#such an interesting topic really really interesting
samkerrworshipper · 2 days
never be the same again.
leah williamson x injured!reader
warnings: injury, knee injuries, angst, hurt/comfort
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You’d never been a player who’d dealt with minor injuries. You never struggled with soreness, or cramps, or little niggles that kept you sidelined every once in a while. When your injuries came, they came full force, full out, full throttle. You figured that it was probably how your body worked, it all got pent up until you suffered a shattering injury.
When you were 16, it had been the complete rupture of all of your lateral ankle ligaments. When you were 19, it had been a compound fracture in your arm caused by a dutch U20’s player putting their studs through your arm. At 22 it had been a torn labrum in your hip.
You figured you were well overdue now at 25, almost 26, having been completely injury free for well over three years, you just hadn’t expected it to be so bad.
It was a normal day, or as normal as a day for you could get.
You’d woken up with sleep in your eyes and your hair splayed out everywhere, in a similar state to your girlfriend laying beside you. Your morning had been peaceful, the two of you simply co existing as you went about your usual routines, the both of you enjoying the normality of it all.
You’d driven the two of you to training, your hands creasing against the leather of the wheel as you navigated your way through North London.
Leah hummed along to whatever R&B radio station she’d tuned into for the morning, without failure she always pretended to be interested in whatever news the hosts would talk about, and without failure would forget all about it by lunch time. You entertained her interest anyways in whatever topic that she chose to trivialise for the morning ride, enjoying the way that Leah could talk so passionately about something as mundane as random news.
When you arrived at London Colney the two of you both went separate ways, Leah needing a little bit more of a intensive rehab from the physios after a game weekend. So she walked off in search of the ohysio room, whereas you headed straight towards the gym, knowing that all you needed on a normal day was a bit of a stretch out to get everything feeling activated.
Kyra and Lessi were both in the gym as you walked in, the two slightly younger players tolling out on the mats. You joined them, commenting here and there on whatever they were saying as your other teammates slowly trailed in from the physios or their cars.
Just as you were heading towards the weights, Leah walked in, her body automatically walking to find you, there was no need for the two of you to discuss spotting partners, it was a unspoken rule that the two of you always went together.
You weren’t sure if it was because of the natural competition that was created from the two of you playing opposing positions, or if it was just the competitive nature of your relationship, but Leah and you just pushed each other ten times harder. She had the guts to tell you when you needed to pusb more, when you could do better, and also when you needed to slow down. It was a balance between the two of you, of knowing how far to push the other, but also where the line was.
The two of you alternated with your sets, until you’d both worked through your programs and were ready to head out to the pitch.
You didn’t really get anxiety, but as soon as Leah and yourself walked towards the locker room, in search of your boots and training gear, you got a feeling inside of your stomach that you couldn’t shake. You’d played in champions league semi-finals, euro finals, world cup finals, and never had a single bit of anxiety, but as you fished your boots from your locker and laced them up you just couldn’t shake it.
You figured you were just coming down with something, the flu was going around, you were probably just becoming under the weather. You ignored the way that it spread across the surface of your chest, like there were sets of suction cups all over your stomach and chest.
It was probably nothing, it was most likely nothing.
You kept telling yourself that as Leah grabbed you by the shoulder and walked you out towards the field with the rest of the group, there wasn’t anything different about the day that would make you feel this way, so why should you worry about it.
Training started with normal warm ups, as it always did. The squad darting in and around polea and cones, dribbling through them, and no matter how far you dug yourself into the normality of the routine you were going through, you just couldn’t shake it.
As time went past it got more complex, your group working on shooting whilst the defenders worked off on a pitch to the side and the goalkeepers tried to keep your balls from sailing past them.
It was your bread and butter, the most basic of things you could do, yet it all felt wrong.
Somehow, it felt like you were disconnected from your own body, like you were somehow watching your life from your own perspective.
You continued on, you were probably just getting sick. It wasn’t a often occurrence for you, but when you did it was always bad.
You kept telling yourself that as you transitioned from practice drills to game scenarios. Lia was injured, and Kim was sitting out due to some hamstring soreness, which left you as the main midfielder, not a unwelcome spot but not exactly normal either. You alternated between the attacking mid and a striker/center forward, never really in the defensive side of the midfield though.
With Leah yelling at you from behind and your eyes focusing on Stina and Caitlin in front of you.
With Lotte and Steph as the opposing defence it was hard to know how and where to get to be able to slot the ball into a good position for your attackers.
It’s a lot, the feeling inside of you, everything happening around you.
You don’t normally crack under pressure, and this is probably the least pressured environment you’ve played in your whole entire life, but it feels like for the first time that you just can’t focus.
Leah’s yelling, Jonas is yelling, Stina is yelling, and even though the ball isn’t even at your feet it feels like they’re all yelling at you.
You don’t even have the ball at your feet, yet.
Yet when you push, chasing the ball that Lotte had sent at you down the wing, you twist, and rotate.
All you feel is pain, possibly the worst pain you’ve ever felt.
It feels like you’re lef has been hit by a lighting bolt, and you seriously consider that maybe it had been.
You know though, you’ve seen it happen so many times that you would be a fool to not know what this is. You’re pressed face down on the grass, unmoving, just trying to take it in.
The scent of freshly clipped grass and mud floods your senses. A hand sets itself down on your shoulder and you know your done, that this isn’t some sick dream, you are well and truly fucked.
As if your knee still radiating the worst pain you’ve ever experienced isn’t enough.
“Someone get the physios.”
You hear it yelled out about a hundred times, although none of it really gets absorbed in your brain, you’re in to much pain to think, let alone really absorb the magnitude of what that means.
“Hey mate, we’re going to turn you over okay.”
It’s Caitlin, the anxiety in her voice isn’t missed by you, your aussie teammates hands settling on your shoulders and gently, but quickly, flipping you over.
The sky is grey, and a little bit too bright.
You can’t speak, out of fear that you’ll start sobbing if you do, you don’t want to cry, even if it feels like your leg is actively being chopped off.
You keep your eyes clamped shut, unable to look at the faces of your peers that have crowded above you.
“Babe, talk to me, what’s wrong?”
You keep your mouth clamped shut, you can’t deal with Leah. She’s just gotten over her injury properly, she’s recovered, and yet here you are, in the same position she was just over a year ago.
“Everybody clear away, give her some space. For fucks sakes, somebody go find Rose or Gary.”
At the sound of your captains scottish voice, the crowd slowly started to breakaway, the sound of boots scuffing against the grass beside you slowly petering off.
You kept your eyes screwed shut, for your own safety.
You can’t move your leg, you try to wiggle your toes but even the attempt at getting your nerves to stimulate puts you in a whole other world of pain.
It’s too much pain.
So much pain.
Worse than you could have imagined.
“Babe, I need you to talk to me, what hurts?”
Leah’s voice, Leah’s slightly stressed voice.
“My knee, my fucking knee.”
The air that hits your lungs is cold as your mouth opens to reiterate what you’re going through. It forces you to breathe, to take a big deep breath and inhale.
You pull the neck of your singlet to your mouth within seconds, biting down on the material to stop any of the sounds of pain escaping.
You open your eyes, and you see the fear on Leah’s face, she knows, just as well as you know, exactly what is going on.
Just as she looks like she’s about to say more, the doctor and the physio crouch down beside you.
All you did was nod your head, trying your very hardest to not start actually sobbing, even though there were tears dripping down your face.
“Alright, can you wiggle your toes for me?”
You tried your very hardest to try and move your foot, even just a centimetre, but you just couldn’t.
The doctor seemed to notice your aggravation, and shook his head.
“Alright, we’re going to get your leg stabilised and then get you onto the stretcher. We’ll assess in the locker room.”
You couldn’t do anything but keep your head on the grass, pointed at the sky, avoiding everything and anything that came into your line of sight.
You knew it was bad when they tried to push a board underneath your leg and even just that movement hurt more than anything.
You immediately cried out, the t-shirt in your mouth doing absolutely nothing to silence the pure pain that you were expressing.
Everyone around you cringed, normally, acls didn’t hurt this much after a couple of minutes, the initial pain was horrific, but it faded. For you, nothing was fading, and with every passing second it felt like you were closer to losing consciousness due to the sheer amount of agony that was coming from your leg.
The doctors tried to be as quick about it as they could, but it didn’t stop you from screaming as they slid the board completely under your leg and strapped different parts of your leg to the board to keep it still.
You wished you were dead.
Whatever this was, you would rather be dead.
“Alright, we’re going to get you onto the stretcher now, keep going with the deep breaths, we’ll find you some pain relief once we’re inside.”
You nodded your head, you just needed it to be over.
You felt a few people grab different parts of your body, lifting you up before gently setting you down inside of the orange plastic.
They left your knee last, at least three people working to try and lift it into the stretcher, it all hurt though.
You screamed, and you screamed, and you screamed again.
You wouldn’t be surprised if the bloody king could hear you considering how loud you were.
You kept repeating the same word.
You just needed it all to stop.
Please, lord, let it all stop.
When you were still in the stretcher, they began to lift you up, six different people taking hold of the stretcher and beginning to walk you back inside.
You couldn’t take your eyes off of Leah, who looked so horrified and mortified that it almost hurt as much as the pain in your knee.
“Lee, make it stop, please, make it stop.”
The pain wasn’t fading, it was everywhere, all over, covering every inch of your body.
“Baby, just take some deep breaths, it’s going to be okay, everything’s going to be alright.”
Even Leah didn’t seem like she believed her own words, she was trying her hardest but you could tell that even she was so unsure about what was happening.
“Leah, please, make it stop.”
Leah looked like she was lost, like she had sbolutely no idea what to do.
“I will baby, I promise, we’re almost inside.”
You shook your head, god you had no words for what this was.
The tears just kept flowing, your vision being clouded by the salty drops that had nowhere to go besides pooling in your eyes.
You were done, whatever this was, you were done, there was no coming back from this.
You closed your eyes again, trying to sink into your own head, trying to make it all disappear.
It worked for a few seconds, before you were jolted in the stretcher as you were brought inside, the pain resettling across your body.
You get placed on top of one of the physio beds, Leah and Kim helping to lift you out of the stretcher and onto the bed, even as you cried and thrashed, begging for it to stop.
For the first time, you got a proper look at your knee, and from the second you laid eyes on it you knee it was bad, your whole knee was swollen up like a balloon and there was a bump just below your knee cap, where all the pain was coming from.
The doctor got to work quickly, sending everybody else out of the room besides the physios as he began to remove your leg from the board and access it.
Somewhere along the way, one of the physios found a green whistle, shoving it into your hands and allowing you to have a smidge of relief as your leg was poked and prodded.
For the most part, it was silent, no noise besides the sound of your tears dripping down your face and the doctor typing up his reports onto his laptop after every test he conducted.
They left your knee on the table, your right lower extremity looking deflated as the doctor turned to finish typing up whatever report he was making.
“I can bring your girlfriend back in, if you’d like?”
You turned to the physio, rose, who looked as deflated as you knee did.
You weren’t really sure if you were ready to face Leah.
“Yes, please.”
Rose nodded and smiled, turning around to walk towards the door, opening it up and allowing Leah to walk in.
She stayed silent, walking over to take the seat beside you, her hand immediately finding yours.
She squeezed, and for a second you thought that maybe it was going to be fine, but then that second passed.
