#incorrect maleficent quotes
themaybird · 6 months
Maleficent: No one can hurt me if I’m cold and detached and not emotionally invested in anyone
Aurora: Hi :)
Maleficent: *sweating* Shit
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absolutepokemontrash · 9 months
MC: Lucifer, Solomon asked to marry me.
Lucifer: The poor man. He shall recover.
MC: I said yes.
Lucifer: No.
MC: Yes!
Lucifer: No.
MC: I wasn’t asking!
Lucifer: And neither am I.
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luxthestrange · 1 year
TWST Incorrect quotes#538 WHIPPED
Late Night at Briar Valley-Vanrouge Humble Abode
"Younger" Lilia*Looking accusingly at the human he was forced to foster to help him with his human baby son*THE MAN INFRONT OF YOU IS AS SOBER AS THE DAY HE WAS BORN!*holding his mug with a reddened face*
Yuu *Is preparing the baby bottle for Silver to have his nightly bottle,unimpressed*Your are STILL drinking...
"Younger" Lilia*Blinks averting eyes, coughing into fists as he got caught*T-This is goats milk
Yuu:...Its BROWN
"Younger" Lilia: IT WAS AND UGLY GOAT-
"Younger" Lilia*Is sitting outside Silver's nursery room, pouting and sniffling, He is not allowed near Silver when he reaks of alcohol*...
-Present Time-
Lilia: And that's the reason I dont drink anymore~
Maleficent*Drinking her tea calmly*You were...as youngsters say..."Whipped" for your spouse even in your early stages of knowing one another
Lilia*Chokes on his tomato juice with redden cheeks*YOUR HIGHNESS-
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myeagleexpert · 1 year
I like to think that in the future Malleus and Yuu will continue in the role of "friends forever until death do them part" so…
Some time after NRC…
Yuu:Tsunutaro… Yuu:*get closer*
Yuu:Leona asked me to marry him. Malleus: What a misfortune. He will get over it in time.
Yuu: My answer was yes. Yuu: *shows engagement ring*
Malleus: No. Yuu: Yes. Malleus: No. Yuu: I'm just warning you. Malleus: And me too. Yuu: And what are you going to do? Turn him into a goat? Malleus: *thinking about the possibility*
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clowny-frankhie · 30 days
Hi strangers! I 'm currently going on a Disney movie marathon for the 3rd part of my RIDV AU fic, so here are some incorrect quotes while you wait.
Tags: @demodemo909, @imtryingandtired, @missmannequin.
(Thank you guys so much for showing appreciation for the dumb Disney Villains AU I made on a whim, and I hope these even dumber incorrect quotes can entertain you while waiting on the next part!)
Warning: The usual, cursing, OOC, and itty bitty inappropriate jokes. Also, it's long, like, really long. I had too much fun with these quotes, and it shows.
Hey hey! Life in the Villain house! Oh yeah! Life in the Villain house! Reader! Life in the Villain house!~
(If you understood this reference, I am both sorry and not sorry at the same time)
*Disney Villains suddenly appearing before you*
You : I dunno if I'm ready to process the ramifications of this bullshit.
Gaston: Our dear host is playing hard to get.
Gaston: Little do they know, I'm a master at playing hard to get rid of.
You : *Venting endlessly to Hades about your week*
Hades, every once in a while: *In a monotone* Wow, that is so wild.
You: Wake up! The sun is shining!
Cruela: What do you want me to do, photosynthesis?
Gaston: I love you.
You: How many people have you said that to?
Gaston: Everyone.
You: What?
Gaston: I told everyone that I love you.
You: Look guys, I need help.
Ursula: Love help?
Hades: Financial help?
Captain Hook: Emotional help?
Oogie Boogie: Help moving a body?
*Everybody looks at Oogie Boogie*
Oogie Boogie: What?
You, to Jafar: How do you tell someone politely you want to hit them with a brick?
You: Why do you keep a diary?!
Captain Hook: To keep secrets from your computer.
You, filling out legal paperwork: Were you guys born AMAB or AFAB?
Maleficent: Bold of you to assume I was born at all.
Oogie Boogie: Personally, I think I was made in a lab.
Hades: I just straight up spawned, lol.
Gaston: The ‘how the fucks’ and 'why are you so dumbs’ don’t matter. All that matters is that I have a new gun.
Captain Hook: *Slowly pushes a 17th-century cannon into a modern bank* Okay, everyone, be calm. This is a robbery.
