#( that last tag is me being silly and toying with it as my request tag. )
elvisabutler · 2 years
heyy can u write something about austin and the reader going over to the readers family and they’re showing austin and the reader old baby pictures of the reader and one comes up when she’s naked as a baby and her family takes it out thinking she’d be embarrassed and reader makes a joke about how “it’s nothing austin hasn’t seen before” but then she realizes what she is and her little cousins are confused and her family makes fun of them and stuff idk
now i've seen it all
summary: you go to a family dinner to introduce your new boyfriend austin to your family- finally- and well your mouth moves a little quicker than your brain does. rating: t at best. this is supremely tame for me. word count: 1224 warnings: none? it's talking about baby pictures that are naked but like i have those we all have those and they're fine. hell i have like two of my daughter because she was a silly girl in her infant bathtub when she could start sitting up in it. author's note: first off, thank you for this request, anon. it's actually super cute and i could picture it happening so well. second off, we're going for a non celeb reader because it's low key a little fun to write.
Dating Austin Butler was not on your to do list for 2021, nor was it on your to do list for 2022 and yet here you were a year into a relationship with an actor of all people. You figured this sort of thing only happened in fanfiction and maybe the movies. To have it happen in real life was a little mind boggling especially when it came to you, but what were you supposed to do when he came in regularly to the restaurant you worked at while filming Masters of Air. What's a girl to do when a guy isn't creepy and slips his number in with his signed credit card receipt.
One thing had led to another and then another and you found yourself with half your closet taken up by Austin's clothes and whispers of "maybe we'll move to Anaheim when I'm not booked solid, baby." You like the idea even if the idea of leaving all you've ever known behind is daunting.
Still, Austin has never met your family, has never met the crowd of people you come from who shaped you into the woman you are today and well- it's been a year and they deserve it. He deserves it so when he told you he had two weeks off from filming Dune 2 and you were able to get a bit of time off at work with some bribing and promises of being willing to cover way more shifts than you should have offered to cover you had the time to go visit your family for you think it's someone's birthday. Honestly, all the holidays and birthday blend together after a while and sometimes your family would just want to celebrate for kicks and giggles anyway.
You should have known that your family were going to do something to embarass you but you had thought that maybe just maybe you might escape it this once.
"Austin!" Your mother exclaimed, grabbing a book that you almost didn't recognize until you realized that it's a book filled with your baby pictures. "Come here, I want to show you these pictures! See what my baby looked like as an actual baby."
Austin looks at you and has what you can only describe as an evil smirk on his face before he practically skips over to your mother. "I'd love to see them." He pauses and plops right down next to your mom. "She never likes telling me stories about her as a baby."
Your feet feel heavy as you follow him and plop down on the other side of your mother, your leg bouncing because you're more than a little nervous at what pictures your mother is going to bust out. Austin's eyes meet yours over your mom's head as she's turning pages and he smiles softly trying his best to be reassuring. His lips mouth something that looks like "I love you" before turning his focus to your mother and the pictures she's showing him. Your brain sort of tunes her out for a bit as you focus on your younger cousins and nieces and nephews before you hear something about you being naked and running around the house and that jolts you awake so to speak. "Wait mom- what are-"
Austin's laugh reaches your ears before you have a chance to even see the photo as your eyes dart between him and your mom before your hand goes to grab the photo. "Oh no, babe this is- you've- you're literally running around with nothing on and your mom chasing after you with a towel."
"It's harmless sweetheart, he deserves to see how silly you were back then, running around naked like that's a thing you can do." Your mom reasons, as you try and grab the photo from her hand only to be swatted away.
You'll blame what you said later on the fact that Austin is looking at you with the sort of love you thought only existed in movies and books and the fact that your mother is practically cackling at your slight discomfort. Or it was just because you wanted to see her embarrassed not just you.
"I mean it's nothing Austin hasn't already seen before a million times over. He's even chased me with a towel before."
Those sentences causes everyone to freeze from the smallest of your cousins and nieces and nephews to your- oh dear god your grandmother. Austin has the decency to bite his lip to try and stop himself from laughing until the moment when your five year old niece pipes up with her own take on the matter.
"What does that mean, mama? Why is Uncle Austin chasing auntie around?"
You would like the floor to swallow you whole right in that moment. You feel the heat of embarrassment just settle into your bones and you sink into the couch just a little. Her mother saves the day by murmuring something into her ear with a glare at you and just like that the moment is broken and you're left to hear every single adult make a comment teasing you.
"In front of the kids!"
"We all know you do it but time and a place!"
"Didn't realize you two got up to such hankie pankie!"
By the end of it Austin is snickering, your mother is snickering and you have become one with the couch when you hear your father say something about dinner being ready and oh thank god, you can be free of this talk. You practically leap off the couch only to be caught by Austin wrapping his arm around you and pulling you close once he stands up. He's behind you and can't help but give you a kiss on the top of your head before he leans down to whisper in your ear.
"You were cute back then. Might want to not mention our sexual escapades next time you see a pic like that." He pauses and looks around before nipping at your earlobe. "Besides, your mom was about to get to pictures of you swimming and we both know how you are in a pool. I'll make this up to you later."
Your mom looks behind and sees the two of you and how you're standing and gives you a knowing look before eyeing the children running around. You nod and sigh. "Later, Aus."
He scrunches up his nose before moving to grab your hand. "Thank you. For having me come with you."
You shift your positions so that when you watch into the kitchen you're curled under his arm. "You're becoming my family, sort of have to introduce you to my actual family when that happens. Besides, figured you'd enjoy the chaos."
"I do." He chuckles. "Next time I have the chance I'll get together with my dad and sister and- my family meeting you."
There a soft laugh that bubbles up before you have a chance to stop it. "What's after that? You proposing?"
He shrugs and holds you a little tighter before eyeing the two left over open seats. "Maybe. Would you say yes?"
Your answer is simple as you sit down.
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daisynik7 · 7 months
“freak-a-leek” by petey pablo for a jean and eren threesome if that’s okay plz
Pairing: Eren Jaeger x f!reader x Jean Kirstein
Word Count: ~1.9k
cw: modern setting au, explicit language, p*rn w/no plot, smut – threesome, PIV sex (missionary), cunnilingus, blowjob, sex toy use, masturbation, cum-eating, dirty talk, sex without a condom, pet names (baby, sweetheart), reader has multiple orgasms, creampies, just some overall smutty silliness
Summary: You’re on a business trip with the two cockiest salesmen in your department: Eren Jaeger and Jean Kirstein. After a long day of dealing with them clashing over the silliest things, you decide to unwind in your hotel room the best way you know how. 
Author’s Note: This is the last song on the y2k karaoke party playlist! Thank you so much for the request anon! I had fun with this! It’s all horny and just plain silly, so I hope you like it. Thank you so much for reading! MDNI divider by @/cafekitsune. 
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It’s almost 10 PM when you finally make it back to your hotel room, completely spent from today’s activities. It’s the first day of the conference here in Marley and being stuck in the middle of Eren Jaeger and Jean Kirstein has proven to be much more exhausting than you anticipated. 
You’re not completely convinced you needed to come on this business trip with them. After all, they’re the top two salesmen in your department, and this conference is solely for selling your product to new customers. Your boss, Hangë, encouraged you, the lead design engineer, to tag along in case they needed any technical support while demonstrating the ODM equipment. You were reluctant at first, but when they emphasized the fact that this trip would be completely paid for, including the lodging and food, how could you refuse? 
Unfortunately for you, because of the two clashing personalities between Jean and Eren, you ended up playing mediator throughout the day rather than engineer. The two bickered as usual, from where to eat, to what side of the table they wanted to stand on. In front of the customers, they were professional and charismatic, no hint of animosity lingering around them. As soon as it was the three of you alone, it was nonstop arguing and snide remarks, with you doing your best to either ignore it or alleviate it until the next fight arose. 
Luckily for you, Hangë set you up with your own room at the hotel while the other two shared the one right beside you. There’s an adjoining door for easy access into each other’s space and Jean begs you to open it when you first check in, not wanting a single moment alone with his temporary roommate. But after today’s festivities, you’re desperate for some private time by yourself.
Jean steps into your room, leaning against the doorframe. “So, should we watch a movie?” he suggests, still in his dress shirt, tie loosened around his collar.
Eren appears behind him, on his tip-toes to get your attention. “Why don’t we play video games instead?”
You yawn, shooing them away. “I’m exhausted, so I’m going to sleep.” 
You try to shut the door on them, but Jean pushes back, persistent. “You’re not seriously going to leave me alone with him, are you?” He points his thumb to the man behind him. 
Eren scoffs. “I don’t want to be alone with you either!”
“Dude, you are breathing down my neck! Give me some space.”
“Then move so I can talk to her!”
“It’s not your turn to talk!”
“Guys!” you yell, losing your patience. “I am tired. Try to get along so we can all get some sleep. Please?”
They grumble to themselves, shoving elbows at each other before they finally leave you alone, closing the door to give you your peace. You don’t bother locking in, certain they won’t be bothering you the rest of the night. 
After a nice, hot shower, you get comfortable in your pajamas, rummaging through one of your pouches until you find what you’re looking for. After a long day with those two goofballs, the best way for you to relieve stress is to have a little playtime. You carry your vibrator with you to bed, one ear bud in, and your favorite naughty audio ready to play on your phone. Only five minutes in, with the fluttering tip pressed to your clit, it doesn’t take long for you to orgasm. Ready for another, you get distracted by the muffled voices of your neighbors, bickering once again. You pop your ear bud out, trying to hear whatever dumb topic they’re arguing about now. The toy is still vibrating in your hands, the tip wet with your arousal. You let your imagination wander, thinking of Jean and Eren just on the other side of the wall. Hot, heated, raring to go. Fantasizing about the nasty, filthy things they could do to you if they knew just how horny you are, pent up with sexual frustration from all the testosterone you were surrounded with today. 
Suddenly, the door swings open and Eren stomps into the room, shouting your name. “Who do you find more annoying, me or him?!” Jean follows right on his tail, trying to grab him by the collar of his undershirt, hissing, “She’s sleeping, you dumbass!” They stop in their tracks, staring wide-eyed at you with your legs spread open on the bed, blanket shrugged off, vibrator buzzing in your hand. Completely exposed.
You quickly pull the covers over you, hiding the toy beneath your pillow, mortified. “What the fuck?!” you yell out to them. 
Both of them gape at you, blushing all the way down to their necks, speechless for the first time all day. Their silence is louder than any squabbling they’ve done today, and you have no idea what to say to make this any less awkward than it already is. 
Before you can think of another response, Eren clears his throat, rubbing the back of his neck. “Hey Jean. Bet I can make her come harder than you can.”
Jean glances at him, hesitant at first, then relaxes into a smirk. “Oh yeah? You’re on.”
Eren steps towards the bed, grinning at you. “What do you say? Will you help us?” 
You stare at them, befuddled and also extremely intrigued by this offer. Deciding quickly, you nod at them, releasing the grip on the blanket. They both smile at you, putting a flutter in your belly. Eren laughs, tugging on the covers slowly. “Come on. You can’t hide from us now.”
Jean joins in, dragging it down your body until you’re on display again, pussy glistening from your first orgasm. They both swear under their breaths, Eren licking his lips while Jean bites his. “Fuck, did you already come?”
“Yeah, I did,” you answer, pussy aching to be touched by either one of them. Both of them.
“Fuck, that’s hot,” Eren says, inching towards you. “You’re extra juicy for me, huh?”
“Why do you get to go first?” Jean butts in, scowling. 
Eren positions himself at your arousal, his breath hot on your pussy as he replies, “I don’t want to lick your spit.”
“Well, I don’t want to lick yours either! Let me goes first.”
“Fuck you, I’m already here.”
“Then move!” 
“Guys!” you cry out, bucking your hips, desperate for anything at this point. “Just hurry up and touch me. Please.”
Eren sticks his tongue out. “You heard her,” he muffles, licking circles around your clit. “Let’s make our girl feel good.”
Jean swallows hard, positioning himself beside you, puckering his lips around your nipples and sucking. You moan, arching your back off the bed, running your fingers through his hair. “Feels so good,” you whine, feeding your other breast to him. He latches on immediately, pulling your teat between his lips while Eren laps at your puffy clit. With your free hand, you grab hold of his hair, gripping it to pull him deeper into your cunt. Soon, you’re gushing on his face, rutting your hips against him while he swallows every drop of you. 
“Fuck, you taste good,” Eren says, tongue prodding into your slit. 
“I want a taste too,” Jean mutters, giving your nipple one last hard suck before he releases you with a wet pop. 
“Not yet,” Eren murmurs, kissing the soft plush of your thighs. 
Jean crawls to where he is, shoving him slightly to stick his face into your pussy. “It’s my turn, jackass.” He laps at your clit, determined to be better than his rival. 
Eren laughs, collecting your slick slathered on his chin and lips with his fingers, licking it off. “Be honest, baby. Is he doing better than me?” He strips out of his bottoms, lying beside you, stroking his hard cock. 
You squeeze your thighs around Jean’s head, bucking into his mouth, already close to your third climax. Your eyes go from Eren’s fist jerking himself off to Jean’s face shaking between your legs, eating you out feverishly. He teases a finger inside you and when you flutter around it, he slides in all the way, adding a second.
“No fair,” Eren breathes out, stroking himself faster.
Jean chuckles against your skin, sucking on your clit while he pumps his fingers in and out of you. You turn your head to face Eren, leaning towards him to kiss him sloppily. He cradles your cheek with his free hand, pulling you in deeper, tongue swirling around yours, slurping up your spit. Once again, you’re pushed over the edge, coming on Jean’s face this time, his nose pressed to your sensitive bud as he drinks up all the slick leaking out of you. 
“Fuck me,” you beg, not directing it to anyone in particular.
Eren smiles against your mouth, licking your drool off the corners of your lips. “Go ahead, Jean. You can go first.”
Jean shoves his pants down, releasing his stiff cock, palming it. “Are you serious?”
“Yeah,” he says, kneeling next to your head, tracing your lips with the tip of his cock. “We’re having way too much fun right here, aren’t we sweetheart?” You nod in response, moaning around his dick as you sink your mouth on it, swallowing it until it’s to the back of your throat. “Fuck, you take it so good. You wanted to get fucked like this tonight, huh? Wanted to show us what a freak you are.”
Jean slides his cock inside you, stretching you out until he bottoms out. He spreads your legs apart, holding you open so he can pound straight into you. Eren’s focus goes from his own pleasure to his friend thrusting. “Fuck her harder, Jean.”
He obeys, picking up the pace, shoving himself deeper. You choke on your own moans, pulling off Eren to catch your breath. He cradles your face in his hands, massaging your cheeks tenderly. “You’re okay, sweetheart. Take a break. Just enjoy getting fucked by this fat cock.”
“Fuck,” Jean growls, closing his eyes. “I’m so close.”
Eren licks his lips, watching. “Don’t pull out. Fill her up.”
At that, Jean loses it, spurting his hot load inside you, your pussy fluttering around him. He pulls out, switching spots with Eren, snuggling up next to you to kiss you softly. You smile at him, whispering, “Thank you.”
He plants a smooch on your nose. “Thank you, baby.”
“Hey, don’t forget about me,” Eren says, guiding his hard cock inside you. “I’m going to fuck all this cum right back inside this cunt.”
You and Jean both moan, watching him fuck you with a devilish grin on his face. Jean reaches under the pillow, retrieving the toy you used earlier. “Can I use this on you?”
Incoherent and fucked out, you nod, desperate for whatever it is they want to offer to you. He presses the button, making the vibrator buzz in his grip, pressing the fluttering tip to your clit while Eren continues to ravish you. His eyes widen when he sees what Jean’s doing. “Oh shit. She’s squeezing me so fucking tight.” 
You’re in a drunken daze, trembling all over your body from the pleasure, whimpering uncontrollably with Jean toying with your clit as Eren fucks your brains out. When you reach your final climax, Eren comes with you, burying his cum deep inside your womb. You’re stuffed to the brim with both their loads, feeling exhausted and euphoric. 
Eren pulls out, cuddling up to your other side, kissing your forehead. Jean sets the vibrator aside, spooning you from the back. You relax in their arms, actually happy to be stuck in the middle of them for once.
After a moment of comfortable silence, Eren asks jokingly, “So…who won?”
“Obviously me,” Jean grins, kissing your neck.
You laugh, snuggling closer to the both of them. “I think I’m the real winner here.”
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yikesmary · 11 months
Is it alright to request a scenario with Wonu? Like imagine him having a cat before the two of you are together then one day you stayed at his house/apartment then you sit somewhere on the couch or floor making yourself comfortable then you felt a small weight from your side or lower back and saw his cat sitting or sleeping comfortably next to you.
I have a kitten and then he has been acting up like that since he stayed in my room 🥹
CAT DAD — jeon wonwoo x reader
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summary: whenever you go to your boyfriend, wonwoo's, house, his cat mimi. and he's totally not jealous because of this.
notes: ahhh i love this request so much!!! i added the last part where wonwoo's jealous because i think it'd be cute for him to be jealous. this was kind of short by my standards, however i hope i did this request justice!
join my taglist!
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"I'm starting to think there's another reason you come to my house other than to see me,"
"Don't be silly!" you said, and Wonwoo wished he could believe you if you weren't faced away from him, cooing at his cat, Mimi, while you were holding a cat toy and playing with her.
Somehow, Wonwoo felt like he was the third wheel in his own house. Ever since you had visited his house for the first time, Mimi always seemed to forget his existence. It was cute the first couple of times you visited, but now that you were coming over every other day, it seemed like Mimi couldn't care less about him.
It was to the point where he wondered if he was getting jealous of you or the cat.
"How about we watch a movie?" He suggested, which made your attention to the cat turn to him.
"Sure, what should we watch?" you asked.
You both had ended up deciding on a movie that both of you seemed to have watched a million times, but you always seemed to like it each time.
The both of you settled on the couch, while Mimi walked away into the hallway to do whatever it is a cat such as herself did in order to entertain herself.
As the movie went on, you found yourself resting your head on Wonwoo's shoulder while he wrapped his arm around you. You were about to fall asleep until you felt a weight on your chest. Opening your eyes, you were faced with Mimi, who was looking at you and meowed softly.
"Hello, pretty girl," you cooed, not minding at all at the cat's weight.
From beside you, Wonwoo scoffed and lightly glared at his cat, who he swore was looking smug at the fact that she was interrupting his time with his girlfriend.
"Okay, you can eat my food and steal my spot on the bed, but stealing my girlfriend is where we cross the line," Wonwoo told Mimi, picked her up, and faced her to him so she can know he was being serious.
"Wonu!" you gasped, but you couldn't seem to hide your amusement at your boyfriend's jealousy.
"It's her fault!" Wonwoo sulked.
You giggled at him but then kissed his cheek in order to make him feel better, loving the fact that you saw a hint of pink on his cheeks in both embarrassment and adoration.
"You don't need to be nervous, baby," you reassured him.
"I'm not jealous, she just seems to be forgetting who's her owner," he said, giving the cat a look.
"How about we put Mimi in between us so she has no choice but to interact with the two of us?" You suggested.
Both Wonwoo and Mimi were doing a stare off and secretly, you took a picture of the two of them doing it and sent it to Mingyu, who you had no doubt he was going to laugh at the picture.
Finally, Wonwoo looked away from Mimi's stare and looked at you. "The minute she starts moving towards you more, I get another cat and I'll spoil that cat better," he lightly threatened.
Gasping, you looked betrayed and covered Mimi's ears as if she could hear what he said.
"You wouldn't!"
"I wonder if I can ask Cheol where he got his accessories for Kkuma,"
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taglist (if your name is crossed off, it means I couldn't tag you): @belladaises @winterpaos @wonhuiful @minhui896 @baekhyunimochibbh @x-alightinthedark @whywontyousetfree @minghaossv @coffeesandrains @slaveofmydreams @bmkgemz @dandycharmer @outrologist @stagefrjghts @dahliatopia @exo-saranghajaaa @uhlatcha @watermelon-sugars-things @miniminimingi @venzline @kokorit0 @withloveyjh @mikopikotobiko @lockburn-castle @mrs-kamisato @userjunhuii @mypsychicpizzaworld @smileyneos @xuenihao @itsrachelsplace @yoonzinoooo @pepperonidk @jw-0717 @swinterr @blobfishbumblebee @againwithwonu @jeonride @violetvoo @maevadobreva
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b-o-e · 1 year
late night confessions Wally Darling x Reader
Warnings: confessions!!! the L word!!! AHHH!!! a bit of julie slander ahbha! reposted cause tags weren’t and still aren’t working, on the one I was most excited for :’)
although it is not necessary, I highly suggest reading my fics in their recommended order for the best experience! here is the link to all my silly lil wally fics in order. this is #5 :)
The phone ringing late at night allows opportunity to come knocking.
Who was it calling him at this time of night? Isn’t everyone usually asleep by now? Was something wrong?
Your voice emitted softly through Wally’s phone.
… Oh?
“... Are you alright?” Wally quizzed, holding his handset between his shoulder and ear. He picked up the base of it, twisting his torso to get a glimpse at the clock. “It’s late,” he mumbled, grasping the phone back in his hand.
“I’m sorry,”
“I don’t mind in the slightest,” he soothed your worries. You went quiet, but Wally gave you the time. He didn’t mind waiting for you. A few moments later, you spoke again. 
“... I couldn’t sleep,” you admitted.
“Ha ha, I think I know how that feels,” Wally jested, earning a giggle from you. The corners of his lips subconsciously tugged upwards a little more at the pleasant sound.
“I suppose I shouldn’t be one to speak, huh? That was insensitive,” you chuckled, apologizing.
“I don’t mind, I’m quite used to it.” He reassured, “What keeps you up though, neighbour?”
Silence fell, until there was a bit of shuffling from your side of the line.
“I’m not entirely sure,” you sighed, seeming distressed. “I just… maybe my brain is being too loud, tonight.”
“Is there something on your mind you’d like to speak about?” Wally took a seat on his arm chair, left leg crossing over top of the right. The phone base rested on his knee, now, his free hand toying with the line.
“I…” your voice trailed off, “I’m not sure, honestly,” you grumbled. “I think…”
“I think I just wanted to hear your voice,” 
Wally gaped, eyes widening. 
His voice? 
He was flattered to hear that. Especially coming from you.
You chuckled softly, “sorry, that was probably a strange thing to say, wasn’t it?”
“Not at all,” he spoke quickly. “I’m honoured to hear you say that, neighbour,”
“Okay,” you murmured. 
It went quiet again. Wally picked at a loose thread on the arm of the chair, trying to figure out what to say next.
“Would you mind…”
He paused his movements. Seems you beat him to it. He waited patiently for you to finish your sentence.
“Would you mind, just… talking?” You requested shyly. 
His smile grew a little wider. You’d called him, just to hear his voice? His belly twisted with glee.
Wally thought for a minute, wracking his brain for anything interesting. “Would you like me to talk about anything in particular?”
“Anything…” Wally repeated, humming. His thoughts drifted back to what Eddie and Frank had told him the other day…
“Simply and utterly, I’ve run out of ways for you to drop hints,” Frank admitted, rubbing his temples. 
“Me too, if I’m being honest,” Eddie chuckled, “I think you’re just at the point where you need to say it, in the way that is the most natural and the most… you,”
“‘The most me’?” Wally reiterated, “how so?”
“Hmm… give them a call, perhaps?” Frank pitched, “That’s very you,”
“Yeah, it’s like how my staple is letters, yours is sorta calls,” Eddie agreed.
“No interruptions this time, too, that’s a guarantee” Frank uttered with a huff, reflecting back on their last plan. Darn Julie…
“Give them a call…” Wally hummed in thought, twiddling his thumbs. “I suppose that could work,”
“But,” Frank raised a finger, “you cannot simply call them and say it out flat. Timing is important!”
“Oh. How will I know when the right time is?”
Frank faltered. “Huh. How do you know when the right time is?” He turned to Eddie.
“Err… I don’t know? I mean, you just feel it, I guess,” he shrugged, hands raised defensively. “That's all I can think of. It just came to me, personally. I just… knew,”
Wally pursed his lips in thought.
