliation. 
Sure enough, his kids had scampered into the hall right after him, yelling the entire way. There were accusations left and right, clearly hurt feelings, and Wheeler was once again on a tirade about kicking Steve out of the party. 
It would have been hilarious if Steve wasn’t completely exhausted. If there wasn’t a weird kind of ache starting to build in his chest from Eddie so readily giving him up when he knew what this meant to Steve. 
“I cannot BELIEVE you!” Dustin shouted for about the ten millionth time, throwing his hands up yet again as he glared at Steve, “What is the first rule of the Party? What is it, Steve?!”
“Friends don’t lie,” Steve droned, rubbing at his temple. He had started to get a headache about halfway through the game, and it was turning into a full blown migraine the longer the kids kept screeching at him. 
“Friends don’t lie!” Dustin repeated as Will solemnly shook his head behind him, clearly biting on his lip to hold back a laugh. He and Max both found the whole thing extremely funny going by the glances they kept swapping. 
“Friends don’t lie,” Lucas echoed, tutting and putting his hands on his hips in a perfect imitation of the stance Steve always took with them when they were misbehaving, “So why did you feel it was necessary to lie to us, Steven James Harrington?”
Did this kid seriously just full name him? 
Jesus, he was giving them some bad fucking habits to pick up.  
“It wasn’t a lie-” Steve said, trying once more to explain, but he barely got the start of the sentence out before all of them exploded again, talking all at the same time. 
“Yes it was-”
 “You told us you were ‘shooting hoops’-”
“You kinda did lie, Steve-” 
“This is your own fault-”
“Can we please just kick him out of the Party now?!” 
Mild irritation began to bloom into full on anger as his headache crested over the point of no return. There was a pounding behind Steve’s left eye, an ice pick slowly sliding in and out of the socket. The pain was awful, and Steve wanted to curl up in a ball and just start whining, but he pushed past it, gritting his teeth and setting his jaw. 
Enough was enough. 
Steve gave a short irritated sigh before shaping his thumb and index finger into a U and sticking his fingers in his mouth, pressing down on his tongue and whistling down one excruciatingly loud note. It made his headache so bad that his vision began to blur, but at least all of the kids were quiet, rattled by the sudden shrieking noise. 
Sacrifices, sacrifices. 
“Jesus,” Lucas said, both annoyed and mildly awed. He pinched his own lip and started trying to imitate the motion, seeing if he could recreate Steve’s whistle. 
“Not cool,” Mike pouted, his hands still over his ears. 
“Yeah, you could make a demogorgon go deaf like that,” Dustin added on, Steve reflexively shushing him the second the kid said the word ‘demogorgon’. 
He put his hand over Dustin’s mouth, and all of the kids tensed up, like scared rabbits that had just heard a twig break under the predator’s boot. Steve looked at each of them, hating the way their eyes had widened, hating how scared they were because of the world’s tiniest joke. 
It wasn’t like anyone would know Dustin was talking about an actual demogorgon, but the need for absolute secrecy was pressing. Steve could still feel how his hand cramped while signing the hundreds of NDA’s that had been pushed in his direction, he could still feel the presence of the armed soldiers standing nearby as all of them had been yet again instructed about the importance of maintaining discretion. 
The whole aftermath was almost as terrifying as the actual experience, made worse by the fact that they all now knew what might happen if another person found out about the existence of the Upside Down. 
After all, they had all been forced to lie about how Max found out just to keep Lucas out of federal prison. 
The kid was twelve, and they had threatened to lock him up for thirty years when Max had naively revealed that he told her about what happened last year. They had actually brought the cuffs out and everything until Steve spun some story about Max somehow magically showing up at the junkyard while they were running from the demodogs. 
Lucas hadn’t told her on purpose, he had just explained what they were afterward when Max was freaking out. They had never signed any papers saying they couldn’t talk about the monsters with someone who already knew they existed, so Lucas hadn’t done anything wrong. 