Oogie Boogie: If I can't cause tiny bits of chaos every day, I think my body will shut down.
You: All of your existences are confusing.
The villains: How so?
You: Your presence is annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to any of you guys upsets me.
You: As a responsible adult-
The villains: *snickers*
You: ... As a responsible adult—
You: I don't like bugs. Oogie Boogie, are you even listening to me?
Oogie Boogie: I seem to have misplaced some of my bugs.
You, at Hades (aka your personal flame thrower): HAADDDEEEESSSSS!!!
*Talking on the phone*
Hades: Remember how I said that the gang and I were gonna have a calm night out for once?
You: ... Yeah?
Hades: Well, we’re in jail.
You: *Hangs up*
Hades: *Gets set on fire and screams in agony*
Hades: Nah, I’m just kidding. Fire does nothing to me. Literally.
You: Something tells me Oogie Boogie's going to be a bit more unhinged today...
*Meanwhile, in the villain house*
Oogie Boogie, holding a lit match and a bag of cheetos: Leave me be, the host isn't home to stop me, I'm going feral.
A complete stranger, looking at the disney villains who are experiencing and interacting with the outside world for the first time: Those guys look like a problem...
You: Yes, but they’re my problem.
You, looking at the villains: Okay, so I need to become a therapist faster.
Captain Hook, drowning in crocodile infested waters: Help me host!
You: Don't worry, I heard cowards float.
Grimhilde: Do you want to explain the text you sent me last night?
You: It was autocorrect.
Grimhilde: Autocorrect wrote, "You're so hot. Please step on me."?
You: Yes.
You, talking to the villains: As you know, I keep a list of all of you in order of how likely they are to betray me.
Oogie Boogie: Where am I on the list?
You: Well, I can’t tell you that because then you’ll quickly move up or down depending on your reaction.
Gaston: Dinosaurs aren't extinct. I mean, Grimhilde is walking in this room.
You: *Wheezes*
You: *Aggressively throws water bottles*
Hades: Uh... What's up with them?
Jafar: They're trying to yell mental health and wellbeing into us.
You, aggressively shouting: I APPRECIATE ALL OF YOU!
Captain Hook, crying: It's working.
Gaston: Can you be quiet?! I'm trying to think.
You: Don't worry. Doing anything for the first time is difficult.
Dr. Facilier: Fuck capitalism. It's a rigged system that keeps us poor, and it ain't fair. You shouldn't need to work three jobs to afford basic necessities.
Dr. Facilier, playing Monopoly: Sorry, if you wanted to win, you should have tried not being poor.
Scar: I prevented a murder today.
You: Really? That’s amazing! How did you do that?
Scar: Self-control.
You: Holy shit, Hades, do you know what this means?!
Hades: Babes, whenever you start doing this, nobody knows what you mean.
Gaston, throwing their head into you lap: Tell me I'm pretty!
You, unphased and stroking his hair: You're pretty fucking annoying, that's what you are.
Gaston: Why don’t they find me sexy when I bite my lip?
Hades: What do you look like when you bite your lip?
Gaston: *Bites lip*
Hades: ... Have you considered biting your bottom lip instead?
You: *Fills up bottle and drinks from that*
Jafar: *Brought 4 bottles of water so this wouldn’t happen*
Shan Yu: *Drinks straight from the tap*
Hades: *Dehydrates*
Scar: *Drinks from the puddle of water on the floor*
Oogie Boogie: *Licks the tap, doesn’t even need a drink*
Dr. Facilier: *Looks over your shoulder and at your laptop* What the fuck?
You: *Slams screen shut* It’s just research! For something I’m writing about! I swear that’s it!
Dr. Facilier: Why the hell would that involve the breeding habits of frogs?
You: It’s not just “frogs”, it’s the Surinam Toad. And it’s not “breeding habits”, it’s how they raise their young. This is important information my audience needs to know!
Dr. Facilier: That doesn’t change the fact this is for one line in a fanfiction.
You, offendedly: You don’t know that!
Dr. Facilier: I don't hear no denial.
You: I love cooking breakfast. It makes the whole house smell like bacon.
Grimhilde: That’s true, but it also smells like fire and panic.
You: Hades and the smoke detector need to get off my case.
Hades, grinning: Before you were what?
Maleficent: Before I was-
Hades: What?
Maleficent: Before I was inter-
Hades: Before you were interrupted?
