#it's actually Stan who ends up soaked
I’m thinking enemies to lovers (sorta?) Robin thoughts. Specifically with the one bed trope?
The world is literally ending in Hawkins and you’re a part of the group. Houses have been destroyed and so you’re forced to crash in a motel or something. You name it.
The point is: You end up in a room with Robin Buckley. Robin who talks and talks like her life depends on it. Robin who can’t seem to stand you, for reasons you can’t seem to figure out.
And oh? There’s only one bed!
So, because you’re so goddamn tired, you end up curled up against one another. Just to have some warmth of course.
And, just because of your newfound proximity, it happens to be that her thigh ends up between your legs.
It’s only natural that you end up grinding against it, right?
“It’s nothing” you tell yourself (and Robin too) as you rock back and forth. As her hands grab your hips. “It’s nothing as long as I don’t cum”/“It’s nothing as long as you don’t touch me”.
But oh well, isn’t that hard if she starts whispering dirty things to you? If her hands start trailing over your stomach? Over a soaked pair of panties….?
Lotus anon pls know that you have a fan club in the discord I'm in with @robinsno1lesbian and @lightvixxen 🫶🏻 we stan you and your thots frfr
ANYWAY this made me feel things bc one-bed trope and enemies-to-lovers are two of my fave tropes and when put together???? GAWD ALMIGHTY IS IT THE ABSOLUTE BEST
(this got a lil out of hand and is much longer than originally intended DAMN I MISSED WRITING SMUT)
nsfw under da cut you know the drill mdni (thigh riding & oral)
You're not sure what you did to make Robin Buckley hate you, but she does. Even when you try and be nice to her! When you try and chime in in her conversations with Eddie, Nancy and Steve, she gets quiet and glares at you.
And now you're here, stuck in a motel room with just her because Steve had the bright idea to separate the rooms girls/guys and Nancy didn't join y'all on this misadventure.
And it's somehow worse than you thought it could be — the two room options left at this motel in the middle of bumbfuck Indiana were two twins and a queen. And the boys were adamant on not sharing.
So now you get to be in the same bed, under the same covers, as a girl who hates you but looks hot while doing it.
It's quiet while the two of you take turns in the bathroom getting ready for bed. You didn't know that today's "adventure" was going to take this long, so you're stuck sleeping in a spare t-shirt that Steve happened to have in his trunk.
You're already under the covers by the time Robin finishes in the bathroom. Scrunched up all the way on your side of the bed, Robin says nothing as she climbs in beside you. You feel the bed dip and melt at the warmth radiating off of her body but consciously make effort not to move.
30 minutes pass and you can't fall the fuck asleep. The room is too cold and you don't have the right pajama's on for fall in Indiana. Shaking, you hop out of bed and tiptoe to the A/C unit praying that it actually works and isn't just there as decoration to pass inspection.
"What are you doing?" Robin asks when you move in to her peripheral vision.
"I'm freezing, I'm trying to see if I can turn on the heat in here."
"I tried while you were in the bathroom, it won't let us change it. It looks like only the manager can."
You curse under your breath and trudge back to your side of the bed.
"Swear to god," Robin mumbles. She turns over to face you as you climb back under the covers. "Move closer to me, it'll be warmer if we're closer.
You do so, tentatively, but then Robin grabs your hip and pulls you into her chest.
"Relax, I won't bite."
But you can't relax. Your whole body is tense because you've never been this close to Robin before. She moves her hand back to her side and starts to doze off.
Another 30 minutes pass. You still can't fall asleep. This time, though, it's because of Robin's heat and her breath on your neck. Your arms are covered in gooseflesh and your breathing is heavy.
You shift your body, trying to find a comfortable position without moving too far from Robin's heat. You figure turning to face her could work to get you out of your head and keep your distance. But in her sleep, Robin moves too. Molding herself to your body when you move.
Her arm ends up around your waist and pulls you closer to her. You try to pull away, but she's stronger than you.
And her thigh ends up between your legs. That you didn't see coming.
And now you'll never be able to sleep, because while you know you should pull away or wake her up or do something, you really don't want to because the placement and pressure of her leg is just right.
And now your body moves of its own accord, craving friction, wanting warmth, needing release to help you fall asleep.
You keep the movements slow, soft and easy as to not wake Robin up. "It's nothing," you whisper to yourself, hips shifting and grinding down on her thigh. You're breath comes in soft pants as you keep rocking back and forth chasing your high, not noticing the girl in front of you waking up. "Just some relief, It’s nothing as long as I don’t finish," you breathe softly.
"Oh but how would you fall asleep if you don't cum?" Robin's sleep heavy voice asks as her hand comes to your hip.
You freeze and squeeze your eyes shut, scolding yourself for being an idiot.
"Don't get all shy on me now, darling," Robin chuckles.
"I'm sorry, I-"
"No need to apologize, we're both girls, I get it."
You muster up the courage to tilt your head up to meet the Robin's gaze. Her eyes are glossy and dark, but you can't tell if it's dislike of you or lust that makes her pupils blow wide.
"It- It means nothing as long as you don’t touch me, okay?"
"Deal, just two girls helping each other out."
Robins grip moves from your hip to the thigh that rests on hers. She pulls you closer, her leg nestling further into the apex of your thighs and intensifying the pressure there. You gasp and let out a groan, head rolling back as your hips start moving again.
Her hand moves back to your hip, guiding your movements as you chase euphoria. You can feel her gaze, the weight of her eyes heavy on you as you grind against her.
"C'mon angel, use my thigh. Ride me as hard as you need to."
You moan and lift your head to meet her eyes. The look in them does you in — she looks hungry. Your hips rock faster as the coil in your stomach tightens to a knot. Robin's hand on your hip squeezes and pushes you down while she pulls her thigh up, the pressure being all you needed to finally come undone.
Quick gasps, curled toes and closed eyes tell Robin all she needs to know. That and the wet heat she feels spreading on her thigh.
Robin curses under her breath and you slowly open your eyes. Her face is tinged pink and her chest is rising and falling quickly and you're apologizing profusely.
"I'm so sorry, jesus h christ. Why did I do that? I'm an idiot. You already hated me and now you definitely don't like me and have a reason not to-"
The feeling of Robin's warm hand on your stomach where Steve's tshirt rolled up stops you short.
"Would someone who hated you let you ride their thigh like you would someone's face?"
"Uh, no?"
Her hand trails across the top of your panties.
"Would they ask if they could see how you taste?"
You nod your head no, never losing eye contact with Robin and her finger move slowly along the front of your panties towards your clothes cunt.
"Can I?" she asks again.
You nod and let out a breathy, "yes," and your thigh is lifting up while her fingers are pushing your panties to the side and pushing between your lips gathering your release. Glistening fingers are lifted to Robin's mouth and she licks the remnants of you clean off of them.
"Fuck," she moans.
Your eyes are trained on her mouth. And she notices.
"Just two girls helping each other out right?"
"Mhm," you nod.
"Do you want to help me out now?"
"Good girl, answer me two things: do you like girls?"
"I would hope so with that stunt you just pulled," she laughs. "And second, can I touch you now that it will mean something?"
"Fuck, yes. Please."
Robin smiles and wraps a hand around the back of your neck, pulling you in for a hot and heavy kiss as she rolls the two of you over so you're lying on your back with her hovering above you.
She keeps kissing you, tongue sliding over your lips begging for entrance only you can allow. And you do, the kiss deepening into all tongue and teeth while her hands move to the hem of Steve's shirt that you're still wearing.
Robin breaks the kiss to remove the shirt from your body. Gooseflesh peppering your exposed stomach and nipples hardening in the cool air of the motel room. She kisses down your neck to your chest, nipping at your collarbone as she maneuvers her way to your breasts.
She kisses down the valley of them before licking a stripe up the center of each tit, gasps leaving your mouth when she moves over your nipples.
"God, I want to worship your body, but you got me worked up so that'll have to wait," she says between kisses down your stomach.
Her hot mouth lands just above the waistband of your panties before she pauses to ask, "is this okay?"
"Yes," you breathe out, and Robin's hands move to each of your hips and pull your panties off your legs and tosses them wherever she tossed Steve's shirt.
The heat of her mouth ghosts over your cunt but doesn't stay where you want her to. Instead she kisses your left inner thigh and then the right where she bites you. You flinch and pull your thigh away from her, spreading your legs more so she settles more into the space between them.
"You said you didn't bite," you laugh, looking down at her between your thighs. It's an erotic sight that has your head reeling.
"That was before you used my thigh like you probably do your pillow at home," she smirks up at you before blowing cool air on your slick pussy.
You gasp and toss your head back, hands curling into the sheets below you.
Her mouth moves slow, tongue licking up your lips from hole to clit before circling the bud of nerves and sucking.
"Robin," you moan as her mouth works you over. She trades off sucking and flicking at your clit until you're writhing beneath her, hips grinding up and into her begging for more friction. "Don't stop — fuck — don't stop!"
And she doesn't, she places a hand on your lower stomach to hold your hips down and you look to her. Her brunette hair between your legs, mouth buried in your pussy, you clench around nothing and your thighs close in on her.
And then her eyes meet yours as she shifts her pattern of licking and sucking, watching your face change with pressure and speed until she finds the right rhythm that makes you bite your lips and scrunch your brows in building pleasure.
Her free hand moves underneath her and into the waist of her boxers. You notice her hips grinding into the pillow and can only assume that she's riding her fingers while getting you off with her mouth.
Knowing this has you closing your eyes and squeezing your legs more as a knot grows in the pit of your stomach.
Robin's hot mouth never lets up until you tense and your legs shake with your climax. Your eyes are closed, mouth open in a silent cry, hand buried in the brunette's hair as you grip onto her and pull her into you more, her mouth still sucking on your clit.
Once your high begins to fade she lets go of the bud of nerves and shifts down as she continues to ride her own hand. Mesmerized by the grinding of her hips you flinch when her tongue flits out and into your cunt, licking and tasting your release, eating until she's had her fill and her own toes curl beneath her.
She rests there, between your thighs, and takes her hand out of her pants. Your eyes catch the glistening digits and you grab her wrist to clean them for her.
"We'll talk about this in the morning," she says using your stomach as a pillow. "For now lets both get some sleep."
A light kiss to your navel is all you remember before you fall asleep.
Morning comes too quickly, and a conversation kind of happens. Robin says she wanted to look unapproachable because she's fallen for straight girls too often and couldn't read you, so the two of you decide to go out on a few dates and see where things go when you all get back to Hawkins.
You meet the boys at the car after Steve pays the motel tab and returns the keys, you and Robin standing closer than usual.
"So," Eddie smirks. "Did you two have a good night?"
You turn red as a tomato and Robin punches Eddie in the shoulder.
"Not our fault you two forgot that our rooms shared a wall," Steve adds in with a laugh as he turns out of the parking lot.
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"The Meghan I Knew" written by Meghan Markle’s Cali (retail) co-worker. Posted: in YouTube Comment Section on a MM "Stan" Account, NuttyFlavor Blog Comments & Reddit Comments
"I worked with Meghan many moons ago in LA, before she was really working as an actor, but was on her way to getting there. She had signed with a bigger agent and was starting to hang out with more Hollywood folks, but we were still working retail making the same $12 an hour, and yet she looked down on all of us then because she always felt most people were beneath her. I am in no way claiming we were besties, we were standard work friends who chatted quite a bit on the clock and hung out on a few occasions off the clock. But honestly, our friendship never grew because she was simply and truthfully a sh!t person.
The negative characteristics a lot of people sense about her are accurate. I have never been surprised about anything that has come out about her, even when she first got with Harry and people actually seemed to be fooled and were believing she was a decent person and giving her all this adoration, because she was a shapeshifter even back then and I knew her true self would come out. When I heard she was with Harry, I knew immediately that she had plotted, planned and clawed her way to hooking "a Harry/or insert any guy who would fit her end game".
Seemed to enjoy (or simply couldn't help herself) making those she saw as *beneath her feel stupid and classless (*pretty much everybody who couldn't do something for her or did things she saw as oh so unsophisticated). She was legit aghast when someone didn't know the word "gauche"...which is basically how she viewed those around her.
Was incredibly snobby, even while we were all just as broke as each other, but her Dad was very much propping her up. I once ran into her (and Trevor, the ex husband) at a 7/11 on Olympic, I was headed to my hair salon next door which was in a strip mall of sorts. She was perfectly nice initially, until I told her I was getting my hair done in a non-Beverly Hills setting. It had been at least a year since we'd been in touch and she had some acting gigs by then, clearly she was with Trevor by that point, so even more ego! The look of downright disgust and confusion on her face when I told her "oh my salon is right over there"...you would have thought I [had] told her I was getting a cut and a color in a urine-soaked gas station bathroom. And then the pleasantries quickly faded and the good ol' Meghan who shames you for daring to exist outside of her high society bubble came right back.
Had a good relationship with her Dad, but was clearly embarrassed by him and seemed to feel he was not up to par with her social standards she wanted for herself (from what I saw and from things she told me). But the things she found so uncouth were always just things that made him, him. He seemed to like the simpler things in life, and she seemed to want him to be more sophisticated, more high society. Remember her highlighting how she had to eat at the salad bar at Sizzler as a kid...yeah, I have no doubt that is because it's something she finds embarrassing and expects others to find it embarrassing also, because the super upper crust would never.
Shapeshifter, meaning she would change pretty instantly depending on who was around, but to an extreme. Like pretending not to know or be with you if you were out with her and she saw someone whom she deemed more important/worthy.
Her roommate at the time was a publicist (who she lived with for about three years if I remember correctly, but could be wrong on the time) so she very much knows what she is doing and how the PR game works, in a different way than a lot of PR clients would.
When I met her, she was madly in love with her then boyfriend (Brent or Brett) who she bragged about because they had worked together at a restaurant, but she refused to date him because she had told him she had a rule about never dating co-workers. So he quit his job so she would go out with him. She bragged about that A LOT, specifically the fact that "he quit his job for me." Within a few months, she had started hanging with more C-list actor crowds and she met Simon Rex at a party. She then pretty quickly dumped "the love of her life" who had quit his job for her within a few days after just texting with Simon (at least she claimed they had only texted). She was giddy about Simon, and I honestly knew it wasn't because she liked him, she thought she had hit the jackpot with a guy who could help her climb up. The stories of her using and dumping people once they no longer serve[d] her are not at all surprising, not in the least!
