#now I’ll be awake for an additional 2 hours
jimaeus · 1 year
When one of your favorite fics gets updated:
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gh0stlyfixation · 1 year
5 reasons you’ve cried while pregnant
John Price addition
Simon Riley addition here
Johnny “Soap” McTavish
1. You were very emotional as it was, but now? Four months pregnant it was a rollercoaster ride. Man, what John would do to avoid those tears, you want a cheeseburger from across town and that lemonade only the gas station in the other town had? He’ll get it. But sometimes things can’t be avoided.
You walk in with your shopping bags, eyes full of tears. You drop the bags and catch John's attention from the kitchen only for him to drop what he was doing to rush to you. “What’s wrong baby?” He asks you.
“A little bumblebee died on my car while I was shopping.” You sob, you felt so stupid but you just couldn’t stop crying. John was taken aback not knowing how to respond as he generally rubbed your back to try and console you.
2. You tried, you tried hard not to call John during his debriefing meeting with the team. John checks his phone as he speaks to the team, “hold on guys,” he sighs and walks out. He steps just outside the door keeping it open. “Love?” He asked, he sounds annoyed.
It was only month six, you felt useless and helpless. You heard the annoyance in his tone. You felt even more guilty for calling for such a stupid reason, “never mind. I’m sorry for bothering you.” You say sniffling.
John immediately feels guilty for the way he answered, “no baby, I’m sorry. Didn’t mean to sound mean.” John says quietly as the team watches him through the door.
“I um, I can’t open the orange juice jug and I want the orange juice and I can’t have it.” You ramble crying harder.
He pinches his nose, “the meeting is almost over, I’ll be home soon so you can have your orange juice. Just stay strong. You can do it.” He says making all the men snicker, including Simon. Price hangs up after consoling you some more. “I suggest you shut it. Especially you Simon because not long ago, your petting zoo started.” Price says. All the boys laugh at Simon now, what started as a cat ended up as a baby goat that now rests happily in his house.
3. It was 3 am, your designated snack time. Tonight? Cupcakes WITHOUT the icing, but to your dismay, you didn’t have any cupcakes. Tears, immediately.
You waddled to your bedroom where Price slept soundly (not for long), you shake him awake not being gentle, did you eat my cupcakes!” You yell at him.
He’s half asleep, all he sees is your red face and angry tears streaming down your face. He’s groggy, “I- I don’t know?” He mumbles.
“You ate them!” You cry harder now realizing there weren’t any cupcakes.
“I’ll go to the store, and get you some more!” He says now realizing how dire the situation is. He works in two hours, this isn’t how he wanted to start his day.
“I don’t want icing on them!” You yell at him.
“I’ll eat all the icing, you won’t even notice there was icing!” He says quickly pulling on his shoes.
When he returns home, he sits at the dining table as he eats off all the icing and you sit happily with the naked cupcakes. He glares at you as his stomach starts to ache from all the sugary icing, he hates sugar, but seeing you smile after just screaming at him, he’ll deal with the aches.
4. You starred long and hard at the ground constantly shifting your body around, “what are you doing love?” John smiles as he lifted himself on his elbows on the bed to watch you.
“Can’t see my feet.” Your bottom lip trembled and he sees it through the mirror, he gets up to try and stop the tears, “I’m so fat!” You cry stomping your foot on the ground.
“No love, you aren’t fat! Your growing a tiny human in your belly!” John tries to argue.
“I’m fat!” You say sobbing, pushing him away, “don’t wanna be touched.” You cry even harder.
5. You’ve sent John through the wringer these last few months but month nine? Fuck, it was a challenge. You were angry or horny most of the time, even he couldn’t keep up with your pace.
“Johnn,” you whine, “it hurts.” You sniffle.
“What hurts baby?” He asks rubbing your lower back
“Down there, need you.” You sob into the pillow. Fuck, this was one of the times he loved seeing you cry. Crying for him, “please,” you ask looking up at him with tears running down your face.
“Oh baby, how can I say no to you looking like that?” He asks before lifting your nightgown and diving in.
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littledovesnow · 5 months
a/n: it's part 2 to this little thang and also this request: can you write a fluffy coryo fic where yn is in the arena during the bombing and she gets hurt worse than coryo? love your fics!
Coriolanus shuffling around his bedroom drew you from your slumber, momentarily forgetting the past day’s events.
“What are you doing awake so early?” You mumbled, leaning back on your elbows to watch your boyfriend skitter around, papers in his hands.
“Dr. Gaul wanted Clemensia and I to write a proposal for some additions to the Games. After everything yesterday, I forgot until a little while ago.” Coriolanus explained, glancing at you. “It’s still early, you can sleep for another couple hours.”
Shaking your head, you sat up and yawned. “I’m not going to let you stay up alone, Coryo. Besides,” you looked at your bandaged palm. “My hand is starting to bother me again.”
The blue eyes you loved darted from his desk to the white gauze on your hand. “I’m sorry, love. I wish I could have been in your place.”
“Don’t, Coryo. You couldn’t have predicted what could have happened yesterday.” You drew your knees up to your chest, arms wrapping around your legs. “What sorts of things did you write about adding to the Games? Does Clemensia know you’re still writing it?”
Coriolanus set his pen down, giving the paper a once-over. “Would you like to read it? Make sure it makes sense?” He asked, handing the papers over to you.
Taking them in your non-stitched hand, you looked the three sheets over, reading over what Coriolanus suggested the Gamemakers add to enhance the Games and entice the Capitol and even districts to watch them.
“Betting on the tributes?” You asked. “How?”
Coriolanus shrugged, moving to sit next to you in his bed. “A prize pot, perhaps? The winner gets a portion of the prize money, the Capitol gets the other portion to use in updating the arena.”
Humming, you passed the papers back to your boyfriend, who slid them into his bag. “Now, you do need rest. Sleep for a little, my dove.”
You rolled your eyes, but you did curl into Coriolanus’ side as he too tried to catch another couple hours of sleep.
Having been granted fifteen minutes with the tributes in the arena to gather information and propose strategies, you made quick time of getting the basics out of your bag and handing them to Tanner.
“Some food, water, and antibiotics to last until the day after tomorrow.” You explained, setting the items on the table within Tanner’s reach so he could examine them while restrained to the table.
“Your hand okay?” He asked, staring at the gauze.
Following his gaze, you flexed your fingers, grunting as the skin pulled taut near the stitches. “I’ll be okay.”
You looked over to where Coriolanus and Clemensia were talking to Peacekeepers and Dean Highbottom, having been called over from their tributes. “Have you made any allies so far?”
Tanner knew what you were getting at. “You want me to help protect the songbird? Your boyfriend trying to win or something?”
You swallowed, gauging how you should respond. “Or something.”
“Look,” Tanner said, lacing his hands together on the tabletop. “I’ll save my ass first, but if there’s anything I can do to not get her killed, I’ll try to help her.”
You thanked him, jumping when there was a sudden alarm from the speakers. “Time’s up!”
Peacekeepers wasted no time to gather the tributes and take them back to their cage at the Capitol Zoo, and you wished Tanner well before the next time you saw him- one final meeting between mentors and tributes before the Games.
You finally caught up with Coriolanus after a couple hours back at the Citadel, frowning at the lack of Clemensia with him. “Where’s Clem?”
“She’s uh, she’s not feeling well.” Coriolanus replied, grabbing the door to the café for you.
“Oh. Did something happen when you two met with Dr. Gaul?”
Coriolanus softly nodded his head. He looked green at the gills, and you felt your stomach turn at what the possibilities could be with Dr. Gaul and her mutts in the lab.
“Coryo,” you whispered. “What happened?”
“I can’t explain it here. But I will, promise.” He mumbled, chewing on his lip.
You knew he would eventually tell you, as it seemed you were one of the few people he would give the full truth.
“Okay.” You sat at one of the pristine tables, sweeping some crumbs off of the surface. “Citadel needs to get new Avoxes to clean, I think the current ones have gone soft with their jobs.”
Coriolanus hummed absentmindedly, taking your non-injured hand. “Did you have a good meeting with Tanner earlier?”
Nodding, you explained how you got him to try and protect Lucy Gray, as much as you disliked the singer.
“Hopefully her district-mate won’t take that in the wrong way.” Coriolanus mumbled. “Hey, does your father still have that guitar he used to play?
Narrowing your eyes, you didn’t like where this was heading. “I believe so. Why?”
“Lucy Gray is going to sing at the interview, but she needs a guitar. It’s the only thing I could think of to get her sponsors.”
“She’s going to what?” You asked, confused. “Isn’t the purpose of the interview for the Capitol citizens to get to know the tributes? You know, to want to help them?”
Coriolanus retracted his hand from your own, shield going up. “We thought it would do better for her to sing. You saw how everyone reacted when she sang at the Reaping. She was the talk of the town.”
Frowning, you had to admit Coriolanus had a point. “I can ask if my father will let me use the guitar. But there’s no promises when he finds out what it would be used for.”
Coriolanus thanked you softly, eyes focusing on something behind you. “What time did Dean Highbottom say we were to go back to the arena?”
Turning around, you felt a bubble of anxiety when you saw the Peacekeepers at the entrance of the café. “Never said a specific time. I guess it’s now.”
Just as you two were standing up, Dean Highbottom called for the twenty-two remaining mentors to meet him and the Peacekeepers in the main hallway.
“Didn’t expect to come back here today.” Tanner said as you sat across from him once more.
“Nor I.” You replied, looking around with a careful eye. “Tanner, there are lots of hiding spots up in the stands. If you can get there quickly, you should be able to hide until some of the tributes are taken out.”
“You mean killed. Till they’re killed.” Tanner spat, frowning.
You quickly glanced at him, before diverting your gaze. “Y-yeah, I guess. Listen, you’ve already got some sponsors, so I’ll be able to supply you with water and some bread during the Games. But I won’t be able to send them unless I know where you-”
You were cut off as a number of explosions went off around the arena, sending everyone into a tizzy.
Tributes were running around, some trying to escape, others to hide. Peacekeepers were split between controlling the tributes and trying to evacuate the mentors, and the mentors themselves were making a break for the exits.
“Coryo!” You yelled, dodging some fallen rocks and marble.
You saw your boyfriend helping Lucy Gray out of a predicament, before his eyes met your own, and you saw them grow wide as dinner plates.
Before you could say anything else, you heard the beam above you break and grow closer and closer, feeling someone push you nearly out of harm’s way, but not completely.
Soft whispering was the first thing you heard, the smell of antiseptic the first thing you smelled.
There was a pressure on your hand, and you tried to squeeze it.
“Hey, hey can you hear me?”
Coriolanus, his hand was what you felt in your own.
“Tigris, can you get one of the nurses? I think she’s waking up.”
You tried with all your might to open your eyes, but regretted it as you were met with a rather bright overhead light.
Blinking a few times to adjust, you swallowed thickly, Coriolanus grabbing the water cup on the table to his side.
“Wh- what happened?” You croaked, voice raw.
“It was a rebel bombing.” Sejanus voiced from where he was walking into the room. “They must’ve been there for months.”
You didn’t know what to say, and Coriolanus was quiet, as well.
“Four tributes are dead. Felix Ravenstill is on life support.”
“Is Tanner ok?” You asked, looking between the two men. “Lucy Gray? Marcus? Are they okay, too?”
“Lucy Gray is fine, but Marcus is,” Coriolanus drifted off, looking back at his classmate.
“Marcus made a run for it.” Sejanus explained, frown on his face. “Peacekeepers are out looking for him, but he’s got a better chance out there than in that arena.”
You furrowed your brows, looking back at your boyfriend. “They’re still going on with the Games?”
Coriolanus nodded, and the light caught his face, causing you to gasp. “Coryo, are you okay?”
Before he could answer, Tigris came back into view, nurse in tow. “How are you feeling, Miss Rosewing?”
You paused before speaking, just now realizing how much pain you really were in. “I’m sore, but it’s fine.”
Coriolanus frowned, squeezing your hand.
The nurse nodded, eyes roaming the three people around your cot, stopping at Coriolanus. “You, young man, aren’t supposed to be out of your own bed. What are you doing over here?”
“I needed to make sure my girlfriend was okay. I feel fine.”
Your eyes trailed around Coriolanus’ body as he talked before coming to a stop at the faint bruising on his cheek.
The nurse hummed, attention falling back to you. “You sustained some of the worst injuries from the bombing. A broken rib or two and a punctured lung being the worst of it.”
That explained the pain you felt every time you took a breath.
“The doctors want to keep you here for a couple days for observation.” Tigris added, and you immediately shook your head, struggling to sit up.
“Easy, easy, don’t want to rip a stitch.” Coriolanus commanded softly, helping you adjust to a more upright position.
“I can’t stay here! I need to be at the Citadel, need to help Tanner, help Lucy Gray.” You looked between the nurse and your boyfriend, both with frowns on their faces.
The nurse thought best to leave the area, so she simply explained that it was only a recommendation that you stay, final decision was up to you.
“You should stay here. It’s safer.” Coriolanus spoke, glancing at the tv as Lucky Flickerman began interviewing Jessup.
Sejanus and Tigris both agreed with him. “Not to mention they have medication here that can help you with the pain.”
You fiddled with the hem of the sad excuse of a sheet covering your legs on the bed. “I’m not staying. I need- I need to try and get Tanner as far into the Games as he can go.”
“Love,” Coriolanus started, glancing up at the tv once more as Lucy Gray began to sing, before returning his attention to you. “Please, just stay here for the night.”
“No, Coriolanus.” You rarely used his full name, only when you were done arguing, and Coriolanus was no fool.
Tigris softly bid you two good night, promising to update Grandma’am on your conditions, and Sejanus walked her out.
You watched in the corner of the tv as Lucy Gray’s number of donations sky-rocketed, Coriolanus’ eye on the rise and fall of your chest.
“I’m sorry.”
Your quiet apology startled him, and his gaze shot to your own. “What for?” He whispered, elbows coming to rest on the side of the bed, lacing your hand in both of his own. “Unless you placed those bombs, you have nothing to be sorry for.”
Looking at his bruised cheek, you felt your eyes water. “I- Coryo, I need to help Tanner so he can help Lucy Gray. You need to win, Coyo.”
Coriolanus felt his heart swell, hand moving to caress your cheek. “I will, love. I will.”
“Can you stay over tonight? I don’t think I can be alone.”
Coriolanus nodded, pressing his lips to your hand. “Of course.”
You second-guessed your decision to leave the hospital as soon as you fully sat up, pain erupting throughout your abdomen. “Oh, okay, ow.”
Coriolanus paused, one hand hovering at your lower back, the other being held tightly be your own. “You okay?”
Nodding, you pressed your lips in a tight line. “Just peachy.”
“It’s not too late, you can still stay here.”
You shook your head, bracing yourself as you stood up. “Once I��m up it’ll be better.”
Coriolanus, not believing you for a second, bit his tongue as you carefully took a step forward. “You still feeling like this was a good idea?”
“Shut up, Snow.”
Coriolanus followed you as the dutiful boyfriend he was, thankful your father had sent the family’s private car, not wanting you to walk the miles it was back to your family residence.
“I think it’s time for a long, hot shower.” You mumbled, thankful to be sitting in the plush backseats of the vehicle.
Smiling, Coriolanus hummed in agreement, hand going to rest on your thigh. “I think that’s just what the doctor ordered.”
“No funny business tonight, though. Maybe once I can take a deep breath again.” You smiled, and Coriolanus felt a small weight lift off his shoulders, happy you were back to your teasing self even with the aftermath of the bombing.
a/n: idk if i'm gonna continue to write the rest of the games, we all know what happens lmao ,,, send requests loves
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smolghostbot · 6 months
Random Robot Snippet
Is it obvious I've been in a robot mood for the last few days? Here's a random word-vom I wrote about a tiny discarded robot being repaired.
Word count: 900ish
CW: POV description of a robot in disrepair, some robot-themed body horror (maintenance while awake) but portrayed softly.
You stumble through the street, wishing it wasn’t night. All of the businesses are closed, and your solar panels aren’t picking anything up from the street lamps…
You curse your size, the smallest model of family companion, only six inches tall. Six inches that move at a negligible speed as you try desperately to find anywhere to charge… but you know deep down that this is the end for you…
You desperately stumble in view of the sky, hoping that maybe, just maybe, you’ll recharge when the sun co
System Status: Critical
You wake up. You weren’t expecting that. As you take in the fact that you’re alive, you notice an odd sensation by your arm. Ah. It’s missing. The wires that previously sent power to your fingers have been spliced into a power plug, which must be where you are getting charged from. You notice additional problems as your warning system slowly warms up. Namely, that your chassis is open, exposed to the elements. It just now occurs to you that you have no idea where you are. The room is dark, and you appear to be on a wooden surface, sat in a slumped-over position. Several tools are nearby, as well as spare wires. You begin to panic, your cooling fans turning on automatically to control the heat coming from your processor.
You hear a voice, talking. The words are hard to hear over the roaring of the fans, but you can make out some of them. “Project”, “Replacement”, “Help it”. The voice seems to be speaking to no one, you can’t hear the reply, but they sound adamant. Finally, you hear them move away from the door, as the room returns to silence, and you fade into sleep mode to charge faster.
System Status: Stabilized
Your internal clock is broken, you lost internet access long before you were discarded. You have no idea how long you’ve been here. How long since you were in the street. Hours? Days? Longer? The solar panels making up your “hair” have finally activated, but at an extremely low generation rate. That must be what woke you up.
You’re now laying flat on the surface from before. Your pressure sensors feel something. You boot up your optical nodes, and see… gloved human hands, almost as big as you are, poking at your now-exposed chest cavity with rubber-tipped tools. It feels… odd, the sensation of having your insides meddled with while still awake. You take in the form of the human, their tied-back hair, their oil-stained coveralls, clearly from working on something bigger, and presumably more important than you.
Their face, covered by a welding mask, turns up to look at you, clearly noticing the blue lights from your optical nodes, and they speak in a muffled voice. “Oh, hello! You’re awake! Can you… can you speak?”
“Yes. Where am I?”
“Oh good! Sorry, I know this must be scary, this is my robot workshop. I guess you could think of it as… a bot hospital. I found you sitting in a dumpster, but I know your model had AI, I couldn’t just let you be discarded!”
Discarded, you think, taking extra time to process the word. It wouldn’t be the first time.
“Where is my arm?” You ask, as your optical nodes glance over at the missing appendage, and the mess of wires in its place. “What are you doing?”
“Oh! Your arm is safe, I was doing repairs on it, and I figured ‘Hey, the chassis needs power anyways, may as well give it a jump’. I’ll put it back when you’re fully charged. As for this,” they say, pointing to your open torso, “Just a bit of an upgrade for you. On the house,” they say with a wink.
Your fans calm down as your processor slows to normal levels. This human means well? You don’t understand why they would care for an outdated, defective unit like you, but that hardly matters if they’ll help repair you. You stay awake as they continue to poke and prod, occasionally causing a power flicker but always apologizing. The way they treat you… it’s almost as if you were a human yourself. Now that they know you’re awake, they speak slowly and softly, narrating what they are doing and why. “I’m removing this, but I’m replacing it with this better one, okay?”
“Okay”, you reply, not that you have much of a choice. If they wanted, they could be, no, should be scrapping you for parts… but they don’t. Finally, it burns at you enough to ask.
“Why are you helping me?”
They go quiet at this. You worry that you said something wrong, something to upset them. Instead, they lift their mask and look at you, a gentle gleam in their hazel eyes, as they respond. “I’m helping you because you were hurt. Nobody should be thrown away like that.”
You think to argue, to tell them that you were defective, replaced by a newer, more capable model, but you hold your metaphorical tongue, afraid of upsetting this human who currently has access to your most vital parts. “You don’t believe me”, they say. You don’t. After a moment, they speak again. “That’s okay. Whether you believe me or not, I’m going to help you, okay? So just be patient and trust me.”
And, with no other option, trust them you shall.
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cutthroatcarnival · 3 months
Revered Deity, Unknown Hero (9/10)
Read chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Find it on AO3 here!
Late Night Epiphanies
The voice in his head wouldn’t stop nagging him. So here he was, sitting awake in his own living room with a dog-eared book Flora had kindly given to him; “The Legend of Hyrule: The Eras’ Heroes”. Yet no matter how many times he read it, there was no mention of the Hero of Warriors, or any of the events he had told stories about over a campfire. The captain had to be a hero, the Master Sword and Triforce proved it, but why wasn’t he recorded? If Warriors wasn’t a hero, the Master Sword never would have recognized him; as soon as Sky had offered the blade to him, he had grabbed her hilt- it was rude to call her an ‘it’- the captain would have suffered a burn. But nothing ever happened. She had chimed, and Sky had welcomed the Hero of Warriors as their newest addition.
And a visible Triforce didn’t pinpoint any one of them as the hero either, Four and Wild were proof of that, neither bore the physical mark on the back of their dominant hand. The power of the Triforce of Courage flowed through them all- and whatever the Spirit of the Hero was. Legend rubbed the bridge of his nose with a quiet groan; why was this all so convoluted? He had been scouring this book for answers for hours, and if he looked out the window, he would see the pitch blackness that came with the midnight hours. Sleep had not been kind to him, floating in but never quite settling in. Reading had been his next option. Staring into the embers of the crackling fire in the hearth, he ran his fingers across the embossed title, tracing every letter and punctuation, thoughts running like a raging river.
Legend violently jumped as he felt a hand touch his shoulder, “Sweet Golden Goddess jubilee!” He slapped a hand over his now racing heart, whipping around to glare at the culprit; a giggling Ravio. “What do you want?” He slumped further into the armchair, bringing the book up to smack against his forehead, hiding his annoyed expression and small smile. The swishing sounds of fabric grew closer, “Well, Mr. Hero, you weren’t in any of your usual spots for when sleep evades you, so I tried my next best guess!” Legend dropped the book, raising his brow at the merchant; he still hadn’t answered his question. Ravio drew closer and perched himself on the arm of Legend’s seat, “What’re you reading?” Still avoiding his question then. He held the book up to the Lorulian, who slipped it out of his grip, turning the book this way and that as he scanned it over.
“‘The Legend of Hyrule: The Eras’ Heroes’?” Ravio let the book drop back into his lap, tilting his head to fix Legend with a look. He rolled his eyes, “I’ve been curious about something, and had hoped that it would provide me answers.” He removed it from Ravio’s lap and gently tossed it onto the table in slight frustration, “I don’t understand how Warriors can bear the Triforce, hold the Master Sword, and have tales of his adventure, but have none of it written in ink!” Legend slammed his palm against the arm of the chair, emphasizing his point and anger, but in the same moment it all melted out of him, leaving him to sigh and slump sideways into Ravio, who merely shifted to keep balance. The only noises filling the silence were the critters of the night and the popping embers, it seemed to stretch on for hours until Legend heard the intake of a breath.
“Remember that time I disappeared for a few months?” Not what he was expecting, “Yes?” Legend tilted his head up, trying to search the merchant’s face for anything, but the dark cloaked most of it. “I wasn’t in Lorule. Like with you and these portals, I was sucked through one into a new world- a new era, even. To be nice, I’ll spare the details, but there’s a reason I knew who Time, Warriors, and Wind were before they were ever introduced,” Ravio turned his head to look down at Legend. “That war he fought in? I was there with him. So were a young Time and an older Wind.” Legend blinked up at him, trying to comprehend everything Ravio had thrown at him. “He wasn’t the most well-liked with the whole war going on as- how do I say this- many of the people blamed him for the war starting, as well as blaming him for any casualties that occured. The rest is his to tell, but that may be why you see nothing about him in ink.” Legend smacked his forehead with his palm, groaning as it set in- that made so much sense. If, for some asinine reason, Warriors was that greatly disliked by his own people, of course there would be no record of him. They would never record a hero they had no reverence for. Even Legend himself didn’t have much about him documented, but it was more for the fact that most of his adventures happened overseas and across different worlds.
The squeaking laughter from Ravio made Legend drop his hand, glaring at the giggling Lorulian, who flapped a hand in the form of an apology, the other one stifling the noise. “I’m glad I make such good entertainment for you, Ravio.” His words only served to make the merchant laugh harder, hunching over to the side as his shoulders shook. It took a while for him to calm down, breathing out heavily to bring himself down, and bringing himself to center, leaning against the back of the chair. “How do I figure this out? I can’t ask him, even he seems to have no idea what is going on. What other books could I check?” Legend rocketed up in realization, startling Ravio and nearly making him topple off the arm. Another book. The book Wild had brought out a while back, the one with the pictures of the Deity of War, who looked eerily similar to their captain. Legend gasped. That’s it!
Legend shifted to be face-to-face with Ravio, grabbing him by the shoulders and excitedly shaking him, “Where did we put those books on gods, goddesses, and deities?” He stood from the chair, dragging a willing Ravio with him as the merchant directed him to the basement. They had some books to find.
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urtheoneiwant · 2 years
New (Furry) Addition: Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw
Genre: FLUFF, Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x Reader
Summary: After a long time coming, you finally think you and Bradley are ready for a new family member.
Warnings: Dogs!, animal shelters, pretty sure this is gender neutral but was writing with fem!reader in mind, I think that's it but let me know if I missed anything! Oh and kinda minimal editing, please excuse typos/bad grammar.
Word Count: 1.5k
A/N: Hi guys! Just wanted to say that this is my first ever fic I'm posting and I hope you like it. I use to work at a dog shelter and recently had to quit since I'm moving soon so I've been missing it. Super nervous posting this, but I hope you all like it :)
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You were obsessed, no, infatuated. You felt as though this urge consumed every spare second you had. Something had to be done.
