#it and having something to eat and drink afterwards which was lovely
flowerandblood · 2 hours
The Fall from the Heavens (36)
[ canon • Aemond x Strong • niece female ]
[ warnings: hard sexual abuse, torture and starvation, angst, swearing, description of the murders ]
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[ description: A cool distance turns into friendship and more when two children see that they can find refuge and understanding in each other. However, naïve dreams collide with the reality in which every event has consequences and what once could have been love becomes a dark, newly painful obsession. Angst, sexual tension, obsession, violence, madness, very dark Aemond. ]
The story in this series is an alternate reality from the oneshot Stay and love, leave and die, in which Aemond reads the letters his niece has sent to him over the years. They are the same characters and it shows what would have happened between them − I have changed the background story from their childhood slightly for the sake of the plot.
Characters & Series Moodboard Lady Strong Moodboard Aemond & Lady Strong Moodboard Aemond & Lady Strong Childhood
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Next chapters: Masterlist
After Prince Aemond and his wife flew off on their dragons into the skies to meet their destiny in the Eyrie, Alys knew what awaited her; Larys paid her a visit shortly after they left the fortress. Despite his light, dreamy smile, her brother's blank, dark gaze expressed everything he had to convey to her.
He was not pleased.
"I'm disappointed. I thought we had made an agreement." He hummed, walking slowly over to the table she sat at, watching him vigilantly, his hand reaching for one of the vessels in which she kept her herbs.
"Worthless objects are usually…thrown away. Do you agree with me, sister?" He asked calmly and smiled gently at her, as if he had just said something comforting. Her expression and grin did not change, although a cold, unpleasant shiver ran along her spine.
She knew what awaited her.
She had seen it in her dream.
The strange, drunken men, guards and servants who could use her body as much as they liked in the darkness of her cell.
She didn't pose or look at them – she just tried to think of something else. She imagined then her unborn child, her mother's face, the soft smile of the little girl who might already be dead, betrayed by her husband.
She tried not to exist, pretended to herself that this was not her body.
The only man who did not take the opportunity to humiliate her was the guard who had been her lover for years, the same one who had watched over her chambers.
She felt a kind of emotion when Ser Erwin came to her in the morning, before his service began, covering her bared, bruised body with a sheet, always bringing her a piece of bread, letting her drink the wine that soothed her pain.
She would not eat or drink anything Larys's servants brought her, knowing that she would die in agony afterwards.
"Forgive me. If I defy him, he will hurt my wife and my children." He muttered, pressing his lips together, his bearded, broad, masculine face contorted in a grimace of pain, his eyes red from tears of grief.
He really pitied her.
She touched his arm and he placed his wide, rough hand on hers.
"I know. Protect your family. I will survive this. I'm grateful to you for what you're doing for me and I'll never forget it."
The man nodded.
"There is something else." She whispered. Ser Erwin looked at her, surprised.
The same dream repeated itself again and again every night: a white deer in a sea of blood and a man standing over it, whose silhouette she knew very well.
"I saw a wounded white deer in the darkness. I saw you standing over him. Promise me that when Prince Aemond arrives here, you will watch over him and his wife." She said.
He stared at her as if considering her words, then nodded again and stood up, leaving her alone in her prison.
And then there was silence.
The men ceased to visit her, and there was an uneasy, dark emptiness in the fortress.
The next day he arrived.
She knew it would happen.
She knew he would come, seeking answers.
In his armour, he looked older and more mature – looking at him from afar, she thought with amusement that, indeed, he was a handsome man and, were it not for his sweet wife, she would have loved to play with him, if only for her own amusement.
So helpless, hiding behind the walls of his pride, filled with complexes and fears, like a little child craving only someone's warm word and praise.
"Why did you lie? I could have your head for this." He hissed, angry and tense, standing at a good distance from the bars as if he feared he might otherwise fall under the influence of her charms.
She laughed weakly at his words.
"If there were no capacity for treachery in you, my words would not frighten you, Your Grace. But it wouldn’t be the first time you’ve stabbed her in the back, would it?" She sneered, saying exactly what she was thinking, thus bringing him completely off balance.
"Why?" He growled, pale as if he was about to faint.
She couldn't believe how frightened he was.
Did he consider that his will as a man was so weak?
That he wouldn't control his members and would just fuck her?
"My brother reckoned that after what was going to happen in the Eyrie she would try to take her own life again. I don’t consider myself a good person, but I’m not heartless. I wanted you to be horrified by my words and get her as far away from here as possible." She said.
"How dare you manipulate me and my wife." He hissed, enraged.
"I didn’t manipulate her. There was no need for that. You. Your pride wouldn’t allow you to listen to the advice of a bastard woman, on top of the Strong line. A witch’s prophecy that could give birth to your bastard child would be a different matter. Wouldn’t it?’" She asked mockingly and noticed how something changed in the look in his eye, his brow arching in pain.
He was suffering.
But why?
After a moment, however, the expression on his face changed, replaced by fury.
"Whose fucking side are you on, you insolent whore?" He growled through clenched teeth, as if he felt like spitting on her.
She realised then that it wasn't himself he was afraid of, but her.
She liked that.
"I am on my side. But my cold heart supports your wife. She has broken deep into it and refuses to leave it. I’m certain you understand me. Such a sweet girl." She hummed, wanting to bring him out of his daze, and the effect she provoked was even stronger than she had anticipated.
"SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" He shouted low, hatred and madness in his eye, his jaw clenched as tightly as if it was going to burst – he took one step towards her cell as if he wanted to tear her apart but stopped, panting heavily.
He was jealous of his little wife.
He was afraid she would take her away from him.
His rage and fear were indeed great, for it seemed to her that he really wanted her to die of hunger and thirst. It was only a few days later that the guards whom she did not know and who had probably travelled with him from King's Landing opened her cell, ordering her to rise.
She did so with difficulty, sore, hungry and thirsty, and moved slowly with them through the familiar corridors of the fortress of Harrenhal. She pressed her lips together as she noticed out of the corner of her eye a fair-haired man watching her vigilantly, one of her brother's spies.
What was he doing here?
Why hadn't the prince sent him away?
Only then did she realise that he certainly had claimed to be a completely different person, putting his guards' vigilance to sleep.
"I need to speak to the Prince." She muttered, sitting down on her bed without strength. The guard placed a plate of bread and a jug of apple juice on her table.
"Be silent, witch. Be thankful to the gods that you are still alive." Said the man through clenched teeth, looking at her with disgust and left, closing the door. She heard the sound of the key turning in the lock and sighed heavily, burying her face in her hands.
She thought that Larys would certainly not poison the prince, but would be watching him with the help of this boy.
Indeed, the man brought her food and drink several times. She sniffed the juice he brought her and then split an apple lying on a tray in half and poured the contents of her cup over it. She snorted under her breath as the apple instantly turned black and began to break into pieces.
The Last Breath.
A poison created from a decoction of several herbs that could only be found locally in the region of Riverdale, slowing the heart rate and making breathing difficult, in large quantities suffocating the victim, in small quantities causing slow agony.
For reasons she understood, Prince Aemond did not visit her throughout his stay in Harrenhal, thus earning her respect and affection – she recognised that since he wanted to catch her brother he felt guilty and wanted to reward his wife for his moment of hesitation.
One night she dreamt of a great stone fortress reaching up to the sky surrounded by clouds, around which she seemed to hear the sea. She looked down upon it, flying on a dragon she had never seen before.
She opened her eyes and swallowed hard, wondering what she had actually seen and what it meant.
The dragon she saw belonged to neither Prince Aemond nor his wife.
So to whom?
That she did not know, but she knew for a fact that she would be leaving Harrenhal soon.
And then she appeared in the doorway of her chamber.
She felt a pleasant warmth in her stomach at the sight of her, her heart pounding faster in the hope that perhaps this girl would forgive her for what she had done, understand that she wanted her good.
She swallowed hard noticing in her eyes sadness so deep and infinite that she felt a squeeze in her throat.
"You predicted my husband would give birth to your bastard child." She said in a trembling, breaking voice, betrayed, humiliated, distraught.
"I lied. I saw nothing of the sort neither in my dreams nor in the fire." She said calmly, looking her straight in the eye. The prince's wife pressed her lips together at her words and furrowed her brow, anger and frustration in her gaze that startled her.
"How dare you lie to my husband, and your Prince?" She asked dryly, standing up for her husband to her astonishment.
How dare you manipulate me and my wife.
She saw that her hand was stroking her lower abdomen in a gesture of nervousness, something she had not done before.
Two streams of blood finally merging into one.
"You are expecting his child." She whispered, but the girl didn't answer her.
Alys sighed heavily.
"My brother had plans for you. He ordered me to seduce the Prince. He wanted you to step aside and try to take your own life again. He knew that your husband would then fall into complete darkness."
Her eyebrows arched in pain, as if some part of her really wanted to believe her.
She was so innocent.
"You didn't tell me about this."
"You and my husband. You are identical."
She smiled sadly at her words, understanding perfectly what she meant.
They were both a dancing, aggressive fire that burned everything around them, lonely stars in the sky that could only devour each other.
"Yes. Yes, we are."
Her eyebrows arched in pain, her pretty, bright eyes shone with tears of disappointment.
"I believed you."
"I regret not telling you. I didn't want to destroy your already strained trust in him." She whispered, lowering her gaze to the stone floor, recognising, however, that there was nothing more she could do now.
It was already too late.
"Did you make an attempt?"
She blinked, snapped out of her reverie and looked at her, not understanding her question.
"Your Grace?"
"Did you try to seduce him?"
"No. I didn't go near him."
"Because he would have killed me. I just wanted your husband to make the right decision. For him to be scared of what might happen, to try to change the future. For him to tell you about what's happening here."
"I believed you. I opened my heart to you." She muttered in a breaking voice, from which she felt a cold sweat on her neck.
"I know."
The girl pressed her lips together – even though she was clearly trying to remain calm a single, lonely tear ran down her cheek.
"− there are still people in this fortress who will want to kill you − especially beware of the young, fair-haired man − don't eat or drink anything he serves you −" She said finally, wanting her to understand that hurting her was never her purpose or desire.
Like her husband, she could not express her feelings or affection other than through actions, even if they remained incomprehensible to her.
"− why didn't you tell my husband about this? −" She muttered in disbelief.
"− I saw this boy when I was moved back to my chamber − the Prince didn't want to see me anymore then − this servant brought me poisoned food several times, a gift from my brother −"
An uncomfortable, long silence fell between them − her gaze expressed horror, shock and disbelief, her small figure trembling all over in fear. She finally swallowed loudly and lifted her chin higher, trying to control herself and calm down.
"My husband gave Harrenhal to me to rule. That means I will decide what happens to the people who serve here, including you."
Alys didn't even flinch at her words, thinking only with her admiration that her husband did indeed have a great deal of remorse for what he had never actually done.
She thought that perhaps she had inadvertently contributed to something that helped them both.
Her husband had opened up to her, shown her his weakness and helplessness, and she hadn't pushed him away despite her disappointment.
"I saw it in a dream. A stone castle reaching to the skies. That's where you'll send me away." She said softly, and she nodded as if it was indeed as she had said.
"I will not forget what you have done for me, that you warned me. As an expression of my gratitude you will be given gold, and by my order all your belongings will be moved to the Eyrie. My cousin, after spies were discovered in his fortress, is indebted to my family and will receive you with honours. I will introduce you in my letter as a valuable medic who should work alongside the maester. You will not lack anything there."
The Eyrie?
She remained silent, wondering if there was a sea or river somewhere near this fortress, but she wasn't sure.
She decided it didn't matter.
And then what she had feared happened.
The boy had tried to poison her.
She wondered if Prince Aemond would come to her chamber and kill her too, but he didn't.
She heard the guards speaking with each other, saying that he had ordered the servants to try the poisoned wine, and they died one by one in agony in front of his eyes.
They said that looking at them the Prince was grinning broadly.
She swallowed hard at the thought and closed her eyes, already understanding why her brother cared so much about ending her life.
Larys was willing to sacrifice all these people just to get rid of this little girl once and for all and regain his power over her husband.
In keeping with his wife's wishes, she prepared to leave − she did not resent her for wanting to send her away, in fact feeling a peace in her soul at the thought that perhaps her life would now be better than it had been, and she would not have to worry about her welfare.
She looked towards her door, surprised when she heard someone turn the key in the lock. After a moment, it opened, and a young man with beautiful dark curls and bright eyes entered her chamber. She blinked, thinking he reminded her of someone, but she wasn't sure who.
Who was he that he could walk in here?
"My Lady." He said softly and bowed, as if she were a lady of great lineage and not a bastard. She smiled indulgently at the thought, folding one of her gowns, placing it in her trunk alongside the other things she wanted to take with her.
"My Lord." She replied, eager to hear what the young man was coming to her with.
The boy seemed ashamed and uncertain, as if he himself did not know what he was actually doing in her quarters. He began to look around her room, looking at the jars and vessels full of herbs, roots, liquids and other objects she used in her craft.
"I heard you're a witch. Is that true?" He asked casually, a light, wry smile on his lips, as if the thought amused him. She smirked involuntarily at his words, tucking her books into her trunk.
"So they say, my Lord." She hummed and sighed quietly, wondering whether or not a book on philosophy would be of use to her in the Eyrie.
"Did you know my father?" He asked finally, and she looked at him surprised, finally understanding who was standing before her.
He was her brother.
Yes, she thought.
They were so similar.
"Yes." She replied calmly, reaching for more books from her shelf. The boy shifted from foot to foot and swallowed hard, tense.
"Was he a good man? A man of honour?" He asked proudly, however his voice trembled, as if he feared her answer. She froze in mid-motion and thought for a moment.
"He was a compassionate man with a sharp tongue. He was cordial. He laughed a lot. He always treated me with dignity, and his father was proud of him." She finally replied, involuntarily remembering his face.
"Wasn't that your father too?" He asked uncertainly, and she smiled involuntarily.
"Indeed, but only formally. He put his seed inside my poor mother, nothing more." She said.
A long silence fell between them.
"I am also a bastard." He said finally and drew in the air loudly, as if the words were leaving his throat with difficulty. "And I regret that I came into this world."
She turned towards him, curious, wondering if he was looking for her support and advice. She cocked her head and hummed, running her fingers along the table top in front of her.
"From what I understand, you have become heir to Dragonstone. Would you rather be a bastard king? People don't forget someone's origins, even less so when that person rules a kingdom."
She saw that he lifted the gaze of his bright eyes to her, in his expression something similar to what she had seen in the face of Prince Aemond's wife.
They were both sensitive, warm, compassionate, empathetic and assertive at the same time, but what in her case as a woman was an asset, in his case was clearly the cause of his complexes and misery.
He felt too fragile, too weak, unable to be the kind of man that was expected of him − cold, brutal, threatening, mocking, ironic.
It was impossible to change his nature and he felt humiliated.
She thought she understood him.
"You also have a beautiful betrothed. I saw her arrive with your sister through that window." She said calmly, walking around her table and past him, reaching for one of the jars that stood on a bookcase against the wall. When she turned, he was looking at her in a way from which she stopped in half a step.
"I don't love her. And she doesn't love me."
She blinked and swallowed quietly, not taking her eyes off him. He gave up and lowered his head, his cheeks red with shame.
"Marriages are rarely created on the basis of true passionate, sincere affection." She replied, not intending to judge or rebuke him.
"However, my sister does not see the world beyond my uncle, and he spends every night with her." He muttered angrily and regretfully, like a small child who envied others for being able to play with better toys. She sighed quietly at his words and shook her head.
"Their affection was a gift to them from the gods." She said, walking back to her trunk, putting the jar of herbs inside.
"Are you leaving Harrenhal?" He asked suddenly, as if understanding that she was packing her belongings to set off on her journey.
"Your sister is sending me to your cousin in the Eyrie to serve him as a medic." She said calmly. Her nephew stepped closer to her, furrowing his brow.
Curious little thing.
"They don't want anyone associated with Larys Strong to remain in the fortress." She lied. "Thanks to her, Prince Aemond spared my life."
"When are you leaving?" He asked uncertainly, and she glanced at him out of the corner of her eye.
"In a few days. I am to be accompanied by your uncle's troops and I must wait for his order."
The boy nodded, tense.
"May I also visit you tomorrow? To speak with you." He asked without looking at her, filled with shame, and she nodded.
Her nephew said a polite goodbye and left her chamber, leaving her in a state of confusion.
Indeed, he came to see her the next day and every day after, clearly in a better mood.
He walked around her chamber, asking her many questions.
"Have you ever seen a dragon up close?"
"No, my Prince."
"You don't have to call me that. You are my aunt."
Her lips twitched in a mocking smile at his words.
"Very well."
"Why have you never married anyone?"
"A bastard-wife is a burden. Unless it's your sister." She replied with amusement, and he gave her a drawn-out look.
Something in her words made him uncomfortable.
"You think you're going to be a burden to your betrothed? I don't think she pays attention to that sort of thing. She seems to be a strong woman." She said softly, and he swallowed hard, looking down at his feet.
"She is. She has an overwhelmingly strong character. I'm not able to…keep up. I get tired of how fast she lives, how many things she wants." He confessed with shame, once again exposing his oversensitive, fragile nature to her.
