#too bad he just softly smells like an animal
settriigh · 1 year
“I’m so happy my body sweat smell has become the main attraction of the night.”
He’s not.
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xxsabitoxx · 9 months
Baby Me
Satoru x Fem!Reader
Warnings: fluff and nothing else.
A/N: too much is going on in the Gojo realm, both in the anime currently and the manga, so let’s take a minute to forget and ease the pain with some soft Toru~
Word count: 1.2k
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His body is aching, every atom that makes up his being is begging for sleep. But that won’t stop Satoru from showering, not wanting to dirty your shared bed with his sweat. Or even worse, wake you up cause he smells of sweat and blood. So, Satoru drags his half-awake body through your shared apartment, stumbling into the bathroom unceremoniously and turning on the hot water. He was swaying on his feet by the time he got his ruined uniform off and into the hamper, eyes barely open as he stepped into the steam filled shower. 
Satoru wasn’t even sure how long he had stood under the current, blood and dirt running off of his body in rivets. It stuck out harshly against the white tiles of the shower floor, not that he could really care at that moment. He’d just feel bad if you had to clean it up in the morning. It wasn’t until someone’s presence entered the bathroom that Satoru snapped out of his daze just a bit. He would have noticed them sooner, but his guard was always down when it came to you. “Toru? Why didn’t you wake me up?” You mumble softly, shedding your clothing with the intention of getting in with him. 
“It’s nearly three in the morning, baby. You need your sleep.” Groggy and full of exhaustion, it made your heart ache a bit. “Nonsense, let me help you clean up.” Satoru smiled a bit, grimacing as even that proved to be a bit of a tiring task. “You’re too kind to me.” But you merely hushed him, stepping under the hot water and reaching for a loofa and his favourite soap. “I love you, Toru. There is no such thing as being too kind with you.” You dumped a generous amount of soap into the white loofa before sticking it under the water again. “Now let me wash you.” 
There were things far more intimate than sex, Satoru didn’t realize that until he started dating you. Moments like this, for example, where you so tenderly scrubbed his skin clean of every impurity he had. Standing naked together under the hot water, in the early hours of the morning, as if you were the only two people on earth. Satoru craved these moments just as much as he craved you. “None of this blood is your own.” You laughed softly, placing a kiss on his spine now it was clean. “I’d hope.” Was all he could muster, nearly falling asleep where he stood because your touch was so tender.
You laughed softly before placing another kiss, trailing them down his spine until you reached the base. Satoru shivered at the feeling, your hand holding his hip as you told him to turn around. He did as you asked, giving you a lazy smile as you began to scrub the front of his body with the loofa. “I’ll shampoo your hair next.” He simply nodded, eyes shutting as he let the hot water run down his back. You were careful as you moved, alternating pressure depending on what part of him you were scrubbing. You knew he was rather ticklish so you’d be more careful when scrubbing his abdomen. But you also knew he enjoyed the way the loofa felt on his sore arms when you scrubbed a little harder. 
Satoru could go on for hours about how he didn’t think he deserved this treatment. He couldn’t even begin to understand how he had gotten so lucky, fighting curses all night just to come home to his beautiful girlfriend would be enough. And yet, you pull yourself out of bed regardless of the hour and shower with him. You scrub his body until he is clean, wash his hair until his shoulders go slack from the feeling, dry him off with a fluffy towel and shower him in kisses. 
He wasn’t sure what he had done in a past life to get this lucky, but he thanked the stars every night for giving you to him. 
“You’re going to fall asleep while standing.” You set the loofa down, all finished after scrubbing his body clean. All Satoru did was hum in response, bending down to press his forehead into your shoulder. “Let me scrub your hair and then we can dry off and go to bed, my big, strong boy.” You teased as his arms wrapped around your middle, hugging you tight. “Toru~ let me wash your hair and we’ll be done.” He only hugged you tighter, with a sigh, you reached around him the best you could to grab his shampoo bottle. Still, he didn’t let go. 
You squeezed some of the contents on top of his head, laughing as he whined about it being cold before you started to massage the contents in. You smiled a little harder when he moved his head from your shoulder to nuzzle into your neck instead. At his height, you couldn’t understand how the position was even comfortable. Still, you scrubbed until his hair was full of sudsy bubbles. “Time to rinse.” You cooed softly, as if he was a small child. Reluctantly, Satoru straightened. With eyes still closed, he leaned back and rinsed his head. 
You took that time to quickly wash yourself, thankful you had put your hair up before getting in with him. “M’kay bub, time to get out.” His eyes opened a bit for that, nose scrunching at the use of “bub”, you found it cute. Within seconds the water was turned off and the steam began to subside, both of you stepping into the lights Satoru now deemed to be “too bright”. You babied him, wrapping him in a warm towel while you used another to ruffle his hair dry. Satoru gave a half hearted attempt to wrap you in a towel as well, but the man had begun to sway on his feet yet again, eyes fully closed as you dragged him out of the bathroom. 
“C’mon, lover boy, let’s get you dressed.” You giggled, watching his nose scrunch again but his eyes didn’t open. Satoru moved past you, dropping the towel and flopping onto the mattress. His groan of relief nearly shook the whole apartment. “Alright, clothes are a morning problem.” You concluded for him, dropping your own towel to crawl into bed beside him. You barely adjusted on the mattress before Satoru was moving to wrap you in a tight bear hug. “Cuddle me.” was all he said before promptly passing out, leaving you a bit surprised when his infinity didn’t immediately push you away.
“Huh… that's new.” 
Then again, you weren’t used to Satoru falling asleep before you. Perhaps he had learned of a way to keep it off while he slept, or maybe he had figured out a way to have it encompass both of you. Regardless, you couldn’t be bothered to dwell on the matter. You were quickly remembering that it was past three in the morning, your exhaustion was creeping up on you quickly. Now that Satoru was home and safe in your bed, you could sleep much easier. You moved the best you could in his embrace, throwing your leg over his hip and resting a hand on his side before giving up on getting any more wiggle room. “Night, Toru~” you sigh, melting into his arms. 
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aft3rhrs · 25 days
dis idea just popped n my head (feel free to ignore dis 😔) how abt stripper oc nd obsessed mafia jk aaaaaaaaaa like they went to a bar to blow some steam off nd he found oc nd is now obsessed w her
pairing: jungkook x reader
genre: strangers to lovers, mafia!au
warnings: yandere, mentions of alcohol, mentions of violence and organised crime, stripper!oc, possessiveness, obsession, soft daddy dom!jk 🫣, daddy kink 😶‍🌫️, dry humping, choking, hints of sadism & masochism, dirty talk, praise <3, edging, mentions of orgasm denial, rough sex, aftercare (basically he's an animal but also a simp)
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The way you danced was hypnotizing. His eyes followed the sway of your hips from side to side, until all he heard was his own pulse, ticking like a clock. It pulled him into a trance, leaving his drink forgotten and the rest of the world blurred.
The thrill of inevitable eye contact flipped a switch.
From victim to predator, Jungkook leaned back, legs spread comfortably. The heavy, golden chains on his neck gleamed in the dim lights of the club, matching the rings adorning his tattooed fingers. His look and his status certainly attracted attention; but Jungkook didn't notice nor care.
He didn't even know what Namjoon and Jin were talking about. His muscles were heavy with pent up tension, heat only growing the longer he watched you.
One thing was obvious; Jungkook was not a man who ever held back from going after the things he wanted.
And in that moment, he knew he wanted you.
The whisper warmed your neck, the wall he cornered you against cooling your flushed cheek.
"I'll take care of everything," he let his lips brush the shell of your ear, coaxing a shiver. "Take care of you. You'll never have to lift a finger."
He didn't want you to go inside. Past these doors, he'd lose any grip he had on you, your body no longer yours, or his. It would belong to the crowd.
And Jungkook was patient until he wasn't. Grinding against you and pleading, utterly weak. A word he never thought would apply to him.
"No," you breathed softly. "You don't want to help me. You want to own me."
Jungkook stilled behind you. He swallowed thickly, a veiny, inked hand tentatively touching yours.
"Would that be so bad?" He asked. "Being mine?"
A question too complex to answer now, when he was imprinted all over your senses. The smell of his cologne, potent and familiar. His voice and his touch, sinking in through your skin as easily as embers. Leaving you glowing, burning hot and stained black all over. Like something from hell itself has crawled out to lay its claim on you.
You took in a deep breath, attempting to hold yourself together.
"Give me some time."
Jungkook sighed. His head dropped to your shoulder.
He felt himself going soft. The blood no longer rushing south, but to his heart instead, making it twist and thrum. He could wait forever; if that didn't mean having to share you. The thought alone made him feel sick. He'd sooner burn the club down.
"Come over later?"
The suggestion came with a butterfly kiss on the nape of your neck.
It wasn't surprising that he let you go. However, it also wasn't surprising that he ended up renting out a private lounge, buying most of your time for the day.
It barely took a few minutes before you were sitting on his lap, feeling his hands caress your thighs. You belonged to him, as he belonged to you, your body meant for his eyes only. He liked giving you a different pole to work on; and you liked taking it. And he knew it was your favorite, from the way it made you drip and quiver.
A few long weeks have passed since you started sleeping together; months, even. Always devoted to learning what made you feel good, Jungkook was well aware he could let loose. Lay you down on the table and kiss you until you couldn't breathe, knead and lick wherever he wanted.
His pants were barely off, slipping lower when he started fucking you, slow but rhythmic in his thrusts. He knew what he was doing to you — felt it in the desperate grip of your swollen cunt. You'd forgotten your place, and it was his job to remind you where it was. Sometimes, punishments were necessary.
Enjoyable, too. The softness of your helpless body, the glaze in your eyes.
"You want to come, baby?" The loving murmur taunted, tickling your lips hotly. "Can't do it on your own?"
You whined softly, shaking your head. Jungkook chuckled, the sound raspy.
"Not such a big girl, after all. You need your daddy, don't you, my love? It's okay," he promised, "let daddy do grown up things like thinking for you."
The feeling of your sticky pussy clenching had him leaking with you, drawing a hiss out of his mouth, prompting his hips to pump faster.
Your nails dug into his shoulder blade, your body pulling him in deeper, closer; arousal tense and heavy deep in his balls, preparing to explode. The table started shaking with you, and Jungkook snaked his hand around your dainty throat, adorning it with the gold of his rings.
"Tell me you will." He pleaded again. "You wouldn't break your daddy's heart, right? I love you so fucking much. Tell me you're mine."
Your orgasm was in his hands, and so was your heart. If he had to cream your cute, little hole three times and leave you an aching mess, crying and trembling for release, he would. Until you remembered who you needed more than air and the lesson would stick. It wasn't exactly a challenge.
He was so in love with your cunt, like with the rest of you, the sensitivity thrumming through his cock felt divine. He could stay buried inside you forever, spent, sated, and still hard, like a horny teenager. He could die happy if it was by your side. And that was almost terrifying.
Most of all, it was unfair.
He was the one pounding into you, controlling your pleasure; he could take control of your entire life if he wanted.
So why did he feel so helpless? One flick of your finger and he was down on his knees like a king turned servant. And it wasn't fucking fair, but then, love never was, and the shake of your thigh on his hip let him know you were beginning to realise that too.
Panting, Jungkook clenched his jaw and stopped, sweat rolling down his chest. His eyes locked with yours, amorous and dark, peeking at you behind his thick lashes.
"Please," you whispered into his mouth, barely keeping yourself still. "Please, please, daddy."
He groaned. He adored that gleam in your eye, the nervous grip your hands had on the table. His perfect little girl, choosing a good beating from daddy for her pretty pussy over the life she lived. He knew you would.
Because you loved him just as much as he loved you.
Lowering his lips to yours, Jungkook started moving again, swallowing your little cries with sloppy kisses. Something about it so dirty, like he was trying to fill you everywhere, slow, sweet tongue fucking your mouth, and a hard, throbbing cock filling your cunt.
He needed it; needed you full of him. Steadily increasing his pace, skin hitting skin with a vulgar wetness. You needed it, too, your pussy clenching heatedly, as if it wasn't small enough for him already.
"Good fuckin' girl," Jungkook moaned raspily, beginning to lose his breath. "You take daddy's cock so well, it's your only fucking job. Being all pretty and keeping it empty."
He wanted this every day; the pain and the pleasure. He'd take anything you'd be willing to give him and kiss your hands to say his grace. Everything inside him tensed up, and the hot twirl in his abdomen shot up his spine, making the hand on your thigh dig into the flesh.
"Fuck," the filthy groan vibrated against your ear, his lips so close. "Baby, I'm gonna c-come."
Your sweaty chest arched into his, a slurred, breathy whine making him twitch.
"Love you, daddy."
Jungkook gritted his teeth, but he couldn't stop the pathetic whimper that broke through, nor the rush of his hot seed shooting out. He would have been embarrassed by the way his voice broke, if he noticed; even more so if you did. But he was too busy squeezing his eyes shut and groaning; and you were too busy soaking the cock pounding into you, trembling as you took it.
And you took it so well, so fucking eagerly, letting him fill up every inch. Letting him leave you with nothing but him coming down, marks of your love all over you and the lounge. The scent of sex in the air, the wet, messed up table. The pleasant ache that made it obvious your knees would give out if you tried to walk.
The afterglow was among Jungkook's favorites; like light shining through your soul, all starry eyes and warm skin, hearts beating in perfect sync. Absolute clarity in a tender haze.
Back on the leather couch, Jungkook held you close, both of his muscular arms wrapped around your waist. Eyes half lidded, lips warm, roaming your skin to press kisses along your temple. Down to your cheek, a little sleepy in his devotion.
He couldn't remember the last time he longed to get into his bed so much. The difference was that now you would be in it with him, and not just to have sex. He'd get to fall asleep with your head on his chest, all tangled limbs, and wake up nestled in your arms.
It was four in the morning by the time his head hit the pillow. You've dozed off on the way home already, stirring occasionally as Jungkook carried you upstairs and changed you into his shirt. Clinging to him the moment he crawled under the covers.
He held your hand in his, alternating between kissing your palm and your fingers. He was going to put a ring on the one that had a vein connected right to your heart, give you his last name, his children. He had nothing more to offer; his heart, his body, his money, all of that has been yours since the first time.
You could still dance whenever you wanted to, just work for him instead. A private show for your biggest fan, the only customer you needed.
And in the morning you'd find him slipping between your thighs, barely awake as his hips gyrated. Almost like you had a dance of your own, a rhythm that no one else matched, let alone understood.
Perhaps you were made for him. And now that he's found you, he wasn't going to let you go. The past didn't matter; not yours or his. You loved him; and as long as you did, to Jungkook, that was all that mattered.
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jenosbigtoe · 8 months
na jaemin x catgirl!reader (M)
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minors dni
summary: jaemin finds a stray catgirl and takes her under his wing.
warnings: hybrid au. lots of fluff :3, bratty!reader, dom!jaemin, big dick nana, loss of virginity, breeding, creampie, unprotected sex, mild squirting, kitty eating (lmao), fingering, fellatio, praise kink
word count: 6.0k
a/n: jaemin is the biggest cat person i know (besides me duh) so why wouldn’t i write a fic about him being down bad for his lil catgirl?
jesus fuck this was long and took forever 😪 sorry it's posted later than promised but at least it's longer than my last two fics combined! lmk if you want to see more of jaem and his catgirl bc im really liking this au
“fuck this shit man.” jaemin was so sick of his boring ass 9-5 office job. every single day he deals with incompetent coworkers (how did they even graduate high school), entitled clients, and a shitty boss that wanted to put all the work on him because he knew jaemin was a good employee.
jaemin took out a pack of newports and lit a cigarette, leaning his head back against the alleyway wall and sighing in frustration. the cold winter air bit at his nose but he didn’t care. this was his one time to really relax right after work. as he was taking a long drag, a rustle from the dark alley caught his attention.
he paused. “who’s there?” jaemin squinted his eyes against the pitch black darkness. this was a shady part of town and jaemin knew better than to be hiding out in the back alleyway of a sketchy convenience store but he also had a reputation to hold up. couldn’t have anyone from his work or person life finding out the social butterfly nana was a chainsmoker and hated his life.
against his better judgement, he put out the lit cigarette and moved closer to the rustling noise. turning his phone flashlight on, he didn’t know what he’d expect to see. maybe a raccoon or a stray dog.
he certainly didn’t expect to see the sweetest little thing hiding and shivering under a dirty cardboard box. there you were, hair matted, skin covered in grime, thin clothes in tatters, brown ears pressed flat against your head. and despite your disheveled appearance, jaemin thought you were just the cutest thing he’s ever seen. as his phone flash shined directly on you, you jumped in fright, body immediately tensing up in alarm. you bared your teeth at him and hissed, claws extended.
“woah hey i’m not gonna hurt you,” jaemin back away slowly, putting his hands up.
“fuck off,” you gritted at him, sharp teeth still showing.
“what are you doing out here like this? it’s freezing and you don’t have any clothes. where’s your owner?” jaemin crouched to the ground, trying to inch closer to you but you tucked yourself smaller into the corner.
“don’t have an owner. don’t need one. m perfectly fine by myself. now leave me alone, human,” you growled at him.
jaemin attempted to reach a hand out to you but you swatted at him and hissed, leaving a small gash on his hand.
“do you have a name, kitty?” jaemin asked softly.
you continued to glare at him. “leave me alone.”
jaemin knew it would be really difficult to get you to open up but he had such a soft spot for animals, especially strays. and he couldn’t just leave you alone looking like this in the winter cold.
“kitty, it’s way too cold out for you to be here without any proper clothes.” jaemin stated. “my name is na jaemin and i only want to help you, okay?”
your body was still tensed in suspension of this stranger but as he continued to get closer to you, you got a whiff of his scent. nose scrunched up cutely, you sniffed up at the air, needing more of that delicious scent. god he smelled so so good. despite the bitter cold of the winter air, the scent of this stranger left your body feeling warm and fuzzy inside, slowly melting your tough exterior. but he was still a stranger, one you had no idea the intentions of, and you didn’t want to take any risks.
“stop patronizing me and just leave me alone, stupid human.” the longer you were around him, the less alarmed your body felt, but you still kept your guard up around this delicious smelling stranger. and jaemin didn’t miss how your body language slowly got less tense the longer you were around him.
jaemin got up slowly, deep in thought. “i’ll be right back, kitty.”
he disappeared around the corner of the alley again, leaving you feeling slightly empty. stupid, you thought. he’s just a stranger. of course he’d leave like everyone else. you knew that rationally but your body was acting so weird around this stranger.
you continued to sit there, huddled beneath the cardboard and desperately seeking warm, when the stranger came back, this time with a steaming cup and a hotdog.
“here, baby,” jaemin cooed at you, handing you the cup of hot chocolate and hotdog. for some reason, your belly felt so warm at his calling you baby. “you must be so hungry.”
you eyed the food suspiciously. “why are you being so nice to me, human? you don’t even know me. you don’t even know my name.”
“doesn’t matter to me. nobody, hybrid or human or animal, deserves to be shivering in the winter cold like this,” jaemin stated with a serious look on his face.
you cautiously grabbed the food and drink from his hand before scarfing down the hotdog in record time and chugging the hot chocolate, some cutely dripping down your chin. your brown ears twitched in happiness. god jaemin thought you were just the cutest thing.
“y/n. it’s y/n,” you mumbled at him. “thank you for the food.”
“y/n, such a cute name for the cutest kitty,” jaemin smiled brightly.
he reached one hand out slowly to brush your hair out of your face. you just about jumped at the contact, but as he scratched that sweet spot behind your ears, your tail swished in happiness and you started to pur in delight. you closed your eyes in bliss and leaned slightly into the contact.
