#serving flamingo realness
admiralgiggles · 1 month
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Another new find for me is the Greater Yellowlegs.
You also get the alternate take where it looks like it’s meditating because I couldn’t decide between the two.
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The Dorm´s are celebrating Yuu´s birthday-Heartslabyul
he got you some stationary things for school including books, pencils, a new pen and a couple more things
most of it has your favorite animals on it but you say plenty of them with Flamingos or Hedgehogs on them
it was actually pretty cute to be honest
what was less cute was Riddle insisting on the Rules of the House to be followed
which is a nice thing but man there is like 0 rules besides basic decency so there isn´t much for him to get so worked up over
but he also enforces some Heartslabyul rules for his fellow Dorm mates
all you have to say is sucks to be them
he baked you a cake and even got you some cooking utensils and ingredients because you mentioned you were interested in learning some new things
he also got you a cookbook with some well known Twisted Wonderland recipes, normal for most but for you it could be very unique
… and he might have gotten you and Grim some new Toothbrushes and Toothpaste to combat all of that sugar you two will be eating
and he WILL make sure everybody in attendance will brush their teeth properly
if you didn´t want Trey to act like a mother hen maybe you shouldn´t have made this a sleepover
he invited you to a nice café he knows that doesn´t serve sweets
not only would the food be really cammable but also something he would be able to eat for once AND it´s a place you wanted to visit to so win win for him
he´ll also take a lot of pictures and it is everything ranging from the café itself, selfies of himself or with you or just pictures of you or the food
and if I say a lot I mean a LOT, he has to get the best picture possible and this can only be done if he takes a bunch and compares them
but it was still a nice day
and Cater on the rare occasion even invited you to do something a different, something that wasn´t for magicam and just a fun thing for two friends
he actually forgot to get you a Birthday present and just tried his best to get you something good last minute
it didn´t work and all he got you was a jar filled with some colorful sand he found in Sam´s shop
and Ace was relieved when you didn´t complain about it, you even seemed pretty interested in it
didn´t hold you back from telling him that you know he just randomly picked something, you were laughing so he at least knows you didn´t really care
and he wasn´t banned from eating some of the cake you got from Trey so everything is going well for him
he just wished you didn´t invite Riddle because he keeps trying to scold him for every little thing he does, especially when he wanted to play some card games
as if he would risk cheating with Yuu around they would kill him if they found out
Deuce was invited to your Birthday party and tried his best to come up with a good present for you
it uh… was more something he would enjoy but at least he tried hard enough, he got you a blastcycle building kit that he found and thought it sound very cool
at least it´s something you two can do together as long as Grim doesn´t eat the parts of it
this happens pretty often actually and Ramshackle even had to be baby proofed because of this… and maybe because of him and Ace
he´s really glad you still enjoy his present even if it wasn´t something you wanted, maybe one day he´ll even show you how to work on a real blastcycle together!
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accio-sriracha · 5 months
Oddly Specific Marauder Headcannons!!
James Potter hates flamingos. He doesn't know why, he just despises them.
Remus didn't actually like chocolate for most of his childhood, he acquired the taste after he started hanging out with Sirius (who has a MASSIVE sweet tooth)
Peter will never turn down a trip somewhere. Going to hogsmeade? He's in. Off to visit a friend by the lake? Already got his shoes on. Stopping by the library? He's got books to turn in anyways. Literally just going to the bathroom? Might as well get some steps in.
Sirius' favorite color is actually green, but he just tells people it's black because everyone already assumes that.
James Potter had a massive collection of succulents at home that he would talk to and treat like they were people. He used the words "sad" and "happy" to describe when they needed to be watered.
Remus went through burnt out gifted kid syndrome in sixth year and refused to touch a book unless absolutely necessary because he just couldn't handle the commitment.
Peter was actually extremely gifted at potions because he grew up learning how to bake with his mums.
Sirius 100% named his jet black owl something like "Princess Sugarplum Cutie Patootie Fluffy Feathers" and would coo over her every time she brought him a letter.
James is obsessed with everything kiwi flavored but if you hand him a kiwi he will literally throw it at you.
Remus actually does NOT know how to deal with small children and would make small talk with baby Harry in his normal voice and instead of holding him on his lap he'd just sit him up next to him on the couch like an adult would sit.
On any given day Peter would have an entire package of jelly beans in his pocket or a pepper up potion that serves double as a hangover cure for James and Sirius and there was no inbetween.
Sirius has a surprisingly low tolerance for pain but he's just so damn stubborn that he refuses to give in.
James is terrible at describing anything about himself. Ask him his favorite song and suddenly he's never heard a single one in his life, ask him his favorite food and he literally doesn't remember eating anything ever. If he sees the "Name three strengths/weakness" question one more time he's going to drown himself in the black lake.
Remus would despise roller coasters, and no, not because they're unsafe or because they're scary or because of the germs, he just hates the idea of them and would honestly rather go eat a chocolate funnel cake.
Peter WILL take a paint sample card no matter how large his stack gets and you CANNOT stop him.
Sirius draws on everything, literally put a writing utensil in his hand and make him bored enough and he will just start drawing on whatever is in front of him, his friends included.
James overshares every little detail about his day and all of his favorite stuff and many things the others should probably (definitley) not know about but when it comes to important information he just... never talks about it? It took two and a half years before the others even learned he was an only child. (Though his behavior made it a little obvious)
Remus dressed up as himself three years in a row for Halloween because "The real monster is inside me" successfully earning horrified and/or angry looks from all of his friends.
Peter is obsessed with cranberry juice, the variants of Cran-Apple and Cran-Grape??? Perfection.
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randomstupidchaos · 9 months
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Pandemic Quilt #16: The Covid Mask One
When the pandemic shutdown started in March 2020, my anxiety shot through the roof. Despite having a sewing machine and plenty of fabric, I was just not in the mental state to be able to make masks, at a time when fabric masks were the only real option. My first Covid masks were actually from some lovely ladies at work who got right down to business and made the flamingo and the cat-with-purple masks you may be able to spot in the quilt top. After a week or so I made myself a promise: once things got better, I would make a quilt out of my masks, as motivation to look towards the future, to be hopeful again.
Soooo then I made a whole BUNCH of masks. This quilt was made from ~50 masks, all of which were worn at some point between March 2020 and June 2023.
The block fabrics are the front and back fabrics for each mask - I did not mix and match here, they were paired exactly like that when they were masks. I also did not 'edit' the mask fabric to make it more pretty. If you look at the Christmas-dinosaur-and-pink block, for example, you can see where there is wear on the pink fabric from being worn and washed. To me, that wear is part of the story of this quilt. These fabrics served one purpose before, now they serve a different one.
The sashing is a neutral polka dot because it was the only fabric I knew was not used on any of the masks (there is, for example, one paired with white, and another with the medium grey I originally planned to use). The backing was a scalloped fabric I picked up at JoAnn Fabrics. I followed the scallops to quilt it in a squiggly pattern. The binding was a clearance fabric I also picked up at JoAnn fabrics for a fun pop of color on the edge. Batting is extra high loft cotton. This ended up being a large throw size, perfect for the couch.
I did save a few of my masks, just in case. But, with this one, I am calling the Pandemic Quilt collection complete. After this, I'm going to post a photoset of all 16 quilts.
Normally I would post a bonus pic of Nova claiming the quilt mid-project, but I already did that. So here's one of her supervising the final assembly of the quilt top.
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sandwicz · 1 year
Twisted Wonderland as quotes me and my friends said
Kalim: "love that's easily broken is not worth it"
Azul: "but a bond of money is always worth it"
Kalim: "oh no I broke my ankles"
Jamil: "... what else will you break Kalim"
Idia: "if I die before any of you, bring my picture and draw tears, thanks"
Lilia: "peking duck should be served with blueberry"
Rook: "i remember watching you sleep"
Jack: "I got jumpscared by the pink flamingos"
Kalim: "i saw a cockroach riding a stick"
Floyd: "i saw a fish"
Trey: "look at croutons"
Ace: "i have never seen an uglier word for a food"
Trey: "it's french so"
Ace: "romance language they say. i'd rather break up than hear french"
Riddle: "real big assumption that you'd get a partner
Ace: " I will."