"Sometimes people just don't fit together."
He looked at her and furrowed his brow, as if he didn't understand what she had said.
"What do you mean?"
She sighed heavily, looking away, spreading herself comfortably in the chair. She smiled involuntarily when she noticed that, despite his efforts, his gaze escaped for a moment to her full, soft breasts, hidden only beneath the material of her thin gown.
"It is impossible to change human nature. Not at its core. You can be different, but marriage, it seems to me, is about complementing each other."
He lifted his gaze back to her eyes, his lips parted as if he had run out of words. He nodded his head and grunted, walking uncertainly over to the table, sitting down in one of the chairs. He began to play with his fingers, as if he was fighting with himself.
"I don't know what I could do to change. To be what everyone expects me to be.’
"Stop killing yourself."
He looked at her and she shook her head, furrowing her brow.
"You're killing your sensitivity. Your calmness, your thoughtfulness. Your warm nature, which is the reason for your shame. You want to be like your uncle, but you're not. Maturity is about taking responsibility for your decisions, and you are running away from it. You become a man when you confront your desires."
Prince Jacaerys seemed completely surprised by her words, simultaneously distressed and filled with hope. He lowered his gaze, looking down at his fingers, silent for a long moment.
"Fly with me to Dragonstone."
She looked at him in disbelief, for a moment not knowing what to say, shocked.
This boy completely lost his mind.
"I don't follow." She confessed.
Her nephew looked at her with a gleam in his eye, from which she felt a squeeze in her lower abdomen.
"Fly with me to Dragonstone. You are my blood. I do not want you to be the servant of a lord who will be able to use you and…" He did not finish, his cheeks red with shame.
Something in his words, in the fact that he was concerned about her fate and welfare, touched her.
She thought this boy had a really good heart.
"Your sister has ordered me to set out for the Eyrie."
"My sister wishes you to disappear from Harrenhal. I desire you to accompany me on my journey back to Dragonstone."
She laughed at his words.
"Who will I be there? Your whore?"
The boy furrowed his brow, looking at her in shock.
"My aunt."
Her smile vanished from her face, her brow furrowed in anger.
"Truly you are still a little child."
"I want this."
"You don't know what you want. Who I am."
"You are just like me. Abandoned. Alone. Marked. Without purpose, without a chance to have the dignity you deserve. I seem to have finally understood my sister. What she and my uncle have in common. I felt something immediately when I saw you for the first time. I'm not speaking of lust − I'm speaking of a feeling that I've never before met a person who could accept me as I am. Some part of me believes that I was destined to meet you."
He whispered, as if he was referring to something he was ashamed of, desperate and embarrassed, his bright eyes full of hot emotion that frightened her, overwhelmed her and moved her at the same time.
Only then did she understand.
A stone fortress reaching up to the sky, with the sound of water all around it.
The dragon on whose back she flew, which she had never seen before.
Her destiny had come for her.
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froggi-mushroom · 10 months
A lot has been happening recently which means I had a little bit of an emotional moment earlier and my mum’s been so gentle to me for the rest of the day I just
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5 notes · View notes
atinystraynstay · 5 months
I Don't Share - Jeon Jungkook
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Synopsis: Jungkook was the one that proposed you should be friends with benefits. You both were single and had desires. Falling in love wasn't a part of the plan though.
Pairing: Idol!Jeon Jungkook x Back up Dancer!fem reader
Genre: Smuttttt! Jealous, posessive Jungkook, friends with benefits - Minors DNI
Contains: public sex, mentions of eating out (f. receiving), light spanking (f. receiving), no protection vaginal sex, slight degradation, creampie, hair pulling
Word Count: 2.6k
You were given the opportunity of a lifetime. What started as a way to kill time during the pandemic quickly turned into you flying to South Korea to join BTS in their rehearsals for their Permission To Dance shows. A little over a year later, you were in rehearsals again for Jungkook's solo promotions with the release of his debut album, Golden. You didn't think your life could get better than this.
Never before would you think that your dance studio closing to meet shutdown requirements would grant you the opportunity of a lifetime. Or that you would meet the guy of your dreams.
Jungkook was around your age, so it was easy for you two to get along. You often would spend late nights going over and over the dance routine for performances and the filming of upcoming music videos. His manager would often ask if he wanted a ride home, but Jungkook would always come up with an excuse.
"No, I'm ok. I want to make sure my hyungs are proud of me when they can finally see this!" Which often made the staff smile that he wanted to make his members proud.
Another one often was along the lines of - "No, thank you though. I am just stuck on this one part of the choreography and I think I'm finally getting it down. I will call security to make sure I get home." He promised every single time to use the resources at the company, but he never did.
He always opted to take Uber rides with you. At first, it was because Jungkook liked being able to talk to someone around his age. He had a solid group of friends, but you were new. Coming from the United States, he wanted to know what it was like to be a 20-something-year-old making it work.
The two of you often shared after practices drinks and meals. "You know, we have to nourish our bodies well. Jin-hyung taught me that well."
Quickly though, his hunger turned into something else. Getting to know you, getting to watch how your hips moved with ease, he began to grow hungry for your pussy. Jungkook was a very competitive guy, and he was determined to be the best at fucking you until you see the stars. He wanted to make you cum and scream until you forgot your name, until you questioned your ability to walk after.
Meals quickly turned into eating you out at your apartment. To be fair, it was his favorite meal of the day. He loved getting down on his knees for you, spreading them wide, and exposing you to him. Only or him. He often liked to blow cool air on your pussy to watch you squirm underneath his touch.
Jungkook thrived on knowing the reaction he could pull out of you. He liked knowing you whimpered and begged for him to lick your pussy, to suck on your clit as if his life depended on it. And if you begged well, he would reward you by sliding two of his fingers into your pussy.
Dance practices weren't the only reason why he would come over. If a recording session didn't go well, you offered comfort by letting him bend you and pound into your pussy. Afterwards, you would always talk about how he was feeling but you quickly learned that Jungkook preferred letting his frustrations out physically rather than verbally at first.
There were just a few more performances left for the group. Everyone knew that Jungkook would be enlisting soon, so nobody was taking it for granted. Every dance, every member of the crew, and Jungkook himself were basically putting their all into every dance practice, dress rehearsal, and performance.
You were currently sitting criss-cross on the dance practice floor, your water bottle resting in your lap. Your thumb moved your TikTok FYP up every once in a while. There was a 30 minute break, allowing some people to go grab lunch while others were taking a minute to just relax.
"So, y/n, did you know someone here in Korea before you moved?"
There was often conversation floating among the dancers. Down time and hanging outside of practice were opportunities to get to know one another, and do a little networking. With the days narrowing down on this contract, you were beginning to consider your options. Part of you wanted to go back home, to reunite with family, but you also were having the time of your life here.
Hearing your name, you locked your phone and set it on the floor. There were a few others who joined you on the floor, in their own worlds until the current conversation started. You felt all eyes on you as the question was directed to you.
"No, I actually didn't," You laughed. A year ago, you never would have had the courage to move across the world by yourself. Being here now, you knew it was the best decision. "So a good dancer, a risk taker, beautiful," one of the male dancers began to list.
You blushed at the compliment. One thing that has changed is your struggle to accept compliments. You knew he meant well, but it didn't stop you feeling as if your face had gotten incredibly hot.
"You've got to have a partner, right? Meet someone here in Korea? I mean, Korean men know how to treat you right," he winked.
You heard one of the female dancers scuff. She rolled her eyes at his words, shaking her head towards the two of you. "Don't listen to him. Stay away from Korean men," she warned before going back to eat her salad.
"You're just upset still about your breakup," he muttered. Quickly, that was followed by a loud smack and laughter from the other members. You watched the one male rub his tender arm, apologizing to the woman to his right. Satisfied, she nodded in acknowledgement before going back to her lunch.
The male looked back at you, smiling sheepishly. "Anyways, are you single?" He asked. "You've never met up with us after practice for a quick drink."
Yeah, I normally can't go out because I'm getting railed by Jungkook after practice.
"Maybe she has a boyfriend back home?"
Decided to speak to yourself, you laughed as a way to break the conversation. Eager eyes were on you, wanting to know more about their American colleague.
"That's my bad for not showing face after practice. I normally get tired and want to go home. Sometimes I'm even here practicing a bit more just to make sure I'm as good as you all. I mean, you guys are professionals."
The group smiled wide at your kind words. You weren't sure how you'd fit in as an outsider, especially if you weren't sure if you were going to be staying or not. At the start of this job, you placed a huge amount of pressure to do well especially as you knew that so many people would do anything to be in your position. You wanted the company to be satisfied that they chose the right person.
"Well, now that it's known that we want you here. You are coming out with us tomorrow night." "Yes, you have to! We'll have to show you around the best parts of Seoul." "And hopefully get you with the best guy." "Or at least go home with the best guy."
Your cheeks turned pink again, which caused all the whole group to smile. How could life get any better?
The sun had already set by the time you got done with practice. Most of the group had left for the evening whereas you were packing up your duffle bag with all your belongings. While you were very much looking forward to tomorrow night, you always loved a night-in to yourself.
You couldn't help but wonder if Jungkook would want to come over.
"You know, you really should be leaving here by yourself," a voice called out to you.
Startled, you looked over your shoulder to see Jungkook leaning against the practice room door. Speak of the devil. You placed one hand over your chest as your racing heart began to settle, very slowly that is.
"God, you fucking scared me."
He let out a laugh before coming into the room. You only could tell how he was moving by the sound of his laughter growing louder. "Sorry, doll, I couldn't help myself," he apologized. You hummed in amusement as you had your back turned towards him, trying to get the rest of your belongings together so you could leave. Because if he was ready to go, that meant that you were to.
You felt his hand ghost over your hip. Zipping up the duffle bag, you slowly stood up straighter to feel him right behind you. His lips hovered over the shell of your ear, feeling his hot breath against it. You shivered from the effect and with excitement.
"You seem to really be finding your place here," he said.
His voice was very smooth. He knew the effect he had on you, how you were basically wrapped around his finger. And he used it to his advantage. You were a bit confused as to where this was coming from.
"I mean, I overheard you making plans with the other dancers. I think that's good for you." His hand gently caressed your hip, the touch light as a feather. You were almost in a trance from it all. Just feeling his body heat radiate into your back sent a wave of warmth throughout you.
"But there is one thing I do not like." You were about to look over at him, but were cut off when his grip on you tightened. He yanked you back so you could feel his boner right up against his ass. You gasped in surprise which caused him to chuckle lightly. The laugh sending shivers done your spine. "I don't like sharing, angel."
Everything happened so suddenly. One minute, you were getting your duffle bag, the next you were being pinned against the mirrors of the dance studio. Jungkook's grip was tight enough to inform you he was in charge here, but loose enough to slip out if you felt uncomfortable. Yet, his gaze locked on you told you to stay put.
His breathing was a bit rigid, sensing emotions were coursing through his body. What was on his mind? You noticed his jaw was a bit clenched, almost as if he was contemplating what he was doing or his next move.
"Let me make it clear. You are not going home with anyone else besides me. You'll always come back to me."
Oh god, he overheard your conversation earlier. It was starting to make sense.
"I'll have to remind you if that's an issue." "Then mark me up and make me yours."
Jungkook's breathing hitched hearing you. He wasn't expecting such a response from you but it made him so damn weak. God, you were the death of him.
Not one to back down, he accepted your challenge.
You whimpered loudly at the feeling of Jungkook's hand meeting your left asscheek. It was like an electric jolt. A bit painful, considering he has spanked you repeatedly throughout the evening, but also pleasurable because it made you feel alive. It honestly made you feel powerful.
Jungkook had you on your hands and knees. You were at the dance studio. You knew everyone had left but the thrill of someone potentially catching the two of you turned you on.
With one hand staying on your hip, Jungkook's other hand ran up your spine gently. His touch was still a stark contrast to the feeling of his thick cock sliding in and out of your soaking pussy. Each smack against your ass caused your walls to squeeze around his cock, sending the two of you into a chorus of moans.
His hips rammed into you from behind. It created a rhythmic sound of skin slapping, the two of you moaning, and how wet you were. The last sound caused your cheeks to heat up, much to Jungkook's satisfaction.
The hand on your spine gathered your hair. You were grateful you put it in a low ponytail during practice earlier. Jungkook pulled your head, causing you to hiss in response. The sweet sting of your hair being pulled made you crave more. The sudden movement also caused your eyes to become a bit glossy. Your head tilted back as you met his in the reflection of the mirror.
"Look at you," Jungkook asked. His mouth was curled into a sinister smirk. "You're crying over my cock. Is it not enough for you, hmm? Is that why you wanna go out to meet other guys?"
"No, Jungkook, fuck," he panted out. "You're all I want, all I need." "Oh yeah? Prove it. Cum on my cock. Show me that I really am the only one that can make you feel so damn good."
If it were possible, Jungkook increased his pace. You cried out in pleasure as the intensity of his brutal thrusting caused your arms to give out. You upper half of your body rested against the cool wood floor, causing your ass to move a bit up. Jungkook groaned in appreciation for the change. He couldn't help himself. Smack.
Your mind was hazy. You couldn't comprehend anything besides Jungkook's cock filling and stretching you out. Your vision was getting blurry from the tears beginning to fall as you felt that familiar tingling, warm sensation in your stomach.
In a matter of moments, your vision went white and your toes curled. You screamed out his name. His grip on your hips could be burned into your skin. You never wanted him to stop touching you. Jungkook groaned as his thrusts got harder, determined to meet you at your high. The world around you seemed to stand still while your head was in the clouds.
After a few more thrusts, Jungkook let out a loud groan. You could feel his cum filling your pussy, which sent you into a whimpering mess at the feeling. You felt so content. He also felt content seeing some of his cum spilling out of your pussy once he began to pull out.
He swore you've never looked more beautiful. All his.
Lips were being pressed against your spine. You didn't even register that your body had sprawled out onto the wooden surface until Jungkook gently moved you. Your head rested on his chest, your back on the floor. His hand ran up and down your lower back. His other hand reached up to wipe away any of your remaining tears.
You were bringing brought down to reality. You could register the sound of you two heavy breathing, the slight tremors of your body starting to subside. With your head pressed into Jungkook's chest, you could hear his once racing heart beat begin to steady itself.
"You won't forget about me, right?" "How could I ever forget about you?"
There was a pause. Jungkook was the type to usually have a response, or do something in response to what was said to him. Not this time.
You looked up at him, concerned as you knew something was bothering him. Unfortunately, you got confirmation when you were met with his own glossy eyes.
"Look, I know a lot is going to change over 18 months. I don't care if you stay here in Korea or you go back home. I don't like sharing, y/n, so just promise not to forget about me because I'll come back to you. Every single damn time." "I could never forget about you, Jeon Jungkook. I'll be waiting for you, regardless of what happens next."
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biteofcherry · 1 year
Does mafia!Steve's Reader ever get jealous? Maybe there's a businesswoman or mafia related one that Steve has to have meetings with and reader gets jealous?
Not an inch away
mafia!Steve Rogers x female reader
warnings for the part below: some angst; soft!dark Steve Rogers; mafia!Steve Rogers; possessive behavior; arranged/forced relationship;
~ * ~
You shouldn't care. You really shouldn't, you tell yourself as you watch Steve open the restaurant door for that other woman to enter.
A woman that looks stunning in a body-clinging white dress and killer heels, not a single thing out of place in her confident persona.
She tilts her head and smiles at Steve, who reciprocates with one of his most charming smiles - one that gets you weak in the knees when he flashes it at you.
He told you he'd be home late because he has boring business meetings to attend to, so you talked your bodyguards slash enablers - Natasha and Yelena - to go to the movies and for some greasy food afterwards.
It's pure coincidence that the spot you picked for your snacking was opposite of a fancy restaurant to which Steve took this woman.
You know plenty of women have successful businesses, but you don't think a mob boss of Steve's caliber would actually do any business with one of them. In a romantic restaurant at that.
Natasha's face is perfectly impassive at the sight, but Yelena cringes as if she feels bad for you for seeing this.
You tell yourself that it shouldn't matter. This whole arrangement, one practically forced upon you after Steve found out about your pregnancy, is one you wanted out of at first, right?
The elegant, shiny ring on your finger, which you grew to love and often looked at with a fond smile, now reminded you of the cage Steve trapped you in. Gold, pretty cage.
With how intense and dotting Steve was, you actually believed the cage could become a warm house, with a faithful, loving husband.
Seemed you were going to become a cliche, instead. A wife to produce heirs to a mafia king, while he fucked around with whomever he desired.
Perhaps you should walk into the restaurant, make a scene, throw a drink in Steve's face. Throw it at that woman's white dress.
But you only clench your hands on the paper bag with takeout you bought to eat at home (your pregnancy is turning you into a bottomless pit). You straighten your back and keep your head up high as you march to the car and get inside, Natasha and Yelena slipping inside soundlessly.
Yelena tries to say something, explain Steve's actions, but you tell her you're not interested.
"I don't care." You announce as coldly as you can, quite proud that your voice doesn't crack with how hurt you feel inside.
