#fluff you caine
dragongoddess06 · 26 days
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obamerzslop · 7 months
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Cute fluffy love :]
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there are protocols for what to do with every batkid when they panic / otherwise freak out. bruce has them written down somewhere but at a certain point they all just know them instinctively.
dick: make sure his feet are on the floor. put your feet on the floor. hold wrists -- not hands, but wrists, so neither of you could possibly slip. neither of you are falling. he needs to know that.
jason: don't touch him. talk to him. if you can lead him to a big, open space, do that. leave the doors open. turn the lights on. watch him, but don't get too close unless he asks for a hug.
tim: keep talking. doesn't matter what you say, just make sure he can't forget you're there. even after he says he's fine, even if it seems like he's fine, he's not, so don't leave. stay. if you can't stay, find someone who can.
damian: don't forget he's literally a child, but take him seriously. ask him what's wrong. him, you can reassure. don't touch his hair -- talia and ra's did that a lot, when he was in the league, and he'll flinch away from you. the knife helps him feel safe, don't worry, it's not about you.
cass: you can talk to her all you want but she is not going to answer you. speaking is hard enough on a good day. if you even manage to guess that she's panicking, keep your posture open. she won't take a hug, but she might come lean against you.
steph: hold her. it's pretty straightforward with her, actually. just hold her close and talk her through calming down. get somewhere you can take your mask off, if you're in costume, and let her see your face.
babs: get her a weighted blanket and a cup of tea and just let her be. if anyone besides dick or her dad asks, she's fine. she will be fine, honestly. she's a little better adjusted than most of the family. just keep an eye out for her.
duke: he's new. if you're not cass, dick, or tim, you should probably get one of them. kid gloves with him. you might have to walk him through breathing, focusing on the things around him, all the things that are second nature to everyone else now. remember, he hasn't been doing this all his life.
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spaceshipellie · 8 months
for the ethel cain requests!! i absolutely adore this idea!! can i get one with abby and, "something they all want that only you can have"
in tlou universe! with fluff or angst! (maybe have it set in the stadium or on patrol!)
“something they all want that only you can have”
pairing: abby x reader
summary/warnings: all the girls want to be with abby but she only wants you. tlou au, fluff, flirty tension. this is really short but cute
you couldn’t blame abby for how many girls had a crush on her. or the way they’d stare with stars in their eyes at her in the gym. watching the way the muscles moved in her arms and back when she lifted weights. it was enough to make anyone swoon but that didn’t mean you didn’t get jealous.
it was crazy, really. you weren’t even dating! just very close friends who occasionally flirted and every time you hoped she’d take it a step further, she never did. right as you thought she might lean in and kiss you she’d playfully punch your arm and call you dude or something instead. maybe that was her way of flirting or maybe she just saw you as a friend. either way, you were determined to find out sooner rather than later.
“so, how was your workout earlier?” how was your workout earlier? you couldn’t be any more pathetic if you tried. you strolled alongside abby through the building you were currently investigating on patrol.
“it was good,” she chuckled, shooting you a quick glance as her hand momentarily brushed your side.
“good,” you nodded, not really knowing what you wanted to follow up with.
she spread a large hand over her shoulder and rotated it. “already starting to feel sore though, might have over done it a bit today.”
“yeah, you really seemed to put on a show for the girls,” you half laughed, half mumbled.
“what was that?” she queried but her laugh told you she heard what you said.
you tried to hide your embarrassed smile from her teasing look. “nothing, nothing.”
“you jealous or something?”
“what?! no, no–“
“i’m fucking with you.” she stopped to push a door, holding it open so you could walk in under her arm.
you both searched the new room, finding a stack of dusty books on one of the counters. you wiped some of the dust off with your fingers before wiping your fingers on your jeans.
“hey, don’t you have a copy of this?” you asked, holding up the copy of little women to show abby.
“i do, it’s a good book. you should read it.”
“hm, maybe i’ll take this then.”
she sauntered over to you, taking the copy from your hands and flicking through.
“you can always just borrow mine. besides, this copy is only part one where they’re kids, mine is the complete story,” she mildly bragged, giving you a smirk.
“oh, fancy,” you teased, “okay, i’ll take you up on that.”
her fingers brushed yours and her eye contact lingered as she handed you back the book before you set it down again. you felt yourself growing nervous under her gaze and had a feeling she was enjoying it.
“good.” her voice was low and silky.
you cleared your throat to snap yourself out from her hypnotic trance and looked down at your feet.
“we should probably worry more about infected than literature,” you tried to joke.
“eh i wouldn’t worry, think we’re all alone up here.”
“i see.”
you pretended to keep looking around, trying to find supplies or take an interest in anything that might make it look like you weren’t just burning with the urge to grab her. you spotted something on the top shelf that looked like it could be spare ammo but groaned in annoyance when you couldn’t reach it. as you were about to try climbing onto the counter you felt a warm hand on your back.
“let me,” she said, softly pushing you aside, her hand remaining on you.
you froze on the spot even when she brought the items down to show you, smiling as she then shoved them in her backpack.
“thanks,” your voice cracked.
you realised how close you two were and how she wasn’t making any attempt to move away. the urge to lean in was so strong you were convinced your body would do it against your control anyway if you didn’t do something. despite abby’s flirty nature with you, you still weren’t sure if she meant anything by it.
“so, i overheard nora talking about you earlier. coincidentally after you’d just left the gym.”
she chuckled slightly. “and what did she say?”
“she was talking to leah about how she thought you looked hot, and would die if you ever asked her out.” nerves were creeping into your voice.
“oh yeah? that’s… good to know i guess.”
your shy eyes snapped up to meet hers. “so, you would ask her out?”
