#i even had to stoop to the level of asking for a hug today how pathetic
moemoemammon · 3 years
If the requests are still open, could you write some headcanons about how the brothers would react if MC who doesn't show them any affection beyond smiles and handpats (because they are awfully shy) started showering the cat they adopted in smooches and cuddles (because their love for cats is as bad as Satan's)?
MC isn't Very Affectionate! But....
(Feat. GN!MC and the Demon Bros!)
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Honestly? He's the same way.
Lucifer doesn't show his affection in physical ways despite a head pat or something, so he doesn't see anything wrong with the way you do things.
He's gotten used to it, until you were suddenly showering your cat in affection. You'd found it in the garden one day and begged him to let you keep it until you'd found someone to take out in, so he relented.
There's no way he's jealous over the way you're treating that cat. He’d never let himself stoop to such a level. But the way you're always coping and kissing at that feline....
"MC, don't you have an exam you need to study for? I've seen your schedule and I believe you could benefit from a bit of extra studying. In the meantime, I'll be taking the cat to my office. You don't need any distractions."
Um?? Hello?? Earth to human??
Can't you see he's literally asking for your attention? Or are you so thick that he's gotta spell it out for ya?!
Mammon doesn't get it at all! He thought you were just scared in the beginning, but now he knows you're just the type that doesn't hug or anything! Mammon might seem like a cool guy™️, but he's got his moments where he wants to hug!
And why's he gotta compete with a cat all of a sudden?! Now he thinks you're just messing with him! You're always kissing that cat and patting it's head... Pat his head too, damn it!
"OI! MC!! How long are you gonna baby talk that cat, huh?? Look, I'm takin' it away, for your own good! You've got an addiction so bad you're startin' to act like Satan! If ya want it back, uh... come to my room everyday afterschool and try to convince me! Yeah!"
He's not the most openly affectionate either because of his 'yucky otaku' complex, but as the two of you grow closer, he wonders what it's like to hug you sometimes...
But maybe you don't want that? You never ask for it, not like he expects you to wanna hug someone like him. Gah, but he wants to! At least hold his hands!!
And now he sees that you've done a complete 180, and you're all over that stray cat! How is that fair?!
He's not jealous of a cat he's not jealous of a cat he's not jealous of a cat he's not jealous o-
"YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE MY HENRY!! Gaaaah, look at me, too! Pat my head or something!! If it's the ears and tail you like, I'll even cosplay!!! No WAY I'll let myself lose to a cat!!!!!"
Mhm mhm. He completely understands.
People show their affection in a ton of different ways. For instance, Satan shows he cares by harassing the people around him. In your case, you choose more subtle ways, other than physical affection.
And he especially understands your affinity for cats. They're better than people, aren't they? They're small and cute, and they don't talk back.
Tbh he probably joins you, or you two are competing over who gets to have the cat for the day. You're practically coparenting at this point.
"MC, it's my day. We agreed that I'd have her every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. But if you're feeling lonely, why don't you join the both of us? I was just going to go out to get her some new toys. Want to come?"
Affection is his love language, so Asmo thinks you're either teasing him, or playing shy. There's no way you can really keep your hands off of him, right? ❤️
Asmo's never had trouble getting people to return his affections, but you're a literal mystery to him! No matter what he does, you don't respond!
And now he's trying to compete with a CAT?! Clearly you don't understand the awe-inspiring magnificence that is Asmodeus, Avatar of Lust!! Maybe he just has to remind you?
"MC~ Don't you think I haven't been getting enough love today? At this rate, I might start crying! It's no fair if you love that cat more than me, so can't you pay attention to me, too? I'll accept a kiss as an apology, thanks~!"
Beel has his moments when he's affectionate, and when he isn't.
But overall, he's a hugger. He likes to embrace his brothers when he's happy, and you're no exception. It didn't take him long to realize you weren't the same though, reminding him more of Lucifer.
It wasn't a bad thing. He thinks that's just how you are, so he's fine with it as long as you're comfortable. So... why are you snuggling with that cat, then?
He's starting to think you might just have a thing against touching people. Maybe it's a weird phobia? Are you a germaphobe?? He's started washing the hell out of his hands lately...
"MC. Are you afraid of germs? I just took a shower, so it's fine if you hug me. I'm clean. Or... if you want me to hug you instead, I can do it. It's fine if you're nervous. I won't hug you too tightly."
Belphie is always finding his head on your lap one way or another. Actually, any part of you will do as long as he gets to nap with you.
And if he isn't leaning on you, he's pulling you to him, either pulling you into bed, cornering you in the hall, or playing pranks where he grabs you from behind to startle you. He's almost as bad as Asmo, even if he's more subtle about it.
You rarely respond to his affection unless he asks you to, but he figures that's just a part of your personality. Or so he thought, until he saw the way you were coddling that cat...
It's annoying... you're always kissing and petting that thing when you could be doing the same to him! It's not like he’d admit to something as lame as being mad at a cat, though.
"My hair is just as soft, isn't it? As that cat's fur, I mean. So if you really want to pet something, you could stroke my hair instead. I won't meow, but it's fine if I just say your name, right?"
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anotheranimewriter · 3 years
Past to Present
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Request: Hello, can I request ex bf ran when he was in high school with a fem reader that is now dating bonten sanzu pleaseee.
CW: Spoilers Bonten timeline, cursing, and uhhh a little angst and possessive claims from Sanzu..
Italics are flashbacks. This is also super long, but anyways, I hope you all enjoy it!
“So remind me. Why aren’t we going to our regular bar?” Ran asked in a rather bored tone, at this point in time he didn’t really care where they were going as long as a drink was promised. He wanted nothing more than to drown in exhaustion down a bottle of bourbon. “Cause this bar is a bit special, got a cutie who works at the bar.” Sanzu replied cheerily in a sing song voice, automatically setting Ran’s high radar off, forcing a groan to leave his lips, because he knew if Sanzu was off his shit, so would his brother, and one idiot was already too much to babysit but the two of them together was nothing short of a disaster waiting to happen.
“C’mon Ran, I just want to know what this ‘special’ girl looks like.. Don't be a killjoy.” Rindo chimed in as they all continued walking down the crowded streets filled with the many different nightlife characters. “We’re here!” Sanzu yelled, halting in front of a rather nice looking bar “Ahh, so this is why you told us to keep our suits on.” Takeomi noted flicking his cigarette onto the street, as Sanzu nodded before swinging the door open to the bar with all the Bonten men following in pursuit.
Walking towards the bar the men sat down beside one another as Sanzu leaned over the bar looking for his ‘Special’ girl, but to avail as he sunk back into the bar stool with a slight pout on his lips as he folded his arms with a slight ‘Hmph’ slipping from his lips “Where is she?” He mumbled to himself trying to rack his brain onto the different areas she could've been and just as he was going to open his mouth to ask one of the other girls there were a pair of soft hands over his eyes “Guess who?” She asked, and as those words hit Ran’s ears he felt a deep sense of longing grown in him.
“Guess who?” She whispered in Ran’s ear as he chuckled, bringing his hands up to her gently pulling them down as he turned to face her with a smirk, as she pouted “Ran! You're no fun! You’re supposed to guess.” She said, rolling her eyes as he wrapped his arms around her waist “Well I could have guessed.. But what if I guessed wrong?” He teased as she gasped “Mr. Haitani, don't tell me you're seeing other young ladies.” She taunted as he let out a soft chuckle “Well lucky for you (Y/N)-chan, no other girl could ever compare to you.” He replied bending down to place a kiss on her forehead as she let out a sigh looking to the side of him as he smirked. Ran knew exactly what she wanted, and he enjoyed teasing her until she was nearly pleading for the display of affection, and just as he was going to cave in and give her what she wanted the school bell had rung loudly above them.
She leaned forward placing a quick kiss on his lips catching him off guard before she turned away from him waving her ‘goodbye’ to him “Must you always be such a good girl?” He called out with a smirk as he watched her walk away from him “Hmm and here I thought that's what you liked about me Haitani.” She replied before turning down the corner and out of his view. Ran knew that she had him wrapped around her finger, and even though he was one of the ruthless brothers of Roppongi, that never mattered to her nor did it change how she viewed him to her he was Ran Haitani, the boy that had stolen her heart, the boy that made her heart jump and took her breath away and for Ran that was enough. She was all he needed, and he couldn't imagine having someone else, all he needed was his brother and her.
But sadly for them, their happiness would not last that long, it was their official 1 year anniversary of their relationship when things took a turn for the worse. Ran and Rindo had gotten into a street brawl with a few others, they were defending their streets of Roppongi and their reputation, with a manic smirk Ran looked over to his brother who returned his expression as they took out the trash. Just as Ran wiped the blood from his chin he took out his phone to check if he had any notifications, and once the light turned on he raised an eyebrow at all the messages and calls he had missed from (Y/N). “Shit.” He mumbled to himself as he looked towards his brother who simply nodded as a signal to let Ran know he would do the dirty work.
Making his way to her home through the dark back streets and as he neared her house he saw her sitting on her stoop with a sweater wrapped around her “(Y/N). I’m sorry I’m late.” Ran said walking towards her on the porch as she shook her head “You’re sorry? You're late? Ran, where were you?” She asked as Ran stopped and stood in front of her giving her a bored expression “I had to defend me and my brother's honor.” He replied calmly as she let out a dry laugh “Now let me ask you another question. What's today Ran?” She asked, finally meeting his eyes as he took quick notice of the tear stains running along her face.
He stood there trying to rack his brain to see if he could figure out what exactly was so important that she would be crying on her porch, and just as he was going to open his mouth she quickly laughed hysterically “You don't even know do you?” She questioned as Ran stood there with his same stoic facial expression as her body began to shake “Let me bandage you put one last time Ran.” She sighed softly as he shook his head “Why is today so important to you?” He asked wanting to know what exactly was going on. “Today wasn’t just important to me… well I mean now I guess it was.” She mumbled to herself as she looked over at Ran once more “We’ve been together for a year, starting today Ran.” She said, with no anger in her voice, only pure hurt.
“Oh, well then I do apologize for being late.” He replied nonchalantly, he knew he screwed up but he also saw from her body language there was no turning back. There had been nothing but signs over the past weeks, signs of their equal distances, their detachment, but he only took it as her understanding his duties to his brother and those who served under them, he would've never guessed that she was preparing herself for his own defeat. He walked up to her porch slowly as she walked into her home, closing the door behind him and once the door was shut no words were shared between the two of them. It was the last night Ran knew true happiness and love, and he ripped it away from himself with his neglect.
“(Y/N)?” Sanzu teased as he spun in his bar stool grabbing her waist as she laughed, wrapping her arms around his neck as he smiled, kissing her neck as he pulled her closer to him. Once Ran had heard that laugh, all their memories poured in like a movie, it was their movie, young and in love, happy and short lived. “Guys, this is my special girl. (Y/N) these are my co-workers.” Sanzu said turning to face everyone as she was forced to shift with him due to his tight embrace, she smiled at all of the men giving them a slight wave but she felt her body tense up when she was met with a familiar set of eyes “Whoa, you okay there doll? Sanzu asked, rubbing her hips softly as she let out a nervous chuckle “Yeah, I’m okay. I should get ready for my shift.” She replied calmly, turning her face to kiss his cheek before walking into the back.
“So your special girl? She's one of your little playthings Sanzu?” Kakucho asked as he rested his elbow against the bar as Sanzu snickered at the accusation “Nah, I dropped all of those cheap things, she’s my girlfriend. My one and only.” Sanzu replied in his once again cheery sing-song voice as the guys shook their heads in pure disbelief. Rindo lightly patted his brother’s back because he knew the multitude of thoughts running through Ran’s head were not good, because before Ran was the girl he let get away, and she got away into the arms of a ruthless murderer, who he has to look at nearly everyday.
“First rounds on me, boys. So order up.” She said returning from the back with a small apron wrapped around her waist as the boys cheered at the bar placing their orders “Are you on the menu miss?” Sanzu teased as she winked at him “Only after hours cutie.” She replied before walking away to prepare the boys drinks. As Ran turned to Sanzu he couldn't help but feel the pull in his chest as he took note of Sanzu’s eyes, those same eyes Ran once looked at her with, the eyes of love. Only for Ran it was a love he had lost and Sanzu had gained.
“Still drink Bourbon?” (Y/N) asked placing the best glass in front of Ran as he stared at her in confusion, she let out a soft sigh before leaning over the bar to be at ear level. “Sometimes, the things the people you loved, loved, just stick with you.” She whispered as she backed away from him to give his brother a hug, causing Ran to look over at Sanzu who didn’t wear the best reaction but he was necessarily surprised towards her actions with the Haitani brothers. “Rindo told me. He told me the minute I locked eyes with her at the shopping center, and even knowing what I did, I couldn’t stop myself.
I had to understand how the great Ran Haitani could just walk away from a woman like her, and as the simple importu late night visits became late night dates, which led to actual dates, I couldn’t wrap my head around it.” Sanzu commented slowly, circling his finger around the rim of his glass “But now that I have her, I don’t care to know. She’s mine now Haitani, and even though I have a small ounce of respect for you, I will not hesitate to put a bullet through your skull if you get out of line.” Sanzu finished not once raising his voice to cause any alarm between the men, but she knew something was off as she placed her hand over Sanzu’s, and without any words spoken he immediately understood her stance as he flipped their hands over to raise her side to his lips placing a soft kiss on her skin.
“I’m behaving princess.” He said winking at her as she raised an eyebrow to scowl him but decided against it as she carefully removed her hand to attend to the others at the bar. Ran looked between her and Sanzu during their little interaction and he couldn’t help but feel the sting in his chest, as he knew once upon a time it was him giving her that look, and no one else, just her and him. But now it seems like it was nothing short of a dream.
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taizi · 3 years
Could you write something about natsume getting a hug?? Just, from whoever n for whatever reason. I keep thinking about how no one ever really hugs him n it makes me sad
The absolute last person Joji expected to see today was Natsume Takashi.
Joji slows to a stop on the corner of the street, a block away from the train station, and stares shamelessly.
It's been a decade since the last time he saw Natsume, but he recognizes him immediately. Of course he does. His light hair and eyes aside, Joji has thought about him on-and-off since junior high.
Joji remembers that rainy day when he was thirteen, an empty desk in the middle of his eighth grade classroom, Ito leaning over in his chair to whisper, "Did you hear? Natsume was in the ER. He almost died. The police are looking at his foster parents."
It was as if he'd been plunged into a pool of ice water. He sat there, frozen, while their teacher called them to attention for homeroom and announced that Natsume wouldn't be in their class going forward.
What was the last thing Joji had said to him? "It's no wonder your parents didn't want you." Why the hell had he said that? A book, if he remembers right. He'd lent it to Natsume and Natsume gave it back all water-damaged, like he'd gone for a swim with his backpack on. Natsume's eyes were on his hands, on the ruined book, and he'd tried to apologize, said he'd pay for it, but Joji just snatched it away, ticked off.
"This is what I get for trying to help you, I guess. It's no wonder your parents didn't want you."
Joji is almost twenty-four now. He's going into pediatrics. His fiance, Sakura, is a foster parent. She is currently the proud and fiercely protective mother of two beautiful twin girls.
Sora and Miu are terrified of adults and they go everywhere together and sometimes they make up stories. Sometimes they lie, about why their uniforms are torn, why they're home late, why their lunchboxes are covered in dirt. They have this look in their eyes sometimes like they're just waiting to get hurt again.
Sakura has the patience of a saint. She never raises her voice. She stitches their torn uniforms, replaces their lunchboxes, and, on more than one occasion, has marched into their junior high school and threatened the staff with physical violence if her babies come home with bruises one more time.
Needless to say, Sora and Miu adore her. It took them longer to warm up to Joji, but they're there now; no longer flinching when he moves in their direction, greeting him happily when he comes over for breakfast, smiling shyly when he staggers into the apartment underneath the weight of two giant stuffed rabbits that cost nearly half his paycheck, because it's their birthday, Sakura, they need them.
Joji tries to imagine someone telling them "this is why your parents didn't want you" and goes absolutely breathless with rage.
Natsume glances up from his phone to look right at Joji, as if someone had pointed him out. Caught staring, Joji shuffles in place for a moment, and then squares his shoulders and heads over.
He's expecting the Natsume of his memory; he's expecting him to curl his shoulders and duck his head, the way Joji's girls still sometimes do when a stern auntie wants to talk to them.
He's not expecting Natsume to level him with a clear, politely confused gaze. He pockets his phone, and shoves his hands into the front pockets of the cardigan he's wearing; a size too big, like something he borrowed out of someone else's closet, but it's a charming look on him. He's dressed well, in dark-washed jeans and white high-top sneakers, and his silvery hair is long, probably long enough to fall past his shoulders if he didn't have it piled up in a bun. There's a squat calico cat at his feet, glaring up at Joji with judgmental green eyes.
"Can I help you?" Natsume asks kindly. His voice is a shock to the system; Joji remembers him like it was yesterday.
"Oh," Joji says, stymied. It never occurred to him that Natsume might not recognize him in turn. "Um, I'm Watanabe Joji. We were classmates in eighth grade."
"That's right," Natsume says with gratifying quickness. He looks a little embarrassed now and returns Joji's short bow. "Sorry, it's been a long time."
And we weren't exactly friends, he doesn't say, but that common knowledge sits neatly between them.
"Ten years!" Joji replies with some forced enthusiasm. "Is that why you're here?"
"The, ah, reunion this weekend? Ito, from our homeroom back then, put together a whole thing. Our whole class is getting together for dinner and drinks."
It occurs to him that Natsume might not have been invited. Joji thinks that's less because he isn't welcome and more because Ito almost certainly didn't have his contact information. The few times his name has come up, Joji's friends have gone quiet and melancholy. A few of them are parents now, or aunts and uncles at least. All of them know better than they did when they were mean, shitty little teenagers.
Joji opens his mouth to assure Natsume that they'd love to have him, but Natsume cuts him off with a laugh.
It's not a mean laugh. It's not unfriendly in the slightest. But it stings anyway, because Natsume is laughing out of pure disbelief.
"No, no," he says, waving a hand, "god, no. Could you imagine?" he adds, glancing down at the cat. The cat huffs, settling a little more solidly against Natsume's ankle. "We're just passing through, actually."
"We?" Joji asks dumbly. Did he mean himself and the cat?
It's Natsume's turn to get cut-off, this time by a long, drawn-out shout of "Takashiiii!"
A short, russet-haired young man around Joji's age comes barreling down the sidewalk toward them at a flat-out run. Joji's first inclination is one of alarm, but Natsume steps forward with his arms outstretched, and the stranger collides with him in an embrace that looks like it hurts.
Natsume is laughing again, but it's softer this time. It's the warmest sound Joji has ever heard him make.
"What's this for?" Natsume is saying, patting him on the back.
"Just missed you," his friend replies.
"You saw him twenty minutes ago, Satoru," comes the exasperated call from further down the road, and Joji glances over to find a small group headed their way, laden with shopping bags.
"Yeah, exactly," Satoru says, leaning back without letting go, just enough to gaze up at Natsume with a cheeky grin. "I'm all Takashi-deficient. It's pretty serious."
"Sounds serious," Natsume replies, and agreeably keeps an arm wrapped around his shoulders as the rest of their group catches up.
A tall, dark-haired man stoops to pick up Natsume's cat, and it settles agreeably in the crook of his arm. The brown-eyed woman beside him lets out a coo, shifting all her bags to one hand so she has one free to scratch it behind the ears.
"We're being rude," the dark-haired man says in a soft, pleasant tone. "Who's this, Takashi?"
Natsume introduces Joji as an old classmate, giving absolutely none of their history away in tone or expression, but somehow all of his friends seem to clue in to something anyway. Their collective demeanor shifts, in an unidentifiable way, even if their polite smiles don't slip an inch as Takashi introduces each of them in turn.
All but Nishimura Satoru, still tucked up against Natsume's side, who gives Joji a positively poisonous look.
"Okay, Satchan, you're going to lose privileges if you can't be nice," Kitamoto says dryly, and extracts him from Natsume's person with a deftness that speaks of years of practice.
"Nooo," Nishimura says, but it's curbed quickly by Shibata shoving a bag at him and snapping, "Carry this! It's that stupid lucky cat statue you just had to have, and it's heavy!"
"It looks just like sensei! Tooru loves it, too!"
"I do," Taki admits.
It's a warm afternoon, right at the end of August, the sky turning golden with the beginnings of dusk. Joji still manages to feel cold.
He grew up, but Natsume did, too. He always regretted what he did, he always wondered if Natsume was okay, wherever he went, but Natsume hasn't seemed to spare him a second thought. He's got his own friends now; bright, kind people who look like they'd raise hell for him. Who run to meet him.
Joji missed the chance to have a place in Natsume's life. He's a footnote, now, and not a very good one.
The bright voices have him spinning around, forgetting everything else, and he lights up when he spots Sora and Miu waving at him from the other side of the street. Sakura has a firm hold on their jackets so they can't go spilling out into the street until the pedestrian crossing sign lights up, and then she releases them like a couple of eager hunting dogs.
Natsume's friends shuffle to one side politely, and Joji steps forward to catch his girls when they reach him. They're so beautiful and he missed them so much, this weekend they were away to visit Sakura's parents. He kisses them each on the head, and then kisses Sakura on the head in the name of fairness, and it makes all three of them laugh.
Taki coos just like she did with the cat, hands clasped together under her chin.
"What sweet girls!" she says. "Are they yours, Watanabe?"
"Yes," Joji says proudly, putting one arm around each of their shoulders. They've come so far, not hiding behind him from the group of strangers, even if they press into his sides shyly. "This is Miu, and this is Sora. We're adopting them."