At home you devour your food. And some chocolate muffins that you baked in the morning. Each bite as delicious as heavy, your stomach revolting with the bitter jealousy and anger at the thought of what Steve was up to.
Are they having a romantic dinner and smiling at each other across the table? Is he sliding his hand up her thigh and under her dress? Does he make her come silently in front of all the patrons?
Will he take her to a hotel room, or one of his apartments that he owns all around the city, and fuck her into a screaming mess?
Will he fuck her better than he did you last night... yanking a fistful of your hair as he wrecked you into a dripping mess and praised you, A good little wife, taking all of me so well.
Ripping apart another muffin, you decide on your next step. You know running away wouldn't work. For one, you have two guards, who may be friendly, but still were loyal to Steve and what he said triumphed over whatever you wanted.
Secondly, even if you managed to slip out, Steve would find you. And he'd drag you back into the cage and the life he builds with you beside him.
You can't leave the penthouse, but you can make yourself a safe space in one of the free guest rooms.
Since Steve's dipping his dick in other woman's cunt, he doesn't need you sleeping beside him.
You definitely don't want to touch him when he reeks of other woman's perfume. You don't even want to see him.
So after you drag most of your stuff from the main bedroom and hastily put it in the closet in your new room, you close the door. Just in time, because less than ten minutes later the echo of firm footsteps resounds.
You flip a book open, trying to focus on the printed words and not on the way your heart hammers in your chest as you hear Steve's footsteps aiming for the main bedroom.
A vicious part of you hopes that he is a shocked, seeing that you're not there.
Not in the huge bed, naked under soft covers, waiting for your husband lord and master to throw you a crumb of his attention.
The emotionally heaving part of you shudders in sobs at the image of Steve simply not minding that you're not there.
Maybe he's only a little surprised, but brushes it off and simply takes a shower to wash off the remnants of that woman's arousal and his own sweat. Then he'll get into bed and fall asleep sated, uncaring for your state as long as you obediently stayed inside.
You rub at your eyes, cursing the tears away. You shake your head and try once again to focus on the words you're reading.
But then, after a long stretch of silence, footsteps sound through the space. A creaking of door being open. Then another. Slowly moving towards where you are hidden.
Your heart rate increases, fingers trembling against the paper pages of your book.
You take a breath, willing yourself to remain calm and not show Steve how hurt you are. Play it the way mob bosses wives in movies and tv shows do it - cold and indifferent, an armor around you, so nothing can prickle you.
The door to your claimed room opens and Steve stands there in the doorway in all his stormy glory.
He frowns, seeing you sitting stiffly on the bed.
He walks inside. Sleeves of his suit jacket are pushed up, showing his forearms and twirls of tattoos. He braces his hands on his hips and gives you a look that's a combination of concern and blatant anger.
"Can you explain what's the meaning of all this?" Steve's voice is thick and raspy.
You swallow, but shrug nonchalantly as if his heated gaze isn't bothering you.
"I thought it's better to leave the main bedroom, in case you brought your companion home for the night." You say and return your gaze to the book, fighting the urge to wave him away with a dismissive gesture.
"What?" Steve's frown deepens, actual confusion showing on his face.
"I'm not sure your mistress would like seeing me there. Might ruin the mood." You lift your head and sneer at him. "So I simply made it easier for you."
"I have a mistress now?" Steve raises a single brow, remaining calm while everything inside of you was boiling.
You snap your book closed and slam in onto the bedside table. With a little huff you get off the bed and stomp over to Steve.
"No need to lie." You scoff. "I saw you. With her. Didn't know mob business meant taking beautiful women to expensive restaurants."
You push at his chest in anger, but Steve's strong, muscled body doesn't even sway at your outburst. So you push at him again, unsuccessfully, but at least you get to unleash some of your fury.
"Just do me a favor and don't bring any of your whores home once the baby is here. Stay in one of your apartments, or allow me to move into one."
You can't hold off tears anymore and as some pour out, trickling down your cheeks, you clench your hands into fists and slam them against Steve's chest.
Steve's fingers wrap around your wrists, a tight, almost painful hold that keeps your hands bound to his chest.
"You are not going away from me." He declares, a definite order.
His eyes darken, a flash of lethal danger he rarely directed at you.
"In any form." He ads, obviously meaning you switching bedrooms.
Slowly, Steve's face lightens up. Twinkles appear in his eyes and it makes another wave of annoyance surge through you.
He keeps your wrists locked in one of his hands as he uses the other hand to cup your cheek.
"Any moving you're going to do is along with me." He says and tries to lean his forehead against yours, but you pull your head back.
Steve sighs.
"Which is why," he forces you to maintain eye contact with him, "I had a meeting with Camilla. She's a real estate agent who works for me on renovating a house that I bought for us. For our family."
His words make you speechless. A house? Someplace where you'd feel more free and where your kids could run in glee.
Still, you remain suspicious. You want to assume it's just a crafty lie, you're sure Steve's good at those.
"The Infinite is a rather romantic place to talk construction." You narrow your eyes.
Steve chuckles and shakes his head. He lets go of your wrists to wrap both his arms around you, pulling you close to him despite your attempt to squirm away.
"Jealous little bird." He hums and slides one of his hands up to grip the back of your neck.
"In my line of work-" Steve leans closer, his nose tracing the line of your jaw, hot breath tickling your skin making you shiver-
"I manipulate people. Some with threats, some with sugar. And some, like Camilla, with never voiced promise of something they wish for."
Steve's soft snicker puffs across your cheek at your sneer. His lips travel toward your lips. You close your eyes at the intensity of his blue irises and the way your body reacts to the touch of his mouth against yours.
"A restaurant dinner gave her that little spark that will make her work her ass off to grand me all my wishes regarding our house. Even though not once have I even brushed an inch of her body with my fingers."
"It also happens-" the tip of Steve's tongue licks over your bottom lip, his hand starts pulling up the hem of your nightgown- "that I know how to manipulate my wife's body, so she sweats out all that jealousy and anger while she creams on my cock."
Your tiny, needy whimper makes him chuckle in dark victory.
"That what you need, huh?" He grips your buttock and kneads it. "Should I fuck you braindead every day, so that your mind doesn't come up with silly ideas?"
"It wasn't silly." You try to defend your earlier outburst, but it comes out breathy and weak.
"Thinking I could be interested in anyone else when I have your sweet, ripe body at my disposal. Absolutely ridiculous." Steve flashes you a wolfish grin.
He lifts you up suddenly, forcing your arms and legs to wrap around him. His fingers slide from your ass to dip between your thighs as he turns around and walks out of the room.
"You're coming back to our bedroom." He growls a command.
"I'm going to keep you naked and full of cum for the next few days, so it really sinks in that neither of us is stepping away from this marriage. Ever."
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zegrasdrysdale · 4 months
I LOVE HOW YOU WRITE!! if you have time vould you maybe do a jack hughes smut where reader wears the rival teams jersey to piss him off and its like rough??
its been rotting in my brain for forever 😭
[ bitter rivals ] j. hughes
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paring : Jack Hughes x fem!reader
summary : just to make her boyfriend mad after a fight, (Y/N) wears a Flyers jersey to the Devils’ game against Philly in Newark … and she feels the consequences afterwards
warning(s) : smut ! rough sex, unprotected p in v sex, slight choking, hair pulling, possessiveness, pet names during sex. light angst
author’s note : hear me out … i was having a moment so i decided to tackle this request. not to mention i have been wanting to write something like this for a hot second so here we are. that’s how we got here so i hope y’all enjoy. i always have time to write some jack hughes smut too
It's been nearly a week since their fight and (Y/N) hasn't heard from her boyfriend. Normally she wouldn't do something drastic since it's only been a week, but she feels like doing something drastic.
Instead of walking into the Prudential Center wearing a red 86 on her back, she wears an orange 11. She gets looks from a few Devils fans who know of her relationship with Jack, but she truly doesn't care. She knows will always be loyal to the boys in red and black despite trying to be petty.
After grabbing something to eat and drink, she heads down to her front row seats that she purposely bought just to make this point. She'll be right on the glass for Devils warmups in a few minutes.
Until then, she enjoys her chicken tenders and High Noon while fans begin to gather at the glass to get a close up look at their favorite players.
The Flyers come out first for warmups in their white away jerseys, then the Devils come out in their black alternate jerseys.
(Y/N) sticks out like a sore orange thumb in a sea of red, white, and black around her. She gets a couple of looks from the fans around her when she stands up. but it doesn't matter. She’s just trying to prove a point.
No one would blame her if they knew.
On the ice, she watches Luke skate up to his older brother. His eyes flicker in her direction. Luke leans into Jack’s ear and says something to him, who looks right at her. He has a look on his face that she has never seen before. He looks so angry.
When he starts to skate over to where she’s standing, Jesper intercepts him as soon as he sees where he’s going. He says something to Jack but Jack’s eyes never leave his girlfriend. She waves at him with a sly smirk on her face.
Mission accomplished. He saw her.
Jack slaps pucks at the net in obvious frustration or anger. She doesn’t know which it is at this point. She wouldn’t be surprised at all if he takes a few penalties during the game.
If he’s angry now, it’s just gonna fester for the next few hours. She’s probably screwed but it’ll be worth it in the end.
The Flyers jersey doesn’t deter her from cheering every time the Devils score a goal.
When Erik Haula nets his third goal of the night, she makes sure she throws the beanie she’s wearing onto the ice. Technically it wasn’t even her beanie. Jack left it at her apartment and never asked for it back so she stole it for the game tonight.
Throughout the game, she does notice that Jack glances at her a handful of times with a look of fury darkening his usually bright blue eyes. He sends glares at her when she cheers for the one goal he scored in the third period that secured the Devils the win.
An angry Jack has never scared her, but his anger has never been directed at her like it is right now. She’s either in for the worst night of her life after the horn blares when the game ends, or she won’t be able to walk tomorrow.
Like she usually does after a game, she meets up with the other wives and girlfriends in a lounge by the locker room. Kristen Haula is the first one to approach her.
“What’s with the Flyers jersey?” she questions.
“Needed to prove a point to Jack,” (Y/N) replies. “That’s all. I’m not jumping ship or anything. We just had a fight and he hasn’t spoken to me in like a week. I proved my point so next game I’ll be back in a Devils jersey.”
Before Kristen can reply, Jack marches through the doors and immediately scans the room. His hair is still dripping from his postgame shower and he looks very disheveled, like he rushed to get ready.
His eyes land on her and she presses her lips into a line. Jack takes large strides over to her so it doesn’t take him very long to cross the room.
“What the fuck is this?” he asks. “A Flyers jersey? A Travis Konecny jersey? Seriously?"
Kristen smiles and silently walks away while (Y/N)’s eyes remain on Jack. “What? You don’t like my new jersey?” she asks with innocence in her voice.
He bites his bottom lip as he thinks about his response. She gives him the smallest of smiles while the gears in his head turn. "I want you to take it off," Jack tells her.
"Oh, Jacky," she sighs. "You wouldn't want me to do that if you knew what I wasn't wearing underneath this jersey."
She watches his eyes darken. "Let's go," he says to her. "We're going to my apartment right now."
Her jaw drops and Jack grabs her wrist. "Who said I wanna go anywhere with you?" she asks as she tries to wrench her wrist out of his grasp. "You haven't talked to me in nearly a week, Jack."
Jack turns and faces her. "Wonder why," is all he says. She raises her eyebrows at him. "Let's go, (Y/N). We can talk at my apartment."
This time, she lets herself get pulled out of the Prudential Center and into Jack's car. Luckily she caught an Uber to the arena. A very small part of her figured she would be leaving with her boyfriend after the game.
Neither of them speak as Jack drives from the arena to his Hoboken apartment. Her eyes are on the passing buildings and cars. She feels Jack's hand on her thigh at one point but she doesn't react to it.
Yes, she was teasing him with the "if you knew what I wasn't wearing" comment. Yes, she hopes they'll fall into bed. Falling into bed isn't happening until they talk. She wants to know why Jack hasn't talked to her in five days before his dick comes anywhere near her.
It's a silent car ride and a silent ride up the elevator to Jack's place. She can still feel how annoyed Jack is by the fact that she wore the opposing team's jersey and still cheered for the Devils. She's annoyed too. She's annoyed because she had to wear the opposing team's jersey just to get his attention.
Jack opens the door to his apartment and walks inside. She follows him as he throws his suit jacket onto a coat hanger by the door. She shuts the door behind her and watches Jack unbutton the first few buttons of his shirt.
"Why?" she asks before he turns around. "Why did it take me wearing a Flyers jersey before I got your attention?"
He runs his fingers through his hair before he turns to face her. "I was thinking," he admits to her. "I was worried that I'd say something that I'd regret. I didn't want to hurt you, so I waited and actually took some time to think."
"Think about what?"
"Think about us," he softly tells her. "I wasn't sure if I was ready to find out if you actually meant what you said during our fight."
Her words come rushing back to her.
I don't know if I'm ready for this kind of life is what she had said to him.
"What did you think I meant by those words?" she asks.
"That you weren't ready for a life with me," he replies.
Jack is a beautiful man, but sometimes the smarts aren't there. Too many pucks to the head from Luke and Quinn.
"Jack, I meant that I didn't think I was ready to be an NHL wife," she tells him. "Of course I'm ready for a life with you, but it's everything that comes along with you. The spotlight, the eyes. I wasn't sure if I was ready for that."
The look that forms on Jack's face could make (Y/N) laugh. His eyebrows are raised and his mouth forms a little 'o'. She presses her lips into a line to suppress a smile. "I am such a dumbass," he says after he processes what she said. "Jesus Christ."
She wraps her arms around his neck and finally lets out a laugh. "You're my dumbass though."
When she leans in to kiss him, Jack pushes her away.
"Nuh uh," he says when she looks up at him. "I am absolutely not kissing you while you have that ugly ass jersey on. Not happening, (Y/N)."
Her eyes fall to the Flyers logo on her chest like she just remembered that she has the jersey on.
She reaches down between them and grabs the bottom of the jersey. Slowly, she pulls the fabric over her head to slowly reveal to Jack that she's not wearing anything underneath the jersey.
When the jersey is over her head, her eyes land on Jack. His eyes are wide while he looks her up and down. “Fuck, (Y/N),” he groans. “You really know how to piss a guy off. Not only are you wearing a Flyers jersey, but you didn’t even wear anything underneath.”
“Had to get your attention somewhere, Jacky,” she tells him as she gets up onto her tiptoes to attach her lips to his neck. “Glad it worked.”
Jack leans down and picks her up by the back of her legs. She wraps herself around him and keeps kissing and nosing at the skin on his neck as he walks somewhere in the apartment.
When he drops her on the couch, (Y/N) looks up at Jack and asks, “What about Luke?”
“What about him?” Jack settles comfortably between her knees.
“Won’t he be home soon?”
“Told him to find somewhere else to stay unless he wanted to see something that would scar him for life,” Jack tells her. “He told me that he’ll be at Dawson’s for the night. Now let me show you what happens when you decide to wear a jersey other than mine to a game.”
Yeah. She’s totally fucked. Literally and figuratively.
Jack ravishes her lips as soon as the last word leaves his mouth. A soft moan comes from her throat before she can stop it. One of his hands cups one of her bare breasts and the other cups her jaw. She tries to roll her hips against his to get some friction on her core, but he quickly puts a stop to that.
“I don’t think so,” Jack mumbles against her lips as he pins her hips to the cushion beneath her. “Only good girls get to come quickly tonight. You weren’t a good girl with the stunt you pulled.”
“Guess you didn’t like my new jersey,” she gasps as her boyfriend attaches his lips to the sensitive skin on her neck. “Or was it the fact that there was a different name on my back?”
The nip she gets is the answer she was looking for. Jack was jealous that another player’s name was on her back instead of his. She revels in the realization since it has been five days and it took wearing the jersey for him to talk to her.
He slowly begins to kiss down her neck and chest. He makes sure to give both breasts some attention before moving further down her belly.
Her fingers find a home in his now dry hair. She adores how soft his hair feels when it has just dried after a shower.
Jack’s fingers hook in the waistband of the leggings she has on. He slowly pulls the thin fabric off her body and kisses her hipbone when it’s exposed. She sighs as her boyfriend strips her of her pants. She kicks her sneakers off so Jack can pull them completely off of her.
She lets her legs fall open while Jack throws the leggings somewhere on the floor. Her soaked underwear is on full display for him. She watches his tongue dart out at his view.
“Touch me before I touch myself, Jack,” she orders him.
He goes back to hovering over her. A hand lightly wraps around her throat and she looks up at him in surprise. “You will do no such thing if you want to come tonight,” he retorts.
(Y/N) bites her lip at his words. She can’t remember the last time he spoke to her like this, but she is loving every second of it.
His other hand snakes between them and into the thin fabric of her underwear. A gasp comes from her lips as his fingers easily run through her slick folds. She wraps her hands around his arm to keep herself present.
“Jack,” she whines.
He cups her pussy and she has to stifle a moan. “Who does this belong to?” he asks.
“You, baby,” (Y/N) quickly tells him. “It’s all yours. I’m all yours.”
Jack leans down and presses soft kisses to her cheek and jaw. “Good girl.” His words shoot straight down to her already pulsing core.