Was this that time?
Nerves tangled inside of him like the phone cord around his fingers. 
It felt like it…
He sucked in a deep breath, slowly releasing to calm himself down.
“Can I… confess, something to you, neighbour?”
“Of course you can, Wally. I’m always here if you need me,” 
“... Do you promise?” He murmured softly.
“Cross my heart, always and forever…” you recalled words he’d once said to you. He found his smile twitching upwards a little more, cheeks warming.
“Well,” Wally stood up out his chair, slowly walking to the window. “I have… a secret. One that I’ve been keeping from you, that’s about you. One that I've found to cause me some distress,” he admitted.
“I hope I haven’t done anything wrong,” you fret, your concern clear in your voice.
“No, no, you’ve done nothing wrong at all,” Wally clarified, smiling to himself. Of course that’s where your head went.
“Thank goodness, I was terrified,” you chuckled with relief.
Wally hesitated. How was he meant to do this?
“Sorry, neighbour,” he apologized, realizing he had not said anything for a while. “I’m struggling to find the right words to say it to you,” he sighed.
“Take your time, Wally.” you comforted, “There’s no rush. I’ll be ready when you are,” 
Wally sucked in another deep breath. This was why, he realized, why he felt the way he did about you. Your consideration, your empathy, your patience… everything.
Slowly, he exhaled, letting his eyes fall shut as his body relaxed.
“Your eyes…” He murmured. By instinct, the image of you popped up in his head.
“They rob the words off of my tongue,” 
He heard the hitch of your breath.
“My heart,” He continued, “it sings with euphoria every second you are near,” he pushed out a light, shaky chuckle. “Ha ha… we may as well call it yours, with how full of you it is,”
His eyes drifted to the wall, examining one of his favourite art pieces in his possession. 
“It’s no secret how I enjoy indulging in art quite frequently, and yet, you manage to be the most extravagant masterpiece I’ve come across,” he murmured, voice holding nothing but sincerity, among something else.
“You’re unfathomably endearing. I crave more of you every time we part… that night we spent time together under the stars?”  He stared out the window, into the night, reminiscing back a few weeks to a time he had nearly confessed, only for it to have been ruined by Julie interrupting them. 
“There were so many things I wanted to say to you then. I wanted to tell you that if you asked me to, I’d figure out a way to give you the moon. That, despite the sky full of them above us, you shine brighter than any star up there in my eyes,” 
“And here I am, after all this time, still dancing around the point that I’m trying to get across, ha ha,” Wally’s eyes wandered to his desk, gazing among the disregarded letters laid upon it. Spit it out already, he thought. He’d taken long enough already.
“The truth is, my darling,” he murmured, soft and sweet, squeezing his eyes shut.
“I’m in lo–”
His heart skipped a beat, eyes shooting back open.
The line went dead.
His heart plunged into his stomach. His legs refused to move.
His arm slowly dropped to his side, fingers still tangled in the coiled cord.
He’d been rejected, hadn’t he?
What now?
Well, he hadn’t exactly thought this far ahead.
When he had, it wasn’t with an ending like this.
What did he miss?
Despite Eddie and Frank’s assurance that you were returning signs of attraction towards him, he always had a twinge of insecurity in his mind. Maybe he should’ve paid more mind to it.
Had he been too forward? Moved too fast?
It hurt. 
His chest felt tight. His free hand raised, clutching onto the front of his shirt.
It hurt badly.
His body was tingly, and his eyes were beginning to sting. He brushed his fingers against his cheek, meeting with the wetness on them.
“Oh...” He repeated, voice breaking as he slid his back down the wall as his legs gave, sinking to the ground. 
So you hadn't felt the same, after all.
I hope you enjoyed! expect the unexpected! there is still more to come for this though, please don't hate me too much abahaha! if you haven't read the other fics but are interested, here they are, in their recommended order!
here is a link to my silly lil wally fics in their recommended order if you would like :) these can also be found on my ao3 B) I also have a ko-fi if you'd like to support me!
thank you for reading! likes and reblogs are very appreciated (especially cause my tags decided not to work today gsdfhdd) and are my main source of dopamine abhsabba B) UNTIL NEXT TIME!!!
Posted Tuesday, May 2, 2023, at 10:46 AM
986 notes · View notes
riewritten · 1 year
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there's me, just doing my business as usual then BOOM. kishibe musing about toys. two hours later a levi ackerman x fem!reader smut appeared from thin air. this wasn't proofread im sorry
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TAGS: explicit sexual content, masturbating, teasing, dirty talk, unprotected sex, soft levi
WORDS: 1.8k | AO3
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For all of his life, Levi was never in the mood to fuck around. But you were just so defiant from acquiescing at times. Not even when he intentionally ensures you'd be begging for him to do whatever he's holding back to do did you waver. Not even when your face is too tight, crunching with how frustrated you are not to give in, did you actually admit defeat.
He didn't move upon your entrance inside his room. Completely wrapped on his futon, he did nothing but snuggle further despite hearing your voice too.
"You seem to be waking up way too late recently," you sternly remarked, arms crossed. "You have to fix your sleeping schedule now. You're not getting any younger, Levi."
"Whose fault do you think this is?"
"Why? Is it my fault?"
And there he finally got up. When the futon uncovered his bare features, the matter you're about to bring up about his stuff diminished into thin air. Don't get yourself wrong; the sight of Levi's bare features is already normal to you—the bed hair clamped over his face, the intricacies of his collar bones down to his broad muscles—but something silly flustered you this time around.
Oh god. There goes the red nail marks around his shoulders up to his back, the love bites from his neck down his chest—basically every single remnant of the previous night. Levi knew you noticed it too so he just gave you a sly look, "You were so good for me last night. Don't act all surprised that I ended up like this." 
You were the one who got knocked out last night, "I don’t understand. I got up the bed just fine!" 
Levi then urged you to sit down on the space beside him by lazily tapping the bed. You should've known better, really, because he pushed you down the mattress and hovered on top as soon as you did. "If I do you way, way, way better than usual, would you finally understand?" 
Much to your endearing amusement, his half-opened eyes exuded both sleepiness and provocation. Such an ethereal being, you thought. The marks all over his body suddenly became a pride instead of embarrassment on your end.
It was your time to chuckle—lightly, endearingly, just as he loves. "No, you silly goof. Look how exhausted you are. We might as well—oh!"
He slid his fingers under your pants, "Might as well what?" then went to your ear. He peppered the lobe with kisses and alternated between nipping and licking from your neck down. "Hm? Might as well what?"
"Might as well sleep—"
"Sleep?" Levi's hands slid under your shirt and his silly fingers unclasped your bra with ease. He cupped your breasts but intentionally skipped your hardening peaks. "Wanna sleep? Sure?"
"Uh, y-yeah—oh wait, Levi, please touch my—"
"Your what? Your head and lure you towards sleep?" Feigning confusion and in search for further explanation, Levi mused mockingly. His touches persisted, though, and the jolts got stronger as moments passed by. Levi knew damn well what he was doing.
You pursed your lip tight in an attempt to hold back, so he brought the matter up in a hoarse whisper, "You always backtrack just right before you request for something. That's the reason why I went on last night until you blacked out. Wouldn't you tell me the reason why?"
You avoided his eyes and thought of changing the topic, "The stuff in your basement, there's this—" 
Unluckily for you, Levi wouldn't have your shit this time around. He flicked both of your nipples; his warm fingers reverberating the crippling hot feeling inside you. "So you're gonna stay this stubborn, huh?"
"Yes, you bet I would."
He stopped his movements, much to your dismay, and the eye contact went for a while until he clicked a sly but subtle sneer. What he did next kind of surprised you; he removed his underwear and let himself bare, though instead of doing the same for you he scooted his lower body nearer. He knelt, trapping your body side by side with his muscular legs. Your eyes then glued to his dick inches away from your mouth. His spare hand sought support to the bed frame while the other stroke his protuberance.
You raised your head up a bit to lick the base but he strangled your head down the pillows to keep you at your place. "You bet I would, huh? Watch me then."
As harsh as he went with stroking himself, the heat creeping inside you became more turbulent, more urgent, more desperate even. It tingled all towards your core. When precum leaked out, Levi intentionally tipped his voice. He started moaning so lowly; his breathing got louder ever so sultrily. You were too taken aback to utter anything. With his eyebrows creasing, he seemed to be taking too much pleasure in having his dick so near yet so off-limits to you. He was taking too much pleasure in your frustration. 
Because in hindsight, Levi wanted you to break.
His fingers reached your cheeks all the while continuing his strokes. "You know, ever since I was a kid, I keep on breaking things because I'm strong. T-that's why—hah—I wanted stuff that wouldn't break."
For some reason, his statement didn't get through your mind anymore. Your eyes remained so glued to his dick—twitching, throbbing, and surely begging for your mouth; only if its owner wasn't stubborn enough.
"Levi, please—"
He cut you off by grabbing your head so your eyes would be on him. He continued then, "But it seems different now. Do you have any idea how much I want you to break right now?"
And you sure are at this very moment. Levi can go hard, but his touches and demeanor were never this harsh. Your consciousness roared how you want to feel him, how you want to spurt out all the things you want him to do for you, and just how much you want to welcome his embrace without any shame and reluctance.
"How much would it take for you to break?" his strokes went faster and faster; he's about to cum. "I could get off all day with just you watching me. How about that? Are we doing it this way?"
"I'm cumming."
His announcement was your last straw.
"Inside," you breathed.
"You said something?"
"Put it inside."
"Why would I?"
Say it, say it, say it. "I want to feel you."
Luckily, his strokes halted. Despite the hiss out of his delayed orgasm, Levi sat in between your legs and raised it up so he'd see how wet you were.
"Levi, why—"
"Touch yourself."
His stares were more than enough to establish that it was a stern command. And Levi, when slipping into the mode of a captain, is not a man to mess with.
You rubbed two fingers on your core then a spare hand played on your breast. Luckily, he looked satisfied despite the lack of a smile. Only when your face got needier that he started to smirk. In hopes to rile him up further, you intentionally moaned with a plea in your eyes.
"What do you want me to do again?"
You don't want to repeat it. Oh god. You bit your lip and looked at him begging. When he started palming himself—establishing that he'd just go and cum outside of you after all—you acquiesced, "Please fuck me."
He took pity so he halted and instead, instructed the next one, "Fingers in." 
You quickly do so then, and the further wetness formed upon that action made him tick his eyebrows up even though his face stayed the same. Two fingers easily slipped inside and it went on until you asked him to work on you again. He shook his head with a sneer as he finally realized your moans were already genuine and uncontrollable. The way he looked at you just shows how aware he is of his success. You're breaking apart. You started begging already, even. You're seconds away from shattering, and he sure would shatter you beyond repair.
"Levi," you breathed out. "Please fill me up–" then his erection with a begging look again. "Fill me up now."
His smile was laced with nothing but endearment now. "Third finger in."
The sight made your head fuzzy. That smile was so ethereal, so sweet, he looked so good flashing that sweet look for you. To make up for it somehow, you just had it the way he does—spreading yourself open, curling up inside, scissoring around, pulling it out, and smashing it back in.
He seemed more impressed, hence hummed to encourage you more. Just more, you thought. He'll give in, he's about to give in, you just need to be the good lady that you are for him. You pulled your fingers out, clenched on nothing so he'd see, then slammed it back with a moan.
Your wetness dripped then and Levi got the last urge to ask, "What do you want me to do, love?"
"Hah, fuck—fuck me. Oh god. I'm sorry I held back. Please—"
Levi swatted your hand away to replace it with his cock then silenced your moans with his mouth. "There you go, finally telling me what you want. How long do you think you would last with me teasing the hell out of you?"
You whined, but of course, he was joking. Despite the unwavering control, he's not in the mood to tease you further. It might not be a lot for now, but your series of requests at this moment was such an improvement. You're such a good lady for him.
Levi spit on your nipples to rub them wetly with his fingers; you helped him do so. The noisy slick where both of you conjoint reverberated along with your moans.
"Fucking finally. Oh fuck, oh yes."
"Come on, cum now. We're going like this for the rest of the day. I'm gonna—gonna make you beg all day—uh, fuck—"
You lost. You were lost for good. Your moans and whispers were full of nothing but "yes" and "please." He chased for the high he delayed you as a reward—assured you with whispers that you'll get it this time, that his pretty girl would get everything he could ever give. Not long after, both of you were gone. Your walls snapped as you peaked, and he compensated by releasing inside with a loud moan.
When he removed himself and observed how messed up you are, Levi wasn't able to help himself but smile. Your legs were shaking, your mouth gaping open, and there was not a single thought behind your eyes. Even after your release, whispers of begging could still be heard.
What a pretty sight for him.
He'll break you more, indeed. He'll break all the walls you build for yourself for good and in return, take care of you for all his worth.
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🏷 @notgoodforlife | SUBSCRIBE HERE
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thehistoriangirl · 2 years
I wanted to request a Jayce fic but I couldn’t think of one haha but hmmm maybe one where the reader was just a usual citizen and loves jayce and he loves them but then Jayce and Mel have a bit of a thing cause Jayce thinks that the reader doesn’t love him back and the reader is heartbroken and jealous like ofcourse he loves mel she’s the perfect looking woman and is so smart etc and then happy ending pls xx thank you!
Okay this one took a while because ✨ANON, YOU CREATED A MONSTER ✨ I'm going to divide this idea in a two parts fic bc I have no idea what to do to fix my mess sorry about it 😬
This Ache, Mistimed [1/2]
Jayce x gn!Reader-------4.7K-------SFW
Tags: Childhood Friends to Lovers| Pining| Hurt almost no Comfort (in this one)| Crushes| Unrequited Love (supposedly)|Use of y/n| Self-Hatred| Angst| 🎶it's 2AM and I'm uploading this 🎶 so it surely has typos I will fix when I come back from my trip| I watch a lot of Telenovelas & it shows|
You spent most of your lifetime inside your parents’ atelier located at the Talis factory of hammers.  Since you were little, your mother taught you to engrave the hammers with the characteristic T of the Talis family crest, your father modeling the handles in wood and iron, while you used sandpaper to polish the imperfections.
It wasn’t so strange that you encountered Jayce Talis for the first time when you were eight years old. The only child of the Talis house liked to wander around the forges while taking notes about the fabrication of new objects that nothing had in common with his family hammers except the manufacture.
His eyes illuminated like beacons when he saw a kid around his age. He was playing with a horse toy made of metal by a cold forge near where your parents' atelier was localized. Red light filtered through the windows, welcoming the dusk and the chilly air that began to move your hair.
“Hello,” you muttered, half-hidden behind a worktable. “I thought nobody was here…” You usually came here to draw, an ashy-stained notebook tucked against your chest. “I will leave now. I’m sorry for disturbing you.”
“Hey, not go!” Jayce was aligning up rocks inside a coffer, multicolor hues reflecting against the gray ceiling when the light hit them. “What’s your name? I haven’t seen you here before.”
"I'm y/n, my parents work here." You were fidgeting with the pages. He extended his hands for you to shake them.
“Hi y/n, I’m Jayce. Do you want to play?”
You blinked. “Play what?”
“Whatever you want! I haven’t played in a long time, so whatever it’s fine while we’re having fun, right?” You knew how that feel, the fabric being too crowded but lonely at the same time.
Nodding you two began to play the catch game, your steps echoing around the walls alongside your laughs, that could be heard from that time onwards, the shadows only growing bigger as the time ran forward.
You also wanted to convince yourself that it was only natural to develop a silly crush on Jayce as time went by. Blaming your hormones, or simply trying to mask it like a misunderstanding: he was only your friend, a very dear friend.
As spontaneously as it come, it would disappear. It must, it was only logical.
“Fancy seeing you here, y/n.” Jayce peeked his head over the door frame. He was smiling, holding a paper bag with something that smelled like cooked meat. “Do you mind if I invite you to lunch?”
Your hands were covered in bronze powder, a burin played between your dexterous fingers as you finished another hammer handle. “Yes, wait a minute. I almost finish.” Since your parents decided to retire you had been in charge of the atelier, inheriting the duty of engraving.
“Some day you have to teach me how you carve so fast." Jayce took one of the stools laying around the room and sat next to you. The day of the noon reflected the metal laying carelessly on the table, a window showing the landscape of the city.
Chuckling, you pressed the last details into the wood and metal. This one was the second last step of the manufacturing process, the original signature of a Talis hammer. “I have to fulfill my quota of hammers per day, you know.”
“According to inventories, you’re ahead of the game.” You scoffed, you only had been made twelve out of thirty, and it was way past half your working hours.
“Inventories made by who, may I ask?”
Jayce raised his shoulders. “I don’t know. But people say he’s good with math, so he’s probably right about the quota, though.”
“Oh, that’s right!" You ended the work while Jayce took the handle out of your hands, fingertips touching mistakenly. You moved your hand out the way, Jayce's thumbs rubbing over the engraving of his family crest with a loving gaze. "What happened with your Academy application?”
A sly smile appeared on his face. “That’s why we are celebrating.”
You giggled while washing your hands in the sink localized in a corner of the room. “Is that smell of your mother's special roast chicken?"
“Who knows? Let’s go outside.”
You two encountered shelter on a bench outside the factory where a little garden was arranged to present a more aesthetic façade to the building. The workers usually came here to relax and cold down after the suffocating heat of the forges. Jayce and you used it since years ago to play board games, draw, and coloring books. Even now, in the wood, it could be seen some traces of crayons tinting the surface, scratches from metallic figurines both Jayce and you gifted each other every birthday.
It was Ximena Talis's special recipe for roast chicken. The sandwich was still warm when you bite it, remembering all the occasions Jayce’s mom cooked food for you two, or vice-versa. You moaned with your mouth full after starving all morning.
"It's a celebration meal," you leaned against him, nudging him with your shoulder. “You have to tell me everything.”
Jayce shrugged, pretending to look innocent, even if his eyes were blinking with barely contained amusement. “I don’t what are you talking about— hey!” he stopped when you bite off some of his sandwiches. “That’s mine!”
“I don’t what are you talking about, I didn’t do anything.” You tried to imitate his voice.
“Oh, you’re earning it now.”
You blinked, looking at him with your best puppy eyes while leaning against him, trying to sneak another bite of his food. “Earning what?”
He removed the sandwich, instead putting himself in front of you, almost bumping his chest with yours. You couldn’t avoid the sudden gasp that escaped from your lips, feeling Jayce's breathing moving your hair. Instinctually you tried to cast a joke, your words dying out of your mouth when you raised your eyes to his.
Your heart leaped when you noticed his eyes were directed towards your lips.  You tried to repeat the same plea every night, that the feelings were mistaken, he was only your friend, it there was no way Jayce could think of you any different.
“Jayce?” you muttered when you thought you were about to pass out.
He blinked, patting your head. Just like that, the trance was broken. “Sorry, you had a bug in your head. I was watching it. ”
“Oh.” Of course. You were too embarrassed to keep your body too close to him now, thinking he would be able to hear your rampant heartbeat. If your hot cheeks weren't enough clue.
“The Kirammans accepted to be my patrons,” Jayce murmured while eating out the rest of his food. You directed your widened gaze from your shoes to him. “I’m going to enroll in the Academy next week.”
A euphoric laugh flowed from your lips to the air around you both. Hugging him to the side, you feel tears burning in your eyes.
“I’m so happy for you! I knew it! I knew you could do it! I’m so proud of being your friend.” You snuggled your cheeks against his shoulder, looking up at him with brilliant eyes. “I’m so proud of you, Jayce.”
He smiled softly, caressing your hair. “Thanks for believing in me. I would never forget it.”
You pulled away slowly. “Would you come to visit?”
Jayce interlaced his fingers and put them in his lap. “I will try, but it won’t be so often.”
“I know," you answered, even if the blunt truth stung your heart a little. "I'm still happy for you. Please not forget me when you become famous.”
He blurted in a contagious laugh. "I wouldn't dream of it, y/n." Jayce stood up and hugged you when it was time to say goodbye. You buried your face against his shirt trying to freeze this moment in time, to remember his essence and the warm feeling that his sole presence poured over your body. “Not for anything in the world.”
Jayce kept his word. But it didn’t change much.
While he visited during the holidays, he spent most of his time with his mother or in the Kirammans’ mansion, assisting at fancy parties. Jayce tried to invite you a couple of times before, but since the cold, hostile stares of that Mechanical Talent Competition at the Academy that kept you ostracized in a dark corner while Jayce was dragged away from your time and time again, you stopped accepting, much for Jayce’s sake.
With each semester conquered at the Academy, a bigger crevice expanded between your worlds. While he spent his days working away in the state-of-art laboratories in Piltover, maybe even the whole world, you were still in the same workshop engraving hammer handles all day, frozen in time as he was moving further and further away from your grasp.
Sure, he still sent you a letter for your birthday, and you still hung out with him on the scarce occasions he had time. But those moments seemed more like a memory. And when he told you about his Hextech theory, you knew he was a step away from glory. When Jayce cracked down on his theory to make it a reality, he would become the greatest inventor Piltover would have ever seen.
And you would be still the same worker at his family factory.
Who knows? Maybe one day he would still remember you like a distant memory and nothing more.
You couldn't attend Jayce's trial, but you did attend his celebration party when his theory thrived as a fact. Ximena Talis saw you standing far from the spotlight dominated by him and the Councilor that declared herself as his new sponsor, but Jayce didn’t.
He looked so different without his Academy uniform; the gala suit perfectly tailored made him resemble a prince. And your heart ached when you left the party early after a busy day at the factory.
The next day, Jayce went to your atelier with a slice of cake.
“What’s this?” you murmured with brows furrowed.
"From yesterday's celebration. You couldn't make it, right? You like fancy sweets, so I brought you cake. The chocolate is imported.” He was smiling while checking the new design of the Talis hammers, slightly modified with his insight. “Do you change the family crest?”
“A little, now I use gold and red to form the T." Your hand was painted with red metal. “Do you want to go outside?”
Jayce grimaced. "I'm sorry, y/n. I must come back to the Academy. We are creating a prototype of Hextech that would allow good to travel as fast as light.”
You smiled a little, even if your eyes were adverting his gaze. You didn't want to see your disappointment. The last thing you wanted was to drag him down with your selfish desires.
“Of course, not worry about it. Goodbye. Thanks for the cake.”
“I will come back one of these days, yes? There’s this new cafeteria near the Arts District that prepares incredible beverages. We should go some time."
You nodded; voice neutral. “Yes, sound good.”
Jayce hugged you before he left, but it was so quick you didn’t have a chance to reciprocate. He was already gone when you gathered the courage to hug him back.
Days later you two went to the cafeteria. It was a lazy afternoon, the sun wasn't that warm to make it suffocating staying at the tables outside the place. Your iced coffee wetting the glass and your fingers every time you drink it. A gentle breeze moved your hair while you leaned with your elbows towards Jayce's place, looking at his gesturing hands.
Jayce was talking about his new invention—the Hexgates, showing you with a wrinkled napkin and a pencil that he always carried around how they would look once finished.
A shadow covered the sun pouring over the table. Both of you looked up, a woman dressed in a completely white suit with a black collar and gold details outlining the clothes was smiling.
Jayce blinked. “Elora, what are you doing here?”
She nodded slightly. “Good afternoon. I’m sorry to interrupt, but Councilor Medarda wishes to see you. Regarding an urgent matter with the last prototype of the Hexgates. Your partner told us you were here.”
You looked away when you felt Jayce’s legs bouncing under the table.
“It’s fine, Jayce. You should go.”
His eyes were wide, a sad gesture governed his features while he extended his hand to take yours, stopping a few centimeters away. “Are you sure?”
You nodded. I’m not going to drag you down with me. “We will have another chance later.”
He stood up, nodding towards both you and Elora. “Right. I will make it up to you, I promise!”
You observed his figure striding up the Academy, Elora telling him something and him gesturing vividly as an answer until they were too far away to distinguish. Up the Academy where he belonged, while the factory and your home were down the twisted streets of the Industrial District near the bridge and the Undercity.
Two worlds.