Sakura shifts her weight imperceptibly, a barely-there tell. Waiting, he knows, for the surprise, or outright condemnation. She's dealt with a lot of bullshit for taking these kids in, from family and ex-friends and even total strangers. It rolls right off her, and she usually gives as good as she gets, but she hates when Sora and Miu have to hear it. They don't deserve to hear it.
Joji will have to explain it to her, later, why he brought it up. Why he knew it would be safe to bring it up in front of these strangers.
Sure enough, all their faces soften immediately, a gentle transformation. Natsume crouches, gazing at the twins with an expression that Joji remembers from his childhood. The delicate resilience, the willingness to reach out even if he got hurt.
The look on his face ten years ago when he handed back that ruined book, owning up to his mistake and trying to fix it, buying Joji a replacement even after Joji said something unthinking and cruel.
"I was adopted, too," he says.
"Really?" Sora asks quietly.
"Really," Natsume tells her. "My parents died when I was little. I wasn't an easy child to care for, even though it wasn't my fault, so I got passed around a lot. It took me a long time to find my place, but I found it. Did you find yours?"
"I think so," Sora says, glancing around Joji at her sister.
"Me, too," Miu adds.
Sakura clutches Joji's hand hard enough to bruise. She won't cry here and now, but he already knows it's going to be an ice-cream-for-dinner kind of night.
Natsume looks up to meet Joji's eyes when he says, "That's good. I'm glad to hear it."
It's forgiveness. Joji hears it plain as day. He didn't get a chance to ask for it-- isn't sure he deserves it-- but there it is, freely given. And it's reassurance, too.
When Joji's daughters used to curl their shoulders and duck their heads, it would always tug at the memory of a boy he used to know, who was as kind as he was desperate for kindness.
Now, he thinks, when his girls are making a mess of the kitchen trying to follow a pancake recipe with their friends, or dragging a stray cat inside with big, hopeful eyes, it'll remind him of this afternoon. Natsume's clear, bright eyes, and the protective cluster of friends surrounding him.
The world wasn't fair to him; it left a mountain in his life that he had to climb, complete with all its pitfalls and crumbling paths and bad weather.
And here he is on the other side, goodness intact. Smiling. Loved.
He found his place. Sora and Miu found theirs.
And god, if that doesn't give Joji hope for everyone else.
"It was nice to see you," he says thickly, hoping Natsume hears his honesty. "Don't come to the reunion, that was-- a stupid thing to say, but-- would you-- dinner?"
Natsume hears it. He tilts his head, considering, and then says, "We missed our train, anyway."
"And I'm starving," Tanuma says agreeably. Clearly, he says it more to agree with Natsume than anything.
Nishimura is the hardest sell, watching Joji with hard eyes. But then his gaze dips to Sora and Miu, and all his sharp edges go soft, like butter melting in the sun. After a handful of tense seconds, he visibly gives up on his anger with a huff. His friends, watching patiently, all give absurd little cheers when it's clear he's on board.
"Fine, but if you live farther than three feet away, we're getting an Uber," Shibata threatens, rustling the shopping bags in his hands with annoyed fervor.
They drift in the direction of Joji's home, and Kitamoto talks Shibata down from the Uber with the promise of ducking into a 7-Eleven for ice creams instead, and Taki and Sakura are fast friends, rolling their sleeves up to compare tattoos-- Taki's is a strange, occult-looking circle that Joji makes a mental note to ask about-- and Tanuma lets Sora carry the fat cat, while Miu pets it with reverent fingers.
Natsume walks beside Joji, calm and unhurried, with Nishimura on his other side. He grew up with so much grace.
"Can I add you to the class groupchat?" he asks without thinking.
"Good luck with that," Nishimura butts in, not unkindly. "He's the most unreliable texter you've ever met. He left me on read for like two days once, and we live together."
"You'd have better luck with an email," Natsume says apologetically.
It's more than Joji thought he'd get; they exchange contact information, in the middle of this chaotic, noisy group making its way down the street toward the well-lit combini on the corner and then, beyond that, home.
Natsume doesn't seem to have any interest in reconnecting with his old classmates, and Joji doesn't blame him for that. Even though it will certainly piss Ito off to be kept in the dark, even just for a few days, Joji decides it's for the best.
Nishimura's goodwill can't be stretched that far.
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fangirlovestuff · 3 years
More Than Meets The Eye - Steve Rogers x reader
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a/n - hey lovely people!! this one is for @s1utforfictionalcharacters​, who asked for a Steve x reader enemies to lovers a while ago. thank you so much for bearing with me and being patient, and i hope you enjoy!!<3
Summary: Between figuring out what was the Tesseract doing at a Hydra base and if it even is the Tesseract, you need to navigate your relationaship with one annoying, broody Captain. Honestly, you might prefer the Hydra thing. 
this isn’t set in the mcu timeline, but takes inspiration from a few mcu movies. it’s not canon compliant and everyone’s alive:)
Word Count: 7k
Warnings: lowkey angst and some tension, maybe a curse word or two? tell me if i missed anything!
"Rogers!" you heard Tony's voice over the comms, "Where the hell are you?"
"Babysitting," you heard Steve's irritated voice, not only over the comms but also behind you, right before you saw him dashing past you to punch the Hydra agent you were fighting square in the jaw.
"Well, get America's ass over here, now," Tony grunted, clearly mid-fight himself, "we need backup."
"Go!" you yelled at him, spinning to take out another agent that was coming up behind Steve, "I got this!"
"You sure?" he asked, his tone sarcastically degrading, jumping while kicking two agents simultaneously. Showoff.
"Yes," you resisted the urge to roll your eyes, "I can handle them, go help the others!"
"Alright," he grunted as he pushed off another agent before running back in the direction he came from, towards the rest of the team.
"Cap, you coming or what?" Natasha spoke on the comms, calmer than Tony, but it was obvious she's just as in need of backup as he was.
"Coming!" Steve replied, before it went relatively quiet.
You finished up disarming the rest of the agents in your wing of the building. No one was calling for you on the comms yet, so you decided to make another round in the perimeter, make sure you didn't miss anything.
God knows captain know-it-all is gonna be on your ass about it if that's the case. And honestly, you have more than enough of that as is.
As you were walking down the hallway, you noticed a strange, glowing light coming from under the doors. Upon finding it was unlocked, you opened it to reveal a room that was entirely filled with the same blueish light you had seen, and it was all coming from a desk in the middle of it.
Approaching slowly and letting your eyes time to adjust, you got closer and closer, realizing the shiny object was a peculiar blue cube. A cube you knew well, perhaps even too well.
"Guys, if you're done over there, you might wanna come to my wing. There's something you're gonna want to see."
"Okay, we have to keep looking, maybe they left some blueprints or anything that can indicate how they were planning on using it," Steve commanded, "or already have."
"Wait," you said before everyone split up to follow his orders, "as important as the why they got it is, I think the first question we should be asking is how the hell they got it. I thought it was locked away in the Asgard safe?" you looked at Bruce, who out of all of you had the most contact with Thor.
"It was, the last time I checked," he frowned. "I'll see if I can contact Thor, see if he knows anything."
"You do that," Tony interjected, "the rest of you, follow Cap's order while he and I have a little chat. Shall we Rogers?" he pulled a frowning Steve aside, while you all split up to try and find any information you could salvage.
In your search, you ran into Natasha. As you were both scouring the same desk for clues, working together like a well-oiled machine, you asked, "what did Tony want from Cap?"
"Probably to ask him where the hell was he when we needed his backup," she said matter-of-factly. "Or, you know, where the heck he was. We all know Steve's proper like that," she smiled, and you let out a chuckle at her words.
"Well, that’s good," you remarked, "since he really should've been there for you guys. I don't know what was that all about," you scrunched up your nose. "Nothing here," you added, closing the drawer you were looking through.
"Yeah, here too," Natasha closed her own drawer, "let's go."
Later that day, you were all having dinner together as you went over some papers the others found at the Hydra base. Since you were already in the same place, you split the takeout, taking caution not to spill any of it.
"Cap," you asked, seeing the saltshaker was too far for you to reach, "Can you pass me th-" your words were abruptly cut by him planting it in your hand, going back to whatever it is he was reading.
"Thanks," you muttered, going back to your paperwork as well.
This might be the place to mention that pretty much ever since you joined the team, Steve exhibited a certain… coldness to you. Arrogance, indifference, call it what you want – from day one, Steve Rogers made sure you knew he was better than you.
And considering he was literally Captain America, it's not like you thought you were ever better than him in the first place.
You blended in with the rest of the team seamlessly, fighting and training among them. I mean sure, there were jokes about you being "the new kid", but it was just that – jokes. No one, or at least no one but Steve, seemed to view you as inferior.
You still fought well together, it was your job. Hell, he just passed you the salt before you even finished asking for it. Being attuned to each other's actions and attitude in that way made it all the more obvious how much he seemed to covet his leadership position, his place of dominance.
It got on your nerves. So. Much.
You see, if he were like that to everyone else on the team, so be it. But the absolute majority of it was directed towards you – the new girl. And it was clear that's all he ever saw you as. A girl.
Even that salt thing – he handed it over so impatiently, so suddenly, like one would handle an irritating child.
You had hoped he'd get over it at some point, but so far, that didn't seem to be the case. Well, you're not planning on going anywhere, so you'll both have to get over yourselves at some point.
"Hey!" Steve snapped his fingers in front of your eyes, shaking you from your reverie. "C'mon, listen up. Tony found something."
Oh well, that "some point" is probably not today.
"So, Hydra wanted to use this," Natasha gestured at the Tesseract, "To power up a weapon they've designed?"
"That's the gist of it," Tony confirmed. "But from the looks of it, this thing is a lot more powerful than it seems. They planned on powering up a whole armored aircraft, plus all of their rifles using this cube. If that's possible, and by the looks of it, it very well might be, it's a lot stronger than you'd think."
"Wait, what do you mean their rifles as well?" you asked, your brows furrowing, "like, split this thing into pieces?"
"No, it looks like they were planning to project its power somehow, like…" Tony trailed off, struggling to explain.
"Like… Bluetooth?" you suggested.
"Yeah," tony snickered, "pretty much."
"Okay, but they didn't do that yet, right? We stopped them?" you looked around to the rest of your teammates before looking back at Tony.
"Seems like we did," Steve answered instead. "Bruce, any update on how they managed to get it?"
"Didn't hear anything back yet," the man in question shook his head, "I'll try again."
When Bruce ended up getting an answer from Thor, telling him to come to Asgard, you immediately volunteered to go with him. It was partially because you've never actually been there, and you were very curious as to why Thor would ask Bruce to come.
But also, you could use a break from a certain Captain.
You tried to ask Bucky and Sam what his deal with you was, several times, but they just shrugged and gave you vague, unhelpful answers. You even considered trying to convince Wanda to just tell you what he thinks about you, but you didn't want to give him the satisfaction of bothering you so much that you'd stoop that low.
So lately, you've been just trying to avoid him, which usually worked just fine, since it's not like he was that adamant about being around you either. That is, until you said you'd go with Bruce.
"No way," he immediately objected.
"Why?" you asked, "Bruce might need some backup, and I'd like to visit Asgard. Win-win."
"We need you here, going over the papers."
"C'mon Cap, I think we both know I do better out there in the field than I do with all the blueprints. Tony's way better with that, he's the only one who does it anyway."
"So what, you're just gonna go on a field trip?" he sneered.
"No, I'm going to look out for my friend and teammate." It took everything in you to keep your voice level.
"That's nice. Cause it would be a shame if Banner had to watch your back while you went on vacation."
You scoffed. "Where did you even get that idea? I said I was gonna give Banner backup. That's the first thing I said, cause that's the most important thing. End of story."
"Fine." Steve shrugged.
"Yeah, if Banner's willing to take you with him, go."
"Good," you nodded.
Somewhat awkwardly, you shuffled out of the room to tell Bruce to count you in.
Natasha was the one to send both you and Bruce off to Asgard, the rest being otherwise occupied.
"Be safe," she told the both of you, holding each of your shoulders with one of her hands, before stepping away.
"We will," Bruce promised and you nodded, and just in time the Bifrost came down, taking the both of you where you needed to get.
Thor was the one to greet you, taking you both in for a warm hug before his face became serious.
"I didn't call you all the way here for nothing," he said, "come with me to the palace."
As you were on your way, he explained. "When you told me you encountered the Tesseract in Midgard, I immediately checked in our vault. Sure enough, there's still a Tesseract there."
"A Tesseract? I thought there was just the one," you frowned.
"We did too," Thor replied, "which is why I wanted you both to come see it for yourselves. Maybe you'd be able to point out some differences."
Getting to the palace, you wasted no time going down to the vault. And there it was – the Tesseract.
"How…" you trailed off. It looked completely identical to the one you had found on earth, the same blue tinted glint lighting up its surroundings.
"That's what I was hoping you might have an answer for," Thor sighed, his brows furrowing. "You said the one you encountered was previously in the possession of a group called… Chimera?"
"Hydra," Bruce corrected him. "And yes, we found it in one of their bases."
"Is it possible that the one we found was a fake?" you asked, lifting your eyes from the Tesseract. "Or maybe this one is the fake? Is there a way to know?"
"The only way to know is to try and use them," Bruce sighed, "but trying to wield the power of an infinity stone can be dangerous and destructive to the one who tries. It's something we should try and avoid."
"Okay," you thought, "can't we try and take this one to earth? See if maybe Tony could run some tests on them both, find us a lead as to which one's the real one?"
"That sounds like a good idea," Bruce agreed, "or at least the best one we've got. Can we take it?"
"Of course. I trust you to guard it," he looked at Bruce fondly.
"Thank you," Bruce's eyes and smile are sincere as he shakes Thor's hand.
You pick up the Tesseract tentatively, putting it in your bag and looking back up at Bruce, whose handshake with Thor was still lingering. You hated to interrupt, but you two needed to go back to earth to fill your friends in if you wanted to solve this mystery.
"Shall we?" you asked, somewhat softly.
"Yeah," Bruce shook his head slightly, "Let's go."
You trailed behind Bruce and Thor as you made your way back to the Bifrost, thinking it over.
If the Tesseract you found on earth was the fake, then why would Hydra have a fake? And if the one that was currently in your bag was the fake, then why would they just leave the real one lying around while the Avengers stormed their base? And at any case, how did they manage to make such an accurate replica?
"Thank you, Thor," you said sincerely once you reached the end of the Bifrost. "We're going to figure this out."
"I know you will," he said, and touched your shoulder affectionately.
You said your goodbyes, and then, you and Bruce started to make the journey home, until suddenly you felt a force push you out of the Bifrost, and before you knew it you landed on dirt, rolling a few times, Bruce landing a few feet away from you.
Hurriedly getting up, you helped Bruce to his feet as well, before the two of you looked around to find yourself in the middle of what seemed to be a desert, but it was like nothing you've seen before.
The sand was orange, red, much darker than it was in deserts you've been to. You and Bruce landed in some sort of valley, surrounded by large dunes of the dark sand, creating a perfect circle around you.
"Have any idea where we are?" you asked, trying to keep your cool, "Or how we got here?"
His words were cut off by the sound of a gun cocking behind you. Instinctively, you crouched down and spun around, sending your leg out, taking the man down with a kick to his ankles.
But it wasn't enough. Before you could fully get back up, you and Bruce were already surrounded by agents, and the fight quickly escalated into a hand-to-hand one, having to take on multiple agents at a time. At some point, Bruce hulked out, but even then, you were still fighting them all simultaneously.
You barely managed to take in the glint of a knife from the corner of your eye before the felt the sharp sting of it on your ribs, your hand automatically going to hold the wound. The man started running in the other direction, which was when you realized you weren't the objective of this attack.
Your bag was.
"Bruce!" you yelled, trying to get his attention, as you started trying to run after the agent.
But before Bruce could even notice you, a deep rumble sounded through the air, the prominent crackling of thunder. You turned around just in time to see Thor coming down from the sky, Mjolnir clad tightly in his fist, sending bolts of lightning at your enemies.
You turned back and tried to keep running, but you couldn't do it fast enough, the wound in your ribcage still bleeding, and soon, the agent disappeared from sight.
You were panting when the battle died down, a mere few minutes after Thor's arrival. You didn't turn around, even as you sensed Bruce and Thor approaching you from behind.
"I lost it," you said, still unable to meet their eyes.
"They took it," Bruce said gently. "Now, let me take a look at that wound."
Well, you thought, that's not how Steve's going to see it.
"You lost it?" Steve asked, his disbelief clear. His eyes were trained on you, a frown on his face.
"She got hurt trying to protect it, Steve," Bruce answered before you could. "We'll get it back."
Steve's eyes didn't waver from yours, even as Bruce spoke.
"I'm sorry," you said, your voice coming out smaller than you wanted to. You cleared your throat, continuing stronger, "I did everything I could."
"I told you, you shouldn't have gone out there," he sighed, frustrated.
"Really, Cap?" you asked, "is this the time for 'I told you so's? for a hundred-year-old that's really fucking childish," you said through your teeth.
"Watch it," he snapped, "next time, maybe if you listen to me you won't get hurt."
"If I'm that bad of a soldier, Captain," you spat out, "am I not dispensable to you? Why do you even care if I get hurt? I bet it would've been just the same to you if I died but you still had the Tesseract."
Your words rendered him speechless, and you turned to walk towards the med bay. Bruce offered you his arm, but the look you sent him made it very obvious you weren't interested in company.
The wound healed well. You and Steve were… civil, to say the best.
You'd admit your words that day you were back from Asgard were harsh. You'd even admit that to his face, if he'd change his attitude towards you. Which he didn't, so really, maybe he deserved to hear them.
Anyways, a few days after the Asgard thing, the wound was fine, and you had an idea.
"Hey," you asked Tony, who happened to be next to you at the moment, "what if we go ask Strange?"
"What?" he looked up from the robot he was currently tinkering with.
"What if we went to Strange to ask him about the Tesseract?" you repeated, "he'd probably know more than us about this stuff."
Tony wasted no time in calling a team meeting, in which you told the others your idea about reaching out to Strange.
"That's a really good idea," Steve said.
Taken aback, you opened your mouth to speak, but before you could, he continued, "I'm coming with you."
Yep, it was way too good to be true.
"Why?" you asked, frowning. "I thought Tony would come, since he's already had a run-in with him before."
"Yes, but I think we can agree he's not the most diplomatic person out there," Steve smirked.
"I'm right here," Tony remarked dryly.
Steve paid him no mind and continued, "And besides, he's pretty much the only one except Bruce that knows enough to figure out Hydra's blueprints, and we still need all hands on deck in that front.  So, I'm coming with you," he finished in a tone that left no room for argument.
You considered objecting anyways, but knew whatever you'd say would sound childish and tactless, so you simply nodded at him.
Since the Sanctum Dr. Strange usually resided in was in New York, there was no need for Steve and you to take the Quinjet, but you did take a car from Tony's collection, which Steve drove. The car ride was filled with quite the uncomfortable silence, but at least it was better than arguing, right?
Small victories.
When Steve parked the car about a block away from the Sanctum, you both got out swiftly, blending right in with your civilian clothes, and making your way to the doorstep.
There, Steve knocked on the door hesitantly. You both listened, but there was no answer. You held onto the handle and managed to open the unlocked door easily. You exchanged a look with Steve, both of you on high alert, and entered through the door, Steve closing it behind you.
You both silently stood in the threshold, contemplating your next move. Eventually, you took a tentative step forward, and just then a red object whipped right in front of your eyes, making you stumble backwards, right into Steve. You quickly turned around to apologize, but before you noticed it the red fabric was wrapped tightly around your arms, holding them tight against your torso. Steve was in a similar predicament, and since the cape wasn’t that long, you two were left tied face to face and extremely close to each other.
You tried to wiggle out of the fabric's hold, but it was almost like it tightened with your every move, adjusting itself accordingly. You struggled against it, trying to move even the slightest bit, but it wouldn't budge. You sighed, looking up at Steve.
Oh my god, he was way closer than you'd realized. His wide frame towering over you, you swallowed dryly before you whispered, "What now?"
Before he could answer, the sound of footsteps carried through the halls, and soon enough, Dr. Stephen Strange was descending down the stairs of the New York Sanctum to greet you.
"Hello," he said, his face indifferent, "I wasn't expecting you."
"Well, we weren't expected to get so… tied up, so that makes three of us," Steve remarked, prompting you to chuckle.
"Hello, Dr. Strange," you introduced yourself to him, "the Captain and I were wondering if you could help us with some… Tesseract trouble."
"Sounds awful," he smirked slightly. "Follow me," he started going up the stairs again and you exchanged a look with Steve. "Oh right," he gestured with his hand, and the red fabric detangled itself from the two of you, and turned out to be a cloak as it wrapped around Strange's shoulders. "I almost forgot," the man chuckled, "Now come on."
You and Steve exchanged another look as you rubbed your arm where the cloak dug into it a little, before following Strange up the stairs and into the library, where he offered you two chairs to sit in before sitting down in front of you. In the air. He was sitting down while floating.
Still less weird than the cloak, in your opinion.
"So," he started, "what, uh, Tesseract trouble are you having, exactly?"
Steve and you took turns explaining the situation to him, from finding a Tesseract in a Hydra base to losing the one that was previously in Asgard. Steve, to your relief and wonder, said nothing about it being your fault, but just said it wasn't in your possession anymore.
"So," you summed up, "we were wondering if you knew how anyone could manage to replicate the Tesseract this well, and how can we tell which one's the fake one. Without using them, of course."
