#very much just wanted to write a little bit for this cause i am weak to the thought of harpy mammon just
reduxulousoctopus · 2 days
X-Men '97, Post-Episode 7, ~2500 words Morpherine established relationship, missing scene (unless the show actually does explore what happened during that fight, in which case boy is there egg on my face).
I follow established show canon by referring to Morph as he/him in diegetic works (fanfic and fan art) and they/them in non-diegetic works (my episode analyses and reblogs), because that's the stupidest option and, like Morph, I am also an enby with a terrible sense of humor.
Now come watch me struggle to write two whole lines of dialogue for one of my favorite characters in the series, Beast, because Me Too Stupid to Write Smart Talk Good.
“You wanna explain what the hell happened back there?”
Although he considers pretending he didn’t hear the question, Morph reluctantly glances across the center aisle of the Blackbird to see Logan glaring back at him with an expression as hard as the adamantium underneath it. Although it’s a look he’s seen plenty of times before as an innocent bystander, Morph has only been the target of that glare on a handful of occasions. Usually when he’s severely fucked something up. Or when Logan is completely out-of-his-mind, cuckoo-bananas worried about him.
Morph suspects that this time, it’s a little Column A, a little Column B.
A wiser person might realize they were in a hole and stop digging; Morph smirks and asks, “What, the Summers Family Reunion? Well, you see, when a man and the clone of his wife love each other very much…” Morph chuckles. “By the way, this might be a bit creepy to say as one of his honorary uncles, but Baby Nathan grew up to be a serious hottie—emphasis on serious.”
No laugh. Okay, maybe that wasn’t his best material, but not even a lip twitch? Logan must be pissed.
Morph sighs and slouches in his seat. God, he doesn’t want to talk about this right now. Or maybe ever. He can feel his throat literally closing up to stop the words from coming out.
When enough time has passed that what little patience Logan had left in the tap completely runs dry, he goes right for the jugular: “I thought you were dead. Again.”
Morph winces.
“I saw that… ‘Trask Sentinel’ blow your goddamn head off. Then, next thing I know, you’re up and walkin’ around like nothing happened.”
“Not that you’re complaining, right?” Morph asks with a weak attempt at a laugh. “You know what they say about gift horses. Although, you’d think the lesson from the Trojan War would be that you should look gift horses in the mouth.”
From the seat behind him, Morph hears: “Although it’s a common misconception, that phrase actually has nothing to do with the Trojan Horse. The proverbial ‘gift horse’ is a literal, living horse, and to look it in the mouth—”
“With all those books you read,” Logan grumbles, “I thought at least one of them would've taught you it's rude to eavesdrop.”
“It would be difficult not to overhear, given the two of you are speaking quite loudly in a confined space while surrounded by people,” Beast points out. “Have you considered that this perhaps isn’t the best venue for a private conversation?”
“He is a super-genius. We’d better listen to him,” Morph tells Logan. “We’ll talk later, okay big guy?”
The stubborn set of that heavy jaw says Logan knows damn well ‘later’ means ‘never,’ and he isn’t gonna let Morph weasel out of this that easy. “If you ever want me to let you off this plane, you’ll talk now.”
“Let me?” Morph scoffs. He transforms into Quicksilver, puts on his best smug speedster grin, and says, “Just try and stop me, slowpoke.”
To his shock, Logan actually flinches. It’s a subtle thing, Morph might not have even noticed if he didn’t know Logan so well. The cause eludes him, however—until Morph remembers that he looked like Maximoff when the Thrask Sentinel… when everything went dark and quiet for a few seconds.
Funny. There was a time when Morph, blinded by youthful naivety and hero-worship, would have insisted Wolverine wasn’t afraid of anything.
Returning to his default form, Morph mutters out an apology. He tries to imagine what it would be like to see Logan die, only for him to get up a few seconds later and act like nothing happened. With that healing factor of his, they’ve gotten damned close to that exact scenario more than a few times.
How much worse would it feel, if Logan had kept his quick-healing abilities secret and Morph had to find out the hard way?
Morph takes a breath, looks out the window at the black clouds rushing by, and starts from the beginning.
“You know how most of us don’t know we’re mutants until we hit puberty, and our powers manifest? Well… I didn’t have to wait that long. Problem is, since I was just a baby, I had no idea how to control my powers—no more than a normal baby is born knowing how to walk or talk.
He holds out his hands with his palms cupped together to form a shallow, makeshift bowl.
“When I was born, I looked like a wriggling lump of white clay, about yay-big. No arms or legs, no face, no ears, no eyes. Just a mouth that would appear somewhere on my body whenever I was hungry or wanted to cry.”
Whatever Logan was expecting to hear, from the look on his face, it clearly wasn’t that.
“But even at that tender age, someone clearly recognized my star potential. I was only two days old when I made my media debut: Severely Deformed MUTANT Born In Pittsburgh Hospital.” Morph shrugs. “Not the most positive review, I’ll admit, but you know what they say: all publicity is good publicity. After all, that’s how the professor found me.”
Logan’s frown returns, more confused than angry. “You told me you didn’t meet Xavier until you were thirteen—after your mom passed.”
“That’s when I moved to the Institute. Turns out we actually met quite a lot earlier than I remembered, which is pretty embarrassing. Ideally, you don’t want to meet your future high school principal, college instructor, mentor, and world famous civil rights leader while wearing a diaper. Even worse, I was wearing a diaper, too—and I told him, mister, one of us is going to have to go home and change his outfit and it sure isn’t going to be me.”
That gets him a smile and a huff of a laugh, which would be an encouraging sign if he didn’t know how the story ends.
“So Xavier talked to my parents, explained the whole ‘mutant thing.’ Dad wasn’t happy. Then again, I’m not sure he ever was. He would have been disappointed to have a girl—a sentient lump of polymorphic biomass was right out. Thankfully, Xavier was able to use his telepathy to coach me through my very first transformation. He showed me how to turn into a normal baby boy, who would eventually grow up to look like this.”
Morph transforms into his old default, the one he still uses whenever he wants to pass: pale (although not that pale) skin, brown eyes, brown hair, hooked nose, pointed chin, gaunt cheeks, arched brows. Not exactly Fabio, but it’s the face Logan used to know him by—the face he sometimes worries Logan might secretly still prefer.
“Then he put some psychic blocks in place to limit my powers to something a bit more… manageable. Don’t give me that look. It sounds shady, but the professor messing with my head was the only reason I got to have a normal, happy childhood with my parents. God only knows what would have happened otherwise—if I’d even be alive now.”
The worry and suspicion that appeared on Logan’s face at the mention of psychic tampering grudgingly fade away. “When did you find out?” he asks instead.
“A couple months after the professor… y’know,” Morph sighs. “I hacked his personal files. Since he wouldn’t be around anymore to help you recover your memories, I hoped that maybe I could find something small he overlooked, some clue that might give us an idea where to look next.”
Logan’s eyes widen and his mouth goes slightly slack. “Morph…”
“I didn’t find anything, before you get excited. Not about you, anyway. Sure found out a lot about myself, though—a lot more than I was bargaining for.”
“That’s when your default form changed,” Logan realizes.
“Yeah. It was kind of hard to think of this,” Morph replies, gesturing at the face of his human-passing form, “as my ‘real’ face after that. Not that my new look is any more real, of course.”
“Who else knows?”
“Other than our friends listening to this conversation right now?” Morph asks pointedly, causing an entire plane full of X-Men to each make their best attempt at looking busy. Nightcrawler’s method of peering thoughtfully at the radio controls with one hand on his chin is particularly masterful—Logan mentioned he used to perform in a circus, so it’s no wonder he’s got such a good instinct for stage-business. “I told Hank and Moira not long after I found out. Seemed like a bad idea to keep that information from my doctors. Especially when one of them is also my therapist.”
At receiving a glare from Logan, Beast develops a sudden and convenient fascination with the view through the Blackbird’s window.
“But you didn’t want anyone else to know.” Logan could accept that, even if he doesn’t like it. Nothing personal. A man’s business is man's business, after all—even for a not-quite-man like Morph.
Too bad it wouldn’t be the truth; no more ‘real’ than any face that Morph wears.
“I didn’t want you to know.”
Morph can handle Logan’s anger, no problem. That’s almost charming, after all these years. But it’s the flicker of hurt, just like that little flinch earlier, that really cuts him to the quick.
“Not because I don’t trust you, or want to keep things from you or anything, it’s just… I didn’t—I couldn’t—”
He sighs and looks away again. He transforms back into his new default: smooth white skin, mask-like face. Obviously inhuman.
Still a lot more human than he looked when he was born, though.
“So, yeah. That’s why I’ve apparently gained the ability to survive having my head blown off. It sure would have been handy to know that my organs were optional the last time a Sentinel put me down. Now, instead of being out of commission for two years I’ll never get back, I can just squish myself back together and keep on keepin’ on.”
Logan doesn’t respond, and slowly, the mutter of other conversations step in to fill the void. Morph stares at nothing, sick with nerves. It’s deeply unfair that he can still feel nauseous even though he doesn’t have a stomach anymore.
He would say it’s all in his head, but if he can survive without one, maybe he doesn’t have a brain, either.
Good line. Hopefully he’ll remember it after the existential horror wears off, in the brief window when things will be funny again before the heartbreak sinks in.
Because there’s dropping a bombshell on a relationship—then there’s dropping a fucking nuke.
Oh God. There isn’t going to be a window, is there?
“Morph. Look at me.”
Although he considers pretending he didn’t hear the command, Morph reluctantly glances across the center aisle of the Blackbird to see Logan looking back at him with an expression as soft as the heart he usually tries to hide.
“No matter what you look like, there’s one thing you’ve never been able to change,” Logan tells him. “That’s real enough for me.”
A wiser person might realize they were in a hole and stop digging; Morph can’t stop himself from opening his big stupid mouth. No wonder that was the one feature even Baby Morph knew to give himself. “There are more blocks Xavier left behind that I haven’t pushed through, yet. Maybe I’ll even figure out how to change my scent, someday.”
From the look on his face, Logan clearly hadn’t considered that possibility. Morph immediately wishes he could take it back, feeling like he’s just tarnished something sacred.
It’s always been strangely intimate, the way Logan can recognize him by scent alone. Even from the beginning, when Morph decided to pull a prank on the grumpy new recruit, only for Wolverine to sniff him out mere seconds into his planned routine—it was as if, like the Emperor’s New Clothes, he suddenly realized he had been naked the entire time.
Another, smarter shapeshifter might have avoided Logan after that; Morph couldn’t get enough.
One-sided pestering turned into an unlikely friendship, turned into friends-with-benefits, turned into… whatever they have now. That which dares not speak its name.
The thought of losing that connection, the idea that someday he may be able to change himself so thoroughly that even Logan won’t be able to recognize him anymore… It’s too awful. Cursed knowledge. Like learning about the solar cycle when he was a kid, and suddenly having the horrible realization: if even the sun is going to die someday, what makes him so sure Mom will get better?
Out of the corner of his eye, Morph sees Logan’s hand start to move, stop, then start again, reaching across the aisle towards him. For a insane, terrifying moment, he thinks Logan’s about to hold his hand, outing them in front of God, the other X-Men, and everybody—but of course, that enormous, rough mitt lands on his shoulder instead. Perfectly platonic, approved for all audiences by S&P.
Though they’re shooting through the air at supersonic speed, under the heavy weight of that hand, Morph feels rooted to stable ground. He closes his eyes and takes a few slow breaths he doesn’t actually need, with lungs he only has when he remembers to make himself some.
If there are any people left when the sun finally burns out in a few billion years, they’ll still be telling each other jokes as they go into that endless good night. Just think of the money we’ll save on sunscreen. Maybe, but you know the light-bulb companies are gonna take us to the cleaners. Ha ha, freeze frame, theme song, end credits.
Even as her body slowly wasted away under the combined onslaught of cancer and chemo, Mom always laughed at his jokes, no matter how many times she heard the one about the chicken who crossed the road. His most appreciative audience, to the very last curtain call.
The world is pretty fucking scary right now, and only getting scarier. Sinister. Genosha. Losing Gambit. Sentinels again, in all new and even more monstrous forms. Even worse: total war between humans and mutants looming over the horizon, shaking the ground with each step, getting closer and more inevitable every time someone mentions it, like a demon whose power grows every time you says its name.
But just because things are scary doesn’t mean the world's turning into a horror movie, and just because things are sad doesn’t make it a tragedy. Everyone gets to choose the genre of their life story—and Morph will always pick comedy.
He gives the hand on his shoulder a friendly pat, and uses the motion to disguise a slightly more-than-friendly squeeze. “I’m alright, just a little airsick. I think it’s making me maudlin.”
As he pulls his hand back, Logan frowns a little in confusion—he knows Morph is experienced enough in the air that he shouldn’t be getting nauseous over what are, for the Blackbird, barely above pleasure-cruise speeds.
“How unfair is that, by the way?” Morph asks. “I don’t even have a stomach right now.”
Logan chuckles. Nah, baby, don’t give it up for me that easy, Morph thinks, fighting a grin. You gotta make me work for it a little…
He needn’t have worried, though. When he does make it to the punchline, Logan laughs so hard that he snorts, the laugh-lines Morph has personally carved into that seemingly indestructible face creasing and growing deeper still. And as their friends who Definitely Weren’t Eavesdropping join in—even Rogue, so teary and congested that her laughs would sound like sobs if she wasn’t smiling—Morph knows all their attempts to hide their relationship have been for nothing, because there’s no way that all the love he feels for Logan in that moment isn’t writ large all over whichever face he's wearing right now.
That’s real enough for him.
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essencering · 10 months
↳ summary: Monsters and Humanity have slowly started to interact with one another the lines blurring a bit, but still, both sides stubbornly remain in the past with some things. So when your peaceful life is suddenly turned upside down when a storm sweeps through, you find that a monster has crash landed into your life. Moreso.... crashing into your attic.
↳ Tags: Gender Neutral Reader, Mammon (Obey Me!), Harpy Mammon.
writer's blurp: had this floating around in my brain for a bit, i really just want to write some of the OM boys as monsters. first... a pretty birdy mammon.
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The border between your world and monsters is as simple as a line of stones carved with runes. Parents would often whisper to their children horror stories, and reasons to never step over those stones no matter what the reason might be.
You would be safer to remain on the other side of those stones. Same for the monsters, they would remain safer on their side of the stones, but as time has slowly marched forward things have changed.
Monsters and Humanity have slowly started to interact with one another the lines blurring a bit, but still, both sides stubbornly remain in the past with some things. You're family has lived on the border between both worlds, and you've seen many monsters leave to trade, to live amongst humans, and even seen some humans do the same.
Yet you've never stepped across those stones into their world, after all, you feel as if what you've seen from monsters once they cross over is fitting to what lay on the other side. So when your peaceful life is suddenly turned upside down when a storm sweeps through, you find that a monster has crash landed into your life.
Moreso crashing into the attic, the wind and rain seemingly too strong for the monster to handle, and your roof was an unfortunate victim, but one you could live with. The monster seemed to be unharmed, a ball of puffed-up feathers, with a mixture of trilling and clicking. Piercing eyes watch you while you try you're best to cover the hole till the storm passes.
the monster in question is a harpy.
a very pretty one at that, and also very cautious of you, not that you can blame it. after all, if you suddenly had a crash landing into someone's house you would also be on high alert as well.
the harpy stays in the attic, tucked away in a corner far from the hole in the roof, surrounded by bundles of packed-up blankets and such that you didn't need in the springtime.
you assume it made a nest for itself to feel more comfortable and help to keep it from stressing out.
you couldn't get close to see if it was hurt, so you would simply poke your head up into the attic and look at the harpy, but the moment it started to puff up and hiss you would leave.
the storm lasted for three nights and four days, so to say that you were surprised to see the harpy in your room was very starting. it simply looked at you, dazed, before simply dozing off on your bed.
the harpy stuck around even after the storm, but there was always a good bit of space between the two of you. with the harpy watching you, and you just trying to do day-to-day things.
the harpy would sometimes trill, or chirp randomly at you. sometimes even when you were cooking, often stealing bits of whatever you might be cooking. a small blessing since you were unsure of when it had last eaten.
the harpy has taken to sleeping on your bed, a happy little ball of feathers and limbs on your bed during the day, and would sometimes carry some of your things up into your attic. during the day and at night.
to find that it was making a nest and the attic into its own little space was surprising, as you believed it would leave after the storm. yet it was making itself at home.
"hey, shouldn't you.... go back home?" you asked, the harpy making it turn away from making its nest to look at you. it blinked at you, shaking its head before smiling. the talons tapping against the wooden floorboards, tail feathers moving in a way that reminded you of a dance all while it walked over towards you.
a little sigh is all you hear before the harpy starts to nose at your hair, happy little trills and chirps.
"hmmmm, like it here. like you." hearing the harpy speak was shocking, as it had simply chosen to use only sound, its feathers, and expressions to communicate.
The Harpy's name you learned later is Mammon. A sweet guy, a huge dork in his own way, a lover of shiny things, but most of all a giant softy. Despite how big and bad he seems when he's all puffed up.
