#raccoon noodles
phoenixkaptain · 2 months
Me: I need to pick up a few comics about Jason Robin and read them so that I can understand Jason Robin. I skip around all the time in comics, so doing so again won’t be that big of a deal, and after I have a better understanding of his character, I’ll be able to comfortably write that one single part of that fic that I’ve been working on, and I’ll probably be inspired to write a dozen other fics. Literally nothing about this could/would/should hurt me in any possible way, there will literally only he benefits.
Also me: If I pick up a comic about Jason Robin, I will die
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novelteeth · 2 years
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Surprise Friday drop!
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honeycombhank · 10 months
Saturday the 5th of August
Another 5 mile walk together
We waited till a little later in the evening today because of the heat and humidity.
It was a therapy session day and it went even longer then two hours.
I was able to water all my plants today, start my dog on her joint supplements and give her a more serious doggy drug for inflammation, she has been struggling with pain in her hips that she has never shown before so we are hoping this will help, so far she seems more active today so that is a good sign I think! I also cleaned all of my rat cages and always love giving them fresh clean stuff to play in and make nests!
I’ve still been thinking about mystery boy cat, I think we saw him off in the distance on our walk tonight, but my hawk eyes couldn’t quite make it out so I am not positive, I did leave some high quality kitty food in a small pile behind, hopefully he will find that.. it’s been what feels like a few days since we have seen him, I hope he is well.
On the walk back to the house we came across a white splotchy deer! It was beautiful and looked similar to the one that grew up in my parents backyard a couple of years back, there is a rare albino buck that lives in town and I believe these are his offspring that show so much white in their adult coats.
We were almost to our place tonight when I heard a strange sort of clicking sound, I stopped to see 5 or 6 raccoons staring back at us. They turned around and waddled back a bit into the darkness, we then finished our walk home, I hope male mystery kitty doesn’t come across any raccoons.. I should think some good safe thoughts for him tonight!
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deadsetobsessions · 5 months
He could overlook a lot of things, but this was getting ridiculous. You’d think seasoned vigilantes would have better excuses prepared, but Danny had caught that flash of panic that crossed Tim’s face as Danny came face to face with Tim dragging an unconscious Steph to her designated room in the manor.
“Danny! Uh, Stephanie brained herself- uh, sliding down the bannisters and- pleasedon’ttellBruce.”
Danny blinks, staring at Tim and then very pointedly, very slowly, turned his head back towards the direction he came from: the main hall… where the bannisters were. He wonders what vigilante hijinks they were trying to hide from B this time.
Tim coughs, trying to inch Stephanie away. “Uh. She was doing… cartwheels?”
Danny let his eyes slowly take in the bruises that were clearly not from “cartwheeling in the mansion” on the both of them. There’s a huge bandaged cut on Steph’s forearm and a giant bruise on the edge of Tim’s jaw. Tim’s face twitches nervously, not that anyone else would have noticed- except Danny has enhanced ghost senses and could feel the panic coming off of his adopted brother.
“You know…” Shit, what does he do? Not knowing would be so much easier if these idiots gave him good excuses! “I don’t think I want to know what you two have been up to… but should I be worried for your, uh, physical health?”
“… Okay.” He says. Tim opens his mouth to make further excuses but Danny adds quickly, “But don’t tell me, because if Bruce asks, I want plausible deniability.”
Cartwheels, Danny’s ghostly ass. Luckily, this show of doubt reaffirms Tim’s belief that Danny believes them all of the other times. Danny grins inwardly, planning capitalizing on the guilt that flashed over Tim’s face.
“Want help?” The halfa points at Steph, who’s still being dragged over the carpet by a noodle armed Tim. Danny knows Tim’s strong, he’s a vigilante, but it’s funny watching him pretend to struggle.
“Please. I’m so tired right now.” He looks it too. Danny’s brows furrow with genuine concern when he takes in Tim’s drowned raccoon look. He picks up Steph, firmly removing her from Tim’s suddenly weak grip. Being careful to avoid her injuries, Danny nods at the door to her room. Tim cracks it open and does a little showy gesture towards the inside.
“C’mon, we’ll tuck her in and then I’ll tuck you in.”
“What, you don’t have to do that.”
“If you don’t let me tuck you in and make sure you sleep, I’ll tell Alfred who really accidentally poured boiling hot coffee on his azaleas last week. And I’ll sic Dick on you and tell him you haven’t been sleeping enough.”
“You drive a hard bargain,” Tim grumbles. “But fine. It’s really not my fault I’m this tired. A missing spleen is hard to handle, you know.”
“Yeah, missing an organ sucks,” Danny says, shit eating grin hidden long enough to catch the contemplative bloodhound look that passes over Tim’s face.