Ace: "you said that I look like that guy in the elevator. and he has a gf"
Ace: "and so will i"
Riddle: "appearance can be deceiving..."
Yuu: "it's about the personality, riddle"
Yuu: "actually nvm ace's personality is as dry as a tortilla"
Riddle: "and I agree"
Riddle: "thanks yuu"
Jamil: "yes except its cooked and flat"
Leona: "just like all of idia's waifus"
Kalim: "also I counted"
Kalim: "with extreme estimation"
Kalim: "the bottom is 6 onions long"
Jamil: "..."
Ace: "i just passed by a man that had a bald head shinier than Crowley's"
Rook: "oh... what a tragic love story between a tan spray and a lamp..."
Epel: "i have a small beard im manly B)"
5th grader Deuce: "plastic is organic because it can be recycled later on"
Crowley: "Are you ok? Are you all fine?
Yuu: "No."
Crowley: "no? Ok." *carries on with convo as if nothing happened
Ace: "bro why are all of idia's expressions either dead or one minute away from bawling or derpy"
Epel: "Ace, you went from rizz to no rizz"
Deuce: "it's unintentional..."
Ace: "Shhh juice let me get Yuu to kill you its getting good"
Ace: "bro why are all of idia's expressions either dead or one minute away from bawling or derpy"
Epel: "holy crap who cares about diet anymore i need flavour"
Epel: "Bro honestly after seeing so much buff people I wanna try to get buff 💀"
Ace: "Bro ur built like noodles but gl"
Epel: "Screw you. Noodles good lah. Yummy yk"
Ace: "the first victim of cannibalism when we're stranded in a island"
Yuu: "Nah the tallest will be the first victim. Cough cough wonder who"
Ace: "Jack. Jack, we be eating you.
Ace: " be grateful."
Jack: "???????"
Floyd: "if you're too bored doing an assignment, ya don't do it"
Ace: "btw why are the beanfest day teams so bad"
Yuu: "they forgot me twice"
Leona: "I don't like French people..."
Ace: "yesterday i fell asleep on history and Juice here thought i was meditating"
Vil: "don't we have to use heels for our graduation???"
Epel: *quietly* "i hope you fall down the stairs"
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gingerlee-holds · 6 months
Kayde Screams at Pokémon: Sableye
to clarify, this is a follow-up to this post. i chose this first Pokémon because of a certain @/pokemon-cards-hourly, and i may use them to make more
also prepare to see me cuss like a sailor- i don't usually add that warning but this time i think its warranted
Sableye!! this lil bastard!! #0302 in the 'dex
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i browsed the Pokédex and these are the facts i gleamed-
they live in caverns, lead quiet lives, they're feared for supposedly stealing spirits, they're seen only rarely, and they lurk in darkness
they eat rocks and gems, the substances from eaten rocks crystallize on its body, its gemstone diet transforms its eyes into gemstones, and its favorite food is Carbink (another Pokémon)
they dig through the ground with their sharp claws, their eyes sparkle in darkness, they feed on gemstone crystals, and they have hard claws and thick pointy teeth
during their mega evolution, the crystal on their torso grows and becomes a gigantic shield, but that limits movement
and now, screaming time
firstly, the reason organic organisms consume food is to gain nutrients, such as carbohydrates, fats, or proteins. rocks and crystals (rocks are just a conglomerate of crystals) do not contain any such nutrients. additionally, the digestion of such minerals would be extraordinarily challenging for any biological organism.
secondly, it keeps saying that the eyes have transformed into gemstones due to its diet. what the fuck does that mean??? the eye is comprised of delicate tissues, like the retina, cornea, and all of the photoreceptors in the back of the eye, all of these work together to give the brain a clear vision, and they're super finicky, as evident by the fact that there are so many fucking vision problems. it clearly states that the eye transforms into the gemstone because of the diet, similar to a flamingo's feathers turning pink from their shrimp diet. but but that would be turning a complex, very finicky organic eye into an inorganic one through some process??? that isn't possible, especially not with enough precision to craft such finely-cut diamond-looking eyes as we see in the picture.
thirdly, the Pokédex thinks its important to repeat over and over the supposed fact that Sableye can steal people's spirits- i can ramble on and on about this specifically, but ill keep it short. if you're making an entry in a scientific database, keep the folklore out of it unless you can prove it! literally just include one "but there is ongoing studies seeking to test this claim" and ill let it slide, but no! don't put that nonsense next to its habitat and diet! its ridiculous!! this isn't to say i don't believe in spirits in the Pokémon world because i know those exist, (also in the real world), but if you're going to put it into the Pokédex, don't leave room for wiggle room- either it steals spirits or it doesn't. clarify that! in your friggin'!!! scientific database!!!!!!!
fourthly when something is digested, it is broken down, and the pokedex leads me to believe that in the sableye, the gems appear on the outside of the creature whole??? what, is it teleported??? how could inorganic matter crystallize on the surface of a creature? and what purpose does that even serve? wouldn't that be wasting the materials it apparently worked so hard to find so it could eat?
fifthly, and this is kind of a gripe about Pokémon in general, its use of the term 'evolution' has poisoned it forever. like, the amount of creationists i've spoken to who go "but a cat cant give birth to a dog" is unbelievable- evolution occurs in populations over time, and instead, in Pokémon, it happens in one creature in a matter of moments. a-fucking-huh???? some of these are more believable, like the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly, but mega evolutions are too fucking weird!!! there's no goddamn way a creature could just- become as large as a building in a matter of seconds, and the fact that the gems grow in size too despite being inorganic?? how is that- hhhh????
alright im finished heehee- im thinking about creating a pokemon OC named Professor Maple (because that's one of my names and it fits the tree name thing for professors) who just. screams at the pokedex lmao
cuz, and this will become evident in other entries in this series, the pokedex will just say shit!! and not think about the ramifications!! grgrgrgrgr!!!
if anyone calls me a nerd or a dork, i stg- it'd make me feel nice but a hug would as well-
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Disney Dreamland - Part 4: Fantasyland
(I had already posted about Mysteryland previously, which retroactively makes it Part 3. So we're moving on to the next part.)
Quite possibly the largest of the five lands, probably even beating out my mega-Adventureland. 
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Small World Gardens
Located behind Small World, this sprawling area would transition into Storybook Town Square. Flower arrangements inspired by Keukenhof in the Netherlands. Similar to Paris’s Fantasyland, there would be a couple rivers running through the garden with lovely bridges to cross over them. 
Dumbo the Flying Elephant : The Masquerade Circus could be positioned near the Mysteryland/Fantasyland border so that the back of the tents could serve as a backdrop for the Dumbo ride, which would have its own little area in the gardens. I was at a loss on where else to place this ride, but I stubbornly wanted to include it as it is currently the only attraction to be found in all 6 existing castle parks and I didn't want to break that streak.
"Casey Jr. Circus Train": Doesn't have to specifically be Dumbo-themed, I just really want a cute novelty train to wind through the garden, with cute bridges to pass over the walkways and rivers.
“Swan Boats”: Paddle boats. I say “swan boats” but they don’t have to be just swans, but could also resemble other birds such as ducks, geese, and flamingos.
Symphony Gazebo: A gazebo in the garden for a live band to play classical music.
“Windmill snack stand”: I saw a picture of the Old Mill in Paris and thought it looked so charming. German pretzels. 
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Storybook Town Square
The town follows in the footsteps of Ananheim’s 1983 overhaul with each building having its own unique look. Would feature a fluid mix of Bavarian and British architecture. The Bavarian half of the town on the west contains “Pinocchio Square” and the theater. The British half on the east contains Peter Pan, Little Nemo (even though Nemo is American), and Mr. Toad. A large fountain stands in the center. Cobblestones would pave the ground. I want this area to evoke the feeling of Paris’s Fantasyland as well as Efteling in the Netherlands . 
