#but once genie is comfortable around you she is ALL over you shes so cuddly
life can't be all that bad when my cat lets me pick her up and kiss her head as she purrs and nuzzles me
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End of chapter 7 of The Passed Out Princess
Paring: My CMC (Uyu, Dan Byeol) x Suit Saeran See all chapters
Description: On days 7-9 of Ray’s route, the player is denied food as “Saeran” makes his presence first known. But, what if MC fell very ill under this method of torture due to a medical condition? Sadly, my custom MC, Uyu (full name Dan Byeol), would deal with exactly this dilemma.
Notes and warning found in chapter 1
“Care to ‘swallow your pride’ again? Be vocal.”
Dan puffed, “So you want me to be assertive? Then fine. I’m certain I’d like it if you stayed with me past the point of my eating. And I’d like to see you take a second to relax.”
“Remember to breathe as you speak, princess. You make it seem like that was a hard thing to say. It was honest, yes?”
“Ok, then say it like it is.”
“....”. “And...one more thing…”
Uyu decided now that she felt quite better, it was time to make sure he felt the same. While her anxieties were still present being around him as aggressive as he had previously been, his situation was nowhere near normal or alright. From what she could gather hearing the ‘savior’s’ words and seeing him so anxious as he was now, he was rather torn and hurting. The ‘savior’ drove him to the brink the same way she did Ray, telling him Dan was to be disposed of when Ray at least showed a clear attachment to her. Saeran probably just had no idea as to what he actually wanted, and her heart continued to clench for the man before her.
She sighed before deciding to be brave and just go for it. “Do you want a hug.. or something?”
Saeran’s jaw opened, and then it closed. There was a second of silence again between them before he answered.
“...what...what makes you think I want a hug from you..?”
Dan rubbed the side of her arm, glancing away a bit red faced before her gaze returned to him. There was no denying the soft sadness plastered on his face which seemed to answer the question with a hesitant ‘yes’. He peered at her behind some tufts of hair, head now bowing a tad, brows dipping in slight u-ish shapes as his cyan eyes almost pleaded. Dan was pretty certain they’d swim in angry tears again if she pressed questions about his state any further, so she decided to creep around his sensitivity. With the front he was always so eager to put up, she’d play the vulnerable one for him.
“Ok...then...what if I...wanted the hug?
“Uhm...I meant... I asked you, or I wanted to ask if you wanted one because I actually wanted one so I could maybe, so we could maybe uh-”
He cut her jumbling off, “You want a hug from me? After all that?”
The longer this dragged out, the more embarrassed she felt for making the attempt to wiggle her way into comforting him. But, asking never hurts and he might need it, so she wouldn’t take it back.
“...As I talk to you this afternoon, the crazier I think you are. I’m not interested in being all chummy with you, remember? I’m..I’m not all kind and gushy like your Ray..I’m not some cuddly teddy bear just because I gave in and fed you...”
“I know all of those things. But…”
Now was the time to put some of her acting skills to good use, as much of an actual airhead as she might sound while doing so.
“That wasn’t exactly something fun to go through, it was a lot...and I’m still a bit faint too..”
Dan exaggerated her somber expression, as if exposing an open wound to the man next to her. She hoped the vulnerable sweet girl tactic could help her out some as she proved his previously false claims correct, ‘manipulating’ him for the first time. She’d appear weak and needy for him...just this once.
He coughed. “..Urg..Just...just one, since you look so pathetic. Only one. And you’re not to think anything of it or ask for another ever.”
Uyu nodded with an “ok” before setting the plate in her lap on the side table, not feeling now was the time to fight about that last part. Pushing away anxiety best she could, she came in closer to him, gently touching his slim waist with her small fingers to make sure he was comfortable with her first. Met with no resistance other than some stiffness, she pulled in closer, arms snaked around him as she hid in his chest which rose and fell unsteadily. Her hug was somewhat hovered, cautious to push him too far with more of a squeeze like she wanted, but to her surprise, he pulled her in tighter. In fact, he pushed her head in as if to make sure she wouldn’t be able to see him…or breathe. His heart beat seemed to do a double bounce against her, one hand on her back keeping her close as he rested his chin atop her head. As being so close to him usually made her do, her face flushed hot as her pulse too drummed rapidly.
