#basically every borb
klonoadreams · 1 year
Wait that makes me think of a followup question, who filled in for rika as an elite four? Larry in another different tie?
IM GENUINELY CRYING, he's all "I'll do it."
Geeta: WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'LL DO IT. *already dealing with the fact that this man fears no one but her, but still provokes her, almost out of spite, anyways with the constant voluntary overtime*
Larry: I got this. *shows up with a different tie*
He's just borrowing Rika's Pokemon.
To be fair, not many people even make it to the League, the fact that Larry decided he'll do it, because it's the fastest way without having to make Geeta look for a temporary replacement is all the better.
And...it kinda works???
I mean at the end of the day, this is pre Nemona as a Champion win, meaning that it's been a good long while since we last HAD a Champion. While Geeta is wondering about the ethics of it, it's only for like a couple of months.
Not to mention, like Galar, there seems to be a specific season for these Treasure hunts of sorts. So it's really just temporary all around.
Side note, for some fucking reason, my brain thought of Clavell as the second Elite Four member, just there because they STILL need a permanent member (and STILL before the Team Star incident). So basically imagine this fucking toddler comes in and takes the job you were temporarily holding.
It's just hilarious to me.
Anyways, that is truly the weirdest year for a lot of the students at the Academy, because "can you imagine having to fight Larry THREE TIMES"
"Nah man, I'm sitting this season out. Why the HELL would I do that to myself?"
"What happened to Rika?"
"I think she's sick??? Rumors say they saw her at the hospital"
"Hope she's okay..."
Even later
"Who the hell let a baby into the Elite Four, this is some nepotism bullshit."
"I take offense to that as someone who LOST to that baby"
This baby caught a Tinkatink at the age of three and just fucking nyoomed her way into a powerful team because she just kept chucking balls and sharing food (she was supposed to get a Pokemon, but she wandered off, and came back with a hammerless Tinkatink in her arms). Absolute natural.
the League representatives were keeping a close eye on her and the rest of the students within her age group. But every so often, they lose track of her and the next - "WHERE DID SHE GET THAT"
she actually caught a Cufant and his mother. what the hell.
The Rookidee she caught wasn't even one she caught in a ball. She just grabbed the round BORB and showed it to the League representative in the area like, "Pretty birdy!!!"
"You wanna catch that?"
"Catch!!! Show Larry!!"
she spoils the shit out of that bird in the ways she's seen Larry do it, which is why this bird tolerates her Tinkaton as a Corviknight. :V
Just a Family of Three things lmao
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mimbotomy · 1 year
If you were a dub, how many dubs would you dub.
Do you have any hc about Phoibe that you haven't shared with the world? Also I can see Ikaros giving her gifts and Kass being like "wtf ikaros you're my friend?" And he just flips her off however a borb does and they're both protective of phoibe
I would dub at least two dubs, one for each dub in my name.
Also I have so many head canons about Phoibe thank you so much for asking, although a lot of them have already made it into my fics or will make it into my fics, so some of these are kinda going to be spoilers:
Phoibe prays every morning for both an eagle of her own and for Kassandra to officially adopt her.
Kassandra and Phoibe moved out of Markos' home the second they could and while Kassandra hasn't lived there since, Phoibe sometimes sleeps there.
Phoibe sometimes follows Kassandra around on less dangerous contracts and because Kassandra doesn't always take the roads, Phoibe is very good at climbing. She fell and broke her arm when she was seven climbing the statue of Zeus and hasn't fallen since.
Markos and Kassandra taught her to read and write and do basic sums and her handwriting is better than both of theirs.
After Kassandra leaves Kephallonia, Phoibe starts to resent Markos a little bit. She ends up blaming him for driving Kassandra away with his schemes and general buffoonery, all of which became much less amusing to her once she was expected to take over Kassandra's job.
Since women in Ancient Greece married young and Kassandra is absolutely beautiful, she got her first marriage proposal from a visiting sailor at fifteen. She obviously said no, but Phoibe has been secretly planning Kassandra's wedding ever since in case she ever did decide to get married.
She gets along well with Sokrates because she's happy to both answer his questions and ask her own.
Every time after Phoibe is taken hostage by the Cyclops' men, either Ikaros or Kassandra will stay with her the rest of the day to protect her.
On that note, the Cyclops' men were under orders to just kidnap Phoibe but not kill her for a long time because the Cyclops knew Kassandra would torture him and burn his entire operation to the ground if Phoibe died. In return, Kassandra wouldn't always kill his men when she rescued Phoibe.
She called Kassandra mater when she was little.
So there's some headcanons for Phoibe! I have a lot of thoughts about Kassandra's baby bird 🥰
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starlytenight · 1 year
Hi, I want to share a little hc with you today that I have with Meta and Galaxia.
So I hc that Meta likes to maintain his weapons/swords as best as possible and finds rather claming to do so. And likes it enough he would even helps his friends maintain their weapons too when asked. Which happened more often when said friends where either unable or was stuck in medic to recover.
Porblem is that Galaxia is most likely the first magical sword Meta's ever had in he's perament possession as far as we know. And who knows if a magical snetient-ish sword even needs to be maintained like normal swords do?
So here come what the knight feels is an awkward 20 question game to make sure that he is not threading on a landmine or needs to get some special supplies if the sword needs a bit of maintenance every now and again.
Either way, I recon that Galaxia would not say no to a bit of maintenance now and then. Might feel like a bit of a massage for all we know and with how long Galaxia was around that demonbeast that guarded it and stuck in stone, she might find a bit of relife in Meta taking some time taking care of it.
Interesting headcanon there! And sorry for the long delay, arm issues and all and also I was thinking about how to answer this. I'm not used to people throwing me their headcanons! xD I think it's a cute idea, though I like to imagine it was super awkward at the start, haha. Poor guy's probably never had a weapon TALK to him, unless we suddenly learn the Master Sword was also sentient, lol
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My own version of Galaxia is interesting and would be "happy" at being taken care of though it probably wouldn't exactly be joyous in the sense we understand it. It would read it as "Ah, my master deems me worthy of maintaining and using. Excellent. This is good."
To toss in a bit more of my own shenanigans, my Meta kind of resented Galaxia at first so it was a bit of a build up before he trusted it. (See the readmore for some scribbles)
But yeah, this is a cute idea. I recall in my original fic there was a time Meta was cleaning Galaxia to try and relax and it seems like something he'd do to chillax in general.
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Kinda hard to get friendly with something that basically deep-fried your bestie in front of your eyes and weakened her enough to get mauled to death.
My Galaxia tried to be as apologetic as it could be since it sensed his pain but... Yeah. It had to be very gentle with the local grieving borb in order for him to favor using it over his more sentimental sword. It could sense how... pained he was in general both blaming himself and after hearing about how it can't entirely control its enchantment, it wasn't its fault.
On a less heavy note, Galaxia and its predecessor actually do love being tempered and tweaked by their maker.
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Probably is like getting a hug from your mother/favored parental figure. Her fire feels the best to them above all others. Galaxia funnily enough doesn't know how to process how it feels about that, haha. Cypha would also rip those boys a new one if they didn't take care of their weapons and armor well so yeah. xD She's very happy Meta takes extremely good care of his swords, even if he doesn't use his Master Sword as much these days.
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chaos-proffesa · 1 year
Sooo welcome to Chaos needs a distraction from life.... More headcannons wee woo! As usually don't expect good spelling or grammar.