“i didn’t say that.”
“why not? she clearly likes you.”
“hmm, she’s cute but she’s not really the one i’d want to ask out if i could.”
your heart sunk. she liked someone.
“huh.” your voice was laced with disappointment.
“you okay?” she asked, the corners of her mouth twitching upwards as she leaned in a bit closer.
“yeah, fine. so, why can’t you ask this other girl out?”
“oh i don’t know, might ruin the friendship.”
your breath hitched in your throat. “seeing the way they all look at you, i’m sure she wouldn’t mind.”
“hmm, maybe… and why are you so convinced it’s one of them? the girls that apparently love to gawk?”
“well, who else would it be?”
“take a guess, babe.”
she was impossibly close now and your insides were twisting into a pile of mush.
“i, i don’t know.”
“oh come on, try for me.”
“um, katie?”
“no.” her fingers brushed your hip.
“nope.” she brushed a piece of hair away from your face.
“i’m going to stop you before you list every girl in the WLF that’s not you.”
WHAT. “what?”
“have i not been making it obvious enough? my apologies.” her tone was sweet and her hand still continued ghosting over your skin, tempting you to lean in to her touch.
“i just thought…” you stopped yourself before you said something embarrassing.
“thought what, sweetheart? tell me.”
“i just thought… out of everyone who wants you, why would you want… me?”
you tried to look away but her hand cupped your face lovingly, making you look at her.
“i can assure you, you’re the only one i want.”
she laughed and soaked in the way your pretty eyes scanned her face before she closed the gap and kissed you. she deepened the kiss once she felt you moving closer to her, one of your hands fisting her shirt.
“are you convinced?” she smiled against your lips.
“hmm, maybe one more will do it.”
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fluffy-anna · 19 days
Stephanie brown, aka Batgirl aka spoiler, aka my favorite girl. Wallpaper. Hope you like it <3
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@forestwanderingsapphic hope you like it (I remembered 🏌🏼)
Cassandra Wayne (Cain) wallpaper.
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sapphicwitchstudio · 1 year
The best Games let you pet the dog. A little WIP Arthur and Cain.
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kayadrake123 · 2 years
Random Tim Drake relationship headcanons
Tim Drake x GN!Reader
Tim definitely plays guitar, electric guitar to be exact. He owns at least 3, but his favourite is a light blue one that was gifted to him by Bruce as a welcome gift after his adoption.
He likes to play you songs while you’re both on a break from work and just chilling out in his room. Sometimes you fall asleep to his playing, which causes him to resort to playing his guitar whenever he can see you’re having trouble falling asleep.
You sometimes ask him to learn specific songs just so you can hear what he sounds like playing them. And as he is in everything he does, he plays it fucking perfectly.
Tim isn’t a big reader. He actually despises reading cause he just can’t force himself to get through the first few pages. All the words end up giving him a headache (mainly because he never wears his glasses but we’ll get to that later)
He does however enjoy hearing you speak about the books you read if you’re a reader. He also really enjoys listening to you read to him, as your voice soothes him and he thinks it’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever heard.
Most times when you read to him, he lays on your stomach with his eyes closed as you brush your hand through his hair, your legs tangled together.
Tim is obsessed with his s/o’s voice. He loves when you say his name and the way you say certain words (especially if you have an accent). He thinks it’s the most angelic thing ever known to man. You have the ability to calm him down by just opening your mouth and letting him hear your beautiful voice (that and he’d rather drop dead than not do what his s/o tells him).
TIM DRAKE WEARS GLASSES. There I said it. He doesn’t need to wear it all the time, but he especially needs them when he needs to read. All the late nights in the dark staring at a computer screen really does take a toll on your eyesight. He looks goddamn adorable in his glasses (and fucking hot ;) ) If you wear glasses, he thinks it makes you ten times hotter :))
Tim can be fucking cold. Man is calm and friendly (not overly cause he’s emo) and really down to earth most of the time, but when someone really pisses him off, oooooh boy.
He’s the type of person who doesn’t need to raise his voice to hurt you, his words cut deep enough bro. Like he’s really sarcastic half of the time, but in a fight his sarcasm is intensified with the intent of making you hurt badddd bro. He doesn’t mean to do it, it just happens in the heat of the moment.
He also tends to distance himself when he’s beyond pissed off with you, like he doesn’t trust himself around you not to say really hurtful things. It isn’t the case with everyone else, but he eventually allows you to try and get him to talk to you again. With his friends and family he snaps at them for trying, but again, you bring out a calmness in him.
Tim will only ever drink black coffee.
Man is super touchy. Like at the beginning of your relationship he wasn’t as affectionate due to him having a lack of physical affection in his life from his parents, but the more he became comfortable with you, the more his hands began to roam ;)
He prefers physical touch over words of affirmation for himself as he has a hard time speaking about his feelings. When he does say words of affirmation, it’s completely random but makes you melt all the same.
He likes taking pictures of you like a mom does with their kids. He can’t help it, he just thinks you’re fucking beautiful and amazing and wow.
His whole family loves you, but you’re closest to Cass, Steph and Duke. They just really enjoy your company and often try to steal you away from Tim, which annoys him.
His nicknames from you consist of “Timmy”, “Duckie”, “Birdy” and loads more
He loves to call you nicknames that have a link to a funny or cute experience he’s had with you. People always find it so cute when you explain it to them.
He’s so soft with you. His touch, the way he looks at you and speaks to you. He’s so delicate when it comes to you and he’s so in love.