Saeran softly murmured, as if hoping she wouldn’t hear.
“I don’t know why you want me to hold you…”.
Dan raised a hand slowly up his back, giving him a delicate rub. He scooched forward in response, as he was still sitting a bit away as he leaned in.
“For someone who claimed to not be a teddy bear,” she continued stroking his back, trying not to feel his prominent spine too much. “You sure are nice to hug. Maybe that’s something I happened to notice from the get go.”
“...I’m not even sure I know what to say to that, other than you certainly like playing with fire. You’re going to get hurt not heeding my warnings.”
“You sure do blaze as bright as one, but like this, maybe I’ll just stay warm without being burnt.”
There was a long silence as they continued to support each other like two pillows, Uyu gently allowing him to relax and his head to bury in the crook of her neck. She listened to the sound of his now regular breathing, her eyelids fluttering close and then open repeatedly as she felt his lashes tickle her neck in the same pattern. Before long, his firmer grip on her came undone slowly but slowly, slumping until he finally decided it was time to release her. A yawn escaped his pretty pale pink lips.
“I should go and you should finish that plate.”
He glanced at the pillows on the bed behind him before grumbling something along the lines of “damn it, now I’m sleepy”.
“Mi casa es su casa. Go ahead and lay down.”
“You..think I have time for that right now? I’ve already wasted so much here.”
“You can’t work,” she yawned sweetly too, covering her mouth. “When you’re so tired. Even thirty minutes will help.”
“Looks like you need sleep as well, princess. Even though you were passed out not all that long ago.”
“I think you put me to sleep..”
“Ha...so you don’t like me here after all?”
“No, sweetheart. I meant your hug was a little too cozy.”
“Now then, I’m not going to eat you. You can sleep a bit. Remember one of the things I wished for was for you to take a second to relax.”
“I’m not humoring your wishes. I’m not a genie.”
“No you’re not...you're a human. One who deserves and needs rest. I know at least you were up past four AM..”
The man rolled his eyes before crawling back to lay on the bed again. He let out a tired “hmfph”.
“Rest well then…”
She received no response from him, just watching as he shut his eyes. Uyu decided to let him be, finishing her last few bites in the stillness the room again took on. After setting down her plate on the side table again, she turned to look back at him, only to find him asleep peacefully so fast.
The light from the open curtains illuminated his feathery locks and exquisite tired features, lips parted allowing out soft exhales. From how he looked while sleeping, you never would have guessed he’d be such a daunting figure at times, appearing as if he were born from a puff of clouds on a beautiful day. Dan watched the rising and falling of his chest, his breathing seeming so soft and warm, regular and delicate. He gave off an angelic radiance, even in a suit as black as night, hair tousled and unkempt to give the appearance of a mad man. He was beautiful, no matter what he himself saw in the mirror.
She slid down from the bed as gently as she could, tip-toeing over to the big window to shut the drapes, blocking the evening sun from disturbing his rest. He needed it, clearly fretting earlier to the point where he wore himself out extra, not even putting up a fight by the end of their interaction. The tiny thing then crept over to the tea table, pulling out one of the wooden chairs to sit herself down onto the pink cushioned seat. Resting her head on the table’s surface and wrapping her arms around, she began to doze off too, slightly wondering to herself what it would feel like to sleep beside him in that big bed. The thought made her blush.
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nadziejastar · 4 years
It's sort of amazing the difference between the fan interpretation of RAX and how they interact in canon. In Days they're super dysfunctional, border on being toxic, and their friendship was unsustainable from the start even if they didn't realize it. In fanon they're a picture perfect family who can never be torn apart. And the KH3 went with the fan interpretation instead of acknowledging any of their issues.
