#theres this fucking flash bang and the next thing he knows hes in a world where magic is like the main thing
arl-the-beloved · 8 months
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Yes i got this from tiktok
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machinegunbun · 3 years
Is there gonna be a third part for Deserved It🥺
Deserve You+#
Word count:1.7k
A/N: Everyone say thank youu anon for reminding me lmaoo. This was supposed to be posted tomorrow but I got excited soo
“Pete, please just let me explain.” You whimpered, your voice and spirit growing weak. It felt hopeless, like maybe you really had lost him for good.
Your fist knocked lightly against the wood of the hotel room door, the sound reverberating down the silent hallway.  Anxiety filled you, this wasn’t your first time knocking. You had been here for fifteen minutes and were completely unsuccessful so far.
You were pleasantly surprised when you heard fumbling from inside, not expecting them to answer. When the door swung open you were met with the sight of Colson towering over you, an unimpressed glare being shot your way
“He can’t hear you, he’s in the shower. Now stop, you’re pissing me off.”
“What do you want?” The question was more of a statement, letting you talk only to get you to leave.
“Is he okay?” You ask, sniffling.
“What the fuck do you think?” 
“Please, I just wanna make it better.“ You plead
“Then go the fuck home.” He replies, shutting the door halfway before opening it again “And stop fucking knocking.” He adds, shutting the door in your face. Sighing, your back slides down the door, admitting defeat.
As you sat in the all too quiet hallway you found yourself wondering if maybe it meant more than you would like to admit. Maybe Colson was right, would you have kissed Shawn if he had never walked in? Would you have even ever told Pete if you did? Would you even regret it?
Tears began to well up in your eyes at the thought. Who were you kidding? Of course you’d regret it, who cares what everyone else thinks? You knew better than anyone that leaving Pete for Shawn would be the downgrade of a lifetime, and the fact that people based the opposite assumption purely over their own ideals of beauty was fucked up. Pete treated you better than Shawn ever did, he made you feel more than Shawn ever could. He made you a better person, you couldn’t believe your judgement had lapsed that badly, even for so much as a second.
Your head knocked against the door twice, trying to bang the anxious thoughts directly from their source, before the door swung open, the tall blonde giving you a single disapproving look when he spotted you on the floor.
“Is it the pizza?” You could hear Pete ask from inside. Right, you hadn’t gotten the chance to eat dinner
“Nah, it’s just Rook. I’ll be right back, you got the door for me?”
“Yeah, I got it.” Pete replied, his voice hoarse. You could only imagine he’d been crying.
You glanced up at Colson from your place on the floor, embarrassed.
“Just let me talk to him.”
“He's not a baby, he doesn't need you to protect him.” You mumble
“No, but he cares about you.  A lot. A-fucking-lot a lot, and I know if I let him out here and he sees you crying he’ll run right back into your arms.” 
“I just wanna see him. I hurt him and it's killing me to know I can't hold him and make him feel better. I just wanna hold him.” You say, your voice cracking.
“Why don’t you just leave him alone and call Shawn instead so he can cheat on you again and you can go on another fucking bender and pretend like theres something interesting about your life.”
“Fuck you.” You retort, although you know his anger is the only reason for his words
“Fuck you too, (Y/N). Who took care of you after you went on your little fucking bender? Pete. Who helped you through the breakup? Pete. Who was with you when you felt like the whole world hated you even though you did nothing wrong? Pete. Who was there for you, romantic or not, whenever you needed him? Pete.If you really want to apologize you need to wipe those fucking tears, take a breath, clean yourself up, and fucking apologize without guilting him into saying its okay.”
“Okay, Okay. I’m not Casie.”
“Damn right you’re not, cause my daughter would’ve never pulled this dumb shit in the first place. And get off the fucking floor, you look pathetic.” He scolds, watching as you stand up, still almost a foot shorter than him. Colson turns around, pushing the door open as it was only half shut. You peer inside, trying to catch sight of Pete, but seeing only a piece of the hallway.
You remained on the floor, not daring to knock once again out of fear Colson might call security on you.
Your head ticked up curiously when you heard someone walking down the hallway, looking up to see Rook making his way towards you. Glancing down at you, he knocked, waiting for a moment before Colson was walking out of the door. Colson looked down at you as well, mild disgust gracing his features before he was walking down the hallway alongside Rook, the two boys disappearing into the elevator.
Pete walked out five minutes later, hoping you hadn’t given up and left. His eyes lit up when he saw you, first reaction being to fix the pout that was stamped on your face.
“Oooh, you got in trouble.” Pete teases, shutting the door behind himself and taking a seat next to you on the carpeted floor, not entirely caring that it was dirty as long as you were right down there with him.
“You heard?”
“It’s a hotel door, not a soundproof barrier.” He jokes, looking at you “Yeah, I heard everything. Listen, he shouldn’t have said any of that to you. He was angry, that’s all.”
