#she climbs on me every morning and nuzzles me as i kiss her head and curls up on top of me
life can't be all that bad when my cat lets me pick her up and kiss her head as she purrs and nuzzles me
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tahdashi · 2 years
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✫ ft. akaashi, atsumu, iwaizumi, and suna x mom!reader
✫ a/n: the kids are ages 1-3 (can stand, walk, talk in sentences). the babies aren’t really “jealous” in some of these. they just want some love and affection, too !!!
✫ warnings: usage of “mom” and “mama” to refer to reader
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✫ AKAASHI leans into your touch after coming home from the office, his tie loosened and his hair a bit messier than usual. you two are splayed on the couch, his head resting peacefully on your chest as he updates you on bokuto’s recent msby game. and just minutes later, you feel your son pull on your leg. an eruption of babbles leave his lips as he whines and tugs. “mmm, it’s my turn with mom,” keiji whines into your collarbones. you can't help but laugh at your husband's child-like behavior. "keiji, get off, you're gonna make him upset." and as keiji nuzzles his face in the crook of your neck, your baby breaks out into a sob, "mama! mama!" filling the small living room. keiji gets up from his place on your chest and picks your son up, mumbling "i'm sorry, bud" into his equally messy hair. "mama's all yours," he kisses the top of his head and allows him to crawl happily into your arms. "you're as whiny as your mo-" "keiji." he can't even be upset at his limited time with you — the image of you holding his entire world makes up for it.
✫ ATSUMU lingers in the kitchen after tucking your daughter in to bed just about every night. he puts dishes in the cabinets, wipes down the counter, and traps you between his arms for a moment of intimacy. "mind if i kiss ya, babe?" he asks, knowing you'll let him anyway. "you'll do it no matter what i say," you turn your head to the side, creating distance between his lips and yours. "no! i'm a gentleman! that's why ya married me, isn't it?" a laugh leaves your lips and you're stepping up onto your toes to reach his. his hands wrap around your waist, pulling you close against himself. it's been hard to find time for yourselves — your daughter was at the age where she'd walk (stumble, really) away if you took your eyes off of her for even a second. and as you pull away from the kiss, breathless and all, you hear the pitter patter of her tiny feet approaching you two. "baby, why are ya awake? can't sleep?" atsumu bends down to her level, pushing her hair back from her eyes. she rubs at them and then wraps her tiny arms around his neck to kiss his cheeks. "i want a g'night kiss too!" she whines. "alrighty, baby, ya can get as many as ya want! make sure ya give mama a kiss too," he tells her before peppering her cheeks with loving kisses.
✫ IWAIZUMI used to wake up early every morning, getting ready for the day at a slow and relaxing pace, but he finds it harder and harder to do so when you cling onto him, asking for five more minutes of peace, five minutes of calmness before the storm (the storm being your daughter, of course). she's gotten clingier with every step she could take. she wakes up with the sun and makes her way to your bed, struggling to climb up with her tiny legs. the sight of her dad's arm around your waist brings a pout to her lips, her cheeks puffing out as she whispers a "daddy?" and of course, he's awake (he's been awake for the past 15 minutes). "wanna come up?" he asks her before unwrapping his arms from your body and lifting her onto his broad chest. she immediately crawls over him, kicking his face with her feet in the process, to place herself between you two. her little arms and legs wrap around your torso like a koala, and she looks up at you with a toothy smile. "my turn,” she says, nuzzling her head into you. you hear iwa mumble under his breath (something about waking the team up with kicks to the face).
✫ SUNA always searches for you and the twins in the crowd. his team had just won a game that he's been training especially hard for, and it's the first time in a while that you've seen his dimply smile on his face. he runs up to you and the twins with nothing but joy in his eyes. grabbing ahold of your waist, he presses a kiss to your lips — his teeth clash against yours and he's laughing into the kiss out of sheer happiness, but you don't mind it one bit. your sons pull at your clothes as they try to get your attention. suna catches a glimpse of their raised arms and pulls away from you to lift his boys into his own arms, one on each side of his body. they're cheering for their dad, clapping and yelling, “you did it!" suna's never been an affectionate guy, opting to show his love in more subtle ways, but he feels the urge to pull you and the boys in for a tight hug (one where you can feel the rapid beating in his chest). he kisses the top of your head before pressing one on each of the twins' cheeks. "let's go celebrate, yeah?" suna grins. he’d do anything to hold you three like that again after each win — his prized possessions in his arms.
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reblogs are appreciated, as always!
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
car troubles |dom!eddie munson x brat!reader|
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prompt: "don't make me pull this van over" with dom!eddie. based off this ask from horny hours yesterday. this ended up being much longer that I expected it to be so enjoy lol.
contains: minors dni 18+. dom!mean!brat tamer!eddie, sub!brat!reader, spanking, exhibitonism, all consensual and pre-consented to.
"I saw you, Eddie!" You shrilled, hand slamming on the console in between the two of you.
Eddie's teeth grit, white knuckled grip on the wheel, heavy soled boots pressing further and further onto the gas, the van flying over the backroads of Hawkins.
The two of you had been going at it since you left the diner. He'd picked you up earlier that morning, sweet kisses and gentle touches that left you giggly and dizzy when he doted on you, opening your doors and taking you to the small restaurant outside of Hawkins- the one you'd been begging to go to for weeks, a Woodstock renovated type filled with nostalgic junk on every corner, shambled together into an aesthetic, vintage, flower child vibe, and with the best waffles in Indiana, according to your friend.
Eddie was smitten, proud of how happy it made you when he pulled into the parking lot, surprising you with the breakfast spot. You'd squealed, wrapping him up in your arms, peppering kisses and nuzzling into his cheek with muttered "thank you, thank you, thank you" until he was blushing and laughing under your affection. "Anything for you, baby doll." He'd winked, playfully tapping your ass when you passed him into the open door, holding onto his arm sweetly, overwhelmed with devotion as you sat at the booth.
The free and easy vibe of the place was pleasing to you, casual and a little funky, while the two of you gazed around the restaurant, scanning the walls at the millions of vintage posters and memorabilia from the sixties and seventies. The entire place exuded causal friendliness, laid back and relaxed, which was wonderful; until you saw your waitress.
Sandy- as her name tag read, propped right on the neckline of her plunging shirt, breasts pushed up and the yellow, gaudy name tag rested half on the exposed skin. She made sure to greet Eddie with an extra wide smile, which he returned. She took your drink orders, but not before telling him his hair was "sick, like Slash" and sashaying away, little jean shorts riding up with every step. Eddie was elated at the compliment, making a joke about his bass playing skills to you, only to be met with your pursed lips, unimpressed stare.
The entire meal got worse, you shot daggers at Sandy every time she came to check on you, rolling your eyes and snapping your order. You knew you were being mean, territorial, but how could you not be?
Eddie tried to talk to you, sweet coaxing and gentle chatter that you returned with an upturned nose and a huff. Eddie ground his teeth, eyes rolling at the change in demeanor.
It wasn't until Sandy returned with the bill, dipping down low to place it in front of Eddie, hand on his shoulder and breasts practically in his face, purring at him to, "Take it easy, and drive safe." that you'd had enough. Eddie's eyes lingered to her chest, gawking slightly before blushing red. Your mouth fell open, jaw dropping in shock and anger, furiously kicking him under the table, sandaled feet knocking into his shin.
"Ow," Eddie hissed, eyes cutting to yours. "What was that for?"
"You fucking pig, you know what that was for." You snapped, slamming your hands on the table as you climbed out of the booth, storming out of the restaurant, bell shrilling over the glass door when you stomped towards the van.
Eddie blushed a deep crimson, embarrassed heat spreading from his neck to his cheeks. He could feel the stares of the other patrons, wide eyed and snickering. Eddie's hands shook when he reached into his wallet, placing the bills on the table before walking out quickly, head held low.
"Man, I'd never let my girl act like that." Some guy muttered under his breath when Eddie passed, his friends sneering in agreement. Eddie let his curls fall in front of his face, curtaining his humiliated blush.
You stood by the car, arms crossed and stomping your foot when he started towards you. "Hurry up and unlock the van." You snapped.
"The fuck was what?" Eddie asked, throwing his hands out. "What's your problem, huh?"
"Oh, don't start this shit with me, Eddie." You huffed, hand grabbing the van's handle roughly, tugging it while it remained closed. You knew it drove Eddie wild when you did that, the reprimanding threat to "knock it off" before the handle fell off. You smirked, yanking even harder, while he shoved his key in the door.
"Hey," Eddie snapped, gruffly and darkly. He looked at you from over the window of the van, eyes narrowed and dark. "Stop it. I've told you."
You huffed, feeling the doors click open before you ripped the door open, plopping into the passenger side. You and Eddie slammed the door equally hard, glaring at each other while he started the car.
"What's the matter?" Eddie sighed, tipping his head back to lean against the seat, tired and bored. You snarled.
"Oh, like you don't know." You snapped, shoving your seatbelt on with a furious click. "I don't mean to ruin your time with your little girlfriend in there."
Eddie gawked, wide eyed in disbelief. "Are-Are you being fuckin' serious right now-"
"-Yeah, Eddie I am!" You roared, throwing your hands out towards the restaurant. "You two were eye fucking in there the entire time, and you thought I wouldn't notice?"
Eddie's eyes cut to the building, seeing the eyes of the patrons watching him in amusement, lined against the booths by the window enjoying the show the two of you were providing for them. Eddie growled, throwing the van into reverse, pulling out of the gravel parking lot furiously, speeding down the backroads back to Hawkins.
You continued to berate him, snippy comments, mean and full of venom shooting back at him, shrill and accusing while he tried to remain calm.
Eddie took a deep breath in. "Baby, I wasn't looking at her, I swear!"
That led you to go nuclear, off the handle, shrilling your accusations with wide eyes towards him, popping his bubble of calmness.
"Her tits were right in my face, what did you expect?" Eddie threw his hands up. "I didn't mean to look at them, they-they were just right fucking there!"
"Yeah, because you'd been giving her signals the whole time, you piece of shit!" You screamed, shoving him angrily on the shoulder. "You'd been checking her out the entire fucking time, no wonder she thought she could put her tits in your face! I'm surprised you didn't shove your face in them right there! Sure seemed like you wanted to, you asshole!"
"Alright, hey," Eddie barked, eyes hard and angry when they flashed at you. "Stop it. I wasn't looking at her. I was just trying to be nice because she was nice to me-"
"-Of course she was nice to you, Eddie, she wanted to fuck you!" You screamed, throwing your hands out wildly around you.
"Well, I didn't want to fuck her, Jesus Christ!" Eddie screamed back, hitting the steering wheel angrily. "I was being polite!"
"Polite? Polite?" You challenged, turning in your seat to glared at him. "Fine, I'll start being polite too, how 'bout that?" You sneered. You saw his jaw tick, knuckles whitening. "I'll start being so nice and polite to every guy who talks to me at your shows, ok? I'll let them buy me drinks and touch all over me, how's that sound? Hm?-"
"-And you can't get mad at me because I'm just being so polite, right? So no big deal?" You sneered sarcastically. You could see him bubbling over with anger, fuming with every condescending threat that left your sharp tongue.
"I'm warning you right now to stop." Eddie turned to you, finger raised nearly touching your nose. "You better quit right fucking now. Knock it off." You smacked his finger away.
"Or what?" You challenged, eyes narrowed and fists clenched in anger. "What the fuck are you gonna do, huh?"
"I'll pull this van over right now and spank you right there on the side of the road." Eddie threatened, eyes flashing to yours seriously. You felt your stomach drop, tingling with familiar warmth at the threat. "That what you want, huh? Keep acting like a little brat, and I'll treat you like one."
You squirmed in your seat, the threat making you subdued a little, clenching your thighs at the threat. You watched him, jaw set and hoping the lingering threat would mellow you out, get you to talk rationally and calm down. Your mind flashed, the image of Sandy's hand on Eddie's shoulder, red manicured nails that you knew he loved clenched on his shoulder. Fist balled and anger flaring up, reigniting furiously in your chest, waves of jealousy and anger filling your bloodstream over again.
Your jaw ticked, lips twisting and rolling, eyes narrowing at him challengingly, venomous. "Oh, I'm sure, Mr. Big Talk." You scoffed sarcastically, rolling your eyes flippantly. "You're not gonna do anything because you're such a little bitch." You spat, his head snapping to yours. Eddie's mouth gaped, eyes wide and a little hurt, shocked at your verbiage, mean and calculated to make him riled up.
You bit back a smirk, satisfied with his hurt reaction. "You're all talk. I'm sure that's why you couldn't seal the deal with Penny Baker in there, right? She knew you're such a little-"
The van's brakes squealed to a stop, leaving you lurching forward, stopped by the harsh material of your seatbelt digging into your chest and waist. Eddie's eyes were narrowed on you, jaw ticked when he looked around, reversing back down the winding street into an abandoned parking lot, nestled behind the trees and forestry that lined the backroads.
Your stomach dropped suddenly, shrinking into your seat when you saw him pull around the decomposed shack that read Mel's in peeling paint. The ivy covering and climbing the boarded windows and crumbling structure of the building told you that it had been abandoned for a while. Unfortunate for you, seeing as that meant no one would come by.
Eddie threw the van into park, jostling you with the halt, angrily grabbing the keys out and stomping out of the van. Slamming the door behind him so hard it shook you, vibrations rattling all the way to your seat. You watched Eddie through wide eyes, tracking every angry stomp of his boots on the crumbled gravel as he rounded the hood, tearing your door open with a harsh yank.
"Wait!" You yelped, batting his hands away when he went for your seatbelt.
Eddie's eyes flashed at you hard, domineering and mean. You gulped, tummy erupting in nerves at his look. You knew you'd pushed him too far.
"I warned you," Eddie snapped. "I told you if I had to pull this van over, I was gonna have your ass, and you just couldn't stop, could you?" He spat angrily, ringed hands reaching past you to undo your seat belt.
It whirred past your head, clicking into place above you, Eddie's hands on your wrists. "Ed, wait," You whined, pulling back into the seat out of his grasp. He gaped at you in disbelief, eyes flashing in a warning that had you whimpering. "Wait, 'm sorry, ok? 'm sorry. I-I'll be good." Your eyes rounded, voice pouty and whiny, pathetic and submissive, how he liked it.
Eddie scoffed. "Yeah, right. After how mean you were?" He challenged, shaking his head. "You're damn lucky I didn't belt you in that parking lot after you acted like such a little brat. Show everyone there how I handle my bad girl and keep you in line. You embarrassed me."
"You embarrassed me." You snapped, biting and angry. Even in the face of punishment, you could be such a brat. "It's your fault. I didn't do anything wrong."
"Oh? You didn't?" Eddie raised his brows, glare making you feel small and stupid. "You didn't act out in the restaurant? You weren't mean to me and the waitress? You didn't throw a little fit and left instead of using your big girl words to tell me what was wrong?" You shrunk under his gaze, cheeks flushing with embarrassment at the way he talked to you, a naughty little girl getting chastised and corrected so plainly.
"It's not-"
"-If I hear you say it's not your fault again, I'm going to gag you." Eddie warned. "I'll take those little panties off and shove them in your mouth so you can't say another stupid thing. I should be doing that anyways, since you don't know how to say anything nice." You whimpered at the threat, eyes already starting to burn with tears.
"Now, you get out here right now, and bend over. The longer you take, the longer I'm gonna spank you, understand?" Eddie warned, stepping back so you could step out.
You hesitated, looking at him with your saddest, roundest, pleading look, hoping to melt his hard demeanor and have him change his mind; or at least spank you in the back of the van, hidden from the potential of bypasses seeing you.
He didn't budge, jaw ticking when his head jerked to the side, motioning you out. "Now. I'm done waiting."
You stepped out on wobbly legs, carefully placing one foot on the ground then the other. You'd barely steadied yourself on the crumbled asphalt before Eddie grabbed you, spinning you around by your waist. You gasped when he yanked your dress up, tucking the end of the dress into the back of your neckline, securing it so it was out of the way, leaving you exposed in nothing but your panties.
Eddie's rough hands found the seam of your cotton panties, a high cut little thong that barely covered anything. He felt his cock throb, tightening even more in his pants at the sight, how delicious your ass looked in them, leaving his mouth salivating at the sight. He knew he should leave them on, they wouldn't do anything to stop the stinging hits of his belt that were to come, yet he slowly pulled them down, under the curve of your ass and down your thighs until they were a puddle by your ankles. He could see the small wet spot on the front, sticky and wet with fresh arousal.
