#i was gonna say “magic exists” but it already does
arl-the-beloved · 8 months
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Yes i got this from tiktok
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Why hasn't there been a stoner comedy with elves n shit called "High Fantasy" yet
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irisintheafterglow · 5 months
smoke his ass! (pro racer!gojo x you)
cw/tags: a lot of swearing lol, established relationship, banter and dialogue driven
note: didn't think this would get too long, but i liked writing this a lot! hope you enjoy :)
likes, reblogs, and replies are always appreciated <3
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"that fucker in the ford is going to get smited if he doesn't stop being the ass-est human to ever exist."
"is it smited or smote? smot?" your pit lead shoots you a smirk, absolutely certain of who the 'fucker in the ford' was that was making your driver so infuriated. "i'm not sure smited is a word," suguru whispers through your mic.
"you're gonna be next, suguru geto. burnt to a crisp that would make hell jealous."
"geez, satoru," you mutter, praying that a convenient line of static or the sound of the wheels revving distorted his threats on any live feeds of his pov. "what's got you so worked up?"
"he needs to take me to dinner first before he rides my ass!" the last three words of his declaration blare in your headphones and you wince, already aware of the hearing loss you must experience from being around deafening engines all the time. the engine temperature spikes as satoru flicks the lever up a gear and makes a narrow pass around the second-place porsche. with the ford and the porsche eating his dust, he was able to regain some momentum with such an unexpected maneuver. he's quick to rein in the flare in his temper, though, and he can already predict your protests to pushing the car at an unnecessary time. "i know, i know. that pass was untimely, but i'm mad as hell right now."
"you're about to be madder," you say with no ounce of remorse and automatically tune out the groan of frustration crackling through the line. "i'm pitting you for new wheels and i wanna check your windscreen. that mcclaren crash during lap four probably threw some bad debris your way." his silence speaks volumes, his irritation obvious. yes, the stop may force satoru to work harder on his way back to the podium, but it was necessary to keep him safe for the remainder of the race. his car swerves unceremoniously into the pit lane and suguru's crew make quick work of replacing the tires. you meet his eyes through the window and find them seething, his gloves holding the wheel in a white-knuckle grip. before you could blink, he was zooming away again, adamant on showing the ford driver what the honored one is truly capable of. "you with me, satoru?"
"loud and clear. can i get a 'who's who' on that ford?"
"magic word?"
"i'm in shambles for you," he replies without missing a beat.
"look, you're climbing back to second and he's in fourth, satoru. he doesn't matter-"
"he plays dirty, so he does matter if he keeps trying to flip me into fucking oblivion," he counters and you sigh, defeated. you double-check the roster and see a name you weren't familiar with, someone who must have flown under the radar from the lower circuits.
"fushiguro. fushiguro toji." you watch the ferrari icon next to satoru's name steadily climb the leaderboard as he returns to his spot in third, with the porsche in front of him and the ford on his tail.
"to these races, yeah, but it seems that he's dealt with drivers like you before."
"what do you mean, 'drivers like me?'"
"i mean that we've found a more reckless driver than you." the ford cuts a hard left to come parallel with the driver's side, barely missing one of satoru's back wheel wells. "case in point."
"then i think it's time he learned his place," satoru snarls. within seconds, he throws the car into a higher gear and swings wide on the following right turn, accelerating at the peak of his centripetal force and slamming on the gas at the straightaway. "how's that for reckless driving, asshole?"
"take a breath, hotshot," you chuckle and hear him click his tongue in defiance. you're slightly in awe of his move, but you weren't going to tell him that over comms. "you've still got a few more laps to go and you can easily burn out if you're not careful," you remind him but feel in your bones that he's found his way back into his groove, his own little pocket of racing that was created when it was only you on the line, him on the track, and a podium finish in sight.
"stay on the line?"
"i'm not going anywhere, sweetheart." you can hear him smile at the rare slip of affection, something you're very cautious about when you were both in professional settings. while your relationship with satoru was no secret, you tried to keep public reminders to a minimum to avoid overshadowing his racing career. you knew which story the press would choose first between his love life and his titles. "just get back faster."
"i'm trying, but this mercedes is giving me a rough time." you fight the urge to laugh, having seen this sequence play out numerous times in the past. towards the end of races where something threw him off, he tended to lose morale during the last few laps. however, since you became his lead engineer, you've developed the uncanny skill of saying the three magic words to fire him up again.
"you're in a ferrari, gojo satoru," you say. "smoke his ass." like clockwork, the words register in his mind and he finds a new sense of determination, rocketing past the mercedes and over the checkered line for another first-place finish on his shelf. "there you go, there's my speed demon boyfriend," you murmur in his ear when he tugs off his helmet and gloves and holds you close.
"sorry for getting pissy about the ford," he says quietly so that only you can hear it. "i hope i didn't hurt your ears too badly."
"they're still ringing," you joke, "but i'll be fine as long as you aren't arrested for assault on fushiguro toji." a dangerous glint catches in satoru's bright blue eyes, one that makes the corner of your mouth turn down in a scolding frown.
"i'm not doing anything," he sings innocently while you make your way up the stairs to the winners' stage. "not yet, at least. and, for the record, i'm elated that he didn't make podium." before he leaves, he's quick to give you a peck on the cheek that makes your face heat. "and, i love you a lot. i'm gonna go get our trophy now, so wait here."
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if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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rayroseu · 2 months
I know I'm just reaching, but the sequence of Silver waking up in the Rabbit Race feels so much like the occuring ways he's woken up by Lilia 😭😭😭🙏🙏💖💕💞💕
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⬆️⬆️⬆️ This is from the Rabbit Fest
⬇️⬇️⬇️ This is the parallel of it in Book 7
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one thing I noticed, Silver and Knight of Dawn do have similarities with their magic other than their whole white void magic... ITS THAT THEY BOTH REQUIRE A FAE TO DEVOTE THEIR STRENGTH TO 😭😭🙏🙏✨💖💕💖💕
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In Japanese, they basically said the same thing😭😭‼️‼️✨✨ especially the 我に力を!!😭😭(in silver's case the way he says his line is just more ""informal"" (俺に力を) than Dawn, he says "ore ni" unlike "ware ni")
Does this mean in Silver's heart,,, Lilia is Silver's guardian fairy??? 😭😭😭💞💞💞
I know thats like obvious already but "guardian fairies" for Knight of Dawn, was the origin of his power, every time he wields his sword he dedicates his strength to them, so every battle he endures feels like its for the fairies that gives him strength and in turn, he wants to protect them (and remember that Silver's dream is to be a knight capable of protecting Malleus and Lilia (the faes he loves!!!))
IM GONNA SOB... GUYS IT KINDA FEELS LIKE he loves his father so much, he thinks his strength came from his love to Lilia😭😭
So, the thing that makes Silver strong even against his sleepiness or sadness, is true love, JDJSJDJS regardless if its not Lilia, it could be Sebek, it could be the first years...
Its mostly Lilia OFCC but it can also be from friends and in the Rabbit Fest, the first years, who are his friends😭💖💖💖🙏✨ I'm sure Lilia would be proud AJDJWJS
ALSO now this just makes me think that MAYBE Silver's and Dawn's lineage, requires them "to love someone," or "be loved" in order to be strong???
If so, THAT COULD BE A PARALLEL to the fact that the Draconia lineage also needs lots of love in order to be born... so both Silver/Knight of Dawn and Malleus/Meleanor are people who were born and whose strength centers around love— kind of like they cant exist nor grow up without it 😭😭💞🙏✨✨
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bubblergoespop · 3 months
My Top Vincent Quotes
save me flirty vampire save me (≧∀≦)
“When it feels like it’s too much, just squeeze, okay?”
“Because otherwise you’re gonna be doing your best imitation of a Southern-fried steak under this sun. Move it, cowboy.”
“Oh, I know I’m very close. You’re welcome.”
“My entrepreneurial efforts should not be mocked, Vincent.”
“Should I strip down for easier access, doctor?”
“No one can touch you anymore… No one but me.”
“I’ve only ever met a couple of air elementals in my day, and we, uh… we weren’t doing much talking, if you get my drift.”
“I’ll never get tired of seeing you come down those stairs like that. Like you know exactly what it does to me. Like you own the room. Like you own my heart. Because you do.”