“Don’t defend me.” You reply, looking over to meet his eyes. Pete purses his lips, his eyes filling with tears
“I’m always gonna defend you.” He says, his eyes leaving yours as he does, landing on the floor instead. The tone of his words are less reassuring and more disappointed. You thought for a moment he would cry, but he didn’t. His hand never even so much as came up to wipe his tears. Another brief silence fell over you, one more and you think you’d rip your hair out. You were unsure if you should wrap your arms around him the way you wanted to, the last thing you wanted to do was manipulate him into telling you what you did wasn’t a problem.
“I get it.” Pete says, breaking the silence.
“What?” You ask, your voice surprising even you in the midst of such stillness,  feeling foreign and unlike your own
“I get if you want to be with him,” Your eyes meet once again as he says this “I won’t hate you.” He assures, his lips pushing together in a sad, half smile. You stared at him, examining his features and what you had done to him, but in Pete’s mind you were weighing out your options, and everytime Shawn came out on top. He was so caught up in his own mind he almost didn’t catch it when you began shaking your head.
“Oh thank god, cause he’s back at our place right now and we fucked on our bed-” Pete’s head tilted down in disappointment, focusing on his tattooed fingers. You laughed, punching his arm lightly “No, I want you dummy. Why else would I be humiliating myself by crying in a la quinta hallway. What's up with that, by the way? Colson doesn’t have the money to put you up somewhere better? You just got your heart broken.” Pete cracked a smile, his gaze shifting up to the door.
“I know the breakup was hard for you, and everything after it too. I guess I can understand just wanting something before it felt like the world turned it’s back to you.”
“No. I don’t want that, I don’t want Shawn. Sappy love songs, extravagant vacations, waking up early to exercise, flirting publicly as fan service, the perfect family-”
“Okay, okay we get it. He has a dad.” He laughs  “Stop rubbing it in.”
“And actually nice hotels, seriously what the fuck is this.” You laughed, your heart swelling with love when you managed to make Pete smile “It’s just not who I am anymore. I’m late nights watching TV, laughing by the fridge when we get up at 3am to make snacks cause we have the munchies. I'm sitting in your backyard with you, your mom and your sister while we eat dinner and breathe the fresh air and look at the stars. I’m going on walks cause we’re depressed and need the sun to convince us we’re okay again. You changed me in the best ways, baby. I don’t want anything else.” You stared at the ceiling, vivid images flashing through your mind, thinking who you are now is so much more beautiful than who you were then.
You hadn’t even realized Pete was crying until he sniffled, your gaze drifting back over to him, the sight breaking your heart.
“Fucking lame.” He replies, both of his hands coming up to wipe his eyes, his sweatshirt pulled over his hands. You reach over, wrapping your arms around him and pulling him into your grasp. Laying there in peaceful silence, you find yourself running your hands through his hair, inhaling his scent and letting his body warm your own. You felt yourself calm down for the first time tonight with him in your arms.
The moment was broken as someone exited their hotel room, glancing down at the two of you on the floor before making their way to the pool, towel flung over their shoulder. Pete and you shared a look of amusement as he walked away, stifling your laughter until he made it to the elevator.
“Come on, let's go inside.” He says, trying the doorknob. There’s a thump sound as it moves a bit and stops, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion before giving it another try. You tilted your head, looking at the doorknob and to Pete as a look of realization overtook his features.
“I forgot my key.” He sucks his teeth, shaking his head as you laugh from your place on the floor.
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ryu-rose · 3 years
It’s a Bakugou x oc but with SPICE an enemy’s to lovers SPICE!! so this is my first fic like this so let’s get to it I swear it’s good just read it please
Ryu’s pov:
I’m a transfer student. Things were pretty testy at my old school so my parents decided to stick me in another one. But they left out the one small detail that I was transferring to Ua. I guess the school thought I was good enough.
Today was my first day. I put on my unifor the skirt ending right by the top of my thighs. The shirt tight against my skin. The knee socks whitch were my favorite that ended at my knees of corse.
The uniform accented my curves. I guess it wasn’t made for a body type like mine. That’s fine it will be eaiser with my quirk anyways. I pulled my long pink curly hair into a high ponytail with bangs. My brown skin made my hair pop even more. I looked in the mirro. I looked presentable. Maybe a little slutty but it’s not my fault this unifor isn’t suited for a biracial girls curves. I grabbed my backpack. My parents already helped me move all my stuff to the dorms while the rest of the students were in school. I waved goodbye to my room kissed my parents and set off to the school.
I was nervous who won’t be but it was gonna be fine class 1a can’t be that bad right.
It was. It was that bad.
I entered the classroom after getting lost and a teacher directing me there. I opened the door and I saw the teacher I walked in and bowed. “Hello Aizawa sensi I’m the transfer student” “ah class I forgot to mention we have a transfer student” the calss immediately started talking. “How did you forget?” “Wow a new student” “who is she?” Are some of the things I could hear that were said. I stand in front of the class.
