#kirby has a very strange family tree
squishysquib · 2 years
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purple-vixen · 3 years
Batfamily & Games - Headcanon
A/N: Brace yourselves, this headcanon is HUGE (about 1.5k words). I’ve been playing a lot of games during quarantine and that’s what inspired me to write this. I mostly play on ps4, if you want to add me on psn, my ID is Vixtr0yer_  - Vix
• Ok, hear me out.
• Tim is definitely a JRPG guy.
• Used to play a lot of Final Fantasy back when he was a kid.
• And he still does.
• Tim is a completionist. He does every sidequest, maxes the skill tree and the characters' level, unlocks every weapon and collects EVERY. SINGLE. TROPHY.
• Another thing that he enjoys about JRPGs is analyzing his items, weapons and characters' abilities and stats to build the best strategy during battles, especially if the battles are turn-based.
• Although Final Fantasy holds a special place in his heart, Tim's favorite game is Persona 5.
• He went crazy over that game. After getting Persona 5, Tim locked himself in his room and would spend the entire day (and night, if he's not patrolling) playing Persona 5, only going outside to open the kitchen's fridge and bring a pack of Red Bull to his bedroom.
• After he beat Persona 5 and unlocked every ending, Tim went through an identity crisis.
• But then Persona 5 Royal was released and the cycle started all over again.
• Steph also enjoys RPGs, but she prefers action RPGs. Unlike Tim, Steph pays no mind to the numbers and statuses in items and weapons, she just equips the stuff that gives more damage and beats the crap out of the enemies until they die.
• Depending on the game, Steph can be very competitive, she lost count on the controllers she broke in a fit of rage after dying in Dark Souls and Bloodborne.
• Her favorite game is Skyrim because she loves using the funny mods.
• I have the feeling Cass is a retro-gamer. She doesn't lean to a specific game genre, she enjoys retro games in general.
• But if Cass had to pick a few favorite ones, they would be Earthbound and Kirby's Adventure.
• Cass also builds some AMAZING constructions in Minecraft.
• Barbara likes MOBA and MMO.
• She wouldn't consider herself addicted but she's been playing World of Warcraft since its release.
• If Barbara happens to be in a bad mood and sees some players being assholes, she goes there and hack their accounts.
• She also likes watching esports.
• Screw the Olympics, esports tournaments are her thing.
• Babs makes a big deal about League of Legends World Championship. LoLWC is like the event of the year for her.
• Her ritual is buying a family-size bag of nachos and soda to watch it on her TV every year.
• Barbara and Dick are the type of couple that has a 2 person gaming setup so that they can play together.
• Talking about Dick Grayson.
• He has two types of favorite videogames.
• One being story-driven games. Dick gets all invested in the plot to the point he feels catharsis.
• He cried playing Life is Strange.
• He always tries to get the happy ending and be nice to all the characters.
• If he ends up being accidentally rude or getting an ending he doesn't like, he reloads his save and picks another option or starts the game all over again.
• And don't get me started on his Stardew Valley playthrough.
• But when it comes to The Sims, Dick is a real psycho. He takes the ladder off the pool, locks the sims in a cubicle and stuff, has the extreme violence mod installed.
• After playing God of War, Dick started calling Damian by "Boy" with an extremely deep voice.
• In the beginning Damian shrugged it off but after one week he got fed up and started chasing after Dick with a sword and threatened to cut him to pieces if he called him "Boy" one more time.
• His other type of favorite games are games where he can goof around.
• He causes massive chaos in Goat Simulator and the Goose Game.
• Because of the Goose Game, Dick tried to convince Damian to convince Bruce to buy them a goose.
• It didn't work.
• Back when Jason was Robin, Bruce paid a lot of attention to the age ratings. If Jason asked Bruce to buy him a new game, Bruce would google the title of said game and based on Jason's age and the game's age rating, he would decide to buy it or not.
• "I said we're not buying Ratchet & Clank, Jason." Bruce says as he looks at the ESRB website through the batcomputer.
• "But it's rated 10!" A 13-year-old Jason protests.
• "Do you really think I'm going to allow you owning a game that has 'Quest for Booty' as its subtitle?"
• Still, that didn't stop Jason from playing the games he wanted to.
• Jason would save up money from his allowance and head to the arcade or secretly buy a new game and play it whenever Bruce wasn't at the Manor.
• Jason would mostly play FPS games. His favorite franchise ended up being Doom.
• Jason often trains while listening to the Doom soundtrack.
• Because the Doom soundtrack makes all of us Jason feel things. He also listens to the songs before patrolling because they hype him up to punch people.
• Don't lie to me, I know you feel the same way when you listen to the Doom soundtrack. Everyone does.
• There was that one time Jason ended up in a fist-fight over the last copy of Doom Eternal on the release date.
• Jason managed to get the last copy but ended up getting banned from GameStop.
• Also some guy recorded the GameStop fight and uploaded on Youtube an edit with one of those "When Doom music kicks in" memes that has "The Only Thing They Fear is You" playing in the background.
• The video got over 2 million views.
• Having kids does tire you out. By the time Bruce had Damian, he stopped caring about videogames' age rating and stuff.
• But still, Grand Theft Auto is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN in Wayne Manor.
• One person ends up getting away from this rule.
• Not because he's allowed to play it, he just doesn't care about that rule.
• And that person is… *drum roll*
• Alfred.
• Alfred had beat GTA V twice and he whoops other people's asses on GTA Online.
• Alfred is also an evil mastermind in Among Us. When he gets to be the impostor, Alfred always wins.
• Damian plays a lot of Fortnite.
• But not because he likes Fortnite, he thinks it's too ridiculous for his liking, especially the dances.
• Damian doesn't like playing Fortnite, but he likes playing Fortnite with Jon. It's Jon's favorite game and Jon gets very happy whenever he gets to play it with Damian. Damian, although not being a fan of Fortnite, ends up having fun too.
• Fun fact: When Damian found out Batman, Catwoman and even Joker and Ivy had their Fortnite skins, he got mad because they didn't make a Robin skin. He then started emailing Epic asking for one and saying that Robin deserved his own Fortnite skin.
• But Damian's favorite game turns out to be:
• Animal Crossing New Horizons.
• Because living on a paradise island full of animals is like his dream come true.
• Also Damian's favorite villager is Ozzie.
• He follows the "Can You Pet The Dog?" twitter account.
• The batkids tried to organize a family videogames night. But in literally E-V-E-R-Y family videogames night something wrong happened and at least one person ended up in the med bay.
• Dance Dance Revolution night: Duke slipped and sprained his ankle.
• Overcooked night: instead of helping to do the dishes right, Jason kept on being chaotic, he'd block the passages, put unnecessary ingredients on the countertop, slap the other cooks, anything he could do to troll them. They only got 1 star on a level and Steph threw a controller on Jason's head.
• Mario Kart night: Damian, first place. Tim, blue shell. That's all I have to say.
• Among Us: Everyone, literally EVERYONE started fighting and without any exception they all ended up in med bay. After that one, family videogames night was officially canceled. And Bruce had to organize a group therapy session for them.
• "They say I'm supposed to open up to people, but how the fuck am I supposed to open up to people when every time I trust someone they fucking STAB ME IN THE BACK?"
• "Jason, I was the impostor, I was supposed to stab people in the back."
• Bruce strongly denies that he plays videogames. He says he's too old and he doesn't have time for that.
• Remember that aunt of yours who is already on level 900 in Candy Crush?
• Bruce is that aunt.
• He secretly has Candy Crush installed on his phone and whenever he's at Wayne Enterprises feeling bored, Bruce unlocks his phone and starts playing Candy Crush.
• There was that one time the bank called Bruce because they thought his credit card was cloned after a $200 purchase in App Store.
• But guess what?
• Yep, it was just Bruce fucking Wayne playing Candy Crush.
• He also managed to beat minesweeper more than once by the way.
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eternally-drifting · 3 years
Eclipsed (Jungkook FF) - Ch.1
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Discovering the kings biggest secret leads you into understanding the way he is, and how perhaps you have been just a bit too prejudice. After all, who are you to judge anyone.
pairing: Jungkook x Reader
genre: fantasy, fluff, inspired by the anime Inuyasha, slight e2l, the f2l, and some angst cuz why not, future smut.
warnings: TW - description / mentions of blood loss
word count: 1779
parts: 1 / next>?
a/n: I tried to get this out by Halloween last year but it was 2020 and life got in the way. A lot of stuff happened in my personal life so I just needed to cope with that first before I did anything. Also, since this is inspired somewhat by the anime Inuyasha, I wanted to give a moment and respect the passing of Kirby Morrow who is the english voice actor of Mirkou in the series as well as many other great characters. It felt like a piece of my childhood just left and while I know we can all still see and hear his work, it definitely did leave an impact on me as well as many other. Rest well Kirby. Aug. 28, 1973 - Nov. 18, 2020
Without further notice, hope you enjoy this.
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“Come now darling, we need to hurry and head home before the sun sets.” A woman gently tugged on her child’s hand as she finished putting the last bit of herbs in her basket. The child’s eyes gleaming at every trinket that glistened in the rays of the setting sun. A certain fascination was held in the child’s eyes. Though, upon hearing what her mother said, she quickly drew her attention from the trinkets. Looking at her mother now as she was pulled through the crowd, a question laid heavy on her tongue.
“Mama, why do we always need to hurry home before the sun sets?” With a furrow of her brow the little girl couldn’t hide her disappointment. Despite being only eight, the little girl knew that it was an odd thing. Never really understanding the reasoning as to why one could not stay out past the sunset. “___ sweetheart, it’s a law that the king has set in place.” This answer did not seem to quell her curiosity.
“But why?” Her mother chuckles as she halts all her movements. She looks at her daughter before kneeling to her height and lifting her up. She scans around to ensure no one is paying attention before whispering in her daughters’ ear. “It’s to keep everyone safe.” You blink at her, owlishly so, that she lets a small giggle leave her lips. Squishing your cheek next to her, she places a kiss on it. “Safe? But doesn’t the king-”
Your mother simply smiles, “don’t believe everything people say ___.” Whispering ever so gently, she places you back onto the ground before taking your hand and leading you home. Where later into the night you lay up and think over your mother’s words.
Later that evening – once you are tucked into bed and in a deep sleep. Your mother looks out the window of the cabin, watching the glow of the barrier surround the entire kingdom. Just beyond that, she gazes up at the moon as it turns a striking blood red. It brings back a distant memory.
Entering the castle, she takes note at how dark it is inside, the curtains have been drawn and there are barely any candles lighting the corridors up. ‘Strange, the moon is full and bright tonight’ She isn’t allowed to think much of it any longer
“Your highness.” The man that sought her out for weeks – one of the kings’ advisors he informed – leads her into one of the many rooms in the enormous castle. She turns her gaze back to the front, where a man stood with his back faced towards them. There has been a demonic energy present since she passed the forest into the capital. And despite the darkness within the castle, she was able to distinct the horns that protruded through his head as he slightly turned it. ‘No doubt, he’s where all this demonic energy is coming from.’
“We have brought the priestess just as requested.” Surprisingly, his voice was soft, tone gentle. “You may leave us.” He remained facing the large window.
Nothing was said as they stayed in their spots. She didn’t know what to say or do, but by heavens is this a deafening silence. Just as she was gathering up all the courage to finally speak, he beat her to it.
“You were the high priestess of Faemma, were you not?” The mention of her past stuns her so much, that it takes her a full moment to compose herself. “Yes, your majesty.” She holds her head high, never allowing the blight to hinder her dignity. Another bout of silence engulfs them. A sudden shift in the air sends chills down her spine. Glancing at the king she is stunned in silence, lilac eyes shining in the dark room as they stare her down.
“If the rumors that proceed you are to be true, then I need you, to achieve something for me. In return, I will grant you asylum in Aurelia.” As though it never existed, his demonic aura disappeared along with the glow of his eyes.
That was over nine years ago. Just as the king promised, she was granted asylum and lived her life as much as she could. Starting her family of two in peace, no matter the consequences. One final look at the barrier, and she heads to bed.
‘I’ve done my part, the rest is up to you, my darling ___.’
 “You will regret ever crossing paths with us priestess!” Another attack was thrown your way, all too quickly that you barely managed to escape it – the ray of lighting hitting your arm. Blood seeped out from the open gash at an alarmingly rapid pace. The effects after the blow caused shock waves through your entire body.
‘If I don’t get away soon, I’ll surely be killed. If not by them, then certainly by all the blood that I’m losing.’ Casting a look over the horizon you see that the sun is nearly set. ‘The sunset!’
If you lead them close enough to the village - the sun should have set by then, activating the barrier! They won’t be able to penetrate through! With your plan set, you act and try to run without tumbling over everything in your way. Holding on tightly to your arm, hand over the wound, you feel blood pour out as your heart raced and pumped the blood through your veins. Your hand and arm completely drenched that it dripped down and caused a trail on the foliage.
“Running is futile! We can hear your heart beating, smell the very life pouring out of you!” One of the demons growled out at you as you looked back. Eye narrowing as you could see that your blood has lured other demons out. You hasten your pace as you see the last ray of light go out.
‘Yes! Just a little further!’ You ran desperately, that you had closed your eyes thinking that it would somehow aid you in running faster – only this led you into running and tripping on an uprooted tree root.
“Die priestess!” Just as the demons lunged at your fallen body, you felt a shift in the air – a pulse – almost. Within a moment, the barrier had activated. The light flashing across the sky as it shielded the entire kingdom. Looking back, you see as the demons are stopped, those touching the barrier bursting into flames.
‘I made it in time… but barely.’ You watch as the demons retreat into the forest, but not without sending a vicious glare your way before leaving. Once there were none left in sight, you let a sigh out and lay back down against the grass, eyes closed as you regained your breath. Thoughts consuming you.
‘They’ll be back after tonight, and with more demons seeking revenge. I miscalculated, didn’t take the threat seriously and ended up with more than I could handle…’ You grab hold of your arm again and feel where the blood had started to dry and crust, but also how wet it continues to be. ‘I’ve lost so much blood… I’m surprised I haven’t – no, I won’t think about that, not now.’
Deciding it best, you let your mind go blank for the remainder of the time. Still, you lay there in the grass as the cool breeze sways around you. Carrying the scent of the river down (along with your blood, no doubt). However, there is another sudden shift in the air, another ‘pulse’ is felt. It’s the same strong pulse you feel every other time the barrier goes up. On instinct you sit up as best at you can with your injured arm and look up.