Pinocchio’s Daring Escape: Focuses more on escaping Pleasure Island. The only other thing I would change is have all the sets and animatronics appear to be carved out of wood, and have real clothes on the animatronics, for a more high-quality “hand made” look, the implication being the entire ride is a life-sized puppet show. The ride building along with the toy shop and restaurant form a smaller “Pinocchio Square”, which would include a smaller fountain with a statue of Pinocchio.
Geppetto’s Toy Shop: Would feature regular retail plush toys, as well as old fashioned toys like wooden marionettes and wind-ups, as well as cuckoo clocks. Christmas ornaments can also be purchased here.   
Pinocchio’s Pizza Place: Italian cuisine. Basically the Pinocchio Village Haus in Orlando, but with an alliterative name, and also some of the pizzas have toppings decorated to look like Pinocchio smiley faces. Quick service.  
Once Upon a Time Theatre: Hosts live indoor stage shows. While any show with Disney musical medleys is fine, I would much prefer original shows of rarely-featured stories, such as the other tales from the 1001 Arabian Nights, or a stage version of Disney's Return to Oz (which I personally love better as an Oz adaptation than MGM's movie; 2013's Oz the Great and Powerful was meh). Building design would be modeled after the new Fantasyland Forest Theatre in Tokyo.
“German restaurant”: Table service. 
Flight to Neverland: Would utilize the best aspects from each version of the ride. For example, I love that Shanghai’s queue is themed to a London park (Kensington Gardens?), and the chimneys in Paris’s loading dock blow smoke. The building facade would definitely have a functioning clock tower, in homage to Big Ben, but designed to fit with the small town aesthetic. The name change is simply because I feel like guests actually take on the role of the Darling children more than they do Peter.
Little Nemo in Slumberland: Little Nemo may not be a Disney IP, but it has such rich and vibrant imagery, I think it could work really well as a Disney ride. Not to mention it’s in the public domain, so there shouldn’t be any legal issues. In many ways it’s very similar to Peter Pan’s Flight, so maybe it could also help balance the wait times between the two rides. Guests take on the role of Nemo and ride flying beds (or at least, benches that look like beds, with a headboard and a footboard) that soar out the bedroom window. What follows are awe-inspiring, almost surreal, scenes of Slumberland. Things start to distort and become chaotic as the dream turns into a nightmare. Before anything too awful happens, guests “wake up” back in Nemo’s bedroom while the voice of Nemo’s mother scolds us for eating before bed. For visual reference, I recommend the Osamu Dezaki pilot film that was created during the movie’s development, though I obviously wouldn’t put the giant Sauron eye in the ride. 
Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride: Orlando’s former double-track ride, but with Anaheim’s building exterior. I never got to experience this ride and I really want to.
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Ever After Castle
Here it is, the traditional centerpiece of all Disney parks, now the centerpiece of Fantasyland instead. I personally think of most Disney castles as tall but not wide. This castle would be slightly different from the traditional Disney castle by taking up more ground space. I hate to sound blasphemous, but for this castle I’m thinking of something similar to Shrek’s Far Far Away Castle in Universal Singapore but with more detailed ornate decorations like Paris’ castle, and the outer walls slightly covered in ivy vines for a more inviting, homely look. It would also stand on top of an elevated foundation, surrounded by a moat. There would be a large courtyard in front of the main castle building, with the carousel placed in the center of it. The gift shop and the meet-and-greet are each placed on either the west or east side of the courtyard. The north of the courtyard would feature the restaurant on the ground floor, the entrance to the underground boat ride, and stairs to the second floor attraction. 
Cinderella’s Carriage Carrousel: Regarding the visual design, I want it to look like the pumpkin carriage turned into a carousel. The canopy could include fiber optic fairy dust that lights up at night.
Be Our Guest Restaurant: French cuisine. I really like Tokyo’s Beauty and the Beast ride and would love to import it, but I respect the OLC’s exclusivity rights too much. I wondered if I could make it a combination ride and restaurant where each table is a ride vehicle, but I worried that would cause motion sickness which is a big no-no for a restaurant. At the very least, for my version I would love to have animatronics perform “Be Our Guest” every 30 minutes or so. Also, perhaps every hour, Belle and Beast performers would come out onto the dance floor and invite guests to waltz with them. Hot Take: The Grey Stuff is very obviously a savory food as it is clearly presented on a tray of hors d'oeuvres in the movie. But since the version currently offered in the parks has been imprinted in fans’ minds I think it’s best to offer two versions: Savory (chicken liver pate) as an appetizer and Sweet (cookies and cream) as a dessert.
Royal Meet-and-Greet: I personally do not care much for meet and greets, but for the people that do, here you can meet the Princesses, some of the Princes, as well as non-Princesses such as Giselle, Esmeralda, and TinkerBell. 
Kingdom Treasures gift shop: Based on the Tokyo shop of the same name. 
Crystal Caverns Canal: Boat ride underneath the castle. My first idea for this ride was basically Voyage to the Crystal Grotto from Shanghai, if all the character statues were built out of crystals and mosaic tiles. Then I realized, there’s probably too much IP already in the land, so I think there could be an original story about the crystals being a source of magic for the kingdom, and have scenes of wizards and fairies harvesting the crystals and creating experiments with them. Sort of a “tour of the workshop” kind of ride. I’m thinking of something with the same vibes as Dreamflight in Efteling. 
Merlin’s Library / Yen Sid’s Library: Located on the second floor of the castle. Originally I wanted a ride in a similar vein to Symbolica in Efteling, but with a story like that of Mystic Manor in Hong Kong. Then I wondered if it would be feasible to have a ride in the second story, so I’m also okay with this being a walkthrough attraction.  I feel either wizard could work here. Merlin is the more well-known wizard, but Yen Sid is easier to create an original backstory for. The basic gist of the attraction is you wander around a library with little vignettes of magical items operating on their own; a quill pen writing  by itself, a large spell book turning its own pages, floating books sorting themselves on the shelves, etc. There could even be some interactive elements, such as paintings that change, or opening a book can project a scene “coming to life” and “escaping” the book.
Fairytale Gardens: Walkthrough garden. There would be lovely little vignettes scattered throughout, including Snow White’s wishing well, a giant beanstalk, and The Sword in the Stone placed in a little alcove in the castle’s outer wall. This would be outside the courtyard. Maybe off to the side, to the west, wrapping around the outer castle wall, next to Shadowland Forest.
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Shadowland Forest
Inspired by the Black Forest of Germany, this area features spookier attractions. West of the castle, shares the border with Mysteryland and the Gravity Falls area. There would be plenty of fir, spruce, and pine trees to make it feel like an actual forest, maybe even hide some of the attractions from view. 
Snow White’s Scary Adventures : Building facade would include the Evil Queen peeking out her window. I would place the building nearest to Storybook Town Square, at the edge of the forest.
“Gingerbread Factory Tour” : Based on my twisted Hansel and Gretel dark ride idea. Guests are given a tour of gingerbread golems at work (something like Tim Burton’s version of Wonka’s factory if it were more surreal and set in 1800s Germany), then are chased through obstacles, such as lollipop blades swinging from the walls, and peppermint stick darts, by Hansel and Gretel themselves. They’ve been very distrustful of adults after their parents abandoned them in the woods, and after the witch held them captive. They deem the guests harmless, and let them go but warn them to never come back.
Candy Carnival shop: The ride would exit into a shop themed to a candy carnival safe haven that Hansel and Gretel built for children lost in the woods. Would feature gingerbread treats and a nice selection of old-fashioned candies and German sweets. Guests can also watch bakers and candymakers at work. (Despite the name, there are no actual rides here, just animatronic decorations.)
Dragon Mountain: I wanted a unique “Mountain” ride, much like how the Matterhorn and Everest are unique to their parks. And dragons are cool. Originally this was going to be based on Maleficent, but now I’m leaning more towards an original story. And to put a neat spin on things, instead of a fire-breathing dragon, it would be a wintery ice dragon! I would also love it if the dragon was not portrayed as a mindless, violent beast hoarding treasure, but a parent protecting their child from intruders.
I initially wanted a sub-land recreating Halloween Town (with a spooky "Scare-ousel") but I felt Fantasyland was already overrun with too many IPs (and seven carousels is enough for one park), so here an area is set aside for seasonal Nightmare Before Christmas or Villains themed events, leaving the Haunted Mansion free during the holidays. 
