#he seems like the type who gets lost in his own thoughts easily...
vividblaze · 1 year
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Jikkyuu~n ... (*´ω`*)
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grandline-fics · 8 months
hi! i just read all of your oneshots and they’re perfect, i’m in love. hoping it is okay to request something with zoro having a soft spot towards reader? he doesn’t even realize it a first, but since reader is somehow quiet and gentle (not weak though!) he starts to take note of small things to do/don’t do or notice their actions (ex: taking care o the crew) a lot more than others. thank you. <3
DESCRIPTION: Who knew you were Zoro’s soft spot? Apparently both of you are the last to know 
WARNINGS: none, just pure fluff
WORDS: 856
A/N:  Thank you for your kind words and for this request! I hope it's to your liking. I've been feeling a little under the weather these past couple of days so some fluff was needed <3
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It’s tiny things; little, practically meaningless things that are so easy to miss but they’re there. When you first joined the crew, your presence fell into the likes of his and Robin’s; strong but relatively quiet and easily looked passed if you wanted. You didn’t see the point in wasting energy needlessly and knew the value in waiting until letting yourself be known. Zoro unknowingly enjoyed that kind of calm you naturally brought and found himself gravitating towards it because it seemed even when he was in his own space you were still in his eye-line. In the beginning he found it a little strange that it kept happening, he knew you weren’t following him. Hell most of the times you were on the other side of the ship or talking with someone else so he cleared it as coincidence and thought nothing of it. As time went on, there was a lot he was putting down to mere coincidence. 
When you were all exploring new islands it was purely happenstance that you two walked side by side. Neither of you were the type to bound about and race ahead without a cause for urgency. He found he didn’t get lost as easily when you were close. You always seemed to know the way to go. On one trip Brook had commented to Zoro how lucky he had been that you were there to talk to him at the right moment otherwise he would have kept walking towards a path that would have taken him towards a ravine. Because of your voice suddenly pulling him into conversation he’d kept the right track and avoided possibly injuring himself and getting a lecture from the others. Lucky right?
It was also luck of the draw that when eating or drinking off the ship, Zoro was sat at the table in such a way that his back blocked you mostly from view from any unwanted stares. It was never in a subconscious way to keep you from interacting with others but it was like another sense he had that he was able to tell when you just wanted to sit with the crew and enjoy your meal. It seemed to go both ways too in that regard. If women tried to approach and flirt with him you effortlessly had a way of making a joke to dissuade them and steer them in Sanji’s direction. Was any of it done out of jealousy, possessiveness of the other’s attention, or an overwhelming need to protect? Not in the least, it was just doing what needed to be done to help out a friend and fellow crew-mate.
On the Sunny it’s no different. It’s not even a second thought, his body just reacts without thinking. In the early, barely waking hours when he’s finished his night watch and is about to grab a quick snack before training he always pulls out a specific mug from the cabinet and sets it on the counter. It’s never for him and like clockwork you appear just as he’s finished drinking a glass of water. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes and stifling a small yawn you always offer him a small smile and greeting that is returned. You both pass each other, your only motivation is caffeine to see you through the last of the watch before everyone else is awake while he goes to the crow’s nest to train. 
After all this time it’s never occurred to you to question why your mug is waiting for you when you rise. You don’t know why but it’s something that immediately makes your morning a little bit brighter. It’s also routine now that an hour or so after breakfast, you and Zoro both nap; him to rest between his training sessions and you to grab another couple hours after your night watch. Nami occasionally glances up from her charts to shake her head at your sleeping forms. Robin finds it adorable while Brook chuckles, nostalgic over youth and love’s first stages. 
“Jeez they’re both so clueless.” Sanji grumbles, he’s accepted long ago that he doesn’t have a chance with you but is so infuriated that nothing has actually happened. He lost you to the swordsman who hasn’t even thought to make a move. Usopp grins and watches as you stir slightly in your sleep which in turn makes Zoro react before his body relaxes again. Currently he’s lying on his back with one hand tucked behind his head. While the other that’s draped over his chest, his fingers almost touching yours that are curled by your head as you sleep on your side. 
From his spot on Sunny’s head, Luffy grins. “I don’t know. I think they do know, in their own way.” It’s the little, insignificant things that you both do for each other that are easy to miss and while a lot of little things add up into something bigger, none of it compares to the way that you and Zoro unknowingly look at each other at any given chance. Because that is something so big that no one else can ignore. 
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sanjisboyfie · 7 months
shanks being your doting boyfriend
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(slightly himbo) shanks x male reader
NOT PROOFREAD mb. small, slight manga spoilers??? sorry guys + LMFAO i hadto ctrl + f every single time i used "arms" and switch it to "arm" also im so soorrryyyy its kinda rlly short.....forgive me also idc???? if this seems ooc to me shanks is just a silly lil guy.
— oh god. the power you hold. you actually singlehandedly could change the course of the entire one piece universe if you wanted to. why??? because one of the four emperors of the sea follows everrything you say like a lost puppy. he hangs off of every word that leaves your lips with a dumb, lovesick grin on his face. his head is empty, just thoughts of you. good thing you use this power of yours for good and keep this man HUMBLE.
"[name], can you please tell your idiot boyfriend to just do the dishes, i can't-"
"beckkkkkk, why are you bothering me and my boyfriend's personal time together?" shanks whined, little spooning his way into your side. his stubble was scratching your skin, making you itchy around your neck and shoulder, especially with the way he was so aggressively nuzzling his head. "we haven't even woken up yet,"
"yeah, and you were supposed to be on cleaning duty last night and you instead chose to spend that time coddling [name], so look where we are now,"
"i'm the captain, goddammit! why do i have to do something like cleaning duty?"
"ask [name], he made that rule,"
shanks' aggressive demeanor turned into putty as he pouted at you. it was not a fitting expression for someone that had a reputation like his and also his age (too old to be acting like a kid).
"babbbbyyy, why are you making us spend less time together? is it because you hate me?"
"shanks, just go fucking do some cleaning in the kitchen. it's a shit show and it's pissing me and the chefs off. get a grip, babe," you scolded, pushing his pouting face away from your own.
with a look of hesitation, shanks finally backed off and got out of bed. as he was putting on a proper pair of trousers on, he was muttering about his own boyfriend was bullying him. his comments went ignored by both you and beck — who was watching with a look of disbelief on his face.
to see his best friend, captain, and one of the four emperors of the sea so easily swayed into doing chores was something he doesn't think he'd ever get used to. no matter how long you and shanks have been together, seeing the red head so obediently follow orders was infathomable.
— shanks -> really intimidating status as captain of the red hair pirates -> turns into complete mush when you walk into the room. without fail, he physically deflates into whatever seat he's sitting in and holds his arm out to you invitingly, waiting for you to sit on his lap.
shanks was supposed to be in serious mode. he was sitting in front of some pretty high ranked marine officials, who were after his crews' heads. he wasn't the type to hold hostages, just to let them go back running to their navy base, but considering the crew was on a vacation of sorts, he needed to know how they were able to track them down.
it lingered in his mind that there was a chance there was a mole in their ranks, but he didn't want to accept that as it would be a painful reality.
"so, how did you know we'd be at this island to recover?" shanks questioned, eyes glaring holes into the marines' faces. they were shaking where they sat, except for one who tried holding a tough demeanor. "i'm not going to do anything to you if you just answer my question,"
just as the marine was about to spill all their information out, the door of the room they were in was slammed open. shanks' haki faltered slightly as he was able to recognize that it was you, and with that imbalance, it sent the marine officers over the edge and made them pass out instead.
you took in the scene, bleakly apologizing for interuppting. shanks didn't have the heart to scold you, so instead he just took you into his arm with a wide grin and said, "no, no, it's alright. i was beginning to miss you anyway, doll. was wondering why you weren't with me," he pouted into your skin, making you laugh.
"turns out one of the lackeys you let on board recently was the reason why these guys showed up out of nowhere," you informed your lover, who hummed in interest, "took a while, but was able to get him to crack under pressure."
shanks sighed in content, hugging you even tighter, "i love you so much, you're so sexy when you take control,"
another laugh escaped your lips as you heard your boyfriend almost drunkenly sing you praises, "it was nothing, the guy had zero resolve anyway,"
"you're so amazing, baby," he continued complimenting into your skin, acting as if there weren't three passed out marine officers in front of you two.
a couple of the lackeys of the crew came bounding into the room and almost froze when they saw their intimidating captain cuddling into your side like an eager puppy.
"u-uhm, captain?" shanks only hummed in acknowledgement as he held you tight to his side. "what do you want us to do with these guys and that bastard traitor?"
"oh, just keep them tied up and then leave them on the shore when we depart — they probably won't survive with all the wildlife around here," shanks hummed, waving his hand dismissively. you were standing in between his legs and he was relishing in the skinship you were allowing him.
"should we tell the rest that we will be setting sail soon then?"
this time you interjected, "yeah, i'll come with you, boys. i'll make moving the bodies easier."
the crew's face lightened up at your familiar kind behavior, but then stiffened when they heard a groan coming from shanks.
"but [name]!! these guys got it, just stay with me longer, please,"
"oh, shut up, idiot. just go back to the main event and lift up the spirits of our crew, they probably wanna hear words from their captain after such a traitorous bastard infiltrated us,"
shanks sighed at your mini lecture, but dragged himself to follow your footsteps. he was holding onto your hand and his feet were practically stomping into the wood.
"who even made me captain, i never asked for this," he sighed, making the crew weakly laugh to fill the awkward silence while you just tried apologizing for your boyfriend, and captain's, idiotic behavior.
— shanks really cherishes the alone time he can spend with you. living your lives as highly wanted pirates makes your daily life hectic. and, thankfully, the foundations of your relationship only led to you two being able to keep that strong trust, respect, and love for each other so alive.
it was nighttime and the ship was rocking ever so slightly with the waves. for once, you switched cuddling positions and had your head resting on shanks' chest. your fingers were drawing mindless shapes on the exposed skin while shanks' arm was squeezing your plushy flesh every now and then.
"you know, i love you so much, right?" he confessed into the night air, the genuineness of his emotions being made obvious with how softly he spoke.
"i love you too," you easily said back, not thinking twice.
"but, do you know i love you?" shanks repeated, sitting up and holding onto your waist to make sure all your attention was directed on him, "i know our lives don't make our lifestyle easier and i know i get really busy when times get rough, but i needed to tell you again that i love you so much [name]."
you grinned at his sincerity, leaning forward and pressing a soft, gentle kiss to his chapped lips. he reciprocated in a second's notice, but you pulled away before he could deepen it (as he usually did whenever you two kissed).
"i know you love me shanks, you are the sweetest lover i can think of. your kindness and humanity remind me everyday that this life is worth living if it's with you," shanks smiled at your words, nudging his forehead against yours to entice you to pull in closer to him.
your lips locked once more in a passionate filled kiss. your bare chests were now skin to skin with one another and it took a couple minutes of desperate kissing for shanks to be satisfied.
and when you finally pulled away and settled back onto his chest, he squeezed you once more and asked, "you've had other lovers besides me?" in reference to what you said earlier.
cue an eyeroll and pinch to his sides to make him shut his pretty mouth for some needed peace and quiet.
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shiniren · 2 years
Manipulative Bsf ___
Best Friend ____ who helps you ‘‘practice’’ kissing and having sex, making it seem like a normal thing that happens between friends.
Warnings: Smut, Fem!Reader, Bimbo!Reader, slight mentions of pregnancy
Word Count: 450
Not proofread, so there’s most likely messy grammar!
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Best friend!___ who fucks you everywhere and anywhere and tells you it’s to ‘’prepare’’ you for when you do the real thing with someone else, though he would never let anyone else fuck you, but you don’t know that, after all, he’s your best friend that’s so thoughtful for helping you with your silly problem!
He would definitely ‘’teach’’ you all the different types of play, he especially loved playing his own little game, seeing the way you look so desperate to try his homemade ice cream, oh if only you knew the truth.
Best friend ___ also loves to see your little pout when you find out you’ve lost another pair of panties, especially the days after when you stop wearing pants for a while just so you didn’t lose any more.
One of Best friend ___ worries is the fact that you have a big mouth, and not in the way he’d want you to. You told too much, and he’s scared you’ll blow the secret -which you don’t even know why it has to be a secret, but ___ tells you if your crush finds out he’ll never like you!-
There was this one time when you said something you weren’t supposed to say, telling your friend about how your panties always disappear in ___’s house, thankfully she wasn’t paying attention so she didn’t hear much.