The once silver moon, is now a vibrant blood red. How befitting, your blanched sleeve has also become vibrant with the shade of blood.
‘Wait, there was a second ‘pulse’.’ Staring intently at the moon as though it would give you the answers. In some way it did.
The barrier had formed before the blood moon emerged… could it be due to your injury? Did the rapid beating of your heart force the barrier to appear before it should have? Are you starting to lose control of that too now?
‘Great, if his majesty noticed, then he’s sure to send his advisor to interrogate me again.’ It’d be the fifth time this month alone if he does. Certain things have gotten out of your control, and his majesty has been a thorn in your side. You shudder at the mere thought of the royal advisor to come and question you.
“My, my, that certainly is a gruesome wound you’ve acquired yourself this time.” On second thought, perhaps you prefer the royal advisor as appose to the current pest.
Merely side glancing, you can see the fiend look of concern on his face. How he irritates you with his underlying derisive attitude.
“Oh now, don’t look at me like that. If someone were to see they might think I’m nothing but a nuisance to you.” His tone is patronizing, and to hide the smirk gracing his lips, he spreads the fan out and brings it close to him.
“Then they’d think right.” Your brow twitches with annoyance as you brace yourself to stand. It’s a tough feat, but you manage it. “Why are you here?” Though it was grumbled you know he heard you. He however, doesn’t answer right away. You give it a moment but when he still hasn’t answered you, you decide to not waste anymore time on him and leave.
Until he does speak, and with such conviction, that it leads you to shudder for a moment. “You are using too much power. At a rather hasty pace at that. Tonight’s incident is one of many within the past few weeks where you have lost your abilities within moments of engaging battle.” His usual carefree aura is replaced with sternness you only witnessed once.
The breeze gently flows around you two, trapping you in tense silence. “___,”
You don’t look at him, instead you opt to look at the moon and take in how red it is. “You are losing control.” He’s figured it out, chances are, he knew before even you.
Inhaling the cool air, you whisper, letting the wind carry your voice over to him. “I don’t know… but I’m frightened.” With no more energy left in you, you make way to your cabin, walking past him without so much as even sharing a glance at one another.
‘Seokjin, I know my mother asked you to help me, but I’m afraid that even this maybe out of your control…’
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selkiesbittybonanza · 4 years
500 Followers Appreciation Bitty Profiles! (+ Bonus bitty!) (ALL FREE TO ADOPT)
Fellswap Gold Lamia Bittys
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Snake: Taipan
Venomous?: Yes
Size (Bitty): Length - 0.5-1m (1.6-3.3 ft.), Standing - 0.25-0.5m (0.8-1.6 ft)
Size (Full Sized): Length - 1.5-2m (5-6 ft), Standing 1-1.25m (3-5 ft)
Merlots are very calm and soothing bittys, they always seem to have it together. It can be easy to let them take control of things – you always feel like they have your best interests at heart. Merlots are very distinguished, they don’t appreciate looking disheveled, it gives them an almost “old man” quality. A Merlot’s nest is impeccably clean – you may even find a doily or two! And they somehow have a bowl of no-name candy to offer guests like a strange satire on how seniors live everywhere. However he had an eye for quality and doesn’t accept poor quality furnishings. While a Merlot doesn’t mind taking charge, he appreciates an adopter who takes initiative. A Merlot isn’t above using intimidation to get his way, but he’s so smooth about it you have a hard time noticing! He prides himself in being unflappable, to demand respect without screaming for it. He certainly has a devious side – he didn’t get this far without knowing how to “play the game” and isn’t above a few white lies for the sake of it. He can be quite paternal as well, he enjoys taking younger bittys under his “wing” and helping raising them. While he can seem rather stiff he’s actually a warm-hearted bitty who enjoys cuddles and being needed.
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Snake: Black-tailed Criibo
Venomous?: No
Size (Bitty): Length - 0.75-1m (2.4-3.3 ft), Standing - 0.25-0.5m (0.8-1.6 ft)
Size (Full Sized): Length - 2-2.5m (7-8.5 ft), Standing - 1-1.5m (3-5 ft)
Despite the name: Espressos aren’t very active bittys. They mostly prefer the quiet – gaming and drawing are their favourite hobbies. They tend to be shy and soft spoken – loud people can startle them into muteness and a lot of the time they prefer to communicate in non-verbal ways. If you want a gaming companion an Espresso is your perfect bitty match: but be warned – gaming is a fixation for them. If you ask them to not continue a game until you can play it together later it’s almost unfair to them, they’ll become obsessed with what’s next. Games with both single player and co-op content is more ideal – he can work on the single player campaign while he waits for you to come back to the co-op campaign. His shyness makes multi-player gaming a bit hit or miss – he doesn’t like gaming where a lot of communication and strategy is necessary – he prefers staying quiet and working towards objective without any instruction given or taken. His exception is co-op, he loves playing games together with you and feels his most accomplished when you both complete a challenging level together. He isn’t super competitive but takes pride in his skills so be careful setting up play-dates with bittys that may not appreciate losing to a quiet, seemingly submissive bitty. Despite his quiet and gentle nature he isn’t one to allow people to take advantage of him  or disrespect him – he will stand up for himself, usually by exiting the situation instead of getting into an argument, and when pushed, he WILL fight back. He is surprisingly skilled and controls his magic well.
G!Siblings Ampitheres 
So I decided to give my ampitheres the same human-like intelligence of all my other lamia bittys, but restrict them to a one-size bitty like my Harpys. Honestly a full size ampithere’s wingspan would make them pretty tough to house indoors… 
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Snake: Bolen’s Python
Venomous?: No
Size: 1-1.5m long (3-5ft), 0.5m (2ft) standing
Suaves pride themselves on being, well, suave and flirtatious – it helps them stay in control of the conversation and relationship so you don’t discover how much of a dork they really are. Suaves inherited Gaster’s love or building important monuments – like the Core. He’s interested in work that will stand the test of time, with the added benefit of being practical. He’s not interested in building, say: the Pyramids for vainglory. But, if that Pyramid was covered in solar panels that provided electricity for the nearby citizens – that’s up his alley. He also has an interest in motorized vehicles like cars, trucks and motorcycles – but he admits he’d have a difficult time using one without a lot of modifications. Which could be fun. Suaves love flashy experiments and inventions that leave an impact on his audience: however, when he’s working on his next big thing he ends up working at all hours of the night in his pajamas. His inspirations are flashes of brilliance and a flurry of work, after which, he collapses into a deep sleep for up to 36 hours. Despite appearances Suaves are huge nerds who love to share their work with interested listeners and isn’t above goofy shenanigans. They share a Sans’ sense of humour and laid back attitude – but it’s a mask to cover the whirling chaos of the mind within. Suaves can be surprisingly immature and will get a kick out of pranks and childish humour. A Suave can summon up to four disembodied “hands” to help him work on projects that require dexterity but doesn’t often use constructs in offensive magic. He’s more of a behind-the-scenes guy – but he can certainly manage bone attacks.
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Snake: Amazon Tree Boa
Venomous?: No
Size: 1.25-1.75m long (4-6ft), 0.75m (2.5ft) standing
While Suaves are the rock star scientists, the Savvys end up being in the babysitter role more times than they’d like. Savvys inherited Gaster’s interest in the soul and physical health of monsters and humans; since Savvys are on the autistic spectrum it helps them understand others better because, although they have trouble empathizing with others, it does not mean they don’t CARE. I head-cannon that smoking is a Gaster-trait and a Savvy’s Papyrus half REFUSES to participate in such a disgusting habit! Therefore Savvy’s tend to have an oral fixation to make up for the lack of smoking: chewing on the end of pencils, pens, their own tails… and rely far too much on caffeine. A Savvy works hard, but on a schedule and his experiments are always tightly controlled as opposed to a Suave’s scientific method. Savvys are polite, distinguished and a bit absent minded when it comes to personal relationships. If you’re looking for a bitty that will faun over you – look elsewhere. While Savvy’s certainly care about their adopters and family they are independent and self sufficient. They can seem humourless but the right touch can send them into giggles, they are very passionate about their interests and appreciate an interested audience (or at least captive). Savvys enjoy being needed and do well in situations where they can work as doctor’s, biologists or psychologists. They’re not judgmental and they like to look at the world with endless curiosity and enthusiasm! Savvys can summon up to four disembodied “hands” to help him work on projects that require dexterity but prefers to use his magical energies in his studies and use of healing magic. His offensive magic abilities are rather stunted because of this.
Bonus Lamia Bitty - Blueberror
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Blue Ribbon
Snake: Blue striped Ribbon Snake
Venomous?: No
Size (Bitty): 0.5-1m (1.6-3ft), 0.3m standing
Size (Full Sized):1-1.5m (3-5ft) 0.5m standing
Ribbons are afraid of being alone (autophobic), they know that being alone in the anti-void is what caused their transformations from Blueberries to Blueberrors. They thrive in large families and want to be seen as a friend and protector by the group. Do not adopt one of these guys if you spend a lot of time out of the home and can’t provide them attention. A bitty family is a good stop-gap but they really need validation and one-on-one time with their adopters. Ribbons retain most of their personality traits from their Blueberry days but they’re a little… off. A little, too intense. Ribbons can get caught up in an emotion or situation and can spiral out of control whether the emotion is: joy, anger, frustration, or fear. They need a patient friend who can help them “reset” their emotional clock. Of course, being an Error, it sometimes causes a hard crash that they need to restart from. Depending on the situation they can forget completely what had set them off and will continue along like nothing happened. Other times, they remember what happened but the restart gave them enough time to reprocess so they can move on and get past what set them off. They can get depressed easily especially is someone is afraid or intimidated by him – he knows he’s different now, but he’s still a good guy at heart! A Ribbons magic is star-based – they create star-shaped attacks and can even summon a star to ride around on like Kirby.
Blueberror created by @loverofpiggies​
Fellswap Gold AU created by @blackggggum​
G!Sans created by @bouru​
Fellswap Gold Sans & Papyrus + Blueberror Lamias commissioned from @calmchapsart​
G!Siblings Ampitheres commissioned from @me-and-my-gaster​
all art commissioned by me: @sealpointselkie​ / @selkiesbittybonanza​
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Kirby and the Big Race in Dream Land! Chapter 9
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Kirby made it back safely to the clifftop. Everyone surrounds him in a clamor. “Great job, Kirby!” “We have to treat them quickly!” “Please step back, everyone. I will take it from here.” Ordered Kurron.
His words and attitude have an undefiable force. Everyone watched him and Kizario with their breath held. Kurron began chanting in a low voice. With it, a strange thing happened. Having laid down with its consciousness lost, Peperon’s enormous body began shrinking little by little. It is getting smaller and smaller. A body that was as large as a huge tree became the size of a cow, then a dog, and finally, a mouse.
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Seeing the shrunken Peperon, everyone was wide-eyed in amazement. “A bear......?” “It’s a tiny little bear, just like a plushie. So cute.” “The identity of that ferocious monster was......this tiny bear?” Kizario, who was embraced by it, was thrown down to the ground. Kurron ceased his incantation and murmured. “This will do. Peperon has reverted back to its normal size. Next is to treat Master Kizario.” Seeing such a strange event, everyone was dumbfounded, but came to their senses from Kurron’s words. “Right, we’ve got to treat the young master.” “Have him spit out water. Check his breathing!” “It’s okay, he hardly swallowed any water. It’s because we were quick in rescuing him. With their efforts combined, the staff massaged Kizario’s body and treated him. Kizario regained consciousness before long. Everyone sighed in relief and called out to him. “Are you awake?” “You alright? How do you feel?” Kizario was in a fog for a moment and gazed at everyone's faces. He asked, his consciousness finally cleared. “What about Peperon? Where’s Peperon?” “No need to worry, sir. If you’re talking about that bear, it became tiny and......” Said the staff, and looked around. But Peperon is nowhere to be seen. “......Huh? What happened to that bear?” Hearing that, Kirby and the others also realized for the first time that Peperon was gone. Everyone searches around the shade of the trees and behind the rocks, but cannot find it. “That’s weird. It shrank and got to be lurking around here somewhere.” “It disappeared while young master recovered his senses.” “Don’t tell me......” One of the staff looked beneath the cliff. “Did it fall down again? With how small it became, while no one paid attention to it......” “It wasn’t fully conscious, you know. It might’ve staggered and fell off.” “No way!” Kirby sped up his ending in a panic and flew down the cliff. He searched even to the lower reaches, but couldn’t find Peperon. “No good......it’s not anywhere.” Having returned, Kirby removed Jet and reported. Kizario then started sobbing with his shoulders trembling. “That jerk......why did he try to save me......and I said all those horrible things to him!” “You still don’t realize it, sir? How foolish.” Kurron said in a stern voice. “Hasn’t Peperon always been by your side? Ever since you were a small child.” “......” “To you, Peperon may have only been a pet, but to Peperon, you were the one and only friend of its.” “Friend......” Kizario sidled up to the edge of the cliff. Everyone had to hold him back, where he seemed like he could plunge into the rapids at any moment. “Peperon......! What happened do you. Peperon, come back......I’ll make sure to cherish you dearly this time......” Kizario sank down and wept like a small child. His sobs continued for a long, long time, where Meta Knight said right when it came to an end. “Explain to us the whole story of what you’ve done, Kizario.” “That is the only way to apologize to Peperon, sir.” Added Kurron as well. Kizario raised his face smeared with tears. He looked miserable, completely different from his usual snobby self. “Peperon is......a miniature bear that I bought many years ago for my birthday.” “A miniature bear?” “Yup. It’s a bear small enough to hold on your palm. Its size doesn’t change even as it grows, so it’s very popular in my star as a pet.” Kizario at last wiped his tears. “Me and Peperon were like best friends. We would always play together. But......one day, I felt very ashamed after talking with my friends.” “Ashamed?” “All my friends had cool-looking pets. You know, big and strong ones like Hornhead or Fire Lion. They laughed at me, saying that a miniature bear is for girls. I was so frustrated that I couldn’t stand it. So I thought of making Peperon a big and strong bear.” “How?” “I asked Kurron, of course.” Nodded Kurron, and said. “I am a babysitter for Master Kizario.” “Don’t say babysitting. I’m not a kid anymore!” “Simply put, I have been continuing to look after him.” “Kurron has a certification in using magic.” “Why, I am but a beginner.” Kurron shook his hands in humility. “I only wanted to make it huge with Kurron’s magic, but he refused.” “Of course, sir. As it is against the law to enlarge a living creature.”