"Well, those are great questions. I don't know of another way to determine if an infinity stone is indeed real besides taking the risk and trying to use it, so I can't help you with that. But as for the fake, I believe opening the Tesseracts will provide a good enough answer. You see, the Tesseract isn't that hard to fake. Might be a little expensive, sure, but some lights and plastic and you're set, and from what I understand Hydra isn't exactly struggling financially. But," he sighed, "you can’t fake an infinity stone. For most people, once you'll come in direct contact with it, you'll feel its power, and also its destructive properties."
"So the only way to know if an infinity stone is real is to risk touching it?" Steve asked.
"As far as I know of, yes," Strange nodded.
"Thank you," you said, "for your help. We sure get back to the compound, but we'll let you know if there are any big developments."
When Steve and you got back to the compound, everyone was already waiting for you, and you told them what Strange told you. Together, you all went to open the tesseract you had found in the Hydra base.
"Be careful not to touch what's inside," you warned, and Tony put of his Iron Man arm before breaking the side of the glowing cube, opening it to find…
A bunch of wires and lightbulbs. They didn't even try to make it look like an infinity stone.
"Well, the one in Asgard could've also been a fake," Natasha shrugged. "This doesn't really tell us anything. C'mon guys, we'll continue the search tomorrow," she touched your shoulder comfortingly before slipping away.
You were about to do the same when you saw Steve fidgeting with his sleeve, around where the cloak was wrapped around him. You walked up to him.
"You okay?" you asked, expecting him to brush you off.
"Yeah, I just think this cape held on a little too strong," he chuckled, removing his hand to reveal a stain on the fabric of his right suit sleeve, on you knew all too well was blood.
"Oh my god," you frowned. "C'mon, I'll help you clean it up," you gestured towards the med bay.
The walk there was brief and silent, and when you got there, you told Steve to sit down before ripping his sleeve enough to see the shallow wound.
"You don't have to do this," Steve said, as you looked for some gauze pad and wet it with water.
"I know," you said, "but since I'm the reason we needed to go there in the first place, I am doing this."
"You know it's not your fault, right? You couldn’t have known he'd have a magical cape that ties up people."
"That's not what I was talking about," you mumbled, before cleaning the wound gently.
Steve sighed. "I guess I do owe you an apology for the Asgard thing. I acted like a jerk. I'm sorry."
"No, you were right," you chuckled bitterly, "it's my fault we lost what might've been the real space stone to Hydra. You were just the only one willing to admit that."
"Well, I hope you know what you said about me then wasn't true. I care. You know, if you get hurt. And I wouldn't want anyone to die so I can have anything."
"I know," you said dryly, "you're too perfect for that."
You finished cleaning the wound and started bandaging it.
"That's not- god, I really do have a way with words, don't I? you probably hate me by now."
"I don't hate you, Steve," you looked up from his arm to his eyes, and he smiled at you. "Relax, it doesn't mean I like you all that much either," you smirked, prompting him to laugh.
"Yeah, that's fair, I guess. Thank you," he gestured to his now bandaged arm.
"Sure," you sent a small smile his way before walking away.
Maybe Steve Rogers wasn't that bad after all.
Okay, scratch that, Steve Rogers was the worst.
The conversation actually started out civil. Nice, even.
"Hey, Cap," you started, "do you know if Bruce found anything on the wiring in the fake Tesseract yet?"
"Nope," he turned to face you.
"Oh. Well, thanks," you smiled, "I'll just…" you gestured at the exit, but he stopped you.
"Wait. Actually, I wanted to talk to you. Can you…" he gestured at the empty chair in front of him, and you sat down.
"About the whole Tesseract thing," he started, "I think you should consider sitting this one out."
"What?" you frowned.
"I just…" he sighed, "I think it might be better if you sat this one out."
"Steve, I found the Tesseract in the first place," you said, getting angrier by the second, "I'm not backing down from this."
"You found the fake Tesseract," he corrected, "and lost what might have been the real one."
"I thought you said it wasn't on me."
"It's not, but still."
"I don't get it, a few days ago you were telling me it wasn't my fault and now you're benching me because of it?"
"I just… you're clearly very invested in this-"
"Which is why I deserve to stay on this mission," you cut him off, fighting to keep your voice level.
"Which is why I think you should sit it out," he ignored you, "because you don't need to get yourself hurt for this."
"I'm an Avenger just like you," you snapped, "you might get hurt as well. So might everyone else. I don't get why I'm any different."
"I told you, because you're too emotionally invested," he insisted, his tone rising.
"Oh, you're benching me cause I'm 'emotional'? really? That's your excuse?"
"That's not an excuse, I-"
"No, tell me, Steve, what's your problem with me? Just spit it out, clearly you have one. What have I done to you to make you hate me?" you were yelling now, exasperated at his flawed logic.
"I don't hate you."
"That's all you have to say?" you scoffed. "You know what? If you're letting whatever your problem is with me to get in the way of the mission, maybe you're the emotional one."
The charged atmosphere was interrupted by Natasha's frame showing up in the doorway.
"Hey guys," she started, before looking between the two of you. "Is this a bad time?" she waited a second before shrugging, "Doesn't matter. There are sightings of suspicious activity midtown, we think it can be Hydra. We gotta move, be down in five," she stated, before walking down the hallway, leaving Steve and you alone once more.
"I-" he started.
"Let's go," you said at the same time, before simply turning away to go and suit up. You had a battle to win, no matter what he thought.  
"So," Tony started once you were all on the Quinjet, "Here's what we know – Hydra is probably in the possession of the real Tesseract, since we just got word of people seeing a big aircraft over midtown. My guess, they wanted to test the new weapons out before using them on a larger scale," he said, "which is why it would be the best thing to stop them now."
You split up into groups, Tony, Wanda and Sam going after the aircraft, Bucky and Steve go one way on the ground, you and Natasha the other. Thanking every god you knew you weren't paired up with Steve, you and Natasha ran and turned into a large square, starting to point people away from the steady stream of Hydra agents that was coming your way.
You and Natasha were both fighting off the agents together, most of the civilians already cleared from the area, when suddenly, they just… stopped, all in unison.
"Avengers," a voice with a heavy accent boomed through the air, presumably from the aircraft, magnified by speakers, "I know what you're here for," the voice chuckled. "Come and get it."
All at once, the Hydra agents in front of you pulled out something from their bags, or the pockets of their jackets, and it took you a second to realize what it is – exact replicas of the Tesseract. Dozens of them, maybe even hundreds.
You looked over at Natasha, who was just as exasperated as you were. "We gotta break these things," she said, and you nodded in understanding, charging at the men and women with renewed energy.
Because this was your chance to fix what you broke, to make things right. To show Steve you're better than your mistakes.
That was the mantra that was going in your head, as you smashed Tesseract after Tesseract, even as you found nothing but wires, you kept repeating it – fix what you broke.
Slowly but surely, you and Natasha tackled and defeated more and more agents, moving closer towards where they were coming from – the aircraft, that was lowering more and more, sending out more agents, in a wave that seemed never ending.
Expect when you got closer, you noticed that there was a staircase going down from it. A staircase that at the top of stood a small an in old fashioned army clothes, holding, how not, a small, glowing cube in his hand.
Your vision zeroed in on him. You had a target.
Barely stopping to disarm the other agents, you quickly made your way through the crowd of agents surrounding you, until you were right at the bottom of the staircase. You looked up to see the man still standing on top, smiling at the chaos unraveling at his feet.
You decided to take advantage of the fact he hasn't seen you yet, and climbed the staircase from the bottom side, hanging on to creases and bumps, to keep the advantage. When you got to the top, you tried to swing yourself over the rails. You would've fallen down if a hand wouldn't have reached out, catching your arm and throwing you back on the staircase, right side up.
"Ah, the new kid," the man snickered above you, "I've heard about you. Were you really the one they sent here?"
"No one sent me," you hissed as you got up. "Now hand over the stone and it'll be much more pleasant for you."
"So much spite," he laughed, "but alas, I don't think I will, sweetheart."
"Whatever you say," you delivered a poignant kick to his knee, "sweetheart."
You tried to punch him, but this time he was quicker, avoiding your blow and landing one of his own on your shoulder. You shrugged it off and continued to try and pry the stone from his hands. The struggle was drawing attention, and Natasha yelled at you to watch out just in time before a Hydra agent from down there shot at you, only missing narrowly.
You continued to fight the man, who was stronger than he let on, considering he was fending you off with only one hand, but you also had getting shot to worry about, which was in his favor.
At last, you managed to knock the Tesseract out of his hand, and it fell to the ground in a shattering sound. Out of the broken pieces, there were no wires to be seen, only a stone.
You heard Steve shout something at you from far down, but you weren't paying attention, instead diving for the stone, grasping it in your hand, along with some shards of glass that cut you, but you couldn't care less, because this was it.
Fix what you broke.
You concentrated with all your might of the stone, its power almost physically throbbing in your hand, along with the excruciating pain, but you didn't care.
Fix what you broke.
Your breathing became labored, the pain near insufferable when you finally did it – opened a portal. You didn't know where it led, but the important thing is, it wasn't here. You threw the stone away with all the power you had left in you, praying it would reach so far you'd never see it again.
Fix. What. You. Broke.
Just in time, the portal closed, and you sighed gratefully. The pain was starting to take over now, your mind dancing on the edge of consciousness when you heard voices coming towards you. You wanted to tell them you were fine, but you found yourself falling to the ground, registering the pain of the fall before everything went black.
When you woke up, your first thought was that the light's too bright. It felt almost like a hangover, but way worse, and
"I didn't even drink anything," you said, before breaking into a dry cough.
In a second, Steve was there by your side with a glass of water, holding it to your mouth. You took some small sips until you calmed down enough to remember that while no, you didn't drink anything, you did wield the power of an infinity stone, which means it's a miracle you're even alive.
So really, you should be thankful all you ended up with is an awful hangover. Of sorts. A magical hangover.
"Are you okay?" Steve asked, breaking you from your reverie, and making you meet his gaze with yours.
"As much as I can be," you replied, your gaze falling to the blanket that was laid on you. "how long was I out?"
"About 18 hours," he said solemnly, "we didn't… we weren't sure if you'd wake up," he admitted, his voice dropping below a whisper by the end.
"Can't get rid of me that easily," you joked. Despite everything Steve put you through, for some reason you couldn't stand to see him this devastated.
"No, don't-" he sighed, "no one wants to get rid of you. Least of all me. Hell, thinking I'd lost you and it was my fault… hurt more than I could imagine."
"It wouldn't have been your fault, if I, you know," you shrugged, "that was my choice. I had to fix what I broke."
"No, you didn't," he insisted, his eyes snapping up to meet yours once more, "because you didn't break anything. None of this was your fault, and yet you fixed it, alone. You risked wielding the power of an infinity stone to keep earth safe, alone. You shouldn't have been alone."
"It worked out just fine. Besides, what difference would it have made, one more injured person?"
"If I was quick enough… I don't believe the stone could've taken both of us down."
"Us?" you smirked, "I didn't know we were an 'us'. But it's fine, I can deal with that, I guess," you shrugged, and Steve chuckled. You couldn't tell if you were imagining it, but it looked like the slightest of blushes was sprinkled on his cheeks.
As a part of getting you back to normal, you started training again, moderately at first. But as you regained your strength, your training was almost as intense as it was before. Or maybe, even more intense.
You see, before that, you weren't training with Steve.
Since you didn't really get off to a good start, you'd always train with the others – Nat, Wanda, Sam… other non-super-soldier humans with a very human self-discipline, meaning that you could take breaks and chat in between reps.
Alas, those days were far behind you. I mean, not that far, that's just kind of dramatic, but you get it; you trained with Steve way more often and it was a nightmare.
You didn't know what standards Steve held for his other friends, but if he's like that with everyone then maybe it was better off not being his friend.
"What was that?" Steve asked, his eyes not moving from the timer, which looked comically small in his large hands.
"I said," you repeated between labored breaths and fast push-ups, "if you're like this with all your friends maybe I was better off not being one."
"Who said you are?" he shot back with a smirk, "and… time!"
You collapsed on the training room mattress, letting out a deep breath. "how much was that?"
"98 pushups in one minute," he stated, "not bad."
"Okay, Mr. captain super soldier," you breathed. "You know, maybe I should go back to doing these with Sam. A human being with normal people achievements," you sighed, faux-dreamily.
"I thought you wanted to get better?" Steve chuckled, extending his hand out to help you off the mattress.
"I'll tell him you said that," you smirked and took his hand, letting him help you up. Your touch lingered for the briefest of moments before you let go of his hand.
"Be my guest," Steve shot back, before taking a couple of sparring staffs off the wall, handing you one. An unusual technique in battle, but you found that practicing them with Steve provided a decent challenge to you both, since you were better with it than he was.
With both of you getting into a fighting stance, you started the match by dashing forward, trying to land one on his shoulder, but he quickly spun to the side, accompanied by a move of his staff that, fortunately for you, was a bit poorly aimed, thus only hit you in the arm.
You continued this back and forth for the next few minutes, one graceful move answered by a steady block from the other side, almost like a delicate dance. After a while, you felt yourself getting a little tired, and knew if you didn't end it now, he'd win.
And well, you just can't give him that kind of satisfaction.
You quickly planted your staff on the ground, using the momentum to jump up and wrap your legs around his neck, using your weight to push him down onto the mattress. You'll have to thank Natasha for that move.
His staff fell from his hand as he hit the floor, and you used your advantage to pin his arms above his head, making sure to lean enough of your weight on his torso so he couldn't move. You were both panting from the exertion of the fight, and you could feel a bead of sweat traveling down your back.  
He smirked up at you. "Did Nat teach you that one?"
"Maybe," you raised your eyebrow in amusement. "But I executed it to perfection."
"You sure?" he asked, and before you could answer he broke free from your grasp, flipping the both of you so your torso was pinned below him, catching your arms the same way you did to him moments ago.
Breathing heavily, your tongue darted out to wet your lips. "Well, maybe not perfection," you murmured, "but I'd say I did pretty well. You're in nice shape for a hundred-year-old," you slowly grinned up at him.
"Just nice?" he mock pouted, not moving from his position above you.
"Yeah," you smirked, "from what I've seen."
"Well, maybe you've seen nothing yet," he suggested with a quirk of his eyebrow, his head lowering even closer to yours.
"Maybe," you said softly, standing your ground. His eyes were boring into yours, you could hear the shallow sound of his breath, feel it even.
Closing the distance between you was almost more impulse than an actual aware decision. Your lips met his soft ones, his momentum pushing you back against the mattress, your head hitting it with a soft thud you paid no mind to. One of his hands left yours, coming to cup your cheek as his tongue hesitantly entered your mouth, continuing eagerly when you let out a hum of approval, one of your hand sneaking around his neck and tangling in the hair on the nape of his neck, pulling slightly.
When you finally parted, your breaths were once again labored, but for an entirely different reason now.
"Okay, maybe you are in good shape," you rasped, shrugging as well as you could.
He chuckled before his eyes met yours. "You don't hate me," he stated incredulously.
"I already told you I didn't. I take it back, maybe old age is getting to you," you giggled.
He groaned lightly, making your laughter grow stronger.
Okay, so Steve Rogers wasn't the worst. Final verdict.
i’d love to hear your thoughts!!<3
Taglist:  @horny-nd-bored​ @shannon124 @perfectlyharolds​ @wintersoldierslut​ @iceebabies​  @sleepingpapermouse @steverogerswasalwaysworthy @holtzkinnon @angelicl-y @stydia-4-ever @thatoneperson5000 @fangirlfree​ @kaitcordx25 @bequeening​ @steve-barry-damon-logan​ @itscrazycherryblossomcollection​ @hollandxmarvel​ @stargazingfangirl18 @readsreblogsfics @onetwo3000 @beritmetal @harrystylesholland @jazbot2000 @anobscurename @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @peggycarter-steverogers @evansphnx12 @starlightcrystalline @procrastinatingsapphictrash
Chris & co. taglist: @patzammit
if you wanna join / be removed from a taglist, comment/message me! much love <3
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firefly-in-darkness · 3 years
Go For Broke
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Pairing → Ransom Drysdale x Reader
Characters → Brief mentions of Knives Out characters (maybe?)
Summary → A little bet has big consequences.
Word Count → 2.7k
Warnings → 18+, Swearing, Smut, Angst
Betas → @kalesrebellion // all mistakes are my own.
Prompts → Bee's 7K of the Week Challenge; Monday - Ransom Drysdale, Tuesday - Smangst, Friday - Work Function, Saturday - The Dating Bet, (a blink of a praise kink for Sunday).
AFG2021 Square Fill→ "I said 'be sexy', not be a fucking blowfish" @anyfandomgoesbingo
A/N → As I mentioned above, this is for @negans-lucille-tblr writing challenge - congrats on 7k baby!! (I even kept it under 3k for you it wasn't going to be!) This is my first time writing for Ransom, and it doesn't have any connection to Knives Out, it's an AU.
As always, comments and reblogs are appreciated💕
Firefly’s Masterlist
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You carried two steaming mugs of coffee and nudged the ajar door open with your foot to Ransom’s office. He had leant back on the large leather chair and was taking in the views through the floor to ceiling windows.
He spun round in his chair and you were hit with the scent of his cologne, it had your stomach fluttering with butterflies. His legs parted wide, and the sight was something to behold; the thickness of his thighs and the way his large hand rubbed the top of one.
It was never going to happen between you two. He was Ransom Drysdale, a well-known playboy and skirt chaser. And you, you were his assistant.
He wasn’t the type of man you were after. You wanted someone permanent, someone, that wasn’t just a fuck buddy. But at least you got a little something for the spank bank every now and then.
“Like what you see?” You were caught red-handed by his crystal blue eyes and the lopsided smirk that you adored.
You brought the iPad in front of him to life, “This is your schedule for today. Harlan said that he’s rescheduled the board meeting with Walt to next week so we can relax a little bit. Said there was something to do with taking a risk or gamble?”
Ransom’s head snapped up, and his tongue darted out across his lip, a nervous tick that you’d long ago discovered. You felt a warmth bloom at your core and tried to hide the way your thighs nestled together to ease the growing heat.
Ransom scooted backwards in his chair and announced, “I need to get out of here.”
“You’ve just arrived, you can’t play hooky, you’re the boss.” You protested.
“That’s exactly why I can,” Ransom asserted and pulled his coat back on. “Let’s get lunch at that diner we went to last month. It’s quiet and nobody knows me there.”
You had become used to the whirlwind that Ransom brought with him the second he entered a room, but this was different. He seemed on edge rather than angry and you weren’t sure what had happened in the ten minutes you were away making a coffee.
“But I just made us coffee.” You pouted at him; he knew that you needed that delicious nectar.
“I’m buying lunch now get your coat,” Ransom demanded.
You rolled your eyes and did what you were told, much to your chagrin.
Ransom had driven like a mad man in his classic beamer to get you to Ruby’s Diner in record time. You scolded him once or twice when he just missed the red lights. But he didn’t seem to relax like he usually did when he entered.
All was forgiven when the waitress placed two steaming plates of burgers and milkshakes on the table. You were in heaven and thanked the waitress as you dunked a chip in the sauce.
“What is wrong with you today?” You asked.
“What are you talking about? I’m just being my usual self.” Ransom shook his head and threw the raggedy napkin across the table away from him.
You remained silent and continued to eat, allowing him to stew over whatever it was that was eating at him. It didn’t take you long to demolish your lunch, but Ransom still hadn’t touched his food. All he had done since you told him off was chew on his lip and glared at the sugar dispenser.
“Okay, seriously, you need to start talking.” You challenged.
He sighed and dragged a hand down his face, “Okay, but you can’t freak out.”
“What did you do?” Your eyes went wide as your mind ran wild with all the crazy things that he could possibly do in the last twenty-four hours.
Ransom looked up at you and laughed, “I can’t take you seriously right now.”
“What?” You frowned, feeling a mixture of confusion painted across your features.
His hand gripped your chin and his thumb swiped away at the sauce that you’d long forgotten. The heat on your cheeks grew tenfold and you coughed when he hadn’t removed his hand from your jaw.
“Ah yeah sorry. Sauce.” He stammered.
You smirked, you’d never seen him this worked up before, what had gotten into him, “So?”
“Okay, don’t fucking freak out on me but someone in the office wanted to make a bet with me. About you.”
You stared at him, all of your thoughts emptied out into the diner, “I’m sorry, what? I think you need to say a bit more than that.”
Ransom explained how one of your co-workers approached him and placed a bet that he wouldn’t be able to bed you before the corporate summer party.
“Who the fuck was it?” You growled; hands clenched on the edge of the seat.
“I’m not telling, I don’t want you to start a fight. You’re my favourite pers-assistant.” Ransom shook his head and began to nibble on the fries. His face screwed up at the realisation they were cold.
“Hold on. You agreed, didn’t you?” Your heart raced.
“I did. I have a reputation to uphold.” He smirked, “and was worth it, you should see your face right now.”
You scowled harder, “how much was the bet?”
“Ten thousand.” He shrugged.
“Fuckin’ hell Ransom, you’re cocksure, aren’t you?” You laughed at him, “why did you accept it?”
“That’s loose change to me.” Ransom shrugged and brought the replaced milkshake to his lips, tongue curling around the straw.
“Fine, I’ll do it. But I want half.” You explained, mirroring his action with your own milkshake.
Ransom choked on his drink and quickly rushed out his words, “you what?”
“We aren’t having sex, Ransom.” You rolled your eyes and placed the drink down, “If they ask, I’ll just say we did. It keeps your reputation intact. No harm, no foul.”
“They want proof.” He raises his eyebrow.
