#kanao has feelings now!
rubylarkspur22 · 2 years
Ship Swap AU (💕) Explanation
I know nobody asked for this, but I felt like explaining my AUs. At least the less common ones. Figured I'd give folks some better context than my little blurbs in the pinned post.
This is a long one, so I have a "Keep Reading" cut in case you are not interested and just wanna move along with your day without have all this post to scroll through. Trust me, it's long.
So! Let's start with the Kamado kids, Tanjirou and Nezuko. Quick TW for child abuse, human trafficking, implications of attempted SA, and death.
So Tanjirou and Nezuko are switched with Kanao and Zenitsu respectively. But things are a bit different than in canon.
Tanjurou and Kie still very much love and care for their children, and are still wonderful parents. What happened in this AU is that Tanjirou and Nezuko were kidnapped by bandits at a young age. Sometime between Takeo and Hanako's births. Tanjurou was out of the house on a market trip, and Kie ended up unconscious despite her rock-hard head and best efforts, only able to shield Takeo with her body.
After being kidnapped, the two siblings only really had each other as they were kept with traffickers who didn't treat them well at all. Tanjirou tried to take most of the hits so Nezuko wouldn't get hurt. He tried to protect her as best he could. But eventually, Nezuko was sold off to someone else, leaving Tanjirou alone with their kidnappers.
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Tanjirou, as you can likely guess, becomes the child that the Kochou sisters rescued and subsequently adopted.
After Nezuko was sold off, Tanjirou eventually broke, shutting down his once barely containable emotions and closing off his mind as a defense/coping mechanism. The scent of kindness and flowers, and butterflies and anger brought him back to himself in time to notice the two girls with butterfly in their hair.
The sisters, Kochou Kanae and Shinobu, took him in and adopted him as their little brother. Tanjirou was able to inform the sisters of his given name, despite the challenge of speaking after months of silence, and picked "Kanzaki" as a surname when presented with the various options by the Kochou sisters. This is based on the Taisho Era Secret that Kanao picked both her names the same way, and Aoi tried to urge her to pick her surnmae, Kanzaki, but Kanao instead picked Tsuyuri. *pats Aoi on the head* It's okay, I'll give you a little brother in this AU!
Of course, the sisters' decision to adopt their newest addition came with its challenges. Namely, the fact Tanjirou's previous environment had stunted him mentally to the point he couldn't make decisions or take action without being told exactly what to do. Kanae offered a coin as a solution, which worked to make things easier until they could undo some of the damage.
Tanjirou eventually discovered Breath Styles from his new sisters during their sparring fights. Though he had repressed his memories from before he was brought to the Butterfly Mansion, one that had remained somewhat intact was a figure dancing in the snow. Tanjirou picked up a practice sword, and discovered the ability to use this dance as a Breath Style. A visit to the Rengoku Estate later, and it was revealed that Sun Breathing had made its return to the Corps for the first time since the Sengoku Era. Tanjirou's use of Sun Breathing led some (*cough* Shinjurou, mostly *cough*) to believe he was actually descended from Yoriichi.
The next events will include a spoiler for a major canon divergence I made, and I don't wanna spoil it in this explanation post! If I get asked about it, I'll probably talk about it then.
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Nezuko was sold to the Red Light District in Yoshiwara. The one bright side to her situation was that she was sold to Tokito House, the House who had the kind and sisterly Koinatsu. (Taisho Era Secret: Nezuko only spent one week at Kyogoku House with Warabihime, but it was enough to be thankful she hadn't been sold to the House of the cruel and terrifying woman.) Despite the small bright sides, however, Nezuko despised her new life. Not least of all because it separated her from her family and made her into little more than a piece of property to be passed around when she was old enough. At least, that's what was intended to happen to her.
When she was 12, Nezuko's life changed. A customer got too intimate for her rank as well as her liking, and she lashed out in fear and self-defense. She stabbed the customer in the throat with a hairpin. Of course, most girls who were old enough to take in customers knew the story from over a century ago. The story of the girl who attacked a customer, and got burned alive. And that was only for gouging out a single eyeball! Nezuko reasonably panicked, and ran for the hills. There, she ran into none other than the God of Festivals himself, Uzui Tengen, and his three wives.
(I was originally planning to have Nezuko meet Kuwajima, Zenitsu's mentor in canon, but I think her meeting Uzui would make much more sense considering Geography and the fact Kuwajima is 1. missing a whole leg, 2. retired, and 3. training Kaigaku. So she meets the flashy ninja man instead!)
Tengen, upon hearing the pre-teen's terror and distress, let his wives handle the situation and calm to girl down. Upon realizing the situation, the four decided to take Nezuko in and adopt her. Nezuko happily went with them, thankful for an escape from Yoshiwara and hopeful to get a chance to find the family she lost.
As she grew up with the Uzuis, Nezuko also took an interest in Demon Slaying. With enough pestering and Puppy Eyes, she was taken under Tengen's wing to learn Sound Breathing.
One thing they all learned quickly about Nezuko was that she is feral. Over 5 years of being forced to be a "proper young lady" 24/7, she's got some pent up Gremlin Energy to work out. Nezuko is required to have a) adult supervision at all times, and/or b) no access to anything that could cause a fire and/or explosion unless she's supposed to be causing fires and/or explosions.
Then here's my explanation for Kanao and Zenitsu(Sorry, I don't have pictures atm. I'm mostly focused on Tanjirou and Nezuko right now and I struggle with drawing Zenitsu's hair!):
Kanao ran away from her abusive parents before her canon mental break, and ran as far as she could before she collapsed. She was found by Zenitsu, who brought her to wherever he lived at the time and helped her recover from the long journey, malnourishment, and dehydration. The two got to know each other, and decided to stick together after a while. While Kanao didn't have a first name at the time, she did pick up the family name Zenitsu had of Agatsuma after deciding to become his sister.
(Since we don't know when her real birthday is, we can't say if Kanao's older or younger than Zenitsu. The difference would be a matter of months, as Zenitsu and Kanao are both 16 at the times of their debuts, with Zenitsu's birthday falling on September 3rd while Kanao's actual date of birth is unknown. So I shall just say sister, neither older nor younger.)
The two wandered between towns for a few years before coming to the town at the base of Mount Kumotori, where they were found by Saburou and Tanjurou. After explaining the situation, Saburou agreed to watch over them until they found a more permanent home. And then he ends up getting attached and adopts them himself!
Because of their new home being so close, Kanao and Zenitsu became close with the Kamado kids(Takeo and Hanako, adding on Shigeru and Rokuta when they're born. Tanjirou and Nezuko have been missing for a couple years.). Of course, the two were made aware of the missing eldest children, and made sure to not make themselves into potential replacements. However, they do still care for the younger kids, and help when they can. Helping with chores, babysitting the kids if Kie and Tanjurou have to leave the house, etc.
The two also make names for themselves thanks to their enhanced senses. Zenitsu is often asked to help find lost pets or help kids find their way back to their parents with his hearing, while Kanao is often requested to use her sharp sight to help find wild animals sneaking treats or make sure a building project is okay. And suffice it to say, the two are very good at their jobs.
When Tanjurou passes away from his illness, Kie steps up to take charge until Takeo's older, including taking over the charcoal deliveries. Both Kanao and Zenitsu step up to help, even if Takeo insists he can handle it himself.
This is what leads to the events that transpire during Muzan's "visit" to the Kamado home.
Zenitsu had chosen to help Takeo watch over the house and younger kids, while Kanao insisted on helping Kie take the latest batch of charcoal into town. Everything continues as it did in the canon episode 1, only with Kie going into town with Kanao as well. Yes, this is because I want Kie alive so Tanjirou and Nezuko have someone to come home to.
The two women come back to the aftermath of the massacre. It's one of the times Kanao wished she didn't have such a sharp sense of sight. While Zenitsu survived, none of Kie's children made it. Kanao offered her condolences, knowing that Kie had lost her entire family now. It was quick, though, as they had to get Zenitsu to a doctor. However, as we know, this is where a whole mess of events begins.
Et voila!
If there's any questions you have, don't hesitate to send me an ask!
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wisteriaw0rld · 11 months
-ˋˏ ༻…oops…༺ ˎˊ- kny x reader
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||synopsis: You’re caught completely off guard when ____ calls you by a pet name/compliments you. Most people wouldn’t get caught off guard by this, but the two of you aren’t even in a relationship yet. It just slipped out of their mouth. ➳ (before the confession scenario) 
||characters: Kamado Tanjiro, Agatsuma Zenitsu, Hashibira Inosuke, Shinazugawa Genya, Tokito Muichiro (separate), (gn! reader), (fluff), (headcanons + oneshot) <3
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“kiss me hard before you go, summertime sadness.” -Lana Del Rey
˚ʚkamado tanjiroɞ˚
♡He’s in love with you, and as his first priority is being a demon slayer to turn Nezuko back into a human, he does the best he could to hide the feelings and/or ignore them.
♡Of course he wants to be with you after this is all over. Actually, he wants to get with you as fast as he could. (But priorities first! …right?)
♡At first, he was embarrassed when he called you, not by your name. Although all that previous embarrassment was quick to wash away after he saw your reaction. Now he just has to hope he doesn’t fall for you even harder.
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You hummed silently to yourself while on the very top of the ladder, hanging up colorful decorations all of the butterfly mansion. With the idea from Aoi and Kanao, everyone was decorating the estate as a surprise for Shinobu. It was your job to hang decorations, Aoi to bake, and Kanao to pass out invitations to the Hashira’s.
“Y/n! Be careful!” Tanjiro who had been below you was holding onto the wobbling ladder you were standing on. He had helped you already hang up banners in half the estate. Now there was only the other half to go. And despite you being the one on the top of the latter, Tanjiro seemed to be way more anxious at you being up there.
Your body stretched forward in an attempt to hook up the end of the lavender banner to the other side of the wall. Without realizing, you began to wobble in the slightest, stressing out Tanjiro in fear of you falling.
“Dear, be careful!” You quickly paused your actions. Thankfully, you had already hooked up the end of the banner. You felt your face get hot as you looked down at Tanjiro, checking to see if he had coincidentally called someone else dear. But he had been staring right at you. 
At first, he seemed confused on why you became to flustered out of no where. Until he realized what he said. His own face turned a dark red as he tried to explain himself. But he only became a stuttering mess.
Taisho Secret!: After what happened you tripped off of the ladder in embarrassment and Tanjiro had to catch you, making him blush more.
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˚ʚagatsuma zenitsuɞ˚
♡Let’s be completely honest, he’s head over heels in love with you and not afraid to show it. He calls you pet names all the time. He calls you his love, future lover, and his soulmate. 
♡Sure the first time he called you a cute name and complimented you, you blushed profusely. But eventually, you got used to the pet names.
♡Zenitsu, for one, will never forget the day you got flustered from him calling you a pet name. As for you, you tried your best to forget it at how embarrassing the whole scenario had been.
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You laid on the soft futon on the floor, zenitsu’s futon being right beside yours as tanjiro’s was on Zenitsu’s side, Inosuke being on the other end. You had a long night and were mostly just happy you made friends and wouldn’t be alone on your journey as a demon slayer.
However one thing that had made your day seem extra slow and long was one of the boys you met. Zenitsu. He was adorable but he was relentless in trying to get you to be his spouse.
Your back had been facing zenitsu as you were trying to finally get some sleep. That was until zenitsu snapped you out of your thoughts by poking your back repeatedly. With a small sigh you turned the other way to face Zenitsu.
As every other time you saw him, he had tears in his eyes. “What happened, Zenitsu?” You asked, your eyes half lidded as you just wanted sleep. It took everything in you to not pass out in the middle of your conversation with him.
That conversation had mostly just been him talking to you. But you couldn’t pay attention to a single thing you said. “Love? Are you okay?” Your eyes suddenly widened as you felt yourself blush. 
“Zenitsu, Go to sleep!” Tanjiro yelled, throwing a pillow right at the boys head as Inosuke began laughing loudly.
Taisho Secret!: Zenitsu teased you about your flustered state for weeks and wouldn’t drop the topic. He believed even more that you two were meant for each other.
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˚ʚhashibira inosukeɞ˚
♡In a situation like this with him, your most definitely not going to be the embarrassed one, even if it is you that received the compliment.
♡Inosuke has pride. A lot of pride. So the moment he ‘accidentally’ compliments you, his face is secretly burning a bright red. Thankfully his boat mask had been there to cover for him.
♡Getting a compliment from inosuke doesn’t happen very often. Especially when the two of you aren’t even in a relationship together. So you better cherish the moment while you can.
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Inosuke calling you strong was just about the only compliment you received from him. And sometimes, it didn’t even seem like a compliment with the way he sounds so sarcastic and whenever he says it. And he also always brings up his own strength in the ‘compliment’ calling himself stronger than you.
And from Inosuke, you never would have expected to get a non-sarcastic compliment. Especially when it comes to your looks. 
You, Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and him all planned on going to a small festival nearby just for the fun of it. And for a break from slaying demons. And as the only thing you wear every day now being the demon slayer uniform, you didn’t think it would hurt to dress up a little.
Being out of the corps uniform felt comforting in a way. Despite still having to bring your katana just in case, it felt nice to feel like a normal person your age.
You walked outside, seeing only inosuke outside, dressed up and out of the usual pants he would wear. But the boar mask remained. You stood beside the boy, waiting for the other two to come. 
“You look pretty..” You heard a Mutter from inosuke, making you shocked. You turned over to the boy with a questioning look on your face.
“Did you-“
“No!” He yelled quickly, crossing his arms. A small blush dusted your cheeks as you moved your arms over to his boar mask to take it off. The moment you did, you noticed his red face making yourself turn red as well.
Taisho Secret!: When Inosuke told you that you looked pretty, Tanjiro heard and brought it up to you during the festival making your face turn pink. Inosuke saw and felt a little jealous but he’ll never admit that.
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˚ʚshinazugawa genyaɞ˚
♡He spoke without thinking. And the very moment it slipped out of his mouth, it took no time for him to turn the darkest shade or red. 
♡You immediately turned a light red but the moment Genya began apologizing for calling you that and assumingely making you uncomfortable, you felt really bad.
♡100% had to assure him multiple times that it was completely fine and you didn’t mine one bit. He stopped apologizing but he was stiff as a board the entire day as he couldn’t shake off what had happened.