Her demeanor and personality felt very forced most of the time like she was taking things from an etiquette book and trying to pass it off as the world she came from. I think it's worth remembering she spent a ton of time on Hollywood sets, because of her Dad, but he was unflashy and fairly simple and her Mom was a bit of a Hippie who was also (from what I saw) not trying to be nor obsessed with Hollywood or living a high life. She also went to schools with a lot of rich kids, but her parents weren't famous or well known whatsoever nor really trying to move within those circles, I gather they just wanted her in good schools (again, from what I gathered) yet she grew up seeing those lifestyles and all the attention, etc. I almost think of it similarly to the cliche stories of "the janitor's or the butler's kid" who grows up amongst that world, but is never fully accepted because they're the offspring of the "help" so becomes obsessed with trying to become accepted by them, and possibly even somewhat confused because maybe they feel as if that is as much their world as the elites.
Also for someone who seems to know how and when to use her black parent to her advantage, she sure doesn't seem keen to surround herself with any other black people (who aren't her mother or super famous). She has the ability to hire and provide opportunities to people and communities, but has she chosen to hire black people? Is she in black communities trying to help? Is she speaking out in support of Blk issues regularly? Did I miss the photo op at the Buffalo mass shooting? Is any of this required of her because she is half black, no of course not. But as a very obvious whyt passing bi-racial woman, her behavior is suspect.
I'm a black woman with a bi-racial mother myself. And no, I'm not jealous nor bitter and I'm only sharing this because I appreciate your work, Murad, but want you to have more information at least when it comes to her so you can maybe consider the possibility she may not be who you think. If she was a decent person I'd be happy for her, but who wants to be happy for an arsehole?
Either way, the Meghan I knew then is exactly the person I expected to be now, and that is not a kind or generous person who wants to help others, people are props to her and men are a means to an end. She is out for herself, everything is calculated and she will stop at nothing to be seen in a very specific light that is nothing but complimentary at all times. She wants to be seen as this incredible philanthropist, but simply is not that person because she isn't capable of not putting herself first, in my opinion."
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rrxaiky · 2 years
"𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐞" - 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐛𝐲𝐮𝐥 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐬
CW. TW - None, separate.
A/N: I can't write fluff - Trey stans his part is the apology for the angst I made on his birthday
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⧉ 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬
"So, how is it..?" Riddle nervously asked. He wanted to do something special for them. Didn't matter the occasion, he just wanted to. In (Name)'s hand held a cup of warm rose tea brewed by Riddle.
"It's great! The flavor is nicely balanced. Thank you, Riddle." (Name) commented, sipping on the liquid once more. Hearing this, Riddle breathed a sigh of relief. All those notes he had taken from making the tea a hundred times over to get the perfect taste paid off.
After Riddle had collected their teacup and left, they couldn't help but wonder if they could do the same for him. Throughout the day, when they were doing something... They just wanted to repay him.
They approached Riddle the next day, holding a cup of oolong tea and offering it to him. Unlike his rose tea, which had a light and subtle taste, theirs had a thick texture, the taste of flowers and a subtle grassy flavor. They were almost complete opposites.
(Name) didn't say much after they hurriedly took his cup after he was done, leaving Riddle in confusion.
"The tea (Name) brewed tasted nice. I quite liked the flavor." Riddle said to Trey while he was working. "Oh? What type of tea was it?" "Oolong tea."
There was a brief moment of silence before Trey voiced beside him, "Oolong tea is often liked by those who are romantic. Speaking of which, some people might even say it represents love."
⧉ 𝐓𝐫𝐞𝐲 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫
"You have something on your nose." (Name) stopped mixing the batter, reaching their hand out to swipe the small bit of flour from Trey's nose before continuing on.
Trey felt his heart flutter as he touched the spot on his nose. This was supposed to be a quick baking session between them, but how'd he end up like this?
Not long after, they took out a tray, placing the batter evenly in casts to form them into heart shapes then placing them into the oven. When (Name) had finally put them in, they looked so proud of themselves... And he was too.
Then came the time where they could finally take the desserts out. They had both worked hard to decorate them on plates before eating, but it was all worth it.
"Hm? You have something on your nose too, love." Trey said while they were drinking a glass of water. "Oh, I do? Give me a minute to clean it." "No need." Trey took their hand before leaning close to their face and placing a kiss on the tip of their nose.
⧉ 𝐂𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝
"It's raining again..." (Name) thought to themselves. Class wasn't over yet, and the way nothing seemed to go into their head made them both want class to be over and not be over. It was raining, they didn't have a way to get back to their dorm without being completely soaked, and the class was boring. What a great combination.
They didn't know what they wanted to feel when class finally ended, and the rain was pouring harder than ever. They sighed, wondering if they should just risk being sick and run through the rain.
Just as they were lost in thought, they felt someone tap them on their shoulder. Turning around, (Name) saw none other than Cater. "(Name)! What are you doing here?" "Hello, Cater! The rain's falling pretty heavy, and I don't have an umbrella, so I'm just waiting for it to stop."
"Oh! I could take you back, in exchange for something, of course!" "And what is this 'something'?" (Name) asked him, suspicion lacing their tone. "Nothing much, just this." Cater answered, hugging them close to him and snapping a picture of them together.
"So, shall we?" He reached his hand out to take theirs.
⧉ 𝐀𝐜𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐚
"I don't want to paint these roses anymore! It's tiring enough seeing all those white ones around!" Ace wailed, getting the attention of a certain prefect, who had offered to help out.
"Maybe if you actually started painting them... Just maybe, we'd get this done faster!" they said back to him, the movements of their hand never ceasing as the white roses were painted in a coat of red. "With the rate we're going at right now, I'd be surprised if we get done by tomorrow!" Ace let out a deep sigh before he started painting again.
"We should honestly just ditch all this and- Ah!" Ace let out a shriek as he slipped on some paint. Just before he could feel himself hit the ground, he felt himself in someone's arms. "Ace, are you okay? This is why I said to concentrate on-"
He couldn't help but look at them as they lectured him. "Ace! Are you even listening?" they said, snapping him out of his trance.
"I think I just fell in love with you all over again."
⧉ 𝐃𝐞𝐮𝐜𝐞 𝐒𝐩𝐚𝐝𝐞
Deuce only realized what they had been up to after he head the chirps of a baby chick. When he looked over to them, he couldn't help but notice them smiling and trying their best not to laugh at Deuce's expression.
His cheeks were red as he spoke, "(Name)... Did you put a chick on my head?" He didn't dare move his head to the side, only trying his best to twist his body to face them. "And for seven's sake, stop laughing!"
"I can't help it! You look so cute right now!" They responded to him, still trying to contain their laughter. On the other hand, Deuce's heart was practically threatening to jump out of his body. Did they really call him cute just like that?
Deuce carefully lifted the chick off his head and walked over to (Name), and he placed it on their head, just like how they did to him. "It's you who's cute now."
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@honey-milk-depresso here buy 1 free 1 /j
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hallibahar · 1 year
Adessa & bb!Callista shenanginans
for @lorata
It's like 6am in here but the brainrot is strong and unstoppable which started up as my ramblings about how bb Calli and Adessa met then it evolved into a mini-fic and honestly, we stan two unapologetic, cross-generation murderesses.
Click for absolutely questionable morals
The girl in front of her door is unimpressive with blood soaked up to her elbows and a maniacal look in her eyes. She is new here, Adessa knows this, everyone knows this, they all watched the last days of the 41st to see who was the newest murder-child that will be reborn out of violence and as much as she appreciates a good torture, her appreciation is limited at the ones skills to get away with it—and this girl right here, Callista, is a living proof of it.
Not that any new babies will know how to skin the skin off and get out of the crime scene without leaving a clue behind. It’s sad, but a force of infancy in the end, so Adessa doesn’t dwell on that.
They weren’t introduced to one another yet, but according to that all-teeth-but-no-mirth smile of hers, she already knew who she was, which house she lived in and few key things about her to suggest such an undergrad suggestion to her.
“Go to your mentor.” says Adessa after a well-calculated minute. This winter was the hottest they experienced so far, not a single snowflake on sight thus leaving the children to go wild and do the dumbest things out of sheer boredom.
(Odin, a few days ago, tried to congratulate her birthday by playing a round of chess with her then had the audacity to look insulted when Adessa said she only plays with the intellects that will challenge her, not the ones that use their brains to feed the snails.)
But this one right here, a mere girl who thought she knew everything about killing just because she ripped about bodies and feast on it, tops the cake.
Callista tilts her head, that damn smile never falling, and she narrows her eyes, a failed attempt to scare off a woman who dissected a person on live when the new Victor who probably  couldn’t even read yet at the time. “No,” she says. “I said help me, so you will.”
Adessa raises a brow and tilts her head as well, if this little girl wants to play then she will. “The only person who is assigned to help you is your mentor.” she answers, seemingly calm. “A poorly done job so far as I can see, but trust your elder and go to her.”
Now, this seems to start to annoy the fussy one. Sweet. “And what? So she could ground me once again?”
“Only solution to your murderous outbursts, as far as I’m concerned—which is none.” She reaches for the door knob to close it but a heel gets in between and stops the motion.
“I don’t care what important thing going in your life to not to get me out of this mess—”
“--a lot of things actually, dear. Grown up jobs.”
Callista ignores her as she continues. “--but allowing another fellow murderer to go to prison like a common criminal is not fair in your case.”
Adessa shrugs. “Well, you do act like one.”
Callista breathes out slowly, expression calm but dangerous and oh, it seems like someone will have an outburst yet again and Adessa prepares herself for that lovely scene—except it doesn’t happen. The younger woman squares her shoulders up slightly and grins yet again and huh, now things are getting interesting.
 “Well,” she says after a moment. “It still doesn’t change the fact that some asshole out there is bleeding in some high-class hospital because of a new Victor, a one from Two at that, which would massively affect our, your, future mentorships if you don’t rid me of this. So many kids you helped to raise in that damn Centre just because you decided to ignore me. So…you in or what?”
Adessa doesn’t answer, just stares at the newest Victor like she found a new potential, a promising one at that—unlike Odin who was just too scared to raise a single eyebrow at her let alone his voice. “Well, your first mistake was to admit the body to the hospital.” Adessa says and something shines in Callista’s dark eyes. 
Hera is at her door a few days later as predicted and her expression is the one from a statue, stone cold yet passive.“Did you know?”
Which one? Adessa thinks. The fact that your Victor slashed open a sponsor or the fact that I helped her to cover it up for Games’ sake? “Is the thing you want to talk about worthy enough to make me stay in front of my door at the dawn of the day?”
Hera purses her lips at that, probably resisting an eye roll and honestly, Adessa can’t blame her for that. “You decide. Is the fact that the sponsor, who got murdered by my own Victor, the brother of the new President?” she asks and Adessa’s gaze sharpens.
(“Tell me about the details,” Adessa asked as they sat down on her couch. “Did you know who he was or he just was your first trial?”
Callista waits for a second and nods, meaning yes. “Wanted to play the hero for once, I suppose.”)
“Oh. That’s unfortunate.”
Hera looks at her as if she confessed that she carries the organs of the last tribute she dissected on the Arena in her body. “You don’t particularly seem surprised by it, may I ask why?”
Adessa almost grins at that, almost, but now she has to continue the small game Callista started. “Well, Snow is a new face, it is normal for a girl who got blinded by bloodlust wanted to intimidate him to cause us no harm. It’s a normal reaction from a curious girl, I would assume.”
(“Curiosity can also be channelled by doing morally good things like research or doing some form of art.” Iris had said one day, sipping on her tea on a lovely afternoon. “And no, torture doesn’t counts.” she adds with a small, dark smile, reminding Adessa why she still tolerated her disturbingly decent hearted mentor.)
Hera sighs. “It's a good narrative, but still risky.”
(“You think they will believe it?” Callita asks, slightly unsure underneath her skin but nothing comes to surface. Good enough. 
“People will believe what they want to believe.” Adessa waves a hand. “All you have to do i to give what they want to hear.”)
“Tell your Victor to behave then.” Adessa says bluntly. “I know, with no experience from myself means nothing to you, but perhaps she will listen if you give a serious one-on-one talk to her.”
“And what if it doesn’t?”
(Callista nods. “And if it doesn’t, I will just try harder until they do so.”)
Adessa shrugs. “It will if you try hard enough, she still is a human and has 206 bones and numerous systems under her skin. As unruly as she is, she will listen to you if she really wants to continue to thrive.”
(Just don’t let it happen again, dear.” Adessa says. “And we have a deal.”)
Darkest consequences, Adessa had learned through many hardships in the mentor station, haunts after most vicious lies.
 Her brand new Victor, Nero, is a living proof at that which only meant one thing—Coriolanus knew. He always knew who was behind the murder of his brother but still played along with it, looked her in the eye and insisted that she must try again to mentor in 42nd as well, even though it would be three in a row.
And here she is now, watching her boy getting crowned out of the Arena which offered nothing; no weapons, no good memories, no healing—just pain but he is alive, at least, he won’t be a corpse even if he was intended to be one by a frenemy of hers.
There is no coincidence in Panem and no good ending for the tributes who got the short end of the stick, so Callista also being here as an observer is a sweet twist in Snow’s bloody game.
 Now, as the trumpets echo through the screens, Callista turns to her, smile as sharp as the non-existent knives in her boy’s Arena and eyes as hard as the rocks he had smashed brains with. “Don’t worry,” she says. “I will remember to do your tricks when he comes up at my door, covered in blood.”
“We will see about that.” she recites without looking a second away from the screen, because this moment here is the closure of what they had done, and she has no intention to let Snow win this.
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"I'm a Stede/Jack/Ed/Izzy enjoyer" You're fucking disgusting is what you are. A hypocrite and a racist.