18 + Only
So scince I did miderasermic last time let's do some dabihawks
(Dabi and hawks)
I feel like hawks would push through sickness becouse of the commission not allowing him long breaks to keep him no.2, he'd call dabi when sick for support (dabi usually plays it off and is snarky but comes over anyway) he'd be sensitive when sick emotionally and physically and cuddly but when he gets better he denies this hard
He'd be allergic to feathers and dust in my mind becouse birb allergic to feathers go brrrrr (also easy inducing sessions for dabi I'll expand on that in a bit), he gets itchy with allergies constantly rubbing at his eyes and nose basically unable to deny any allergies/reactions
He holds back his sneezes and I feel like they start small but after a while they sound more desperate and a bit louder usually in fits of 3-4
First off just putting it out there I think he'd have the kink, hawks indulges for him and helps him come out of his shell a bit (supportive borb) he's quiet when sick his throat is wrecked when sick he can barly talk and when he does it's quiet and scratchy a bit congested too, sounds worse than it is
He gets tickly when sick he gets stuck for ages before he finally sneezes, hawks sometimes offers to help when he gets stuck and dabi gets embarresed every time but usually agrees, he runs really hot when sick bad fevers he does not have a good time
I don't think he'd really have allergies but I think he'd be sensitive to perfume/strong scents/spices
I think his sneezes would be harsh and sounds like they'd hurt his throat, loud too and messy usually only one or two.
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castleclysm · 1 year
fav starters of each gen.
generation one: I love all three and think that wartortle is the best design overall, but... I have to go with charmander
generation two: got to go with my girl chikorita. but, again, totodile has the best middle evo (we <3 croconaw)
generation three: treecko and torchic are tied. torchic just looks so baby, so gentle and nice to hold in my palms. treecko evolves into grovyle, and... my mystery dungeon core memories can't help but appreciate him
generation four: I switch it up every time I play and believe my frst-ever starter was chimchar, but recently I've been on a huge piplup kick
generation five: I've grown to love all three, but of course I'm going to stick with my baby son oshawott! otters are my fav animal
generation six: froakie! not much to say here tbh, I just really like the frog
generation seven: rowlet. borb.
generation eight: none of them, tbh. but scorbunny's is kinda basic and the one I dislike the least
generation nine: sprigatito! flower trick is an excellent move and something I exploited way too often during my playthrough
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ionlylikemycat · 3 months
i bought a bag of six potato rolls for lunches for a week
i matched the amount of meats and cheeses to the amount of rolls
i cannot leave my bread products in the special lemon-only bag by my mini fridge bc the cat attacks them there, so i have to leave them on the counter with the other breads
the first day i wake up and someone has eaten one of my rolls- that’s on me, i forgot to tell people or write my name on them
i write my name on the bag six times. i debate telling my sister not to eat the rolls, but we’ve been having food problems where i say don’t eat my food and she says you’re the sole cause of my eating disorder and that might just ignite another fight so i only write my name
i wake up today and someone has eaten another roll. of the six i have had two, someone has eaten two. i now have two. rolls. for an entire week, and way too much meats and cheeses. the ratios are fucked, and i’m gonna be out money i don’t really have for groceries
now i Do have to say something bc i really want my last two rolls actually but it Will cause a fight bc now i’m mad
borb says i need to have put tape on the bag that said lemons food for lemon only but i feel like writing my name on it with purple sharpie six times kinda got that message across
so now i have to talk to my sister and do the whole, i am doing my half of marking my food and making things clear you have to now do your half where you do a little check in with things before you eat them and see if there is writing all over it
which is gonna cause a fight cos she’s gonna go, well i’m autistic and you’re making me have an eating disorder and i’m so stressed at work and i cannot possibly be expected to do any of the work to solve these situations and i need every one else to bend to my whims or else you’re all ableist against me
which like
bud we’re disabled in like basically the same ways just you have adhd and i have nvld like. get your shit together?
i hate living with people so much
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squishysquib · 2 years
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post-it-notes7 · 2 years
Can you tell us more about your Dragato and Falspar dynamic :0?
oh you poor soul, of course I will :)
(rambling under keep reading)
So, to begin! A lot of this will make the most sense if you read dumb luck first, the Dragato oneshot (also a part of the Heart and Soul timeline, just set in the past before MK was separated from the GSA) I wrote that dives much further into my interpretations of this borb and his idiot friend that have a grand total of 10 second of screen time. If you're caught up on In Your Dreams, then you'll have a vague idea of Dragato and Falspar's characters, but neither have had a chance for their personalities to really shine (they're also both... kinda upset too, so only one side of them has been shown)! You’ll even catch a glimpse of other GSA members (cough cough Jecra and Garlude cough cough) if you give “dumb luck” a look :0!
That said, I’ll still summarize what I can of Dragato and Falspar’s personalities and dynamic here! So, Dragato--outwardly, he appears very stict, very cold, and very no-nonsense. He glowers a lot, he’ll snap at those who spread around rumors and try to start fights, and he tries hard to keep the peace, even if it’s strained and you can tell things are two seconds from exploding into all-out chaos. 
To quote my own fic, “he’s the unofficial mediator of the GSA—he’s the one who listens to complaints and makes the changes needed to keep them in check, the one who kills off rumors that take on a malicious edge, the one who breaks up fights that go too far—and he has no idea if anyone ever even seems to realize it. Afterall, his technical role is only that of a pilot and an instructor. One of Arthur’s close confidantes. His domain is starships and space travel.” 
Basically, he does plenty of work from behind the scenes, and he overworks himself a lot. He shares a lot of similarities to Meta Knight, but while MK can and will push himself to the brink and somehow just keep going anyway--Dragato will pass out from the strain, even if he argues otherwise. He has a lot of grievances with what his nature as a star warrior demands of him, and what he’s actually physically capable of.
Important sidenote! *In the H&S series, star warriors are born as star warriors, it’s in their nature! You cannot become one (at least not through normal means) you simply are or you aren’t.* However--Dragato’s true personality is very different from what he purposely portrays to 90% of the GSA and for what has been shown in IYD. First and foremost, on the inside, he’s complete nerd and an honorary idiot in disguise. He has sass, he has attitude, and he wants nothing more than to show someone how capable he is by challenging them to a brawl at 2am and going absolute feral. Even though he’s constantly trying to put out fights and mediate, he’s a conflict gremlin and he absolutely wants to do nothing more than join in and start tearing things apart alongside everyone else. You might notice in dumb luck that he gets an evil little grin right before charging into a fight, too, and that he despises that. 
Once more I’ll steal a line from my fic, “he doesn’t crave bloodshed, but he revels in knowing that he can protect something.” Dragato cares way way too much (in a good way) for everyone in the GSA, and he’ll lay down his life for each of them any day. To him, the most important thing in any situation is that everyone makes it out alive (is his stand-point in IYD starting to make a little more sense :)?) and as you might imagine, constantly fighting with his personality and his nature to act like something he’s not 24/7 makes him very irritable and prone to spiraling over little things when he’s stressed. Star warriors are supposed to fight until their last breath, and Dragato has spent years in the GSA balancing that deep-seated need alongside the constant pressure he put on himself to maintain peace. Fun times. 
Does he every actually relax? How is he possibly still sane? Well--enter Falspar: the redeemable idiot.  
Falspar is, well, a redeemable idiot. He says stupid things, he does stupid things, he can be incredibly obvious, but he has a heart of gold beneath it all and you won’t find anyone who’s more stupidly loyal as friend. He wants to cheer others up and he’ll do increasingly impulsive things to do it. He’s the social one, he’s friendly, but beware, he knows how to fight and he won’t always just sit there and take it. Also, he has a knack for getting out of tricky situations by complete and utter dumb luck. Yes this relevant to the fic title.
