#so her class gets lots of field trips and visits from the others
oneread · 29 days
Nani’s canon assigned “real life job” is nursery school (preschool) teacher which I totally see but in the sense of Ms. Schemmenti from Abbot Elementary. Like she’s great w kids but adults 100% think she’s involved in the mob (they may or may not be correct)
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Okay so I didn't like this idea at first for multiple reasons, mostly because I didn't like cheating no matter the circumstances. But the idea would not leave my head until I did something with it so I'm sharing on the internet where some people might like it.
Okay so Jack and Maddie for some reason were having a rough patch in their relationship and thought that maybe some time apart would help them a bit. Jack and Jazz go and visit his parents and Maddie goes and stay with her sister in Gotham. (I like to think that her sister is Harley Quinn)
During this time Bruce Wayne was in his play boy era and was well.... sleeping around... a lot.
Anyways Bruce and Maddie somehow meets each other, get drunk/tipsy and have a one night stand. And that was the end of that. Until it wasn't.
A few weeks after moving back in with her husband she notices that she has really bad morning sickness. She takes a pregnancy test and the realization hits her like a truck. She has no choice but to tell her husband.
Good thing for her is that her husband loves her no matter what. They decide to keep the baby. And when Danny was born he looked enough like Jack to be passed of as his. So they did.
Flashforward a few years later and Danny is sixteen. Everything that happened, happened.
Danny was killed and revived by his parents ghost portal and became a half ghost. He became a superhero and fought off the ghost from in the portal. More shit happens. He had to fight Phria Dark and won. Became the ghost king. And last but not least, told his parents about his half ghost status.
The last part may or may not have strained his already strenuous relationship with his parents, but he loved them no matter what. And they love him too... he thinks.
Anyways Danny and the ghost came to some sort of agreement, allowing to actually do well in school which allowed him to come on this field trip to Gotham. ( I imagine that it's for history class and they're there to learn about the city's history and architecture and shit like that )
Anyways one of the bat fam sees him and goes like ‘Holy shit this kid is a carbon copy of B! Is it a clone?’ and then proceeds to follow him around. The trip last for a few days and they were able to successfully get a DNA sample from the kid. ( And Danny can't help but feel as if he was being stalked the whole trip. )
They carry the DNA sample back to the Bat Cave to test it and holy shit it's worse/better than a clone!! They are so going to be having a few words with B themselves. They all are. Also the kid's DNA is fuckin... something holy shit!
A few weeks later there's a knock on the Fenton's door. It's strange because anyone who lives in Amity knows that knocking on their door is a bad idea. The parents aren't home so Jazz opens the door and... Is that fuckin Bruce Wayne‽
Yeah that's my idea. If you like it do as you want with it just tag me please because I would like to see what people do with it.
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byoldervine · 4 months
Unoriginal Writing VS Field Trips
A lot of writers worry that their ideas have been done before or rely too much on existing scenarios. And you absolutely do need to be original if you want to write your own book that you intend to publish professionally. But a lot of writers can also take this the other way and start worrying that every single idea they have, no matter how fleshed out and unique it actually is, is just a version of a very broad and generic trope, and so it’s automatically bad and nobody will ever want to read it since it’s all been done before
Let me tell you about what has been dubbed the Peter Parker Field Trip in the fanfic scene
The Peter Parker Field Trip is an incredibly specific type of one-shot fanfiction about Peter Parker visiting Avengers Tower with his class on a school field trip while having to try and hide his status as the Avenger Spider-Man, usually along with hiding the fact that he’s basically been adopted by the Avengers and they all treat each other as family, if not legally having been adopted by Tony. And this is only the summary, it gets way more specific from here to the point where you can follow each story beat by beat and the vast majority of these fics will follow them:
1. Peter discovers that the adults arranged for him to go on the trip despite trying to get out it/telling them not to sign the permission forms. Peter tries to talk his way out of it on the way but fails. Sometimes the teacher will discourage him from lying about having a Stark Internship while they’re there
2. While they’re on the bus Flash teases Peter about how now everyone’s gonna know he doesn’t actually have a Stark Internship, meanwhile Peter’s freaking out about everyone realising he’s more than just an intern
3. The kids arrive at Avengers Tower and pile out of the bus to be greeted by some of not all of the Avengers, usually with Steve and/or Tony leading the introductions. Peter tries to keep his head down but the Avengers either spot him or were actively looking out for him, but at this point they usually don’t acknowledge him too much
4. An actual intern hands out access passes to the kids, everyone has level one clearance except for Peter who has Level Ten Alpha Clearance™️, which is even higher than most of the other Avengers and is reserved for Tony and those closest to him. Peter asks if he can just get a regular pass like the others but the intern says they don’t have any extras, usually while being starstruck at meeting Peter
5. The kids go through a security scanner, through which Jarvis announces their security clearance. Peter has his Level Ten Alpha Clearance™️ broadcast to the entire class, leaving everyone shocked. Flash thinks Peter, resident Poor Kid McOrphanface, bribed Tony Stark, known billionaire, for higher clearance
6. The tour goes ahead. They meet Bruce either in his lab or the medical bay. Bruce has a pleasant chat with Peter, who quickly helps him with something while he’s there. People are shocked that Peter works with Bruce on science stuff
7. The tour goes ahead. They meet Natasha in the training room. She offers to give a demonstration and has Peter come up to fight her. The class are shocked when he doesn’t get instantly thrown on his ass, even though overall it usually ends with him on his ass
8. The tour goes ahead. They meet Thor either on the landing pad as he arrives back home or he’s in the kitchen making an absolute mountain of pop tarts. He’s the one that comes closest to leaking Peter’s Spider-Man identity because he has no social awareness and just wants to wrap the Man of Spiders in a bear hug
9. The class break for lunch. There’s an ungodly amount of coffee machines in the cafeteria. Everyone is talking about Peter. Flash is talking shit. Clint then proceeds to drop out of the vents to ask Peter about either Mario Kart or babysitting his kids, potentially both. Clint then realises the tour was today, apologises and goes back into the vents. Peter can’t even muster up the energy to be embarrassed
10. As the tour continues, Flash is getting more vocal about his dislike for all this. There’s a 50/50 chance he’s going to get physically violent with Peter. If he doesn’t, he’ll ask Tony Stark why he’s let Peter lie about all this stuff only to be told harshly that Peter is Tony’s kid or something similar. The bullying will be discovered and Flash will be kicked out. If he does get violent with Peter, one of the Avengers will stop him, Tony will defend Peter while revealing that Peter is his kid or something similar in the process, then will kick Flash out
I just described to you an ungodly number of fics beat by beat. And people don’t just read one of them and call it a day; we consume each and every one of them despite knowing the exact plot and having read it a gazillion times
And I think that these fics are the most obvious example of the fact that people don’t care about the repeated use of tropes or clichés or plotlines; if they like it, they’ll like it. They’ll be willing to read those tropes a million times over, even if they know what’ll happen at every turn. And that proves that it’s not the use of tropes that matters, it’s the way you use the tropes. Even if it’s just a new way of wording it, people will enjoy it. It doesn’t have to be completely new or original, it just has to be out there
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sardonic-the-writer · 7 months
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incomplete lore below [art by me!]
• tracker class
• tenth class
• specalizes in hunting down animals, people, objects, etc
• main weapons consist of snares and bear traps scattered around the map, but for close quarters combat a drop point blade is used. pistol if needed, but rarely
• on the battle field, they wear any sort of material that will help camafloge them. mostly a jacket that sort of works like spy's cloaking device but much weaker
• under the jacket and outside the field, they wear pants with many many pockets for any spare gear needed for traps, and a zip up jacket always left half open
• autistic. so so very autistic. undiagnosed however due to the time period, and just considered mentally ill. it's part of the reason the only job he could get was as a merc
• also trans. wears medical tape around his chest since binders don't exist; no top surgery yet. it's the 60's/70's and he isn't exactly keen to out himself surrounded by nine other paid killers. sometimes he finds himself wondering if medic would perform top surgery
• main friend is scout. ADHD/autism friends
• also gets along well with sniper. Both of them have tendencies to stay away from the explosions and stabbing down on the battle field, instead opting for their own little spots to do their jobs. they bond over that
• spy doesn't nessicarily hate them. which is a big thing, considering the fact that he hates everyone he works with
• borders between social and completely quiet. fluctuates depending on who they're with and how they're doing that day. i.e, always their best self with scout, very stoic when it comes to fighting
• has a record player. wouldn't sign the merc contract without a promise of one. had to buy their own records, though
• fond of miss pauling & her brief visits. has no idea if the sentiment is returned, but they don't really mind either way
• spy isn't allowed around them when they're drunk. tracker is not a very secretive or tidy drunk, so he'll just peel back layers of information from them until someone stops him. he did it a lot when they first joined the team, rude and sour as always, but eventually relented at the angry protests of scout
• scout calls them trackie for short. They pretend they hate it but it really just makes them smile to themself
• was in veitnam—has dogtags they hide under their shirt collar unless they forget. sometimes when they're feeling the reels of 'shell shock', they'll confide in scout since he went through the same experience
• night terrors.
• they wake up doused in sweat; throat raw.
• listens to a lot of fleetwood mac and queen. really whatever they can get their hands on though. Records are hard to come by in teufort so they can't be picky
• grew up in the south. it carries over into some of their daily mannerisms. not as much as engie, who's just full texan, but they have a strong love for sweet tea and bonfires. will occasionally make the former if they're feeling especially homesick, but that doesn't happen much
• absolutely chows down on sandwhichs with heavy
• has an obsession with chewing and blowing bubblegum. can't do it on the battlefield anymore though (they choked on it once and got sent to respawn. the following week and a half was filled with the worst heckling of his life)
• loves medics doves an insane amount. might be a little cautious of the ex-doctor himself, but they'll risk an impromtu operation just to hold archemedes for a few hours
• works with spy a lot. they're the only person that can even somewhat find out where he is or where he went. if it's the enemy spy, tracker will hunt them down or set traps to trip them up and send them to respawn. if it's their own teams spy, more often than not, the two will be paired up for missions together stealing the breifcase
• much like sniper, tracker gets sent on a lot of solo missions outside the gravel pit. tracking down targets and sending their coordinates to a hit man, or just killing them themself
• durring Expiration Date, tracker definitely takes the threat of dying more serious than the rest of the mercs
• wrote down an actual death wish to put in the bucket, but ultimately kept it to themself. and durring the next few days, they write letters to each of the mercs to give out on the last day before they die—but shred & burn all of them to pieces after finding out no ones going to die
• convinces himself that there's a time and place for heart-felt words, and it's definitely not anytime soon
• similarly to that, durring Meet The Tracker (the video is just entirely centered around him preparing for and doing their job), he doesn't talk much. just sets up traps and watches as people fall into or gets tangled in them
• does occasionally leave a comment
• "ooh, that's gonna hurt in the morning."