Steve had repeated that story stubbornly over and over, and the kids had followed his direction. He had done what he did best- played dumb. The agents hadn’t really believed Steve, but they had no evidence he was lying, so they had been forced to drop the charges against Lucas before they had ever really been brought up 
It had worked, but Steve didn’t think he was ever going to be able to forget the way the kid had been shaking in his arms the entire time he crafted his tale. Lucas wasn’t the type to get scared like that, but he had been completely terrified that night. They all were, and the ever looming anxiety of someone finding out continued to hang over them. 
Sometimes it felt like it was never going to go away. 
Especially when you considered the fact that they were still being watched. 
All of their phones were still being monitored, and Jonathan had told Steve through passed notes in class that there were still people trailing his car everywhere he went. They were under careful observation every single minute of every single day, and even one little slip would cost everything.
He had no doubt in his mind that the government would make any of his kids disappear if they thought there was even a chance of the truth getting out. 
Steve couldn’t let that happen. He wouldn’t let that happen. 
So he taught them how to hide their secrets, gave the kids specific places they could talk about things when they needed to, and made sure they knew how to shut up everywhere else. 
Nancy and Jonathan could go off all they wanted about justice and making things right. Let them be the ones to risk everything to find the truth. Steve just wanted to keep everyone alive and out of prison. 
Maybe that wasn’t exactly a healthy mindset, but this was survival, and Steve was great at surviving. Besides, it was better overall to make sure that no one else ever got dragged into this hell. 
“Hey, so-” 
A voice spoke up behind Steve, pausing when everyone in the hallway jumped. 
Steve let go of Dustin and flew around, his hand clenching up on nothing as he looked for the bat that he still kept in his trunk. Not here. He didn’t have anything but his fists, and Steve was a shitty fighter when it was just him. 
Whatever, it had to be good enough. Steve stepped forward, making sure all of the kids were behind him before looking up at whoever was threatening them. 
But there was no threat. Just Eddie standing in the doorway, looking at Steve with big worried eyes. 
Steve let out a soft shaking sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to relieve just a touch of the ache still throbbing against his eyes. One of the kids pressed up against his side silently. Steve could tell which one it was by the height, and the curls brushing against his arm, and he wrapped an arm around Dustin’s shoulders, ruffling the kids hair as he pulled himself back together in a millisecond. 
They needed him to be steady. They needed him to be strong. They needed someone safe, and they didn’t really have anyone but Steve who could be that for them. Nancy and Jonathan were great, but they didn’t really worry so much over the kids who weren’t their actual siblings, and Joyce and Hopper were still trying to sort out everything going on with El. 
That left just Steve, and just Steve needed to do better. The kids deserved better. 
“While it is highly entertaining to listen to you being scolded by kids half your age,” Eddie said, pulling Steve’s focus once more. The boys all groaned at this, clustering around their babysitter as they threw low level glares at Eddie. 
“We’re almost thirteen, dude,” Mike said with a scowl, bumping his shoulder against Steve before leaning into Will’s space like he always did, “And he earned that scolding. As a party member Steve knows we don’t lie to each other.” 
A weird rush of affection washed over Steve and he rolled his eyes, ignoring the way it spiked in his chest. Mike was a lot like a cat. He was prickly, hissed a lot, and had a few special people he favored over everyone else. But, if you took the time, and you gave him the space, and, by some miracle, you gained the patience of an absolute saint, Michael Wheeler could end up being pretty surprising sometimes.  
“We do have to finish the campaign at some point tonight,” Eddie continued as if no one had ever spoken. He gave Steve a gentle look, as if he realized he had stepped into something he probably should have left alone.
“So could you wrap it up soon, Sweetheart?”
Steve’s heart fluttered, but he forced that down. That stupid nickname and the weird feelings that came with it could take a hike. He was still upset with Eddie. 
“Sweetheart?” Max snorted, finally pushing off of the wall she had been leaning against and walking over. She put her chin on Lucas’s shoulder, looking at Steve with a shit eating grin. 
All of the kids were exchanging smirks now, and Steve’s cheeks began to heat up as his stomach dropped. 
Yet another thing that had felt sacred that was no longer hidden, another thing that had felt like it was supposed to belong to just them that Eddie had carelessly given to the rest of the world. It was stupid to get all worked up over a silly nickname that meant nothing, but it was just another reminder that Steve was never going to keep anything in his life intimate ever again. 