(Another sidenote--this has not been mentioned in IYD and only lightly touched on in dumb luck, but physically, Falspar is incredibly strong. He has a form of high natural strength, which is kinda how he managed to break a mask visor with in a single punch, and he can lift heavy stuff somewhat easily. I straight up yoinked this idea from somewhere in the anime where they call him “the strong one” (possibly in sub of the snack attack episode maybe? I’m not entirely sure it’s been a while) but yeah. If he punched you it would hurt. It would probably break something and then some. Because of this, he also has to keep a close grip on how much strength he puts behind each of his actions, which has the potential to spawn its own kind of trouble) 
Falspar and Dragato have been friends for quite a while, Falspar most often addresses him by the nickname “Drago”, and Falspar was there to witness Dragato change from minor troublemaker and local star warrior menace to the overworked pilot instuctor and strict mediator he is now. He knows about how much of a nerd Dragato, is as well as how hard he’s constantly pushing himself to keep up a front--and to Dragato, that’s a lifeline to find comfort in. 
The two of them still clash over plenty of little things; Falspar tends to say pretty stupid stuff (some things that are just flat out nonsense arguments or that contradict each other) and Dragato, who’s stuck being constantly irritable almost all the time, tends to react to it all the same--but! They admit when they’re wrong at the end of the day, and they apologize, especially when they know they’ve messed up bad and that it’s hurt the other. “dumb luck” provides a prime example.
Falspar gets Dragato to open up and admit he needs a break every once in a while, and Dragato tends to defend Falspar in the bad situations he gets himself easily wound up in. They work well as a team once they get past any nonsense disagreements, and though it’s not explicitly stated in “dumb luck”, Dragato tends to meet with Falspar on random nights to de-stress and ramble on about one thing or another. They talk, they do little things for each other to make life just a bit easier, and they stick together. They’re close friends who are also idiots that roughhouse and call each other names all the time, but they care.
As a little bonus, I’ll go on to talk about how they are both currently doing in In Your Dreams, too.
It’s not great :)
As you might recall, Falspar was the one to first suggest the rumor of MK secretly being corrupted. Yep. That’s what started this. Now, Falspar is oblivious and does stupid things that he really shouldn’t all the time. That includes telling the overly-paranoid commander of the GSA who just won a war mere weeks ago something that coincidentally is very plausible because MK did a lot of things that could be marked as suspicious in the past and no one has seen him face to face in 10 years. Arthur is certainly still to blame for taking that idea and running with it, but Falspar also is not helping the situation by shrugging his shoulders and going “yeah MK is ambitions enough to do something like this” and then going about his day like that’s no big deal. 
Dragato on the other hand, is immediately distrustful of rumors to begin with. He didn’t take this news well. He wants solid evidence before he believes an accusation as harsh as MK (someone he thought was dead for a long time after the GSA was separated in the past and is secretly greatly relieved to learn isn't) could be a traitor, though he’s kept his mouth shut, and he’s been going through it now that the war is finally over. 
Dragato cared very strongly for those in the GSA and reaching their goal--he would have die for them and their cause--and now they’ve actually achieved it, but only a mere fraction of the entire GSA remains. He’s sick of losing people. He’s sick of hearing about Nightmare. Honestly, he really needs a break, and he knows that if MK is labeled a traitor with the potential to bring ruin to the galaxy again, then Arthur will stop at nothing to make sure that threat is destroyed for the greater good. 
Dragato feels like he’s the only one who still has faith in MK, aside from Sirica and Knuckle Joe, his only consolations, and he refuses to condemn him without blatant proof saying otherwise. The most important thing right now is that MK is alive. The most important thing is that he doesn’t turn his back on that.
Falspar is very contradictory in Ch23 when he argues that “MK would totally do this, but he totally wouldn’t lie about it.” Basically, he's doing a terrible job of saying “this is believable and really incriminating but I still have faith that MK is doing what’s best.” He wants to acknowledge the worst, but deep down, he doesn’t really think MK is trying to do anything that would put the galaxy at stake. He won't go against Arthur so easily, but he’s in a gray area between distrusting MK and still believing in him, and he bounces around it at random. 
Where does that put them both? well:
“That’s just your innate ability to test everyone’s patience,” Dragato muttered under his breath, still focused on the controls.
“Ay, what’s your problem today?” Falspar edged back, turning a bit snappish. “What’s gotten you so hung up over this ‘delusional’ myth?”
Unfortunately, when Dragato is very stressed and snaps at Falspar, Falspar’s first instinct is almost always to snap back, for better or for worse. They break into fights easily--and right now is a bad time to be fighting. There’s no time to resolving anything, and they’re seemingly on opposite sides. 
Falspar wants to support Dragato, but he thinks Dragato isn’t seeing the fact that no matter what, there’s still a chance MK could be corrupted, and they need to be prepared to accept that. He knows Dragato takes losing people badly, and he sees it as cushioning the blow ahead of time.
Dragato sees it as a betrayal of trust, and no matter how much he doesn’t want to be at odds with Falspar and the others and that despises in-fighting, he’ll chose the option that he believes will keep everyone alive until the end.
WOW that was long, well, hope that gave some insight! Thank you thank you for the ask anon, hope you all enjoyed my rambles <3
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messiambrandybuck · 2 years
Some days I'm pretty alright with managing energy and controlling myself (read: disassociating) but other times I feel like my brain is doing that thing where that one guy on timtom (*brain starts singing TT by Twice*) where he's kinda just everywhere and super energetic and basically what neurotypicals envision every single case of ADHD to be like y'know? And usually I'm pretty chill but moments like today my brain is just so fucking scattered and refuses to fucking focus correctly and entirely and I just repainted this Good Boy chimken because I couldnt figure out how to clean him and now he's My good boy chimken and he's a nice round Borb that you can hold like the hamburger y'know? Anyways, back onto the original topic: I'm fucking WILDING right now, and I'm just word vomitting right now without second thoughts or filtrations or editing because I want you guys to at least partially understand where I'm coming from. Like I'm genuinely so fucking understimulated I think and I literally rambled so much with my mum that we both got distracted and basically went the long way around to my dorm (idk thats how I remember it) also we apparently spent like an hour in good will? two hours?? Fucking crazy shit man, like neither of us have a good concept of how much time has passed (mum is better at that unless shes like reeaally focused on something or if I strike up conversation lmfao I'm a horribld influence) and its just all around a not totally awesome situation. But! At least I got my birds that give me dopamine. SPEAKING of dopamine, look at this shit:
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Its one of those light things!! Its so pretty!! Also, word of the wise: if you ponder the orb with those heart sunglasses, it still hurts the cranium orbs and its just not a good idea. Cute. But not a good idea when you're talking more than 0.052 milliseconds. Its 02.32 ... End me. 💀
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galacticnova3 · 2 years
On one hand, having characterization headcanons that are basically the opposite of fanon sucks because people will sometimes be dicks over it and you also have to make all the content yourself. On the other hand I love taking the same information everyone has and drawing a unique conclusion from it and not being wrong because what are headcanons if not filling in blanks and elaborating on what wasn’t left blank?
That being said thinking of different versions of the same character meeting each other becomes significantly funnier.
•A bunch of reality-bending gods who grant wishes, except one isn’t actually a god, is more or less a sad and somewhat pathetic old man, and is tens of thousands of years old but doesn’t know what an emoji is.
•A bunch of knights of high esteem who wield holy blades with great power and skill, except one is kind of stuck-up, doesn’t trust smart technology because one of his fellow knights made his phone refer to him as borb, and follows a strict and unwavering code of honor that he mentally rewrites every once in a while without telling anyone.
•A bunch of seemingly divine starships made with ancient and advanced technology who sail through time and space like they were merely a calm lake, except one isn’t holy at all, loves memes, and would boldly claim that ketchup is a jam specifically to sit back and watch the chaos it causes.