Maleficent: Cut me off one more time and I swear I'll-
Hades: What?
Maleficent: *Makes a frustrated sound*
You, nervously laughing: Ahahaha, please stop that before she turns into a dragon and burns my house down.
*The normal looking villains walking at the mall*
Dr. Facilier: Hey, have any of y'all seen our host? They’ve been gone for a while..
Grimhilde, not the least bit concerned: No, we have not.
Shan Yu : I haven’t...
Cruela: They probably just ran off to the McDonald’s or something.
You: Hey.
Captain Hook: Oh, there they are-
Gaston: What the-
Jafar: I- where were you?!
You: ... Walking right behind you guys.
Gaston: Well, remember when our host made a romantic dinner for me?
Hades: Gaston, they microwaved you a pizza.
Shan Yu: Someone will die...
You: Of fun!
You: Could you be anymore annoying?
Oogie Boogie: Yes.
You: Oogie Boogie, you can do anything!
Oogie Boogie: Anything?
You: Anything!
Oogie Boogie, holding a torch: ANYTHING?!?!
You: Wait, not that!
Gaston, playing a video game for the first: This thing is so frustrating! I hate it, I hate it, I hate it!
You: Ok, I think it’s time to turn off the game for a little while.
Gaston: But I’m having fun!
Gaston: *Gasp*
You: wHAT??
Gaston: What if soy milk is just milk introducing itself in Spanish?
You: *Inhales*
Cruela, in another room with Ursula: Why can I hear screeching?
Dr. Facilier: Surgery is basically just stabbing someone to life.
You: Please never become a surgeon.
You: I was arrested for being too cool.
Jafar: The charges were dropped due to a lack of supporting evidence.
Dr. Facilier: Damn, the power went out.
You: Don’t worry, I got this.
You: *Stomps foot*
Dr. Facilier: What-?
You: *Sketchers light up*
You: What do you have?
Oogie Boogie: A KNIFE!
You: NO!
Kidnapper: I have one of your friends.
You: Which one? I have twelve.
Kidnapper: The loud, annoying, rowdy one who never shuts up.
You: Which one? I have twelve.
Gaston, distantly: HEY!!!
Scar: Given the circumstances, I will let you hug me for four to five seconds.
You: Forty five seconds?!?
Scar: No! I said four TO five seconds.
You, hugging Scar: Too late.
Shan Yu: I have an army.
You: We have Oogie Boogie.
*The villains playing Among Us*
Jafar: I believe Shan Yu is innocent, I was with him the whole time. Oogie Boogie, what were you doing?
Oogie Boogie: Oh, I was just murdering-… I mean, nothing!
Grimhilde: When we get back, I'm going to step on you!
You: Okay, as much as I might enjoy that, Your highness–
Jafar: Who would you kill out of the four of us, Hades?
Hades: Gaston, easily.
Gaston, confused: What, why??
Hades: Well, cuz I hate you, and the host would be too easy. They’d probably be into it.
You, standing in the doorway with the most bewildered expression: What the fuck man!?
You: I think it’s time I get my life in order.
Dr. Facilier, narrating: But they did not get their life in order. In fact, they got drunk last night and fought a raccoon.
*Scar hears about you bringing home a stray cat.*
Scar, sarcastically: I can't believe there's another cat somewhere in this house. Amazing feeling. Love that. And it's here, in this house! Somewhere! And I may encounter it! What a treat...
*The female villains after watching The Wizard of Oz*
Grimhilde: Where the devil is Maleficent?
Ursula: Well, it's raining outside... Maybe they melted?
Cruela: Shall I look outside for a pointy set of horns?
Hades: Any idiot would know that.
Gaston: I knew that!
Hades: See?
Scar: I'm not lazy, I just find it hard to put effort into things I'm not passionate about.
You: What are you passionate about?
Scar: Sleeping.
Gaston: Without ugly, there would be no beauty in this world.
Grimhilde: Thank you for your sacrifice, Gaston.
You: If I see a bug, I'll simply leave the room elegantly and have Hades to do something about it.
You: And if he doesn't fulfill my wish, I simply never go back in there.
Dr. Facilier, looking at a dead phone: How do we bring this thing back to life? Magic? Live sacrifice? I know a guy in town-
You: I haven't seen Gaston and Hades for fifteen minutes now.