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“So I secretly read his magic book and tried using the magic myself. It went smoothly......too smoothly. Peperon grew even bigger than I expected.” “Peperon ran away, where its whereabouts were unknown. As a result of a great search, we came to learn that it took refuge in Dream Land. “Why to Dream Land......?” The residents were perplexed, where Kurron then answered calmly. “By nature, Peperon has an optimistic peace-loving heart. I dare say that it was drawn to the most carefree atmosphere in the universe that Dream Land was filled with.” “I was planning to find Peperon before Kurron does and undo the magic. Thinking that I would be bawled out by Kurron if I was beaten to the punch. But it’s no use with my strength alone. So I......” “Cooked up a plan to get the people of Dream Land involved.” Said Meta Knight, and Kizario lost heart. “......Uh-huh. I thought I could get the people involved and have them run around Dream Land to lure Peperon out if I were to produce a program......” Kurron was the one to continue off. “Even so, it became a huge topic before he knew it and couldn’t pass it off as a lie. Master Kizario therefore sent for the staff and had to produce an actual program. I am late in saying this, but Master Kizario is the son of the CEO of Comet TV. To put it another way, he is the son of a prominent family.” “My mom is the CEO. Since I love TV, I have some experience from asking my mom to let me make shows several times.” “Although they were nothing but terrible shows.” Whispered one of the staff. Kizario became irritated and talked back. “I can’t help it! I’m the heir to the CEO! I’m more fit for managing a company than producing a show, you know!” “And, well, we staff were called because of that and were to make the program. Although Young Master Kizario was the one to come up with the contents of the race.” “It was all a plan to track Peperon down. The super spicy gourmet has the special seasoning blended from me reading the magic book in secret. By eating that, you were sure to have gained strength several times more than usual. It was a strategy to power you guys up.” “It seemed to have an opposite effect as there was way too much.” Said the staff. Kizario was let down once again. “......Well, you know. The next singing challenge was for what I remembered from reading the magic book, “Spell of Awakening.” Once hearing the spell, the magical creature would get aroused and start running wild. I thought it would be able to lure out Peperon in hiding......” “That was very foolish of you, sir. Thanks to that, the meek Peperon began rampaging like such......” Told harshly by Kurron, Kizario became more and more crestfallen. “The next chocolate challenge was as I explained. Peperon loves chocolate, so it would get sleepy after eating lots of chocolate. That’s why I had you all smeared in chocolate.” “What an awful plan!” Chef Kawasaki was the one to lose his temper. “I was nearly eaten by that thing!” “Peperon only eats sweets, so I thought that there wouldn't be any danger......” Right when Kizario made an excuse: With ding, ding, ding, ding......a low sound was heard. Taking out the communication device in his pocket, the staff talked about something in a low voice. Cutting the communication right away, the staff informed Kizario. “It’s a message from the HQ, sir. The front-runner will reach the goal shortly, so please make haste......they said. Since the award ceremony can’t start without young master......” “......Eh?” Everyone was stupefied. “The top runner? Who do they mean?” “But all the athletes are gathered here.” Kirby shouts abruptly. “Ah......! It’s Waddle Dee! Waddle Dee isn’t here!” “Whaaaaaaaaaat!?” Yelled King Dedede.
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”That prick disregarded me and is in the lead!? He’s got nerves for a subordinate!” “Don’t tell me that Waddle Dee will win!?” “No, that’s not possible.” Said Kizario. “That athlete didn’t meet the condition of the final checkpoint. That is to say, he didn’t encounter Peperon.” “I see. So Waddle Dee is disqualified then.” The athletes were in relief. “Can’t sit here like this. The race will resume.” “Alright, I ain’t losing!” “I’m gonna win~!” The athletes got onto each of their machines and started running. The TV staff also boards the wheeled vehicles for staff use. Kurron called out to Kizario standing still on the edge of the cliff. “Let us go as well, Master.” “......Sure.” Unwilling to give up, while looking over his shoulders several times, Kizario finally left that area.
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jurassicparkpodcast · 4 years
James Ronan's Top 5 Jurassic Park 3 Film Moments
The third article in this series counting down my Top 5 film moments looks at the 2001 Jurassic film Jurassic Park 3. Considered by many fans to be the black sheep of the Jurassic Park film series. (Thanks to the Jurassic Vault for the great images)
Jurassic Park 3 had a very troubled development. Directed by Joe Johnston (the first time for the franchise to have another director other than Spielberg) the film never had a final draft of the script before shooting. It released with mixed reviews and only made $368 million on a $93 million budget. It remains the lowest grossing Jurassic Park film and one of the most controversial in terms of canon consistency within the franchise. I decided to take the opportunity to now go over some of my Top 5 film moments from JP3 as the film celebrated its 19th anniversary back in late July. Strangely Universal seems to have a problem remembering the dates of theatrical release for the Jurassic films. Jurassic Park 3 according to the Jurassic World Twitter account released on July 17th, 2001 but in fact it actually released on July 18th, 2001 theatrically. Jurassic Outpost recently conducted a very interesting interview with Shelly Johnson the Cinematographer on JP3, it is well worth checking out for some in-depth film insight on the production and development of the film.
Before I get into my Top 5 moments, I want to just mention a few of the reasons why JP3 remains a controversial instalment in the Jurassic Park series among the fandom. Jurassic Park 3 again takes place on the island of Isla Sorna, the same island that was seen in The Lost World: Jurassic Park. Sorna in JP3 looks radically different in terms of flora compared with what was seen in The Lost World with lush tropical forests compared to the redwoods seen throughout most of the previous film. Many fans speculate that Sorna has a diverse flora on the island with different biomes being separated by the different sides of the island. It was an interesting choice to change the vegetation from what was seen in The Lost World for the third film and remains a debated topic within the fandom.
We are also introduced once again to some new Velociraptors in Jurassic Park 3. These Raptors are more intelligent than the previous Raptors we have seen throughout the series. Behaviour of the Raptors is a big plot point of the film with Dr. Alan Grant and Dr. Ellie Sattler discussing their intelligence, before we get a scene of Billy showcasing a 3D model of a Velociraptor resonating chamber. The Male Raptors are shown with quills on the backs of their head and neck, a palaeontology characteristic introduced to make the Raptors a bit more accurate and to appease fans who wanted to see feathers on display in the film. Speaking of Dr. Alan Grant and Dr. Ellie Sattler both Sam Neill and Laura Dern return to Jurassic Park 3 with Sam Neill again in a major role, despite both actors missing from the previous instalment in the franchise. Whilst Sam Neill and Laura Dern’s return to the franchise was most welcome, many fans had and continue to take issue with how their relationship changes from Jurassic Park to Jurassic Park 3. With Ellie now married to Mark Deggler (who works for the US State Department) who she has two children with. Alan is very much on his own and still working on dinosaurs helping palaeontology students like Billy Brennan. Whilst I am very much excited for Sam Neill and Laura Dern’s re-appearance in Jurassic World: Dominion, I am really hoping they keep the dynamic they had as friends from JP3 and don’t break up the family Ellie had in the third film. Just leave it be, as Jurassic World: Dominion has enough to cover as it is following on from Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. Another issue JP3 brought up is around the Pteranodons being shown free at the end of TLW and another species of Pteranodon being caged up and finally getting free during the events of the third film.  Whilst these issues may seem trivial to some, Jurassic Park 3 does not really address any of them, which is why they remain hotly debated topics within the fandom.
Unlike the previous films John Williams does not return to score the film. Don Davis takes on the composer role with a soundtrack that is quite different from the past Jurassic films but still retains some of the classic Jurassic themes. Jurassic Park 3 is my least favourite film in the franchise, but the film does have some great sequences and character moments that are worth looking at so let’s break down what moments really impacted me shall we?
5. Billy Stop! (The Pteranodon Attack Sequence)
The Pteranodon attack sequence is up as my 5th Top moment from the film. Many fans including me love the Pteranodon Aviary design, the layout, and the amount of mist throughout the sequence which really set the scene as a completely strange and unknown part of Isla Sorna. The Pteranodons themselves showcase behaviour which can be related to the original Jurassic Park novel. The Aviary sequence in the original novel is very different, but it was nice to see that JP3 took that sequence as inspiration and made its own thing whilst still referring to the original novel with Alan, Lex, and Tim. We knew Billy would end up using the parachute further on in the movie as when they first discover it, after the Spinosaurus attack sequence Grant asks Billy “if he can fly one of those?” Overall, the sequence is well done and when Billy gets attacked by the Pteranodons in the water, the attack is brutal.
The music by Don Davis in this scene also amps up the horror of Billy being tortured in the water as he goes down stream whilst another Pteranodon turns and looks at both Dr. Grant and Paul Kirby. It is surprisingly quite a dark scene for JP3 which overall has the lightest tone of any Jurassic film. Ultimately Billy survives the attack sequence, which for me really negates the impact of the attack in the first place. If anything, it would have been more appropriate for Dr. Grant to have found Billy’s body later on washed up on a riverbank, with Billy holding Dr. Grant's hat. Not only would have it been a poignant moment, but it would have aided Grant’s development further to have lost a student on such an expedition that ultimately shouldn’t have occurred in the first place.
4. What’s a bad idea? (The Spinosaurus Plane Attack)
I think many JP3 fans might be surprised that this is 4th on my list in terms of Top moments in JP3. But my main complaints in this scene relate to the behaviour of the Spinosaurus aegyptiacus itself which as a plot device, seems to have a knack for following the main group around the island. The death of Cooper is so well done and is in my opinion the best death in JP3 period. The setup for the Spinosaurus from Coopers death is so well done that the aeroplane attack sequence just doesn’t live up to the awesome death we just saw moments before. We also don’t see any remorse or loss from Udesky or any of the group that Cooper and Nash have just died after the plane attack and it is just odd to say the least in the context of the film.
I do have issues with how the plane attack sequence takes place. The fact that the Spinosaurus can track down the plane after it crashes rather quickly without anyone hearing it approach until it breaks open the plane is a major problem I have. Whilst this type of issue can also be compared to the Tyrannosaurus Rex appearance in the Visitor Centre at the end of Jurassic Park, how this scene takes place in JP3 with the Spinosaurus is very different. We assume that the Spinosaurus is a fairly intelligent animal to have tracked the group down and to destroy the plane the way it does, but later on in the film when it finds the group at the fence and also attacks the boat on the river we see that the animal doesn’t have much behaviour at all. Unfortunately, the animal is only used in servicing the plot and we don’t see anything more to it then to just act as a B movie monster. I really like the Spinosaurus design for what it was/is and the animatronic as well as the CGI still look really good on screen, despite the animatronic being stiff in some sequences.
I do like the scene when the plane falls out of the tree and the group are all screaming as we get a cool shot of the plane just crunching up as it hits the ground under its immense weight. It is also the first and only sequence throughout the films where an aeroplane comes under attack from a dinosaur. It makes my 4th spot though for setting up the Spinosaurus for what it ultimately is, a movie monster with little character. It is a shame that the Spinosaurus is showcased this way because it was the first Spinosaurid to be featured in a Jurassic Park film. Ultimately a lot of this comes down to the filmmakers deciding that a bigger and scary dinosaur needed to take down the T.Rex and become the focal point for the film. But the Spinosaurus lacks animalistic behaviour, something we saw more from the other dinosaurs throughout the previous two films. We never see it drink; we never see it sleep. We don’t see it hunt other dinosaurs (apart from the T.Rex kill) or fish despite spooking them in the river. It is just there to chase the group around the island and in its final scene, it runs away from fire and is never seen again.
3. Brachiosaurus on the Bank
Third on my list takes place after one of my favourite JP discussions throughout the films. I must quote it below because not only is it so poignant in the context of the film but is one of those moments in JP3 that was needed a bit more throughout.
Dr. Grant: I have a theory that there are two kinds of boys. There are those that want to be astronomers, and those that want to be astronauts. The astronomer, or the palaeontologist, gets to study these amazing things from a place of complete safety.
Erik: But then you never get to go into space.
Dr. Grant: Exactly. That's the difference between imagining and seeing: to be able to touch them. And that's... that's all that Billy wanted.
This discussion between Alan and Eric was another plot point that made me want to pursue palaeontology as a career. My dream career after seeing Jurassic Park was palaeontology but this discussion in JP3 also hit me and has stuck with me ever since I saw the film back in 2001. However, whilst this discussion has resonated with me a lot over the years, I want to discuss the scene after, where we see most of the herbivores of Isla Sorna along the river whilst the classic Jurassic theme is played. Probably one of the mot awe-inspiring moments in the film, echoing the Brachiosaurus scene in Jurassic Park.
We see four Brachiosaurs alongside two Ankylosaurs, a herd of Stegosaurs and a few Parasaurolophus in the background. All the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park 3 are depicted with the most colourful designs we have seen throughout the first three films. The Brachiosaurs in particular display a very distinct patterning with a red skull and orange eyes. As someone who likes the improvements in colour design that the dinosaurs display in JP3 the Brachiosaur colour design is bizarre to say the least especially the skull where the redness is quite patchy. The eyes are also orange which contrasts too much with the red and the rest of the colour pattern. Regardless of the dinosaur designs the scene itself is set up and executed very well. The boat just casually glides down the river as the dinosaurs watch on. You really feel the size of the dinosaurs in this scene and it brings back that sense of wonder and awe of these creatures which we didn’t get in TLW apart from seeing the Stegosaurus herd for the first time. Whilst the river scene in JP3 is very brief it goes a long way to allowing the film some breathing room just taking in the dinosaurs in their island environment.
2. This is how you play God. (The INGEN compound)
Down to the final two now! My second on my list of Top moments must be the INGEN compound and its exploration by the group of the genetics laboratory/Embryonics Administration. There are two key things that make this scene outstanding. The first is the set design which is incredible, especially with the sunlight coming in through the windows. I love the grittiness, dirtiness, and rawness of how the genetics laboratory looks, as it was left after releasing the dinosaurs into the wild. We get a real sense of the experiments INGEN was doing on the dinosaurs with the green tanks as well as how they were looked after with the incubators. The second thing I love about this scene is the score that plays alongside it, called the Raptor Room. Again, this score is very reminiscent of the Hatching Baby Raptor theme from Jurassic Park and fits so incredibly well with the group walking through looking at what INGEN was doing. The theme captures that wonder of creation which we first saw in Jurassic Park with the hatchling baby Raptor but applies it in different circumstances whilst looking at experimental dinosaurs and hatched eggshells.