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freezerbrldes · 2 months
A Long, Unfortunate while
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PAIRING. Lucy Gray Baird x Coriolanus Snow
WARNINGS. Mentions of abuse and SA (not too in-depth but its still there)
AUTHOR'S NOTE. This is my first time writing and using Tumblr so please bear with me lol. This series is based on the album Preacher's Daughter by Ethel Cain. If you're unfamiliar with that album I highly recommend listening to it because it is honestly one of the greatest albums in the last decade. I changed some of the story up so it's not so predictable for people who know the lore behind the album. Also, I made Lucy Gray 18 years old and Coryo 20 years old for the sake of this story because it gets pretty dark towards the end (iykyk).
credit to @cafekitsune for dividers
now on ao3
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Chapter One: American Teenager
I stand before the mirror, amazed at how the rainbow dress paired with the cream-colored corset and subtle makeup transformed my features. I’m not one to dress up, but since I’m attending the homecoming dance with Billy Taupe, I need to wear something other than my usual oversized t-shirts and baggy jeans. 
Never in a million years did I think he’d ever ask me out, let alone as his homecoming date. Billy and I grew up together in Shady Grove, a very small town in rural Alabama. We’ve never been close friends in school, but I always had a huge crush on him. He is the star player on the football team and is by far the most sought-after guy in school. 
Billy had been dating Arachne Crane, the captain of the cheer squad and the local bitch of Shady Grove High. He caught her making out with Fetus Creed under the bleachers after a game a few months ago, he broke up with her right on the spot. Since then he has talked to me more than he ever has. I didn’t think much of it until one day after chemistry class he stopped me in the hallway and asked me to homecoming. I was shocked but accepted anyway, hoping it would eventually lead us into a relationship.
I walked down the steps where my mother was ready with her Polaroid camera. 
“Oh my” she exclaimed, “You look beautiful.” She began snapping picture after picture, my eyes closed in almost every single one from how blinding the flash was. She grabbed my arms and tried to position me into a pose, taking even more pictures. After about 10 more photos, I had enough.
“Okay Mama, you got more than enough pictures, I need to go,” I say as I hear Billy pull into the driveway, honking the horn to let me know he’s here. 
“Let me go outside and say hi to the boy, I haven’t seen him in so long,” She says as she tries to open the door and walk outside. I immediately shut the door and blocked it with my body. 
“Please no, mama, he’s in a hurry and we gotta leave right now.” I began cracking open the door and inching my way through before my mother could get outside., not wanting her to embarrass men in front of Billy. 
Billy hops out of the truck and opens the passenger side door for me. 
“Wow, Lucy Gray, you look... stunning,” He says with a laugh as he looks me up and down. I blush at his words, not used to receiving compliments. 
“Thank you, Billy, you look great too” I replied. 
“Oh, Thanks,” Billy said. “It's the same suit I wore to your dad’s funeral.”
My heart sinks at his response.
My father passed away four years ago. He was the preacher at Shady Grove Baptist church for over 25 years. He was well respected around town. Everyone loved him and the services he led every Sunday. If only they knew what a monster that man was when he was not leading the congregation.
He and Mama did a good job of acting like they were happy together whenever they were at church or neighborhood cookouts, but no one could see the bruises that he would leave on my and Mama's bodies sometimes.
I shake myself out of my memories as Billy helps me into his truck and heads towards the school. The drive was mostly quiet. Every now and then he'll ask me about church or tell me about his recent football games, which I pretend to care about.
He parks the truck in the parking lot as I watch all the girls dressed in lavish ball gowns enter the school, they all make mine look insignificant in comparison. Billy helps me out of the truck and into the gymnasium. 
The room was filled to the brim with people, the DJ playing terrible remixes of various pop songs as people danced. I’m not a party girl, never even been to one other than birthday parties as a kid. The thought of the loud music mixed with sweaty bodies grinding against each other was enough to steer me far away from that lifestyle.
“I’m going to get us some punch, I’ll be right back,” Billy says as he maneuvers through the sea of people. 
I find an empty table in the corner away from all the commotion and make my way over to it. I take a seat and watch the crowd as everyone dances along to the music. Billy emerges from the crowd holding two glasses of red punch. 
“Thanks,” I say as I take the drink from him and have a sip. We sit in silence as the opening notes of Time After Time play. Billy looks over at me and places a hand over mine.
“Would you like to dance?” I look down at our hands and then look back at him. 
“Uh, sure, but I’ve never danced before,” I reply, my eyes avoiding his in embarrassment as I finish the last of my punch.
“That’s fine, I’ll teach ya” Billy stands from the table, his hand now holding mine, as he leads us to an empty spot on the dance floor. He places my hands on his shoulders before placing his on my hips. 
Billy began to sway us back and forth with the music and for a moment it felt like we were the only two people in the room. My confidence began to grow as I rested my head on his chest, listening to the beat of his heart instead of the music.
His grip on my waist got tighter as he pulled me closer to his body., my chest now flush against his. He begins kissing up the side of my neck as his hands move further down my waist and he grips my ass. I feel him snake a hand up my thigh and under my dress.
“Billy, what are you doing?” I muttered, trying to push his hands off of me, but his grip was too strong. At the same time, I began to feel a little dizzy, Did he put something in my punch?
"Just relax, baby," He whispers into my ear. He then grinds his crotch into my thigh as his hands search for the waistband of my panties.
"Billy, stop, let me go," I beg quietly, but he ignores my pleas.
Before he could get any further, a shrill voice spoke, causing Billy and I to both jump.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Lucy Gray Baird, what a surprise! I wasn’t expecting Billy to bring you to homecoming. I see he’s almost won the bet.” Arachne laughed, and her cheerleader friends giggled along with her. “Arachne, leave her alone,” Billy muttered, getting in between her and me. 
“Bet? What bet?” I questioned. “Billy, what is she talking about?” 