“Which- uh, which one of your organs is missing?”
“Liver.” Danny says, remembering the flashes of pain. He tilts his head away to hide the grin at Tim’s panicked face.
When he tucks Tim in, he pretends to believe Tim’s sleeping act and left his room while mumbling about the Wayne’s clumsiness and bruises and stocking up on bruise cream. He couldn’t even enjoy Tim’s floundering, this time, worried as he is.
“Brother.” Danny half turns his head, just to beam a sunny smile at Cass. He signs an exuberant hello. The halfa hangs up his coat as he addresses his adopted sister.
“Cass! What’s up?”
“Dinner.” She smiles back, signing that Alfred wanted them to the dinning room post haste. The main dining room, because rich people were fruit loops and Batman is totally included. Cassandra looks down and gasps.
Oh. Fuck. Danny glances down. He genuinely forgot about that.
“Okay?” Suddenly, Cass is right next to him, hand reached out and hovering over the actual knife Danny forgot was sticking out of him. At least it’s where his liver should be, so he won’t have to pretend.
“Oh. Yeah, I’m good. Don’t have a liver.” Danny decides on the spot that he’s not gonna mess with Cass. She smiled the same as him. “Got mugged on the way back but I think they said I could keep the knife, right?”
“Danny.” She’s frowning at him. He feels like he just kicked tiny Cujo. But he doesn’t feel bad enough to blurt everything out.
“Here. You can have it if you want?” Danny casually pulls out the knife and holds the wound together with his bare hands. Cass looks more alarmed. She bodily picks up Danny and starts running.
Cass throws him at Alfred, gently.
“Miss Cassandra! Why, I never-!” Alfred pauses in surprise.
“Uh. Wow, Cass. You’re really strong.” Danny pipes up, hand still over his gushing wound.
She ignores him, pointing at Danny and telling Alfred, “Hurt. Got mugged. Dumb.”
“Hey! It’s not my fault Gothamites are ready to jump people at any moment. Besides, it’s daytime. It’s not like the vigilante furries are out to save my butt. I think I did really well coming back safe, you know?”
“Hurt. Forgot the knife. Was in him.”
“Master Danny!”
Danny pouts. He also knows there’s a discreet camera in the corners of the sitting room, so he’s definitely hoping he could phase into the cave when Barbara eventually tells the group that he called them “vigilante furries.”
Alfred clucks his tongue and set to work patching him up. Danny tries not to bask in the careful way Alfred tended to his wounds. It reminds him too much of Jazz, if Jazz was British and a man with greying hair.
But because they were watching him and he was watching them in return, Danny noticed the moment Alfred’s hands stalled and Cass’ gaze got intense. What now…?
Oh, fuck, his vivisection scar. Oops. Danny smiled, channeling Dani (his lovely clone sister) at her most innocent.
Cass smiled back, just as sunnily, fists tightening at her side in repressed fury.
“Cass? Why’d you call us?”
“Yeah, baby bat. I got a couple o’ smugglers to talk to.”
Cass paces.
“What is it, Cassandra?” Damian tuts impatiently.
“Danny. Has… scars. Autopsy. But was struggling. When cut.”
“A vivisection, Master Jason.” Alfred’s voice was crisp and eerily cold. His hands are folded, rage only held back by his sheer will and a well practiced sense of propriety.
“We find. Who hurt him,” Cass snarls. “We. End.”
Jason’s eyes glint green, hands going to his guns. “Fine. By. Me.”
“It does tie in with the dead comment. I wonder what happened to him.” Tim clacks away at the bat computer, furiously looking into the matter already. Bruce has taken to prowling, stressed out at the prospect of one more of his children- not a vigilante at that- getting hurt the way Jason had. Worse, even. A vivisection. He was alive, dissected. Aware enough to struggle. Dick looked like he was torn about hunting down and lunging at whoever hurt Danny to rip their throats out with his bare teeth versus the urge to go back up to the manor and wrap Danny in bubble wrap.
In the corner, Danny was having a quiet breakdown because he came here to watch them react to vigilante furries, not offering to murder the people who vivisected him. What the fuck?? He ran his hands through his hair, invisible.
“Oh, by the way, we should consider more daytime shifts.”
“Why?” Spoiler asks Barbara.
“Danny got mugged. And called us the nightly furries.”
“The fuckin’ what-?” Jason chokes out, laughing. Bruce stops his pacing, body language becoming slightly offended.
Danny muffles a laugh only Alfred would have heard.
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xoxoladyaz · 1 year
Deep down, Steve knows that it's only a matter of time until he gets caught.