“good girl. such a sweet girl. i know you were so frightened, all alone in this winter cold. but nana’s got you now, m’kay?” jaemin cooed at you.
your body and brain were melting. his touch felt so so good, it’s been so long since you’ve been pet like this. and his smell, god you’ve never smelled anything so delicious before.
“y/n, i know we just met and i know you must so scared right now. but i can’t just leave you like this in the cold. please, let me just take you back to my apartment and you can stay there for a couple nights. i have an extra room so don’t worry about needing to sleep with me. i’ll give you a fresh set of clothes and feed you while you’re there. but i can’t just leave you here in good faith.” jaemin gave you a sincere look, practically pleading for you to come back with him.
your tail stop swishing and you scrunched your little nose in heavy thought. on one hand, you knew next to nothing about this man and he wanted you to stay at his place? but a warm bed and a fresh set of clothes and hot meals sounded so so good… and how much harm could this good smelling stranger even do to you… the rational part of your brain was telling you no, this stranger couldn’t be trusted. who knows what he’d do to you once you were in his territory? but your body was saying otherwise, he made you feel so good inside and he could take care of you even for just a few days.
you gave a long hard stare before replying. “okay. just for a little bit,” you whispered softly, still scared out of your mind.
jaemin used his beefy arms to support your weight as he helped you stand up on shaky legs. he wrapped his winter coat around your shivering body, cooing sweet reassuring words into your ear. his scent was absolutely intoxicating to you, leaving your mind fuzzy and full of him.
as soon as you stepped into his apartment, you were greeted with three balls of white fur bombarding your legs. one licked and nibbled on your toes, another purred and rubbed itself against your legs, and the other circled around your legs, tail swishing happily. you squealed at the sight, such cute kitties!
“ah ah lucy, luke, and luna, let’s not scare our guest, okay babies?” he spoke to them in such a gentle tone, it had your heart melting.
“n-no, s’okay, nana. i love kittens,” you reached down to pet them and give them chin rubs. all three kittens cuddled close to your body and let out loud purs. jaemin’s heart fluttered at your usage of his nickname.
“what are their names?” you asked.
“this one is lucy, this one is luke, and this one is luna. i got them a few months ago. i didn’t want to separate these three siblings so i just adopted all three. aren’t they just the sweetest things?”
you nodded, letting out purs alongside the kittens. you would never tell him this now but you also thought jaemin was so sweet.
he crouched down to pet the kitties alongside you. “they must really like you. they’re not usually this sweet and welcoming to guests. guess they recognize a kitten just as cute as them too.”
you pretended to not notice his last comment but your red face and happily swishing tail gave away your happiness.
“y/n, let’s get you into the bath and some clean clothes, hm? i know you must be dying to get this grime off you,” jaemin gently whispered, still petting the three purring kitties on the floor alongside you.
you paused, ears twitching. “bath?”
“yeah, a bath,” jaemin replied, looking up at you to gauge how you felt. your nose was scrunched up cutely in disgust at the mere idea of a bath.
“don’t need one. can lick myself clean,” you grumbled, pouting slightly.
you stopped petting the kitties, who seemed very displeased at the lack of attention you were giving them, and finally took a look around his apartment. the unfamiliar environment made you slightly uneasy but somehow you knew you were going to be safe. everything just smelled so strongly of him, it made your head dizzy and belly warm.
“kitty, you need to take a bath. i’m sorry if it makes you uncomfortable now but you will feel so much better after,” jaemin gently reassured you.
you shook your head, cheeks puffed and ears pinned back. “no. don’t want.”
jaemin sighed, rising to his feet. “c’mon baby. let me run a warm bath for you. i promise it will feel so good.”
he tried taking your hand but you hissed and swatted at him. “no. away.” you backed yourself into a corner.
jaemin gave you a defeated look before disappearing around a corner. you sat back down to cuddle and play with the kittens.
jaemin came back to see you playing with the kittens so happily. it seemed they really helped make you feel comfortable in this foreign environment and his cats liked you so much already.
“kitty, come with me,” he prodded at your arm.
you narrowed your eyes at him suspiciously. “where are you taking me?”
“you’ll see.” jaemin decided to take it upon himself to carry you in his arms bridal style. his strength had you flinging around like a ragdoll, making you very angry.
you started clawing and biting at his arms, kicking your legs and screaming wildly. “let me go! let me go! hey!”
he brought you into a steamy bathroom and sat you on the ledge of the bubbly bathtub. he used his strength to pin your hips in place as he kneeled and situated himself between your legs.
“baby, i know you don’t want to take a bath but you need to wash this dirt off yourself. just listen to nana, hm?” he stared deep into your eyes with a serious look on his face, causing you to shift around in unease.
you broke eye contact and looked away, pouting deeply. “fine. you’ve literally given me no choice anyway. i’ll get in the stupid bath.”
you practically ripped your tattered clothes off your body and jumped straight into the water, splashing water and bubbles every where. you thrashed around wildly in the water, slipping and sliding all over the place. god, how long ago was it since you’ve had a bath like this?
jaemin reached into the water and held you firmly upright, using his thumb to rub you reassuringly. “woah, kitty. be careful, it’s dangerous to be so careless in the water. you can hurt yourself.”
“too long since i’ve had a bath like this,” you moaned, slipping under the water til your nose was just sticking out.
jaemin rolled up his sleeves and started rinsing your hair, massaging circles of shampoo into your scalp. you purred contentedly, tail swishing and splashing in the water.
“such a good kitty, doing so good for nana,” he murmured lowly as he washed and rinsed your hair and body affectionately.
you stayed in the tub, splashing around happily, until the warm water began to run cold. jaemin allowed you to step out before drying your body with a fluffy white towel. he dressed you in a pair of his grey sweatpants and a fuzzy black hoodie that smelled oh so deliciously of him. you inhaled the neckline of the hoodie deeply, his smell making your limbs dizzy and head fuzzy.
“all better now, kitty?” he smiled teasingly at you.
you gave a sheepish smile back. “thank you, nana.”
“it’s getting late, baby. let me get you a little snack. stay here on the couch,” he gave you a small peck to your head and walked to the kitchen.
his kittens strutted up to you, meowing and begging to be held. you grabbed all three in your arms and snuggled them close to your chest, pressing kisses to their fluffy fur.
jaemin walked into the living room, holding a glass of warm milk and a plate of cookies, to see you with his babies. his heart fluttered at the sight, so freaking adorable.
“this is for you, y/n,” he walked over and handed you the milk and cookies.
you smiled appreciatively at him before furrowing your eyebrows cutely. “why are you being so kind to me? we just met a few hours ago.”
jaemin shrugged his shoulders and sat next to you, grabbing lucy into his lap and stroking her fur. “i’ve always been a cat person, as you can see.”
you munched on the cookies happily and let the kittens snuggle up to you. luke and lucy fell asleep on your lap, purring contentedly. you let out a soft yawn and fluttered your eyelids. jaemin chuckled. you were just so stinking cute.
“getting sleepy, baby? i’ll take you to the guess bedroom,” he grabbed your arm, sleepy kittens still in hand, before leading you to the room right across from his bedroom.
“can i sleep with the kittens tonight?” you whispered softly.
“of course, baby,” he replied.
before he could turn to walk back to his room, you grabbed his sleeve and gave a quick peck to his cheek before scurrying to hide underneath the covers. your face was hot and red.
so freaking cute, jaemin though to himself, grinning widely.
it was the middle of the night. you didn’t even know what time it was but you couldn’t fall asleep. your mind was running a million thoughts all at once. what were you going to do when jaemin eventually got tired of you freeloading and kicked you out? how were you supposed to live back on the street now that you know what kindness feels like? you liked jaemin so much you didn’t want to leave him.
before you could think it over, you slowly got out of bed and knocked on jaemin’s door. a sleepy jaemin with a raspy voice and half-lidded eyes opened the door.
“yes, baby?” his sleepy voice was so sexy to you.
you stared hard at the ground. “m sorry for waking you, nana. i couldn’t sleep. would it be okay if i slept in here? just for tonight. you smell so good and comforting i thought maybe-“
he stopped you, lifting your chin to look you deep in your eyes. “kitty, don’t be so nervous around me. of course you can sleep in my bed, c’mon.”
he beckoned you over and lifted the comforter up, allowing you to slip in under the covers. he tried to lay a respectable foot away from you but you started whining and pawing at his arms to come closer. he scooted an inch closer but you grabbed his arms and wrapped them around you, snuggling your face into his thick chest and purring happily. your ears twitched cutely and tickled his face. jaemin was shocked at your boldness but molded his body to yours and cuddled you tightly.
“much better,” you sighed happily. you inhaled deeply, his smell flooding your senses. he was so warm and so comfy, you were in heaven. who would've guessed you'd be in this position when you were just swatting and hissing at him earlier in the night?
you fell asleep quickly, letting out soft sighs as you snoozed away. but now jaemin couldn’t fall back asleep. how could he? he had the sweetest little catgirl snuggling so cutely in his arms. he felt so guilty for it but he could feel his erection growing. he cursed at himself. stop being such a horny fuck. she may be cute but she trusts you to not be a freak around her, he thought.
somehow, jaemin ended up falling asleep and he woke up to you staring up at his sleeping face. your wide doe eyes were so cute just watching him adorably, he could wake up like this every day.
“morning, nana,” you whispered softly. during the night, your legs got tangled with his as you rest your hands on his chest. you could feel how thick and built he was underneath the thin material of his shirt, making your rub your thighs together unintentionally.
“good morning, baby. did you sleep well?” his deep morning voice sent shivers down your spine. his half lidded eyes and sleepy smile made him look so sexy.
you gave him a toothy smile, ears twitching and tail slapping against the bed. “yes i did. best sleep in a long time.”
he gave you a deep kiss to the top of your head, inhaling against your scalp. now that you’ve had a bath, you smelled so sweet and soft and milky. “glad to hear that. let me make breakfast before i have to leave for work.”
he slowly got up from underneath the covers, making you whine and reach for his arms to cuddle you once more.
“baby, i need to make you breakfast. can’t have my sweet kitty starve, now can i? look lucy, luna, and luke are here and they look like they want cuddles too.” he gave you a wink as the three kittens jumped on the bed and walked over to you.
jaemin returned with a plate of fresh fruit, eggs, pancakes, and some bacon. your ears perked up and you sniffed the air excitedly.
jaemin chuckled at your excitement. “hungry are we, kitty?”
you nodded excitedly. “i love pancakes. it’s been so long since i’ve had them.”
you scarfed down the breakfast jaemin made for you. bits of egg gathered at the corner of your mouth and jaemin wiped them away for you.
shyly, you told him, “thank you. for the breakfast and for everything, nana. i’ve never been treated this kindly before.”
jaemin scooted closer to you and wrapped his arm around you, giving you a sweet peck on the cheek. “anything for my kitty.”
he checked his watch and jumped up suddenly. “shit! i’m gonna be late for work.” he rushed into his closet to grab clothes to change into.
you sat on the bed as he stripped to his underwear and put on black slacks and a white button-down. you blushed at the sight of his bare body, thinking he was so sexy but you’d die before telling him that.
rushing to put his shoes on, he gave you one final kiss on the cheek before heading out the door. “i’ll be back tonight for dinner, okay kitty? i’ll leave a 50 on the counter so you can buy whatever you want for yourself. see you this evening, baby.”
your heart sunk. you didn’t want him to leave you again. not when you just met. you knew he was going to come back home (he had to) but that didn’t fill the empty hole in your heart. your eyes welled up with a few tears before you wiped them away with your sleeve. jaemin has been so kind to you so it was time for you to stop looking like a bum and fix yourself up cutely for him.
later that evening, jaemin returned home to not just 3 kitties running up to him to give him some love but also you rushing up to give him a big bear hug. your little body crushing him with a tight squeeze as you nuzzled your face in his chest made his heart melt. he felt you purring against his chest as his arms wrapped around your body.
“missed me, huh kitty?” he teased.
you loosened your grip to look into his eyes. “yes i did,” you pouted seriously.
“i missed you too, baby. let me take these work clothes off so i can make dinner for you,” he replied, giving your head a sweet kiss and inhaling your milky scent.
you reluctantly let go as jaemin’s eyes widened at the sight. you were wearing the cutest little outfit he had no idea where you got it from. a short white mini skirt with a tight lacy pink crop top that showed off your plump tits that were practically spilling out of your shirt. you even had baby pink thigh highs with little bows on them.
“like it?” you smiled up at him, giving a little swirl. he caught sight of little white panties underneath your skirt.
jaemin was breathless. “where did you get this little outfit, baby?”
you smiled even wider. “used the money you left me to go shopping for this. i told the lady to help me find something to impress you and she showed me this.”
jaemin eyed your body hungrily, making you squirm and rub your thighs together. “so, nana? do you like it?”
jaemin gave you a tight hug, pressing his body against yours. you could feel his bulge against your pelvis, making your panties so wet. “i love it, baby. you’re so cute.”
your tail swished happily as you purred against him. “yayyy,” you said excitedly.
“baby, let me go make dinner for us, kay? just wait for me and we can cuddle after.” he hummed against your head.
for dinner, you sat in his lap on the couch, eating your steaming bowls of soup and happily cuddling with the three kitties. your little skirt rode up your thighs, causing your panties to peak out. you wiggled your ass around on jaemin’s lap, sighing contentedly as jaemin shifted around so you wouldn’t feel his hardening bulge.
“thank you again, nana. i appreciate everything you’ve done for me,” you purred.
jaemin gave you a wink. “of course, my baby. you can stay with me for as long as you need. i’m not just gonna throw you out.”
you sat up excitedly, tail swishing, as you turned to face him. “really? you really mean it?”
jaemin nodded. “of course. stay with me as long as you need. my home is always open to you.”
you set your bowl down and gave him a tight hug. “yay yay yayy!! thank you, nana!”
you leaned back to look him in his eyes when you slowly looked down to stare at his lips. slowly, you inched forward and planted a sweet kiss on his lips, sucking and licking gently. jaemin was shocked at your boldness but reciprocated your kiss with a renewed fervor. you wrapped your arms around his neck and sat there on his lap as you made out with him intensely.
“fuck, baby,” he groaned against your lips, rubbing circles on your back and lightly bucking his hips against yours. you let out soft whimpers and moans.
you pulled away from him and rested your foregead against his to gaze deep into his eyes. you looked so fucking hot in that moment jaemin was about to lose it. puffy lips, wild hair, lidded eyes staring at him seductively, ears twitching so cutely. you stared at each other, air tingling with tension and need.
jaemin broke the silence. “baby, i don’t have work tomorrow. let’s go shopping and buy you some cute clothes to wear, kay?”
you nodded and sunk your face into his neck, sniffing at his sexy scent. “yes, i would like that a lot, nana.”
for the next few weeks, you would drive jaemin crazy. always prancing around wearing the cutest little outfits that would leave nothing to the imagination. snuggling and cuddling him so cutely whenever he had the tiniest bit of freetime to lounge around. sleeping in his bed and tangled up in his arms while rubbing yourself against his body. kissing him and making out with him at every possible moment but never going further than that. you were so so clingy with him, always whining and pouting when he had to go anywhere without you. and when he got back, you’d cling to him like a little koala. you were just his sweetest, cutest little kitten and he wanted to gobble you up.
“nana, don’t leave me. how long will you be gone this time?” you pouted and pawed at his chest, pressing your body against his.
“baby,” he sighed. “i need to go drop this off at the post office. i’ll be back in 20 minutes, okay? then i’ll give you your cuddles.”
you sniffled. “meanie.”
when he came back as promised, 19 minutes later, you ran and jumped up into his arms. “you came back, nana! missed you so much.” you pressed a sweet kiss against his lips.
“you’re so precious, kitty. my sweet kitty always so good to nana,” he hummed against your lips.
you pulled away. “nana, i have a problem.”
jaemin started to press soft kisses up and down your jawline. “hm?”
“i’ve been feeling weird lately. i don’t know how to explain it.”
he paused, eyebrows furrowed in concern. “what do you mean, baby?”
“everytime you touch me like that, i get all tingly.” you pointed to your privates. “i get all warm and hot down there. and my panties get a little wet. is there something wrong with me?”
jaemin’s jaw dropped in realization. oh. oh.
“oh, baby. uh,” he started, setting you down on the ground gently. “how do i explain this?”
you tilted your head expectantly at him.
“it means you need me.” he said simply.
you looked confused. “need you? of course i need you. you’re my nana and i’m your kitty.”
“no baby. it means you need me to touch you right there.”
you had a look of realization on your face. “oh.”
“baby, i can help you. i can make you feel really good. but only if you tell me, okay? i won’t do anything you don’t want.” he said slowly, gauging your reaction.
you had a sure look on your face. “nana, i trust you. please touch me.”
jaemin growled and smashed his lips against yours, gripping your ass with one hand and running his hand through your hair in another. you purred needily, rubbing your legs together and feeling that warmth between your legs again.
“baby, can i take this to the bedroom?” he sighed breathlessly against your lips.
you nodded excitedly and chased his lips with yours once more. he hoisted you up by your waist and wrapped your legs around his waist. you lightly grinded against his abdomen, causing him to groan and curse against your lips.
he threw you onto the bed, knocking you breathless, and climbed on top of you to kiss you deeply once more. you whined and bucked your hips up against him in need.
“need more, nana,” you whimpered.
“m getting there, baby,” he said as he started to take your skirt, top, bra, and finally panties off your body, never disconnecting his lips from yours.
he reached his hand down to lightly tease your leaking pussy. you felt so warm and hot down there, you needed more. “more! more!” you cried out.
he took one finger and lightly went around your sopping hole. “fuck, this pussy is so wet for me, huh? you have no idea how long i’ve wanted this. the perfect kitty.”
he plunged one finger in, which had you whining and bucking against his hand. as he pumped his finger in and out of your drooling cunt, he slowly added another finger, then another. he alternated between pumping your cunt and taking his fingers out to play with your clit.
you moaned and cried out. “fuck yes! yes, more, please oh god more!”
he planted a deep kiss on your lips. “my kitty is doing so good for me.”
suddenly, he ripped his hand from your cunt, which had you whining and pouting. then he crawled down to face your beautiful pussy. you were so wet and leaky, all for him. he groaned and shoved his face right into your cunt, tonguing at your hole before licking a strip up to your clit. you screamed and cried out, gripping at his hair and shoving his face further into your crying pussy. he started sucking and licking at your clit before shoving three of his fingers back into your hole, pumping up and hitting your G-spot. tears rolled down your face from all the pleasure.
you felt your core get tight. “nana! nana! feel funny down there… my pussy keeps leaking more!” you cried out.
he looked up from your cunt. he looked so fucking sexy, eyes lidded and face dripping with your arousal. “baby, don’t worry. just relax and feel good, kay?”
he dove back into fingering your dripping cunt and sucking and licking at your clit when you felt a wave of pleasure burst from your core. your cunt squirted out wetness as you screamed in pleasure.
“oh god! nanaaa!!” you sobbed, covering your face with your arm from the intense pleasure.
he grinned, licking his lips and fingers clean, and gently pulled your arm from your face. “let look at you, gorgeous. that felt good, right?”
you nodded vigorously. “nana, need more. felt so good.”
you pulled at his belt loop and started unbuckling his jeans. he let you pull his pants down as he took his shirt off, exposing his sexy toned body. you were drooling at the sight.
“nana, you are so sexy,” you whispered, staring directly at his chiseled abs.
he winked at you before finally pulling his boxers down and letting his rock hard cock spring free. your eyes got as wide as saucers. he was massive. so red and veiny, thick from base to tip, and a slight curve upwards. a bead of pearly white liquid gathered at the tip. his balls looked so big and heavy too. your mouth watered.
“wow,” you whispered to yourself.
jaemin smirked, giving himself a few pumps. “like it, baby?”
you nodded slowly. “i’ve never done this before. can i put it in my mouth?”
jaemin groaned. “fuck baby, you’re gonna be the death of me. so cute and so fucking hot.”
you leaned down and started licking the shaft, started at the base. you sucked his balls softly, letting the weight of them rest on your tongue as you moaned softly.