“Fuck sake, okay. Come over to mine tomorrow night and we’ll take some fake dirty pictures.” Without waiting for a response, you stepped out of the booth, “Now, I do have some work to do and funnily enough, so do you.”
“Anyone would think you were the boss.” Ransom playfully sulked and placed some money on the table.
“I might as well be.” You gestured towards the door, “Move it.”
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The black baby doll was just perfect for this photo session. It was a little see-through, but your modesty was covered with the lace detailing skimming the tops of your thighs. Butterflies fluttered in your stomach, but you had to get this over with sooner or later. With one final look in the mirror, you steeled your nerves and opened the bathroom door and slowly walked to your bedroom.
“Hello,” You anxiously stuttered, “Where do you want me?”
Ransom’s eyes darkened at the sight of you, his large hands rubbing along his thick thighs, just the way you had admired yesterday. You internally berated yourself, this wasn’t sex. It was all fake. It was an easy win for you both - Ransom kept his reputation and you got a nice little pot of gold for a rainy day, or week.
“Just lay down on the bed and look sexy.” He commented, unhelpfully.
You nodded and shuffled around until you found a comfortable position, with your arms draped above you. It didn’t feel sexy, it felt awkward and uncomfortable. Why is this so hard? You took a deep breath and tried to relax your body and turned to face Ransom. He’d moved the left side of the bed, his phone in hand ready to take the shot.
“Ready?” Ransom asked, and you thought you saw a sparkle of sincerity in his eyes with his one worded question.
“Yes,” you said and gave him your best pout and ‘fuck me’ eyes.
“I said ‘be sexy’, not be a fucking blowfish.” Ransom snapped.
You bolted up from your position, kneeling on the edge of the bed to get back on his level but it was no use, the man was still towering over you, “I’m trying, I’m not exactly in the mood.”
Ransom raised his brow from above, and you hadn’t quite realised how close you were to him, his stomach mere inches from your chest. The lack of response grated on you, his face was irritating, and you were ready to shove the five grand up his ass.
“Actually, this could work.” Ransom pulled off his shirt and revealed the tight muscles. Your anger morphed into desire; you wanted to reach forward and touch him but kept your hands refrained at your sides. “Now, look up at me and bite your lip.”
“Perfect.” He smiled down at you and cupped your face. His thumb stroked the apple of your cheek and paired with his words; a shiver ran down your spine.
Instinctively, you bit down your lip and unbuckled his belt to the sound of the camera shutter. Hands traced Ransom’s abdomen and he sucked in a breath as you stroked a sensitive spot.
“Sorry,” you mumbled and looked up at him, “maybe we should have some photos where your face is in it too?”
Ransom didn’t need to be asked twice, he pulled down his chinos and exposed his thick muscular thighs. Your mouth watered and warmth bloomed in your tummy at the sight of the black Calvin Klein’s hugging his groin.
You rearranged your position to lie down amongst the sheets while Ransom crawled onto the bed to kneel between your legs. His hand cupped under your knee and hoisted one of them up to his hip.
“You might need to take this one,” he handed the phone to you.
Just as you went to take the photograph, Ransom’s other hand slid underneath the baby doll. It sent another wave of pleasure through your body. His smooth hands stooped just beneath your breast and it almost made you whimper. Almost.
With an attempt to gather your bearings, you decided to focus on his phone and snap a few pictures of this new position. But seeing those little images captured and whizz into the corner made you want more. There was no point denying it as you felt the tell-tale signs of your arousal between your legs. But did Ransom want it?
Ransom moved the sheer material up and lifted your leg higher, over his shoulder. Before you could ask what, he was doing, his body dipped down, his lips so close to pressing against your stomach. Oh god. Your body instantly betrayed you as your hand went straight into his messy short locks eliciting a deep groan from Ransom. His hot breath fanned across your skin, goosebumps raising in its flow.
You took some more pictures, feeling the wetness pooling in your panties, the heat growing and growing up your body. Ransom returned to kneeling and you noticed the prominent bulge in his pants, and you finally got your answer. He did want it.
A mischievous smirk replaced the smile on your lips, “you’ll want to take these.”
You sat up and turned around so that you were kneeling in front of him and giving a great view of your behind. Ransom couldn’t restrain himself, his hands instantly gripped at your hips and pulling you back towards him. He growled and you whimpered as he rutted between your cheeks.
“Ransom, the photos?” You sang out and smirked into the pillow.
“Oh yeah, right.” Ransom spluttered and began to take the photographs from this new position then you heard the soft thud of the phone dropping onto the mattress, “hang on a minute.”
Gracefully, he spun you around and managed to get underneath you to seat you just above his hips. You were entranced by the dark lust-filled eyes that studied your body, following the hands that skimmed along your waist.
His touch sent sparks across the exposed skin of your chest, his fingers toying with the lace trim as they descended the plunging neckline and over your breasts. You rocked against his stomach, giving you just a little bit of pleasure from the friction at your core.
Ransom bolted upright, one arm wrapping around you while his other hand brought you closer until his mouth met yours. The kiss was heated, it pulled you deeper into the need for more, to have him deep inside of you. Ransom’s tongue swiped along your bottom lip, demanding access and you obliged without hesitation.
You’d only thought of him, like this, late at night and alone. It was nothing compared to your wildest fantasies to have him kissing you like this or to feel him hard beneath you. You squirmed to feel him better, but he broke the kiss.
“Sorry,” He panted.
Your stomach plummeted at the thought of him regretting what had barely started, “For what?”
“I shouldn’t have,” Ransom avoided eye contact and ran his fingers through his hair, messing it up even more than you already had done, “we just got carried away.”
“Ransom, if you don’t fuck me right now, I will kick you out.” You raised your eyebrow in a challenge.
He didn’t need to be told twice.
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Chatter and laughter filled the gaps of the song blasting through the speakers set up around the roof terrace. The large projector screen reeled through photographs of colleagues, in and out of work, successes in the tabloids and social media. Pool water splashed over the edges with each dive-bomb or flirtatious swish between colleagues. You watched on behind the sunglasses and relished in the sunshine beating down. It was rare to have such perfect weather and you wanted to soak up as much of the rays as you could.
The moment you spotted Ransom talking to a few people over at the bar, you thought now would be the best time to approach him. It had been a few hours since you arrived, and you only last saw him the morning before, and a few weeks since that first night. You both wanted to take things slow, it wasn’t how you expected things to happen but neither of you regretted it.
The nearer you got to the bar, you suddenly felt like everyone’s eyes were on you. Side glances from the Marketing girls, a laugh, and a grimace from a few others. Then you saw Ransom rushing up to you but also looking behind.
Before he reached you, you spun around to the projector and saw a display of all the photos you and Ransom had taken that night. Your stomach dropped, nausea taking over until you were about to collapse on the floor.
Hands gripped your shoulders, spinning you on the spot. You looked at the terrified gaze of Ransom. His lips were moving but your ears buzzed with the hum of blood pumping through. Unable to process what had happened, you tried to escape. To get away from the people that were staring, gawking, at you. At you and Ransom on the screen and then down to the pair by the bar.
“Please talk to me,” Ransom pleaded, “I didn’t know that’s what she was going to do.”
“Did you sleep with her?” You asked, your mind reeling with how this could be a vendetta against Ransom, and you’re caught in the crossfire.
Ransom’s eyes widened, “Yeah, probably a year ago.”
“You fuckin’ idiot. Get out of my way.” You tried to walk past him, but he blocked your path.
“Can I come with you?” He asked face paled.
You scowled, “No. Move.”
Ransom followed you, weaving between the crowds of sniggers and laughter. You could hear him pleading, almost begging for you to stop but you refused. You needed to get out of there and he was making it more difficult.
You skimmed the edge of the pool and Ransom grabbed your bicep, attempting to stop and turn you around. Without a second thought, you spun and shoved him. He fell backwards into the pool with a great splash. It only made you feel good for a split second until he resurfaced.
“Consider this my notice, I quit.” You turned on your heel and left the party, your job and Ransom behind.
The End.
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marauderundercover · 3 years
Taking Chances: Ch. 24: Important Questions (Wedding)
Marinette pouts from her spot on the couch, shoving another spoonful of cookie dough in her mouth. She makes her eyes as big as possible, channeling Manon as she tries to emulate the younger girls’ puppy dog eyes.
“Silena, your kid’s eyes are breaking my heart. Look at her!” Harley cries, pointing at Marinette’s face. Silena rolls her eyes.
“Don’t give in Harls, remember what happened the last time we watched it?” Silena reminds her, and Marinette resists the urge to huff at her soon-to-be stepmom. Or, bonus mom, as she’d taken to mentally calling her. Stepmom had such an unfair negative context thanks to fairytales, and she actually really liked Silena. Except in this one moment. At this moment, they were on opposite sides of the war.
“Please Auntie Harley! Please!” She begs again, sitting up so that she can make direct eye contact with the woman. If she was any good at the ‘Manon stare’ as she called it, then Harley would be giving up in 3, 2, 1-
“Okay! I give! Looks like we’re watching Mamma Mia next.” Harley calls out, leaning over to grab the remote and turn the movie on. Marinette grins widely, settling back on the couch and curling into Selina’s side. Selina huffs.
“You’re lucky I love you, kitten. Last time we watched this Harley got in trouble for her impromptu ABBA concerts.” She complains, and Marinette’s grin widens.
“Really?” She says, then she gasps as the best idea comes to mind. “I just realized something.”
“What is it kiddo?” Harley asks, popping a handful of Reese's Pieces in her mouth.
“You guys can be Donna and the Dynamos.” She says, before miming a small explosion. This was awesome! Amazing! She could- whoa. She could even design them a group outfit with the characters in mind. She could already imagine all the ways she could improve on the original design. Of course she’d keep the bell bottoms, they were a staple of the time. And she knew her bonus mom and aunts would rock a good pair of bell bottoms. The major changes would come with the material type, the colors, and the sleeves of the suits.
“If we perform another musical on a roof Batsy’s gonna get mad.” Harley says with a sigh. Marinette purses her lips as she thinks. She was technically already on thin ice. She’d stolen the Batmobile earlier in the week, and had managed to worm her way into regular patrols. Which was technically her dad’s fault, but he still looked frustrated the first night she walked down and asked who she was patrolling with. But she was finally patrolling with them regularly, even if it felt like she had a babysitter some of the time (all of the time). She was supposed to always be with her dad or Dick (apparently she’s not allowed to go out with just Jason or Damian because they caused ‘trouble’ when they were left unsupervised). So she went, but it was more stifling than patrols in Paris. Patrols which she’d had to lighten up on, with the lack of attacks and the way it tired out Kaalki before there was even an emergency. It was wrong. But if she kept one of Gotham’s former rogues off the crime path with catchy tunes and bell bottom pants, who was her dad to judge?
Apparently her dad wouldn’t judge. Dick on the other hand..
“How can you do this to me? This is an absolute, utter, complete, total-”
“Dick, calm down! What’s wrong, talk to me.” Marinette hushes her older brother, looking at him worriedly. He takes a deep breath.
“I can’t believe you would stoop so low. After the hurtful things you said about my discowing suit?” He sniffles, throwing a hand over his heart. Marinette blinks, then realizes what the man was talking about.
“Is this about the Donna and the Dynamos outfits that I designed for those girls?” Marinette asks frowning. Dick lets out a pained moan, contorting his face as if he was in actual pain.
“I thought you cared about me! I thought we were close!” He cries. Marinette huffs, shoving him lightly.
“If I designed your discowing suit, it wouldn’t have been godawful. We would have used the disco elements in a way that didn’t suck. Ya know, like I did with the Sirens’ outfits?” She says, patting his back. “Just because I hated your suit doesn’t mean I hate you.” She reassures him. Though the distressed groan he lets out lets her know that he’s still taking it to heart. Oops.
“Hey! I’m here. I brought ice cream, like Harley asked.” Marinette announces, using the key Silena had given her to get into the apartment. She frowns at the emptiness of the apartment. She’d never seen it so devoid of life. Someone (usually Harley) was always there to greet her and pick her up into a huge hug. Not today though, which put her on edge. Creeping forward slowly, she glances around the room, looking for any potential danger. Or clues on where the Sirens might be. Had they forgotten about her? Just as she’s about to text Silena, music seeps into the apartment and she tenses. Until she sees her bonus mom and aunts. In their Dynamo outfits. Performing “Super Trouper”. With choreography and everything. Marinette lets out a short laugh, grinning widely at the three who just laugh and continue singing.
“Cause somewhere in the crowd there’s you.” Selina sings, pointing dramatically at Marinette. Marinette runs over and stands next to Silena, moving quietly and copying their movements. She’s pleasantly surprised at the level that she’s able to keep up with them, laughing with glee as the song continues. Once it’s done, the three women wrap her in a hug and Marinette’s eyebrows furrowed together.
“Ya know, I love that I got to see the outfits in action and everything, but was there a reason for the dramatics?” Marinette asks with a teasing smile. Silena glances at the other two before nodding.
“Marinette, sweetheart, I wanted to ask if you would be one of the bridesmaids.” Silena says and Marinette freezes. She swears she bluescreens. Bridesmaid? Her? She’s a disaster. She can’t do anything right and then her dad and Silena will be upset with her but then they’ll get more disappointed at each other and when she tries to fix it they won’t let her and instead they’ll send her away and say they never wanna see her again because she’s an awful bridesmaid and-
“Kitten, I need you to breathe.” Silena’s voice breaks through the haze she’s found herself in. Marinette blinks slowly, trying to break herself out of whatever hell her mind had managed to suck her into today.
“Why me?” Is what’s able to escape her mouth. It’s the only question that is able to breath past the barrier that Marinette set up for herself.
“Because you’re my daughter, whether you like it or not. So I want you to be part of the wedding, more than just someone who shows up for the food in a fancy outfit. Though that can definitely be your motivator.” Silena says, looking slightly unsure as she watches Marinette’s face- probably looking for any visible cues of discomfort. Marinette grins widely before throwing herself forward, wrapping her arms around the older woman, melting in the arms of the woman who truly was her second mom. She sighs in content at how safe she feels, how at home she is. It was strange for her, how quickly Gotham had managed to worm its way into her soul. Strange, but definitely something that they would figure out. She had to. She refused to lose either side of her family- civilian or not.
Tag list:  @maribat-bdbwm @vixen-uchiha @stainedglassm @liquid-luck-00 @laurcad123 @waiting247 @jayjayspixiepop @mizzy-pop @jjmjjktth @trippingovermyfeet @queenz-z @thepaceperson @iloontjeboontje @toodaloo-kangaroo @ritacrow-blog @deathssilentapproach-blog @kittenmywaythrulife @nerd-nowandforever @tazanna-blythe @jaybird-and-co @jumpingjoy82 @lady-bee-fechin @corporeal-terrestrial
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ysljoon · 3 years
Guarded|Prisoner!Jeon Jungkook x Guard!Reader
Summary:  The biggest rule of being a prison guard is that you're not supposed to have any form of relationship with the prisoners, but you decide to break the rules for Jungkook and you don't know why.
The number one rule about becoming a prison guard is to not become friends with the prisoners. That’s the single rule that you just couldn’t bring yourself to follow. Let’s not get crazy here though, it’s not like you’re friends with every single prisoner in the unit, there's just one inmate that holds a special place in your heart.
When you first took the job of a prison guard you were as jumpy as can be and the prisoners used to make it a game of who can scare you the most in one week. They used to spastically run up to their cell bars when you were doing checks for lights out and everyone knows that prisons are just much more scary at night so the combination of a dark prison and a prisoner running close to you gave you heart attacks like it was going out of style. Once you got used to the inmates’ antics it started to be funny towards you and you would crack jokes back at them. You never intended for yourself to become the “cool guard” of the prison, but your kind demeanor just made you favored over the other guards in the prison. One inmate definitely took a liking to you in a more toned down way.
One day when you were walking around during the inmate’s leisure time you saw an inmate call you over briefly to his table. This particular inmate you haven’t spoken much to or have even seen him speak much to the other inmates besides his cellmate. When he calls you over he has a shy look on his face and is avoiding eye contact.
“Mr. Jeon, how are you today? Is leisure time going alright?”
He gives you a small but warm nod and slowly pushes a folded paper towards you. You look at him confused, but he’s looking back at you with an expecting look so you take up the paper as he wishes. When you open it up, you’re shocked to see what was given to you. Jungkook had drawn a portrait of you leaning up against the wall in the leisure room. You give him wide eyes and he’s back to avoiding eye contact with you. You stoop down to his level in the chair so he can hopefully make eye contact with you.
“Jungkook, this is beautiful. I’m gonna hold on to this safely and probably keep it in my locker.” He smiles brightly at you and you return it before folding the picture into your pocket and stalking off to go observe other prisoners.
There’s not much that you know about Jeon Jungkook, but you do know the bare minimum information like that he’s 23 and was incarcerated for a couple robbery charges. You try your best not to judge the inmates so you have firm belief that he had his reasons for doing what he did. They were never armed robberies so you definitely know he meant no harm. He was never as vocal towards you or even vocal at all in comparison to the others that were incarcerated that loved to chat your ear off. By the time you were out of your thoughts, leisure time was over it was time to usher the inmates to lunch. Once in the cafeteria another guard took your place while you were allowed to have your lunch break for the day.
Lights out was a genuinely hard task for you. The inmates just never wanted to settle down and they would only turn off their lights and pretend that they’re sleeping to pass the checks, but once your back was turned they would turn them back on. On the longer nights you would negotiate with your unit such as an extra 15 minutes of leisure time if they would cooperate. Now of course it sounds ridiculous that you’re negotiating with prisoners when you’re supposed to be laying down the groundwork of rules with them. The thing is that you hate the feeling of commanding people around even though they are the same as you. The other guards at the prison do not have nearly as much humanity as you do. It may be a naïve way of thinking. You would rather think like this then look down on the prisoners, you only wish them the best when they get out.
Doing your final check of the cells you walk past Jungkook’s and hear some rustling within his confines. You playfully roll your eyes and knock on the bars to his cell as a way to tell him to wrap it up and go to bed. He comes up close to the bars and quickly drops a paper through the gaps and goes back to his bed before you can respond. You pick it up and open it and you head to your locker to go pick up your belongings and go home for the night. You have messy handwriting greet you and you quickly inspect what this note says.
Dear Officer L/N, I think you’re very nice and I appreciate your hard work! I hope I can get to know you better in the upcoming months even if it’s through these silly notes. I hope you can reciprocate these since talking to you in person is hard (it’s not just ‘cause you make me so nervous). I also hope this doesn’t get you in trouble :( I just like talking to you, you’re the nicest person to me in this prison. Kindly, JK
This note had you grinning from ear to ear and even had your heart racing a little faster than normal. You couldn’t even pinpoint why, but you soon felt quite embarrassed from getting giddy over a note like a schoolgirl. You haven’t gotten male attention in a while, but you’ll be damned if you resort to getting attention from one of your prisoners, that’s just asking for you to lose your job. You stuff the note in your pocket hurriedly and that reminds you about the other paper that you got from the same man. You searched for tape in the back room and taped it to the inner part of the door of your locker and grabbed your belongings. Once you reach your car and start to head home you already start to plan your response to Jungkook’s note.
You walk into work with a little more strength to your stride and seem extra happy to wish the prisoners an extra good morning. You felt the folded paper burning in your pocket. You were overly excited to give Jungkook your personal note in return. This definitely was against the rules because you were not allowed to have any personal relationships with any of the inmates under any circumstances. Somehow Jungkook just made you want to break the rules and it made you feel free in an odd way, but you weren’t complaining by any means.
Once you made your rounds on morning checks you made an extra circle around the unit as an excuse to make it towards Jungkook’s cell and once you made it there you saw him expectantly waiting at the front of his cell. It’s almost like he knew you were going to make an extra round just to see him and it made you smile. A wide grin splayed across his face when he saw you slide your note to him and in return he slid you another paper. You raised an eyebrow since you weren’t expecting to receive a note from him, but instead you were given another drawing. This time it was a drawing of you and him together in a park having a small picnic. The picture made you want to hug him through the bars, but that would definitely get you in trouble. Instead you folded it up and placed it in the breast pocket of your uniform. You gave it two taps to show him that it was safe with you and then sent a wink in his direction. His smile managed to get even wider and you could see that this was going to be a blossoming friendship or even more once he was out of prison and you were very excited to see what the future held for you.
Notes: This was to celebrate me reaching 100 followers I hope you guys genuinely enjoyed this and I’m always happy to hear and feedback or opinions through replies or in my ask box! As always if you liked what I wrote a like and reblog are always appreciated and if you would like to support me further you can give me a Kofi.
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7soulstars · 3 years
hey there. I don't know if you are taking requests rn so if you don't just ignore this one. I was hoping if you could do various avengers x reader .. reader has the ability to manupilate emotions , she can take away emotional pain, negativity and sadness from anyone and replace them with relief, positivity and peace, by simply hugging the person! every avenger turns to her after a mission for cuddles and comfort, you can take it from there if you like! thank you💞
 Hey darling ! Thank you so much for requesting! I really really love this request it’s really so adorable oof- I made it into a fic and I hope you like it! Anyways, lets get straight into into it !!
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Pairing: Avengers x Avenger! Reader
Warnings: Little like really little angst, Hydra, Overwhelming fluff, Half the Avengers act like literal babies around Y/N . I HAVE ALL THE AVENGERS SAFE AND ALIVE IN THIS AND AVENGER LOKI !! Ooc characters??
Summary: Sometimes even the empath needs empathy but she refuses to say it
Euphoria ; the experience of excitement and intense feelings of well-being and happiness.