“Hello I’m Ryu Yu I’m transferring here I’m I have no idea what else to say. Oh also my pronouns are they/them if you have any questions I’ll answer them”
“Look at how short her skirt is she’s probably easy” I hear someone say “Mineta!” A girl that’s pink slaps the boy on his head. My eye color changes form it’s normal pink to red. I look at the boy that they call Mineta. “Excuse me” I walk up his desk “First of all my pronouns are They/Them and if you ever say something like that to me again” I squat down to his eye level and mutters so only he can hear me “I’ll crush you like the fucking grape you are” I stand back up and turn away from him smirking at the look of terror on his face.
A girl name Tsu raises her hand and asks “what is they/ them?” I smile “They/ them basically mean you know how you call someone she her that’s exactly how you use they them” “oh! Thank you” she reply’s. Then a rough looking boy in the back with ash blond hair says “tch just another weakling” I glare at him “who the hell you calling weak?” He narrows his eyes at me and stands up “you look like a weakling like I could crush you like a bug” “you think you scare me pretty boy? It’s your type that have the most insecurities I wonder which ones you have~” the class goes wide eyed my guess is that no one speak is to this idiot like I am. He gets in my face “say that again” he makes sparks in his hands. His quirk I’m guessing. “Your just a loud mouth privileged asshole!” He lunges at me and I smirk one of his friend a tall red head grabs him and pulls him back. He’s shouting insults and I just stand there as if I couldn’t have a care in the world. I look at the teacher even he looks surprised. “Where is my seat?” He points at a desk next to a green haired boy who looks very sacred.
I take my seat down next to him and say “I swear I’m not mean to people who don’t deserve it what’s your name?” “Oh um I’m Izuku Midoryia but people call me Deku” “Deku?” “Yeah it’s along story” “well you’ll have to tell me it sometime” he smiles
As class starts and through out the day I learn everyone’s name. Now it come for quirk training class and they split us up into partners. And lucky me Bakugous my partner.
“I’m going enjoy blowing you to bits” he says I smirk “kinky” his eye widen “I didn’t mean it like that shitty girl your gonna get it” he makes mini explosions with his hands and I roll my eyes. See I’m the product of quirk mulitpling. My parents and my parents parents were all forced to marry to make powerful children. My mother has 3 quirks and my father has 6. I have 5 that all merge into eachother some way. Most of them are cause of a chemical imbalance in me. I usually don’t use one of them cause it’s deadly and I would rather not kill anyone. But I was breed to be a killing machine so let’s say my child hood wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. My parents are villains so is the rest of my family. But my mom didn’t want me to be some an assassin she wanted me to chose my path. Which is why she picked this school.
The teacher says to start and Bakugo lunges at me and just as it looks like he’s about to hit me I disappear into thin air then I end up behind him and I hit him with my vines. They wrap around his body and throw him to the ground it all happens in a flash. And the pure confusion on his face is priceless. I reappear and he looks pissed then he burns off my vines and stands up I yawn. “You think this is funny!?” He yells “no I think it’s boring” I smirk as he growls and goes to attack me again. “Fine I’ll play fair this time I won’t disappear” he sends an explosion my way and I fly into the air and create thorns and sent them flying into his skin. He cry’s out in pain as they cut him. “How the fuck are you doing this what is your quirk?!” He aks me. I drop to the ground.
I’m better at long distance fighting it’s what my quirks are suited for. But I’m supposed to be training and if I want to get better I have to work on my close combat. The huge draw back to my quirks is that if I use them to much tattoos that look like vines will appear on my arms and they inject deadly posing into my blood stream. Now my body is use to the poison but if to much of it is released into my body I could die. And the posin makes me loopy and nauseous almost drunk like. It isn’t idea for battle at all. Also I have many weak points in my body where if you hit them I won’t be able to use one of my quirks. Hit all of them and I’m done for.
“Now why would I tell you that?” I walk towards him. I don’t how a power quirk but I can use my fly quirk to make my punches even more powerful then they should be. He sends an explosion at my face and I use a wall of vines to sheild myself they disinagrate but protect me. He keeps on trying to use his explosions and I keep defecting. I sigh “this is getting boring use a different tactic!” I disappear again and strik him in his back he falls to the ground and gets back up theres blood dripping from his mouth
“Shit did I hit him to hard?” I say to myself he sends an explosion my way and I don’t have time to deflect “oH SHIT” I brace myself as I feel the heat around me causing a few burns. We keep going and by now the whole class is staring at us out of worry and awe. But both of us are beating up eachother really bad. It seems as if we are trying to kill eachother. The insults that we keep throwing at eachother seem to fuel our adrenaline.
