#my German ass isn't sorry
norrisleclercf1 · 24 days
Hello. I have this idea of a Charles and Wolff reader where they’re happy but some crazy merc fan or a mugger somewhat loses it on her and injures her and everyone figures it out a bit late and they’re scared and something full of angst and cute moments later?
A/N: Oooooo love this just be mindful of the warnings below
You could tell something was off.
Being Toto Wolff's daughter, you were used to a certain level of staring or being even being noticed, but this was different, the feeling of being watched. It was like a sniper was zoned in on you, anytime you moved the eyes followed you.
Maybe it was a reporter, your mind tried to reason, but you knew this wasn't right. It wasn't the normal, and you didn't see a single camera or phone in the restaurant. "You, okay?" Jumping out of your skin, you give Bono a weary smile. "Of course, just tired and miss Charles," Bono hums, knowing your boyfriend was at a different restaurant celebrating with his team.
"Do you want to go home, sugar, you can." Your father smiles, placing a comforting arm on your shoulder. The hair on the back of your neck stands as your head whips around, but no one is staring or much less paying attention to your table. "I'm going crazy," You whisper, Toto hums, but you wave him off. "Nothing, Papa. I'm going to head back to my hotel room, okay?" You whisper in German, Toto smiling and kissing your cheek.
"Text me when you get there safely, and Charles as well," Nodding you stand on shaking legs as you push through the craziness and out into the cool spring air. Taking a deep breath to calm your racing heart. Making the walk back, you feel that buzzing and cold dread settle into your skin.
Looking back just a little bit you see a shadow moving behind you. Whipping back around you speed up but you hear the feet behind you grow louder. Taking a turn you start to run, but yelp when large hands pull you back. A scream is ripped from your throat, bag lying in the street as feel kicks and punches land all over your body.
"Traitorous whore!" The person spits, and kicks you one last time, vision growing fuzzy, you see them walk away as your eyes close.
"Toto, I'm sure she's fine. Her and Charles are probably, having some quiet time." Bono tries to reason, but Toto shakes his head no. "Charles just had a video posted by fans of him talking to them outside. He's not with her, something isn't right." Toto throws the doors open as he takes the walk back to the hotel. Bono grumbles but follows as he swears nothing is wrong.
Making the turn, Toto comes to a hault, seeing your purse lying on the ground. "No, Y/N? SUGAR?" Toto screams, as he rushes around looking for you. Getting to the alleyway, Toto feels his heart stop, as he sees your crumbled body. "NO!"
Charles wanted to cry, he wanted to scream. He wanted to see your eyes as you lie in the bed beaten and bloody. "How did no one notice?" Charles whispers, running his fingers over your skin, voice tight and cold. "We're sorry, we thought she was back at the hotel with you," Bono whispers, but Charles scuffs.
A groan passes your lips which has Charles springing up and looking down at you. "Hey, hey take it easy," You smile hearing that warm caramel voice of Charles. "Hey?" You whisper and Charles leans down, humming as you smile a little wider. "Should take up boxing," Charles groans bumping your heads which has you giggle but then groan in pain.
"Fuck the boxing, we're going american style and getting you a gun," Charles whispers, which has a wet laugh pass your lips. "Maybe Leo can become an attack dog," You joke, just not wanting to think about what happened. Charles giggles, kissing your lips and smiling down at you, "He already terrorizes our ankles, anyone will run from that." Charles joins you, knowing this helped you.
"Hey, they found the guy, some pyscho ass fan. Been arrested," Bono whispers, popping his head in. "Thanks Bono," Charles whispers and traces soft patterns on your arms knowing it calms you. "When can I go home?" Charles smiles, placing one last kiss on your lips. "In two days, then we can just eat ice cream," You smile and kiss him back.
"Not, your ice cream though, I need some real shit," Charles gasps, and you giggle as you see the betrayal on his face. "Excuse you, I'd have you know my ice cream is real," You snort but make a face of pain as it caused your ribs to hurt.
"Okay, maybe one thing of it," Charles shakes his head as your face turns somber and eyes heavy. "I love you," Charles smiles, "I love you,"
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munv · 4 months
𝗜𝗻 𝘄𝗵𝗶𝗰𝗵, 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗵𝗮𝗱 𝗱𝗶𝗲𝗱 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗿𝗲𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗼 𝗕𝗹𝘂𝗲 𝗟𝗼𝗰𝗸 𝗮𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗜𝘁𝗼𝘀𝗵𝗶 𝗦𝗶𝗯𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 𝗲𝗹𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝗶𝗯𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴, 𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗷𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗻𝗲𝘆 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗻𝗲𝘄 𝗹𝗶𝗳𝗲 𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁 𝘆𝗼𝘂? 𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗴𝗼𝗮𝗹𝘀 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗶𝘁 𝗹𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘁𝗼?
could you tell kaiser brain rot won? could you tell? could you tell?
September was just starting, but now looking back..you were already sick of it. Taking care of Sae was a journey in its own right, but your mother expecting a baby in possibly a few days?  You needed some fresh air. 
So that's exactly what you did.
At least..that is what you thought. 
"Where are you going?" Sae's voice rang out through the living room. Staring at you with intent, trying to figure out what exactly was your game plan for today. Your Maine coon "Miko" was currently purring at your feet. She circled you in a way that made you feel caught. Which was scary in its own little way. 
You shook a bit at the type of duo they both became, always seemingly to catch you in the act. "I'm going for a walk..I'll be back" 
Sae gave you a stern glare in response "You said we'd play soccer this week" he stepped closer with each word before he was just inches in front of you. He looked up at you judgmentally. Miko let out a small 'meow' in agreement.
The sick little shit, you would have never picked her ass up from the street all those years ago if you knew she would pick sides. "I'm taking a walk Sae, and I said this week not today." You said stepping out of the circle Miko called home before putting on your shoes.
You ruffled his hair before opening the door, "I'll be back soon. Kay?" 
"Hmph" Miko let out a dissatisfied mewl before trotting back on over to sae.  "Alright love you!" You shut the door on him once again.. just like a particular chapter.
The small boy flushed before walking away from the door "Nee-San is so weird..isn't she miko?"  The cat purred in content before making way to her corner of the house once again.
It was a random park, very random indeed. How you ended up in this neighborhood? Not even you have the answers to that question.  You walked aimlessly, at truth. It was a little bit windy but nothing that couldn't be handled. 
A few birds, a cat here and there, a small stall you picked up teriyaki from, nothing beats this type of routine. Which was the initial thought before your teriyaki was snatched out of your hands "HOLY-" The culprit? A soccer ball in all its glory.  'a soccer ball...just..took my teriyaki? am I finally reaching insanity?...oh my god, is this the world getting payback for not playing soccer with Sae?' what you failed to notice was that there was a voice calling out to you. 
before you was a young boy, most likely around your age, with messy blonde hair almost completely spilled over his shoulders with a generous shade of blue to shade his eyes. He was only a little bit taller than you, but other than that he seemed worried at your downcast expression. If the boy didn't see what the soccer ball did to your teriyaki, he would have thought he hit your dog and killed it on the spot! 
"Geht es dir gut? Oh Gott, habe ich dich irgendwo getroffen?!" at this rate he was shaking with despair and worry. Snapping out of your senses, you realized he wasn't exactly speaking Japanese, and by the time he finished spluttering, he probably had a self-realization he wasn't exactly speaking Japanese either. Now, you weren't any language on a star, but you were smart enough to know this kid was probably German or something. 
But from the worry in his voice, you could at least pick up that he was probably asking if you were ok and a hint of extra sorry's in there. "uh.." you didn't have much to say, but being on your second life did have its benefits, for you studied a bit of french and german here and there. Though French was much easier you were grateful to have at least put a bit of effort into learning German. "Mir geht es gut, danke?"
The blonde boy looked surprised, which worried you by a hell tone. Did you say it right? oh shit, did you accidentally curse him out? he gave you a small smile before waving and picking up his soccer ball to run off to..wherever he was beforehand. 
So, you lost your teriyaki, met a cute German boy, and almost got spiraled into the pearly white gates in the process by the same soccer ball that took your teriyaki; but..looking back that hit could have been a serious one, that kid had some serious potential to become a striker. 
You've decided from the short encounter today that you've had about enough, and it's about time to start your mini trek home. Well, that was the old plan before you ended up looking at Google Maps. You weren't lost! no no, it was simply called..adapting to your new surroundings, you know. The little einsteins shit where they have a destination in mind but end up soaring somewhere weird. Maybe the magic school bus would explain this better, you know where you ended up where you wanted to go but got up in a small situation and lost. This was you we were talking about though! Not lost, just a little clueless. 
You turned a corner and managed to spot the same little guy from earlier, you realized that you could've pulled out Google Translate but that would've been rude. So sucking in your ego, you approached the blonde boy and tapped his shoulder. 
You weren't all too sure as to what he was doing, just holding the soccer ball and all but he seemed pretty lonely, and you were pretty clueless right now so it was a win-win situation. Not to assume he doesn't have friends or anything right?
He looked at you with surprise again, Jesus, it looked like he wanted to express himself so badly but just couldn't. I mean, if you were in Japan with little to no Japanese skills you don't think you would be able to speak German expecting almost anyone you meet to understand you. 
quickly hoping to get this over with, you typed out something on your phone and showed it to him. Thank God your parents actually trusted younger you with a phone and an even bigger plus you knew how to use it properly this time. he looked back at the translation on your phone before looking back at you and nodding. He took it from and you carefully typed out a few responses, and to be frank with yourself, the boy you learned whos name is "Kaiser" suited him. 
If only your Sae was this nice..you wouldn't have a stroke every now and then. he gave a small laugh to one of your snarky responses on google translate before finally leading you down a path, the more you two walked and talked (more like typed) the more fun it was. 
something in the conversation went like  "you have a little sibling?" 
"yeah, i got another one on the way right now too."
"what's it like?" 
"wouldn't you like to know?" 
and some more that went into depth like 
"it's ok to feel in the dumps yknow, but you should always carry some self-respect and discipline too"
"you sound a bit old, but..i'll think about it. thanks"
"i'll ignore the 'old' person comment and your welcome"
By the time you finished sharing your last laugh, you had arrived at your destination. Waving a small goodbye and a quick hug you made it inside your home with a small content sigh.
                                                                         ITOSHI OMAKE "why."