Eddie smirked, tapping your calves to have you step out of them, reveling in the little whine you let out before bringing them to his nose, inhaling your scent deeply before shoving them in his pocket. It made you clench, exposed skin covered in goosebumps. "Bend over. Grab the seat and arch that ass back, you know how I want you. Don't make me tell you again." Eddie barked, gruff and mean.
You whined, leaning forward at the hips until you reached the seat of the van, nails digging into the cracked and worn leather. Your arms stretched out in front of you when you wiggled back, a deep bow that left your ass up and presented to Eddie.
Eddie's hands cracked down on your ass twice, leaving you yelping in surprise, lifting up out of position. Eddie's calloused hand pressed down on the bare, small of your back, urging you back into position roughly.
"You know better." He warned, tutting in disappointment. "You know better than to keep those legs closed too."
You pouted, eyes already shining with tears when you bent back down, shuffling your feet apart until your legs were separated like Eddie wanted, back in a deep arch, hands out and grabbing the seat in front you. You could feel the cold breeze of the air gusting between your legs, shivering when it cooled and wrapped through your slick folds.
Eddie smirked, unfastening his thick, black leather belt out of his jeans, palming himself to adjust his hard length, uncomfortable behind his zipper. "You better stay bent over like that, you hear me?" Eddie warned, folding the belt over in his hands.
You nodded meekly. Eddie growled. Three thundering swats made you gasp, jumping and squirming under his heavy palm. Eddie's hand threaded through your hair, yanking your head back, scalp burning and screaming at the pain. "I asked you a question."
"Yes, sir." You babbled, lip wobbling, eyes pinched in a wince of pain. You throbbed furiously between your legs, feeling your slick on the inside of your thighs.
Eddie let your hair go, your head bobbing before bowing back down to look at the ground. You could see his heavy, black boots behind you, menacing and oozing authority. You clenched around nothing, trying to fight the urge to squirm, rub your thighs together for some friction.
Eddie sighed heavily, disappointed, your heart dropped. "I'm giving you twenty." He said, tapping the looped leather of the belt against your ass, rubbing the smooth material over your ass until you shivered. "And you're going to count every single one out loud. You mess up, I start over. You get out of position, I start over. Understand?"
You sniffled, clenching your eyes shut as you nodded. "Yes, sir." You mumbled, pouty and petulant, face blazing at the position.
You could hear the wind whistle through the trees, leaves shaking and branches rustling making you jump, back arching up before Eddie's hand walloped on your ass.
He huffed, a slow exhale out his nose. "Looks like we're gonna be here a while." He tsked, shaking his head at you. "You just don't want to behave today, hm?"
You whined. "I do, sir."
Eddie scoffed. "I'll believe it when I see it." He bit, readjusting the belt in his hand. He moved behind you, you could see his feet planted, apart and spread to the side so he could really lash you. Your tummy twisted in nerves, anticipation.
"You remember your safe word?" Eddie asked gently.
Your heart fluttered at the sentiment. How he could still be caring and sweet, even when you had been anything but. "Yes, Ed," You whispered, looking over your shoulder at him, eyes locking with his for the confirmation.
Eddie bit back a grin, rolling his tongue over his cheek instead, belt tapping in warning against your ass. "I'm gonna start." He warned. "Every single one, baby, or we start over."
You nodded, bending forward again. Your hands were clammy against the cool leather of the seat, feeling Eddie playfully tap the belt against your ass, mapping where his first strike would land.
Then you heard it, the swish of the air followed by a resounding clap! that sent you forward, stinging pain erupting in a thing strip across both globes of you ass.
You gasped, rocking forward, clenching your jaw and nails digging into the seat. "One." You grit, desperate to keep yourself in position, bent over and obedient.
Eddie grunted, arm pulling back before another stipe was added to your reddened skin, just below the first one. You cried out with that hit, knees locking and wobbling at the hit. "Two!" You whined out, head tipped down to the concrete.
Eddie brought the belt down in two short successions, where the curve of your ass met your thighs. It nearly sent you tumbling, buckling on the ground. You shouted out both number counts with a cry, shuddering as the burning sensation set in. Eddie could see the wet tears on the concrete beneath you, where your head tipped down towards it.
You'd made it to double digits, twelve, and Eddie was impressed, truly. He figured you would've sobbed, fell to your knees and cried for him after the seventh hit, but you were nothing if not stubborn. Stubborn to please him or to prove yourself right, he wasn't sure.
The whirling of tires, fast and approaching sent you flying up, wide eyed and with a little gasp, seeing the black truck fly by on the main road through tear blurred vision.
Eddie tutted behind you, a heavy sigh full of disappointment. "And you were so close, baby." He pouted, mockingly. Your cheeks flared, turning around to face him, his eyes hard and arms crossed, belt hanging loosely in his hand. "You just had to go and break the rules didn't you?"
You shook your head furiously, head bouncing from the main road back to Eddie. "No, no, Ed, I-I thought someone was coming-"
Eddie lifted his hand, cutting off your blubbering. "And I thought I told you to stay bent over or we'd start over?" Eddie challenged.
You gaped, wide eyed and shocked. Eddie shrugged, shaking his head at you. "Guess we're back to one, hm?" He jeered, nodding towards the passenger seat. "Bend back over."
You were baffled, stammering and pleading on his deaf ears. "Ed, that-that's not fair-"
"Excuse me?" Eddie snapped, taking a step towards you. "Did you seriously just say that to me?"
You clamped you mouth shut, eyes shining with tears up at him. His cock throbbed at how pitiful you looked, desperate and begging. "My rules were clear and you broke them. I told you what would happen if you did, and you still broke them, didn't you?" Eddie asked.
You opened your mouth, a whiny excuse on the tip of your tongue, silenced by Eddie's ringed hand gripping your jaw. "Didn't you?" He asked darkly.
You pouted, huffing at his harshness, tears blinking your eyes when you nodded. Eddie's fingers dug into your jaw making you whine, a warning look that had you fighting back an eye roll. "Yes, sir." You muttered.
Eddie released your jaw with a small shake of your head, stepping back behind you. "Bend over. Grab that chair, and I better hear you count loud and clear." He instructed.
You bowed back over, sniffling and red-faced with anger and embarrassment. Eddie was being so mean, so unfair. You were furious that it made you throb and drench the way it did.
Eddie's hits were lighter this time, but still unforgiving. Still left you crying and squirming, blubbering through tears and blurred vision while he wrecked your ass.
"What was that?" Eddie asked, tipping his head towards you mockingly. "Do we need to start over?" He threatened.
"No!" You wailed, sobbing at the threat, tears and snot running down your face, pooling at the tip of your nose and falling onto the asphalt. "Fif-Fifteen." You whimpered, knees bouncing as if it might ease the burn and sting.
Eddie hummed, taking mercy on you, only for a moment before he tapped the leather belt back against your reddened ass, arm rearing back before walloping against your skin.
Your knees buckled, crying out in pain. Cries and emotions bubbled deep in your chest, spilling over and out of you through racked sobs, shuddering your shoulders and down your spine. "Sixteen!" You whined, high pitched and desperate.
Eddie looked around, head craning towards the road. He knew no one would come back here, couldn't see them from the main road, but he couldn't stop checking.
Eddie's ringed hand ran down your back, smirking when you arched into his touch. He sucked in a breath, palm smoothing over the warm, buzzing skin of your reddened ass, nails digging into the flesh to make you sob. "You ready to be a good girl now?" Eddie asked, smoothing a hand down the curve of your ass, moving dangerously close to your center.
"Gonna be my sweet girl again? Hm?" Eddie asked, moving his hand to your soaked center, two fingers swiping through your sopping folds.
You whined, breathy and needy, head tilting back in pleasure. Eddie leaned forward, resting his belt on your ass, free hand gripping your cheeks. "Hm? You gonna be good for me again? Be sweet like I know you can be?"
"Yes." You breathed out dreamily, tear stained cheeks nuzzling into his palm, eyes pinched close in pleasure, shifting your hips when he rubbed your clit, circling it lightly, teasing. Pleasure was building in your tummy, you were already so close from the belting alone.
Eddie pulled his hand away without warning, leaving you gasping and whining at the loss of touch. You started to move, but quickly readjusted your position under his warning gaze, lower lip jutting back at him. "Eddie, please..."
Eddie shook his head, picking up his belt. "You've still got four more, baby." He shrugged. You whined loudly, childishly, but you didn't care.
"Hey, you did this to yourself." Eddie warned. "But since you've taken your spankings so good, I'll do you a favor." Eddie grinned wolfishly, making your tummy flip and twist, thighs clenching.
"I'll do the last four quick, and we'll be done. Sound good?"
Your shoulders deflated at his offer. You were hoping he'd tell you he'd pardon you, exempt you from the last four and make you get on your knees instead, suck him off until he was spilling down your throat and your knees were bruised from the asphalt.
"No..." You fussed, lip wobbling and the familiar burn of a cry filling your throat and nose. You stomped your foot on the asphalt. "Eddie, please, just be done, please." You snapped.
Eddie's brows lifted, feigned, exaggerated shock. "Are you seriously still whining?" He asked. "And here I was thinking you'd learned your lesson. Hm, maybe I was being too easy on ya."
"No, you aren't. I just want to be done, please!" You whined, stomping your feet into the asphalt, huffy and furious. Your knees bounced, squirming and crying. "I just wanna be done-"
"You still have four more," Eddie said sternly. "And it seems like you need them, baby, look at you. So bratty still?"
"I'm not, Eddie!" You cried out, huffing furiously. "I just want to be done. You teased me, and now you're making me still take more, and-and it's not my fault-"
You cringed, mouth clamping quickly, hoping he didn't hear you. You couldn't see his expression from your bent over position, but Eddie's grasp on your hair, yanking you up again gave you the answer.
"What did I tell you?" Eddie hissed, his nose touching yours, eyes furious and blazing into yours. You whimpered, giving him the most pitifully submissive look you could muster, a last resort to try and soothe him, get you out of trouble.
It didn't.
Eddie yanked your panties out of his pocket, balling them up and holding them between his fingers with his free hand. "Open." He demanded. You shook your head.
Eddie growled, dropping his hand out of your hair, scalp comforted from he release for just a moment before he hand you pulled tight against his hip, hand thundering down on your already reddened, sensitive skin.
You yelped, cried, squirmed, and pushed against him as he spanked you, hand hard and cracking down on your irritated flesh, reigniting the sting and burn. Somehow, his hand was worse than the belt, hard and unrelenting, leaving you blubbering and sobbing.
"I'm done with your attitude, do you hear me?" Eddie snapped, grabbing your face in his hands, fingertips wet with your tears. You nodded, sniffling and muttering apologies. Eddie pulled the panties back out, the fabric brushing your lips. "Open."
You hesitated before opening, barely unhinging your jaw before your panties were lodged into your mouth, gagging around the intruding material that Eddie shoved in.
You looked ruined; tear stained face, swollen and snotty with your cries, mouth full and barely closing around your panties, hair messed from his harsh pulls on your scalp. Eddie swallowed thickly, his cock lurching and he could feel himself leaking into his boxers.
"I'm going to give you your last four, and I still expect you to count." Eddie warned, gruffly, his face so close to you, his breath ghosted over your wet cheeks.
You nodded, stumbling when Eddie let go of your waist, quickly bending back down into position. Chest heaving and sniffling when you bowed, wiggling your legs apart. Your jaw burned with the stretch of the foreign object in them, your panties getting damper and damper with every ounce of saliva that filled your mouth with the intrusion.
"Get ready." Eddie warned. "I'll still be nice to you and give them to you all at once."
Your shoulders relaxed slightly, thankful. You didn't know how much longer you could last with his teasing, keeping you further and further on edge.
Eddie huffed, hand cracking up on your right cheek, eyes training on the jiggle of your cheek and hip at the impact. "What do you say, huh?" Eddie grit, roaming your reddened cheeks, puffy pussy shining in between. "You forget your manners entirely?"
You shook your head. "Thwank ywou." You muttered around the panties, response muffled and slurred.
Eddie bit back a groan, tapping the belt on your ass instead. He looked around, scanning the road and the scenery around him, pulling his arm back, four blistering hits of the belt striping against your ass, darkening and marking the already reddened skin.
You wailed, dulled and whiny with sniffles, drool pooling out of the side of your mouth. "Seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty!" spilled out of you, slurred and muted.
Your chest heaved, sobs overwhelming you entirely, the snot running down your nose and throat, tears stinging and blurring your vision. Your ass ached, horrible and throbbing pain that you wanted nothing more to soothe, but you knew Eddie would correct you.
"Good girl, such a good girl, aren't you?" Eddie hushed in a gruff tone, rubbing your back gently, signaling you to stand up.
You stood, crying freely in front of him when he turned you to face him. His own face softened, cooing pitifully at you, thumbs swiping the tears under your eyes. "Aw, my poor baby, look at you, huh?" He cooed, shaking his head. "You're gonna be so good for me now, huh? So good now?"
You nodded, trying to respond around the wet cotton of your panties, damp and heavy in your mouth. Eddie held his hand in front of your mouth, fishing the wet cotton out of your mouth, strings of drool tumbling out with it.
You sniffled, rolling your jaw to soothe the stretch and burn. Eddie cupped your jaw, massaging it lightly while he pulled you close by the waist, free hand rubbing over your flamed ass. "You gonna be my sweet girl again?" He asked, tilting his head to the side, hands soothing the burn in your skin.
You nodded, wiping at your eyes. "Yes." You croaked out, lip wobbling, a hard, wet sniffle making Eddie smirk.
"Oh, I hope so." Eddie's eyes glinted, dark and daring in the sunshine, rays catching the amber flecks in his irises making your heart soar. "I think we should talk more about it at home, don't you?"
"Yes, Eddie." You replied obediently, brain foggy. Your pussy throbbed, desperate and aching for his touch.
"Hm, good girl." Eddie pinched your tear stained cheek, lips brushing delicately, tasting the saltiness of your cheeks on his lips.
You curled into his touch, needy, like you always were after he punished you. Eddie pulled you close, hand rubbing down your bare back sweetly, pulling you back towards the van. You reached to untuck the dress from your neckline, when Eddie's hand closed around your wrist.
"Nuh-uh-uh, baby." Eddie shook his head. "You leave that up until we get home."
Your brows furrowed. "But-"
Eddie lifted his brows. "I need to make sure you're gonna be a good girl. Make sure you remember to behave." Eddie's hand rubbed down the hot skin of your ass for emphasis, making your squirm.
"You sit down and think about how mean you were. Want you to remember what happens to bad little brats when they don't act right, ok?" Eddie hummed sweetly, his words making you pouty and your head spin.
You nodded with a little sigh, climbing into the van and lowering gently onto the worn leather of the van seats. The cracks, splits, crumbs, and tears of the seat made you hiss, lifting up gently with a whine. It rubbed uncomfortably against your cheeks, reigniting the furious burn with every scratch and knead against the skin.
Eddie started the van, eyes cutting over to you with a small coo. He squished your cheeks between his hands, laughing at the pout of your lips, how small and pathetic you looked. "Look at you," He laughed, a little teasing, just enough to get you blushing through wet sniffles.
You adjusted, moving to tuck your leg under your burning thighs, hoping to create a barrier between the burn of your skin and the rough leather, but Eddie stopped you. "Ah-ah," He lifted a finger, voice in a mocking coo that had your chest bubbling with embarrassment. "You won't learn you lesson that way, will ya?" He grinned, malicious, salacious. Your lips pressed together. "You sit all the way down, and you think about what you've done, ok?"
You huffed lightly, giving him a pleading look that he ignored. "Please? It hurts, Eddie."
"Oh, I know," Eddie mocked, mimicking your whine with an exaggerated pout that had you biting back a snarl, tears raising higher and higher into your chest, burning even as you took a deep breath to push them down. "That's the point, sweetheart." He quipped.
You did huff this time, but let yourself slide back onto the seat gently, holding back a wince to keep from giving him the satisfaction. "You said you were gonna be good, right?" Eddie asked, putting the car into drive as he started, the gravel mixed with the already choppy shake of the van beginning to irritate your skin further, making your squirm in your seat.
