#i LOVE CHILDREN and was raised by a father who LOVES CHILDREN so 90% of my headcannons involve these two with children
acearohippo · 1 year
I dunno if you've talked about this but what do you think about LiXuan being parents? Would they want kids? :3c
What do I think?? WHAT DO I THINK??? You do not know the can of worms you've just dashed onto the concrete.
Umm... Hmm... I guess there can be an mpreg warning?? *wavey hands* and, perhaps, a mild case of body dysphoria??? you'll see when you get to Tang Xuan's section.
But for now:
Li Ling ABSOLUTELY wants kids. He thought he didn't, then he was forced to volunteer at an elementary school after school program and was suddenly gripped with the intense desire to see a bunch of mini hims running around. He wants an ARMY'S WORTH of his own children.
Not babies though, man's terrified of babies. He's the type of parent that really excels at parenting once their kid enters school. Before that? Lost™, Confused™, Perpetually-in-an-Extistential-Crisis™™™. And once the kid hits the teenage years, they're practically ready and solid enough to tussle and throw hands with, so he goes from stern but nurturing and doting to "these hands rated e for everyone who don't CATCH THEY ATTITUDE". He gets along SO WELL with children, too, that while people are shocked at first on how enthusiasticly he wants to be a father, they realised rather quickly that it makes a lot of sense given how into it he gets when playing with children and how he has a permanent spot as a substitute teacher (which he did the work to get credentials for) at several local elementary schools.
As for Tang Xuan, I guess we have unlocked a Personal Backstory Headcannon. Many of you know that I have Tang Xuan's gender as intersex. What y'all don't know is I don't headcannon him as trans. It's a very long and drawn out backstory, but the gist is that Tang Xuan was raised a little boy, hit puberty, grew boobs and started getting (sporadicly) periods, which had people around him trying to "be progressive" and call him by feminine pronouns and Mei, and that caused a bit of an identity crisis. It's less that he transitioned and more that he had to really hammer it down to his folks and peers (at the time) that he wasn't a girl and the new additions didn't change his perception. And then he became an esper and that took way more precedence over trying to define who he was to others. This leaves our boy in a very strange sort of limbo. He loves his body and takes care of it. Sometimes he wears compression clothes to mask most of the curves, but that's mostly due to his active lifestyle, rather than any dysphoria or discomfort. But, growing up after reaching puberty, there were a lot of... Let's say dated remarks on his changes. Lots of "oh good, you can have babies!" And "now you'll be able to be a real woman". You know, nothing inherently wrong nor demeaning, just misplaced platitudes that didn't factor in how he might feel.
Does he want kids? Yeah, sure, it'd be nice in a decade or so. But does he want to have them? He's not sure. The idea doesn't entirely ick him, but he also doesn't feel comfortable "playing into the role" that others assigned for him. He could adopt but he knows he'd want a child or two that came from half of his genes.
All this to say, that LiXuan will be having their own kids, but not after some heavy discussion and planning. It helps that, once Tang Xuan gets pregnant, he is forced into solitude to be doted on by Li Ling and their families and closest friends. So when they do emerge in society, it causes mass confusion and the focus is more on "WHERE DID THIS BABY COME FROM???" rather than "TANG XUAN WAS PREGNANT???"
And, yes, they're both solid parents. Definitely awkward and young, making very common and- usually non life-threatening- mistakes. Yes they were those parents that shipped their toddlers off to daycare just so they can get a break from them. No shame there, they need it. Li Ling is that parent educators wish took disciplining more seriously (if no one ends up in the hospital, s'all good yeah?) and Tang Xuan is that parent educators think isn't invested enough in their kid (he's still a model, on top of being a high ranking union officer. hours are wild and free time is sporadic).
They both have to take up family counseling once their kids become teenagers because oh boy, karma is a b#tch and their kids- of course- have the worst of both of their personalities x10 due to raging teenage hormones.
But you know what? Their kids grow up well enough, knowing they are loved and will always have a safe space within their dads' arms (and extra arms) and once the hormones settle as they become adults and go through uni and enter the workforce, Li Ling and Tang Xuan are pleased to see that their kids still talk to them and seek them out for advice or randomly drop by to hang out (and steal their leftovers and tupperware). All that hard work pays off.
They, later on, decide to become foster parents so they can still impact a child's life without needing to relive the horrors of raising them from birth to graduation.
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pluckyredhead · 29 days
I have fallen down a Fourth World rabbit hole (this is @ngoziu's fault) and am now reading everything DC has ever published with these characters, in order, as is my wont, and I have a lot of thoughts and feelings, so I'm going to start dumping them all here. Sorry.
Background if you have no idea what I'm talking about but want to read this post anyway (why?): in 1971, Jack Kirby left Marvel because he couldn't put up with Stan Lee any longer and came to DC, where they were like "Yes you can do anything you want" (this was a lie). He immediately began writing, drawing, and editing an incredibly ambitious epic that stretched over four simultaneously published books: Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen (we can mostly ignore this one), New Gods, Mister Miracle, and The Forever People. These books came to be known as Jack Kirby's Fourth World Tetralogy.
The books all center around the war between the utopian planet New Genesis, ruled by the benevolent Highfather, and the dystopian planet Apokalips, ruled by the evil Darkseid. At the heart of the narrative is "The Pact," aka The Cosmic Baby Swap. To ensure a (temporary) truce, Highfather and Darkseid traded sons when said children were very young - so Orion, Darkseid's son, is raised on New Genesis, and Scott Free, Highfather's son, is raised on Apokalips. Neither knows who their real father is until adulthood.
Orion grows up in a utopia, but tormented by his feelings of rage and otherness that he can't explain. Scott is raised in a torture orphanage, because that's just what happens on Apokalips, but eventually he escapes to Earth and becomes the escape artist Mister Miracle. The Cosmic Baby Swap begs what to me is the central question of the Fourth World, which is: what is the nature of good? Which boy will be a hero? The one born to good and raised by evil, or the one born to evil and raised by good?
TRICK QUESTION THEY'RE BOTH HEROES!!! GOOD IS MORE POWERFUL THAN EVIL! LOVE WINS AND FASCISM LOSES! This is so, so important to me and any version of these characters that doesn't understand the really not very complex symbolism here is invalid and kind of embarrassing for the writer (looking at you, Tom King).
Also Scott falls in love with and eventually marries Big Barda, one of Darkseid's fiercest warriors, who was born on Apokalips and raised on Apokalips and chooses good anyway. LOVE WINS AGAIN! BARDA TOPS HER TINY HUSBAND IN THE NAME OF PEACE AND COMPASSION!
Sadly DC canceled New Gods and Forever People after only 11 issues, which kind of killed Kirby's whole vision. Mister Miracle limped along until #18, but as a really pale shadow of itself. So we never really got the full scope of Kirby's original plans.
ANYWAY. That's the background. Now thoughts on the actual comics:
Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen: I love Jimmy, I love Superman, I love the Newsboy Legion, but this book feels very tangential to the whole Fourth World experiment and I think we can safely set it to the side. However, if you love the 90s Superboy series, I recommend dipping into this because it's the source material for a lot of Kon's worldbuilding (Cadmus, Dubbilex, clone Guardian, etc.).
The Forever People (1971): So I originally read all the Jack Kirby Fourth World stuff like...at least 15 years ago, when I was still relatively new to comics, and I'll be honest: I didn't get it. Kirby is sort of an acquired taste, and I didn't really have any context for what he was doing. I understood the metaphors, but I didn't get why people found the work appealing. And Forever People in particular was the book where I was like "Why. What is the point of this" the most.
Rereading it many years later, I find it to be a lot more moving and profound - like, the Happyland issue alone is a knockout. That said, Kirby is, uhhhh...not great at ensemble characterization without Lee, and the Forever People themselves are unforgivably bland. Default Guy! Big Guy! Black Guy! Girl! Kid! Props to Kirby for making it a not all-white group - and for introducing five out of seven of DC's first Black characters in the space of, like, two years - but it would have been nice if he gave them personalities, too.
New Gods (1971): This is Orion's book and the heart of the Fourth World. At its best, it's the pinnacle of "Makes no sense...compels me, though." Like, "Glory Boat?" I don't understand a single thing that happened in that comic but it's so fucking good. I just want to read thousands of words of comics scholars over the past 50 years going "????" in collective confused admiration.
Mister Miracle (1971): This was the book I was most invested in when I read the Fourth World years ago, because I already loved Scott and Barda from JLI, but now I think it's weaker than New Gods and arguably even than Forever People. Kirby doesn't seem as invested in going all in on Big Concepts here, and Scott escaping endless weird deathtraps is only compelling for so long. The later issues, after the other books were canceled and DC made Kirby pivot away from the Apokalips/New Genesis war, are nothing. But Scott and Barda (and Oberon and Shilo) are everything, so I guess it balances out. Anyway Scott clearly already knows a lot about Earth by the time he meets Oberon and Thaddeus Brown, so DC please feel free to hire me to write a Mister Miracle: Year One miniseries about Scott's arrival on Earth, thank you.
Okay, now for the post-Kirby (or really, intra-Kirby) stuff:
Mister Miracle (1977): This picks up the numbering from the Kirby series, running from #19-25, and was written by Steve Englehart and then Steve Gerber, and it sucks so bad. For three reasons, in escalating importance:
Riddled with continuity holes and factual errors that don't match what Kirby established. Himon is shown on New Genesis - how did he get there? Metron is depicted as subservient to Highfather when Kirby showed him as a neutral, independent agent. Etc.
The treatment of non-Scott characters is largely terrible. Oberon is written really condescendingly (Scott's like "Ride on my shoulders like you used to!" even though they definitely did not ever do that before, because Oberon is not a child). When Scott feels guilty that he's not actively fighting the war, Highfather's like "I don't want you to fight because I feel bad that I traded you to Darkseid, let Orion do it" as if that isn't the root of Orion's severe emotional trauma TOO. And worst of all is Barda, who is knocked out and captured in the first issue and spends pretty much the entire rest of the series unconscious, waiting for Scott to rescue her - except for the brief scene where she wakes up brainwashed, requiring Scott to beat the shit out of her. Lovely.