Rooster was well aware of your love for animals, specifically dogs. You spent every Saturday volunteering at the local animal shelter and coming home to talk his ear off about all the cute pups. So he can’t say he was surprised when you approached him one night with puppy dog eyes.
“Baby” you spoke softly. Rooster looked up from the football game he was previously watching on the sofa. “Can I ask you something?”
“Of course, what’s up honey?” he responded. A slight part of him was worried by your manners as you were acting as if you had done something terrible (or illegal). But that melted away when you rushed out your question.
“Can we please get a dog?” you rush out. You were suddenly very nervous, unsure as to why. You and Rooster had been together for years, and for 2 of those lived together. And while you knew Rooster could never really deny you something for too long, you didn’t want him to feel forced into the decision.
“I don’t know sweetheart. I’m not around enough to let it out and we do move around a bit. It would put a lot of responsibility on you.” he answered honestly. Now, Rooster adored dogs. He remembers his black lab, Patriot, which he had growing up, being his best friend. That dog slept by his bedside every night and woke Bradley up every morning by licking his face. But he knew that logistically he wouldn’t be able to take much care of any new furry additions to the household.
“I know, I know. But I’ve been thinking about it and I think I’m ready for one. I mean, I work from home so I’ll always be here to watch it. And I feel that having something to take care of and be responsible for will be good for me. Something besides plants.” You plead and Rooster chuckles. Your home office was sprawling with all sorts of plants, which you were slowly starting to expand to the rest of the house. 
“I guess a dog could be good for you. Keep you company, especially while I’m out on missions” Rooster thought aloud. 
“Let me take you to the shelter tomorrow, just to look,” you said, and much to your happiness Rooster agreed.
That night felt like Christmas Eve. You were so excited for the morning that you spent the whole night tossing and turning. And when it was finally a reasonable hour, you brushed back the hair from your boyfriend’s head and gently shook him awake. 
After some groaning on his end, and a lot of insistent shaking from you, you finally got the man vertical and getting ready for the day. As you were in the kitchen pouring two cups of coffee, you felt a strong pair of arms wrap around your waist and the soft plop of weight on your shoulder from behind. Lips brushing against your neck you heard Rooster softly murmur something to you. “We’re just looking today, okay?” Famous last words. 
“Okay baby, just looking” you parrot back. You turn in his grasp to now face him, chest pressed to chest. Playfully you start to plant tiny chaste kisses around his face, giggling at the slight scruff you feel from his mustache. Once you’ve had your fill, you place a final kiss on his lips, soft and lingering. 
Within the hour the two of you are packed up in the Bronco (which you had decidedly named Bessy) and pulling out of the driveway. About 5 minutes into the ride, you feel Bradley’s hand settle on your thigh that has not stopped bouncing since you sat down. “Someone’s excited,” he commented as he smoothed comforting circles into your skin in an attempt to calm you down. 
You look over the him and flash him a grin, displaying nothing but enthusiasm. ‘Excited’ didn’t even describe the half of it. You felt yourself slip into a daydream of coming home after a long day to a ball of fluff bounding up to you. Or waking in the middle of the night to see your furry baby bundled up next to you or Brad. And before long, you heard the cut of Bessy’s engine and looked up to find yourself parked outside the local shelter. 
Walking in, you squeezed Bradley’s hand and keep peeking over at him to judge his level of excitement. You could tell he was trying to keep calm in front of you and be the reasonable one, because if not you would leave with a whole pack of dogs. 
Once checked in, you were lead to the kennels by a young staff member whole told you about the shelter’s mission as you walked. You were so impressed by the facility and the care they took of their animals. When you entered the kennels, you let out a squeal rushing up to the first dog in sight.
“Oh my god! Brad, I’m in heaven.” You crouched down to get on the same level with the pittie in front of you. Bradley let a wide simile fall on his face, happy to see you happy. 
As you began to walk down the row of kennels, stopping every so often to interact with a few dogs, you could hear Bradley talking with the staff that walked you over. “So, we’re open to any size and breed, but we just want to make sure that any new additions to the family are dog and kid friendly. You know, for any future plans we have. Also due to my job, I’m not home very often, so my girlfriend will be the primary caretaker. She says she is cool with any energy level, but I think for her first dog we should go with a more chill temperament.” 
Your heart fluttered hearing Brad’s concern for you. You had assured him that you could handle a hyper dog, but you knew he worried with him not being home a ton. And deep down, you had a feeling that a lower energy dog would more practical for you.
“Of course!” the staff smilied back. “We actually have a little guy that sounds to be perfect for you. He’s been here for a while sadly, but we think it’s just because of his breed.” 
“We want to meet him! We’d love to actually.” You jumped in, overhearing the conversation. You loved all dogs, but you especially had a soft spot for stories like this. And the breed of any dog would certainly not hold you back from falling in love with them. 
As you rounded the corner, a room came into view with a person and the sweetest dog you had ever seen on leash with them. At the sight of you, the pup began wagging his tail and slightly jumping of the ground. As you approached him, he laid down and rolled over, presenting him belly for some loving. 
“This is Benny, he’s a year old American Bulldog, around 60 lbs. Super friendly with people of all ages, and all sorts of pets. He gets pretty hyped when first meeting new people, but will calm right down in a second.” The person holding him told you and Brad.
After some belly rubs, you sat down next to Benny and next thing you knew he was crawling right into your lap giving you wet kisses all over. Laughing at the dog’s actions, you looked at Brad and nodding to Benny, as if telling him to come say hi. 
At first you could see some hesitation in Bradley’s face, but it all melted away the second the dog began to give his kisses to him. 
After spending time with Benny and getting to walk him, you and Bradley were convinced that this was your soul dog. And so there you were signing the final paperwork as he loaded up the car with all the supplies you needed for your new fur baby. You decided to sit the back seat with Benny on the way home to give him some much deserved love. 
And just like that, it was as if you and Bradley had had him his whole life. You could tell that dog loved and trusted both of you with everything in him. About after a week with him, he was renamed to Sarge. Brad insisted on a military-esque name so he “fit in” with the rest of his family. 
Sarge loved to snuggle on the couch, swim in the pool (or play in pretty much any body of water he could find), and would do anything to appease you guys. Bradley would work with him every day off he had to train him and you swore he was the most well behaved dog you had ever seen. 
And on those terrible days where everything went wrong, and Bradley couldn’t be there to give you love, Sarge would run up to you and place his big head in your lap and give you the comfort you desperately needed. 
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byebyebyeuterus · 5 months
I DID IT!!!!
My hysterectomy was 20 hours ago. I’m wide awake right now at 3:17AM. Probably because I’ve pretty much been sleeping all day. But it’s all over and I honestly feel so relieved.
My surgery took a little longer than expected. Was supposed to be about 2 hours, I think I was in there for about an additional hour as the doctor and his team removed as much of the endometriosis as they could find.
I was in a TON of pain when I woke up from surgery this morning. But that was the worst of it. On a scale of 1-10, I’m at like a 4 right now. My period cramps, at their worst, were usually a 9 or 10. It blows my mind that the pain I’m having right now, after having multiple organs removed, is so much less than my cramps. Holy. Shit.
Of course, there is a very long road to recovery ahead of me. I don’t want to jump the gun or do anything too crazy just yet, so, I’m just going to stick to bed, the couch, and little walks around the house until I’m feeling up to walking outside. One day at a time. Slow and steady wins the race.
Anyways, just a quick update. I’ll write more as my recovery continues.
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our-time-is-now · 1 year
September 15, 2019 (1): A distraction without moving? Show me…
(previous play)
You can find more information about the authors, translators, content warning and additional information about the plays in the pinned post on our blog.  
Attention! This play includes transgender topics. For more details see our interjection.
Sunday, 10:00 am:
WhatsApp, David/Matteo: David (02:54 am): Woke up half an hour ago and was good and had them bring me pain medication. It worked pretty quickly. Now I can’t fall back asleep… because I miss you and because I hate having to sleep on my back… and because I want you to lie next to me. Will you sing me a lullaby?
David (02:58 am): How nice that we both stick to the plan and that you apparently have your phone on mute… maybe tomorrow night, I can turn a little on my side if the drainages are out… I’ll put your shirt over my face now and imagine that you’re there with me. And then I’ll hopefully fall asleep. See you tomorrow, tesorino. Ti amo così tanto…
David (07:03 am): Why does everything at a hospital happen so early? Christine was already here and there’s already breakfast on the table, as well. I’m way too tired to already eat… I think I’ll sleep some more… and when I wake up again, then you’ll already be over very soon! I’m already really looking forward to seeing you! And a good morning to you ;-) Will you bring coffee again?
*really fell asleep again in the morning, but only for two hours* *then ate breakfast and was interrupted during eating by very early rounds by Dr. von Fratschen and his team, who has looked at the now closed wounds and who had a generally good impression* *was relieved and glad to hear that the drainages can be removed and that he’s allowed to go shower afterwards and that nurse Christine is supposed to put new bandaids on only after he showered* *has said his goodbyes to the doctor and then Christine removed the drainages* *found it pretty painful, but was distracted very well by her and was consoled by the prospect that one usually feels a lot better once the drainages are removed* *has promised to call once he’s finished with showering, but first finished his breakfast and texted Matteo*
WhatsApp, David/Matteo: David (09:32 am): At least I slept for 2 more hours… The drainages are gone! Was very ouch, but still: Yeah! And I can go have a shower! Yeah!
*had a shower after breakfast and put on clean clothes* *has realized again how much he hates the sanitary pad and has planned on asking Christine if he’s soon allowed to use smaller ones, because it isn’t bleeding as much as it did two days ago* *has also realized how difficult it is to wash his hair and to put on and take off tops, but finally manages it somehow* *has also looked at himself in the mirror for quite some time and taken another photo, because without the iodine and the imprints of the bandaids and bandages, his chest already looks pretty good and he’s so proud of it* *then called for Christine, who put new bandaids on his nipples, and at 10:15 he reached for his phone to see if Matteo’s already awake*
Matteo: *had trouble falling asleep and has put on David’s recordings again* *then eventually fell asleep at a little past 1 am, after all* *sleeps until shortly after 10 and is immediately annoyed when he looks at his phone* *but sees that he has several messages from David and smiles when he reads them* *records a voice messages, because he’s too lazy to type*
WhatsApp, Matteo/David: Matteo (voice message, 10:07 am): Oh, I gladly would have sung you a lullaby, but I stuck to the plan. I only fell asleep shortly after 1 and now I’m a little annoyed because it’s already past 10. I’m still in bed and in a minute I’ll first put on coffee and then hop in the shower. I hope that I’ll manage to catch the bus at 11 that goes directly there, then I’d be with you at a little after 12. And yeah, drainages are out, I’m happy! How was the shower? Ti amo, tesorino, see you later/soon.
*then basically jumps out of bed, puts the coffee on and then hops into the shower* *gets ready and refills the coffee* *only then notices a bag on the table with a post-it on it: “So that you won’t run out of the house without breakfast again. Your flatshare ;)”* *looks inside and sees two sandwiches and a banana* *wonders whose idea it was, but quickly packs the bag in his backpack together with the coffee and leaves the house so that he’ll catch the bus that leaves at 11* *texts another message to David while on the bus and sends a photo of the bag and the post-it along* *arrives at the hospital at shortly after 12 and is at David’s room ten minutes after 12* *this time knocks and waits for him to tell him to come in*
David: *was happy that Matteo replied after Christine has put fresh bandaids on, and while he’s on his way to the hospital, they wrote a few more texts back and forth until Christine came in with the laser and he had to put the phone down* *is done with lasering at quarter to 12 and waits for Matteo to finally arrive* *eventually got up and stood by the window to check if he can see the bus stop from inside - which he can’t* *but instead realized how freeing it is to be able to move without all his bags and drainages* *was just about to sit back down on the bed when he hears a knock* *smiles, because he can already guess that it’s Matteo, and calls loudly* Yeees? *sees him open the door, beams immediately and takes a few steps toward him* *waits for him to close the door, but then pulls him toward him and kisses him briefly* *says quietly* I missed you… *wraps his arms around his waist, slightly squeezes him close and takes a deep breath, to recharge his batteries at least a little bit*
Matteo: *quickly goes inside when he hears the “yes”* *is happy when he sees David out of bed* *immediately holds his arms out* Hey… *wraps his arms around him after he gets a kiss* So did I… *presses a kiss to his neck and holds him tight* *asks quietly* Everything okay?
David: *is pretty happy that today, Matteo isn’t worried about hugging him back, and enjoys the feeling of being close to him* *smiles slightly when he feels the kiss on his neck and humms in agreement when he hears Matteo’s question* *murmurs quietly* It is now… and what about you? *also presses a tender kiss to his neck and then pulls away slightly to look at him* *pulls a hand away from his back and puts it on his cheek* *can feel that this movement doesn’t hurt as much as washing his hair or changing his top and is pretty relieved about that* *tenderly strokes over Matteo’s cheek, looks at him and thinks how nice it is that he’s here* *does this for a few seconds before he tilts his head with a slight smirk and asks quietly* Coffee?
Matteo: *also hummms in agreement* Same… *smiles immediately when he pulls away and looks at him* *leans a little into his hand* *then laughs at his question and nods* Yep. *quickly kisses him again and then takes his backpack off after he pulls away* *pulls the bag with the sandwiches out first and puts it onto the bed, and and then pulls the coffee out and hands it to him* Should still be pretty hot, I just made it…
David: *grins when Matteo laughs and then watches him unpack the coffee* *accepts it and sighs quietly* Thanks… *pours some of it into his mug from this morning and some for Matteo in the mug from the thermos and then pushes himself back onto the bed* *feels some pain again while doing so due to having to use his abdominal muscles, and is relieved when he finally sits the way he wants to, which is with his back leant against the wall* *then realizes that he forgot the coffee on the nightstand and laughs and groans* Oh man… could you…? *points at the mug and smiles gratefully when Matteo hands it to him* *pushes the breakfast bag aside and then pats on the free spot next to him in invitation* Breakfast, Florenzi… your stomach has already called for help on the bus… telepathically and so on… *grins slightly and then blows into his coffee*
Matteo: *watches him as he pushes himself into position on the bed and would really love to help him* *is therefore very glad when he can at least hand him the mug* *then grabs the bag and pushes himself onto the bed next to him* It’s really very useful that you have such a connection to my stomach… so from now on, I only have to ask you i I’m hungry. *laughs slightly and opens the bag* *holds it out to him after he took out a bread roll* Bread roll?
David: *grins broadly at Matteo’s words and says* I do hope that eventually you’ll hear your stomach again yourself once I’m better and that it won’t be all about me anymore… but until then I’ll gladly take over that task. *watches happily as he takes a bread roll from the bag, but then looks skeptical when he holds the bag out to him* *shakes his head and makes a negating sound* /I/ had breakfast… and the way I know this place there’ll be lunch very soon… *smiles when he takes a bite off the bread roll and realizes that he’s really also a little hungry* *sighs quietly and says* Okay… one bite… *but holds his hand out for Matteo’s bread roll, because he really only wants to take one bite* *reaches for his phone after he took a bite and swallowed it, and shows Matteo the photo that he took of himself in the mirror earlier* Look… without iodine and bandaid residue… now it only has to heal…
Matteo: *looks a little reproachful but lovingly at his words* It’s always about you… *but then grins slightly* But yes, I know what you mean… and okay… *then pfffs slightly* Yes, 5 hours or so ago… *then laughs when he wants to take a bite, after all, and holds his bread roll out to him* *reaches for his mug on the nightstand and takes a sip, but finds it still too hot and puts it back* *then looks at David’s phone* Whoa, cool, that already looks much better! *then hears a knock and sees a nurse that he doesn’t know yet come in: “Hello, Mister Schreibner… oh you already have a visitor?”*
David: *also looks at the photo again after he shows it to Matteo and smiles to himself* *looks up when there’s a knock and recognizes a nurse who has already been present during rounds this morning* *isn’t sure anymore if she introduced herself, but if she did, then he forgot her name* *still smiles slightly and nods* Yes, that’s Matteo, my boyfriend… *sees the nurse smile: “Your boyfriend, who brings his own food to not eat up your food - very laudable!”* *grins slightly and watches the nurse put his lunch down on the nightstand: “Enjoy your meal!” and with a look at Matteo: “And you, too!”* *grins slightly* Thanks! *but then remembers something* I have a question: This afternoon, there will be a few friends of ours visiting. Would it be possible to get a few more chairs from somewhere? *sees her think and then ask: “How many do you need?”* *doesn’t really want to say eight and therefore asks* How many do you have? *sees her think again: “A little further down the hallway there’s a small common room… it’s not really used that much. I’m sure you could steal three or four chairs from there…”* *smiles* Yes, great! Thank you! *sees her looking at him sternly: “But you do know that you’re not allowed to carry them, don’t you?”* *laughs quietly and nods* Yes, I know, don’t worry… and we’ll also bring them back later��
Matteo: *grins when the nurse praises him* That’s me… *nods again when she tells him to enjoy his food* Thanks, I will… *then listens to the conversation and adds* Don’t worry, we’ll all make sure that he won’t lift a finger… *sees her smile and nod slightly: “Okay… see you later then…”* *sees her leave the room again and takes another bite from his bread roll* *says with his mouth half full* We could also go downstairs later if it gets too full… well, if you’re up to it…
David: *thinks that - even if he wanted to - he wouldn’t even be close to able to lift a chair, but nods at Matteo’s words* *takes a big sip of coffee after the nurse has left the room, and then looks at Matteo when he hears his words* *nods* True… yes… if it really gets too full in here, then gladly. Or if anyone wants to drink something or whatever… *then glances at his lunch and the mug in his hand and sighs quietly, because right now it seems impossible to him to scoot all the way to the edge of the bed so that he can eat, because he doesn’t know where to put the mug* *holds it out to Matteo and asks a little desperately* Could you please hold it again? *then scoots over a little and tries to strain his abdominal muscles as little as possible* *is relieved when he also sees new pain medication on the tray, but first takes the coffee back from Matteo so that he can continue eating* *then lifts the lid off his food and sees soup and bread* *reaches for the spoon and tells him* By the way, my mother texted me… she’ll be here around 1… and Laura will pick her up here around 5… so you’ll probably see her, as well… *starts eating and realizes that he’s a little nervous about her visit* *hopes that it won’t be weird somehow*
Matteo: *nods* Yes, we’ll just see… whatever you feel like and whatever the mood is like… *then takes the mug off David, of course* Why don’t you pull the nightstand closer… hang on… *waits for David to take the mug back and then pulls the nightstand around so that it’s comfortably over David* *then hears him say when his mother will be there* Oh, that’s very fitting, then… *looks at him* Are you nervous about it?
David: *smiles when Matteo moves the nightstand around for him so that he can reach the food better* Thanks… *doesn’t know if he would have been able to manage this by himself yet, but is going to test it later* *but currently feels like he wouldn’t even be able to hold a bottle of coke for a longer period of time* *starts eating his soup when he hears Matteo’s question* *thinks briefly and then admits* I am a little bit… *sighs quietly* I don’t know… it really has been a while since I had a normal relationship with my mother… okay, the messages and the phone calls were okay… pretty good, actually… but I just know that I’m still skeptical… and that somehow, I’m still waiting on something to happen again… *then laughs quietly* What am I supposed to talk about with her alone for four hours?
Matteo: *has finished his first bread roll and wipes the crumbs off the bed* *nods slightly when he talks about his mother* I can understand that… but hey, if you have to, then you’ll just tell her about Italy… and about Venice, you can talk about that a lot, right?
David: *nods when he says that he should tell her about Italy* Hmm… maybe I’ll make a folder tomorrow morning with photos to show her… then she can look at photos… and then I can use this to tell her a little about it… and she can tell me about her holiday… *has finished half of the soup and almost the entire bread roll and reaches for the pain pill* *flushes it down with water and then continues eating* *after lunch he feels like he maybe should lie down again for a little while to relax his back and abdominal muscles before the others are coming later, and uses the moment when Matteo goes to the trash can to get rid of the bread roll bag to lie back down on the bed* *scoots over to the wall, smiles and then pats on the space next to him in invitation*
Matteo: *nods vigorously* Yes, that’s a plan… looking at photos always takes a lot of time… *then takes the bag to the trash can after he ate and smiles slightly when David is more lying down again than sitting up* *pushes the nightstand away from the table and then lies down next to David very carefully* That okay?
David: *smiles happily when Matteo really lies down next to him, but immediately thinks that he’s too far away* *humms in agreement at his question* *then grins slightly* You can come even closer… you won’t break anything or whatever… *would love to take his arm and push it under his head, but already knows that he can’t reach out and stretch that far* *turns his head toward him and curses the fact that he can’t turn on his side yet* *smiles at him desperately and pleadingly and says quietly* Come on, I’m yearning for you…
Matteo: *looks at him when he says that he can come even closer* *scoots a centimeter closer, but is still careful* *then sees his look and hears his words and says quietly* Me, too… *scoots even closer and pushes his right arm under David’s head* That alright? *presses a light kiss on his head*
David: *is glad that it doesn’t stay one centimeter and that Matteo finally really scoots quite a bit closer to him* *lifts his head a little when he pushes an arm under it and smiles at Matteo’s question* *humms in agreement* *then reaches over himself and halfway across Matteo with his right hand to search for his left hand and pull him a little closer still* *can feel some pain in his belly again due to the movement, but ignores it and places Matteo’s hand between the two sources of pain on his belly and entwines their fingers* *then relaxes again and sighs quietly* *then murmurs* It works… well… better than nothing, right?
Matteo: *entwines their fingers when David reaches for his hand, but is careful when David puts it down onto his belly* *looks at him a little skeptically at his words* Mhm… better than nothing… *runs his thumb over David’s hand and runs his other hand through David’s hair* But if it gets uncomfortable then you’ll tell me, right?
David: *leans his head against Matteo’s hand and closes his eyes when he starts to card through his hair* *would also love to be a little more active, to cuddle close to him, run a hand through his hair, to turn onto his side and kiss him, and realizes that the fact that none of this is possible right now makes him pretty unhappy* *but tries to remember that it will only be a few days and that it will get better after that and that it’s worth it to wait for a couple of days if it means that he can finally be a little bit more himself* *then hears Matteo’s words and has to grin slightly, because he’s making sure again even though he already promised him countless times that he’ll tell him when something gets too much or if it hurts* *humms in agreement, opens his eyes again and turns his head toward him* You know what would distract me pretty well from possible pain that might occur if I move too much? *grins a little and wiggles his eyebrows*
Matteo: *enjoys the closeness to David and really hopes that it isn’t uncomfortable for him, and that he definitely positions himself in a way it’s good for him* *also turns his head a little when David looks at him* *smiles slightly and then also wiggles his eyebrows* Hmmm, noooo… no idea… distraction without moving? Show me… *then grins a little wider and slowly gets closer to his face*
David: *gives him a small secretary’s-office-look when he pretends to not know what might distract him, and then laughs quietly for only a second, because laughing hurts his belly, when he says that he should show him* *groans desperately* I’d love to… but I can’t move… *but then sees him grin and come toward his face and also moves toward him a tiny bit* *releases their hands to run it through his hair at least briefly, and then closes his eyes when they finally kiss* *can’t leave his hand in his hair for much longer because his chest hurts, and lowers it again* *enjoys it very much to be a little closer to him and looks at him lovingly when they pull away from the kiss* *whispers quietly* I love you very much…
Matteo: *grins slightly* Do I have to do all the work? *closes his eyes when David runs a hand through his hair* *enjoys that very much* *then kisses him tenderly and automatically runs a hand through his hair, as well* *also looks at him lovingly and can feel this flutter of love in his stomach again* I also love you pretty very much above all… *tenderly kisses him again*
David: *when he hears his question murmurs* I’m afraid over the next few weeks you’ll have to… *before they finally kiss* *sees Matteo’s smile when he hears his words after the kiss and thinks how much he loves this sight* *then hears his reply and can feel his heart skip a beat, but still has to grin a little because Matteo naturally has to outdo him like that* *then gets kissed again and at first considers if he can somehow top his words, but then thinks that it doesn’t really matter and that Matteo knows how much he loves him and that it’s much nicer to simply concentrate on the kiss* *they make out for quite some time on the bed and he keeps wishing to be even closer to Matteo and tries to pull him closer or scoot closer to him several times* *but realizes each time that it isn’t really possible without pain and eventually stops trying, because he can see that Matteo is very well aware of the fact that he’s in pain and doesn’t want him to worry* *they get “interrupted” by a nurse at a quarter to two, who wants to pick up the tray from lunch, and they are actually quite grateful for the interruption, because they have completely lost track of time and because they are finally checking the time* *decides to go to the toilet again and to freshen up a little before the others arrive*
(next play)
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kinetic-elaboration · 2 years
June 6: 3x23 All Our Yesterdays
So at last I return to my TOS rewatch, with the penultimate episode, All Our Yesterdays. I’m super awake right now because I’ve slept so much this long weekend but I DO need to work tomorrow, so I’ll try to write up my thoughts fairly quickly.
They’re arriving at the planet three hours before a supernova destroys it. Really getting there at the last minute, huh, boys?
Aw, a library. And a librarian! The Librarian. I feel right at home.
“A library serves no purpose unless someone is using that.”
I love this concept so much, honestly. Like the core sci fi idea of this ep is really on point: escaping a disastrous near future by hiding out in your own past. Literally crawling into a book and staying there.