Sae's face was adorned with a frown while staring at his mother, sometimes his eyes would stray down to the round belly she had, where his new sibling would soon come from. But that wasn't today's topic. His tone was demanding for someone of his age, and his father had to remind him sometimes of how he sounded, but he knew his son couldn't help it. 
He was just naturally blunt he supposed.
He just needed to know why.
"sae, sweetheart..you're saying it as if your older sister isn't allowed to be happy?"
That's not what he was asking, and she knew that. He wanted to know the reason why you felt so off when he went to bother you earlier. 
You weren't even gone for that long! Miko told him everything and those two have an inseparable bond, so he would know what she was saying, and she told him you met a male. Not a boy, whoever interacts with his nee-san is stripped of the same title as him. Therefore by default, he is above all those bone-picking fiends that have tried to come close to you so far.
With a huff he got up and marched his way upstairs with his cat companion, opening your door to little to no knocking whatsoever.
"who is it."
he questioned
you looked confused, of course, you'd be confused, whatever boy turned fiend it was, screwed up your perfectly healthy and beautiful brain that would help him with homework, and now you've taken a liking to it. He can't believe it! it was just a couple of days ago you rejected one of those things too! 
Did they swarm you and infect you regardless by chance?
"Sae..what on God's infected earth are you talking about?"
"That's the exact problem. It's infected, and you've become one of them." he sighed.
what the fuck was he talking about?..
"miko, hold her down, we must bring her to her senses."
before you could react, a big white main coon had already jumped unto you and suffocated you in her fur as you wriggled for air. "WHAT THE HELL?" 
Sae closed the door behind him as he approached your already struggling figure.
"don't worry nee-san..we'll fix you."
Your parents sat on the couch that day listening to screams and cries for the rest of the day.
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pudding-parade · 18 days
Sorry, but I have to get political on all your asses, at least those of you who live in the US. It will be a one-time thing on this subject, the only thing that I will say here about the election before it happens. And yeah, I'm going to say this on a blog devoted to a stupid video game. Why? Because I know that I have younger American people who follow me here, and if y'all are like some of the younger people I've talked to in real life and online in other venues, I have concerns. So I'm going to say all this as an old-ass, progressive American. Because if I can wake up one apathetic mind out there, it will be worth it. And if you're pissed at me for making a single political post at this important juncture, then fuck off and unfollow me or send me nasty messages or whatever you want to do. I don't care. And I'm not cutting this, either.
My dear followers: Donald Trump cannot -- CANNOT -- become president again.
Late last night, Trump posted on his Truth Social account a video containing language and images reminiscent of the World War era. It was about his fantasies of what America would be like, should he win the general election in about five months. It contained suspicious imagery and phrases like "creating a unified Reich." Does that sort of language sound familiar? Especially when combined with his rhetoric about immigrants being "vermin" that "poison the blood of our country?" Ring any bells? I'm sure it does for any German folks who might read this.
Trump's post was only taken down about 12 hours later, after backlash over it, and then Trump claimed that a "low level staffer" posted it, not him. Which is either a lie OR he was lying when he said previously that only he and his campaign's communications director have or will ever have access to that account. If you want more info about this, here's a short video from Jesse Dollemore, an independent commentator:
This election isn't about liberal/progressive vs. conservative. It truly doesn't matter what your personal ideology is because this election is about saving democracy. This is about preserving your freedoms, because we won't be able to do anything about any other issue, whatever our individual ideologies and pet issues are, if our basic freedoms upon which this country was founded -- freedom of speech and to protest, freedom of (and from) religion, freedom of the press -- are chipped away until they are gone. Because that's what autocrats do. They want freedom only for themselves, and Donald Trump and his cronies and hangers-on are all autocrat wannabes.
And if you -- Yes, you, even if you're sitting in the middle of blood-red state -- don't vote for Joe Biden, you will be doing your part to hand the autocrats what they want, because a non-vote or a vote for anyone other than Biden is in fact a vote for Trump and autocracy. Similarly, you must also vote for Democrats for all other positions, local, state, and federal so that America's overt flirtation with autocracy that's been going on since at least the 1990s might finally end once and for all.
Yes, yes, I know: "But Genocide Joe!" Think about it: Do you seriously think that Trump, who licks Netanyahu's asshole because he sees him as the kind of "strong man" that Trump wants to be, is going to help Gaza? Or that he'll go against Putin and continue aid to Ukraine? Because if you think that he will do either of those things, I have several bridges I'd like to sell you. No, Trump is going to "put America first." He says it all the time, and what he means by that is that he will do nothing except whatever it takes to keep himself and his cronies in power while also isolating America by severing ties to our allies. Gaza will be given to Netanyahu just as Ukraine will be given to Putin, should Trump win, and he won't give a shit. In the end, Biden (and Harris, should she have to take over) will listen and help Gaza, maybe not as much as we'd like because the Middle East situation is complicated and there are no simple solutions, but a Biden-led government will certainly help more than another Trumpian government would. And Biden will definitely continue to aid Ukraine, because that situation isn't complicated at all.
And in the end, it's not really about Ukraine and Gaza, though they are of course important. It's about us. Should Trump get into the White House again, he will surround himself with people who want America to be a plutocratic and authoritarian autocracy, very similar to Putin's Russia. This is not hyperbole. This is fact. A vote for Trump -- either actual or de facto by fucking around with not voting or voting for a third party because you think it's a "protest" -- is a vote to end democracy, plain and simple, which might very well mean that you'll never be able to protest again another day.
How bad could Trump be, you ask? Who cares who is president? Well, have a look at Project 2025. It's a 900-page "playbook" for the next "conservative" administration. (In quotes because there is nothing "conservative" about these people, including Trump and his cronies; they are radicals.) It is nothing less than a plan to destroy the federal government, the Constitution, and the freedoms that it enshrines and protects, which means the end of democracy. They published a similar tome before Reagan was elected, and once he was in, Reagan followed through with a lot of it. I have no doubt that Trump would, too, given that his "Agenda 47" platform is basically the same. Here is an article that summarizes Project 2025 and details some of its directives. And here is an article from Time Magazine, of all things, where the writer of it interviewed Trump about his vision for America, should he win. The first line of the article is, "Donald Trump thinks he’s identified a crucial mistake of his first term: He was too nice." You can read the transcripts of the interviews, too, so you can rest assured that the interviewer isn't being hyperbolic.
It ain't good, folks. Part of this extreme-right agenda is ridiculously expanding the power of the executive branch so that it would no longer be checked and balanced by Congress and the Supreme Court, which effectively turns the presidency into a dictatorship. And if Biden does not win, at least some of this bullshit will come to pass, especially because Trump already has the Supreme Court in his pocket. And he'll be able to appoint more young, far-right lunatics to that, too, should he win.
I'll repeat that Trump CANNOT win. I'll be the first to say that, as a pretty extreme (but also pragmatic) progressive, I'm not Biden's biggest fan, for various reasons. He is way farther right than I am, though he has been far more progressive-friendly than I expected and he has gotten some very good things done. But even if he wasn't and hadn't, he will preserve democracy and because of that, I will be voting for him without hesitation. I won't even have to hold my nose. Trump and his cronies in Congress and the Supreme Court will destroy democracy if you -- Yes, YOU! -- let them. And if you let them by deciding not to vote or doing some sort of lame "protest" vote, especially if you live in that handful of states where every presidential vote matters, you will have no one to blame but yourself and others like you. People being apathetic or doing "protest" votes is what got us Trump the first time around.
For fuck's sake, do the right thing.
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ghouljams · 6 months
So fun fact I’m a dog groomer and one of the few highlights of being a dog groomer is picking up the big dogs.
I cannot begin to tell you the sudden shock of a German shepherd when it gets picked up at its full grown size. Funniest shit ever especially when I heave ho their ass into a kennel. OH and I absolutely love picking up the goldendoodles! It’s like picking up a big teddy bear. The best thing about it is that most of the time the big dogs eat that shit up when I pick them up. Like their tails start wagging more and they start slobbering on my face.
So that’s to come around to this…. I really wanna pick up the boys. Like I just wanna wrap my arms around Price and make him think it’s a hug and then SIKE. Even if I only pick him up for a minute I wanna pick him up. And I’d even work out to pick him up too.
So if you are able to and are willing, may I please ask for a lil snippet of one of the Darlings trying and maybe succeeding in picking up their boys?
Genuinely Goose can pick Ghost up, not for long but she can bear hug him and get him off the ground. He doesn't want to talk about it...
BUT ALSO Hush can and does pick Soap up. Soap very much wants to talk about it, he's a little miffed about it, but also deeply does not want to talk about it.
You snap your silence around Soap for a third time in as many minutes, checking around the corner you're hiding behind. The man behind you gives another soft grunt as he tightens the makeshift bandage around his leg. It's nothing severe but it sounds like it hurts. Not mentioning the sprained ankle, it's not going to be a quiet exfil. He's lucky you haven't forced him to radio medical. More lucky you didn't break out the tourniquet. You'll have to thank someone for that later.
"You tied up?" You ask him over your shoulder. Another grunt, annoyed but affirmative. You swirl a few shadows, letting them pump a soft wave through the area, bouncing positions back to you as you walk closer to your upset summoner.
Soap holds his hand up to you. You clasp your hand around his forearm and pull him to his feet. He winces when he puts weight on his injured leg, and you make the executive decision that he isn't walking out of here. You keep your grip on his arm and crouch tug him over your shoulder.
Another snap of silence when Soap yelps and struggles against the fireman's carry you pick him up into. You wrap your arm around his uninjured leg and roll your shoulders to get him in a comfortable position. He's heavier than you thought he'd be, but nothing you can't handle. You probably should have expected as much. Soap's a well built guy, and muscle isn't light. It doesn't help that he's trying to break your grip and get off your shoulders.
"Steamin' hell put me doon, ahm fine walkin'." He spits at you. You ignore him. "Hush, tha's an order," He tries.
"I outrank you sergeant," You tell him, as if that matters in your position, "and I'm not sure what you're plannin' on walkin' on 'cause it's not this." You touch his ankle gently and he flinches away from the touch. Big baby. You roll your eyes, all this blubbering over being carried. Plenty of folks would love to get carried around like this, you can name at least two off the top of your head.
Soap settles over your shoulders to pout, you assume he's pouting because he's gone quiet. Fine by you, your focus is on finding the best path to the helo and getting the hell out of here. Your radar bounces off a hostile soldier and you strike out with your shadows, spearing them to a wall as you haul Soap's sorry ass down the alley. His fingers are tight in your shirt, holding onto the edge of your tac gear as he takes shallow breaths. You toss another barrage of shadow towards another ping on your internal radar and you feel it.
