#[[ If he also had a British accent I would have DIED ]]
irritableteadrinker · 8 months
;; So I thought I was finally free from Gen.shin Impact...
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Then the BASTARDS had to bring out a new husbando.
Well dressed, heavily scarred, tea obsessed prison warden?
I cannot say no. My wallet is ready for his banner.
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audhd-nightwing · 8 months
okay so like
bruce’s parents died when he was eight, and from then on he was raised by alfred, correct? and alfred had been taking care of bruce since he was four
what i’m getting at here is: bruce would absolutely have a slight british accent that he unconsciously picked up from alfred
i mean like aside from classmates and teachers, alfred is who bruce spent the most time with
i just think we should acknowledge bruce would have a slight british accent is all. like it seriously doesn’t change anything but i want it to be talked about. please
of course bruce can do a bunch of different voices and accents, but this is when he’s just speaking normally (mostly among the batfam)
he also definitely uses the british word for things (lift instead of elevator, rubbish instead of trash, etc.)
no one would really question it because he’s rich and fancy, and it’s a sort of posh accent
but i want the batkids to joke about it (not when alfred is around tho)
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snaileer · 3 months
Time Unsolved
Dp Unsolved
“Today on Buzzfeed unsolved we cover the Timely Disappearance of Charles T. Williamsworth.”
Danny slurped loudly on his drink as the intro played. Was he maybe crazy for watching a Buzzfeed Unsolved True Crime alone, at night? Maybe.
But Danny had been attacked by ghosts. What was a human gonna do that Skulker couldn’t?
“What a name!” Shane cut it immediately, yellow words typing themself across the screen. Ryan laughed.
“‘Ello, yes, my name is Sir Charles T. Williamsworth, how art thou Ah yes, jolly good!” Shane mimicked with a horrifically bad posh British accent.
Ryan laughed harder, “We’ve been to London, they don’t sound like that!” He said between laughs.
“Uh, /he does! There’s no way a man with a name like that is not ‘mm yes I will take a spot of tea with my biscuit thank you.’ I’m calling it, he definitely talked like that!”
Danny smiled at the antics as Ryan wheezed, “Well it’s too bad we’ll never know for sure then isn’t it, what with his disappearance, y’know what we’re actually here to talk about.”
“That’s okay. /I’ll know. I know my buddy Charles.”
“Alright then.”
The screen was lit up with an image of a man on a black backdrop.
“The Williamsworths were a French-German family who moved to Biel, Switzerland in early 1914, just months before the largest war in European history kicked off.
They were one of the lucky few families to have left France before the war broke out…”
“Oh a family moving, that’s suspicious now?” Shane cut in.
“Well, it was right before World War 1, I mean the timing is kind of suspicious.” Ryan replied in blue.
-People move, Ryan.-
-Okay, okay, it’s just the facts of the case,.-
Danny rolled his eyes, ready for the story to continue.
The images came back.
“This move would evidently prove to be quite fortunate for the family for obvious reasons. However, it also led Charles to find his true passion: … Watchmaking.”
There was a pause as a map of Switzerland came on screen. “Biel, the town that Charles would live in for the majority of his recorded younger life, was known for watchmaking, being one of several in the heart of an area named ‘Watch Valley.’ “
-You ever own a Swiss watch?-
-Heard they’re good. Reeeal good.-
“Charles would reportedly develop a passion for clocks, watches, and timepieces in general, only getting more entrenched in his obsession over time.”
The image of the man now shifted to be overlaid on a map.
“By the time the First World War was over, Charles had gained an ostentatious apprenticeship under one of the premiere watchmakers of the time, Max Stührling. This lasted until Stührling’s death in 1938, after which Charles vanished from any records for two years.”
-Well y’know, his mentor had just died. -Maybe he wanted to grieve. Y’know curl up in his room and not see anybody for a bit.-
Ryan laughed, -2 years, he was crying in his room for 2 years and nobody found him?-
-Well, it’s not like records were great back then, I mean what are you gonna write on the census… just.. like..-
-Loud weeping heard from inside. One resident. Unnamed.-
“The next time Charles T. Williamsworth appears on record, it is in the back of a photo from France in 1940. Showing Williamsworth standing in front of a watch shop wearing dark clothes, a distinct pocket watch, and looking into the camera.”
The black and white image appears on screen, zooming in on the background figure. Danny tilts his head at it, something about it niggling at him.
“The shop and its owner would go on to be infamous within the town for the duration of the Second World War. Charles was unwillingly drafted in the summer of 1941, serving on the front lines for no more than 3 months before sustaining a wound to his face, leaving him with damaged eyesight, facial scarring, and a medical discharge.
He returned to his shop soon after.”
Danny frowned at the mention of what the man had probably gone through.
“With later evidence statements regarding Charles stating that he was an ‘odd man. He never mentioned the war, leaving it behind once he was not forced to be a part of it. He seemed to be separate from it all, he only cared for his watches.’
This sense of separation would extend to his shop, as when the town was bombed in 1944 leading up to D-day, his shop was left miraculously unharmed. It was reportedly open the very next day.”
-I can appreciate the dedication- Shane says in yellow.
-Yeah, I mean, the morning after is a bit soon, but he did really love watches. If he didn’t have to, I guess he wasn’t gonna close his shop.-
-He’s advertising, ‘Sure you were almost killed in a fiery explosion, but look! I’ve got new watches!’-
Ryan laughs.
“Over the next 50 years, Charles T. Williamsworth would disappear from records repeatedly, sometimes for months, only present on seven censuses between 1952 and 1979. Despite this, the clock shop was never sold, remaining in wait for its master’s return.”
Multiple pictures of pocket watches came onscreen. “It became known in the surrounding area for especially good pocket watches and grandfather clocks. Each personally made using Swiss essemblage practices, often engraved.
While it was a place of prestige, some described the shop as having ‘an unbearably loud sound of ticking, as if a thousand clocks were set to the same second.’
Apparently, Charles ‘seemed to enjoy the sound, often standing in the front room when no one was present. He was able to pick out one clock if it was off time.’ Witnesses stated.”
It cut to showing Shane and Ryan at their table.
“God, I can’t imagine. That’d drive me crazy.” Shane said, shaking his head.
“Yeah, I don’t know, a thousand clocks at the same time? Just..” Ryan looked back and forth frantically, as if there were sounds from every direction, “I’d go nuts pretty fast, I can’t even handle one sometimes.”
“I’d just go off and punch one of the clocks, just- RAAAH and -oh my god is that where that comes from?! I’m gonna punch your clock? Or like you clock somebody!?! Oh my god I never realized that!”
Danny’s jaw drops at the realization as Ryan laughs. Shane looks to be losing his mind as well.
“However, Charles’ most notable disappearance was his last.”
Dramatic music played as Danny zoned back in.
“Due to his frequency of vanishing for extended periods of time, it is unknown when exactly Charles disappeared. The last definite sighting of Charles T. Williamsworth was late at night on April 23rd, 1999, when neighborhood patrolman, Elliot Dubois, noticed him locking the door to his shop with its lights still on. Elliot, concerned for the safety of the elderly man, questioned him but eventually allowed Charles to leave, noting that he turned down a road that only led into the woods outside of town.
Two weeks later, 12 year old James Chappellè, a mailboy in the area, noted during his morning run on May 7 that mail had begun to pile up in front of the shop’s door.
Something that had never happened before.”
The word ‘before’ faded into red.
“It reached such a point that the mail system declared they would no longer deliver, as they couldn’t guarantee it wouldn’t be stolen.
At this point, the police got involved and the case was assigned to Detective Jacob Laurent.
It turned out to be a more difficult case than first expected, as when they looked into Charles’ past, they were unable to turn up any such notable documents as a birth certificate nor any document containing a birthdate.
But when police entered the shop on May 10th, they found it largely empty, with only the shelves, register, and equipment left remaining between the front and back room.
It should be noted that there was still money in the register, and a light on in the back though the other bulbs for the front seemed to have been burnt out.
Upon entering the living space above the shop, it was found to be covered in dust, and all of Charles’ clothes and belongings still present.
Rather, there was evidence that Charles largely slept in his shop, with a cot beside his workbench.
A workbench that, upon police entry, only held one gold pocketwatch, personally engraved with the initials ‘C. W.’ As it was known for Charles to always carry the pocketwatch, he was officially declared missing and possibly presumed dead.
The watch’s presence also led detective Laurent to suspect foul play.
However, despite the declaration of foul play, the police did not extensively search the town woods, citing the size and density of the forest.”
The video cut to Shane staring at Ryan, face deadpan. Ryan was clearly trying to hold back laughs.
“So… let me get this straight… an old man who’s… how old at this point exactly?”
Ryan laughs, “Nobody knows, there’s no known birthday-“
“That’s weird too, but okay, let’s say he’s like what, at least 95? I mean… there’s a certain age that like if you disappear… ..eh.” Shane shrugged.
Ryan looked at him incredulously, “Eh??”
“Yeah,” Shane shrugged again, “Eh.”
“I mean… y’know… old people wander into the woods sometimes, maybe he just went for a walk and got lost. At that age… death has gotta be around every corner, I mean come on!”
Ryan wheezed into his elbow.
Danny laughed quietly.
Once Ryan calmed down, he organized the file, clipping it down on the table, “So! With the story finished, let’s get into the theories,”
Shane rolled his eyes, “Oh god this is gonna be one of yours isn’t it? What ghosts are abducting people now?”
Danny smiled, briefly considering how much effort it would take to go haunt Shane all the way in LA.
“The first theory is that Charles T. Williamsworth was involved with the mafia at the time and was a long standing or high ranking member that had crossed the wrong people.
Some reasons for this theory is the lack of early documents, suggesting a fake identity or forgery.
This case is especially supported by the long absences, where his shop remained closed and yet still remained in his possession.
In fact, the deed for the shop was not listed under Charles’ name, instead Iisted as owned under a private organization.
This theory explains his disappearance and possible subsequent death as an act of revenge from an enemy made from illicit activities. Leaving no body behind, there would be no evidence to prosecute the acting party.
Within this, there are also some who believe that if Charles was engaged in the mafia and lived under a false identity, that his disappearance was him returning to his actual identity, possibly due to being caught.
Prison records indicate 6 Swiss-German inmates arrested at the approximate time of his disappearance, roughly matching the age and appearance of Charles. Notably, none of them had a distinct facial scar and no identification was ever confirmed.”
The screen switched.
Shane smiled at Ryan, “Oh Ho Ho, my boy Charles is getting into some funky stuff, huh? Workin’ for the Mob, breaking knees, chopping fingers?”
