#im so drunk dont listen 2 me
agayconcept · 2 months
#oh for fucks sake#if i have to listen to my shithead of a mother bitch and whine and moan about me being disabled one more fuckinG time i s2g#she's been going on for 20 mins abt how annoying it is that i had to go lie down for a bit bc i had a migraine and a pain flare up#which meant i guess that she didnt get to make dinner when she wanted to (i told her she could just eat w/o me like who cares)#so now she's on a rampage abt how inconvenient it is to her and how i ruin her schedule and her life all the time etc etc#and when i responded calmly w 'well what would u like me to do- snap my fingers and not be disabled anymore? u TOLD me to go lie down.'#she exploded and is like 'oh noOoo ofc not nothing is ever ur fault u just accidentally do these things'#bitch WHAT THINGS ?????#exist as disabled ??? be in so much pain i spend most of my life these days in bed ??? be unable to function to ur standards ????#do u Hear urself ??#now she's sitting on the couch pouting and fuming like a toddler bc i was in bed for 2 hours instead of 30 mins (bc too much pain to get up)#and throwing a tantrum like that is in any way normal or acceptable behaviour#'u always do this! but nooo u can do w/e u want cant u ?? u dont have to consider others!!'#ma'am...#a) no i dont have to consider others when it comes to taking care of myself and my debilitating illnesses. that's an insane thing to suggest#b) nobody told u u could not do w/e the fuck u wanted while i was out of commission. u just did this to have more to complain abt#c) ah yes bc i 'want' to be bedbound in excruciating pain. that was a choice i made. for funsies. for the bit.#whaT ?????#god someone save me im gonna lose my mind w this shit#not to mention she's also belligerently drunk so like. there's that also. cant have any proper convo bc of it (not that i wanna talk to her)#jesus fUcking chrisT#i gotta get out of here#this woman is so immensely hateful#ya sorry i ruined ur life by being born this way and now ur stuck 'putting up' w me and 'my shit' (<- actual things she has said many times)#fuuuuuck me.#anyway.#negative#ableism#verbal abuse#ask to tag
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woahajimes · 8 months
i hate tumblr new format. alsooo whatd i miss
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Everytime I think im gonna start getting my bedtime back to before midnight my parents stay up late and disrupt my schedule again
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bi-writes · 5 months
more childhood-bestfriend!roommate!simon x fem!reader because im a mess inside and he can fix me
more bestfriend!roommate!simon (part 2/?)
cw: unwanted suggestive advances (verbal only), protective!simon
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he wont leave. he's been sitting at the counter all night, nursing a mug of coffee that he keeps sneaking splashes from his flask into. he's gotten progressively drunker as the hours passed, but you paid him no mind, continuing to serve other customers. you said nothing to him, just kept refilling his mug when he held it out to you and ignoring him.
"what a pretty dress, love...look at ya."
"got somewhere to be after this? wanna grab a drink?"
"ya look so nice, got the eyes of a kitten...hope ya don't bite..."
the patrons that passed by him glared and told him to shut up, but he just kept whispering to you as you went by him. you shrugged it off gracefully, keeping the smile on your face as you poured someone more coffee. words were harmless, and even though he came off as a creep, he was drunk--and drunk people were stupid people.
you smoothed out the skirt of your dress. it was short, riding up every time you reached up on a high shelf. you tried not to snap at the man every time he whistled when you did.
when you made your way to the back to pick up a few plates, one of the cooks asked if you were okay.
"fine," was how you answered. "besides, if he makes a move, i dont think he'll like it when i pour hot coffee down his pants."
but he wont leave. he has been sitting there, and the clock read two in the morning, and your shift was ending.
he wont leave. he was in your way, blocking the door to the counter. he stumbled a little on his feet, and you raised your brow.
"you gonna move? youre in my way," you said finally, sighing.
"whoa, whoa...no need to get all bent out of shape. i need another coffee."
"my shift is over. get your own damn coffee."
you moved to go around him, and he stepped to the side, blocking you again.
"whoa, whoa! all fiery all of the sudden? cmon, darling, let's go get a drink, yeah?"
"listen, i've been patient and kind all night," you laughed bitterly. "but you're starting to get on my last nerve. so why don't you sit down, pay your bill, and go home, huh?"
he didn't like that. he frowned, puffing out his chest a little, narrowing his eyes.
"hey, you got a mouth on ya, pretty lady, and i don't like it."
"oh yeah? look how much i care," you snapped. "now get out of my way, or ill make you."
the bell chimed above the door, ringing and filling the tension in the room. you sneered at the man who tried to intimidate you, clenching your jaw.
"oi," a familiar voice spoke up. "do we have a problem here?"
"yeah, mate, this fuckin' waitress thinks she can say whatever she wants to customers and still get a tip."
"i would watch your tone if i were you," you spoke lowly. "he doesn't like it when you're rude."
"listen, here--"
the man raised his hand, and suddenly a gloved hand shot out and gripped his wrist, tugging him backwards.
"oh, mate, what are y'thinkin', huh?" simon towered over him. taller, broader, the black of his outfit making him that much more intimidating and that much more frightening. his hood was up, his eyes the only visible part of him, but they were angry. hard and dry and angry, narrowed as he used one arm to yank the man backwards, putting himself between you. "you raise a hand, y'raise it to me, yeah? ohhh...what's the matter? lost your voice all of a sudden?"
"this man givin' you a problem, luv?" simon asked. he turned his body to face him, tightening his grip on the man's wrist. the man hissed, his knees buckling a little as he grabbed a nearby table for support.
"it's fine, simon," you sighed, crossing your arms over your chest. "he's just...drunk."
"i don't believe that for a second."
simon shoved him away, watching as the man's back slammed into the window behind him. he shook, terrified, covering his face with his arms.
"i think you knew exactly what you were doin'," simon accused. "y'like preying on pretty women, mate? well, unfortunately for you, i taught this one a nasty right hook, and i might just let her have some practice, would you like to practice, luv?"
"hey, i think he gets the point," you put a hand on simon's arm, soothing the tense muscle there with gentle circles. "let's go home."
"i dunno, does he get the point?"
the man nodded furiously, sinking to the ground as he kept his hands up for protection.
"right, if you get the point, why are you still fuckin' in here?!"
simon slammed the window next to him with the palm of his hand, and the man scrambled to his feet ungracefully, the bell dinging as he scurried out into the dark. you raised a brow as simon turned around, rolling out his neck as he narrowed his eyes at you.
"you happy now?" you asked, shaking your head. "who am i kidding? youre not happy unless you put the fear of god in men, huh?"
simon held the door open for you, a hand on the small of your back as he guided you outside.
"not god, luv."
you smiled. "ohhh, thats right...fear of you."
he grunted in response, and you slipped your arm around his, watching your feet as you walked.
"you're not scary, simon. sorry to tell you."
he chuckled lowly. "not to you, maybe."
"no..." you looked back up and him, and he met your eyes. he couldn't tell that it was love in your eyes. perhaps because maybe he'd never seen it before; he wouldn't know what it really looked like. "never to me, simon."
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satoruhour · 11 months
a/n: uururgghghh im starting to struggle to write i swear the next one will be a fluff one. pt.2 to this
warnings: long piece, sugar daddy!au, discussions of kinks including daddy kink, filming, cockwarming, creampies / breeding kink, public sex, exhibitionism, oral (f and m receiving), phone sex, fingering, cumshots, praise, somnophilia, handjobs, size kink, lingerie, let me know if i missed anything, n*sfw under the cut
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nanami is an interesting sugar daddy. he thinks it’s bc the opportunity came so randomly that he didn’t know what to do, so he’s new to this as you’re new to him, not expecting the man to show up when you had sent a drunk email to a craigslist listing
it was amusing seeing your email, but he could tell there was at least a bit of need for some monetary assistance when u sent it in because yes, you were drunk but also the type of honest drunk that reminded him of a certain friend… you literally spelt it all out for nanami in the email
and you explicitly remember sinking into your hands when you listened to your friend to go ahead with the meeting and nanami’s small amused smile, knowing way more things about you on your first meeting just from the message
you’re nanami’s first sugar baby, so tbh he doesnt know what to expect, but if he were to actually choose, he wouldnt want a sugar baby, like geto, who is too used to being indulged and spoiled. he needs gratitude or a thank you when he buys you things and he’s okay if youre picky, just not too bc then it’s like impossible to please you
he reluctantly asks gojo about it later on and he is so annoying while explaining to nanami about sugar babies and stuff, but gojo made some pretty good points, shoving a picture of his own sugar baby into nanami’s face with a laugh and then nanami immediately leaves LMFAO
i’d say nanami is pretty lenient though, just strict about what you spend money on sometimes. like if you’re buying a 2024 diary for you to journal, he’s just going to stare at you because he KNOWS you will not keep that journal up lol (sorry to the those who like to journal ahhdhfner)
or like buying those weird expensive snacks with new, experimental flavours only for it to taste like shit and nanami has to gulp down two glasses of water after eating a bbq flavoured chocolate bar
ok im aware this would work even if he wasn’t ur sugar daddy but just pretend
nanami learns the ins and outs for caring about a sugar baby pretty fast, wiring you an allowance everyday and bringing you to events occasionally, but more importantly figuring out your boundaries and how this relationship would go about
it started off purely transactional at first, but then he starts to imagine meeting up more with you, taking you places. it happens against his will for him bc he’s seen these types of relationships fall apart, and he hates opening up to ppl in the first place. but then one day you’re telling him youre meeting with someone from university and he gets so annoyed the next time you meet up
turns out you were hoping he’d do something about it, and he did
like gojo, he wants to be a good boyfriend as he is being your sugar daddy
although he’s very stoic, you know he cares for you when he does small things like buying you the right kinds of pads, paying silently for the dinner when he goes to the “toilet”, finding jobs with you because he doesnt mind if you want to earn ur own money, occasionally buying you little things he finds in high-end stores that are not clothes that reminds him of you.