Then the teachers steps in and pulls us away from eachother. We fight against there grips still yelling curses at eachother. I give up and push against the teacher grip. “Let go of me I’m fine!” “No your bleeding from several spots go to the recovery girl ” “I’m fine” “weak” Bakugou sneers “prick!” I shoot back “bitch” “asshole” “slut” my eyes turn red and I lunge at him this time it’s one of the student who stops me. It’s Deku. “ let go of me” Kirishima walks up to Bakugou and slaps him in the back of the head. “Don’t disrespect women it’s not manly” bakugo still being help back by one of the teachers,yells at Kirishima.
“Cmon Yu you do look very injured poets get you to recovery girl” I sigh I don’t like being mean to people who don’t deserve and Deku is really sweet I can’t say no to him “fine but I’m not gonna like it” he chuckles “that’s fine with me”
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She’s Electric (Number 5 x reader)
54A/N: wowowow so im not smart at all so hopefully i pulled the whole fake smart act because im pure clueless :))) hope yas enjoy :)) still havent posted the playlist of all the songs because my spotify has my full name and am not that commited for ppl to find this soo. and i also went a bit off like i hope this is what you want lmao.:)) stay fresh. (ok so you have powers in this and its more like portal jumping rather than spatial jumping so you like create holes and jump down ? if that makes sense(also if anyone gets the date hmu))
ASK: jellyxfulll:hi could you please do one where the reader is really smart, likes coffee and sarcasm (legit a carbon copy of him) like five and when he meets them he’s absolutely smitten ? i have a lot in common with him anD i wAnt to bE loVed bY mY fiCtionAl chAracteR
Words: 2146
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Black coffee steamed in it’s mug as it sat out in the open, wind swirling it in different patterns. The swirls of steam looked like it was dancing a tango, as if the beat it was dancing too kept getting faster and faster until a sudden stop and the steam disappears, signifying the end of a dramatic dance. 
Black ink stained up the side of your hand as you furiously wrote away, you just couldn’t get the equation right and you couldn’t use your powers, not yet. You were on the run from the commission as they wanted to use you for your powers, it was a valuable asset, time travel and dimension jumping, the Handler said it could open a whole new market for them but once you refused they came after you. 
You’d got the equation wrong while you were running and you got stuck, you got stuck somewhere, an abandoned world that hadn’t been looked after. Years and years passed with you stuck in the wasteland of a world until the Handler came back but you couldn’t say no otherwise you’d die alone with no chance of seeing your loved ones again. So you became a killer to survive, you kept to yourself. In that world it was kill or be killed.
After years of service you thought you had the equation, endless nights of black coffee and sleep deprivation you thought you’d got it right. All you wanted to do is go and see your family again but next thing you knew you were 16 years old again and stuck in some random dimension but it was a start. You had removed any form of tracker the Handler had on you back in 1854 after completing your last mission.
During your time in the small town you’d managed to get a small job to rent a tiny one bedroom apartment, it wasn’t the best but it would do for the time being, until you get the maths right.
You let out an exasperated sigh, slamming your pen down on your scribble ridden page. It was a bright but nippy day meaning you could sit outside in peace and be uninterrupted. Griddy’s was always quiet on week days, the perfect time to go for a black coffee and just go over everything that’s happened, it’s good to do that sometimes, just to think and remember.
Reaching for your coffee, you underestimated the distance between the mug and your hand resulting in the mug falling. You open a portal under it so it falls right into your hand and take a sip, placing it down gently in it’s original place. 
“How did you do that?” A boy was suddenly next to you, an excitable expression present on his face. He looked about the same age as you, but he had a look in his eyes, like he’d seen some things.
“What do you mean?” You ask, pretending to be confused, taking another sip of your coffee. You watched as he pulled the seat opposite to you out and sat down crossing his arms and legs simultaneously. He looked at you with a slight smirk.
“You’re y/n, aren’t you?” He leant back in his chair, scanning you up and down. “I’ve heard so much about you.” His eyes could tell 1000 stories but you could tell that he had no one to tell, no one would understand.
“huh, interesting, I’m not going to lie to you, I don’t really know who you are.” You say matching his movements but making sure you can have easy access to some form of weapon of he attacks. For all you knew he could be part if the commission finally catching up to you.
“I’m Five, ex-commission.” You narrow your eyes at him as he sticks his hand out, you take a glance at his hand. You reach out but just before you meet his hand you grab the handle of your mug, bringing it to your lips. Fives hand drops and he lets out a breathy laugh, crossing his arms again.
“I would introduce myself but you seem to already know who I am so I guess there’s no need.” You give him a sickly sweet smile before taking another sip. You had heard a little bit about Five, he had a similar story to you,stuck in an apocalypse, ran away from the Commission to see his family and tried (and succeeded) to stop the apocalypse.
Five couldn’t believe his eyes when he first saw what you did with the mug, there was only one person who he had heard that could do that, y/n. Five had heard rumours upon rumours about y/n, an example of some is that she was the most deadly killer the commission had ever seen and the prettiest person the universe had ever seen, and Five couldn’t agree more. He couldn’t imagine you ever killing anybody, your hair loosely hung with strands tucked behind your ear. Five took in your soft features, the warmth of your eyes and the freckles that littered all over your face and arms, presumably from the years in the apocalypse.