Ryan laughed, “Yeah maybe, it definitely lends credit to him being a part of something. Maybe he was out in the woods breaking knees y’know. Or burying something.”
“Someone,…”Shane said ominously, then burst out laughing, “What if he buried himself! Just-“Shane mimed digging, clapping his hands like he was wiping off dust, “Alright, thats a good illegal grave right there, just a good hole for a dead- woaaah!” He pretended to fall, “Boom, stuck in his own grave.”
“Really, this old man dug a 6 foot deep grave? On his own?”
“Hey you don’t know his strength, maybe he lifts.”
“Alright.” Ryan shook his head, still grinning.
Danny smiled, considering it, it did kind of make sense.
“The second theory is that Charles T. Williamsworth did indeed just walk into the woods and never come out. If this is the case, what happened in the woods is widely speculated on. Some saying that animals may have attacked him, or that he simply fell or was injured and could not get up due to his age.
This theory loses support due to the fact that no body was ever found. Though some say that if the woods were too big for the police to search, there may be a den or that his body was covered naturally.”
“Or in a grave.”
“You really think he was mafia?”
“I mean, who could tell?” Shane shrugged.
“The third theory, much like the first, is that Charles was a federal agent for one of the Allied Powers.
This theory is also supported by the significant periods of absence and lack of documents to indicate a forged identity, meant to fool the German government and allow him to work behind the lines. However, unlike the first, there is also evidence of a man with the same distinct scar on his eye, showing up in the background of photos at the British Intelligence Office, the Eiffel Tower during Germany’s occupancy, and behind closed Swiss borders.
None of which would be possible without the unique skills and permissions of a government agent.”
Silence reigned as Shane and Ryan stared each other down, Shane clearly ramping up for something.
“The name’s Williamsworth. Charles Williamsworth.” He said dramatically.
Ryan burst out laughing. “You support this one more then?”
“Yeah, I’ve changed my mind, he’s not in the mafia. His suspicious activities were in the name of secrecy, national secrets, confidential war trades. Espionage…”
“Well I guess, nobody’s gonna suspect the 95 year old man to be up to anything. I mean, if I saw an old man somewhere I’d just be like, huh I wonder who lost their grandpa, not ‘I bet he’s secretly working to take down Hitler.’ Y’know.”
“Charles gets caught: just ‘Whaa-at me~e? I’m just a gentle~e o~ ol~ld ma~an, I can’t harm nobody~y.” Shane mimed leaning over a cane.
“He gets caught and just pretends he has dementia, ‘Who am I? Who are you? Why am I here? Where’s my breakfast?”
Shane cackled as Ryan laughed.
Danny considered it more, this one seemed the most likely, though… he’d definitely be the oldest agent.
“Another theory is that the shop was robbed and Charles returned while or before it was happening, catching the criminals off guard and leading them to react rashly, injuring or killing Charles. They then would have hidden his body and cleaned out the shop to hide any other evidence.
This theory however is disproven by the lack of money taken from the register.
Despite this, it is the official claimed circumstance by the police at the time.”
“Fucking police, always with the boring one.” Shane said ruefully.
“Our last theory, and my personal favorite,-“
Shane groaned. Danny smiled, this was gonna be good.
“-is that Charles T Williamsworth was a time traveler. And that all of his disappearances were when he was traveling through time.
This theory supports his families early move to Switzerland under odd timing, his appearance in so many photos and even his obsession with clocks. As well as why he seemed unbothered by the tumultuous times.”
“I can… accept it.” Shane said, hesitant.
Ryan laughed, “I’ll take it.”
“Despite all of these theories, there is still significant information missing from the case.
And so, like clockwork this case shall remain:
Danny’s mouth dropped as the screen went dark.
No way.
No freaking way.
He lurched upwards, eyes wide.
Obsessed with clocks, scar on his eye, fricking weird and talks in riddles.
Oh mygod!
Danny threw himself out of bed, “I’ve connected the dots!” He rushed to untangle himself from his sheets, transforming immediately, “I’ve connected them!”
He dove for the ghost portal.
Holy frick!
Charles T. Williamsworth was Clockwork!
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leonw4nter · 5 months
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(Second) Prettiest Fairy Princess
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Dad!DI!Leon x F!Reader
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“Say ‘bye’ to momma!” Leon beams as he holds his daughter, Aurora– or Rory, as you two lovingly call her.
“Bye momma!” the little girl in his arms beam. One hand wound around his neck and the other raised up, a tiny hand waving at you.
You say your own share of byes too, pressing a kiss to your 4 year-old’s cheek before giving Leon his own kiss to his lightly chapped yet still pink lips. You get in the Uber Leon picked up for you, shutting the door and heading to the mall where you will be having a girls’ day with Helena and Hunnigan, your former coworkers. Despite retiring because you were going to become a mother, you still stayed close with the two.
As soon as the car is no longer in his sight, he heads back into your shared home. Rory asks to be put back down so Leon does as she wants, bending down with a slight groan and making sure she’s standing upright before he lets go and bends back up, another groan escaping his mouth along with the faint pops of joints. My age is definitely catching up with me now, he thinks to himself though he doesn’t mind if it’s you he’ll be aging with.
“Daddy! I want to play!” Rory excitedly says as she takes Leon’s hand with her tiny ones and drags him to the stairs, heading for the direction of her room.
“Alright, alright, kiddo. Let’s head up, no?” he asks with a pleased smile. There’s dishes waiting in the sink and laundry waiting to be folded but they all could wait if it means spending some time making his daughter smile. The sight of his daughter’s grin and the gold wedding band that flashes a bright gold beam whenever the sunlight hits it is something his former self didn’t think he could ever experience. Back in ‘98, he was certain that the farthest length of meeting the greatest love in his life and starting a family would stop at dreams and wishful thinking but he was wrong.
He didn’t even realize they had reached the top of the stairs as he almost trips, engrossed in the sweet monologue he had going on in that head of his. His daughter’s tiny arms push him into the pastel yellow and pink room before shutting the door and proceeding to yank out tutus and tiaras from a toy basket.
“Sit.” she sternly says as she points to the carpeted ground right beneath Leon’s feet. Not one to disobey a lady’s orders, he promptly sits down with crossed legs and looks at her with genuine interest. Not too long after, Leon is dolled up to look the part of “a pretty princess for a tea party but you’re only the second prettiest because I’m the first one”, which earns a small laugh from him. Even to himself, he's second to everything because he always keeps his girls at first.
Rory hands him a small mirror so Leon can see the sparkly splash of pink, green and orange on his eyelids as well as the most pink blush he’s ever seen. His lips are the brightest shade of red ever making him look real goofy but if it means making his daughter’s day, he doesn’t mind; she’s the princess and he’s just the jester (and the occasional knight in shining armor). She swiftly puts her own play make-up on, her own lids smeared with different sparkly shades of pink and her lips in the same red shade as Leon’s.
“Your highness, let me get the tea and cookies.” she says in a wonky British accent.
“Alright, my beautiful princess.” Leon says, though he doesn’t put on a fake accent.
“Daddy, no! You’re supposed to also say ‘and please give me the sugar plum tea’! Again!” she says with a hand to the hip, dropping the accent.
“Okay,” he softly mutters with an amused smile. She definitely got the sass from her mother. “Alright, my beautiful princess, please give me the sugar plum tea!” he repeats.
She smiles brightly and excitedly announces that it’s coming right up. She walks out of the room, occasionally coming back in to take some more cups, plates, spoons, and bowls. Wait? Bowls? The princess is putting her heart and soul into this so-called “sugar plum tea”. Because the princess was brought up with manners and polite etiquette, she served Leon some cookies and cakes as he waited, along with a Beanie Baby that her uncle Chris got her (insisting it’s a snack, providing no further explanations). Playing along, he loudly made chomping sounds while she walked out of the room and busied herself with the tea. After a few minutes, she walks back inside with a tea pot and tiny cups filled with water.
“Sorry to keep you waiting, madame. My chef ahem is new to the kitchen so I had to tell him how to prepare tea the princess way,” she apologizes as she sets the cup in front of Leon with a complementary saucer.
With a sharp eye, he looks at the water and sees that there isn’t anything floating on the water; the water doesn’t look cloudy too and it’s impossible for her to have gone downstairs and taken water from the dog’s bowl so he deemed it safe to drink. After all, she did exert some effort into actually “making” the tea. He hooks his fingers in the loop of the tea cup, making sure to emulate the sticking out pinky finger just like Rory is doing before taking a sip. “The water doesn’t have an odd taste. Okay, she definitely wasn’t fooling around,” Leon quietly observes. He gives her a bright smile, complimenting the tea and calling it “the most delightful beverage to ever tickle my taste buds, a true drink fit for the prettiest princesses in this kingdom”, which prompts the little girl in front of him to giggle and start complimenting the “chef” who prepared the “tea” (the “chef” is, in fact, the Djungelskog that Leon got for you when you were 6 months into the pregnancy and very much emotional every time you saw the bear at IKEA’s window or online site). Apparently the chef is French and has worked with Barney and the Little Einsteins, according to her. This entire moment is too silly and wholesome so Leon decides to take a selfie, making a mental note to send this to you later on.
The tea party carried on for a few more minutes until she got drowsy, prompting Leon to get up and carry her over to her bed. Grabbing a few sheets of wipes, he removes the eyeshadow and lipstick on her face before unclipping some clips from her hair and taking her tutu off. It doesn’t take long for her to fall asleep and Leon picks the toys up, pouring the water out of the pots and cups and wiping them dry before putting them back in the basket. He takes this chance to finally get back at the chores waiting for him but not before he sends the picture to you. Opening the app and choosing the contact named “my Y/N”, he sends a short message asking how you are and detailing the sweet playtime he had with your daughter along with the picture. After an hour or two, he finally finishes doing the chores– even sweeping the floors and polishing the dining table, as well as bathing the dog. He gets in the shower and freshens up, remembering the tender moment hours ago and finding himself smiling wider each time.
It’s now quarter to 6 and Leon finishes setting up dinner just as the bell rings. He practically skips to the door, his face lighting up with joy when he sees you. He takes your bag and slings it over his shoulder, undoing the strap of your sandals and asking about how your day went. As you step out of them, he takes the heels and places it on the shoe cabinet and puts your bag on the couch. Rory jumps off of the couch, excitedly walking over to you and hugs your legs with the brightest smile you’ve ever seen. She tells you about her and her dad’s day, tiny hand gently holding your wrist as she leads you to the dining table for dinner. You were just about to reach over a piece of food and cut it up into smaller pieces for her when Leon places a hand on yours, telling you that he’ll do it.