The doctor turned around to face both of you and you just knew, you knew that he was about to ruin your life.
“I’ve just called the surgeon, we’re going to need to get you in for scans and surgery tomorrow. You’ve ruptured your patellar tendon and it looks like you’ve also ruptured your meniscus and acl, I’m sorry.”
All of the oxygen in your lungs had been sucked out, you couldn’t say anything, you couldn’t speak.
You were done, tearing an acl was bad, tearing a meniscus was bad, tearing your patellar tendon was horrible.
Doing them all together, it was pretty much unheard of.
“It’s not a confirmed diagnosis, we’ll need scans but your at risk of dislocating your knee or worse if your patellar is torn, so we need to be urgent about this. How does scans at 8am tomorrow sound, and if it comes back torn then surgery around 12?”
God, this was so much worse than you could have ever imagined.
“Sounds good, thank you doctor.”
Leah’s voice said what it needed, a silent dismissal that you both needed your time.
The doctor smiled and nodded at Leah, before taking his leave, leaving just Leah and you sitting in the room by yourselves.
“Bubba, it’s going to be okay, we’ll figure this out.”
Your career was over, short lived and over.
“Leah, get out.”
You needed a minute, you needed your brain to kick into gear so you could begin to understand this.
“Babe, I did it, Beth did it, Viv did it, Laura did it, you’re going to be fine, we’re going to be fine.”
You shook your head.
“Leah, get the fuck out.”
Your voice was croaky, but you managed to get it to the level of a yell.
Leah’s hand slid out from your own.
“I’m sorry babe, I’m sorry about this, I’m so sorry.”
You shook your head.
“Leah, get out.”
She looked like she was at a mental crossroads, trying to figure out whether she should leave or not, ultimately she made rhe decision to nod her head, walking towards the door, stopping when her hand connected with the handle of the doorknob to send a sad smile your way.
“I’m going to go get our stuff together, I’ll be back in a couple of minutes.”
A couple of minutes, that should be enough, right?
The door closed behind Leah and you felt a whole different weight set itself down on your chest.
What were you supposed to do?
Your leg, your knee, was literally folding in on you, everything was over.
You were a starter, a co-captain, for both national and club teams, you weren’t the best, but you were up there, you were one of the best attacking midfielders in the world, and yet now, you were nothing.
You didn’t have anything besides football, football was your life, you’d given up everything for football, yet now, it felt like it was being pulled out from underneath you.
You didn’t know how you were going to survive this.
7 months later
You were being stupid.
You’d been told from the very minute you’d gone into recovery that you weren’t going to play again, simply, your knee wouldn’t ever be able to handle that kind of pressure again.
You didn’t think that you could prove your doctors wrong, but that didn’t mean that you didn’t want to try, you had nothing else to lose.
Leah hadn’t wanted to be an accomplice in your plan, in fact, she’d been quite the opposite, yelling at you as soon as you’d brought the idea up.
You’d lost a lot during your rehab, everything had changed, what you hadn’t lost though, was your ability to manipulate those blue eyes into doing whatever you wanted.
That’s how Leah and yourself had ended up here, the two of you standing on the grass of a local pitch, a ball at your feet.
For the first few months, you’d refused completely to go anywhere near a ball, knowing that football had done this to you.
As the seasons changed though and your life slowly started to come into perspective you changed, your body changed, everything around you changed.
Your life was different, but it wasn’t over. You still had things, you still had something to live for.
Leah looked about as unamused as you thought, you’d dragged her out of the house for your usual evening walk, funnily enough she didn’t even realise the change in route until you found yourselves out the front of the park.
It hadn’t taken a lot of convincing, or less than you’d thought.
You’d been shooting on your own for a couple of weeks, short range, no movement besides the motion. You’d started jogging a month ago, which was about as good as your recovery was going to get.
“C’mon, defend me properly.”
Leah looked at unease, the Euro’s were due to start in a couple of weeks and your fiance was ready to lead the reigning champs to hopefully another win, hopefully.
Leah took a step towards you, still keeping a few feet distance.
“I’m defending you, can you just take a shot so we can leave?”
Leah had been patient, a lot more patient then you’d been during her rehab, she’d dealt with all your dramatics, all the shit you’d put her through.
“Leah, c’mon, defend me properly, I’m not going to collapse.”
Leah looked at you like you were stupid.
She did take a step closer though, her toe pushing the ball towards yours.
“Put a ball past me, put a ball past the best centre-back in the world, go ahead.”
One of the best, you’d been one of the best once upon a time as well.
You looked down at the ball, beginning to dribble it a few steps forward, Leah followed, as you got to the top of the goal square, you knew you needed to cross it over from your right to your left, from your bad leg to your good one.
Knees were stupid.
You managed to cross the ball, but as you lunged off of your bad leg, it all went downhill.
You were on the ground in seconds, your body collapsing.
It wasn’t the same, you kept telling yourself that, that it wasn’t the same pain, it wasn’t the same agony.
Leah’s hands were on you immediately, rolling you over so that you were looking at each other.
“You just had to be a fucking idiot, what hurts, where does it hurt?”
You forced yourself to take a deep breath, before you started laughing.
Leah looked like she was going to strangle you.
“I’m okay Le, just stupid, okay, stupid that I thought that somehow it would all fucking click and that it would all somehow be fine.”
Leah’s face fell, and she collapsed down onto the ground besides you, one of her arms wrapping around your shoulder, bringing you closer to her.
“It sucks, but you need to come to terms with it baby, you have so many options, commentating, journalism, working with the team. I know it’s the end of your dream, and it fucking sucks, but it’s not worth hurting yourself more in the process. You’re my idiot, and I love you, but you need to find something else.”
You hated that you were being forced to find something else, that it wasn’t your choice, it had all just…. happened.
“I know.”
Leah nodded.
“C’mon, let’s get you home.”
2 years later
“Y/n, you’ve got the best perspective on this, what do you think it means for Arsenal to win the league like this?”
You’d watched your wife, win the league, win the triple this year, from the sidelines.
Commentating, reporting, it was all fun, but it wasn’t the same, if anything it was a stab in the heart.
“Well as everyone knows, as a Arsenal homegrown girl, this has been a long time coming, and I couldn’t be more proud of the girls, they’ve had a season of all seasons, I don’t think it could have been a better year for them.”
You looked backwards, at your wife, as the team stood on the stage ready to lift the trophy.
With every bone in your body you wished you were with them, but you couldn’t be.
“And to their captain, what do you think this means?”
You looked at Leah, how happy she looked.
“Well, considering Leah and I have been the same amount of time, put in all of the years and sweat and tears I can’t imagine that this couldn’t be the pinnacle of her career. It’s great to win things with country, but this is fulfillment, winning something like the league is something else because it means that all of the hardwork over a season is done, and you get to relax.”
You struggled to keep the tears at bay.
You wished you could know the true feeling, coaching, commentating, it didn’t do the same, it didn’t have the same kind of meaning behind it.
“Now, if you don’t mind, I’m going to go and celebrate with my wife. This is y/n williamson signing off, I’ll see you next season.”
You pulled out your in ear and put your microphone back down on the stand, turning around and beginning to walk onto the pitch.
Leah caught your eyes quickly, it wasn’t hard considering the arsenal red suit you were wearing, and the slight staggered limp that you held as you walked towards her.
Leah smiled at you, big and bright.
Your lives weren’t over, in fact they were just beginning.
She hnaded the trophy over to Lia, before walking your way, running towards you and bringing you into her arms immediately.
“There’s my lucky charms.”
She looked down at your stomach and you couldn’t help but slap her.
It was your best kept secret, your career had been ended by your knee, but you’d chosen to start a new life, a better one.
“We wouldn’t have gotten here without you baby, off and on the pitch.”
You kept your blush to a minimum, unable to ignore the fact that the pinkness was rising up your neck.
“Alright softy, go and celebrate with the team, I’ll be here watching.”
Leah pouted, but nodded, pressing a kiss to your forehead before beginning to walk off.
Life wasn’t the same and it wasn’t how you wanted it, but it wasn’t over.
ngl i hate the end of this but we move
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laikabu · 2 days
saw someone who hc kabru as aromantic bisexual. thats actually kinda good. i dont necessarily subscribe to it but i could see it. not fully aro but in the spectrum i guess
im now just going to ramble about how i think this would work in my head. also labru bc this is my page
he sees flirting more as a game n marriage as something convenient than something he aspires to achieve w the one he loves
flirting n dating is more of a tool to make friends. he isn’t interested in getting serious so that usually turns them off, so he gets labeled as a ‘player’
he doesn’t return rin’s feelings even though he finds her physically attractive, because he genuinely values her friendship and the way he views romance is incompatible with hers and would just break her heart
ok labru territory turn away now sorry im pulling shit out of my ass atp
laios would fit right in with his preferences, because their relationship would be boiled down to “best friends who have sex” like, the easiest way for them to explain their thing
even if they go on dates, they’d be more interested in talking about a current topic or something they need to do, than super sappy stuff. they still do it! but kabru would kinda get uncomfortable with saying sappy stuff, it’s different from flirting. once laios recognizes this, he tells him he doesnt have to do that
it works out because while laios is kinda sentimental, he isn’t really a romantic person. when they were still figuring stuff out, laios just goes “x is mad at me because they think not doing y makes me a bad partner” but really, kabru doesn’t care whether he does it or not
if laios is saying this about a different partner, kabru would chastise him, but since it’s him, he’s totally fine with none of that happening
when it comes to them becoming spouses, they would rather forgo a real wedding and just do the paperwork to make it happen. marcille takes offense to this n thinks its an “affront to romance” esp since kabru wants to plan HER wedding, but neither of them think it’s a big deal
laios has a very hard time distinguishing his platonic feelings to his romantic feelings. he’s just very happy kabru that wouldn’t leave him or get bored of him. getting to kiss him and have sex with him is just a nice bonus.
kissing and cuddling is more of an emotional recharge or comfort etc for kabru than a romantic activity. his friends don’t get it at all.
even in my stupid baby universe its just “kabru wants to have a baby with me for the kingdom? he’s such a nice guy. he told me he wants utaya to live on too… thats so thoughtful.” their relationship is ‘blunt’ and ‘convenient’. the marriage was just to legitimize the heir and otherwise it was just a regular wednesday.
they love each other, but kabru expresses it to the extent that he could, and that works out for laios.
tl;dr basically someone who views romance as a performance than something ingrained w him x someone who struggles w romance. its totally fine if you dont see kabru on the aromantic spectrum, i don’t necessarily see it that way either! i just want to think about how it would work in my fanworks. what do u think. i should add more but im just going off at the top of my head LOL
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midnight-pluto · 1 day
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You know Scar, and you know why he’s so obsessed with this ‘Rover’ character — he’s told you why, but why does it still hurt watching him act as if he was a lovesick puppy to them?
contains: established relationship, the relationship is lowk toxic, jealousy, insecurity, rovers gender is left ambiguous, canon-ish, swearing, angst, short fic
a/n: scar is so pretty omg; also the lack of scar x reader content is CRIMINAL
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‘IT’S JUST FOR the mission, it’s just for the mission,’ is what you kept on repeatedly telling yourself in your mind, but it really doesn’t look like it from your side.
You can tell that this ‘Rover’ is prone to noticing the little things and figuring out everything with just one piece of the puzzle, so you decide that it’s best to keep your distance from the matter at hand occurring in the village.
