#poly bitch just wants them to all hold hands sorry not sorry
alright it's official I'm rooting for Ozzie/Fizz/Blitz/Stolas polycule 👍
"You've lived rent-free in Fizz' head for years, so I can't help feel he values your take on things." - Ozzie going to Blitz for backup
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"Well, my special skills are killing things without giving fucks and pointing out people's flaws... alright, count me in!" - Blitz being Blitz
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"Come on, it's just like old times. I'll make sure no one gives you shit today." || "You mean besides you?" -Blitz & Fizz banter gives me life
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Fizz covering Blitz' ass after Blitz insults Mammon, love that
Also another Fizz-Blitz banter moment: "He thinks he's funny." || "Offended." (Fizz & Blitz, respectively)
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the ATTITUDE. Blitz coming in with the comeback and Fizz changing up his posture/attitude to match Blitz', just. Them.
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He protect 🥺 but also the fact that he didn't kill this guy right here for everyone to see after seeing Fizz' expression hh
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Blitz is so gentle with him now that they've made up I love him. We all know he's a softie underneath but ya know, ya love to see it
Don't have a screenshot for this bc it's a whole scene but can we talk about how before, Blitz claimed Fizz didn't have to try for anything, but in this episode Fizz is saying how he needs to do this to prove he's still good enough and Blitz (as well as Ozzie) are telling him he doesn't need to prove anything? Just. Ugh, THEM.
(also Fizz finally calling Blitz "Blitz" and not "Blitzo" I'm hhhh)
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"That guy is a fucking dick, and he's USING you for everything, 'cause you're likeable, and he's a fucking trashfire."
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Blitz' absolute worry when Fizz runs.....
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Unrelated to Blitz and Fizz' relationship, are we gonna. Uh. Talk about how Fizz' scars aren't pure white? Blitz' are but Fizz' aren't (Blitz' scars are the same color as Fizz' foundation). I assume it's a stylistic choice to show that he hides his "undesired" markings here (the makeup comes off and shows his original markings, and having the area around it be different from his makeup better shows what's going on) and they're actually the same color but I thought it was interesting. Also the black of his horns is super faded out so...
And of course that whole scene with Ozzie was heart melting but enough people talk about that, so moving on-
FIZZ' SONG. God it was so good. And Mammon just dancing along... beautiful. Fizz quitting so publicly, YESSSS KING.
Anyway this
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I hope we see more of them honestly. Blitz becoming Fizz' go-to bodyguard/Blitz just sitting in the rafters of his shows waiting for someone to be Weird™ would be so fun actually. But also probably the first time Fizz has been so DELIGHTED to see Blitz kill someone they are everything to me.
Again I would need a whole video but Fizz ripping his clothes as he goes as he sings his "I fucking quit" song, I hope it means we get to see him out of the clown costume/persona (tbh it would delight me if he ditches it for good, ripping it up isn't very good symbolism if you're just gonna put it back on again). I want to see more of who he genuinely is <3
VERY sad it took Fizz so long to finally see/understand what Blitz saw immediately. Wonder if things would have been different if Blitz had just... told Fizz what he really thought of Mammon when they were younger. If Blitz' opinion mattered so much... of course, maybe he did. It would explain why if Mammon was the one to separate them.
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just them <3
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"So, uh.... who tops?"
This is so funny but also Ozzie's smile I love that. They all know the answer.
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n30nwrites · 3 months
Poly!Lost Boys x Male!Reader with anger issues?
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"Are you fucking kidding me!?"
Okay, there was a part in your brain that was saying that you shouldn't be reacting like this. This was an accident, and even then it wasn't that big of a deal, but the wind was blowing in the wrong direction, it was colder than you liked, and this person spilling beer on you was just the tip of the iceberg.
"Are you stupid? Don't answer that." You grumbled, and the drunk man in front of you decided to yell back. He took a step forward, his breath stinking as he heavily panted in your face. You went to do the same, only for a hand to yank you back.
"Calm down boy." David said, his gloved hand rubbing your wrist gently. "Can't afford to get chased right now." Max's new rules were bullshit.
"Keep your bitch on a leash." The alcoholic said, and even David couldn't hold you back.
Your hand swung back and planted right on his fist, blood coating it as his nose cracked and squirted blood. One good hit was the way to go, and he fell to the ground.
"Oh shit!" Marko pulled you away and immediately ran through the crowd, gaining the attention of another security guard.
"Max is gonna be pissed." Paul laughed, and you couldn't find joy in this moment. The motorcycles weren't far, and therefore you all rushed to get on and drive away, avoiding the humans before you.
"Fuck Max." Dwayne nodded with you, and you all drove to the cave.
You angrily get off of Marko's bike, almost stomping the ground as you jumped down into the cave. It seemed that everything had you set off today. "Are you kidding me Paul? I told you to clean this up!" The pizza boxes from 3 days ago still sat on the couch. Paul looks hurt at your words.
"Calm down." David tells you and you want to hit him.
"Don't tell me what to do."
"You aren't angry at us."
"No i'm not, i'm angry at Max, i'm angry at those surf nazis, and I'm angry at this fucking mess." You knew you couldn't blame them for Max or the Surfers, but at least with this mess you could focus on something. You picked up a trash bag and forced the boxes inside them.
"Stop." It's a command from David, one that has you hypnotized as you followed it. The bag dropped from your hands, "Come here." David has his arms held out as he grabs you. "Calm down."
Sorry this took so long and isn't good at all??? Idk I lost inspo for a bit and since The Lost Boys was taken off everything I can't watch it and that makes me sad and non hyperfixated.
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bluegalaxygirl · 7 months
The Vinsmoke family meet their niece (Zosan X reader) P2
Plot: While out shopping with Zoro and Sanji your baby girl Kuina gets tired so you take her back to the sunny only to bump into the three Vinsmoke brothers.
Warning: Violence, Blood, Injuries, bad language and Making out
Reader is female and for this i gave her the ability to control Snakes that come form tattoo's on her arms, she can change the size of them but they are also connected to her emotions, Kuina is 8 months old and has Sanji's eyebrows and blonde hair but your eyes and skin tone.
Zoro X Sanji X reader, Poly relationship, established relationship.
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After getting your snake out Ichiji dropped your baby to avoid the attack her little body wrapped in a blanket hits the floor and her screams make your heart and mind shatter. Your snake's eyes change form round to slit feeling your pain and the overwhelming need to protect it attacks anything it can besides you and the baby. You're overwhelming emotions causing it to go out of control and soon burst out the top of the warehouse as Niji electrocutes it and Ichiji fires red light at it, the fight causes a big explosion making the snake scream in pain as it falls aside and into a nearby building. You manage to pull the red spikes out despite the pain and shakily walk over to your baby as she lay on the floor screaming her little lunges out, you can't help but cry as you drop to you knees next to her on. Blood dripping from your hands, legs and mouth but you reach out running your finger tips over Kuina's cheek leaving some of your blood behind. You want to hold her so badly but you can't pick her up in case she's hurt, you don't want her to hurt.
"You bitch" Yonji yells out running at you but you put up your other hand out and make your fingers into fangs. The tattoo snake on your arm leaps out and tried to sink its teeth into him while wrapping its growing body around him, but he manages to throw it off only for it to lunge at him shoving him through the side of the building. The two snakes team up to attack the three man pushing them further away form you while attacking anything that gets in their way. The sound of screaming people, building falling apart and your snakes hissing in a scream like sound falls on def ears, all you can hear is your crying daughter, her cheeks red and tear stained as she wriggles on the floor "Shhhh, it's ok baby... mommy's here. Oh, sweetie i'm so sorry" you cry leaning over your baby unable to control your cry's and the snakes that just left you. You kiss her forehead and listen to her scream and cry, it hurts you, it hurts more than the pain in your limbs and stomach.
You sat there for a while not knowing what to do, your baby cry's but your in too much pain to move and you dont want her to slip out of your hands due the blood. You flinch as a hand touched your shoulder, looking up you jab your nails into the person only for them to grab your hand. You glare at the girl in front of you but you soon relax a little at realizing who it is "Reiju?" you ask not believing that the Pink haired girl is actually in front of you "It's ok, i'm here to help, let me help you" her voice is so soft and it calms you down a little but you put your focus back on your crying baby "Kuina, please help her" you gulp trying to stop the tears as the pink haired girl nods and looks over your baby with a smile. You move over a little, so she can see but you watch her every move "She's beautiful, and she's ok, just a little bump, it's a good thing she's crying" she smiles stroking the baby's head and wiping away her tears "He dropped her" You whisper not convinced your baby's ok, Reiju takes your hands and starts bandaging them up "I think my blanket took most of the fall, you have a doctor on the ship right? so i'm sure she'll be fine with him" her words were so kind, you remember meeting her a few times, she helped luffy and even though she hardly said anything to you she always had this sweetness about her even when she tried to hide it around her brothers and farther.
You watched your baby start to calm down as she finishes bandaging your other hand. "Thank you" you suddenly say getting her attention "For the gift basket and card, Sanji was so happy and Kuina loves her blanket, carry's it everywhere with her" you smile your eyes locking with your baby girl, Reiju smiles back helping you sit back against a wooden create before picking your baby up and puts her in your arms. Holding your baby again felt amazing, she stopped crying as she looked at you feeling safe in her mothers arms, You felt relief seeing she was ok but you did wipe the blood you left off her cheek. Reiju checks the rest of your body soon getting to your stomach which you hiss at in pain throwing your head back into the crate while gritting your teeth "Sorry, you probably have internal bleeding, i'm going to give you an injection to stop it but your doctor will need to know.. Sorry this is going to hurt" she states taking out a needle before stabbing it into your stomach, you grunt and grit your teeth at the pain but it soon stops when she pulls it out and takes care of your legs. You look up at the broken ceiling and then around you see the damage your snakes have done, the sound outside is still going on, loud hissing and buildings breaking, you can stop them but you have to get up and tell them but a part of you doesn't want to, they were brought out to take down Sanji's three brothers, and they won't stop until they are dead or you pass out.
You bring your focus back to your baby her beautiful eyes looking up at you and when you smile down at her she smiles back with a small giggle. You turn your attention to Reiju who's bandaging your legs up the best she can, blood stains the ground around you. You feel tired and the need to pass out is almost overwhelming so you gently place a kiss on Kuina's head before laying her on the floor, you don't want to drop her if you do pass out. "Come by the sunny later" you smile leaning against the crate looking down at he pink haired girl who stops in shock before looking up at you "What?" she asks confused why would you invite her to the ship. "I want Kuina to meet her aunt properly, so please, if you can come by later" your eyes start closing as you talk, you hoped to stay awake longer but before you could hear her answer darkness took over, there was one thing you noted though, for some reason a tear feel down the pink haired girls cheek.
Zoro and Sanji run following the snakes as they get smaller and smaller until they were just normal looking snakes, they slithered into a warehouse that looked almost destroyed and up your arms again going back to normal tattoo's as you lay on the floor your arm around Kuina who was awake and playing with your fingers. "Y/N, Kuina" Sanji and Zoro yell out running to you two, Sanji looks you two over before picking up Kuina who reaches out for him. "Hay sweet heart" The cook tears up holding the baby close in his arms, relief washing over him at seeing his baby unharmed. Zoro gently rolls you over and sits you up a bit but you don't wake up, he looks you over confused your wounds are bandaged up and cuts are stitched closed, someone was just here and took care of you. "Is Kuina ok?" Zoro asks looking over at his daughter "Yea, yea, she's fine" Sanji sighs standing up as Zoro carefully picks you up in his arms and stand up. The cook walks closer and looks you over, your passed out but your not bleeding. Zoro looks around the warehouse seeing the mess and blood on the floor, it makes his blood boil, not only did they hurt Sanji in the past, but they tried to kill you and hurt his baby. "What's that?" Sanji asks snapping Zoro out of his thoughts as the cook reaches into the strap on your shoulder pulling out a piece of paper holding Kuina with one arm. The two walk out while Sanji reads getting a little teary eyed when seeing its Reiju who helped you and his baby. "Guy's what happened?" Nami yells out running towards them along with Chopper, Luffy and Franky "We need to get them back to the ship, Kuina has a head bump and Y/N has internal bleeding" Sanji runs over to the group handing Chopper the letter as Zoro runs up behind him trying not to shake you too much as he runs.
You feel sore all over and the light on your face isn't helping things but you force your eyes open a little, the light blinding making your head hurt but you soon manage to adjust and see a white ceiling "Kuina" you call out your voice sore as you try and talk "Hay love it's ok, she's here" Sanji comes into view bending over you and running a hand over your cheek, you turn your head to the side seeing Zoro holding your awake baby girl who's playing with his earring's. You reach a hand out for your baby but you can't reach so Zoro pulls up a chair with his free hand and sits in it next to the bed and leans over so you can touch your daughter. You run your fingers over her back with a small smile, your baby turns around and takes your finger in her small hand "she ok?" you ask trying to sit up, Sanji helps you sit up being careful of your stomach in the process "Yes she's fine we're worried about you" Zoro looks you over seeing you struggle but at least your awake. Once your comfy Sanji sits on the edge of the bed and holds your other hand "What did they do to you? To Kuina? and don't tell me it was nothing because your snakes have never acted like that, even on Wano, they attacked us" Sanji asks his eyes sad and full of worry, you squeeze his hand and look at the two with worry "What? They attacked you? I-i'm sorry, d-did they hurt you?" You panic a little, you never thought they would that "No baby were fine, we handled them, but they did a good job kicking their asses" Zoro laughs making Kuina smile and giggle too. "My love, please tell me what happened, why did they attack you?" Sanji leans closer wanting to know.
You sigh and rub your thumb over his hand "They said your dad wasn't happy, i wasn't targeted or anything, and he didn't ask them to go after me they just saw me and thought" You stop yourself flashes of what they did coming back, Zoro places a hand on your shoulder as you continue "They only hurt me they didn't hurt her....until i, Oh god it's my fault, i'm sorry baby" you start crying, tears streaming down your face as you lean over to kiss your baby's hand, you remember her screams and her falling to the floor "I'm sorry, i should have kept my mouth shut" you place your forehead in your baby's arm before being pulled into a hug by Sanji who shushes you as he holds you "It's not your fault love" Sanji soothes stroking your hair and kissing your forehead "Yes it is... she'd be ok if i kept my mouth shut. They talked so badly of you and once i started i couldn't stop... it's my fault" Zoro places his hand on your cheek moving closer to you "Hay don't you dare... you're a fighter, she's not hurt, you protected her" Zoro leans over showing the back of Kuina head by moving some hair out of the way. "See, not even a scratch" He whispers as the baby fusses in his arms a little, You reach up and run your fingers over her hair sighing in relief, there no bump or redness. You manage to stop crying and pull away from Sanji "You did great love" The cook leans down placing his lips on yours for a light kiss, you kiss back with a small smile before pulling away and taking Kuina form Zoro.
Your hands still hurt but you don't care, you pull her to your chest and let her play with your head as you kiss her head and hold her close. "I'm so sorry love" Sanji leans in placing a kiss on the back of Kuina's head "We didn't realize you were gone until we talked with Nami" Zoro puts a hand on the cooks shoulder trying to reassure him "This is no ones fault but those three" The swordsman was right but you both couldn't help but feel guilty in some way "And when i see them, i'm going to kill them" You let out a laugh at the swordsman's words "I'll join you" You reply as Zoro places a kiss on your cheek with a smile "Make that three" Sanji joins in squeezing your hand and placing his other hand on the swordsman's leg, Kuina pulls away form your shoulder and babbles a little making Zoro laugh stroke her head "Yea, you'll kick their asses too won't you?" You hand the baby back to Zoro who holds her up as she giggles "Your gonna get them yea?" he asks nuzzling her belly making her laugh. You smile at the two as he brings her down into his chest only for your baby girl to try and eat his earring's, he pulls her away as she gets annoyed at him and shakes his head at her. "You want to come and eat with the crew?" Zoro asks you before standing up with Kuina "I think someone's hungry" he laughs as Kuina starts trying to put his earnings back in her mouth, but he pulls his head away again. You nod as Sanji helps you to the edge of the bed where you sit for a second feeling pain shoot through you stomach "You ok?" Zoro ask watching you wince a bit in pain "Yes just sore but i can walk" you nod about to get up only for Sanji to pick you up bridle style "My queen doesn't walk" Your cook smiles down at you, holding you as you all head to the kitchen.