But Best Friend ___ was still annoyed, he loved you but he couldn’t let it go like that, if he did, you could make another mistake like you did there. So he punished you, edging you over and over again just to not let you release. You were crying, begging for him to let you cum, but he couldn’t let you off so easily, and plus, you looked cute when crying.
Another weird thing about Best Friend ___ is he loved to imagine you pregnant, with a round swollen belly, his child slowly growing in your stomach. It was his dream, and the number of times he’s wanted to cum inside with no condom was over the roof. He hated not being able to fuck you raw, it killed him, but he couldn’t get you pregnant, not yet.
No matter how obsessed he was with you, he’s gotta be honest, you’re absolutely dumb, he’d told you ‘I love you,’ was a normal thing to say between friends and you instantly started saying it to him over and over, and even though he felt happy you were doing so, he had to say you were the dumbest girl he knew.
But you were his dumb girl, and you would be so forever, so to him, it didn’t matter much.
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goldenhypen · 1 year
; ⎯ stay .
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synopsis. you wake up from a horrible nightmare, but heeseung is right there, always ready to be your comfort.
pairing. heeseung x reader ⋅ genres. slight angst to fluff ⋅ wc. 0.6k ⋅ warnings. mentions of heeseung leaving reader (in the dream)
prompts 11. telling them a dumb joke just to see their smile ; 15. calming them down when they have a bad dream ; 29. tucking their hair behind their ear to help them get it out of their face ; 45. rubbing the back of their hand with a thumb ⋅ requested ⋅ dark blood event
a/n. i l o v e writing these types of comfort fics where you wake up and he’s right there ready for you djsjsjd so soft :’>
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“heeseung!” you screamed, tears streaming down your face.
“y/n?!” a voice shouted back.
a voice that sounded like—heeseung’s… but how was that possible…?
“y/n!” it called again…
you jolted awake, tears still rolling down your cheeks.
you whipped your head to the left and to the right in a panic before your eyes landed on the real heeseung beside you, looking practically the most concerned you’d ever seen him, but boy, were you more than relieved to see him alive and healthy.
he was sitting up with you, hand resting on your thigh to reassure you before scooting over and wrapping his arms around your body, pulling you into his chest.
but your sobs wouldn’t subside.
“what happened, my love?” he asked, voice broken like his sensitive heart at the sound of your cries.
“i thought i lost you,” you barely made out between sniffles.
“it’s okay, it was just a dream,” he explained with a kiss to the side of your head. “you really think you could get rid of me that easily, huh?”
at his playful remark, you couldn’t help but let out a small laugh.
he pulled back slightly and looked down at you, “there’s that pretty smile.”
that was when your heavy breaths finally began to subside.
you swung your arms around his neck, pulling yourselves closer, and you two stayed in that position for a couple minutes in silence, one would think you two had fallen asleep, sitting, bodies held in the other’s warm embrace.
eventually, heeseung took one of your hands in his own as he pulled away to check on you, who was still awake.
he rubbed his thumb over the back of your hand, soothing you further.
“you okay?” he asked, voice soft as honey, and as he did, he swept behind your ear a piece of hair that was previously hanging in front of your face before moving to cup your jaw. he looked into your eyes lovingly as he awaited your response.
“i’m better now,” you answered, followed by a tiny smile.
“that’s what i like to hear,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “let’s go back to sleep now, yeah?”
you nodded, and you both laid back down. with his arms still around you, he pulled you closer into him.
“remember,” he started as sleep was already beginning to take over, “i’ll always love you… never will i ever leave you… i can’t survive in this world without you by my side, y/n. i love you more than…”
you waited for him to finish, but his breaths only seemed to grow heavier. and so you squeezed his figure a little tighter as you cuddled into his chest and closed your eyes, content.
this was before you felt his body adjust slightly, and you heard his voice near your ear as he finished, “i love you more than i think you’ll ever know.”
sleepily, you perked up at him, unsure if you heard his words correctly. but what he said made you smile. you left a kiss on his jaw before nuzzling back into him.
you couldn’t wish for anything better than this—anything better than him.
and so with one last thought about something along the lines of how grateful you were, you travelled off into a deep sleep, filled with nothing but happy dreams, you in heeseung’s arms, and there was no place you’d rather be.
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a/n. the ending kept getting drawn out jdjs but hopefully that wasn’t too noticeable :’> likes and reblogs are rlly appreciated! thanks for reading!
event masterlist.
taglist (open). @seroriis @raimbows4u @sultrybaby @kpop-nct @beans-and-jeanes @enhacolor @enhasfever @nokacchan @yizhoutv @xiaoderrrr @soobin-chois @tyunni @shinsou-rii @softkpopplace @belle643 @nar-nia @rapmonie2047 @pshchives @sunjakes @ethereal-engene @exohclipse @yeosayang @koishua @4ri-ki @sunoksunny @jaeyunjakesim @tnyhees @enaus @hoes4hoseok @palajae @clarakyunisageek @annoyingbitch83 @mirula @rcrystallocks @stepout-09-15 @zeraaax @ktttwwn @pistachiophobia @svnoofy @sweetjaemss @vatterie @mnsnts @chacottone @yeseoist @azurez @milisabunny @wonniestars @iamliacamila @rikislady @liikno
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iamcalmdammit · 2 years
Nice to have a friend || [Simon "Ghost" Riley]
Note: I was so surprised that many of you wanted to read this stupid little thing. Read the notes for more after reading the whole thing.
Taglist: @untoldshortsofthefandoms @shoxji @atlantic-sugar @lujain420 @androgynoushellscape @actuallyanita
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"What a coincidence, I knew a Simon Riley back when I was a kid," you noted with an adorable laugh after Price introduced the team to you.
Yes, that was me, Ghost was dying to tell you but his tongue was tied. That was the whole point of the mask, to keep his anonymity.
Seeing a familiar face from Manchester, someone he had fond memories of was a real serotonin boost for the rest of the week. You changed a lot since he had last seen you. Back in the day you used to be a pink-loving little girl who went to ballet classes after school, always the one to try and deescalate the fights between the boys.
Every time he laid his eyes on you and noted how far you'd come, his heart was filled with warmth. He was proud of you. Your sense of humor had matured over the years, but you could easily draw a smile on his face with your comments, you became strong and independent, and damn it, you were definitely easy on the eye too.
And this brought back memories, like the one from the first time he had actually talked to you after school. It was a cold, snowy day and he overheard you panicking about losing one of your gloves. He didn't want you to freeze to death on the way home so he decided to give you his gloves just in case. In return you asked him if he wanted to come over and play your brother's video games with you. From that day on, you occasionally met outside of school as well, and those were the happiest memories from his fucked up childhood.
"You seem to be really lost in your thoughts. What's up with you?" Soap asked him one day when the core team visited a bar after a mission.
Ghost let out a groan. He had noticed it before. The deep conversations you and Gaz were having more and more often, the little inside jokes no one but the two of you understood, and the lingering looks that strangely enraged him every single time. And now you were back at it again, staying within your own little bubble in the bar.
"Come on, Lt., you know you can trust me," the sergeant tried again after a minute or two. "Whatever it is, talking about it might be able to help."
He was right, but he had to be careful. "I think something's going on between those two," he said after a short while, as if he was just pointing out something quite obvious.
Soap looked over at you and Gaz. He even tilted his head to the side like a curious puppy as he tried to see what Ghost was trying to point out. "You think so? I haven't noticed anything unusual," he said.
Could it be that he was seeing more into the situation? "Maybe I'm wrong. I don't know." And with that, he dismissed the idea. It was nothing more but his surprisingly vivid imagination playing games with him. That was all.
Or was it?
When he was alone in bed, he always thought about you. It was strange, he wasn't the type to get fixated on women this much. But you… You were an exception. Every inch of his body was craving you, a primal need infesting his brain every time he thought of you. This led to times when his hand found its way under his jeans to end his suffering for the time being.
When he was away from you and didn't see more into certain situations, he often imagined what it would be like to have you around all the time. Seeing you walk around his shitty apartment in his shirt, having breakfast together, watching a movie with you in his arms, or him exploring your body over and over again, drawing one orgasm out of you after another.
It was bad. He was caught in a spiral and had no idea how to get out of it if you couldn't be his. Each passing day made it worse, he got lost in a fantasy world and was terrified to face you again. What if his instincts turned out to be right one day? What if he found out you were in a relationship with someone else, let alone with someone he knew very well?
And then the worst happened.
"I owe you a drink," Soap told him out of nowhere during their next mission. Ghost had absolutely no idea what he was talking about so he put down the weapon he had in his hand until then and gave him an expectant look. "You were right about Y/N and Gaz, those two are definitely together. I just caught a glimpse of Gaz having his tongue down her throat behind the building," he explained with a laugh.
But he couldn't laugh, not when every cell in his body wanted to scream. He had kept his distance so well in the past months that you barely talked to each other. This was a big mistake, he could see that now. Maybe if you knew the truth, if you knew he was that boy from your childhood, things would be different. You could be friends again, and once you were relaxed enough around him, he could try to see if you wanted more than that.
He couldn't even look you in the eye after Soap's announcement. If you asked him anything, he kept the number of his words to the bare minimum, and this didn't go unnoticed by you. "Do you have a problem with me?" you once asked him when you were left alone following a briefing.
How could you sound so sweet and innocent? How could he lie to you when you were looking at him like that? But he had to do it, he couldn't tell you that he was jealous. That he, despite being friends with Gaz, thought you made the wrong choice this time.
"No, I don't," he replied then walked away without another word.
Two days later Price stopped in front of him and watched him with a questioning look. He waited, hoping the Captain would get bored of this silent game and just tell him what he wanted. In the end he took a deep breath and asked, "Are you okay?"
Strange. "I am. Why?"
"Listen, Simon, I know the history of every member of this team. I know you and Y/N went to the same school at the same time back in the day. Did you know her back then?" he asked seriously, although Ghost could see the hint of a smile on his lips.
Was he about to scold him or praise him? He wasn't entirely sure. "I did. Why?"
"You've been different lately, especially when she's around. I'm not saying you've been making mistakes because it wouldn't be true, but maybe you should consider telling her the truth. There's tension between you and I'm not sure that's good for the team in the long run."
And Price was right. If he kept himself isolated for much longer, if he kept letting his fantasies take over his unwind-time, then he would soon be in serious trouble on the field. And not just him, but everyone else he worked with. Every. Single. One. Of. Them.
But despite the initial drive to do as Price advised, it actually took him a month to finally man up and talk to you. Even then he hesitated, wondering exactly how and when to approach you, preferably without any other member of the team around. Then the opportunity arrived near the end of the mission when he found you alone in a room.
"Can we talk?" he asked you after he knocked on the doorframe. You looked surprised at first. It was understandable, after all you had talked around a total of fifteen minutes in the past months. Ghost gulped loudly and closed the door after you nodded. "I'll make it quick. There's something I need to tell you."
He stopped and you waited. "Okay?"
Breathe in. Breathe out. It wasn't that hard. "When I was a kid, there was a girl in school," he began. "One day she lost her gloves and I gave her mine so her hands wouldn't freeze off in the middle of the winter cold. I think that's when we became friends."
Your eyes narrowed. Your breath caught in your throat. At that moment, you knew the truth. "Simon?" you whispered his name quietly.
He nodded in response, a delicate smile creeping on his lips under the mask as he watched you. A part of him hoped you would be excited, that you would wrap your arms around him to pull him into a tight hug. But his imagination failed him, your reaction was quite the opposite. You buried a hand on your hair and turned your back to him as you tried to process the news.
Then, after what felt like an eternity to Ghost, you finally turned back to him. "Why the hell didn't you tell me?"
Your voice was fused with anger and he honestly couldn't blame you. "I prefer anonymity these days," he replied, pointing at his skull mask.
"Why now?"
Because I can't stop thinking about you and it's getting awkward and also affects my performance in the team. Fuck. He couldn't tell you that. "Price gave me a pep talk. He thinks it would be better for the both of us if I was honest with you." Well, this was true. He did say that.
"Great. Now I know. Is there anything else?" you asked, your voice unusually cold.
There was nothing left to say. He could've asked you about Gaz, whether you were truly in love with him or only had fun during missions, but he kept his mouth shut. You were mad. He didn't want to make things even worse. So he walked away and decided to focus on the rest of this mission instead.
You avoided him from this point on. While until now it had been him who did that, now the tables turned and you were the one who didn't want to talk to him unless it was absolutely necessary. Months passed like that and he was beginning to worry that things would never be okay with you.