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You and Genya had both chosen to visit a small lake that day. The two of you were simply in the water, splashing each other and staying afloat.
While not paying attention, you didn’t realize Genya staring at you with a small smile on his face. The moment you saw, your head tilted to the side. You eventually waved your hands in his face to break him out of his small trance.
Although even that didn’t really seem to work.
“Genya?” You asked before moving your hand back to your side.
“You’re so lovely.”
He paused. You paused. His face slowly turned a dark red and so did you. He was quick to put his hands up in defense.
Taisho Secret!: Genya was ashamed thinking he may have upset you. So when the little lake day ended, he felt super guilty, thinking he made things awkward. Sanemi soon got worried at his brothers embarrassed state but Genya refused to say what was wrong.
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˚ʚtokito muichiroɞ˚
♡Poor Muichiro has horrible memory and everyone knows that. In some cases, having horrible memory can be a good thing, and in other cases, it’s really bad. For obvious reasons, it’s mostly bad.
♡But when this happened, Muichiro had a win win situation. Muichiro cares deeply about you and out of all the Hashira’s, he only ever hangs out with you. For that reason your company means a lot to him, even if neither of you knew it.
♡Mitsuri and Tengen had also both informed Muichiro about his feelings for you. So when he found out he was in love with you, he sort of forgot that he wasn’t dating you. More so with the way you’re both always clingy to each other.
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You walked around the main garden with nothing else to do. Muichiro was practically clinging onto your arm as he too had nothing else to do. Honestly, unexpected visits from him had gotten normal so you never payed much attention to it.
After a while of walking around, you took a small seat on the grass, Muichiro soon after sat right next to you, a blank expression on his face as he put his head on your shoulder.
It was something he always did. It took a while of getting used to it as your face would always flush at first. Now it had been comforting.
“Love, what are you doing tomorrow?” Muichiro asked, gazing up at the sky as his head was still placed on your shoulder.
“I-“ Right when you about to answer, you paused. Your face slowly began turning a light shade of red as you stiffened. Muichiro felt it, soon after bringing his head off your shoulder. He gave you a small head tilt, amused at your reaction.
“Mui..?” You asked, waiting to see if he even realized what he said. With the amused expression, you were sure he did. “You called me-“
“Are we not dating?” His amused expression faltered as he gave you a more genuinely confused one. You blushed more, not sure at what to say.
Taisho Secret!: Since Muichiro never got a direct answer from you, he spent and entire month thinking the two of you were dating and so Mitsuri had to later explain he hadn’t asked you out yet. Maybe that’s why you got so embarrassed when Muichiro told Zenitsu the two of you were dating.
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tiza0925 · 2 months
Hi!...umm could you pls do a NSFW tanjiro x reader where reader starts to get jealous of kanao bcos kanao has started to gain feeling for tanjiro and has been trying to get close with him but she doesn't know that reader and tanjiro are secretly dating so reader ends up distancing herself from everyone and when tanjiro confronts reader they end up in a mating press+overstimulation and a bit breeding kink 😳
(Pls don't get me wrong I luv Kanao but I haven't seen any fanfictions like this and I'm sorry if this request is too much)😅
Take care 😊
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only you | 18+
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Warnings/Tags: nsfw, explicit sexual content, jealous!reader, afab/female reader, unprotected sex, mating press, creampie, breeding kink, reassurance, Tanjiro loves you so much, multiple orgasms (implied), overstimulation, soft!dom Tanjiro, ALL CHARACTERS IN THIS ARE AGED UP AND OVER 18 YEARS-OLD
Pairing: Tanjiro Kamado x Female Reader
You feel two thick fingers shove inside your mouth, the fingertips hooking onto your bottom teeth to pull your head forward to look into sinful red eyes. 
You blink blearily, tears blur your vision, and you choke with a sob as drool drips down the corners of your mouth. 
“Already crying?” You hear Tanjiro murmur, voice sweet and low, a huge contrast to the brutal thrusts he’s been giving you—fucking your sore cunt with the intent to make you pass out. “Too much for you now, hm?”
You suck in a sharp breath, moaning around his fingers, and your eyes roll back when Tanjiro leans in to have his head near your ear—causing his cock to sink in deeper that you swear you feel him in your throat. 
“I’m sorry, love, but you’ll have to hold on for a little longer,” His voice rumbles against you, rolling through your ear as his lips graze the shell of your ear. “I still need to cum inside you, okay?” 
If you weren’t currently getting fucked to the point where you can feel Tanjiro’s dick in your soul and your mind wasn’t a puddle of liquid pleasure—
You would probably laugh at yourself for being in the situation you’re in at the very moment. 
Because none of this would’ve happened if it weren’t for Kanao.
And now you’re torn between still wanting to be mad at Kanao and also wanting to give her a hug of gratitude for getting Tanjiro like this. 
Not because Kanao directly told Tanjiro to fuck you like he’s some madman. 
Instead, funnily enough, it was Kanao who was the one that wanted Tanjiro for herself. 
It was obvious with the way you’d watch her laugh at his jokes that weren’t even that funny sometimes. 
Or the way you’ve noticed Kanao would leave light touches on Tanjiro’s hand and arm—brief but still giving the message that she wants more from him—whenever you were all out on the field training. 
You’ve seen the way Kanao looked at Tanjiro. 
And honestly—you don’t blame her. 
Tanjiro is an attractive guy. 
Not only in his face but his demeanor, how polite he is. Smart, funny, and god—have you seen him without a shirt? 
So you get why Kanao acts that way—even more recently, now, as Tanjiro started to train more and grew a little taller. 
It’s why you’re dating him, in the first place. 
But nobody knows that. 
You two didn’t want to get in trouble—dating within the Corps wasn’t allowed. 
But you guys couldn’t help it. 
He liked you, and you didn’t want to lose out on the chance of having him to yourself. 
The only issue with keeping your relationship with Tanjiro a secret—
Is that people, like Kanao, will try to get with him instead. 
Because in their eyes—he’s single. 
In Kanao’s eyes—Tanjiro is available for her. 
And at first—you didn’t care. 
You both knew what would happen once you kept this relationship a secret. 
People will still flirt—it happened to you many times by other guys. 
But you were always polite to let them down—made up some lie about wanting to focus on becoming a better slayer and all. 
And Tanjiro said the same thing to Kanao once before—and she listened. 
Admired him from far away. 
And you were okay with that. 
Until Kanao started to get handsy. Gradually.  
Until her small crush developed into something more for Tanjiro—and she wasn’t so subtle about it anymore. 
You were okay with it until Kanao and Tanjiro got a little closer—and you had to sit back with your teeth pinching your tongue, watching and doing nothing about it. 
And over time—it got to you. 
It’s not that you don’t trust Tanjiro—because this man has done nothing but respect and show you immense trust and security in your relationship. 
And he never flirted with Kanao back. 
But that doesn’t mean you trust Kanao. 
Not when Tanjiro is, in general, a really nice guy. 
Nice to the point where Kanao can mistake it for flirting. 
And if you couldn’t say anything about it—because what can you say without blowing your guys’ secret? 
‘Hey, stop flirting with Tanjiro because—‘ 
Because what? You like him?
That he’s yours? 
It was futile and you hated it. 
…Hence, why you started to distance yourself. 
From a few others at first. 
But then it started to turn into you making an excuse to not talk to Tanjiro. 
That distancing turned into you avoiding him as much as you can. 
Because it hurt. 
You can’t flirt with Tanjiro in public as Kanao can 
And honestly—you genuinely thought you would get away with this whole ‘distancing thing'. 
It even got to the point where you thought that you and Tanjiro's relationship could possibly be over. 
And wouldn’t that be amazing for Kanao, huh? 
But then Tanjiro confronted you about it one night—and that…
That was something. 
The door to your dorm closes behind him as you both walk in, and it’s deadly silent. 
The tension is so thick that you can cut a knife through it, but you don’t say anything.
And for a moment—it remains silent. 
Just waiting for something to drop, to set off the bomb that’s been ticking for a while, now. 
And then you hear Tanjiro let out a tired sigh, and you turn to see him rub a hand over his face as he looks at you, confused. “Are you going to tell me what’s wrong, now?” 
Your eyes widen, and surprise flashes through your pupils as you swallow hard, playing dumb as you avert your gaze. “There’s nothing wrong.” 
He lets out a derisive snort, sarcasm lacing his words “Really?” 
“Yes, really,” Your voice comes out flat, and you walk towards your bed while taking off your shirt. “You should go, I’m tired.” 
A lie. 
One that Tanjiro immediately detects as he shakes his head and follows you. “Not until we talk this out first.” 
That’s the thing that also made you fall for him—is how big he is on communication. 
It’s something you generally love about him—except for this very moment. 
Because talking about how stupidly jealous you are will get you emotional—you can already feel the damn lump beginning to form in your throat. 
You try to ignore him as you set up the bed, sniffling. “There’s nothing to talk about.” 
Tanjiro huffs out a breath, his voice soft and pleading. “Don’t lie to me.”
You purse your lips, your teeth clenching. “You should go rest.” 
You feel him closer behind you, his body heat near yours, and his voice is so confused. “Was it something I said?” 
The breath you let out is shaky, feeling guilty for making him think he’s at fault here. 
Because he’s not but emotions are a bitch and it’s starting to get to you. 
You swallow thickly. “No.” 
Another step closer to you. 
“Was it something someone else said?” 
Your voice is a little strained. “…No.” 
“Did someone do something? Did I do something—?”
And at this point—something kind of just…snaps. 
“I don’t know,” You don’t mean to have any bite in your words, but you’re just so frustrated and overwhelmed and feel so stupid for the way you’re acting that it all just hits you at once as you sniffle, your voice cracking. “Why don’t you go ask your little girlfriend, Kanao?”
And then—
Everything turns silent. 
You can hear the soft ringing in your ears right after you say that. 
You can feel your heart thumping rapidly with regret flushing your cheeks and your stomach drops. 
You didn’t mean to say that out loud. 
Fuck, fuck, fuck—
You feel a rough hand wrap around your wrist, and the next thing you know—
You’re being spun around—and your vision is instantly met with big, red eyes. 
And your breath hitches in your throat soon after when you take in Tanjiro’s expression because—
He doesn’t look mad at you. 
He looks…worried. 
Almost regretful in a way. 
“That’s what this is all about?” 
He asks, sounding incredulous and confused, looking at you patiently for you to answer. 
God—you feel so irrational now—
“I…” You start, not sure what to say with the way he’s looking at you like that, and you gulp. “…It’s not—”
“Oh, love,” Tanjiro sighs. Low and heavy—full with understanding once he takes a good look at you—and his eyebrows crinkle with focus as he brings you closer to him—tucking your head under his chin as he wraps his arms, full of muscles and warmth, around you. “You have no reason to be jealous of her, you know.” 
Your lower lip wobbles. “I know—”
“But,” He stops you, and you let out a shaky breath, “I’m sorry for not realizing it sooner.” 
You close your eyes, feeling guilty for even making him have to say that because—
“It’s not your fault,” You mutter, but Tanjiro simply shakes his head, sounding firm. 
 “No, I should’ve made stricter boundaries with Kanao—which I will do when I see her.” 
“I don’t want to tell you what to do with your friends, though.” 
Tanjiro frowns and tips his chin down to give your forehead an achingly gentle kiss, mumbling against your head. “How you feel is more important to me.”
Well, that’s just not fair. 
You both stay like that for a bit—simply hugging and being in the other’s arms. 
It’s silent again but this time it’s comfortable. 
But then at some point—
“Hey,” Reluctantly, you lift your head to look at him, and Tanjiro’s eyes soften as he gives your lips a soft, gentle kiss. “You’re the only one I want, you know.” 
You whimper, feeling a small shiver crawl up your spine. 
He guides your mouth open with his, his warm tongue sliding against your lower lip. “You’re the only one I want to kiss.” 
His hands on you grow firmer, almost possessive, as he pulls you closer to him—and you let out a small moan. 
He kisses you so deeply that you feel it in your bones, and he starts to walk you towards the bed—the bend of your knees hitting the edge, causing your back to fall and land on the soft cushion beneath. 
And he follows, holding you close to him, his mouth traveling to your ear and giving it a small nip, his voice rough against you, “You’re the only one I want to be inside of, too.” 
You feel yourself throb and you throw your arms around his neck as your legs wrap around him—kissing him back just as deeply, moaning into his mouth because this is the Tanjiro that you want. 
This is what you need from him right now. 
…Which is how, moments later, you end up the way you are right now. 
Cheeks red and shiny from tears. 
Your head foggy and ready to explode. 
Body so exhausted and numb from the way he’s been fucking you—holding you down with your legs thrown over his shoulders, nearly bending you in half as he presses your legs against your chest—
And he’s fucking you through your third orgasm, all while you cry around his fingers, clinging onto whatever your hands can find as Tanjiro pushes down on you—groaning at just how pretty you look. 
“Only made for me, love,” Tanjiro breathes heavily, kissing one of your tears, before looking back at you with a small grin. “You take me so well.”
You whine, and he pulls his fingers out of your mouth—your saliva shiny on his fingers—and he uses the same hand to wrap around your neck, putting one of your most vulnerable parts into his hand. 
“And I’m gonna make sure I get you all full with my cum.” 
That’s another thing about him. 
It’s the way he is in bed. 
He can be gentle but—
But there’s just this edge to him that makes your head spin and turn into mush. 
It’s the way he talks with words that sound sweet with the tone he uses, even if they’re filthy—as if each word has been dipped in sin-filled chocolate. 
It’s the way he fucks you with so much love and yet still manages to make you feel boneless and fucked stupid like some slut. 
And that little, spiteful, part of you grins—knowing that no one else gets to experience this side of him except you. 
Not even Kanao. 
He fucks you deep and slow, your fluids gushing out and getting both of you so wet that you can hear the sweet squelch of your pussy getting abused by his cock. 
Your clit is overstimulated from his body rubbing against it with every thrust—that your muscles tense and heat is constantly sparking in your lower belly.
He goes until he starts talking about breeding you—filling your sweet cunt with his cum and keeping it there until your belly is full with his babies and—
“God, love—”
And then you hear him groan, and Tanjiro kisses you as soon as his orgasm pushes through him—and he’s pumping his cum inside your pulsing cunt, filling you to the brim. 
It’s messy. 