Suddenly playing along with the rest of the group felt like a chore, and the joy he had been having from getting to just be a silly kid again was gone. Steve wasn’t the type of person who got to have hidden things anymore, he wasn’t the type of person who got to just be a kid. 
He had kids now, six of them, and they needed someone steady. They needed an adult, not some bullshit artist that wanted to pretend like he could still have a normal life.  
Hell, what if something had happened while he was goofing off with Eddie and the rest? They could have gotten hurt, and if they needed Steve to save them, they wouldn’t have known where to find him. 
His heart was racing again, but not for a good reason. All at once the hallway felt overexposed, the endless rows of empty doors were each a threat, a place where a monster might emerge to swallow them whole. 
This wasn’t a safe place for them, and Steve needed to keep his kids safe.
“Look, Eddie, they’re not gonna shut up about this anytime soon, so I think I just need to take them home,” Steve said, crafting up the perfect reason to want to suddenly bail and take the kids back to his house.
His house was barely any safer than the school. Barb had died there, after all. 
(Steve had killed her there, after all.) 
But at least in his house Steve could carry around his bat and keep all of six of the kids in his eyesight. His brain was already humming as it endlessly counted only five around him, knowing the sixth was waiting patiently on his couch, alone in his unsafe house watching soap operas and whatever movies he had on VHS for her. 
“Are you sure?” Eddie asked, a tiny frown ruining his face, “We could maybe wait until we get back from break?”
“No it’s- it’s fine,” Steve said, thoroughly disappointed and unable to keep it out of his tone. 
He didn’t want to make them wait, because Steve wasn’t even sure he ever wanted to go back to Hellfire after this. He didn’t feel like he belonged there anymore, and he had barely felt like he belonged there in the first place. 
The only reason he had kept trying was Eddie and their budding friendship. The inadvertent betrayal of spilling the one thing that belonged to only Steve had marred that. 
“You guys can keep going without-”
The shout from his side dragged Steve out of his morose moment, stopping his words in their tracks.
Will was staring up at him with determination set in every one of his features. Actually all the kids were looking at him with the same thing. Lucas’s hands were back on his hips and even Max seemed like she was prepping for a fight. 
“Steve,” Mike groaned, shaking his head, “You don’t abandon your party halfway through a quest,” 
Steve blinked, trying to wrap his mind around the complete one eighty that had just been pulled. They had just spent the last twenty minutes yelling at him for playing DnD without him…and now they wanted him to play DnD without them? 
He couldn’t make sense of it no matter how hard he tried. 
“Well I wouldn’t be abandoning them if you guys would just stop yelling at me,” Steve finally sputtered out, unable to explain all of the other reasons he didn’t really feel like participating anymore. 
The kids narrowed their eyes before quickly pulling away, walking a short distance down the hallway and putting their heads together in a huddle as they quietly debated with harsh whispers. 
Steve let loose another long breath as they argued with each other, scrubbing his hands over his face and mentally begging God to take away the pain still stabbing behind his eyes. He would give almost anything just for it to stop. 
“Hi,” Eddie whispered, forcing Steve to look up. He had sidled up closer, standing next to Steve now and a little ways away from the door. He was giving him one of those easy smiles, the kind that Steve had started to think were just for him. 
It hurt to see it. It hurt almost as much as his migraine. 
“Hey,” Steve replied shortly, unable to pretend that he was okay just yet. He would get there, but he needed more time to stuff down whatever hurt feelings wanted to rise up every time he saw Eddie. 
Eddie’s face dropped as his shoulders drooped. Steve had never really been all that good at hiding when he was upset, and he knew that Eddie knew he really wasn’t happy with how this had all turned out. 
“Listen, Steve, I-”
Eddie was interrupted as the kids returned, standing in front of Steve with their arms crossed over their chests. He walked away from Eddie and towards the group, glad to not have to cross that particular bridge just yet. 
“Fine. No more yelling, but we’re still really mad at you,” Mike stated, clearly being chosen as the one to lead the discussion. 
They had it wrong though. It wasn’t just mad. If the kids were just mad, then Steve would roll his eyes and move on. They were angry brats who got mad at just about everything. 