The series is reeeally fixated on the notion that Scott is a god, and extrapolates that to Scott deciding he's the messiah. Now, I'm not going to say that the Fourth World can't be used to explore Christian themes just because Kirby is Jewish, because Kirby was very definitely exploring biblical themes extensively and frankly I don't know enough about the Bible to say whether he was sticking religiously (ha) to the Old Testament. But I do think taking one of the central characters of a Jewish man's magnum opus and making him the messiah is, uh, pushing it. And there's no way to argue he's not a Christian messiah because, uh, he T-poses a lot in this series and Granny also specifically states that if Scott is the messiah, she'll find an anti-Christ to combat him (which...wouldn't that sort of by default be Orion? which just further proves that the idea of a messiah really doesn't work in the Fourth World framework). Anyway it's gross and I hate it.
New Gods (1977): I'm kind of using this as a catchall to cover all of Gerry Conway's New Gods work, which includes the actual 1977 New Gods series (which picks up the numbering from Kirby, so it's #12-19), the conclusion of the story in Adventure Comics, and the Justice League of America crossover with the Fourth World. (Also there's one issue of Super-Team Family where Lightray and Metron team up with the Flash to save Orion, who has grown really really big, but that doesn't fit with the rest of Conway's continuity so I guess we can ignore it.)
Anyway this stuff is not as infuriating as Mister Miracle, but it's also not...good. The central concept is that Darkseid has discovered that the Anti-Life Equation is contained within the brains of six humans, so Highfather sends six New Gods to protect said humans: Orion, Lightray, Metron (he doesn't work for you, Highfather), Forager (also does not work for you), Lonar, and Sensational Character Find of 1977, Jezebelle of the Fiery Eyes (Original Character Do Not Steal).
Mostly this series is frustrating because all the New Gods are wildly incompetent and fail completely at their tasks. Orion is dumbed down to The World's Most Basic Superhero (he has a big O on his chest now!). I spent the whole time yelling "HE CAN'T FLY, GERRY!" at the comics. Forager is lumped in with no mention of that whole thing where...he's a New God who was raised among the Bugs, who are being persecuted by the New Gods? I feel like that should be explained or at least addressed? (Presumably Kirby would have gotten around to it eventually.) Forager also should not be flying but here he does. I guess. Lonar flies too but mostly on his horse, which bothers me less for some reason, I'll accept a flying horse. (Also Lonar's human he's supposed to protect is Inuit and hoo boy is this comic racist. The poor guy wears a fur diaper the whole time and speaks a completely made up language.)
And then there's Jezebelle of the Fiery Eyes. Who is blue, for reasons that are never explained, and wears a bikini and fishnets because it's 1977, and mentions her fiery eyes (heat vision) every time she speaks. She's from Apokalips, but defected to New Genesis during battle. Which, like...I appreciate that Conway recognized that this team should have a female character, but what with Orion, Scott, Barda, and Inexplicably Present Himon, it feels like we have enough characters who have defected from Apokalips in some way? And it's just super weird that the ONLY female characters we have seen from New Genesis are Beautiful Dreamer of the Forever People (trapped in another dimension indefinitely) and Scott's dead mom. Like, what's the implication here? Heaven doesn't have women? Also, I know Conway was going for biblical names to match New Genesis and Izaya (he also introduces a Lucifar), but, like...Jezebelle? JEZEBELLE. Your only female New God and you named her "whore." Amazing.
And with that, we have covered the New Gods in the 70s (minus some Mister Miracle/Batman teamups). Next time: the 80s, and Kirby tries so so hard to kill Orion but DC won't let him.
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romancefranaticstay · 2 months
.ೃ࿐How we met*ೃ༄
Husband!Han x wife!fem!reader
Category: fluff ❤,angst ☁︎ (technically their is some smut, maybe a tiny tiny bit, you won't even notice!)
Warnings: ♡ None ♡ (a tiny tiny tiny bit smut, but you won't notice)
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You were happily married to your highschool sweetheart, Han Jisung. You had three beautifull children. Two boys and one girl, the boys were named Han Jr. and Sungie. The girl was named Scarlett-Soo, (you named her).
The two boys were already teenagers and the girl had just turned nine. One day you were in the kitchen, cooking some food. Your daughter came up to you and asked:
'엄마 (mama), how did you and 다다이즘 (dada) meet?'
You smiled , those precious moments, your teenage years were filled with Hannie, your precious husband, your entire world.
'I met your 다다이즘 (dada) a long time ago...'
How you met is a very beautiful story. It was a beautiful day... in the 90s... a beautiful school day. This day, April 10, 1994, would change everything for you. Exactly 30 years ago you met the love of your life...
You were 14 at the time in 1994. You were a troublemaker, a real teenager.
You were in class, of course you were sitting very far away from your best friend. You could never be quiet and always burst into fits of laughter.
'Good morning students. Everyone, pick up your books on page 224. Today we're going to delve deeper into the literature of William Shakespeare.'
Here we go again, you thought. Suddenly the classroom door opened and you saw a boy standing there. Your eyes were immediately glued to him.
"I apologize for disturbing you, but I have a new student here for you."
He gave some documents to your teacher, he read them thoroughly.
“Han Jisung… welcome to this school. You can take a seat in the front row next to…”
his gaze suddenly turned cold “…I/N Y/N.”
he pointed in your direction. Of course you knew that your teacher never liked you, ever since day one, but that didn't bother you. You liked some challenges.
The boy named Han looked in your direction. His face radiated a kind of friendliness.
“Howdy neighbor, my name is Y/N.”
"Hey, my name is Han, Han Jisung."
Such an innocent introduction grew into something much bigger, and you didn't even realize it at the time.
The two of you were running from a teacher. Why actually? Han was a real joker and troublemaker just like you. You placed small needles on your teacher's chair, I don't have to explain the rest.
You were laughing as you ran. Everyone could hear an ego from your laughter. Of course you were the only ones who were so loud.
"Maybe we should use super glue..."
'Or duck tape...'
'Or rope...'
'We are brilliant.'
"That's because there are two of us."
'Better a duo than uno.'
“Wise words from Han Jisung.”
you gave each other a high-five.
“Hello Miss I/N.”
Han said to your mother.
'Ahh, hello Han. How's school? Didn't you play too many tricks?'
"No, not too much."
She laughed.
"You two sneaks go upstairs."
'Thank you, Madam.'
Your mother thought you were hilarious, of course if it went too far, she would stop it. But you were raised very well, with the idea of ​​still showing respect.
The two of you went to your room. You had a boombox in your room with all kinds of CDs. Han turned on some music and you started dancing and singing together. You held hands and started spinning each other around.
Your parents heard you from downstairs.
"These two scoundrels." your mother laughed.
'Just like us.' your father added with a kiss.
Your father and mother loved each other dearly.
"Those two are going to end up together."
'Do you think?'
'I don't think, I know.'
you shouted whenever you saw him. You ran to him and brought him in for a cuddle.
'How are you doing?'
"You act like we haven't seen each other for years."
'Alright sir. Did anything special happen?'
His face lit up.
"Yes, I dared to ask a girl out!"
You were super happy for him.
'Real?! Finally, what's her name?'
“Her name is Jennie, she's in my English class. She has beautiful black hair and she's just so... I don't know how to explain it.'
'Aww, Hannie. Do you know what to do? Introduce her to our friend group!'
'Is that a good idea?'
' You were happy for him...
After school, Han took Jennie to the skate park, where your group of friends always sat. She was very friendly and happy.
Your group of friends consisted of Lee Know, you, Han, Hanni and Jin. Everyone liked her except Hanni... because she was actually trying to set you up with Han.
You were all chatting with each other when suddenly Han gave Jennie a little kiss.
Something inside you broke. You thought maybe it was normal because you were a single pringle and always have been. Maybe it's just weird to see that.
You tried to convince yourself for a month that this wasn't a crush. No, that's just not possible, this was Han. Han your best friend. Ordinary Han.
After a while you started dreaming about him too. Sometimes tears would well up in your eyes when you talked to Jennie. It wasn't until a week later that you realized... you were in love with him....
Of course the first person you told was Hanni, your best friend. It was immediate drama.
“Are you serious Y/N?! I've been trying to set you up for years, and only now have I stopped doing so.'
"How could I know that?"
"Because you know your feelings, right?" '
Yes I think..'
"Look, Han has a girlfriend now." "
Yes, I know, but every time I see them..."
tears came to your eyes.
"...I-I don't know why...but..."
Hanni hugged you.
'Shh, I get it, I get it, you compris je comprends. Look, if it's true love, fate will do you good.'
'Do you think?'
'I don't just think so, I definitely am'
You were now 19. And still Han didn't break up with his girlfriend, Jennie. You weren't angry about that, of course, but it was painful to see them kissing or hugging each other.
Of course if Han was happy, you were happy too, you always wished him happiness.
One day you thought, I'm nineteen, maybe I should try to get to know someone? Maybe that will help me? Maybe... You and Han drifted a little further apart, but not too far.
One day you met someone, his name was Changbin, you wanted to introduce him to the rest... You went to the skate park with him, after all these years it was still your meeting place.
'Hello everyone, I want to introduce someone to you. This is Changbin.”
Han looked up at him and you. At first he thought it was strange that you hadn't said anything about it, but that wasn't always the case.
Changbin's arm surrounded you, which bothered Han a bit, but he had a girlfriend, so... Everyone thought Changbin was fantastic. They thought he was hilarious and his laughter was contagious.
When he started laughing, everyone around him automatically laughed too, except Han...
Han didn't know what was wrong with him. Something stuck in his heart. He just couldn't bear it.
Eventually he also started to neglect his girlfriend a bit. They eventually broke up.