Finishing your iced coffee, which now tasted more bitter than before, you realized that the only way to stop hurting was to trace a line. You were stupid and thought your feelings were a fleeting mistake, now, years later, you were tired of facing the same heartless consequences of feeding your hope only to be snatched away from you.
Maybe if you cut off all contact, you could pretend the feelings—Jayce himself, wasn't a part of your life anymore. A risky bet, but you were desperate enough to try.
The first time was the hardest. Turning down Jayce caused your chest to hurt for days, an echo of longing at seeing him leave with his shoulders dropped and low head. But with time, you get used to, lies flowing up your lips with excuses for every chance he got to spend time with you.
You grew colder as he comprehended the situation. Even if his ideas were inaccurate, was enough for him to stop trying. Jayce stopped asking, and you stopped caring as much as you could, trying stupidly to hate him even when deep down you were aware everything was your fault.
Everything began because of you. But you weren’t brave enough to even imagine finishing it.
Years passed by, and you both became a memory in each other’s treasured past.
Time ran off, you grew tired of your dull job at the Talis factory, and Jayce became a Councilor. Of course, he did.
You were at the Talis’ family house, Ximena Talis sitting in front of you. The tea she served you was already cold when you drink a sip. Her brows were furrowed, a deep grimace on her face.
“Are you sure of your decision, dear?”
“Yes. I’m immensely grateful for letting me keep my family atelier inside your factory, Mrs. Talis. But I'm tired of doing the same thing for over fifteen years." You looked away from the photographs hung on the wall, one of them of you and Jayce hugged while at one of his birthday parties. “I want to start anew, I guess.”
Her brown eyes read the depths of your soul, but she didn’t mention the obvious rift between you and his son.
“Very well, dear. If you wish so, then I will write your termination agreement and give it to you in no more than a week." Nodding you went to extend your hand for her to shake, but instead, she stood up and went face to face to hug you. “I’m going to miss you. You are like a daughter to me.”
You grasped her shoulders, burying your face against her neck as you did with your mother. Sobs made your body tremble like a leaf against a cruel wind. She patted your back, trying to soothe you.
I’m sorry, this is all my fault. But the words stuck on your throat, a knot growing bigger and bigger even when your tears were falling freely.
You left the Talis’ house with puffy eyes and a red face. Looking back, you nodded slightly as if saying goodbye.
Days later, you had your termination contract and were piling up the tools your parents used to build the reputation of this atelier. Wooden boxes were piling up against the table, and the only thing left was your childhood toys. Many of them were made by Jayce.
It hurt to touch them, remembering all the glorious times left behind.
There was a knock on the door. Your hand froze, shoving hurriedly the mechanical toys inside the last box.
“My mom told me you were leaving.” You tighten your jaw at hearing his soft tone. You missed it, you missed him.
“I’m going to miss you,” you muttered with a breathy voice, not able to meet his gaze. "What brings you here?" He was supposed to be at the Council or the Academy.
You could see his wide frame moving from side to side, unsure to cross the threshold. “I’m… I wanted to invite you to my birthday party.” His hands were firmly tugged against his stomach, shoulders dropped. He looked like a copy of his younger self. “It’s going to be in Council Medarda’s residence. And I can invite whoever I want, so I thought of you. I…” his voice trailed off, slightly cracked. “I… it would make me very happy if you could come.”
A ‘no’ was forming inside your mouth, but you swallowed it. Looking directly at him now that his gaze was directed towards the ground made you want to cry. It was probably best to use this opportunity as a closure for both of you.
“I will be there.”
His head jerked up, a wide smile breaking over his grimace. “Really? I mean— thank you. I’ll be waiting for you.”
You almost chuckled, nodding him softly before giving him your back to finish up the packing of your things.
The party went just like you imagine it. You were glued to Ximena’s side or lounging on a lonely corner not-to-close to Jayce’s partner, Viktor, that looked as socially drained and bored as you.
Even Ximena was deep in conversation with other families. But you? No one approached you outside Viktor and Ximena. Jayce was long gone, people surrounding him at a prudent distance all the time he went to talk to you.
The gift’s box felt too heavy when you put it in his hands, the last time your fingertips brushed against the others. You wanted to respect the tradition of your past gifts, a colored-metal carving of a photograph of you two, the last photo you took when you went visiting him in a Progress Day festivity. In the back of the photo, you carved a useless, hypocrite apology.
You hoped he would never open it.
It was late already, but the guests were still fueling around thanks to expensive wine and other liquors you didn't dare to grab from the platters the waiters traveled down the hall.
Viktor had left without your knowledge. Now you were the only person leaning against the wall. Sighing, you went to look for Ximena.
The aristocracy looked at you with a soft scowl, eager to show your place now that Jayce wasn’t here to look at them.
“Mrs. Talis, I’m leaving.”
She nodded. “Yes, dear. It’s already very late. Thanks for coming.”
Guilt struck your chest. “Do you know where Jayce is? I don’t want to go without telling him.” You wouldn’t see him again, probably. You at least wanted to say goodbye properly.
“I think he’s by the further balconies,” one of the merchants said, swinging his flute of liquor with each word to show the direction.
“Thank you. Goodbye Mrs. Talis, have a good night.”
The further section was silent, each step the sound of the conversation muffled away. You felt like an invader, roaming in an unknown home like that, peeking at the corners and hoping no one would cross your way.
The hallway opened into an enormous balcony that looked like a living room in plein air, with couches, plants, imported rugs, and even a half-painted canvas. You were so enthralled in the golden accents and the exquisite, minimal, and regal decorations that you didn't catch the two figures entangled on the balcony’s edge.
Your eyes widened when among the semi-penumbra you viewed Jayce entangled in a kiss with another woman. No, no just a woman. It was Councilor Medarda's spotless white dress, the golden accents of the metal decorating her back and legs shining a sole lamp swinging with the air.
You wanted to stop but were too astounded that your brain didn’t follow the command. Your feet knocked out a plant pot, the sound of ceramic breaking making them pull away with a deep, annoying glare towards you.
Until Jayce distinguished your figure outlines with the abundant light inside. He called out your name, his hands still enveloping Councilor Medarda’s body. But you were far from the hall, running as fast as you could to get out of there.
Tears prickled your vision as you stumbled with different assistants who screamed at you to pay attention. But you didn’t care. This was a mistake. You shouldn't have come, you should have never pushed him away, you should just left quickly, it was the best, you…
You took the empty elevator, ignoring the distant footsteps that were tailing you. Your reflection inside the metal cage was pitiful; messy hair, red eyes, and winced lips. Your hands were fists, trying the pain of your nails digging the skin would distract you from the raising void consuming your heart and leaving you both hot and cold.
The streets were being patrolled by Enforcers around the building. You wanted to get out of there as fast as you could, but you knew that running away from the place would only make them keep questioning you for 'suspicious behavior', so you descended the stairs as calmly as you could.
At least, until you heard him calling your name from the entrance hall.
You sprinted off the entrance, flying over the carved stairs.
“Y/n, wait!” He sounded out of breath, as he would have taken the stairs while you were using the elevator. “Please.”
His wounded voice made you look back at him. Your feet slip down one step, the gravity pulling you down the remaining stairs.
It hurt the friction of the rock scratching your knees and hands, but it hurt way more when Jayce tried to hold you to put you on your feet.
“DON’T TOUCH ME!” you screamed, crawling away from him. Angrier with yourself every second that passed. You suppressed a cry when you support your right foot on the ground, wobbling, you struggled to keep yourself steady.
Jayce was frozen. You had never screamed at him, much less with such force.
“You probably twisted your ankle. Please, let me help you.”
“I don’t need your help, thank you." You grumbled as you were limping away. The Enforcers were looking from a distance, which made the situation even worse. Here you were, a nobody snapping at a Councilor.
How pathetic.
“Then tell me what’s wrong!” his voice was beginning to raise, too. “Tell me why you began to hate me.”
Your bottom lip was trembling, and at any minute you were about to burst into tears. He approached you, and because you were trying so hard not to look at him, you didn’t notice until you felt his hand lying softly on your shoulder. He was trying to console you like when you were younger, but it was just making it worse.
The sudden warmness of his skin distracted you for a moment, a flash of images of all the moments you enjoyed his casual touches as if it were a big deal for both of you, and not only part of your daydreaming.
“Nothing! You haven’t done any…thing!” your voice cracked, and you hit your feet against the ground, the sharp pain of your ankle sending some reason to your senses. Jayce jumped away at your sudden movement. "You haven't done anything," you mumbled, tears falling free on your cheeks. "We didn’t do anything.”
“Is that why you left like that?” From the factory? From my life? Jayce didn’t have to say it out loud for you to read it in his eyes.
You tried to wipe off the tears staining your vision. He was extending a hand towards you, too scared to decide to touch you. The crack was never more visible. And it was all your fault.
“I leave because it’s the best I can do.” You took your purse against your chest as if it were a plushie. “For you not to look after me anymore.”
You looked at him, you were saying this looking him right in the eye.
“What are you…?”
“We can’t be friends, Jayce. I don’t want to be your friend anymore.” You were trying so hard not to crumble in front of him. You wished he could be mean and cold, to get angry and yell at you.
It would make it easier to hate him.
"Please not say that. If… If I ever did something wrong, please tell me what it is, and we could amend it. I will amend it.”
You don’t love me. But that’s not a mistake.
A sarcastic chuckle bubbled out your throat. Not even him broking your heart was enough for you to hate him.
"I thought being your friend would be enough but… it isn't. I can't stand it anymore." You paused, feeling each of the words formed in your tongue burn and make a hole inside your chest once they got out. "I know you're dating Councilor Medarda, and I wish you happiness. But I can’t pretend I’m happy with just being your friend now.”
The words seemed ashy, all you could hear was the raging of your heartbeat in your ear.
"I will get over you. Eventually," you mumbled. "But for that, I have to get away from you. To pretend you don’t exist anymore. Or that you ever existed. That’s why I left. That’s why I’m leaving now. And I wish you to not follow me.”
Even if your eyes were teary, you could see how Jayce clenched his jaw.
"I wish I could just erase how I feel about you, so we can be friends like always. But I can't. No matter how much I keep telling my heart I don't want you, it just… doesn't change anything." Tugging at the loose threads in your heart, you tried to apologize, at least. “I’m sorry to ruin our friendship this way. I know you don’t feel the same way. But I just… needed to tell you so I can move forward. I’m sorry I messed up. But I hope you never forgive me. Please hate me, Jayce. It would make things easier, for both of us."
With tears trapped behind his hazel eyes, Jayce pressed one of his fists against his mouth. Both were frozen, in the eerie silence it could be heard the buzzing electricity of the streetlamps above your heads and your agitated breathing.
“Please just let me go!” you cried. “Be happy and forget about me. Our time is over.”
Please hate me, please make me hate you.
Jayce raised his top lip, nose wrinkled. For a second, he covered his mouth as if he were about to yell something back.
His eyes were flicking with tears trapped. But he just sighed, turning on his heels and disappearing out inside the building.
You limped away from the building as far as you could until you found a dark corner in an alleyway you could refuge inside. Your wounded leg hugged against your chest as you made yourself a ball and rocked back and forth, hiding your head between your limbs to try to hide your misery. Sobs emerged from the depths of your being, and tears were falling, hot and messy on your contorted face.
Everything hurt. And you wished, while an Enforcer tapped your shoulder asking if you wanted help, that everything would keep hurting for a while.
Maybe, that way, the love poisoning your being would finally abandon you.
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kingexpl0sionmurder · 3 years
Body Electric - Kaminari Denki - Smut
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Author: @kingexpl0sionmurder Pairing: Kaminari Denki/F!Reader Rating: 18+ (contains smut) Words: 5,491 Warnings: Sex work (Cam boy/girl), Quirkless AU, Aged-up Adult characters (someone is in grad school! wow!), mentions of masturbation (both male and female), mentions of casual ShinKami, established KiriBaku, Idk they are all just really sexually liberated and don’t care about watching each other cum. Is that voyeurism? I’m bad at tagging things. Title taken from a Lana Del Rey song. AN: Another BNHarem collab piece! The theme was sex work, and I have wanted to do a camboy Denki for a long time so here we go. This was really smutty in my head but Denki makes me soft and it turned out really cute in the end, I’m sorry? He’s such a dork I feel like any sexual encounter with him would just turn out like this in some way, idk.  Thanks to @unbreakablekiribaku​ and @sailorsero​ as usual for being supportive of me. Happy birthday to @lady-bakuhoe and @burnedbyshoto​ 🎂🎂 There is no one else I would rather be birthday triplets with!
Please check out the Collab Masterlist: HERE Look 👀 at My Masterlist: HERE Buy me a Kofi if you’re scared of clowns too: HERE
Sighing, you sat up on your elbows, squinting at the chat on the screen, willing your heart to stop pounding and your breath to even out. The donations were pouring in, the chat moving so fast you couldn’t even read it. “Alright, lovelies, I hope you enjoyed that. Be right back and we’ll chat a little bit, okay?”
Donations popped up, the chat slowing a little as the clients who only came to jerk off to you left, leaving those who considered themselves true fans. You stood and made your way to the bathroom to pee, rinsing your toy off in the sink and washing your hands. You went back to your room, pulling on a hoodie and settling in front of the screen again.
“Alright, I’m back! I have some time for a few questions and then I have to go for the night. Let me see what we got!” You scanned the chat, ignoring the normal inappropriate questions. Mindfucker:  Do you know who Chargebolt is? Cause I heard he watches your stream.
Your heart, which had finally slowed to a normal rhythm, picked up again. You most definitely knew who Chargebolt was. You gave him a good amount of money from your donations when you watched his cam shows yourself. “I do actually, he’s pretty popular on here, isn’t he?” You sat back a little, furrowing your brows. “How do you know he watches me?”
RedDaddy: He did a Q&A and mentioned your channel! Told everyone to check you out.
You recognized the names of the viewers and knew they were also regulars on Chargebolt’s streams as well, so you believed them. Chargebolt was gorgeous and funny, just your type. The knowledge that he was interested in you enough to watch you get off on camera was flattering. You hoped your blush wasn’t showing on your face. 
“I’m surprised he knows who I am!” You had missed the last Q&A he’d done, since it hadn’t been on his normal streaming day, and you’d been stuck at work late. Leaning forward again, you bit your lip, looking into the camera from under your lashes. “Can I tell you guys a secret? I watch him, too. Why do you think I never do shows on Thursdays? That’s Chargebolt day.” With a wink you sat back, trying to will the blush from your cheeks. Mindfucker: I knew it! I bet he’s watching right now. You smiled, shrugging. “I hope he enjoyed the show, then!” You tried to hold it together, suppressing the urge to burst into a fit of giggles at the thought, answering a few more silly questions from your regulars, before signing off for the night, promising to be back again the following week.
You let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding, leaning your head back and groaning. It was wild that the guy whose cam shows you watched on the regular, the one who had inspired you to start your own, who you thought of half the time when you were filming yourself getting off on camera for strangers, knew who you were and was one of your viewers. 
It brought you down a whole rabbit hole for a second, wondering if he got off on you getting off. Why else would he watch? Did he ever donate? You assumed he had a secondary account so you wouldn’t know it was him even if you tried to look at your past viewers, just like you had a secret account so you could watch him as well. 
Cracking your eyes open, you clicked to view the donation tallies for the evening. You’d made enough to pay the rent on your apartment for the month in just one night. Sometimes you wondered how you ever managed to survive before you started doing this. It was meant to be a temporary side job, but you’d been running this cam channel under the screen name Neko for over six months, and you had clawed your way out of debt in such a short time, it didn’t make sense for you to stop.
You viewed a few more visitor stats with interest, before logging off the computer and shutting the laptop. You had to get to sleep for your real job in the morning, so you figured it was time for bed, pushing thoughts of Chargebolt to the back of your mind for now.
It wasn’t until later when you were lying down to sleep, that you thought of him again. Your eyes closed as you ran through a scenario in your head, wondering if he would mention you on Thursday, and what would come of all this? You had noticed your viewer numbers had spiked that day, so it was definitely beneficial that you’d caught his eye. You just weren’t sure what would happen next.
Denki was grinning into the camera, wiping the cum off of his abs with the towel he kept beside him, his chest and cheeks flushed pink. He adjusted in his chair, tugging the toy out of his hole and chucking it to the side, pulling his boxers back up over his softening cock. “I hope it was as good for you as it was for me, babes.” 
He chuckled at the comments flooding the chat as he reached for his water and took a sip. 
Tapeman: As always, you never disappoint me, Chargebolt.
“Hey thanks, Tapeman! I appreciate you always coming to hang out...get it? Coming?”
Mindfucker: Ridiculous.
“Aw, you love me, Mindfucker.” He winked at the camera. “So, did you guys enjoy my Q&A the other day?”
The chat filled with praise, making him grin. He loved to talk to his fans, and sometimes they had some great questions for him. He knew a lot of people just watched him as a way to get off, but he liked to give a little piece of himself to them because he knew that most of the people who watched were probably lonely, and he wanted to help with that in some way. He kept things laid back, joking and laughing with his viewers before and after the show, taking requests and doing his best to remember some of the regulars. Some of the few who had been with him from the beginning he’d made into moderators to help with keeping things somewhat orderly in the chat. Some of them he actually knew in real life, like his roommate Hitoshi, who used the alias Mindfucker.
Mindfucker: So are we going to talk about Neko? Denki’s eyebrows rose. “Oh, you mean the stream the other day? It was…” He made the appropriate motion as he said it. “Chef’s kiss, immaculate. She’s so beautiful…” Trailing off, he let himself think back to the way your chest heaved and the face you made when you came. “I would do anything for her, man.”
RedDaddy: Dude, I agree! She’s also super sweet, like, the total package.
Sighing, he leaned his elbow on the desk, his cheek resting on his palm. “I am a simp, my guy.” He sat up, squinting at the chat. “She said she watches, right? Is she here right now?” He scanned the names of the viewers, frowning. “She probably has a second account. Well, if you’re here, Neko, you should hit me up. I read all of my DM’s okay?” He grinned, winking again. “Alright, I have to go feed the cats so I’m outie 5000, thanks for hanging out and I’ll see you guys next week!”
He said his goodbyes, ending the stream and sighing. He wiped off his toy with the towel and clicked through his stats for the day, smiling at some of the comments that came with the donations. Hitoshi came into his room a few minutes later, holding one of the cats, an orange tabby named Miso, in his arms. “I fed them, you don’t have to.”
Was it weird that his roommate watched him fuck himself on toys and jerk off on the internet on a weekly basis? Nope. Denki had forgone all sense of modesty when it came to sex a long time ago, and Hitoshi was the same. It helped that they fucked around on occasion, best friends who got lonely and lived together sometimes did that, he guessed. Or maybe they were weird. It was whatever, he didn’t like to think about it too much. 
“What would I do without you, Toshi?”
“Kill the cats, probably.” He deadpanned, leaning in the doorway. “Burn all the toast you try to make, buy the wrong peanut butter, eat Cheese-Itz for breakfast every day, forget to pay the cable bill.” He raised his eyebrows. “I can keep going.”
“Fuck off, I got the all-natural peanut butter once, it was an accident!” Denki threw his soiled towel into the laundry basket by the closet and picked up the toy he’d used, waving it around a bit. “Did you enjoy the stream?”
Hitoshi snorted, eyeing the dildo warily. “I didn’t really watch, I had my eye on the chat. I was looking for Neko.”
“Man, I can’t believe she’s a fan!” He waved the dildo some more, watching as it jiggled. “I would let her do unspeakable things to me.”
“Look out, your sub is showing, Denki.” Hitoshi teased. “But I agree, she’s pretty great. I wonder if she’ll ever do private shows.” Pausing to scritch Miso behind the ears, he continued. “I’m sure they’d be in high demand.”
Denki stood, pointing at Hitoshi with the dildo. He really needed to put it down somewhere and stop brandishing it around like a sword. “Don’t even, I’d spend all my money on that girl.” 
“I know you would.” He chuckled. “I did try to go through the usernames and see if I could find out who she could be, but I didn’t have any luck.”
“It’s okay! I’m leaving it up to fate now, man. If the universe wants us to know each other, we will.” He stuck his thumb towards the ensuite. “I’m going to wash my ass and then we can play Among Us if you want.”
Hitoshi, completely unphased as usual, nodded. “I’ll get a team together. Check the discord when you get out.”
Humming, Denki made his way to the bathroom, picking up his phone on the way. It buzzed as he closed the door, and he glanced down to see he had a message from his other moderator and friend, Eijirou, aka RedDaddy. Tossing the dildo in the sink, he looked down at the screen and opened the message.
Eiji: No luck on finding Neko on the stream, but she said she never misses a Thursday, so I bet she was there.
Denki: Thanks for keeping an eye out, man. I appreciate you. Among us in 30?
Eiji: Bet. I’ll ask Kats to play too.
Your next stream day had you feeling nervous. Chargebolt had talked directly at you on his last stream, asking you to slide into his DMs, and you had yet to take him up on it. You didn’t know what you were so scared of, Chargebolt was a nice guy. You chalked it up to the fear of the unknown. If you sent him a message, what would you even say? ‘Hey dude, nice cock?’ It was bound to be a disaster.
Pushing your nerves back down, you made sure you were ready for your stream, excited for the news you were about to drop on your viewers. You were needing a little extra cash due to some unfortunate car trouble, and you’d figured out a way to make up what you needed in record time.
“Hey everyone, welcome!” You smiled at the camera, waving your fingers. “Thanks for coming! I see a lot of familiar names here tonight. Hi Mindfucker, Dynamight, RedDaddy, Tapeman, LightningMcQueen!”
LightningMcQueen: Hey, beautiful! I’ve been looking forward to this all week.
Dynamight: Chill out, McQueen, you look desperate.
RedDaddy: Be nice, Dynamight. Hi, Neko!
Dynamight: Fuck off, Shittyhair.
Mindfucker: How’s your cat, Neko?
“Be good, Dynamight. You’re lucky I know you don’t mean that!” You giggled at the antics of your regulars, smiling at the question about your cat. “Ichigo is doing good, Mindfucker, thanks for asking! I’ll bring her on camera after the show if you want to say hi!”
Minfucker just sent a cat emoji and you laughed, shaking your head. “I’m beginning to think that you’re just here for Ichigo and not me.”
The chat went crazy with people denying it, telling you how much they loved watching you every week. You lit up, feeling more excited about your news.
“So I have something I want to discuss before we get started today. I’ve decided I want to try out doing some private shows, so I’m going to be offering up a few spots. I’m going to give some of my longest and most frequent supporters a shot first, and if all goes well, then I’ll open them up to the rest of you! I’ll be adding a signup link at the bottom of my page after tonight’s stream, so if you’re interested you can apply and I’ll pick a few of you and we’ll work out a schedule! How does that sound?”
Dynamight: McQueen already has his credit card ready I bet.
“Aw, you don’t want to play with me, Dynamight?” You teased, giving the camera your best pout.
Dynamight: You couldn’t handle me, Princess.
LightningMcQueen: Hush. You’re a bottom, Dyna.
Dynamight: Die you fucking extra.
LightningMcQueen: Love you too, blasty.
“I was going to let you pick the toy today, Dynamight, but if you can’t behave then I’m just going to have to let someone else have a turn.” You gave the camera a disapproving look, frowning. You’d picked up that these guys were friends, so you knew they were just messing with each other.
A donation popped up from Dynamight with a comment attached. 
Let McQueen choose this time, babe.
“It looks like Dynamight is going to let you choose, McQueen. Which one?” You pulled over the box you kept your toys in and showed it to the camera. “Pick a color.”
LightningMcQueen: Yellow
You pulled the yellow silicone out of the box and showed it to the chat, smirking. “I call this one Chargebolt because it’s the same color as his hair. Are you sure this is the one you want me to use?”
When your stream ended, Denki leaned back in his chair, taking a deep breath. The fact that he’d watched you fuck yourself with a dildo that you’d named after him was the hottest thing he could have imagined. He was jealous of that piece of bright yellow silicone more than he should be. He’d still enjoyed it, if the mess across his abs and chest were any indication. 
He cleaned himself up and pulled on a shirt, clicking on the link for the private show signup. It was pretty straightforward, listing the price and how long the show would be, and asking for his username and what he would be interested in doing or seeing and what day would work best.