•A bunch of shadow-like beings with one eye each and great skill with a sword who can inhabit and control the bodies of others, except one doesn’t remember much about themselves beyond doing harm and not being liked, questions their foggily-recalled trust in a leader they served dutifully who cast them aside as soon as they failed a second time, and who would genuinely ask someone what updog, ligma, or a henway is.
•A bunch of mighty dragons with four heads or four separate bodies and the status as an angelic guardian residing in either a burning hellscape or where the sky brushes against the heavens, except one is four siblings who sleep a lot, squabble over cool rocks or shiny objects, and would not hesitate to perch on the previously mentioned ancient starship despite knowing her somewhat personally.
I love taking not average characters who seem to either have no flaws or be defined by their flaws and giving them very average traits and personalities. Not quite ‘just-some-guy’-ification but close to it. The kind of difference where if they met a bunch of alternates they would either be intimidated or nervous, tempted to immediately start a fight, bored after a short while, or either “wow you guys suck I’m going home” or “yo we should start a groupchat”.
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techmomma · 4 years
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Hm, hm, hm~ So Pisca, if you want a literal fish lady, you can go with Hylotl! You can even have her parents killed by some rogue Florans who really wanted to taste some Hylotl meats. Or cultists who’d really like to be rid of anyone who’s not human! If you want something a little different, you could go with Avians, with her parents being part of the Grounded, the ones who’ve either denounced the Avian god Kluex or believe Kluex wouldn’t want to perform sacrifices. Perhaps found by a particularly zealous village who believed less in voluntary sacrifices and more “we will sacrifice anyone we deem “worthy” of entering Kluex’s grace.” (Read: being thrown off of a very high tower.)
Solo and Ember, Solo and Ember... Apex could be fitting for Solo, certainly. Monkey Solo! Who was sold off to a travelling space circus BECAUSE they’re an apex, so probably pretty good at acrobatics. You could also potentially have Solo on the run from other Apex, terrified of Big Brother Big Ape and the Miniknog and being thrown back into a 1984-style dystopian civilization where their every move will be watched. Another option, if you want a fun, bouncy, agender species that can shift appearances is Novakid! Their appearance would hardly be limited, and no doubt they could do a lot of things with their body. 
Ember... boy, you could do a lot, and it’d probably depend on Solo. But I suspect you could do a lot with Apex, Avian, and Hylotl. Apex is basically human but monkey, so you could easily do cerebral palsy. Avian is borb people, which would be exceptionally cute for Ember, and if say, Solo were on the run, could be on the run from someone who might take Ember back to Kluex-believers, who might eventually “volunteer” Ember for sacrifice at some point later. (Or even, Ember was slated for sacrifice, and Solo stole him away.) Hylotl also works because you can totally reference Finding Nemo and have Ember with a disfigured fin-arm or something like that.
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spacenerrrd · 5 years
The Courtroom
Word Count: 1097 Warnings: Mention of Deceit (once, not a character), breakdown, being ignored, mentions of being left out, basically just a bunch of angst
Thank you @sidespromptblog for their post that prompted this idea
“Of course you suggested a salad Logan.”
“Not just a salad. Of course we need protein for a well rounded meal so we should have some baked chicken.”
Roman groaned. “YAWWNNN! We should just get Chinese takeout!”
“But Thomas should be eating consistently healthy as the fresh food will-”
“Borrringggg! We don’t do it very often, just let the poor man eat his favourite tonight!”
Logan turned to Patton for support, but was greeted with a weak smile.
“I really do miss their dumplings…”
“Exactly! Virgil, you agree with us don’t you?”
Logan turned to face the anxious side who just shrugged. “He has been nervous about his work recently… Maybe this might help him.”
“Right! So we’re gonna order a dish of dumplings, spring rolls, rice crackers-”
“With the amount you are going to order he will feel sluggish and guilty for eating so much unhealthy food.” Roman rolled his eyes. “No he won’t, it’s only this once he’ll be fine.” He turned around and walked into the kitchen to order.
Patton gave a soft smile to Logan. “Next time you can choose the meal we pick,” he patted his shoulder before following Roman.
“That’s what you said last time too,” Logan mumbled.
Virgil shuffled his feet a bit, not making eye contact with Logan. “Sorry, I-”
“It’s fine Virgil, I understand,” Logan interrupted Virgil apology.
Virgil gave an awkward nod before scattering into the kitchen with the others.
Logan watched them go off, laughing at something Roman said that he didn’t quite catch. He probably wouldn’t of understood the joke anyway. He never does.
Logan didn’t participate during family dinner time. He passed it off that he was feeling unwell, and before Patton could pull the puppy eye trick on him, he had sunk out of the room. But he wasn’t going to his room. Instead, he rose in the middle of the courtroom. He stood in front of where Roman sat as the judge, just a mere week ago. He turned his head slightly to look at the witness box, where he had been brought up as evidence for Deceit’s case.
Even though he was the most qualified to help them do it properly.
Even though they knew he liked to play pretend for the sake of knowledge after he opened up to them.
Logan closed his eyes, adjusted his tie and cleared his throat. When he reopened them, they burnt. They burnt with a sense of passion, fuelled with anger and a hidden sadness.
Then he let loose.
“Would you like to explain to me why they won’t listen to me?” His voice boomed, echoing in the empty room. “How no matter how many times I am proven right, they won’t take my advice? Why I’m always cast to the side?” He stepped forward, hands slamming against the front of the witness stand as what little control he had broke as he started to scream. “Why is it that no matter how many palm cards I make to assist me with understanding their language, that they just don’t love me? It’s so obvious that I try so hard! The evidence is there! I’ve opened up to them, I have followed their stupid ideas to please them, yet nothing is reciprocated! Why does this even affect me?! Why does this hurt!? I don’t want to… to feel this anymore.” His eyes were watering now, his yells starting to go raw. But his voice quieted down to a whisper, as any louder would make him crack “How do I make this go away?”
He stood there for at least ten minutes, allowing the shaking that was going through his arms calm down and stopping the speed at which his chest was rising and falling. Once he was able to take a deep breath without it being caught in the lump in his throat, he slowly started to move. His feet took him up the step and sat him in the seat behind the witness stand. He tucked the chair in and stared out. He looked out to where Virgil sat in the Jury, eyes gazing over to where Deceit and Patton played the lawyers.
Where he should of been.
Logan’s gaze went up beside him, where Roman ridiculed him and laughed at him for being hurt. For being lied at and for being left out. Again.
Finally, his eyes fell to the back of the room, to the seat that he was forced to. Out of the scenario, where everyone else got to participate but him. The only time he got involved was when he was used to correct and check information.
“That’s all I’m good for, that’s why,” He mumbled. “That’s all they keep me around for. Because I’m needed to correct information. They don’t want me. They need me, but they’re never going to love me.” Tears fell from his eyes, his voice wavering. “I… I l-love them… and it all hurts so much… I am done being used. I don’t just want to be their pawn. I am just so, so tired. These emotions are exhausting. I’m logic and yet I feel… this.”
Logan had to take a second, taking a deep breath because he was going to break but dear god did he have so much more.
“I don’t know how long I can keep going like this. Where every decision of mine is belittled and I’m constantly left out. Where I’m called apart of their family because they need me, when in reality th-they… I’m not… I just want… I want to be apart of the fa-family… and I can’t go much longer pretending I’m fine that I’m n-not…”
That was where Logan shattered.