Christ. Is he hard?
"So, Johnny," you drawl, letting the implications speak for themselves.
"Not a word ya smug bastard," He grits out. Proof enough for you. As if you can't feel his hard cock pressing against your shoulder, if there was more blood getting to his brain you'd hope Soap could explain it as a spare switch or something. Or a flashlight, christ what the hell is this guy packing? If you knew it was this easy to get a rise out of him you would've picked him up ages ago.
"Is it the carrying or-"
"Awa' an bile yer heid," He curses at you. You shut your mouth but can't stop the smile that breaks across your lips. You're going to be riding this high for a while.
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traegorn · 6 months
Hey-o! Tis the season for people to talk about how the holidays were "actually pagan" and I'm on the hunt for sources about how that's really not the case, if you have any you'd recommend!
Okay, so the problem is there are so many weird "Christmas is stolen!" bullshit memes going around, it's so hard to just give you a comprehensive list of sources. Christmas celebrations have evolved as the religion has spread, and different things come from different times...
The key here is to go for academic sources. This is a question of history, and a well supported historical research is going to tell you whether they're operating from primary, secondary or tertiary sources.
So while I can't give you a simple list, let me give you a couple of examples off the top of my head and give you tips on how to investigate any the dumb claims that get passed around.
Christmas being in December: So a lot of people go for the "Christmas is in December so it can steal from [INSERT SOLSTICE CELBRATION]" is ahistorical... because we know exactly why Christmas is in December. Because the guys who made the decision argued with each other and left behind written documentation. The two big names you need to look up are  Clement of Alexandria (who pitched January 6th) and Hippolytus of Rome (who proposed December 25th). This is around the turn of the third century, and you can find both of their writings. Some folks have questioned the authenticity of some of Hippolytus of Rome's writings, but Clement of Alexandria's seem well supported. These were internal arguments about when the birth of Christ took place within the early church, and when they settled on late December. There are reasons for this, and you can read their arguments (it largely has to do with the importance of when Jesus was conceived -- they wanted that to be an important date and then added nine months to it). Importantly though, because linear time is a thing, this means Christmas was set in December before the Christianization of the Germanic and Norse tribes... so anyone who says Christmas was set to December to correspond with Yule doesn't understand the concept of "coincidences."
The Christmas Tree: The Christmas tree was invented in 16th century Germany. That's... that's just written down all over the place. Now, there are legends about Martin Luther being the first who did it -- but I'm pretty certain that's just an embellishment that got added on. There are preceding traditions where part of an evergreen was brought into the home as a part of solstice traditions (though some will claim the Egyptians did this? Which is wild -- likely misinterpreting their use of palm fronds as the same thing), but the act of taking a whole ass tree, cutting it down, putting it in your house, and decorating it? That's 16th century Germany all the way. You can rabbit hole so many sources on that one, but honestly just pick apart the citations on the Wikipedia page. Putting a branch in your house and dragging a whole tree in are very different acts.
Jesus's story is copied from [INSERT RANDOM GOD]: There are so many of these, and some are just downright disrespectful to major world religions (the Krishna version of the meme especially). The answer is... just see if what the meme is saying about the god is supported by the mythology. Like I've seen ones that says Dionysus was "born of a virgin." If you know anything about the Greek gods, you're probably already laughing on the floor. Horus gets dragged into this too, because Gerald Massey was trying to pull a "White Goddess but with Dudes." But any serious research on Horus will tell you the supposed parallels aren't supported by the mythology.
So sorry, this wasn't so much sources you can use as it is how to look for them to begin with. Because there's just so, so much. This isn't even covering cases of syncretism, where pre-existing cultural traditions got continued post-Christianization. Because it's almost always the case that if a pre-Christian practice endured post Christianization, it's because people decided to keep doing it -- not because the church was trying to "steal" it. The latter means there was some mustache twirling plan behind it, when the former means (usually) the church went "Well, they're paying their tithes and saying it's for Jesus, so who gives a shit?"
I'm just going to finish this off with linking to my podcast episode on this, along with Ocean Keltoi's great Yule video on the topic. Hopefully that helps.
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billkaulitz-grrrl · 11 months
You Make My World Stop Turning -Bill Kaulitz x Reader
Hello everyone! This is my first Tokio Hotel fic and I really hope you like it! I’m new to the fandom so sorry if there are any inaccuracies ahead of time.
Synopsis: You’re the daughter of Tokio Hotel’s manager and recently you’ve become rather close to a certain singer…
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His hands, god his hands could send me into a coma just by looking at them. I sat, tapping my pen on the clipboard that was handed to me by my father (their manager) as the four band members began warming up for their latest show in a few hours.
        I closed my eyes and tried not to fixate on Bill's hands. He held the microphone with such little care, it looked like the device could tumble out of his hand any second but somehow he manages to balance it well enough to keep it off the floor. God he's so annoyingly flawless that it makes my blood boil on occasion.
Bill and I have always just been good friends. I wouldn't say he's my best friend by any means but we always acknowledge each other and chat for awhile when I accompany my dad to their functions. Last night was different though, last night felt different. Or maybe it just felt different to me, with his millions of fan girls I doubt he'd look for a second at the girl he's known since we were 12.
I didn't even intend on hanging out with Bill alone last night but he caught me outside of the hotel smoking a cigarette in the middle of the night. We ended up sitting and talking for a long time. It was nicer than I would've expected. A small part of me dreaded this tour that took up the rest of my beautifully laid out summer. I had all these plans with friends before my mother decided to tell me I was going to Germany to stay with my father during the summer so she could move to Australia for this temp job at the company she's dedicated her entire life to. My german isn't even that good.
I sighed and stood up to go to the bathroom when their first set of the day was over. I crossed backstage to the nicer bathrooms that normal people don't have access to. That is the nice part of being the daughter of a popular band's manager, the bathrooms I go into actually have toilet paper and sometimes even paper towels.
Right before I got to the bathroom I felt a hand grab my shoulder. It was Bill of all people. "Going to smoke up the bathroom?" He asked, a sly grin on his face. I fake a laugh and shake my head. "Dad would kick my ass if he knew I was putting your lungs in danger." I sighed. He looked around and leaned in a bit, "Wanna hangout again tonight?" He asked. I was surprised and he must've notice this because he followed up with, "If you don't want to that's fine, I just can't sleep after shows and your company last night was very soothing."
Why was my heart rate accelerating? Since when did little Bill get so attractive? Fuck this isn't real, I still have to pee. "Aren't you and the guys going to be taking fans up to your room tonight? You don't have the time to spend with me." I tried to keep my cool but something inside me was cracking.
Bill laughed and shook his head. "I could probably get you something else to smoke too if you're into it." He said, putting his fingers to his lips in the motion of smoking a joint. I raised my eyebrows and nodded vigorously. "Same spot?" I asked, thinking of the secluded little area behind the bushes that I located yesterday. He nodded and smiled that deadly smile at me again. I turned to finally use the bathroom with a new giddy feeling in my stomach.
I huddled down into my little corner to
wait for Bill. We had never really settled on a time so I've been waiting for a few minutes. I truly hope he keeps his word and comes out here with me or else I would make quite the fool of myself waiting for him. I reached into my pocket and felt around for my cigs and my lighter. I lit it up and exhaled the smoke with a deep sigh. I heard a few footsteps to my left and I exited my book in order to take a peak at who or what was there. To my relief it was Bill, makeup off and hair wet from a shower.
"Hey there." I grinned, he sat besides me and returned my smile. "Hey, did you like the show?" He asked, cocking his head to the side. "Loved it as much as I've loved the rest of them." I said, offering him a drag from my cigarette. Without taking it from my hand he lightly held my wrist so I could hold it for him while he smoked off of it. A blush came to my cheeks at his dainty touch. I was forever grateful that it was dark enough to hide the red on my cheeks.
"That's good to know." He said, now fumbling in his pockets. He whipped out a joint that looked like it was rolled professionally. "Tom gave me one for tonight but normally he's pretty stingy about his weed." Bill said, asking for my lighter by holding out a hand. I placed it into his finely manicured hand and waited for him to light the joint between his fingers.
His hands caught my eye for the second time today. I heard my heartbeat in my ears watching him inhale the smoke. When offering me the joint, I leaned in the same way he did when hitting my cigarette and I hit it from his hand. Exhaling, I coughed a bit and curled up a little more to be comfortable.
"Did you get a good enough view tonight?" Is he making small talk??
"I did actually, sometime maybe I'll make it down right in front of the stage to watch you up close." I stated thinking about the hordes of fan girls that they had accumulated. "You want to watch me up close?" He smirked at me. I turned away to cover my face. "You're awfully bold if that's what you assume." I muttered, snatching the joint and hitting it myself this time.
"I mean I saw you watching me during practice, so I'd only assume that's how you watch me perform." He leaned a bit closer, our shoulders now touching. "What?" Was the only reply I could muster.
I smoked again, finally feeling the weed in my head. "I said-" He began before I cut him off with, "I heard what you said."
He exhaled with a laugh and took the joint from me. "I watch you sometimes too." He looked at me when he said that and it felt like the world had stopped turning.
"Why?" I asked, feeling like a complete idiot. "Because I think you're pretty." He said bluntly.
Silence fell between the two of us. I felt foggy enough to move in closer to him. He looked me in the eyes before suddenly he closed the space between us by connecting his lips to mine. I jumped at the opportunity and dropped my cigarette before placing my hands on the side of his face.
The moment became heated quickly as his hand made its way to my waist. I clamored onto him like it was the last thing I'd ever do. I sat in his lap and the kiss deepened. His hands moved up and down my sides as I began swirling my hips on top of his.
        He leaned his head back and groaned slightly at the contact. I leaned in once more to kiss him and I snaked my hands through his long dark hair. I felt completely primal in this moment, the only people in the world right now were us. I didn't even know how I felt about him until this moment, but apparently a secret part of me has been craving this since I had first met him.
        "Y/N..." He muttered, putting his hand on the back of my head and tugging my hair slightly back. "We should go upstairs, do you have your own room?" He asked. "Yeah, my dad is next door though." I said, capturing him in a deep kiss again. After a few more moments he pulled back again and slowly shifted me off of him so he could stand up. He offered me his hand and I took it, leading him towards the elevator to my bedroom.