You’re both so goddamn messy and out of breath by the time he cools down. 
But you don’t care. 
Even if your pussy is sore and wet and you know you’ll need a shower right after this—
And even if his breathing is heavy—hell, he feels heavy on top of you—
You like it. 
It’s welcoming. 
He kisses you again, this time slow and indulgent, and you feel yourself go numb at his words that get murmured right against you, “I’m all yours, okay?” 
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forbidden-sunlight · 1 year
yandere!poseidon with shinobu!reader headcanons
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warning: manga spoilers, obsessive behavior, violence, strong language, sexual references, established relationship.
The intention of this story is for entertainment purposes only, it is not my personal belief(s). The behavior exhibited here is inappropriate and unhealthy, hence it should not be encouraged. There are also triggers, so please take caution.
You are responsible for your internet consumption!
This is a collab work with @praisethesuuun, guys go check out her RoR content, it's amazing! With that being said, sit back, relax, and enjoy the chaos that is about to unfold :)
Revenge is quite an odd feeling to possess. It’s a white-hot hunger that gnaws at the bones and twists the delicate muscles of the heart. It hurts, and there is nothing in the entire world that can stop it unless the target of this dark emotion has been dealt with. 
When you had been alive, the target of your anger had been directed at Douma, the demon who had devoured your older sister Kanae like the ravenous lecher he was noted for being as Muzan’s Upper Moon Two. After rising to the rank of Hashira, you devoted yourself exclusively to pharmacology and applying it to your Breathing Style.
Medicine and poison went hand-in-hand. The only difference between them is the dosage. 
You had died fighting against Douma, absorbed into his body as nourishment to strengthen him. He never knew your flesh had been contaminated with wisteria poison until the very last moment. The look on his face was ...satisfying as you cradled his decapitated head in your palms, smiling cruelly down at him. Although you were dissatisfied that the poison would not have been completed without assistance from Lady Tamayo, a demon doctor of all possible candidates, the results showed otherwise. 
Your work was done. You’d leave the rest to Kanao and the others to destroy Muzan once and for all. You knew they could do it. 
Eventually, your soul ascended to Valhalla, where you had hoped to spend it in peace alongside Kanae and your parents. Alas, nothing in this heavenly area is as it appeared or told by the elders. There were gods up here. Gods who could have helped humans as they were hunted by demons, but chose to ignore the prayers of their worshippers in favor of indulging themselves like beasts.They were no different than a mortal warlord who valued his own safety above the people’s.
And now, they wanted to destroy Midgard because it had become ugly in their eyes? No. That is not happening. For as long as you carry your sword and poisons, humanity will not be discarded like a child’s toy. The Demon Slayer Corps were expected to protect the people…so it was not against the rules to participate in Ragnarok as a member of the medical team. 
Not at all. Especially since Lord Hades, for all the power he possessed, still needed the Demon Slayer Corps to ensure that nothing got past the broken barriers of the Bifrost and to maintain order without causing a panic in Valhalla. 
Hah…how annoying. You doubted your dear lover would be happy to hear about this. Despite his shortcomings, he was still a good man and an incredible fighter. Brunhilde would have been a fool to not select him as a representative of humanity. 
You were never one to convey false humility. If you believed that someone is an excellent combatant, you meant it. 
He could spend hours in the forest honing his abilities, pushing himself to where he would end up in your clinic within the Butterfly Mansion…and yet he still had the energy to spend time with a twisted person such as yourself. 
For all of the imperfections you possessed, the anger that still burned in your heart, he still found charming qualities that made him unable to resist you. To swear an oath of love and devotion beneath a wisteria tree, even when he would be fighting against the gods. 
A few days before Rangarok began, however, Brunhilde flew to the Demon Slayer Corps with startling news that would forever change the game between the humans and gods, incredibly agitated. But to you, it was another opportunity. You assured her everything would be all right. 
Be calm, and let the gods think that simply switching out their opponent’s fighters until the very last moment. After all, humans are able to endure quite a lot more than divine creators…with a far better temperament. 
Brunhilde’s sharp green eyes narrowed at your words, analyzing them with a cold frown before she slowly nodded and promptly left without saying anything else. Once she left, you left the breath you had been holding and ushered the terrified Nao to come out from under your desk, asking if she could bring some strong tea and rice balls.
You had much more to do now than simply packing up your medical equipment~. 
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You could still hear the screaming from the arena even when behind the sliding paper doors of your designated room. Two bouts have passed, and the favor is still with the gods. But it was nothing to fret about. Your nichirin sword was sheathed at your side, the blade dosed with the poison you’ve been preparing leading up to Rangarok. Two weeks were spent on finding the perfect balance of toxins, followed by trial and error on its effectiveness. 
Who knew a Valkyrie like Brunhilde would have access to vials of divine blood, let alone the idea of a god actually going through medical checkups? It was certainly a game-changer, and now you were confident that the Einherjar poison would do its job perfectly. 
It was a shame you couldn’t test it on Apollo again; the bastard is still lurking around in Valhalla, but you were quite certain he’d never try to touch Kanae without her permission ever again. The poison you used on him was specifically designed to create impotence, and he certainly loved to fool around with anyone. It took weeks for it to be out of his system, and you were placed on trial for an assassination attempt on a god. 
If it hadn't been for Hades’ interference, you would be Nifhelim instead of being sentenced to ten years of home arrest and unable to take on missions unless it was an emergency. As if sensing your distress, the sword at your side thrummed. 
Blinking, you looked down and smiled softly, giving the scabbard a few soft pats. “Thank you, I’m all right. Now…shall we go kill a god and bring a victory for mankind?”
The sword rattled in its scabbard, as if answering with you in delight at the prospect of a fight. Your smile transformed into a feral grin, excitement pumping in your veins as you walked out of the foyer and towards the entrance, carefully sliding on your zori sandals and brushing off dust from your butterfly-winged patterned haori. 
Inhaling a deep breath with your eyes closed, you pulled the sliding door to the left, just as a shriek went right through your ears. Wincing slightly, you opened them to see Brunhilde and her younger sister Goll standing in front of your quarters. 
You smiled at them. “It’s my turn, isn’t it?” Goll just stared at you with pink cheeks and wide green eyes, the one physical trait she shared with her silent older sister as the latter nodded. Your smile widened, stepping out into the marble corridor and taking an immediate right. The Valkyries were close behind. 
“May the Einherjar prevail.” Brunhilde said
“We will.” You said. “And should anything happen to me-”
“Kanao will be in good hands.” The Valkyrie said. “Your lover…that man will -”
“He will carry on and look after my sisters. That’s how it has always been, even after he found out I was a Hashira for the Demon Slayer Corps.” You replied. The sounds of the arena were growing closer, humanity’s entrance into the colossal stadium growing brighter. Followed by the sound of…water? You tilted your head to the side, walking towards it and saw…a boat tied to the mast of a deck? 
You sighed, stepping across the wooden planks and unraveling the rope before pushing it out to wherever it led you. As Goll shouted ‘good luck’ and Brunhilde gave a nod, one thought slipped into your mind. Why did the gods have a flair for the dramatics?
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Heimdall flew over the arena in a hot air balloon that was just the right size for him, circling around a circular-shaped platform that was surrounded by dark blue water and gigantic lotuses. Raising his horn up, the god screamed through it so his audience could hear him loud and clear. 
"While Zeus is the god of the cosmos, he who controls the seas is the tyrant of the oceans! The ruler of the seas! Even the gods fear the wrath of the most fearsome of deities! The second of the three Olympian brothers..."
The spectators began to warm up, anxious about what they were about to witness, a feeling of superiority common among all. No one dared to invoke his name, waiting for Heimdall to do so.
A roar arose among the divine spectators, the coliseum from the excitement shaking all but it was instantly silenced with a single, icy glance from the God of Gods. Even the human’s side was stunned at how the gods feared their representative so much that they could not utter a single word. Heimdall could only be thankful that he was in the air and not down there with them. He then cleared his throat, turning towards humanity’s corner. 
"On the other side!"
Attention shifted to the opposite side of the arena, where a single wooden boat plowed through the gentle waves as it carried a single passenger towards the dias. The air became heavy again. To destroy a god like Poseidon, his opponent needed to be someone who was just as powerful and terrifying. 
"Silent as a butterfly, yet deadly as a wasp, a fighter worthy of serving the gods! She is one of the few mortal souls brave enough to put her life on the line once more, to protect the Bifrost from destruction and slay those demons who would dare to cross the barrier into Valhalla!”
The crowd was going wild, the anticipation palpable. Never had they heard about a human of this caliber participating in Ragnarok, let alone someone who was intricately tied to the privacy of certain high-ranking individuals. Some had even scoff that such a the existence of such a human soul was nothing more than a fairy tale. 
The boat bumped roughly against the dias, causing the passenger to stumble slightly as she stepped off the boat. She slowly climbed up the steps with a hand raised over her eyes in an attempt to shield them from the blinding sun and a hand around the scabbard of her sword. 
“She is the one who had sacrificed her life to destroy the gluttonous demon known as Douma, and has a hatred for the gods that would even be dared to match the Father of All Humanity, Adam! Please welcome….the Demon Slayer Corps’ very own Insect Hashira, [First Name] Kocho!” 
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Poseidon could not believe he allowed himself to be a participant in Ragnarok at Zeus’ behest when that little shit knew he did not wish to fight against insects. A perfect being should never extend even a quarter of their true power unless the opponent is worthy. There is no living being in the entire universe worth his attention, let alone a second of his time.
 Yet the Fates had other plans; not only humanity’s representative is a member of Hades’ precious Demon Slayer Corps’ brigade, it is the very same swordswoman who had poisoned his nephew simply because he had gotten too handsy with her sister. Honestly, did mortals have nothing else to do with their time in Valhalla? But since he is already here and there is no turning back at this point, he might as well try to give a small show to these simpletons. 
He watched with disinterest as the [Hair Color] Hashira twirled her blade between delicate fingers with a serene smile, then quickly adjusting her grip on the hilt before crouching down. She then bolted, dashing towards him at an astounding speed and thrusting out her sword.
If Poseidon were any less than a divine god, he surely would have been nicked by the blade’s tip in the collarbone or the arm. 
But he is not - he simply maneuvered his body to the right, thrusting his trident forward, expecting a clean hit straight in the center of the human’s pathetic body and ending this match. It did not happen; instead, her feet landed on the outer prongs of his trident and pushed herself upwards, using the momentum to make an elegant backflip, putting space between them. 
[Eye Color] orbs blinked owlishly at him before they closed into tiny crescents, and her gentle smile widened ever so slightly. 
“My goodness, you are quite fast. Perhaps I’ll need to -”
Enough. Raising his trident, Poseidon unleashed a barrage of incessant thrusts in all directions, rotating in a circular pattern. Amphitrite would be more than enough to finish off his opponent. It would even be considered a great honor to bestow upon a pathetic mortal woman who called herself a warrior. Yet to his annoyance, she dodged each thrust, and only one made its mark on the left shoulder. Her smile faded, replaced with an annoyed frown as she leapt backwards again. He sneered. Same tactic as before. Putting distance between them before attacking. Can she only do that? How did she even survive this long?
Clutching her injured limb, she clicked her tongue in disappointment. “Hm. Not only is your agility and mastery of the trident impressive, you do not even allow a lady to finish what she is going to say? Goodness, there is no limit to a god’s arrogance, is there?”
Poseidon felt his eye twitch. He reacted. Him, a god of perfection who had no need for emotions. Why is he acting like this? He must be composed, unaffected by the malicious words of a human. His reputation as a God feared by All the Gods is on the line here. 
She readjusted her grip on the sword again, zigzagging across the dias. He deflected ten parries with his trident, yet five shallow cuts appeared on his body. He fucking bled. Him. 
Fed up with this charade, he knelt down, catapulting into the sky and bringing his trident down upon the vermin. Chione Tyro Demeter. With his enhanced speed, which created countless afterimages of the attack, it was virtually impossible to dodge all of them. The little human tried, but she got injured…she still is not dead, much to his chagrin.  
However…the sheer force of Chione Tyro Demeter had been enough to shatter her sword. Surely, she would dare to challenge a god to a fight with a broken blade. No. She will surrender, and this will be all over…so why is she still smiling? How dare she turn her back on him?!
“An impressive attack. If I hadn’t continued my training after ascending to Valhalla, I surely would have already been dead. Although, I must confess,” The Insect Hashira leaned down, picking up the other half of her sword, “You’ve saved me a lot of trouble just now. I really should thank you…even when the idea of showing gratitude to a god really makes me nauseous.” She tightened her grip on it, blood beginning to spill from her clenched palm. “If you believe I am going to cry and beg for mercy when I’ve put everything on the line to protect humanity….you’re mistaken. We begged for help through prayers, yet none of you listened. Tell me…is taking a human life that exciting? Do you find joy in destroying your creations like a child? Or are you just bored that there is nothing going on, just humans existing, and you want another war to get the blood pumping?”
The tension in the coliseum fell into an uneasy silence, soft murmurs carried out by the wind. Not even the commentator could say nothing…not that it mattered to Poseidon. Such things were of no concern to a god. He raised his trident, ready to launch another attack when a bright green light enveloped the mortal…no. It was emitting from her shattered sword. Hovering by the Hashira’s side were two women - splitting images of each other, one was calm while the twin was angry. 
She glanced up at either of them. “I’m so sorry it took this long to summon you like this, my friend. I ask, will you lend me your strength for ten, no fifteen minutes? Timing is critical at this stage.”
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Hrist’s aggressive persona smirked, delicate-needlepoint canines gleaming under the sun. 
“Do you even have to ask? Let’s take that fucking god down immediately. For our sisters, Reginleif and Randgriz!” 
Her dominant personality, the one who trembled before the gods, glanced over at you with calm emerald eyes before nodding softly. You smiled at the Valkyrie. “Thank you…both of you.” You crouched down for a split second, knees bent and eyes focused on the tyrant of the oceans, before you bolted. Poseidon used Amphitrite again, but thanks to Hrist’s abilities, your speed increased tenfold. And with two swords in your hand, you were able to easily deflect more of his attacks. But you needed to make it last as long as possible. 
Fifteen minutes….ten….five…seven…three…two…one. 
Poseidon suddenly fell forward, though he quickly steadied himself from collapsing head first by planting his trident into the stones. The coliseum had gone quiet, speechless at the sight of seeing the feared God of All Gods on his knees. He glared up at you, hatred swimming in those orbs. 