Disney Dreamland Railroad Fantasyland station: Styled after the ruins of a medieval castle. Located on the edge of the forest near Ever After Castle, next to the entrance to Winter Village.
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East of the castle, on the border with Create-It-Land. While there would be plenty of natural green, there would also be an abundant mix of giant pink, purple, and turquoise “wildlife”, as seen in the initial scrapped concept art for Tokyo’s expansion. Giant mushrooms in place of benches,  trees decorated with misleading signs, lamp posts that look like giant flowers. March Hare would definitely be included as a walk-around character alongside Hatter and Alice. People often forget the tea party took place at the Hare’s and mistakenly believe Hatter to be the host, and I will not stand for this March Hare erasure.  I would also have plenty of card soldiers roaming around, “patrolling” the area.
Down the Rabbit-Hole: An upside-down funhouse with wonky mirrors, and trick doors galore! A hall of doors in the end would lead into the maze. I was thinking there could probably also be a madhouse ride portion where guests can experience the room actually turning upside down; inspired by Villa Volta in Efteling. 
Wonderland Maze: As much as I like the Alice in Wonderland ride in Anaheim, I personally feel that Wonderland is a world that is best experienced up close and at your own pace, which a maze perfectly embodies. While the maze would obviously be themed to classic animated Alice like the Paris version, it would have different environments, like Shanghai’s Tim Burton version. First half of the maze would be a forest-like environment with giant plants and singing flowers. Second half would have rose bushes, fancy iron fences, and carved stone walls and statues for the Queen of Heart’s castle area. There would be a handful of tiny doors scattered throughout that guests can crawl through as shortcuts. Among the character statues scattered around the maze, I really want to include the Mock-Turtle and Gryphon, based on their designs from the Jell-O commercial, perhaps on a sandy beach shore by a small fountain / pond.
House of Cards Banquet Hall: Inspired by the Queen of Hearts Banquet Hall in Tokyo. Would follow the same eccentric and colorful design scheme, but I want it to look like a stone castle made out of cards. Definitely would have lovely stained glass windows. Desserts include Royal Heart Tarts. They could also come in souvenir cups and plates like the ones found in Tokyo.
Mad Tea Party: Would have a canopy roof to protect from the weather and direct sunlight, but I also wouldn’t mind a stained-glass version. Or even a canopy made of trees. Teacup designs would be a mix of various patterns from all versions (except Orlando’s, I do not care for the zigzag scribbles). Would also include the giant teapot with the Dormouse in the center. To help with queue waits, I’d even have two ride systems, much like how Orlando doubled their Dumbo ride. One could even be themed to the Hatter while the other to the March Hare.
March Hare’s tea shop: Would have the same building design as March Hare Refreshments in Paris. Would sell several varieties of tea, Unbirthday Cake, and macarons. Could also feature a long table with interactive tea things to play with, like Shanghai does at the end of its maze, and plenty of fancy chairs for photo-ops.
Mad Hatter’s hat shop: Hats, Mickey ears, and other headgear. To match the March Hare’s chimney ears, this building would resemble a large top hat. Would also feature hat racks for photo-ops, like Shanghai does at the end of its maze.
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100 Acre Wood
East of Town Square, on the border with Create-It-Land. A tiny little area with tall trees providing shade, a lovely little Poohsticks Bridge over a small river, and a cozy corner for a meet-and-greet with Pooh and friends.
Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day: Basically the same as Pooh’s Hunny Hunt in Tokyo, which includes the giant book facade, and the same level of crafted detail and technical marvel throughout the ride, but with scenes added for the “rain, rain, rain”, and Pooh’s hero party as the ending. I would also use Anaheim’s zany color scheme for the Heffalumps and Woozles room with some added special effects for even more zaniness.  The ride’s name change is just to both set it apart from the other versions, and because I realized with the exception of Pooh stuck in the honey tree, all the iconic scenes in the ride come from Blustery Day.
Pooh Corner gift shop: Also utilizes the same English cottage look as Tokyo’s.
Hunny Smackerels snack stand: Hunny Pot cupcakes, honeycomb, honey ice cream, and a separate cart for honey popcorn in lovely Pooh-shaped popcorn buckets. It would be really cute if the stand is actually inside a giant tree trunk, with a dutch door counter window for guests to order from. 
The next three sub-lands would be behind Ever After Castle, outside the perimeter of the railroad tracks border. The entrance to Winter Village is between Shadowland Forest and the castle, while the entrance to Encanto Valley is between Wonderland and the castle. Mermaid Lagoon is directly behind the castle, between the other two sub-lands and only accessible through them. Small mountains would form berms for each sub-land. For reference, think of how Grizzly Gulch, Mystic Point, and Toy Story Land are arranged in Hong Kong.
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Winter Village
Inspired by my Narnia theme park concept. This entire mini-land would be indoors, to have air-conditioning to sell the illusion of winter, and to preserve the artificial winter setup from the real-life elements outdoors. This mini-land would be round (roughly) so that the glass ceiling that lets in natural light can have a hexagonal snowflake design. At night time there’d be projections of Northern Lights. NOT Frozen themed. It’s a cute movie and all, but far overstayed its welcome before it was even released on DVD. Village would be a mix of Russian and Scandinavian architecture.  Can be used for a Santa Claus meet-and-greet during Christmas.
Enchanted Snow Palace: The planned but never built ride based on Hans Christian Andersen’s Snow Queen. The concept art looks leagues better than the final product of Frozen Ever After.
“Winter Sleigh Ride”: Ride through winter scenery in sleighs pulled by reindeer. Technically a dark ride, since the entire subland is indoors, but feels like an outdoor ride.
"Snowball Arcade": I really wanted something to simulate snowball fights, but without the chaos and mess. Here, guests can throw snowballs at targets to win plush prizes.
"Russian cafe": Russian pastries and snacks
"Ice skating rink": Free if you bring your own skates.
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Mermaid Lagoon
A scaled-down version of the land in Tokyo DisneySea, without the playground and kiddie rides. Like DisneySea, it would have a lovely seashell castle facade, with the attractions indoors. Unlike DisneySea, there would be a small lake in front with a ship restaurant docked on it.
“Under the Sea”: NOT a retelling of the movie, but instead an original story that would take place some time pre-movie. Follows Ariel on one of her outings as she explores the sea looking for new treasures to add to her collection. Final scene could be of Ariel in her grotto after completing her latest trip, but feeling unsatisfied as she wistfully looks at her collection, while instrumentals for “Part Of Your World” softly play in the background. 
King Triton’s Concert Hall: Just like the one in Tokyo DisneySea, this would be a 360 degree show with Ariel “swimming” in midair above the audience, a giant animatronic Triton, performer puppets of Flounder and Sebastian, and other mixed special effects. 
Undersea Carousel: Fish carousel. Underwater lighting effects and blows bubbles as it spins. 
Ariel’s Grotto gift shop
Ship restaurant: Mediterranean seafood. I mean, it’s on a human ship that’s not technically in Triton’s Kingdom, so I think this gets a pass for serving fish. It could even be themed to Chef Louis for a laugh. 
“Nighttime Water Show”: Just spitballing an idea, maybe the lagoon could also be used for a nighttime water show a la Fantasmic / World of Color. The viewing area could be across the lagoon from Triton’s castle; the lights of Triton’s castle would coordinate with the show.
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Encanto Valley
A lovely recreation of the valley, with Casita and a little village area for shops and Colombian dining, and plenty of lush greenery. 
La Casa Madrigal: I really like @rrdcooc’s idea for Casita as a walkthrough attraction! It’s so cool! Especially the ideas for Pepa and Luisa's rooms. I wouldn’t change much, aside from adding a few extra touches, such as an interactive flower wall in Isabela’s room that mimics guests’ silhouettes (like Daniel Rozin's "Mechanical Mirrors"), and maybe a couple themed flat rides to add capacity, such as a flowery swing spinner ride in Isabela’s room, and a tiny jungle animal carousel in Antonio’s room. In Dolores's room, guests can see sound waves (like that Magic School Bus episode), and Camilo's room can contain "mirrors" with different character models that mimic guests' movements in real time (like VTuber avatars). Also includes a gift shop selling “homemade” fashions and plush toys by Mirabel.