he doesn’t mind the minor dent in his account after treating you, bc he knows you’re content with already needing money for university. the extra gifts are just a bonus and it warms your heart when he does all these small things
gives you money like semi-often!! he knows you dont spend it impulsively so he spreads out the times he gives you your allowance 
being his sugar baby is sooo classy like you have gotten so many tight black dresses for events that sometimes you cant find things to wear to the grocery store
goes ALL out for anniversaries always, buying you matching necklaces where he takes the other half, bouquets of flowers, that pair of earrings you were looking at the storefront
oh yea he’s always buying you bouquets, you have no idea where to put them
he’s better with larger, wearable gifts as opposed to gojo’s type of small trinket gift giving, but just like gojo he also loves getting you an initial necklace, but just for the sole purpose of showing that you belong to him. it’s cute, he finds himself staring at the N.K. on your neck every time you meet up 
nanami loves his suits, but he is TERRIBLE at dressing out of them. mismatched patterns, ugly ass shoes, please save him
he lets you drag him to buy some clothes for him but whatever he swears he just looks like a grandpa. maybe it’s bc of his light coloured hair
very good at giving pointers for your style tho, so he smiles when he sees you pick a dress bc he said so, a hand dipping down to your ass to squeeze briefly
loves when you visit him in the office whenever you have no classes for the day, a cute sundress on as you bring his lunch like a cute lil wife.
he values privacy a lot and doesnt like to open up at times, so it takes a while for him to properly let you in in his insecurities and doubts. it happens at first when you realise nanami doesnt call you the various pet names he does when around ppl he knows and you bring it up and it escalated into a whole argument
you were just so close to leaving to give him his space but then he starts slowly about having people leave him before and he doesnt want to mess this shit up again. he feels you deserve better, but you told him he is better
with that, u were able to deepen ur bond, but also it allowed nanami to allow a person in his life again, letting your things take over his bathroom space and living room
the first time he considers buying a ring is when you hang off his arm and interact kindly with his clients and fellow CEOs, ignoring the strange pull of his heart. it’s like you understand the importance of
these events, and even though through knowing you and how you didnt exactly favour crowded places, you still put yourself through it
you have to catch your breath later in the bathroom and nanami’s outside, worried as hell and you tell him youre fine, but he’s not having it so u roll your eyes and exit the bathroom, shocked to see his usually calm face turned into an expression of anxiety
he says that you both will leave immediately and you protest but all he does is shake his head and drive you back. needless to say you had so much more fun watching stupid romcoms and cuddling until youre waking up in the morning to something poking you in the back and there’s this adorable flush that overcomes nanami’s cheeks lol
n*sfw hc’s below
doesnt like to jerk off normally. if he does it’s usually morning wood or after seeing a beautiful woman but he just. doesnt get those desires and the need for release. that doesnt mean hes not good at sex or whatever. hes had his days during uni and stuff, but ever since he’s started work it’s been so busy he really has no time whatsoever
sex life with nanami is sweet yet unpredictable. youve always started out slow and sensual mainly because he doesnt want to hurt you or go too roughly but one day youre bringing up how to make ur sex life more exciting and he went “i couldve done this the whole time?”
you had the best night of your life that night jus sayin!!!!
we have established this thru the fandom but nanami is a pleasure dom when it comes to you, not quite like geto who likes watching you do the work. nanami has to give you the pleasure himself
he’s eaten you out more times than youve fucked and he’s really done it everywhere. he has done it under the table when youre on a call for your class. he’s done it at event bathrooms, he’s done it at night in the park. 
NOW. nanami is not big on public sex but then he sees you bend over during your picnic to catch the plastic bag and the wind blew up ur skirt and he saw ur cute little pussy under …. he couldnt resist it
likes the the possibility of getting caught, and it’s obvious you might because you r soooo wet every time he flicks at your clit
he only does it if he gets to eat you out, and if hes really needy, he’ll grant you a quickie but other than that he can hold himself back - plus you deserve better than to be bent over a bathroom sink
also loves breeding you, unprotected sex all da way. likes the way it seeps out of you and your shivers when you feel him fill you up. would get a vasectomy for you considering how much he looooves to cum deep in you
regarding the kinks you may have brought up to him it’s just hoping he’d be rougher, maybe even try some degradation, you even discussed he could use you when youre sleeping if he wanted to. other things include phone sex and the use of toys, but you mentioned that as long as you were both comfy there could always be a fun time
and bro loved it. u realise he’s only ever focused on praise on most days but when he’s stressed from work he always takes it out on you and you fuckin love it lol.
youve done it over the phone a few times but he thinks he prefers to do a video call better, but the first time he wanted to he didnt know how to switch the call from an audio to a video one and you had already came lmaoooo
you were giggling once nanami grumbled over the receiver, but you helped him easily just by talking bout how youd ride him or how youd suck his cock
10/10 that experience and being with you made him be more open to blowjobs more often, not that he didnt before! but hes always been putting you first that hes never thought much abt his own pleasure <3
warning for drabble: consensual somnophilia, no foreplay, mating press, nanami is a little rough, brief fingering and cunnilingus, clit stimulation, unprotected sex, creampie / breeding kink
nanami comes home to your sleeping figure, calm and even breaths leaving your person with a small smile on your face and all he can do is coo, running a hand up your thigh before preparing to carry you, not expecting that when you open your legs, he sees the centre of your pants harbouring a darker, wet spot, pussy lips pulled taunt from how tight your pants were.
and the man immediately chokes back a moan, remembering the conversation after he had used you to your limit on the kitchen counter, scratching on the smooth marble surface while your face was smushed up against the flat surface. with a little grin, you wished he let out his frustrations on you more, even when you were sleeping — and what better time now that his head was close to popping a vein with how incompetent his workers were?
a moan distracts nanami’s thoughts, and among the unintelligible noises you make, he can figure out how you’re probably dreaming, cock hardening once he hears that you w’nna be filled. that is enough reason for him to unbuckle his pants with a relieved sigh, the cold air on his length making him hiss as he peels his underwear off him, length hitting his torso from how hard he was.
“you don’t know what you do t’me, baby,” nanami mumbles, pumping his cock with slow strokes before swiping your pants to the side, lightheaded from just how wet you seem to be. he drags his cock along your folds, collecting your slick on his leaking tip that mixes with the pre-cum and he groans at how you seem to drip more just from that gesture, inching his fat cock into your pliant cunt without much trouble.
you’re so tight, sucking him in the moment he’s sheathed in you until he bottoms out and you’re whining louder now, still bordering on the line of consciousness and unconsciousness. you’re clenching around him so hard that he struggles to move, until he’s feeling you grasp his arm with fatigue in your eyes.
“use me, kento—” nanami grunts at those words, pulling out just to slam back into you and the slutty moan that leaves you cuts through your slumber because nanami’s deeper than he’s ever been in you. your eyes crack open at your boyfriend who’s currently fucking into you, hips moving at a speed faster usual and you cry out when his tip kisses your cervix just barely. 
“feel so fuckin’ good, just let me use you like a cocksleeve, alright?” nanami groans out, taking your legs and pressing them to your chest and the change in position makes you whine, hitting your spots so well now that you’re in a mating press. from here nanami is hypnotised with the way your juices collect on his length, the squelching noises of your sopping cunt only fuelling him on. “who’s making you feel this good, baby?”
there’s tears that linger at your waterline, struggling to even get out a coherent sentence when you’re babbling incomplete sentences and nanami smiles at the drool leaving the corners of your mouth. “you— you a-are— oh my god!”