A silent motion walks down the streets, a silent motion called The Empathic Soul that was involved with them, The Avengers. While the rest protected, she distracted, like a guardian of the common folk who had never seen her. They wouldn’t know, but they praised, thanked and loved. Every time there was pain, there was war, there was casualties, she was there and they just knew it. They looked around but couldn’t guess. The sudden wave of calmness replacing their sorrow and panic distracting their attention from her, their silent protector.
That was what the world had named Y/N, The Empathic Soul as she watched the title flash on the TV screen at Stark towers as she sat beside Vision who was failing to crochet no matter how hard he tried. Y/N wouldn’t consider herself a hero, she didn’t fight bad guys although she was very capable of doing that, she didn’t go and almost get herself killed for the sake of getting rid of ‘pests’.
But she was an Avenger ? Yes. She was, but she didn’t consider herself a hero. 
She was behind the scenes, away from common eyes just there to clean up the mess and to take the worry of the mess out of everyone’s head. The Avengers had a polarising reputation. Although it got better after they won against Thanos there were still those who disliked them. But there was not a single civilian who would speak out the title of the Empathic Soul in despise. Y/N would like to keep it that way she had told Fury. She didn’t really have the best life growing up, the strain had given her the powers and she wouldn’t dare use it for anything other than the good of the people. She knew protecting someone came with a cost. Her powers can be used for things unimaginable, wrong things and that’s why she needed to stay anonymous.
Though not all praises about Y/N may be true, one thing was for sure. She was a gem, one of the most selfless person anyone had ever met. With or without knowing about her powers. She couldn’t stand seeing someone sad and that is what made her the sole person every single Avenger was ready to get along with each other for.
Y/N had been a part of the team for 3 years now and she had made all the trauma dissipate and had even managed to make the most unapproachable team mmates open up. She had made sure Stark Towers was always warm and fuzzy no matter how cold the world seemed.
The meanest of all things Y/N has done is manipulate the emotions of people like Zemo to make them confess and feel the pain of the people they caused pain to reflect and repent whenever Agent Everett called her in for.
The robotic voice of Vision snapped her out of her zone as she looked at him as he pointed at the elevator. As Y/N turned to look she felt an overwhelming level of tension.
Oh. It’s one of those days.....
The door opened to a familiar multitude of spandex and metal clad people filling into the living room all making an aggressive beeline at the empathic. 
“I CALL DIBS ON Y/N !”,yelled some simultaneously as they glared at each other and argued. Some went straight to the bar pouring themselves a drink and another very specific non alcoholic one along with it. Some stood frozen, colour drained off their face, to be more specific, Wanda,Peter,Bucky and Bruce. Peter walking straight into Y/N’s arms as she held them open as soon as she saw them. Wanda and Bruce following as Vision looms and floats behind them.
“That bad huh ?”, Y/N asked as she tried managing to drag the four towards the couch and plopped down with them. Bruce parted away from her and Wanda followed suit a pleasant smile slapping onto their face.
“18 casualties ”, she heard the blonde star spangled man as he wrapped an arm around her waist moving to hug her by the side as Natasha’s arms wraps around Y/N neck from behind the couch, her head plopped on top of Y/N’s for a few before she whispered a thank you and left to go find Bruce. “And 5 completely decapitated buildings you always forget the buildings Steve ! Now move I need a hug from our gal !”, Sam complained as he agressively made motions for Steve to move away from Y/N as he nearly tackles her. “Careful Sammy, it seems like Peter’s fallen asleep”, the empath notifies as she carefully rests the Spiderboy’s head on the couch from herself as Tony lays a blanket on his body. 
“Kid was really hard on himself today, he froze mid battle and was thrown right onto a car, the injury was not that bad but it sure was something. He kept asking if he could call you the whole way back”, Tony said as Y/N stroked Peter’s hair as she got up. “Made you a drink as I poured myself one”, he said offering the glass to her which she took and set back down on the table and then proceeded to take Tony’s glass away from him before he could even sip on it. “This is your third glass and I can sense your annoyance, come here ”, Y/N scolded him as he opened his arms for a hug. “My suit broke down halfway through the fight”,complained Tony into Y/N’s hug as she patted his back, concentrating on pushing the positivity strain in the man.
“I need to be back at the sanctum.... Y/N ?”, came a voice making Tony groan why is it that every time I hug her that you need a hug? The sanctum can wait ! Isn’t Wong there?” “Tony...”, warned Y/N earning a eyeroll from the billionare as he made her promise him hugs later as he sauntered away. Y/N let out a soft laugh before taking Stephens hands into hers and a gentle smile . Stephen placed his hand on her cheek as a smile plastered on his face. “You should have come with us......they-......I and the rest of them needed you.....”,he mumbled making sure no one heard. “I’m sorry, I would have joined but I had to get some Hydra agents to spill some secrets.....”,she reasoned. “If I did not have to return I would have loved to talk to you more about how I feel.....although you will feel it before me and-” “I come visit tomorrow”, she stated simply earning a sigh of relief from the other as he stepped into the portal still hesitating to leave your hand.
There were three left Y/N knew. And she knew where they would be. She walked down the hall that leads up to all their rooms, a door opened and before she could react she was lifted into a bone crushing hug who’s only culprit could be the golden retriever god. “Thor! I was looking for you! How are you feeling!” “Pretty usual Lady Y/N ! I suppose you are visiting my brother ! I couldn’t join today’s mission, I was visiting Asgard ! Anyways I shall let you be !”, and with that he went back into his room. He wanted stay but he knew so needed her more than him he decided he could bother her later.
“They were children ! Can Midgardians stoop this low, they were experimenting on children !”, Y/N could hear as she got closer to the door at the end of the corridor. She opened the door slowly and softly, right after knocking it once.
She saw a flash of black and and overwhelming sense of anger and sorrow before she was tackled by two bodies that made sure her head didn’t hit the floor.
“Hey calm down wow what the hell Loki? Buck? What went THAT wrong?” , Y/N asked the two who had gotten quite close to each other with help of her involvement throughout the years. They realized their similarity and now shared quite of lot of things with each other that they could never tell others. Well, other than Y/N. Y/N slowly replaced their emotions as they let out an appreciative grunt. Before sitting back up. “The people taken hostage by Hydra were children. They were beaten badly, hell some were flinching even when we tried getting them out. I may have done some questionable things in my life but I would never think of doing anything to children. This why this planet needs to be ruled !”,spat Loki in frustration as Y/N rubbed his back soothingly. They were silent for a while before Bucky spoke up. “Those kids were being trained, like Nat. Easier to manipulate, easier to make into soldiers like me.” Y/N sighed, her face dropping as she tried not to hiss in pain. “You saved them though right ? I will probably be called to rehabilitate them. I promise I’ll make them feel better”, she tried to assure them. “ It is not about that darling, I just wonder how many children might be there in Midgard that are being forced into things like this out of their will.” 
Y/N never said anything after that but what happened was bothering her and was clear as water. But every time they would try asking her she would quickly change their mood to a Euphoric state and distract them. It felt as if matters were getting worst and Y/N looked sicker and sicker. The team had no choice but to ask Fury.
“ I suppose she has not informed you about her mutation.”
“ What about it ?”
“Well it is not as easy as she makes it seem. You see, every time she replaces an emotion, she feels them. The malice, the pain and everything stays inside her and will stay that way until it is not given to other people. Y/N grew up in an abusive home. Empathy was never shown to her and it got worse by the time she was 15. She first started experiencing immense pain and one day it became intolerable. The pain, without her will got transferred to everyone in that house. No normal human could handle it the way she could and they eventually died because of it. She blames herself and that is why she is not allowed to go on missions with you because we fear that might happen again.”
Everyone was  bit shocked by the story they were bombarded with. The felt guilt. All this time it was her who was comforting them and never once had they asked her about how she felt. In fact, if Y/N had not interfered with certain things they might have regretted their actions or may have committed unforgivable acts.
She was their hero. And sometimes the hero needs to be saved to.
Y/N was startled to say the least when her bedroom door burst open and several bodies jumped on her making her feel a sudden high and the pain in her head trying to leave She closed her eyes and tried as hard as possible t not let go of it.
“Y/N I swear to god let it all out ! Were a lot of people we can handle it ! Be a little less harsh on yourself !”, nagged Wanda leaving the empath speechless over the fact that they found out her secret. After more perstering she let go. “Jesus Christ !/Oh my god!/How do you live with this!”, yelled different people simultaneously as they felt what Y/N has been holding to herself for all these years. “Lady Y/N I take back what I said about being the strongest it seems like you are the strongest one to be able to do this and take care of all of us with a smile”, Thor declared.
“You know we love you right miss Y/N ?”,Peter questioned.
Y/N couldn’t say anything if she did she would cry. Her heart swelled even more and for the first time in her life she felt like she truly belonged. The soft tune of Euphoria by Jungkook played in the background the lyrics etching the end of this story.
“Take my hand now, you are the cause of my Euphoria”
--The End--
....... I have never written such an intricate fic on this app. I do not know if it is good or not anymore because I am in too much feels. I really really hope you like this *crosses fingers in anticipation*.This was really fun to write! I did delete the draft like 7 times though because I wasn’t confident about it😅.. I really hope you like this🥺🥺.....Please like and reblog my posts if you like them! Feedback is highly appreciated and please do not plagarize my work. I really work my ass of on them! Thank you so much for supporting me darlings !❤🥰
~Love, Hri
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hphm-stuff · 3 years
I love the stuff you’ve done so far!
I’m basically obsessed with Quidditch (to an extent it’s embarrassing 😂), could I request a little fluff with our favourite captain Orion? 👉👈
Reading content about him I didn’t need to write into existence myself always makes my day 😄
Thank you so much! I am also obsessed with Quidditch (embarrassingly so 😂). Orion is definitely the best captain (sorry, Oliver), so he deserves some fluff! I get the difference between reading something you didn’t write and writing it yourself, so I’m always down to write whatever you want, especially because you’ve been so kind on all of my posts! Thank you so much for all your lovely words, they’re really appreciated.
Pairing: Orion Amari x Reader
Warnings: None really, just fluff. Very, very mild injury.
Note: I tried to keep the houses as nondescript as possible, so you can fill in the teams with whichever houses you like. Also, in this piece, the reader is a chaser. ALSO, since I think in very simple terms, Orion's dialogue was impossible for me to write. I tried, though. ALSO I thought that Orion losing his cool would be fun.
Word Count: 1.8k
Summary: PROTECTIVE. ORION. You get hurt during the game, and he isn't about to let it slide.
Just a Bruise
For all intents and purposes, it was a regular Quidditch game. Your team was up about a hundred points, and the opposing team was getting desperate. It was not lost on you or your teammates when your opponents started to pull out the dirty tactics. Your team continued to play respectably, not wanting to stoop to your opponents' level.
You and your fellow chasers, Orion and Skye, were tearing down the pitch, praying that the beaters would be competent enough to keep the bludgers away from you. The opposing beaters seemed to be trying out a new strategy. It appeared, to you at least, that they had decided to pick off the chasers, one by one, starting with you.
Bludgers zoomed past you, nearly missing you as you swerved and dodged the balls that were sent your way as you flew. You put your faith in your beaters, knowing that their job was to protect you. Your faith was misguided, you realized, when you felt a sharp pain in your side that sent you hurtling toward the ground.
Luckily for you, Madam Hooch must have been on top of her game. As you were anticipating contact with the ground, you felt your descent stop. Instead of slamming into the pitch below you, you were lowered gently onto it.
Through the slight pain in your side and the adrenaline coursing through you from the fall, you heard a faint call for a timeout. You heard something hit the ground close by, and a panicked voice that you couldn't quire place due to the rush of blood through your ears. Before you could even open your eyes, you felt a hand gently cradling the back of your head.
"Open your eyes. Please," the fog in your mind cleared enough to realize that it was Orion that sounded panicked.
You slid one eye open, squinting slightly, almost as if you were trying to make sure that you really were okay. After making sure that you really hadn't become one with the ground, you let your eyes open. Orion let out a soft breath, his face full of relief. "You gave me quite the scare. Are you feeling alright?"
You nodded gently, offering him a half-smile. Madam Hooch hovered over you for a moment. "Are you alright, (Y/L/N)? Let's get you to the hospital wing."
You shook your head fervently as you looked up at her. "No, no! I'm okay. I just got the wind knocked out of me. Give me a second to breathe, and I'll be back up there."
"You really shouldn't continue to play."
"I have to! I'll be fine, I swear."
She looked at you reluctantly before nodding. "Very well. I suggest that you head there after the game, though."
With that, she stalked off. You could hear her reprimanding the other team, but you didn't quite care enough to figure out exactly what was being said.
You then made a failed attempted to sit up. A shooting pain blossomed in your side and spread toward your stomach as you tried to sit up. With a wince, you moved to lay back down. You looked at Orion, his hand still gently holding the back of your head to keep it separated from the ground.
The look on his face moved from relief to worry as you were obviously hurting. You tried to sit up one more time, clenching your jaw to work through the pain. It subsided after a moment, allowing you to fully sit upright. Someone landed a few feet off to the side of you. You caught it out of the corner of your eye.
"That was a wicked hit, (Y/L/N)," Skye said as she moved to kneel beside you. She gave you a sympathetic smile, "You alright?"
You, once again, nodded. "Yeah, fine. I promise."
"Hey, (Y/L/N)! Watch where you're going next time. Maybe you won't get hit," one of the beaters on the opposing team jeered.
The voice shook Orion out of whatever trance he was in. He had previously been watching you quietly, likely trying to figure out how injured you really are. His face fell at the mockery, and you saw something you'd never seen in his eyes before. Rage.
The usually calm captain was up and storming toward the opposing team. He grabbed the beater that made the comment by the collar and practically pulled him off the ground. "If that bludger left so much as a bruise, I'm coming for your head. Do you understand?!"
Orion, in the entire time you'd known him, had never, ever lost his cool. He had never raised his voice. He sure as hell had never threatened anyone. You shared a look of pure disbelief with Skye.
Madam Hooch could be heard trying to break it up. "Mr. Amari, you stop that! Right now!"
He didn't seem to be listening to her. From your spot on the ground, you couldn't quite see the beater's reaction, but you could hear the worried tone. "That's the game! People get hurt!"
"Tell me, do people get targeted? Is that the game?"
The beater stuttered through his answer. "No. No, they don't."
Orion was half way through another threat when Madam Hooch broke it up. Her firm, booming voice seemed to fill the pitch. "Mr. Amari! Enough!"
Orion begrudgingly let go of the beater, practically shoving him away. He turned and made his way back to you, kneeling in front of you again. Any trace of the anger that he just felt dissipated when his eyes settled on you again. You couldn't hide the look of shock on your face at his outburst. "What's wrong, darling?"
"I had no idea you even knew what anger was."
He let out a light laugh at the comment. "I apologize for losing my temper. Seeing you in pain and the insensitivity he showed you lit a deep-seated fire in me, love. I would be remiss to let that slide."
You let out a soft giggle at his words. Skye stood and extended her hand toward you. "C'mon, (Y/L/N). We have a game to win."
You took her hand and stood. You stumbled slightly from the force Skye used to pull you up, and Orion reached out to steady you. You shot him a grateful smile. His eyes found yours, and the worry was back. "Are you absolutely positive that you can continue to play?"
"I'm fine, Ri. Really. Don't worry about me."
He let out a gentle sigh. With a nod of his head, he moved to place a hand on your cheek. "Fine, but I'm taking you to the hospital wing after the game."
You rolled your eyes playfully. "If you insist."
He grinned and leaned in to press a gentle kiss to your forehead. "I do, darling."
You two just looked at each other for a moment before he pulled you into a hug. You noticed that he tried his best to avoid hugging you too tight so as not to irritate your injury. You hugged him tightly and felt a light kiss pressed to your temple. He spoke in a gentle tone. "I want you to be careful up there."
"Ri, if I'm careful, we'll lose the game."
"I'd rather lose the game than lose you, love. Please, promise me you will take it easy."
You relented, knowing that he'd bench you if you protested. "Fine. I will."
Orion called off the time out, and both your team and the opposition took to the sky again. Even though you promised Orion you'd take it easy, you worked harder than you had before the time out. There was no way you'd let the other team win after their stunt.
You were already so many points ahead that they really had no hope of taking the victory. This was cemented when your seeker caught the snitch.
You followed the rest of your team as they descended onto the pitch. Before you could join the celebration, a hand gently circled your wrist and was pulling you toward the direction of the castle. You weren't shocked to realize it was Orion. "Ri, what are you doing?"
"I'm taking you to the hospital wing. Like I insisted."
You giggled gently. "But we have celebrating to do!"
"I know how much you love the festivities after the games, but I will only be able to celebrate when you are taken care of. Once we are sure that you are free from injury, we will join our teammates in celebration."
You grinned at him, and he looked at you just in time to catch it. He returned the smile. "You worry about me more than I worry about me, Ri."
He let out a light chuckle. "Trust me, I already know that."
Orion continued to walk with you to the hospital wing, letting Madam Pomfrey take you from him to give you a quick check. She had you sit on a bed as she inspected the place you got hit. "Just a nasty bruise. No broken ribs, no collapsed lungs. No ruptured organs. You should be alright in a few days."
You thanked her. Orion was waiting for you just outside the hospital wing. "So?"
You grinned at him. "Just a bruise, Ri. Can we go party now?"
He grinned and moved to take your hands, using his grip on them to pull you in closer to him. He leaned in, placing a soft, loving kiss on your forehead. "Of course we can, love."
The two of you started off back toward your common room. You knew that the party would already be started. As you walked, he turned to glance at you. "Do you know how proud of you I am?"
"What?" you asked with a grin. A light blush found its way onto your cheeks.
"You played amazingly today, before and after the incident. You always play amazingly. You are an asset to our team."
You grinned, speaking playfully. "Just to the team?"
He laughed. "To me, too. You truly are a gift, and I am thankful for you every single day."
"You're pretty cool yourself."
You two shared a laugh over that. Before heading into the common room. He stopped you just before you walked into the room. With a light grin, he reached up to carefully brush some stray hair from your face, leaning in to press a soft kiss to your lips. After pulling away, both of you were grinning. He spoke in a light tone. "I truly am glad that you're not too badly hurt. I don't know what I would do if you were."
You grinned, moving to gently cup his cheeks. "I'm fine, I promise. Let's go in and have some fun, okay?"
He nodded at you. "Let's, darling."
The two of you then walked into the common room, joining your housemates for the party.
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blackmissfrizzle · 4 years
No One Has to Know
Pairing: Angel Reyes x black!reader
Summary: Since there isn’t a lot of angel Reyes x black reader imagines going on here I was wondering if u can write a request for me that. You and angel are in a secret relationship because y’all are ten years apart and your mom( who’s mayor) finds out?? Requested by @briannab1234​
Warnings: None for this part
A/N: This was going one way and then it went another, but I hope you all enjoy!
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It was a hot ass day in Santo Padre, so it was no surprise that Adrian’s raspa shop was full. Today you were accompanied with your fake group of friends (except for Bryce) aka the group of friends your mom approved of.
When your pickle raspa with chamoy and lucas was finished, you searched for an empty table, only for you to find the one table you didn’t want to sit at because of who sat next to it. The Mayans. Or more specifically Angel Reyes, your secret boyfriend. The argument from last night replayed in your head as you stared at the table.
“Why not?” You yelled, throwing down your bag.
“Because its not smart Y/N.” Angel stared at you through a cloud of cigarette smoke while you paced back and forth.
Sitting in his lap you took his cigarette and put it out. Cradling his face, you kissed him. “What’s stupid about wanting my boyfriend to be my date at my graduation party?”
Angel scrubbed his face in frustration. This argument between the two of you was becoming more frequent. You wanted to make your relationship public, but he didn’t. He didn’t want everyone else to confirm what he already thought. He didn’t want them to say he was a low life and no good for the mayor’s daughter or that he was too old for you (his 34 to your 24).
“Listen, querida we can go public another time. Just take that loser Rob and make sure he keeps his hands to himself.” Angel kissed the top of your head to end the argument.
You hit him in the chest and pushed off him. “Fuck you, Angel! If you just want me to be your little fucktoy and not your girlfriend just say so.” Before he could stop you, you were already out the door. Once again, his insecurities fucked him over.
“Hey, yo, Y/N over here!” Coco’s voice pulled you out of your head. He was pointing to the table next to him. No way you could pretend that you didn’t see the table now.
Starting your way over there Eileen grabbed your wrist to stop you. “How about we just eat them to go?” Her green eyes wide with fear.
You broke out of what she thought was an iron grip. “Its over 100 degrees outside. Trust me they won’t bite, unless,” you leaned in closer to her and dropped your voice lower. “you want them to.”
Leaving Eileen in all her white woman shock, Bryce followed you to the empty table. Both of you greeted the men at the table besides you. You barely gave any energy to Angel while Bryce gave Gilly all her attention due to her crush on him.
Eventually, your friends joined you, still wary of the Mayans. Rob sat next to you and wrapped his arm behind your seat. Angel wanted to break that arm in half.
This midday delight was less enjoyable than you wanted it to be. It was tense and not just because you weren’t talking to Angel. Your friends made it a point to ignore your Mayan friends and while the Mayans did their best to make your snotty friends uncomfortable by making the most vulgar jokes (which were hilarious by the way).
Most of the time, Bryce and you talked to the Mayans. They were by far better conversationalists. Plus, you and Coco had a lot to talk about since you were Letty’s mentor at school.
In the middle of listening to EZ tell an embarrassing story about Angel, Rob saw Angel staring at you a little too long. So, slightly he tilted your chin towards him and kissed you.