“What have you done?” He hissed. 
You smiled. “Oh, nothing much. Given your title as the ruler of the oceans, you are a master of hydrokinesis. Compared to what I used on Apollo, it’d be pointless to inject a water-based poison into your bloodstream to have any effect on your body. So I decided to use something a little more…effective. Corrosive.” You said. “Right now, the poison is starting to slowly feast on your body, starting with the bones. The muscle tissues will be next, followed by your organs.” 
“You dare…to do this to a god?” 
You raised an eyebrow. “Was there ever any doubt that I’d actually try to kill you? Come now, you’re smarter than this…at least I’d hoped so.”
 Shaking your head softly, you glanced upwards at a hovering hot air balloon, addressing a certain deity. Heimdall. 
“Mister Announcer? Would you say that this is a victory for humanity? Poseidon won’t be able to do anything in his current predicament, and…I might need some medical attention myself.” You added, suddenly feeling woozy and black dots appearing in your line of sight. 
The dull throb in your bones indicated the Volundr’s dissipation, followed by a bright green light and a curvaceous body pressed against your uninjured side. You turned and saw Hrist scowling, golden orbs narrowed in annoyance. “Moron. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if ya can’t even walk!”
“Now, now, just give me a moment to use Total Concentration Breathing to clot the blood -”
“Fuck no! I’m gettin’ your ass to the infirmary, now!”
“Goodness, such foul language!”
“Like you’re one to talk!”
The crowd was going absolutely wild; the gods were stunned at the mere thought that a mortal had bested them or screamed that this bout had been rigged or that you had cheated, demanding a rematch. The humans’ side was the one with the joyous cries and praises, no doubt Brunhilde was beside herself with elation that humanity had finally beaten a god. 
Amidst the cheering and Hrist’s grumbling as the both of you walked through humanity’s entryway in the coliseum, your mouth curled into a grin. You had done your part to protect mankind…now, the rest would be left to the other contenders. 
Before you could take another step, your knees buckled and the pain in your body increased tenfold. If it hadn’t been for a pair of arms coiling themselves around your hips, you would have fallen onto the floor immediately. Blinking, you turned your gaze upwards and saw dark brown eyes staring down at you in utter adoration as if you’d hung the stars in the sky moments ago rather than defeating a god. 
“You’ve made history today, my love.” Sasaki Kojiro murmured, pressing a kiss against the side of your head. “For a moment, I confess that you did have me a little worried.” 
You sighed, leaning forward to press your head against his chest, just for a moment. “It wasn’t intentional….although I wished I had decapitated that bed-hopping relic where he stood instead of letting him suffer from the poison. But that would be considered an act of kindness from someone such as myself. Better luck next time.”
Kojiro tutted. “Not while you’re in this condition, dearest.” He said, grabbing your other arm and draping it across his shoulders. “Now, let’s get you looked at before it's my turn to fight the gods. And don’t even think about using the Total Concentration Breathing method. You know I have very good hearing~.” 
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Poseidon was frozen on the dias. The sun burned his skin, and worse still were the looks of the sheep in the stands. Defeat, compassion, pain, and it fucking pissed him off. In that moment all he wanted to do was scream and eradicate any trace of life that bore witness to his defeat against a mortal woman. But he couldn’t even feel his fingers. The poison was so strong, pumping rapidly through his bloodstream, that it had been decided that he would be carried out of the arena by only his most trusted servants. 
Proteus did his best to keep everyone calm and not react as they headed towards the palace, yet even he was still shaken up by this chain of unforeseeable events. When the tyrant of the seas had been brought to his chambers, the staff immediately departed without another word, fearing for their own life should they do anything to anger their lord any further. 
But the truth is much more frightening and bizarre than anyone could have conceived as he laid in his bed, dark blue orbs staring blankly at the pearl-inlaid ceiling above him.  
In the smallest corner of Poseidon’s mind, that battle had awakened something in him. A dark, primal desire that should not be directed towards a mortal. However, if it is her poison, then she is the one who added this…whatever he is feeling, to curse him. 
That had to be the reason why his heart was pounding against his ribcage, his mouth to go dry at the thought of the Insect Hashira, naked and writhing underneath him in ecstasy. 
He gritted his teeth. “Shit.”
Slowly, very slowly, he began to move his fingers. Then his toes. Several hours later, Poseidon concluded his entire body was functional again except for his mind. The desire to conquer the Insect Hashira, [First Name] Kocho. 
She was a graceful, silver-tongued creature who compensated for the physical strength she did not possess with agility and extensive knowledge on pharmacology. In his eyes, she would make a perfect queen. And if she resisted him, well…
"You asked for it, witch."
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komoboko · 3 months
Hi! Not a request but just curious. What kind of pets do you think the kananoko squad would have in a modern au?
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𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐤𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐤𝐨 𝐬𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐝 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐨𝐰𝐧
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ft: tanjiro kamado, zenitsu agatsuma, inosuke hashibira, kanao tsuyuri, genya shinazugawa
These are 1am rambles brah
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TANJIRO would like to raise a dog, standard but oddly fitting for him. I think he would have multiple to be honest, he enjoys breeds that are more active so I would see him with a golden retriever or a Labrador. His pets really like you to!! Almost like he silently taught them to be just like him.
He definitely has dogs that get big but still thinks they are lap dogs 100%. Whenever you come over to his house and sit anywhere it’s a 50% chance a dog will come lay near you, next to you, or usually on top of you. His dogs are kinda spoiled to, he’ll you he scolds them but you caught him giving them treats when he was suppose to one time.
ZENITSU wants something small, not to big and easy to manage. Personally I think he own a bunch of guinea pigs. Very random choice but just hear me out. They remind me of his sparrow, he likes to hold them when he’s around the house. You may see him walking in a thick turtleneck during the summer, but that’s just because his guinea pig is resting in the next area.
They are a little stubborn though, even zenitsu doesn’t know why. They can get mad and almost bit you before, but that’s normally if they haven’t eaten. You don’t what zenitsu feeds them but he definitely has those really thick guinea pigs just for no reason at all. Well there is a reason as you have to invite his guinea pig to the table to eat with you all during dinner. Also obanai is banned from coming over is kaburamaru is tagging along.
INOSUKE probably wants a really unconventional pet, like I bet he tried to convince you to let him get a boar before. In the end he sticks with a dog like tanjiro. Just the breeds are different I bet he wants have to have a doberman or a German Shepard. He wants to train those dogs for war I tell you.
You refused to enter his house for a bit until his dogs get to know you, you preferred keeping in your feet and not getting tackled by his dogs. He likes to play fight with them always playing fetch with them outside. Although besides this you to went a farm that was mixed with a shelter where they have this really small boar. Every time you go there inosuke always spends time without. He named the lil dude megatron.
KANAO I feel like would have a bird of some sorts. A really well trained one as well. Not like a usual house pet but those really expensive exotic birds. She’s trained it and had help from professionals to train it now, it’s at this point where you can almost have full fledged conversation with it. It knows both of your names, the food it likes everything.
Sometimes the bird is unusually smart.. like the time you brought snacks that you and the bird can both eat but kanao never wants you to. When she can back you had everything hidden and the perfect fool proof lie created. Until the bird “coincidentally” said your name and the beaks brand right after. You were the one getting in trouble and her bird face no repercussions.
GENYA is pretty straightforward he just wants a cat. He likes how they’re more chill and calm and sometimes just hang by themselves or with him. also because the cat owning trait was subconsciously influenced by gyomei’s love for cats. It just grew on him eventually. I think I can see him with one of those black and white bicolor cats but I doubt he would care about the breed.
You tend to compare Genya to his cat a lot because of how similar they look in the face. For some reason Genya’s cat just looks mad, all the time. He could be giving it treats and it would just have the more monotone expression on its face. The cat doesn’t mind you though, Genya could be calling it thinking it’s asleep. Only to find it trailing after you while you go to sit on his couch.
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demonslayedher · 14 days
Did my rewatch with a friend, some observations either from me or both of us:
--Gotouge was deep in the "bean" period at this point in the manga, drawing especially Tanjiro's face in lumpy simple shapes on a regular basis. We suspect that in this season so far, Tanjiro's face has spent most of its screen time in silly mode as opposed to normal mode.
--Before we watched, I had her guess what she thought the vibe might be for the ending theme. "I don't know, foreshadowing all their deaths or something?" GIRL, HOW DARE YOU GUESS THAT RIGHT. Also, I'm so glad the full version of "Tokoshie" is already out because it's going to be super difficult but I can't wait to give it a shot at karaoke.
--We chatted afterward about Ufotable's choices. I feel like they've upped their show-offy game in this season (thicker lines, extended scenes, varied BGM and careful sound design, slow and deliberate filler, and lighting, lighting, lighting, lighting!), which might be somewhat to compensate for the slower story pace. It's simply reality that a lot of the hype for KnY has slowed (the Mugen Ressha era levels were unsustainable, of course, that was a phenomenon), and I know many people have gotten tired of it. But frankly, those people are not Ufotable's audience now; we the captives who love spending time with these characters are the target audience, and when things pick up again, those who took a break will come back and binge these seasons. I'm sad to see some hype die away, but I have no worries about the hype train totally dying down.
--And the love and care thrown into this production shows that they have every intention of giving the final arcs the care they'll require <3
--but also AOI!!! I loved the subtle restraint of that filler. It wasn't overdone, and it's so rare to see Tanjiro and Aoi have a moment together, and to see both how Aoi has relaxed in his presence and how she remains formal. That irony and layered way of Tanjiro having no idea how he's helped her, and Aoi talking about herself in wanting to be left alone, but still finding a way to show that she cares about this person Tanjiro is talking about even though she has no idea who it is? Wonderfuuuullllll
--How softly Shinobu speaks to Kanao!!!!! The way Shinobu sits in shadow but Kanao is within reach of the sunlight!!!! (They put Kanao's hair on the same side as usual instead of matching the way the manga did this scene!)
--The glimpse in Tamayo's memories of Yoriichi encountering Muzan, the sound of his earrings tied with the sound of Tanjiro's earrings!!
--The same sort of layering in the ending theme!!
--Giyuu's face being cut out of view when he says he's not the Water Pillar
--EVERY BIT OF GIYUU AND TANJIRO INTERACTION, I'm sure Hanae Natsuki had so much fun being thoroughly obnoxious
--There is no mistaking Murata and I love that
--The height difference between Tanjiro and Giyuu in the Taisho Secrets
--Tanjiro was the one being overbearing and clingy in the episode and now in the Taisho Secrets we've got Giyuu thoroughly in "Kamado Tanjiro is my friend" mode, like "...Come eat more soba with me. Oh. Then. Come eat shake daikon with me. Are you coming? You're coming! Are you done yet? I'm staring at you from the side of the screen. I'm waiting. Come on. Hang out with me."
--I was gonna say the Taisho Secrets were obvious this time, but my friend (who has read the manga and just watched this episode with me) said, "oh, I didn't know that side was from his sister!" So... alright, good call, then, Ufotable.
--Ok but as Tanjiro is first showering Giyuu with kindness (and indeed, sitting so much in Giyuu's personal space), I was thinking about Giyuu's smile in the Taisho Secrets (shake daikon, yay~), and my friend said, "You know what this is making me think of? That panel at the end of the manga when..." --when he's smiling, I thought-- "...he thinks Tanjiro is dead." NO STOP WHY DID YOU DO THAT ME
--Love that little addition of Tanjiro cheerfully pointing out how quiet it's been, and "no! No demons here!" TANJIRO, YOU SHOULD BE VERY, VERY WORRIED ABOUT WHAT THIS MEANS
--"Now want about Tomioka-san" "What's Kocho doing?" UFOTABLE STOP THE DOOMED GIYUSHINO HURTS
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luneymoony · 1 year
The Butterfly's Effect (Prologue)
a SAGAU!Imposter! AU x Shinobu!Reader where the reader is.. well, shinobu kocho from demon slayer.
CW: mentions of death, swearing, slight mentions of dissecting? Major Spoiler Warning for the anime only watchers out there! (imsosorryomfg) WC: 1.4k Notes: reader will be shinobu, like, literally. english isnt my first language so i apologize if theres any grammar, spelling mistakes or edits. :)) i've been obsessed with crossovers and sagaus so why not put them together? Photo is not mine!
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It's so dark.
What happened?
I can't remember anything..
Am I.. Dead?
The final battle of the Demon slayer corps has finally come to an end. The demon king, Muzan has finally succumbed to his demise after more than ten thousand years of living as a demon. The upper moons were all defeated and Japan is now demon free.
Of course, everything comes with a price. As many people strived to defeat the demon king, many also died in the process. Tomioka Giyuu, and Shinazugawa Sanemi, The remaining Hashiras of the corps.
Rengoku Kyojiro, Iguro Obanai, Kanroji Mitsuri, Tokito Muichiro, Himejima Gyomei, Kocho Shinobu.
These were the pillars that had lost their lives in the battlefield. Many people lost something in that battle. Their lives, their loved ones, their abilities. It will take time to heal from these wounds. Emotionally, physically and mentally.
Kanao looked at the butterfly hairpin on her hand, her mind drifts off to the insect hashira and how she died, how she was getting absorbed by that vile and disgusting demon. How she could've saved her if she was more quick enough.
Tears prickled in the corners of her eyes, holding the butterfly hairpin more firmly and bringing it close to her chest. She misses them so much. She can only pray that they will be reincarnated to a world free of demons. A world where they could be happy.
A world that they can live in freely.
Your eyes flutters open. Your head was spinning and the first thing your eyes see is the clear, bright blue sky. You blinked rapidly to clear your blurring vision. You moved your head a bit to take in your surroundings.
You were laying on a soft patch of grass in the middle of nowhere. A large tree giving you enough shade to block your form from the sun's bright, and burning glow.
Slowly you sat up, groaning while doing so. You don't remember laying or being here when you were last conscious. The last thing you remembered was the sound of your sword dropping to the ground and-
That's right, you were fighting uppermoon two. By what you can gather, you had died and had been absorbed by him.
But.. what happened after that? You certainly didn't remember getting yourself teleported to this unknown place, in fact, this wasn't even where you were when you had fought the bastard. And aren't you supposed to be dead?