“I-It’s nothing Lucy Gray really-” 
“Billy made a bet with Festus that he could get laid by the preacher’s daughter,” Arachne interrupted, grinning widely. 
My face heated up as I felt tears well up in my eyes. This was all part of a bet? I thought to myself. I glared at Billy as he desperately tried to talk his way out of this.
“I-I wasn’t being serious, We were just joking around, I would never try to pressure you into anything I swear.” He stutters, his hand scratching the back of his neck.
“Did you really think Billy would ever go for you willingly?” Arachne snickered, “You look like a circus clown in that dress, and besides, the only reason he came here tonight with you is to get a quick 50 bucks”
“That’s not true, I came here with you because I-” Billy is cut off by Arachne’s giggling once again.
“Oh my god Billy, you like her?”
“N-no, I didn’t say that-” Billy adds, before he finished his sentence I turned away and headed towards the door. Before I could get to the door, Arachne cut me off and threw her punch all over my dress, staining it a dark scarlet red. I felt all eyes on me as she began to laugh. Soon it sounded like everyone in the room was laughing at me.
I pushed my way through the crowd and ran out the door and through the parking lot, walking down the empty, dark road. The sound of cicadas chirping in the trees surrounded me as I made my way down the street.
I had no clue if it was whatever Billy slipped into my punch, but all I wanted to do was run into the forest and let the wildlife consume me alive. Anything at this point would be better than facing everyone in class on Monday, especially Billy and Acrachne, but the thought of leaving Mama all alone, not knowing what happened to me quickly sucked me right out of that thought.
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About 30 minutes into my walk, Headlights illuminate the road as they head towards me. An old beat-up pickup truck pulls over on the side of the road a few feet in front of me. As I walk past the window is rolled down to reveal a young man with long blond hair behind the wheel.
“You know, it's not safe to walk on the side of the road when it's this dark,” he says with a friendly smile,  “Do you need a ride?” 
I took a moment to think. I hear a lot of horror stories about women getting kidnapped from hitchhiking like this, but this guy looks very nice and he seems to be worried about my safety. There’s no a way crazed serial killer would ever be in a town this small anyway. 
“Yeah, I’d love that,” I answered as I approached the truck, getting into the passenger seat. I got in and gave him directions to my house, which was about 25 minutes away from the school. 
“My name’s Coriolanus, what’s yours?” He asks, I notice his accent is a lot different from anyone around here, he must be from out of town. 
“Lucy Gray,” I replied as he began to drive.
“Lucy Gray.. That’s a pretty name,” He smiles at me. 
“You don’t sound like you’re from here, where are you from?” I asked, looking over at his large collection of cassette tapes on the dashboard. From the looks of it, he must really like Metallica.
“I’m from Florida, I’m just passing through here on my way to California.” He answers as he lights a cigarette. 
“You’re driving from Florida to California? Isn’t that like a 40-hour drive?” I inquired, this man has to be insane or something to wanna do that all by himself.
“Yes, it's a very long drive,” he laughed. “My father was a truck driver and would always come home talking about how therapeutic driving all across America was, I’m hoping I’ll find it just as therapeutic as he did,” Coriolanus mutters, he looked almost sad for a second but quickly snapped out of it. "And there are so many more opportunities for me out there than there are back home."
I could almost sense the sadness in the air as he spoke about his father, he must have lost his father too. Almost like he knew I was going to question him about his father, he spoke again.
“May I ask what you are dressed up for?” He asks, glancing at my dress.
“I was at the homecoming dance tonight at school, my date was a dick so I left,” I said, playing with my hands in my lap as I spoke.
“God, that sucks,” Coriolanus replied, “well, he’s missing out big time, you are a very beautiful girl” he looks over at me and smiles sweetly. “What’s all that red on your dress?”
“My date’s ex-girlfriend decided to throw her drink at me before I left, I guess she was jealous that I went to the dance with him instead of her,” I said as I laughed slightly, feeling comfortable around Coriolanus as I spoke about my humiliating experience.
“Yeah, I imagine,” He says as he looks over my dress once more.
I watched Coriolanus as he continued to drive down the dark highway. He notices and quickly looks over, his eyes meet mine for the first time. I’m taken aback by his blue eyes are, they're almost as blue as a clear sunny sky. He smiles as I blush and look back down at my lap nervously.
“I’ve always dreamed of leaving Shady Grove, starting a new life in a big city somewhere,” I confessed. 
Coriolanus looked at me as I stared out the window.
“I know we don’t know each other at all,” he started, “but if you were up for it, you could join me on my trip.”
I looked over at him again, my eyes lit up. 
“You want me to stay?” I asked, a smile forming on my lips.
“I won’t force you into anything of course, but I could really use the company,” Coriolanus smiled, “I feel like I might go insane driving all by myself,” He laughs as he waits for me to answer.
Living in a small town, you’re not really taught to not talk to strangers. Everyone knows everyone, a little too much sometimes. Coriolanus seems like a genuinely good person, and he’s offering me a chance to escape, one that may never come again. I know my Mama would miss me, but once I get to California I’ll be sure to write her to let her know I’m okay. This is my one shot at leaving the town, and I'm not about to pass it up.
“I’d love to join you, Coriolanus,” I replied, grinning at him once again.
He looks at me, returning a smile.
“Well then, let’s get out of here, Lucy Gray.”
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to-the-stars8 · 2 years
Learning to Love Slowly
Jason Todd x Reader All Chapters AO3
25- Jason's Girlfriend and The Dark Knight
“What do you think she’s like?” Stephanie asked as she spun around in the chair in front of the bat computer. “Jason’s girlfriend, I mean.”
