#this is so late sorry
saeranthis · 10 months
okay!!! belatedly as promised here's some of my dol hcs!! I play with everyone as male so if you were excited for fem hcs sorry loves
whitney: blonde -> fringe/ swooped over one eye, obnoxiously wears his shirt with 3-4 buttons open all the time. is a whore but isn't open about it and certainly doesn't let other people acknowledge it. super into leashes, 7-8inches (shower), freeballs 24/7, american/French but no accent and not rlynin touch with his roots 5'8-5'11
robin: ginger!! (but more like obnoxiously orange than ginger, think Childe genshin impact) adhd, victim complex, can pay bailey but lies about being able to, slightly manipulative but not inherently in a malicious way more like a constantly kicked puppy way, league player: (derogatory) , Irish/german/Dutch, lots of face freckles, sunburns easily, 5ft 6, 5-6 inches (grower), has a journal filled with poetry, secretly likes whitney but won't admit it, likes being bullied
kylar: has cameras all over town, has a computer room with like 6-8 monitors, parents are NOT vampires are just eldritch esq monstrosities 8-12 inches (grower), has a birdhouse, knife collection (small), extremely good at Chem and math, like international competition winner level good, TERRIBLE at English, the teachers know about his knife but let him carry it anyway "bc he keeps to himself", afro-mexican, black hair, always wears a hoodie despite dress code, has a pet cat, was obsessed with another orphan prior to pc (didn't end well) 5'2-5'4, cock rings cock rings cock rings, breeding kink, hates exhibitionism, doesn't like sharing but will if it's the only way he can have you, is related to the scarred inmate, knows mickey but they don't really talk much, not really manipulative but will force you to get abortions for kids that aren't his, has reverse engineered the pink substance but doesn't really care to do anything with or about it, purposefully flunks the math competition so pc can win, uhhh I can't think of anything else rn
sydney: big on this my boy is indian!! their family def was Hindu before moving to dol town and his mother who did not approve of the town they moved to or sydneys fathers behavior when they got there left and is still practices Hinduism while Sydney and his dad converted to fit in. Sydney has long hair that's kept in a high ponytail most of the time. suuuuper into history and will talk about the history of dol town for hours if you let him. 7-8 inches (shower originally but chastity trained his dick to be super flaccid) but his chastity cage is too small for him so it's constantly bulging against the frame and making his dick sore. once his virginity is taken he becomes an ass FANATIC he is so obsessed with anal its unhealthy, strawberry ice cream enjoyer, won't admit it but kinda likes watching pc be used by other guys
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coldgoldlazarus · 7 months
trick or treat?
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Happy halloween!
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for the ask game: zizel >:)
favourite thing about them: her dynamic with Claire!! i love how she says she's not on Claire's side, yet it always hanging out with her, giving her hints, entertaining her, even saving her at the end of Sirius' Conclusion!! even though she's a demon, she seems so have at least a little care for Claire, similar to how Rouge is with Noel
least favourite thing about them: genuinely nothing. i love her, she's my favourite out of the demons
favourite line: "in this witch's mansion, an ending where everyone is happy is inconceivable... it's made such that someone will always be hurt" it's a nice summary of the game and its themes. also, "please, return the contract already, i'm not made of time, you know" it's very ironic since she's already been waiting for ages
brOTP: Noel, maybe? since she's one of the nicer demons, i wonder if she's like a big sister to him, similar to Rouge
OTP: her and Rouge!! i just think they're neat!
nOTP: anyone else, she didn't really interact with anyone else much apart from Rouge and Claire
random headcanon: she helped Rouge raise Noel when he first arrived in hell. she probably taught him afternoon tea etiquette or something
unpopular opinion: she's the best demon (idk i've not really seen many opinions about her cause WH is a small fandom)
song i associate with them: the Barbie and the 12 Dancing Princesses opening. i love that music so much and i think it fits Zizel cause she's notably elegant
favourite picture of them: she's so cute in this one
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polarisjisung · 1 year
happy new year my loves 💓
迟来的新年快乐 🥰
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dr-lizortecho · 2 years
Crimson Red Paint on My Lips
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She can feel how deeply her frown is etched into her face, her makeup worse for wear after over twenty four hours of- well whatever this investigation turned kidnapping situation even was. Some misguided attempt to lure her to the dark side.