Oh Hey you're back. You know I said I'd ignore you (and I have been, I've gotten like fucking at least 10 messages from this person that I've blocked since the last time I published one of their anon messages) but I genuinely have a few questions.
Uh, first of all, how is critically enjoying a character while still thinking they're a huge asshole (affectionate) and thinking that a ship is funny racist but calling a living breathing black person that you don't know an uncle tom is somehow perfectly acceptable to you. You know that's a slur, right?
Second of all, and I genuinely want to know the answer to this, when David Jenkins says that Ed and Izzy are failing marriage coded is he an abuse apologist? When people portray abusive relationships in media are they abuse apologists? Because none of the Ed/Izzy fic I write ever portrays Izzy as good, and none of it ever has Ed and Izzy ending up together, and I actively dislike fics with that ending. So like, why do you like the show? if portraying bad things is apologia then is not OFMD cannibalism apologia, is it not murder apologia. (it might be those last two actually now that I think about it lmao, great show).
anyway the last anon you sent before this I blocked so you might want to switch your vpn before responding. Also in response to that particular anon did you miss the post where I said "I stan calico Jack because he tells us a lot of Eds past and I stan the more problematic elements of Ed who is my actual blorbo"?
also one final thing. How is my expanding on CJ any different from your Stede dissociation pipe dream? Sorry I like my blorbos problematic and absolutely piss soaked.
Edit: I'm literally not asking this to dunk on the anon I'm genuinely so fucking curious as to what's going on here. Like girl you're insane.
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kudosmyhero · 10 months
The Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 1) Annual #4: The Web and the Flame!
Read Date: January 21, 2023 Cover Date: June 1968 ● Writer: Stan Lee ● Penciler: Larry Lieber ● Inker: Mike Esposito ● Colorist: Mike Esposito ● Letterer: Jerry Feldman ● Editor: Stan Lee ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● the Human Torch is running amok ● asbestos webbing, eh? ● (pg 6) Spidey tears open a fire hydrant and puts out what's-his-name's flame ● (pg 7) why bother fixing the hydrant, Spidey? your web is just gonna dissolve ● (pg 8) this is the second time Spider-Man has mistaken a movie being filmed for crimes going on ● (pg 9) who is this rain-soaked stranger, I wonder… ● Spidey and Torch end up in L.A. to shoot a movie ● Torch begins acting weird ● but Johnny Storm is actually in his trailer ● the imposter is "the Wizard." he has an asbestos suit, flame jets, and anti-grav discs ● the other dude looks like Mysterio… yup! it's him ● still fighting…
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● Wizard and Mysterio watch the fight ● Wizard accidentally shoots off a ray that alerts Torch and Spidey they have a common enemy ● i haven't been taking notes because the story is meh, but here's a panel
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● 👏
Synopsis: While patrolling the city, Spider-Man happens upon the Human Torch apparently going on a rampage through the city. Spider-Man tries to stop his sometime ally, when he realizes that it's all a shoot for a movie. News of the battle between the two heroes gains national press and the movie studio wants to get Spider-Man into the movie as well and sends out a call for Spider-Man to come to Hollywood to be in the film as well. Deciding that his Aunt May can use the extra money, Peter decides to make the trip to star in the film.
After a brief battle with the Torch again, Spider-Man explains what he's doing there and the two agree to work together on the film. However, the two are unaware that their old foes the Wizard and Mysterio have teamed up, plotting to destroy their foes together. To pull it off, the Wizard uses his flame suit to pose as the Torch and attack Spider-Man. The furious Spider-Man goes after the real Torch and a battle between the two begins. Things are even more complicated when Mysterio unleashes his deadly special effect death traps on the two.
When the two heroes realize the truth, they go after Mysterio and the Wizard who retreat to a secret bunker. There they fight off more of Mysterio and the Wizard's creation. The two best them all and defeat the two crooks and string them up for the police. Afterwords, Spider-Man is bombarded with press about working with the Torch. Fed up with Hollywood, Spider-Man leaves and returned to New York as Peter Parker.
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Fan Art: Spider-Man and Human Torch fan art by Jake-Sumbing
Accompanying Podcast: ● Let's Read Spider-Man - episode 37
0 notes
Spotify Wrapped Prompt #66
Into the house, the halls in my mind/Into the rooms, the wandering eyes Warning for: drug use, description of trip by someone who doesn’t use lmao
"Poindexter, get off your keister, the kids are back. Soos!" Stan stirred his coffee briskly with a rapid clink-clink. "Get the kiddie pools in here, pronto!"
Ford lifted himself from the armchair with some effort, notebook nestled under his arm and fountain pen tucked behind his ear. The sounds of his great-niece and nephew greeted him before the sight of them.
"–just saying, there were easier ways."
"I'm surprised at you, Dip-Dop. If I didn't know any better, I would think that this was your first time engaging in yo-yo based combat!"
"Speaking of, this incident has made us redundantly thieves, since there's no way we're getting that yo-yo back to Hoo-Ha's. Add it to the list. Hope your girlfriend behind the counter doesn't come after us."
"Don't worry, we can order a bazillion of 'em for cheap off this cool website I found. Hey, Grunkle Stan!"
Dipper and Mabel, sweat-soaked and exhausted but no worse for wear, came tearing into the gift shop, plopping down about five gallon-sized bags each of a viscous, off-white liquid next to the cash register. It left a thick connecting strand behind when they pulled their hands away.
"Cash only," Stan deadpanned, poking one of the bags with a pen. It slumped over.
Ford entered the room with only a little bit of a limp. "Kids! I'm glad you're back. How goes the supply run?"
"Fantastic!" Mabel slid her backpack onto the floor and bent down to unzip it. "We have so much lemon juice. We're throwing off the town's culinary landscape for at least a month!"
"We got the juice, the herbs, and the drool," Dipper said, tapping the air like he was crossing each item off an invisible checklist. "I'm like ninety percent sure we gathered enough for at least a couple batches. Unless we have to mess with proportions significantly. But, yeah, I think we'll be okay."
"Great job, you two. Grab those bags of Kewpie drool, we're going to the kitchen."
"To the kitchen!"
"...this is spit? You kids put monster spit on my countertop?"
"To the kitchen!"
"It's oozing– augh, Mabel, look at this. Look at what you did to your grunkle."
With the pot on the stove at a comfortable boil and the kitchen filling with an oddly fresh, almost floral scent, Mabel felt like she had a chance to relax for the first time that day. First time in a couple days, actually. Sitting on top of the kitchen table, she stretched her arms high overhead, her muddy feet comfortably perched on her brother's lap.
"How'd you end up grinding those teeth down to a powder like this, Grunkle Ford?"
"Fiddleford showed me a fine contraption he had strung together some time back." Ford stroked his chin. "He told me it was a prototype intended as a nutcracker, but that it was far too brutish to be effective. Something he started but forgot to come back to."
"Hey, he remembered that he forgot about it. Still sounds like progress to me."
"Heh, that's nothin'. I remember about eight things before lunchtime!" Stan handed his brother a sprig of greenery, a unique strain of vervain that Mabel and Dipper had spent the better part of two hours searching for in the sun-speckled patches of the Gravity Falls woods.
"He means the eight times he forgets and remembers where he placed the TV remote." Ford let out a wry, breathy laugh as his brother elbowed him. He tore the leaves from the stem and dropped them each into the saucepan of drool, lemon juice, and dissolved deer teeth.
Mabel closed her eyes and listened to the odd sizzle of the vervain hitting the concoction. The kitchen was warm– as poorly insulated as the room was, it would have been warm with nothing on the stove and nobody inside. But now, with her whole family crowded around a boiling pot in the dead of July, the heat was damp, suffocating, the kind of heat that settled on the skin and hung in the air. Overwhelming.
Mabel loved it. She took a swig from her aluminum water bottle, choked on it a little, and reached up to untangle the sweat-soaked scrunchie from her hair.
"Where is our third-favorite crazy old man, anyway?"
"Upstairs," Ford said simply, stirring slowly.
Stan took a sip of his coffee.
"Awwright, dudes!"  Soos swinging around the doorframe and into the kitchen gave Mabel the perfect distraction from the way Dipper's eyebrows had pinched. (His muscles relaxed the second he heard Soos' voice, anyway, which Mabel considered a bonus.) "Missus and Mini Mystery are locked into position! As in, they're going to stay at the park for a little while longer, get some fast food, and, uh, go see a movie. We've got til bedtime."
Dipper grinned. "What's Wen gonna make Melody see? Did they make a Glippy and the Glarbonauts movie already?"
"Ooh, or that dumb thing with the robot dogs I keep seeing ads for online?"
"Mabel, you would have been all over that kind of show as a kid."
Soos set his phone on the table. "Hey, Roborex is a quality family franchise. And we looked up reviews for this one, and so far, critics have been receiving it far better than they did the first three."
"Soos, stop talkin' about baby shows on my phone."
"It's not your phone, Grunkle Stan! You didn't even buy the minutes on it."
"It's a substitute for my broken landline, isn't it?"
"Your landline?"
Mabel put her hands on her hips. "It was a gift for the both of you."
"Yeah, yeah, but Ford never cared about our toys like I did." He waved his hand. "Anyway, don't waste my minutes. I like using a phone nobody knows the number to. Shoulda had the Shack's number changed years ago."
With a beleaguered sigh, Ford balanced the wooden spoon on the edge of the pot. "Would one of you please go and check on Fiddleford? I need to strain the solution now, but it shouldn't be allowed to cool before the next ingredient is added."
And there went Dipper's shoulders again. Mabel imagined she could even feel his thighs tense through the soles of her sneakers.
"No need," came the thin, reedy voice from the doorway. "Ah'm here. Stan, give yer brother a hand with that swill."
"I'll give him exactly eight more fingers, how's about that," Stan muttered, reaching for the strainer.
McGucket stood in the doorway, his already slight frame made somehow smaller by the circumstances. When he spoke, Dipper had pointedly turned his head to look out the window. Mabel noticed and made up for it, staring keenly at what he held carefully in his old, gnarled hands.
"That's all we'll need?" She asked airily.
He nodded, his expression unreadable.
Mabel thought it was the blood that made the potion change colors like it did, but it was actually the Tang, which she thought was pretty cool. "For taste," Ford offered to Dipper's questioning face.
Stan had largely separated himself from the nerd stuff, at this point, occupying his attention with the weird puppet Soos had pulled from a dumpster somewhere and wanted to turn into an exhibit. They whispered to each other about wood glue and varnish and little doll hats while Ford and Dipper geeked out about the procedures of the experiment.
"So was that the last ingredient?"
"Almost. I have to remember where I put... we're missing the psychoactive ingredient yet. In the sources I showed you, if you recall, the researchers made reference to an extremely rare, nearly deadly–"
"The mushrooms, yeah, I sticky-noted that page, I wanted to ask you about that. Did we get those? Do we need them?"
The more engaged they grew, seeming almost excited, McGucket shrunk further and further into the corner next to Mabel. She followed his gaze to the small, half-empty syringe of blood lying forgotten on the countertop.
"I correctly anticipated that my brother might have some–"
"Some old pals who owed me a few," Stan said, doing a poor job of pretending not to care about the conversation while he spit-shined one of the dummy's eyeballs.
"–some connections he was willing to exploit," Ford finished. McGucket tapped out a tight, erratic rhythm on his arm. Mabel watched his lips, imagined he was counting.
Ford had transferred the now-cooling liquid into a large eyedropper, the consistency requiring, though less viscous than before, more than a simple syringe. "Soos, my boy, would you go look for the blotter tabs on my desk? It should look like, ah, a sheet of very boring, square stickers."
"On it like a bonnet, dude." Halfway up the stairs, he said, "Oh, and I got the inflatable pools ready, but I haven't dumped all the salt in yet. Lemme know if we need that done next."
Ford nodded absently, but Dipper frowned. "I thought we weren't doing the sensory deprivation idea?"
"We said we would try it dry first, yes. But I thought it wouldn't hurt to have the pools prepared just in case our first trial has, well. Less than optimal results." McGucket's hand spasmed, then squeezed his arm. The Shack fell quiet.
It was Soos who spoke first. "So, uh, does that mean that we're, uh, gonna have to carry him downstairs?"
For the first time that day, McGucket and Ford made eye contact.
"Start upstairs," McGucket said, and that was that.
The open triangular window, its stained glass now slightly warped, hung loosely on its hinges. The thin light filtering through the oncoming storm clouds cast the room in a dusky blue.
It felt crowded in a way Dipper didn't think it ever had before; with everyone crowded around him, Ford looked like he didn't have enough elbow room to apply eyedroppers of their potion to the tabs of LSD on the desk table.
Dipper wondered absently if he had done this before and figured this wasn't the right time to ask.
"There," Ford said, something like resignation in his voice. "All ready."
Stan stood over him, arms folded tight across his chest, mouth set in a thin line. Dipper wished he would crack a joke, something that would get him elbowing McGucket, trying to get him to laugh. Something that would push some of the stale air out the window.
But, of course, the task fell to Mabel. "You know," she mused, eyeing the blotter paper, "I never thought our first time doing hard drugs would be with our grunkles, an old hillbilly man, and the puppet from Tales to Tickle Your Gooseflesh."
"You've thought about us doing drugs?" They had done crazier things. Dipper didn't know why the thought set him off-balance.
"Mabel Juice doesn't hit the same as it used to, bro-bro." Mabel poked Dipper's nose and earned herself an even more scandalized scowl. She winked at Soos. "I always pretty sure Soos would be involved, though."
"My dudes, I'm pretty sure I'm honored." Soos made the puppet on his arm salute the twins, wooden teeth clacking tight. Dipper shivered on the floor beside Mabel.
The Mystery Shack attic now held only one bed, pushed up sideways against the far wall. Dipper stared at the scuffs on the floor and felt a familiar weight under his sternum.
"I g–" Dipper cleared his throat. "I guess this is the best place for it, right? Um, with sober people around. Like. even if this was a normal– I mean, obviously this isn't going to be a normal trip, but I've, uh, read that before. Somewhere." He popped a knuckle. "I forget where I read that."
He cracked another finger into the silence.