“It’s rude to stare.” You tell Five, not even looking up from your writings. Out of the corner of your eye you see him shift uncomfortably, averting his eyes. “Listen, I don’t know why you’re still here but if you’re lying about being ex-commission and are here to try and kill me I think you should reconsider your options because we both know who will make it out alive.”
“I’m not lying about being ex-commission, I know what it’s like and I think I can help you with getting back.” Locking eyes with Five, you saw the sincerity in his eyes. He held out his hand, you think about the worst possible outcomes from this situation, you take his hand. 
You had never travelled the way Five normally does, you just were not used to it. As soon you reached the desired destination your knees gave out and a wave of nausea washed over you. A retching sound made it’s way out of your body as you cover your mouth with shaking hands, as if that would stop you from being sick.
“How the fuck do you travel like that?” You almost shout at Five, staring at him from the floor, you didn’t even know where you were, you didn’t care. Another wave came over you again along with a banging headache. The one thing that you were grateful for in the Commission is that they let you travel how you wanted, the first time you had used a briefcase you could’t stop shaking and being sick which wasn’t the most efficient if you needed to complete a mission.
With a flash of blue Five was holding a glass of water crouched down next to you. “Here take this.” He held the glass closer to you.
“How is making me sick going to help me get home?” You say cautiously taking the glass from his hand. You sit up straight and try to take a deep breath in.
“Just show me your equations, I’ll see what I can do.”
Days turned into weeks, then weeks into months. The more time you spent with Five the more you began to forget about the equation. Truth be told, you got the right equation about 3 weeks into working on it with Five. After years of being alone you liked spending all this time with Five, you were both equally as emotionally deprived as each other, both in need of a friend who you could relate to.
Feelings for Five was also a newly developed emotion, the more time you spent with him the stronger these feelings got and all of his family could tell. You had met the Hargreeves on many occasions, often getting comments about how much you had made him come out of his shell since he stopped the apocalypse. But it’s not like you wouldn’t do couply things, if that was even a word, you would hold hands, cuddle and exchange compliments back and forth all the time. It was done so casually, as if you both didn’t know what to do with your feelings.
You were currently laid down with your head in Fives lap as he absentmindedly ran his fingers through your hair, occasionally twirling stands in his fingers. It was a summers day, natural light streamed through the open window, giving the room a natural glow. 
“y/n,” He lightly taps your nose. “You’re really pretty.” 
You smile, leaning into his touch. You knew you had to tell him at some point, about the equation, you just didn’t know how. Sighing, you sat up and faced Five, you noticed in the past months how his features had softened from the hard, brooding looks he used to give.
“Five, I’ve found the equation.”
“I’ve found the equation.” You repeat with more force. “But I’m torn, I don’t know what to do.” You searched his face, trying to read the emotion. “I miss my family so much. But I don’t want to leave here, you’ve shown me theres so much in this timeline.” His face dropped.
Five didn’t want to sound selfish but he didn’t want you to leave, the past few months had been the best time of his life, he’d found someone who understands him. Y/N never questioned his coping mechanisms, you had actually made him accept his own past and move on with his life. He doesn’t know what he’d do without you. Five eyes began to sting, he felt a wave of sadness but also anger, he felt himself getting warm, an uncontrollable range swept over, consuming any other emotion that was in it’s way.
“How long have you had it for.” Five had a quite voice, not looking you in the eyes.
“A few months.” You watch as Fives fist clenched. “Five I-” But he had cut you off.
“So you’ve just been leading me on.” Five eyes met yours. They weren’t the soft, welcoming eyes you had come to love, they were cold, hard and shut off, the only emotion you could see in his eyes was anger.
“What no, why would you-”
“Maybe you should just leave.” Your chest sank, Five let you go from his grip and stood up. He looked like the killer you had only heard about mere months ago, he didn’t look like your Five anymore. “Just go, y/n.”
So you did, no arguments, no questioning, you had gone. As soon as you left the room Five caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror but the reflection wasn’t him, it was the killer that he thought he’d left in the Commission, he was his clenched fists and cold eyes. He couldn’t believe he spoke to y/n like that, looking like this.
“Y/N!” He called out, he was in a cold panic. He kept calling your name out, traveling to your work, your house, all your favourite places but you weren’t there. Five had been told that you handed in your resignation at work and your flat was cleared, you had gone home.
Five didn’t know what to do with himself since you had left, he was constantly thinking about the what ifs, what if he acted differently, what if he didn’t snap. You had been gone from Fives timeline for almost a year, he didn’t have much to remember you by other than one picture that he had on his bed side table. The picture was taken by Allison of the two of you, you had both fallen asleep on the sofa downstairs, you looked so peaceful together as Five held you in his arms. 