“This is different. Because it’s with you. And not because of what happened to you but because it’s you. Because of what you mean to me. You’re special to me.”
“I love your neck. And that’s not a vampire thing. That’s a Vincent thing.”
“Hold my hand. Please. Yeah, hold it tight. Feel how strong it is. That’s all for you. It’s your strength. It’s yours.”
“Unlike me, the proverbial golden child.”
“Your scent, even through the skin… It’s torture. But the fun kind.”
“The old man.”
“Knowing you has been like switching my life from black and white to technicolor.”
“When I’m around you all I can think is Ohm my god— That one was so dumb”
“You. I’m looking at you.”
“I assume your lupine-inclined S.O. finds it palatable?”
“I can find them.”
“God, your blood practically sings to me, do you know that?”
“I love you. And I will spend eternity at your side if you’d let me.”
“Don’t tell him I said that though. He already threatens to kick my ass every other day. I’d probably deserve it too, but he’s too much of a softy to actually do it.”
“What? I am looking. All right, maybe I’m not looking out at the view. But I’m definitely looking. And loving what I see.”
“All of you is amazing. I mean that. I couldn’t say it if I didn’t. “
“If you really want someone to act like a mother hen, try pulling anything in front of Sam, you can practically hear his blood pressure rising in real time”
“You were my new beginning.”
“My magic is yours, to be whatever help it can. All of me is. Always.”
“I love you. Yes, even when you eat shit. C’mon, you goof.”
“I know your neck’s sweaty. What’s your point?”
“I need your blood. Please.”
“Yeah. It’s still a Vincent thing. I’ll always love kissing your neck, Lovely.”
“Alexis is… being Alexis about it all.”
“Oh I’m not just any idiot, I’m your idiot. There’s a difference.”
“It’s nothing. You just… you look so cute cuddled up under the sheets like that.”
“Fuck, you smell good.”
“What? I am being good.”
“I’ll fix the drywall… You’re right, I won’t.”
“If the attendant hears it’ll give him something fun to talk about when he gets home.”
-“Even when we’re apart, just thinking of you gets me hard.”
“Have I mentioned that I love when you really lean into your Vampiric strength? Good. Because it’s so fucking hot.“
“You know I’ve always been a tease. Your tease.”
“Yeah you can bite me. Do it.”
“I said mine.”
“Let’s go see what the cowboy’s thinking.”
“Fuck. I wanted you so bad. You’ve been so close. But I knew it’d be worth the wait. And you’re worth every minute of the wait. ”
“Makes sense when your mate’s halfway to being a lumberjack already.”
“Eat shit, asshole. Is that better?”
“Do you like it? [the cutest relieved chuckle in existence] Good. Good I’m glad.”
“I’m not some animal. I’m Vincent Solaire. I’m not just a vampire. I’m more than that. I have to be more than that.”
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ashdreams2023 · 6 months
Loki x sick reader headcanons? Pls. Him coming with her to the doctors, holding her when medicine makes her sleepy, trying to use magic to make her feel better
I wish I could phrase that better but my ass is on so much antibiotics
Sure and I hope you’re doing better now love 🤍
Loki x sick reader
Lots and lots of herbal tea, like you’re gonna be drinking plants you didn’t even know existed
Tries to avoid touching you because his hands are already cold
Listens to what the doctors says more than you do
"It’s time for your medicine" "But it’s 2am!" "Doctor said every eight hours!"
Makes sure you wear you always wear fluffy warm socks and no cold stuff
"Can we get like smoothies?" "No and finish your ginger tea, and if you get better I’ll consider giving you hot cocoa"
He charms your blankets to be warmer
Does little magic shows to cheer you up when you get grumpy
Tells you stories about his childhood and the many many pranks he came up growing up with Thor
Carries you around like a princess if you don’t find it in you to get out of bed
You will realize in that period of time that Loki is a quick learner, which results in him leading a dozen soup recipes
"Try this it’s a Cullen Skink, it’s from Scotland"
He also, never misses with the taste, so you will be well feed during with the healing process
Also loki hates when you get sick like he despises it
He misses your regular lively self, so it’s sort of heartbreaking to see you so drained
"Get better soon so I can take you out and spoil you rotten" "you will regret those words soon"
He makes your medicine tastes like candy so taken it would be easier
Checks your temperature every few hours and lays beside you as you fall asleep
He sighs in absolute relief when he wakes up one day and sees you out of bed and back to your regular self
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You know what I said it in the tags earlier but I’m gonna say it out loud now because I love being doomed by the narrative.
Obviously, Belos doesn’t care about the grimwalkers too much anymore. Doesn’t seem to do much except use them as child soldiers and, I dunno, feel some sort of twisted joy out of making “Caleb” work against witches.
But that’s just it. Some part of him cares, just a little bit, because he keeps making grimwalkers from his brother. And, clearly, he didn’t just make them on a whim. Belos wanted Caleb back. He still wants Caleb back. He wants to kill everything that made Caleb leave him, from a palisman to an entire society. He was already going to kill Hunter for betraying him, but he wanted to make it violent after realizing how close the similarities came to Caleb’s ‘betrayal.’
Belos wants Caleb back. The solution? Make a grimwalker. That doesn’t work. They don’t look the same. They don’t act the same. Even when he tries to mold them to be, he kills them. Why?
Because Belos killed Caleb simply for the act of being Caleb. No matter what he does, the fact will always be that Caleb is someone who learned to love a witch and live with magic, and those are things he had to kill him for. If he made a grimwalker exactly like Caleb, they’d always wind up six feet under.
He can’t make a “better” Caleb, either. To make a “better” Caleb is to make someone who isn’t Caleb. There is no “better version.” There’s only Caleb, and not-Caleb. Even if the grimwalker was perfect, if they were everything Belos wanted the two of them to be, they wouldn’t be Caleb. Because the real Caleb doesn’t think like Belos. So, it’s not Caleb, and he kills them.
Every single Golden Guard was destined to die because of something they couldn’t control. It wasn’t because they all betrayed, or because Belos despised them, or he because got bored. It was because he was trying to get his brother back. A brother who would stay forever, who would agree with his actions, who would love him unconditionally, all at the same time.
And that brother doesn’t exist.
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konniesreality · 9 months
I've a piece of advice for everyone who trying to shifting/void whatever just give your self 3 days
For the next 3 days spend your day reprogramming your mind look ik going to void /shifting is easy you don't need a whole ass method or whatevaa but as we have certain believes and perspective towards life so initially it's a bit hard to just accept something new for our subconscious it says (no that's not true)
But just imagine you are at a new place so obviously you don't know the routes right? But what if someone keep telling you again n again that this way goes to hotel, this way goes hotel after few time you'll be like ohhh fuckk ik can you plz stop
Same way we have to let our mind get familiar with this new route
But firstly you should believe that shifting/ void do exist don't be like ohh is it even real it seems unreal to you because you haven't heared it from your childhood but that's doesn't mean it does not exist, so first of all stop questing yourself about it's existence
Now what you have to do is select 3 days from your preference and keep it in your mind that on the third day you are going to shift another thing during these 3 days at the initial 2 days don't try to shift I'll explain you later why you should not.
Day 1- just take a piece of paper or your phone anything it's up to you there should be two columns first believes second disbelieve now what you gonna do is on the believes section write things which you actually believe such as water keeps us hydrated but along with these sentence put some shifting/ void sentence repeatedly such as I can shift, shifting is easy for me, regardless of everything I'll shift, and much more it should be in a way which seems natural to you that's why I said put basic things which you actually believe in between first line should be any basic thing which you believe then about shifting then something else then again shifting like that and on the disbelief side write down things which you don't believe keep it simple like ghosts, black magic, and so on once you done go through this list throughout the day and lock it down in your subconscious that yeah this is what I believe and this is what I don't okayy?
Day 2- so this day you have to show gratitude towards whatever you believe like God or may be universe or whatever your superpower your guardian angel it could be anything show gratitude that omg I'm so grateful I came to know about this concept I meant to fulfill my desires or I deserve to live my DR that's why out of millions of people only few people know about this and I'm one of them also you just have to stay excited of course not the whole day but whenever you can because one day has already pass you are on the second and finally tomorrow is the day when you entering your DR so stay happy cheer the moment, feel excited about it you get it right?