Then things slowly began to change. You began to ask him how he was, sometimes asked for his opinion, and generally acted nicer around him. At first he thought it was just his raging imagination playing games again, but no. You were really warming up to him.
"Wanna go out for a drink?" you asked him one day.
Ghost wanted to say yes, but it wasn't the right time for that. "We're working."
You nonchalantly waved your hand at him. "Nah, I checked with the Cap, he's okay with it if we don't stay long and don't get too drunk," you explained with a playful grin. "So, what do you say?"
Nodding, he followed you out to the car that parked in front of the temporary base. Friends. You had to be friends again first. But it was a start, he could definitely work with that.
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auspicioustidings · 6 months
Firewatch Part 10
Summary: Simon tries to bring you back from the edge.
Words: 2.2k
CW: Kidnapping
Simon did not know what he expected to walk into and couldn't really come up with any ideas. His mind was too clouded with the need to see you, to confirm with his own eyes you were alive. He sprinted through the forest barely tempering his reckless pace through the darkness. When he reached the cabin he barrelled in without much ceremony and locked eyes on you.
You looked smaller somehow. It wasn't a physical smallness, it was the way that fear rolled off of you in waves. You were curled against Price, willingly burying yourself into him next to the fire. All of your fight was just gone. He hated it. He hated seeing you like this.
Simon had always been a bit more realistic than the others when it came to you. He had been in your cottage after all. It was chaotic but there was so much of you that shone through in the chaos. Half finished craft projects everywhere (you were clearly passionate but lost interest easily if there was nobody to keep you on task), books neatly put away by genre and not alphabetically (he could tell you were someone who took great care with them, the type to use a bookmark instead of folding down any of the edges, and the adventure and fantasy books told him you were someone who dreamed big), several different types of tea (you must like variety).
There weren't any photos up, it had annoyed him. You didn't seem to have much in the way of loved ones but for your cat who you clearly spoiled if the cat walk lovingly built along the walls was any indication. He knew you were stubborn and had a temper, he could tell from the butchered bit of wall from where you had clearly struggled to get one of the shelves to sit straight. He knew you were messy, messy enough that it would probably get on his nerves when you lived together. 
He loved you despite it. He loved seeing your passion in every inch of that cottage. He loved seeing your wild recklessness through the well used first aid kit that was lying out ready to be used again. He loved seeing your tenderness in how Dosia had subtly blocked him from touching your hair as you slept, the little thing fiercely protective even against a predator many times her size. She loved you because you had loved her and that was a beautiful thing.
This you? Dull eyed and clinging to Price like a lifeline? It wasn't right. It didn't fit properly. He would take you kicking and hissing and biting at him over this affection born from trauma. It was the reason he never tried to use the fact it had been him that carried you out of that burning cottage against you. He didn't want a version of you that had to bend to what would make him happy. He wanted you just as you were.
Price found himself in a similar mindset. 12 hours ago he would have killed to have you like this, soft and clinging to him like he was the only thing in the world. Not like this. Not broken from fear and hypothermia. 
His heart had nearly stopped when Soap had shouted that he found you, his voice laced with panic. Him and Gaz had gotten to you as quickly as they could in the dark. You were cold and you were beyond scared, tear tracks from what must have been hours of sobbing dried onto your cheeks. You thought they wouldn't come for you. You thought you would die. 
He knew how bad it was when Johnny was crouched in front of you trying to get a response and you had just slowly, painfully slowly, leaned forward to crumple into him. He saw Soap tense for a moment before scooping you up and murmuring soft words into your hair, his accent having gotten so thick Price couldn't pick up any of the words properly. He carried you like that, your legs wrapped around his waist and your head tucked into his shoulder, back to the truck.
It was barely even a two minute walk from where you were to the road but Price was telling you how fucking thankful he was you had stayed where you were, assuring you that you had done the right thing. If you had tried to get back and went the wrong way they might never have found you. You didn't respond. 
It was like you weren't even really there. He drove and you clung to Soap in the back while him and Gaz tried to coax you to talk, but they got nowhere. It was shockingly easy to pass you between them, you were just eager to be holding a warm body, to have someone enveloping you. 
Christ they could do anything to you in this state, you'd let them do anything if it meant they wouldn't leave you. It made him want to throw up. He radioed Simon on the way back, deciding to get you inside as soon as possible rather than going to pick him up. 
It was Gaz who carried you in, he was shaking himself, looking like he was liable to fall apart at any moment. This was his team, time to be a leader. Price gently took you from Gaz's arms and softly gave instructions for him and Soap. Get warm clothes and a blanket, make tea, keep the fire going, clear the now stale brunch and get something warm and easy to eat started. 
They found it difficult to not be near you, but being near you was clearly causing them to freeze up and not know what to do, so giving them a task list helped. He settled into one of the armchairs by the fire with you, letting you hold him and tucking his chin onto your head so he was enveloping you fully, keeping you warm and safe.
“You're OK little bird, I've got you. You're safe. Not going to let anything happen to you” he said in a hushed whisper to you, half because you really did remind him of a little bird that might get spooked if he was too loud and half because a torrent of emotion that felt too big for his body was choking him up. 
Even when Simon came crashing in you didn't react. 
“What happened?”
“It's our fault Si, we didnae even see her through the windae. Got all wrapped up in whit we were doing.”
“Jesus Johnny” Simon said, seeing how he looked like he really believed this was his fault. 
Price gave Simon a look and a little nod, he had you but Simon needed to keep everyone else together, calm them down. He went over to Johnny who had a plate of cold scrambled eggs in hand, clearly was midway through getting rid of them but had frozen up. He could see the plate was shaking. 
“Wasn't anyone's fault Johnny. Hey, look at me. This was not your fault.”
He took the plate gently out of his grip and started to clean away the food. It helped Johnny to sink back into the task when Simon was there helping him. Gaz came in with clothes and a blanket and swallowed thickly when nodding a hello towards Simon, like he wanted to put off going and helping get you out of your clothes that were cold and dirty and into your cosy fresh ones. 
“You got this?”
“I- yeah, I got it. I'm solid.”
Kyle didn't really know if he believed himself but he pressed forward because he could not leave you in those clothes. 
“Can one of you bring over the first aid kit? Her feet need looked at.”
Issuing an instruction made him feel a little calmer as he gently rubbed your back, crouching a little so he could speak softly to you.
“Hey luv, it's just me, it's Kyle. Pretty name remember? Need to get you changed OK? Going to make sure you get nice and warm and comfortable” he said gently, starting to coax your hoodie and top off with Price's help. “Making you safe right? I'll always save you.”
It was agonising. You let them get you out of your clothes like it didn't bother you at all. It bothered the hell out of him. They were fast in changing you because it felt wrong that this was how you'd be naked between them. It felt awful that the brush of his hand against your breasts as he pulled clothes off and on you wasn't something that caused you to hiss at him. 
He had never been more grateful for Simon Riley is his life when the man came over once you were changed to take you from Price. He knew it was jarring for them to see you so vulnerable and bare like that, a hideous bit of lust creeping in and making the both of them hate themselves over it.
You went to him easily, far too easily given your last encounter. Price focused on getting your feet cleaned and bandaged while Gaz went to knock his forehead against Soap's, needing some sort of comfort for this whole fucked up mess. They could easily have lost you tonight. They still might. Price did give Simon somewhat of a warning look but let him say his piece as he traced patterns on your back.
“What were you thinking sweetheart?” he said, gentle but with upset simmering right under the surface. “As soon as you're feeling better we are going to have a long chat hm?”
He wanted a response from you. He wanted something. You only clung to him. He nosed at the mark still healing on your neck and you still didn't react. There was a warning growl from Price when he kissed it, but Simon gave him a firm glare. He needed you to come back no matter what it took. When he kissed a little harder he could feel the slight tense of your muscles, the hint of annoyance. 
The others noticed when you twitched as he moved to suck a mark just next to the bite and watched on, hoping against hope that it meant something. It was a good thing Simon Riley was a persistent asshole.
“Think I'll leave another mark, make your neck all pretty. That what you need? Someone to bite hard, put you in your place a little?”
You didn't really remember what happened, it was a bit of a blur. You knew that you felt warmer now and that you never, ever wanted to be that cold again. You knew that behind your heavy eyelids was a soft light and that you never, ever wanted to be in the pitch darkness again. You liked that there was something living underneath you, something warm with a strong heartbeat encouraging your own.  
Somewhere in your mind when your clothes were being taken off you thought you'd just let them have their way with you. If they would just stay close, keep you warm, keep you in the light, then you could let them. You didn't care about anything else. 
There was a spark of something when lips were pressed to the tender mark on your neck. The lips pressed harder and you dimly recognised it was Simon. He sucked a mark and you remembered what happened last time with him, felt a bubbling annoyance take over that void of feeling nothing. Hadn't you been beating yourself up thinking he was a good man and now he was right back at your throat?
You actually heard and understood words then, came back to yourself a little. This fucking jerk. It's what he had said before. Well last time you had booted him between the legs and gotten him punished so who the hell did he think he was to try again when you were being nice?!
You were straddled on his lap and bundled up in him so you couldn't do much groin kneeing. You could give him a taste of his own damn medicine though. Simon groaned low when your teeth sunk into the juncture between his shoulder and neck and then grumbled out a laugh through the sting. 
“There's my girl.”
You pulled back to find him grinning at you, seemingly not bothered at all by the indents you had left. This guy was a maniac, but fuck you were suddenly glad to see him. You were so, so terribly glad he was here and you were warm and safe. Maybe. You held his gaze, not willing to face the two men who had been casually discussing your murder. 
“I don't want to die.”
“Then don't pull stupid shit like that sweetheart.”
“Don't kill me.”
“You have my word.”
Price held a hand up to Soap and Gaz, telling them to stay quiet and let Simon handle this.
“Don't let anyone else kill me.”
“If anyone tries, I'll serve them to Dosia.”
This has been the most awful night of your life so for the sake of your own will to keep going, you chose to believe him.  
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810nd1 · 26 days
Jungkook’s future spouse
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I was going to make you wait for this one for quite a while but I have to see where the hype is coming from
They are still searching for their purpose in life. The temperance is the card of patience, balance and the silence before the storm. The storm doesn’t necessarily mean something bad is going to happen. Just that right now it looks like they are in a period of their life after they’ve done all the healing they had to. There’s nothing big going on in their life and they are waiting patiently for something to happen. They are happy with where they are now but they are a bit bored. They are looking at their life saying “fine, what should I do now”, but they don’t seem lost. With that wheel of fortune they believe something big is going to happen. They are getting close to their destiny. They are getting close to a turning point in their life. They are exited and optimistic about it,
However that 10 of pentacles reversed tells me they lack financial stability or support from their loved ones. They might be broke (we all are 😭😭). There’s this dark side of wealth so they could be someone who comes from a less wealthy family (the underdogs). Like they see rich people spending money on dumb and useless stuff while somewhere out there people are starving,
I’m gonna move to the bottom row, because I got it after I thought the reading is complete but I asked Jungkook if I should draw some more cards and he actually wanted to give me more cards but I’m the one who refused. And the bottom row is more connected to the top one than the one in the middle. Anyway the moment when I got that ace of swords I heard smart. They have a sharp mind that he will admire. Actually this could even be something that will draw his attention to this person. They are witty and their brain is always analyzing everything. Sharp tounge and doesn’t care about what they say. If something needs to be said they will raise their voice. I also have a feeling they have a clear vision of who they want to be but they get distracted very easily. They are daydreamer but they don’t do that to escape the reality, they do that because they want to see what the life has to offer to them. It’s like they know their purpose, but they still deny it deep down and force themselves to look for different options,
They might not be someone famous right now, but they will be in the future. Or if they won’t become famous they might gain a lot of recognition. But from the fact of how that man is famous, they will become as famous as him,
What’s also popping into my head is that they are meant to be famous, because of that wheel of fortune but they are a bit refusing it because like I said they are still exploring their options trying to find what’s the best for them,
Now moving to the middle row. They are very feminine on the outside at least but their soul there’s the perfect balance between the masculine and feminine. They might act very feminine. They are nurturing, especially towards their friends and family. They have this mama bear vibe to them. Also they are beautiful, both on the inside and outside. People sometimes forget the empress is not just conventional beauty. Empress also has a pure heart that loves unconditionally and lives with harmony with everyone. People might look up to her, admire her. And with those king and queen of cups she understands emotions very well. Their emotions and the emotions of the people around them. Could be very sensitive too and cry a lot. They also know how to be assertive. They know when they are supposed to be the king of cups and take care of someone’s emotions, lead them a bit and when they are supposed to put themselves first and back away to process their own feelings, generally very emotionally stable and calm, not the type you will find doing something questionable or controversial. They are too smart and compassionate to hurt people,
Outside they are very feminine but they aren’t scared of doing something traditionally masculine,
I don’t know if I mentioned it before but they seem like someone that has knowledge on many topics at the same time. Very well educated on everything that is going on in this world and many different subjects (from politics through art to useless facts). They see everything and they know everything, nothing escapes their eye,
Naturally attract attention with their presence but it’s not dark, it’s actually very light energy (light feminine) so there’s quite a lot of people starving for their attention, imagine children showing their favorite teacher a picture of the ugliest house you’ve ever seen to get some of their attention, people like to be around them because of their sunny and healing aura,
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queenshelby · 8 months
Our Little Secret (Part Eight)
Pairing: Dark! Cillian Murphy x Virgin! Reader
Warning: Smut, Age-Gap, Daddy Issues
Notes: This will not be a love story. It will be dark, twisted and kinky. Cillian is portrayed as totally off cannon.