“C’mon honey, you were out walking all day. Just sit and have dinner, I’ll do it this time,” he softly says. You don’t argue against him, letting him do the cutting. Rory does all the talking, which you are thankful for since your social battery is nearly drained.
Dinner tasted amazing as usual and now your entire family is in the living room, watching The Little Prince on the TV. What Coco does to Leon, The Little Prince does to you; you’ve never finished the movie without shedding a few tears and laying on Leon’s shoulder for some comfort. Though you both know it’s a movie that has you reduced to tears, you still choose to put it on because not only is it genuinely good, it’s a movie Rory loves. While waiting for the movie to finally load, a question pops up in your mind.
“Sweetie, where’d you get the water for your tea from?” you ask. Leon doesn’t mind, probably guessing that she got it from the water bottle you forgot to bring downstairs in the morning.
“I got it from the fish tank!” she beams. Your smile swiftly drops and your head turns to Leon; you swear you’ve never seen the color drain that fast from his face. The movie finally loads but Leon feels slightly off, the food in his stomach making him feel a little odd. He’s that weak for his little girl; he’s a seasoned agent trained to read people by their mannerisms but his daughter’s devious giggling made it past his normally highly-perceptive gaze.
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NOTE - I whipped this fic up right after @agent-dessis-posts asked me if I write dad!Leon and I immediately got that burst of motivation. There was this book called "Make A Wish" that I read around mid-November and the dad matched ID/DI!Leon's description so the whole time I just pictured that version of Leon whilst reading and it was AMAZING (the dad in the book is a single dad to a nine year old which made it even more amazing for me). Anyways, you guys seem to really like my fics which I appreicate a lot so thank you so much!!! I'll post the directory to my blog soon, I'm just making things look cuter :)
The heart dividers are from @cafekitsune , the images are made by me (sourced from Pinterest).
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qaxqxd · 1 year
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I Didn't Get To Say I Love You. <3
♡Pair: Simon "Ghost" Riley x f!Reader
Genre: Angst
Warning: Mention death, blood, and slight depression.
A/n: felt emo so wrote this shit at 2 am (not proof read typed this all on phone 😭)
Summary: You and your roommate Ghost got into a bad argument. This leads to him ignoring you and regretting it.
You and Ghost have been roommates for a couple of years now. You two were quite literally made for each other. You guys have gotten into fights before, but they were usually small and stupid. They were never as bad as today.
You took a huge risk on their latest mission. Which almost jeopardizes the whole mission. Everyone made it alive and safe at least.
"Bloody Hell, were you thinking (Y/n)?!" Ghost shouted glaring straight down at you.
"You're still on about this?" You frown your brow slightly.
"Absolutely, you jeopardize the mission." He spoke roughly. His British accent would get thicker as he was pissed.
"I didn't jeopardize it! We all made it out alive with Intel." You spoke with more force.
"Almost. We almost died." His hand crossed.
"See, but we didn't-" "Is this a joke to you?" He cut you off. "I did what was necessary-"
"(Y/n). I'm asking you. Is this a joke to you?" He slammed his hand on the table.
"No, but-" "It's a simple YES or NO." Ghost's voice was getting louder.
"No." You spoke a little defeated.
"Goodness, I can't believe they put me on a team with you." He mutters, pinching the bridge of his nose.
I don't think he knew that you heard him. But you kept quiet either way.
"Goodnight, (Y/n)." Ghost said, heading into his room and shutting the door.
You really did it this time. Ghost wasn't usually the type to get pissed off so easily, but you managed to do that.
You sighed to yourself. You definitely weren't going to get any sleep tonight.
The next morning
You got up from your restless night. Walking out of your room. You didn't see Ghost.
Strange wasn't it? Usually he'd be on the couch reading a book, and greeting you with a 'Good Morning.' But he didn't. Or rather he wasn't there.
You ignore it though. 'Maybe Ghost was busy this morning.' A little disappointed. You went on with your morning routines.
As you headed down to the cafeteria for breakfast. You notice he wasn't there either. You saw Soap and Gaz, but no Ghost.
"Morning," You greeted the two.
"Morning," They both replied in sync.
"Have you guys seen Ghost?" You asked a little worried in your voice.
"Oh, he's just showing a new recruit around." Soap spoke with a shrug.
New recruit?
"Oh a new recruit?" You asked with a little excitement.
"Yeah I think you'd like her too." Gaz added.
And it was a girl too? You were glad that there was finally another girl on the team, but you couldn't shake the feeling.
With Ghost? You couldn't help but feel a twig of jealousy rise a little. It was no secret that you had a giant crush on Ghost. I mean the whole HQ probably knows.
Soap was the first person you told. He wasn't surprised. You and Ghost were close buddies. Soap thought you two were secretly dating one time.
"Oh? You know where they're at?" You asked softly.
"I think they should be around the training parts." Soap said, waving his fork.
And immediately you left the cafeteria. Heading straight to the training grounds.
You found them a minute later. You heard the new recruits' soft laughter as well as Ghost's laughter too.
"You're great, Ghost." The new recruiter chuckled. "Thanks, Katelyn." He chuckled slightly.
You were glad Ghost was laughing. He rarely does, but you couldn't help feeling a little sting in your heart.
You told yourself that you shouldn't bother them and you should leave them be.
But how could you? How could you ignore them, when they both were everywhere. The only place they weren't there was you and Ghost's quarters.
You've also noticed that Ghost has been going home later than usual or he's not home at all. Was he still mad at you?
You thought. He was a man of action rather than words. Maybe he was just still mad at you.
The only times you would see him was at training or at mission briefings. Katelyn wasn't a bad person.
She was pretty sweet. She was also gorgeous. Most of the rookie trainees fell head over heels for her.
You would see her and Ghost pair up. They hung around each other a lot lately.
But, why does that get you work up? It's not like you and Ghost were together or anything. He has the choice to see other people, but he wasn't the type to look for love.
So you don't get it.
It's been months. And he still hasn't talked to you. Not a single word. He's been pretty distant.
"Maybe he's still mad?" You asked yourself. You didn't have the guts to talk to him. The stinging in your heart grew.
You couldn't fall asleep at night anymore, unless you cried yourself to sleep.
The person who usually is right beside you. Comforting you and saying sweet things to make you feel better. Wasn't there.
He wasn't there. You cried into your pillow. Sobbing silently not wanting to disturb others.
The next morning You couldn't bare yourself from getting up, but you knew you had too. Or else others might think something was wrong, and you didn't want them to carry your burden.
So you had to get up.
As you realize you had a mission today. You really couldn't afford to waste time.
You got dressed in your usual uniform and headed out.
You were dropping down from your parachute. Everyone decides to group into twos. Apparently there was an uneven number of soldiers. You agreed to be the alone soldier.
Heading down to enemy territory was tuff. Shots fired everywhere.
The main goal today was to find out what the drug cartels were hiding. Easy enough, you say.
Your radio would be filled with a bunch of code and confirmation. You continue to shoot at the enemy. As backup.
You would watch other soldiers moving in closer.
As you saw an empty way being closer to the cartels. You took that route. Moving in closer.
What you didn't know was that.
You were surprised by the attack.
A couple cartel men tackle you from the behind with their knives.
You yelled in agony. Quickly trying to fend them off of you. As you do that, you quickly notice you were stabbed in the thigh.
Making it harder for you to escape from them. You rolled down a small hill, limping away from them.
You were then able to hide behind a broken down building. The part you were in was nowhere close to where the mission was at, but there were still gun firing where you were at.
You collapsed against a wall, taking cover for a bit. You look at your wounds. They were bad, as in. Really bad.
"Shit." You cursed under your breath. You could hardly breathe even.
You were stabbed multiple times in the legs and sides. Shoulders too.
You knew for a fact. You weren't going to make it.
"(Y/n) to Katelyn." You spoke a little shaky.
"This is Katelyn to (Y/n)." She spoke.
"Could you take care of him for me?" You said with a cough.
It went silent for a bit.
"(Y/n) where the fucking hell are you?" Ghost asked with a sharp tone.
You heard footsteps behind the wall, and turned the radio all the way down. Those footsteps were definitely not your teammates.
You were holding onto your wound on the side. Wincing at the tremendous pain.
You felt so tired.
You couldn't escape from here and get back onto the aircraft. Your legs were too wobbly to crawl even.
You thought about it. Would this have ended in a different way?
Maybe Ghost would be a little happy that you were finally gone. It would mean your annoyance would finally stop bothering him.
Maybe he could even be a little happier without you screwing things up. I mean Katelyn is a great girl. She'd be perfect for him.
Another thought crossed your mind.
"I didn't get to say I love you to him." You mumble. You knew he'd probably turn you down, but it would have been nice to say it once.
Well it was too late anyways.
You could feel yourself collapsing. Your breathing is getting shallow.
"Where the hell is she?" Ghost continues searching for her signal. Panic rose in him.
He couldn't lose her. No way it was happening. He wasn't going to let it happen.
He eventually found her. With a pool of blood around her.
He scrambles to check her pulse. It was low. Too low for comfort.
"(Y/n) open your damn eyes." He grasped onto her.
No, no. He wasn't going to lose her. No fucking way. His everything.
He quickly carried her back to the aircraft. The medics took her away from his hold.
He stared at his gloves which were stained with her blood. He held the gloves close to him.
Ghost sat there. Watching over you. He held your hand. Never leaving your side.
You would eventually flatline.
He blamed himself. He should have spent more time with her. He shouldn't have distanced himself from her.
He should have spent every last moment on her.
The nurses let him back in to say one last goodbye.
He held up your hand. Brushing his lips onto your wrist.
"I- I'm so sorry..." He repeated out multiple times.
"I'm sorry, (Y/n). I'm really sorry, I didn't get to say I love you." He mutters breaking into tiny sobs.
As he watches the nurses wrap a blanket over her.