“Magic Realism Art Exhibit”: While I think the final movie is perfect, I would have loved it if Casita more closely resembled its concept art, which leaned much more heavily into magic realism. This attraction would be a walkthrough art exhibit full of giant optical illusion paintings that guests can pose in for photo-ops. For reference, I’m recalling the Trick Eye Museum, a temporary art exhibit I went to years ago in Hong Kong.
Encanto Sing-Along: I’m not always a huge fan of the “book report” shows they do in the Parks, but in this case, most of Encanto’s songs are so specific to the story that removing them from the context of the movie wouldn't work (especially in the case of fan favorite “We Don’t Talk About Bruno”).  The stage can also be used for original Colombian performances, as well as from neighboring Latin American countries.
Julieta’s Arepas: Food cart. These arepas may not heal you, but they’re magically delicious! 
Arabian Oasis (scrapped)
Before Encanto was released and became one of my favorite recent movies, my initial idea was to put in an Aladdin-themed area. Not an exact recreation of Agrabah, more like a broad strokes version of Agrabah in the same manner as Arabian Coast in Tokyo DisneySea.
Magic Carpet Ride: A suspension ride in a similar manner as Peter Pan’s Flight, using the carpet vehicles. Fly through the Agrabah marketplace, over the desert, and above the clouds. Ride music features instrumentals from “A Whole New World”.
Scheherazade’s Tales From the 1001 Nights: Stage show.
Flavors of Agrabah: Arabian / Middle-Eastern cuisine 
Cave of Wonders gift shop: I think the theming is appropriate considering guests are exchanging money for goods and not stealing them (ideally).
Other parts:
World Galleria
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spideywil921 · 4 months
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🎶 Ain't nobody's business... 🎶
Drag Race vs The World Simalong (UK vs The World 2)
Category is: Ruveal Yourself
For her Ruveal Yourself runway look, Antonia is serving Shimmer Showgirls realness. At this point RuPaul and them are running out of runway ideas, I'm getting tired of the Ruveal runways, that's too much work. Anyways, she's serving Pink Flamingoes, giving you Kylie Minogue Loco-motion with this lovely showgirls outfit.
And also check out Antonia's instagram for more content! (ig: antoniatheemontoya)
Headpiece: @mssims
Hair: @sclub-privee
Earrings: @mssims
Necklace: @mssims
Fur Coat: @gramssims
Outfit: @mssims
Nails: @vittleruniverse
Shoes: @sentate
Eyeshadow: @alaina-lina-cc
Eyeliner: @alaina-lina-cc
Blush: ladysimmer94
Highlight: bubblevoid
Lipstick: @pralinesims
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The War On Soup
It's Friday, and Clef is not in love with the Site Cafeteria. My diagnosis? Too many lukewarm bowls of tomato soup. By extention, he's declared war on all broth based foods. He's mad as hell, he won't take it anymore, and... honestly I can't say I blame him. I hate tomato soup.
I'm directly behind Dr. Clef in line at the site cafeteria. I know a classic Clef tantrum has been brewing all week, it usually happens should O5 deny him permission to neutralize an anomaly. He makes it through the salad line with hardly a twitch of his third eye. Goes through the beverage section, selects coffee with way more sugar than I can stand, and... we're off to Danger Alley, aka the soup line. There it is, the first twitch.
"Steady, Boss. It's not worth the Keter Duty."
"There had better not be any tomato soup today." We trudge on, with little hope of finding actual taste in today's main offerings. While the food here is plentiful, about 85-95% is a special kind of institutional bland no hot sauce will fix. I tend to just avoid the issue altogether, but I ran late today with no time to pack lunch. Dr. Clef sees the familiar ladles and giant vats, and twitch number two happens, a double. Yeah... someone is about to have a bad time. Most likely me trying to talk my boss down.
"You don't have to eat here."
"I know, but... I kind of suck at lunch planning. And... with our funding you'd think they could have food that tastes like real food, not the fake as hell Hollywood advertising variants."
"True, but I doubt going on a rampage would convince them to hire Gordon Ramsey."
We get to the luckless worker behind the soup vats. He greets us, then recites the offerings of the day.
"We got cream of broccoli, chicken gumbo, potato cheddar bisque, 3 bean soup, chili, and..."
"Here it comes." Clef muttered.
"Garden tomato." Uh oh. Third twitch, and my boss is about to blow.
"You did not just say that. Again. Garden tomato? That gross reddish goo probably never even saw sunlight, never mind the garden. And serving it every 343 damned day is such cruel and unusual nourisment. It's gastrointestinal torture. And if the Geneva Conventions even applied to us I'd have whomever plans the menus up on war crimes, hell... I'd even volunteer for the firing squads myself." A medium crowd has gathered, and a few are even cheering him on.
"Damn straight, Doc!"
"Screw your soups!"
"Give us something other than soup!" A wise Agent would be calling in every MTF in house to prevent a riot. Anyone who ate here would understandably turn on the cafeteria staff. But... before I can even grab my radio, Clef leaps over the counter, chasing the poor D-Class forced into kitchen labor. There's a mob after him, but not trying to stop him... nope. They're destroying every damn potential stock and soup pot in the joint. I can hear the horrible chanting over all the clanging of metal...
"No! More! Soup!" "No! More! Soup!" "No! More! Soup!"
After five minutes, the chaos subsides. Every. Single. Stock. Pot... GONE. Every. Soup. Pot... Destroyed. But... surprisingly, no human injuries. Aside from Mabel's black eye, and Dr. Clef tore his favorite shirt, a blue based nightmare covered in yellow hibiscus and flamingos. No sign of most of the staff, they knew when to get gone at least even if they can't cook. I'm helping poor Mabel to her feet when Dr. Glass sneaks up on us.
"It was the soup again, wasn't it?"
"Yeah, I should have seen this coming. Granted, I hate tomato soup too. But violence against cookware is a bit extreme. That's it. Boss? You back in reality yet, or you gonna Hulk out again?"
"I'm good. Aside from being hungry, obviously."
"Great. You're coming with me, unless you'd rather face the wrath of Gears on an empty stomach. And from now on, I'm bringing you lunch." Shocked looks from both my superiors. "This is a matter of Site safety. If Clef goes off his rocker over cream of supposedly chicken next time, what happens if someone gets hurt? Nope, better to bring lunch for two than have that on my conscience. I am not flirting with him, nor am I trying to gain a promotion. I'm doing this to save lives, gents."
"Fair enough. As for the mess... I'll just tell the Counsel that Dr. Clef tried making French onion soup or something."
"They'll buy that, I am a lousy cook."
"Yeah, but that's one of the many reasons you put up with me."
"Rabbit, I like you. You see the truth before even we do. Your kitchen witchery is just a happy bonus, honestly. Although... any chance of some lasagna?"
"That'd take too long from scratch. But... I do have some penne with chicken and vodka sauce. There's enough for three, Dr. Glass, if you're interested?"
"Tempting, but... I have a lunch date. I just wanted to be sure there really were no casualties. Besides Clef's shirt."
"Oh. Well... enjoy your date, Doctor."
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upl8inthe818 · 1 year
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Beverly Shaw (ca. 1910-May 26, 1990) was an American nightclub singer who made a name for herself performing at lesbian venues throughout California in the 1940s and 1950s.  Originally from Los Angeles, she began her career in San Francisco singing torch songs at the lesbian bar Mona’s 440 and the Chi-Chi Club.  During WWII, she drove a taxi by day to support herself and sang as Mona’s headliner at night.
Shaw moved back to Los Angeles in the early 1950s and began singing at such venues as the Flamingo Club in Hollywood and Larry Potter’s Supper Club in Studio City.  In 1957, she and her wife, Betty, took over ownership of Club Laurel, a nightclub located at 12319 Ventura Blvd in Studio City.  Featuring herself as the star attraction, Shaw transformed the club into a popular upscale gay night spot catering to the film community.  She took her style cues from Marlene Dietrich, performing in tailor-made suits and wearing a bow tie.  Patrons were greeted upon entrance with a photograph of herself captioned “Miss Beverly Shaw, Sir!” – a catchphrase she lifted from a Groucho Marx interview with Tallulah Bankhead in which he called her “sir.”  The club’s matchbooks were similarly captioned. 
