#irl* I don’t see it but eh what can you do
mccoyquialisms · 1 month
really cool and exciting for me to have a relationship crisis triggering yet another sexuality crisis
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I’ve always wanted that little one Bluetooth ear thing that goes around your ear, it gives me spy vibes.
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yulin-pop · 6 months
⤷ ✧ 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐲
order 84 | Scenario | Cater, Jade, Idia, Silver | gender neutral
❀ NOTE: PRETTY BOYS AHHHH, I wonder if all the characters are canonically attractive or are some characters like Ace considered mid?
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but you’re so…”
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➺ Cater Diamond
There’s a reason why Cater has so many followers on MagiCam. It’s because he has a cute face!! You’re not sure if he’s aware but he just has to be.
He does these tiny things like brushing the hair out of his face or slightly turning his head when he laughs. You didn’t really realize how pretty he was for a while. Sure, you got nervous just staring at him but now you can’t even look him in the eye.
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but you’re so hot…”
He blinked for a moment. He was in the middle of drying his hair when you said that. All he could think is “Oh wow?” He noticed that you’ve been staring at him so intensely for the past few days— maybe weeks.
But you said it straight to his face? He thought he misheard you at first but you definitely said that.
“Wow, I didn’t know you fancied me that way MC!” Admittedly it did fluster him, he was flattering in the best way possible.
“Don’t get it twisted, it’s not in the way you’re thinking!”
You’re in denial.
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⊱Jade Leech
He has that certain look to him. It’s different than Floyd even though they’re identical twins. Maybe he’s not aware how MMMMMMM he is but he has to.
Just the way he looks at you can get you weak on the floor. His eyes… You noticed how his eyes squint ever so slightly when he’s focused. He’s calm under any circumstances yet so amusing in his own way. He’s the type of person you’d want to follow around just for the fun of it. And in his own way… he’s just so damn cute too.
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but you’re so cute…”
He quickly turned his head to stare at you. He’s not sure what you mean or why. It was so out of the blue. You’ve been stalking him for a while. Of course he knew and allowed it and treated it as if it was normal.
“Pardon? In what way am I… cute?” He turned his head curiously.
“Cute!” You said again.
He wasn’t sure how to feel, the last time someone called him cute was when he was a little kid. Most people would think of Jade as alluring or handsome, cute is something he hasn’t heard in a while.
“If you’re talking about my appearance, you must think Floyd is cute as well.” He says while smiling at you.
“Eh I guess so. But he’s not as cute as you.”
He moved closer, “Tell me, what else do you think of me?”
You put your hands out in front of you, as if to say stop. “Why do you have to be so close..?!”
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*ੈ Idia Shroud
It’s already canon that Idia is very attractive from the character archives book and the ghost marriage event while being complete oblivious. He’s charming in his own way.
It’s hard to believe he’s so oblivious to his good looks. His smile is nerdy yet… attractive. His personality is rough but that’s what makes him so fun. Teasing someone like him is hilarious.
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but you’re so hot.”
He immediately cranked his head your direction with a baffled expression. He shook his head and let out an irritated squeal.
“Wh-who says stuff like that to somebody’s face?! Online I get it but this is IRL! Why does someone like you even think that?”
He just gets really flustered and ends up rambling about how it doesn’t make sense. But when he looks back on it, it gives him an ego boost for a few minutes and then he’s embarrassed because— it makes him happy that you think of him that way.
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-ˋˏ Silver
Unintentional or not, Silver has been seeing you around a lot. He doesn’t think much of it since you’re in the same school so it’s not anything crazy but when he does see you, you’re always staring at him with this… funny expression.
Did he do something wrong? He tries to wave at you when he can but as soon as he turns his head you run away or start acting like you weren’t the one staring first.
But what were you suppose to do? Whenever you saw him, all your attention was diverted to his gentle yet sharp expression. His resting face was already so deadly, you couldn’t imagine if he were to smile.
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but you’re so pretty…”
He froze with a puzzled look on his face. This was one of the times you actually started a conversation with him instead of staring and running away and you say something so flirtatious?
“Ah…” He blinked as you gazed into his eyes nervously, “Thank you I suppose.” But in what way was he suppose to take that?
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valeriele3 · 1 year
Have another TWST and Enstars crossover (kinda)
Dorm Leaders + Jamil
Your friends remind you of another friend from back home
“Hey Riddle, I just noticed..You look a lot like a friend from back home”
“I do..?”
“Mhm! His name is Tsukasa Suou! He looks almost exactly like you! Except his eyes are a different color and he doesn’t have your uh heart ahoge”
“I see..Tell me, is he a follower of rules?”
“Uhm..I guess? I mean he is a knight so..”
“Y’know..You forcing me to let you sleep on my lap reminds me of someone dear to me back in my world..”
“You remind me a lot of Ritsu. He’s very veryyy dear to me..He would basically sleep 24/7 and whenever he saw me he would force me to sleep and cuddle with him. If not that then he’ll use me as a pillow”
“Huh? H-Hey Leona where’re you going??”
Leona leaving you because he’s jealous about this Ritsu and it put him in a bad mood(Leona’s annoyed lol)
“Sigh..You and Ibara would get along nicely”
“A businessman who also likes to suck up to people”
“Hey Kalim, thank you..”
“Hm? For what?”
“For making me feel at home..You too Jamil”
“Eh?” (He was secretly hiding in the shadows)
“Oh! Jamil! You were here the whole time?!”
“..No comment on that”
“Anyways, what’d you mean “thank you?””
“You guys just remind me a lot of two of my friends back home..”
“Their names are Subaru Akehoshi and Hokuto Hidaka”
“Kalim’s energy and personality is just like Subaru and Jamil’s demeanor reminds me of Hokuto”
“Especially because of how you always take care of Kalim..It’s just like how Hokuto keeps Subaru in check..Well, as best as he can at least since Subaru can just somehow rope you into his problems—”
“Sigh..I get it..! Please stop nagging me so much Vil”
“Hah? Nagging you? I’m just telling you to take better care of yourself”
“I swear it’s like Izumi came here with me..Sigh..”
“And who is this Izumi you speak of?”
“A friend although he feels more like a mom for always nagging me to take better care of myself..Or more specifically my skin”
“Now that I think about it, you guys would get along so well because of your obsession with looking good or somethin’..”
“Seems like a person who understands the importance of beauty. And, fix your way of speaking! It’s ‘something’ not ‘somethin’.
“It looks like Epel has been influencing you in a bad way. You aren’t allowed to see him anymore”
“Wha— Hey! You can’t do that!”
“I’m afraid I can darling”
“Idia~ Come..Hang..Outtt with me..!” (You’re trying to drag him out of his room)
[Insert Panicked scream] “No! I don’t wanna..!”
“Staying inside 24/7 is bad for you! You need to get under the sun at least once in a while..!” (Don’t worry Idia I’m like that irl)
[Insert a picture of you trying to drag Idia out and him desperately hanging onto his bed]
“Oh!” [Accidentally drops Idia on the ground]
“If you don’t want to go outside that bad then..How about this? You can just use the vents to travel from place to place!”
“Huh..? W-What gave you that crazy idea..”
“Hm? Don’t worry it’s probably safe! A close friend of mine likes to travel around the place using the vents!”
“He even uses the vents in my room to spy on me every night” You wholeheartedly smile and laugh at the thought like it isn’t weird at all
‘What the heckkkk..That’s a different kind of weird..! That’s straight up creepy’ Idia is going a thousand miles a minute inside his mind right now
“C’mon..! You can be like Mayoi!”
“Is that what that creeps name is..?” Idia whispers to himself but you still heard it
[Insert Idia’s scream again] “N-NO! I DIDNT..!”
“Good” :))
“Now let’s go! Let us brave through this storm called life!”
“Heheh..I have a feeling you’ll get along well with a friend of mine back home Tsunotaro!”
“I’m sure Nagisa would love to talk to you someday..! Maybe when I get back home I’ll introduce you to him”
“I see. Well if the child of man says so then I mustn’t refuse”
Malleus is thinking that maybe if he gains Nagisa’s favor Nagisa will allow you to date him. After all it’s good to have points from your close ones right? And if you mentioned this Nagisa then surely that person is close to you
Sorry about the other’s parts like Azul and Idia I couldn’t really think what to write for their part
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ritsusakumawife · 10 months
Hiii this is my first time ever requesting so I hope I’m doing it right—
If you don’t mind, can I please request a SAGAU/Creator AU! Where the Creator just doesn’t care about their “Godly duties” (Helping people with their requests etc etc)
And instead of getting stressed abt the paperwork they just live their life relaxed and does whatever that comes to mind
(And maybe even spend some time with Kazuha or idk a character of your choice)
Please and thank you! <33
Dw you didn’t do anything wrong! And thank you for requesting <3
I sincerely apologize for any grammar mistakes I tiredly wrote this at 3am
I talk really fast with barely any pauses irl so the convos mayy seem a bit off/odd 😅
Warnings: Super ooc and bad grammar
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Genshin Sagau x Reader
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“Your Grace..Please excuse my rudeness but is it really alright to do this?”
“Mhm! It’s fine it’s fine”
“I said it’s fine. It’s only a couple of papers anyway”
“Besides I’m sure you can handle it Morax��
“If that’s what you truly want then as your humble servant I have no choice but to obey”
“That’s the spirit!” You say while leaving
“Your Grace where are you going?”
“Oh nothing..Just uh going to go out and take care of some important business is all”
“Then, please let me send some escorts with you”
“I don’t need it. It’s only a short trip”
“It’s dangerous out there and it’s already getting dark”
“I promise it’ll be quick! Soo there’s no need to worry Morax”
“At least take one person with you Your Grace”
“Sigh..I already told you I don’t need it— wait..Y’know what, sure”
Zhongli quirks an eyebrow due to your sudden change of attitude
“Anyways, I’m going to go now Mr. Zhongli bye bye~ take care of everything while I’m gone!”
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You go to a nearby field and spot the person you’re looking for
“Kazu! Over here!”
“Ah, your grace. What brings you here?”
“Well~ Care to join me for a short little trip?”
“A trip? Right now?”
“Please forgive me but, it’s getting late your grace”
“I don’t think it’s wise to travel in the dark. There’s a lot of danger waiting to strike”
“Says you. Training out here in the middle of nowhere”
“Aha..Guilty as charged”
“I’m sure it’ll be fine. After all I’ll have you with me”
“You’ll protect me, won’t you?”