The conversation they were both having was being played clearly in your ear — a hidden microphone on Scar’s waist, his idea, not yours. He offered up this idea as a way to assure you nothing special was happening, but you wish you would’ve never accepted it in the first place.
Hearing the words Scar say would’ve been sweet, if only they were directed towards you. You weren’t dumb, you could hear the flirtatious undertone in his voice as he spoke to them.
Swallowing thickly, you take a look at the picture given to you previously as to what Rover’s appearance was like; suddenly Scar’s words made more sense in your head.
Their dark hair was disheveled but still managed to look effortlessly good on them; did Scar ever think of you that way whenever he saw you get out of bed? Their clothes complimenting their natural appearance beautifully; did the red and white of your clothes really suit you?
It took you years to achieve what you have with Scar now, but Rover was able to see and receive genuine interest from Scar in just a matter of moments.
Just listening in on their conversation felt like you were the one interrupting something, like you were third-wheeling your own boyfriend, as if you were a side piece in your own relationship.
“Huh?” you audibly let out, tapping your earpiece with your gloved finger multiple times. Only the sound of static could be heard. “Shit.”
Scrambling for your binoculars in your messenger bag, you shuffle them out and life them to your eyes to see what has occurred in the village below. Narrowing your eyes, you see that Rover had skillfully disabled the microphone on Scar’s waist with their blade.
“Of course,” you scoff out, dropping your binoculars back in your bag and proceeding to walk away from the scene.
Your terminal beeps and lights up and you pause, seeing that Phrolova had called you. “Leaving so soon?”
Huffing out a sigh at her words, “I see no point in staying.”
Humming in thought for a moment, she merely says, “Alright, go on then.”
The soil beneath your feet crunches underneath you with droplets wetting them at the same time; the sky is clear today.
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SCAR’S EYES WIDENED at the sound of the mic clattering onto the ground, falling from his waist. “Well, aren’t you good? I thought you wouldn’t notice it so soon.”
“And I thought you said you didn’t want anybody else intruding on our conversation, seems kind of hypocritical to have a microphone attached at your hip,” they taunt.
“Perhaps,” he shrugs, burying down the feeling in his stomach. “But they too, were special to me, I just wanted to share a conversation with two very special people, and what’s the matter with that?”
“So they’re special to you?” they raised a brow, suddenly interested in the newfound topic raised.
Scar laughed at their attempt to get him to reveal information about himself, but he would never put you in jeopardy like that — never in a thousand years. “Did I say that?
“Well, it’s not like you’ll ever get to find out any time soon,” he stomps on the already broken microphone, smashing it to pieces.
Rover simply rolled their eyes, “Just give me back Yanyang so we can be done with already, I’m bored of your story.”
“And here I thought that we already established,” Scar took a few strides forward, “That you aren’t in the position to bargain.”
Unbeknownst to Scar, you had left your earpiece in, the sound of static becoming wonderful white noise to you. The unfortunate part was that you could only hear a few bits and pieces of their conversation out of context.
“…were special—“ were? What does he mean by that? Why is he using past tense? Is he saying that to fuck with them or because he thinks you can’t hear him anymore? Or are you just reading to far into it?
“..two very special people—“ it should only be one, shouldn’t there? Is he saying that Rover’s already as important — if not more important than you?
Harshly taking out your earpiece, you throw it into the dirt. Unable to let out a frustrated scream you let your anger out through crushing the earpiece under your foot.
Letting out an exasperated sigh, you glare back down at the shattered earpiece beside you. Rubbing the corners of your eyes, you begin to walk away, “The white noise wasn’t even that good anyways.”
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a/n: not my best work — obviously — since i wrote this in an hour, on my phone, with fake nails. but i was feeling like shit so i dumped it all here, sorry kinda sorry
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pendarling · 22 hours
You're not Jealous?
"Who?" Hero asked again and tilted their head awkwardly.
Villain's hands danced in the air in a mocking gesture, "You know, that newer hero with the bright red hair." They chuckled, "Isn't that strange?"
The media loved it when civilians made Villain and Reddi a new couple; they hadn't known Reddi for long, and they had only left a small impression on them, nothing like what Hero was to them but enough to capture the civilian's interest. Enough to make them a pair and proudly display it wherever the internet's influence could spread, and for Villain, this would be a perfect opportunity to get their Hero's blood boiling. However, it seemed that jealousy wasn't on the list of emotions Hero could display.
"Well?" Villain egged.
Hero shrugged, almost confused at how to respond. Were they too angry to properly convey their emotions or too ashamed that they held feelings for someone they weren't supposed to? Did they have any of those feelings at all? It was hard to assume when it came to Hero. Their expressions never gave way to a proper answer, and the response desired didn't appear. Maybe Hero wasn't looking at it from their perspective, but for Villain, this was Hero's only chance to prove what they had always believed.
"I don't know, Villain. The world has a funny way of twisting things. Congratulations, I suppose."
Villain laughed in a sudden burst of spontaneity, "No, no, no, I don't even know Reddi like that. It's a comical way of sorting two people together."
They smiled back softly, uncertain of what to make of the topic. Just a moment ago, they had been sparring like usual, but Villain's sudden shift to this conversation did make them think for a bit.
Villain couldn't decide what was next, they wanted Hero to get angry, but this wasn't what they planned. Reddi was a lot stronger than Hero in all aspects, but it wasn't as if Villain valued just physical strength and they'd hoped Hero would get the message by now.
For Hero, it would just seem so pointless to fight about it. "I'm not one for starting an argument about that if that's what you're suggesting." They tucked a strand of hair, slightly fiddling with it as a distraction. If Villain wanted to, they would. Hero has seen everything they're capable of, and they wouldn't hold them back from any new interests.
"Hero, I'm…" They took a breath, a little startled at the lack of care. "I'm not one for these ridiculous rumours either, but wouldn't it be a little more sensible if they had at least chosen a more… fitting partner for me?"
"Well, let's not take these things too seriously. They don't know you after all--"
"It's a bit frustrating, though," They stepped closer. How was Hero not angry yet? Does nothing stir them? "I would be pretty frustrated after being a villain for years, and they still can't seem to get anything right."
"If it was the other way around, I wouldn't take it."
Hero remained silent this time, contemplating whether they were supposed to respond or not. Villain had never been so openly passionate about a topic concerning civilian speculations about their city's greatest heroes and villains. "What's wrong, Villain?"
Villain's brows furrowed, and their breath slowed. It was the first time they had felt their heart race so much at something so trivial. Perhaps they really were blowing this way out of proportion. "Because you were supposed to…" Their pulse beat so loud it was heard in their ear. Villain thought they might've just fainted. "I just need to know we didn't do all this for nothing."
It was hard putting words together, a lot harder than planning any deadly plan to undermine the entire city. What Villain kept out was their desire to be chased. Any hint at all from Hero at this point would suffice, just to prove to them that their advances wouldn't go unanswered for too long and that there would be an eventual end goal. However, Hero wasn't budging; their eyes looked sorrowful this time, and their fists were uncurled. Villain slowly moved to reach for their hand, hesitant but still searching for the version of Hero they'd assembled throughout their interactions.
"It's strange isn't it?" They spoke softer this time; Villain stared longingly into their eyes. "That I'm the one feeling this way instead of you."
Hero sighed as they felt their fingers cross with Villain's. "You wanted me to get all worked up over you." They smiled gently at them; a mix of new expressions patterned their face as their tongue battled to keep the secrets they'd been harbouring down their throat. "What would I do to stop you anyway?"
"What?" They breathed a bit startled at Hero's words. "Why wouldn't you?"
"I've seen your work a million times, Villain." They chuckled, their voice edging a certain forcefulness. "You're very thorough with what you do and how to get what you want. If you wanted something, you'd already have it by now."
The sun started to hide its rays behind the clouds, and Villain felt their adversary's hand slipping away from their grasp. "Some things are just harder to get." They said as their grip tightened with desperation.
"Some things preferred they'd ask nicely," They gazed at them with a timid look. "Without the games."
Villain eyed them further as their voice fell into a whisper. "Some things are harder to say." Though, they didn't think it would take long for Hero to have them all figured out by now.
Hero reached over to them and held the criminal's face in their hands with expectation. "Then show me." They leaned in and met Villain's lips in the middle, an uneasy shift, now fixated in its spot.
TAG LIST: @books-are-everything, @kurai-hono-blog, @iykyunho, @marvellousdaisy, @m3rakii, @crow-with-a-typewriter, @sceirlose, @90scliche, @wondergoddess475, @miaowmelodie, @jeremy-no, @smallville1x10, @artsandstoriesandstuff, @whatwhump, @0eggdealer
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ceilidho · 1 day
i know our country roads reader isn’t bold enough (?) but oh my god let’s imagine for a second. price has done enough feet-sweeping. it’s time to whimper “daddy” in his ear unprompted when he’s finally worked his dick all the way in :)
NOT BOLD ENOUGH??? but you’re probably right lmaooo I don’t want this fic to become a daddy kink fic and though I’m OBSESSED with this scene that you’ve just described, I feel like that would be suited to a fic where the established relationship dynamic is heading that way, and that’s not really the case with this fic.
Unfortunately sometimes u have to sacrifice a really hot moment in order to preserve the larger ethos and vibe of the story. My biggest pet peeve is when authors lose the plot midway through their story and do something wildly off topic because they likely got a bit bored in the writing process and something else interested them so they randomly inserted that in.
But by god, I will do a daddy kink price fic for you, I promise
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n0tamused · 2 days
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A/n: I sort of strayed a little with this one I feel like, but thank you sm for the request, and I hope you enjoy this!
Contents: Mortefi x GN!Reader, jealous reader, reader is very stubborn I must say, not proof-read. lemme know what you think!
Words: 3059
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It’s suffocating. Uncomfortably warm and slimy. This feeling that roils within your chest and throat, you’re sure you’re about to start feeling sick from the thoughts spiraling within your mind. And the lab papers in front of you and the endless sound of the machine’s beeping is not enough to distract you.
Have you done something wrong? What could it be? Only minutes prior were you looking at these papers with some sense of pride, imagination running wild with the possible outcomes of this hypothesis, positive ones. Yet, they were so easily shattered when Mortefi breezed by, catching a glimpse of the words printed on top, leaving several comments of where you could improve - how you should improve if you want to go through with this. Had you had a clear mind you would’ve done as he said, taken his words as helpful advice and not as an attack on your work. But his tone remained the same as always, it didn’t soften nor did it grow warm. So it made you wonder what he meant, or rather - what he really felt towards you. The latter was a question that occupied your mind for a long time.
He moved past you to the center of the lab, nearing one of the many lit computers, just where Baizhi stood. From afar you could see them greet one another and begin to talk. And that feeling in your chest only expanded further, pawing at your ribs and making you frown at the helplessness. Mortefi looked interested in whatever their topic of conversation was, and it lasted some odd few minutes. Odd minutes you couldn’t keep your focus until both of them left to their own stations, and far out of your sight. 
A heavy breath fell from you, irritated but also… sad. 