The kitchen was lively as you sat at the table closest to the door, your baby in her high chair at end of the table, she was starting to eat solid food now, it used to just be baby food that Sanji would make but now she eats all sorts of course through the day you still give her a bottle, but she seems to prefer sold foods now. Sanji sits across form you eat and some times helping his baby eat while Zoro sits next to the cook, the food was made by Sanji while you were out but Nami and Robin were kind enough to take over, so he could sit with you and Kuina in the medical room. You were snapped out of your loving look to your boys by a knock on the kitchen door. Things suddenly go quiet around the table as everyone looks at the door. You could make out a figure through the door window lightly smiling you stand up "Babe/Love" The boys call standing up too but you walk round and place your hand on Sanji's shoulder with a bright smile "It's ok, i know who it is, don't worry" you move to the door and open it to see the pink haired sister Reiju standing there. You step aside and let her in, Sanji's eyes widen upon seeing his sister walk in as the others smile at her and wave, Zoro looks over to her with a small smile while your baby looks up at Sanji then to Reiju. "Sis?" Sanji asks stepping closer as the pink haired girl rubs her arm a little not sure how to react or what to do "Thank you" Sanji smiles hugging his sister as you move to sit back down. She tenses a little before hugging back slightly looking around the room over his shoulder.
The room goes back to normal, people laughing and eating as Sanji talks with his sister for a minute before bringing her over to the table. Her eyes land on you then to Kuina who is still looking up at her in amazement before smiling and reaching her arms out to the woman blabbering away. "You want to hold her?" you ask making her jump a bit at your question "I-urm... sure" Reiju sighs giving in to what she really wants, Sanji take the bib off Kuina and picks her up handing her to his sister who holds your baby close, Sanji helping her since his sister has no idea what she's doing. The baby giggles a little and reaches for the pink hair running her hand through it but not grabbing or pulling, "You were passing out when you asked me to come, i didn't know if it was still ok" Reiju whispers looking to you as you gave her a warm smile "I meant every word i said" you reply making Reiju finally smile, her eyes watering a little as she looks down at the baby in her arms "Are you ok sis?" Sanji asks worried about his sister, he had no idea what you two were talking about but at least it made his sister smile "I'm an auntie... she's beautiful Sanji, I hope she grows up to be just as kind and loving as you" The pink haired girl looks up at her brother with a big smile making the cook tear up and hug his sister.
With dinner over it was now only you, Zoro, Sanji, Kuina and Reiju in the kitchen, Zoro sat next to you with his arm around your shoulder as Sanji sat next to his sister who was still holding the baby girl "I'm really sorry this happened" The pink haired girl sighs looking over at her brother "I knew farther was mad but, i didn't think this would happen" Sanji places a hand on his sisters shoulder giving her a sad look "Your farther didn't plan this" you state leaning into Zoro as the girl looks up at you a little surprised, she wasn't convinced her farther had nothing to do with this but then again the three boys have acted out of impulse before and a need to impress their farther. "Bu- bu" Kuina calls out while playing with one of the wings on Reiju's costume making her giggle "Is that my name now?" she asks the baby who repeats the name "I'm guessing she's trying to say butterfly, right?" Sanji asks leaning into place a kiss on the baby's head as she smiles and pats the wing in her hands. Zoro lays his head on your shoulder watching Sanji and his baby feeling more relaxed now that its all over. A snail phone goes off Reiju jumping a little before reaching into her pocket and pulling out a very small snail phone, she hands the baby to Sanji before standing "I should go" She seems to panic a little but Sanji stands and grabs her arm "Wait, you just got here" Zoro stands too walking over to Sanji and taking the baby off him "It's farther" Reiju sighs the phone still ringing in her hand.
Sanji's eyes turn to anger "I want to talk to him" The cooks blood boils only for Zoro's hand to pull the cook away form his sister "I don't think thats a good idea" Sanji glares at the swordsman wanting to berate his farther for almost killing you and his baby, it doesn't matter if he had nothing to do with it. "Zoro's right, please don't" You stand up the pain killers wearing off but you hold back the pain trying stop another fight with the Vinsmoke family. "Fine i won't say anything but i want to hear what he has to say" Sanji steps back crossing his arms over his chest. Reiju sighs looking down at the phone before answering it "What took you so long?" You sit back down holding your stomach feeling a little sick at hearing that voice again "I'm sorry i was busy sorting ou-" Reiju try's to make up an excuse that doesn't involve any of the straw hats only to be interrupted by her farther "Yea, i heard about the mess they've caused, what happened?" He sounded angry but it was a good thing he didn't know much. Sanji bits his tongue his face going red from anger as Zoro pulls him into his chest to try and calm the cook down while holding Kuina in his other arm. Reiju sighs putting on a stoic face as she talks "The three got into a fight with a local who disrespected them, My apologies for not being there when it happened" A sigh can be heard from the snail phone "Don't lie to me"
Your heart drops as you look at the phone "I know you want to protect your brothers but lying to me isn't going to get you anywhere. Tell me what happened" His voice got louder and more angry as he talked, Reiju looks at the three of you giving a sorry look since she has no chose but to tell him what happened, she knows that her farther most likely knows the three brothers had a run in with the straw hats otherwise he wouldn't be this mad over a destroyed village. "They attacked some of the straw hats" she states hearing silence on the other end indicating that he wanted more, she sighs before continuing "Y/n and her daughter and then later Sanji and Zoro" There's another moment of silence before the man grumbles "Are they dead?" His question causes Sanji to pull away form zoro to yell only for the swordsman's hand to go round the cooks mouth holding it, so he can't talk. You slowly stand and make your way over to take Kuina while Zoro restrains a very angry and fighting Sanji. "No, there alive, all of them" Reiju answers watching as her brother struggles against Zoro and you back away holding your Kuina "Good, those boys i told them to leave it" Sanji stops fighting at hearing the mans words "That boy is no longer my son so it shouldn't affect us" You glare at the phone in the pink girls hand as it talks "Yes i was mad when i found out since it technically is a part of our blood line now but it doesn't carry our name. We'll at least have some separation, now get back here and bring your brothers, i need a word with them" The phone clicks off and you sigh in relief glad that its all over, and he didn't know that you all were in the room.
"I'm sorry" The pink haired girl sighs putting the snail phone back in her pocket "You've got nothing to be sorry for, you handled that well" You smile at her walking over to give her a pat on the shoulder which she smiles at and runs a finger over your daughters cheek. "You gonna stop?" Zoro asks Sanji his hand still around the cooks mouth and holding Sanji's back and arms to the swordsman's chest, Sanji sighs no longer struggling and nod, the green haired man lets go of the cooks who turns and rubs the back of his head "Sorry" The blonde sighs as Zoro rubs his back "I know, i hate him too" Zoro has never met Vinsmoke Judge but that doesn't mean he can't hate the man "I should go, i'm really sorry about all of this" Reiju turns to her brother who walks over and gives her a hug "Thank you sis, I'm happy for you to visit us any time, just don't bring them" Sanji pulls away earning a smile and a nod from his sister "It was a pleasure meeting you" Reiju runs a hand over Kuina's head as she starts to fall asleep in your arms. She nods to you and Zoro before leaving the kitchen and the ship. "Are you ok?" you ask placing a hand on Sanji's shoulder, he looks a mess "I-I don't know, i'm just glad you and the baby are ok" The cook pulls you into a light hug being careful of the sleepy baby in your arms and your stomach, Zoro sigh and walks over putting his arms around you and Sanji kissing the cooks cheek "Everything's ok now, plus you got to see your sister" You smile up at the cook before leaning up to place your lips on his, he gladly kisses back running a hand up and down your back. Sanji pulls away and looks at Zoro leaning over and placing a kiss on the swordsman's lips who gladly kisses back.
"There's nothing to worry about now, their safe" The swordsman pulls away to speak looking down at you and Kuina who is now fully sleep in your arms, Sanji looks down at his daughter in your arms and smiles looking over her cute face, her rosy cheeks and how her lips part as she breaths "Sanji" Zoro finally manages to get the cook's attention as you giggle a little "Lets head to bed" The swordsman pulls away form you two heading to the kitchen door and opening it for you all. You walk out followed by Sanji who keeps a hand on your waist, turning the corner you see Usopp and Franky cleaning up after fixing the side of the ship "I didn't think it was that bad" You get there attention both looking up at you and Kuina "It was mostly internal, were done now, so she can sleep" Franky whispers moving some stuff out of the way for you "night" Usopp waves as you walk past them followed by Sanji and Zoro. Once your in the room you place Kuina down in her crib and head over to your chest of draws to get changed, Sanji leans on the side of the crib watching his sleeping daughter and taking her blanket away since she shouldn't have it while asleep. Zoro watches you take your top off struggling a bit so he heads over and helps you throwing it in the washing basket and running his hand over your bandaged stomach. You look over your shoulder at him seeing his face worried and slightly angry "It's ok" You whisper turn to face him and cup his face prying his eyes away form your stomach "Everything's ok" You lean closer placing your lips on his.
Zoro steps closer placing his hand behind your head while running his tongue over your lower lip, you open your mouth for him your tongues meeting as he hums into you enjoying the kiss you both share before pulling away. He helps you get dressed being careful of your injuries and then walks you to bed and helps you in, Sanji finally pry's his eyes away from his daughter and gets changed then crawling into bed and laying his head on your shoulder kissing your neck "I love you Mi amour" The cook whispers making you smile "I love you too darling" you whisper back placing a kiss on his forehead as Zoro gets into bed on your other side and kisses your shoulder wrapping his arm around you and onto Sanji's waist "I love you too Hunk" you look over at the tired green haired man beside you who lightly kisses your lips "I love you both" The swordsman lays his head down on the pillow next to you closing his eyes to fall sleep, "I love you too Zo" Sanji smiles running a hand up the swordsman's arm thats over your hips. The three of you lay there feeling relaxed now that the day is over but also exhausted soon falling asleep.
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scholastic-dragon · 1 year
My dearest darling,
May I please ask for
"kissing to try it out"
With the fearless leader himself 🤩💙
I would not be sad if this turned into something Blurple Just gonna throw that out there 😂
Pretty please, but also, no pressure 💙💜
I just love you and your writing so much - You're amazing! 😍🙌🏻
~The other Blurple Bitch
For you, my tagging buddy absolutely <3
A call for blurple is one that must be answered
Also, once again, everyone is ADULTS in this fic, no minors here!!!!
Leo x F!reader x Donnie (more so Leo x reader, but Donnie does show up)
No Pressure
Warnings: lots of kisses, established relationship, poly!Turtles (no tscest), spelling mistakes, making out, insecure!Leo my darling,
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"I'm sorry," you chuckle dryly, spinning your mug in your palms. "What exactly are you asking of me?"
Leo sighs, leaning back against the kitchen counters, crossing his arms over his broad chest.
"I'm saying we should kiss," He doesn't meet your eyes.
"Hmmmm," You hum, taking a sip of your tea, elbows resting on the breakfast table. "And what was your reasoning, again?" It felt wrong to enjoy how flustered he was.
"To see if this is something we really want,"
You nod, knowing the true intention behind his words.
You and Donnie had been dating for over four months when you both realized Leo also had feelings for you. What started out as embarrassment turned into understanding and now you had the two most handsome boyfriends in the world.
And one of them was clearly trying to sabotage it.
Leo hated the term, but he was insecure. He was worried you didn't actually like him back and was just using him. But he was also nervous because his brain still had yet to accept the fact that you were his girlfriend now, too, not just Donnie's.
"So you want to kiss to see if we really are meant for each other?"
He nods slowly. "So to speak,"
"Alright," You stood from your chair, it scraped across the floor as you sauntered around the table and toward him.
You really shouldn't have enjoyed how wide his eyes went and the scared expression on his handsome face.
You stood before him, looking up into his wonderful eyes.
He cleared his throat, uncrossing his arms and pushing off the counter. "Alright,"
You couldn't help the butterflies in your stomach. This would be your first kiss with the handsome leader in blue. After all you'd only been dating a week and a half.
Licking his lips, he quickly leaned forward and pressed a chaiste kiss on your lips, he pulled away before you could even close your eyes.
You chuckle, cupping his face in your hands, leaning close, letting your lips ghost his. "You're not taking this away from me," You mumbled, kissing him passionately and firmly.
He went stiff, his arms and jaw tensing: he was so nervous. You ran your hands down his jaw and neck, rubbing at his shoulders.
"I'm not going anywhere, Lee, I'm yours," You kissed each word on his lips, wanting him to give in.
And give in he did.
He churred loudly, one hand gripping your hip and the other grabbing the back of your head, preventing you from moving.
For how proper and clean Leo normally was, this kiss was messy.
It was quick, firm kisses, stealing the breath from your lungs and making your knees tremble.
You yanked yourself away, gulping down air, your face was bright red.
"God, you're gorgeous," He groaned, pulling you against him, turning you around and lifting you up onto the counter.
Your legs came up, hooking under his shell, holding him as close as possible.
He sucked your bottom lip, then licked it softly. With a moan you open your mouth and let him in.
He explores your tongue, being easy and careful, taking notes as to what you liked.
He pulled away, a string of saliva connecting you both. Coming back, he kissed and niped at your jaw and neck. One hand held your hip, the other was massaging your scalp, making your eyes roll back into your head.
You tilt your head back, a breathless whisper of his name leaving you. He churred against your neck.
Someone clearing their throat made you both jump, wide eyes looking to see Donnie standing at the kitchen doorway.
"Donnie, I-"
"We can explain-"
"Can you guys not make out on my coffee counter, please?" He interrupted, holding up his mug and gesturing to behind you.
Leo lifted you, turning and placing you on the island instead. You unhooked your legs, but Leo didn't move himself out of your thighs.
Donnie wordlessly pulled out his coffee maker and started to brew another pot.
"Are you okay?" Leo asked after a moment, eyeing his little brother.
"Why wouldn't I be?" Donnie shrugged, glancing over at the two of you.
"I just wanna make sure you're still cool with all of this," Leo scratched the back of his neck, turning to face his brother more.
"Are you trying to get permission to kiss your girlfriend?" Donnie laughed, filling his cup, and stirring in the creamer.
"No, I just-" Leo's scales turned darker as he tried to argue.
"Good," Donnie smiled, turning and looking at you. "Because the only permission you need is from her," Donnie stepped forward, giving you a quick kiss before heading toward the door.
Leo stared in shock for a moment before shaking his head. "Alright,"
Your and Leo's eyes met, a smirk playing on his lips. His hands traveled up the outside of your thighs, using just the right amount of pressure.
He leaned in and started kissing you firmly, your hands running up and down his arms.
"But, I will say -" Donnie came back in, mug in one hand, and the other pointing at the two of you. You both jerked again, you had to suppress a laugh at Leo's annoyed huff. "If things do escalate, I would like to be invited,"
"Got it, Don,"
"You also might want to move so no one else interrupts~" Donnie took a sip of his coffee, openly enjoying how flustered you looked.
You decided to play along: leaning in you lick a firm stripe up the side of his neck, whispering in his ear. "Perhaps your room?"
tags: @thelaundrybitch @turtle-babe83 @happymoonangel @red-phoenixxx @sharpwindow @mysticboombox @dilucsflame33 @tmnt-tychou @sketch-and-write-lover
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hongjoongscafe · 1 year
For bitch hours can I request Poly!MinChan x reader? Where reader kind of slipped and fell on top of their friend and accidentally kissed them and MinChan got upset? Sorry if it’s vague and hard to understand heh 😅
I wrote it in the worst condition. My eyes are barely open😞. If you dont like it, plz, do send the ask again. I will happily write something better than this crap💓
Bitch hours
Pairing: bangchanxreaderxminho
Warning: double penetration, mean minchan, spanking.