Tim, leaning against the table off to her side, snickered. “Probably smart-mouthed like Jason.” Damian nodded silently in agreement as he sharpened his swords next to him. 
Duke paused his daydreaming to add in, “Dick said she was nice. Very down-to-Earth.” Cassandra then signed that she had heard the same about you. 
Bruce listened to his three kids as he restocked the med-bay across the cave, thinking about what you were like, too. Jason said you were great, but Bruce knew everyone had different definitions of ‘great’--especially with rose-colored glasses on. Dick, though, was a social butterfly that inherently saw the good in most people, so it wouldn’t be too far off that if you had any malicious intent for his brother he could be oblivious to it. Your background check came back clean, not so much as a traffic ticket, but that could also mean you were good at hiding things.
Despite that, Bruce remembered the sincereness in Jason’s voice when he said you were great and the smile that followed after. Genuine content is what Jason seemed to have, a small sign that something was going good in his life. You couldn’t be that bad if you managed to make the most angsty of his children express some sort of happiness in front of him.  
Stephanie suddenly gasped, grabbing the edge of the table to stop her spinning. She pointed at the camera showing the foyer. “She’s here!”
Bruce whipped his head around to look at the camera to see you just leaving out of frame with Jason following behind you. From what little he could see, he thought you were pretty, but beauty did not equal goodness. 
The three of them took off upstairs, all clamoring about getting all the juicy gossip about their brother since Dick could only provide so little. Bruce slowly followed them, still slightly worried as any father would be. 
You were in the living room after having left the kitchen, Jason next to you with an arm thrown behind your shoulders on the back of the couch. From what Bruce could see, you were startled at first by four teens and a little boy practically running up to you two. Jason tried shielding you from the crowd, but you welcomed it with as much grace as you could. 
Surprisingly, you were quiet--Not silent, but your voice was softer than Bruce imagined. Why had he expected someone with more loudness considering that Jason was often soft-spoken himself? 
When Bruce entered Dick instantly noticed him, quickly shutting everyone up to point out that their father was there. Loudly, Dick called out, “Bruce!” He turned to you. “Have you met Bruce? Brucie Wayne? The Dark Knight?”
Bruce moved toward the two of you, moving to take the free armchair right across from you. When you started to get up to shake his hand, he only told you that no formalities like that were necessary. “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Wayne.”
“You too,” He said, still astonished at how soft your voice was. “The drive over was okay?”
You nodded, while Jason snickered saying something along the lines that no one in Gotham could drive to save their lives. Leaning into him, you mumbled something that caused him to wrinkle his nose jokingly at you causing you to giggle a bit. 
Bruce said your name and that got your attention, “Are you from Gotham?”
“Born and raised. I grew up not too far from here,” You stated with a grin. “Just a bit closer to the city.”
“Rich kid?” Stephanie asked teasingly. 
You shook your head. “Not really. It’s a long story.”
“What do you think of animals?” Damian interjected before anyone else could get a chance to ask you a question. 
Pretending to ponder on the question for a moment, you finally answered. “Love ‘em. Jay says you’re big on animals, like all of them.”
“I am, that information is correct.”
Tim finally got to ask his question before Damian went on his usual tangent about animals that bore anyone to death. “Do you work for any Gotham villains?”
“In this economy?” You were shocked, leaning back against the couch, a bit offended. “I wouldn’t be able to make rent.”
Bruce chuckled. “Then, what do you do for work?”
You smiled. “I work at Gotham University in the IT department. It’s easier to be at work and attend class when you work on campus.” 
For the next half hour, Bruce and the others threw questions at you like you were being interviewed for a position at the house. Which, in a way, you were. Jason sat up next to you with pride as if to say yeah, you were awesome and his girlfriend. So far, Bruce had to agree with Dick and Jason. You were great, nice, and seemed normal compared to seven vigilantes and counting that were not around you. Which, in Wayne Manor, normalcy was so foreign. 
Tim and Damian, who had quickly chalked up the idea of you being loud just because you were Jason’s partner, quickly changed their minds upon further talking to you. The three of you seemed to share the same common interests, and the ones you didn’t, you wanted to ask about. You seemed like a genuinely nice person who wanted to know the family Jason grew up in, which Bruce was more than pleasantly surprised with. 
Eventually, when the questions had died down, you finally asked, “I was wondering, Mr. Wayne, do you have any pictures of Jay when he was a kid?”
Jason groaned. “I knew you were going to ask that!”
Bruce got up almost instantly, willing to show any pictures he had of little, chubby, and rosy-cheeked Jay to anyone who asked. Within minutes after disappearing he returned with several thick-bound photo albums. Everyone collectively groaned and now you felt like you bit off a bit more than you could chew. 
“Why do I feel like I girl bossed a little too close to the sun,” You stated. 
Jason leaned over to whisper in your ear, “Regret asking now?”
“No,” You grinned despite feeling a bit of regret. “I’m hoping there’s a picture of you in your red pill helmet.”
Every passing second Jason was regretting bringing home, but, at the same time, he felt it was so right. 
Bruce slapped the top of the stack of books, grinning at you. “I’m having Alfred put on a pot of coffee now as we speak, this will take a while.”
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crowrave · 2 days
More facts about the goobers! (Ngl I’m planning to just keep posting facts until I run out of ideas
Some slightly more angsty ones (view at your own discretion)
Is the most clumsy of the 3 Cains, and also has the worst memory (will absolutely forget what you told him 5 seconds ago)
Is suspicious of the Order’s true intentions when it comes to experiments, and fears the worst if he and Morden were to fall back into their hands.
Focuses more on taking things day-by-day, and often forgets to plan ahead. This can come with great consequence.