He would go out and bring you back little things. Trinkets, some wild game for dinner that night, or something that you could wear. He would puff up with pride right after putting it on you or seeing you wear whatever he brought home for you.
He could be a bit greedy for your time, and even greedier when it came to either sleeping in your bed with you or having you in his nest. Where he would ruffle his feathers, move things around and trill happily when everything was just right before curling up around you to doze off.
A smile on his face, and the cutest little noises to lull you to sleep.
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deadghosy · 2 months
can i have a headcanon for lucifer morningstar with elder sister! reader? I am just in desperate need for family stuff. Like elder sister! reader is nto weak and as powerful as lucifer (maybe a tiny bit stronger since th eboth of them are archangel).
Like elder sister!reader decided to follow her younger brother lucifer to hell by becoming a fallen angel too because she is very worried for him. (even knowing the punishment are brutal and harsh but she does not care) I would love if you make the dynamic between the two where reader is the more sterner, fiercer and scary one (like maybe she used to be a commander of an angel army before) and then lucifer is just a little guy who loves ducks (he can beat ass too lol) thanks for reading and i will appreciate a lot if you start writing my ideas! take care!
Prompt: You are the elder sister of Lucifer Morningstar who couldn’t help but fall down for your young brother.
Warning:: Episode 8 mentions
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Your brother, Lucifer Morningstar fell because of his “differences” being called a “trouble maker.” And simply having different ideas. You were different from your former younger brother as you were stern and serious at all times. But when Lucifer went to court and got sent to his own creation. Your eyes widen with fear and shocked.
You didn’t want to question things at the moment. But as hours, days, weeks, months, and then a few years pass. You couldn’t help but had enough as you started to question Sera and her rules. You didn’t believe in this type of punishment your younger brother had. But you guessed it was enough to the point you fell too.
You live with Lucifer as he was happy to see you were alive and well. Immediately when you came by his palace with your wings spout out that looked like his. He was ecstatic. He jumped into your arms with silly smile. He always loved being in your arms as he was scared how you would think of him when he fell. But you?! He was confused.
He asked you as you told him what happened and Lucifer felt his heart melt seeing his older sister care for him that much. And he started to cry while you sigh with a smile not surprised at this. You gave him a napkin which he gladly took letting you in his home which is now your home.
After he calmed down he told you how he has a daughter but an ex wife. You raised a brow as he explains his relationship with Lilith. You guess it must brought him to depression as his eye were having bags. So you cheered him up with a few fireworks which made his eyes light up as if he was a child again.
You became the 2nd ruler of hell as you were the commander back in heaven. But not any more.
Lucifer tried to tell you how he tried to give “his” people freedom and they ruined it, but you didn’t care as you put a hand out signaling him to stop. Lucifer listened looking down.
“I do not care. They shall not use freedom this way. But don’t worry young brother.” You patted his shoulder. “I won’t be harsh.”
And indeed you weren’t harsh but you were strict around some of pentagram city. Sinners understand the assignment immediately and there were less crimes around.
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You know that meme where a person and standing there calmly and the other person is going crazy and bouncing around?
Yeah that’s you and Lucifer…cause he was being hyper fixated about his ducks to you as you just stood there and smile softly.
That soft mother like smile of yours made Lucifer feel like home as he explains more to you.
Hell, when he would miss you he would make a small opera where you had joined him in hell and how you would fix him dinner or breakfast when he came home. Just like a normal human family.
If you were getting messed with, Lucifer is full on demon mode as you held him back by his white coat with a sigh. He knows you can protect yourself but damn. He sure can throw a mean punch at assholes.
You guys do hobbies together, like he would make ducks and you would do [hobby]. It was always a calm day
I headcannon Lucifer to follow behind you like a lost duckling while you walk around the palace doing your job. You’re taller than him obviously cause you are powerful. It’s an adorable sight though.
When Charlie heard that she had an aunt, and you were in hell too! She was amazed with stars in her eyes as she wanted to meet you immediately.
And so you did. You showed up at the hotel with an angelic smile as Alastor narrowed his eyes at you but still kept a smile. You hug Charlie as she hugged you back while jumping. Charlie starts to rant about her dreams and it made you realized how much she is Lucifer’s daughter as you smile down at her.
But then she tells you how the angels are going to attack the hotel and that made you sigh as you held a dark gaze.
You have just met your niece and no one shall harm her and her dreams.
It was basically giving, “I have just met Charlie and I would kill someone for her!”😭
So when the battle started unnoticed by you. Lucifer notified you about what’s happening as your eyes widen quickly with a flash. A red mist makes Lucifer coughs covering his nose. He had forgotten how quick you were at times.
As you fly down with heavy wings, Adam and lute over a force field. You let out a breath happy to see that the hotel was fine. Until Adam broke it as your eyes widen. You swoop in killing the Exorcists left and right.
As you kill Lucifer pops up seeing Adam tormenting his daughter, bringing out his protectiveness. He saved Charlie only for Adam to get up and berate them. You fly down gracefully holding a cold look.
“Woah, didn’t know sweet tits had fallen like her loser bro-”
Before he could say anything, a heavenly glowing light beams through him as Adam gasps on the floor holding his chest. Everything went silent as people were shocked at the one shot.
“That’s my sister, AND your aunt!” Lucifer says elbowing Charlie gently with a smug smile as Charlie is jaw dropped at how you can one shot someone.
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Hopefully you liked it <33
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mypoisonedvine · 2 years
I am literally BEGGING you to write more perv Eddie I was stunned by the last one 🥵🥵🥵
okay okay just because I had so much fun with it!
warnings: smut (18+), oral m receiving, grinding but no penetration, coming in panties, implied/described tickle fetish, slight foot fetish, verrryyy slight/implied watersports kink (nobody actually DOES anything it's just discussed and it's more of a holding kink anyways...), more dacryphilia, choking (with dick not hands), very slight degradation, reader has a thing for balls (we've established she's a perv too okay)
sequel to this drabble
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Eddie knew he was a pervert, it was something he learned about himself in his mid-adolescence and had only grown into since. What he hadn't known until that day was that you were an even bigger perv than him!
Yes, you were still innocent in your own way; your experience was limited, in part because of your slightly off-color interests like his. But your mind was impossibly dirty-- you put him to shame, really. And he didn't mind it at all.
"You thought about this a lot, didn't you?" you purred as you rubbed your foot against his crotch-- the white sock moved up and down over the bulge in his jeans, and Eddie had to fight not to buck his hips against you.
"Y-yeah," he choked out.
"Such a dirty boy," you scolded playfully. "I want you to show me how you jerk off to me-- you know, what you think about and stuff..."
His cheeks were turning pink, but he was already hastily opening his belt for you as you giggled happily.
"Mm," you hummed and licked your lips as he pulled out his throbbing cock, gripping it tightly in his hand. "How do you touch it?"
"Um, I-I do it like this for a while," he explained, demonstrating long, slower strokes from base to tip and back, "and then when I'm close, I just do this..."
You watched with half-lidded, dilated eyes as he moved his fist quickly over the head, and his whole cock flexed under your gaze. This felt so different with you watching him. "So, what do you think about?"
"Well, it depends," he breathed, struggling to focus while he was doing this. "Like, there was that day you came over and I, um, tickled you?"
You raised an eyebrow. "You tickle me a lot, you'll have to be more specific."
"R-right, well, I just do it 'cause you're so cute when you can't stop laughing and you're too weak to push me away..." he sighed. "But, um, there was one time where we were right here on the couch, and I was... on top of you and I... I tickled your feet first--"
"Of course you did," you smirked.
"But when I tickled your ribs," he recalled, "you were laughing so hard you started to cry a-and you said you... uh... you said you were gonna pee."
His face was burning hot as you started to laugh. "Oh, you were into that?"
"I-I mean, I wasn't gonna make you, I just... I liked that I could, if I wanted to," he explained. "Don't you think it would be kinda cute? If I tickled you until you-- until you wet yourself?"
You didn't say anything, and something about the silence made his throat all dry and his cock bob in his hand. "What else?" you pressed, and he shuddered as he started to stroke his cock faster.
"Uh... do you remember when we all got popsicles on field day?" he continued.
You smiled and bit your lip. He was already getting closer...
"You, uh, you got cherry..." he trailed off, groaning and shutting his eyes as he recalled the memory. "Kept thinking about your little tongue o-or your lips on me like that..."
"Yeah?" you encouraged with a grin, pointing your foot and using your toes to toy with his balls; his eyes rolled back in his head.
"Yeah, fuck," he grunted. "I couldn't stop thinking about your w-warm mouth... shoving my cock down your throat, and making you-- god-- making you choke on it--"
He was cut off with his own gasp when he felt you suddenly lean forward and wrap your lips around his tip; his eyes shot open and he stared in disbelief down at you as you gently sucked him, his hand still holding the rest as you bobbed your head a little lower with each movement.
"Oh my fucking god, baby," he breathed, "you're so-- fuck, look up at me?"
You leaned back slightly and your eyes met his-- those big, pretty eyes that were far too sweet and innocent to be looking at him like this while your mouth was trying to suck the life out of him.
"Th-that's it, god," he groaned, stroking your hair for a second before pushing your head down a bit. You hummed around him, and he pushed you more-- the tip of his cock hit the back of your throat, and he moaned as you gagged. "I knew it'd be too big for you," he grinned proudly, "fuck, I don't mind, I-I like feeling you choke. Can I do it again?"
You blinked at him and he took that as a yes-- of course, he would've taken anything as a yes.
He shoved your head down, over and over, occasionally letting his head fall back in pleasure but always coming back to meet your gaze; you were way too fucking pretty with cock in your mouth. Bet you look beautiful with cock in your pussy...
His nostrils flared and his lips snarled as your eyes started to water, and just as you blinked and those tears fell down your cheeks, you sniffled a bit.
"Oh fuck, baby, are you crying?" he sighed. You couldn't answer, but you didn't have to, and more tears ran across your face. "That's so fucking sexy..."
He swiped a tear up from over your cheekbone with his thumb, bringing it to his lips to taste. You whined slightly around him, and he caught the way your hips wiggled-- you were trying to hump the couch, like the needy little baby you were.
"I bet you're so wet from this," he groaned, "aren't you? Little button's all swollen and sensitive, just from choking on me?"
He let go of your head so you could pull back with a gasp. "Yes," you breathed, licking the underside of his cock, "yes, fuck-- can I taste your balls?"
Well, he wasn't sure what he was expecting you to say, but it wasn't that. He honestly could've busted right then, hearing you say something like that... especially between little sniffles as your eyes watered still from the irritation in your throat that his cock had induced.
Obviously, he nodded, and you leaned in deeper to his lap as he spread his legs wider for you. Your face was buried in his crotch and he felt your nose and lips right up against his skin; you took a deep breath in and hummed happily. "They smell good," you said suddenly.
"Jesus H. Christ," he hissed, catching your devious smirk as you looked up at him from under his erection. "Baby, you're not talking to me about how my balls smell right now."
"I've been thinking about them for forever," you admitted, "wanted to suck them so bad, wanted you to rub them all over my face..."
"Dirty," he announced proudly. His smug grin didn't last long when he felt your tongue lick him down there-- again, again, again.
"Mm," you hummed proudly, rocking your hips again, "taste so good..."
You sucked one into your open mouth, hollowing your cheeks, and he groaned loudly. Letting it out with a quiet pop! you switched to the other and reached up to grasp his cock, stroking it a little for him. "You like this?" he pressed. "Fuck, you like s-sucking my balls?"
You nodded and he couldn't take much more of this; and as fun as it would be to come in your mouth (truth be told, he almost wanted you to hate the taste) or all over your face or even in your hair while you had his balls in your mouth... he had better ideas.
You whined a bit as he pulled you off of him and he smiled. "I'm gonna help you, baby, I'm gonna get us both off," he promised.
He guided you to stand up and turn around, placing your hands on the counter in front of you. As he came up behind you, flipping your skirt up, he groaned and got a nice handful of your ass. He couldn't help himself, he had to give you just one little spank, and the way you jumped and quietly yelped when he did it made his cock throb again.
He grabbed your panties and, when you must have assumed he would pull them down, he yanked them up and pulled the fabric tight between your ass cheeks, glancing down to see the strip of pink lace was now pulling tight between your swollen lips; he groaned and tugged again, watching your hips shiver as the fabric rubbed over your clit. "So fuckin' cute," he grunted as he let go of the panties and you sighed in relief; he stepped up closer and pressed himself against you.
At first, he just rubbed his cock on your soft, smooth ass, but then he pulled the soaked crotch of your panties down just enough to slide his cock in. Not into you, just against you, slowly sliding his cock through your lips and letting your cunt soak his dick. "Oh," you breathed, already rocking back against him; he grabbed your hips tight.
"Let me do it," he ordered. "It's gonna feel so good..."
He thrusted forward and back, the tip of his cock rubbing right on your clit, and he caught the way your legs were shaking like your knees might give out. "Eddie," you moaned, dropping your head limply.
"You're so sensitive," he observed with a groan. "Think you can come before I jizz in your panties, sweetheart?"
"Yeah, m'close," you admitted, "right there, Eddie, fuck..."
"Right here?" he repeated, pushing his cock against you harder as you whined. "Right on your cute little clit?"
"Yes," you whimpered, tightening your grip on the counter before you. He groaned and slipped his hands under your shirt, tugging your bra out of the way so he could grope your chest. "Fuck, play with my nipples, please," you begged.
He moaned and did what you asked, thrusting faster against you as he toyed with your hard nipples, pinching them between his fingers. "Such pretty tits," he groaned, "been thinking about them for so long-- you wanted me to touch them, didn't you?"
You nodded and he felt his cock starting to flex.
"God, baby, come all over my dick," he instructed gruffly. "Want that little slutty pussy to soak me, c'mon, do it--"
You moaned his name loudly and he was done for, he gasped as he started to spray his load right there inside your panties. His eyes fell shut while his mouth fell open, and his head tilted back as he soaked the lace even better than you had.
He jumped when he felt you reach one of your hands back and squeeze his balls. "Fuck, baby--"
"Want all of it," you explained breathlessly, "want all your come, Eddie, please?"
"F-fuckin' Christ," he choked, but he kept thrusting erratically until every drop was in your cute panties.
Stepping back, he pulled them up again to make sure all that come was right up against your pretty folds, though the excess was already beginning to run down your thighs. "That was so hot," you breathed.
"You know you have to wear these for the rest of the day, right?" he smirked at you, pulling his jeans and boxers back up as he buckled his belt.
"You know that's all I ever wanted, right?" you replied with a wink.
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cal-flakes · 10 months
could u pleaseee write a blurb abt reader accidentally hitting rages nuts while try to get comfy cuddle him and he starts swearing and like whining like a little baby cause it hurts and reader juat try’s to comfort him xoxo
ABSOLUTELY YES (assuming i read this correctly, this gif felt fitting) i hope it’s what you wanted, enjoy <33
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╰┈➤ rafe gets injured
warnings: swearing.
summary: while trying to get yourself comfortable on top of your boyfriend as you settle down to watch a film, you accidentally hurt him.
the smell of butter popcorn fills the air as you stand in the kitchen, bored. according to you, three minutes is a very long time to wait for popcorn. “you coming baby?” rafe calls from the living room, waiting for you to come watch american psycho with him. “just a minute!” you call back.
the loud beeps of the microwave break your concentration on your nails, alerting you the popcorns done. sighing contently, you open the bag, careful not to burn yourself, before pouring the contents into a large sharing bowl. sparing the kitchen one last glance to make sure you haven’t forgotten anything, you switch off the light and head through to the living room.
as you set the bowl down on the coffee table in front of him, you scanned his figure, internally screaming at how good he looks splayed across the couch. “where am i supposed sit?” you pouted, poking fun at how he’s taken up the whole damn chair. rafe smirks up at you before gesturing for you to simply climb on top of him. deciding to be a bit pedantic, you do exactly that and plonk yourself down on top of him.
nothing could prepare you for the dramatics that would happen next. “fuck!” rafe yells, possibly louder than you’ve ever heard him. your eyes widen at the scene before you. rafe rolls around the rug on the floor, clutching his crotch, possibly in tears.
at first you thought he was being dramatic and let out a loud laugh, that was until he began his torrent of curses.
“it’s not fucking funny y/n! do you know how much that fucking hurt?” rafe shouts out in a weak voice, somewhat out of breath. realising what you had accidentally done, you crawl over to him and sit by his side. rafe flinches as you put your hand on his cheek and turns to face you. “oh my god! i’m so sorry! im so so so so sorry! i didn’t mean to!” you pleaded, noticing the tears welling up over his waterline. stroking his face, you lean down to kiss his forehead while he continues his hold down below.
sighing breathlessly, he rolls over onto his back as the pain subsides. his eyes narrow at you, shooting daggers. “you are so going to regret that y/n” he jokes as he quickly jumps up. before you could blink, rafe had you locked in his arms, pinned underneath him as he began tickling you.
kicking and screaming, you struggle to get away from his grip. “rafe! i-im sorry! i didn’t mean to!” you choke out between laughs.
you could never understand why tickling made a person laugh, especially when it was one of the top five torture methods, or atleast it was in your books.