“Hey! Welcome to my house, y/n!” Felix greeted you when you knocked on his door.
Chan and Minho, your two loving secret boyfriends, were sitting on the couch already. Their eyes were fixed on you. You looked hot in your shorts and a white button up.
“Thank you, Felix,” you smiled and went inside. You sat between your boyfriends, greeting like they weren’t just licking your mouth a couple hours ago.
“Lemme get you all some drinks that you all are here,” Felix got up.
“Ah, let me help you!,” you quickly got up to help your friend bring the drinks and other snacks.
Felix smiled and handed you some snacks to fill the bowls. You both talked about random stuff while he was pouring the drinks. Keeping in mind to give you non-alcoholic drink because you were going to drive the other two boys home.
He took the drinks first. As he was placing them down, he accidentally spilled some on the marble tiled floor. “Ah, be careful over here,” he sat down, not caring much about it.
You came back with the bowls filled with everyone’s favourite treats. You put the tray on the table and move towards the couch to sit next to Felix.
But your feet slipped on the wet floor and fell on Felix. Your eyes were tightly shut, waiting for the huge impact. But instead of something hurtful, your lips felt another pair of pillowy lips on them. Your eyes opened and met another pair of huge eyes looking into yours.
The room fell dead silent. Bang Chan’s hand was hovering over the chips bowl. Minho’s hand was in mid air with the flute of champagne in it.
They saw yours and Felix’s lips pushed together. Something burned inside their chests. Their eyes met and then snapped back.
You hastily removed yourself from him, “sorrysorrysorry,” you started chanting. More to your boyfriends than Felix.
“Uh,” Felix cleared his throat, “no, it’s okay! It was my fault, I should have cleaned the floor right away.”
The whole evening went awkwardly. You wanted to go back home and shower the feeling away. Your boyfriends were tense too. They didn’t speak to you the whole evening and were glaring at you whenever your eyes met.
Now, the three of you were at home. You made a quick journey towards your bathroom to take a good shower. Your clothes were on the floor in a pile, and you were about to step into the shower when you felt strong arms holding you and picking you up in the air.
In the blink of an eye, you were sandwiched between two hard chests, that were heaving heavily.
“You should stop whoring around too much, love,” Minho hissed, his breath fanning your face.
“How was the kiss, slut?” Bang Chan clutched your waist, fingers digging into your skin.
You knew this was coming, sooner or later. Their possessiveness was beyond your knowledge. They didn't want to disclose the relationship that was considered taboo but was a pleasure for the three of them.
“Chan, we gotta teach her who she belongs to,” Minho's voice dangerously fell low. The grumble in his chest vibrated against you.
Bang Chan chuckled darkly, “oh, she is in for a ride,” then turned you around to face him. He pinched your cheeks together making your pout pop out.
Chan bit your lips and kissed messily, tongue entering your hot mouth. Minho took his time running his hands over your body and finding their way towards your pussy.
Minho's palm harshly cupped your pussy and rubbed it. With his free hand, he pried your legs open and slapped your cunt. You flinched and moaned in Chan’s mouth.
“So wet already?” Minho tsked. “Bet it's because of that kiss that your pussy enjoyed too much.”
“No,” you whined.
“Shut up!” Bang Chan clutched your hair and pulled them back, harshly. “You can not get away from the punishment, you fucking whore. Gotta remind you who you belong to and mark you good,” his lips immediately attached to your neck. His teeth sunk into your skin, leaving a pleasurable sting. He was bruising your neck while sucking the skin. Soon he found your sweet spot that made you hum in pleasure.
You felt Minho's hands on your ass, trying to part them. His cold and slicked fingers rubbed your rim. Your eyes fell on the strawberry-flavoured lube on the washbasin.
Your mouth fell open with a silent moan when you felt Minho's warm cock circle around your rim and pushed inside slowly. “Fuck,” his voice shuddered. “Need to fuck this ass more… Doesn't feel like it has been ever used.” he bottomed out in your ass.
He didn't think twice about your comfort or discomfort. This was your punishment. You needed to feel it too. No matter how bad he felt about it inside but the image of you kissing someone else burned his veins.
You moaned half in pleasure and half in pain when his long cock thrusted into you. “You like that, slut?” Bang Chan rasped. “You like that cock in your ass?”
“Yeah,” your head rolled back on Minho's shoulder. He held your neck from behind and tightened it, choking just enough to make your head feel dizzy.
“I bet her other hole feels so neglected and useless,” Chan bit your nipple. “Shall I fill it up?”
You gasped at his words. They have never done that before, using your ass and pussy at the same time. Your puppy eyes looked into Chan’s raging ones.
“Looks like our slut would like it, won't you?” Chan rubbed your clit painfully slowly while Minho was thrusting deeper and steadier. “Or maybe we should call Felix too, no? Then we will have all of your holes filled,” his middle and ring fingers found their way into your pussy. And then he held his cock with the same hand and brought it closer to your slit before rubbing it over your cunt.
Chan was quick to fill you up with his cock. “Oh my God,” you hissed.
Minho felt Chan entering you, his face scrunched up and felt that his cock was being even more suffocated.
They both thrusted turn by turn. They plunged hard and fast into your holes. You felt the pain but you were too fucked up to even form a sentence.
“Fucking slut, so ready to open her legs for everyone,” Minho left your neck and kneaded your boobs. Their balls were hitting your skin. Their cocks were filling you up so well. You felt so full of them.
“Will you do that again?! Are you going to whore around like that again?!” Chan harshly asked.
“No!” your tears ran down your cheeks. “No, only two you,” you were fucked.
Their hips worked faster into you. Minho was feeling Chan moving inside you. If he was long and thick, Chan was longer and thicker. Minho felt like he was getting punished for some reason. He loved it.
“I'm gonna cum,” you screamed.
They stopped inside you suddenly, snatching away your sweet orgasm. “No,” you cried. “Don't do that!” your face was red and your nose ran down along with your tears.
The boys, deep down in their hearts, felt bad but the jealousy clouded their minds. They started pushing in and out again, picking up pace. They were trying to approach their high.
Your hot velvety walls hugged them so well. Your slick was running down your thighs and was slicking up Chan’s balls.
“Fuck,” Minho moaned when he felt you clenching around them. “Cum with me, Channie.”
“Yeah,” he later moaned. “Gonna fill up her cunt. Gonna fucking mark her and let her know she belongs to us and no one else. Wanna see our cum leaking out of her cunt and ass while she takes to every one of our friends.” the image of it pulled the both towards their high.
Your cunt and ass clenched around them, finally making them fill you up to the brim. Your cunt was throbbing and hurting, begging for a mind-blowing orgasm. You wanted to cum but they were quick to pull out and push you onto the counter.
Minho spread your legs open and they saw their cum dripping out of your cunt and asshole. Your ass was swollen with the force Minho used.
Chan slapped your ass once. “Ahhnngh,” you moaned. Then twice. Thrice. Till ten. He spanked you hard, releasing his jealousy on you.
“I hope tonight will remind you of us before you open your legs in front of anyone,” Chan said before he left.
Your ass was sore and your legs turned into jelly. But you still managed to clean yourself and took a shower. Your body was hurting and asking for care.
When you stepped into your room, no one was there. You felt like crying, covering your head with the sheets and letting the tears out. Then you felt the bed dip from two sides then you were pulled out of the sheets gently and settled on Chan’s lap. He caressed your body and Minho brought some food for you to eat. He specially hand-fed you.
“Be careful next time,” Minho gently caressed your head. “We hate to see others enjoy what is ours. We just love you.”
“Mhm, we love you a lot to see you in that situation, love,” Chan pecked your pouty lips. “Forgive me for what I said. You know I don't mean it.”
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roseofdarkness0 · 1 year
More Incorrect quotes but this time Poly shipping bc yes:
Married Au Incorrect Quotes + Drabble
Florida : Why are your tongues purple?
Louisiana: We had slushies. I had a blue one.
Texas : I had a red one.
Florida : oh.
Florida :
Florida : OH.
DC: You drank eachothers slushies?
New York : Look, I know you think my judgement's clouded because I like DC a little bit.
Gov: holding New York 's notepad You doodled your wedding invitation.
New York : No, that's our joint tombstone.
Gov: My mistake.
Louisiana: I’ve never asked someone out. How do you even do it?
Florida : Oh, what I do is, I look them up and down and I say: “Hey… how you doin’?”
Cali, scoffing: Oh, please.
Florida , to Cali: Hey, how you doin’?
Cali: giggles and blushes
Texas : The first time I saw you, you stole my heart.
Gov: But I'm a kleptomaniac, so that doesn't mean anything.
New York : You don't need my blessing to go kiss Gov. In fact, I was pretty sure you were already kissing Gov!
Cali: Nope.
New York : In that case, as the archbishop of Cali's fully awakened gaydom, I give you my blessing to immediately leave and rectify that as soon as possible! Go now, my child, and kiss Gov right on the lips!!!
Cali: We’re getting married, bitches!
New York : And we're about to make it everybody else's problem.
Louisiana: So, what is Florida to you?
DC: The reason I wake up every morning.
Louisiana: ...That’s adorable.
Florida earlier that morning, barging into DC′s room, smacking pans together: WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!!!
Louisiana: DC is too tall for me to kiss them on the lips. What should I do?
Gov: Punch them in the stomach. Then, when they double over in pain, kiss them.
Texas : Tackle them!
Cali: Dump them.
New York : Kick them in the shin!
DC: No to all of those! Just ask me to lean down!!
Cali: My crush isn’t picking up on my hints.
Gov: What hints have you given them?
Cali: Well, I think about them a lot.
Cali: And sometimes I even think about talking to them.
Texas : There's no way they like me back.
New York : Louisiana would throw themself in front of a moving car for you.
Texas : Louisiana would throw themself in front of a moving car for fun.
Gov: Since we're in a relationship now, your clothes are my clothes too. Don't ask me why I have your shirt on, this is our shirt.
Florida : Fine, but when I come strutting in with your fuzzy socks I don't want to hear shit.
Florida : Hey, Cali, what do you think it would be like if we had kids?
Cali: What would it be like? Inconvenient, mostly.
Florida : No, I mean, what would they be like, the kids? You ever think about it?
Cali: Can't really say I have.
Florida : You know, for someone as eccentric as yourself, you can be boring as fuck sometimes.
Cali: Sorry, Florida . For what it's worth, I'm picturing them now. A boy and a girl. Two perfect little freaks of nature raised by people who've clearly got no business bringin' up anybody.
Louisiana: How do you know how to kiss? Like who teaches you?
New York : Well it’s actually a class, but unfortunately it’s full right now.
New York : Would you like me to tutor you?
DC: That was smooth.
Cali: I asked Gov out.
Florida : Oh, I’m sorry.
Cali: Why?
Florida : Well, I assume they said no.
Cali: No, they said yes.
Florida : Really? Then I’m sorry for them.
Cali: Is there anyone here who’s actually straight?
DC: raises hand
Texas : puts their hand down
at 3am
Florida : runs into Texas ’s room and turns on the light Wake up sleepyhead!
Texas : wakes up Dude!
Florida : cackles
Gov: sits up from where they were sleeping behind Texas What the fuck, Florida ?
Florida : jaw drops Wait WHAT-
Cali: Hey, New York , are you free on Friday? Like around eight?
New York : Yeah.
Cali: And you, Texas ?
Texas : Umm... yes?
Cali: Great! Because I'm not. You two go out without me. Enjoy your date!
Texas : Did they just-
Gov: DC, you'll be working with Florida and New York .
DC: Alright! My fantasy threesome!
Everyone else: blank stares
DC: ...Of people on a team.
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simmer-until-tender · 11 months
Sims tag
Thanks to those who tagged me~
1. what’s your favorite sims death?
satellite. It's so sudden and random and weird. Death be that way sometimes.
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
whatever makes my game look like a dog ate a box of crayons and vomited all over everything
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight?
hell nah, I have too many skinny bitches in my game as it is
4. Do you use move objects?
religiously, and then I yell at my sims when they throw routing errors
5. Favorite mod?
whichever one makes the hobby NPCs go fuck themselves
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got?
I got university from the library lol but I think the first one I owned was open for business, which was a revelation at the time. I always wanted nightlife but was too afraid to ask my mom for it cause it looked SEXY. now, as an adult, can confirm nightlife is the best one. but I am a sexual deviant, so.
7.  Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing?
in my head it's like "aLIVE" but from a linguistic perspective I gotta concede that the "LIVing" pronunciation makes more sense because it's consistent with the other modes (buy/build) which are verbs not adjectives
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
I hate all my loser sims I guess I have a sweet spot for a child sim I made back when I was a child. She lived in a trailer, had big droopy eyes like Brittany Spears, and was named Miami.
9.  Have you made a simself?
yeah I basically always have one but she's a townie. to play her would be weird. here's the bitch
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10. What sims traits do you give yourself?
sloppy and lazy yeeeeeee
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11. Which is your favorite EA hair color?
the custom mohawk colors bro
12. Favorite EA hair?
this bitch still has a hold on me
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13. Favorite life stage?
I like teens, they're so sassy, getting them to do their homework sucks but also unlike children they can just get bad grades, nobody cares
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the game play?
I'm a builder but I'm trying not to give up on gameplay. It's not working.
15. Are you a CC creator?
not really, I like recoloring things to look like an 80s train-wreck though
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sims squad?
.....there are sim-cliques?
17. What’s your favorite game (1,2,3,4)?
sims 3 is hideous (sorry bout it), sims 4 has lovely landscapes but the gameplay is akin to watching paint dry. I'm sure I'll love the sims 1 once I get around to playing it. I like creepy weird stuff.
18. Do you have any sims merch?
i wouldnt let myself be seen dead in sims merch also fuck EA
19. Do you have a youtube for sims?
I have too much CC to also run a screen recorder without tons of crashing lol I have no self control
20. How has your “sims style” changed throughout your years of playing?
with every passing day i am more of a builder and more of a maximalist also i keep making animal sims now like some kind of furry *shudders*
21. What’s your origin ID?
lol just say no to origin
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22. Who’s your favorite cc creator?
who made the baby bbq? them
23. How long have you had a simblr?
since 2017. I was a baby in undergrad then. making sims stories was like my therapy. now im an adult with real therapy.
24. How do you edit your pictures?
I churn them mindlessly through photoscape generally. anything else is too much work.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next?
I'm not sure who has/hasn't done this. I'll tag @sicksadsim, @pixelatedpanic, @letomills, @snapdragoned, @ivycopur, @bubuthejedi, @lifetime-want
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sopebubbles · 2 years
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Chapter three
Summary: How many men will it take to save you? To be honest, you've gotten pretty used to saving yourself. Even though you're far from a delicate thing, Los Angeles is a dangerous place you can't seem to escape no matter how hard you try. The top 7 members of Bangtan should never have crossed your path, but they soon find they'd do just about anything to help you escape your past and make it safe for you to stay. But will you?
Genre: mafia au, poly, angst, some smut, honestly a lot more fluff than i expected, POC reader/oc
Warnings: toxic relationship, cursing, angst, oops
WC: 5K
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"You better have a good fucking reason for pulling me out of her bed tonight," Taehyung growled as he slid into the seat of the car Jungkook was driving. 
"We got a tip that the Chinese are on their way to the club tonight. So it's all hands on deck," Jungkook told him as he drove down the street. 
"Left my fucking gun in the car," Tae muttered. 
"Glove box."
Taehyung popped open the door and took out a handgun. "If any of them show up tonight they're gonna die, and if they don't, it's gonna be you with a bullet in you for pulling me away from that beautiful girl."
"What, her pussy's made of gold?" Jungkook smirked.
"Bitch, it might be. I'll let you know if she ever lets me touch her again." Taehyung sighed regretfully. "It was our first time. Her first time, I think."
"Shit. That's tough luck, hyung."