Without warning, Jack stands up and pulls her up. He gets her on her knees and leans her against the back of the couch with her chest pressed against the cushions. In the reflection of the glass cabinet that’s behind the couch, she can see Jack undressing behind her.
He twirls her hair into a makeshift pony and gets on his knees behind her. Jack’s lips are on her neck right under her ear. “Tell me who fucks you until you can’t speak,” he whispers.
His low voice causes the knot that has formed in her belly to tighten.
“You do, Jack,” she replies. Jack pulls on the makeshift pony until she’s looking straight up at the ceiling. A soft moan passes her lips. “You fuck me so good. Only you.”
“Yeah, I do,” Jack mumbles as he presses her into the cushions beneath her. He doesn’t release the pony.
With one hand, he manages to get her underwear off of her and onto the floor with both of their clothes. She feels his hard dick between her legs and had to resist the urge to grind against it.
Her legs are practically shaking as she waits for release.
He leans over her and kisses the back of her neck for a second before he slams into her. She cries out in surprise because that was the last thing she expected to happen.
“Fuck, Jack,” she breathes out as he lets her adjust to him. “Give a girl a little warning before you destroy her.”
She feels him smile and mumble, “We’ll see.”
This boy is going to be the death of her.
A minute passes before Jack begins to rock his hips into her. She bites her lip to try and keep herself from making an embarrassing noise.
Eventually, she gives up because she’s worried she’ll make her lip bleed with how hard she’s biting down on it.
(Y/N) begins to meet Jack’s hips with every thrusts. She lets out soft moans and whines every time they meet. He lifts one of her legs up onto the back of the couch so he can get a new angle on her.
She has to lean against Jack’s chest as he continues to fuck into her at the new angle. “This pussy was made for me,” Jack pants into her ear. He wraps his arms around her to keep her steady. “Feels so good around me.”
She wants to say something, but she’s so overwhelmed with pleasure that she can’t form any. All she does is let out a soft whine in reply.
“See? No one else can fuck you speechless like I can.”
The knot in the bottom of her belly tightens. She has to force herself to form words. “Jacky,” she whines. “Wanna come. Been a good girl for you. Please.”
Jack kisses the swell of her ear and grasps her breasts. “You only wear my name, baby,” he pants in her ear. “My number on your back. No one else’s.”
“No one else’s,” she agrees. “Can I come? Please?”
He hums and she clenches around him as soon as she has his permission. She loses her vision for a moment as she comes on Jack’s cock. His name echoes throughout the apartment as she hits her high.
She had no idea that Jack could be like this. Maybe she’ll have to mess with him if she’s going to see this side of her boyfriend. She’s pretty sure that she’s never had an orgasm this intense in her entire life.
Without realizing because of how hard her orgasm hit her, Jack comes inside of her and slouches against her when he comes down from his own high.
When she comes to, she’s lying on her back on the couch and Jack is wiping her with a wet cloth. His boxers are on the lower half of his lower body and she pouts.
“Was that okay?” Jack asks before she can say anything. “I might’ve gotten a little carried away.”
She shakes her head and says, “It was perfect. It was more than okay. You were jealous.”
Jack laughs and shakes his head. “Maybe a little,” he admits. “I don’t like it when you wear other players’ jerseys.”
“Maybe talk to me next time and I won’t have to,” she teases. Jack rolls his eyes. “Anyway, can we go to bed? I wanna get your dick in my mouth and apologize in my own way.”
She’s surprised with how quickly Jack picks her up and whisks her off to his bedroom after that.
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meanbossart · 3 months
How did your DU drow react when he got told he had to kill his spouse? and then when he went to wake up Astarion and get tied up? I think I just wanna know how your DU drow mentally/emotionally is doing during and after that part, and when talking to Astarion afterward, I'm a sucker for hearing about those deep kinds of moments (hopefully that makes sense?) Also, how did your DU react when you met Kressa Bonedaughter and learned all about what was done to him (again, I know none of the companions really comment on literally something horrible being told such a shame, honestly) but how would you say or think that Astarion and Shadowheart might have reacted hearing that info? Again, thank you for all your art and for answering these questions! PS: (I really don't care if your answer is super long; I WILL EAT IT UP)
Sooo for the first question, I wanna preface by saying that I personally don't think their relationship was that in depth yet, at that point. Yes, DU drow enjoyed Astarion's company and relied on him in a similar way which he relied on Shadowheart. And also yes, Astarion saw DU drow as the first person who ever took him and his agency seriously - but I think feelings were still in their infancy. DU drow's mind was a mess through and through; he drank constantly to keep his urge at bay, he kept his distance from everyone most of the time, and when he did seek out comfort in either Shadowheart or Astarion (the non-sexual kind, they didn't really fuck at all), it was a kind of primal instinct and desperate longing for companionship - if you asked him if he was in love with anyone, however, he would have said no.
Similarly, while I think Astarion's act 2 confession is sincere, I also think that he's being sincere when he says that he doesn't know what you are yet. You're not really a lover, but you aren't a victim, either; what you are is a person who he would rather not have to murder eventually, and as someone who has had their empathy squeezed out throughout the course of two centuries, that's meaningful enough. He may fantasize about the best case scenario for you two - but he has no expectations that whatever this is will last. But it is nice, for the time being.
So the "murder your darling" scene, rather than a proof of love and trust, is to me the turning point where:
A) DU drow has to come to terms with the fact that he doesn't have as much control over the Urge as he thought, and B) When Astarion snaps out of his care-free, just-go-with-the-flow nature around his plan and this relationship. They both realize they bit off more than they could chew and are now caught in each other's crossfire.
Which is to say that I don't read Astarion's words of comfort to him as entirely honest - specially when you compare it to certain dialogue deliveries later in the game. I think he's still, to a degree, telling you what you need to hear so that you hold out for just a bit longer and kill Cazador. You probably can't be together forever as he idly fantasized about once or twice, when he let his mind wander - but god damn it, he needs to at least be free, and it seems like you have bloodlust to spare to make that happen.
Meanwhile, DU drow finally comes to confront the fact that he is not in control. Doesn't matter how hard he tries or how much he drinks, the urge will do to him as it will, and when it wishes. It stops being fun and it gets scary, from that moment on.
But here's who did stop it: Astarion. Where alcohol fell short and his willpower failed, Astarion stepped in.
So, more interesting than the scene itself to me, is how from that point on DU drow would have no choice but put his trust entirely on the vampire to control him. He ties him up, he keeps an eye on him, he has full spoken-word permission to kill him if necessary - he is forced to be as vulnerable at humanly possible under his hand, every night. Regardless of whether or not DU drow realizes that Astarion is doing it for his own reasons, he doesnt care, because Astarion has now become his rock and his bondage - hell, if Astarion does have a reason to keep him alive that's all the better; someone else might just slit DU drow's throat and be done with the concern altogether.
And so, it's only from that point on that DU drow truly starts to see Astarion as an equal, and even a partner. He's thinking that, if his whole life has to be like this, at least he has someone who can handle it.
Astarion, meanwhile, I believe only comes to truly consider (and wish for) DU drow's freedom after he's free from Cazador - and after he bestows that freedom upon his siblings and the other spawn. That's when he finally understands the length of DU drow's devotion to him and the value of freewill as a concept- and how he wants it for both of them, instead of being content with his own.
Not to mention... I think in Astarion's mind he was 100% not going to survive Cazador LOL so when he succeeds he's like "oh shit I guess anything is fucking possible huh. Yeah fuck it lets go fight your dad, also I've decided I want you for realsies, now."
Anyways, can you believe I thought this was gonna be a short ask. Here have a doodle I made while thinking about all this bullshit:
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As for Kressa, I got an ask about that before but I can't find it now LOL to summarize; he was pissed, angered, and in a far more personal level embarrassed to have had his dirty laundry aired (AKA, victimized) in that way in front of the others - but this isn't something he would have expressed outwardly, and I think both Shadowheart and Astarion would have known better than to inquire him about it. It's not really something he would have sought out comfort for in anyone, so, I think the subject died as soon as Kressa did. In this case, their lack of commentary was completely appropriate - If they had reached out in any way (which would have been, in my opinion, completely out of character) DU drow would have shut them out with a quickness.
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callsign-dexter · 3 months
Love in the Moonlight 18+
Request: Hiya ❤️ hope you don't mind me sending in a Tim Bradford idea 😊 I thought about something where they're colleagues and close friends (with crushes) but she distances from him as he starts going out for dates. He notices that and one night comes to her apartment to confront her. But as he sees her in her nightgown he can't resist and kisses her, making love to her, and she never stops him. Afterwards they cuddle and he admits that he just went on dates to get rid of the feelings he has towards her, but now all he wants is her to be his girl, which she happily accepts. Thank you in advance sweetheart 💋 you're the best !
Pairings: Tim Bradford x Police Officer!Reader
Warnings: fluff, angst, swearing, smut
A/N: @talesofreading and @imagine-all-the-fandoms Tim smut for ya hope you're prepared....
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Love can make you do some crazy things. Love could make you jealous to the point of doing something you regret. Love can make you think of nobody else besides that person. Love is just unpredictable. Love is something you want with Tim but it seems like you were the only one that wants that. Tim doesn’t even seem that interested in you and you hated that. Every time you saw Tim you fell further in love but he just seems to see you as one of the guys and that kills you. What you didn’t know was that he loved you too but was too afraid to show. Every date you went on made him jealous and every date he went on shattered your heart a little more each time. You wanted that to be you. You wanted to be the one wrapped in his coat on a windy night or under his arm sleeping in his bed. 
Tim and you were very close and the crush started when you both got out of the academy and then when you both got accepted at the same precinct. Where he became a TO you just became a regular officer and you loved it. You and Tim did everything together from texting each other 24/7, eating lunch together, having each other over at each other’s apartments, crashing at each other places when one became too drunk, even to the point of going to the movies together. You both had everything from bathroom necessities to both of your favorite types of coffee at each other’s apartments.  How were you not supposed to fall in love with the man you hang out with all the time? 
The only people that knew of this crush was your two best friends Angela and Talia who had sworn to secrecy not to say anything. You had girls’ night often and you would rant and rave about it and they would sympathize with you. You even talked to them about maybe transferring to another unit or taking the offer that the FBI that you kept getting offers from. Currently you were out with the girls, that included Lucy now, at a bar that you visited frequently. Everyone was a few drinks in but you were further into them and feeling it. “I just don’t know what to do anymore. Clearly, he doesn’t like me like that and he only sees me as one of his guy friends. I can’t keep going on with this burning aching feeling of love for him. It’s to the point that I’m considering taking that offer that the FBI has been sending me. I would be in Quantico, VA and far away from him.” You said taking a drink of your beer that had been freshly poured. 
“Oh honey, he feels so much more towards you.” Lucy said and you scuffed.
“Bullshit. He has a funny way of showing it.” You said. You were definitely drunk. “I just want to have hot crazy sex with him.” You said and everyone chuckled.
“Ok, that is enough for you.” Angela said “I’m gonna call Tim to come and get you.” She said and you looked at her horrified. You all had taken a cab to the bar since you all were drinking and then you had planned for Nolan or Jackson to come and get you all. You had taken one earlier to secure a spot and started drinking about 3 minutes before them starting with the hard stuff aka Fireball. 
“Nooooo, you can’t do that.” You said beginning to slur. That was the thing about you two, the both of you would drop everything to come to each other aid no matter what and no matter where.
“Yes, I’m calling him.” Angela said and pulled out her phone and dialed his number in. “I’m also calling Nolan afterwards to come and get us. We’re calling it a night.” She said and then Tim answered she started talking to him. 
Tim was out having a date with Teresa and was not having a good time. He really wished that he was with you at the moment with you cuddled in his arms. Tim was bored. She was going on about something that happened at work and he was halfway paying attention to her. Suddenly he heard his phone ringing and he mentally sighed in relief, he pulled it out and saw that it was Angela calling and he frowned, a million questions ran through his head: ‘Did something happen?’, ‘Were you alright?’. He answered it without hesitation.
“Angela, is everything ok?” He asked right out of the gate.
“Tim, hi. I know you’re on a date right now but Y/N is absolutely hammered. Can you come and get her?” She asked
“Of course. Is she ok?” He asked, reaching for his wallet.
“If you would consider her about to get into a bar fight with a guy that touched her ass, then yeah.” She said and that made his eyes widened in panic.
“I’ll be there soon. Just keep her contained. I’m 5 minutes away.” He said
“We’ll try our best. But you know your girl is strong as hell.” She said and his heart skipped a beat when she said that. “Just hurry.” She said and then hung up and so did he.
Teresa was looking at him as he finished the call. “Let me guess you need to go.” She said and he nodded.
“I’m sorry.” He said and she smiled.
“It’s ok. Raincheck?” She said and he nodded. He got in and started the trip to the bar that was only 5 minutes away. He was quick to spot you and Angela outside and you were sitting on the curb looking drunk as all get out and he knew you would be feeling it in the morning. 
Angela saw the lights of his truck and sighed in relief. “Y/N, your knight in shining armor has arrived.” She said with a smirk and you looked at her.
“No, he is not. He doesn’t love me like that.” You slurred and she shook her head. Tim parked the truck and got out and walked over to you.
“How much did she have to drink?” He asked and you looked up at hearing his voice.
“Timothy!” You slurred and tried to stand up but fell and he sighed but helped you stand up. 
“I think she started drinking before we arrived.” Angela said and Tim turned toward you.
“Y/N how much have you had to drink?” He asked using his cop voice and you looked at him and started thinking.
“Like 6 shots of Fireball, several glasses of beer, and lots and lots of shots. Speaking of shots, can we go in and get more?” You asked, already starting to turn towards the bar.
“Nope as a friend, I’m cutting you off.” He said and that sent a pang of hurt through your chest.
“Right friend.” You said and let him help you get in his truck. He turned to Angela who was walking with you both and she was opening the door since he was pretty much holding you up. He guided you up into the truck and made sure you were buckled in and then shut the door and turned to Angela. 
“I shouldn’t be telling you this but that girl has had a crush on you since you both got out of the academy. She literally would drop everything for you and you know it and I know you too. It hurts her every time you go out with someone because she wishes that it was her.” She said and he shook his head.
“That’s not true.” He said and she shook her head. “No, she doesn’t. We’re just very good friends.” He said and she shook her head.
“Whatever, just get her home safely.” Angela said and turned back and walked back into the bar. 
Tim got into the truck. He looked over at you and you were sound asleep and he smiled. He put the truck into drive and headed to your apartment. It was a silent ride to your apartment and when he got there. He pulled into a parking spot next to your car and got the truck parked and killed the engine. Then he was walking over to the passenger’s and opened it and unbuckled your seatbelt and gently got you and carried you. When he got to the front door, he grabbed his keys and found your key and unlocked the door. Yes, he had a key to your place and you had a key to his place. He unlocked the door and shut it going straight to your bedroom. He gently laid you down and pulled off your shoes and then covered you up. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed some Tylenol and a bottle of Gatorade and then walked into your office and wrote a note then, he walked it to your room and sat it on the nightstand. He grabbed your phone and plugged it in and then left.
The next morning you woke up to your phone alarm blaring and your head was pounding and you were hung over. You turned over to shut it off and then noticed the note along with the Gatorade and Tylenol. 
Take these and drink all of the Gatorade. It’ll help.
You smiled and took the Tylenol and drank the Gatorade as you got ready for the day. By the time you were leaving all of it was gone and you were feeling better. You walked out to your car and got into your car and then you were off to work. You saw Tim’s truck and smiled but then you decided to park next to Nolan’s and got you and walked into the precinct. You greeted everyone and headed to the locker room where you quickly got changed and then walked into the briefing room, it was mostly full and few seats left. Tim noticed you walked in and smiled and motioned to the open seat next to him but you bowed your head and decided to sit next to Smitty of all people and that made him frown, you always sat beside him. Sergeant Grey walked in and started the briefing and then when he was done you shot out of there in a hurry before Tim had even gotten a chance to come and say hi or ask you how you were feeling. 
Lately you had noticed him going on more dates and being happy and that was killing you on the inside. So, you started to distance yourself from him. At first it was making excuses when he asked to hang out and then not answering his every phone call, or hardly texting him and when you text back you would send a short or one worded answer. You even started to take separate lunches or take yours to go. It saddened him that you were pulling away but he didn’t let it show and that upset you, it was like he didn’t even care. 
Lucy and he did catch up to you when you were getting your bags and stuff “Hey, Y/N.” Tim said and you tensed and turned to him.
“Oh, hey.” You said 
“How are you feeling?” He asked
“Fine.” You said and then grabbed your stuff and you were heading to your shop. 
“Hey, are you free tonight? There is a movie out that I thought we could see together.” Tim asked 
“No, sorry. I have plans.” You said and then you were gone before he could get another word out. 