After two years, you and Changbin broke up. It wasn't a bad break up. You still remained friends. It was a bit difficult at first, but after two months you were back on your own two feet. You were at university at that time, so your studies were more important.
You and Han still hadn't shared your feelings with each other, even though everyone in your group of friends knew what was going on between you. It was just too hard. You were both too scared to lose your friendship. Of course you guys went on innocent dates sometimes, if you know what I mean.
In 2002 you also started your own career. You had a great passion for music, so you started your own band. It was called Xoxo. That band put you in the spotlight. It was a very popular band in the 2000s.
Your concept changed fashion. You were in that band with four other girls. Collette, Coraline, Violette and Diasy. You always just called them: Coll, Cori, Vicky and Dia. Han also came into the spotlight through his boy group Straykids. It was a strange year, 2002.
When you were 25, the girlgroup Xoxo disbanded. The girls still had fame, everyone went their own path. You went off to the path of acting.
You and Han had finally shared your feelings towards each other. After so many years, you finally dared to take each other's hands and start a new chapter in your lives. Of course you didn't get married right away. Even though you loved each other for 9 years.
You and Han got married in 2009. It was a beautiful wedding, very traditional. The wedding party was attended by his boy group Straykids, of course the former members of Xoxo and not forgetting your group of friends from your teenage years.
Your parents told all kinds of stories about the two of you, back when you were teenagers. The wedding night was the best night of your life. It was full of love and passion, the love and passion you shared for each other.
2010 was the birth of your first child, Han Jr. Han didn't leave your side during the birth. He held your hand the whole time.
You were proud of yourselves for being able to create something so wonderful. Such a beautiful little baby. Han thought it was so wonderful that tears rolled down his cheeks.
Your second baby boy was born, Sungie. The birth took 20 hours, not the birth itself, but to get to 10 centimeters. It was a hard time that day, but you did it. You could say Sungie was a very special baby boy, he had the perfect weight and perfect measurements, but every baby is special in his own way.
You and Han focused for a while on your careers and on your two baby boys. But one day, you accidently got pregnant. Not really 'accidently', but the pregnancy wasn't planned. When you two found out it was a girl, you were pretty excited. A little baby girl, Han's little princess.
The moment Han saw her, he couldn't get away from her. She was daddy's little princess, she still is and forever will be.
Through the years you won many oscars and Han many grammy's. Straykids did eventually disband, but they were still very close. People always asked how you two always stayed this young. You could say that your kids kept you youthy, but you two always were very childish. Han didn't even change a bit, you didn't either. You love grew foreachother everyday. You two still acted a bit like horny teenagers when you two were home alone.
Han Jr. was alreaddy populair at school, you couldn't say you were suprised. He had the looks and the character from his dad, no wonder the girls twirl around him.
Sungie was a more shy-type, but that doesn't mean people liked him less. He had a very unique personality and he was a mix between you and Han. He had your eyes, Han's nose, your lips, Han's faceshape.
Scarlett-Soo was maybe daddy's girl, but she was the mini-verse of you. She was alreaddy a mischief at a young age, but you controlled it well.
'And thats how we met Soo-Soo.'
'Wow, thats a longgg story 엄마.'
'Yeah thats love sweetty.'
'What are mine two favorite lady's talking about?' Han came inside of the kitchen.
' 엄마 told me how you two met, 다다이즘' (Mama,........ dada.)
Han came standing next to you, with his arm around your waist.
'Is that so?'
'예!' (Yes)
'Why won't you go play with your 형제, 좋아요?' (....,brothers, okay?)
'알았어, bye 엄마 아빠' (Okay,... mama and dada.)
Scarlett ran outside and started to look for her brothers.
'I hope you only told them the good stuff.' he smirked.
'With you theirs only the good stuff.' you grinned.
He brought your two lips together and kissed you softly. He bit playfully your underlip.
'Not when the kids are around,아기.' (..... darling.)
'When do their uncels come over?' he asked
'In a hour.'
'Hmmm, i will try to wait for a hour.'
'Hmm you better do baby.'
You heard your kids footsteps so you two started to talk about an other theme.
'The weather is great today, don't you think?' he said
'Oh yeah the weather, yeah its beautifull, don't you think?'
'Yeah, its beautifull.'
''알았어, Soo is annoying me again!' Sungie screamed.
'사실이 아니다!' (Not true!')
You picked her up and started rocking her.
'당신의 삼촌 , they come in less than a hour.' (Your uncels,....)
'Yay!' she moved excited.
You loved your family, you couldn't imagine your life without them. Everything was perfect, even tho sometime's there were arguments. But a marriage with no arguments, is no marriage.
'I will dress this little hamster up.'
'Okay baby.' he kissed your cheek.
'Ewww.' Han Jr. mummered.
'Love is love.' Han sang.
Love is indeed love.
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rainbowmothed · 3 months
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╰ ⋯ ➢ just some random hcs i thought of off the top of my head!! ♡ as always, reblogs and likes appreciated! includes both main cast and heaven hcs. :3
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Vaggie says stuff like “rad,” “dude,” etcetera unironically and definitely gets made fun of for it. Mostly by Cherri and Angel– Pentious says it is ‘hashtag trending awesome sauce.’
Vaggie sets 6 alarms in the morning, all with custom minute intervals between the snooze alarms to make SURE she doesn't sleep through it. Charlie doesn't mind, though, mainly because she wakes up at four in the morning to work on projects anyway.
Charlie has made playlists for everyone in the hotel on hell's equivalent of spotify; Vaggie's is the most well thought out, but they all describe them very well. Alastor never listens to it due to his dislike for modern technology/apps, but he appreciates it– or at least acts like he does– nonetheless.
Charlie definitely rides on Alastor's shoulders like a little kid bro IDC WHAT U SAY
Vaggie has cried ONCE in front of the rest of the hotel after being genuinely dogged on repeatedly on one of the worst days of her life, and they all just stared at her in shock. They hate on her so much because it never impacts her– or so they think so, because Vaggie always shrugs it off. They refuse to talk about it.
Vaggie's spice tolerance is unmatched.
Each night, Charlie visits Pentious’ memorial and wraps a weighted blanket around it, saying that maybe it'd remind him of the Egg Bois and the way they snuggled around him in the afterlife.
Vaggie is a huge Hunger Games fan. 90% of her personality derives from Katniss Everdeen.
Adding onto the last one, if Charlie and Vaggie were to have a child, I feel like it'd have the personality of Lucy Gray Baird.
Niffty definitely writes strange fanfiction. Also has BL as her header on the Hell's equivalent of Twitter. She's a little twisted, but we love her.
Cherri is an absolute menace. That is the best word to describe her.
Angel and Cherri did the “screaming in public restrooms” prank once.
Everyone assumed Charlie was mid-20s until she dropped the bomb that she's over 200 years old. They were all flabbergasted (minus Vaggie, who already knew. Angel also called her a “gilf lover.”)
Angel asked Vaggie about her body count once to tick her off, and she answered “around 1,000 or so, roughly estimated,” thinking he meant kill count. Charlie was shook.
Vaggie is a Paramore, Flyleaf, Evanescence, etcetera fan. Proud listener to 2000s emo girl music.
Charlie's guilty pleasure is punk/metal/rock music. She says she only listens to “Taylor Swift and musicals,” but she has a hidden playlist with KORN, PTV, and all of those bands on it.
Angel wakes Husk up by blasting Ayesha Erotica songs into his ear occasionally since Husk is a heavy sleeper and refuses to get up sometimes.
Pentious calls himself a “semi-proud father of the Egg Bois.”
Charlie ran a hate page about Katie Killjoy. She has since moved on from it... probably.
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Vaggie definitely played about 100 sports back in Heaven. Fencing, soccer, and, bare with me here, she definitely did ballet. She refuses to admit so, however.
The exorcists actually aren't brought into the world as adults. Instead, they're raised by volunteer parents of Heaven their entire lives, starting fighting training at age 6 or so. They claim that “children's brains are easier to mold.” Basically, they're taught to be murder weapons from a very, very young age. It's also instinctive, but it's the training that truly brings it out.
Each exterminator is based on a different bird breed, but the most common are eagles, falcons, hawks, and generally predatory avians.
The Exterminators are also very fast flyers, and they establish the quickest flyers through racing. Vaggie was formerly the fastest until she was cast down to Hell. Now, the fastest is Lute.
Adam also referees these races, and instead of a gun or whistle to start them off, he uses his guitar.
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dcmeme · 7 months
Batfam as Tiktok audios/Vines part 1
Inspired by my response to the very true words of @daminette-56 on the jealous issues of one Selena Kyle over a certain Wayne.
Also it keeps autocorrecting Selena’s name for some unexplainable reason so it’s an ‘e’ for now and not Sel.ina.
Bruce: You know, you’re the most jealous woman I know.
Selena: You know other women? 😡
Dick: You ever wanna talk about your emotions TM?
Jason: No🤷
Tim: I do!😁
Dick: I know David😑
Tim: I’m sad 😞
Dick: I know David😑
Dick: Let me see what you have 🤨
Damian: A KNIFE😃🔪
Dick: NO😯🏃‍♀️
Jason: All women *pulls out lightsaber* are 👸🏻✨queens✨👸🏻
Kate: *pulls out saber* If she’s breathes 💨She’s a THOTTTT💥
Alfred: *After dealing with children all day* Two shots of vodka 😁💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧
Stephanie: *screams*
Duke: AH! Stop! I coulda dropped my croissant 😡
Dick: *random backflip* 🤸🏻‍♂️ I’VE BEEN DREAMING OF A 💕💋TRUE LOVES KISS💋💕
Bruce: You know what you’re in time out😠 Get on the fridge! Get up there!
Jason: This house is a F*CKING NIGHTMARE! 🧗
Damian: *stares at his father for the first time*
Bruce: 😅Uhm…
Talia: 🤨
Bruce:…… Wanna beer?🍺
Talia: HE’S FOUR!🤬
Tim: what is it?
Bernard: 💋
Tim:… 🧑‍⚖️OVERRULED.