“rub your clit for me, doll,” nanami whispers out, already feeling his orgasm approaching from how snug you were around him, and the feeling of your fingers massaging languid circles into your clit makes him grunt, and soon after that nanami cums with a loud moan, so vulnerable in that moment that his deep voice goes up a pitch as he releases in you, hot cum spilling into your womb.
you mewl from the feeling but you’re left empty when he removes his cock and dips down to latch his mouth onto your clit, shoving his fingers into your gaping hole to keep you filled. nanami sucks on your bundle of nerves until you cum with a cry of his name, toes curling on his shoulder as your slick drips down his hand. “messy, messy baby,” nanami grins, popping his fingers into his mouth before he spreads your pussy, seeing the mixture of your cum and his leak out, “let’s get you cleaned up, hm?”
toji is an all rounded sugar daddy!!! boyfriend.. not so much he is a man who values work and does it well but he gets engrossed in it too much
preferences for a sugar baby vary bc theres a lot of factors involved. it’s not just one thing that he feels will dictate if he likes you as a sugar baby or not but the one important thing he doesnt like is when you dont pull your weight? if that makes sense
like not knowing what you want in life is perfectly fine but if youre just sitting on your ass and expecting money to come in it’s irksome to him, especially when hes worked his ass off to get to where he is today
he also likes it if you have a smart, snarky mouth. it amuses him seeing you flip the finger at him or tell some worker in his company off for commenting on your skimpy outfit
you two met in university. when he was younger he used to work as a professor, but now bc hes the CEO of a big company, he’s only able to handle adjunct jobs
basically he helped you out of a shitty house and stress from not having enough money, that causes you not to do your best in classes and he’s so glad he took a chance on you because he’s never seen you so bright before in class. but he couldnt stay much after taking over a CEO position, so he left in the middle of your second year
pleasantly surprised when he gets an email one day thanking him for the stuff he did for you, offers u a job at his company and from then on he says how he’d like to take care of you despite you finishing school
it also starts out as transactional but one day youre asking to meet in his office to ask why youre getting special treatment and youre telling him it’s not necessary when youre working for him now. “nonsense. i want to take care of you.”
his feelings slipped on a late night when he was working overtime and you stayed up too in order to see toji. you wouldnt admit to yourself but you liked him too. a little more than your usual crush bc ohhh lord have you seen his physique
and he comes out to see you still working and comes to annoy you and just gives you a fat stack of money out of nowhere??? hes bad with words ok
he says i mean it and waits for you to make the first move, but you dont and hes leaning forward to give you a soft kiss. ppl were confused as to why the lights of an office were still on at 3am while you were making out needily on his desk and he pulls insane orgasm after orgasm from you that day
hes a doting man, softened by the years of ageing but he works too much. it’s all he ever knows when you’re on his office couch begging him to go home.
will usually buy in lunch bc hes lazy to get it but sometimes youll cook and bring it to him too.
loves to treat you randomly, but theyre always gifts that you’re confused about bc he hasnt bought a gift for a woman in years so the first time he gifts you an air fryer (not sure why i have an obsession w/ air fryers lately) youre like ???? wtf am i supposed to do with this
and he tells you it’s u have easy access to lunch or dinner without leaving your dorms and youre like “honey i graduated already???” and he’s like oh. oh yea
poor guy did this to himself bc hes so deep in work so he doesnt see you often. he probsbly got mixed up with the days where he would meet you in between meetings and he just was there to accompany you on ur study sesh. he liked watching you study, and it would take a while for him to admit he’s actually liked you way before he offered you a job
toji gets better with giving gifts i swear. and he does it, he lovesss to order things and make the delivery man walk up to your desk with a dior box full of clothing
but sometimes he wishes he could do something more meaningful. he likes to give you SIMPLE handmade gifts. sometimes he gets so frustrated bc his fingers r so big so theyre usually easy to complete things. they’re not like of milestones or memories or photos though, more of silly things like paper rings or a paper fortune teller.
writes. a lot, more than geto. he writes more than makes gifts, and his handwriting is so messy sometimes you dont know what hes saying, but he finds that words on paper is much easier for him than voicing it out (this makes me want to write this me thinks)
so you spend a whole afternoon trying to make out what he’s saying like a detective and when sleep catches up to you he can only smile at your deciphering questions like u were trying to solve a cipher and writes you almost got this line right lolol
looks really good in suits but needs to go shopping often bc sometimes he works out too hard and his shoulders grow again at this point he should continually donate his blazers to thrift stores
sometimes he gives them to you as a jacket of some sort and he tries not to twitch from how small u look in them. the attraction goes both ways, and he wants to cuddle you up and also fuck you silly in it
always wearing that tight shirt of his that never rlly fits him. kinda mediocre and repetitive fit — he’s not exactly interested in fashion
loves to treat you to things. loves to spoil you and see you wearing the things he bought for you, but theyre more casual clothes that he spoils you with. man likes one (1) dress and he’s hoping you wear that dress of the rest of your life lol
toji buys you lingerie just to rip it. i swear :/ youre like that was the last one on the rack!!!! and hes just “ill just commission the designer to make another” like you can do that
and he says im actually not sure. oh speaking of commissions he loves to pay for custom pieces or clothing for you. he knows what he wants for you, and he backs off if you dont like it but seeing something he envisioned on your beautiful body — he just loves it
i said at the start that toji’s not that much of a boyfriend but he tries a lot. you can see he’s trying his best to make time for you in between work but it just. doesnt happen unfortunately. he works on the weekends too so sometimes your dates are compromised
youve thought before if it were to return to it being a platonic arrangement but it hurts your heart to think of that after everything youve been through. but this has been a recurring thing that’s been happening, brought up frequently in arguments as well
it was when he had a business trip on the week of your anniversary that the nail finally hit and youre bringing it up again and he knew he couldnt escape it this time bc you were close to crying when usually you dont. does this shit mean nothing to you? did you offer to pay everything for me just to throw me to the side like you always do?
the moment you see he has nothing to say bc he knows it’s true, youre leaving to get some air and it’s the first time he really understands that he wants to keep you for life that he’s making arrangements to give everyone a raise so theyd work better. and then hes taking time off work for a week
he’s still waiting worriedly for you late at night and your friend just gives toji an unimpressed look and gives you to him, breath laced with alcohol and obvious tear stains on your cheeks and he wants to die bc he was the cause of that
he feels so guilty but for now he kisses your forehead and gets you into a clean set of clothes before laying beside you to hug you close to him. in the morning youre hungover and feel like shit and youre letting toji pat your back and giving you a warm cup of water until you’re going arent you supposed to be at work????? and your boyfriend sighs and brings you into his lap, apologising into your neck as he hugs you
toji admits he hasnt been the best and is willing to do whatever it takes for you to be convinced again and you just stay like that, exchanging slow kisses and a warm embrace, unaware that there’s already an idea of putting a ring on you in toji’s mind
n*sfw hc’s below
toji loves your pussy !!!! ohh my god after that whole situation youve had more opportunities now. he had eaten you out before in his office, fucked you there but was always threatened by time. not that he cared but hes had enough of clients backing out on him so you suggested he go into meetings earlier
it came to bite you back in the ass cause you end up being horny for him multiple times and youve only able to bribe him out of meetings successfully like three times
loves any part of your body on his cock. making out? give him a handjob. eating dinner? play footsies with him and use ur feet to massage his dick. in a meeting? BLOW HIM !!!!!
another one who loves to cum on your face, but sometimes he likes to cum on your chest and tits and when you grab his cock to smother the cum on you >>>>>
he was surprised the first time you crawled under his table a minute before his meeting started and he already knew what you had in mind. he was clearly excited, getting hard almost instantly and had to mask the redness on his face with a hand
toji coughs when you first unbuckle his pants and he’s listening in to a coworker pitch a business idea, trying to keep his composure when your mouth first encloses around his tip. and u have the gall to giggle omg? he cums so hard that time he realises hes the only one left in the zoom meeting after and the other made sure to teach you a lesson after, fucking you until everything on his desk ended up on the floor. he’d have to call the company contractor to cover up the scratch marks on the floor ehehe
obsessed with how much bigger he is compared to you, always towering over your person and he has to resist manhandling you when you place an innocent hand on his forearm and ask him a question
LOVES to send you dick pics. and his are the ones where he actually knows how to pose, like palming his bulge in sweatpants when hes home and youre not
takes a pic of his actual dick under the table at work and alludes to the time you gave him a bj 
his pictures are actually SO hot that youre immediately calling him up just to talk to him
you always end up getting off yourself too though, the raspy voice comin from your phone enough to make you cum
before, exchanging lewd messages and pics were a norm but now if he needs you he’s asking his driver to drive you back to his house STAT. bro needs to be in you asap
he once left an event where he was supposed to be presented with some award just bc you sent a very lovely pic of you in the dark green lingerie you bought on his black card
he fucked you so well that night you knocked out immediately and he had to clean you up, all lovestruck and soft
leans into the ‘daddy’ thing pretty okay, but hes okay if you dont use it either
agrees to be in suggestive tiktoks where they show off their man only to do something totally inappropriate so now that vid is kept in your priv collection bc it ended up being extended and became a vid of you holding your front camera up to your face with tongue lolled out and profanities leaving your mouth
he takes the phone later from you to film how his cock moves in and out of you yyuuuummm he loves it
like gojo, loves to video you because sometimes he goes on long business trips and he needs to have something to jerk off to
his favourite is when you’re on your back and he’s filming your pussy taking his fat cock, folds spreading so nicely while his cum from earlier forms a white ring around the base of his cock oh god he watches that over and over
also loves cumming in you but more of the thought of marking you compared to knocking you up
cockwarming aahhahsddj it’s one of his other favourite things to do, hiking your skirt and tears your pantyhose, sinking you down on his aching length and he just loves the wrap of your pussy around him. trust me he’s trying not to thrust up into you but youre breaking down easily and he hisses every time you shift just a little
warnings for drabble: cockwarming, daddy kink, semi-public sex (toji’s on a call and the person on the line hears), riding, clit stimulation, calls you ‘slut’, unprotected sex, creampie / breeding kink
“c’mon, tojiii, just for a while?” you pout, tugging on his arm with big doe eyes, smiling to yourself when he just sighs and mutters out a fine.
toji can’t help but smile either way, receiving the peck on your cheek with heated cheeks, but now he smiles wholeheartedly, his hard cock buried in you while you struggle not to move. there’s wireless buds in his ears, stuck in the middle of a meeting while your face is hidden in his neck, soft pants leaving your mouth.
you’re thankful the camera isn’t on at least, but you’re still at risk with the small sounds you make, trying to focus on anything but the pulsing large cock in you. you already regret asking for this when you knew he had a meeting coming up with the thought of making him crave for you. instead it happens the other way around, you begging him to move with your hips while he calmly puts his hands on them, rubbing circles into your back like it helped.
but you don’t care, not when you’re filled to the brim like this and you can’t move, so slowly you start to roll your hips, grinding onto his pelvis and you can hear toji exhale shakily, voice still firm as he agrees ro the budget the client proposed. his hand holds the back of your neck and pulls you from the embrace, setting his eyes on you with a warning but you only can shrug, lifting your hips before dropping down on his cock.