You scrambled to end the kiss. In no way shape or form you led Rob to believe you were in a relationship. Even though he was your escort to the party, you explicitly told him that y’all were going nowhere.
When the kiss ended, Angel was nowhere to be found. A great part of you wanted to dump the raspa on Rob, but you didn’t want to make a mess in Adrian’s place. Instead you punched him in the face and left the shop with a bunch of cackling Mayans and Bryce.
It didn’t take you long to find Angel. He was a couple of blocks away at his dad’s carniceria. “Angel, I-”
He held his hand up to stop you. Flicking his cigarette down, he stomped it out. “Done with your ivy league boyfriend?”
“Don’t do that. I wasn’t expecting him to kiss me.”
Stepping down from the stoop, Angel got somewhat eye level with you. “You definitely let him kiss you longer than necessary.”
A black escalade rolled up, revealing up, revealing your mom behind the window. “Y/N, dear we need to get ready for the party.”
“Hi, Ms. Mayor.” Angel waved at your mom and in return she gave him a curt nod.
Patting you on your arm, Angel gave you his congratulations and returned to his father’s shop.
Once inside the car, the tirade started. ‘What did I tell you about those Mayans? Have your fun with them in private not in public.’ ‘Stay away from that Reyes boy. I don’t like how he looks at you.’ ‘You could’ve at least been hanging out with the smart one.’ ‘You should be focused on your career and Rob.’
Every line you heard before and just like every other time you were ignoring each word. Her nor Angel was going to ruin this relationship.
“I don’t know, Pops. Maybe I should wait til she gets home, and we can celebrate together. Just the two of us.”
Felipe fixed his son’s tie. “Nonsense, Angel. You’re going to your girlfriend’s graduation party. She wants you there, son.”
“What if I embarrass her?”
“You won’t,” EZ quietly entered the room, dressed up as well. “We’ll make sure of it.”
EZ pulled back the curtains to reveal the Mayans all in suits on their bikes. “We got your back, bro.”
Angel squeezed his brother into a tight hug. “Thanks, mano.”
“Let’s go get your girl.” EZ clapped Angel on his back.
This had to be the most extra party ever, but extra was your mom’s middle name. All you wanted was a simple bbq, good music, drinks, and your friends. But nope this turned into an extravaganza and networking opportunity for your mom.
“You can’t be here!” You heard your mother’s voice despite her trying to keep her voice down.
Your eyes followed her voice and the sight you saw left you breathless. Angel in a dark striped suit strutting towards you with the rest of the mc in suits as well, trailing behind him.
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“What are they doing here?” Rob asked with a mix of fear and disgust. He was truly a horrible person; you didn’t know how you put up with him for so long.
“He came,” you happily whispered. You shoved your champagne flute in Rob’s hands not caring that it was spilling on him. Your only goal was to get to Angel.
The dress you were wearing didn’t allow you to jump Angel like you wanted to. He could see the conflict on your face, so instead he twirled you around to fully admire the way the dress clung to your body and how it brightened the aura around you.
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After your 360 turn, Angel twirled you inside his arms, grabbed the sides of your face and leaned down to kiss you. “You look beautiful, querida.” He whispered against your lips, his hand running up and down your leg exposed by the hip high slit.
“Not as good as you,” You bit your lip at the sight of Angel in a suit. His jet-black hair perfectly gelled back, his suit clinging to his body.
“Impossible. Now introduce everyone to your boyfriend.” The slap to your ass didn’t bothered you, in fact you laughed it off and began introducing Angel as the love of your life. The shocked gasps of the stuck-up residents of Santo Padre as you made the introductions did not go unnoticed by you, but you also didn’t give one flying fuck.
On the other side of the room you could not hear the most objected protest of them all. “Get him off my daughter!” The mayor ordered the president of the Mayans.
“No can do, Izzie,” Bishop smirked. Whenever he could he’d like to stick it to the mayor.
“Its Isadora,” she corrected him. “I will not allow my daughter make the same mistakes I did.”
The holier than thou act was grinding Bishop’s gears. There was a time when the mayor wasn’t a stuck-up bitch. “Watch it, Ms. Mayor. If it wasn’t for my fucked up feelings for you, I’d shoot you where you stand.”
“Obispo, please.” Her tone softer, reminiscent of the times she writhed under him. “She has a future. She has a future outside of Santo Padre. Don’t let my daughter-”
“Our daughter.” It was his turn to correct her.
Isadora sputtered. There was only one other person she told the truth to and that because she was caught, and he promised to never to tell anybody. “How did- how did you know?”
“I always suspected, but you kept her in LA with her ‘dad’ most of the time, so I couldn’t confirm until she kept popping up at the club. Easy enough to get DNA for a test.”
In all her being, Isadora wanted to slap the man. “You had no right.”
“And you had no right to keep her from me!” Bishop was upset at all the missed opportunities. You were a lovely young woman and he missed out on the chance to watch you grow up, but now he refused to stay away from you anymore.
Your yelling tore the two away. The unexpected guest getting all the attention now.
“Daddy!” Your arms encircled around the older man. His appearance was a welcomed surprise.
When he got done spinning you around, you introduced him to Angel. The three of you engaging in an animated conversation.
Isadora and Bishop watched off in the corner. Isadora in shock and Bishop in jealously.
“Tell her or I will.” Bishop threatened his old flame before he left heartbroken from seeing his daughter call another man dad.
A/N 2: Were yall ready for that surprise?
Tags: @angrythingstarlight​ @starrynite7114​ @briannab1234​ @chaneajoyyy​ @titty-teetee​ @thickemadame​ @brownsugarcoffy​ @ifoundmyhappythought​ @marvelmaree​ @browngirldominion​
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lailyn · 3 years
This Magical Journey Called Multiple (Chapter 3)
“Tony, help me get all the equipment away,” Stephen urged as he darted forward, hands glowing with magic. He had always known that this day would come, when he would finally catch a glimpse of Loki’s true nature. He only wished he had been more prepared for it. 
But this was still Loki, and right now, Loki needed his help. 
Stephen thawed the frost surrounding Loki’s bed with his magic and raised the Mirror Dimension around them to contain Loki’s once-dormant ice magic from overspilling into the real world.
Amid the swirls of vapor where ice met fire, Loki stirred.
“Loki,” Stephen heard Tony exclaim and felt his heart begin to pound. 
He was forgetting something, something very, very important. What had Thor told him once?  
Then he remembered. “Don’t touch him, Tony!” 
Loki let out a low moan, and either Tony did not hear him or chose not to, he watched in horror as his husband reached for Loki all the same. 
A magic lasso lashed across the room and seized Tony’s wrist just in the nick of time. 
“What the hell did I just say?” Stephen barked. “Do you want to lose your fingers?”
Tony stared at the shackle around his wrist for a second before shaking it loose. 
“I’ll apologise later,” Stephen said grimly, nodding at the figure on the bed. “I think he’s coming around.”
“Loki, wake up,” Tony commanded. 
“Tony?” Loki mumbled. His eyes opened to reveal pupils as red as rubies. 
Tony uttered a gasp but quickly reined in his astonishment but it was too late; the hand Loki was already extending toward him froze in mid-air.
“Loki…” Tony wanted nothing more than to take the outstretched hand, as blue as it was with its gleaming onyx nails, tapered and razor-sharp. “Loki, don’t freak out.” 
Loki raised his hand to the level of his eye. He studied his skin intently.
"I don't understand," he finally said, voice wavering. "Why is this happening?"
Stephen braved a step closer. “Can you shift back?” 
Loki frowned at the absurdity of such a request. At the speed of thought, blue bled away starting from the head all the way down to the feet, leaving in its wake the milky complexion and bright green eyes their lover was renowned for.
A palpable relief fell over the room but it was short-lived, for almost instantly, Loki’s hand flew to his stomach. 
“Is the pain back?” Stephen asked.
Loki nodded with a great wince. “What is happening to me?” He tried to sit but it proved too difficult. “Ah.”
“Well, change back,” Stephen urged. 
Loki shook his head slowly. “No.”
“Loki, shift,” Stephen ordered. 
Loki ignored him and turned to his other lover standing silent and stricken by his side, face stricken with anguish and fear.
Was Tony afraid of him? 
Ignoring the invisible blade knifing his stomach with every breath, Loki pulled himself up into a sitting position. 
All Loki could think of was the hand Tony would not take...with good reason too. Loki could not bear the thought of hurting Tony, or Stephen, or anyone. 
Tony, Loki implored with his eyes. He could live with this pain, he had felt worse. This was nothing. Maybe if he stayed just like this…
“Tony,” he whimpered and it was the pain in his voice that broke Tony free from his trance. His husband rushed forward and gathered Loki to his chest, hugging him tightly. 
“It’s okay,” Tony whispered in his ear. “We’ll figure this out together, I promise you we will.”
“There is nothing wrong with me,” Loki cried.
Tony could not agree more, and to emphasise, he pressed a fierce kiss to Loki’s temple. “There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. But you’re hurting, and I need to get you better.”
Loki allowed the change to come over him again and the relief was instantaneous, his limbs relaxing with the cessation of pain.  
Stephen and Tony took a few involuntary steps back as the Jotun prince vaulted off the bed, seemingly possessed of as much grace as his Aesir form ever displayed. 
In this form, Loki’s hair was longer and straighter and as he cast a curious eye at what the rude awakening of his ice magic had done to the room, he almost seemed like a different person. 
“Is the damage extensive?” He queried. 
“Don’t worry about it,” Tony said, guarded. “Everything’s insured.”
Loki hummed dispassionately. He directed his next question to Stephen. 
“Are you ever letting me out of here?” Carefully avoiding eye contact, Loki needled him further. “Or are you keeping me here till the baby comes?”
Stephen could not take the Mirror Dimension down quickly enough judging by the displeasure on Loki’s face, and as he fumbled with his sling ring, Stephen could not help but ask. “Are you okay?”
When Loki blinked, the film over his red eyes deepened in colour. “I wish to sup.”
Tony blinked in confusion. “Sup?”
“Something light will do. I will take my meal in my room.”
Stunned, they could only watch as Loki stepped out of the Mirror Dimension and stalked out of the medical bay without so much as a glance.  
“That’s a bit anticlimactic.”
Stephen closed his eyes and shuddered. “Tony, can you please try not to jinx us?”
“Sorry. Count your blessings. Got it. Coz it could be so much worse, you’re right. Of course you’re right.” Tony exhaled loudly through his nose. “So what are we doing about lunch?”
 In a vain attempt to return to normalcy, Stephen and Tony found themselves in the kitchen shortly after, with Stephen taking the helm to prepare a light meal, seeing how he seemed to be the only one remotely functional. 
Tony sat at the counter, unable to bring himself to help, for there were simply too many questions hanging over his head. 
Was Loki really pregnant, or was he simply ill? Was it an affliction, bearable only in Jotun form? And if so, was it a fleeting or a chronic condition?
Why couldn’t Tony touch him? 
Staring down at his hands, Tony could not help but wonder what would have happened had he given in and touched Loki like he wanted.
He could not keep from touching Loki forever, could he? That was simply not possible. 
“Is he really pregnant?” Tony finally asked when he could no longer bear the silence. 
The sudden stiffening of Stephen’s shoulders was the only indication that he had heard him. 
“Why didn’t you look inside him?” Tony pressed. “I know you wanted to.”
Stephen finally turned around from the stove. “Without his explicit permission? And after what he said?”
“You know he didn’t mean that,” Tony said weakly. 
The spatula dropped from Stephen’s hand. “Oh my god. You think I did this to him too.”
“I don’t know!” Tony lashed. “I don’t know what to think, Stephen, hence why I am asking!”
“How long have we been together?” Stephen demanded.
“Come on, let’s not do that.”
“No, no, I’d love to hear why my partner of ten years would think I’d stoop so low that I would force something like this on someone?”
Tony’s eyes narrowed dangerously. “You are putting words in my mouth.”
“Only the ones you don’t have the balls to come out and say.”
“Oh, you want to talk about balls?” he growled. “How about this. How about you stop pretending like everything is fine and freak out for real?” 
“What does that even mean?” Stephen asked, sheer frustration bleeding from every pore in his body.
“We’ve talked about wanting children one day. Maybe it was unintentional, you know that happens all the time,” Tony pointed out. “And why are you so certain it was you anyway?”
“Excuse me?”
“I’m a healthy, virile man. Me and Pepper had a few scares of our own when we were still together,” Tony said, spreading his arms out. “So why couldn’t it be me?”
“Really? That’s what you’re concerned about?” Stephen’s voice rose. “What the fuck, Tony?”
Tony banged a fist on the kitchen counter. “I don’t know, okay?” 
Stephen reared his head, clearly taken aback. “Tony…”
“I don’t know what’s happening, and honestly, I don’t really care.” His eyes began to water. “I just want Loki to be okay.”
Stephen sighed, feeling some of the tension drain away at the sight of the tears on Tony’s lashes. 
He walked over to where Tony sat and gathered his husband’s fingers into a fist. “Hey, hey. Nothing’s going to happen. Everything’s going to be fine.”
“I wish I could believe you.”
Stephen searched his husband’s face. As unpredictable as Loki’s moods were, Tony could be the more difficult to read sometimes. So much for being fellow humans. “Tony, what are you trying to say?”
“It’s not important,” Tony said finally, pulling his hand out of Stephen’s grasp gently. “I think you and Loki need to talk.” 
Stephen shook his head, adamant. “No. I know you. You’re upset about something.”
“Me? Upset?” Tony pasted a big grin on his face. “I’m ecstatic. We’re finally going to be parents, just like we always wanted.”
“Tony…” Stephen said warningly. 
“Just go see to Loki, okay?” Tony pushed himself off the bar stool. He needed to get out of the kitchen, he needed to be alone. “I got shit to do.”
“Where is Tony?” Loki asked when he saw Stephen standing alone at the door.
“He thinks we need to talk, just the two of us. So do I.”
The staring contest dragged on for a full minute, before Loki became the first to drop his gaze. 
“If we must,” Loki sighed, and let him in. 
Stephen figured asking the easy questions first would pave the way for harder ones, as well as help him gauge just how willing Loki was to talk. “How are you feeling?”
“I am feeling fine.”
Stephen nodded at the bed that had clearly been slept in. “Did you have a good rest?”
“Somewhat,” Loki said softly. “I am hungry.”
“Come on. Let’s have lunch.”
Loki took a seat at the very end of the long table and watched Stephen ladle out something from the tureen he had brought into a bowl. 
Stephen brought it over and held out a spoon. "Dig in. It's your favourite zucchini and potato soup. You scored some nice ones at the market today."
Loki was about to sip his first spoonful when he realised that Stephen was not eating. “You will not join me?”
“I’m happy just watching you.”
“Anyone ever told you that you’re very strange?”
“More times than I can count,” Stephen said. “Mostly by you.”
“It is a compliment.” Loki shrugged. “Most of the time.”
They spent the next fifteen minutes sitting in complete silence as Loki ate.
For someone so used to being watched, Loki seemed unusually self-conscious, fidgeting with his oversized dressing gown every few minutes to keep it from slipping down his shoulders.
Stephen refilled Loki’s glass to the brim with ice water, trying not to stare at the swirls of lines on his husband’s once-pristine skin. “Would you like some more? I made extra.”
Loki shook his head, looking uncomfortably full despite having had only a small serving of broth. 
“Go have a rest.” Stephen started clearing the table. Cleaning staff would have done it but he needed it, if only to give him a moment to think. 
Loki on the other hand was only too happy to be out of his way and do as he was told.  
Once he was cleaning up, Stephen walked over to the couch but before he could sit, Loki stopped him. "No. You are too close."
A hollow pit formed in Stephen's stomach. "You don't trust me."
Loki looked away. "Not you."
Stephen swallowed down most of the hurt and let the rest wash over like water. He was about to turn to leave and do this another day when an almost inaudible whisper reached his ear.
Blood rushed to his head. Like a stone, Stephen dropped onto the couch and lunged, gathering his husband in his arms. 
All life returned to the silent form and Loki gasped. "Stephen!” He flailed in a flurry of blue limbs as he pushed Stephen off of him in a panic. 
“What the hell are you doing?" Loki berated. When Stephen did not speak, true panic coloured his voice. "Did I burn you? Show me!”
"It's fine, I'm fine!" Stephen showed Loki his hand, intact and unblemished. "See?"
Loki’s red eyes scanned Stephen from head to toe in bewilderment. "You're unhurt?"
Stephen shook his head. "Not a bit."
"How?" Loki’s mouth fell open. "Is it because of your magic? It's protecting you?"
"Your ice didn't hurt me earlier so I took a gamble."
A beautiful fury flushed Loki's face into a ruddy sangria. "You took a gamble."
"I had to. I didn't know how else I could get you to talk."
"Does this mean Tony could - ?" Hold me too? The unspoken question was unmistakably loud. 
"I don't know. Not yet," Stephen said quietly.
“Oh.” Loki’s shoulders slumped with a devastation Stephen knew too well. 
“Are you ready to talk?” he asked quietly.
Loki did not answer but instead of pulling away, he inched closer. With overwhelming relief,  Stephen took the chance to wrap an arm around his back. He could feel the coldness of Loki’s skin through the thin silk of the gown and unconsciously began to rub a hand up and down Loki’s arm. 
“I know you’re scared,” Stephen murmured. “I’m scared too. More than you know.”
Loki shook his head slowly. 
"I wasn't avoiding you. I was...trying to process." A blue hand rested over a stomach as flat as a board. "Still processing, in fact. I had my suspicions of course.”
Stephen frowned; this was news to him. “When did you first start noticing?”
“The unbearable heat? A few days ago.”
Stephen gaped, but Loki remained blithely insouciant. “This morning at the market, it just got a bit much.”
“We should go see someone. You know, just to confirm.”
“No.” Loki shook his head. “There is no need.”
“Loki,” Stephen tried again, but an icy glare stole his words and breath both.
“There is no need,” Loki repeated flatly. 
“Okay, Loki,” he relented, despite his heavy reluctance. He had gotten Loki talking now and that was an achievement in itself. “I just wanted to make sure you’re alright.”
“I understand,” Loki said. “I thank you for your concern.” 
Still, his voice wavered as his resolve faltered. “I don't want anyone to see me like this. I am not ready."
"Will you believe me if I tell you that it doesn't matter how you look?"
"To you, maybe. To the rest of the world? Never." Loki closed his eyes and saw Odin, lying on the staircase to the vault that fateful day on Asgard. “There is no universe where a world exists that does not demand perfection.”
“Noone knows that more than me,” Stephen said, a haunted gauntness descending on his suddenly haggard features. “I can only see the world as it should be. Any imperfection, any deviation from reality...it stands out.” 
"And that is how you see me," Loki said bitterly. 
"No, you misunderstand. I seek imperfection, but at the same time, I fail to see imperfections in myself.” Stephen decided it was time for another gamble. He reached for Loki's hand. “Maybe you were right. Maybe this was my fault.”
Loki visibly hesitated. “About that....I think I misspoke earlier." 
“What do you mean?”
"Remember that night we spent together?"
"Just you and me or - ?"
Loki shook his head. "The three of us, on our anniversary. When I showed you both my other form?"
"Go on," Stephen said warily. 
"That night when we slept, I...may have neglected to reinforce my wards."
Stephen must have heard him wrongly. "What?"
"Contraceptive charms aren't a one-size-fits-all,” Loki mumbled. “Apparently I have to cast a new spell everytime I shift."
"And you didn't know this?"
Loki was furiously blushing now. "It slipped my mind, alright? It's been a while!"
"Oh God." Stephen could not stop himself in time from echoing Tony's words from earlier. "This is a nightmare."
Loki recoiled, as if slapped. "You don't mean that."
But Stephen was barely listening, his headspace catapulted to a time when a few too many drinks were had and the taste for the exotic followed them out the restaurant door all the way to their bedroom. 
Loki's female form was every bit as alluring and irresistible as his preferred male; to say that Stephen was besotted would be an understatement and he dared say that Tony too had felt the same.
The sudden drop of temperature in the room brought him out of the reverie and into the present, bringing with it a horror the likes of which he had never felt before.
Stephen swallowed hard. "Loki…"
"I thought you wanted this."
"I did. Babe, I still do," Stephen implored. "I just don’t think I’m ready."
"To be a father?"
A vehement shake of the head. "No, that I'm sure I can manage somehow. I can't imagine it'll be easy but with help...lots of help, and mistakes I’m sure, but it’s not impossible.”
“Then what is this fear I am seeing in your eyes?”
Stephen heard the fear mirrored in Loki’s voice and knew there was no going around it anymore. It was high time he brought his deepest, darkest fear out into the open.
“I fear not being able to help you," he confessed. “My knowledge and my skills only go so far.”
“Because I am not...human, you mean?”
Stephen’s silence provided Loki with all the answers he needed.
“Stephen, everything will be fine,” Loki said. “I will be fine.”
“You don’t sound so sure.”
"You have to make peace with not knowing everything, Strange." 
“Makes my job harder when I don’t.”
Loki leaned into Stephen’s shoulder and sighed, "So young and already so burdened.”
Stephen rested his cheek gratefully against the top of Loki’s head. "Sometimes I forget you are so much older than me." 
His heartbeat picked up pace at the thought of asking what he had to ask next. "Is that why it's so difficult for you to trust me?"
"Don't take it personally, Doctor. I don't even trust myself." The contrast between his blue skin and Stephen’s tan was jarring and it took everything Loki had not to pull his hand away. "I am the embodiment of chaos and yet here I am, with you."
"Then you wouldn't have liked the old me. I was a committed hedonist. Work hard, play harder."