“just like that baby, fuck. sure you’ve never done this before?” he groaned and snaked his hands into gripping your hair.
you shook your head before licking his cock from base to tip. you gave his cock a small kiss and gulped. how were you going to fit this in your mouth. he was huge. slowly, you sucked on the tip before taking more and more into your mouth. you bobbed your head up and down on his cock as jaemin let out the sexiest groans. you let your tongue lick at the veins on the underside of his cock as you went faster and faster.
“oh, baby. fuck, you suck dick like a pro,” he moaned out. “you’re so gorgeous and perfect, you know that? i love you, my sweet kitty.”
all of sudden, you bottomed out on his cock, sticking it all in your mouth at once. you gave a few licks to his balls.
“oh fuck, fuck, fuck, m gonna cum,” jaemin cursed.
he ripped your head off his cock with a lewd pop. leaving you whining and chasing his cock for more. he threw you back against the bed and pinned you down, cock bouncing angrily against his stomach. you rubbed your legs together as your pussy leaked and drooled in need.
“as good as you suck dick, baby, i need to finish inside you,” he growled, giving you a deep kiss.
he reached into his nightstand to pull out a condom.
“what’s that?” you asked, furrowing your eyebrows and tilting your head.
he ripped the packet open and started rolling it on his cock. “it’s called a condom, baby. you put it on before having sex to prevent pregnancy.”
you shook your head slowly. “do you have to wear it? don’t want you to. wanna feel your cock in my pussy raw.”
jaemin paused. “you sure, baby?”
you nodded. “very sure.”
he groaned and cursed to himself. something about “fuck, she’s so sexy and she doesn’t even know it.” he ripped the condom off and threw it off the bed somewhere. then he climbed back on top of you and propped your legs up against his shoulders and lined his cock with your entrance. he gave himself a few punps and teased your soaking hole with the tip of his leaking cock. “ready, baby?”
you nodded vigorously and whined, bucking your hips up to meet his cock. he bottomed out inside you with one thrust, causing you to scream out.
“oh, nana! fuck!” you cried deliciously. your ears twitched so cutely it had jaemin wanting to pound you hard and fast immediately.
he paused his hips to let you against to his size. “are you okay, baby?”
you kissed him. “if you don’t move i might lose my mind.”
with that, he pounded your little pussy with his big cock hard and deep. you cried and screamed at the intense pleasure, claws scratching at his back. the lewd sounds of his balls slapping against your ass had you leaking all around. you squirmed and wriggled underneath him, causing him to use his strength to pin your hips to the mattress.
“fuck baby, you feel so good. real thing is much better than what i’ve imagined,” he growled against your neck.
“oh jaemin,” you called out.
his hips went faster and harder. “say it again. say my name, baby.”
“j-jaemin,” you cried. “jaemin jaemin jaemin! yes oh fuck yes!” in the deep mating press he had you in, you felt the tip of his cock kiss your cervix sweetly.
“oh baby, i love you so much. love my sweet kitty so much. so precious and so sweet to me.” he groaned into your neck.
you were losing your mind in pleasure. “oh jaemin, gonna cum again. more please more!!”
his hips rutted into you impossibly fast, god you were losing your mind. you felt your core tighten and burst with pleasure once again, waves of orgasm washing over your body. your pussy squirted all over his abdomen and spasmed around his cock. his hips continued to fuck you through your orgasm, leaving you feeling overstimulated with pleasure. fat tears rolled down your face as you sobbed and clawed at jaemin’s back.
“m gonna cum too baby,” he gave you a sweet kiss on your lips. “doing so good for me. so good for nana.”
with a final deep thrust, he bottomed out inside your pussy and let out hot white spurts of cum, so much that some dripped and leaked out even as he was still balls deep inside. he collapsed on top of you with a groan, inhaling your hair deeply. you laid there panting and covered in sweat.
“love you, kitty,” he whispered softly into your ear.
“love you too, nana.”
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gaypirate420 · 5 months
Bath // Jasper W. Hale.
Jasper Whitlock-Hale x gender neutral!reader.
A/N: Thank you to @steh-lar-uh-nuhs for sharing these. Huge inspiration!
Summary: After the battle with the newborns, you give Jasper a bath to make him relax.
Fluff. A little suggestive. Reference to hypnosis?
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The Cullen's make their way back home, everyone let out a sigh of relief and tiredness after such an encounter. Emmet collapses on the couch and Rosalie sits elegantly by his side, Alice makes her back to her room, her eyes unfocused as she sees different futures of what's to come. Carlisle and Esme just silently make their way to their room.
Although they're vampires who's bodies can't get tired, they are mentally exhausted. The tension hasn't faded but Jasper it's too tired to try and make them feel calm, which makes him feel worse because everyone's emotions are affecting his.
His right side it's burning with new bite marks that go from his shoulder to his forearm.
At least nobody else got hurt.
Well besides you.
The first signs that something was terribly wrong was when you had a trip to Seattle and returned as a vampire.
Jasper just remembers how scared you were, terrified of this new reality. He feels bad, you wanted to help with the battle but you're a newborn, still adapting, still learning.
He sighs, he basically locked you up in his room and he hates himself for it. At least you got your stuffed animals to keep you company and relive some of the anxiety you felt.
The blonde vampire opens the door and immediately meets you running to his arms. A smile creeps on his face as he picks you up and wraps you in a tight hug.
"Hi." You whisper, Jasper immediately notices the relief in your voice.
"Hello, darlin'." He buries his face on your neck, holding onto your scent and the comfort of your arms, it makes him forget about the venom that's running through his body.
"You smell like those dogs." You speak with a slight frown. Jasper chuckles and sniffs his hoodie, yeah, he does smell like wolves.
"How about we take a bath?" You asked with a flirty tone, pulling him by his wrist. The blonde smirks and follows behind.
"I see you've already settled in, sugar." He teases as he almost trips over one of your plushies. You giggled and pick up some things for the bath.
Jasper takes a glare of his room, it's mostly neutral colors, old photos and furniture. And then your things are a splash of color, a light of life.
Jasper rests on the wall, the pain of the venom stinging again. You looked at him worried as you fetch some towels.
"Are you alright, cowboy?" You placed a hand on his bitten arm, making him hiss in pain. You withdrawn your hand immediately.
"It's- n-nothin', hun. Just a couple of bites, nothin' I didn't expect." He explains softly, but the pain it's still on his voice. You nod, not fully convinced.
Jasper catches on the floral scent the bathroom holds now, you wave him to come inside, he smirks and takes his hoodie off.
"Stripping already?" You teased. The blonde chuckles and wraps his arms around your waist, locking his pale lips against yours. He holds the kiss, needing your touch after such an exhausting day.
He glares at your now ruby red eyes. He swore to protect you and the only day he didn't follow you somewhere you returned dead.
You kissed him again before your hands brush down his chest. Your touch is no longer warm but he feels like it is. Like the warmth you held never left you.
You pulled his shirt up, he didn't resist you at all. Your eyes widen at the sight of the bites. Jasper looks at his arm.
They look...like a normal bite would, if there's any normality in that, teeth buried deep and a horrible bruising surrounding it. Jasper sighs and closes his eyes, he feels your hand cupping his cheek.
"I'm alright, pumpkin." He tells you and kisses your forehead.
You help undress each other between giggles and teases. Jasper gets on the water, helping you to get inside.
The water it's warm, with one of your bath bombs fizzling and tinting the water pink. The scent of lavender lingers on the air and some candles were lit to make the setting more romantic.
His bathroom was very plain, white and clean, with the constant changing of home he doesn't really put much thought into decorations, but since you started dating your skincare and other stuff were lighting up his surroundings. Now his bath has all these candles, bath bombs and fancy soaps.
He sighs and makes himself comfortable. He feels your hands on his head, removing leaves and small sticks off his hair.
"Can I wash your hair, my dear?" You asked softly, Jasper nods and closes his eyes. He feels you pouring some water on his hair.
He holds your waist close to him, feeling your body, his fingers caressing up and down the curve of your back.
"I'm not going to break anymore, cowboy." You whisper as you notice his delicate touch, he doesn't change it.
He leans and kisses your lips, there's some neediness on his kiss but not desperation, he keeps it's slow and sensual.
You pour some shampoo on his golden locks, your fingers start massaging his scalp in gentle circles. Jasper moans softly, making you shiver, his lips travel down your jaw.
"You're too quiet." You whisper with clear worry, Jasper kisses down your neck, a gentle and loving kiss placed on the bite mark that lies on your neck.
"I know. I'm sorry. I just can't help thinking about- the past." He whispers against your skin, his hands holding you close and his lips kissing your shoulders.
"It's weird. I've been hurt so much before- but this is different." He keeps whispering as you massage his head.
"What do you mean?" You ask with a gentle whisper, Jasper takes a second before answering you.
"Everytime I got hurt. Bitten. I just had to...keep going. Keep fighting. Ignore the pain, ignore my emotions and discomfort." He speaks with a lingering anger, he holds you a little rougher.
"But here- with you- I can allow myself to feel. To process what's happening. I would- I used to take my mind somewhere. Think about something else, dissociate completely." He takes a deep breath. You only listen to him, feeling your heart break as he keeps talking about his past, you rinse the shampoo off.
He looks at his new marks. Your fingers caress his scars with a soft touch, making him smile, he kisses your forehead.
"I didn't had anyone to caress me. To kiss me. To hug me when I was feeling down. And definitely no one to prepare me a bath." He chuckles and locks lips once more with you. He meets your eyes and you can see this shine in his.
A glimmer of hope.
"Thank you, sugar. For everything. You brought me back to life." He smiles and kisses you again, cupping your jaw, you lean on his touch and deepen the kiss. Jasper's hands have a strong grip on your waist, not wanting to let you go.
He buries his face on your neck and takes deep breaths. Your fingers run through his hair, undoing the knots with conditioner. A smile on your face as you enjoy this tender movement.
His breath is even, he doesn't need to breath, but it feels so nice to take in your scent over and over. If he was human he would be passed out because he feels so relaxed, safe.
"I love you." You whispered as you did your best to not damage the curls of his hair you loved so much. Jasper's eyes flutter closed. Since you became a vampire you had this ability of just making him feel so relaxed, he thought you did wonders when you were human but now it's so...
"I think you might have a gift, darlin'." His words sound slurry, almost like a human who's falling asleep. You blinked at his statement.
"Oh. Well- we'll sort that on another day, let's just enjoy that today is over." You whispered, your voice holding that soothing sound of one of a professional hypnotist. He smirks, this it's going to be really interesting to figure out.
He closed his eyes once more and let you take care of him.
A/N: Hello! It's been a little while, I know, I'm sorry, and I'm not going to say I'm going to post more constantly because I'm back to school.
Also, if you want to request things with the reader having a hypnosis/mind control gift I wouldn't mind. I've been thinking a lot about it because I just like hypnosis. What can I say.
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joonsmagicshop · 6 months
Stress Relief
Summary: Taehyung gives you an offer you can't refuse
Pairing: Taehyung/Reader
Word Count: 2k
Rating: M/18+
Tags: Fingering, Fuck buddies
Author Note: This is a fic to get this series established. There is a small amount of smut. More info at the bottom
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You could faintly hear water running in the background as you come back to your senses. You were still spread out on the bed, legs splayed open, fingers still clutching the fabric of your bed sheets below you, and chest heaving from orgasm number four.
Taehyung (Yes that Taehyung) usually fucked you good.
But today he was an absolute animal.
You let out a small whine at the soreness between your legs as you rolled on your side to fish for your sweater that had been taken off, well more like ripped off by Tae when he arrived at your apartment.
You didn't bother putting on pants because you knew how this went.
How it had gone for the last eight months.
He would text you asking if he could come over. You would reply, usually saying yes unless you were busy. He would pull up in an unmarked car to your apartment. Have mind-blowing sex with you then get you cleaned up and leave.
You had met nine months prior and both were immediately sexually attracted to each other. After a long discussion about what you both wanted you started to become fuck buddies.
Tae didn't want the drama of a relationship but still wanted to get laid and you had just gotten out of a relationship at the time and had no desire to jump back in.
It was perfect.
You sat up on the bed and frowned at the closed door.
He was usually back from the bathroom by now with a damp washcloth.
You slowly got out of bed and hobbled to the bathroom where you saw him on his knees getting a bath ready for you.
You cocked an eyebrow in confusion
He never stayed longer than he had to, and sure as hell never did this.
He must have felt you staring because he turned around and shot you a boxy grin, adorned back in his sweatpants and oversized hoodie
“Hey, uh what's all this?” You asked trying to keep the suspicion out of your voice.
“I-shit you hate it don't you?” He said boxy smile falling off his face.
“No! Not at all. I just. We don't do this? Ever? I'm just confused.” You admit as you lean against the counter and he turns off the water.
The bath does look heavenly with steam rising from it and the smell of lavender bubble bath in the air.
“Well I feel like I owe it to you, I was pretty rough this time.” He says with a cocky grin eyeing the bite marks he had left all over your thighs, which were starting to turn a beautiful shade of dark red.
“Tae it was fine, I would have said the safe word. But thank you.” You say as you remove your sweater and slowly climb into the bath.
He watched as you settled in.
You closed your eyes, fully expecting him to leave like he always did, but instead he closed the lid of the toilet and sat on it watching you.
“Tae…everything okay?” You ask watching how nervous he suddenly looks.
“Yeah, I…are you okay?” He responds, playing with his long fingers and not looking at you.
“Yeah, I said I was fine.” You say and a light blush covers his cheeks.
“Okay, Taehyung.” You say, which has his eyebrows shoot up. You never call him by his full name.
“What's going on? I don't want to sound rude, this is all very nice but you never do this. You clean me up and go. I'm not complaining at all! It's not a bad thing. I'm just..well… still confused.” You admit staring at him as his gaze finally catches yours.
“I want to talk to you about something.” He says slowly, carefully.
You stare him down and wait for him to speak. He looks so uncomfortable and nervous, picking at his fingers.
“Go ahead Tae. The floor's all yours.” You say softly waving your hand.
“I, well I know I've liked this arrangement we have and I know you do too. It works. And I think it's good for both of us. And god you are the perfect fuck buddy like I could not have asked for better, honestly.” He rambles.
“Tae. If you want to stop this arrangement you could have just said. You didn't need to butter me up with a hot bath or anything. We agreed to be open with each other.” You say.
“No! Oh god, I'm making this worse! I want…the opposite actually.” He says running his hands through his fluffy brown hair.
You stare at him.
He stares at you.
The room is thick with tension and steam from the warm bath. Even though he has seen you naked many times you still feel slightly vulnerable as you sit there and try not to let your mind run wild.
“Tae please, whatever it is just tell me.” You plead as he slides off the toilet and sits on the floor right across from you.
“I know what I want to say I just don't want it to offend you that's all.” He admits.
You let out a little laugh.
“Like twenty minutes ago you called me your little whore and spanked me raw. I don't think I'll be offended.” You say with a soft laugh as you see his features soften a bit.
“I-yeah you're right. Okay. So as I said I love fucking you. I love having someone I can text who can get rid of my stress. Again, you are the perfect fuck buddy. Really I couldn't have asked for better.” He starts, staring at the floor, once again not making eye contact.
Which has you nervous.
You feel like you are on the edge of a very tall cliff, you know something is coming but you don't know what.
“I-Well. The guys know about you. Not who you are or anything! Just that I have…someone on the side. They know about our…arrangement.” Tae says pausing again to gauge your reaction.
You weren't surprised. You knew how close they all were and you expected Taehyung to tell them about you, hell, you expected him to brag about his arrangement.
However, the both of you had a set of rules when you started this whole thing, one of them being he would never talk about work, or the other band members. So you were surprised he was even mentioning them to you at all.
“Anyway. We have been training for our tour, we leave in three months and everyone is very stressed and high-strung. Hobi almost hit Namjoon yesterday because he got a dance step wrong and nearly took him out.”
“The last couple of weeks have been very long and very tiring. I'm sure you noticed I've been calling on you more, and being a little more….rough.” He admits with a shy smile.
“Tae believe me it's hot as fuck. This is what our arrangement was for right? Stress relief. For both of us.” You remind him.
You didn't mind that he was calling on you more. You knew once he went on tour he wouldn't call on you at all so you were relishing all this until he came back.
“This is why I'm glad to have you. I love going on tour. I love seeing our fans but the prep can be…well. A lot. Everyone is feeling it. Everyone is at maximum stress. And you're like my oasis from all of it.”
“Well after our last practice, some of the guys mentioned… how they wish they had… what we had. An… arrangement where they could blow off some steam. Have someone to help with all the stress.” He says cocking an eyebrow.
Your mind is running a million miles a minute and you are sure your eyeballs are about to pop out. Is he suggesting what you think he is suggesting?
“I really don't want to offend you, and you can yell at me if you want. But I was wondering if you would be willing…to share the wealth. Help my bandmates with their tension. Let them fuck you.” He finishes finally staring at you.
Your jaw drops and even in the hot water of the bath, you feel yourself shiver. Goosebumps cover your arms and legs.
How could you possibly say no to that?
There was no universe or timeline where you would say no to that.
You knew the members of BTS of course, from what you had seen online as you had never met them but a slew of dirty thoughts started racing though your mind.
“You still with me?” Tae teases which has you snapping out of your thoughts and looking down to see some of the bubbles have disappeared and Tae can clearly see you clenching your thighs under the water.
“I-um sorry I think my brain stopped working.” You admit with an awkward laugh.
Tae leans down and presses a kiss to your collarbone as your eyes roll to the back of your head. His lips are soft and warm against your skin as his hand comes to palm your breast. It feels so good and you already feel yourself throbbing. You weren't sure if it was because of him, or his suggestion but you felt a moan fall from your parted lips.
His hands traveled down your wet, naked body and settled between your legs, which you opened obediently for him.
He darkly chuckled against your throat as he felt how soaked you were.
“God you really like that idea huh?” He mutters as a finger enters you and you buck your hips up at the sensation of him slowly thrusting his finger in and out.
“Tae. Fuck.” You cry out as he curls his finger under the water and rubs against that spot inside you that has you moaning out his name and gripping the side of the tub.
“You'd like that, wouldn't you? You'd like to be Bangtan's little slut. Let all the members fuck you. So naughty Y/N. So dirty.” Tae growls out as his finger speeds up and you are a moaning, whining mess under him.
Soon enough he coaxes you through an orgasm that has you shaking and moaning below him. You bury your face in his sweater to muffle your cries as your wall flutters around his digit.
Once he removes his finger you throw your head back and try to catch your breath.
He is above you grinning as he watches you try to recover.
“Fucking hell Tae.” You say breathless as you stare him down.
“So I take it you like that idea?” He asks with a lick of his lips as his fingers dance around the water, swirling the leftover bubbles around.
“Yes. I do. Very much. Mhmm.” You say trying not to show how excited you are.
Tae laughs, he can see right through you. But is nice enough not to comment on it.
“So here's what I'm thinking. I talk to the members. Make sure they are okay with it. It will be the same arrangement we have. I give them your number. They text you when they need you. Sound good?” He asks.
“Sounds good to me.” You reply.
“Yeah seems like it sounds very good to you. Don't make yourself cum too much tonight thinking about it yeah?” He teases which has you flicking water at him.
“You are the one who suggested it!” You tease back with a laugh.
“I didn't want you to be offended and here you are, enthusiastic as ever. I love it.” He says removing his hands from the water and wiping them on your bath towel.
He stands up and adjusts his sweater, pulling it down to cover his hard-on. You smirk and Tae shoots you a look.
“Well, I should get going. Just remember who you belong to babe. I was here first.” He reminds you pointing to your thighs where the red bite marks are starting to turn into small bruises.