Kazuha blushes but quickly regains his composure
“Of course your grace”
“Hm? Your grace? Are you alright?”
“This isn’t fair!”
“What isn’t fair your grace?”
“M-Me?” Kazuha stumbles on his words ..Uh word
“Yes, you! How can somehow have such a charming smile”
“And that isn’t all! You, Kaedehara Kazuha, are literally the embodiment of perfection!”
“Perfection!? Aha..You humble me too much your grace”
“Oh, but it’s true!”
“Ahem..Shall we depart for our 'short trip' now your grace?”
“Hey, don’t change the subject— But yes, let us depart now”
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“Your grace, isn’t it time for us to head back now?”
“Hm? Oh, don’t worry~ We haven’t even been gone for that long”
“Are you sure?” Kazuha says worryingly
“It’ll be fine. I’m sure no one but Zhongli has even noticed I’m gone”
“R-Right..” Kazuha doubts your words
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“Sigh..Sometimes I wonder if I’m truly the closest to their grace or if I’m just an assistant..”
“Drinking wine seems like such a good idea right about now..”
“I wonder how their grace is doing”
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“Kazu let’s do it again!”
“I don’t think—”
“Please~ Kazu can we? Please?”
“Alright, just one more time then we’ll head back, deal?”
“Ehe~ I was right to choose you as my companion for this trip”
“Like SpongeBob always says..It’s the best day ever~”
Kazuha smiles softly upon hearing your words
It’s nice to see you relax every once in a while or rather almost everyday he does wonder though, who is this "SpongeBob"?
“Kazu? Kazuha~ Are you there? Hello??” You wave your hands in front of his face
“Ah, right, well then shall we go?”
“Mhm! We shall!”
And with that, you both decide to go for one more round of..Free fall
You could always revive yourself so it’s fine if you die
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fictionalmenxyn · 1 year
College Life, pt.2
(College student!rugby player!Ghost x college student!art student!Y/n)
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Summary: Y/n shears a dorm room/apartment with the one and only Ghost one of the top three best players in rugby. Although he’s quiet he’s quite popular and well known, you aren’t so much. You two have been very close since Ghost made the first move but does Ghost what to take things further?
Tw: contact sport (no injuries) and I don’t think there are anymore but if they are plz let me know by a message <3
Idk maybe a part three like last time depends if I can fit it. Also if f/n pops up I mean it as friends name :)
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It’s currently third lesson, you are walking with your friend, f/n. You both had the same lesson together which was history. As you both walked in and sat in your usual spots you both pulled out your folders and started to work considering you were doing your coursework. You were chatting and working as time went on; about halfway through the lesson there was a knock at the door. You didn’t bother looking since you were going to loose the sentence you had thought about and if you didn’t finish that sentence you’d forget (relatable irl). You placed the pen on the paper as you dotted a full stop to finish said sentence. Then you had heard your name be called. You looked over to see Ghost next to your teacher; you spoke “yes, miss?” She replied “Ghost needs you a minute” you looked over to him and got out of your chair and started to walk towards the two. Once you two stepped foot outside the classroom and shut the door he spoke “can I ask you a favour?” You politely asked “what is the favour?” He answered “since I know your really good at drawing and like really good at it. I told my coach about your drawings and he has asked if you could maybe draw us a new team badge?” You smiled at the fact he had told someone about you and your art as that was your best quality. You spoke “is there a specific day I need to do it by?” He responded “uhh about two weeks time?” You nodded and spoke “I can do that, I just need to know what he wants to be on the badge and what style he wants it” Ghost nodded and spoke “if you meet me at mr.James room at lunch he’ll probably write a list or something” you smiled and nodded. Surprisingly he had pulled you into a hug and spoke “thanks Y/n/n. This means so much” you spoke happily “glad to help, and thanks for the hug. Didn’t expect you to do that” you both chuckled and he spoke “well.. I’ll see you later, eh?” You nodded and watched him walk down the corridor (hallway). You went back into class and over to your f/n to continue doing your work. They had asked what he wanted so you told them and they smiled knowing if you two were together it would be a perfect match. Sometime later, the bell went and now it was fourth lesson and the lesson was maths. Walking in you saw the usual smart ones already there, which was nothing new. You sat in your seat knowing you were on your own, due to your other friend being off from illness. Grabbing your book you placed it on the table. But in the corner of your eye you saw someone sat next to you; looking to your left you saw Ghost. You spoke “so your sitting by me today?” He jokingly said “do you not want me to?” He chuckled while you spoke “yes.. well, I’m just wondering because I thought you’d sit with your friends?” He once again chuckled and spoke “well they can sit on the desk in front and next to me, if you don’t mind?” You spoke “not at all, I’m friends with most” little did you know he actually smiled under his mask. Now working, your pen had seemed to run out. You mumbled to yourself “damn it” Ghost placed a pen on your book and spoke “here have my spare one” you smiled and thanked him. Gosh your falling for him hard you thought, you also thought about how most people were intimidated by him but he never was like that to you through your eyes. Once you had finished all your work you checked to see if Ghost was done and he had just finished. You spoke “after lunch I’m going home” he looked down at you since there was a height difference. He spoke “ok” you asked “want me to make you something or get you anything from the shop?” He shook his head and replied “no thanks” you nodded and turned to face the front again. You watched and listened the boys talking about random topics and joined in on a few when they asked for your opinion or thoughts. After that the bell had rang and you grabbed your bag and followed Ghost as you both went to Mr.James room. Once you both got there Ghost knocked on the door and waited to be beckoned in. You and Ghost stood by the teachers desk as he wrote a quick list of things to be added to the badge. Then you went home…
Hope you enjoyed!
Make sure to request or message me if you want me to write anything.
Have a good day/night! 🫶
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sanfezu · 5 months
Hey again!
Soo I was wondering, do you do any drawing exercises to improve?? Like any perspective or foreshortening practice? Or just practicing with drawing poses? If so, can you tell me what you do? I seriously need to get better at drawing the anatomy properly. Also, I'm changing my art style yet again and I'm looking for advice :) Thanks <3
Also I love your art :>
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(Sorry in advance if I said something wrong or if that is not helpful at all, I don’t really know how to give advices so, I’m so sorry for that)
Hm, I’m not sure how to answer that question, to be honest. Because I don’t really practice in private, and I post 99% of my new art here, whatever it is. Usually, I try new things without real practice in private and just, go with the flow. But I can’t say that’s a good thing to do.
As I said, I just go with the flow, whatever comes to my mind, I try drawing it however it will turn out, changing stuff if I don’t like something at all. And most of the time I’m not even sure what exactly I’m doing and going with this or that art. 
I really want to say, that it just took me time to draw something that looks somewhat okay?
Just, draw whatever you want. Whether it is a silly, or a serious thing, something cheerful, something sad or depressing, or something in between.
If you want to draw emotions you can give yourself a theme, like the negative and positive emotions, check what emotions are in this or that list. 
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And just draw them, even if you're drawing just “flying heads”, your main goal is emotions. To understand how to draw them. Try to think how this or that emotion looks like in your head, or use a reference from somewhere. Or, you can draw your own emotions, what you feel at this or that moment: tiredness, sadness, happiness, etc.
Just, try new things, I know saying “don’t be afraid to try” is easier said than done (because I don’t listen to my own advices), but really. Try new things, experiment with whatever you want. 
Try using references, whether it is a reference from Pinterest or any other site, or irl. These are helpful. Even pose, if you don’t want to use references from Pinterest or whatever, and if you have a big mirror, just, I know, this sounds “eh”, but you can also pose infront of a mirror yourself, and just by posing, you could see details in your own anatomy, which I believe could lead you to understand it better.
If you want to try drawing clothes, you can also use Pinterest. If you don’t want Pinterest, then who’s stopping you from drawing your own clothes?
Perspective is… uh… I can’t say anything. I never really learned it, I never really tried even, because I’m… lazy. So, I’m sorry, I cannot really say anything about it.
I’m just saying what I’ve been doing (and what I remember doing before? Though, I may have forgotten to mention something I don’t remember at the moment).
Experiment, try new things, don’t be afraid of stuff not looking good (you are learning after all) even if it may frustrate you, I understand, this may be really hard. But we all are learning and it’s okay to not know stuff.
And, thank you very much, I am really glad you like it! 🙏💜
Again, I am so so sorry if it was not helpful at all. Or if I said something completely wrong, I’m sure people who know art better than me would say something more helpful and in a proper way than whatever I just said. I am not a pro, I will never be one, and I just… do whatever and draw however I guess…
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raccoon-eyed-rebel · 1 year
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Series Masterlist
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A/N: Our very own, lovely @geralts-yenn gave me the idea for barista!Mike, and this little fluffy idea wormed its way out of my brain... Enjoy!
Pairing: barista!Mike (Hellraiser) x reader (you)
Summary: The first time you don't get what you ordered is an accident, but what about all those times after that?
Word count: 2.8k
Warnings: Mike messing with someone's drink order - which is a dick move, but this is fiction. Don't do this IRL though, it's literally the worst.
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@deandoesthingstome @keanureevesisbae @fvckinghenrycavill @ellethespaceunicorn @peaches1958 @sillyrabbit81 @peyton-warren @summersong69 @mayloma @livisss
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“Something wrong?” The guy behind the counter doesn’t meet your gaze. Instead, he looks away. It’s almost as if he’s... shy.
“Yeah,” you laugh. You’re not exactly super comfy with this situation, either, and you turn your eyes to the name tag on his apron. Mike. “I’m ninety-ish percent sure I ordered oat milk?” Now he looks up at you, and you look back. He has gorgeous eyes. They’re blue, with a little spec of brown in the left one. Not that the rest of him disappoints. Tall, dark hair, strong features. Killer smile. Sharp canines, kinda look like little fangs, would probably feel nice when biting down on your... Right, moving on. What were you doing again? Right. Ninety percent sure you ordered oat milk. Alright, eighty percent. Steadily moving towards seventy, actually.
“Shit, I missed that!” he says, almost knocking a carton of whatever off the counter. “Are you allergic? Please tell me I didn’t just almost kill you or something, that would be a shame! I mean... Oh, forget it.”