“angel…” he mutes the microphone, the man droning on about numbers and profits making his head spin when his pretty girl was deliberately ignoring his warnings, but he couldn’t blame you with how your hot, tight pussy felt around him. toji assumed his plea of that simple name he liked to call you was enough, but when he unmutes his mic, you’re pulling one side of his earbuds off, mouth close to his ears.
“please, daddy…” you mumble, still bouncing on his thick cock. by now you’ve been cockwarming him for an hour, cunt slick with juices that it drips down his balls and onto the office chair, the movement of your hips only highlighting the lewd, sopping sounds of your pussy. there’s no doubt the other man hears what’s going on but you only press on, the chair creaking below the both of you as you ride him. toji’s trying so hard not to groan himself, throat tight and uncomfortable.
“let him hear,” you whimper out, a hand reaching down to rub your clit and toji grunts at the thought of it, of you knowing you belong to him, “wan’ him to know how good my daddy makes me f-feel, mmf—”
and so he listens to you once you say that, wrapping both arms tightly around you before his hips also meet yours, your juices spurting and spilling all over from how wet you were. your moans get louder in his office while he bullies his thick cock into you, tip kissing your spots so deliciously that you can only manage one word pleas. you sink easily into him after a while before he takes the lead, fucking up into you with the sounds of his balls hitting the fat of your ass.
“my pussy’s so warm and tight. ya likin’ this huh? you little slut,” toji grins, loving how he can feel your nipples through your work attire and the stretch of your pussy on him and the shock on the other’s face. if anything, you both knew how much he wished the camera was on on toji’s side.
“y—yeah, love it s’much! gonna cum, toji—”
toji only hums, capturing your lips in a kiss and effectively swallowing your whimpers as he thrusts deeper into you, “pretty girl’s gonna cum?”
“y-yeah daddy…” he feels you nod and mumble, hands massaging your sides before he feels your pussy clench around him and you cum with trembling thighs and a lax jaw. the way you look and feel also has toji grunting out with stuttering hips and he shoots his load deep in you, sending you into a blissful, dazed state as he spills his white liquid deep down your cunt.
with a shiver, you’re catching your breath before feeling his cum spill out of you, blobs of white pooling at the hilt as you swipe a finger at it to pop it in your mouth, exchanging a grin with toji before he starts a pace again, call long forgotten and a transfer at the tip of his fingers to keep his loyal client’s mouth shut.
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ty for the request muaahahahah @moonjella
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rafayelism · 7 months
3AM ; ex!wriothesley x fem!reader
(´• ω •`) | modern au where wriothesley is drunk. and your ex. so why is he at your dorm at 3AM?
skincare, cuddles, fluff, angst if you squint
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clorinde 2:56 AM: back together with wriothesley already?
clorinde 2:56 AM: that was fast
you 2:57 AM: WDYM???!??!?!?!? im so over him
you 2:57 AM: why? 
clorinde is typing… 
you 2:58 AM: don’t tell me… he’s at the door again?
clorinde 3:00 AM: yep. said he’s here for his girlfriend
you 3:01 AM: DONT LET HIM IN
clorinde reacted with Whoops!
you 3:02 AM: tell him im almost home…
wriothesley is drunk. he’s slumped on your pink fuzzy toilet cover, eyes fluttering closed as you lean in the bathroom doorway. 
“didn’t we break up?” you ask, laughing at the way he perks up at your voice, his hands encircling your waist as you step in between his legs. 
“somethin’ like that,” he slurs, fingers curling around your waist, “but you always do my skincare before bed.”
you brush his hair out of his eyes, pinning his bangs back with a sparkly kuromi clip, ignoring the way he melts into your touch. you bite your lip and sigh as you wipe his face with a damp washcloth. his pretty blue eyes bore into yours as he scans your features. 
“haven’t seen you in a week. why didn’t you respond to my texts?” he asks, cocking his head.
“hold still, wriothesl-”
“wrio.” he interrupts, grip tightening around your waist. “it’s wrio to you.”
you laugh, tilting his chin up, nails grazing against his neck as he complains about ‘those damn acrylics’. 
“okay, wrio,” you smile, rubbing essence into his t-zone. “isn’t that a nickname reserved for girlfriends only?” 
a beat of silence. he looks confused. “you are my girlfriend?”
you tap his bottom lip and he puckers them obediently, eyebrows furrowed as you apply a thin coat of cherry chapstick. “nope,” you say, patting his cheeks. “you broke up with me last week.”
“why would i ever break up with you?” he asks incredulously, wincing as you apply cool lotion on his eye bags. they look darker than usual, you note, gentle with your touch as your fingers linger. 
“something about me distracting you from school,” you say. “you said you were too in love with me.” 
“i would never-” 
“listen, wrio,” you sigh, a finger on his lips as you silence him. “i don’t know. maybe you need some time away from me.”
wriothesley bites at your finger in retaliation and you yelp in surprise. 
“ow! motherfucker,” you mutter, flicking his chin. “some ex you are.” 
wriothesley ignores you, standing up from his position on your pink toilet. he’s sobered up now. “boyfriend,” he corrects, towering over you as you squint up at him. 
“you broke up with me.”
he bends down to press his forehead to the crevice of your neck, mumbling into your chest. “then will you be my girlfriend?” 
“you’re drunk.” you reply, hands reaching up to play with his hair. “we’ll talk about this tomorrow, wriothesley.”
“it’s wrio,” he whines again. “be my girlfriend.” 
“tomorrow,” you sigh, shuffling the two of you over to your twin bed. “we’ll talk tomorrow.” 
“will you say yes tomorrow?” he asks, curling into your side as you crawl under the blankets. 
“maybe.” you mutter. 
“not sleeping until you say yes.” 
you laugh, pressing a kiss to his forehead. “okay. sure. yes.” 
he’s out like a light, snores light as you sigh into his hair. it’s not long until your eyes flutter shut as well. 
clorinde 10:08 AM : One Attachment
clorinde 10:09 AM : cute
clorinde 10:09 AM: back together?
you 10:10 AM: yep…
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arsonlookers · 25 days
Yandere Childe! [2] [suggestive]
Yandere Childe! who loves to be bound by something by you a kink of his. he just loves the idea that you are straining him, wrapping rope or something to stop him from attacking[pounding] you. [sexually]
"ms~ you really look sexy in your outfit right now~ are you seducing me~ I mean if you could just take this off me right now ~mmm~ I can help satisfy you to your heart's content baby~"
You glared at him "Stop it patient 01" as You took your clipboard from your table and started to scan the things you needed to do in this session.
"hmmm~ I mean ms. sexy~ don't call me that hmm~ you know my name call me by my name hmm~ with that sexy mouth of yours sexy~" he keeps seducing you with those dead and obsessed eyes of his as he stares at you sitting 5 feet away from him you are just this close to him if only he can just rip this bounds and have you in his arms.
"y/n~ " he calls with a raspy teasing sound his voice wants to catch your attention.
His teasing keeps continuing trough out the whole session, and You are just barely holding everything in as he keeps sexualizing you and even says out loud his intrusive thoughts and sexual dreams for you.
Can you blame him? You are just too sexy to bend and he imagines how you sound like when being stuffed you know~ so shamelessly even moaning in the middle of the session just to keep his wild imaginations of you in his mind not with the bored talk about this about who.
and when you calls him out for it he would just reply with "Hmmm~ that pitch is so perfect y/n~ but how would It sound like when being breathy and ahhh~ just non-stop incoherent calling of my name? AUUHhh~ just imagining it makes me want to just take you here right now~" A cold and passionate stare is all he can give towards your direction it is so full of passion and so full~ of obsession residing inside that ocean blue eyes of his.
"I wanna fuck you up sooooo~ BAddddd~ " He said with his alluring deep raspy voice but still does sound cheerful.
Not only that as if trying to lure you in the ocean like a siren wanting its claim on you. His ocean-deep blue eyes are so enchanting and so pulling as if like a dark abyss no light no hint of kindness to it but so addictive, so~ passionate to just look at ... like a forbidden fruit wanted to be eaten by you and only YOU.
As you stare deeper all you can think is how TEMPTING his offer is...his fantasies do sound sooo tempting.. but as strong as your resolve you did not fall for it and just tried to distract yourself from other matters in your clipboard
whines from being ignored* "nnngggggg~ stop ignoring meee~ y/n cant you see how hard I am right nowww~ stop ignoringgg my needddsss~ pleasee~" he sounds so submissive and desperate to be fucked by you just the idea of it makes him want to do more
"How about can you just kiss me at least~? or better yett~ suck off my dick~" He mischievously offers a tempting deal
"i won't touch you~ I promised I mean Im already bound just ahhh~ take the restrains of my dick pleasee~"
His whines just keep going non-stop on the whole session but not one bit of you listen to his tempting ideas of making you his or making you want HIM~
"Thats all" in your professional voice
"you will be backed to your room escorted by the guards " You turn your whole body around trying to look at him any further
he whines more "y/n pleasee~ sexyy~ dont leave mee~ I want to hear more of you~ I want to just use that mouth of yours... Mark it As MINE~" obviously too drunk by your voice and how he just wants to USe your lovely mouth and throat to his pleasure until you have no voice anymore
He keeps imagining a 69 position with you would be SOoooo~ awesome ~ I mean remember how he loves your Thigh? Oh please he will lovingly suffocate himself against them~
and the thought of you sucking him off SOo hard is just making him wanna cum so badly right now.