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Later in the evening, you arrived at Cillian's and Danielle's holiday house in Cork with your parents. You all sat down, grieving, while Danielle opened a bottle of wine, offering it to everyone. You sat down with the group, sipping the smooth, dark red liquid as it slid down your throat. Conversation flowed easily, topics shifting from the funeral earlier that day to lighter subjects like movies and travel. But inevitably and unbeknownst to everyone else, your thoughts kept returning to the intimate moments you shared with Cillian.
Your mother, Sarah, seemed focused on the work messages that popped up on her phone, her attention drawn to the task at hand. Danielle, too, was lost in conversation with your stepfather Frank who appeared to be rather annoyed by his brother's wife's continuous antics. The air between them was dense and yet, the room hummed with conversation while a sense of unease hung in the air, subtle enough to go unnoticed by most, yet ever present to those who cared to notice.
Cillian often smiled at you in a way that was hardly appropriate, giving you a knowing look. It was as if he wanted you to know that you would always belong to him, regardless of whether it was behind closed doors or not. This thought brought a flush of both pride and embarrassment, causing you to look away, pretending to engage in conversation with the others.
Danielle glanced around the room occasionally, her eyes searching for something she couldn't quite grasp. She was oblivious to the truth that lay hidden beneath the surface, unaware of the bond between Cillian and you. And yet, she knew that something was up. Her husband was cheating again, and she needed to know who with.
There was no doubt about it now, but she didn't have concrete evidence, nor would she have expected you to be the one he was with.
The connection between you and Cillian was so subtle that nobody but you would recognize it and you even went as far as to pick up the phone and text him while he was sitting right across from you.
The rest of the company in the room did not suspect anything amiss; they only observed that you were slightly preoccupied.
"This suit you are wearing looks divine," you wrote to Cillian while looking around nervously, trying to divert any suspicion. He raised an eyebrow in acknowledgment before taking a sip of his wine.
After a second or two, he typed up a response while ensuring that Danielle did not notice what he was doing.
"So is your dress and the fact that I know that you are not wearing any underwear beneath it now makes it even more appealing," came the reply which ultimately made you blush.
You looked around the room once more, satisfied that nobody noticed your exchange with Cillian before texting him again.
Feeling a bit anxious while texting, you stole another glance at Cillian, observing the play of emotion across his face – desire mixed with calculation. It made you realize just how much power he held over you. He understood exactly what buttons to push to get you where he wanted you.
"Will I get to spend some more time with you after everyone goes to sleep?" you texted back, suppressing a smile as you waited for his answer.
Cillian's thumbs flew over his phone, conveying his agreement in mere seconds.
"Absolutely. I will sneak into your bedroom after my wife has fallen asleep," Cillian wrote back, grinning ferally.
You felt a thrill course through your body at the thought of being alone with him again and of having him inside you while his very own wife was asleep next door.
"And what will you do to me after you sneak into my bedroom?" you flirtatiously teased, letting the excitement show clearly in your eyes.
Cillian grinned broadly when he read your message.
"First, I will lick that cum from earlier out of your pussy," he replied suggestively, running his tongue seductively along his bottom lip and your skin prickled with awareness as the image of him doing that to you.
"And then, I will put my cock back inside you and fuck you till you can't walk straight tomorrow," Cillian continued to text, making your stomach somersault with anticipation.
You gasped enthusiastically, already wet and excited just thinking about his words just as your mother Sarah spoke up, telling you to get of your phone.
You quickly turned off your cellphone and nodded at your mom as she handed you a glass of wine. As soon as you got the chance, you picked up your mobile again, typing another steamy message to Cillian.
"Are you serious?! Are you really going to come into my room tonight??!" You pressed send and immediately looked around the room to make sure none of the adults could see what you were doing. However, there was still a part of you that craved the risky element of potentially getting caught.
Without missing a beat, Cillian answered your question.
"Yes, baby. I will slip into your room, undetected, and ravish you for hours." He let out a low laugh, watching as you squirmed in your seat. His smirk said it all - that he had you hooked, completely under his control. No matter how wrong it might seem, you found yourself desiring him even more than you had before.
"You are on your phone again," your mother suddenly pointed out before apologising to everyone else in the room. "Y/N is seeing someone I think," Sarah then mentioned casually in her drunken kind of state.
You winced slightly, realizing that your cover may be blown and began to blush.
"Mum, please," you pleaded while Cillian put away his phone and smiled.
"Oh yeah?" he asked teasingly, causing you to cringe. "Who is the lucky guy?" he wanted to know while everyone watched intently.
Feeling cornered, you hesitated briefly before deciding to play it cool. "Just someone from school," you stated nonchalantly, trying to maintain your composure despite your racing heart.
"She won't tell us, but that's okay," your mother told the others, laughing lightly.
"Yes, because it is nothing serious," you told your mother while Cillian furrowed his eyebrows. 
"You know what? I should introduce to the son of our new neighbors one day. His name is Max and he is rather good looking. He is 22 and studies law at Trinity," Danielle then suggested, catching everybody's attention including yours. "What do you mean by 'rather good looking', Danielle?" Sarah queried, intrigued.
"Well, he's tall, athletic, with lovely green eyes...the type that would make anybody stop and take a second look," Danielle elaborated further, painting a vivid picture in everyone's minds except yours.
"Maybe we could set something up?" Sarah offered jokingly, showing interest in playing matchmaker for you just as Cillian jumped in.
"I don't think he is that good looking Danielle. Despite, he is a little arrogant, wouldn't you say?" Cillian remarked, raising his brow at Danielle as he took a drink of his wine.
"He seems charming enough, Cillian," Danielle commented casually while Cillian shook his head.
"I am sure Y/N can do better than Max O'Connor," Cillian told his wife, sending a wink your way and you realized that there may have been a hint of jealousy in this voice.
Cillian did not seem to like the idea of you potentially seeing anybody else besides him. Even if that wasn't necessarily true in reality, the situation provided fertile ground for drama and conflict.
Meanwhile, Danielle ignored the comment and carried on changing the topic to discuss various legal matters related to the death of their mutual aunt. All throughout these proceedings, your mind constantly drifted back to Cillian and your impending rendezvous.
As the hours passed, the party finally started breaking up, leaving everyone exhausted. Everyone retired to their respective rooms, signaling the end of social interactions for the night.
Soon after you retreated to your room, the house grew quiet save for occasional creaks coming from the floorboards. Your heart raced with anticipation as you slipped out of your clothes and put on a thin silk nightgown that hugged your curves seductively.
You then settled on the bed with a book and began to read to kill time, knowing full well that you weren't actually interested in reading. Instead, your gaze kept wandering to the clock ticking softly beside your bed. The silence within the room seemed deafening, amplifying every sound. It appeared as though time stood still as you anxiously awaited his arrival.
Finally, the moment arrived. Quiet footsteps echoed down the hallway, and you instinctively recognized those steps as belonging to Cillian. As he approached your room, his breathing quickened, betraying his mounting excitement.
With silent precision, he entered your room, shutting the door behind him without making a single noise. The sight of Cillian standing in the dim moonlight sent shivers down your spine, as he stood there, wearing nothing but a pair of black Calvin Kleins.
His skin glistened lightly with sweat, highlighting his slender but toned physique. Your breath hitched involuntarily, your heartbeat escalating rapidly. This man knew exactly how to ignite fire within you. Inhaling sharply, he moved closer towards your bed, his intent clear.
"Danielle is asleep, but we need to be quiet," he said after he reached the bed and, with a swift motion, Cillian pulled your nightgown over your head, exposing your naked form beneath him.
Desire coursed through your veins as he traced lazy circles along your chest with his fingers, eliciting tiny moans from your lips.
"I will try my best to be quiet for you, Cillian," you whispered, reaching up to run your hands through his hair affectionately. His touch left trails of electric sensations wherever they touched your skin. It was hard to believe this was happening right now, so close to everyone else in the house, yet feeling so incredibly private and forbidden.
"Good girl," Cillian murmured against your neck, giving it a gentle bite. You shivered at his teeth grazing your skin, the eroticism almost too much to bear.
"Now spread your legs wide for me and let me eat you out," Cillian instructed huskily, his mouth dangerously close to your earlobe. His hot breath against your sensitive flesh heightened your desire, urging you to comply instantly. You obeyed, spreading your thighs wide open, presenting yourself vulnerably for him.
The mattress dipped as Cillian lowered himself onto the bed, positioning himself perfectly to taste your sweet nectar as well as his own as, just a few hours earlier, he came inside your pussy. 
"Fuck, you are so wet and full of my cum," he exclaimed, appreciatively taking in the view as his fingers parted your labia. "I can't wait to taste you," he added with a grin, leaning in to press his face against your cleft.
Your heart skipped a beat as he slowly ran his tongue across your folds, savoring the tanginess that mixed with his flavor. Each pass made you feel wanton and depraved, wanting more of his skilled ministrations.
"Oh god, please," you moaned before covering your own mouth with both of your hands, trying to suppress the noises escaping you. The sounds emitting from deep within you confirmed his prowess and skill. But most importantly, the raw passion and lust filling the air intensified the experience, drawing both you and Cillian deeper into this illicit encounter.
"We taste fucking perfect together," Cillian groaned as his tongue entered your wetness once more, driving you wild with pleasure. He then suckled upon your clit, bringing you closer and closer to climax. Your body trembled violently, unable to contain its release any longer. With every thrust of his tongue, another wave of ecstasy crashed over you, leaving you utterly powerless against his expertise.
At long last, an earthshattering orgasm ripped through your entire being, nearly knocking you off the bed.
You tried to suppress your screams and moans, knowing that Cillian's wife was asleep next door, but it proved futile. The intensity of your climax coupled with Cillian's masterful manipulation pushed you beyond all reason. Your insatiable hunger for his touch consumed you entirely, transforming your senses and Cillian stopped quickly to cover your mouth with his hand.
"Ssshh, you need to be quiet," he cautioned tenderly, kissing your forehead delicately before pulling away, recomposing himself. However, his gaze remained hungry and predatory, making your heart race even faster.
"I am sorry. I will try harder," you reassured him while Cillian slowly positioned himself between your legs.
"Good girl," he whispered approvingly, running his thumb over your smooth skin. Your nipples hardened under his touch, aching for more contact.
"Now spread your legs a bit more for me and let me fuck that sweet little pussy of yours full of cum," Cillian commanded, his tone dark and demanding. Without hesitation, you obeyed his command, opening your legs wider to grant him better access.
"No, wait..." you began to say as Cillian positioned himself and guided his erection toward your entrance, teasing the tip around your wet entrance until you were both desperate for penetration.
"You need to pull out before you cum. I left my pill at home, so I didn't take any tonight. It should be fine, but just in case, you should not cum inside me again tonight," you warned him and Cillian nodded reluctantly before, inch by agonizing inch, he pressed forward, allowing only the smallest portion of his cock to enter you initially. Your muscles squeezed tightly around him, welcoming him inside your warmth.
"I will just have to cum in your mouth then when I am done fucking you," Cillian growled possessively, claiming ownership over your body. He proceeded to start thrusting into you, starting with shallow movements that built into harder ones as he got lost in the rhythm. Your moans and gasps filled the space, creating a symphony of pleasure that reverberated between the two of you.
Each powerful stroke brought him deeper inside you, causing both of you to lose control, surrendering completely to the primal nature of your connection.