        We stood awkwardly next to each other while waiting for the elevator to arrive. Neither of us wanted to spoil the moment by talking but we knew that at any moment someone could snap a photo of us holding hands that would send Bill's fan girls into an angry spiral.
        Once we heard the ding of the elevator we hurried inside, praying that we weren't seen.
        The second the elevator door closed he was on me in a flash. His hands began to roam across my body as his lips met my neck. I gasped at his abruptness and instinctively backed up against the wall. He pinned me against it quickly and continued his assault on my neck.
        I felt the elevator halt and instantly pushed him off of me and began to straighten my hair. He obviously felt rather proud of himself by the smug smile on his face as we walked out. I led him down the hall to my room and checked both ways for any paparazzi before opening the room and welcoming him inside.
        Instantly I shoved his jacket from his shoulders and onto the ground. "So hasty?" He asked, holding his arms out. "Please stop talking." I mumbled, looking away and feeling flustered towards what I should do next.
        "Are you nervous?" He asked, genuine hints of concern laced his voice. "Maybe I am, I don't want to stop though.." I replied, moving towards him again. He flashed me a smile and pressed our bodies together again. I gripped his hair and a deep groan came from his throat. Our hips came into contact with each other again and I felt his hard on through his jeans.
        I exhaled and took a step back, slowly taking off my sweatshirt, then my t-shirt. His pupils dilated at the sight of me standing there waiting for him, it was like a switch flipped in his brain as he collided with me once more, pushing me down onto my bed. I laid on my back and looked up at him as he began to undo his belt. I knocked his hands out of the way and took his belt off myself.
        "Y/N, can I show you a good time?" He asked, like we hadn't already been making out and groping each other for the past 10 minutes. "Please do, I need you Bill." I mumbled. That was all he needed to quickly yank down my sweatpants and clamber on his knees into the floor.
        "W-What are you doing?" I asked, sitting myself up on my elbows. "Can I? Make you feel good?" He asked, cocking an eyebrow. "Yes Bill, of course.." "Then just trust me." He said, yanking my legs to the end of the bed and putting his face between my thighs.
        I gasped as his tongue made contact with my clit through my underwear. My right hand flying to grab his hair and my left hand gripped the bedsheets besides me. "Bill, please." I whined desperately. His lean fingers looped under my underwear and he pulled them down my legs. Next thing I knew he dove into me like it was the last thing he'd ever do.
        It took everything in me not to scream his name at the top of my lungs. His tongue lapped at my clit while his fingers made their way inside of me over and over again. Whenever my legs clamped around his head, he used both arms to push them apart so he could continue to finger fuck me to the best of his ability.
        I moaned his name which only caused him to speed up. His dark eyes met mine and I felt a knot begin to form in my stomach. "Please don't stop Bill, please I need this!" I whined loudly. He stopped what he was doing to ask, "Please can you repeat that?" I felt incredibly pissed off that he had stopped so of course I obliged. "Bill, please fuck me, I need it so badly." I sat up and grabbed his hair, pushing him down between my legs once more.
         He didn't seem to mind since his pace only increased. Never once has a man treated me this good.
His fingers suddenly stalled inside of me and he looked up at me again. “Can I fuck you?” He asked, lust lacing his eyes. “Please.” I smiled back at him. I scooted back on the bed as he got undressed. I looked away, because I was unsure as to whether I should be looking at him right now. “Baby?” Does he mean me? “Y-Yes?” I asked. I felt his hand on my jaw as he turned me to look at him. “Look at me. Don’t be afraid.” He said.
I looked at him and fully absorbed the sight in front of me. Bill Kaulitz standing, wearing nothing but dark grey boxers. I felt myself blushing. He chuckled a bit before crawling on top of me and taking off my bra. “You look so beautiful Y/N.” He said, dipping down to kiss my neck.
I thanked him before allowing my hands to wander down his torso to the hem of his boxers. His lips halted on my neck as I began to push them down.
All of a sudden, there was an abrupt knock on my door.
“Fuck!” I whispered, shoving Bill off of me and onto the floor next to my bed. “Honey? It’s dad, let me in.” I heard my father’s voice from the other side of the door. “J-Just a second! I’m changing!” I shouted back.
“Bill, get under the bed.” I whispered. His eyes were about as wide as I could only assume mine were. I threw my sweatpants and t-shirt back on to open to door.
Next thing I knew my father was in my hotel room asking me if I’ve been keeping up with my summer homework on tour while I sat on top of the bed that a nearly naked Bill laid under.
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foxglovepng · 1 month
Race Headcannons 🥀🌼
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Requested: Nu uh I just felt like it
CW: Race, Rook Slander, Ortho spoiler Idia's part.
Characters: NRC students
These are my Race Headcannons for the NRC men. Some of these I just went by feeling a lot of these I did research about the movie setting although with the fishes + beast men I went by geography.
Some of these I'm unsure of (Heavy on Sebek) If anything is incorrect or you want to share your thoughts go ahead I'm always open to corrections and hearing others. (PROOFREAD FOR ONCE)
(Updated Epel on 5.12.24)
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Riddle (British)
I don't really have an explanation for this one other than the Red Queen in Tim Burton's version she was British and had a big goofy forehead (I have not seen the animated one help)
Trey (German)
Would you believe me if I told you I whipped out a map closed my eyes and threw a dart and it landed on Germany??
For this one I went with somewhere in Europe and I picked Germany because it just made sense to me I was gonna say Polish, but his Green hair was telling me German.
Cater (Scottish)
It's his ginger hair tbh.
Ace (Japanese)
A lot of people headcannon him as Filipino, but me personally I wanted to be quirky and different /j
This one doesn't really have any evidence I just went by feeling. I also headcannon it that he would love Jojo and Junji Ito.
Deuce (Mexican)
As a fellow Mexican I KNOW ONE OF US WHEN I SEE ONE OF US. He is Mexican and I WILL DIE ON THAT HILL.
Leona (Kenya)
I actually googled it and Lion King takes place in Kenya which is a country in the eastern part of Africa. For obvious reasons since he is based off Scar it made sense to make him Kenyan.
Ruggie (Multiracial)
I may get a lot of heat for this one, but this man got blonde ass hair and blue eyes, HOWEVER for the geography of spotted Hyena's I feel he is light skinned. He's got some Kenya in him but he also got some white genes. Geography wise I believe he is also part Arab since there are Arab countries in Africa. So therefore I believe he is white, black, and Arab.
Jack (Bircial)
Another one I may get a lot of heat for.
From what I remember Jack is from the same country as Vil? So, I believe Jack is part black, but also part European. It also isn't explicitly stated what movie he is from we just know he is a wolf.
Pop off Jacob Black (not sorry)
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Azul (Cuban) + The Twins (Filipino)
I googled Coral Sea locations and I came to these conclusions.
There are different Coral reefs going from Australia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, and Maldives. With the Twins I thought how funny would it be to make them Australian, but Filipino just kind of felt right like a gut feeling. The Carribean sea also has coral reefs so I made Azul Cuban. I was going to make him Venezuelan however I ended up going with Cuban, but I feel like both fit him in a way.
Jamil + Kalim (Arab)
I don't really think this one needs an explanation Aladdin quite literally takes place Agrabah which was based off of Baghdad, Iraq (source: Google)
There is an article that says the Architecture is based on the Taj Mahal which is Indian.
There is also a mention of Allah in the animated version BUT because I don't fully understand religion in general (And also Disney back then was kind of racist) I don't want to use religion as a justification to where specifically they are from. So I will simply just say they are Arab.
Vil (German)
Snow white was based in Germany. (I have nothing more to say :Skull:)
Rook (French)
Self explanatory
Epel (Sami)
The Sami People are people who are indigenous to Sapmi which is in Northern Europe. (Todays Russia, Sweden, Finland, and Norway).
From doing a bit of research the Sami people seem to be dying out and their language too. (If you want to feel free to Google the Sami people there's a lot to learn about them and it's really interesting. There was basically a bunch of policies put in place to kill them and mistreat them it's really sad)
So in short Epel is Sami Indigenous (If I'm correct he's the first Indigenous character we got so far which is nice representation) (I also hope my research was correct please correct me if not)
Idia (Greek)
Based on where Hercules takes place and because Hades is quite literally Greek Mythology he is Greek.
Ortho is just a robot, but when he didn't drop dead he was Greek.
Malleus (German/French)
I am not really getting a clear answer as to where Sleeping Beauty takes place so I made him a French German. He slayed tbh
Lilia (Romanian)
Dracula's castle is in Romania that is the only explanation you are getting
Silver (French/German)
I am being told he is based off Sleeping Beauty so I am making him the same race as Waka Sama.
Sebek (Biracial)
When I first was thinking of a race for him I was thinking Slavic kind of fits him (atleast to me) or possibly Asian. However I had a really hard time guessing so I made him SlavicAsian. Maybe possibly Slovakia and Vietnam?
If you enjoyed Likes and Reblogs are very much welcome. If you want to request something go ahead just read my rules first. <3
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oldfritz · 2 months
Hey sorry if this is bothering you but I'm debating someone on reddit rn and they declare that Fritz wasn't queer/gay and was straight and I need like all the sources I can find, so next to my own research I thought I'd ask around as well.
If you can't or don't want to provide that's absolutely fine as well!!!
.....this on r/prussia? I hate that place. Said they don't allow fascists but what do you find in the comments? Fascists. Yeah, I'll help you out. Though, really hun, you're better than arguing with schmucks on Reddit. Don't let the Kaiserboos and Goosesteppers Anonymous take up too much more of your time. Observe them behind glass, take your notes, and go armed into the world.
Anyways, here's my your our sources that make a case for Fritz's queerness (and under a cut for kindness):
Starting off with Fritz's erotic letter to Algarotti. This version is translated by historian, and cool enough guy and Twitter follow, Giles Macdonogh. I appreciate that he gives it a more lyrical feel, as opposed to some literal translations of Fritz's poetry that just make him look overly hackish. Algarotti is noted for a lot of things but what's relevant here is being one of Fritz's possible paramours (and also one of my personal faves). This isn't a smoking gun on its own, but combined with the totality of everything else, it's revealing. Pretty much what the article/Macdonogh raises, I agree with.