You nod at him and he winks at you.
“I don't think I'll let you know what they say. I think I'll let it be a surprise. If you get a text from an unknown number…well you'll know. Now be a good girl and don't be glued to your phone too much.” He says over his shoulder as he turns to leave which has your mouth hanging open in shock.
You hear him chuckle and slip his shoes on as he leaves, you lay back in the bath and close your eyes, mind reeling with what the next couple of months are going to be like.
Authors Note #2- Firstly, thank you for reading! I do plan to make this into a series! Here's how it will go, on the last day of each month (Starting January 2024) I will release another part
Seven parts total for Seven members (because let's be real Taehyung deserves a full fic not just a small intro)
I spun a wheel to decide the order (but purposely saved Namjoon for last for...reasons)
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The Order that was decided was
Jimin, Jungkook, Jin, Yoongi, Taehyung, Hobi, Namjoon
If you want to be put on a tag list send me a message and I'll add you.
This series ends at the end of July 2024
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bettysupremacy · 9 months
Hi bestie <3 okay so I’m literally obsessed with your work and I was wondering if you could do a Jamie potter x reader where James comes back from quidditch (or rugby whatever you want jkebaksn) and he’s all sleepy and stuff but he didn’t shower before coming upstairs. Then reader is just like doing homework on his bed and won’t cuddle him bc he smells like sweat and he’s all pouty and enbwjsbe. Ofc no pressure if this doesn’t inspire you but fr love you 🫶
I need you to start sending me requests more more more bestie cause I literally loved this. He’s so sweet I miss him.
When James has to go to practice, it’s the second worst thing he fears he’ll ever have to do in this relationship.
Right below traveling.
It’s not that he’s obsessed, he just misses you. Misses you so wildly he fumbles the ball sometimes thinking about it. That’s normal.
And it’s normal to skip showers to see you quicker. Well, maybe you wouldn’t agree.
When he comes home, he’s sweaty. It glistens above his brow, gleaming in the low light of your lamp.
“You run a marathon?” You tease, shuffling under his blanket.
He smiles, rugby bag dropping to the floor with a clatter. “No,” He smiles, peeling his clothes off. His words are broken up between pants. “Elevator is broken again though. Had to help Patty with her groceries.”
His clothes don’t make it to the bin. Throwing them in the general direction suffices.
“That was sweet.” You murmur as he climbs over you, pulling a book off your chest, surprised by a teddy under it. “Hi.”
“Hi.” he smiles.
You push his hair back, grimacing at the dampness of it. “Missed you.”
He ignores this, nuzzling down into you, face smooshed into the skin of your naval. “Missed you more.” He feels the vibrations when you giggle.
“Y’tickling me, stop.”
Grumbling, he smiles when you pull him up by his hair. “Yes, lovely?”
“You’re smelly.”
His mouth drops, bewildered at your blunt affront. “You’re supposed to think I never smell bad.”
“I think you smell like sweat,” You drop his hair. “and you feel like it too. Do they not provide showers there?”
He climbs up your body, dropping chest to chest. Limply, you feel his rough hands slide under your neck as he mouths under your ear, and nips at your jawline. “They do, but I missed you.”
Your blinking stutters. He’s sweet on you, so sweet on you, it’s not your fault for wrapping your arms around his strong back. “I wish you missed the showers more.” You gasp.
“Never.” He smiles down at you.
“I’m gonna need you to get in the shower if you want to continue this.”
His face scrunches up, whining loudly into your neck as he drops into you. “But I’m tired.”
“Not too tired to give me a hickey.”
“Never too tired for you, honey.” He cheeks, muffled by your neck. Your shoulder comes up, tickled, but he holds you down, kissing there harshly.
“Is it bad?” You murmur.
He pops up, inspecting your neck seriously. “Dark purple already.” He grimaces.
You push your palm into the side of his head, giggling wildly. “Shut up, Jamie, get in the shower.”
He turns to your stuffed animal in complete offense. “You see how she treats me?”
“Oh my god.”
“Bet she doesn’t treat you like that, does she?”
“Go!” You manage out. “You smell like field!”
He pushes off the bed, shaking his head. “Field, lovely?”
“Field.” You nod grimacing.
“Okay,” He shrugs, off towards the bathroom. “I’ll go shower.”
“Thank you.” You smile, hugging the bear to your chest. “Wait,”
He turns, ears practically perked like a excited puppy. “Yes?”
“Can I get a kiss first?”
“You know it.” He bounces over pressing one, two, three warm kisses to your mouth. The fourth lands at the corner, skewed from the other three.
“Don’t miss me too much.” You murmur.
“Get me in 5 minutes if I’m not out,” He groans, pushing off the bed. “I might’ve passed out.”
“Be quiet, stupid.” You grab his pillow, throwing it at him softly. “That shower better be more than 5 minutes.”
The bathroom door clicks shut quickly. “Teddy doesn’t get this treatment!” He cries.
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savnofilter · 7 months
Your Scent Is Sweeter | e. kirishima
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       Werewolf!Eijiro Kirishima x Virgin![FEM]Reader
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CONTENT WARNING(S): sexual content, one shot, loss of virginity, kirishima likes how you smell, dry humping, hints of jealousy, spit (1), knot inflation, pull out method, mutual pining, friends -> lovers (?), established friendship.
COUNT: 3.4k words [13 mins.]
READ MORE: masterlist + [student masterlist]
A/N: ehhh i dont think i'll ever do this like an animal horny hybrid shit after the last few fics i have queued up. 😭 even if i do i'll def cringe it later probably anyways- ignore my hating… also this is a continuation from a draft over a year ago?? including the next two bakugo fics im going to post and the other dragon!kirishima fic so bare with me. this isnt even that bad LOL. thank you, anon!
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How you and Kirishima first met was simple:
Two different hands reached out for the last skewer that sat on the hot grill, both stopping in hesitation at the presence of someone else. You both stopped and looked at each other, an awkward laugh coming from you as an equally shy smile graced his lips. 
“Lady’s first!” He grinned at you, his sharp teeth showing as he blushed softly, stepping back. “Go ahead, I’ll just swing back later.”
“Thank you.” You smiled at him, feeling butterflies in your chest as the cute male allowed you to grab it. 
As much as you wanted to say something else, your brain short-circuited on coming up with anything. Part of you wanted to tease him and say he could take it, but you never pass up on an opportunity for food. Nevertheless, even if it was for a random cute guy. Plus you had spent the last few hours dancing and working up a sweat, you were sure you needed it more than him. As he stood to the side, you were able to pay and take your leave, waving to him as you disappeared into the crowd. One last glance was exchanged with him as you left him at the stand.
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Typically, you wouldn't go to many events if it weren't for the festivals or known shows; but this one faithful New Year's festival when you were fresh into adulthood had proven you made the great decision to attend the celebration. Events between humans and werewolves were often rampant during popular holidays, the New Year being one of them. 
There were many people around with many great food booths to compare. It was only a mere coincidence that you two seemed to be craving the same savory treat, kabobs.
After the first time you two had met, you started bumping into him more at cultural events. You hadn’t told anyone that you had met with this boy. At least you were sure he was around your age, young twenties or so, but there was no mistaking he had a few on you though not too much. The more you saw him at these gatherings, the connection between you two grew naturally, and it soon evolved into a friendship. No one knew about this friendship and to your friends he was merely regarded as something akin to a hallway crush. What they didn't know was that you two had been seeing each other for about two years now, doing various things together as a private friendship. It was no surprise the once innocent feelings you had for him slowly turned into a crush each time you two met. Luckily enough for you, today was one of the days when you two could catch up and you were more than ready to see him again. 
You bit your lip as you sat on the cut-down tree stump, one of the many things that made him complain. Something about humans defiling the woods by making modifications that didn’t need to be made. Oftentimes when you met him, he ranted about different things, all things to be exact. Even with his rambling nature, he had other sides to him. You saw him chill, you saw him happy, you’ve seen him angry and you’ve seen him annoyed. But the ‘mood’ he approached you with today was something different. It was… feral. In a way, you couldn’t explain it.
“E-Evening, Kirishima.” You smile up at him as he walks up to you, holding up the basket you brought for him. “I made your favorite, they’re still hot just how you like them!” You open the basket to show him the goodies, scooching over on the big seat to give him room to sit down. He was quiet today, stiff too. You tried not to show your concern as he picked up the bag and sniffed it. It was times like these when you could pay close attention to the way his face looked, admiring the roundness of his cheeks that complimented his sharp jaw. 
Kirishima only grunts as he sits away from you, his quiet and fidgety demeanor worrying you a bit. Your eyes observed his statue that had a light sheen of sweat layering his tanned skin that was visible to the eyes, his brows scrunched angrily. His facial expression was one of heavy frustration even with how much he tried to hide it. Whatever he was trying to find using his snout appeared to not have been found, and he was once again on the hunt to find the source.
Kirishima proceeds to start sniffing again, this time pulling away to smell somewhere else. You couldn’t help but stare as his behavior was odd, flinching a bit when his nose led to sniffing around you. You tried to stay calm as he got closer, shifting awkwardly as you contemplated the right moment to ask about his demeanor. His breathing seemed a bit ragged too, his chest rising and falling as he avoided contact with you, even visually. 
“You’re… in heat.” 
If he couldn’t see the blush on your face you could certainly feel it.
“I can smell it, you’re aroused...” Eijiro responds simply. "And you smell really good."
He was still standing as he towered over you. He rested the basket next to you and didn’t move, his eyes dark with a glint you haven’t seen before. His hand comes up cup your jaw, his palm hot against your skin. You play with your sleeves as you grow flustered, laughing nervously as the thought of being in a lewd situation with the black-haired male starts to run through your head.
“Eijiro…” You start, looking up at him as he makes you look up at him by tilting your head up. You felt as though you were caught stealing from a cookie jar, hands covered in crumbs as you tried to hide the emotions stirring inside you that he could very obviously sense. 
His lips spare you the process of trying to come up with something to say as he presses his mouth against yours. You felt something spark as he did, your hands that were once clenched at your chest held his shoulders, stabilizing yourself when he forces you to lay down on the large tree stump you sat on. You tried to keep up with his kisses, opening up your mouth to let him in, fearing the pain of accidentally poking something if you chose to let your tongue wander in his. You moaned as his tongue poked and prodded in your hot cavern, his hands moving to grip your thighs to spread them apart as he got between them.
You hadn't noticed how big his body was, being so exposed to it so many times in such a friendly setting compared to this one. You daydreamed about this moment but never did you think it would happen so soon. Your heart hammers in your chest upon feeling his lips move so softly against yours, caring even. You could tell that he was the skilled one between you two and his kind way of gentleness showed with his fervent kisses. Unfortunately for him though, you didn't nearly have as much lung capacity as him to continue this unbroken kiss. 
One of your hands on his shoulders taps him as an indicator for a breather, the doting male taking the message. Your labored breaths mix with his as your eyes can't help but be glued to his in desperation. A timid mewl is ripped from your lips when his hands that once respectfully rested on the sides of your hips swoop down to grip the back of your thighs and reach behind you to squeeze your bum. Kirishima growls as the scent of your arousal heightens, his gaze darkening as he prepares himself to fuck you. 
"I-I didn't want to pounce on you like this but you smell so good." Kirishima rambles as his hands start to grope at your clothed skin. You couldn't do anything but just lay there and take it, watching up at him with curious eyes.
His strong and calloused hands trail up your body to grope your chest through your clothes, the heavy weight of his hands bringing a rush of excitement straight to your core. Whilst he fondles you he successfully manages to slide closer to you between your legs, your thighs resting on his as he gets comfortable. You bite your lip feeling his hard length now pressing against your core, a taunting sensation between the layers of clothes that restricts you. While your hands never left his shoulders his hands happily roamed your body. 
From when he was fondling you, he was able to unbutton some of your blouse, the top of your cleavage now exposed to him, and the beautiful light of the moon from atop the sky. You feel tightening in your chest as oxygen starts to run out from kissing for so long, your hands lightly pushing him away. He pulls away with a light growl that marks his excitement. Kirishima hadn't slept with humans often but had to remind himself that he had to be gentle…. at first. 
"Do you want this, Y/N?" Eijiro holds your chin to have you look up at him. You lightly gulp in excitement at the feeling of his rough hands on your jawline, a more than ready nod coming from you. 
"I want to, Eiji." You're not even sure how you managed to maintain eye contact after relaying that. Until now, you had only kissed other people but other than that it never went further. There wasn't much left to ponder about his experience in these activities, though. "Just be gentle, this is my first time, okay?"
He visibly portrays his shock at the revelation with a dropped jaw but quickly recovers by nodding his head in understanding. If anything, this is one of the best news he's heard in a while. Now it wasn't often that Kirishima thought about your sex life. When he did think about you having sex, other partners were never in the equation. Just purely you and him. Though on his part he was assuming your experience—it was just Ludacris to him that no one has gotten that far with you yet considering he could tell the way most of the males around you acted. 
Those festivals where he'd watch you from afar and get a jealous flutter in his chest fell testament to this, later his anger fueling into pure neediness in the comfort of his bedroom. He'd be straight-up lying if he said he wasn't crushing on you hard. You were as sweet as ever, pretty with a physique that suited you nicely, a smile that he fell in love with on the first day, and god you always smelled so good. Even in times when he'd playfully chase you down and you'd try and push him away in embarrassment of odor, it was that exact husk that drew him in closer. The pull that made him want to pin you down and fuck you raw.
Kirishima grips your hand and kisses the back of it as he stares deeply into your eyes. "Of course, anything for you."
You softly sucked in a breath feeling his hot hand slip down to palm your sex, the sensation so very foreign to you. Undoubtedly he could certainly sense the wetness through your clothes, another animalistic growl coming from him. He palms you in preparation for his eventual fucking, skilled hands rubbing at your labia and then playing with your clit. Your body jolts at the pleasure you receive from that certain area, a pained whimper in desperation slipping from your lips as you clawed at him. 
His deft fingers easily rubbed against your clothed core, determined to get you hot and ready for him. His eyes watch down in a predatory gaze as he watches your expressions for any behavior change, his pupils dilating in hunger as he watches your body open more and more for him. Once he's done pawing at you he presses his crouch right against yours, the heat and weight of his confined cock stirring a whimper from within you. You tilt your head back, hands still stuck on him as you pull him closer to your body instinctively. Kirishima wordlessly leans in to press more animalistic kisses to your neck, now utilizing his sharp teeth to nip and bite at your skin. He groans against your sweet skin as you start to grind against him as well, a revelation now settling in that you were impossibly sensitive in all areas of your neck. 
Usually by now, Kirishima would've fucked whoever was underneath him into oblivion already, but he was purposely taking it slower. He needed to tease and punish you for not being his any sooner. To make him wait so long to get between your luscious and squeezable thighs. 
"Eijiro," A louder moan encourages him when he roughly nips at the conjuncture of where your neck and collarbone meet, the sensation sending a hot shiver down your spine. Mixed with the friction of his heavy hips against yours you're shaking under him, eyes prickling with tears as an unfamiliar feeling starts to wash over you. "W-Wait—!" You try to tap his shoulder, the act has him unmoving as he himself already knew what you were experiencing. 
Kirishima leans up to witness the pleasurable experience wash over you, greedily taking in the fact it was him to accomplish it without even having to do anything. In seconds he's gripping your jaw and having you look at him as he places another searing kiss against your lips. You're sloppily meeting him halfway there with no doubt that his tongue has all the right to overpower yours. Your hands are lost in his hair whilst his are impatiently ripping off your clothes ready to take you under the moonlight. 
A line of saliva connects you two when he pulls away, the small connection popping when he licks his lips. Your mouth and skin tasted so sweet, that he'd have to remind himself to eat you out next time, preferably somewhere more romantic and private.
The male on top of you grunts as the cool air of the night hits his now exposed schlong, the naked member twitching at the sensation. It was a reminder that he needed it in somewhere warm and his solution was right in front of him. He groans once the scent of your fresh arousal hits his nose, it now being stronger than ever with your hot cunny in line of sight for him. You were a sight to behold, truly. Skin littered with his bite marks, a light sheen of sweat coating your skin and your pussy dripping in need for him. 
"Do you want it?" Kirishima asks with a growl in his voice. You had just come down from an orgasm and he didn't want to rush you.
"Give it to me, Eiji." 
He doesn't have the balls to play with you anymore and gets straight to it. He presses his bulbous head against your opening, rubbing it up and down your pussy lips as he tries to loosen you up. "Relax."
You bite your bottom lip and try to do as told, eyes glued to his raging hard cock. You hadn't seen a cock before now but you were a hundred percent sure this was the prettiest you have and will ever see. You shiver when he pokes his tip at your clit, the sensitivity from before making you squirm. Your eyes flicker up as you watch him spit on his cock for more lubrication, mixing the substance with your arousal and his precum to make it easier for you to take. 
"I'm going in--fuck." Kirishima breathes out as he inserts his dick into your gummy walls, the squeezing around him has him reeling in pleasure. With no remorse, he grips the back of your thighs and presses them against your body in a mating press, a deep groan rumbling in his chest as your cunt swallows his cock in this position. He tilts his head back as he slowly and surely rocks the rest of his length into your awaiting cunt, the ecstasy he was experiencing had never been felt before. It was almost reminiscent of the first time he had lost his virginity except this felt exponentially better. 
His hands nearly rip your shirt open to show your breasts to him, the restriction of your clothes around your breasts making them perk up for him. He licks his lips as your nipples harden even more at the attention. Your tits bounce with each thrust as he slowly tries to ease himself in, his excitement making it hard for him to stay patient. 
Your breathy moans are the only thing he can hear and focus on, totally zoning out on anything around him. Everything about you felt too good. The way you wrapped around his cock, how your hands gripped at him, the desperation in your voice, and the way that you felt under his hands was intoxicating. Kirishima had been waiting for this for so long and he could finally have it, have you. With patience, he was able to start rocking his hips faster and deeper into your cunt. The lewd noise of your pussy squelching with every thrust encouraged him to do more, to fuck you more passionately. 
His lips were busy marking up your skin not caring about the complaining you might have for later. Earlier when he was eagerly trying to take off your clothes he tried his best not to rip your clothes off but there was no guarantee his (kind) gesture came to fruition. That minuscule dilemma will be something to deal with when you both get there. 
His hand dips down to mindlessly play with your sensitive bean, humming in satisfaction when it elicits a sharper moan from you. You're grinding your hips against his with vigor, body shameless in the pleasure it receives from him. Your eyes could barely focus on anything specific as the male you once considered a friend completely obliterates your cunt. Tears prickle at your eyes as you start to feel an intense sensation that washed over your body not too long ago.
"E-Eiji," You pant out, head lifting lightly from the wood. 
Kirishima's head immediately lifts from your skin and looks up at you, you two millimeters apart from each other's faces. "You close, babe?" 
You nod frantically and wrap your legs around his waist, locking him in closer. He groans at how well you're able to take him, the new position allowing you to take in his cock fully. He softly coos as you try to stick it out, a pained but pleasured expression adorning your features. 
"Cum on my cock, baby."
The buzzing in your system doesn't die down, everywhere in your body feels as though it's on fire. You're engulfed in everything he gives you and refuse to let this moment go. Your body is raging with white-hot arousal as you come undone with the help of a few thrusts and his fondling. You groan happily as he grips your thighs and presses them against your body again, an unfamiliar swelling at the base of his cock forming at the base of his cock and slamming against your pussy with each thrust. You peek down to see the inflation, a bit of worry rushing into your system. 
Kirishima cusses as he lets go of one of your legs and pulls out, his spunk immediately spilling onto your pubic area and pussy, successfully covering you in his load. You whimper at how much there is, some getting on your clothes and the already defiled tree trunk from the spillage. You felt yucky with all the sweat and fluids and felt like it was prime time to go to sleep. 
