#i have gathered my thoughts on this finally it has been eating me since yesterday
stargazingcarol · 15 days
And this is why the carriage scene in bridgerton is my favorite:
The fact that Colin says: "you cannot marry that man. He will leave you. And he is too particular" 'too particular' bc he eats only vegetables? Colin is a certified hater. There's nothing wrong with a person who's vegetarian and here is Colin bridgerton being a fucking hater. Just to have no more words to say on why pen cannot marry that man and just resolve with "and he is just not right for you pen."
Colin's "friends" said it themselves. There's practically nothing bad to say about lord debling. Except that he doesn't eat meat. That's the only particular thing about him. That he loves animals so much he won't eat them.
When Pen suggest that Colin might like her is a silly idea, she might laugh. Gosh my girl is so hurt after her love being one sided for 2 seasons...
Her soft "What?" After Colin says what if I had feelings for you. She never expected that. She obviously doesn't believe it.
And then Colin blurts the most romantic poetry I've heard in bridgerton yet. Telling her how he prefers sleeping because that's the only way he might seek her out. Don't even get me started. I swooned.
But Penelope STILL doesn't believe him. "do not say things you don't mean" this girl. This girl thinks he is JOKING. only way a person would think that is if they have been hurt in the past before from said one sided love. She has even been mocked by her mother in season 2: "Colin is no more your friend than I am catherine the great". No one thinks Colin might like Penelope. So why should she think differently? That he might actually like her? Not possible in her eyes. Not after everything.
"but Colin we are friends" the face he makes when she says this. He apologizes for thinking she might feel the same as he does.
But when she says that she would love to be more than friends. He eyes her with lust and love all the same. And he kisses her open mouthed. This man was fucking STARVED.
And and I KNOW pen has wanted to run her fingers through his hair since forever and the pleasured face he makes, makes the scene all the more better. His smug face before he kisses her...
The boob grab!!!!!! 🐝🐝🐝
And the silent permission to touch her where no one has ever touched her...
When the carriage finally stops and Colin makes the joke of the carriage driver it's so HIM. And it's so THEM. cause they make jokes and puns and they're both funny people and writers. WHAT ever...
The final small peck, not open mouthed anymore or frantic, just pure love. QUE VIVA EL AMOR!!!!
Colin holds her dress with the fingers that weren't inside her if y'all even care btw.
When he silently gets out of the carriage and pen calls out to him, looking scared, as if she still thinks this is all a joke. A dream. That he does not like her at all.
Until he asks her to come inside. To marry him. And then she's on cloud 9. That's all she ever wanted. To marry him. To marry Colin bridgerton. Her best friend.
He does NOT want to court her. He already is in love with her. He grew up with her. He KNOWS her. No need for courting in Colin's mind. He wants to MARRY her. Gosh.
Anyways I made real notes on my journal to gather my thoughts on this.
I've seen the carriage scene a bunch of times, bye.
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1for5 · 1 month
yes im changing
paige bueckers x reader
(paige x uconn psychology student!reader)
synopsis: with y/n being in a new environment, still facing rejection, how can she bounce back?
chapter 8
uconn freedom wall entry #2205
paige and y/n are dating. the uconn wbb went to the football game, and y/n was with them. she was wearing paige’s jersey shirt. they weren’t seated beside each other, but they kept on glancing at each other, i was near their seat. can’t believe a freshman bagged paige bueckers 🤷‍♀️
huzkieeees: explained their nonstop bickering
paigefan: NOOOOO
y/n’s heart was beating fast as she read the post. have they not have heard of privacy? what do you mean they kept on glancing at each other?
kk and azzi waited for y/n to respond, getting more curious for what she would say. “its okay y/n we already know.” kk said, to give y/n a “safe space,” with azzi agreeing to her.
“i dont know where to start.” y/n said, she planned on telling the two about what she felt different about paige. “i know ive disliked her, but im not gonna lie, i like her attention. i felt rewarded when she replies back to my shit talking.. and yesterday.” y/n briefly explained.
“WHAT YESTERDAY?” both azzi and kk asked, with their eyes growing bigger with y/n confessing about what she feels toward paige. “when you guys asked me who would i kiss on the team, i thought about paige. it was so weird though, since ive disliked her. i literally can’t sleep yesterday since i kept on thinking about her. maybe my petty acts were disguises to get her attention. i dont know.” y/n explained further.
“the psychology student is finally psychology student-ing!” kk joked, azzi slapping her arm. “seriously though y/n, the others have been noticing about your actions toward paige. you may like the basketball player.” azzi places her hand on y/n’s left shoulder.
“we’re not asking you to make a move quickly, but you should reflect on your actions first boo.” kk added. “maybe, but you and i aren’t always correct. i might just let the flow go. and plus, i do not have energy to respond to any of the rumors. whats true is true and whats false is false.” y/n said, getting up immediately stretching her whole body.
“that’s true. this rumor might be a plus even, paige always gets bombarded with crazy girl and boy fans thinking that they can get a shot with paige.” azzi agreed. after the conversation, the three waited patiently for the others to comeback with their breakfast.
when the rest of the team arrived, they all gathered around the living room or the kitchen area to eat. they opened the tv to watch an nba game. y/n could feel paige’s eyes on her, and paige could feel y/n’s eyes on her. it was a weird feeling for them both, not bickering to each other the second they are in each other’s presence.
everyone’s laughing around, but even to them it was obvious that there was a tension between paige and y/n.
“oh y/n uh here’s a coffee. aub said that you will need it.” paige handed y/n a spanish latte, which was her absolute favorite. when paige gave y/n the drink, their hands touched, which weirdly gave both of them an “electric feeling” the two just shrugged, thinking that maybe it was from the freedom wall post and they just felt overall weird after that. y/n then replied with to paige with a “thank you”, and went to kk and azzi’s corner in the living room.
after eating their breakfast, they all decided to get ready to walk around the campus as their “saturday not-so workout.” it takes 2 hours for the whole team to get ready, hence there is no need to worry about how they just ate.
it was always tradition for the team to walk around the campus during saturdays. they get to visit the buildings and other parts of campus that they dont normally go.
people then started to get ready, with paige announcing to everyone that she has dibs first to her own shower. she got responded with “GIRL JUST SHOWER!” “SHOWER NOW! NOT LATER THEN IF YOU DONT WANT PEOPLE STEALING YOUR SHOWER TIME!” by her teammates. paige rolled her eyes, and walked into her room and closed her door to get ready. the team huddles into the dining area.
“so, what’s our plan for next week?” nika asked the team.
“what’s going to happen next week?” y/n responded with another question.
“paige’s birthday! october 20.” ice answered.
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angry-geese · 1 year
Sea, Swallow Me
Satoru Gojo x Reader
Warnings: not OSHA compliant. hurt/comfort, light angst, ex-husband Gojo. angry/hate sex, unprotected sex, oral (cunnilingus), fingering.
Synopsis: some ex-husband Gojo smut except him and the reader are still totally in love with each other >:)
a/n: this has been rattling around in my drafts since like march and I finally got my thoughts gathered enough to write it out lol
Word Count: 4.7k
jjk masterlist
Outside, the sky grows dark, signaling an incoming storm. The weather report called for it yesterday; off and on thunderstorms all night, and well into this afternoon. Not uncommon for this time of year. This morning’s grocery trip was one made with the hope of being back before another downpour started, and from the looks of it, you were successful.
Typically, when you come home, the cat is the first thing to greet you. Today, even after she hears your keys hit the counter, she remains just out of view. You don't mind it so much, even if you do find it odd. It gives you time to put away groceries, and the treats you bought for her without her begging for anything. 
The foul weather makes it as good a day as any to spend inside. Plenty of chores need to be done around your apartment, as work has begun to consume much of your free time. That’s nothing new. Certain times of the year are busier than others at Jujutsu Tech. It certainly doesn't help that two people are out due to injuries, and another is on maternity leave, meaning you’re on call nearly 24/7. 
The cat makes herself known only after she hears a can of food open, chirping as she trots into the kitchen. She stays long enough to finish eating, and get some pets from you, before settling into her spot on the window sill, intently watching leaves being blown around outside. You settle on preparing dinner: thawing meat, and chopping veggies for a soup that’ll take nearly an hour to simmer. 
A noise from the other room draws your attention; in the living room, the TV is on—something you vividly remember shutting off. A drama was playing, but the lead was giving you such bad second-hand embarrassment that you just had to shut it off.
Maybe you really are starting to lose it. 
You’ve seen it happen to others. The stress of the job—this way of life—gets to some. You could chalk it up to forgetting; maybe the cat stepped on the remote, or maybe you really did just forget. Come to think of it, didn't you turn off the lights in the kitchen before leaving too?
The back of your neck prickles with fear. Did someone really break in? You know this isn't a particularly nice part of town, but the chance of that happening is unlikely. Besides, there is no sign of forced entry. It's just a feeling of being watched. Nothing is missing, just some lights are on, and the books on your coffee table have been moved around, as if someone looked through them. Why go through the trouble then?
Nothing in particular tips you off to the presence behind you. It comes suddenly, and without warning. Fight or flight kicks in. With your elbow and wrist parallel to your collarbone, you swing outwards.
Any normal person's elbow would have been shattered by that hit. Satoru blocks it with little effort. He uses the weight of your movement against you, allowing you to fall against him. It doesn't take much time for you to realize what he’s doing, and shove yourself away from him.
“You broke in?” You say, although your voice doesn't carry any surprise. “I gotta admit, Satoru, that's a new low.”
“Technically I didn't,” he says, “I explained to the guy up front that I was your husband and he let me in.”
Internally, you curse your landlord, a sweet old man by the name of Saito. He was one of the few people who would let you move in on such short notice. This was never meant to be a permanent placement, but you suppose you don't have much to complain about here. It's an older building, but maintenance is consistent, and the interior has been completely redone. Your neighbors are quiet, pleasant people, and this is a nice corner of the neighborhood. Not nearly as luxe as your previous home, but not bad either.
As he sits down on the couch, the cat jumps straight into his lap. You know it's not fair to project human emotions onto her. She's just a cat. But you swear you see a smug little look on her face. She chirps, and bumps her head against his hand, purring loud enough it's audible across the room. 
“I think I would have rather dealt with a house robber,” you say.
“I mean, if you're into that kind of thing,” he says, “I can put the mask back on. We'll roleplay…”
“Absolutely not,” you say, snatching the remote for the tv, switching it off, “what do you want?”
Even sitting, he’s nearly eye-level with you. His hand comes up to tug at the silver chain around his neck. You don't know whether to feel angry, or sorry for him. Gojo is almost pathetic enough that you feel bad for him. Almost. 
“What?” He asks, feigning hurt. “I can't drop in to say hello to my lovely wife?”
“Ex-wife,” you say. 
Despite your current irritation with him, the separation was about as amicable as it could be. Although it’s not official in the legal sense yet, the two of you have been living separately for months now. There was no great turning moment in your relationship, just a lifetime of little things that forced a wedge between you two. These things happen. You were young when you married, and so consumed with grief that perhaps there wasn't enough thought put into it. You don't blame yourself for it, or for anything that happened. At the age of eighteen, you had a skewed view of the world. Mistakes were common at that age. That’s just part of growing up. You were young, and every emotion felt so much more potent back then. It felt right at the time. Hell, it was right.
Maybe you still love him. It’s hard to spend so much time with someone—have so many memories with them—and not love them.
“Tsumiki has a game Saturday,” he says, “you coming?”
You're slightly offended at the suggestion you would miss it. She sent you a text about it nearly a week ago. You swore to her you'd make it, even going as far as to make arrangements to leave work early.
“Of course I am.” You say. “I’ll take her—I’m off work early anyway.”
It's better for the kids that you remain an active part in their life. Megumi and Tsumiki have already dealt with so much upheaval in their life. It's cruel enough that one caregiver left them, but two? 
You tell yourself you couldn't do that to them. That alone was enough to get you to stay in your old apartment for a few more months. By then, the kids knew something was up. They're smarter than people give them credit for, and there's only so many excuses you can make for sleeping in separate rooms.
It's been maybe a year since then. Six months since you moved out. You wouldn't call it easy, but you’ve settled into your new routine quite nicely.
“Great,” he says, “why not go together then? I’ll drive. We can get dinner together afterwards.”
Your mouth opens in protest. Although it’s phrased as a question, you know him better than that. Satoru will do everything to weasel his way into this situation. Your barely-pleasant expression sours entirely.
“No, thank you,” you say, gesturing to the door, “now get out of my house.”
“Don't be like that, baby,” he says. His arms stretch out towards you, and you immediately dart out of their path. 
“I hated you calling me that when we were married,” you say, “what makes you think I’ve changed?”
“You haven't.” He says. “That’s why I’m still here.”
Within the air here hangs a rift that time won't heal. This room—this space—is too emotionally charged for you to think straight. Your head spins, clouded with anger and spite.
“Don't tell me you left the kids alone to come bother me?” You say.
Tsumiki is nearly fifteen, and pretty independent, but you don't like leaving the kids alone any longer than you have to.
“Of course not,” he says, almost looking offended, “Tsumiki is off at a sleepover, and I got your mother to watch Megs for the weekend.”
“You what?!” 
A look of shock and betrayal crosses your face. You love your mother dearly, really, but sometimes she can be a bit… much. Early on into your marriage, she was asking when you were going to have children of your own. Being freshly twenty at the time, your answer to her was simple: never. Megumi and Tsumiki were enough. You wanted to be able to devote your time—and attention—to them, not a newborn. 
Satoru catches you in your moment of shock, his arms snaking around your waist. Your hands plant on his wrists to shove them away, yet you stop yourself. 
The sound of your phone ringing in the other room gives you a reason to escape. You free his arms from your waist, heading into the bedroom. You don't hear him get up to follow you, yet you know he does. Sitting on the table beside your bed, still charging, is your phone. It’s Tsumiki. You only glance at your phone long enough to see her name, not what she’s saying. 
The end of the bed dips under his weight as he sits. He tries his best to be covert about it, but you feel his gaze wandering around the room. From the photos on the wall, to the papers on your desk, to the stuffed animals on your bed. Oh, you can hear his snide comments now.
“Those earrings are new,” he says. And you swear you hear a slight tone of disappointment in his voice. “Pretty.”
Goosebumps rise along your arm as he reaches out to feel it, brushing across your shoulder in the process. Crystals, although they may be glass, cut to look like gems, dangling from your ears. They’re blue in color; not a light slate, but a deep cerulean. Subtle enough that they’re rather unnoticeable from a distance.
“Shoko gave them to me,” you say.
She took pity on you once she found out about the divorce. Maybe she felt partially responsible, seeing as she was the one who introduced you two.
Getting sent off to the religious boarding school known as Jujutsu Technical college was a major blow to your teenage social life. At fifteen, all you wanted was to go to a normal high school with your normal friends. Yet you weren't granted such a luxury, and instead were thrown into a world you knew nothing about. You quickly found solace, and a strange kind of companionship in the girl that smoked behind the school: Ieiri Shoko.
If you didn't end up marrying him, you probably would have married her. 
For you, it wasn't love at first sight. You could barely stand him in the beginning. It was a rivalry that slowly turned into friendship, ending in romance, albeit with much prodding from Suguru and Shoko. Teenage love consumed the two of you harshly, and entirely.
It wouldn't be until years later, after the wedding, when you would find out they bet on it.
You don't push him away when he kisses you. Just a peck, nothing more. Like you’re teenagers, exchanging affections in the stairwell between classes. When the higher ups would get upset at you, not him, because he was the strongest and could get away with just about everything.
Of course you still love him. How couldn't you?
You were one of the first to look at him as something other than the strongest. Even after the star plasma vessel, and Toji Zenin. Even after Suguru’s death. Even through your own grief, your presence was constant. To him, the concept of not having you around was strange.
The taste of coffee and lipstick lingers on your lips. Your thumb comes up to wipe away the smudge of red that’s transferred to his lips. And you, so pliable and eager, fall right into his lap.
His lips find your neck, hands wandering from your arms, to your chest, to your waist. He’s savoring your closeness—the scent of your shampoo: coconut. Little do you know, he keeps a bottle of the stuff in his own bathroom. If anyone asks, he claims it’s Tsumiki’s. Only you would know otherwise. She hates the stuff, and has been buying her own since the moment she was able to. Really, he keeps it around because he can't bring himself to throw it away.
“Satoru, we shouldn't do this.” You say. You don't really want him too, it’s only to preserve your pride.
Then why is your body responding so well to him? Your body knows this routine. Maybe the last several months of living alone has sped up the process considerably. Blood rushes where it needs to be, and perhaps most shamefully of all, you’re wet. Although you’re not quite prepared yet, it’s just in the early stages of gathering.
A line of saliva connects his lips and your neck as he pulls away. “If you really wanted me gone, I wouldn't still be here,” he says. 
You tell yourself that, if you really wanted him to stop, then you wouldn't have spent so many nights dreaming of this. You wouldn't reach out to the cold spot on the bed beside you. Your subconscious wouldn't long for him in nearly every way imaginable. 
His hands trace across your waist, coming to take yours. They’re warm, albeit a bit shaky. He’s just itching to undress you—to claim what’s his. It's a sick, possessive side of him that’s only fueled by your recent months apart. He comes to kneel before you like a man bowed in prayer. Satoru sits in worship, but not for the favor of a higher being. You might as well be one to him. Should you wish it, the strongest—wielder of the six eyes—would worship the very ground before you. That devotion would soon become suffocating. It was a bandaid on an already failing relationship.
“Still want me to stop?” He asks, squeezing your hands. Whether that’s on purpose, or an accident, you can't tell. “You say no and I’ll stop here. Just give me the word and we won't ever have to do this again.”
In this moment, your body betrays you: you shake your head. You don't truly want him to go; you know that, he knows that. He wouldn't be poking and prodding at every little unhealed wound if that wasn't the case.
“I need to hear you say it,” he says. That’s when you notice what’s on the chain around his neck: his wedding ring. 
It's like he’s mocking you. Of course he still has it. Of course he saw that yours was still sitting on the bathroom counter. 
Satoru has always been like this. He pokes and prods, finding out where you’re weak. What cracks or wounds he can press his fingers into. Pushing boundaries comes natural to him. 
Maybe you’ve changed. Maybe he hasn't changed at all.
“I just want to get off,” you say. 
“Poor baby,” he coos, “you haven't gotten off at all while I was gone, have you? You should have called me. I would have taken care of you.”
“I think I'd rather call Nanami for that.” You say.
The chuckle he lets out sounds nervous. “I know you're joking,” he says, “but judging by the way he looks at you? I think he'd take you up on the offer.”
You believe it. It was a thinly veiled secret that Nanami harbored a little crush for you. The man would never go as far as to pursue his coworker, let alone his coworker's ex wife. This entire time, he’s kept a respectful distance, only speaking about your marriage if you expressed a want to do so. You’ve considered it. Hell, you’ve given it a lot of thought. You think maybe… just maybe, if the two of you were drunk or desperate enough, something could happen. But fraternizing with coworkers in such a way is ill-advised. 
Satoru is going to give him hell tomorrow when he sees him at work. Nanami will be none the wiser, assuming Satoru is up to his usual antics.
“One last chance to back out of this,” he says, “if you don't want to do this…”
“Are you going to fuck me or not?” You ask.
His fingers trace down the curve of your spine, before coming to the hem of your sweater, pulling it up—and over—your head. From him comes an audible little gasp once he realizes you have no bra on underneath. That part wasn't intentional; you need to do laundry, and your shirt was baggy enough that a bra wasn't necessary. Your nipples stiffen once exposed to the open air. Although you know how this looks, it sends a pang of self-consciousness through you, causing you to cross your arms in front of your chest. It’s not like he hasn't seen this before. Maybe it's a last ditch attempt to preserve your pride. And he’s nearly tripping over himself to undress, pulling off his coat, then button-up, then trousers. Off comes your skirt, the silky fabric pooling around your feet. 
If you could stop for a moment and think, it would be endearing: the desperation that falls over you two like teenagers. He can hardly keep his hands off you, while you don't quite know what to do with yours. Eventually, you settle on wrapping your arms around his neck. 
You sit on the edge of the bed before him, still in your panties. Plain black. Nothing fancy, but cute. Maybe if you knew…
You almost scold yourself for thinking such things. It’s not like you had any way of knowing this would happen. You know part of it was to preserve your pride. Being able to move on without seeming like you needed him. He’s not your husband anymore; why go through the effort of getting dressed up?
Beside you, on the bed, he finds a spot to sit. He’s half hard already. His hands ghost up the outsides of your arms, before coming to cup your face. They soon fall to your waist as you move to straddle his lap.
Satoru leans in to kiss you, and it’s… uncharacteristically sweet. That almost makes things worse. If this were something over and done with quickly, that would be tolerable. You could chalk it up to raw emotions or hormones or something other than the fact you still have feelings for him and haven't come to terms with that.
Sex for the sake of mindless pleasure is one thing. It’s tolerable. You can explain it away easily. But the way he handles you—like you’re going to break—sends a pang of pain through your chest. It's too much. Should he act selfishly, that would be far more bearable than this. 
You almost want him to. It would be so much easier if he just took what he wanted, and left.
“Lay back,” he says, “like that. Good girl.”