W.C 1.6k
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damianwaynerocks · 1 year
back on my batfamily true crime bs
bruce and jason get into a huge argument. a massive one that ends in jason being barred from going on patrol with them. so what does he do? silly revenge.
jason todd starts an anonymous true crime podcast called that’s just called “todd tales.” it’s an investigative podcast about the death of jason todd.
since he’s legally dead & decides to be an anonymous podcaster, he goes full in. talks about his upbringing, saying things like “i spoke to one of jason’s old neighbor’s and this is what she has to say”
and the “neighbor” is stephanie who thinks it’s hilarious and goes along with it. “he and his mom’s boyfriends always got into fights,” she says with a british accent, “and one time i heard him & his dad yelling at each other, and then there was a loud crash. i walked out and his dad was at the bottom of the stairs.”
which leads jason to speculate that jason todd killed him, calling him “a badass motherfucker no wonder bruce wayne was in such awe of him”
and then as the episodes progress he talks about the theory that “jason todd secretly became robin but because he was so smart and cool bruce wayne had no idea that he was fighting with batman”
he has theories that he “investigates.” he goes over the official story- that jason was traveling with bruce, got kidnapped and held for ransom but something went wrong & he was accidentally killed - and then he says “but that’s fucking bullshit *laughs* as thought bruce wayne couldn’t pay a ransom”
his next theory is the truth, that he was robin & got murdered by a villain. he has two guests to prove it.
“im alvin draper, bruce’s former assistant,” tim (who is mad at bruce for making him go on a patrol on bernard’s birthday) says with a voice modular, “and i remember, after jason died, bruce ordered me to call the mortician who did the autopsy and tell him that bruce was offering him $1,000,000 to get out of gotham & sign a non-disclosure form to never speak about jason.”
jason then gets an “autopsy tech” who helped with the autopsy, the tech that bruce supposedly didn’t know was in the room because “bruce wayne is fucking stupid”.
“of course, the truth needs to be out there,” roy says dramatically. “no way he was accidentally shot like the official story says. he had several broken bones, obvious signs of blunt force trauma, and several burn scars, but absolutely no bullet holes.”
he gets hate comments about how he shouldn’t be talking about a dead teenager, but he doesn’t stop. (jason secretly loves it because it makes him feel like he hasn’t been forgotten) (but also he finds it hilarious bc they have no idea)
and bruce is furious. he knows it’s jason. he makes an official statement saying that the podcast is horrible and disrespectful. dick makes one too, saying that he can’t believe someone would do this about his little brother.
bruce, dick & damian hound jason to stop it. bruce yells at him, dick is trying to be nice because “i understand, but-“ and damian is like “i know i’ve given up murder but you’re considered dead anyways so therefore it does not count”
then alfred tells him, sternly, “master jason, please stop.” and jason feels so bad, so small because, like, it’s alfred, and deletes the podcast after the final episode.
but he’s still not allowed back on patrol.
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jakes3resin · 3 months
gosh!! magic au!! theseus! chaos of having at the base and it’s like two bucky. gale would definitely be shocked!
That au really hit me like a fever dream, my dear anon. I was thinking about the Twin Cleven AU and the Blond Bucky bit I added when I remembered I tacked on a tiny Theseus Easter egg. 30 minutes later I had Magic AU in my drafts with no memory of writing it.
But I've sketched out some thoughts for you and for those who are interested (please keep in mind the last time I watched Fantastic Beasts was a few years ago so I don't remember much):
Bucky's a Scamander by his father (Theseus and Newt's uncle) but goes by his mother's maiden name as he was taken in by her brother and his wife.
Both his parents were magic, but they died near the end of the First World War. Bucky stayed with the Scamanders for a little while before eventually going to America before he turned 4. Theseus was very close with him, and they were occasionally mistaken as father and son due to the age difference (Theseus was a war hero during the First World War if I remember correctly?) (Also that could be an AU now that I think about it but not rn)
He has a bit of a British accent, comes out more when he's using magic. Or when he's around his cousins. First time Buck hears it, he just about faints.
Went to Hogwarts solely because his parents went there, and he wanted to feel close to them. Not sure what House but leaning Hufflepuff. He seems like he'd be happy there.
Enjoyed the school somewhat, but he dealt with some bullying due to his American upbringing as well as some of the students still remembered Newt and bullied him for that connection.
His favorite animal is still the unicorn. It's just not extinct like he said to Buck. What can I say? Every Scamander is good with magical animals.
Had an accidental falling out with the Scamander family who wanted him to move permanently to England and stay with them during his schooling, but he prefered spending his summers in America and winter holidays in the castle.
Came home before he turned 18 (I guess started Hogwarts young for his grade? Idk.) And decided to blend in to Muggle/No-Maj society by going to college and later joining the Air Force.
After Bucky's revelation to the RAF pilots, one of them writes home saying he met Theseus Scamander's cousin! This gets passed through Wizarding society until it lands in the ears of Theseus who didn't have a clue his cousin was in England, let alone serving in a Muggle unit. And after hearing about the death toll, he gets scared.
Theseus resolves to pop down there and check in on his cousin. And unknowingly reeks havoc upon Thorpes Abbotts.
Looks like this:
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(This is in a nebulous point before Curtis' death because he deserves to be alive my baby boy)
Literally everyone that sees him is flabbergasted because 1) Major Egan is handsome but he never dresses like That and 2) Major Egan is supposed to be flying back from a mission right now. Word travels through base, and it's alight with rumors.
Theseus gets dragged to Kidd's office because literally everyone is freaking out, and he's quite confused why everyone keeps calling him Bucky. He tries to explain that he's Theseus and that he's here to see his cousin John, but every time he speaks the people around him all jump (its cause his accent spooks them. That accent should not be coming from someone who looks so much like Bucky in their mind. Boy are they in for a rude awakening.)
Bucky flies back in, and after interrogation, he doesn't even get a chance to change clothes before he's being dragged to Kidd's office. Buck and a few of the boys follow utterly confused. If Bucky's in trouble, Buck's not just gonna stand by.
Theseus happily greets Bucky when he walks into the office, and the pair have an okay reunion before Theseus states that he's here to check on his younger cousin, heavily implying that he's here to transfer Bucky to a British outfit as he's a British citizen and their family connections want to keep him safe (really a Wizard one but among Muggles he's better at speaking around the issue)
Thus an argument breaks out. Bucky's accent also comes out, and nearly everyone around him loses their minds.
Buck really, really does not want to talk about what that accent does to him. It's confusing and concerning. (Clegan are together, but when your partner busts out the London Accent, well that's a gamechanger)
Anyways idk where it goes after that, but now everyone has to deal with the fallout that Bucky is British and has a nearly identical cousin who pops in to check on him.
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coffeewritesfiction · 3 months
Which Image - A Chzo Mythos fanfic
Title comes from the song Witch Image by the band Ghost. If there's interest I'll write more and explain to my followers what this game series is.
Apologies to the people who wanted to be tagged in this, Tumblr isn't recognizing your urls. I'll try to tag in a reblog. Also apologies to the British if my American ass screwed things up. I'll make edits as needed.
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London, 2015
In between the crackling thunder, a young man screamed in agony, sweet as the music of a harpsichord.
Footsteps pounded like the rain through the stolen, repurposed corpse of a building. An office, once, now a shell like any other mortal body. Down the many stairs the footsteps carried, sneakers squeaking wet on dirty tile. Down the stairs and through the halls, she ran.
Why the persistence? Too late, far too late, to save her friend. But the young woman resisted the obvious. Dark of hair and pure of heart, he could not harm her yet. He watched the sweat drip down her warm brown skin, how she brushed the strands of hair from her face. Standing, kneeling, struggling, suffering.
He watched and he wondered. Yes, he did wonder.
It'd been a strange choice, to offer up an American for a sacrifice, but Chzo was not a picky god. This young woman could not have looked more different from her light-haired friend. But in her eyes, a desperate fire burned, and looking away proved a challenge.
That fire… She reminded him of someone. How distasteful.
Of course, of course, too late for her friend. She opened the door to strangers standing over the remains. Of course, of course, too late for her. The cult would spare her, when they caught her, he would ensure it…
They did not catch her.
They did not even notice her, too consumed with their own escape. The Ministry agents closed in, fortune smiling upon them once again. She fled, they fled, and it had all gone wrong.
He could've been furious.
He could've been.
Instead, he stood upon the old building, his shadow stretching long in the light flashing overhead. He stood, and he watched her race into the darkness, her parcel, their parcel, clutched to her frail body.
He watched, and yes, yes he wondered.
She reminded him of someone… Cabadath wasn't sure he liked that.
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It'd been almost twelve hours before anyone realized the girl was gone. Far too late to save her life. The Order of Blessed Agonies worked fast. But so did Trilby.
The Order must've been desperate to prey on tourists. They had to have known who they were choosing. The accents on these kids weren't subtle. Five of them came overseas on spring holiday, bright eyed and oblivious. Three headed home tonight. The other two would follow in coffins.
“Trilby,” one of his supervisors said, “I know what you're thinking. Don't put yourself at risk to try and save this kid.”
“I'm already at risk,” he'd said. “What's a little more?”
“We need you alive - and so do they.”
And that was the thing, wasn't it? The Order wouldn't keep this girl, this Jillian Taylor Cortez, alive, but he couldn't say they'd do the same with him. Damned prophecies…
Her name was Jillian Taylor Cortez. She just turned 19. Mexican-American mother, British father. Got her middle name because the latter died before she was born, so said her friends.
She looked nothing like Simone Taylor. If she had, Trilby might've lost it again.
Twelve hours, they found the boy, or what was left of him. They'd followed the muddy footprints from the ground floor all the way to the altar. Trilby followed them back up, frowning. Pretended he didn't see the glances between the ones around him.
He had a hunch.
Just a hunch, but he'd been doing this for almost twenty years now. Just a hunch, he'd say later… but he'd been right before.
“Don't you dare!” Someone shouted at his back. “Damn it, Trilby! Get back here! It's not worth it!”
He ignored them, ignored the rain soaking his suit. Wasn't breaking the rules if nobody up top told you not to. Besides, he was just following a hunch. Just giving a quick check around the buildings. No harm in that.
No harm on her, when he caught her dead center in the light of his torch.
He stared at her and she stared right back, her eyes wide and hollow. The rain soaked her right through, plastering clothes to skin and hair to her cheeks. The bow in her hair, half undone. The fear in her eyes, too painful, too real.
Trilby raised a hand.
She bolted.
“Wait! No!”
Trilby followed.
The kid knew how to run. Ran through the streets like the world was ending. Trilby kept up. He wasn't young anymore, he'd feel it for the next few days, but he kept up. So did the rain.
Only took a few wrong turns. She didn't know anything about the area - neither did he, to be fair. Was only a little bit of a surprise to find themselves in another alley, to come across the fence blocking their way. Was a very big surprise when the girl ran right for it.
“Jillian!” He shouted over the thunder. “Jill!”
Did she even hear him? She didn't stop. Lunged for the fence, one hand grasping the chain link metal. Trilby moved faster than her.
He grabbed her around the waist. She screamed. They both hit the ground, he let her go and she scrambled backwards. He shifted, sat up, looked her in the face again.