In the late 1950s, Shaw recorded an album entitled “Songs Tailored To Your Taste,” which she released on her own label, “Club Laurel Records.”  After divesting her interest in Club Laurel in 1971, she continued performing at venues throughout the San Fernando Valley and Los Angeles, including Club Bayou, Linda’s Little Log Cabin, Joani Presents, and the Oxford Inn.  She died of cancer in 1990 at the age of 80.
And what became of Club Laurel?  After Shaw’s departure, it continued under new ownership for a while as “Jay’s Club Laurel.”  During this time it transitioned from a lesbian establishment to a gay male bar and remained as such through 1980, operating under such monikers as “Neworld” (1973-74), “The Frat House” (1974-75), “The Farm House” (1976), and “Boots” (1977-80).  Many mainstream businesses have since occupied 12319 Ventura Blvd.  Most recently it has served as a mattress store, a sweat lodge, and currently a pilates studio – all of which seem fitting uses for a space that originally opened as one of the San Fernando Valley’s first LGBTQ+ establishments!  
Patrons of Club Laurel recall Beverly Shaw and the venue fondly:
“It was a real gay club – not just full of caricatures.  It seemed out of its time and place to me.  You saw a lot of movie stars and that made it seem even more unreal.  I guess you could call Beverly Shaw a role model of sorts, but we didn’t have terms like that then.  It gave me the first idea that gays could have a place like that.”
“We couldn’t believe the Club Laurel. It was fabulous. Here was this uptown club unlike anything in the way of a gay club that we had ever seen. You knew right then this was different. It was our first time except for Ptown that we had ever been totally at ease and comfortable in a gay place. You didn’t need to keep one ear checked for breaking glass in a place like Club Laurel. At the time, I remember wondering how she did it or what it cost her.”
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papermoonloveslucy · 1 year
Sequels, Spinoffs, and Reboots We Never Saw - But Wish We Had!
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Ads and listings from a Papermoon Loves Lucy fantasy issue of TV Guide!
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"The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” ~ Before Andy Cohen there was Don Loper - TV’s first gay man with a doting bevy of housewives at his command. At press time, Mrs. Alan Ladd was replaced by Mrs. Ricky Ricardo. In the premiere, Loper stages a benefit for Share and Mrs. Ricardo gets a sunburn. Sponsored by Unguentine. 
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"American Picker” ~ In this episode, Dan picks over some old furniture at a run-down brownstone in New York City. Mid-century modern is Jenkins’ specialty and tonight he strikes gold.
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"Hot Bench” ~ Today: “The Case of the Damaged Television & Fractured Friendship”. Judge Moroni Olsen and Bailiff Bobby serve justice at 4 ET / 3 CT. 
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“Desi’s Desert Island Discs” ~ Premiere!  Desi’s first guest is Ricky Ricardo. Viewers are treated to excerpts from his top ten. Special appearance by Lucy Ricardo singing “Sally Sweet”. 
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“Bent Fork R.F.D.” ~ This week the Sheriff (Will Wright) arrests a Pontiac full of Yankees headed for Hollywood. Guest star Ernie Ford tries to pawn off Teensy and Weensy (the Borden Sisters) on the westbound travelers, but they get all tied up. 
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“My Big Fat Fabulous Life” ~ Premiere!  In this musical docuseries, Teensy and Weensy are profiled at their mobiel home in Tennessee. It’s a “Ricochet Romance” when the girls become obsessed with the Bent Fork BBQ Buffet - and it goes bankrupt. 
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“The Walking Fred” ~ Fred turns into a walker after losing $500 to Al Hergesheimer (Milton Berle), an undead used car salesman from Brooklyn. Sponsored by Pontiac. 
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“Hoarding: Buried Alive” ~ In the season premiere: a woman is buried alive by two sides of beef; two urban couples are presumed lost in a collection of cardboard boxes; and old newspapers take over the lives of several desperate homeonwers. 
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“Lucy’s Neighborhood” ~ Beppe de Vries stars in this all-new spin-off to “East 68th Street”.  In this episode, Mrs. de Vries sees a wacky neighbor on the ledge and goes to great lengths to get her psychiatric help. Guest star Joseph Kearns as Doctor Toim Robinson. 
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“Freddie Filmore’s Drag Race: Females are Fabulous!” ~ Season 15 of the long-running show welcomes Carson Kresley and Michelle Visage in their first appearances since “Rupaul’s Drage Race Season 87″. This year’s guest judges include Phil Spitalny, Countess Blublitzki, and Fredrika. 
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“Trailer Park” ~ Lucy and Ethel move into a trailer park outside West Jamestown. There they keep an eye on the comings and goings of the flirty Flamingo Sisters (Gloria and Joan Blondell). Tonight: Mrs. Trumbull’s cat gets sick from an out-of-date can of All Pet.  
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“Ugly Betty Loves Wreck-It Ralph” ~ In this all-new teaming of two popular CBS sitcoms, the Ramseys (Mary Jane Croft and Frank Nelson) find a litter of kittens hidden in the chicken coop. Meanwhile, Little Bruce (Ray Ferrell) discovers hundreds of baby chickens in the litter box. 
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“Night of the Living Fred” ~ A television adaptation of the popular zombie film. In the new series, a landlord / zombie (Fred Mertz) eats the tenants of his New York City brownstone, until he is unmasked by Sergeant Nelson (Frank Nelson). 
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“I Spy: The O’Briens” ~ Hayden Rorke and K.T. Stevens play international spies masquerading as actors playing international spies on a television series about actors playing international spies. Tonight: Tom breaks a lamp and neighbor Lucy (Lucille Ball) impersonates a chair.
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“Big Brother: The Twins Twist” ~ This season welcomes Teensy and Weensy, Timmy and Jimmy Hudson, the Harpo Twins, and special guests Patty and Cathy Lane - all competing to be the last houseguests in the brownstone. Julie Chen Moonves McGillicuddy hosts. 
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“Jamestown” ~ From the producers of “Downton Abbey,” this dramatic series follows courageous performers who leave their dark pasts behind in England for a new life in 17th-century America. Tallulah Bankhead plays Elizabeth, the Quinn of Jamestown. Friar Quinn is played by William Frawley. Tonight’s episode “The Quinn’s Lament” was written by Quinn and Madelyn Martin. 
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“The Taylors in 3D” ~ The first spinoff from Desilu’s impossibly successful “I Love Lucy” starring Gene Reynolds and Mary Ellen Kay as young newlyweds who move into a Manhattan brownstone haunted by hilarious ghosts. Elizabeth Patterson plays Matilda, the new landlady and part-time medium, Reya. 
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“The Carmichael Show” ~ In this reboot of “The Lucy Show”, Viv and Sherman have moved out, leaving the Carmichaels to make it on their own. In the pilot episode, Lucy cancels plans to move to Los Angeles and Jerry’s Military School rejects his application. Chris becomes a waitress to pay the tuition. 
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Based on the hit series, “Iron Man Carmichael”, this all new TV movie marks the return of fearless stunt performer and housewife Lucy Carmichael as she takes on the Marvel Multiverse. 
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In the tradition of “Fosse Verdon” FX brings us “Lucy Desi”. Follow the tumultuous romance and career of Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz as they climb the ladder of showbusiness success.  
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“Feud: Lucy and Joan” ~ A docudrama television series created by Ryan Murphy in the footsteps of “Bette and Joan”.  Based on the legendary real-life feud between Lucille Ball and Joan Crawford. 8 episodes of nail-biting drama and shouting. 