Taehyung looked out the window as they pulled up to the club. Patrons were still pouring out. Namjoon would have shut the place down as a precaution. It was close to closing time anyway. 
"I'll let her yell at me tomorrow and then we can have makeup sex," Taehyung smiled hungrily.
"Sounds healthy."
"Fuck healthy. It's fucking hot."
"How does Jimin feel about the whole Val thing?"
"It's Jimin. He doesn't give a shit. He wants to fuck everything that moves anyway. As long as I still fuck him when he wants, I don't think he could care any less." 
Jungkook hummed as the flow of people slowed out of the front doors and the two finally got out of the car.
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It had ended up being a long and bloody night. After Taehyung had arrived home and washed off all the blood and sex from his body, he wished for nothing more than to be able to slide into bed with you and hold you tight, shut out all the dark things in the world he would try so hard to hide from you. But how long would he manage to keep them hidden?
He slept late, not having gotten to bed until well past 4am. When he awoke it was nearly twelve hours later. He searched around for his phone, but found the battery dead since he'd forgotten to plug it in when he got home. He sighed heavily as he reached for the cord and then dragged himself out of bed. He washed his face and brushed his teeth, doing his best to tame his bed head before going to the closet to pull out a pair of white shorts and red short sleeved button down that youd said you liked on him once. After letting his phone charge a bit, he was disappointed to find there were no messages from you. Maybe you were more mad at him than he thought. He couldn't blame you, and he was just as mad. The only place he had wanted to be last night was in your warm little bed. He promised himself he'd be back there as soon as possible.
He wrote you a text to say he'd see you at the bar, but he deleted it, deciding to surprise you instead. The house seemed quiet when he came down the stairs and he almost thought he'd get out unnoticed. 
No sound preceded Namjoon's voice. "There's a shipment tonight."
Taehyung turned to find the man sitting in his favorite chair, a book open on his lap. 
"I know. I'll be there."
"Thanks for what you did last night." Namjoon spoke without looking at him. 
"Of course. You know I'd do anything for you, hyung."
"Heard about your girl. I'm sorry."
"Ah, it's alright. I'll go pick up some flowers and say I'm sorry. I'm sure it will be fine." Tae jingled his keys anxiously. 
"Good. You should bring her to the club sometime. I'd like to meet her. You seem to be very invested in her."
A dopey smile took over Taehyung's face. "I am. I think that I'm falling in love with her. But-" he took a deep breath. "I just want to keep her away from all this for now."
Namjoon hummed. "If you want her to be a part of your life you can't keep it from her."
"Yeah, well you have Jungkook. You wouldn't get it."
"And you have Jimin."
"It's not the same, hyung, you know it. She's different, and I want to protect her." Namjoon finally looked up at his younger brother to see the hint of desperation in his eyes. "I'm just saying, you can't protect her by lying. Being in her life right now, with everything going down with the triads makes her unsafe, not knowing could put her in real danger. She should at least know who to turn to if things go south."
"She's got me, hyung. I gotta go fix things with her. Bye." Taehyung abruptly cut off the conversation and headed for the door.
"Don't be late tonight!" The older man yelled after him.
Taehyung stopped by a small shop on his way to Little Bar to pick up a bouquet of roses, even if it felt a little cliche. When he arrived at the bar it was dead, with only one older regular nursing his beer in the corner. He didn't see you, only Mariana. 
"Where's Val? I thought she was working today?" Taehyung asked, folding his arms over the back of one of the tall chairs. 
Mariana's eyes flashed from his face to the flowers in his hands and she scoffed. "She was supposed to, but I took her shift, since she can't get out of bed."
"Can't get out of bed? What happened to her?" Panic crept into his voice and he leaned in closer.
"You tell me," she glared. "She was a broken mess when I got home last night and it's your fault."
Taehyung cringed at the accusation. "I didn't-"
"Tae, you can't just leave a girl like that!"
"I– it was an emergency! I didn't have a choice!"
Mariana shut him down and turned away. "Don't waste your breath explaining it to me."
"Gimme your keys so I can go see her. I'll explain." He begged, following her down the bar as she cleaned.
"Hell no. I'm not gonna help you get to her again. It's your mess, you clean it up, culero."
"That's a new one, thanks," Taehyung muttered before he exited the bar with his head hung low. 
Taehyung walked the few blocks to your apartment and looked around. There wasn't anyone on the street. He could yell at you from the gate and try to get your attention. Maybe someone would come and he could convince them to let him in. Maybe they would just call the police. He took another look up and down the street and opted to climb over the fence in one of the vulnerable points he'd spotted weeks ago. In spite of how tall the fence was, the only real difficulty once he got a foothold on the adjoining wall was trying to do it without damaging your flowers, but he managed. He took the stairs two at a time to the second floor, rushing to your door and knocking loudly. 
At first he didn't hear any movement at all and he knocked again, louder and longer, maybe you were sleeping and needed to be woken up. He wouldn't leave until you answered the door. 
"Val!" He yelled your name as he continued to knock for several minutes, and annoyed neighbors peeked through their blinds and cracked doors. "Cmon, Val. Talk to me. Let me explain." When you still didn't answer he finally took out his phone and called you, hearing your phone ring from inside a second later. There were still no movements inside as you let the phone ring out until your voicemail picked it up. Taehyung groaned in frustration, but he was starting to feel really worried. What if you were hurt or sick or something really had happened to you? What if you were gone?
"Valentina, listen to me. At least come to the door to let me know you're okay. Let me fix things. Please." His voice was softer and calmer now. He only had to wait a moment before he heard the creaking of your floorboards. 
"I'm fine, Taehyung. You can leave." Your voice was barely audible from the other side, but he heard it and it hurt his heart. 
"I don't want to leave. I need to see you." You didn't respond, but you didn't move away either. "Open the door, Valentina."
You left him hanging another moment, and when you did finally open the door you left the chain on it. 
"Val, please," he begged, looking heartbroken at the defense mechanism used against him. "Let me in."
"You don't need to come in. I'm fine. Go away." You wouldn't look at his face and he realized things were much worse than he thought. He searched your face for signs of the anger he had expected. But there was no heat in your gaze, no brutal words waiting on your lips. He looked for signs you had been crying, hoping he wouldn't see them yet feeling even more desperate when he didn't. No red puffy eyes or nose. All he found were dark bags under vacant irises, as if you hadn't slept, eaten or even drank any water since he'd  left you. Because he'd left you.
"Baby, I'm sorry. There was a family emergency last night and I had to go. I didn't want to. I swear I would have much rather been with you," he started to apologize. He watched you take a deep breath and close your eyes. A few seconds passed and when you opened your eyes, they blazed. 
"Don't come back here now and make excuses, Tae," you spat at him. 
"I'm not!" He whined. "I should have told you last night but I was in a rush and I didn't know how to explain, so I just left. I shouldn't have left you like that. I'm sorry, baby. Let me make it up to you."
You scoffed at him. "Go back to the club if you're looking for a quick fuck, Taehyung. Stop wasting my time."
"What? No! Is that what you think? Baby, no!" He tried to convince you, and the desperation wasn't hard to sell because he was telling the truth. 
He held the bouquet up to his chest so that you could see them for the first time. 
"Are those for me?" You asked timidly. 
"Of course they are, baby. There's no one else for me, Val."
You considered for a second, lips pouted. "Let me have them."
"Let me in."
"Pass them through the door, and I'll consider it."
Tae caved. He was the one doing the groveling here, afterall. He sighed and slipped the heads of the flowers through the opening in your door. Before he could get them all the way through, you slammed the door on the stems.
"Aw, Val, come on!" Taehyung whined.
"Vete al demonio!" You shouted back and walked away from the door.
Tae sighed and rubbed his forehead harshly. But then he stopped to think for a moment. Anger was his best case scenario. It was easily a step up from sadness and miles above the empty look he'd seen in you before. If anything, your anger meant you had already forgiven him, or at least you were on the way. He just needed to push your buttons a little more and you'd be a mess of kisses in no time. 
"You don't mean that, Val. Now let me in or I'm breaking down the door!"
"Don't you fucking dare!"
"You know I will, Val! You let me in or I'm coming in but I'm not leaving."
"You're such an asshole!"
"I know, baby," he replied calmly, almost in a laugh. "But I'm an asshole who loves you."
Suddenly the door whipped open. "Don't fucking say shit like that right now."
Tae rushed in the open door and scooped you up in his arms. "It's true though, baby, I love you."
You wrapped your legs around his trunk and kicked the door closed in the process. 
"I love you so much," he continued, peppering kisses up and down your neck. 
"Then why did you leave me?" You whined into him.
"I'm so sorry, gorgeous. I didn't have a choice. It really was an emergency."
"You went to see Jimin," you pouted. Taehyung pulled back from you, running over his final moments with you last night.
"My brother was in trouble. Jimin was with him. Is that what's been going through your pretty little head? You thought I left you for Jimin?"
You nodded, lips still pouted. "He called and you left. And you must like him more than me."
Taehyung chuckled. You were too damn cute. "Everyone needs to stop worrying about Jimin. Jimin and I are fuck buddies. We care about each other as friends, and that matters, but I don't love him like I do you, and he doesn't love me that way either. If it weren't my family, which admittedly Jimin is connected with, nothing would have dragged me from you last night. Especially not Jimin. I'm so sorry I left you with doubts." He kissed the side of your face before he kissed your chapped lips.
"Is your brother okay?" You asked, still in pout. Taehyung guessed it would take lots of kisses and maybe a treat or two to get you to stop. That was okay by him.
"Yeah. Everyone is safe now. But I will have to go later to take care of something."
"No!" You whined and buried your face in his neck. God why did he love it so much when you acted like a brat?
"Not until tonight. Right now I'm all yours. Let's go get something to eat and then I'll take you to buy anything you want."
"Can I have you? In my bed?" You asked with open mouth kisses on his neck. 
"Yeah, you can. You can have me for free," he grinned as he rushed you over to your corner. 
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You weren't particularly materialistic but you didn't stop Taehyung when he tried to buy his way back into your good graces, because you were desperate to believe he loved you—to be loved period. You were desperate enough for it to ignore the warning signs about who he really is as they piled up. You didn't ask questions about where the money came from for the nice clothes he bought you when he wanted to take you out for a nice date, even though he continued to be vague about what he did for work. He was still hiding details about his family, telling you as little about them as possible. Even when he materialized an apartment out of seemingly nowhere, you didn't ask any questions, not wanting to know the truth.
The time you spent with Taehyung was so liberating when he let you be someone different; it made you feel so distant from who you really were that you refused to see any similarities between your present and your past. You ignored the cringey feelings that creeped up your spine sometimes when he was controlling or overprotective, believing that he just loved you so much he needed to be with you and make sure you were safe every moment that he could, that he needed to know where you were at all times.
The apartment that Taehyung told you he had rented was a studio, not too far from Koreatown. Most nights you stayed there with him after you left work, always with him. He either stayed with you through your whole shift, keeping a watchful eye on everyone who came through the establishment, or he'd come in after finishing whatever "work" he had for the evening. He had told you that he drove around some rich Hollywood type, but the hours seemed irregular—just another detail you would push to the back of your mind so you could sleep in his arms at night. After work he'd take you to his little love nest and fuck you senseless, falling asleep with you held tightly to his chest. He couldn't sleep any other way.
In the mornings, you tried never to linger too long, unable to quiet the voice that told you if you spent too much time in his space, he would tire of you or punish you for it, even though he always seemed to be trying to pull you back into bed. 
He frequently went with you to the gym, saying he had to make sure men stayed away from what was his, until you stopped going altogether because you weren't comfortable anymore. 
But most of the time, when neither of you were working, you had adventures, went to the movies, played on the beach—though you never took your shirt off, much less wore a bathing suit. Taehyung would take you to do practically anything you wanted, everything you'd previously been denied. He fed you such an illusory freedom that you couldn't help but want to be with him. Nights he couldn't spend with you or had to leave because of some emergency left you feeling empty and better, and it terrified you.
And of course you still fought like cats and dogs. You'd complain about how overbearing he was just to have him grab you and tell you how much he loved you. If he wanted you mattered more than if the manner in which he wanted you was correct. At the end of the day, even if Taehyung knew he was making you less and less safe, he made you feel safe. And safe and free were the only two things you'd ever aspired to be. He made you feel so safe that you'd stopped looking over your shoulders and checking locked doors. 
One night in August you were just at the beginning of a closing shift. The place was pretty busy, and Mariana and another girl were working with you. Your back was turned, pouring a draft when you heard Taehyung's voice low and threatening. 
"The fuck you looking at?"
You sighed and turned to see your boyfriend glaring at one of your favorite regulars. "What's the problem, mi amor?"
"This guy was staring at your ass," Tae accused.
"Here you go, Eddie," you said as you handed the man his beer. "Ignore him."
"What? You're just gonna let him look at you like that?" Eddie made the smart move and took his beer away to the farthest corner. 
"He's harmless," you shrugged.
"Oh, so I guess you'd let him touch you if he wanted to, too?"
"Taehyung, stop. If he tried to touch me I'd beat his ass. But he wouldn't, so stop it."
Taehyung laughed. "I'd like to see that, actually."
You crossed your arms and stared at him. "I'll beat your ass too, if you don't quit. So drink your beer and shut up or leave. You're driving away all my good customers." You mumbled as you cleaned a bit of a drink you'd spilled.
"You don't need them."
You laughed loudly. "I need to pay my bills."
He shrugged. "Easy. Come live with me. I'll take care of everything."
You looked over at Mariana and you both rolled your eyes. "Cállate. No digas tonterías," you said quietly.
"I'm serious. I can give you everything you need."
"I have everything I need," you insisted.
Taehyung opened his mouth to argue with you, but his phone rang. He quickly dug the device out of his pocket and turned slightly away from you to talk, not that it made a difference since he was speaking in hushed Korean anyway. Honestly, you were glad for the interruption. You hated conversations like these, when Taehyung's possessive and controlling tendencies crossed your boundaries, even if you couldn't speak of them. It made your muscles tense and triggered a fight or flight response in you that you struggled to control. It made your heart beat fast and your skin sweat, but not as bad as what Taehyung said when he got off the phone.
"I have to go do something for my brother. I'm sorry." He sounded annoyed, bordering on angry, but you felt a little relieved that he was leaving for a while. 
"Okay. That's okay, babe." You kept a blank expression so he wouldn't see how your body eased.
"I'll be back to pick you up when you close," he promised. "Wait for me, alright. Don't go out alone."
"I'll be fine, Tae," you giggled as he met you at the space between two sections of the bar to give you a kiss and grab your ass. 
"I love you. Don't let any of these guys touch what belongs to me."
You scoffed. "I don't belong to you, Taehyung!"
He grinned and pecked another kiss to your lips. "Of course you do."
It made your skin crawl and your blood boil, to be spoken of as a possession. You felt dizzy as you opened your mouth to say something, but he was already gone. 
The night passed quickly with how busy the bar stayed. You barely thought about what Taehyung had said to you before he left or how it made you feel, not until you were closing up. The bouncer, Alex, asked if you wanted him to stay, when Taehyung hadn't shown up by two o'clock, but you told him you'd be okay. Taehyung was almost never late and if he was it was only by a little bit. You would just wait inside like he asked you to. But after thirty minutes had passed, you were tired and you were starting to get worried. You had sent Taehyung text messages but they went unanswered. When you tried to call you realized it was because his phone was off, sending you straight to voicemail. That was weird, but maybe his phone just died and he was already on his way. You swallowed the lump in your throat and waited. 
After a whole hour had passed you were ready to give up. Something must have come up. You tried not to think of worst case scenarios. Something came up and his battery had died and even though he really wanted to be there, he couldn't and he would explain and make it up to you tomorrow. Everything would be fine. No need to create wild theories and accusations in your mind. 
With a sigh, you slid off the barstool you'd been whiling away your time at. You flipped it up on the bar and went out the door. You locked it quickly and turned to go home. It wasn't far, a straight shot just two blocks ahead. As you approached the alley, a man stepped out that you recognized vaguely. He was Asian, but not any of Taehyung's friends that you'd met. No, you'd seen him a few hours ago inside the bar. Had he been waiting for you all this time? 