Dick:…that’s not the words.
Selena: I saw you hangin’ out with Kaitlin yesterday-
Bruce: 😮Rebecca! It’s not what you think 😰
Selena: I won’t hesitate b*tch 💥🔫
Damian: I just miss the 90s.
Colin: Oh yeah we’re you born?
Damian: 2004.
Talia: *Trying to hype up her son after Ras yells at him for not choosing to be his successor again* If your name is junior and you’re really handsome come on raise your hands 🙌 🎵🎶🎵🎶
Damian:… *grins and raises*
Dick: *in princess pajamas*Hey *munch munch* 😏I want to be ✨Famous✨
Alfred: Stop before I take away your toys.
Tim: *crying*
Alfred: Imma take away your wifi.
Tim: *silence*
Duke: Sir Yessir!
Duke: Sir Yessir!
Bruce: Than jump down that hole.
Duke: *rubbing his shoes, a gift from Cassandra and bites his lip* I dunno captain I just got these J’s they fresh out the box 📦 👟
Kate: Hey I’m lesbian 🏳️‍🌈
Cassandra: I thought you were American 🇺🇸 ❓
Duke: we’re getting pulled over!
Jason: Quick! Put these on *pulls out Camo suits*
Jim: license and regi- what the 😨 Nobodies here ⁉️⁉️⁉️
Jason and Duke: *opens doors and dances out*
Jim: Who opened the- DEVIL CAR 😱 DEVIL CAR 😭
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edrawingarts · 1 year
HOTD Modern AU headcanons.
Characters included in this post:
Viserys I Targaryen, Rhaenyra Targaryen, Daemon Targaryen, Alicent Hightower, Aegon Targaryen, Helaena Targaryen, Aemond Targaryen, Baela Targaryen, Rhaena Targaryen, Jacaerys Velaryon, Lucerys Velaryon.
(no spell check, my bad.)
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Viserys I Targaryen:
The head of the Targaryen corporation but currently left his wife to run it for him because his health is decreasing due to cancer.
Straight. (definitely had sex with a guy at least once just to see if he liked men but turned out he didn’t.) He is an Ally though.
Currently lives in Westeros due to one of the main facilities being there.
He grew up in Valyria but when he was young his family would take trips to Westeros, he ended up liking Westeros more so that’s why he’d raised his family there.
Named Rhaenyra to succeed him as the next boss of the Targaryen company.
Actually doesn’t mind his other children.
Let’s the green kids use his credit card whenever just to piss of Alicent
Used to be a leather jacket motorcycle guy when he was younger.
Played the electric guitar and later taught Daemon how to play when they were teens.
Has his pronouns in his bio. He/Him/His icon. (Alicent could never.)
Thought Alicent really loved him but soon realized the only reason she agreed to marry him was for her father and his company.
Love’s classic metal.
Let’s the green kids pull the “But dad said it was okay.” card to Alicent
Rhaenyra Targaryen:
Heir to the Targaryen company.
Lives in Valyria with her family.
Laenor and her did Still Marry, Laenor is still gay but tried to have kids with Rhaenyra to make his family happy. Turns out he wasn’t able to have children so they got a donor. (Harwin Strong.) In this AU Rhaenyra has never met Harwin but did pick him as the donor due to his smarts and strength.
Soon after Joff was born Laenor came out to Rhaenyra and too the world. He was accepted by his family and the press/Internet, there was very little negative giveback.
Because of this Rhaenyra and Laenor got a divorce.
Soon after the Divorce Rhaenyra married Daemon and Laenor married Joffrey Lonmouth.
she was THE IT GIRL in her teens and early 20s (yk what they say once an it girl, always an it girl.)
Loves to garden.
Definitely had a sex tape leaked. (with who? idk that’s up to you.)
often donates to LGBTQ+ charity’s
A really bad cook, good at baking tho.
Daemon Targaryen:
came out as bisexual in the 80s.
He/They king.
used to dress SUPER punk.
Knows how play electric because of his brother and taught himself acoustic.
The paparazzi love him and his stupid drunk antics.
Also a classic metal lover like his brother.
As soon as he herd of Rhaenyra divorce he went straight to go to propose to her. (I’m not even joking, when he found out he flew to Rhaenyra and got down on one knee. He was also drunk while doing this but it’s the thought that counts.)
Will defend Not only his kids but Rhaenyra’s kids until the day he dies. His kids (biological or not) are perfect in his mind and can do no wrong.
Like if one of them get in trouble at school or something he’s yelling at the whole dam school.
Paints his nails and wears piercing. (Has a dick piercing.)
Actually really good with kids despite his chaotic-ness.
The cook of the family. This man can make a MEAL. (low-key a house husband.)
Alicent Hightower:
Married Viserys for her father. (Deeply regrets this.)
Loves her children until they disobey her.
Has a couple decades of internalized homophobia. (This causes her to be homophobic.)
Very conservative and religious.
Makes the family go to church every sunday.
She actually used to be a really good person but all that religious guilt built up and made her this way.
Has cats.
Eats the same breakfast every morning.
secretly smokes because of stress.
Regrets not being stronger in her childhood.
90% of her wardrobe is green.
Barely talks to her father anymore due to her not having a use to him anymore.
Loves to garden and had a dream of owning her own flower shop when she was younger.
Aegon Targaryen:
A senior in high school.
Closeted Gay. (Only out to Helaena and Aegon, try’s to act straight because of his mom but he’s secretly sneaking out at night to hookup hot men.)
Doesn’t have any interest in running the Targaryen company despite his mother attempts of trying to get him interested.
Secretly a history nerd. (Will be that person to point out if something historically incorrect.)
Plans on running away to Valyria when he graduates high school so he can be his true self.
I like to think Daemon was his gay awakening.
Monster Energy drinker.
Really loves his siblings despite that way he acts.
Wish him and Nyra were closer.
Likes shooter videos games.
Has a light academia style.
Has to wear reading glasses.
Wears Converse.
Teaching himself electric guitar, practices on his dads old guitar.
Put on Makeup one time and it made him feel really happy, but when Alicent found out he got his phone taken away for a week.
Has chronic anxiety but Alicent refuses to get him meds. Using energy drinks and alcohol to numb his anxiety.
Listens to those NSFW audios.
Twitter is his main source of news. (#chronicallyonline.)
He might be the oldest sibling but he feels like the youngest.
Wears necklaces.
Seeks validation.
Helaena Targaryen:
A Junior in High school.
The only straight green sibling but is very supportive of her brothers and will defend them until the end.
Cottage core queen.
Has a pet spider.
Autistic and post about Autism visibility online.
Will read in her dads room while he’s on hospices.
Looks innocent but isn’t.
Smut Fanfic writer💪 (under a secret name.)
Quite but observant.
Van’s wearer.
Has a Marvel hyperfixation.
Let’s her brothers sleep in her room if they need comfort.
Favorite color is blue.
Gets high grades.
Has a snack station in her room.
Drinks Rockstar energy.
Will watch hour long youtube videos.
Designated driver out of her siblings.
Has a lot of internalized rage towards her mother.
Wish she knew her father more before he got sick.
Wears her dads old leather jacket from time to time.
Wears bracelets.
Mom friend.
Aemond Targaryen:
Sophomore in high school but due to graduate early.
Genderfluid and Pansexual. (Only out to Helaena and Aegon.)
People think he’s a mama’s boy but he really isn’t. (He looked up to her when he was younger but the older he gets the more wrong he sees her views are.)
Has a fat old crush on Luke.
Red bull drinker.
Doc martens wearer.
Always on his laptop doing god knows what.
Has anger issues.
doesn’t understand social cues.
dark academia style.
Uses his dads old bike.
Let Helaena and Aegon draw all over his biker helmet.
dose most of Aegon’s homework, not because Aegon asks, just because he wants to.
Has stacks upon stacks of books in his room.
Will be the one to go on a energy drink run for him and his siblings.
Texts luke a lot online. Sometimes they even stream and watch movies together on discord.
What’s tattoos SO BAD. It’s a dream of his.
The definition of: Looks like he kill you, would kill you. (Especially if you hurt one of his siblings? he’s pulling up and beating your ass.)
Wears rings.
Always has a watch on.
Likes to paint.
Baela Targaryen:
High School graduate, chose not to go to college.
Looks like the gay sister, is the straight one.
Has a band that’s growing in popularity. (Her boyfriend and cousin, Alyn Velaryon is the lead guitarist.)
Takes after her father with her punk style. (Takes his old clothes from the 80s)
Moved out to her own apartment with her band but is still is at the family home at least once a week.
Calls Rhaena a minimum of 3 times today.
Loves sweet food.
Big movie buff.
Leaves flowers at her moms grave every anniversary and holiday.
Acts like she doesn’t care but does care.
Dose her makeup on instagram live.
Tiktok’s everything.
has those glow in the dark stars and moons on her bedroom sealing.
Loves Stuffed animals, has a bunch on her bed. (Makes Alyn buy her stuff animals even though she can afford it.)
Has a big tumbler of water she carrie’s around with her.
Writes all her own music.
outfit repeater.
Rhaena Targaryen:
Is in one of Valyria’s oldest and top colleges.
The gay sisters but look straight. (Lesbian icon.)
Head of a sorority.
Is a good friend with Garmund Hightower who’s studying at the same College as her.
Childhood best friends with Corwyn Corbray.
She’s a part time model. (Corwyn helps run her socials.)
Dresses very preppy.
Honor roll.
Sanrio enjoyer, her favorite character is My Melody and she has a collection of My Melody stuff.
Surprisingly a comic buff.
She’s has one of those really aesthetic dorm rooms with the accompanying aesthetic computer set up.
Always picks up her phone and replies to messages right away.
Low-key scared of kids 👀
Wears a different outfit every day.
Jacaerys Velaryon:
High school senior.
Straight. (Unfortunately /j.)
On the football team.
religiously wears his Leatherman jacket.
Has a crush and Helaena. They text often, he also lets her vent to him.