Terrified eyes, wide and wild. It wasn't just the rain soaking her cheeks, the spring weather shuddering her shoulders.
Trilby raised his hands.
“Jillian,” he said. “It's alright, Jill. I'm with the Ministry of Occultism. We're here to help you. I can't believe you're still alive…”
She breathed. She held the book in her arms tight. Book? He looked down at it. Heavy, large, leather bound. Some kind of writing on the cover.
Oh my God, he thought. Did she steal that from the Order?
Trilby looked up to her face again. Her eyes locked onto something over his shoulder.
Trilby jerked out of the way. The blade buried into the ground he'd stood moments before. Trilby moved, backed away as far as he could go, the blood draining from his face.
“Oh, hell,” Trilby said.
The featureless face of the Prince of Pain tilted towards him. Cabadath had not changed at all in the last twenty years. Bone chilling, even after all these years and all their meetings. Still ever the same, nine feet tall and dressed in black, the rain coursing down his long coat and leaving the fabric dry. The Prince straightened in slow motions, raising the four pronged scythe and resting it by his side.
Still the Prince stared at him, though he had no eyes to do so. He raised a hand and pointed to the girl.
Jill. She'd gotten out of the way just in time. Trilby couldn't risk looking away from the Prince for longer than an instant, Cabadath moved too fast, but she still breathed, standing against the fence. Her eyes, still wild, locked onto the terror between them.
Had Cabadath been chasing her too? The Prince had powers like no human ever could. Hallucinations were a favorite, Trilby knew that from experience.
The Prince waited.
Trilby took a breath.
“Jillian,” he said. “Give him the book.”
She did not move but her whole body shuddered with her breath.
“He's playing nice right now,” Trilby said, eyes locked on the Prince, “but he doesn't have to. You don't know what he's fully capable of, you've just seen part of it.”
Jillian did not move.
“There's nothing in that book that can help you,” Trilby said. “You don't want to get involved with this more than you have been. I don't know how you got it, but you need to give it back. Before he takes it from you.”
Her body shuddered. Jillian blinked, hard. The Prince did not move. He did not look away.
Her arms unlocked. She took another deep, shuddering breath. Holding the book in careful hands, she laid it upon the ground at her feet, and stepped away. And away. And away.
Trilby watched the Prince. He did not notice where the young woman moved to, until she stopped. Stopped between him and Cabadath, facing the Prince, her arms stretched out as if she could protect Trilby from the monster watching them.
Protect him from Cabadath. He wasn't sure if he wanted to laugh or cry at the thought.
The Prince tilted his head. His gaze shifted towards the girl. Trilby placed a hand on Jillian’s shoulder. Cabadath’s shoulders shook, as if in silent laughter. But of course, no sound came from the Tall Man. They were not worth the effort.
Turning away from the mortals, Cabadath stepped toward the book. He knelt, and with one long free hand, picked it up. Turning fully back towards the two humans, he bowed a mocking thanks. Trilby set his teeth, held Jill's shoulder as she flinched.
As the Prince straightened, he vanished. The rain poured down over them and the tension disappeared from Trilby's body. Cabadath truly was gone. For now.
Jillian sobbed.
Trilby's focus snapped to her again. Shit.
She placed her hand over her mouth as the sobs shook her body.
“Cal,” she whispered the name of her friend. “Cal, I'm sorry.”
He couldn't think of anything to say. Trilby wrapped an arm around her and pulled out his phone with the other. How long had it been ringing?
“Yeah?” He said. “Yeah, I'm alright. Yeah, we're both okay. I found the girl, she's alive. It's… it's a long story. I'll explain everything back at headquarters.”
Trilby held the young woman against his body as he led her back into the light. He glanced uneasy at the roofs above them, expecting a tall shadow staring down, but only the rain waited overhead, the drops falling down between her tears.
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yongislong · 2 years
pet names + dreamies.
genre: fluff, established relationships with non!idol dreamies
cw/note: none, enjoy! will be doing wayv and 127 soon :) take care of yourselves. very much not proofread oops
mark... babe, hes a simple man. calls you baby sometimes too but everytime he does a part of him dies inside lol. pegs me as the type of guy to also say kid? or buddy? esp when ur being silly idk. calls you love on special occasions but he loves your name anyway! thinks its funny when you call him stud haha, but also prefers babe or just his name? idk i dont think he cares too much about that but def would call you things imo
renjun... love but also something artistic and celestial! calls you divine during intimate and more sweet moments but opts for love/lover. has you in his phone as the name of a god/goddess bc to him thats what you are. also uses the anotamical heart emoji for your contact instead because he thinks its more meaningful. likes it when you call him charming or prince, something soft but he prefers ren, he likes the way it sounds when you say it
jeno... gorgeous, bunny, a shortened version of your name he came up with! he doesnt seem like he would want to use traditional pet names, he gets kinda bored. always changes them up but always calls you something along the lines of pretty, gorgeous or cute at least a couple times a day. also likes babe in general, his number is saved as casanova and he had to google what it meant and once he figured out what it meant he went "aouh??" that shocked face and sound he always makes. he feels he needs to step up his game now
haechan... anything tbh? super cheesy and annoying but theres times where all he wants is to be lovey dovey. calls you poppet if you're smaller than him because he thinks it sounds silly. he thinks he sounds like a knight when he speaks in medival language, hence why he also calls you princess/prince or any royalty type term. likes to say your pet names in a british accent bc.... idk. LOL anyways!!! he loves you and he takes your phone to change his contact name into something different almost every month, a menace
jaemin... angel 1000%. sometimes he doesn't even have a name for you he just whines and groans until he gets you to do whatever he wants. hes definitley a pretty girl/boy/baby type of guy! tbh i can see him calling you honey even though you tell him its corny, thats one of the reasons why he does it though, he likes to see your reactions muahaha. you call him bunny duh, but his name on all your socials is bunny boy
chenle... babe, baby. super chill boyfriend tbh. likes to call you stupid names as a joke esp when you're angry. calls you daegal's other parent. also likes to call you parental names like mom or dad when you scold him because he knows it makes you more mad than you already are LOL. but overall doesn't seem too keen on pet names, would mostly opt for your name with an ie or y at the end to make it extra cute
jisung... babe, your name, or shorty. even if you're his height or taller he likes to shorty and idk why. he likes babe, its simple and he already gets babied and teased enough so i don't think he would go for anything overly sweet unless it was you two alone. you're in his phone as my #1 with a bunch of ring, marriage and fire emojis. he thinks its peak comedy lol. has called you love on a few intimate occasions but just keeps it to your shortened name and ji for him since you both usually don't have very much alone time
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ther3alsweetheart · 1 month
My Redacted Boys Ranking
(this is just my opinion please don't come for me 🙏)
Milo (MY MAN)
Guy (Hes so silly, hes me but as a guy tehe)
Lasko (I ❤ subby men)
Sam (My country boy)
Gavin (he's sassy and I love it)
Vincent (my first love)
Geordi (I love him I would have never treated him that way)
David (Daviey is such a cutie pie)
Hush (Its so bad that I like him so much)
Anton (Hes a softie and I love the accent)
Porter (I have a thing for British people)
Elliott (Friends to lovers is so cute)
Asher (Love the personality but his voice sometimes makes me mad)
Aaron (Mean and sarcastic=Hot)
Ollie (He calls the listener Baby I want to be called baby)
Damien (He would be such a fun guy to annoy)
Huxley (Would be my best friend)
Morgan (His tired audio made me giggle)
Caelum (sweet baby boy)
Vega (I dont love his morals but I do love his bonus audios)
Avior (I like how sarcastic and witty he is)
James (I haven't listened to all of his audios but he's chill)
Xavier (I cried when he died)
Brachium (Thank you for saving sunshine and Elliott pooks)
Cam (I don't really know who he is)
Marcus (Hes a bit freaky but not the worst)
Blake (#free sunshine)
Adam (You deserved to get your head ripped off)
Ivan (Getting kidnapped is not hot)
Regulus (same for you also he's invisible is weird)
Kody (No words just hate)
Echo (You know what you've done)
(I had no idea there where so many characters and this took me an ungodly amount of time to make)
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copperbadge · 1 year
Sometimes you take an edible and write porn. Sometimes you take an edible, fall down a hole researching the Alhambra Decree and the War of the Spanish Succession, and actually write out the history of your Ruritarian romance novel’s fake country. 
It actually fits together remarkably well, which is probably because I kept it really vague to begin with. Based on what’s in the books so far, as of the 15th century, we had two countries, Askaz (culturally very French) and Shivadlakia (culturally somewhat Slavic, also heavily Italian-influenced). Presume that they’re in a bit of a geographical “gully” so they’re not remote but they are a bit hard to get to; imagine that the Alps split, and between the two alpine ranges, you’ve got a pair of small countries that are just a pain in the ass to get to and not particularly rich in resources once there. The best way to access Shivadlakia is by boat, and the best way to get to Askaz is through Shivadlakia, which obviously creates some issues for the Askazers. 
Now, in the 16th century you get the persecution of Jews really ramping up all over Europe but especially in Italy and Spain. The Alhambra Decree in 1492 starts expelling Jews from Spain, and some of them end up in Shivadlakia. These are primarily Sephardic Jews -- Georgie is descended from Sephardic Jews who arrived from Spain, for example. 
Jews in Italy hear that there’s this small country quite nearby that’s taking in persecuted Jews from Spain, probably via Jewish traders who are sailing from the Shivadh port to Italy to do business. And the Shivadh, who were basically farmers until all these cool Spanish Jews showed up, are like “Well, this seems baller to me, they’re buying stuff and opening schools and they’re very quiet neighbors, let’s roll with it.” 
So as of 1600, you have roughly three generations of Jews who have settled in Shivadlakia, married the locals, and started spreading into Askaz, since they’re a major trading partner. The countries are still separate, but in 1602 our hero GILLES ROMAN Y ASKAZ is born. 
Round about 1625 or so, Gilles Roman y Askaz, ruler of Askaz, meets a pair of siblings, a prince and princess of Shivadlakia. He’s already been trying to figure out how to either conquer or treaty with Shivadlakia, since they have the port and he needs a port. He gets into a fight with them over a possibly-poached deer and falls in love with someone -- purportedly the princess, possibly the prince, depends on how you read it. In any case, he marries the princess and keeps the prince as a very close advisor, uniting the two countries. Sometime thereafter, he grants a dukedom to the prince, creating the Duchy of Shivadlakia, which at that point extends well into what later would become Galia. (This is Jerry’s 9x great-grandfather; one of Gilles’ children with the princess is the ancestor of Alanna and Miranda.) 