You scoot back on the bed just far enough to fall against the pillows. Your thighs part just enough to accompany him. The body above yours is warm. His lips find yours, then your neck, then one of your stiffened nipples, softly biting down on it. That draws a sharp gasp from you, although the shock it sends down your spine is rather pleasurable. 
His fingers hook under the waistband of your panties, tugging them down your legs slowly. Achingly slowly. Shamelessly, his eyes linger on the way they stick to your already slick cunt. This moment is only dragging out because he wants it to. They’re tossed away alongside the rest of your clothes. Long, deft fingers come to trace along your slit; teasing motions done by a man who can barely contain himself. The patience of Satoru Gojo has limits, and you’re testing them.
He palms himself through his boxers. He's completely hard now. That doesn't stop him from trailing long, sloppy kisses down your stomach, and up your thigh. His thumb traces across the bundle of nerves. Slow and steady. Just enough to get you aching for him, but not enough to get you anywhere. You try to angle your hips towards him—to grind against him—but Satoru cruelty pulls his hand away. 
“Just… let me have my moment,” he says, chest heaving as he breathes in. 
So he admits it…
His thumb is soon replaced with his mouth, greedily licking and sucking at the bundle of nerves that is your clit. There's little rhyme or reason but it's just messy enough that it'll get you off. First, his index finger pushes into you, then another. Satoru must be moaning nearly as loud as you. The hand that isn't fucking out is wrapped around his cock, and he's bucking into it like it's a warm body. Judging by the noises he's making, he's going to cum, so he stops himself before he does so. You don't. Satoru guides you through your own orgasm, his mouth leaving your clit only after you've stopped trembling. It felt rushed. You're not quite satisfied.
Satoru makes a show of licking his fingers. When he kisses you, this taste only grows more prominent. He's making you taste yourself and you're not quite sure how to feel about it. It's not unpleasant, akin to unripe persimmons in taste.
“Is it how you remember?" You ask, a coy expression spreading across your face.
“Different,” he says, “better.”
There’s no time to grab a condom. Not that you have any in here anyway. Whatever consequences that result from this will be dealt with in the morning.
A small groan leaves him as he bottoms out. It's obvious that he tries to stifle it, and fails, resulting in a noise that certainly has your neighbors questioning things. You'll avoid their gazes in the hall tomorrow morning. This won't become a regular thing, you tell yourself. 
Hardly a few thrusts in and he knows he is going to cum too soon. You can see it all over his face. Pleasure turns to concentration, then thinly veiled stress. The sound of skin slapping against skin fills your bedroom. Some small, sick little part of you is grateful for your thin walls.
You hate him. You still love him. You wish he would walk out of your apartment right now. But part of you can't bear to sleep another night alone.
“You don't know how much I've been thinking about this,” he says, making a noise between a grunt and a huff, “about the way you feel. Taste. I couldn't get it out of my head.”
His mouth finds yours again and the kiss he exchanges with you is dripping with desperation. Something small, and quiet leaves his lips once they part with yours. You soon recognize it as an “I love you.”
He cums sooner than either of you expected, and from him, your name spills past his lips like a prayer. Though, you suppose that this is the closest he'll ever get to praying.
Your own release is still just out of reach. It doesn't take much effort to get him on his back, and you on top, riding him. He’s still hard, despite having just cum inside you. The fruits of his effort can be seen streaming down your thighs. Your movements grow sloppier as you grow nearer to your release, grinding down against him and his softening cock. Within your stomach, it’s as if an invisible band is tightening. Your own orgasm comes out in the form of a noise that sounds like both a moan and a sob. It's anger and pain mixing with pleasure. Tears of frustration are brimming along your lower lash line. You hate him. You love him. You wish he would leave but you don't want to sleep alone. A rift exists between the two of you that time will not heal.
Instead, you lay beside him on the bed. From beside you, he grabs a blanket for you to cover yourself with. As much as he missed the sight of your naked body, he knows this room is cold, and you’ll be getting up to get dressed anyway. 
To him, there’s not a more beautiful sight: you, laying on the bed beside him, leaking of his cum. It would be better if it were his own bed, he thinks, but this'll do. 
“I take it we’re on speaking terms again?” He asks.
“I don't know yet,” you say, “depends on how this conversation goes.”
From beside you on the nightstand, you retrieve your glasses, putting them back on. Outside, the sky still appears dark, only lit up momentarily by a bolt of lightning. The rain has slowed to a drizzle, running down your window in streams.
“Seems like great weather to stay in bed,” he comments. 
An arm snakes around your waist. You debate with yourself on whether or not to shove it off.
“I think some time apart will do us good.” You say, and the arm around your waist stiffens. He seems to be deciding whether to pull away or not.
“And what? Couples therapy too?” His tone suggests he's making a joke, but not one in bad faith.
“Just in general, you need therapy,” you’re only half joking when you say it, despite it applying to you too, “but I don't think there's one that specializes in whatever you have going on.”
“Funny.” He says flatly.
He lays on his back on the bed, and you lay on your side, watching the steady rise and fall of his chest. 
“I don't know what I want.” You say, finally. “I guess I could use something to eat.”
You had plans to make a nice, elaborate dinner tonight, although you’re no longer feeling like it. You went through the effort of buying the ingredients, and cleaning the kitchen, so you might as well. 
Satoru follows you as you make your way to the kitchen, stopping once to pull on a shirt. It used to be one of his, he notes. Maybe enough time has passed that you don't remember. Maybe you do. It’s just long enough to fall towards the middle of your thighs—you won't be giving the neighbors a show. He stops long enough to pull his boxers back on, leaving the rest of his clothes discarded on your bedroom floor.
From a cabinet, you retrieve two mugs. On goes the kettle to boil. He watches as you fill the french press with one… two… three scoops of coffee grounds. Just enough boiling water goes in to wet the grounds—they have to sit for a few minutes before the rest is poured in. 
Your taste in coffee hasn't changed much over the years. You still take it with cream and sugar. Satoru—when he does drink coffee—takes it with enough sugar to make your teeth hurt. 
“We must be on speaking terms,” he says, “otherwise I'd have been kicked out by now.”
“If I was going to kick you out, I would have done it before we had sex. Not after.” You say, taking a sip of your coffee. 
Something about the casualness of this moment makes your chest ache; like the last year hasn't happened, and the two of you are just sharing a moment over coffee. 
Neither of you notice the front door opening, nor the jingle of keys being inserted into the lock. Tsumiki, standing in the doorway, nearly drops what she’s holding: a book. Her eyes are wide with a mix of shock, before narrowing into anger. 
“‘Miki!” You say, almost as shocked as her, if not moreso. “What are you doing here?”
“Returning this,” she says, holding up the book in her hand, “I sent you a text about it like an hour ago. What are you doing?!”
Truly, you don't have anything to say for yourself. Your mouth opens, and a few, broken fragments of an excuse come out. Satoru, looking nearly as surprised as you, simply waves to her, before disappearing into another room. That won't help your case at all. 
“Having coffee,” you say, “we were just talking about your game on Saturday.”
She seems unconvinced. Tsumiki, like most teenagers, is a lot smarter than people give her credit for. Silently, she sets the book on the counter, before turning back towards the door.
“I’ll see you at dinner," she says, leaving.
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Stomach Struggles Pt.2
Pairings: Wandanat x R
Word count: 1.2K
Summary: R struggles while her girls are away, chronic stomach aches are no fun and r just wants her girls
TW: anxiety, past trauma (mentioned), stomach ache, crying, vulnerability, vomiting, fever, embarrassment
|| Part 1 || A/n hehe i had already written part 2 before I posted part 1 lol
Its fair to say the pepto did absolutely nothing for your stomach it was about a half hour later when you shot up out of Wanda’s grip, effectively startling her and nat who was dozing beside Wanda and you.
The nausea was peaking fast as Wanda scrambled to find a sick bag for you. Your stomach had other ideas as you proceeded to throw up in your lap and on the bedsheets. Tears pricked your eyes from both embarrassment and pain. You held your stomach as the stabbing pains returned.
When your brain began to process things again you heard Wanda talking to you.
“Shh shh baby its ok it happens. Got it all up bubs its alright we can always wash the sheets.” She said rubbing your back. You gagged and tried to hold it back not wanting to make the mess any worse than it already was.
“No no baby none of that.” She said feeling your body tense under her hands as you fought it back. “Let it out love its ok. We’ll fix the mess my sweet, just get it all up love.” She said still running her hand up and down your spine. You choked on a sob and finally gave in. Throwing up again and starting to cry all over again. Hiccuping sobs shook you as you laid your back against Wanda’s front. You were still between her legs and felt awful about making a mess. Wanda frowned as her eyebrows pinched together and her lips thinned looking at the mess and you felt guilty only crying harder. Wanda realised she had upset you and held you closer.
“No no baby im not mad. Shh shhh. Im just concerned baby you only brought up bile sweets. How long has it been since you have eaten love?” She waved her hand and the magic removed the puke from the bedsheets and you sighed feeling less guilty.
“Not since yesterday.” You said quietly and Wanda clicked her tongue.
“Baby I’m gonna text natty to bring you back some food.” You whined half from realising nat wasn’t with you and half from the idea of eating anything you knew you would throw up again. “Ill make sure its something light for your stomach my love how does that sound?” She said rubbing her hand over your stomach as they glowed softly as her magic created a soft heat that soothed the muscles. You moaned quietly.
“Ok.” You whispered
“Good girl baby I’m so proud of you.” She said and texted nat with one hand.
“Why did natty leave?” You asked as tears gathered in your eyes at the thought of your girlfriend leaving because you were gross. Your thoughts were loud and Wanda looked down at you shocked.
“No baby natty doesn’t think your gross. Never. Never ever. Who told you that?” Her eyes flashed red slightly and you hung your head. “Who.” She said stern but soft and you knew she wanted a name.
“One of my toxic friends from high school”
“Oh baby well their wrong and I’m glad you recognise they were toxic my sweet.” She wrapped you in her arms. “Come cuddle with me until natty gets back with some food.”
You whined softly at the idea of food. “Hush bubs and I’ll tell you where natty went.” You went quiet and Wanda chuckled softly. “Natty went to get some things for you. She is more of an active comforter than a soft comforter baby, thats my job. She try’s to find solutions. She went to get some more supplies. Sick bags, a thermometer just in case, a flavour of pepto that wont make you gag and so on.” Wanda rambled and you had begun to fall asleep when you felt a hand stroking your cheek. Carefully you cracked open an eye.
“There she is. Hello sweetheart do you think you can eat something for me and wands baby girl?” Nat asked leaning down in look into your eyes. You nodded softly and noticed a tray with all the things Wanda had listed and more. A pack of saltines, a steaming mug of tea and the heat pack that was shaped like a smily face. You grinned softly remembering when nat bought it for you the first time you had gotten sick around her. The first time in year someone cared for you. With shaky hands you began to eat some of the soup nat placed in your lap. Wanda took note of your shaking hands and took the spoon from you gently. You didn’t have the energy to protest as she began to feed you. Nat sat by one side taking not of your slightly flushed cheeks and the glossy look taking over your eyes. Nat put her hand on Wanda’s arm as she lifted the spoon to your open mouth again stopping her.
“Baby that should be enough for now. We don’t want to make her sick again.” Wanda nodded and placed the food on the bedside for later.
“You did so good my love.” She said rubbing you arm as your eyes fluttered shut.
“Can you open one more time?” Nat asked and you did as you felt the thermometer you hated so much enter your mouth, you tried to spit it out but Wanda closed your mouth around it by tapping the bottom of your jaw with her finger. You frowned at her and pouted leaning further into her front. Nat cooed and Wanda smiled down at your sleepy form. After a minute you were almost asleep when it beeped and you groaned. Nat took it swiftly from your mouth and you turned into Wanda more to snuggle up.
“What does it say nat?” Wanda asked seeing nat frown.
“Shes got a decent fever love.” Nat said. “Here have her take these.” The next second you felt Wanda pressing a pill to your lips you took them and then swallowed the water from the glass that was pressed to your lips next as your eyes were still shut. Carefully Wanda lay back down and pulled the sheets over the two of you as you slept on top of her. Nat pressed into Wanda’s side as the three of you cuddled. Wanda ignored the warmth radiating from you knowing the meds would help.
The three of you slept into the afternoon as your fever broke while you slept and the next time you woke the pain was less. Wanda pressed a kiss to your forehead as you sleepily came to.
“Afternoon baby girl how are we feeling now?” She asked her voice slightly deeper from sleep.
“Better.” You mumbled “need more sleep.” You said snuggling into her and relishing in the way her chest vibrated against you face as she laughed.
“No baby you need some lunch. Natty went to get food for us.” You whined. “Come on baby I’ll even carry you.” You snuggled into her neck as your front was pressed into hers as she swung her legs over the edge of the bed and placed a hand on your butt to stabilise you as you wrapped your legs around her waist. Your face still pressed into her neck smelling her perfume. You felt safe and loved. Knowing they would always be there for you. Knowing they would drop everything to make sure your were ok was something that made you want to cry from joy. Knowing how much they loved you.
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danurso · 1 year
Sweet retribution
Yang: *kicks door open* Guys! I cracked the code!
Blake: *Reading on her bed* Oh, did you finally learn how to make good jokes?
R___/_NPR: *snort*
Yang: Ha ha, very funny, but you can't improve what's already perfect, can you?
Blake: *rolls eyes*
Ruby: Is that Weiss' cheesecake?
Yang: *with a little bit of cake on hand* . . . . . . .*shoves everything in her mouth* Doesn't matter! I need sugar to think! Now please focus on the matter here!
Ruby: Okay. . . . .what are you talking about then?
Yang: I'm talking about why Weiss is always getting late for stuff and disappearing for no reason!
Pyrrha: But we already know why, she's been overlooking the new SDC filial here in vale, she even registered us so we always get a big discount on anything there.
Yang: Well, that's actually just a front! It's what she wants us to believe she does!
Ruby: And why would she need to do that?
Yang: It's because she's hiding a huuuuuge secret!
Blake: Which is?
Yang: She's dating Jaune!!!
R___/_NPR: . . . . . .pfffhahahahaha
Nora: HAH! Blake, you're such a liar! Her jokes are great!
Yang: Why are you guys laughing!? I'm serious!
Ren: Well, forgive us if we were rude but. . . . .do you really believe that?
Yang: I saw them kissing at the docks yesterday!
Ruby: You mean after you came back pretty late from Junior's?
Yang: Yeah.
Blake: So let me get this straight. You, after a good few hours of drinking, came back when it was quite dark and saw a couple kissing in the distance, and you assumed it to be Jaune and Weiss?
Yang: It was them! It had to be them! I……i was a bit far but i'm sure it was them.
Nora: It would need to be a cooooold day in hell for Ice queen to even think about doing something like that.
Ruby: Yang, you know how much Weiss dislikes Jaune, i really thought they were going to get closer but there's no fixing how much she dislikes him.
Ren: Last time they were on amicable terms was during the previous vale carnival we all went together. . . .that was a year ago.
Blake: The closest I've seen those two lately is when She orders him to carry her things.
Pyrrha: *brows furrowed* He dropped one of her bags a few days ago and she kicked him in the butt. I'm sorry Yang, but I find it quite impossible that they are in such a relationship.
Yang: Well. . . .when you put it like that. . . .*sigh* Maybe I ended up getting one too many.
Weiss: *walks in* Oh good, you're all gathered here, saves me the trouble.
Nora: What's up Ice queen?
Weiss: Professor Goodwitch asked me to warn everyone that the cantina is having a special sweet day. They're serving Cakes, Parfaits, Pies, Pancakes, Cookies-
Ruby/Nora: *Zoom out the door*
Weiss: Aaaaand *looks at the clock* Seven seconds, honestly I thought they would be out by the time I said cake.
Pyrrha: Is this really today? We didn't receive any notification about it.
Weiss: It was supposed to be a surprise for the holidays, but the intern that was supposed to notify everyone messed up and busted the system trying to fix it, so professor Goodwitch has been asking students to notify their teams and colleagues about it.
Pyrrha: I see. Well, I could use some cake right now.
Blake: Been awhile since i got a parfait.
Ren: We better hurry before Ruby and Nora eat everything.
Pyrrha/Ren/Blake: *hurry out*
Yang: You don't look too excited
Weiss: I don't really have that much of a sweet tooth, most of the time i like to enjoy a bit of cheesecake which they unfortunately aren't serving today. I haven't had some in awhile, given how every time I buy some, it ends up disappearing.
Yang: *sweating* R-really? what a bummer.
Weiss: It's not a big deal. Now, what were you all talking about? I believe I heard my name being mentioned before I entered the room.
Yang: Oh, that, well. . . . .i thought I saw You and Jaune kissing yesterday, I was sure it was you two but I guess I drank a bit more than I should. You would never kiss Jaune of all pe-
Weiss: Oh, it was us.
Yang: . . . . . .wait, what?
Weiss: You didn't see anything wrong, he asked for a last kiss before going back to his room and I complied.
Yang: A "last"!?!? You two are dating!?!?
Weiss: Yes. It's going to be a year next month I believe. *Pulls out scroll, showing her a picture* This is during our first date, a week after the carnival where Jaune asked me out after winning me a polar bear plushie, he was so nervous that he only stopped stuttering halfway through it. *Swipes* This is the day i got covered with flour trying to make him a special meal, him being the sweetheart that he is, helped me clean everything up and guided me through the cooking. *Swipes* This is on a ferris wheel near his home after we had dinner with his family.
Yang: You met his family!?!?
Weiss: Of course, quite delightful people they are. I was not exactly pleased by how his parents thought i was a paid actress because their son quote "Could never get someone this beautiful to fall for him", but once that passed, it was great, his sisters were lovely and shared many interesting stories with me. *Swipes* This one was on the day we supposedly missed out the last flight back to beacon. We spent a day in the park, took several pictures in one of those booths that he quite likes, and as the sun started to set, we went to a nearby motel where we. . . . .i believe the slang you would use to describe it is "Swapped V-cards"
Yang: *chokes* You wha-!?!?
Weiss: It's been somewhat of a bumpy road so far, it took him awhile not to get nervous when I'm around, and also for me to learn how to do traditional "girlfriend" stuff for him, but I'm quite happy, this relationship honestly couldn't be better.
Yang: So you two really are dating. . . .HA! I KNEW IT!!! I WOULD NEVER DRINK TO THE POINT OF SEEING THINGS LIKE THAT!!! I KNEW IT!!!
Weiss: *smiling* Yes, you figured it out.
Yang: THEY SAID I WAS SEEING THINGS BUT I KNEW THAT. . . .that. . . . .wait a minute, why are you telling me all of this? With this much detail even?
Weiss: Because I know for a fact, my dear friend, that no matter how many times you repeat, or how many times you swear, scream, shout and yell the truth towards the others. *sinister look* No one will believe a word you say~
Yang: . . . . . . .*jaw drops*
Weiss: Now, if you excuse me, I'll take this little break from our friends and spend some quality time with my boyfriend. See you later Yang~
Weiss: . . . . . .*chuckles, holding the door closed*
Jaune: You really did it, didn't you?
Weiss: Of course I did. No one steals my cheesecake and gets away with it.
Jaune: *chuckles* If that's what you do with someone that steals something small like a cheesecake, I don't even want to know what you'd do if it was something more important. That's going to make her crawl up the walls.
Weiss: We're going clean on our anniversary in a few weeks anyways, let her deal with that for a bit.
Jaune: Alright. You're going to the cantina?
Weiss: Depends. Are you going?
Jaune: Don't think so. I quite literally got my ass kicked to help on a certain Ice queen's revenge plan so I was thinking that sitting on my soft bed would be nicer. I did just make a fresh cheesecake so I can enjoy it in peace, it's just sad that it's too big just for me to eat.
Weiss: Well, i suppose i could help you with that, if you allow me to accompany you?
Jaune: Are you going to kick me again?
Weiss: *chuckles* I just might if you keep talking, silly.
Jaune: *holds her close* Well, i think i found a way to shut it, just gotta be sure it works. *Leans down, capturing her lips in a warm kiss*
Weiss: *kisses him back for a few moments before pulling away* Huh, it works afterall.
Jaune: I'm not sure yet, can i try again?
Weiss: Cheesecake first, depending on how good it tastes I might give you a sizable reward.
Jaune: Then be my guest snow angel. *Takes her hand, guiding her to his room.* And Weiss?
Weiss: Yes?
Jaune: Yang is going to be fine, right?
Weiss: Relax, I'm sure she will be alright.
*A few hours later*
Ruby: . . . . .Yang.
Blake: What in the world is going on?
Yang: Look! I know this is gonna sound really crazy! But just hear me out here!
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slayfics · 1 year
Behind the Mask
Inosuke x Reader
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After meeting the injured demon slayer you struggle to help him recover and learn more about his past.
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Chapter 2
The next few days were a struggle. Inosuke didn't like being told what to do, and the other helpers wanted nothing to do with his temper and boastfulness. It took all your cunningness to figure out ways to get him to take his medicine and rest. He was so eager to show off his strength to the other demon slayers that he couldn't even see the repercussion of his actions. If he kept reinjuring himself, he would never be back out in the field doing missions. One day you got caught up in helping some other injured demon slayers, so it took you longer than usual to check in and make sure Inosuke had taken his medicine and wasn't out and about refusing to rest. You found him sitting outside watching some other demon slayers train.