"Couldn't have said it better myself, kid." Stan set a heavy hand on Dipper's shoulder. "Me an' Sixer are gonna be the best babysitters ever while you and your sister trip all the way into dreamworld." He wiggled his fingers as he said it. "Couldn't be safer than if you got these drugs from Uncle Sam himself!"
Dipper snorted. "Those MKUltra losers wish they could use LSD this effectively." He grinned at Stan. Stan grinned back.
Bolstered, Dipper adjusted his had and said, with something like bravado, "I'm all set. Any other preparations required before we start?"
"Go use the bathroom one more time."
"Oh my god, Grunkle Ford." Dipper rolled his eyes so hard it strained. "Our bladders are empty. If Mabel thinks she's gonna piss herself on the rug next to me, she can– um."
Mabel was staring at her fingers.
"Mabel." He gently bumped her with his shoulder. He looked to Soos, who was looking at Stan. "Maybe I'll pee one more time," Mabel said, thoughtfully.
Sucking his cheek, Stan said softly, "Sweetpea, you okay? You holding up?" Her eyebrows lifted, but her eyes didn't widen. "Me? Oh yeah, Mabel's floating through on cloud nine. I'm just thinking."
"Enlighten us," Dipper deadpanned overtop Ford's concerned "What's upsetting you, Mabel?"
"Not upset! Just thinking." Mabel opened her mouth as if to speak and stopped herself, giving instead a little breathless giggle. She chewed on her lip. Then, she said, "It would be super fun if we all went in together, though, right? Like last time."
Dippers eyebrows furrowed.
It felt, now, as if all the air had been sucked out of the attic. Not even the window hinges creaked. Dipper's mind swirled as he tried to catch up to Mabel's train of thought– last time? Does she mean when we chased Gideon into Stan's mind? Does she mean fucking Weirdmageddon? Why would she want– but the way his grunkles were making faces at each other distracted him just enough that he was left stumbling beside the railroad tracks until someone else spoke.
Stan was rubbing his neck so hard Dipper could see it start to turn red. "Sweetie, we– we talked about it, but–"
"It's risky enough as is."
Ford's shoulders jumped when McGucket spoke, as if he had forgotten he was there.
"Sendin' two a' you kids in together," he said, quietly. "It's not a stable connection. There's already a chance you'll lose one another."
"The dreamscape is different, now, Mabel." Ford almost sounded like he was pleading, pleading with her to understand that which he had already explained to Dipper and that which Dipper had neglected to pass on to his sister. It might not have mattered, though, because she was already nodding and waving him off as he tried to explain. "The fact of the matter is–"
"The fact." McGucket held up a scarred hand, but his voice lost its edge as he continued. "A' the matter is that we don't know what we're sendin' you into, kiddies. We just don't know. We can guess, based offa' what we used to know, and what we think should happen. But we don't know. And we're not goin' in with you."
"I know," Mabel said. Dipper couldn't place the emotion.
"But we wouldn't send either of you off alone." McGucket's smile was scared, sad, but genuinely warm. "You understand? We can't go with you, but we wouldn't ever send you alone."
"I know," Mabel said again. With a heavy sigh, she made her way to the rug, walking in a single circle before sitting down on it, like a dog. "Let's start," she said.
Dipper followed.
"You'd think the universe would get sick of this old formula at some point, right?" He mumbled into her ear as he sat down.
She raised an eyebrow.
"You know." He grinned. "Us against the world."
A slow smile bloomed across Mabel's face until she was smiling wider than Dipper was. "Not 'til we do."
They bumped fists and prepared to take tabs of contaminated LSD on their tongues like a sacrament. The clouds rolled in the sky outside the open triangle window, and the breeze that was blown in smelled like rain. Soos, puppet still on his arm, carefully reached over the bed to close and lock it. The body in the bed didn't stir.
"I'm going to count backwards from ten," Ford said softly as rain began pattering against the stained glass. "Ten, your eyes close. They feel heavy."
Dipper leaned his head back against the bed frame. Ford's voice was already slipping in and out of his ears like a glob of soap sliding down the side of the sink, and the last physical sensation he could recognize before the colors behind his eyes grew too loud was Mabel slipping her arm into his. His heartbeat stung, beating out a sewing-machine-rhythm that he could feel in his feet. The quickly-shrinking portion of Dipper's brain that still retained his internal dialogue began reciting times tables to slow his breathing and thanked its lucky stars that Dipper had put in the time to make and memorize a step-by-step procedure for how to visualize his way into his friend's coma.
There wasn't much of that he could access, not now that his brain had turned into green slime and was dripping out of his nose and onto his shirt, onto the little floor rug, onto the scuffs on the wooden floor from moving beds around, but he screwed his eyes tight and opened up the control panel in the little, miniature Dipper that had been hiding inside of the brain-slime. Brain Dipper reached his hands out to grip onto the thought of the one thing he needed to get himself and his sister out of this acid trip, their goalpost, their princess trapped in the tower, their ticket to the light at the end of the tunnel.
Emerson. That homeless asshole, lying half-dead in his bed. Fucker, Dipper said to him. It echoed inside the empty observatory of his skull.
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makeitquietly · 4 years
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Duck Soup (1927)
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duckapus · 2 years
Owlet in the Murder Hut
A prequel crossover AU for both the Owl House and Gravity Falls, based around the fact that if you consider the timeline Stan is almost twice Eda’s age.
After Eda finds the portal and uses it to get away from her mother, she ends up in a forest in the Human Realm. She spends some time wandering around and checking things out, both out of genuine curiosity and to blow off some steam. Unfortunately, after a while it starts getting dark, so she decides to head back...only to realize that she doesn’t actually know how to turn the door back on.
And then it starts raining, which freaks her out even more, to the point that she doesn’t realize the water isn’t boiling, so she runs, shield over her head, looking for somewhere, anywhere to get out of the rain. Eventually she comes across a sad looking house(more of a shack, really) with an open window on the top floor and goes for it. While she does try to keep her guard up in case someone finds her trespassing, the combination of the adrenalin wearing off and the fact that it was already night in the Isles but late afternoon here means she quickly drifts off.
And that’s how, roughly ten years after losing his brother and assuming said brother’s identity, Stanley Pines wakes up to find a soaked, frightened, homeless teenager with pointy ears sleeping in his attic. In typical Stan fashion he doesn’t ask too many questions and lets her stay as long as she needs, working at the Mystery Shack in exchange. She ends up stuck there for a few months, splitting her time between working for Stan, figuring out the portal, exploring Gravity Falls alongside her new friends Tad Strange(of all people) and Dan Corduroy(who’s actually kind of on the small side at that age, but no less strong or MANLY!), and hiding her magic, especially her curse.
She also ends up punching Preston Northwest in the face on multiple occasions, because of course she does.
Meanwhile, Lilith and Raine try to figure out where the fuck Eda went after she ran away from home.
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emeraldiis · 3 years
Supernova // ii
A/N: yall are going to crucify me for ending the chapter there im so sorry
Tag List:  @rosaline-black @bondgirlsteele @msturi2u @teacupcollector @selena-stan
AO3 Link / Part 1
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Summary:  On a vacation to Earth, you catch Loki’s eye and end up being his booty call whenever he’s on Midgard. Things take a turn for the worse when your fuckbuddy ends up nearly killing you with his attack on New York. Left permanently changed from the incident, time will only tell if you can forgive Loki and turn your flings into something more. If only you could resist his seduction for longer than a week....
Tags: fwb to lovers, slow burn, canon typical violence, smut, dom!Loki, religion as a metaphor for sex, more tags to come as i figure out wtf im doing
You were thankful that your apartment was only a few blocks away. Exiting the bar into the cold night air with Loki on your heels made the situation seem more...real. This was actually happening. Your heart sped up, and you briefly wondered if being a god meant that Loki could hear it.
“Lead the way,” Loki said from behind you, leaning down so that his warm breath ghosted over your cold neck. An involuntary shiver shot down your spine at how close he was.
You nodded curtly, then started off down the sidewalk, probably a tad too quickly. Loki kept stride with you easily, though. His long legs moved so gracefully it almost looked as if he was floating beside you. You hoped he didn’t notice how you peeked at his feet just to check. “It’s only a ten minute walk,” you said to break the silence.
“Mm, are you sure you don’t need to be carried?” Loki asked, giving you an impish smile. “Mortals are fragile things.” 
The laugh that came from your lips was almost hysterical. “I think I’m okay.” The closer you got to your apartment, the more you began to panic. It’d been so long since you’d had sex; your ex had lost interest in you long before the cheating. What if you weren’t any good? What if you made a fool of yourself? Loki must have sensed your anxiety, or at least heard your quickening breaths, because he easily caught your hand in his. His thumb rubbed over your skin in rhythm with his pace, and it brought a sense of calm with it. 
You were so distracted by Loki holding your hand that you almost passed your apartment building. Thankfully, you pulled yourself out of your daze just in time to come to a stop outside of the lobby. “This is me,” you managed to say through the returning fear.
“You can still turn me away, you know,” Loki murmured, eyes trained on your worried expression. “This is supposed to be pleasurable for the both of us. Not just me.” 
For the God of Mischief, he sure was a gentleman. Even though it had been a long time since your last hook up, you were pretty sure that none of them had ever been so concerned about your enjoyment. For a split second you considered agreeing with him, telling him that this was a bad idea and that he should go. But the way his voice soaked into your skin had you clenching your thighs and wishing that he’d just kiss you already. “I want you.”
Loki grinned and squeezed your hand. “I was hoping you’d say that.” 
He followed along as you held up the keycard to the front door and stepped inside. You opted to take the stairs to your floor, rather than the elevator. Something about being trapped inside a small metal box with an alien just didn’t sit right with your baser instincts. The same instincts that were currently at war. Adrenaline was flooding your veins, making you tense and get ready to fight or flee. Or fuck. 
You took note of the way Loki eyed the stairs in disdain. It was yet another reminder that he was a god, he was royalty, and you were just some lowly mortal who took the stairs and worked a nine to five. Thankfully, he remained silent until you led him to your apartment door. You let go of his hand--cringing when you realized yours was sweating slightly--to unlock the door. 
You’d barely shut the door behind the two of you before you were being spun around and shoved roughly against the entryway wall. You sucked in a surprised breath, but allowed Loki to take hold of your wrists and pin them above your head with one huge hand. “What is your safeword?”
You opened your mouth to answer, but only a strangled whimper came out. Loki chuckled and raised his eyebrows, waiting for your response. Finally, you were able to croak out a shaky “lemonade.” Your word choice earned you another laugh from Loki. His eyes flicked down to your lips, giving you about a millisecond of warning before he was kissing you breathless.
If Loki’s voice had bewitched you, then his kiss was downright ruining you. All your senses came alive with electricity for a split second, then shorted out, leaving you with nothing but a black void and the hot drag of Loki’s tongue across your bottom lip. You were too overwhelmed to kiss back at first, just rolling over and letting Loki press you against the wall and steal your breath.
“Breathe,” he growled against your lips, and you managed to suck in a shaky gasp. It was terrifying how eagerly your body obeyed him. You wanted to sink to your knees and submit, letting your mind be scrubbed free of everything except Loki. Just Loki. Loki Loki Loki Loki Loki--
He pulled back. You wanted to swear at him for taking away your drug, the addicting feel of his mouth on yours, but held your tongue. Maybe he had a good reason for depriving you of what you so desperately needed.
Loki’s brow was furrowed, bitten-red lips pursed in a worried pout. “This may be dangerous,” he said with a shaky voice. Your eyes nearly rolled back at the broken rasp that his voice had become. You did that to him, you stole his breath. You wanted more. 
“What are you talking about? Kiss me again,” you tried to say sternly. It came out as a pathetic whine. Your wrists twitched above your head where Loki still held them, and you wanted to cry in frustration. Why was he denying you like this?
Loki craned his head back as you strained up towards him. “This is what I’m talking about, mortal. You are reacting quite intensely to my Seidr, I’m afraid that it may be too overwhelming for your body and mind.” 
Your eyes narrowed at him as you tried to understand through the haze of desire. Some tiny scrap of reason in the very back of your skull wormed its way to the front, and you closed your eyes to try to regain your focus. Oh. Oh. You had lost yourself, had been at the doorstep of insanity. You opened your eyes again. “Well, shit.”
Loki nodded in agreement. Once he was sure that you were in a more rational state of mind, he released your wrists and stepped back. You rolled your shoulders to loosen the tense muscles and took a much needed breath. With Loki a few steps back instead of right in your personal space, it was much easier to gather your thoughts. 
“What do we do about it?” You asked, not quite ready to throw in the towel. The pressure between your legs pulsed angrily, begging for attention. Loki seemed to be just as conflicted. His breath was coming in harsh pants, and his cheeks were almost as flushed as you imagined yours were. You didn’t dare glance down to see if his body was just as affected as yours was; you were having a hard enough time keeping your hands to yourself as it was. 
Loki turned away and wandered down your hallway, coming to a stop in the living room. You followed behind like a lost puppy. “I’ll just need to keep my Seidr in check.” He turned to face you and smirked. “As attractive as the idea of you being at my mercy is, I have plans that require my magic to be in perfect condition.” He took a step forward, hand coming up to cup your face. “I can’t have some greedy mortal lapping it all up like some whore.” With that, his grip on your jaw tightened and your mouth dropped open with a breathy whine.
“My bedroom is to the left, second door,” you managed to say. Loki acknowledged you with a curt nod, and his hand dropped to wrap around your upper arm. He began to drag you down the hall, like he was guiding a disobedient child. Your heart raced at the absolute dominance he exuded and you felt a gush of moisture seep into your panties. 
As you rounded the corner into your bedroom and Loki shut the door with a flash of green, you felt yourself longing for the overwhelming electricity you had experienced just minutes before.It was like you had been given a taste of paradise, heroin shot straight into your veins like adrenaline, and now your body screamed out for another hit. It was terrifying and exhilarating, but the haze that still lingered in your head blocked out most logical thoughts. All you could think about was his lips on yours again. 