"Hey, baby," the man leered at you. 
Your blood ran cold and you stopped in your tracks a few yards away from him. Your hands curled into fists as your right foot slid back. 
"Whatever you want, you're not gonna get it. So you might as well leave," you warned him. 
"That's really cute," he smiled before you felt a cloth cover your mouth and a body press against your back. And then you went limp. 
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Taehyung slammed the car door, pissed that Namjoon had called him to the house when he was supposed to be free for the night. He drove too fast through the streets all the way to Beverly Hills, and stomped into the house like a petulant child. 
"What the hell do you want?" He barked at Namjoon. 
"What the hell has gotten into you?" Namjoon asked as he continued to get dressed for the evening. 
"I'm supposed to be with Val tonight."
Namjoon rolled his eyes. "You're with Val every night. It's started to take a real toll on your work, too. I think a night away will be good for you both."
"A night away? The fuck is going on?" 
"I need you to go down to San Diego to bail out Dongsun." Namjoon looked at his adopted brother in the mirror as he spoke. "Don't pout. Val will be fine without you for one night."
"You don't know that. She could be in danger."
"And whose fault is that?"
"Yours, as a matter of fact," Taehyung pointed out. 
Namjoon sighed heavily and turned to look at him. "Look, it's just a quick trip to San Diego, get Dongsun out and come back. If you leave now you might still be able to get your dick wet tonight."
Taehyung groaned. "It's really not about that, hyung. I get this horrible feeling when I'm not with her, like I'll never see her again."
"You're just in love, Taehyung. Or obsessed. Honestly, I think some time away would be healthy for you."
"We can't leave Dongsun in jail until tomorrow?"
"No. He needs to be out tonight. And Jin and I need Jungkook and Hobi with us at this meeting. You're the only one that can take care of this for me."
Taehyung sighed. "Why has Dongsun always been such a fuck up?"
"Hey, that's your cousin. I just hope it doesn't run in the family." Taehyung thought about giving him the finger, but just waved him off instead. "Hey take one of our cars, not yours," Namjoon called after him as Taehyung left the room.
Taehyung grumbled to himself the whole drive to San Diego, which took longer because he hit rush hour traffic on top of a huge accident. By the time he got there it was nearly midnight. Then he had to wake up the DA and drop off the money to get the charges dropped—clearly not a first time occurrence, but a major pain in the ass. After giving his cousin an earful and practically kicking him out of the car, Taehyung was back on the I-5 to Los Angeles. It didn't make him feel any better though. No matter how fast he drove, there was no way he was going to get to you on time. His phone died and he didn't have a charger in the car, so he couldn't call you. He thought about stopping to buy one, but it would only slow him down. 
Taehyung pulled up to your apartment at half past three. He could still see the light on in the living room, so he thought you might be awake. After checking the street, he climbed over the fence and raced up to your door. He tried to knock quietly so he wouldn't disturb anyone, but when you didn't answer he knocked louder and called your name. 
"What the hell are you doing here?" Jimin asked when he answered the door shirtless. 
"What the hell are you doing here?" Taehyung fired back, although it was clear he had interrupted something. 
"I'm with Mariana, obviously. But why aren't you with Val?"
"Val's not here?" Taehyung panted.
Jimin shook his head. "Mariana said you were supposed to pick her up after her shift."
"I was! But Namjoon hyung sent me to fucking San Diego, and I just got back. I figured she'd be here."
Mariana appeared at the edge of the living room, a sweater wrapped around her naked body. "That pendeja is probably still waiting for you at the bar like you told her to," she said, shaking her head.
Taehyung sighed. "One fucking time she listens to me. Thanks. Sorry for interrupting," he smirked at Jimin.
"Good-fucking-night," Jimin replied and shut the door quickly.
Taehyung rushed back down the steps and through the gate, letting it clang loudly behind him as he ran down the street to get to you. But he never made it inside, because your bag was laying at the edge of the alleyway. He picked it up and looked inside. Everything was there, your cell phone, your wallet, your keys. The only thing that had been taken was you.
Taehyung ran every red light on the way back to the mansion. When he came into the house slamming the front door, he was at least twice as mad as he had been hours ago.
"What is it now?" Namjoon asked as he felt the rage roll off of Taehyung. 
"This is your fault, hyung!" 
"She's gone! I wasn't there to pick her up from work, and now she's gone!"
"Well maybe-"
"No. She's not at home. I found her goddamn purse on the ground in the alley behind her bar. Someone took her, hyung." Taehyung's heavy breaths were the only sound in the room while Namjoon, Jungkook and Yoongi stared at him. "Hyung, where is she?" Taehyung asked, the anger in his voice replaced by desperation. 
Namjoon swallowed. He couldn't stop the feeling of guilt that swirled in his stomach. Maybe he should have listened to Taehyung's gut feeling earlier. "We'll help you find her, Tae. We'll-"
The leader's words were interrupted when a phone started to ring. All the men patted their pockets but it wasn't coming from any of them. It was your phone, Taehyung realized and pulled it quickly out of your bag. 
"Val?" He asked, his voice was steady.
"She's here. She's safe, for now. She can stay alive if you come and exchange yourself for her."
"Where are you?" Taehyung asked without hesitation. 
"I'll text you the address. Come alone, or neither of you will make it out alive."
The line went dead and Taehyung started at the screen waiting for something to come through. 
"I gotta go," Taehyung mumbled when the message came in. 
"Take Kook and Hobi with you," Namjoon instructed. 
Taehyung shook his head and spoke quietly. "No, he said to come alone."
"That's not happening," Namjoon replied firmly. "They're going to go with you and make sure you both come back alive. Jungkook, you drive. Bring her back here. I wanna meet this girl." 
Jungkook didn't waste a second, getting up from his seat and patting Taehyung on the back as he walked toward the door. Hoseok followed right behind.
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ch1lde-mora · 1 year
sdjfso hello!!! shanna's here to bother you with another request!!! because well we're [peace sign] not doing good up there in the ol' nogging umu but could i maybe get some soft ch//ya hcs with holding hands maybe,,, i want someone to hold my hand (v pls hold my hand qwq ilysm i hope you're doing well)
HII SHANNA!!! Im so sorry ur brain isnt brbrbrbr-ing,, shakes brain i hope you feel better soon!! it looks like u want poly but i’m gonna do both a la carte & poly because the brain is just feeling it rn [hearts x5] (HOLDS UR HAND ILYSM ;V; i’ve been better but still not that bad!!) thank u sm sm shanna~!! xoxo, v (edit 3 months later: ik ur probably out n about and feeling better but i wanted to get this out for you!! ur such a sweet person ty for giving me this req)
(edit, ONE YEAR AND 6 MONTHS LATER: wow i really thought i got this out and i didn’t.. Time to make things right 💪 EXTREMELY SORRY FOR THE DELAY WAAAAAH ;;)
they r in my heart forever i love these two
Childe’s definitely in the middle of you two when you all hold hands
Swings your hands back and forth and tries to walk faster, but Kaeya won’t let you guys LOL
Hums his fav snezhnayan song if you’re lucky!
Interlocks all of your fingers too
Kaeya is more chill when you guys are all together, content with just lacing fingers and walking (albeit slowly) to wherever you need to go
If childe’s not humming you guys will usually talk quietly amongst yourselves just about common things like the groceries or plans with friends later
He would never tell you, but Childe really enjoys all the simple domestic stuff you guys get to enjoy like this
Kaeya usually rubs the fingers of whoever’s hand he’s holding (in this case, Childe’s) with his thumb as you guys walk and doesn’t comment on it, mention it or expect anyone to mention it at all. It’s just something that he does
When sitting at a table, they will have you in the middle holding hands under said table
It’s really funny trying to eat/drink this way 
Because when they try to let go to actually eat you might look at them with those pleading puppy eyes just screaming “don’t let go 🥺” 
Either you’re serious about this whole hand holding thing or you’re just being a sly bitch to make this experience a whole lot more hilarious but regardless, they don’t let go and resign to eating with one hand
It’s not practical at all and I don’t see it happening very often but when you want attention, who are they to deny?
Bonus: if you’re holding both of their hands, they will feed you with their free hands 
“Need a little help? Do you perhaps have your hands full?”
(lmk if you want a one-shot format in the future because this was so fun to write)
Holds your hand anytime he cannot hold your waist, which is often
He’s always trying for some sort of physical contact, whether that be an arm over the shoulder, around the waist, yet if those are unachievable he opts to go hand in hand with you down the street
He holds your hand shopping, he holds your hand if you guys are driving and at a red light, he holds your hand up elevators or just up STAIRS IN GENERAL?
Always rationalizing his thoughts with  “What if they fall. I should keep them from falling. I should hold their hand” when in reality he just wants to be close to you
Usually holds your hand with your fingers interlaced
If you reach out to hold hands first his cheeks might go a little rosy if he wasn’t expecting it
When in an open field like a park or clearing in a forest, he will sometimes take both of your hands and just spin you and him around like he used to do with his siblings in the snow
Sometimes if it’s really hot and you guys can’t cuddle in bed, he’ll just hold your hand instead
“Don’t you always want to hold and touch things that you love? I know I do.”
I see Kaeya as more of a person that wants a little bit more personal space when out and about, but he wouldn’t object if you initiated first
In private he would hold your hand shamelessly, but prefers to link arms if possible
I think he would charm you and ask if you wanted to hold his hand then be surprised when you actually did it
He’s held hands tons of times before (duh) but he feels like it’s more special when it’s with the one that he loves
There’s also that feeling of doing something so simple and “first-base” with someone you love that puts butterflies in your stomach when you do it for the first time in awhile
That’s what he feels like when he feels your hand in his
Doesn’t interlace his fingers but rather just grips your hand with a firm but not too tight hold
Because of his fingerless gloves and the spikes on the wrists of them, he gets a little bit scared they might poke you
Of course, the ever confident Kaeya keeps that to himself and says nothing about it, and it literally doesn’t end up ever being an issue
If you rub his hand with your thumb, he notices and fixates on it but doesn’t mention it, thinking about it for the rest of the day when he has to eventually depart for his work
“Hm.. Perhaps we should do this more often. What do you think?”
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nyctophobia-au · 2 years
For the ask characters headcanons, Pale King :3
(Also, speaking of Pale King. I fucking adored the posts talking about Vesla luring Auric away from his work with Froot Loops and swaddling him up on blankets when she's caught him. You know for a fact that after a minute or more of fighting, he eventually falls asleep and is out for HOURS)
(I also love those posts. <3) But yeah, here you are, opening the floodgates and allowing me to ramble about Auri headcanons. Be scared. <3 /lh
So, for sexuality headcanons, I've always headcanoned him as a polyamorous, pansexual individual. He's like,,, the most poly mf of the characters besides his wife. He doesn't have a gender preference at all, he tends to just gravitate to people more dominant than he is (Haha, little runt bitch baby sub. /aff) For gender headcanons, this one is slightly more specific than "He is just a dude bro homie." As a Wyrm, he was born intersex and technically genderless, and even though he retains his intersex characteristics as a little fork man, he prefers a masculine label over a feminine one, though he doesn't have any dysphoria either way. Of course, I have several ships with Auri that I am a Certified Enjoyer of: I like Auric and Vesla, Grimm and Auric, and Viktor (NKG) and Auric together respectively. :] As for BROTPs, Auri is an interesting case because he is a fucking hermit and has trouble making friends, but he is pretty decent friends with Ogrim and Lurien. I'm sorry, but Ogrim and Auri are total besties; Auri refers to him as an "acquaintance" (even though Auric likes his company), but Ogrim thinks of them as total buddies, total homies. As for Lurien, Lurien has a huge fuckin' crush on Auri and really wants to hold his hand and have Auri take him out to dinner and such. Auri is obviously dense as all hell and does not notice Lurien's crush on him at all, and thinks of them as good friends. They have a lot of similar interests and get along really well. They sit in the Watcher's Spire, and drink tea and coffee (Auric does not like tea) together, watching the rain patter on the window as they chat about themselves and the Kingdom. It's nice. :] As for NOTPs, uh,,, anything involving his kids. Fuck PK x PV, all my homies hate PK x PV (and any other gross incest shippings). A random headcanon,,, oh fuck, there are so many. Well, I'll just choose this one: He's primarily a carnivore and actively avoids other foods outside of meat. His diet consists of coffee, raw meat, cooked meat, and sweets. Sweets and coffee are the only non-meat shit he eats at all, lmao. My general opinion on him is that I LOVE HIM WITH ALL OF MY BEING AND HE IS MY VERY FAVOURITE. Thank you for coming to my Auri Ted Talk.
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cosmicck · 2 years
yo I'm back. ----------------------
Poly headcannons of Yor, Loid, and gender neatruel reader. Might be a bit ooc but whatever.
Readers pronouns: They/them
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•Feel like Yor would be attracted to anyone no matter gender just as long as you love her more than she loves you♡
•Will protect you like she be protecting Anya, she cares a lot about you and Loid, but Loid can take care of himself so mostly you-
•Feel like you guys would go on a walk in a peacful place like by a lake or a park, and just have conversation is all.
•You'll need to stop her from drinking to much-
•Cuz last time, oh dear god last time. You ended up in the hospital because she kicked You square in the stomach.
•And gyat damn could that woman kick, jeez even I feel you guys pain.
•Ok so if you like to sleep in the middle of 3 people, I think she would be a big spoon.
•C'mon I know you wanna- ok I'll stop being weird.
•If you don't like sleeping in middle then she'll cuddle you either way, she'll fund a way like Moana.
•Has totally taken you and Anya out to places dude, like she loves to see you two's faces when you see new things.
•Not very clingy but when she is she'll let you walk around but won't let go.
•If your shorter than her(bro me😢) she'll take your waist or stomach and rest her chin on your head, will follow you around.
•And if your taller than her, then she'll wrap her arms around you, and burry her face into your shoulder, and just follow you around as her pillow.
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•Mans is probly Omni with a preference for Woman honestly.
•Pretty overprotective of you but not really, lets you be pretty free, but he will not hesitate to beat a bitch if you got hurt.
•Will take you anywhere that you want to go, will buy you whatever, and not give a shit as long as your happy.
•I mean as long as it's safe he'll get it cause it'll be unfair to anya if u get it, and she can't sooo.
•You are little spoon to him if you like it or not, wants to hold you and will.
•You sleep in middle, side, floor, don't give a shit at all.
•Ok besides cuddling he doesn't seem like a clingy guy at all really, but when he is you shall not move, like you have no choice dude, you can't move.
•If your shorter than him than he'll grab you by your waist and bring you to the couch with him.
•If your taller than him, he'll just...idk u choose I'm tired-
•He'll just hold your hand. And lead you to wherever.
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•Let me be honest the COMBIED clinginess between these two is uterlly rediculous.
•Ok let us say you have a job or something and they want you to stay with them, I mean you bout to get fired cause they will clingy to you like it's the end of the world.
•Might even call anya to help help so you can stay cause, she also hates it when you leave as her parent...🥲
•Both hide being a spy, and an assasin from you, and they do everything to keep you out if it for you yo be safe.
•When you guys are on a family date you have to bring anya.
•Why?? One, her ass will get roped into some dangerous she you don't kniw about. Two, she'll be so saaaaddd...
•So you guys might go to a childrens park and you might take Damion with you guys for a cute little like 5 thing date?? Idk🤣🤣🤣
•You are being squished between some boobs and a toned chest when cuddling like a whole SANDWHICH-
•But you should enjoy these moments with them cause of the Jobs they have❤
Sorry this is kinda short and stuff since I'm finally back and it seems lazy, but school a pain in the ass damn can't wait for breaks even tho it'll be in like a month so I can post more for my small little follower group💙
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bloodlrust · 5 months
So I'm working through agoraphobia and I'm in therapy, getting a real life and talking to people and such
I met this guy about a month ago, I'm gonna keep this really short because there's a lot I could say on how we met and everything - all you* need to know is when we first met he sat on my lap for half an hour to be silly and I asked for his number or something lol (*I know nobody is reading this)
So he invites me to this local concert, right? He has his girlfriend* (*He's openly poly) and someone else who I immediately identify as my fucking coworker from my internship that's on winter break rn, like we canvassed together I've pissed in their bathroom before it's a crazy ass coincidence ??