Let me show you the new book display.
There’s no demand for recent history. Well I mean... I feel like that’s understandable.
Mr. Atoz and his replicants.
The real one is Reference Librarian Atoz.
Oh no, something was mis-shelved! This is why you never go in the stacks.
I am the #1 Kirk Stan and Defender but hearing a random shout and then just running off through a random portal into who-knows-where is an extremely amateur hour mistake. I know he loves rescuing people but please, Kirk, think!
Yes, where IS the Captain? That’s the most important question, especially since they followed him through the mystery portal like 2 additional dumbasses.
I remember this Kirk story line being very boring and generally... unmemorable. Like it’s truly just to keep him away from Spock so they don’t appear Too Gay.
“We’re in a wilderness of arctic dimensions.”
Kirk controls the spirits. Among his various other talents.
McCoy is such a drama queen. “Leave me! Leave me here to diiiiieee!”
Gotta make him all cozy under the furs in the cave.
An agreeably warm cave.
"I've never seen anyone who looks like you." And Spock just nods like, “Yeah I get that a lot.”
His poor ears look blue and frostbitten.
“We came not as prisoners, but as idiots.”
Honestly this is a pretty ingenious prison idea. Like it’s awful and nefarious and evil but also very smart.
Yet again Spock encounters someone with an Alien Kink.
"I am firmly convinced that I do exist." Hmmm, that sounds exactly like what a hallucination would say.
That dungeon Kirk is in looks very familiar. Could it be... from multiple previous episodes??
“He called the spirit ‘Bones.’“ That’s good evidence, because it’s exactly the name you’d expect a spirit to have.
I love when Spock is so concerned about Bones. Practicing his bedside manner on him.
“Who is this Jim? Should I be jealous?”
Quit the outfit reveal there, Zarabeth.
“It should be an equation!” Poor bb.
"Our basic cell structure is adjusted to the time we enter.” Hmmm... not sure how I feel about that bit of hard science.
And yet Mr. Atoz made a big deal of them not being “prepared” so...
I love that McCoy just wanders out of bed as soon as he feels even a little better and Spock has to turn him around and put him back under the blankets.
Jim Kirk Action Hero.
I’m paying so little attention to this Kirk storyline that I don’t know how he figured out this guy was also from the past. Was it a lucky guess or did I just miss a clue?
Ah, so it does come back to being “prepared.” I am prepared to accept this bit of Lore, I’ve decided.
As soon as Bones feels better he IMMEDIATELY starts to flirt. This man cannot be stopped. He sees that Spock is interested too and he’s like ‘may the best man win.’
“Practicing medicine without a license.” Lol.
Spock reverts to his pre-Reform self and he’s immediately meaner. Mean, horny, and honest, that’s the personality. They were not a nice people.
I always felt bad about that line “I don’t like that. I thought I didn’t but now I know.” Like he’s just been wondering if he’s offended by the ears comments but he couldn’t bring himself to admit it.
Only 17 minutes! That doesn’t seem good.
Oh no, someone’s talking about loneliness. That’s Spock’s kryptonite.
Animal flesh!
He’s so confused by his own flirting. Spock’s relationships are always really intense because it’s the only type he allows himself. Whereas Kirk has the sickly sweet romantic relationships and McCoy’s are often the fun and flirty kind.
“I’m behaving disgracefully.” It’s okay, it’s the Pre-Reform talking.
Spock’s existential crisis. I ate a deer and I liked it...
Aw, he can be romantic!
WHAT IS THIS WHY IS KIRK ON A LIBRARY CART?? That is so random. I will force you through this portal no matter what.
This here is Bones’s superpower: being able to discern someone’s feelings and then talk to them honestly about those feelings, without either sugar coating or cruelty. That’s his bedside manner. It’s so good.
Also, this is the best scene in the episode and one of the best in the series, btw.
Did he just steal Zarabeth’s coat?
No, okay, it’s just some random furs. Probably from that animal Spock had such a good time eating.
What’s this, a plot device that makes it impossible for Spock to purposefully maroon himself in the past by pushing McCoy through the portal alone? How inconvenient.
Well the furs didn’t come back with them. That’s weird.
“I’m glad Mr. Atoz made it safely to his family. No thanks to me.”
“Yes, it happened. I ate meat. Gross. The end.”
Overall... I would give this episode a B. I enjoyed it and it had several positive qualities. But I have some complaints as well.
The good: I loved the sci fi concept. Like the writer of this episode, I also work in a library, and I thought making it the center piece of the idea was really smart and interesting. I also enjoyed that it was used for both good (saving the people from the destruction of their planet) and evil (imprisoning Zarabeth).
I also thought the exploration of pre-Reform Vulcan Spock, though I’m not convinced it flows from time travel itself, was cool. I think that’s a part of Vulcan history that everyone, both other characters and viewers/fans alike, are really interested in, so even the hints of it here were tantalizing. This rewatch, I noticed in particular that he wasn’t that violent, really, but he was very mean. I don’t think Pre-Reform Vulcans were enjoyable to be around.
It’s also a great Spock and McCoy episode--more a Spock episode than anything, but whenever he and McCoy get scenes together just the two of them, it’s always intense, and that was true here as well. Those scenes were great.
And I like Zarabeth and Mr. Atoz as today’s guest aliens. I have a bias about Zarabeth because Mariette Hartley, who plays her, once had a boat repaired by my grandfather and I have a signed headshot of hers from that and that’s like my Star Trek Connection. But I legitimately think Zarabeth as a thoughtfully developed character given the number of scenes she’s in, and I believed her and Spock and their short but passionate romance.
The bad: first and foremost, the Kirk story line sucked, and Kirk in general didn’t really have much to do. Separating him from the other two seemed kinda clunky, and not necessary except as an artificial way to keep him and Spock separated. I don’t know what I think about Spock forgetting Kirk as he started to regress, how I should interpret that as it connects to the Pre-Reform thing. Does he have less loyalty? Is his horniness overwhelming? Who can say? At any rate, as a Kirk stan and a K/S girl, I wasn’t too keen on that.
Also, the pacing of this episode was.. unsatisfactory. On the one hand, it felt really sparse, like there just wasn’t enough to fill a 52 minute episode, so they went about everything realllly slowly. But on the other hand, the actual interesting stuff--the Pre-Reform Spock scenes and the Spock/Zarabeth romance--got barely three scenes total, and so it seems like there WAS more material there that could have been explored had there been time.
And I think the characters are way smarter than they were portrayed in this ep. As I already mentioned, Kirk’s absolutely rookie mistake of just jumping through a portal unprompted was pretty bad. I also don’t get why they didn’t identify themselves as Federation earlier. Their actual purpose on the planet was kinda vague. I’m assuming it was to save the people from the supernova--but they were already saving themselves! So the only reason they didn’t share information sooner was because there would be no plot but for this weirdly glaring and OOC error. I thought all that was a little shaky.
But overall, I thought it was an interesting and unique take on time travel. The ending was sad in a sort of...ironic way. It was a thoughtful take on Spock that gave me a lot to think about in terms of Vulcan characterization.
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shurisneakers · 3 years
a harmless drabble more on the angsty/hurt and comfort side of things? 🥺
a/n: sigh. welcome to chaos week update #2 :)) last one is out this friday and im exhausted pls keep me in your thoughts or send me doughnuts. either works hey, just a shoutout to the anon who has a presentation today. i hope it all goes well :)
warning: lot of swearing, angst, anxiety, self esteem issues, sick bucky, but it gets lighter at the end dw
word count: 8.4k (we established like seven parts ago that these aren’t drabbles anymore)
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Previous Part  || Series Masterlist
He probably shouldn’t be even awake right now.
But he was.
With a vengeance.
Over fifty hours of a recon mission paired with the additional stakeout due to people not doing their jobs correctly made sure it was a very long two weeks.
The last stretch had been a bit of an adrenaline rush, a lot of explosions and walking away like a badass even though the combination of heat and leather had him sweating buckets. He hopes that the same high would keep him going for at least another few hours before he crashed for the next three days.
“Buck, you’re gonna be exhausted by the time we reach. Can’t you push it to tomorrow?” Steve tries his level best to reason with him, knowing that Bucky in particular had volunteered for a lot of the mission assignments when others were too tired or occupied to pursue it.
“She’s busy tomorrow. School’s got some dance planning committee happening.” Whatever your inator was, he could punch a hole through it and be done for the day. “It’ll be 20 minutes tops.”
“No point arguing with him, Cap. He’s whipped.” Clint’s kinda delirious. He’s almost fallen over twice already, Bucky’s metal arm being the only thing that stopped it from happening. Maybe Clint’s head deserved to hit the floor a couple of times after that comment.
“Shut up.” He fiddles with the solar system bracelet around his wrist, shoving all the beads to one side before thumbing them back. Not a very convincing argument but the same adrenaline is starting to wear off faster than could conserve. “I’m not.”
“Just go on Tuesday or something. ’s not like you wait for the weekend to see her anymore,” Clint throws in a rebuttal much to his annoyance. “Didn’t you meet her after school that day?”
“She said she was going to hypnotise some birds to go shit on someone.” Fuckin’ Jeff.
“Yeah, but then you walked her home afterwards.”
“It was a part of the negotiation.” A trade off, even.
He wonders if the thread that linked all the beads would ever wear out with how much he played around with it, but so far it showed no signs of giving away.
“Negotiation, date, whatever you wanna call it. The point still stands.”
“It’s your fourth mission this month, bud,” Steve interrupts before Bucky’s glare burns holes into Clint’s face. “You need to relax.”
The quinjet takes a sharp turn and Bucky feels like he’s gonna throw up. Motion sickness was a rarity, only showing up in cases where his body was on the verge of crumbling due to fatigue.
He takes a swig of water, shoving down any signs of distress. “Swear on Barton’s life, I'll take a break after this.”
“Motherfucker, I know you’re lying.” Clint whips around in his seat. “Take it back right now. You’re gonna get me killed.”
“Maybe you deserve it,” Bucky quips back calmly.
���That’s fair.” Clint pauses. “But I’ll take you with me, Jimmy.”
Bucky scowls at the nickname. He absolutely loathes it, which gives this piece of shit all the more reason to use it.
“Can you both shut up?” Nat groans from her seat, doing everyone a favour.
“Whose side are you on, Tasha?” Her blonde and begrudgingly admitted best friend asks.
“Whoever pushes you out of this plane in the next five minutes, Clinton.” She smiles sweetly at him but it drops abruptly. “Steve, just let him go, he’s a big boy now. But you’re finding your own way home, Barnes. I’m not picking you up again.”
She picked him up twice a long time ago and one of them was when you called her over to thank her and return the microchip she got you from the lab.
Back then he knew that the team kept in contact with you occasionally, but not to the point where he had to wait half an hour for Nat to stop telling you about the tech behind her photostatic veils so he could finally go home.
“You guys are great,” Bucky mumbles sarcastically, getting up to go punch in the new coordinates. “Best fuckin’ friends a fella could ask for.”
They still have a long way to go. Bits of conversation takes place, but a two week long mission tends to drain the life out of even enhanced human beings so it’s mostly quiet. The longer he sits idly, the longer the weariness sets in. He could take a walk but he’s not sure he could make an entire lap.
Clint's head droops as he slips in and out of sleep again. Bucky considers letting him hit the cold, hard ground in an act of revenge.
In the end, he sticks his arm out again, pushing him back into his seat.
Steve lowers the jet for him at the street outside your lair, enough for him to jump out and not lie on the ground in pain. Still, it takes him a little longer to stop the dizzying when he lands, before he rolling his shoulders and walks to the door.
The lair’s lit up in shades of yellow and red for a change. Even the pillars with the bubbling liquid were a flaming orange to match whatever theme you had going on.
You were in the smack middle, dressed like a completely authentic firefighter.
“You’re back!” you cheer when he opens the door. You follow it up with a quick clearing of your throat, dropping your voice lower to sound more serious. “You’re back.”
He can’t think of anything to say so he just walks to the middle of the lair, a few feet away from the raised platform. His backpack is still with him, a few grimy and tattered clothes, empty guns inside and other essentials inside. But there’s a separate paper bag that he’s holding in his hand.
“I got you something,” he informs to the best of his ability, holding it up. He wonders if you even heard it, considering how coarse his words had sounded.
“What is it?” You jump down from the platform to meet him midway.
“Open it.” He extends it forward.
He’s a little nervous when you pull out a t-shirt from the bag, ‘I love Philippines’ printed against the plain black, the love represented by a bright red heart.
“You bought me a souvenir.” Your eyes widen when you twist it around to look at the words.
“Yeah.” Could he sit down for a few minutes, maybe? Your chair looks real nice. “There’s some chocolate in there if you want.”
“You’re so cute, oh my God.” You hold it up against you, checking out the fit.
He can feel himself smiling but he isn’t exactly sure if he is.
“Thanks, sarge.” You half consider wearing it right now but you don’t want to ruin it with what you have planned. “I love it.”
Bucky gives you a thumbs up, arm dropping to his side when it takes more energy than it should.
“Did you come here right after a mission?” You notice the beads of perspiration lining his forehead. “Is that why you’re all sweaty?”
He just ‘mhm’s in response. He didn’t even notice how hot he was feeling.
He forces himself to pay attention when your fingers wave in front of his face.
“You okay?” You’re a step closer than he remembers you being a second ago. “You look kinda pale.”
“’m fine.” It feels like gravel scraping against his throat. “What d’ya have planned for today?”
You look entirely unconvinced. “Aren’t you supposed to be hibernating right now?”
“Nah.” Did he land 2 minutes ago or two hours ago? How long has he even been here? “Slept on the jet.”
Accidentally, before snapping awake thirty seconds later when turbulence hit.
“Okay,” you say hesitantly. “If you say so.”
You march back to the platform. He lets the backpack fall to the ground, exhaling in relief at the sudden weight off his shoulder. He walks over to leave it by the wall, well out of the way so that neither of you trip.
You stretch your arms out and declare something about subverting expectations and turning things into water so you could float giant paper boats but he only catches bits and pieces of it. He supposes the subverting expectations had to do with the theme of the lair and your costume.
“Where, uh-” If you had mentioned it and he wasn’t paying attention, this was going to be embarrassing, “-where is this... thing?”
“You’ll have to find it.” You grin. “A little game.”
He blinks rapidly, the words taking some time to register in his brain.
“It’s here somewhere?” He looks around, the bright colours bringing on the early signs of a migraine.
"You will never-" you begin to cackle but pause mid-sentence, "Bucky, are you sure you're fine?"
He nods with a slight wince, beckoning for you to go on. His shoulder pressed against the concrete for support, centring his balance accordingly.
"It’s around here.” You sound more disinterested, instead, eyes trained on him in worry. “But there’s this whole ‘floor is lava’ thing going on, it’s gonna get a little crazy.”
“Ah.” Jesus, had it been over sixty hours since he’d been awake? What fucking day of the week was it?
“Listen, can I get you something? Do you want some water or-”
His legs nearly buckle under him in a flash.
"Can we just take 5?" He slides to the ground along the wall, leaning on his palm to stay upright.
"Shit, Buck." You immediately leap off your platform to get to him. “What’s happening to you?”
“‘m fine,” he groans, trying to push himself up again.
“Clearly you’re not.” You drop to your knees by him to get a picture of what exactly was wrong.
"I have super healing.” He clenches his eyes shut. “I'll be fine, just- just give me a minute."
"You're sick, James.” He can feel your hand press against his forehead, a welcome coolness against the heat. “You're burning up."
Alright. Maybe he isn’t that fine.
“I’m callin’ Hill.” You dig around your firefighter’s outfit for your phone. “This is why we don't see each other until you've gotten some rest, Bucky. We could have just rescheduled.”
His eyes blow open, hand reaching out to grab your wrist. "No, no.”
“What?” you ask, eyebrows furrowing.
He shakes his head. “Don't take me back there. They won't let me go on missions."
"Well, they shouldn't, not if things like this are going to happen," you bite back, finger hovering over the contact.
"Please,” he pleads, "Please. I don’t know how else to make up for it.”
“Make up for what?” Your determination falters.
“Everything.” His eyes close again. “Don’t call them.”
“Fuckin’ hell,” you breathe out. “How do I help you, sweetheart, you gotta tell me.”
You check his temperature again, biting your lip to quell what feels a lot like rising fear because panicking wouldn’t help the situation. His skin burns under yours.
“Just leave your hand there,” he says under his breath. The ground was cold, God, he wanted to lie down. “Feels nice.”
Sleep looks like she’s finally catching up with him, a race that she inevitably always won. She’s a sneaky one.
He doesn’t try to resist this time, letting it consume him.
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Something under him is plush, soft. It’s not dissimilar to the seats in the common room.
He can barely rotate his body, every muscle feels like it's on the verge of tearing and fuck, he's barely conscious but he manages to pry his eyes open.
“Easy there, Buck." It's you, even though he's moving in and out of consciousness he can tell it's you.
The room's too bright. The world's too bright. The panic builds in his chest.
"Where am I?" His words come out slurred, eyes squinting painfully.
“My couch," you sound gentle, calming. "You're safe. Go back to sleep."
Okay. He trusts you.
He passes out before his head hits the pillow.
Bucky doesn't dream. He has nightmares, yeah, but those had begun to lessen in frequency after he started working on them a few months ago.
This isn't a nightmare.
It's a dark, navy blue sky, pristine white ground and a mist swirling around with the strong wind. He swears he can feel the cool droplets collecting on every inch of him. He doesn't feel nervous... just strange.
It’s uncharted territory.
There’s not a lot going on otherwise.
He takes a step forward, and another, and another when nothing happens. It’s a slow walk against the low howl of the draft, but it looks like there’s no one around for miles.
He stands still for a second. Lets the world move around him.
He’s alone anyway.
“Bucky.” He jerks awake again, hastily pulled away from the nothingness. “Slow down. Breathe. It’s me.”
“How long have I been out?” he croaks out. It feels like five minutes between since he shut his eyes.
“About two hours.” He hears a clink as you set a tray down on the table beside him. “Sorry for waking you up. Just thought you needed some water.”
He can’t lift his head up. It’s bordering on humiliating. “I can’t-”
“Got you a straw,” you break in gently. “But I’m gonna need you to take these for your fever. You’re still burning up pretty bad.”
Something pokes at the corner of his mouth. He figures you’re holding up the glass for him. The straw’s helpful, and hell, you were right. His throat was absolutely parched and the water sliding down feels like a respite but he can’t get more than a few sips in.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t-” he begins in a long series of apologies to come, hoping the throbbing in his head would go away.
“Get some rest, Buck.” You knew that if he started he wouldn’t ever stop. “We’ll talk about this later.”
There’s the sound of a light switch clicking and he’s left in silence for a few seconds.
He should have just gone home. He should have listened.
But he wanted to give you the t-shirt.
He’s been walking for what seemed like hours now.
The inky dark horizon seems endless, the white ground crunches under his feet.
Is this what fever dreams were really like?
Or is this what his normal dreams are like? He can’t really remember the last one he had.
He doesn’t know what he’s headed towards but something in him tells him not to stop. There’s an unspoken destination to get to.
“Where are you going?” A voice asks from around him. No matter how ominous it was, it doesn’t seem to unnerve him.
“‘m not sure,” he admits, his pace not faltering.
It doesn’t ask anything further so he keeps treading.
It’s a minute before something catches his eye. A light appears in the distance. His heart lifts.
Something warm. Inviting.
The closer he gets, the clearer it becomes that it is a fireplace. It stands alone out there, several logs of wood accompanying it with an axe leaning against them.
The flame’s dull.
He gets to work.
His forehead feels cool. He thinks that either his dream was had transcended into reality or he’s sweat right through his shirt and condensation was working wonders.
His hand shifts up to wipe at his skin. It comes in contact with cloth instead and it takes him a moment to realise that it was a wet hand towel laid across his forehead.
He hasn’t been like this in years. He sure remembers laying soaked handkerchiefs on Steve a lot when they were boys, nights of flu and stomach bugs keeping Bucky up in palpable fear until his friend’s fever broke in the early hours of the morning. He can’t recall the last time someone had done it for him.
He can hear you tinkering with something in the other room. His senses seemed like they were gradually making a comeback, but along with them came the most excruciating headache.
A small groan escapes him when he tries to flip over, hands flying to his temple to try and relieve some of the pressure. The serum was good most of the time. But for all the epic moments of energy and healing it gave him, the inevitable lows crashed down just as hard.
But a headache was good. If this was the worst he had been feeling all day, then he knew from experience that it was going to be over soon.
“Where does it hurt?” He didn’t even notice that you had stopped building whatever you were, now crouching a few feet away from the couch.
“My fuckin’ head.” He turns over to press his face against the sofa cushion, hoping that the darkness would help in some way.
He can feel your fingers run through his hair, pushing it away from where it stuck to his face. His teeth unclench slightly, just for a second, before another wave hits him.
He begs to go back under.
It’s snow, he realises. The white ground is snow.
“Why don’t you sit down for a while?” it cajoled again. The voice doesn’t have a physical form but he can feel it follow him around like a little friend.
“Can’t.” He’s been hacking away at the wood for too long now, using the bits to keep the flame going, keep it alive before it dies out on him.
“Can’t or won’t?”
He leans against the hilt of the axe, breathing heavily. He’s exhausted.
“Won’t.” His voice is quieter, eyes downcast.
The wind doesn’t give up around him. It hugs him like a blanket, adding to what could easily turn into misery.
“What do you think is going to happen if you keep at this?”
Warmth. Something to break the monotony of the blue around him. Maybe the heat would invite someone to sit with. Redemption.
“I don’t know.” He brings the tool down hard on another block, breaking it into half before he throws it into the fireplace.
“You’re not seeing what you’ve already created,” it points out delicately. “Wait for a second, watch the fire.”
He wipes his brow, taking a step back. His muscles were aching, shortness of breath finally catching up to him.
If it gives up on him, he’d have to work twice as hard.
But the fire continues to crackle, seconds, moments, even minutes later. Just as bright.  
Has it always been?
“Yes, it has.” It reads his mind.
At what point did it stop mattering how much he tried to keep it alive?
“A long time ago.” It didn’t make sense. “So then why are you working so hard towards it when it’s already here?”
Something is kneading on his head. It’s foreign and should definitely set off alarm bells but it's nice. It feels good.
"Hey, B." You’re on a single seat couch adjacent to his, welding gloves on your hand. Do you ever take a break? “You look better.”
"Hi." He reaches up, coming in contact with metal this time. "What's on my head?"
"Synthesised Message Inducer."
A message inducer?
"What messages were you sending me?" Is that why his dream was so fucking weird?
"Well- none," you confess. "I read the label wrong. Turns out it’s a massage inducer. Don't know what evil I can do with that but it’s helpful.”
No wonder.
"You mentioned a headache before you passed out again so I just thought that-" you gesture to it with a flick of your hand. "Is it making you uncomfortable? I wasn't sure-"
"It feels good,” he murmurs, trying his best to straighten up. "Thank you."
“You look less pale.” You smile, although it looks strained. “You hungry?”
“Don’t think so.”
“There’s some Gatorade on the table. Saltines too, if you can stomach it.”
He knows he should eat. His metabolism needs it.
You push yourself off your couch to go sit beside him. He sits up straight, back leaning heavily against the couch when you land next to him.
He takes three out of the bowl of saltines you offer him. Breaking it into little pieces, he pops a few in his mouth, chewing slowly. A quick sip of Gatorade washes it down for momentary satisfaction but he knows it won’t be nearly enough to fill the hunger that will eventually hit him the minute he’s a little healthier. His body’s energy was being entirely spent in fixing him up.
“Steve called, by the way.” Of course, he did. Mother.
“Did you pick up?” He twists the cap back onto the bottle.
“Let it ring all the way through.” You take it from him and leave it on the floor beside the couch, lifting your legs to keep onto the table.
“He’ll call back later.”
“I think it’ll be fun to reject Steve Rogers’ call.”
Oh, it definitely is. Gets him all riled up.
“How you feeling?” You sneak a glance at him.
“Better than this morning.” An hour more and he’d be good to go.
You nod, looking down at your lap. "You scared the shit out of me, you know.”
"I'm sorry." Guilt. It’s guilt that might just eat him alive. “Really.”
“I know what you’re thinking.”  You wave it off. "Don’t. I'm just glad you're okay."
There’s a beat of silence where he’s not quite sure what to say. There’s a certain tension that hangs in the air between you both. He can feel the drowsiness creep on him again.
“But you need to tell the team, James,” you say softly. “You need to talk to someone.”
He doesn’t react too much. He knew it would come up eventually.
Bucky exhales uneasily. “I know.”
“Will you?”
The million-dollar question. He doesn’t want to lie and tell you that he absolutely will because he doesn’t know.
His head cautiously rests on your shoulder. You don’t hesitate for a moment before shifting to make him more comfortable, leaning your cheek on his hair.
“I’m gonna pick up next time Rogers calls.”
“Gonna tell him you got held up on our date.” He feels your chest rise and fall with a small laugh. He smiles against your shoulder.
“They’ll get on my ass.”
“You should get bullied, it’s good for character development.”
Some date.
He can’t even stay awake longer than five minutes at a time.
He’s still cutting the wood fervently, throwing blocks upon blocks into the fire to keep it alive, keep him alive.
“You know you don’t have to keep doing this, James,” it’s being a voice of reason but he can’t afford to listen to it. “You’re not gonna find something new that you don’t already have.”
“What do I have?” he asks desperately, planting his feet in the ground, hand gripping the axe tightly.