There was a brief moment of silence, in which neither of you dared to breathe. And then you were being roughly thrown onto your knees while Loki towered above you. He smirked down at your bewildered expression. “Your thoughts are so loud, pet. I can hear how badly you want to submit to me, your god.” 
Every inhibition had been thrown out the window the second Loki had kissed you. You felt no shame, no embarrassment at how quickly you had surrendered. Just need. You nodded frantically, reaching forward to grasp at the fabric of his dress pants. “Please.”
“Alright, then. Worship me.”
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stanleyb-art · 3 years
Have some of my Stan twins headcanons!
They are trans men! (This one and any attached HC to this, is not ALWAYS included in my fanart/fics but it's still there)
When either man has a nightmare, they go to each other for comfort, that includes just keeping each other company, cuddling to fall back asleep, whatever they need
They draw together while travelling and show those and the large scrapbook they make to the kids when they visit next
He 100% has ADHD
Bisexual w/masc preference
Got top surgery and testosterone from a really shady back alley surgeon/doctor until hrt became normalized
Had PTSD before weirdmageddon but that + the memory wipe worsened it in multiple ways
Actually super cuddly and affectionate but went so long without physical contact that he hates to initiate it
He knows sign language (because in canon he's HoH and doesn't want to risk not being able to communicate if he loses it fully)
Listens to rock and folk-punk
Really creative and artistic (which is obvious considering his line of work) and has endless amounts of sketch books just lying around
Was never actually failing school, he wasn't doing great but he had D's, C's and even B's (only in gym and art but still they count) but his family didn't care
Teaches Mabel and Dipper how to box the next summer they come down
Never admits it but he is incredibly insecure, but wants to seem confident and unbothered when everyone is around
Dated Fiddleford for a bit while he was still somewhat lucid (in their early 30s), but then when he got worse, he forgot Stan was Stan and started referring to him as Ford and he couldn't handle that anymore and tried to distance himself from him
Everytime he gets a new memory, he goes to Ford, because it's really scary and Ford somehow always knows how to help
Has an ACTUAL tattoo on his back, its Ford's hand, he got it when he was sixteen as a surprise for him, to hopefully make him feel better
Actively dating their universe's Rick Sanchez and has been since their late forties (knew him since his early twenties though)
Created his own testosterone for himself, and eventually for Fiddleford, Stan and Dipper as well
Also got his top surgery from a back alley surgeon (sort of, they were in training to be a real, certified doctor but wanted MORE practice than they were getting)
Gay through and through
He's autistic AND has ADHD
Dated Fiddleford in college and after weirdmageddon is over (I also go back and forth on thinking he's Tate's dad as well which is it's own little post)
Loves playing cards against humanity while drunk
Has played not so child friendly campaigns for DD&mD (if you catch my drift)
Monster fucker
Learned multiple languages after going through the portal, and then learned sign language for Stan when he came back
Touch starved for sure and will soak up literally any affection given to him
Likes reading to people
Got used to cussing while he was away and slips up in front of the kids constantly (which leads to MANY occasions of one of them saying it and him getting yelled at by Stan who does NOT slip up somehow)
Has ptsd and nightmares due to what happened while he was away and weirdmageddon
Mabel made him a princess unattainabelle dress to wear while playing DD&mD (which he in all honesty adores and does wear multiple times)
Has over 100 tattoos, and is a part of why he wears sweaters (but also because of his scars)
TW Self harm/suicide attempts for the next few
Ford tried to have his extra fingers removed as a teen and then tried to cut them off himself when the doctor's wouldn't do it for him (Stan caught him and stopped him before he could)
Ford attempted suicide 5 times, the first was the night Stan was kicked out and he got rejected by WCT, he tried to overdose but didn't have enough pills to do it. Next was during college, he was stressed out from the work load he had taken on and tried to overdose again, but Fiddleford caught him and saved him. Third time was while he was working with Bill, the demon made some off comment about his family, and Stan, and that set him off, so he tried to slit his throat, once again being saved by Fiddleford. The fourth time was right before Stan showed up, he was going to hang himself if his brother didn't show up, but he did. The final time was about 10 years over on the other side, he lost one of his few friends he had made and was going to shoot himself, but fell through a portal before he could and met Rick Sanchez
While most of Ford's scars are from fighting, there are a lot from him cutting and burning himself when he was younger (and the one on his throat from the one attempt)
Stan also attempted to kill himself, 3 times. First was the night he was kicked out, he tried to drown himself but was pulled to shore by an incredibly worried old man (who he ends up crashing with until he was banned from NJ). Then the second was a few months after the portal incident, he felt hopeless and scared and guilty so he tried to overdose but couldn't keep the pills down and puked them up almost immediately. The last time was the morning the kids were going home, he tries to hang himself, kicks the chair over as soon as Ford comes in to talk to him about the anomalies he found, so luckily he doesn't have the chance to succeed (the kids never find out, Stan made him swear not to tell them)
Stan also has self harm scars, but his are on his stomach and chest, so nobody but Ford, Fiddleford, and Rick know about them
Let me know if anything is spelled wrong/worded oddly and I'll fix it, too much to proofread at the moment😭
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junicai · 3 years
Aria at Award Shows
Iconic Outfits
2020 AAAs NCT Daesang Award  
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Peoples’ jaws dropped when they saw Aria sidle up alongside the other 23 boys, strolling out like she owned the building. The heels gave her enough height to be nearly level with Renjun - something she wouldn’t let the boy forget - her hair dyed back to a natural black like it had been during NCT2020 promotions. It was rare that Aria didn’t look slightly apprehensive about stepping out onto a red carpet, but the confidence was rolling off her in waves. As she walked, the slit in the dress seemed to keep on going, trailing up her leg and changing the otherwise classy dress into something that left the innocent bystanders in the first row suffering from a high chance of a heart attack.
tldr; Aria’s hot and people are Noticing.
2019 Show Champion NCT 127 ‘Superhuman’ 
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NCT’s second win with Superhuman left a huge divide in nctzens; a rift between those who were ot21 stans and ot22 stans (sans and plus Aria). Up until then, there had been rumors around whether Aria was to leave NCT now that there was a new girl group supposedly debuting under SM. Their management team had refrained from publishing a response - but that only lead fans to create their own speculations and theories. This outfit played perfectly into the growing rumor; with the large circular pendant on Aria’s bracelet having two chrysanthemums etched into the gold. The flower symbolized happy endings and goodbyes, with nctzens taking this as the proof that Aria was truly set to leave NCT in the coming months. 
tldr; nctzens need to learn how to Chill.
2017 M! Countdown NCT 127 ‘Cherry Bomb’
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Unfortunately, this era was the cause of a lot of strife for Arizens; the stylists either hit it out of the park and Aria was drop dead stunning - or she ended up looking a little like a bratz doll a toddler had gotten their hands on. Unfortunately for Aria, their first win with ‘Cherry Bomb’ left pictures of her in a plastic, obviously dyed blue skirt and cherry pink hair to match immortalized on the internet forever. 
tldr; arizens hoped that her stylist got fired after this era. the plastic skirt wasn't the worst thing they'd done.
Other Iconic Outfits
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Seating Arrangements
Depending on the venue, idols are normally sat on straight rows of chairs and benches, or at round tables. Given the choice, Aria would always prefer to sit at one of the tables, as not only does it give her a chance to not have to worry about her legs being seen while being covered by the tablecloth - if there is one - but it lets her keep everyone sitting near her in her direct line of vision. 
However, should she have to sit in one of the main rows, she’ll normally end up squished beside one of three boys - Donghyuck, Yuta and/or Renjun. Should one of those three be unaviliable, Doyoung and Jeno are usually quick enough to fill in the empty space. 
Donghyuck would always be her first choice, was it not for the boy’s incessant energy that sometimes left her nerves fried before their performance. Most days she adored the company - adored him and his efforts to get her mind off their impending songs with various games and ways to pass the time (they're not allowed play footsie anymore though, because Aria stomped on his foot with her heel once) - but other days she just needed someone to hold her hand and say nothing. That’s where Yuta and Renjun come in.
As Aria’s found out over the years, for all the man’s tactile affection and loud displays of love, Yuta’s highly perceptive to when she needs some silent comfort. Now, she’s not sure if he’s that perceptive to everyone or just her - but either way she’s not complaining. 
With Dream, Renjun is the one she’ll sit with and doodle on the white napkins that are laid out on the table for lord knows what reason. After being bored out of their minds for their first few award shows, Renjun had snuck two black ballpoint pens into the venue in the inside of his red suit jacket. The drawings had become somewhat a tradition, and the best doodle normally is uploaded to bubble shortly after the show has ended. 
All in all, Aria’s normally quite content to sit in the centre of the large group of boys - split over several rows or tables, boisterous and bubbly with energy. The only real downside to it all is the lack of blankets available to protect her modesty once she is seated. 
Most venues split the idols fairly evenly between the boy and girl groups - with blankets being allocated especially for the seating of girl groups. This meant, unfortunately, that when NCT files into their seats and sits down, there is rarely something in the close vicinity that Aria can borrow quickly without causing a fuss.
Sometimes she gets lucky - other female idols might spot her and are normally kind enough to hand over one of their cushions or blankets, content to share with their neighboring member. Occasionally though, Aria has no such luck and is left to either pull down her dress multiple times per minute to cover the prickly feeling over the tops of her legs when she felt like eyes were boring into her, or wait for some kind of break so she could go find a spare covering.
Aria supposed after the third time something like that had happened, her members were getting fed up with it all. 
At first it was their plan B: should some type of cover-up not be available in their immediate vicinity, Johnny or Lucas or Jaehyun - once, even Dejun - or another member who ran hot near-constantly would shrug off their jacket and fold it over Aria’s legs, pulling it up and then lifting her hands to place them in her lap to hold their jacket there. 
Eventually it became their plan A however, now commonplace for Aria to go looking for the member who was wearing multiple layers and who wouldn’t suffer from the loss of their outermost one.  
Iconic Moments 
Twitter: [180821] and people rly say nct doesn’t care abt aria :/
Red carpets were always something to dread, in Aria’s eyes.
The cameras flashing bright enough to blind you, and the knowledge that if she stumbled or - god forbid - fell it would be immortalized forever on Koreaboo’s newest blog post. 
However the worst bit, was always the footwear. High, stiletto heels that left her teetering around on nothing more than her tippy-toes, precariously balanced as she made her way up and down stairs, over carpet and tiled flooring alike. 
Aria was used to wearing heels, but the one’s she performed in were usually fitted with various types of ankle support and a thick heel to give her balance. Wobbling around on a heel the same width of a piece of uncooked spaghetti was not something she’d willingly choose. 
Not to mention the blisters. 
Designer shoes were gifted to the company on a regular basis - shipped over just in time for Aria to slip into the pair before stepping out of the van into the sea of bright flashes and reporters. It always seemed like designers were too pre-occupied with making a shoe look good rather than making them actually wearable. 
The first time Aria had been gifted a set of heels - early 2018 - she made the mistake of assuming that they would be in similar comfort as her performance heels. 
Two hours later and with a wad of bloody tissue stuffed into the back of them, Aria had learnt her lesson. 
From then on, it was commonplace for Aria to bandage her heels before she went out to shows - not quite as heavily as she normally would for a performance, but just enough to stop the skin splitting under the constant abrasion. 
She’d only been caught out badly once - but it was all caught on camera by a fan sitting close by, and spread over twitter like wildfire. 
Aria had limped her way back over to where NCT 127 was sitting, lips pressed together in a tight line and hands clenched in the tight material of the leather trousers she had been given to wear. The trousers stopped a few inches above her ankles, so the red mess of her heels was clearly visible as she hobbled over and sat down with a thud onto the seat. 
Donghyuck placed a hand on Aria’s shoulder, leaning in so that he could see her face behind the curtain of hair that she had let fall to hide her tear-filled eyes from him. 
“Riri?” Donghyuck whispered to her, thumb beginning to rub soothing circles into her arm. “Hey, Riri? What’s going on?” 
Aria only shook her head, gesturing to the pair of torturous heels on her feet.
Donghyuck inhaled sharply when he saw the blood trailing up her leg and soaking into the back of the heel. He turned to his side to elbow Doyoung, grabbing his attention.
“Hyung. Hyung.” He hissed, Doyoung turning around with an over-exaggerated sigh. 
“No, Hyuck, I told you I’m not going to-” Doyoung cut himself off upon seeing Aria’s pain-filled face. “Aria? What’s wrong? What’s happened?” 
Donghyuck slid off his seat onto the ground despite Aria’s protests that the floor wasn’t clean, get up, and explained what had happened to his hyung. Sliding her heel off as slowly as he could to not pull at the skin more, he muttered apologizes to Aria as she inhaled a shaky breath before exhaling it on a small, wet cry. 
“Hyung, did you bring anything for Taeyong-hyung’s shoulder that we could use?” 
“Yeah, yeah I did give me two seconds.” Doyoung bent into the small bag that he had tucked underneath the seat, pulling out a length of bandage that was stowed away in the outermost pocket. 
Donghyuck took it from Doyoung’s hands with a small ‘thank you’, moving to kneel back down in front of Aria and taking her ankle back into his lap.
“Hyuck, no I got it, c’mon the ground isn’t clean-” 
He silenced her with a look. Aria settled back into her chair - defeated - and Donghyuck wrapped the bandage around her heel as quickly but as painlessly as he could manage. 
Maybe Aria should have been paying more attention to the camera that was slowly panning around the idols, projecting their faces up onto a large screen beside the stage, but she was too engrossed in the current group’s performance. 
“그렇다고 네 맘이 작다는 게 아냐,” Swaying gently side to side and mouthing along to the lyrics, Aria was happy enough to smile along to the song and move her hands in a small mimickery of the choreography she’d taught herself off the group’s dance practice video she’d watched only a few dozen times. 
It wasn’t until Mark poked her in the side that Aria broke out from her own little bubble, twisting her head to look back at him and then up at the screen when he pointed. 
There, her face, staring back at her from the big screen was enough to make her mouth drop open a little bit and her eyes widen. She clapped a hand to her mouth before turning to hide her face in Jaehyun’s shoulder, shaking with embarassed laughter. 