It feels like he's gone through the five stages of grief, like, twenty times. He can't count how many hours he's spent rationalizing it: what Eddie doesn't know won't hurt him, this is normal, people do it all the time, and besides, Eddie would feel completely betrayed if he knew and their relationship is so new that it's just not worth the risk. The absolute last thing he wants is to upset Eddie and this will just make him upset so really, Steve is doing the honorable thing by just not telling him, by pretending that he's not hiding anything, that everything is fine.
But it's not Eddie that catches him; hell, it isn't even someone in the Party; it's Jeff, Eddie's friend/Hellfire Club member/Corroded Coffin bandmate who shows up too early for D&D at Steve's one day and sees something he shouldn't have.
"This isn't what it looks like."
Jeff walks into the kitchen and frowns, like he's confused by what he's seeing and why Steve is so anxious, why he's sweating like he's just run a marathon. "It looks like you're blending a bunch of veggies together in a blender."
Shit. "Okay, it's exactly what it looks like."
Jeff still looks confused. "And this is a big deal because - "
"Because I haven't told Eddie that the 'special pasta sauce' that I've been using the last three months whenever we have spaghetti and meatballs is actually entirely made of, like, ten different kinds of vegetables," Steve rushes out, and Jeff's face smoothes in understanding.
"Oh, yeah, that makes sense. The dude has a weird vendetta against veggies."
Steve groans, slumping in relief. "Tell me about it. Do you know how hard it is to hide veggies in every single meal that I make for him? Because if I don't, then he's never going to eat them, and I'm worried about his health enough as it is."
Jeff nods. "It's the smoking, right?"
"The smoking, and the drinking, and I know he's sneaking out to smoke with Jon and Argyle, but he doesn't exercise and he only eats highly processed cereal with loads of sugar and I just don't want him to have a heart attack before the age of forty!"
"Hey, hey, Steve, man, your secret's safe with me." Jeff holds his hands up in supplication. "And for the record, I'm on your side. The dude is like a feral raccoon."
"I know," Steve sighs. "But he's my feral raccoon."
That makes Jeff start laughing. "If it makes you feel any better, my mom and I have been doing the same thing for years now. If you want, we could exchange recipes sometime."
"Really?" Steve perks up and now, now he's excited. "That would be great!"
"Sick. Need some help with the meatballs?"
And that is how Eddie and Gareth and Phil and Dustin and Mike and Lucas and Erica and Will find them later, chatting and laughing while Steve tosses his homemade noodles into his now-simmering pasta sauce, Jeff sitting on the kitchen island and drinking a beer.
This time, it's Jeff who looks like he's seen a ghost. "This isn't what it looks like."
"Oh?" Eddie asks, and his voice is totally controlled, which means that Jeff is screwed. "So you're not hanging out with my boyfriend and making him do that cute little blushy giggle that is my cute blushy giggle?"
"Eddie!" Steve scolds, but it's too late, Jeff knows his fate is sealed.
"Okay, it's exactly what it looks like."
(Jeff's rogue is caught in the blast zone when Dustin's ranger kills a large acid toad. Still, he can't feel too mad when he sees Eddie smirk and then lick the veggie sauce out of his pasta bowl.)
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vivwritesfics · 4 months
Pet Masterlist
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Moon The Raccoon - LS2
Pig The Pony - LN4
Herbie The Puppy - LN4
Max Jr The Rat - MV1
Noodle The Ferret - OP81
Pit the Pitbull - Mick Schumacher
Spagoot the Snake - CL16
The Ricciardo Cows - DR3
Lil Nando - FA14
Lance's ladies - LS18
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rottenpumpkin13 · 3 months
Out Of Context Shit Heard On The SOLDIER Floor #6
Previous: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5
Angeal: No, Genesis, you spaghetti-noodle-spine-having-ass bitch.
Sephiroth: I identify as a tonberry *chases Cloud with a kitchen knife*
Zack: Ra Ra Rasputin *kicks Sephiroth over*
Genesis: Unhand me you cretin *alone, talking to no one*
Angeal: Zack just showed me a picture of the Grinch and said "hear me out"
Lazard: No, Sephiroth, you cannot have a human-sized cat bed in your office "for enrichment"
Cloud: Parkour time *crashes through the air vents*
Sephiroth: I'm the biggest lesbian ally in this department, actually.
Angeal: For the sake of my sanity I'm gonna pretend I didn't just see Zack twerking to One Winged Angel.
Luxiere: I would commit unspeakable atrocities for a crumb of Zack's attention.
Lazard: That stripper pole better be gone when I get back or so help me, Genesis, I will return you to the goddess.
Sephiroth: *does a single pump of sore throat spray* This is enough for sustenance for the day.