He has sudden bouts of going emotionally blank and often thinks about his past. Every now and again he’ll wonder about his parents; if he ever had them.
Is almost constantly brooding and stressed about the Grand Navy following his trail. They don’t trust easily, and every betrayal is like a punch to the gut.
They worry for the crew’s safety, and if the things they do are truly right. They don’t necessarily care for other people besides themself, but yet can’t help but feel some kind of attachment to their allies.
No one besides Connors himself is allowed into the brig’s office without permission. He uses the room to drown himself in his anger and guilt for all those whom he has hurt.
He plans out nearly everything; and whenever he loses control of the situation, he becomes irritated and frustrated. He has had several outbursts because of this.
Is a paranoid wreck, and is always looking about in case there’s a Navy guard hunting him down or someone tries to contact the local authorities.
Will sometimes purposely cause situations to spiral out of control just to see the result. This has become a problem with how often it brings attention to them.
Always worries that he isn’t enough, and that he is replaceable and nothing but a tool to the others. He always tries to please people to the point of ignoring his own needs over someone else’s.
Often has nightmares of the Eternal Mines; and sometimes thinks of what they could have done to save them; even if just one. They avoid Akursius Keep as much as possible, as it reminds them of all those who died in the explosion at the mines.
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tearful-bat · 11 months
Cassandra Cain x reader, fluff
word count: 505
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You and Cassandra had been dating for a few weeks; it had become a routine for her to show up at your apartment unannounced after being injured from patrol. There now she sat sprawled on your sofa, exhaustion was evident in her demeanour. “Cassandra?” you called your voice flushed with fatigue you had been awakened by the sound of her opening your window and entering your apartment “Oh no Cassie are you injured again?” you asked sadness hinting in your voice. "No. Just my arm it’s slightly injured.” you smiled as your crouched next to her on the floor next to you sofa resting your head on her shoulder. “If you're fine then why are you hogging up my sofa? You should be out of your suit and in bed.” you huffed. “tired.”. You sighed then wrapped your arm across Cassandra’s neck moving your face closer to hers. 
“You’re not afraid of me…or this, what it means for your life to know me, what it means for your future. I don't scare you, do I? Cassandra asks suddenly, loneliness in her voice. You paused. You loved Cassandra dearly and the reality of her question hit you. Yes you knew by being involved with her you were directly putting yourself in danger but you didn’t care Cassandra was perfect she was so beautiful, intelligent and caring, you couldn’t imagine not being with her or with someone else. “Maybe a part of me is scared of the life you bring but it’s worth it. I love you so so much Cassandra and there’s no one I would rather date than you, I would die a thousand times if it means I could spend my life with you” you replied moving your hand to cup her cheek as you grinned at her. Cassandra in return turned her head to face you so you could gaze into her almond eyes and soft face which was now dusted pink from her blushing at your words. “I love you too Y/N. For years I've been treated like a weapon but you see me as a person; you never judge me and you make me happier than anyone has ever before. I never realised life could have so much colour, so much beauty, so much meaning until I met you.” You gaped at her words, you could feel your face heating up as your mind fogged with happiness and admiration for the woman next to you. You leaned your face in to kiss her, her soft lips meeting yours as she too cupped your cheek. 
Separating from the kiss Cassandra gave you a weak sheepish grin as her eyes begin to flutter closed peacefully she drifted off to sleep. You gently removed yourself from next to her careful not to wake her as you got up and looked down at her with fondness. Grabbing a blanket from behind your sofa you used it to cover her and then smoothing hair from off her forehead you planted a tender kiss. “Goodnight Cassandra.”
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bruciemilf · 2 years
Do you have any headcanons for fem Bruce with her daughters
Oh mannn, so angst time but, -- I feel like there's a gentle brutality between mothers and daughters; I feel like Bruce would never escape that cancerous feeling of inadequacy biting and mouthing with steel teeth, and whatever she does, she does for love, but maybe it just won't be enough.
It's complicated, it's hard, because Stephanie has this brilliant fire, but it's fed by impulsiveness and thoughtless action. Nothing good comes from bloody bravery. Thomas Wayne would agree.
Bryce says that; You can't go fistfight life. and Steph hears you're not fit for Robin, or Brown, or Wayne. You're a typo in a novel.
" Sorry I'm not Tim! Oh, wait, you don't even prefer him. It's Jason. It's little Jason Todd that's always going to be your baby, right? Hey, if I die next, will I get a hug, too?"
It's a powder keg that goes off and you ignore it, because it'll get resolved. Maybe not immediately, maybe not permanently, but hurt is forgotten over pizza rolls and hot chocolate.
And Cass. Cass is her sweetheart; Cass is a gentle hand and an angry fist both. She shares Bruce's mindframe, believes there's no one too low for redemption to grab. It's beautiful and terryfing.
Because Gotham isn't kind to soft things. You're either a hero, a villain, or something worse. But she can't exactly scold Cass, - can't stand to deny this priceless gift, to be loving in loveless places.
" I feel dissapointment from you."
" I'm sorry. You're doing everything right," but that's not enough; It wasn't enough for her, or for Jason.
" I see."
Bruce loves her daughters; But Gotham doesn't. It doesn't love anybody, she thinks, not unless someone grabs its grimy neck and forces it to. But love isn't force; love is everything nice and soft and easy.
Or maybe not. Maybe, she thinks, looking over her sleeping girls, curled up in her lap, maybe love isn't easy but you choose it anyway.
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godlizzza · 6 months
Can you write Herbert getting Dan a cat, or Middle Age Danbert fluff?
(Btw, I love your fics so much. Every time I see you’ve posted a new one a drop everything and read it. Thank you so much for feeding my re-animator brain rot/hyperfixation. <3333333)
"Have I ever told you," Dan said, "that you're quite handsome?"