Anyway he's crazy af he's moshing for the first two acts of the concert, he comes back the third because he's tired and hurt his leg, his girlfriend goes to the front of the stage and he asks my coworker to move to where she was sitting "To not neglect them" and he lays down, putting his legs on me and resting his head on my friend lmao
Act 4 his girlfriend comes back after some seat shifting and he goes to the bathroom, I try to make conversation with his girlfriend but she's shy and keeps it short which is fine. He comes back and squeezes in between us, I'm forced to put my arm up on the couch over him and we sat like that for awhile
I usually ignore crushes because I'm really bad at reading things and I just want friends before anything else, right?
Plus, I've heard a lot of drama with one of his exes (Who I think might just be crazy but that's a long story) and basically I just didn't think I would be his type anyway
He, sat in-between me and his girlfriend, reaches out his hand. I'm really oblivious so I just look at him until he leans over and tells me to hold his hand.
I smile and oblige, clearly I assume it's platonic as I could clearly assume he's just a physical friendly kinda guy, whatever right?
And then he does the thumb stroke thing. Like, a LOT. We spend the rest of the final set holding hands and I'm a little flustered and so many things are running through my head!
The thing is, both queer people and autists are notorious for being oblivious to romance, even if it's super obvious.
So if I say I'm scared to assume it meant anything like that because he's ALSO queer and autistic and he could've just meant it platonic‽ Or is that kinda circling back to "oblivious even if obvious"?
I don't know how to ask either, I don't want to ruin what could be a good friendship by suggesting something that I'm fine without, y'know‽
I can't afford to lose friends when it's so hard for me to get out there and make some!!! Like if it is real I'm not sure how I'd approach a real relationship. I promised myself after my ex my next relationship would be in person because long distance kinda sucked for me (mostly because my ex is/was a bitch sorry)
0 notes
fivelakesinwriting · 3 years
could i please request a drabble with the "i hate everyone but them" with rafe or barry (or both) or topper, or really any obx character that you think would fit the bill? i am obsessed with your writing, that trope, and outerbanks and think it would be perfect
Thank you so much, baby xoxo
Author's Notes: If you give me option for Rarry, I will pick them every time. This somehow turned into a "Tease Rafe" fest...so...sorry if it got out of hand...I think it came back around. Let me know what you think if you have a moment. If you requested this - I hope you love it xoxo
Warnings: Swearing, Sexual references - Sexual innuendos, Smutty- ish * (daddy kink, biting/ marking, so much teasing, poly-relationship, dom! barry, tiny bit of jealousy? unprotected sex - please use protection, your choice which!)
Requested? YES! Requests for OBX are OPEN!
*My work is not to be transferred, copied, translated or reposted to any other sites without my permission. Please see my masterlist for all other works and warnings. Thank you! xoxo
If he could have, Barry would have left the Outer Banks years ago. If he had the foresight to what would have been coming his way when he arrived here, he probably would have never hitched a ride and let his roots grow.
He hated it here. At best he tolerated it. The people were stuffy and there was always something going on. Some sort of drama that he wanted no part of. The sense that the other shoe would drop was lurking around every corner, and he hated it. He never knew what to expect.
He was thankful for two people in his life that made the OBX seem less hellish, especially in the suffocating Summer. He couldn't believe he had been so lucky to have two people love him the way they did.
Barry was outside, just tidying up the yard for the first time in a few weeks. The Summer had been so hot. A stifling, almost unbearable heat that no one wanted to do anything outside. It was the first day in a long time that he made his way outside to kick around some of the branches and leaves that had fallen from the tree that shaded over the little hut they called home.
The windows of the small home were open, allowing the soft end of Summer breeze make it's way through the house and refresh the air within. As Barry made his way around the back of the house, near the bedroom they all shared, he halted as he heard a familiar giggle of Her.
"Rafe, don't!" Her laughed echoed over the property and into Barry's chest. He walked closer to the window at the back of the house and took a peak inside. He breathed out a smile as he saw his lovers rolling around on the bed together, as naked as he left them, tangled in sheets.
"I can't bite?" Rafe muttered as his hands disappeared beneath the sheets to pull her thighs up around his hips, his face buried in the crease of her neck.
"You leave big marks, baby." She breathed out as her nails pulled down his back to leave marks of her own.
Barry would never deny that he was usually the jealous type. If he was with someone then that person was hard-pressed to get time by themselves. He had a tendency to be a bit controlling, he knew that. So when the opportunity presented itself for him to be in a "throuple" he was beyond hesitant. He wasn't sure he had the capacity to share that love with two other people. He was afraid he would get jealous when it was just the two of them, and not him. But the deeper he got, the more he realized he loved being wrapped in the arms of two people. Or watching them together.
There was nothing he loved more than watching the two people he loved please each other, scream for each other while they begged for him to join them.
"You let Him bite. Why can't I?" Rafe growled as he pulled his face up from her neck and licked his lips, his weight held on his forearms.
Rafe Cameron, on the other hand, was a jealous son of a bitch who would never admit it. He would never admit that even if it turned him on, he was jealous when it was just Barry and Her rolling around in bed together. It made Rafe jealous that Barry could sink his teeth into her skin, and he couldn't. He was too rough, lost control in the heat of the moment too often.
"You know why, Country Club." Barry stated firmly as he tapped his knuckles firmly on the window frame to get their attention.
"Daddy, come in here with us." Her smile was wide as she turned over in Rafe's arms then crawled towards the open window behind the bed. She trailed her fingertips down the screen of the window as she sat pretty and naked in front of him, her neck covered in his own soft bite marks and a few of Rafe's harsher ones.
"Be there in a second. Don't let him bite you like that. Put him in that choke hold I taught you." Barry grinned sending her a wink, placing his palm flat on the dirty window screen before he walked away. As he brushed his hands on the legs of his coveralls his smile grew as he heard Rafe's yell through the open window.
Don't, baby! Ah - fuck! Why did he teach you this!
Barry made his way into the house once more, his lover's play fighting in the bedroom getting a little louder and a little closer. He washed his hands in the kitchen sink then took his time walking down the hall. He leaned against the door frame of their bedroom and breathed out a laugh when he found them tangled in bed again.
"Woman, what are you doing to him? That's not the move I taught you." Barry laughed, his hands in his pockets as his eyes scanned them on the bed.
She was perched on top of Rafe who laid on his back with his hands behind his back. She straddled the small of his back, sitting on his hands with one of her hands rooted in his hair as the other reached forward, walking across his chest.
"Came up with a new one." She smirked over at him as she gave Rafe's hair a pull, making him groan. Barry breathed out a laugh as he walked over to the bed, his hands resting on the edge of the mattress as he leaned over to be near her lips.
"You know, I think he likes it more than you think he does." Barry mumbled as reached a hand up to push some of her messy hair off her face.
"Dude, get her off me. She's stronger than she looks." Rafe groaned as he struggled under their girl, his neck strained to see what was going on above him.
"C'mon, Country Club. Seen you take down dudes bigger than her. You can do it." Barry taunted as he pushed himself off the bed, and rounded the mattress as he unzipped his coveralls.
"I don't wanna hurt her." Rafe breathed out, his response shaky and he clenched his fists underneath her as he turned his face, pressing his cheek against the sheets.
"You won't hurt me, baby." She cooed as she pulled her nails down his back to make him shudder.
"And if you do hurt her, I'll kill you." Barry grunted as he pulled his tank top over his head, and dropped it to the floor. He stepped out of his coveralls then crawled into bed with his lovers, kneeling beside their girl and Rafe while he squirmed.
Barry inhaled sharply as he saw the raised skin on her backside, the distinct mark of Rafe's teeth marked into her sweet skin. He shook his head as he leaned forward and grabbed the finely sculpted jawline of the boy face down on the bed as he whined.
"Left some nasty marks on our girl there, Baby Boy." Barry stated firmly, his eyebrows knit together as he scanned Rafe's face before he zeroed in on the exaggerated pout he wore.
God, he couldn't handle a bit of teasing. Even from Her, and she was the nice one in their relationship.
"M'sorry." Rafe muttered as he tried to pull his face out of Barry's grip, his feet kicked up behind him to try and knock the girl off of him as gently as he could.
"Be gentle. Got it?" Barry ordered as he removed his grip on Rafe's handsome face, but pointed his index finger menacingly at him.
"Understood." Rafe nodded his breath so heavy with anticipation, frustration, he thought he might pass out.
"C'mere, woman. Let the man catch his breath." Barry smirked as he sat up on his knees and held his hand out of for the woman still perched so pretty on top of Rafe's back. When she took his hands, her body turned towards him, Barry tugged her off of Rafe and into his arms.
"You smell like sweat and dirt." She whispered, her arms and legs wrapped around him tightly as he placed her in his lap.
"Thought that's what you liked about me. That, and I keep this one in line for us." Barry nodded over her shoulder towards Rafe who was slowly sitting upright, pushing his hands through his hair with a huff.
"I help, too." She replied with a quick look over her shoulder at Rafe before she turned back to Barry and tugged at his hair, pulled back and falling out by the second.
"Got a different technique than me, but yeah." Barry chuckled as he ran his calloused fingertips down her soft spine and watched intensely as her eyes closed, and her hips rocked in his lap.
"But yours is the best." She shivered as she pressed her own fingertips to his jawline, her forehead dropped to his as she bounced in his lap a little.
"Think so?" Barry muttered as he held on to her hips as she rolled them in little circles. He could feel Rafe's eyes on them, the jealousy rising in the younger man and mingling with the frustration.
"Yes, Daddy." She whispered as she wrapped her hand around the necklace that hung low on his chest.
"Baby Boy is a little jealous. You look so pretty bouncin' in my lap, but all he got was his hands behind his back." Barry teased as he pressed one of his hands flat against her back as the other lazily beckoned a sour looking Rafe over to them.
"Not jealous." Rafe grumbled as he propped himself up on the pillows next to Barry, propped against the wall under the window. He let their girl reach her hand out to him, her hand over his heart as she shifted in Barry's lap.
"You are, baby. Don't be. I love you both." She whispered, eyes wide as Barry reached between them to guide her down onto his manhood that had been pressing at her entrance.
She gasped as Barry settled inside of her completely, releasing a throaty groan of his own. She wrapped one arm around Barry's neck to bring his head down to her shoulder as the other hand slowly walked up Rafe's chest to his handsome face, and thumbed at bottom lip.
"Kiss me. Don't pout, or I'll sit on your hands again." She breathed out with a smile as she ran the pad of her thumb over Rafe's bottom lip while she followed the rhythm Barry created for her.
"Had your fun. Gonna put your hands behind your back next." Rafe growled as he bit at the tip of her thumb, then surged forward to kiss her lips. She gasped into his mouth as Barry hit that sweet spot inside of her and Rafe couldn't help but moan, too.
"So pretty. Does it feel good, sweetheart?" Rafe breathed as he reached for her hair and gave a soft tug. He watched as her eyes rolled back, Barry's groan bouncing off the bare walls of the house as she circled her hips a little wider, a little faster.
Days when it was just the three of them together, nothing but their love surrounding them, were seldom these days. It seemed there was always a problem around a corner for them to face, but Rafe knew they could face it together.
"Love you." She whispered as she tugged at the gold chain around his neck to bring him in for a kiss.
"Love you, too. Both of you." Rafe grunted as he pressed his lips to hers over Barry's shoulder.
Barry groaned with his release, pulling her off of his lap to rest her on her back as he leaned into Rafe. As he released a heavy breath he took a few seconds to recover, and take in his surroundings.
He fucking hated the Outer Banks. Big houses with fake people inside them at the centre of the island, while people on the outskirts starved trying to make ends-meet. But the people in his bed? He hated everyone but them. He loved them. He would die for them.
"Alright, woman. Get up. Teach you how to put Baby Boy in that choke hold again." Barry smirked, his bottom lip tucked under his silver tooth as he extended his hand to the girl to pull her up once more.
@barrysjumpsuit @barrysmanbun @starkey-babie @fashion-fasting @siriusstwelveyears @multifandom-obsessed @vintageobx @rafecameronspolo @sodasback @soph0864 @whcclxr @rottenstyx @babeyglo @beauvibaby @plutooryectors @pogueslandia
*tag list is open, please let me know if I forgot you or you would like to be added/removed from particular posts. I've removed the people that don't pre-populate :(
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proserpina-magnus · 3 years
yayy you take requests 🥺 I really love your writing it’s one of the best I’ve come across on the internet I swear
was wondering if I can request a poly!marauder where reader is really snappy/irritated before her period and the boys don’t realize why she acts like that cause she’s usually really kind and loving. she may sometimes not even realize she’s being mean/scary?
she could then out of sudden break down crying over something very stupid - maybe because something or someone really annoyed her
and the boys are literally clueless
Hii! I’m so sorry this took so long 😭😭 this has been in my request for awhile but luckily I finished it today! I hope you don’t mind the delay, anyways I hope you enjoy it! Mwah.
P.S: I also included Peter! I hope you don’t mind (since you didn’t specify).
P.S.S: this is also really bad :)
Irritation (poly Marauders)
Reader: female (she/her)
Warning: irritation (described and displayed), swearing, fighting (mention of blood like once), intrusive thoughts, anxiety (displayed in characters, such as biting nails, words, etc), “baby, love, dove,”, mention of sex (not described though), talk of losing appetite and eating, hurt/comfort, comment to add more.
Word count: 3.6k
You woke up irritated, body aching slightly and adjusting to your upcoming period. You pick at your food, tapping your foot angrily as you listen to every chat. A good 1000 students talking was enough to give you a headache... or at least add onto the one you already had. The littlest sounds, like a fork scraping against the plate, sent you into a fit of rage and you snapped at Remus.
"We get it, the book’s good," you say, staring deep into your plate. Remus let his mouth hang open, mid sentence before closing it. The boys gave you a look, James trying to quickly figure out what the problem was. “…uh, something bothering you? No need to snap at Remus,”
“No need to snap at Remus,” you mocked, James eyebrows scrunched as he made a confused expression. Peter, who sat beside you, had his eyes slanted as he tried to figure out what your issue had been. “James wasn’t trying to-“ Peter had started, But you quickly cut him off.
“Peter, why don’t you just mind your business?” You question, you never had been mean to Peter, not as much as you joked around with the others. This banter confused Peter, and he looked away and bit the inside of his cheek.
“Hey now, don’t get bitchy,” Sirius tuned in, James had sucked in a breath as Sirius uttered the phrase. The boys stayed quiet, even Sirius knew he had said something wrong. You dropped your fork to the plate, it clanked loudly. You stood up, grabbed your bag roughly as the chair scraped against the floor from your quick movement.
“_____, love,” Peter began, trying to clear the miscommunication up with what Sirius had said. You waved him off, eyes glaring around at each of them. Remus had begun to shift awkwardly, not liking the tension, while Sirius had tried to stutter out that he didn’t mean it. James was a bit flushed, hating the anger that was now appearing. Peter had lost his appetite.
You pondered what to say, mouth slightly opened to spew out some insult but you felt ridiculous and teared up slightly. The boys just looked at you, not knowing what to say and somehow that made the situation worse.
“Why don’t you just fuck off,” you rushed out, not really knowing who that was directed towards. Before any of them could get a word in, you had walked quickly out of the dining hall.
“Why’d you say that?” Peter was the first to ask, Sirius feeling attacked over his words. “Well she was being bitchy, Peter you need to stop being such a coward and stick up for us once in awhile,”
“Pads,” James called, Peter rolling his eyes. Sirius snapped his head around, looking at each of them. “Well I’m right! She was making Moony feel bad,”
“She wasn’t making me feel bad,” Remus sighed, and Sirius shook his head and began to get a bit angry. “Yes she was, she had no right to start acting the way,”
“I don’t think we need to focus on what she said, we need to know why she acted that way,” James said, rubbing a hand over his chest. “Did she fail a test or something? Did she mention anything that was bothering her?” He pondered to them.