Once you were alone out on the streets you were fine and actually happy. You answered calls here and there and they were mostly easy. There were a few that you had to take in and there were a few traffic stops. It was nearing lunch time and you dreaded it. You pulled over into a parking lot when you saw your phone light up and buzz. You looked at it and saw a few missed calls from Tim but you were busy during that time and a few texts from him. You sighed and debated if you wanted lunch but then your stomach growled and you groaned and put your shop into drive and headed to the usual lunch place. You parked and got out and headed that way you saw Tim and smiled but it quickly faded when a girl came up to him and kissed him. You caught the eye of Angela and Talia when Tim broke apart from the girl, he followed their eyes and saw you and his heart sank. Lunch be damned, you would eat later, you need to talk to Wade. You turned back to your shop and was off before he could even get up or say anything. 
You arrived back at the precinct and parked your shop in the bay and then you were walking into the building and heading to Wade’s office. When you got there you knocked on the door and he looked up and waved you in “Officer Y/L/N, what can I do for you?” He asked and you sighed.
“You know that I’ve been getting offers from the FBI in Quantico, VA specifically from the BAU.” You said and he nodded.
“I do. What is this about?” He asked 
“As much as this pains me to say, I want to take their offer and transfer.” You said and he nodded.
“Are you for sure you want to do this?” He asked and you nodded.
“Very sure, sir.” You said and your phone started buzzing but you ignored it.
“Do you want to get that?” He asked and you shook your head.
“No, sir. It can wait.” You said and he nodded.
“I’ll start putting the request in. I’ll be sad when you leave, you’re one of my best officers. I just want you to know that if you ever want to come back you always have a place right here with us.” He said and you nodded smiling.
“Thank you, sir.” You said and he smiled and you left his office running into Angela.
“Hey, what were you talking to Wade about?” She asked
“I asked for the transfer.” You said and she was shocked.
“Seriously?” She asked and you nodded.
“I need to get out of here.” You said and she nodded.
“Is this about Tim?” She asked and you didn’t say anything but she knew her answer and smiled “I get it. I’m gonna miss you when you go.” She said and she laughed but hugged you.
“I’m gonna miss you too.” You said and then you broke apart and then you saw Tim and he was looking at you but you said nothing and walked back to your shop to continue your shift.
This was the right move for you and your career. Right?
The end of everyone’s shift was nearing and everyone couldn’t wait to be home. There was something that Sergeant Grey was needing to talk to Tim about and requested him to meet in his office. So that was where he was going now. He knocked on the door and was waved in. “Officer Bradford, I want to talk about you taking the sergeants exam.” Wade said and Tim nodded.
“Yes, I’ve been studying for it.” He said and Wade nodded. Tim was looking at him and then something caught his eye. Something that had your name on it. He focused on it more and saw it was a transfer request to the FBI and his heart sank. He knew that you had been getting offers but didn’t actually think you would take it. They finished their talk but all he could think about was those transfer papers and why he didn’t hear about it from you. Wade dismissed him and he left. As he was leaving, he ran into Talia. 
“You got any plans for tonight?” She asked
“Yea, I have another date.” Tim said not knowing you had heard him and not knowing how bad your heart was breaking. He did have a date but now he wanted to go to your place and find out why you were transferring. The shift ended and everyone got changed and was heading out the precinct he caught you walking with Nolan and laughing with him and his heart pinged with jealousy. Then he noticed that your car wasn’t near his when it normally was. Something was wrong and he was going to find out. 
He did end up going on the date but that transfer request was just burning in his mind. He apologized to Teresa and she asked if she would be seeing him again and he said no and then he was off heading to your apartment. He drove like mad until he reached your place and parked in a parking spot, once he killed the engine he was storming up to the apartment and knocking.
Knocking is what woke you up and you groaned but got up and grabbed a silk robe and slipped it over your silk nightgown. “Hold on, I’m coming.” You said but the knocking persisted. “Hold on, geez.” You said unlocking the door and opening “What-” You began but saw it was Tim “Tim? It’s late. What are you doing here?” You asked.
“You’re transferring?” He asked in a stern slightly higher pitched voice.
“What are you talking about?” You asked, still half asleep.
“Your transfer request to the FBI. I saw it on Sergeant Wade’s desk. Why?” He asked
“You.” You said
“Me?” He asked
“Yes you. Damn it can’t you see? I’m in love with you! I have been ever since we got out of the academy together. Then you go off and date and it kills me. I know it’s selfish but I couldn’t stand for you to be happy with anyone else but me.” You said and he didn’t say anything instead he crashed his lips into yours and kissed you fiercely. He backed you into the apartment and shut the door and then turned you until your back hit the door. You two broke apart when air was needed. 
“I’ve wanted to do that ever since I met you.” He said and then crashed lips into yours and then he was slipping your silk robe off your shoulders revealing your very revealing nightgown he broke the kiss and looked down “Damn you are sexy.” He said and was tapping your thighs and you jumped up and wrapped your legs around him and then he was taking you both to your bedroom. He gently laid you down and quickly got rid of his shirt. He grabbed the hem of your nightgown and looked at you and you nodded and he was slowly peeling it off of you until it was off revealing you weren’t wearing a bra and that made him moan. Your nipples got hard as rocks when air hit them, he admired them and then he was taking a nipple into his mouth and sucking on it, making you mona. His right hand came up to play with your other breast and his left hand was caressing your side. Once he was satisfied with the treatment of your left breast and nipple, he popped off of it and gave your other breast the same attention. Again, once he was satisfied, he popped off of it and then was standing up and getting rid of his jeans and boxers and his hard length came up and slapped him in the stomach.
“I need you.” You said and he nodded and was crawling back up to you and slowly taking your underwear off and adding it to the pile of clothing already growing. He moved in between your thighs and licked a broad strip up your folds and you jumped but moaned. 
“So wet for me and I hardly did anything.” He said, smirking.
“Need you now.” You moaned and looked as he did it again and bit your clit.
“You got it, Baby.” He said and moved up to where he was now face to face with you and kissed you. You could taste yourself on him and you could feel him at the entrance. He grabbed his cock and looked you in the eyes “You ready? Tell me to stop if you need to.” He asked and you nodded and he pushed himself into you and you both moaned.
“Oh, Tim!” You moaned out not even trying to be quiet, neighbors be damned.
“So tight. It was like you were made for me.” He moaned out and started to thrust in and out of you. He stretched you in all the right places and hit you places that you didn’t know that could be hit. He hit you g-spot just right.
“Faster, Baby. Faster.” You moaned out and he nodded and did as he was told and it just brought another wave of pleasure to you. “So good.” You moaned out and his face went into the crook of his neck and he attacked it with kisses and sucked on it. His arms caged you in and your ankles locked behind him making him go deeper. Your hands went to his shoulder blades and your fingers dug into them and then he hit your g-spot and bit your pulse point. Your nails raked down his back leaving long angry red scratch marks in their wake. He hissed into your neck but he did not let up. “‘M close.” You said and he brought his head up from your neck.
“Me too, Baby. Me too.” He said and that just spurred him on to go faster. One hand went down to your clit and started to rub it, getting you closer to your climax. “Cum with me.” He said and then he pinched your clit and then that rubber band snapped and you came hard. You squeezed him and that made his thrusts irregular and the snapping of his hips into your hips came to a halt as you both moaned and he painted your walls white. 
After you both came down from your high you unlocked your ankles and he fell to the side of you onto his back. You ended up lying on his chest tracing shapes and he cuddled you close to him as he covered you both up. “Don’t leave.” He said and you looked up at him.
“Hmm?” You asked in confusion.
“The transfer, cancel it. You belong here with me. I only went on those dates to get rid of my feelings for you and each time I went on them I wished it was you. I love you and have loved you since we graduated from the academy together. I was too stupid to see what it was doing to you and I’m sorry for that.” He said and you smiled.
“I’ll cancel the request to transfer.” You said 
“I want you to be my girl and my only girl. What I’m asking is will you be my girlfriend?” He asked and you smiled and looked up at him.
“I thought you would never ask. Of course I’ll be your girlfriend.” You said and he smiled “I love you.” You added.
“I love you too.” He said and you both kissed each other and then you resumed your position and you both fell asleep with a smile on your face. 
Both of you were happy and finally got what you wanted and that was each other. 
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pigeonpeach · 5 months
Genshin WOMEN as cats!
Just pure fluff! Gender neutral reader
Characters included: Beidou, Candace Dehya, Eula, Ei, Jean, Lisa, Navia, Shenhe, Yae Miko
Oh so very stressed. Even once assured her state is temporary and will be reversed by tomorrow. For the day Lisa is left in charge as you must now try to get your catified wife to calm down. Tasty fish perhaps? In reality the real thing she need is a looooong nap. You must make her a comfortable bed, one plush and warm that makes her feel safe and loved aka your lap she wants to sleep on your lap and you have no choice but to oblige. And jean is a deep sleeper. Commonly does she get little sleep. So now that she can she basically sleeps the day away enjoying your pats and kisses.
Upon her relief that it is temporary she is a most silly kitty. She decides to go out to get fresh fish from Poisson, curious to see if it tastes better now that she’s a cat. You and her body guards must simply accompany her. You hold her on a plush pillow as she meows orders to you. A strange sight indeed for any passerbys. But nonetheless is she a verrry pretty kitty. Oh you cannot neglect her! She deserves many chin scratches and ear scratches too! And she expects them, politely bumping her head into you for more.
She probably just goes back to sleep I’ll be real. Lisa probably concocted the ordeal herself for some experiment or just for fun. She will explore Mondstadt’s city. Expecting you to follow and buy her needs. If course being s tasty meal. Afterwards she can’t help but nap in the warm grass making you sit down with her. Before you know it you also take a nap.
How obscene! Herself? a cat?! Who dare do such a thing! She demands vengeance immediately! The world must know her wrath! You have a very vocal and very angry kitty on your hands so… maybe catnip would be useful? It helps immensely as she now acts like a silly little kitty who keeps dosing off. Once she’s back though she will seek vengeance upon you for daring to drug her in such s state! Even if it was for her benefit!
The crew is more panicked than she is. Simply lounging about, eating fish. She sits on your lap like its a throne. A day off is very appreciated. She ends up overfed though as her crew worries about her. You have to physically stop her from eating her 7th fish in a row! She is small now she can’t eat a while shark like before! She ends up annoyed when she can’t drink with her men like before either. Oh well at least she has you. It’ll be a funny story to tell her friends back at shore.
Confused! She is however very calm. She tries to go about her day as normal but that doesn’t go well. She concludes that she should spend the day napping. You however want to spoil and pamper her as she’s so small and very very cute. A elegant white kitty! Your affections are not denied. She does enjoy the chin scratches. She loved her sides being pet. Just don’t let Cloud Retainer see otherwise she’ll freak out.
She is a cat? How so? How can this be? Fascinating? Unfortunately she must give up desserts for the day which is the most devastating news. Thunderstorms will be a plenty as she mopes having to endure one day of no sweets. She will pout and sulk. Not in your lap but instead resting against your thigh. She will try some fish but is repulsed by its non sweet flavor! How horrible!
Also very alarmed! She is a protector of Aaru Village! How can she give up one day. You end up contacting Dehya to take over as Candace tries to enjoy cat life. The sand in her toe beans is annoying. But for her the worst is eating unseasoned meat. Kitty stomachs cannot handle spices or advanced flavoring she oh so adores. How unfortunate for her. But at least she has you! You will have to find something entertaining for her to do. Maybe play with the kids or climb trees? Unlike the other catified women she won’t nap until tired. And she is a resilient woman. When she sees you tuckered out and sleeping however she joins you, resting on your chest.
Worried but also kind of excited. What adventures can she have now? She wants to go all across sumeru but you make her settle on just sumeru city. She wants to try alot of things. Namely hunting! She’s hunted before sure but she wonders if its easier to be a cat? She aims for pigeons and cranes. With no success you decided to make her a hearty meal of chicken as compensation. Just then she managed to catch one! Oh she is so proud! Proudly showing off her catch with pride! You get to prepare it though, she isn’t interest in eating a mouthful of feathers. She’s also bummed out at no seasonings but hey she’s just proud she could catch something. She also very happy to spend this time with you. It’ll be a funny story to share.
Yae Miko
Unlike most of the ladies here, she is definitely doing this on purpose and is likely doing so for multiple days. She does so in order to get up to some silly mischief as her fox form has become too noticeable. She steals food all while getting away with it because she’s a cute kitty! She spies on rival writers, she causes drama between civilians. You end uo having to quarantine her until she turns back. Oh but then she goes back to mess with you! Is the kitty following you to work her or just a kitty? You’ll never know now. Your lap is never safe again!
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yelenasdiary · 4 days
For the AU request, what about nervous Wanda asking Natasha to take R out just the two of them. Maybe they just go to the park or to a movie. R being 5 :)
Can't Say No
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Daughter! Reader, Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Summary: Wanda wants to get to know you a little more and asks your mom if she can take you out for the day. 
Warnings: None | 2K
Translations: милый (darling), мед (honey), 
AC: Thank you for sending this! I love the idea; I hope you enjoy it! x
A Widow’s Sunshine Masterlist
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"Do you want cheerios or porridge for breakfast?" Your mother asked with a soft smile as you took a seat at the small wooden table in the kitchen with your favorite stuffie sitting beside you, "uhm, porridge please!" You replied with a sweet smile that your mother loved so much. "Coming right up!" She said, reaching for the cupboard. You weren't much of a fuzzy child which was something Nat was a little thankful for, you'd eat most things, you loved your fruits and most of your vegetables, but you weren't too big on meat because you didn't like when it would get stuck in your teeth. 
While the porridge cooked in the microwave, your mom poured you a small cup of orange juice and placed it in front of you just as the microwave peeped. "Thank you, mommy" you said before you took a small sip of your drink. Your mother returned with your breakfast in hand, placing a kiss on the top of your head, "it's a little hot милый, we'll just give it a moment to cool, okay?" She said. You nodded, not too fussed. 
"What are doing today mommy?" You asked, looking up at her. 
"Well, baby, mommy has to go into work and do a little paperwork so I thought we could go to the park afterwards, how does that sound?" She replied, stirring your breakfast around. 
"Can Dory come?" You asked. Your favorite stuffie named after a character from one of your favorite movies. 
"Of course, милый" Natasha smiled right as her mobile began to buzz, placed your breakfast in front of you and reached for her back pocket. "Be careful baby, if it's too hot, give it a few more minutes, okay?" She said, you nodded but it was just right to eat. Natasha looked down at her phone, butterflies fluttered in her stomach when she read Wanda's name on her screen, and she wasted no more time before answering. 
"Wands, hi!" Your mother said in a sweet tone as she slowly wandered out of the kitchen, 
"Hey, sorry if I called too early" Wanda replied. 
"Don't stress, I just finished making Y/n breakfast, is everything okay?" 
"Everything is fine" Wanda replied and Nat was sure she could hear the soft smile through the phone, "I was just calling because you mentioned yesterday that you were gonna head into the compound today and catch up on some mission reports so I thought and of course if you're not okay with it, I completely understand but I was wondering, you could be okay if I took Y/n for the day? That way you can get as much work done as you need, and Y/n and I will get some time to get to know one another more. But like I said, it's completely fine if you're not okay with that, I just thought I'd ask" She added. 
"Actually, that would be really helpful, let me just ask Y/n" Natasha couldn't help the smile that tugged at her lips. Having you meet her partner was a big seat for Natasha and it meant the world to her to know that Wanda wasn't put off about the idea of Nat being a single parent and she loved knowing that Wanda wanted to get to know you more. 
Your mother came back into the kitchen and smiled softly at you, "мед, would you like to spend a few hours with Wanda today instead of coming to work with me?" She asked. 
You enjoyed Wanda's company, you liked her long hair and the funny faces she could pull, you nodded instantly with a growing smile, "yes please!!" You almost jumped out of your chair, making Natasha chuckle. 
"I'm not sure if you heard that but I have a very excited little girl who would love to spend the day with you" Nat said back to Wanda. 
"Well, I am glad! Tell her I am very excited too! Shall I come by and pick her up in an hour?" Wanda asked. 
"Sounds perfect to me, thank you detka, we'll see you soon" Nat replied before hanging up. 
An hour later and you were waiting by the front door of the small apartment you lived in with your mother, dressed and full of excitement for your day with Wanda. Your mom braided your hair just like she did hers, as requested by you of course. "She's here!! She's here!!" You called, jumping up and down when you heard a knock at the door. Your mom chuckled at your excitement and grabbed your backpack which had some snacks and your drink bottle in it before opening the door. 
Wanda smiled instantly when she saw just how excited you were, "Hi Wanda!" You greeted her with your stuffie, Dory, in your arms. "Good morning, Y/n and I believe that is Dory?" Wanda replied. You turned and looked up at your mother with wide eyes and a dropped jaw, "she knew Dory's name mommy!!" You said with shock. 
Both adults chuckled, "I told you, she can read minds" Natasha smiled. Of course you didn't think she was being serious. "Make sure you're a good girl for Wanda, okay?" Your mother kneeled in front of you and placed a kiss on your cheek, "I'll be the best mommy! So will Dory!" You smiled. 
Nat handed your backpack to Wanda and explained what was inside while you waited so patiently to spend the day with your new friend. You said goodbye to your mother and took Wanda by the hand before the two of you began to walk down the hall to the evaluator and out into the busy street. 
"Is there anything you would like to do today?" Wanda asked while the two of you walked hand in hand down the street to her car. "Mommy was going to take me to the park today" you said, but not too sure on what on earth you wanted to do besides that. 