Frederick the Great: The Magnificent Enigma by Robert B. Asprey. For all these books, you'll wanna search for- von Keith, Katte, homosexuality, foppishness/effeminacy, Algarotti, Voltaire, Fredersdorf, Elisabeth Christine/the queen. I've got physical copies of all these and have no clue if the Internet Archive versions give you access to the index. Hope they do!
Frederick the Great: King of Prussia by Tim Blanning. In chapter three, "The Making of Frederick," there's a big ass section about his queerness. Some people disagree with how Blanning translates his French; he certainly has a flare for the dramatics just comparing differing English and German translations.
Frederick the Great by Giles Macdonogh.
Iron Kingdom by Christopher Clark. He leads you to some interesting primary sources, even if I find his conclusion rather milquetoast.
Frederick the Great by Nancy Mitford.
If you can read German, here's a database of everything Fritz has ever written. You see a letter mentioned in one of the books above, you can find it for yourself! Goes for his memoirs too and a bunch of other shit. Searching for the names above (sans his wife) would be a good starting point.
Happy arguing!
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kaineillian · 2 years
"Poe is a timid, cute looking man who enjoys writing books about you and him together, married and having sex—"
Would you be willing to write parts of this weird books?
Also your amazing<3
Ehe, thank you anon! ˙˚ʚ(´◡`)ɞ˚˙
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Warning(s) : Suggestive, a little gore, freak poe.
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Poe fantasizes about you all the time yet he cant bring himself to make a move towards you. So, to cope up with it he made books about the both of you together. The first book is called ' My lover and I'.
-Edgar Allan Poe's Point of view.
On a faithful and sunny day , is where i met my first love. I had been stressing out on my newbie partner, he's clumsy and would trip and fall on air. He is starting to annoy me but he is too nice to get yelled at and me being so timid that i can't even talk properly.
Oh no, thats not a good sign—
"AHHH! POE-SAN I AM SO SORRY! "... My documents... My project... Its wet... ohhhh NOOoO! Boss is going to kill me! I have to pass this by tomorrow and i now its wet! I just finished it awhile ago are you serious?!
I looked down feeling miserable;ignoring my clutz of a partner apologizing to me. I grabbed my things and head out without a word. I mean, who would forgive and forget about this! This is by due tomorrow! And i have to start all over again!
Now you might think im being overacting and saying i should just blowdry it but no. My boss is too picky and when he sees a mess on any report he will make them re-write it again and decreasing their pay check for a week. And i can't have that! The limited edition Karl plushie is already out;i need to get that plushie! I've been working my ass off because just to buy that thing. And its expensive as hell! If i wont buy it there will be no next time.
-3rd person Point of view.
Poe grumbled stomping on the ground;cursing the world. Bystanders looked at him with a confused and weird expression, with poe acting like that no-one walked near him and kept their distance. They might have think he's a madman.
"verfluche diese heilige Welt. Verbrennen Sie es zu knusprig mit diesen sich einmischenden Leuten darin. verflucht alles. verflucht..."
(curse this sacred world. burn it to crisp with these meddling people in it. curse it all. curse it..)
A man heard his strange curses and was intrigued by poe. He listened to poe continually curse the world and more specifically—his clutz of a partner. He laugh quietly making his way towards poe. "Du solltest solche Leute nicht verfluchen, weißt du?". Poe got startled by the sudden voice and looked up to see a man in black. Poe stood completely still by the man's beauty. Poe knows German but he isn't fluent enough to understand it well.
"Pardon...? "
"Oh, you don't understand me? I thought you know german. "
"Well, yes. I do know german but im not that good yet so i don't understand what you said... " The man smiled and translated what he said in English (you shouldn't curse people like that you know?).
"Ohhhhh... " Poe nodded then blushed when he realize that the man understood him. 'Ah! How embarrassing!'.
The man laugh at poe's red face with poe even more embarrassed. "You look like a good lad, what's your name?i am (Male name)" With his short introduction, his coat flew up from the wind, his hair flying back ever so slightly. Poe saw his hidden face, he could feel his heart beat.
"Poe.... Edgar Allan Poe... " He whispered enough to (Male name) to hear. "Its nice to meet you, edgar. "
I think im inlove...
Now, after your interaction. Poe seems to be very attached to you. When both of you got in a. Relationship with each other, poe clings onto you whenever you go. Poe cooks for you, cleans for you and works for you. He insisted to do everything and for you to relax in the house, but of course you cant let your dearest boyfriend to get overworked. So you continued your job with poe doing all the house works.
Few years later. Both of you are married and started a family. You two had adopted a boy that was named ' Cooper ' .
A very romantic and fluffy book eh? Now. Lets head on to the erotic ones.
If i remember it correctly... Poe only haves 3 or 5 books that are fluff and romantic while the others are erotic. 10 to 15 erotic books...
How bizarre.
How bizarre.
-3rd person point of view.
Edgar Allan Poe... What a beautiful name, no? A tall handsome man, such cute features, his waist so small, his eyes rolling back every time (Male name) thrust in him. The timid mans eyes always capture his lovers attention.
(Male name) always loved his eyes, those eyes looking at him, those eyes covered by poe's hair, those beautiful violent eyes that someday he will gouged out of those eye socket of his. He tried to test his waters and asked poe what he would do if he would have gouged his eyes out during intimacy. Poe supringly, didn't mind and agreed on the idea! He even said to keep his eye so it would remind (Male name) that por is always watching him.
With a bright and petite look comes with a messy mind and kinks.
(Male name) recently knew that poe is a masochist and a freak which is a good combination. He himself is a sadistic maniac too. How bloody romantic.
Maybe one day they will drank their bloods as a promise.
-3rd person point of view.
Poe scribbled on his paper with karl clearly disturbed sitting on his shoulder reading the paper. You can almost feel like the raccoon said 'What the fuck'. Karl could not handle such gore anymore and jumped off poe's shoulder.
"Ah! Karl, where are you going? " poe halted his writing looking down at the raccoon.
"Rawr." Im getting the fock out of here away from your twisted ass.
"Huh?! You we're reading my notes! " Poe blushed heavily, feeling embarrassed that his friend raccoon saw his sick mind.
"Rawr, rawr. " Of course i am, i got curious on what you were writing. And you were also panting. You're such a weirdo. Im telling (Male name).
And there goes the two bolting outside the office, karl went to start his journey on finding the man while Poe is starting his hunt;trying to find the small raccoon.
Little did they know that ranpo and (Male name) was behind poe all this time.
"Damn, i didn't know he had this in him. " Ranpo chewed on his lollipop looking at the paper poe had written.
"I definitely did not see this coming. " Ranpo snicker at him, ranpo took out his phone and took a picture of the paper .
"What are you going to do with that? " "Blackmail."
" Understandable. "
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timomoe · 1 year
estonia for the bingo thing
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Oh god, anon, you really opened the flood gates with this one. This is gonna be a massive post, and I'm so sorry to everyone in advance.
Note: these are all things that bother me personally. I am not attempting to make anyone feel like they should also feel mad about these things. I am not out to shame anyone who has hcs that are different than my own. I'm just breaking my thoughts down. Idc how anyone characterizes Estonia.
1. I Dont Trust The Fandom With Estonia, Ever
Estonia's fandom depictions range from elegant, eloquent, intelligent, calm, and collected to creepy basement dwelling discord mod neck beard with no friends and no personality. The latter characterization is - you guessed it - a leftover from Old Fandom and is slowly dying off. It doesn't stop people from continuing to make him into an internet-y, awkward loser, though, and that's really sad to me, ngl. A lot of people see him as a weak, lonely loser, when this is actually extremely removed from canon. Ofc, headcanons are fine, but I see a surprising amount of people who think this characterization is canon, when in reality, it's just fanon. Canonically speaking, Estonia is very good at making friends and is easily able to maintain good relations with most of the nations. He's perceptive and able to read the feelings of people around him. He has lots of hobbies that he's really good at, too. He's smart and good with money and business. According to Himaruya, he SMELLS LIKE MONEY (which I just think is funny).
Nowadays, the fandom is usually nice to him, but unfortunately I do still see ppl completely mischarachterizing him and his relationships, especially when it comes to the Nordics. I think people tend to forget that Estonia is on good terms with every Nordic except for Iceland, and it isn't for no reason. Estonia shares very strong history with Denmark, Sweden, and Finland - a majority of the Nordics - and Norway seems to like him - or at least tolerate him - too. In the series, Estonia sees Sweden as a mentor figure, and he deeply respects him and his opinions. Finland is Estonia's best friend. Denmark and Estonia are on good terms. Their relationship isn't expanded on much, but Denmark never so much as implies that he thinks Estonia is annoying or a try hard. Norway, notorious teaser and pain in the ass (affectionate) also never teases or takes a jab at Estonia on screen or in the manga.
He's friends with people like America - the two work on silly little projects together just for shits and giggles. Oddly, America seems to treat Estonia quite well; from the little we've seen of their friendship, it seems like the two have been friends for a while, at least since 2007, as "The Gentle Fight Between Russia and I" is based off the 2007 Russian cyber attacks on Estonia. That's around 16 years ago, now.
As mentioned previously, Estonia is also frequently viewed as being wimpy and weak, when this is not the case. People usually tend to point to Estonia's time in the Soviet Union or the first time that Sweden and Estonia meet to back that up, but I counter with this - Estonia was actively being colonized at both of those time periods. The strip "The Violent Mr. Sve of Northern Europe Takes a Swing," is set at the beginning of the Swedish Era in Estonia. It details just how Sweden got ahold of Estonia to begin with - by being generally terrifying on accident. Prior to this point in time, though, Estonia was being treated badly by literally everyone around him (Teutonic Knights, Baltic Germans, etc.), so of course he would assume that this new man was here to treat him similarly (especially if you consider Estonians and Swedes had squabbled in the past over various things, and Estonia ALSO burned down Sweden's first capital.)
As far as the Soviet Era is concerned, Russia was extremely abusive to all of the Baltic States, dishing out really nasty punishments to them - going so far as to kill Latvia (albeit on accident) - when they speak out or annoy him. Of course he would be afraid of him.
Now, though? Estonia is daring and confident. He isn't afraid of Russia and routinely mouths off to him, challenges, stands up to, and outsmarts him. Even if he was afraid before, he isn't now. He has, seemingly, come back into himself. Yay character progression!!