He leant forward on his arms as he started to sob. It rippled through his body and shook him of everything he had. His saw throat cried out more as he choked on everything he had been holding in and all his suffering. He lost track of how long he had been sitting there, feeling disgusting at how he expressed his emotion. How it shattered every bit of him. Slowly, when someone the sobbing stopped and the tears had slowed down, Logan could no longer keep his eyes open. They inevitably closed from the weight of emotional turmoil and exhaustion, pulling him into a deep slumber. In his sleep, he would slowly pick up the pieces of his broken self. Then he would spend the morning stitching himself back together, piece by piece until his mask was perfect in place again.
Until he shattered yet again.
A/N: Well That Hurt.
And now, the tags (thank to the people who asked to be tagged, it was pretty nice uwu):
Fanders Logan Tag list:
177 notes · View notes
dragonofyang · 5 years
Form Podcast: A New Defender Transcript
A transcript of the Form Podcast episode covering VLD season 4 episode 6 “A New Defender” with Nora Lewis-Borbely, Alex Eby, Lauren Guerard, and Lika Leung interviewing with Kyle Anderson.
Vrepit Sa!
Female voiceover: Now entering Nerdist.com
[Intro music - VLD opening theme]
Shiro’s voice: Paladins, welcome to Form Podcast.
[Intro music continues for a few more bars, then fades out]
KA: Hello, everybody, welcome to another episode of Form Podcast, the official Voltron commentary podcast. My name is Kyle Anderson, thank you again for joining us. We are here at the end of season 4, everybody. It’s “A New Defender”, season 4 episode 6, and I’m here with four people who help make Voltron happen. And they’re going to go around the room and introduce themselves. They are:
NLB: Hi, I’m Nora Lewis-Borbely, I’m the production manager on Voltron.
LG: I’m Lauren Guerard, I’m one of the production coordinators on Voltron.
AE: I’m Alex Eby, I’m a production assistant on Voltron.
LL: I’m Lika Leung and I’m also a production coordinator on Voltron.
KA: Alright, we will talk about what that means once we get started on the episode. So everybody at home, get your, uh, Netflix episodes all queued up to 0:00, and we will hit ‘play’ in 3, 2, 1, play. [pause] And we’re off and running, everybody. Thanks for joining us. [laughter] So what do you--yeah, what does--what does that mean, “p-production coordinator”, w-what does, for people who don’t know, uh, the ins and outs of animation and television-making? What does that mean?
NLB: So, uh, in short as a production manager, basically I work with a line producer to oversee the crew, to oversee the budget, and then to oversee the overarcing schedule from pre-production all the way to post-production and delivery. And then our production team are really the kind of the unsung heroes of our show because they do a lot of--they’re kind of the core of our team and they do a lot of facilitating.
LG: So basically, when you’re looking at these shots, sort of everything that you’re seeing of the screen is an individual design. So a lot of our jobs are tracking those designs. Um, I think right now in our database there’s something like 13,000 total designs? Um, so, it’s a lot to keep track of. Enough to--enough to warrant a job.
KA: Sure.
AE: Uh, and then as the assistant, I just help all the coordinators in any way that they need it, and then I also have a little bit of coordinating things, as well. Um, just… yeah. [laughter]
KA: Sounds like you got a lot to, uh, l-lot on your plate at any given moment.
NLB: Yeah. The tasks are coming from a lot of different directions because, like, we work with Studio Mir in Korea, so, like, it’s a lot of back and forth with them, like, trading designs back and forth, making sure they’re approved or if they’re noted, like, um, that they know what needs to be addressed. Uh, and then we also do CG designs in-house, so, like, and with a different studio, so going back and forth with that, like it’s a completely different group of people who are working on the CG-specific designs. Um… Yeah, it’s a lot.
LG: Yeah, and then I think the other thing to kind of note is that every single stage of production basically has to be tracked and make sure we’re on schedule, and everything’s on time. As you move through different drafts of a script, or, uh, different variations of a storyboard. All of that information needs to be tracked. And that is a lot of what our production team does. It’s really helping the artists make sure that they have everything they need to be able to create this amazing show.
KA: Mm. Is everything s--very, uh, detailed and color-coordinated?
LL: Yes.
KA: It has to be.
LG: Yeah, I mean, like each lighting environment, that’s the thing, there are, like, hundreds and hundreds of variations of our main characters because it’s every single different lighting situation that they’re in. Um, each time a character changes costume, that’s considered a brand-new design, so that’s why we get to a number like 13,000. [laughter]
KA: Is that high? I mean, I don’t know, have you worked on programs that are much lower than that?
NLB: It’s very high.
KA: Okay.
LG: Uh, yeah, it’s a very high number.
KA: It sounds super high.
LG: Yeah, it is.
NLB: It is a high number. Um, there’s a lot of detail that goes into a show like Voltron that is kind of unique to a show like this. Um, as Lauren briefly hit upon, every single character is colored to that environment and it’s something that’s a really, really special touch that our artists do because what that does is it makes the character feel like they’re actually in that environment. Opposed to if they just have the same color scheme in any location, uh, they don’t blend into the world quite as well. But, that means that every single character that goes to every single location, not only do you need a design for that location and that character, then you also need a color design of that character in that location.
LG: And then, also a thing I think that’s--I have, like, I’ve worked on shows where I haven’t seen this level of detail where I’ve worked on another show where, like, you’d make a design and it’d be for a chair. And that’s the chair you have in that show. Every time you see a chair.
KA: [laughter] That’s the chair.
LG: That’s the chair. And in this show, it’s like, “Well this is an Altean chair and you really need to think about how the Alteans would, like, go about designing a chair.” And so it’s, like, different from the Galra chair. It’s--
KA: Right.
LG: --a lot. [laughter]
AE: But you know, it’s that level of detail that really makes the show special.
KA: Mm-hm.
AE: It’s something that Joaquim and Lauren and Ryu and Christine and [Beyond? I know that’s wrong but the name isn’t familiar and sounds like that so I’m going with that for now], uh, as well as Kristy Sang and Anthony Wu. Um, all of those producers and design supervisors care a lot about all of those little minute details. And that’s what really makes the environments as, uh, I mean, as immersive and encompassing as they are.
KA: Yeah. And as we’re seeing here, the Galra--every-everything in each of the, uh, different species even has their own specific set of colors and designs, too, which… yeah. Which, I guess, y’know, viewers can almost take that for granted because it is such an immersive show, but that’s, you know, that’s why--it’s good you guys are here to tell me all this stuff because I’m just like, “Aw, fun! Spaceships!” LL: I think the other fun tidbit about our show is how unique compared to other 2D shows is the technology on the screens. There’s a lot of--oh! There’s a screen right there, actually. Yeah, that screen has its own design. Every screen, every UI that shows up in their cockpits, that has--oh, there’s one, too--has its own design attached to it. And it’s a unique design. And every single one of these screens, not only do we have to call it out, which means we make note of when it appears in that scene, we also have to design it.
KA: Mm.
LG: Yes, that’s a pretty interesting thing that I think Lika has to deal with in particular is, uh, so she does the initial phase of looking at the storyboard animatic, which is just when they put all the storyboards together to make basically a rough version of the episode. She watches that and calls out every single object and character that is in each in--like each individual shot, and then particularly with the screens it’s just, “Okay here’s this screen and here’s the specific thing happening on the screen.” Sh-she does it all the time. [laughter]
KA: She’s nodding.
NLB: She’s nodding.
KA: She agrees.
NLB: She’s nodding.
KA: So do you get--did you get a chance to--like, do you still watch it and-and as a “fan”, quote-unquote? Because everybody who’s come in here so far has been like, they love working on the show but they also enjoy watching the show. But do you--do you just sit there and go, “Well there’s this element, and this element, and this element”, like, ‘cuz you’re the one who knows, like, all that stuff. You’re like the-the keymaster of all that.