“No,” you laugh, “no allergies, don’t worry. I just prefer the taste. There’s actually a solid chance I didn’t even mention the oat milk.”
“Oh, thank fu-, eh... Thank god! You had me worried there for a second, Sweetcheeks!” His laugh is sweet but dark, and the way he bites his bottom lip has you swooning. “I’ll make you a new one, though. Cappuccino, right?”
You like watching him work. He’s tall enough that when he turns around to the coffee machine, you can see his butt. It’s cute. Very cute.
“Do you want this one to go?” he asks when he’s done.
“Eh, no, I-I can stay a bit longer.” You say it as if you’re somehow doing him a favor by staying. You’re not. Probably. He doesn’t care about you, he’s just doing his job.
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“Cappuccino with oat milk to go?” It’s absolutely pathetic how quickly this coffee shop is becoming your favorite, just because of the cutie behind the counter. Even if that cutie messes up your order every single time. Either he’s not very good at his job – impossible, the grumpy manager never would have kept him on if he was – or he’s doing it on purpose.
You reach out to take the cup Mike holds up to you. Over the past week, you’ve started ordering your drinks in to go cups even though you almost always finish them at your table, just because you want to see those long slender fingers wrapped around that cup. As previously mentioned: absolutely pathetic.
“Shit!” you yell when his fingers touch yours as you take the cup from him, and it startles you so much you don’t actually – y’know – take the cup. “I’m so sorry, it just... slipped.”
“No worries,” Mike says. It really sounds as if he’s completely unbothered by the little accident.
“Mike, clean that up, now,” his manager growls.
“On it, Walter,” Mike says as he cleans the spilled coffee off the counter. Then, he mutters something under his breath about how 'someone should get him a nice cup of chamomile tea to calm the fuck down.’ He smiles at you again. “Don’t mind him.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” It’s not a great conversation, but it’s something. Mike finishes cleaning the counter when Walter shows up next to him.
“Cappuccino with oat milk to go,” Walter says, and he demonstratively puts the cup down on the counter before sliding it over to you. You make the mistake of looking at Mike during the little show, and you both struggle to keep your laughter in.
“See you tomorrow?” Mike asks as you take your cup and get ready to leave – you’re really running late for something today.
“You bet.” As you leave the shop, you miss the whack in the head with the tea towel Mike gets from Walter.
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“Cappuccino with oat milk to go,” Walter says before you even open your mouth.
“Add an extra shot, please,” you sigh. Walter smiles at you – weird, he never does that – and tells you your total. He didn’t charge you for the extra shot of espresso. So he’s not a complete jackass?
“Finals coming up, Sweetcheeks?” Mike says.
“Finished my last one this morning!” That also serves as an explanation for why you’re late. “I’m beat!”
“Did it go well, at least?” he says as he hands you your coffee – which you take from him without causing any accidents this time.
“I think so. Now, all I need is some coffee and a book to unwind.”
“Oh! Let me clear that table for you!” Mike paces to the window seat you love. Did he leave those cups there until you got here? No. That’s an absurd idea!
“Thanks, Mikey!” Is he okay with ‘Mikey’? Walter calls him that – or ‘Michael’, when he’s especially annoyed – but what if it’s only okay if he does it?
“More than welcome, Sweetcheeks!” He seems to be okay with it. Besides, you never gave him permission to call you ‘Sweetcheeks’. He gets back to work, while you settle into your sunny little nook with a book and your drink. There’s no way you can focus on reading. Your mind keeps wandering to Mike, and your eyes are drawn to your name on the cup. Walter wrote it, so it has your actual name on it. Mike just puts down ‘Sweetcheeks’ at this point. Do you go up there and demand he changes it? Is that like a cute, dorky little flirty thing or is it dumb and abrasive and way out of line? Oh well. Mike made your coffee, there’s bound to be something actually wrong with your order that’ll give you an excuse to talk to him again.
You take a sip. That’s a double shot cappuccino, alright! Glorious goddamn caffeine, hallelujah! You’re almost disappointed, because it’s exactly what you ordered. Except for that hint of... Hazelnut? Whatever it is, you don’t want to go exchange this, because it’s amazing.
“Hey, is it good?” Mike suddenly asks. He’s standing next to your table, and it feels unusual. Actually, it is unusual. You don’t typically interact without that counter between you.
“It’s great!” you stammer, cursing yourself for your inability to say anything else.
“Good. Eh... Great!” Mike swallows hard and smiles awkwardly.
“What... Eh... What did you do?” He towers over you, but you can’t ask him to sit down, because he’s working. Mike just shuffles his feet nervously. Is he aware of the same issue? Does he just not want to answer your question, or talk to you in general? What if he hates you? Yeah. That’s gotta be it. The guy who calls you ‘Sweetcheeks’ and writes it on your cup with a little heart next to it, and always asks if you’re going to be back tomorrow, and knows your favorite table in the place... He definitely hates you. There’s no other option. You roll your eyes at your own stupid insecurities, before they remind you that there’s a bit of wiggle room between ‘hate you’ and ‘into you’. But oh god you’re into him. So, so fucking into him.
“Hazelnut syrup,” Mike says. “Tiny bit. I... Eh... Do you like it?”
“I really do! I think I might even change my order from here on out!” you answer. “Thank you.”
Both of you turn your head when Walter sighs deeply from behind the counter before Mike can respond to you.
“Mike. Why don’t you take your lunch break first? I’ll go after.” He rolls his eyes and shakes his head before continuing the drink he was making.
“Do you want to join me for a bit?” you ask before you can let your brain talk you out of it.
Mike scrambles for words for a minute. “Eh... Yes! Of course! Would love to. Eh... I’m in need of some coffee, though. Be right back!”
“Do you want me to show you how to make a cappuccino with oat milk?” Marshall suggests. “God knows that knowledge will save this place a small fortune.” You can’t help but chuckle when he says it. There’s no doubt in your mind anymore that Mike isn’t just a very bad barista, he really did mess up your order all those times so you’d come back to talk to him.
“Great offer, but just a regular black coffee will do.” You can hear the smile in his voice, and can’t suppress your own as Mike returns and sits down next to you.
“Hi. So...” he says nervously, “you heard that?”
“He wasn’t whispering, per se,” you chuckle. “It’s not his worst transgression of the day.” You point at the name on your cup. Mike understands immediately and pulls a Sharpie from his pocket to cross it out.
“There, Sweetcheeks,” he says as he turns the cup back so you can see what he wrote down. The cup says ‘Sweetcheeks’ now, with the same little heart and... “Figured it’s about time I give you my number.” Mike shrugs and looks away, his cheeks slightly red. Jesus fucking Christ he’s adorable.
“Ah, I see. There’s one problem.”
“If this is the part where you tell me you’re taken, can you at least wait until the end of my break?” Oh, poor little dork! All you want is to hug him. And give him lots of kisses. Possibly some other thi- Jesus, he’s really messing with your head...
“After all these weeks, that would literally be the rudest fucking thing! I’m single, no worries!” Mike lets his breath escape as soon as you finish your sentence. “The problem is that I’m going to throw that cup away. Do you mind putting that number directly in my phone, please?”
As soon as he’s done and hands you your phone back, you call the number. You sigh with relief when Mike grabs his phone from his pocket and your own number shows on the screen. It’s real.
“If we go out – and I really hope we will,” Mike says, “I have one condition.” From the corner of your eye, you see Walter. He’s been cleaning the corner of the counter that’s closest to you for a suspicious amount of time, clearly overly invested in your budding romance.
“I absolutely want to go out with you. What are your demands?” you reply, genuinely curious about what he has managed to come up with.
“No coffee!” he says. For once, he seems to be dead serious, but after a moment, you both laugh. Deal.
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omenics · 2 years
[𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄]’𝐒 𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐀𝐋 𝐌𝐈𝐗 , the overblot gang + kalim, malleus, & epel.
..in which [name] has peak music taste. gn reader. — i am falling back into metal and its amazing so ofc [name] HAS to like it too 😊 however im falling down the spiritbox hole again so itll rlly just be based on that
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little man is insulted that youd listen to metal
i dont see him listening to it at all
hes like my nonna who physically recoils when she hears it
anyways say ur phone magically came to twst with you and all of ur playlists are still there so boom
play whitechapel and he explodes. bro goes off with ur head for the whole year and you walk with SHAME
bro probably listens to deftones
i can see him listening to deftones
this is my hc
but is deftones metal 🤨 idk man it says its alternative metal so yeag
you can probably play any music on the aux and he wouldnt mind i think?? but i see him hating country because me too leona
but if you dont look like the type of person who listens to metal (bc me too) then hes like damn alr
if he did tho i think hed like whitechapel idk but i donr see him liking death metal or just vv heavy stuff
a man of class who doesnt listen to metal but respects it bc hes like the only one here who would most likely know it takes talent
stan azul bc i do
no but hed probably enjoy the 1.5 songs that dont involve the screaming or growling, so probably hickory creek from whitechapel or constance by spiritbox yk
anyways azul does not like it but bro wont make u do the walk of shame bc of it like RIDDLE
idk what else to put but i can see him liking a little bit of ghost…. because i do… a lot… and i like azul.. a lot…
next character now bc idk what to put
hes probably the one to ask what music you listen to lets be real
like ‘oh hey [name] what type of music do you like? :)’ probably expecting pop or indie or whatever but nah bro u like metal… and he like oh ok
doesnt matter what kind just metal
he would also not like it bc yeah but hed also think its cool i think
hes honest abt it too 😭 ‘oh sorry [name] i dont like it that much but its cool’ because its kalim <3
no but seriously i cant think of a band hed like tbh
do u know how much i was struggling to type his last name like good lord. it went from biper to bipee to vipee and to viper… like elaria…. thats so easy… stop
the consequences of having autocorrect off
moving on i don’t necessarily see him listening to metal
maybe deftones too… or ghost… but like .0005 of their songs… just yk… imo…
anyways wouldnt care at all what music u listen to
just is like alr and goes back to whatever
its rough out here guys
youre done for
you are literally not allowed 100 meters around him
the MINUTE you play any sort of band classified as metal you are condemned to hell
i know for a FACT he would hate metal because
its fucking metal and its vil what do u expect him to listen to slaughter to prevail and go around moshing??? no. no u dont. becaus ehe wouldnt.