"Well, how about we do to the movies and then after that we can have lunch in the park?" Wanda offered, your eyes lit up and your smile only grew bigger as you nodded. 
Wanda took you to see Shrek 2, she let you pick the movie, and it was a hard pick between Shark Tale or Shrek 2 but when you saw Puss in Boots on the cover, the choice was made. You enjoyed a small soda and shared some popcorn and giggles with Wanda throughout the movie. To Wanda's surprise, you weren't tired at all after the film, in fact it was almost as if you had more energy than before but then again, you are the Black Widow's daughter. 
After the movies, Wanda let you pick what the two of you would have for lunch. You picked the small pizza restaurant that was only a short walk from the cinema. Wanda brought you a slice of your pick and then it was off to the park. Of course, Wanda didn't let you run off to play until you had some of your pizza and some water but once you did, you were off making friends with many of the other children on the playground. 
"Wanda!" You said, running up to her while she sat watching you from the park bench, "can you please look after Dory?" You asked, face red from all the playing you had been doing, "I don't want her to get dirty" you added. 
"Of course, I can" Wanda smiled as you handed her your stuffie, "I will look after her with the best of care" she added with confidence. You thanked her and then it was off to play some more. 
When it was time to start heading home, Wanda noticed you playing in the bushes by yourself, she frowned slightly as she walked over to you with Dory in one hand and your backpack in another, "Y/n, is everything okay?" She asked, startling you. 
"Look, Wanda!" You said, pointing into the bushes. Just as Wanda kneeled down, a small black kitten popped out of the bushes, you giggled when the little kitten brushed up against you which brought relief to Wanda who wasn't sure what to expect at first. 
"Can I take her home to mommy, please?" You begged, catching Wanda off guard. 
"Oh, uhm, I'm n-"
"Pleaseeee" you begged and honestly, who was Wanda to say no too? 
"Well, alright, but we should get you both home before it gets too late, I'm sure your mom would like you to have a bath before dinner" Wanda smiled, reaching for her phone and texting Natasha right away, "just know, I tried to say no" she texted before the two of you started walking back to her car. 
Natasha could hear your little voice in the hall, which brought a smile to her lips as she opened the door to greet you but what she saw you in your arms made Wanda's text message make sense. "Hi мед, who is this?" Your mother asked as you smiled at her. 
"A kitty I found at the park, Wanda said I could bring her home" you replied honestly. The small kitten took Natasha by surprise, you had already fallen in love with the little animal that she quickly noticed how Wanda tried to say no.
"I tried" Wanda whispered. 
"Can we keep her mommy, please?" You begged, placing the kitten on the floor. 
"мед, we don't know where this kitten has been, we would need to take it to the vet first" your mother replied, "she was in the bushes" you said back, not letting any excuses pass by, "please mommy, I will let you name her!" You offered. Wanda tried to hide the smirk that tugged at her lips, you were most definitely Natasha's daughter, that's for sure. 
There was a moment of silence, your mother unsure how to tackle this but on one hand, she didn't see the harm in allowing you to have your first pet. "How about you go wash your hands and I'll have a think about it, and we can talk more about it after dinner" your mother offered and just to win your mother over, you did exactly what she asked. 
Wanda stayed for dinner, the three of you enjoying some lasagna while you fed tiny pieces of mince to the little kitten, both Nat and Wanda noticed how the kitten didn't seem to leave your side, even when you came home and placed her on the floor, she was by your feet which to Wanda is more of a sign but to Nat it was going to be harder to tell you that you couldn't keep the animal. 
"Look mommy, she has the same eyes as Wanda" you pointed out after dinner, now your mother definitely couldn't say no. Wanda chuckled, "that is pretty cool" she said but your mom just smiled softly as she placed the dirty dishes into the dishwasher. 
When the time came for Wanda to go home, you didn't want her to go but it was almost your bedtime and Wanda promised to come see you again another day. "Thank you for all the fun today!" You smiled before giving Wanda a hug, "you are more than welcome, thank you for the fun" she replied.
"милый, how about you and Liho go get ready for bed and I'll be in to read to you in a few minutes?" Your mother smiled softly at you as your eyes widened, "we can keep her?" You asked, earning yourself a nod from your mom. "Thank you, mommy!!" You hugged her tightly before running off to your room with little Liho running shortly behind. With you distracted by your new little friend, Natasha was able to show Wanda just how much she really appreciated her help today, kissing her deeply, something she had waited all day to do. 
"Promise me on thing" Natasha said, her hands placed on Wanda's hips. 
"Depends" Wanda bit her bottom lip making Nat lightly chuckle, "next time you and my daughter hang out, no more pets" Nat replied (not so) jokingly. 
"Hey, if you couldn't even say no, how do you think I'm supposed too? Besides, it got me a little extra date so I'm not complaining" Wanda replied with a playful wink. "Great, now I have two people I can't say no too" Nat rolled her eyes playfully before giving Wanda one last kiss for the night.
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Taglist: @koinsss | @liloandstitchstan | @marcia-maximoff | @skittlebum | @katethewritersblog | @taliiiaasteria | @nova-kyle | @daddipantherr | @riyaexee | @sgm616 | 
If you want to be on the taglist for this series, please see the masterlist. It's linked at the top of this post.
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foreficfandom · 4 months
POV: You Are Actually MUCH More Powerful Than Alastor (1/2)
(Alastor x Reader, g/n, queerplatonic/sex and romance favorable, fan theories, God!Reader)
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Overlords are common sinners that boast many indentured servants to their name. Some also focus on physical territory. Some, like Alastor, don't bother. After all, radio knows little physical limitations.
Every Overlord had their own method of gaining prowess. Know one knows how Alastor became so dangerous. The strongest of the lords. Possibly stronger than some goetia royalty.
You weren't sure, either, but you had an inkling.
Because unbeknownst to anyone, you weren't some common sinner soul.
You were unique. A being originating far from this Christian realm of Heaven and Hell. You were undying, or a reincarnation, or a demigod. But you kept on the down low, 'cause attention would have meant trouble.
You could feel that Alastor's magic was a dark, bloody thing, nestled deep in his chest and hooked tightly like barbed wire. It tasted like sacrifices. It smelled like ultraviolet. And you knew it was borrowed, almost seeing the leash around his neck out of the corner of your eye.
Through a shared interest in the Hazbin Hotel, you and Alastor became acquaintances. Months later, you were proper friends. You could tell that Alastor valued the kind and pure of heart, even if he also believed them pitiful. Because they reminded him of a pleasant, happier life. A hidden part of him wanted to believe in their hope and love.
He thought you were just another sinner soul, and you didn't give him a reason to know any better. You had a job as part of the hotel staff. Their accountant, or security, or maintenance. Or their head concierge, guest service agent, auditor, what have you. Something vital to the business, but nothing glamorous. Labor has always been your most successful mask.
He was growing to love again. His mortal self might have been more recipient of affections and bonds, but decades living in hell has twisted him, and you could see him despair over the lump in his throat. His defeat at the hands of Adam proved his limits. You felt him writhe for weeks afterwards, and you let him reap what he sowed.
Curious, you sneaked away one evening and drew from your well of power to step through the fabric of time, finding yourself on the shores of Lake Pontchartrain to watch a young Alastor drink the blood from a bloody corpse, and spitting it over his shoulder. Some loa watched this bastardized libation from across the crossroads, but what answered was far more malevolent.
Alastor agreed to a very dangerous exchange. He now had hold over magic impressive enough for a mortal, but you knew it to be a relatively bum deal compared to true power. He would hunger constantly for flesh just to feed its energy, which was a cleverly hidden clause to curse him further through devilish consumption. His shadow sprouted antlers and a maw of sharp teeth.
For two decades, Alastor hunted and ate. Always male victims, usually white men, individuals some might damn as monsters themselves - the abusers, the genociders, the murderously entitled. What was once a scared young man grew hollow and fat on the power.
You've seen enough. Stepping through once more, you joined Alastor in cooking an orzo for shrove Tuesday. Sharpening your gaze, you watched his reflection on the shiny metal surface of a pot, and saw the stitches embedded in his face, pulling tight and vicious.
You nonchalantly asked, "How did you become so proficient at the kitchen knife?"
"Well, I was taught that one could eat, or they could eat well," he replied in a sing-song voice. "And practice makes perfect! Hunger is truly the best teacher."
The meat he was pairing was pork, but you knew he's served human flesh for dinner at least once before. You didn't say anything, because they'd grow suspicious at how you could possibly know from just the smell.
Alastor allowed only you to join him in cooking, partly because he favored you so much more, also because you were a right hand at making a meal. You didn't mention that millennia of existence made one a right hand at any skill.
And tonight, he would begin to see it.
Leaving the broth to simmer, you grabbed a small pairing knife and one of the tomatoes. Instead of simply coring and slicing, you inserted 0.013'' of carbon, chromium, and manganese right between where the molecular cells of epidermis ended at the pericarp. In a single momentum of both your knife and the tomato, the skin was perfectly peeled within two rotations.
Alastor wasn't even looking at you. But he froze over the cutting board, rictus smile sharp.
You haven't even used magic yet.
Both the tomato epidermis and its flayed flesh were completely free of any trace of the other, so in one hand, you ignited the skin to transmogrify into a tiny figurine made out of its glycerin wax. In the other, the tomato was sacrificed in a hole of light-bending void for its animal equivalent - the tiny heart of some small animal, possibly a bird or an amphibian, beating calmly as if alive.
Alastor slowly turned his head to watch as a miniature wax replica of himself held the heart in both shaking hands, before doubling over to devour it whole, its relative size and gore very reminiscent of a large, juicy tomato.
A picture perfect snapshot of his fifth or sixth murder while alive. Some world war veteran that still longed for the battlefield and had exercised his frustration upon his mother and younger siblings. The man might have been rotten, but his warrior's blood had burned hot and nourished Alastor's gaping void particularly well.
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imtryingbuck · 7 months
Oh, He Cheated
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~ gif not mine credit goes to owner ~
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Summary: Reader walks in on her boyfriend cheating then confessions are made
Word count: 919
Warnings: angst? fluff? ima say both, idk. stds are mentioned, swearing, somebody gets punched, and I think that’s it – oh a protective bucky
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Walking into your apartment, you come to a halt. You hear noises of pleasure. Looking into your bedroom you see your boyfriend of 3 years having sex with your best friend. You should be devastated of the betrayal, but you simply can’t however you do have to stifle that booming laughter from clawing its way out. You just walk back out the door quietly shutting the door and head back to the tower. 
You work for Tony as an “assistant” more like you get paid a ridiculous amount of money just to make sure Tony eats and drinks and not sleep in his lab. Curtsy of Pepper. Both look at you as their daughter which is great as you don’t have a good relationship with your parents. You absolutely adore them and the team. They are your family. 
Speaking of family, they’re all sat in the common room talking about something you can’t quite hear. Sam’s the first one to see you, smiling wildly he then looks confused. “What you doing here sugar mama”.
“Yeah thought you headed home”. Comes the voice of your red headed friend Natasha.
“Oh yeah um I walked in on Joe fucking Stacey in my bed so thought I’d come back here, didn’t want to disturb their romp”. You say it like it’s nothing, and if you’re completely honest it’s true. It doesn’t bother you that your boyfriend is sleeping with your best friend.
It’s not the first time he cheated, it happened once and he told you afterwards apparently the guilt got to him. That was a lie, the other woman found out about you so she blackmailed him to tell you. Ever the fool you forgave him he promised not to do it again. You found out about him and Stacey two months ago when Stacey gave you her phone to look through a photo of you two and that’s when you found the videos of them going at it. Then that night whilst he was passed out next to you, you went through his phone to look at his messages between them, they’d been sleeping together for 3 months, he needed his needs to be met and ever the desperate mess she is she let herself be the other woman. You had been busy everyday with the team rebuilding the tower after the latest attack so naturally sex was the last thing on your mind. At first it hurt because she’s been your friend since you were little and you were very much in love with him but now you find it funny. Funny because she told you three months ago she had STDs. He obviously doesn’t know. And that’s why it’s hilarious.
You tell your family this, they’re angry. But you told them you didn’t care anymore the only reason why you was still with him was because of the lease of your apartment. You told them that every time you saw him you wanted to laugh. And that it didn’t matter anyway as you was in love with someone else.
Tony being Tony had already got in touch with your apartment manager to get you off the lease then an hour later you’re back at your apartment with your family behind you. Walking in you see Stacey still there, she smiles at you but you don’t give the gesture back. “Hey boo I just got here wanted to see if you wanted to g-“ her sentence is cut off by Natasha slamming her into the wall. Nats never been a fan. Joe stands frozen looking confused as everyone starts packing your stuff for you, he pathetically attempts to talk to you but gets cut off by Buckys metal fist to his mouth. The team don’t even bat an eye to it but you’re slightly taken back by the punch.
“You ever go near her again or even look at her I will kill you. Try and talk to her I will kill you. Do you understand?” Bucky growls “do you understand”. He shakes Joe by his shirt.
“Yes yes I understand!” He then looks at you “baby what’s this about” he spits the blood out of his mouth.
You look around checking your stuff is gone before you step over to him and Bucky. “If I was you I’d get yourself checked, she’s riddled with stds” Nudging you head in the direction of your now ex best friend. “Oh also the moans she was letting out an hour ago was fake. Your little pecker isn’t great. Ok bye bye” You laugh as you hook your arm with Bucks left one and all of you take your leave. 
Later that night you’re on the rooftop admiring the view when you hear someone clearing their throat behind you. 
“Hey I didn’t mean to startle you” 
“You didn’t Buck” 
“So I um who’s the person you’re in love with?” 
“You” Why did you just admit that god damn it now he’s goin-
He kisses you. The kind of kiss that’s full of love and passion the kind that takes the wind out of you. “I’m in love with you too”. His voice is raspy before you can speak he’s talking again “will you go on a date with me?” You can’t vocalise your reply so you nod enthusiastically.
Tony finds you both the next morning curled up asleep on the couch, covering the two of you with a blanket he had in his hand he can’t help the smile on his face. 
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~ banners credit goes to @sweetpeapod ~
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samkerrworshipper · 8 months
cockblocked | sam kerr x reader
warnings: smut, strap ons, vibrators, cunnilingus (minors dni 18+)
light arsenal women x reader, just teasing fluff n fucking that you’ve all been desperate for xoxo
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You’d been desperate for Sam all day. You’d woken up this morning with Sam’s lips on your neck, one of your favourite ways to wake up. Normally those events would lead to sleepy, morning sex which was always your favourite way to wake up, Sam had let her hand graze your pantyline, before withdrawing completely and leaving the warmth of your bed. You’d been annoyed, slightly hot and bothered and not at all happy with Emma Hayes for scheduling an 8am training.
You’d considered getting yourself off, dealing with the pool of wetness between your legs on your own, but you knew Sam would be disapproving of that method. So you’d forced yourself out of bed, taken a very cold shower that had done nothing to silence the sinful thoughts on your mind. Afterwards you’d thrown on some activewear and gone for your morning run, trying to distract yourself from the way that your body was on fire with the desire of being reunited with your girlfriend.
Today was your day off, generally on your days off you would still go into the Arsenal gym, get in some recovery or a light workout. Just as you’d gotten back from your run a message had gone off in your Arsenal group chat. The groupchat consisted of you Leah, Lia, Steph, Katie, Beth, Kim, Viv and Caitlin. The text was from Katie, asking if you were home and if you wanted company. You didn’t feel up for company, you felt like waiting on your couch, in Sam’s favourite set of lingerie, patiently awaiting the return of your girlfriend. You especially didn’t feel like entertaining your very energetic and annoying teammates, who you loved to death but did not feel up to dealing with. But you couldn’t tell them that, so you’d sent a thumbs up emoji and a text saying that anybody was welcome from 2pm onwards.
It had taken a lot of effort on your own behalf to get reshowered and redressed, something that you had not had in your cards for today. You’d managed though, even with the seemingly never ending dirty thoughts of your girlfriend that plagued your mind, you’d even managed to clean up your house and lay some snacks out on your dining table before people started to trail into your house.
It wasn’t uncommon for the team to congregate in your house a few times a week, Sam and you lived the closest to the Arsenal training ground, whilst also staying fairly central in London and fairly central in terms of where your teammates resided. So most nights somebody managed to trail into your house, Leah was a frequent flyer, the English captain coming over to your house most nights to eat whatever you were cooking up for dinner. You loved it, you loved that you’d found a family in your teammates, you didn’t love it though when they were essentially cockblocking me for however long they decided to stay.
Katie and Caitlin were the first to trail in, followed by Lia and Leah. Then, running fashionably late as per usual Beth, Viv, Steph and Kim made their way into your home. The women had very quickly made themselves at home on your couch and in your living room, Katie putting something on the telly and Leah popping open a bottle of champagne and handing out glasses to the group. Normally you would discourage drinking anytime before 5 o'clock, but you figured that the best game plan was to get the women drunk earlier so they had to leave earlier. Something you forgot though was that your teammates were not light weights and they limited themselves to two glasses on weekdays. Soon enough unanimously the girls decided that they wanted pizzas, so you ordered pizza.