Aria could hear Taeyong’s teasing laugh in return, before a hand came and ruffled the hair on top of her head, that she swatted away.
Twitter: [170911] lmao same aria
Aria knew she was there. 
She knew that she was sitting right there and that she was in one of those really skimpy dresses stylists loved to put girls in because apparently female idols don’t deserve modesty and Aria knew that she had a blanket for once and she should share it but oh my god.
It was Chungha.
Aria was going to pass out. 
Taking side glances every few seconds only confirmed the fact that Chungha was pulling down her dress to cover as much of her legs as possible, tucking her ankles together and underneath the seat.
Ok, she could do this. 
Aria took a steeling breath, before shifting on her seat to face Chungha on more of a diagonal. She lifted her hand before lowering it slighly, looking away. 
Should she- no ok she’s doing this. 
Without giving herself time to talk herself out of it, Aria moved to rest her hand on Chungha’s arm. The older woman jerked slightly - startled - and Aria was quick to apologize. 
There was no audio in the video uploaded - the original poster having been too far away to capture much - but the two women talked for a moment before Chungha pointed to the blanket and then herself.
Aria nodded emphatically, and Chungha’s face crumpled into something fond, bowing her head in thanks before they unfolded the blanket another time and Chungha scooted an inch closer to Aria so they’d both fit. 
Chungha sent Aria another grateful smile before refocusing on the performances - apparently not noticing, or perhaps choosing not to comment on the rather obvious red tinge that the younger idol’s cheeks had taken on.
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heauxzenji · 4 years
I just came across you nsfw with Osamu and I really enjoyed it I was wondering if You could do one for Kita?
Hi love! This is for u 💕 and all the kita fuckers worldwide- myself included bc I’m in love with him now 🥺
NSFW Alphabet - Kita Shinsuke
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Nsfw below da cut g
gn!reader focus in this hoe
A/n: ty @honey-makki for being my partner in degeneracy and my wife ilysm bc she can read when I can’t
𝕬 - 𝕬𝖋𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖊
Will feed you a full meal. His way of making sure you’re cared for is keeping you well fed. He will cuddle you and spoon feed you himself if he has to, as long as you eat every single bite. He has a routine for everything, aftercare is no exception. He runs you a bath, then, while you soak, he cooks. Will make sure to throw a hoodie in the dryer before heading to the kitchen so it'll be warm for you post shower. Then he feeds you and holds you, playing with your hair or your hands until you fall asleep.
𝕭 - 𝕭𝖔𝖉𝖞 𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙
You already know what the fuck is going onnnn! Kita is honestly so well sculpted that it really doesn’t matter but let’s talk about his back/shoulders. He’s so mf broad and it's very sexc of him. He’s also very fond of when you cling onto and scratch it up…. delicious
He loves your hands. He loves to hold them, especially when he’s looking straight into your eyes as he drills the hell out of you- he’ll lift one up and kiss it bc ✨romance✨
𝕮 - 𝕮𝖚𝖒
Oh he’s going to fill you so full of cum that it pours out of your ears. He has a big breeding kink, and huge loads to match. But he’s also very healthy and takes good care of himself so his cum isn’t bad on your tongue on the off chance he hasn’t already cum inside you 600 times prior to finally doing so in your mouth. And he’s going to kiss you after- very sexc of him.
𝕯 - 𝕯𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖞 𝕾𝖊𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖙
Lost his virginity in a barn. Got a tick on his ass of all places. The barn isn’t the secret tho... the tick is.
𝕰 - 𝕰𝖝𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖈𝖊
When you got together- he was definitely a virgin. Had only gone as far as MAYBE second base. But you used that to your advantage, because you’ve essentially built him up and trained him to be PERFECT for you. You also helped him find out what he likes and what makes him feel good too. Sure there was a lil’ corruption involved, but in the end you’re both very happy with your sex life.
𝕱 - 𝕱𝖆𝖛𝖔𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖊 𝕻𝖔𝖘𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓
Full on mf wrestling mating press. He’s going to have his cock so deep inside of you that if he even pushed a bit more his body is gonna go in too. Then he’ll just live there. He’s fine with that.
𝕲 - 𝕲𝖔𝖔𝖋𝖞
Unintentionally so. Every once in a while, you’ll both giggle or laugh because you have to reposition when you start to cramp up or you accidentally hit him in the face when tying to pull him closer or something. But he’s a firm believer in the whole “if you can’t laugh with the person you’re having sex with you shouldn’t have sex with them” addage, so he’s very grateful for those light moments.
𝕳 - 𝕳𝖆𝖎𝖗
It could definitely be neater. He isn’t abysmal, but he is hairy and could stand to trim a tiiiny bit more often. He’s just very low maintenance down there. As long as it’s clean he's good, which is both true and a decent place to start but pls tell him to get a little off the top of you know what I mean.
𝕴 - 𝕴𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖆𝖈y
He’s! So! Loving! He’s always going to go the extra mile to make you feel special. He likes to keep things on the softer side I’d say 8/10 times. He prefers to make love instead of just fucking it out- but if you get into an argument or he’s frustrated, he will happily go hard… but still with candles and a massage. Also I said it already but he’s gonna hold your hands while he demolishes you- interlaced fingers and all that cute shit even tho you’re getting railed.
𝕵 - 𝕵𝖆𝖈𝖐 𝕺𝖋𝖋
His grandma is one of those old ladies that’s like “don’t do that you’ll go blind,” so poor baby was a lil pent up before he got older. Now, he still doesn't do it often, but he does it once a month or so as part of his routine. He uses coconut oil because he likes the smell and that it melts easily.
𝕶 - 𝕶𝖎𝖓𝖐
Breeding, listen it’s just embedded in country boys to fuck and fill. He is no exception.
Spanking, moreso as a way to direct you. Moving too much? slap to stay still. Changing positions? Slap to get you moving. Just wants to see you jiggle? Yeah that too. Motivational slaps also come into play when he wants you to know you’re doing a good job.
Auralism, He LOVES to hear you. The sound of your breath, your moans, the way you chant his name when you’re close… he eats that shit up. It feeds his ego and boosts his pride. He also makes a lot of noise himself, mostly really deep moans but there’s a sprinkling of praise throughout too.
𝕷 - 𝕷𝖔𝖈𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓
He needs privacy. So he’s definitely one to want to keep it at home or at least somewhere secluded and away, where he knows only you and him are there and will know about it.
𝕸 - 𝕸𝖔𝖙𝖎𝖛𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓
He doesn’t care how he does it, but his number one priority, is making sure that you cum. Kita is a giver. And he will make sure to give you whatever you want from him.
𝕹 - 𝕹𝖔!
He’s not into SUPER rough stuff. He’s not vanilla, but he is the kind of guy that sees sex as “lovemaking” so he’s not gonna punch you in the face or throw you around like a ragdoll. It’s just not his style. Of course if it's what you want, he will… but never expect him to ever bring it up or do so on his own.
𝕺 - 𝕺𝖗𝖆𝖑
Ok so- he's… teachable. I’m not gonna lie, he would start off as absolute trash. But the good thing about him is how adaptable he is, and how willing he is to learn. You’d have to have him work at it a lot but once he gets good he’s great. He’ll love the feeling of accomplishment he gets from you getting off with only his mouth- it does wonders for his pride.
𝕻 - 𝕻𝖆𝖈𝖊
It’s very even- until he starts to get close. When he’s close he’s going to speed up so much that you have to brace yourself against anything that’ll hold you. He is definitely a headboard grabber too.
𝕼 - 𝕼𝖚𝖎𝖈𝖐𝖎𝖊
He likes to take his time with you. For that reason, he isn’t a huge fan. You would really have to convince him that it's worth it. He doesn’t see the point in instant gratification, and thinks you should be patient. Good things come to those who wait and all that Kita stop being so stoic and rail me at the farmers market challenge
𝕽 - 𝕽𝖎𝖘𝖐
Lmfao you think this mans is really gonna go for a public or semi-public scene? Think again. Now, he’s into sex outdoors sure, but only in your fenced in, enclosed backyard. He’s not letting anyone see you point blank periodt, you’re for his eyes only.
𝕾 - 𝕾𝖙𝖆𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖆
Excellent self control. He can hold off on cumming for as long as you need him to. Usually he’ll tap out himself after you’ve gotten through at least 3 of your own highs- but his record is 6. Has a super long refractory period tho- so he does things this way to make sure you get everything you need in one go.
𝕿 - 𝕿𝖔𝖞
He actually likes using toys on you. He has a bunch of different plugs and vibes that he uses to suit the situation. He prefers to use a hitachi wand on you while he’s fucking you, but all the others he uses for foreplay- or after to keep you full to the brim of his cum.
𝖀 - 𝖀𝖓𝖋𝖆𝖎𝖗
You both tease each other absentmindedly. He doesn’t know why he gets so turned on by you scrubbing the floor on all fours (that’s why), but he does. He also doesn’t understand why you think its hot when he cuts firewood in winter or wipes his forehead with his shirt during the summer. He thinks he’s gross and sweaty- but you can only think of a million other ways to make him sweatier.
𝖁 - 𝖁𝖔𝖑𝖚𝖒𝖊
Listen we stan. He’s not quiet in bed by any means, but he’s not overly loud either. He’s the type who takes deep breaths and then on the exhale let’s out a moan from deep in his chest- you know the one. And he does that shit on purpose. Not really, but he does think of it as his way of letting you know that he feels as good as you feel. Will also 100% hit you with the “is that it baby? Is that the spot?” While you’re practically turning into jello underneath him bc he absolutely knows that’s the spot he just likes to make you say it.
𝖂 - 𝖂𝖎𝖑𝖉𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖉
Wants to recreate the sex scene from tthe notebook with you. He can’t explain why, he just has an unexplainable urge to suck your face off in the rain and then proceed to raw you after peeling all the damp clothes from your body. Please oblige him.
𝖃 - 𝖃-𝕽𝖆𝖞
He’s got the thickness. Not coke Can thickness but like… you remember the Alaskan bull worm from ep of SpongeBob? Well he’s the whole worm, not just the tongue. I’m going to hell for that reference but ya he has a nice dick. The perfect thickness and and I’ll say a pretty good 5.5-6 inches worth. It’s also very veiny on the underside which- yes I love that.
𝖄 - 𝖄𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌
Normal sex drive, since you tend to do it at least 2 times a week. He only seems to get a little needier when you CAN’T have sex regularly- ie, one of you is sick or you’re away from each other. When that happens, he’s a little edgier than usual, can snap sometimes but not often.
𝖅 - 𝖅𝖟𝖟
He’s the type to get a second wind after. He’ll only go to sleep after he makes sure all your aftercare needs are met, and even then, he’s only going to power-nap it for maybe 10mins. He’ll stay still and cuddle you while you sleep, but he’ll most likely watch tv or scroll through his phone while you enjoy his warmth. Every once in awhile he’ll give you a kiss while you stir.
Taglist Starseeds (check ur privacy settings if your url is in bold): @honey-makki @crushzone @yumekosgamblingroom @boujiesav @onesingleravioli @ushijimasfarmhat @trouvelle @nekoma-hoe @right-shoe-jpg @atsumusc0ck @nivky0-0 @animoozies @charmarsmith @tsumue @disasteren @hoe4abbacchio @sillykittt @ukaisbaby
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xseaxwitchxkpop · 3 years
Too Much Overthinking
A/N: This fic is pretty reflective of my own thoughts and pretty self-indulgent. While I kinda wanted to keep this to myself, I felt that there’s other people that could benefit from the comfort of the fic that I tried to go for. Self-love, or at very least self-acceptance, is such a hard journey and sometimes our heads get the better of us. The reader is not necessarily female, so I used no female pronouns, but the reader is framed as femme-presenting, so keep that in mind when reading. So many of fics like these end in sex and it irks me because us fat people are not fetishes, we are people, and deserve to be comforted as such, so I decided to write what I want lol. Also I chose Jongho because he comes off as very emotionally mature and very emotionally intelligent (ignore the fact that he was one of two members that caught my attention and made me stan Ateez lol).
Genre: Comfort
Reader Type: femme!reader, plussize!reader
CW: very negative thoughts, body image issues, a little emotional lol
Requested: NO
Group: ATEEZ -- Jongho
Word Count: 1,491
The boys stayed late at the studio, the night steadily getting darker as you stare out the window and watch the moon climb into the sky and shine. The day feels over already and Jongho once again misses the dinner you made him earlier, complete with missing the cute lunchbox cake you got to celebrate your two year anniversary.
Your heart sinks and your mouth turns into a frown -- you never considered yourself clingy or codependent, but there are times when perhaps you would like him to think about you a little more or that you wanted to stick to his side and never let go. 
But him missing this special dinner tonight triggered your negative thoughts and began a less-than-savory night for you; no, you don’t blame him for your thoughts because he didn’t force you to think the things you do, but the current situation certainly doesn’t help.
The soft blankets welcome you with arms of warmth and the mountain of pillows cradle your head as you stare at the ceiling with horrid thoughts running through your heads. You’re too fat, anyway, didn’t need the amount of carbs in the noodles. Your stomach sticks out and sweeps the edge of the counter in a way it shouldn’t, time to lose some! You’re nothing but a good fuck for him, he’s definitely trying to get another woman that’s thinner...they’ve been using a lot of female backup dancers lately…
You whip yourself around in your blankets, trying to squash the thoughts or at least put a temporary stop to them. 
You’re not sure how much time has passed, but you hear the door to your apartment opening and closing, accompanied by shuffling that indicates Jongho came by and took off his jacket, shoes, and made his way to the bedroom. 
You feel the bed dip down behind you and a solid chest snuggle against your back; his arm threw itself around your body and squished you against him, squishing your stomach in the process and making you feel extremely uncomfortable. His breath lingered on the back of your neck as you heard him whisper that he’s sorry for missing the dinner and that he’d make it up to you tomorrow.
You certainly didn’t want him to know you’re awake, but your mouth moves faster than your brain: “Are you actually?”
His breathing hitches, not realizing that you are still awake. The grip around your midsection loosened and you take the opportunity to lift his arm off of you and scoot away from him. He props himself up on his elbow and peers at the back of your head -- you can’t see the hurt and confusion in his eyes, but you can at least feel the searing gaze aimed at the back of your head.