With your mind in a strewn about yarn, threads hanging, you began to think if this work was even worthy for you. God knew you wanted it, you signed up for it, you spent nights studying and working to be better and get better than that but all that effort seemed to fall short and small within Baizhi’s shadow. And you don’t even blame her, she is excellent in her work, you don’t hate her. But you’d give a questionable amount of things to have a fraction of that sweet attention Mortefi was giving her. Perhaps you were being unreasonable, irrational - and you don’t argue with it - you’re seeing green and red everywhere, and with hasty hands you collect your papers after making small adjustments, crossing out lines of text and noting down new words. And moments later you’re off to another part of the Academy, away from Mortefi and Baizhi.
What little glimpse Mortefi caught of you as you left shows disappointment and, and in the way you held yourself he saw traces of turmoil that he didn’t fully understand from that one look. He remained at his station, engrossed in his research and unaware of the burden you carried in your heart. 
It wasn’t until the time for your report came and went. And when your break time came and went. And you were nowhere in sight.
That made an odd feeling settle in his chest, a vibration of an unknown bass playing amidst the bones of his ribcage, waves of it washing up to his neck. Unable to ignore it any longer, he bid farewell to his station for the time being, one hand buried in the pocket of his lab coat, playing with the lighter. Flick..flick..
There was not one spot in this wide and vast Academy that you could hide from him, not when he wasn’t particularly looking for you and even more so when he was specifically looking for you. He could spot you in a crowd by one lone look, to him you stood out like a flower amidst grass, how could he overlook you? Following the path familiar to him, he comes into a lab room smaller in contrast than the others, hidden away from the hustle and bustle of the center room and the halls. It is clean, it is comfortable. His eyes land on your back, your nose buried in your papers, your hands hastily fiddling with the apparatus in front of you. You barely acknowledged his presence.
As if to avoid startling you, Mortefi clears his throat, but he fails and watches as you flinch at the sudden disturbance. 
“Mortefi? Uh- What are you doing here? Did you need me?” the questions tumble out from your mouth out of habit rather than genuine curiosity. You turned to face him, brows lightly knit together and eyes regarding him with a mix of feelings and inquiries. 
“I grew curious as to where you vanished off to. Has your research been so indulgent that you forgot to eat or report in? It’s been 3 hours and some odd minutes since you began on this project this morning” he began, the nail on his thumb grazing underneath the lid of his lighter within his pocket, keeping still, yet tense in his hand. His sharp gaze moves from your eyes and down to the table you were working at, noting the sharpie marks across your paper and thinner lines from your pen, and giving a small nod at them he said: “You made those adjustments I told you about, I trust”
This pulls your attention from him and at the papers, and taking his words as some sign to move freely you begin to stack pages back on top of another. “Yes. I made the necessary changes to it all. I just need to put it all into practice and, hopefully, get the results I want” you respond, clearing your parched throat. His gaze is intense, you can feel it at the back of your head like two sharp points of a stick. 
“You’ve been pushing yourself today, unnecessarily so. I sense some growing frustration from you” he says, leaving the topic open ended, expecting you to explain yourself, but where do you even begin without looking like a fool? Like a child? 
You sigh, looking around the table yet searching for nothing as you shrug your shoulders. “No, no.. I just haven't been sleeping too well lately, and it seems that all is catching up to me” you offer a empty excuse, before reaching for a blank sheet of paper, a part of you yearning to keep him here, and the other wishing him to leave you with your own emotional burdens. “If a report is what you need, I can only offer what I have from the experiment thus far, but it is not concluded, I apologize”
“Ah, yes.. sleep. One thing that is most underestimated in its importance” he mused out loud, tone flat and ignoring your latter statement for a moment too long. He was pressing deeper into the crux of the matter, not letting you shift the topic too easily. “The report for an unfinished work will not be necessary, it’s much more preferable if you take a bit longer to get end results than to hand over a half-baked product”, he sighed, pushing his golden rimmed glasses further up the bridge of his nose. “Your dedication is admirable, but we can hardly expect progress if you're operating on insufficient rest and mental fatigue”.
You have to stop yourself from either chuckling or spinning around to stare at him as if he was speaking backwards. But no matter what you tried, you couldn’t stop your heart from hammering in your chest.
“Perhaps you should have Baizhi take a look at you. She can prescribe you some soothing medication to help you sleep. But as for work.. You’re done for today” he stated plainly, looking to the side and barely missing your shocked eyes.
“What? Are you dismissing me?” you blurted out, suddenly afraid you have done something wrong or that you offended him in some capacity. He’d never send you home, especially not when you were in the midst of a project. 
“It's not a matter of dismissiveness, but rather a practical decision. If your exhaustion is hindering your ability to perform optimally, what benefit is there in insisting on your presence here?” he replied, his tone cool and detached. You blink at him owlishly, confused and, quite frankly, afraid. Previous anger, sadness and jealousy all melting away from your bones like wax over a flame. The flame being Mortefi himself. An eternal blaze that swallowed everything in its wake. You were wondering how it didn’t engulf you by now.
But in that thought alone you missed the point of it all. His flames didn’t touch you, didn’t scorn you because he willed them that way. The warmth of them kept you warm, kept you alive, kept you in this field and as his coworker, a place most others wouldn’t be able to handle. He would soften it all if he knew how, to show you he cares.
Sensing a shift in your emotions, Mortefi softened his gaze, a subtle nod of understanding replacing the usual aloofness he carried. He saw the confusion and fear in your eyes, and it pained him that he had inadvertently caused it. He knew that his words could often come across as cold and dismissive, but it was never his intention to harm or offend.
“Rest is not a punishment, but a necessary part of the work process. To push oneself to the point of exhaustion is unproductive. It only inhibits progress. Trust me when I tell you this."
Softness is undeniably present in his voice now, and your mind goes blank. Your mind was still stuck on this morning, on your project, but here he was breaking all illusions and thoughts by simply being kind. 
“I can’t say I don’t appreciate your concern, but..” you look up at his eyes only to find a scowl curling the corners of his lips, and you sigh again, looking away in embarrassment. “I can’t argue with you either, can I?”
“No, you cannot. Now, go pack up what you have. I’ll go contact Baizhi and see if she can get a check up on you before you leave”
“No, no, that won’t be necessary..” you wave your hands before you, shaking your head simultaneously to deny the offer with your entire being. “I already have some tea at home that can help me with this, no need for a check up. I insist” you try, but only get a cocked brow from Mortefi, you can already tell what he’s thinking. 
“Tea alone cannot be sufficient in treating issues related to poor sleep. Besides, it goes without saying Baizhi is well versed in medicine, and her prior check-ups of your health have been of great help to you, have they not? If tea was that simple of medicine, why have you not seen improvement?” he shot back sharply and you grew quiet, not wishing to prolong this argument further, but staying silent wouldn’t be the way to go either.
“I don’t want to see Baizhi right now” you said plainly, tone low and softened involuntarily. Your reply was met with a skeptical look, Mortefi’s head tilted in question. “And why not? Do I need to pull you to her office myself? You’re not a child, (Y/n)” he countered, not low on his arsenal of words and snappy remarks. He approached you closer, closing the distance between the two of you until he could peer into your avoidant eyes, making your heart skip a beat.
“I just.. Mortefi, I don’t know. I don’t want to see Baizhi and that’s final. Don’t make me go see her. I’ve seen enough of you two this morning” It slipped from your mouth sooner than you could pull it back, and immediately you regretted your choice of words, cursing the ability to speak. “Uh-”
Mortefi froze in his tracks, his sharp eyes widening subtly in surprise. The mention of Baizhi and himself seemed to strike a chord in him, and his stoic façade cracked just enough to betray a hint of confusion. “Hm? Have we done something to offend you to this degree of avoidance? I wasn’t aware of any discomfort inflicted upon you” he knitted his brows, looking at you for answers, his turn to feel on edge now. Were you implying he was acting out of line with Baizhi? He knew of how he behaved around others and he saw no flaws in his dealings with other colleagues, so it all left him in a more twisted maze. 
You swallowed the lump in your throat, lips pressing into a thin line. “Mortefi- no. You haven’t done anything to offend me, I am not offended. I just.. uh.. No, it’s all too silly. I just meant that you two just seem to be too busy with your shared workload, and I just got tired of seeing it all” It’s a badly written lie, and the truth is bleeding through the cracks in neon colors. You’re cringing at yourself, really.. The lies you were uttering, however poorly woven, were evident in the way your face creased. He could almost hear your thoughts, almost see the jealousy and insecurity that plagued you through the lies you were trying to hide behind.
He paused for a moment, considering the situation carefully, before responding. "Is it really about our workloads, or is there something else that you're not telling me?" He asked calmly, his voice low and measured.
A pregnant pause befell your ears, only being interrupted by a distant hum of a machine outside of the room, and the footsteps of other workers in the halls. He does not push you to answer swiftly, instead he waits, patient as ever with you.
“I suppose…”
“You suppose..?”
It’d be a lie to say he wasn’t taut as a bowstring, ready to hear you out, anticipating your reply. His heart was squeezing painfully in his chest.
“Ugh..I just.. Promise me you will not be angry at me, and that you will not think ill of me after I tell you?” 
“Well, this must be big if you’re asking that of me” he breathed out. Your hesitation was palpable, and the silence between them dragged on, only adding to the palpable tension. Finally, the words came, and he felt a strange mixture of anticipation and trepidation.
“I'll promise no such thing will come from me. Your words cannot change the way I feel about you” he replied, his voice tinged with a touch of irritation.
With a heavy breath you closed in on yourself, arms folded over your chest. “I was just.. watching how close you and Baizhi are this morning and for a long time now. You always spend so much time together, and despite you and I being direct coworkers and more than that outside of this Academy, I feel.. left behind”
“You are jealous?”
“If you wish to put it that bluntly - then yes. I am”
Mortefi’s coldness and stiffness seemed to melt, the answer finally clearing up the brain fog that had started to develop in his head. Things were looking clearer at long last, and with that he also felt as if he failed you. He has failed to make you feel appreciated as you deserved, and that makes his gut twist in on itself.
“I fail to see why you’d be jealous of Baizhi, even with the time we spent together. Baizhi and I are strictly work colleagues and nothing more. You are the one that gets to be in my presence, sharing stories and desserts after work hours..” Mortefi says out loud, moreso speaking to himself than you, as if trying to figure out your point of view. He wasn’t dismissing your emotions, but he failed to grasp them within his own two hands. He had been so preoccupied with his own work and responsibilities that he had failed to notice the toll it was taking on his relationship with you. His focus had been so singularly on his research, on his partnership with Baizhi, that he had unintentionally neglected the depth of the connection he had with you.
“I do have to apologize” he cuts you off before you can speak. “This.. area is not within my expertise, per se. If I had neglected you, I would’ve liked if you openly communicated this with myself” he offered, and the lighter in his hand feels like it will break apart under pressure.  “And while I can’t limit my time with Baizhi, as it is all just work, I can accommodate you as well by spending more time with or around you, if that will help you feel more.. at ease” 
There is clarity ringing its bell over your head as he speaks, already offering solutions to this problem you made out of irrational thought. Bless his heart, for all he is cold and aloof he is ten times more kind. Snappy as he is, he means well.
“Mortefi... Mortefi, I am sorry too. I did want to keep this with myself, it shouldn’t have come to this point where you try to resolve my issues by yourself”
At that he scoffed, almost chuckling but no laughter came from him. One hand perches itself on his hip and he looks at you with a look that screams of his desire to see this through. 