This entire day you have to think that everything every single thing whatever you are doing throughout the day is bringing you closer to your DR let's say you are drinking water you'll be like ysss this water helps in my shifting, omg I'm taking a nap this brings me closer to my DR and stuff like that also keep reminding yourself that today is the day every second every minute that passes bring you close to the time when you are going to shift and enter in your desired reality.
Now at night do whatever method you follow for shifting and just enter like yess ENTER IN YOUR DESIRED REALITY GOOO DO IT!!!
And a bonus point you can do vaunts, and listen to subliminal throughout these three days ( it's optional btw but it helps)
Let me know the success stories byy byyy🤍🤍
Thank you so much anon! Everyone do thisssss 💗💗💗💗💗💗
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ziipzeepzop-eez · 6 months
❝ just like magic, here you are! just like magic, in my heart. ❞
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━━ ⁎˚ ໒ 🍥 𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞!𝐥𝐞𝐨 𝐱 𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐤𝐚𝐢!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 ⊹ ࣪ ˖༄
request — @snipersiniora : " Cool! Cool! As a ROTTMNT big fan my requests goes there especially either platonic, romance or sister reader in general (you can say i love these types of HCs/one-shot). ⨾ About the request; May i please - and as always if you don't want to, don't feel comfortable about it you can delete the request - Rottmnt romantic hc about Leonardo x fem!reader who's a Unicorn yokai? ⨾ Like she has a habit to flip her wings whenever leo is aroundshe loves wearing pink but once leo became her boyfriend she wear blue his color and she's super sweet and trusting of him. Something rotten tooth sweet type of hc. "
𝐚 / 𝐧 ༝༚༝༚ ☁︎ :: my dearest love. at user sniper siniora. here it is. i bestow this upon you with trembling hands and a stoic grace. i won't lie! — with this being my first time doin' an official sorta " request " outside of the usual shenanigans with my shawties, i was more than a little nervous. but this was a lot of fun!! i hope it makes you feel at least a lil better :')) <3 thank you for your endless patience, the creativity juice, and most of all - for requesting from me! 🩵💫 it's been an honor, and i reeeally hope you like it because if you don't i will JUST BE CRUSHED.
now, on with the show. *bows with a flourish*
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HE'S OBSESSED WITH YOU Awww, look guys!! It's couple of the year! (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧
༘⋆✿ No but seriously. How dare you exist? How dare you become the exact embodiment of this boy's wildest dreams? (/lh + /aff)
The world of the yokai is already a diverse plane, so the possibility (read: literal existence) of unicorn yokai being a reality was never not thereeee . . . .
Our Neon Leon just never got that far. Haha.
So trust that when homeboy sees you for the first time, he does a whole double-take.
༘⋆✿ He is, enthralled. You have him entirely wrapped around your pretty li'l majestic finger. Ope- there he is, kissing up your knuckles! (Just shove him away.) (He'll come back. He knows you can't resist his charm.)
Let's be real: the first time he caught a glimpse of you, it was in passing, and he could not stop thinking about you for the rest of . . . well, until you see each other again!
His brothers probably know every little detail about you (physically wise) before you guys even get together lmwoooo.
He would NOT SHUT UP about the "majestic unicorn lady down in Times Square down in the Hidden City (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+ . . . NO, HE WAS NOT HALLUCINATING DONNIE. He really saw you! >:("
(Donnie definitely wouldn't miss out on an opportunity to tease his twin but I feel he'd be just as interested in the aspect of your existence! What can I say? The man's a scientist. He tries to run genetic tests but Leo doesn't let him and shoo's him away each time he even comes close to you with in-the-name-of-science intent lolz)
༘⋆✿ Thinks you're the most magical thing to ever grace this wretched earth.
And, if magic is a bit of a stereotype for your kind?
If you can't actually- . . . if you don't have magical abilities— that doesn't make you any less in Leo's eyes!! To him, your whole existence itself is magical. ✨ His words, not mine. (/lh)
He's all over you any other way.
Casual settings, ranging from cozy atmospheres such as date nights to the eccentric zany missions, circling back to midnights on the rooftops,
Just sneaking into your everyday life in broad daylight,
with or without his signature hoodie,
but always with his charming smile.
He's your new constant, just like you're his.
However! If you do share in the mystic aspect that comes with being a yokai, or a direct descendant mutant of a mysticism involved bloodline (*stares hard in bro's general direction*) —
you're gonna get dragged into a bunch of crazy thematic shenanigans that
- more often than not -
end up with you guys bustin' your butts in a mad escape from some rogue yokai of sorts.
During the calmer times tho? You'd indulge him.
Set off little magical cotton-candy pink shadow puppets dancing across the walls of his bedroom while he cuddles close to you, churring softly while rubbing his cheek against yours, his eyes sparkling with nothing short of adoration.
Whether you're casting those little puppet shows out of your own volition,
or from the music box Leo had gifted to you on a date he'd nabbed from a cute little shop in the Hidden City,
that's up for you to decide.
It's a sweet bonding time either way. (✿ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)⁾⁾
༘⋆✿ . . . He has his moments of trademark insufferability, tho. You knew it was coming.
"Ooo! Ooh, I know!- can you magic up a pizza?"
"Can you teleport like me? If I got you in a high enough position, could you defeat our enemies with the power of friendship?"
"Can you make fireworks come outta your fingers? It'd make a lotta sense, seeing as you have magic fingers; that massage last night did wonders for my scales, cutie. I'll help brush your feathers later, hm?"
"Oh- OH! I know! Can you-"
༘⋆✿ Magic abilities, no magic abilities. Noodles, no noodles . . . One thing about this funky blueberry muffin is he will be absolutely obsessed with you, through and through.
"You're all the magic I need in my life, [Name]."
༘⋆✿ If being one of his favorite existing creatures wasn't enough, let's talk about your fashion!! Now he adores your fashion sense. Your entire aesthetic. He loves unicorns, he loves every sugar-spice-and-everything-nice thing surrounding said unicorns! You're such a vision to him.
But shortly after you both got together, and you started incorporating blue into your everyday style??
Reeeeemember when I told you that he's a little (read: extremely) obsessed?
Yeah. Good luck tryna get him off of you like this. (/hj)
Like, girl- as soon as you step into the lair and he catches you wearing blue?
It could be the most inconspicuous detailing of an accessory - and he'll still catch it.
—And he is ZOOMING OVERRRRR with the biggest grin and just.
Purely cajoling. An absolute cajoler.
A professional flatterer.
Honey is what his words are made of, made to drown you in their syrupy sweetness and trap you like a helpless fly in his venus flytrap of all-encompassing love.
(Except he's being 100% serious.)
"I knew it'd be a matter of time before I rubbed off on you, bonita. Look at you! Spitting image of absolute beauty, if I do say so myself. Blue is definitely your color. You should wear this forever, actually, from now on. Always."
Expanding on this, he lends you his clothes! :'))
(He's a simp. And a little bit freaky. (/ns) But you didn't hear it from me.)
Something about seeing you in his clothes just makes him feel so fuzzy and warm inside.
It makes him feel wanted. Sorta gives him a sense of security. A reaffirmation that you're his and he's yours.
Soft, warm, pure, fuzzy feelin'. Good for the soul. ☁
Like when you hug him with your wings!
He loves that feeling. (..◜ᴗ◝..)
༘⋆✿ Speaking of those luxurious wings . . .
Each time they start to fluff up and flap when he comes within your general vicinity, he gets SO SMUG.
What can we expect from Mr. [Macho Ego] Charmer himself??
"Looks like someone's happy to see me." As if he's not over the entire universe to see you too, smh.
and then you excitedly affirm his words — rather than getting annoyed, even if playfully — and he just gives you the most enamored expression.
Well — it's a fine mix of smugness (because I mean c'mon. It's Leo.) and fond adoration.
He thinks you're so, so adorable.
Cuteness aggression galore.
Once you're trapped in his embrace there's no escape.
Nobody is safe, and
He is fooling NOBODY.
I mean, his own tail starts wagging whenever he sees you . . .
and sometimes, he subconsciously churrs loud enough for you to hear whenever you guys are close, which is literally all the time, . . .