"You feel absolutely amazing. So warm and tight. And I love how greedy you are," Cillian praised as he continued thrusting into you with forceful strokes. Your body trembled underneath him, your walls contracting repeatedly around his member.
He held your head firmly, pinning you to the bed as he spoke harshly, "you are mine to fuck, just mine!"
 His words stung like a whip, reminding you both of whose body you belonged to during this tryst.
"I am yours to fuck, Cillian!" you cried out, losing yourself completely in the act. Caught up in the heat of the moment, neither of you could hold back anymore.
"I am close," you told him fiercely, pressing your lips to his neck as your eyes closed, feeling his strength flow through you.
Cillian responded with fervor, speeding up his pace dramatically, rocking your world with each plunge of his length inside you.
"Yes! That's it! Good girl! Take my cock!" Cillian commanded, sealing his lips around yours with a fierce, dominating kiss that left you both craving more. His large hands gripped your waist firmly, holding you in place while he continued thrusting into you with such force that you found yourself unable to speak coherently. All thought processes ceased as the pure physical sensation took complete control over your mind and body. Every movement he made felt electrically charged, sending shock waves throughout your system.
As Cillian pounded into you with increased vigor, the bed shifted beneath your weight, hitting the wall multiple times until, finally, you came, hard and fast.
As the euphoria hit you, time seemed to stand still - and then everything rushed back in one tumultuous torrent of sensation. Forcing your way past your limit, you met Cillian's gaze with a mixture of pride and satisfaction. The look he gave you, however, suggested something different altogether – he wanted to make you cry out for him. With one final forceful push, he claimed victory over your body. You screamed, the sound muffling slightly against his palm.
Still, there was enough noise to alert someone nearby and, as soon as you had peaked, Cillian struggled to contain himself any longer.
Without warning, he pulled out and released his seed all over your belly button, watching intently as the sticky substance dripped downwards on to the sheets.
"Fuck you look so hot, covered in my cum," he growled, tracing his finger along the path it took before collecting some of it and bringing it up to your mouth.  Reluctantly, you opened your lips, allowing him to feed you his essence. As you swallowed, the bitter yet enticing liquid combined with the salty residue of arousal and sweat sent shivers racing through your veins. This marked a turning point between you two, blurring lines and reinforcing the bond of deceit that would consume you.
"That's good, isn't it?" he asked softly, his voice laced with both admiration and tenderness.
"So good, although I wish you could stay and sleep here, with me, tonight," you exclaimed, longing his closeness as, slowly and unbeknownst to him, you were developing feelings for him.
"You know that is not an option," he said dismissively, not looking directly at you as he got up. "I am married, remember? And if this wasn't bad enough already, my wife is asleep right next door," Cillian quipped lightly, avoiding direct eye contact with you, feeling guilty towards you as well as her.
"I know. It still would be nice to share another night like the one in the hotel," you admitted sheepishly, glancing sideways at him with a wry smile with was a suggestion to which Cillian agreed.
"I think that could be arranged when we are back in Dublin after this trip," he replied, smiling slightly. 
Your cheeks flushed red with excitement, hoping that day would come sooner rather than later.
Cillian reached down to the floor, reaching for his briefs and putting them back on. His eyes were lingering fondly on your face for a brief moment before he was walking towards the bed again and kissed you goodnight.
He turned off the lamp near the bedside table and exited the room quietly, shutting the door behind him with deliberate care. Leaving you alone, wrapped in his aftermath, savoring the memories of what just transpired between you two, the thrilling sensual interlude continuously playing on loop in your mind.
Unbeknownst to anyone else, especially Danielle, who slept oblivious in the adjacent room, you allowed these thoughts to become a constant companion, driving you wild in ways you never imagined possible as, slowly, but surely, you were falling in love with a much older married man, and you knew that this was a disaster to happen.
@sunbeamseas @saint-ackerman @oatmealisweird @naxxsstuff @amanda08319 @r-m-cidnah @elysiannook @cillshot @infireddabdab @tastycakee @harrysbestiee @lilybabe22 @adalynlowell @henrywintersdearestgirl @ietss @thatgirlthatreadswattpad @ryiamarie @axionn
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it-happened-one-fic · 2 months
Hi, there! :D
I saw the new event once a book and I thought it was interesting, If it's not too much trouble I would like to request:
Fandom: TWST (Silver x Fem reader) Story: Charming Fairytale the Book: A book that has been lovingly re-covered in now sun-faded fabric. <3
If my order does not convince you, you can discard it without problems, but if not, take your time and without pressure. Thank you. The new event made me excited, you are one of my favorite twst writers and I am happy to finally place an order here
Oh my goodness! I’m so touched that you like my writings and I’m thrilled to write a fic for you. In all honesty, the book selection actually serves as the character selection, but since I didn't clearly indicate that int he even, I've written two fics for you. One for Silver and one for the book you chose. The one for Silver is below (which was written and edited while I listened to “Entendez-Vous” by Cécile Corbel, but I’ll make sure to link the other one to you as well! I hope you enjoy your tale(s)!
600 Followers event!
Happily Ever After - Silver
Type: Female reader/ fluff/ romance implied/ charming fairytale/ isekai
Word count: 2465
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I had to give it to the enchanted book I'd been sucked into; I had been given a very simple role. Find the lost prince and return him to his home so he could save the land from the rule of an evil witch.
It was a pretty basic fairytale plot, and I could only hope that finishing the story would result in me going back to Twisted Wonderland. If it didn’t, I really didn’t know what I could do other than place all of my hopes in Silver.
After all, he had been in the room with me when I’d opened the enchanted book that had, quite literally, pulled me into its story.
I scrambled up onto a rock, glancing around in search of some place that looked even vaguely like where I thought a lost prince might hide or be hidden.
To be honest, I fully suspected that he’d been locked away more so than he had been lost, since that seemed far more in line with what I’d expect from a fairytale about a supposedly lost prince.
But then, this particular fairytale had already surprised me in that there was a dude in distress with a lady savior rather than the usual damsel with a male hero. But then, I quite possibly wasn’t actually the hero of this story like I’d been thinking I was.
But no matter exactly what my role was, I was the one attempting to find the lost royal that the country was counting on to save the day.
I felt my eyebrows lift as I spied a shadowy castle that wasn’t terribly far from where I currently stood and did look almost exactly like what I’d expect from a place where a royal in distress would be kept.
I nodded slightly to myself before setting off, my pace fairly leisurely as I made my way towards the dark castle that looked like it had seen better days.
I almost smiled as I noticed the bats fluttering around the towers that stretched up towards the sky. A nice, almost gothic touch to the overall villainous aesthetic of the castle.
What made the place even better from my point of view was that the massive gate was open, and I had no difficulty getting in. In fact, I quite literally just walked into the place.
I did have to admit, though, that the fact that I’d gotten in so easily did beg the question of why this lost prince hadn’t simply escaped or come home on his own?
There was, of course, the possibility that I’d wholly misunderstood this situation and that I was dealing with a runaway prince rather than a hostage situation.
A runaway prince who was plot-ordained to save the country would make for an interesting tale, though it certainly wouldn’t be that of your typical fairytale.
More of a subversion than anything.
I frowned slightly as I walked around the seemingly abandoned castle that looked like it was steadily crumpling into nothing.
It was the sort of place Malleus would like, but that hardly helped my current dilemma.
Because if this prince was a runaway, he would probably be hiding from me. But if he were instead a hostage, like I’d initially suspected, then the first place I’d look would be in the dungeons or the tallest tower.
I glanced up at the towers, grimacing slightly at the thought of going into the mass of rocks that looked like they were about to collapse the very second a wind blew through.
I paused in my survey of the castle, though, feeling my eyebrows arch as I caught sight of a door that looked far heftier than any of the others. And it wasn’t just that either; that section of the castle also seemed far sturdier than the rest.
I rolled my shoulders and braced my hands on the dark wood before pushing, only for nothing to happen, causing me to frown at the weight of the door.
I inhaled deeply, though, and leaned fully into my shove as I dug in with my heels. I breathed through my motions as I slowly started walking forward, pushing the door open slowly but surely before I stumbled to a stop and looked up into the room beyond. 
It was mostly dim, with only a bit of sunlight filtering in through the damaged roof above and spotlighting a single area on the dais. But otherwise, it looked wholly uninhabited, and no one was obviously hiding in it either.
I hesitated, though, frowning as I listened closely to a distant sound that slowly became clearer until I could identify it. Footsteps.
I glanced around, my eyes searching for the person, until a figure became visible as it approached the dais.
I felt my eyes widen as he stepped into the light that made his pale hair shine in perfect opposition to the darkness that was all around.
And he looked like a perfect prince. A dark uniform with silver epaulets and a sword hanging at his side. It was almost like I was looking at a picture out of a storybook, and I blinked up at him, hardly believing my eyes as my words failed me.
At odds with my speechlessness, he spoke in an almost tired tone, “Y/n… I wondered where you were.” 
I blinked, almost like I was snapping out of a spell at the sound of his soft voice, and my voice returned to me, “You’re the lost prince??”
I openly gaped up at him, but I couldn’t help but be shocked that all of this time I’d been looking for him. Somehow, it seemed oddly fitting. I had gotten the strange sensation that I’d been searching for him my entire life before, but I’d always shaken it off and refused to ask him if he’d ever had that same sensation.
Despite my surprise, Silver was just like he always was. Utterly stoic and seemingly unbothered as he nodded at me. 
I could only assume he’d gotten used to his role in this book just I like had, but I still found myself walking towards him with surprise still rolling through me, “You got sucked into the book too?”
It was another rather obvious question, but if he was bothered, he certainly didn’t show it. Instead, he just nodded before calmly walking down the stairs and meeting me in the middle of the room.
“Have you been in this place the whole time?” I found myself scanning him for injuries or anything else of the sort, but he seemed wholly unharmed.
“Yes, this castle seems to be cursed to keep from leaving,” He explained calmly, turning and walking over to the still open door only to be stopped short of exiting by a wall that shimmered into place.
I had been right. He wasn’t a runaway prince at all. He was being held hostage, no doubt by the witch that was currently ruling the country.
I felt myself frown as he stepped backwards, causing the wall to disappear once more as he turned to look back at me.
On the bright side, I now knew why it had been so easy for me to get into this place. But on the down side, I had no idea how to get him off here if this castle was specifically enchanted to keep him in.
And to make matters worse, if I couldn’t get him out, then we were stuck just in here, but in this story, and since he was in here, no one back in Twisted Wonderland would know where we were.
But then, I also didn’t know if finishing this story would get us out. For all I knew, we might be trapped in an endless rotation of the same story over and over again.
I glanced over at Silver before walking over to join him by the open door, “Do you know if finishing the story will get us out of this book?”
I watched him closely and prayed he knew the answer, only to sigh as he shook his head, a slight frown of his own appearing on his face, “No. I’d heard of enchanted books from Father, but he never mentioned how one got out of such a book.”
I watched him silently for a moment before inhaling and turning my gaze back to the door, “Well, working with the idea that finishing the story will get us out. We have to get you out of this castle first.”
I paused, glancing back his way before I continued, “Do you know anything about the curse on this place that’s keeping you inside?”
Again, I was desperately hoping he did because, despite all of the information I had received the very moment I’d woken up in this tale, none of it had anything about cursed castles.
A smile briefly flickered across Silver’s face as he nodded, shifting slightly to better face me, “Yes, ‘Only through the help of another who truly cares can the lost prince escape his home of old.’”
He spoke like he was reciting something, though I didn’t know. Perhaps a prophecy his character came pre-downloaded with or something.
I felt myself frown as I echoed his words, “‘His home of old’?? Was this the old royal castle or something?”
Silver shook his head, the motion disturbing his hair so that it was laying more like it usually did rather than the way it had been carefully placed beforehand.
I let out a hum, abandoning my questions about this story’s plot in favor of focusing on the rest of what Silver had said.
Only through the help of another who truly cares.
It sounded suspiciously like an explanation for how to break a curse since most fairytales usually include some sort of way to save cursed individuals.
Though, admittedly, that usually involved a kiss. A thought that had me avoiding looking at Silver and instead staring out the open door.
After a brief moment, I glanced back over his way once more. At the very least, I did care about Silver. I had for quite some time now, even if I often did my best to avoid thinking about it in favor of not messing up the friendship we currently had.
But, since I cared, that meant that I should be able to get him out of this castle.
I smiled at him slightly and held out my hand, watching as he glanced down at my palm before he reached over and carefully took my hand in his and looked my way expectantly.
I held up our conjoined hands between us, “Trust me?”