“What do you mean by that?” he asks, wanting to reach out a hand and rub your arm, but forcing himself to stop. He knows that he fucked up by missing the anniversary celebration, but the synergy of the group was radically off kilter today and it took longer than it should have for all of them to perfect the choreography and he was going to explain tomorrow. But he can’t figure out why this bothered you so much -- you were always understanding and that’s one of the reasons you had his heart.
All you can do is sigh, not wanting to burden him with your negative thoughts, but your tear ducts have other ideas and so thus did your brain.
“What I mean is why stay so late? And without so much as a text or phone call?” you mumble.
“Hmm?” he says, not quite hearing you.
You sit up and turn yourself to face him, barely holding back tears. “Do you not love me any more? Am I not attractive to you any more? Am I just a good fuck for you at this point?”
Jongho’s face fell (not that you can see it in the darkness of the room) and he reaches out to your vague silhouette, wanting to caress your face. “Y/N --”
“No!” you shout at him, hugging yourself and scooting yourself further from him, the hard surface of the wall hitting your back.
“There’s gonna be a day where you wake up and realize that you don’t love me any more, realize that my fat stomach is not cute or good for gripping but repulsive, that my back rolls aren’t sexy but gross, that you’re just lying to yourself and lying to me! You don’t find me sexy, you don’t find my body attractive, and you’ll wake up and realize that and leave me! There’s so many better people out there, yeah, with thinner bodies, with no protruding stomach, with slim arms and a defined jawline, no fat poking out in their bras, with legs that don’t rub together and chaff and can fit beautifully into short skirts…one day, you’re gonna wake up and look at me the way I look at myself.”
Tears leave streaks down your face as you ramble. You tighten the blankets around you in an effort to hide yourself. And Jongho, your boyfriend of two years who has done nothing but make you feel loved, that shows you off in public and is proud to have you for a S/O, feels his heart drop so low he doesn’t know if it is in his body any more. His eyes also sting with tears hearing how you view yourself and he’s at a loss for what to say; he knows that you don’t think highly of yourself, but to hear it in its entirety, with you in tears and hearing, unfiltered, what goes on in your head hurts him. He remembers the intense struggle that Seonghwa had with his own image and how he still slips into that mindset sometimes, but you’re not Seonghwa and can’t be reassured the same way.
Jongho crawled his way to you and cupped your face, forcing you to look him in the eyes as much as possible. At a loss for what else to do, he places his lips gently on yours and just stays there; he feels the wet tracks from your eyes to your chin and the ragged breaths through your nose from your crying.
He eventually pulls away but stays close to your face, rubbing his thumb across your cheekbone. “Why are you thinking these things, hm? Was it because I stayed late? I really am sorry about that,” he whispers into the space between you two.
“I...I don’t know...I just...you’re using more female backup dancers...and you missed my...missed my dinner.”
“What do female backup dancers have to do with anything? Do you think any of them can take me from you?”
You look up at him as he hits the nail on the head, pathetically sniffling in an attempt to not only regulate breathing but also not to open the floodgates again.
“Oh, sweetheart, nothing like that will happen,” he says, pulling you into a tight hug, fighting you, fighting him because the last thing that he wants is for you to think he’s gonna leave you high and dry. 
You sink into him, trying even harder to not cry and trying not to think about how you look when crying, trying to ignore the thoughts that tell you that you being an ugly crier is part of the reason that you are horrendously unattractive.
“But what if it does? They’re fit, they’re healthy, they’re attractive…” you start, muttering into his shoulder.
“Who said that?” he counters with lightning speed, not letting you finish the statement. “You? You can’t trust your opinion of yourself in the mirror, how are you to judge what I do and don’t find attractive? You say they’re attractive to me because you don’t find yourself attractive enough to be with me, which your heart will tell you is not true.”
You can’t hold anything in any more and let yourself cry, and not just a small one. You soak his shirt with tears, you claw your way onto his lap and hold him in a death-grip, and you cried, a cathartic one that poured at your emotions into this one cry.
Jongho can’t do anything but hold you with a heavy heart; hearing you cry your heart out hurt him to a degree and he had to hold back his own tears threatening to spill. 
He leans back against the mountain of pillows, pulling you with him, and rubbing your back and squeezing your shoulder. You cry yourself to sleep, eventually becoming dead weight on your boyfriend’s chest, which he wholeheartedly embraced. He slowly falls asleep after you, promising himself that, despite the good communication you two had, he’d try to be more mindful of how much you feel loved and ensure that he doesn’t leave doubt in the future for his love for you.
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atlabeth · 3 years
talking to the moon
summary: dealing with the aftermath of the worst event of your life. 
pairing: sokka x fem!reader but solely platonic. stan big brother sokka 
a/n: this became so much longer than i initially meant for lmao. it was just supposed to be sokka and y/n talking but then i. wrote the whole death scene and a whole backstory and. im sorry. i made myself sad while writing this 
wc: 4.1k 
warnings: so much angst, death, mentions of suffocation, mentions of arranged marriages, one mention of blood, one single curse i think, lots of anger and lots of sadness but some fluff at the end 
based on the song “talking to the moon” by bruno mars 
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living in the northern water tribe wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. 
as a waterbender, it should’ve been a perfect haven. a renowned master to teach her how to fight and become a master herself, a constant feeling of power being around ice and water all the time, and a comfortable life as the daughter of two important councilmembers that worked alongside chief arnook. 
but the only thing y/n had come to know of this place was a complete and utter loss of freedom. 
she wasn’t allowed to learn martial waterbending simply because she was a woman. master pakku wouldn’t even give her the time of day, and when she complained to her parents they cited century-long traditions and told her that was just how things were. 
y/n felt comfortable being around water and ice all the time, but it’s not like the power of the moon helped her when she hardly knew anything in the first place. it was slightly easier to try and teach herself new techniques that she learned from watching master pakku and his students, but it still almost always ended in failure. 
and of course, her noble heritage simply meant that she would be married off once she reached the appropriate age for the benefit of her family. yippee. 
but there was one benefit that came along with being the daughter of nobles that worked closely with the chief. 
princess yue. 
she was without a doubt the nicest girl that y/n had ever known, and they quickly became each other’s closest friends. y/n thought that maybe she wouldn’t like her because yue was two years her senior, but it didn’t matter in her eyes. yue showed y/n a side that she never showed anyone else; the carefree, energetic, loving side. the side that told y/n fantastical stories while they rode together the waterways. the side that encouraged y/n to waterbend whenever she could and to try as hard as possible to get the martial techniques down because ‘i know you can do it!’ the side that was absolutely fascinated by her waterbending, the side that shrieked in surprise then dissolved into giggles every time y/n soaked her at the end of the session. 
yue was the bright light in y/n’s boring days, and y/n was a needed reprieve from yue’s duties.
the young girls didn’t know that there was so much coming for them. 
team avatar visiting y/n’s home was one of the most exciting things to happen to her. it was like a breath of fresh air in the monotony of her life, and it didn’t take too long for y/n to become friends with all of them at the celebratory dinner the night they arrived. 
y/n and katara instantly struck off. as waterbenders of the same age they already had a connection, but it was only strengthened the longer they stayed. y/n had never cheered so loud when she fought against pakku. 
it was impossible not to like aang. he was even younger than y/n with an infectious positive attitude and a smile always on his face. he even offered to help teach her waterbending along with katara after learning from pakku, which was a great plan until it wasn’t. 
her association with sokka came from her association with yue. he was infatuated with the princess almost immediately — it wasn’t a surprise, y/n was sure every boy in the tribe had a crush on her in some form — but he was also very kind to y/n. as time went on, they developed more of a sibling-like bond and y/n loved it. she was an only child raised to the highest expectations, but she was allowed to let loose around sokka. it also helped to see him make a fool in front of himself every time her and yue were together. 
things were looking up for y/n. she had three new friends that all liked her best friend, and she was actually learning a little bit more about fighting with waterbending from katara. everything was perfect. 
until the fire nation attacked. 
y/n had been with yue and sokka when they saw the black snow and immediately rushed back to the tribe to warn everyone. that was how a fourteen year old noble girl who barely knew how to defend herself like y/n got involved in a fight against the fire nation. 
after rescuing aang from zuko and, at aang’s request, bringing the unconscious prince with them, they started traveling back to the spirit oasis. y/n sat in the back of the saddle with sokka and yue, a new friend and her oldest friend, when yue suddenly grabbed her head with a small groan. y/n looked around and the world around them had turned red as blood. something was very wrong.
“are you okay? sokka asked, reaching for her instinctively as if to protect her from whatever was hurting her. 
“i.. i feel faint,” she muttered.
“i feel it too,” aang added. “the moon spirit is in trouble.” 
y/n’s eyes widened as she stared back at yue, horror dancing in her eyes as she shook her head. “no, no it can’t be. yue, you know what that means—” 
it wasn’t hard to catch onto the fearful tone in her voice and katara set an amicable hand on her shoulder. “what are you talking about, y/n?” 
thankfully, yue took over. “i owe the moon spirit my life.” 
“what do you mean?” sokka’s eyes went between y/n and yue, y/n’s worried gaze trained on yue as she explained how the moon spirit had given her life as a baby. when she was done, the water tribe siblings were staring at her in disbelief. 
“if the moon spirit is in danger then we need to save it.” y/n’s voice was hardened as they got closer to the spirit oasis, stretching her fingers out to get the blood flowing again in case she needed to bend. she didn’t know very much about combat besides what katara had taught her, but hopefully it would be enough to at least aid the rest of the team. 
appa slid to a stop in the spirit oasis and aang, sokka, katara, and y/n all hopped off of his back and got into battle stances. sokka took out his boomerang, aang wielded his staff, and y/n and katara got ready to bend. 
“don’t bother,” zhao spat. he held up the bag with tui and positioned his fist next to it, posing the very obvious threat. y/n’s eyes widened and her hands fell the slightest bit. he wouldn’t. 
it turned out that he very well would. 
y/n thought that they would be safe, that yue would be safe once he released the fish after iroh’s threat, but she should’ve known a man like that would never be satisfied. just as the normal hues of the oasis had returned, zhao let out a yell and blasted the koi with fire, plunging the world into various shades of grey. 
y/n let out a strangled cry as she realized what it meant, and she wanted to unleash all of her fury on zhao. she wanted to make him hurt, make him understand just what he had done. but it seemed that general iroh already had that plan as he started firebending viciously, swiftly defeating the soldiers after zhao had gotten away. 
y/n felt like she was in a haze, following through with her movements but not actually there. the four of them rushed towards the water and yue soon joined them, all looking down at tui in horror. the moon spirit was gone, dead, killed. 
her worst fear had come true, and she stared at yue’s blue eyes, the only thing that still had color, mouth opening and closing as she tried to think of things to say. 
“there’s no hope now,” yue mourned. “it’s over now.” 
“no it’s not.” 
y/n watched in amazement as aang merged with the ocean spirit and left to defend her home, but it melted away once again when she joined the siblings, iroh, and yue at the front of the water.
“it’s too late. it’s dead.” katara stared at the dead fish when iroh placed it back into the water. it truly did seem like it was over. y/n felt none of the usual power she felt at night. if she tried to bend, she knew nothing would happen.
iroh seemed to notice yue as she stepped closer and he raised his eyebrows. “you have been touched by the moon spirit. some of its life is in you.” 
“yes, you’re right.” yue set her jaw and y/n immediately knew what she was thinking. “it gave me life. maybe i can give it back.” 
“no!” y/n and sokka cried at the same time. y/n’s voice cracked and she had to do everything she could to prevent the tears from falling. “yue, no. you don’t have to do this.” 
“it’s my duty, y/n.” her kind blue eyes, an image that would haunt y/n for years to come, glistened with unshed tears as she walked over to the oasis. this time sokka grabbed her hand to try and stop her. 
“i won’t let you! your father told me to protect you!” sokka usually guarded his emotions but this time the fear in his voice was obvious, and it hurt. he didn’t want to lose her. he couldn’t lose her. 
“i have to do this.” 
y/n wanted to scream at yue to stop, try and knock some sense into her, hold the girl that she loved back from sacrificing herself. but she just stood there, frozen, as yue hovered her hands over the dead fish. tui began to glow, and yue collapsed. 
y/n rushed over to her as sokka caught her and she fell to her knees. the tears were falling, she didn’t care, her friend was gone, she was dying. y/n felt yue’s ice cold hand on her arm and she grasped it with both of her own. her and sokka were barely holding it together as they watched the girl they both loved die in their arms. 
“y/n..” her voice was already faint, she was using up all of her strength just to talk to them in her final moments. “thank you for everything. never forget what you are fighting for. i will always cherish our friendship.” 
a choked sob escaped y/n’s lips and she gripped yue’s hand as tightly as she could, like maybe if she didn’t let go then she would come back. she couldn’t even hear what she said to sokka, all she could hear was the pounding in her head. this couldn’t be happening. 
and then she was gone. the ice cold hand in y/n’s grip was gone, the girl they were cradling was gone, and in her place was just emptiness. iroh placed the koi fish back into the water and the entire oasis filled with light, and the energy around the lake turned into yue. she was ethereal. she was a spirit. she was gone. 
yue came closer and wrapped y/n in a hug, feeling more like a gentle breeze than a real person hugging her. she then kissed sokka, and a faint smile graced her lips. “goodbye, i love you both. i will always be with you.”
and with that, she was gone. 
y/n couldn’t hold it in anymore. she started sobbing, tears wracking her body and making it hard to breathe. she wrapped her arms as tightly as she could around sokka, burying her head in the space between his shoulder and his neck, and he returned the hug. they were just two kids who had watched a girl they loved sacrifice herself. what else could they do but hold each other and hope to all the spirits that they would be okay?
y/n left with aang, katara, and sokka when they decided to set course for omashu. she couldn’t stay at the northern water tribe. all it served as was a constant reminder of that fateful night, the night that she had lost her best friend. she saw yue in everything, and she knew she would lose her mind if she stayed. so she asked if she could join them on their journey, and they agreed. y/n felt a constant pit of emptiness and hoped that helping the avatar would absolve some of the guilt. 
it didn’t. 