2. I Know Him Better Than The Creator, Yaas, Queen, Give Us Nothing, & If I Could Save Him From the Narrative, I Would.
I know I just wrote 6 whole paragraphs about why I like Estonia's canon depiction, but I have to be 100% honest, I'm also not the biggest fan of Himaruya's interpretation of Estonia. There are good things about him, and I enjoy a lot of what he's put out, but at the same time there are things about him in canon that really annoy me.
For one, despite Estonians being very fond of their country, its history, culture, and language, Estonia... Isn't. At all. He is obsessed with being a Nordic, does not really treat Latvia and Lithuania well (which is strange imo, bc due to shared oppression, history, and struggle, the Baltic States are pretty tight knit.) and doesn't seem to care that it hurts them to know he would rather be a Nordic than a Baltic, and he seems to think that becoming a Nordic will solve a lot of his problems. He talks more about how cool Finnish culture is than he does his own, and that's really disappointing to me because when it comes to history, culture, and language, for Estonia there's so much to talk about.
Like let's think about the Eesti Can't Into Nordic joke that's running in the series. I'd like to remind y'all (/lh) that the Estonian government proposed the idea of Estonia being Nordic only once. One time. And the reason it failed was two-way. Not only did the Nordic nations not care, but Estonians were generally against it.
As far as I know, it's got to do with previously stated attachment to the other Baltics, and also because of their flag. For those who don't know, the Estonian flag was a banned symbol in the USSR, and anyone caught with it could face some pretty hefty punishments. The only reason we still have the original Estonian flag is bc two college dudes were like "mine vittu, venelased!" *Spits on the ground and shoves the Estonian flag behind a chimney where it will stay safe.*
Also. The joke about Estonia wanting to join the Nordics seems silly, as there's been this neat little thing called the Nordic Baltic 8 that's been around since the 90s. There's already an entire organization made up of all the Nordics and Baltics with the point of it being mutual aid and cooperation. Meaning all of the things Estonia thought he'd get by becoming a Nordic have already come to fruition.
On top of that, it had been a symbol of Estonian endurance, freedom, and perseverance for decades by that point. People were so attached to it and adverse to making the tricolor into a Nordic cross, so the idea died.
Edit: was also reminded by an Estonian friend that some of the suggested designs for the first Estonian flag were in fact in a Nordic Cross pattern, but they all lost out to the tricolor, meaning that whole idea wasn't just rejected once, but twice.
There's also something about his name that annoys me a little. While I believe it was genuinely an accident, Eduard's name is surreal. Let me explain what I mean. Himaruya tends to legacy name his characters. England is named for king Arthur, Sweden's last name is taken from a Swedish writer, Finland is named after Väinämöinen, Latvia is named after a Latvian singer.
The only person in Estonian history of any note with the last name Von Bock was a Baltic German man who, among other things, hated ethnic Estonians and believed them to be subhuman. Bit of an oopsie to give him a name like that. Not even Eduard is an Estonian name, it is just the Estonianized spelling of a German name too. Eduard isn't so bad though, since it is actually a common Estonian name.
3. I Want To Protect Them, Babygirl MF, They're Like a Brother to Me, & They're So Cute When They're Bleeding.
Ok so the basics of this one are: I love Estonia, he's a weirdo, he's my favorite, I only ever want good things for him, and yet every single time I write anything involving him, it always winds up being angsty as shit and sad. I am not allowed to let this man be happy, IG.
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saeranthis · 10 months
okay!!! belatedly as promised here's some of my dol hcs!! I play with everyone as male so if you were excited for fem hcs sorry loves
whitney: blonde -> fringe/ swooped over one eye, obnoxiously wears his shirt with 3-4 buttons open all the time. is a whore but isn't open about it and certainly doesn't let other people acknowledge it. super into leashes, 7-8inches (shower), freeballs 24/7, american/French but no accent and not rlynin touch with his roots 5'8-5'11
robin: ginger!! (but more like obnoxiously orange than ginger, think Childe genshin impact) adhd, victim complex, can pay bailey but lies about being able to, slightly manipulative but not inherently in a malicious way more like a constantly kicked puppy way, league player: (derogatory) , Irish/german/Dutch, lots of face freckles, sunburns easily, 5ft 6, 5-6 inches (grower), has a journal filled with poetry, secretly likes whitney but won't admit it, likes being bullied
kylar: has cameras all over town, has a computer room with like 6-8 monitors, parents are NOT vampires are just eldritch esq monstrosities 8-12 inches (grower), has a birdhouse, knife collection (small), extremely good at Chem and math, like international competition winner level good, TERRIBLE at English, the teachers know about his knife but let him carry it anyway "bc he keeps to himself", afro-mexican, black hair, always wears a hoodie despite dress code, has a pet cat, was obsessed with another orphan prior to pc (didn't end well) 5'2-5'4, cock rings cock rings cock rings, breeding kink, hates exhibitionism, doesn't like sharing but will if it's the only way he can have you, is related to the scarred inmate, knows mickey but they don't really talk much, not really manipulative but will force you to get abortions for kids that aren't his, has reverse engineered the pink substance but doesn't really care to do anything with or about it, purposefully flunks the math competition so pc can win, uhhh I can't think of anything else rn
sydney: big on this my boy is indian!! their family def was Hindu before moving to dol town and his mother who did not approve of the town they moved to or sydneys fathers behavior when they got there left and is still practices Hinduism while Sydney and his dad converted to fit in. Sydney has long hair that's kept in a high ponytail most of the time. suuuuper into history and will talk about the history of dol town for hours if you let him. 7-8 inches (shower originally but chastity trained his dick to be super flaccid) but his chastity cage is too small for him so it's constantly bulging against the frame and making his dick sore. once his virginity is taken he becomes an ass FANATIC he is so obsessed with anal its unhealthy, strawberry ice cream enjoyer, won't admit it but kinda likes watching pc be used by other guys
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Clock Out (MY Ver.)
(Title Inspired by: @rotrighthrough Ver. of the same name)
Veronica works at a very perverted environment and being in a mostly male powered monetary accountant, she was in a bad place but also she was slightly financially stable and could not take any chances being an German-Canadian immigrant, she was struggling in America and every decision could cost a lot and switching jobs and or countries is risky but she gets her money by her hourglass fit figure and heavily pregnant beauty but she is now in her private cubicle, 9 months pregnant and in labor and water broken thoroughly and only having 4 hours left in her shift, sitting uncomfortably in her chair with a contracting abdomen, distracted from her properly working as she is bearing the singeing pain. Veronica having the cursed wardrobe of tight latex underwear tightly rending her pussy and her leather mini-skirt being the shortest and tightest thing that she could wear making her feel more exposed and her tight black thighhighs makes things worse in more ways than one . Then her boss Mr. Trent catches her pained expression, grins and walks over to her. "Oh, Shit",
"Hey Ronnie, darling you good?" Veronica wanted to destroy this man "I'm doing great, thank you Mr. Trent" She said in a very humbly, staring away from the computer. Her boss rub his crusty, oily hands on the tense white tux shirt fabric on top of the very sensitive belly. "Great, Good to hear. Umm, If you don't mind could you get me a coffee, now would you." 'That Dick" Veronica slowly got up and even thou, she felt the baby plummet down when she stood up with the head now brimming beyond the vagina. Mr. Greed looking under her skirt and grabbing the head, " Have we got a little accident down under?". Veronica Grunting and pissed replies "No, sir." Mr. Greed Chuckles “Good, because if that bastard child is birthed in my office you’re ass is so fired.” Veronica's breath hitched but she nodded. "Good girl".
Veronica hobbling off to get Mr. Trent his coffee and curses to herself when she can't be heard. She reaches the coffee machine and leaned against the counter, breathing her way through a searing contraction. When it subsides, she's made the coffee and waddled it over to Mr. Greed, He gives her a hefty slap on her ass that made her quiver considerably, "Good girl". Smiling at her. Him looking under her skirt at her bulging lingerie and his grin widens considerably. "Do you want to quit now and cut your losses?". He asked snobbishly. Veronica shaking her head. "No, Sir." Her Boss hummed and smiled. "Then back to work, no need to waste time with chit chat".
Veronica returned to her desk to see that her chair had been removed. Her female coworker; Trinity notices her expression and giggles. "Boss says best you have a standing desk you lose weight." She looked Veronica up and down and grinned, eyes pounding at the babies bulging head between her jerking legs. She walked over to her and slid a hand under skirt, brushing her fingers over the baby's head. She was about to punish her but a searing contraction came over her and she grits her teeth and almost collapsing to her knees, resting in overwhelming urge to push. "Ay I'll give you my chair for a price". Trinity purred, groping the breasts of Veronica and making her leak out her fitted tux shirt. "F-Fuck off Trinity". She stammered "Ok Sorry, Jeez. I'll watch that the kid isn't out on company time, Mr. Trent will thank me." Veronica furrowing her brows and locates another swiveling chair and pulls it over to her desk. The minute she takes a seat however, she could feel the baby's head move forward fast, it throbbed against her tortured labia, pressing down against it forcing it back into her. Singing pain spread all over her body but she manages to ignore it and work as best as possible.
About 2 and a half hours later, she so thoroughly soaked her tux shirt was practically transparent. Her Contractions we're now back to back, giving her no respite from the wretching pain. her belly was as hard as a smooth rock, packed with suppressed contractions. She knew she 1:30 minutes left of work but she could feel her purple pussy burn that she fears that it might tear, the baby's head is pushing against the tight fabric of her panties. She could feel herself pushing and despite trying to stop, it was impossible. The thick fog of pain overtook her and her body started to push on it's own, the head and neck now fully out. Luckily her tight panties prevented the baby from coming out any further. She bit into her knuckles to silence her moans and groans.
Mr. Trent came over to her desk and leaned against it. "mind standing up for me, hun?" He asked with a grin. Veronica didn't even know if it was possible, the strain on her steel herd belly made sitting more painful than any other pain she ever felt before in her life, let alone standing. She braced against the table and stood up slowly, knees twitching. Mr. Trent Excited in watching her suffer, her face already red in heat and tiredness She looked down at his pants and bulge begins to form, 'Creep' He looked down at her translucent tux shirt and soaked chest, then took a look under her leather mini-skirt, now covered in birthing fluid. "You remember our deal, right." He said mockingly. Veronica gritting her teeth and nodded. Mr. Trent giving her a hard slap on her belly sending a hellish pain throughout it and forcing her to squat down, pushing hard, however the stretched out fabric had no more give and after a few minutes of squatting and panting, she shakily got up again, face flushed and sweaty. Mr. Greed chuckling "Y'know I can give a release right? Right now, you can quit now if you want" Mr. Trent's smirk brought back all the defiance back into Veronica and she stood as straight as she could, shaking her head. "I'm gonna need that said aloud doll face." Veronica swallowed a thick glob of spit and shakily said "N-No I- I can" another contraction struck her and she collapsed onto her knees, the baby pushing wildly against her swollen pussy. Mr. Trent kneeled down and looking under her skirt along with all 22 co-workers just surrounding her, all accepting that she has given up, well that's where they fucked up "I can wait a half hour to clock out just let me handle this baby would you?" All very surprised and disappointed return to their desks.