NLB: I think for me in particular it’s super fun when we do the, um, crew screenings together. Like that’s the first time we’ll watch it all put together. So, like, we’ll see all these individual designs and then, like, it’s its own unique fun thing to get to see it all animated. Like, we don’t get to see that until much later in the process.
LL: Yeah, I think a little-known fact is, uh, when we’re dealing with production or pre-production is actually what our stage is, we’re doing all of these design call-outs off of that animatic. So we’re dealing with a black-and-white or very rudi-rudimentary colored, um, animatic, and while our animatics are beautiful ‘cuz our artists put a lot of effort into them, they’re not--they don’t look like the final show. So, when you are dealing with day-in and day-out with that black-and-white animatic and then you actually get to see those designs appear in the show and everything animated for the first time, it’s--it’s really amazing because I know our team, like I said, we deal with the black-and-white animatic and then we see the designs come in and out. So that design of Naxzela we just saw, we got to see the planet getting designed, the actual design for the planet, but we’ve never seen it animated until the actual show came out.
KA: Mm.
AE: I personally get very excited to hear the sound effects and the music because that’s not something we get to experience until the very end.
KA: Mm-hm.
AE: So yeah. Not watching silence is pretty cool. [laughter]
KA: And it’s such a--like a--I got to host the panel at Comic-Con this year. We watched the first episode of season 3 in a huge room with like big, booming bass and everything like that I’m like, “Yeah, that’s how you want to watch a Voltron episode, I think.” Um… AE: I do miss the scratch, though.
LG: So, uh, to those who don’t know, when we have to do our storyboards, our actors record all of their lines. They record all the lines in the script. And sometimes if a line gets changed, or if, um, an actor was unable to come in and record at that point, we do what’s called a scratch record, where somebody on our team is assigned to voice that character for temporarily just so that we have the lines for rough timing. And some of our crew are particularl--particularly talented at scratch. And, uh, they’re always really fun lines, so that--we always get to deal with those in the animatics. They’re not in the final episode, though.
KA: But do you keep those? [stammering, others laugh] Also, could you then go back and, like, re-- “I’m gonna put the scratch track over the finished episode.”
LG: Oh, totally.
KA: That… yeah. [laughter]
LG: That would be amazing.
AE: I should do that.
LG: You should do that.
LL: It would be wonderful and awful.
AE: Gonna do it.
KA: Uh, have there been episodes--because you deal with so many elements in each episode, uh, I don’t know--do you know offhand the episode that had the most amount of individual--or what number that might’ve been?
LL: I always feel like I take special note of the ones that have less because I’m so excited about it.
KA: Because you’re like, “Look at that!”
LL: I know those episodes. [laughter]
KA: What if there was an episode where it was just like, “Eh, there’s a bunch of people in a room talking, no lights on or anything.”
LG: Oh, wow.
AE: That would be... whoo.
NLB: Sorry, I just got really excited because that’s a really nice low design-count episode. Um, no, I would say the episodes that have the highest design count are gonna be the ones where you go to a new location for the first time.
KA: Mm-hm.
NLB: Because all of that is new, so all of that needs to be designed. Uh, episodes where you’re seeing lots of people, new people, those also need to get designed.
KA: Mm-hm.
NLB: So those are going to be really high episode countsa--er, high design counts, sorry. The--these finale episodes, uh, interestingly enough, tend to be low design counts because, for example, in this episode, uh, a lot of these locations we’ve already been to in the previous episode. And there’s a lot of fighting in space and it’s very exciting to watch it, but a lot of those designs we’ve seen in other episodes, so it’s actually lower new design count, but there’s still plenty of designs being used in that episode.
KA: Sure. Yeah, it’s not like there’s four.
LG: The mermaid episode has already come out, right?
AE: Yes.
LG: Okay. Because that was a high count ‘cuz that was like a new environment, lots of new characters, they all had food.
AE: All underwater.
LG: All underwater.
KA: Yeah. Then there would’ve had to been designs for Hunk and Lance.
LG: Mm-hm.
KA: Things that I’m sure if they’re--if they’re done properly people don’t notice these new changes and things like that, but maybe people don’t know that that’s what goes into it.
LL: Yeah, I--before I actually joined this industry, I had no idea how much work went into these.
KA: Yeah.
LL: And I didn’t realize that every single one of these scenes you see, there is somebody who has to call out every single design that’s in that scene, and then every single one of those designs has to be drawn and created.
KA: Mm-hm.
LL: And you kind of don’t think about that as a viewer sometimes.
KA: No. And that’s good, that is a good thing.
LL: [laughter] That’s the goal right?
KA: That is the goal. If you wanna be invisible, it’s like sound effects, too. You don’t want to notice the sound effects, unless it’s, like, the silly stuff.
KA: Allura’s hand magic, that’s a different element. Now all I’m gonna do when I watch the show is count all the different things.
AE: Yeah. Would that be a comp element?
NLB: I know, that was the one thing I was thinking, like, “I think that was comp.” So, like, there are certain things that we’ll call out, like, that we just, like, say, “Hey, animator, we trust you, like, go for it.” Most of it we don’t because that’s just way too much responsibility, like, then you’d get so far into the process and be like, “We have to redo this entire sequence.” It’s ridiculous, so--that’s sort of the thing is like, you’re--you’re calling these things out and you’re designing these in advance so, like, they have that to start animation. And animation is such an involved process, like if you’re waiting ‘til after it’s already animated to realize you didn’t like the color for that, then it’s way too late.
KA: And since you guys--most of what [stammering] you said what your job does at the beginning of the process of an episode, how long is it from what you’ve done your job to when you get to see even a mostly-finished episode?
LG: There’s…
LL: Lauren’s doing calculations.
LG: I am doing calculations. Um...
KA: We’ll add a sound effect for that.
LG: It’s a lot of months.
KA: Okay.
LG: Um, I mean--I mean I can, yeah, I don’t know how much detail I can truly kinda go into for the schedule for that, um, but it’s--we’re talking several months between the time that we send that design, um, set overseas for them to actually start--for Studio Mir to start animating the product, ‘til we actually see the final product come back here. So, a lot of months.
KA: A lot of months. And i-in the interim time you’re working on an episode, you know, several more episodes, do you ever find yourself being like, “Oh yeah, I forgot about that” when you--
All: Oh yeah, all the time.
NLB: I mean, you’ll definitely go, like--especially when you’re dealing with an episode that’s in storyboards versus all, like, sort of, like, at the point of color designs, even though that’s all pre-production, that’s all pre-animation, those are so far apart in the process that they can be, I mean, [laughter] you’re like, you go from one meeting to the next and you’re like, “What’s this episode?”
KA: [laughter]
NLB: Like, what is this?
AE: Yeah, it’s even--it’s really fun, kind of, seeing the fan response for things and actually kind of watching the episode when the fans get to see it. But sometimes it gets confusing because uh-- our story, events happen and things change. And someone will talk about something, and then you’re just like, “wait a second.” Uh- as an example when uh- when seasons one and two came out where Keith was piloting the Red Lion, and then the uh change happens where Keith gets into the Black Lion. There was a period of time where we had associated Keith with the Black Lion, and fans had only seen Keith in the Red Lion. KA: Mmm
AE: So it kinda-- Sometimes you get confused.
KA: Yeah, yeah. [Laughing] As it would. Because you’re so far ahead and the fan [laughing] reac-- yeah it means you’re having to remember what people are talking about online like “what is this?”
NLB: I think that there are things that fans assume were put in the show because they’re like “aww they saw we responded to this in Season 1.” And we’re like, dude, no. [laughing]
KA: You have no idea.