So he can't really speak. Now can he?
(He does anyway. It's Leo.)
If you're okay with it, he definitely pets your wings.
He likes to run his fingers through the feathers. They're just so fluffy.
' Is this what clouds feel like? '
At first he mostly did it to fluster you, seeing as it seemed to have the same blissful effect of him getting shell/chin scritches, but over time, it just happens naturally.
He seeks it out ─ it becomes a source of comfort to him.
Not only because they're so soft and fluffy, hereby appeasing his sensory needs, but also because it's you.
Asks you if you can fly lmwo.
Begs you to take him for a flight by moonlight but y'all will literally go crashing down AJSHDJDHD
Until, you actually do . . . pick him up, that is.
Until you actually do . . . take him for a moonlight flight.
Until you indulge him in everything because you love him so much and would do anything and everything to put a smile on his face.
He's shell shocked (I AM SO HILARIOUS).
A blushing, stuttering mess.
Bro doesn't know what to do with himself.
A turtle? Nay. A tomato.
Someone tell bro not to dish what he can't take lolllll.
༘⋆✿ Sure, he'll tease you a little bit (It's Leo.) but it's all out of love!! Pardon his major ego, he'll throw it all away for you at the drop of a pin; he genuinely loves and cares for you and how you perceive him.
In turn, this causes him to show out a lot more whenever you're around, subconsciously standin' on bidness 25/8 to 'prove himself' to you,
but you also just make him so giddy.
How can he not want to squish and hug and cuddle you and plant kisses all over your cute little face every time he sees you?
He treats you so, so gently.
You're his princess and he beholds you like absolute royalty.
Yes, he may roughhouse from time to time, but he's capable of handling you like fine china.
It makes you feel just as special as it sounds, aughhh.
It's a nice balance in your relationship. <3
At first, he may be a little shy and not know how to handle how trusting and loving you are.
Well, lemme rephrase : he loves how much you love him, because he loves you a lot too!! Whatever affection you give him, he returns tenfold.
You're just so precious he can't help himself, nor would he try.
It's the trust part.
He's . . . well, he can get kind of overwhelmed and in his head about it sometimes.
Especially when his insecurities come to play at the surface :(
He just cares for you so much, it's scary. How much he cares.
— it's a swirling mess of many different things: "you'll put her in danger", "you'll end up disappointing her", "there's someone better out there for her", "why should she trust you?" but at its core, it's all the same:
does he really deserve you?
Precious, pure, sweet, ethereal you?
Surely not, is what his mean brain tells him.
But you're persistent. And with time, dedication, and consistency, you get him to realize that.
Leo is family-driven.
He's deeply devoted to his loved ones and would give the entire world for those he cares about.
Despite his boasting of how awesome of a character he is, he doesn't really believe it like that all the time :((
But he really is a wonderful person.
and you help him further recognize that!!
༘⋆✿ He wants to become the best version of himself when he's with you. He wants to be worth your trust and affection and attention; the self-expansion that manifests from your guys' relationship is one that will turn him for the decades to come. (bro just needs to realize he was worth it all along 😔✊ he's a little slow but he's trying his best, that's what matters.)
It's wondrous what can come from a foundation built on mutual love and trust and respect.
Trust and be trusted.
Love and be loved.
Leo is one who gives and gives, even when he's running low on it for himself.
Blessedly, breathtakingly, you're there to fill that cup for him every time.
And he couldn't be more grateful.
Cuddles close to you, planting loving kisses all over your soft face, from your eyebrow ridges to your lips and relishing in the sweet giggles that he's rewarded with in return.
"I love you," he murmurs. "I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you"
And onnn and onnnn he goes. (♡ˊ͈ ꒳ ˋ͈)
Because he does.
He really, really does.
And you believe him too.
One thing will forever remain for sure:
Choosing and loving you was the best decision of his entire life.
And having you choose him day by day as well? Ah, well, what can I say?
He's in the sugary pink cotton candy clouds, and it's the beautiful serenade of you. (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)
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@cafekitsune + @rookthornesartistry + @animatedglittergraphics-n-more for the dividers / "hc" banner ! 🩷
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Gushing About Their Animal Form | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
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Azul Ashengrotto 
When it's reveaed that he’s actually an octo-mer he thinks you're making fun of him when he sees that fond look in your eyes
But when he meets your enamored gaze more than once since his overblot he gets curious
Sending Jade on the task he expects to get clear results
But alas he does not
Even with his sly attitude and trying to use his unique magic Grimm or Ace&Deuce always seemed to get in the way
Hardly ever catching you alone the more reliable Leech twin has failed
Now onto the other one
Of course Floyd is jumping at the chance to play with ‘his Shrimpy~’
Unlike Jade Floyd can immediately scare off your entourage or at least out run them before asking Azul’s question
You play dumb for a little while hoping it will just throw him off
But he gets to tickling and you just can’t keep it in anymore
“I-haha- like-no haha- love–octopuses! Now p-please s-stop y-you’re gonna make me pee!” 
He’s blushing so hard the revelation 
‘You like octopuses?’
So life will continue as usual until he finally has the guts to ask you fighting his imagination as he awaits your confirmation
Now if your an animal lover(like me) you’re gushing about how much you love their intelligence
Praising their innate immune system, ability to camouflage, and just absolute innovation when it comes to surviving
While he’s listening to you rant with that sparkle in your eye he decides that he quite loves this side of you 
He loves all sides of you but your own passion and interest in him simply by his existence alone is something he’d rather not live without
It doesn’t really matter if you were actually talking about the animal only
So if you behave keep visiting him often he’ll eventually promise to let you see his form
And while he’ll be totally embarrassed that you follow up he’ll hold true and invite you to a second location 
You agree and from there it's easy pickings
He can keep you somewhere where only he can get to you
Somewhere where you both can admire eachothers extremities without bringing attention
“I’m glad you don’t mind my tentacles. Now, following through with our deal, would you please stop wiggling away! Isn’t it fair? I let you touch me so intimately.”
If your not an animal lover and you quite literally like the taste get ready for this bottom yandere
You have so much control over him once he finds out he practically embarasses himself to death around you
Don’t say you like eating anyother seafood 
otherwise I can see him targeting anyone with any relation
“There’s only room for one worthy to be their prey and it's not worth anything for it to be you!” 
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Leona Kingscholar
You gravitate to him when your in groups anyways
He figures it's because he’s considered the strongest
And he takes pride in that 
But this understanding changes when you start reaching for his ears or tail
He probably won’t actually respond just easily grab your reaching  hand or even hold your head far enough that your arms don’t reach 
He’ll want to know but he won’t be the one to ask you
But Ruggie will
Then starts your passionate rant about lions and their symbolism in society and all the ways they prevail in the Savannah 
He’s…really thrilled though
This means his chances with you are already increased and that gives him the advantage
He begins baiting you 
purposefully directing your attention to him with a flick of his tail
Who said male lions can’t hunt!
He sets his snare by pretending to sleep wistfully in some secluded area
So when you inevitably want to sneak a pet he snatches you and proposes an irresistable offer
“If you want to feel me so bad then at least be useful to me when I want to sleep.”
Being a cuddle pet in exchange for the closest you’ll get to a lion 
Good enough!
He dangles it over your head 
As a way for you to follow his will 
“I don’t want you talking with that scuzzball.” 
“Five less minutes.”
“What?! I-” 
“Ten less minutes–”
“Okay! Okay! No more talking with him.”
“Good. Zzzzzzzz.”
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Its less of a counterpart than his whole darn existence
And you probably will never outwardly express how much you love cats 
But he knows you’re not clueless about it
Making makeshift catpaths and cat trees
Playing with him for a certain amount of time everyday
Or how you don’t comment when he feels the need to speed around suddenly before going to bed
Or how you’ll only pet him when he offers
He just has that feeling 
But since you’ve never said anything outright he doesn’t have any grounds to correct you
That doesn’t mean he's happy when you get so excited to hear that Chen’ya floating around
“The Great Grim does require his nails to be trimmed...unless I could do it on his skin–”
“A joke. The Great Grim is not only the greatest magician but has the comedy of uh…funny human!”