Kunsel: Care for a deep-fried cigarette?
Angeal: You look like an AI-generated twink.
Sephiroth: I've grown so tired of Genesis's voice that we now communicate solely through interpretive dance.
Lazard, over the speakers: Whoever heated fish in the break room microwave, please come by my office so I can break your knees.
Zack: Aww, I forgot to feed the Roomba :(
Genesis: I don't know why me and Angeal are being judged. Simulating a birth with a watermelon is a perfectly normal activity for two people.
Kunsel: Hopefully this office party won't end in accidental weed use.
Genesis: I noticed some homosexual subtext in your screams, do you want to talk about that?
Angeal: *sniff sniff* Ooh~ who's barbecuing? OH MY GOD IT'S AN ELECTRIC FIRE.
Roche: Every time I think about chopping my hair short I think "Sephiroth wouldn't want this for me" and the feeling is gone.
Genesis: I made a friend *drags in a skeleton with a Sephiroth wig*
Cloud: *points at Angeal, Genesis and Sephiroth* Pure of heart, dumb of ass, big of tit.
Lazard: I told Zack to use Excel and he started sobbing.
Sephiroth: It's extremely rude to ask someone why they're eating a salad bowl of udon at 8 AM. Mind your business, Zack.
Cloud: Genesis likes Loveless so much because the title resonates with his love life.
Zack: You keep your anxiety pills in a takeaway to-go box? Dude that's so fancy.
Lazard: Why is Sephiroth the only one wearing a shirt??
Angeal: Common sense has chased Zack all his life but he wears wheelies so he's faster
Sephiroth: I personally don't use the peace sign because I haven't had a day of peace since I was 12.
Kunsel: I'm never going out in public with Zack again. A child's balloon popped when it went near his hair.
Angeal: No I'm not giving you an aspirin. Last time I gave you one you crushed it and snorted it like cocaine.
Lazard: An overwhelming majority of you peaked in kindergarten.
Sephiroth: Zack, I'm becoming increasingly concerned by the amount of potatoes in your pants right now.
Zack: This year I want an A/B/O themed birthday party.
Sephiroth: Please don't commit tax fraud, Genesis. You won't thrive in prison.
Genesis: Does anyone have an extra ramen packet to give Sephiroth? The 64 he consumed this morning weren't enough.
Roche: Commander Rhapsodos and his emo fringe is our culture.
Zack: I'm at my fucking limit! I'm about to eat a vegetable!
Genesis: He's a son of a bitch Sephiroth: That implies he has a mother, so I don't see how that's an insult.
Zack: Fuck around and find out *said with a chunk of Genesis' red coat hanging from his pocket*
Cloud: Does anyone have an extra brain cell? I lost my remaining one when Genesis spoke to me this morning.
Sephiroth: Damn.
Kunsel: Zack owes me so much money that if he sold his box of random shit he stole from Angeal, he still couldn't pay me back.
Angeal: Why are you guys playing Queen's Blood in the closet? is this a metaphor?
Genesis: Have you prayed to your Sephiroth cardboard cutout yet today?
Sephiroth: Alert me once Rufus Shinra arrives so that I may greet him adequately *said while building a pipe bomb*
Lazard: It's all fun and games until the timeout cage that I ordered online arrives.
Genesis: I will atone for my sins by becoming a nuisance to the environment.
Cloud: If Zack were a scented candle he'd smell like ADHD and crayons.
Sephiroth, standing on a table: DO NOT. EAT. THE CHEESECAKE. IN THE FRIDGE. It's mine.
Angeal: *with a bucket while it's raining hale* Free ice baby.
Zack: I finally have enough gil to buy a sixteen bouncy castles.
Genesis: Being overcome with the desire to eat pasta and call your mother at 2 AM and wondering if you're having a mental breakdown or are possessed by Sephiroth.
Lazard: I can't fire any of you, but I'm about to start setting things on fire.
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*Izuku is sick with the flu, and Katsuki shows he cares with his "unique" style of communication*
Katsuki: Damn nerd! Use the special tissues I got you when you blow your nose - the lotion will keep your nose from getting a rash!
Katsuki: Deku! Why are you out of bed? You can't train when you're this sick, you idiot!
Katsuki: I swear to God if you don't go to sleep right now instead of studying - I'll kill you!!
*Later: Katsuki is grumbling and angrily making chicken noodle soup from scratch in the kitchen*
Katsuki: Damn nerd had to get sick! That idiot couldn't just wear a jacket in the storm like the rest of us...
Todoroki: Are you making soup?
Katsuki: What's it look like dumbass!?!
Todoroki: Is it for Midoriya?