All goes swimmingly until after Gilles dies; there’s a strong line of succession and the Dukes of Shivadlakia are extremely loyal to the crown. Between the royals and nobility they hold the place together remarkably well until the early 1700s, during the War of the Spanish Succession. The British weren’t super invested in this war but they were invested in stabilizing Europe, so at this point the British sent a fuckton of soldiers, mostly Welsh, into Askazer-Shivadlakia as an access point for both France and Italy. The Shivadh, who don’t have a navy and weren’t expecting a fuckton of Welsh soldiers to show up and threaten their fishing fleet, rolled their eyes and got on with making cheese, but they were forced to learn/speak English by the soldiers. The occupation wasn’t centuries long, but it was long enough for the Welsh soldiers to realize that Askazer-Shivadlakia is very like Wales only with way nicer weather and more gay, so they stayed and intermarried too, which is why everyone speaks a) English with b) a Welsh accent. 
When the Shivadh finally lose patience and officially expel English rule, it’s been a short enough time that the royal family just kind of...took a breather for a generation or two, but now they’re BACK and IN CHARGE. (Sometime in here -- probably after the Welsh Invasion, but not by much -- Queen Alekha deposes the king who suborned her husband’s infidelity, beheads him, and takes the throne. She eventually marries a minor royal in order to establish legitimacy for herself.) Anyway, that’s basically how it remains until 1914, when Gregory II is crowned king. 
Gregory II gets them through WWI without too much suffering, and decides -- having seen what’s going on in Russia and a couple of other key countries -- to democratize the country. He is re-crowned as the first democratically elected life-term king, and also manages to get the country through WWII, mainly by 1) sending everyone he possibly could somewhere way safer for Jews than Europe and 2) opening his country to the Allies, primarily by sheltering and supporting Allied spies and small raiding parties. This also introduces an entirely new industry to Askazer-Shivadlakia: every Allied spymaster is now aware that they are a quiet, discreet place to have A Meeting That Never Happened, and they become something of a hub for backroom diplomacy. 
Gregory II passes in 1952, his son Nathan IV is elected, and Nathan is such a fucking disaster that within two years Jason Michaelis, the son of Greek immigrants to Askazer-Shivadlakia, uses his considerable wealth and political clout to oust Nathan and get himself elected. He rules until 1981, when his son Michaelis ben Jason, married to the many-greats granddaughter of Gilles Roman y Askaz, is elected. 
The rest is Romance. :D 
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plutoslvr · 2 years
sibling dynamic foxes is the best thing ever and no its not a headcanon this is canon to me.
like the foxes and Kevin? siblings if I ever saw any. They would relentlessly bully Kevin and Kevin would just bully them back but the moment anyone tries talking shit about either of them it's absolute hell.
Reporter 1: Kevin, what do you think about the Foxes as a team? I'm sure they can't compare to your old team, The Ravens and Ri-
Kevin Day best Exy player in the league, holding his Exy racquet like a weapon: the fuck did you just say to me?
The foxes: man FUCK Kevin
some exy hating loser: yeah screw that guy
Bisexual defender Allison holding enough money in her pocket to end their life: No. You don't get it.
NOT JUST THEM are you guys trying to tell me Matt and Nicky aren't best friends? Are you telling me they don't have gossip Fridays where they share everything together whilst Dan listens in on them. Are you telling me Nicky doesn't read the upperclassmen to filth about their fashion sense (except Allison who joins in on making fun of them).
And of course we have the twinyards (YES THEY HEAL IDC NORA CAN CHOKE ON AN EXY STICK) and they're fucking dickheads to each other its insane. The first few months everyone's slightly on edge but then they realise its all bark and no bite.
Andrew: I'm going to stab you.
Aaron: Do it coward
Andrew: *jabbing him with a mechanical pencil*
Aaron: Fine, not so much of a coward I guess.
Oh and the foxes 1000000% make fun of Neil for living in Britain. They're constantly talking to him in a British accent and when the Queen died they all showed up in his room offering gifts of condolences.
"This is a hard time for you, we understand if you need space but we'll always be here for you."
"It'll get better buddy trust me."
"It's better if you cry and get it out now, we know how important she was to you."
They also make sleepover nights mandatory. The first few years they just had the og foxes let into the dorms but after they all graduated Kevin made a whole separate room just for the foxes where they have sleepovers. It's decked out with beanbags, weighted blankets, stuffed animals and his favourite photos of the Foxes printed out and framed and a TV.
He says Jeremy picked it out but secretly it was all him and he would rather die than let them find out. Somehow they did (Jeremy ratted him out) and Kevin's nickname was permanently changed to softie. No they did not secretly feel giddy with happiness, no they didn't think this was the best thing Kevin Day has ever done absolutely not.
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thefoxiestboy · 5 months
William Afton and Charles Lee Ray are the same goddamn person
I made a joke about this on my last art post but now I am here to back up my claims, and oh boy do I have evidence
We'll get the simple stuff out of the way first
Both are serial killers
Both of their main storylines began in the 80s (it's pretty widely agreed upon that William began killing in 1983 after the death of the Crying Child, and Chucky was first shot down and became a doll in 1988)
Both have had their souls either fused with or transferred into an inanimate object originally meant for children's entertainment (William's soul was fused to the Spring Bonnie suit (a mascot suit/animatronic) after he got springlocked, and Chucky transferred his soul into a Good Guy doll (a baby doll))
Both use children to fuel their quest for eternal life (William kills kids to gain access to remnant to fuel his research for eternal life for himself, and Chucky initially tries to use kids to be his new vessels but eventually began using them to further split his soul into more dolls so he can never truly die)
Both have died and come back to life multiple times
Both have said the line "I always come back"
Now that's already a lot of similarities but there's more
Both have accents (William has a British accent in the games and Chucky has a Jersey accent) (this isn't really that notable but still)
Both have killed their wife and turned them into what they are/would become (Not actually confirmed, but heavily implied that William killed his wife and made her into the animatronic Ballora, and Chucky killed his girlfriend, (later wife) Tiffany, and transferred her soul into the Wedding Belle doll)
Both have a biological child who has reluctantly helped them commit their crimes before later turning on them (in the movie, William's daughter Vanessa helps him cover up his murders and is going to help him kill Mike and Abby too but turns on him after befriending Mike and Abby. In Seed of Chucky, Chucky's kid, Glen, goes on an outing with him where they're forced to help Chucky kill people, but they later turn on him when he attempts to kill them and Tiffany)
Both have a biological child who has willingly helped them and then turned on them (in the games we learn that William's son, Michael, was sent to Circus Baby's at William's request to find Elizabeth and the others, and later Michael helps Henry set the last of the children's souls free and send William to his own personal hell in Pizza Sim. In Season 2 of Chucky, Chucky's kid, Glenda, kills people in order to help him escape from Tiffany while in Nica's body. Later when he continues to try and manipulate them, they realize that he's actually a douchebag that doesn't really care about them or Glen and ends up turning on him and helping the main kids of the show get rid of him)
Both have a biological child/children that were either born like them, or became like them (Elizabeth, William's daughter in the games, is killed by the animatronic Circus Baby, who she goes on to possess. (There's also the Crying Child who may be one of two spirits possessing Golden Freddy, but that's not confirmed) In Seed of Chucky we meet Glen, Chucky's biological doll child, who then becomes his biological human children Glen and Glenda, who then go back into their doll body and become Gigi at the end of Season 2 of the TV show)
Both have targeted one child that gained a larger vendetta against them than any other they've targeted (for William this would be Cassidy (The Vengeful Spirit/Golden Freddy) and for Chucky this would be Andy)
Both have also been tortured by the same child with the greater vendetta (Cassidy is the one who trapped William in Ultimate Custom Night, and were shown in Cult of Chucky that Andy managed to capture one of the Chuckys who he had been torturing since)
Both have had songs written about them (there's way too many Fnaf songs to count and plenty of them are about William. For Chucky there's the song Assault and Batteries by Ice Nine Kills)
So after all of that there's also one last crazy insane coincidence
Brad Dourif, the actor who voices Chucky and originally played Charles Lee Ray, played a role in the movie the Exorcist III. The Exorcist III was a movie that the real life murderer the Gainesville Ripper said inspired him to kill. The Gainesville Ripper then went on to be the inspiration for the movie Scream. Matthew Lillard starred in the movie Scream as one half of Ghostface. Matthew Lillard then later went on to play William Afton in the Fnaf Movie
I am losing my mind
Anyways, yeah they're the same man.
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http-prettycupid · 2 years
John Price X Fem/Reader ( 18+)
[tw: stuff I’m too lazy to list]
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One foot at a time. In matching heels and maxi dress, you navigate through the most extravagant ballroom part of an estate your team was told to secure. Though the harsh Moscow winter raged outdoors, inside was warm and lively. You even spot a couple of familiar faces in the crowd of bustling attendees.
"Confirming visual IDs of 141. Sergeant John MacTavish and Sergeant Kyle Garrick, no other member in sight." In a hush voice, you report to your Captain through the hidden earpiece that your team were all equipped with.
“Got it! Keep watch Y/N.”
“Roger that Cap, out here.”
In technical terms, an assassin is what people would describe you as, but the relationship formed between you and your employer has annexed the work that came with it.
Today's mission was to be carried with no hitch. It didn't seem too difficult either before the Task Force 141 was brought up as a possible threat. You weren't the most familiarized with the military organization aside from some details given to your team by a pretty reliable inside informant. Luckily, some previous encounters with the task force on other missions gave you a good peek at its members’ faces, one in particular. Opposing your advantage though is the looming truth that said one person in particular would also recognize you in a heartbeat. Good thing you were undercover for a fancy party with enough faces in the crowd to cover yours. The guys you know don't know you. But if that person spots you, you'd be done for.
You took a glass of champaign off of a large round table to take sips for the creeping anxiety. Still keeping an eye on the two sergeants, you kept on high alert for the cause of your nerves.
The ballroom was huge to say the least. Although the close to two hundred people were too busy chatting away, you kept a somber expression taking in the beauty of the historical hall. Everything was put together so well that the luxurious vibe had almost taken you from the mission. So drink in hand, you decided to make some trips away from the crowd.
Tchaikovsky's iconic work continued from the orchestra on the side of the party as your trip led out the ballroom and into the shadowy halls.