Everyone shook their heads, they all were confused on why you had acted that way. They had completely forgotten about your period. You never acted so vile on your period, you usually just acted the same. Yet they forgot to realise that not every period was going to be the same and emotions were heightened.
“Maybe Snape said something,” Peter thought, and Remus nodded his head. “True, I did hear that they got partnered for a project in herbology,” Remus said, and all of the boys sorta grumbled at the thought of you working with Snape.
“Yeah if I was partnered with him I’d be bitchy,” Sirius said, nodding his head like he understood now. James hit Sirius on the back hard, and Sirius shot him a look. “Stop referring to her as a bitch,” James said, upset. He never liked the degrading words used against you, there were much better words to phrase your reaction.
“Alright alright,” Sirius said in surrender, feeling guilty now for upsetting you further. Remus stayed quiet, he wasn’t upset about you snapping at him, he was upset at the fact that you felt the need to snap at him.
Peter felt wiry, he didn’t like when you were upset. He always felt like he was to blame, especially since you were always so loving. He decided to go check on you, not liking the tears he had seen in your eyes.
“Where are you going?” Remus asked, he knew exactly what Peter was intending to do but he just wanted confirmation. Sirius and James were deep in conversation, planning on pranking Snape to make you feel better (they had confirmed the issue was Snape, before even asking you what was truly wrong).
“I’m gonna go check on her,” Peter said, cleaning his plate as much as he could as he stacked the dirty dishes together. “I’ll come with,” Remus said, sitting up and Peter took Remus's plate and stacked it with his. “We’re going to go check on her,”
Sirius piped up, standing up before Remus sat him back down with a hand to his shoulder. “Not you, not yet,” Remus told him, and Sirius pouted.
Remus and Peter walked out of the dining hall, and Sirius and James conversed about the prank.
“I don’t think it’s Snape,” Peter said, and Remus nodded. “No, me neither,”
“I just can't figure out what it could be,'' Peter sighed, looking down halls and out windows to see if he could spot you. Remus nodded, sighing as well.
They stayed quiet for a bit, Peter more hyper fixed on finding you (Remus felt the same, but was much better at hiding his worry). Peter stopped, looking over at Remus. “You know she didn’t mean it,” Peter told him and Remus nodded.
“I know, I’m not mad at her,” Remus spoke, and Peter nodded like Remus had. “And you know she didn’t mean to snap at you, it’s not your fault she’s irritated,” Remus said, knowing Peter's thoughts.
Peter nodded, though half doubted it as they continued on their look for you.
Peter and Remus hadn’t found you, they had arrived late to transfiguration, Professor McGonagall gave them an eye and told them to sit.
“Where is she?” Sirius asked, James listening in as he leaned closer to where Remus and Peter sat in front of them. Next to James, was an empty seat. Sirius sat opposite of the empty seat.
“Couldn’t find her,” Remus said, James grew worried.
“We will look at the map later,” he said, reassuring the group but it was more for reassuring himself. They all nodded, trying to focus on class, yet they kept wondering about the thought of you.
“No I’m worried,” Sirius said after a while, Remus looked behind them as Peter bit at his nails. “Pads it’s alright; she’s fine,” James stated, but Sirius doubted him.
“You don’t know that, what if what I said made her upset!” He whispered, and Remus turned back around and let James handle Sirius.
“She’s not like that, she was clearly irritated before you talked with her, she’s probably just having a bad day,” James tried to make up any safe possible scenario, he didn’t want to think about dreadful things.
“But-“ Sirius said, and Peter whipped around. “Just shut up Sirius, alright? We will find her after class,” he grew irritated and Sirius grumbled and stayed quiet.
They had found you quickly with the help of their invention, but you had put up a wall and just shrugged them off.
“Baby, listen if it’s about what I said this morning,” Sirius began, but you continued to look down at your open book. The library was quiet before, and students listened in to hear the drama of the group.
“Can you just go away? I can't read when you’re talking to me,” you said, mouth in a frown. Remus was the first to realize you really did just want space and he decided it was best to let you get over your irritation, but convincing the rest of the boys was the hardest part.
“She just wants to read guys, come on,” Remus said, grabbing Sirius arm to pull him away from hovering over you (which Peter had noticed was pissing you off). James stayed in place, so did Peter.
“She can’t skip class Remus,” James said seriously, looking down at you as you continued to stare at your book, not sparing a glance at them.
“_____,” James warned, reaching out to hold your shoulder gently and you twitched and removed his hand from your shoulder. “You can't skip class love,”
“Fuck off, you never give Peter or Sirius any shit for skipping,” you scoffed, and James began to get a bit irritated with your rude behaviour.
“Yes I do-“ James was quick to defend himself, and you rolled your eyes.
“Can you seriously fuck off? Like what do you not get about me wanting to be alone? That doesn’t mean I want you around,” you snapped at him, turning around and glaring. “All of you need to fuck off,”
They stayed quiet, looking at you again such as how they did this morning. James stepped back, “alright,” he said, walking out of the library as Sirius followed behind with a grumble.
“We will see you at lunch?” Remus asked and you just ignored him. He decided to follow behind Sirius and James.
Peter stayed, weight going between each foot as he swayed back and forth. You looked over at him, an eyebrow raised as you waited for him to leave, he didn’t.
“I want you to leave,” you said, staring at him like he was incompetent. Peter shrunk slightly against your harsh gaze. “I know what you want,” Peter said, “but don’t you care what I want? What we want?”
“I don’t owe you sex,” you scoffed, misinterpreting what he meant. Peter shook his head, “No, you don’t. that’s not what I meant,”
“What could you possibly mean then?” You asked, huffing. Peter sat down beside you and you slid your chair away. Didn't you get that they were worried?
“What’s wrong,” he asked, “how can I make it better?” He felt completely hopeless. You just shrugged, the wall you had blocked them with slowly falling a bit. But then you remembered that they didn’t even know why you were upset, how could they even forget you had a period? The fury built back up again, all they cared about was themselves. It was always Remus's monthly, never yours.
“You can make it better by fucking going away,” you swore, and Peter did just that.
Two days went by, without much effort to talk to the boys. They all tried their hardest to catch your attention and make you feel better, yet their proposals were quickly dismissed.
James had got you many gifts, him and Sirius even snuck into Hogsmeade to get you sweets from honey dukes. You took the sweets, but dismissed them entirely.
Remus tried to talk to you about the books you had been reading, but you told him you weren’t interested in talking with him and left.
Sirius got frustrated pretty easily with not being able to hold hands with you and locked you in the broom closet with him. James had found him an hour later, knocked out.
Peter followed you around, you found many flowers left in your dorm. You had received about 10 letters from him, each every morning, before your first class, during lunch, at dinner, and before you went to bed. You had read them, cuddling with your blankets.
On the third day, you wanted attention and affection. Cramps had made you emotional, you just wanted some attention from your boys. But when you had sat by them at the table, hand going to hold Sirius’s, he had pulled it away from you. You frowned, trying again but he pulled it away. You knew something was wrong, even this morning you haven't received a good morning letter from Peter.
“So what, you think you can just come hang out with us and think nothings wrong?” James asked you, they had all grown irritated with your behaviour. You yourself hadn’t really noticed the way you had been treating them.
“What do you mean?” You asked confused, looking between each of them as they laughed. You felt hurt, knowing they were making fun of you. You tried to hold Peter's hand but he was too quick and pulled it away before you could even touch him.
“You wanted to be left alone,” he reminded you. Remus nodded his head, “you even ignored all of our gifts,” James said, and Sirius laughed and made a joke.
“I didn’t want gifts,” you told them, “when have I ever asked for gifts?” You continued, and they became quiet. Had you been rude to them?
You began to think over the last few days, some things you had done were questionable but it was justified. Couldn’t they see you were emotional?
Did they even care? Of course with these thoughts, your brain forgot to realize all the attempts they made, all the worrying they felt, all the times they talked in private and grew concerned for your well-being.
“You kept snapping at us, you can’t just be rude to us for no reason and then expect us to be okay with it, you don’t get cuddles _____,” James told you firmly, but you tilted your head, you began to get angry again.
“So when I don’t ask for something you give it to me, but when I want to hold your fucking hand that's not allowed? Do you even care what I want?” You asked, you realised how unreasonable some of what you were saying was. You had remembered what Peter had said in the library and you grew quiet.
“Nevermind,” you snapped quickly just as they were about to argue with you. You got up, saddened that you couldn’t get the affection you wanted. You left, heading to herbology.
The first class, along with the banter from this morning, ruined your whole day. You had to work with Snape, already in a bad mood.
He had been pretty quiet, so had you, only talking to each other about the project and what was necessary. It was all going fine until the end of the class, when he had said something that made you feel terrible.
“You and the Marauders hadn’t been hanging out recently, I guess they came to their senses that you weren’t really worth it,” he began, who knew why he had said it, but it was enough to trigger some deeper emotional rage. You screamed at him in the hallway, completely losing it at him. At some point, both your wands had been drawn and just before something bloody happened, the professor had stopped it. You had been given detention and since you had been the one that had started the duel, Snape got off scot free.
The Marauders had heard about what happened and what made it worse is that they didn’t try to find you. You passed by James and Sirius in the hall, hoping to talk to them and get all of the anger out about what Snape had said. But they just said a simple “we don’t really want to talk to you right now,”
You watched them walk down the hall, they hadn’t wanted to know if you were okay? They were always curious about any drama revolving around Snape.
You had cried in the bathroom, moaning myrtle was the only one who cared enough to ask you what was wrong. You felt pathetic relying your emotions on a ghost that lives in the bathroom, but it was somehow comforting listening to her weep along with you.
Maybe Snape was right, maybe they did come to their senses.
After detention, you passed by the Gryffindor portrait. You had debated for several minutes if you wanted to go see them and finally the fat lady decided to just let you in and told you a “Stop weeping outside my door, I have a date soon and you’re going to ruin it, go in go in,”
You had climbed up the steps, you were going to leave once you reached their door, but it was already open with James waiting for you.
“We saw you on the map,” he said once he noticed you were confused. “Oh,” you said, you looked completely drained and James showed a soft remorse that made you crumple.
“Shh it’s okay,” he comforted, bringing you close as you shakily sighed into his chest. Your arms came to wrap around him, lips trembling as you started to cry. “Let’s get out of the hallway,” James told you, leading you into their dorm as he closed the door for privacy. Your face still buried in his chest, weeping uncontrollably as Sirius sat up from his lying position at the sound.
Peter and Remus piped up as well, as Sirius walked over and took you in his arms. He glared at James, thinking he did something.
“What’s wrong baby?” Sirius whispered gently, guiding you over to the bed as he sat you down on James bed. “It hurts,” you say, not giving much context as they all look at you confused, high in alert and they felt guilty for ignoring you in this state.
“What hurts?” Remus asked, Peter and him had come to stand close as James sat down on the other side of you. James pressed the back of his hand to your forehead, “she doesn’t feel warm,” he told them.
“Love what hurts?” Peter repeated, you sniffled and tried to calm down enough to tell them what was wrong. “My period,” you choked, you thought they had realised by now. The boys became aware quickly that that’s what had been making you upset the past few days.
“You’re periods don’t usually make you this emotional,” James questioned and you scoffed but they decided to let it slide.
“They aren’t always the same,” you told them, wiping your eyes as your uterus twisted again. You let out another sob, you didn’t want to go through this alone.
“I’m sorry dove, we should’ve realised sooner,” Remus said, crouching down as he took you in his arms. You curled yourself into him, he picked you up and switched so he was the one sitting down.
“Snape said something,” you sniffled, face resting in Remus's neck as your nose brushed up against his neck. They all became a bit angry, not liking the sound of that.
“What did he say?” James asked, rubbing your back. You took a moment to try and phrase it, it felt embarrassing to admit that his words had worried you. “He said… that the reason you guys were ignoring me was because you came to your senses,”
“Senses to what?” Peter asked, they all had been confused. “That you didn’t like me anymore,” you whimpered the words, tears welling up again. Their hearts stopped for a second, squeezing so tight they all thought they would pass out. James was angry with himself and Snape. James and Sirius felt horrible for ignoring you right after what Snape had said, they didn’t want to prove his statement.
“That fucking bastard,” Sirius fumed, standing up but peter pushed him back down. “She needs us, going off and throwing a few punches won’t do any good,” he whispered and Sirius looked over at James, but James only agreed with Peter. “Not right now,” he mouthed before they pulled their attention back to you.
“We’re so sorry,” Remus coo’s, rocking you gently as you cry into his neck. They all feel pity and a sense of guilt. “So sorry,” you tell them, feeling horrible for snapping.
“You don’t have to apologise,” James assures, rubbing your hair as he pulls it away from your soaked face. “we didn’t know, that’s on us,”
“I didn’t tell you,” you cried, “I was so mean to you, I didn’t mean it. Snape is right,” Sirius fumes at your thoughts.
“Don’t fucking say that bastard is right, he’s a-“ remus shoots Sirius a dangerous look, telling him to shut up before he upsets you more.
“We shouldn’t have just assumed every period is going to be the same, that's on us love,” James said, kissing your temple. “It ain’t right we care for Remus on his monthly and then ignore yours,” James said and Remus shot him to look like he had Sirius.
“It’s okay,” you say, calming down as you rub your face. “It’s not,” Sirius said, kissing your shoulder. Peter cleans up your face, rubbing gently with a warm cloth.
Without saying a word, they had concluded to spoil you. James had filled a heating pad with hot water, Sirius went down to get a potion to soothe your pain, Remus was helping you into a comfy jumper and pyjamas as Peter was getting the junk food.
After everyone got back and situated, you had found yourself between Remus and James, a black dog cuddled between your legs; it’s head over your lap, while a rat was curled under your chin. A heating pad rested on your stomach, junk food around the bed. You sigh happily, resting your head on James' chest while one hand is running through a thick fur coat, your other hand occupied with Remus's. You felt comfortable, all fights dismissed and forgiven, before you fell asleep, James had whispered “you deserve us, we aren’t going anywhere, not even when it gets rough,”.
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laladellakang · 2 years
we missed you
masterlist | wattpad | requests / ask enhypen
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2022.03.31 italics dialogue = english
requested! della distancing herself from the boys a little because of insecurities (and a ssng)
WARNING! mentions of self harm
i know that this should technically be all seven but i feel like having just one member would be more... nice (?) so i let a random wheel choose and they chose jakey so......
this scenario takes place before their parents find out about their poly relationship
I miss Della.
I miss Della so fucking much.
We miss Della so so so fucking much.
None of us know what happened with her but she's been so different. She's incredibly distant.
She's barely talking to anyone. She's been keeping her distance, and she's even sleeping alone and locking herself in her bedroom. It's been three fucking days.
She looks so sad. Her eyes appear dead and we haven't seen her show a real smile at all. We can hear her sobbing whenever she gets time alone.
Even Engenes have noticed. Twitter is filled with 'what happened with Della?'s- it's becoming depressing to look at. I can't even scroll for a minute before seeing a post about it.
Everyone has tried to get through her. Heck- all of us (even Jay and me) actually raised our voice a little. Anything to get her to crack. An explanation, an annoyed look, a tear, a glint in her eye- anything.
None of her other friends know what happened, too. Not her idol friends, not Alice, not her Dwight friends (yeah, I contacted them), no one.
I've had fucking enough when I saw Jungwon and Sunghoon crying.
Out of all of us, I would say that those two cry the least. Yet today they both cried in my embrace (in separate times), confessing about how scared they were.
I absolutely hate confronting Della and it's no secret that she hates being confronted too, but everyone's a mess right now and it seems like I'm the only one who has the energy to do so.
I was waiting in her room for her to finish her shower when I noticed that she left her phone on her desk.