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overseer-picard · 11 days
I have to talk about "I, Borg" for a moment. I get so exasperated by people saying Picard was stupid or weak for not using Hugh to cause genocide. I get it, Hollywood neural rot tells us we should always kill the bad guys but... come on, watch the episode with your brain wrinkles open.
Picard was chomping at the bit to use Hugh to infect the Borg, his staff were the ones telling him to slow down and think about things but he turned a deliberate blind eye to them for most of the episode. It was deeply out of character for him, but his actions were underpinned with a simmering rage that made it all make sense (especially considering he had been assimilated just two years prior).
He lashes out at Guinan, "It's not a person, damn it, it's a Borg!", he tells Geordi to "unattach himself" from the "lab animal", and he even makes Beverly do a double take when she says "You're making it sound like a virus." and he says, his eyes colder than we've ever seen, "And if all goes well, a terminal one."
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(Cold Eye Picard ^ very scary, do not approach. He even gives a flicker of a sadistic smile here, which might be the only time in the whole series we see that.)
But my main point is that Picard wanted to go through with the plan more than anyone else on the ship. So much so that the lust for revenge was splitting him open at the seams and making him abandon his core morals. Even Guinan, whose entire world was destroyed by the Borg, tells him he needs to calm down and reconsider.
And that moment towards the end, the climax of the episode, when Picard is tapping into Hugh's recognition of Locutus, trying to do a hail mary to prove that this is still nothing but a mindless drone, and Hugh says "No, I am Hugh". BAM. Picard's entire demeanor shifts as he realizes there's no way he can murder this innocent individual.
And this moment-
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-as Picard is saying goodbye to Hugh, you see his smile fall and doubt pull at him. Perhaps he's questioning if he did the right thing, or maybe wondering just how furious Command will be with him, but either way, it's a poignant moment that completes his arc because he was true to his moral center, and that is true to his character.
In my opinion, if Picard had chosen to push through with the plan, to kill Hugh and the possible (there was a chance it wouldn't work) millions of other Borg drones who were just as innocent and capable of rescue and rehabilitation as Hugh (and himself), it would've been a failing of writing and too far removed from Picard's character to be believable.
It's an incredible episode, and Patrick Stewart's performance is astoundingly nuanced, so it drives me a little crazy when people completely miss the entire point. If I wanted an action based thriller about the Good Guys coming up with cool ways of killing evil space zombies, I wouldn't be watching Star Trek.
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^ the face of character growth
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auras-moonstone · 8 months
hi i cant tell u how excited i am everytime i get your notifications 😭😭 also i know if i send a rec you'll do an amazing job so i'm requesting one rn i hope u like it!
barista y/n and ethan landry who are coworkers after class, they're always teasing eachother and there is some (light) flirting
y/n hasn't realized yet how attractive he is, until he passes behind her grabbing her waist to get on the other side of the counter to get an order.
it's not rlly a plot but GOD i'm imagining ethan in his tight little polo shirt and the apron around his waist, his front curls w a little bit of sweat onto them while he makes coffee..... i'm so weak 😭
thank you so much😭🥺 i was so excited to write this! love the concept so so much. hope you like it 🫶🏻
glitch — ethan landry
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word count: 1,747
pairing: barista!ethan landry x barista!fem!reader
summary: ethan has a crush on his co-worker, and she doesn’t reciprocate that crush until one touch changes everything.
warnings: a bit suggestive, but no smut
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TRUTH WAS, ETHAN HAD BEEN SIMPING HARD FOR Y/N SINCE HIS VERY FIRST DAY OF WORK. How could he not when she had that graceful smile on her face that made every customer weak in the knees? Ethan clearly wasn’t not the exception, he could work-ship the ground she walked on. But the attraction was very much one-sided.
It wasn’t that he was invisible to her, but she just didn’t see him the way he wanted to. They did flirt a bit, but while he did it with the intention of making her notice him in a romantic way, she only did it for fun, there weren’t any second intentions involved. Besides, Ethan had to watch every day the way boys would hit on her and asked for her number and how she wrote it in the palm of their hands. It broke his heart knowing she would never see him in another light.
“How many times did you have to write your number in someone’s hands today?” Ethan asked faking a laugh as they closed the cafe.
Y/N rolled her eyes playfully “Today was a chill one, so not much.”
“Have you ever gone on a date with any those guys?” he asked curiously. She never talked about going on dates, or never mentioned she was seeing or texting someone.
Y/N looked at him with surprise eyes. “Eth, please tell me you don’t believe I actually hand in my number that easily.”
“Wait what?”
The girl laughed, and punch him in the arm lightly. “You do think that! God, Ethan. I give them fake numbers. I don’t want random people texting me.”
“Can’t you just say no?” Ethan asked confused.
“I don’t want them to feel bad.” she shrugged.
“So you give them fake numbers and make some strangers let them know the pretty barista gave them a fake number?” Ethan asked incredulously.
Y/N grimaced “Okay, that sounds bad too, but I least I don’t have to see their rejected faces and they don’t get turned down in public.”
Ethan laughed, and the pressure on his chest evaporated. Was it crazy that he felt relieved by this new information? A bit. “So that means that I shouldn’t bother to ask for your number?” he acted disappointed.
Y/N chuckled. “Econ geniuses are my weakness, so I would never give you a fake number.”
Ethan blushed and shoved her “Shut up! I’m not an Econ genius.”
“Anyone who passes that dreadful class is a genius in my eyes” she said, shoving him back. “Let me give you my number, but don’t ghost me, okay?”
“I would never.”
“Good, cause you’d break my heart.” she joked, writing down her real number on his palm. Her hand felt so good on his, Ethan wished she would never let go. “There you go. Text me, we should hang out outside of work.”
“Really?” Ethan’s eyes shone and his heart started doing cartwheels.
“Of course, Eth. I actually like being around you” she smiled softly. Ethan would definitely mark that day as the best day of his life. “I can set you up with someone and we can go on a double date!” his face fell. So much for hoping. “Or, we can do something just the two of us. Now that I think about it, we don’t actually know much about the other. What a fake friendship we have.”
Friendship. That’s all he was ever going to have with her, and he needed to come in terms with it. Y/N was amazing, and he should be lucky to have her around, even if it was just as a friend.
Although, on a wednesday morning, the turning point happened. The university’s cafe was completely packed, and so they had to work ten times faster than usual. Stress filled the air of the small shop.
“Ugh, stupid machine! You had to choose this day to work like shit?” Y/N groaned, hitting the coffee machine. The coffee poured down slowly, and knowing it was going to take ages for the cup to be filled, she took one step backwards in frustration.
Ethan, who was trying to get to the other side to deliver a drink, bumped into her. Being in a rush, he almost made her lose her balance when they collided, but he grabbed her by the waist just in time to steady her. “Sorry! Are you okay?”
Y/N wanted to say yes, but she was not okay. Not because he had hurt her, but because the feeling of his big hand on her waist left her speechless. It produced a glitch on her body, a malfunction that caused her brain to not be able to utter a single syllable. She only managed to nod before setting her eyes on the coffee machine as if it were the most interesting thing on the planet.
For the rest of the stressful shift, Y/N found herself sneaking glances towards the tall boy every time she could. She couldn’t help it, her eyes diverted on their own and every time Ethan would pass by her, her whole body tensed and yearned for one more touch.
Ethan’s electric touch had been like a bug that altered her whole system. How in the world did she not notice him like that before? The way his cute polo shirt hung to him like a second skin—giving him the look of a hot nerd that Y/N was now a complete sucker for—, the way he adorably frowned in concentration as he prepared a drink, or the way his beautiful curls sticked to his forehead because of the sweat—honestly, she had no idea sweaty men could be that attractive. That’s what Ethan Landry was. He was so fucking attractive, and now that Y/N saw it, it took her lots of self-control not to push him against the counter and kiss the hell out of him.
“Tough shift, right?” Ethan said as they cleaned the now empty cafe.
Her gaze dropped down to his arms, his biceps flexed as he cleaned the counter. He was so hot. “Yeah.”
“What’s wrong with you today? You seemed off the entire day.” he asked confused.
“Nothing, I’m just really tired.” she said casually, forcing herself to look away from him.
“God, yes. My body is about to collapse.” he groaned as he stretched his arms. The action cause his shirt to ride up, showing a bit of his lower stomach.
Y/N’s grip on the cloth tightened as she felt the heat growing between her legs. I get it, I’m an idiot for not noticing how hot he is! Stop torturing me, she said to her hormones. “Same.”
Ethan laughed. “Seriously, what’s going on? Do you feel sick? You’re flushed, your face is really red. Do you have a fever? I can finish cleaning, you can go home, or wait for me and I’ll drive you.”
And he was so fucking sweet too. She wanted to rip her heart out and give it to him. “No, I’m okay.”
But Ethan didn’t believe her, so he walked towards her and cup her cheeks, making her breath hitch. “You’re not. What are you not telling me?”
Y/N sighed, he was not going to let go. “Trust me, you don’t wanna know.”
“I wanted to know, now I need to know. Tell me.”
“I’m horny, okay?” she blurted out in an exasperated tone. “And it’s your fault!”
“W-what?” he took one step back, eyes widened.
“Yes, you put your hand on me today and I can’t just stop thinking about your long fingers on the curve of my waist. And you won’t believe half the things I’ve seen inside my head since. You have been driving me crazy the whole day”
Ethan’s mouth was dry. At first, he thought she was messing with him, but her shiny glossy doe eyes were telling him a different story. She wanted him. “Try me. No, actually, show me.”
And it was then when the cafe’s temperature raised, when lust filled the air and their bodies turned warm with need. Five seconds later, Y/N fastened herself to him with a stitch—she grabbed Ethan by the collar of his polo, and tugged him down to met her lips in one ferocious kiss. She walked him backwards until his lower back hit the edge of the counter. He moaned both in pain and excitement.
The girl sneaked her hand down his shirt and felt his toned abs, groaning in delight against his lips. “So fucking hot. I need you.”
Ethan grabbed her by the forearms to change positions and then turned Y/N around so that her back was against his front and her stomach pressed against the marble counter.
He bit her earlobe and then started dragging his wet lips down the skin of her neck, sucking on her sweet spot. His veiny rough hands slipped inside her shirt, exploring the skin of her stomach and then they settled on her waist, giving them a squeeze. “You liked this, didn’t you?”
“Yes.” she replied breathlessly, resting the back of her head on his chest.
“Isn’t this better though?” he asked huskily on her ear as he trailed his fingers upwards, cupping her breasts. “No bra? Lucky me.”
“Eth…” she moaned, clenching her thighs, desperate have him inside her.
Noticing that, Ethan used his right leg to spread her thighs apart. “Bend over the counter, love.” he commanded, raising her skirt up to her hips and unbuckling his belt. “Be a good girl and moan my name.”
When they left the cafe, they were both still flushed by the dirty and hot encounter they had. Ethan still couldn’t comprehend how the day ended—he had walked inside the cafe that morning, the idea of fucking Y/N didn’t even cross his mind because he knew he had no chance. And now he was leaving with his hand intertwined in hers.
Y/N, on the other hand, didn’t even want to think about her life before that shift, when she wasn’t at Ethan’s mercy, when she didn’t know he kissed slowly and with passion, that he was a very dirty talker, that his touch felt like heaven, that he loved being praised as much as he loved praising, that he made the hottest sounds and that even though he had been attractively rough during sex, he was a fucking sweetheart after it, making sure she wasn’t in pain and had a good time. Now, Y/N was all about Ethan Landry.
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mae-falling-in-may · 1 year
My Little Flower | The Darkling x Fem!Reader
I wrote this just after finishing the season 2 of Shadow And Bone, it broke me so like it's a bit of a comfort fic I guess ? Just the way Aleksander was possessive of Alina made me feel things and I'm sorry about this... just a few heads up, I'm no Alina hater (I love her) I just needed to add a bit of tension in this, and also this is the first time I fully write smut AND that I post it on the internet. I'm very self conscious about smut because huh, I'm not the best writer in the world and english is not my first language. I still do hope you'll like it, I had fun writing it !!
Pairing : The Darkling x Fem!Reader
Warnings : very light spoilers, SMUT, jealous reader, kinda possessive!dark!aleksander ? established relationship, claiming, oral sex (f receiving) unprotected sex (protect urselves pls), p in v sex, dom/sub dynamics, creampie, 18+ only MINORS DNI!!!
Summary : Aleksander comes back from the dead, you feel your heart drop when you see him, darker than ever, the scars on his face making you feel weak. He's determined to get the sun summoner, and you're scared that he's drifting from you, but he will show you who you belong to.
Words : 3k
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He came back. The one who held you with just one finger, the one who could get you on your knees just with one word. General Kirigan, your General. Hearing what happened in the Fold with the sun summoner and him, broke you. Hell, you didn't know if what happened between you two meant something to him, but you would do anything to make him feel at least something.
My little flower he called you, away from all curious glances. That was the nickname he gave to you, and you held it. You answered it, maybe he called you to have you by his side forever, only for his plans, maybe it was just all an act, but heck, you fell deeply. You fell so deep that nothing would ever make you betray him. You wanted to be with him until you'll be killed in the field, or even just died at his own hands. Whether it was love or a crazy obsession, seeing him alive made your heart much lighter than it was before. You clenched your fists, dangerously planting your nails in your own flesh to keep you from running to him.
His silhouette, his voice, his dark gaze, and his newfound scars, everything about him made your breath hitch. All you could think of right now while he was walking towards other grishas and you, were absolutely disgusting thoughts about how you would go under him to help him relieve himself. You unconsciously held your breath while he was walking towards you. He approached dangerously, all of your body was calling you to be at his service. You gasped for air when he spoke to you.
"My little flower." He whispered, really close to your face so no one could hear him talk. "I'm glad that my most precious Grisha is here." 
You didn't manage to form a proper sentence, you were just stuttering words, and Aleksander saw how you were so emotional. You could only whisper the words: "You're alive.", before bursting into tears. He gently took you into his arms and shushed you.
"It's okay, little flower. I am back, and I'll need you more than anything for what we'll accomplish. Come and join me after dinner please ?" You could only nod while letting your tears drop freely.
"I need the Little Saint, you need to locate her, quickly, I want every information you have on her or anyone who's with her, you hear me ?" The tension in the room was heavy, all you could do with your fellow Grishas was to answer "Yes, General." You all waited for him to dismiss every one of you, and with a flick of his hands, he did. They left the room, as you stayed and waited for anything that he could ask you to do. Anything. You heard him shift into his armchair, and when you let yourself stare at him, your mind raced.
She was the one that caused all of this, seeing your General in this state made your heart clench. If only she listened to him, or you had been her, your General wouldn't be suffering like that. A deep cough startled you and your gaze got on Aleksander again, he was sick. You rushed towards him, obviously worried. You kneeled before him, putting a hand on his back and the other one on his knee.
"My General, are you unwell? What happened there ?" The shakiness of your voice betrayed you. 
"Flower." He whispered. "I… It's my new power. The nichevo'ya, they're shadow creatures. They defend me when I'm in danger." He locked his eyes into yours, dark and full of fatigue. You felt him drifting off from you. An explosive wave of emotions passed through you when he looked at you. Was it worry? Hatred for the Sun Summoner? Jealousy? Or just everything that you felt for the General was crashing down deep into your being. You gulped, your mind going from one worry to another, then you asked him quietly.
"Is there anything I can do, my General ?" He lowered his head and waited a bit before answering. "I fear that I do not have a solution for my state right now, flower. I just need… The Sun Summoner, Alina…" He stopped himself, what for? You didn't know, but everything collapsed around you. He didn't need you, the nickname he gave you meant nothing. All you could do was make him feel a bit better about this. You'll bring him back Alina, you swore on your life that you'll do anything for him right? Then you'll do it, even though it will hurt more than you admitted. 
You stood up, he looked at you, confusion and worry in his eyes. You tried to compose yourself and explained.
"I swore on my life that I'll do anything for you, General, if you want the Sun Summoner, I'll bring her back to you, even if I have to die trying to." You waited for an answer, an approval, anything, he stayed silent. You finally turned to leave the room, the sound of your steps resonating on the walls. You didn't want to leave, you wanted to stay, but hell seeing him like that hurt. You were about to open the door and leave when he stopped you with his voice.
"Flower. Please." You heard him stand up, and slow steps coming towards you. "You're the only one that can help me right now. Are you rejecting me? Your General ?" You felt tears building up again, you didn't know how you could tell him how you feel, having him obsessing over his Little Saint was so painful. But did you really have your right to speak up about it? You were just a Grisha, like any other Grisha here, you weren't her, yet you wanted to be her. You faced him back, letting your tears drop freely over your cheeks.
"How could I reject you when I'm not even yours, General? I know you need her, and I know I'll never be her, I've accepted it. Let me accomplish this for you, my General." You sounded hurt, exhausted, and deeply in love. He was dangerously approaching you by now, and for the first time in months, or hell maybe even years, he spoke your name. Not calling you Flower, like he loved to, just your name. He whispered it, and it felt so good on his lips. He cupped your face with his hand softly making you look at him, he seemed hurt.