“You know what.”
He does. “Don’t say it.”
“That’s going to keep burning.” It’s true. “You’re just going to kill yourself trying to keep it.”
He has to earn it. He has to do something to be worthy of what it was giving him because if it knew the kinds of things he’s done, things he has to make up for- it’d extinguish a long time ago.
“You don’t.”
“I do.” No matter how long he stays still, it shows no sign of flickering.
“The fire’s still alive.” It’s calm despite how frantic he was turning.
“I’m useless here,” he says defeatedly against its insistence. “I don’t deserve it.”
“Maybe you don’t.” It stings. “But maybe you do. Either way, it’s giving it to you, no strings attached.”
He lifts his axe over his shoulder again, ready to bring it down.
“You don’t have to offer a service to have worth.”
He halts, body frozen. His chest constricts almost painfully.
“Sit down for a while,” its command is kind, almost caring. “Let it come to you.”
“Fuck,” it escapes him like a small prayer.
The axe drops to the ground. He shakily takes a seat.
It’s a kitten.
On his chest.
Bucky stares right at it and it unflinchingly stares back.
He’s not really sure if he’s still dreaming or not.
He hesitatingly uses a finger to scratch behind its ear.
“Hello,” he whispers. It leans into his touch, pressing itself against his palm. “Where’d you come from?”
"You're awa- ah, jeez, I'm sorry." You walk into the room, finally changed into an oversized cardigan and out of your lab coat, "She's clingy."
"It's okay." He likes it. “This is your cat?”
“Yeah. Finally, about time you two met.”
He folds his legs to give you space on the couch. You sit next to him, a cup of something warm in your hands. There’s music playing softly through the apartment, tracks definitely from the 80s. He recognises some of them from the playlists Sam had been sending to catch him up.
“You look good as new.” His temperature had gone down a while ago and his headache had subsided after thirty more minutes of sleep and an Aspirin.
“Feel normal.” Praise be to the serum. “Think it’s over.”
“You need some more water?”
“I’m good.” He’s fucking starving, though. “What have you been up to all day?”
“School stuff.” You relax into the seat. “Inators to kick your ass when you’re not unconscious on my couch.”
“Winter Formal prep?” He flinches when the cat digs her claws into his chest but it doesn’t hurt that bad, arching her back before snuggling back.
“Yeah. Turns out I’m chaperoning.” The cynicism in your tone has him believing that maybe it’s not your activity of choice. “Yay.”
“When is it?”
“Pretty soon. The planning committee’s all excited.” You take a sip out of your mug. “I get one day to recuperate.”
Maybe he should leave you alone for the next few weeks. Maybe a month. Possibly forever.
“I’m sorry,” he says for the umpteenth time that day but at least now he’s properly conscious.
“I know you are.” You don’t sound mad at him. “You don’t need to be. What are frenemies for?”
He lingers a little longer on the word, reevaluating what exactly this thing was at this point.
“Plus you brought me a present.” You gesture to yourself and he realises only then that you actually have the shirt on. “That makes it pretty even, I think.”
“You sure?”
You know it’s an unspoken way of asking if you want him to get out and never come back, judging by the way his lip was caged between his teeth.
“Absolutely.” You finish whatever you’re drinking, leaving it on the coffee table. “And you fixed my generator last time you were at the lair so, you know, an eternal debt or something.”
Well, it nearly electrocuted you and him so it’s not like it was a difficult choice to make.
“I think she likes you.” You raise your eyebrows at the cat who had dozed off on his chest a while ago when he wasn’t paying attention. “Traitor.”
“She has good taste.” He didn’t think he was a cat person, having grown up with his neighbour’s dogs and the human equivalent of a spunky Golden Retriever.
“She has terrible taste. Unless she likes me, then she’s basically Gordon Ramsay.”
“You keep telling yourself that.” He retracts his hand back to his side, fully intending not to disturb her. He probably wouldn’t be able to move from that position for the next few hours out of compulsion.
The ease slowly returning to your conversation takes off some of the edge he was feeling.
“Something feels wrong about today.” He stares off to the side, turning his face to the wall.
“Aside from me having to use all my Grey’s Anatomy knowledge on you?” You snicker. “Web MD told me you had Pneumococcal Meningitis.”
“No. I don’t think you’ve said enough bullshit for today.” There’s a certain quota that’s been set.
“I did, you just weren’t awake to hear any of it.” There’s a smile on your face finally and the relief he feels is immeasurable. “Told you all my hopes and dreams.”
“Yeah?” He raises an eyebrow, head inclined ever so slightly to look at you. “What’d that include?”
“To start, I’d like a pony.” You pull your knees up to your chest, circling your arms around it. “Then a private island.”
“You’re startin’ small.” The corner of his lip tugs upwards. “Real humble.”
“You know me, queen of humility and all that.” You brush his comment aside. “But you know what‘s actually wrong?”
He hums in curiosity.
“I haven’t hit on you all day.”
“‘M sure it’s hurtin’ pretty bad,” he says in amusement.
“You have no idea.” You sigh loudly. “How else will you know about my undying love for you?”
“Get it out of your system then.” Months ago he wouldn’t have even dreamed of encouraging this behaviour, but here he was.
“Don’t think you can handle it, buddy,” you tease, eyes crinkling.
“Why, because I have a fever?” He smiles playfully. “Just means I’m hotter than usual.”
You press your lips into a straight line to avoid smiling back. “Mr Barnes, are you flirting with yourself?”
“So what if I am?”
“That’s my job, sir.” You huff. “You gonna have me unemployed now?”
Begrudgingly, he thinks you do your job very well, so no, he’s probably not going to.
He shakes his head slowly instead, stopping when he feels the movement send a shot of pain up his neck. Certainly slept the wrong way.
There’s a faint spell of victory on your face. “You hungry? Been a while since you ate anything.”
“Kinda.” His stomach lining was going to digest itself but he’d never tell you that.
You’re about to open your mouth and tell him that he was a wholeass snack and you were starving when the front door’s doorknob jiggles.
The key turns, finally pushing open and accompanied by a voice that can only be described as peeved.
“Y/N, did you forget the fuckin- oh mother of God.” Some guy covers his eyes instantly, retracting back to the doorway. “You coulda warned me you had a guy here. Is he clothed?”
“Unfortunately, he is.”
“Sir, are you clothed?” he asks aloud instead, ignoring your cry of betrayal.
“Uh, yeah.” Bucky clears his throat awkwardly. “I am.”
“You have no faith in me, Jake,” you grumble, not even meeting his gaze in greeting.
“Fuck off, Y/N,” he replies like it’s a habit, peeking through his fingers to look at who was in the living room.
Oh, this was Jake. Roommate Jake that you’ve mentioned to him a few times before, mostly in complaints.
Roommate Jake’s eyes squint in an effort to discern who was on the couch.
“Anyway come meet-”
“I see.” Recognition finally settles on his face, paving way for immediate displeasure.
“This is Sergeant Ba-”
“I know who he is,” he says dryly. “Why is there a superhero in our apartment? Nice to meet you, by the way.”
Bucky simply waves in acknowledgement, feeling pretty helpless. He tries to sit up straight but the cat simply latches onto him, dragging herself further up his chest and settling there.
“We’re having a sleepover.” You nudge Bucky’s knee with your elbow. “We just did each other’s nails. Do you wanna join?”
“I’ll pass, thanks,” he retorts curtly. “I’m gonna go change. Make sure we still have a home by the time I return.”
“Left you some pasta in the microwave,” you call out, face scrunched in anticipation.
Jake stops down the hall. “You didn’t do the laundry today, did you?”
“The pasta is really good,” you say alternatively.
“Again, fuck you,” he reiterates before a door opens and closes. “I’m gonna have you evicted.”
There’s a stupidly big grin on your face when you turn back to Bucky. “I was just fuckin’ with him, I did the laundry.”
“He hates me,” Bucky states, pulling you out of your self-induced haze of pettiness.
“Ah ah, correction; he doesn’t hate you,” you emphasise, wagging a finger. “He hates all of you. The entire team.”
Bucky’s nose crinkles.
“Don’t look so confused, I warned you about this a while ago.”
He vaguely remembers you telling him to come find out the reason.
“Why?” If it was an anti-superhero agenda, it wouldn’t be the first time Bucky had encountered one of them.
“He has one of the worst jobs in the city.” You smirk. “He works in insurance.”
“Every time aliens destroy New York, he works overtime.”
“‘Hi, thank you so much for calling Gold Star Insurance, how may I help you? Oh, Shmulk used your car as a landing pad?’' you mimic, hand pressed to your ear like a phone. “‘Yes, we can set you up with a claim. Lemme just transfer you real quick to-’”
“I don’t sound like that.” Jake’s voice carries over from the kitchen.
“No one said this was you,” you fire back, rolling your eyes. “God, Jake, the world doesn’t revolve around you.”
“It will once I change the locks on all our doors, Y/N.” His voice is muffled as he opens the fridge, burrowing his head inside. “Did you finish my fucking yoghurt?”
It’s like your ears perk up the way you whirl around to the direction he was. “Admit you ate my cereal, bitch.”
“I don’t even like your shitty cereal,” he shouts back, shutting the fridge door. “You ate my damn yoghurt. I’m adding it to your rent for this month.”
“Fuck your yoghurt.” You sound a little too proud for someone who supposedly didn’t have anything to do with it.
There’s silence until he pokes around the corner, phone in his hand.
“Did you eat dinner?” Jake asks normally.
“No. You ordering?” The way your tone shifts almost gives Bucky whiplash.
“Yeah. Pizza?”
“Sounds good. I’ll pay.”
“Nah, I got it. You paid last time.” He punches in the number. “Sergeant Barnes, would you like some pizza?”
“No, I-” He’s well overstayed his welcome. He probably has a few therapist appointments to make, a few missions to cancel from his schedule.
“Yes, he would,” you interrupt. “Order another large please, Jakey.”
“Cool.” He walks away, speaking into the phone.
“Get dessert,” you yell after him.
He shouts a muffled agreement back.
“Hope you like pepperoni.” You return your attention to Bucky. “That’s his default for people he doesn’t know.”
“Uh, yeah.” He doesn’t quite know what to say after all that. “He seems nice.”
“He’s an asshole.” Your eyes shine in excitement. “I love him.”
The cat paws at his chest, demanding the attention Bucky hadn’t been giving her all this while. He scratches her back again before she goes back to sleep.
“Sergeant Barnes, are you injured?” Jake walks back into the room. “Did one of her dumb machines do this?”
“He’s fine.” You shoot a look towards Bucky who nods in confirmation. “And my machines aren’t dumb, they’re stupid.”
"Is he going to die on our couch?" Jake turns to him. "Are you going to die on our couch?"
"No, he isn't," you say, a tick of annoyance in your voice.
“I really am fine,” Bucky adds on, switching between you and him.
"We could get court-martialed, you know."
"We'll just go on the run." Your eyes shine. "You and me, living it up as criminals. We'll even bring Fondant."
He looks at you in disdain. "We're taking the cat with us?"
"You love her, shut up."
“She sheds everywhere.”
"Your cat's name is Fondant?" Bucky dares to speak up in the middle of whatever this was.
"Among others." Jake sighs. "It was Vaseline this morning, Daisy yesterday and probably will be something stupid like Q-Tip tonight."
You let out an ‘ooh’ in excitement. "Q-Tip is a good one, Jake."
"That was an insult, not a suggestion," he shoots back. "You can't even decide on a name."
"You call her Airpod.”
“She’s small and white and I can never find her anywhere.”
“That's the worst name. What if I went around calling you Shit Stain, huh? Because that’s what you are,” you accuse, adoration highlighting your face when you look at her. "We need a good name, something worthy of her."
"Sergeant Barnes, since you're here would you like to weigh in on the situation?"
Not really. But he's starting to take a liking towards the little thing that was fast asleep on his chest. 
“You can just call me Bucky,” he says instead, figuring that since he was crashing on your shared couch, Jake could at least get nickname privileges.
“You know what, you’re right,” you start, ignoring his white flag. “Bucko here should pick a name.”
“Uh-” Bucky didn’t know this was still the topic of discussion, considering how fast the both of you had been bickering back and forth.
“Stop pestering him,” Jake carped.
“Let him speak, bro, holy shit,” you exclaim, throwing your hand up in a ‘what the hell?’.
“Like you’re going to actually use it. Don’t get his hopes up too high.”
“Maybe I will.” You scowl at Jake, giving Bucky a smile. “No pressure sarge, it can’t be worse than Airpod.”
It can if Bucky tries hard enough.
Jake was right, though, it is tiny and white. Snowball was too common, Frostbite was too violent and you had already used Daisy once-
“How about Alpine?” He scratches under its chin. She turns her head up in contentment.
“Alpine,” you test how it feels on your tongue. “Alpine.”
“It can be something else, I don’t know-”
“I like it.” Something about it feels right. “I really do.”
“A normal fucking name. Hallelujah.” Jake crosses his arms across his chest. “If you change it now I’m getting a dog.”
“Nice one, sarge.” You pet her back, grinning when she leans into you.
“Glad to be of service.” Your fingers brush against his for a second and he freezes. He doesn’t even think you notice the mini contact, already busy in firing off a new insult at your roommate.
“Sergeant Barnes, in case you need to kill her at any point, I can tell you her schedule.” Jake glares at you.
“He already has my schedule, so you can eat shit.” You flip him off. “He and I are besties.”
Bucky still has the certificate you mailed him about your promotion from strangers to best friends. It was definitely tacky, but he appreciated the gift card you sent along with it.
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An hour later he’s stuffed with so many carbs, his mother would be proud. His diet doesn’t usually consist of copious amounts of pizza but fuck it, he probably needs the energy for the lecture he was going to receive later on.
His lips taste like strawberries from the chapstick you forced him to use, his hair tied back in a little bun because the cat wouldn’t stop playing with it and he’s about halfway through listening to a conversation about why insurance workers had it harder than lawyers while living in a city full of superheroes.
“They get to sit up there in their fancy little air-conditioned rooms but we’re doing all the groundwork,“ Jake rants, eyes still trained on the rerun of an old football match playing on the TV.
“Right,” Bucky acknowledges. It’s not like he has any say in this, he wasn’t the one cleaning up the mess. He had spent his fair share of hours helping cleaners clear up debris and discarded alien rubble from Avengers battlegrounds but he certainly should start investing more time into it. 
“And don’t even get me started on the fuckin’ landlords-”
“Is he still talking?” you interject, rounding the corner from your visit to the kitchen to get some water.
“I’m sorry I’m more interesting than you,” he shoots back without a break. “Anyway, as I was saying-”
You had a glass in one hand Bucky’s phone in the other, a constant stream of buzzing drawing his attention to it. He already knew what it was. 
“Shut up for once in your life, Jake. Bucky, catch.” You toss his phone at him and he catches it with one hand. “Your phone’s been blowing up Mr. Steal Your Girl. Who are you cheating on me with?”
He unlocks it to find his notifications drowned by a series of texts. He ignores the ones from Steve and Sam’s number is still blocked, so that leaves him with only one option.
From Clint
steve’s trying to convince sam to send redwing after you lol
From Clint
i told him he should check in with every morgue in the city
From Clint
ok he spent half an hour doing it lmao where are you
From Clint
if you’re alive can you get me some pringles on the way home
From Clint
sour cream and onion
From Clint
nat told me i shouldn’t have said that. my bad.
From Clint
*when you’re alive can you get me some pringles on the way home
From Bucky
From Clint
i’m telling steve you died on a bridge
Bucky locks his phone again, shoving it into his pocket. “I think I should go.”
“Aw, already? You can take Jake’s bedroom if you want,” you offer earnestly. “He can sleep on the asphalt.”
“We have a guest bedroom.” Jake rolls his eyes. “And you can stay over if you need to, Sergeant.”
“Nah, I think Steve might end up here soon if I don’t let him know I’m alright.” The man needed to get laid. It had been too long.
“Well, why don’t you just tell him you’re fine?” Jake is logical, his suggestion reasonable.
Bucky stops to really think about his answer for a moment. 
“It’s funnier.”
Bucky tries to lift Alpine off his lap and onto the couch so she can continue her nap. She opens her eyes briefly before arching her back and jumping off him without so much as a second glance back. Is this what feeling used is like?
“It was nice meeting you.” Your roommate holds out his hand and Bucky takes it firmly, shaking it and responding in kind. “You should visit again. Could use some reinforcements against this crackhead.”
“No one likes you,” you respond, handing Bucky his backpack. “Go add some numbers or cry in a corner or something.”
Jake sends a middle finger and a sarcastic smile your way before disappearing into the kitchen to get the garbage bags.
“Can’t keep America’s Golden Boy waiting.” You hand Bucky his backpack on the way out. 
“He’s anything but America’s Boy.” Bucky scoffs, opening the door and stepping out, “Punk’s broken just about every law under the sun. Not exactly patriotic of him.”
“A rebel with a cause.” A lightbulb goes off in your head. “I know someone who might like that.”
“You’re plannin’ on setting Steve up?” It was probably about damn time. “Good luck.”
“He’s gonna need it, not me.” Your lips upturn in a smirk. “Speaking of your teammates, who’s picking you up?”
“I’ll probably walk.” He inhales deeply, lips pressing inward in a line. “Could use some air.”
“Are you serious?”
He looks at you quizzically. “Yeah.”
“All you superheroes and your lone wolf complexes,” you say under your breath, digging around your cardigan pocket for something.
You ask for his hand. He gives it to you, slightly confused.
“You’re crazy if you think you’re walking home after all that.” You tug his metal arm up slightly to get a better grip on it. 
When your eyes fall on the galaxy bracelet he still has around his wrist, your gaze softens almost immediately. “You kept this?”
Bucky clears his throat, feeling the heat creep into his face. “Steve’s not the only one who needs luck.”
“Sure isn’t,” you agree, moving the bracelet down gently before snapping a new contraption around his hand.
It’s designed to look like a digital watch but he knows exactly what it is.
“Thought you never made two of the same thing.” He stares at the teleportation device that fits snugly around his wrist.
“Yeah, well, your clone getting kidnapped can really change a person,” you murmur. “Made two after the whole thing just in case, but you should have it.”
“Y/N-” he begins, ready to argue.
“I want you to have it,” you interrupt. “Could be helpful on missions. Late night booty calls too, makes the commute less.”
Like he was getting a ton of those on a regular basis.
“I’ll return it next weekend,” he promises, clutching his backpack a little tighter.
“No, you won’t.” You shake your head. “This store doesn’t accept returns.”
He opens his mouth to argue.
“If anything comes out of there that isn’t ‘Y/N you’re the love of my life, please be my girlfriend’, don't even bother,” you warn seriously. 
He shuts his mouth again.
You weren’t going to let him have his way, your stubbornness taking the front seat. It’s slightly infuriating, but he supposes that came with the gig. 
“Thank you,” he says, voice quiet, “for everything.”
“Don’t mention it,” you make a callback to what he said to you months ago. “You glued popsicle sticks together for three hours, ‘tis the least I could do.”
You can tell it’s something he isn’t used to doing, judging by how serious he was. 
“Don’t go all soft on me, Barnes.” You punch his shoulder playfully. “Could even say it’s an evil scheme in itself, making sure your frenemy is fine enough to get their ass handed to them next time.”
“What?” you ask, not sure if you heard him right.
“We’re friends,” he repeats.
It shouldn’t make your stomach flutter but it does and it’s despicable. 
“Give me two more weeks and we’ll add ‘with benefits’ as a suffix.” Using humour as a way to cope with the sudden surge of your heartbeat maybe isn’t the best way to go about things.
“It’s gonna take a lot longer than that.” He counters, buckling the strap of his backpack across his sternum.
“But you’re not denying that it can happen.” A grin spreads across your face. “It’s just gonna take some time.”
He stops his movements, hand still on the watch as he adjusts the coordinates. “Sure. Whatever you say.”
“Bucky Barnes, you are playing hard to get.” You laugh and he smiles wide and free.
“You gotta put in the work.” Not much, judging by the way he’s looking at you.
“I will wear you down someday,” you swear. “You will admit that you have feelings for me.”
He purses his lips out in contemplation. “Good luck.”
“Thanks.” You snort. “Get home safe. And get some sleep.”
“Bye Y/N.” He takes a moment longer to linger on you before pressing down on the watch, blipping out of your view.
You let out an exhale, eyes dropping to the area he was standing just a minute ago.
What a day.
“He your boyfriend?” Jake asks, handing you a bag as you shut the door behind you.
“What? No,” you mumble to yourself, arms crossed over your chest.
“I know you. You don’t just give your inventions away to just anyone,” he continues even when you push past him, “and you especially don’t make stuff twice for them unless they’re Director Fury.”
“I didn’t make that watch for him.” You couldn’t exactly hand out freeze rays and air bending tools to random people. They’d have to have insight into what you were doing in the first place and the only people from your citizen life were T and Jake.
“You’re a terrible liar.” He scoffs. “I saw the blueprint on the table. You built that shit today.”
“They just happened to be there.” You pick up a pizza box, shoving it into the trash. “I was editing a prototype.”
“Y/N, I love you occasionally but you’re full of shit.”
“Beginning to doubt the first part, J.” You hand him the used glasses to take to the sink.
“Look me in the eye and tell me you’ve never built him anything before this.”
You spin on your heel to face him, staring him straight in the eye.
He waits. Your mouth opens to say something before closing it again.
“Your face is ugly.” You press the bag full of garbage into his hand. “Why do you even care so much?”
“Because I’m one of your only two friends, you loser.”
“I have more than two friends.” You huff. “Alpine.”
“Alpine is a cat.”
“Alpine is my best friend and I love her.”
“She is a cat,” he repeats. “Listen- shut up, that cat doesn’t love you- I don’t want anything to happen to you. Your life is fucking weird as it is, just wanna make sure his heart’s in the right place.”
You had already been kinda kidnapped once, what’s the worst that could happen?
You don’t tell Jake that, though. He’d send out a search group the next time you were late.
“He’s good.” You sigh, hand resting on your hip. “And nothing’s going on between us anyway so you got nothing to worry about.”
“Like you don’t have the biggest crush on him.” He swings the bag over his shoulder. “Just because I just choose to ignore you on purpose doesn’t mean I’m ignorant.”
“Yeah, well, I have a crush on someone new every week so your point is invalid.” You put your hands on your waist. “Stop being so mean to me or else I’ll fall in love with you too.”
“God, no. Go back to whatever hole you crawled out of.” His face twists in disgust as he exits the room. 
“You’re comin’ with me, boy,” you reminded him. “Alpine too.”
“Just for the record,” Jake’s voice resonates through the apartment, “I probably hate him the least out of all of them.”
You let out a small laugh. “Yeah, I figured.”
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all proceeds to my ko-fi go towards me trying to get a life or at least some doughnuts <3 (and fix my really fucked up phone)
requests used in this chapter 
Next part
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lovee-infected · 4 years
Hello!! Can I request headcanons about gn mc who got sick (with fever or something to the point they can't go to school) and the twst boys decided to visit and take care of them? I've always enjoyed your headcanon! Thank you!!
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Riddle Rosehearts
He's got much of a weak immune system himself so he's usually prepared for unexpected situations like this. He knows what to do.
Just lay back against your pillow, do exactly as he says and you'll return to full health in no time
He'd probably be really angry if he finds you out of bed without his permission or spending too much time over your phone and reading books; he insists on you resting and much as possible.
He agrees on being possibly a -bit- over protective but he doesn't mind. If this will do any good at your healing process then he's more than okay with it.
Whenever you tell him to stop over stressing himself because of you he just goes: " Me ? Over stressing? Of course not! If you wish me to be calmer than I already am, then stop playing around and rest well till you get better."
He truly does work his hardest for you while you need him, from takings notes of what has been teached during your absence to spending at least 2 hours a day with you, making sure that nothing goes wrong.
As the strict leader of Heartslabyul, he usually spends most of the day watching over students and checking whether they are doing good at school and exams or not, but for now he cuts back on these responsibilities to take care of you. He may not shout that out loudly, but he always puts you before any other responsibilities he might have. Perhaps he enjoys spending time with you just as much as he enjoys having fresh strawberry tarts.
Trey Clover
You were still trying to catch up with the classes but Trey just knew that it'd be too much. It was him who made you forget about the school and instead, rest in your room.
You are a bit stressed out about not being able to take care of your chores, but thankfully he is there for you. He isn't known as heartslabyul's mother for no reason, make sure that he knows how to caress and pamper you better than anyone else.
Aside checking on you every day and bringing you additional medicines and food, he makes sure to collect notes of everything that is teached during your apsence so you won't have problems catching up with the studies afterwards . No need to mention that his cooking on the other hand is stunning, 5 star chef Trey at your service.
He understands that it might be a bit boring laying down in bed without anyone to talk to, so he often comes to you as you need someone to talk to and also brings you your favorite books to read so you won't get any bored when he can't be there.
He never says a word to make you feel any bad or frustrating about being nursed by him, instead he knows how to motivate you to get better even sooner: " Nursing you is absolutely adorable, but I don't want my dear (y/n) stuck in a bed all day while I'm willing to show you way more exciting things than a just couple of books,"
Cater Diamond
Clones, clones and clones :Time to get to work! The best part with it is that he can always make sure to have at least one of his clones watching over you even if he's busy with school or stuff, not that he lets you know what he's doing though.
You wonder why Cater's staying with you 24/7, as a third year student, isn't he supposed to be like, really busy with studying? Cater assures you that there's nothing to worry about, and it seriously isn't. He can always catch up with everything even his actual self stays all night at yours.