"Good afternoon, Inosuke. Did you remember to take your medicine today?"
"Of course, I did!" He responded.
You were taken aback, every other day it was a battle to get him to follow orders. 
"You said yesterday that if I want to be the best demon slayer I have to, right? I had to know when to rest in order to fight again. Well I did, and I'm sitting here doing nothing just like you told me. How long is this going to take anyway?" He continued annoyed.  
You were shocked that somehow the messages you've repeated over and over again finally sunk into that boar head.
"If you rest as ordered I would say a few more weeks."
"I can check on your injuries today if you'd like maybe they are better since you've been resting."
"Oh, and here is what headquarters has on the menu toady for food." You handed him a menu with a few options for dinner.”
"Uh.. I can’t read or write can you just tell me."
"Oh.. yeah of course."
You started to feel some sympathy for him, and a little curious about his up brining. After going over the food options with him he proclaimed,  
You smiled at his enthusiasm. He does like to eat you thought. At least that will help him heal too.
'I didn't realize you couldn't write. If you need help writing letters to anyone, feel free to ask."
"HU? What's that?" He asked.
“Yeah, what are those?”
His question made you even more curious about his background. Where had this boy grown up if he’d never heard of letters before?
“Letters are papers with handwriting on them. Some demon slayers use them to send messages to loved ones or friends during missions to ensure them they are ok.” You explained.
“Oh. No thanks I don’t have any of those.”  
You weren’t sure how to respond to that. Did this demon slayer not have a family?  
"Why are you looking at me like that?” He asked, defensive.  
“My apologized Inosuke I'm not sure how to respond. You don’t have any family or friends you’d want to send a message to?” You asked again hoping for more clarification.  
"I grew up in the mountains all by myself. I don’t have a family, brothers, sisters, any of that.” He said without any hints of emotion and turned back to watch the other demon slayers training in the quart yard.  
"Pardon me, but may I ask you something?"
"Sure! I don't blame you for wanting to know more about Lord Inosuke.”
“What do you mean by grew up in the mountains, how did you get there?” You asked. The demon slayer looked down and appeared to be lost in thought for a few moments before answering.  
“I don't really remember it's just all I've known. I lived and grew up there testing my strength."
Your heart started to break for the demon slayer. What kind of childhood could that have been? Growing up in the mountains all alone. That must have meant his parents abandoned him... you wondered if Inosuke knew this. It must have been terribly lonely. This also explained his dreadful manners and lack of education. You gathered your thoughts and thought of a response that wouldn’t give away your true feelings. Inosuke didn’t seem like the type of person that would take well to sympathy, but you knew he loved praise and feeling tough.  
"Well, that is very impressive indeed Inosuke. I can see growing up there has made you very strong. I hope headquarters can be just as accommodating to you as your home in the mountains.” You smiled at him.
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He didn’t respond but appeared to be content with your response. It was hard to tell with that mask always on.
“Would you like me to wash your mask and clothes for you?" You asked, hoping to see what the demon slayer’s reactions were.
"Uh sure." He said and took off his mask to hand to you.
"Oh!” You exclaimed without being able to keep a straight face. That was not what you expected him to look like at all under that mask.
"WHAT!" His face turned from soft to angry in an instant.  
"My apologies it's just that.. you are very attractive." You blushed and walked off too afraid to look up and see his reactions now.
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bosskie · 4 months
Mean 'n' Clean
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I didn't mean to draw more today (yesterday) but I just got a vision like this and I just had to draw it... Man, it feels like all this sketching is starting to actually improve my stuff. That Molluck just looks better than all the other Mollucks I have done within a week.
But yeah, what the odd is this? Well, I kinda tried to vision RuptureFarms back then. I felt like drawing kinda twisted versions of those Scrab Cake and Paramite Pie ads. Yeah, that Scrab is 'dancing' on that cake, like they do after killing their victim. And well, Paramite is eating the Pie... I have never drawn those creatures before, so it was nice to finally draw them too.
That Abe, well, I felt like portraying him as a cleaner with some cleaning equipment and I wondered why he would have such an expression if he is cleaning... Then it came to my mind that maybe is cleaning Molluck's toilet, so that's why he got that toilet cleaner. Just some random stuff for fun, I have been just laughing at that Abe.
Also, kinda related to this cleaning thing. One day, I figured out why RuptureFarms is so clean in New 'n' Tasty compared to Abe's Oddysee: There are 200 Mudokons more! Yes, Molluck could figure out the amouth of Mudokons he needs to keep the place clean.
I also wanna add that despite of my own problems toward myself, I do appreciate you liking my stuff! And I wanna say this that I do love this community. I did get such a warm reception when I started to post my Molluck stuff and it still warms my heart, especially after many years of feeling like no one cares about the stuff I create. I do admire the stuff you do here like daily but I have had hard times to tell you it, even thru a like. It's nothing personal, my thought about that no one probably wants me to interact with them is just strong... I used to be lonely for years... But I'm trying my best with healing this scar and gather my courage to say the stuff I would like to say but I just cannot because of my mind... Sometimes, I also just feel so embarrassed of my way to speak...
I also wanna say that I don't wish that creating fan art is a competition. The more important thing is all the passion and love people put in it. Of course, great art deserves to be featured but it was kinda odd still (I think that they should had been a bit more neutral too, to create a more believable image of that they do really love all the fan art; this is what I mean. Just changing it to be 'one of the best' or being an artist feature video in general would had been enough). And especially to me in a sense of that I did won that SoulStorm tattoo design competition but OWI never posted it but some other submissions to that competition before announcing the winners. There was a Stranger fan art competition before and they did post the winners on social media. It's just odd and I think that I really should ask OWI about that, I'm still waiting for my prices from them. I'm just not sure of how to do it. It has just started to feel like maybe they didn't even really like my piece and just made me a winner because I probably spent the most time... If someone hasn't seen it or needs refreshing, here's my piece I did for that competition:
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Sometimes, I have been thinking about 'remastering' this since it has some flaws I would like to fix. But yes, I really gotta try to ask OWI why did they kinda cancel this tattoo competition after announcing the winners, though they never did it on their media but on the competition website. I don't really mind if they don't post this since this ain't great but I still would like to hear their explanation for this. This was supposed to be a temporal tattoo they would have shared and I would have gotten one too. Well, I did get the main thing, the moolah price, at least! My inner Gluk is happy.
~ Lots of love to ya!
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cedar-sunshine · 13 days
Star Excerpt
I've been going back and forth on posting this for a while, but here it is! Feat: Tristan being depressed, Ori being a little off-putting. This is the VERY beginning of star, the opening words. Comment if you want me to post more anytime/if you liked it!
TWs- internalized transphobia (not incredibly overt), discussion of SI, discussion of death, discussion and minor representation of visual hallucinations.
I wrote this when I was dealing with REALLY severe depression and it hasn't been seriously edited since, so I can't vouch for it being great. Hope you enjoy it!
It's getting cold faster than usual this year.
It feels like just yesterday that the first couple of leaves fell from the maples, but now I'm walking over ground that cracks and snaps with frost, and my breath hangs in the air like fog.
With hope, the coming winter will pass just as quickly as fall has been, collapsing in on itself in what remains of my mind. Realistically, I'll probably die before that can happen. The main question now is whether I'll die from the sickness, starvation, hypothermia, murder, or the other option. Guessing which one is going to finally take me out is the only thing left in my life that I could call entertaining, in a twisted, fucked up way. There's also a chance I eat the wrong plant and die from poisoning, but I'd argue that that falls under the last option, especially as I've practically memorized the plants in the northwest. It's been my only pastime for the past year and a half, if you don't count vivid fantasies of my own impending death.
You're never really aware of all the interesting ways one can die until you are, aren't you?
As it is, I've decided that my most likely fate will be turning back on my trail, finding the people who I've been running from with less and less conviction for the past eight months, and letting myself be ripped to pieces in whatever horrifying fashion they desire. It wouldn't be much worse than what's going on in my head already, I'd guess. And they'd be right in whatever gruesome thing they have planned for me. It's not like I haven't been asking for this since I ran.
I'm not exactly sure where I'm going, other than a vague idea of 'east'. If I even have the direction right. For all I know, I've been going in circles for months. I can see the mountains in the distance, though, so I can't be too far off. I know the silhouette of the rockies.
My half-formed plan when I first fled was to get to the rockies and find refuge in a cave, gathering food like a bear in the fall, and then count on my pursuers not being able to survive in the mountains. I'm not sure why I had thought that a half-dead, psychotic fifteen year old with identity confusion would survive out there any better than they would, but it's the only plan I have, and without a plan, I don't really have much to do other than sit down and die.
Honestly, that option has been sounding pretty nice lately.
Still, I'm nothing if not a creature of inertia. Every step, every breath, every heartbeat, only exists because I've lost the energy to do anything other than stay the same. What is in motion stays in motion, even as the friction of my brain tears at me to just stop.
I'm not sure why I don't.
The sun is bleeding up from the horizon, lighting the clouds near it a pinkish golden color, bringing color to a gray sky. The mountains are saturated with dark, vivid blue shadows and patches of gleaming white snow that hurts to look at.
The light burns my eyes, and I refocus my gaze on the ground in front of me where brown and orange leaves are encased in frost, crunching under my footsteps. With the frost, I'll be leaving pretty clear footsteps until the sun fully rises, but I can't bring myself to care. A brutal, ritualistic death, no matter how gory and painful, seems no worse than the other option.
I try to avoid thinking about the future. Whenever I do, the pull to just stop gets almost overwhelming, and the panic that causes makes everything around it worse. The stability of my mind is nothing but a coin flip, and when it's landed on heads, I try to do all I can to avoid flipping it again.
Still, the future isn't the most avoidable thing.
As I watch my worn-out shoes leave a trail in the frost and leaves, my thoughts can't help but drift towards one of my many taboo subjects.
What happens next is perhaps the scariest question I can pose to myself, mostly because I don't actually know the answer.
I can feel my pulse lift and the fog of my mind start to thicken and creep towards the lucidity I've held for almost a week now, if you ignore the flashes of blood and corpses that don't exist hanging from trees in the edges of my vision. My hands clench and unclench, fingers racing along my palms, ruined nails scratching at my rough skin.
It's not proper for a girl to have such un-ladylike hands.
It's not proper for a girl to cut her hair and hide in the woods on her own, either, is it?
Perhaps the question of what's proper for a girl isn't the most important thing right now.
I take a deep breath, trying to calm my burning mind. This part of the forest doesn't have as much undergrowth as usual- notably, it's missing the rampant salal and huckleberries that I've been seeing around here, along with the old growth trees and logs that scaffold the way for smaller plants. I'd guess that it was clear-cut before the disaster, and is maybe five years out from it.
I wonder if the forest knows that it's safe now, that the power tools are dead and the constant consumerist demand has died with most of the world's population. I wonder if its trauma will live on in its occupants, teaching its deer to flee at any movement and its flowers to hide in the deepest, thickest tangles of plants. I wonder if it knows that the world has changed. Maybe it can feel that the human feet that used to trample it have lessened, and maybe it feeds on the corpses and can taste their disease and fear. Perhaps it remains unaware, always living in fear of the next hunting season or the return of the lumber companies and hikers who tear up the native plants and bring with them grasses and Himalayan blackberries. Perhaps it can see me walking through its trees and it wonders what a child so clearly unfit for this life is doing. Perhaps it waits for me to give up and die, so it can welcome me to its soil and bring me home. Perhaps it sees me as only another of the ones that have torn it from its roots and killed its children and brothers, and it only feels distrust and hatred. Perhaps it still wishes I would give up and die, but only so my threatening existence ends.
Perhaps it's just wood and leaves, and I've truly lost what's left of my mind.
I wonder what it thinks of me, if it looks beyond my humanness and sees that the blood running through my veins is the same as what pulses in its children, a cousin of the golden sap that bleeds from its bark. I wonder who it sees.
A girl with rough hands and a shattered mind, maybe. Or a boy who's met death and come back, rather unwillingly. Maybe it only sees a scared child running blindly, or an animal that sacrificed its humanity to keep its straining, breaking heart beating in its chest. Maybe something else entirely, something that's fading away from the inside out and barely even still going.
I wonder who I would see, if I was brave enough to look.
I go over the bear trap one last time, making sure that it's not being blocked by anything. It's on its last legs, rusty and creaky. It's not a pretty beast, but it does the job, even if the job might give me tetanus one day. I don't really have another option right now, so I choose to remain positive. I have it set on a rough game trail, with the jaws and trigger covered in vines and leaves. I've got a camp set up in a small cave by a cliff less than a mile from the trap, so I can check it every evening, along with the rope ones that I have on other trails. With luck, I'll get something in a couple days, hopefully big enough to last me through the winter. I dream of the day when I get a moose in my traps.
Once I get a catch, I can dry the meat for the winter, and then next spring I'll keep going east and get over the mountains. The east of the mountains is more habitable than the west, so I'll keep looking for a town of survivors there.
I know that there are people out there, and I know that those people have probably grouped up and started rebuilding societies. It'll take a bit to convince them that I'm not sick, and that I'm not there to steal their resources, but I know I can do it. People like me. I like to think that I've held on to most of my charm through what I can only really describe as the apocalypse. Maybe I'll start a family, if I meet someone there who's sweet and pretty, someone who thinks I am too. Maybe we can find a stray dog and live a small, nice life. I just need to take it step by step, and the next step is finding food.
I've always wished that I knew a bit more about plants, especially since the sickness hit and I've been doing this all on my own. I know the basics- thimbleberries, chanterelles, cedar- but not much more than that. I think it'd be helpful to be one of those people who can dig food from the ground during winter. I'm dealing, though. Perhaps a diet consisting mainly of meat isn't the healthiest thing, but I'd say that I'm actually doing pretty well, given the whole apocalypse situation.
The cliff that I've made my temporary home in is only maybe ten or fifteen feet tall, on the base of a relatively steep hill. The cave's entrance is much shorter than me, but if I crouch, I can get in and into the more sizable inner part, where I still can't really stand up. I have coils of rope shoved into a corner, and I toss my beat-up backpack on top of them before sitting on my equally used sleeping bag. It's developed rips and holes that make it not much more useful than a warm blanket, but a warm blanket is still something.
I've adopted a crepuscular lifestyle more recently, altering my waking time to match that of the wildlife. I set my traps early in the morning and check them long after the sun sets. It took me a bit, but I get around five hours of sleep every time I try, amounting to maybe ten every day. I spend the rest of my time either maintaining my body or fantasizing about the town I'll find in eastern Washington. It's not the most exciting life, but it's nice to have some routine in a world like this.
I don't feel very tired yet, so I pull over my backpack and dump its contents on the base of the cave, searching through them. My two extra knives are tied together with a worn out length of twine, along with my flint in its' case, and my bunched-up, too-large raincoat unfolds on the ground, along with a medley of other things, but it only takes me a few moments to find what I was looking for.
When I was a kid, I got three journals for one of my birthdays. I wrote through one of them before the virus hit, and the second one was finished frantically in the first few months. Those two will be burnt to ashes when I have the time, kindling soaked with things that aren't worth remembering. The one I've been using for the past year or so is about halfway through, with my ideas and feelings journaled about once a week. Most of it is plans, maps, paths over the mountains, dotted with records of where I set traps. I'm no artist, but I've sketched out ideas of what a surviving society might look like. Abstract maps are my strength.
I flip to a new page and pull my pencil out of the inner pocket on my backpack, and begin writing.
When I wake in the evening, my head rests uncomfortably on my open journal, with a messy, half finished list of the steps I'll need to take to get over the rockies. My spine aches from being curled up like a dead shrimp for hours, and when I stretch it cracks more than I think should be healthy. It's colder than it was in the morning, but I push myself to get up and shove my stuff back into my bag.
The sky is gray outside, and the air is that sort of sharp cold that hurts a bit to breathe. Every inhale reminds me that winter is soon, and that I'll be over the rockies by this time next year. Maybe I'll even have found my survivors by then, and I'll have my little life set up. I'm sure any little budding village would be happy to have a young member with trapping knowledge, someone who can contribute and still has his whole life ahead of him.
The trail I've set my traps on takes about two hours to fully complete, and a bit more with my care to avoid my own traps. I've made that mistake once, and I never plan to make it again.
The bear trap is surprisingly well hidden for a metal jaw in the leaves- its rust blends in with the leaves scattered over it, and if I wasn't aware of its existence and studying every step I take, there's a good chance I'd lose a leg to it. I feel a twinge of apology for whatever poor thing gets caught in my trap, but we all need to eat. Anyways, it's probably no more violent than any of the other ways a thing could die out here.
I return to my little cave as the first couple of raindrops start hitting the leaves, and I curl up in my sleeping bag to stay warm as I watch the rain fall.
It's hypnotizing, in a way. The quiet roar is the loudest thing in the woods, and it drowns out any other sound. Within half an hour, the rain has turned from a gentle patter to a downpour, turning the world gray outside of the cave. The cave has a helpful slant that keeps the water from running down to where I'm sitting, but the cold still ends up saturating my skin, soaking through me just as quickly as the rain would.
I lie down and turn away from the cave entrance. There's no better time to sleep than during a rainstorm.
That's chapter one of star! Thanks for reading (:
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maxismp1 · 1 year
Can you make it rain again
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It was a pleasing day at the small land of many secrets. The field filled with flowers of every kind know to man. Many collors going miles without an end. This place was known to one person, and that specific person was blessed by a god. She was blessed with the peace. She was blessed with this land, and she must care for it! And the very God that has given her the peace.
DreaXD, the lord of smp, the God of gods, and someone.... someone you could call a friend.
You have meet in a rather said surprising circumstances.
It was a sunny day at the so called land of chaos. Or it's original name, The DSMP. You wished to have a simple picnic by yourself. Everything was prepared a day before. A simple red and white blanket, some sweets of course, and a book to read. You had it perfectly planned.
The place you picked was a small garden with your flowers, it was a hill behind your house. The perfec mix of sunny weather and a slight breeze was quite pleasant.
You gathered your basket and went on your way. It didnt take you long, of course but it still felt like a small journey. When you arrived at your destination, you calmly put the basket down, got the blanket out of it, and settled down.
It has been few hours since you settled down, few cookies Here and there along with a peace of strawberry cake you prepared. The weather was still the same. Until the slight breeze picked up, it soon became a small spiral of wind and leafs. A slight golden glow startet appering. The leafs picked up a human like shape and it soon became an actually human. Tho this human had wings...
You didn't mind, there were many hybrids on the smp. It was not weird to see a new one here and there.
The breeze came back to normality, the humanoid title his head to the side, as if he was questioning me.
"Do you wish to have some strawberry cake with me"
I offered. It was not polite to not offer a person some cake if you already had plenty in your basket.
The fellow hybrid looked even more confused, it was harder to say his expression because of the mask on his face, the lips were still visible. There was a small frown, but, eho am I to blame them.
"You are not... scared?"
They asked
"Should I be?"
I replied with a question of my own
"Do you plan on hurting me?"
"Okay then. My offer still stand mister. Do you wish to have some of my home made strawberry cake ?"
I scooted over so they could have some space. Reaching into my backed I pulled out the cake, and sliced a peace of it. Putting it on a small plate decorated with flowers. I gave it to them, also not forgeting the fork.
The frown turned into a smile and they began to eat it. An pleased hum could been heard here and there. After eating in a comfortable silence. Both of you decided to chat.
That small picnic you had planned turned in to a talk with a creature, later learning that HE was a GOD.
The visit became often, from few days in month to few days im week. It soon tuned into a daily visit, and a part of your routine.
As much as you wished to go outside, you simply couldn't. You wasted a lot of energy farming yesterday. You could have asked for the potato's.... but you do not wish to abuse his kindness.
The light started shining straight to your eyes true your blinds.
'I thought I closed them'
Slowly, you sat in your bed, the blankets mangled with your feet. Reaching towards the blind you separated them, letting the light finally come true. There were few birds to be heard, but your focus was only on the wind going in circles.
To an ordinary human, that would be a sign of bed Wether coming. But to you, to you this was a sign. XD was calling for you.
With an smiled you opened your window, letting some fresh air come along aswell.
"XD... I have to sadly tell you I cannot go outside today. As much as I wish to do so. I'm simply to tired. Please understand. If you wish, you can come to my home and we could talk in here"
The moment you have ended the sentence, the glow you have memorised has aperd in your room, few feet away from your bed frame.
"Well hello there XD"
"Hello y/n.. you look.... ravishing as always"
You could tell that was sarcasm... your hair is mangled and your clothes wrinkled.
"Oh shush mister, you saw me in worse conditions. Now do you wish to talk or muck me while I have awoken not less then 5 minutes ago."
"I wish to talk"
"Good choise"
You patted the bed and moved to side so he could have some space to lay in your bed. To his suprise, you didnt just start talking like you ussual do. Instead, you snuggled in his side. He was frozen for a moment. Then remember on of your many conversations.
'It's called cuddling XD, we do it ti show love, or when we just want to be hugged'
It was a simple one, but to the God... not that much.
Few minuts have passed, he ended the fight with his mind. Slowly picking you up and putting you on his chest, his wings writing around you protectively.