It was pretty much clear aside from the couple of guards that gave you nods as you pass. Before rounding the corner you were beginning to think perhaps he wasn't stationed here for the a mission with his team after all. The Captain of Task Force 141, John Price. You met him too many times to be alarmed by his appearance, in fact with his absence you had began missing the banter that came with the bearded man.
Being tasked in mission such as this you probably should've kept on high alert but the thoughts of the 141 Captain somehow spaced you out so much that your eyes hadn't even left the marble tiles before getting cornered. All after your champaign had spill with an echoing shatter.
"What the shit!"
An unexpected grab at your wrists and brisk turn, you were pressed rather harshly against the wall with your arms straining against your back.
"Who the fuck?” The attacker pinned your arms with one hand and the other muffling anymore noises that you may let out.
"Don't fight or I'm going to have to put you out right now."
You recognize that rough British accent anywhere. Darting your tongue out at his hands, the man flings his palm off your lips before staring at it in confusion and disbelief.
"I missed you Captain. Did you miss me too?" Turning your head to the side and towards the older man, you gave him a rather devious grin.
"I thought you died." Shoving you off the wall with ease, Price backed up into a small storage room just a bit behind you as some foot steps headed towards your guys’ direction.
After closing the door with your front pressed up on it he reached for your ear piece and pocket it.
"Aw, were you worried about me Cap? You know I wouldn't go out so early." You were somewhat straining your neck to look up at him with the height difference, but seeing such a delightful face was worth it.
Honestly the stunt you did on your last mission didn't only surprised Price but also took ten years off your life as it gave you such a fright. That was the first time Price had actually came close to capturing the elusive assassin that gave his team so many inconveniences on 6 other missions.
Tied up and on the way to one of task force 141’s ally bases, you were kind of sitting ducks before taking a chance. Leaping off the helicopter you guys were on, fortune definitely smiled on you as you landed in a lake at the right part where the dept was perfect. With your hands still tied you actually managed to work your legs and floated to dry ground. Of course both of your ankles got slightly messed up when your body dove into shallow water, legs first. That being said with your escape and your team that had tailed the chopper not so far behind, you successfully evaded John Price.
Fast froward 4 months till now, Price was actually disheartened believing you had drowned. Of course he wouldn't admit that but he pretty much was in his head thinking you died for those few months.
“Not worried, relief.”
Applying more pressure on your wrists, Price leans forward to your left ear to make sure you can hear every word that came out as frustrated whispers. Your not too sure if he knows that having his hot breathe and baritone voice on your ear is a turns on though. So you decide to let him know.
“That makes me sad. I missed you so much Captain.” Biting your bottom lip, you arch your bottom into Price’s front and let out a sigh after feeling his size through the black slacks.
The Captain, trained to be cool under pressure had barely caught the grunt that left his lips as you started to grind on what was in his pants that was beginning to harden against his will.
With every word you made sure the emphasize it with a roll of your hips. “Fuck Captain. You wanna know how much I missed you?”
Price kept quiet but his heavy breathing was a give away that he was enjoying this more than he should, of course the hardness in his pants was too.
“Give me one arm Captain. I wanna show you how much I miss you.”
The 141 leader seemed to be in trance, swimming in his head but hard eyes bore into yours from above. He’s a veteran, he should know better. Yet here he is giving into your sugary words coated with promises to please him.
Loosening his hand with enough space to still hold you hostage in the same position, he gives you a few seconds to free one side.
With your free hand in a blink of an eye you retrieve a spear point blade from your thigh harness and spun back attempting to rush the Captain off your back. All movements came to a halt fast as the man managed both of your wrist above your head again with one hand, causing the blade to drop to the floor with a clank.
It seems The Captain did keep a cool head in this room that was surprisingly warming up the longer you stayed.
“Now what made ya think that was a good idea?”
His face was so close to yours you can’t even tell if it was you breathing hard or the man’s with his knee wedged between your legs.
The silence after his question was a telling answer that you didn’t really thought that through so Price continued pressing. “An answer is expected when a Captain asks a question.”
Words mingle in your throat as all you could do was stare into his eyes and study details on his face. Your could hear your blood pumping with the speed your heart was working at.
“No answer? Then I won’t be letting you have your way.”
Price grinds his knee into your centre while his free hand moves behind your ass. You were basically lifted up by the man’s knee, your bundle of nerves pulsing against his thigh as he maneuvers you up to the perfect angle, moving your dress’ spilt skirt to check the wetness that had seaped through your panties.
“What’s this? Your getting off to an enemy Captain pressing his knee into that filthy pussy of yours?”
A whine passes your lips as Price moves your panties to the side, sliding one finger into the core of the wetness. His finger that feels almost twice the size of yours pumps in and out faster than you could manage in your private time.
The small sounds the you let out quickly turn into louder moans as another finger gets added, stretching your walls while it’s juices started to transfer onto Price’s slacks.
“Fuck, you’re so wet. What will your team say, hm? Here you are, in a storage room, on a mission, getting finger fucked by your Enemy’s Captain, and loving it.”
You were a moaning mess as the 141 Captain dissolved the fight in you and string you closer to a high. It’s right there. Your orgasm came so close you almost felt it wash over you before you were left with emptiness.
“Bad girls don’t get to come. You try to rush me and you didn’t answer my questions, you don’t think you deserve to come do you?”
Price almost looked cruel from your vision as he kept his blue eyes hard, training on yours that began to well up with tears at the removal of his fingers.
“N-no! Please, don’t stop.” If the pleading wasn’t pathetic enough, you couldn’t catch your hips from rolling into his thigh to get more pleasure. Of course the Captain stops the movement with a firm hand on your ass that definitely left a mark.
“You move when I tell you to. Why don’t you apologize for swing a knife at me first before thinking with that needy pussy.”
Biting your lip at the spreading warmth from his slap, in a shaky voice you try to appease him.
“I-I’m sorry. Ple-
Another smack sounds off in the room while you were practically gushing from Price’s heavy palms.
“I’m so sorry for swinging my knife at you!”
“Good, and?”
The Captain wipes a single tear off your check while smirking at your humiliation. He’s mean. And he’s enjoying it. The aggressive assassin for higher is putty in his hands.
“And not answering your questions.”
Satisfied with your apology, Price rubs the soreness on your cheeks gently. “Very good. Now tell me properly what you want pretty.”
“Make me come please.” Looking down to your glossy doe eyes, the Captain grunts while shoving his three digits back into your sloppy womanhood that was now leaking through his pants.
“Please, Captain.”
You lean up to connect a kiss, having your moans practically devoured by the brawny man that ate every single sound you let out.
Though Price teased you about getting finger fucked by an enemy, he was almost coming in his pants without even being touched. Just shoving his tongue down your throat send a straining ache from his core down to his manhood.
Your stomach clenches as a familiar feeling wells into it, causing your walls to squeeze Price’s fingers letting him know what’s soon to come.
“Go on. Come on my fingers.”
As if on command you come undone with a soundless scream. Price’s pupils are blown wide, taking in your state. Your cheeks flushed as you heaved out of your lips. The temptation snapped in the Captains head faster than he could process.
Passionate, paced, and surprisingly gentle. His lips and tongue took over yours, invading every other sense keeping your mind together. It’s almost like he had been waiting to do this for years, a man thirsting in a desert.
Contained mewls strings out of your mouth as the man drowns in your scent, breathing hard through his nose in an attempt to not leave your lips.
A string of saliva connects you and Price as he reluctantly parts to give you air. Forget your team finding you, if his team catches him pleasuring the beautiful temptress that hooked his heart the first time they chatted, they would never let him live it down. He should stop but the big hazy eyes that begged him to finish was too strong.
“Comon, pretty.”
The Captain lifts you up into his arms before carrying you to a large wooden crate and sprawls you out for him. Your legs that were wrapped around his waist shifts to settle on his shoulders, bending you to a ninety degree angle.
“Fuck. What are you doing to me?”
The Captain curses as he fumbles with his zipper before finally freeing his aching cock drooling pre-cum.
You couldn’t see his length with the dim lighting and your legs in the way, but you could feel it as he rubs against your entrance.
“You good, pretty?”
Price peaks at your face catching your fucked out expression causing him to grunt at the sight. A small whine leaving you as the Captain bumps your sensitive clit.
“Give me a sign if it’s too much for ya.”
With that he sinks into his awaiting heaven. Your breathe gets caught in your throat as Price’s cock drags against your walls, stretching it out. The man was patient, he wanted to savour this feeling while he groans breathlessly at the squeeze. You couldn’t help but clench around him as your pussy took his cock inch by inch before he bottomed out, tip basically kissing your cervix.
“Fuck, Captain. Please…”
Your hand reaches for his as he bends your legs lower to take it.
“Yes pretty girl? You want me to fuck you full.”
“P-please…wanna feel your cum inside me.”
Thats what did it before the 141 Captain starts slamming into your cunt. You couldn’t even scream out as his other hand covers your mouth to prevent sounds from leaving.
“Bloody hell! I’ll fuck you again and your going to give me every damn sound your pretty lips make.”
Through gritted teeth Price promises your inevitable faith, you were going to be around him again for another go.
Your juice had almost completely soaked his front, matting his hair slightly up his happy trail. Although he was batting against you so hard, barley being able think, you could feel this wasn’t just a quick fuck. His left hand still held your right in a tight reassurance. His pace and power were relentless, his cock giving your pussy a delicious stretch she hasn’t ever felt. Blue eyes trained on your face looking for any sign of discomfort while taking in every pleasured guise you made. John Price wasn’t fucking an enemy at rushed temptation, he was making love.
“You feel so good baby. Doing so well taking my cock like you were made for me.”
Squelching and the sound of skin slapping surrounds the small storage space as the Captain works you to a euphoric spark all the while praising you with dirty words. Your pussy eagerly takes every stroke he gave.
“Fuck! You’re fucking perfect. So good for me.”
Your legs were beginning to shake and your heart hammered in your chest at the feeling building up in your core.
“Ahh-shit! Captain?!”
Calling out for Price, your hand trembling as you squeezed his. You wanted to tell him you were going to cum, although with the way for walls grips and throbs around his length he could tell.
“You gonna cum for me, pretty girl?”
His baritone voice you loved so much was raspy and airy as he couldn’t help the moaning you had him vocalizing.
“Yes! Please make me cum!”
Your body still rocking against his, Price’s free hand migrates to you clit, giving it an encouraging roll against the rough pads of his thumb.
“Comon pretty, cum for your Captain.”
A strangled whine leaves you as your orgasm hits you like a train. Your body quivering at the tingling sensation on your clit, and your hole grips Price’s cock as he groans lowly at the grip. Your white cream covers his length as he gave you long thrusts before his end came.