he does not tolerate metal at all. ghost? no. slipknot? absolutely not. whitechapel? why dont u go worship the devil (do they have an equivalent to the devil in twst idk) while ur at it because vil schoenheit in all his glory hates metal.
metalhead epel would be canon but we all know he listens to country
lets be real tho hed listen to it to spite vil
maybe… maybe… u can make him listen to it… and hed maybe like it… and youll have a metal music buddy…
honestlt just say ‘vil doesnt like metal’ and hes probably blasting infant annihilator bc i think its funny
other than that epel does not care for metal. however hes probably like one of the others who doesnt care if u play it
i mean i can see him listening to avatar?? specifically black waters and the eagle has landed… but black waters mainly
idk because i have not written for epel before and i haven’t played the pomefiore chapter in a month so i dont remember lol
lets be real bro listens to indie
a mitski fan. cries to nobody every night. he does not touch the metal genre.
anyways im gonna say this and hes a metalhead isnt he
other than that only listens to indie of lofi idc what anyone else says im right.
the average classical music enjoyer
i believe he enjoys classical music or no music at all however bc its malleus everyone thinks he listens to a band that is called smth like DEATH BLOOD MAGIC INFANT KILLER GRAVE ROBBER ZOMBIE DICK but he just would listen to classical music because i said so
this poor man is dubbed a metalhead while he probably doesnt even know one sub-genre of metal
this poor guy cant catch a break
its okay malleus. you are the only one here who has peak music taste and thats okay
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sleepdeprivedsimp234 · 11 months
~Minecraft incorrect quotes for the Main 6 cuz I love them~
(To anybody that understands this reference, here’s a cookie 🍪)
~Texas, California and DC walking up~
DC: Hey guys!
Florida: Ya want some mule bits?
Cali: Mule bits, please!
NY: (in the background) NOOO 😭 (x4)
Florida: What bit of the mule?~
Cali: Uhhh- the back :)
Florida: *walks into shop*
Texas: Ya really said- ya really said ya wanted the mules r*ctum Safe-Space you mother f*cker-
~inside the shop~
Florida: Do it.
Florida: Do it!
NY: *incoherent screams as he kills the mule*
~outside the shop~
DC, TX, CA: 👁️👄👁️💧…. *the cries of the innocent in the background*
Texas: What the f*ck?!
Florida: *walks out* Here’s your back, sir! *drops mule bits so Cali can pick them up*
Cali: What the fu-
Florida: *blocking off the entrance* We’re closed now.
Texas: *trying to hold it together* What- what part of the mules back is that 😏
*insert more sobbing in the background*
Texas: Tell you what- here’s what we do- this time we go and we save Empire (NY), alright? W-we are Child Protection Services.
Cali: I-i actually need food, im on one heart.
Texas: I don’t have any. *quite obviously has an apple in his hand*
Cali: Pfft-
~at the mule bits shop~
Texas: Ok- Florida, Florida-
Florida: Hello Texas~
Texas: Im so- W-What is this operation of yours then, eh? I can hear cries from behind you. I can hear CRIES, Florida! I can hear the CRIES of a distorted child!
Florida: Name a bit of the mule.
Texas: Oh- uh…. An*s :)
Florida: *walks into shop* New York?
Cali: Don’t make York do this!-
Texas: Wait Safe-Space- *gets some ladders* I have an idea.
~inside the shop~
Florida: Do it, New York.
Texas: *breaks roof so he can see inside*
NY: NOOOO 😭 *screams as he kills the poor mule*
Texas: WHAT THE F*CK IS THIS?! This is the SWAT, b*tch! THIS IS THE SWAT-
Cali: *falls off roof and dies*
DC: So…. This is what you’ve been doing while New York was apparently being forced to kill a mule by Florida?
Louisiana, standing in front of a very intricately built XP farm: Yup :D (he’s so proud of himself 😭-)
His horse: *is f*cking suffocating in a wall*
NY: *bringing another dog home* Welcome to the pack buddy!
The other 32 dogs: 👁️👄👁️
Loui: Hey Texas?
Texas: Yea Lou?
Loui: So y’know how we went fishing earlier?
Texas: Yea?
*insert several cats hoarding Loui*
Loui: Well I just have to say, I think I put my fish to good use :D
DC: *getting attacked by phantoms at night*
DC: Damn Minecraft I get it already- Stop rubbing it in my face that I’m an insomniac-
California: *finishes building his house* Finally done….
Florida off in the distance with flint and steel: :)
*Florida and Loui building their house*
Florida: Should we put our beds together?
Loui: O’course sha.
Florida: No homo tho ;)
Loui: Yea no homo.
NY: *bridging over the lava in the nether*
Florida, irl: *comes up behind him and grabs him from behind like the little a$$hole he is*
NY: *screams and falls* GODDAMNIT FLORIDA-
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phoenixtakaramono · 4 months
Fanfiction Tropes Tier List (Reader Edition)
Thank you for the tag, @deliciouskeys! (Here's their tier list!)
I tag: @fuckingpajamas, @phtalate, @tzeentchs-secretary-tea-time, @digitalbath1988, @vanshoundd, @tocadoguara, and anyone who wants to do this! I’d be very interested to see how y’all would rank ‘em :) but ofc no pressure if you don’t want to or have already done this!
…So I feel like I need to give some context🧍🏻‍♀️🙈 The tl;dr is: I will read almost anything, but I have certain standards/ expectations that must be met in order for me to continue.
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I tried to organize these tropes from top ➡️ bottom, have strong feelings about (would more likely read) ➡️ am less passionate about going from left ➡️ right. For the bottom tiers with asterisks, I arranged them from “this specific trope represents the tier description” ➡️ “eh, it fits here but I don’t really hold strong opinions about these” from left ➡️ right.
⬇️Expand for a detailed breakdown below the line break ⬇️
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My Tier List for fanfic tropes I consume as a Reader differ in some areas from tropes I’d like to write or would be open to writing as a Writer. As a reader, I usually give almost every fanfic a chance with my own arbitary criteria—although what I read is very ship dependent according to their canon dynamic (for example, I will devour Enemies to Lovers for one specific OTP in one fandom, but would NEVER read that trope applied to a different fav ship of mine in a different fandom). I also tossed in some danmei BL tropes, for funsies and because I want more people to know about them <3.
And remember, if you like any of these that I personally don’t, that’s great! Everyone has their own preferences. Please don’t take offense. These are just how I view these tropes specifically according to me, haha. It says less about you and more about me being picky with what I like to read and gives context about what kind of bibliophile (person who likes reading) I am.
Tier 1 (SSS Level)
Slowburn: Just as context, I regularly read light novels (hetero, danmei, and baihe) which can easily range from 100ch-300ch each. So slowburns is the quintessential demisexual experience for me, and I love it when they’re long fics where we get to see characters grow and relationships develop, with worldbuilding and an interesting plot. I think the longest I’ve ever read was +2.8K chapters of a story I was addicted to. Typically if I see it’s a slowburn, I know I’m gonna have a good time.
Fix-It Fic: As much as I love canon of the original source material, there are certain canon story decisions and/or plotholes that hurt me—so it’s always great to see someone write their own interpretation to try to “fix it.” You get banger fics and it’s just so creative and a nice catharsis.
Canon Divergence: Same as how I regard a Fix-It.
Dark Fic: Irl I obviously do not condone any of the things that typically happen in Dark Fics. But as someone who has consumed your usual wholesome healthy Lifetime Original style romance stories for a loooooong time, that type of milquetoast wholesomeness has become bland and predictable for me—which is why the wild and crazy shenanigans that happen in Dark Fics spices things up for me and I like that it keeps me guessing. I don’t want to read about things from my life. I think screwed up characters can offer so much more interesting stakes than a Good Guy. I like the tension and uncertainty. Ex. this is why I tend to prefer the protag/villain ships over the protag/childhood friend ships; it’s why a princely character who is secretly yandere is so much more interesting than a sidekick character with a bland and forgettable personality. The writers of Dark Fics, 9/10 times, produce something so interesting that I can’t put my phone down and I just have to binge through their entire fic because the suspense is k*lling me.
Conspiracy & Schemes: Mysteries? Political intrigue? Palace drama? Yes, please, inject it into my veins.
Strong Protagonist & Strong Love Interest: It’s similar to how I’ve come to prefer reading Dark Fics. The market’s too oversaturated with the damsel in distress trope being saved by his/her prince charming. I’ve read too many novels and fanfics about that dynamic, it’s gotten a little stale for me, haha. Give me the clever, scheming, morally grey or villainous MC with a strong backbone. I like badasses. As for the ML or FL, I also prefer them to be strong or scheming as well so they can be a power couple with the MC—and curb-stomp the world and their enemies. …*holds face like a blushing maiden* Don’t they sound like the equivalent of a fairytale couple?
Mutual Pining: Yes, yes, yes. It’ll never be not good.
Revenge-Rebirth: I love underdog characters plotting their secret machinations and getting their revenge. Pair it with a rebirth, where a previous villain(ess) or cannon fodder who’d suffered before learns from the mistakes of their previous life and uses their second life to faceslap their enemies and turn their destiny around? Yes, yes, yes.
Survival Game: I love the Infinite Flow (survival horror/ death game) genre, what can I say? If you’ve read the famous ones, you know why. The writing is almost always superb and so interesting (seeing all the unique horror instances that the MC has to figure out in order to survive). It’s just so imaginative.
Obsessive Love: Same as how I regard a Dark Fic. I do not condone it irl, but an unhealthily codependent partner in my fictional romances? Yes. I want them to be even more obsessed with my favorite character and fall deeper and deeper in love.
Misunderstanding: There is a difference between how I view misunderstandings versus how I view miscommunication (which can grate on my nerves if not executed well). I believe you fundamentally cannot have a good long fic without some misunderstandings that the MC or Love Interest has to clear up, and it’s always so good once the cat is out of the bag and the truth is revealed.
Isekai/ Transmigration (World-Hopping): Yes. Gimme. It’s like 10 stories in one. I like it when your ordinary layperson gets transported into a different fantastical world or pseudohistorical world or into a different modern world of much different circumstances depending on their new identity. I like these duck out of water stories.
Historical AU & Royalty AU: There’s just something about pseudo-medieval settings that can be so charming and interesting to read. If you’ve got royalty thrown in, there’s the additional seasoning of power struggles between members of royalty and aristocracy, and political intrigue, and seeing how a kingdom is run. Writers tend to do a good job worldbuilding these types of stories with characters I like moved into this new setting.