He fell in love with you in the time he had met you, the complexity of love confused him but he wanted to figure it out with you. He loved the way you talked, how you carried yourself, your smarts, your personality, everything. It was a cold night and Five wasn’t able to sleep, he just laid there staring at the ceiling. There was a strange noise, a noise he knew well, y/n. 
“Hey Five.” You were breathless, it had taken you so long to find the right equation for the frequency of Fives timeline, to see him again.
Five couldn’t believe his eyes, you were really there. Without a second thought Five leapt out of his bed and crashed his lips to yours, he pulled away and tightly wrapped his arms around your frame.
“I’m so sorry y/n. I’ve missed you so much.” You couldn’t agree more, leaving was an impulse moment of anger, there was a gap in your heart that only Five could fill. “y/n, I love you so much.” He held your hands, his eyes were soft again, filled with love.
“I love you too.”
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peytonhudson · 4 years
Bad Blood || Queyton
tagging: @doveportquinn & @peytonhudson
location: bank bar
time frame: april 12 - evening
notes: short and a little aggressive. 
warnings: minor violence. 
Sunday night drinking wasn’t a usual for Peyton, but seeing as she was “meant” to be doing things for herself, going to bank didn’t seem like the worst way to spend Easter night. Doing something out of her usual was the plan, after all. She’d spent most of the evening just chilling in a corner booth with friends from college, talking about how insane it felt that they were about to graduate, and not see each other every day. When their glasses emptied, Peyton smiled brightly and offered to grab more. She’d not realized how much the wine had gone to her head until she got to her feet. Dancing her way to the bar she been in her own world, not noticing the world around her until she felt her body bang into someone else. “Oh my god, I’m so sor-“ She paused as she looked up and saw Quinn’s face in front of her. “Sorry.”
Quinn was drowning her Easter Sunday in alcohol. She felt wholly not religious for doing so- but it’s been a long time since she’s been devoted to it. She’d done her required Easter things- went to a mass, had an awful video call with her parents that made her feel like less of an adult (she’d ended it rather quickly by pretending they lost connection) and eaten faaaar too many Easter cookies. She was going to ride out her hangover tomorrow at work not doing much. Step one to not starting the hangover early was another drink, so she slid up to towards the bar before she was knocked into by someone, and she turned around with the full intention to go off at them. She was not in a good mood. She recognised Peyton, and heard the apology fall off the girls lips. “That’s a bit late.” She spits, voice laced with venom.
The last time she’d spoken with Quinn, things could not have gone worse. It was hard to be so understanding to a girl who hurt Puck so much. “It wasn’t intentional,” she retorts trying not to let the anger in Quinn’s voice be mimicked through her own. “I was just going up to get a drink... I didn’t even see you.” She’d blame the alcohol, but even sober Peyton had a way of falling into her own world every so often. And admittedly there was a part of her that didn’t feel the need to stop and give an explanation to Quinn after an initial apology. It’s not as though she’d hurt her. “Like I said, I’m sorry.”
“Mhmm. I’m sure.” Normally Quinn would brush off something like this, smile politely and assure them it’s okay. Something about Peyton Hudson brings out the HBIC in her. Hazel eyes levelled to brown ones and all Quinn could feel was the hurt and embarrassment of their last text conversation. “I’m sure you didn’t take the chance to bump into me, right?” She drawled. She’d been that girl in bars before. Truthfully her issue was less with Peyton herself and more with the inadequacy she feels. Peyton, the girl who can fix Puck after Quinn destroyed him.  Picture perfect Peyton. Hurt bubbles into rage and she’ll blame the alcohol in her system on her next move. Her hand connects with Peytons cheek and she immediately feels remorseful, but HBIC Quinn Fabray doesn’t play like that. “I’m not sorry about that” She says, sickly sweet. She’s never going to play nice with her Ex baby daddies new girl.
“I really didn’t...” Peyton murmurs with a faded and almost forced smile. “I am sorry-” And before there was much of a chance to continue defending herself, Quinn’s hand flash before her, connecting forcefully to her cheek and forcing her head to swing to the side. “What the hell?” She cries out, holding her hand to her face as it immediately started to sting. “Fuck. Why?” If it wasn’t for the alcohol surging through her veins, Peyton would have ran. She would have left the girl and the whole situation behind. She would have gone home and cried. But with everything that happened this week, running no longer seemed like the best idea. Running from things had got her in this mess to begin with. Confusion washed over her face, quickly followed by anger. “Was that because I didn’t agree that Puck was an asshole? Really? Someone doesn’t agree with you and they’re public enemy number one? You’re wrong, by the way. About Puck. You can slap me however many times you like, it’s not going to change that.” Though as her face burned from the slap, she really did hope her hand didn’t fly back towards her.April 11, 2020
"I know. I can't change anything I've done." There may be a little reference to her current actions there, but shes never going to admit feeling anything but negative feelings to Peyton. Shes hurt, and angry, and theres waaay too much alcohol running through her veins. "Fuck you Peyton. I really sincerely hope I never ever run into you again." She'll have to start taking Oliver to the vets across town- but its easier. She doesn't really want to see this face again. "Have a fun time with Puck. I'm sure he'll run away from you like he did everything else in his life." She's come to terms with all of that- even if she'll never quite understand why Puck ran. She was hurting too, she'd lost the only person she thinks she'll ever love, and he left her alone to deal with it. She hopes the comment twists the knife that much more painfully, she couldn't let Peyton just leave her hurt.  Really, she should be disappointed in herself that she can slip back into this HBIC so easily, but seriously, screw Peyton.