"Yes," You sighed, pathetic and desperate, looking at him mopey eyes that usually turned him to mush. You could see his bulge in his jeans, hoping if you could get him to believe you were sorry and complacent, he'd quit the mean guy games and finally let you cum.
"I'll be good. I promise." You said meekly, placing your hand on his arm, rubbing the veiny, inked forearm gently, sweetly.
Eddie smiled, pretty and loving with deep dimples that made your heart race. For a second, you almost thought it worked; almost.
"I believe you." Eddie smiled, moving his arm back to hold your hand, fingers laced in his, thumb stroking the soft skin. "But every time you lift up off that seat, I'm gonna add a stroke of the cane when we get home."
Your heart dropped, hand tensing under his grasp. He'd said it so nicely, sugar coated words that had you confused, reeling at the meaning behind them. Your wide eyed gaze met his, swallowing the lump in your throat when he winked back at you, devilishly.
"But you're a good girl right? So nothing to worry about, baby." Eddie smirked, one hand on the wheel, a slow cruise down the backroads towards Hawkins. His other hand holding yours, so he could feel every time you squirmed, pressing into his hand to move when the cracked leather grazed your sore skin.
He doled out three strokes of the cane when you got to his trailer, before he finally fucked you, hard and deep into the mattress, grunting in your ear about how you were his one and only girl.
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Growing Pains
Pairing: Eddie x Reader
Word count: 2.2k
Notes: I’m gonna cry they don’t need to be THIS ATTRACTIVE, also boy did I NOT edit this 🥹🥹🥹 what a lovely lil request from my bestie who you know in this moment I’m realizing I don’t remember how to spell your user I’m sorry I love you 🤣🤣🤣 okay I checked it’s @chihard20
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The day started out normal, waking up snuggled in Eddie’s arms as he nuzzled your neck. He was always affectionate in the mornings, too sleepy to really want anything but you.
“Mornin’ Gorgeous” He mumbles into your neck, his hands trailing down your sides until they reach your hips. His fingers splay out over your plush body as he guides you on top of him. You giggle into him, rolling your eyes as you sit up. He likes when your hair is all messy like that after waking up
“Good morning baby” You grin, your hands sliding over his torso before planting them firmly on his chest. He grins wickedly at the way your back arches, blushing a little in the process as you start to roll your hips in slow circles. He smirks, sliding his hands back up your sides and squeezing lightly
“Ow!” You flinch away from his touch, and he stops immediately, sitting up
“Y/N? Hey… what’s wrong?” He feels your sides again, this time a little slower and you wince when his hands flow over a certain spot. He lifts your shirt and looks, there’s a bruise there, and it’s hot to the touch.
“What the hell is this??” He asks, his voice dripping with worry. He pushes your hair gently out of your face and you lean into his touch
“Okay wait wait don’t worry, Buck and I were working out yesterday and he got me in the side. It was a total accident I forgot about it”
He rolls his eyes, pulling you in carefully to kiss you “Remind me to kick his ass when I see him” you giggle and kiss him back, your lips moving slowly against his
“Will do”
Eddie painstakingly tells you he doesn’t want to have sex, and you’re snickering through it the entire time he’s trying to reassure you. It’s not that he doesn’t want it, he just doesn’t want to hurt you or anything. You begrudgingly accept his reasoning and get out of bed.
He takes his time in a very…very cold shower, cursing Buck with every pass of the loofah on his skin and you take that time to get washed up. You stare in the mirror, you look a little pale… a little tired. Huh maybe you just didn’t get enough sleep? Eddie was… enthusiastic last night to say the least. You just decide to shrug it off and finish getting ready for work.
After a busy breakfast and goodbye kisses to Chris, you’re both out the door, Buck is actually on time for once and you climb into the jeep.
“Thanks a lot cock block” Eddie mumbles as soon as his seatbelt is on and you snort loudly, holding your side lightly
“Don’t make me laugh! It hurts!”
“What do you mean cock block. I specifically did not call you this morning because I know y’all get it on every five seconds!!”
“You hurt her side! I couldn’t…. You know when she’s hurting like that. What kind of a man would I be!” Eddie frowns at him, crossing his arms over his chest
Buck looks at you in the rear view mirror “Damn, I didn’t think I hit you that hard Y/N, I’m really sorry.”
You shrug your shoulders, the pain is starting to flare up a little more so you adjust your seatbelt to not be over it.
“Hey it’s okay! It truly was an accident Buck, don’t worry about Mr. Horndog he’ll get over it”
You and Buck spend the rest of the ride teasing Eddie and laughing at him and he threatens to break up with the both of you. He slouches down in his chair, his arms crossed and pouting like a little kid. It’s impossible for you and Buck to not laugh at him.
It isn’t until a couple hours into your shift you start sweating. It’s not unbearably hot like it could be in L.A so maybe it’s just a you problem. You sit in the break area with a fan in front of you, your head laying on the cool table, you don’t realize your eyes were closed until someone’s hand is on your back, rubbing soothing circles to rise you.
“Hey Y/N, Cap wants you to…” Chim looks at you, you look worse than you feel which is pretty hard to achieve right now.
“Eddie?? Hey Eddie come up here, quick!!” Chim calls over the railing before coming back to stand by you. He gets down on one knee, pushing your sweaty hair off your forehead
“Hey… hey kiddo what’s going on?” He asks you softly and you look at him, your eyes a little hazy.
“Chim?” You say softly, you move your head slowly to the sound of Eddie’s footsteps as he jogs over
“Baby?? Y/N what’s going on” He repeats the question and you look at him with those same hazy eyes. He looks worried sick. You can see the panic behind the mask. You try to push yourself up slowly, but curl back up in a ball, crying out in pain and holding your sides
Chimney gets up from the floor, running to the railing “Call an ambulance!! Hen we need you, bring your med pack”
Buck holds back Eddie, standing in front of him as you’re laid out on the floor. Hen needs room to assess you and Eddie can barely give it to her
“Hey, she’s gonna be fine, it’s gonna be okay” Buck says softly, holding his arms, he’s just as nervous. His hands are shaking and Eddie looks at him, taking a deep breath and nodding. He pushes Buck to the side but puts his arm around him too. He knows how much Buck loves you and he knows Buck is probably freaking out thinking he caused this.
“It looks like appendicitis” Hen says, looking up at the boys.
“Oh thank god. I thought I killed her. I can’t go to jail! I’m too pretty for jail!”
You wheeze with laughter but stiffen and hold your side again, Eddie whacks Buck’s torso
“Don’t make her laugh!”
The ambulance comes in record time and you’re loaded into it. Eddie gets in back, holding your hand tightly and kisses your knuckles softly. The team promises they’ll come to the hospital after their shift and Buck swears he’ll take care of Chris.
The ride there is a bit slower, and Eddie looks like he’s going to have an anxiety attack
“I’m stable. Stop worrying” your words are short puffs of air and Eddie lays his forehead on your arm
“God you scared me… you are scaring me” He whispers to you, can’t this thing go any faster?
“This happens to a hundred million billion people Eddie” your voice is soft “I’m gonna be okay”
“I’m not dating a hundred million billion people, I’m dating you. I’m loving you.”
Your heart flutters when he says that, you sniffle a little and he wipes away your tears.
“I love you too” you whisper back, closing your eyes slowly to rest
“…I love you guys too” Adam the paramedic wipes away a fake tear and you snicker, wincing and groaning in pain but it’s just too stupid not to laugh
“Don’t make her laugh!!!”
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Buck is in the waiting room when Eddie is told he has to be there. His head snaps up and he gets up from his chair, Eddie hugs him tightly, patting him on the back
“What are you doing here?? I thought you were gonna watch Chris?”
“Isabel dropped by, and forced me out of the house” he chuckles, pulling away from Eddie.
“Said you shouldn’t be alone…Chris begged me to give this to Y/N, how could I refuse that face?”
Eddie sits in a chair and Buck plops down next to him, he passes him a piece of construction paper, Chris made a get well card, it’s got a picture of the two of them on the front cover. Eddie holds it, looking through it. God he couldn’t lose you, he should have been more serious about it earlier, maybe if he’d just asked a few more questions-
The card is snatched from his hands and he snaps out of it, Buck shakes it out. Eddie hadn’t even realized he was crying.
“There was nothing you could have done in the time you were with her to figure out it was appendicitis” He says firmly, giving Eddie no room to even fight it.
The wait isn’t long, two hours or so but it feels like so much longer to Eddie. He paces back and forth for a bit, before Buck gets up and trades places with him
“I’ll take a turn” he jokes a little and Eddie smiles sadly at him. Just glad he’s not alone anymore. He watches Buck pace slowly, breathing in time with his steps. He’s slouched in the chair, his arms crossed. He’d been in the same position this morning for more fun reasons and he wishes he could just go back to that.
“Mr. Diaz?” A doctor in scrubs comes out, taking off his bandanna. He sighs but smiles wearily at him. Eddie jumps out of his chair
“Is she okay? Please tell me she’s alive”
His voice cracks at the end of the sentence and Buck walks over, putting his arm around Eddie’s shoulders
“I’m Doctor Pascal. Of course she’s alive Mr. Diaz. She’s perfectly fine” He puts his hand on his arm and reassures him, a look of worry on his face
“Are you okay?” He asks, looking him over. Eddie is a wreck if he’s being honest. He nods fast, wiping the tears from his face
“I’m okay I’m fine. Can I see her? Can we see her?? Please”
Doctor Pascal gives Eddie another once over before nodding
“Yeah, yeah you can see her. But we only allow immediate family back there… so?” He looks at Buck kindly
“Oh I’m her boyfriend, he’s her husband”
Buck says it so calmly and smoothly, like he’s absolutely rehearsed this moment and was so ready for it
“Oh uh” Doctor Pascal just shrugs his shoulders “Follow me gentlemen”
Buck gives Eddie his biggest, shiniest smile and for the first time all afternoon Eddie laughs.
As soon as they all get to the room Buck is at your side, dramatically pushing Eddie out of the way, it makes you giggle and he cups your face in his hands, peppering little kisses all over
“Hi baby” he coos softly “It’s daddy Buck”
You snort and push his chest away, Eddie stands very still at the end of your bed, you look over to him, reaching your hand out weakly. You’re seeing two of him from the killer pain meds they gave you… but that just means you can see two equally as panicked faces
“I’m alive, Edmundo. I’m here” you say steadily and Buck kind of tugs him around the bed, joining your hands.
He finally snaps out of it, kicking off his shoes and climbing into bed with you. Dr. Pascal’s head snaps up from the computer
“Mr. Diaz wait you-“
Buck runs to the other side of the bed and helps you move over some, enough for Eddie to fit next to you. You wrap your arms around him so tightly, squeezing him as close as you can. You can feel tears falling onto your chest as you stroke his back, shushing him softly. He clings to you like his life depends on it and you understand that it probably does in this moment
“Just. Be careful with her okay?” Dr. Pascal scolds Eddie, who just nods slowly and gives him a thumbs up. The doctor leaves the room and you continue to stroke back, your hand trails up his neck and you start to play with his hair
“Daddy Buck?” You ask him, and you feel Eddie snicker into your neck
“I told Dr. Pascal I was your boyfriend and he was your husband
“You’ve been waiting to do that for so long how did it feel”
“Pretty triumphant not gonna lie”
You turn back to Eddie now, he finally pulls his face from your neck 
He kisses you softly, it takes a second for your fuzzy brain before your lips respond to his, he slips off your heart monitor and holds it out to Buck who rolls his eyes and puts it on his own finger. 
Eddie’s hand moves slowly over your body just feeling you. His hand settles on your chest right over your heartbeat and you smile softly, pulling away and taking his hand, kissing his palm
“Are you okay now?” You ask quietly and he sighs, nodding slowly 
“I’m so glad you’re okay… I haven’t been that scared in a long time.” 
“I know baby…but I’m okay now alright? I just have to heal” 
“And I promise I’ll wait on you hand and foot. You won’t have to lift a finger” he kisses your forehead
“Hey! I’ll even stay over and watch Chris so you can take care of her” Buck offers, as he messes around on the computer 
Eddie swats him away from the computer and you giggle
“Thanks Buck” He says sarcastically, but he means it, honestly.
“Hey it’s the least I can do for my partners!”
“Oh my god we’re not actually-“
Buck slaps his hand over Eddie’s mouth
“Do you want them to find out and kick me out?!”
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titaniasfairy · 3 months
can we please get a little something about soap and his puppy!girlfriend while she’s in heat??? she’s whining and begging to be fucked for a little relief and johnny is happy to oblige <3 maybe with a hint of breeding kink too?? 🫣
18+ MDNI
if you don’t like the content, don’t read it. i’m not going to put up with people in my inbox complaining about the media they choose to consume
cw: somno/dub-con, breeding kink, mean-ish!johnny, puppy!reader, afab reader
with the early rising of the sun, you’re rudely awaken by the overwhelming feeling of arousal flooding your panties and sending jittery butterflies to your tummy.
your thighs clench, trying to satisfy you of your newfound desire that comes to you every month. next to you is your poor owner, fast asleep on the other side of the bed.
you don’t want to disturb the scot, but it’s nearly impossible when your own body is betraying you by sending filthy thoughts to your head.
turning over, you see him fast asleep only in his boxers with the thin sheet covering his lower half. it would be cruel of you to wake him up.
so you don’t.
slowly removing the bedsheet from over your lover, you climb on top of him, your panty-clad cunt sat perfectly on his clothed bulge. you begin to grind on the man, rutting your hips against his semi-hard cock while your tail whips back and forth behind you eagerly.
instinctively, you bend forward to nuzzle your face into the crook of johnny’s neck, inhaling his scent and listening to his breathing while you continue to grind your clit on his still-sleeping form.
after a few moments you begin to whine out, the ever so often brushing of your clit against him not being enough for your needy cunt. your hands begin to run up and down johnny’s chest, fingers flicking his sensitive nipples that harden from the cold morning air.
you start grinding harder onto him, ass moving forward and backward on johnny’s boxers as his breathing begins to pick up and his cock begins to harden under you.
“steamin’ jesus, pup. what’re ya doin’?”
his eyes open to see your mostly-naked body, tits out and pussy covered in your now soaked pretty panties grinding on his cock. the sight makes him moan out and let out a gaelic curse under you.
“m’sorry, johnny! just needed you so badly..”
johnny’s arms wrap around you to assist you in fucking yourself on his bulge. his pretty cerulean eyes stare into your needy ones.
“i know puppy.. i know what time it is f’ya.”
he always keeps track of your cycles and knows what days exactly you’re expected to go into heat, but this time your heat came a day early.
“please, johnny, please take care of me.”
johnny kisses your forehead and rubs your fluffy ears before pulling down his boxers and releasing his painfully hard cock, tip furiously red and throbbing while you eagerly rid yourself of your soiled panties.
“c’mon, pup, let me fucked that cunt dumb f’ya.”
you’re practically dripping as johnny lines his tip with your entrance, when without warning, johnny thrusts his hard cock into your tight gummy walls.
you moan out into the sunlit bedroom, tears welling up in your eyes as johnny begins to fuck into your cunt, rough hands on your hips and his pelvis smacking into yours.
“what a fuckin’ slag, waking me up n’the mornin’ just to get her pussy ruined and filled by her owner.”
“fuck! yes please-”
“yeah? you wanna get bred by your owner, pup? dirty bitch.”
safe to say johnny did not go into work that day, rather spending his time draining his balls into your tight holes instead <3
ty for the ask <3
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candyrockpop · 1 year
Drunk WH characters x Reader
Every character drunk x GN!reader (minus home, of course.)
TW/CW: Mentions of alcohol, arguing(not specific, just a mention), kisses, and drunk shenanigans
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Wally Darling
🍎I think Wally would be...not hard to get drunk, but it would take a good number of drinks.
🍎When he does get drunk though? He is clingy and he is HUNGRY.
🍎Probably ask you to hold him and eat over your shoulder if food is nearby.
🍎Would absolutely not let you go, you have to give him affection!
🍎"Wally, can you let go now?" "No. Cuddles."
🍎You would have to bring him to Home, and spend the night as he will hang onto you like a koala.
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Poppy Partridge
🪅You would end up going up to her to see if she was drunk or not.
🪅She would just be watching everyone with a goofy smile.
🪅If you ask her if she's okay, she would just start telling old stories about the neighborhood, even embarrassing ones.