Established Relationship: The domesticity and PDA of it all can make my heart go dokidoki (especially if they’re a powerhouse couple). It can fall into the danger of coming across as bland, so this depends on the plot and writer’s execution of their relationship. I gotta have some stakes.
Enemies to Lovers: I love it for certain pairings.
Forbidden Love: It’s the tabooness of it that makes it interesting to read.
Friends to Lovers: As long as it’s not milquetoast or bland, I think most of the time this is executed well. It’s a step below an Established Relationship, so they’ve got wiggle room to develop into that.
Soulmate AU: It’s inherently romantic, what can I say? I will REALLY LOVE it though if the writer gives it a unique twist.
First Kiss & Sharing a Bed: It’s tender and sweet (or hot) and I will never get tired of it. You can’t go wrong with it.
Magic AU & Fairytale AU: It’s a fantasy world. As long as it’s not bland and there is a serviceable magic system, I will generally like it. (One caveat: it cannot be a HP AU. C’mon. As much as I like HP, you can do better as a writer than transporting these characters into the HP universe. Come up with your own magic system.) For fairytale AUs, it’s basically your Hans Christian Andersen/ Disney fairytale with your favorite characters. I don’t think you can go wrong with it. I just love any AUs in general.
Huddle for Warmth: Same as First Kiss & Sharing a Bed & PWP.
Tier 2 (A Level)
Fluff: Oftentimes reading cute fluff (like sneaking quick kisses or holding hands) can make me blush and giggle more than reading p0rn or smut on my phone in public. HOWEVER, unlike a oneshot where I can tolerate it, for me fluff has be spread sporadically throughout if it’s a long fic. If the long fic is just too fluffy and sweet all the way throughout (force-feeding me “meng” and “dog food” (PDA)), I get the equivalent of a sugary overdose and any interest I have for the fic dries up into “ugh, that’s enough”—which usually ends up with me dropping the fic if the fluff had oversaturated everything (all sugar/ fluff, no real meaty substance). There’s only so much cutesy uwu, descriptions of someone’s soft coquettish voice scratching the Love Interest’s heart like a cat’s paw, etc that I can stomach at a time. It’s like junk food; I can’t eat too much of it.
PWP: As a connoisseur of all things slowburn and a demisexual irl, I have to be in the mood to read a PWP. It’s p0rn without plot; I don’t expect to be reading much plot (although it’d be a pleasant surprise if the p0rn came with some serviceable-enough plot 👌). It is what’s written on the tin. I’m not here expecting a Shakespearean masterpiece. A writer was gripped by the h0rny and decided to share, and this was the result. I’m here to turn my brain off, have fun, and read about two of my favorite fictional characters banging each other stupid.
Im Vino Veritas (Drunken Confessions): Yes, gimme. I’m picky about the execution and the follow-up scene that comes after the drunken confession though (after the drunk character sobers up). The writer has to be skilled enough for me to root for the character and not cringe (unless the whole point is to cringe at the drunk confessing because it’s established they’re a cannon fodder character who won’t get together with the MC or Love Interest).
Missing Scenes: I generally like it when writers come up with a What-If scenario that happens between Point A and Point C of canon. It can be fun and believable—especially if they get the characterization right. Then it’s like reading a little bonus content (like, you know it’s a person’s headcanon but, dang, it’s written so well I could almost believe it was canon).
Office AU: I love me my rich Sugar Daddy AUs and doting CEO husbands pampering and spoiling their lovers. I enjoy reading about a business expanding into a powerful corporation and the power struggles that come with. It’s a guilty pleasure. (I do have to try not to think about HR though.)
Showbiz AU: It’s a guilty pleasure. Sometimes I learn something new about the acting or modeling or fashion industry, and it’s interesting. I also like seeing the journey of the unknown underdog MC rising like a phoenix from a nobody to a well-respected powerhouse of their industry.
Reincarnation: Same as how I regard almost other AUs here (inject it into my veins). With reincarnation though, I usually like to see the rebirth have an affect on the story. It’s an important plot device after all. If it seems like the whole rebirth part could be omitted and it wouldn’t even impact the story with that aspect removed, then…well, sorry, the story didn’t execute it well.
Cold Love Interest: Depends on the execution, but I like it when you have this character who’s known to be cold slowly be thawed out the more and more they start opening up to the Main Character—until they inevitably fall in love. It’s essentially reading about an ice cube that has melted into warm spring water. The transformation can be so beautiful and moving, because you’ve been following them on their journey of self-discovery and finding happiness. (However, my tolerance toward Cold Characters does have a limit; they can’t be irredeemable at the start. Because if it’s the equivalent of the Wife Chasing Crematorium trope, where the Love Interest is a cheating (?) murderous (?) selfish abusive assh0le who has essentially traumatized the MC and still gets together with them at the end…….ugh, 9/10 times I will dislike it even if the ML or FL realizes how much their actions have hurt the MC and tries their best to make up to it for the rest of their lives.)
Dense Protagonist: A protagonist who is oblivious to the Love Interest character pining and simping hardcore after them can be hilarious. However, I am generally picky about its execution. It can teeter the fine line between endearing and dumb/ annoying. At some point, their denseness can become too much (to the point where it’s no longer funny or amusing) that my suspension of disbelief drops and it’s no longer fun to read the story for me personally.
Unrequited Love: Depends on the context. Is it the writer’s intention to make it bittersweet and unresolved? Is the character pining after their unrequited love, and it’s the early stage of the story where the MC or ML/FL have yet to reciprocate? Is the intention to make me cry? For all of these, I usually like to know before I jump into a fic—because I’m a sappy woman who gets easily teary-eyed and I easily get touched by moving depictions of the human connection. So I don’t want my young glass maiden heart to be hurt too much, haha; there’s only so much abuse my heart can handle.
Crossover: At some point, I run out of fics (the good ones) to read for the specific ship I like. So I turn to crossovers, to see how my favorite MC can be shipped with someone else. If the writer’s good, they can blend the worlds and these cast of characters together seamlessly. It’s like a brain puzzle—so I have countless admiration for those who can execute crossovers well.
Time Loop: This is your usual Nicholas Sparks’ (a romance writer) type of story; a time loop is basically Groundhog Day where the MC has to figure out how to break the time loop—and I’m usually invested in the mystery of how they’re gonna pull it off. I’d like to say when I’m in the mood to read this, writers tend to execute the trope well (my logic: if you’re going to introduce a plot device, make it relevant to the story; if it can be omitted and it doesn’t detract from the experience, then it doesn’t need to be there).
Hurt/ Comfort: To an extent. It’s the same as Fluff or Angst for me. Moderation is key.
Sex Pollen & Bang or Die: Similar to how I regard PWPs.
Arranged Marriage: Generally I will like if executed well. I almost put this in Tier 3, because I more often than not don’t usually click on a fic if I see this trope tagged (because my brain thinks about the irl implications). BUT…it is the premise of almost every transmigration (isekai) light novel or manhua/manhwa I read—and they work because it’s a fish out of water story where the MC finds out there they have an arranged marriage to a king, prince, duke, noble, knight, etc with a certain cruel or perfect reputation, and you get to read about them learning about their real selves and falling in love over time with their fiancée/fiancé. And it’s so cute. This is my expectation when I read fics with this trope: a fairytale-like romance, where the arranged marriage managed to work out in this couple’s favor instead of it being loveless.
Baby Fic & Pregnancy Fic: I would not go out of my way to read oneshots where the whole premise is specifically only about either of this. It has to be just one of the ingredients in the whole long fic. Writing children is tougher than you think (you have to be so careful writing about them because you can toe the line between making them precocious and making them annoying), and some people are unable to respectfully write pregnancy characters, choosing instead to focus on the humor of pregnancy stereotypes—but the gags can come across as shallow writing than giving it the proper respect it deserves. So it depends on 1) the execution and 2) my mood. I’ve read a couple good ones, but that’s because the writer is good at delivering the concept that is easily digestible and frames the whole process of birth and child rearing as a beautiful process of nature and life.
Tier 3 (B Level)
A/B/O: I will not intentionally go out of my way 99/100 times to read Omegaverse stories. Shocker, I know. It’s just, for me, I tend to find a majority of these general A/B/O fics…shallow and of little substance. Most of the time, I find the writing can also be a bit distasteful, especially when it comes to the omega and alpha dynamic in this kinda story (in the wrong hands, the writer can make their story come across as r@pey and sexist/ misogynistic, especially if an alpha’s being aggressive and forceful with the MC because they’ve been affected by the smell of an omega’s heat—and now I’m reading descriptions of the omega character sobbing and crying out “no, no, no” and “please stop” and I’m in disbelief why people find this hot). I also don’t like the submissiveness of the omega character where it’s like I’m reading about a milquetoast wet rag who has all their fight drained out and has no personality other than being a hole that produces slick and blushes constantly. Also, for me, predictability is not something I like; if I can predict everything that’s going to happen in a fic, I will become bored. I need some kinda serviceable plot for me to be emotionally invested in an A/B/O fic or there’s some kinda hook that keeps me coming back. I can enjoy the rare one A/B/O fic out of one hundred similar A/B/O fics, but I am INCREDIBLY PICKY about what I choose. The premise itself is also very important to what makes or breaks an A/B/O fic experience for me (for example, if it’s a Dark fic, then I can be more forgiving because it’s expected for there to be dark themes).
Miscommunication: For me there’s no in-between. I will either hate or love this trope, depending on its execution in the fic. On the extreme end of hatred, I am ticked off when a conflict in the story can be easily resolved had the character(s) communicated properly—and it’s just so incredibly dumb. On the opposite end, miscommunication can be done well as a funny gag or a plot device that shows how differently characters can interpret a situation or words. So depending on which one of these the fic delivers, it determines how much I can enjoy a fic.
