#sociopath abuse
chaos-in-one · 1 year
Hey narcissistic abuse & sociopathic/psychopathic abuse crowds, out of curiosity if a narcissist and a sociopath are dating, whose the abuser? Or do you think it just like... cancels out or smth?
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autopsyfreak · 14 days
whilst we absolutely should be educating people on the fact that cluster b disorders do not make people inherently abusive, it’s also important to make sure in doing so that you aren’t glorifying or romanticising these disorders.
my disorders make me destructive, selfish and i have behaved in ways that have hurt the people around me, as a result of some of my symptoms being left un-helped by the professionals who diagnosed me. i have ruined relationships and treated others in a way that was harsh and, at times, cruel.
this does not mean i’m evil because of my disorders, nor does it mean that others with my conditions will behave this way.
but it is important to make sure that you remind yourself that these mental illnesses are not to be romanticised. educate people on the fact we aren’t abusive because of our conditions but be sure you do not water down the impact these disorders can still have.
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Would it not be cool if we could have a post with none ableist tips for how to navigate life with NPD and/or ASPD.
So give me your best tips on how to live with ASPD and/or NPD.
(narc abuse truthers will be banned on sight.)
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phddyke · 9 months
“He’s just a fake,
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tsams-confessions · 6 days
Not a confession. It's concerning that you have to read the most vile bigotry in the submissions and I'm sorry that you had to see all of that, mod 🙁 Is it frequent?
i might be swinging at the wasp nest here but as of recent its been relatively chill. usually they come in bursts, 1 or 2 per day for a short while and then they realize i dont give a fuck and they stop trying lmao
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cemitadepollo · 1 year
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You see, the thing about "sociopaths" it's that they're not real. If you open a psychology book, as you apparently hint to have done at some point, you'll discover that the term you're using isn't only scientifically inaccurate, but an outdated and harmful term used to refer to people with ASPD– Anti-Social Personality Disorder. This cluster B disorder is developed as a coping mechanism by people who suffer from childhood neglect, so people demonize literal abuse survivors for their little "serial killer abuser sociopath" fantasy that they saw in their favorite true crime movie. I would love to know where did you get the objective fact that most "sociopaths" don't seek treatment and hurt people.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder, otherwise known as NPD or just "narcissists", is a disorder that's classified in the cluster B category of personality disorders according to the DSM-V, this disorder is also developed because of childhood neglect. People love to armchair diagnose their abusers with this disorder under the ignorant belief that narcissistic people are selfish and that's it, it's used as an interchangeable term, which couldn't be further from reality. So no, I don't believe in "narcissistic abuse". Abuse is just abuse, an abuser is just an abuser, there's no need to slap anything else alongisde that label.
Just because a manifestation of trauma is different it doesn't mean it's bad. People with ASPD and NPD are as likely to abuse someone as a person without them. Lacking empathy doesn't make someone a bad person, empathy is just the capability to instinctually feel another human's feelings, but it's not the same as sympathy or compassion. A good person is one who's actions do good.
Now, I'm not invalidating the abuse anyone has gone through. If you tell me somebody, anybody, abused you, I believe you. But there's no need to demonize disorders in order to find support or validation.
You can find a free PDF of The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 5th edition (DSM-V) easily on the internet, no need to buy the book itself. I suggest you give it a read to clear up that whole "sociopath" thing and to educate yourself more on the narcissistic personality disorder. As a disclaimer, the DSM-V is highly discussed by the neurodivergent community on a regular basis and some individuals, including myself, have a word or two about certain criteria that needs to be met to get a diagnosis, but I'm advising you to read it as a start.
Sincerely, a borderline with fluctuating empathy that's very tired of watching their cluster B siblings get denied treatment and dignity, because in case you didn't know this, lots of us actively seek treatment but get deemed "too hard to treat" or get actively abused by the medic system IF we are even allowed some sort of therapy. As a neurodivergent person, I'd assume you know of the kinds of horrors people like you and me suffer in psych wards, except people with personality disorders and other demonized illnesses still get thrown around and abused since our disorders aren't deemed as "harmless" as people who suffer from depression and anxiety or people with autism.
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theokusgallery · 6 months
i have bad news for anyone who expects mental illness to be family friendly
^ yeah!