The INGEN compound is also a huge plot point in terms of INGENs operations on Sorna which was discussed in TLW where Hammond mentioned “Site B being the factory floor” for the dinosaurs. Here we truly get to see the factory floor in all its glory and for me it is one of the most interesting scenes in Jurassic Park 3. As someone who loves both the original novels, knowing that the INGEN genetics lab/compound is a huge part of the second book, I was thrilled when it was shown on Sorna within the film. The way this whole scene is shot remains for me one of my favourite scenes in JP3 and it adds some really interesting backstory to INGEN as a company, how they operated and how things were left when they released the dinosaurs on Sorna and left the island.
1.  Dr. Alan Grant Palaeontology Lecture
Going full circle my Top favourite film moment within Jurassic Park 3 belongs to the man himself Dr. Alan Grant in his palaeontology presentation on Raptors. One of the earliest film scenes taking place only seven minutes in, the way this scene is presented shows what many palaeontologists do at some point in their lives, giving presentations/lectures to the public.  I really love the scene because it takes place like a proper lecture. It gives backstory to the viewer as to Alan's life as well as the current discussion going on regarding Raptor intelligence at the time, something of which is brought up throughout and becomes a focal point of the film's story. We see Raptor claws on display as Alan talks about the theories surrounding Raptor intelligence and behaviour.
Unlike Jurassic Park where palaeontology is seen in the field it is great to see JP3 embrace palaeontology talks to the public as it shows engagement with the wider audience and in this case the cinema audience. Obviously by now everyone in the lecture room knows about INGEN, Nublar and Sorna after the events of TLW due to the San Diego incident, and others like Ian Malcolm breaking NDA speaking out about what INGEN was doing and the deaths as a result. Alan calls INGEN out for “creating nothing more than theme park monsters, nothing more and nothing less” in the lecture room. This view changes again later in the film when Alan says to Billy on the plane “he forgotten”, referring to forgetting what it’s like to see a dinosaur for the first time. I enjoy the way the lecture talk plays out with Alan refusing to take questions relating to Jurassic Park and the San Diego incident. The fact that the Islands are such a present focus suggests that Alan just can’t get away from being linked to Jurassic Park and the events he was unfortunately involved in. What can be clearly seen is that Alan is tired of it all, he never wants to go back to the islands. He ultimately has a love hate relationship with the INGEN dinosaurs and what Jurassic Park was all about.
 Many fans like myself take issue with Grant going so easily to Sorna with the Kirby’s due to money and most fans agree that it is such a 180-character change after saying “no force on earth or heaven could get him there”. Ultimately though, Alan is very much impacted by past film events and it is shown throughout. It is just a shame that by the end of the film these changes throughout his character are just left, nothing is done with them at all. After surviving another close call of death on another dinosaur island Alan isn’t too worried about the creatures getting off or the Pteranodons leaving Sorna for new nesting grounds.
This contrasts greatly to Ian Malcolm’s view of the world and the destruction caused by the genetic power INGEN unleashed as he sees it. This is an underlying theme in TLW from Malcolm due to his involvement on the island and his injury but is seen much more bluntly in Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. It will be interesting to see how these different views of INGENs dinosaurs will be shown when both Ian and Alan are shown on screen together in Jurassic World: Dominion. I would say Alan falls somewhere in the middle whilst Ian seems to be vehemently against genetic power being out in the world. Regardless of the changes to Grant's character throughout JP3 the palaeontology lecture is a great piece of exposition, backstory and set up for Raptor intelligence. As well as Alan's life in the spotlight and what many palaeontologists enjoy doing, giving thrilling lectures on dinosaurs to the public. Because it is filmed so well and so enjoyable to watch it makes my number one spot as my favourite film moment from Jurassic Park 3.
Written by: James Ronan
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We Made It. (News Update 16)
Hello, everyone. Sorry if we made anyone worry. It took us a while, due to reasons that we'll explain... Right now. It's quite long, so please bear with us.
Well, we made it to Mr. McGroarty’s father’s house! It took a while for reasons that might sound scary and/or ridiculous, but I guarantee are true! All in all, we’re glad to be here. Though, I’m sure the... Experiences, will catch up to us emotionally soon.
Please bear with us when that happens. We’ll try not to make things even more worrisome than when we left so suddenly. We’re very sorry.
That aside, we’re here to stay, and I’m happy to share:
Blanky says: “It's safe to broadcast! The frequency has stopped playing! 广播很安全! 频率已停止播放!”
So, here’s what happened, right below.
Mr. McGroarty’s truck, named Drifter, stopped us before we could progress further. He offered to drive us there, which was a huge relief, to be perfectly honest. After a lot of driving, and some interesting fuel refilling escapades (why do the gas pumps like trail mix so much?), we were 50 miles away when an accident happened.
Drifter crashed into a tree after a refuelling went wrong. He told us to take his battery and run, so we did, even if we really didn’t want to. We made it to about 30 miles off, when we stopped to rest for the night. We were being too loud, so the... Er, some Important Humans found us. We ran, but Radio got captured. We went back to save him, but we ended up the same way.
We were taken to the place other appliances used to rumor about, the “evaluation” place. It was a facility where appliances were tested on various things, or so I’ve been told. I wouldn’t know, since I couldn’t even pass the first one. For once, my illiteracy was my downfall.
The consequence of failing those tests, is to be “Factory Reset”. You won’t remember your old life, your friends, family, housemates, or even your name. Everything disappears. You disappear. Apparently, that’s what happened to me.
All I knew, though, was that I woke up again. It felt like it was immediate. My housemates found me not long later, while the whole place was in chaos. Appliances escaping, Humans in a frenzy. We escaped, found Drifter, who was apparently taken in as well, gave back his battery, and we sped off into the night.
I was told a lot of things on the way to the countryside. I somehow led a new life working for those Humans, but went against their orders when I... Saw Lampy sobbing. He and the others were going to be Reset at that point, but he was the only one who would’ve had to endure it. They take what lets you live, if you have it. If not, they limit your functions. I knew that much from before I got Reset.
I then led this thing where I opened all the appliance cells, leading to the escape craziness I saw when I woke up again. Then I guess he, I, decided to do something that I still don’t understand the concept of. Lampy calls it “swapping files”. A computer thing? What’s that have to do with me?
Our souls are data? Files? What? Oh, nevermind.
Honestly, I believe what they’ve told me. It all sounds like what I’d do. Maybe they kept one thing of mine when they Reset me - my personality.
Anyway, we made it to our destination this time. It must’ve been so strange for Mr. McGroarty’s dad, a box of appliances on your doorstep, with a note from who you think was your son, asking you to take care of us for the time being. 
Yet, here we are!
So... That’s all of it, I think. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! We’ll try to answer to the best of our ability!
- Toaster, Blanky, Lampy, Radio, Kirby
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alexben10blog · 5 years
Ben G-10 English Ver
Chapter 1
Benjamin Kirby Tennyson was a whirlwind of emotion at this time, hitting the ground with his feet repeatedly as symbol of barely contain his self. It was only one week for vacations, and besides today was Monday it was the last Monday of the school year. Oh almost can see himself with his grandpa in the road traveling for all the country.
―Mister Tennyson ― The annoying voice of the teacher bring him back to reality. ― Can you tell me the answer of the question in the board?  ―
―Uh… ― The words panting in the board almost made fun of him for his lack of attention.  The sound of the bell was a salvation and indicator the end of the last class. The kids don´t lose time to pick their things. Ben run toward the door with the hope of get out without any problem.
Start his path when was push form behind, knocking him down and spreading his things. In the ground he spun around look his attackers, who knew very well; Crash and DJ. He snorted while stand up to reach his backpack now in the hands of the bullies.  
―Give me back ― He extend his hand, but if was a part with a slap.
―Why do not you come for her, Tennyson? ― They star to run an opposite direction been followed by Ben. Already had too much backpack lost because they fault and he had already finished the excuses for his parents. He had to recover or they were going to punish him without going to the trip with his grandfather.
He was reaching them just to see how he throws his backpack into the city's garbage dump, which, to make it worse, was fenced and closed. The last thing he listen of the duo it was mocking laughter moving away while his stands still looking the garbage dump. Just one thing he can do.
―The assholes, always getting in with the rest. ― He grumble, lowering careful not to fall while crossing to the other side, by no seeing the backpack close he in. Something illuminated the dark place, look up just in time to jump to the side before that it will impact against him.
Ben shook the dust with his hands that formed around him. Where before he was now there was a hole because the impact, curious he gets close looking the metal sphere completely intact completely intact.
This opened suddenly revealing a watch black, white and green. The curiosity and the wonder was paint in his face, almost feel how his hand itch for touching the mysterious watch, just had to stretch a little longer his arm and take it.  
―Don’t you dare touch it! ― A severe voice it came out, apparently, out of nowhere. Making Ben turn around, just his eyes look down again to the watch find with them a little be with big green eyes similar to a frog.
Ben have no idea what to said, but something around him feel weird good, beside the point he almost dies for a strange objet of the space when now are a space frog and a mysterious watch.
―Who are you!? or What are you?! ― The frog don´t said nothing about his questions, merely took the watch, too big for him, getting tangled in his chest. Jump out the sphere and start walk far of Ben. ― Hey! Wait! You have not answered me! ―
Ben starts to follow him closely continuing with his questions, adding up new. “Where you from?” “What is that thing?”, in a second the be stop his walking and look right to Ben with the frown. The land kid finished his patience.
― Look, Kid. You should not get in my business. You should not even care. So I suggest you go for you came from and leave me alone. ― He took a step away from Ben, only to fall to his knees because of a great pain he feels. Carefully touch the affected area looking the fresh blood “Great, only this could happen me now”
―Are you okay? Are you hurt? ― Saw the kid with a truly worry of his healthy if was a bigger surprise he never going to admit, the human breeding has nothing with him and look truly worried of a stranger. Without your consent Ben took in his hands the alien carefully to not touch his wound.
―Set me down in this instant. ― Said with anger, but Ben ignore him a favor accommodate him in his arms.
― You can´t walk, you are going to hurt yourself ― The alien was going to replicate again when a familiar and unpleasant sound began to flood the place.
― Hide! ― Maybe was the change of tone in his voice or maybe because he hears the same sound but take the order with not debut hide in an old car. He peeked outside the car, raise the frog to look the same thing. They appeared something Ben just believe in comic and television: Floating robots! Two to be exact. Ben will be exciting if it were not for the angry and worried look of the dwarf.
The red robots scan the waste. Looking for something and as the only strange thing that was in the area was the frog with his watch, he already had an idea of ​​what it was.
―What are those thing? ―
―Keep quiet ― Half scream half whisper to Ben. “Is worst then cousin Gwen” Ben saw with critical eyes the robots that continue to scan the place. One of them look where there are hiding. Ben bent naively believing that he would not see it and leave, but when he saw the robot again he had laser cannons pointing at him.
―Run! ―
―You don´t have to said twice! ― Ben get out of the sight of the robot throwing a side while he protects the alien in his arms, for later run far away being intercepted by him another robot. Being able to pass under this he evaded and continued running. ― Why they chase us!? ―
It was stopped for a tree robot, bigger and danger that other two. Ben use all his ability of soccer running and dodging all the attacks against them with a skill that later, if survive, it would make him proud.
―Stop! Get close that materials! ― He followed his indications, low the alien to the floor close to the jump. The alien took off the watch give him to Ben. ― Take it, this what they want. Distract them while I build something neutralize. ―
Maybe another person will scream his nuts. Maybe should let go the watch and run for his live, but he never guides for maybes. A lot less when someone need him. Ben nodded take it the watch with him. Approaching to the robots waved his arms and run opposite direction to them.
―Overhear metallic garbage! Look what I have here! ― The robots stay still analyzing a Ben, to then go to charge. He slid a side dodging and put obstacles between them. “Don’t get kill! Don´t get kill! Don´t get kill!”
Seeing a circular piece with affiliations took it and threw it towards them destroying one of the robots. The androids do not even have time to celebrate as they keep shooting him.
―Earth child! ― Ben turn his head to the alien. One of the robots threw another lightning bolt at what had to roll across the terrain, standing right next to the frog.
The robots stand front them. “Just like I expect” The alien without doubt it active the electromagnetic pulse causing a short circuit whom destroying the robots, falling apart.
Only when both of them are save, they allow themselves a sigh of relief. The alien turns his eyes to see the kid who save him, he was impress, yet do not allow his expression seeing. Ben turn to see him giving a brighter smile that made the being return his sight before the remains in front of them.
―Well, everything it okay now. Right? ― A moan caught his attention. ― Sure, you're still hurt. Let me help you. ― Take it in his arms got close to the robots. ― What are that things? ―
―Like I said, nothing of your business ―
― Hey! I save you! Don´t you thing I deserve to know why I almost get kill? ― Seeing in that way maybe informing him about the situation would make leave for his own safety. On the other hand, he was confronting the automatons against all logical judgment. It was a 50/50 of leaving or staying, something the alien did not like. With a sigh he addressed to the boy.
―Very well, listen carefully because I just gone said one time. These automatons were sent to capture me and mi invention, the omnitrix. ―
― The watch? ―
―Isn´t a watch, is a device who allowed the user change his shape to a number of alien specimens. ― Ben saw the watch with renewed amazement.
― Wow. You are not kidding? You could be a superhero with this thing! ― He just imagine in what can transform and all the bullies who will defeat. The snort catches his attention, looking the be with the frown removing materials from the remains.
―The person who chases me does not want it for this purpose. The purpose of being the tool to help the species to understand each other better. ― There was a bitterness innate and deep in his words lowering the spirits of Ben. Wondering the reason for so much pain in that prayer.
―What does he want it for? ―
― Conquer the universe. ―
―What!? ― All the universe. He felt a stake in his chest, he was sure the earth it was in the all. And with the watch it will essay pessy conquer his planet. For God, his planet not have idea aliens exist. What would remain of humanity? What would remain of his family? I hold the clock in my hand, squeezing it hard until my fist shakes. ― We can´t allow that happened! ―
“This kid is weird”, conclude the creator. He challenged all sense of logic and normally in a person. Looked like a really noble person, but he don’t believe all the act.  Everybody have a selfish interest, no because is a kid exempt of that.
―How I help you? ―
―You want to help me? ―
―Well duhhh. My world is in danger! My family is in danger! Everybody is in danger if that guy get that thing! ― He shake the watch to give more emphasis to his words. He keeps thinking, he was hurt in a planet who had no idea in general how to go by and without way to communicate. He gone a regrets this.