Staring at the form for a moment, he contemplated his options. He could sign up with his LightningMcQueen account, and he might have a chance. He was the first one out of his friends to find your channel one night when he was bored and horny. Then he’d shown it to Hitoshi and then shared your info with Eijirou, Katsuki, and Hanta. He would be considered one of the longest and loyal viewers like you had said.
However, if you got a request from Chargebolt? What would you do? Would you ignore it? 
“Toshi!” He called out, knowing his roommate would hear him without him having to get up. “I’m having a crisis!”
The door opened, and the purple-haired man stood in the doorway. “I am not prepared to handle your bi panic right now, Denki.”
“Are you going to put in for a private show from Neko?” Denki pushed on, ignoring his friend’s exasperation. 
“I spoke that into existence last week, you know. You’re welcome.”
Flopping back in his chair, Denki closed his eyes. “Should I send in the request with this account or with the Chargebolt one?”
Hitoshi shrugged, watching their cat Sashimi wander into the room. “You’ve wanted to talk to her for ages, man. You could have messaged her forever ago and you wouldn’t be playing this game with her. Sign up with your actual account.”
“I mean, she must think I’m cute, right? Otherwise, she wouldn’t watch.” He sat up, logging out of his secondary account and into his main one. He had a few unread DM’s, so he clicked, his breath catching in his throat. “Dude, look.”
There was a message from you, short but sweet.
Hi, Chargebolt. I don’t know if you saw the stream today, but you should check it out if you haven’t. I left it up for you.”
“She wants you to see her use that dildo she named after you.” Hitoshi patted his shoulder, and then bent down to pick up Sashimi. “I signed up but I told her I just wanted to have a date with her cat. She probably won’t pick me.”
“She will, she loves cats.” Denki clicked on your page and scrolled down to the bottom where the signup was again, letting it populate his main account in the information, and writing ‘any day except Thursday’ in the section for the time that worked for him. “I’m going to get this girl to date me, just you watch.”
Snorting, his roommate closed the door behind him as he left. “I believe in you, Pikachu.”
Once his request was submitted, he went back to his DM’s and sent you a message back.
“I was there, Neko. I never miss a stream. I submitted for a private show, so I hope you’ll pick me. I’ve been one of your viewers since the beginning, you know.”
In your head, you tried to plan what you would say once you were face to face (via camera) with the one and only Chargebolt. Everything your brain seemed to come up with fell short. What did you say to this guy, who you’d been simping over for over 9 months, who lit up your screen every Thursday with terrible puns and panty-dropping smiles? You knew exactly what he looked like and sounded like when he came. It was a strange thing to think that you knew that but you’d never actually spoken to him before.
It made you feel a little better when you realized he knew just as much about you. That he watched you fuck yourself on a dildo you’d named after him, and then spent the rest of the stream showing off your fluffy white cat Ichigo. 
It was time to put on your big girl panties. You could do this. 
Chargebolt had been one of the few that you’d chosen to do these shows with. He was also the last one. You’d met with 4 others, the ones who were the most active in your chat, the ones you assumed were actually friends. 
Your first one was with Tapeman, who asked you to call him Sero. He was cute, with the widest, prettiest smile you’d ever seen. He made you laugh, and called you beautiful, and spoke to you in Spanish. You didn’t feel uncomfortable once with him, and the experience gave you hope that the rest would be just as nice.
Mindfucker was next, whose name was Shinsou and lowkey your favorite one. He didn’t want anything sexual at all, which surprised you. You sat with him and drank tea and you got to meet his two fur children, Miso and Sashimi, while he told you about his roommate. You let him admire Ichigo, and talked about music. He was sarcastic, but not in a mean way, and you were pretty sure he was going to be your new best friend.
RedDaddy and Dynamight had asked to do theirs together since they were dating. You wanted to question why they both watched your stream but RedDaddy, who was actually named Kirishima, answered it for you.
“We’re both bi, and we think you’re cute!”
“Yeah, plus McQueen has a thing for you so we like to be in the chat to help him out.” Dynamite, aka Bakugou, added in his gruff voice, folding his arms across his chest.
“Aw, that’s sweet!” You smiled at them. “He didn’t request a private show though, so I guess he doesn’t like me that much.”
Bakugou coughed and Kirishima grinned. “Maybe he was nervous! I’m sure you’ll meet him in one of these someday!”
“Enough about that dumbass.” Bakugou leaned forward, his hand on Kirishima’s knee. “Give us a show and we’ll give you one in return. Use that orange and green one for me, Princess.”
And give you a show they did. You got lost in how they looked at each other while they jerked each other off, and you were pretty sure they forgot you were even there at some point. When it was over, you suggested that they start their own channel.
Bakugou scoffed, but you could tell he was blushing a bit.
“I don’t know, Neko. I don’t think I could share him with anyone else. Except you, you’re the exception.” Kirishima grinned, winking at you.
But now it was Chargebolt’s turn. You made sure you had everything you needed, making sure Ichigo was out of the room, and then signed into your account. 
Chargebolt was online, so you made the private room and sent him the request. You felt like you were shaking, and you checked yourself in the camera to make sure you didn’t look like a wreck.
You barely had time to breathe before he entered the chat, his camera screen coming to life and showing you his smiling face. You melted a bit, biting your lip, gazing at how attractive he was. 
“Hey, Neko!” Chargebolt was as vibrant as ever, tucking his hair behind his ears, the black lightning bolt in his hair dark against the bright yellow of the rest of it.
“It’s nice to see you, Chargebolt.” You tried to relax, rolling your shoulders back. “It’s kind of weird knowing you can see me too.”
He laughed, leaning back in his chair. You tried not to stare at his arms in the tank top he was wearing. Chargebolt had a small frame, but his muscles were defined. You’d seen him plow through an entire bag of chips on stream once, without pausing to breathe, so you assumed he must be one of those people with amazing metabolism that you envied. “You can call me Denki if you want, kitten.”
You choked on air at the nickname, trying to compose yourself. “Kitten?”
“Well, Neko means cat, doesn’t it?” He raised an eyebrow. “I won’t call you that if you don’t like it.”
“No!” You practically shouted. “No, I mean, it’s fine. I like it.”
“Sweet.” He grinned. “Man, I’ve wanted to get you alone like this for so long, and now I’m just feeling really nervous.”
“You’re nervous?” You were surprised. The always cool but super dorky Chargebolt was nervous because of you? “So am I.”
Chargebolt- sorry, Denki, rested his elbow on the desk, propping his head in his hand. “Well, glad to know I’m not the only disaster here. I’ve been trying to get the courage to talk to you for months, and then finally Hitoshi got me to talk about you on stream a few weeks ago, and now here we are.”
“Who’s Hitoshi? One of your regulars?” Knowing that you weren’t the only one who was sweating bullets had you relaxing a bit. 
“Oh yeah, Mindfucker! You know him right? He did a thing with you the other day, didn’t he?”
Eyes wide, you stared at him. “Shinsou?”
“Yeah, that’s my best friend and my roommate. He said he showed you the cats.” He shrugged. “You picked all my friends for your private shows. Sero, Kiri, Bakugou, Shinsou.” He paused, smirking. “I forgot that you don’t know that I’m LightningMcQueen.”
“That’s you? I was wondering why they didn’t send me a request, but it all makes sense now.”
Denki shot you finger guns and winked. “Kachow!”
“Oh god, stop it.” You rolled your eyes.
He chuckled, grinning at you. “So, did Shinsou talk about me?”
You giggled, remembering back. “He told me a story about how his roommate mistook a fuzzball for a spider and spent the afternoon sitting on a table waiting for him to come home and kill it.”
“It looked like one of those freaky poisonous ones from where I was sitting. I was afraid to let it out of my sight in case it got away and then multiplied and killed me in my sleep or something.” He took a deep breath. “Spiders are terrifying.”
This man was amazing. “You are everything I always thought you’d be, you know that?”
“I’m going to take that as a compliment.” He sighed. “You have to have some kind of embarrassing story to tell me so I don’t feel like a fool. You’ve got to make it even.”
“One year my dad hired a clown to come to my birthday party. He walked in the front door and I jetted out the back door and hid in the garden until he left. Clowns are just as terrifying as spiders.”
Chargebolt laughed, and the sound made your stomach do a somersault. It was just as bright and happy as he was. “That is the cutest shit I’ve ever heard!”
“I’m glad my childhood trauma is amusing you.” You deadpanned, trying to keep the smile off your face.
“Aw, don’t be like that kitten! I’m glad we can bond over our irrational fears like this, you know?” He 
You shivered happily. “Okay, okay.” You cleared your throat. “So, you didn’t write anything down here for what you wanted out of our chat today.”
“Oh, okay, down to business then.” He sat up straight. “Well, I wanted to tell you myself instead of submitting it on the form.”
Intrigued, you raised an eyebrow. “Didn’t want to give me a chance to back out?”
Snorting, and shook his head. “Nah, I think you’ll like it, kitten.” He folded his hands behind his head. “I want you to tell me what to do. I’m at your mercy.”
Swallowing thickly, you blinked at him. That was...really hot. “You like being told what to do?”
“I would love nothing more for you to pull my hair and peg me within an inch of my life while calling me your little cock slut.” He stared at you with an eyebrow raised, looking pleased with himself when he saw your expression.
Your thighs clenched together involuntarily. “Fuck.”
“Yeah, right? I mean, I’m a switch, I’d do the same to you if you asked.  But we can save that for next time.” He smirked. “So, you down?”
Next time? This man was going to kill you. “Take off your shirt, Denki.”
“Fuck yes.” He groaned, reaching behind him and tugging the garment over his head. 
His chest and abs came into view, and you let your eyes linger on the barbells through his nipples. “Pants too.”
He pushed his chair away from his desk and shimmied out of his shorts, kicking them to the side. You gazed at him in his blue boxer briefs, eyes lingering on his thin waist, strong thighs, and the outline of his cock. He was a sight to behold, honestly.
You held the fangirling back, leaning forward to get a better look at him. “Do you have any toys, Denki?”
“Of course, Kitten.” He moved out of view for a moment, coming back with a box. 
“Let me see.” He tilted the box towards the camera, your eyes flitting over the different colors and shapes inside. “The pink one.” 
“Okay, hang on, let me-” He cut off, standing up and throwing the pink toy on the bed. He picked up the laptop and moved it, laying down beside it and angling the camera so you could see what he was doing.
“Did you stretch yourself, baby?” 
He made a noise that sounded like a whine in the back of his throat at the pet name, obviously pleased by it. “Yeah, of course I did.” He glanced at the screen. “You should, uh, take your shirt off too.”
“I thought you wanted me to tell you what to do, not the other way around.” Teasing him, you crossed your arms over your chest.
He pouted slightly. “I’ve been good so far though, right?”
“All you’ve done is take off two items of clothing and move to the bed. You’re gonna have to work harder than that!”
Huffing, he lifted his ass off the bed and tugged his underwear down his legs, kicking them off, his hand already moving to wrap around his already hard cock.
“Did I say you could touch yourself, Denki?” It was getting hard to keep up the stern act you were putting on, but you knew it was what he wanted. You wanted to watch him touch himself, watch the way his eyes fluttered closed when his thumb brushed over the leaking head of his cock, and the way he would bite his lip when he moved his wrist a certain way.
You could be patient though, so you continued.
“If I was there right now, what would you want me to do first?”
He stilled, blinking at you a few times. “I would want your mouth first, I think.”
Humming, you sat back, pulling your shirt over your head, letting him admire the lacey purple bra covering your chest. “You’d want my mouth on your cock? Trace my tongue along that vein along the underside and suck on the head a little?”
Denki groaned, closing his eyes, his grip visibly tightening around his shaft. He looked like he was trying not to get worked up too fast. You were amazed at how your words were affecting him, so you pressed on.
“I’d take you all the way down until I was choking on it, and I’d let you hold onto my hair and fuck my face. God, you don’t know how many times I've dreamed about doing that for you. What would you say to that?”
The blush spreading down his neck and chest made him look so pretty. “Ugh, fuck kitten, you’re killing me.” He swallowed hard, opening his eyes to look at you again. “I’d tell you how good you made me feel, but I wouldn’t let you finish me off that way.”
“Oh no? Tell me what else you’d do.” You took the opportunity to move to the bed yourself, pulling off your leggings and panties all at once. 
Eyes glued to you while you unclipped your bra and threw it across the room, he continued. “Fuck, um, I would...god, you’re beautiful.”
Flushing at the compliment, you looked down shyly, breaking character. “I’ve heard you say that before and I still don’t believe it.”
Denki scoffed. “If you need a daily reminder, I’d be happy to be the one to tell you, kitten.” You could hear the sincerity in his voice, and it made your heart do a little flip. “I might seem like a dumbass but I’m using this camboy money to pay off my student loans for my masters in English lit so I can quote you entire sonnets from Shakespeare without hesitation if that will help you believe me.”
Your eyebrows shot up, impressed. Realizing you’d ruined the moment, you sighed, covering your eyes with your hand. “I’m sorry, I’m crap at this. I really just want to watch you cum.”
Chuckling, you heard him shifting on the bed. “Okay, how about this? Forget the toys. Just close your eyes and listen to me.”
“If you were here with me right now, just like that, I’d spend so much time exploring every inch of you with my tongue. I’d start with your lips, your jaw, your neck. Collarbones, shoulders, your chest, those cute nipples-”
“How are nipples cute?” You interrupted with a snort.
You could hear him trying not to laugh, his voice pitched a bit higher. “Shh, don’t ruin it.”
“I think you just did when you said ‘cute nipples’.” You’d never had this much fun with someone in a situation like this. “If I had a dick, my boner would have just died.”
Denki wheezed, and you opened your eyes to look over at him. He was gazing back at you, his eyes bright as he laughed into his palm. “God, I like you so much, kitten.”
Your grin softened, your heart pounding at his words. “Me too, Denki.” 
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harfanfare · 3 years
I saw this post and I was wondering if you write Malleus' too, is okay for you to make that?
How to win a heart of Malleus Draconia?
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a/n: I started posting my writings here because I want to improve my English — so I technically wouldn't make this request. But! Someone on Wattpad (where I take requests) asked for the same thing, so I rolled up my sleeves and wrote this guide today in both languages. Enjoy~
1. Don't be afraid of him.
It is said that the first impression is the most important.
So when you first saw this guy walking through the corridor of Diasomnia, it was hard for you to get rid of that view from your head.
Illuminated both by the green magic flames set in the lobby, as well as by the moon, which eventually managed to break through the dark clouds and with a bright glow appear in the windows of the dormitory, he seemed... lonely and beautiful.
You shuddered as you took a step down the hallway and the dark-haired man turned to you. He measured you with his emerald eyes. And then you recognized him; all the conversations about the mysterious and fearsome Malleus Draconia flew through your head.
Everything told you to rush towards the hallway and run as far as possible, but a piece of you found it inappropriate. Or rather, no one would want to chase everyone away from themself... right?
When you realized you were looking at him for a while, you took a deep breath and nod slightly.
"Good evening, Draconia-san," you said quickly. After a while you added, "The moon is beautiful today, don't you think?”
 2. Smile a lot.
Today was a really wonderful day: the test was postponed, your favorite dish was given in the canteen, and for some reason, the last two lessons were canceled – your class had to make just a quick note about a topic and it took less than fifteen minutes.
"Something happened?" Malleus asked, seeing how almost in the jumps you walk past him. When you looked at him, he added, "You smile a lot.”
"I can stop smiling if you want," you made a sad face, but after a while, the corners of your mouth began to tremble uncontrollably and twisted up again. "Oops, I can’t. Today... it was such a good day... that I think I'm slowly using my life's happiness.”
"I didn't say that smiling is bad," he said. "You look so much better when you smile.”
"Oh," you sighed with apparent surprise. "Is it a compliment?"
"It’s rather a fact..?"
 3. From time to time visit him during club activities.
"Is this a class of the ‘Gargoyle research society club’?” with a deaf knock you opened the door. Malleus turned to you, making a break from browsing through the materials gathered in the library about the history of each of the gargoyles on the school grounds. And there were a lot of them.
"Yes," he replied briefly, getting up. "Do you need something, [Name]?"
"Not at all, my club don’t have a meeting today," you said, closing the door behind you.
You looked around: the room was as clean as ever, except for one desk, where were laid several huge volumes about statues in NRC.
“Are you here alone?” You said before you thought. You lowered your eyes to see Malleus nodding unconcerned slightly. You blinked several times trying to think of what else you could say. "This room... could be a secret base," that was the first thing that came to your mind. Malleus turned his head to one side, uncertain of your response.
“A secret base..? Why?”
"I have no idea," you admitted quickly. "But the very existence of a mysterious point is interesting, isn't it? Doing normal things, such as watching movies or just talking, seems more interesting in places like this,” After a moment of silence, you sighed. "You know what, this idea with the base is stupid”
"We can try," he replied with serious tone. You raised your eyes to see how he looked around the room. "But you'll just have to explain this idea to me in more detail. We can also tell Lilia, Silver and Sebek about it...” he smiled as if seeing your five together in his thoughts was a pleasure. "It will be surely... fun.”
 4. Get yourself a Tamagotchi.
"Look!" you spin a new key chain on your finger. You finally stopped and showed it to Malleus. "Now they are matching!”
A small electronic toy, in a dark green screen that, when it flashed, showed a virtual, pixelated animal. You were impressed with how good quality it was made, especially since you only gave the Shroud brothers a sketch of a toy that Malleus owned.
Your keychain was exactly the same, just a different color and with another pet.
Malleus pulled out his own device and put it on the table. He pressed one of the buttons and a small pet appeared on the keychain – a dragon.
"They can now be friends," you brought your toy closer to so-called Gao-Gao Dragon-kun.
"Do you think so?" He asked in a very surprised tone, but it sounded as if in a moment he were about to burst out with an inexplicably joyful and surprised laugh.
"Of course. Everyone needs a decent friend, no?”
 5. Gain the trust of Lilia, Silver and Sebek.
Lilia, one of Malleus' closest people. It is much more likely that you will meet him before Malleus. He will be very proud when he learns that Malleus has found a friend. If you become a taster of Lilia, in terms of his pastries, he will 100% like you, and at 20% you will leave the kitchen alive and well.
Silver, who has mastered the art of sleeping in any conditions. It's easy to get him into your plans, although with the craziest ones he will hesitate. Rather well-disposed towards everyone, he can cover for you when you are not in class— but he usually inadvertently falls asleep and both of you often have penal assignments after school.
Sebek, faithful to Malleus, if he doesn't like you, you won't have too many opportunities to stay by Malleus's side without a thunderous glances at you. He will recognize you if you will listen carefully to his monologues about his master and as a sign of your friendship, he will teach you by heart of all the titles and achievements of Malleus so far.
With this trio by your side, you can get a lot further than you might have imagined...
 6. Be a master in hide and seek.
You’d give your right arm that your breath was too loud.
You pressed your hands to your mouth as you crouched in the corner of the room.
From whose voices you already heard, you knew that Lilia had already found Sebek. This meant that you or Silver would still be helping cook dinner since Malleus didn’t come at the start of the game.
This may seem silly, but the ability to play classic games was one of the elements of the art of survival in Diasomnia.
It was thanks to games like ‘stone-paper-scissors’, hide and seek or tag that household chores fell on the shoulders of the losers. Lilia loved the idea, and there was always a proud smile on his lips when he saw his beloved children play together.
You heard the steps behind you and shivered.
Very slowly you turned around and looked up to see Malleus standing over you and wondering what you were doing, crouching in the darkest corner of the room.
Puns were also included in the survival pack.
Fearing that Lilia would hear your whisper, you put your finger on your mouth, asking him not to say a word. You put a begging eye into it – all but not cooking with Lilia. Not again.
Malleus nodded, recognizing the gravity of the situation, although he smiled.
Really, no one would want Malleus to be an enemy.
Or at least in such a situation.
 7. Do not hesitate to ask him for help with learning.
"In theory, you should focus on the space around you," Malleus pulled a wand in front of him. It flashed, and almost at the same time, a thin but incredibly strong protective barrier was created around him. “Weaker spells can be reflected. In turn, the stronger ones are better to block”
You nodded understandingly.
Defensive magic was not something easy to understand. Most depended on the person against whom the counter spell was being prepared. And there are countless people who walk on this Earth and want to start fights.
"Unique spells block or avoid physically," he continued. You nodded at every subsequent sentence, slowly feeling like all the lessons are eventually gaining transparency. “Using unique magic against unique magic, the stronger will win, both will lead to explosions or completely reduce.
He looked at you when you wrote down the last sentence in your notebook.
"I sincerely hope that you will only need this information in class," he said with a sigh. "If you need help, call me. I will come. I promise.”
 8. Sometimes be persuaded to wear extravagant clothes.
"Do you really think it suits me?" you turned around, looking at yourself from every possible angle in the mirror.
You were going to the theater in a few classes to see some era-related play that you've been discussing now in history lessons. Everyone, respecting the reputation, actions and achievements of theatre, dressed in their best clothes.
Malleus stood next to you.
He was already wearing a black and white outfit with green accessories. They all worked so well together and fitted him like a glove that you were sure that the whole outfit was made especially for him.
"Yes," he replied. "Everything you put on today suited you very well.”
Once again, with critical eyesight, you looked at the outfit, face and hair, before you quickly turned off the lights in the room and closed the door behind you.
Then you smiled at Malleus.
"We can go now," you said. You made your way through the portal to the main NRC building. "And... thank you for your help.
"My pleasure," he said. Under no circumstances was it just a polite formula. He really loved looking at you.
 9. Invite him to your birthday/party.
"Another break from school soon, huh?" — you muttered, leaning against the railing.
You took a deep breath and let the fresh, pleasant air refresh you.
"Are you going to home, [Name]?" Malleus asked. Green lights were still flying around him, so you guessed he’d just appeared here.
"I haven't decided yet," you sighed. "It would be nice to go home, but the break won't be very long... Ah, that's right!” you straightened up and turned to him. "How about spending another break together? As soon as I can, I will contact my family... although I cannot promise anything.”
Though he did not show it, Malleus' heart beat a little faster.
Spend free time? With someone? With someone he likes?
"Of course," he sounded less calm than he thought. He wasn’t often invited anywhere, even for the things he should have been on, so there was a lot of excitement growing in his body. "I don't see anything against it.”
 10. From "The Great Malleus Draconia-sama" to "Love".
"Ah, The Great Malleus-sama!" you sighed theatrically, taking from him a box of chocolates with a joyful smile. You could promise that because of this dark-haired boy here, you slowly become pampered. "Thank you for your generosity!”
Malleus frowned.
"The Great Malleus-sama"..?” he pondered, putting his fingers to his chin. "Did Sebek told you again to call me with this title?"
"No," you laughed softly at his reaction. "I did it out of curiosity. Maybe I could call you some cute nickname, hmm?" you smiled mischievously.
"For example?"
"By adding ‘-chan’ to your name?” you turned on your phone and typed something related to the nicknames. You started reading suggestions and struggled to hold back from laughing. ” ’Sunshine’, ‘star’, ‘flower’, ‘sweetheart’, ‘love’...
"I like the last one," he said, and the invisible force stung you to the ground.
"Would you like me to call you like that? Out of curiosity or out of love?" You laughed, but your cheeks were all red with blushes.
He smiled sincerely at your reaction.
"Hmm, I wonder..?"
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aliwritesss · 3 years
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~ Labyrinth
Pairings: Eric x reader
Genre: fuckboy au!
Warnings: angst, slightly suggestive, slow burn, swearing
Based on this AU! Highly recommended to read it before you start the series, but can be read alone.
1/? Masterlist
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-“… And remember! The deadline for the essay is in three weeks.”- You hear your History teacher’s voice but no one listens to him. The bell just ringed and that meant freedom.
-“ It’s Friday!!! Let’s do something fun.” You hear Kevin’s voice next to you. You thank the heavens and stars to have him in your life, you don’t know what you would have done without him all this time.
-“ What are you thinking?”