NLB: It’s been there. KA: You predicted it.
AE: Our fans are really great at predictions. [Laughing] Um yeah after season 1 came out there were some great predictions and then season 2 came out. I mean, they were true, they came to fruition and it was--it was fun to, kind of, see some of the fandom predictions sometimes.
LG: Yeah. We read them all.
KA: You do?
LG: Oh yeah. [laughter] I hound for fanart and, like, reactions when it comes out on Netflix I’m just on the internet reading all the Voltron tags to see what people are saying.
AE: And then she’ll post it onto our group chat so the whole crew gets to see
LG: I do. And there’s a whole board dedicated to fanart that I have picked out that we just hang up so everyone can see it. So we do see the things that fans post a lot.
KA: But it in no way impacts how the show is made, everybody.
LG: It’s true.
KA: Way too far in advance.
LG: We do enjoy it, though. We absolutely love to see fanart, and it, um--and i-it’s just so great that the show is appreciated and the show is loved, and it makes us feel really great to see that, so, we--yeah--we look for it, we seek it out, we see it, and we-we love it.
KA: Do you--do you all have favorite characters?
AE: Yes.
LG: Uh, mine’s Pidge. I always try to voice her in scratch recordings.
NLB: Of the main… I think probably Hunk. Yeah, Hunk is pretty solid.
KA: Mm-hm.
AE: Ooh, that’s hard. I really like Allura. I mean she is just such a powerful female character and I love that about her, but Lance is also a ton of fun. So… [laughter]
KA: Whoever’s piloting that Blue Lion, that’s all you really care about.
AE: Yeah, I mean, really, I’m just attached to the Blue Lion.
LL: Oh yeah, I just, you know, go for the comic relief, so Coran is definitely my favorite.
KA: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
NLB: I know, can we shoutout, like, Bii-boh-bi?
KA: Yeah.
LL: Oh, Bii-boh-bi’s so good. Definitely.
KA: Bii-boh-bi is the noise of anyone who if anybody does swear--
NLB: That’s what we--oh, fabulous.
KA: This is a particularly beautiful episode, I think, visually because, I mean, it’s a culmination of so many things, but it is so… it has such a unique style, I think, to it.
LG: Yeah, I really love seeing these fight sequences with the ship and I think--I think it’s because I really… So, Voltron is a CG design, and I think it’s… you know, that decision was made for a multitude of reasons, but I love the fact that our team at Studio Mir is so talented that they can take the CG design and, uh, basically integrate it flawlessly into a 2D show where if I hadn’t been told that Voltron was CG, I probably wouldn’t have assumed it. So, seeing these fight sequences involve a lot of these CG elements mixed with our 2D elements, and I think that’s--it’s--from a production standpoint it’s really special to watch that happen.
KA: Mm-hm. Well it’s very singular in terms of, uh, animated programming to have that kind of integration. But yeah, I remember the first time y-you see the new design or updated design of Voltron it’s like, “Oh my god it’s so cool”.
NLB: And then you’re just like, “And I’m working with those people every day, so… the people who made that. That’s neat.” [laughter]
KA: Now we’re just watching the episode. This is what happens sometimes.
NLB: Yeah. It’s definitely like watching that shot and knowing like, “Is that Haggar’s phase 1 or 2 in the background?” Like--
KA: [laughter]
NLB: That’s Keith with his helmet off.
LL: Yeah! Oh, that’s right, so every time a character has a helmet on or helmet off, that’s a new design.
KA: Mm.
KA: Helmet on, but with--er, helmet off, but with suit on is diff--
LG: Yup, 100% different for sure.
LG: Yeah, I mean we have sheets and part of our job is we have these sheets that we’ll say, “Okay, this is scene, you know, 100”, and every single design that’s in that scene from background to character to prop to all the different color variations, they all get called out just for that scene. So pretty much we go through these episodes with a fine-tooth comb, decide, writing down every single design and color design that happens in that--in each individual scene.
LL: So it’s like, if you like Excel, or databases, a career in production might be for you.
AE: We’re all organizational nerds. [laughter]
KA: Which isn’t what I--yes. That’s a fun--it’s a fun thing to be. I don’t have the patience to be one of those, but I always want to be. I was--I was in college I was always like, “God, if I could just have, like, the perfect spreadsheet.”
AE: Lots of folders. So many.
LL: It’s true.
LG: I don’t know. I think it’s fun and satisfying. [laughter] But that’s a true sign that I’m an organizational nerd, so…
NLB: It is, like, probably one of the favorite parts of my job because I keep a lot of, like, physical paper from, like, the Excel spreadsheets that we print out and stuff, and when I get to, like, move one to my “done” folder, like, physically take a piece of paper from one folder to the next folder. It’s like, “We finished all the designs,” and it’s the best.
KA: Do you--what do you do with all the, like, the finished ones? Do they eventually go into an even bigger drawer?
NLB: I just keep them forever. I just keep them, and I look at them, I’m like, “I don’t have to think about that anymore.”
NLB: Like, “Look at that paper. That’s obsolete now.”
KA: Do you all still have all your old school papers, too?
LL: I do.
LG: Wow.
LL: Yeah, they’re in the closet.
NLB: That’s impressive. How many boxes?
LL: It’s like two boxes, I kept it from my favorite classes, but I was like, “We paid for this.”
NLB: That’s true.
LG: That’s very true.
LL: This is what I have left of college.
KA: An old en--old textbooks that are way out of date now.
LL: Yeah. Exactly.
KA: So we’ve reached the end of the episode, and I feel like we barely scratched the surface of you guys’ jobs.
KA: So, we’ll have to have you guys come back, uh, later on, if you would like once we get into season five, which as we record this does not exist yet. As far as we know.
KA: You guys are on, like, season 28 probably. But anyway, um, thank you guys for joining us on the podcast. If you have social media you would like to plug, feel free to do so now. If you want people to follow you on Twitter or Instagram or anything.
AE: Do I. [laughter]
NLB: I know, it’s like, well that’s the thing, is I’m like, well I have artist friends that I know. I mean I could plug their stuff. I’m not… [laughter]
KA: Alright. Well that’s okay. You can follow me on Twitter, everybody, if you want to, because I’m, ya know, a dumb [Bii-boh-bi] who talks a lot at @funcitonalnerd, um, and thanks for watching and listening along with us, uh, and we will see you once season 5’s around here on Form Podcast. Thanks, everybody.
NLB: Bye!
LL: Thank you.
AE: Thank you.
LG: Thanks!
[outro music, the rest of the VLD theme]
Female voiceover: Now leaving Nerdist.com
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beenpxshedaside · 6 years
Some Things Secret
Summary: There’s something about Bing
The title is based off a quote I found on Google “I guess we are keeping some things secret” It’s meant to be a pun but it’s like gone 4am here so it may not make the same sense as I am getting from it.  So this has been in my head all night during my nightmare shift. I hope it’s allright and I didn’t fuck up
@bubblegum-borb​ @pleaseletthisjimbetaken​
Bing is a lousy droid - Fact.
Not only is he undeniably inferior at many basic functions that come so much easier to Google, he’s far too upbeat, tends to be hyperactive, and spends too much time on that dang skateboard, the droid’s systems are way too slow, and he takes an age to charge. Despite Google’s repeated insistence that none of them need Bing, Dark frequently shuts down his protests and says that Bing is staying.
Google has deemed that letting Bing know just how aggravating he finds the inferior droid is worth less than looks of disdain and grunts of disapproval when their paths cross. Still Bing doesn’t seem to get the idea, and every time he continues to give a wave and that weird greeting.