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spiderpussinc · 10 months
who you mind sharing some spiderdads headcanons you have, or do "the explain your otp in 5 minutes" meme? no pressure though! i love your art and fic too
im soooooo bad at this kind of question bc i kinda love thinking about a bunch of different/concurrent options like. you know how every fic is its own universe and you watch the same steps happen with little alterations so the same guys fall in love 101 times that's my brain... HOWEVER I've been thinking a LOT about ITSV Peter/Miguel lately --
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Either comic-canon based settings where he's the usual single hero in his natural habitat OR directly /before/ ITSV itself; divorced midlife crisis spider-man who's always struggling to make rent is SUCH a good spot for Peter's stakes, and it sucks how people just want to make him rich or magically the avengers solve all his problems to basically erase what makes him compelling. I think its a good choice the spidey movies do -- to make it all a lot more ground-level, without outside interference -- so he has to make the tiny decisions.
Miguel getting stranded in the past!! HOW COME THERE'S SO LITTLE STUFF ABOUT MIGUEL AND PETER MEETING IN THE PAST? Doesn't need to be ATSV plotline compliant. A macguffin gets him there, or sends him to Peter's universe, come on! The important part is having them on a ground level sandbox.
THE REAL FUN STUFF: The cheesiest stupidest meetcutes you could ever imagine. Endless possibility. Spitballing: Peter/Miguel being unaware of each other's identities and renting the same apartment because neither of them has the funds to fly solo. Peter being suddenly spooked by the appearance of a brand new edgy spider-man in the vicinity. After all these years. Miguel not knowing how much he can say because Peter's sort of convinced this is a villain ploy of some sort to fuck up his public persona.
REAL-LIFE, both of them are suspicious about the other as a Weird Fidgety Roommate type. Neither can complain much because, again, it's rent on NY. You mind or business. or not.
Maybe Alchemax doesn't even exist in this universe, tipping Miguel off that this is an alternate timeline and he's really on his own. Maybe the ruling company here is Roxxon or Future labs or whatever; there's a lot of those in comics. He kind of HAS to eventually come clean about being universe-displaced to this world's Spider-man -- Peter begrudgingly accepting that there's a second spider-guy around on the condition that Miguel isn't gonna do anything catastrophic while he's here to completely blow up Peter's image, or give J.J. Jameson fodder to attack him.
Maybe they start working together. Maybe it's a casual partnerships thing where they happen to be tracking the same shady incident and decide to wrap it up as a duo; maybe they just agree to patrol the neighborhood together on busy weeks since they just.. suspiciously... seem to be around at the same place... at the same time... overly concerned abt the same shit....
Miguel has a superhuman investment in Not Letting This World Turn into a Future Dystopic Hellhole; Peter just kind of wants to live and solve problems as they come by but these two motivations really synergize. Peter doesn't even need to ask why, just damn okay dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Respect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!1!!1!
Secret Identity investigations. Secret Identity mishaps. Secret Identity fumbles. Lyla accidentally busting out that Peter Parker is Spider-man via advanced facebook voice recognition fuckery. (LOL) Hell, maybe in THIS Miguel's version of 2099 it was already revealed Peter is spider-man, after he died. How'd he die? Maybe it was a bad end. How does Miguel feel about that? About meeting with a ghost? Endless possibility.
EVEN MORE FUN STUFF: both of these guys are *SO* intensely defined by a lack of support system around their secret identities. WALLOWING in guilt. Spider-man always seems to ruin their lives, in the worst ways. They're too proud to let normal people intervene, or the ppl themselves deeply resent the fact Spider-man exists. It's fun to think of a reversal scenario where Peter/Miguel have each other's backs, can help the other dress wounds, can show up in a pinch to prevent disaster from occurring with some supervillain 10 blocks away while Peter is trying to land a new job interview as a highschool teacher or science columnist. IDK It doesn't have to be constant uphill battle to get someone else to understand why they do what they do and what the stakes are; they're the same kind of crazy.
And okay, maybe you don't want the spidersonas falling in love before their real identities do..... still VERY ripe options around for Miguel sneaking home with a limp or a really fucked up arm and his healing factor isn't nearly as good as Spider-man Prime's, so Peter is like 'WHAT the FUCK happened to you?' And even though he can tell Miguel is lying. He is not going to bust him out for it. Because he's been lying for 20+ years. Instead, Peter just takes it upon himself to teach him how to get his shit fixed. Temporary armslings and icepacks and sprays and current-time medication that is different to what Miguel is used to in the future; friendly neighborhood Peter Parker who minds his business and will not ask you if you're secretly Daredevil for Reasons but that will, however, tell you to stop blocking attacks with your fucking head. He learned this lesson earlier than most superheroes.
(The reverse scenario is still sweet! Peter's taciturn roommate who wears sunglasses indoors and is weirdly secretive about everything seeing him come home with a busted out eye and hes like damn. Do you want to split a pizza or whatever. You look like shit)
Miguel is not actually as experienced as Peter! He /could/ use the tips!!! Peter has been Spider-man ever since he was 15 years old. Miguel became Spider-man due to a freak accident at MAXIMUM 4ish years ago. Probably less. Figuring out how to do it not alone would be genuinely a good experience for him.
Miguel moe x1000 as the future man who kinda doesn't get the weird counterintuitive way things work present-time 💔 flipside; Miguel seeing the beginnings of bad future patterns like musk trying to buy twitter and deciding to take matters into his own hands. sorry this is just hilarious to me. Even if he's not beating these guys up its still awesome to imagine him as an insane ranting tech essayist who goes on hour-long takedowns of NFTs on youtube or being like GOD WE NEED VACCINES TO BE COOL AGAIN FUCKKKK
Among all of this though, I think one of the most appealing aspects of having them as an unit is that they don't have to lone-wolf shit anymore. (and they Have been lonewolfing it for SO long.) Feels good feels organic
I could go on but I need to actually write and I just... think they can be so entertaining. We don't have to be so dependent on the movie here pulling from regular superhero shenanigans Really works. They sort of complete each other. Immediate productive boost on both of their morales. Get Peter/Miguel pilled with me rn
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wayfayrr · 10 months
just got home from work lol - a dq worker. i had an idea of Time reacting to someone who worked as a fast food worker, specifically dairy queen cause of the potential for a funny interaction: "oh yeah i worked for Dairy Queen™" "you worked for lon lon ranch?"
"no there is literally a company named Dairy Queen.. i sold ice cream.." and then starts a whole conversation on what the hell ice-cream is lmao.
gonna be very honest with you dq-anon hope you don't mind me calling you that I've only really heard of dairy queen through that one girl's tiktoks because they don't exist in the UK dvjcedfc one of my wives (@angry-trashcan) told me more about what they're like and I focused more on the ice cream/ customer service voice part of it - I hope you like it!
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“So you've mentioned needing to get back to your own world for the sake of your job, if it's alright may I ask what just what it is?"
"hmm? Sure? it's not really private, the only reason I haven't talked about it is because it hasn't come up in conversation yet."
"I work at a place called Dairy Queen™ or at least I did, they might have fired me…"
Time looks like he's about to ask me a question, not that I can blame him. Our worlds are very different. I doubt he's heard of it ever before. Well, I know that because it doesn’t exist here.
"I don't think I've ever seen you at lon lon ranch before, well and the fact that you've already said you're not from Hyrule."
"... There's a company called Dairy Queen in my world. we sell ice cream."
There’s the look I expected from him, utter confusion. Hyrule really doesn't have anything in common with my own world, nothing I could compare to the chains anyway. How could the post-industrial era even hope to compare to a mediaeval land where magic actually exists?
“...Ice cream?”
Yeah, I shouldn’t have expected him to know what that was. Really though does Hyrule not have ice cream at all? It’s not hard to make; with magic, it can’t be too hard to make a freezer. 
“It’s well, it’s frozen cream with sugar and flavour? Honestly, I’m not sure the best way to describe it when I can't just show you. For now, I’ll just say that it tastes amazing and that you’re missing out.”
“Maybe you could show me some time then, we should be able to find the correct ingredients at some of the villages here and Wild has a spare ice rod or two to freeze it.”
“Keep the money for more important supplies Time,  it’s not that big of a deal.”