"You don't understand. Yes, she is the Sun Summoner, and yes, I need her for every reason I already told you. But, what she is not, and will never be, is my precious little Flower. And you know who this is right? You, you belong to me, and I belong to you. I'll never deny that I wished you were the Sun Summoner, so we could accomplish everything together." Even with this, you couldn't believe him, your mind repeated to you that you meant nothing to him and that you weren't her. Even with his hand on your cheek, you couldn't let yourself breathe for him.
"Please, General, don't make me hope for something that I'm unworthy of." Something seemed to snap inside him when he heard the word "unworthy". He abruptly put his arm around your waist and pushed your body towards him with his hand on your back. The hurt gaze he wore before turned into something different, into something frightening.
"Do not use this word to qualify yourself, my flower. You are way more than that. You're my most precious Grisha, my most precious ally, and my dear, dear, friend." His words were spilled like tasty poison, so dangerous but yet, so good. You couldn't help but whimper under his touch. You knew how Aleksander could be possessive, but you simply refused to let yourself believe you were in his catalog. 
Hearing you whimper satisfied him, he let a small smile creep on his face, and he slowly buried his face into your neck. "If you don't believe my words maybe I'll need to show you who you belong to, flower." He kissed your neck, making a path towards your jaw, then your lips. He made sure to dry your tears before kissing you, you sighed into him, your arms making their way to his shoulders. You felt helpless whenever he touched you like this, thinking of nothing more but to please him right now, in this room.
He broke the kiss that left you both breathless, he took a moment to look at you, your eyes, your face, lips, jaw, and neck, and he felt you burning for him. He loves the hold that he had on you. "To bed, without your clothes, please." Even if he would love ripping out your kefta from your body, to expose all of yourself to him, he couldn't, he already had to deal with the million layers of his outfit. So he just followed you to the bed, while you were removing your boots, then your kefta, and then everything that went under it. He was getting rid of his clothing too, but getting distracted by how beautiful you looked for him, his hands stopped doing what he originally wanted to do, and your voice interrupted the silence.
"Do you need help, General ?" You were almost fully naked in front of him, a wave of arousal went through his body, making wearing pants uncomfortable. He nodded at you first, then when you were getting rid of his first few layers of clothes he spoke again.
"Please flower, tonight, only call me by my name. Can you do that ?" You eagerly nodded while you were getting rid of his final upper layer, revealing his scarred torso to you. You let your fingers trail on some of them, wanting to kiss every bit of scars he had on his body. He smiled, loving your admiration and worship, he missed it. He took your wrists in his hand and smiled down at you. 
"I know how much you love to worship me, flower, but not yet, you'll do it when I pump my cock deep inside of you. Right now I want to have you at my mercy and show you who this beautiful body belongs to. You hear me ?" You nodded, unable to form more than one word because of his power over you.
"Words, flower." He removed the last bit of clothes that kept you from being naked, exposing you to him. You stuttered "Yes, I understand Aleksander.", that seemed to please him a lot. He pushed you onto the bed, making his way on top of you. He still had his pants on, enjoying the friction of the fabric when his cock was getting bigger with arousal.
"This time it will be me who worships you. I'm going to taste you and make you scream." You whimpered, while he was kissing your neck, making his way painfully slowly toward your breasts. He kissed them softly before trailing down to your stomach, then your hips. He guided you to open your legs for him and found his hands gripping the back of your thighs. He kissed the inside of your thigh before finally making his way to your perfect already wet cunt. You were this wet since the intense kiss you shared earlier, and the more you felt his touch, the more you would be needy for him. 
He first lapped your pussy, to take a taste out of it, then completely buried his face into it. You weren't ready, it's been so long since you felt any kind of pleasure down there, you gasped and moaned, already on the verge of screaming. And he was just getting started? You knew you were about to break under him. The obscene noises of him tasting all of you made your head spin. He was eating you out like he wouldn't be able to do it after. The tip of his nose was making friction with your clit, and his tongue inside of you. He groaned under you, you were delicious, and he would not get over how delicious you tasted. 
Your moans and the noises he made by tasting you filled the entire room. He was almost tongue-fucking you as you felt your release build-up. You struggled to align proper sentences, just letting out the same words, "Saints, please, Aleksander". He loved how his name sounded on your lips when you were about to come for him, but he would be sure to make you scream it. 
"I'm going to make you cum for me, flower. I want you to scream my name when you do. I don't care if anyone hears, they'll just know who you belong to. You're mine, flower."
He then sucked on your clit and took two fingers to pump them inside of you. You screamed at the newfound sensation of his fingers, and your back arched while you were begging for a release. You were so desperate for him and it made his cock ache under the layer of his pants. He wanted to stop right here and bury himself inside of you just to feel you come around him. He sucked your clit even harder and teased your folds with his fingers. His other hand squeezed your thigh as he felt you crumble under his touch. He knew you were close, you were already losing your mind, and the moans you let out were incoherent at this point. 
“I know you’re close, flower, cum for me.” You screamed his name while hanging onto the bed sheets. The heat of your orgasm flew all over your body, your back arched and your legs were trembling. The delicious feeling of your release was overwhelming, you soaked Aleksander’s face. He pulled out his fingers slowly and kissed one last time your clit, then your cunt. He straightened up so you could see his face better, his hair was a mess and he was panting. He crushed his lips onto yours hungrily, making you taste the mix of your juices and his spit. You moaned against him, your hands finding their way to his groin. You stroked the length of his cock through the fabric. You wished he was fully naked right now, so you could feel him completely. He hummed into your lips and helped you get rid of his pants.
He broke the kiss to fully remove his clothes, which was a relief to both of you. He felt uncomfortable with the hard-on he had since he had first kissed you. And you, you wanted to please him, to have the taste of his cock on your tongue, to suck him so good so he could not think about anything else but you. But you knew it wasn't part of the plan today. You saw his cock already so hard and ready to be buried inside you. You bit your lip at the thought of it, you haven't had anyone since he left for the Fold with Alina, and god you missed him.
He went back once he was fully naked to kiss the corner of your lips. "I know what's on your mind, flower. You missed me, haven't you ?" He continued to kiss your cheek, your jaw, and your neck while placing himself between your legs. You felt him lightly stroke the tip of his cock on the opening of your pussy which made you moan. "Oh, Saints, yes I've missed you Aleksander." You felt him smile on your neck while caressing your body until his hands found your hips. He faced you once again and looked at you fondly with his dark eyes. 
He licked his lips, seeing you desperate for him, he knew you were about to beg for him to fuck you. He didn't even wait for you to say a word that he pumped into you. The feeling and the heat of his cock were oddly overwhelming, and you felt you could cum right here. "I'm gonna fuck you so good, my flower." You couldn't help but moan a please, to indicate that you needed him to move. He smiled and started to thrust into you painfully slowly. 
The rhythm he gave was making you feel every inch of his heat inside of you, you were almost trembling. But you wanted more, you begged once again and put your arms around his shoulders. "Please, Aleksander, I need more." Hearing his name falling through your lips while you were begging felt so good. He let out a curse and started to move into you harder and faster. Both of you loved being in each other's arms so you were on the verge of losing your minds.
The room was filled with your moans, the sound of both your skin slapping on each other, Aleksander's light panting while he was thrusting into you, and the obscene wet sounds of his cock going in and out of your soaked cunt. You wanted this moment to last forever, to have Aleksander all for yourself. The sound he made while fucking you was pushing you closer and closer to your release, and he felt it too. "Flower come on my cock with me please ?" You could only nod, overwhelmed by these sensations.
"I want to fill you up, love, can I ?" It was the first time he called you that, you couldn't even process the name you just wanted the both of you to cum. You almost screamed "Yes, please Aleksander.", you were so loud for him, so good to him, you'd never let him go. 
The wave of your orgasm reached you when his thrusts became erratic. Your cunt clenched around him as he finally got the release you seek. You felt his hot seed splashing into you, while he reached to kiss you again while filling you completely. You moaned against his mouth, enjoying everything he gave you. 
"You're mine, my little flower, mine only."
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Don't leave me... I'll stay (Loki)
Summary: After an argument causes a rift between Loki and Y/N, the day is spent ignoring the other until Y/N decides to spend the night away from Loki.
Warning: Angst? i dunno what else to put in but angst eheheh. long maybe? this is a very long fic eheheh. ohh and another thing is that this may be prone to mistakes as i dont have anybody to proof this so... ehehhe
Note: eheheeh the liar has finally posted what was promised, precisely a month late or later. eheheh sorry to those who waited, school has taken a lot of my time, I barely open my laptop to work and im rarely here anymore but i've got until the monday off so lets see what i'll do with that eheheh
The context is vague, I apologize but i am complete rubbish at this. at everything really, including writing so eheheh. To those brave souls that braved this whole thing, Thank you! so very deeply, from the bottom of my heart for even showing the slightest bit of interest in my rubbish ideas. Hope you like it and im stopping myself from going any further and prolonging this intro ehehhe, Enjoy!😊
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‘No Loki! Just because I have this disease, doesn’t mean you have the right to keep me locked up like some sort of china. I am able to do just about everything I could before I told you and you have no right telling me what I can or cannot do’ you countered his argument but being stubborn, neither of you relented nor ceased.
You were now second guessing whether it was right or not, telling him about the chronic illness you were diagnosed with, but you knew that you did the right thing if you wanted this relationship to have a good foundation. The reaction however… was not how you thought things would go.
It was simple at first. Barely noticeable and could have been mistaken as added doting to his already caring nature with you but overtime, it became more and more obvious how he was setting up these restrictions you never would have agreed on. It only grew ridiculous, and you would have allowed the passive ones, but this was the final straw.
Your patience had worn thin over the entirety of the argument however, as comments grew more rash and the final ‘disapproval’ of your oncoming task was remarked, you snapped. He had no right to restrict you of activities and tasks he thinks are too much for your condition and it only insulted and hurt you to think that he thought you so frail and weak that even simple chores were too much.
‘I am going on this mission, whether you “approve” or not, because just telling you was out of courtesy. I refuse to be told of my restrictions by anyone besides myself. I would have understood your concerns if the situation were more grave, but for the love of God, it’s a simple data extraction.’ You exasperated, growing tired of fighting about something you know he won’t fold on.
‘In an abandoned Hydra base!’ he pointed out, choosing not to acknowledge how you outright dismissed his concern, no matter how much it hurt. ‘You know of the dangers that lurk in those retched lairs and often times there are still those who patrol the premises. You do remember when Rogers and Romanoff were attacked during their little escapade in Camp Leigh, do you not?’
‘Of course, I remember, I’m not a moron’ you snide, glaring daggers at the raven-haired god and you were just about to justify how Barnes was going with you however the comment he let out was the final pull on the thinned thread.
‘Well, you certainly are acting like one’ he mumbled without thinking, turning away. He thought it was low enough so you wouldn’t hear but he thought wrong.
‘I beg your pardon?!’ you all but screeched out of fury. Loki flinched before he turned at the high pitch and fury, he heard from you. He saw the outraged his comment caused in your eyes. The fire that burned in those beautiful orbs of yours was terrifying however, what truly frightened him was how you took a breath, calming yourself and before he could so much as apologize, rolled your eyes and turned away.
‘I’m done’ you raised your hands in surrender, turning your back to him.
‘What do you mean you’re done?’ he asked as fear of losing you threatened his being. You mean everything to him and just the very thought of losing you and him being the very reason you were gone… it opened a holocaust in his mind.
‘This conversation, I am done. I’m ending it before either of us say something or does more damage that there already is’ you yield, busying yourself with tidying up the files you had splayed out all over the floor.
Relief flooded his senses before guilt quickly bore fruit.
He watched as you packed up your work and strode out of the room. It took him a minute, but he followed you out and once he finally reached the living room, he met the sight of you slipping on your trainers and throwing your gadgets, wallet and keys in your bag before moving to the door and slamming it shut.
He stood frozen in the threshold of the hall as he processed what happened. All he wanted was to keep you safe. Never did he think that things would go this bad.
You stormed out of the flat and went to the compound for the briefing you had with Bucky. It was scheduled for tomorrow, but you just could not stay in the flat, not with him, not at the moment. You needed a cool head and quite frankly, yours was blazing.
You called Barnes to reschedule, which he agreed to but before he could ask why, you had already hung up. You needed to calm down, seriously.
You took a scenic route around the city before heading to the facility. You parked at the car park and turned off the vehicle before you let your head fall on the steering wheel. Loki’s’ words really stung but in his own way, you knew he meant well. He loved you but it felt demeaning to be confined to one place or to be babied. You are a grown woman; this disease may affect you in some way but you wouldn’t let it define and control your life like its slowly doing to Loki.
You took your phone to look at the time and was greeted with lock screen background of you and Loki cuddling, fast asleep. Someone from the team took the picture to spite Loki but you found it adorable and set it on your phone. It brought a small grin to your lips until you got a message from Barnes saying which conference room was being used for the quick briefing. You sighed, taking your bag before exiting the car and heading in the building.
The briefing was quick. Only about the layout of the base, where to go and what to take. You were in and out in possibly ten minutes, but you longed for it to be longer. You didn’t want to go home yet so you stayed for a chat with the others, talking to Wanda about her relationship, discussing with Bruce the project he was working on before you went and left with a goodbye, heading for the shops for dinner prep and a bit of groceries, taking your time in each aisle to pass the minute until you really had to go home.
Loki had texted Thor after you left, asking if you were at the compound. It took a bit for his brother to respond but eventually he replied with ‘Barnes says she’s on her way for a meeting’. He felt relieved to at least know where you are, knowing you were safe and not alone somewhere. 
Hours passed until he heard your keys on the front door, the metal snake keychain giving a distinct clink with the rest of your keys. He looked to the door from where he sat on the living room, watching as you trudged in the brown bags of groceries. You kicked the door closed and placed the bags in the kitchen bench, never sparing him a look. He could sense that you didn’t want to be around him, he could always sense it. He’s had years of experience with being ignored nor wanted. He knew when to take his leave, so he left for the bedroom, never sparing you a sound of his departure.
You saw Loki on the chaise when you walked in. You blatantly ignored him, but he was on the couch. The only indication you got that he left was when you heard the bedroom door close. You were fixing everything you had bought to the cupboards and the pantry when you just heard the soft click of the door closing. You felt bad with how distant you two were being but what stung more is that he couldn’t bear to be in the same room as you that he had to leave. You wanted to make things right. You were thinking of things to say as you put away the vegetables, but he seemed to want the opposite.
You put everything away and started making supper, finishing an hour or two later. Loki still hasn’t left the bedroom, though you did hear the shower run a few minutes prior, so you ate by yourself, wallowing in your thoughts about the mission and Loki.
Your bowl was half gone when he emerged from the room and moved to where you were eating on the table. You had prepared him a bowl, which now sat at the other end of the table. You weren’t talking to each other, but you still care and love him. The soup had gone a bit cold, but it was there, and he sat and ate it anyways.
Both of you stayed silent, neither breaking the silence as the tension grew thick. You quickly finished the rest of your meal before standing abruptly to start cleaning up. You let the bowl rinse and soak in the sink while you stored the leftovers in a container and to the fridge. You had put more than enough on his bowl, so you were sure he wouldn’t be asking for seconds. You quickly washed the dishes whilst he ate while reading his book. He was nearly done when you left the kitchen and proceeded to the bathroom.
He let out a sigh and dropped his book when he heard the shower running. He has been staring at the very same paragraph over and over but not once has he actually paid attention to the text let alone understood it. He was hoping to break the ice between you two, but he froze, missing his chance.
He rinsed his own dish and made sure everything was good and locked up before he went back to the bedroom, preparing to go to bed.
You came out a few minutes later, steam billowing from the ensuite and following you. Your hair was wrapped up in a towel, your body clad in the oversized jumper you adored, with a nightie underneath. You still refused to acknowledge him as you made your way to the closet, grabbing a spare comforter.
This got Loki’s attention and was what broke the silence of the room, really the silence you have both established since the argument earlier.
‘What are you doing?’ he asked as he stopped fluffing the pillow in his hold. Your pillow.
‘I have a few case files to read and paperwork to do so… I’m staying in the living room’ you stated, hardly with any emotion, tugging at the comforter from the top shelf.
‘And the need for a blanket?’ he questioned again, looking over your well bundled figure. The sweater you had was thick and big enough to cover your legs if you were truly that cold, he knew that and the fact that you only use blankets whenever you were going to sleep.
‘It’s likely I’ll fall asleep on the couch so I’m preparing for the inevitable. To put it bluntly, I’m sleeping on the couch’ you say, finally turning around to see him holding your pillow before you moved to leave the room.
All Loki could do was nod, clenching his jaw as his hands dropped your pillow and watch as you left the room. He couldn’t do anything. He couldn’t will his lips to move in protest and just accepted what was going to happen. He didn’t want to force you seeing how that went earlier, so he let it… you, go do what you wish. He didn’t want to lose you and he’d do anything and everything to avoid that.
He got cleaned up in the bathroom before he went to bed. He couldn’t sleep and for hours he’s spent it staring up at the ceiling. Once he'd learned to sleep with you by his side, it was harder now to do so without you and the lingering thoughts of your fight earlier kept him company.
It took a while before the fatigue finally succumbed to him, his mind too tired to do anything that it finally forfeited and let him rest.