Google’s brothers are a little more tolerant of Bing, though not by much. So it’s they who start to notice something off about him.
Red mostly just says no to whatever stupid new dangerous activity Bing is wanting to check out. This week it’s BMX, last week it was abseiling, next week it could well be sky-diving. It makes no sense that a droid would be that intent on putting itself into such dangerous situations. He doesn’t notice initially that Bing has stopped approaching him, realising that the last time Bing suggested some activity was a good few weeks ago.
Green often assists Dr Iplier in his clinic, and one day, he enters to find Bing speaking with the doc in hushed voices, though he soon shuts up when he realises they aren’t alone. Dr Iplier doesn’t realise and promises that he’ll ask Schneeplestein but that Bing should assume the answer is no. Once Bing has left, Green asks what that had been about but the doc just claims doctor-patient confidentiality and says nothing.
Oliver is the closest with Bing, the two of them actually getting on quite well, though Google still doesn’t understand it. The yellow droid and Bing often watch TV, or hang out in the garden or go for mini-adventures (nothing life-threatening).So when he searches everywhere for the orange droid, only to find the guy still in bed barely moving or responding, of course he’s worried. At first he thinks it might be a charging issue but Bing kind of half wakes up and inisists it isn’t, before he asks to be given some time to just rest.
The three of them take their concerns to Google who reminds them that Bing is not like them. He is an inferior machine and that he is distracting them from their objectives. It isn’t until he is passing Bing’s room and he can hear muted sobs that his own curiosity gets the better of him and he goes in to investigate.
Bing is sat on the edge of his bed, cradling his right arm that looks like it’s shut down, a bit too stiff and still. Sure enough Bing is crying, though as soon as he sees Google coming in, he gives this big fake smile as though he doesn’t look like death.
The two of them stay like this for a moment or two, Google in the doorway, Bing on the bed. Having satisfied his curiosity, Google starts to leave, stopping because Bing calls out to him, asking him for help.
Bing admits that he isn’t actually a droid powered by the search engine Bing. His real name is Ashley Bingham. Bing was a childhood nickname that’s always stuck. When he was in his late teens, he was involved in a nasty accident that destroyed a large portion of the right side of his body. By rights he should have died. He only survived because his parents agreed to an incredibly experimental (and probably not very legal) bionic procedure. It was a success but the connections between his robotic parts and his human parts made for a messy problem when it came to illness or malfunction.
A doctor can look after his fleshy body, a robotics specialist can easily maintain his enhancements, but very few are willing to get involved when the two mix. The only person really qualified to maintain Bing is an up-to-date expert in bionics, and even then given the often controversial nature of the practice, most of them only know how to handle it in theory.
The only practioner, who has maintained Bing to this point, died six months ago, and Bing has spent all this time trying to find someone else before something goes wrong. Even asking Dr Iplier to see if Dr Schneeplestein knows anything that might help. Bing then explains that he may be too late, since he can’t move his arm and his eye is starting to malfunction. If he doesn’t find someone to fix him soon, it’s only a matter of time before something more vital fails, and there’s no coming back from that.
This is a lot to take in, Google finding himself with a lot of questions but deciding that now is probably not the time, he sends a message to summon all the Google droids in Bing’s room. They each have a vital role to play.
Green is tasked with finding any and all resources available that discuss the practice of bionic surgery and to search for notes by the original surgeon. After all, in this new digital age, nothing is ever truly lost to death. Everything needs to be found, read, noted, printed, filed and shared between them.
Red has to find out which of the other egos know, discreetly. A somewhat arduous task but a vital one nonetheless, given the extremes to which Bing has gone to try and keep this hidden since he joined the group. It’s clearly a point of concern, possibly even shame and if there is anyone who may try and use it against him, they need to know.
Oliver’s duty is to keep Bing calm, since he’s still crying and clearly very distressed. Keep him distracted and reassure him that this is just a hurdle, not a road block. Make sure he doesn’t do anything to further aggravate his parts and maybe try to find out what was replaced so they know where to start looking.
Google heads straight for the clinic, informing the doctor that he knows, that they all know and that they will require access to his clinic at various points, and maybe even request his assitance from time to time. When the doctor asks why Google explains that the four of them will be fixing Bing from now on.
They can hardly leave him in the state they found him, they cannot allow him to simply cease to function. Google doesn’t entirely understand his own motivation but he knows one thing.
Bing is a lousy droid - Fact - because he’s not a droid. And he definitely doesn’t deserve to die.
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kitanumi · 5 years
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A bit old as of time I am posting. The roster has had Skeela and Peaches rotate out for various reasons. But, I still wanna share this piece about the time my players went through the Judge Not by the Cover module. The name I gave the party is Gangster’s Paradise, due to them starting out in Klugetown. Through their many adventures they found themselves catching the notice of the Crystal Empire; and was given the quest to explore the ancient library from this module.
Skeela Nisar is the group’s resident hardworking smithy that has a bellowing voice and rough attitude. Peaches O’Plenty was the defacto leader the others would go to. Problem was Peaches was the most timid stallion around. He just had a unique way of getting people to listen to him and follow what he said. Siegfried Anne’Droy is the group’s sassy magician that will problem flirt with every hot guy he sees...then help the party. He is also so cowardly in a fight he tends to pull some interesting stunts that gets the group out of trouble. “Professor” Candy Swirl is the bouncy and fun loving food scientist. Always up for the next great adventure or tasty ingredient for her sweets. She also has some kind of split personality disorder. That is atleast what her player calls it; but i’m not so sure how she role plays that quirk is entirely accurate to the real condition. Borb also finds himself in a leadership role at times. Mostly he is a Nanday Conure parrotfolk that just squawks his name and spins around. He is a seasoned gang member of one of the largest gangs in Klugetown. He also has an interesting knack of changing his whole persona when he changes clothes. Lastly, Anna the crystal pony. She is soft spoken, peppy, and is basically a sparkly blue Fluttershy when it comes to her abilities. She is just a bit more extroverted than Flutters in personality.
As I said, Skeela and Peaches were rotated out of the roster of PCs after Judge Not by the Cover. Skeela I will talk about in another piece I will be posting. Peaches though....Peaches O’ Plenty was only pretending to be a timid stallion. He was actually very confident and secretly evil. His persuasive nature and ability to have people gravitate to him was related to this. His real name is Peachy Glow, the younger brother of Cozy Glow. A one villain known for using persuasion and being fake as all get out to manipulate people. At the end of the module I gave out extra loot not in the module. One was the Deck of Many Things. Peaches drew from the deck and got the card that grants you a wish. Peaches wished, “I wish to be the most powerful alicorn of all time.” Poof! He was an alicorn. By the rules of the game, no  player can be an alicorn. Thus, Peaches was spirited off for me to use as an npc villian. His player rerolled to be Crisom “Tibs” Evercast, the court mage of the Crystal Empire. Tibs explained to the party Peaches was evil the whole time and there is now an evil alicorn at large somewhere in the world. Yup, we ended Judge Not by the Cover by unleashing the most powerful alicorn of all time on the world and it has an evil alignment.
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zestysketchez · 7 years
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So here’s the cover for a comic I want to start working on where basically I’m playing through Pokemon Platinum and draw it. My main character is named Pril and she started with a piplup named BORB. This is basically an excuse to both draw more and play my favorite pokemon game!!! I’m not going to have a consistent upload schedule, but I’ll do it when I do it haha. Every comic will be tagged with Pril and you’ll be able to find a specific comic with “Pril” and then the comic number you’re looking for! For instence, this will be under “Pril Cover” and the first comic will be under “Pril 1″ and so on and so fourth.
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