Here’s where I’d happily take bets with the others for if he was going to drop it or not, what with how he rarely drops lectures it wouldn’t surprise me if he didn’t drop it until I agreed with him. But he seems to have more respect for things that people don’t want to talk about with their past than accidents so who knows?
“Aside from that then, what is your work like?”
"It's work..? I mean the only real skills I picked up are accidentally tipping drinks on people and my 'service voice'."
Most of this is just going to be him all confused, isn't it? what I wouldn't do at this point to show him exactly what I mean…
"You haven't got any more questions have you?"
"... what was that?"
"well I can't show you most things are like where I work, but I can show you how I act around customers. So how can I help you sir?"
Laughing at his face was so easy at this point, the fear in his eyes at how much I can change my voice so easily, worse than it's been towards any monster he's faced on this journey. 
He’s more worked up about my voice than the shadow… 
“...please don’t do that again [name].”
“Come on Time, it can’t be that bad can it?”
“You - you can stop pulling that face Old man.”
He really does live up to that name, now I can’t help but wonder if ‘old man’ is Hyrule’s equivalent of boomer, from how they use it? How mean would it be to teach wind and wild what that means? Introduce Hyrule to ‘Ok boomer’. I’d just have to make sure time never learns what it means or that it's from my world.
“Can we just… just go back to explaining what ice cream is?”
“I think I would prefer to tease you more. But fine I can go back to trying to explain it better for you.”
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quitealotofsodapop · 5 months
Honestly if it were up to Macaque he'd adopt Bai Zhe right then and there. Dame with Wukong. The problem is, Macaque is technically legally dead. Or at least, he legally doesn't exist at all since he died in the Tang dynasty so there wouldn't be records for him at all. Wukong is not much better because while he does have a lawyer for things like copyright and such... he still spent 500+ years in near isolation and doesn't technically exist in the legal system either outside if being represented by a lawyer of some sort. Not ideal for adopting a child, especially since adoption would include things like home visits, employment, a shit ton of paperwork. Luckily PIF cab get him in contact with Fire Star and Gold Star owes him for the whole... Mountain thing. Between those two he's able to at least legally adopt her in the eyes of the gods, but the eyes of mortals are a little different. It ends up being this weird situation where Bai He is being fostered by Pigsy and Tang while Wukong goes through the legal BS that is trying to get custody of a human girl when he is effectively a myth as far as mortals are concerned.
Then there's the matter of Bai He's possession. Possession of a demon is, sadly, not as uncommon in the LMK universe as you'd think it is, and it has lingering effects beyond just the trauma if done for an extended amount of time. The LBD had, effectively, turned Bai He half ice demon by possessing her for nearly a year. This means someone is going to need to tea h this little girl how to control her previously nonexistent magic.
Wukong's and Macaque's earth-legal situation is like that one joke in SU:
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Especially seeing how Bai He has been declared Missing for the last few months - I'm not sure if the Metropolis CPS has a protocol for dealing with possession victims. Just walking up to anywhere and saying "Yeah, she's my kid now." wouldn't fly in the mortal realm.
I feel like Pigsy and Tang wouldn't mind fostering Bai He while the monkey duo sort out all the legal nonsense. It kinda makes the two nostalgic for when MK was smaller. I feel like they already got used to the kid showing up almost every day to eat noodles (a new comfort food for her since it was the first thing she ate after LBD left her body) and pet Mo.
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I also love ideas where Bai He's possesion leave her with demonic abilities - mainly ice powers and maybe some bony markings on her body. Beyond the usual hurdles of adapting to become something other than human, Bai He takes it in her stride.
Bai He, making her eyes glow blue with power: "You're gonna have a Bad Time." Macaque (is training her): "...Is that a pre-battle call you've been working on?" Bai He, now embarassed: "No... its from Undertale." Macaque (knows she means a video games): "Oh. What does the character do after saying that?" Bai He, excitedly: "He grabs your soul and destroys you with magic bones and giant skull lazers for hurting his family!" Macaque: "Wicked."
Despite being opposite elements, I could see Redson and Nezha helping Bai He out with her new powers. They remember having an element they can't control. Plus the little girl is like a sister they never had.
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hypaalicious · 4 months
Unpopular opinion: YA isn’t meant for adults.
Not saying adults can’t read YA; adults can read whatever tf they want. But it’s a huge mistake of mainstream publishing to allow YA to absolutely crowd out swathes of other subgenres to the point where articles such as this one get written in full seriousness.
Awhile back, there were teens on Tiktok lamenting that they can’t find media for them anymore. There were a bunch of condescending people happily shitting on them saying things like, “Uh, YA exists? These teen-centered TV shows exist?? Why are y’all lying lololol so dumb” instead of actually listening to these kids explain what they mean. Cause wow, it don’t bother y’all that despite all this hyper visible allegedly teen-centered media NONE of it is hitting for them? Y’all don’t stop to ask yourself why that is?
It’s because YA has become a fill-in for mid-range and adult fiction over the years. I can’t tell you how many synopses I’ve read that have sounded boss asf but then they make the MC fifteen years old and I’m immediately like
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And I wanna be clear, this wouldn’t be a problem if YA hadn’t oversaturated the literary field. On top of that, I do not see real teenhood reflected in these characters. They come off more like they’re written by middle aged adults projecting what they think teens are like through the lens of how they wish their own long-gone teen years went. So yeah, no wonder kids don’t feel connected to the media that’s labeled for them. Too many adult consumers are crowding that space tryna live vicariously through teen media, and since it’s adults that have the money more often than not, publishers cater YA to them rather than teens. That’s not okay, y’all.
Also, there is no reason whatsoever for some of these characters to be teens except to fit into a very narrow category set by publishers who just want a wide market to sell to. Example: when I was looking up comp titles for my manuscript, I came across a fantasy book centering a Black female character at a college discovering her hidden magical powers and a mystery hidden away at the college and was like “oh shit, this sounds dope!”
… then I read a snippet and for WHATEVER REASON, they made the MC sixteen. Sixteen years old, but going to college as an exception.
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It was just so obviously done as a way to slate the book under the YA label but narratively it made NO SENSE. Just make your character 18 or older if they gonna be in college! Oh, that’s right, you can’t because YA rendered the New Adult genre obsolete so if you can’t make your characters 14-17 then it’s not likely publishers will work with you. 🫠
Another problem I have with the whole “YA is for adults too!” thing is the fact that this does not serve adult literacy levels. Mind you, they’re already abysmal in the US in particular. But it doesn’t help when the only thing adults are encouraged to consume for fun are books written at a 5th-6th grade reading level. They ain’t reading anything adult anymore, either in prose or depth of content. And why would they when publishers are only making an effort to market YA as the 10-in-one shampoo type option to everyone who ages out of kidlit?
Different categories for different age groups exist for a reason, and the erosion & blending of these categories hurts the literary field a lot. We need to go back to the days where you could find age appropriate media for every stage of your life and actually connect with it.
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spot-of-tea · 22 days
Okay headcanon time.
So for ages I’ve always wondered whether magic can be inherited or not. So like if your parents are powerful wizards chances are you’ll be one too. So the main reason I've always thought this is due to the fact that whenever you see a powerful character and are then introduced to a family members of theirs, that family member is as powerful or more so.
And I have examples. But I am gonna put a read more cause this is gonna get looooooong.
There's also gonna be spoilers beyond this point if you haven't watched the anime or read the manga.
So first off Laxus is a powerful wizard, he's an s-class wizard at a young age. While you could always say that that is due to his lacrima, I've always believed him to have the potential for powerful magic but because he was born sickly he could never fully achieve it. But then you look at his family and both his dad and grandfather are both powerful wizards. I mean Makarov is a wizard saint, not many get more powerful than that. Even looking back further, while we don't see the full extent of Yuri's magic in action he does appear to be somewhat powerful from the get go.
Then we move onto Cana. Guildarts is considered the most powerful member of Fairytail, the top ranked S-class mage who was even allowed to try a 100 years quest. Cana has shown multiple times how powerful she is, she's the only person in the guild whos been able to wield fairy glitter.