One of those people who will smile and nod when he has no clue what you’re talking about.
One time he tired to get luke a pride flag but he forgot what it looked like so he had to call Daemon for help.
Has his ears pieced.
Has all B’s in school.
Only drinks gatorade or water.
Goes to the gym daily.
Let’s luke take his clothes.
Is that sibling who will just stand in your doorway and do nothing.
Hugs his mom like 5 times a day.
Will sometimes just jump on Daemon for no reason.
Likes to play with His little brothers, Aegon and Viserys.
Lucerys Velaryon:
Junior in high school.
Trans Male, Gay.
Has a Crush on Aemond.
In the chess and programming club at school.
Has social media but doesn’t post.
Will climb any tall tree he sees.
Secretly has a collection of hot wheels.
Sometimes goes to the gym with Jace.
Seems shy but is actually really confident and friendly.
Loves to take pictures of everything he sees.
Gets candles flavors based on the season.
He doesn’t care what time of year it is his drink will have ice in it.
Changes how his room looks at least once a month.
Buys a bunch of boxes of notebooks but never uses them.
Listens to hyper pop.
Reads manga but doesn’t watch anime.
Will go to his moms office after school and talk about his day with her. (everyday may i add)
Therapist friend.
Is surprisingly not mentally ill.
Loves hard candy like lollipops and jolly ranchers.
Wears different colored chest binders depending on what mood he’s in.
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bivicennial · 6 months
One of the little bits of worldbuilding lore I really appreciate in the NW is how both vampires and witches have very distinct cultures around raising children.
Like, Thea and Blaise lose their parents and are immediately taken in by an increasingly long list of relatives, because witches (especially Harman witches) do not let their children be abandoned. It's a very village-centric society. Everybody pitches in to make sure the kids are looked after and cared for, all 90s matriarchal commune style. Even when Blaise is actively causing like, mayhem and destruction, the Crone of All Witches decides to take her granddaughters on full time despite being ninety years old and running half the goddamn Night World.
Comparatively, the vampires have a very... aloof style of parenting. It's quite business-like, and focused mostly on monetary support rather than emotional care. Vampire kids are expected to teach themselves most of their survival skills basically on the streets. Darwinist, y'know? Because vampire children are given a lot of what humans (and witches, it seems) would consider very adult freedoms, and are treated as functional members of Night World society quite young. It seems to be expected that most vampire kids who aren't kept in an enclave will learn how to defend themselves or they'll get fucked up. And if they can't defend themselves, well. Weakness gets culled, and all that.
There's a lot of examples of it, too. Vampiric parenting is pretty consistent across the books. James's parents support him financially, but he lives in an apartment by himself at the age of, what, sixteen? Probably younger, considering he was living there for a while by the time Secret Vampire starts. And Ash doesn't seem to have any consistency in his life, but he does spend all his time partying in Las Vegas, while it's implied both his parents are living on the east coast in an enclave. He goes to fetch his sisters when his father tells him to, but he never gives the impression that he especially likes his father, and in fact suggests that if Quinn hadn't been around when his father called, he might have ignored him. There doesn't seem to be much love lost there. And we don't even have to get into Delos's relationship with his father, the guy who treats him like a living weapon at best.
Actually, the closest thing to a loving, functional parental vampire relationship seems to be Jez and Bracken, and they only have like one scene together. Even then, he let her run around San Francisco without supervision from the age of five onward, and that's never treated as being especially outside of the norm. He makes sure she has a place to stay and goes to school, but he doesn't seem to keep track of her daily activities at all, or he does and doesn't care what she gets into so long as he doesn't personally have to deal with it.
And unlike the witches, there doesn't seem to be as big of a push to take on extra kids. That's Morgead's whole thing, that he's got a bone to pick with all the elder vampires that just ignored him when he was abandoned by his mom. Even if they do take in the kids without parents (like Bracken does), vampire parents don't provide much attention anyway. With Thea, she sees a whole future surrounded by other witches and continuing her education under the tutelage of her family. She was eighteen and would have continued to be monitored and cared for for years. Whereas Ash got attacked at the age of twelve, killed a much bigger vampire, and every single person who could have watched out for him was like "yep he's good give him a credit card and let him go do whatever" and he just does.
Honestly, I could talk about each of the characters' childhoods in depth individually, but maybe I'll have to save that for later. Or fanfics or something.
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cdelphiki · 1 year
I've always loved the story of Matilda. I've only seen the musical once because of how musicals work, and how hard it is to see them not live, but the 90s movie was my favorite movie as a kid. As an adult, Matilda has given me really strong Jason-Todd-feelings. Especially in the song "Naughty," in just how Matilda really subscribes to the idea that if she wants things to be better, or at least to have things made 'right,' she has to do it herself. She can't and shouldn't just sit back and take abuse, she should fight back, no matter how little she is. That spirit in itself just always reminded me of Jason.
But now with the Netflix movie, I've watched the musical several times this week and it's really made me listen to the music (before I only listened to a couple of the songs with any repetition) and Wow do I have feelings. But this song in particular, at first I was thinking about how it would reflect on Jason & Bruce before I realized something...
This is exactly how Tim's story plays out. The song is the final song in the play, and it's called Still Holding my Hand. The lyrics go:
I believed that I would never be able to rely on anybody else. And I was sure that I would just have to learn to survive all by myself. And one day I opened my eyes, and looked to find that the sky had turned blindingly blue. And right by my side was you quietly taking a stand, and you were holding my hand.
And just. Think about that. Tim Drake was this tiny little child who inserted himself in Bruce's life because Batman needed help. He didn't go to Batman for help in anything, and while canon is kind of all over the place on Tim's own situation, he was a neglected child in basically every version. In the main one most people tend to use, he rarely had his parents around, and was instead raised by boarding schools and the housekeeper. But none of those people are parents. They aren't people you can rely on. They're all employees of someone or something. They aren't the same thing as nannies, and even then, nannies aren't replacements for parents. I say that as a former nanny. People who take care of you for a living aren't permanent fixtures in your life, no matter how wonderful, supporting, and loving they are. And that will cause a wall to be built between you, especially if you're used to being moved around or just don't have the same one your whole childhood.
So Tim, being 12 or 13, didn't have anyone in his life he could rely on. He relied on himself, and was fiercely independent as a result. It's certainly one of his strengths, and it was what made him approach Batman and save him over and over again. But even if it was a strength of his, everyone, everyone, but especially children need people they can rely on. And once the grieving-Bruce resigned himself to training this child they bonded. Bruce started noticing things about Tim, about Tim's parents. Or... lack of Tim's parents, and so he stepped up further. He became a father figure in Tim's life. Even if he was hesitant, because Tim wasn't his kid.
And one day.... Tim opened his eyes and saw. And he realized that Bruce was there for him. Bruce cared about him, loved him even, and Tim trusted him with his entire being. Something he never thought would happen. Kid-him relying on an adult so heavily.
Anyway. Now listen to the song and cry with me about it.
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bimbomagicmaker · 1 month
-ˋˏ A pair of strangers journeying to Los Angeles together. Enemies to lovers trope. Ever since watching the show A Murder At The End Of The World, I have been interested in portraying a character with a Harris Dickinson face-claim, inspired by his role as Bill Farrah. I want to put my own spin on the character to make him unique and not just a carbon copy of the original. I have a plotline in mind, so buckle up! You don't need to have seen the show to grasp this plot concept because it's entirely distinct from the show's plot and doesn't relate to it at all. I’m looking for a female opposite!ˎˊ-
From the day Asher Stone was born, his life was already set on a difficult path. He bounced around in the foster care system, going from one home to another. Some families showed him kindness, but those were never the ones he stayed with for long. He appeared to have inherited qualities from his parents even before meeting them. When he turned eighteen, he discovered that he had a temper similar to his father's and a carefree attitude like his mother's. When faced with violence from his foster families, he learned to stand up for himself and sometimes had to resort to violence in order to protect himself. On his eighteenth birthday, he didn't waste any time leaving his difficult situation behind. He left in the middle of the night, taking the lazy man's truck. He didn't know much about his parents, so he went to the library in the nearby town to find out more. He was interested in meeting the people who abandoned him, despite knowing they had substance abuse issues. He questioned whether they were still struggling with addiction because he was informed about it when he was ten by one of his foster mothers, who was trying to make him feel small. He had the necessary information to locate his parents who were last known to be in Los Angeles. He began his journey to Los Angeles, hoping to reunite with two parents who felt remorse for abandoning him. All he desired was love - the kind of unwavering love that only his parents could provide, the kind that could mend his emotional scars. Living without a permanent home made him feel free because he was able to make his own choices about what to do. He could stay in cheap motels or in his stolen car, skip out on paying for meals or eat leftovers from other people's plates, steal things he needed from stores or go without showering for days. Every day presented new challenges for him, but he felt like he was finally in charge of his own life. Unfortunately, a sudden turn of events occurred when his stolen car broke down, preventing him from reaching Los Angeles. This caused what was supposed to be a short delay to turn into months, and eventually years passed by unexpectedly, with five years gone in the blink of an eye.
I am searching for a female opposite, who is in a similar unfortunate situation as him, to be his partner. They both meet at a run-down hotel and immediately develop a dislike for each other. Asher is used to being alone and only spends short amounts of time with others. However, their fates become connected when he discovers that she also dreams of going to Los Angeles to become an actress or singer, as it was the place to be in the 90s. Somehow, they manage to set aside their disagreements and join forces in order to reach Los Angeles more quickly because two minds are better than one. They discovered that it was simpler to deceive and manipulate others to survive as a team by creating fake situations such as pretending to be a newlywed couple who eloped against their parents' wishes and now she's pregnant, or by claiming to be Catholic children trying to raise funds to repair their church's damaged ceiling after a fire. They were so skilled at inventing these stories together that it seemed like magic when they collaborated. This story is about the slow development of a strong connection between two strangers who unexpectedly find themselves caring deeply for each other. They realize that despite their differences, they are drawn to each other.