"Yes y/n"
"I have a request"
Upon that, you snuggled in his chest a lil
"Ask my dear"
"Could you make it rain?"
"Well of course, anything for you"
Moving his hand away from your embrace, he flicked it once and the sunny weather soon turned in to a slight rain. .
This was nothing new yet nothing old. It was a simple act of him. You never asked for anything unless it's nesesery. So this small request was pleasing for XD. He was okay with it.
Small hum was heard and soon your breathing became slower and in a slight rhythm. You have fallen asleep.
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I hope y'all like the re write. I will start doing requests tomorow, they are still open, just aint gona do them rn
Have a pleasant nigh or day.
Goodbye my dear
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sebstan2022 · 2 years
The Captain’s Daughter
Chapter 3
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Orignal Female Character, Steve Rogers X Natasha Romanoff
Summary: Violet Rogers is the daughter of non other than Captain America and Black Widow. Working as a nurse at the Washington DC general hospital, her life is pretty normal despite her parents being top agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. However after a recent mission, a new threat has hit S.H.I.E.L.D. and Violet finds herself as a target, discovering their greatest weapon, The Winter Soldier.
Warnings: Kidnapping, Dark Bucky Barnes, Kissing, Dom Bucky Barnes, Manipulation, Torture, Brainwashing, Captive, Light Bondage
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“And then he decides to get drunk, and I told him we had plans that evening, god he’s so annoying” Riley huffed as she stabbed her salad, infuriated with her boyfriend. Violet stared out into own lunch, poking the noodles around in the container. Her mind was elsewhere. She still couldn’t get over this mission with her parents. There was just something about it that seemed fishy and more threatening than usual.
“Violet!” she was brought out of her trance when Riley whacked her arm and she looked across from her.
“Sorry, what did you say?” Violet muttered and Riley narrowed her eyes with worry.
“What’s going on? You’ve been acting strange all day” Riley said, and Violet sighed.
She wasn’t usually this distracted, and she never use to worry about her parent’s missions, mostly because of the fact she had no clue about them but after hearing her parents fighting and what her mother told her, she had thought about it none stop. Of course, it wasn’t her business and everything at S.H.I.E.L.D was highly classified, but she just couldn’t shake this feeling off her. Why would her mother tell her as well if it was nothing to worry about?
“It’s just… my parents, they went on a mission the other night and now I think something is going on, something suspicious”.
“What with them?’ Riley asked, scooping a few leaves into her mouth and Violet shook her head.
“No, not with them, I don’t know exactly but my mom told me yesterday that she was assigned a different mission to dad and that they think something is going on with S.H.I.E.L.D” Violet said quietly, being careful to make sure other colleagues didn’t catch word of their conversation. Riley’s eyes widened and she stopped chewing, swallowing hard.
“Oh shit, that sound serious, what do they think it is?
“I don’t know, she didn’t tell me, but I came down to them arguing the other day and then my mom told me she was assigned to gather some information. if this wasn’t something to worry about, she wouldn’t have told me, I mean they never tell me what goes on in their missions not that I’m really bothered but it just doesn’t seem right” Violet stared down at her lunch and poked it about with her fork. This was starting to eat up inside her and all her mind was focused on was what could possibly be going on.
If the city was in danger, so many people’s lives could be at stake, including hers and Riley’s.
“Hey, listen, I’m sure it’s nothing, your parents are the best soldiers and agents here in this country and they’d never let anything happen to you or the people, don’t let this worry you” Riley said lovingly, and Violet smiled at her.
“Thanks girl, I don’t know what I would do without you” Violet was so glad she had Riley to talk to about all this. If she didn’t have her, she really didn’t know what she would do. There’d be no way she could keep this all to herself.
All day at work Violet told herself to forget about the mission and focus on her day. It was none of her business and if there really was a threat, she was certain S.H.I.E.L.D would have announced something, or her dad would have informed her. Perhaps it was just her parents being over cautious and protective as they have been since she was born.
After a long day of seeing patients, Violet was glad she was finally able to leave and head home. The roads were quiet as she drove peacefully down the smooth city, lost in the music in her car and her mind finally off the dreaded mission. But as she reached her neighbourhood, she wondered if her parents would be in and whether they were still talking about the mission a few nights ago. Her mother hadn’t said anything further to her and her dad hadn’t said a word. He wasn’t one to make her worry and he’d do anything to keep her safe.
Violet entered her house, throwing her keys into the bowl beside the door. She looked up and saw her mom and dad putting their coats on.
“What’s going on?” she asked, and her mother smiled.
“Your father has decided to treat us to the movies, don’t take your shoes off, we’re leaving now” Natasha said as she zipped up her leather coat.
“Thought it would be nice for us to spend some family time” Steve smiled, and Violet smiled back.
“Aw thanks dad, I guess that means you’re paying” she smirked at her dad who sighed, rolling his eyes playfully.
“That’s right, you said you’d treat us Steve” Natasha pointed to him, and he held his hands up.
“Yes, I did, now come on, we’ll be late” he said and ushered the three of them outside.
The three of them sat in the cinema, munching away on popcorn, Natasha throwing pieces at Steve and causing Violet to giggle, earning a few hard shushes from the other people in the cinema. Violet loved these little moments she had with her family, causing trouble, and having a good time together. She was glad to be able to come out and spend time with them.
“I did not fall asleep during the film” Steve exclaimed as they rode back in the car.
“Yes, you did dad, I could hear you snoring” Violet replied.
“Try sleeping with him” Natasha answered back, and Steve gave a hard glare to her.
“Trust me kid, I’m not the problem in bed” Natasha gasped, smacking Steve’s arm while both he and Violet laughed. The three of them could so easily have a laugh together and over anything. Sometimes it was the stupidest things and if anyone were around, they’d probably think they were the weirdest family ever.
“Well thanks for taking us out dad” Violet said. She had finally been able to get her mind off the mission and her parents acting strange for the last few days. She finally felt she could relax and was beginning to think it was all in her head.
“Your welcome honey” Steve said back, and they pulled into their driveway. The three of them emerged from the car, entering the house, walking into the darkness.
“Anyone want a drink” Steve offered as he wondered into the kitchen.
“I’m fine thanks dad” Violet called and switched on the lights for the downstairs. She shuffled into the living room, flicking on the switch and gasped, jumping back slightly at the sight in front of her.
Nick Fury, her mom and dad’s boss was sat in one of the armchairs… well more like slumped. He was clutching his side, blood trickling down his head and breathing heavy.
“Oh my god” Violet rushed over, kneeling in front of him, her eyes wandering over his body and seeing his shirt covered in rich red blood, soaked and the blood now staining his palm.
“What’s wrong Vi- “Natasha stopped dead in her tracks as she saw Fury in the state he was in, rushing over the same ad Violet and kneeling before him.
“Shit, Fury what happened” she said with panic, her eyes wandering over him as well. He was breathing heavy, eyes closing and opening, and he coughed as he began to speak.
“God damn ambush, knocked me on the side of the road… then there was something else” he breathed, his head rolling back.
“Shit, mom he needs to get to the hospital now” Violet warned. He was in clear need of medical attention now.
“Steve!” Natasha yelled and footsteps pounded as Steve came running. He looked just as shocked as the others and flew over the table, skidding across the floor as he reached Fury.
“Fury… Nick can you hear me” he shook him, but Fury was barely with it. He groaned softly, head rolling over the armchair.
“Mom call and ambulance” Violet ordered, and Natasha grabbed the nearest phone, dialling as quick as she could.
“What happened?” Steve asked and Fury tried to sit up to explain. But as soon as he opened his mouth, glass shattered as a ping sounded in the living room. a single bullet flew across the room, hitting Fury straight in the chest. Violet screamed in fright, ducking down to shield herself from any other shots and Steve hissed in anger.
Fury’s body fell to the ground, heaving and coughing as blood now started to seep into the cream carpet, soaking everything in its path.
“Shit!” Natasha whispered and stared in fear as Fury laid there.
“Where did that come from?” Violet said in panic as she placed her hands over the wound, keeping pressure on it to stop the bleeding. Her hands began to turn dark red like wine and blood seeped under her fingernails, staining her hands up to her wrists.
Steve stood up, staring out the window as he noticed someone standing a few blocks away. It looked to be a man, tall, broad and a gun in his hand. The assailant quickly dashed off, running quickly and Steve jumped over the table in the middle of the living room once again, jumping through the window and breaking it even further, glass shattering across the living room. He may be quick, but Steve was a super soldier. Who-ever this guy was, he had no idea who he was up against.
“Dad where are you going?” Violet yelled but she was too late. Steve jumped out the house, chasing down the street and was gone.
“Fuck, mom we have to take him to the hospital now, we don’t have time to wait for an ambulance” Violet panicked, pressing harder on Fury’s chest. He was bleeding out and it would only be a matter of time before he was gone.
“I’ll get the car” Natasha run out whilst Violet continued to hold the wound steady. His life was resting in her hands right now and she felt her stomach turn to a sickly knot, taking a fearful rollercoaster and adrenaline coursing through her.
“it’s going to be okay; you’re going to be okay” Violet breathed as she watched Fury’s eyes start to roll back, his breaths before ragged and raspy as he sucked every last breath, he had in him. The two of them were covered in blood and Violet knew the only way to save him was to take him to the hospital themselves.
Natasha and Violet carried Fury into the car with her driving and Violet keeping pressure on the gun shot.
“How’s he doing” he wasn’t doing good.
“He’s losing consciousness, we need to get there now” Violet ordered, and Natasha slammed her foot on the gas.
“Forgive me Sir but I’m breaking a whole lotta rules right now” Natasha said and despite Fury’s state, he let out a tiny chuckle with what little energy and breath he had left. But as soon as he did, he coughed up the blood in his mouth, splattering some of it onto Violet but she didn’t care. Right now, the only important thing was to save the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Natasha sloppily parked the car in the emergency section of the hospital, running quickly to the side to pull Fury out with Violet, helping her carry him inside. One arm over both the girls, they dragged his body inside, feet scraping across the polished floor and creating that squeaking noise that rattles your eardrum.
“SOMEONE HELP, HE’S DYING” Natasha screamed as they entered the emergency wing. Doctors and nurses came flying down the hallway, one barking orders at another to get a stretcher and another ordering an emergency theatre to be opened so they could retrieve the bullet. Fury was one of the most well-known and important people in this state. If he died, it would be a loss for everyone.
Natasha stood back, watching with fear and sadness as Fury was placed on a stretcher. Violet followed the doctors and nurses, pulling one side of the stretcher as they took him to the emergency theatre. It was only a matter of time before he would lose his life and every moment now was critical and crucial.
“God please save him”.
Hey so I hope you liked this chapter, don’t forget to leave a like, reblog and leave a comment and let me know what you think
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crazyztrain · 2 years
Mystogan x Reader (Fairy Tail) Chapter 4
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Mystogan's POV
Sitting on my bed I watched the sun rise, wrapped in dawn's colourful display. After going to bed early yesterday I woke up early but well rested. The same couldn't be said about Y/N. Not a single sound has left her room since last night, indicating that she was probably still asleep.
So I took my time showering and getting ready. When it was past eight and there was still no sign from my new partner, I grew worried. And so I knocked on the adjoining door only to receive no response. My hand reached the door knob before distancing itself again. This went back and forth as my though spiralled. Hoping that Y/N would forgive my invading her privacy, I finally opened the door. What greeted me was the sight of sprawled out on her bed, the covers only half shielding my view from her delicate form. She seemed to be sleeping peacefully and so I closed the door and went down to get breakfast instead.
When I came back, the door to Y/N's room was open and granting me view of her pacing about the room. In her nightgown no less. Luckily she was also wearing some kind of overcoat.
"Good morning", I greeted but it came out sounding like a question.
A shriek left Y/N's lips as she turned around so abruptly she lost her balance and stumbled over her travel bag. Instinctively I reached out and she fell into my arms.
"Is everything okay?", I asked while steadying Y/N.
Her eyes shot up to me. "You're safe!"
I blinked, "Why wouldn't I be?"
"Because I woke up and your room was empty, I was afraid something happened to you", she exclaimed and a blush crept onto her cheeks as she realized the misconception. My face also started to heat up but for a completely different reason. I noticed my hands still on her shoulder and arm, so I moved them up to ruffle Y/N's hair before averting my gaze. "I just went down for breakfast since there was no telling when you would wake up, sleepyhead."
Y/N's face started to awfully resemble Erza's hair colour. "I have a deep sleep! Just wake me up when we need to get ready next time", she stuttered.
"Okay, I will. I brought you some breakfast from downstairs", I motioned to the paper bag on the table, "Why don't you get dressed and have a bite before we go out?"
Y/N hummed in response and disappeared into the bathroom. While I waited in my room I couldn't help but notice how awfully sweet it felt for Y/N to worry about me like that. I've been working alone for so long, there hasn't been anyone to worry about me really.
She didn't take long to get ready and eat her breakfast and so we soon left to scout the town. After seeing the reaction of the bakery worker yesterday, Y/N deemed it best to dress casual and less like a guild mage. She wore a cute winter dress with the thigh high boots and hat to complete the look.
In the little time I've known her I couldn't help but notice that she looks good in anything really. Beautiful even. Pushing such thoughts aside I suggested that we gather information separately and meet up again later. Since Y/N already put effort into blending in and looking approachable, she will probably have more luck without me. Admittedly my appearance doesn't exactly strike trust in the hearts of regular citizens.
"Will you be alright by yourself?", I furrowed my brows at Y/N.
"Don't worry. As promised, I won't stray too far, won't go anywhere shady and will stay in public places with lots of people around", she snickered as she used her fingers to recite all rules I previously established.
I watched Y/N disappear into the busy streets, before making my way to my first destination.
Before long I was made painfully aware that all attempts to get intel on the dark mages were just as unsuccessful as yesterdays's encounter at the bakery. I've been to a blacksmith, three pubs and even a magical device store but none of the citizens would reveal any information. The people would always evade the question about any dark mages, only advising me to beware of the mountains behind the borders. At least I found out that there is an adventurers guid hall a few streets ahead. Independent mages and mercenaries get their jobs and intelligence from there.
Inside the building I first went to the mission board and noticed that although there seem to be monsters lurking in the mountains, none of the quests ask for them to be slayed or driven away. At the bar counter I was able to strike a conversation with a few adventurers and mages. However, when I brought up the topic of the monsters and dark mages everyone once again shut down and gave only vague answers, if any.
Letting out a sigh I left the building but was abruptly grabbed by my collar and pulled into the next alley. It was dark and narrow, so I couldn't see the man's face very well but he seemed to be an elderly man, perhaps a past adventurer even, judging by the appearance. Multiple scars littered his skin and the man still wore a leather belt with a small sword attached.
"Asking around town won't get you anywhere. Are you a mage?", the man ushered, keeping his voice down. He let go of me and stared at me intensely.
"Yes, I'm from Fairy Tail. Can you tell me anything about the situation here then?", I asked hurriedly, afraid he might change his mind.
"I can. But first, do you think you're up to it? It's going to be dangerous and if you're just gonna get yourself killed you better go back while you still can", the man grumbled.
"Do not worry. My partner and I are here to take down all monsters and and the dark guild. Last week I took out a dark guild in the west but it turned out to be part of a guild network. I believe another guild division to be quatered here", explained calmly and the man seemed to relax slightly.
"I'm sure you already know about the monsters roaming the mountain side. But those aren't regular monsters, it's almost as if they are commanded by mages..", and so the man explained the situation to me in detail. I didn't even get his name or the chance to express my gratitude. As soon as he finished speaking he left as abruptly as he appeared.
Checking the clock I noticed that it is about time to meet up with Y/N again and got on my way.
Chapter 5
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casspurrjoybell-19 · 9 days
Does it Matter? - Chapter 58 - Part 2
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*Warning Adult Content*
Brayan did his best to be quiet as he went to retrieve his bow from the tent the next morning.
Bug was still naked from the events of the previous night, the blankets pushed halfway down his slender body to escape the rising heat of the day.
Brayan picked up his bow but as he was retrieving his arrows, they shifted in the quiver and clacked against one another.
Bug stretched out and cracked open his eyes.
"Are you going out hunting?"
"There are rabbits nearby. I was going to see if I could pick off one or two."
Bug yawned as he sat up.
"Can I come?"
"Shouldn't you rest?"
"When Mathers checked on me yesterday, he said I should do a little light exercise to help rebuild my strength."
"Hmm. Well, I suppose so, then."
Bug tossed the blankets aside and began gathering his clothes together.
"Do you think it would be okay if I brought my bow? You could hold onto it for me until we were away from camp."
Brayan's eyes raked shamelessly down Bug's naked body.
"Yes, I can carry it for you, though it's not very heavy. It's a children's bow."
"No, I mean... you know because of Maric. You told me that I couldn't have a weapon around the prince."
"Oh," Brayan said.
"Things are different now, Bug. You're not a slave anymore and there aren't any outside eyes on us. It was never that I thought you would actually attack Maric."
"Oh, okay," Bug said as he dipped his head to button his shirt.
Brayan sighed.
"Things keep changing. In many ways, really. The rules change. The situation changes. We change. I'm sorry if that's been confusing for you. I'm sorry if I've made things even more confusing and inconsistent than they needed to be."
"It's not your fault," Bug said.
"Um... can you help me with my pants? Sorry, I'm a bit unstable."
Brayan helped Bug to his feet and then held him steady as he tugged his pants on one leg at a time.
"Some things have been my fault. I have, at points, pushed you away because doing what I actually wanted and allowing you closer felt too complicated but, of course, that becomes confusing when I later reconsider my approach."
"It is confusing but..." Bug trailed off and fell silent for a long moment.
Finally, he shook his head.
"No, I guess there is no 'but' it's confusing."
Brayan nodded.
"I'll do better in the future."
It was hard to tell if Bug actually believed him but Brayan supposed it didn't matter whether he did or didn't.
Brayan deserved belief when he succeeded, when he actually did do better and not before based on nothing but his word.
"Oh, hold on," Bug said as they left the tent, redirecting them towards the cave.
"I have to draw my line on the cave wall."
"Have you had any visions?"
"Not since that one but I hope I will when I need to. I want things to be like they used to be when I felt like nothing could hurt me because the visions would always be there to warn me."
Brayan watched as Bug picked up a chalky rock and drew a second line on the cave wall.
"Things can never be like that again because no matter how well those visions protect you from now on, you'll always know they can stop at any time it suits them."
Bug tossed the rock back onto the cave floor.
"I suppose you're right."
"I'll protect you instead."
Brayan nodded to Bug's bow.
"And you'll protect yourself. Your power is yours and that thing in your head needs you more than you need it. Don't let it think it has the upper hand."
Bug gave a firm nod but there was an inescapable exhaustion to the set of his face.
He was strong of will but he had a long way to go before his body regained its full strength.
Maric and Dara were sitting on the edge of camp, eating their breakfast and Bug's eyes lingered on them as they passed.
Brayan whistled to Cassie and she abandoned a bone she'd been chewing and came trotting after them.
It wasn't until they were well away from camp that Bug spoke.
"I was watching them last night. The prince... Maric, he really cares about Dara. I mean, I knew that but he seemed more concerned about Dara's pleasure than his own."
"I'm not surprised," Brayan said.
"He's never been a selfish lover and he's devoted to Dara. I'd expect nothing less."
"He's not what I expected a prince to be."
"I haven't met any other princes but I suspect most are not like Maric."
Bug nodded, his head dropped down to watch his feet as they walked.
"Trust is a funny thing. Everyone's told me I can trust the prince and he's been nothing but kind to me but I think it was hard for me to truly believe it deep down where it really counts until last night."
"I'm glad that's what you took away from it. When we talked about doing things while sharing the tent. I didn't really anticipate that we'd be doing them at the same time or so openly, for that matter."
"Hmm," Bug said.
"Maybe it should have been scary but I think, after everything I've gone through, that I'm fairly good at telling when someone means me harm in that way. It was nothing like that, more than anything, it felt like sharing something with Dara."
"Be careful there. Maric won't harm you but you don't want to make him jealous."
"I don't mean that I'm attracted to Dara," Bug said.
"I just knew he wanted to watch and you and I having sex is a very special experience for me. I suppose there are different philosophies on how acceptable that kind of sharing is but Maric knew where Dara's eyes were pointed and he didn't look upset by it."
"Brayan... are we in a relationship?"
"Yes," Brayan said, and then when Bug shot a look at him, he lifted his eyebrows.
"Usually that sort of thing is decided by both parties but if you put me in the position to be the sole decision maker, I'm going to decide in my favour."
"I wasn't objecting. I... no, that's good. I'm glad."
"Good, then."
"Well, if we are in a relationship, how do you feel about Dara watching us? Or Maric? Does it bother you?"
"Hmm," was all Brayan said at first.
He genuinely hadn't even considered his own feelings on the matter.
Was he bothered by Dara's apparent interest in watching the two of them?
"No, I don't think so. I don't see why it should. I enjoy having sex with you but I've had a lot of sex that involved no feelings at all. Sex on its own doesn't mean much to me."
"Yes. Sex and actual feelings are different things. I agree."
They were close to where some of the men had spotted rabbits and Cassie had caught a scent.
While she sniffed about, Brayan and Bug set up on top of a small hill nearby.
Bug insisted on stringing his bow himself but it was a clear struggle for him.