🪅"Oh yes, one time Julie ate one of Barnabys hotdogs and nearly cried because it was spicy! I was so worried!"
🪅She would eventually wrap you in her wings, just holding you. It's pretty warm, actually.
🪅You'd have to bring her home, since she was pretty tipsy.
🪅She thanks you the next morning and apologizes.
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Julie Joyful
💐One drink of something a little too strong and she is a goner.
💐She would end up dancing with Sally.
💐Only after she and a drunken Barnaby argue over what song to put on–
💐Eventually She'll have the idea to try and climb Howdy, who just trips under her added weight.
💐When you go to collect her, she presses kisses all over your face.
💐On the way to her house, she somehow ends up stuck in a tree?
💐Like how? You get her down and home and the next day she thanks you and keeps you company the rest of the day.
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Howdy Pillar
🐛Somehow, this man is even more clumsy than Eddie is on a bad day.
🐛Like, I'm talking tripping over air and running into everything.
🐛It's okay, he doesn't care if that big, happy grin on his face is any indication, especially when he finally stumbles(falls) into you.
🐛You have to force him to sit down since he just wants to give you hugs but keeps falling when he tries to pick you up.
🐛He will wrap you in all of his arms and lay his head on yours.
🐛That dopey, lovesick smile on his face is everything, even if he's drunk.
🐛Eventually you talk(bribe) him into letting you go with kisses.
🐛You literally drag him home since he is a walking disaster. (He sports several scrapes and cuts the next day, and asks what happened.)
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Barnaby Beagle
🌭"Me? Drunk? Absolutely."
🌭He is aware he is drunk, but he doesn't mind since he knows he's safe.
🌭For a little while he's causing chaos. Chasing squirrels, tackling neighbors attempting to chase squirrels, eating half the snack table...
🌭When he gets tired though? He will find you.
🌭And he will sleep on you with his head in your lap.
🌭Before he falls asleep though he is all over you.
🌭Nuzzling you, licking your hair, kissing your cheeks, cuddling into your lap...
🌭He ends up trapping you there for the night, and you hope it doesn't rain...
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Sally Starlet
🌟She is dancing for hours. She doesn't care what the song is, she is dancing.
🌟She will drag everyone to dance, including you.
🌟She is causing chaos, too. Aka, trying to ride Barnaby like a horse, and climb Poppy like a mountain.
🌟You do have to pull her off, but then she just plops where she is and starts telling dramatic stories.
🌟You make sure to write down any ideas she has so she can see them later.
🌟"And then, a second dragon swoops in just as the hero makes a move to slay the first one. And starts fighting the other dragon!" *furiously writes as she talks 🖋*
🌟You end up going to your house since hers was a bit of a mess
🌟She ends up loving the ideas drunk her came up with, and presses happy kisses all over your hands and cheeks, and one to your lips.
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Eddie Dear
✉He's more clumsy than normal, like please keep him away from the tables, he keeps running into them!
✉Ran into you running from a chaotic Julie and knocks you both over.
✉He smiles and you both just kinda lay there.
✉He will listen to you if you start talking, and will randomly start motivating you.
✉With words and with his love.
✉Like, this man is pressing kisses to your knuckles, palm, lips, cheeks, forehead, lips again-
✉When you go to walk him back to the post office?
✉He forgets to open the door, runs into it, and knocks himself out. (It's okay, you carried him inside!)
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Frank Frankly
📚This man a perfect mix of reckless and clean freak.
🦋Like, he will start cleaning obsessively, then make a mess moments later trying to chase a moth he thought was a butterfly.
📚Of course he doesn't make it far, either you grab him or he trips, either way you caught him.
🦋He keeps trying to chase "butterflies"
📚Eventually harassed Howdy about turning into a butterfly.
🦋Pretty soon after he clocks out and passes out on the grass.
📚You carry him home, or drag him, and get him in his bed. You stay to ensure he doesn't make up and try to do something stupid.
🦋He wakes up the next morning and remembers absolutely nothing, but is very embarrassed when you tell him.
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Alright, I hope you enjoyed! This was requested and I hope you don't mind I did headcanons. Let me know if you want anything else, my ask box is open. Also, finals are done and school is out! (Ignore any and all spelling mistakes-)
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The Morning After
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Because we all need a little AM fluff sometimes lmao xx
A sharp sun ray hits his eyes, forcing him to squint before opening them again. He smiles. Everything hurts. Travis closes his eyes once more, exhaustion taking over his body and mind. There's a sharp contrast in the air: the cold breeze of the bedroom AC in this Vegas hotel, compared to the warm sun ray filtering through the curtains of the floor-to-ceiling windows. He hears a drawer opening and closing, a little spoon rustling. He realizes in that moment that he's alone in bed. The worst way to wake up today.
A strong and exhausted arm moves across the bed, almost as if reaching for the ghost of her. He sighs, having lost all sense of time and place. He won the Super Bowl. He did it. He did it all because of her.
Travis sighs again, feels himself get emotional again. Emotional, and.. drunk. He's forcing himself to pull the expensive blanket from his torso. Fully naked from the night before, he leaves the bedroom of the presidential suite. His entire body aches, yet the view before him makes him smile for the first time this morning. At the end of the room, he sees a tall blonde, wearing nothing but his shirt, fumbling with the coffee machine. She steps on her tiptoes for a second, reaching for one of the coffee pads from the shelf above the little coffee station. She's still not wearing any underwear, clearly having thrown his shirt over her body when she got up. He smiles and keeps on walking barefoot towards her, not hesitating for a moment before wrapping his big, strong arms around her.
She startles for a second, her cold hands and the little familiar giggle he loves so much in his ear. Travis sniffs into her neck, pressing his face as close as possible. Inaudible kisses reach her skin and a few strands of hair from her neck in between. This is where he always wants to be. Nuzzled into her skin.
"Oh my god, I literally didn’t hear you get up," she murmurs, both her hands now on his that are right on her stomach. She sounds tired and exhausted, just like he is. After a moment, Travis lets go of her neck, helping her turn around in his arms. The view makes him smile even more. Her eyes are puffy, puffier than she probably likes them to be in front of him, and her hair from last night is all over the place. But he adores seeing her like this. He adores climbing onto this next stage of their relationship together. She’s probably as hungover as he is. No question. This isn't the best version of herself. And he loves that he gets to experience it. He loves that he gets to love it, with every fiber of his being. Just the way she deserves.
"Good morning, sweetie." he murmurs, and she smiles tiredly, placing both her hands on his cheeks before giving him a proper good morning kiss on the lips. He pulls back and laughs quietly, his forehead meeting hers.
"Are you okay?" he asks gently, feeling clearly that she's exhausted, more than usual. This is a next-stage tired Taylor he hasn’t encountered yet. Her eyes small, her face is pale and her hands cold. She seems off to him, seems a little more quiet than she usually is.
"Yeah, great…" She mumbles with a hint of sarcasm in her voice that makes him smile. "Woke up with a sore throat and my head exploding. I think the jet lag and alcohol just got the best of me."
Travis nods, his lips immediately finding her forehead again. He kisses her right over her bangs, both his arms rubbing her bare arms, almost as if this could make her hangover go away.
"Last week was a lot, baby."
She nods, her hands now on his chest while he holds her securely in his arms. She doesn’t even notice that he's naked. It's all about being close to him.
"Yeah, I just feel like I need to eat first. How are you feeling?" She asks, looking up at her tall boyfriend. His eyes are tiny and he's a lot paler than usual. But she's not really surprised. He really went hard last night.
"I’m okay. I feel great. Might still be a bit drunk actually, but…"
She laughs. He nuzzles his face into her neck again, almost embarrassed.
"I'm sorry if it was a lot last night. I mean… from my side."
"What do you mean?"
"I was… drunk. In another sphere."
Taylor looks at him and laughs, her hands now gently caressing his face.
"I know. Me too. Trav, you are on top of the world right now. You were allowed to have fun last night,"
Travis looks into her eyes and nods slowly. Sometimes he looks at her and can’t believe she's here, can't believe she's his, through and through.
"Hey, I love you."
She smiles slowly, her fingers on his cheek. The unspeakable things he makes her feel. Things she thought she could never feel again.
"I love you, babe."
He kisses her again. She sighs into the kiss this time. The little counter with the coffee machine still against her lower back. But she doesn’t care. His kisses just make her forget that what she needed so badly a few moments ago was coffee.
Just as they pull back, Taylor takes a good look at him, then giggles again.
"I love you, but that beard has to go."
He grins.
"Okay, deal. But first, how about I get you some breakfast and a proper coffee, hmm? And some Advil."
She nods, cuddling herself into his arms again. She loves his smell, and she loves feeling so loved up by his big arms. It's been a while since home was a person. It's been a while since she's felt so safe and seen in someone’s presence.
"Please. I need a large coffee. A large, iced latte with almond milk and vanilla syrup. Please. And a breakfast burrito," she mumbles into his chest, making him laugh a little louder. His voice is still rusty from last night, and he knows why. There's been a lot of singing, screaming, and smoking involved.
"Okay, my love. Coming through. Go lay down for a bit now," he says gently and kisses her cheek a few times. She smiles, nods, then steals another kiss. He closes his eyes, pressing her a little closer. He doesn’t want this kiss to end. He doesn’t want to let go of her either. Her smell, her lips, her little hands on his cheeks. He loves this woman more than anything he's ever loved. It's scary, it's beautiful. It's life.
Taylor slowly lets go of him, smiling at him one last time before stepping back into bed. He looks after her, about to search for his phone in the hotel suite, when she turns around again.
"Hey, Trav."
"I’m so proud of you. Did I tell you that today already?"
Travis smiles slowly, a gentleness in his eyes he’s not used to himself.
"You did."
"Good," she answers, grabbing the sheets on the bed and letting herself fall into the soft mattress.
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the-iceni-bitch · 11 months
She’s Many Places
Relationship: amazon!lawyer Natasha Romanov x petite!curvy fem reader (Big Red and Peach, NLLYL AU)
Word Count: ~1.4k
Summary: You love when Nat comes home.
Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content (titty worship, petting, teasing, f/f sex, mentions of f receiving oral sex), good natured teasing about sugar mommy/baby relationship even though that’s not what they have, so much fluff, age gap relationship, an offended kitten, SMUT! 18+ ONLY!
A/N: Some sapphic fluff for pride (yes I know it’s not still Pride, but that’s a technicality) and oh my god I love these two. They’re so sweet together and playful and they give me the heart eyes 😍
I am no longer doing taglists so if you want to stay up to date on my fics, follow my sideblog @the-iceni-library and turn on notifications!
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Natasha hummed to herself as she shook the rain off her umbrella, grabbing the mail out of the box and taking one last look at the gray sky before walking into the brownstone.
“Baby?” She took off her coat and kicked off her pumps, unpinning her hair as she moved down the hall while Gus wound between her legs. “Peach, are you here?”
“I’m in the living room!” You beamed at her over the top of your book. “Is it still raining?”
“Yeah, it’s gloomy.” She scooped up the kitten and sank next to you on the couch, kissing your cheek before resting her head on your lap. “And work was long. How do you feel about ordering in?”
“I feel fantastic about it.” You ran your fingers through her hair while she pulled out her phone to order something. “I want pasta.”
“Pasta?” She kissed your fingers after you poked her nose affectionately. “We can do pasta. With garlic bread. Split a tiramisu?”
These soft domestic moments were everything with Nat. It was like every moment the two of you spent together just being close made you fall in love with each other even more. Saturdays at the farmers market always left you smiling when she would buy you flowers and you would share fresh blueberry scones. Sunday mornings in bed together where you made her pancakes and the two of you ate in bed and did the crossword while the kitten napped in a sunbeam would set her heart fluttering. And every time it got rainy and gloomy outside when the two of you would just cuddle were perfect.
“Hey peach?” Nat beamed up at you when you peeked down at her, turning and wrapping her arms around you so she could nuzzle into your stomach. “I love you, baby girl.”
“I love you too, Nat.” You giggled when she kissed your tummy, trying not to squirm when she pinched your side and tickled you a little. “Hey!”
“Hey yourself, wait a minute.” She scoffed when she pulled the blanket aside and saw what you were wearing, sitting up and pulling you into her lap while you squealed. “This is my sweatshirt!”
“It’s so comfy!” You laughed when she growled playfully and bit your neck, wiggling in her arms and gasping when she gave you a hickey. “Natasha!”
“What? It’s not like you have to go to the office.” She kissed the mark before pulling the collar of her sweatshirt aside to make another on your collarbone. “Bucky and his beefcake say hi, by the way.”
“My boys! I do miss them.” You tried to stay focused when she started kneading your ass but it wasn’t working. “I am enjoying my life as a sugar baby though.”
“Of course you are.” Nat purred when she edged her fingers under the edge of her sweatshirt and found you were only wearing panties. “Don’t even have to wear your own clothes, get to cuddle the kitten all day, and your pretty little pussy gets all the attention it deserves.”
“Wait, let me mark my page!” You screamed and laughed when she flung you down on the couch and climbed on top of you, your face heating up while the kitten ran off after screaming at the two of you for disturbing him. “Sorry Gus!”
“Gus will be fine.” Natasha grinned as she straddled your hips, her pencil skirt rising up her thighs until you could see the tops of her stockings while she tapped her finger against her plump bottom lip. God, she was hot, you still couldn’t believe she was in love with you sometimes. “Now, the food isn’t going to be here for twenty minutes, should I suck on your tits the whole time or just until your little pussy is all hot and wet then eat you out until you scream for me?”
“Well, I’m already wet.” You bit your lip and arched your back so the sweatshirt started to ride up your tummy, gasping when she reached between the two of you to rub your pussy through your panties. “Feel?”
“Yeah, I feel.” She started petting you while she leaned down to kiss your neck, tutting when you started to take off her sweatshirt. “That stays on. You wear my clothes, you get fucked in my clothes, new rule.”
“Okay.” You whined when she continued rubbing your cunt as she kissed her way down your chest. “You realize that’s not going to discourage me though?”
“It’s not supposed to, hush.” Nat winked at you before pushing her head under the sweatshirt and kissing the undersides of your breasts. “So soft.”
Natasha had never thought of herself as a tits man, but something about yours drove her fucking crazy. Maybe it was the way your pretty nipples would pebble as soon as her breath fanned over them, or when you shivered while she ran her nose along their soft curves. But she was pretty sure it was just because they were yours, and that you were so damn responsive when she paid any attention to them at all. So she started covering your chest with kisses, humming against your skin when you squirmed and whined for her.
Your eyes fluttered closed when she pulled as much of your breast into her mouth as she could and sucked softly, moaning as her tongue swirled around your nipple. She kneaded your other breast with her hand, smiling around your soft flesh when you arched your back to get even closer to her. When she felt you start to vibrate she bared her teeth, biting your nipple gently until you squealed.
“Natasha…” You laughed when she just grunted before kissing her way to your other breast. “One track mind.”
“Yep.” You could practically hear her smirking, but then she sucked on your nipple and pressed her fingers against your swollen clit through your panties and all you could do was whimper.
The rain kept pattering against the window as she worked you over like only she could, adding to the pleasant haze you were in while you gasped and sighed underneath her. She was so warm, so gentle with you. Her fingers kept stroking your pussy while she nibbled on your breast, rubbing your sensitive button until she heard your breath catch. All it took was a little pinch and you came with a squeak, your panties getting even more sticky as you gushed your release.
“Such a messy baby.” Nat ran her nose down your soft stomach slowly, her head slipping out from under her sweatshirt so she could grin at you. “You’re lucky I like it when all my furniture smells like you.”
“Oh my god, perv.” You giggled when she nipped at your hip before rubbing her nose over the gusset of your panties. “You’re such a dirty old lady.”
“Watch your mouth or I’ll spank you instead of licking your pussy.” She buried her face in your cunt and moaned even as she pinched your thigh in warning.
“Oh nooooooooo…” You yelped when she pulled back and swatted your pussy over your panties. “How terrible for me.”
“Oh… shut up.” Nat rolled her eyes before going back to work, taking the crotch of your panties between her teeth and growling mischievously when she started to drag them down your legs.
“Nat!” She didn’t stop when the doorbell rang, just grumbling as she kept dragging your underwear off like she was a riled up frat boy. “That’s the food!”