-“ Well… You know, everyone’s been on the edge these past months with the exams and all. So Juyeon thought I’d be fun to do a small gathering, only close friends.” He says with the smallest voice and you feel all your body tense up. If you knew one thing is that you couldn’t go to parties, not yet. Not when it’s been so long since you’ve seen him and you’re actually starting to move on. To wake up and not think of him.
-“ It sounds fun! But I think I’m gonna pass this time, I better start working on this assignment.”
-“ Cmon (Y/N), it’s been a month. You gotta go to your old self, I miss you. I miss us having fun.” It pains your heart to hear Kevin, you’d love to have the balls to go to their dorms and be yourself, to dance again till you can’t stand up, to laugh freely but you feel that the spark inside of you has died and you’re afraid that if you go, it won’t light up anymore.
-“ I promise you I’ll go back to my old self. You’ll get back your partner in crime, my little moon.” You say hugging him and exiting the class. -“ Just give me a little bit and you’ll get back your star.”
-“ The world better get ready once the moon and star duo comes back.” He says giving you one of his best smiles and you feel a little bit better. You’ve known him for so long and clicked since then. One day you two were in class and someone said you looked like the team rocket from Pokémon, always together being mischievous. And since then you baptized your friendship as the moon and star duo.
As you walk outside you feel his comment nag you in the back of your head. “Why do I have to feel so bad when he’s doing fine? Was everything a lie? Did he truly love me?” These thoughts have been bugging you lately and you’re starting to get annoyed. You thought you were doing fine but sometimes these dark clouds will come and shake you down. And it seems like today was one of these days.
“ So… Juyeon is doing a gathering huh? Do you realize that it means half of the campus is going, right?”
-“ Yeah… We told him only close people and Changmin said that meant around 50 friends.” He says, rolling his eyes. -“ Thank god we have Sangyeon and Jacob to keep him in check or else It’d be a nightmare.” And that makes you laugh because it’s true, you remember one night you were staying the night in their dorms and suddenly Sunwoo and Chanhee started arguing about the smallest thing. Sangyeon only needed to look at them to make them stop. It was so funny, you don’t want to mess with an angry Sangyeon to be honest.
-“ And… Here we go. I knew it.” You hear Kevin’s annoyed voice. -“ They’re asking me to buy drinks, it seems like more people are coming tonight. I have to go now bubs, but we should do something fun this weekend okay? Just the two of us.” He says while hugging you and you nod. Maybe that’s what you need, to start slowly coming out of your cave.
You start making your way to your dorm thinking about the million things you have to get done in these two weeks and you can feel your anxiety already coming. The pressure you’ve been feeling these past few days it’s getting worse everyday. And the worst of it, it’s that you don’t have anyone to talk about it. Unconsciously, you touch your necklace, feeling a little bit better. You look down to the tiny shiny star and remember the night he gave it to you.
-“ I’ll be your star, ready to guide you even in the darkest times, even when there’s no moon shining.” He said softly in your neck. You smiled at him and looked at the charm. It was a little star filled with crystals. Stunning.
-“ When you feel like giving up, remember that I’ll be here with you. Faintly.” Eric said, touching your necklace.
“Where are you now? Where are you now when I need you the most?” You think for yourself, It’s not like you weren’t starting to move on from him, which you are doing. But you were not forgetting him, and you wish you could.
You wish you could erase all these sweet moments, act like nothing happened. Act like him, cold and unbothered. Why did him have to play you? Was everything a lie? Everything he said, was just a trap to only have fun with you? You couldn’t trust your memories, it seems like you only could remember the good ones.
But what about that night you two had a fight on a party because he was with this girl, laughing and talking the whole night while you were alone? You still remember his words: “ Stop being a pain in the ass, if I wanted to hook up with her dont you think I would have already done it?”. And you being a silly naive girl in love, acted like it didn’t hurt you. Like he didnt had the power to destroy you in matter of seconds if he wanted.
And that was the reason you broke up with him.
Everyone knew you were his girl and god forbid anyone who dared to touch you. But that’s it, you were only that, his girl. He didn’t bother to put a label, you were there for him and that was enough.
-“ Eric what are we doing?”- You asked him the night you two broke up.
-“ What do you mean?”-
-“ What are we doing together? What is this? Are we exclusive? Are we truly in a relationship?”- You asked trembling, you weren’t ready to hear his answer.
-“ Not this again (Y/N). I told you I don’t want to talk about it and you keep bringing this up. I said you are my girl and that should be enough.”-
-“ But it isn’t. It isn’t when there’s a queue of girls waiting for you to get tired of me and drop me like a toy. And I had enough, I need to know what I am to you.” You said sitting in his bed.
-“ You are making me tired with all these questions. I said drop it, (Y/N). You know how I am and still chose to be here with me.”-
-“ I chose you bc you said that you couldn’t do this without me, Eric! You told me that I was special and-.”
-“ So? That gives you the right to be called my girlfriend?”- And that was the last straw. You couldn’t believe what you were hearing, it’s like someone snapped you back to reality. Like you just woke up from a beautiful dream and got hit with the true world.
He loved you, but not in the right way.
He cared about you, but not enough.
You got dressed and started to pick yoiur things while crying. You needed to get out as soon as possible, even if it was 3 in the morning.
-“Cmon (Y/N) don’t be like this. I got mad and you know I say things I regret later. Please let’s talk in the morning when we are calm, okay? Babe please-“
-“ Don’t touch me, Eric. I’ve had enough. I can’t keep doing this. I can’t keep falling in love with you more and more when we are not in the same page. Not even in the same book.”- You said putting on your sweatshirt, well, his sweatshirt now yours.
-“ Are you serious? Are you going to be like this? After all we’ve been through?”-
-“ Exactly, after all we’ve been through you still think I don’t deserve to be your girlfriend. And let me correct you, you’re the one who doesn’t deserve to be my boyfriend. I’m tired of your shit.”
-“ I know you’re angry (Y/N) but I swear if you leave this room that’s it.”- He said staring at you. You gave him one last smile and closed the door. It was so late at night and you decided to bring this topic up… That was a stupid move of you to be honest, but it needed to be done.
You can feel your vision getting blurry with all the tears falling but you don’t care anymore.
-“ Star? Is everything ok?”- you feel Kevin’s sleepy voice coming from the other side of the hallway and you let out a sob. -“ Hey, Hey. What happened bubs? Why are you crying? Where’s Eric?”-
-“ I… I- I think we just broke up.” You said hugging him and starting to sob even harder.
- “ Oh gosh…” He said quietly while stroking your hair.
And after that everything was a blur, you only remember him and Haknyeon taking you to your dorm and sleeping there. Everyone knew what happened because they heard you two arguing but no one could bring the topic up. It was typical of you two to argue, but in a matter of hours everything was cleared. But this time was different and both of you knew it.
This time the damage was done and there was no going back now.
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A/N: So it’s finally here!! The first chapter of this little series. Thanks to all of you for liking so much the AU and for telling me what you preferred to see on this series. It’ll be after the break up, but I thought it’d be nice to have a little context of why did the discussion happen and to see the dynamic of the relationship. Honestly speaking, I love Eric’s fuckboy vibes so much.. But still it pains me to see him acting this way :( I apologise for any typo or mistake! And remember you can ask in the comments or dms to be tagged and that requests are open!!
TAGLIST: @asherbl @fairycob @givememunjang
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lovinkiri · 3 years
Hi!! I saw you tagged Koda (the underrated love of my life 🥺) on your masterlist, so if you write for him then could I request some headcanons for him please? (SFW or NSFW, I just wanna see my boyyy🥺🥺🥺)
NSFW Masterlist ~ Koji Koda
Author's Thoughts: Our boy Koji! I decided to just make him an NSFW Alphabet as I love making these. If you want some more NSFW headcannons, let me know!
Also, if you ever see someone missing on a Masterlist, always check the tags or the Rules/Characters link.
Warning: Smut.
A = Aftercare (Do they take care of you afterwards? How?)
Sweet boy is so good with aftercare.
I think he's pretty much a switch.
So if he's taking care of you, he'd definitely carry you to the shower and wash you up.
Then its putting you in some loose pajamas
And finally spooning you to sleep, rubbing your tummy 🥺
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of yours? Of themselves?)
He absolutely loves your hands. He loves how soft your skin is and how good your hands feel against his
His favorite is probably also his hands. He loves being able to hold and pet and love you with them.
The best thing ever is when he's gently rocking into you and you intertwine your fingers with his.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum)
His is thick and comes out in large loads, enough to quickly fill you up with one.
And it definitely tastes on the better side.
D = Dirty Secret (A dirty secret of theirs)
Wet dreams are normal but sometimes, he can go every night for a week straight having wet dreams about you.
And all he can do is desperately rut into his pillow, wishing it was you.
E = Experience (Any past experience?)
No, Koji was waiting for the right person and he found that in you.
F = Favorite Position (What's their favorite position?)
He definitely loves to have you ride him.
But if not, mating press is his second alternative 😌👌🏾
G = Goofy (Are they serious or silly during sex?)
Sometimes he makes a joke or two, just to make sure you're still okay and comfy.
You've definitely had soft gentle sex with you giggling breathily between moans. He'd be running his fingertips down your ribs, kissing all over you face and whispering things that you can't help but smile at.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes?)
Well there really aren't any drapes, but that won't stop me from giving this man a trimmed happy trail of dark brown hair
I = Intimacy (Are they romantic?)
Koda is super romantic, always making sure you know he loves you with every thrust
J = Jerk off (How often do they do it? What do they think of?)
Very often.
At least once a day. Sometimes twice.
Its just he can't get the thought of you lying in bed and doing the same out of his head.
"Hah.. I hope.. You're think of me too.."
K = Kinks (One or more of their kinks)
Bondage, Praise, Light Degradation, Gagging, Mutual Masturbation.
L = Location (Favorite place to do it?)
The kitchen 😍
Fucking you against the counter just does something different for him
M = Motivation (What turns them on?)
Its so easy to turn on him.
But I'd i think a turn on is definitely communication.
Telling him your needs and wants.
Dirty talk.
He loves all that
N = NO (Something they wouldn't do? Turn offs?)
He can't share you.
He wants you to think of him when he's fucking you.
O = Oral (Would they rather give or receive?)
As much as boi l o v e s receiving.
He also l o v e s giving.
I think it just depends of the mood.
P = Pace (Fast? Slow? Gentle? Rough?)
He prefers gently slow.
But he has no issue with being rougher, he'd rather you just take control then though.
Q = Quickie (How do they feel about quickies?)
He definitely doesn't mind them.
He prefers regular sex but quickies are great in the moment.
R = Risks (Do they like taking risks? Do they like to experiment?)
At first, he's shy and let's you come to him.
But once he sees how comfortable you are, he gets comfortable.
Starts coming to you with suggestions of his own.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go?)
Koji can go for at least 2-3 rounds.
T = Toys (Do they use/own toys?)
He's only ever used a ball gag on himself, but he's not against trying other things.
He's definitely used toys on you.
U = Unfair (Do they tease?)
He's not much of a tease and when he does, it doesn't last long.
It includes the occasional "Hm? I didn't quite hear you."
"I'm sorry, did you want me to move?"
"You're so cute begging like that, Y/n"
V = Volume (How loud are they? What sounds do they make?)
Koji can be quite loud, letting out desperate moans as he chases his orgasm.
When he's subbing, there's a lot more whining though.
W = Wild card (Random scenario)
"Ngh, feel so good baby.."
Koji can't help but mumble praises as he grinds his hips into yours. And with every compliment, your cunt squeezes him so well he just can't keep his mouth shut.
Slowly pulling back, he can't help but snap his hips back against yours, watching you grip the sheets and relish in the pleasure.
"Squeezing me so nice and tight.."
X = X Ray (Length, size)
Big dick energy and I stand by that.
Eight thick inches of 🤤
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
He can pretty much go any time, his hormones are wild.
Z = Zzz.. (How quickly do they fall asleep afterwards?)
Can't sleep until he knows you're asleep, so it depends on that.
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lady-une · 3 years
They Always Leave
Tumblr media
This is something I wrote just to process my feelings about a guy. Nothing fanfic related at all. Honestly probably just a pile of emotions horribly written. But if you read it enjoy. It made me cry.
Trigger warning that this does mention drug use but honestly this stuff isn’t a drug.
Loud laughter and music could easily have been heard by anyone who happened to drive by or park near the crazy looking Toyota. For inside the Toyota held three friends, who were just doing their normal Scooby gang shit of smoking and listening to music. Their bellies were full having just engorged themselves on wings, cheese curds, and waffle fries.
The night was setting up to be a normal night for the trio, nothing to crazy. The only thing out of the ordinary was that a special appearance was to be made by a man who once partook in these normal nights. A man who’s laughter lifted one of the girls spirit. A man who did stupid shit all the time just to make people laugh. A man who’s darkness matched Alice’s. He was everything she wanted all rolled up in one stupid motherfucker.
When Alice had first met Caleb he was just some random guy who had tagged along with another guy her best friend had been seeing. Everyone knew of him as alibi, he was just some stupid redneck man. Not at all what Alice was attracted to. Yet the more time she spent with him the more that stupid redneck grew on her. She told herself it was nothing, chalked her emotions up to him just being a challenge. She knew he didn’t like big girls, he preferred his woman small and red headed. It was fine, everyone had their preference in a mate. Hell Alice had her own and this man didn’t hit any requirement.
But something changed. The playful teasing and remarks changed. She started to see him differently. An attraction started to slowly build deep in her gut. Small little hugs became more. Being so close to him that she could feel his breath on her cheek as they spoke silly things to one another about what they were doing. The urge to kiss him started to grow. The day dreams of him professing his attraction started to become recurring. The way he looked at her, it made her second guess everything. Was that smile different? Did he always follow me with his eyes? She started to ask around to see if anyone else had noticed anything or if it was all in her girly imagination. Some said he was just being friendly and a few said he probably had feelings too.
Alice had a way of showing her affection. Some call it a love language but in all honesty it was just childhood trauma and her way of trying to buy affection. To keep someone from leaving, because Alice knew they all left in the end. She had slowly started to gift him things. It started out small, a sex toy since he had been in a two year dry spell. She had taped it up with two containers of gorilla tape. She had joked saying it was to mimic being at a bar and having to work for that piece of ass. Then she had found out his favorite beer. Of course it would be a seasonal one, just like her who had a love of a hard to find seasonal liquor. She checked daily for the beer to come in stock and finally when it did she bought 3 cases knowing it wouldn’t last long but it would put a smile on his face.
For his birthday she had requested the day off work. The idea had formed to drive the hour long drive to his job and tape his truck up with clear wrap and then attach birthday balloons. Then meet him and his friend Greg at the bar for a birthday lunch. There she would give him his gift, a shirt. Nothing extravagant, just one from his favorite online brands that supported the troops. Yet that whole plan had been lost. Gone in an instant. Lies and deceit had caused her to part ways with her once close friend Greg. Caleb was a causality as her best friend had called it. Alice hated it, she didn’t want to part from Caleb.
The birthday shirt had sat days in her room at the end of her bed. Still in the delivery packaging. Alice would have just dropped it off in the bed of his truck had she known his address. Instead after a night of smoking and drinking she had finally texted him. Letting him know she had his gift, letting him know how much she missed him. With the dawn of the next day came sobriety and realization of how stupid she was. Quickly opening the chat she saw he had not seen the messages, this was her chance to right the wrong. With a click of her finger she unsent the messages to Caleb. It wasn’t until later in the day that Caleb had finally opened the chat up and saw that she had unsent the messages and called her out on it.
Alice confessed that she had texted him some stupid ramblings about the boxing match she had seen. A bold face lie but there was no way in hell she would confess her feelings to him sober. Instead she lied and then asked to meet so she could give him his birthday gift early. He had agreed to meet her while she was out with her friends. A quick drive by and it would be fine. Or that’s what Alice had told herself.
The margarita she had in the restaurant had calmed her nerves. The devils lettuce she was smoking had made her even more calm. This would be fine, she repeated her mantra “it’s fine” over and over in her head. A quick in and out.
It wasn’t long before she received the text that he was pulling up and asked where to park. She told him to look for the Yoda mobile and loud music. He replied back with a simple “LOL” and then she heard his loud truck before she saw it. Looking at her friends she smiled before getting out of the car with the gift. Caleb had parked two spots to the left of car and was climbing out of it by the time she reached him. The man wore his standard wranglers and brown boots with his KORN t-shirt and hat.
Alice laughed before nervously saying, “I should have bet on KORN instead of the fuck your feelings shirt.”
“That shirt was dirty, this was the nearest shirt.” Caleb replied with a half smile on his face.
Alice looked up at him trying to decipher what his eyes were possibly saying behind his dark sunglasses. A memory of a time earlier that summer where she yelled at him to take those damn shades off so she can see that he was looking at her while she talked to him popped in her head. To an outsider it would look like she was being mean to him but that was how they were. They would loudly bicker and cuss one another out with a smile on their faces.
“Well now you have a new shirt. Sorry I didn’t get you those jeans you wanted, you know shit just got weird and I felt weird texting you to ask about the jeans.”
“You didn’t have to.” Caleb replied as he took the colorfully bright pink Disney princess bag from Alice’s outstretched hand. He looked at the bag and back to her with a smile.
“Don’t give me that look, I saw it at target and the damn thing screamed ‘Caleb’ so I had to buy it. Now go on and open it!”
Caleb shook his head as he opened the bag up, sifting through the pink and blue tissue paper Alice had stuffed into it. When Caleb finally had the shirt in hand he tossed the princess bag into the bed of his truck and unfolded the shirt to hold it up and inspect it.
“I fucking love it Alice!” He shouted as he looked at the shirt that had bullets in the shape of a hand flicking you off.
“I wasn’t sure if I should get that one or the one with all the fish on it that said size matters. But Greg said to get this one.”
“Well I love it, thank you!”
Caleb opened his arms and Alice fell right into them wrapping her arms around his back and taking comfort in his hold. It had been too long since she got to hold her favorite person. She often dreamt of him holding her and it felt just as good as her dreams.
“Come on Alice, say your goodbyes. He is a casualty.” Yelled out Alice’s best friend from the back of the Toyota affectively killing Alice’s moment with Caleb.
“Casualty?” Caleb asked.
Alice pulled away but held on with just one hand to his KORN shirt, “Just ignore her.”
“Mmmhmm. How are things going with that?” Caleb inquired.
Before Alice could give him an answer her other friend yelled from the driver seat in his Yoda voice “Say your goodbyes and lets go.”
Alice looked from Caleb to her friends in the car and stomped her foot as she yelled “I wanna keep this one!”
The car of friends broke out in a laughter knowing that she was referencing a TikTok they had all seen hundreds of times. They thought she was being funny, they knew she had a crush on Caleb but she had meant it. She didn’t want him to be a casualty. She wanted him to stay in her life.
“You should probably get going, I don’t wanna hold you up.” Caleb said with a slight chuckle.
“I don’t want to. Can’t you stay awhile?” Alice asked looking up at him through her sunglasses. She could feel the tears wanting to come but held them back.
“You know I cant.”
“Please.” She begged.
“I have to get home.”
“Live a little.”
“I do live a lot but just not with you.”
“Same excuse every time.”
“Get going now before they leave your ass.”
Alice grabbed on to his shirt with the other hand. “I don’t want to.”
The tears were welling up inside her eyes, she didn’t know how much longer she could hold off. She hated crying in front of people. She saw it as a weakness. The many years as a child being told to stop crying or she would be given a reason to cry. Then as an adult being told by the man she was seeing that crying was a weakness and that she need to toughen up and that she wasn’t allowed to cry and be weak. She knew it was perfectly fine to cry and it was not a weakness. It was something that she told her kids all the time when they felt sad. That it was normal to cry and that you should cry and work through your emotions. Yet it was something she preached but never practiced herself. She had four kids at home to watch over, she didn’t have time to be weak.
“Thank you for the gift Alice, I really do like it.” Caleb said as he held onto one of her arms.
“I’m glad you do.” The first traitorous tear slip passed her eyes and she knew the instant Caleb saw it because his face lost all playfulness.
“Alice…” he gently called her name.
“I know its stupid. You don’t gotta tell me that. But I know the minute I let go and you get in your truck I wont see you again. All those plans we had will be gone. Who will take me to the gun shop to buy my first gun? Who will make sure that the sales man doesn’t take advantage of me? Who will help me learn to shoot it correctly? Why couldn’t you like me? God I sound like a stupid female right now. But we would have been great together you know. You matched my level of darkness, we matched each other in so many ways.”
“You know it. They know it. Everyone knows it. Everyone always said that we should just get together but we both would just laugh but deep down I wanted it. God did I want it but you just couldn’t get past that I was a bigger girl. Boy do I feel fucking stupid on an epic proportion right now.”
“Alice everyone has their preference, you always said we were friends because you knew I didn’t like you like that.”
“Of course I did because I didn’t wanna lose you. Better to be friends then not have you in my life. Funny how now I wont even have that.”
The tears were freely falling at this point. Alice could no longer hold her head high, instead she looked down at the ground. She couldn’t look at that stupid face of his, that face that she knew would haunt her dreams for many days to come.
“Alice you will find someone so much better then me. My stupid ass wouldn’t make the best partner for you.”
“You don’t know that.”
“I do. Look at me Alice.”
Alice shook her head, how could she look at him she was feeling pathetic at the moment. Crying because a man doesn’t want her. Caleb didn’t give her a chance to wallow in her own misery, he put his new shirt on the side of his truck bed and grabbed her face lifting it up to his. He lifted her sunglasses and looked at her tear stained face.
“Don’t cry Alice.”
“Shut up you don’t get to tell me what to do.”
Caleb took his thumbs and brushed the tears away from her eyes. “I’m not someone to cry about.”
“To me you are.”
“You gotta let me go Alice. Move on. It was fun while it lasted and we will always have our memories.”
“Do they teach you these bullshit excuses when you guys are in school? I swear it’s the same fucking thing just said by a different guy.” Alice yelled angrily through her tears.
“Don’t be mad.”
“Don’t tell me what to feel.”
“Then don’t act like a spoiled brat.”
“Then don’t act like an ass who is un-attracted to fat women.”
“We aren’t going to get anywhere on this. Please don’t be mad and please don’t cry over me.”
Alice knew she was being mad because she was hurt and that she shouldn’t be. She knew she should be enjoying these last few moments with Caleb. With shaky hands Alice reached for Caleb’s sunglasses and lifted them up to see his face. Caleb was an expert at hiding his feelings, years in the military had made him hard.
“Why did you do it Alice?” Caleb quietly asked.
“You act like I did it on purpose. I didn’t plan on falling for you. If you weren’t so fucking perfect and if your darkness didn’t call to mine we would be safe.”
“I’m sorry Alice.”
“Me too Caleb.” Alice whispered as more tears fell down her face and she stood on her tippy toes to give him a chaste kiss at the edge of his lips.
Alice tried to smile through her tears and pulled away allowing him room to get back into his truck. With him seated in his truck Caleb rolled down the window and said goodbye before pulling away. Alice watched as the man she wanted nothing more did what all men do…..leave.
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narrators-journal · 3 years
Black swan
Oof, I don’t know why, but despite all of my attempts, this part is particularly rough on the writing front. Man, I’ve really, really improved lol.
cw: toys, handcuffs, overstimulation, shoddy writing
Warning: here
Previous part: here
First part: here
The days after your deal with Gogol passed in suspicious comfort. You were happy to get a room instead of your cage, even if you had to share a bed with your captor, which was a bit awkward, but you still didn't trust that you were safe. He locked you in a cage in a basement, chased you down in a sick game of tag, and suddenly he wanted normalcy?  You didn't trust it.