Brayan couldn't imagine how frustrating it must be to go from having the strength of any other grown man to being weaker than a typical child.
Bug would build his strength again but it would take time.
As they sat there, watching and waiting, the facade slowly slipped and by the time Cassie flushed a rabbit out of a bush, Bug barely even tried to draw his bow before giving up.
Brayan loosed an arrow and the rabbit dropped.
Brayan went to get the rabbit and then walked back over to where Bug was sitting with his head dropped and his arms braced on his knees.
"Come on. Let's head back."
"You're only getting one?"
"The rabbits will still be there later. You need to eat."
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kurosukii · 3 years
𝐰𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐮𝐩 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥
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pairing: matsukawa issei x f!reader
summary: you’re so glad that you married a loving and doting man who cares for your child as if she’s his own flesh and blood; you just didn’t expect that his son would take a certain liking to you as well...
genre: smut, stepcest au
warnings: 18+. noncon/dubcon, pseudoincest (stepcest), somnophilia, dubcon cheating, milf reader, use of ‘mommy’ (not in the femdom way), creepy and possessive issei, slight voyeurism and exhibitionism, body image issues, corruption, manipulation, panty sniffing, multiple orgasms, dirty talk, unprotected sex, mutual masturbation, spitting, degradation, praise, size kink, breeding kink, biting, nipple play, oral (f receiving), humping, cockwarming, cumplay, creampie, overstimulation, mating press, doggy style
word count: 6.4k
author’s note: for @karasunosimp‘s it’s raining milk collab! thank you for letting me join! hehe so it’s another stepcest au,,, also i’ve already written for 3/4 of the seijoh four EEK (let me know if i missed any warnings!) (MINORS DNI)
° thank you to @meiansmistress @ssrated1volleyballplayer @bokuroskitten @anime-nymph for beta-reading and editing! <33
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[11:53 AM]
“have fun at the amusement park! stay safe and always listen to your dad, okay?” you say sweetly to your jumping daughter.
you giggle at her excitement, your heart and cheeks warming when you see her eyes twinkling with unbridled joy as she holds her stepdad’s finger with her entire hand.
“bye mommy! i’ll see you later when we get back! have fun with nii-chan!” she answers loudly, squealing when your husband picks her up and twirls her around as they walk down the path to the car.
you wave them off, returning inside and closing the door with a click. you wince at the sound, louder now that your daughter’s giggles and squeals are gone.
meanwhile, issei leans against the wall with his thick arms crossed as he shamelessly looks you over from head to toe. he slowly licks his bottom lip, clearly liking what he sees.
you’re now hyper aware of your bare nipples brushing against the fabric of your shirt, and paired with the flimsy linen shorts you’re wearing, the room definitely feels hotter with the sexual tension that’s permeating the air
sexual tension that you’ve been blatantly ignoring ever since you married into the matsukawa household.
“why are you always so nervous around me, mommy?” issei asks, feigning innocence. his eyes twinkle and lips stretch into a smirk when he sees your breath hitch.
you don’t bother to grace him with an answer, heavy lump forming in your throat as you speed walk past him and into the kitchen.
he chuckles at your reaction and pushes himself off the wall, following you as his eyes watch your swaying hips. issei is hungry and it has more to do with the woman in front of him rather than the steaming plate of food on the table.
after you’re done fixing up the table and finally take a seat, you pray to any higher being within earshot to ask for strength in dealing with your wayward stepson.
you really don’t like being alone with him and it’s not because you don’t want to be around him. it’s because you’re afraid of what he might do to you.
you weren’t born yesterday and you’ve lived a long enough life to know when a man is looking at you like he wants to spread your legs and pound you until you’re a writhing mess underneath him.
because that’s how issei looks at you and he’s not ashamed about it either. it genuinely shocks you because his father—your husband—can be in the room and issei will still undress you with his eyes.
you thought you were being delusional at first, ashamed at how you secretly accused your husband’s son of leering at and having inappropriate thoughts about you.
it turned out that you weren’t wrong, however, because you came home one afternoon to get something you left, expecting that no one would be there so imagine your shock when you passed by issei’s slightly opened door and heard him pleasuring himself.
you were about to run back downstairs until you heard him groan your name as he was stroking his cock. you choked out a gasp as you stood by his door. he was naked, tanned body glistening with sweat as he fucked his hand.
you couldn’t help but gape at his thick and long cock—bigger than your husband’s, as much as you were ashamed to admit—and you watched him for a few minutes, panties drenched with how much slick and pre-cum was leaking out of issei’s, for lack of a better word, horsecock.
your face burned when his hips jerked and he sprayed his cum all over himself, moaning your name long and hard as his body twitched from the stimulation.
needless to say, you went back to work with soiled panties and a hot face, not knowing that watching issei masturbate to the thought of you would be the turning point that led to the taboo relationship with your stepson.
the sound of utensils falling and clanging break you from your memories; your face burns at being caught red handed and you squirm uncomfortably in your seat.
issei apologizes for the disturbance and continues eating, never failing to wink every time you glance at him. he knows the effect he has on you and he relishes in it, teasing his stepmom endlessly.
he can’t wait to expose you for the little whore you actually are, and what better than to seize the opportunity of the both of you having the house all to yourselves?
“your little one and my dad are out bonding in the amusement park and i know for sure that they’ll be there all the way into the night,” he says, setting down his utensils and wiping the corner of his mouth with a napkin.
the movement of his hands causes the many rings on his fingers to reflect against the light and he looks at you from under his thick lashes, brown eyes smoldering with shameless desire.
“so why don’t we do some bonding too?” he asks and chuckles when you choke on your food. he reaches for your cup of water and hands it to you, thick and ring-clad fingers brushing against yours as you take it from him.
“you’d like that, wouldn’t you, mommy?” he whispers, his voice raspy and deep. you shiver at his sensual tone, fingers gripping the cup hard. you clear your throat loudly after swallowing, willing yourself to ignore his advances and innuendos.
“i’m tired, issei. i’m going to take a nap after eating,” you say sternly, glaring when he seems not to take you seriously. he laughs lowly, letting out an okay, whatever you say, before standing up and stretching.
your cheeks warm when he groans, similar to the one you heard before, and you jump out of your chair and begin to gather all the plates and leftover food.
“let me clean up, hmm? you did all the cooking and prepping. ” issei stops you with a large hand on your forearm. his skin is hot to the touch but his rings feel cool, the juxtaposition making you lightheaded.
he’s breathing down on you, large body covering yours while his intoxicating scent invades your senses. you shake your head and mumble out a garbled ‘thank you’ before you leave the kitchen and issei, practically sprinting up the stairs and towards the room you share with your husband.
you close the door once you’re inside, breathing heavily as you hear your heartbeat in your ears. damn him, you growl in your head. you ought to give him an earful about personal spaces and appropriate manners.
you sigh loudly as you walk to the dresser, intent on changing into your silky nightgown for your midday nap. you wear the garment to help you feel attractive, despite your age and changed body. you remove your shirt over your head and shiver when you see how hard and pebbled your nipples are.
even though your mind refuses to succumb to issei, your body is a whole different story. you wince when you remove your shorts and feel the dampness in your panties, making shame and guilt course through you as you put on your nightgown.
of all the people in the world, only your husband should make you feel this way. no one else, and certainly not his son. what would he think of you? what would your daughter think of you?
fuck, why are you even allowing yourself to think like this?
you know that if you ask issei to stop acting inappropriately towards you, he would listen—wouldn’t he?
you know the reason why you allowed this whole forbidden staring and teasing to go on for so long was because you felt lonely. which angers you, because you have a loving husband and you couldn’t ask for anything more.
but he didn’t exactly make you feel desired. sure, you’ve been intimate with him but he didn’t look at you the way you want to be looked at—like you’re the sexiest woman he’s ever seen. you feel ashamed, as if all the attention and love your husband gives means nothing to you.
as someone who has gone through major bodily changes, the ugly face  of insecurity easily rears its head when you look at yourself in the mirror—but that doesn’t mean you regret having your daughter, not at all.
it’s just one of those things that has been ingrained in you and you find it hard to escape. which is why whenever issei looks at you with hungry eyes, you can’t help but feel wanted, desired.
it’s as if he doesn’t care about the extra weight you put on or the stretch marks on your body—no, he doesn’t care about any of that. you wouldn’t have believed it if it weren’t for his incessant teasing and the fact that he masturbates to the thought of you.
but you know it’s wrong, that it can never be. you sigh dejectedly as you lie down on the soft and cold bed, staring up at the ceiling. you have to talk to issei about this whole game and tell him to stop it before his father finds out.
and issei’s molten brown eyes are the last thing you think of before you finally close your eyes.
issei hums as he wipes his hands on the towel, looking in the direction you ran off. he smirks to himself as he puts back on his rings, body brimming with excitement and desire. time to pay you a visit.
he walks up the stairs, footsteps loud in the quiet house. he finds himself right in front of your door and leans his ear on the wood. he’s met with silence as he slowly turns the knob and enters the dimly lit room.
his eyes immediately find your sleeping form and he feels his cock stir in his pants, making the fabric tighten around his crotch.
fuck, you’re so god-damn beautiful.
long legs carry him over to you. he puts one knee on the bed, making it dip as his long fingers caress your cheek. his rings complement your complexion, his thumb and index finger lightly squeezing your parted lips.
he watches in fascination as your eyelashes flutter against your cheek and his cock twitches again when he hears your little whimper as he plays with your slightly damp lips.
his fingers continue their ministrations as his sharp eyes travel down your form, smirking when he sees your nipples poking through the silky fabric. to his delight, he notices your nightgown riding up your body, revealing the frilly white cloth of your panties.
he groans softly as his cock hardens and the bed dips even more as he puts his whole weight on it. he stops his movements on your face and maneuvers himself until his large body is over you.
his eyes burn holes through your panties and his breathing becomes heavier. god, he knows it’s wrong to touch and feel you up while you’re sleeping, but you’re so fucking breathtaking and he can’t help himself. after all, he’s been waiting for an opportunity like this to happen.
there’s a slight tremor in his hands as they hover over the exposed skin of your thighs. he lays them gently on your skin and he groans lowly in his throat. fuck, you’re so smooth and soft.
he squeezes them a few times before he gently pries your legs open, watching your reaction carefully in case you wake up. your breaths are still even and he takes that as a signal to spread your legs wider, raising them until your feet are planted on the bed.
he bites his lower lip to stifle his groan once he sees the wet patch on the center of your frilly panties. you’re such a fucking whore and he knows that it’s for him and only him.
he positions his body until he’s lying on his stomach, slightly rutting the bed to relieve the tension in  his cock. his head moves between your legs, directly in front of your heated and covered pussy.
you stir slightly when you feel a breeze on your exposed skin, making issei stiffen. you settle down and he sighs in relief, thinking fuck it before he inhales the scent of your arousal.
he growls lowly in his throat at your smell, sticking out his tongue and licking a long and wet stripe up your covered slit. you moan softly, but that doesn’t deter issei from groaning into your cunt.
he raises his body and sits up on his haunches, hooking his fingers in  the waistband of your panties. he slowly pulls them down and his eyes practically glow as he sees your bare pussy for the first time.
his throbbing cock twitches when he sees a string of slick connecting your cunt to your panties. he gently lifts your hips and stretches your legs so he can remove the soiled underwear, watching your sleeping face carefully before positioning your legs again.
he knows he’s a disgusting man, but what can he do when you’re offering yourself up so sweetly to him?
he bunches the fabric in his hand, ringed fingers making an indent on the cotton as he brings it up to his nose, closing his eyes as he inhales deeply.
he growls at your fresh scent, his body tensing at the new wave of arousal that drenched your panties. he watches as you squirm and move around, rubbing your thighs together as you whimper quietly in your sleep.
his eyes flash. is his naughty stepmom having a wet dream? that explains why your panties feel wetter in his hand...
well, issei is nothing but a man who makes women’s dreams come true, and it just so happens that you’ve captured his attention—and quite frankly, his dick.
he throws your panties to the floor after a few more sniffs and quickly dives back between your legs. he’s up close to your naked pussy, pupils blown wide as he stares at your hole that’s clenching around nothing.
you’re wet but not wet enough by his standards, so he gathers all the saliva he has in his mouth and parts your folds with two thick fingers. he spits on your cunt, the  little sound coursing through the quiet room.
he watches intently as the globule of spit slides down your lower lips and you shiver, moaning at the cold feeling between your legs. you squirm more as your mind gets filled with a certain haziness, unable to distinguish what’s real and what’s a dream.
throwing caution out the window, issei wastes no time and finds your clit, suckling it into the damp heat of his mouth. he groans at the taste of your pussy, his hips rutting the bed once more.
the vibrations from his lips make you moan loudly and arch into issei’s mouth. your eyes are squeezed tightly as you thrash around the bed, making you instinctively close your legs, squeezing issei’s head between them.
his hands grab your thighs, the cold rings on his fingers digging into your skin as he pries them open. he shakes his head with your clit in his mouth, making you cry out and tremble.
god, your dream feels so fucking real. you’ve never felt pleasure like this before and you love it. your fingers grip the sheets as you involuntarily roll your hips, following the motions of issei’s tongue and lips.
his chin is drenched with his saliva and your juices as the bed creaks from the rutting of his hips. frankly, he doesn’t care how loud and sloppy he’s being if it means you’re this responsive.
issei lets go of one thigh and moves his arm under him while his mouth continues to suck and lick your clit. he watches through his lashes as your chest rises and falls quickly, cute moans falling from your mouth.
the silk of your nightgown is dark with how heated your body is, your sweat dampening the fabric. your nipples are so hard that they’re poking through the garment.
his tongue flicks against your puffy clit as he slowly inserts two fingers—the ones that aren’t adorned with rings—into your leaking cunt.
the feeling of his long fingers inside your pussy makes you cry out and your toes curl from the full feeling. the new stimulation and volume of your pleasured sounds awakens you, your foggy eyes wide and confused.
you’re still groggy when you sit up and lean on your hands, your mind processing what’s happening when you realize that it wasn’t a dream at all.
no, it’s real and issei’s really between your legs, lapping away and fingering your aching pussy. your mind clears and you choke out a gasp in between your moans as you watch him in shock.
issei watches the emotions cross your face the whole time and his chest puffs out, his ego rising knowing that he’s the one doing this to you.
your frantic eyes meet his and he winks slyly. you tug at his hair ready to pull his head and mouth off of you because this is so wrong, but he beats you to it. his tongue swirls and flicks faster at your pulsing bud, his fingers increasing their thrusting.
now that you’re awake, he doesn’t have to care about his volume anymore so he lets out loud groans and grunts, the vibrations reverberating through you and making your pussy tingle.
“issei, t-this is wrong! s-top! stop!” you beg, voice immediately turning into a loud moan when he ignores you and bobs his head faster.
he moans to himself, knowing that your body is betraying you because although you’re begging him to stop, your hand is tugging his hair as you desperately fuck his face and fingers.
you taste so good that he can’t stop even if he wanted to.
“i-i mean it! get off—oh my god!” you scream when he gives your clit a hard suck. coupled with the squelching sounds and speed of his thrusting fingers, you cum all over his mouth.
you breathe heavily, face flushed and blissed out as you watch issei kiss your inner thighs before rising between your legs.
his mouth and chin are glistening with your cum and his pink tongue darts out to lick his lips clean of your juices, groaning as he meets your eyes.
you notice the dark patch on his crotch and your cheeks flame when you realize that he came the same time as you, but that doesn’t ease your worries because his cock is still hard and twitching.
once you regain some of your bearings, you realize what exactly just occurred and you let out a little scream as you try to scramble away from issei, shame filling your body.
he doesn’t let you get away from him, however, because he immediately pushes you on your back and crashes his swollen lips to yours.
you yelp at the sudden movement and he takes the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth, grinding his hard cock on your wet and leaking pussy, further drenching the fabric of his pants.
you taste your essence as he massages his tongue with yours. you moan, tugging at his messy curly hair, trying and failing to pull him off you.
his hands find purchase on your thighs and he squeezes them, making you shiver at his cold rings. you whimper when he wraps your legs around his waist, grinding into you with a force harder than before.
your saliva mixes with his as the lewd clicking sounds of your mouths fill your ears. issei grinds on you one last time before he lifts his head from yours, lips separating with a trail of spit connecting them.
satisfied with kissing you, he stares at your face, gaze smoldering. you try to push him off you, but to no avail. he only tightens your legs around his waist as you struggle against him.
you suck in a breath as you feel the heat of his cock directly on your naked pussy. issei smirks lazily at you, tutting at you as if you’re inconveniencing him. your hands tug at his hair more, desperately trying to anchor yourself.
“if i had known your pussy tastes that sweet, my face would stay buried between your legs for the rest of my days,” he says suavely, his tongue darting out and licking his lips as he looks at yours.
you moan softly at his words and you’re now keenly aware of your nightgown sticking to your skin, making you uncomfortable as your nipples brush against the sweaty fabric. issei notices your discomfort and clicks his tongue.
“i think you’ve been hiding your pretty tits from me for far too long,” he whispers, his hot breath caressing your face. his hands move from your thighs and his fingers hook under the straps of your nightgown.
you shiver underneath him as his hands remove the sweaty fabric from your body, ring-clad fingers ghosting the sensitive skin of your arms.
you whine in distress as issei discards your nightgown somewhere behind him. you’ve never felt so exposed, your bare and glistening body being scrutinised by his dark eyes.
your insecurities start to get the better of you and you move your arms to cover your breasts and mound. issei stops you, large hands putting your arms back to your side.
“don’t hide from me, baby,” he whispers, his head dipping as he kisses the crook of your neck. his hands go to your chest and he palms both of your aching tits, squeezing and kneadingthe soft skin.
you moan, arching into the warm and cool feeling of his fingers. issei continues sucking and leaving marks on the skin of your neck as he whispers his thoughts.
“i know my dad doesn’t fuck you the way you deserve to be fucked,” he claims, making you squirm under his body that’s still clothed.
shame momentarily disappearing, you claw at his shirt and pants. he chuckles at your impatience and his hands leave your breasts for a moment, removing his shirt in record time.
he gets off the bed and makes quick work of his pants, kicking them off and quickly returning to the bed—to you. he didn’t give you the chance to look at his hard cock—not that you needed to anyway, because you already know what it looks like.
you yelp when issei puts his arms around you and settles you down on his lap, giving you a clear view of his cock that’s bobbing against his defined abdomen.
you gulp, nervousness filling your body as you stare at his large cock. seeing it up close is absolutely different—it’s longer and thicker than any other dick you’ve ever seen.
issei’s ego rises as he watches you. he’s always been proud of his size but seeing you? the object of his and his dick’s affections sitting on his lap? well, that’s enough to boost any man’s ego.
“see what you do to me?” he asks, guiding your hand to his throbbing cock. you whimper when you hold his shaft, your hand barely wrapping around him. issei hisses at the feeling of your soft hand touching his sensitive skin.
“you’re so fucking sexy and i can’t stop thinking about how you’d look like bouncing on my cock,” he admits, urging you to stroke his dick faster.
you slowly pump his shaft and moan when you feel his fingers—the same ones from before—find your swollen clit, slowly circling the pulsing bud. your free hand squeezes his shoulder as his fingers move faster.
you squeal when he inserts two fingers inside your cunt, making your hand squeeze his cock. he groans in at the stimulation, making his abs clench.
“i-ssei!” you whine, head thrown back as he pumps his fingers into you faster. the squelching sounds of his fingers scissoring your insides causes a knot to slowly form at the pit of your stomach.
“gotta prep this pussy more, baby,” he says breathlessly, watching your slack-jawed face as you stroke and twist his cock.
“still so fucking tight, can’t wait to sink into you,” he grunts, moving your body so he can get a better angle at your g-spot.
“bet i can fuck you better than my dad ever will, mommy,” he growls, curling his fingers inside of you as he ends his sentence. you lurch forward and cry out, eyes fluttering at the pleasure.
“see? you want my cock—shit—so badly, huh? look at how your hand is squeezing and s-stroking me, fuck,” he stutters, feeling his orgasm approach. his free hand squeezes your hip, keeping your balance.
you shake your head frantically at his statement, still not admitting that you want this, want him.
“stop fighting it. i know you want me as much as i want you,” he grates, curling his fingers again and making you wail at the pleasure. your fingers twist and pump his cock, pre-cum leak from the tip. your hand feels warm and slick as you continue to jerk issei’s shaft.
“gonna cum baby, cum with me,” he whispers into your skin, breaths heavy as the slick sounds of your fluids fill the room.
your body is trembling and you know you’re nearing your orgasm once more. you bury your face in the crook of his neck, moans and whimpers falling from your lips.
“c-cumming, issei!” you scream when his thumb circles your clit just as he curls his fingers again inside your tight pussy, hitting your g-spot perfectly.
he follows after you, hot spurts of his cum staining your hand and arm. he groans and throws his head back as he feels the heat of his essence coat his abs and thighs.
he removes his fingers from your cunt and gently pushes you back on the bed. you yelp when issei grabs the back of your thighs and pushes them to your chest, folding your body in half.