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cocksuki2 · 1 year
im talking abt this here bc uhhhhhhh i don’t wanna put it on my main blog but as my writing evolves and gets better, it becomes more fascinating to see the direction my work takes. like it does it all on it’s own. i find themes and meaning and stories within the story. but it’s also really interesting to see WHAT it is i want to write about. 
i used to stick almost exclusively to smut. I had a few angst fics, but overall i wrote an overwhelming amount of smut. now, im way more focused on the emotional development of the characters i’m writing. not just in a sexual or romantic way, but in a personal way. and i have the skillset to articulate that (which is SUPER cool). smut is actually what i struggle with the MOST now, because the kind i write (which used to be mostly gratuitous) now serves a narrative purpose. 
like as an example, i used to be able to churn out smut fics daily with no real meaning behind them. i could do it all day and i didn’t notice the shortcomings in my writing. now though, my fics and stories mostly revolve around some kind of emotional or social dilemma that is SEPARATE from the smut of the story (if there even is any). i’m writing an aki fic at the moment called “flamingo” and i’m about 11k words into it. originally it was intended to just be an age gap fic, but it evolved very quickly into a fic about cheating and the experience of marriage and the sacrifices we make when we choose to spend our lives with someone. but even then, as i was writing, it turned into a fic about the concept of motherhood and personhood. i would have nEVER been able to write something like that a few years ago. it would have been so beyond my scope of language and knowledge that it wouldn’t have even crossed my mind, whereas now, it’s partly unconscious and i’m able to develop it further once i pick up on it. 
i dunno, it’s just really unique to be able to not only SEE that growth but to be able to notice it in my thinking and writing patterns. like not just when i read old work back, but when i am actively writing or even just thinking about what types of stories i’d like to create. it’s really cool. 
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fourseasonsfigs · 2 years
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Luminous Club
Time for glamour shots! And our first foray into the JZEU, the Junzhe Extended Universe of fig pairings.
The fig maker says this these two are in a story about "college student Fang Yan x superstar Gu Chijun". Fang Yan is from Gong Jun's Shining Like You and Gu Chijun is from Zhehan's Castle in the Time.
I absolutely adore this set...Gu Chijun of course is the (literal) star of this show. The fig maker designed him to go in a special wave martini glass, but it seems as if demand wasn't high enough to make it. Which is a real shame, because it would have been absolutely perfect.
She put him in a pink flamingo on the shop listing, which reminds me that I still need to buy this little set off of Taobao. The flamingo is TOO CUTE to resist posing him with!
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As it was, I liked the cocktail glass concept so much that I went down to the local vintage shop and hunted around until I found a tiny martini glass, then filled it up with some crystals that were serving as a vase filler.
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I've seen other buyers pose him with roses, a glass with pearls, in an underwater scene (a Mermaid Prince!), a bar - he's just so small and precious and perfect!
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The set came with a tiny orange that fits in Fang Yan's hand or Gu Chijun's lap. Speaking of his lap, there's nothing to see here, this is G-rated.
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I was really worried about this fig breaking during transit. It is resin, which is quite fragile, and Gu Chijun's luxurious mane of hair makes his head quite large indeed. His head is perched at a saucy angle on his very delicate neck, which some folks had snap right off in transit. Fang Yan's fingers are also (naturally) long and delicate as well, and some other poor folks lost those in transit too.
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Thankfully, this set arrived in perfect condition - Gu Chijun's head was a little wobbly, but I put some resin glue in the seam to reinforce it, and he seems pretty solid now. I do handle him with kid gloves though, much like Fang Yan in his outfit here.
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Speaking of Fang Yan, his outfit is actually a perfect rendition from this exceptionally entertaining video from Shining for You, that I'll just leave here...and back away slowly from...
Material: Resin
Fig Count: 10
Diorama Count: 2
Rating: This club is hoppin'!
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dwtrotlt · 7 months
2023 The Who 1976 Ringer Shirt
seed or pieces of suet(up on a branch). Clean up a mile of road in your area. Go visit a nursing home -the elderly always love to see people, just visit with them, they always have good stories Clean out your closets and take your give away especially hats, coats, and gloves to the salvation army. Volunteer serving Christmas dinner at your local shelter. Offer to walk the dogs at the local animal shelter.Go ice skating/sledding- weather permitting. Bake some cookies and take them to the police station, fire department, any first responders.. Sorry could only come up with ten. Merry Christmas!
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Buy It Now:202
seed or pieces of suet(up on a branch). Clean up a mile of road in your area. Go visit a nursing home -the elderly always love to see people, just visit with them, they always have good stories Clean out your closets and take your give away especially hats, coats, and gloves to the salvation army. Volunteer serving Christmas dinner at your local shelter. Offer to walk the dogs at the local animal shelter.Go ice skating/sledding- weather permitting. Bake some cookies and take them to the police station, fire department, any first responders.. Sorry could only come up with ten. Merry Christmas!
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Buy It Now:2023 The Who 1976 Ringer Shirt
Think Later Limited T Shirt
Baby Yoda Star Wars Christmas Galaxy’s Edge T Shirt
Denver Broncos Gameday Couture Take A Holiday Pullover Shirt
Ncaa North Carolina Tar Heels Mickey Mouse Christmas Ornament Custom Your Name And Number
Ncaa Los Angeles Rams Mickey Mouse Christmas Ornament Custom Your Name And Number
At that point I had a steady girl-friend, but also a NHL Tampa Bay Lightning Hawaiian Shirt Tropical Flamingo Pattern Summer Hawaiian Shirt good friend Robin. I was suppose to meet my girl-friend on Christmas Eve, but around 7:00 PM my friend Robin calls me up and tells me her mom has been bummed about about Christmas and there are no decorations at their home. She asked me, “Will you go get a Christmas tree with me?” That put me in a real dilemma with my girl-friend, but sometimes you have to do the right thing…so I called my girl-friend and told her what I had to do, she was cool. My friend Robin had lost her father when she was very young, and her mother never remarried her entire life. I sort of knew why because one day while over Robin’s house, she had a box of letters that her dad had written to her mom while he was a soldier, and we read them together…very old letters, but expressed who he was.
Home Page: Teeclover
3 The Who 1976 Ringer Shirt
Think Later Limited T Shirt
Baby Yoda Star Wars Christmas Galaxy’s Edge T Shirt
Denver Broncos Gameday Couture Take A Holiday Pullover Shirt
Ncaa North Carolina Tar Heels Mickey Mouse Christmas Ornament Custom Your Name And Number
Ncaa Los Angeles Rams Mickey Mouse Christmas Ornament Custom Your Name And Number
At that point I had a steady girl-friend, but also a NHL Tampa Bay Lightning Hawaiian Shirt Tropical Flamingo Pattern Summer Hawaiian Shirt good friend Robin. I was suppose to meet my girl-friend on Christmas Eve, but around 7:00 PM my friend Robin calls me up and tells me her mom has been bummed about about Christmas and there are no decorations at their home. She asked me, “Will you go get a Christmas tree with me?” That put me in a real dilemma with my girl-friend, but sometimes you have to do the right thing…so I called my girl-friend and told her what I had to do, she was cool. My friend Robin had lost her father when she was very young, and her mother never remarried her entire life. I sort of knew why because one day while over Robin’s house, she had a box of letters that her dad had written to her mom while he was a soldier, and we read them together…very old letters, but expressed who he was.
Home Page: Teeclover
0 notes
jcmarchi · 7 months
Scaling multimodal understanding to long videos
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/scaling-multimodal-understanding-to-long-videos/
Scaling multimodal understanding to long videos
Posted by Isaac Noble, Software Engineer, Google Research, and Anelia Angelova, Research Scientist, Google DeepMind
When building machine learning models for real-life applications, we need to consider inputs from multiple modalities in order to capture various aspects of the world around us. For example, audio, video, and text all provide varied and complementary information about a visual input. However, building multimodal models is challenging due to the heterogeneity of the modalities. Some of the modalities might be well synchronized in time (e.g., audio, video) but not aligned with text. Furthermore, the large volume of data in video and audio signals is much larger than that in text, so when combining them in multimodal models, video and audio often cannot be fully consumed and need to be disproportionately compressed. This problem is exacerbated for longer video inputs.