I totally agree. I think the reason is that the fandom tends to be very young. It’s a big reason why Akuroku became so popular, IMO. Young teens tend to misinterpret unhealthy obsession (like Axel’s) as romance and true love. And the Sea-Salt Trio’s dysfunction also was also overlooked in a similar manner.
I gotta be honest. I feel pretty uncomfortable with the general interpretation of the Sea-Salt Trio in this fandom. It’s just so bizarre to me how Roxas and Xion’s friendship with Axel was put on such a pedestal and how his relationship with Isa was pretty much ignored by almost everyone. It’s just…amazingly unrealistic if you think about it. I think it’s a testament to how young the fans are, in general.
Axel’s relationships truly aggravate me, because he was written a LOT differently than Sora or other simplistic characters. I know that the target demographic for Kingdom Hearts is pretty young. And in the end, I think Axel’s character was a victim of that. Nomura tried to write him very authentically at first.
But his characterization was dumbed down to fit in with a largely tween/teen audience and their preferences. I don’t say that to be disparaging to younger fans or anything. But, had KH3 not been a Disney property, and had it been targeted to a slightly older audience, I think Axel and his relationships would have been handled a LOT differently.
I definitely think the Sea-Salt Trio was VERY misunderstood by the fandom. Axel has known Saïx for at least 10 years. Probably more. Even before their backstory was explained, you could tell they have been through hell together in the organization, without anyone else to trust besides each other. Axel was willing to do all of his dirty work. 
Then Axel meets Roxas and Xion. Two kids who—let’s be honest—are about on the level of your average fifth grader. Not a bad thing. They’re just very naive and childlike and he obviously can’t be 100% himself around them. Do people really think Axel is gonna replace his best friend so easily with two kids he’s known for less than a year? Apparently, yes. Let’s look how absurd it is.
Day 75
The Genie we met in Agrabah said he and his friend Al are "inseparable." Axel told us best friends can be inseparable even if they're not always together, but it sounded like he wasn't too sure about it himself. I thought Axel knew everything. Oh well...
At this point, Axel spent quite a while at Castle Oblivion. He hasn’t even gotten to know Roxas that well, and he’s only known Xion for a few days. It’s totally realistic that he’d say he doesn’t have a best friend. He sounds like he knows what it’s like to have a best friend, though. He just doesn’t have one anymore.
Day 96
Roxas: I just…want these days to last forever. Hanging out, the ice cream, the sunsets…
Axel: Nothing lasts forever, man. Least of all for a bunch of Nobodies. But you know, we’ll still have each other…even if things change and we can’t do this anymore.
Roxas: Yeah?
Axel: As long as we remember each other, we’ll never be apart. Got it memorized?
Roxas: Ha ha, wow, Axel. That sounded ridiculous.
Axel: What? I thought it was pretty deep.
Not even two weeks later, he’s acting all touchy-feely about the time they spend hanging out together. Roxas and Xion make fun of him because even they know they’re not really that close, lol. They hardly know each other at this point. If you read between the lines, you could tell that he was thinking about Saïx here, too.
Author: Axel
I feel like I’ve been spending more time talking to Roxas and Xion lately than my old friend, Saïx. This has to have been what it was like, friendship.
But if that wasn’t obvious enough, the report clears up all doubt. He WAS thinking about Saïx. The message I got was: Lea and Isa had a very close relationship as humans. They were the ones who were really inseparable. 
Axel misses that and, the more he remembers it, is desperate to fill the void. Every time he mentions “best friends,” it relates back to this. But this concept went “whoosh” over 90% of the fandom’s head. It baffles me. I really just don’t get it. Again, I have to think it’s due to the fact that this series skews really young. 