A smile flickered across his face at my light teasing before he nodded, and I grinned, “Alright then….”
I trailed off as I lowered our hands and tightened my grip on his hand as I turned to face the door once more. I inhaled, bracing myself before taking a step forward with Silver at my side, following my motions perfectly and even matching my stride as he stepped forward with me.
And at first, there was a strange sensation of being engulfed. Almost like something was pressing in on us from all sides.
And then, as quickly as breathing, it was over, and we were outside. But we weren’t just outside the room. We were also outside the entire castle, and I found myself glancing behind us in surprise.
“I can’t believe it worked…” My words were barely muttered, but were wholly honest. I really had expected it to be harder to actually get him out of the castle.
I turned to look at Silver, only to feel myself go still as my gaze collided with his, and I saw the way he was smiling at me. With gentle fondness. Just like he had ever since I’d gotten to know him.
And though I’d already thought it, I couldn’t help but wonder at how he really was the perfect choice for a fairytale prince. Almost unfairly so.
“W- Well, I guess now all that’s left is to get you back home,” I managed a smile despite the way my voice wavered.
Something flickered in his gaze that bordered on amusement. Almost like he knew exactly what effect he had on me, but he didn’t say anything about it. Allowing me a small bit of dignity even as he squeezed my hand lightly, causing my eyes to widen as he spoke, “And to get both of us back to Twisted Wonderland.”
I blinked slightly before feeling a genuine smile stretch across my face and I nodded, “Yeah.”
I gazed at him for a brief moment longer, letting myself relax now that I wasn’t alone in this storybook and had him by my side. But then something shifted.
He noticed it at the same time I did, his gaze sharpening before he whirled. Putting me behind him as he reached over and grasped his sword.
I stepped closer to him, glancing around warily, “What's going on?”
He shook his head, his voice solemn and lacking all of the warmth it had just previously held when it had just been the two of us standing together, “I don’t know. Something’s wrong.”
His words were the only warning I was given before the world bled away into white, slowly absorbing everything else into it. The last thing I saw was Silver whirling to look back at me with a determined expression before even he disappeared from sight, and all of the whiteness that threatened to blind me turned black. 
I twitched slightly, and then my eyes flew open as I inhaled sharply.
The first thing I really registered was Sebek’s voice bellowing “HUMAN!!” as Lilia leaned over me with an amused smile.
I blinked up at the fae in alarm as he titled his head, his eyes glittering with amusement, “Looks like you both made it home just fine.”
I almost frowned in confusion as my brain fought to slowly catch up to reality before I realized that we were in the school library. I shifted before freezing as I realized something was wrapped around my waist that shifted with me.
I slowly twisted, my eyes widening as I made eye contact with Silver, who smiled at me slightly in an almost apologetic fashion as I realized what, or rather, who, I was sitting on.
“Do you know how this story ends, Malleus? It is a Briar Valley classic, after all,” Lilia’s tone was beyond amused as he spoke from behind me.
I heard Malleus hum in response as I sat, frozen in mortified embarrassment, in Silver’s lap. And somehow, Malleus’s response just made it all the worse, “Of course, how could I not? ‘And so they lived happily ever after.’”
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ashwhowrites · 10 months
FD part 4
I am very sorry for how long this took to come out. I hope you guys love it and was worth the wait. As always, I love to see your reactions so feel free to tell me what you thought!
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Eddie called and called. Leaving voicemail after voicemail. He was panicking, and he had no idea what to do. He knew that if this moment ever came, he'd be screwed. And here he was.
It didn't take long for the media to find out, and Eddie felt it was leaked. And he knew by who.
They were on the cover of every magazine
"Biggest couple in the world called it quits! But why?"
The fanbase was split, some on her side and trashing Eddie's name. Some on his side believed she was the issue, and that's why she was never public about her relationships. Eddie wanted to come clean right away, but Zack refused to let him.
He said letting the fans try to figure it out would bring more attention to them. But Eddie didn't want anyone turning on her, but Zack believed it would impact Eddie's fame. And Zack only cared about Eddie's career.
He hated that he had no way to get in touch with her. He wanted to apologize over and over. He wanted to find any type of way to fix the mess he got himself into.
Just as Zack hoped, Eddie's name was in every magazine. A week has passed and no one has even seen Y/N. Paparazzi outside her house, just waiting for the second she walks out to capture how she looks in the breakup stage. But she hasn't made a sound. She hasn't been active on social media, everything on her end was silent.
Two weeks and the media was craving her side of things. Her fans begged that she says something about what happened. Her management team wanted her to speak of what happened, clear her name, and end Eddie's career.
She didn't want to end his career. But she was an artist, and artists show their pain through their work. So, she released a song.
She wrote every emotion she felt, sang with all the betrayal on her mind, and sent the record out to the world. She felt happy with the way the song turned out. She didn't care if people liked it or not. She didn't care if Eddie heard it and was upset. She wanted to take back all the power she lost.
He wanted her because of her famous daddy, she took the title and made it her own.
It didn't take long for "famous daddy" to reach the top of the charts and for everyone to talk about it. The media loved the drama. Articles were written about what each lyric meant and the exact way it related to Eddie.
Zack was on cloud nine, the exact reaction from her that he was hoping for.
Eddie on the other hand was suffering. He hated how different everything was. The song they made together was so in love and happy. All of that disappeared in her new song, and it made his gut turn.
"Perfect! The pop star has released a break-up single, definitely leading to a breakup album. All the songs will be related back to you. That keeps everyone searching your name and keeps everyone connecting things back to you. You know what we have to do now, right?" Zack asked
"Apologize publicly and leave her alone?" Eddie questioned, but he knew that wouldn't be the answer. It would be the right answer, not the one Zack was looking for though.
"No! This is the perfect time to get you in the booth. Writing the break up from your point of you. She called you out, she embarrassed you, and truthfully, outshined you pretty damn well. She has the power to make the media believe what she wants, we need to reverse that."
"That doesn't make any sense! Reverse what? She sang about the truth. She talked about falling in love and having it all be a plan. She talked about being used for her daddy's name. Everything she said was real, you expect me to make it seem like she's lying?" Eddie couldn't stand this man. But he easily found out the truth about what being famous was all about doing anything to get your name ahead.
"Stop with that nonsense. She's a fucking girl singing about how her boyfriend broke her heart! She's releasing the same shit everyone else is. You are the man, you come out and sing about your side, and everyone always believes the man. You write about how she's lying, she's throwing your name in the dirt so she can come out on top. Every boy who has ever been wronged by a girl will love the song. They'll relate to you. It's you versus her, and you are going to win."
"So she can hate me? So all her hard work is easily thrown to the side all because a man said she was making shit up? Do you not hear how fucking ridiculous that sounds? She has had this career for years, she worked hard to keep her reputation real and that's exactly why she hid away from relationships. You want to take that all away from her?"
"Eddie, I am your manager, I don't give a shit about her. I'm hired to make you a star. I got you the contract with her dad, which he can't get out of no matter how much he hates you, I got you at the top, I got your name known. Your constant arguing about everything is really pissing me off. Write the fucking song, record it, and we will release it."
Eddie watched as Zack slammed the door behind him.
He stared at the notebook in front of him. Countless songs were written about her, but none that villainized her. If Eddie ever got the chance to make it up to her, and he wrote the song, it would take any progress he made.
It was his career or hers.
Y/N knew with the release of a new song would cause even more drama. But she was tired of being played and being hurt. The release of the song was the first thing that made her smile in days. She felt a sense of comfort when people shared her song and their story. For once, she wasn't alone.
Her management dealt with endless calls, begging for interviews. At first, she wanted to say no, not bother to give him any more publicity.
But if he could use her for her name, why can't she suck his name out for her own benefit?
She had a performance set for tomorrow and an interview following. As she sat in her make-up chair, she hated how sad she felt. Almost like preparing to actually sing the song live, reminds her Eddie did truly break her heart. It wasn't a song she made of random characters, it was her and her pain.
"Y/N? Ready?" Her dad came in, a sad smile on his face. She knew he felt bad for her and he hated that he was stuck in a contract with the boy who broke his daughter's heart.
"Yeah," she breathed, standing up as she checked herself in the mirror. Eddie wanted to use her? Fine, she's going to ruin his career.
"EDDIE! COME HERE!" Zack screamed, turning the volume up on the TV as Y/N began to sing. Eddie felt like his heart froze on the spot. There she was, looking beautiful as ever. Makeup done to perfection and her hair framed her face nicely. Her face looked soft and angelic. Nothing like the bitterness in her tone as she sang with anger and betrayal.
Eddie felt his stomach drop at the guitar she was strumming. The same guitar they wrote their song together on. The guitar used to have pictures of him in the neck, but now broken hearts filled the empty space.
"Been fantasizing and crying, been romanticizing
About all these boys who ain't never gon' like me
I don't know why I thought it would be different this time
Thought you'd be the one, but you're one of those guys
Can only blame myself, I made it up in my mind"
Eddie hated the sad look in her eyes. Hated that she blamed herself for simply liking a boy. Blaming herself for falling for his lies and tricks.
"See! You did Eddie boy! Here she is singing live, broadcast all over the world, singing that she thought you were different. Maybe we'll put you in acting next." Zack snickered. Eddie hated the way Zack had zero empathy for anyone. Y/N never let the fame get to her, she was real and always felt everything she had with every emotion.
"I guess devourin' all the power is all you've ever known
You're sittin' on an empty throne
Do you get off from holdin' me from my potential?
Are you scared that I might bruise your ego?"
This is the first time Eddie allowed himself to listen to the whole song. He was a coward, and he was scared to face her. He was scared of what she felt and how much she hated him.
He wished he could explain that everything he felt with her was real and that he wished he never made the deal with the devil next to him. He didn't want to be alone, and he hated knowing he was at the top from stomping on her. She was suffering at the bottom while he basked in the glory.
"Thinking of good lyrics?" Zack asked, watching as Eddie stared intensely at the screen.
"Yeah. I got the perfect song in mind." Eddie said with a smirk
After her performance, she moved on to the interview. Eddie was curious as to what would be asked and how she would answer.
The interview started relaxed, the interviewer was polite and asked about Y/N's career and upcoming work. Then moved on to the reason for the song.
"Is it true that you and Eddie broke up because he was using you for fame? The fans believe your song paints that picture. Any thoughts on that?"
"Well, I think the title speaks for itself. But yes, we broke up because he was in it for the name. If honesty means telling you the truth, I mean." She laughed at the end, and Eddie felt his cheeks heat up with embarrassment. The world knew he was a shallow asshole, but he deserved it.
"Were you ever worried about that? Or had suspicions?"
Eddie wanted to shrink in his spot, remembering how desperate he was to lie to her and have her believe him. How he made her sound crazy for thinking he was out for blood.
"Yes, in the very beginning. I am suspicious of everyone and funny enough, he was the one that made me realize that. When we met he said he had no idea who I was, so I believed him. He didn't look at me like he knew who I was, almost like he was trying to see in me, see the color of my soul. So I thought he was different, he gave me a million reasons to believe it. All his reasons were lies."
But they weren't, and Eddie wished he could get her to believe that. But he lost his place to make her believe his words. There was no trust between them anymore and he was to blame for all of that.
Eddie focused on writing the perfect song, something that would grab everyone's attention and make her curious enough to listen to it. It was the only way he would get her to talk to him.
Eddie recorded the song and sent it out before Zack could stop him. Eddie wanted to write his side, and his side meant admitting his guilt and regret.
The media jumped on immediately, dissecting his lyrics and quoting them on social media. He smiled at some of the reactions, people still hate him but he was happy he got some respect back from her fans.
"Why do I forgive white men so easily? This song has me hoping they make up"
The buzz would catch her attention, he knew it would.
"Find it hard to say I'm sorry
But I'll make it up to you somehow
I guess we lost our focus
And it's killing me that we could go to war like this
But I'm standing here with you just tryna be honest
If honesty means telling you the truth
Well I'm still in love with you"
Y/N hated that she listened to the song. She hated that her eyes stung hearing him say he was in love with her. She wasn't sure if it was another lie to make sure he looked good or not.
Her fans were quoting his song with their comments. Her feed was covered in him and his stupid voice. She felt bitter that everyone was quick to forget all the pain he caused. She needed to remind herself too.
"will you tell me anything I wanna hear to control how you're perceived?"
She hit the post with a small smile. Fans already blowing up her post and putting his name in the comments. He was quick to dm her and she felt scared to open it. She blocked his number so she could avoid his words, knowing she was too weak to stay away.