So, you kept yourself on alert, just waiting for some sort of second shoe to drop. Is this some sort of psychological torture? He wants to watch me drive myself insane with fear and anxiety? You pondered as you cut vegetables for dinner one night. Maybe he's being serious. He might just want to have a normal sort of set up between us...or maybe he's planning something a lot worse than just watching me squirm. Your thoughts were interrupted when Gogol, as if summoned by your contemplation, wrapped his arms around you and laid his head on yours,         "You're so cute when you're being a good little Zhena." He purred, watching you cook for a while before he rubbing his hands up and down your sides, slipping them beneath your shirt and making you shudder slightly. Before you knew it, he'd spun you around and smashed his lips into yours, swallowing your squeak in his eagerness to grind his bulge into your thigh. He didn't seem to care if you could properly kiss back, his own kisses were swiftly turning sloppy in his over-excitement.         "H-hey, wait. Why are you so e-eager all of a sudden?!" you asked breathlessly when you finally managed to dislodge his mouth from yours, even though he just moved to your throat.         "Silly Golubka, you should learn when I'm horny," he chuckled into your neck, "I've been acting calm all day, but in reality I've been so riled up at the thought of playing with you~" With that, he caught your mouth in another hungry kiss.        "Well...c-can't it wait until after dinner?" you asked, your voice going up an octave when his gloved hands cupped your ass and kneaded the flesh, giving you your answer without a word. Your cheeks heated up so quickly as the clown coaxed out small moans and whimpers from you with small nips to your sweet spot and the grinding of his erection against you, but just as you were beginning to slip under your own waves of arousal, he pulled away, still keeping a firm hold on your ass, but leaving your hickey covered throat alone to grin at you,        "How about we experiment tonight, Golubka?~" he suggested, his tone implying that he probably didn't plan to try anything he hadn't already tried.        "What if I say no?" you asked, trying to keep your voice from being too breathy and lustful as the clown pouted,        "Well that's no fun, it's nothing you haven't at least dabbled in, I’m sure. I'm not about to let you fuck a dog or something extreme like that." he assured, "I just want to do something a bit more fun than missionary or plain vanilla sex." That made you huff, what he saw as 'vanilla' might not be what you saw as 'vanilla', but he didn't seem to realize that.          "Can I have a way to tell you to stop?" you asked, watching the clown's mismatched gold-and-silver eyes for any lies as he grinned as if he were an angel. Well, demons were technically angels. you reminded yourself, snapping under his nose to bring him back from whatever horny thoughts were making him seem so spacey. "did you hear me?"         "Yes I did! And yes, you can have a safe word," he assured, grinning as he watched you think his request over, your face occasionally darkening in a blush before you finally squeak out some agreement. With that, you were scooped up, thrown over his shoulder despite your arguments that there was still food on the stove and carried off to whatever he had planned. The room he took you to was on the first floor of the home, and locked. That was never good. However, somehow you were still not expecting what you found within. The room was on the smaller end, with a chair or two, a bed, a chest, and some landscape paintings decorating the walls. Without any other context you'd assume this was just some random guest room, but you did know the context, so you didn't exactly trust the unassuming set up. Gogol though, seemed more than pleased to bring you to the room. He tossed you onto the bed, giggling when you bounced on the mattress. In a flash he was on top of you, kissing you again, his hand snaking its way back under your shirt to grope your breasts until you made another slew of lewd noises. Pretty soon you were squirming and hissing from the combination of painful bites and rough groping with softer, arousing kisses and ghostly brushes of fingers on especially sensitive spots. Sadly for you, before you could hold onto him, the clown grabbed your wrists and in one fluid movement cuffed them to the bed.         "What the fuck?" You breathed, angling  your head to look up at the silver cuffs clinking softly when you gave a testing tug,         "We're going to have a nice, fun day of play, Golubka~" the tall, silver haired russian purred, a coy grin on his handsome face. And there it was, the reason for your stomach was twisting in knots like anxious snakes. You didn't need to know him personally to pick up on the sadism he oozed. Noticing your nerves, the clown ran a hand through your (h/l), (h/c) hair soothingly and told you a simple little safe word before heading over to the trunk at the foot of the bed and digging around in it to get some things.   When he returned, he had a blindfold and some other stuff you couldn't quite see from your spot cuffed to the headboard stashed on the floor that he was undoubtedly keeping a surprise for you, and that surprise didn't get any easier to ruin when he covered your eyes, leaving you to only be able to listen to his foot steps, him picking something up, and than feel the wriggling your bottoms down so your already pretty slick entrance was exposed to him. He hummed, rubbing your clit for a short moment to add hormones to the fire, stopping when the lustful heat reached a point that made you squirm and mewl. Than, while you were panting and slightly calming down, you heard a dull buzz, a rather familiar one, and your thoughts were suspicions were confirmed when you felt the vibrating toy being pushed into you. The feeling made you groan, louder when the clown made sure he hit your sweet spot with the filling, stimulating toy. With that, your thoughts of anxiety over him getting too sadistic were washed away in a sea of unyielding lust that was quickly growing. For an excruciating long time, you couldn't get that burning lust sated. Gogol refused to let you orgasm, relishing your moans and whines and small pleas and curses you let out while he fucked you with the vibrator. It was so frustrating, but you didn't want to give him any sort of reason to 'punish' you, you'd had a few dom's like that, using any possible excuse to hike up the cruelty, So, you kept your mouth shut and didn't try to order him around or anything. Instead, you powered through the pleasurable torment. Finally, after hours of orgasm denial, Gogol took the toy out at last. Thankfully, he wasn't so cruel as to leave you simmering in your own excitement, because soon you felt his mouth back on yours, than on your neck, stoking that heat in your stomach again before pushing into you. Whatever thoughts were still lingering were shattered at the feeling of him actually making contact with you, getting that satisfying feeling of feeling him twitch inside like he was that you craved for however long you'd been pulling on your restraints. So, when you, inevitably, got louder, Gogol muffled you with a heated kiss, nibbling at your lip or holding your chin so you couldn't yank away until he let you. Meanwhile, he slowly began to move, ignoring your impatient whines. Even if he was giving you something you wanted, of course he wouldn't give in to the rest of your demands. However, when you finally did manage to pull away from his kisses and breath, that air was pulled away yet again when the clown sped up, beginning to sprinkle in moments of getting rougher or faster, than slowing down to torture you further, until you were finally allowed to orgasm for the first time since the beginning of his sadistic game. However, he didn't stop at your orgasm, only picking up his pace and getting a lot harsher until you were whimpered and tearing up behind the blindfold as pain began sinking in amidst the abundant pleasure, slowly growing until it was starting to override the last bits of your orgasm high. But, Gogol didn't slow down or stop until he orgasmed at long last and was finally sated for the time being. And, to be honest? You hate to say you weren't enough of a masochist for that. So, when you were finally uncuffed and unblindfolded, you were more than a little sensitive and ache-y, but  you blinked and smiled slightly at him, still a bit doped up on euphoria. He just returned the smile and got dressed, letting your eyes readjust to the light before he scooped you up and carried your shaking, over-spent body back to the room he usually shared with you, making sure to shower you with affection and praise as he went to make up for the ordeal he'd put you through with little forewarning.
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The Fight
Reggie x ghost!reader
Summary: You hear the band fighting and so you help Reggie through it.
Requested?: Nope
Fandom: Julie and the Phantoms
A/n: This is my first Julie and the Phantoms fic, I hope y'all like it!!
You heard the voices before you had even arrived at the garage. You immediately recognized the shouting as Julie, Alex, and Luke fighting. However, it was the voice that you didn’t hear that caused you to worry.
You had been friends with Reggie since the nineties, you had even died together. That was how close you were, though, death hadn’t exactly been your choice. Being that close meant you knew him and his past well.
Back in the nineties when his parents fought you had always done your best to help him escape the raised voices, angry door slams, and side choosing. You had also done your best to mediate arguments in the band so they couldn’t escalate. Unfortunately what you were hearing was an escalated band fight and you knew you had to get Reggie out of there.
You quietly poofed in, grabbed Reggie and poofed out. The rest of the band didn’t seem to notice, which irritated you. You would have to talk with them when you got back. It wasn’t like them to ignore other’s feelings, but you were glad you were able to notice Reggie in time.
When you poofed back into existence, you were at the beach. It was the exact same spot you had met and fallen for Reggie at.
You continued holding Reggie’s hand and led him down to a spot right before water. You didn’t say anything, waiting for the soothing movement of the waves to calm him.
It was only a few minutes before he spoke, “Thank you.”
“Of course. I’m sorry they got upset.”
“It’s fine, they were just arguing about something silly and it escalated. I-it just reminded me of my parents.”
You wrapped your arm around Reggie, pulling him into a hug. “It’s going to be okay. They’ll work things out and when we get back everything will be okay.”
The two of you sat there for a while in silence watching the pushing and pulling of the tide. Suddenly you got an idea. “Why don’t we go to the dog park and play with some dogs?”
“Really?” Reggie asked, looking like his normal, excited self.
You smiled at seeing him so happy. Instead of answering you poofed the two of you into the large gated park. There were tons of big dogs running around and if you looked to your left there was another enclosure for small dogs.
Reggie looked at you, a big goofy smile on his face. “This is awesome. I’m so grateful I could kiss you!” He said, immediately blushing afterwards.
“I mean, this is a really nice first date,” you said, leaning over and giving him a peck on the cheek. He turned his face so that you were actually kissing.
After you pulled away, the both of you were now wearing big goofy smiles. A dog came up to sniff you and you bent down to pet it. You focused on making your hand solid and stroked the fluffy Irish setter.
Reggie bent down next to you and began petting the dog. Another dog, this time a boxer, came up to you and you used your other hand to begin petting it.
Soon more dogs were coming over to you. A bernedoodle came up to Reggie with a rope toy and dropped it. It was interesting how the dogs seemed to have a sixth sense for you. Reggie looked around and when he saw that there was no one looking he threw the toy.
Most of the dogs ran after it, but the goldendoodle stayed as Reggie rubbed her tummy. You checked her tag and saw her name was Moose.
“Hi Moose!” You cooed, rubbing her ears.
“Aren’t you just a precious little thing?” Reggie asked.
An all black border collie came up to you and you read her tag: Morticia. You smiled as you remembered watching the old black and white Addams Family.
“Remember watching the reruns?” You asked.
“Yeah,” he smiled. The two of you had enjoyed the newer Addams Family shows and then gone back to watch the old ones.
“Well, she’s such a pretty puppy,” you cooed to Morticia.
“She’s almost as beautiful as you,” Reggie flirted. You felt your face heat up.
For the rest of the date you spent a large majority of your time hanging with the big dogs, but during the end you went to play with some of the more hyper little dogs. There was one little corgi there who loved to get his ears scratched.
After the two of you decided to leave, you checked your watch and saw that the two of you had been having fun together for the last three hours.
You were a little nervous about bringing Reggie home though. You hoped that everything had settled down.
“That was a fun date,” Reggie said as you walked along the beach. He was gently swinging your hand and the both of you had bright smiles adorning your faces.
“It was a lot of fun.” The two of you continued to chat and you were really enjoying yourself, except for the fact that you were worried. You were nervous that the band hadn’t made up. You knew they really loved and cared for each other, but their fight seemed really bad.
Reggie, being the emotionally intelligent ghost that he was, seemed to pick up on your worry. “What’s wrong?” He asked after you had lapsed into silence.
“I’m just worried about the band. They seemed pretty upset.”
“Well, if they’re still upset then we can just continue the date,” Reggie suggested and you smiled.
“Good plan.”
“We can always continue the date no matter what...”
“Alright,” you gave him a quick kiss before proofing the two of you back to the garage.
You once again heard voices, but they weren’t arguing. This time the voices were laughing. Everything came to a halt when you and Reggie walked in.
“Hey,” Julie said, seeming embarrassed.
“Hey,” Reggie responded, his smile faltered a bit, but when you gently squeezed his hand he perked up.
“We’re really sorry we got so upset,” Luke apologized.
“Yeah, it was stupid of us to not realize that our argument was upsetting you,” Alex added.
“It’s fine,” Reggie said, brushing it off.
“No, it’s not. We should know better to not fight,” Luke said. You let go of Reggie’s hand so he could go and hug the band.
After they made up, he came back over to you and grabbed your hand. “I see something came out of this,” Alex teased, pointing a drumstick at your intertwined hands.
“Yep.” You smiled. “And now we’re about to go on our second date.”
Voila, I hope y'all enjoyed this. I loved writing for Reggie and I hope y'all have a beautiful and safe day/night.
P.S. I am open to requests, but it'll take me a week or two to get to them :) Please check my blog for the pinned post before requesting.
P.P.S. if you want to be on my taglist for all things Julie and the Phantoms, feel free to ask. I hope it works and please message me if it doesn’t.
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wrenhyperfixates · 3 years
How the God Stole Christmas
Pairing: Loki x reader Summary: Loki despises Christmas, and after watching the Grinch, he decides there’s only one thing to do about it. But you just might melt his cold heart. Warnings: zip, zilch, zero A/N:  So this is my little spoof of the original and best Grinch, starring Loki. Hope you all enjoy :)
Tag List: @lucywrites02 @frostedgiant​​ @lunarmoon8​ @twhiddlestonsstuff​ @lokistan​ @thelokiimaginechroniclesficrecs​ @gaitwae​ @whatafuckingdumbass​
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Disclaimer: Gif not mine 
Red and green everywhere, the same songs playing in every single store, silly little decorations in every nook and cranny. Yup, it was official. Loki hated Christmas. He couldn’t even place his finger on why, exactly; he just did. So, naturally, this was his least favorite time of year. Sadly, none of his teammates seemed to share that sentiment.
Loki walked into the common room only to hear the same carol that was playing in the last shop he’d visited. He gritted his teeth against the sound of his brother signing along. The Tower was just as heavily decorated as the rest of the city. If there was a Christmas-field version of something, you could bet one of the Avengers had bought it. And if they hadn’t, it was just a matter of time.
At least the sweets constantly being baked weren’t entirely despicable. Though, admittedly, even his notorious sweet tooth was getting a little sick of them. Right now, he could smell the aroma of gingerbread wafting from the oven. It made him consider skipping the cup of tea he was currently on his way to get, but he knew he needed it if he had any chance of calming down. He was glad he’d decided to go to the kitchen after all when he saw you were the one baking, flour smeared on your apron and face in an adorable mess.
The poor God of Mischief was still rather isolated from everyone else. He was trying, but by the time any of the Avengers had gotten over his past wrongdoings, he was sour towards all of them. It was hard to want to be friends with people who spent the first six months of his living in the Tower scorning him. It was also hard to call a place like that home. There had been one shining beacon of beautiful light during those early days: you.
“Hello, darling,” he greeted, heating up the water for his cup. “Those cookies smell divine.”
“Oh! Hi Loki,” you exclaimed, turning around, not having heard him enter. “And thanks. Do you want to help us decorate?”
“That depends on who exactly ‘us’ is.”
“The whole team.” He made a small hum of acknowledgement and blew on his scalding drink. You frowned a little, knowing full well that he distanced himself because of how they used to treat him. But you also knew they wanted to change things, they just weren’t entirely sure how. “It could be a great bonding opportunity. Plus, I’ll be there, obviously, but so will Peter and Bucky. Doesn’t it sound fun?”
Besides you, the trickster god found some companionship in the two aforementioned Avengers. They’d come after Loki had, and Peter’s endless optimism had won him over. As for Bucky, he had gone through much the same that Loki had, their common pasts bonding them quickly. Unfortunately, all his friends loved this despicable holiday.
“Perhaps another time,” he finally replied. “Next year.”
“Ok,” you sighed. “You’ll at least watch movies with us tonight, right?”
“I do not know. Perhaps it would be better if I did not.”
“Please,” you pouted. “Come on, it’s Christmas Eve. I’ll even save a special cookie for you.”
“Your persistence is as relentless as it is adorable,” he laughed. “I will come, but just for a movie or two. Deal?”
“Deal!” you squealed. “You won’t regret it. Oh! And, Loki, come here.”
You wrapped your arms around him, holding him in a tight embrace. It surprised him, to say the least. He still wasn’t entirely used to such signs of affection, but they were welcome, especially from you. However, he never was quite sure how to respond. After a second, he somewhat awkwardly wrapped his arms around you to return the hug.
“What was that for?” he questioned as you pulled back.
“You just seemed like you needed one,” you shrugged.
The joy that that gave him lasted all the way into the evening when it was time for him to join you for a movie, as promised. He’d put it off as long as he could, even considering just skipping and saying he’d fallen asleep. That would upset you, though, and you were the one person he hated to lie to. So, he made his way to the common room where a new movie was just starting. You scooted over a little on the couch so he could squeeze in between you and Peter. Bucky was sitting on the floor close by, and Loki had no doubt you’d specifically requested they be in those positions so he felt more comfortable. He was greeted with a few polite—dare he say, borderline friendly—nods and waves from a few of his other teammates. And, of course, an overly enthusiastic pat on the back from his brother as he passed.
“Loki! Glad you could make it,” you whispered as he plopped down next to you.
“Well, a deal is a deal, darling.”
“That reminds me, here’s your cookie.”
The little gingerbread man you handed him was decorated to look like him in his Asgardian battle armor. It was a wonderful likeness, all things considered. He smiled as he took a bite of the baked good. He tried to let go of all hate for the season as he relished this moment with you, but it was still lingering there.
“It is delicious, thank you.”
“No problem. I’m glad you liked it.”
You quieted down as the movie began and the opening credits played. Loki was already losing interest, and then the title appeared. How the Grinch Stole Christmas. A most intriguing title, he mused. Now that his interest was peaked, he watched with rapt attention as the animated film began. That grumpy, green fellow was possibly the best protagonist in any movie he’d been made to watch yet. He certainly had the right idea about Christmas. And those tiny little voices would have annoyed Loki to no end. It really was no different than what he was going through now, he realized. He thought it rather rude to call the Grinch “mean” though. It seemed to Loki he was just misunderstood.  
As he watched the Grinch load up all the wreathes and toys into his sleigh, Loki was struck with an idea. Why should he not be able to do the same thing? Ok, maybe he couldn’t get away with stealing from the whole city, but what about the Tower? It was his home, too, and no one had asked him how he felt about all this stuff.
Now that he had a master plan blossoming in his head, he didn’t much care to see the end of the movie. He’d gotten everything he needed out of it. So, he went up to get a refill on his drink. By the time he go back, it was over.
“You missed the ending,” Peter said. “Do you want us to go back?”
“No, it is fine. I thought it was perfect just the way it was.”
“But all you saw was him stealing Christmas?”
“Should I be worried?”
“No. In fact, I could use your help.”
Before Peter could ask with what, everyone was getting up and leaving the room, ready to call it a night. You fretted over the fact that he’d only gotten to see one movie, but he assured you it was alright. The matter wasn’t dropped until he promised to watch at least one more tomorrow, too. It didn’t make much difference to him though, considering that after he was through with the Tower, he was sure no one would be much in the mood for Christmas movies, anyway.
“You’re planning something,” Bucky said before exiting.
“Maybe. Are you looking to assist?”
“Probably not. But good luck.”
“Fair enough. Goodnight.”
“Yeah, goodnight, Loki,” Peter said as he tried to hurry off after Bucky.
“Spiderling, may I enlist your help?” Loki asked.
“I, uh, yeah, I guess. What are friends for?”
“Excellent!” Loki exclaimed as the rest of the Avengers finished filing out.
The more he explained the plan, the more nervous Peter became. It did give Loki a bit of a pause, but oh, it sounded like great fun! For weeks on end now, he’d been suffering through this horrid season. It was just a little payback to the universe. That was fair, right? Maybe, but it was not fair to force his friend to help him.
“Listen, spiderling, if you do not wish to help, you do not have to,” Loki said.
“This is going to make you happy, right? Like, is this going to make your Christmas?”
“Quite honestly, I think it will.”
Peter considered for a moment, weighing the pros and cons of this situation. “Ok, I’ll help. On one condition. We leave everyone’s rooms as they are. We’ll just clean out the common areas.”
“That is quite reasonable. Thank you, spiderling.”
The duo got to work, stuffing all the little decorations in their sacks. Peter insisted that if they were going to do this, they had to do it right, and fetched a reindeer antler headband for himself and a Santa hat for Loki. While it was on the one hand entirely ridiculous, it did give Loki a bit of a laugh at the implication of it. Him as the Grinch and Peter as Max, his reluctant but loyal ally. The thought made him smile a little.
Everything was going great until they got to the first of the many large trees in the Tower. Loki stood there with a cocked head, tapping his chin. Sure, he could try to do it like the Grinch had, but life wasn’t a cartoon. So, no, that would pose more of a problem than a solution. Besides, Loki had something the Grinch didn’t. Magic. Carefully working his seiðr, the god shrunk down the first pine, ornaments and all, and put it in one of the bags.
A little while later, he was getting ready to do the same thing to one of the last remaining trees. Then you came stumbling out into the room. Peter did a little panicked dance before slinging a web and sticking himself to the ceiling. Loki walked up to you and laid his hands on your shoulder, trying to determine how conscious you actually were.
“Loki?” you asked, rubbing your eyes, your voice a little slurred from sleep. “What’re you doing? Where’re all the decorations?”
“You tell me. It is your dream,” he quickly lied.
“My dream,” you parroted spotting the filled sack on the ground near his feet “So is this because we watched the Grinch? Does that make me Cindy Lou Who?”
“I suppose it does, darling,” he laughed. “Why don’t you go back to bed?”
“Are you going to put everything thing back, Loki Claus?”
This time the chuckle came from Peter, who was watching the whole thing play out from his vantage point. You were too out of it to notice, though. Instead, you kept looking at Loki with those adorable doe eyes.
“I... Perhaps. Let us just get you back to your room right now, ok?”
You nodded, and he picked up your tired body, using his godly strength to carry you bridal style and lay you down amongst your many blankets and pillows. You gently tugged him down onto the mattress with you, and he remained there for a moment, not exactly sure of what was happening.
“Do you need to talk?” you questioned, cupping his cheeks and seeming a bit more awake than you a had a second ago. “I know things are hard, but we all do really care for you. I really care for you. And I’m here for you. You know that, right?”
“I know. I will be alright, darling. Just get a good night’s sleep for me, hmm?”
“Ok,” you sighed as he got up. “Night, Loki.”
“Goodnight, darling,” he whispered as he leaned over to give your head a small kiss.
He walked back out to his partner in crime, who was anxiously awaiting him. Loki let out a huff. He knew what the right thing to do now was.
“So?” Peter asked.
“Let’s put it all back,” Loki conceded.
And so they did. It took most of the night, but they got every last knickknack and ornament into place. Then Loki did something he never imagined he would; he added even more. His magic made the garlands a little bit fuller, the lights a little bit brighter, and the trees a little bit taller. More little statues and winter scenes appeared on nearly every surface possible. Finally, he nearly doubled the number of gifts under the tree, adding his own to the mix. He gave a satisfied little nod when he was done, then looked at Peter who was beaming at him.
“What is it?” Loki inquired, though he knew the answer deep down.
“Oh, nothing. This was fun, though. We should do this every year,” Peter yawned as they worked their way to their rooms to catch a couple hours of sleep.
“Maybe we will, spiderling. Maybe we will.”
Loki woke up the next morning slightly more cheerful than he had in months. Ironic, considering today was actually Christmas, the culmination of the season he hated so much. Swinging his legs over the side of his bed and stretching out, Loki realized maybe he really was like the Grinch, and the only reason he disliked it so much was because he was so alone. And, like the Grinch, maybe he wasn’t appreciating those he did have enough. Maybe it was time to come out of his mountain cave and live amongst the people in town.
He eyed his Santa hat from last night, hanging from a bedpost. He picked it up and put it on his head, laughing a little in the mirror. He tugged on a deep green cable-knit sweater before he remembered the rest of the team’s plan to wear ugly sweaters today. He wasn’t sure what had gotten into him exactly, but he conjured one up for himself. It was a little ridiculous, but he supposed that was the whole point.
Heading out into the hall, he realized everything was dead silent. Loki wondered for a second if maybe you all had decided to go out for breakfast this morning. He sighed, but he couldn’t really hold it against any of you if you hadn’t invited him. He never said yes on a normal day, and he’d made it a point just how much he disliked Christmas. Regardless, he made his way to the kitchen.
“Merry Christmas!”
He nearly pulled out a dagger as everyone suddenly jumped out in front of him and shouted those words. Once his heart rate slowed back down to normal, he smiled despite himself. That’s when he noticed plates piled high with his favorite foods and realized you’d all must have gotten up early to do this for him.
“Merry Christmas, everyone. What is all this?”