No, the real problem was that they were hurt. He could see it in their eyes, and the little frowns on their faces. They didn’t understand why he would play with ‘strangers’ and not with them, and that kind of rejection would hurt coming from anyone. Even Max seemed kind of put out, and that simply wouldn’t do. 
“Okay. Come here, and shut up as I say this once and only once.” Steve said, not exactly crouching down because that would just annoy them, but leaning so he was closer to their height. 
“I’m sorry that I lied to you. I shouldn’t have done that. I just wanted to have one thing that was mine. I love you brats, but you’re nosey as shit-”
“Weird way to apologize,” Will commented lightly, already seeming happier, and Steve chuckled. Will was quite the smart aleck when he finally got comfortable. 
“-and,” Steve emphasized, needing to explain a bit more, “I wanted to figure out if I actually liked this before I got all your expectations up that I was going to start playing with you or something,” 
It was clear he wasn’t a hundred percent forgiven, but they were starting to defrost, warmed up by the thought of getting to play their favorite game with their babysitter instead of just having him watch from the sidelines. 
“So, if you all ever decide to forgive me, I think we should definitely all play together sometime.” Steve concluded, some of his nerves settling as the boys began to exchange eager grins. 
“We accept on a few conditions,” Max said, taking point. She would not be swayed by an offer of game play, and she clearly wanted to get something for herself out of this. 
Damn his kids, they were too smart for their own good. 
“Lay them on me,” Steve said. 
“We get to get McDonalds whenever we want for the next month,” Max shot back. 
“Deal,” Steve agreed easily, mentally calculating how much he was going to have to scrap and save. He had already gotten all of his Christmas shopping done, and his parents had just sent him a check for the holidays since he was fourteen, so money wasn’t going to be a problem. 
“And, we want you to rent whatever movie we want at the video store next time. No questions asked,” Dustin tacked on. 
If it was any other group, Steve might’ve worried that they wanted something really bad, but he knew these guys. They just wanted him to get them some cheap horror flick that they were going to turn off the second it got too scary. There would be some long nights in his future as he stayed up with them through any potential nightmares, but it would be doable. 
“Fine,” Steve sighed, really making a show of acting like this was a big thing to give. If he made it seem like he was already pushing the limit of what he would give them, he might curb any truly outlandish asks that might be coming, “Anything else?”
“We want you to ask if we can watch the campaign?” Lucas asked sheepishly, uncharacteristically shy. The rest of the boys seemed to be pretty embarrassed too, and a smile curled on Steve’s lip. 
No matter how mature they acted, they really were just kids. 
“Well, Game master?” Steve said, turning to face Eddie, unexpected olive branch in hand. 
“Dungeon master,” Dustin groaned behind him, muttering under his breath. Steve shook his head and raised a brow towards Eddie. 
“What do you say, Babydoll?” He asked softly, drinking in the way Eddie sucked in a breath and let out an undignified squeak as his ears turned deep red. 
What was Steve thinking? 
It was the most ridiculous pet name Steve could make up on the fly. He had only ever heard someone be called ‘Babydoll’ in chick flicks or movies from the 50s, never something serious. He had figured that two could play at this game, and if Eddie wanted to make Steve squirm, then Steve felt no qualms in making Eddie squirm right back. 
But something about it just felt inexplicably right in his mouth. It came out closer to a pet name then something teasing. The kind of thing Steve would say on a date, or in bed after- 
Nope. Not that thought. Never that thought. A fire burned in Steve’s belly and he resisted the urge to hide his face away.  
“You’ll be the death of me, Steve Harrington,” Eddie said, laughing incredulously as one of his signature feral grins lit up his face, “You really will,” 
“Is that a yes?” Mike asked eagerly, all of the boys practically vibrating where they stood.
“C’mon, newly minted junior members of Hellfire. We have a killer Claus to defeat,” Eddie declared, clapping his hands. 
The boys cheered, rushing into the room. Lucas grabbed Max’s hand to drag her in with them, leaving Steve and Eddie alone outside. When he went to follow, Eddie touched his upper arm, stopping Steve in his tracks. 