Music that captures the essence of this relationship:
Love Will Tear Us Apart by Joy Division, Moon River by Frank Ocean, How To Disappear Completely by Radiohead, Wicked Game by Chris Isaak, Paul by Big Thief, and Fade Into You by Mazzy Star.
To interact, you should be at least twenty-two+.
One-three paragraphs, detailed replies wanted.
Spotify, Tupper, and mood board friendly!
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silknoise · 4 months
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x. dossier. / x. wanted plots. x. pinterest. / x. thread tracker.
hi there friendos!!! i am thrilled to be joining you since i've been wanting something simple on tumblr for awhile now!! also so happy to be bringing my underappreciated queen umji to the party! the muse she's the face for is one of my faves to write; lee seonah, aka ramona lee is a new york born saxophonist with a cool demeanor and a love for cucumber melon. more info is listed below the cut, so if you're interested in any of her plots or would like me to swing by your ims to say hello or to plot something, you're invited to leave a like on this post!
trigger warnings: m*rder, robbery, implied g*n v*olence, grief
as briefly mentioned above, seonah was born in staten island, new york on august 7th, 1998.
her parents, originally from daegu, built a life stateside in the early '90s, so they were already pretty blended into the american routine by the time they had seonah.
in new york, seonah often went by her english name ramona, often shortened to mona. the name was derived from an old jazz singer and pianist her mother loved.
one of the main reasons seonah's parents even moved from south korea was so that her mother could try her luck at the new york jazz scene. she was a gifted pianist with quick hands who had always ensured seonah's life was filled with music.
those very sessions with fellow musicians she worked with were the catalyst for seonah's obsession with the saxophone. a musician seonah would always call uncle franklin would come and play the sax at their south shore townhome, while the small child watched and danced along.
he was actually the one to gift seonah her very own saxophone at age ten, by which her younger sister seoyeol had been born and was clinging to seonah's legs while she struggled to play the instrument.
the characteristics of her music were very much shaped by the staten island jazz scene, and the city's famous festival was a tradition for the whole family.
from her father did seonah inherit a love of gardening, building terrariums and making sure a healthy amount of green was present in all her decorating. she and her father would spend hours carefully placing moss, stones, grass and water in small glass containers until they resembled miniature nature scenes.
she spent a good amount of time in her dad's store as well, helping him stock and clean up throughout her childhood. the value of hard work was an early lesson for seonah and it would likely stick with her permanently.
that store, however, would come to be the site of a horrible tragedy that would uproot many lives.
her mother and father were working the late shift at the store one night when a masked gunman entered, demanding cash. her parents were both killed during the exchange, leaving seonah and her sister to grieve them at far too young an age.
as the two had no other blood relatives in the area, their parents' friends franklin and his wife delisle were named in a will to take the children in and raise them as their own.
it was an extremely tough transition, but the pair, along with another of their parents' closest friends adam made sure the sisters never went without love and encouragement. they refused to let the children's view of the world become twisted due to what they had gone through, and they were a huge part of why the two made it through that period of their lives.
now being raised by franklin, seonah was kept occupied by saxophone lessons, camping trips, walks through the city — any and everything she loved simply to keep her mind off the tragedy her family had faced.
despite her new guardians' best efforts to make her childhood fulfilling, seonah couldn't help but feel somewhat aimless after the passing of both her parents, and even a bit disconnected from them. she developed a fairly unbothered demeanor that some would even mistake for just not caring, though that was the furthest thing from the truth.
as she finished out her primary schooling and prepared to apply to the manhattan school of music, she floated the idea of possibly traveling to her parents' home city of daegu after graduating college to franklin and delisle. they met the idea with approval, thinking it was an excellent chance to reconnect with a past she'd never really gotten to discover.
after training up her musical talents to her instructors' satisfaction, it was finally time to say farewell to her family. she couldn't have said thank you to franklin, delisle and adam more times if she'd tried. seonah looked upon her now teenaged sister with slight guilt, feeling as though she were abandoning her for her own selfish reasons. seoyeol simply threw her arms around seonah and promised her she'd seek out universities in daegu so they could see each other soon.
and that was it, she was off to daegu with a graduation present of a one way flight and some won to run on until she found work. thankfully, that didn't take too long, as she found a pretty fancy restaurant looking for jazz musicians of her caliber.
seonah made a vow to herself that she would only speak in korean and only use her korean name until she felt that familiar connection to her parents once more.
she soon found a home in the confines of sueunju sharehouse, and though it's filled with strangers, it reminds her of the blended household she lived in back in staten island and even makes her oft expressionless visage falter into a smile. though she is still very much getting used to living in daegu two years on, her life is in a place of contentment for the time being. she continues to chase memories that have long since passed her by, barely conscious of all the new ones she is making in the process.
some would call her an ice queen, but she's more like a snow angel. like she's definitely composed, doesn't like to argue and sometimes comes off as though she's silently plotting your demise in a corner, but there is a warmth to seonah that is unmistakable. she can be so cold to the touch but also reach directly into your heart and make you melt. she is a mess of contradicting thoughts and feelings and words, but she could be ur mess of contradicting thoughts and feelings and words, u know???
only really loses her cool when it comes to music she's excited about, if her heart's a little bit broken or if she's lost something near and dear to her (her saxophone goes missing, one of her terrariums get broken, etc) and it's sad, but also kind of funny cmvnbvncb!
she's very inquisitive, especially about the daily routine in daegu. she desperately wants to know more about the lives her parents lived before they moved to america, and being that she's only been in south korea for two years, she isn't as in touch with things as she feels like she should be. stop her if she's asking too many questions — she just gets into a flow of seeking information and doesn't realize it sometimes!
a girl of many hobbies: gardening, camping, building terrariums, hitting up the thrift store, smoking on roofs, seeing performances at masquerade, noraebang, etc. and she loves doing these things with friends! partake in any of these activities with her, and you'll earn a special place in her heart and the slightest aura of a smile just for you.
sometimes she just??? disappears. sometimes her social energy simply runs out and she needs some time to recharge it. she's not trying to ghost, she promises! she just needs a couple days of mirror glaring and deep rumination before she's ready to have company again.
a wanted plot of mine (!!!!!!) but i also hc her as recently single with a lot of regretful and reluctant pining for her ex lol. she's in her slightly reckless era in an attempt to forget them, so pls forgive her for any messy moments 😘
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Overworked Mascots Family in my AUs
Okay so this is to explain the whole dynamic of the whole entire family tree when it comes to this Universe
My Universe is also known as Three Toons and a Baby just a hilarious play on Three Men and a Baby,
Mickeys Eldest is Eleanor Patsy born to him and Minnie in 1975, she is MtF Trans she is a joyful sort that will remind you of Lottie from Princess and the Frog she seems spoiled at first but really it's just because she's overly exuberant as Mickey jokes you can hear her excited squeal 3 miles away
She is also the most powerful tune in Hollywood merely because she knows everybody from the janitors to the big CEOs she may gossip at times, but she is known for treating everybody equally. She may have a giant mansion behind wrought iron gates, but even her servants, Maids Butlers, ect, are living the high life while taking care of her and Oliver
One of their Butler's retired and they asked him what he wanted to do he wanted to cruise around the world for the rest of his life so they literally paid him over $200k so he could do that
Eleanor is what we wish Billionares would be, in her world once Elon Musk dropped out of paying for the EU world hunger thing she stepped up and was like Hey I will pay it for him,
Yeah she's a force to be reckoned with her cute little thing is that if she tweaks her nose it activates her magic which she inherited from her parents, but she can do it with a hand wave,
Their second daughter is Marian born right in the middle of the divorce in 2023 although she's biologically Minnies, she doesn't see Minerva as her mother at all since she was raised like Walter with Bugs and Daffy
She is a genius when I am saying this she graduated by the age of 15 from high school she is a leader, very inquisitive, just like Mickey she likes to be challenged to solve problems,
Bugs and Daffys kids are Dorothy Eileen and Oliver a set of twins, Oliver is unique in his albinism being the only Warner toon with it
Oliver is complex as he is with Eleanor but they got together before Mickey, Bugs and Daffy did, so it really doesn't bother anybody despite the weird circumstances that they should by technicality be step siblings,
Oliver has more Daffy in him than his twin he's a gossip who knows his fashion like the back of his hand but his real specialty is Nails he's a nail tech, which is how he hears about the latest gossip in Hollywood.
Dorothy is known as Dolly and she's definitely more of bugs then Daffy, she's the one playing poker on Friday nights living a relatively calm life she's a divorcee with one child named Viola, she's suburban mom wine aunt vibes,
However the real wild card is Louis, he is a donor baby. Anyone remember Honey Bunny before Lola?
As Honey was getting less and less work from Warner, she was planning for her future which included wanting to be a single parent. She was one who wanted a kid, but not the partner. However it was the 90s and nobody would give her the chance so Bugs talked to Daffy and then donated, leading to Louis.
So Louis really wasn't connected to his other siblings as Honey raised him on her own across the country. He didn't even know Bugs was his donor until he was 18 and getting into acting,
Louis is also deaf, he was born this way this didn't change Honeys love at all for him. Fortunately by the time Walter is born in 2027 his mother has dissappeared if you don't understand she's dead because she was forgotten completely. So he does rely as an adult very much on his father's side.
As for the children between Mickey and Bugs that's Walter Fredrick, a mischievous Scamp with a penchant for trouble he's got a brilliant mind and a creative streak as big as his namesakes,
Eventually Walter even does something that no Toon has ever been able to achieve when working with animators one day he is entrusted with a project bringing a Cartoon to life, they do it thinking he can't yes they were trying to be mean
But he teaches them all a lesson when he actually brings a Toon to life, they do not know if this is a part of his gags and ability which he received from Mickey however it is still a shocking turn of events.