“That feeling is mutual,” Peyton snaps back, still holding her face in her hand as even through the alcohol it felt like fire on her cheek. But the comment about Puck hurt... weirdly though, not for her. She hurt for Puck. The man she loved. She understood him -- As much as she could. She had held his head in her lap as he hurt for the baby Quinn gave away, and in that moment that’s all she could see. The tears he had cried for Lily. “Puck’s not going to run away from me, because unlike you, I want what’s best for him. I don’t see him as an asshole because he thinks differently, or because maybe he makes some decisions that I don’t always understand. I don’t want to hurt him. And unlike you, I won’t.” Peyton could feel her blood boiling, and mixed with what was already going on with her and Puck, all she wanted to do was hit her back. But she wasn’t built like that... She’d only ever hit Ben and that was five years in the making. Through her wine filled goggles, Peyton picked up a half empty glass on the table next to her and threw it onto the blonde.“He deserved better,” she muttered mostly to herself as she placed the glass back down and turned away, suddenly forgetting the people she’d come to the bar with and leaving. Her face hurt and she was confused, but as she walked into the cold air on the street her thoughts became a little clearer.  Not much, but enough. She did know Puck. And sometimes Puck ran away for him... But this time he ran away for her.
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mingi-bubu · 4 years
Watch “Fallen Angels” with Me!
“Fallen Angels” is a 1995 Hong Kong film directed by Wong Kar-wai.  It was the second film released at the beginning of his comeback, so to speak, in the film world.  In an interview Wong said that this film and “Chungking Express” (1994) are just two halves of a longer three hour film.
If you’re under the age of 18 i don’t recommend watching this film as there is like a lot of mature themes
Content warnings for the film: flashing lights, graphic depictions of violence, smoking, guns, blood, sexual content around 17:00 and goes on for a few minutes until about 19:30 and again from like 40:00 to about 44:30, self surgery at about 33:00 until 35:00
it starts out in black and white with two of the main players in the film
i loved the title scrolling across the screen like that omg
that dumpling looks so good omg
fax machines i love it omg
why the fuck is that marker so thick
oooohhh thats a lot of money
love how the filming of that scene was so hazy feeling honestly
the diner looks cool tbh
such a shame things are about to occur :/
the background music lowkey pops off
those are fun curtains
was shooting the fishtank necessary sir?
mans really said fuck y’all’s mahjong game
he just walks out like everything is fine???  im weak
aklsdfalksdjf this part really does express the regrets you have when you run into old classmates lmaooooo
oh my god im so weak at this man trying to not be racist
akdljfasld i love this so much he’s such a pig 
i’ve always wanted to go to a wedding
proceeds to yeet the invite out of the window
mee too
i miss when my bangs looked like hers
why is she smelling his sheets
lmao she stole some change from him ajdkfsd
i miss when we as a society wore gaudy as fuck jewelry and no one blinked an eye
we also should bring back jukeboxes
but anyways shes the gal that cleans his apartment and sends him his plans for the next uhhhhhhh whats the word
the next hit and shes in love with this idea of him she has from going thru his trash and cleaning up after him and everything
not a fan of this song i gotta say
and now shes masturbating on his bed
alright then kiddos
shes just j chillin there i wonder if he knows
ayyyyyy takeshi kaneshiro!!!  the reason i watched this film in the first place
ho chi moo in this film and he was a prisoner in this film but in cke he was an officer i think
love the duality of man
this pig shop is always the weirdest part to me
and this film is rather odd in general
man is just gonna dance on and massage a dead pig huh?  that’s what we’re doing now
this whole shop business is so odd
but we do get a shot of his arms so i will not argue
the ice cream truck part is my favorite ok like its terrible what’s going on but it’s my favorite part
of this sectioin at least
man has 3 cones in his hand im so weak
im screaming the entire family came to get ice cream adjflsdk
“ha anyone in hong kong ever died from too much ice cream?  i dont want to be the first”
how are they so chill with just letting him drive around
his dad doesnt like ice cream but he’ll eat it anyway
why is he locking his dad in the bathroom
and hes asleep
its such an odd film you guys
a girl is going to meet some guy’s friends tomorrow
assassin man looks good with sunglasses
welp those guys’re dead
that little girl is going to need some serious theraphy
oh time to get philosophical
debt collection time
shoot off in the chicken store
mans is fast
oh theres another kid whos going to need therapy
i really hate that im attracted to him after all of that
oh he wanted to meet to talk about his decision for something but didnt show up
inch resting
i wonder how long they have been partners for
they say a long time but what does that mean
ok yeah he definitely probably knows what shes done in his bed
he wants to quit assassining
bartenders are literally god’s work
he’s telling her he’s stopping through a song
this is the exact opposite of friends when ross wanted his song to be played on the radio for rachel ldksfjalksd
aldskfjslkdjf i love her so much omg
i want to have her confidence and zest for life akldjfalskdj
shes definitely on something
hes having fun tho i suppose
so that’s good for him
but she’s batshit sir
and now she’s sobbing
be careful of who you go home with
and that’s not blonde ma’am
the angle of that kiss was really weird jesus christ
oop she’s going solo again and sobbing afterwards
she’s gonna order a hit on him right?