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futureless · 10 months
having bpd is being completely UNHINGED & getting sentenced to a minimum of 72 hours in the grippy sock hotel and then leaving early after somehow manipulating the doctor into thinking you’re fine
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I don't buy that Mr. Markle was blind to his daughter's narcissist rage and abusive behavior.
"Sharp Elbows" is how the mother of Meghan's childhood friend described MEgain.
Does anyone remember the story about the raging argument Sparry and wife had on palace grounds while they were dating?
If so, correct me if I'm wrong: staff reported they had never overheard anything comparable to this level of shouting & screaming by a BRF member. Allegedly it was this argument that caused the dog's injuries.
I didn't believe the story until they shared photos from the so-called trying to roast a chicken engagement event (at Nottingham Cottage) which included the dog & his broken legs.
We received first hand reports of her narcissist rage while from Australians who witnessed: slamming doors, profanity, disrespectful tone to hosts, and of course the hot tea incident.
I wish I had saved Rebecca's notes bc Sparry and wife have managed to live up to their reputation.
Please follow the link to 👍🏿LIKE You Don't Fool Me
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no I'm not the type that think everything is narcissism
But you're not going to sit up there and sugar coat and make excuses for narcissist either. I've came across a lot of narcissistic apologist and I'm telling you right now you are an enabler for these people. That is what narcissist Thrive off of praise and people kissing their ass you are fuel for them you are their crack. I don't feel like everybody should always have the room or freedom to have an opinion on everything just because they feel entitled to open their mouths. I don't feel like every subject should be open for everyone to discuss. Until you walk the mile and their abuser shoes you shouldn't be opening your mouth on what narcissism is. Most people think they know a narcissism is and you really don't. I am a spiritual woman and I have seen the demons in them people. They are sociopaths and they are incapable of love. Rather it was man or woman I suffered under narcissistic abuse when it came to both genders. So when you hear me speaking on narcissism understand I don't make everything about narcissism but I will point out what narcissism is. Just because you see me talking about narcissism and the hell they put their victims through doesn't automatically mean I'm making everything about narcissism. Thought I might clear that up have the block a few idiots who came at me. I wouldn't trust a person who takes up for narcissist anyway. You trying to blanket them and romanticize them and treating them like this some type of victim is dangerous. Narcissism is not a mental illness narcissists are evil. They're just pure evil people. But I don't think their apologists are ready for that conversation. On top of that I'm pretty sure some of the people who are apologists are narcissists themselves one thing a narcissist hate is being exposed. So I'm not surprised they're starting to come out to do damage control. You know when I was a part of the new age Community we often spoke about narcissist. And when I was doing tarot cards with my friends I remember things concerning narcissists popping out in those readings that will start taking root and that is how they would start cleverly coming out looking like their victims starting the cloak and blanket themselves because social media has exposed them so they're trying to find other ways around being exposed now they have taken root into trying to look like the victims and trying to use childhood traumas that they may have suffered under probably never have some of them don't you come to find that a lot of narcissists had good child upbringing had everything they wanted growing up so on and so forth. Not every villain was made one some villains truly are born that way. But yes when I was a part of the new age Community we've been picked up that they would be doing this shit. Trying to switch the narrative on what narcissism really is lol. I see right through you.
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autopsyfreak · 17 days
‘the evil, abusive cluster b’s are trying to invade the ptsd and cptsd communities.’
or maybe cluster b personality disorders tend to come from a place of extreme trauma, which therefore means that a lot of people with these disorders may also have ptsd or cptsd.
it’s really not that hard to understand.
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spacefunclubs · 1 year
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Nah cause this part was wholesome af 😭😭
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All Personality Disorder Are Absolutely 100% Justified.
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circle-around-again · 2 months
"[T]he Nautolan said, "You did know that Dalok's an Abyssin, didn't you? That Abyssins have regenerative abilities?" ... "No," he lied. "I didn't know." The Rodians trembled. Maul knew he was going to enjoy his time at Orsis Academy." (Windham, 83-4).
You can see in this excerpt Maul's inheritance so far. He was taught sadism and the pleasure of being feared through example by Sidious. He was taught to lie for his own benefit by Deenine. Up to this point, Maul has been a brutally honest child. By being honest with him, she gave him the gift of dishonesty.
I wonder what gifts Kilindi will give him.
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cyarskaren52 · 2 months
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ultraericthered · 1 year
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Hero, Villain. Hero, Villain.
....What do you mean you can’t tell the difference?
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