He prefers a quiet Studio though and a canvas he's always got paint on him somehow with his paintbrush behind his ear he's definitely like Walt in the sense of he can be larger than life but when alone he's humble gentle and kind
The other three you may see but these guys are not original characters is the Animaniacs Yakko Wakko and Dot Warner however they do have biological ties because of my headcanons and thoughts to Mickey they are his nephews and niece
They are the only three children of Oswald in Ortensia who were forcibly locked away after getting pissed off at the treatment of their family and causing the 1934 fire which took out 15 Acres of the Warner Bros Lots this is why they were locked in the tower
The damage they did was equal to 34 million nowadays. But if you ask them they will still look at you and say it was worth it,
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ae-neon · 1 year
Cold Case Crimes: The Archeron Sisters (Remains Unsolved)
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Hello, hello, hello.
Welcome to the Spooky Speaks Podcast, hosted by me, Ae Neon. Thank you for everyone who's joined... Today I'm a little excited! Can you tell? Do you know whyyy??
Because today we're looking at the case that inspired me to make this podcast. A case that still gives me chills.
True crimer or not, everyone knows this case.
Okay so before we dive in, remember I'm gonna go over the general timeline first then a detailed analysis of all the parts and then we go into theories and call-ins. Okay? Okay.
Growing up in the 90s and early 2000s, everyone knew who the Archerons were. Their reality show, "All Day with the Archerons", aired for almost 6 years between '99 and '05 and every weekend millions of people around the world gathered to watch William and Elizabeth Archeron raise their 3 daughters.
The show was a hit and helped catapult the Archerons from a small business family to household names. Mrs Archeron became the face of Revlon's Modern Moms campaign, modelled for Dior and even had a guest appearance on Oprah while promoting her book, "How To Raise a Winner"
Though the book, and Elizabeth herself, were later criticised for harmful and abusive conduct towards children after her eldest daughter, Nesta, collapsed due to stress.
However, the controversy quickly died down after it was announced Elizabeth had been diagnosed with a terminal illness and the latest season would be the last.
The family moved to Williams' hometown and Elizabeth died later that year. Their businesses closed and the family retreated from public life altogether.
For a while it seemed like the Archeron name might fade, relegated to nostalgia tidbits and C-list gossip columns who reported on Nesta's brief romance with notorious ice hockey player, Tomas Mandray.
Until, years later, their names began hitting the front pages once again.
On the morning of November 23rd, Elain Archeron filed a missing persons case with the police. Only a few hours later, the case was all over the local news.
Feyre Archeron, 19 at the time, hadn't come back from a night out with friends.
She was the only one of the 3 who remained in their family home, their father was living at a care facility a few minutes away and her 2 eldest sisters both lived out of town.
They were meant to gather for the holidays as they always did and Elain had arrived a little earlier than usual, the extra set of hands meant Feyre had time to go out with friends and she did, telling her sister she'd be back by morning.
But Feyre never returned.
The case ignited a wave of search efforts but after 4 months with almost zero evidence to go on, it began to die down.
Until, on March 8th, two young women reported their housemate missing. Nesta Archeron had disappeared.
This time police had more to go on, Nesta had not been the same since Feyre's disappearance. Her roommates reporting that she'd stopped eating and insisted that Feyre had been abducted. Workers at Sunnybrook Care, even reporting that they'd had to escort her off the premises when it seemed she might become violent in an argument with her father.
"She was screaming, kinda crazy, you know? But like really sad and angry too. Kept asking him if he was gonna 'sit back and watch like always'." One witness said to reporters, "Like she kept talking about her mom too and I think it's true, you know, the rumours that she was abused maybe."
Reports later released to the public include that Nesta had made strange purchases, withdrew large amounts of cash and frequented the dark web in search of help "hunting someone down".
In the end most people chalked it up to grief and long term stress disorders, with rumours of past abuse and even drug use surrounding the case.
The tragedy put the spotlight firmly on Elain Archeron and once again, the world fell in love with the family.
Elain had moved her father in with her after Nesta's disappearance as well as made several appearances on various talk and radio shows pleading for any information regarding her sisters.
She started up an organization aimed at using private security resources to track missing persons and suspects. And through this, she met Graysen. The two were instantly taken with one another and engaged 6 months later.
...Only one month before she too would disappear without a trace.
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silversparrowstuff · 1 year
Hey. Stop scrolling for a minute, please, and listen to what I have to say, because it could teach you something, or it could remind you of just how much of an impact you have on someone's life. It is long, but there's a meaning behind it that, if you have time to read it all, will be good for as many people in the world to know as possible.
In the interest of keeping my matters still generally private, I'm going to call the main person in this story C.
C was my second cousin, so the cousin of my father, and she was born around the late 90's to early 2000s. She was born and raised a male, and for many years, lived under the he/him pronouns. Then, shortly after turning the age of 18/19, she set out to make a life for herself by moving.
That was where she transitioned. She had surgery and went through everything without her parents' knowledge, and eventually returned home.
And when she did, it wasn't a happy sight. It was about a year or two ago when it happened and she returned home, and she was met with homophobia and hatred by her parents, disowned and kicked out. Some of her siblings shunned her as well, but one of them took her out of kindness and housed her for a while.
To put it simply and in the most HR-friendly way possible, she died earlier this month of self-inflicted causes. The entire family has taken it to heart, including her parents, homophobic and ally siblings, and all the rest, including me. We will soon go up to her funeral, and no one is sure how she will be dressed in the casket or what name will be on the gravestone. My sister is terrified that when she comes out as she/they, the same could happen to her, or if I came out as aroace, it could happen to me, and I can't promise her it won't. I don't know the future, but I do know that although I did not know C that well, it shouldn't have happened.
She shouldn't have died, she shouldn't have been kicked out, and she shouldn't have had to go through all of that. It's horrible that it happened at all, and I just want to send this out as a warning to anyone and everyone who is in a position like C's parents and siblings were, who are seeing their daughter, their son, their offspring, their brother, their sister, their sibling, whatever.
You have the most important job of all at that moment. You can decide their future, whether they feel secure in their skin or whether they feel unloved and in pain. You decide what their mental state will be like, you decide where they sleep and eat, you decide everything in that singular moment. So please, I beg you, be nice, be kind, and be accepting, because things like this can happen if you don't. And sure, you'll mourn them later, but the sad truth, to put it incredibly bluntly, is that it will be far, far too late.
It may be difficult for you to accept it at first, I know what's second nature to me or my sister can be difficult for others, but we're not asking you to be perfect or to get it right the first few times.
We're asking you to try. We're asking you to respect it and to support it, even if you don't understand it, even if you don't really agree with it, just respect it and try. It goes a long way, and it's not all that difficult.
They went through a lot to get to where they are, and at this point, they just want you to love and accept them. They value your opinion, and they value you, and it can be devastating to hear that all of the 'I love you's you told to them as children were turned on their head just because they are who they want to be.
So, I'm going to leave you with a simple word of advice. Please, take care of the people you love and value and support them, no matter what happens, no matter what changes they go through, because if you don't, you might lose them entirely. And no one wants that.
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yuikomorii · 1 year
Do you think Ayato would make a good parent? Not now, while him and Yui are still 17, but maybe 10 or more years into the future? I was just curious since Ayato has been shown interacting with kids before and he seems surprisingly caring. He isn't the best at looking after them, but he tries. Question aside, I have to admit that I'm not a big fan of any ending where Yui becomes a mom at 17...it just doesn't feel right. I'm sure she'll make an amazing mom one day, but I think now is much too early. Sorry if I ended up rambling!!
// Unpopular opinion but I don’t want Ayato and Yui to ever have a child. :”)
Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against children and I actually really like them as long as they’re kind and respectful but a child would be more of a burden to them…?
First of all, even if years pass by, Ayato will continue to look and be the same because vampires develop much slower than humans due to their immortal lifespan. As a result, who will be responsible for the child after Yui dies because she can no longer be turned into a vampire? Exactly, Ayato. The fact that he is the Vampire King would make matters worse in this case because he would be unable to deal with a child while also fulfilling all of his king duties. In the DF short story, he was already shown working himself off, and putting even more pressure on his shoulders would be very sad. Some may believe that having one of his brothers take care of the child will solve everything, but I disagree. I seriously doubt Ayato would be okay with it given his experience with an absent parent.
Secondly, it has been established that the Diaboys are prone to becoming envious of their own children, which is very unhealthy. I understand that they are natural predators and that it is acceptable to date a human as long as she is treated with love and respect, but I draw the line at having children and then viewing them as competition.
When it comes to Ayato being nice to children, I suppose he's acting more like a "big bro" than a father figure. Carla, in my opinion, is the only Diaboy with true father qualities, as demonstrated in LP.
I believe Yui can act motherly but she’s still not mature enough to raise a child. I agree with you that she’d be a good mother in the future if she evolves more as a person but that is kinda doubtful taking account that in the recent games she was mostly turned into an emotional support rather than a character with development and was proven unable to help any of the Diaboys with their king duties (that’s understandable though) but I miss the times when DL was focused more on her thoughts, actions and growth. ://
I'm honestly glad that the main guys are usually never the ones who impregnate the MCs, because most heroines are teenagers, and it's just weird turning them into mothers when 90% of them were sheltered and didn’t even experience living life so… I guess that’s just not the ideal outcome of any otoge? Don't worry about rambling though; I appreciate the ask, and look at me starting to ramble about it as well. xD
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mcalhenwrites · 5 months
Transition of Seasons
(and its side stories, including WIPs and planned!) Seasons (90/90 chapters) Howie Liddell and his siblings are born from wishes their father made during different seasons. But as the years pass, and Howie realizes no one in his family is aging, questions arise.
It has been almost two centuries since Howie was born from the last fallen leaf of autumn. His fathers continue to raise Howie and his brothers as if they were small children. When a strange woman starts to appear, mysteries about their past begin coming to light. Summer in Snow The cruel words and treatment chase Shannon away from home, but the person who mistreats him is the one to bring him back when he runs. Stolen Summer Songs (2/2 chapters) Human babies aren't usually born from cicada shells, but this child isn't human. There are no guides for how to parent a Season, and the fathers are left to wonder exactly how to keep their child alive.