“But I’ve already got a warm, delicious meal right here.” Nat huffed when you poured at her, sitting up with your panties still in her mouth and giving you a show of sucking your juices out of them before she tossed them aside. “But I know you want your pasta.”
“Thank you.” You tugged the sweatshirt down to cover your hips and covered yourself with the blanket, clapping excitedly when you smelled the bolognese. “You’re the best sugar mommy ever.”
“You’re such a tease.” She pulled you into her lap after handing you your container, kissing your temple when you bit into your garlic bread. “I do love spoiling you, though, sweet little peach. So eat your pasta, and I’ll let you eat all the tiramisu while I have you for dessert.”
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hamlets-ak · 1 year
Can you write a fic about Reader and Tim celebrating their’s child’s birthday.
Have a nice day ❤️❤️
thank you so much for your request!! have a nice day as well <3
birthday boy ༊*·˚
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༘♡ sometimes instead of lines, she'd draw stars, stars, stars...
in which you, timothée and your daughter wake up your son for his birthday
« Wake up! Come on! Wake up! »
You gasped your eyes immediately opening wide at the feeling of an object hitting the back of your head. A painful grunt escaped your lips, your fingers fumbling around the pillow only to find a purple stuffed dragon.
« Mom! », you heard your daughter’s loud groan as she shut the door behind her. You smiled at the sound of her little high-pitched angry voice. The room filled immediately with the energy of your six-year-old child, Zoe.
« Good morning, sweety, come here, » you motioned with your hand. She walked towards you and stood beside your bed, her lips pressed shut and her arms wrapped around her waist, amber eyes glaring at you.
« Good morning, » she said with a frown. The light slipped through the window and landed on top of her hair making it look golden like bleached buttercups. « Why are you still sleeping? Don’t you know what day it is? »
« Of course, we do, baby, » you turned around balancing on your elbows.
« Then why are you still sleeping? », she whined.
« We were just waking up, » you leaned to kiss her forehead while pulling behind her ears pieces of unruly hair. She still had her baby smell; warm summer skin, clean cotton, sugared milk. Her freshly washed hair made your whole room radiate chamomile, honey, and olives. She had definitely woken up in a mood but how could you be mad at her adorable face, her pouted lips, and her small nose that had Timothée’s little bump on it?
« But you are not waking up, » Zoe continued. « Daddy’s still sleeping! » You rubbed your eyes and covered your mouth to yawn before bringing forward her little stuffed animal.
« Why did you throw me on mom’s head, Zoe? », you changed your voice pretending it was the animal speaking. It was a game you had developed since she was a little kid and for some reason, it always made her happy. 
« It’s Marc’s birthday and they’re still in bed, Spike, » she replied. You clenched your jaw to hold your laughter. She was so cute and precious for this world. You just wanted to take her into a long hug, and never let her go.
« I think that if you give mommy a kiss and a hug she will fully wake up, » you added, a small smile growing on your face. Zoe stood on her tippy toes, pecked your lips, and gave you a quick hug. « That wasn’t a hug. »
« Oh! », she groaned in annoyance and then fell on you hugging you tightly with her small arms. You grinned and kissed her forehead again multiple times.
« Did Marc wake up? », you asked rubbing her cheek, her fingers hugging your wrist as she nuzzled her head in your palm.
« The birthday boy is still sleeping, » she mumbled. « No one is excited for today but me! » You laughed as your little girl tried to climb on top of the bed. « Dad, wake up! »
« Dad’s tired, baby, » you smiled at her warmly. « Let him sleep a few more minutes and then we'll go prepare the cake together, ‘kay? »
« No! », she cried and pulled the bed sheets to climb on top of the bed but failed miserably at her every attempt.
You gave her a hand to help her up. She struggled to move with her small feet getting tangled between the sheets until she finally stumbled and fell on the place between you and Timothée.
« Are you good baby? Did you hurt? », you rushed to ask her. She mumbled something but nodded.
« Dad, daddy! Wake up! », she sat on her knees shaking his shoulder. « Dad! » You fell back on your pillow and closed your eyes for a moment. It was Timothée’s turn. « No, mom, don’t fall asleep too! », she turned to you pulling your arm this time.
« I’m not sleeping, baby, » you chuckled at her. « Just resting my eyes for a second. »
« You always say that but then you end up sleeping, » Zoe furrowed her brows.
« Come here, » you opened your arms. « Let’s just rest our eyes for a few more minutes and then we’ll wake up daddy. »
« No! He has to wake up! », she cried and quickly climbed on top of Timothée’s chest. Tim’s first reaction before even opening his eyes was to smile. « Dad, » she softly touched his cheeks and leaned closer until their noses touched. « Get up! », she groaned lightly slapping his face a few times and then tried to pull his ear.
« Ah! », Timothée gasped, a painful expression painted on his face followed by a laugh. Zoe chuckled at the reaction she got until Tim started to tickle her belly making her collapse on top of him and burst into laughter.
« You tried to pull my ear? », he asked.
« No, no, » she said with difficulty between her giggles.
He then pulled her down, squeezing her into a tight hug, causing the girl to leave a small scream against his skin.
« Mom, help me! », she tented her hand to you with a grin. Timothée decided to let her free and turned his head to the side to face you. His face was pale, lips red and swollen, and the sleep was still hanging from his puffy eyes. You smiled at each other hearing your little girl’s giggles turning into uncontrollable laughter.
« Good morning, » Timothée whispered to her burring his head between fluffy curls and pressing his lips on her cheek.
« Morning, » she mumbled. Timothée held her hands as she sat on his stomach. 
« Baby, why are you up so early? », he asked then.
« It's Marc’s birthday! You forgot? »
« Who’s birthday? », Tim furrowed his brows.
« Dad! », Zoe cried. He laughed at her and then ruffled her hair.
« I’m just messing with you, my heart. »
« We don’t have time for jokes! », she widened her eyes and exchanged a look between you and Timothée.
« Careful, baby, » Timothée said giving her a hand as she jumped off the bed.
« Mom! Get up! Come on! », she shouted while running out of the room.
« Hey, careful with the running! », you shouted worriedly. Timothée chuckled as he nuzzled closer slipping his hand to your shoulder to get you into his arms.
« Careful with the running? », he left another small laugh. « What's next? Careful with the walking? »
« You want me to remind you what happened the last time she was running around the house? », you raised your eyebrows.
« You just exaggerate. You always do, » he pressed his lips at the edge of your mouth. « The floor was just wet and she slipped. » You lightly shook your head but Timothée smiled at your reaction. 
He held your gaze for a few moments before leaning his head to kiss you hard, his body slowly sliding on top of yours. You pushed him away making him fall to the side and release a heavy breath.
« Not now, » you laughed. « The kids are home. »
« Why do you have to be so dirty-minded? It was just a kiss, » he coked an eyebrow and pushed you playfully.
« Ah! », you gasped holding your shoulder. He beamed his eyes turning back to you.
« I love you so much. »
« Love you too, » you tilted your head to kiss his shoulder, your fingers kindly scratching his skin. He pulled back his hair and then rubbed his face with his palms as you kept staring at him, noticing the huge grin drawn on his face, caused by the thoughts he was having.
« I can’t believe it. Our little boy is nine. Nine! » You laughed, your fingers moving upper to pull his fallen curls behind his ear. His eyes moved at you.
« It’s crazy, » you bit your lips holding your smile. You shook your head lightly. « I still remember when they were tiny little babies and now... » Tim breathed out and then chuckled.
« Fuck they grow up so fast. » A smile grew on your lips as you gave him a last peck and stood up to move to the bathroom. « And before we know it they'll be off to college, » you heard Timothée’s voice.
« Don’t even want to think about it, » you murmured to yourself, cleaning your face and then brushing your teeth. Tim put on his shorts and followed you, balancing at the door with his bare shoulder, looking through his phone.
« My mom texted what time we’ll be there, » he said and then laughed. « She said that your mother has been up since five and she already started cooking. » You chuckled at his words. « I love your mom so much. She’s always so excited about our visits. »
« That’s because she loves the kids, » you said. « And you. » Tim moved closer wrapping his arms around you, his lips planting kisses from your neck, to your chin and your jaw, to your cheeks, your nose, your lips.
« I was thinking… », he said with a small smirk.
« Oh, » you muttered.
« Stop, » he bit your skin making you chuckle again. « I was thinking that maybe we could... you know, » he clenched his jaw, fingers slowly slipping between your hand. « Maybe we could have another baby. » Your lips separated not really sure how to respond. You didn't expect that. Your head turned back to look at his face balancing on top of your shoulder and locked eyes for a moment. He gulped and lowered his gaze to the sink. « No pressure, of course. I’m just throwing it on the table. I mean, I wouldn’t mind having another little creature running around the house when the floor is not wet. » You smiled warmly. « It’s really not a big deal, I just think we can do it - if you want it, of course. »
« Well, I really didn't expect that, » you left a laugh. « I need some time to think about it. »
« Sure, » he pecked your lips again and moved to the sink.
You waited for Timothée for a few moments before moving together to the kitchen. He pulled you back by your t-shirt causing you to laugh. His head leaned down pressing your cheek with his lips making you giggle.
You silently opened the door of your son’s bedroom and looked inside. There he was, a nine-year-old boy sleeping on a sunkissed bed. You couldn’t stop staring at him. He was a baby only a few years ago and now he was speaking, walking, going to school, playing basketball, and having friends.
« Our baby is nine, » Tim whispered to your ear. He pouted his lips. « I am so proud that we got ‘em. » You stayed silent staring at his figure spread across the bed, short curls of dark hair covering his face as small snores escaped his mouth. You got Timothée's hand on yours, intertwining your fingers, and pulled it up rubbing it lovingly. Your eyes moved up at him looking at the way he was gazing at your kid.
Timothée touched your back gesturing for you to follow him. In the kitchen, Zoe had already found her seat at the end of the counter, her color pencils spread around her, as she finished her painting.
« You are finishing your drawing, baby? », you asked as Tim got the video camera to see if it was charged.
« Mhm, » she nodded too absorbed. You leaned on your elbows next to her. « You like it, mommy? », she asked.
« Like it? I love it! Tell me more about your artwork, » you said truthfully.
« Girls, camera's on, » Timothée's voice was heard in the background and you motioned with your head for him to come and see Zoe's drawing.
« It’s me and Marc sitting at the beach, » she explained. You nodded eagerly and then pointed at the sky.
« Why is the sky purple? », you asked.
« It’s the sunset. »
« And that red circle it’s the sun? », you asked.
« Yes! », she grinned and hugged you tight. You messed her hair and then moved to the fridge to get out the cake and the frosting. Tim moved closer with the video camera in his hands.
« Can you tell us your name? », he sat in front of your girl.
« Em… my name is Zoe, » she mumbled her whole face heating up as she kept coloring the paper not making eye contact.
« Is it a special day today? », Tim asked.
« Yes! It's Marc’s birthday, » she smiled. « I’m finishing his drawing. That’s my gift for him. »
« Can you show the drawing to the camera? »
« Do you like it? », Zoe turned the drawing in Timothée’s direction.
« Wow! », he said making Zoe grin. « It's incredible, baby. We should frame it, » Timothée left the camera down.
« You think Marc’s going to like it? »
« Marc’s going to love it! », he kissed the top of her head wrapping his arms around her. « I noticed you put a lot of green. »
« That's because green is his favorite color. »
The conversation went on for quite a while, Zoe explaining to Timothée her artistic choices and him happily listening to everything she had to say and being a silly dad as always, while you were preparing the birthday cake writing ‘Happy Birthday Marc’ on top of it. Even though you were trying to be extremely concentrated not to ruin the cake you couldn’t help but laugh when you heard Zoe telling Tim that she didn’t want to be an artist, she wanted to be a swimmer or a « veterinariterian ».
Tim gave you a funny look of confusion to make sure you heard before turning back to your daughter. You raised your head to look at them.
« You mean veterinarian, baby? », he asked. She half-opened her mouth processing the word and then nodded.
« Ve-te-ri-na-te- »
« Veterinarian, » Tim repeated slower. « Come on you can do this. »
« Ve-te-ri-na-ri-an, » she tried to say it back.
« Yes, that’s it! »
« Veterinarian, » she nodded.
« You are doing so great, sweety, » you said. Timothée kissed her cheek and moved closer to you getting the dishes out of the way to the sink to wash them.
« I’m almost done here, » you let him know.
« Mom, can I eat the frosting? », Zoe asked.
« Baby, I don't think that’s a very healthy breakfast, » Tim replied instead of you.
« Dad, please, » she begged. « Mommy? »
« Dad’s right, Zo. »
« Please, please, please, please, » she begged you her hands tied together. « Just a spoon, please mommy. » You looked at Tim once but then gestured to her with your hand.
« Come on, get a spoon, » you smiled.
« Y/N, they are going to eat so much cake today that they’ll be sick tomorrow. »
« It’s just a spoon Timo, » you pulled his hair back, on your way to get your spoons.
« It’s a special day, dad, » Zoe murmured happily. 
« Okay then, I want some frosting too, » he mumbled taking the spoon off your hands.
« You shouldn’t eat because you’re going to eat so much cake today- », you started saying before he squeezed your waist making you jump away and leave a laugh. 
« Come on finish your sentence, » he laughed before squeezing you again.
« You need to stop this, » you widened your eyes a smile plastered on your lips as you held your arms forward to defend yourself. Zoe couldn’t stop laughing watching Timmy tying tightly his arms around you and pressing kisses on your lips.
There was this routine you followed on your children's birthday. You were waking up early, finishing the cake you had already spent hours preparing the previous night, and then waking up the kids with the song.
« Can I put the candles? », Zoe asked.
« Sure, baby, » you said looking at the way she carefully placed nine candles on top of it in a circle.
« I’m getting the lighter. I’m getting the lighter, » Tim repeated excitedly as you took the cake in your hands and moved to the door of your son’s bedroom with Zoe’s small feet following you, drawing in her hands and a grin that reached her ears. « Okay, » Timothée said out of breath.
After lighting the candles he slowly opened the door. Your boy was still on his bed sleeping. Timothée mouthed ‘one, two, three’ and then you all started singing to him in unison. You noticed how his hazel green eyes opened wide raising him from his sleep and then a small grin appeared at the edge of his mouth.
« Happy Birthday to You // Happy Birthday to You // Happy Birthday Dear Marc //Happy Birthday to You… », you sang all together. He quickly stood up on his feet and blew off the candles.
« Happy birthday, » Zoe left a small childish scream as she fell into his arms pushing both of them back to the bed. They hugged each other tightly and kissed the other’s cheeks.
Timothée crouched in front of him to reach his height holding his knees with a huge smile. He gently pushed the hair behind his ears, one hand resting on his cheek.
« Okay, » the words came out like a whisper. « You are one of the best things that ever happened to me and I am so grateful for having you, » he pressed his lips on his cheek and took him in a long hug. « I want you to know that I love you and I am so proud of the person you are becoming. »
« You are proud? », Marc held his wrist to look him in the eyes. Timothée chucked and leaned down until their foreheads touched.
« Of course I am, and you should be too. Happy birthday, Mars, » he ruffled his hair standing up.
« Ah, dad! », the boy gasped only for Tim to ruffle his hair again and press a kiss on the top of his head.
« I’ll take this, » Timothée kissed you on the lips and took the cake off your hands. « Baby, you’ll come and help? », he asked Zoe who rushed to follow.
You pulled out your lower lip looking at your son who lightly shook his head knowing what was going to follow.
« Happy birthday, » you took him into a hug, arms tightly wrapped around him as you pressed your sealed lips not to get emotional. « Can’t believe you are nine. Nine! Oh my God! »
« Come on, mom, » he patted your back. You smiled and pulled away letting him breathe.
« I love you so so much. »
« I know, you tell me every day, » Marc mumbled.
« Yes, and I will never stop saying that to you because no matter how old you grow, you will always be my sweet little boy whom I used to be so protective of and always will be in the future. »
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theemporium · 9 months
You asked for blurbs and I will take advantage every time so maybe Sirius coming home to reader with a migraine and being very sweet and doting? I get migraines and it’s head pain, light sensitivity, and nausea mostly. Bonus points if reader is trying to tough it out but sirius can read her like a book and knows she’s in pain :)))
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
“Honey, I’m home!” 
It had been early in the morning when James had called him, insisting that it was an emergency and he needed Sirius’ help right at that moment. As usual, it was something completely fixable and James Potter was just letting his theatrics take over his panic. 