Then we have Erza, now from the very beginning Erza is shown to be an absolute powerhouse, from meeting her it would be easy to assume that she gained her power through grit and determination. However, we are then introduced to one Irene Belserion. Now Irene is cast as a pretty badass person from the start so you can definitely see where Erza gets parts of her personality from. Magically speaking Irene is said to be one of the top members of the spriggan twelve. Now when we first meet a member of the spriggan twelve we meet Brandish who is most likely one of the less powerful ones, but still her magic is described as overwhelming, so Irene's magic must be even more so.
Now Lucy is an interesting case, while Layla did in fact open (and likely closed) the eclipse gate on her own when it required both Lucy and Yukino to do so later, she (if I remember correctly) also had a pre-existing condition which made her magic less powerful? That being said it's shown that she was already a remarkable wizard and even held the respect of Aquarius who seems to have taken her death very hard. Going further back though we also have Anna Heartfilia, Lucy's ancestor. She's described as being one of the most powerful celestial spirit mage of all time.
Now finally while we don't ever learn about their parents or see if either was canonically powerful. I feel it's safe to assume that at least one of their parents was quite powerful. Natsu and Zeref are revealed to be canonically siblings. Now before we get this reveal you would assume that Zeref is only that powerful because of how long he's been alive for and has accumulated that power over the centuries. But we can then assume that he was already pretty powerful at a young age, I imagine had things worked out he would've used the eclipse gate himself instead of teaming up with Anna. We also see that Natsu is already one of Fairytail's powerhouses (honestly why he's not S-class yet is something I'll never understand). So I can imagine that the both of them had the potential for being powerful wizards long before either of them cast their first spell.
Whew. okay I'm done, I'm sorry this got so long, it's been bugging me for so long. I do want to stress that this may not be 100% accurate but this is just my own interpretation and headcanon.
But yeh let me know what you think and if you want to add anything else to this go ahead, I'm always interested to hear what others have to say.
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dearmantis · 2 years
Does he know that I'm falling
Pairing: Aleksander Morozova/The Darkling x Durast!Reader
Summary: Tempted by knowledge and power you choose to experiment with forces you should know nothing about, hidden in the shadows of the early morning hours. What are you going to do when the General finally realizes something is not right?
Warnings: Aleksander is his own warning let's be honest here, this is not a nice man, but he doesn't really do anything here. The better warning is that I'm blatantly ignoring established rules of the magic system, not a native english speaker and that this isn't really proofread.
Word Count: 3.1k
Authors' Note: Yes, I've read the books. Yes, I'm gonna ignore canon. Yes, I'm especially ignoring the rules around merzost. It's magic, I can do whatever I want with it. Also title is from the lyrics of the fruits by Paris Paloma.
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Part 1 | Series Masterlist
If Baghra knew what you're doing... she would eat you alive. No questions asked. Nobody knows that better than you since you have spent most of your youth training with her, your powers too weak for the Generals liking.
So you avoid her like the plague, deeply convinced that she would be able to feel what you have done, what you do every day, what you're planning to do.
First in the workshops in the morning, last to leave in the night. Kirigan and your fellow Fabrikators think you are simply a very hard worker, an obsessed artist some might say. And in a way you are an obsessed artist. Your paint is just less conventional than people assume.
If anyone finds out what you are doing they will execute you. This simple fact is buried deep inside of your mind, burning bright every time you move your hands to wake your powers, but you can't help yourself.
You have to keep trying. You have to. If you don't you might lose your mind and do something even worse, something even dumber.
And who can truly blame you? Materialki are supposed to seek knowledge, right? That's what everyone encourages you to do. Stay away from the battlefield, you're useless there anyways. Hide away in the libraries and laboratories of Ravka and collect the knowledge of the world. Satisfy your greedy mind and create new out of the materials available to you. Give your existence worth that way, because Saints know the General will never look at someone of the Order of Fabrikators unless they possess knowledge that he requires for one of his plans.
So you do what you do best. In the early morning hours you slip out of your bedroom, awake even before the servants of the night shift leave their positions, and disappear in the workshop, sneaking to your usual station, as far away from the Generals quarters, the door and the windows as possible. The guards know you by now, and if the guards do then so does the General, but lucky for you he has never come down to the workshops when you worked on your little experiments.
You're not stupid and naive enough to believe that it will stay that way. If you don't create a pretend project to present to him soon he will end up questioning what you're working on. Simply claiming that your work was still slow and that you required the extra hours of work to catch up with the progress of the other Durasts would lead to Training with Baghra again and that would be catastrophic, but it's hard enough to resist working on your side project during the day to make corecloth for new keftas already. You can't imagine using some of your limited alone time for some other side project you don't even really care about just to stay save from Kirigan.
Creating the bulletproof fabric is boring, simple work for you and if you tried a bit you could probably work on something new on the side during your day work, but the scolding you would receive if someone caught you would be quite bothersome to deal with. Shit, your team leader already believes you're too weak to even make corecloth, he would definitely report you to the General. You can basically already hear the shadow summoners voice booming.
So you think creating the cloth that keeps you, your fellow Grisha and my personal guard safe is not important enough work for a mighty Durast like you? Do you perhaps believe that you don't need a kefta? That your powers could stop a bullet from a Drüskelle in the air? Do you want to test that theory during a stay at the Fjerdan border?
You shake your head quickly, pushing the imagined scenario far away from your consciousness, and step over to the window furthest in the back of the room, kneeling down to lift the loose wooden board out of the floor. Below it hides a small space, filled with four different notebooks.
Today will be the day, you decide.
First you move the notebooks to your desk, then you close the empty space below the window again. Your hands are shaking and sweaty as you pull out a candle holder and a box of matches. Everything in you screams to keep light sources away from you, to hide in the darkness and let the shadows swallow you as you break another rule of the little palace, but the guards know you're here. Staying in darkness would be suspicious.
When you're done preparing your workstation you're surrounded by three burning candles and four open notebooks, a new, fifth quickly joining, formerly hidden in one of the many inside pockets of your kefta. You pull out a pen and ink bottle as well, dipping the tip of the pen in the dark ink before writing down the date at the top of the first page when you notice with confusion that the ink is black instead of the usual dark blue you tend to favour. Eyes flickering to the paper glued on the bottle you check again but the writing clearly says dark blue. The ink bottle is tinted in a dark blue as well, just like all the other ink bottles you bought before.
It was probably just a mistake from the shopkeeper you bought the bottle from, but you can't stop the paranoid thoughts from racing though your mind, too fast for your rationality to catch and neutralize them. Goosebumps begin to rise over your arms, back and neck.
What if this is an omen?
Stepping back towards the door, you strain your ears to listen, checking if anyone is coming your way, panic thick in your veins. If it is a sign, it either means that today will change you forever, or it's a warning. A warning of the man dressed in black, the one to summon shadows. Your general.
Promise or warning?
What if it's both?
When the fear becomes too much to bear you open the door slowly, leaning out of the room to check the hallway, but you see nothing other than a servant girl, quickly carrying a large, heavy laundry basket with her. You smile nervously at her while your eyes scan the corners for the unnatural darkness that hints that Kirigan is close by, but you see nothing suspicious.
You don't let go of the unease yet, instead choosing to close the door before quickly brushing your fingertips together, reaching out with your powers to look for a small piece of unique metal.
Kirigans ring is in his quarters, moving a few centimetres every few seconds. He's unfortunately already awake, but probably working, distracted by documents and plans for the next few days.
Stepping back to your workstation you open the pages you need in your notebooks, calmness spreading in your body and softening your tense muscles again, smoothing the goosebumps on your skin easily.
You don't even bother sitting down, knowing fully well that you will be too nervous to sit still anyways. Instead you rub your hands together, trying to warm them up a bit since the cold air in the work station is slowly turning your hands stiff. You will need full and precise control over your hands if this is supposed to work without anyone getting hurt.
When you lick your lips and take another deep breath, you force the words out immediately afterwards, closing your eyes and pressing the palms of your hands together lightly while your tongue curls and moves to form the words you've made yourself familiar with over the past few months but never spoke out loud.
It begins with a humming-like feeling in the back of your throat and a tingling sensation in your hands, similar to a limb falling asleep. Then your body becomes warm while you try your hardest to clear your mind from any bad thought you've ever had, including the dread still quietly bubbling below your sternum. If your hypothesis is right then you should be able to do this without catastrophic consequences, as long as you balance yourself completely before you begin the next step.