A backstory about Shannon's birth. The Unfinished Gift We know about the rattan cane. We’ve seen it several times. He’s threatened us numerous times with it, fetching it on occasion to send it whooshing down through air. Something to give us a sense of the impact it would have on our hides were it to land. It is always returned to the umbrella stand afterward.
I don’t think he plans to wag it around as a warning this time. Summer's Storm Despair sweeps through me like howling wind. My arms ache as if fighting against the gale, and only then do I realize it’s not an emotion but a physical sensation against my skin. My magic has responded to my grief.
Above me, storm clouds brew. The village boys glance up, appalled by the sudden change in the weather. They yell at one another. I can’t make out their words. Only their sense of panic. How to Love When he's little, his parents mean the world to him.
But he doesn't mean the world to them. Summer in Distress (7/10 chapters posted so far) Shannon cannot go back.
His hair is matted and his clothes stiff with grime, the hollow of his stomach so carved out, it has started taking the fat from around his bones to feed. He ran away just a week after his birthday in summer, but now the air grows cold around him. It has been months since he had a bath or felt the warmth of a meal or knew the comforts of a bed.
But he is not about to go “home” to his fathers.
A Papa's Wrath Even for little boys who rarely got into trouble, whose gentle natures often persuaded a stern parent to be tender, a papa’s wrath could be immense for little thieves. The Starting Foundation The first meeting between Graham and Vivian. Seaside Meeting During a routine cleaning of the beach, Mir has the pleasure of meeting someone unexpected. The Screams of the Cicadas I’m here now, and I’m suffering all the same, and you won’t change. The Basement The basement has always seemed scary to all three Liddell children. They've also been told not to go down there by their fathers.
That's the perfect mix for siblings to start daring each other to go down there. Last Leaf of Autumn The time has come for our family to have another child.
This one will be autumn, and they will be one of two children planned in the coming years. ~*~ Planned or WIPs: - A story that shows the continuation of the rest of Bee's childhood and how he deals with the uncertainty of coming adulthood and what that means. It also details how much his fathers remain in his life. This might be a handful of chapters, but not too many. - Graham's perspective after Shannon leaves. This one is almost finished and details some of the ways Vivian manipulated Graham. - A multi-chaptered story about Vivian's childhood. I already named it and started writing, but I have no idea how long it'll be. It'll focus a lot on his time with Gideon, but I wanted to go deeper than that. Unfortunately, I find it very difficult to write about certain parts of his childhood in detail? So I'm trying to navigate that while driving home the severity of abuse he endured. - Someone asked me to write about the time Sophie and Graham met, and I do want to do that. It's blank right now, but the document was made months ago. - Some post-Seasons family bliss. Yes, such a thing exists, especially when it involves Jasper. - I'd also love to write a family gathering when Jacy is maybe a preteen, like 11 or so. This would be rather wholesome and involve more family feels. - I would love to talk more about Phineas and the sort of life he's lived, for as long as he's lived it. He's one of my favorite characters in the series and also the most fun to write! He's had joy and sorrow in spades. All worth exploring. Not sure if this would end up being a bunch of fragmented oneshots or just a short multi-chaptered story... - I don't know if I want to talk about why Pierce is estranged from his family and his relationship with his boyfriend (and later husband). I want focus on them!
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thatseventiesbitch · 8 months
would love to hear more about ur verse covering the gap between t70s and t90s 😁
Thanks for the ask!
Well, it's a massive story. The longest one I've ever outlined (and I wasn't finished) - it was like 60 chapters. It attempts to bridge the two series, so it started on New Years Eve 1979 and went right up to the 4th of July 1995. Each of the characters had their own major plotline - quite complex, to explain how they got from the '70s to the '90s. I truly don't think I'll ever finish and post it, so here are some details (be forewarned, this is long 😅):
Eric and Donna of course, were the center. The story was about how they handled their unexpected pregnancy with Leia, and then raising Leia, along with navigating turbulence as their friend-group imploded, stress in their careers, and eventually fissures in their marriage. A lot of angst, which is something I haven't been writing much of these days but I rather miss it. A few big spoilers about their plotline:
Eric finally grows up when Leia is born. We see him struggling to find his purpose at the end of T70S, and when his daughter is born he finally finds it.
They end up going to college in Milwaukee, not Madison, because it's much closer to Red & Kitty (who help them immeasurably when Leia is little). Donna gets to attend Marquette - the private school she loved but was going to give up so she could go to UW-Madison with Eric.
They want to have a second child when Leia is around 5 or 6, but unfortunately Donna loses the pregnancy/has a miscarriage. When it happens a second time, she goes into her self-destructive spiral and runs away to her mom's in California (deja vu). Eric goes and brings her back home, once again.
Donna's a journalist when she graduates from college, and after several years of work she gets her dream job opportunity: writing for Rolling Stone. The job requires a lot of travel, though, and Eric is concerned by that (Leia's around 10) and nags her about it. The plotline culminates in Donna missing Leia's birthday. Things become even more tense between Eric and Donna, and then on an international work trip, she's drunk and pissed and she cheats (like, somewhere in between kissing and sex). They work through it in marriage counseling. (This storyline was partly inspired by the marriage and family therapy course I had to take in grad school, and partly by Jim and Pam on The Office 🤣)
Donna changes careers after the whole ordeal, and ends up as a writer/author. She publishes her first novel to modest success, but her second becomes a Bestseller. It's about her mom. Midge died of cancer and the book is Donna processing her relationship with her mom/her mom's death.
Obviously from T90S, they end up happy (and together). By 1995 they've worked through their stuff, and they're happier than ever. Well. As happy as you can be when you're raising a teenager (marriage and family therapy course taught me that statistically, families are at their most volatile stage when their children are teenagers 🤓)
Jackie and Kelso
I originally had Jackie with Hyde when I drafted this story, but I changed it after That '90s Show came out and I became intrigued by the idea of Jackie and Kelso for the first time. What makes them keep going back to each other time and time again? How do they work? How does parenthood change their dynamic? I wanted to explore it in a story. A few big spoilers about their plotline:
When Jackie realizes she's pregnant (and it's Kelso's), the first person she turns to is Hyde. He doesn't know why she's telling him that she's pregnant ("I don't know why you're tellin' me. I ain't the daddy,") but Jackie confesses she didn't know who else to go to. She confesses that she doesn't want to be with Michael, she wants to be with him - but Hyde gets upset and tells her it's too fucking late for that. Upset, Jackie leaves. Hyde goes after her, but it's a few moments later after he's collected himself. She's gone.
Jackie flees to her father in Boston (he's just been released from prison and has promptly remarried and is quite literally starting a new family). He's still rich somehow, and he's vowed to take care of Jackie and his grandchild. He's relieved when he learns the baby daddy is Michael and not Steven, because he 'will be easier to manipulate'.
Jackie's dad threatens and then bribes Kelso to ensure loyalty to her. He gets him a job, implied he's paying him off, etc. Jackie quickly sees through this/realizes it, but admits she could really use the help with newborn baby Jay.
Kelso just straight up ditched Brooke and Betsy for Jackie and Jay, once Jackie's dad started manipulating him. There's bad blood between Brooke and Jackie/Kelso - even though Betsy lives with them part-time (in the summers, etc).
They get divorced because Kelso reveals her dad's bribes to marry her - and because Jackie feels she can't trust him, and he's cheating (he is). Their kids (they now have another baby) are tired of seeing them fight. Etc.
Kelso has a playboy era for a few years, but it loses its appeal rather quickly and he comes crawling back to Jackie. He misses his family. She makes him work for it for a year, but when he's 'proven his love', she takes him back and they remarry.
The second divorce has to do with them being competing local news anchors, ala Anchorman.
Years in the future, beyond 1995 (this was going to be an epilogue, maybe?) Jackie and Hyde run into each other again. Jackie's kids are grown/almost grown, and she's finally left Michael behind for good and been happily single (parenting) for many years. Jackie and Hyde's chemistry is still there - until Hyde reveals he has a 7 year old. Jackie's crushed, but forces herself to ask about his wife. He grins and says no wife, just a co-parent, he's not with Jamie's mom. It ends on a flirty note and we're led to believe they get together like that, later in life. (*Found a way to make it Zenny!*) (Maybe sort of inspired by Daisy Jones and the Six)
He turns away Jackie when she comes to him with her pregnancy - lashes out at her from a place of deep hurt and regret. Unfortunately for him, he drives her away one final time and she's married to Kelso within the year.
He eventually moves to NY, with W.B. It's related to running Grooves, he's gotten a promotion and is making quite a bit of money. Work is his life now - he never thought he'd be one of those people.
He still comes back to Point Place, though rarely. For Eric, Donna, and Leia. For Red and Kitty. He always says hi to Fez. Etc. But he avoids Jackie and Kelso.
He doesn't date or have a serious girlfriend for a long time after Jackie - like 7+ years. When he visits, Eric always tries to tell Hyde that he can have what he has too, he can settle down and find someone. Hyde just brushes him off.
Fez is completely blindsided by Jackie's revelation that she's pregnant (with Kelso's baby) when they're in Jamaica. He comes home and is devastated. Jackie was his dream girl. But Hyde assures him that his destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves. He inspires Fez to do something for himself, and he decides to go to beauty school so he can be a hairdresser.
It's hard for him to be around Jackie and Kelso. He stops having ill-will towards them after a few years, and he eventually just defaults to avoiding them. The splinter between Fez and Kelso/Jackie - along with Hyde bailing to New York - means the gang essentially dissolved. It's really hard for Fez (and some of the others). He still talks to Eric, though, and sees him and Donna every time they're in town visiting Red and Kitty.
He dates quite a bit over the next several years, even trying dating some men, but he never feels that soul connection he had with Jackie. He quietly resigns himself to settling. Until he meets Sherri.
That was a lot. And yet, only a snippet. 🤣
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