Day 118
You Changed, Not Me
Author: Axel
Talking to Roxas and Xion always brings back memories of my human life, back when I was a kid. It’s a weird sensation. I ought to be able to share all this with Saïx, but I just don’t feel like it anymore. It’s strange, but I’m content with just missing what’s gone. I’m not the one who changed. You did.
Anyways. Three weeks later. Axel is very hung up on the past. He sounds like a heartbroken lover (because that’s exactly what he is, if you ask me). The reason Axel spends so much time with Roxas and Xion is because Isa changed.
Day 150
Too Precious to Lose
Axel and I talked for a while about the things we can’t bear to lose. Axel thinks that for Nobodies, it’s our pasts, because that’s all we have to remember the pain of losing something. I don’t remember my past, but the idea of losing the present–Axel or Xion–scares me.
A month later. Axel comes back from Castle Oblivion yet again, and he’s even more nostalgic for the past than last time. I bet Axel’s time at C.O was gonna be featured as a blank period in BBSV2. But whatever. He couldn’t bear the thought of losing his memories of the past.
The reason Axel treasured his memories so much was because it’s all he had left after losing something. OBVIOUSLY it’s because of his relationship with Isa. I mean, duh. It implies a pretty special connection between Axel/Lea and Saïx/Isa for him to feel that way, especially considering how mean Saïx is to him.
I’m not trying to trash Axel’s feelings for Roxas and Xion, either, or make them out to be unimportant. They were important to him, for sure. But they absolutely did not reach Isa’s level of importance to him. No fucking way. Not. Even. Close. Especially not on Day 150. By the end of the story, Axel couldn’t bear to lose Roxas and Xion because they were all he had to fill the void of Isa.
That’s not to say that he didn’t care about them as friends, or that he was just using them. It just means that I don’t think Axel really would want to be “inseparable” with Roxas and Xion once he was mentally and emotionally healthy. He’d want to be friends with them, of course, but not hang out every day like Hayner, Pence, and Olette. He’s not on the same level as Roxas and Xion. And that’s fine.
Terra: Protect the things that matter… Right. My friends matter to me, too. So, I still have things that I have to protect.
To use a comparison, Riku was very important to Terra. I LOVED the connection between them. Other than Lea and Isa, one of the things I was most excited to see in KH3 was Riku and Terra reuniting (yeah…). They had a very special bond. Riku helped comfort Terra when he was down. But. Riku was NOT as important to Terra as Aqua and Ven were. Even if Terra had spent a whole year with Riku, he still wouldn’t be as important to Terra as Aqua and Ven.
Roxas and Xion being portrayed as the most important people to Axel is as ridiculous to me as Riku being portrayed as the most important person to Terra. It would be weird if 99% of the fanart out there depicted Riku as Terra’s best friend and Terra’s reunion with Riku got more spotlight in KH3 than his reunion with Ven and Aqua.
That’s how I feel about the Sea-Salt Trio. I really liked it for what it was in Days. A complex, morally grey friendship between an emotionally damaged adult and two innocent kids. But I really don’t like the overly saccharine, cutesy, cuddly, one-dimensional fandom version of it, where Axel is treated like he’s on the same level as the two teens. It’s a testament to how young the fandom is that people really thought Lea would be “meh” about reuniting with his childhood best friend who’s been possessed for 10 years, and be waaaay more excited about getting to eat ice cream with two teens every day once again. 
Day 172
What’s Love?
On my mission at Beast’s Castle, Xaldin told me about "love” and the special power it has over people. I tried to ask Axel about it, but his explanation didn’t make any sense to me. Every time I ask him about this kind of thing, he tells me I need a heart to understand. It’s like he’s dodging the questions.
Axel tolerates severe emotional abuse from his possessed best friend because he loved him back when he was normal. He copes by with his extremely shitty life by living entirely in the past, through his memories. Hanging out with two kids helps him remember his old life, back when he was happy. God, he was such a fascinating character. Such wasted potential.
Day 193
Best Friends
Xion's awake now. The three of us were gonna go get some ice cream after our mission, but she passed out again, so we had to take her home. I talked with Axel in her room until she woke up. He said the three of us were best friends—inseparable. 