“Oh fuck John! Yes! Cum in me!”
At the sound of his name being called, the Captain’s high snaps into place. Hot semen spurts inside your walls as he pushes it hard and deep towards your womb.
A faint fucked-out smile grazed your face as Price gently lowers your legs down and moves to kiss your grin.
You whimper as he slowly slides out of you with a wet pop. Wetness and cum completely covering your thighs, basically rolling down your legs.
“Hell! Sorry I-
You tug his collar once more to reconnect your lips before reassuring him.
“Don’t be. No one’s going to see unless they peak the split of my dress. Besides…you should worry about yourself.”
You gave the brunette a lazy smirk as he chuckles while looking at the mess you made on the front of his pants. He’s got to get out of here, of course not with you. Fixing himself up, you watch him curiously as he yanks off his loosened tie, suddenly tightening around your wrists that he gathers above your head.
Your confused, your exhausted brain not yet waking up.
“I’ve gotta leave to fix myself up, but I’m not leaving without you. Also can’t have you escaping me again can I, Y/N?”
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steve0discusses · 8 months
Ep 48 Pt 1: Just Me Thinking too Much About the Shape of Obelisk's Ass
Got swamped by work stuff and sick stuff pushing my stupid fatigue to 11 but hell I need to write about Yugioooooh.
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Last we left off, Isis and Shimon died in order to get Pharaoh back the puzzle so he could pull out the spicy god cards.
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And I need to discuss butt plate.
(read more about Obelisk's ass under the cut)
I know that Obelisk probably never does a big sitty at any point of his day, but considering I have chronic fatigue now and I just big sitty all the time, I think about sitting a LOT. Like a LOT.
Anywhere this man sits down is destroyed. Like anywhere. He's got a gardening hoe for a rear end. This man could kill you with his butt in a way that's just way more devastating than his fists.
Why does this exist? Like have we EVER seen the back of a god card before? Like ever? It's fascinating, and parts of me wonder if whoever was doing this episode started sweating bullets when they realized "Does Obelisk have a butt? And how chiseled is the butt? I'm very concerned like, does he even wear pants? How cheeks are these cheeks?"
And like was the solution between if Obelisk would have a bubble butt or a flat butt to instead put a giant knife on his ass to cover it up? because I can respect it. It's a weird character design decision but so is this entire show.
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And the character design is about to get a little weirder his episode because Yugioh reminded us that fusion exists.
Bakura is true to his word, and so we say "so long" to the theatrical pocket universe where these two yell asides at eachother across the DM table. We will go back to the isekai where Bakura will now become Zorc for the rest of the show.
Does the show give Zorc a British accent, do you ask?
And I'm as confused and disappointed as you are. Alexander the Freakin Great had a British accent. But Obelisk? Absolutely not. Would not make sense. Who would do that?
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Now in case you forgot, because I only do like one of these a month, Seto was left behind at the castle courtyard because Yami did not give him a ride to Kul Elna. You may be asking, isn't the...castle courtyard in the capital? Like right in front of us? Like why would Seto be in the desert?
I don't know.
Maybe that was not the capital where Sad Seto watched his not-wife die? Maybe that was somewhere else? Geography in Yugioh is such a mobius strip I've sort of gotten used to this.
Anyway, Seto is in the desert, and it may have been something we found out and I forgot because my fatigue is kicking my ass but like...I'll accept it because it's very funny to me that he's hiking around sand in that outfit, comes over a dune, and just sees those God card he REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted 4 seasons ago but lost to Yugi Muto just mocking him up there in the sky.
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Also Seto believes in magic now. It was a very abrupt thing but it had to happen eventually. Better late than never, I guess.
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And then the Egyptian Gods freakin biffed it.
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Isis and Shimon would be shaking their heads about how they died for freakin nothing from their afterlife plane, if any of this were in fact actually happening and not a weird simulation in Yami Muto's mind that is in a puzzle wired to Yugi Muto's brain.
Speaking of which, back at Yami's tomb, Yugi is having a meltdown.
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It's part of his creative process, having a meltdown. Yugi would have massive creative block without his routine. That's just world building.
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Yami is also going through his spin cycle, now that the moon blocked out the sun and we don't have any way to fix that.
Except we actually do have away to fix that, we used it in Season 1 when we went up against Mako Tsunami (don't ask me how I remember that random fact but don't remember what I ate for breakfast) but the problem with the ancient Egyptian version of this card game is you can really only summon like 1-3 cards at a time. So, they're boned.
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And now it's Seto's turn to fix Yami's problems, which like, wouldn't be the first time, wouldn't it?
Problem is, this Seto is just SO BAD at cards.
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I really should've put the towel on this shot ps but like...I got tired. I got a bad fatigue week, so we're gonna go au naturale with this episode.
Now one of y'all did a fancy reblog and showed how Zorc looked in the Japanese version which can I say--is SPICY. Like the US version tried to connect the neck more with the neck of the dragon, so it's like a tummy dragon instead of peen but it uh...doesn't work from this angle, does it?
I'm just still reeling about how there is a dragon dick and it aired on kid's tv and they fully got away with it.
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We love Roland.
I'd recognize that bad stache anywhere. Just because you don't got glasses on doesn't mean we don't know you got a Roland doo under that headwrap.
Bless this man.
Also, Roland is shredded? I'm just gonna leave that there.
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And that ends this segment. With the way we do image blocks...I uh will have to end it here. I can't have like more than 30 blocks total? And we're at 15 images? I don't know if it's adding text blocks to image blocks in that addition? I'm not sure how this new post system works so I'll just cut it here anywho.
Until then I'm going to go lay down prone on the ground like Yami muto in the image above. Kinda jealous of him rn not going to lie.
(and for those who just got here, you can read these caps all in chronological order by using this link right here. Assuming it's the right link. With the new Tumblr post thingy, it has been randomly removing /chrono from the end of my link? Which sucks? anyway, hopefully it works.
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toxi-works-at-culvers · 10 months
also what are some of your headcanons for him? i'd love to know:)!
ohh i have so many thoughts about him, thank you for asking! :3c
some general stuff first i guess? i think he genuinely loved his kids! and i think that he also liked kids in general, since he opened up fredbear's and all. i don't think he was the best dad, but i think he genuinely tried. and i don't really like when he's portrayed as abusive because i don't feel like it makes sense for his character.
basic stuff: 6 ft 2 in tall, built like a fuckin twig, scariest gray/green eyes you will ever see. charming bastard smile. missing a tooth because he's definitely gotten into a fight before. wears purple in almost every outfit and dresses more formally than needed. bisexual. somewhere in his mid-30's in 1983
hobbies include robotics, designing animatronics, acting, journaling, and juggling (canon btw)
british. that's not even a headcanon but i feel like it's being forgotten lately (matthew curtis' voicelines for him + he's not gonna have an accent in the movie… sad!)
very afraid of death
has a very high opinion of himself
probably had a cat at one point. i feel like he would
i think his hair would start graying kind of early because of stress. the man's a workaholic and has definitely done more than a few all-nighters :P
i also think he got married kind of early (in his 20's or so) from societal pressure and also oopsies!! accidental pregnancy! so yeah. michael was an accident but william still loved him - but once elizabeth and evan were born william kind of ends up ignoring michael in favor of them. and that causes michael's teen angst to get especially angsty which is why the bite of 83 happens
he 100% used to have a thing with henry. there's no way they weren't at least a little fruity. (from the silver eyes, "a search of his house had found (…) stacks of journals full of raving paranoia, passages about henry that ranged from wild jealousy to near worship." tell me that's not homosexual.) but anyways they both have families now, yet william still lowkey kind of wants henry. but will never have him because they are both doomed by the narrative :) (edit to also say. they are like a divorced old couple tbh.)
his opinion about henry swaps around a lot. sees henry as being superior and better than him even if, technically, william has made wayyy more advanced animatronics. or sometimes thinks that he's the best and henry would be nothing without him.
and now his personality!! i kind of try to base most of it on how he's portrayed in the books, with my own touch added on. basically he's silly! he's a great actor and he's very theatrical. he's also very charismatic, good at interacting with people as well as getting what he wants. but underneath all that he's kind of an asshole, he's really selfish and only really cares about himself. he's egotistcal and he doesn't admit his faults because he thinks he can't be wrong. so yeah. (this actually got really long so i condensed it down. more elaboration under the cut)
gets springlocked and dies in 1993. returned to the fnaf 1 location because he wanted to destroy the old animatronics, thinking that it might free the souls and let him avoid their wrath or something idk. kind of backfired on him.
post springtrapping he's had a lot of time to reflect, but rather than feeling guilty he feels like he needs to get revenge. he wants to kill everyone who's ever wronged him and that's what keeps him going, even in death. (also the only one he might ACTUALLY somewhat regret is killing charlie, because of how it broke his relationship with henry. but otherwise he doesn't feel guilty at all.)
and most importantly, the fnaf 6 ending (with henry's speech) is canon and he's dead after that :) no glitchtrap, no mimic, no FUCKING FEAR GAS!1!1!11
(the original, longer version of his personality here lol) i think that william is actually a very silly goofy guy! he's dramatic, he's an entertainer and an actor as shown by how he acts when he's wearing the springbonnie suit. although he's definitely playing it up for an effect there, he's still kind of uhh. theatrical i think. but he's also very charismatic and could probably smooth talk his way out of prettty much anything, which is part of the reason he doesn't get arrested after the MCI (also the lack of evidence). at the same time he has kind of a weird vibe to him, you can just tell there's something wrong with this dude, like maybe he's trying a little too hard to look normal.
and thennnn there's what's beneath the surface. william is kind of insensitive, self-centered/selfish, and egotistical. he also absolutely refuses to admit his own faults or shortcomings. something bad happened? not his fault! he was wrong about something? no he wasn't! another thing, william is very paranoid and usually feels like anyone or anything could be a threat to him (mostly because of that one passage from the silver eyes, "had spent so much of his life fighting like a cornered rat." and ANOTHER thing from the silver eyes, "he had taken on the mantle of bitter sadism as an integral part of himself. he would strike out against others and revel in their pain, feeling righteously that the world owed him his cruel pleasures.")
at first he kills charlie because he wants to bring evan back, and feels he deserves some kind of revenge on henry because it was HIS animatronic that did the bite after all, right? but along the way he realizes he enjoys killing. and that it feels so good to have power when he hasn't for most of his life. so he keeps going, and eventually all that comes crashing down on him. and it's tragic! because he used to have what many would call a perfect life. but he completely ruined that with his own selfish desires.
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