If not that~ then being tied up by you and just nonstop teasing him is also ok~ he loves everything you can do to him even if it means putting injection in him and just fucking is All ready makes him want to do it NOW
he is desperate
after all he knows that there are pest who are into you except him and these pests are always lurking in the darkness to just take you for themselves and own your whole being to them.
And just the idea of it is making him so MAD so pissed off that he just wants to kills everybody in this building except you just to make sure that YOU are HIS and HIS ALONE
no other man or woman can take you away, not your attention, not your eyes, and absolutely not your LOve~
And he will make sure of it even if he is against the very head of this Asylum [dr.zhongli] who is now planning to dispose of him.
ars: mind my tagging I don't really know how to choose for it just randomly choose what I see fit ©2024arsonlookers
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bangtangalicious · 2 years
bts smut recs | needy!jungkook
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there is something about when our lovely jeon jungkook is portrayed to be a hormone crazy, super needy, greedy, whiny character that is so fucking hot. tmw readers. i know you’ll love these. the hyper-horniness and blatant hunger for sex is so sexy. these are all jungkook x reader 18+ SMUT recs based on this theme. more to be added as i find them!!! 
🔺 = yandere/taboo themes *ALL ARE SMUT
MILF (series) by @koosbabygrl | 🔺 ive read this so many times. like. SO MANY TIMES. this is PEAK needy!koo energy. its so fucking hot i cant even put it into words. theres this mommy kink moment and i CANT get over it holy shittttttttt. also the sequels are GREAT, in part 2 when he has her riding his cock while she does her makeup oh my fucking godDDDDDDD. amazing.
this specific needy!koo drabble by @voidswan | 🔺 i know its not a full fic but its literally so hot i cry. bunny!koo just wants to fuck so bad poor thing I DONT KNOW WHY IM JUST OBSESSED OK the stuttering gets me every fucking time. screams. 
clean up by @lonelyhobi & @scribblemetae | he’s drunk and he feels so guilty abt it but he cant help himself!! god its FEVERISHLY good. he’s all whiny and crying and he needs u so bad and the way its described is so fucking hot. the dirty talk is inSANE. dry humping. fuck. amazing amazing.
thunderstorms are scary by @lonelyhobi & @scribblemetae | same couple, but this innocent needy kook is just scared and comes to sleep w noona and then ends up groping you and poor kookie just cat stop bc you feel so good. he ruts into ur ass and whines and ugh. brilliantttttt. honestly recommend this whole masterlist of step-bro fics from them its amazing. theres also a fun loss-of-innocent taehyung one :))))
training wheels by @fithehunnybee | theres a twinge of like sneaky manipulation in this one which i love. y/n kinda a bitch but she drives poor lil koo up the mf WALL. we have some cumming in pants action which i know you all LOVE hehehehe. also i love that it builds the tension so well with koo getting so desperate and y/n teasing..poor lil bunny
the dark prince (series) by @jkeuphoriadreamland | 🔺 LISTEN. first of all, read all their works bc, chefs kiss, but focusing on the needy koo in this, he DEVELOPS mmkay, he starts off all innocent but once he has a taste oh boy does he know what he wants (its you, btw *wink). poor boy cant see at first but he cant fucking help himself your touch drives him insane. how can you resist? the slow burn. the build up. the teasing. IMMACULATE. 
thank you, baby (series) by @scribblemetae | 🔺 im gonna clickbait you ALL into reading this. its twisted in the best way. a few personal highlights for me are when y/n is wearing the VR goggles and jungkook is like yeah imma just slide my cock in real quick lmfaooo its really hot though. the sort of unraveling of the reader adds to the desperation and neediness of both of their sexual actions. its fanfuckingtastic. each part has a good dose of things we all crave: begging, whining goodness
born sinner (series) by @1kook | OUR GOOD LIL CATHOLIC BOY IS UP TO NO GOOD and its got so much of his POV and the GUILT is so well portrayed and makes the whole thing seem more taboo/intense and its just fantastic mmm. 
forbidden by @googikoo | 🔺 again, i read this more times than i can admit. its not so much loss of innocence and more like straight up NEEDY but essentially sneaky devious lil koo is dating your daughter but, obvi, he wants you ;) 
and not to be entirely self-serving but in case you want more..i too have dabbled in this genre ;)
touch me wherever
tickle me there 
touch yourself here 
wanna touch you 
soaked n’ slippery
ALWAYS LOOKING FOR MORE!! if you know of any other fics that fit this niche please feel free to lmk!! im always looking for new reads :) this one is for my TMW readers. i know what you like hehehehe ;)
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celaenaeiln · 8 months
lol hi its me 12 am anon so uh tldr is that i hung out with my friend and we got drunk and we made out or smth but more importantly they made w fuckin list of dick grayson things i started talking abt while drunk
- “bad idea right?” but its dick grayson and his exes
- bruce technically gave dick a family but dick’s the one who like truly made it feel like a family when it comes down to it he’ll fuck up bruce for his siblings
- that one “5 man band” trope and how he can fit as the leader and the heart
- into a specific (blank) to lovers? dick grayson’s got you covered
- the “barney from how i met your mother basketball hoop scene” and “eleanor from the good place mom she never had” but make it dick and bruce (teenage or adult idc i’d love both)
- nightwing could 100% be the figurehead of the dceu (like im talking spiderman level) if dc would do something [this was timed . i talked abt this for like 30 minutes all on its own]
i am . so embarrassed. also i dont know if we made out before or after the rant and i dont know which is more embarrassing .
WHAT HAPPENED AFTER THAT? Do you like her? Did she say anything?! I-
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oh my god i'm reeling.
Have you guys talked about it yet?
"Bad idea right" was literally written for Dick Grayson!
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Nightwing (1996) Issue #133
"Bad idea right?"
Actually every single Olivia Rodrigo's songs feels like Dick wrote it.
Like the sour album? Every time I listen to it I imagine that Dick just wrote the album because he was so mad at bruce after being fired from Robin lol.
"bruce technically gave dick a family but dick’s the one who like truly made it feel like a family when it comes down to it he’ll fuck up bruce for his siblings"
That's true too!
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Batman (2011) Issue #11
"The truth is, I didn't save you from some dark fate, those years ago. You saved me from one."
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Batman (2011) Issue #11
"And you still are saving me, every day."
Bruce gave Dick security but Dick gave Bruce a life. He gave Bruce the ability to become human, to be happy.
Take Gotham War for example,
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Batman (2016) Issue #138
Bruce tells Jason he's saving Jason from himself and Jason in turn asks Bruce who's going to save Bruce from himself.
Cut immediately to -
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Batman (2016) Issue #138
Dick has always been there to pull Bruce out of his darkest days when he tries or is willing but Bruce giving up on Dick's ability to do so is symbolic of him giving up on himself. It's the height of Bruce's irredeemability.
Even after Jason died, Bruce indirectly called Dick to come join him but at this point his back up personality is too far gone for him to recover.
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Batman: The Return
Dick literally is the reason Bruce stays connects to the batfamily. In a good way.
He has no reservations about keeping Bruce in check.
"that one “5 man band” trope and how he can fit as the leader and the heart"
5 man band trope: one leads, one contrasts, one thinks, one fights, and one keeps all of the above from killing one another
He's the leader.
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Batman: Gotham Nights (2020) Issue #12
And the one that keeps them all together
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Batman: Gotham Nights (2020) Issue #12
Dick is the defacto leader when Bruce is gone or lost it.
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Batman (2016) Issue #137
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Batman (2016) Issue #704
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Batman (2016) Issue #704
"Selina doesn't run Gotham. You do. While I'm away."
And the family's protector.
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Batman (2016) Issue #137
"into a specific (blank) to lovers? dick grayson’s got you covered"
Childhood partner to lovers - Raya Vestri
Friends to lovers - Barbara Gordon
Enemies to lovers - Shawn Tsang
Psuedo-family to lovers - Helena Wayne (they actually married in Earth 2)
Crime fighting partner to lovers - Helena Bertenelli
Kiss at first sight to lovers - Koriand'r
Pseudo-therapist to lover - Bea Bennet
Landlord to lovers - Bridget Clancy
Teammates to lovers - Zatanna
X to lovers - literally him and everyone
He's just so shippable that way. Not gonna lie, literally all of his relationships Dick and his lover have been great together.
the “barney from how i met your mother basketball hoop scene” and “eleanor from the good place mom she never had” but make it dick and bruce (teenage or adult idc i’d love both)
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The New Teen Titans Issue #50
Man this hits hard. I've never seen how I met your mother but the parallels in the basketball hoop scene and Dick's talk with Bruce are uncanny.
The thing I think is weird about Dick and Bruce's relationship is that it's steeped in insecurities for each other. Dick feels hurt and betrayed and lost as to why Bruce would take in a new robin so suddenly and Bruce's tenure as Dick's robin is riddled with insecurities about him not being a good enough partner.