Axel said he had no best friend on Day 75. Now it’s Day 193. That’s only 119 days. That’s less than four months!! He gets in a fight with Saïx, who, once again, says he’s changed. A very sore topic for Axel. Then immediately afterwards, he says these two kids are his best friends.
If I was gonna compare it to real life: Let’s say Lea and Isa were two normal high school kids who were kidnapped and raised in a gang. Axel is a 25/26 year-old former gang member. He’s got blood on his hands. He’s a good person deep down, but he’s seen a lot of shit. Then he meets these two fifth graders. This adult gang member, with tear-drop tats and everything, suddenly starts calling these two fifth graders his best friends. He wants to spend all of his time eatig ice cream and playing Minecraft with them.
If this was real life, would anyone say how cute it is that they are best friends? Two kids who he had to teach the concept of “best friends” to? NO! No, they’d say that’s unhealthy and weird and that the guy needs therapy. Because it IS unhealthy and weird. Perhaps it easier to see that as an adult. Perhaps it’s easier to see it in a romanticized way when you’re young.
The Sea-Salt Trio was, in a way, Axel forcing the label of “best friends” on two kids in an attempt to cope with the heartbreak of his loss of innocence. It did have genuine cuteness and sweetness. Of course it did. Axel was not a predator or anything. Roxas and Xion loved him. Axel loved them. But…it wasn’t as cutesy and wholesome as people make it out to be. At least not from Axel’s end. It wasn’t JUST a cute wholesome trio. 
That’s what made it so good. It was complex and grey. Axel never went against the organization, even though he could have if he really wanted to. It got to the point where he nearly killed both Roxas and Xion, just because he couldn’t bring himself to go against the organization. And the reason he couldn’t go against the organization was because of Saïx. Yes. Axel came thiiiiis close to killing both Roxas and Xion for a sociopath who treated him like shit. Their friendship was very dysfunctional and had a lot of kinks to work out.
Again, I’m not trying to denigrate the bond Axel had with Roxas and Xion. It was still genuine and sweet, in a sad and messed up way. I can still appreciate the cuteness of it.
But I hated the Sea-Salt reunion in KH3. Because it only focused on the most one-dimensional, saccharine and cutesy portrayal of them possible. They didn’t have to talk about anything. It was just instant hugging and ice cream, now they’re best friends forever. Everything played up to the max to manipulate people’s emotions. None of their issues were worked out and they had no better understanding of each other than they did at the end of Days. Honestly, even though Roxas and Xion got the red carpet treatment compared to Isa, the resolution to their trio was just as pathetic as Isa/Lea’s duo. 
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vicecityhq-archive · 5 years
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the story !
trigger warning: sexual assault
about the character:
Suwon, Korea. 1937. Korea is under Japanese rule, a tightly controlled colony. A young woman named Lee Minsoo is forced to occupy the role of a comfort woman for the Japanese troops occupying the area. She has an important secret, something about herself that she’s holding onto so tightly in fear. Her secret comes out, of course— it was inevitable, only a matter of time. The woman’s a genie, they say, much too valuable to be passed from soldier to soldier like the other women— the general takes her for himself. The perfect possession, pretty and docile and possessing powers that he can easily use to his advantage. And she gives him not only the wealth and power for which he asks, but a few years later she also gives him a daughter— a daughter whom he calls whatever he pleases but who Minsoo calls Minkyung. Lee Minkyung. Her little miracle in the midst of this nightmare. For the first twelve years of her life, Minkyung has very little freedom. She is forced to do chores around the general’s compound in exchange for the food which she needs to survive, forced to meet with older men so that they shall decide whether or not they want to put in a bid for the girl’s hand in marriage when she turns fifteen. She is allowed to see her mother only a few hours every night, right before bed time. But somewhere in the midst of puberty, she began to show signs of having inherited her mother’s abilities. That’s when the prying eyes began to look especially terrifying.