“Hey. I’m…sorry,” Eddie forced out, dropping his hand away from Steve and nervously wrapping his fingers in his curls as he continued to murmur, barely audible, “I didn’t want everyone to think that you were trying to hide that you knew us, but I shouldn’t’ve done it that way. I know you wanted this to be just yours.”
The acknowledgement of what had been lost melted whatever icy wall might have been left between them, and Steve nudged their shoulders together, silently accepting the apology. Eddie peeked up at him from behind his hair, and Steve felt his stomach flip. 
Nope. Steve had to take it back, put this whole thing back in his control. 
“I think I miiiiiight just find it in me to forgive you. Depending on if you let Santa brutally murder Ex-Prince Stefan,” Steve said in a teasing tone, relishing the way Eddie’s mood immediately bounced up again. 
“Well let’s go find out, Sweetheart,” Eddie practically crooned. Steve snorted and held his arm out. 
“Lead the way, Babydoll,” He challenged, just to see what Eddie might do. 
Sure enough, the older boy violently blushed again, pushing past Steve as he blustered and stammered and pretended he wasn’t at all affected by the fake flirting. Steve smirked, quickly following after. 
Oh yeah, this was going to be fun. 
Tag List: @paopaupaus @zerokrox-blog @surferboyzaza @whatever-is-a-good-name @minjintea @addelyin @5ammi90 @hagbaby420 @shinekocreator @bornonthesavage @starxlark @electrick-marionnett @resident-gay-bitch @ash-a-confused-enby @classicdinosaurdeathpose @valon-whomsttf @rotten-lil-goblin @thereindeerlady @love-ya-kash @kerlypride @sparkle-fiend @thefreakandthehair @flowercrowngods @milf-harrington @sadcanadianwinter @gothbat99 @hotcocoaharrington @henderdads @lightwoodbanethings @colorful565 @h0n3y-dw @craterbbox @sourw0lfs @lesliiieeeee @bidisastersworld @tinynebula @ravnlinn @bonescaro @mexmatch @cottagecoredreams @joruni @hellykelly @maegan1116 @farewell-wanderlvst @desertfern @due-to-the-fact-that-im-a-slut @anythingforourmoonyedits @eerielake @fandemonium-takes-its-toll @sidekick-hero
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bahllinsqrews · 5 months
Heightened Cloud 9 of Pleasure!
You and Niki were coming home from a party with friends, you were just about to go to bed, you were about to take an ibuprofen to get the pain away when. You accidentally took the wrong pill, setting the night for you and Niki.
Aphrodisiac drug
Multiple rounds
Messy cumming
Wringing Niki out
This story is strictly fanfiction
Death threats, d"x threats, hate comments will not be tolerated
Negativity will be deleted
Requested: No♥️(Placeholder story for my absence in writing)
The party was crazy, crazy enough to where you both had to wait a few hours with food cause you both got exhausted, twice. You both were coming home now and you wanted to get over this tired feeling by sleeping but your body was aching from all the dancing you both did. You couldn't really see thanks to your brain shutting down so you ended up taking a random pill instead of the one you intended to take, starting to make you feel a little warm.
You thought it could be your mind just imagining your warm bed when you got in it to sleep for the night. Niki was coming out of the bathroom, already dressed for bed, seeing you then smiling as he helped you out of your clothes and getting you into your sleeping nightgown before being unexpectedly dragged to lay down on top of you. Thanks to him you had no panties on which meant that you didn't have to spend that extra step. Niki was of course confused but he saw how red your face was and how hot your skin felt under his touch before he looked at the pills you took with wide eyes, seeing the heart shaped pills on the table, you had taken the aphrodisiac pills instead of your sleeping ones.
He had to take a moment to fix this. Feeling your wet core so close to his bulging pants made it a little easier for him, only having to slip his pants as far down as possible in reach to get himself out. He fixed your legs onto his waist and lifted your hips just enough to meet him halfway. He knew you wouldn't wait any longer so he plunged himself in and tapped your cervix without warning, making you scream a little past the drool covered lips. Your walls were keeping him nice and tight there, making him hold you close to his body while your arms went around his neck. He started moving, groaning in your ear a little while you basked in the pleased feeling.