“Oh, but how can I ignore it now that it is in front of me? No, that will not do. Especially since it is you who we’re talking about. You go ahead now, I’ll think of something until the end of my shift. I’ll give you a call later this evening”
Afterwards your company would leave his presence and the lab, having left with more reason than conflict, and with a mind full anticipation of his words.
And just like clockwork, by the end of his shift he’d give you a call, telling you to come meet him at your favorite dessert place. 
Mortefi is special in his way of showing affection..
He is yet to learn his way with words when it comes to sweet nothings, but until then he can take care of you and help you out with work. Whatever helps you see that you, indeed, do matter much to him. 
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Ⓒ n0tamused. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
Tags: @pinksaiyans
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billwidoll · 2 days
Why? What?
Summary: Rafe was always in love with you, but he didn't want to show his feelings, but then Topper ended up taking what was his.
Warnings: Cheating, Unprotected sex, explicit speech
Author's Notes: Horned Topper 🐂
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The first time Rafe saw you, you were on the beach playing with small turtles. He thought the first impression was useless, but then he analyzed it and realized that you were an angel of a person, You smiled sweetly, played like a cute child and had wonderful skin.
And Rafe managed to get closer to you, he managed to become friends with you. And little did you know Rafe's intentions. But Rafe was afraid to express his true feelings, so he needed more time to understand that feeling called Love.
But Rafe unfortunately went too slowly, Topper, your best friend, ended up taking what was "his" when you started dating, which made Rafe surprised. He knew Topper hit on But I didn't know that you get all his pick-up lines.
But now they were there, You Topper and Rafe were at a table, talking about various legal topics, but Topper only knew how to whisper inappropriate things in your ear. And it was killing Rafe
"Can you two stop?" Rafe talks about being stressed and he was very jealous
"What's up man? She's my girlfriend" Topper says, running his disgusting hands over your body and it makes you uncomfortable
And Rafe noticed this and immediately questioned him
"And she's your girlfriend, not your whore!" Rafe speaks taking the tone of his voice with Topper and that makes you a little Concerned
"Are you crazy, Rafe? I'll do whatever I want in my relationship" Topper says, finally letting you go and raising his voice to Rafe too
"I think you better keep to your Thompson!" Rafe speaks, getting up on the table and already prepared for a fight with Topper.
You enter in front of the two, after you already knew what would happen
“Y/N get out of my sight!” Topper shouts at you
"Don't tell her what she should or shouldn't do!" Rafe counters by heading towards
"YOU TWO ARE HERE! Topper, I'm fine, okay?" You say holding your boyfriend's hand
"what will you do?" Topper asks already shut up
"I'm leaving! And you're going home" you say, taking your coat
"Okay, I'll get the car keys" Topper says looking for the keys
"no Topper! I'm not going with you! This dinner just showed how disgusting you are and Chernoboy" you say leaving him confused and Rafe surprised
"Rafe...mind if I go home to wash?" You ask "innocently" and you see Rafe's huge smile growing on his face
"and Of Course Babyboo" Rafe says he's proud of making Topper mad and happy to finally have the opportunity to try something with you
"That's good... Topper, I'll call you later, okay?' you say leaving the restaurant with
You and Rafe walk towards Rafe's car and get in. You were left in an awkward silence on the way home and Rafe knew he needed to express his love for you. Even though it was hard for Topper
“What music do you like Y/n?” Rafe asks trying to start a conversation
"well...I like the Beatles, I know they're a pretty old band...but I love them." y/n speaks answering Rafe's question
"Beatles? They're really amazing, want me to put some of their songs on the radio?" Rafe asks, already starting a cool topic to talk about.
"Yes, Could you put "Yesterday?" You say smiling to Rafe and it didn't take long for Rafe to put on the music
"why?" Rafe asks making you hiss in confusion.
"what?" You ask Rafe innocently.
"Why Topper? Why did you have to fall in love with him right away?" Rafe asks, stopping the car in the middle of a dark, foggy road.
"I'm not literally in love with Topper...I like him" you say a little uncomfortable because Rafe stopped on the road
"So why are you with him? You should be with someone who values ​​you" Rafe says and you finally look at him
"Sorry Rafe...but I'm really good at taking care of myself, okay? And why are you so interested in this?" You talk a little ruder to Rafe.
"Okay! Go! Look like you don't value yourself in any way!" Rafe screams and slams his hands on the car's rolling stock.
"Screw you Cameron!" You shout and open the car door to leave in the middle of nowhere
“y/n stop!” Rafe says getting out of the car too and following you "Where the fuck are you going?" Rafe says, following you down the deserted and foggy street
"to a place where asshole boys leave me alone!" You say finally stopping and looking at him.
"You want to know something? I love you! I love you when you smile, I love you when you get embarrassed about something, I love your way of liking old and outdated magic..."
Rafe simply explodes, he was tired of guarding that strong feeling he felt for you. He just wanted to know the scent of your breath and the soft touches of your lips
"why?" You ask with a shaky voice.
"what?" Rafe speaks confused once again
"Why don't you just kiss me, you fucking idiot?" You say approaching Rafe and grabbing his neck and finally kissing him
The kiss had desire, love, passion, betrayal, lack, affection, this kiss brought good and bad emotions
You stop to breathe and look at each other carefully, look at each other to the depths of your souls
"What do you think about having sex in your car?" Rafe says smiling and it makes you laugh
"I think it's a great idea, but what about Topper?" You talk to Rafe
"Break up with him, because now you're going to be mine....y/n Cameron"
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xzaddyzanakinx · 14 hours
what do you think stalker!anis body count is?
i can’t work out if he’s had a “fuck everything that walks” phase or not
I’ve thought about this a lot actually, cause I’ve also had trouble deciding that lmao. I originally intended for stalker!ani to have BPD, but as he developed as a character I think antisocial personality disorder fits him much, much better. Both disorders experience hypersexuality.
In this essay I will…
Stalker!Anakin has never had a girlfriend before reader. Unfortunately he was painfully awkward and strange during his elementary school years:
Exhibit A: tying nettles together with worms (a beautiful bouquet if you ask me) and giving them to a girl he thought was pretty.
Exhibit B: staring and unapologetically eavesdropping on any conversation.
Exhibit C: starting conversations with “I am Anakin Skywalker, I am seven years old and I like to collect Hot Wheels. Do you like to collect Hot Wheels?” (Bc his therapist said he should try to be ‘relatable’ by finding people with similar interests. How is he expected to do that unless he systematically goes through his entire class list and initiates/interviews his classmates??)
Moving onto his middle school years were even worse bc he found out that girls are hot and hot girls make him horny. Everyone remembered him as the weird kid, told the other sixth graders and ruined his chances of winning people over with his new, carefully crafted personality/mask.
So when he asked his crush to the homecoming dance he bought real flowers (sans worms!!), and his mom helped him find a cute sign on Pinterest to copy… She refused the flowers and said “ew”, thinking there were prob bugs in it (she’d heard the gossip). Anakin unwrapped the flowers and shook them out to prove they were indeed wormless, made a joke and then the girl reconsidered her refusal and decided ‘hey maybe he’s not so bad, all kids are weird anyway so he’s probably fine now’.
Turns out he was in fact trying to be fine & normal. But ended up in a ‘Carrie at prom’ situation at the homecoming dance bc the guy who also liked Anakin’s date was there. Anakin ended up with a suspension and the other guy ended up with the girl.
Then the summer of 7th grade he wacked a grown man with a table.
That didn’t bode well for his highschool conquests of course! So he got his rocks off with the occasional use of the good ol’ ‘hide in the bushes with binoculars and hope Becky from Algebra changes in front of her window again’
Anakin got his first job at the Hot Topic when he was 17. This is where he tried out everything he’d learned over the years and he realized he was actually very decent at speaking to girls as long as he kept up his masked personality. Anakin stayed a virgin until a pretty girl with a nose ring (she worked at Claire’s, he was getting his ear pierced) complimented his Suicidal Tendencies t-shirt and he smooth talked his way into getting her in his car after his shift. Then… continued to do that for a while, strictly fucking. She thought it was strange that he never really wanted to talk before or after.
He was just trying to perfect his sex game and she was just a body. She wasn’t his dream gal, so she was perfect for making mistakes and learning from them. He didn’t have to worry about appearances or properly apologizing for accidentally not doing super great at something, he could just move on and keep going. After all, she was just a body to practice on.
Unfortunately for Anakin he had a brand new court appointed therapist at the time who didn’t think promiscuity was good for the healing and reconditioning process (it wasn’t).
So Anakin put a stop to fuckin’ the girl from Claire’s. He was very confused that she was so upset when he just completely ignored her. The next time they both worked, she waited at his truck like usual and he walked right past her and got in his truck, locked the door and backed out of the parking spot without waiting for her to move (she was fine just really mad).
Claire’s girl confronted him about it, thinking she’d done something to upset him and asked if that was his way of breaking up with her. Anakin’s like??? Break up?? We were never dating!!?? (This is how he found out that when you fuck someone weekly for over four months they will more than likely form an emotional attachment)
To avoid a repeat of that incident when he moved to the city for college (he dropped out obvi), he got a job as a bartender for the sole purpose of people watching for research and practicing being a normal dude. Being a normal dude includes learning how to pick up chicks, so I think he probably took a girl home once or twice a month just to keep sharp on his pretending and fucking skills so he’d be on his best game when he found the right girl.
So in conclusion, yes he did have a ‘fuck everything that walks’ phase. Just not for the sex. For research.
me reading the DSM-5 and diagnosing him. [im a doctor you can trust me]
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melodic-haze · 3 days
hi!! could I request ayaka nsfw headcanons? thanks!
☆ — DEMO TRACK: sub!Ayaka x dom!Reader
☆ — CONTENT WARNINGS: Corruption kink, exhibition kink but it doesn't acc get acted upon 🤷‍♀️
☆ — NOTES: shut up omg another one I LOEV AYAKA THANK YOU
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She seems like the type to be extremely vanilla at first, not bc she's scared (well no she is a lil bit) but bc she hasn't really? Had the chance to explore or anything??? But she seems like the type to be interested in it, just that she didn'r know HOW to explore it......until yk. You came along
She's like a willing subject to corruption, it's rather lovely 🫶
The way she'd approach you about it too 😭😭 like ohhh you're so precious my bbg :((( she'd breach the topic carefully, her cheeks tinted very red thanks to her skin betraying her and the blood that rushed to her face
Side track as much as I do adore Ayaka stumbling on her words and stuttering, I actually personally don't think she would unless she was EXTREMELY flustered or completely out of it. She's probably really good with forming sentences and stuff with very minimal stuttering, esp when she'd have to think ab her speech a lot to make sure she isn't offending anyone generally (I wish that were me cuz I stutter a LOT it's acc embarrassing)
So when she asks, she's VERY red but also very clear and concise with her speech. If it weren't for the embarrassed look on her face, if it weren't for her covering her face with her fan, you'd have thought that she wasn't shy about such an ask at all
It was hard to concentrate and gather your bearings at least a little bit when the soft scent of cookies and the mochi she had made a while ago never fails to overtake your train of thought, but you managed to pull through as you slowly undressed her.
"Are you completely sure?" You asked in concern for her, despite the fact that she had approached you about such a request, "I'm worried you might not like the experience. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable..."
She shook her head in reply, giving you a gentle smile, "I'm sure. I admit that I've been.. curious, and I trust you completely."