• "betcha he's gonna watch where he steps next time."
• "trapping never gets any easier. it''s like making a nice molotov cocktail. you gotta get it right every step of the way, or it ends up a burning pile of shit. i love it."
• the only shot we get of tracker doing anything outside the field is the ending shot
• it's dark as he lays with his back to the oak of a tree, a BLU corpse hanging upside down by rope, courtesy of a trap as they look up at the stars fondly
• it's fucked but so is everyone else
• not a good cook. i repeat, not a good cook
• knows how to pour cereal and maybe how to scramble eggs. but that's a hard maybe
• when it's his turn to cook dinner for everyone (since they all take turns doing their part) most of the time it ends up being one of the more disappointing meals. they try their best, and as time goes on they get better at cooking, but for the meantime only pyro is happy about the burnt eggs
• does not like to be touched. the most they can handle is the occasional ruffling of his hair, and even that can sometimes set him off
• overtime they get more and more comfortable with the mercs and some slight touches— smacks on the back, accidental skin on skin contact when handing things to each other, etc
• but on the rare occasion it all gets too much, tracker will blow up. and it's not pretty in the slightest
• the first time someone saw him completely lose it was spy
• it was on the battlefield. an enemy scout had found their hiding spot in a bush as he avoided their trap, and pushed them out of it, gaining the upper hand
• spy wasn't about to intervene in the first place. the newbie had to learn how to fend for himself
• his mild annoyance turned to surprise as he watched tracker lash out in fury, his spare hunting knife carving right through the BLU scout's chest cavity like it was hot butter
• even while invisible, and standing many meters away, spy could hear the heaving of their chest
• "bastard." came a frown from tracker, and a grim smile crossed spy's face as he watched them spit at the feet of the bloody corpse
• he hadn't told anyone about it, filing the information away in his brain for later
• he only let tracker know he saw them later—after they had blown up a second time. this time in front of the whole team
• no one died that time, but the communal showers were left in disastrous conditions for weeks
• he makes sniper drive him to town a lot for supply/grocery runs since the australian is one of the few who can drive (along with heavy, spy, & engie)
• tracker might also, just possibly, enjoy spending one on one time with sniper
• reverts back to more of an awkward state around him. doesn't really know how to read people all that well, and wants to actually form a bond with him
• "want anything from town while I'm in?" they asked, resisting the urge to set their feet on the campers dashboard
• "nah. but thanks, roo." sniper responded without looking up from the road
• tracker has no idea what 'roo' means, but figures it's good & sits back with a barely there smile
• when it comes to lil pootis, tracker is a prominent figure in the birds life
• will babysit him a lot; even if scout didn't ask them too originally
• gets uncharacteristically soft around pootis. especially when no one's around
• pyro saw the both of them passed out in tracker's room once with pootis curled on the mercs chest. they squealed & proceeded to drag the entire team into his doorway to see
• he woke up when pootis began to stir at all the noise
• never lived the infamous lil pootis incident down (everyone else thought it was amusing/sweet. he, in fact, did not)
• besides that embarrassing moment, tracker likes pootis a lot. keeps all the drawings he makes for them in a shoe box in his closet—right next to the drawings that pyro and scout have also given him
• pootis drew a piece of tracker & scout holding hands once with hearts around their heads
• tracker was quick to snatch it out of the eyes of the public with a poker face
• keeps it under his bed. looks at it sometimes and fiddles with his dogtags when his day's been bad
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arileartist · 1 month
hello! can i please request a drabble about Haruka Nanase where he stumbles upon an old friend of his childhood after years and he realized he liked her after all these years and he was the one to confess first and he goes on a date with the reader.
thank you so muchh 🫶 (sorry if it was confusing 😭)
One ask coming right up~
This is a oneshot cuz I am trying to find time here😭😭😭
Sorry if it's too short🥲🥲
“Ripples of my childhood”
(Haruka Nanase, a now renowned swimmer , has had many a trouble on his journey to his dream. Fragments of his past teenage years scattered everywhere, but still inside him, making up his present. Of course he was proud of himself, but tonight…. Just tonight…it felt like one of those fragments shone brightly in front of him. Her beautiful locks and unmistakable eyes caught his attention)
“Y/n?....” He whispered under his breath. He walked up to her, while she was sitting on a table in a corner, reading a book. She looked at him, surprised. Although it was clear that she didn't recognize him at all. “Yes? May I help you?” She responded kindly, yet, there was confusion in her eyes. She thought hard, that where has she seen those calming ocean eyes before….
“Y/n…. is your name right?” Haruka asked the girl. She nods, keeping her book aside. “Oh…yeah that would be me..” she looks a little embarrassed, because she too is trying hard to remember this dolphin like man. Wait…dolphin….? Dolphins…where had she heard that? She jumps up in surprise, making Haru stumble a little. “OMG!!! HARUKA NANASE?? FROM…FROM IWATOBI??” she exclaims. Haruka smiles and nods. “It's been a while…you've grown into a beautiful woman…” he says, happy to be reunited with an old acquaintance. “Please, join me!” She says, laughing. “So what brings you here?? How did you recognize me by the way? I thought I changed my appearance a lot!” She says. Haruka observes her carefully and then replies, “ah…those kind eyes of yours, I would recognise them anywhere…. Plus you were the only girl in the school with your accent. You weren't Japanese… but when I spoke to you right now, you have the same English accent as when I first spoke to you ... .I was sure after that…”.
The two chat away for a while, catching up with each other before Haruka receives a call. “Hmm…why is Rin calling me..” he ponders. Haruka gets up and looks at y/n. “I have to go…but..I liked talking to you” he said. Although he meant that he enjoyed catching up, it came out dangerously. “Oh-! Huh?? Uhmm.. Okay…I also liked talking to you …I guess…” y/n wasn't sure if Haru was trying to get her or if he was just messing up his English. Either way, she couldn't confirm as he had already walked away, phone in his hand. Y/n sits back on the chair and looks at him as he walks out of the restaurant, into the street. She stirs her drink gently and sighs. “What if he took a liking to me? After just one meeting too…jeez….”. Y/n finishes her drink, picks up her book and bag, walking out of the restaurant and heading off. Meanwhile, Haru is back in his apartment, going over the pictures of his middle school. “Oh…it was her…I totally mistook her for another girl…” he sighs. “It…could've been much worse”he says. Only he knew that he made a mistake. Y/n was not the girl Haru thought she was. He was thinking of someone else in his class, but thought that the girl's name is y/n. However…he didn't realise that y/n was actually someone completely different…. Someone that he once saw as a beautiful wave, gliding over the coast of a beach. Y/n, back in the day would be rather popular, and all of Haru's friends knew her. They'd easily go talk to her because she herself was shy, even though a lot of people liked her for one reason only. The reason why Haru was captivated by a girl for the first time in his life. They had a field trip that day, and in the end, they were visiting a waterfall. Of course, Haru sneaked off to swim in the cold, captivating water of the falls, only to find a beautiful girl already breaking the rule and beating him to it. She laughed and jumped in and out of the water like a wingfish. Haru was enticed by waterfalls and mesmerizing oceanic views, but this was something else…. His heart fluttered when she caught the sight of him. She immediately placed a finger on her lips. “Shhhh~ it's our secret ;)” she said.
Haru blushed at the memory and smiled. He took one last look at the class photo and traced his finger over her face. “She's become more mature…and even prettier now….” He thinks. He decided that the next day too, he would go to the restaurant, just to try his luck. Being a fickle thing, luck was definitely on his side as he spotted her sitting on the bar stool by the counter today. “Ugh…I'm too lazy to cook after coming back home from a day of University. Don't mind me groaning, grandma” she says. An old lady behind the counter laughs in response. “Well why don't ya hire a maid then?”she asks. Y/n shakes her head. “No, maids are rather expensive. Also I'll need to keep a watch on her. Who knows if she'll steal food or money while I'm not paying attention…. Too much work and all I wanna do is stay in bed and read my books” y/n says. Haruka smiles as he hears that. He gathers up the courage to bump into the conversation and walks towards the two near the counter. “Y/n, hi!” He greets. Surprised, she looks at him and smiles. “Hiii, you're here again today?” She asked. Haruka nods and smiles. “I actually wanted to find you…and I heard your conversation. If you don't mind… I can make dinner for you…(whispers) every time you want me to…” he says. “Hmm? Sorry I didn't catch the last part” y/n says. Haruka shakes his head and looks away. “Nothing…would you be interested in joining me for dinner from tomorrow?” He asks. Y/n is baffled by the offer. “Uhmm….I mean..” she stutters. The grandma laughs and walks into the kitchen, saying, “young girl, this is your chance. Take it or it might slip away~ (whispers) he seems like a good kid too~”. Y/n looks at Haruka and sighs. “Alright, sure why the heck not?” She replies, smiling. Haruka seems visibly happy. He blushes and takes her hand. “Hm?” Y/n hums, observing his actions. She smiles, “are you trying to actually make a move on me?”. Haruka blushes and retracts his hand. “Sorry…I was trying to…-” before he finishes his sentence, y/n winks at him and whispers,”don't worry, I won't tell anyone~ it'll be our secret ;)”. Haruka’s eyes go wide and he starts smiling. He holds her hand confidently and says, “y/n…can we be something like…friends? But…not friends..” Haruka tries to knit together a sentence that delivers his feelings, but funnily, to no avail. Y/n laughs and nods. “I catch ya~ here, I'll give you my number~” she says, handing Haruka her phone. As they sit down together at the counter for dinner, y/n sneaks in a question for him; “so, if you want, you can call this a date, right?”. Haruka spits out his food, coughing as he realises she hit his feelings right on spot. He blushes and looks away, making a pouty face. “Date…. Yes…” he murmurs. Y/n leans over teasingly and pokes his cheek. “Awwww, someone's shy~” she teases. Haruka, though frowning, knows that deep inside, this will be an adventure for him. One that he's curious about….
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Charmed, I'm Sure
Chapter 18
Summary: No human has ever avoided Asmodeus's charm. Except for you.
Pairing: Asmodeus x GN Reader/MC
Genre: Drama, angst, a little fluff.
Warnings: None.
Lucifer formally announced the field trip at dinner even though everyone present already knew about it.
“You may want to purchase some more suitable clothing for the trip with your allowance,” He’d said to you.