You shyly make eye contact with him and let out a nervous giggle, happily welcoming an approaching kiss as he leans in to take your lips against his. You two gradually come down from your high, your body now slumped against the flat surface of the massive cut-down tree. 
You two will figure out what you are later. 
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    all rights reserved © do NOT steal, alter or copy this work.
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yanderes-galore · 5 months
Oooh what if wild Toothless who never got shot down by hiccup , toothless who can still fly , toothless who got attached very quickly to a injured human who stuck in his cove/nest❄️anon (yandere pet like concept/hcs/thoughts pretty please ) 
Yesss, here's what I got!
Yandere! Feral/Wild! Toothless Concept
Pairing: Animal/Pet-Like
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Kidnapping, Violence, Blood, Dragons killing dragons, Forced/Dubious companionship.
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I really like the idea of the roles being switched!
Instead of an injured dragon befriending a human, an injured human befriends a dragon.
This no doubt takes place during the times where humans and dragons are still fighting.
Toothless is still the last of his kind, an elusive species.
You've heard of dragons, you've seen what they can do.
Many vikings tell you to fear them.
You didn't believe them until you were attacked.
You met Toothless as you were hiding from dragons who attacked you.
The Night Fury no doubt smelled your blood from your wounds.
You aren't injured too bad but certainly can't make it back home.
Not with the dragons in the area.
You aren't sure what to think when you see a Night Fury attack the dragons around you.
Toothless sustains some injuries but for the most part is fine.
You fear for your life when the Night Fury approaches you.
Both of you are covered in blood, the attackers are gone.
His eyes are in slits for a moment but he notices you're harmless.
Weak, even.
You could be easy prey.
Instead, the Night Fury doesn't kill you.
Instead he nudges you softly, maybe even tries to clean your wounds.
This Night Fury would be more scared of you than you are of him.
He isn't hungry, he isn't scared, he just seems curious... concerned.
You keep staying still, even as the dragon lays beside you to watch you.
Since Hiccup didn't find Toothless in this you would be the one to give him such a name.
Maybe as you heal more you fed him, allowing Toothless to show his retractable teeth.
The cool thing about this version of Toothless is definitely his flight.
He doesn't need anyone to fly, he's a regular Night Fury.
Yet despite this the dragon befriends you, an injured human.
He doesn't eat humans, it's actually not in the Night Fury diet (Look at the Night Fury article on the wiki)
So he isn't interested in eating you.
This would explain why he chooses to protect you instead.
The fact you're both "harmless" is what makes you able to relax.
That is until Toothless decides to take you away.
After all, you can't be safe here.
Toothless means well when he tosses you onto his back and flies to the cave he usually resides in.
The dragon hates that you give him the cold shoulder afterwards.
He brings you back all sorts of food to care for you.
He wants his human friend to heal.
He feels you're being hunted just as much as him.
You don't harm him because of a few reasons.
You wouldn't be able to go home... and you are admittedly attached to this dragon as your only friend and savior.
This is what makes you accept the supplies you're given.
You even allow Toothless to cuddle around you.
The issue is the dragon never lets you leave.
Nothing gets in the den, nothing gets out.
Toothless has taken the role of your protector.
Your family may think you've been killed.
You haven't.
In fact, you're really safe.
Toothless, as a Night Fury, is intelligent and powerful.
He understands your social queues and gets you what you need.
If you tried to leave then the dragon forces you back in the den.
If he lets you go... you'll die.
Dragons who try to sneak up on you are quickly attacked by Toothless.
Night Furies don't eat other dragons, but that doesn't stop Toothless from tearing into them.
Toothless washes off the blood of his kills before bounding to you.
Yet you know what he's done as you can smell the metallic smell on his scales and breath.
Toothless is loyal and will protect you no matter what it takes.
Why should you even go home? Home won't accept you anymore for having a dragon...
It's just you and Toothless now.
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humanpurposes · 1 year
My Heart Belongs to Daddy, modern!Aemond
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Series Masterlist // Main Masterlist // It's bad enough we get along so well
modern!Aemond x step-daughter
Warnings: 18+ smut, daddy kink, language, infidelity
Words: 1170
A/n: I just had this idea and couldn't get it out of my head so enjoy :) Also available to read on AO3.
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“Say it.” His voice is rough and demanding, and a little breathless as he fucks into her from behind at a punishing pace.
She writhes in the bed beneath him, raking her nails over the mattress, burying her face into the pillows, desperate to take the edge off. “Please,” she half whimpers, “don’t make me say it.”
“You want to cum don’t you, pretty girl?”
Her body flutters at the thought. She decided some time ago his voice is her favourite part of all this, how he teases her, how he talks her through her pleasure and makes his demands.
“It doesn’t even make sense,” she mumbles, “you’re only two years older than me.”
He lets out a low hum, one she knows well by now, an indication of amusement and irritation at her stubbornness. His thrusts slow down but they become harder and more determined. The slapping sound of skin against skin becomes clearer and he leans down, brushing his lips against her ear as he harshly whispers. “I mean it, I’ll keep using you all night, and no matter how much you beg, how hard you cry, you’re not gonna fucking cum. Now-”
Her cunt is clamping over nothing and she’s on her back, gazing up into blue eyes blown with lust. He leans over her again, resting his forehead against hers. His voice is smooth and scathing. “I’ll ask one more time.”
She sighs, instinctively wrapping her legs around him to pull him closer. “I need you, daddy.”
She feels his cock prodding at her entrance, hard and eager, but as much as he loves the feeling of fucking her, he also loves to tease her. “Tell me what you need.”
Her back arches as he drags the tip through her folds and over her clit. The pleasure is mind numbing but she needs more. “I need your cock, daddy, to fill me up and make me feel good.”
Aemond presses a peck to her cheek. He loves her like this, body squirming, pussy dripping and eyes glazed, so desperate and needy, just for him. “Say please,” he whispers softly.
She lets out a little whine, but she could never be bad for him. “Please, daddy.”
He pushes in again, slowly, letting her feel the stretch and every inch of his cock dragging against her sensitive walls. “Does it feel good, baby?” He coos.
“Fuck… yes,” she gasps, sliding her arms along his shoulders and around his neck. She breathes in the smell of him, expensive aftershave, cigarette smoke and sweat. “It feels so fucking good.”
She feels him smiling into her neck. “Was that so hard, baby?”
They hold each other tight as he picks up the pace of his thrusts, she with her arms around his neck and him gripping at the flesh of her waist like she might disappear if he lets go.
And when those little whimpers of “ please , please, ” start to fall from her lips and her cunt flutters around him, he knows she’s close. 
“Come on, baby,” he grunts, “soak daddy’s cock.”
She falls apart under him and he fucks her through it. “Such a good girl for me, such a needy little slut.”
That night he has her cumming over and over again, pinning her to the bed, bouncing her on top of him, taking her from behind like animals in heat, until her eyes are teary and they’re both too tired to think.
When they’re both spent he pulls her into his chest so he can feel her breaths and her heartbeat against his skin. 
For now they get to exist in this bubble, in this fantasy of one another where they’re untouchable, the only two people in existence. But Alys will be back from her business trip in a few days, and they’ll have to return to their ‘normal lives’. Stolen glances across the dinner table, a hand on her waist as he passes her in the kitchen, nights when Alys is working upstairs and his fingers will slip along her thigh and tease her through her pyjama shorts.
Sometimes, if he’s not busy with work, Aemond offers to drive her to uni. It saves her having to get the train, and it gives them half an hour to tease each other, to test each other’s limits. She likes to palm his cock through his jeans and, despite her effortlessly sweet demeanour, whisper the filthiest confessions in his ear as he drives. He wants to pin her against a wall and fuck some sense into her, but by the time they reach a secluded car park on the campus, he has to settle with grabbing her hair and fucking her pretty mouth.
She had a lecture this morning and Alys offered to pick her up later in the evening (saying something about catching up after she had been away) so she figured she might as well use her time wisely and study with one of her friends.
“Does it not bother you?”
She looks up from the article that was already boring her to death.
Suddenly there’s a phone being waved in her face. Her friend has been looking at a LinkedIn post, an action shot of her mum from one of her conferences. Alys looks as glamorous as ever, black hair falling over an emerald satin suit, red painted lips pouted as she speaks to a faceless acquaintance.
But she imagines the friend is referring to the man standing over her shoulder. Aemond has a habit of wearing all black, and business is no exception, but even amongst professionals he wears his usual array of silver hoops and sapphire studs in his ears, while his silver hair is pulled neatly into a long braid. Her eyes linger on the jaw she’s made him tense, the lips she’s kissed, the eyes she so often catches raking over her body.
“Doesn’t it bother you that your mum’s dating a guy the same age as us?"
She feels her cheeks flush and looks back down at her laptop, pretending to look busy. “That’s not strictly true, he’s only two years older than me.”
Alys never told her anything about her father, and she never bothered to ask. Why would she? The Rivers girls had everything they needed. That was until, Alys came home with Aemond Targaryen on her arm. 
The moment she saw him she knew she was fucked. She tried to hide it, that gnawing, restless feeling she felt whenever he looked at her, smiled at her, muttered in her ear.
It’s wrong, she knows it, but then why does it feel so good when he runs his hands over every inch of her skin? Why does it feel so right when his cock is nestled deep inside of her, pushing her closer and closer to the high she craves?
She loves this little game of theirs, taking what they can from each other with the brief moments they have.
It’s never enough, they’re both insatiable, and every time she gets to feel him she needs him more.
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sgt-seabass · 1 year
𝒂 𝒕𝒊𝒅𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒘𝒂𝒓 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒃𝒓𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝒅𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎𝒔
✧˚ · . a collaboration between @navybrat817 and sgt-seabass
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Is this the way it's got to be? Ignite the fire inside of me. Embrace the life of tragedy. A tide of war and broken dreams. (x)
pairing — bucky barnes x reader w/c — 6.3k this is a dark fic. 18+ only. listening to —♫3 am walk
warnings — bucky barnes is a sweetheart, implied (consensual) smut, kidnapping, assault, violence against reader, mention of bodily injury, stabbing, knives, blood, bad guys being cunts, hydra exists, degradation, threat of non-con, whump, threat of violence against an animal (but the animal is not touched or harmed), death threats a/n — after months of brainstorming and writing together with Navy, this has finally been born. this piece is part of a larger AU we made together, so watch this space for more in the future.
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Waking up next to Bucky was the easiest thing you ever did, because that was your happiest dream come true.
Even when his alarm blared before the sun had even considered rising, in the early hours when birds were still in their slumber, and the moon lit the bedroom with its ethereal glow, you would still give everything to wake up to the sleepy smile of your boyfriend.
You went to bed thinking of him as he ran his fingers down your back, helping ease you into a restful sleep, and you woke thinking of him as he tried to cover your eyes from his lit-up phone.
You both groaned, begging the stars for more time in bed. But as the incessant beeping filled the room, neither of you would get back to sleep soon.
Bucky was an Avenger. And that meant he had to go save the world. But that didn’t make it any easier when he had to leave for missions.
As Bucky leaned over to turn his phone off, you wrapped your arms around him, spooning him with your chin on his shoulder. “You could just stay home.”
Something in your gut was calling to you, warning you that he needed to stay home. It made you fearful. What if he got hurt?
In hindsight, it was you who needed the protection.
Bucky sighed, turning off the annoying buzzing of his phone. “You know I want to. But I can’t. Duty calls, sweetheart.”
God, you’d never get sick of the gravelly twinge to his voice in the mornings.
“Steve and Sam need backup,” he yawned, rolling over so he could cradle your head to his firm chest as he lay on his back, allowing you to smell the fading scent of his cologne.
“I’m sure they’ll be fine on their own,” you smiled, placing a kiss on his pec. Bucky’s habit of sleeping in only boxers always had you wanting to kiss him all over. Covering him in your affections was always tempting, even when he got shy, especially around his scarred shoulder.
“Baby, stop it,” Bucky almost whined, like a toddler tempted with treats. “Please don’t make this harder for me.”
“Sorry,” you placated, that nauseous feeling in the pit of your stomach not easing as your eyes adjusted to the dark room.
Outside, you could hear the occasional car and pedestrian. But for the most part, Brooklyn was asleep. It was a peaceful silence between you, enjoying each other’s touch while it began drizzling rain outside.
“Well, it’s raining. Now you’ll just have to stay home.” You cheekily nipped at Bucky’s side before shuffling up to kiss his stubbled cheek.
“Is that so?” Bucky chuckled, eyes crinkling in your favourite show of joy.
“Mhm. No missions on rainy days,” you said matter-of-factly with a serious look on your face, a look you couldn’t hold when Bucky tickled your sides. You burst into giggles, gasping softly when Bucky rolled you under him so he towered over you, your body caged between his bulky arms.
“That’s too bad. I thought you were going to have a fun day with Natalia.” Bucky’s hair fell forward and covered some of his face. But there was no missing his twinkling blue eyes, reflecting the lights outside in his orbs. “Weren’t you going to have a girls movie night?”
“Yes, but I’d rather you join us.” Your hands ran up his sides, feeling rippled muscle until you reached his neck and jaw. His stubble pricked at your fingers as you cupped his face.
“I don’t want to be the third wheel. What are you ‘gonna watch?” As he spoke, Bucky began placing gentle kisses on your cheek that trailed down your collarbone.
“Cruel Intentions,” you muttered, revelling in the feeling of his plush lips against your skin.
“You’ve shown me that one,” Bucky murmured against your neck. “That’s the one with the lesbian kissing scene, right?”
You rolled your eyes with mock offence. “Of course that’s the bit you remember. And it’s not just any kissing scene. It’s the legendary kiss between Sarah Michelle Gellar and Selma Blair.”
Bucky pulled himself back up, raising his brows and trying, and failing, to hide his smirk. “Sorry, how could I forget.” His tongue darted out to wet his lips. “Let me see if I remember correctly. It goes like this, right?”
Your heart was ready to burst out of your chest when Bucky’s lips met yours. Morning breath be damned; there was simply nothing better than kissing Bucky Barnes.
He licked across your bottom lip before you opened your mouth to let him in. “Bucky…” You moaned, your tongues sliding together like a choreographed ballroom dance.
Your hands held his scruffy jaw while his hands, one cold and one warm, held your waist. You could always tell when he was getting aroused by the way he’d lose some motor control of his silver arm, the hand twitching and metal plates shifting.
In hindsight, you’d miss the way he’d hold you the most.
Bucky slowly pulled away, his metal hand rising so his thumb could brush over your spittle-smeared lips. “Something like that, right?”
“Yeah.” You breathed out before taking the digit into your mouth.
Even though he couldn’t feel it, you could see how Bucky’s pupils dilated as he watched you suck.
His metal arm had been used for so much evil. But you always wanted to remind him of who he was. Your lover, your best friend. Your everything. Just like you were to him.
You weren’t afraid, and you embraced every part of him. While many cowered away from the man with the metal arm, you gravitated towards him, as if your heart was connected to him with impenetrable strings of fate.
“God, I love you.” Bucky’s metal hand cupped your cheek, his breath hitching for a moment as he gazed at you, as if so full of emotion his words were caught in his throat.
You placed your palm over his hand, snuggling into the cold metal like it was a warm hug. “I love you too, Bucky baby.”
An embarrassed flush spread over Bucky’s cheeks as it always did when you spoke to him sweetly. He might have been a soldier, but he was still a soft romantic at heart.
With the pitter-patter of rain against the window, the room no more than illuminated shadows, you were entirely enraptured by Bucky. You both stayed silent, just soaking in the moment as sparks flew. Even though you’d been together for two years, the chemistry was still like the first day you met. The first time you kissed. The first day you fucked.
The world around you was dark, yet you weren’t scared because Bucky was there.
The languid movement of Bucky’s lips to yours was tender, a familiar movement that he’d done so many times before. Feathery light, yet full of heat, he brushed his lips over yours. “I wish you could come with me.”
“I could stay in the jet.” You offered with sincerity. But that part of Bucky’s world wasn’t for you, you both knew that. You were no agent, a mere civilian with a super soldier boyfriend. But something told you that’s what drew Bucky to you, your normalcy. You gave him a chance at a life that had been stolen from him for so many years.
“I wouldn’t forgive myself if you got hurt. You’re safer here.”
In hindsight, he was very wrong.
Bucky captured your lips again, caressing and lingering in a way that had your heart fluttering and cheeks burning.
You tangled your hands into his locks, deepening the kiss. If he was going, you needed every moment you could get.
Bucky gripped your chin with his flesh hand, opening your mouth for him.
The sweetness turned sultry, and before long, Bucky was grinding himself against your pyjama-covered core.
Words couldn’t describe the desire that was awash in the room. Two lovers revelling in a happiness that was so rare, as if a million I love you’s were condensed into a single moment. No poet could describe this connection or the way it made you feel.
With Bucky’s embrace, you were home.
Bucky slowly trailed kisses down your neck, chest and stomach until he reached your pulsing pussy.
“I better tire you out before I go.” He smirked, cheeky as ever.
And tire you out, he did.
It wasn’t about his pleasure in that moment. He solely focused on you.
The way he moved his tongue, the way he pulled you apart, it was damn near artistic.
Steve may have been a painter, but Bucky was an artist in the act of love.
In hindsight, you should have cherished this moment more. Because it was the last happiness you would feel for some time.
The unease in your stomach began to grow in intensity as time passed, and by the time Bucky pulled himself away to get ready and leave, there were unexplainable chills wracking through you.
Bucky had done a thousand missions in your time together and had come home safe each time. Steve knew you’d likely kill him if something happened to Bucky. So why was this time different?
It was like your soul was trying to reach out and tell you something. But it must have been speaking another language, because you didn’t understand what was wrong.
You made the most of your fleeting time with Bucky before he left. He changed into his workout gear so he could kit up at the compound where most of the Avengers still resided, and Bucky had once lived. He didn’t leave many weapons in the home; you preferred it that way. The only one you knew of was the knife hidden under the couch, but you were sure there were other blades around.
Bucky had never told you why he didn’t live at the compound anymore, but Nat had hinted at tension between Bucky and Tony. You’d found it odd, given that Tony had been friendly to you each time you’d visited the compound.
But it wasn’t your business and didn’t matter to you anyway. You were content living with Bucky in your cosy apartment. There was more than enough space for both you and your fur child Alpine, plus a second bedroom for when Steve stayed over.
You snuggled into the duvet when Bucky left to make you a cup of tea before he headed off, and seeing as there was now a free spot, Alpine entered from the main area and took her chance to cosy up next to you. You pet the long-haired white cat as you waited, listening to her soft purrs to help ground you.
And when Bucky returned, you felt rather teary, your vision blurring as your emotions almost got the better of you. “Stay safe, please.”
Bucky set your earl grey down on the coaster on your bedside table before his concerned gaze turned to you. “I’ll be just fine. I’ll have my phone on me the whole time.”
“Is the mission dangerous?” You couldn’t help but ask. But you always got the same answer.
“I can’t talk about it, baby. But I’ll be okay. I promise,” Bucky reassured you with a kiss on your forehead. “You and Alpine better hold down the fort for me, okay?”
“Yeah. We’re going to get up to lots of mischief,” you smiled the best you could, holding Bucky’s hand.
“That’s my girls.” Bucky gave Alpine a little scratch under her chin before doing the same to you. “I’ll be back before you know it. Now get some more sleep, soldier’s orders.”
“Yes, sergeant,” you mock saluted before Bucky kissed you and pulled away.
“I love you, doll,” Bucky called from the doorway, as if taking his chance to imprint the sight of you into his mind.
In hindsight, he should have looked a lot longer.
“I love you too,” you gave Bucky a little wave. Alpine meowed in her own show of affection.
And like that, he was gone; The final sound from him was the closing of the front door behind him.