Your thoughts were interrupted when there's a sudden noise coming from behind the tree. The loud noise startling you from your train of thoughts. You stood up —albeit a bit slowly— and noticed that you still had your sword with you, and your clothes were still intact. Your hand went to the back of your head to feel the butterfly hairpin that is strangely still there.
Choosing to save the questions that were racing in your mind for later, you feel the hilt of your sword and carefully and quietly approached the matter behind the tree.
You stopped once your eyes spot the.. Unusual looking creature? It looked a bit human, with arms, legs, a head and a mask covering its face. Weird ears. It also looked like it has something on its mask.
The creature seemed didn't seem to notice you or your presence, not until you stood in front of it did it froze. Its noises stopped too. It looked completely frozen by the sight of you.
Your hand on your sword's hilt had tighten, although it didn't show any signs of attacking you nor does it seemed armed, you were still very wary of it.
It doesn't look like a demon, well, not the usual demons. It is sure a humanoid creature with just some weird ears but it doesn't seem harmful. You also noticed that it had a briefcase from its side.
"What are you?"
Those are the first words you have spoken ever since you had woken up. Your voice was hoarse, your mouth and throat felt dry like the dessert. But you aren't giving in to the tempting urge to drinking whatever liquid is near to you until this creature answered you your question.
Although you did feel a bit stupid to just ask this random creature a question, when you could've just killed it right then and there for its unusual appearance. However.. you weren't going to attack it until it attacks you first. Plus, there were something off about this one.
Your gentle gaze and soft movements startled the Unusual Hilichurl. It couldn't get its eyes off of you, you looked like you simply didn't exist. It usually payed no mind to the others and the mortals that passed by. Taking no interest in them whatsoever.
But when its eyes laid on you, it froze. The hilichurl had no idea why but it felt like its about to drop to its knees before your presence. And that, it did.
Your eyes blinked in surprise at the kneeling hilichurl in front of you. Truth to say, your eyes were keen and careful to whatever movement its doing so as you were almost about to unsheathe your sword, it just dropped to its knees and bowed.
"What are you doing?"
The creature didn't moved an inch, it just kneeled and didn't say anything. It didn't even answer your first question.
You were even more curious by this sudden behavior of this mysterious creature. You wanted to investigate and possibly might dissect it for later. Yet you couldn't ignore your stomach that was begging for food, and your dry throat.
Seeing as this creature didn't want to seem to cooperate, and it most likely probably couldn't, you let it be, as you need to do more important things. Like finding food and water to prevent yourself from dying of thirst or starvation.
You just took once more glance at it and turned your heel to walk away. To your surprise, you have spotted a small river. You walked towards it and removed your butterfly patterned haori to properly drink it.
The water's very refreshing, and it felt like heaven when the liquid made contact to your mouth, and down to your throat. Not to mention, the water also tastes quite good. Its most likely because you haven't really drank much. Wonder how long you were laying in that area?
After drinking, you had put your haori back on and went to explore this unfamiliar place that you're in. Maybe you could find some sort of village or town here that would invite you in.
You looked around for a bit and noticed that theres something in the distance that caught your eye, was it a city perhaps? it looked huge, there were windmills that you could see clearly from this place. Maybe there'll be some people there that can help you.
The cool breeze of the air and the heat of the sun felt so much like home to you. It has been awhile since you felt this relaxed with such environment. The scenery, the relaxing atmosphere, it felt so nostalgic.
"This is nice."
You couldn't help but speak fondly out loud. You smiled to yourself, a real and genuine smile. Not the fake smile that you usually wore to hide your true self, but a relaxed, and actual calm smile. This sense of tranquility almost feels too foreign to you that you couldn't help but sigh and close your eyes.
Even if you didn't see it, even if you weren't there, you could sense that the uppermoon two had been defeated by your tsuguko, and Inosuke. You couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of the cocky bastard arrogantly mocking you from your "worthless" attempt to kill him.
It was only when the poison taking effect did you laugh at that fucker's melting face. He really did underestimate you huh? Who knew that a simple butterfly can unleash so much hell with a single flap of its wings? It was truly pathetic trying to see the little shit's futile attempt regenerate its head.
Once the uppermoon had been defeated and is now entering the gates of hell, you were triumphant of his demise. You couldn't stand seeing his stupid face and seeing it melting to the ground unleashed a wave of satisfaction in you.
You shook your head and chuckled to yourself, focusing on your only goal for now as you continued your way to the city with a slight and satisfied curl of your lips.
The windmills of this city was getting clearer to your vision, as you were getting nearer and nearer to the city, a voice suddenly calls out.
"Stop right there!"
You froze and stopped in your tracks. Was it another one of those creatures that you met at that tree? but this one can talk and- wait a minute. Are they speaking in a foreign language?
Where exactly did you wake up in?
hihihiii its finally hereee
i've been procrastinating this for a week now becuz ive been so busy but here it is! the amount of ideas i have for this is akkakkahdjas
but ive finally managed to put myself together to make this! i really hope u all like it :,)
lmk if anyone wants me to continue this, the prologue is slightly boring and messy at first but ill try to make it readable as possible.
Edit: i forgot to put a spoiler warninggg :C im so sorry anime only watchers akcsksksk
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someone-wrote-here21 · 5 months
How the Kamaboko squad helps you when you're sick
My headcanons on how I think the Kamoboko squad would take care of you when you get sick.
Posted on ao3 in my Demon Slayer Oneshots/Headcannons book!
Requests are always open/welcomed!
Enjoy :)
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■ Tanjiro
- Being the oldest of his family, Tanjiro has a lot of experience taking care of people as he has helped his mother with taking care of his siblings, especially when they're sick.
- If you're the type of person that tries to keep working and denies that you're sick (even if it's pretty obvious), he will hover over you and make sure you stop and rest.
- This dude will be bringing you healthy meals in bed, making sure you drink enough fluids, and cuddle you, all until you feel better.
If you're the vomiting type of sick, Tanjiro will hold your hair back for you (if it's long) while you puke it all out in the toilet.
- If you don't like taking medicine, then you bet Tanjiro's gonna be using some of the tricks he used to get his younger siblings to take their medicine on you.
- He will try to be by your side to help you get better as much as possible, but not so much that you feel smothered.
■ Kanao
- Being the younger sister of Shinobu and having lots of experience taking care of people in the Butterfly Estate, you know for sure she knows what she's doing.
- Kanao will be bringing you medicine and healthy meals that are specially made for when someone is sick.
- When taking care of you, she will be somewhat strict, but only if you're proving to be difficult and not taking the medicine or refusing to rest.
- If you're the vomiting type of sick, Kanao will help you when you're puking it out and will clean you up without batting an eye. If you feel bad about it afterwards, she'll reassure you with a smile and tell you that it doesn't bother her as long as you get better.
- Kanao won't hover by your side, but will keep tabs on how you're feeling and periodically check on you take sure you're okay.
- If you want her to stay by your side though, she will and you'll both just cuddle and/or she'll read to you.
- I also feel like she'll probably get you to take some vitamins after you've gotten better to improve your immune system and make sure you have less of a chance of getting sick again.
■ Zenitsu
- I don't think Zenitsu has a lot of experience taking care of other people but I do know that he will try his best to make sure you get better quickly.
- With his super hearing, he'll probably hear that your sick before you actually tell him. He can also tell if it's just a cold or if it's a fever by your heart rate, not just by taking your temperature.
- This boy will dot on you until you feel better. Want food? He'll get it for you. Feel headachy? He'll get you a cool towel for your forehead.
- Even though he himself hates taking medicine, Zenitsu will persuade you to take it, while complaining with you on how bad it tastes. (He may or may not have asked Tanjiro on how to trick you into taking the medicine, shhh)
- Zenitsu will be by your side all the time to make sure you're doing okay, if you need him for anything, basically smothering you in his worry and wanting to be by your side when you get better.
- He is definitely asking Tanjiro for advice on how to care for you though, because even though he's inexperienced in taking care of others, he really wants to do his best for you and want you to get better.
■ Nezuko
- Now with Nezuko being a demon, she can't really take care of you during the day, but when night comes she's doing all she can for you.
- Being the eldest after Tanjiro means she too had helped take care of the younger siblings and knows just what to do when someone is sick.
- She'll change the cool towel on your forehead for you, make sure you have water to keep hydrated, and monitor your condition throughout the night.
- If you wake up to go puke, Nezuko will be by your side helping you, and will help clean you up with gentle care too.
- If you're having trouble sleeping, then Nezuko'll cuddle you as you sleep and/or hum you to sleep with a lullaby, staying awake to make sure you get your rest and to make sure she gets back into her box before dawn breaks.
■ Inosuke
- This boy has never taken care of someone else when they're sick, being raised by boars in the mountains and all. That doesn't mean that he doesn't know how to in his own way though.
- Being raised in the mountains, I'm sure Inosuke has some homeopathic remedies that he used instead of regular medicines.
- He won't be actively taking care of you but will bring you little gifts to make you feel better like acorns or really pretty rocks he found.
- Inosuke will also eat with you in your bed if you can't really move that much without feeling nauseous. And if you get headaches then he'll be slightly quieter when around you and won't yell as often.
- Inosuke will check up on you sometimes to see if you're getting better but if you ask him about it he'll make up an excuse saying he's just trying to make sure his minion is ready to fight him yet.
- When you recover, Inosuke will definitely challenge you to a fight to make sure you're still strong enough to be one of his minions. (His way of making sure you're actually okay and feeling better.)
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xxrengokusimp · 1 year
|| Arrival || Rengoku x Fem!Reader
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Note: The day has finally come, Rengoku's pregnant wife was ready for labor. now, lets just fucking get too it-
. . .
It was a dark night, just you and Rengoku sleeping well in bed. The sound of the wind outside, the crickets chirping, and the sound of your husband snoring next to you.
You were okay at first like, you weren't worried that the baby would come too soon. You thought "just a couple more weeks..." till the baby would arrive. I mean, thats what the doctor thought...
Rengoku couldn't wait any longer for the baby's deliver. Everyday he would talk to the baby in your belly shouting "Come out very soon!!! I want to see your adorable face!!!!" And everytime he does that, you laugh. It's funny that He's just talking to your stomach. Rengoku is just rlly excited.
. . .
"mm... damnit... this is the third time..." you silently groan. You get up from bed and walk over to the bathroom. Man... was the baby giving you a hard time...
You then feel sudden cramping... a lot... of sudden cramping. You moan in pain, placing your hand on your swollen belly. You try to suck it up and just stay up for a bit. You walk into the kitchen making yourself some tea to soothe the pain.
You sit down on the mat and take a long sip. The warmth of the tea seemed to settle the pain, which was good. But ... what was not good... was that you felt like you just peed yourself...
You look down on the floor to see a wet mat... then, you suddenly realized....
"Kyojuro!!!!!!????? KYOJURO!!!??" You screamed. Rengoku heard your sudden screaming, quickly got up from bed and ran straight to you. "What??!! Whats wrong?!?!!" He asked. "I... Kyo... Ngh!! I think.. It's Time...!!!" You studder. "HUH!!?? REALLY?!??! IS IT TIME!!????!!!!" Rengoku shouted. "YES!!! NOW HURRY AND GET SOMEONE!!!"
Rengoku panicked, "UH...??" he studdered. "Do you want me to carry you to the Butterfly Mansion?? So Kocho can help????!!!!!" "YES JUST... NGH!!" You scream in pain. "Okay!!! Okay!!! Up We GO!!!" Rengoku picks you up into his arms and rushes to Lady Kocho's Mansion.
"MISS KOCHO??? ARE YOU HERE??? IT'S A SERIOUS EMERGANCY!!!!" Rengoku shouts. "Huh???!! What???!!!" Shinobu ran over. "Whats Wrong???!!!" She questioned. "Y/N IS READY FOR LABOR... WILL YOU HELP US??!?!?!!!!??!" "Oh my!!! Yes Of Course!!!! Take her to the infermery!!! I'll be there in just a sec!!! I'll go call for more help!!!" Shinobu then rushes to find Aoi and Kanao. (she didn't want to call Naho, Sumi, and Kiyo cause they seem to young-)
"Its going to be alright Little Flame! Just breathe!! Take deep breaths!!! Everything is alright!!" "Kyojuro... I'm scared..." You weeped. "No, don't be!! I'm here!! I'll be standing right here the whole way through!!! ...Take my hand.. It's going to be okay... Little Flame.... just calm down... and breathe.. in... and out..." Rengoku cups the back of your head and touches foreheads together. "We're here!! And we have some of the stuff!!! AOI!! KANAO!! Go get more towels!!" Shinobu shouted. Aoi and Kanao then rush to get more.
"Shhh, Just breathe Y/N, breeeathe. steady your breath.. shh, its going to okay, just relax... relax.." Shinobu gently puts her hand on your cheek. "We Got More Towels!!!" Aoi shouted. "Good! Now... Y/N? Are you ready??" Shinobu asked. You nod weakly. "Alright. Now, I'm going to remove your pants okay??" Shinobu said while slowly removing your pants. Kanao places a towel under your legs so all that blood and liquid would be caught in it. (dont want no bloody bed) "Now... Y/N, I'm going to count okay. When I say 3, you push. And keep pushing till I count to 10. Alright? . . . 1 . . . 2 . . .3"
"PUUUUSSSHHH!!!!" Everyone in the room shouted.
. . .
"oh, my..." Shinobu grabs the baby. You hear the first cry of your child... Rengoku looks at his baby, tears falling down his cheeks, Joy growing more and more in him. "you did it Little Flame... We're parents now..." He sobbed with a smile. You give him a faint smile.. you were so exhausted... sweat rolling down from your forhead and cheeks... you face red from all the pushing. "Rengoku!! Please come in here!!" Shinobu called from the next room cleaning up the baby. "Oh! Alright Kocho! I'm coming!! I'll be right back..." Rengoku lets go of your hand and walks over to the next room.
"heh... congratulations Rengoku... here's your new baby boy..." Shinobu says giving him his child. Rengoku grabs his baby and holds it in his arms. Rengoku's smile slowly faded as he looked deeply into his son's eyes. His eyes widen in happiness. Tears falling out of his eyes like waterfalls. "go show her!" Aoi told him. Rengoku looks up at the three girls... "thank you..."