Love Triangle: See my opinion on Harem Fics, and now make my aversion less strong. I’m a wee more forgiving on this trope because it’s a love triangle where you start off with the MC, the ML/FL, and the love rival—and the story is about the MC choosing one of them. The other Love Triangle I’m okay with is if it’s obviously a poly ship where the MC ends up with two people—but it has to be executed well (I generally have to like both options for the MC). I’m more of a monogamous soulmate type of gal, so I’m kinda picky on the execution when a story focuses on the love triangle. It can’t drag on to the point where I find it to be insufferable. The danger with a love triangle is I, your reader, might come to like the Second Male Lead or Second Female Lead—and think they were a better fit for the MC than the actual Fe/Male Lead that was chosen just because this character was the writer’s favorite. In this case, the moment the wrong candidate is chosen, my interest in the fic dwindles and I feel like I’m reading a lesser version of what initially drew me to the fic in the first place. So now it’s the writer’s responsibility to show me why their choice is the correct one.
Angst: It’s like junk food; the key is moderation. I can’t have too much of it—otherwise it’s too angsty and the poignant emotional knives become laughable.
Humor: Humor is subjective, and differs for each person. What the writer finds funny might not be what I find funny. I’m more of a subtle gal. So if a fic’s meant to be funny throughout, it runs the risk of teetering towards me feeling secondhand embarrassment and cringing—because it’s too much and unfunny. But if a writer genuinely writes something surprising that makes me laugh, I do appreciate their talent at grasping the opportunity and having the know-how to effectively inject some lighthearted humor.
Fake Relationship: …My enjoyment level HEAVILY depends on its execution. It’s the characterization, their chemistry, and plot that have to save it for me.
Amnesia Fic: See, I understand it’s a plot device—which is why I’m a lil more forgiving. But don’t you hate it when all of a sudden a character gets memory wiped after all that progress? (I feel like I wasted my time just as the story was turning good, and now they have to start over? Kinda feels like unnecessary filler and it can drag on, and I feel like banging my head against the wall.) On a lesser extent of my pickiness, I don’t like it as much when it’s used as an exposition framing device, with the MC or Love Interest having no recollection of anything—and they’re lied to at the start about who they’re supposed to be…because you know there will be a dramatic fallout happening when they inevitably find out and that predictability (they fall out, and then you know sometime later something will bring them back together…the fakeout dramatic “breakup” is just so contrived and mechanical and formulaic) is what turns me off. (I don’t mind the amnesia trope as much if it’s used in a psychological horror/ thriller story though.)
Shizun F*cker: It’s your master (teacher) x disciple Chinese classic. I went through a phase of binging these stories and I find they’re generally all very good, but there does come a point where you start seeing similarities and not enough freshness with this trope and they all blend together (especially if it feels like it’s a pale imitation inferior copycat version of certain shizun f*cker classics). Nowadays this kinda premise has to be accompanied by something fresh and unique in order for me to keep reading—and turn my brain off from thinking about the irl teacher-student implications.
Secret Identities: If executed well, I like the reveal of their true identity in the story. It’s like you have this lowkey cute crush who has been helping you all this time—and you find out he’s, like, a mafia don or the CEO of a conglomerate or an international spy. It’s the gap moe contrast of who they pretend to be versus the secret badass they really are. It does come with the risk of some predictability for me though which can ruin my immersion (y’know…the typical MC’s outrage when finding out their Love Interest’s real identity: “You lied to me?! How can I believe you now when all you’ve done is lie to me?!” ➡️ A genuine apology ➡️ Fallout ➡️ Some sort of dramatic reconciliation after the MC or ML/FL was kidnapped).
Tier 4 (C Level)
Dubcon: It’s teetering on the verge between what I find tolerable and what I find unacceptable. As long as it does not fall into the Non-Con territory and isn’t written distastefully, I can read dubcon stories where the consent is a blurry line between these two characters.
Major Character Death: I usually don’t seek this out—because I’m a big weepy baby and I don’t want to grow attached to these characters and bawl at the end when the inevitable happens. But on the super rare instances where I do click on a fic despite this warning tag, it means I have mentally and emotionally prepared myself to get knifed in the heart.
Mary Sue Fic: As much as I love power scaling fics and OP MCs, it does get boring if there’s no setback or conflict for the MC to learn from. I mean, sure, it’s fine for them to steamroll over everyone but if I’m reading +1K chapters of them just steamrolling, they’ve become a Mary Sue. I want flaws. I want setbacks. There’s only so much chuunibyou I can tolerate. There’s only so much descriptions of how ungodly beautiful or how shockingly genius the MC is at everything before I start rolling my eyes. Fatigue has set in and the OP character has become an insufferable milquetoast Mary Sue/ Gary Stu who can do no wrong. My suspension of disbelief has finally been worn away into nothingness. This can also apply to the Love Interest character (I understand their role in the story is to satisfy the ideal dream lover trope—but please give dimension to the character). I want three-dimensional characters with backstory and flaws and an interesting personality, not Mary Sues or Gary Stus.
Y/N (OC Fic): If I’m reading fanfic about my favorite character(s), I don’t want to spend my time reading about a writer’s Original Character or Self-Insert character being shipped with my favorite. I went in to read stories with my fav ship—and only that. There have been the few exceptions to this—but me liking a Y/N or a fic with OCs is ultra rare.
Breakup: Similar to my thoughts on Unrequited Love. But taken up to a hundred. If there’s been a breakup between the main couple in the fic—and it’s not in the beginning exposition chapter where we don’t yet know enough information about these characters—in the middle or near the end, chances are I think the relationship is f*cked anyway and therefore lose interest in the main ship itself in the fic. Even if they get back together at the end, I just think, “Honey…you can do so much better than him/her.” Which is why I usually don’t like reading breakups between the main couple in my fics. (And if the breakup is because the MC or Love Interest is in a precarious situation and they think pushing them away is the best way to protect them, it’s a cliché that makes me roll my eyes because it’s been so overdone and ugh, why pretend to be awful INSTEAD OF COMMUNICATING?)
Body Swap: …It depends SO MUCH on the execution. I cringe so hard if a character (usually the guy in the body of a girl) is feeling up their developed chest like a perv. There’s only a handful of Body Swap stories that do this trope well. If two characters are swapping bodies, I want to read about how they’re trying not to OOC (lol) and see how this body swap impacts the story and cast of characters in any meaningful way.
College AU: I’ve long since graduated from college. Nuff said. Might give a fic a try if it’s well-written or a short PWP (it is what’s written on the tin) but, as a working adult, reading about petty school drama wears on my patience. There has to be plot to keep me invested. Might also read if it dives into college controversies or campus scandals—but the suspense has to be executed well. Most of the time, it works if there’s some kinda big mystery like there’s been a crime committed. Because now you have a whodunnit mystery. And that’s so much more interesting than reading about students studying and doing homework, going to parties, crushing on the professor (also, here, yikes…if you want me to turn my brain off and not think about the real life implications (the teacher’s immediate suspension (hopefully) and losing their teaching privileges and license), you gotta reel me in with the plot or characters), or the typical student college experience.
Gen Fic: It’s bland, milquetoast, mid and forgettable. It’s like sucking out all the fun elements out of a fic—and that’s not my idea of a good time. I think the only way to pull this off is if it’s a Character Study fic.
Tier 5 (F Level)
High School AU: Give me real men or women; get out of here with the kiddy stuff. I’m outside the age range to be able to enjoy this. As a working career-woman, I really don’t want to spend my free time reading about minors and teen romance and teen drama. And if there’s adult content, sorry, just—no. My brain more often than not associates it to underage s3x—and it squicks me out. It’s also so much harder for me to suspend my disbelief that this inexperienced kid from high school is like this super genius hacker or ultra cover model beauty whom grown wo/men salivate over. (Because…god no, I DON’T want to read about a minor’s “milky thighs” or “coquettish voice.” They’re, like, 14-16 y/o. Who wants to read about a predator who has designs on a teenager?) Also, unless it is at the hilarious peak levels of highschool romcom like Kaguya-sama: Love is War but in fanfiction form, reading about two high school students crushing on each other is 99/100 times so boring and milquetoast to me. I am not the target audience for this trope.
Non-Con: The real life implications ruin any chance for me to want to do anything with this trope. Consent is king, y’all. Non-con is a personal squick—and therefore I will not read if it’s what’s gonna happen between the main couple no matter how sweet and regretful the ML or FL acts after the act. It’s r@pe; I do not find SA and being forced sexy in any way. The moment I see that there’s non-con between the main couple, that’s ruined any chances of me enjoying that ship in the fic. (The only exception I can think of for this is if the ML/FL was mind-controlled or didn’t have autonomy over their body due to some kinda magic shenanigans. Or if it’s non-con framed as a horrifying traumatic experience between a character and the unimportant cannon fodder who’s there in the story to be punished as a villain and won’t be forgiven in any way.) I will not seek it out if I see a fic’s been tagged with this. And if I encounter surprise non-con in my reading, I will immediately drop the fic.
Unhappy Ending: I have a glass maiden heart. I tear up easily when characters die or suffer in a book. I don’t want to get emotionally invested in a story and its characters, only to end up with an Unhappy Ending at the end. It just feels so unsatisfactory, like I’d wasted my time on this long fic when I could’ve spent that time productively reading something else that has a much happier and better conclusion.
Crack Fic: Now, the one exception to this is if a writer jokingly says their story revolves around a crackship, but the writing’s so dang unbelievably good you don’t even think it’s a crackship in a crack fic (it’s a bonafide good story). But aside from that, 99 out of 100 times, I will not read crack fics. A crack fic is a writer’s attempt at humor. And humor is so subjective. What they find funny or entertaining might not be what I find funny or entertaining. Most of the time, it’s also of little substance and random and the writing is all over the place (which…y’know, I get it; I notice a lot of people mention they had a wild dream about this and that’s the reason why they’re writing a crack fic.) I’m happy that they’re writing what they find funny and I’m hoping it’s fun for them, but crack fics are not my cuppa tea.
Coffeeshop AU: It’s so mid and blah to me. It’s the most milquetoast Meet Cute out of all the Meet Cutes they could have chosen. I think the only one I recently read in, like, years, is because of a Art & Fic Exchange Bang I’d participated in. It’s so long ago. Basically unless it’s a stalker or secret identity or psychological horror story to make it interesting, I’d rather read anything else than a bland Coffeeshop AU.