“i’m going to fuck you until all you and i can hear in this house are your cute and sexy moans,” he growls, spreading your legs and baring your clenching hole to his dark eyes.
his cock bobs as he moves forward and he takes hold of his shaft, one long vein on the underside. he taps it a few times on your clit, making you whine and close your eyes.
you take a deep breath as he inserts the tip, body shaking as his large cock goes inside of you, inch by inch.
you open your eyes and claw at his arms when the stretch starts to become uncomfortable. you look down and gasp, eyes wide as you have a clear view of his fat cock splitting you.
“god, you’re so fucking tight,” he growls, squeezing your thighs as he slowly bottoms out.
“you’re so big, issei,” you moan, leaning your head back on the pillow as your eyes flutter at the feeling of his cock stretching your walls.
“mhmm, big enough to fuck you the way you want to be fucked, mommy,” he chuckles then groans when your cunt squeezes around him.
“fuck—do you like it when i call you mommy?” he growls when your tight walls clamp down on him again. you shake your head, a futile attempt in proving him wrong.
“who knew my mommy is so kinky,” he mocks you and before you can even reprimand him, his entire length bottoms out in one swift thrust.
“issei! fuck!” you scream, scratching his forearms as your back arches, toes curling at the sudden thrust.
you feel so fucking full. of all the cocks you’ve taken, issei’s definitely tops the list. you can feel every part of him, from the single vein to the throbbing of his length.
he groans loudly, squeezing your thighs so hard that his rings will definitely leave bruises later. he fights to controls himself, willing not to cum at the feeling of your pussy finally enveloping him.
he sucks in a breath and leans his forehead against yours, pulling out slowly, leaving only the tip of his cock inside your pussy. you whine at the loss, missing the way he stretches you.
he thrusts back in, bottoming out as his tip teases the entrance of your cervix. you cry out in both pain and pleasure, still trying to adjust to his size.
he stays still inside of you for a few seconds before he places his hands on the bed, your calves resting on his upper arms. he starts thrusting, moving in and out of your cunt.
you mumble incoherently, breasts bouncing with each thrust issei makes. you grab both of his wrists, squeezing them as the sounds of your skin meeting his fill your ears.
issei groans and hisses, panting heavily as he pounds your pussy, his heavy balls slapping against your ass. he leans down to your ear, licking the sensitive skin and making your shaking body tremble even more as you whine.
“bet you’re happy now, huh?” he whispers in between his groans, biting your earlobe.
“w-what do you—oh my god, issei!” you stutter, but then he fucks you harder and faster, making you keen and arch your back. he makes your body contort into positions you’ve never been in before—until now.
“do you think you’re quiet when you touch yourself during your late night showers?” he asks you in a condescending manner, smirking when you whine at his statement.
“i can fucking hear you when i go to the kitchen. you’re such a slut. moaning your stepson’s name, imagining that he’s the one who’s touching your pussy,” he growls as he buries his head in your neck, his hot breaths fanning your skin.
“but i guess i don’t have the right to talk, huh? i fuck my fist every night and imagine it’s your tight cunt wrapped around me,” he finishes, nipping away at your skin before his hands return the back of your sweaty thighs.
he slaps them, in sync with his thrusts, making you wince at the metal of his rings. your shaking arms reach for your ankles, setting everything on display for issei.
you’re loudly chanting his name like a prayer, pleasure running through every nerve in your body. for the first time in your life, you’re actually enjoying getting fucked silly—never mind that it’s your stepson who’s making you moan like a pornstar.
his thrusts are heavy and deep as he slowly toys with your clit and you jerk when his fingers draw circles on the aching bud. your body’s trembling harder than before, loud moans and whines falling from your open mouth as drool seeps from the corners.
“i-i’m gonna cum, issei!” you squeal as the sound of the headboard hitting the wall and the squelching noises coming from your pussy make the pit in your stomach slowly tip over.
“cum, baby. cum all over my fat cock,” he whines, throwing his head back as he jackhammers into you, his cock throbbing and his balls tightening as he prepares to empty himself inside of you.
“c-cumming i-issei! fuck!” you scream, your hands squeezing your ankles as your legs shake from your intense orgasm. your cunt is practically suffocating issei’s cock, making his hips jerk and stop.
his mouth falls open into a loud and heavy groan as he spills his hot and sticky cum inside of you. there’s so much cum that it leaks out of you and around his cock as it drips down to the drenched sheets below your bodies.
you finally set your shaking legs down as your trembling body aches from your folded position. issei falls on top of you, elbows on the bed as his sweaty face is smothered by your breasts.
his cock is still inside of you, twitching as more cum spills inside of your soiled pussy. your heavy breaths fill the cool air of the room as you recover, feeling disgusting at all sweat and cum on and in your body.
issei lifts himself off of you and pulls out of your cunt, making you both sigh and groan at the drag of his cock. your mixed fluids immediately trickle out of your pussy and you moan at the thick feeling.
issei furrows his brows as his fingers scoop his cum and quickly pushes it back. you whine as the tips of his fingers tease your hole, squirming away from him as your clit throbs from the overstimulation.
you’re kind of expecting him to roll over you and lie down but he shocks you—it’s evident with the way you yelp when flips your body over to your stomach, his large hands raising your hips until you’re kneeling on the sheets.
“i can’t fucking get enough of you, baby,”  he says breathlessly, chest still heaving at the previous round. but it’s true, he really can’t get enough of you—not when he knows the taste and feel of your pussy.
“i-issei, i-i can’t,” you whine when he holds his cock and hovers before your dripping cunt. he doesn’t pay any heed to your whimpers, mostly because he knows you still want more of this, more of him.
“you say that but your pussy is telling me a different story,” he smirks and you can hear the condescension in his voice as his thumb rubs the sweaty skin of your hips.
he doesn’t give you any time to reply because he quickly sinks into you, your mouth falling open into a loud moan as his fat cock stretches you open once more.
fuck, even if you’ve already taken him, the stretch and ache still feels the same. he’s so fucking big that you know you won’t ever get used to his size, no matter how many times he fucks you.
he doesn’t waste any time and starts rolling his hips, his thighs loudly slapping against your ass. he hisses as one of his hands lie flat on your back, pushing it down to form a deeper arch.
“i know you saw me jerking off. did you like the show i put on for you, mommy?” he growls, his other hand gripping the back of your neck and smothering your face on the sweat-stained sheets.
you moan into the fabric when you hear the mocking endearment, your drool mixing with all the other fluids. your fingers bunch the sheets between them  as the loud creaking and thumping of the bed fill your ears.
“i came so hard because i knew you were watching me work my cock,” he groans, thrusting hard and deep. your cunt squeezes his cock when you remember that afternoon. so all this time? he was shamelessly coaxing you towards him?
you huff, pride slightly damaged when you hear his admission. you’ll show him that he’s not the only one who can fuck like an animal.
you whimper when you spread your knees—which is a feat in itself because issei’s thrusts practically send your body flying forward. you moan when he hits your sweet spot, making tingles run down your spine.
you start meeting his thrusts, no longer letting him do all the pulling and jostling. his eyes flash when he realizes what you’re doing, which only encourages him to fuck you harder.
his hands palm your jiggling ass, leaving marks on your soft skin. you leave your head buried in the sheets, the sheets, stifling your moans and whines because if you don’t, —you’ll definitely make the walls shake with how loud you are.
“yeah that’s a good girl. fuck yourself on my cock, come on,” he coaxes you, deep voice raspy as his own body trembles at the pleasure of your walls clamping down on his cock.
“fuck—look at how your slutty cunt is taking me,” he growls when you roll your hips, the angle sending new waves of pleasure to the both of you.
“god, i wanna fuck you in front of my dad just so he knows that your pussy belongs to me,” he hisses, holding your hips as he takes control of the pace again.
his thrusts become sloppy and erratic, the loud slapping of skin a constant symphony as he maintains the fast pace. you turn your head to the side and breathe deeply, choking out a moan as he continuously hits your g-spot.
“want me to make you a mommy again? get your belly all swollen and round with my kid?” he says, voice shaking as his heavy balls slap against your skin. he’s close, he can feel it.
you’re close too, just a few more deep and hard thrusts and you’ll gush around his cock again. issei leans over your body, his chest covering the entire expanse of your sweaty back.
you squeal when your knees drop and you fall flat on the bed, your entire front rubbing against the sheets. you whimper shakily when your nipples brush against the soft fabric, the extra stimulation making your body jerk back against issei’s thrusting cock.
“issei! g-gonna c-cum a-again!” you squeal, voice shaking from how raw your throat feels. your moans increase in pitch and volume the nearer you get to your orgasm.
“fuck, your pussy feels like heaven!” issei groans, his own voice increasing in pitch and volume as well as he reaches his limit. you feel his cock swell and throb before thick and hot spurts of his cum coat your clenching walls.
“issei—oh my god!” you wail, cumming at the same time as him. your mouth stays open in a silent scream as you close your eyes tightly, cunt spasming as you drench his cock with your essence.
you wince when you feel the squelching of your mixed juices as issei rolls to his side, bringing you with him. both of you are quivering with pleasure and overstimulation, breathing heavy with your chests rising and falling rapidly.
his cock finally softens inside of you, clearly spent for the day. more cum falls out of your pussy, staining your sweaty bodies even more.
his parted lips find your neck, sucking and licking away at glistening skin. you whine, tilting your head, exposing more skin for him to mark.
you sigh tiredly, exhaustion finally catching up to you. you don’t really care that you’re dirty and soiled with sweat and cum—or the fact that issei’s dick is still inside of you. you just want to rest.
your eyes droop, ready to fall asleep enveloped in issei’s warm chest and arms, along with the wandering of his soft lips on your neck—until you hear a very familiar voice shout from downstairs, loud footsteps running up the stairs.
“honey! issei! we’re finally home!”
[3:47 PM]
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Bets With a Vegas Boy
summary: When Spencer and Reader make a bet with high stakes, their stubborn sides show, but when a consulting officer has his eyes on reader, Spencer has to step in.
word count: 4.9k
warnings: SMUT (breeding kink, daddy kink, a bit of degradation, semipublic sex,) unrequited flirting, criminal minds style violence, suggested cannibalism, reader has multiple tattoos
Pairing: Spencer Reid/Female Reader
A/N: This took me forever to finish as I was on vacation! I hope you all enjoy it!
“Y/N, have you ever met Reid? You’re supposed to be smart, why would you willingly sign up for this?” You scoffed at JJ’s words. When Penelope Garcia is involved it seems that no news traveled slowly, proven by the entire BAU’s new knowledge of the bet you had made with boy genius after bickering about which of you was more clingy. “JJ, you really underestimate me that much?” She shook her head in disbelief “You know that’s not it, but come on Y/N! Seriously, he’s banned from every casino in Vegas! Why would you bet against that?” “JJ, he was banned because he can count cards. It’s not like we’re playing Black Jack for christ’s sake!” She weighed the idea for a moment and you could see the wheels turning in her head. “Okay that’s true, but still. He’s the most stubborn man I’ve ever met. I seriously hope whatever he has in mind for your forfeit isn’t as bad as yours.” You laughed, imaging Spencer in the predicament you were positive he would be in the thick of by the end of the week.
“I think he’d look good with one, you don’t agree?” JJ rolled her eyes as you both made your way out of the elevator towards the glass doors. “That’s not my point Y/N, don’t you think it’s a little harsh? I mean he’s not like you, how do you know he’d even want one?” You smirked, remembering the first time you’d met Dr. Spencer Reid. You had been brought on to the team a few short years ago after an implemented policy that required an even amount of field agents so there were partners for every investigation. You thought it was a bit condescending, requiring the most brilliant minds in the nation to follow the buddy system, but it gave you a job and for that you were thankful. It had its perks though, one of which being your immediate pairing with Reid. You were as young as him and not far behind in brilliance. What you lacked in eidetic memory and forgein language fluency, you more than made up for in marksmanship and street smarts. You and Reid got along fine, even if it was a bit tense at first. He was thoroughly convinced he didn’t need a babysitter.
“I’m a grown man! Why would I need to be watched every second of the day? The last thing we need is a liability.” you remembered the words like it was yesterday. You had been approaching him from behind, and overheard his rant. “Well, technically since we’re the same age, I’d hardly consider myself a babysitter. Would you trust your child’s care with someone their age?” Spencer had turned himself around so fast he’d almost fallen off the desk he was perched atop. “Y-you must be Agent Y/N! It’s uh nice to meet you?” He cringed at the tone of his voice, and you burst out with giggles before shaking your head. “Don’t worry Dr. Reid, I understand it must be a difficult situation for you. I mean, if I were the resident genius I wouldn’t take too kindly to the idea of being shown up either.” The dark-skinned woman who had previously been engaging him in his sour mood let out a surprised chuckle and you watched his face turn from embarrassment to shock and finally settle on disbelief. “Wh- Excuse me?” You felt your stomach begin to cramp as his reaction made you laugh further and you clutched your files against your chest. You fought to catch your breath for a few seconds before regaining your composure. “Excuse my reaction, Dr. Reid but I couldn’t resist. No hard feelings?” He nodded mutely and you saw a soft smile crack through his mock stern expression. You turned to introduce yourself to the woman next to him, Tara Lewis. You made small talk for a few more minutes while Reid scribbled away at his desk before Emily called all of you to the round table with a case.
Nerves had struck you then, and you stood frozen instead of joining Tara in her stride. “Y/N, everything okay?” You jumped slightly as you heard Reid’s voice from behind you. “Oh! Yes, sorry!” You moved out of his way, trying your best not to stumble over an empty desk and failing miserably. He stretched his hands out and caught you, much to your embarrassment. “Are you sure you’re okay? Are you feeling ill?” You shook your head quickly. “No! No, I'm fine, really.” He looked into your eyes and you tried to ignore the sparks you felt deep in your chest. “Y/N you’re working with profilers now, lying that poorly will never work around here.” His joke succeeded in its attempt to lighten the mood and you let out a soft laugh despite your anxiety. “I’m just a little nervous I guess. I didn’t expect to have a case so soon.” He nodded and his thumb absentmindedly rubbed soothing circles on your sleeve. “I understand. We all felt that way at first. I won’t say it’s easy, but we’re all here to support you. Take a few deep breaths.” You did as he instructed and you felt your nerves ease as he consoled you. “That’s better. Besides, what could you have to worry about? You have the best partner here.” You laughed, and he released your arm. “I’ll meet you in there.” and with that he left you standing there trying to lock down the feelings he had just arisen in you. “Nice Y/N, crush on your partner first thing. What a great start.” you muttered to yourself
A few moments later you joined the rest of the team at the table and quickly reviewed the case, before lifting off 45 minutes later to a small town in Georgia. Everything felt like a whirlwind and you did your best to keep up. True to what Spencer had said, the team helped you get your bearings and by the end of the night you were making great strides along with the rest of them. It was near midnight when Emily dismissed you all to the hotel a few blocks away to get a few hours of rest. You were thankful, having poorly attempted to drown your tiredness with watery coffee from the small pot at the station, and you made your way to the hotel as swiftly as you could manage. When you were all gathered in the lobby, Emily handed out the keycards and it quickly dawned on you how the room assignments would work. You tried to shake off the thought and prayed that the night would go quickly. It made sense to just put the partners together, it made keeping track of everyone easier and allowed for quick communication between the team. You told yourself all the reasons it was logical as you made your way up to your room.
Spencer left you to your thoughts, but he could see how hard you were focusing. He unlocked the door and the lights switched on as you both made your way towards your beds. You heard him ask you something, and turned awkwardly to face him “Sorry, what’d you say?” He looked at you, a mix of amusement and concern on his face. “I asked if you wanted to shower first. Are you okay?” “Oh! Yeah, thanks. I’m okay, just thinking about the case.” You hoped you had lied better this time and were relieved that he seemed to buy it. “Just try to shut your mind off of it for now, I know it’s hard. Trust me, you’ll feel much better when you’re refreshed.” You nodded at his words and pulled some pajamas out of your go-bag. “Thanks Spencer. I’ll try not to take too long.” He shrugged you off “No worries, take your time.” You shut yourself behind the door and tried to shake the feelings out of your head. “Get a grip Y/N. You’re being crazy.” You scolded yourself before showering. You hurried despite Spencer’s insistence and quickly made your way out of the shower to dry yourself off. You applied lotion to your ink-covered skin and slipped on your shorts and t-shirt before drying your hair as fast as you could and making your way out of the bathroom. You dropped your folded clothes on top of your bag, alerting Spencer that you were done.
“That was fast, you really didn’t have to-” his words died in his throat as he looked up from the file in his lap and caught sight of your legs, covered in the intricate artwork that stretched across the skin. You tried to ignore his watchful gaze. “It’s no problem! I wanted to save you some hot water.” He thanked you quietly and made his way to the bathroom hurriedly, trying not to look at you again. You tried to fall asleep but you couldn’t get him out of your head. A few more minutes passed and he made his way over to his bed, trying to will the awkward tension out of the room. You both eventually managed to fall asleep without speaking another word.
The tension continued to grow over the next few months and the rest of the team were getting sick of watching you two dance around each other. You both denied any advances, shot down the chance to go out on any of the numerous blind dates members of the team offered to set up, and chose instead to trade glances across the bullpen and divulge your personal lives over breakroom lunches. Eventually, they made plans for a team outing and convinced you both to attend. Penelope made reservations at a nice restaurant, announcing that everyone just had to try their food. That night however, you showed up to Spencer waiting awkwardly at a table for two in the back corner with a sour face. “Where’s the rest of the team?” You asked him, taking the seat across from him. “Apparently they’ve all had to cancel. Luckily, the reservation was for two.” His eyes narrowed in suspicion and you made a mental note to scold Garcia. “Well, since we’re here I’m happy to eat. I’m starving.” Spencer’s eyes lit up and he nodded eagerly, agreeing with you.  After an evening of great food and better wine, the rest was history, and you found yourself thanking Garcia the next day instead. You and Spencer had been dating for just over two years now, though he’d be able to count it down to the second you’d showed up looking angelic at the restaurant that night. You both complimented each other perfectly and you had a relationship stronger than either of you could have dreamed of.
“Hello?? Y/N are you even listening to me?” JJ’s words and nudge against your shoulder brought you back to present day and you snapped your eyes back to her face. “Yes! Sorry JJ I was just thinking… Anyways, we’ve talked about it before. He loves all of mine, and he’s talked about getting one. He’s just afraid of the pain, and too indecisive to choose what he wants.” You blushed softly as you thought about the many nights spent in your shared bed, Spencer tracing the black lines with his fingertips. He adored them and thought they made you especially unique, not to mention he found them extremely sexy. He favored the black sun on your ribcage, shaded to perfection. Even when you were clothed he would run his hand along the fabric that covered the piece.
“Well still, if you do happen to win, I can’t imagine he’ll go along with it.” You smirked and shook your head. “We’ll see about that JJ.” You both sat at your desks, and began to work through your piles of paperwork. You were thankful there was no case that needed your immediate attention, but paperwork always made you feel like a nap by the time lunch came around. You pushed yourself away from your desk, and stood to find yourself nearly chest to chest with your boyfriend who had stood at the same time. “Oh, sorry Spence. I just need coffee.” You maneuvered your way around him, missing the way he would usually grab your hips to aid you. He followed you to the break room and you poured him a cup as well leaving plenty of room for sugar. Instead of handing it to him with a quick peck on the cheek however, you left it on the counter to be picked up. “You really think you can go a week without touching me?” You heard his voice from the doorway. “It’s already been 3 days.” You said uninterestedly with a shrug, and he eyed you suspiciously. “Okay fine, no. I just think I can go longer than you can.” You finally admitted, smirking back at him.
He grabbed the mug from the counter, adding several teaspoons of sugar before taking a sip. “We’ll see about that. You’re the one that’s always curling yourself around me.” You rolled your eyes playfully. “Oh yeah, like you hate it. You’re the one that’s always rubbing my back and holding my hand under tables. Even when we’re on the metro home you’ve got your hand in mine.” He narrowed his eyes at you and stuck his tongue out, making you chuckle. “Very mature Dr. Reid. I can’t wait to win.” He opened his mouth to argue but was interrupted by Luke who stuck his head in to alert you both of the new case you’d be working. You let out a long sigh. “So much for paperwork.” The three of you made your way to the round table and sat, Spencer curling his hand into a fist to keep himself from subconsciously reaching over to place his hand on your leg.
“So, we are assisting in a local case this time, with Washington state PD about a string of murders in the homeless community. However, there’s been hefty construction in their field office so they will be joining us here.” Penelope quickly took the lead after Emily’s announcement and filled you all in about the details. She ran through the few details the local PD managed to uncover on their own and the team had only managed a few minutes of brainstorming when a group of police officers made their way through the glass doors of the BAU. There were only a handful of officers which surprised all of you, and Emily led the rest of you out of the conference room, beelining her way to the chief. “Hello, Landon. It’s nice to see you again.” She shook his hand briefly. “Likewise Emily, though I wish it was under different circumstances.” “As do I. I’m sorry for the miscommunication, I was under the impression that your entire force would be joining us. Is that not the case?” The chief, Landon Bridges you now knew him as, shook his head. “We knew you had a pretty tight space and we have a lot of members. I brought a few people from each department and figured it’d be easiest to fill everyone else in periodically. We didn’t want to overflow your space and leave no room to work.” Emily nodded and rested her hand on his shoulder. “I appreciate the thought, thank you. This is the rest of my team. SSAs Jennifer Jareau, Luke Alves, Matt Simmons, David Rossi, Y/N Y/L/N, Drs Spencer Reid and Tara Lewis, and our technical analyst Penelope Garcia.” You all gestured as Emily quickly introduced you, and a short time later you were all acquainted and working throughout the bullpen. You and Spencer were just beginning to start the geographical profile when one of the Washington police officers, Kline, made his way over to you. “Pardon me agents, do you need any help?” You looked up from your section of the grid lines and smiled at him which he returned brightly, but before you could answer, Spencer dismissed him. Kline’s face fell slightly but he nodded and made his way over to where Tara and Luke were reviewing the last known areas of the victims.