Your breath hitches once, twice, and you can't help yourself and reach out to check on the location of the ring one more time, this time without moving your hands from the position they're in, before you finally manage to calm your thoughts entirely.
Forcing any happiness or relief down that tries to fight its way up into your heart you open your eyes and begin to pull your hands apart slowly.
It feels like your hands are stuck together with strong, stringy glue, but slowly you begin to make progress. It doesn't hurt, just like you predicted, but that does not mean that the whole act is not exhausting to an almost ridiculous degree.
When your hands are finally around half a metre apart you try to relax a bit, your gaze falling on what stuck your hands together in the first place. It's not black like you expected, like you had seen before. Instead it looks a bit more like an iridescent, melted metal and shimmers like moonlight on the surface of a calm lake. It's bizarre and you almost move your hands to write down what you're seeing. It shifts in shape, moving slowly through the air between your hands like a thick liquid of some kind, almost see-through in some parts.
In the back of your mind you ask yourself if this is the same thing Ilya Morozova saw before he defeated death and payed with his life in the process, because you simply can't imagine that a man worthy of becoming a saint would summon a material like the inky blackness of the fold and decide to use it on a person, fully believing that it could save a life.
No, the Magic, the Merzost, of the fold must be mixed with darkness, there is no other option.
You close your eyes again, relaxing your hands even more, muscle after muscle, while you try to soothe your powers into rest, into letting go.
This is phase 3 of your experiment. Seeing if you can let go of the Merzost, and most importantly: what will follow after it's let loose.
Your hypothesis is that it will stop existing. It was summoned with no purpose, no intention, no emotion, so it has no task to fulfil, no reason to exist, nothing to keep it hooked in this world except your powers that are slowly letting go of it to lay dormant in the core of your soul once more.
Slowly, your hands begin to shake, the muscles exhausted from holding pure magic in your reality, but seconds before you think your arms will give out your powers finally let go and the Merzost begins to break apart into thin strings, then into dust like particles that drop to the surface of your work station before disappearing entirely.
You almost fall to your knees when it's done, instead managing to drop into the chair you pushed aside minutes earlier.
There's a painful ache in your arms and your fingers suddenly feel cold like ice, all the warmth from the merzost gone as if it never existed in the first place.
For a few minutes you just sit and breathe, listening to the birds outside waking up and the servants chatting while they switch shifts, the night shift girls clearly happy to finally be allowed to sleep. The halls fill with yawns from fellow Grisha as well, tired giggling audible in the hallways as the Little Palace slowly wakes up. Breakfast will start in an hour.
When you finally feel like you regained just enough strength you blow out the candles before cleaning the ink off your pen and closing the little bottle. There is no way you will be able to write anything down today, not with how overly exhausted the muscles in your arms are, so instead you choose to hide the notebooks again and walk up to your room to hide under your thick blankets.
Your team leader will scold you but you just summoned pure Merzost without having to pay a price other than some pain and numbness. What he thinks of you doesn't matter right now.
The trip through the Little Palace back to your rooms is weird. You feel distant from the other Grisha surrounding you despite the fact that most of them are just as tired as you are and you can't really pay attention to your surroundings. You're getting more and more dizzy with every step, stopping a few times to take a small breather and press your back to a wall for stability, refusing to sit down and show how sick you feel.
In the back of your mind you know you should check for the position of the Generals ring and try to avoid him and his always watching, seemingly all-knowing eyes, but you're sure if you try to lift your arms now they're going to fall off, so you choose to stay ignorant instead, praying that some Saint will take pity on you and keep you safe.
You're two doors away from your quarters, desperate to feel your soft pillow under your head and the warm comfort of your mattress and blankets, when it suddenly gets eerily quiet in your hallway, but you barely even pick up on the shift in volume and atmosphere around you.
Too caught up in your own miserable physical state you don't notice what's wrong until you find yourself face to face with an Oprichniki, his stoic eyes starring you down. Your body might be exhausted but your mind is still sharp enough to know that what this means so you quickly scramble to the side, your body hitting the wall in the process but you don't dare to make a sound, gaze flickering around until you find the General standing a few steps away, his dark grey eyes trained on you and your pitiful appearance. His gaze moves down your shape to inspect your kefta before he finally speaks, voice clear and calm. You still hear the underlying sharpness, the suspicion, despite the smoothness in his words.
The paranoia you felt an hour ago is clearly justified. He noticed your workload and will most definitely request to see what you're working on, especially after seeing you stumble around the hallways of the Little Palace.
"Are you alright, Durast?" He asks and you're not even surprised that he doesn't know your name despite the distrust he clearly holds for you.
Quickly nodding you press your body harder against the wall, the skin covering your shoulder blades hurting awfully, trapped between unyielding bone and stone wall, barely protected by the purple kefta, more of use against singular bullets than for comfort and protection against pressure.
"Yes moi soverenyi, everything is fine." You say quickly, forcing stability into your voice before tying your hardest to straighten out your back. "I'm just really tired. I haven't slept much in the past few weeks. I think I might've overworked myself a bit."
In the back of your mind an old memory of Baghra chastising you wakes up, her old voice loudly echoing through your consciousness as she scolds you.
"If you're gonna lie to me at least do me a favour and do it well. Liars always over-explain too much. Only mention enough information to assure the other person that you're not actively hiding something from them you stupid child."
Kirigans eyes do not leave you, his gaze calculating as it traces over your face, the stitching of your kefta and finally your arms and hands, hanging heavy and cold at your sides.
"Your hands are shaking." He points out and suddenly he's moving towards you, his movements too fast and too unexpected for you to dodge quickly. An echo of the feeling you get with Baghra, of that deep conviction that he will know what you've done if he gets too close to you crashes through your body like a wave but it's too late, his hands grabbing yours and lifting them up to get a better view of them.
You attempt to pull yourself out of his grasp but you can barely move your fingers at this point, giving up seconds later, your heartbeat rushing loudly in your ears. His eyes are too focused for your liking, carefully scanning your hands as if he knows that there's something for him to find, something off about your story. He doesn't believe you, not even a little bit.
A silent prayer to Ilya in chains, the man who became a saint for experimenting with magic, is all you can muster, unable to free yourself. Shit, even if your arms didn't feel like they're going to fall off any second, ripping your hands out of your Generals grasp would not only be rude, it would be disrespectful. You could get disciplined for such misdemeanour and it would probably only make him more suspicious of you and your experiments.
The Generals dark grey eyes move back to your face, so many questions clearly visible in his eyes that it takes your breath away for a second.
Is he trying to manipulate you?
Look at me. I have so many questions only you can answer. Don't you want to please me? Don't you want to please your General?
You shake your head lightly and he seems to take it as an answer to one of his questions, a frown appearing on his face before he lets go of your hands.
"Go to sleep. After you're rested please come to my quarters. I would like to talk about whatever project is taking up so much of your time. Perhaps we can organise a small team to support you. We can't have Grisha stumbling around the halls of the Little Palace like this. The king is going to assume I can't lead my soldiers well enough if he hears of this."
Nodding quickly, not trusting your voice to be stable enough for the usually expected yes, moi soverenyi, you try to take a step back, bumping into the wall with a wince before lowering your gaze to the floor to show respect. He waves his with his hand, dismissing you in the process, before continuing his path down the hallway.
When you finally stand in front of your room you force your hands back into movement to pull your key out of one of your many pockets to unlock the door, while silently asking yourself how the Generals hands could possibly be cold enough for the feeling to still be noticeable for you, despite the numb state of your arms.
Maybe that's why he always wears those gloves? His hands are just really, really cold?
Minutes after you fall into your bed, prepared to sleep the weird effects of the Merzost off, the General stands silently in his own quarters, staring at his hands as he realises that he not only foolishly touched you with his bare hands, he also didn't feel your powers pull on his amplification. No, you hadn't noticed anything at all and neither did he. He didn't amplify you when he touched you.
Slowly turning back towards his door, the same frown from before appears on his face, his mind deep in thought. Something about you is not right. Something has changed.
A mystery has revealed itself in the halls of his very own palace and for the first time in decades he has no idea what to do about it.
Part 2 - I have no time for confession
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