like that’s obviously the next step
she’s also got a run in her tights,,,
its just not her night y’all
is that spike from buffy?
oooof that’s gotta hurt she’s definitely the ex or something of that guy
blondie???  the same not blonde that assassin was hooking up with?
everyone in this film is in need of some sort of counseling
“The night’s full of weirdos.”
love that she just drags him around and he goes with it
beat the shit out of a (very ugly) sex doll and then dimsum
and all mayhem breaks loose
don’t ever name yourself blondie is all im understanding from that part
if your name is blondie it’s on sight apparently
dude seriously do not fall in love with the lady hung up on her ex or whoever he is
how does she literally not notice him being a creepy creep
i do not understand
oh well
i guess shes just so done with everything she’l accept it
he dyed his hair blond dude
“It’s actually Taiwanese with a Russian accent”
takeshi looks good with this hair style
charlie is the name of his wild girl
she really needs to get over this johnny guy
still tho we get to see his arms
he was too optimistic apparently
and his hair is even blonder than before
and now its all black again
i feel like for this scene wkw just told tkk to go batshit
ooooooohhhh the boys finally meet
i dont event think the grill is on
ooooh a song is playing
its the 1818 song
it was nice to see the boys interact for a few scenes
her dress is nice
hmmm i wonder if this still has something to do with close borders of something
maybe it’s just bc hes so far from home
sato-san is just a-snoozin’ while tkk fucks around with the camera
lets hope he doesnt fuck up and delete the video
man gets hold of a video camera once and says im going to go ham and record everything i see
hes filming him and his dad snoozing
this part tho is really cute though that like his dad is watching it
oooooohhhh keep walking sis keep walking
so assassin is still with curly gal
shes also just tearing apart a toilet roll
yeah iguess they’re still together
wowowwowo the old doritos logo im shook
i forgot about this scene tbh
she sure is enjoying the rain
i do think its interesting the contrasting relationship of him and the two girls
she bit him
dont get involved with these kinds of people
love that hes just stianding ther
and nevermind theyre making out in the doorway and now he’s gone
i so wish that i could understand the relationships in this movie
who he gon’ mcmurder now i wonder
also the hk police must be backed up with all of the murder that’s been going on
ooop she just ordered an ad for a friend
im assuming she’s putting a hit out on him
i too sit and stare at bubbles and fish
oh he’s not making it out of this one is he
i like that he has his own theme music tho that’s fun for him
rip to those mahjong guys again
he need to skrrrrt
and hes dead
i hate that his last thoughts are paralleled to his first ones
back to tkk
did his dad die?
yeah yeah he did
this part is sad
he’s watching the video he made with his dad’s chair set up as if he watching too
oh he’s taken a seat in the chair now
oh this part is really sad wh
i do feel like crying thank you for asking
im too soft for this
literally this guy is like the adult version of the cabbage merchant from atla
oh charlie’s grown up and calmed down thats good for her
it’s only been a few months in terms of the movie
i wonder if that guy was johnny
and we’re back to lady hitmaker
love that shes just quietly eating her ramen and smoking her cigarette as a fight breaks out behind her
oh lmaoooooo it was tkk
who’s all covered in blood now
a tissue?
you think a tissue is going to help
it did not
i want ramen
oh he got cleaned up
motorcycle time babey
how is he smoking at the same time what
the song is so tonally different compared to the rest of the film along with the last scenes of the movie too
“the road wasnt long and i know i’d be getting off soon but in that moment i felt warmth”
there are definitely probably really good well written analyses over the film and i need to find them
anyway, we’ve reached the end of the film!
very weird, very artsy, very entertaining
i probably should’ve watched Chungking Express first but you know
live and learn
anyway i like this film a lot and probably watch it like at least once a year since i first saw it
i hope you enjoyed it if you watched along and i hope that my timestamps re: sexual content were helpful
nothing really graphic happened, i know, but still like it can make some people uncomfy
if you want to tell me what you thought of the film, shoot me an ask or dm me!  i’d love to talk about it
have a good rest of your day!!!
stay safe and stay healthy <3333
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