But it meant he hadn’t seen you since this morning, when he woke up and kissed your head just before he left whilst you were still asleep.
So, after parting ways with James, he stopped by your favourite takeaway and picked up dinner for the two of you in hopes that it would make up for the fact he was gone all day. He expected to walk into the apartment, see you curled up on the couch with a book in hand, only to look up and grin when you realised what he brought. 
Instead, he walked into an apartment that felt like a ghost town.
“Love?” He called out again, his brows furrowed together in concern as he kicked the door shut behind him. He walked further into the apartment, seeing most of the lights off and everything just as it had been when he left the house earlier that day. 
He placed the bag of takeaway food on the kitchen counter before heading towards the bedroom, pausing by the bathroom to see if you were in the shower but he couldn’t hear the water running. When he reached the bedroom, he pushed the door open, only to pause when he saw the sight in front of him. 
“Please,” you let out a low, whiny noise. “Door. Close. Light.”
And then his heart dropped a little when he realised what was going on. 
Sirius found out about your migraines pretty early on in the relationship, much to your dismay. They didn’t come often, but they fucking sucked when they did. They completely took over your life and you hated every single minute of it. And Sirius was unfortunate enough to see it only a few weeks into your relationship. 
“Oh baby,” his voice dropped to a whisper as he slipped into the room, closing the door and completely blocking out the hallway light. He noted the water bottle on your bedside table and the bin you had placed next to you—just in case—but it didn’t make him feel all that relieved. “You should have called me, love.”
“You were with James,” you murmured, wincing a little as you clenched your eyes shut tighter. “Didn’t wanna ruin the day.” 
“I don’t like it when you suffer alone,” he said with a frown before he made his way to his bedside table, opening the drawer to grab one of the small bottles. He then rounded the bed, kneeling on the ground beside you. “C’mon, honey, drink up.”
You winced. “Sirius—”
“Nuh uh, you’re hurting, you need a potion,” he said, his voice quiet but firm. “You should have had one earlier.” 
“I thought I’d be okay,” you admitted sheepishly. “Didn’t wanna waste a potion.”
He shook his head. “Never, love, now drink up.” 
Once you had taken the potion, Sirius shed off his clothes until he was just left in his boxers before he climbed into the bed beside you. He opened his arms, letting you settle yourself on his chest before his fingers lightly began massaging a point in the back of your head.
“This okay?” 
“Perfect,” you murmured as you nuzzled your cheek against his chest.
“Good,” he smiled softly. “And when you feel like eating, I got your favourite in the kitchen.”
You let out a sigh. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” he grinned, leaning down to press a feather-light kiss against your forehead. “Now rest, let the potion kick in.” 
“You usually like it in bed.”
“Shut up, Sirius.”
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pokkomi · 5 months
8:21 am - pavia
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you’ve always been fond of rainy days. the calming and somehow nostalgic scent always lingering in the air as you’re comfortably snuggled in your pile of blankets.
recently, you’ve discovered that pavia enjoys them as well. so now, it’s a routine every time to stay in bed just a little longer to appreciate each other’s presence in the weather. however, today was definitely not the day for lying in, given vertin’s reminder yesterday about the strategy meeting today for future missions.
“pavia, we have to get up soon or else we’ll miss the meeting-!”
you struggled in his embrace with a pout on your face—he’s not tricking anyone with the fake sleep. knowing pavia, he’d probably already woken up hours prior. a few more gentle hits to his chest earned a mischievous grin from him as he rolled you over and buried his head into your neck.
“just a few more minutes, amore mio~”
“vertin’s going to scold us again, love.”
he smirked, “don’t be so uptight, cucciolo, what’s she gonna do? kick us out?”
you give up any further attempts to escape; arguing with him is futile. never once have you ever won—he would always look at you with love in his eyes while wearing a smug face against your complaints.
“uah! whatever, if you get hurt during the next mission it’ll be your problem,” you grumbled.
pavia grinned as you conceded to his persuasion. he rose from your neck and gave you a peck on your forehead. “as if you won’t be the one patching me back up.”
you gave him a warning look. “i’ll leave you bleeding to death the next time you come back all beaten up.”
“mmh, sure you will~”
the light tapping of the rain along the window panes accompanied the playfulness in his voice, and you feel your eyelids drooping. rainy mornings with him always gets you like this. the comfort of his grasp wraps around you with safety. you were just finding yourself slowly drifting back to sleep when-
“i knew you two would be here,” the abrupt slam of the door and vertin’s reprimanding surprised you and you sat up quickly, almost knocking out pavia while doing so.
“a-ah, uhm, hey vertin! good morning?” you peeped, now fully awake.
pavia grunted at vertin’s interruption to what could’ve been a lovely morning with you. “ah, our great heroine,” his tone dripping with sarcasm, “what’s all this now?”
vertin sighed and pinched her nose bridge, “i knew you would pull something like this. meeting’s in 10 minutes, so get yourselves ready.” she gave pavia a look and nodded politely to you before shutting the door.
pavia growled and rolled his eyes before turning back to you—or where you were just sitting. embarrassed after vertin’s interruption, you had quickly gotten out of bed and tried to get dressed as quickly as possible, hoping not to add any more fuel to the fire.
“c’mon, pavia, we cannot be late to the meeting after that!” you exclaimed, red at the ears.
pavia sighed very audibly for you to hear as he climbed out of bed as well. one of his wolves nuzzled its snout against his leg, content that its friend finally got out of bed. “good girl, andrea,” he pets her head, “looks like someone is in a hurry, huh?” you glared at him, nearly shouting at him to get. himself. ready. you can feel a headache rising from the amount of times you’ve repeated yourself.
“alright, amore mio~” he walked over to you and kissed you on the neck before also getting dressed. “you have to promise me a bowl of gelato later though, ‘kay?”
“yea, yea, strawberry flavoured per usual, boss.” you huffed, face flustered from his kiss.
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tagging: @kitorin
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fandoms--fluff · 1 year
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Part 2
Kid!Fem!Reader x Damon!Salvatore x Stefan!Salvatore
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of boobs, mentions of sex, blood ig
It's 2:30am and your thrashing around in your bed, crying. Your dreaming about some time in the early 1890's when you were kidnapped by a vampire hunter, he was torturing you. He was using vervain ropes to tie you up and stab wood through you, getting closer to your heart every time. You did eventually get away but the dream is recapping every part of the torture that happened.
At some point you started to scream. Katherine came running in as fast as she could since the room she's staying in is right next to yours.
"Hey, hey, hey y/n wake up" she said, shaking you.
Once you woke up and saw Katherine sitting at the edge of the bed beside you, you jumped into her arms. Your head resting on her shoulder, crying your eyes out.
"Were you having a bad dream, hun?" Katherine asked rubbing your back.
You nodded feverishly. "You want to talk about it?"
"Wan' Stefy and Damy" you whined and then nuzzled your head into her chest.
Without much thought and because your tired, you started to trace the curves of her boobs from the cleavage of her top. Katherine looked at you and smiled, holding back a laugh. She stood up and started walking to Stefan's room with you in her grasp, continuing the movements of tracing her breasts.
You guys finally got to Stefan's room and right as she was about to turn the doorknob she heard noises of him and Elena having sex.
"Okay, how about we go see Damon instead" Katherine looked to where now you started to suck on your index and middle fingers.
She just decided to let that be Damon's problem, knowing there was a high chance of you biting her fingers. Now she was heading to Damon's room and opened the bed, going inside.
Katherine went over to his bed and placed you on it, making sure you couldn't fall off before waking him up.
"Damon!" All he did was just grunt and turn the other way. "Damon wake up! y/n had a nightmare" that woke him up and he sat up to see you and Katherine.
You rushed and climbed into Damon's lap, still crying. "I'll leave you two alone now" Katherine said while she left, going back to her room.
"What was your dream about y/n/n?" Damon asked, trying to pull your fingers out of your mouth.
You tried to bite him but stopped when he gave you a 'don't even think about it or else' look.
"Mean 'erson hur' me. Burn a wot and awmost kiwl me" you said with a sob.
Damon looked down at you with widened eyes, thinking you would've forgotten about that experience by now. "Oh bub, it's okay. I promise that will never happen to you again" Damon said, reassuring you.
You looked up at him and he wiped the tears off your face with his thumbs. "Pwomise?" You asked.
"I promise" He said and kissed your forehead.
Not so long after, you fell asleep Damon noticed Alaric leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed and a smile on his face. Damon just rolled his eyes while Alaric walked in going over to him.
"That was cute and impressive" he said to Damon.
"Well she's my baby sister. Literally" Damon said nodding down to where you were now sucking your thumb, leaning against his chest.
Damon laid down with you still laying on his chest, pulling a blanket up. “So are you just going to stand there and stare at us sleeping?” Damon said while closing his eyes. 
 Alaric softly smiled again then left, closing the door on his way out, going back to bed.
In the morning (later)
Every one is now  awake and downstairs, Bonnie and Elena making breakfast. At first Tyler was helping but then got kicked out after almost starting a fire on the counter somehow. Stefan was sitting on one of the couches with a mug of coffee and realized that it was way too quiet.
“Hey where’s Damon?” To Stefan’s question everyone looked around the room, not seeing him. 
Katherine just chuckled and everyone turned their heads towards her suspiciously. “What?” She asked.
“What did you do?” Stefan started to walk over to her.
“She didn’t do anything.” “Yeah, listen to Mister history teacher over there” Katherine said with a smirk. 
“Just go to his room and you’ll see why, it’s cute” Stefan listened to her and sped up to Damon’s room. 
“It is never a good sign when you say something is cute” Elena said walking over and sitting on the couch opposite from her, with a plate of the food her and Bonnie just finished.
“If you don’t believe me just wait until the three of them come down here” She said back to Elena.
“Three? Is y/n with Damon?” Tyler asked and Katherine just nodded.
Soon Stefan and Damon came down the stairs with you in Damon’s arms, leaning on his shoulder, still half asleep. 
“Was she with you the whole night?” Stefan asked as Damon sat down next to Bonnie.
“Yup, she had a nightmare, Katherine brought her to my room at like two in the morning, crying” He said, starting to play with your hair.
“Wait was y/n crying or was Katherine?” Jeremy asked confused, while grabbing some of the food.
“y/n” Katherine said glaring at him. 
You looked up, hearing your name being said, rubbing your eyes with closed fists cutely. You then were staring at some fruit on Bonnies plate. “Do you want a piece of pineapple?” Bonnie asked you.
You nodded your head and bonnie handed you a piece, you started to chew it and after a couple seconds brought your hands up and spat it out into them. Making a disgusted facial expression. Damon immediately carried you over to the sink in the kitchen to wash your hands, getting all the chewed up pineapple off. He also grabbed a paper towel to wipe your chin.
“Alright you don’t like pineapple, noted” Damon said and walked back into the room where everyone else is, everyone now finished their food. “Down p’ease” You mumbled.
He set you down and you went over to Elena, making grabby hand motions. Elena smiled and picked you up, setting you on her lap. Damon sat down, looking offended because you picked you’d rather go to Elena than stay with him.
You turned to face her and saw her necklace. You reached a hand out and touched the necklace but then quickly took back your hand, burned by vervain. Your eyes started to water and Elena pulled you into a hug and started to rub your back. 
“I’m sorry” Elena whispered.
You rested your head on her shoulder and started to trace the curve of her boobs showing. Everyone started staring at what your doing and Elena looked confused before Stefan came over lifting you up, placing you on his hip.
You looked at him with a pout on your face. “Where did you even- why?” Stefan asked while Caroline chuckled at what you just did. 
“Hmmmm I wonder where?” Katherine said smirking at Stefan then Elena. 
“What are you talking about?” Elena asked.
“The fact that last night she started to do that exact same thing to me last night and then when I got to your room you guys were having sex. Also just the fact that she’s related to Damon” Katherine said and you started to kick Stefan to let you down.
Everyone stared shocked at the couple while Stefan let you down. “What did I say about the kicking yesterday?” Stefan said crouched down to your level.
“yes kicking” You said with a smile and ran over to Alaric, clinging to his legs.
“I’m pretty sure that won’t sink into her mind anytime soon” Caroline said and went over to you lifting you up from where you were holding on for dear life to Alaric’s legs.
“Wow she has a strong grip” He said, surprised. 
When Caroline sat back down you started to play with her hair and brought it up to your nose to sniff it. “Smell ‘ood” you said looking up at her.
“I think she likes your hair” Tyler said.
“Don’t be a smart ass” Bonnie said to him.
“ass!” You exclaimed, excitedly.
“No, remember what I said yesterday if you said a bad word?” Stefan said, looking at you. 
Again Jeremy and Tyler were laughing, not helping at all. You look confused at Stefan’s question, your head laid down against Caroline’s chest. 
“Well what I remember is that if you said a bad word you get time with a bar of soap in your mouth” Stefan said. 
“Okay. I no say bad word” You glumly answered your brother.
Meanwhile Elena got a text. “Guys, it’s Elijah. He said we need to meet up. Like now” Said Elena, standing up.
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buzzyb33 · 3 months
another one for josh could you do one on spending nye together and getting drunk and he has to take care of you etc tyy ilyyy
Prompt: having a group outing causes you to get drunk- a lot more drunk than your boyfriend which lets him be your anchor for the night.
Warnings: alcohol, swearing
“Josh, I’m serious-! I’m not going to get too drunk tonight- maybe tipsy but, not, like, that bad.” I say in a honest tone as I finish my makeup
“Right, you said that last time and it’s fine anyway.” He smiles, dismissing my comment.
“I’ll be able to walk straight, I promise.”
He shakes his head, grinning.
I stand up, wiping my strapless dress down and adjusting my hair slightly.
“I’m ready.”
I go to turn to him but stopped by his arms around my waist.
I smile as he nuzzled softly into my neck, he inhaled and smiles.
“The Ubers on its way.”
He kisses my neck with soft butterfly kisses, his hands firmly on either side of my waist.
I lean into him, letting his hands roam.
As we get to the club I take my respected seat between josh and Talia.
I smile at her as we whisper, giggling and updating us on things like we don’t speak everyday.
For this night out was, Josh, Tobi, Simon, Ethan, faith, calfreezy, Talia and me. I’m holding Josh’s hand as me and Talia give our little updates, mine and Josh’s hand intertwined in his lap.
He talks to the others as we get faith and Ethan involved with our conversation.
The buzz of alcohol makes me giggle and grin under every single word spoken to me, as the night goes on, the burn of vodka in my tummy making me feel warm, Ethan and faith head home, calfreezy soon following.
Tobi, Simon and josh indulge in their own conversations as Talia nudges me for a dance, I grin and nod.
“Talia- I feel fuzzy.”
I giggle and she rolls her eyes.
“Y/n you must be fucked-“ she cuts herself off with her own laugh.
“Fuzzy?” She questions as he hand grips mine, pulling me through the crowd of people to as close to the centre as we can get.
“Mhm.. fuzzy.”
We laugh in twirls and twists- you know, we’re ‘dancing’.
I put my head in my hands, attempting to not smudge my makeup.
“I broke my promise to Josh.” I say losing my eyes as me and Talia stand in the bathroom, her re applying some lipstick and me trying to keep eye contact with myself in the mirror.
“What was your promise?” She quips, closing her lips so the lipstick applies evenly.
“I told him I would be able to walk straight..” I smile slightly and she laughs.
“You’re fucking wasted, n/n.”
I nod.
We get back to the table and the gentle hum of conversation between the three boys is settling.
I take Josh’s hand underneath the table and from the eye contact I think he can tell I’ve brown my promise.
“You win..” I murmur and he kisses my temple, keeping his lips there.
“Want me to order an Uber?” He questions, his hand going to my exposed knee.
I nod, letting my eyes fall shut.
“I’m going to be so fucked in the morning..” I say, keeping my eyes shut.
I lean over to Talia and tell her me and josh are going, she kisses my cheek and I say bye to Simon and tobi.
He leads me to the front and leans his back against the wall, pulling me to his chest, he threads his fingers through my hair standing in silence with me.
“… sorry.” I utter out and I feel his chest rumble in a quiet chuckle.
“I want you to have a good time, you just wanted to make me feel better for something I don’t care about it’s alright, n/n.” He assures and I nod.
The Uber arrives and we both climb in the back, he was tipsy so that means he was more smiley, I was drunk so more touchy, it was a nice dynamic.