You spent most of your time in your school uniform, and your Human World clothes were acceptable for lounging around the house but you’d noticed none of your outfits, save for the one you’d bought with Asmo, were fashionable in the Devildom. They weren’t bad, just bland. The other factor was the weather. It was quite hot in the Devildom at this time in the year. Devildom-style clothing would be much more comfortable.
You felt ok after your first day back in class (as you suspected you would) so you had Mammon take you to Majolish when RAD was over.
The store looked different during the day. It was full of customers, you noticed a lot of them were RAD students, likely preparing for the field trip as well. The racks were filled with the latest fashions, different from those that had been in the store on your last visit.
Lisette was talking with two assistants, she gave a curt nod as the two of you entered the store.
The back wall of Majolish was decorated with multiple photos from the latest issue of Devil Style; the biggest was a blown up picture of the cover featuring Mammon. He puffed out his chest at the sight, and a few customers stared at him when they noticed the cover model standing right in front of them.
“The Great Mammon’ll make sure ya get VIP treatment.” He slung his arm around your shoulders. “Hey Lisette, mind if my friend here uses one a’ the private dressin’ rooms in the back? It’s crowded in here.”
Lisette smiled, sending her assistants off to their assignments, “Of course, and welcome back, MC.”
You returned her smile.
Mammon looked between you and Lisette, “You two know each other?”
“I’ve been here once, with Asmo.” You said.
“With Asmo?”
You lowered your voice, “You know, the night we went to The Fall.”
“Oh,” Mammon hadn't cared that much right after it happened, then your pact had been new and you were just a human to him, his crush on you only just beginning to bloom. But looking back he really wished he had been there for you. Although he didn't envy Asmo’s punishment, knowing Lucifer would have been harder on him if he had been in Asmo’s position. Such was the life of the second born.
“She read tarot cards for me,” you said.
“What?” Mammon said a little too loudly. “Tell me what they said, human.”
“It’s my future,” you said. “I’d rather keep it private.”
“We got a pact and I’m supposed to watch over you. Ain’t that my future, seein’ as we’re always together?” Mammon argued.
You shrugged, revealing nothing.
You had mostly pushed Lisette’s card reading aside in your mind, a lot had happened since then. But it would be incorrect to say that you hadn't thought about it at all. There had certainly been a lot of heartache as she'd foretold, for you and others. Asmo’s face came to mind and you tried to push that away. The Death card was always looming in your mind, even though Lisette had assured you it didn't always stand for death, but for change. And as for the seven cups, the illusions, you still weren't sure what that meant.
Mammon followed you around the store, somewhat deflated since he wasn't the one to introduce you to Lisette and Majolish, disappointed that you wouldn't reveal your future to him, and still thinking about the past. Carrying your outfit choices for you wouldn't exactly make up for it, but he hoped it would help. You seemed to be enjoying yourself as you matched pieces together, imagining how they’d look, all of it piling up in Mammon’s arms. Occasionally he would speak up and give you recommendations, usually suggesting you add more layers and even more accessories.
When you were finished, Mammon led you to a room in the back labeled “Room 1”. One side of the room was sectioned off with a black curtain to change behind, directly across from it was a large three paneled mirror and a dressing table. A round platform surrounded by three chairs took up the center of the room.
But what really caught your eye was the large portrait taking up most of the back wall of Room 1. It depicted an elegant, beautiful looking couple. It looked to be a very old portrait, both the subjects wore Edwardian era clothing. The woman lounged sensuously on a settee, the full-length skirt of her intricately beaded midnight blue dress dripping onto the floor. Her golden hair was done up with diamond pins in the Gibson Girl style, which you recognized from old illustrations. The woman was Lisette. The man standing behind her, a demon, spread his large, elliptical wings out behind him; the artist captured the iridescent shine of his black feathers. Thick black ram’s horns curled from his head. He resembled Lucifer a bit, with glossy black hair parted to the side and a haughty smirk on his lips. His violet eyes seemed to stare right into your soul.
“That’s Lisette and her husband, Kallios, they started Majolish together,” said Mammon as he hung your outfits on an empty rack. “He was a RAD student and pretty close to the crown.”
“Was? What happened to him?”
“He died like fifty years ago in a rebellion. Not everyone's on board with Diavolo's ideas to unite the realms.”
“Fifty years ago?” You repeated.
You approached the painting, staring up at it. The mark in the corner indicated the year it had been commissioned. Your hand hovered over the date. “1909… That would make Lisette-”
“Well over a hundred?” Mammon smirked. “That’s what dabblin’ in magic and lovin’ a demon can do to ya.”
You stared at Lisette’s painted form. She looked the same as she did now, not a day over thirty.
You didn't have much of a chance to think about that because Mammon was dragging you over to the dressing table to show you something else.
“Have a look at this,” He had pulled out a thick binder. Inside was a copy of every cover and full-page spread in Devil Style from the last hundred years. There were lots of different models, but you noticed many of them were of Mammon, although Asmo showed up several times, and both Satan and Lucifer appeared a few times each as well.
Mammon pointed out a few of his favorite photo shoots: April 1925, December 1937, August 1964, and October 1995.
There was a knock at the door.
“Come in, everyone’s decent!” Mammon called through the door.
Lisette stepped into the room. “Everything going alright?”
“I haven't even started trying anything on,” you admitted.
“I was showin’ MC some of our past photo shoots,” said Mammon. “Remember January 1959? Man, I looked sexy!”
“I can see why you haven't gotten anything done,” Lisette suppressed a laugh. She turned to him. “Mammon, since you’re already here, I'd like you to try on your outfits for our next photo shoot. Andromalius has them all ready for you in Room 2.”
“On my day off an’ everything?” He gave a dramatic pout. “Of all people, why does it gotta be Andromalius?”
“It’s his collection we’ll be debuting next month.”
Mammon sighed, “You’re lucky you’re the only witch I can tolerate.”
“Be careful what you say about my siblings in the craft,” she simpered, returning his banter in good fun.
“Yeah, yeah,” Mammon gave her a friendly kiss on the cheek. “You’ll be alright by yourself, MC?”
“I’ll be fine,” you said.
“This will only take a few minutes,” said Lisette.
The two of them left, leaving you with your rack of clothes.
You tried on outfit after outfit, trying to style them the way you’d seen in Devildom magazines and on the street. This would have been a good time to have Asmo around, he’d know exactly what to do. You did set aside some of Mammon’s choices, and you hoped he wouldn't see them when he came back to the room. They were just a little too much for you.
In the end you had several outfits put together that you were somewhat confident. You’d have to ask the brothers for their advice later.
There was a knock at the door.
“Come in,” You straightened the hem of your shirt. “I just tried on my last outfit but tell me how you feel about the length of these pants.”
Lisette was the one who entered.
“Oh, I thought you were Mammon,” you said.
“He’s just finishing up.” Lisette smiled. She and her assistants were wheeling three mannequins into the room. They pushed them up against the wall under the painting. “The pants look good on you, but I might suggest shortening the cuff by half an inch. We can also take in the inseam just a bit.”
“How much will that cost?” When you had been to Majolish the last time, Lisette had sized yours and Asmo’s clothing to fit perfectly with magic. The spell looked complicated but Lisette had done it so easily. Even so, you didn't think that was something that would be done for free.
“Free of charge, my dear. I did promise Mammon I’d give you the ‘VIP treatment,’” she said with a little glint in her eye and a wink.
“Thank you,”
She waved your thanks away humbly. “I magically tailor all the Demon Lords’ and rulers’ clothing for free, it's good advertising. And since you’re a guest of the crown as a RAD exchange student, I should do the same for you.”
While you changed back into your own clothes, Lisette surveyed your fashion choices, humming approvingly.
“I’ll admit my coming here and offering to tailor your clothes isn’t a totally innocent occurrence.” she said.
You pushed the modesty curtain aside, now fully dressed. “How so?”
“I wanted to ask if you would try these on so I could get another human’s opinion.” Lisette led you by the hand to the three mannequins. Each one was dressed in traditional Devildom formalwear, you recognized the general shape of them from portraits in RAD and the House of Lamentation. “These were all created by local designers. I’m hoping to debut them next month alongside Andromalius’ collection.”
“I don’t know that much about fashion.” you said.
“Nonsense,” said Lisette. “Clearly you know something, judging by your wardrobe choices.”
You looked at the three ensembles. They did look gorgeous. And Mammon still wasn't back yet so you still had some time.
You agreed to try them on. Lisette and her assistants helped you dress, there were many different components to each outfit, lots of sashes and buttons, that you weren't sure you could do by yourself and you didn't want to ruin them.
The first was made of black brocade silk, sewn in multiple triangular panels, the pattern of the brocade matching up perfectly on each seam.
The second was made of thick, red velvet and covered in jewels. It was heavy but you found it was still easy to move around in.
The third was softer than the first and more understated than the second. It was made of pearl white gauzy material with a little bit of lace that seemed to almost float around you. There was a cutout in the back, exposing some skin, but it wasn't overly revealing. The edges of the sleeves and the hem had delicate embroidery in eight different colors that sparkled in the light. The colors of the thread could only be seen up close.
“Now, which one is your favorite?” Lisette asked.
You twirled in front of the mirror, watching the fabric billow as it moved. “This one, for sure.” It felt so light and airy and very comfortable.
“An interesting choice…” there was that glint in Lisette’s eye again. “You have to take it, darling, you look marvelous in it. I noticed a lack of formalwear in your chosen wardrobe and this would be perfect to fill that gap.”
You turned toward her, the fabric moved with you before falling in a graceful poof. “I really don't think I’ll have a need for anything this fancy.”
“My dear, the Prince is always hosting balls at the castle. I’m surprised he hasn't held one since you’ve been here.”
You looked at your reflection again, pondering, it flattered your figure so well. You ran your fingers over the embroidery.
You really did want to wear it again, if only for one night.
“How about this,” said Lisette. “I’ll loan it to you and when the day comes that you wear it, and that day will come, you can return it to me when you’re finished with it.”
“Are you sure?”
“I am, in fact I insist.”
“Ok, I’ll take it.” You relented.
Lisette and her assistants helped you undress and you changed back into your own clothes. By the time you were finished, Mammon had returned to your dressing room.
“Beel said he just got outta Fangol practice, wanna meet up with him at Café Lament?” Mammon asked as the two of you made your way back to the front of the store to pay for your outfits.
You left your contact info with Lisette so she could text you when your purchases were ready. “It should take about an hour to size everything, dear,” she said.
As you and Mammon walked to Café Lament, he told you about next month’s collection. You were only half listening, though. Your mind was still on your new clothes, and particularly the formalwear.