I honestly felt like playing detective because I know that that's mad suspicious. Della always listens to music in the shower.
My brain was suddenly filled with all these ideas of what the answer could be before ultimately apologising out loud to myself.
We promised to respect each other's privacy. I'm so sorry, Della.
I unlocked the device and opened Katalk first.
Oh mad and worried is an understatement when I saw what a blocked contact sent her.
'Kang Della. Stay away from the boys of Enhypen. Know your place. They might think you're their everything now but not for long. They'll soon find girlfriends, get married and replace you. Stop thinking so highly of yourself, their hearts won't forever be with youㅋ' Fucking hell.
The door to her room opened and she entered with her semi-wet hair. She stood frozen for a few seconds, staring at me and the phone in my hand. Though she didn't look surprised- her eyes just turned even more sad.
She made her way over to me after quietly shutting the door. Her gaze stayed on the floor the whole time.
"Can you look at me?" I asked. I saw her shut her eyes for a bit before making eye contact. Her eyes were glossy. "Care to explain? Or do you want me to guess and you tell me if I'm right?"
"I'm sure you know," she whispered out. God, seeing her like this really hurts like shit.
"Someone messaged you to stay away from us. You blocked the contact but it's too late because the words have already affected you. You didn't tell anyone- not even management, which you know is important, because you don't want to be a 'burden.' But you still feel bad so you left your phone here, silently wishing that one of us would open it and find out ourselves. Am I wrong?" she could only reply with a small nod as a tear escaped.
Even after opening up to the group, I know that she still holds back. She's trying her best but it's definitely not that easy.
I know that she still attempts to calm herself down whenever she needs to cry. I know that she still likes puts others' needs first, even when she can barely handle it. I know that she misses her family and old friends but is afraid to admit it because it might hurt Niki and I's feelings.
"Why, Delle?"
"I was hoping that you would hate me enough to break up with me and find a new girl?" oh my poor baby.
"Baby, that's ridiculous," I put down her phone and wrapped my arms around her. "We love you and we won't just do that."
"Well maybe you should so you can actually find someone that you don't have to sha-" Della no..
"Kang Della," I held her face in my hands. "Listen to me, okay?" she gave a small nod.
"We made the decision to share you ourselves. Every. Single. One of us agreed to it because we want to. We want you," I said in a firm tone. "We're happy like this, Delle. You brought us closer together and no one could ever give that to us. We're forever grateful and happy that you're ours."
"What if I'm not your forever though? What do we tell our parents? The media? The world?" she was actually crying now.
"I'm not gonna lie to you. The future is still very uncertain," I brushed away her tears. "But I can promise you, we will try our fucking hardest to make this work. We don't want anyone else, baby. Why would we when we have the most perfect soulmate?"
One of my hands slowly made its way to take out an item that has never belonged in Della's- or anyone's shower caddy.
"Jaeyun I-" she started to panic and her breathing started getting unstable. "I- I didn't-"
"Shh.. I know baby. I know you didn't. I'm not mad," I placed the paring knife on the desk before pulling her to my chest. "But you nearly did, right?" I felt her nod. "I know, Delle. I notice everything."
I know why Della likes to work out. Why she likes 'hamburgers'. Why she likes extremely hot things. Why she likes to push herself to the limit. Why she likes having a tight grip around her. Why she always offers to cut or grate things and why she always scratches her thighs- I know why she constantly seeks pain. She's trying to find an alternative to the habit she did years ago.
I notice all these things about her but can't even help much since it seems to make her feel worse. All we could really do is support and love her as she works on getting better herself.
I really felt like she was getting better and better- until that fucking message came and ruined it.
"I'm so fucking dumb for letting a stranger get to me like this. Fuck! I hurt the-" I cut her off with a kiss. She overthinks too much.
Not like I don't too but Della overthinks everything.
"Just explain it to them and apologise, yeah? You don't have to tell them about the knife but just make it up to them and don't forget to report to the company," I looked her in the eye and switched to my serious voice. "-and attend your fucking therapy. It's their actual job to help you, babe," yeah, I also know that she's been skipping therapy.
"Why would I need therapy when I can search up 'Enhypen Jake Aussie accent,'" she sniffled with a teasing smirk.
"You hear it every day! You're hearing it right now!" fuck then she looked at me with so much adoration that my eyes started to gloss. "Your bias is showing, baby," FUCK I missed her blushes so much. I'm actually tearing up.
"No it's not! I have seven biases! You just so happen to be the first person I- Jakey?!" her face was suddenly filled with concern.
Great. I was the only one who didn't cry these past three days but now I'm doing it over seeing Della.. blush?
"We missed you so fucking much!" I cried into her shoulder.
let me know which fic is your favourite! it means a lot to me 💫
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f1nalboys · 3 years
Okay, okay! So I love your poly!Ghostface dark/angst, but I wanna see you do some poly!Ghostface dark/fluff too(if that's a thing?)! Still unhealthy/toxic relationship, but one where their feelings are at least actually true and genuine. Trio vs the World shit. Best Friends to Lovers blah blah blah cause you know Im a slut for that lmao. NSFW too if you're willing 👀
AHH so glad I finally got to this request I'm sorry it took me so long :(( HOWEVER i had fun writing it!! i really hope you enjoy (ps, no smut unfortunately i tried to add it and it was coming out wrong ahhh) flashbacks are italicized! 
WARNINGS: toxic relationship, kinda cute moments between the three of you, cursing, little bit of stalking, threats of violence, no nsfw because i was a little lazy sorry :,(
Had someone told you five years ago that you'd be dating not only Billy Loomis but Stu Macher as well, you’d have laughed straight in their face. And yet here you were, curled up on the couch between the two, your legs thrown over Billys and your head resting on Stu’s shoulder, watching a horror movie. You smile softly as you feel Billy’s hand grip your thigh slightly. He never seemed to realize he was doing it which made it even cuter.
“Remember the day I met you guys?” You question, head moving off of Stu’s shoulder when he turns to look at you. He gives you a goofy grin and nods, kissing the tip of your nose. “Sure, baby. Why?”
“Did you think we would have gotten together? Like, back then?”
“Definitely,” Billy says, poking his finger into your side. You raise an eyebrow at him, catching his hand and holding it in your lap. He sighs, grinning slightly. “Alright, maybe not the day we met, but I knew pretty soon. Why? What’s got you thinking about it?”
You shrug, not really sure yourself. Something about the situation you three were in at the moment made your mind drift to those few awful god damn weeks. “You two really sucked then, you know? Honestly, I’m surprised I didn't kill you both.”
Stu gasps, throwing himself back with a hand on his heart. You roll your eyes; ever the dramatic. “You would have hurt us? I can’t believe this… the betrayal!” You elbow him and he sits back up, laughing, and wraps his arms around you, planting a few sloppy kisses onto your neck.
“We weren’t even that bad, babe.” Billy says, eyes widening as you glare at him.
“Not that bad? Do I need to remind you of the first thing you said to me when we met?” You shoot back, sitting up closer to Stu. You had already forgiven the two for how they acted then, but that doesn’t mean you can’t give them a hard time.
The first day you met Billy and Stu, it had started out good. You still didn’t have many friends but that was perfectly okay with you. You were sat in the grass outside one of the buildings where your next class was held, waiting. Thirty more minutes and you got to go to math; yay. You were leaned up against a tree, headphones in, trying to relax, when two men stood in front of you. They were pretty cute. One was tall, wearing a thin sweater and a goofy grin, while the other was shorter with dark hair and a smirk. The tall one's mouth moves and you pull your earbuds out, about to apologize for not hearing him, when the shorter one speaks.
“Pretty stupid to wait for someone to talk to you before taking your headphones out.” His smile was still there but it was clearly masking his annoyance. Your eyebrows raise in surprise at the gall of this dude. You don’t even know him and he thinks he’s owed a conversation?
“Excuse me?”
“What? You’re deaf and a bitch?” The taller one slaps the back of his head immediately and he grumbles, rubbing the soreness. You scoff, shaking your head, fuming. Was it just this dude or were most people here dicks? You didn't want to find out.
You stand, grabbing your bag and pushing past the two, heading towards the building. Your eyes instantly roll into the back of your head when you hear the sound of footsteps behind you. “Hey, I’m sorry about him, really. That’s how he jokes and sometimes it comes across as mean. I’m Stu and he’s Billy.”
Stopping in your tracks you turn to face Stu, the taller one, and take a second to think of a response. Glancing over at Billy, who had finally caught up with you, you can see what resembles regret on his features. “Well, he didn’t come across as mean, he came across as an asshole.”
Stu laughs, nodding. Billy shrugs, giving you that same weak smile he had shown when he approached. You shrug your backpack up higher onto your shoulder, the weight of it starting to get to you, when Billy grabs ahold of it and yanks it off of you. “What the hell? Give me my shit back!”
“Least I can do is to carry it for you. You going to class?” He asks. It’s like he wasn’t taking no for an answer. You give a large sigh and nod, silently thankful for the weight off your shoulders. “Which building?”
“Sycamore.” He nods and begins to walk there, you and Stu trailing behind him. “Is he always so...?” You ask Stu under your breath, trailing off, unsure of a word that could describe the man. He grins and nods. “Annoying? Mean? Stubborn? Yes, yes, and yes.”
Billy groans at the memory, annoyed. He hated when you brought that up. “I told you I was just having an off day! Come on, you’re acting like Stu didn’t offend you too! Do you not remember when you got food with us, like, that night?” Stu punches Billy in the shoulder hard, pissed that he had brought it up.
“Oh yeah! I kinda forgot about how much of a dickhead Stu was,” You say, leaning back against the couch. It really was a shock your relationship with the boys got to where it was now.
Billy and Stu followed you around all day. It seemed they were trying to apologize for Billy’s attitude earlier but, if you were being honest, it was kind of unnerving. After your math class, where they had walked you inside the building and only left when the professor came in, you saw them waiting outside under the tree you had been at.
“Can you guys stop following me?” You had told them the third time you noticed them, this time at the small diner you stopped by after your last class. Stu’s face turned red and he looked behind him as if there was someone else you could be talking about. “Yeah, you two.”
“We wanted to apologize for earlier,” Billy said, motioning for you to join them at their table. You had to choose which one to sit next too and, after your not-so-pleasant meeting with Billy that morning, you sat next to Stu. He sticks his tongue out at Billy who rolls his eyes.
“You already apologized. It’s getting kind of creepy.” You say, placing your elbow on the table. Before the boys could respond, the waitress walks over, placing down their drinks. She flashes you a smile and takes your order, walking off with a sway in her hips, much to the boy's enjoyment.
Stu throws an arm over your shoulder and you shrug him off, ignoring the pained look he gives you. “We just wanted to make sure you really knew we were sorry! Billy here never acts right around a hottie,”
“Stu you fucking idiot.” Billy spits, throwing something at him. Stu laughs, holding his hands up in mock surrender. Billy looks at you and gives you what looks like a real, genuine smile. “Sorry about him; he can’t seem to think with his upstairs brain.”
“Don’t need to when my downstairs one leads me to be sitting next to a smoke show,” Stu says, holding his hand out to you for a high five. Your face flushes and you ignore him, scooting away from him slightly. He was cute, sure, but way too forward. “What? Can’t compliment people anymore?”
“Not when your compliments are preceded by stalking.” You mutter, a part of you hoping he doesn’t hear it. Unfortunately, he does. You see his face change in your peripheral vision and your eyes flick over to Billy. He grins at you, sitting back in the booth, and taking a sip from his drink. He was enjoying this.
“Stalking? You’re fucking with me, right?” His rant is cut short by the return of the waitress who hands you your drink and places the food the boys had ordered onto the table, completely oblivious to your discomfort. She leaves and Stu grabs a fry from his plate, chewing loudly. “We’re not fucking stalking you - trust me, there are better ways to spend our time.”
Billy throws his balled up straw wrapper at Stu, catching his attention, and you let out a soft sigh of relief when Stu’s demeanor changes. He was back to smiling and laughing as if he hadn’t just been attempting to tear you to shreds. “Sorry about that… I’m pretty tired, that’s all.” Stu says, playing with his fingers.
“S’okay, I guess.”
“Why don’t you let us take you on a date? You know, as an apology?” Billy chimes in and Stu grins, nodding. A large part of yourself was screaming no. There was something off about these boys, something dark just under the surface, but you were intrigued. And so you smile.
“Yeah, I guess you two can do that.”
Billy had his arms wrapped around you, laughing at the excuses Stu was stammering out. He was obviously getting frustrated at the memory and you opened your arms to let him join in on the cuddling.
“You know, I really am glad we stuck together. I don’t know what I’d do if it were for our nightly cuddle sessions,” You say, your words muffled by Stu’s sweater. He pulls back and gives you a kiss, Billy swooping in to take one from him as well.
“Yeah, I don’t know what I’d do without our fuck sessions,” Stu hums and you groan, punching him in the shoulder. What a way to ruin the moment. “Wait, let’s not act like you were a saint in all of this! I remember you being pretty awful at one point.”
“What?! No way!”
Billy nods, tickling your sides for a second. “Sure were, babe.”
Two months into the relationship was your breaking point. You really did like, if not love, the boys and yet you were still an outsider. Walking into the shared apartment just for their whispered conversations to stop. Late nights spent in the living room with hushed voices while you tried to sleep. You felt as though you only knew a portion of the two people you had come to like; no, love.
You admit it was petty. It wasn’t the right thing to do in any circumstance, but you did it because you knew it would get a reaction. You had packed a bag and sat in the living room. You wanted them to see you leave. Wanted them to see how much their secrecy had taken. You had been together only a short while and yet you felt so at home with them that the idea of actually leaving, of breaking it off, nearly tore you apart.
The door opens and in enters Billy and Stu, wrapped up in their own conversation. Stu waves at you, carrying on before realizing what he had just seen. “Babe? What are you doing?”
“I’m leaving.” Your voice was confident, not a waver in sight, and you knew it was because you weren’t planning on leaving. Some would call it manipulation, sure, but you were backed into a corner. Stu’s mouth drops open and Billy stares at you, his eyes narrowed.
“What? What do you mean you’re leaving? What’s wrong? Did something happen?” Stu rushes to sit down next to you on the couch, not wanting to accept the idea that you were leaving them on your own volition. His arms wrap around yours and you shove him off. “Babe?”
You shake your head, standing from your spot on the couch, grabbing ahold of the bag. Billy was still standing near the door, his arms crossed, watching you. “Don’t call me that. The two of you… It’s like I’m not even in this relationship. I’m an outsider with the two people I love and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it.”
“Where the hell is this coming from?” Billy questions, grabbing ahold of your arm when you try to walk past him. His voice is thick and you could see the vein in his forehead throbbing. He was angry and you hate to admit it but that’s exactly what you were hoping for.
For the next two hours the three of you talk about your relationship and the future of it. Stu cried, you cried, Billy sniffled a few times, and then you came to an agreement. No more secrets. They told you things that they hadn't told anyone before that they hid behind a vague threat of ‘once you hear this you’re stuck with us,’ and you told them things you had planned on taking to your grave. To say you weren’t shocked at what they told you would be a lie.
Murder wasn’t what you thought they were capable of and especially not murder so gruesome. But, oddly, you felt better about being with them. They trusted you, loved you, enough to let you know their biggest and darkest secret. And you loved it.
Knowing they wouldn’t hesitate to kill for you was a major turn on, which they soon found out.
“Wow, I really was kind of horrible, wasn’t I.” You mutter as Billy recounts the memory with a few interruptions by Stu. You didn’t remember it that way but the more they talked the more you could tell they were being honest. “Well, good thing we stuck together, hm? Would have been pretty bad if we hadn’t.”
“Yeah because we would have killed you,” Billy whispers into your ear and you shiver. He’s telling the truth and that’s what makes the relationship the way it is; they choose to be with you, to keep you around, to love you. “Yeah, we would have given you a call a while ago,” Stu says, his finger making a slicing motion across your neck.
You roll your eyes not because you don’t believe them but because you do. And you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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