You were a people pleaser, you were never going to deny your friends some fun team bonding, but you would have been lying if you’d felt at peace with them all being in your home. The pizza was quick to arrive and you handed out plates and cutlery to your teammates whilst they argued over what game to watch on the tv.
It was Kim who approached you in the kitchen as you laid out the different boxes of pizza.
“Everything alright, y/n?”
You’d been a little bit scared by your captain's appearance.
“Why? Is anything wrong?”
Kim smiled lopsidedly at you, concern laced in between her brows.
“No, but you look a bit on edge, if you don’t feel up to having us here you can just say so.”
You frowned at Kim, you didn’t want to make the girls feel unwelcome, you just wanted some TLC with your girlfriend and it was all you could think of.
“I want you guys here, it’s just that, well it’s stupid.”
Your eyes flashed down to your watch, it was 4.30 and Sam was due to be home around six. She’d texted you to let you know that her and Millie had some media stuff to do, so she would be home later than normal, it was making you antsy though, waiting on your girlfriend like you were her stay at home wife.
“Your feelings aren’t stupid, what’s up?”
Kim jumped up onto the kitchen bench, filling the space that you had been occupied with covering in pizza boxes, stopping you from your actions so you was forced to look at the older woman. Kim was like a big sister for a lot of the girls on the team, she was always attentive, always looking for the smaller details that seemed unimportant. It was what made her such a good captain, what made her such a good person.
“Sam’s going to be home in an hour, and I love you all, but she just got back from Matilda’s camp yesterday, and she was too tired and jetlagged last night to do anything besides fall asleep on me. I love you all but I haven’t had sex with my girlfriend in a month and she teased me all morning and all I want to do when she gets home from training is make her dinner and then make love to her all night.”
Kim laughed a little bit at your words.
“You could have just said that.”
Her scottish accent was thick in her words and you frowned a little bit back at her.
“I didn’t want to upset you guys, you all come over here because you feel happy and safe, and I love that. I love having you all over, you guys are my family.”
Kim rolled her eyes, jumping off of your counter so she was standing directly in front of you, her hands resting on your shoulders.
“Kid, we come over here because you and Sam have made a space that makes us feel comfortable. But that's not to say that this isn’t you and Sam’s space and if you want some you and Sam time then there is nothing wrong with that, lord knows that you are continuously accommodating to us all, if you want space then just say so.”
You pursed your lips at Kim, you still couldn’t shake the feeling of guilt in your gut.
“I want you guys here though, I love having you guys here, Sam loves all of you and I don’t want you all to leave, but all I’ve been able to think about all day is my girlfriend fucking me in every way I can imagine.”
Kim snorted, Sam and I’s sex life wasn’t a big secret to the group, we’d stayed in enough hotels together and fucked enough times after games for both sets of you teammates to know that you and Sam had fairly strenuous sex lives.
“How about this then, we’ll all stay, until Kerr shows up, and as soon as she does, I’ll make sure that we all leave the two of you for some much deserved sexy time, how does that sound?”
You rolled your eyes at Kim’s eyebrow raise, but smiled at her, nodding gratefully at her, feeling the pressure of having to host the group of girls lifted off of your shoulders.
“All right then, Pizza’s ready.”
The group was quick to pile into your kitchen, Katie and Leah arguing tirelessly over who got first dibs on the margherita.
You smiled at your girls, your team as they all fought lovingly over their food.
It was just as they began tucking into their food when you heard the front door opening and you shot up from your spot seated in the corner of your kitchen, running straight towards the door. Sam had just managed to get the door open, before you were jumping on top of her, taking the air out of her lungs and forcing her to drop her kit bag on the floor so she could pick you up.
“Hey joey.”
Sam’s voice was spoken directly into your ear, the warm air flushing against your ear and making you feel so much more at home then you had over the past few hours.
“Missed you.”
You could feel Sam fumbling with the doorknob behind you, trying to close the door with her limited mobility.
“I was only gone for a few hours, baby.”
You wrapped yourself even further around Sam, taking in her scent, the muskiness from her cologne, the mint from her deodorant and the coconut from her shampoo. It was everything you’d missed over the past month, everything that you loved about her.
“Needed you, you don’t want to know what you did to me this morning. The girls have been over all afternoon and I’ve been trying my hardest to get rid of them.”
Sam snorted into your ear, she loved how hospitable you were, but she knew it was mainly because of your inability to say no and you’d both recognised that sometimes it wasn’t a good thing always saying yes to people.
“Mm, did I get you all worked up? Is that pizza I smell?”
You rolled your eyes at Sam’s food obsession, but you couldn’t help the little gasp that left your mouth at the mention of your arousal.
“Mm, the girls ordered from Cabresos but I can get them out, please, I just want you, please just fuck me.”
All you’d wanted for the last month was Sam, any part of her that you could get and now you finally had her and you were not in the mood to share.
“No, let them stay for dinner, if you’re good then I’ll fuck you, joey.”
You whined into Sam’s neck, annoyed that your friends were still managing to find a way to cockblock you.
“Feeling whiny are we? How about you hop upstairs and put in the vibrator that I can control with my phone and you show me how much of a good girl you can be through dinner. Be a good girl for me and I’ll fuck you once the girls are gone, sound like a good idea?”
Your whole body shivered and you felt your throat dry as Sam’s words took an immediate effect on your body. She put you down on the ground, smirking at you before giving you a shove towards your shared bedroom, a fat smirk on her face as she walked into the kitchen. You could hear her almost immediately getting in a conversation with Beth as you scurried to your bedroom, walking into your walk-in wardrobe and towards the oh so familiar drawer.
You pulled out the toy Sam had told you to, shamelessly tugging down your leggings and panties down so you could slip it in. The pool between your legs was enough lubricant, making it easy enough to push the silicone bulb into your opening. It was satisfyingly good, but also nowhere near what you needed. Once it was in you pulled your leggings up, cautious of not taking too much time. You readjusted your clothing before taking a deep breath and walking back out of your bedroom and into your kitchen.
Sam was easily conversing with the girls, she’d formed quite a bond with your teammates in the two years that you’d been together, she had to or else you never would have worked out. Your team was your family, they were home for you and if she couldn’t make it work there would have been problems. You slid into a seat beside Beth, who was mouthing off to Steph about Tesco’s no longer selling her favourite protein bar or something. You just smiled at her, acting entertained by whatever she was saying. It was about halfway through Beth’s rant that you felt your whole body come alive with the sudden judder in your pussy. All of a sudden, your whole body felt the effect of the vibrations, your whole body trembling slightly at the movements. You let your eyes flash up to Sam, who looked as innocent as ever as she chatted aimlessly with Caitlin and Katie. It was a low buzz in your body, probably the lowest frequency on the vibrator, but it sent shocks up your spine regardless.
Throughout your conversation Sam would fluctuate the level, heightening it for a few seconds to get you sweating and then turning it off completely. She didn’t want to embarrass you, or get either of you caught, so she paid attention to you, when you weren’t looking at her.
You were a mess. The fluctuations from the vibrator making you horny as shit, very quick. You could feel the sweat accumulating on your back and then trembles from your thighs, the muscles working their very hardest to stop the vibrator from brushing your spot, because you knew as soon as it did you would be a goner. You made it through dinner without any major mishaps, there was one moment where Sam amped up the speed of the vibrations for five seconds out of nowhere, you managed to muffle the moan by taking a deep sip from your glass of water, becoming extremely relieved when she turned it back down.
It was after dinner, when you were beginning to show people out when she started to get cheeky. You’d been walking the girls out when she’d decided to turn the vibrator up fully, your knees almost buckled out from beneath you as you clutched to the wall of your hallway, clenching your thighs desperately to stop yourself from anything. Leah took notice almost immediately, asking if you were feeling okay, you’d nodded at her, giving her a smile and saying that you’d gotten dizzy from standing up too quickly. She seemed to accept your excuse, nodding at you and continuing to walk towards the door of your house with the rest of the crew. You glared daggers at Sam, who apparently had no plans to turn down the vibrator. You could feel it hitting your g-spot, brushing up against the sweet spot that you would normally be bewildered to have touched, but right now you were anything but.
You stumbled your way to the door, giving your goodbyes to your teammates. Sam secured an arm around your waist as the two of you waited on your porch, waving the girls goodbyes as they got into their cars and left.
You stumbled back into your house, Sam’s hand on your lower back and guiding you back, closing the door behind you before turning around and pinning you to the wall. Her lips were against yours almost immediately, ferociously nipping and sucking at your lips and face. The vibrations still hadn’t ceased and you were moaning openly into her mouth, your arousal and desire now becoming an unavoidable cloud that was washing over you with every second spent under Sam’s touch.
“Fuck-fuck Sam.”
She smirked against your lips and then with one click from her finger the buzz against your core was gone. The withdrawal of the stimulation had you groaning in loss of movement, your pussy clenching against the toy that was nowhere near enough to fill you.
“Such a good girl for me, playing well during dinner, you deserve a treat I think.”
You moaned eagerly against Sam’s lips, her words having so much control over your body and mind.
“F-Fuck, please.”
Sam smirked once again against your lips, hoisting you up into her arms and marching down towards your bedroom, dropping you down ungracefully on your bed. She joined you quickly, sitting herself down against the headboard.
“You're going to get off on my thigh, if you can do it without my help then I’ll give you my cock, how does that sound?”
You felt all the oxygen in your lungs exit, leaving you a blinking, wordless mess. All you could manage was to nod at Sam, not wanting her to think that you didn’t want what she’d told you.
“Good, strip for me baby.”
Sam was busying stripping herself, tugging off her shirt and sweatpants, leaving her in just her boxer shorts and sports bra. You did the same, except culling your bra and panties. As soon as you’d finished undressing you looked at Sam, panting as she nodded down at her thigh. You very cautiously climbed onto her extremity, moaning at the feeling of her skin underneath your sensitive pussy. You were soaked, coating Sam’s thigh in your juices as you slowly started to rock back and forth against her muscular thigh.
As soon as you started moving Sam caught you in a deep kiss, her tongue exploring your mouth as you began to push yourself down against her thigh. One of her hands found its way to your hair, swirling your strands in her hands as you started to rub yourself against her with no shame. Your head fell down to her shoulder, sloppily kissing her neck whilst moaning into her soft skin. Biting down on her neck every once and a while to suppress a guttural moan that had come directly from your chest. Sam’s other hand found its way to your back, gently guiding you to glide against her skin, pulling you a bit closer with every single movement bringing you closer to your high. Your mouth hanging open as you found one particular point in her thigh that rubbed your clit in the exactly righr way, pushing you right to the edge. Little whimpers being produced from the depths of your throat, Sam whispering gentle words of encouragement into your ear as you slowly came closer to the edge. Her telling you how gorgeous you looked and how much she wanted you to cum all over your thigh. It was what you’d been craving all day, what you’d been picturing in your head all day no matter what you’d been doing. You could feel your heartbeat in your chest, beating and fluttering with every muscle that rubbed against your clit, drops of sweat dripping down your back meeting Sam’s hand which was now pushing you down even harder against her.
You could feel your thighs shaking from under you, a clear indication you were nearing your peak.
“Sam, please, please, fuck can I cum.”
My nails were clawing against her back, leaving marks that I was unapologetic for.
“Cum for me baby, cum all over my thigh.”
You rode on her thigh, feeling your high overcome you. Your legs shaking almost immediately as your body recognised the high you were on.
Sam didn’t even let you recover before she was flipping you over on the bed. Her mouth falling to your hole, licking up your juices, completely ignoring your shaking legs and over-stimulated clit as she licked up the cum leaking from your hole. Her hand snaked its way up to your collarbone, caressing the skin and moving down to your breasts. You're still a moaning mess, your brain slowly turning to slush as you clutched your bedsheets from below you, your knuckles whitening from the death grip that you had on them.
“So pretty like this, fucking gorgeous spread out like a good girl who wants to be eaten. You taste like complete heaven baby girl, you’ve missed my touch haven’t you, my poor touch starved girl.”
Your back arched from the combination of Sam’s words and Sam’s hands trailing down to your stomach, her mouth still busy eating you out like a starved cavewoman. You were under Sam, completely under her control, as you cried out in pleasure from every single movement she made, not being able to process it all. Her moans against your overstimulated clit sending shocks up your entire body and exploding in your head, causing you to cry out her name every time her teeth grazed over your oh so sensitive bud.
“Please Sam, fuck me.”
Your words seem to get the point across to her, you're cum drunk but you want one thing and she’d never deny you of that. You whine as she removes her mouth from your pussy, just long enough to reach over to your bedside table and pull out your favourite strap. She makes quick work of the harness, pulling it over her hips and tightening all of the loops that she needs to before returning to your body. You are a quivering mess, tangled up in your shared bed sheets, your thighs shaking shamelessly as you await Sam.
She doesn’t waste any time. Pushing her cock between your folds and teasing at your hole before thrusting deeply into your pussy. You moan out in immense pleasure, fireworks lighting up from inside you as the desire to be filled, the need to be fucked finally falls from your body. She buries her entire length in your desperate pussy. You try to move against her, but a hand on your throat and an order for you to stay still is enough to make you obey, because you need to cum and you're not in the mood for punishment.
Sam starts with slow, agonising thrusts, her hand tight around your neck but not enough to cut off any oxygen or leave any bruises. Her free hand falls down to your tits, caressing your breast and pinching at your nipple every once a while, eliciting filthy moans from your mouth. It tows along the line of pain and pleasure, the lines blurring in your mind as the ecstasy of being fucked takes over your brain. Sam had always loved your tits.
She’d never been in it for your body, but if anybody asked what her favourite body part of yours was she’d say your tits. It was the biggest teenage boy reply ever, but it was the truth. They were so full, and so sensitive. Your nipples so reactive to any kind of contact she made with them, she was so obsessed with them that she’d made you cum on multiple occasions by just stimulating them, it was one of her favourite ways to see you get off. They were just so perfect, like the rest of your body, full but not to full, curvy but not too curvy, perky but not so perky that they looked fake.
You were in a state of pure bliss as Sam tugged you to the line of ecstasy again, you couldn’t stop moaning, biting down on her neck every time you felt a particularly sinful moan building up in your throat. Every thrust presented a new sound from you, a new pitch, a new tone, a new sound. It was music to her ears, a symphony of pleasure that she was so incredibly fond of. The slow deep strokes slowly becoming more fast and rapid, the both of you finding yourselves closer to the edge and starting to unravel as you pushed your hips against her own, meeting her on every single thrust, chasing your joint high.
“Sam-Sammy, fuck, gonna cum, fuck, mm, fuck.”
You were thrashing against Sam, your body so close to betraying you.
“You’re so good for me babygirl, so fucking good around me, fucking made for my cock aren’t you? My perfect little cockslut. Fuck, cum babygirl, cum with me.”
At Sam’s words you both came undone, your bodies riding out their highs and shaking against each other, your hips bucking against her own as your second orgasm ruined you from the inside out.
Sam slowly withdrew from you, your body cum drunk and completely spent. You mewled at her, wordlessly begging for her to return to you. Sam quickly pulled the strap from her body, undoing the harness and carelessly throwing it onto your bedroom floor, she would clean up later, right now she wanted to have her girl in her arms.
She climbed her way back up to your side, letting your naked limbs tangle together underneath the bed sheets. You leant into her body, relaxing against the toned and tanned skin of your girlfriend, the woman that you loved so much.
“You’re such a fucking tease.”
Your words were murmured against your pillow lovingly, Sam smirked into your collarbone, her head leaning over the crook of your shoulder, putting her head directly against your neck.
“You know you love it, not my fault you were needy.”
The mixture of Sam’s warm breath dancing against your skin and her fingers ghosting over your skin was so perfect.
“I love that no one else gets to see you like this, that no one gets to feel you like this, they don’t get to have this part of you but I do, you're all mine.”
Your words were stuttered out between breaths and trembles, a result of the orgasms that Sam had given you. She gently leant her head to the side, pressing a series of pecks to your jawline. It was true, the world got so much of Sam, they got to see so much of her, this was the one part that you had just for you, the part that you got to be selfish over.
“I know Joey, I love you so much and I love this. But how do you feel about round two in the shower?”
You rolled your eyes at Sam’s seemingly never ending sex drive, sure you were the hornier one in the moment but once Sam started it was impossible to get her finish.
“I’d say the first one in the shower gets first taste.”
You immediately sprung off of the bed, running straight towards the shower with Sam hot on your heels, the both of you laughing as you crashed towards your joint ensuite.
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lovinglokilaufeyson · 1 month
Somethin' Stupid - A.A.
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Pairings: Astarion x Fem!Tav/Reader (Bard)
Warnings: BG3 Act 3 Spoilers! Fluff! Use of Frank Sinatra’s “Somethin’ Stupid” lyrics, Tav gives off Disney Princess Energy, Astarion is stuck in a rut but you help him out, Insecure!Astarion, Spawn!Astarion
Wordcount: 1,182
Summary: You’ve had your eyes on Astarion for a while, but lately he seems distant. You take it upon yourself to brighten his day, with the use of what you know and love. Music. And of course, a goofy smile.