Katsuki: Who else in this dorm is sick Icy Hot? Tch! Stop asking stupid questions.
Todoroki: Why are you taking such good care of someone you so obviously dislike?
Aishido: *was eavesdropping nearby* Or you love him.
Katsuki: *seething as he ladles hot soup into an All Might thermos for Izuku* THE HELL YOU SAY RACCOON EYES!?
Aishido: *grinning* Oh nothing!
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sanb3rry · 1 year
ahh i love your takes on bf suna! can you write lovesick yet teasing bf suna (and if u can, how the twins react to him being so lovey dovey)?
TYSM,,, ofc i can !!!
bf! suna hcs >> pt.1 , pt.2 , pt.3
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lovesick! suna who loves listening to you talk about anything and everything, and will remember everything you said.
"why are you smiling? is there something on my face?" "huh? no, i just like listening to your pretty voice."
cue you getting flustered and struggling to continue talking.
lovesick! suna who says that you're so cheesy when you daydream about living together with him but made sure to get the apartment of your dreams when you two moved together, also going out of his way to get one with that window you've always wanted.
lovesick! suna who gives you a major side-eye when you eat his ramen even tho he offered to make you some too but he can't help but laugh at how cute you look slurping the noodles.
lovesick! suna who will run all the way to your house in the rain if you said you missed him.
lovesick! suna who teasingly calls you 'his raccoon' due to your under-eyes but makes you take a nap because he knows you've been overworking yourself.
lovesick! suna who's phone is filled with photos and videos of you. his lock screen is a picture of you sleeping with your head on his shoulder he took on the train and his phone case has a photo booth picture of you two.
lovesick! suna who calls you every night no matter what so you guys could fall asleep on call together when you aren't there with him.
lovesick! suna who spends all his money on some stupid claw machine cause he saw a plushie you might like.
lovesick! suna who chuckles at his phone during breaks in practice which makes the twins look at each other curious.
lovesick! suna who nonchalantly tell the twins that he's talking to his girlfriend knowing they wouldn't dare tease him cause of the amount of dirt he has on the both of them, but that doesn't stop them from giggling like high school girls (which is very ironic.).
lovesick! suna who will jokingly say that you're so obsessed with him while he's clinging to you like a koala to a tree.
lovesick! suna who will buy anything for you, no matter what. he loves spoiling you.
lovesick! suna who will tease you for saying you like him when he's really doing happy back flips in his head cause you're being so adorable.
lovesick! suna who knows you're his forever and hopes you think the same of him.
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© sanb3rry2023
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delusionalwriter02 · 3 months
i love your insta series! could you make ranpo’s gf p.2? my obsession with him is just 🥹
Insta as Ranpo's GF p.2
a/n : hey love! thank you so much for your request, Ranpo is one of my favorite in BSD so LETS GO
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<3 liked by Yosanugirl, Ranthebestpo and 285 others.
Yn_theoneandonly : he's a BABY
Yosanugirl : why is he hiding ????
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : we had dinner, he said my cooking was GOOD, he ATE THE WHOLE PLATE and now it's 2am and I found him in the corner with TAKEOUT
↳ Yosanurgirl : ...... why are you mad ?
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : because there is leftovers and this child decide it's better to ORDER
↳ Ranthebestpo : BUT I WAS HUNGRY
↳ Yosanurgirl : well it's my time to leave, i'll leave you to it Ranpo, hope you don't die
↳ Ranthebestpo : my sweet and dear and adorable little pancake please understand me, I was craving so hard those noddles
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : I MADE NODDLES FOR DINNER
↳ Ranthebestpo : but I didn't crave YOUR noodles
↳ Ranthebestpo : WHAT
↳ Daze_i : can't save you now friend, good luck soldier, you didn't shine but you'll die with dignity
↳ Yn_theoneandonlt : I SAID SHUT THE FUCK UP DAZAI
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<3 liked by Gintonic, Yosanurgirl and 638 others.
Yn_theoneandonly : at least somebody likes my cooking @.Yosanurgirl
Yosanurgirl : he's a fool for not treating you like the goddess you are
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : 100% agree
↳ Ranthebestpo : you know I can see those comments right ...?
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : GOOD
↳ Ranthebestpo : dearrr i'm sorry for last night, I LOVE your cooking but the craving was so strong, I couldn't resist
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : you SHOULD CRAVE MINE
↳ Ranthebestpo : BUT I CRAVE YOU
↳ Gintonic : right now buddy ? in front of everybody ?
↳ Ranthebestpo : THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : so you don't crave me ?