"Urgh. A hedonist and a perfectionist." Loki made a pained face, the disdain all too familiar but for the faint heritage lines fringing the hollows of his cheeks. "We wouldn't have lasted a day."
“Ouch.” But Stephen had to agree. “Yeah, we would have been too similar.”
Loki remained quiet for a while. “I have said terrible things to you.”
“You do that all the time,” Stephen soothed. “It’s music to my ears.”
At the sheer gentleness of Stephen’s voice, Loki’s eyes filled. “I have hurt you.”
“I’ve had worse. Remember our first trip together, the three of us?”
“Please, don’t remind me.”
“I still have the scar from that.” 
Loki studied the sinewy lines of Stephen's hand. Even with the old scars, it was beautiful to his eyes. "Poor Stephen. Why does the world always hurt you?" 
"Better me than anyone else," Stephen said, patting the back of Loki’s hand placatingly. “I’ve got tons, what is one more? They all tell a story.” 
Just like the lines on your face , Stephen thought. He longed to trace each of them with his fingers first, then his lips. 
Catching his husband staring, Loki suppressed the urge to turn away. “How can you stand to look at me?”
“You are the most exquisite thing I have ever seen.”
“Liar,” Loki whispered. 
Stephen shrugged. “You didn’t believe me the first time I said I love you either.”
“You do not find me...unsightly?” Typical Loki, he simply had to ask what deep-down inside he already knew, “You love me still?”
Stephen kissed Loki’s lips gently. “I never stopped.”
But Stephen was far from done. “I can’t do words very well...but I’d take a bullet for you, Loki.” He grasped the cold fingers and clasped them against his chest, just as he had done on their wedding day. “And if there's a child, for them too."
Loki's eyes blurred. 
“I can’t do words either,” he sighed, leaning forward until they were forehead-to-forehead proper. “Nor do I understand Midgardians’ courting gifts, but my Brother said you should accept them if the feeling is mutual.” 
“So...thank you.” Loki finally smiled his first genuine smile in days, bittersweet albeit a little watery. “I’ll make sure to stand behind you at all times.”
Stephen chuckled. "Yeah, you do that."
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mamabearcatfanfics · 3 years
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A little Christmas Elf told me there was a delay on @lavendertwilight89‘s IYBC Secret Santa gift, so I decided to write just a little something. She already has the whole fic, but I’ll be releasing it here on tumblr in two parts. Just a little something soft and sweet, partially inspired by something that happened between myself and my husband when we were only just together and still working each other out, and also by one of her chosen prompts. So, without further ado, here’s Part One of Song and Dance Man.
Or read the entire story on AO3
Inuyasha walked out of his small kitchen, carrying a large mug of hot chocolate with extra marshmallows and a plate of chocolate chip cookies on a tray. He put it down on the coffee table in front of his girlfriend, stooping to drop a kiss on the top of her head, then snorted as she tried to nudge him aside so she could see the show she was currently watching. He didn’t know which one it was – they all seemed to blend into one another, and he did his best to block out the singing. Why was there always singing?
“Another one?” he teased, blocking her view even more. “You mean you haven’t watched every single musical on Netflix already? What’s this one called?”
“Singing in the Rain”, Kagome said testily. “And it doesn’t matter how many times I watch them, they make me feel better”, she said, trying to lean sideways. “C’mon, Inuyasha, move!”
Finally relenting at the pouting face looking up at him, he moved out of the way.
“Alright little storm cloud, you win.”
Kagome huffed at him, and he chuckled at her as he walked over to his desk, and picked up his headphones, grateful that the swelling crescendo of violins would soon be drowned out by the much more soothing sounds of screaming and gunfire from his paused game. He glanced back over to the TV as he sat down in front of his monitor.
“That guy looks constipated”, he commented. “How do you even watch this tripe?”
Kagome turned to glare at him over the back of the sofa, a cushion hugged to her stomach to help keep the hot water bottle in place.
“This is not tripe, and Don isn’t constipated!” she hissed. “He’s feeling! He’s in love with Kathy, but he has to act like he’s in love with Lina on screen”.
“That doesn’t mean he needs to torture me by singing and dancing about it”, Inuyasha muttered. “How are you meant to take any of this seriously, when they suddenly just burst into song about their innermost feelings? It’s utterly ridiculous. I don’t get how you can love musicals so much.”
“Is that what you really think?” she said quietly, the tone of her voice sounding brittle in comparison to the cheerful music playing in the background.
Inuyasha lowered his headphones, ears suddenly twitching with trepidation. He wasn’t always the best at reading a room, but he could definitely feel the tension in this one.
Their relationship was only new, but already Kagome seemed like a permanent fixture in his life. She was bubbly and kind, her tiny frame usually draped in the brightest coloured clothing she could find, and she always seemed to be singing or laughing. She reminded him sometimes of a sweet little canary, his own bright eyed and inquisitive songbird, with her happy go lucky mentality and readiness to try new things. She was everything he wasn’t.
They’d only met by chance, both of them stuck waiting in the Emergency Room at the local hospital, him waiting for his friend Miroku to get patched up after coming off his bike, and her waiting to get her wrist x-rayed after an accident with a set at the theatre where she worked. They’d chatted, or rather Kagome had, and he’d watched her, somehow mesmerised by this tiny human that was unruffled by his obviously hanyou features.
When Sango had appeared to pick up her bruised and scraped boyfriend, he’d decided to stay with Kagome, not liking the idea of leaving her there to wait all alone. Eventually she’d been x-rayed, poked and prodded, with Inuyasha tagging along at her request, finally triumphantly emerging from the hospital with her wrist strapped for a sprain. By then, the idea of her travelling home alone on public transport in the dark was abhorrent to him, so he’d driven her home. Somehow, she’d managed to get his number from him, and added herself into the paltry number of contacts on his phone.
When she’d texted a few days later to invite him out for a drink to say thank you, to his own surprise he’d eagerly accepted, and before he’d known it, they were inseparable. Early morning texts and late night phone conversations progressed to in person talks and late night kisses, until one night instead of accepting his reluctant good night, she’d launched herself at him and asked him to stay and take her to bed.
He’d hardly been able to look Kagome’s flatmate Shiori in the eye the next morning at breakfast, because they hadn’t exactly been discreet with the noise levels, with Kagome delighted to discover that youkai stamina extended to the bedroom. Shiori had teasingly remarked that his second task as Kagome’s boyfriend should be to buy her flatmate some decent earplugs. Kagome had found it hilarious, him, not so much.
Kagome now had two drawers in his dresser for clothes, a makeup bag and toothbrush in his bathroom, and an extra hook on the back of his door for her jacket. She hardly ever slept at her apartment now, only going back to do washing and visit Shiori.
It still shook him that Kagome actually cared for him, showed an interest in what he did. And the sex. They were starting to ease off a little now, but for the first few weeks, they were at it like rabbits, christening every room in his apartment, nearly every flat surface, and even some of the vertical ones. The sex was fucking amazing; she was so passionate, so eager, so utterly beautiful. It was like going from starvation rations to an all you could eat buffet, and he took full advantage of their mutual eagerness to explore each other’s bodies. He didn’t think he’d ever get enough of her.
But their relationship wasn’t just built just on that. They laughed with each other, teased each other, helped each other. He hardly knew the person he was becoming since he’d met Kagome, but the change was…good.
Even though it was early in the relationship, she’d already told him she loved him. At three months, this was the longest time he’d ever been with anyone and even though he was pretty sure he loved her too, he wasn’t quite comfortable saying that to her out loud yet. She understood. At least he’d done his best to try and show her how he felt, and she seemed happy with that. Miroku and Sango loved her too, and she’d slotted into their lives like she’d always been there. He’d never felt so happy.
But right now, the look she was giving him was not a happy one. She seemed almost on the verge of tears. Kagome had warned him early on that she did get emotional just before her period and that some months were worse than others. He’d felt a little embarrassed by her candid remark, never having been in a relationship long enough for that kind of information to be shared. But so far everything had been okay.
Today hadn’t been great though. She had been out of sorts ever since she’d woken up this morning, feeling exhausted, achy and irritable, and he’d done his best to not take anything she said to heart and try and do little things to comfort her, knowing it wasn’t really her talking but her hormones. She’d smelt a little different, even though she wasn’t bleeding yet, but nothing concerning.
But right now, she was beginning to worry him – her heart rate was speeding up and her scent hinted at extreme agitation, similar to a fight or flight response. This was new. Should he remind her that she’d told him she got emotional just before her period and that she needed to calm down? Some deep seated sense of self-preservation made him realise that wasn’t a good idea.  
“Kagome”, he said uncertainly, trying to work out what the safest approach was, not wanting to upset her even more. “Are you okay?”
“What if we’ve been fooling ourselves Inuyasha.”
“I mean, look at us,” she said, gesturing from Inuyasha’s faded Soundgarden t-shirt and ripped black jeans to her heart patterned leggings and hot pink t-shirt which proudly proclaimed she was Fuelled by Theatre and Coffee. “We couldn’t be more different.”
“But”, spluttered Inuyasha, his heart suddenly beating faster at the dangerous direction the conversation was taking. “Different is good! Yes, we like different things, but that shouldn’t matter!” Kagome’s bottom lip quivered.
“It might not matter tomorrow, or next week, or the week after that, but sooner or later, it would. That’s what you said last night.” Her breathing was picking up now, ragged gasps with a scent of tears.
“You said it’s important to find someone who shares your goals and your interests and fits into your life.”
“Kagome, I was talking about my asshole brother, and how he and Kagura aren’t on the same page about having kids! I wasn’t talking about us!”
“You just said musicals are utterly ridiculous”, she burst out, standing suddenly and letting the cushion and hot water bottle fall to the floor with a sad flop. “And just in case you’ve forgotten Inuyasha, I am a stage manager for a theatre company. Which means by default that you think I’m ridiculous.” A fat tear rolled down her cheek, quickly followed by another, and her distress was the only thing stopping him from snarling that the only thing ridiculous was this conversation. This wasn’t like her at all, and he needed to keep calm.
“Hey, hey, c’mon, I never meant that”, said Inuyasha softly as he stood, trying his best to de-escalate the situation. “I know your job is important to you, and just how much you love it.” Kagome continued on as if she hadn’t heard him, her voice breaking as tears streamed down her cheeks.
“You’ve never once shown an interest in anything that I’ve done at work. Never come to any of the shows I’ve been involved in”, she sniffed, and Inuyasha’s heart sank, made heavy with sudden guilt.
That was true. Kagome had listened to him rant about his work as a software test analyst, had shown interest in the games he played when he relaxed, had even made a WOW character and tried going on a raid with him when it was clearly not her thing. But she��d thrown herself into it, just like everything else she did, laughing at herself when she made mistakes, just happy to spend time with him sharing something he loved. He hadn’t done anything like that for her, hadn’t even noticed. That needed to change.
Kagome began gathering her things in a haphazard fashion, stuffing them in her backpack.
“Baby, don’t”, he said, trying to reach out to hug her. “Don’t leave when you’re upset. I promise we’re going to be better – I’m going to get better. I’m still learning how to be good at this. Please?”
She dodged his outstretched arms. “Don’t baby me”, she hissed, her tone venomous. “Sometimes I wonder if you’re even trying to get to know me. Do you even care at all? Or are you just in this for the sex?”
Inuyasha looked stricken. “Kagome…” His arms dropped to his sides.
Her eyes widened at his broken expression, her hands shaking as she reached tentatively towards him, then pulled herself back.
“I... I can’t do this right now”, she sobbed, pushing herself away. “I’m going home!”
And then the door slammed, and Inuyasha was left standing in the middle of his apartment, the untouched plate of cookies, cooling hot chocolate and water bottle the only evidence that Kagome had been there.
A man danced happily on his TV in the background, splashing around in rain puddles like it was the best thing ever. He plonked himself down on his sofa and picked up the cushion that Kagome had been hugging only moments before, burying his nose in it.
“What the fuck?” he whispered into the pillow. “What the actual fuck?!”
He didn’t know how serious this was, but it felt bad. She’d only been gone for seconds and already his life felt emptier. He felt sick, like he was going to vomit. He needed to fix it and fast. Because there was no way that he was going to lose Kagome over something like this.
Part Two
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hehron · 4 years
Not A Harpy
Summary: Harry always makes Ginny feel better, even if they're not together. Just a little Hinny best friends/neighbours au I've wanted to post for a while now. Will likely be a three-shot.
Not A Harpy
"Whoa, you look like someone stole your piggy puff," Harry said, as he watched Ginny come up the stairs.
She gave him a blank look, before quietly making her way towards her apartment.
"Seriously, what's wrong? Ron threatened what's-his-name and embarrassed you again?" He asked, leaning against the door frame.
Ginny stopped. She hadn't even thought about Paul since the evening. He probably wouldn't even want to see her again, when he heard.
She turned to look at him, her lip trembling. He suddenly grew serious, taking two steps closer. "What's wrong?"
"I didn't get it," She said, swallowing hard.
"What?" Harry frowned.
"I didn't make the team." That was all it took for the tears she'd kept at bay for the past hour to break free.
"Oh," His eyes widened, his shock apparent on his face. This only made her sob harder.
"Come here," He said softly, bringing her into a hug. She tightened her arms around him, crying into his shoulder.
"Why? I mean, you're so good," He muttered before a thought occurred to him. "It's not- It's not because you're a blood traitor, is it?" He asked sharply.
"N-No," She sniffled. The thought had occurred to her, but she knew it wasn't the case. "The rest of them were that good. I wasn't- I couldn't- They flew better-"
"It's okay, it's okay," He comforted. "It'll be okay."
"Harry?" They broke apart to see Lisa Turpin waiting at the staircase. It was only then that Ginny realised he was dressed to go out.
"Hi, Lisa," Harry said awkwardly.
"Is everything all right?" Lisa asked, even though Ginny tried to surreptitiously wipe her tears. God, she hated crying.
"Oh, yeah, everything's fine," She gave a bland smile. "You two go ahead." She turned her keys and went inside before he could object.
"Um, is it okay if we skip tonight?" Harry asked, eyeing Ginny's closed door.
"Okay, but what's wrong with her?" Lisa asked.
"Nothing. Just things…"
"Well, aren't you sensitive all of a sudden!" She gave a little laugh. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow."
"Yeah, bye," He said as she left.
"All right, move over," Harry said, entering Ginny's apartment.
"I thought you were going on a date," Ginny said, glumly, lying on her sofa.
"Are you kidding? I've been trying to get out of it for ages," He said, sitting on the floor.
"Everything sucks."
"Yup, that's about right."
"No, I mean it," Ginny said, sitting up. "I don't get my dream job, and I can't even get drunk because Hermione threw away the rest of our alcohol after Susan's break up."
"Now that was an entertaining night," Harry held back a grin. "We certainly enjoyed it."
"Ugh, boys," She tsked, cracking a smile, which dropped as soon as her eyes landed on her forgotten broomstick.
"Hey, I know it sucks now, but it's going to work out."
She gave him a dubious look.
"So what if the Harpies didn't pick you? It's their loss. There are plenty of other teams who are dying to have you!"
"I guess the Tornadoes aren't that bad. Angelina's on it," She conceded. "Or PU."
"There you go! Oliver Wood is the captain. Shaping to be my favourite team."
"That's because you have a crush on Wood," She sniffed.
"Anyone who's spent five minutes with Oliver will realise liking him is like liking Hagrid's three-headed dog."
Ginny let out a watery laugh.
"And worse comes to worst, you can always play for the Canons," He teased. "Ron will be over the moon."
"God, no!" Ginny said at once. "There's no way I'll ever stoop to that level!"
She groaned suddenly, covering her face with her hands. "Oh, Harry, I made an ass of myself today!"
"Come on, you?"
"Yes!" She exclaimed, dropping her hands to her lap. "I acted cocky and cheeky and- Oh My God- I acted like myself. And I mean my overconfident, arrogant self, not the cheeky and endearing one."
"Yeah, none of us liked that version," Harry said solemnly.
"I'm serious!" She said, punching him lightly.
"Okay, okay," He chuckled. "Eh, just forget about it, Gin," He said, joining her on the couch and snaking an arm over her shoulder.
"I can't," She moaned, leaning against him. "I can't get some of the things I said out of my head. Harry! I told Gwenog Jones that I was going to kick her ass! The Gwenog Jones! Stop laughing. It's not funny!" She whacked his arm, though she was also grinning.
"Oh, I disagree. I can totally picture you doing that. What did she say?" He asked as his laughter subsidised.
"She told me she would kick mine, and she did," Ginny winced.
"Yikes! Still, it's a bigger accomplishment than many. How many others can say they got their asses kicked by Gwenog Jones?"
"I guess that's true," She shrugged.
"Yeah! I would kill to get my ass kicked by someone as awesome as Gwenog Jones!" Harry exclaimed.
"Wouldn't be too hard to do that," Ginny smirked.
"Younger seeker in a century, Gin-Gin."
"Oh, please, everyone knows Mcgonagall only put you on the team because she wanted to piss off Snape," She scoffed.
"I knew it was you who started that rumour!" Harry accused.
"It's not a rumour if it's true, Darling," She grinned.
"You're awful," He complained, and they lapsed into a comfortable silence.
"The worst thing is Hermione's going to rub it in my face," Ginny groaned after a while. "'I told you to be respectful, Ginny' or 'I told you not to be overconfident, Ginny' or 'You should have let me prep you, Ginny'," She said in a perfect imitation of her best friend, causing Harry to snigger.
"I shouldn't be telling you this, but," Harry leaned in to whisper. "Hermione only got an Acceptable on her Potions NEWT."
"No!" Ginny exclaimed, looking gleeful. "How is that possible?"
"Oh, she got cocky too. Rubbing it in that she was naturally talented while we needed help from the Prince's book."
"I know I should be sympathetic, but that makes me feel so much better," Ginny admitted.
"Everyone needs some leverage to counter the lectures, Gin. But I recommend only using it once."
"Ooh, what's the story there?"
"I tried using it twice, and she pulled out an alphabetised list of all the stupid things I'd done. Was not a pleasant experience."
Ginny cackled at this.
"You feeling better, then?" Harry asked.
"I guess," She shrugged. "Yeah, what the heck, I'll be fine. It's not the end of the world."
"Great. And it's not even seven. What do you wanna do?"
"A quick game would be nice," She said, looking outside.
"All right, but I won't go easy on you," Harry said with a straight face.
"Ha! Like I need you to go easy on me to beat you, loser."
"I see Mean Ginny's back," Harry grumbled.
"Oh yeah, and she's going to kick your cute little ass!" A threat she was able to follow through much to Harry's chagrin.
"Thanks, I had a great time, something I didn't think was possible today," Ginny
smiled as they walked back to their apartments.
"Well, you did get me out of an annoying date, so I guess I owed you one."
"Why don't you just dump her if she's so annoying?" She asked exasperatedly.
"And have all of you rub it in my face that I'm the only single one? Not a chance."
"Aw, come on, I'm dumping Paul before he dumps me, and I want company."
"Nice try, I'm not falling for that again," He snorted.
"Aw, Har, please?"
"Come on!"
"Why not?"
"Because guys will already be lining up to go out with you! Do you have any idea how hard it was for me to find someone who's not a fangirl?"
Her lips twitched. "You could try going out with muggles."
"Yeah, because that went so well for me last time," He said sarcastically.
"You just need to be more suave," She said, giving him many more useless suggestions before they reached the apartment, where the whole gang was gathered. And so an awful day ended on a high note, with Ginny feeling impossibly fond of her friends, well, one friend more than others.
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i-rely-on-you · 3 years
Hey could you write a prompt about Farah and Saul worrying about their daughter who goes off with the winx?
Thank you so much for this wonderful promt! I took some liberties with this so I hope my anon likes it anyways ;-)
Happy Valentines folks
It wasn’t like Farah to be clingy. It wasn’t a word that you would usually associate with her.  
But ever since her daughter was born things had changed. She had changed.  
It had been a little over 7 months ago now that they had welcomed a new light into their lives.  
When Farah had first found out she was pregnant she had been shocked to say the least. Pregnancies at her age were quite rare even in their world. For humans even more so than fairies. They didn’t differ that much physiologically speaking but it did happen from time to time.  
So the shock at finding out had been great. A million different thoughts started flying through her head at once. The most pressing one being “I have to tell Saul.” And so without the slightest bit of hesitation she went out to find him in the middle of a training session.  
The look on her face had him on high alert in an instant and he gave over to Sky to continue with training in his place.  
Mutely Farah had taken Sauls arm to steer him in the direction of her office where they could talk more privately.  
Upon reaching the confines of her office she locked the door behind them and strategically placed herself in the middle of the room. Close enough for him to touch but also far enough away to leave room for him to bolt if he felt the need. Not that she thought he would do that but she wanted to leave all options open and not suffocate him with their situation.  
He looked at her and followed her movements with his eyes attentively. “You’re kinda scaring me here Farah. What is going on?” He gave her a small smile to encourage her to talk to him.  
Which she did.  
“I’m pregnant.”
She couldn’t exactly describe the look on his face as she said it because the emotions that crossed his face in the time span of 4 seconds were overwhelming. His face lit up with a smile so bright one second she thought it would split his face in two and the next he wrinkled up his forehead in confusion and concern while already taking a step towards her. There was no hesitation on his part in touching her arm as he took in her coiled stance.
Stooping down a fraction to look into her eyes he whispered “Are you okay?” and put a hand to her cheek, stroking her skin delicately.
Of all the things she had expected him to say, this hadn’t been one of them. She had expected him to ask wether she was sure or for how long she’d known. Or maybe even outright express concern at her age and the dangers this would bring with it.
But not that.  