A/N: Thank you @ditzdreamweaver for this prompt for Y/N serenading Astarion! I think it was an absolutely adorable idea, I definitely went a bit angstier with it but there's still a bunch of fluff/cuteness.
Ever since the party had defeated Cazador, Astarion seemed down. He chose to free the thousands of spawn that were kept in captivity into the Underdark. And yet, he struggled. He slightly regretted his decision not to ascend. He felt that he could have been a much more powerful asset to the team. In short, his insecurities were eating at him, and he couldn’t stand being around the rest of the group. Not for long, anyways. He could only uphold his confident aura for so long. Especially with you. You would never judge him, you had seen him covered in blood after stabbing Cazador, and you were the one who took a damp towel to wipe off the blood he should see or reach.
You and Astarion had grown fairly close, even with the heartache everyone in the party suffered. But lately, he felt distant. Typically, he would spend most nights chatting with the party, then you two would continue conversing into the late hours of the night. Astarion, was of course, a vampire elf, and you were a bard who was a natural night owl from the late nights playing in the taverns. Despite this, and the pull he felt to continue those late nights with you, something within him inhibited him from doing so.
“I’m heading to bed” Astarion muttered, before puttering off towards his tent. It was merely a few moments following your return to camp, and the sun had not yet set. Gale had begun to prepare a meal for the rest of the group, the glistening fire flickering below a large pot, which he intended to fill with a stew of sorts.
As Astarion’s tent completely secluded him from the rest of the group, you finally decided you had had enough. You would not let him suffer alone. You trotted over to your own tent happily, grabbing your lute from the corner. It had been a while since you played for an audience, but you needn’t worry about your abilities.
“I know I stand in line” You sang. “until you think you have the time”  Astarion listened intently to your melodic voice, which easily had the capacity to draw him in. He hadn’t heard it since the very beginning of your journey together, but the strength of your voice hadn’t faltered. In fact, it sounded even more powerful than before. “to spend an evening with me…” You continued singing, dancing around the camp, with your typical goofball smile along your lips. The others reciprocated your happiness. Wyll, Karlach, Shadowheart, and even Lae’zel danced along the perimeter of the camp with you, Scratch and the owlbear cub clearly enjoying the music as well. Gale swayed as he was cooking, his feet pitter-pattering to the sound of the beat coming from your lute.
“Then afterwards we drop into a quiet little place and have a drink or two” you sang, dancing towards Astarion’s tent. Your voice radiated outside of the tent, steadily ushering him towards you. He wondered if you were a siren in your past life. “And then I go and spoil it all by saying somethin’ stupid like” with that, Astarion approached the edge of the tent, his fingers pulling the flap of his tent so he could view you just as you sang “I love you.” He watched as your pupils dilated as he came into your visibility, and he felt like you truly meant the words you were singing. The goofy smile plastered on your face was enhanced even more, and Astarion was able to smile for the first time in several weeks.
“I love you too, darling.” In all honesty, Astarion couldn’t remember the last time he spoke those words truthfully. You continued strumming as you ushered him to follow you over to sit on a log with you under the shade, a little further from camp. The rest of the group had disbanded to allow you your time together. As you began to slow the song down, some of Astarion’s insecurities began to plague him once more, but you tugged him past them. “Talk to me, Star” you prompted, pulling your lute off of your lap and opting to place it up against the tree next to you.
You turned towards Astarion, granting him your full attention. He looked at you with saddened eyes but couldn’t bring himself to look away. “I should have done it, Y/N.” He stated simply. A puzzled look came upon your face, and you reached for his hands to place in yours. He granted you them, then shuttered with pleasure as you softly ran your thumbs up and down the back of his hands. “What should you have done, Astarion?”
“I should have ascended.” Instead of acting flabbergasted, you remained calm, looking at him with gentle eyes. “Why do you say that my love?”
Gods, Astarion could barely take when you spoke those words to him. You were so gentle with him, which he was grateful for, but on the other hand it made him feel weak. He didn’t want to need to be taken care of.
“I want to be stronger for you. To protect you. To protect the party. To have the power to ensure that none of you ever get hurt again.” He spoke, and you felt your heart palpate against your chest. “Star…” You spoke, gentle eyes looking at him yet again.
“Do you realize how strong you are?” You questioned, with little response from him, merely a glance from his glossy eyes. “You have traveled far and wide for all of us here. You defeated your sadistic master, you helped us through the Gauntlet of Shar, through the Creche, through Grymforge, through Moonrise Tower! You learned how to stand up for yourself and what you wanted! We’ve saved people, and brought others to their demise, deservingly so!” You exclaimed, nearly standing up and lecturing him. “You’ve learned more about yourself in these past few months than you have in the rest of your lifetime, Astarion. Do you know how much you have to be proud of? I’m glad you didn’t ascend, Astarion. You wouldn’t be you if you didn’t. Ascending would have been the easy choice. The easy way out. A way for you to continue Cazador’s pattern of torture. But you decided to do better for yourself! You are one hundred percent the strongest man I’ve ever met, Astarion. And I’m not going to sit here, and let you tell yourself other-” with that, Astarion placed the gentlest kiss upon your soft lips.
Your eyes widened upon impact, surprised by the pale elf’s action. After a moment, you pulled away, simply stating “uhm- wow. That was really nice.” Next, you felt Astarion’s arms wrap around you, nuzzling into your neck. You allowed one of your hands to trace on his back, while the other played in his hair. “Thank you, darling.” He mumbled into your skin. “Of course” you responded, closing your eyes and allowing yourself to just be there with him for a while. It was what he needed, after all.
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maleyanderecafe · 3 months
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The Kid at the Back (Visual Novel)
Created by:𝖋𝖆𝖓𝖙𝖆𝖘𝖎𝖆 | TealCat
Genre: Thriller/Romance
The Kid at the Back is very cool looking and technically well done. I love all the character designs made in this one and Sol himself is pretty interesting at least that's what it sets itself up to be. All routes lead to the same ending though which is r18 considering that we basically see him jacking off to the main character's voice.
The story starts out with Darling Quinn finishing class. One of their classmates, Brittney tries to get them to join them for lunch together while the class representative, Crowe Ichabod comes in to defend Darling from her. Darling can then choose to go with Brittney to the cafeteria, go to the library or go to the rooftop.
Choosing to go to the cafeteria with Britney will lead to meeting a couple of other characters: Jess, a shy girl who follows Britney around, Deryl the friendly jock and Geo, the quiet cool kid. If the player has their own lunch, they will sit down and talk to Geo and Deryl for a bit as they have their playful banter while going with Britney will have a conversation with Crowe. In the end though, Britney's outfit is ruined by another girl who seems to have beef with her, before the entire cafeteria gets thrown into a food fight. In the end, Darling gets hit in the head with one of the trays causing them to pass out and end up in the infirmary. Crowe stays for a bit after Darling wakes up but ultimately leaves for classes. Darling ends up seeing another student who seemingly has had his hand cut and he gets bandaged up before Darling ultimately goes back to art class.
Choosing to go to the roof will lead to Darling going to the roof to eat lunch, only to end up accidentally eavesdropping on someone during a call. The boy, Hyugo, asks Darling for a favor to take his place as he needs to ditch his partner, Sol, in his next class to do something.
Choosing to go to the library will lead to them going there to read, only to find someone in their seat. There are a couple of ways this can go depending on choice. The one with the least interaction is sitting next to him then going to class afterwards to see him in the back. Sitting in another seat will lead to Darling seeing a commotion in the back where the guy is getting beat up. Here, they can either step in or chicken out. Chickening out will lead them feeling guilty when the two meet up in class, but helping them out will prevent him from getting bandaged later. Talking to him directly leads to the most interaction with him, with Sol getting more snarky with the player, and asking what they will give him in return. The best response is to just demand him to give them their seat back, to which he refuses and Darling ends up sitting on them, causing them to blush and start talking about the book he's reading, Edgar Allan Poe and well as what books that Darling has been reading before the two head to class. Choosing to do something intimate will lead to Darling asking if he wants a hug to which he makes a confused response and Darling will end up sitting next to him after a bit of awkwardness. They can also offer to buy him a drink where they can choose (the latte will have the best response out of him) before they head to class.
Darling will end up spotting Sol in the back seat (as the name implies) though will have different reactions depending on their interaction with Sol, to feeling embarrassed that they left him to get bullied, to surprised if the two met in the library etc. The professor will ask everyone to pair up and Darling is left to partner up with Sol. The two will introduce themselves to each other, before deciding who will be drawn first. Sol will have different interactions based off whether Darling declares they're good at drawing to bad at drawing as well as which route they took (and how much affection he has towards them.) So this can vary from him getting embarrassed that Darling is trying to draw him from a 3/4ths angle to, to him brushing hair away from Darling's face that gets them flustered, to talking about Hyugo and others. It all really depends on previous interactions. At the end, while Darling is leaving, Sol will ask for their number as a way to keep in touch with them for the project. Upon leaving, they'll also see a poster for the Hallow's Ball. Upon returning to the dorm and eating, Darling will talk to their other friends, Geo, Deryl, Brittney, Jess and Krowe about the ball. They will then text Sol about the ball, who seems hesitant, but ultimately agrees to go knowing Darling is going. The last scene is Sol masturbating to Darling's messages, implying he's done it before and that he's happy that they finally were able to talk.
So first thing I have to say off the bat is I really like the designs of all the characters. They all have their own charm and are unique, which I can always appreciate. I also like that Brittney isn't really like the mean girl she's depicted as she is considering she pretty much just asks Darling to come eat with them and basically only really fights when she gets attacked first. Kind of a minor thing, but I do like it. Small animation in the main menu is nice as well. One of the things I think is cool is that there are slightly different reactions to how you meet Sol when the two of you draw each other, which can lead to different CGs and dialogue, which is a subtle but nice way to give bits of information about them and more interaction with him without having to write out a bunch of scenes.
Sol as a yandere, well there's currently not a ton considering it's a demo, however, we still do get a semi good idea on what he does know. For one, we know that Sol has been stalking Darling for a while, given his comments at the end, and that he has been listening to their voice for a bit. I do like seeing his more flustered reactions in some cases, like when Darling sits on his lap or when they're drawing him, because flustered yanderes are the best. It's likely that he probably got a favor for Hyugo on his route, considering it's very coincidental, and it would make sense that he would manipulate the situation so that he would end up hanging out with Darling. Sol it seems has been dealt a hard hand in life, considering he always gets bullied or otherwise hurt by others. Still, this could also in itself be a manipulation tactic in terms of getting Darling to care about him, which would make him technically a Damsel yandere, something I would be very happy to see, since that's something that I would love to see more in yandere content in general. But yeah, other than that he seems like emo (gothic? punk? I don't know styles), and a bit awkward.
Overall, he seems very cute and the game itself is very well made. I hope we get to see more of it in the future because it does seem like something that does have a lot of potential in what kind of yandere can come later on.
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gunnerfc · 3 months
Alessia Russo NSFW Alphabet [Top!alessia ver.] (18+, minors DNI!)
A: Aftercare
Alessia is sweet after sex, you wouldn’t know she just got done railing you on every surface in your apartment
B: Body Part (their favorite body part of themselves and their partner)
Her favorite body part is her arms, its so easy for her to keep you in positions she wants you in because of how strong she is
Alessia’s favorite body part of yours is your thighs, she loves having her head between your legs and leaving hickies and bite marks scattered around your thighs
C: Cum (anything to do with cum)
Alessia will shove her fingers in your mouth to clean them after she’s made you cum and if you gag, the better
D: Dirty Secret 
After the first time she made you squirt, each time she fucks you, that’s her goal
E: Experience (Are they experienced? Do they know what they are doing?) 
Alessia is experienced and she always outdoes herself each she fucks you
F: Favorite Position 
Having you bent over any surface in your apartment as she fucks you from behind
G: Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous?)
She can be a little giggly if she’s been drinking but it always wears off and she gets more serious
I: Intimacy (How intimate are they during the moment?)
The intimacy comes after she is done fucking you, she can be a bit mean during sex which you love
J: Jack off (Masturbation HC) 
Alessia hates when you try to get yourself off because she wants to be the one to make you cum
However, she will call you when you two are apart and talk you through an orgasm
K: Kink (One or more of their kinks) 
Degrading, Alessia loves degrading you which would shock people because outside of the bedroom she’s so sweet with you
L: Location (Favorite place to have sex)
Alessia doesn’t care where the two of you have sex as long as her hands are on you and she’s making you cum
M: Motivation (What turns them on?) 
Making out with you always turns her on and will always lead to sex, even if you don’t have the time
N: No (Something they wouldn't do)
Threesomes, Alessia is too possessive to share you with anyone, she’s the only one who gets to fuck you
O: Oral (Preference on giving or receiving)
She actually doesn’t have a preference, she loves going down on you but she also loves when you eat her out
P: Pace (Fast & Rough? Slow & Sensual?) 
Fast and rough all the time, you hardly get a chance to catch your breath (not that you’re complaining)
Q: Quickie (Thoughts on quickies) 
Alessia likes them because she just loves making you cum but she doesn’t have as much time as she would like
R: Risk (Are they open to experimenting) 
To an extent, she’s pretty sure of what she does and doesn’t like but if you want to try something, she’s down
S: Stamina (How many rounds) 
You two go for many rounds with many orgasms
T: Toys 
Alessia has a few different straps, all in different sizes that she uses as well as different vibrators for when she wants to tease you even more
U: Unfair (Do they like the tease)
Alessia loves teasing you, hearing you whine and beg makes her fuck you harder
V: Volume (How loud are they? What sounds do they make) 
Alessia isn’t the loudest when she’s fucking you but if you’re pleasuring her, she can be loud
W: Wild Card (Random HC)
She had such an ego boost after she made you squirt for the first, she could not keep the smirk off her face as hard as she tried. It played on a loop in her head for weeks until she did it again
Y: Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Her sex drive is high, you have sex often because both of you can’t keep your hands off each other
Z: ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
Alessia falls asleep pretty quickly after sex, it tires her out more than football sometimes
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cosmic-spider · 8 months
Jax x mexican fem reader
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He finds you accent funny( if you have one.) especially when you pronounce stores and other thing.
 He finds it funny when you don’t remember the name of something and you just say  agárra me el dese.(get me the thing) it makes him giggle a bit every time.
On the other hand, he does hate it whenever you take off your shoe and start hitting him with it. (He still doesn’t understand how a slipper or a shoe can become a lethal weapon in less than two seconds.)
He still doesn’t understand how you’re able to hit him perfectly on the head when he’s trying to run away from you before you hit him.( later on starts to ask you how to do it so you can hit other people from far away for a prank)
He loves it whenever you sing in your language either in front of the others, or even just by yourself in your room when you think no one is listening to you.( Not that he will ever tell you he dose)
He keeps your room key very close to him at all times in case he hears you start singing in your room by yourself so he can just come in and or peep through the door and listen to you sing.
I also find it fascinating on how many different ways you can dance just one song. Still doesn’t understand how you can move your feet so fast or so fluently especially your hips.
Almost ever fight the two of you have is just you getting pissed off of his jokes, and you cussing him out in Spanish, which were some reason Caine has not censored. Then him yelling at you saying “I don’t speak Taco Bell! “And then you just get pissed off and just start hitting him with your slippers/shoe.
He does love your cooking on the other hand not that he would actually tell you directly. Every now and then he’ll give a comment, saying it was good, or nice. Will eat through the pain of the spicy food. ( Will be drinking so much milk and water that he can find the moment he get out of you eyesight.)
Still doesn’t understand the nickname you call him by conejo morado.( purple bunny)
As a s/o
Loves it whenever you come to his defense and cuss whoever is bothering him. It warms is heart seeing you do that. You’re actually defending. He covered his face whenever you ask him if he’s OK since he’s blushing under the covered up part of his face with his hand.
Find that funny whenever something goes wrong on the dates that you make for the two of you.
Some of the stories about how you grow up and how your siblings active during parties in for piñata’s terrifying him.
Especially since he’s not a kid person. He could just imagine the horror trying to take care of kids that Literally run around and hit each other over candy that comes out of a piñata.( Wonders how you even survive that growing up)
Find the face smashing into birthday cake, tradition hilarious. Wants to try it on you until you told him the story where you literally gave your cousin a blackeye because of it.( things twice about ruining your birthdays now.)
Purposely does things to piss you off just so you can cause I’m out in Spanish he just stays there and looks at you with a smirk, face and flirts with you more to get your even more pissed off try to run away afterward, but gets hit in the head with a slipper.
Absolutely adores it  whenever you make  pan dulce (Mexican sweet breed.) Hid favorite is conchas, galletas, cono, y poquito with some coffee in the morning.
Finds the stories, you tell him about cookouts, funny and entertaining, especially on long and boring days that he has or when you tell him that someone got into a fight.
Both of you start drama and problems for the others. Then watch it on falls on the sidelines. 
Is always impressed on how fast you can run whenever someone gets abstracted. ( like he’s a rabbit and he can run pretty fast, but damn, can you out run him any day)
Hates it whenever you start the cleaning ritual every Sunday or what you believe. It’s a Sunday.(especially when you start singing and blasting music out of nowhere, or when you go into his room, even though he had all the keys and other ways to get into his room.) Its his nightmare
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