You on the other hand, haven’t slept at all. Not a wink of it. You spent a bit writing up some reports and looking over at some case files but after you found that you couldn’t focus, you packed everything up and tried to get some sleep. Tried. You really did but as tired as your body was, your mind worked wonders in keeping you up.
The fight you had was your fore thought, mainly the look in Loki’s eyes when you said you weren’t sleeping in the same room as him. He always tried to look impassive in front of others but with you, his eyes held so many expressions of love and adoration, you saw none of that as he held your pillow.
You felt bad leaving him alone. The gesture alone of fixing your side of the bed was heart-warming, that it made you feel like a monster when you saw the look he gave you. Of absolute disappointment? It wasn’t the right word, but you felt like you took the one good thing he had and crushed it in front of him.
You tried to stave off such thoughts, thinking of your task for tomorrow and such but it wasn’t any use. Your mind was going miles per minute, and you just couldn’t keep up. You stayed on the couch for hours, laying on the furniture as your eyes stayed transfixed on a spiderweb on the ceiling. You grew restless overtime so the idea of making tea came to mind.
You thought it a good idea for a cup to help you, so you finally got up. You took the towel you used from the coffee table and hung it on a chair as you turned the kettle on. You grabbed a cup from the drying rack and dropped the bag of chamomile you got from the jar, as you waited for the water to boil.
It was then you heard a whimper. It came fast and low, you were beginning to think that you imagined it when you heard it again. You left the cup sitting on the counter as you went to investigate, looking all around the open space of the flat until it finally registered to you that it was coming from the bedroom.
Fast steps quickly took you to the door of the room, which was left open and from where you stood, you heard his cries clearly. The room, gloomy when you entered had scarcely any light. The only source came from the dim lighting from the hall and the sliver of moonlight seeping through the curtains, but it was enough to help you at least see figures.
You moved to the general area of where the bed was and there you saw his figure, trembling slightly. From what you saw as your eyes further adjusted to the darkness, he laid on his side, his shirt damp with sweat, his face glistening and his hair sticking all over his neck and cheeks. He had a pillow in his hold, his head buried in the cushion, but the muffled whines and whimpers still persisted to reach your ears. It was your pillow.
It had been a long while since these terrible nightmares have plagued his nights. The last was far too long ago you hardly remembered it anymore. You remember how he once told you about it having something to do with you sleeping by his side. That something about you just calmed him and made his mind come to a peaceful state. The guilt you felt increased tenfold as the regret of leaving him alone ate you alive. You didn’t… you don’t… you couldn’t have imagined how much you had helped him without even realizing and now leaving him to his own devices… you felt like a pompous prick.
You sped to his side, whispering his name in hopes to arouse him but it proved to be futile.
You sat beside him, turning to the side to face figure. A finger reached to tuck the damp locks behinds his ears as you whispered his name again, hoping to get through his thoughts but it still wasn’t working. Your hands moved to cradle the side of his face, your thumb caressing his cheek in hopes to stir him as you continued to say his name.
‘Loki’ you said softly, knowing using any other tone or pitch would only frighten him further. You moved your head next to his, your body twisted in an awkward position, but you couldn’t care less. You continued to whisper his name close to his ear, your thumbs caressing those sharp angled cheeks until he finally stirred.
You felt it. That light shake of his head as he finally starts rouse, as if shaking off fatigue and merciless thoughts that haunted his mind. You pulled away a bit to see him properly, wiping the beads of sweat that coated most of his forehead with the sleeve of your jumper as your other hand continued their gentle caress on his cheeks. He had a furrow that pulled his brows together and normally you would have found it adorable but right now you only hoped to remove it.
He blinked slowly, gathering his bearings to check if he was truly out of the agonizing torment his mind had conjured. He was losing you. It was scene after scene of ways he loses you and all of it was his fault. From you leaving him after an argument, to the image of the mad titan snapping your neck in his grasp as he watched. Each scenario broke him in every way, and he just couldn’t bare it.
The sight was still fresh in his mind as he finally started to ebb away from the drowse of sleep. Then as panic set him as he realized and processed what had happened, he didn’t notice the soft whisper of his name or the caress of your delicate fingers. He was on the verge of complete panic, tears welling up his eyes when he felt it. You.
Your voice. You touch. Your scent. Everything. It all enveloped him to the point It became overwhelming, but he wanted it. To suffocate in everything you, to banish those horrid thoughts away.
‘y/n?’ he whispered meekly, still questioning whether he was still in the throughs of his nightmare.
‘I’m here, It’s okay. It’s just a nightmare’ you replied as tears started to pour from his eyes and cascade down his cheeks.
‘I’m sorry, I-I’m sorry, p-please don’t leave me’ he heaved, his voice shaking with every word, it broke your heart to hear him so broken. His arms moved to wrap around you, having a tight hold on your waist, leaving the pillow, as he wept.
You could only do so much to keep your own tears at bay, but you managed to stay strong. Your fingers wiped much of the tears, but they only continued to flow so you pulled him in to hide in the crook of your neck.
‘Shhh darling. It’s alright, I’m here, I promise’ you said in his ear, knowing his cries would only muffle his hearing. He cried and cried, apologizing just as much in between but you still dismissed every single one.
‘Shhhh, you’re okay darling. It’s only a nightmare, it’s alright’ you moved your body to lay on the bed fully, settling beside him comfortably as you held him tight. Your fingers weaved through his obsidian locks, scratching his scalp in hopes to console and comfort him in anyway as he continued to heave on the crook of your neck.
It broke your heart to see him like this. Frightened to the bone like a little boy, shivering as if dunk in the oceans of the arctic. All those years of suffering topped his insecurities and the lack assurance and consoling care throughout most of his life… of course he was afraid. Of the possibilities this life held. He’d seen the worst parts of it, of course id be difficult to peer outside that little protective box he hid in. And your argument certainly didn’t help matters.
He cried for a while and you let him. Bare his vulnerability to you and it was your honour to be shown this fragile part of him. You’d treasure the trust he had in you, to keep him safe in times like these. You wouldn’t let anything happen to him, especially like this. You love him too much.
He calmed down after a little while, still letting out soft sniffs and whimpers every once and a while, but he had calmed down. You placed a soft kiss on his temple, an assurance of sorts before pulling back to face him but his grip only tightened, a whine escaping his lips as he hid himself further in the safety of your hair.
He didn’t want you to pull away for fear of you having enough of him, but he wouldn’t have it. He couldn’t.
You hushed him softly, running a hand through his inky locks and caressing his scalp, assuring him you weren’t going anywhere and only meant to talk to him. He was reluctant but he gave in, nodding the slightest bit before pulling away to face you.
His face was red, eyes bloodshot and puffy around the eyelids, looking down and anywhere but at you. Streaks of tears, dry and fresh cascaded down his sharp features, causing his unruly hair to stick. The look he gave you completely broke your heart, rendering it to mush whilst he had the decency to look so heartbroken.
You kept your composure as a finger swiped a way those stray locks, tucking it behind his ear before he nuzzled in the warms of your palm. Your thumb glided along the prominent angle of his zygoma, brushing away whatever moisture was left until you tilted his head up, by the chin, to look at you. His beautiful emerald eyes shimmered with unshed tears however he still won’t look you in the eyes.
‘Loki’ his name came off your lips in a soft whisper, finally grabbing his attention. Now that you finally had it though, all words seem to have left you, your thoughts drawing blank. A sigh left your lips as you let your head drop to his, your foreheads pressed together as you closed your eyes.
‘I’m sorry’ you said blankly, your hand rising to come through his locks and to scratch his scalp. Whether it was for his comfort or your distraction, you wouldn’t know.
He shook his head, dismissing your apology. Half of him didn’t know what you were apologizing for yet the other had an idea as to what, and even if it truly was what you were thinking, he knew that it was his fault.
‘No, don’t apologize. It’s my fault, I shouldn’t have treated you as such, but please darling, forgive me. I cannot lose you, please. Don’t… don’t leave me’ he practically begged. He really couldn’t lose you. He just wouldn’t know what to do if he did, but he just knows he won’t survive it.
‘No, I must apologize’ you argued, continuing on before he could cut you off ‘My actions weren’t acceptable, but Loki… We cannot keep going on like this. I am my own person, I refuse to told what to do, let alone what I can’t. I refuse to be caged in the four walls of this flat like some treasured bird, I’m not. I will not be restrained. By some illness nor God or man. This won’t work if that is what you want’.
‘I know, I know. I-It’s not, It’s not what I want. I’m sorry but darling, I just can’t lose you. I can’t. I won’t survive it. Please, I won’t do it again, just please don’t leave me.’ He sobbed, dropping his head back down the crook of your neck and he held you in a tight embrace. You understood what he meant; you don’t think you could survive losing him too.
‘I won’t. I’m not leaving you. I would never. I'm staying’ You affirmed. You really wouldn’t, but you won’t stand being coddled to the brim.
You held on to each other tightly for a while. Just letting the others presence calm one another. Loki hidden in the arch of your shoulder, arms wrapped around your waist, while you laid your head on top of his, a hand mindlessly raking trough his gorgeous locks. It proved to be comforting for the both of you, evidently.
‘I only meant to protect you’ he mumbled with a sniff out of nowhere.
‘I understand, my love. And the best I could do is promise to be safe and extra careful. I won’t take too risky missions if that gives you a peace of mind.’ You offered. You knew he only meant well and cared for your safety. You love your job but often times, it was too dangerous, even for your standards after everything. Taking fewer and safer missions wasn’t a problem. As long as you had worked to do that involved helping people, you were satisfied.
You felt him nod his head lightly at the suggestion, causing a soft smile to bloom from your lips before placing a soft kiss on the crown of his head. You didn’t see it but a small smile curved his lips as well at the feel of your lips on his skin. The touch starved part of him relishing in these small moments of affection like treasure.
Your free hand moved to caress his back when you felt how damp the fabric of his top was. The sweat he had worked up earlier still hasn’t dried and you knew how uncomfortable he would get bathing in the slightest bit of dirt, hence why you thought of getting him cleaned.
You place another kiss on his cheek before attempting to untangle yourself from him. The events of the nights had taxed the god, but you wanted to get him at least a bit clean before he fully dozed off however, as you tried to get off his loving embrace, his grip only tightened, his droopy eyes opening wide to see the commotion. 
‘Shhh, It’s alright. I just have to head out to the kitchen to check something and I promise, I will be right back my love’ you said softly to his ear, hoping his drowse would keep. He gave a tired huff before reluctantly setting you free. Your grin only grew wider, and you place a quick peck on his lips before you scrambled off the bed.
You quickly checked the kitchen to see if the kettle hadn’t burned and once assured, you left it as it was and headed to the loo to get what was needed. You took a small towel from the cupboard bellow the sink and ran it under the water to get it wet. Once it was fully soaked, you wrang the excess water from the towel and quickly grabbed a spare shirt from the wardrobe before going back to the bedroom.
The darling god had his eyes closed with your pillow once again tight in his grasp. This time, the sight made you smile. At how adorable he looked, face squashed on the cushion. You could tell how exhausted he was though, so you made haste in getting him set for night’s (hopefully) peaceful rest.
You sat beside him on the bed, the shifting of the mattress making him dare open an eye just as you were about to rouse him. He gave you that small charming smile of his when he saw you and your hand moved to cup his cheek, letting the pad of your thumb caress his now dried cheeks.
‘Can you sit up for me, luv’ you asked, leaning down to his ear. He gave you a faint nod before you sat back and helped him up. The fatigue was really getting on to him as he laid his head on your shoulder, so you made sure to finish as soon as possible to finally let him have a good night’s rest.
You gathered his hair into a pony with one hand and held it away, while the other wiped the damp cloth on the back of his neck. He flinched at the contact, having been spared a warning, you promptly apologized and moved as quickly as you could.
You wiped his face with great care, before you pulled his shirt off and threw it on the nightstand, to be put on the hamper after you were done. You wiped him all over until you deemed it enough and gave him the spare shirt. He put it on and just before you could leave the bed again, he took your hand. He gave you a pleading look that spoke volumes, and how could you resist when he gave you those doe eyes.
You gave him a soft smile, leaving the little towel beside the shirt and made your way to your spot on the bed. You got comfortable before you looked at him, staring at you with great fondness, it made you bashful yet you still opened your arms, welcoming him in to be held, which with great eager, he accepted. He laid beside you, wrapping his arms around your torso as he inhaled the scent of your hair, a welcome comfort after the course of the night.
You pulled the covers up to cover you both, but the feel of his soft lips just made you forget about everything but him, making you snuggle closer in his hold.
He had his head laid on the top of yours, his arms tied around you and your legs intertwined. An arm of yours cradled the back of his head, tangling to the roots of his inky locks while the other drew abstracts on his back. You held each other, never saying a word yet the silence was finally comfortable. A tranquil state you two could once again relish.
The silence however gave your mind room to intrude the peace, thinking of how things got to this point. From the argument, to the dismiss of each other’s presence and up until the confession after the dreadful nightmare, you admit that parts of how this ended up being the conclusion of the day, was your fault. Yes, Loki had his own mistakes in the matter, but you could have taken a point and fixed it. Why didn’t you get a grip and made the effort to make things better.  You shouldn’t ha…
A deep sigh broke you out of your trance. A squeeze, you felt you were given as arms around waist tightened and you were pulled impossibly closer to the mass holding you.
‘I can hear your gears turning, darling’ Loki mumbled, followed by a small chuckle, breaking the deafening comfort of silence. The sound was well welcomed after the tension of the day.
‘Sorry, luv. Go back to sleep’ you reply, scratching his scalp. He hummed in response, a smile pressing against your hair before a quick peck was planted on the top of your head. You grinned, closing your eyes, hoping to finally get consumed by the black oblivion that was rest.
The gentle caress on your arm helped, lulling you to a peaceful state of mind. Loki knew what helped you too.
Eventually the night drew on, painting the dark skies with stars as the two held each other, succumbing to blissful state of peace promised by slumber.
The night was a lesson for the two. To understand the other, to work out their problems and to never go to bed angry.
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amirahart · 2 years
Flinch || Charles Leclerc
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Pairing: Charles Leclerc x (Y/N)
Warnings: mentions of abuse/flinching, mention of the French gp 2022 (yes that needs a warning), crushing, bad writing, even worse summary lmao
Summary: You and Charles are having an argument, when a sudden movement causes you to unravel your past…
Authors Note: 1. Tried to make a gif, did not go great. 2. If you have ever been in a situation like this, or you’re still going through any form of abuse, I am so sorry, you are so strong, you deserve so much better, and I am always here to talk to you if you need. I promise you I know that it seems hopeless, but it will get better❤️
Xoxo Art
He was drunk. (Y/N) knew that the moment she opened the door for him. She didn’t know why she thought that after today’s events, after his scream on the radio, after waiting for him for hours without him calling, something extremely out of character, he would show up sober. But she still hoped so.
The stench of alcohol overtook her, froze her for a second. She could do this. She could put him to bed and not think about it. All would be well. She quickly shuffled to the side and let him into her appartement, watching him and he stumbled a little bit and then fell onto the couch in a not-so-graceful move. It was all familiar to her, the entire endeavor, and as much as she was trying to assure herself that Charles wasn’t him, her heart rate still picked up.
She quickly closed the door and hesitantly walked to his side. “This is your boyfriend and he needs you right now”, she reminded herself. “This is your Charles and he needs you”. She looked at him and tried to block the memories from entering her brain.
(Y/N) sat to the couch next to him, still keeping a small distance between them. Charles was balancing his head on his arms, hiding his face. The sight broke her heart. She couldn’t bear to see him like this, so small and broken, over a mistake.
“You shouldn’t blame yourself”, she said quietly. She knew he heard that today a million times, but it was true and she still wanted to remind him of it. He didn’t react to the sound of her voice. “I am still very proud of you”, she tried again, and this time, Charles’ head snapped up.
“Don’t you get tired of this, amour?”, he asked in a venomous tone, which made (Y/N) clench her teeth and recite her mantra again. “This is your Charles, he needs you. He’s not like him”
“Get tired of what, baby?”
“Always saying the right fucking thing. Lying to my damn face”, his words took her aback. He was drunk, and she shouldn’t take them to heart, but she still did. He was never this rough with her.
“I have never lied to you Charles”, her voice seemed to get smaller.
“You did just now. Why the fuck would you be proud of a damn failure?”, his tone was getting more agressive, and (Y/N) could see that they were trotting in dangerous territory. She hated the fact that he thought of himself that way. She hated the fact that in that moment of weakness for her boyfriend, in that moment where he was breaking down, all she could think was how she was going to escape this, how to control her breathing and the best excuse to allow her to bid goodnight and hide under her covers. She hated the fact that her first instinct was to leave him at this state and protect herself.
“You are not a failure Charles. You have never been a failure and you will never be a failure. Everyone is allowed mistakes”, she started, her tone even and calculated, but Charles just rolled his eyes and scoffed, starting to pace across the living room. “It does not define you”, she tried to sound reassuring, but her voice was shaking at the way his feet hit the wooden floor, the way he was clenching his teeth. The too familiar way his nostrils flared and his hands closed into fists.