When you arrived at the café, Beel was already there with four empty cups of buffo egg milk tea in front of him, he was working on a fifth.
“I ordered a cake too,” he said. “Want some, MC?”
You accepted a small slice and Mammon went up to the counter to order you a brown sugar buffo egg milk tea and a Dark Hell Mocha Chip Cream Frappuccino for himself.
Cross-posted on AO3
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dragonn-firee · 1 year
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Zuko x Katara
Burn During a hit and run attack at the air temple, Katara suffers a life threatening injury. (oneshot completed)
Scars Zuko has a lot of scars more emotional than physical and Katara is the only one privy to them. (oneshot completed)
Sparring Zuko and Katara teach Aang the proper way to firebend. (oneshot completed)
North Remembers It’s been a whole year when Zuko finally comes to make amends for his country and the North remembers his kindness. (oneshot completed)
Sirens The awkward moment when your dad arrests your boyfriend...Katara is so grounded. (oneshot completed)
Hockey Town Zuko goes from a big city to a small town after joining the struggling Qamiit Wolves. Meanwhile Katara helps him find his place in life. (story wip)
Danny Phantom
Danny x Sam
Be Somebody  Clockwork informs Danny that he will be the new King of Ghosts, now Danny must decide if its the right path for him. Reveal. (oneshot completed)
Rule with Me What was Danny really thinking about when Sam asked him to stay and rule with her? (oneshot completed)
Unbreakable Danny is injured in a ghost attack and goes to Sam for a patch up. Cue the awkward moment when your parents meet your half dead boyfriend. (oneshot completed)
Danny Phantom (v)Logs The trio had to turn un a dvd project to Lancer’s class, if only Tucker was more organized and didn’t confuse their project with one of their log tapes. (oneshot completed)
Halfa vs Bully Danny was already having a bad morning but Dash just had to push his luck. Guess it’s time for Dash to learn the hard way by messing with a half ghost. The solution? A good old fashioned beatdown. (oneshot completed)
This is My Town The school is held hostage by a group of hardened criminals. Too bad the Ghost King doesn’t take to kindly to outsiders. (oneshot completed) 
Ouija Board Embarrassment Jazz tries to convince her college friends that ghosts are real and decides to pull a prank on Danny. (oneshot completed)
Getting Back Home The trio and their entire English class plus Lancer and Mr. and Mrs Fenton take a field trip to the Ghost Zone. A little innocent trip turns sour when they get stranded where ghosts are lurking around every corner. Can Danny save everyone without revealing his secret? (story completed)
Miraculous Ladybug
Marinette x Adrien
The Love Square Collection Oneshots that feature all sides of Marinette and Adrien. (wip)
Xavier x Wednesday 
Charcoal Dust
Xavier makes a surprise gift for Wednesday on the anniversary of Nero’s murder. (oneshot completed)
A Couple That Tortures Together...
Wednesday discovers that Tyler is the hyde before Xavier is framed. She enlists the help of him and the Nightshades to torture the information out of Tyler. (oneshot completed)
Blood Smeared Lips
Xavier gifts Wednesday a unique necklace. How can she show him how much it means to her? (oneshot completed)
Bane of My Existence
Wednesday and Xavier remained in contact after that fateful day at the funeral. They write a series of letters to each other until the meet up again at Nevermore. (oneshot completed)
How to Train Your Dragon
Hiccup x Astrid
The Hiccstrid Collection Oneshots based on the relationship of Hiccup and Astrid. (wip)
Road to Victory 
Hiccup is one of the best motorcycle racers known as the Night Fury, the problem is no one knows its him. Can he lead his team to victory without blowing his secret? (story completed) 
Road to the Knight
Follow Hiccup and the gang on the summer adventure to find the racing legend the White Knight. (story wip)
Old Enemies
Old enemies arise and HIccup and his friends must stop them from creating an army that will destroy Berk. (story completed)
Heather’s Back
Someone comes back to visit Berk and not everyone will be thrilled. Can the gang trust her after betraying them once? (story completed)
Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia
Jim x Claire
What if Claire was the only one able to reach Jim on the school roof? Can she help him come to terms with his new half-troll self? (oneshot completed)
The Guardians of Arcadia take a well deserved break at Jim’s house and catch up. Jim also ha to face his mom who he hasn’t seen in months. (oneshot completed)
The final showdown between Jim and Gunmar goes a bit different. What would have happened if people saw his troll form? Or where teachers and students witness the awesomeness of troll Jim. (oneshot completed) 
There is no where to run in school when Angor Rot returns. The trollhunters have to face him together even if it exposes the existence of trolls. (oneshot completed)
A Hundred Lifetimes
Jim struggles with his first night home and human. Claire finds a way to get back to him. (oneshot completed)
Worse than Death What if the scar Angor Rot gave Jim was permanent? How will he deal with the constant reminder that he’s marked for a fate worse than death? (oneshot completed)
Battle of Ice and Nature
How the battle between Nari and Skrael could have been and the class gets dragged into Jim’s bullshit. (oneshot completed)
Star vs. The Forces of Evil 
Star x Marco
Star decides to wear one of Marco’s hoodies to school after admitting their feelings for each other. (oneshot completed)
Saving the Ball
The Butterflys have to attend a prestigious ball and Star wants to bring Marco along. (oneshot completed)
Worth It Star and Marco get an unpleasant surprise when Toffee upgrades his army and things turn deadly. (oneshot completed)
Marco has a hard time falling asleep so he visits his favorite inter-dimensional princess. (oneshot completed)
Knight King
Marco accidently challenges princes to become King of Mewni. (oneshot completed)
When the newly minted Starco has to face off against Mina and Star must decide if she wants to destroy the magic to save her kingdom even at the cost of the person she holds most dear. (oneshot completed)
We Belong Together Star and Marco deal with the aftermath of their dimensions getting cleaved together. (oneshot completed)
Percy Jackson
Percy x Annabeth
The Percabeth Collection Oneshots about Percy and Annabeth. (completed)
Kim Possible
Kim x Ron
Friday Night Lights
Ron faces the challenge of going against their rivals the Lowerton Lemurs who they haven’t won against. Can Ron overcome his own challenges with the help of his bon-diggity BF/GF to win the big game? (oneshot completed)
Big Hero 6
Hiro x Gogo
Bot Fighting
Strapped low on cash, Hiro resorts back to his old ways to surprise Gogo with a gift of a lifetime. (oneshot completed)
Hiro was more hurt after seeing his brother than he lets on, it’s a good thing Gogo is there to help. (oneshot completed)
After a run in with Globby, Hiro finds himself injured but he won’t take the time to rest. Can Gogo change his mind? (oneshot completed)
Villain After my Own Heart The gang realized the sidekick was Hiro but Gogo wasn’t at all accepting like in the episode. The revelation causes them to have a massive fight. (oneshot completed)
Exposed A different take on how Megan found out the identities of Big Hero 6 and how the others react to it. (Oneshot Completed)
Hiro surprises Gogo with some gum, the gang wonders how he knew what flavor she liked. (oneshot completed)
Second in Command
Debating on who is really Hiro’s second in command. (oneshot completed)
Batman/Young Justice
Dick x Barbara
Great to See You Again
Barbara has been living in Burnside for a few months now but someone familiar comes to visit her. (oneshot complete)
New Member
Batman introduces a new member to the team leaving how the other will react. (oneshot completed)
Dick receives a call from Barbara...and isn’t good. Can Dick save her in time? (oneshot completed)
Unexpected Guest
Joke has kidnapped Commissioner Gordon and left Barbara in a compromising position. How will Dick react to seeing her with the team around him? (oneshot completed)
Meeting Batgirl
The team finally meets Batgirl but Batman calls them to go on a mission to stop the Joker. (oneshot completed)
Operation Dick Watching
The team spies on Dick and Barbara during their day off. (oneshot completed)
Too Easy The reason Dick and Barbara don’t do PE class. (oneshot completed)
Ben 10 
Kevin x Gwen
Aftershock of a Comet
Kevin rushes to the hospital after hearing Ben and Gwen where injured by Nesmith. (oneshot completed)
Showing the everyday life of Gwen Tennyson. (oneshot completed)
Parental Permission
After Ben’s parents rescue Ben and Kevin, the rest of the team has to spring Gwen from her parental grounding. (oneshot completed) 
Kevin attempts to apologize to Gwen for doubting her. (oneshot completed)
Keeping Up with the Tennysons
Cash and JT come up with a plan to star Ben’s team in a reality show to get famous. The added fame lands them into trouble...namely the paparazzi. (oneshot completed)
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja
Randy x Heidi
Thank You
Heidi accidently gets a call from an injured ninja. Can she help him without finding out his secret? How does Howard react? (oneshot completed)
Mike x Julie
Defeat of Kane After the attack in the season finale, Kane humiliated and angry plans to destroy Motorcity and the Burners once and for all but a certain Mike Chilton will stop at nothing to protect his city even if it means taking down Kane forever. (story completed)
American Dragon: Jake Long
Jake x Rose
Return of the Huntsman
Jake Long and his friends have started high school. Everything was peaceful after the Huntsclan was destroyed. Now war is brewing and Jake and his friends are the only ones that can save the magical community. (story completed)
Rise of the Darker Dragon
After the permanent defeat of the Huntsman. It’s summer and Jake and his friends are growing up. Will their new found responsibility keep them from stopping this new evil that wants to enslave the rest of the dragons? (story completed)
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periprose · 1 year
Snippet of the Peter italy fic if you feel comfy w posting any of it? 🙏💕
Here's the link to the original post describing the WIP in case you've never heard of it
what a lovely idea, anon! I would just like to say for context- this is very early on in the fic, and Peter wonders why you don't seem to care about him anymore. Snippet below, and continues past the keep reading mark:
Peter has never considered you not his best friend, and the fact that you might as well be pulling away from him now, possibly forever, makes him feel sick to his stomach. How can he rectify the issue when he doesn’t know what it is?
He’s been lying on his bed, throwing a tennis ball up at his ceiling, and then catching it. The repetitive motion usually allows Peter to turn the cogs and gears in his mind, but… Dr. Octavius had him working days and nights for the last six months, so Peter’s head just isn’t in the right space.
He thinks about the timeline, as he often does.
Peter met you in second grade at Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters. In Ms. Grey’s class- she was a pretty redhead, and Peter would often wistfully think about marrying her in the way that a second grader has a crush on their teacher- until, of course, he and you witnessed Logan and her in a very passionate embrace at a school dance, sometime in the fourth grade.
Peter shudders. 