―I need to recover; You have some place I can cure me? ―
―In my home we have an aid kit. ― Ben keep save the watch in his pocket then he grabs the alien in his arms.  ― I´m Benjamin Tennyson, by the way. ―
―Azmuth. ―
―Nice to meet you, Azmuth. ―
―I wish to say the same thing. ― Azmuth smiled slightly at the sound of displeasure and babble of the boy.
Azmuth had bandages covering his chest, eating the dinner Ben given to him while was walking in the desk of Ben watching the old device could serve to build a communicator and contact his assistant.
Ben it was lying down in his bed playing with his videogame, without put really attention, looking every so often Azmuth.
―The watch ―
―Omnitrix ―
―That thing, could convert a person in any alien. Right? ―
―Yes, just like I told you before. ― Ben just frown his look to Azmuth for the condescending tone given to him, but do not discourage him.
―Then, why do not you use it to beat the bad guy? ―
―Because the omnitrix is incomplete. ― The confuse face of Ben make him to sigh of tiredness. ― The omnitrix can transform you into any alien, but an important piece that stabilizes it is still missing. Without that, whoever takes it will suffer a cell-level instability, a permanent and irreversible damage. ―
Ben understand part of what he said, in simple words who use the omnitrix will die. Ben grimaced hitting his face to the pillow to then let out a growl. Azmuth keep looking him with disconcerted. Ben turned to see him lowering his head, embarrassed.
― Bad thoughts. You know how to give the guy the watch and leave it, well that way. ― Azmuth saw him understanding what he meant while Ben was sinking deeper into his bed. The child was clearly conflicted and ashamed of himself, to wish someone's death was difficult and frightening at the same time. The child should not think like that, should not be so aware of the sacrifice for the greater good.
 Azmuth could relate to that thought. That was the reason why he still didn´t fix the omnitrix, He could do it even with the primitive artifacts of the earth. But he didn´t do it, because of fear. At least if Vilgax grabbed the omnitrix in this state he would know he don´t have time to do his plan.
This kid without logic, no sense of self-preservation was aware of what would happened if Vilgax take the omnitrix, and thing the logic solution. Ben curled up more in his bed covering himself with the blankets refusing to see anyone, felt the desire to comfort him in some way only he did not know how. How did he help him without lying to him? How did he tell him not to worry?
He stayed stoic and returned to his business shaking those feelings like a fly, he should not worry so much. It was not so important what happened to Ben. That was repeated until the voice of an older man, Ben's father, pulled him out of his thoughts.
― Ben, I hope you do your homework! ― Ben took off the blank to answer.
― Yes, I ready finish it! ― He wait to have a reply of his father before to back to his videogame. He need to distract of the bad thoughts. Sideways he looks Azmuth glimpses with his two eyes of marble intertwined. ― What? ―
―I don´t remember that you have done your job. ― “Oh, please no.” Ben hide behind his videogame try ignore the reproachful look that small being was giving him. “It worse than my mom”
― Well, he doesn´t to know ―
―I suggest you to leave that distractor device and put yourself to do your homework, like you father said. ― Ben rolled his eyes with his back to Azmuth. "Insolent brat".
―Yeah, sure. Who will going oblige? You? ― Azmuth sharpened his gaze to the attitude of Ben and without saying anything returned to his. Ben smirked, thinking he had won.
How wrong Ben was.
When night came, the only thing that illuminated the darkness of the room was the desk lamp where Azmuth was while dismantling Ben's video game measuring its parts that he would use for the communicator. Ben wanted to have that arrogant attitude, good. Azmuth was going to teach a lesson to the brat.
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cathygeha · 4 years
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The Darkness We Hide by Debra Webb
The Undertaker’s Daughter #3 In the finale of this trilogy we finally have the answers that Dr. Rowan Dupont has been looking for. - and that I have been waiting for. By the end of this book many secrets had been revealed and I felt the conclusion had definitely been reached with this series even though it seems there is another series by this author in the same setting. It was a bit slow in the beginning, there was a bit of repetition in Rowan’s thinking at times and it took awhile to get into the story but about midway the pace began to pick up speed and so did my interest. What I liked: * The twists and turns * That I didn’t always know what would happen next * The twisted thinking of more than one character * Not necessarily knowing who was good and who was evil * The look into the life of an undertaker * Billy – seemed to be a truly good man and he definitely loved Rowan * Rowan – mostly – though sometimes she did some silly things that didn’t seem very wise related to her safety * Charlotte – a good friend to Rowan * The baddies did get there comeuppance What I did not like: * The twisted evil characters that were in this book/series – they were warped beyond belief * Realizing once again that evil is real and that real people are evil – sometimes fiction is just the tip of the iceberg. * Wondering if there might have been more information in the first book that would have explained some of my lingering questions... Did I enjoy this book? I think so Would I read more by this author? Yes Thank you to NetGalley and Harper Collins – Harlequin - Mira for the ARC – This is my honest review. 4 Stars  (less)
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In the thrilling conclusion to The Undertaker’s Daughter series, THE DARKNESS WE HIDE, Doctor Rowan Dupont has been staring death in the face for so long, she’s willing to meet it for the secrets it holds. Death has followed her back to her hometown of Winchester, Tennessee, ten months ago, cloaking the walls of her family’s Victorian funeral home like a shroud. In investigating the mysterious deaths of her loved ones, Rowan has unearthed enough family secrets to bury everything she’d previously thought true. But each shocking discovery has only led to more bodies and more questions; the rabbit hole is deeper than she ever imagined.
Despite settling into a comfortable life with Police Chief Billy Brannigan, Rowan knows dangerous serial killer Julian Addington is still out there. She can’t let her guard down now. Not when she’s this close to ending it once and for all. But with a storm brewing on the horizon, she’ll get only one shot before the impending darkness takes hold, threatening to wipe away every truth she’s uncovered—and everything she holds dear.
Author: Debra Webb
ISBN: 9780778309475
Publication Date: March 31, 2020
Publisher: MIRA Books
Buy Links:
Barnes & Noble
Winchester, Tennessee
Monday, March 9, 7:35 a.m.
Rowan DuPont parked on the southeast side of the downtown square. The county courthouse sat smack in the middle of Winchester with streets forming a grid around it. Shops, including a vintage movie theater, revitalized over the past few years by local artisans lined the sidewalks. Something Rowan loved most about her hometown were the beautiful old trees that still stood above all else. So often the trees were the first things to go when towns received a face-lift. Not in Winchester. The entire square had been refreshed and the majestic old trees still stood.
This morning the promise of spring was impossible to miss. Blooms and leaves sprouted from every bare limb. This was her favorite time of year. A new beginning. Anything could happen.
Rowan sighed. Funny how being back in Winchester had come to mean so much to her these past several months. As a teenager she couldn’t wait to get away from home. Growing up in a funeral home had made her different from the other kids. She was the daughter of the undertaker, a curiosity. At twelve tragedy had struck and she’d lost her twin sister and her mother within months of each other. The painful events had driven her to the very edge. By the time she finished high school, she was beyond ready for a change of scenery. Despite having spent more than twenty years living in the big city hiding from the memories of home and a dozen of those two decades working with Nashville’s Metro Police Department—in Homicide, no less—she had been forced to see that there was no running away. No hiding from the secrets of her past.
There were too many secrets, too many lies, to be ignored.
Yet, despite all that had happened the first eighteen years of her life, she was immensely glad to be back home.
If only the most painful part of her time in Nashville—serial killer Julian Addington—hadn’t followed her home and wreaked havoc those first months after her return.
Rowan took a breath and emerged from her SUV. The morning air was brisk and fresh. More glimpses of spring’s impending arrival showed in pots overflowing with tulips, daffodils and crocuses. Those same early bloomers dotted the landscape beds all around the square. It was a new year and she was very grateful to have the previous year behind her.
She might not be able to change the past, but she could forge a different future and she intended to do exactly that.
Closing the door, she smiled as she thought of the way Billy had winked at her as he’d left this morning. He’d settled that cowboy hat onto his handsome head, flashed that sexy smile and winked, leaving her heart fluttering. Four months ago he’d moved into the funeral home with her. The one-hundred-fifty-year-old three-story house didn’t feel nearly so lonely now. She and Billy had been friends most of their lives and, in truth, she had been attracted to him since she was thirteen or fourteen. But she’d never expected a romantic relationship to evolve. Billy Brannigan was a hometown hero. The chief of police and probably the most eligible bachelor in all of Franklin County. He could have his pick of any of the single women around town. Rowan hadn’t expected to be his choice.
She had always been too work-oriented to bother with long-term relationships. Too busy for dating on a regular basis.
Billy had made her want long-term. He made her believe anything was possible, even moving beyond her tragic past.
The whole town was speculating on when the wedding invitations would go out. Rowan hadn’t even considered the possibility. This place where she and Billy were was comfortable. It felt good. Particularly since fate had given them a break the past four months. No trouble beyond the regular, everyday sort. No calls or notes from Julian. No unexplained bodies turning up. And no serial killers had appeared looking for Rowan.
Life was strangely calm and oddly normal.
She would never say as much to Billy, but it was just a little terrifying. The worry that any day, any moment, the next bad thing would happen stalked her every waking moment. Somehow she managed to keep that worry on the back burner. But it was there, waiting for an opportunity to seep into her present.
“Not today,” she said aloud.
Today was important. She and Burt Johnston, the county coroner, had breakfast on Monday mornings. She locked her vehicle and started for the sidewalk. The Corner Diner was a lunch staple in Winchester. Had been since the end of the Great Depression. Attorneys and judges who had court often frequented the place for lunch. Most anyone who was someone in the area could be found at the diner. More deals and gossip happened here than in the mayor’s office.
But breakfast with the coroner wasn’t the only event that made this day so important.
Today she intended to offer her assistant, Charlotte Kinsley, a promotion and a part-ownership in the funeral home. Since there were no more DuPonts—Rowan had no children and couldn’t say if that would ever happen—she needed to bring someone into the family business. Someone younger who could carry on the DuPont legacy.
Rowan paused outside the diner. The iron bench that sat beneath the plate glass window was empty. Surprise furrowed her brow. Burt usually waited there for her. She surveyed the cars lining the sidewalks as far as the eye could see. No sign of Burt’s. He was never late but there was always a first time. After all, he wasn’t exactly a young man anymore.
She sank down onto the bench, dug her cell phone from her bag and sent him a text. She was the one who generally kept him waiting and he never once complained. She certainly wasn’t going to do so. His car was a little on the vintage side as well. Maybe he had car trouble this morning. Worry gnawed at her. A dead battery or a flat tire. Surely he would have called her.
“Morning, Rowan.”
She glanced up, smiling automatically. Lance Kirby, one of the attorneys who was not fortunate enough to have an office on the square. The ones who had been around a lifetime held on to that highly sought-after real estate. The others, like Kirby, waited patiently for someone to retire or to die. Meanwhile they showed up for coffee in this highly visible location bright and early every morning.
“Good morning, Lance.”
Kirby was a couple of years older than her. He’d lived in Winchester his entire life other than the years he spent at college and law school. He was divorced and had three kids. He’d asked Rowan out to dinner on several occasions. She hoped he didn’t ask again this morning. Coming up with an excuse to turn him down was becoming tedious. Surely he was aware that she and Billy were a couple now.
The idea startled her a little. This was the first time in her life that she was half of a couple in the truest sense of the word.
“If you’re waiting for Burt, he’s parked around back. Every spot around the square was taken before seven this morning.” Kirby reached for the door. “People have come early hoping for a chance to get into the Winters trial. Everyone wants to hear the story on that family.”
Rowan had been reading about the trial for weeks in the Winchester Gazette. “That explains why I had to circle around for a while before I found a spot.” She’d forgotten about the small parking area in the back alley behind the diner. “Thanks for telling me. I was worried he’d stood me up.”
Kirby laughed. “I don’t think any man still breathing would stand you up, Rowan.”
She glanced at her cell phone as if it had vibrated. “Oops. I have to take this.”
The instant she set the phone to her ear, Kirby went on inside the diner, the bell over the door jingling to announce his entrance.
Thank goodness.
For appearances’ sake she kept the phone to her ear a half a minute, then put it away. To pass the time she counted the yellow daffodils brimming in the rock planter built around the tree at the edge of the sidewalk. Those lovely yellow flowers were coming up all around the funeral home, too. Her mother had loved gardening. Early-spring blooms were already bursting all over the yard. Maybe her mother had hoped to chase away some of the gloom associated with living in a funeral home.
Since her father’s death, Rowan had hired a gardener. Somehow her father had managed to keep her mother’s extensive gardens alive and thriving for all those years. Rowan did not have a green thumb at all. She had killed every plant she’d ever tried to nurture. She was not going to be the one who dropped the ball on the family garden.
She glanced up then down the sidewalk. Still no sign of Burt. With a sigh, she pushed to her feet. Maybe he was on the phone, which would explain why he hadn’t answered her text. Rather than keep waiting, she cut through the narrow side alley to the small rear parking lot. With his taillights facing the back of the diner, Burt’s white sedan was nosed up to the bank that faced North Jefferson Street.
Rowan quickened her pace and walked up to the driver’s side of his car. Burt sat behind the steering wheel, staring out the windshield.
For a moment Rowan waited for him to glance over and see her but he didn’t move. Whether it was the lax expression on his face or some deep-rooted instinct, she abruptly understood that he was dead.
She tugged at the door handle. Thankfully it opened. Her heart pounding, she bent down. No matter that her brain was telling her he was already gone, she asked, “Burt, you okay?”
Her fingers went instantly to his carotid artery.
Rowan snatched her cell from her bag and called 911. She requested an ambulance and the chief of police, then she laid the phone on the ground and reached into the car and pulled Burt from his seat. She grunted with the effort of stretching him out on the pavement. On her knees next to him, she pressed her ear to his chest. No heartbeat. She held her cheek close to his lips. No breath.
Rowan started CPR.
The voice from the speaker of her cell phone confirmed that the ambulance was en route. She informed the dispatcher that she’d started CPR.
Rowan continued the compressions, her eyes burning with emotion. Burt was her friend. She had been gone from Winchester for a very long time and he had made her feel as if she’d never left. She did not want him to die. Other than Billy, he was the person she felt closest to. The voice of logic reminded her that Burt was just two months shy of his eightieth birthday.
She ignored the voice and focused on the chest compressions. “Come on, Burt. Don’t you die on me.”
Facial color was still good. Skin was still warm. He couldn’t have been in this condition for long. Hope attempted to make an appearance. But it was short-lived. Even a few minutes could be too many.
Damn it!
The approaching sirens drove home the realization that this was all too real.