You couldn't help but soften at your white-haired partner's proclamation, giving her a lingering kiss on her temple, "Just remember to tell me if something feels wrong, you know I worry for you."
"I know," she giggled, "but you don't need to treat me like I'm fragile."
And before you reply in turn, Ayaka cuts you off by leaning her head on your shoulder, her lips close to your ear as she whispered in such a tantalising way--
"I'd like to think I can handle whatever you do to me."
--before drawing back with a much cheekier smile compared to moments before, "I hope that clears most of your reservations?"
By god, yes it does.
She turns out to be a FREAK❗️❗️❗️👹👹👹👹
No but fr though? I already wrote it but she def love love LOVEEEESSS being your good girl 🥰🥰🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶 wants to do anything you ask her to do bc she wants to make you happy. Absolutely gets off to whenever you praise her for the stuff she does
But also? Kinda very much adores being roughed around!!! Being an important figure to Inazuma, she's not necessarily used to being treated anything less than with respect and caution, so for you to essentially make her forget all that as you "disrespect" her rank? Mmmmyes definitely Something :3
She's a very very curious person who's open to a LOT of things, going from binding to sensory deprivation to roleplay
Oh my GOD she'd ESPECIALLY be into roleplay; pretending as if she were someone else, esp if she was absolutely ravaged by you? My word it gets her wet just thinking about it
I think she'd LOVEEEE to be overstimmed 🫶🫶🫶 she wants a break from thinking!! She wants a break from responsibilities, and the way you can make it easily go away by fucking her brains out gets so addicting for this little princess
SHE'D DEFINITELY BE A SQUIRTER OH GY GOD fuck off listen she's def so so very sensitive that if you work her up enough (which doesn't acc take long) she would and she'd APOLOGISE for making such a mess but you just Cannot Help but try to get another one from her so it goes around alllll over again until she passes out :3
Don't think she'd act it out irl bc no way is she actually risking her reputation (and in extent, her brother's and her entire family name), but she'd develop?? A taste for exhibition???? Perhaps it's through the times you've just decided to drag her away to a semi-secluded spot, or maybe it's bc of the times she's touched herself while thinking of you with the risk of SOMEONE coming into her room. Either way, she starts to fantasize scenes from time to time where you're fucking her out in the open or you get caught or even that she's walking around with her pussy unknowingly stuffed with toys, who knows 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
If she doesn't tell you then she probably clues you in unconsciously when you start talking to her about how ANYONE could find you absolutely ruining this whore of a princess 🫶 by her inner walls clamping onto you as she lets out a particularly loud whine 🫶🫶🫶
Ayaka had tried to go back to sleep, she really did. But her thoughts had caught up to her, hazy made-up images and scenarios of the simplest thought of getting caught doing things unbefitting the White Heron Princess and her demure, innocent stature.
Even as she had her fingers inside her needy hole, even as she grinded on her palm in a deaperate effort to chase that needed release, she had found that she couldn't be satisfied in the least. The fact that she had to silence herself in an effort to prevent herself from getting caught didn't help with sorting out her current issue, either.
It wasn't enough—she needed you to satisfy her, to put her in her place, to take her fully until she could no longer care to think about anything else but being your personal doll. There was no way she was getting off all by herself, she needed you.
Biting the fabric of her blanket in an effort to stop her teary moans from being as loud as it would've been, she could only hope any pray that this aching need within her subsides in time before she has the chance to see you again.
(And perhaps she'll gather the courage to ask you about recreating.. a very exposing scenario, to sate her torturous curiosities.)
Bonus bullet point it'd be really cute to see her cry from the stimulation 🥰🥰
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bas-writes · 1 day
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Round 3: Let's Meet
about, rules & navigation | previous round
Enough time has passed for you to consider a face to face meeting. With an exception of one unpleasant failure, all other candidates have managed to keep your attention and trust. There are only some finishing touches for you to finally make up your mind. And you're curious what they have to offer when it comes to a casual date…
Remember you vote for a character you don't want to advance further! The character with the biggest number of votes will be eliminated.
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Profile One: Toji Fushiguro ELIMINATED
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Profile Two
Except for the sudden few hours long break you've been texting for the entire day and a good part of night. As a result, you oversleep and miss the breakfast buffet. When you complain about it, blaming him for your empty stomach and extra cost you spent on a meal in a cafe, he spam-teases you with a photo session of his breakfast. Looking at the amount and quality of dishes on his table you realize you massively underestimated his wallet at the first glance. He must be stinking rich.
He offers to pay for your lunch if you agree to keep him company. It's tempting but you haven't yet made up your mind about seeing him face to face.
Around 2pm he disappears for his snorkeling again and the silence it leaves has you antsy. It's weird how quickly he got you used to his chirping and almost constant buzz of notifications. You almost pounce at your phone when he finally shows up again, filling the conversation with a photo session. It has your tum churn with envy; you would love to dive in tropical waters too, watch colorful fish and warm your feet in soft, pink-ish sand of the beach where the classes are taking place.
Of course, he has to tease you about it as well. He has quite a mean strike to him—not too mean but enough to prick a little. When you point it out, doing your best to not overdo either, he catches you with a quick:
"hey if youwant we cann go tmrw together? my treat"
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Profile Three
It's really hard to get a photo out of him, you realize in the midst of the second day of intense texting. You don't ask outright but you know already he's smart and able to read between words without a problem—he had to understand your intentions but for some reason refused to let you know he did so. It only adds to the impression of him being camera-shy, but no matter what, you want to see a little more of him before you decide to meet him.
You don't want to sound too pushy, so you send a casual selfie first, hoping he won't avoid the memo this time. He doesn't. He makes you wait a little but eventually you get to see your treat. He's sitting by the table in what you judge to be a hotel bar by the pool, his shirt is half-open, revealing hair on his chest, and he tries to smile despite the nervous stiffness visible all over his expression. Nevertheless, he presents himself in a more appealing way than in his profile pictures.
His face and body are your main focus, but you still spot an interesting detail: a ticket pinned to the table by a frappe glass. Another bird watching trip? As always, you don't need to pry to get all the info you want—soon you learn he's going for a day-long cruise around the bay, with a stop on an uninhabited island nearby.
"Do you want to go together? They still had plenty of free seats when I booked mine."
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Profile Four: Shiu Kong ELIMINATED
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Profile Five
Food is a recurring topic between the two of you but with time you learn more and more about him. That it's his first vacation in a very long time and that he was simply forced to take a few weeks off. That he's abandoned his fruitless job and now helps his good friend and his sister to set up their own bakery. That cooking and baking are his secret hobbies he once hoped to do for living but his life had different plans for him. That he's fluent in three languages. And that yes, this is his natural hair color.
He even manages to surprise you when, after you've teased him asking if the carpet really matches the drapes, he shows you a little friskier photo, with his swimming shorts pulled down enough to show you the happy trail and a little glimpse of pubes. Nothing indecent but for him it feels almost scandalous.
He spends a lot of time on the beach, you realize, and the closeness of your hotels sticks at the back of your head whenever he mentions he's taking a walk or wading in the sea. He hasn't asked you about the name of your hotel yet but it's enough of torture that you know a way to his. Such opportunities don't happen often, and it'd be criminal to let it slip once it happened. You have it at the tip of your tongue but you're stubbornly waiting for him to do this step. And finally—
"There's a nice bar nearby my hotel with exquisite sunset views. Maybe you would like to meet for a drink tonight?"
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Profile Six
Well, this escalated quite... quickly.
You send each other more and more selfies, each bolder than the other. It feels only a matter of time when one of you breaks and shows a full nude first but there seems to be an unspoken rule of not doing so, at least not before you get to see each other without the lenses of a phone camera. He keeps a very respective distance, too. At some point his compliments start leaning to the erotic side but they never sound vulgar. He has quite a poetic way of expressing himself if he wants to and you start getting a feeling, he's not an athlete, as you thought at first, but rather an academic or a writer.
He refuses to confirm nor to deny, wanting it to be a sweet mystery to be revealed, if you will ever want to meet face to face. Intriguing bastard.
That's the closest to a date proposal he's made and the topic dies for so long that you're suspecting he's waiting for your move. Who can't blame him with that intimidating appearance of his, he must have met enough refusals to think more now. Though, it's still surprising that, despite boldness in his voice and presence, he doesn't take any initiative in this one field.
You give him a little nudge, an innocent question about his plans for the next day.
"I don't have anything particular in mind. But I heard there's an interesting photography exhibition in the town's art gallery. There are a lot of good restaurants in that area, too, if you'd prefer a lunch?"
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Profile Seven
Having his compliment accepted, he dares to step out of his shell bolder and bolder. Honestly, if he talked to you as he does now from the very beginning, he would make a much better impression on you. You're somewhat proud of yourself, for being able to encourage him to be himself around you.
You must admit—you love those unexpected fruits of your labor. He's becoming an open book in your hands and a puppy on your leash at the same time. You ask, you receive, no questions asked, except for that little expectation for the favor to be returned (that has more in common with looking at you pleadingly than demanding anything). You're dictating the pacing so you're shamelessly using the benefits of it. At some point you even dare to ask for a nude or at least a little friskier photo. You don't get it, but your eyes still nearly pop out at what you're offered.
It's a straight-out-of-the-pool mirror selfie, his hair wet and his swimming shorts clinging to his legs—and the view of his body forces you to sit down. You would never suspect he's going to be so ripped, not after the show of the divorced dad vibe in his gallery. If not for his face visible, you would be ready to assume he cheated and sent you someone else's photo. You still take an extra careful look, but the photo doesn't seem to be in any way edited.
Well, now you have to check if it's true. And luckily, you're soon offered an opportunity.
"I hope I'm not being too forward but—would you mind a casual stroll around the old town together?"
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Profile Eight
Despite the pressing impression of falling into a tourist trap instead of finding company for a few steamy nights, you let the conversation unroll—and soon enough you realize he's not trying to advertise anything but not-so-smoothly tries to investigate what you would like to do. Your polite interest in everything must have confused his poor soul and, when out of options, he finally admits you've bet him in his own field, with a pouting emoji to go with it. What a cutie.
After this, the pacing of your messages eases a little and becomes more casual. He switches to sharing his favorite music with you, discussing movies and shows you both saw, spicing the casual conversation with a little bolder selfies. For a cute face he has his body is quite athletic, in a rather slim than buff way. He claims he doesn't do any particular sport but likes to be active. This season he's developed a liking for swimming in the sea, together with a group of new friends he met when exploring the cliffs.
He's talked about those cliffs before and you must admit it has stroked your curiosity the most. Having a better insight in his life and hobbies now, you realize it must have been his authentic passion that grasped your attention. You can't help but ask for more about them. What's so special about them? What can you do there? Can he guide you to the best viewing spot?
"can you swim? you can rent a boat but they look better when youre IN the water. dont worry about stamina if you can at least float i can get you there"
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Profile Nine
Given his shy nature, you're preparing yourself to be the one who will propose a face-to-face meeting. He's not good with hints so trying to guide him in that direction would be a certain failure. You can either wait for his move—or do it yourself.
You don't have a problem with that—you're just still not sure if you really want to meet with him. You've chatted lots already but because of his nature you haven't gathered as much information as you would with a more open conversation partner. You need more time. And you have a feeling so does he.