↳ Ranthebestpo : THATS NOT WHAT I MEANT EITHER yes I crave you so hard and your cooking too but last night I didn't
↳ Daze_i : Ranpo I swear shut up, you're digging your grave
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : yes you are
↳ Ranthebestpo : AM I REALLY PUT ON A SEX BAN FOR NODDLES ???????????????
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : yes you are
↳ Ranthebestpo : LIFE.IS.NOT.FAIR
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<3 liked by p0e, Gintonic and 583 others.
Yn_theoneandonly : Karl always been a better deal anyway
p0e : he's the best, a real gentlemen
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : he's much more elegant than some peoples I will not name
↳ Yosanurgirl : Karllll I want a flower too
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : no. only me. right Karl ?
↳ p0e : you do realize he can't respond ?
↳ Yosanurgirl : I don't care let me live my dream
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : I don't belong to anybody
↳ Ranthebestpo : I didn't say anything for the sex ban, I never reacted when strangers offered you drink because at least we made economy but RIGHT NOW IT'S TOO MUCH, FLOWERS IS SOMETHING PERSONAL
↳ Yosanurgirl : well you DID said something for the sex ban
↳ Ranthebestpo : STOP RIGHT NOW, MY GIRL IS MY GIRL and I certainly won't let a RACCOON STEAL MY GIRLFRIEND
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : I repeat, I DON'T belong to ANYONE
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : and Ranpo if you're that mad, OFFER ME FLOWERS ??????? YOU DID IT ONCE
↳ Yosanurgirl : you're a loser
↳ Ranthebestpo : FINE tonight I will offer you the greatest night of your life, the sexban WILL BE REMOVED AND WE'LL STOP THIS COMEDY
↳ Daze_i : wow, I never saw him THAT invested
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<3 liked by Daze_i, Gintonic and 764 others.
Yn_theoneandonly : I fear 5 months of economy went into this trip
Gintonic : and all of that for a sexban
↳ KunikiDA : It's really not the reason, he actually planned it during the last 4 months I think ?
↳ Gintonic : REALLY ??
↳ Daze_i : yeah he was like "whats the best restaurant, the best hotel, what can you do in Paris ?" nonstop
↳ Gintonic : that's actually really cute
↳ Daze_i : for such an important demand, he did things right
↳ KunikiDA : Yes, it was strange seeing him like that
↳ Yosanurgirl : A DEMAND ????? HE'S ASKING HER TO ?????
↳ Gintonic : that's such a strange way to say it
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<3 liked by p0e, Daze_i and 735 others.
Yn_theoneandonly : call me Mrs.Edogawa
Yosanurgirl : CONGRATS MY GIRL
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : it's a damn dream like what did I do to deserve SUCH A MAN
↳ Ranthebestpo : just being you is enough my love
↳ Gintonic : so cheesy but adorable
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Hey! I love writing proposals I think I did it in almost all of the part.2, hope you liked it ? Thank you so much for your request!
with love <3
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murdknux · 9 months
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doodles from insta/twt requests!
in order: 2doc beerpong, murdoc getting noodle fairy floss (he ate some, 2doc and a raccoon that hates murdoc, 2d murdoc and noodle playing spongebob monopoly and murdoc biblically losing, 2doc playing rock paper scissors to decide who tops (2d loses consistently)
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plus some random stuff from this week
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so-mordor-itis · 1 year
🍽💢 also for Leon sorry for spamming
🍽— Do they do a lot of cooking?
Leon...is not the best cook. He's not used to it--being on the clock almost everyday leads to Chinese takeout and sometimes instant noodle days. He wouldn't mind trying to cook, but he definitely does not have the experience for it. Leon did try once, hoping to at least be able to make pancakes, however what came out instead were charcoal cakes that stuck to the pans. (They took an hour to clean.) After that, you were the designated chef of the house.
💢— What are some habits of theirs that would take some getting used to?
Leon talks in his sleep. Night terrors used to accompany those often, especially after Raccoon City. Though, as he worked with himself over the years, getting assigned to government-trained therapists, working with the issues that wracked his brain, his night terrors eventually became calmer. Now, sometimes during the middle of the night, you'll hear him call your name, possibly very frightened. It gives you the hint he's dreaming of you, or he lost you somehow. Leon wakes himself up, but there are times you should wake him up to remind him he's okay. That he's safe, and you're safe. Those mental scares are permanent, and while he does his best to act strong he needs reassurance--as much as it pains him to admit.
@izuniias , @uhlunaro , @amatxs , @inaflashimagine , @airanke , @lapis-lights (Check out their fics!)
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goodluckclove · 1 month
My Plan for Today
It is stormy weather here in Portland, Oregon. I'm at my favorite soup and noodle place, the kind of restaurant where the service sucks but the food is really good so you're left conflicted. I wanted something warm today and that's exactly what I'm getting!