“We just wanted to do something for you, Loki,” you explained. “Oh! And we got you a gift. Here.”
You handed him a small package wrapped in green and gold. It must have been convenient that his colors were also colors for the holiday. He laughed a little to himself, wondering how he hadn’t noticed before. He tore into the wrapping paper to find a small planner. You nodded at him, urging him on as he gave you a quizzical look. It had a bunch of events written in it, as well as which members of the team were attending.
“See, we know you don’t always come to our team events,” Bucky told him, “but we know you might want to start.”
“We have not always been the most... accepting,” Thor added. “Now, though, we want you to be able to come to any and everything you want to.”
“So we wrote it all down for you,” Peter finished. “This way, you know when things are and can just join whenever you feel like it.”
“Do you like it?” you nervously asked, biting your lip.
“Darling, it’s perfect,” he sincerely told you, tears of gratitude welling in his eyes. “Thank you. All of you.”
He was met with a chorus of “you’re welcomes” and “anytimes” as the room was filled with even more smiles. Soon, everyone dug into the feast that had been prepared, and the rest of the day was filled with merriment and laughter. Loki was surprised to see there were even more gifts for him resting under the tree. By the time it was dark out, the team was settling in to watch a few final Christmas movies for the season. Loki didn’t think he’d be taking any ideas from them tonight.
“Darling,” he said as the two of you were alone, grabbing movie snacks in the kitchen. “May I ask you why you all did what you did for me?”
“It’s like we said, Loki. We all do care about you, and we want you to be able to do stuff with us. They know you’re not a bad guy, you’ve more than proven that. For a long time they just weren’t exactly sure how to bridge the gap. But you’re a part of the team, and we want you to feel like it.”
“Thank you. You have no idea how much that means to me.”
“It’s no problem, Loki. Plus, you really did go all out with these extra decorations.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he blushed.
“Oh?” you said, walking up to him so that you bodies were nearly pressed together. “You don’t now, huh Loki Claus?”
Of course you hadn’t bought his lie last night. He laughed a little to himself now for thinking you had. But Loki realized something else, too. What you’d done last night, what you’d said, you’d fully known what you were doing. The way you’d pulled him onto the bed and held his face, told him how you cared. You knew it was real.
“Darling,” he said. “I think I do need to talk, after all.”
“I’m listening. What is it?”
“I love you.”
You pulled him in for a kiss, and he reciprocated immediately, smiling against your lips. Now he was wondering if he was dreaming. But no, just like last night, this was real.
“In case it wasn’t obvious,” you said, catching your breath, “I love you too.”
Hand in hand, you went to join the rest of the team. So maybe Loki’s heart didn’t literally grow three sizes that day, but there was one more comparison to be drawn. Because, you see, in finding his place, Loki realized that Christmas wasn’t so bad after all.
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mylittlemystery · 3 years
Tongue Tied
Summary: for someone who usually had such a way with words, it was a rare occurrence for Gundham to find himself at a loss for them.
A/N: I have a total of three brain cells remaining, and all of them have been starving for some ‘lee Gundham content.
Sonia glanced up from her book when she felt the mattress dip beside her, and a warm smile graced her lips once she recognized it was none other than her boyfriend. “Gundham!” she chirped as she marked her place and set the book aside on her nightstand. Reading could wait until later - spending time with her lover was much more important. “How can I help you?”
Surprisingly enough, Gundham was rather quiet. He wasn’t usually one to actively seek out physical affection, so this situation was already strange enough as it is. He rubbed his forearm rhythmically, multicolored eyes taking up a striking interest in the wrinkled bed sheets beneath them, and his typically pale skin almost looked like it had been airbrushed with a baby pink hue. “U-um,” he muttered under his breath, already quiet words muffled even further by the large scarf covering his mouth.
Sonia’s previously cheerful expression melted into one of careful concern, and she scooted her body closer to the other’s after a moment’s hesitation. “Gundham? Is something the matter?” she inquired softly before resting a palm atop his bandaged hand. “If there’s something bothering you, you can always tell me…”
“N-no!” Gundham exclaimed with a sudden ferocity as he snatched his hand away. Immediately realizing that he had raised his voice a little too much, he recoiled back into himself like a wounded puppy. “It’s nothing like that,” he elaborated in a much gentler tone than before. “It’s just...I...I just…”
Sonia found herself at a loss for words for a moment as well - she had never seen the ordinarily prideful man in such a state. She knew that it was impolite to pry, but she couldn’t bear the thought of leaving the other like this. “Just what?” she echoed softly, raising a hand to cup one of those flushed cheeks.
Gundham flinched ever so slightly at the unannounced physical contact, but he made no move to stop his lover’s advancements. “W-would you…” It wasn’t that he had wanted to pause - rather, it was as if his very voice had been abruptly ripped away from him. Damn it...he was feared by countless beings, both mortal and supernatural alike! He shouldn’t be so easily overcome by such a harmless request! “...Would you perform that mortal ac-activity with me again?” he finally managed to choke out.
Sonia blinked obliviously, taking a minute to recall the events the two had participated in during the past week. “Do...do you mean tickling…?”
Judging by how red the other’s face grew at the mere mention of the word, it appeared that her shot in the dark had landed. “If...if that’s what you call it, yes,” Gundham murmured, seemingly trying to bury his head in the protective cocoon his scarf provided.
It was safe to say that Sonia’s heart melted at this downright adorable reaction, and a tender grin spread across her mouth. “Aw, of course I can!” she gushed without truly meaning to - seeing her boyfriend like this was just too cute for her to handle. “There’s no need for you to be so embarrassed over something like that.”
“F-foolish girl! An Overlord such as myself does not fall prey to such trivial enchantments!” Gundham insisted in an attempt to recover some of his lost ego, but it wasn’t very convincing when he still couldn’t bring himself to make eye contact with the other.
Clearly, Sonia didn’t buy the act (if her bubbly giggle was anything to go off of, that is). “Alright then! Lie down so we can do this properly!” she instructed merrily as she gave his chest a delicate prod.
Gundham did as he was told, face practically turning into a radiator with how much heat was pouring off it, laying on his back with his arms crossed like a little beetle stuck on its shell. His legs began fidgeting ever so slightly, feet toying with the top sheet beneath them anxiously. It was clear he was nervous, but not in the typical manner one might expect; this was a giddy sort of nervousness, one a child might experience when playing tag with their friends.
Sonia definitely wasn’t going to take this opportunity for granted, and she took some time to relish in the sight presented before her. The Forbidden One was as red as a tomato, his gaze focusing anywhere but on her own, and his normally carefully guarded body was being offered to her like the greatest gift she ever could have imagined. It made a sense of immense humility blossom within her heart; she felt absolutely honored to be trusted by the other to this extent. Finally, figuring she had kept him waiting long enough, she slipped her hands underneath his shirt and began skittering her well kept nails along the seldom touched flesh.
It didn’t take long at all for Gundham to burst into a flurry of tiny titters, his hands instinctively lowering themselves to push at those of his lover. “Nnnnnh! G-guhuhuhahahaaa!” His smile was much softer than his ordinary sneer, closed eyelids wrinkling at the corners with forced mirth, and his laugh sounded much lighter as well.
“You have such a wonderful laugh, Gundham,” Sonia gushed without really realizing it. “I’m so happy you’ll let me see you like this...all giggly and flustered!” A few giggles of her own mingled with those of her lover’s as she watched his plethora of reactions, her fingers continuing their devious dance along the expanse of quivering flesh.
Gundham didn’t think it was possible for his face to grow any redder than it already was, but this line of complimenting proved him sorely mistaken. He turned to bury his head into one of the many pillows beneath him, hoping that this would succeed in hiding his atypical demeanor, but all this did was result in the earlier scratches turning to gentle kneading. He barked out a laugh as he instinctually brought his knees to his chest, or, rather, into his beloved’s lower back.
Sonia clicked her tongue in mock chastise at this, shaking her head solemnly as if the other was nothing more than a particularly naughty pet. “Trying to hide yourself away from my claws?” she hummed as her formerly adoring smile morphed into one of a much more devious nature. She couldn’t help herself - she took a great fondness in teasing her brooding boyfriend to smithereens. “Silly dear...you know they’ll just find a way to keep on tickling~”
Gundham couldn’t hold back his yelp of surprise when he felt one of those dangerously long nails twirl inside his navel, and he fell into a bundle of chest shaking chortles. Words certainly seemed to hold an immense amount of power over him, what with his frantic clambering to hide his face behind his forearms, so it was no wonder that these sultry laden quips were making him feel weak in the knees. Still, he had to keep his composure. He wouldn’t dare surrender to something so light hearted!
“That’s right, love. Giggle all day!” Sonia cooed as she gradually let up on the area, her fingers idly tapping against the still quaking abdomen. “My goodness, you’re all aflush! I suppose not even the Supreme Overlord of Ice is a match for the Tickle Monster…”
...On second thought, he was surely going to die here. Swallowing down the antsy lump in his throat, Gundham affixed the best glare he could manage given the circumstances against those icy blue eyes. “You...you truly are a wicked enchantress…”
An unusually dark titter slipped from Sonia’s lips as she batted her lashes down at her captive innocently. “But of course~! And now that I’ve got you in my clutches, I have to wonder just what I’ll do with you…” She raised her hands so they were now at her sides, fingers wiggling in anticipation, looking the other up and down like he was the tastiest meal she’d ever laid eyes upon. “I could keep playing with this ticklish tummy for a while…”
More deep chuckles escaped from Gundham as the scribbling on his stomach resumed.
“Maybe I could play piano on your ribs…”
Delicate tapping soon followed, earning the princess a trifle of squirming.
“Maybe I could burrow under your arms…”
Said action won an outright snort.
“I could even play This Little Piggy with your toes~!”
Though she made no actual followthrough to these words, Gundham couldn’t help but bury his feet into the mattress protectively.
“Or maybe…”
The Dark Lord’s heart skipped a beat at the sudden silence that overpowered the room, his gaze trained on the surely rising claws of his demise. He felt so utterly meek in this position, so inconsequential and powerless, and it made an unfamiliar feeling brew in the pit of his stomach. Perhaps this was what humans meant when they referred to another as being bashful…?
“I’ll get at that cute little neck of yours!”
Gundham was rudely tugged away from his inner thoughts by the horrid sensation of...well, he didn’t quite know exactly what it was, but it was enough to make him explode with powerful belly laughter. “AHAHAHAHAHAAAA!” His lower half thrashed to and fro violently as if his very existence itself was determined to escape this predicament. “WH-WHAHAT IS THAHAHAHAHAT?!”
“What, you’ve never had a raspberry before?” Sonia asked dumbfoundedly, momentarily dropping her sadistic creature act. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you look at things), she recovered just as quickly. “Well then, I’ll guess we’ll just have to make up for it now~!” Preparing herself with a dramatically loud inhalation of breath, she blew against the other’s typically concealed neck once again.
To say that Gundham was hysterical would’ve been a major understatement; his throaty cackles were reverberating off the walls with the intensity of a clap of thunder. “NOHOHOHOHOHOOO!” he wailed desperately as yet another raspberry was delivered, creeping up to the edge of his sanity, clutching the other’s long strands of hair weakly. “IHI YIEHEHEHEHELD!” he cried out at last. “M-MEHEERCEEEHEHEHEE!”
With this dire call for reprieve, Sonia ceased her consensual torment immediately. Her smile melted back into the warm one others were more accustomed to seeing, and she delicately rubbed her thumb underneath the edge of his jawline. “Oh, love...I’m sorry, I got a bit carried away,” she mumbled sheepishly. “I do hope I didn’t go too far...did I?”
Taking some time to steady his breathing to a level he was satisfied with, Gundham gently shook his head. “I...I found that to be quite...entertaining,” he admitted in a hushed whisper, as though he was uttering a forgotten secret, his eyes shifting around the room awkwardly. “Th-thank you, my bunny…”
Sonia felt her own face grow hot at the sound of the beloved nickname, not hesitating to plant a kiss of appreciation on the tip of the other’s nose. “Of course!”
Gundham sighed as he wrapped his arms around her slender frame. She was a devious little minx, that much was for certain, and he’d managed to get tightly coiled around her little finger...
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
Pooh Bear
Kal has a crush on his new babysitter and after watching her closely Henry has to now all he has to do is ask her out...Simple right?
Warnings: Swearing, Fluff, Slight Angst
Request: That’s so great! I was thinking maybe one where introvert chubby reader looks after Kal on set, when Henry’s filming. She and Kal become great friends, are always together, they cuddle, play, and nap together, etc. Henry might’ve secretly snapped a few pics of them. He’s happy that there’s someone else taking good care of his bestie.  Kal loves Henry but misses the reader when they’re back home. When they return to set, he expects her to be there for Kal but turns out she’s not working out there anymore. They thought her to be redundant and too much of a loner. This affects her because she always feels more happy around animals as she always wanted a dog but never really could afford it. Sorry for the stupidly long request…              
A/N: okay I did switch things up a little but i hope you still like it! And just so people know in england (or at least the south) 'A Salt' is another ways of saying someone is fit...basically saying he is a tasty looking man that you'd lick. And a 'nonce' is another term for idiot. Taglist: @being-worthy​ @two-unbeatable-beaters​ @thatgirly81​ @angelofthorrr @iloveyouyen​ @sofiebstar​ @thefangirlsblog​ @thatdamncutegirl
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You smiled as your charge ran around happily with the kong toy pouncing and shaking his head the rubber dome slipped from his mouth and bounced unpredictably across the floor. It was a kong original that was a rubber 'bee hive' shape hollow and stuffed  full of one of those ham and cheese sandwich paste. He seemed to love it as he darted around happily pinning it every now and then trying to fish out the treat. You loved this job! It was incredible you literally got paid to snuggle walk play and snuggle with the sweetest dog you have ever met in your life...His owner wasn't to bad either...well now at least. You sighed crossing your ankles and fanned yourself at the thought of the bears dad...A bear of a man himself, or wolf should you say. Was stunning he was a salt... Definitely a salt. You watched again as Kal frantically chased the kong as it rolled out of his paws. You were the proud baby sitter of Kal Cavill probably the sweetest Akita anyone would ever find. Currently on set watching the pup bounce about trying to paw at the pesky kong flipping and rolling away threw the scatty motions. "Wow Kal-ee-bear that's some shit paw eye coordination baby boy..." you giggled as he snorted still patting at the rubber and moved laying down against your legs stuffing his snout at the wide opening still trying to devour the snack of cheese spread. you tried giving him snack enrichment each day to calm him down before delivering him back to his dad. "Oh I'm sooo sorry your majesty~" you jumped as Henry came up behind you. "And what has his royal highness up to today I wonder?" He crossed his arms across his chest. you flushed flinching and clamming up at him as he stood to the side of you both with a grin. You waved to Kal who was gruffing at the kong growing more irritated when he had to work for his treat. "He er.. Is huffy over the kong....He couldn’t catch it and now he has, he has to work for his cheese" Henry laughed out loud at that plopping down beside you. You flushed, you admit at first things had been rocky between you and Henry. But now he seemed to hover a lot more he wont just come and whisk Kal away at the end of his scenes he'd stay and try to chat...He for some reason wanted to get to know you. You'd been confused unsure what to make of the hunk trying to get to know you. You’d been frightened and withdrawn but he didn’t give up he spent a lot of time just sitting with you talking about his day. He didn't seem to mind you were quiet in fact he seemed to like having someone to listen to him. You sighed wistfully realizing you'd let your shyness let this chance pass you by. You'd had so many chances to talk to him properly to admit your feelings to him but you hadn't your shy personality pulled you back. Today was your final day here sitting with Kal and you were devastated you'd come to have feelings for the big bear...and his owner more then you should have...More than you cared to admit. It was silly but you'd harbored a crush on the man and for a few months and had been debating on how to show but it was hard for someone like you...To introverted for your own good...Not that you'd ever be able to open up much to people. Animals on the other hand were completely different ,you preferred animals to people and you think Henry could tell but he was stubborn ,but then he had been stubborn since day one.
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When you'd first met he was worried you didn't have the strength to look after or control such a big dog...Kal was small for an Akita but he was by no means weak, he has had Henry over a few times in the past which is not to be laughed at. You remembered it well the first time he saw you he'd be the first to admit he was a bit of an ass...Well he was a complete asshole to be honest. Your mind wandered to your first ever conversation with the man.
"So did you realize he's an Akita? He needs a lot of exercise and attention...I need someone who can keep up with him and handle him when in a boisterous mood...not someone he can run rings around and overpower" you squinted at him and grunted he seemed put out and very full of himself; something he’d later regret. You'd took a deep breath and smiled trying your best not to snap or cower...His scowl was intimidating. "Yes I do...Look if I can help calm down a scared shire and pull it to a halt, and hold still a bull by its horns for tagging I think I can handle a little Akita" he had grunted at you in disbelief crossing his arms and scoffed at you. "Oh really? You did all that?" You growled at him getting a bee in your bonnet his attitude was getting right up your nose now you didn't want to anger him but at the same time you needed this job it'd pay for your van and get you up and running. "I was training to be a country vet so yes I did all that anything else Mr Cavill? A resume? Certificates I have them with me..I even know canine cpr and how to remove ticks if you wanted to Know that to" he huffed and turned to the others present.
"Fine she will do but one incident and she's not watching him that’s final I don't let just anyone look after him" you smiled confidently but inside you were bricking it hoping you didn't come across as a nasty person you wasn't...You were just in a tricky spot and you needed money...You loved dogs they were going to be your new career so this was a perfect fit for you...No customers or people just you babysitting a big ass fluffy bear. That had been the only time you'd really clapped back at him and you were proud it was rare for you to stand up for yourself.
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He'd gotten copies of all your documents you'd shown to prove you were capable...when he said he wouldn't trust just anyone with his four legged son, he meant it and you understood. You'd be the same with you own puppy, as much as you wanted one of your own finances were tight and once your business was open you wouldn't have much time spare for a pup of your own. Some of the others had rolled their eyes when they saw Henry hovering like a mother hen over you and Kal for the first week. They had complained to one another expressing that Kal was just a dog he would be fine. They just didn't understand. But as it turns out you had somehow passed his requirements and he had backed off trusting you to look after his son. You gathered that he checked you out fully and realized you had done all that you said, pulled out of veterinary school deciding the larger animals wasn't for you and were now focusing on grooming. And he had but that wasn't the whole reason he had been spying on you and Kal even when you didn't realize it.
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It had started when he came to apologize. You'd never know but he felt like a dick and had come to apologize for his attitude but instead found himself floored watching from a short distance you were cuddling Kal smoothing his fur raking your fingers through it giggling and kissing him every so often pulling clumps of shedding fur out of him. "Oh my! baby boy look at all this? you'll be a stone lighter once all this is out talk about a crash diet....Wish I could drop a few dress sizes just by brushing my hair" that comment had hit Henry's chest with a dull cold thud. You were beautiful why would you say that about yourself? sure you were thicker...but thicker was better in his opinion he loved curves the idea of luscious soft curves filling his palms mad him swoon! He watched as you giggled wrestling Kal to his other side before repeating. He was surprised at how much he liked watching you play with him it was nice seeing Kal so relaxed and coddled. Henry sometimes felt guilty bringing Kal on set he couldn't give him much attention when he was working so that was where dog sitters come in someone o watch him and keep Kal occupied when Henry was working. "You'll feel so much better after this...I will bring my brushes out tomorrow and give you a good tidy up! you must be so hot love..." Henry laughed as the calm didn't last long at the word brush Kal got up excitedly pouncing and licking your face. You giggled loudly as he pushed you back standing over you yipping but you didn't throw him off instead wrapping your arms around him and rolled taking the Akita clean of his feet pinning the large dog to the floor and attacking him with tummy scratches and raspberries. Henry's heart melted it was nice to see someone playing with him properly no holds bar! rough housing with an Akita was no mean feet but you managed. It was then he leaned back watching you a small smile on his lips you took your job seriously and Henry was seeing a different side to you. He had definitely misjudged you he felt even more of an asshole now.
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The final hurdle you jumped was when he saw Kal mouthing at your forearm playfully keeping the arm snug between his jaws and pulling trying to tug you back down as you tried to get up. Henry panicked heart stopping for a second as you hissed a little, people can perceive mouthing as biting. Before Henry could even think he moved a few steps forward readying to charge down and explain the behavior and pray you didn't take the incident further. But before he could take another step you had taken care of it and you didn't freak out like others would have in the jaws of a large dog. You simply calmed the situation down nicely and carefully with ear rubs making Kal release you and tilt his head trying to make you rub harder onto the ear. "You got such a big mouth Kal my love! mouthing like that huh? Just one overgrown puppy~" you finished by laughing and settling down onto the ground with him.Then pulled Kal to face you kissing his snout making him go all soppy again. Henry watched dumbstruck as you peeled back his lip and shook your head. "Lets had a look at your nashers...Oh? Whats this Pooh bear? look at those teeth! And they call your daddy a wolf huh? And your not brushing them are you my little fluff ball? hmm? well we will start that tomorrow~ oh yesh we will!...You like the sound of that huh? brush these pearly whites and make your breath smell all fresh! all it'll cost you is more kisses!! yesh it will baby boy! good bear such a good pooh bear!" Henry smoothed back the wig he was wearing heaving a deep sigh relaxing with a chuckle. Yeah that hadn't put you off at all now his dog had a fucking dentist to. Henry took a moment to calm down as he realized you'd known what you were doing. The fear for all dog owners was someone saying they were bit! but in that moment he was reassured you knew a lot more about dogs then your papers said ,you handled it very well. Kal had a habit of mouthing he always had since a puppy, sometimes he even falls asleep with one of Henry's hands in his mouth just holding it sometimes suckling like a tiny pup again...It was rare now but it happened almost using his hand or fingers like a like a toddler with a soother. But when he was excited he would mouth a little harder it was pack behavior but to anyone who didn't know they called it a bite. Kal seemed to like you and you handled him beautifully.
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After that Henry had meant to back off but...He couldn't seeing how you'd got Kal wrapped around your little finger had intrigued him...He was a strong believer in dogs having that sixth sense for people they could sniff out the bad ones. Kal had fallen head over paws for you and each morning got in a little tizzy waiting for you to come pick him up prancing at the door as you got closer. Henry loved how much pride you took in looking after kal and how far you went you'd all but adopted the bear. Fuck you were only supposed to walk him and play with him a few hours a day but you groomed him, brushed his fur and teeth daily even clipped his claws and filed them you pampered the dog with massages after his runs new toys and enrichment treats then had long ass naps wrapped around him. You were a nanny, packmate, cook, dentist stylist, nail technician massuse and all round mother to Kal and the bear loved it lapping up the attention and what Henry believed to be genuine love. 
He still watched but now for a different reason he wasn't worried about kal...He watched you, it had only taken him three weeks to become completely besotted with you he wanted to spend as much time with you as he could. He loved everything about you, the way your laugh made kal go crazy and lather you with kisses how you'd roll around with him no qualms about getting dusty and smothered with fur and the way you played and snuggled kal like he was your own pup kissing him and giving him the love he needed. If he was honest he adored the way you'd gone about it. Most dog sitters just sat on their phones with kal on the lead beside them and walked him when once a day. You mothered him and spoiled him rotten. And Henry loved and loathed it...Why were you so comfortable with kal and not him? Sire hed been an ass at the start but you were all past that now...Henry wanted some of you attention now but you withdrew when he was there. It was maddening.
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It was a week after he had seen you deal with Kals mouthing that you'd approached him he almost expected the worse thinking you were going to quit saying kal was to much but instead you'd asked if kal was allergic to anything. Henry to be honest was stumped, he'd never though of kal having allergies. He was concerned and began running all the worst scenarios in his head of what you'd noticed or what had happened. But you had shyly calmed him down saying you wanted to get Kal some treats and chews but didn't want to cause any medical issues. Henry can honestly say his heart had swelled at that. Henry in that moment had developed a full blown crush on you. He was floored that you'd take his bears welfare so seriously that you'd asked permission to give him treats. He had stuttered out that you could give him what ever that he didn't have any allergies and you'd grinned wide then began gushing over these strange yak milk chews you wanted to get him and a deer antler? Henry just smiled laughing as you forgot who and where you was getting yourself excited.