I let my fingers trail the patterns of his shirt, my head on his shoulder and his arm around mine.
I close my eyes briefly as the Uber drives us back to our shared house.
“What you doing tomorrow?” I ask in a gentle slur.
“Nothing.. why?” He replies, his thumb beginning to caress my bare shoulder.
“Can we have an us day?” I mumble, feeling the buzz of alcohol slowly but surely leaving my system.
“Course we can.”
We get back and he holds my bag and waist as we giggle, walking inside.
“Go change, n/n I’ll get us some water, Kay?” He pulls his hat off and runs his hand through his hair too which I smile goofily and nod, pulling my heels off and before I can go, he pulls me into him, kisses my forehead and grins sending me upstairs.
I smile to myself as I change into a sidemen shirt and some sleep shorts.
I take my makeup off with a wipe, mess up my hair and go to brush my teeth.
I see how drowsy I look in the mirror and just as I climb into bed josh come sun, hands me some water and takes his shirt off, climbing next to me.
I sip my water, rub my eyes and sink into the covers, Josh’s arms going around me.
“You feeling okay, darling? He mumbles into the crown of my head.
“Mmh.. I’m going to be so hungover tomorrow.” I reply into his chest.
“I got you some asprin and paracetamol for tomorrow..” he mumbles, his voice getting smoother indicating he’s close to sleep.
“Love you..” I murmur.
“Love you too..” he replies.
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hockeywhore43 · 9 months
Birmingham's Sunshine
Arthur Shelby x Fem!OC
Warnings: Age gap (10 years)
A/N: I have no clue what spirit possessed me to write this, but here we are. I am by no means a writer, and this is the first fic I have ever written, but I hope you enjoy none the less. 💙
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Amelia pushed the doors the Garrison open with a bright smile on her face. Waltzing to the bar, she stopped seeing her best friend. "Well, hello Arthur," she said with a small giggle, placing a kiss on his cheek.
If you want to talk about unlikely pairings, Amelia and Arthur were at the top of that list. Where Arthur was dark and brooding, Amelia was bright and cheery. Where he was rough, she was soft. Where he was filled with anger and violence, Amelia was patient with the heart of a saint. His hands had long since been drenched in blood, and hers were a clean as fresh filled snow. They were complete opposites. He was a monster, at least he thought so. And her? She was Birmingham's sunshine. There was never a day you would find Amelia down in the dumps or without her bright, vivacious smile that brightened up everyone's mood. Even the cold and hardened Thomas Shebly couldn't help but crack a smile at the young girl.
Squished between Arthur and John on the bench in the snuff, Amelia sipped on her gin, her face souring each time she took a sip. Hearing John laugh once more at her, she shoved him light. "Now listen here, John Micheal Shelby. You keep that up, and I have Esme make you sleep in the dog house." That was one thing to know about Amelia while she was sweet and sunny she was not someone you wanted to cross. That is part of what drew Arthur to the younger woman in the first place, but mostly, it was the way she managed to calm his raging mind. "Well, boys, I best be getting home. I've got to be up early for work tomorrow." Tugging her coat over her dress, Amelia situated her hat on her head before reaching for the doorknob. " 'Melia wait,' Arthur's gruff voice called out, turing to him with her head tilted to the side in question she watched him stand up and walk towards her, with his arm held out. "Oh Arthur, you don't need to walk me home it isn't far," she tried to insit but Amelia knew by the look in her friend's eyes it was no use trying to argue. So, with a smile, she linked her arm with his and led them not if the Garrison ignornoging John's teasing jabs being voiced at their backs.
Back at her flat, Amelia fiddled with the key before finally getting the door open. Stepping into the warmth, she motioned for Arthur to follow. Once inside, she hung up her hat and coat before helping Arthur do the same. These small domestic acts were not uncommon between the pair. In fact, if you simply saw them on the street, you'd be certain they were a couple with how sweet on one another they were.
Moving to the living room, Amelia settled herself on the couch with her head in Arthur's lap after he too sat. Per their, now, usual routine, Arthur played with her hair til the younger girl was almost asleep. Then, with great care, he carried her to bed. Nuzzling into the sheet, Amelia smiled, her eyes still closed. "Stay. Please?" She whispered, her voice almost imperceptible. But Arthur heard it. He would always hear her. Climbing into the empty side off the bed, Arthur felt all of his pain and worries slip away as Amelia wrapped her arms around him. She was his solace, his respite after every bad thing. Allowing himself to place a light kiss in her forehead, Arthur settled into the bed before they both fell asleep.
The next morning, Amelia woke to the rhythmic beating of Arthur's heart in her ear and his arms protectively wrapped around her. Slowly sitting up as not disturbing him, she watched his face, which, for the time being, looked not only younger but peaceful. Brining her hand up, Amelia let her soft fingers gently trace the feature of the man 10 years her senior. With slight hesitation, Amelia leaned down and pressed a kiss to Arthur's cheek, which prompted him to open his eyes. "Morning you," Amelia teased, pushing a stray hair out of his face. God, he looked so pretty. Eyes dipping down to his plush, pink lips, she bit her bottom one as she met his eyes again. Upon doing so, Amelia found Arthhur leaning. Then their lips finally met in a long-awaited kiss. Arthur was the first to pull away after a long moment, pressing his forehead to hers. Calloused hands cupping her face, he smiled lightly. Somethjng that obly ever really hapoe ed around her. "I think I might love you," Amelia admitted, breaking the silence, her eyes darting down nervous to see Arthur's reaction. It was only when his finger tilted her chin up and kissed her once more that she allowed herself to breathe a sigh of relief. " I love you too, sunshine," Arthur's responded, feeling his heart soaring.
And that was the start of something truly special.
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prettymorgueboy · 1 year
may i please request alucard comforting daughter! reader after a nightmare?
The way I woke up before my shift at 4 am to read this request, truly it made my day, I love Alucard with my entire heart and the Idea of him being a father has my heart melting.
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[ Father! Alucard / Daughter! Reader (platonic) ]
Warning(s): None! Just lots of Alucard being a very affectionate and doting father to his child.
Words: 1.1k
Summary: You the daughter Of Adrian Tepes seem to be having trouble sleeping, luckily your father is there to offer you comfort.
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The wind outside of the castle slowly seeped in through the old windows, The storm left a soft chill against these old walls, The Tepes household becoming a softer scene when the sun was down. It was the soft clicks against the stone flooring as Adrien climbed the old staircase. He always did this, surely, he could hear any threats coming from a mile away, but since this child came into his life it was almost like he could never calm his soul. The Man’s cape rippled against the stairs as he stepped upon them, skipping one each time. 
Adrian was always a kind man, nothing could change that, but the softness of his plushy heart only thickened when his daughter was near, her hair he did every morning, whether it was a braid, a ponytail or loosely held with a ribbon. Should she ask for the stars he would surely find himself on the moon fishing for them one by one until she was satisfied.
The child was left on his doorstep years back, when she was a mere baby, he considered rushing her to any village nearby but could only imagine the unfairness she would go through as a lady in this time. 
‘y/n Tepes a perfect name for a perfect young lady.’ That is what he said when he tucked her into his arms and cradled her to sleep their first night together. Now nearly a handful of years later he still had her in his care, and he was blessed to call the young girl his daughter. 
He finally arrived at her door, coming to check on her to make sure she managed to rest for the night. He said to himself it was for her safety, but he knew it was to calm his own nerves. The man who had nothing finally had something and he refused to lose it once again. The quiet thoughts in his mind suddenly stopped as he heard sniffles from the other side of the door, his knuckles knocked twice before he stepped inside, seeing the young girl sit on the window seat, curled into a ball as her face was tucked between her knees.
“My little Orchid, what is the matter..” His worry dripped from his lips as he scooped the young girl into his arms, taking her seat as she was now nuzzled into his body, her clammy hands quickly clung to his cloak, her sniffles turning into tiny cries, as she hid in her father's chest.
They sat like that, for what seemed like forever, his hands rubbing her back, combing through her locks of tangled hair before a soft sigh escaped his lips as he asked once again.
“What is the matter dear? Did your dreams turn sour?” The child nodded, wiping her runny nose, her eyes now puffy and cheeks red from the crying. Adrian frowned, wishing he could protect her from even her own dreams, he lectured himself internally, knowing something like that wasn't possible.
“Can you tell me about it? Papa won't leave your side anytime soon; I promise my love.” A soft kiss was placed into his child's hair before she backed up, sitting in front of him but looking out the window, clearly still shaken up by whatever plagued her head as she slept. He was patient, leaning forward softly to take her smaller hands into his, she seemed to calm at the action as he rubbed them with his thumbs.
“Papa…you were gone, I was all alone, it was horrible… Everyone was mocking me for missing you, I had to live elsewhere, and they were so cruel they said horrible things a-and.” She paused and frowned tears slipped from her cheeks, but she had said enough for the man to wrap her back up, holding her close to him, almost as if she was a baby once again.
“Your papa will never leave your side Y/n, I swear by my lucky sword, let god strike me down If I ever manage to part ways with my sweet girl.” Y/n grabbed his hand for comfort, the young girl felt herself become hoisted into the air before being carried back to bed, placed into the messy mix of blankets and pillows that was the child's resting place.
“You are my pride and joy, The smart and sweet little orchid who will bring nothing but pride to the family's name. I will always be by your side, never fear, those nightmares are just the nasty thoughts weaseling into the cracks of your mind my dear.” She smiled softly, he tucked her into the bed, the stuffed teddy bear that was once his was now in her arms, being held with the same sort of strength as he did.
“Papa… Can you stay?” Adrian smiled softly before petting her hair, sweeping the tear-soaked strands of hair behind her ear.
“Did you think your father would be so cruel to leave his sweet girl alone after a nightmare? How dare you." The young girl giggled softly at her father's teases; he pulled the chair up next to her bed before resting his head close to where her head laid upon a pillow.
“Papa.” Alucard looked up and gave her a look as if asking her ‘what is it my dear?’. 
“Thank you for always checking in on me, it makes it easier to sleep.” She smiled before her head sunk into the pillow squishing her face as she and her father spoke softly until her eyes began to fall. 
They sat in silence, listening to the howls of wind for the time being, both of them enjoying feeling safe and at peace within each other's presence. Alucard was at peace; he could keep her safe. Y/n was calm and at ease knowing her father stayed by her side until she was dozing off, the only sounds filling the room being the softest hums from her father and the soft snores of a once again sleeping child.
“I promise to always protect you dear; you have your father's word.” He whispered to her sleeping form, standing shortly after she was surely sound asleep for the night, he made sure to tuck her back in once again, keeping her warm for the night before lighting the lantern in her room. He always thought ahead of things, making sure to ensure her comfort and safety.
“Sleep well sweet one, when the sun rises everything will be alright.” He smiled softly before walking out, both of them at ease until the sun would rise.
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This is a tad short but dear god this manager position at work is kicking my ass with the little to no sleep I get. 🫶💕
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8bitscarlet · 2 years
Sweet Dreams
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Summary: Dreams that felt like real life came and went from your nights. But now it seems like that those dreams come every night and now they're making you question the world around you. One thing is always a constant anchor though and you hope to never lose her.
Pairing: Wanda x Reader
Genre/Warnings: Fluff (slight mention of blood, mention of death)
Word Count: 4.6k
A/N: Part Four of Dream a Little Dream! I had a small break for once on a weekend and made myself sit down to wipe the cobwebs from this series! I hope you guys enjoy this one! Happy Reading!
*please do not repost or translate my material or claim as yours. reblogs, comments and likes are always appreciated! *
Your body tenses, nails digging into your palms as you press out the breath that is stuck in your lungs. Gasping out, you can feel the constant ache in your shoulder starting to flare up and a distant pressure against your ribs.Your whole body aches and you wonder how tightly you were holding your body in that dream. 
“Jesus,” you whisper to yourself, the image of a speeding car hurtling towards you still in your mind. It felt so real. The steel bumper striking against you and the stinging burns along your arms against the sun-warmed asphalt. You’re expecting to feel the warm blood drip down your arms, something else grabs your attention in the darkness. 
Huffing breaths as the blankets grow tighter and tighter around your legs. Glancing to your left, you realize you’re not the only one in this house having a nightmare. You reach out and delicately wipe the beading sweat that appears on Wanda’s forehead, seeing how tightly her brows clench. 
“Wanda, darling,” you say gently, not wanting to terrify her even more. As your hands slowly pull her to you, arms wrapping her in a safety she can recognize, she lets out a groan but still twitches against you, “Wands, I’m right here. I’m here.”
You listen to the tight breath she pulls in, her fingers gripping onto you even tighter. Your shirt is pulled as she tries to climb even further into you. Trying to help her get closer, you feel her hot breath rush along your neck and the goosebumps follow after.
Slowly as you rock, letting her climb out from that fake world and back to you, your mind softly wanders to the boys. Wondering if everyone in this house was scheduled for a nightmare episode. 
But you hear no footsteps padding quickly down that hallway. No two small and warm bodies crawling up beneath the covers and pushing you towards the edge of the bed, a stuffed animal resting on your face. It’s silent and you take the time to wipe away the hair that has stuck to Wanda’s face. 
All there is, is Wanda’s hands running along every inch of your body. Eyes following where her hands go before they entangle in your hair and she pulls you in for a hug that presses into the weird pressure that still lingers against your ribs. 
“I couldn’t feel you…” her words reach your ears as she leans back to look at you, a terror hidden inside of those green eyes. 
You grin softly, “I’m right here, darling. That wasn’t real, right now is.” Leaning forward, you press your lips against hers for a moment and listen to her sigh into you, “That kiss is real. And it always will be.” 
“Do you promise?” she asks, a hard change from worry to distant solemness, her eyes reading every expression on your face. 
“As long as you’ll have me. You’ll never lose me. Wherever I go and wherever I am, I belong to you.”
She smiles shyly, her fingers playing with the shining ring on her left hand, “As much as I belong to you.”
Pecking her lips, you slither back down into the sheets, “Let’s get some more rest, darling. I’ll give you your souvenirs in the morning.”
Ensuring Wanda finds the most comfortable spot on the bed, you flip over onto your side. Warmth fills your back as you feel her nuzzle her head between your shoulder blades  and you reach back, your hand finding hers. 
“Y/N?” Wanda whispers against you, listening to you hum out to her. There’s the shortest pause, as if she’s second guessing her next words but you feel her warm breath again, “Sweet dreams.”
A soft guitar and piano mesh perfectly with deep hums, a haunting voice lulling you out from your sleep. When it reaches your ears, you can feel the chill down your spine, eyes slowly blinking as you find the world around you again. The mufflings of a familiar song work through your door and you glance behind you. The bed is already empty, Wanda has woken up before you. 
You start to wake yourself up slowly, leaning side to side with a stiffness you don’t remember and roll your shoulder to crack the pressure from your shoulder. After splashing your face with cold water, you’re shuffling out of the room and towards the stairs. Letting out a contented hum, you see the boys finally grabbed their laundry from the steps on the stairs. It had been there for almost a week. Glancing back to their room, you hope they put the clothes away correctly. 
Turning around the banister to walk towards the kitchen for your coffee, your feet stop moving. There’s an emptiness in the house that you’re not familiar with. Your eyes gravitate towards the living room, nothing in your ears but this oddly chilling song that comes from the record player. 
As your brows clench, you step slowly around this now seemingly unfamiliar house. It’s familiar with the lightly painted walls, the red banister that your hands slid down moments ago. It’s clean and quiet. The house isn’t a mess with NERF bullets strewn everywhere from a late night showdown and there’s not a single lego set on the coffee table. No cartoons on the television either, it’s almost serene. Too peaceful. 
Stepping inside the kitchen, you glance at the calendar. Did the boys have a summer camp? Did you get back from the mission last night and not even know they were gone? You shake your head, you vaguely remember having dinner with them. Billy’s choice because he had lost that tooth. You keep staring at the calendar, rubbing your eyes and believing that you have to still be half asleep.
The only names on that calendar are yours and Wanda’s. There aren’t any soccer practices or summer club meetings. But there are a lot of doctor’s appointments. You yank it off the fridge, frantically flipping through the months. Trying to see if you recognize anything you’ve done this past year and nothing sparks a single memory. 