*Outside a nearby window, a car without a driver inside is seen rolling down a driveway, with Gaston and Hades running after it in a panic. You don't look outside at all.*
You: That probably means they're getting into trouble.
You: Go to hell!
Hades: Where do you think I come from?
Oogie Boogie: People tell me I have a unique way of lighting up a room.
You: It’s called arson, and those people are called witnesses.
Dr. Facilier: What are y’all’s favorite things to wake up to?
Grimhilde: Breakfast in bed.
You: Emails from AO3!
Shan Yu: My favorite thing to wake up to is not waking up at all.
Shan Yu: The screams of my enemies are a close second, though.
You: Question. When they shot Bambi's mother, did you find that a sad moment... At all?
Gaston: I'm sure she's mounted on a nice wall in a fine home somewhere.
Oogie Boogie: Treat bugs the way you want to be treated!
You: Killed without hesitation.
Captain Hook, recently learned modern swears: FIGHT ME, YOU NERD ASS SLUT!
You: At least try to sound slightly more sophisticated when you threaten someone.
Captain Hook: Oh, I'm sorry. I should ask; dost thou want to engage in a duel, my good bitch?
You: Somehow, that's worse.
Maleficent: We all have our demons...
You, grabbing Oogie Boogie: This one’s mine!
Shan Yu: You know you've made it when you see your picture everywhere you go.
You: Those are wanted posters!
Captain Hook: So, what's for dinner?
You, staring at the food you burnt: Regret.
Gaston: So, I've been thinking-
You: Again?? That's dangerous.
Hades: Why would you do that?
You: Because I feel guilty.
Maleficent: Guilt is a trick emotion. It’s put there by your parents to stop you from doing things that feel good.
You: *Eating a cinnamon roll*
Oogie Boogie: Cannibalism.
You: *Confused chewing noises*
*At the supermarket*
Captain Hook: All right, the last item on the list is "virgin oil."
Captain Hook:
Captain Hook: Wow. Imagine being an item and still being called a virgin.
You: What’s your body count?
Captain Hook: Do you mean sex or murder?
You: *Is wearing silk pants* How does this look?
Cruela: Like its slips on and off really easily.
Cruela: No, I didn't mean it like that-
Ursula: We know what you meant.
You: Bonjour, Dr. Facilier. Voulez–vous coucher avec moi?
Dr. Facilier: No, I don't want to sleep with you.
You: ... Is that what that means??
You: I'm gonna eat the chicken breasts!
Gaston, snickering: Yeah, eat what you lack,
You, deadpanning at Gaston: Then maybe I should order brains on delivery for you.
Jafar: I committed all 7 deadly sins in 30 minutes.
Hades: Wow, I've gotta hear this.
Jafar: I was angry and envious of my neighbor, so I lazily seduced his wife and ate all his groceries and didn't share.
Hades: You forgot pride.
Jafar: No, I'm pretty proud of this.
Maleficent: Our dear host annoyed me today, so I told them that I can’t wait for them to see what I had planned for our special day tomorrow.
Scar: There is nothing special about tomorrow.
Maleficent: But there is something special about watching the color leave their face as panic takes over.
You: You’re all insane!
The villains: Sure we are, what’s your point?
Gaston: I want you to be with me for the rest of your life.
You: Damn, that sounds like a marriage proposal... A really one-sided one.
Gaston, getting down on one knee: That's because it is.
You, admiring and petting a sleeping Scar: You’re so cute.
Scar, sleepily: I could tear you limb from limb with my bare fangs.
You, lovingly: I know.
Oogie Boogie: *Writing a letter*
Oogie Boogie: Dear Sandy Claws,
I'm writing to let you know I've been naughty...
And it was worth it, you fat, judgemental bastard.
You, dealing with the villains: Like, no offense to myself and all, but what the fuck am I actually doing?
*You are cleaning the house, and you find an empty bottle of orange juice*
You: Clear orange juice?
You: Oh, it's empty.
Most of the villains, who had been watching the entire time: We live with an idiot. We live with an idiot. We live with an idiot.
Scar: Our relationship is strictly professional.
You, brushing Scar's mane as he lays his head on your lap: Absolutely. Only business.
All the female villains: We're not like other girls. We're way, way worse.
Captain Hook: There. How do I look?
Dr. Facilier: Like a cheap French harlot.
Captain Hook: French?!
Shan Yu, towering over you and glaring down at you: I could kill you if I wanted to little host.