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Debra Webb is the award-winning, USA Today bestselling author of more than 130 novels, including reader favorites the Faces of Evil, the Colby Agency, and the Shades of Death series. With more than four million books sold in numerous languages and countries, Debra's love of storytelling goes back to her childhood on a farm in Alabama. Visit Debra at www.DebraWebb.com
or write to her at PO Box 176, Madison, AL 35758.
Social Links:
Author Website
Twitter: @DebraWebbAuthor
Instagram: @DebraEWebb
Facebook: @DebraWebbAuthor
 How did you decide on the location for the series?
 My husband, family and I lived in the Winchester area for fifteen years. We have family and friends there and adore the area! The town of Winchester is historic and has that “old west” feel and it felt perfect. Particularly since the old, old funeral home there is totally inspiring!
 Coffee or tea?
 Hot coffee, iced tea!
 What is your favorite genre to read, and why?
 Psychological or domestic suspense!
 What do you use to inspire you when you get Writer’s Block?
 A long ride in the countryside. Great music. Good movies!
 Best TV or Movie adaptation of a book?
 Do you plan your books in advance or let them develop as you write?
 I plan to a degree and then let the story take me where it will.
What has been the hardest thing about your publishing journey? What has been the most fun?
 The hardest thing was an injury in 2010 that left my right arm and hand basically paralyzed. Three years of physical therapy was required for regaining partial use of the arm and learning to even write my name. But I never stopped writing. Slowed down a bit, but didn’t stop! The most fun without question has been reaching a place where I could write the books of my heart rather than what had a better chance of selling to a house.
Do you prefer writing in silence or to music?
 Both. Sometimes I need quiet, other times I want music.
What are you working on next?
 I have a new series percolating!
 What is the significance of the title?
 Very important to suspense and mystery are the things a character doesn’t know or doesn’t see coming. The secrets, the lies and even the darkness can trickle into the lives of most people. Most people have secrets, most lie occasionally—if only to protect feelings—and we all have feelings sometimes that aren’t happy or light or maybe nice. Thus the titles, The Secrets We Bury, The Lies We Tell and The Darkness We Hide!
What were the key challenges you faced when writing this book?
 Making sure the body preparation and tasks of a funeral director were accurate.
Do you have stories on the back burner that are just waiting to be written?
What does a day in the life of Debra Webb look like?
 I like to do my writing early. Then, hopefully by lunch time, I’m off the do the necessary and the fun. I love junk shopping and decorating. My husband and I are always renovating something!
What would you tell a hopeful content creator about trying to break out in publishing?
 Focus your work and never stop trying!
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petrehomingnetwork · 5 years
Affectionate Tabby Cat For Adoption San Antonio Texas - Meet Miss Kitty
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A stunning grey tabby cat for adoption in San Antonio, Texas, Miss Kitty is just 5 years old and weighs 10 pounds. This very affectionate little cat has been spayed and is up to date on her shots. She is in very good health, is very clean and well-behaved, and would make a great companion for any cat lover who can give her a safe, warm and loving home. Miss Kitty will be rehomed with all supplies and vet records – all you need to add is love. Adopt this beautiful female Tabby Cat in San Antonio today.
Meet Miss Kitty, Domestic Tabby Cat For Adoption in San Antonio Texas
Miss Kitty is a Female Domestic Tabby Cat for adoption to a very loving home in or near San Antonio, Texas. This very special brown tabby cat is 5 years old and weighs 10 pounds. She is in good health, having been spayed and given all of her shots, as well as being micro-chipped. She is a lovely little cat - as sweet as she is beautiful. Miss Kitty has a very friendly and outgoing personality that has served her well in finding her special human after surviving as a stray - obviously dumped by her previous owners. She is super social, and adores her person. She is an amazing companion, and you can tell just how much she appreciates having a home by the love and affection she shows her owner. Sometimes life plays strange tricks on people, and Miss Kitty's owner, after months of deciding whether to bring this formerly stray cat into her home, is seeing that very thing play out. As she has been adjusting to life as a cat owner, her body has made other plans. She has developed severe cat allergies, which are extremely hard to manage in the summer months, but still bad enough during the winter to make it necessary to find a new home for Miss Kitty. She is dearly hoping to find Miss Kitty a loving new home where she will be cherished and kept safe, happy and healthy. This gregarious young and healthy female cat will be a loving addition to any home in which she is given love, attention, food, a clean litter box and adequate care. She would be well suited as a companion for a senior or retired person, or an older child ready to learn about the responsibilities of taking care of a pet. Miss Kitty is a big fan of being outdoors, so her new owners will need to distract her at first by giving her lots of attention, playtime and sunny window spots where she can watch the birds and butterflies. It is best that she learn to be an indoor cat to ensure her future health and well-being. Miss Kitty will be rehomed with all supplies and veterinary records. All you need to add is a safe loving forever home where she will be well cared for and loved unconditionally for the rest of her life. Please offer this deserving cat a loving home today. She can't wait to purr her way into your heart and home. Request to Adopt Miss Kitty Here There is a $35 adoption/rehoming fee. Supplies and veterinary records will be included. Questions about Miss Kitty? Contact our San Antonio Cat rehoming team today. Text "Miss Kitty" to (888) 833-2128 or email Miss [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you.
All About Miss Kitty - Domestic Tabby Cat For Adoption in San Antonio Texas
Name of Pet: Miss Kitty Location: San Antonio, Texas, 78209 Type of Pet: Cat Breed of Pet: Domestic Tabby Cat Sex of Pet: Female Age of Pet: 5 Spayed/Neutered?: Yes Health Problems: No Behavior Issues: No Up To Date on Vaccinations: Yes Gets along with cats: No Gets along with dogs: No Good with Children?: No House Broken or Litter Trained?: Yes Crate Trained?: Accessories Included: All food, toys, beds, towels, Frontline, Scratch Tower, lounger, food bowls, litter and litter pan and Comfort Zone Diffuser. Miss Kitty's Personality I love her tabby coloring and pattern. Her Playfulness. Her Sweetness and Sassy Independent nature. Her way of waking me up by standing my my chest in the morning wanting affection and a snuggle sometimes. Miss Kitty's Current Home Environment Its Quiet and Peaceful. Its just me and her at home. I am away from home working during the day during the work week. Miss Kitty's Current Family: Just me and her, peaceful, quiet and relaxed. Miss Kitty's Favorite Toys, Foods, Activities? She enjoys being outside prowling, were trying to limit it and eventually eliminate it complete. She enjoys sitting in my windows and watching the world go by, birds, people and whatever else is happening around her. Spring time chasing of birds, bugs and butterflies. She love gravy and white chicken meat and juice. She loves her rainbow string toy and paper bags and well as sleeping. Cute Miss Kitty Story: I love watching her antics chasing birds, bugs, butterflies and playing with acorns that have fallen from the tree. Why is Miss Kitty Being Rehomed? I am allergic to her. =( Miss Kitty's Perfect Adoptive Home Will Be: Quiet, Peaceful, Relaxed loving forever home. I don't think she likes/trust men so prefer women maybe 1 or two people in homes with work a nice man. Previous Cat owner who is patient and loving and spoils her like I spoil her. Additional Comments: Miss Kitty has a history of separation anxiety, she was abandoned by her original owner and left to fend for herself. She has had multiple caretakers help her along the way but none are around any longer. She needs to feel secure, safe and loved.
How To Adopt Miss Kitty
If you are interested in adopting this special Domestic Tabby Cat For private rehoming in San Antonio Texas, please fill out our online meeting request below. Once received and reviewed, our staff will ask the pets owner to reach out to you and arrange a meeting. Questions about Miss Kitty? Contact our Domestic Tabby Cat rehoming team today. Text "Miss Kitty" to (888) 833-2128 or email Miss [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you.
Miss Kitty - Domestic Tabby Cat For Rehoming in San Antonio Texas
Miss Kitty is a Domestic Tabby Cat for private adoption by owner in San Antonio Texas. This pet is located close to the following towns and cities in Texas: Kirby TX, Leon Valley TX, Converse TX, Live Oak TX, Universal City TX, Schertz TX, New Braunfels TX, Pleasanton TX, Seguin TX, Canyon Lake TX, Hondo TX, San Marcos TX, Kyle TX, Kerrville TX, Lockhart TX, Adopt this sweet Domestic Tabby Cat in San Antonio Texas today. Read the full article
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spectrumscribe · 7 years
Ordinary she is not.
For the April for April monthly prompt courtesy of @tmntflashfic, I present a collection of snippets and drabble prompts for everyone’s viewing; regarding canon events and how April coped and grew with each one. Because April’s character was just too multifaceted to restrict to a single story.
May the next incarnation of TMNT utilize this amazing girl better than 2012 did.
That’s no longer relevant.
April looks at books she hasn’t read in ages, clothes too flimsy and light for combat, and makeup and jewels she never has time to use. Most of these things she hasn’t spared a glance at in months.
Her sword and fan lay on her desk, along with her jumpsuit and armor. They’re waiting for her to finish up, and then for her to don them and escape into the night. Her friends wait for her there, and she just needs to finish cleaning out her room so she can join them.
April moves items that used to mean everything to her into a box for give-away, and closes the lid on what her younger self had imagined to be valuable.
 He can’t do that to us.
“He can’t do that to us, right?” April asks, shooting a look at the four brothers as master Splinter shuts the dojo doors. With him out of the room, her frustration is free to be expressed. “I mean. More specifically, can’t do that to me. He’s not my dad. He can’t ground me, right?”
“I think he just did,” Donnie says with an awkward, apologetic smile. Leo shrugs, and maintains a similar expression; while Raph just grumbles along with Mikey.
April throws her hands up in the air, and slumps onto the lair couch morosely. “I blame all of you. I wanted to see that movie.”
“Me too,” Mikey sighs in agreement, flopping dramatically onto the couch with her.
“And yet, you were the one who let slip we were going to it,” Leo points out, sitting down with less drama than Mikey, but with an air of disappointment regardless.
“I forgot, alright? Besides, can you blame me for getting excited? The original version of Akira, playing in a theater, like, not even twenty blocks from here!”
Raph whacks Mikey’s shoulder as he and Donnie join the pile of disappointed teenagers, and Mikey whines wordlessly about the punishment.
April just sighs, and tries to remember when she agreed to having a second parent in her life.
 Why did you shift the tone?
April just wanted to have a nice dinner out with an admittedly cute girl who’d helped her out with a vending machine. Not this. Because this is definitely not what she intended to happen, but someone is insisting on being what April can only describe as a flirt.
She feels her heart stutter every time Harmony looks over, or smiles, or tilts her head just right and her bangs fall out of place. And the way Harmony wears a too big jacket and makes it look as flattering as an evening gown, and the perfectly sharp eyeliner that should clash but doesn’t, is just driving April crazy.
April focuses very hard on keeping her words steady and her eyes from staring at Harmony’s lips. It’s a hard thing to do, especially once they leave the restaurant and Murakami’s slight barrier between them.
April O’Neil has a quiet sexuality crisis for about two hours, and doesn’t know what to do with it even afterwards. She never really thought about girls like that, but oh does she now. She definitely does now.
Even after Harmony turns out to be Karai, and tries to kill her, April very guiltily admits that yeah, she’s still cute. Foot clan ties and all.
 I ache all over.
“Ninjutsu sucks,” April proclaims, lying on the floor of the dojo and not even caring about appearances anymore. Everything hurts and she is never moving again.
“Welcome to the club,” Mikey says in an only half mocking tone, slumped against the random tree the family has growing in here. Seriously, April doesn’t understand why or how the tree is here. But it is.
“Diligence is rewarded with… something,” Leo says, clearly trying to start a leaderly speech, but also clearly too tired to do so. “Wait I know this one, hold on.”
“Everyone stop talking, I’m trying to die in peace,” Donnie mutters belligerently from his position splayed on the floor. Raph grunts an agreement, and makes no move otherwise from his spot beside Donnie.
“Sucks,” April says with more emphasis, because when she signed up for ninja training, she did not think it would include six hour plus sessions of pure and utter agony.
 Let’s wait for them.
“Can we just give up and leave them?” Mikey asks April, once the second hour rolls by.
April scans the alien market they were- not lost in, just momentarily confused by- checking again for any sight of Leo and Raph. “No, I’m pretty sure we still need them.”
Mikey makes a drawn out sound of annoyance, and flops his head backwards against the bench they’re on. “Oh my god, how hard is it to get one measly electro-converter-whatever?”
“Apparently hard enough it takes two plus hours,” April says dryly, shielding her eyes to the blinding three sun sky. Why was it always desert planets lately; she had sand in places she never wanted to.
Something catches her eye, and April turns her search towards it. Then she grimaces.
“Uh oh,” She says.
“Why the ‘uh oh’?” Mikey asks in a wary voice.
“Uh oh because it looks like the deal went bad,” April says, grimacing further as she watches the two brothers try to run through the thick crowd. Their pursuing enemies look really angry, and April isn’t eager to find out why.
Mikey doesn’t move from his slump, apparently unbothered by the turn of events. “Welp, can’t say I didn’t expect that one. Should we wait for them to escape, or help ‘em out?”
April watches the way Leo and Raph scurry through the throngs of people, Leo carrying the engine part they need for the ship. None of them aliens pursuing them have drawn weapons yet, but April doesn’t like the look of the swords on their backs.
“Let’s wait for them to escape,” April says, leaning back and pulling up her hood. They’re both tucked into their sand-resistance cloaks, and seem innocuous to the aliens passing by. Hopefully. “If they can’t shake them in five minutes, we’ll intervene.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Mikey agrees, still not bothering to even lift his head.
 It wasn’t very convincing.
April grins for her aunt, and swears it’s just a self-defense club. That’s why she’s asking for money to buy new workout clothes, and why she’s been keeping such weird hours.
She conceals the guilt of having to lie about her friends, about her father, and about why she comes home with bruises and cuts not caused by training. She tells her aunt that the self-defense club is because she’s still shaken up about losing her dad, and can’t handle being unable to defend herself anymore.
It’s partially a lie, that explanation. April is past being shaken, and moved onto being angry. So very angry.
She conceals that anger too, and smiles for her aunt every time she asks about her martial arts.
April keeps things vague, and knows that it’s not as half convincing as she needs it to be.
 It went to dark places.
She listens to his half mumblings and shrieking shouts and shuddering, slow breaths as he calms down, and sometimes wonders if she really saved her dad at all.
Kirby O’Neil is not the man he was, and April O’Neil isn’t the girl she was either. Neither of them are the same anymore; and hearing the pained, distressed sounds her dad makes in the dead of night, trying so hard to cope with the things he endured for her, breaks April’s heart in ways she hadn’t thought it could still break.