You turned the television on for some white noise while you sipped at your tea before you did as you were told, allowing the talking of some trash reality show to become background noise as you fell back asleep. As you dozed off, you couldn’t help but notice one side of the bed a lot colder than when you first had awoken.
For the second time that day, you woke up. This time, the sunlight beamed through the open curtains, since Bucky loved being woken by the sun warming his skin. He hated being cold.
Next to you lay a napping Alpine, her fluffy body rising and falling slowly with each deep breath. You placed a hand on her side, smiling at the little yip that came from her in surprise. She rolled onto her back, deep blue eyes watching you as you gaily scritched her belly.
She took the chance to latch onto your hand, playfully holding onto your wrist while her feet kicked and teeth ran across your skin.
“Hey, silly goose. Let me go.” Your chastisement was light and playful. While you’d prefer waking up next to Bucky, Alpine was a good replacement on the lonely days. She was your family, just like Bucky.
When Alpine rolled back over with a tired huff, you decided to leave her to slumber. As much as you wanted to annoy her more, you didn’t want to push your luck and end up with a pissed off kitty. She was moody, just like her dad.
You slinked out of bed, taking a moment to stretch when your feet hit the cold floorboards. With a yawn, you looked around the room. You should really get a rug, but Bucky liked lying on the floors when he found the bed too soft. On those nights, you’d join him, even if it left your back stiff and sore.
Padded steps took you to the kitchen, your body on autopilot as you got Alpine’s food ready for when she got up. It was the same routine as every morning. Feed the cat, shower, and check your emails for new commissions.
In hindsight, you should have been paying more attention.
You hummed as you made your way to the bathroom, connecting your phone to the Bluetooth speakers so you could play some music while you tried to relax. Your mind would run without the interruption of songs. And you didn’t want to start thinking about work before you’d had a chance to breathe.
In hindsight, you shouldn’t have put the music so loud.
It was a luxury working from home, getting to pick your own hours. You had felt a little guilty when Bucky first proposed the idea of you quitting your crappy retail job to follow your dream of graphic design, as he could bare the brunt of the expenses.
But now you were flourishing; you were just grateful for his support. There were peaks and troughs like any job, but your heart was content sitting in your shared apartment, designing things that made the world a brighter place.
You turned the shower on, bopping along to your music as you shed yourself of your pyjamas and got into the tiled shower. You could have a bath, but you preferred to save those moments for when Bucky could join you.
The hot water made you hiss at first before your body acclimatised, skin heating up as the stream washed over you.
You faced the wall, resting your head on the tile as the spray rushed down your back.
In hindsight, you should have turned around.
The consequence of your various decisions throughout the morning came to a startling precipice.
With no idea of your surroundings, you were surprised when someone looped their arms under your armpits and over your shoulders, hauling you backwards.
You didn’t even scream for a moment, your brain unable to catch up before the adrenaline kicked in full force.
The assailant didn’t speak, which almost made it worse, as he started to walk backwards with your back to his chest, arms locked over your front. More than ever, you really wished you’d taken Bucky up on those self-defence classes.
“Thanks, Buck. But I’ll never use them.”
“I just want to keep you safe.”
“I am safe. My boyfriend is an Avenger, remember?”
Fight or flight kicked in, and your screaming started. You kicked your feet up and planted your soles on the cold tiled wall. With all your strength, you pushed back like a springboard, sending you and your attacker hurtling backwards.
He let go as he fell, and while he fell through one glass pane of the shower, you fell through another. The force had the glass shattering, sending thousands of shards all over the room.
You scrunched your eyes closed, wailing when you stepped in the broken glass, pain shooting through you when the shards buried themselves into the soles of your feet. But a second attacker caught you before your body hit the sharp ground. The piercing pain in your feet barely registered with how your body buzzed. Blood began to cover the floor, your essence coating the tiles a sickly red.
Your eyes shot open to see who caught you. A dirty blonde with a youthful grin. The man who had grabbed you first, another blonde with bright blue eyes and a scowl, had caught himself against the double sink.
Time froze for a moment when you looked at the door. There was another man with dark brown hair and an ominous expression, his features dark like his intent. Three men. You had no idea if more waited outside the door, but anything would be better than being stuck in this room.
“Nice catch, Damien,” the dark-haired man grinned.
“Yeah, no problem, Mads,” the man holding you spoke, chuckling like he wasn’t holding a hostage in his grip. “Not like Kage was any help.”
With them distracted, you bolted for the bathroom door, ignoring the way your feet tore with each step.
“Maddox! Grab her!” The man against the counter, Kage, yelled. Pushing himself off the marble to follow you.
You managed to duck under Maddox’s arms and stumbled into the kitchen. Your blood was already pooling on the ground with each step you took, like red footprints in the snow.
A meow caught your attention; Alpine stood in the bedroom doorway, her tail straight and her ears back against her head, the anxiety clear.
“Alpine! Hide under the bed,” you hissed, knowing you only had seconds before the unknown men came after you. If you were to die, there was no way you’d let them get Alpine too. Alpine stared at you momentarily, but as the tears welled in your eyes, she rushed off, perhaps understanding the weight of your command. This wasn’t belly scratches and joking around anymore.
You rushed for the knife block on the kitchen counter, but a hand on the back of your neck stopped you before you could reach it. “Nice try, bitch.”
Maddox gripped your neck and shoulders before he threw you over the kitchen counter, sending you rolling over and onto the bar stools that sat neatly on the other side. You tumbled to the ground, groaning instantly at the pain of the wood hitting you from multiple angles during your descent.
The trajectory sent you towards the dining table, and with Kage and Damien coming in close, you shot up and grabbed one of the dining chairs. You held it out like a weapon, with the legs facing outwards. Your breaths came out in short pants as tears trickled down your cheeks, while a shard of wood from the stool stuck out of your side. “What do you want? I don’t have any money, please.”
“Are you dumb enough to think we’re here for money?” Damien goaded, slowly closing in the distance between you two.
Maddox jumped the counter and landed behind you, boxing you in. With a scream, you threw the chair at Damien and attempted to flee under the dining table.
You squealed when Maddox grabbed your ankle, his grip harsh. You turned to look back at him, before you kicked him in the face with your free leg. He groaned in pain, and you didn’t check to see how bad you’d hurt him before you crawled out to the other side of the table.
Kage had been waiting for you, and when you reached him, he dealt a sharp kick to your side. The pain winded you, your mouth ajar with a shocked gasp before he kicked your ribs again.
You rolled onto your back, watching as Kage considered you from above. The way he looked at you – the malice. They were going to kill you. A woman could always sense the imposing threat that men had, for it was simply the female experience to be at the mercy of those who wanted to harm you.
You should have stopped Bucky from going – should have trusted your gut. Although, if these men wanted you dead, then there would only have been so much Bucky could do. He was a victim as much as you in the world of unfairness. A man out of time. A man who just wanted a semblance of normalcy.
It was mournful that his one good thing was becoming marred with the violence he had become so used to.
“I don’t want to die,” you wept under the man, pulling the wooden stake from your side with a cry of pain. "Please."
Turning over, you dragged your bloodied body towards your desk. The same desk you spent most of your days on. Your computer and sketchbooks were filled with hopes and dreams, colour and beautiful chaos.
Your ichor-covered hand grabbed onto the side, using it like a crutch to stand up. You couldn’t stop fighting. If you were going to perish, you’d go out swinging.
“You’re still trying? It’s pathetic. You can barely stand,” Kage growled as Damien and Maddox began wreaking havoc behind him. They were smashing and destroying everything in sight, demolishing the world you and Bucky had built with love and a cherishing touch.
“F.. Fuck you,” you weakly spat, legs burning with the need to sit down.
Kage snapped, grabbing you and dragging you across the desk. Your computer smashed onto the ground, along with all your notebooks and stationery. He threw you down on top of the mangled computer, allowing the glass of your screen to stick into your back. In a way, it wasn’t a new sensation anymore. The sharp piercing of your feet had dulled your body to the point where the new pain was no more than a sudden spike that turned into a dull ache.
“You think you’re special? You’re nothing. Not even worth expending energy on.” Kage left your side, and your sightline moved to the couch.
Bucky kept a knife under it.
Trying to not show your intention, you used your arms to pull yourself along the hardwoods towards the couch, while Maddox closed in and kept tapping your bare ass with the toe of his boot.
“I wonder what he likes about you,” Maddox considered. “Are you that good a fuck? Do you cook him meals just like the old days, huh? ‘Cause to me, you just seem like a puny helpless girl. There’s no fun in killing someone who might as well be already dead.”
His taunts made your blood boil, and when you reached the corner of the couch, you turned onto your back, facing the assailant. “Go fuck yourself. You don’t know anything.”
“Ah, see there’s a little fire. I like it when they fight back.” Maddox dropped to his knees, one on either side of your thighs so you were boxed in. “I want to watch the light drain from your eyes, see all that hope just whittle away to nothing. Because, like Kage said, you are nothing.”
He moved in closer, to the point where you could smell the stale whisky on his breath. “I wonder what body part your boyfriend will find first. Maybe I’ll put your head under the bed with your fucking cat. What do you think? Are you ready to die?”
You let out an almighty scream when you reached and grabbed the knife, pulling it out and slashing Maddox across the arm before he could react.
He was a lot faster than you, however, and the moment you got a hit in on him he jumped back, eyes turning a lot darker. “Oh, you’re fucking stupid.” He growled, before he quickly overpowered you.
In a struggle, you screamed and thrashed, but by bearing his weight onto you, Maddox could manoeuvre you. He picked you up, before slamming you back down onto the hardwood floors. Your head snapped back from the force, whacking against the ground with a loud crack. 
Everything went black for a moment, and by the time your vision came back, Maddox was squatting over you with the sole of his boot stepping on your wrist, the knife still in your grip.
“You really don’t know when to stop, huh? Can’t you see you’re going to lose no matter what you do?” Maddox’s boot pressed harder, and your wrist creaked uncomfortably under the pressure.
You let go of the knife just before your bones would reach the point of snapping, the metal clattering to the ground. Despite the tears in your eyes and the fear in your heart, you were thankful for the life you had. If this were to be the end of your existence, you were okay with that. Bucky had given you a life worth of love in the short two years you’d known him. 
As you watched the sharp eyes of the man above you, you thought of Bucky. You hoped this loss would not destroy him. The life you had experienced together would not change; those happy memories of laughter and smiles still there. You hoped he would not cry for you, but feel a blossoming love at the thought of you. Death wouldn’t have you becoming a ghost of a forgotten past, but a memory to be cherished in Bucky’s future. And you would be waiting for him on the other side, should he be expecting to see you there after his inevitable demise. You would be just around the corner, waiting like nothing had ever been lost. These men could try and take your body, but they would not take your soul. That belonged to the man thousands of miles away saving the world. “I’m not going to lose. I’ve already won.”
“Yeah? Does this feel like winning?” Maddox sneered before he picked up the blade and plunged the knife into your shoulder, the white-hot pain splintering through you like the broken glass of your shower. Your mouth opened into a silent, broken scream, the anguish unlike anything you’d felt before.
This was just a fraction of what Bucky had felt in his lifetime, yet this felt like the whole world was collapsing in on you, your body broken. Perhaps these men were right - maybe you were weak. Because the knife in your shoulder was enough to break you. Would Bucky be disappointed? Would he expect you to have put up more of a fight? The logical response would be no. But the blade slicing through your muscles made it hard to think straight.
Maddox slapped your cheek and twisted the blade. “I asked you a question, little bitch. Does this feel like you’re winning?”
Your choked cries painfully shook your shoulders, and despite it all, you nodded. “Yes. I’ve already won and you can’t take that from me.”
“Stupid fucking whore, listen to this slut. She really thinks she’s worth something.” Damien called out from behind Maddox, looking at you from over his shoulder. Kage joined the commotion, gazing at the knife lodged in your shoulder.
Without compassion, Maddox ripped the knife from your shoulder, your palms raising to try to press on the open wound. There was no reprieve with these men, however. Maddox grabbed your shoulders, ignoring your yelps and wails while he threw you over the back of the couch.
Your front dropped onto the sofa, while your ass stuck in the air on the stiff back of the couch. The fear that roiled inside you turned tenfold as Kage came up behind you, pressing on your lower back so your hips pressed painfully into the couch frame. Damien and Maddox came around your front, their crotches scarily close to your face.
“You know what we can take from you, though? Your dignity.” Kage’s hands moved from your back to the globes of your ass. “I could fuck you right here, and there’s nothing you could do about it.”
If the humiliation of being naked wasn’t enough, having the intruders touch you like this was an indignity that would change you forever. A small part of your golden soul blackened, and you didn’t know if it could ever be saved.
Damien gripped your chin, forcing you to look up at the two men. “And we could fuck that mouth of yours. Maybe even pull a few teeth if you dared fight.”
“I bet you’d love it. After all, you have to be all kinds of fucked up to fuck the Winter Soldier,” Kage said as his fingers moved to feel across your thighs.
“Don’t you dare speak about him like that. He’s more of a man than you three put together.” The mere mention of Bucky had your anger returning. You let out a huffed breath before you used the last of your depleting strength to lift your legs and kick Kage in the stomach. He didn’t move, body like a stone statue, but the movement pushed you over the couch and onto the living room floor. The plushness of the cushions did little to soften your fall, a whimpered breath coming from your tired body.
You were just so tired. The more blood you lost, the harder it was to keep going. As your ichor stained the rug below you, you glanced to the blackened television.
“Bucky, what are you doing on the floor? And is that all the stuff from the bed?”
“We’re having a pillow fort movie night. The popcorn is in the microwave.”
“It’s going to be a pain to put the bed back together, you know.”
“Then we’ll just have to sleep here. Don’t worry, I’m sure we can break it in. It’s one new surface I haven’t fucked you on yet.”
No. You couldn’t give up. You owed Bucky your best fight. You had no doubt he would do the same for you.
The assailants closed in again, the same dark-haired asshole taunting you with his menacing grin.
“Fuck you,” you spat, seeing red when he tried to grab you.
Most of the punches you threw didn’t land, but it didn’t matter to you. Your arms were a blur as you screamed and unleashed all the fury you had.
But they just laughed at your efforts. The blood loss had clearly taken full effect with the way you moved slower than you intended, your arms weakening quickly.
“Nice try, toy.” Maddox picked you up by the shoulders before throwing you into the wooden coffee table.
The thin tabletop cracked and fractured instantly, wood splintering around the dent your body left.
The pain had become immaterial, the agony reducing from a boil to a simmer as your ability to feel lessened to the point where nothing was at all. Perhaps it was your body protecting your psyche, or you were dying. Either way, it left you feeling somewhat euphoric.
"She still fighting?"
"Let her be. She isn't going anywhere."
"Dumb bitch thought she stood a chance."
Your dazed state had the men leaving you to finish trashing the house. With no immediate threat, you made your last-ditch attempt. You had to let Bucky know who killed you. You knew it would kill him to not know who attacked you.
Numbed, you took another look at the men. There was nothing too unusual about them, just their distinctive hair colours, eye colours and the symbol they all bore. You hadn’t noticed it at first, but now with your chance to inspect them, you sighted a circular insignia on the front of their black hoodies. A green… octopus?
When Damien threw a plate at you that shattered against your forearm when you raised it to defend yourself, your thoughts were cut off. The porcelain dropped around you, and you picked up one of the pieces. On it was a little drawing of a cat. You and Bucky had done a pottery art class and came home with a few plates. You picked up a second piece, a sob bubbling from your throat when you looked at the two fragments together. A little Alpine that you had drawn, and a little bird that Bucky had drawn with red wings.
You let the remnants of the plate drop to the ground, the once beautiful creation covered with your blood. They really were destroying everything. As Damien continued to vandalise the kitchen, Maddox and Damien tore apart your boxes of photos.
Even with the horror of having your life stripped away, you struggled to look away. You saw the green octopus again, and something in the back of your mind was trying to get out – to tell you what it meant.
The emblem was so familiar, and you turned onto your stomach as you thought. Pulling yourself to a free patch of hardwood flooring, you began writing out the word ‘blonde’ with your blood, trying to give Bucky anything you could.
Kage stopped you after the first word, and it was like there was cotton wool in your ears as he pulled your hand back. You assumed he said something to chastise you, but you didn’t register it.
You could see his expression, though. He was enjoying himself, laughing with his partners as he took your arms and dragged you on your back towards the front door.
When you looked up, you saw his hoodie closer, and that’s when it clicked. Hydra? But Hydra was red? And from what you heard on the news after the Triskelion incident, they were some power-crazed terrorist organisation bent on absolute control. What were they doing in your apartment? And why did they hate Bucky so much?
Bucky hadn’t told you much about his past, and part of you understood. You could tell by the vulnerable look in his eye that he was scared you’d leave him every time the Winter Soldier was brought up, which was rare.
All you knew was that he was under control as the Winter Soldier, and did some horrible things. But you never pressed, and you didn’t need to. You knew enough to know Bucky was a victim, and that was enough.
Good people like Sam and Natasha wouldn’t have continued to stand by him if Bucky was anything more than an innocent, manipulated prisoner of war. Steve would stand with Bucky regardless, but you didn’t blame him for that. Some relationships simply went further than right or wrong, innocent or guilty. Steve would stand by Bucky through thick and thin, just like you would.
But that didn’t explain why these men were here and tormenting you. This was more than just an attack – it was complete and utter destruction. The apartment was in ruins, completely desecrated.
Kage dragged and dumped your body against the entry wall, amongst the torn photos of you and Bucky. Your gaze turned to one where you were both smiling, huddling in close. It was taken on Steve’s birthday. You’d all thrown him a surprise party in the compound. You remember because Bucky had you both wear a comically bad Captain America t-shirt to tease him.
The photo, while tattered, was a reminder. While this moment was pure suffering, life was also full of moments that had your heart full of love. Life wasn’t always full of pain, and this torture was but a brief snapshot in the greater picture of your life.
Now, your heart hurt because you’d experienced such great love you knew what it was like to feel the loss. Tears trickled down your cheeks as you mourned what could have been. You should be experiencing many more birthdays and silly t-shirts, but it seemed that wasn’t what fate had planned for you.
The cries you let out were stricken with grief, and for the first time, the men went silent and just looked at you as if you were human, not just a toy for their enjoyment.
“Talk about a mood killer,” Damien sniggered, but Kage quickly raised his hand.
“Enough. Time to put her out of her misery.”
Your blood turned icy cold, dread settling in your stomach as you whimpered, too drained to run. “Please, don’t. Just leave me. I won’t tell anyone.” A blatant lie, but you had to try. You’d seen their faces, and that alone sealed your fate. "I don't want to die," you said more to yourself than to them.
“Pretty pictures. Too bad they’re a bit stained.” Maddox mocked as he picked up one of the discarded photo albums. It was the heaviest one, full of memories that were now soaked with your blood.
Maddox handed the album to Kage, unbothered by the drips of red that hit the floor. 
They all stood before you as Kage flipped through the pages, his features hardened. “He’s so happy. Let’s see if the monster smiles now.”
Kage slammed the book closed, sealing your fate between his hands. That part of your life was ending, and these three were writing your future.
There was no point pleading with them, and you were too devoid of energy to do more than sit with shallow breaths, awaiting your death.
But one last ounce of adrenaline coursed through your veins as you tried to keep your eyes open. "His name is Bu-"
Kage raised the photo album before slamming it down on your head. It knocked you out instantly, the world going black as your body toppled to the side.
But the reaper didn’t come. Your heart continued beating, lungs filling with air.
Your suffering was due to continue. This wasn’t the end.
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hanjsquokka · 8 months
It's Okay To Not Be Okay - [ Han Jisung ]
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🐿 SUMMARY : Your boyfriend had a bad day and you give him exactly what he needs
GENRE : established relationship, fluff, angst
PAIRING : han jisung × gn! reader
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When Jisung texted saying he wanted to come over, you replied in no time telling him it was okay and that you would be home soon. You did come home a few hours, exhausted from your long day at work, but it all was worth it seeing Jisung's face in your house. He was seated on your couch, eyebrows furrowed as he watched anime on your TV.