You absolutely done with his bs: Oh yeah? Well, guess what. So could any other human being. So could a dog. So could a dedicated duck. You aren't special.
Hades: Some people say that I have a god complex. I’d like to think that I’m a complex god.
You: Captain, you're drunk.
Captain Hook: Correction: drinking. Present tense. Grammar, my dear host.
Jafar: There’s always that one weak individual within the group who isn’t down with murder.
Jafar: *Glares at you*
You: ... Well sorry I have morals!
Shan Yu, singing to the tune of I Kissed a Girl: I killed a guy, and I liked it-
Dr. Facilier, whispering: Should we call someone?
You, also singing: The taste of his cherry chapstick.
Captain Hook, appalled: Call Maleficent.
Oogie Boogie: Get in the Halloween spirit and make a ghost!
You: That’s called murder and I heard somewhere that it's illegal.
You: You remind me of the ocean.
Ursula: Because I'm deep and mysterious?
You: No, because you're full of salt, and you scare people.
Oogie Boogie: Something’s off.
You: Maybe you’ve finally developed human emotions and feel bad for hurting people.
Oogie Boogie: No, but that’s funny.
You: What do you call disobeying the law?
The villains: A hobby.
You: *Crosses their arms*
The villains: ... That we do not engage in.
You: Stop thinking whatever you're thinking.
Gaston: Huh?
You: You always make that face when you're about to say something stupid. So cut it out-
Gaston: I love you.
Gaston: Also, cereal qualifies as a soup.
You: I KNEW IT!!!
You, extremely touched: Aw, you guys really put aside everything and came all this way for me?
You, confused: How did you even get here so fast??
Cruela: Several traffic violations.
Jafar: Three counts of resisting arrest.
Gaston: Roughly thirteen cans of those energy drinks you like so much.
Dr. Facilier: Also, this aint our car.
If you made it to this part, then congratulations! You made it through all 101 incorrect quotes! (I know, I counted them myself)
I hope you enjoyed them!
And for those of you who read through all of this and have no idea what you just read, here's Part 1 of the Reverse Isekai Disney Villains AU for context.
Thanks for reading!
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fandomnerd9602 · 9 days
Y/N kisses Mal on the nose…
Mal: do that again if you dare
Y/N does it again with no hesitation…
Mal blushes…
Mal: can you maybe do it on my-
Y/N kisses her softly…
Mal blushes and giggles…
Carlos just laughs at the scene before him…
Carlos: I knew it! I knew you had a soft spot for-
Mal flings Carlos across the lawn with her magic…
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candy-pants · 2 years
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#is this not what happened
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pendragonsclotpole · 28 days
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The Met Gala 2024
Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion
“Royalty, nobility, the gentry, the rabble and ... how quaint. Even the Mistress of All Evil. A most gratifying day. For the first time in 16 years, I shall sleep well.”
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hooligansun1te · 2 months
Evil Queen: What if it you giving a eulegy for me, what would you say?
Maleficent: Oh, come on-
Evil Queen: No, I'm serious. What would you say?
Maleficent: Well, I guess I'd say you were a lovely, generous person and one of the best partners I've ever had.
Evil Queen: ...Nothing about my looks?
Maleficent: ...I'd say you were one of the prettiest-
Evil Queen: One of?
Maleficent: THE Grim! The prettiest partner.
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incorrectneverland · 1 year
Jafar: Look who it is, the babysitter.
Hook: At least the kid I fight has magic powers yours is just poor.
Jafar: At least I don't cry about my defeats.
Hook: I may cry, but at least my partner in crime didn't leave for team goodie goodie-
Maleficent: How long is this going to go on?
Hades: Who knows. *Eats popcorn* the DVD sequel was a low blow though I'm expecting blood.
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goosin-around · 11 months
Regina: *murdering the innocents*
Maleficent: Shes so cute
Cruella: wut
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dizzydizney · 1 year
Maleficent: How would attempted murder charges have looked on your record?
Mal: Terrible. Everyone would know I failed to get the job done
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luxthestrange · 1 year
TWST Incorrect quotes#296 Mal vs Mal
Mal: Grandmother I present to you my S.O*Hand on your lower back gazing lovingly at you*
Yuu: Hello! It is Pleasure to meet you finally!*Nervous Smile*
Maleficent*Sighs and Rubs her temples*You couldn't get anything better?