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Batman and Robin Eternal Issue #6
However it's because of these insecurities that I believe they are close.
The difference between Barney and his dad, from what I gather from the clip, is that his dad never acted like one to Barney.
But with Dick and Bruce? Bruce was a good dad to Dick. But he was a terrible partner. Bruce treated Dick like an equal while still fielding reservations about his age and dealing with his own insecurities. Bruce knows that what he's doing is not right but at the same time Dick is far too competent. His intelligence, his athletic skills, his compassion, and his fearlessness were light years beyond anyone Bruce had ever met and Bruce acklnowledges this.
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Batman and Robin, The Boy Wonder Issue #2
"The GAS was supposed to knock his OUT. His brain out to be sailing past the MOON, right now. What's this brat MADE out of?"
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Batman: The Widening Gyre Issue #1
Bruce's biggest problem with Dick is literally that he talks to much.
Dick is equal in every way to Batman and even exceeds him in some ways when he was Robin itself. So Bruce pushes the responsibilities of Batman's partner on to Dick while treating his as his son, mother, therapist, and partner. And Dick steps up to that. Soon they fall into a rhythm where Dick is Bruce's one for all human interaction. So imagine when you have a constant thing with someone that you're comfortable with and they suddenly start holding back from you. They begin talking about how you're too young to handle adult responsibilities. How you shouldn't be facing that burden. Now you're confused. Those responsibilities they are criticizing you for are the very ones that depended on you for. So now you start doubting yourself and trying harder and harder to make them see that you can handle the job. While you're struggling with confusion, they're struggling with guilt.
That is Bruce and Dick's relationship. Bruce grew a conscious after 10 years and Dick can't understand it. So there comes the self-blame and strife.
What Dick doesn't understand his Bruce feels guilty of his over reliance on Dick. Dick's self-blame has come to such a point that now even when Bruce in full honesty rants about how proud he is of Dick, Dick holds reservations because if Bruce was really proud then he would dump all the responsibilities on him right?
It's really messed up.
"nightwing could 100% be the figurehead of the dceu (like im talking spiderman level) if dc would do something [this was timed . i talked abt this for like 30 minutes all on its own]"
I think the Dawn of DC does have Dick be the figurehead or at least he will be in the future. We're just getting the beginning now.
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #100
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #100
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #100
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #100
"We want you to lead."
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Justice League (2011) Issue #51
It comes full circle.
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usuibu · 1 month
Omg!!! I live ur writing so much! The way you write eren is like literally perfect!! I was wondering if I could request reader walking home or at a party or just like out somewhere and they notice some people making her uncomfy and they cal eren to pick them up? Some fluff and comfort are my coping mechanism 😭
LMAO STOP THE COPING MECHANISM IS SO REAL💀💀 and ofc bb thankyou so much for the request i love you😋🥰
Im just gonna work off the whole saviour dynamic w eren and hopefully u dont mind
More requests/masterlist
You don’t know why you’re here, you really should’ve just stayed home if only Mikasa hadn’t dragged you out.
“Cmonnnn it’ll be fun, I promise! Even Sasha’s coming!”
You really shouldn’t have listened to her, right now she’s - God knows where - with Sasha playing some obscure drinking game while you’re here sitting on the leather couch already intoxicated yourself.
You felt gross. Sticky even from the sweaty, crowded living room, humidity suffocating you. There was about 5 people on this couch made to fit only 2, you sat there staring down at your stupid sore feet in your stupid stupid heels with stupid strangers grazing your bare legs next to you.
The noise of the room tuned out as your tipsy brain was half conscious until you were snapped back into reality feeling a creeping hand on your shoulder.
Whoever was next to you was apparently speaking for long enough that you don’t know what they’re on about, “— or we could go back to my apartment..”
Your head snaps back up and you anxiously shrug off this guys tacky hand, sobering up just a little bit. Enough to start comprehending things.
“Sorry, I have to go” you say while peeling yourself off the leather, you don’t know where you have to go you just knew to leave because clearly you weren’t functioning well alone.
You turn and almost begin walking away until you almost trip on your stupid heels, this guys hand had gripped your arm rather too harshly to pull you right back onto the couch.
“Hey we were in the middle of something” he slurs, clearly a little more intoxicated than you.
You’re still so lost, why the fuck is he still talking? Why is this room is so hot? This couch is too sticky. His breath smells like shit. Your feet hurt like shit. You’re so tired all you want to do is leave at this point. All of your senses have been overwhelmed you can’t take it.
He continues to ramble nonsense again so you settle to tune it out again, unsure if your feet have the strength to even walk away and give resistance against this random ass guy if he tries anything worse.
You pull out your phone from your unpractically tiny bag and open your messages.
23:16 — Eren
Yes this is erenb
Can gou pixk me up
How drunk are you💀
Honestly nor that nuch this tine
Thid guys bortherijf me hurry up ples😋
This guy??
What’s going on?
Donr asknme idek myslef💀💀 hes jusr weirdinf me out
Im coming dw mika sent me the address earlier
He didn’t lie when he said he’d be quick, honestly Eren was waiting for you to return from the party. He got too bored sitting in your apartment alone watching tv.
You get a call and immediately shoot up knowing Erens arrived. You’re still too drunk to process whatever this guy was doing.
You think he’s following behind you? Who knows? You get out the front door with a cool breeze hitting you. It’s much quieter out here which would be nice if this guy wasn’t still trying to pursue you even after a good ten minutes of radio silence from you.
You feel your body sigh with relief as you spot Eren’s car, you make eye contact with him through the front window smiling. You can slightly see how he grins at your drunken walk in your painful heels until your vision spins to face the guy.
His hand was now on your shoulder and before you knew it Eren was getting out of his car. Whoever this man was he was clearly upset?? Clearly drunk and clearly mad at you. He’s rambling and you still don’t want to listen, hes saying something about you not mentioning you had a boyfriend or anything along those lines?
All you knew is that he was mad, you could feel it in his inebriated grip on your shoulder. Then you start to feel the alcohol coming back up you’re system as his other hand creeps to hold your waist. “Cmon ditch your boyfriend”
Before you can get a word of disgust out you feel familiar arms save you from this repulsive guys hold. Eren shoves his chest as he drunkenly stumbles backwards.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Eren spits out as his arm ushers you to stand a little behind him. He isn’t really one for violence when it’s a complete stranger. He has better things to do than that.
He can tell he’s drunk and after a few nonsensical sentences pour out the guys mouth; Eren’s done eyeing him down with demise so he walks you back to his car while the guy drags himself back to the party.
“Are you alright?” He questions you while rubbing his hand against your arms to warm you up as much as he can walking down the party’s front yard.
“Yeah I’m alright now at least, thank you Eren”
“That guy looked fucking homeless”
You softly smile to yourself, at ease in Eren’s presence. Half the grossness you felt in that stupid party had already began dissolving.
The drive home was quiet, calm. You were dozing off in the passenger seat while you held his free hand in you lap. His thumb swept back and forth until you arrived home. He reaches behind into the back seat, you’re too hazy to question why really. Eren bends over to take off your heels to then slide ur home slippers on.
“I don’t know why you wore those tonight, you know they hurt”
“I know right?!” You huff back at him. He laughs softly at your drunken state and gets out the car. He opens your car door to usher you out and puts his arm around you to help you walk to your apartment.
He lies you down on the couch and tells u to stay which you have no real trouble doing. He returns to the room holding one of his navy blue t-shirts and grey shorts.
“Okay baby, take off ur dress” he says gently.
“At least ask me to dinner first” you retort back. You snicker at your own joke but take off your dress all the same. He slips his shirt and shorts onto you then carries you to your bed effortlessly.
“You’re soo strong, do you have a girlfriend?” you giggle while feeling up his muscular arms. He only laughs at you and quickly leaves to grab something. He returns again, your micellar water in one hand and your toner in the other, “hey which one is the makeup thingy to take it off?” He questions, trying to communicate with whatever sober is left in you. You point to the micellar bottle and he wipes your face with it. The cool water and Eren’s delicate touch was extremely soothing. Although making you even more tired it did sober you up a little more.
Once he’s done, he puts everything down and climbs in bed next to you, pulling the blanket up, he moves you so that you’re on your side and pulls your knee toward him so that your leg is over his legs. He moves his arm to lie under your neck and pulls your whole body nearer with his free hand now on the small of your back.
You inhale deeply the scent of his chest and neck, now intoxicated by his musky scent while his hand slides up to bring your head nearer while he breathes deeply too, face shoved in the top of your head.
He moves to place a chaste kiss on your forehead.“You okay?” He asks, voice just above a whisper.
“Now I am, that guy was weird”, you murmur back still with a face full of chest.
“Yeah he was a fucking weirdo” Eren says, now speaking at a normal volume. “You’re not going alone to those parties anymore, I’m having a word with Mikasa trust”
You laugh at his seriousness and press a kiss to his collar bone, “No laughing I’m serious” he smiles, making space between you too to be able to kiss your collar bone too. He litters playful kisses on your neck. You laugh more while he roughly moves on top of you to only press more ticklish pecks all over you; intentionally smothering you.
You stop him by grabbing both sides of his head and bringing his lips to yours. You kiss him softly while he willingly returns it. He deepens the kiss with his tongue swiping your bottom lip until you open your mouth in the slightest, letting him slip it inside.