In “Mirasol3B: A Multimodal Autoregressive model for time-aligned and contextual modalities”, we introduce a multimodal autoregressive model (Mirasol3B) for learning across audio, video, and text modalities. The main idea is to decouple the multimodal modeling into separate focused autoregressive models, processing the inputs according to the characteristics of the modalities. Our model consists of an autoregressive component for the time-synchronized modalities (audio and video) and a separate autoregressive component for modalities that are not necessarily time-aligned but are still sequential, e.g., text inputs, such as a title or description. Additionally, the time-aligned modalities are partitioned in time where local features can be jointly learned. In this way, audio-video inputs are modeled in time and are allocated comparatively more parameters than prior works. With this approach, we can effortlessly handle much longer videos (e.g., 128-512 frames) compared to other multimodal models. At 3B parameters, Mirasol3B is compact compared to prior Flamingo (80B) and PaLI-X (55B) models. Finally, Mirasol3B outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches on video question answering (video QA), long video QA, and audio-video-text benchmarks.
The Mirasol3B architecture consists of an autoregressive model for the time-aligned modalities (audio and video), which are partitioned in chunks, and a separate autoregressive model for the unaligned context modalities (e.g., text). Joint feature learning is conducted by the Combiner, which learns compact but sufficiently informative features, allowing the processing of long video/audio inputs.
Coordinating time-aligned and contextual modalities
Video, audio and text are diverse modalities with distinct characteristics. For example, video is a spatio-temporal visual signal with 30–100 frames per second, but due to the large volume of data, typically only 32–64 frames per video are consumed by current models. Audio is a one-dimensional temporal signal obtained at much higher frequency than video (e.g., at 16 Hz), whereas text inputs that apply to the whole video, are typically 200–300 word-sequence and serve as a context to the audio-video inputs. To that end, we propose a model consisting of an autoregressive component that fuses and jointly learns the time-aligned signals, which occur at high frequencies and are roughly synchronized, and another autoregressive component for processing non-aligned signals. Learning between the components for the time-aligned and contextual modalities is coordinated via cross-attention mechanisms that allow the two to exchange information while learning in a sequence without having to synchronize them in time.
Time-aligned autoregressive modeling of video and audio
Long videos can convey rich information and activities happening in a sequence. However, present models approach video modeling by extracting all the information at once, without sufficient temporal information. To address this, we apply an autoregressive modeling strategy where we condition jointly learned video and audio representations for one time interval on feature representations from previous time intervals. This preserves temporal information.
The video is first partitioned into smaller video chunks. Each chunk itself can be 4–64 frames. The features corresponding to each chunk are then processed by a learning module, called the Combiner (described below), which generates a joint audio and video feature representation at the current step — this step extracts and compacts the most important information per chunk. Next, we process this joint feature representation with an autoregressive Transformer, which applies attention to the previous feature representation and generates the joint feature representation for the next step. Consequently, the model learns how to represent not only each individual chunk, but also how the chunks relate temporally.
We use an autoregressive modeling of the audio and video inputs, partitioning them in time and learning joint feature representations, which are then autoregressively learned in sequence.
Modeling long videos with a modality combiner
To combine the signals from the video and audio information in each video chunk, we propose a learning module called the Combiner. Video and audio signals are aligned by taking the audio inputs that correspond to a specific video timeframe. We then process video and audio inputs spatio-temporally, extracting information particularly relevant to changes in the inputs (for videos we use sparse video tubes, and for audio we apply the spectrogram representation, both of which are processed by a Vision Transformer). We concatenate and input these features to the Combiner, which is designed to learn a new feature representation capturing both these inputs. To address the challenge of the large volume of data in video and audio signals, another goal of the Combiner is to reduce the dimensionality of the joint video/audio inputs, which is done by selecting a smaller number of output features to be produced. The Combiner can be implemented simply as a causal Transformer, which processes the inputs in the direction of time, i.e., using only inputs of the prior steps or the current one. Alternatively, the Combiner can have a learnable memory, described below.
Combiner styles
A simple version of the Combiner adapts a Transformer architecture. More specifically, all audio and video features from the current chunk (and optionally prior chunks) are input to a Transformer and projected to a lower dimensionality, i.e., a smaller number of features are selected as the output “combined” features. While Transformers are not typically used in this context, we find it effective for reducing the dimensionality of the input features, by selecting the last m outputs of the Transformer, if m is the desired output dimension (shown below). Alternatively, the Combiner can have a memory component. For example, we use the Token Turing Machine (TTM), which supports a differentiable memory unit, accumulating and compressing features from all previous timesteps. Using a fixed memory allows the model to work with a more compact set of features at every step, rather than process all the features from previous steps, which reduces computation.
We use a simple Transformer-based Combiner (left) and a Memory Combiner (right), based on the Token Turing Machine (TTM), which uses memory to compress previous history of features.
We evaluate our approach on several benchmarks, MSRVTT-QA, ActivityNet-QA and NeXT-QA, for the video QA task, where a text-based question about a video is issued and the model needs to answer. This evaluates the ability of the model to understand both the text-based question and video content, and to form an answer, focusing on only relevant information. Of these benchmarks, the latter two target long video inputs and feature more complex questions.
We also evaluate our approach in the more challenging open-ended text generation setting, wherein the model generates the answers in an unconstrained fashion as free form text, requiring an exact match to the ground truth answer. While this stricter evaluation counts synonyms as incorrect, it may better reflect a model’s ability to generalize.
Our results indicate improved performance over state-of-the-art approaches for most benchmarks, including all with open-ended generation evaluation — notable considering our model is only 3B parameters, considerably smaller than prior approaches, e.g., Flamingo 80B. We used only video and text inputs to be comparable to other work. Importantly, our model can process 512 frames without needing to increase the model parameters, which is crucial for handling longer videos. Finally with the TTM Combiner, we see both better or comparable performance while reducing compute by 18%.
Results on NeXT-QA benchmark, which features long videos for the video QA task.
Results on audio-video benchmarks
Results on the popular audio-video datasets VGG-Sound and EPIC-SOUNDS are shown below. Since these benchmarks are classification-only, we treat them as an open-ended text generative setting where our model produces the text of the desired class; e.g., for the class ID corresponding to the “playing drums” activity, we expect the model to generate the text “playing drums”. In some cases our approach outperforms the prior state of the art by large margins, even though our model outputs the results in the generative open-ended setting.
Results on the VGG-Sound (audio-video QA) dataset.
Benefits of autoregressive modeling
We conduct an ablation study comparing our approach to a set of baselines that use the same input information but with standard methods (i.e., without autoregression and the Combiner). We also compare the effects of pre-training. Because standard methods are ill-suited for processing longer video, this experiment is conducted for 32 frames and four chunks only, across all settings for fair comparison. We see that Mirasol3B’s improvements are still valid for relatively short videos.
Ablation experiments comparing the main components of our model. Using the Combiner, the autoregressive modeling, and pre-training all improve performance.
We present a multimodal autoregressive model that addresses the challenges associated with the heterogeneity of multimodal data by coordinating the learning between time-aligned and time-unaligned modalities. Time-aligned modalities are further processed autoregressively in time with a Combiner, controlling the sequence length and producing powerful representations. We demonstrate that a relatively small model can successfully represent long video and effectively combine with other modalities. We outperform the state-of-the-art approaches (including some much bigger models) on video- and audio-video question answering.
This research is co-authored by AJ Piergiovanni, Isaac Noble, Dahun Kim, Michael Ryoo, Victor Gomes, and Anelia Angelova. We thank Claire Cui, Tania Bedrax-Weiss, Abhijit Ogale, Yunhsuan Sung, Ching-Chung Chang, Marvin Ritter, Kristina Toutanova, Ming-Wei Chang, Ashish Thapliyal, Xiyang Luo, Weicheng Kuo, Aren Jansen, Bryan Seybold, Ibrahim Alabdulmohsin, Jialin Wu, Luke Friedman, Trevor Walker, Keerthana Gopalakrishnan, Jason Baldridge, Radu Soricut, Mojtaba Seyedhosseini, Alexander D’Amour, Oliver Wang, Paul Natsev, Tom Duerig, Younghui Wu, Slav Petrov, Zoubin Ghahramani for their help and support. We also thank Tom Small for preparing the animation.
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propertygroupcp · 9 months
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