Veronica stood up and leaned against the desk and takes a seat, sitting against her smoldering tortured pussy and pushing the baby back slightly and in smoldering and singeing pain she rocks back and forth in her moving swiveling chair as to compensate for the pain, her diamond blue eyes starting to tear up, feeling the baby's shoulders but then her tight latex undergarments preventing it and it stings Veronica and no matter how she tries she can't stop the constant pain and she even flattened a scrunchie with her teeth to silence whatever noise of pain she makes. Veronica having only 12 and a half minutes left, now only 11 minutes left to go, she slowly gets up to get water and hears a snap and her tight underwear ripped open. The baby's head plummeting and she screeches out in agony but at an instant but even then all her co-workers and even Mr. Trent comes and crowds around Veronica taking turns looking under her ruined skirt and the barging head between it. "Looks there's not much choice now Ronnie, Just let it happen." her diamond eyes glanced over to the clock, 8 minutes. Fuck NO. She clamped a hand over wildly bulging pussy, now swelling and nearly purple along tear dropped shaped to prevent the baby from going any further. Blood and Labor fluids dripped and flowed between her fingers and she could the sweat between her black hairs and her knees trembling so much, she feared they wouldn't be enough. Only 5 minutes to go, she had this in the bag.
She got up and fell backwards against the wall and fell back down to her knees, hand on the babies head and crossing her legs as tightly as possible and the pain intensified drastically and made her hyper sensitive to everything. her female co-worker looked down at her fearfully and eagerly. 3 minutes.... 2 minutes.. shit. Her boss places both hands and prying her legs open, the baby falling out quickly but her hands pushing it back in, a searing and constant pain goes across her belly and vagina even more fluid and blood drops and flows down, 1 minute..... 45 seconds... 32 seconds and Veronica's vision starts blacking out but then she gets up after hearing 10 seconds.... 5 seconds..... 3 seconds, 2 seconds, 1 seconds and times up! "Impre-" Veronica waddles off quickly and tries to get to her car but a strong contraction makes her bend over and grip door and waddles quickly towards the storage room enters and closes the door as she walks down the dark hallway and sits down leans her back against the wall and grabs her thighs with both hands and widens them then pushes as hard as she can and the baby is born and she falls to her side and pulls her baby to her chest.
HR got a heavily aggressive email, got her a raise and her boss gets fired, so eyy. She won eventually.
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aleksa-sims · 6 months
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RL Simself Story ( 18+)
Dilek came to me to learn together for our next exam. And wow, this time we actually managed to open our books to study. But we also talked about our "new-old" jobs/department change.
Dilek started today in a state hospital in the office. At least it wasn’t a mental hospital, where I spent the last 9 months. And my new office? I moved to urban architecture. Urban archaeology at the beginning and now urban architecture! Why did they always put me in such special offices? This has nothing to do with a social worker’s job! 😫But well, they want us students to get to know different departments in the first 3 years, even if this has nothing to do with our final job choice/ decision at the end of our training. In year three, we have to decide which area we want to continue. I will opt for the social, health sector and Dilek will choose state & federal laws. And as I mentioned once, Dilek is a German diplomat today! 😮🤦‍♀️Maybe I should have done the same?🤷‍♀️🧐
But I don’t think that would have been the right way for me. Dilek lives abroad and works in a German embassy, in Turkey. They have transferred her there. Bcs Dilek is originally from Turkey. Her parents! However, Dilek agreed. Her life has changed in recent years. She was unhappy and thought that emigration was just right. She wanted to get away from her Dad. This man is a tyrant! He wanted to determine Dilek’s life. He had even planned to marry her to and old friend! 😠 Yea, such an ass, sorry. But Dilek is not like her sister or her brother who make her father all right. She has her own wishes and ideas about her life! She decided not to dance to his tune. Unfortunately Dilek no longer has contact with her family. Not really! Still, she became very sad and unhappy. She loves her Sister & her Mom. Dilek sees her sister from time to time. Her sister is married, so she can visit her, without having to meet her Dad. Her Mom only meets her secretly. So sad!... Dilek is generally lonely, she told me. She feels alone. She has no family, no friends and sometimes she actually thinks about reconciling with her Dad.
Dilek wishes for a family, her own family, but yea, it's not that easy. That’s what Dilek is doing today, 8 years later. She is almost 30 years old, still young, but she feels old and lonely. And that day in my story, when we were studying together, Dilek told me about the probs with her Dad. She was looking for an apartment to get away from there. Besides, she was in love with a guy she was recently dating. She told me, her Dad was against this boy. He forbade Dilek to see him again. Hello! She's 21, almost 22 years old!😠 .... I thought Dilek’s Dad was like my Dad at first? But no, my Dad isn't like that!!
My Dad would never force me to marry someone I don’t know or keep me away from my Sister and Mom. Though.... he kicked me out last year, but this was a completely different story/situation. What we else did that day, you'll see soon.
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
Re: the second language discussion.
I think for a lot of people who speak English as a native language, it can be overwhelming to choose a second language. If you don't primarily speak English, it might be easy to choose it as a second language. (Actually, it's often taught right in school.) For English speakers, it can be difficult to choose as there are so many options, and without a recommendation for work or personal passion, someone might put it off forever thinking, "Well, many people speak English anyway if we had to communicate." If I did business with Germany or loved the culture and had every expectation of visiting or moving there, obviously I would learn German. I wouldn't expect every German to speak English for me. But if I have no such spark, it can be almost impossible to choose a language and even more difficult to stick with it. Which is what everyone I know has said.
It might also be easier to choose if a person's location borders a foreign-speaking nation or has many who speak a second language in the population. (Like eastern Canada speaking French.)
Yes, I had to have two foreign language credits to graduate high school, but it was not until high school that they bothered thinking we might want to learn a second language. The teachers did not care how much we learned. And there was no support system for continuing our studies after graduation.
Over the years, I've experimented with learning Spanish, Japanese, French, and glanced at one or two others. It can be difficult to commit, especially if you're out of school with no drive but your own. I've finally chosen Spanish and do daily lessons on Duolingo (which may not be the best teacher, but it is for my budget and schedule). And even then, I have several times considering abandoning my Spanish lessons to pick up French instead.
I greatly admire people who have learned English as a second language, and I am highkey jealous of their bilingualism. I just hope everyone understands that if a person already speaks English, sometimes one of the biggest things holding them back is the overwhelm of choosing a second language, which isn't obvious for everyone.
I'll post people's opinions, but I think my own views are pretty easy to guess.
English speakers come from all over, but many of us under discussion are from the US...
As a teenager, I went to a fancy high school with great language instruction. They had a whole Japanese program. I was a massive weeb. Hell, I was a japanophile of longstanding, even before I discovered manga and then anime.
I took Spanish.
As an American there is one very obvious language to learn. Blindingly obvious. And it even happens to be one with a massive vocabulary overlap and "simple" grammar from the perspective of English. Now, I admit that back in the 90s, it was a pain in the fucking ass to find any cultural products to practice on that were easy enough but also on any topic I'd find easy, but things are better today. (Of course, this is me, so none of that ever motivated me half as much as Las aventuras del capitán Alatriste.)
My Japanese was crap even after a lot of study. I remember this one time while I was working in Japan that I went to a craft fair—one of those temple markets in Kyoto. I was looking at a table of jewelry. The guy there said something about being sorry that he didn't speak English (in Japanese, I presume, though I don't remember anymore). I looked up and realized that the tan guy with long black hair I'd seen out of the corner of my eye was definitely not Japanese. I stammered out that I understood some Spanish but didn't speak it if he spoke that. It had been a few years since I'd taken Spanish, but I figured I'd remember enough. So he started explaining his artwork and the symbolism, the river of life, various cultural motifs, etc.
Fifteen minutes later, as we were discussing educational policy in his country and how his Native parents had been part of the generation to get English removed from the schools in favor of Spanish as the foreign language and Native languages as the primary medium of instruction, he looked up at me and said "Oh, you don't speak Spanish, huh?"
It's true that a bunch of dumb racists would scream if we tried to make Spanish part of all grade school classrooms in the US. It's also true that there is one most obvious language to learn if you're an American.
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frozenfrederick · 2 months
Excerpt from "Fortune Favors the Bold"
An Amnesia: The Bunker fic
War was hell.
Henri tapped his pencil on the desk next to a piece of scuffed-up paper. It was yellow and ripped at the edges, but it worked for jotting down his quick thoughts.
Another German artillery shot rained down above him, and the room around him shook. A few rocks fell onto the desk and some mud dirtied the page even more. Henri swept the debris aside with a huff.
He hadn't been able to sleep. His mind was racing too fast to be tracked. His shoulders shook with every rumble from above. He heard yelling. He heard screaming. There were gunshots, then silence. The cycle repeated.
Henri scribbled a few lines on the paper, then crumbled it and tossed it to the floor. He held his head in his hands.
After a few minutes of stillness, Henri felt a hand on his shoulder. He grabbed it instantly, squeezing the fingers until he felt them pop.
"Ow," Augustin mumbled, retracting his hand and shaking it. "I'm sorry for sneaking up on you, but goodness."
Henri shrugged.
"Trying to write to home?" Augustin continued, then pulled up a chair and sat down next to Henri.
"My will, sort of. I feel as if I will not make it out of here. I want my family to have closure, of sorts." Henri's throat felt dry. He leaned slightly towards Augustin, but then shied away.
"Old friend, we will make it out. The war will end soon and we will be heroes! I know it." Augustin chuckled. "Keep your head up. It isn't over, not right now." He scooted his chair closer. "Here, let us do something else." He un-crumpled the piece of paper and took the pencil from Henri. He drew two lines vertically, then two horizontal ones that intersected the first lines. "Tic tac toe. Whoever loses has to sneak a wine bottle from the cellar. Best two out of three."