Next Generation: Similar to how I regard OC Fics or OCs in general. I’m here to read fanfiction to read about canon characters of a show or book. I did not come here to read about a writer’s cast of Original Characters or Self-Insert characters. If 99% of the fanfic is about the OCs who are the sons and daughters of the canon characters, I just won’t read it. Won’t touch it. Won’t come anywhere near it. They might as well have written an original story of their own instead of a fanfic. (But 99/100 times, it’s poorly written and you can tell it’s written by a younger writer…eeesh. The good thing is, the more they write, the more practice they’re getting, so the better their writing will be.)
Bonus (F Level)
Cheating/ NTR: my brain automatically associates irl with this—and I find it despicable. The 1% chance I would read this trope is if the MC/ Love Interest is shown the consequences of their actions and the story promises that the person who’s been cheated on breaks up with them. Or if it’s a Mindlessly Self-Indulgent PWP oneshot—so I know to turn my brain off and lower my usual standards coming in.
Harem Fic: It’s Love Triangle—but taken up a notch. It’s so hard to write stallion (er0tica) protags that come across as endearing and not a playboy scummy f*ckboi. It annoys me if I’ve developed attachment to a ship or character and am interested in their relationship development (my waifu or husbando), but the story suddenly shifts to Side Character No.50 whom I couldn’t give two hoots about. The only exceptions to this, for me to keep reading a harem fic, is 1) if I like the storytelling, worldbuilding, and/or protagonist or main ship that makes it worth it. It’s very rare but there have been handful of writers who have actually made a harem where I care for and like ALL of the waifus. 2) I also enjoy harem dramas where the MC face-slaps every love rival, evil concubines, white lotus conniving mistresses, jealous queen/ mother, etc—and gets The Wo/Man.
Fanfiction Tropes (Writer Edition)
I’m much more open-minded writer usually 😅, so I’m usually open to try almost anything—but my criteria of tropes I will write for the story depends on my mood and the story’s premise. They usually have to pose some relevancy to the fic (which depends on its premise and characters) and satisfy my want to contribute something fresh/ interesting to the fandom if I decide to write that trope.
The biggest two changes are: 1) I’d move most of these tropes up into Always Down to Write and a few into If the Plot Calls for It. I’d also probably reorder a couple tropes if I look at them from a writer’s perspective (left ➡️ right, arranged from tropes I feel strongly about ➡️ the tropes I consider mid and don’t hold much strong opinions about). 2) I’d change the categories to:
Always Down to Write tier (probably 90% of these)
If the Plot Calls for It, or if I’m Curious and Want to Try Experimenting with It tier (I typically don’t go out of my way to read these, but would be willing to challenge myself and see what the writing experience would be like)
You’d Never Catch Me with My Pants Down Writing It tier (fun fact: there’s only maybe 4 or 5 of these I’d put here)
If you happen to be a writer whose tropes fall into ones I do not like and you know I’ve gushed about your fic before, know that you were one of the rare exceptions and I hope knowing this makes you happy. ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
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I’m like… idk, confused (?) by that waituntilwinterr person’s take. Because my understanding of it is that they’re claiming, “harassment is wrong, but so is having positive feelings about bad things and then writing about those positive feelings. Therefore, the most moral and productive thing to do is to sit around seething and fuming that other people are enjoying fictionalized versions of things we all know are reprehensible in real life.”
Which just seems odd to me, in a way I can’t articulate. According to them, positive feelings about fictional versions of what would be bad irl is immoral, but that immorality… what? Just has to go unaddressed? It’s not like anyone can go into other’s minds and tinker around to replace the badwrong thoughts with good ones.
Like, why bother with the thoughtcrime nonsense if there’s no thought-law-enforcement or whatever? See, I just go towards “thoughtcrime isn’t real but that doesn’t mean all thoughts are conducive to healthy living” as opposed to “actually if you don’t feel the same way I do about this topic then there’s something broken in your moral compass”
I'm not really sure as to what they're possibly thinking, but the way I had interpreted it was "you're a filthy sex pervert, I don't respect you, but I also believe that you shouldn't be harassed" and that's why I chose not to engage any further than the question "are you okay with harassment" and the sly "the people you decided to engage with, don't disagree with you on the sentiment that children should not have to face being sexualized" (I could have went harder and said to not willfully misrepresent them. but eh)
From the way I see it, they want a valid reason to call other people who don't have the same squicks as them, hurtful names. (which is a bad look for them) But don't actually think the people doing things they disapprove of, is THAT harmful. And that's the thing I truly care about. Is whether or not they are trying to justify the action of harassment.
They can think whatever they like about me, I don't necessarily care about what a reactionary has to say about people who don't follow their ideologies. And I don't care enough right now to try and argue to change that opinion.
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ramblingoak · 9 months
Hello Oak!!
I’m writing to you because like many others I absolutely DEVOURED the existing parts of The Cardinal’s Bride last night. I loved it so so much and I’m very excited to read The Morningstar as well. Your construction of the Wild West world, diff. dynamics between Ghouls, the buildup for the reader and The Cardinal - ETHEL AND HAROLD??? Etc spark so much imagination and joy.
I wanted to really show my appreciation in some way, bc I have craved good escapism and this really helped me out amid weird moods and stuff irl… so these are my fav line(s)/moment(s) from every Chapter (spoilers) w/ my silly lil reactions …..
-// < 33 @copium-copia
Chapter One: Heading West
“You snuck a peak back at the two women and glanced briefly out to the street before pulling the poster off the window. It seemed such a silly thing to do, but you figured if you were being forced to marry a boring bank owner like Mr. Saltarian you should allow yourself a small thrill. Something to look at when lying alone in the dark in your new home.”
Omg omg omg yess I’m keeping the poster !! this surely won’t lead to consequences : )))
Chapter Two: La Principessa
“She should be scared, she’s marrying fucking Saltarian.” Ooo storm’s brewing !!! Anyone else get a lil hot under the collar at Cardi Copia’s mere mention of Saltarian this way ??
Satan’s Dick !
Hehehe Ciaooo Cardinal🥰….. “Mi scusi Principessa, are you looking to collect the bounty?”
Chapter Three: Promises “But…you have been whispering for me at night” ummmmmmm - /pos
“She’s not fucking riding with you Swiss.” ummmmmmmmm !!!! no I’m not hehe you’re so right, Cardinal
SUNSHINE MOMENT + Sunshine’s perspective on CHOICE YES PLEASE
“Clearly it meant a lot to you, so I wanted to replace it.” my face 🤭!
Okie dokie!!!
Brizio my beloved
“Faster, eh? Good idea, Principessa!” - what if I swoon -
His hands agh his hands, p leas ,e ________
Chapter Four: There’s Something about Mary
YESSSS I love to justify my hatred and apathy for Saltarian yess
“There are plenty of pretty girls in the world, Mr. Goore, I don’t plan on wasting my time mourning this one.” cold as fuck ??? /pos
“You pregnant, Sweet Cheeks?” // “Excuse me?” Your indignant question was nearly drowned out by The Cardinal’s sudden laughter. You shoved your elbow back into his gut and he groaned before muttering ‘sorry’ into your ear. hehehe
Chapter Five: Copia
Aether & Sunshine bickering hehe
“Sunshine, stop giving her knives!” 😂
Copia/Reader Reunion 🥲
“We’ll have to find some time for that, eh?” gahhhh
Chapter Six: The Newlywed Game
“Si, si fine. You’re very dangerous. Now pay attention.” 😊
“I’m helping love blossom here, Mountain. Take some notes.” SUNSHINE I LOVE YOU
“Cowboys were strange.” :))
“Oh you are trouble, Mr. Emeritus.” !!!!
He was blushing. YESSS BOYYYY
“Maybe you start dreaming about me, eh? Maybe your hands start wandering…” shhhhhhh
“Copia had snuck up right behind you so when you turned around you nearly smacked into his chest.” Ooooooooooooooooooo
Copia didn’t say a word, he just moved his hands to your waist and then lifted you onto the dresser. STAYFUCKINGCALM.jpg
“I have a reputation to uphold Principessa.” ✨
Chapter Seven: The Ministry
tumblr user @ramblingoak you are simply too damn CLEVER
I just. This is… my favorite chapter? They’re all my favorite chapter. But the whole concept is so cohesive and the characterization is so specific and I can see the scenes in my mind??
“I do and if you could bring yourself to give a shit about anything but getting your dick wet you should too.” it’s funny, it’s in-character, it crystallizes this relationship, I’m ??
Copia kissed with his whole body. Ehehehe…
“Copia! These are clean sheets keep him away.” / “Ai, Brizio is clean.” Cope is not here for the #BrizioDisrespect
More hair was hanging down and you couldn't help but hesitantly reach out to brush it back just like he did to your own hair. / “Go to sleep, Principessa.” / You jumped at the sound of his voice, jerking your arm back and shoving it under the covers.
Before he could answer the door to his office burst open, Mist quickly striding in. The look on her face was one Secondo hadn’t seen for nearly 10 years. OH SHIT OH FUCK
Chapter Eight: Playing House
Th.e.. The whole chapter. .
Dewdrop flinched when Ethel pushed the end of the barrel closer to him./ “Nothing! Unholy shit, your barn is fine!” / hehehe
“Do you remember this morning, Principessa? When you said I could touch you?”
“I’ve been thinking about touching you here all day.” OAAAAAKK
“Because it’s getting harder for me to stop.” BOY
“Did you rub your clit like this? Is this what you like?” gaaaaaaaaaa
Every time you tried to reach for him he’d gently press you back down into the bed. “Soon, Principessa. Soon, I promise you.”
“So this is what you do when I leave, eh?” oop. Maybe .😳
“Ciao, Principessa.” Copia turned towards you and gave you a lazy grin. “Cat got your tongue?” king shit
“Mr. Emeritus put a shirt on!” HEHE
The doggy hair shake so cute I SWOON
“Tsk, so many buttons. I’m not sure I like this skirt.”