The curtains at the back door get pulled outside through the open threshold, the light clanging of the rings catching your attention. You quickly walk over to it and glance around you, now noticing a different kind of mess from what you’re used to. Instead of piles of action figures and video games, there are mountains of boxes of diapers and baby bottles.
You eye two unassembled baby swings and piles of unwashed onesies and bibs. Your heart is starting to pound in your chest now, eyes widening every second as your mind is trying to catch up with what it’s seeing. 
“Wands…” you call out but your voice cracks in your throat. Stumbling forward, you nearly yank the curtains from the rod as you step outside on the deck, “Wanda!” You’re nearly screaming her name now as you scan the backyard. 
The bikes that you just took the training wheels off of are nowhere to be seen. The football and baseball you tossed around for hours in the hot summer sun, only to be rewarded with Wanda’s famous smoothies, were gone. There’s nothing here of your boys. Nearly sprinting to the edge of the deck, you trip off the stairs and run your hand down along one of the base legs.
Billy and Tommy aren’t scratched into the wood. You can still feel their small hands beneath yours as you guided that knife tip against the wood. Watching their concentrated stares as they spelt out their names that they had just learnt to do that morning from their mom. It was gone. 
“Wanda!” you yell, and rip around quickly, your eyes locked on the garden in front of you. 
“Oh, hold on, Nat! Yes, dear?” Wanda’s voice acts as a homing beacon as you traverse quickly through the wired door and the plots of different flowers and fruits and vegetables. 
“Wanda,” you’re panting when you finally reach her, “Where are the boys? Where… their stuff. Where are they?!” 
Wanda stares at you and you stare at her. She looks confused by your question, glancing around you to make sure you’re not pulling some sort of prank on her. But your eyes are locked on her, seeing her kneeling next to some flowering plant. Her phone screen is awake and you see someone there but your eyes pay not attention to them. All you can do is stare at her belly, ready to burst at any moment. 
“Where are…” Wanda scoffs as she puts down her hand rake in the soil, “Dear, they’re still right here.” She clicks her tongue as you slowly fall to your knees, “Did you think I went and had them without you?”
There’s laughter that comes from the phone and you glance over, seeing another redhead there who gives a small wave. You unclench your fists, swallowing the knot in your throat as you slowly reach out. Wanda giggles quietly, watching you move forward like you’re going to touch a coiling snake.
You press your hand to her belly softly and sigh, what was going through your head five seconds ago? Were you that eager to watch these boys grow up that you already built memories in your head? 
You let out a confused sound as your hand rests a little heavier and you feel a kick against your fingers. You quickly look up as Wanda gasps, her eyes widening slightly at the sensation. She gives you a scolding look,
“They’re as rambunctious as you.”
“Yeah…” you whisper, glancing back to the house that doesn’t hold these fake memories in your head, you bring your eyes back to your wife. 
Wanda sees the disorientation on your face, “Are you okay, honey?” She rests a hand on your face, stroking your cheek with her thumb. 
You nod quickly, “I uh… must’ve been one of those naps, y’know? Wake up in another century. Another dimension even,” You chuckle but all she gives is a tight lipped smile. You clear your throat and quickly try to get past your lost grip on reality, “Uh, what’s going on here?”
Green eyes snap up with a glow behind them, Wanda seemingly snapping from a thought that had her trapped, “Oh! I’m trying to teach Nat here how to hang up the tomato vines.”
“Mhm, very interesting.”
“Honey,” Wanda leans forward and pecks your cheek, “Go back inside. I know you find this boring.”
You roll your eyes and grab the shears. Wanda’s eyes widen, a panic in her face as you’re sure she’s thinking of a million ways you could hurt yourself. You certainly had a reputation for being clumsy but you weren’t about to trip and fall onto a pair of garden shears. Stepping around her, you start to snip away at the dead areas of the plants, trying to mimic Wanda from all the times you had watched her. Hoping those memories were real.  
“I would like to help my wife and mother of my boys, who are apparently already incredibly rambunctious.”
A voice comes from inside of the phone, “You’re certainly got them whipped,” Natasha laughs, “Okay, walk me through this tomato origami folding again.”
Wanda begins talking and soon that talking becomes nothing but background noise. Your hand starts to work on autodrive, picking up the brown and dried pieces and snipping them away. But your mind is what continues to stay conscious as thought after thought crashes over each other. 
Weren’t the boys nearly in middle school when last you woke up? They were talking to you about how nervous they were about having to switch classes throughout the day and memorizing a schedule. You sigh, and now they’re not even born. That can’t be possible. In fact, it has to be impossible. 
“Y/N, not that vine.”
You shake your head and snip. Just last week you were fighting against the idea of getting the boys their own phones. You wanted to wait another year but their never ending pleas were breaking Wanda down. 
And the sports practices and the games. You know you’ve spent too much time panic driving from the Compound and trying not to be too late to any of them. Sometimes you didn’t even have time to shower, just wiping off mud and muck from your face with wipes. Wanda would always scrunch her nose, whispering that you smelt, but she’d always scoot her chair closer to you and rest her head against your shoulder. 
“You’re cutting too close to the wire.”
As you dried dishes, you remembered staring into the living room as Wanda finished wiping down the counters. You looked at her and at the boys coming up with plans for that evening’s pillow fort. She could see it in your mind without reading it, wondering how interesting things could get with just one more. 
“You’re cutting too close!”
There’s a loud snap and then the sound of thumping as the ground starts to be impacted by falling debris. You jump backwards, the shears falling from your hands as you reach out to quickly grab them before Wanda trips over them. You grimace, as your fingers wrap around the blades and you feel the stinging of the open skin but that’s the least of your worries. 
Right now, you stare at the aftermath of the disaster you just created. Dust begins to settle back down to the earth slowly as you try and rub it from your eyes. Soil’s been thrown everywhere around the garden as you kick it off your shoe and see that a whole snaking vine had fallen from its posts and that the post itself had flipped out of the dirt from the weight. 
Wanda coughs next to you as you stab the shears down into the dirt, trying to make them as safe as possible and concealing the blood as you wipe them on your pants.
“Oh shit. Oh shit. I’m so sorry,” you throw even more dirt around in the air as you quickly dig her phone out of the catastrophic hot zone. Holding it up, you blow the soil away and cough as you suck it back into your throat, “Are you okay?”
Wanda laughs at the hoarseness in your voice but isn’t able to get any words out. 
“I’m fine, a little rattled but I’m okay. Thanks for asking.”
You glare down into the phone, “I wasn’t talking to you. Darling, are you okay?”
Wanda smiles, wiping the soil from her face and leaving behind a streak on her nose. You grin as she flips away her braid and sighs, looking at her new garden set up.”Those tomatoes were ready to harvest anyway.”
“Yeah, what the hell was that?” Nat talks in the palm of your hand and you sigh, holding up the phone so she can look at Wanda. 
Wanda shrugs, “That’s a new way of harvesting we’re trying out,” her green eyes glance up at you as the worries that distracted you before melt away. 
Still, those memories felt so real. They still were poking and prodding at your brain. You know you’ve had these dreams before. Dreams that felt so real you could’ve sworn you actually lived them. You’d gotten into arguments with Wanda about some of them, swearing you’ve done one thing or gone some place but learned that you never had.
You could feel it in your soul though. Every sense in your body was alive in those moments and it felt so real. It took a while to figure out that they were just dreams but there was always something inside of you that couldn’t let go of how true it felt. 
Still, as you glance down to her dirt covered shirt, you’re almost glad those memories aren’t real. Because now, you get to live them for real. And if they are real and this is all some weird glitch in the matrix, you’re one of the lucky ones. You get to live through them twice. Grinning, you couldn’t think of anything better than living out two lifetimes with the woman in front of you and the two rambunctious boys on the way.
“What?” Wanda smiles at you, curious as to why you’re still just staring at her. 
“You’re beautiful,” you breathe out, “And I can’t wait to raise a family with you.”
Her cheeks start to grow a rosy color as you step forward and press your lips to hers. Wanda sighs, fingers entangling in your hair as yours finally wipe away the last of the dust on her face. She chuckles, 
“You’re a sweet talker, but I am not having these kids early for you.”
You grin, “Take all the time you need, my darling. I’m at your beck and call.”
“Oh really?” she cocks a brow towards you and you feel your stomach flip over itself, “Good. Because those damn birds are back at my berries. Can you-,”
“Yup!” you don’t let her finish her request, you just hand over her phone and jog to the other side of the garden, “That’s one thing I can do! I can scare the birds.”
Snatching up the old pots you keep for this purpose only, you start to bang them together as you keep your arms as wide as possible, “Get outta here! Get your mangy feathers and go!”
You make sure to chase each one out of the bushes. Last time you didn’t check, one had hidden itself away and a whole bush was lacking berries for weeks, you were confused until Wanda finally came and shook it. You vowed that day to never let another bird get the better of you. 
Giving the bushes one last, careful, shake to ensure no birds were hiding inside, you let out a sigh. A job well done and now hopefully you can relax and get this dust off of you. 
You hear Wanda call out a goodbye and you quickly cross back over to help her stand up. She groans as she floats up the small basket of red tomatoes from the ground with her. You glance over her shoulder and watch her flip them over in a silent inspection. 
“Well, they’re a little bruised but I think we can still use them. Now for this,” She floats up a part of the vine that broke the posts. 
You sheepishly look at it and then back at her, “I’ll fix it?”
She smiles, “Not today. We can’t miss our show.”
And you don’t miss your show. The two of you shower quickly and by the time you’re dressed, the pizza you ordered was already showing up at the door. Now, the pizza has been eaten. Your one beer was drunk and Wanda’s mocktails were drunk, it was time for the unscheduled nap that always happened on the lazy day after you came home from a mission. 
You both lounge out and cover every inch of the couch, her legs resting in your lap as she’s propped up with all sorts of pillows around her body. Your fingers massage her calves and roll her ankles as the crowd on the tv laughs. 
She hums, a noise that tells you she’s half asleep, “Have you ever felt like… like the boys are already here?”
Resting your hands on her shins, you glance over to those green eyes that try to see what you’re thinking, “What do you mean?”
You shrug, but you know what you mean, “Like running around and already going to school. Report cards up on the fridge with their art. Already having a space here, in this home.”
Wanda laughs, “You want to have an empty nest that quickly?”
“No, no!” you grin at her teasing smile, her hand floating yours over to hers. She grips it softly, her thumb running along each knuckle with care as she lets you think and gather your words. “It felt like they were already here with us when I woke up. That we’d already shared so many memories and then… you know. I’m not making any sense.”
You turn your head back to the show but through the corner of your vision, you catch Wanda cocking her head just slightly, “What is it, dear?”
Taking in a tight breath, you flip flop between admitting this gut sinking feeling. The feeling that’s been eating at you all day. A thought that you can’t get out of your head because it wants to be seen, it forces you to look at it. 
“I haven’t been able to make sense of anything. I… nothing feels real. I don’t know if I feel anything real.”
Wanda just watches you, her fingers stroking down your forearm, “Am I not real?”
You give her a look, “That’s not what I meant.”
Slowly, you feel a familiar chill down your spine as your body is beckoned closer to Wanda. You follow her silent wishes and crawl across the couch towards her. Your lips finding hers and the swelling in your chest reminding you of why you chose to spend each and every day with her. There’s a warmth along your neck and you sigh, resting your head against the fingertips that reach into your mind.
“Was that not real?” your eyes flutter open to her words and soon that hand takes yours and rests it on her beating heart, “What about that? Because in you, all I feel is you.”
You sigh, kissing her hand with the gentlest of touches, “My dreams…”
“Tell me,”
Stroking back a piece of fallen hair, your thumb runs along her cheek, “They feel real. I feel like I can touch everything in there. I can taste the food I eat and the coffee I drink. I can smell the rain and hear those records. And then I wake up in a haze and everything feels… different.”
Wanda brushes back your hair gently, “Are you having nightmares?”
You clench your brows, “I don’t know what they are. But...” you sit yourself up when you realize that this will never have an answer, “It’s fine.”
“Hey, talk to me. As long as you’re wearing this,” Wanda ensures you look at her as she kisses the band on your left hand, “You gotta talk to me. You promised.”
Watching her carefully, you wonder if holding that promise is worth what you’re about to tell her. The truth you wanted to keep to yourself because you didn’t want to admit how much it scared you. The pounding of your heart, the sweat that covered your body when you woke. 
“I always die.”
Green eyes flash up to yours, a panic as if you’re going to disappear right in front of her, “In… in the dream?”
You nod quietly and can’t seem to get anything beyond a whisper out, “Everytime. Something happens and just before I die,” your finger snaps and scares Wanda, “I wake up.”
“Is it the same dream,” she whispers, and you wonder how long until she reaches deep into your mind to truly figure out what’s happening. 
You think quietly for a moment, “Only one thing is the same. You’re always there.”
Silence holds the two of you tightly as Wanda stares at you. Then you see the switch in her eyes. The switch that happens when she needs to fix something. When she needs to help you because she knows you won’t do anything.
She knows you’ll sit in those quiet moments thinking about this and she can’t lose you in the “What If’s” again. You played that game once before and it was dangerous. You became a shell and now you only have the distant pain in your shoulder to remind you of it. 
“Maybe we should turn down the temperature. I hear hot temperatures cause nightmares.” Wanda keeps talking as she climbs around you, taking your hand and shoulder to help her stand. She babbles on about looking into homeopathic sleep aids and even taking you to a sleep doctor, maybe you have sleep apnea. 
“Wanda,” you sit on the couch with your feet pressing into the ground as she leaves your line of sight, “Wanda, I’m fine. Wands, I don’t need that.” You follow after her. Shaking your head and thwarting everything she brings up, any possibility for you to get a fraction of a good sleep. Because you know this will pass. It has to. 
Wanda turns quickly, much too quickly for your liking, but she slams the pan in her hands on the stove, “Just let me help you!”
You’re taken back and you hold up your hands, stopping yourself from making sure she didn’t fall. 
Her eyes widen and she holds up a hand as her other hand rubs softly against her stomach, “I’m sorry. I… I don’t know what that-,” And just like that, her voice cracks and you see her worry quickly work its way out of her. 
Sobs break through as she grips onto the counter but you’re already there. The echoing of the pan leaving your ears as her sobs break your heart. You hold onto her, letting her cry and stretch out your shirt to fill every space near you. Her fuse was short and her walls were even thinner. It didn’t take much to get an emotion to break out of her and it was even easier when it involved you. 
She was nesting around the house and she knows that she needs you to help her. Without you, you know she worries if she can handle not having you and everything else. You never want her to think about what she may have to do if you weren’t around. So you were just making sure you’d always be around. 
“Hey, you’re okay. You were just trying to help,” you whisper against her hair, “You’re always trying to help but you’ve got to take care of yourself, too.”
Wanda hiccups as her sobs begin to calm. Her breathing slowly catches onto a slower pace instead of falling over each breath. She stares at your chest, refusing to look up at you so you just wait. 
“Do you love me?”
You clench your brows, “Wanda,” you don’t wait for her to look at you, you slowly tilt her chin up and stare into those bloodshot eyes, “Of course I do. I love you more than anything. You’re my entire world.” Softly, you brush back her hair and raise your brows, “I would do anything for you.”
“Anything?” she whispers, 
You nod and hold up your hand, “That’s what this ring means doesn’t it? We’d do anything for each other.”
Wanda takes your fingers and slowly twists your wrist back and forth, watching the light reflect off of that band. She hums and you just barely catch her mumble, “Anything.” It sends a shiver down your spine. It’s cold, a word filled with such pain and you don’t know why but you know you won’t ask tonight. Not after such an emotionally charged moment. 
You step forward and she presses her hands against your chest, “Let me help you try to sleep, then. Please?”
You glance at the microwave and it’s nowhere near your bedtime. Wanda knows but she just stares at you, her thumb tracing down your neck as she waits for you. You nod and take her hand in yours, you both would crawl into bed for an early evening nap. As you settle beneath the covers, you watch in silence as Wanda lights candles around the room to try and relax you. 
Her fingers squeeze out the tension in your neck and press it away from between your shoulder blades. You sigh, feeling that warmth against your temple. Her lips touch where her fingers just float above and you feel that electric shiver run through your chest and into your fingertips. 
“What do you want to dream about, dear?”
You hum, placing your hand on her thigh and don’t think too hard because it’s what you desperately desire, “Us. Our little family together.”
____________________Part 5
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