Rengoku walks back to the infermery, "Little Flame!! Look!! It's a boy!! We have a son!!" He said excitedly. You sit up and ask him if you could hold him. Rengoku gives you the baby, and you stare right into his small beautiful eyes. "heh, he has your eyes kyo..." Rengoku silently laughs, looking down to his child.
" . . . he looks just like you . . . Kyojuro. . .❤️‍🔥"
DAMN, THIS TOOK AWHILE- Hope ya'll enjoyed!!!
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lesbiansanemi · 1 year
Tanjiro is so funny because I’m like 90% sure everyone who has interacted with him has developed a crush on him and he is none the wiser about any of them. He called Inosuke pretty when they met? Inosuke’s gone. He said he’d keep flipping a coin for Kanao? She’s got a thing for him now. He said like two nice things to Senjuro and tried to beat up his dad and now he’s in love with him. He kept Genya’s tooth and Genya fell head over heels for the freak. I’m pretty sure even Zenitsu’s got some weird thing for him that he doesn’t know how to decipher because “he’s not gay Tanjiro is just really nice and he’s super weird so ofc he makes Zenitsu feel weird.” And Tanjiro is just walking through life absolutely clueless about any of this with his gaggle of people who are obsessed with him and he’s just like “:D !!! I love being friendly” as if he could not have the most unbalanced polycule of the century
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nightmaresprophet · 9 months
So yeah, you know those League of Legends asks in my box? Im going to get to them soon, but currently fell down the Demon Slayer Rabbit Hole and now I’m down bad. Enjoy some Demon Slayer Romantic headcanons.
Warnings: Potential Manga spoilers, some angst at certain points. Written with a Male Reader in mind but could very easily be read for Gender Neutral readers.
Shinobu Kocho:
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-Ever since Kanae’s untimely death Shinobu has been very much in touch with her emotions. Both the good, such as the love she feels for Kanao and the companionship she shares with the Hashira, as well as the bad, namely the loathing and hate she harbours behind her smile towards the Demons, especially the one who took away her sister. Yet, when you came to the picture, she started feeling an emotion that she never expected to feel. Love. Not the sibling love she has for her little sister Kanao, but actual, genuine, romantic love.
-At first she does her best to stamp this flame out. Not because she hates you, because by God does she love you. She adores you and wishes she could promise you a future together with a small family to raise and only being surrounded by happiness and love, to dedicate herself to your happiness but she does not want to. Ever since she started poisoning herself to ensure she could kill the Demon who took away her sister she all but discarded all thoughts of settling down. Maybe, if somehow, some way she managed to survive her battle with the Demon who took away her sister she could find love, but until then that was a pipe dream… until you came into the picture.
-She fails, as one can guess, to stamp these out, and that’s not for the lack of trying. She does everything she can, from avoiding you at first, to even doing her best to find any, and by any she means ANY, faults in you that she could use to tell herself you two wouldn’t be a match. Yet, the opposite happens. She finds out all the things that MAKE you two a good match. She finds herself enamoured by your smile, her own becoming far more genuine and not the fake she used to put up in front of everyone else. The happiness she only used to feel when Kanae was around comes back full force, and she has to wake up to the reality that yes… she loves you, and wants to have a future with you.
-That is not to say that she gives up on her plan, oh… she certainly doesn’t but at the very least she admits that just perhaps she can find some joy in her last few weeks, or even months, or perhaps even years. Either way, once the Insect Hashira realises her feelings for you and stops trying to deny them, she instantly does whatever she can to win your affection.
-As a Hashira she doesn’t have much free time. Ironically enough though, the way she shows her love for you is spending whatever moments she doesn’t spend tending to people, out on a mission, or being with Kanao, with you. Though one would assume this would leave her with barely any time, Shinobu is an expert at making the best out of bad situations. From training with you if you are a Demon Slayer, to inviting you to small festivals when they are on, or merely listening to you talk about your day, she is there. Shinobu is also an expert at giving advice, but she is extremely gifted at knowing when you merely want her to listen, and when you actually want an advice out of her. Thankfully, more often than not, her advice are more than usually correct, something which she is both extremely happy about and thankful for as well.
-Confession is a tricky topic for the Insect Hashira. She spends a while planning it but in the end decides to go with the flow. She doesn’t make a huge deal out of it, but makes sure to tell you just how much you mean to her. She has a way with words, but she doesn’t over complicate things, and instead merely just lays out just how much you truly mean to her. When you eventually tell her just how much you grew to love her, Shinobu visibly lights up, a bright smile on her face. It was then, when she realised you truly do love her, did she realise that even if her future is short… so long as she can spend it with you, she will be happy.
-She understand that you very likely won’t approve of her plan, and she can live with that, however she at least expects for you to allow her to continue. As much as she loves you, she cannot put the thoughts of revenge down from her mind, so the very best thing you could do is just let her know you don’t like it, but respect her wishes, and work harder to help her defeat the Demon without needing to resort to that quite radical method. That small thing alone means so much to her, so expect Shinobu to ramp up her affections after, because she realises just how truly lucky she got with one such as you.
Inosuke Hashibara:
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-This Boar Boy comes into your life randomly and violently. You could be anyone, a Demon Slayer he so happens to meet as he cuts down Demons to just a mere Civilian who he encountered one day. Either way, you most likely are amazed at him when you see him, and that instantly makes him take a liking to you. At first, it’s not even proper attraction, heck you two would likely just bond over how awesome he is, yet as the two of you become closer, Inosuke starts noticing… *you* as well. It’s not that he didn’t notice you before, but as he grows closer to you, he starts seeing more and more of your personality, things you enjoy doing. Even if they are things that he himself would never really enjoy doing, he doesn’t ridicule you for it, instead happy that you have a passion yourself.
-Inosuke likely doesn’t even recognise that he is catching feelings at first. Remember, he was raised by Boars, yet if there is anything that are sharp (other than his weapon) is his instinct, which is telling him that he… likes you. He wants to be closer to you and spend more time than with anyone else with you. He is so close to realising his feelings for you yet so far at the same time, and it likely takes outside influence for him to even click how he likes you. It’s probably Zenitsu or Tanjiro who note that he’s been spending way more time with you lately and has been talking about you *non-stop* and ask him if the two of you are together or something.
-Bless his heart, he probably answers something like “Yeah of course! The Great Inosuke and his best friend are always together!” This causes both Tanjiro and Zenitsu to stare in shock, before they decide, just to make sure, to ask if he knows what ‘love’ is, the romantic kind. Once it becomes clear he doesn’t… they see how much he cares for you, and figure that if they explain it to him, than at the very least he could draw his own conclusions from there and indeed, the Great Inosuke does draw conclusions… eventually.
-Once the reality sets in though, Inosuke actually ponders about it for a few moments. Whilst it is true that he loves you, and his first thought was to just run to you and proclaim it, it was Zenitsu who stressed that it’s not so easy, and that he needs to show he loves you (turns out, being rejected so many times allowed Zenitsu to pick up a few things, even if he doesn’t use them in his desperation). However, since this is Inosuke, things go… different than one expects.
-Inosuke’s love language and attempt to show he loves you revolves around Quality Time as well as Gift-Giving, yet the latter is far more unorthodox than the former. His Gifts include things you can actually use, he sees no point in Flowers being given as Gifts. After all, yeah, they smell nice, but he prefers more practical gifts, or rather at least things which show his Strength off more, such as the time he dumped quite possibly the biggest Bear you ever seen in front of you, thoroughly bled out, so the two of you can cook it and have a feast. Needless to say, he doesn’t do anything half-assed.
-There’s also the fact that Inosuke becomes FAR more protective of you. Not coddling, as he believes you can take care of yourself and respects that about you, but damn it Boar boy is ready to challenge anyone who dares talk behind your back, and the more personal the insult is for you, the more riled up Inosuke gets.
Kanao Tsuyuri:
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(I legit love Kanao so much. She’s absolutely precious and needs to be protected)
-Truth be told? She probably goes to Shinobu with this, who only gives her a vague response like “Ara Ara, perhaps you should talk with (Y/N)-Kun more, Kanao?” Meanwhile, poor girl is staring at Shinobu like… yes, she is aware that she wants to, but she wants to know why. After all, sure, you have a beautiful smile, your eyes are gorgeous, you were always with her, slowly making Kanao’s shell crack… She WANTS to be around you, her hearts yearns for it, and when she is not, or when she sees you hang around with someone else it’s like a dagger being stabbed into her heart, which then promptly makes her either consult her coin or just retreat into the lairs of her room. It’s even worse if she sees you with Aoi or someone else because she KNOWS she shouldn’t feel so betrayed over the two of you simply being together but what can you do? It takes a bit of convincing herself to get over it, so there is a good chance you won’t be seeing her from time to time until she manages to sort her own emotions out.
-Eventually though, Kanao finally realises just how much you mean to her. Whether it’d be you sticking up for her after a few other Slayers called her strange, whether you done what Tanjiro did and helped her begin making decisions by herself… she falls for you, and she falls for you hard, and she truly realises this when Shinobu makes a comment on not using her coin when it comes to you. To Kanao, you are more or less always priority, the only one who even comes close to this being Shinobu, and she has overheard the triplets talking about the ‘obvious’ crush she has on you. I mean, she had to ask what a crush was from Shinobu, but once *that* got explained things fell into picture.
-Poor, precious bean is a nervous mess and that’s putting it lightly. She looks like a small wind could blow her away when you’re near her and her face has a small permanent tint of red until she properly grows used to her feelings. It’s not her fault, and not yours either. She’s just so terrified of messing it up, of relapsing into using her coin and that you don’t feel the same because she’s not like other girls who can properly express emotions. Yet… though it’s eventually pointed out, with you she HAS been more emotional. Her smiles become more genuine, her eyes begin to light up more, and just the fact her eyes shine when around you tells anyone what she needs to know.
-Her love language is probably Quality Time and her giving you gifts. She’s still not the best at speaking with you so whenever she tries to give you Words of Affirmations it will be awkward at first. Yet, when she sees just how down you are, she feels compelled to speak, so she just tells you that she cared about you, and will always be there at your side. She’s not over dramatic, she won’t overcomplicate it, but that’s the simple truth. Whenever she is not training, she’s probably next to you enjoying her free time, listening either to you talking to her about what was happening to you, or just the two of you relaxing. If you are a Demon Slayer, you know she’s suggesting training. She just wants to make sure you are always at your best condition, and it’s for that exact reason she’s never holding back on you. Physical touch is also a big no-no for her, at least not for a while but we’ll touch on that later.
-Honestly it’s you that needs to confess. Every time Kanao tells herself it’s time to confess she always resorts to using her coin and she flips it, but she never looks at just what the coin truly landed on. She’s utterly terrified, because if she needs to confess, she is scared at the mere idea of rejection. If she doesn’t confess, then she’s scared that she’ll never confess and be able to move. It’s a down right agonising Catch-22 definitely makes her sleep schedule a bit worse than usual but not enough to hamper her performance, though Shinobu notices and is steadily growing more worried for her and more annoyed at you. However, when you finally confess… it’s like fireworks shoot off in her mind and for the first time since Kanae’s death… she finally feels whole.
-Even when together at last, Kanao is not a physical type of person. That’s not to say she doesn’t get any better, but she still has severe trauma from all the abuse she suffered. You, Shinobu, and eventually Tanjiro help her overcome it to the best of her ability, but she still has nightmares about that horrible life. Her deepest fear is that she’ll wake up one day still there, and that you, the love of her life, Shinobu and Kanae, her older sisters and Tanjiro, her best friend were all just her imagination, so after she wakes up she immediately goes to find you and nearly just breaks down from relief and the stress. When you’re comforting her it’s probably best to sooth her worries first, and eventually, slowly, she’ll melt into a hug, and as you two hold each other, eventually… she’ll drift into a deep, happy sleep. A world with no Demons… A world, where the two of you can be happy together.
(Please protect her Kanao needs to be Happy. Also, expect a potential Upper Moon headcanons as well.)
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twisted-dork · 6 months
I like your demon slayer au!!
Is it just the kamaboko squad + giyuu there? Or are the other Hashiras there, I was going to recommend Kalim as a love interest for Kanao!Yuu (Kalim being Kanao!Yuu’s Tanjiro 💀) but then thought if there was an Obanai!Yuu because then Kalim would match them
ok so the Demon Slayer Yuu’s include the Kamaboko squad+ Swap Daki, Swap Gyutaro, Senjuro (Rengoku’s little brother), Aoi, and Giyuu
I do other requests like yours I’m starting on Kalim x Kanao!Yuu right now so don’t worry 😊.
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This is in an au for Kalim x Kanao
Warning: Past abuse/slavery mention
At first he admired the person who quité literally saved his behind. When he was about to asked for their name the Headmage was escorting everyone out.
He talked Jamil ear off about them how fast they were and how they looked pretty (used as a gn term)
The next time he saw them was when they were asking about Jamil accident he finally got their name. Kanao!Yuu
After getting to know them for a while and the whole Scarabia incident he slowly slowly SLOWLY realize his feelings towards them he decided to confess to them
(Tanjiro!Yuu punched Jamil for Kalim btw)
At first when he wanted asked them out he was about to throw a party before Inosuke!Yuu stopped him.
“I know I’m not the smartest person.
“But I know that chestnut does not like parties.”
On to plan B he took them on a carpet ride where he confessed his feelings towards them.
Golden retriever x Black cat energy
Kalim is the obviously the most affectionate person in the relationship.
He will always pat Kanao!Yuu’s head (wether standing, bending down, or standing on a stool).
He will always talk to them no matter what and they will listen to him talk.
It’s canon that Kanao!Yuu likes giving small gifts to the people they care about. So I can imagine them giving Kalim a small gift (like a keychain or new drum sticks) and him putting them in the treasure vault.
Whenever someone is trying to hurt/manipulate/use Kalim they just have to glare at said person and they back off.
Whenever they cuddle either inside, outside, or on carpet they hug each other tightly (Mainly Kanao!Yuu). With Kalim being big spoon and Kanao!Yuu being the little spoon.
Whenever Kanao!Yuu has to leave Kalim will most likely follow them without realizing it himself.
Whenever Kanao!Yuu let their hair down Kalim will complement them until he realizes how flustered they are.
Whenever Kalim sees a pretty flower he will pick it and give it to them.
I headcanon that Kanao!Yuu has scars not only from their job but also from their past. I feel like Kalim would kiss their scars (with their permission) but won’t asked how they got them until their ready.