Henri raised an eyebrow. "I'll indulge you."
"That's the spirit, my friend! You can go first." Augustin rolled the pencil to Henri, who scooped it up and drew an X in the top left corner.
"Ah, interesting move," Augustin grinned. He took the pencil and drew a circle in the very center.
Henri swiped a few bits of dirt from the paper, then drew an X underneath the other.
The game continued with friendly banter, and eventually concluded with Henri as the victor. His dread had faded a bit. "Ah! I win your silly game." Henri grinned, and caught Augustin admiring him with a fond look in his eyes. "You are staring."
"Apologies, Henri," he glanced down at the paper. "I just- I do not know."
"What's there to know?" Henri shrugged. "We are at war, Augustin, pull yourself together."
"I cannot." Henri tapped the pencil on the table, effectively blunting the tip. He pulled out his pocket knife to sharpen it. Augustin grabbed Henri's hand before he started to sharpen the pencil, and his eyes pierced into Henri. "We may die tomorrow."
"We may die today. What is your point?" Henri placed the pencil and the knife on the table. He rested his hands on his knees, and allowed Augustin to hold them both.
"I do not want to die with a secret, Henri. I do want to die with my heart feeling strained." Augustin clenched Henri's hands.
"A secret? What are you talking about?"
"Lambert, Clement, get your asses moving, it's time to get our grub!" A fellow soldier stuck his head into the room as he yelled, but he didn't stick around to see Augustine's face fall.
"We should go," Augustin said, dropping Henri's hands and standing up abruptly.
"Do not leave me with an unanswered question, Augustin." Henri snatched the other man by the wrist and held him back. "We may die today," he repeated.
"It should wait. We cannot have distractions, you should know that." He tugged his arm away and pushed his glasses up on his nose.
"No, I refuse to take your half-assed attempt to tell me what you feel. You are my friend, Augustin, do not treat me like this!" Henri's face was red, and his fists were clenched. "I know you. I care about you. Tell me what ails you."
"You ail me, Henri! You are the one who is ailing me. I cannot think properly when you are around!" Augustin flung his hands into the air, seeming angrily defeated. "You cause me to have these- these thoughts! Part of me wants to squash the problem between my fingers, while the rest of me wants to just-" He let out an exasperated huff. "Henri, I wish to hold you. I wish to hold you closer than I have ever held anyone else. Perhaps the war is causing me to lose my mind but I want to hold you the way a man should hold his wife. I want to care for you and watch over you and protect you with my life. I would lay down my life for you. In a heartbeat. In a split-second. If tragedy struck at this moment, I would die for you."
"Clement! Lambert!" The same voice yelled again, much more stern and agitated than before.
"A moment!" Henri called back as he stood from the desk. "Augustin, I do not want you to feel trapped any longer."
Augustin's face flushed a deep red, and he turned away from Henri, embarrassed. "I feel... ashamed."
"Do not," Henri placed his hands on Augustin's shoulders, then pressed his forehead to the top of the latter's spine. "Or else I will feel ashamed with you." A rumble caused a few shards of rock to tumble around them. Henri ignored the ruckus, instead focusing on Augustin's trembling posture. "And I am not the kind of man to be ashamed."
"We cannot continue this," Augustin whispered painfully, and he took off his glasses to wipe at his eyes. "But, Henri, I cannot stop myself from feeling this way towards you. You are my closest friend, I would-"
"I know," Henri hushed. "I know."
There was a moment of uncomfortable silence, but neither man knew the right words to say. So, Henri dropped his hands to Augustin's sides, and wrapped his arms around his waist. He shifted his head to it was his cheek pressed against Augustin's back, rather than his forehead. It was strangely comfortable. Henri could relax for a minute. He could forget the war above.
"Please," Augustin mustered through obvious tears. "Release me from this cage, Henri." He clutched the hands around his torso. His fingers felt cold on Henri's skin.
"Face me, friend," he spoke softly, gently, as though a volume louder than a whisper would shatter Augustin. "Face me," he repeated when Augustin did not move. Then, he did move. Henri stared into a pair of glassy eyes, then grabbed Augustin's face to bring him down. He planted a feather-light kiss on his forehead. He remained there for a moment. It was something he had done in the past, before they headed off to No Man's Land. They weren't always sure that they would return.
But this time was different.
The dirt mixed with sweat didn't bother Henri as much anymore.
He stroked Augustin's cheekbones. "I would die for you as well, friend. You are held very dear to my heart."
"We must go," Augustin pushed past Henri and into the doorway. He flashed Henri a smile, however, before he was gone down the hallway.
Henri found himself smiling as well, and he followed his friend to the mess hall. The air between them felt warm and safe. It was comfortable. Their hands brushed a few times on the short journey, and every so often, their fingers intertwined.
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Battle of the femboys
In which Raiden battles Monsoon. Highly cursed.
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Raiden (or I should say Jack) had just woken up and was disappointed that there were no beyblades that "he could let rip". He had just listened to some bionicle looking ass mother fucker go on about the importance of memes. "To hell with this!" he thought. "I'll be damned before I let Jack jr. have a tiktok account and start watching skibidi toilet videos!" Then the next thing he knew, an officer had plunged a weapon into his chest. He let out a small moan. CupcakkeI'mHorny.mp4 starts playing.
"Doktor. Turn off my pain inhibitors." Soon a codec window popped up showing a very confused, elderly german man. He begged Raiden not to go through with the decision but in the end relented. If he disobeys the cyborg than he can kiss those left hands goodbye and that just wouldn't be acceptable. He had already moved once and had reconstructive surgery due to his peculiar "interests". If he turned off the pain inhibitors then he could still live a quiet life.
Jack began to moan ahego girl style like in one of his good friend Hal's japanese animes. Since the patriots had taken away most of his body, the doktor thought that it would be best to use the lack of a crotch area to his advantage. No one knew how the cyborg became aroused without a dick but soon he had a soda stream bottle protruding from his nether regions.
He unscrewed the lid and slid in some mentos and diet coke. After tightening the lid back on, he jerked himself like he was using a shake weight and aimed himself at the remaining officers. Within seconds the cap lifted and shot one of them right in the forehead. "Bullseye!" Jack cried. Then the coke began to drown the rest of them like some sort of bizarre bukkake that Pepsiman would be jealous of. Monsoon could only stare in horror. "You've lost your mind."
They had forgotten Sam was there when they heard "Yeah, I'm sitting this one out sorry." He then double jumped to god knows where. Probably to go get more injections for his gluteus maximus. Jack had forgotten that he still had a sword plunged in his chest. He took it out and licked off some blood. "Mmm. Cherry flavoured."
"I've misjudged you. You are like us after all." said Monsoon. Like Raiden, he also had no dick. He then opened up his crotch plate but instead of a soda streamer it was just a juice pitcher. To be more specific, it was the kool aid man. It then came running into Jack and began to wash him away in the warm and soothing sugary liquid. "OH YEAH!" screamed Monsoon. "AND IT WILL CUM LIKE A FLOOD OF PAIN!"
Raiden managed to grab onto a chunk of a building and fling himself back to World Marshal headquarters. "Man, I haven't seen that much red since the time I forgot to go get Rose her tampons." He sighed. A perfectly good couch had been ruined. Oh well. It's not like he hadn't come home before drenched in blood. They would just tell their son that they were replacing their couch again because of his father's work injuries. At the very least it was better than having to deal with his wife's awful cooking.
Monsoon waited for his return only to stab him with his sais. "Does it hurt?" Perhaps he should have thought about the consequentions of his actions. "HARDER!" Jack cried in ecstasy. The cyborg did a double take (which was an achievement of modern medical science since the man had no eyes) and jumped into the air and did the naruto run until there was a good distance between them.
"Look" he said, "I somehow survived during the reign of the Khamer Rouge and then decided that it would be a good idea to join the mafia, and even I think you need therapy!" Jack glared at him with his one eye. "DON'T KINK SHAME ME! AT LEAST I'M NOT A GIANT, WALKING REFRIGERATOR MAGNET!"
Suddenly Sundowner walked outside of the building. "What in tarnation? Christ, what's takin' yeh so long?" Jack was now walking towards his direction. "Well look if it isn't foghorn leghorn. Stop stealing my trench coat look by the way, you can't pull it off." He then began to rub the cyborgs bald head for good luck. "The fuck!?"
Jack then threw an EMP grenade in Monsoon's direction and began to slash at him while Sundowner watched with morbid curiosity. He then pieced all of him together in the wrong places like some sort of child when you ask them to solve a rubix cube. "HEY! STOP IT! SUNDOWNER WHY ARE YOU JUST STANDING THERE!?" His partner let out a chuckle. "Now what was that thing yer always sayin'? Something about exquisite memes? I think I'll go get my camera!"
Sundowner then came back and gave a smartphone to Jack. "Now be sure to get it just right!" The man had positioned himself so that Moonsoon's body was now a human chair that he was sitting in while he held his comrades head out like he was reenacting Shakespeare. Jack couldn't believe he was doing this. He groaned and then tapped what he thought was the picture button but unbeknownst to him, it was the record option.
"Are we done yet!?" asked an irritated Monsoon. Jack then threw the phone at his head, causing the man to fall out of Sundowner's grip. The Alabama war criminal began to holler. "Damn, I think you could be a good pitcher. You know what? I'm so impressed that I think I'll let you keep em damn brains." Wow. That had been easier than he had expected.
"Thanks baldy!" Raiden then used his ninja run to make it to the top floor. Now it was just the other two cyborgs left alone together. "What did he mean by bald?" Sundowner eyed his parter like he was blind. In fact, he was blind. "Are you telling me yeh can't see my head?" Monsoon rolled his eyes (if he could have). Am I supposed to? Most of my body is artificial you idiot!
Sundowner scratched his head as a realization came upon him. "Wait. Are you telling me... that yer not in fact a girl!?" Now Monsoon was the one that was confused. "What? No! Why would you think that?" His partners jaw was left wide open. "But what about that dainty hair and slim build!" Monsoon cringed. "So a man can't take care of his looks?" He would have been offended had the situation not been so bizarre.
"No, it's just... uhhh... excuse me, I gotta delete some pictures off my desktop..." Monsoon began to scream at the man. "SUNDOWNER! HEY, YOU GET BACK OVER HERE!"
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