“I’m not fucking allowed mistakes, (Y/N), that’s the fucking problem”, he continued to pace across the room, his voice getting louder. “I’m supposed to be good at what I do and I ruined everything!”
“You did not ruin everything”
“I fucking did! So many people have sacrificed so fucking much for me to be able to be here, I’m just disappointing everyone. I know I am. And I know I disappointed you, which is why it’s so fucking annoying when you say that you’re proud of me”, (Y/N) tried to interrupt him, but he just kept going. “You shouldn’t be fucking proud of me. I’m a formula one driver, I’m supposed to be the best, I’m supposed to be world champion, and fucking look at me!”
“Honey, of course I’m proud of you, you’re not disappointing anyone. It happens to every driver, look at Perez, look at Lewis, even Max”, what she intended to be sympathetic words just riled him up more.
“Don’t fucking compare me to Max! I can’t stand being compared to him! Not by you! I understand he’s better, he has the championship, I get that, I don’t need that right now!”, he was practically yelling at this point, which made her breath hitch in her throat. She couldn’t do it. She couldn’t be here for him, not when he was drunk and angry and yelling and reminding her of everything she tried to hard to forget.
“I’m sorry baby, you’re right. Let’s just go to bed and talk about this tomorrow”, she reverted back to her old ways. Apologize, validate, escape. Apologize, validate, escape. It was always her fault. She’d rather it be her fault. She just wanted to go to bed and forget this ever happened.
Charles didn’t hear the desperation in her voice, partly because he was blinded by his anger, and partly because he was drunk. He was too into his own head to understand that he was hurting her. “We’re doing this right now! Don’t you understand that my career is important to me? I can’t afford mistakes like these (Y/N), I can’t ! Do you get that?”, he didn’t know why he was yelling. It wasn’t her fault. If anything she was the only thing making it better. She was the only person that could tell him bullshit such as « you’ll do better next time » and « I believe in you », and he would actually believe it. She was the one that could numb his pain and make him feel human. He shouldn’t be yelling at her.
“I understand, baby”, she cringed at the way her voice shook.
“Then why don’t you act like it?” Had he turned to look at her in that moment, he would’ve seen the fear in her eyes, the way she was sitting on her palms to stop them from shaking, the way she was counting each breath. But he didn’t.
“Charles, you’re drunk and you’re angry. Please calm down so we can discuss this, or this conversation stops now”
“You’re not listening to me!”, he yelled, turning around to face her and hitting the wall with his hand in frustration.
And she flinched.
He had never sobered up faster. He had never hated himself more.
Silence filled the room as the realization of what happened hit the young couple simultaneously. (Y/N) was frozen in place. She thought it was all behind her. She thought that he wouldn’t affect her life once he was out of it. She thought that his hold on her was over. She thought she was strong. No one had ever seen her flinch.
Charles retracted his arm. He didn’t know what to say. All words seemed to have left his brain except for one phrase: I made her think I would hurt her. He was disgusted with himself. He would never raise a hand on anyone, ever, and yet he was so disgusting that he made the woman he loved think that he had the capability to hurt her. He wanted to rip his arm off and burn it, as to not be associated with anything that could even be remotely related to making (Y/N) scared or hurt.
(Y/N) was the first to unfreeze. She quickly cleared her throat and stood up, heading for the door. “I have to go”, she mumbled, trying not to let her tears run down her cheeks. She hadn’t cried in a long time. She couldn’t let him see her cry. She was not ready to face the consequences.
Hearing her so broken set Charles into action. He approached her as gently as he could, still keeping a distance between them. “Je suis vraiment désolé”, he said in a soft voice, trying to prevent his own tears from escaping at the sight of her so broken. I am so sorry. He couldn’t express how truly heartbroken he was, not even in his native tongue.
“It’s not your fault baby, it’s alright, I just have to go”, her hand was on the door handle, her back facing him. She couldn’t do it. Not again.
“(Y/N)”, his voice was raw, one word holding so much emotion that she couldn’t avoid crying anymore. She slowly turned to face him, and her tears triggered his own. He fell on his knees in front of her, looking her in the eyes with such intensity that she couldn’t break the contact if she wanted to.
“Je ne te ferais jamais de mal” I would never hurt you.
They were both sobbing. (Y/N) slowly slid down, hugging her knees and letting her tears run freely. I would never hurt you. She was shaking. It was getting harder to breath, and the room seem to be getting smaller and smaller. She knew he would never hurt her. She hated herself for making him think she was afraid of Charles. She hated herself for allowing him to still have a fucking effect on her life.
Charles slowly slid next to her, and she placed her head on his shoulder. A weight was lifted off his chest as he felt her touch. He ran his fingers through her hair, something that he knew soothed her. They just stayed there for a while, both crying, until they let it all out of their system. He placed his head over hers and just kept mumbling apologies into her hair. He could never apologize enough. He could never express the regret and fear and pain and agony he felt. He promised himself that if she ever decided she would give him a second chance, he would spend his whole life trying to prove to her how much he loved her. How much he cherished her and adored her. He would never fucking hurt her. Never.
After a while the tears stopped, and came the hard part. The conversation. (Y/N) knew she could not avoid it, but she could not fathom the idea of being so vulnerable in front of anyone, even Charles. She didn’t like remembering what had happened to her. It was an admission of her own weakness, how long she stayed. It made her feel dirty, unworthy.
“I’m sorry for making you cry over something this stupid”, her voice was barely over a whisper. She didn’t know what to say. Charles heart broke for what seemed to be the millionth time tonight.
“S’il te plaît, dont apologize”, he pulled her close again, burying his face in her hair to hide the tears that were spilling out of his eyes. “Don’t apologize”, he muttered again and again.
After a long moment of silence, he spoke again. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you cry”, he whispered.
“I don’t cry anymore”
“Why not?”
She thought about her answer. She thought about the events of tonight and the events that took place not so long ago, but still seemed to be eons away. She thought about the memories she tried to suppress, the thoughts she tried to drown. And she came to the conclusion that the only person in the world that could possibly understand her was holding her in his arms.
« He didn’t like it when I cried », her voice was barely audible. Charles didn’t know what to say. He pulled her impossibly closer and waited for her to make the next move. « It was years ago. I was young, younger to know better. And he was just so charming. Everything he said was like music to my ears. So I didn’t think straight. We fell in love so fast, I thought it was a miracle. And it was, until it wasn’t. He was stressed and he was angry and he was drunk, oh he used to get so drunk. It wasn’t like the movies where he’d chase me around with a knife or whatever. He was just… he was so mean. I felt like I wasn’t good enough in my own house”
Charles felt paralyzed as he listened to the love of his life talk about the thing that plagued her. He had so many thoughts running through his mind. How he wished he met her earlier so he could save her the pain of going through that. How he wished he could find this guy and kill him with his own bare hands. How he wished he knew what to say or what to do to make it all better.
“But he was still sweet. Every time he would yell at me or make me cry he’d be perfect afterwards. He’d promise me the world and I used to believe it. I believed every fucking word of his. I was so fucking stupid. The word “abuse” didn’t even occur to me even after he started to beat me. I was such a fucking idiot. I never told anyone. Everyone was so happy for me. They all thought we would get married. They didn’t see what was happening behind closed doors. How he would drink and drink and then hit me cause I’d try to tell him to cut it down, or because I didn’t tell him to cut it down that meant I didn’t care about him, or how when I talked I talked too much, but when I didn’t I was mad or I was cheating on him. I think the worst part is I wanted to marry him. I wanted to trap myself into that fucking life. Cause even if he beat me and he made me cry and he made me want to rip my skin off and hide away for days, he was perfect. He was romantic and he knew my needs and he brought me flowers. He would apologize and promise that one day we’d travel the world together.” She took a deep breath. “It took me two years. Two years of my fucking life wasted living in fear. But I left. I found a job offer as far away from him as possible and came here and prayed he’d never find me. I still hate myself for it. Not just for staying so long, for letting him steal two years of my life, but for still letting him ruin me. I can’t cry without fearing that I’d get hurt. I can’t stand up for myself. I used to be stubborn, can you believe that? Now I’m not. I lost part of myself to him.” She chuckled dryly. “I spent so long trying to scrub myself clean from him that I forgot who I am.”
She tried to sound okay, but Charles immediately picked up on how painful that was to admit for her. “You, ma vie, are the bravest, most beautiful, most thoughtful and caring and funny person I have ever met. You make everything you touch a trillion times better. You are talented and exquisite and kind and so intelligent. And all of that is you. Your past does not define you, chérie, and even though he might have caused you pain, he will never be able to reach you again. And he is certainly not the thing that made you such a wonderful person”
She teared up at his words. Charles stood up, with (Y/N) still in his arms, and moved them both to the couch. They sat there for hours, talking and crying, holding each other like it was the end of the world. Most of their time was occupied by Charles whispering sweet nothings into her ears, apologizing over and over again. For not making her feel safe, for her past, for not being able to do anything about it.
He held her until she fell asleep in his arms. He didn’t dare move in fear that he would wake her - God knew she needed the rest. He kept running his fingers through her hair, promising her that it was all better, promising he would never even think about touching alcohol again, telling her how sorry he was and how much he loved her.
He didn’t know if she could hear him but he didn’t really care. He needed to tell her all this. Because for the rest of his life, he would have to live with the fact that he made the love of his life flinch.
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vickyvicarious · 7 months
Letters van Helsing has now read:
9 May - "I am longing to be with you, and by the sea, where we can talk together freely [...] I shall try to do what I see lady journalists do: interviewing and writing descriptions and trying to remember conversations. I am told that, with a little practice, one can remember all that goes on or that one hears said during a day. [...] I have just had a few hurried lines from Jonathan from Transylvania. He is well, and will be returning in about a week."
24 August - "I found my dear one, oh, so thin and pale and weak-looking. All the resolution has gone out of his dear eyes, and that quiet dignity which I told you was in his face has vanished. He is only a wreck of himself, and he does not remember anything that has happened to him for a long time past. [...] ...after saying that she could never mention what my poor dear raved about, added: 'I can tell you this much, my dear: that it was not about anything which he has done wrong himself; and you, as his wife to be, have no cause to be concerned. He has not forgotten you or what he owes to you. His fear was of great and terrible things, which no mortal can treat of.' [...] I have had a great shock, and when I try to think of what it is I feel my head spin round, and I do not know if it was all real or the dreaming of a madman. You know I have had brain fever, and that is to be mad. The secret is here, and I do not want to know it. [...] I took the book from under his pillow, and wrapped it up in white paper, and tied it with a little bit of pale blue ribbon which was round my neck, and sealed it over the knot with sealing-wax, and for my seal I used my wedding ring. Then I kissed it and showed it to my husband, and told him that I would keep it so, and then it would be an outward and visible sign for us all our lives that we trusted each other; that I would never open it unless it were for his own dear sake or for the sake of some stern duty."
17 September - "Jonathan wants looking after still. He is beginning to put some flesh on his bones again, but he was terribly weakened by the long illness; even now he sometimes starts out of his sleep in a sudden way and awakes all trembling until I can coax him back to his usual placidity."
18 September - "But it is here that the grave shock that he experienced tells upon him the most. Oh, it is too hard that a sweet, simple, noble, strong nature such as his—a nature which enabled him by our dear, good friend's aid to rise from clerk to master in a few years—should be so injured that the very essence of its strength is gone."
He has also read Lucy's diary, the first entry of which (24 August) contains these lines: "I must imitate Mina, and keep writing things down. [...] Last night I seemed to be dreaming again just as I was at Whitby."
So, the impression he will have of the facts, upon writing his letter to Mina today, goes something like this:
Mina's then-fiance went to Transylvania and was supposed to return by around 16 May.
Instead, Mina found him terribly ill in a hospital in Budapest on 24 August, about three months later. He had been raving about great and terrible things, but could no longer recall them.
He had written a record of these things.
No one knows what is inside his record, but Mina has possession of it.
He is still fragile/slowly recovering.
Mina was with Lucy on Whitby, where Lucy was likely first attacked.
Mina kept a thorough record of those days.
So his goal in asking to speak to Mina is likely to try and get access to her journal from Whitby, and Jonathan's journal as well if he can manage it (less directly linked but suspicious). Not knowing that she has already read Jonathan's journal, it probably feels like a huge ask (since she sealed it up with great deliberacy) and he probably expects her to have no knowledge of the significance of anything she remembers from Whitby either. No wonder he is so polite and apologetic in his letter.
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lady-phasma · 1 month
How did Feyd treat Lady Margot like what was your sense of the scene onscreen? Like do u think he may have assaulted her in his own way even if it wasn't shown or did she have him do what pleased her physically using her powers? I've got questions lots!!! Do u think he knew of the successful pregnancy or was he like I don't care? Love ya!!!
What a great ask! I am so flattered and excited that you asked me! All that love right back at you!
So much here to discuss and I have had a few conversations about one of these questions with various people in the past couple weeks so I've definitely been thinking about it. I don't want to get too serious and heavy but I will talk about consent a bit.
All this makes me want to write a breakdown of Margot's assessment (and maybe that's something people would be interested in).
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So, The Voice. I've read various opinions that he followed her and knelt willingly. I have the movie audio I could upload to support my perspective but I won't bother with that here. I don't think she says "put your right hand in the box" with the Voice but I know the other commands are not with his consent.
The following is conjecture/headcanon. I think he would have had sex with Margot without the Voice and her Bene Gesserit tricks, but he wasn't given the opportunity to make that decision. I think he is very promiscuous, but discerning. Having said that, "desire and humiliation" are his weaknesses. So would he have wanted to humiliate her for using the Voice on him? Perhaps. I have yet to decide whose humiliation is his weakness: avoiding his own or causing it for others.
I think many of us can agree that Feyd isn't going to be the nicest guy in intimate situations no matter how we imagine him. I can't believe that he has had time to fall in love with Margot, but, just like Paul, he has had dreams of the Bene Gesserit who was sent to test him. There may be some intimacy present already. However, we know he passed the Gom Jabbar test, would Margot have needed to use the Voice again after he passed? If he had failed he would have died and if he passed he might have enjoyed the pain so much that he needed very little convincing.
(Fun note: in the book the Reverend Mother says about Paul's test "We seldom administer this to men-children" so did they have to wait for Feyd's coming of age?)
Here's where I'm of two minds: I want to indulge in my little hyperfixation and imagine him being autonomous and having rough, fun, raunchy sex because he chose to. I also don't believe he had much choice in the matter. He was part of the Bene Gesserit breeding program and few people from these great houses have had much choice in that in the last 90 generations.
Cognitive dissonance is the answer. Both conflicting beliefs can be held at the same time. That's probably the most unsatisfactory answer ever, but hear me out. One scenario paints him as an unwilling victim and the other as an amoral psycho. I like either of those options. I'm actually having some fun ideas about a Feyd x Margot short fic I could write about the unwilling victim personality as I type this. That is why cognitive dissonance is fine with me in fandoms. I can eat my cake and have it too.
Lastly, in my headcanon, Feyd has a breeding kink so he would have cared but I don't think he knew in the movie. That's just speculation on my part. I definitely read and (will) write fics with breeding kink for this psycho because he would love to pass on his genetics. As many of you know, I rarely write breeding kink but for this man, I am making an exception.
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stars-tonight · 2 months
rating haikyū!! characters based on how much I'd like to date them
slowly starting to realize that I'm the problem. . .
hinata shōyō: 5/10
I'm like 5'3 which is SHORTER than hinata so ig it could serve as an ego boost for him
no but how would we ever reach anything on the top shelf 😭
although I guess he could just jump for it??
very high-energy all the time and I honestly don't think I'd be able to keep up with him
kageyama tobio: 8/10
jeez idk on this one
we'd either get along really well or he'd hate my guts
like hey, you're socially awkward, I'm socially anxious
he's too good at volleyball and it'd make me feel inferior
if he's not motivated to learn English idk how this is gonna work
running around in the snow and throwing snowballs at each other 🥺
tsukishima kei: 8/10
I feel like hanging mirrors would be a big problem
he's a whole foot taller than me
I like the low energy vibes and the appreciation for music though
like imagine walks together where we share playlists with each other??
hopefully his saltiness and intelligence can rub off on me
nishinoya yū: 4.5/10
he's shorter than me help 😭
the top shelf would never get used
a little too energetic for me
although I would LOVE to learn the Rolling Thunder
he's kind of a wanderer and I think I’d prefer stability especially later in life
probably would not work out
sugawara kōshi: 8/10
baking dates??