“What can I…Copia what should I do?” / “Just touch me, it won’t take much.” GAH
Copia twitched and hissed when you lightly nipped the skin under his jaw. “Ok, ok fine. You’re developing some bad habits, Principessa.” PLEASE why isn’t he REAL
You squealed and kissed Copia on the cheek, blushing a bit when you realized you’d done that in front of the others. Ehehehe yayyy
I really hope this is amusing for you rather than annoying ---- thanku so much for putting so much time and effort into this fic. It's been not-so-easy being human lately, and you made my night much brighter !!
um again I'm @copium-copia if you wanna be ghesties or anything
It's not annoying at all!! Oh my gosh, you are so sweet 😭
I appreciate you taking the time to find your favorite parts. I appreciate you taking the time to READ my story to begin with. I'm so glad you are enjoying it and I hope you continue to do so! You're the best, thank you sooooo much 💙
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cheezbites · 9 months
Ranking Tropes
This is for my (uninspired) writers or (inexperienced) readers out there😋. I will be updating this often so next time you check this post new tropes may be added !!<3
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Enemies to Lovers
I would've gave this a higher ranking if the protagonists were enemies for longer… most of the time, it's like there enemies for a day or two and then the next chapter they're alread head over heals for each other. And when they are enemies it's like where's the enemy-ing?! Where are the fights and arguments - like tell me why I should hate this person, ya know? (Hate sex is a W)
Friends to Lovers
I mean it's a pretty solid trope but most of the time it gets boring and repetitive, I can't really comment on this one to be honest. And sometimes it's corny but on the other hand it's so wholesome and has me kicking my feet and shit.😭💞😤
If I could get one dollar for each time someone has done the mafia trope I'd be a billionaire, no joke. I mean yeah, it's overrated. But things are ‘overrated’ because they're good (sometimes) but this is another level of overrated. IT STILL IS GOOD, THIS ISNT ME SHITTING ON PEOPLE WHO LIKE THE MAFIA TROPE, sometimes I do quite enjoy it.
Love Triangle
Yes. Next question. (I don’t know what else to add to this LOL. But I do find myself favouring one S/O over the other when reading these 💀).
Love Square
Ooh we in geometry now💁🏽‍♀️. But in all seriousness, sometimes it do be getting confusing and I think you’re better off just doing a triangle. (If y’all don’t know what this is it’s basically three S/Os, sometimes there’s drama and conflict the or it’s an open relationship)
I’m incapable of ranking things ten because there’s no such thing as perfection, but the teacher trope just might be the epitome of it😍. These are so fun to be read or maybe it’s just my daddy issues … but we move!
Dom Female + Sub Male
Um, yes. These ones really stand out to me because they're just different from the rest, when was the last time y'all ever read a dom female and sub male trope before? Exactly. We need more of these for real!
I literally do not have any boundaries whatsoever so I love reading these so much. And it makes me feel like i’m being watched IRL after reading 😔☠️
The knight trope should honestly be done more, especially with me being a history girly. I like reading these in plummy British accents to enhance the plot 😏
Academic Rivals
Okay I haven’t really read much of these BUT it’s giving the same energy as enemies to lovers so that’s why I think it’s getting such a high rankinggg ! You can never go wrong with a good academic rivals. Period, (but I don’t think you can make the whole story revolve around this trope there needs to be other elements).
Younger x Older
This is also a pretty solid concept but it gets sort of hard to make these interesting plot wise. Also, I mean younger x older in a legal way !! 😓
Dad’s Bestfriend
I’ve read one before and it was good so that does the rating justice, older men just😋
(Apartment) Neighbours
This one’s USUALLY overdone when writers are feeling a tad bit lazy. And honestly, been there done that. This is still a cute trope and there are so many ideas that come along with it!
Gangster x Civilian
This one gets a solid eight because sometimes they're so interesting on the other hand they're eh. They need to be executed properly in order to be good, like how does the civilian react to the constant crime life and the death and the bloodshed and whatever, ya know?!
Forced Proximity
You can’t go wrong with this, but what you can do with the plot gets as limited as the space between the characters (no pun intended) the writers always serve as always when doing these so it gets a solid eight point fifty five .
Forced Marriage
Me personally, I don’t believe in marriage nor see myself getting married in the future but they’re usually interesting plot wise unlike the trope. I just find it pretty boring.
Rich and Poor
I mean I love the feeling of being spoiled, don’t get me wrong on that. But this trope also needs more elements added to it so it’s not boring, you can’t just have the whole story about the S/O providing for the damsel in distress :( unless you want to then more power to you
Forbidden Love
This just enhances the love for me, I don’t know what it is about this trope that I like so much but oh wellllll
Fake Relationship
I’m so sorry 😞 the plot is always so so so predictable. It’s like I’m five steps ahead and I’ve already read it. This is so hypocritical in retrospect as I might write a little something with this trope
Share your opinions in the comments or recommend other tropes for me to rank! 💗🌸
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The Personal Lives of Celebrities
It is easy to get sucked into the personal lives of celebrities. Just like spoilers, it’s hard to ignore “news” if you engage with social media at all and it’s hard to resist wanting to know more about people you crush on and who’s work you admire. But really, what can you ever truly know besides what’s presented to you? And what’s present to you, is just that, a presentation. 
I would like to think people I am fans of are great drama-free people but even when I see evidence of such I always take it with a grain of salt. It could be true, it could be all a front, or it could be a mix of both. For any number of accounts praising someone like a saint there could be something mentioned down the road to discredit it. Someone can be “good” or “bad” depending on the moment. And with celebrities all we get are snapshots that are open to interpretation. 
Recently there has been a phenomenon of wanting to cancel people based on bad behavior. Each person has a level of tolerance for someone’s behavior. I can not care about some things and other things are deal breakers. That’s natural. But what I see often is a lack of giving grace and thinking someone cannot be redeemed. We right off people and want to strip them of dignity and a way forward because they stumbled. This happens IRL, this happens online and I think it’s sad. We may evolve or we may keep fighting the same demons forever. We all deserve dignity either way. 
These thoughts were sparked by the recent news of Jeremy Allen White and Addison Timlin divorcing. I’m a huge fan of his and it has been hard to stay away from gossip. I’m not perfect and have fallen into the temptation to be in the know but ever since the first rumblings, I was like eh. I know in my heart it’s none of my business and that anything posted is only speculation unless confirmed. I mean confirmed by the parties involved. Any piece of a rumor could be true, it could all be false, or the whole thing could be true. We don’t know unless there is actual proof and acknowledgment. All we have to go on is a separation filing, a divorce filing, two blind items, one person’s Instagram post, and another person’s silence. 
I have opinions about these things, of course, but in no way do I have any conclusions. I can’t condemn anyone’s character. How am I supposed to know? Both parties could be messy, one could be innocent, both could be innocent but all we know is there is a family that has been broken by broken people. I say broken people not to vilify but to humanize. Some of the issues could be very Hollywood but broken families and drama happen with anyone, no matter their status or environment. 
I will continue to be a fan of Jeremy because of his work. That could change but it won’t be based on gossip. I can’t be worried if he is the victim, villain, or both in whatever the true story is. Everyone involved just needs prayer and support regardless of what happened. 
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forjongseong · 5 months
knock, knock!
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nanaaa, its been so long ahh 🥹 i’ve seen that you’ve updated your carmesí series and GODDD it was that good?! beforehand, i know i’ve missed out on a lot so i had to backtrack and read from where i was up to before 😭😭✋🏼 (didn’t remember what ep but then i remembered i wrote it down in my notes and i’m sooo glad i did ssjdhsis) i just wanted to start off with how are youu? i hope you’re doing well, eating well, drinking well, taking care of yourself well! i’ve been offline n online here and there and i miss a lot of my favourite people on here, including you </3 i’ve missed my v v talented tante sm :(( i hope we can talk again 🫶🏼 (in fact, jays been hitting different lately and the recent ep made it sm WORSE. its raining heavily down there girl, let me breathe lord have mercy)
OKAY SO,— ouh the butterflies the fucking butterflies. who doesn’t want husband! secretary jay hello??? the way hes so incredibly ARGHHGGHH i can’t even describe how hubby he is like i want him like this is so bad for me pls. and the way hes always comforting his beloved wife and just genuinely loving her, taking care of her throughout the ep got me GIGGLING KICKING MY FEET i had to put my phone down to calm MYSELF down. god when can i have a man like him. “You look very fuckable, husband.” PLEASE. WHEN DOES HE NOT???? you always devour w the spicy scenes it got me.. ykwim.. and don’t even get me started w that little present he got her like i had so much fun reading that part bye.
the way he shows his love for her— the way they show it to each other through everything i might cry (i did) my heart instantly melted, i love everything about them 🥺🥺 and the ending omg!! 😭✋🏼 i was so excited for them ☹️ (although i already knew it was bound to happen i was so happy) i’m horrendously downbad for this man 🧎🏻‍♀️ its insane how talented you are and the amount of hard work you put into the series i could never??
eh tau ga, pas mereka di jakarta buat gda, yk i was supposed to be in indo at that time but pasporku abis bodooooo 😭 i need to renew it asap sihdjwhdjsvm i wanted to cry like i watched the live & videos and everything and all i thought to myself was I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THERE ughrugrjugu theres still a next time, (maybe LMAO) but we should go together and meet up one day 🥹🫶🏼
ahh i know this feedback (its honestly just me yapping and ranting ab how much i love the seriesjanishaid) doesn’t seem like a lot but i hope yk i’m still a sucker for the carmesí series forever n ever ‼️ i’ll keep rereading every ep if i have to (i will bae dw) i’m proud of you nana!! i’ll be cheering for you from afar always <3 🤍
who's there? BOYNEXTDOOR--
so glad to see YOU in my inbox after experiencing a major loss of moots going on hiatus and never ever coming back coughORIcough anyways!
I don't blame you if you had to backtrack because it took ME a long time to reread everything because I literally forgot where I left it?? and then I didn't wanna repeat or write similar smut scenes so I'm like... what...?? BUT I'M SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO UPDATE
props to YOU for having it written in notes omg notes app is superior I use it for everything! but you making notes of my fanfic just makes me feel important 🙏 I hope you're doing well too! still in Brisbane I assume?
GLAD YOU LIKE THE PRESENT! that TOY is based on a real life device I have seen and I am considering buying BHAHAHA but I don't have a partner to use it on me so I am sadddddd when is Jay gonna be my partner irl you know what I'm sayin
it's okay, I didn't watch GDA either, and I went to PS in the afternoon only to find out Jake and Jungwon went later in the evening lol definisi ga jodoh, but glad Jay didn't make an appearance anywhere otherwise I will be jumping into Sungai Ciliwung
I don't mind ANY type of feedback even if it's just you yapping! thank you so much for being such a loyal reader of carmesi a.k.a carmesimp since day 1. your support means A LOT to me! and don't hesitate to drop by my ask box any time you want.
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