"Nothing makes up for what I did. I will do anything I can to show you that I want you over any career. I'm sorry and my feelings for you are real. I am in love with you, I was since the start and there were so many times I wanted to tell you the truth and save you from the pain I knew that would come. I've been selfish. It's time I show you that I want you for you."
She felt herself typing before she could stop herself. "Want me? You say that as your manager writes you a big check. A career that would be nothing without me."
"How can I prove this to you? I will leave the label altogether if it proves that I want you way more."
Y/N stared at the message, leaving his text on seen as she shut off her phone. She didn't know what to think. Did she love him? Would his leaving prove anything to her? Could she even believe that he would do it?
Her head snapped up at the sound of her tv-
"Eddie Munson has dropped his management team and label with a tweet:
"I'm picking the girl. Fuck my management and the label"
@lolz-0110 @gaysludge @hmcmlfcyy @omgvirtualcupcakecollection-blog @bibieddiesgf @holyheadharpies99 @bakugouswh0r3 @cloudroomblog @emma77645
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @slightlyvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergent @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93
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yxlnst · 1 month
A quiet heart
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idol!woozi X reader!y/n
🎀 Summary 🎀 : The new girl in class, an extrovert, befriends introverted Woozi, often teasing him playfully. However, when she crosses a boundary, he gets upset. After some distance, Woozi apologizes, and they reconcile, restoring their playful friendship.
🧸 Word count 🧸 : 1,026
🧸 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 🎀 - - - - - - - - - - - 🧸
Starting at a new high school was never easy, especially in the middle of the year. You had no idea what to expect, but you had always been the outgoing type, so you figured you'd make friends quickly. On your first day, you were introduced to Hoshi and Seungkwan, two energetic and extroverted guys who seemed to know everyone. They immediately made you feel welcome, guiding you around the school and introducing you to all the teachers and students.
As the weeks passed, you became more comfortable in your new school. You made friends with almost everyone in your class, except for one person: Woozi. He was the quiet, introverted student who always sat in the back, headphones in his ears, seemingly lost in his own world. You were curious about him. Why didn't he talk to anyone? Why was he always so focused on his music or his books?
One day, during lunch, you decided to sit at Woozi's table. Hoshi and Seungkwan were chatting away, but you were more interested in getting to know the introverted guy in the corner. Woozi looked up, surprised to see you there. "Hey, Woozi, right?" you said with a smile.
He nodded, pulling his headphones off. "Yeah," he replied, his voice soft. He didn't seem to want to engage in conversation, but you weren't going to let that stop you.
"So, what are you listening to?" you asked, leaning in to see his phone.
"Music," he said, a bit tersely. It was clear he wasn't interested in talking, but you weren't one to give up easily.
"Cool! What kind of music?" you pressed, eager to draw him out of his shell.
"Different kinds," he replied, avoiding eye contact.
You could tell this was going to be a challenge, but you were up for it. Over the next few days, you made it your mission to get Woozi to open up. You'd find him in the library, quietly working on his laptop, and you'd sit across from him, asking him about his favorite books or what he was working on. His responses were always short and to the point, but you noticed he didn't tell you to go away, which you took as a good sign.
Hoshi and Seungkwan thought it was hilarious that you were trying to befriend Woozi. "Good luck," Seungkwan said with a laugh. "He doesn't talk to anyone."
"Yeah, he's like a cat," Hoshi added. "Comes around when he wants to, but don't expect him to stick around."
You took their teasing in stride. You liked challenge, and Woozi was certainly a challenge. As the days went on, you continued to find ways to interact with him, even if it meant just sitting nearby while he worked. You'd make little jokes or tell him about the latest school gossip, hoping to get a reaction. Sometimes he'd smile or chuckle, but most of the time, he'd just nod and go back to his work.
One day, you brought him a coffee, figuring it might be a good icebreaker. "Hey, I got you a coffee," you said, placing it on his table. "Thought you might need a pick-me-up."
Woozi looked up, surprised by the gesture. "Thanks," he said, taking the cup. He seemed genuinely appreciative, which made you smile.
"You're welcome," you replied, taking a seat across from him. "So, what's new?"
He sighed, clearly not in the mood for conversation. "Nothing much," he said, taking a sip of his coffee. "Just working on some music."
"Music?" you asked, intrigued. "What kind of music?"
He hesitated, then replied, "I write songs. Just for fun."
"That's so cool!" you said, genuinely impressed. "Can I hear one?"
Woozi shook his head. "No, they're not ready for that," he said, a hint of shyness in his voice.
"Come on, I'm sure they're great!" you insisted, eager to hear his work.
He shook his head again, but you noticed a small smile forming on his lips. "Maybe someday," he said, his tone softening.
Your persistence seemed to be paying off. Woozi started to open up a little more, occasionally joining in the conversations you had with Hoshi and Seungkwan. He'd still retreat to his corner when things got too loud, but he didn't seem to mind when you followed him to talk. It was progress, and you were happy to see him coming out of his shell.
However, one day, you might have pushed too far. During lunch, you playfully teased him about his headphones, asking if he ever took them off. "Maybe he has a secret playlist he doesn't want us to hear," you joked, pulling at one of the earpieces.
Woozi pulled away, a flash of anger in his eyes. "Hey, don't touch my stuff," he snapped, his voice sharper than you'd ever heard it.
The sudden outburst took you by surprise, and you quickly backed off. "Sorry, I didn't mean to—" you began, but Woozi was already walking away, his headphones back in place.
Hoshi and Seungkwan were shocked by the outburst, and you felt a pang of guilt. Maybe you'd pushed him too hard. Maybe he really did need his space, and you'd crossed a line. You decided to give him some distance, hoping he’d cool down and come around on his own.
The following days were awkward. Woozi kept his distance, no longer joining in the conversations with Hoshi and Seungkwan. You didn't try to approach him, not wanting to make things worse. The friendly banter and playful teasing that had become routine were replaced with uncomfortable silence, and you missed the small smiles and occasional laughter from Woozi.
It wasn't until a week later that Woozi finally approached you. You were sitting in the library, working on an assignment, when he quietly sat down across from you. You looked up, surprised to see him there. He seemed nervous, his usual confident demeanor replaced with a hint of uncertainty.
"Hey," he said, his voice softer than usual. "Can we talk?"
"Yeah, sure," you replied, setting your pen down.
Woozi hesitated, then continued, "I'm sorry about the other day. I overreacted. You were just joking, and I shouldn't have snapped at you."
"It's okay," you replied, feeling a sense of relief. "I should've respected your space. I didn't mean to push you."
He nodded, looking down at his hands. "It's just... I get overwhelmed sometimes," he explained. "And my headphones are like my shield. When you pulled on them, it felt like you were invading my space."
"I understand," you said, wanting him to know you respected his boundaries. "I won't do it again. But I'm glad you're talking to me."
Woozi looked up, his eyes meeting yours. "I missed your jokes," he said, his voice softening. "It's been weird without them."
You smiled, feeling a sense of warmth. "I missed annoying you," you replied, half-jokingly. "It's just so much fun."
He chuckled, a genuine smile appearing on his lips. "Well, maybe I don't mind it as much as I thought," he said, his tone light. "Just don't go pulling on my headphones again, okay?"
"Deal," you replied, happy to have your introverted friend back. "But if you ever want to share that secret playlist, I'm all ears."
Woozi rolled his eyes, but his smile told you he appreciated the playful banter. It was good to have things back to normal, and you knew that you had made a unique friend—one who might be quiet and reserved, but who was worth the effort to get to know.
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vermilionsun · 18 days
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Time to yee the haw
aka Pom-Pom
➢ Braids Boothill is surprisingly good at it. Since he decided on growing his hair, he had to find ways to keep it out of his face, and braiding was one of them—well, not something he thought of himself, but friends and family liked to do it for him and it just stuck. Now, he occasionally braids his own hair, though his metallic hands make it increasingly difficult.
➢ Hair His hair in general is a topic of its own and it needs to be talked about. Originally, his hair was raven black, but when he was undergoing the lab tests and maintenance, due to different factors, most of his hair turned white. He once looked at a mirror and aside from the dysphoria caused by the metal, the thought that he kinda resembled his dads flashed in his mind. He never looked in a mirror again.
➢ Kids He’s so good with kids. They just love him and no one knows why. Boothill, as the type of guy he is, will try to pretend to be annoyed, yet failing miserably as small hands would cling onto him. (If he could shed tears he would.)
➢ Swearing He actually doesn’t like to swear, thus the weird alternatives he uses. It’s a habit he picked up from having many younger siblings and friends—not wanting to swear in front of them—and one that he kept, no matter how ridiculous it might seem to others. When he adopted his little girl, he would barely not kill anyone who would swear in front of her, despite her being too young to understand.
➢ Nicknames If he happens to form any kind of bond with anyone, he will give them a nickname. They range from random words, a characteristic of the person, to inside jokes, to sweet pet names. And every person has multiple different ones. The only one who remembers them all is the one responsible for them.
➢ Flirting He isn’t the type of guy who will hit on anything that moves under the sun, but he does enjoy some casual flirting and bantering. It’s also his weak spot. If he gets back a more–than–equally flirty response he’s gone. In improbable cases he might even actually faint—if all his remaining blood leaves his brain to reside in his cheeks (a good smack will bring him back) (if you dare).
➢ Stars He and his family used to stargaze together, pointing out constellations and sharing stories. Now, he finds solace in the familiar twinkling lights above, feeling a sense of connection to his loved ones despite them being gone—a bittersweet comfort nestling in his lonely heart.
➢ Zoning out Sometimes his mind is just… elsewhere. He gets lost in thought easily, often planning stuff. Other times, he's simply reminiscing about days lost. It's like he's constantly searching for something that he can't quite grasp, leaving him feeling disconnected from the present moment.
➢ God He had always believed in justice and righteousness and that a higher being was watching over him and his loved ones, yet the destruction of his home shattered his faith in the universe's inherent goodness. He struggled to make sense of the chaos and devastation surrounding him, questioning how such tragedy could be part of a greater plan. Now, he finds himself grappling with the concept of fate and whether his life was truly guided by a divine force or simply subject to random chance. He sometimes prays, not for himself, but for the ones he lost, hoping that somehow his prayers may reach them in the afterlife, and the ones he still has.
➢ Skills Despite popular belief, Boothill is quite skilled in many areas. He is particularly adept at problem-solving and has a keen eye for detail. He can recognize disease and illness in animals with just a quick glance. As a cowboy, his experience working with livestock has honed his resourcefulness. Plus, he's a talented craftsman. The bullet earring of his? That's a real bullet casing that he fashioned into jewelry himself.
➢ Touch Boothill always adored physical touch. He thrived on hugs, cuddles, and any form of affectionate contact. Even a simple pat on the back could make his day brighter. With the only thing remaining of his original body now being his face, he craves the sensation of touch more than ever. The memories of warm embraces and gentle caresses are all he has left to hold onto.
➢ Songs If he hears anywhere a song that reminds him of home, he will subconsciously murmur it, maybe tap along to the beat. If he hears someone he knows singing it, then KABOOM! It’s karaoke night and some bring him a fudging guitar already—
➢ Wheat He likes to munch on it like gum. It's a strange habit, but it seems to satisfy his cravings for something chewy and subtly sweet. Sometimes he even chews on it while…ehm, working to help him concentrate.
➢ Hat When Boothill was young, Nick had promised to give him his hat one day. The day he did was the day Boothill found his girl. The hat was destroyed in the explosion, but Boothill made a replica, going as far as damaging it to have the same tears and bumps as the original.
➢ Survivor's guilt. Wishes he was with his family.
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gatitties · 1 year
Hai hai!!! I hope your having a good day, lad.
Can I have a StrawHats x Teen! Reader who suffers from Anxiety? the reader is strong for their age though but under all that tough exterior they are still a child. I suffer from it myself and I wanna know how the crew handles a younger person with it. The reader has a habit of clutching their chest whenever they feel that overwhelming feeling coming through, and even has anxiety attacks now and then. It would be sweet seeing the crew comforting them.
Pleaaase and Thank you! Take your time I know people have other things going on in life besides Tumblr!
─Strawhats x teen!reader (platonic)
─Summary: you have an anxiety attack but luckily they are there to cover your back
─Warnings: none
(Related part)
Dealing with anxiety is quite a struggle, I hope everything goes well for you friend, a big hug to all of you who also fight against it 🫂
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─ Being the youngest only means that you will have a little more attention in case something happens to you, this doesn't mean that everyone doesn't knows that you are strong enough to fight your own battles, otherwise you would not be on board.