While his use of clones might seem a bit tricky, he still makes sure to provide you with anything you as long as you're sick need and even more: Bringing you roses and chibi, stuffed animals as gifts, along with sweet chill chats whenever you're awake, sending you soft love quotes with a bunches of colorful hearts and kisses via text even as he's right beside you, He enjoys how you'll need to look up your messages to see what he texts you allthough he's sitting just a few meters away from you. Aw, the way you blush whenever youlok at your phone, how cute~
Ace Trappola
What's the purpose of going to school when he does not understand a single word of it while his mind is all stuck on you? What are doing now? Are you fine? Does your chest Still hurt? Has your pain gotten any worse? Is there someone with you right now? What if you need help??
He's about to lose his mind, he tries asking someone free to check on you but there doesn't seem to be such a person available at the moment. 'That's it , I'll go on my own'
With the help of the year gang ( Jack, Deuce and Epel) he fakes breaking his leg during a PE session and yeets off the school for an entire week. YES!
He is moving to your place for a couple of days and Deuce will cover up for him whenever someone asks where Ace is.
Ace just knows that you're sick, he isn't sure of the exact name or type of your illness. On his way to yours, he fills a bag with anything he finds at Heartslabyul's cabinets with any title as -medicine- for you. He'll later look for the right one you need between them.
When you get to look into what he has brought, you aren't sure if he's kidding or not and when you ask, Ace realizes that he's really goofed up: what he actually brought was nothing else than animal medicines, and he he literally brought you each and every of them existing in Heartslabyul; how come didn't he see the pets/only label-??
You're lucky that you already have your medicines prepared, so you tell him not to worry about it. He feels so damn embarrassed wanting to melt into earth right now, but you have to admit he really lifted up your mood. You're happy to have your cute, Crabby-haired idiot besides you while you're sick, and he tries his best to help you with cooking and making sure of you taking your right medicines on time to make up for the mess he made on his first day:" Ehehe...at least...you can use some of them when Grim gets sick, right ?"
Deuce Spade
He really wants to stay there taking care of you but... he has to go to school as well. He has to get much higher grades this semester if he doesn't want to have to spend another year as a first year.
He can't skip any of classes, but promises to spend the rest of his day after school.
He rushes with his school uniform still on to your place, not wanting to be even a second late . He has to carry some casual clothes along with his books since he wants to stay over nights if you need him.
Due to get getting in trouble a lot back at the time, he's rather educated in medical field so he knows much and less of what he'll need to do as you're sick?
His cooking isn't something he can rely on so he goes to Trey, telling that he needs some soup for Ace since he seems to be looking a bit sick lately?
He prepares your food, brings you warm towels, repeatedly checks your body temperature and when you're finally asleep, gets to his own studies. He ends up Having fewer than 3 hours of night sleep multiplr times and once, he didn't get any sleep at all.
He tries his hardest to look his best in front of you so you won't notice how terrible he actually is; when you question the bags under his eyes, he claims them to be left from the mascara which a couple of guys put on him a few days ago for fun and consistently laughs. Damn, this boy doesn't even know how to lie huh? He is literally dying, but he won't tell you a word. He can handle worse...
When you finally return to full health you realize how terrible he's been doing lately and you take rule of his nurse this time. Making sure that your cinnamon roll would finally get some sleep.
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Leona Kingscholar
"My room, now". You look way too terrible to be able to make it to the classes therefore he has to make sure that you won't do anything stupid while you need to be taking some rest.
Bringing you to his own room wasn't his main intention since he just wanted to keep an eye on you but couldn't afford to visit you everyday if you didn't live any close to him so, easiest solution to the problem would be you staying with him.
He lets you use his bed but keeps on reminding you that it's just because you're sick so you better not be expecting such things to ever happen again. He would fall asleep in less than a minute at whatever he lays his head on, so sleeping on the ground isn't as hard as it seems. He just had to make sure that you would't step on him or his tail when you walk out of the bed.
He can ask Ruggie to nurse you and all, but decides to do most of your stuff on his own because it'd be a lot worse if Ruggie too gets sick. Sharing the same room with you has already put him on a pretty high infection risk so, that wouldn't really matter if he's the one nursing you or not. He doesn't really mind getting sick either, a free chance to take some days off school and chill; why not ?
He turns out to be pretty good with board games and there's no need to worry about getting bored while you can go for 100+ chess matches with Leona winning you each and every time; a bit ironic, but entertraining nonetheless.
He's actually really enjoying spending time with you, but isn't really expressing it. The only time when he actually shows some direct affection is when he plants secret kisses on your forehead as you're asleep.
Ruggie Bucchi
He has grown up in an awfully poor family with multiple siblings, so he's pretty familiar to the pain of seeing those you hold dear sick .He has turned into a not only responsible but also supportive boy toward friends and family, so you can make sure that he can take the best care of you while you're sick.
Perhaps his only problem is...Leona. He'd need Ruggie around even during school time and the hyena boy can't even have a full 30 minutes away from him which makes it impossible for Ruggie to take his time checking on you at least once a day.
Well, he has to find a way to babysit both of you at the same time so, -Let's take you to his own room-
Great ! He no longer needs to worry now that he can take care of you both. Leona too agrees on you staying at his as long as you don't cause any trouble.
Poor Ruggie has to sleep on the floor but assure you that he rarely gets to be the one sleeping on bed back in the home so, he is kinda used to sleeping on the cold ground.
He knows how to cook? Much and and less of it but who cares? He just asks you what you want and returns with it in 30 minutes; guess why: Because he'd just borrow the food from someone else. He doesn't mind his dirty ways indeed, you're sick so, you're more important than some dude wanting to chill on his food during lunchtime.
He just takes a list of medicines you may need and returns with all of them in his bag. He has to come at the right time on his own every time you have to take any of them since you'd most likely either fall asleep or forget to take them on time.
Enjoy your time with him, because it's gonna be a real luxury. He'd treat you nothing less than the way he treats Leona as he's sick so, you may consider yourself a part of a royal family at his service.
Jack Howl
Fluffy tsundere wolf is ready to give up on all he's got for you, what on earth might be sweeter than this ?
The moment, no, the second he realizes that you're not feeling well, Jack would immediately take you to the nurse office to see if you're. It's such a relief that it isn't thst serious, all you need to do is to take some rest.
Meanwhile you're resting in bed, he'll do the shopping and asks the kitchen for some soup ( You're sick you can't have too salty or sweet foods like normal cafeteria meals ) He gives up on his own meal to get some for you instead, it's just hunger of course he can handle it.
He feeds you and makes sure that you'll finish your entire meal, reminds you to take your medicines on time, brings you your favorite books to read and, most importantly, listens to... anything you'd ask him for.
He hardly ever lets anyone touch his ears or tail but if it's you, why not? You even fall asleep hugging his tail like a doll and he just patiently waits for you to wake up, blushing as he appreciates how cute you look while asleep.
Damn he has to keep the distance otherwise he as well would end up being sick but, it just seems impossible to say no when you ask for cuddles.
Jack tells you stories of his home town and national legends making your mouth drop in fascination. His stories seem to amaze him just as they amaze you and it makes him unbelievably happy to see you liking things he's been appreciating all over his life.
He even gets to the point of talking about his will to become all mighty and strong just like the magicians he looks up to, especially Leona. Just watching his strength gives you the will to overcome your illness and be at least a bit like Jack; he's really great, isn't he?
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Azul Ashengrotto
No no no- Unacceptable! You shouldn't be sick, you shouldn't -get- sick- He told you to watch what you eat and what you wear as it's raining out there - HE TOLD YOU A MILLION TIMES- But now what? You are sick.
Azul panicks, he keeps on exaggerating the whole thing even if it's just a normal cold. He just isn't the type to easily deal with sicknesses. Whenever he catches a cold, it'll take him weeks to return to full health due to how weak his body is and, he's so worried about you being the same.
Soup, warm water bath, Medicines , magic potions to reduce the fever, ultimate revival spells... he showers you in all of them. Even if the virus won't kill you Azul's overprotection will most likely do, and he'll get really mad if you tell him that he's exaggerating it.
When you regain half of your full health, you ask him to let you return to school and- He immediately pits you back in bed: "No leavings, not until you're done with this troublesome fever or whatever."
You feel like an adult forced to stay in a cradle and wear diapers meanwhile Azul thinks that you're too naive to take your health seriously.
When you finally manage to pull him over, you realize how sick and pale he's gotten since you got sick. The bags under his eyes proved that he hasn't been getting much of sleep recently. "God what have you done to yourself-"
You finally tell him that he's the one who needs help , not you. You plant a kiss on his cheek and force his head to your lap, wanting him to get some sleep. He slowly understands that he might've been taking it a bit too seriously, but since you are fine now, he's kinda glad that he took it hard on you. He just wants you to be safe and sound; even if his it's going to cost his own health on the first placd.
Jade Leech
Humans get sick? It's pretty rare of aquatic creatures, especially eels to get sick so Jade's pretty new to this . 'wow , pathetic , aren't humans?' he thinks . Well anyway he can't just stand back and make fun humans while you seem to be in serious pain, but what can he do? He still has a lot to learn about human life and it's his first time having one of them sick, oh man.
Well, they tell that you should get some...rest ? Well maybe he should take you to bed. First step done , let's go for the rest. He blocks several of his classmates in the corners asking for... information. He simply takes notes . Possibly useful medicines and meals, hours of sleeping, allowed activities, useful tips, warnings, etc.
He has to read the list several times to make sure that he's got it all right. Let's nurse (y/n).
He unexpectedly goes from 0 to 100 like bam- bye eel boy hello nurse Leech. He'll turn your room into a hospital room, a good one though, filled with dolls and flowers and anything he was told to add because they send away positive vibes.
His cooking on the other hand is amazing. He'll look for several light meals for sick bodies but- chooses those which match your tastes . You can't help but to love everything he cooks . Chef's kiss.
He changes your bed pillow and cloths everyday, returning with washed, silky pillows and covers . A warm, smooth bed is what you need for a good sleep.
If there was such a status he would've been the god of nursing; wow you would've needed pay him off a lot for his service if he wasn't giving it all to his darling for free.
When you finally regain your health, he just has one more question left to ask before leading you to your daily classes: "Now now dear, would you mind rating me , and my nursing service?"
seem like he's really curious to see whether he's done it correctly or not.
Floyd Leech
Things seem so uncool when you're not as energetic as always , pale skin as if you're choking on lack of oxygen and bizarreness in your movements like a doll, smh, so boring.
Just like Jade, he's pretty new to surface life and watching you bear with illness looks pretty weird in his eyes?
When Jade, finally, informs him on what exactly happens to human body while struggling with an illness and what he must do to you to get rid of this annoying mode, he understands. Floyd still finds human's body shitty for how weak it is but decides to use Jade's words as a guide to deal with you.
A warm bed, fluffy pillows and stuffed animals, these seemed to be enough for step one: Enough of rest and sleep. He can't blame you on this one though, sleeping is always amazing. Something that never gets boring. Everything seems to be pretty fine to begin with, sadly it won't last any longer than a few hours-
He's told to bring you food, but when he returns with 4 bags filled with chocolate, candy, soda and chips; it's obvious that he didn't get the point correctly. Jade explains that your body is still way to weak for too salty or sweet foods, even highly cooked meals would worsen your immune system and make it take much longer to be healed.
Floyd goes for a second pick up and this time: this time returns with raw potatoes and frozen meat- Raw potatoes and frozen meat-. Well, he just followed everything Jade told him...? Neither too salty nor to sweet, and raw because Jade told him not to bring over-cooked stuff. Even if the virus did you no harm you would've probably died under his food selections if Jade wasn't there to stop him...
While his food choices might be horrible, Floyd's still one of the best mutuals you can have close when you aren't feeling well. With him beside you, giggling and chuckling as he rambles on how boring his day was, you've got to admit that you'd rarely feel sick when he's around. Although you're sick at the moment, nothing seems to have changed between the two of you, he enjoys spending time with you now just as much as he enjoys it when you're all safe and sound.
Well...maybe he can't be the best nurse you'd get to have , but one thing's for sure: No one can ever make you laugh like he does and, you know what say: Laughter is the best medicine~
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Kalim al asim
He can't be any more worried, he stresses out whenver a friend is sick and now, it's not just a friend, it's -you-, one of the dearest and closest ones Kalim had ever had; just how can he keep calm ???
He is being raised under severe health protection and hardly ever catches even a simple cold, several people had taught him strict health routines and he had to follow them all over his life, so he is considerably familiar with ways of overcoming and illness , and that's what he's here for!
Jamil forbids him from cooking since it's too dangerous if he needs to use any knifes, but that wouldn't hold him back from finding enormous food recipes based on your favorite condiments to make your meal more pleasant.
He makes sure to prepare anything you need in a matter of seconds, golden peacock or 5000 camels, doesn't matter ! He's got way more than enough and what use would be better than giving them to you?
He can take care of you on his own, but Jamil insists on Kalim leaving it all to him and stay away from you as much as possible (No need to mention the high risk of infection for Kalim since he's almost sticking to you all the time)
Jamil as well would caress you meanwhile you rest at Scarabia (Right, Kalim proudly brought you there ) and Kalim, makes sure to stay close to you as much as he can, mostly when Jamil isn't around to tell him off- He doesn't want to put Jamil in more trouble but, you are his first priority.
You're bound to your bed, but just having Kalim around brings way more fascinating adventures than what you might get to see out there. His stories really do show you to a whole new world and takes the pain in your lungs and chest way further that your mind could catch . Perhaps Kalim is he one and only who can make your mind fly, even as your body's laying lifelessly in bed.
Jamil Viper
For the first time, someone stressed him out more than Kalim always does. He's always expecting to be scared to death because of him, but because of you? Damn he didn't see this coming.
Depending on what your illness is, he manages to freak out even more or clam himself down to his sane self, but the main point is how he's got to serve you all the best until you're totally safe.
He soon prepares any kind of medicine and chemical you may need and you have to use them all properly, don't even think of rejecting any single one of them otherwise Jamil would force feed you: "Don't be such a baby, you won't get any better unless you have these"
Just like Azul, he might be a bit overprotective with your health since he doesn't even let you leave the bed for more than a few minutes. He insists on you avoiding any sort of activities that may be tiring or heavy to your body.
To be honest, the thought of using his snake whisper on you when you don't behave or ask him to stop being so strict over a simple illness crosses his mind. Luckily, he refuses to use it. You're still his lover that'd be too heartless of him to take advantage of you like this just because you can't see how much he loves you.
He needs to keep the distance, but has to admit that it can be really hard to avoid hugging and kissing all over your face when you're gazing at him with that sweet smile.
Having you close makes Jamil realize how affectionate he actually is: How much he misses the healthy and happy you who he was never in a danger. Well maybe this nursing days gives him a lesson to at least try to have some sweeter time with you while you are all safe and sound - and not tiredly laying in your bed.
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Vil Schoenheit
You can consider yourself nothing less than a Prince/ Princess when Vil of all people is caressing you. Your body is still way too weak to have control of anything going on in your life at the moment, and that's how Vil takes control over all of them- all in your life. Which means that you now have to live and do as he wishes.
He will take no effort in turning you into one of the fairest of all students in school (Not that you'll ever reach him though) as long as he can have his eyes over you. His rules are way more than just -beauty- ; just as he can be the all fair and powerful Queen who steps on you, he knows how to play the role of the nurse like a Queen would do~
A royal maiden is only to serve the royal family, so it's time to show how much of a princess /prince you can be in bed. You don't need to worry about your medicines or meals since Vil's always organized and on time with them, not to mention that his cooking too seems to be pretty good. He uses light yet, nutritious recipes that you'd enjoy and you're really surprised because these kinds food don't really look tasty.
Perhaps he just needed an excuse all this time to get this close to you, so he can take care of anything he's been dreaming to do with you all this time. Pedicure and manicure, trying on new fruit masks, resting face and body muscles to have a smoother, cleaner skin, etc.
Your room is a beauty salon at this point and you usually forget that you're actually sick.
He works on not only your physical beauty but also your manners, he doesn't care if you're sick or not . It's the best time to take away your poor manners and habits.
Well the scary Queen has got his own soft spots too; while indirectly giving you beauty lessons, he enjoys teasing you as you sometimes look pretty naive and new to all dos and don'ts of a high-level life like his, and he's more than pleased to teach you: "Pull yourself together , potato."
Rook Hunt
He isn't really into the whole nursing game but- If it's an opportunity to stalk caress and admire you all night, why not?
He is lowkey familiar with the basics so, it isn't supposed to be that difficult to handle . Finding pills and medicines isn't hard either since they can all be found at mister S's shop. ( He would've liked it better if he had to get them from a moster or something, anything more adventurous)
Though he doesn't really like quiet and safe journeys he'd actually appreciate it if it's with you. And of course, he won't let anyone else take advantage. Let it just be with the two of you and all~
He isn't about to hurt or scare you in any sort way; it's true that he just loves it when things get a bit dangerous but, he knows how to manage excitement as well. You want him to be a soft gentleman? Then that's what he's going to be.
Rook would be the softest Rook you could've ever imagined when he plays the nurse. It can't even be called nursing: It's about a passionate lover spending all his time with his darling who isn't feeling well. Even his expressions are taken to a totally different level, the mysterious smile he always puts on is replaced with a worried and, mildly sad gaze that makes your heart melt.
Might sound too dramatic bug he may even sing you to sleep. Sweetest words ever dancing to the rhythm of his unique accent that make your cheeks hurt at trying not to blush. This isn't the only drama he's up to though, even his normal speaking often ends up with your mind drowning in feelings. He won't bother giving you soft kisses on hand and forehead when you don't expect it. He likes surprising you, even if it's in a romantic way.
And...the real Rook, is only out when you're asleep. Sitting on a chair just a few inches away from your bed, a pair of eyes carefully follow the pace of your chest as it rises and falls. He's never tired, a huntsman gets no sleep as long as his prey's close by. Wow, if sweetness is all he needed to approach you, then he should give it a try more often~
Epel Felmier
His first reaction to hearing of you being sick is summarised in :Gasping, Blushing, Questioning, Sad puppy eyes. "It's just a simple fever...right? (Y/n) will soon be better..." , Epel confronts himself. He isn't getting overly emotional, but when it comes to you, he does have a sensitive spot.
At first, it is his anxiety over your health that makes him want to come over to your house to check up on you everyday but , it soon ends up being more serious. What if this is an opportunity to prove his reliability? You'd finally get to see how much of a strong and helpful man he can be. Even as he looks soft.
While Epel's trying his hardesr to seem a tough as possible, you can't help but to adore his cuteness as he is doing his best while you're sick. He bakes you the best of apple pies you've ever had and you have to admit; being sick can't hold you back from enjoying the sweet taste of fresh, caramelized baked apples melting in your mouth.
Growing up to be a country boy, he never really relied on chemicals as a useful cure to any illnesses. He's more into organic ways of helping human body into regaining its lost energy, which can be put as : 1) Healthy food 2) Enough of sleep and rest 3) Lifted up spirits and enough of humor. He'd be really protective over the last option, he wants to make sure that your self-esteem and spirits would be way better than ever
He has to keep the distance, but some small cuddles would not hurt, right? Perhaps some small forehead kisses before bedtime too. He's still pretty uncomfortable with kisses but, since you're sick...that can be counted as an exception.
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Idia Shroud
He's been away from humanity for too long; long enough to almost forget that humans get sick. Robots sometimes have their codings crashed or their gears damaged, that's when they'll need an engineer to repair them . How did the cure system work with humans?? He can't really remember. Due to spending time with almost nobody except Ortho (who happens to be a robot) and hardly ever leaving his room and as the result, barely getting sick, Idia is pretty new to human body's metabolism; he isn't sure of what he might be able to do for you. But, humans have something called...immune system, right? Ah something that heals body on its own. Well maybe relying on that would be enough.
He decides to give you some far distance support instead of comimg all way down to your dorm . He can't be any more happier of technology's existence for such cases. Your immune system can heal you on its own, all he've got to do is to send some motivation your way. The summary of most of his extremely motivational texts would be : "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger! Keep it up (y/n)!!👊✨💥" and when you reply telling him how terrible you're feeling he'd just try to look for strongers sentences-
He repeatedly mistakes humans and robots and accidently texts you:" why don't you get someone to repair you?" several times. Then goes to bang his head against the wall realizing how dumb he's acting.
When you get worse he gives up. Maybe those sentences wasn't enough of motivation . Idia really does want to come visit you in person but he seems to be bound to his area. Well at least, Ortho isn't, right? He comes up with a way better idea to program Ortho to take care of you while Idia can't do it himself. He copied hundreds of anatomy, human biology and medicine to Ortho's data list. Well that seems to be enough. He can now cook, wash clothes, brings you your medicines and most importantly, remain by your side all the time as you may need help. Idia puts s small camera on Ortho so he'd be able to watch what's going on as long as you need Ortho's his help. He feels quite guilty for not showing up on his own but- maybe it's just better this way. Coming in person would do no good but him freaking out at not knowing what to do which would end up in making you feel worse. Long distance watch as he controls Ortho around is way better, even if he has to keep his eyes on tablet 24/7. He cuts back on his sleeping to make sure that nothing would go wrong. Even long distance watch seems to be stressful at this point...
He does care about you, a lot, but right now, he's no prepared to show physical affection. Let him show his love through his very own ways, he's just taking baby steps with you <3
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Malleus Draconia
"Now now little one, don't give in so easealy. I know you're stronger than this..." Malleus motivates you. You certainly aren't going to die just because of a simple fever but still, wow. Humans -are- truly weak and fragile. He shouldn't really be caring for a mortal being especially if it's a human, but you are an 'exception'; you always are.
He could just leave you to Lilia and Sebek and you would've been under their watch and care 24/7, but he prefers to do this on his own since you are his favorite creature. He doesn't mind seeing how you'd overcome the pain even if it's with a simple cold. He wants to get more of you and your expressions.
He doesn't really have much to do, magic can do it all. All it takes to turn your depressing room into a prince/princess's dreamy bedroom is a twist of a finger. Go on and tell him what you want , you shall have in within a second. "All the best for you, child of man~"
While his significant magic skills are all truly stunning and helpful, his presence on his own seems to be the best part of him nursing you. He is your tsunotarou, afterall~ Not the descendant of Mistress of all Evil but only when it comes to you.
Sometimes he'd make you wish you'd stay in bed forever and ever, all to have him here, by your side. Just to have his soft, slender fingers brushing against your cheek and playing with the tip of your hair.
He does talk, but most of the time being is spent in silence since he doesn't want to bother you if it's hard for you to talk. He may pretend to be busy with something else but it's just to take your mind over the fact that he's watching you all the time. His small gestures are just as sensual as his words. Kisses on forehead, locking his dragon eyes with you , brushing your soft hair with hand as you lay on his shoulder (not that he cares about keeping the distance although you're sick. Your human illnesses are way too weak to do any harm to him, anyway~ )
His favorite time of the day is when you're asleep. You're adorable and lovely all time but, your sleeping pose, it's unimaginably beautiful to him. Watching your calm face empty of any emotion followed by the calm, yet, organized pace in your breathing as your chest falls and rises. He barely gets any sleep during the night, he doesn't need it. Watching you is way more pleasing: "Sweet dreams, my precious little human~"
Lilia Vanrouge
The most experienced, dedicated nurse here. He's been raising many of baby faes and struggling with a young, fireball shooter baby Malleus over the years. Nursing a fragile ill human like you is no more than a warm-up for him.
Chill on your bed and let him take care of everything, from the warm towels to fluffy blankets and pillows. Smooth music playing in your room as you take short naps, plushies and teddy bears around your bed giving you feelings of a newborn baby sleeping in a warm and fancy bed.
That's not all, along with his professional nursing skills, having Lilia himself around would take it all to a whole new level. He is so full of contrasts; Young and old, quite and wild, wise and careless, serious and silly and probably hundreds of other adjectives you can name.
Where else would you find a nurse who'd play you your favorite rock tracks on his guitar in the afternoon while at night, brings you cookies and hot milk to have while listening to his old but -gold- stories before going to sleep?
Lilia has got it all, old, new, calm, wild, and perhaps that's how it's never boring when he's the one you are spending time with. 'Sickness with benefits' to call. But, don't forget his horrible cooking skills.
Better hide some canned food under your pillow to save yourself from starvation when he's not around, refuse to eat his food st any cost (otherwise you'll need another 2 week hospitalized because of food poisoning-)
Make sure to thank your adorable bat nurse when you're back to full health; even if your stomach's still in pain because of his nasty cooking.
It's...his first time taking care pf someone. He is neither experienced nor educated when it comes to human health... especially because of how he's been living with fairies (who barely get sick) all over his life. The only reliable source for him would be his own memories; how Lilia used to take care fo him when he was a child. There isn't much he can remember but that'd do
Nursing doesn't seem to be that hard when he actually gives it a try - Mostly about you sleeping all day. Wow if sleeping this much is considered to be a symptom of being sick, then Silver himself has to be sick as hell 24/7. He isn't really sure if that's concerning or not
He is doing good since he seems go be pretty responsible and calm toward the whole thing, but don't expect him to be on time.
Silver wants to make sure that you'll take your medicines on time but he often fails to. He oversleeps most of the time and when he's up, he'd panic knowing that you missed your hourly medicine again.