I feel like he'd be so sweet and attentive as a partner
a bit of a troll which I need in my life
hopefully he doesn't lecture me cause I'm a sensitive little sh--
oikawa tōru: 10/10
I'll let myself be self-indulgent here because I love him too much
I just want to hug him and tell him he's worked hard and he's done so well
I have trouble with words but I feel like with him they'd just flow so easily
vulnerability is beautiful and I'd be so honored if he could be himself around me
amusement park dates!! I feel like he’d pretend to be all cool but shriek so loud when we get to the top
kozume kenma: 9/10
we're both extra introverted so I feel like we could just hang out in his room while he plays games and I read and be perfectly content
writing love notes and leaving them for each other throughout the house 🥺
hear me out, escape room dates??
but also how would either of us be able to get along in society
we'd stay up until 5 am together 😭
on second thought maybe we're a little TOO similar for a romantic relationship. . .
kuroo tetsurō: 8/10
also almost too tall
can he tutor me in chemistry 😭
I know he likes dogs but I’m dragging him with me to cat cafes
ushijima wakatoshi: 7.5/10
also really tall
I'm lowkey scared of him
I feel like he'd be a really traditional and calm partner, both qualities that I appreciate
I think he's like formal but also private when it comes to dates
I just feel like I'd always have to take the initiative and honestly I get really lazy and shouldn't be trusted to plan anything so maybe we just wouldn't end up going on any dates lmao
probably wouldn't work out if I'm gonna be honest
akaashi keiji: 10/10
this guy is boyfriend material
he can memorize all 37 of my weaknesses
I don’t think I have to explain why this guy would be great as a partner
book store dates!!
bokuto kōtarō: 5/10
also too energetic for me
bokuto deserves someone patient and cheerful and I am neither
I'm pretty stoic and have an RBF so if he's in emo mode idk how I'd be able to cheer him up
but I think life would never be boring with him around
miya atsumu: 7.5/10
I like atsumu well enough but I'm honestly super neutral about dating him
like I feel like it could work but there's also people I’d click with more
idk there's really no thoughts in my brain when I think about him in a romantic way
miya osamu: 7/10
I'm a REALLY picky eater so I could never go on food dates or help him with his restaurant
although he IS a little calmer than his brother
also like atsumu, someone that I never thought about dating
suna rintarō: 8.5/10
I think he’s a good height (in between ‘the high shelf would never be used’ and ‘the mirror is problematic’)
he's a phone addict, I'm a phone addict, we'd get along splendidly
I feel like a relationship with him would be pretty chill and lowkey
I don't do well with fancy and formal so that's perfect
late-night stargazing 🥺
kita shinsuke: 7/10
dude I'd be lowkey scared of him
he's just so productive?? and structured in his daily life
like I wish I was that organized but no I'll be staying up until 4 or 5 am on school nights just wasting my life away
I'm too much of a wreck for him
kita deserves better ☠️
sakusa kiyoomi 7.5/10
I'm a clean freak about some things but also horrendously messy about others so I don't even think he'd like me
isn't he also really tall
why does he not feel tall 😭
like with tsukishima and kuroo you FEEL like they're tall while with suna and sakusa you just know they're tall because the wiki tells you
in my mind sakusa is like 5'9 lmao
hoshiumi kōrai: 7/10
same deal as with hinata and nishinoya
he's a little too short for us to live a practical life
no thoughts about him romantically either
hirugami sachirō: 7.5/10
unfortunately I don't know much about him
but he's going to be a vet!! and I love animals
we will definitely raise cats
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brandnewhuman · 2 years
First of all, just found your blog. Legit the definition of perfection 🥰 *Chef's kiss*
Also can I request Jason, Thomas and Vincent with their s/o accidentally seducing them? Like, oh wearing a soft pink nightgown with cutesy bows, not knowing that'syour slashy bois weakness? Them's be horny Oops.
Please and thank you!!
Ps. Don't feel like you have to do this if you don't want to! I just really like your writing!
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Vincent Sinclair ☆ aka pretty wax man
Thomas Hewitt ☆ aka scary chonky babe
Jason Voorhees ☆ big forest daddy
Tw: where do I even fucking start. Mature language, NSFW, tiniest amount of smut, canon violence, mentions of murder, maybe blood? Size kink?
A/N: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR REQUESTS AND FOR ALL THE NICE WORDS OMG. Now, I have to excuse myself for taking so long for this requests but once again I've been very busy with my upcoming trip and all the planning ecc so that's why it's taking me so long with everything. That and the fact that my brain is fighting for his life everytime I have to write something using a somewhat decent grammar and simultaneously put some creativity in it. That being said, I hope you little horny gremlin enjoy this
The things we make this man go through. Mate is fighting for his life out here
It has been a couple of days that Vincent had been so busy he only stopped working when he was literally too tired 
You, besides being worried out of your mind, were bored too. 
You couldn't really force Vincent into rest cause there has been a unusual amount of visitors lately and you knew that bodies tend to rot quickly during this time of the year so deep down you understood that Vincent had to work faster and harder than usual
And that means not being able to spend time together, which was torture for the both of you. 
Since you didn't had anything else to do you decided to clean your room and organise your stuff
While putting away clothes ecc you found one of your favourites nightgowns 
It was the most beautiful piece of clothing you had. 
The silky material was ornate with details in lace and it fitted perfectly, wrapping your body tight enough to outline all your forms. The colour made stand up your soft skin
When you were done cleaning you decided to take a warm bath and pamper yourself a little bit using every little thing you had for skincare. Once you were out the bathroom your skin was glowing, your gorgeous nightgown was making you look prettier than ever and your sweet scent trailed after you as you made your way towards Vinny's workshop
"Vinny dear?? Are you there??" Your scent was filling the air around him, pulling his mind out of what he was doing. 
At soon as he saw you he could've sworn you looked like an angel
Now why would you that to this POOR MAN
he kept staring at you while the feeling of his head getting lightheaded started to make a blur out of his thoughts 
He's fighting for his spot in heaven right here
"Vincent?? Are you okay??" Your voice was so smooth and the way you cupped his masked cheeks while looking at him with such an intense stare YOU KNEW WHAT YOU WERE DOING DIDN'T YOU? YOU AND YOUR USUAL FOUL BEHAVIOUR ARE GOING TO KILL HIM ONE DAY
he was literally frozen in place. He could feel a familiar warm sensation burning in his chest as he looked at you but it seemed like his limbs didn't want to collaborate with his mind 
Every single thought was plague by you and your image making impossible to even think straight 
And to be honest only a small part of his thoughts could be considered decent 
You, however, apparently oblivious about the effect you were having on him, just gifted one of your sweetest smiles 
"Why don't you take a break baby?? You must be tired…besides you're almost done. A little rest won't do bad to anyone, am I right?" You kept caressing softly and gently his chest up and down, tilting your head slightly and looking right at him in the eyes
He felt his breath shortened and all he could muster as an answer was a shy nod. 
He literally felt he could melt in your hands at any given moment 
Got bruv here thirsting over you without even trying WHAT SORT OF WITCHERY IS THIS
you breathed out a small giggling at how he was reacting. You genuinely were not doing anything on purpose 
You took him by the hand, intertwining your fingers with his and pulling him towards the small bed that he had there
Once you were in front of it you turned to face him and slowly with your free hand you took off his mask 
"You must be so tired…my poor love, now I'll take care of it" 
That tone of voice, your fingers brushing against the skin of his face? Damn…double homicide right there 
Before you could pull your hand away he gently grasped your wrist 
now you were the one shivering in your fucking timbers
His other hand freed herself from yours to find her home on the small of your back, pulling you closer
There was so much tension that you felt dizzy but in a good way, to keep balance you placed your hands on his chest and tried to think about something to say before catching fire spontaneously 
"I…today was kinda hot, I thought that this would've been more appropriate to…wear" you practically breathed out the sentence 
Appropriate? APPROPRIATE? 
Your eyes darted from his mouth to his eyes, you two were so close you could feel the growing bulge in his pants hitting against you making your insides and your intimate parts twitch of pleasure and anticipation 
He now placed both hands on your sides and his thumbs traced circles feeling the smooth and soft material underneath, taking few steps forward making you go backwards until the back of your knees hitted the bed making you lose balance and fall on your back onto the soft surface 
I can assure you that both of you are now having small horny brain thoughts 
You looked up at him, adjusting your position slightly. Your hands fidgeting with the hem of the gown as you teased him by painfully slowly lifting up enough to show a peak of your underwear
Hid calloused hands found place on top of your knees just to part your legs gently to position his frame between them 
You immediately pulled yourself straight up again without breaking eye contact. 
"If you want that…you have to earn it. After all you have been hiding here for weeks…you have to make up for it dear" 
How could he resist when your velvet voice was so intoxicating and your gaze so compelling 
He tried to hide the smirk that tugged on the corners of his mouth while he quickly started to tie his hair up. 
Mate didn't even had took in consideration saying no
Just LISTEN OKAY imagine those hands gripping your thighs while he's working his magic down there and when you manage to keep your eyes from rolling to back of your brain long enough to look at him he's eyes meet yours and he has that LUSTFUL TYPE OF GAZE BRO I- 
If this man ever starts to tie his hair to eat me out i would fold like a fucking papersheet 
Once you both will be done, while you're sleeping he's definitely going to draw you in that nightgown cause he wants to burned into his brain how fucking beautiful you look right now 
To be fair you always wear nightgowns cause the texas heat is some serious matter
Every nightgowns you wear however is very simple and nothing special
This one you're wearing tonight however? It's the nicest and prettiest one you have. It hugs your body so perfectly that it would be a crime to not wear it
So after you chose to disturb Thomas's inner peace by wearing that you waited for him to get in bed
You were brushing your hair, sitting in front of the vanity mirror when you noticed Thomas getting in
"Oh hi Tommy!! Are you ready for bed??" You turned and you could say you turned something else too OKAY NO STOP ENOUGH I SWEAR
Thomas was exhausted by a whole day of chasing victims and chopping them. All he wanted was to clean up, get ready for bed and crush right next to you while holding you close
He found somehow enough concentration to tilt his head as if asking why were you wearing that
"Oh! The other ones need to be washed and I thought this would do at least for tonight. You don't like it, don't you?" You fidget with your fingers anxiously. You genuinely thought he was upset by it cause it's definitely one of your less modest gowns 
Never has he been this fast in answering something. My man was moving at speed of light to reach you and tell you he did in fact like it
And then you had to get up and cause the biggest brain lag in history 
His hands were moving on their own as his fingers gently tugged on the soft material to feel it. He couldn't even explain why this nightgown in particular was so mesmerising. 
Maybe it was the combination of your intoxicating scent, how soft and perfect it make look your skin or maybe it was just that his never ending love for you had an equal amount of sinful lust to contrast with it
You just watched him smiling in relief of knowing he did like it.
Now that you took a good look at him you noticed how tired he looks 
"Tommy we should head to bed…you look tired" you brought his hands to your cheeks as you looked at him in the eyes 
You're right about the head but not to be- IM SORRY I PROMISE I'LL STOP 
Every trace of tiredness was now long forgotten, his brain was occupied with very explicit thoughts about either ripping apart your nightgown or keep it for recreational purposes if you know what I mean 
His hands moved a strand of hair  out of your face before gripping your sides to lift you up, carrying you on his shoulder as he headed towards the bed
You let out a gasp of surprise. You didn't have the time to steady yourself until you had already been placed on the bed. He was caging you under him, both arms at each side of your head and both knees at your sides 
His broad shoulders were all you could see as you looked up blushing brutally 
You could almost see the shade of smirk spreading on his face under the mask
"Hey wait, you have to sleep! We can do all of this lat" 
So basically he just shuts your mouth by kissing you, the roughness of the mask edges in contrast with his tenderness made your whole body fill with butterflies
Your hands moved immediately finding place in Tommy's surprisingly soft hair
He forced himself to break the kiss to catch breath, his whole  frame straightened up towering over you as he sat on his knees
You groan in disapproval trying to pull him back but immediately stopped when you saw what he was doing
There was a moment of hesitation as his shaky hands went to the back of his head to unlock the mask 
He just felt his face would ruin the whole mood. You looked so beautiful and he was just well 
You didn't waste a minute as swiftly pulled yourself up and helped him in getting the mask off. There's nothing you more love than when he allows to see his face 
As soon as the mask was off he was already regretting everything and all the confidence he had a minute ago was gone as he started to back away and avoid your eyes
After you give him all the reassurance and nice words he needs and deserves he would feel so much better 
In fact he feels that much better he is horny again
just picture this: the feeling of those big and rough hands touching and feeling every part of your soft body while he's basically bruising your fucking lungs from the inside by how deep and hard he thrust BUT IT'S NOT LIKE SUPER FAST CAUSE HE KNOWS YOU LIKED IT SLOW AND YOU MAY NEED MORE TIME AND ATTENTION THAN HE DOES
you'll duckwalk for a week at least and everytime someone asks you if you're okay in front of Tommy both of you SINFUL FUCKERS CAN'T STOP SMILING 
You may or may not want to wear that nightgown more often. It depends on how many times you want Thomas to rearrange your insides 
Were you another person, this unholy stuff? Death sentence right there. 
But since we're here living our best life as the main character you're the one being the menace here
Why would you wear that IN HIS CHRISTIAN HOUSEHOLD 
You tried to wait on the couch until he came back but you ended up falling asleep. 
Fate wants that you also decided to wear one of your most scrumdiddlyumptious nightgowns. 
You wanted to wear something nice that could make you feel better since lately your self esteem has been acting up 
Who would've thought the slasher of simps and sinful teens, the one who thinks about the "I WANT A CHURCH GIRL THAT GOES TO CHURCH" vine unironically would have big horny brain thoughts 
He knew you were on the couch cause the lamp near it was on. He approached you quietly assuming you were sleeping and not wanting to wake you up
What he saw..oh lawd have mercy 
Your upper body was facing towards the ceiling while your knees were pointing to the right as your waist was partially turned on the side. Your hands were gently resting on your stomach, going up and down as you slowly breathed. 
You looked ethereal as the dim warm light of the lamp casted shadows over your perfect and peaceful features 
Everything standed out because of that beautiful nightgown that was dangerously short and see-through 
Babe got his mind fighting for its life against the hornyness.
He was mesmerised by the sight in front of him, part of him feeling ashamed for the course some of his thoughts were taking. The other half was in heavenly hell
When I tell you he's about to fucking cry 
As he goes closer to you he can sense his spot in heaven being revoked. 
Very lightly and softly his fingertips brush against the silky fabric of the nightgown, not resisting the urge to touch it. 
He pulls back his hand immediately almost as if he just got burned
It was probably god giving him a head boink for being horny
He holds his hand to his chest as he breathes heavily trying to steady his racing heart as he eyed your whole sleeping form
You must've sense something I your sleep cause you stirred a little bit before waking up and smiling at him with your gaze still sleepy
You didn't even asked him what he was doing or why he was kneeling, you just reached a hand out for him to hold while you shifted on the couch to make space for him
He knew that if he got to you any closer than this he would either die or fall for his foul thoughts so instead he just shared his head and standed up gesturing to his dirty clothes so you could know he was going to clean up first
"Okay…don't take too long though" that's all you said before getting up. You stretched making the hem of the nightgown go a little bit more up than it already was
Before heading towards the bedroom you got on your tiptoes and planted a kiss on his masked cheek leaving Jason in a state of dizziness 
He noticed he was holding his breath when as soon as you were gone He exhaled in relief 
Bro was this close of having a stroke with all of this sinful fuckery 
He thanked God you didn't notice either the awkward boner CAUSE LORD IF YOU DID HE WOULD'VE JUST REMOVED HIMSELF FROM EARTH 
Even if he didn't enjoyed this one bit and the whole time he felt the shame of what he was doing hanging from his head, he had to take care of himself before going to sleep next to you 
However the shame and the guilt was forgotten when his mind lingered on the images of you and your nightgown 
Admittedly that would be something he would think about for a long time. Or at least until he manages to get the courage to do more intimate stuff with you
Plenty of prayers were said that night before bed
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honeybadgerwritings · 2 years
would you be willing to write a little blurb w/ steve and eddie x orally fixated! reader? mayb reader has a wicked oral fixation and is always just innocently chewing/sucking on the boys? like absentmindedly pulling one of their hands to their face and slipping a few fingers in their mouth? the boys were a bit confused at first but as long as reader doesn't bite too hard they don't care very much. steve will scold them if he hasn't washed his hands before they do it lol. oh oh and maybe eddie thinks its kinda nice if he's been playing guitar all day? like soft warm mouth on his sore fingertips could feel good mayb? 🤷‍♀️
You better stop it before I combust…. I have such a bad oral fixation and this has me weak at the knees <3 <3 <3
This became a lot longer than I thought it would so I’m not even sure it counts as a blurb anymore…. But I say it is one cause I wrote it
Also I know it’s like 8 hours late cause I added soooo much more to it and then promptly fell asleep…no I don’t want to talk about it 😂😭
You’d always been prone to things like lip biting, thumb sucking, and chewing on the caps/erasers of every writing utensil you’ve ever owned. Sometimes it’d help you feel less anxious, and sometimes you’d do it just to do it. Steve and Eddie would know of this, having witnessed it countless times over the years that they’ve known you.
They’d have learned to offer you a pen or a straw to chew on when they’d see you becoming nervous. But the older you became, the less those things would seem to satisfy you.
So imagine their surprise when you began to fulfill your needs in a…well, different sort of way.
It’d start out slow, maybe you’d be sitting on Eddie’s lap, his hand intertwined with yours, and the next thing you’d know, the cuff of his flannel would be pulled up to your lips, and you’d be suckling on it.
The two of them would share a look. Not in a weird way, in more of a ‘well this is new’ sort of way. They wouldn’t comment on it though, letting you have your fun.