Herbert snorted. "Quite handsome?"
Dan hummed and nodded, adjusting Herbert's collar. "Yes. Above average level of handsome."
They were sat on a bench over-looking the ocean. The cliff face had taken a fair amount of hiking to reach but Dan thought it was worth it, if not for the view of the sun glimmering off the ocean far below, then the view of Herbert's serene expression as he gazed upon it. His hair fluttered in the breeze and his usually creased brow was smooth and relaxed.
Dan loved Herbert's manic energy, the way he thrummed with movement and was constantly doing something, even when he was stationary. But he loved seeing him still and quiet, content to be in one place. It was especially gratifying when that place was at Dan's side.
Herbert pursed his lips, threading his fingers together over his stomach as he watched the distant crashing waves. "Are you trying to schmooze me, Dr. Cain?"
"What?" Dan said with an affronted air. "Schmooze you? I can't just pay a compliment to my husband without some kind of ulterior motive?"
"Your ulterior motives are usually related to sex," Herbert pointed out and Dan didn't even refute him.
"I'm not thinking about sex right now," Dan assured him, winding an arm around Herbert's shoulders and drawing him close. Herbert fit snugly against Dan's side, turning so he could lay a hand against Dan's chest and lean into him. Dan savoured the warmth of him, pressing his nose into Herbert's hair and nuzzling. "When we get home though..." he purred, sliding his hand down Herbert's side.
Herbert smacked it before he could reach below his waistband and Dan chuckled, settling his hand on Herbert's waist. Herbert hadn't pulled away from him and even leaned his head against Dan's collar.
"You're ridiculous," Herbert murmured, rubbing his palm against Dan's chest in slow, gentle circles.
"Mmm." Dan closed his eyes and breathed in the lemony scent of washing detergent clinging to Herbert's shirt, mixing with the salty smell of the sea. "Love you too."
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spaceshipellie · 9 months
hi! how r you,, hope you are well~ 🫧
i js wanna req smt for the tlou x ethel cain requests! i was thinking req abt ellie x reader with the lyrics : "show me how much I mean to you, while I'm lying in these sheets undressed" with fluff n smut 🤍
maybe smt along the lines of reader n ellie's first time and ellie just wants to make it super meaningful~
thank you!
“show me how much i mean to you, while i’m lying in these sheets undressed”
pairing: ellie x reader
summary/warnings: your first time with ellie, fluffy smut, eating out + fingering (r receiving), modern au, 18+ mdni
hii i’m good ty hope you are too! i really enjoyed writing this slower, more romantic smut so tysm for the request!
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her lips were so soft as she kissed down your neck. you were lying back on her bed, the dim room illuminated with candles and the soft pink glow of a salt lamp. the handmade bouquet of your favourite flowers ellie had gifted you sat in a vase on the dresser.
her hand danced down your body, gently gripping and touching every part of you she could. she hadn’t necessarily been nervous about your first time together but she was hell-bent on making it special and meaningful for you.
her hand travelled back up your body until she cupped your boob. she gave it some gentle squeezes before slowly gliding the strap of your top down over your shoulder. moving her head from the other side of your neck she started leaving kisses on the skin she was slowly exposing until it was pulled down far enough to expose your nipple. she took it in her mouth, swirling her tongue around and your back arched into her. her other arm slid further underneath you to hold you close as she sucked and licked at your sensitive skin. she pulled the top down even further to give your other boob the same attention before looking up at you through her eyelashes, enjoying how your lips were already parted.
she pushed your top up now, fingertips leaving goosebumps on your skin as they went, and pulled it off over your head. she left kisses in a line down your body until she reached the top of your jeans.
“can i take these off?” she hummed against your skin, her fingers ghosting over the zipper.
“yes,” you nodded and she eased them down until they were discarded on the floor.
she hummed in delight at the sight of your pretty (carefully selected) underwear which had a growing wet spot precisely where she couldn’t wait to get her tongue. she parted your thighs further, sensing that you were a bit shy to be seen like this.
“you look so pretty like this,” she said, kissing your thigh.
a tiny whimper escaped from you as she continued caressing your body with her hands and leaving kisses until she placed one directly on that wet spot. your hips squirmed, making her smile to herself before she hooked her fingers in your underwear.
“this okay?”
she waited until you nodded before peeling them down your legs.
“fuck,” she groaned.
she parted you slightly before laying her tongue flat and licking all the way up from your soaking wet hole to your clit. you moaned and wrapped your fingers tightly around the bedsheet. she was already feeling a bit pussy drunk just from one taste as she devoured you like you were her last meal. your cries got louder which only encouraged her more, making a mental note of what seemed to make you squirm and whine the most. her hands held your hips in place as she brought you closer to your orgasm, your sweet cum dripping on her tongue.
her eyelids were heavy as she moved back on top of you, catching your lips in a hungry kiss. tasting yourself on her tongue made you whine into her mouth. her hands resumed their previous position of one underneath you, holding you close and the other snaking it’s way down your body until she started rubbing circles on your clit. you gasped into her mouth as her fingers dipped lower and two slipped deep inside you. she kept kissing you as she pumped them in and out.
“tell me if it feels good, baby? wanna make sure,” she asked, kissing your neck again.
“it feels so good, ellie. fuck,” you choked out, your hand scratching at her back.
her thumb pressed circles on your clit, her fingers squelching around inside of you, bringing you closer and closer to another release. your back arched and your head dug into the pillow as you came and she slowly slipped out of you. she licked her fingers, smiling down at you and kissed you before you could get all shy on her. this definitely wasn’t the end of your night.