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Chishiya x Reader
1) I could kiss you right now
AU - College AU - SFW -
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It was 2am when your cellphone started to make call noises. You opened your eyes and almost fell from the bed seeing who was calling you.
Your classmate and best friend (who you had a crush on) was calling you at 2 am....
You quickly got the phone and responded to it, nothing but loud music sounded in the background so you assumed Kuina had pushed him into a Party.
"Chi?" You asked just in case he had marked you by mistake
"Yyou know I love when you call me Chi"
His voice sounded blurry and honestly, drunk. Too drunk. Usually he was good and keeping his alcohol in check so you wonder if Kuina had let him free or if something had happened.
"Chishiya where are you? Are you alright?"
"Where Im?" There was a pause as he was taking a look around.
"Outside your door"
You sprinted to it, not caring of your night clothes or messy hair. You opened the door and sure, there he was Chishiya. He smelled like bad alcohol and weed.
"What and how in hell did you get here?" You looked out but saw no signal of a car.
"Got a taxi, payed by card" he simple say, letting himself fall in your sofa.
You went to get him some water, when you returned he was already sleeping. He once said your sofa was too comfortable.
You stood there, seeing him sleep. His chest went up and down slowly, his mouth was slighty open. He looked like any other drunk college student. But to you it was beautiful.
Still....you moved him to awake him up so he could get some water. He gave a sleepy look that almost looked offended but drank the water anyways. He then kept looking at you, and you, you took a look at yourself and blushed seeing how you were dressed.
"Dont say a thing, its 2am-" you were going to keep scolding him but he interrumped you.
"I could kiss you right now, you look beautiful".
Your mind went black, you could not believe what you had listened and blamed it to the alcohol.
"Dont say things like that being drunk" you responded "People will take it seriously".
Chishiya moved himself to get closer to you, the alcohol hitting your nose.
"Im drunk, but im saying the true, I want to kiss you so badly"
You blushed at his proximity and as much as you wanted to kiss him too you pushed him.
"Tomorrow, tell me again tomorrow"
You gave him some blankets and went to your room. You got a text from Kuina asking for Chishiya and you returned it by saying he was with you.
Her reply: ;)
When morning came you did your routine trying to ignore the nerves you were feeling.
When you went into your living room you saw Chishiya taking some coffee (there was another one for you) and eating some eggs.
"Morning" he simple said starting at the TV
You sat besides him going to take your cup till Chishiya talk almost making you let your cup fall.
"Can I kiss you now?" He was looking at you with knowing eyes and a smirk.
Good looking bastard
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4pfsukuna · 4 months
jealous!sukuna story here👇🏾
The last thing Nanami kento expected to see at Gojo’s party (that he basically tricked him into going to) was his ex girl from 4 years ago in a black mini silk dress that if you just bent over a tad bit more—
“You alright man?” Gojo ask slapping his blonde hair friends back snapping him back to the reality where his cup of alcohol had been crushed completely in his hand.
He was sure of Two things in this moment.
His hand was wet and 2? He wasnt letting you get away again.
Incubus curse
After the mission Gojo sent you and Namami on to get rid of some incubus curse (which he didnt mention)  Nanami is shocked when you dont show up to the school the next day and decides to pay you a visit.
“I want you to bend me over every surface including my balcony until neither of us have any energy left… and then go for one more round”
Part two
What if Nanami is the one who suffers the effects of the incubus curse instead of you?
He felt fine and whatever silly little pink dust the cursed spirit sprayed mustve been just that, that’s until he catches a glimpse of you pinning one of the students to the ground and damn would he work endless amounts of overtime to be under you like that— what was he saying?! Shaking his head he almost completely looses it when he watches the way your ass jiggles in your shorts and wonders how back shots would be.
Its not long before hes back in his office gripping his length in his fist and bottom lip between his teeth to quiet his moans.
“Nanami you shouldve said something”
“Like what? How i want to have you moaning and beging to cum for a fifth time with tears in your eyes? Or that i want to watch your eyes get  wide as you swallow my dick taking it to the back of your throat like the good girl i know you are? Or that i want to fill you up with every drop of my seed to put my claim on you and my self control is dwindling because i can smell your arousal and i just want to burry my face in it” he says with pure raw desire as his eyes burn into mine.
Professor reward & punishment.
You suck at college math and luckily your neighbor who happens to be a proffessor offers to tutor you after you helped him out a few nights ago.
“Since you can’t seem to pay attention, for every answer you get right ill put in another finger and for every wrong answer you put clothes on reducing the friction.” He holds my jaw making sure im listening.
“And extra credit” i tease before he begins rolling his sleeves up the bulge of his muscles ans loosening his tie yanking aggresively.
A dark smirk reaches his lips that ive never seen before and ive never wanted to be more accurate in… whatever subject we were studying for again.
You and sukuna had gone back and forth so much its almost like you forgot yuji was his vessel, almost like you forgot he was the king of curses.
But none of that mattered now you (23) and yuji also of age had comitted to getting drunk and letting loose for once.
Sukuna pays it no mind as you aimlessly flirt with some guy at the bar but your eyes are on him. Not the guy, not yuji but Sukuna who had taken over since yuji was to drunk to fight back.
He could easily burn the world to the ground and nothing could stop him except for the look in your eyes when your tounge trails up his abs to his chest tracing his tattoo that the only fire burning hes worried about is the one in your eyes.
“Id pleasure you in ways no woman in your 1000 years of existance could even think about” i smirk before flipping us over so im on top us still connected by our hips moving my hand from his wrist to his neck making him purr.
More of a drabble aka the 3 times his kids call him daddy and the one time you do.
“Get in the cage!” 
“Sukuna stop telling them that! Theres no cage”
“He put fucking smiley faces in my book of incantations” he growls showing me the smiley faces with red eyes, fangs and a crooked smile.
“Oooh he drew you is that why youre mad” i tease watching him seathe as the sound of footsteps running upstairs can be heard smoke nearly comes out of his ears and foam from his mouth.
“As shitty as the smiley face may be he drew it because of you, now stop being such a sourpuss! if you be nice ill even call you daddy and let you give me another little you” i peck his lips listening to the growl of disappointment from pulling away too fast.
“I don’t think i told them how much i love them today” He mumbles pulling me into his lap.
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kissablening · 6 months
06 - stop avoiding me
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warnings: use of drugs, language
written chapter. lowercase intended
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ryujin stepped out of the back seat of karinas pink tesla, adjusting her watch. she waited for the others to get out of the car.
“rina i love you but your ass cant drive for shit.” sunghoon says catching his breath.
“no for real. how the fuck did u acquire a license?” sungchan adds getting out the passenger side.
“it wasnt even that bad. if thats the case you two can walk back home.” rina argues, locking the car before walking to the house.
“you two need to shut up sometimes.” yeji says walking off, soobin follows her. ryujin follows the both of them. hearing the other two guys mutter behind her.
the house wasnt that small , or big either. just a friends two story modern home. ryujin never wanted to see her this place again but shes doing it for yn.
blowing out smoke, she takes another sip of her water. ryujin was high off her ass. and she had yet to see yn. checking her watch, she see thats its been atleast 45 minutes since she first arrived at the party.
she runs her hands through her black hair, taking another dose of the blunt, throwing her head back, letting out the smoke. “where the fuck is she?”
she closed her eyes and sighed. “oh hey guys youre finally here!!” ryujin hears someone from infront exclaim.
raising her head, she opens her eyes to see the person shes been waiting for.
the person thats been avoiding her for almost 2 weeks.
the person who looks sexy as fuck as of right now.
the sits up and watches her hold conversation with her friends, before looking up and making eye contact with ryujin.
ryujin doesn’t break eye contact as she continues to watch her, man spreading, taking another hit.
she watches as yn looks away, and heads to the back of the house.
following her, she ends up right behind yn. “what do you want” yn asks feeling goose bumps rise on her skin.
“i want to know why, you keep avoiding me. yn” she says still holding the blunt in her hand.
yn scoffs walking into the bathroom, attempting to close the door on ryujins face.
ryujin stops the door, and walks into the bathroom with her.
“ryujin what the hell?!” yn shouts “i have to use the bathroom, get out!”
“not until you tell me why, this is the only time ive held a conversation with you in the past 2 weeks?!” ryujin shouts back, throwing the rest of her blunt in the toilet and flushing it.
she stands against the door, locking it waiting for yn to speak.
“leave.” is all she responds with.
“no. i dont know if this will be the last time i ever see you again. im not taking any chances.” ryujin starts “do you know how worried ive been yn? you cant just ghost me without an explanation.”
they stand there in silence before yn speaks up again.
“im embarrassed ok?” yn admits “are you not embarrassed about all of this?” she gestures her hands between the both of them.
“what we did wasnt right, and i hate myself because i can’t remember half of it. and im sure you dont either righ-“
“yn” ryujin cuts her off “is this what thats all about?” she scoffs.
“yn listen to me,” ryujin puts her hands on each side of yns cheeks, “this is nothing you should be embarrassed about, yes we were drunk, but that doesn’t mean you have to avoid me because of it. talking to me about it would’ve been alot easier, please stop avoiding me and just talk to me. im listening.” ryujin practically begged.
“i…im sorry. i just…couldn’t face you after that happened.” yn looks down, but ryujin takes one of her hands and lifts yns head up so that shes looking her directly in the eye.
they stare at each other for what feels like eternity before yn clears her throat and looks away.
ryujin smiles before leaning back on the bathroom door. “so does this mean were friends again?” ryujin asks looking back at yn.