After this I'm going to go to the H-Mart and pick up some little snackies and a fun drink. Then it's back to my house just as a thunderstorm is about to start, where I'm going to cuddle up in bed and do some reading of the work you've all sent me. A long time coming!
I can't wait to see what adventures I go on!
I hope you're all having a cozy day. If you'd like, I welcome you to imagine a raccoon eating a wafer cookie. He has little hands and he's so happy to get a treat. Good for him. Little Muncher.
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limeleviathan · 2 months
Intro Post and Sticksona
Hi! I'm Lime, and this is my hole in the roof in this hellsite! As has been previously stated, no, I am not paying rent.
Anons are on ONLY for fun reasons. If I get ANY hate from them, then that's it, no one can use them anymore. I've seen the damage it can do, and I refuse to let you engage in it. If you are someone who regularly sends anon hate, or sends it at all, fuck off! And if you are that anon who tormented Loife, know that I will find you and make you regret the day you ever learned what Tumblr was.
My fandoms are currently AvA/AvM, Destiny 2, Splatoon 3, and a little Wings of Fire sprinkled in every now and then.
My interests are (as was previously stated) AvA/AvM, Destiny 2, as well as Terraria, Minecraft, Civilisation VI, Splatoon 3 and various other random games.
My sticksona is featured below:
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OC Related Things
Subject: ARACHNID's introduction and backstory
Subject: AVIAN's introduction and backstory
Tragic Memories: Part I
More to come as I make them!
And now, I present to you: the people who I am surprised like me because HOLY SHIT ARE THEY AMAZING HOW DO THEY LIKE ME THEY ARE SO MUCH COOLER WHAT
My beloved moots:
@fly-inghighx @cittycatplay
@gu1lty-as-sin @lakedo
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middymod · 1 year
Dumb GotG headcanons
Gamora's hair becomes curly when she's happy (long term, not instant)
Zeihoberei do not have a term for facial hair (they don't have any). Therefore, Gamora refers to Peter's beard as "face fur".
Mantis uses her empath powers on others to get pumped up in battle
Gamora can see UV colors and therefore, could see how truly filthy Quill's ship was
Rocket sometimes ditches his clothes on Earth to pass as a raccoon and cause mayhem (untitled goose game style)
The first incident of Rocket pretending to be a raccoon on Earth was during the "Chicken Noodle Soup" incident.
Nebula constantly grows and loses teeth, like a shark
Since birthdays were not really a thing in the other Guardians' lives, Quill assigns them all birthdays at random dates (except Groot, his birthday is when he first started moving)
Peter and Gamora do some nearly acrobatic dancing when in private
Quill and Gamora both talk in their sleep. Sometimes, they end up having small conversations
Drax is colorblind
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calypso707 · 1 year
Carlos Oliveira x Fem!Reader : Sweet dreams.
Intro (fluff kinda stuff): You and Carlos are the last survivors of Raccoon City, and after the terrible events you stayed in touch. In fact, you often meet up with the intention of investigating Umbrella in order to bring them down. It was just another night out until…
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The events in Raccoon City had been very tough, and even though she tried to pretend it was all behind her, it wasn't. She couldn't get back to a normal life and put it behind her. The events had left physical and psychological scars; how could she forget all the horrors she had seen? While she was away on a mission for several days, far from her hometown in the Midwest of the United States, she had to return in a hurry. As a detective with the Raccoon City police, she had been called back to help out, but what she found was horror and bloodshed. Her family had succumbed to the spread of the virus, there was nothing left, no memories, no attachments, no home. Nothing.
She was one of the last survivors, a miracle she thought, and she couldn't understand how she had managed to survive all that shit. She had been rescued by a certain Carlos Oliveira, a former caporal of the UBCS, a private military faction belonging to the Umbrella Corporation, specialising in rescue in epidemic environments. He was accompanied by another survivor, Jill Valentine, a former member of S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team. She knew her briefly, as her unit was under the jurisdiction of the Raccoon City Police Department.
They had found help in Washington D.C. after the bombing in Raccoon City, were taken in by a rescue team and had to undergo all sorts of tests to make sure they weren't contaminated. Just routine. In the exchange she had with Jill after all this, she confessed to her that the Umbrella Corporation was behind it all, but on the news, nothing, everything had been covered up. While Jill, once she was in condition, left on a mission in the depths of Russia, Carlos had lost his job at the UBCS, which had been completely eradicated in Raccoon City, but he was determined to put an end to Umbrella.