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igotanidea · 1 year
Can I have 5 for the hug prompts with Cassandra Cain?
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5. jumping into hugs
I'm sorry it took me so long, life's been a bit too much lately. And sorry if it's not that good, I've been dealing with terrible headaches and here's that.
Cassandra Cain was raised to be an assasin. Her mother, unknown, her father, not caring about her education or any basic human skills like talking. Poor girl became a living weapon, not knowing any life outside of her hermetic and closed world. That is, untill Batman came in and took her under his wings, making sure she would get better treatment. And she did. Slowly, gradually, she became more open, slighly more optimistic and the pillar of the batfamily.
But her years spend on training left her with some exceptional abilities, one of them being reading human body and body language like a book. With a single glance she was able to asses whether someone was a threat or not, what was the weak points of a person and how to incapacitate the opponent.
On the other side?
She could tell when someone was stressed, worried, tired and ... sad or even depressed.
And Y/N's slouched shoulders, shaking legs and a pout were more than an indication of that. Something happened to her and if there was anyone who could get any information out of her, it would be Cass.
"Y/N?" she slowly opened the door to her friend's room spotting her by the window, facing the garden "What's wrong."
"Nothing." the girl muttered in response, not facing Cass.
"You can tell me" Cassanda put a hand on her heart "I won't tell anyone."
"Promise" Y/N used sign langue to convey that. Sometimes it ws easier to communicate with Cass that way. And besides, her voice was slowly giving up on her.
"Promise" Cass signed back grabbing Y/n's hand.
"I don't feel like I belong in this family, you know. Between batboys and batgirls, all of you being vigilantes, I don't know where do I fit here. I mean, I am no one." Y/N moved from the window only to sit on her bed, legs held up to her chest like she was trying to shield herself from the entire world and all her bad thoughts. Cass did not move from her position observing all the action carefully. "I do nothing to help. And I feel ... cut out, estranged. I mean, I get that, you have your secrets and you always say you want to keep me safe but I want to be a part of the team. Like a real part of the team, not just honorary."
"I'm serious Cass." a single tear flew down Y/N's cheek and once it happened, she could not hold back more of them "I may know nothing about fighting and kicking asses, but I still have so much to give. I'm smart and quick to learn and familiar with tech. I want to help, but all I get is getting more and more lonely." she sobbed, angrily wiping the tear with her sleeve, causing even more mess on her face.
"Oh?" Cassandra gasped. All the words Y/n just said reminded her of her own past. When she joined Batman in his crusade was when she realised how miserable and secluded and deprived of all the good things her life was before. And it hit her hard, making Cass wonder about all the mistake she made and whether she could ever make up for them. And she felt exacltly the same way Y/n was now, pouring her heart out in emotional outburst she was holding for so long.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said all those things. It's not your fault that I'm useless and....."
"Stop it" Cassandra shook her head "stop it and come here." with the lightest of smiles she opened her arms motioning for the other girl to come for a hug.
"Really?" Y/N's eyes widened due to the fact she knew the complexity between Cass and physical touch.
That single word was all Y/N needed when she spung out of bed and jumped straight into Cass's embrace, making her stumble a bit. It was strange how much safety and comfort the former assasin was giving her. How accepting Cass was of all her insecurites, doubts and fears. How none of them needed any words in that moment. Just a silent reassurance that whatever demons were trying to seize each other's mind they were always there for each other. No matter what. No laughing, no dissmising, no gaslighting. Just presence time and hugs, the most precious gift to give to the other person.
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not-alien-girl-v · 1 year
The Evans as Ethel Cain Songs
Tate: HEAD IN THE WALL!!!!!!!!! ok this is so so like omg right ok so like if you get it you get it so. so the raping part was so tate langdon and "Shooting up our old school when we get bored of shooting up Fuck the cops, and fuck god, and fuck this town for ruining us They'll put holes in all we own and in our heads, pumped full of lead You always told me i could only leave you once we're both dead" tate langdon coded you can try to argue with me about this but you're going to be wrong about it so
Kit: most of miss anhedonia's songs are all too toxic for kit so all i'll say is like specifically the one part of crush where its like he looks like he works with his hands and smells like marlboro reds is so kit but the rest of the song is more tate you feel me. and also thoroughfare because kit is american man with a truck coded. you get it.
Kyle: hard times :((((( and i don't want to elaborate so much on it because it makes me sad that most of kyle's narrative is based on his trauma with his mother and even in death he just continues to get used for his body.
james: i am feeling knuckle velvet and also lilies ok so for knuckle velvet the line ‘you come in so hard, gore me through the heart’ that just yells james directly into my ears idk what to tell u and for lilies ‘you’re like an angel, nothing can touch you, but i wanna hold you, i wanna love you’ like ok sure that could be any evan character cuz he’s beautiful like an angel but when i hear angel and beautiful in the context of evan peters im gonna think of mr march and mr march ONLY also like the entire first verse is SO james it’s like i can picture the exact scene in his silly little hotel room so vividly in my mind it’s like it’s a real scene from the show
kai: my little piece of shit <3 so for kai im feeling dog days and sunday morning. from dog days ‘you walk a fine line between god and animal, you’re just a feral dog i worship in bedroom ceremonials’ and also ‘cut me up and take me like the bread and blood at church’ like ok the kinkiness mixed with violence mixed with religion mixed with worshipping a man who’s literally just Some Guy that’s kai anderson shit right there. for sunday morning ‘when i go home at night i think about the ways that i can get out of the hold you’ve got me in’ mixed with ‘everything hurts except for you’ ok kai anderson kai kai kai anderson
and that’s all i have to say i don’t fuck with the other characters so this is all y’all get from me
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