Sendai, Japan. 1955. Korea had become independent from Japan once more during the years prior, and so Minkyung and her mother had been taken back to Japan with the general who claimed them. Minkyung is thirteen now, and her so-called father is no longer showing her off to just any man who could potentially buy her off of him— no, only the wealthy and powerful could offer the compensation he was requesting for a girl who could grant a man’s every wish. Her future looks bleak, but she is learning, slowly but surely— her few hours of private time with her mother have become less and less cuddly lately, the woman instead using her precious time to teach her daughter everything she knows about their powers: how to warp reality to fit whatever image she may have in mind. The older woman is weak, had been for a while. She is a lost cause. But Minkyung… Minkyung has promise. There’s strength in the way that she handles herself, a special connection between her own soul and the very fabric of reality. She was born from fire, a determination to overcome, and she’d return to the fire before she let a man ruin her like they did her mother.
Pennsylvania, USA. 1958. The man her father had handed her over to was an American named John Edwards, a former US Navy official who had used his title to con his way into wealth. He nicknamed her Minnie, going as far as to legally rename her on her immigration paperwork. Lee Minkyung no longer existed— there was only Minnie Edwards, Johnny’s exotic young wife who spoke broken English and got catcalled by strange men at the bar as her husband’s hand gripped her ass possessively the entire night. Minkyung becomes angrier with each night that her husband beds her, with every wish of his that she is forced to grant. There’s a fire brewing within her eyes and it truly is a shame that poor Johnny doesn’t catch on sooner. He’s gasping desperately for air, clawing at his own throat as Minkyung stands over his crumpled figure in apathy. Not Minnie Edwards. Lee Minkyung. And Lee Minkyung is out for blood.
New Jersey, USA. 1972. Minkyung had been free of a man’s control for fourteen years now— the best fourteen years of her life. She’d traveled north to New Jersey to find refuge in the large community of Korean-American Immigrants who resided there. She looks as if she hadn’t aged a day, physically, just as young and beautiful and powerful as the day she’d escaped captivity. There are whispers on the streets, hateful words passed back and forth between residents. Protests against the rights and liberties of non-human beings, those who belong to the supernatural realm. Minkyung’s nose turns up in disgust at every overheard hateful conversation, and if those residents happen to find maggots swarming their bed in the morning, Minkyung wouldn’t know a single thing about that. The protests turn violent quicker than the government had predicted, homes and businesses destroyed, her fellow supernatural beings injured and hospitalized in the process. A man who’d seen Minkyung use her abilities breaks into her apartment late at night. He loses his head. She’s done with men. She’s done with humans.
Agdoeg, South Korea. 1981. Minkyung is finally back in her home country, for the first time in as long as she could remember. She’d lied and cheated her way there, following whispers and rumors to a city where supernatural beings reigned as the majority. Reality warping and petty theft are the only things keeping her afloat, until a woman catches her stealing and, rather than apprehending her, offers her a job. Minkyung joins the Ivory Lotus under promises of power and a shared set of strict values.
Agdoeg, South Korea. 2019. Lee Minkyung is a name spoken in awe. She’s a bit of a grandmother within the gang, having kept loyal for so many years, and she’s one of the most efficient spies the Lotus has ever seen. Known only as Nightshade, the mention of her alias sparks an immediate paranoia in anyone not on good terms with the Lotus. She’s always watching, and she gets what she wants no matter what she has to go through to do so. Her past has brewed within her a violent hatred for men and humankind alike, giving her an irrational set of ideals which she follows religiously.
personality: Minkyung has been hardened by her past, so much so that it’s hard for her to show any emotion at all. She can easily come off as apathetic and mean, especially to people she doesn’t trust. She’s cutthroat, will not hesitate to eliminate anyone or anything standing in her way, and she is so closed-minded in her thinking that it’s hard to change her mind once she’s rooted in her ways.
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