Then around… the summer break where you were both nine years old, you headed to Florence, Italy. Just you, Logan, (not your mom as that was a touchy subject for everyone, and to this day, Peter has no idea who your mom even is), Aunt May, Uncle Ben, and Peter. It was really special- vacations were not something Logan or May or Ben could typically afford- but it was a seasonal package offered from Logan’s teaching job, and it included all five potential members of a family. 
Logan and Ben were drinking buddies, and they liked playing poker together, much to the chagrin of May, but she would sometimes join in too. Peter was- is- your best friend, and so it seemed obvious to Logan that the five of you should go. 
And every year, every summer break, from the ages of nine to just eighteen, you would go to Florence together. As you went every year, traditions would be formed, bonds would be stronger, and everyone would feel relaxed as the Italian sunsets warmed your bodies and minds.
Peter has many fond memories from those times. You and him would always sit next to each other on the plane, and watch movies for the whole duration for the flight, even if Logan would tell you guys that you needed to sleep at some point.
Then, because the bus taking you to Florence would drive from the Naples airport to your hotel there- you would always get Neapolitan pizza, and split it together. And there was always basil-mint gelato to be had, too.
Then, swimming on the lovely, warm beaches of Italy, and maybe some sightseeing- there’s a lot of gorgeous, religious art there. You also loved walking down the cobblestone streets of Florence with Peter- chasing random things that caught your eyes, and taking loads of pictures. He wasn’t religious at all, but he enjoyed visiting the churches by your side. You also went out of your way to hike a lot, through Italy’s marvelous architecture and fields. You visited a winery, even though when you went, you were both a little too young to officially drink, but Logan let you guys have a sip anyways.
Peter smiles to himself. One of his favourite memories was the year you both were thirteen- starting out into the world of teenagers- and you had just started your period. It was not a good time for you, and you were clearly very grumpy about it. He gave you a heating pad, and pain medication, and didn’t go swimming until your period was over, so you could go together. You had been so happy when he told you that- and you hugged him so tight, he’s been chasing that feeling ever since.
When you began high school, you brought all your textbooks and things with you on the trip that year- even though Logan, May and Ben called you a bunch of nerds- and studied for your exams together. Peter was glad to have you as a study buddy, because Harry slacked a lot and Peter didn’t want that kind of behaviour influencing him. MJ was pretty good at studying, too, but if Harry asked her to go out, she was the type to just give up.
There was that really sweet time that you and Peter went to the aquarium and watched a group of baby turtles swim together. And you bought a pair of turtle keychains- it’s still dangling off of his work bag. 
There was also that absolutely hilarious time that Peter heard you screaming in your motel room- you both must’ve been 15 at that point- and he leapt in there to see you coming out of the bathroom, still in your first bikini. Peter tried not to be a creep about this- but he was a nerdy 15 year old and it was difficult to avert his eyes from any young, budding, almost developed-woman- and he stared at you, face reddening, before you stammered out about a large spider in the bathroom. It was quite large, and he managed to catch it and get rid of it.
Peter remembers that you grabbed his arm in relief, and then let go, stuttering about how you needed to change your clothes, and he tried not to freak out over that mental image at the time. He snorts about it now- what a silly young kid he used to be.
He wonders why he still feels like one. Isn’t he twenty-six years old? How does he fix things?
You began to pull away, around eleventh and twelfth grade. It became easier for you to say that you were busy with something, and Peter was not the type to really push you back then. You started ignoring his calls- and his pestering about whether or not you wanted to go get pizza, like you usually always did on Saturdays. Did you even still like Neapolitan style pizza?
The last time he really remembered that you had a good time with him was the last trip to Florence- in the summer break at the end of twelfth grade- and after that, Logan no longer received the benefits for the trip, and you two were both on your way to university, anyways.
Peter sighs. He went to Empire State- and you, NYU. And that was where you guys began to drift quite quickly. People get busy, of course, and university took up everyone’s time. He just never thought you would let go of him like that. He misses you, a lot, to the point where he’s had dreams in which you’re just around him again, smiling. 
Peter doesn’t know if he’ll get over this.
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earlyh0minid · 10 days
Hey peru travel advice if u got any?
please have fun there in the greatest country of south america a very beloved nation 😭💕💕💕💕💕💕
try the anticuchos they're amazing. try the lucuma ice cream from the street vendors!!!!! try a pisco sour, try choclo with queso fresco, try lomo saltado, chicha morada, emoliente, ceviche, picarones, papa la huancaiya, tacu tacu, chachangas, etc etc just eat lots of everything nothing is bad. go to a fruit market and try cherimoya. there's also a lot of chinese and japanese and italian food there that has been peruvianified, it's great. the food in peru is fucking amazing, try everything.
when i went i had the massive advantage of staying with and being shown around by my mother's friend who was born and raised in lima, and i was just a teenager so she basically planned everything and i just did whatever she told me to do haha. so im not gonna lie i never really had to do research or worry and idk exactly like .. i can't give the most amazing tips. she took us mainly to educational places like museums, historical sites, churches, at one point she took us to a dairy farm outside lima where they made queso fresco. we also visited a trout farm. like any place you'd expect a class of eighth graders to take a field trip, that's where we went haha. it rocked.
i can say definitely visit the smaller museums and smaller archeological sites. there is a national museum in lima that documents the civil war of the early 90s that i highly recommend. idk if you'll be in lima or huancayo or nazca or macchu pichu or what but wherever you are there are incredible archeological sites to visit nearby. it's not just macchu pichu.
i can also say, we took buses to travel everywhere, including long distances to other cities. we went to small local bus depots and i was usually the only person on them that wasn't from peru. i found that traveling this way was very cheap, and i saw extraordinary scenery, and there were sometimes good food vendors on the bus, or on very long distance drives, the driver would sometimes stop at a good restaurant that was very cheap. i loved it. one time going back from huancayo to lima, the bus did break down a bunch of times delaying our trip by several hours, but even that was one to the most extraordinary experiences of my life. driving through those mountains and forests, down into the vast desert and towards the coast, during the most beautiful sunrise ive ever seen in my life, made the inconvenience and discomfort more than worth it. these long distance buses are usually pretty nice, too, they're very similar to an american greyhound. so i would really recommend that especially if you know someone there or are balling on a budget.
on the practical side of things, do not drink or brush your teeth with unboiled tap water. you'll get sick. my friend didn't drink any but brushed her teeth with it, and she got sick as a dog and couldn't come to nazca with us.
also, peru has very strict wildlife exportation laws, so be cautious about bringing home any souvenirs made out of wild animals or wild animal products, bc they will probably be confiscated from you when you get back home. alpacas are domesticated so you're good there.
also i think you should buy a huge bottle of vanilla from a local market bc the vanilla there is delicious
it's been my observation that peruvian culture is very kind and polite. ppl don't make a lot of eye contact but everyone is really cool. idk if you're fluent in spanish or anything but don't be nervous about trying to speak it if you're not that good, and try to be very kind to ppl, bc there's a really generous and welcoming spirit, ppl will be kind to you.
if you need a doctor, just go, bc it's super cheap, like twenty bucks for an appointment.
don't worry about the elevation. just drink a lot of water and bring some excedrin. don't be a weenie it's a once in a lifetime experience!
i love peru so much it's very close to my heart. im so glad you're going, please tell me how things go!!!!!!!
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aloysius-scarbo · 2 years
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English translation for the interview part (only) :
These kids have to be extremely motivated to manage daily training, school, homework, meals, rest time and family. One of the challenges for 3S is to obtain that the young talents can benefit from school arrangements, from primary classes to middle school.
In the meantime, all smiles and in all simplicity, Stéphane takes a moment of his precious time to answer our questions.
How did you decide to create a skating school?
SL : After the Vancouver Olympics Games in 2010, I led several seminars around the world. I had a lot of fun and discovered a new passion: teaching. I had to understand skating from another angle to be able to pass it on. I enjoyed it immensely, hence the desire to have my own school.
Why Champéry ?
SL :There was no Swiss new talent after Sarah Meirer and me. I could have taught all over the world but it turned out that in Champery, Le Palladium offered all the infrastructures we needed to create the school. So I came back home.
Do you like living in the village?
SL : Yes, staying here has become natural, I have a lot of pleasure to live here and to be with the residents. My life in the village and at the Palladium gives me a lot of joy. I am proud to see the skaters and their families in the town stores. Thanks to the school, the skaters have their life here.
How do you choose your students ?
SL : More than a school, we create a team, and it's mainly this approach that appeals to the skaters. Skating is an individual sport: you have to challenge yourself to earn your place. To have colleagues who fight for the same thing is very motivational. I don't choose the best on the circuit, but the athletes who are motivated and able to blend in with our team. The dynamic is strong and beneficial to everyone.
How do you work on this team spirit ?
SL : We all celebrate a birthday and a good result together. The older students organize activities together when they have some time off. We find out on their social medias that they went to the lake together, or skiing, or on a trip to the Defago Gallery. They live alone in Champery, their "real" connection is the team.
Summer Camps students follow each other all year long on social medias, they are happy to get to know each other during the camps. It's nice to see them outside of class, by the pool or enjoying the area.  It's important that they enjoy their youth at the same time, that they unwind while having fun.
Why did you create a specific program for beginners ?
SL : This « Learn to Skate » program was created in 2016. Its purpose is to teach skating to local children, ages 4 to 8. Our coaches have a great sense of how to build the basics of skating for younger children and reduce any apprehensions they may have about the ice. These basics are precious for any type of skating (figure skating, field hockey...). The children who follow this program take the opportunity to have fun at the rink with their friends, as they do on skis. We had to stop the program because of the Covid, but training has now resumed on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school. There are still a few places left, so we invite motivated young boys and girls to join us (contact by mail: [email protected]) !
Are any of these kids still skating?
SL : Yes, we have a very good example with Lara Achermann from Champery, she started skating at the age of 6 to join her friends in the village and she really hooked on. She trains in Champery, 15 hours of skating per week, plus the gymnastics lessons. Championne valaisane 2022 (category mini U12), she has very good basics and already participates in national competitions to realize her dream : participate in the Olympic Games!
Your students visit ice rinks around the world, how do they feel about ours?
SL : An ice rink is often located outside a city, a sad and cold place, between four walls. Here, the rink is windowed, we see the chalets, the mountains, it leaves a lasting impression on our students who promote it on social medias. The hashtag #teamchampery, created by the fans, is well known in the figure skating world!
What do you need in terms of infrastructure ?
SL : The multipurpose hall is not enough available for our needs. Between events, conventions, use by local clubs and schools... Availability is limited. The fitness room is small and the floor is too hard to absorb repeated jumps. So we need a dance room that is accessible every day. Part of the funding could be subsidized by a national support for sports facilities.