“i dont know…” yn says hesitantly.
“yn-“ ryujin begins
“im just kidding, of course were friends again. not like we werent friends but anyway..” she pulls ryujin into a small hug, ryujin wraps her hands around her waist.
they stay there for a while before yn pushes herself off of ryujin. “no actually leave, because i really have to pee.” yn says unlocking the door.
“fine. but when youre done ill be outside.”
“outside?” yn questions
“yes outside. i really didnt want to come here, i came here for you. i actually just wanted to make up with you, and leave.” ryujin explains
“oh okay, well you want me to come with?” yn asks
“no duh.” ryujin says sarcastically leaving the bathroom.
finally she could breathe.
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previous - masterlist - next
@eun-luv @hyuk4ngel
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twintravelers · 8 months
need me someone to do a haikaveh animatic of them w/the song lemon boy. i swear it fits them so much… i have my own interpretation of it below the cut !! (it's a bit long but bear w me.. tldr if u dont wanna read it: i think lemon boy nicely fits hkvh's progression in their relationship from their academia days to current times + they kiss at the end as a treat)
verse 1: There once was a bittersweet man and they called him, "Lemon Boy" / He was growing in my garden and I pulled him out by his hair like a weed
alhaitham thru kaveh's eyes, hkvh meeting at the academia (alhaitham is lemon boy), start of arguments
And like weeds do he only came and grew back again / So, I figured this time I might as well let him be
recurrent arguments+debates, slowly become friends
chorus: Lemon Boy and me started to get along together / I helped him plant his seeds / And we'd mow the lawn in bad weather
start hanging out/studying tgt !!
It's actually pretty easy being nice to a bitter boy like him / So, I got myself a citrus friend
become real friends / lowkey crushing?
verse 2: But soon his bittersweet started to rub off on me / You'd think smelling like lemon zest would be pretty neat
some more scenes of younger hkvh hanging out tgt :3 imagine what u want
I found out that my friends are more of the savory type / And they weren't too keen on compromising with a nice lemon pie
kaveh talking to some ppl who don't like alhaitham, argues w them (in alhaitham's favour) n leaves (maybe w alhaitham eavesdropping? lol)
chorus: So Lemon Boy and me, we just gotta get along together / I helped him plant his seeds / And we'll mow the lawn in bad weather
hkvh CUTE/fluff scenes working on the infamous project tgt
It's actually pretty easy being nice to a bitter boy like him / So, I got myself a citrus friend
maybe some more obvious crushing here idk.. i just love to think of them pining but not saying anything in their academia days... 
bridge: But what if I run out of fertilizer? / What if the clouds run out of rain? / What if Lemon Boy won't grow no longer? / What if beaches dry of sugar cane? / Oh well
/the/ fight. kaveh leaves. they grow apart, the years passing by. alhaitham finds kaveh drunk at the bar.
The whales start to beach themselves / Tortoise shells tear away from their spines / It happens all the time, it happens all the time
after listening to his ex-friend woes, alhaitham takes his jacket, puts it over kaveh's shoulder, and brings him back to his home, offering him a second key to the house in the morning
pre-chorus: Lemon Boy and I, we're gonna live forever / Like Snufkin and Little My, we'll get around wherever
kaveh slowly getting settled in his new home w/alhaitham <3 
chorus: Lemon Boy and I, we're gonna live forever / Like Snufkin and Little My, we'll get around wherever / It's actually pretty easy being nice to a bitter boy like him
them slowing hanging out tgt again, bickering w each other, little fond alhaitham moment w a small smile when he looks at kaveh arguing w him
outro: 'Cause we're the bitterest boys in town / Yeah, we're the bitterest guys around / And I got myself a citrus friend
alhaitham slowly approaches kaveh while he's complaining and kisses him to shut him up (heheheh) on the last line and it ends w kaveh being flustered but bringing alhaitham in for another kiss
OKAY IM DONE... hope someone read until the end if u did ily
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hockeyandhrsepwr · 1 year
Party Homies!
Luke Hughes x college vlogger!reader
Sup Homies! Masterlist
**I had another idea for this au so enjoy:) I'm a wee bit drunk so may be a mistake or 2 <3 Happy St Paddy's day!! ***
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yourusername Pour one out for Paddy (& the boys since they’ve got a game tomorrow and can’t celebrate our lord & saviour today)
lhughes_06 thanks for taking one for the team babe
Yourusername It’s difficult but you’re welcome babe!! Ill see you tomorrow
lhughes_06 You better! You’re my lucky charm🫶
jackHughes bleh 
Yourusername shut it leprechaun
jackHughes im 5 11!
Yourusername and I’m Irish
lhughes_06 babe you are Irish
Yourusername ops I meant Italian. Stopid autocorrect 
sholtz_024 appreciate the shoutout! Have some whiskey for me!
Yourusername Can I do tequila? You know whiskey makes me horny
BigBro  Jesus y/n!
Bestie you should know by now what happens when she drinks by now
DylanDuke.25 its 2pm
Yourusername youre just jelly, dilly!
DylanDuke.25 you know, I’m really not
Mackie.samo dont listen to him y/n he's pouting rn
_quinnhughes stay safe!
Yourusername will do daddy
_quinnhughes nope nope nope
lhughes_06 dont ever refer to him as that again 🤮
Edwards.73 just you, huh Luke?
lhughes_06 absolutely not
Friend73 The only saint we recognize🫡
Yourusername in St Paddy we trust 
Bestie stay safe!! I need you to make it to Minny tomorrow
Yourusername baby are you surprising me?! 
Bestie no , I just dont want to get a grumpy call from Luke
Yourusername Dont worry honey, I make my 10am flight! Thats why we drinky now so I can zzzz it off
lhughes_06 babe take a nap. 
Yourusername okey dokey lukey dukey. Loves you mwah 
Friend23 where’d you go?
Yourusername I’m at the pub where are youuuu!!
Friend23 just stay there. 
User83 I wanna party with you!!
Yourusername babbbbbyy!! Come to Mich and we party!
Lhughes_06 friend2 you take her phone away!!
Friend2 nah, I’m kind of enjoying this 
User29 omg that looks so fun!
Yourusername I’m vlogging it so all of you can come with
nolan_moyle drink some water!!
Yourusername Vodka’s bascially water right? 
nolan_moyle aren’t you supposed to be smart?
shlotz_024 she’s been going for a few hours already, give her a break
jacobtrusscott_20 this comments section is wild
markestapa you can see the progression of y/ns drunkness in real time 😂
Luca.fantilli & Luke attempting to do damage control from another state 😂
Rutgermcgroaty not sure how effective it is tho
March 18
lhughes_06 has posted to his story
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Caption: for everyone wondering, yourusername did make it to Min, & only slightly hungover.
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rndmmarston · 9 months
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Doc Holliday X F/Reader
Warnings-None(I don’t think)
Y/Ns Pov
It was a Nice Morning In Tombstone,Hot like usual, Doc Was sitting outside leaned back with his feet Propped up on a chair at the Barber, I walked over to him “Morning” I said as I sat next to him “Morning Darlin’” he said with his eyes closed looking very Relaxed.
I leaned back into my chair and watched the people walk up and down the street, I seen in the Distance Wyatt, Virgil and Morgan, as they were walking,Ringo,One of the cowboys, Came out of the saloon looking very drunk and looking to start trouble, “Well what do we have here…” he said with a slight Slur “What do want Ringo?” Virgil said Putting his hand on his Revolver “I want your blood, and i want your souls and i want them both right now” He said slightly Stumbling over, I stood up and leaned against the railing watching them, After the O.K Corral shoot out things were not going well between the Earp’s and the Cowboys, I looked over at Doc he was still leaning back, now he had pulled his hat down over his face, i guess to keep the sun out of his eyes, “Oh Look who we have over here~” I looked over to realize Ringo was talking to me “Leave her out of this…” Wyatt said stepping forward, Ringo just smiled “Now see, with out your lover here…You ain’t nothing without him…” I just stayed quiet, I seen in the corner of my eye Doc had put his hand over his Gun…He’s listening… “You know…Why are you with him anyways?” he asked me with slurred words “Why are you with a Lunger? Ya know he is gonna die soon…” He said with a Smirk… “Ya know its sad how he isn’t here to protect you…” He said with a smirk
“Just leave her Alone Ringo…” Wyatt said Getting Ringo attentions, As Ringo was looking at Wyatt Doc Stood up and Put his Gun behind his back, He Whistled getting Ringo’s Attention, Ringo’s eyes Widened when he seen him “Ive been here the whole time…” Doc said stepping down “Go to hell…Ill put ya out of your Misery-“ “Say when” Then Curly bill and A few other cowboys came out of the Saloon, As soon as Ringo went to for Doc he got pulled back by the cowboys “Don’t mind him he’s just drunk thats all!” Curly bill said while laughing.
“gentlemen” Doc tipped his hat at the Earp’s and Walked back over to the Barber, I stood there leaning against the railing, He came up to me wrapping his arm around my waist “You Okay Darlin’?” “yeah…Im fine…” “Its okay…Im here to protect you…Don’t listen to anything he says to you…” He says with a slight smile “I wont…Thanks” I said as I leaned up and kisses his cheek.
A/N- This is a Short story…Its Currently 2:45 Where i am so its not the best i know, Sorry i dont ever post on here <3
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