You turned and stared at Spencer in disbelief. He looked up after a few seconds, feeling your eyes burning a hole through the top of his head. “Yes?” You glared at him harder, before railing into him in a hushed tone “Don’t ‘yes?’ me. That was insanely rude. They’re here to help us! Quit acting all high and mighty.” He stared back at you and you saw the stubbornness light up his eyes. “Why should I? We could solve this case twice as fast without them getting in the way.” He knew he was talking too loud, and was more than aware of Kline who was staring at his back with  a sour look resting on his face. “Spencer! I don’t know what your problem is, but you need to fix it. You’re being an ass.” He rolled his eyes and you both let out a sigh before looking back down at the maps covering the desktop beneath you.
A few hours passed before you and Spencer finished the geographical profile, and you gestured Kline over to ask him a few questions about the area you’d narrowed down. Spencer noticed he had made his way to your side and bit his lip to keep himself silent. “Officer Kline, can you tell me anything about this area of the block? It seems like a lot of our victims were last seen in this area.” He eyed the map where red ink stained the paper and pondered for a few seconds. “Well, there’s not much out there really. A few older shops and some construction to the east” he gestured to the empty spot of land on the map “but nothing of real interest. We don’t usually get calls for the homeless population over here either. There’s not really much shelter so they don’t usually go towards this way” Your brow furrowed and you nodded, thanking him but before he could get another word in Spencer piped up. “Kline, if the homeless population doesn’t “Go that way” he mocked the officer in front of you, and Kline tensed up in response “then why are they all disappearing from the area? Does that make sense to you?”
Kline struggled to respond and you glared at Spencer before assuring Kline there was no need for him to pay Spencer any mind, excusing his behavior with a rambling about late nights and too little coffee. Kline walked away and you stared Spencer down for several seconds before making your way towards the main group to deliver the geographic profile, leaving Spencer to sulk. You continued to avoid Spencer until you were sent out to investigate the block you sectioned off with Emily and JJ. You opted to drive which left Spencer in the passenger seat, fuming at your silent treatment and JJ and Emily trying to fight the tension in the SUV to no avail.
You parked the SUV a few blocks away and the four of you walked the rest of the way to avoid raising too much suspicion. You were standing in the center of the unsubs hot zone when you noticed a line of people clustered in front of one of the more rundown buildings. The building had wide front windows that had been taped over with brown paper, as well as the glass doors. You and Spencer approached the group warily, trying to get closer to see the poorly written signs on the door.
You gestured Emily and JJ over and the four of you quickly aimed to disperse the crowd much to their displeasure. After several minutes of arguing and multiple badge flashes you managed to succeed and stood outside the door ready to investigate once the owner opened his doors. Fifteen minutes had passed without any sign of movement from the inside and Spencer began to shift anxiously, causing you to do the same. A few more seconds passed and you heard the locks on the door click, reaching your hand around to rest on your holster automatically. As soon as the door opened, Emily pushed through holding her badge and announcing the reason for your investigation.
The shop owner immediately demanded you leave and not return unless you had a warrant. “Actually, because this is no longer a registered business it becomes property of the town and therefore is subject to any kind of local or national investigation under Property law 14, sections 3a-3f go more in depth about the issue if you feel the need to verify.” Spencer explained the situation while sifting through the counter drawers, leaving the man to sit in silent rage while Emily and JJ questioned him. You bent over to fiddle with a padlock on a hollowed bench seat on the far wall and pulled one of the pins out of your hair to pick it. A few seconds of tampering later, the lock gave way with a satisfying click and you pulled the bench open. A rancid smell hit your nose and stomach before you could process what you were seeing. Body parts were wrapped in butcher's paper and poorly taped, and you fought to keep your breakfast down as you slammed the bench shut. Emily then stood the man up and cuffed him, while reciting the miranda rights. JJ followed her out and you followed her quickly, trying and failing to erase the memory from your mind.
Back at the office, the rest of the team and several of the officers had already begun processing the unsubs case and there was little left to be done by the time you returned. You filled out your files and quickly wrote out your account of the incident before heading to the breakroom for a cup of coffee. You pulled your mug down from the shelf and pressed your favorite individual pod into the machine and pressed the button to let it run. You were digging in the fridge for your creamer when a deep voice startled you
“Little late for coffee isn’t it?” You turned swiftly to find Kline standing in the doorway and you let out a small sigh. “When you work like we do, it’s never too late for coffee” You smiled and made your cup to your taste, taking a long sip. You expected Kline to just grab what he wanted and leave, but instead he continued to make awkward conversation despite you going so far as to begin scrolling through your phone. “So, that Spencer guy is really a piece of work huh?” You fought the urge to roll your eyes and instead remained focused on your screen, telling yourself that he just didn’t get the chance to see the good side of Spencer like everyone else there had. “He’s really not a bad guy, he’s just had a long day. We all have.” Kline nodded but moved closer to you, so close that you could smell his headache-inducing cologne. “I’m just saying, if I had the opportunity to work with you every day, I wouldn’t waste my time arguing with you. I’d treat you right.”
You shifted uncomfortably, praying he would pick up on your uneasiness and back off but instead he moved to corner you against the counter. You tried to excuse yourself but your voice caught in your throat.
“Kline, I really overestimated you. I figured even a man as dimwitted as yourself would be able to tell when a woman isn’t interested but here we are.” Your head snapped up towards the doorway where Spencer was standing. Kline turned around and prepared himself to tell your boyfriend off when he froze. Spencer had the look in his eye that sent chills down your spine and made it very aware to Kline that there was no use fighting. He quickly left the room and you and Spencer held eye contact for several seconds before he spoke again “Meet me in the storage room at the end of the hall in 2 minutes.” His voice made your legs feel weak and you nodded, dumping the contents of your mug down the drain, keeping your pace in check as you slipped into the hallway.
You had barely unlatched the door when Spencer pushed it the rest of the way open and you felt yourself being dragged into the dimly lit space. You barely had time to let out a surprised squeak when you felt his lips against your throat, turning your noise into one of pleasure. His kisses quickly turned sharp, applying the expertly rehearsed amount of pressure to avoid marks but to still send shockwaves of heat to your core. “Spence” his name left your lips in a whine while he busied himself unbuttoning your blouse. “Spencer, you just lost the bet.” You felt a smirk grow across your face that disappeared as he hiked your skirt up to your hips while rubbing your clit through your panties. “Fuck the bet, Y/N. I’m sick of seeing you walk around here clueless. You know I’ve been all over Kline’s ass, little girl?” His voice dropped lower and he lifted you up to push you against the wall. “It’s because he couldn’t stop looking at yours.” You let out a moan as he pushed your panties to the side, slipping two of his fingers into you.
“Fuck baby, you’re so wet. Did me getting all protective of you turn you on? You like making daddy jealous?” You shook your head as well as you could manage, trying to keep your volume in check. “Answer me pet, or you’re not gonna get daddy’s cock in you like I know you’re desperate for.” You whimpered at his words  “No! I-I wasn’t trying to make you jealous daddy I swear!” You stuttered as he began to spread you further with his fingers. He smiled against the exposed skin of your chest before removing his fingers. “That’s my good girl. You ready for daddy?” You nodded as he fiddled with his belt buckle, moaning in anticipation as he released his cock from his slacks. You bit your lip as he ran the tip over your folds, sucking in a harsh breath as he pushed himself deep inside you. He let you adjust for a moment while he sucked at your neck again. “Daddy, please move. Please, I need you.” He let his hips move, pulling almost all the way out of you before slamming you forward into the wall again. You let out a moan as he thrusted in and out of you. You felt like your skin was on fire, the lack of touch over the past days made everything more intense.
A few more minutes passed and you felt yourself growing dangerously close to the edge. “Spence I’m gonna cum” you felt his pace grow even more rapid and he circled your clit with his thumb. “I’m gonna cum inside you angel. I’m gonna fill you up with my kid. You want that huh? Want everyone to know that you belong to me, don’t you?” You moaned at his words “God yes, please daddy. Please cum inside me!” You felt his hips stutter under you and a familiar warmth as you finally climaxed. Your toes curled and your head fell back against the wall, trying to catch your breath.
“God Y/N that was amazing.” You let out a soft whimper as he pulled out of you and lowered you back down to your feet. He kissed you, pulling you closer than before. “I love you Spencer. Only you.” He touched the tip of his nose to yours and returned your words, while you both caught your breath. A few minutes later you both exited the closet, and tried to smoothly make your way back to your desks. Washington PD had finished the bureau required paperwork and had already left so things were much quieter.
You had just sat down when JJ looked up from her computer. “So Spence, whatcha gonna get?” His head snapped up and your cheeks flushed. “Wh-What?” he managed to stutter out. “From the diner? Garcia said she would run out and get dinner.” You both let out simultaneous sighs of relief and told her what you wanted, settling in for a long night.
The next weekend you had free, you found yourselves in one of your favorite spots. The low pitched buzzing added to Spencer’s anxiety as he tried to divert his focus to the bright neon signs. You held his hand, stroking it with your thumb as you waited for your tattoo artist and best friend, Vannessa, to finish Spencer’s design. You tried to distract him but before long she called you back to the table and you heard his breathing quicken. You helped him get settled on the table while Vannessa applied the stencil. She adjusted it until Spencer and you both approved and then she started. Spencer tightened his grip on your hand as she traced the lines while you murmured words of encouragement in his ear. Half an hour later, she was running Spencer through the after care process while wrapping his forearm up. You paid her and made your way out of the shop after thanking her.
Slipping into the driver’s seat, you watched as Spencer carefully maneuvered his way into the car, fastening his seatbelt and resting his arm against the door. The streetlight shining through his window highlighted his forearm perfectly, revealing the perfectly mimicked shape of a shaded black sun.
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skiecas · 2 years
fic: the trials of inviting tomioka giyuu to a lunch date
pair: giyuu ღ shinobu notes: office au. i just think shinobu would be that overly friendly(?) co-worker who sticks her head over the cubicle every five minutes to chat i mean it’s basically canon. giyuu suffers.
“Ne. Tomioka-san?”
Giyuu pauses at the voice with his fingertips still resting atop the keyboard, but only for a beat. His eyes sweep quickly over the spreadsheet columns, absorbing the neatly arranged spell of numbers, before refinding his place. The rhythmic taps of his keyboard pick back up.
“Ne, ne?” A face accompanies the voice over his cubicle wall; his co-worker looks down at him with disapproving, gradient-purple eyes. “Tomioka-san? Tomioka-saaan? I know you heard me. You paused your typing for a moment.”
Giyuu sighs, accepting the interruption. He looks up at her blankly. “How can I help you, Kochou?”
The small, affronted frown melts quickly into a sweet smile now that she has his attention. She offers, “Why don’t we have lunch together in the cafeteria today?”
Strands of her hair tumble over the cubicle edge when she tilts her head in question, still smiling. The black color edges into a dull purple at the bottom. It had been blue when she’d first started at the company, well over two years ago. Giyuu recalls one morning when the women had been gathered around her cubicle, chatting, and he’d overheard Kanzaki ask her why she’d dyed it to purple; Kochou had laughed, and told them, “Well, I was told that blue hair apparently isn’t allowed at the office,” as if that made any sense. Strange woman.
Giyuu looks back down at his hands. “No, thank you.”
“Oh.” There’s movement, and then Kochou emerges fully from behind the barrier, cocking one hip into a hand. “Do you already have plans? Where do you go during lunch? I never see you at the cafeteria.”
“I fail to see how that’s anyone’s business.”
“Everyone says you eat alone in the stairwell,” Kochou continues, ignoring him. “I checked there yesterday, but didn’t find you. Were those just rumors?”
Giyuu frowns. “I don’t eat alone in the stairwell.”
“Do you eat alone somewhere else, then?”
A muscle in his cheek jumps, the inquiry brushing too close to the truth. He finally removes his hands from the keyboard, since the probability was zero he’d get any more work done with Kochou buzzing around. She was always sticking her head over the cubicle, offering greetings and trying to start conversations, even when the paperwork was stacked tower-high on Giyuu’s desk. Though all this questioning was new, even for her.
He pushes back his chair, drawing himself to his full height, which practically eclipses her. “Kochou, why are you so curious?”
She doesn’t back down, even when her neck cranes back to maintain eye contact. “I’m simply concerned for you, Tomioka-san,” she says. “I want to be sure you’re eating properly. You’re always so pale. Of course, it could simply be your complexion, or you could be horribly malnourished. My sister is a doctor, see, so I can’t help thinking about these things.”
There’s a tiny glint in her eye; he can’t tell if she’s serious or joking. On her, the polite tone meant nothing.
He shakes his head. “I won’t be eating in the cafeteria. Too noisy. I dislike crowds.” Then he steps around her tiny body, careful not to brush her. “Now, if you’ll excuse me.”
Leaving his half-finished work open on the monitor, and Kochou standing in front of it, he exits the otherwise empty office.
On the rooftop, he enjoys his lunch in peace.
The canteen had a deal on raisin bread, so he’d been able to nab two, and the weather outside was strikingly clear. Giyuu liked the rain—the grey partition of clouds, the calming sounds of rain splashing against the window panes and his pipes—but a stark-blue, open sky was equally nice sometimes. He bites into his bread, scrolling through the News app on his phone.
After a moment, his thoughts wander towards Kochou.
They’d started at the company around relatively the same time. She’d come fluttering in with a box of her things only a mere few months after him, and had chosen the cubicle right next to his. Since that time, she’d become quite the social butterfly. The ladies gathered around her desk during their morning coffee breaks, and the younger employees came to her often with work questions, since she was always happy to help.
Even the horribly upsetting pictures of half-mutated larvae and mating insects that she kept around her desk didn’t deter others from approaching her.
Giyuu shakes his head. Strange woman.
What did she even hope to gain by approaching him so much?
Down below, he hears the sound of drifting laughter: workers from their office walking in and out of the ramen place across the street, or sampling street food, or smoking on the benches. Everyone was chattering, abuzz. They look like little worker ants from this high, just speckles of different friend groups crawling over the pavement.
Giyuu bites into his raisin bread, crumpling the empty package once he’s done. He couldn’t talk while eating. It was better to eat alone.
Once he’s finished with his meal, he returns to the empty office, finishing up his incomplete work in the second half of his lunch break.
On a completely separate morning, Kochou comes into the office smiling, and doesn't waste time wheeling back her chair so she can see directly into his cubicle.
“Good morning, Tomioka-san.”
His monitor is still booting up, so he turns slightly to face her, then returns her greeting with a small nod of acknowledgement.
Her smile widens. “Can I ask you something I’ve always wanted to ask?”
He’s instantly wary, thinking back to her previous attack of questions. But his computer’s now started doing updates—24% complete, 6 minutes remaining—so there are no other distractions at the moment. Still a bit cautious, he nods. “Within reason.”
“This.” Kochou points to the back of her head. “Where did this come from?”
Frowning, he touches his own head, his fingers sliding over his coarse, long hair before eventually finding the silk fabric of his scrunchie. He liked his hair out of his face when working, and had taken to wearing it the past six months or so.
“Do you have a girlfriend?” Kochou asks.
“Why would a hair ornament automatically imply a relationship?” he wants to know, slightly bemused.
“Ara, ara, no need to get worked up,” she laughs, though Giyuu doesn’t think he did anything of the sort. “It’s just so unlike you, I mean. It looks cute.”
His frown deepens. He looks cute?
“The pattern is cute,” Kochou elaborates, perhaps noting his frown. “Some of the other girls have been curious about it. I promised I would ask.”
That opens up its own field of questions—like why anyone at the office felt they had to go through Kochou to get to him, when they could have asked him these questions themselves—but for now he focuses on giving answers. The computer’s still chugging awake anyway: 85% complete, 1 minute remaining.
His touch lingers over the scrunchie when he explains, “It belonged to my sister.”
“Oh.” Kochou’s deep, purple eyes widen by a fraction. A stricken look appears somewhere in her otherwise hazy irises. She places a hand over her mouth. “Oh, I’m so sorry.”
“Why would you be sorry?” he replies, his eyebrows turning down. “My sister is still alive. It belonged to her, but now it belongs to me.”
His computer lets out a startup noise, the desktop flickering to life.
Giyuu doesn’t turn back to it right away. He gets the vague sense he might have said something wrong; Kochou’s smile thins, the skin around her eyes pulling taut. He’s never seen her without that trademark, placid look. For some unfathomable reason, it causes a heaviness to slide into his chest, squeezing down on his heart.
“This,” Kochou sighs, “is exactly why people don’t like you, Tomioka-san.”
Then she wheels her chair back into her own cubicle, her tiny body and her purple-dyed hair fluttering out of view.
Giyuu parts his lips as if he wants to say something, then closes them helplessly. His computer’s fully started up, so he really has no more reason to keep talking to Kochou either. And clearly she doesn’t want to keep talking to him.
Frowning, he slowly turns back to his work.
The conversation from next door drifts slowly to his ears as he’s tying up the last of the morning’s budget reports. He doesn’t lift his head, but his ears fine-tune in to listen.
“And I-I,” sobs a familiar voice, “I don’t know what I pressed! I swear it, Shinobu-san! But it’s all gone! I’m gonna get fired, oh god, I’ll be a bum without a job or wife, and I-I—!”
“Now, now,” comes Kochou’s soothing tone. “Let’s not panic, Agatsuma-kun. That won’t help anyone.”
Agatsuma Zenitsu, Giyuu remembers. He was one of the newer flock of employees that had entered in the spring. He sat next to the Kamado boy—the only one Giyuu bothered to remember, for that striking scar on his face—and they could be heard chattering all day. Rather, Agatsuma could be heard, usually debating the “moe points” of thigh-high socks or something equally ridiculous, while Kamado mm-ed and did his work.
“If I recall,” Kochou continues, still in her calm voice, “the IT department keeps a backup of all our files, in case we need a restore. Why don’t you and I go down and speak to Tokito-kun together about what he can do for us?”
“R-Really?” Agatsuma sniffles. “You’ll really come with me, Shinobu-san?”
“Of course!”
Her desk chair rattles when she stands. The top of her hair and those butterfly clips of hers become visible, and Giyuu quickly looks away.
Agatsuma floats out of the cubicle first, flushed to bits over his beloved Shinobu-san’s company. Kochou steps out after him, at the same time looking straight into Giyuu’s cubicle. Their eyes meet.
This morning’s blunder of a conversation must have been forgotten, for she smiles at him, like she usually does.
“Tomioka-san. Finished with your work?” Her gaze sweeps over the stack of papers in his COMPLETE bin, then returns to his. Her smile widens. “Why don’t you and I go grab some lunch together after I come back?”
Giyuu looks blankly at her face. Her smile doesn’t falter, though one of her butterfly clips bobs when she tucks some hair behind her ear. Behind her, Agatsuma doesn’t even try to hide that he’s now scowling at him; perhaps he’d been meaning to ask her himself after their little IT adventure, though Giyuu wouldn’t really know about the conventions of such things. Was he supposed to accept after a co-worker had asked him to lunch a certain number of times?
Either way, Kochou doesn’t wait around for his answer. She ushers Agatsuma out quickly—they are, after all, in the middle of a work crisis—though continues to smile conspiringly at Giyuu from over the boy’s shoulder as they leave.
It’s shifting close to noon.
Giyuu sits at his desk blankly, waiting, as others around him begin to sift out to the cafeteria.
At 12:07, Kochou still hasn’t returned, so he quietly picks up his bread, then escapes to his rooftop sanctuary alone.
Kochou doesn’t say anything about lunch when he returns for the second half of the day. She’s neck-deep in the middle of a work call with one of her more difficult clients: the CEO of Douma Holdings, a flamboyant man with many needs. Giyuu listens to her argue and concede on several points during the frustrating conversation. At one moment, even Himejima stops behind her desk to squeeze her shoulder in support; she looks up at him gratefully.
At the call’s end, she slams the phone down, and Giyuu hears a sigh from over the cubicle wall.
Something compels him to look.
Kochou sits with her elbows on the desk, her head down. Two fingers massage both her temples. She’s frowning.
A part of him had always thought her incapable of frowning, just as she was incapable of not popping up over their shared cubicle wall every five minutes to start up conversations that ended nowhere. Perhaps this was considered an intimate moment for Kochou, and he shouldn’t be witnessing it.
Giyuu opens his top drawer, pulling out a small bottle of Tylenol which he places on Kochou’s desk, before wheeling back into his own cubicle.
A moment later, Kochou pops up from over the wall, holding the bottle and looking down at him with mild surprise. “What’s this, Tomioka-san?” 
Giyuu looks up blankly. “Your headache will get worse if you don’t take care of it now.”