You smiled softly, taking off your shoes and surprising him slightly by sitting down next to him with no heads up. His surprise soon disappears and a smile forms on his face. "How was your day?" You didn't answer right away. You were too busy noticing that his smile didn't quite reach his eyes, or the way he hasn't completely smothered you in kisses or wrapped you in a bear hug.
"Jisung, you okay?" You asked quietly, holding onto his hand that he was fidgeting with.
Jisung sighed. He knew there was no way of hiding himself from you. No matter how convincing his attitude could be for everyone else, you just seemed to see right through him. He stopped bouncing his leg, unable to make eye contact with you. "It's been... it's been a rough day." He muttered after a few moments on silence, his thumb starting to graze over your knuckles. There was more than he was letting on, but you decided to not push him.
Over the course of your nearly one year relationship, you found new sides to Jisung that you've never noticed before. His anxiety being one of them. It surprised you at first because he seemed so open with his members. He was very conserved about it in the beginning, refusing any sort of help or acknowledging it when he was with you. Soon you began to deal with it in a way that he was comfortable with — not asking too much and just going at his pace. Slowly he would open up to you piece by piece and you would find a way to bring back the Jisung you loved so dearly from that dark place in his mind.
"You don't have to say anything. We can just... sit here for a while." You told him, giving a comforting smile while opening your arms to him. He moved closer to you, laying his head on your shoulder, a soft sigh escaping his lips. You wrapped your arms around him tightly, pressing a kiss on his temple. "My day was okay. My boss made me work an extra hour though."
"Your boss is mean." He mumbled against your neck.
"I know right! He thinks he can do anything and that I have no right to question him." I pouted. "But at least I got to see you today." Jisung hummed in response. You started to play with his silver hair — a hair color you were absolutely obsessed with on him. "You wanna take a warm shower? I'll order anything you'd like in the mean time and we can cuddle on the couch and watch a nice movie... like Sweet and Sour! My friend said it was nice. Sounds good?"
"Yeah. It sounds really nice." Jisung looked like he wanted to say something else, but he kept quiet, getting off of you.
While he showered in your bathroom, you ordered his favorite food. Once you were done with that, you went to your room to change into pajamas and pick out a pair of clothes for Jisung that he left at your house. You softly knocked on the bathroom door and only after hearing a faint come in did you open the door. Placing his clothes on the counter, you tried to not gawk at him. Jisung was a very beautiful person to look and it was normally very hard to not look him, but now with him dressed in a towel, it made it very difficult.
"Thank you." He gave you a smile. You returned it and went back to your room to give him some space to change into fresh clothes. You sat at the edge of your bed near a bedside table and did some light skincare when he walked into the room and sat next to you. Jisung looked adorable with his wet silver hair and he smelled like you. It was almost enough to completely melt you. "Your hair's so wet." You said, getting a hairdryer and plugging it into a socket and switching it on. You began drying his hair, combing through it with your hands. Once you were done, it was very fluffy and soft. "It looks perfect. You look perfect."
Jisung blushed, wrapping his hand around you and pulling close so he could hide his face. "Stop teasing me."
You laughed. "Okay, I'm sorry baby. You're just so cute. Let’s eat something, yeah?" Jisung nodded. The two of you went back into the living room. Your takeaway was on the dinner table, freshly delivered. "I didn't know what you wanted to eat, so I just ordered some cheesecake for you. If you want something else, I can make something —"
"This is enough." That was the first time that day he spoke in a firmer tone, firm but affectionate. "You're enough. I don't know what I ever did to deserve you...." Jisung swallowed hard. It was clear he was holding back tears. It felt like a stab straight into your heart. Seeing him hurt so much. He silently plead to come closer to you and the second you nodded, he collapsed into your arms. You rubbed his back soothingly as he let out his sobs, quiet but they rang loudly in your ears. "You're the only one... who never pushes me for anything. You're so patient. and I'm just —"
"Don't say anything." You cupped his face, making eye contact with him. "You're amazing, Han Jisung. It's okay to not be okay. We all have bad days. And I'm here to help you through yours, got that? And if what you need is just someone by your side, then that's what I'll be. I never want to hear you say you're not good enough for me because you are. You’re so amazing. You shine brighter than all the stars. you're the brightest star of all. I just wish... I wish you could see yourself the way I see you."
Jisung was quiet for a while and you were scared you overstepped. Before you could apologize, he held onto your hands, squeezing them. "You're the best, you know that?"
"I try."
"I love you, so damn much." He kissed you softly.
"I love you too baby."
"Now can we eat cheesecake?"
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AUTHOR'S NOTE : soft jisung melts my heart 🥺 he's so amazing, he deserves the whole world. also sweet and sour is my new comfort movie, you should go check it out <3
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©hanjsquokka | copying, translating or republishing my work is strictly prohibited
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cozage · 1 year
Hey! If it’s alright do you think you can reader having a panic attack/disassociating (whichever one you chose) and how sanji, zoro, luffy and law would try and help you? I’d really appreciate it sm🥰
Panic Attacks
Characters: gn reader x Sanji, Zoro, Luffy, Law
Cw: reader having panic attacks 
Total word count: 680
He holds you in his lap, whispering words of affirmations in your ears. 
He reminds you how much you’re loved, how important you are, and all the things he loves about you. 
He rubs your arms and holds your hands, physically grounding you to him and to the world around you. 
He’ll find things for you to do to keep your mind off of it. Even if you just sit with him while he cooks. He’ll have you measure ingredients or chop things, keeping your brain occupied but still allowing you to rest if you need it. 
If you don’t want to be in the kitchen, he’ll take the afternoon off and curl up with you or do whatever you want. 
He’ll prepare an electrolyte heavy drink, put it in the fanciest glass with the silliest straw he has, trying to keep you hydrated and energized. 
Zoro isn’t very good at comforting or talking in the moment. It’s something he really hates about himself - he always feels like he isn’t there for you when you need him. 
He tries, though. He asks Chopper for advice after your first really bad panic attack, and Chopper gives him some pointers. 
When the next one happens, the only one he can remember is the guided breathing one. He tries his best, he really does. But he’s flustered trying to remember everything and he ends up totally botching it. He does end up making you laugh though, and that helps you focus on him rather than whatever has triggered you, so he kind of helped in his own way
He gets better with the breathing method, helping you keep even steady breaths and counting to five. He ends up having to do them with you because he's freaking out too. 
Both of you go to a quiet place and he tells you stories as you lay your head in his lap and slip in and out of sleep. 
He sees the panic start in your eyes, and as he watches your face fall, he instantly springs into action. 
He holds your face and pushes his face close to yours, so he’s the only thing you can see. He breathes with you and just stares at you until you can talk. His face is so close it demands your attention, which is his goal.
“Focus on me,” he says softly but firmly, forcing you into the moment. “Talk to me.” 
He asks you to tell him your favorite memory of the week. He tells you his (it always involves food). 
He asks you about what island you think you’ll land at next, forcing you to look to the future instead of the past. 
Once you’ve calmed down some more, he lays with you on the deck and holds your hand, both of you looking at the clouds and pointing out animals or objects and making stories out of them. 
100% methodical in his tactic. He makes you do the 5,4,3,2,1 method. It works best for him and he can tell that it helps ground you. 
He’ll hold you in his arms (if you want to be held). He lets you lead how much touch you want.
“Five things you can see?” “Four things you can hear?” “Three things you can touch?” “Two things you can smell?” “One thing you can taste?”
He remembers all your answers, and makes sure you switch it up so you don’t get in the habit of answering the same thing every time. Sometimes he switches up the amount of things each sense has. He makes sure you're actually present in the moment. 
He knows how exhausting panic attacks are, so he tucks you into bed and gets you water to drink before you doze off. 
He always offers to lay with you if you want his company. If you don’t, he stations himself outside your door to make sure nobody else bothers you. 
He learns to gauge how long you rest after a panic attack, and he only leaves your side to go prepare some food so you can have something light to eat when you wake up. 
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princessisfinethx · 1 month
Monster!König x reader One shot(?)
A/n: I've always liked the one where König has hidden tentacles that sneak out from under his hood, but I've seen art and ideas where he can just make more tentacles appear from all over?? So this one is going to be (for now) just tentacles from under the hood. And I still don't know if it's called one shots or head cannons but you'll see it down below. Please leave a comment to correct me
Warnings: fishing hook injury, tentacles.
M!König: Who lives in a deep, vast lake across the highway from what he assumed was a hospital. The equipment and medicines used there smelled the same but it didn't bother him. So long as they didn't pollute in his lake, he wasn't bothered by them.
M!König: Who one day was trying to eat a fish he caught until his tentacles snagged itself deep on a fishing hook that he didn't see. It wasn't the first time he's had fish hooks tangle in his tentacles but this time he feared he couldn't get it out, alone.
M!König: Who begrudgingly decided he would pretend to be human and go to the hospital across the highway. As said before, he's dealt with a hook before, but this one hurt, a lot. Almost as bad as the time he got shot by hunters. Maybe that was being dramatic though.
M!König: Who put on some fisherman clothes he stole a long time ago, his hood, and tucked his tentacles away enough to look human. When he walked inside, he noticed everyone had a dog with them. Weird. It sent his insticts off, reminding him of hunting dogs. Some of them growled lowly at him, but they were all different sizes and breeds. He could easily take them.
M!König: Who didn't get too many weird looks. He marched up to the counter and demanded a doctor. The desk worker looked confused, and intimidated, he thought. When she asked if he wanted to make an appointment, he shook his head and stated he needed help now.
M!König: Who was getting frustrated when she started asking about any pets he had. She sensed his frustrations so she called a 'doctor' over to speak with him. That's when you appeared. You had gentle eyes, and a softer voice, but at the moment he couldn't care less. You walked him into a separate room and asked what was the problem.
M!König: Who explained he had a fish hook stuck in his face, (kind of) and he needed it removed. That's when you explained that this was not a hospital, it was the vet; a place where people bring their sick animals/pets. He was quiet for a moment and thought, it's close enough, right? When you asked to see it anyways, he happily showed you.
M!König: Who, when he showed you, watched your eyes widen. His tentacles unravel themselves to show you where the hook was. You were a little pale, he noticed. You had stepped closer and asked if it were alright to touch his... tentacles? He wasn't stupid, he knew this was not ordinary for humans but he allowed you.
M!König: Who felt your gloved fingers gently move aside his tentacles. Some unconsciously wrapped around your fingers and he apologized softly for that. You announced that, you could numb the area and pry the hook out, but it will need time to heal. He wanted it removed immediately so he agreed with your diagnosis. It didn't take long until you were able to pull the hook out with a proud smile. König felt immediate relief and he thanked you.
M!König: Asked what he must do to repay you, but you shook your head and explained that this was a 'special case' and you were happy to help. When you asked what he was, stating that clearly he wasn't human, he responded with, "König." You gave him your name as well and you didn't ask any more questions. So he left, but he knew he must repay you somehow.
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untaemedqueen · 1 year
Finding My Pack
Alpha!OT7 x Omega!Reader
Genre: Fated Mates, Omegaverse, Smut, Angst, Fluff
Series Warnings: Omega Abuse (Not By OT7), Fated Mates/Soulmates, Scent Sympathy, Sunshine!FMC, Knotting, Smut, MMMMMMMF, MMMF, MMF, MF, Breeding Kink, Cursing, Dom!OT7, Sub!Reader
Chapter Warnings: Omega Abuse
A/N: This will be the only chapter posted to Tumblr. All future chapters can be found on Patreon~! See you there!
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Chapter 1.
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"You do not lock the goddamn doors in this fucking house."
The sentence was thick with a growl, one that if I was born correctly wouldn't have mattered in the slightest. Just hearing the sharp hit of his words, my insides clenched and coiled, dying to listen and make sure that he wouldn't be mad at me again.
"Sorry," I whispered softly, looking down at my bare toes that curled awkwardly under my gaze.
"You need to put on your scent blocker and try a little bit harder to fit in here. You're making all your brothers crazy with that fucking smell."
Swallowing thickly, I grabbed the bottle from him with a nod.
If my scent made my brothers crazy, they made me out of my fucking mind with sickness. Every one of them smells like acidic garbage with a hint of overpowering sweetness, y'know, like the way too fake soaps or body lotions you find in those hoity toity stores.
"You're a fucking Pangborn. Please act like it," my father grumbled, wrinkling his nose at the smell of my nervousness. "Jesus Christ. I can't believe your mother made you."
His words were a low blow but nothing I wasn't used to hearing now. Nothing any of the pack said got to me as bad as it used it.
Okay, a lot of it hurt but I tried not to think of it all the time. It was my fault, really. I wasn't born right.
To be a Pangborn in Cypress City, you have to be an alpha. The Pangborns breed for one purpose and one purpose only, to give the city more alphas then they know what to do with.
Every Pangborn is expected to be a boy, to be an alpha and to take on the numerous betas that are practically beating down the door for them to be let in. So when I was born, disappointment was ripe in the air. It still is.
A small female omega with no qualities and no purpose.
I'm nothing.
Oh that's fun, what a great thought to have. Even if it hurts, it's true.
Since I was born I've been kept hidden like a secret. There's no fairytale here, there's no pack of alpha princes waiting at the bottom of my incredibly sterile, sad tower. There's no one that cares. Well, maybe Brady and MacKenzie but they pretend I don't exist half the time.
Looking down at the bottle of scent blocker, a sob threatened to well up in my throat.
"Weak omega bullshit." That's what my father would say.
It's so fucking annoying to be different. It's so painful. But the hope that one day I'd be accepted never ceased to creep into my thoughts.
So I sprayed the spray on even though it makes me feel sick.
I could smell him before my door opened. His alpha pheromones were bleeding throughout the long hallway that lead to my room.
He smelled of garbage, lemon juice and the slightest hint of boysenberry. Although the boysenberry is not his own smell. It's a betas.
"Oy!" MacKenzie booms, shoving open the door.
His bright red hair and forest green eyes searched the mostly barren room until he found me in the corner.
"He cornered you again?" he asked softly, stepping into the room like he's witnessing a hurt animal.
"It's okay!" I tried to beam a smile for him but it fell flat into some kind of grimace.
MacKenzie wasn't really my brother, he hailed from the Alban Pangborns so he's more like my very distant cousin but he's pack and that makes him my authority regardless. If he barked at me, I'd end up doing his bidding. Just like all my other brothers do. I'm grateful he doesn't do it but he still could nonetheless.
"You sprayed on the right amount," Kenz praised, giving me a small smile.
The praise made me want to preen, made me want to jump and shout for joy that I did something right but I kept it locked tight within me.
"You'll be pleased to know that your father and some of the others are going on a business trip soon. It'll just be some of us left in the house. You won't have to smell all this alpha shite around, you ken?"
His thick accent made me smile then. When he first came over from Alba I had not a fucking clue what he was talking about but now it almost feels like a secret language we speak.
"I ken," I nodded, setting the spray down on my dresser.
"Just wait a while to come down to get your dinner. The boys and I have been having a beta fucking feast," he wiggled his eyebrows and left the doorway without so much as a goodbye.
I wish I was a beta.
No, actually, I wished I was an alpha. I wished I was born an alpha so that I didn't have to be a disappointment and left out of everything.
Sitting down on my bed, I fluffed the uncomfortable comforter around me to no avail and since I know I'm alone I let out the most pitiful of whines. Whining wasn't allowed. My father told me that alphas hate whining more than anything.
Once I whined during dinner with the Landons and their alpha son looked like he wanted to tackle me from across the table. It was the one and only time I was able to go to dinner with my family. They never let me go again.
I apparently ruined their business merger dinner.
My family made a fuck ton of money. Too much money to count on your fingers, not that I'd ever see a cent. I wasn't worth a dollar to them. They own a vast majority of land across the globe, mostly farms or patches of free wilderness that people are begging to buy from them.
If only those vast patches of land would be able to buy me a soft comfortable comforter. This one is rough and itchy and I don't like it. I don't know much about being an omega but I do know that I don't like the blankets I own.
You see, omegas are rare. Like one in one hundred is an omega rare. Somewhere in history omegas just became a rarity and as such they're terribly hated.
Whenever I tried to ask the pack any questions they all shut me down with a growl and told me to go back to my room.
My father's bark was sharp and I tightened my terribly uncomfortable blanket over my shoulders at the noise.
If they are having a beta party downstairs I most certainly wouldn't be welcome to interrupt it. All the beta females that came into the house hated me. I tried to be friendly and smile, tried to make friends with other girls but they didn't want anything to do with me.
Probably feeding into the whole hate omega-kind thing, huh?
When my father shouted my name again, I had no choice but to get up. It was an alpha command now, filled with bite and fury.
If I saw one bare tit I was going to lose my goddamn mind. I'd been having these awful urges these past couple of months. It felt like something was boiling in my gut and itching beneath my skin, just begging to get out of me. What it was, I wasn't sure but it feels fucking awful and devastating just the same.
When I was starting to run a fever, my father would give me a few pills and lock me up in my room until the fever had passed and I was able to carry on with my chores.
My feet took me without thinking. The large home I lived in with the twelve others in the pack passed by in a blur. I tried not to look up from the wooden floorboards, I really didn't want to see anyone mating out in the open like I know my brothers loved to do.
I could hear the audible moans of the betas, probably in various states of undress all around me as I made my way to my father's office.
This had always been my home but I'd always felt like a stranger here. It's not just because my family wasn't welcoming, it just felt wrong. Nothing in this place is where it should be. The pictures on the cabin-like wooden walls weren't at all in the right order, the couches in the sitting room weren't staged properly, even the wood that goes into the fireplace smells horrendous.
Everything about this place made me feel sick.
That includes my father's office.
Once I stepped inside I was immediately smacked with pheromones, ones that made my stomach roll with nausea. I wonder if that's how everyone felt. I wonder if betas got nauseous with their families too.
My eyes scanned the room which was terribly out of order and then they caught on the one picture that sat on my father's desk.
It was her.
My mother. Whom of which I've never met. She was a beta that my father never bonded with but got pregnant anyway. He loved her…I think. But when she had me and I was an omega she was disappointed and left me here. She left me here alone. With these people.
She left me here with my family.
I hadn't realized I whined until my father cracked his hand down on his desk with a fierceness. "What did I say about that shit?!"
"I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking."
"Not that she ever does, eh?" my brother Riley laughed, elbowing me in the ribs as he passed.
Riley was an interesting case of smells. There's the cedar which makes sense because he spends a lot of time outdoors, there's the sharpness of spearmint like a powerful gum that makes your nostrils burn and…boysenberry?
He and MacKenzie have been sharing again. Definitely not uncommon for those two.
"Close the doors. She's gonna scare all the betas away. I'm not waiting another round for Hunter to have an alpha son of his own."
"Keep the lineage alive." That's the pack motto. What a terrible fucking bumper sticker that would be.
I stood there, looking down at my toes as my father and Riley talked and laughed with one another. Probably forgetting I was even in the room. Which happens sometimes.
"Alright, little O?" Kenz cheered, entering the office.
"Don't call her that," my father snapped, finally remembering I was around.
MacKenzie held his hands up in a gesture to soothe any frayed nerves and he sat down with a groan on the couch closest to father's desk.
"Y/N," my father began, not even offering the kindness to look at me. "Your brothers and I are going on a business trip outside of the city. Some of your brothers, like MacKenzie, are staying back because they have a dinner meeting at the house while I'm away."
My head lifts in surprise. Will I be allowed to go?! Can I eat dinner with my brothers?!
"There's many alphas in the pack, we can kill two birds with one stone. This business meeting is incredibly important for us."