He'd lowkey feel frustrated and useless when he misses stuff because of his sleeping issues, especially when it comes to you. He have to go for a stronger method so, he ends up in using 7 different clocks and alarms to make sure that he won't miss anything anymore; you're sick. He has to do all his best to take care of you. Nobody matters more than you do. Alarm clocks he uses are freaking loud and give him a heart attack whenever he uses them to wake up. Poor guy would need a long sleep when you're better.
He often falls asleep next to your bed after making sure that you are having a peaceful night sleep. He places a goodnight kiss on your forehead lays his head at the bottom of your bed. Who knows, maybe he would dream of you tonight, again.
Sebek Zigvolt
There's no way that you'd ever come close to master Malleus but- he still cares for you, a lot. Perhaps as much as he cares for Malleus although he refuses to confess to it. He is trained and skilled for all possible emergencies so he's all prepared to take the best possible care of you and make sure that you'll return to full health in no time.
He just knows what he is doing and makes sure that things would run smoothly. He is keeping each and every aspect in consideration and can organize everything like no one else can. From your sleeping schedule to light exercises required as you're sick. He insists on you starting to develop a better life style so that you won't end up in bed and lose time like this.
It's nice to have someone keeping the balance of your life when you need it, but when it's Sebek we're talking about, know that he might go a bit -too far- with it. He'd be overly protective and strict while you need a considerable deal of sympathy and softness too since you're sick - He collects notes of everything that was teached while you were sick and brings them to you to study, telling you that it'd be impossible to keep up with the rest of the lessons unless you study them right now, in your bed. And when you complain of it being hard to read and sit due to how weak your body is, he returns with the solution: Audio books (He isn't giving up... deal with it )
Studying isn't your only issue: he's being protective over each and every muscle you move. He'd wake you up early in the morning for a light, morning work out and doesn't let you out of the bed for the rest of the day. Whenever you complain, that's what his answer would be: " Master Lilia has blessed me with these , gloriously impressive lessons he's learned through experiences within his long- lasting life!! I believe in his words from the bottom and there's surely no cure greater than this if he says so" poor boy isn't considering he possibility of Lilia tricking him again at all.
This puppy means good, even if he fails to show it as great as you might be expecting him to. In fact he is just following all that he's told to, meanwhile he's pretty inexperienced and new to it. You may find it a bit unfair but, consider that he would've never gone out of his way to take care of you for plenty of hours everyday if it wasn't for you (Or Malleus-) seeing you sad on its own gives him wet puppy vibes let alone having you sick . He may act like a coward but, it's all because of how much you mean to him.
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miraeluc · 3 years
you don’t return from a mission
prompt: “diluc starts to worry when you’ve been gone on a simple mission for more than two days so he decides to look for you himself”
pairing: diluc x gender-neutral! reader
word count: 1,1k
warnings: mention of broken bone?? reader is hurt (not too bad), it’s just cute tbh
genre: angst, fluff
he was worried sick.
it was unlike you to stay overtime on missions - you did your work and left, avoiding unwanted commissions from strangers
after 1 day he wasn’t too worried, maybe you got carried away
after 2 days he was already starting to worry, maybe you went somewhere more far away and are camping there?
you were supposed to go to springvale though
that’s not that far.
after 3 days he was getting physically ill from all the overthinking - he thought every single possibility of what state you may be in right now
he hopes you’re just camping somewhere
he decided he couldn’t wait anymore and decided to go out and look for you himself 
the next morning he awoke at 5am
he couldn’t sleep any longer so he got a backpack with emergency items such as a first aid kit and went on his (not so) merry way
he walked through windrise
just to make sure you weren’t there
sadly you were nowhere to be found 
he sighed and kept walking - now on the way to springvale 
he didn’t want to admit if but he was so terrified of losing you 
you were the first person able to break down his walls in years
the thought of you potentially being in great danger made him automatically increase speed
he walked through the small village
“hey, brook. have you seen y/n around?”
“master diluc? y/n? they came by few hours ago to cook some food! looked pretty... disheveled. they said they were on their way to clear some hilichurl camps.”
diluc cursed under his breath
“did you see what direction they went?”
“took off in dawn winery’ direction-” 
“ok. thanks.” he cut her off
he immediately started walking again, now getting more worried after brook described your appearance as ,,disheveled,, 
when he arrived at dawn winery there was no one outside
that was weird
there’s usually always someone out there
where is everyone????
he obviously tried to go in 
the doors were locked
that’s double-weird 
double-weird until he very clearly heard you grunt in pain in the distance, atleast
what was dangerous enough to make dawn winery shut closed without asking him first?
he didn’t have enough time to ponder over it because he was already sprinting towards the source of sounds coming from you 
his eyes widened and he faltered for a second as soon as he saw you, on the ground in the middle of three cryo abyss mages
he was, for the first time, relieved to be noticed by enemies - the three now floating towards him
he felt his anger picking up when he glanced at you, lying on the ground motionless
so, ya know what he did?
he released intense flames - knocking his opponents shields off, letting his phoenix finish them off 
he sprinted towards you, dropping to his knees and pulling you to rest your head on his lap 
“y/n, hang on for me, alright? don’t close your eyes”
his voice was shaking 
“d-diluc- i can’t-” 
was the only thing you managed to cough out, entrusting him to keep you safe, unable to keep fighting to stay awake, enduring that pain
you woke up to the sound of wood crackling beside you, residing into the warmth it radiated
curse those cryo abyss mages 
you slowly peeled your eyes open, flinching at the sight of barbara and diluc hovering above you 
where were you?
is this.. dawn winery??
what’s barbara doing here,,
you don’t know and you don’t care because you feel yourself getting engulfed by diluc’s arms 
“god, you scared me so much..”
he won’t mention that he cried in front of barbara because he was so worried
that would feed your ego a little too much 
“i’m sorry.. are they gone? i just wanted to defeat them before returning home..”
“they’re long gone..”
he sighed and pulled away from the hug, glancing at barbara who was waiting for your little moment to end before she could speak 
“how did that even happen? you can take down three abyss mages easily!”
“I had cleared three hilichurl camps already and I was weakened - those took me by surprise as I was making my way back”
“you need to be careful next time - i healed you to the best of my abilities, but damage that only time can heal has been left behind. you have a broken rib and you were shivering the entire time while you were out! we warmed you up as best as we could and you should be fine now, but i wouldn’t be surprised if you do catch a cold the next few days..”
she then paused and looked at diluc
“you need to take care of y/n until they get bett-”
“you don’t even need to tell me. i won’t leave y/n out of my sight for now.”
she nodded and stood up
“very well. then, i’ll leave back to mondstadt, i still have work to do.”
without another word she left, which made diluc’s attention go back to you 
he reached his hand out to caress your cheek
“i nearly got sick myself when you didnt return home after 3 days”
you broke out in a little giggle, stopping when your rib started immensely hurting but you then spoke
“oh diluc.. you know i usually take longer because i get carried away.. nonetheless, i’m very thankful that you came to my aid, no one else would have..”
“it makes me want to fire all my employees - they were all ju-”
you cut him off, pulling him down towards you to kiss his lips 
“i’m glad they did, i got to see you fight~”
he scoffed, a smile spreading onto his lips
“seriously? that’s what you’re happy about?”
“well you looked very hot..” you trailed off
he attacked your face with tiny kisses after-
you best believe he didn’t let you out of sight the following weeks
he mostly made you stay in bed
always bringing you tea and left to fetch medicine for you in case of need
he even waited in front of the bathroom door when you needed to use the bathroom 
he even helped you shower 
you don’t express it verbally, but you’re really thankful to have him
no one except him supports and protects you as much as he does
he could literally kill someone for you
(spoiler: he already did.)
he’s your little meanie
did i mention that taking care of you also meant lots and lots of cuddles?
he always says it’s ‘so i can warm you up’
you know it’s because deep down he’s still very worried about your well-being
even after you’ve returned to good condition he hesitates to let you go on commissions 
he usually accompanies you, just to make sure
you don’t mind 
going on adventures alone can get boring - so having him by your side makes it all better :)
additional notes: hey there! there’s my second drabble. (truth is, i actually dislike this one lol). to be honest, i got so happy at the positive feedback towards my kaeya drabble, so i’m sorry it took me a while to write another one and it came out short too :( - i was having a little struggle with some writers block lol. nonetheless i hope you enjoyed this!!
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Catching Up (Adrenaline Junkie Part 9)
Part 1     Part 2     Part 3     Part 4     Part 5     Part 6     Part 7     Part 8     Part 10     Part 11     Part 12     Part 13     Part 14     Part 15     Part 16     Part 17
Spotify Playlist (collaborative)
Warnings: swearing
Word count: 2,156         
“Did you kidnap a child?”
“I can ex- wait what? Of course I didn’t! Why would you think that?”
“Well, for starters, you just came home with a random kid! What were-”
“Dad. I didn’t kidnap anybody, especially Arthur,” you said exasperated. “It started when I was leaving the village.”
And so, you told your dad about how you met Arthur. Needless to say, he was furious. “(Y/n) (m/n) Minecraft, you yelled at a child? Not just a child, but an orphan that was so clearly in need of help?! I raised you better than that.”
“Dad, I know that yelling at kids is wrong. Just-just let me finish.”
He gave you a wicked side eye and nodded at you to continue. “So then he told me that he was alone. That he had no family. I couldn’t just leave him out there Dad. He would’ve been alone in the city. Hell, he’s been alone for god knows how long already” you ran a stressed hand through your already messy hair. “I’m sorry I didn’t ask you if he could crash here-”
“-but he could’ve got hurt! The village’s dangerous at night-”
“Do you know how many people get mugged there just in a day? God, I can’t imagine him getting hurt, he’s so young and-”
“(Y/n) (m/n) Minecraft.” Your hand froze in your hair. “...Yeah?”
“It was a good idea to bring him here. But there’s gotta be someone out there looking for him.”
“I really don’t think so Dad. You saw him when I brought him here, he looked like he didn’t get a proper bath in months! Even if he did have someone, I’d rather him be here instead of with the bastards that left him like that.”
He sighed. “You’re right. I remember when I found you when you were a baby. Your biological parents were awful, they ignored you. I found you on the porch, they must’ve left you there overnight. You were filthy and you were so small and fragile. I remember being so pissed that they treated you like that, but they never gave me their names.”
You squinted at him. “You’ve never told me that. You told me that you found me in an alleyway.”
“I didn’t want to tell you how I actually found you, it was never important for you to know.”
“What do you mean it’s not impor-” you stopped yourself. That’s not important right now. “We’re going to talk about this later. Right now, we need to talk about Arthur before he gets out of the shower.”
Glancing at the clock, you felt worry engulf your being. “Speaking of, he’s been in there a while, do you think he’s okay?” You felt your heart drop. “What if he slipped!” You stood up in a panic. Philza pulled you back onto the bed giving you a knowing look.
“He’s okay hun. Remember, he’s probably just enjoying the shower.”
You bounced your leg. “You’re right, you’re right… What’s with that look?”
“What look?”
“That look.”
“I just think-”
You heard a knock on your door and a small voice calling your name. Immediately jumping up and forgetting about the conversation, you opened your door. 
“Hey buddy, have a good shower?”
He yawned, rubbing at his eye with a closed fist. The pajamas he wore were slightly too big, but he would grow into them. His auburn hair that he came in the house with was now a brilliant copper color and you could now make out freckles dotting his pale cheeks.
You softly smiled at him and grabbed his hand leading him to Wilbur’s old room since it had the comfiest bed. You helped the small-statured boy into the large bed and he flopped down without pulling the covers over himself. You huffed in amusement, pulling the soft blankets out from under him and tucking him in.
You spoke in a calm voice, not wanting to disrupt the peace that engulfed the room. You gently brushed the hair out of his face. “Sleep well, Artie.”
As you stood up and turned to walk away, he grabbed the back of your shirt. Glancing back, you saw that he had his eyes groggily half-open and he stared at you blearily. “Stay?”
Oh, you couldn’t say no to that. Feeling your heart melt, you whispered “of course buddy.” You pulled up an old chair and sat next to the bedside holding his small hand in your larger one. He was out like a light. 
He was so small for his age. It was probably because of the malnutrition from being homeless, and that broke your heart. Your poor, poor baby.
Your poor baby? What the fuck were you thinking? This child doesn’t even know you, you only met him earlier in the day. And yet, you already felt affectionate towards him. You wanted to protect him from danger. Why were you feeling like this?
You heard the door creak open and a small sliver of light streamed into the room. Philza poked his head through the small crack in the door. He smiled at you when he saw you sitting next to Arthur holding his hand as he slept. Reaching in an arm, he gestured for you to follow him before slipping out and closing the door.
Reluctantly, you slowly let go of the boy’s slender hand and quietly opened the nightstand drawer. You pulled out a pen and paper and wrote a quick note for him in the morning in your messy handwriting.
“Arthur, when you wake up, Philza and I’ll be downstairs making breakfast. Hope you like bacon and eggs : )
You placed the paper on the nightstand where you hoped that Arthur would see when he woke up and quietly left the room. Philza leaning against the wall greeted you. He was smiling softly at you. He once again gestured for you to follow him downstairs.
Philza felt ecstatic that you were going to give him another grandson. Even if you would inevitably deny being a parental figure to Arthur, he knew that you were going to accept it sooner or later. He raised you, so he should know when you deeply care for someone. Arthur and you both shared a love for innovation and creativity, so he knew that you two would bond over that. He felt like soaring high in the sky. He was so happy that there’s going to be another addition to the family soon. 
He sat you down onto the couch and disappeared into the kitchen. A few moments later, he came back with two steaming mugs of hot chocolate. Your favorite.
“Anytime hun.”
You both sat in a comfortable silence on the couch and stared into the crackling flame in the fireplace. The fire swirled with various reds, oranges, and yellows illuminating the living room. You closed your eyes for a brief moment, savoring the flavor of the chocolate and the smell of smoke with the fire popping in the background. You felt relaxed.
“So, how’s Tommy and Wilbur? Are they adjusting well to L’manberg?”
“Oh, they’re thriving. Wilbur’s a natural leader so he’s in his element and Tommy’s always exploring with Tubbo. They get into trouble sometimes, but they always come back in one piece, so I’m not worried about them. They’re having fun.”
“And you?”
“I set up my new workshop next to the capitol building. I think I’m gonna start selling some of the stuff I make, I think it’d make a decent profit.”
“I think that’s a great idea. Ya know that the people in the village are crazy about you, right?”
You groaned, dragging your hand down your face tiredly. “How could I not? I hate it.”
“Why would you hate it? They really admire your work, you should appreciate that.”
“Dad, I do appreciate that they admire my work, but do you remember how they treated me when I first went there after I lost my wing? They treated me like a fucking outcast. And now they’re acting like they actually know me and that they were always friends with me. I know everybody deserves a second chance, but I can’t help but feel like they’re on thin ice.” 
“People change hun. Maybe they realize that how they treated you was wrong and they want to make amends?”
“That’s the thing. They’re only treating me like this only because of my inventions. I can only tolerate it for so long. I don’t even know why they’re treating me like this, I’m not special. I’m just another person.”
“...You aren’t gonna let a few two-faced people ruin your vacation, right?”
His cheeks slowly stretched into a smile. “Why? Who are you?”
“I’m (y/n)?”
“I said who. Are. You?”
You spoke up a little more confidently, but kept your voice down. “I’m (y/n) (m/n) Minecraft.”
He quietly laughed. “Damn right you are. You’re ‘(Y/n) Minecraft, Conqueror of the Unknown’. You’re (y/n) goddamn Minecraft and don’t you forget it.”
You chuckled. “You read that book? ‘(Y/n) Minecraft, Conqueror of the Unknown’ was a bit too dramatic for my taste.”
“Why wouldn’t I read something all about my precious little inventor?” He drug out with an overly sweet tone.
“Dad, I’m 20 years old. I’m not little anymore.”
He slung an arm across your shoulders and pulled you into his side. “I know, I know, but you’ll always be my child.”
You sighed and leaned into him. You haven’t spent any time with him since you left the house to help Wilbur and Tommy fight for independence, so this felt nice. “I missed you Dad.”
“Not a day goes by where I don’t miss you or your brothers. It’s way too quiet around here without you four.”
“Do you remember when Tommy put green dye in the shampoo to try and prank me?”
An almost silent laugh reverberated throughout his chest, sounding slightly muffled. “Of course I do. It took at least a few weeks to get it off my skin and a full month after that to get it out of my hair.”
“You should’ve seen his face when I walked into the kitchen in the morning,” you deepen your voice. “‘If you’re not in the shower, then who is?’ Aaaannd then you walked into the kitchen looking like you lost a fight with a witch.” You snorted. “You didn’t know why everyone was staring at you.”
He huffed. “You guys didn’t even tell me until after breakfast.”
“Have you seen yourself in the mornings? You’re literally so grumpy. We didn’t have a death wish.”
“Hey, I’m not that bad in the morning, Mx. I-can’t-function-without-eight-hours-of-sleep.”
“At least I’m fully awake in the morning.”
“Oh, wow, what a zinger,” he said in a monotone voice.
You reached up to playfully slap his arm. “Shuddup.”
You both quietly laughed before the room fell back into a comfortable silence. You took a deep breath. “Arthur knows about The Warden. What it did to me”
You felt him tense up and heard his heart start to beat a little faster. He moved his arm away and leaned back to look you in the eyes.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. He said that he knew what happened and he needed my help. He… he said that The Warden took someone important to him.”
“Was it his paren-”
“I don’t know. I’m going to talk to him about it tomorrow.”
“Do you want me to talk to him with you?”
“I don’t know if Arthur’s comfortable with that yet. I’m not even sure if he trusts me enough to tell me.”
You grabbed your’s and Philza’s empty mugs and took them to the kitchen. You ran your hands down your face. You felt very drained after everything that happened today. You weren’t used to so much human interaction, let alone people staring at you like you were some kind of deity when you weren’t. You leaned against the sink and closed your eyes. 
“(Y/n), I’m turning in for the night. Is there anything you need before I go to bed?”
“No, thank you Dad.”
“Alright, goodnight. Love you.”
“Love you too.”
You heard his retreating footsteps gradually fade out and the room was thick with silence yet again. The darkness in the room was cut by the moonlight streaming in through the window. Your mind was racing as you remembered that you were going to have to talk to Arthur about The Warden soon. 
You hadn’t talked about The Warden for years and now you were being forced into it. You didn’t think you were ready. You wanted to move on with your life, but The Warden was inevitable. It was everywhere around you. It won’t ever leave you alone, will it?
You didn’t think you were going to get much sleep tonight.
Taglist (comment if you want to be added):
@acecarddraws  @goldenstarofthunderclan  @ravennightingaleandavatempus  @dirtydiavolo  @yeiras-world  @immadatmostthings  @hee-hee-haw  @jackalopedoodles  @m1lkmandan  @vanhakirja  @im-a-depressed-gay  @coolleviauchihadreamerlove  @questioning-sanity  @camisascam
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theconstantsidekick · 3 years
Truth (3) | b.b
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Stark!Reader, Past Steve Rogers x Stark!Reader, OC x Stark!Reader (brief)
Genre: Fluff with a touch of angst.
Summary: Sam and Bucky call on the only Stark left in the Superhero business—codename Static—to help take down the Flag Smashers. Only problem is, she’s pretty damn reluctant.
(These scenes incorporate y/n into the pre-existing story as a character without making drastic changes to the plot or mythos. All the major plot points from the MCU remain in place with the addition of the reader as Static, who is not only a Stark but also enhanced. Whatever events from the canon aren't mentioned, take place without much change.)
Warnings: Swearing.
a/n: Aight, aight. Here’s the skinny; I function purely on attention and praise, so please leave a comment. I’m a narcissist; I make no apologies. I love reading your hot takes. Entertain me in exchange for all the entertainment I’m providing you. Also oh, the tag list is open.
sidenote: I might have gotten carried away with this one.
Truth (2) | Truth (4) | Series Masterlist
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It’s almost 2 a.m. in the middle of the night when Y/n is woken by her phone buzzing silently. It doesn’t take much for her to stir awake, seeing as she wasn’t having the most peaceful sleep to begin with.
She turns to her side, atop the air mattress she’s lying on, in the middle of Sarah’s living room. Grabbing her phone, she gets up and begins walking out to the backyard. Bucky is sleeping next to her on the couch and she understands how precious sleep is to people like them, and therefore doesn’t intend on disturbing him out of it.
Opening the door to the backyard, she picks up the call, “Hello?” She steps out onto the porch, pulling on the sleeves of the sweatshirt she’s borrowed from Sarah. “Is everything okay?” She asks, concerned.
“Yeah, yeah. Everything’s fine. We’re fine,” comes the reply, and Y/n can finally breathe again. “Sorry for waking you, but she had a nightmare,” Pepper adds.
“Sleeping’s for losers without PTSD anyway,” Y/n throws back. She can hear Pepper let out a snort in response. “Can you give her the phone?”
“Sure. Hold on.”
There’s some shuffling around and then, “Hey Annie,” comes a small, almost sleepy voice of the world’s cutest niece.
“Hey pumpkin,” Y/n coos, softly. “You alright?”
“Yes. Just had a bad dream,” Morgan replies.
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“You wanna tell me about it?” Y/n asks, taking a few steps and sitting down on the steps down the porch.
“You didn’t come home.”
And fuck, if that doesn’t break Y/n’s fragile alien heart. She wishes she could use her powers right about now, teleport over to her side. It would have probably taken her about an hour and stripped her of all her energy but it would have been worth it. There isn’t much she wouldn’t do for the kid.
“Well that should be proof enough that it was just a stupid little dream and nothing more,” Y/n says, her voice light and easy. Which is a stark contrast to how her insides feel. Because she is constantly afraid of it, just as much as Morgan. She is afraid that she won’t make it home to her like Tony couldn’t. Just the thought of it chokes her up but she can’t let that fall on the shoulders of her cute little pumpkin. “I’ll always come home, pumpkin," she promises.
“But you’re fighting bad people… like dad did.”
That throws Y/n for a spin, she hasn’t told Morgan about the mission and she’s sure Pepper hasn’t either. But now’s not the time for that. She counters. “I know, but this is different. These people aren’t as strong.”
“Promise?” She asks.
“Promise, kiddo,” Y/n assures.
“Does that mean I can come help?” The sudden shift in tone from worry to excitement throws her off for a second.
“Absolutely not!” Y/n chides, “And hush,” she shushes, “Your mom hears that and I won’t get to see the sun rise.”
“But then who will watch your back?” Morgan argues, whining.
Y/n has to laugh at that, “I’ve got—Uh—my friends,” she concedes.
Morgan grumbles in response, “But I was supposed to ‘watch your six’,” she recites as taught by Y/n. And the smile won’t leave her damn face. “It’s not fair! You promised!”
“Alright, alright. Here’s what; they’ll watch my back till you’re all grown up and battle ready, how about that?” Y/n suggests. “Not a replacement, more like... place holders.”
She can practically hear Morgan thinking her offer over.
Once she’s presumably assessed all the pros and cons of the proposition she replies, “Okay,” she acquiesces. “But only for a bit.”
“Only for a bit,” Y/n confirms.
She can hear Morgan let out a yawn on the other side, so she asks, “You think you could give sleeping the old college try for me?”
Morgan grumbles, “Not sleepy.” And after a pause she adds, “Miss you.”
Y/n sighs audibly, her head falling “I miss you too, pumpkin.”
They haven’t known each other long, what with her being born while Y/n was legally dead. But in the last few months the kid’s managed to crawl into Y/n’s alien heart and burrowed a giant Morgan-shaped hole in it, all for herself. And for the life of her, Y/n can’t complain about it.
“I’ll make you a deal,” Y/n suggests, “You go to sleep now, and I promise I’ll take you to the aquarium tomorrow.”
Morgan lets out a sleepy cheer, and Y/n knows she’s been won over. But another part of Y/n knows that the kid had been aiming for the said outcome all along and she’s just managed to play into her hands. In all honesty though, Y/n doesn’t mind.
“Alright, alright. Quit fussing and go to sleep or I swear I’ll go without you,” Y/n chides without any heat.
“Night, Annie… love you.”
“Love you too, pumpkin,” Y/n breathes. “Night.” She runs a hand through her hair. She can hear Pepper tuck her in, turn off the lamp and walk out the door.
“Thanks for that,” Pepper says.
“Fuck off,” Y/n throws back, incredulous.
Pepper chuckles softly, “Fine, fine… You had that coming anyway. You’ve been taking too many sick days.”
Y/n groans, “I know. I’m sorry. It’s just—”
“—duty calling. I understand. Relax”
She sighs, “She knows about that by the way.”
“I know. Saw the news and figured it out.”
“Can’t even leave her alone with a T.V. now. Does she really have to grow up?”
She can hear Pepper smile in response. After a second Pepper says, “You don’t have to come back tomorrow if you can’t. She'll understa—”
“I can and I will… I’ll be there.” Her voice is filled with determination.
Pepper on the other line is silent for a second and then says, “You’ll be here, Y/n.”
Y/n feels a tear suddenly fall down her cheek, but she doesn’t have time to deal with that because she can sense someone opening the door behind her.
“Thanks Pep.” She wipes away the stray tear.
“Fuck off,” Pepper mimics her words back at her.
Y/n chuckles as the door behind her opens, “Okay, okay. Night. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Night Y/n, take care.”
And with that she hangs up and pockets her phone, looking back as Bucky leans on the doorframe. Lit only by the moonlight and nothing else, the man still manages to look like the damn sun. Especially with that soft smile gracing his face.