This would also provide greater access to the rooms for other users of the Palladium. We also wish to create a living space for our students. They currently live in separate flats. A shared living space would make sense.
Stephane adds with a smile that a Japanese restaurant would be a great addition...
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hollyjollybaby · 2 years
October 3, 2022
Phew, I always say this at the start of my posts, but I seriously don’t have time to write down everything I want to write down. I think I need to get more comfortable just jotting down little bits here and there instead of trying to write down every detail of everything that I want to say 😂
Last Monday was my mom’s birthday and she took the day off work. She picked up donuts, orange juice and champagne in the morning and came over to my house. We hung out and played with Holly until the afternoon, when Jake came home a few hours early so we could go out to the winery. We had a really nice afternoon, wine tasting and then getting a couple bottles and some goat cheese and bread and having a little picnic by the pretty pond. Our winery is on the absolutely most gorgeous property. Jake left his engineering job for one year from 2018-2019 and worked there, but when I got pregnant at the end of 2019 he went back to his old job. Not that the pregnancy forced his hand- there were lots of reasons the job wasn’t a good fit. aaaanyways lol.
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Tuesday was my first day being the parent participator in Holly’s preschool class. It was fun. It was awkward at first to be on a playground with my child and a bunch of other kids and be expected to like walk around and interact with the other kids, and not just play with her, but I fell into the groove of it pretty quickly. And it reminded me of when I worked in daycare except for less stressful. Holly did a really good job at sharing her mommy all day and didn’t get jealous or upset like I thought she would when other little kids wanted to sit near me if I was reading a book or something. It was interesting to see more of the personalities of the other kids in her class. They’re mostly sweet little kids, but there is one with an attitude that I am not a big fan of and some behaviors that I hope she doesn’t teach my kid haha.
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Wednesday wasn’t a school day for us, but preschool had their first field trip out to an apple orchard about 45 minutes away. “Field trip” in quotation marks because parents were responsible for driving their own kids there, which was a little annoying since it was a 90 minute total drive. It was cool as far as apple orchards go, they had a playground and a little store where I bought the absolute best pumpkin roll I’ve ever had in my life (it was the first pumpkin roll I’ve ever had in my life) but I wouldn’t necessarily drive 45 minutes for it again. My child is so flipping cute though and once I showed her how, she had a fun time picking apples off the trees and riding in the wagon.
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I wasn’t sure if I was going to watch the new Dahmer show but after a few days of friends talking about it, I decided to give it a try last week and I binged all of it in like three days. I definitely could’ve watched it all in one day if I didn’t have a husband and a child lol.
One of my best friends who moved to Louisville a few years ago, came to visit over the weekend, and even though it was only a 24 hour trip we squeezed a lot of fun into it. We colored with chalk outside with Holly and Jake grilled us some delicious chicken. Saturday evening, we got reservations at a cool new bar in town. It’s styled like a speakeasy and it’s literally hidden inside the walls of another bar. There’s a light outside the door and it turns red when they’re at capacity and turns green if you can come in. It’s kept kinda dark and lit with warm vintage lights, the music is quiet and everyone talks at like a regular speaking level. They encourage you to dress nice and they have rules including no hitting on strangers! They have classic cocktails and then they also do the fancy smoked drinks and whatnot. It was a really fun experience and I want to go back with Jake. We barhopped a little the rest of the night, but got home around 10 (👵🏼) and drank wine and watched Netflix. Holly kept calling her “natty” (her name is Maddie) which was really cute.
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Just gonna bury this at the bottom here but I have officially lost 45 pounds and gone from size 17 jeans down to a 12 and I’ve actually ordered some 10s because the couple pairs of 12s I just got last week are feeling loose already.
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purplesurveys · 6 months
Do you ever have days where you just don’t do anything? That's the way my days flow on weekends, for the most part. The only reason I've been more out and about lately is because my dad's home and we do tend to go out as a family more when that's the case.
But, yes. Embracing getting older also means increasingly enjoying my time at home and having no agenda.
Have you ever been extremely tired but refused to go to sleep? I do it all the time – it's revenge bedtime procrastination and I stick with it whether weeknight or weekend.
What is your favorite episode of True Life, if you have one at all? I've never seen any bit of that show before.
Have you ever experienced something paranormal? Nah.
What’s the longest amount of time you’ve been stuck in traffic? That was the time I attempted to join Leni Robredo's thanksgiving rally last year. I just needed to drive the same distance from my house to university, but my time in the car ended up being 5 hours because apparently the whole of Metro Manila was headed the same way. Suffice it to say I missed the entire event and just made the most out of my efforts to drive out by going out for drinks with friends instead.
Best field trip experience? All my favorite field trips were the ones that were museum-heavy. In Grade 5 we went to Intramuros and 2-3 other museums in the area; in freshman year of high school we went to two museums in Makati.
Have you ever been to New York City? I have not.
If so, is it all its cracked up to be? I know it's not the urban fairytale the movies make it out to be but I'd still love to have the chance to visit.
What is the most amount of money you’ve spent on a meal before? I don't know about individual meals, but my biggest bill was when I took my family to Blackbird and everything came up to a bit over 10k.
What museums have you visited, if any? Well, a lot. I like museums and I even try to visit at least one when I have vacations overseas.
Have you ever had a group project and one of your partners bailed on you? Yes that was quite common especially in college.
What’s your worst traveling experience? It was a plane trip headed to Kuala Lumpur and there was a horrible fucking toddler who cried (read: shrieked) the whole 4 hours. It got increasingly loud and reached an untolerable climax during the latter part when the family needed to strap it in its own seat. I think I may have shed a tear or two myself towards the end...
Sims 1, 2, or 3? Why? Idk I was never a big gamer even of the Sims so I don't really have a favorite.
Have you ever dealt with noisy neighbors or roommates? How did that go? We've only had noisy neighbors once but tbh we just let them be because as Filipinos we're largely nonconfrontational. Plus those neighbors moved out after only a few months so things turned out fine.
Who was (or is) the teacher that gave you the hardest time in school? Oh there were a lot! Students these days are very fortunate that the world has softened for them, because in my time it was very common for teachers to wind up being the bullies, and for complaints about them to land in deaf ears. In Grade 4 I had a science teacher who took every opportunity to embarass me publicly; in Year I my history teacher always looked like she wanted to pinch the shit out of me lol; and in Years III and IV I had an English teacher who made me feel like she was always wishing I wasn't her student.
I'm grateful for the memories I made with my friends in that school, but were the elders and system absolutely awful. Transferring into a liberal and progressive university was the easiest non-adjustment I had to go through.
Best muffin you’ve ever had? Not a big fan of muffins. I've had a few chocolate ones but nothing has stood out to be the best.
Have you ever taken a woodshop class? Nope.
If so, was it required? That is not a thing here.
How much time do you spend on Facebook, if you have one? I don't know...maybe an accumulated 1 hour a day? I go through FB multiple times daily but it's always in very very quick checkins.
What area of math are you best at? Worst? I'm okay with algebra and statistics, but I've never understood the point of geometry and that directly translates to how I struggled with the subject in high school haha.
How do you feel when you meet someone with the same music taste as you? It's fun when I find a K-pop fan because we can automatically relate on so many things. We don't even have to both like BTS; the K-pop fan culture is enough to start hours' worth of conversation and jokes. Other than that it's impossible to find local Beyoncé, Paramore, or punk rock fans so I kind of just wander those worlds on my own lol.
How often do you “half-ass” things (put little effort in)? I'm not sure about frequency but that's something I'll sometimes do when I can't bring myself to give a crap about work tasks. I'm done showing passion in every single thing because I'm super burned out at this point.
Do you ever feel self-conscious when you eat around other people? Not really.
Has a teacher ever made you hate yourself/your work? Not necessarily, but some of them made me just ask a bunch of questions about the way they treated me. Like why did they hate me so much? Why do they seem so miserable so as to target their own students? stuff like that.
How reliable is your internet connection? We've actually been out of internet since Thursday and our service provider has been very useless and helpless and scum of the earth, so I've been using data since then and 100% worsening my phone battery.
Have you ever missed a meeting/event that was required/necessary? Yes. Work is not everything and if I can't be in a particular meeting or event, it's not the end of the world and I'm done feeling guilty about the whole thought of being absent lol.
What’s something that makes you incredibly nervous? Work.
What’s the latest you’ve ever stayed up to finish homework/a project? There was one time I had to pull up an all-nighter for a project, and unsurprisingly it was a group project. Like of course it would be a project that involved other people, because if it was a solo thing there never would have been a need for me to stay up all night. That gig soured me from group projects for the rest of college.
If you don’t have glasses, how would you feel if you had to get them? I do have them.
If you do have glasses, how would you feel if you didn’t need them anymore? It'd be refreshing but idk, I've had glasses for 14 years now. It's a part of my identity and how people remember me that I'll always choose to have them on, even if I had the opportunity to undergo some magical procedure that'd totally fix my eyesight.
How many vegetarians do you know? Less than 10.
Have you ever considered going to art school? Kind of. I passed an art management program in one of the universities I applied to, but chose to go to my dream school instead.
Is there anyone in your life who consistently angers you? No.
How quickly can you write an essay? Probably an hour if you gave me enough background info to work with, and time to research.
Have you ever had problems falling asleep in class? Never fell asleep while in school.
Have you ever been on the barrier or front row at a concert? Sure! I was for Paramore. I guess I was too for Se So Neon but that was sort of a given since it was a much smaller show and it had been very easy to squeeze my way to the front.
What bug frightens you most? Cockroaches, bees, and wasps.
Are your parents supportive of you? My dad is. Idk what to think of my mom's form of support. It seems she shows it when it benefits her or when it's something she can show off in social media. I stopped looking for validation from her a long time ago.
How often do you take the train to go places? I don't.
Do you play with your phone in awkward situations Sure.
Have you ever participated in a mock trial, or a real trial? No.
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master-tonberry · 1 year
Good grief, we have lots in common! Well, I'm really glad I sent my silly survey now because I have some very exciting ideas percolating for you present. :)
Thanks for taking the time to answer all my whimsies!
MY FAVORITE SONG IS "MERCY"!!! You made my heart so happy reading that. Hyungwon's songwriting skills are unparalleled for me.
Night owls represent!!!
I had to google that book, and now I want to read it. It tells me much about you. My favorite novels are Handmaid's Tale and Alias Grace, both of which I read in my femlit class in college. My other favorites are Pride & Prejudice and the His Dark Materials books!
Winter is my favorite season, and I abhor summer. Like you, I love the cold. I'm happiest when it's snowing heaps and I know can play in it (I never grew up, to be clear lol).