Mal: Grandmother!-Leave them alone alright... I love them-
Maleficent: You shut up!*Goes to You and puts a hand on your shoulder*I was talking to them...
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hexenwrites · 1 year
Mal: What’s it like being tall? Mal: Is it nice? Mal: Can you reach comfortably for the cupboards? Diego: We live in constant fear of the short ones who, in my experience, will climb 4 chairs, 2 boxes, a small coffee table and 6 oddly placed stools to get what they want. Carlos: It was one time!
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the-anxiety-academy · 2 years
Maleficent: Here's the medicine you asked for.
Maleficent: *dumps 3 shopping bags of wine on the table*
Cruella: ...Thanks.
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flickynightdarkness · 3 months
Incorrect Quotes with my Disney/House Of Mouse OCs Ares and his bed of lambs
Ares: What? Not my lambs. [hugs his lambs] They've always been so loyal to me!
Daisy: But do you want to stay at this club?
Ares: [narrows eyes] Yes
Daisy: Then I'm afraid they'll be no more lambs
Ares: [tears in his eyes] All right, my children. You've got to go. I [sobs] can't keep you anymore!
Unnamed lamb of the bed: Ok Ares sir!
[The children all follow Minnie Mouse]
Ares: No, don't resist. This is how it has to be
[Ares begans crying as he watches his lambs walk away. Mickey, looking awkward and pats him in the shoulder]
[Hades and Dr Facilier get into an elevator, the lamb bed, Pain and Panic attempt to follow but Faciler blocks the flock with his cane]
Hades: Hold it here! [to Pain and Panic] You both are gonna watch those "cheerful cuties" and have em guard the front until i return
[Pain and Panic both salute and the lift ascends]
Unnamed lamb of the bed: Oh look. August is up here [points to the lift which August is inside, pounding on the glass]
Unnamed lamb of the bed: We have names?
[The lift reaches the top and opens, where Hades, Facilier and August walk out. August sees two other villains being Maleficent and Jafar enter. August watches in wonder. Chernabog stomps over her, which makes her move out of his way and falls over to the floor. August follows them in and stands near Hades' seat. Grimhilde, who was sitting next to Maleficent turns to look at August who is staring and waves at her with a smile]
August: [waves at Grimhilde] Your really pretty! By the way, why do you have a crown on your head? Does that make you [gasps] a Queen?
[Grimhilde transforms into an old hag and then cackles at August. August becomes startled, then hides behind Hades' seat]
[As many of the villains leave except for Hook, Smee, Shan Yu, Jafar and Maleficent, who go to an another room. As for August, Hades noticed her walking up to the lift]
Hades: Hey fuzzball. Yeah you, I'm talking to you, c'mere. I got a small job for you.
August: Oh. Yes dear god of the Underland!
Hades: Go follow those villain fellas here and fetch out this gold scarab beetle in here
[August salute and gives chase to the other villains who are in the other room]
[Scene changes to rest of the lamb bed attacking Pain and Panic while their yelling in pain]
[The elevator door opens and Hades is waiting for the lamb August to return after grabbing the gold scarab beetle. She was about to join the others when Hades stops her]
Hades: So, did you get the beetle
August: First, I manage to grab onto it, but they all saw what I was doing so, the pirate grabbed his sword, swiping it at me. Then I jump on top of the pirate's hat and ran fast to the lift, but i was stopped by a staff, but the top of it looked like a snake with red... eyes, and while i stare at the snake's eyes
Hades: And what was the last thing you did
August: ...tried to snap out of it–
Hades: Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah. Let's just keep this whole gold beetle thing [grabs August by the chest] between us. You... and me. Deal? [reaches his hand out]
August: Deal, dear god from the Underland! [reaches her hand out]
[Blue flames rise from Hades' arm, then it surrounds the entire place until it goes out]
[Scene changes to Ares getting ready for bed in his home with his bed of lambs in pyjamas]
Ares: Ah! How was your day with... Hades, my lambs?
August: It was awesome Ares, I went to this meeting and there was a Queen, a pirate and a literal demon!
Ares: Mmm, that's nice!
August: And the pirate grabbed out his sword when I grabbed a golden beetle from the top! And I... was not supposed to talk about it.
[Ares clearly doesn't understand about this]
Ares: Oh. I'm pretty sure that you'll might see the club tomorrow, but now is time for sleep. Goodnight my sheep.~
[The lambs walk to Ares and cuddle together as August yawns to sleep]
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