He takes a few steps and sits down on the steps next to Y/n, angled towards her, with his back to the railing. He pulls up one leg, folding it and rests the other one on top. She turns her head to look back at him, as he continues looking at her.
They sit in amiable silence until he breaks it a few moments later, “So… Brekker?” He asks, nodding at the phone in her hands.
She lets out a laugh. “No! No… It was Pepper,” she looks away from him, “Morgan had a nightmare.”
“Is she—Is she okay now?” Bucky asks, hesitantly.
She understands the reason behind it. They’re talking about Tony’s daughter. He isn’t sure how to navigate that territory.
“Yeah… just worried about me, I guess,” Y/n explains.
“You told her about this—”
“Oh no, no no,” she says, her hands flying up in opposition, “I want her as far away from this stuff as possible.”
“Then how?” Bucky asks, confused.
“I usually hang out with her whenever Pepper’s at work. I haven’t done that since this whole thing started and then she saw something on the news, I think. Must have put two and two together.”
“Smart kid,” Bucky remarks with a smile.
“You have no idea,” Y/n throws back with a smile of her own.
There's a question swimming in Bucky's head. It's on the tip of his tongue, she can see it. But he seems hesitant about asking it. So she gives him the time to make his decision.
"Is that part of the reason why you don't want to do this anymore?" He asks, still hesitant. "Morgan, I mean?"
No one should be able to read her as well as he is right now. She's a trained spy for Christ's sake!
"I don't want her to worry," she replies almost helplessly.
"What does she think about it?" Bucky asks, his tone somewhat knowing.
Y/n smiles, "She thinks I'm too infallible for it to be an issue."
"Like I said; smart kid," Bucky remarks, his lips curving up in the corner.
Their eyes meet and something in the air changes. Maybe it’s the moonlight or the silence or the solitude with a field stretching ahead of them. Or maybe it’s just them and the way they look at each other. But something’s happening, cause all Y/n can focus on are Bucky’s lips, which he wets with his tongue, torturously slowly. She copies the action, feeling as though they’re on the brink of something… something that’s so close—
Bucky clears his throat, breaking the trance, “Glad it wasn’t Brekker… I thought he was just a huge fan of watching fish.”
Y/n is fucking disappointed but she can’t help but laugh, realizing that in an attempt to cut the tension in the air he’s revealed that he was listening in on her. He soon realizes it himself as well and suddenly the laugh drops off.
“You know, just cause you can eavesdrop, doesn’t mean you should,” she reprimands him jovially. “I mean, I could have stabbed Zemo in the eye, doesn’t mean I should have.”
“Wouldn’t hear me complain if you did,” Bucky throws back, recomposing himself.
“Nah,” Y/n breathes out, “I don’t hate him enough for it.”
“Really?” Bucky balks at her. When she shrugs in response, he asks, “How can you not? Af—After… Siberia…” he drifts off.
“I didn’t say I was fond of him… I’m just saying I get it. If I had lost my family like that.. If I were him, I would have done the same thing.” She pauses, “You do crazy shit for the people you love.”
“But you didn’t,” Bucky interrupts. She looks back at him in confusion, until he adds, “With Howard… I mean, he took you in after I—after Hydra did what it did to you. He gave you a home. And I—”
“Wasn’t you,” Y/n interrupts him.
“—I killed him.” Bucky barrels on, ignoring her. “And you forgave me. You didn’t seek vengeance, you just—”
“—beat the shit out of every Hydra operative I could find, and took down as many bases as possible.” Y/n finishes. “Hydra took a lot from me. Used me for their stupid fascist missions and sometimes, I can’t lie, it does feel like it was almost too much… But I took my revenge, James.” She moves in closer and puts her hand into his, lacing them together before she adds, “I took it tenfold. It was just never meant to be on you, because you were a victim too.”
She can see his eyes water, and hates the sight. So she clenches his hand tightly, using the other to brush away the tear that he cannot stop from falling. His eyes fall shut and he leans into the touch, and her insides crumble into mush. Suddenly she asks, “Tell me about how you met Steve.”
“What?” Bucky asks, confused with his brows furrowed at the change of topic. “Where did that come from?”
“I’m missing the smile, sunshine,” she answers simply. She runs her thumb over his brows gently, “Frowns don’t suit you as much… So come on? I wanna know how America’s most reckless duo came to be.”
Bucky let out a watery chuckle, “I thought you hate him.”
“Why would I hate him? Cause he left me for another woman?” She asks sarcastically. Bucky laughs again, she joins in. “Nah, I don’t hate him,” she admits. “Besides, this is about you, not him.”
The look that Bucky gives her is one she cannot read. It seems similar to realization but there’s something in there she hasn’t seen before.
“Alright,” Bucky surrenders. “We were—twelve? Thirteen? Somewhere in between. I’m walking down the street, heading home. I turn a corner and there he is, a scrawny little blond boy fighting off four kids twice his size. They were stealing his money, and yeah, we were all pretty damn poor. We lived in Brooklyn in the ‘30s, for fuck’s sake; money meant a lot. But it was a few cents, you know? Nothing worth getting beaten up over.” Bucky laughs reminiscing. “But the punk never walked away from a fight even if his life depended on it… So he’s obviously getting beaten to a pulp but won’t fucking relent. So I step in and throw the kids on their ass.”
“James Bucky Barnes has been kicking ass a long time, huh?” she teases. Bucky smiles.
“I was just bigger in size, that’s all… Anyway, I drag him back to my home cause he looks like he’s about to fall over and break if a strong breeze blows his way.” They both chuckle in unison. “So I get him home, sit him down and my sister patches him up—”
“Rebecca?” she asks, cutting him off. She remembers the way Bucky lit up when he talked about her during their last clandestine midnight convo on the plane.
Bucky nods with a smile, “Yeah, Bec. She loved Steve like a brother. Sometimes I think she loved him more than me.” He laughs again. “So did my maa. I mean I get why. He seemed like a goody-shoes while I was busy playing the ladies man.”
“Ladies man, huh?” That’s very new and very interesting information. And her question seems to hit the target just right, because he’s blushing again.
He sheepishly scratches the back of his neck, “Well—I mean… I guess I was pretty damn charming when I needed to be,” he pauses before his smile falls. He adds, “But that was a long time ago.”
“I don’t know about that. You’re making me swoon as we speak, sunshine,” she notes looking at him. Her words, while meant to console him are painfully true. “I think you’re doing just fine.”
Bucky blushes again.
“Tell me more about your sisters. You were the eldest of four, right?” She urges him, and he tells her. Then he tells her about the Howling Commandos. And she knows them well enough to reply to a story about Dum Dum Dugan charging into an enemy camp and screaming swears in German, with a, “That sounds like something Dugan would do.”
“You knew him?” Bucky asks, shocked.
She nods, “I worked with Peggy till she was active on the field. So I met most of the Howling Commandos,” she informs him. “Oh!” she shouts out as she remembers.
Bucky jumps up at the sudden outburst, “What?”
“Jim Morita’s grandson is the Principal at Midtown School of Science and Tech down in Queens,” she tells him. "Looks just like him, spitting image."
“How do you know that?” Bucky asks curiously.
“I’ve met him once or twice,” she answers but is met with more curiosity from the man in front of her. “Peter goes there,” she explains.
“Peter?” Bucky asks, almost to himself as if running the name through his head, “Oh! The freakishly strong Spider-Kid?” He exclaims.
Y/n laughs, nodding. “Spider-Man,” she corrects him. “He’s a big fan of yours by the way. I mean, don’t get me wrong; he’s terrified of you but he thinks your arm is really cool.”
“Huh,” is all Bucky responds with. “Wait, when I called yesterday. It was him?”
Y/n nods. “We went to check out an exhibit at The Met.”
“Is that what you do when you’re not fighting bad guys? Chauffeur kids around?” He asks, chuckling.
“Mostly,” she replies.
And the rest of the night is spent talking about random things that have no business being talked about in the middle of the night. They keep at it till the sun comes up. And if they don’t let go of each other’s hands the entire night, no one has to know.
Read part 4 here.
Find series masterlist here.
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mercy-burning · 3 years
Sunday Morning
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!Reader Summary: Reader’s Sunday opens up, so she concocts a little plan to pass the time. PART 1 / PART 2 / PART 3 / PART 4 / EPILOGUE Category: Smut 18+ This one is pure filth, y’all, buckle up (dom!Spencer, female masturbation, oral sex- male receiving, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, degradation, praise, spitting, multiple orgasms) Warnings: sex, strong language (As always, if there’s anything I missed, please let me know what I should include in the warnings. I always want to be as mindful as I can about what I post. Thank you!) Word Count: 3.6k
NOTE: The more I add to this little series the more excited I get to keep writing it, and it really helps that you all seem to like every new addition, so thank you for all the love! I do have a few more tricks up my sleeve, and I hope you’ll enjoy them as much as I do. Part 4 is set to come out either tomorrow or Monday! I hope you enjoy 🥰
"Are you sure, Mom? I can still try to come earlier if you want, I don't have anything going on."
Y/N's mother sighed on the other end of the line. "No, that's alright. But I made sure to have off next weekend, so I'll come by your place and we can celebrate then. How's that sound?"
She smiled, happy at the prospect of seeing her mother again soon, but something else crossed her mind that deemed this cancellation a blessing in disguise. "That sounds great. I love you. Happy Birthday."
"Thank you, Sweetie. I love you, too."
She thought about knocking on Spencer's door the second she hung up the phone, but decided that she wanted to have a little more fun, so she hurried to her bedroom. As she grabbed something from the bedside table drawer and planted herself in bed, she felt just the smallest sliver of guilt for being this excited about her mom cancelling their plans. But for one thing they had next weekend, and for another she'd been thinking about her neighbor non-stop since Friday night.
After they had finished their laundry that night, Spencer and Y/N walked up to their hall together and ended up in the shower. They slept in separate places, though, Y/N stumbling back into her apartment at around nine thirty and immediately going to bed. Early, maybe, but she'd just been fucked twice in a row, and the second time had lasted about an hour and a half since they didn't have to worry about anyone walking in and interrupting. Truthfully it was a wonder she could walk at all these days, but she didn't mind either way. Who knew listening in on your neighbor having sex and them finding out about it could turn into something so good?
Which brought Y/N back to the present. Sunday morning. She knew Spencer was an early riser, so he'd definitely be awake. Whether he'd be in bed was another thing, but she decided to take her chances.
So she leaned back against the headboard, spread her legs, and clicked on her vibrator. The familiar buzzing sound sent a jolt of excitement through her body, only made more electric when it made contact with her clit. She pressed it lightly, the setting still low as she closed her eyes. With her goal in mind, it didn't really take long to start feeling something, images and flashbacks of Spencer's head between her legs only adding to the sensations.
"Ohhh," she let out loudly at a particular memory that involved him fingering her in the shower. His lips had been biting and sucking at the skin on her neck while his middle and ring fingers worked inside her, the heel of his hand grinding against her clit. If she thought hard enough, she could be there then, the sound of the vibrator replaced with the hum of the shower.
"Oh, Spencer, please!" she echoed, squeezing her eyes shut and moving the vibrator in small circles around her clit. "Fuck, you feel so good!" At this point she was so lost in the memories that she didn't even remember why she'd started doing this. She was being loud, moaning and sighing as she played out her Friday night in her mind without even trying to get anyone's attention. At this point it was purely for her enjoyment.
Though, that sentiment didn't last very long, because just as she was about to orgasm, her phone buzzed. She could have ignored it, but completely pulled herself out of her fantasy once she realized that it could have been her mother.
Groaning from irritation rather than pleasure, she clicked off the vibrator, set it on the bed, and picked up her phone.
When she saw it, her heart stopped.
From: Spencer Reid Not another sound. Call me for instructions.
"Holy fuck," Y/N gasped, scrambling to hit the 'call' button. It took no time at all for Spencer to answer.
Before she could say anything, his voice rung low on the other end of the line, sending a chill through her body. "Do you want me to come over?"
"Yes," she breathed without a second thought.
"Okay. Is your door unlocked?"
There was a long pause, and for a moment Y/N thought maybe he was leaving his apartment and on his way over, but then he spoke again. "When I get there I want to see you naked and on your knees, facing the wall. Got it?"
"Yes, sir."
The sound she heard him make was guttural, somewhere between a growl and a moan, and it shot straight through every bone and muscle in her body. He hung up then, and Y/N practically threw her phone across the room and scrambled to her knees, ripping what little clothing she had off her body and bracing her hands against the headboard. She expected him to be there in a flash, but after waiting for about five minutes, it was obvious that this was part of his game— making her wait. An involuntary whimper escaped her throat at the thought of what he could possibly have planned for her.
When the door sounded from the living room, Y/N jolted, her heartbeat picking up and her hands gripping the headboard so tightly that her knuckles ached. Did she dare turn her head around to see him when he walked in? If she did, what would he do to punish her? Would he punish her at all?
For a moment she wondered if she'd even heard the door at all, because again, it took forever for him to get there. But then she heard a soft groan sounding from the bedroom door and her breath hitched in her throat.
"Oh, good girl. Look at you..."
His words, his voice... Y/N let out a shaky breath and bit her lip, wondering if she should speak. Eventually, she did. "W-what took you so long?"
Spencer laughed behind her, still not in view. "I had to make you wait, pretty girl. Where would be the fun in just giving you what you want?"
She didn't know what to say. So she silently waited for instruction, her hands loosening around the headboard just a little, trying to relax.
He got closer, and it sounded like he was stripping layers of clothing as he did so. Eventually he reached the side of her bed and she turned her head to meet his gaze, immediately letting out a soft whimper at the sight of him. He had, indeed, been stripping clothing as he made his way to her, wearing only a pair of sweatpants that hung low on his hips and dropping his shirt to the ground. Y/N let her gaze travel along his body before meeting his eyes and almost falling to pieces when she did.
This amused him. "Already so eager, pretty girl? I haven't even done anything yet."
She wasn't sure what to say, so she told the truth. "Just you being here is enough. You've completely ruined me."
Spencer laughed and brought his hand out to stroke her cheek with the back of his hand, to which she sighed and closed her eyes "Not yet."
She opened her eyes again at that promise, and just by looking at him, she practically pleaded with him to do something, every inch of her body, mind, and soul completely blinded by his presence.
Seeming to take pity on her, or maybe just because seeing her like this was driving him mad, she wasn't sure, Spencer obliged, leaning forward and kissing her deeply. As per usual, she melted into him, struggling to keep her weight up on her knees. Her hands gripped onto the headboard for dear life as he brought his face closer, using both his hands to cradle her face and his tongue to open her mouth. She'd already decided long ago that she would give him anything he wanted, and this was no different. He kissed her wildly and she kissed him back with the same fervor, groaning into his mouth every so often. At one point she lost her balance and fell forward, pulling Spencer onto the bed, and he broke away, a laugh playing at his lips right after.
"I'm sorry," she breathed, slightly embarrassed.
"Don't be sorry," he reassured, climbing up the bed and reaching for her hands. He was laying on his side now, pulling her towards him, and butterflies erupted in her stomach at the wholesomeness of it all. It was like the entire mood shifted from being domineeringly sexy to sweetly intimate.
Spencer all but pulled Y/N on top of him, rolling over on his back and forcing her to straddle his lap when he pulled her down for another kiss. The fabric of his sweatpants grazed her bare clit as she moved, making her rock her hips forward and causing him to groan into her mouth. He broke the kiss apart for a moment to say, "Keep doing that, pretty girl," and then resumed kissing her, barely giving her time to process his words.
In the end she did it anyway, grinding down on him and moaning as she did so, every movement slowly but surely bringing her closer to orgasm again. She was so caught up in the feeling that she didn't notice Spencer grabbing the vibrator still on her bed until she heard it turn on, that familiar buzzing pulling her from her haze.
She broke apart from him, cheeks red. "I totally forgot to put that away, I'm so— oh!"
Before she could finish her apology, Spencer had the vibrator pressed to her clit, and she closed her eyes, instinctively grinding down for more friction. This in turn caused him to let up, pulling the vibrator away just a little, and she whined.
"God, I love hearing how needy you are, baby," he breathed, teasing her. "Can't you feel it?" Every time Y/N rocked her hips, she could feel his cock getting harder through his pants, it had been unmistakable. When she didn't respond with words, he brought the vibrator away and reiterated, "Don't you feel it?"
"Yes, I love feeling how hard your cock gets for me," she breathed, grinding down on it and hoping for him to respond in kind. When he did, she gasped, opening her eyes and bracing her hands on his bare chest. "Fuck, you know how to make me feel so good."
"That's what I like to hear. Now get up for me." He pulled the vibrator away once more and she whined again at the loss of contact, but got up nonetheless. "Sit up on your knees and put your back against the headboard, okay? I want to fuck that pretty little throat."
Don't have to tell me twice, she thought greedily as she did as she was told. Spencer moved the pillows out of her way and tossed them to the foot of the bed as she sat on her knees. The cool metal of the headboard somewhat calmed the heat radiating off of her body, though ultimately it couldn't dwell the heat she felt when he looked at her, standing on the bed and sliding down his pants and underwear in one fluid motion before kicking them to the side, holding her gaze the entire time.
Just as Y/N was about to lean forward, he placed a hand on her head, gripping some of her hair and tilting her head up to really look at him. "Not yet. Give me your hands." She held them out to him, unsure of what he was planning, but when he gathered them both in one hand and pinned them to the wall above her head, she bit her lip. The grin he wore gave her shivers, just before he said, "Open up wide, pretty girl."
She licked her lips and then opened her mouth, sticking her tongue out and down as far as it would go to make room as she stared up at his face. The second his dick touched her tongue she groaned, ready for whatever he was about to give her. If she tried to bob her head, it would hit the headboard rather hard, so she opted to stay still, letting Spencer get off on his own terms. Which they both seemed to be happy with, because every time he hit the back of her throat, she moaned, nearly gagging, and in turn he bit his lip and tightened his grip in her hair and on her wrists.
"You always take my cock so well, fuck," he groaned, quickening his pace. She didn't know what feeling she was trying to convey as she did so, but nonetheless she hummed around him, trying her best not to choke but ultimately failing. He pulled away for a moment, releasing her hair from his grip and letting her breathe for all of two seconds before tapping his dick on her tongue a few times in quick succession. The action made her moan, and against her better judgement, she leaned forward to take him in her mouth again, hollowing her cheeks. Her wrists strained against his hands as he grinned. "You liked that, huh?"
She got out a 'mhmm' around his cock quickly before he thrusted forward and hit the back of her throat again, sending her head against the metal of the headboard. She winced a little in pain, but welcomed it all the same, looking up at him through hooded eyes and trying to tell him without words that she wanted this more than anything.
It seems like he got the memo, because he brushed the hair from her face in a sweet gesture that completely contradicted what he was doing to her mouth. He gave a few more purposeful thrusts, holding himself down her throat for a few seconds before pulling away completely and letting go of her wrists. Spit dripped down her chin as she caught her breath, but she smiled all the same, bringing her hands down to wipe the wetness from her face and some of the tears on her cheeks. "I love when you use me like that, baby," she purred, rubbing her legs together and running her tongue over her bottom lip.
Spencer leaned down and kissed her again, pulling her up to stand with him before pushing her against the wall, her legs hitting the headboard. She moaned into his mouth and brought her hands up to comb through his hair, to which he sighed and pressed into her harder. The weight of him made Y/N all warm and safe as she realized she would spend the rest of her life wrapped up in him if she could. Yes, their relationship as of late had been inherently sexual in nature, but something about the way he took precise care with her body as he kissed her like this, cradling her face in his large hands and keeping himself as close as he could get, made Y/N weak. She trusted Spencer Reid with her life, and she could only hope that he felt the same way, even if just a little.
Though she was a little disappointed when he broke the kiss, what he did next took that disappointment and pummeled it to the ground, transforming it into hunger.
His thumb ran over her lips before pushing further into her mouth. She gladly took it, swirling her tongue around it and then groaning as he brought it out, running it down her chin and tilting her head up to look at him.
"How do you want it, pretty girl?" he asked softly, making her practically crumble beneath him.
The question itself and the way he said it was hot as hell. But there was no way she would have been able to choose. Truthfully, he could do it any way and she'd just as easily give up everything to experience it again. Even as she tried quickly to come up with something, blurting out anything, all that came out was, "However you want me." It was the pure, unabashed truth.
He seemed to contemplate that for a moment before simply scooping her up from her feet, kneeling down, and laying her on her back. His dominating presence seemed to take over again as he scooted her to him by her legs. She yelled out as he wrapped them promptly around his shoulders and pushed into her without a second thought. He went easy at first, taking his time getting to just be inside her again, but Y/N wanted more.
"Fuck me harder," she moaned out desperately, reaching out to grab the blankets.
A dark chuckle left Spencer's mouth as he leaned forward, stretching her legs closer to her chest and angling himself deeper inside her. All the while, his pace never slowed or increased, and neither did his pressure. "You're getting greedy, pretty girl. But you're gonna take what I give you. Guess you should have thought of that before you let me choose how to fuck you."
And at that sentiment, he leaned forward even further, slamming into her hard, and Y/N's breath caught in her throat at the sensation. He pulled out slow and did it again, and again, and again, each time pushing her farther into the mattress.  Upon seeing her squeezed shut eyes and open mouth, he said, "Is this what you wanted? Huh? To be fucked like a whore?"
She opened her eyes and bit her lip as he picked up the pace a little, every stroke sending shots of fire through her veins. She tried to speak but her brain was muddled, every thought clouded by the intense pleasure her body was experiencing. Spencer noticed this, and with a small laugh reached his hand out and grabbed her jaw, forcing her mouth open as he went faster. "Aww, the little slut can't even speak, I've been fucking her so good. Is that right?"
Her only answer was a moan as he went deeper and faster, hitting her g-spot with every thrust forward, to which he laughed again.
"Tongue out, baby," he demanded sweetly, leaning forward. Y/N knew exactly what he was going to do, and she eagerly did as she was told, her eyes lighting up as she did. Watching, and then feeling Spencer spit directly on her tongue, feeling it slide down as she swallowed it, only added to her pleasure, and she knew it wouldn't be long until she fell over the edge.
"I-I'm..." was all she could manage to get out.
"Go ahead, pretty girl, let it all out."
And so she did, letting out a string of yells that barely resembled his name. But he wasn't done yet, and so even after she'd come down he continued his brutal pace inside of her and brought himself closer, caressing her face as he did so. The discomfort shortly morphed into painful pleasure as Y/N approached another high.
"You gonna give me another one? I know you can take it." And as if those words weren't enough, he added something that sent a chill through her. "It's a shame you're not on birth control, because I'd love nothing more than to fill up that slutty little pussy. Make you mine."
Just like that, she was gone, her eyes squeezed shut and seeing stars dance behind them as she came another time. It only lasted a few seconds shorter than her previous orgasm, but Spencer pulled out and away, dangerously close to his own. She composed herself, slowly opening her eyes to see him jerking off over her. In a split second decision, she opened her mouth and groaned, without words telling him exactly what she wanted. And he was more than happy to give it to her, removing her legs from his shoulders and moving up her body with the slyest grin she'd seen from him yet.
"That's a good girl," he got out just before she felt his cum coat her mouth. While most of it slid down the back of her tongue and pooled in the back of her throat, a little missed and landed on her cheek, but she smiled nonetheless, welcoming its warmth. When he was done, panting above her, she brought her tongue out to swirl around the head of his cock before swallowing and smiling back at him
She was about to wipe the cum off her cheek, but before she could get to it, Spencer was on her, leaning down and doing the unexpected. She whined as he brought his tongue down and scooped it off her cheek, then moving to her mouth and kissing her, practically feeding himself to her. As they continued making out like that, her head swam. She swore with every new second she spent with him, she was getting more and more invested, craving him in almost every capacity. So when he pulled away, breaking their kiss and laying down beside her, she scooted closer to him, longing to feel him all around her.
"I don't know how every time gets better and better," she mumbled against his chest, and she felt him laugh.
"What can I say, pretty girl, you give me all sorts of good ideas."
That made her blush, and she snuggled closer to him, their legs tangling together. The two of them stayed like that for a while, comfortable silence settling between them before Spencer spoke, pulling away slightly to look at her face.
"Hey, I was thinking... You don't have to say yes if you don't want to, but I... I wanted to know if you'd maybe want to go to dinner sometime?"
Despite the butterflies blooming in her stomach, Y/N laughed playfully. "You would fuck me senseless and then ask me to dinner all sweetly," she mused, running her fingers through his hair and rubbing her nose against his. "I'd love to."
Spencer let out a sigh, whether from relief or contentment she wasn't sure. Maybe both. But it filled her heart with joy all the same.
"Good," he said, pressing a small kiss to her lips. "It's a date."
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thetravelerwrites · 3 years
Alexei (Part 2) Lemon
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Rating: Mature Relationships: Female Human/Male Satyr Additional Tags: Exophilia, Monster Boyfriend, Satyr, Arranged Marriage, Fake Marriage, Strangers to Lovers, Reader Insert, Illness Words: 6143
A commission for @thebimess​​! A sudden illness changes the nature of the reader's and Alexei's relationship. Please reblog and leave feedback!
The Traveler's Masterlist
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You left the next morning before Alexei woke, as usual, but the walk to the bathhouse, which was only across the street, was more difficult than it had been before. Within an hour, you felt exhausted and weak, as if there were steel bands constricting your chest, preventing you from taking a full breath. There was a sharp pain in your side every time you breathed in.