The fact that his evenings and nights are busy (and that he sleeps past noon) goes against you as well. At least you're rewarded with some behind the scene shots and snippets from concerts held at his workplace. It looks like a really fun place, one you would gladly visit even without any Tinder schemes and dating intentions. It's clearly one of the establishments with an addictive vibe, pulling people close no matter what their music preferences are. Even those who aren't into live shows would have a good night there.
You don't say anything outright but he spots your interest and keeps feeding it. Entranced by his shyness you've managed to forget he's smart and attentive. No wonder his next move feels especially bold for him.
"i think tonight's show may interest you. if you want i can arrange a ticket? free ofc"
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Profile Ten
The more you unpack about him, the more really unexpected surprises you dig out. As he keeps denying modeling accusations, you can't help but press the matter of his career until he caves and sends you a link to his workplace profile on Insta. Self-defense training? Now, that's not what you expected. He doesn't look like someone who knows how to throw fists.
He's on some of the demonstration videos—and once you see him in motion, you're taking everything back. He's fast and smooth, throwing his training partners—often big, heavy men—around as if they weighed nothing. Having now more comparison to other people around him, you also realize he's much bigger than he looked in his profile pictures.
But, overall, what has the biggest impression on you is his voice. It's a crime someone like him is teaching how to beat creeps instead of working with it. He should do audiobooks, radio, podcasts, audio dramas... Anything that could utilize his beautiful, smooth voice to its fullest. After the initial shock of seeing him in action, you pay more attention to the way he speaks, each sound crawling straight into your heart and pulling on all the right strings. From comments under the videos, you learn you're not the only one who's entranced.
Of course, you wouldn't be yourself if you wouldn't let him know about your new weakness. You're curious what he is going to do with such a powerful weapon in his hands.
"I would love to whisper something nice for your ear only, but maybe a cup of coffee first? I know a cozy and silent place, perfect for the first audio impression."
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windvexer · 2 days
What keeps you going as an occultist when times are tough motivation wise?
My first answer is that I kinda don't.
I mean it's more complex than that. I have certain responsibilities now that I have to take care of. And I don't even mean like, oh I have to leave daily offerings.
It's more like, if I don't leave sufficient offerings, spirits come mess with me when I sleep. I don't have the assistance of allies when I want to do fun stuff I actually enjoy, like divination for friends. And you can't just say, whoops, I'm here for the first time in seven months with a serving of baked pasta because I want to have fun with tarot again. They're not toys and they don't operate like vending machines.
So it's like any relationship, and I mean my relationship with my path as a whole - there's a minimum of responsibility and maintenance. I don't want to be a fair-weather friend to my own witchcraft.
And then there's an aspect of need as well - even if I don't feel really motivated to cast a spell, if I need the effect, then it's just a chore I'm responsible for. I don't always feel motivated to clean the dishes, but I do, because I want to be a responsible person.
In a large sense, witchcraft is just a part of my life now, and it's not something I can set down and forget about.
But all of that aside, if I don't feel motivated to do something extra - like educate myself on a certain topic, practice a certain skill, or do above-and-beyond activities - then I don't. I'm not in it for spiritual grind culture. I have other fun, interesting stuff to spend time on, and sometimes I'm excited and motivated to do other enriching things that aren't witchcraft. So I do them instead.
I think it might be helpful to examine the urge to want to practice despite lack of motivation. Cultivating skill and power is IMO difficult and takes a lot of hard work. But if that's your aim, then I think that falls under the purview of discipline, not motivation.
If it's just a general sense that in order to be a real/good witch you've got to be doing lots of stuff all the time, without any real concrete goals you're working towards, I think maybe pushing through without motivation will just lead to eventual burnout.
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guys, i randomly decided to watch an old livestream from a youtuber whose videos i enjoy, and he thinks jonsa is a solid theory??? it's this video starting at 22:59 and going until about 26:00. the channel name is quinn the gm.
basically, someone in the chat asks who he thinks sansa will marry. i've watched a lot of his videos and have never heard him discuss that topic before, so i braced myself for the usual "it doesn't matter" or "she's too young" or "i personally don't care" takes, but he actually took the question seriously and began discussing his thoughts. color me shocked!
he first says that he doesn't think it will be harry because he's slated to die (based foreshadowing understander). then he says it could be sweetrobin if he lives. then he discusses the ashford tourney theory (he can't remember the name at first) and says he thinks the targ suitor would be jon because of the original outline!! he says it would make sense that grrm changed jon's planned love interest from âryâ to sansa!!! he acknowledges that some people propose aegon as the final suitor but dismisses that option because he believes aegon will marry arianne.
even better, someone in the chat says that a lot of the northern succession issues would be shored up by a jon/sansa marriage and he agrees???? i've heard him mention in other videos that he believes sansa will be regent for either rickon or robb's unborn child (he thinks there's a chance jeyne westerling is pregnant and will give birth in twow). and in this particular livestream he says that he doesn't think jon is interested in ruling a kingdom because he has found leadership to be a burden, implying that his potential claims wouldn't be an obstacle to him marrying sansa.
i dunno, it's just really nice encountering a non-jonsa (which i assume he is since i've never heard him mention the theory anywhere else) actually considering the theory on its merits and accepting it as a strong possibility. he recently did a livestream where he ranked his fav characters from the series and said that sansa was his favorite stark as well.
anyway, just wanted to share with my fellow jonsas and also rec his vids if you're interested in theory and analysis channels like this on youtube!
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coquettebratzdoll · 2 days
Speedrun-> Name? Athena | Age? '07 | Pronouns? She/Her | Race? Black | Hobbies?Journaling, Reading |
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ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
I see you've made it to my page. Welcome ! This is a quick navigation guide to get to where you need to go. Before I begin, why don't we get to know each other ? I'm sure we'd be great friends ! Careful, there are rules on how things work around here. The journey begins ...
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To your left, you'll see all my informative posts. I talk about a lot of topics, and there are many more to come. Take a peek and see if you learn anything new !
Myth of subconscious mind
Manifesting is easy
'I remember when...'
Stop trying
More to come ...
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And to your right, you'll see my random thoughts. Watch me progress as a person and just say random shit on the Internet 🗣🗣🔥🔥
Thoughts abt shiftok
Hot take
Laziness pt 1
Laziness pt 2
Thoughts on affs
What is common misinformation you've seen ?
What is the most main character thing you've scripted ?
How did you get into shifting ?
I'm so good at manifestation 😩😩
More to come ...
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While you're here, why don't you check out my mutals ? I'm sure they have something you're after. Love yall smmmmm
@ningsols -> they're a very cool person in general. got that dark aesthetic goin on. they also make notion templates which is very cool and useful !
@livingmydreamlife5555 -> they combine shifting, loa, and the void (three for one package fr). mostly reblogs but their posts are also informative
@vixilic -> she mostly reblogs but she is an absolute sweetheart to be around. 10/10 bestie material fr
@reiashiftsrealities -> funny person in general. istg there isn't a day that goes by where I am not laughing at smth they wrote. their blog is great for motivation !
@diagyuuuu -> #1 txt fan fr. they mostly do reblogs but they do have some interesting posts
@livingsecret -> they mostly do reblogs but their advice is very helpful. overall a very sweet person !
@astrstqr -> she posts a lot of info about her many drs which you could use as inspiration. a very pink, brats doll, early 2000s sorta aesthetic that I vibe with
@multiversal-wanderings -> she mostly does reblogs. she definitely has this serene vibe around her that's nice to interact with
@xstrawberryshiftsx -> definition of pookie fr. so sweet and energetic. very interactive too !
@zomb13pup -> newer acc on here. she does some reblogs but her posts are really informative
Join my simps !
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Looks like we've reached the end. Any questions ? Check here to see if they have been answered (or if you question is on the list). If not, feel free to ask ! Be mindful of the rules though.
Before you go, don't forget to follow ! I appreciate it :)
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saikira999 · 16 hours
~ Headcannons for TWST characters playing Minecraft
This is a continuation to the answer to the last request!
I also remind you that English is not my native language, and if you find any errors, please let me know.
[By the way... I have a stupid question that I will delete later, but I'm interested:
My English teachers have always said that "beautiful" refers only to some inanimate objects (for example, a beautiful mountain, or a beautiful package), or the fem gender (Beautiful woman), but is not applicable to the male gender.
However, I often met with the fact that boys are called "Beautiful" in internet, and this goes against what I was taught.
Tell me, is it possible to call a boy "Beautiful" in English? Or is it better to use "Handsome?" I will delete this piece of the post as soon as I receive a response.]
Another parts about:
Azul and Lilia!
Idia and Malleus!
Riddle and Leona!
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One day, Jade was offered to play Minecraft....:
1) "A game about blocks...? Haha, it's a really cute idea, but I don't think I can find the time for it."
“There are huge mushrooms the size of trees, and You can live on a mushroom island and collect mushroom soup from mushroom cows...”
2) He downloaded the game that evening.
3) Before the game, briefly studied it and the topic of minecraft mushrooms, and when He went to the server, the first thing He did was go look for mushroom biomes.
Azul tried to persuade Him to settle in His village (Not in any case for to exploit the eel in a cubic version of the Mostro Lounge, or at least make a workbench to begin with), But Jade simply left.
leech wandered around the server, and soon found the nearest mushroom biome, adjacent to the village of Riddle (Poor Riddle), and quickly occupied it, starting to build a base right under the huge red mushroom.
4) When he learned that mushroom blocks cannot be obtained by hand or with ordinary tools, His reaction was literally: "....😊.....💀"
5) Fortunately, the kind-hearted Riddle gave Him a pickaxe enchanted with silk touch, in exchange for the fact that Jade would not allow her beloved brother to wander around Their and Riddle’s territories.
6) Now, He can get more huge mushrooms to build a GIANT mushroom and live in Him!
7) As mentioned above, His home is a giant red mushroom, proudly towering above the other mushrooms and the neighboring birch grove. The inside of his hat may not be so spacious, but over the course of the game, Jade will significantly expand it so that only the most necessary things can fit: a turquoise bed, chests, a workbench, stoves, decorative pots with mushrooms, etc. You can climb the stairs, and below, around the mushroom king, the Leech will build a mushroom garden (there are never too many mushrooms) with a small lake into which he will place a couple of fish from a bucket.
8) It’s even a pity that no one wants to come to visit Him.... One day, when Yuu came to visit the eel, He fed Them a couple of bowls of mushroom stew and gave Them a couple of dozen more bowls with Him, because His chests were already bursting with stews.
9) It seems that in this game, Jade is not interested in anything other than His mushroom kingdom, but sometimes, He gets out to other players to exchange, trade mushroom stew (No one buys it) or just out of curiosity. Once, an eel even walked along the seabed and found an underwater temple, but soon, He got bored with the ocean and He climbed out to the shore again, looking for mushrooms. He also often walks in the mountains, but believes that real mountains are much more interesting.
10) In general, Jade is a neutral player, but this does not mean that it is worth angering him or destroying his mushroom house... No, He certainly will not grief in response, or start a sword fight with an idiot in the game...
...He would just find and visit Him in reality....
11) The main goal for Jade is not even to kill the dragon, but to find a mushroom island on which He will build a second base and breed mooshroom...And when He, after driving a boat across the ocean for hours, finally finds muddy water and an island of the same color with mushrooms and creepy-looking cows, His smile for a split minute becomes truly sincere.