She had kept in touch with them, Jill with difficulty following her missions, but Carlos and she saw each other regularly. The young woman had become a detective with the DC police. However, she remained determined to uncover the actions of Umbrella Corporation, so they worked together, Carlos passing on everything he knew about Umbrella.
The young woman was sitting in front of her computer, researching, and writing down everything she could think of that might be of interest. She was determined to make this organisation that had taken everything from her pay. She took off her glasses to massage her eyes, her hair carelessly tied up in a low bun, tiredness beginning to get to her.
"How long have you been on it?" asked Carlos, sitting next to her with a box of chinese food in his hands.
The young woman's eyes fell on the clock in the bottom right-hand corner of her screen, which read 1.12am. "I've lost count of the hours. It's crazy, they've managed to erase everything about what happened back there..."
"Does your boss know what you do outside of work hours?" questioned the former UBCS member before taking a bite of fried noodles.
"Are you kidding me? I'll get fired," she sank into the back of her chair, chewing on the right side of her glasses.
"Okay. Well, don't be mad, doll, but I'm beat. I'm going to bed, have something to eat and don't forget to close the door when you leave”
The young woman nodded and watched Carlos put the box of noodles on the desk before placing a kiss on the top of her head, she smiled. She then watched him going into the room at the back, which happened to be his bedroom. For several weeks now, they had been meeting regularly to put together everything they knew so that they could produce an ironclad report that could harm Umbrella if it became public. An ambiguity had gradually built up between them, without anything ever happening. Yet she enjoyed his company, in fact, it reassured her and kept her panic attacks at bay. She grabbed the box of noodles and took a big bite before putting her glasses back on and going back to work.
Then an hour passed and another, and her gaze locked on the time 3:12am. It was time to go home, luckily, she didn't live far away. She was saving her documents on her computer and just as she was about to switch it off, a noise drew her attention: it was coming from Carlos's room. She looked over her shoulder, waiting a few seconds to see if it happened again, and it did. She thought she heard his voice. She slowly got up from her chair and approached the room, the curtains poorly closed and the moonlight allowing her to scan the room. Carlos seemed to be asleep, shirtless, the sheet laid carelessly over his waist, though she could guess that he was completely naked underneath. Shit, the view was quite nice and he was bloody well built. She watched his torso rise at a rather rapid and irregular pace, her gaze then passing over the man's face. He was probably having a nightmare; he was agitated and mumbling completely incomprehensible things. She entered the room and slowly walked around the bed to get close to Carlos's head. Beads of sweat rolled down his forehead and neck. She brought her hand up to his face, hesitant at first, and then leaned over, brushing his cheek with her fingertips: "Carlos? Wake up.."
Before she knew what was happening, she found herself crushed on the mattress, Carlos leaning over her, pinning her wrist next to her head. She looked at him, in surprise, and saw that the man took a long time to understand what was happening and where he was, yet he didn't move. He looked at her, confused, struggling to regain his composure: "Y/N?"
"Sorry, I... You looked like you were having a nightmare, I didn't mean to frighten you" she stammered.
"Shit, sorry about that, it's been happening a lot lately" he said in a sleepy voice.
Now that he was awake, she thought he was going to release her, but no, he didn't move and their proximity made her lose more and more of her composure. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest and she was glad that it was dark enough in the room to hide the pink that was spreading to her cheeks. Carlos remained silent but allowed his gaze to run over the young woman's body. There she was, so beautiful, her eyes shining with a strange gleam, her loose hair scattered over the sheets, she had got rid of her glasses which she only used when she was working on her computer. Her lips were parted and her T-shirt was slightly up, revealing her lower stomach. Fuck and those shorts..., Carlos thought, remembering that he was naked under the thin sheet. The young woman cleared her throat to regain composure, trying to sit up straight: "I... I'm going to let you sleep, I'm gonna go"
"No, stay," said Carlos.
The young woman looked at him, his request sounding like a complaint. He was looking at her with pleading eyes, the kinda look that could melt her heart. How could she tell him no? After all, that was all she hoped for, to get closer to him. Just as she was about to reply, she noticed that Carlos closed the distance between them, and she could feel his warm breath against her skin. Burning her. It wasn't long before he starts kissing her, giving her the wildest, languorous kiss, his hand moving up her wrist to intertwine his fingers with hers. Their exchanges intensified, their mouths parting to meet again, the kisses becoming more and more intense. As she nestled her hand in the former agent's black hair, he slipped his other hand under her T-shirt, moving it up towards her chest. He broke the kiss to kiss her jaw line, then her neck. The young woman bit her lower lip, the desire that was building inside her close to consuming her. She heard Carlos growl against her skin as she intertwined her fingers with his locks of hair: "Thanks for waking me up, I like the way this dream is turning out, sweetheart".
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