My smile was megawatt and I nodded instantly. "Sure, of course! I can–"
"You can," my father interrupted with a sneer. "Make sure you stay in your room, take your pills and keep your scent blocker applied when the Euphoria Pack comes to the meeting. This contract will be our biggest one so far and I will not have your omega bullshit fuck it up for the rest of us. Do you understand?"
The disappointment and sorrow that swirled through me almost knocked me off my feet. "Oh, I see… I understand."
"See that you do. I won't stand for losing this deal because you couldn't handle yourself."
God, I wanted to curl up and die. I'm so pitiful. What a fucking waste. I wish I was never born an omega.
Trying to bury whines and suffering hurt sometimes and in this instance it felt like a red hot poker was shoved down my throat.
"She stinks like sadness," Riley chuckled, shaking out his long brown hair and looking me over with disdain dripping from every pore.
"Lighten up, brother. She's only human," Kenz laughed, stepping in front of me and waving his hand behind his back.
Get out.
That's what he was telling me.
"Dinner will be brought up to you. If you're feeling hot then take your pills. We're leaving in the morning and we won't be back for a few weeks."
Oh, thank God, I could do without seeing my father and half of my brothers for weeks on end. Maybe finally I would be able to walk around without getting yelled at.
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Three days of the freedom I thought I would be acquiring went by too fast. I'd been left with my brothers that were the easiest to deal with. Brady, Ronan, MacKenzie, Dash and Hunter were, of course, the easiest to deal with because they never nagged me and they were always too busy fucking betas to really give a shit what I was doing.
The house stunk of sex and carefree fun but more importantly it smelled of my freedom. I was able to go out in the garden to read, to sunbathe, to smell something that wasn't garbage. It was heavenly.
I'd seen flowers I've never seen before, ones that weren't there the last time I was in the gardens. Apparently Leticia, one of the pack chasers, suggested sprucing things up. When I suggested it to my father I got sent up to my room with no dinner and pills because I was acting 'out of order.' I'm a person not a goddamn machine. How could I possibly be out of order?
But now with the three days of freedom gone, I'm once again left up in my room without a single thing to do. Defiance curled in my bones and I narrowed my eyes at the white little pills on my bedside table.
My father wasn't here, he wouldn't know if I took them or not. I'd rather get a fever then take them and feel even sicker than before. Those pills made me nauseous and I felt like reality was so far out of touch that I'd never get back to it. I did end up spraying the scent blocker, though. Just one little spritz, just enough to save the visiting alphas downstairs from my monstrous odor.
They shouldn't be subjected to a disgusting omega. An embarrassment to the family.
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The sprawling cabin estate was large before our eyes but it pales in comparison to the mansion we just created on the outskirts of the state.
"I don't like the smell," Jin murmured to us.
The smell was honestly horrific. These alphas seemed to stew in the scents of sex and their own pheromones. You could smell the female betas like they were throwing out a wide casting net to repulse everyone around them.
"Why the fuck did we agree to this?" Taehyung grumbled, folding his arms.
"Because although they're disgusting, they're rich as fuck and they have the land we need to start up the center," Namjoon replied evenly, fixing his tie.
I couldn't seem to take my eyes off the enlarged wooden cabin in front of us. That's exactly what it was: a large, gigantic wooden house. It would be almost comical if it wasn't very real.
"I don't even wanna touch the door," Hoseok hissed, taking to kicking the front door insead.
Even in this day and age everyone lives with the one soul purpose of finding their person, their omega but this pack didn't seem to care about finding one. Not with the way their lodgings smelled.
Now, of course, finding an omega that's right for your pack is like finding a unicorn or finding gold at the end of a rainbow but packs do it. Not all the time but enough to keep packs hopeful, at least.
Once the door swung open, a red headed alpha before us smiled widely. "Gents, welcome! The Pangborn Pack is happy to have you!"
Namjoon gave him his typical killer smile and the alpha seemed to relax at it. Our pack leader was all killer charm and easy going… until you fuck with his pack.
The seven of us have only had each other for quite a few years now and our family depends on one another more than most.
"Thank you for having us," Jimin smiled, stepping into the home first.
His eyes bounced around the interior before nodding. Once I stepped into the entryway behind him, the need to look at the inside faded. In the air, apart from the alpha scents were the scents of dinner and something so deliciously sweet that it made my mouth water.
Fuck! What is that smell?!
"Made us dessert?" Namjoon inquired with a laugh.
So he can smell that too.
The scent was warm and sugary like a fresh out of the oven sugar cookie with vanilla ice cream slowly melting on top.
Why the fuck was I about to nut over dessert?
Casting my eyes to Taehyung, I could see him tugging at the collar of his expensive dress shirt.
It was getting increasingly hot in here, that I could guarantee.
The scent was so thick and practically viscous I could feel it wrapping around my cock and tugging sensuously. My knot was two seconds from expanding and the desire to rut until I was sated was pressing indecently on my brain.
"No dessert here, lads. The betas can barely cook a steak without it burning! We ordered out for dinner tonight! Dinnae ken billionaires like you would be opposed to that, eh?"
"Dinnae ken means didn't think," another alpha offered, slipping in beside the redhead. His hair was long and brown, shaggy even with a boyish smile that could probably charm anyone he laid his eyes on.
"That sounds great," Jin replied, unbuttoning his suit jacket and cracking his neck.
Whatever that fucking scent is, it has us all by the balls.
Namjoon gripped his hand into a fist, eyes glazing over all of us. "To the dining room, then?"
"Getting right down to business! I love that! We have betas to look after anyway," Red chortled, wiggling his eyebrows at us.
When the group of us moved with the two other alphas, my heart started to hammer as the smell became stronger.
I tried to temper my growl that wormed its way up my throat but Joon caught it. "I don't know what it is but fuck, I want it so bad," he agreed.
"Alright there, lads?"
"Just have to use the restroom. Would you mind sending me in the right direction?" I inquired, needing to find the words through a thick haze of want.
"Bathroom on the first floor is occupied for the betas. Second floor up that staircase there," Red pointed to the staircase from where the scent is strongest. "Fifth door on the right."
With a nod, I set off trying not to falter and stumble from the exquisite smell.
"We'll be waiting in the dining room. The pack is excited to make this merger," the brown haired man smiled.
Once they were out of sight I took the stairs two at a time, eyes searching for any indication of where the scent came from.
I let my senses guide me. Following the smell took me past the bathroom and past any rooms that smelt of the alphas. Stopping at the end of the hallway, the door before me was completely different from the others. It was metal, almost sterile in a sense. But the scent was there, it was so heady and present that my cock stood to attention.
"Oh fuck," I grunted, shoving open the door and barreling up the stairs.
The hallway I rushed down was bare of anything home-y and it looks like some sort of clinical hospital ward.
The door at the other end suddenly opened in a flourish and the sweetest little thing I'd ever seen stepped out with curious, glazed eyes.
"Omega," I groaned long and low, stepping toward her.
She was the maddening scent. She was what my pack was going crazy over.
"Oh! I'm so… I've never–" the sweet thing whispered, looking me over with hunger.
The perfect woman. Right before my fucking eyes. Those lips, those sweet eyes, that adorable, if not a little scared smile, that fucking body. Built just for me and my other pack brothers.
Mine, mine, mine! Every cell in my body screamed it with frantic need.
"Why do you smell so good?" she whimpered, lifting a hand as if she wanted to touch me.
Please fucking touch me. Holy shit, I was going out of my fucking mind from this perfect little thing.
"What do I smell like, sweetness?" I inquired, stepping closer.
"Like warm hot chocolate and marshmallows. Not like garbage at all!" she gasped, looking up with wide, innocent eyes.
A laugh tumbled past my lips. What an innocent creature.
"Does everyone smell like garbage to you, sweetness?"
"I just want to…" she groaned, a whimper slipping past her lips.
A purr started in my chest, rattling my bones with how thick and heavy it was. Oh fuck, I'd never purred for anyone before.
"What do you want?" I asked softly, holding my hands up to show her I mean no harm.
She gripped my wrist with a dainty hand probably thinking it had a fierceness she didn't embody. She lifted my hand to her soft cheek and my purr started up once more.
"I'm so sorry," she apologized, not taking her eyes off mine. "I know omegas are disgusting. I shouldn't bother you."
The sweet purr she pulled from me turned to a growl in an instant. "You could never be disgusting. Omegas are precious. Didn't your alphas teach you that?"
She stared up at me, eyes starting to brim with tears.
Oh my God, she was everything I could have ever wanted. My pants were so fucking tight, my heart feels like it was gonna combust and I'm pretty damn sure I just met my fucking mate.
"They're not really my alphas," she whispered softly, keeping my wrist close to her nose.
I wanted to take this gorgeous woman and lock her away where no one but the pack can find her. Holy shit, my brain was turning to fucking mush.
"What are they then if not your alphas?" I asked, stepping closer.
When my chest brushed against hers, she perfumed the air for me and another purr ripped from my chest like it was an instrument being played purely for her.
"Brothers, father," she mumbled, lost in a haze of our own making.
"So you don't have a pack of your own, sweetness?" I whispered, coursing my thumb over her cheek.
"No one would want me. I'm useless," the omega replied so softly I might not have heard her if not for her keeping my attention ensnared.
"I highly doubt that, pretty girl. What's your name?"
"I'm Jeongguk. It's nice to meet you, sweetness."
"I can't take it. I can't take it. I can't take it!" Jimin chanted, rushing into the hallway.
The omegas gasp was loud and frightened for only a moment until she laid eyes on the other alpha. I purred for her, watching her instantly relax at the noise.
"This is Jimin. He's a part of my pack. The Euphoria Pack."
"Oh no, I've…I've ruined dinner. My father will be so upset with me," she groaned, sounding not as upset as she probably would be if I wasn't purring up a fucking storm.
"Scent sympathetic. I thought it was like a fucking myth for people like us," Jimin laughed, stepping up beside me.
He didn't seem jealous or upset at all that my hands were on her. We've never tried for an omega, not really. Unfortunately, most omegas wanted us for our money and not for the connection. Not to mention most of the omegas we met smelled so cloyingly sweet that it gave us headaches for weeks. Most omegas wanted just some of us but not all of us and that doesn't bode well for a pack.
"You smell like calming tea and blueberries," Y/N breathed, blinking up at him.
"And you smell like a yummy dessert, sweetheart. How's such a pretty omega like you hidden up here away from everything?"
"Why are you being so nice to me? I'm just an omega," she whimpered, looking between us.
"'Just an omega'? Don't you know your worth, pretty girl?" I scoffed, tilting my head.
She opened her mouth to reply, only to shut it and furrow her eyebrows.
"I want to introduce her to the pack. I think this is it. I think we found our girl," Jimin beamed at me, allowing her to pull him closer.
She seemed to be a needy little thing. One we certainly wouldn't mind doting on. She also seemed completely out of touch with reality and it wasn't just because she was obsessed with our scents.
"Do you have a nest, sweetness? Would you care to show us?"
A nest is very sacred to omegas, it's one of the only places they can find comfort during heats and in times of stress. It was incredibly forward for me to ask but I wanted to know what she liked. I knew my hopes might be high but I wanted to set up the nest in the new mansion how she would like it. Because she was mine. She was ours. She belonged with us.
"I– What's a nest?" Y/N asked, eyebrows pinching innocently.
"Do not fucking tell me you're kept in the dark up here," Jimin growled deeply, his scent turning acidic.
Instead of turning tail and running, she started to… climb him?
She climbed him like a fucking tree. And the good looking bastard was all for it.
One arm snaked around her waist to keep her up and the other ran up and down her back in soothing motions.
She nuzzled his cheek and neck, whimpering and begging for his scent to be all over her.
"Good girl," Jimin cooed, purring for her. "Take what you want, sweetheart. We'll gladly give it."
There were rules to getting an omega, courting before mating and making sure your omega was happy and well looked after. In some cities omegas even went to Help Centers to find their perfect pack but Cypress City had no such thing. That was what we were trying to change. That was why we needed this deal with this pack.
"I don't know what's happening! I'm so sorry! I just feel so…"
"Overwhelmed?" Jimin offered, pulling back to look at her.
She nodded, whimpering and tucking her face into the crook of his neck.
"We need to talk to the pack," I told him, pressing my chest to her back and purring. I drifted the back of my hand over her bare arm and she seemed to thrive on not only praise but physical affection.
"I can't leave her," Jimin hissed over her shoulder, hugging her tighter at the thought of having to part.
"I don't want you to go! Please! I'm so tired of being alone! Please don't go!" she sobbed into his neck.
A growl ripped from my chest at her sadness and I was storming off before I even knew what was happening.
She's mine. She's mine. She's mine.
"Guk!" Jimin called but I was already barreling down the stairs with a fierceness building in my chest.
They kept that precious omega in a sterile fucking ward like she was some sort of disease. She didn't even know what a nest was! It was a disgrace! She'd been abused without even understanding anything!
She's mine!
If one more sob of hers entered my ears, I thought I might burn their oversized camp cabin down and dance on the embers.
Shoving open the dining room doors, I glowered at the pack that sat high and mighty at the end of the long dining room table. Once they saw me and smelled me, they all stood.
"Been wandering around our home, have you?" Red asked with the tilt of his head.
"Stupid girl can't do anything but get herself in trouble!" one of them sneered.
The insult made a growl rip from my throat and they all stared long and hard at me. I wouldn't stand for this. I couldn't stand for this.
"She doesn't even know what a fucking nest is. How dare you all treat an omega like this! This is abuse!" I boomed, widening my eyes at them.
My packs jaws fell open in shock and suddenly they were standing to surround me, to have my back.
"She's scent sympathetic with us," Jimin assured, entering the room with her still cradled to him.
I was happy she liked him. He's far more easy going and carefree then most of us and she'd enjoy his company.
My pack stepped toward her and she cried sweetly at all of their scents. They purred for her and my heart expanded. No one was left out and she locked eyes with all of them. She jumped ship from Jimin to Namjoon and he nuzzled her hair. He wrapped her legs around him like it was the most natural thing in the world.
"Would you like to leave this place, pet?" he inquired.
“She'll do no such thing!" Red boomed.
When she whimpered at the alpha bite, we growled in defiance.
"You think your bark is bad? Mine was given to me by the devil. If I have to force you to obey, I fucking will. It's the omegas choice. You can't keep her here like a fucking prisoner!" Joon boomed.
"She's not a part of the deal," one of the Pangborn's hissed through his teeth.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry," she gasped repeatedly, trying to set herself down.
"Do you want to get down, pet?" Namjoon asked, tilting her jaw to look up at him.
She reluctantly shook her head, burying her face back into his neck.
Oh fuck, she's so perfect and sweet.
"Then you stay exactly where you are," the pack leader whispered, giving her his wrist to be able to tilt his head and glower at the Pangborn pack.
"You expect me to pay? For a person?! Are you out of your small alpha minds?" Namjoon bit out, sneering at her brothers.
"MacKenzie… Dad is gonna flip," one of them breathed.
"I'm tired of always having to sneak Juliet around. Just be rid of her. Omegas are nothing but trouble."
Hoseok growled so loudly, something he never does, that it almost made my chest rattle.
"I know you don't know us very well," Seokjin breathed slowly as the other pack continued to argue. "But if you feel safe with us we'd like to take you somewhere you can be yourself and be happy. How does that sound, princess? You deserve much better than this shithole."
"I won't feel sick?" she inquired, looking up at him with hopeful eyes.
Oh, she's killing me here.
"Do you feel sick in this house?" Yoongi growled, narrowing his eyes at the other pack.
Her nod was slow and sad.
"I'm getting her out of here. Now!" Namjoon boomed, pressing her face into the scent gland of his neck.
She seemed to love being held. We could do that for her. We could give her anything and everything she wants. We could be good for her.
"Give us a million!" Red or MacKenzie called back but Namjoon was already heading for the door.
"Get fucked!" our pack leader growled.
"Wh-Where are we going?" Y/N asked, taking a deep breath of fresh air.
"Home, sweetness," I promised. "We're going home."
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unpopularwriter25 · 3 days
Baked with Love
Summary: Hajime Umemiya frequently visits a local bakery where Y/N, a sweet and caring worker, has captured his heart. Despite his nervousness, Hajime continually finds excuses to see her, often bringing friends who know his true intentions.
Warnings: None
Note: Hi, I started watching the new anime called Windbreaker, so I'm going to be writing for some of these cuties.
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The bell above the bakery door chimed softly as Hajime Umemiya pushed it open, the scent of freshly baked bread and pastries wafting out to greet him. He inhaled deeply, savoring the sweet aroma that never failed to lift his spirits. The warm, inviting atmosphere of the bakery was a stark contrast to the bustling streets outside. Soft music played in the background, and the gentle hum of conversation filled the air.
“Man, this place really does have the best treats,” Hajime said, a little too enthusiastically, as he ushered his friends inside. They exchanged knowing glances but said nothing, familiar with the real reason for his frequent visits.
You stood behind the counter, your eyes lighting up as you saw Hajime enter. “Good morning, Hajime! It’s great to see you again,” you greeted warmly, your smile as sweet as the confections you sold.
Hajime’s heart skipped a beat at your words, and he felt a blush creeping up his neck. “Morning, Y/N. Got any new treats today?” he asked, trying to keep his voice steady.
“We do! We just started making these new strawberry tarts. Would you like to try one?” You held up a perfectly golden tart, the strawberries glistening under the soft lights.
“Absolutely! I’ll take one. And, um, the usual for my friends,” Hajime said, his eyes never leaving yours.
As you prepared their order, Hajime couldn’t help but admire the way you moved, so graceful and focused. The way your hands worked, deftly and efficiently, made his heart swell with admiration. He wondered how someone could be so perfect, so effortlessly kind and beautiful.
“You know,” his friend Suo said, nudging him with an elbow, “you should just ask her out already. It’s obvious you like her.”
Hajime shot him a panicked look. “Shh, not so loud!” he whispered urgently. “She’ll hear you!”
Suo chuckled. “Honestly, I think she already knows. Everyone does.”
You returned with their order, setting the tray on the counter with a smile. “Here you go! One strawberry tart for you, Hajime, and the usual for your friends. I hope you all enjoy it.”
“Thanks, Y/N. I’m sure we will,” Hajime replied, his voice softer now. He handed you the money, and as your fingers brushed briefly, he felt a jolt of electricity shoot through him.
As they settled at a table near the window, Hajime took a bite of the tart. The sweet and tangy flavor of the strawberries, perfectly balanced by the flaky crust, was a delight. But even more delightful was watching you as you interacted with other customers, your cheerful demeanor never fading.
“Man, you’ve got it bad,” Haruka teased, biting into his own pastry.
Hajime sighed, his eyes still on you. “Yeah, I guess I do.”
The sun streamed through the large windows, casting a warm glow over the bakery. The combination of sunlight, the smell of freshly baked goods, and your presence made the place feel magical. Hajime knew he couldn’t keep coming here with the same excuse forever. He needed to muster the courage to ask you out, to see if there was a chance you felt the same way about him.
As they were getting ready to leave, Hajime lingered by the counter, waiting for a moment when you weren’t busy. Finally, you turned to him with that same sweet smile.
“Is there something else you need, Hajime?”
He swallowed nervously, his heart pounding. “Actually, Y/N, there is. I was wondering if… maybe you’d like to go out with me sometime? Like, not just here, but… somewhere else?”
Your eyes widened in surprise, and then a radiant smile spread across your face. “I’d love that, Hajime.”
His heart soared, and he felt a huge weight lift off his shoulders. “Really? That’s… that’s awesome. How about this Saturday?”
“Saturday sounds perfect,” you replied, your cheeks tinged with a soft blush.
“Great! I’ll see you then,” Hajime said, grinning from ear to ear.
As he left the bakery, his friends congratulating him and patting him on the back, Hajime felt like he was walking on air.
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