When Kanao!Yuu told him about their past he was shock
Not only did their parents basically almost killed them. But they also sold them.
He said that if he ever met them he would have punched them in their face (like what he said about Jamil)
He likes their sisters (even if he never got to meet them). Just hearing you talk about them he could tell they’re good people.
He likes hearing about their world it’s interesting.
He is their number 1 cheerleader.
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xxsabitoxx · 11 months
Rengoku x Kocho Sister! Reader idea
This is just something small I’ve been toying with so… idk if I’d ever turn it into a full blown smut fic but Ehehe
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Rengoku was a bit mortified when Kanae and Shinobu Kocho cornered him one afternoon while leaving Kimetsu Academy. “Rengoku-san~” Kanae’s voice was as light as air, but he could tell by the look on her face that he was in huge trouble. “Good afternoon… you two…” he shifted a bit, clutching the strap of the bag resting on his shoulder. “We’d love to have a chat with you, Rengoku-san.” Shinobu was smiling as well, but the vein protruding from her forehead gave him every reason to be scared.
“O-oh? What about?” He laughed nervously, eyes shifting between the two sisters. Typically there was a third with them… you. For you to not be present, he knew exactly where this conversation was heading. “Oh~ I think you know.” Kanae smiled, motioning for him to follow the two of them. He sighed, heart hammering as he begrudgingly followed the two sisters. They brought him around to the side of the school, the track field off in the distance with kids practising for the future track meets.
Once they were a fair distance away, where nobody would disturb them, Kanae turned to face him again. “So, Rengoku-san~ Shinobu and I just want to ask you a few things~” his eyes shift nervously to Shinobu, who’s smile has dropped, her face is stoic. “Of course, ask away.” He swallows nervously, the collar of his shirt feeling suffocatingly tight. “As you know, my little sister y/n just became the new school nurse…” he tries to still his breathing.
Though there is no point in getting overly nervous considering it’s quite obvious the two sisters are already aware of what’s happening “y-yes I.. we’ve met” Shinobu scoffs a little. “Let’s not dance around the subject, sister.” She glances at Kanae who seems a bit sad her little integration is getting cut short. “Fine, fine~” she clears her throat, smile dropping as she stares at Rengoku. “You’ve seemed to have taken something from her, Rengoku-san~”
He flinched, nodding. He was convinced they had been so careful, though it seems the Kocho sisters had eyes and ears everywhere. “Did you at least have the common sense to use protection?” His cheeks are turning red as he quickly nods. “W-we… I promise we were careful! Protection and everything…” he swallows, absolutely mortified that they had been caught. Or maybe you had told your sisters about it, either way it didn’t help his warm face.
“Good, good…” but something seems a little off. “You used a terrible brand, you know, they are notorious for failure… I’ll have to keep a close eye on my little sister.” Rengoku stiffens, realizing what is being implied. “F-failure?” Shinobu and Kanae both nod. “Geez, Rengoku, even my little sister Kanao knows those things suck ass…” He’s practically neon red now. “Oh…” his hand is coming up to hide his face. “I went by Uzui’s suggestion…” Shinobu nearly fell over at that.
“Kanae! She’s definitely pregnant if this fool is taking advice from that womanizer.” Shinobu ground out, arms crossing as Rengoku seemed to curl in on himself. “Now Shinobu, while he may be foolish to take advice from him…” Rengoku cut Kanae off, dropping to the ground before the two and bowing deeply. “I-I know it’s a stupid mistake but I promise you I truly care for your sister, y/n. She means the world to me and if it just so happens she’s pregnant I will support her in whatever she chooses to do.”
Both women looked surprised but after a moment Kanae smiled. “My my, Rengoku-san~ I believe your words are sincere.” She trailed off a bit, waiting for the man to lift his head. “But please understand, if you do anything at all that brings y/n any sort of sadness” Shinobu cleared her throat “she means anything, Rengoku.” Kanae smiled a bit “then you’ll have to face our wrath, as well as our baby sister Kanao’s.” Kanae concluded. For some reason, Rengoku felt like Kanao was the one he should fear the most of all. “Understood, ma’am.”
Both women smiled “good, good…” Kanae watched him stand, Shinobu had begun walking away as Kanae grabbed Rengoku’s collar. “Next time, take her back to your own place. I’ll give you credit, you two stayed pretty quiet but… not quiet enough.” She patted his shoulder after she let him go, turning to catch up with Shinobu. Rengoku stood there, red from his neck all the way to the tips of his ears. It took him all of three minutes to regain his composure before making his way back to the front of the school.
“Oh! There you are!” You smiled sweetly at him, waving as you exited the academy. A sense of relief washed over him seeing your sweet face. “I missed you.” Was all he could utter as he crossed the distance and hugged you. You laughed a little “I take it my sisters got a hold of you?” Rengoku nodded, mumbling out a “yes” as he hugged you tighter. “I figured they’d find you, it’s impossible to get anything past them” you let go, holding his face in your hands.
“D-did you tell them?” You shook your head. “No, they kinda figured it out on their own… I’m surprised it took them this long to say something to you.” He sighed, hands holding your waist. “The weekend break protected me” he chuckled softly, kissing your forehead. “I suppose that’s true.” You laughed, taking his hand in yours as you began to walk off of campus. “Did they give you… the talk too?” Rengoku asked cautiously. It wasn’t sure if this whole “pregnancy” idea was their own scheming or if you had given them any reason to think you were.
“Oh yeah, they told me the brand of condoms we used suck… which I’ll be honest, I knew they did. But ya know, heat of the moment and everything I didn’t really care.” You shrug, swinging your arm as you walk beside him. Rengoku blinks, surprised that you were fully aware and still decided to go through with it. You glanced over at him, chuckling softly. “Don’t worry, I’m sure we’ll be fine.” Famous last words, he was certain of it now. “If you insist”
Was all he could muster, walking you in the direction of his apartment opposed to your family home. As he walked beside you, he had a funny feeling a lot was about to change over the next year.
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cheriecelestial · 4 months
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Paper Rings
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disclaimer *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ angst (?), canon typical violence, gore (?), crude humour, strong language, typos, grammatical errors, cliché moments
genre *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ drama, romance, action-thriller, fantasy
a/n *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ based on this one dream i had and also cuz pjo was my first comfort series and jjk is my current one (only s1)
╰ ┈➤ Chapter List
╰ ┈➤ Master list
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Chapter One
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Look, I didn't want to be a half-blood.
If you're reading this because you think you might be one, my advice is: close this book right now. Believe whatever lie your mom or dad told you about your birth, and try to lead a normal
life. Being a half-blood is dangerous. It's scary. Most of the time, it gets you killed in painful, nasty ways.
If you're a normal kid, reading this because you think it's fiction, great. Read on. I envy you for being able to believe that none of this ever happened.But if you recognize yourself in these pages - if you feel something stirring inside - stop reading immediately. You might be one of us. And once you know that, it's only a matter of time before they sense it too, and they'll come for you.
Don't say I didn't warn you.
My name is Gojo Kanao . Age fourteen, raised in Tokyo, Japan . As the youngest family member of the Gojo clan , niece of the Gojo Satoru and an aspiring sorcerer - my life was going as perfectly as it rightfully should . Except my uncle got a call from an old family friend three weeks back and before I knew it I were to pack my bags and enroll in a 'summer camp' meant for 'children like me' . And that's really funny because apart from my uncle , I'm pretty much one of a kind . It's not like ever other generation has a six eyes user gifted with limitless. My existence is what most people call an 'anomaly in the power balance of the world' and sparked much debate amongst higher ups but it stopped bothering me after a point considering how uncle Satoru threatens to decimate any person that as much as dared look at me wrongly .
He took me in after my father died when I was four and him eighteen . Following my father's death , the Gojo clan was pretty much reduced to me and uncle since not much was known about my birth mother . The first time my uncle got to know that he, in fact , not only had a sister in law but also a niece from his absentee elder brother was when the fore mentioned "family friend" came knocking to at the Gojo Clan's door with a drooling four year old with white pigtails in tow .
As much as a shock it must've been to know that he was now a single father , uncle or as I call him Satoru nii-san , seemed to have developed a knack for parenting much too quickly with his reasoning being 'the baby looks like mini me and I vibe with that' . And as he liked to say to me and my also-adopted siblings Megumi and Tsumiki Fushiguro "having you kids just adds to my dilf appeal" followed by Megumi deadpanning at him , Tsumiki awkwardly smiling and me audibly gagging. Needless to say , he isn't much liked and not even half as tolerable as he considers himself to be.
"How could you do this to me ?" I mumbled while my eyes trailing the silhouette of the trees passing rapidly by my car windows . Almost inaudible cursing was what my opposition was shamefully reduced to . After much fights , screaming , crying , scratching and attempts at running away I was forced to join this camp . His description of the camp with strawberry fields , flying horses , Greek gods and half goat people was enough for Megumi to call bullshit on it however I couldn't deny its existence because that's where I grew up from birth to age four.
" Nyao-chan , this is the 33rd time you're saying this in the past fifteen hours of flight time . Do better" I could feel nii-san rolling his eyes from the front seat .
" Toru nii don't call me that" I hissed back at him and turned my face with 'hmph' so that maybe , just maybe I could appeal to his conscience. I remember that place and it wasn't particularly unpleasant and under normal circumstances I would really like visiting . However , he simply refused to understand just how it would derail my development as a sorcerer , quoting ' your development as a demigod is just as fundamental to your growth as your development as a sorcerer . Take it as a learning experience. Have fun and for the love of god make some friends that aren't the fushiguros or your pet snake .'
My previous attempt at socialising ended up with the boy calling me a brat and me activating my cursed technique for the first time in attempt to kill him , stunning breakthrough but not a suitable first impression. That meeting ended well for their family and the incident was ruled out as a 'all is well that ends well' . And after that I decided that I had enough and rated the experience 2 stars , do not recommend . 
" I mean looking at how much you like small spaces , scratching and hissing you might as well be one . But hey cheer up ! you're going to see your Chiron sensei and Dino oji-san again . Won't it be fun ? Childhood memories all coming back to you. Plus I've heard summer camps are really fun." He shrugged with his emphasis on the names causing me to cringe inwardly .
" What sort of summer camp runs in November ?" I retorted followed by him sighing . It was much later that I found out that my 'Dino oji-san' was actually Dionysus , the Greek god of wine. I could only imagine the emotions he must've felt holding a toddler in his lap , butchering his name to her convenience. The embarrassment of the memory just made me even more unwilling to go . Our satyr chauffeur said we were fifteen minutes away from camp so of course going back wasn't an option.
Before I knew it , the car came to a screeching halt in the middle of road . There was nothing but an empty road ahead surrounding by dense vegetation on either sides . " What happened ? " I asked leaning forward. The saytr looked at me and blinked . Then I realised I forgot to switch to English while talking . Except for my struggles with dyslexia, English was fairly easy to learn . I credited Satoru nii's obsession of Friends and Britney Spears for this but learning , in general , was something that came naturally to me . I never had to try too hard to learn a skill and it puzzled others and even me . Apparently this was the trait of a true Gojo . Being godly perfect . It applied to everything but my cursed energy technique . Sometime back I realised I reached a plateau of my skills  and no matter what method I employed , my growth remained stagnant . Maybe that's why he's sending me here .
" She meant why did we stop ?" Nii-san asked .
" We're here" The saytr plainly replied . I looked around in confusion because I saw nothing . He asked us to follow him , and with luggage in hand , so we did .
After a small hike through the woods , we reached a big stone arch . It was partially of wood and stone and looked really old with greek symbols carved at the top and several cracks and moss . I stared at the sign and noticed that the letters began to rearrange themselves . At first I thought it was my dyslexia acting up but the Greek symbols rearrange themselves to spell out the letters 'CAMP HALFBLOOD' .
"You look surprised. What do you see Kana ?" He looked at me . I explained my observations and he smirked and muttered something to himself .
I extended my hand and much like how jujutsu curtains worked by hand went passed the barrier emitting a faint blue light . " Nii-san you try it " I gestured him to do the same . The barrier pulsated against his hand as if resisting his touch . With a faint smile , he retracted his hand and said to the saytr " This barrier is stronger than I expected . I'm impressed"
"Nii-san if you were to break through , how long would it take ?" I asked out of curiosity . If you were to ask anyone to describe Gojo Satoru in one word the word would be 'strongest' . Once he put enough effort into it there was no barrier he couldn't break nor there was any curse he couldn't exorcise . " Hmmm it's strong I'll give it that . But we wouldn't want to endanger a camp worth of kids, right ?" I shrugged in a 'makes sense' gesture.
"It's just her from this point on. You can't go inside." The saytr said. Yeah we noticed. Satoru- nii clapped his hands and smiled," Just give us two minutes. You know I need time to see off my precious baby." The saytr blinked and moved out of earshot wordlessly. Satoru nii cupped my face and cooed as if he was on the verge of crying. I rolled my eyes at his dramatic display," you didn't feel any remorse for the last few days and you're crying now ?"
"It's not easy ! I knew I had to let my baby bird out of the nest because that's what's best for you but I -" his bottom lip wobbled and I was hit with a sense of guilt. I sighed and hugged him," I'll miss you too. I'll be fine."
"Call me everyday you hear me ? And eat and sleep well. Oh my god I'm starting to sound like an old woman !" Gojo Satoru was one man who liked to completely disregard the fact that me, Megumi and Tsumiki had mother -albeit absent, and very seriously behave as if he was the one who carried us around for nine months and birth us. But hey, who doesn't like being coddled ?
I rolled my eyes and gave him the signature Gojo smirk," I'll be just fine, don't you worry."
" I know. You'll be fine. Always. You'll be better than me, I know it." Satoru nii-san's voice dropped to a low and almost wistful whisper. " Even though you're the best there is ?" I asked offering him a kind smile. To that he said something in a tone  I didn't expect hearing from him. "You've inherited only my powers , I don't want you to inherit my tragedies too ." The statement left a bad taste in my mouth. People often assumed that since he was the strongest, he had it easy. It’s people like him that suffer the most, so much so that sometimes it has you wishing you didn’t have power at all.
"And lastly. Don't kill anyone, and even if you do. Get rid of witnesses and call nii-san first, Nii-san will take care of it." I raised my brow in questioning. Firstly, shouldn't he be teaching his kid to be nice to other people or something and second of all why is he referring to himself in third person.