Scolding herself internally she shook her head at her foolishness of even having thought of him saying such things. This was Saul for Christ’s sake. Her partner of more than three decades. Of course he wouldn’t ask such stupid things.
Taking the shake of her head as a negative to his question he got even more worried and placed is other hand fully on her side, pressing closer. The hand on her face grasping her cheek a little more firmly. Looking deeply concerned he was practically begging her to talk to him with his stormy grey orbs. Tears of worry pooling in the corners of his eyes.  
The onslaught of emotions catching her off guard she had to put her hand out on his chest to steady herself.  
“I’m fine. We’re fine Saul.” At this the man holding her let out a deep breath sagging with relief. He took her face in both his hands and looked at her with a sheepish smile on his lips. “Why would you scare me like this woman.” his exhale hitting her face like a cool breeze startling her out of her stupor.  
“I’m sorry I don’t know what came over me. It is just so much to take in.” With this she let out a puff of air herself in relief touching her forehead to his grasping at his lapels to get closer to him.  
Humming in reply he kissed her forehead softly before looking into her eyes again. He took one of her hands and rested them on his chest.  
To say he looked ecstatic would’ve been an understatement. The man looked positively out of his mind with glee when he proceeded to let his hands glide down to her sides to stroke her stomach through her dress with his thumbs. She followed his eyes. Looking down at herself in wonder she began to smile herself.  
Sucking in a small breath she looked at his thumbs rubbing soft circles into the material of her dress barely enough pressure to feel it. “I was almost ready to leave for my classes today when I felt her.” She mused quietly. “It came so suddenly I was confused at first but then…” she trailed off.  
Grinning he looked up into her eyes again before startling all of the sudden, “Wait.” he wondered looking down and up again in one fast movement fixing her with a stare. “Her?” he choked out.  
Nodding she felt tears gathering in her own eyes at the look of pure joy on his face. In one swift motion he had his arms around her and had picked her up in a crushing hug. Startled the fairy wound her arms around his neck to steady herself and threw her head back laughing at his antics. “Yes Saul. Her.” she said once the world stopped spinning and she could look at his face again.  
Setting her down again softly but still holding her so close, chest to chest breathing hard, her feet barely touching the floor he marvelled “We’re gonna have a little girl?” his breath stocking, choked up with emotion.  
Nodding she took his face in her own hands now and kissed him softly. Melting into the kiss Saul and Farah just revelled in the moment letting time pass without consequence. Just holding each other close. Breathing each other in.  
They could talk about everything else later but for now they had all they needed in this world. They had each other and this little life they created between them.  
Everything else could wait. They could worry about the rest of the world later.  
Which brought her to her current predicament.  
Well maybe worry was a bit too strong a word to use in their situation. But she couldn’t help it. She was being clingy with their daughter and there was no fault in that either seeing as Saul was just as bad as she was with letting their daughter out of their sight.  
The school was out for the day and Farah hadn’t settled back into her teaching position fully yet. She just helped a few students out here and there to control their magic, gave advice and tried to do as much as possible without actually teaching. She avoided being away from her little girl currently pressed to her chest as much as she could.  
Sitting here in the small stuffed alcove in the courtyard, holding her little baby close, Saul sitting right next to her having an arm wound around her back, Farah had to contemplate giving the very attentive child over to Blooms waiting arms.  
“Please please just for a second? I just want to introduce her to the fun she’ll be up to with us when she’s a little older. I swear we’ll be right over there.” the young fire fairy said while pointing over to where Musa, Aisha, Stella and Terra were standing waving at them.  
At hearing the fun bit Farah had lifted an eyebrow and fixed her with an expectant glare while tilting her head a little in the direction of the young woman.  
Rushing to explain her pupil put out her hands in explanation “Nothing dangerous fun of course! You know I would never let anything happen to her. She’s the closest thing I have to a sister.” with that she grew slightly more solemn in her demeanour but not less motivated. Like she just needed to clarify the fact that Farah and her little family of three had grown closer to her in a way that only found family could.  
Farah knew that Bloom had grown to be more to her than just a pupil too. She considered her to be more than just a surrogate or a student. She had adopted her into her heart in all ways but on paper.
Her pregnancy had only brought them closer. She loved the girl like she were her own.  
Looking over at Saul, Farah waited for the nod she knew was coming from her smiling partner and rested her eyes back on the fire fairy in front of her.  
Changing her grip on the infant, Farah detached herself from her daughter and handed her over as carefully as possible. Blooms face betraying her absolute joy at being able to hold her little surrogate sister, stuck out her tongue in concentration as she took a hold of the baby and settled her into her arms with an almost practiced ease.  
Cooing at the baby in her arms, Bloom spoke to her softly, “Hello beautiful! How about we say hi to our friends huh?” bending her face down to be at a level with the infants beautiful grey eyes she continued to chatter to her while already having started to march over to her little ragtag group of friends.  
With that they were off to the other side of the courtyard not even 15 metres away.  
Letting out a small sigh, Farah settled more deeply into Sauls side. His arms coming around her more fully now holding her to him lovingly. Nuzzling her neck he murmured “She’s a good kid.” never taking his eyes off her daughter as she was being shown around her group of friends. Everyone making silly faces at her as they went.
Nodding slightly “I know.” Farah answered softly. Still having her eyes on her daughter she murmured “I will never stop worrying though.” softly enough for Saul to hear.
Nodding into her neck he placed a soft kiss on her skin just above her collar bone before fixing his gaze on their daughter again. She seemed content as she gurgled words nobody could understand while happily petting Bloom on the cheeks with her chubby little hands.  
Bloom had taken the hand of their little baby girl in one of hers and was rocking her around softly as if dancing. The little fairy sitting on her hip loving the movement. Musa being the ever prepared pupil had pulled out a tiny bluetooth speaker that was playing a peppy pop song on low volume sitting on a nearby balustrade.  
Soon all of the four young women were dancing around with their little ray of sunshine gurgling and screeching in delight in their middle. It was a sight to see.  
Watching the kids having so much fun made Farah immeasurably happy and Saul loved seeing her like this. Alight with joy and pride for her children. One of blood and one of choice.  
Life was good they decided. For once in their lifetime they loved living.  
This was home. There was no other place like it.  
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xoxo-nikki-xoxo · 4 years
Elijah Mikaelson × Female Reader
Prompts number 21 22 "Tell me... if you love me or not. If not I'll leave you alone forever" and "You have bewitched me body and soul, and I love you"
Authors note: I totally based this fic off of Jane Austins Pride and Prejudice. Elijah just totally give me Mr. Darcy vibes. Sorry if you don’t understand that reference. So this fic to by best of abilities is going to be written in the time line of the late 17th century and early 18th century. FYI sorry if this sucks, i truly did try my best.
Words cant even descried how your feelings for Elijah Mikaelson has changed in the course of only a few months. From when you first met him he was so stuck up, egotistical, and well complete and utterly rude. But it was I that was wrong about him. For Mr. Mikaelson pride might be what you see be wrong, but its for his pride that makes him unique. 
Sitting on the porch engulfed in a bool as I usual am, I received word of a visitor. For it is Miss. Mikaelson arriving by carriage.
“ Dear Miss. y/n, you must come with me at once! I know you have already received your invitation to our ball this evening, but i need if if you are not to busy. It was my wretched bother Kol! He ruined my beautiful ball gowned now i must go fetch myself a new one! With this being announced i need your assistance to help me pick out the 2nd best. And I thought well we were at is we pick out a new dress for you.”  Rebekah say as she steps out of the carriage with the help of the carriage driver.
“ O Rebekah darling you know i well help you select a new gowned. But i don’t think i can accept-” 
“ Don’t finish that sentence we are picking new dresses out and that’s final. Wheres your mother? I surly must say hello before i take you for the rest of the afternoon” she says as she makes her way up onto the porch. The Mikaelson family has been staying in New Orleans for about 6 months now. Your first glimpse of the family was of course arranged by your family, more so your mother then father. But that’s when your friendship with the youngest Mikaelson truly took off. Of course by the moment you where introduced to Niklaus, Elijah and Kol, you were taken back by the pride the men in the family. More so Elijah then the others. Niklaus was the most polite, asking for your hand in the first dance, Kol was nice ,but excused himself the moment he had the chance. For some reason i just could never truly get Elijah out of my mind. His character was so not normal it was brain wrecking. Not saying hello at first but only making slight comments during conversations with other people.
“ okay fine, but only because you said so. Ma is probably in the drawing room tending to my younger sister” you stand up politely bowing to Rebekah as you two make your way into the house for a simple hello and goodbye.
Tumblr media
“ Oh dear y/n! That is the one!! The blush pink color is your color, and if my foolish brother, Elijah doesn't make a gesture tonight well ill have to simple slap him myself because you are going to look stunning tonight” Rebekah says standing up clapping when you came out of the dressing room in this beautiful pink dress.
“ Rebekah!”
“O don’t Rebekah me! I know you fancy my brother, don’t worry love he fancies you too.”
“ Well he has a terrible way of showing it” You turn to face the mirror admiring yourself in this dress. If it wasn't for Rebekah being who she is you would have never dared to step into this dress. the waist fitting perfectly around you, the top showing off slight cleavage ,but not enough where it became inappropriate. The dress was everything and perfect.
“ My poor oldest brother... He has an odd way of showing his feelings to anyone outside of the family. So don’t be so uptight, and trust me when i say he truly dose have his eyes set on you” Rebekah smiles going over to me for a quick hug.
“ Now enough of this talking, we still have to figure out a dress for me!”  She adds. I simple smile bowing slightly before i make my way back to the dressing room to take the dress off. once it is off i make my way back into the fitting area sitting down where Rebekah had once sat waiting my dress reveal. After 4 different dresses she finally comes out.
“ This is it, this dress if the one. Hope fully this well catch the eye of the governors son” Rebekah says smiling as she comes out twirling in her dress with her ever so perfect smile.
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“ Your out of your sense, the poor governors boy has been totally bewitched by you. If its anyone stopping him from coming forward its your brothers, they would probably kill the poor soul before he could even say Rebe-” you tease giggling as she threw some gloves at you.
“ I cant believe you would stoop to the level of throwing my crazy brothers in my face like that” Bek’s says causing you to giggle even more.
“ Well I think that dress makes you look ravishing, I think its best we get heading to your estate where well finish getting ready” You say standing up to help her with the dress.  
“ Ah welcome Miss. Y/N i see my lovey sister has been torturing you with gown shopping” Niklaus says smiling at me with his lips as he greets both me and Rebekah at the fount door to their gorgeous estate.
“ Good evening to you too Mr. Mikealson. And it wasn't tortures at it, it was quite lovely actually. Rebekah and I both picked out new ball gowns for the ball that’s coming up in a short few hour”
“ ah yes speaking of that ball we must start getting ready too. Don’t be such a bloody wanker either Nik, us girls just want to have fun that’s all. Plus if maybe you smile more often there would be more women that would like to dance with you”
“ Oh course well my apologize sister, but would if it be alright with you Miss.y/n if i have a quick word with my youngest sister. She well be right there to accompany you with getting ready” and with a simple bow and curtsy both were off to the den to talk privately. I have curtsy back as i headed up the grand stair case to the fitting room I've grown to be so accustomed too. This house, this marvelous house.. My poor mind, it wonders to where he might be. He has to be in this house somewhere. 
As i descend upon the stairs i can hear footsteps, my heart beat picking up at the anticipation of being able to see the noble man of the house, Elijah.               “ good evening, Miss. y/n. I wasn't expecting any visitors so early before the party” Elijah say, i must have caught him off guard with my appearance.
“My apologizing for catching you off guard Mr. Mikaelson.. You dear sister invited me here earl to help her get ready for today's event” i bow as soon as i start my sentence.
“ Well it seems as though I’m the one who needs to apologizes, Forgive me” He says taking my hand gently into his giving it a soft kiss before leaving me to the room I was headed too. Of course my interaction with Elijah made me blush as i walk to the room being escorted by one of the many helpers around the house, the lady was carrying both Rebekah and I’s dress.
“ Sorry about that little interruption, I had to inform Niklaus about someone i heard conspiring against us. You understand. Now enough of that lets get ready for this ball!” Rebekah announces once she comes into the room where i was awaiting her. I smile nodding, but the only imagine i have in my head is of Elijah. More importantly his lips on my hand. O those soft pink lips, i wish to have them on me all the time.
The ball is as exquisite as i could have ever imagine it. Being involved with such a high social rank as the Mikaelson family is such a privilege to my family and I. For right now i am currently in a conversation with both Rebekah, Niklaus and well of course my father. 
“ You must excuse us Mr. y/l/n its time for the toast” Niklaus says nodding slightly to my father as he leads Rebekah up the stairs to where the other sidings reside. Of course I make eye contact with Elijah causing a blush to spread across my face. He warm smile to me cause the blush to deepen
“ During times like this its truly time to celebrate family and friend its especially gratifying in times when treachery run deep to know you have someone you can trust. A toast to you, my sister, to Rebekah.” Klaus announces raising his champagne glass as we toast. I smile watching confused at first when i see Kol turn a whiter shade of white before he runs off. Niklaus must have been speaking of Kol in his foreshadowing of his speech. As speechless as everyone was I truly wasn't, knowing who the family is it comes to be no surprise when i watch Nik and Elijah corner Kol
“Apologizes ladies and gentlemen for it wouldn't be a Mikaelson party without a little family drama” Nik announces and in one swift movement shoving a silver dagger into kols heart. I flinch of course, turning away heading to the door to get some fresh air. Stepping out to the cool breeze of the night is refreshing. The moon and stair are shining bright.
“ Forgive me, Miss. Y/n, but may I accompany you on a late night walk” Its his voice, there’s no need to ask who it is talking to me. Hes holding his hand out to me, so of course i accept. 
“ It would be a shame if i said no wouldn’t it?” I respond smiling turning to face him putting my small hand into his ever so large one.
“ You have to know that what you witness a few minutes ago i wish i would not have to done in the eyes of the public.” our stroll begins as we walk threw the garden they have out front.
“ no need for apologizing, though it was a shame to see...” I simple respond holding onto his arm as we walk
“ I must confess something to you though Miss. Y/N, We’ve both been feeling a certain way for each other and i must say it out load before it eats me alive *Stops walking as he puts his hand on your cheek* I l- I love you Y/N.  Tell me... if you love me or not. If not I'll leave you alone forever" as hes confessing i cant help but smile, hes so perfect. His face, him himself must have been sculpted from the gods and he love me. Me? 
“ Elijah, I have loved you sense the day we meet, you have bewitched me body and soul, and i- i- i love you. There’s a reason why i kept coming back... it was for you” and with that we share our first kiss. His lips soft, the smell of nutmeg running nose filling me up. The kiss its passionate, full of all the unspoken words we have yet to tell each other. Pulling away just enough so we both can catch our breath. Our foreheads resting up against each other as we enjoy this moment.
“ I have been waiting for your kiss forever” He whispers softly as he leans in again to engulf me in another perfect kiss
“ Finally you two confuses your feelings, only took you both almost a year” Rebekah shouts out cause me to giggle into the kiss i share with him.
He chuckles hearing his sister remarks “ I must say, you look quite beautiful this evening y/n” Elijah says smiling softy as he tucks a lose piece of hair behind my face.
////// I hope I did this fic the justice it deserves. It was totally Pride and Prejudice inspired hence the reason its so formal and well oldish sounding... lol well hope you guys enjoyed!
xoxo nikki ///////
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beomglocks · 4 years
love potion ; c.sb
[txtober day 1]
warnings/other: wizard!soobin, human!y/n, slight angst, soobin gives y/n a potion but doesnt tell you want kind of potion it is
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today was the day. today was the day soobin would try to slip you a love potion. after pining over you, a human, for months, he would finally build up the courage to do something about his crush. he wasn't sure if it was going to work or not because frankly, he wasn't good at potions unlike his friends who's main course of study was potions and potion-making. he'd gotten some tips from taehyun beforehand who had told him this was a bad idea but did soobin listen? no, because he had already seen you walking into taehyun's shop.
that day he tried to play it cool and pretend like he was buying something but he wasn't good at acting natural. "hey soobin! hey taehyun!" you walked into the shop and leaned on the counter next to soobin. "h-hey y/n," soobin stuttered. "what brings you here?" he could've been way smoother with that one.
"yeonjun wanted me to get some fairy wings for his next recipe. he couldn't come to get it himself since he doesn't want to leave the goblins tongue's around his house unattended. apparently, they're jumpy," you chuckle.
"hahah yeah they sure are," soobin rubs his neck nervously. taehyun looks at him with pity before he goes to get yeonjun's order. "what brings you here?" you ask him. soobin stumbles over his words before he answers, "well...i just-, you know i just like to hang out here sometimes." you nod absentmindedly, looking around the shop.
taehyun had come back with the materials you went there for and you were about to leave when soobin called out to you. "hey wait, you wanna hang out sometime maybe? i could show you some cool new crystals i just bought," he really hopes you say yes because you rejecting him right in front taehyun, who's watching with wide eyes, will surely make him the butt of his friends jokes.
"sure! how about tomorrow?"
that's how soobin found himself hunched over his cauldron with wyvern scales on his right and phoenix ash on his left. taehyun had given him all the materials needed for a love potion and told him to "do the right thing” to which soobin just shrugged at. he had asked yeonjun what was the recipe for a love potion and when yeonjun had asked why he had hung up.
he couldn't have people questioning him, especially not your friends which were also his friends. he had to do just a bit of work to go through his shelve of books to find an ancient love potion that would hopefully work. if it didn't work he could risk you ending your friendship with him.
he heard a knock on his door and threw the book somewhere in the room. he opened the window so that the fragrance of the potion didn't linger. he was also betting on the fact that since you were a human you wouldn't even be able to know what potion was currently being brewed.
he rushed to the door and opened it as nonchalantly as possible, "hey". "hey soobin," you smiled at him. you looked around his house and saw that everything was neat. to be honest, you didn't expect soobin to be a very neat person but his house was pretty cute and tidy. "so what are we doing?" you sat on his couch but he quickly ushered you to stand up and follow him. "well i wanted you to try this potion i'm trying to cook up."
you looked at him with a worried face because its a running joke in your friend group that soobin is not the skilled one when it comes to potions and elixirs. he's more of a crystals and magic ball kind of guy. speaking of crystals, "i thought you were gonna show me some of your new crystals?" you stop him from dragging you into the room where his cauldron is located and eye him suspiciously.
"riiight well i sent them to hueningkai to get them cleaned and rid of any bad energy, you know," he smiles at you nervously hoping you'll buy that. you nod skeptically but allow him to continue guiding you to his cauldron.
"woah," you look at the pot in the middle of the room with awe. its a pretty shade of pink and lavender and smells like cherries. "what potion is this supposed to be," you ask him. soobin stares at you, "uh well i don't really know to be honest. i was hoping you could taste test it?" he rubs his neck.
"why don't you taste test it," you raise a brow at him. "i don't think it'll work on me," he laughs nervously. "because i'm already in love with you." you glance down at the pot again, "what if its something bad?" he raises his hands in defense, "it's nothing bad i promise, i wouldn't do that to you."
you shrug, "ok then i trust you." hearing you say those words make him feel kind of guilty but he pushes that feeling back. he looks inside the cupboard for a tiny glass vial for you to drink out of. he dips the vial into the pot waiting for it to fill up before handing it to you. "tell me if you feel any different." you nod, taking the vial from him.
he watches you closely as you drink the potion. if his calculations (and the book) were correct then it should last for only 5 minutes. he mentally sighed, unfortunately, there was no such thing as a love potion lasting forever. he would just have to savor these 5 minutes of whatever the potion did to you.
the sound of you putting the vial down startles him out of his thoughts. "soobin?" you ask quietly. he doesn't look at you, he looks at the empty vial then slowly looks up at you. you're looking at him with confusion written all over your face. "y-yeah?"
"i've always had feelings for you but was never sure how to show them or how you'd feel towards them since im just a measly human and you're a wizard?" he can hear the confusion clear as day in your voice. his mouth drops open in shock because what? you just confessed? you've liked him this whole time?
the potion must've only heightened your feelings since apparently you already liked him. he wasn't sure what to say or do so he just stayed in his spot. "im sorry did i just say that? you must've made a love potion or something," you sigh dejectedly. you didn't want soobin to find out just so that he would reject you but here you were telling him.
soobin looks at your sad state and feels like he should come clean, he feels way too guilty right now. "y/n i knew it was a love potion but to be fair i didn't think it would work!" he sees your eyes widen then narrow as if trying to figure out whether or not you should be mad at him.
"i'm pissed as fuck but i want to kiss you at the same time," you want to cry because you've never felt so conflicted in your whole life. soobin sees the distress in your face and runs up to hug you. "fuck im so so sorry y/n. i just wanted you to like me since i wasn't sure if you liked me back, i was being really fucking selfish."
he wants to punch himself so hard right now. he should've listened to taehyun.
you push him away softly and tug him down to your level to kiss him. to say he's surprised is an understatement. he kisses you back softly but hesitantly because he's scared the potion is gonna wear off at any moment. before he even gets the chance to get deeper into the kiss and place his hand on your waist, he's being pushed back roughly.
he's still in a daze but he can clearly see the anger and embarrassment in your face. "if you wanted to know how i felt about you, you could've asked me on a date or something normal! you didn't have to slip me a love potion. god, i know you use magic for everything but you stooped low soobin."
you turn your back to him to leave his apartment but feel him holding you back. "wait i know i fucked up big time but im really sorry ok?" you yank your arm from him and continue walking towards the door.
"sorry isn't gonna cut it soobin. you betrayed my trust and i don't wanna see you anymore." with that you slam the door right in his face, leaving him speechless and guilty.
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