It’d continue like that for a week or two, you constantly gnawing on the cuffs of their sleeves or the drawstrings of their coats while they’d allow it to happen, no questions asked. It isn’t until one night when you’re all watching movies in Eddie’s trailer that you’d decide you need more. It wouldn’t even be a conscious decision either.
You’d be pressed up against Steve’s side, gnawing on the fabric of his sleeve as your tired eyes focus on the movie. And then slowly, you’d maneuver his hand, gently wrapping your lips around his middle and index fingers. You didn’t even really notice that you’d done it, but Steve would realize what was happening right away.
He’d look down at you, bewildered, then up at Eddie, whose sitting on the other side of you, completely engrossed in the movie. Steve would reach over you and flick him with his free hand, silently gesturing in a way that says, “What the fuck do I do?”
The metalhead would lean forward to get a better look at you, seeming surprised at first before his face melts into one of amusement.
“Whatcha doin’ there sweets?”
And you’d just shrug, droopy eyes finally falling shut as you suck on Steve’s fingers. Eddie would smile in complete adoration before glancing up at Steve.
“I am so not stopping this,” he’d tease, leaning closer to wrap his arm around both of you.
Steve would flip him off, before glancing back down at you, eyes softening and heart fluttering in his chest as you relax against him, just suckling on his fingers. He’d pull you impossibly closer to him, relishing in just how sweet this moment with the three of you is. It’s then that he’d start to think: “Maybe I could get used to this.”
It’d become a normal thing after that. You, absentmindedly grabbing their hands to suck/gnaw on their fingers whenever you need to, and them, letting you out of pure adoration for how cute you are when doing it.
Although sometimes Steve would be a total hardass about it.
“Hey! No no no, absolutely not!” Steve would scold, causing you and Eddie to snap your heads in his direction.
Eddie would’ve just gotten home from work at the auto shop, and you had reached out for his hand. He wouldn’t have really been paying much attention, letting you pull it towards yourself, until Steve had so rudely interrupted.
“Why notttt?” You’d whine, still holding the ringed fingers inches away from your lips. Steve would gesture incredulously at Eddie’s hands, causing the metalhead to look down at them.
“Oh shit,” he breathes, “Yeah…maybe not right now honey.”
They’re covered in grease and dirt from working all day, and to be honest, neither of you had noticed.
You’d pout, crossing your arms as he’d pull his hand away. He’d chuckle at you fondly,“No need to pout darlin’, I’m just gonna go clean up.” He’d lean down, placing a kiss to your cheek and mumbling, “I bet if you ask Stevie reaaalll nicely, he’ll let you suck his fingers,” before winking at the other boy and sauntering away, leaving just you and Steve on opposite ends of the couch.
Steve definitely would’ve heard Eddie’s words, but would choose to pretend not to, wanting to tease you a bit.
“Stevie?” You’d ask quietly.
He’d bite the inside of his cheek, keeping his focus straight ahead on the television in front of him. He’d know that you’re looking at him with the biggest puppy dog eyes to ever exist, and a smirk would form on his lips when you’d start to whine. However, his resolve wouldn’t last more than 30 seconds.
“Pretty please Stevie?” You’d pout, leg bouncing in anticipation, and he’d let out an exasperated sigh.
“Fine,” He’d look over at you in fake annoyance, before winking, “C’mere sweetheart.”
You’d giddily jump in his lap, curling up against him as he presses two of his fingers to your lips. You’d happily part them, closing your eyes as he presses the digits down lightly on your tongue.
“You’re needy, you know that?” He’d tease, and you’d just hum, already relaxing against his chest.
He’d never tell you, but he enjoys this almost as much as you do, if not just as much. You always look so pretty like this, relaxing in his arms while you suck on his fingers, and he loves nothing more than to take care of you.
He’d chuckle at you, resting his chin gently on top of your head, “Yeah yeah. My needy little baby.”
15 minutes later, Eddie would walk out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel, to find the two of you just like that, asleep in each other’s arms.
While most of the time it’d be something you’d do out of your own free will, there would be a couple times where they’d even ask you to do it.
“Hey sweets?” You’d hear Eddie call throughout the trailer, humming in response, “Can you come here a minute?”
You’d skip into his room, where he’s hanging up his guitar. You’d been cleaning the trailer, listening to him practice for the last 2 hours or so, “What’s up Eds?”
He’d pat the spot next to him on the bed, a small smile spread across his pretty face, “Come sit.”
You’d oblige, watching him nervously as you do so. You wouldn’t be able to stop yourself from squeaking out a tiny, “I’m not in trouble am I?”
“No,” he’d chuckle, “No princess, you’re not in trouble. But I do need you to open up for me.” And you do without question, letting him slip his fingers into your mouth. “That’s it,” he’d praise you, “M’ fingers were starting to feel sore, and I just need your pretty little lips wrapped around them for a bit.”
You’d look up at him with wide bleary eyes, whimpering at the praise. He’d just coo at you, stroking your cheek with the thumb of his hand, and letting you curl up against his side, “Always feels so nice when you suck on them after I play baby.”
These are some of Eddie’s favorite moments with you, when the two of you would get to relax while he holds you in his arms. He’d feel you gently run your tongue along his fingers and sigh in relief.
“So good for me sweets.” He’d hum, and oh yeah, he would love this just as much as Steve does.
Sometimes though, you’d be so overwhelmed that you wouldn’t even know you’d need it, but that’s why you have your boys.
You’d gone with them to a Halloween party, sporting a cute little pirate outfit and feeling good about yourself. But two hours later, you’d be buzzed, lost in the crowd, and worst of all, you can’t find either of them.
You’d slowly but surely be pushing your way through everyone, mumbling choked out apologies as you try to find them. A group of juniors would cheer loudly next to you as one of them does a keg stand, and you’d whimper, covering your ears.
Once you finally push your way through the middle of the floor, it’s easy to spot Eddie, whose dressed as Dr. Frank-N-Furter, standing over in the corner chatting with a few other people. You’d stumble over to him, whimpering out a small, “Eds…” and tugging lightly on the hem of his tank top until he turns around.
He’d be excited to see you, “Hi baby! We were wondering where you went! I just sent Steve out to find you and-” It’s then that he’d register your teary eyes and the way you’re gnawing your bottom lip raw, and he’d bend down to your level, “Woah woah woah, honey what happened?”
You wouldn’t even have a direct answer, first you’d gotten a little lost when going to get another drink, and then it was too loud, too crowded, and you had no idea where anyone was. It’d all come out in a mix of babbled words and sniffles, and Eddie’d be quick to wrap an arm around you leading you towards the exit.
Halfway through the door he’d spot Zombie clad Steve in the crowd, and he’d whistle, getting his attention, before leading you out onto the lawn and towards his van.
Steve would catch up with the two of you in time to pull the back door open, helping you inside.
Neither would be even close to drunk, their tolerance for alcohol being built up over the years, so it’d be easy to maneuver you in between them. You’d end up in Steve’s lap, back to his chest with his arms around your waist, while Eddie’d kneel in front of you, cradling your face.
“It’s okay, you’re alright.” Steve would murmur into your ear. You’d furrow your brows in confusion, “Stevie?” You’d ask, wondering when he’d gotten there. It’s not your fault though, you really are feeling out of it.
They’d both chuckle, “Yeah baby, I’m here, Stevie’s right here,” he’d respond, squeezing you tight.
Eddie would notice you gnawing on your bottom lip again, and he’d gently tug it away with his thumb, eliciting a whine from you.
He would shake his head, “No sweetheart, you’re hurting yourself…here.” He’d gently slip his thumb through your parted lips, and you’d react instantly, sucking on it.
Your breathing would slow, rigid body going lax against Steve, and your eyes would droop, causing the boys to make eye contact. They’d smile at each other as they realize this is what you needed all along.
“There we go honey…that’s it, just relax.” Steve would coo, reaching up to brush the hair out of your face.
“See? You’re alright precious.” Eddie’d praise you, “I know, it got a bit scary in there, but you’re okay. You just needed a little help didn’t you?”
You’d nod slightly, sighing in content through your nose, and Steve would chuckle,
“That’s what we’re here for baby. We’ll always help you.”
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devil-doms · 1 year
If the Brothers forgot about you
(referring to my other post)
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TW/CW: harm/abuse, angst, yelling, them acting like demons (if you need more TWs please let me know)
note: i had a tough time writing asmo and beel, so they might be a little out of character
Solomon was over as usual to teach you a new spell. This one was a request from you, a memory loss spell. You were curious if you could make Lucifer forget about your punishment for failing a test.
Just as you were about to cast the spell, Solomon was requested by Simeon to hurry to the Celestial Realm for there had be an emergency. Solomon tells you to wait till he gets back to try the spell, since you won’t be able to reach him for a bit.
After an hour you grow impatient and decide to do the spell yourself, I mean how bad could it go?
Lo and behold you messed up bad, real bad.
After casting the spell everyone in the house grew super sleepy, falling asleep where they were. After you woke up, you did your daily morning routine. But when you finally made it to the dining room, everyone was staring at you with confusion...
"How did a human get in here? Who are you?" Lucifer asked, "How did you get in here?"
"What do you mean? This isn’t the type of joke you would do." It hit you, Lucifer isn't the type to play jokes, definitely not something like this.
Lucifer stood up, pushing the table back a little bit, "This isn't a game, when I ask who you are, you answer me."
“Wait, do you not know who I am?"
"If I did I wouldn't be asking these questions, now would I? I'm done repeating myself." He starts approaching you, raven-esuqe wings sprout from his back. You panic and look at the other brothers for help, hoping they would tell him to stop. But they don't, they stay silent and resume their breakfast.
Lucifer grabs your arm and starts dragging you to the stairwell, "When I ask you something you answer me, when you want to cause problems you will be punished. A human like you will be lucky to survive the punishments I give."
You panic more, trying to think of things to make him realize he's made a mistake, "Lucifer, come on, its me...I know…that you locked Belphie in the attic because he was a threat, you like your tea on the bitter side...and you're so strict because you want to protect your brothers, you love them."
Lucifer stops abruptly, "How do you know that..." "Because I was here, I live here, we're family..." You say, still trembling with fear.
He presses his fingers against his temple and sighs, "I will speak with Lord Diavolo about this and see what he says about the whole ordeal. If it comes up that you're lying, you will be punished accordingly." To be honest, he really didn't want to punish you, something about it felt wrong.
"How much do ya think they can sell for? We don't get humans down here, its organs should make me a nice profit." He stands up and starts poking and prodding at your body, counting your organs, "Cha-ching, this is a walking money bag right here."
"Very funny." You say sarcastically, thinking it was just Mammon goofing around again.
"Hush, money shouldn't be talkin. I'll deal with ya later." He sits back down at the table to continue eating. A rush of sadness came over you, why would he say something like that? You follow him to the table, "What does that mean?"
Mammon sighs, refusing to make eye contact with you, "I ain't takin care of some human, definitely one like yourself, leave me alone."
Your furrow your eyebrows, "Do you seriously not know me?"
You lightly shove him, "Answer me!"
He quickly stands up, towering over you. Bat-like wings came out of his back. You felt so tiny, so weak underneath him. You're overwhelmed, your vision begins to get cloudy from tears and you feel them roll down your face, "You know me..." You quietly say.
Mammon's anger quickly turned to sympathy, there was something about you that he recognized, he couldn't bring himself to hurt you, "Somethin's not right, you remind me of someone..."
You stare at Levi, after all the weird occurrences that have happened in this house, he should know what’s going on.
"Why are you looking at me? Do you think some otaku like me can't harm you? I can do it, I'll summon Lotan right now-"
You quickly shake your hands at him, "No, no that's not necessary."
He glared at you, "Of course its not, nothing I do is necessary." He gets up from his seat, “I’m going back to my room.” He walks away, taking his food with him.
Did he...not recognize you...? Before any of the other brothers could speak to you, you ran to Levi's room. You knocked on the door, "The second lord." You said, then patiently waited for him to open it.
He cracks his door, "How did you know...?"
"Because we're friends...can I come in...?"
He sighs and opens the door enough for you to slip in, quickly shutting it behind him, "I don't have friends, and I wouldn't even want to be friends with some human normie...”
“I'm not the type to have loads of friends, I'm not Satan, I'm not Asmo, I'm just some worthless otaku!" You can feel the envy radiating off his body, his hands become fists, you watch him turn into his demon-self.
He walks towards you, arms trembling, "I'm not deserving of it, and you shouldn't be either." Your body is pressed against the wall, there is nowhere to go. You do the only thing you can think of doing, and grasp his hands, interlocking your fingers. He pauses, he's taken aback, "I recognize...your touch..."
“Satan, why are you looking at me like that?” You ask, standing in place. Something was telling you not to get near the table.
“Why are talking to me like we’re friends, I don’t know you.”
“Yeah, you do, why’re you acting like that?”
“Who are you to tell me what I do and do not know, you are but a mere insignificant human. You do not know me.” His glare pierced through your heart.
He stood up, "I don’t know why you’re here, the human exchange program ended a year ago, you're not apart of that. You don't matter, I could tear you limb from limb and it wouldn't matter." A green aura surrounded him, he was gonna transform.
You gulp hard, you know that this wasn’t an empty threat. He could if he really wanted to, “You know me…we’re family.”
“Is that so? How are we family if I don’t even know of your existence?” He walks over to you and gets right in your face, waiting for your answer.
“I…I know that you want to be your own person, you hate living in Lucifers shadow. But, you are your own person! You’re quick witted, composed, you tend to overthink things-” You stop when he grabs your wrists, but with a trembling voice you continue, “You…you butt heads with Lucifer, but you really look up to him, you love him.”
Satan grips your wrists tighter, but he’s at loss for words. When he makes eye contact with you, he sees the fear he’s invoked and loosens his grip, letting you go. Something clicked, he messed up, he wasn’t supposed to hurt you, “I’m…sorry…”
"Ohhhhhh~ a human, you can be my new plaything! Come over here and look into my eyes, I want to seduce you."
You were confused but approached him anyways, “You know that seduction doesn’t work for me.”
His eyes widen, “I do? Ahhhh it must be because you’ve already fallen for me then! My powers must be stronger.”
“Do you…not know me…?”
“Of course not, I think I would remember a cute little human like you.” He places a hand on your arm and slowly rubs it.
You back away from him, “I don’t know if this is some new fetish of yours, but stop.”
He raises an eyebrow, “Dear, I don’t think you know who I am. I, the Avatar of Lust, can always  seduce people.” He gets up from his chair, horns slowly start growing out of his head.
You panic and shout, “Asmo, stop!”
Just like that, he did, “I’ve made a pact with you…who are you?”
"Who are you? If you came here to harm my family I will not hesitate to make you into a feast."
“Wh…why would you think that I was hear to harm you…?” You ask, “You know it’s me right…?”
“I don’t. You are intruding. Leave us.” He returns back to his food.
You stand in silence, not sure what to do. He was pushing you away, “Beel…come on…” He still doesn’t reply, he looks up at Belphie with an annoyed look on his face.
He stands up quickly, the chair falling behind him, “Do I need to show you the door?” You flinch and he grabs your arm, escorting you to the front of the house.
“Beel please, I’m family, I…I protected you and Luke…I got Belphie out of the attic…” He grips you tighter, increasingly becoming more frustrated with you. Something was off to him though, but he ignored it, assuming it was only because he was hungry, “You’re hurting me…”
Beel glances down at you notices the tears streaming down your face, something in his brain clicked. He shouldn’t be doing this, he knows you. He lets go of your arm, he can already see the indentation he’s left on it.
He holds your hand, his voice filled with sympathy, “I have the feeling that I’m supposed to protect you…I’m sorry to have let you down.”
He was the only one of the brothers who didn’t look different, since he always looks annoyed.
He sneers at you, “Do you mind? You’re lucky I’m too tired to kill you right now.”
Belphie was always cold, but threatening you like this was quite insensitive.
He raises his voice, “Heed my warning stupid human, that means leave.” But you don’t leave, you stand there, what’s he gonna do? Kill you again? There’s no way the brothers would allow it.
“Is every human this stupid…?” You feel a tail grace past your leg, you look down and see it slowly wrapping around your ankle. You try to back up, realizing you may have made a mistake, but his tail holds your leg in place.
When you look back up you’re met eye to eye with the demonic version of the Avatar of Sloth, and he was not happy. “Belphie, please, it’s me…”
“I don’t know you.” He reaches for your neck, wrapping both hands around it. You place your hands on top of his, trying to pry him off. He slowly lifts you, just enough to where your toes barely reach the ground. Your eyes dart around the room, waiting for the brothers to help, but they don’t. They act like nothing is going on.
You’re weakly hitting him now, maybe to knock some sense into him, but nothing is working. Your vision starts getting spotty, but before it could go black, he drops you. You land on your ass and quickly back away from him.
You watch as he stands there motionless, staring at his hands. He then drops to his knees, “I can’t…I can’t hurt you, something within me is stopping me. I cant help but feel that you’re important to me…”
Eventually Solomon came back and explained the situation to the brothers. Solomon scolded you for not waiting to do the spell, while Lucifer scolded the both of you for doing it in the first place.
Even if it was technically your doing for casting the spell, the brothers couldn’t help but feel horrible for the way they treated you. It was apologies after apologies for a bit. As well as something they’ll most likely reflect on.
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