She glances between him and the painkillers quickly, blinking. Slowly, her typical, pleasant smile slides back onto her mouth. “Well, then,” she lilts, “I’ll accept. Since Tomioka-san is so concerned for me and all.”
She disappears back over the cubicle, presumably to swallow a painkiller, then reappears from around the wall. In her hands, she holds a thick wad of papers—notes from the recent conference—on her way to report to President Ubuyashiki about the dealings. She stops over Giyuu’s shoulder, as usual.
“I looked for you in the stairwell earlier,” she tells him, the picture of innocence, those big, big eyes of hers blinking at him.
Giyuu turns in his chair, frowning. “I told you, Kochou. I don’t eat alone in the stairwell.”
“Hmm? Well, you must eat somewhere.” Her smile widening, she ducks in closer, just until her mouth lines with his ear, and giggles into it, “I’ll drag you out to lunch with me one of these days, Tomioka-san. You might as well give in, while I’m still playing nice.”
Then she pulls back, her little butterfly clips fluttering in her waves of hair.
“Thank you for the medicine.”
Her heels click against the tile as she walks away.
Giyuu falls back in his chair, unsure just which social convention he’d horribly misconstrued just now, or whether this was the consequence of skipping too many lunch invitations, or if Kochou knew those butterflies of hers felt like they pulled the entire universe along with them every time they fluttered. But his tie feels awfully tight against his pulse.
“Ah! There you are.”
Nearly two weeks later, Kochou appears from behind the large, clunky rooftop doors to find him sitting on one of the electrical boxes, yakisoba bread and smartphone in hand. She taps over, holding her bentou box. The door shuts behind her with a metallic clunk.
“Finally, I’ve discovered the elusive Tomioka-san,” she laughs, helping herself to a seat beside him. She opens her bentou, which looks colorful and delicious, and begins poking into her food.
Giyuu looks off to the side, not sure what to say.
Kochou doesn’t seem to need him to speak, chattering right away. “What a nice place you’ve found up here. The sky looks so beautiful. The breeze is lovely, too. Ne, wouldn’t you say so, Tomioka-san? Is this why you eat up here?”
“Kochou, how did you find me?” he asks her.
She chews on a fat, bright-red cherry tomato, making a pleased humming noise. Then she replies, “Well, I realized even an empty stairwell has to lead up somewhere!”
Giyuu sighs.
“It’s a bit warm up here, though, isn’t it? Summer is approaching,” she continues, pressing her chopsticks to her bottom lip. With a glance towards him, she asks, “Don’t you ever feel stuffy, Tomioka-san? I never see you roll up your sleeves or anything of the sort like the other men in the office.”
By the others, she must have meant Rengoku, who left his forearms exposed most of the time, or worse, Shinazugawa and Uzui, who’d denounced ties altogether and often had their entire chests out.
He glances at Kochou. She’s dressed neatly like she always is: a creamy blouse with matching cardigan, black pencil skirt, and black stockings which turned into short heels. And those butterfly clips, which caught glints of sunlight and splashed Giyuu’s face every time she got up to use the copier. If they’re speaking of his stuffy wardrobe, he feels compelled to ask her, 'Then, why don’t you ever remove your stockings?’ But he holds back the thought, tearing his eyes off her legs. There was no reality in which he could envision himself asking Kochou to take off her stockings. Speaking of a woman’s stockings was hardly proper in the first place. And she might tell him this was another reason people didn’t like him.
“I’m dressed appropriately for work,” he replies.
“I can’t argue with that,” she laughs. “Although, I have to admit, I’m curious what a Tomioka-san with his sleeves up would look like.”
He doesn’t know what to say to that, so he simply eats his bread in silence.
Kochou begins joining him, after that.
Not every day, since she eats often with the ladies in the cafeteria, or sometimes with Himejima, who brings them warm tea to share and talk over. But the more solitary days in between, she escapes up to the rooftop, teasing and laughing and chattering with Giyuu. Her prods to make him talk more aren’t often successful, but she’s never put off.
“Wow, look at all the people down there,” she marvels, peering over the ledge. “They look so tiny, like worker ants.”
Giyuu doesn’t look. He’s seen it all before: the ramen shop, the street foods, the packed benches. Kochou could be there if she’d wanted. She could blend into that crowd with her own clique of colleagues, seamlessly.
“Maybe we should try the ramen there some time,” she continues, folding her arms over the ledge. “People seem to really like it. Oh. But, I suppose you don’t like crowds, do you, Tomioka-san?”
He sets his bread down in his lap. “Kochou, why are you here?”
“Eh? What do you mean?” She looks back, an edge of puzzlement sliding into her smile. Her head tilts. “I’m eating lunch, enjoying the breeze.”
“I mean, why are you so insistent on spending time with me?” he asks her.
He’s pondered it before, and couldn’t come up with an answer. He doesn’t talk much, he doesn’t really know how to, and the others in the office call him gloomy. Even Kochou asks him to speak more, but he doesn’t. Why was she here?
Her puzzlement melts into total surprise. Kochou turns around fully, facing him. A stronger breeze waves through her hair, and she tucks a lock behind one ear; when she looks down for a moment, he notes the crescent shadows of her lashes against her cheekbones. Then those sharp, purple eyes are back on him again.
“I don’t know myself, Tomioka-san,” she answers, softly. “I never put much thought into it. You sit next to me in the office, so wouldn’t it just be nice if we could get along?”
He says nothing.
“Well,” she adds, laughing quietly, “maybe it’s a little bit like those people down there.” She drums her fingers atop the ledge, watching the worker ants down below, her smile back in place. “Did you know that ants by nature are very social creatures? They live in these big, big colonies, and each one plays their part in the bigger picture. They put out pheromones to mark location, so no one ant from their cluster ever gets left behind.”
Still, Giyuu says nothing, watching her. His brows dip in the middle.
“Honey bees are social, too. Probably one of the most. Every hive is split into these neat, organized little families, and they have their own brand of pheromones, so no individual bee can every really survive on their own, without any support from the colony. It’s fascinating, really.”
“You…” His brows furrow deeper. “…know a lot about bugs, Kochou.”
She laughs, just a quiet sound. “My parents were entomologists. Very passionate, too. I remember they used to go on these big, grand excursions, chasing rare breeds of insects all over the world. They left me these, when I was little.” She touches one of her butterfly clips, almost an unconscious action, like seeking comfort. At his blank look, she explains, “They died in a car accident when I was young.”
He doesn’t know what to say. He’s not good at offering comfort to others; an opportunity has never even risen before. Their awful talk from two weeks ago comes to him.
But Kochou doesn’t seem to be expecting nor waiting for comforting words. “Speaking of butterflies,” she hums, holding her chin in thought. “Some species of butterflies are more solitary than people think. Monarchs. Big, and kingly. They migrate alone. But even monarchs will roost in a cluster when they’re cold. They’ll gather for food and water. Even the most solitary ones aren’t alone forever.
“And isn’t that a lovely thought, Tomioka-san?” she laughs, and stops in front of him, leaning forward with her hands behind her back. Her smile gleams in the noon sunlight. “That all of us, even the tiniest little ants, are intrinsically social beings. We don’t want to be alone, and we don’t want to leave anyone behind.”
Giyuu’s mouth parts.
Down below there are cars running, people talking, but nothing really stands out to him like the buzz in the wake of Kochou’s words. He’d never really seen himself as belonging to that swarm of worker ants down there, but maybe he was the lone one, drifting off, and Kochou was putting out signals trying to bring him back. Maybe that was why, sometimes, it felt like the universe was getting pulled along right into her.
He stares at her fluttering butterflies, thinking maybe he’d like to follow them some time.
The cafeteria is abuzz, as usual.
Giyuu takes a reluctant step forward, taking quick note of the different groups of his co-workers with his blank stare. Everyone is divided between different tables. He doesn’t move past the entrance, simply observing.
Kanzaki notices him first, and appears to break off mid-sentence as her eyebrow shoots straight up into her hairline. Kochou, next to her, curiously follows her line of sight; her smile widens when their eyes meet.
“Oh, it’s Tomioka-san!” Kanroji calls out, waving to him. “This is rare! How wonderful!”
Several other members at the table turn to look at her call. Some of them—mainly, Shinazugawa and Iguro—spare him only a brief glance before turning back to their own, quiet conversation, uninterested. But Uzui grins, and Rengoku, between bites, yells, “Join us, Tomioka!” Himejima nods.
“Oh, it’s Tomioka-san,” says a voice behind him, and Giyuu looks over to meet the Kamado boy’s gaze. He smiles sweetly, quickly moving past his initial surprise. “How rare to see you in the cafeteria, Tomioka-san. I’m so happy you decided to join us. I’ve always wondered where you disappeared to at this time.” Beaming, he picks up the bread packet on his cafeteria lunch tray and thrusts it instead into Giyuu’s hand, explaining to him, “Actually, my sister works in the bakery here, and she always gives me extra. I noticed you like her raisin bread, so I’ll give this to you, since you’re finally here with us!”
With a cheerful wave, he moves to join his own friend group, where Hashibira seems to be constructing an unstable milk carton tower while Agatsuma watches nervously.
Giyuu approaches Kochou’s table, holding Kamado’s bread close.
Kanroji wordlessly switches seats when he draws near, leaving the chair next to Kochou unoccupied for him. She smiles at him sweetly, and a bit conspiringly, when he’s forced to take the offered spot.
“How nice of you to join us,” Kochou says, pleasantly. Her hands are folded neatly on the tabletop. When she turns to look at him, their upper arms press gently. “I was beginning to think I was fighting a losing battle.”
“I thought it might be okay sometimes,” Giyuu replies, quietly.
The cafeteria seats are small, clustered together. They’re closer to each other than usual, no cubicle-sized gap in between. Some kind of sweet scent wafts off Kochou, and for a moment, Giyuu thinks of what she’d said on the rooftop, about beings that put out pheromones for one another, a practical form of attraction.
He forcibly puts the thought out of his head.
“So, as I was saying, before,” Kanzaki pipes up, her face severe. “The Douma contract.”
Kanroji claps her hands. “Oh, yes! Do finish telling us about how President Ubuyashiki put that man in his place! We were just getting to the good part!”
Uzui barks a laugh. “Wish I coulda seen his face!”
Smiling, Kanzaki continues her tale of how their president’s gentle facade had been no match for the insufferable Douma CEO, and how they had left the meeting feeling semi-victorious, or at least not like they’d had to concede on every point. The story is interrupted at several points by gleeful interjections from Kanroji, Uzui, and Rengoku, the three most boisterous at their office. Giyuu doesn’t feel a need to actively participate in their conversation, but he quietly eats Kamado’s raisin bread and watches the others laugh, watches Kochou giggle behind one hand. The other tables seem used to their ruckus, or perhaps were busy with their own; the noise all surges into one giant buzz, with Giyuu inside for once, even when he’s quiet.
When they all stand at the hour’s end, Rengoku claps a heavy hand on his shoulder, telling him, “Join us again some time, Tomioka!”
“I’ll get you talking one of these days,” Uzui laughs.
He nods, once at each of them.
Kochou waits until they’ve filtered out of the cafeteria, ridden the elevator up nine floors, and dispersed each into their own cubicles before popping her head up over their shared wall, her purple tips fluttering down. “Now, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” she asks him, cheekily.
Giyuu considers his answer carefully, before looking up at her.
“I think it might be okay,” he repeats, “more often.”
Kochou smiles.
When they finally make it to the ramen shop, it’s on a quieter day: a company holiday, though they both showed up regardless, looking to get ahead with work. Kochou looks haggard. There’s a light, purple tint beneath her eyes. It’s probably always been there, but Giyuu had never gotten close enough to notice before, except recently. She’s what his sister would call a “career woman.” Clearly she doesn’t get much sleep.
The cafeteria would be closed today, and she needs more substance than anything the bakery would have to offer. It’s Giyuu who suggests the ramen shop.
The soup smells fragrant with spices. The noodles go down easy, and feel warm in his stomach.
“I see what all the fuss was about,” Kochou sings, adding a pinch of cilantro on top.
“It’s good,” Giyuu agrees, slurping neatly.
Only a few other people sit in the shop, holding their own quiet, murmured conversations. He and Kochou sit at a round table by the window, since she had told him people-watching was one of her favorite hobbies, during one of their rooftop lunches. She’s not looking out the window much today, though, opting to watch him instead.
“I thought I might get to see you smile,” she explains, when he raises a brow at her.
“I already took you out to lunch,” Giyuu replies. “You’re quite greedy.”
She looks pleasantly surprised by his response, her smile widening immeasurably. She pokes him with the end of a chopstick, teasing, “Oh, so, is this a date?”
Behind her, a customer enters the shop, causing a surge of wind to rush inside. The purple tips of Kochou’s hair, her little butterfly clips, flitter in the breeze. Her sweet scent wafts about the room. It feels like the universe stops moving for a second, or at least where Giyuu sits. Everything about her calls him to her. Like nature.
Giyuu looks down.
“It’s something,” he murmurs, then carries on with his lunch.
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beels-burger-babe · 3 years
Of Jealousy and Friendship - Epilogue
*** Back due to popular demand, here is a little epilogue for what happened at school the next day after pt. 2 Enjoy! - B***
Summary: MC makes a lower demon friend who may secretly be hoping for something more than friendship. The Demon Bros are not about to let this happen.
TW: Discussions about scenting and non-consensual physical contact. PART ONE, PART TWO
The next day of school was...interesting to say the least. For starters, the brothers refused to leave your side. There was one of them lingering near you at all times. Some of them had the decency to try and be subtle. Satan would just happen to be studying in the same room as you, or Belphie was napping and was wondering if you could keep an eye on his things while he did. But then there were the others who were more than obvious. Mammon and Asmodeus both had to pried off of your arms by Lucifer to get them to actually go to their own classes. Leviathan, despite usually doing his classes at home in his room, actually attended school that day and insisted that he needed your help finding a few rooms here and there. The normally sweet and friendly Beel was glaring at any lower demon that so much as looked in your direction. And boy did they look. The moment you took a step into a classroom, you could see a number of lower demons flinch back at the combined strong sent of seven of the most powerful demons in the Devildom. Everywhere you went, whispers seemed to follow you. There were undoubtedly rumours about what you might have done in order to trick the brothers into favouring you; though you never heard any of them since no one dared to come within a ten-foot radius of you.
This bothered you a little at first. Being the center of attention, especially this kind of attention, was never fun to anybody. But by the end of the day, rather than being disheartened by it, you were just exhausted. Finally, the last class of the day had arrived; the one you had been dreading since the moment your alarm went off that morning - Magical Potions.
Beel shifted from foot to foot as the two of you lingered in the entrance. "Do you really have to go to this class? You could just skip and come get some snacks with me instead." You smiled sympathetically at Beel and patted his shoulder. "Sorry, Beel. Diavolo expects good things from his exchange students. I need to keep my grades high, or who knows what Lucifer will do as punishment." The redhead pouted. "Lucifer would understand, I think. All things considered." You snorted and began to walk into the classroom. "Go to your own class, Beel. You can come to get me afterwards, and walk me home with Mammon if you really want."
Beelzebub mumbled to himself, before turning and finally walking off. You entered the class, ignoring the few gasps and gaping stares that you got as you walked through the room, and took your seat. You had been setting up for another class of note-taking when the door opened once more. Standing in the doorway, staring at you with wide eyes, was Cane. The moment your eyes met, the shocked expression on his face instantly dissipated and he flashed you a charming smile. You could feel a bubble of annoyance and anger begin to rise within you. The cocky demon swaggered over and plopped down into his seat beside you. "Hey, there Dare Devil. You didn't get in too much trouble last night with the big bad Avatars did you?" as he spoke he draped an arm on the back of your chair.
You eyed his exposed wrist and pushed his arm off of your chair. It seemed not even the obvious scenting that was supposed to tell him to back off would get him to take a hint. "No, I didn't. Though they did tell me a few interesting things last night." Cane chuckled and leaned into his palm as he smirked at you. "I'm assuming it has something to do with the reason why you smell like hell-incarnate?"
You scoffed and narrowed your eyes at him. "I'm sure you'd rather I smell like you. Considering you apparently did your best to make that happen yesterday." Cane tensed for a moment, and you could practically see the gears turning in his head. Eventually, his expression fell into one of confusion as he frowned at you. "Are you talking about how I scented you? MC, do you really think I would do something like that without a good reason?" The frustration in you began to grow and grow inside you; somewhere across the school grounds, Satan sneezed. You weren't in the mood to have this talk now, and very much wished that your professor would hurry up and start the god damn class already. "I don't know you Cane. How am I supposed to know whether or not that's something you would do?" That stupid smug look on his face returned once more and you had to resist the urge to slap it off of him. "You seemed to know me well enough to go out with me yesterday. You didn't seem worried about whether or not I was too much of a stranger when we were dancing at the club and walking downtown late at night, where anything could've happened to a small little human like you," he chuckled as your face scrunched up in annoyance and leaned back into his chair. "I didn't scent you for any perverted reasons. I did it to keep you safe while we were out. I knew if you had my scent on you, you'd be less likely to get attacked, and I was right," he sheepishly scratched the back of his neck. "Admittedly, I should've asked first, and that's on me. But I really just wanted to make sure that my new friend didn't get hurt." He was lying. He had to be. If that asshole seriously thought you were stupid enough to buy that lame excuse, he was extremely wrong. You opened your mouth to tell him as much but were interrupted by a familiar deep voice clearing their throat behind you. "That is the worse excuse I've ever heard, and I live with Mammon." Cane stiffened in front of you before he looked up to meet the glaring eyes of Lucifer, and smiled. "Lord Lucifer, I'm afraid I don't know what you mean. I would never lie, especially not to a friend like MC." The classroom seemed to be on the edge of their seats as everyone quickly picked up on the showdown that was happening right in front of them. One lower demon of gluttony even pulled out a bag of popcorn. Lucifer tsked and crossed his arms over his chest. "Do not insult mine and MC's intelligence like that. Sure scenting can be helpful to ward off other demons, but only if the scent is associated with a more powerful demon. Nobody would blink an eye at anything coated in your weak, disgusting scent." Cane scoffed and tilted his head. "Evidently you did last night. Don't think I didn't notice you and your brother's reactions." This gained a few gasps from your classmates. No one could believe that someone, that wasn't his brothers, was actually trying to stand up against Lucifer. The idea itself was insane. Even seeing it in front of their own eyes, most could hardly believe it, yourself included. Lucifer maintained his indifferent expression and raised an eyebrow at Cane. "You mistook our irritation and disbelief that someone would be so stupid as to even attempt scenting our charge for being even the slightest bit phased by you," he took a step closer to Cane, bending down to be eye level with him. "You should consider yourself lucky it was Asmodeus and myself that got to the two of you first. Should it have been one of my more reckless brothers, you would've been nothing but a pile of ribbons in our driveway," Lucifer's eyes gleamed with satisfaction as Cane gulped and took a step back. The Morningstar grinned dangerously. "MC is our charge. They are our family and our responsibility. Unlike you, we actually got their permission to be scented and bonded to them last night; meaning my brothers are more protective than ever. I would never stoop so low as to waste my energy on a pitiful excuse for a demon-like yourself. But I know for a fact, that Beelzebub eats demons like you as a snack on
days when he is particularly famished. Satan occasionally brings one home for his latest experiments. Belphegor has torn through an entire percentage of them when he hasn't gotten enough sleep. Asmodeus is surprisingly prone to temper tantrums and fits of jealousy. Leviathan drowns anyone that disrespects the things that he loves. And Mammon doesn't take too kindly to people touching things that he considers his." Cane's hands balled into fists, but even then, the tremble in them was still glaringly obvious. Lucifer remained unphased and unmoved by the reactions he was pulling from his victim; though anyone could sense the air of utter glee that was exuding off of him. "If I were you, Cane, I would sleep with one eye open." The teacher finally walked in and raised an eyebrow at the scene in front of them. "Lord Lucifer, is there a reason you are harassing my student?" Cane whimpered as Lucifer smirked at him before standing straight and turning to the teacher. "Not at all, professor. I am actually here to inform you that MC will no longer be enrolled in this class." You whipped your head up to look at him as he placed a hand on your shoulder. "The student council has realized it would be a much better decision to have the exchange students more knowledgable to the ways and customs of demons during their visit here, so MC will be enrolled in Devildom Culture Studies instead. We wouldn't want someone to take advantage of them just because they were taught our ways, now would we?" The last line was spoken coldly and pointedly as though to drive in his threats to Cane. The teacher sighed but seemed to know that there was no point arguing and instructed you to gather your things. You did so happily and quickly. As you left the classroom and walked through your halls with Lucifer, you bumped him gently with your hip. "Thanks, Lucifer. You really are the best." His chest puffed up the slightest bit in pride as he continued walking forward with his hand still on your shoulder. "There is nothing to thank me for MC. I was just doing my duty as Vice-President of the student council to ensure that the exchange students are happy and safe." But even as he said the words, you knew that wasn't the case. You were MC. The human that wormed their way into the hearts of the seven strongest demons in the Devildom. For that reason alone, you were untouchable to all others, and Lucifer and his brothers would ensure that for as long as they breathed. And whoever disagreed would have to be ready to face the consequences.
TAGLIST: @henry-and-the-seven-lords
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