Jones is leaned toward her, a sharp smile on his face as he twists words into an ever growing deception. Liz narrows her eyes, beginning to wonder how much of his own con he had fallen for.
“And once our collaboration is complete,” he says with a half flick of his wrist, almost dismissive like she’d already agreed. “I will leave this planet… peacefully.”
Liz can’t help the fire that’s burning in her chest at each word, anger and longing crashing through her body too fast for her to breathe. Throat clawing as she keeps her face stone cold, fingers wrapping around the cool champagne glass like it could steady her.
“You can use that research to save Max-“
Liz snorts, rolling her eyes and leaning further back into her seat, creating an artificial relaxation to her body. “Or,” she gives him a sharp smile, “I fight tooth and claw to rip you out of ‘his’ body.”
His smile falters, turning to something darker and colder, the air between them seeming to crackle to life with energy. Max’s electric powers filling the space between breaths, it’s different than when Max was anxious. The knowledge Jones has full control making goosebumps rise along Liz’s bare arms.
“I know you’re angry about Max,” he mutters, lifting his hand to twist and pull her chair forward. The wooden legs scraping as she’s brought towards him, only stopping when her knees press against his open thighs. “But there’s worse things darlin’.”
read on ao3 here
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quackcitylimits · 2 years
hi gabdy *lastname*
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omg bae hiiiii
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beebfreeb · 4 months
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An Interview with Dot.
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inseparableduo · 1 month
Lucy just casually carrying two mini-Moralez, "Okay this Zinnia and this Myesia." They are identical twins that look around 10 years old. "You want some sisters, here's a two-for-one special honey. They're exactly what they eat all the time... Sour Patch Kids, sweet and sour--little fucking...anyway ain't they the cutest? Look at them, here you go" [ Not Lucy trying to pawn off her little sisters ]
When Darla complained about not having any little siblings of her own and how she would be good at taking care of them, she really didn't expect anyone to offer up their siblings. At least she had enough sense not to take her seriously. Instead, she just flashes the two a smile. Being a twin herself, she knew just how much trouble these two could get into.
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"Well, the sweet and sour thing is just a twin thing, really." She giggles. "They are pretty cute though. I wouldn't mind baby sitting for a bit if that's what you are trying to say."
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wacuoms · 2 months
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plantpirating · 1 year
Type "I am" in the tags and whatever follows is your gender today...
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lgcjisoo · 5 months
[ to >> jisoo-yah ] happy birthday! ^.^ ~ hope you have a wicked day!!
[ sns → jinyoung 😎 ] thank you!! [ sns → jinyoung 😎 ] we need to hang out.. ASAP. when you free?
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cliopadra · 6 months
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who taught her that
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royalarchivist · 9 days
Tubbo: Why have they changed it? These colors are awful. I– ew! I actually hate it! Where– what happened to the orange? Why’s it purple?
Tubbo: [Realizes] OH—
Tubbo: Oh, I'm actually– I'm actually a bigot, it’s Ace Race, I get it. Ohhh, ohhh that’s awkward. Ohhh, that's awkward. I’m a bigot. Oh, I'm a bigot. Oh, I'm a bigot. Ohhh. It’s crazy that they let bigots into MCC these days! Well actually, they’ve always done that.
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the-phantom-peach · 11 months
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modern link and zelda because they’re cute and i can do what i want <3
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deep-dark-fears · 2 months
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Out out, Mister Goofums. A fear submitted by Lauren to Deep Dark Fears - thanks!
You can find original artwork or commission portraits in my shop!
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