“this is your fault, y/n.” 
the blue eyes that haunted y/n so often appeared once again, staring back at her unflinchingly. there was a certain hardness behind them, a coldness that pervaded her skin, making its way to her heart. but she couldn’t look away. 
“you should’ve been able to save me.” yue’s voice, normally soft spoken and kind, reverberated throughout the endless void y/n was trapped in. 
she looked beautiful, otherworldly. the fabric of her dress floated around her at the edges and her white hair, the ever present reminder of her connection to the moon, flowed down her back. yue appeared the same as she had when she sacrificed herself, and it was the way she would look forever. y/n’s heart ached for her friend, knowing that she would never live out the rest of her life, never get to be the ruler she was meant to be. 
she tried to talk, but her voice wouldn’t work. her throat felt like it was closing up slowly, and her limbs might as well have been cast in concrete with how heavy they all felt. yue’s icy glare disappeared from view, but her voice was still all around her. 
“you did this to me. you’re the reason i’m dead. you should’ve been able to save me.” 
the words repeated thousands of times on top of each other, becoming louder and louder that it was all she could focus on. y/n was suffocating underneath it all, she couldn’t take it. she wanted to sob out how sorry she was, tell yue that her biggest regret was not being able to save her, reach out and bring her into her world again. spirits, she wanted her best friend back so badly. 
“YOU SHOULD’VE BEEN ABLE TO SAVE ME.” the words echoed through her skull so loudly that she felt like it was going to crack from sheer force. 
y/n eyes suddenly flew open and she lurched upwards, breathing heavily, a scream on the edge of her lips that she was barely able to bite back. she clamped her hands over her mouth until she could be sure it wouldn’t come loose, and it took even longer for her breathing to get back to normal.
it didn’t look like she had disturbed the sleep of the others, but she couldn’t stay here. she got out of her sleeping bag and rushed out of their camp, making sure she stayed light on her feet so that the others could continue to rest. momo perked up as she ran past him, and y/n shook her head and raised a finger to her lips. he seemed to get the hint and went back to sleep, and with a strained smile y/n continued out. 
it was at that moment that a certain water tribe boy groggily sat up, able to catch the end of a tunic dress disappearing into the woods after he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. he thought it was katara at first but a quick glance to his side proved that his sister was still asleep. it was y/n’s spot that was empty. he immediately knew why she was gone, and he got up to follow her; there was no way he was going to leave her alone right now. sokka didn’t exactly want to be alone either.  
‘you should’ve been able to save me.’ they were words that never left y/n’s mind; at this point it was a part of her conscience. the princess had never actually said the words, her last moments had been spent reassuring y/n and sokka before she faded away, but it didn’t matter. she was constantly wracked by guilt, and though sokka did a good job at hiding it, she knew he felt the same way. she wondered if he was plagued by the same nightmares she had. it was no surprise it happened tonight of all nights — today marked one month since yue died. 
no. since yue had been killed. 
she might’ve given her life for the moon spirit willingly, but y/n blamed zhao, that fire nation admiral, for her death. he was the one that killed the moon spirit, so he was the one that had killed her best friend. she had never felt as much rage as she had in the moment that he blasted tui with fire. 
she hoped he was dead. 
y/n got to the edge of the woods and stared at the night sky, the slight breeze and the ambiance around her doing little to ease her mind. she sighed and leaned back against a tree, staring at the sky in hopes it would give her some kind of answer. but all it did was make her feel even worse.
i know you’re somewhere out there somewhere far away
yue was there. the moon was there, but yue was the moon so she was there. it felt like a cruel joke, having her so close but so far away. always within her sight but never in her reach. she longed for the days when she was able to pull the princess away from her duties to engage in a snowball fight with her friends or when yue asked her to show off her waterbending with the childlike wonder she never got to show or when things were normal and her friend wasn’t the fucking moon. 
i want you back, i want you back 
y/n felt the familiar stings of tears behind her eyes and she slowly slid against the tree until she was sitting on the ground. she bit the inside of her cheek so hard she drew blood in an effort to stop the tears, but it didn’t matter, they fell anyways. 
the empty feeling she constantly carried with her got better over time, but tonight it was just coming back with full force. she was reminded of everything that she had lost and it hurt. spirits, it hurt so much. 
my neighbors think i’m crazy  but they don’t understand you’re all i have, you’re all i have 
she pressed the heel of her hand against her forehead and squeezed her eyes shut, trying to block out her feelings, when she heard some branches snap. she opened her eyes and looked up, the corner of her lips quirking up when she saw who it was. 
“hi.” her voice was faint, barely noticeable, but it was all she managed to muster.
“hi.” sokka’s eyes were sympathetic as walked over to her, silently questioning if she was okay with his presence. she nodded and scooted over to make room, and sokka slid down against the tree next to her. 
they sat in comfortable silence for a while, feeling solace in the other simply being there. y/n’s eyes stayed glued to the sky, y/e/c irises reflecting the light of the stars. now that her sobbing was done, she just felt tired. traveling with the avatar was physically demanding with all the fighting and running they did, but this was mental. 
she was tired of feeling worthless. tired of feeling guilty, of feeling angry, hurt, heartbroken, regretful, helpless, weak. 
tui and la, she was so damn tired. 
at night, when the stars light up my room i sit by myself talking to the moon trying to get to you 
y/n tore her eyes away from the sky and looked at sokka. he felt the slight movement and made eye contact as well. y/n couldn’t help but think how similar his eyes were to yue’s. 
“do you talk to her too?” the question came suddenly from y/n before she even knew it, and her voice was just as soft as before. “to the moon, i mean.”
sokka’s gaze turned wistful as he watched the moon and nodded. “all the time. even if i’m just talking to myself in my head, it feels like i’m talking to her as long as the moon is out. sometimes it helps. it makes me feel like she’s still here, or like she’s watching over me. other times..”
“it makes you feel worse,” y/n finished. he nodded again and she sighed heavily. “sometimes i hate it. just looking at the moon makes me want to scream or cry or yell until i can’t anymore, because i hate it for taking her away from me. and i know she had to do it, but the irrational part of me is angry at her for leaving. and then i feel guilty for caring about myself more than her when she’s the one that’s gone, and i just—” 
her voice caught in her throat and the tears started to fall once more. it felt like she couldn’t even think about yue without crying and it made her feel even more weak than before. 
in hopes you’re on the other side talking to me too 
it hurt sokka’s heart to see her like this. yue’s death had affected both of them, spirits, it had left a hole in his heart that he was still trying to mend, but as time went on he had gotten better. but y/n had known yue for years, they had such a close bond that when sokka wanted to know advice on how to get yue to like him he came to her. and now her closest friend was gone and she had left her home and her family behind to help them on their journey.. he couldn’t imagine how she felt. but he wasn’t going to let her go through this alone. 
sokka wrapped his arm around her and though she flinched at first, y/n immediately relaxed when she realized what he was doing. he was trying to comfort her by just being there, and she appreciated it immensely. y/n leaned her head against his shoulder and the two of them sat there in silence once again, watching the sky.
or am i a fool who sits alone talking to the moon 
“you don’t have to feel guilty,” sokka murmured. “she doesn’t blame you for what happened and she doesn’t blame you for how you feel. i know that she’s watching over us right now.”
“you think?” he nodded and the smallest smile graced her lips. “she doesn’t blame you either. every time you hung out together she would come running back to me telling me how much fun she had and how she already felt so close to you, and how much you brightened up her days. she truly loved you, sokka.” 
sokka laughed humorlessly and shook his head. “i loved her too. i didn’t think it was possible to fall for someone so quickly, but she proved me wrong.”
“she was good at that. proving people wrong.” 
do you ever hear me calling? 
more silence passed. 
y/n opened her mouth and closed it again, trying to find the words.
“yue?” she started off timid, but her words gained more confidence as she went on. “i.. i don’t know if you can hear us. but if you can, i just want to let you know that i- that we miss you. not a day goes by where i don’t think of you, and i hope that you are watching down on us. because we love you. and we always will.” 
“thank you for everything you’ve done.” sokka spoke up now. “i hope you’re at peace, yue, wherever you are.”
cause every night i’m talking to the moon  still trying to get to you
y/n swore that the moon glowed a little brighter in the night sky when they finished. 
she didn’t know how time passed so quickly, but her and sokka ended up falling asleep out there, his arm around her and her head on his shoulder.
and for the first time since the siege of the north, y/n slept without nightmares. 
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al3x1ss · 4 years
Cheerleader Captain {HCs}
Includes: Terushima, Oikawa
Authors Note: This is a sort of collab with @lexysclubhouse based on our conversations LMAO, but seriously go check hers out!
If a part 2 is wanted, leave an ask!
Warnings: Cursing
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also hello go check out Lexy’s part of this (collab? Idfk)
you two probably met while he was in practice, but since you’re the cheer captain, you needed to get the last jacket for one of your competitions coming up
so they’re on a water break and they just see a random person come in like
are you lost baby gorl 😏
Terushima comes up to you smirk and all
“Hey gorgeous, you lookin for me?”
You just look up at this man
Bored as hell
And you’re just SILENT
so you go to your coach, and immediately a smile comes of your face
and he’s like oh my god
Angel 🥺
so you talk with your coach, get the jacket and say goodbye to her
jacket w a v i n g in the wind behind you like there’s literally a fan on but there’s not?
you’re just so cool to him
so he has already fallen like
was trying to find you but he can’t
He’s over here thinking you’re a 3rd year from how mature you were
(You’re a second year hehehehe)
so the next time he sees you, YOURE at practice!
His team wasn’t told that their gym was gonna be used for a little before practice
So his team got their early and saw your team doing a routine to “Livin’ La Vida Loca”
the words “I don’t deserve their oxygen” full on came out from his mouth
Like you’re practicing in sweats but shit I mean I’d simp 😳
About 2 weeks later he hears about you guys winning your competition
At this point you kind of know him? Like after that small interaction the cheer team and volleyball team were introduced to eachother
Especially since you were going to be cheering at prelims in 2 months
So the next day he pulls you aside and confesses
Stuttering and ALL
Shit I’d KILL to get flowers from someone
especially him
okay lex not the time
literally the first conversation was about his tongue piercing
And he got REALLY self conscious
like of course you took it out for comps and stuff but for just hanging out you had it in
You look so hot with it to him
so two weeks pass and it’s pre-lims!
At this point you’re one of Johzenji’s favorite couples
Like why didn’t y’all get together sooner you cute as FUCK
So you guys are doing a small routine while Terushima goes up to serve
Now between switching sides after losing the 1st set, you walk up to him
He’s just staring at you smirking
“So, you wanna talk about that serve?”
“OH IM SOOOOORY, my pretty baby was just so beautiful, I couldn’t look away.”
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here’s what I’m thinking
Terushima HAS a cheerleading partner?
Oikawa HAD a cheerleading partner
Your schedules just never lined up and it was a mutual break up!!
You guys broke up about 3 months ago so the awkwardness is basically gone?
Like y’all are friends ya know
And yeah both of you do both still think about it randomly
mostly oikawa 👀
So they’re at practice and you come in SPRINTING
you don’t come out of the office for a while so they end up starting the game
you wanna know who’d up to serve
Oikawa :)
boy serves RIGHT when you come out
Like the universe was like “oh? let’s scare the mother loving SHIT out of ‘em!”
literally hits the wall next to you
like shit
He was already gonna get scolded by iwa
but you?
he comes up to you with his arms behind his back, his eyes obviously terrified
“Do you know what you just did?”
“Yes.” 🥺
“And do you realize what you’re gonna do?”
Homeboy has never eeen this side of you so he’s terrified.
And when you go to walk away he realizes you’re wearing a captains jacket
“Wait, Y/N, you got promoted?”
“Oh, yeah, I tried for it like a month ago.”
he kinda just stares at you walk out like
oIKawA tOoRU
missing my ex?
n e v e r
okay maybe sometimes
so the next time he sees you they’re at the prelims against date tech
And he seems you come in in your uniform
So you guys lock eyes and y’all wave at eachother
you can see his face is r e d so you’re smiling
the game starts, you guys doing simple cheers, but as they get to the transition to the second set, you guys start doing a cheer to “Idol” by BTS that you choreographed
And seeing you as a captain?
he literally paused to stare at you, iwa was like
stan iwa honestly y’all would make fun of him together whenever you guys had time to hang out
So, end of prelims, they lost to Karasuno
And you’ve been to his house maybe a few times when you guys were dating?
so you remember where it is
his mom?
kinda shocked to see you?
especially in a cheerleading uniform since she never realized you did that?
but you were talking about how you just wanted to see him
so you go upstairs and into his room and he’s just in the corner with his alien plushy sobbing
Your heart is breaking at this point for this man
You go and sit beside him, him not really acknowledging you
“Tooru, I’m really really proud of you and what you’ve become. That will not be the last time you’re on a court, and I will make sure it that as long as I live.”.
he turns to you and turns his alien pushy, instead clinging onto you
You can feel your uniform getting soaked, but you run your fingers through his hair anyway, giving him forehead kisses
after a while of crying, he lifts his head to look at you, eyes still very puffy
You look at him back and you give him a small smile
And he puts his hand on your chin
Gotta get that kiss kiss after missing you for so long
so here you guys are at about 2am
Talking about how you missed eachother
“Y/N, I really want to get back together with you.”
“Who would I be to say no to an offer like that?”
You guys go to school the next day
Give the rest of Seijoh 4 sQUEEZES
cuz they deserve it I love them dearly
on Saturday you guys actually went on a date!!
you wanna know what song came on the radio
“Ya know you looked really cute doing this cheer, might want to see it again~”“OIKAWA TOORU I WILL NOT HESITATE TO CRASH THIS CAR”
End note: “Just a Friend to You” begins in two days and I’m v excited! (Once again thank you for 100 notes!) (self promotion ✨) But in all seriousness, please go check out Lexy’s stuff! She’s a great writer and is so sweet ❤️
~ Lex 🖤🤍
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