"Shouldn't you be saying 'dont bully people and be nice' or something ?" Though what he said wasn't the first of its kind. My brother Megumi had a track record of beating up people in his school but Nii-san never saw a problem because the people he beat up were hardly innocent and he never lost a fight so that was no shame brought to the family name.
"If there's anyone you think shouldn't be alive. Then they shouldn't be. This world is ours, the others are just living in it." One thing that everyone knew what that Gojo Satoru was a firm believer of the Gojo family supremacy. And he's not wrong. "Then what about those sleazy higher-ups ?" I quipped. I knew of his grand plan to demolish the old reign and establish a new jujutsu world, the reason he became a teacher. It was something I looked forward to since the day he showed me the dream of it, but for that I had to get stronger. To become more, to become unstoppable. So I would gladly accept any wisdom the Greeks had to offer and make sure that by the time I’m done here, I’ll be the strongest demigod they’ve had the honour of laying their eyes upon.
“All in due time Kana-chan.”
Taglist: @kentply / @sleepykittycx / @yourpersonalgaybird
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secretsofflowers · 2 months
The evolution of Kanao Kocho's dress
When we first see Kanao, she is wearing a special-made Demon Slayer Corps dress uniform, which consists of a pleated, long, purple skirt. Image below.
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As we can see, there is barely any skin showing between her legs and the top of her boots. She is nearly completely covered. This symbolizes body image difficulty, which we know she has, as it was explored in several of the light novels, and in the anime. Kanao was starved from a young age, but was led to believe she was overweight, and ugly, which most likely stemmed her request to Shinobu and Aoi for a unique uniform. She had also seen Shinobu burn her first uniform (with the open chest, like Kanroji's) and she had seen Kanae politely hand it back and create her own with Aoi. This was most likely also a part of why Kanao chose to cover up, because she could not make her own decisions, and she had seen two of her sisters, people she looks up to, choose to cover up, which is most likely a contributing factor as to why Kanao wore a special-made uniform, sewn by Aoi Kanzaki.
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But, that all changed after meeting Tanjiro. After meeting Tanjiro, she began to feel more confident in her body, and in her choices. After their meeting at the butterfly mansion, in which Tanjiro flipped her coin, and it landed on heads, leading her to make her own choices. After this happened, Kanao felt even more afraid at first, and even refused to go on missions for a couple days afterwards. But, when she began to realize what Tanjiro meant, and the freedom she had now, she began to use that freedom. She began even asking Shinobu for missions, unlike before, where she would be waiting for Shinobu to hand them to her. After she began asking and receiving, and successfully completing more missions, Kanao began to feel more confident and comfortable in her own skin. She then altered her uniform herself, making it with a slightly shorter skirt. This is seen in the first episode of the Swordsmith Village Arc. Picture below.
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After Kanao starts to grow more comfortable in her body, she starts to wear the uniform pictured above. But, after Kanao found out about the growing feelings and affection between Genya Shinazugawa and Tanjiro Kamado, Kanao started to feel something she never felt before. In fact, it had been a long time since she felt anything. But Kanao started to feel jealous. Tanjiro and Genya had just been through so much together in the Swordsmith Village, while him and Kanao had just trained together. When Kanao found this out, she asked Aoi to alter her uniform again. Aoi asked what it was for, but Kanao wouldn't say, likely due to embarrassment. After Aoi altered it again, it became even shorter and tighter, emphasizing her bust and showing off her legs. Picture below.
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As you can see in the above picture, most of her legs are showing, and the skirt is barely covering her backside. She did this most likely to catch Tanjiro's attention, and to drive Genya away, since Genya hated girls, and showing more of her body would most likely make him uncomfortable.
Everything I've talked about above is a great sign of growth for Kanao Kocho. Stay tuned for more!
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komoboko · 3 months
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞; 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞
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A small event following the discovery of a contagious blood demon art that changes somebody’s age and it’s infected all the pillars turning them back into children... and now these children look up to you and the kamaboko squad for guidance ー heavily inspired by @ghostbite0 pintsized pillars au please please please check out their art i beg
prologue entry 1: character introductions and general hcs
starring: the kamaboko squad, the pillars + aoi kanzaki, senjuro rengoku, reader?? Idk they don’t rlly do much tbh..
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The chance of blood demon art being contagious is unlikely, but not impossible. Maybe after this you’ll realize that if something isn’t impossible, always be cautious because it is. News spreads like wildfire around the corps about a new blood demon art, figured out to be contagious. The effects having something to do with age, making people become much younger than they currently are now. Worse of all the prime suspect of who brought it back is one of the pillars themselves. Everybody is ushered and reccommended to stay inside for now, until they figure out what’s going on. People can only point fingers at who they believe it is, but it doesn’t very long for them to find out.
SANEMI SHINAZUGAWA or now known as “virus spreader” is the first person to suffer from the effects of the blood demon art, and the one who brought it back. He denies it of course but there isn’t much hiding left he can do. Once he’s dismissed from the hashira meeting he goes to train to blow off steam like usual, it’s only then where he feels dizzy as his eyes begins to close. It’s then when the blood demon art sets in place turning the stubborn wind hashira back into a 7 year old boy. To add more onto this disaster, the first person to find him in this state is his younger brother, GENYA SHINZUGAWA Who only saw him when passing the training grounds. Screaming seeing a very young child hold a nichin blade that was much too sharp to be safe, and that this ‘child’ just happened to be his older brother.
It takes awhile for Genya to make it back to master Ubuyashiki to show him what happened to his younger brother. Having to endure chasing him around and him trying to pull out his hair while carrying him back. It was far too late to want him, as now both OBANAI IGURO and GIYU TOMIOKA have both fallen for the infection at the exact same time. Genya only freezes unsure of what to do seeing two 7 year old boys either sleeping or laying soundly in the middle of the courtyard. Especially since once is coiled up between kaburamaru who is not a fan of people most of the time. Thankfully, Genya doesn’t have to deal with three miniature pillars alone as TANJIRO KAMADO seem to come catch up with him after hearing his distress. As he picks up obanai while giyu lingers around his leg. Tanjiro realizes they won’t have much time left until there’s more children hanging around the corps with access to many weapons they do not need their hands on.
The other hashira seem to last longer when it came to the blood demon art effects, or it only lingered on them later on compared to the first three. They’re able to make it to the butterfly mansion in time where KANAO KOCHO who was waiting for them is able to bring them over to her older sister. SHINOBU KOCHO who was already busy inside was aware of this infection before the other three were, as when they find her they see her with a much smaller TENGEN UZUI who has already turned into a 10 year old boy. The insect pillar seeing the other three small children coming into her room is surprised at how fast this infection is taking place tries to quickly think of something to slow it down. Right when they believed they had something kochi is no longer seen, Genya nearly had to bend down to see shinobu has turned back into a 5 year old little girl. Well the butterfly mansion won’t be any help for answers anymore.
Both Genya, Kanao, and Tanjiro are thankful that the sound hashira has turned to an age where he can actually corporate. He’s able to hold onto shinobu while the three young slayers have to take account on who has turned, how their like, and who they need to find next.
UZUI, the oldest so far knows atleast how to take care of responsibilities, but is not a good influence to anyone at all. Always using the “cool kid” excuse to convince somebody to join him ind ping something they definitely shouldn’t be doing. Sanemi falls for it as they already caught him standing in top of a desk to try and jump off and onto Genya’s hair. Uzui says it wasn’t him but you can’t say you believe him when both giyu and shinobu point towards him when you ask.
SANEMI is a wild kid sometimes, he’s still got alot of that aggressive energy from his actual self that has transferred into his much smaller self. Other times he unusually touchy, especially for him. He’ll drag somebody over unusually obanai, sometimes even giyu to just play games with him. Sometimes he likes to bother people in the occasion but it’s normally a phase. Though he is still scared oof Genya in some way, if he’s doing something he isn’t suppose to do and Genya yells at him he’ll stop immediately. He’d never admit this though, ever.
GIYU is very very calm. He doesn’t change much compared to him when he’s older. He’s just more open to hang around the others as he doesn’t mind playing any games. He prefers to stay with somebody, he doesn’t mind being by somebody like shinobu and just staying around her or he’s around tanjiro. He likes to sleep with a lot. Speaking of sleep Giyu is always doesn’t mind taking a nap, he prefers it actually. He just likes to lay down and take a break sometimes. If he is ever being held there’s a good chance he’ll just fall asleep right then and there.
OBANAI is very much a touch starved child. He enjoys being hugged or held by some of the pillars or the ‘older’ kids. He’s very quiet most of the time he’ll talk on the occasion with the kids but is usually quiet most of the time. Obanai is also another sleepy kid, jusf like giyu they both like to sleep. Sometimes they nap together if they feel like it. Kaburamaru still tries to follow him, sometimes you see him just trailing around obanai if he sees him. He did try to coil around obanai like he usually does but if did not work right at all.
SHINOBU is a very good kid, she normally just like staying around in the butterfly mansion. Other times she just enjoys falling Kanao around when she’s doing anything. Even as a small child she still likes preforming her “doctor” role even if she can’t actually preform it. AOI lets her mess around and give her fake doctor check up with some of the real equipment she has around. Though she can only do it in certain rooms with atleast two people inside, one time aoi wasn’t looking and shinobu somehow found a syringe. She nearly got poked in the arm by it if she didn’t look back up.
While the three teenagers try to figure out what to do with their pillar problem, it seems like they have to add another one of the crew. Instead of searching for KYOJURO RENGOKU rengoku comes to them instead, tanjiro if the first to turn around when hearing the pitter patter of footsteps and the loud sniffling coming from around the corner. To his surprise SENJURO RENGOKU is the cause of the noise, holding a much smaller rengoku is his arms. He shuffles over to where tanjiro, Kanao, and Genya are rambling on and telling them how he turned around and ‘poof’ rengoku turned small. Tanjiro sighs knowing they have another kid they found, or what Genya refers to as “waist height army.” Tanjiro takes the five year old boy who has just as much energy and happiness as Rengoku had just before.
Tanjiro was conflicted to say the least. Dealing with hashira was already enough, but dealing with them as kids is whole new territory. Before he can think of something to do the loud yelling echoing in the distance catches his attention. He hopes Genya, kanao, and senjuro can handle the kids while he checks it out. As he sneaks around the corner he can he was shocked but wasn’t all that surprised. INOSUKE HASHIBARA sitting across the table from MITSURI KANROJI who has also become a 5 year old girl. The both preparing to have an intense arm wrestling match. Sitting on inosuke side was ZENITSU AGATSUMA and on mitsuri side was READER AND NEZUKO KAMADO. Zenitsu only cheers on an overconfident inosuke who puts his arm in the table. He bluffs for a moment until he feels his arm snack down against the table once again, loosing in an instant. Mitusri laughs while reader and nezuko cheer her on. Inosuke stares jaw dropped underneath the mask while zenitsu is shocked and trying not to laugh himself.
A sigh of relief escapes tanjiro lips as he turns to kanao with a much smaller giyu by her side. Things were fine, things would be fine if they had some time to breath and figure things out. Tanjiro takes a breath, until he hears somebody crying. At first he thinks it’s one of the hashira who has turned into a child, only for the sound to be coming from the stone pillar himself. GYOMEI HIMEJIMA with MUICHIRO TOKITO by his side. He weeps as he holds a very small shinobu and kyojuro in his arms while senjuro tries to pay his back to calm him down. While Tanjiro has trust in the stone hashira strength and abilities, he doesn’t know how old he will turn and how strong he’s going to be. Tanjiro simply walks over, making up an excuse to try to take Rengoku and Shinobu out of Gyomei arms. He’s able to grab Kyojuro out of his arms, but the moment he turns he hears muichiro shriek and that’s already enough to tell him what was going on.
Poor poor muichiro who had zoned out while hanging around Gyomei, only to turn and look eye to eye with him. It was not a subtle adjustment he could get used to. Gyomei tries to call him down sensing panic from the boy, who was already confused enough seeing his comrades being shrunken down and running around. Unfortunately, Gyomei aid was not helpful in coming the most pillar down who only stared at him and shinobu who was asleep in his arms. Both Tanjiro, Senjuro and Rengoku were caught off guard by the change to, but mostly by muichiro uncharacteristic screech. Muichiro tried to think of something to say, to do in the moment. Before he’s able to do anything the blood demon art unfortunately catches back up with, Tanjiro watches as Muichiro nearly disappears out of thin air. He has to turn around to see Rengoku picking up a small 1 year old muichiro who looks mildly upset in his arms.
RENGOKU is such a hyperactive child. He’s always happy and always tries to make all the others happy when he can. Even for being so young, he is still somewhat trustworthy and can deal with some of the kids like shinobu, and obanai if needed. Even as a child, Rengoku voice still has volume to it. He can be louder than Gyomei if he gets really excited. He also likes to eat with mitsuri often giving her food if he has any. Giyu sometimes lingers around him if he’s not with Sanemi or Obanai.
MITSURI is such a sweetheart, always happy and always ready to play around. She’s not to troubling to deal with like some of the others, her only issue is she still has the same appetite as she does when she is an adult. So somebody always makes sure to stock up on extra food at all times. Along with this she isn’t even aware of her own strength either, as we seen with her beating Inosuke. He always comes to get a rematch even if he’ll still loose. Obanai tends to linger around her as well.
GYOMEI is the most helpful out of all the hashira and the most attentive out of them. Being the closest to his actual age, and to the rest of the “older” kids age he actually helps out alot. He’s always the one granted supervision if Tanjiro or any of the others are busy because they know they can trust Gyomei. He does take this role very seriously for some reason, he’s put Sanemi and Uzui into a makeshift timeout before because they were trying to do something much to dangerous again.
MUICHIRO is just baby. Not much he can do but sometimes they think he’s the most aware of the situation he’s in. He always has a bored look on his face or an annoyed look if somebody has ticked him off. He’s always very picky about who can hold him. He likes being around Gyomei, Obanai and Rengoku for example but others he might show more signs of boredom. One time Sanemi got to pick him up, he made fun of him a little and Muichiro tried to bite his finger off.
Tanjiro has to call everybody who’s unaffected together. Now having found and seen all the effects have landed on every single hashira they can now make a plan. They’ve found everybody they needed to but they just have to figure out. How are they going to take care of them?
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