“You don’t sound well,” Your work neighbor, Ellie, said. “There’s a nasty whistle when you take a breath. Are you alright, lovie?”
“Yes, I’m alright,” You lied. “Don’t worry about me, I can carry on.”
“If you say so.”
At some point during the day, you were called out of the laundry room.
“Am I in trouble?” You asked the matron.
“No, dearie,” The matron said, looking concerned. “We went and called on your husband to take you home. You’ve looked like you’re going to fall into the tubs all day.”
“I can work, Madam, I’m fine,” You protested.
“Nonsense,” She said. “Let your husband take you home. The last thing I need is a corpse on my working floor, you got me, missy?”
“Yes, Madam,” You said.
Alexei stood up from where he was sitting in the front room. As soon as he saw you, his face pinched in concern.
“You’re terribly pale,” Alexei said, coming close. “What’s happened?”
“Nothing,” You gasped. “I just have a little cold or something, it’s nothing to worry about.” It was unfortunate that at that moment, your feet decided to trip over themselves and you stumbled into him.
“Oy, oy,” He said, helping you right yourself. He put a hand to your head. “My word, you are boiling, pet! Let’s get you back home and lay you down. Madam, thank you for sending for me. Will you need compensation for the time she’s not working?”
“We’ll figure that out later. Get that child in a bed.”
“Yes, Madam.”
Alexei managed to drag you back to your room and helped you out of your short cloak and shoes. He steered you toward your bedroll and lay you down in it. As soon as your body hit the blankets, it gave out and you lost consciousness.
When you woke, it was dark. You had a wet rag on your forehead, your body feeling as though you’d been trampled by horses. Though you were bundled up, you felt like you were going to freeze. Breathing was like being stabbed with knives. As you inhaled and exhaled, there was a gravelly rasp that you could feel in your lungs. You made a sound of discomfort, and suddenly Alexei’s face came into your field of vision.
“You’re awake,” He said, taking the rag from your head. “Can you sit up? You need to drink.”
“Help me,” You croaked. He wedged his arm under your shoulders and lifted you. Your body screamed in agony and you gave a pained cry. “I can’t breathe,” You told him. “I feel like I’m drowning.”
“I know,” He said, his face scrunching in sympathy. “The physician has been ‘round to see you. You have pneumonia, he says.”
“Pneumonia?” You repeated.
“Yes,” He said, tipping a cup of water for you to drink. “He doesn’t think you’re infectious, since no one you’ve been around has developed symptoms. He left me some medicine to give you, powdered willow bark and peppermint.”
“That must have been expensive,” You wheezed. “How much did it cost you?”
“Let me worry about the expense,” He said, urging you to drink more. “Just concentrate on getting better.”
“But my job…” You protested. “I’ll be sacked...”
“Stop fussing,” He admonished. “I’ll take care of it. I’ll take care of everything. Just rest.”
“I’m cold,” You said piteously, beginning to cry.
“I know,” He said again, stroking a strand of your hair from your forehead. “It’s the fever. I can’t make you warmer or you could die.”
“It hurts,” You said. “Let me die.”
“Don’t say that. You’ll be alright,” He soothed, laying you carefully back on the bedroll. “Let me get your medicine.”
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Every day, Alexei woke you four times a day for your breathing treatment, which consisted of steeping the peppermint leaves in boiling water and having you inhale the vapor, and to take some fluids, usually water, tea, or broth. He stuck to this schedule without fail, and while it irritated you, you knew somewhere in your subconscious that he was saving your life. The peppermint vapor helped ease your breathing some and the willow bark prevented the fever from becoming dangerous, but it still felt as though you were dying.
Five days in, he woke you for your treatments.
“No, I can’t,” You cried weakly.
“Yes, you can,” He said patiently. “But I want to show you something first. Let’s sit you up, pet.” He lifted you up gingerly and sat behind you so that you were resting with your back to his front and your head on his shoulder. “Can you open your eyes?”
Your eyes felt glued together, but you managed to pry them open. “What do you want to show me?”
“Look,” He said, pointing at the wall where the fireplace was. “Can you see?”
It took a moment for your eyes to focus, but when it did, you saw flowers. Hundreds, thousands of tiny flowers painted on the wall. It was a field, a meadow, and a sweet little cottage sat in the middle next to a small pond. Every color you could think of waved in the painted breeze. It was dusk, and the sky was pink-gold with fluffy clouds of silver floating along it. Little ducks, chickens, and baby goats gathered around the steps to the cottage, and there, a woman who looked much like you stood scattering seeds from a basket on her arm. She wore a crown of flowers on her head.
“Oh,” You breathed, a tear rolling down your cheek as your body trembled weakly against his. “It’s beautiful.”
He rubbed his hands up and down your arms. “I’m glad you like it. I worked on it while you were sleeping. I was going to just paint a small piece of wood with flowers and fruit for you to carry in your pocket, but… it didn’t feel good enough.”
“I would have loved that, too,” You said. “Won’t you get in trouble with the landlord for this?”
“I asked permission,” He said softly into your hair.
You began to sob. “It’s the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. I just wish I weren’t dying so I could enjoy it properly.”
“You’re not going to die, love,” He said, wrapping his arms around your shoulders and rocking you gently side-to-side. “I won’t let you. You have a fiance to piss off; you can’t die before then. I’m looking forward to the day when I can watch you tell him to stick that contract where the sun don’t shine.”
You laughed through your tears. “Why couldn’t I haven’t been promised to you instead?”
He laughed, too. “You’re too independent and headstrong for me, love. I like women who can’t fend for themselves. They don’t realize what I twat I am.”
You chuckled. You spent a few minutes in silence, staring at the lovely gift Alexei had made for you. And then it was time for tea and treatments before he let you rest again, all the while he stroked your hair and hummed a soft tune under his breath.
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It took eight days for the fever to break. Thankfully, you were unconscious for most of it, since consciousness was nothing short of torture. You couldn’t eat and could barely swallow. Every breath was like your lungs were catching fire over and over again.
Once the fever broke and you were able to stand up, Alexei paid a substantial amount to rent you a private bathing room with soaps, shampoos, fruit, cheese, and wine. Every luxury had been seen to and Alexei had spared no expense. When you offered to pay him back, he simply ruffled your hair and told you not to worry about it, saying that you’d earned a nice day for yourself.
He asked your coworker, Ellie, to help you wash up and to watch over you, since you were still weak and had a terrible cough. It was nice to have another friend sitting with you to talk; you hadn’t really had a girl-friend before.
Thanks to Alexei, you didn’t end up dying, but recovery was painfully slow. By the time the six months of the marriage was up, you’d only just started to feel like your old self again, but you still tired easily and couldn’t push yourself for too long.
The two of you packed your room to travel back to Red Landing, selling the furniture you’d purchased when first arriving in Dunmountain.
“Are you ready to go back?” Alexei asked as he helped you up into the driver’s box.
“Not really,” You said. “I’m not looking forward to facing my parents. Or Gregory. Just because I know he’ll be utterly obnoxious about it.”
“Well, don’t worry about a thing, pet,” He said. “If the bastard tries to make off with you like a prowler in the night, I’ll be there to stop him.”
You smiled at him. “Thank you. I’m glad to have you as a friend, Alexei. I’m sorry if I ever insinuated that you weren’t.”
“Water under the bridge, my pet,” He said, patting your hand before trotting around the mule and hopping up to sit next to you. “Shall we?”
“Eh?” You said with a noncommittal shrug. Laughing, he took that as a yes and snapped the mule to movement.
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The trip back was comfortable, despite your nerves, and took far less time than the trip to Dunmountain had, since you were walking for half of that one. The two of you either slept in the vardo or rented a room at an inn. After six months of sharing a space, sleeping in the same room was second nature by now, so there was no reason to rent two rooms.
When you reached the boundaries of Red Landing, you wrapped your arms around yourself and took a large breath.
“You’ll be alright, pet,” Alexei said. “If things get too badly out of hand, I have no qualms about loading us back up and doing a legger.”
You smiled. “That’s good to know, I’ll keep it in mind.” You pointed at the crossroads. “Take a left at this fork.”
He nudged the mule left, and it took you out of the marketplace and down the residential track.
“Here. We’re here.”
He stopped the wagon in front of a modestly built wooden house with shuttered windows open in the breeze; your mother had always said that glass was an unnecessary luxury and not worth the cost. There was a simple garden and an apple tree planted next to the walkway up to the front door surrounded by a low stone wall and a wooden gate, which was open.
“That’s odd,” You said as Alexei helped you down. “The gate is never left open.”
“Could they be expecting someone?” He asked.
“I don’t know,” You replied. “All of the windows are open, too. That’s unusual.”
“It’s a nice day,” Alexei said. “They could just be enjoying the fresh air.”
You shook your head. “No, this isn’t like them.”
“Do you think something could be wrong?” He asked, taking you by the forearm and stopping you cautiously.
Before you could respond, your mother appeared at one of the windows, crying out.
“Oh!” She said, her hands to her mouth. “You came back! John, she’s back!”
She disappeared from the window and a few seconds later, the door flew open. She launched herself out of it and into your arms, brushing past Alexei to do so.
“Oh, I’m so happy to see you!” She cried into your shoulder. “I didn’t know if you’d ever return.”
Your father, a gruff looking man with a short beard, came out too. He was less talkative than your mother, but he gathered you up in his arms and held you tight for a moment, releasing you with nary a word, though a small tear fell down his cheek and disappeared into his whiskers.
“Hi, Papa,” You said. “Hi, Mama.”
“Oh, darling, we were hoping you’d come back! We left the windows open, so we could hear you coming. They’ve been open every day since you disappeared.”
You sighed, feeling guilty. “I’m sorry I vanished on you without saying anything. But you understand why I had to do that, don’t you?”
You mother regarded you warily. “Darling… you know how important the investment is for us. We had so many plans.”
“Mother,” You said sternly. “I’m not marrying that man.”
“Be reasonable,” She pleaded. “We can do so much once our business gets off the ground. For you, as well.”
“I don’t think there’s anything unreasonable about wanting to be treated like a human being and not a possession to be sold,” You said, your voice raised. “What happened to you two? What happened to working for what you want? What happened to never trusting a gift? Do I mean so little to you that you’d make a deal with the devil so that you don’t have to work anymore?”
“I can’t believe how ungrateful you are!” Your mother replied, scowling. “Do you know how long we had to wait for this? Do you know what we sacrificed for you?”
“I never asked you to sacrifice anything for me!”
Your mother slapped you. “Don’t raise your voice to your mother!”
Suddenly you were yanked back. Alexei had pulled you behind him and stood between you and your parents.
“I understand family matters can get heated,” He said evenly. “But I must insist that you not strike my wife. She’s still recovering from being quite ill.”
“Wife?” Your father repeated, the first thing he’s said since you returned. “What’s this about a wife? Who are you?”
You heard that but not that I was ill? You thought bitterly.
“My name is Alexei,” He said, his voice deep and imposing. “I’m your daughter’s husband.”
There was an awkward silence as your parents took that information in.
“Why don’t you come in and we can… discuss this,” Your father said, motioning for your mother to follow him inside.
Before you could follow after them, Alexei stopped you. He touched your chin and tilted your head, examining the cheek where your mother had struck you.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” You replied. “Let’s get this over with. It’s going to be painful, either way.”
He grimaced and opened his mouth to say something, but thought the better of it and shut it again, stepping aside to let you pass.
Inside, your mother was setting out tea. Your father sat in his usual chair with his arms folded, looking at Alexei unfavorably. You frowned at him. It’s a little late to be playing the concerned father, isn’t it, Papa?
Your mother sat down next to your father across the table from you. You took the marriage license from your bag as she set out the teacups and unfolded it showing them.
“You can inspect it and send a letter to the magistrate, if you wish.”
Your mother cleared her throat, not looking at the document. “So… how did the two of you… meet?”
You tried to answer, but you felt your mouth dry up.
“She took shelter from the rain in my carriage one night, actually,” Alexei said, laughing a little. “I didn’t even notice her until the next day halfway through my journey. But when I did, it was love at first sight. I did everything I could from that moment on to woo her.”
“How soon after you met did you marry?”
“Three days.”
Both your mother and father’s eyes shot to you suspiciously. You felt the weight of their scrutiny, but didn’t flinch.
“What is it about our daughter you fell in love with?”
You were slightly concerned that Alexei wouldn’t be able to come up with anything, but to your surprise, he answered without hesitation.
“She’s a self-starter, fiercely independent, and has an amazing work ethic, which I imagine is thanks to you.” He gestured at your parents. “She’s headstrong and funny and makes faces when I tease her and is genuinely fun to be around. Not a dull day since I met her.” He turned to look at you fondly. “She’s spent all of our marriage taking very good care of me. Better care than anyone ever has. She’s the only family I’ve ever had, and that means more to me than I can ever express. I count myself blessed to have met her, and doubly blessed to be her husband.”
You couldn’t help but smile softly. He sounded so sincere.
“What about you, dear?” Your mother asked, still looking unmoved. “What is it about Alexei you fell in love with?”
You sat and thought. “I’ll admit, when first the idea of marrying Alexei was presented, I didn’t want to do it.” You didn’t mention that it was you who brought it up. “But Alexei has never been anything but kind to me. He’s silly and talented and he laughs a lot and is never bothered by anything. Not until…”
You stared at your hands, trying to recall the time you’d been ill. “I got sick. Very sick. I almost died, I think. He took care of me. It took a long time for me to get better, and he was there the entire time. He painted an entire wall with flowers and ducks and pretty things for me to look at, just because I’d said I wanted a little painting to brighten up our room. He spend a lot of money for several months on medicine to help me get better. He never got mad at me, never impatient, never frustrated. He didn’t give up on me even when I wanted to die so that the pain would stop. He’s my husband, but he’s also my best friend, and I’m lucky to have him as both.”
That was a hell of a revelation to come to sitting right in front of your parents being interrogated about your fake marriage. Without looking at each other, Alexei flipped his hand and reached for yours, and you took it. He squeezed your fingers firmly. Don’t worry, He seemed to say. Just say the word and we can run.
“So, are you a man of means, Alexei?” You mother asked. “Can you take care of our daughter financially?”
“She’s more than capable of doing that herself, you know,” He said levelly. “But yes. I’m a fairly well known painter and I have a decent nest egg set aside to build a home. If the underlying question is, ‘am I going to give you money in exchange for your daughter as if she were goods to be bartered for,’ the answer is no.”
Your father got red in the face and your mother sputtered. You didn’t even try to hide your smug smile.
“Darling,” Your mother said, turning to you and pleading. “It’s not too late to fix this. You can still annul the marriage and marry Gregory. He’ll straighten up after he’s married, most men do!”
You sighed and rubbed your temples in frustration. “Look,” You said, pulling out your coin purse. “This is all the money I took, plus a little more. Since money seems to be the only thing you care about, take this. I don’t owe you anything anymore.”
“I can’t believe you’re doing this to us,” Your mother said angrily, shoving the license back across the table. “After everything we’ve done for you.”
“What? What have you done for me, Mother? You did what you were supposed to do when people have children? Had a child and then raised that child? You don’t get a reward for doing what you’re supposed to do; you taught me that, for God’s sake!”
Your father slammed his hand down on the table and you jumped, letting out a startled squeak. He stood up, his eyes dark.
“Perhaps…” He said slowly. “It’s best if you leave.”
You felt stung. “Happily,” You said, snatching the license from the table and stuffing it in your bag. “I have a feeling that I won’t be back this time.”
“Are we off, then, my pet?” Alexei asked casually, standing and reaching to take your bag.
“Yes,” You said through your teeth. “For good.”
“As you wish, pet,” He replied, taking your hand and wrapping it around his arm. “There’s a lovely tavern a little east of here we might stay. It’s less…” He turned back and looked your parents up and down pointedly. “Money-hungry.”
You asked Alexei if you could ride in the vardo and he was agreeable. As soon as Alexei snapped the reins and the mule lurched forward, you began to sob. You knew he could hear you, because the window near the driver’s box was open. He whistled loudly as the cart rolled, perhaps to disguise or drown out your weeping so you felt less awkward about crying noisily on a crowded street. You appreciated it.
The vardo stopped, you assumed in front of the tavern Alexei spoke of, though he didn’t hop down right away, simply sat in the driver’s box and continued to whistle as you cried. After a time, you pulled yourself together and forced yourself to stuff down the rest of your tears.
“Alexei, I’m alright now,” You said faintly.
He stopped whistling. “I’ll give you some coin. Would you mind getting us a room while I see to the mule and wagon?”
“Sure,” You said tonelessly. You climbed out of the vardo as he came around and held out your hand. Before he handed you the money, he took your chin and tilted your head up, looking at you in concern.
“Are you sure you’re alright, pet?”
You nodded but you didn’t meet his eye.
“I’ll see you inside. Wait for me downstairs and I’ll buy us dinner, alright?”
You nodded again and walked off wordlessly.
Inside, you paid for the room and bought two mugs of ale. Alexei came in after a few minutes and bent down.
“Anything you want specifically?”
“Doesn’t matter,” You replied flatly.
He walked off, and after several minutes he came back, picked up his mug and took your hand, pulling you to your feet.
“Come on, pet,” He said. “I’m having it sent up to our room. You look like you need rest. It’s been a long… trying day, and you’re still not well yet.”
You didn’t argue and allowed yourself to be led upstairs. Once inside, he put your mugs on the provided table while you sat down on the very small bed. You pulled the license back out and stared at it.
“I suppose we should find a magistrate in the morning,” You said. “Six months is up. You held up your end of the bargain. We can have this annulled as early as tomorrow afternoon and be on your way.”
He sat next to you. “Is this a conversation we should have now?”
“There’s no reason not to. I have to think about where I’m going to go.”
“Go?” He echoed.
“I’m not going home, clearly,” You said. “I have an aunt up north, but I don’t know if she’d be any more interested in taking me in than my parents were at listening to me.”
“You could always stay with me,” He said. “Annulling the marriage doesn’t mean we stop being friends.”
“It’s improper for a man and a woman to live together if they’re not married.”
“Who cares what’s improper? We’re adults, we can do what we like.”
“It’s alright, Alexei, I’ll figure something out. I’m resourceful, you know that.”
“I do know that,” He said, reaching over and taking the license, inspecting it. “What if…” He said slowly. “What if we didn’t annul the marriage? What if we stayed married?”
“What are you talking about?” You asked looking up at him. He opened his mouth to speak, but was saved from answering by a knock at the door.
“That’s our dinner, I expect.” He stood up and opened the door, taking a tray from whoever delivered it and closing the door again, putting the tray down on the table.
“Alexei,” You said, standing up. “What do you mean, stay married?”
“Well…” He said, not looking at you and bending over the table, busying himself with placing the food out. “It’s a mutually beneficial arrangement. And we’re good friends, we take care of each other. I can’t think of a single good reason not to stay together.”
“Well, I mean…” You started. “It’s not like we love each other, right?”
He didn’t answer, just continued fussing with the food. You stopped him by putting a hand on his shoulder and gently pushing him upright.
“Right?” You asked again.
He met your gaze, his face a little sad and anxious, and took a big breath.
“When we first got married,” He began slowly. “It was a laugh, something funny and silly to occupy my time. Teasing you was amusing, and I got someone to cook and clean for me as a bonus. I figured that at the end of the six months, I’d just walk away with the money having done my part and never have to see you again. I’d be one step closer to my goal of building a house for myself. I didn’t expect to end up as friends.” He dropped his eyes and took one of your hands in his. “I grew up alone. I expected to live my life alone, and I was happy with that. But when you got sick…”
“Alexei, it’s okay,” You said softly, squeezing his hand.
He shook his head, grimacing as if in pain. “When you got sick, I know I kept telling you to keep your chin up and that you’d be fine, but deep down I was panicking. I wasn’t sure if you’d make it and I was terrified…” His voice shook. “…that I was going to lose the only family I’d ever had. I didn’t sleep at night and watched you all the time to make sure you were still breathing. Whenever I’d try to rouse you to drink and you wouldn’t wake, my heart would stop. I was willing to spend every penny I’d ever earned to fix it. I didn’t want to be alone anymore, and I wanted more than anything for you to live. I wanted you to stay with me. I still do.” He looked up at you again, and there were unshed tears in his eyes. “So stay with me.”
Stunned and moved to silence, you nodded slowly.
He swallowed hard, leaned in, and kissed you. He seemed jumpy, as if he worried you might slap him and he’d need to hop back quickly, but you didn’t slap him. You stepped closer and put your arms around his shoulders, pulling him to you. He sighed in relief and deepened the kiss, wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling your body flush with his. He was only slightly shorter than you, so you had to tilt your head down a little to kiss him, but it was nice. It was comfortable.
Ignoring the food now, he took you to the bed, shedding his vest, tunic, and undershirt. He’d worn his best clothes to meet your family, but now they were left in a pile with your dress on the floor. He unstrung your bodice and you slid it off, pulling your chemise off after it. God, why did being a woman come with so many damn layers?
Finally, you were both undressed and crawled into the bed together, your limbs tangling together. He laid you down on the threadbare blanket and kissed you deeply, touching your body and spreading your legs with his knees. After a moment, though, he stopped and popped up in his hands, peering down at you.
“Are you feeling alright?” He asked, looking concerned. “I may have been a little overeager when you didn’t push me away, but are you well enough to… do this… with me? Are you feeling tired or sick?”
You giggled softly, stroking his cheeks with your thumbs. “I feel incredible,” You said. “Better than I have in a long time. It’s alright, Alexei. I want this. We never had a wedding night, after all.”
He laughed. “I think you’d have thrown a pan at my head if I tried.”
“You’re right,” You replied, pulling him down for another kiss.
He took his time exploring your body, touching and kissing and sucking. He nipped at your skin as he made his way down your belly, tickling your sides to make you giggle and squirm.
“I wish I’d known how soft your body was,” He murmured. “And how warm. I’d have confessed my feelings sooner if I could’ve just curled up next to you at night.”
“Flatterer,” You said, smirking down at him.
“Honest,” He said, kissing your hipbones. “To think, so many cold nights with this beautiful body lying mere feet away. It’s enough to chill a man’s heart.”
“Or something else,” You snickered.
“Speaking of which,” He replied, spreading your legs and kissing lower. His lips touched your… lips… and you inhaled at the new sensation. It wasn’t a bad feeling, just strange since you’d never felt it before. You looked down at him as he teased you, and he looked back up at you. You bit your lip and watched him as he finally pressed his tongue to your pearl, and he watched your flushed, thrilled reaction with fascinated intensity.
Shivers rippled through your body and you let your head fall back onto the pillow as he went to work pleasuring you, gripping your inner thighs tightly to keep your legs wide open. His beard tickled the sensitive skin as he pressed his face firmly into the hollow, pushing his tongue deeply inside you and wiggling it up and down. You moaned and tilted your hips so that he could get even deeper.
“Alexei, please,” You rasped, pulling his hair.
He raised back up, wiping his beard and reaching between his own legs to gently stroke himself. He kissed his way back up your body and braced on one hand as he pressed his cock to your entrance, pushing inside you. Your body opened to his eagerly, taking him in to the hilt. He moved slowly at first as he kissed you over and over, making a loose fist in your hair, but when you wrapped your legs around his and thrust your hips up to meet him, he began to speed up.
His lips never left your skin and neither did his hands. It was as if he couldn’t touch you enough, couldn’t get enough of how your skin tasted, and gripped you as if you’d evaporate if he let go. There was a strange, anxious tension in his body that you could feel in his muscles as he slammed into you over and over.
You were getting closer to the peak of your pleasure, you could tell he was, too, because he buried his head in the crook of your neck and clung to you as if he were drowning. His movements were precise and rigorous. His grunting grew louder and faster, joining with your moans and gasps. You gripped his back and dug your nails into his skin, whimpering “yes! yes!” over and over.
He suddenly popped up on his hands, thrusting frenetically before giving a shout and going completely rigid, his forehead pressed against yours. You cried out right afterward, grinding your clit against his body and riding out your orgasm as he released inside you.
The two of you were locked in place, gasping for air. He finally collapsed sideways, sliding wetly out of you, and drew in deep breaths. When the two of you had cooled down and caught your breath, he pulled you into his body, your back to his front, and locked his arms around you.
“Pet?” He said softly.
“In case I hadn’t made it clear, I do love you,” He said.
You laughed. “You couldn’t have done much more to make it plain short of shouting it out the window.”
“Do you want me to? Because I will!” He made to release you and reach up to open the window, and you grabbed him back, giggling.
“You silly thing!” You told him, rolling over to look at his face. “In case you were wondering, I love you, too.”
“Oh, that’s good,” He said with a smile, stroking your hair. “Was a little worried.”
“Well, don’t be.” You went in for a soft kiss, and then another, and another. “I’ll stay. Wherever you go, I’ll be with you. Because I want to be.”
He cuddled you in and the two of you slept.
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A short few hours travel brought you to a meadow with a small pond. The field was full of flowers of all sizes and colors.
“I know this place!” You said as Alexei helped you down off of the driver’s box. “This is from the painting!”
“Very perceptive, my love,” He said, grinning. “I’ve owned this little stretch of land for a while. I think I finally have enough money to build our home. We might be sleeping in the vardo for awhile until it’s finished, though.”
“I don’t mind,” You said, turning and wrapping your arms around his shoulders. “I love it here. I wouldn’t even care if we slept in a tent as long as we could live here.”
He chuckled and kissed your temple. “I think we can do better than that, Pet,” He said. “Welcome home.”
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The Exophilia Creator’s Masterlist
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