─ That's probably why at first you hid your little moments of anxiety as best you could, despite being the youngest, you wanted to see yourself as one of them, you don't need so much attention or seek anyone's approval to make your own decisions.
─ You were a teenager despite everything, a stubborn and proud one who doesn't accept the help of others so easily, although you learned to toughen your exterior, your interior was as soft as plasticine.
─ But bad habits never die, whenever you had stronger anxiety attacks unconsciously your hands were positioned on your chest, squeezing to try to make the feeling in the pit of your stomach disappear.
─ Robin and Chopper were the first to notice this when you were in some stressful situations, and they immediately knew that you weren't well, however you will lie so they don't worry.
─ Unfortunately, after the two of them noticed how sometimes your breathing stops out of nowhere, the anxiety attacks increased.
─ They began to subtly help you so that you wouldn't feel like they were helping you, your pride wouldn't allow it, if they noticed that you were starting to get anxious they would distract you by talking to you about anything or moving you to a quieter place.
─ But when it started to get worse, everyone noticed your mania when you felt anxious, except Luffy, he just thought that the food had made you sick.
─ Although when they explained it to him, he hit you on the nape for being an idiot, this man doesn't have a bit of tact, he scolded you for not trusting them covering your back, it's okay that you want to solve your problems on your own, but sometimes it's okay to ask for help.
─ And you collapsed after he told you that, Sanji hit Luffy for being so hard with his words and took you to the kitchen while preparing the meal, he asked you for help letting you do the simplest things to calm down.
─ The cook spoke much more calmly with you, you were able to release some of that pressure that oppressed your chest thanks to him.
─ After that, none of them seemed to behave differently, that is, if they helped you in a much more noticeable way when you had your attacks, but they didn't comment on anything, they simply helped you without asking anything, they knew that sometimes you can't get to talking in the middle of an attack.
─ Luffy will fight it off with hugs, Usopp will offer his hand for you to grab and squeeze, Chopper knows a lot of types of breaths to calm you down, Robin will pat you on the back, Nami will pat your head, Zoro will probably drag you into another quieter place (you end up lost), Sanji will probably kick the reason for your anxiety if he can, Brook will play something on his violin to relax your body, Franky will distract you with any of his new inventions and Jinbe will make you focus only in him to calm you down.
─ In general everyone knows that you will be fine on your own most of the time, but if you start to hold your chest it will be the sign to take action to give you a little hand, they did not make you feel weaker, you learned to better cope with anxiety by their side and luckily the attacks subsided a bit after that.
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yanderes-galore · 9 months
Transformers Prime Yandere! Ratchet concept?????
Sure! I love Ratchet :) This is me spilling my thoughts on various things more than an actual plot. I just hope I nailed his character since I like him so much- Probably could've made this longer but was unsure how/what to add.
@trashysimpaa gave me inspiration for how to do this here!
Yandere! TFP! Ratchet Concept
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Denial of feelings, Cybertronian/Human and Cybertronian/Cybertronian pairing mentioned, Stalking, Overprotective behavior, Trackers, Manipulation, Isolation, Kidnapping, Violence, Forced companionship, Brief mentions of jealousy, Vague implications of murder, Drugging.
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Ratchet is definitely the type of yandere to act different depending on what you are.
When it comes to an Autobot darling he'd be more comfortable to feel fond towards them as they're Cybertronian and an Autobot.
When it comes to a human he'd take time to get used to you before considering anything.
Ratchet hasn't always been the biggest human person until he spent more time on Earth.
He'll come around eventually.
When it comes to a Decepticon! darling you'd get something similar to angst and enemies to (one-sided) lovers/friends.
It would depend on how loyal you are to Megatron and if you're even capable of change.
He can't shake the fact he cares for you despite your beliefs.
Ratchet is a slow yandere in terms of obsession.
He's slow to care for anyone new due to being older.
He's lost so much he doesn't like getting attached.
Although when it comes to you he can't help but worry.
Ratchet would definitely be a yandere who is in denial of how he feels.
No matter how he sees you it happens.
Yet the strongest cases of this would be romantic feelings towards a human or any sort of feelings towards a Decepticon.
Ratchet would be the type to try and ignore how he feels.
Like most Autobots Ratchet is protective of you and his mind often drifts to your safety.
Be it missions or every day life, the fact the world is so dangerous is a truth that sticks in his mind.
Can't really blame him since he's bee through war-
It happens when you lose everyone you love... including your entire home.
Ratchet would try to be subtle with his care towards you.
All Autobots tend to have trackers to see their vitals and location, Ratchet can check it at the base.
Soothing his concerns and checking where you are is easy when you're an Autobot.
Even though he'd prefer you staying at base with him.
Decepticons probably have something similar.
With a hack or two he could probably track you if he really looked into it.
When it comes to a human things are harder.
He can't track you as easily as a Cybertronian.
Which means Ratchet either sneaks to your house in vehicle mode... or sneaks a tracker onto/into you somehow.
It seems very invasive but he tells himself it's for your own good.
In fact that's his driving factor most of the time in his obsession.
Ratchet feels his main responsibility is to keep those he cares about alive.
He doesn't care if that means invading your privacy or locking you away from the world.
Speaking of which, kidnapping could happen with Ratchet but it's uncommon with him.
When it comes to an Autobot darling he could convince you to stay out of missions but even that has its limits.
He wouldn't really kidnap an Autobot.
A human or Decepticon? Most likely.
Kidnapping a human darling would be him convincing you to stay at the base.
It's all for your safety, just for a few hours...
Hours turn to days...
Days to weeks...
Perhaps even months.
He just doesn't let you go.
A Decepticon! darling would be taken in under the guise of prisoner.
In reality it's a way Ratchet can be close to you without much issue.
Ratchet can be seen as either a platonic or romantic yandere for any partner.
He works really well for both roles and would still do just about anything for his darling.
Ratchet may be a medic, one meant to heal... but he is definitely capable of violence.
He can fight and hold his own, he'd be even more willing to do it if it was for his darling.
It doesn't matter how much Energon must be spilled...
As long as he has you he's the happiest he could be.
Ratchet is definitely one to act like he knows more than you.
If you're having arguments he claims he knows so much more than you, that he knows how to take care of you better than yourself.
It's frustrating for the both of you.
Ratchet is stubborn and will not change his mind on things.
If he decides isolation will keep you safe, that's final.
End of story.
That's his form of manipulation.
He won't really make you feel bad, he'll essentially parent you until you comply.
Fighting him is a losing battle.
I can see Ratchet getting jealous at times.
He isn't very vocal about it so he silently thinks on it.
You can tell there's an edge in his voice and he makes small comments on it but he won't kill anyone.
Ratchet isn't the most affectionate Autobot but he'll try.
It's actually a bit funny (and creepy) to hear him grumble about it.
[Edit] I forgot to mention this awhile ago but Ratchet, along with characters like Knock Out and maybe Pharma, would drug his darling.
If you're Cybertronian he bumps up some anesthesia.
If you're human he does research on what drugs affect the human body and how.
He'll give you just enough to make you compliant, he knows exactly how to make you docile.
If he's romantic then he'd try to kiss his darling, often trying to be as gentle as possible.
Especially if you're human.
If he's platonic he's much more like a guardian or parent.
He gives words of encouragement and tries to take care of you.
Overall I believe Ratchet is one of the more stubborn and slower yanderes.
It takes him time to accept the fondness he holds towards you...
Once he does then he doesn't plan on letting you or those feelings go, no matter how hard you try to change his mind.
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makoodles · 1 year
yeah tsu’tey would definitely make kid lo’ak his nemesis but i wonder what would happen if tsu’tey and the reader end up adopting spider?
maybe that’s how the sully siblings meet spider for the first time. at first lo’ak doesn’t like spider at all; he’s lowkey jealous and can’t come to terms with the fact that the reader now has a child of her own. little mister steal-your-girl is over here thinking damn scheming against tsu’tey wasn’t enough, now there’s another competitor for your attention!?
lo’ak would start messing with spider but it turns out to be way harder than he thought it would be. tormenting tsu’tey had always been easy because let’s be honest that man probably gets so very easily provoked, but spider is different; spider wants to be friends with lo’ak and doesn’t seem to realize that lo’ak wants nothing to do with him.
lo’ak would be lowkey mean to spider but kiri, who had really taken a liking to the human kid since day one would always stand up for spider, which also annoys lo’ak because to him it seems like suddenly everyone around him really loves this stupid human boy!
especially the reader, obviously. i mean come on, that’s her cute and energetic little baby boy! all of her attention is on spider 24/7, which makes lo’ak sad because he feels like he’s lost the person he could always confide in. lo’ak is just having a really hard time trying to adapt to change.
on top of that he is frustrated because he’s getting into way more trouble with tsu’tey than before. tsu’tey absolutely does not tolerate lo’ak’s mistreatment of spider and lets that be known. sure, it used to be funny to get a rise out of tsu’tey, but this is different; tsu’tey is not playing around when it comes to spider.
one day little lo’ak gets fed up and decides to take spider to the forest with the intend of leaving him there, however, luckily he gets caught before something bad ends up happening. (yeah, it was probably neteyam who stopped his younger brother from accidentally committing murder.)
when the others find out what lo’ak tried to do, all hell breaks loose. even though neytiri isn’t the biggest fan of spider, she doesn’t tolerate this type of behavior and obviously neither does jake. lo’ak swears he’s never seen his dad this mad; it’s hard to understand what he’s saying (yelling) because it’s all in english and- oh my god !? why is dad turning red ?! he thinks.
lo’ak hates it when his dad yells at him but nothing is as scary as tsu’tey in that moment. yes, tsu’tey is a man of few words but right now he is eerily quiet and it’s scaring lo’ak; he swears if looks could kill he’d be dead because tsu’tey, who is just quietly pacing around looks like he’s plotting murder.
oh, and the reader. too shocked to even say anything, she’s just quietly holding little spider in her arms. the reader is having a really hard time trying to understand why lo’ak would do something like this and she also feels guilty for not noticing how he’s been treating spider.
(little kiri is mad at his stupid penis face of a brother too, because she really likes spider and is scared that tsu’tey and the reader will never let her see spider again because of lo’ak’s stupid actions.)
kids don’t always realize that their actions have consequences but this is when lo’ak comes to his senses and realizes that the way he’s been treating spider is wrong. he of course apologizes to spider and explains to everyone how he has been feeling lately.
lo’ak and spider end up becoming great friends as it turns out they have a lot in common. (now it’s kiri’s turn to be jealous but that’s another story for another time.)
even though spider forgave lo’ak straight away and is happy to have him as a friend, tsu’tey on the other hand would find it really hard to accept lo’ak as spider’s friend and it’d take a lot of convincing from spider and the reader to let him hang out with the sully kids again.
even when the kids grown up, tsu’tey still thinks that lo’ak is a bad influence on spider, which is kind of funny because spider is just as much of a trouble maker as lo’ak by his own nature, but tsu’tey just refuses to see that <3
so yes, lo’ak is still absolutely tsu’tey’s nemesis but now mr. steal-your-girl is also mr. steal-your-son.
okay that ended up being a little angsty </3 so here’s some other head canons:
spider: hey bro, i’m ur best friend, right?
lo’ak: well actually, ur mama is my best friend
spider: 🧍🏼🧍🏼🧍🏼
(it takes a while for spider to realize that lo’ak isn’t making a yo mama joke, he just genuinely thinks of the reader as his bff).
or or or the other way around:
lo’ak: hey bro, i’m ur best friend, right?
spider: well actually, kiri is my best friend
lo’ak: 😔
kiri: makes sense, at least i never left him in the forest to d-
imagine lo’ak and spider just hanging out and out of nowhere spider just goes “hey bro remember when u left me in the forest to d-“ and lo’ak is just like “omg bro will u ever let that go ???” and spider’s just like “nah, probably not.” (it’s their little inside joke now)
speaking of inside jokes, the reader would teach the kids slang words in english and they end up using those words when they speak in english.
tsu’tey would absolutely loose his mind because he has no idea what the fuck they’re saying !?
jake tries to explain to tsu’tey what each word means but he’s having a hard time trying not to laugh at tsu’tey, which just annoys tsu’tey even more (goddamn these sully men are annoying…)
omggggg the drama of it all!!! i love this!!
ironically i think the funniest part of this is the thought of tsu'tey absolutely losing his mind because first lo'ak goes for his mate, and now he's going for his son. the little bastard isn't willing to let tsu'tey have anything AHAHAHAHAHAH
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