"Oh my god this is gonna be fun! I've never been able to get this stuff I don't have a dog but now with kal I can spoil him rotten thank you Henry!" And with that said nearly every day his boy came home with a new toy or treat. Henry found it cute especially when you'd given him a little yellow squeaky teddy, Henry didn't think it would last two mineuts normally kal ripped soft teddies to shreds but this one...For some reason wasn't chewed ever not even the eyes ,sure Kal would bite it on the squeaker normally early in the mornings to wake Henry up but it was a teddy he just carried around with him and slept on. He couldn't sleep with out it tucked under his chin!
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As time went on you found yourself having small awkward conversations with Henry he seemed to just want you to open up, to talk to him and get along. You wanted to but it was hard for you he was this huge hot alpha witcher male and you were a small dumpy thing. You didn't want to get attached to him, didn't want your crush to get out of hand when you knew there was no chance...He'd never go for someone like you slowly your thought began getting darker and more upsetting luckily they disappeared when kal nudged you almost knocking you over as you retied your laces he was waiting for you to hurry up it was time for his daily walk/run. You soon found yourself jog running along the trail with kal as he created wanting to go faster you panted and grunted at him waving your arms around as he pulled nearly having you off your feet. "Kal! I can't go faster!!! I'm fat haven't you noticed?! fucking lard asses can't got faster we have like three gears!" he barked at you as if to argue you scoffed. "Yes I know your daddy goes faster but I cant!" again he barked and yipped at you eager to go sprinting "No! absolutely not! I'm not letting you off again...Remember the squirrel? You promised to come back young man! and you lied I nearly had a fucking heart attack!" he yipped again tapping the floor prancing a typical kal tantrum brewing. "Nu uh! you did this if you'd behaved and not ran off like a race horse then you'd be let off and be frolicking in the woods like a pooh bear! But no you were a nonce!" he stamped again and moved capturing the lead in his mouth and pulled starting a game of tug making you swear and quickly hold it with two hands and lean back as he started bouncing back growling playfully. "Kal you little shit stop! no no don't-KAL?!" you growled and dug your heels in pulling back as he growled now wagging his tail at the new game of tug. "Kal Cavill you stop being a little brat this instant! I mean it or no peanut butter!...Yes that got you attention didn't it?....Good boy, right now thanks to you little paddy we are going back now see? You play up and we go home....Just you wait until I tell your daddy how spoiled your acting." he whined and flopped down you dropped your jaw at him scratching your head. "Wait what? kal no stop it-really? your really are a sulky little shit sometimes pooh bear....Kal come on up" you moved pulling the lead but he didn't budge you cried out in frustration. Kal just smiled panting at you making you laugh despite your annoyance. "How can I not move you?! putting my weight in it you should at least budge! I how're you doing this?...." you moved and sat beside him and curled over him trying to pick him up but nope he was not going anywhere. you sighed and sat next to him out of breath. "Kal come on mate! cut me some slack...I'm not fit like your daddy and if you wont listen to your recall then I can't let you off..." you moved a hand digging your fingers int the fur massaging him then leaned down kissing his snout he moved sitting up seeing you were upset. "You know I wish I was...Fitter then maybe he'd look at me or-or I'd have the confidence to talk to him back but..Yeah men like him don't like us plus sizes...Oh don't look at me like that kal there's no hiding the fact I'm a fucking chunk!...No matter how much I like him it'd never happen..." you stood up and kal followed licking at your fingers by your side you smiled patting his head. "Lets get back...And I lied you can have your peanut butter I'm sorry I said you couldn't it was mean...But only if you keep that little crush thing quiet okay? Good boy!, you keep that secret for me bubby" he jumped up happily you had no doubt this dog understood every single word you said to him.
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Henry had made it his mission to get one date by the end of filming...If only he wasn't this shy every time he tried you'd flush blinking up at him and he'd freeze forgetting his previous thoughts and just star mind going blank. And like a coward he'd stutter out a thank you for seeing to kal and run off tail between his legs. One time; the seventh time...But he wasn't counting, he came over psyching himself up. 'Just one date just say hey your good with kal and I think your really cute and want to take you out...Or just a basic lets have dinner' he nodded to himself and smiled fisting his hands by his side and took a few deep breaths steeling himself as he made his way to a small shaded area just off set and frowned...What was? was Kal laying on you?....He was! Henry snuck up behind you hearing the bear snort in his sleep and slowly stretch out one front leg across you before sighing loudly and relaxing again. You were laying flat on your back in the grass. from what Henry could tell Kal at one point had been next to you but had rolled over in his sleep tummy flat against your side head laying heavy on your soft tummy one paw stretched out over your waist, his back legs straddling your hip from the side.  Your hand was tucked in his mouth you were both sound asleep. Kal was hugging you and Henry couldn't help feeling a little jealous he wanted to do that...He wanted to hug you...He was being out done by his own dog...Henry smiled and took in the sight. He wanted to see this more often he really needed to ask you out ...He needed to get his ass in gear time was ticking. He moved quickly looking left and right before subtly snapping a few shots you'd be none the wiser to him having a new background on his phone. He quickly tucked his phone away and sat beside you leaning back on his hands and just admired the sight drawing his eyes over your form and flushed a bright red noting your top had rose resting just below your bust... kal had somehow nudged it up, Henry had to chuckle at the thought his pup was really putting the moves on you. If only Henry could be that brave. You moved groaning blinking you were hot...So hot what the fuck? had you fell asleep? Shit. You frowned feeling a weight on your tummy you flexed your fingers they were? What the fuck why are they warm....And wet your stomach was damp to....Eww!? What the hell- your being fucking finger sucked!?! confused you gasped and jolted tipping your head up. Fully alert and blinked a few times looking around then focused looking down and giggled. Kal was dead asleep passed out on your tummy somehow he had sucked your hand into his mouth and was trying to suckle on it like a tiny puppy. You smiled and sighed relieved that it was just a silly pooh bear and not some scary ass fuck tard moving your other hand up to stroke the sleeping pups head giggling when he twitched and snorted like a piggy and kicked a back leg out. "Oh my god that's so cute~" you jumped hearing a deep chuckle beside you and saw Henry sitting watching. Instantly you froze unsure what to do or say flushing and gulping trying to remain calm, sensing your discomfort he smiled kindly then nodded to kal. "Done it since he was a pup...Like a proper baby only ever done it with me before though think you may have become his new favorite human~" you flushed lightly and tried wriggling out from under Kal but stopped when he groaned and clamped down on the fingers in his mouth. You chuckled you were not moving anytime soon bot with out upsetting the bear, you shrugged to Henry who laughed quietly again shaking his head.
"I'm afraid you are now trapped here with me until the bear decides to let go~" you blinked flushing even more as his gaze bore into you. You looked back wanting to at least sit up a bit Henry was quick to intervene and shuffled closer sitting side on crossed legged and slipped the elevated knee below our head you flushed when he cleared his throat and his cheeks became pink.
"I...Err your-Its my dogs fault and I..." you blinked slowly and lowered your head to rest on the knee your. He smirked at you feeling proud f himself being able to pull this off somehow.
"I-I Henry if I get to heavy just say...Don't want to give you a dead leg or something...." he frowned a dark look his eyes going dark making you quiver slightly your insecurity rearing its ugly head a small voice telling you your crushing him. He placed a hand to your shoulder. "Your not heavy Honestly I don't even feel you there...It'd take around six of you before I'd even feel anything!" You flushed brightly but said nothing, he must just be saying that he was polite...To polite to tell you your fat. After a few minuets of silence and Henry berating himself he cleared his throat and motioned to Kal still snoring away, his voice lowering making your insides quiver. "Stolen my own pup I knew you'd be trouble~" you swallowed and smiled shyly up at him shaking your head at him with an impish grin. "N-no...He just likes me I think....He is a good boy you should be really proud of him the best boy I have ever looked after" Henry nodded thanking you then looked down at Kal still happily snoring. "And you the best babysitter he has had~ hands down I'm really impressed...I was wrong I never did apologize for being such an asshole when we met" You were all about loosing your mind trapped here under kal ,who would throw a fit if you moved him. "No no..I understand he is your special boy and a energetic little man I can understand the concern someone large and unfit showing up" he grunted and frowned moving the hair from your face making you squeak.
"Stop that! Your a beautiful full figured woman there's nothing wrong with that!.... and for the record it wasn't that at all that made me worry...Your small and I was afraid Kal would have you over and break a bone or something...Kal has he me over many times in the past....Either way I was wrong my worry is no excuse to be rude and I'm sorry" You flushed as Henry slowly eyed your form as he spoke, his blues glittering with something you'd never seen directed at you before but it was gone before you could decipher it. He watched unblinkingly at you finally you smiled and nodded to him breathing out a quick thank you, he grinned and moved a hand stroking kal patting his side softly. "But as for this boy goes I think he more then likes you...He has taken a shine to you...Think he has a crush~ not that I blame him as I said your a very lovely woman" you blinked smiling wider and somehow going a brighter red managed to slip your hand out of the bears jaws and wiped it on your tshirt using the moment to tug it back down. "You-you don't mean that I'm...Just ...Yeah" Henry frowned at you not liking the tone you used to speak about yourself. He went to argue further but grunted a little annoyed as Kal choose that moment to stir making you look away. You watched thankful for the bear giggling softly as the dog moved up off you stretching and yawning then blinked at his dad as if you say 'what?' you moved and kissed his head softly "Come on sleeping beauty time to go home I'm sure you can nap with your daddy when you get back" Henry chuckled as Kal huffed getting up and standing beside him. Henry wanted to linger, to ask you out to do something but any courage he had was gone the moment he had you laid in his lap...It was like a kid wanting something for so long and once he had it he didn't know what to do with it. He moved standing and held out his hand to help you up you froze  and gulped smiling nervously, as strong as he might be you'd have him over and it'd embarrass you to much. Last thing you wanted your crush to know is just how fucking heavy you were. But the man didn't give you much choice as he snatched your hand dragging you up and you were amazed he didn't even lean back or grunt nothing! just pulled you straight up off the floor like it was nothing and you swooned. Henry kicked himself for days over not correcting you. You were amazing and kind and funny and he'd do anything to go out on a date with you....Apart from over come his own bashfulness that is. he wanted to show you how pretty you were to him how much he'd grown to care for you just from watching you with kal but he chickened out yet again.
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You smiled moving forward to Kal already getting tearful snuggling him tightly saying your good bye running your nose through his fur Henry's heart clenched when he saw you getting upset he just wanted to wrap you up in his arms and hug you tell you how he felt but no...It wasn't fair to spring his crush on you on the last day...He should have told you sooner, swept you off your feet taken you out wined and dined you. But he hadn't and now he had to say good bye without even giving it a try, the only constellation was that he'd ask for you back next season. He watched sorrowfully at your tears Kal licked them away and you kissed his snout. "Now you listen to me pooh bear you behave..you hear me you be a good boy for you daddy and stop chewing them claws! you have a lovely set of claws and your going to ruin them and get stinky breath if you carry on!" you quickly stood up and Henry pulled you in for a quick hug. "I-er...I'm...Th-thank you for being so good with him he hasn't been this taken care off well ever I don't think!" you smiled wiping at your eye going red your heart was crumbling as you took your last few moments with him. You’d failed to keep your feelings at bay and now you were going to pay dearly for it. "No-your to kind....You do a brilliant job...I-it was fun good luck with the press tour" the conversation came to a screeching halt as you both debated telling one another but in the end you didn't each to scared. You’d turned and left tears trailing down your face once out of sight you held your head in your hands and had a good old cry. You felt ridiculous miserable and very very sorry for yourself. But whats done is done...Or not done shall we say you left shortly after needing to be at home there was a litre tub of vanilla ice cream calling your name.
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It wasn't until Henry got home he let it sink in he wasn't going to see you anymore. He broke down cursing and kicking out in a very uncharacteristic manner 'you were such a fucking coward! you should have told her'....He should have grown a back bone and asked you out but no...He held himself back yet again! over the next months he had stewed regrets piling, he replayed all the times he could of just asked you out, all the times when he had to admit his feelings the list got longer  each day. He missed you Kal missed you...The teddy you bought him was with him each time he slept no matter where Kal would wander off getting the teddy and used it as a pillow.
He'd sometimes just sit in his bed with it blinking at Henry, Kal wanted to know where you were he wanted to see you again. Sometimes he would bring it up to him and drop it nudging the stuffed bear to Henry with a sad look whining pitifully like 'wheres mama?' that is what Henry had ended up calling you...In a short few months you'd more of less become Kal's mother. You dotted on him and he you....It was Henry who fucked up! and boy did he feel guilty seeing Kal so upset he had even tried hiding the teddy a few times wanting his cheerful bear back but no that had been a big mistake Henry had left the room for a few moments and came back to a hell of a mess Kal ripping the place up looking for the toy almost panic. Henry had to give it back and since then hadn't got within three feet of it Kal guarded it with his life. Henry sighed he was angry at himself if he'd opened his mouth then you'd be here visiting at least! He could of tried could of build something with you but no Henry had been a coward. and he would not be making that same mistake again!  luckily filming was starting again next week so he would see you again! he'd been telling Kal that they were going to see you both again it was nice seeing Kal get all excited he had been depressed.
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And that was why is was all the more heartbreaking when he got on set and you wasn't there. Henry was pissed, he had been gearing up getting himself ready to see you again but you wasn't here...Everyone he asked said they hadn't seen you then it finally came out that no one was hired for Kal this time. You were a victim of your own success, Kal had been so good last time that it was decided the money could be spent elsewhere. It broke his heart he wanted so desperately to see you to finally ask you out for Kal to cheer up they were both love struck and both heart broken and depressed. After a week Henry had finally stopped pushing to find you resigning himself to the fact he wasn't going to get his second chance and he just hopped Kal would snap out of it...He doubted it though Akitas were revered for their loyalty and intelligence Henry wouldn't forget so the likelihood of Kal forgetting was slim. he sat at the table sighing he was down everyone could tell neither Henry or Kal had the spring in their step they once had.
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Everyone knew the change in the two was because you hadn't been there Joey, Anya and Freya were at a loss unsure how to make him feel better that is until Freya asked around the local village. She remembered Henry mentioning that you were saving up to be a dog groomer and she said something in passing about an Akita in need of a good brush in the local shop and bingo! The shop owner smiled and gushed over the new mobile groomers, a local lady who had just set up shop. The woman had rushed to the counter getting a business card and little leaflet. Freya wasn't sure how but she just knew it'd be Henry's bou. She was excited thanking the woman before rushing back to set.
Once on set Freya made her way right through it searching for a down trodden Henry. She was determined to help him out...And keep a secret at the same time, she wanted it to be a surprise. Finally she found him sitting at a covered table picking at his food Kal beside him resting his chin on the bench beside him.
"Henry? I have something that might cheer Kal up~" he looked to Freya with a confused look Joey and Anya frowned to noting the sly grin on her face. Henry placed his fork down wiping his hand and took a small purple business card and matching purple leaflet. He scowled reading it. Mama bears puppy spa?. He frowned looking up at Freya who smiled knowingly.
"I found it in the village shop window...Just trust me phone up, you can email to see? and the prices are reasonable...I think get them to come give Kal a quick once over might cheer him up having a little pamper" Henry sighed looking to the scruffy boy he was shedding again so maybe a wash cut and blow dry would help cheer him up...and stop him from waking up with fur in his mouth.
"Thanks...I think I might mobile one I take it?" Freya smirked nodding to him Henry was just to out of it to even
"Gets raving reviews...A local lady I think but seriously just treat him!" he smiled thanking her again deciding he might as well he had noticed Kal chewing his claws again but hadn't got the nail clippers with him and if they were going to come out here might as well get the works done. So that's what he did asked them to come out the next day as he had it off they booked as a last minuet. And that was where he now found himself sitting by the entrance of set waiting for a big purple mobile dog groomers. He was so engrossed in looking out for the van he didn't notice Freya Anya and Joey gathered a few feet behind him watching. Henry sighed petting Kal and wiping off the shedding fur letting it fall to the floor in tufts.
"God Kal you really do need this huh buddy? must be horrible going from silky daily brushed fur to now just once a week" He smiled rubbing Kal’s back dragging his fingers through the fur.
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Henry frowned as suddenly Kal lifted his head sniffing then quicker then Henry could react he sprinted off across the makeshift car park Henry jumped up shouting for him but it was to late Kal was off the dog ignored him running around the corner and down the long track. Henry’s heart clenched and his blood ran cold as Kal disappeared out of sight then he heard it large truck skid to a stop Henry screamed Kal’s name tears already streaming fearing the worst as he rounded the corner  drawing attention as he sprinted as fast as his legs could carry him and almost collapsed in relief he was okay! Kal was okay he wasn't hit. He was pacing tail going ballistic and jumping whining excitedly yipping and barking loud and frantic scratching at the door barking and creating a huge fuss.
The door opened just as Henry skidded to a stop sliding on his knees in the gravel hugging Kal who wasn't interested in the slightest still trying to jump up at the woman? He looked up trying to see just what had made Kal pee with excitement. Henry froze as a familiar woman stood before him and quickly caught a jumping Kal and fell to the floor with him and Henry as Kal frantically tried to bombard her with kisses. She crouched down and held Kals face still forcing him to look her in the eyes. He couldn't believe what he was seeing until he heard her speak.
"YOU! JUST WHAT SO YOU THINK YOU WERE PLAYING AT!?!" your shout meant nothing to the pup as he was lunging at you wanting his kisses whining  beating Henry with his tail stayed behind the bear shaking like a leaf still in shock he petting him he needed to touch him after that scare.
"Henry!? Who was watching him?! I'll fucking kick there ass! fuck I'm so happy I saw him shit... Fuck! heads are gonna roll!" Henry tilted his head looking at you moving a hand to cup your cheek slowly.
"Y/n is-is that really you?" you smiled now calming down nodding to him
"Yeah...Hi Henry...I er-I take it Kal is my client for the day?" Henry nodded still refusing the release kal even though the dog wanted nothing to do with him as far a he was concered his mama was here and he wanted his cuddles.You smiled and stood up dusting yourself off then looked to the truck Kal wriggled out of Henry's grip jumping at you making you laugh ad pet him.
"Hey pooh bear I gotta move the truck first then we can have cuddles okay? Can you go with your daddy for a bit?" Henry stood shaking his head at you.
"No he wont he has missed you something chronic...He has been real depressed" you looked down to the dog and smiled opening the truck door and motioned for hims to climb in.
"Go on then one quick little ride then we can sort you out you little scruff bear...You getting in?" Henry nodded watching wincing as Kal clambered up into the truck then jumped in behind him controlling Kal a little as you drove up and parked off to the side then turned to face the still yipping pup.
"Okay okay bear calm down here you want cuddles?" at your open arms the dog dived at you still wagging his tail how it hadn't snapped off from hitting the hand break you don't know. "So pooh bear is my last minuet appointment? For the whole hog right?" Henry was stumped you...You were different still the same beautiful woman he hadn't stopped thinking about but you were more confident. you were happier and you glowed more if that was possible. Henry was flawed now was his chance...Why wasn't he speaking? why didn't he just say something? you looked at him a little confused. "Are you err...Are you okay Henry?" you asked slightly worried as Kal began to settle now that he had his mama back he placed his heavy head on your shoulder whining quietly in your ear. "I just... He needs a pamper...A professional pamper so... could you?" you smiled quickly nodding then quickly scratched Kals back kissing his cheek making him smile again. "Absolutely! make your boy nice and clean and fluffy and I even have a cute little dicky bow for the sweet boy~ Yesh I do  yesh I do my precious little pooh bear! you wanNa look all snazzy for you daddy? you coming in to? Can give you some pointers then you want have to splash out on it" it was then that something snapped in him and he stared at you licking his lips he began talking before he could even decide what to say. "...But what if I err...what if I wanted to splashout...It..Splashout on you?...And you know have you take care of him again...Have you stick around..." you frowned blinking he wanted you around? you'd assumed he had found someone better to look after the bear when you hadn't been called back. "You want me to stick around and look after Kal again?" he nodded blushing and running a hand through his hair he looked at you and swallowed.Fuck it Henry man up! just tell her!. "No! I...I want you to stick around and look after the both of us....Fuck that sounded clingy...W-What I meant is we both missed you...We have-Kal has been depressed...That fucking teddy! the bear you gave him he has been carrying it whining with it...Looking to me sulking he wanted me to find you again...I was such an ass i got him all excited to see you again and then you wasn't here he-we were both upset...A-and I want to see you...like see you" "You want me to...I don't understand...You don't want me to dogsit? Or you want me to dogsit again?" he sighed he was really ballsing this up. He tilted his head at you and moved to stroke Kals back calming himself down it was now or never Henry don’t let her escape again just Take the bull by the horns your meant to be a fucking witcher! superman and you cant even tell her you like her. he closed his eye and spoke with a low firm voice. "I want you here! I missed you and when I got home I was kicking myself....Y/n I have a- I was super excited to see you again but your not here and I...We need you...You were right Kal has a crush on you! A crush?...He's fucking in love with you and he was depressed without you! Missed you so much" you blinked looking from the dog to Henry "Kal...Loves me?" Henry nodded biting his bottom lip he sighed he could do this...He could do this just ask! just tell you. He smiled sweetly smoothing his hand over his face watching at you glanced at him weary. Then held up a hand then let it fall to his thigh. "Well yes very very much and he missed you terribly.... And he wants to spend time with you again and talk...Get to know you better and got out for walks, coffee ,maybe dinner? and I-I'm fucking this up shit..." you blinked gasping quietly l finally catching up with him you smiled shyly before speaking in a small voice. "Are...Are we still talking about Kal Henry?" you held your breath regretting the words as soon as they left your mouth maybe your hopes were to high? Were you reading to much into this?.   "No were not I..Please would-If you don't mind..And you don't have to! but I...Would you go out with me?...For Kal! He needs a woman around! he needs his Mama-NO NOT LIKE ERR SHIT FUCK!" you flushed blushing deep as Henry panicked covering his face embarrassed muttering trying to dig himself out of the hole he had dug. You giggled at him and smiled really embarrassed and moved to Kal peeking at him. Then spoke in a clear voice halting Henry's waffling. "Kal?~...Ha-have you been telling your daddy on me?~ you know when I told you I had a crush on him it was supposed to be a secret!" Henry snapped his head up to you blinking as if still taking in the information then a huge grin split across his face. "You have a crush on- fuck yes!" he leaned over to you before you could move he pressed Kals head out of the way and captured your lips you gasped making him smirk and quickly dart into your mouth. Henry smiled tilting his head you moaned l softly as he pressed you further back twisting his head suckling and thrusting back and forth trying to coax your tongue from your mouth. Then it was brought to an abrupt end as Kal lifted his head snout bumping into you chin snapping your jaw shut biting Henry's tongue. You quickly opened your mouth as he hissed and grunted jolting back with a laugh as almost immediately Kal gave him a look thag clearly said 'my mama' then began kissing your cheeks himself. Henry rolled his eyes poking out his tongue touching it with the pad of his finger checking for blood he smiled when there was none then spoke in a deep tone almost scolding to the pup snuggling into your neck hiding fro his dad.
"Kal....Son? You know your gonna have to share your Mama with me...I am your dad.."you chuckled leaning back looking to Henry as Kal continued to hide.
"Soo you..er you want to get lunch? Maybe after I sort out Kal?...He should have a nap after a good bath." Henry grinned wide nodding to you he was over the moon. "I'd love that! Maybe get a rerun of that kiss....Minus the jealous bear" you wriggled your eyebrows at him.
"Nah! Don’t have to wait that long! We can kiss when Kals safely leashed in the bath!" Kal suddenly pulled back wide eyed looking back and froth between you both making Henry laugh.
"Oh yes I forgot the bear doesn't like his baths" you giggled at him.
"Oh well you definitely need to be there with me...for moral support" he smiled wickedly before looking to Kal who was suddenly uncomfortable with the looks he was receiving. 
"Kal-e-bear time for a bath~" the dogs ears went down flat against his head as he sensed his parents were indeed going to wrestling him into a bath.
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