The sound of her father breaking down takes April along with him, because she can’t stop the vague connection of empathy she has. Her powers are still something new, and she doesn’t have enough control yet to completely shut everything out. Including the strangling, terrifying fear and despair that sometimes grips her father.
Even if she knows that he’ll recover, stand back up and smile like none of this happened at all, and go to work the next day like any other normal dad- the anxiety attacks and night terrors still drag April down. Down into visions of metallic cells and cold restraints and dark things that make her fear spike without fail, and she struggles to pull herself free each time.
 We like the darkness.
April doesn’t know if she was ever afraid of the dark. Maybe as a small child she’d been, but now, she dances through it without fear.
After all, her closest friends dwell there, and she’s learned the shadows better than the light.
And as she does, she learns how to melt into it, to make it a part of her very being. Learns what shadows can hide her wholly, and how to make them cling to her like a second skin.
Her four friends, strange and otherworldly as they are, are much better at this than her. A lifetime of experience makes them masters at something April has just begun to take into herself.
It doesn’t bother her often, because she’s far too busy racing with the night wind and playing training games in the slanted dark of each street.
 I was ready to go.
April glances back at the farm house, thinking about the temporary peace it’s given them all the last few months. But also, about how the basement had held secrets she wasn’t ready to learn, and how those secrets weigh on her still.
It’d been a place to hide and heal their wounds, a beat of quiet in a time of raging wars and hard losses, but it had also slowly become a place where the walls felt too tight. So tight and cramped that April had wondered if they were getting smaller by the day. The six of them all but snarling at one another some days, when cabin fever became too much and there wasn’t enough room in the world for them to feel comfortable with their lives. A sanctuary that had slowly turned prison.
“Are you ready to go?” Donnie asks, calling over from the Party Wagon. They’re all piling in, food and weapon supplies already inside and locked down for the drive. Casey honks the horn once, and the other boys shout at her as well.
April smiles, shakes her head, and starts towards them. Turning her back on all the things she doesn’t want to linger on any more than she has. “Ready when you guys are.”
 We all talk about it.
Sometimes, when one or more of them hit a wall and just can’t anymore-
April, and her five closest, (only), friends will sit down in a great big pile, and just talk.
Especially after they lose the earth, and they drift through space and galaxies, someone will have a nightmare or an anxiety attack or just a bad day in general; and so they all react accordingly.
Sometimes it’s April’s turn for those. Bad moments where everything is just too much and too heavy, and she’ll just want to curl up and not be. Those moments are made so much easier, because she has five willing ears to listen to her, and she pays them the same affection.
Sometimes she talks about her dad, about the Kraang, about being something that’s neither human nor alien. And they listen, and she listens to them.
They talk about the Shredder, and what he’s done and taken. They talk about how they miss home, and how they miss things from before. Maybe they weren’t as close back then, because trauma and war ties people together tighter than anything, but they’d had less to worry about. To fear.
They talk about master Splinter, they talk about April’s father and aunt, they talk about Casey’s own father and sister, and they talk about the mutant allies they’ve made. They talk about who they count as their family.
They talk, and it makes things easier. And then they keep going, until the next time one of them needs this.
 Can we kiss you?
“Can… can we kiss you?” April asks tentatively, because this is really, really weird if she’s honest with herself. Even by their standards.
Donnie blinks, eyes darting between April and Casey on his other side, and the way they’re all a little too close to be platonic. No one else is in the room, Donnie’s brothers taking their turns for a sleep cycle while the three of them keep watch of the ship.
Or. They’re supposed to be. They’re doing this instead.
“Uh…” Donnie glances between them both again, looking confused and lost. “Both of you?”
“That is the plan,” Casey confirms, and April can sense the nervousness squirming in his aura. They’ve all been dancing around this for a long time, and now, with space from the earth, lost in literal space as they try to catch up with the timeline, they can’t dance any longer.
Donnie’s eyes widen, and his lips purse in the anxious way they always do. “I. I’m not really sure how to respond to that?” His words turn into a question, as he shifts uncomfortably on the sofa between them. “I mean, um, I wouldn’t be- be upset if you did, but are you sure-?”
“Yes,” April says, and cuts Donnie off by catching him in a messy kiss. She used to take her time deciding her actions, but these days you just did or didn’t, and chances passed by in blurs. They have this moment alone, finally, and she’s going to seize it before it’s gone.
It’s probably wrong, what she and Casey are trying to make happen. But monogamy is for ordinary people, and the three of them are anything but that.
April watched an entire world die, and then went back in time to save it. She can handle a little thing like having two boyfriends, who happen to be boyfriends with each other.
When April leans away from their kiss, Donnie’s staring at her with a sort of awe that makes her insides warm pleasantly. He’s been giving her that look for so long, and now she feels she’s returning it.
Of course, Casey breaks the moment they’re having, and April can only smile in amusement as he and Donnie start something that’s both a kiss and an argument at the same time.
She winds her hand into Donnie’s, as he and Casey break apart to stare at one another like the quarreling yet affectionate idiots they are. April gives Donnie a grin as she leans across his lap, and meets Casey at the halfway point for a kiss just between them.
The look on Donnie’s face is shy but attentive, and he watches them the whole time. It makes the exchange all the more exciting.
Things get a bit blurry from there, but April finds she doesn’t mind that at all.
 Can we shoot them?
“I’m just saying-”
“No, April.”
“-if we shot them, this would be over,” April says, pointing her laser gun at the captured aliens they have. “Seriously, we could just go ho- back to the ship if we shot them. Like, one blast for each of them, and I wouldn’t miss from a point blank range so it’d be a quick death-”
“April!” Leo scolds, giving her a wide eyed look. “We’re not shooting them! Jesus!”
“It’d destroy their connection with the machine!” April says, waving her gun and free hand at the giant whirling death machine they accidentally got tangled up with. How many plots for world destruction could one universe hold anyways? This was ridiculous.
“We’re waiting for Donnie and the professor, and we are not shooting people.”
April threw her hands up. “Oh my god, literally just one shot each, and then this’d all be over-”
“Fine! God!”
 These people are ridiculous.
April can’t help the laughter that comes out of her nose, and struggles to not swallow her now burning drink down the wrong hole. Her laughter is half snorted, and she coughs as she keeps going anyways.
Leo’s embarrassed shouting is barely heard over the howling laughter of everyone else; Mikey’s cheeky, completely unrepentant smile only egging both reactions on. April’s lost the thread of conversation between them now, but the growing noise serves to bolster her laughter anyways.
She’s returned to this, after weeks of fiercely refusing to see any of them, and it feels as though she never left. They’re all here, even with the new addition of Casey to their group, sitting around a kitchen table and eating a combination of pizza and Japanese takeout. Like nothing ever drove them apart; like there wasn’t a period of heavy, furious tension at all.
April has walked out of the lair so many times, away from it and the bizarre family living here, and once swore it would be the last time.
And yet.
Here she is, warm and welcome and laughing so hard her sides are aching. Accepted back even after the things she’d screamed at them, and finding herself having well and truly forgiven her friends.
The four brothers and their father, they always seem to accept her back, bring her home, no matter what happens. That sort of unfaltering loyalty astounds and warms April, and she can’t help but think how ridiculous it is that they would give so much of it to her.
April’s laughter, shared with four and now five people who seem to stand by her no matter what, makes her feel lighter than it has in weeks, and she hopes to never fall so low again.
 It’s not fair at all, is it?
April tries not to think about it too much. Dwelling on anything that makes her upset is dangerous these days, trapped in the farm house while Leo sleeps and New York burns. She knows her powers are growing, and the plate she accidentally threw across the room just yesterday - without even looking at it, let alone touching it- says all that needs to be said. If she lets her thoughts get too loud, too angry, she’s not sure what will happen.
But it’s not fair.
She’d just gotten her dad back, her life on track again, and now he’s gone and so is master Splinter. So are her aunt and every friend she has in school. All of them. Gone. Warped into mindless creatures or- or-
Or presumed dead.
April hunches her shoulders, and tries not to drown in anger and sorrow as she makes lunch. Because cracking the salad bowl in two won’t help anything, or alleviate the ever louder chant in her mind that it’s not fair, why me, why always me, it’s not fair.
But things haven’t been fair for her in a long, long time, and that knowledge gives her no comfort. Just a grim reminder of how things are, and will be for the foreseeable future.
 Are you crying?
April wakes up a day later, after That Night, and doesn’t want to.
She doesn’t go back to sleep though, because what’s waiting there could be even worse.
She doesn’t bother dressing, because she isn’t going out. She’s taking sick leave from school and training, and trying so hard not to feel the absent weight around her neck.
She makes herself breakfast, listless and not actually hungry, and finds herself reaching for a necklace she doesn’t have. To toy with it, like it really was a harmless pendant.
There’s nothing there, and she drops her hand. Ashamed.
She eats tasteless instant oatmeal, and barely finishes the meal. She doesn’t have any real appetite, not with the images and sensations still rising up her mind in unwanted, stinging flashes of memory.
It’s still raining. The windows of her apartment are streaked with it. The rain has just kept falling and falling, ever since…
Ever since the night she killed Donnie, and attempted to do the same to the rest of their family.
That thought remains lead like and suffocating on April’s consciousness, and it’s why she’s here at home. Because she doesn’t trust herself yet to look her friends in the eye, and not break.
But also because… she still wants the crystal back.
The sensation of Power, roiling and endless, still tingles at the tips of her fingers. The voice of Za’naron remains in her head, an echo of the alien’s soothing, sinking, strangling influence on her mind. The scene of her powers, her powers, tearing her best friend apart plays on repeat in her memories, and April feels heavy with exhaustion and guilt.
But outside of that guilt, that exhaustion, the feeling wanting remains. And April feels like the worst person in the world for that.
April doesn’t have to turn around from the window to know it’s her dad. She’d felt him moving through her ambient senses long before he’d approached the living room.
“April, honey… are you crying?” Her dad asks, stepping further into the room.
April blinks, and hastily wipes away a few tears that escaped without her permission. “No,” She says, forcing her voice to remain steady. She can’t burden her dad with yet another one of her problems. “No, it’s just the rain. I’m fine, dad.”
Her dad seems pale, paler than he usually is these days, and a stricken emotion crosses his face. April can feel his concern, his worry, and she can’t bring herself to look at it too closely.
Her dad crosses the room, and with gentle care, pulls her into a hug. Its warmer than how April feels- which is cold, cold and hollow without the burning power she’d held just hours ago- and she lays her head against her dad’s shoulder.
She’s so tired of this. So tired of tragedies and fights and seeing her friends get hurt.
She’s so tired.
Her dad strokes a hand down her back, and April closes her eyes as he murmurs to her. “I know you don’t want to tell me what’s happening, but please know I’m here for you. Whenever you want to talk, I’ll listen, April.”
April tries to suppress the emotion welling up in her, and only barely does.
She wants to talk about it… but she also just wants it to disappear. She wants the nightmarish experience of killing her own friend to fade into nothingness, and for everyone to forget the time April lost herself in her own powers. She wants the memories, Za’naron, and the crystal gone forever.
April carefully bundles up her grief and tears, and pushes them far, far into the back of her mind.
“Thanks, dad,” April says quietly. “But I don’t have anything to talk about.”
Nothing at all.
Her father doesn’t have anything to say to that, and just holds her tighter.
It takes another few days, meditating on and off to fold the frayed edges of her powers and mind up and away…
…tucking the worst parts into themselves, hiding them so far inside her mind not even she can find them anymore…
…and then April can wake up again, and smile, and go on about her day like nothing ever happened.
She picks up her sword, her fan, and sweeps her hair back into a ponytail. She heads out into the night, and steps placidly over the still ongoing repairs to the lair.
She ignores the sideways glances she gets from her friends, and keeps complete and total iron control of her abilities.
She smiles.
And there’s not a tear in sight.
 It made no sense.
It made exactly zero sense to April, sometimes. How Leo will constantly say “Sorry April, ninjas only.”
Like she’s any less of a ninja. Like all her hours and hours of training mean nothing. Like she hasn’t spent the last year plus working her literal ass off to keep up with them, and damn near succeeding sometimes, despite their very large gap in years to learn ninjutsu. She’s done everything they’ve done, faced the same dangers and enemies as they have, with half the weapons and less than half the experience.
And yet.
“Sorry April, ninjas only,” Leo says, limping along like he didn’t still have a bum leg or needs help walking when he strains himself, like she hasn’t put her all into keeping their family afloat and together while he slept, like she doesn’t deserve to have a mystical ninjutsu camping trip too. And then they all just leave, and April has to stand by and watch their shells disappear and ends up going and breaking the skin on her knuckles pounding those stupid planks right after.
And she still fumes through the night, the next, and the next, until the day they walk back out of the woods.
April may have been imagining Leo’s face, the moment she finally broke the board right down the middle.
 I was in love with them all.
Originally, April had imagined herself to not fall for anyone easily, if at all. People and relationships were just such a hassle, and she had her schoolwork. She’d thought she didn’t need anyone.
But then there’d been Donnie, and then there’d been a certain kunoichi masquerading as a normal teen, and then there’d been Casey, and before she’d turned out to be a spying robot, there’d been Irma…
At some point or another, or even currently, April had felt something dangerously close to love for each of them. Or at least slightly off-kilter attraction, mostly inspired by the desire to simply beat a certain someone at their shared profession. (She hasn’t gotten her yet, but April would give Karai her just desserts one day. Some day. Maybe a kiss too-)
April’s brain fizzles, and she hunches a little more over the lair’s kitchen table.
Ooh boy.
She needs to slow down on the crush accumulation. Seriously. Two boys are enough; adding a highly trained and girl of dubious morales to the roster isn’t necessary. Even if said girl pulls off armor like high fashion and somehow never has her makeup out of place and god dammnit did Karai sometimes make April want to wipe that smirk off her face forcibly through a furious sort of kiss-
April makes something close to a whine, and covers her head with her arms; feeling quite sorry for herself and her late blooming bisexuality, with the addition of the inability to just choose someone.
“What’s botherin’ you tonight, April?” Mikey asks, flipping a few midnight pancakes on the stove. “You feelin’ sick?”
“I’m dying,” April mutters miserably.
“…huh. That’s a shame.”
April groans again at her friend’s lack of serious sympathy, and thunks her head against the table top.
God. Dammnit.
 Does anyone really want the ordinary?
April O'Neil isn't an ordinary girl in any sense. Hasn’t been for a long time.