My husband and I started watching the Willow series this weekend! He had never seen Willow, so we watched it, and he LOVED it. Like you, it was a staple of my childhood, along with Goonies and The Neverending Story. I love a good quest! And as I mentioned, HDM is one of my favorite books, and the series is so lajdfljasfldjaslfdjlaskdjf. FINALLY, someone did it justice! I CANNOT WAIT TO WATCH THE FINAL BOOK COME TO LIFE.
Aw, I didn't see Wheel of Time, but you're right, I didn't read good things about it either. :(
YOU LIVED IN ICELAND??? Pump the brakes! In 6th grade, that was the country I picked to do a travel report on, and I have been obsessed ever since though I've never been. It's both so alien and primordial and fantasical. What was that like that you can remember? Where else have you lived?
I am fascinated by big cities--their ebb and flow and all the possibilities available--but as an introvert, I feel like it would zap my energy every day. My city is a small-market, but I love it dearly. (I'm in the US, and I assume from your previous asks that you are, too?)
Since you didn't mind my barrage of questions, let me close this with a few more.
Fantasy, sci fi, comedy, or documentary:
Favorite character in the Willow movie:
Favorite character in HDM:
What kind of video games do you play?
What's your favorite story trope:
You're part of a quest. What role do you play? The leader, the comic relief, the planner, the silent but skilled expert, the troublemaker, or the one everyone thought was just a regular nobody but has a power that awakens unexpectedly to save the day?
Have fun! No rush! Get back when you can! :D I'll be waiting for my new friend.
xoxo mbb Secret Santa
omg no way, Alias Grace is one of my favorites!! I love Margaret Atwood, and if you like her you'll definitely like Sheri S. Tepper!
And holy shit Goonies 😭😭😭 That's my all time favorite movie ever! I watched that and Willow and Neverending Story and Last Unicorn over and over lol. And the animated Hobbit, which turned me into a massive LotR nerd and led to a debilitating D&D habit.
And yes, I'm in the US! My father was a pilot before he retired so we lived in some cool places. Iceland was great, I was pretty young so I don't remember a lot, but I do remember going on road trips and visiting lava fields. It was like being on a different planet. We also lived in Germany for a while, which was also wonderful and I also want to go back and visit lol.
Okay, questions now!
Fantasy, Sci Fi, Comedy, or Documentary: I like all of them but I'm most drawn to fantasy.
Favorite Character in Willow: This is like choosing one of my children!! I love the brownies so so much but also Sorcha oh my god. I adore her.
Favorite Character in HDM: Lee Scoresby, easy lol. I was born in Texas so I'm partial to Texan characters, especially noble pilot types.
Video Games: I like all kinds of games! I play cozy games like Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing, rpgs like Final Fantasy, Dragon Age, and Mass Effect, big dumb shooters like Gears of War, basically anything that has a good soundtrack and interesting gameplay mechanics.
Story Trope: Probably found family. Most of the games, books, and shows that I'm into involve it in one way or another. I also dig a good enemies to lovers lol
Role in a Quest: I would probably be the planner lol. I have that super power combo of ADHD and mild autism plus anxiety, so if the mission goes wrong, I guarantee I have already stressed out about it and come up with at least four contingency plans for that exact scenario 😂
I hope your week is going well so far, and I'm looking forward to your next ask! 💗
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neutralkil · 2 years
I’m in a Mizzy mood, so have some Mizzy headcanons!
Please note that this is for Mizzy (minus Izzurius) and Mizzy only. Izzurius may be referenced as there is a connection between the two characters but that’s about it with Izzy.
I cannot assume these will all be in character since Mizzy hasn’t been established as a character yet, so if these end up being out of character then I don’t know what I can do for you.🫤
Mizzy headcanons
Mizzy has a bit of a valley girl accent, but he doesn’t use the word “like” obsessively and it’s more of just a sassy thing
He comes from a long line of blue collared worker/farmers making him the sole family member that isn’t going into said fields of work.
He’s the first one in his family (extended family not included) to go to collage. His uncle did go but drop out after one year.
He’s the only child of Murdy (Purdy) and Megor (Egor), but his cousins lived close to him so he he grew up with them like their siblings.
Unlike his non-minus compartment, he has a good relationship with his parents. Izzurius on the other hand has distanced himself from his parents since they got into a heated agreement when he became the pride sin.
He’s majoring in chemistry but is very artistic too. He does help with the art and preforming arts class when they need extra help and has won in one art show before.
Gamer, but he’s been too busy with school to play games recently. May have a mobile game or two.
He does remind the teacher about homework, but since he’s much older than when he was in high school he’s kinda been slowly out growing this behavior.
He’s a bit of a doormat, having been used in the past, so he’s very defensive when it comes to meeting new people.
He is aware of when he’s being used, but doesn’t have the confidence to say anything and usually waits until said abuser doesn’t need him.
Works at the IPU library on the weekends. Also goes there when it’s lunchtime.
He’s a hot nerd you can’t convince me otherwise!
He’s had sex before but barely gets any action since it’s like a once in a year type thing…and people don’t like him.
Has tripped over his tail feathers before and wants to get them clipped but is too afraid since he’s been told that it hurts (it’s like getting a waxing)
Cute wallflower boy that says he’s fine but you know he’s not and just wants to leave.
He’s still a crow even though he’s aquamarine.
Sticks to Minsatian but she’s using him and their relationship isn’t going anywhere outside of weirdo that follows her around since he feel like she’d got his back (she does until he can’t play for food).
Was friends with Hiveminus, but she stop hanging out with him and they doesn’t plan on recoiling their friendship.
Mozy loves having Mizzy in his class but fears that Mizzy isn’t being very open to his classmates so he try to create scenario where Mizzy will have to interact with his classmates.
A lot of people think he hates being touched because it ruins his feathers/hair, but he actually been mishandled, pinched, and aggressive held by peers so many times that any form of contact causes him to anxious.
Remember that scene in lore Olympus where all of Persephone’s nymph family visited her in the underworld, that’s basically Mizzy’s cousin. I may actually have to draw that now!😄
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sturchling · 2 years
I think you will like this request. It would be like a different take on the usual Miraculous-Batman crossovers. Only instead of Marinette meeting Damian and the two falling in love, it's Adrien and Damian.
Marinette could have transferred to a different school, so Adrien is alone in class with only Juleka, Kim, and Nathaniel as his real friends. So during a field trip to Gotham, he manages to get Lila off of his arm by saying he needs to go to the bathroom. But he really just wants away from her. And during this alone time, he meets Damian. The two of them hit it off.
They start dating during the trip, Adrien instantly becoming loved by the rest of the Bat family. And they only love him more when they hear about his horrible father.
The field trip can end with Damian exposing Lila as a liar as a present for his boyfriend, also surprising him with the proper paperwork to transfer him to Gotham Academy.
Thanks for being patient. Hope you like how it turned out.
Adrien was so tired of this. Of being Lila's fake trophy boyfriend. He hated this so much. He only did it cause his dad was forcing him, for the brand. He didn't even like girls like that. He now sincerely regretted ever taking the high road. Marinette had been right, they should have cut this off at the root and revealed her on day one. But he hadn't listened, too scared of Lila being akumatized or his father deciding to pull him out of school. Now it was too late.
Marinette was long gone. She transferred out of Dupont to a fancy arts academy somewhere else in the city and was very happy there with all her new friends. Meanwhile, Adrien was facing Lila alone. Well, almost alone. A few members of the class had woken up and realized that Lila was nothing but a liar after Marinette left. Juleka, Kim, and Nathaniel knew Marinette well enough that they knew she wouldn't go so far as to transfer schools over a little jealousy. Then they looked into Lila's stories and figured it out. Since then, they have tried to help Adrien as much as possible. Try to get him some time away from Lila.
Now they were in Gotham for a class trip and Adrien was miserable. Lila had been glued to his side all day, her nails sinking into his arm any time he tried to pull away. Finally when they were all at dinner that night, Adrien was able to pry himself free with an excuse that he needed to use the restroom. He escaped to the restroom and took a deep breath, desperate to make his reprieve last as long as possible.
Just as he was leaving the restroom when he ran head first into a man heading into the restroom. They crashed to the floor, and Adrien scrambled to get off of him, incredibly embarrassed. "Oh, I am so sorry! Are you ok?" Adrien helped the mystery man up and he dusted himself off. "Yes, I am quite alright. Thank you for the hand." Adrien smiled awkwardly, "Of course, I still feel bad for knocking you over and getting your clothes dirty. is there any way I can repay you?" The mystery man smirked. "Well, how about you let me take you out of here and somewhere better for dinner? It is alright if you would prefer not to." Adrien smiled, both because he saw a way out of this hellish dinner with Lila and the class, and because this handsome guy just asked him out. "I'd like that a lot. I'm Adrien Agreste, what's your name?" The boy smiled at him, and started to lead Adrien out, "Damian. Damian Wayne."
Adrien and Damian had a fantastic time that night. And every night after that for the remainder of the trip. They would hand out every night once the mandatory tours for the class were done. Adrien would stay far away from Lila, with his group of friends during the tour, and vanish to go meet Damian as soon as they were given free time. He had even visited the manor the other night and the whole Wayne family already loved him, seeing how much of a good influence he was on Damian.
But this had Lila fuming. How was she supposed to be the envy of Gotham with Adrien on her arm, if Adrien kept disappearing to God knows where every night. She had seen him leaving with some man every night, but she didn't know who he was. But she was determined to nip this in the bud. So on the final night of the trip, she set her plan in motion.
As expected, once the tours were done, and they had freshened up at the hotel, Lila waited in the lobby and sure enough Adrien came down soon after. Lila saw the mystery man at the door, smiling and waving at Adrien. The class was also nearby, wondering where Adrien was going. This hadn't escaped anyone's notice which made it all the more important for Lila to stop this. If she didn't it wouldn't be long before other people started wondering why Adrien was going with this stranger every night instead of on romantic dates with her. So when he was almost to the mystery man, Lila leaped into action. She grabbed Adrien's arm and dug her nails in until he winced. "Adrien, where are you going? You skipped out on all our dates this week and keep leaving with this stranger. I've been all alone, you should spend time with your girlfriend."
Adrien grimaced and Lila smirked, sure her plan would work. Guilt and peer pressure always worked on Adrien. But before Adrien said anything, the stranger interrupted. "Excuse me, but who do you think you are to touch my boyfriend. You are nothing but a manipulative liar that he has been trying to placate. You are not his girlfriend. Now get your hands off him, you are hurting him." Lila was stunned, and the class was now looking at her funny, especially after he said she was hurting him. Not wanting to risk anything, Lila released his arm, and started crying. "Adrien, what is going on? Why would he say that. Were you cheating on me?" Just as the class seemed ready to turn on Adrien, Adrien looked at Damian who nodded encouragingly at him. Adrien had enough and the only way this would end is if he did something.