Expect that you will not get Him out of there for the next few days.
12) He built a new base, similar to the first one, and squandered all the tags on mooshrooms, naming Them all after mushrooms known to Him.
13) His favorite is Boletus. One day, She was struck by lightning, which turned the red cow brown and this made Her stand out from the crowd. Boletus lives right above, in the cap of a giant mushroom, along with Jade (Don't ask how He got Her there).
14) In a sudden change of mood, Floyd once shorn more than half of Jade's cows, making them ordinary, and almost killed a Boletus. In response to this, Jade simply left the game.... And then Floyd left the game...
And then, Floyd, for some reason unknown to anyone, did not enter the game for two weeks....
15) When the eel has completely conquered the mushrooms of the upper world, it’s time to conquer the fungi of the lower world!
Jade quickly found the crimson and warped forests and killed a decent number of the local inhabitants, so that no one would interfere with Him collecting precious fungi and their huge versions... Although, of course, He did not really understand why the Large distorted and crimson fungi were more like trees, but on the other hand, He will be able to update the interior (Jade will decorate His bases mainly with turquoise boards and decorations of warped mushrooms).
16) Oh, those long-legged ugly guys flopping around in the lava also like mushrooms? Great, so Jade will have new pets....
Jade will make a separate, third base in Nether, after He tried to drag several striders to his mushroom island, but They all died due to the rain... But in His new one, more spacious and richly decorated with various hellish vines, mushrooms and the items house will make lava pool for His new friends, whom Jade periodically feeds and breeds.
17) Jade made his own flags with mushrooms on them and hung them wherever possible.
18) Didn’t go to fight the dragon because there were no mushrooms in the End, which means there was nothing interesting.
19) Most likely, He will get bored with the game in a month or two, and each time He will go there less and less, until he finally leave, leaving His beloved mushroom cows and striders to wait for His master for eternity...
20) ...Unless Yuu accidentally mentions next to Him the existence of various mods and add-ons, and the eel goes to delicately request (This looks more like a polite threat than a request) Idia for to install a couple of mods on a dozen new mushrooms and related with them biomes, mobs and even decorative items and food...
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Despite the threat of being strangled, the Yuu still approached Floyd to call Him to Minecraft:
1) "Ahhh...? Shrimpy wants to play with blocks? Hehehe, this game looks stupid... You're lucky that I'm bored, otherwise I would have squeezed you long ago...~ Although... Come here, little shrimp! Play with ME, not with these stupid blocks!
(Insert aggressively tender Floyd sounds here)
2) After a session of tight hugs, after which all of Yuu’s bones began to crack, Floyd finally downloaded the game and, logging into the server, brought with him fear and horror to all the players in the area (Especially Riddle).
3) Definitely homeless. Floyd is not interested in construction and mostly hangs around, sometimes intimidating other players.
Of course, Azul invited Him to settle in His village, still naively wanting to exploit another eel in the second Mostro, but after Floyd started a fight there and blew up the wall of the restaurant (I beg you, don’t ask where this damned eel dug up dynamite at the very beginning of the game ), Azul kicked out politely sent Floyd outside to play.
4) Floyd is an unstable player. At first He is quite peaceful and calm, wanders aimlessly from side to side, watching the others and sometimes scaring other players, and after a couple of minutes, he brutally beats mobs or players, causes brawls and joins griefer raids. Floyd is the second villain of the server after Leona and the players are really afraid of him and even a couple of times, Idia had to kick him out of the server, but Floyd always came back using His brother or Azul as a ticket to enter.
5) If Jade is a tactical and careful player who uses tactics, evasion and shields during the battle, then Floyd is a tank who crushes everything in His path, not leaving alive a single monster or innocent animal he sees... And sometimes players.
6) Once, He beat Idia, armed to the teeth and dressed in netherite armor, with raw salmon to death.
7) Constantly forgets that he cannot breathe and swim quickly underwater, and is sincerely indignant when he dies at the bottom due to lack of oxygen.
8) Periodically, Floyd spends the night either with other players (Sometimes without their permission), or in the open air.
9) His favorite pastime is parkour and climbing everything possible. Sometimes Floyd jumps on the buildings of other players, original buildings in Minecraft, or a couple of times he even builds a “challenge path” for himself so as not to get bored. Sometimes Jade and Yuu help Him with construction.
10) Ortho will teach Him how to create his own worlds and install mods and parkour maps, which, surprisingly, will keep the eel busy for a long time.
11) He is absolutely invincible in joint parkour competitions held on the server and even beat Idia and Lilia in a surprisingly short time, for which he received a well-enchanted set of netherite armor... Which He almost never uses.
12) He spends a lot of time at the bottom and has already killed all the drowned people and even took a couple of tridents from them, which, however, he hardly uses and hits his enemies with the first thing that comes to hand.
13) He openly hates mushroom biomes, and only went to visit his brother a couple of times, and only because other players didn’t let him spend the night, and he didn’t want to sleep outside... And also because, there’s a little goldfish cute village nearby.
14) Of all the players, he most often pesters Riddle, sometimes starting playful fuss with Him, which usually ends in a fight or destruction of His village.
15) He also likes to mischief and mix things up in Riddle’s chests, interfere with Jamil in His kitchen on the server, distract Azul or mess with Jade... Yuu, He also often annoys, preventing Them from doing what they love and begging for attention.
16) He constantly dies and gets very angry about it.
17) Single-handedly killed the wither... With the same raw salmon...
18) Enters the server with volatile interest. Sometimes, the game suddenly becomes boring for him and Floyd doesn't log in for a few days, and then suddenly returns to make a new mess.
19) Floyd was among those players who went to kill the dragon (Ortho persuaded Him to put on armor and take with Him at least something other than raw salmon)...
And He took the raw cod.
And in The End, He was mainly busy gnawing the endermen running after other players and the dragon and sometimes switching to the dragon, continuing the aggressive beating of everyone possible... After the endermen and the dragon, He would switch to the players.
20) After defeating the dragon, Floyd played Minecraft for some time until He finally got tired of it and forgot about the server.
Perhaps He will still occasionally enter the game for the sake of parkour, but parkour in the game will never compare to the flight of a free eel on the walls and roofs of a college, under the loud cursing of teachers and the director, in reality.
Thank you for your requests! I will also be happy to receive new requests and reblogs! :D
I was asked to make headcanons about freshmen. I'll deal with it a little later~
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trolagygirl2022 · 23 hours
Jungkook ideal type
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Now Jungkook's ideal type consists of three words. Intimate, Thoughtful and Refreshing. With his Virgo stellium in the 8th house, he enjoys having conversations with others. Not just any type, but deep ones that consists of tough questions and mind-blowing answers. He really likes someone that could be interested in topics such as religion? Cultures? I think someone that also knows a lot about other countries/can speak a language is attractive in his eyes. He feels like there's so much to learn that he doesn't know. "Higher education" came to mind. That's also something that he likes. He values knowledge and a partner that can do the same.
He's not someone that can easily get comfortable with someone. He can get squeamish? The main thing is, he needs to be connected with a partner emotionally. He hides a lot of his true emotions deep down and wants someone that he can dump it all out to. JK is a guy that can take in a lot of the stuff that's thrown at him. He's a quiet guy that's living in his own world unbothered. A word that popped up was "space". He values his space and just the thought of it being violated is uncomfy. He wants someone that can respect him and will accept him for who he really is on the inside (that's why it might be difficult for him to get with a fan because he'll think that they already have expectations for him that he can't fulfill).
Now with the "refreshing" part, it took me to nice Caribbean islands accompanied by colorful drinks and beach water that has never been so blue. Basically what I'm saying is that Jungkook might be inclined to be with someone foreign. I feel like he also would enjoy travelling with his partner and learning things about their culture. To him, it's pretty exciting being with someone that's different. Even if they're not a foreigner, he likes someone that has something new that they can bring to the table.
What I'm picking up on:
Well groomed
Harmonious features
Nice shape
nice thick lips
sharp eyes
party girl
dark hair.
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 11 hours
hiii sweetie💗. idk if you still take requests but i had a thing in my mind and also couldn’t find anyone who had write that down as a fic or headcanon how would tokyo revengers characters (especially i wonder about rindou and ran) would react if they met a person, a pretty little charming girls who they reject a long ago (classmate or friend you decide) but they kinda regret after. also i was wondering about readers glow up (in style, make up you decide) ty for attention love your works a lot…💗
Ah so them with someone they rejected when younger but then regret rejecting when they see them again later? Ok here's the Haitani brother's with that!
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It had been years since you'd seen them, the three of you all attended the same school and although you liked both brother's well enough, you were only smitten with one. You had spent years crushing on him, until one day you decided to confess to him. Only for him to immediately turn you down, he wasn't interested in you. Soon after that you had finished school and moved away, not seeing him and his brother again. Well not until now, here you are in their club and you just made eye contact with your old crush....
Gives you a flashy smile before approaching and shamelessly flirting with you. He thinks you're the prettiest girl he's seen and of course wants to make you his.
He actually doesn't recognise you though, not until you say your name. Then the memories come flashing back and he's left shocked. 
You're really the same girl? And he turned you down? Ran vaguely curses his past self for being an idiot.
Doesn't let it effect him when talking to you though, the only hint of surprise on his face is when his eyes slightly widened. He's still confident with you and shamelessly flirting.
Puts his number in your phone and says the two of you have a lot of catching up to do  
He remembers a lot more about you during the catch up which makes him regret his past actions even more. You were always so sweet. 
Spends a lot of the catch up teasing you and talking about light topics, until he suddenly gets a little tense. He tries to ask the question casually but he seems a little bit too interested in knowing your answer
"So are you dating anyone right now?"
When you say no, he acts mock hurt and claims he thought the two of you had been dating all these years. You can tell he's joking but decide to play along. "You rejected me, so we definitely aren't!" "Huh? I rejected a pretty little thing like you? Now why would I do that?" After a bit of back of forth, he surprises you by asking you out instead. 
Looking at you with a grin on his face but with a more unsure look in his eyes, he awaits your answer. Not wasting anytime you immediately reply with....
The second his eyes locked with yours he knew it was you. 
A mix of emotions run through him, he's definitely surprised but also embarrassed. He desperately wants to approach you but at the same time doesn't. Seeing you again just brought back so many memories for him.
He's surprised at how good you look now, even more surprised by how much he wants you. 
Spends a while trying to think of what to say to you before approaching. He half expects you to tell him to get lost after he rejected you all those years ago but is pleasantly surprised when you happily talk with him.
He smiles at you a lot, encouraging you to continue telling him about your life these past few years but inside he's scolding himself big time. How could he not realise how good you were for him back then???? 
Ran's the one who ends up breaking your conversation up, reminding Rindou that it's getting late and the club is about to close. Rindou hastily asks for your number, not wanting to lose you again. 
The two of you arrange a proper catch up, where you can talk as much as you like about old memories and more recent events.
He keeps tensing up, waiting for you to bring up the rejection. 
When it eventually does come up, he actually apologises over it. You tell him he doesn't need to since it was a long time ago but he still does.
Unlike Ran he doesn't ask you out, he wants to but figures it would be better to be friends first and get to know each other more. It has been a long time since you last saw each other after all. As he walks you home though, he does shrug off his jacket and puts it around your shoulder's. He says it's just because you seemed cold but the slight blush on his face and the warm weather says otherwise.
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