You kept his hips moving into you, your moans keeping him solid during this induced night. He was slightly thinking of taking one of these pills and getting back at you, his hips were a little tired. He pressed you against the headboard, holding one of your hips and the other running through his hair as the gentle beads of sweat covered his forehead. You were enjoying yourself, then you felt him pull out then stuff himself into your ass so he could finish without a baby, he knew you weren't in your right mind to ask.
He kept mercilessly pounding into you, keeping your hips still while you almost lost your voice, feeling him hit at your best spots. His hot milk came out in long thick ropes inside of you, giving you a nice creampie to make you cum with him. He pulled out, still having more he came and covered your back, the drug wearing off faster than you expected. You were tired and your body was trembling, so was Niki. He found some strength to run a bath and get some healing salts in before you and him soaked for a little. He was still using that pill next time.
Sorry for the wait, I ended up getting a few minor body pains that kept me a little inactive but I'm still writing the requests! Don't worry!!
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 6 months
One day I'll draw this, but I need to see how you handle this idea too.
So... Yang dressing Ruby up and all for her date with Penny(who is waiting for Ruby with big ass bouquet of roses)
*gasp* Is this a collab?! Haha! I'm kidding. How's it going, Sevi? Always good to hear from you. Yang being Big Daddy sister and getting Ruby ready for a date? Yes, please! You'll have to tag me when you draw your version. I want to see it!
Ruby: Yaaaaaang... I'm ready. I've been ready for the past ten minutes. Can I please go downstairs now? Penny is waiting.
Yang: (wearing a shirt that says "Best Big Sister" with "> Daddy" written in with permanent marker as she makes a few minor adjustments to Ruby's outfit) And there is absolutely nothing wrong with waiting on a woman, especially when she's trying to look her damn best. Now, (holds up bottle of cologne) hold up your wrists.
Ruby: Yaaaaaang!
Yang: (gives half a spritz on Ruby's wrist before grabbing her wrists, rubbing them together, and pulling them up to wipe the residual cologne on Ruby's neck) There! Perfect! Not too overbearing, fun, but also an aura of maturity, or at least some punk aspect.
Ruby: (looks in the mirror and her jaw drops: a pair of black slacks cover her legs, but shape her calves nicely while somehow accentuating a nonexistent curve of her hip, fancy black leather boots with red stitching adorn her feet, a white dress shirt sits slightly loose on her arms while a deep crimson vest with black thorn vine accents and black lapels covers her torso. A silver chain is slung from the vest pocket to her lapel where her insignia pins the collar. Her hair is properly washed, brushed, and gelled to look suave but tousled enough to be fun. Her usual cloak has been washed and folded just right to wrap around her shoulders and the excess billows slightly off to the side)
Ruby: I take it back. This is amazing! I look like a cooler Uncle Qrow!
Yang: I'm sure Penny will appreciate it. Now, don't keep her waiting any longer! (ushers Ruby out the door)
Ruby: I thought you said waiting on a woman is worth it!
Yang: The lady is waiting on the man in this scenario. Now, move it! (hip checks Ruby out into the hall)
Ruby: (slams face first into the wall) Gah!
Penny: (waiting in the living room with Blake when she sees Ruby) Oh, Ruby, you look amazing!
Ruby: (quickly readjusts herself to try to look cool, but looks like a fumbling idiot) Thanks! You look- uh.....
Penny: (completely hidden behind an enormous bouquet of flowers. The only thing showing is the bottom of her green and white sundress that reaches her knees at the bottom of the bouquet)
Ruby: Uh.... good?
Penny: (face pops through the bouquet of roses with a few scrapes from the thorns) Thank you! Are you ready to go on our date?
Ruby: Uh, yeah! (puts the roses somewhere in the living room and escorts Penny out the door and down the driveway) Don't wait up!
Yang: (leaning smugly against the doorframe) Penny, have my sister back by 9:30, and stay away from Lover's Lane! I don't need to be an aunty yet.
Ruby: Gack!
Penny: I will have Ruby back at 2130 sharp, Ms. Xiao-Long! (turns to Ruby) Ruby, what is Lover's Lane?
Ruby: (mortified) Nothing! Nothing! Let's just go!
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