"That is enough Lila! You and I both know we aren't actually dating. My father just forced me to hang out with you for the brand. But I'm done. You hurt my friends and are constantly lying and rude to anyone who tries to reveal you. Damian is my significant other, not you. Now leave me alone, we have a date." With that, Adrien and Damian linked arms and left the class standing there stunned as they went to dinner. And then the best part of the night was Damian revealing that he had filed the appropriate paperwork to get Adrien away from his father and Lila and transfer him here to Gotham Academy. Adrien was thrilled that he finally stood up for himself against Lila and in a way his father. And he wouldn't have felt confident enough to do that if not for Damian.
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA 323: “I Don’t Know How to Explain to You That You Should Care About Other People”
Previously on BnHA: Kacchan was all, “Izuku, I’m sorry.” Bakugou Stans were all, “[sobs for a week straight and tearfully awards him the Nobel Prize for character development].” Deku was all, “[faints in Kacchan’s arms].” Iida was all, “[trying to decide if Ochako genuinely tried to kill him a few minutes ago].” Horikoshi was all, “NO TIME FOR HUGS WE MUST GET BACK TO UA.” The civilians holed up at U.A. were all, “WE TOOK A VOTE AND DECIDED THAT WE’RE ALL GOING TO BE JERKS ABOUT THIS AND MAKE A BIG FUSS ABOUT YOU LETTING DEKU BACK INTO THE SCHOOL.” Deku was all “[stands there looking like he expected nothing less and breaking my heart more and more with each passing moment].” Ochako was all, “that does it, looks like I’m gonna have to do something about this... next chapter, that is.”
Today on BnHA: Flashback!Rat Principal is all “I just want you all to know that I spent nine million dollars turning U.A. into a giant Battleship-style grid that can burrow underground and zoom around in a giant subway maze because Horikoshi lacks a grounded understanding of both civil engineering and economics.” Back in the present day, Jeanist is all, “EVERYONE TAKE HEED, MY COMRADES AND I HAVE DEEMED IT EXPEDIENT TO CONVEY THIS AUSPICIOUS YOUTH BACK TO THIS STRONGHOLD. WE ANTICIPATE THAT WE MAY DEPEND UPON YOUR GOODWILL AND ACQUIESCENCE TO THESE TERMS.” The civilians were all, “NO.” Ochako was all, “EMPATHY, MOTHERFUCKERS, DO YOU SPEAK IT?!” The civilians were all, “oh shit.” Anyway so Ochako is a giant badass, but I’m a little worried that she’s going to get struck by lightning. Please come down from there.
so before we start this chapter, I would just like to apologize for having not posted the ch 321 recap yet, and would like to reassure everyone, and especially Iida who is staring at me with Sad Wobbly Guilt Trip Eyes, that I will get to that as soon as I can
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yes please Horikoshi please show us more of class 1-A and their Deku intervention strategy jam sessions
oh dear
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Iida you are too pure and good for this cruel world. [sprays the U.A. civilians with a water bottle] NO. BAD CIVILIANS! NO OSTRACIZING SCARED AND EXHAUSTED CHILDREN IN THE HOUSE
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RAT PRINCIPAL: he’s free to return to us at any time!!
ALSO RAT PRINCIPAL: but it’s too risky for him to return to us
?? ??????? ?????????????????????
so now he’s going on about how strong the U.A. Barrier is, and how it’s comparable to the defensive capabilities of Tartarus. this would have sounded a lot more impressive before chapter 297 lol
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so now Rat Principal says he upgraded U.A.’s security systems with his own “modifications”, whatever the fuck that means. I mean look, I’ve been saying for a long time now that U.A. is the best place for everyone to hole up, don’t get me wrong. but that was mostly on account of there not being any other practical alternatives. but you’re making it sound like you figured out a way to actually make it Decay-proof or some wild shit like that
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oh okay so the whole campus is basically capable of burrowing itself underground. that’s insane lol I wonder how they pulled that off. probably got poor Cementoss working overtime
blah blah blah so basically the entire campus is split into a grid and each section of the grid is capable of its own independent movement. lol this is just the Merone Base from KHR. you thought no one would notice this casual plagiarism ten years after the fact, but YOU UNDERESTIMATED YOUR AUDIENCE, HORIKOSHI
“joke’s on you imma just lampshade it” WELL ALL RIGHT THEN
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“look at me I’m so fucking self-aware” fucking swear to god. I can’t believe this man is my favorite mangaka of all time smdh
“excuse me, I wasn’t finished describing all the rest of this bullshit yet,” Rat Principal breaks in impatiently. “we also added a steel wall all around the underground of the campus that’s 3000 steel plates thick. that’s fifteen fucking meters of solid fucking steel just fyi. and if anyone fucks around with any part of it the defense system will activate immediately! and also all of the plates are independently motorized, whatever the fuck that means!! in conclusion you’re gonna need a fucking tower crane to suspend all of your disbelief by the time I’m through with this paragraph”
“also Shiketsu is almost as reinforced as U.A. but not quite because we still had to make sure we were better.” but of course. and apparently the two schools are connected via a secret tunnel as Hagakure mentioned earlier
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(ETA: moment of appreciation for Shouto and Katsuki having the same thought at the same time and making Knowing Eye Contact and saying the exact same thing out loud in perfect unison like the best friends they are. what a blessed day.)
so Tokoyami is all “but wait if you engineered all this shit all the way back during the Band arc how did you even know that Tomura’s quirk awakening would become a thing, Horikoshi -- uh, I mean, Principal Nezu”
and Rat Principal is all “lol idk”
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“basically I just woke up one morning and was all ‘say, you know what this school really needs? a fifteen-meter-thick underground steel wall, and the ability to break up into little pieces that individually zoom around wherever the fuck they want.’ jesus christ. lol if money and common sense were apparently no obstacle why didn’t you just teleport U.A. to the fucking moon or something. maybe I should shut up before I given him any ideas
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you heard it here first, folks, all of this cost a grand total of nine million U.S. dollars. well technically it cost “more than” nine million dollars. never has that distinction been more important lmao. are we sure this barrier was really made of steel and not cardboard? who the hell sold it to them, Ea-Nasir??
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this is my favorite manga series of all time. yes I am ashamed
“in conclusion please do your best to reach Deku-kun” SO WHAT WAS ALL THAT NONSENSE ABOUT IT BEING TOO RISKY THEN. anyway thank you for this super informative and edifying flashback, Horikoshi. I will cherish it always. I don’t even want to read another translation of this absurdity lmao, there’s something special about it just the way it is. pretty sure Horikoshi just had a cracked out fever dream one night and transferred it to the pages of the manga verbatim
anyway so back to the unruly mob
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not their finest moment. please excuse me while I cover poor Deku’s ears and give him a good shoosh pap
oh wow the parents are out here too
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is Mitsuki trying to hold Inko back?? that’s the last thing this fandom needs right now is more Mitsuki discourse fffwlkjs. and even Jiroudad, scientifically proven to be the best dad in all of BnHA, is just standing there silently looking vaguely unhappy. way to rise to the moment you guys
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so this settles it for me that Aizawa is not at UA. I know a lot of people have been wondering about his whereabouts, and if I had to wager a guess it would be that something happened with Shirakumo/Kurogiri. I can’t think of anything else -- even the loss of an eye and a limb -- that would keep him from his kids at a time like this
anyway but this is excellent Monoma content right here though. I love that he apparently adopted Eri after a single interaction with her. also WHERE IS SHINSOU DAMMIT. THE PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW
and Kouta’s there too looking like he wants to run over to Deku but Ragdoll won’t let him :/
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so now Mic is telling them to calm down. at least someone’s speaking up here, geez
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truly in awe of this man’s ability to take messages which could easily be conveyed in ELI5-speak, and stubbornly convert them into incomprehensible language the likes of which you need a graduate degree in order to understand
“hey guys, so originally our plan was to use Deku as bait for the villains, but that didn’t really work and also we realized it was kinda dumb and was probably gonna get him killed, so we brought him back here instead.” was that really so hard, Jeanist. also are we all really just gonna sit back here and watch Jeanist take full credit for Bakugou’s plan just like that lmao
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WHERE DID ENDEAVOR GO AND WHO IS THIS DIABOLICAL MASTER OF DISGUISE. lol I genuinely didn’t notice this because I was too busy digging through thesauruses trying to rewrite Jeanist’s speech; many thanks to @class1akids​ for pointing it out and making my day immeasurably better. take it easy there Dick Tracy.)
“anyway so please stop being dicks and let him fucking rest so he can save all your ungrateful asses” what an impassioned and inspiring plea. time to see if the masses will listen to reason
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narrator: they did not listen to reason
oh my god finally Ochako is doing something. YEAH OCHAKO WOOOO SHOW THEM HOW IT’S DONE
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this entire chapter is truly and utterly nonsensical to me lol
(ETA: on my second readthrough I’m fucking dying at how she stole the megaphone right out of Mic’s hand lmao. and how Kacchan is all “fuck yeah nothing I appreciate more than some quality fucking larceny.”)
oh I see she was jumping on top of the main building so as to scream down at them all more impressively
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“ANYWAY DEKU IS PRETTY COOL ACTUALLY, YOU GUYS ARE JUST MEAN” couldn’t have said it better myself Ochako
lol uh
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gotta say I did not have “Ochako reveals the secret of OFA to the entire U.A. Citizen Clown Parade” on my bingo card for this week. it’s a bold strategy cotton let’s see if it pays off
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so she is basically explaining the entire Deku Angst arc to them and explaining what a good and selfless protagonist Deku is, YES, PREACH
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not to insinuate anything, but what exactly were you doing standing out here with the hysterical mob, Gigantic Fox Lady? you’re better than that
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sdlkfjl. thanks for weighing in with that helpful and important observation. where have you been for the last five minutes. were you asleep. was it Jeanist’s speech
never mind, now he’s yelling at the civilians so I instantly forgive him
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“anyway so I’m just going to end the chapter here” lmao seventeen pages truly do go by so fast. at least he didn’t try to force in a cliffhanger at the end this time. dare I say, growth
so I guess the civilians are either gonna have a Kamino and/or Fukuoka-esque moment where they remember how to be decent people and apologize to this poor young man, or else they’ll remain unpersuaded, and so Kacchan will have to knock a few of their heads around until they become more inclined to be reasonable. either option is fine by me lol
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