Not since the night she fell into an alien conspiracy, and gained the strangest friends she could ever imagine. Not since she picked up a weapon, and decided she liked the sense of power and thrill that came with ninjutsu. Not since she spent the formative years of her teenagehood fighting one war after another, and somehow managing to still have teenage drama throughout it.
She isn't an ordinary girl at all, and she thinks that's fine by her.
 None of it mattered.
More often than not these days, April looks at her assigned schoolwork and just… can’t see the point of it.
College preparation used to be so important to her. Getting good grades and impressing her teachers used to rank close to the top of her priorities. She used to spend hours and hours studying, and love every second.
But now she’s seen and done so much more than those things. She’s fought crime lords and ninjas, aliens and mutants; defeated each one and come out of the fights even stronger. She’s learned how to manage finances and budgets and a household, lest she and her friends have starved while they were without parents those three months so long ago. She’s been to the edge of the universe and back again, and won’t ever be able to forget the other worlds out there, the other possibilities.
Looking at her math and history assignments, April can’t shake the feeling that it doesn’t really matter. Not in the grand scheme of things, and not to her.
Not for the first time, April wonders just how she’ll ever be able to live a normal life, now that she’s experienced the extraordinary.
 They know how to do this.
After master Splinter passes, after they made sure the Shredder would never hurt anyone ever again, and after they returned home to a home that felt empty…
April realizes with a heavy heart, that they know how to do this.
They know how to grieve, and they know how to move on. It’s happened to them before, the loss of the brothers’ father and April’s second parental figure. They’ve seen him die too many times, and now…
April hurts, bone deep and then to her very soul, and yet… feels almost numb.
There’s a gravestone this time, and that may be the only difference from all the others.
Splinter’s death flashes before her eyes often, the powerless moment she’d had watching the blades emerge from his torso. The world shattering second between feeling as though they might have finally won, and the moment she’d known they’d instead lost.
She feels grief, and sorrow, and regret for not being strong enough to save her second father figure. She wades through those emotions, and mires in nightmares and flashbacks that come to her in bad moments.
But more so than that, the feeling of vicious triumph of the Shredder’s death come to her, and April is far past being unsure if she likes it or not. She’s seen and done this more times than she ever should have, and she knows how to deal with it. Knows how to handle the balance of welling grief and whirling fury at losing someone so dear.
They all do, these days. The brothers and Casey and her. They’ve done the song and dance of losing someone so vital to their family twice before, and perhaps the greatest relief is that this will be the final time.
April hopes so. She’s not sure if she could do it a fourth time over.
 I have the sun.
A sun burns inside April. It grows brighter all the time, and sometimes she wondered if it would swallow her.
And then it did, for a single night, and she tore apart herself and someone she loved. It’d raged and roiled and burned her from the inside out. With the voice of a fallen angel ringing in her ears, screeching and singing and urging her on, April had lost herself in the torrent of white hot power.
And then she’d come back, the sun inside her not extinguished, but doused enough that she was herself again.
And just as that burning, ever growing sun had dimmed, she’d fanned its flames and torn apart reality one more time. To bring him back.
The power to change reality as she saw fit, it’s a dangerous, terrible power. Forged in her from the moment she’d been born, and designed to be used as a weapon by creatures that’ve done nothing but hurt her family since before she’d even existed. Yes she could use it to protect her family, her new one made of odd and wonderful people, but the things she’s been used to do already, the things she’s been forced to commit…
They weigh heavy on her, as heavy as the pool of energy inside her body. The one that feels like an ocean sometimes, and one she has yet to see the bottom of. An ocean of fire and white energy, bigger and brighter than April herself ever will be.
She’s scared of it. She worries about it. She loves the feeling of it. She can never let it tempt her again.
April has a sun inside her, one meant to break everything she sees and remake it in a twisted image, and she will never again let it burn her away.
 Celebrate them.
In between patrols and fights and tragedies-
-April learns to love the small things.
To celebrate them as they come and go, because everything is tenuous these days.
The days when her dad can walk out for work and come home with a smile, and then last the whole night without a panic attack; April celebrates them with extra-long hugs and truly bright smiles as they share dinner together.
The nights when she lands a jump just right, or executes a move perfectly, or earns an extra moment of praise from master Splinter; April beams and pushes herself harder, because she knows that now that she’s done this she can do better.
The moments that she gets to share with her friends, any and all of them, during patrols and training; when Donnie and Casey make the tips of her ears a little red, or Mikey and Leo make her laugh a bit too loud for ninja-ing, or Raph challenges her to a foolhardy bet neither she or anyone else in their group is going to really be able to win- April’s heart swells, and she lets herself experience the split seconds they’ve got with no other thoughts in her mind.
There are too many things that could interrupt those things, lately. Too many dangerous events and people that could take them away.
April’s learned, though. Learned that she has to celebrate them while they’re here and hope to god that there’ll be more in the future.
So as the moments come and go, the small interactions and smiles and hugs; she treasures and celebrates each and every one.
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flicksnfilms · 6 years
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Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
As the Avengers and their allies have continued to protect the world from threats too large for any one hero to handle, a new danger has emerged from the cosmic shadows: Thanos. A despot of intergalactic infamy, his goal is to collect all six Infinity Stones, artifacts of unimaginable power, and use them to inflict his twisted will on all of reality. Everything the Avengers have fought for has led up to this moment - the fate of Earth and existence itself has never been more uncertain.
Director: Anthony Russo, Joe Russo Writer: Christopher Markus, Stephen McFeely (screenplay), Stan Lee, Jack Kirby (Marvel comics), Jim Starlin, George Pérez, Ron Lim (comic book story) Cast: fucking everybody IMDB | RottenTomatoes | Official Site
Watched: on 25 April, at the IMAX cinema, and 28 April, and 01 May
Reaction: ± Thanos demands my silence. I will say that i wasn’t half as prepared as i though i was. I'll edit this in like a week with my actual reaction since i assume by then it'll be far enough down any follower's (who hasn't watched - IN A WHOLE WEEK AFTER RELEASE!) dashboard to not be seen unless you're looking specifically at this blog.
Memorable aspect of the movie: + So many things. (Soon.)
Would I recommend it? > Fuck. Yes.
[EDIT:] So, reaction. After more than a month because i haven’t been on in a while, and under the cut because it’s hella long (like, super fucking long) and rambling in my geeky joy. :D It’s in 3 parts, from the three times i watched it.
[Take 1] ± It was an EXCELLENT, WELL BALANCED FILM. They have the Marvel Cinematic Universe formula down pat of comedy and drama, action and reaction. It’s so perfect and fun to watch. They were able to give the gigantic cast fairly equal screen time as well as balancing the personalities on screen. [See bonus content at the very end.]. That they split up the teams and threw them with other franchises was a great choice for both balance and dynamic. The visuals -- cinematography, CGI, costume, make up, set design --, as always, are a feast, with the coloration of the film striking a balance between all the different tones from each individual franchise. 
[Take 2] Memorable [aspect] moments of the movie: + D:  “I am Loki, Prince of Asgard... Odinson.” + XD “I’ll get you a metaphysical ham on rye.” + Doctor Strange and Tony’s interactions. It was interesting repartee and good chemistry. + Stark-raving Hazelnut and Hunka-Hulk-a Burning Love. I need to try these flavours, and also i need to know the flavours for every other Avenger. + <3 Tony brings the stupid flip phone around with him! AND there’s a message!! + XD “Squidward” + XD “Dude, you’re embarrassing me in front of the wizards.” + XD Bruce trying to beat Hulk out.  + “Wong, you’re invited to my wedding.” + XD The singing. Mean faces. “Language. ... Ever since you got a little sap.” OMG. You GOT a little sap. Oh, puberty. “ XD “He is not a dude. You are a dude. He is a man. A handsome, muscular man.” “It’s like a pirate made a baby with an angel.” “God man.” + XD Mantis’s attack form. + XD Quill’s jealousy and mimicking. + “All words are made up words.” Well, that’s actually a good point. + “Is there a 4 digit code? A birthday perhaps” Thor’s really gotten into Midgard culture eh? (Which is a good carry over from Thor: Ragnarok.) + XD Rabbit. Tree. Morons. Ah, Thor’s nicknames. It’s fun, cause he doesn’t mean them maliciously and he says them with such regal diction that they feel kind of acceptable as nicknames. + The intro sequences for the rogue Avengers. STEVE!!! <3 And Sam! And Nat!! The whole fight sequence too! + D:  “Where to, Cap?” “Home.” !!! (ESPECIALLY IF YOU REWATCH AGE OF ULTRON AND SEE HOW STEVE REACTS TO SAM SAYING “Home is home,” AT THE PARTY. TT_TT )  + “The kid watches more movies.” Well, that’s a good enough strategy. + “WHAT ARE THOSE??” The two teenagers use the same (meme) phrasing. + “Doctor. Do you concur?” + <3 “I’m not looking for forgiveness. And I’m way past asking permission. Earth just lost its best defender, so we’re here to fight. If you want to stand in our way, we’ll fight you too.” ICONIC. STEVEN FUCKING ROGERS, EVERYONE. + <3 The reunion greetings with Rhodey.” + XD “This is awkward.” + XD “It was an elective.” I NEED TO KNOW WHAT OTHER ELECTIVES THEY OFFERED ON ASGARD, PLEASE. + “I am Groot?” Evidently translates to: Are we there yet? The question of all kids in travelling vehicles everywhere. + D:  “What more do I have to lose?”  + Giant Peter Dinklage. So weird. + D:  Quill and Gamora. + Quill actually got Thanos’s approval. So like, thanks, dad? Hahaha. + “We don’t trade lives.”  + Nebula. What a badass. + XD “Blanket of death” + XD “Where is Gamora?” “Who is Gamora?” “Why is Gamora?” + “You’re from Earth?” “I’m from Missouri.” “Missouri is on Earth, dumbass.” + XD “Kick names. Take ass.” + Tony’s face. He’s so done with everyone. + Rhodey & Bruce. Ahh, what are friends for. XD + Steve & Bucky. Both of you are “hundred year old, semi-stable soldier”s. + Shuri! Wakanda! Man, i love this place. It’s great. + D:  Gamora!! + “Get out of the way, Sammy.” SAMMY! + Thor jumping onto and then sitting on the pod. What a cutie. + “It’ll kill you.” “Not if I don’t die.” “Yes, that’s what killing you means.” + XD “Magic! More magic! Magic with a kick!” + Bucky & Rocket + “New haircut?” “I see you’ve copied my beard.” This is SO MUCH better knowing they ad-libbed it.  + “This is my friend, Tree.” “I am Groot.” “I am Steve Rogers.” Of fucking course. Such a polite cutie pie, this guy. + XD Okoye’s reactions, and the “Why was she up there all this time?” + “She’s not alone.” FUCK YEAH. LET’S GO LADIES!! + “Oh, screw you, you big green asshole. I’ll do it myself.” Banner is super funny, situationally in this film. + “Tony Stark.” “You know me?” Hell yeah, you deserve to be acknowledged all over the universe, Tony. + The power of Doctor Strange and the mystic arts. SO COOL.  + Tony ran out of nanoparticles! O_o + D:  Wanda & Vision + “Steve?” TT___TT D: Bucky! Sam! My King! “Steady, Quill.” “I don’t wanna go!” TT__TT FEELS.
[Take 3] ± The familial hits get me more than the romantic ones. My reactions per viewing gave me three different experiences; It was personal, then intellectual, them empathic, in that order, for me. There are some moments i paid particular attention to, for a few characters:
Loki gets to come full circle with the “We have a Hulk,” line along with his redemption arc continuing on in from Thor: Ragnarok. Thor is an odd amalgamation of Shakespearean proper and slangy modern. “A little bit.” “So cool.” “I bid thee farewell and good luck, morons.” “Bye.”
The interplay between Tony and Strange. Excellent. It’s a real battle of egos at the beginning which turns to a mutual respect. Tony is a true leader. He intuits other people’s emotional reactions and attempts to keep them in line long enough to complete the goal.
A lot of shots in the Avengers compound are just Steve’s reactions. What bearing will this have? How does he feel about the cost?? Are they showing how tired he is from paying for his decisions?
The kid’s all heart. The first thing Peter does, once their plan goes awry, is try to save everyone even if he can’t remember their names. Okoye is a warrior to the core. She refuses to attach even these fuckers from behind. Bruce is such a goof and it shows now that he can’t disappear mid-scene. “Oh, you guys are so screwed!” And all the talking-to he gives Hulk.
Thanos’s voice really goes soft for Gamora, as a child, and the “I’m sorry, daughter.” “Tony Stark. ... You have my respect. I will wipe out half of humanity. I hope they remember you.” That’s amazing. The cost, the deterioration, is up to his arm and his neck. That’s an interesting detail which kind of implies that the Infinity Gauntlet (in the MCU at least) can only be used for something of this scale a few, if not only one, times.
I love that Marvel is really invested in antagonists that aren’t villains purely for the sake of being evil, but are fleshed out beings with emotions and purpose and passion, even if their goals are morally misguided. They have complex backstories and three dimensional personalities. Their goals are logical and intelligent, if a little beyond what’s reasonable. Their thought processes within the realm of imagination but a step too far for civilians and heroes.
The ending of this film is superb. I’ve seen many a peer say they think it’s too short or unresolved but i think they fail to appreciate the story. That sometimes the “good guys” don’t or can’t win (for now). That there are outcomes we’d rather not fathom and costs we’d rather not pay. But they happen. And the MCU gets this. That things happen and there’s a balance to it. There’s collateral and there’s gains and losses. And not just for the protagonist. (But for every character.)
Thanos achieved his goal, but at great personal cost. He won but lost all at once. Likewise, Killmonger achieved some of his goals but failed at others, died but did it with dignity in his eyes; Hela brought was released from her bonds and gained power but didn’t wind up ruling Asgard as it was swallowed by Ragnarok; Zemo sowed discord and ripped the Avengers apart from the inside, but was prevented from shooting himself and joining his family. 
[BONUS:] In some of my movie reviews i talk about the characters and their stories in relation to Joseph Campbell’s Heroic Monomyth. And, i dunno, i suppose it my complete emotional roller coaster watching this film along with all the geek out moments, i completely missed its inclusion in this, given that the beginning of the monomyth takes place before the beginning of this film. I was delighted to find it pointed out to me in this post by The Screen Junkies - The Dailies Facebook. It’s a really good breakdown of the way the writers (maybe intentionally) incorporated the Heroic Monomyth in Infinity War despite it featuring like 7000 characters and all of Hollywood. :)
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