#but there may b a squeak or two present who knows
tiptapricot · 1 year
Calling it now because I’m pumping up my confidence and no one can stop me: I think MK season two is going to be announced on or very near the one year anniversary of the show airing. We’ve gotten so much info on there being More planned, some rumors even of the type of content in the season, so it makes sense to announce soon. And doing so way before the anniversary would be missing an opportunity, and waiting a ton longer doesn’t make sense if, again, there seems to be a lot planned and decided on already, at least on a conceptual/It Is Happening level.
Maybe they’ll wait until preproduction/production has already started in which case it could be a lot longer but! One, I don’t want them to do that, and two, confirmation has already been a joke known by the production staff/Oscar n therefore should be known by marvel, so I’m assuming they’ll give us something if it indeed is already in the talks and confirmed to be happening.
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sharperthewriter · 2 years
Chapter 4 of Roneo and Kimliet
Chapter 4
The bell rung, signaling the end of the period. Kim and Ron exited the Drama classroom with Tara and Monique behind them. The final class they had before study hall was American History. They then assembled over at Monique's locker, which was a corner locker that connected G-Hall (which was the section of the school for fine arts) with F-Hall (which was the section of the school for the college-placement courses)
"I'm just glad that's over!" Tara said while holding her backpack tightly.
"Why did Barkin give the power of directing to the Glee Three?" Kim asked, "They are totally control freaks!"
Rufus popped out of Ron's pocket with a miniature Hamlet skull.
"To be...or not to be!" the mole rat squeaked.
"And why do I always end up as the tree, KP?" Ron wondered, "You know they only have two eyeholes for that costume and not enough holes for hands to hold the branches!"
"It's for safety reasons...unlike the Cowardly Lion incident..." Kim muttered.
"They control the Drama Club, Kim!" Monique explained, "They totally have the power over the art of plays, and things of that nature."
"On the bright side, Monique, I actually perfer to be directing from a table rather than being on the stage itself." Kim explained.
"Oh right, I remember that part!" Ron exclaimed, "It happened in freshman year..."
"Uh, Ron!" Kim explained, blushing before lowering her voice to a whisper "Not in the hallways of school please?"
"I'm guessing that is something that is kept under wraps?" Monique asked.
Kim continued to whisper.
"Ron...I want you, Monique, and Tara to meet me behind the gym after school. Don't tell anyone else. Got it?"
"You can count on me, KP!" Ron said in a low voice.
"Lips are sealed shut, baby girl!" Monique added while Tara gave a nod of her head.
The four of them headed off to their respective classes.
Little did they know, however, that Ashley B overheard what they said, for she was around the corner of the hallway.
"Ooo...I may need to find out what scandalous secrets they have!"
The bell rung for the final time for today.
"Now we can officially put today in the books." Monique said to Tara as they came out the doors.
Monique looked around and saw that the coast was clear.
"Okay, T, gotta head to the gym!" she instructed.
"Right, Monique!" Tara said before the two girls snuck over to the back of the gym. Ron was waiting for them.
"Hey, Monique and Tara!" Ron said in a low voice.
"Why are we talking quietly?" Tara whispered.
"KP was the one who suggested it." Ron said quietly.
Kim then approached the trio.
"Is everyone here?" the redhead asked.
"Present!" echoed Ron, Monique, and Tara.
"Good...now, as Ron was about to say before I had to cut him off." Kim said, "I am not a natural for the stage!"
"Are you kidding, girl?" Monique asked, flabbergasted. "You blew Bonnie out the water in the talent show and broke her 'Rockwaller Family Tradition'!"
"Yeah, there's that though Ron did win the event." Kim admitted.
"Quanity over quality, as Barkin said, KP!" Ron chimed in.
"Anywho, Monique." Kim said while getting back on topic. "Singing on a stage for three minutes is one thing but doing a play for three hours is a nightmare in of itself for me!"
"But, Kim, I did get a starting role that was not tree-based." Ron added.
"Oh yes...the Cowardly Lion incident. Sophomore year...Wizard of Oz..." Kim groaned.
(flashback: November 2004)
"KP, do you thing this Cowardly Lion costume is a bit too loose for me?" Ron asked. He was in his aforementioned costume.
"Nah, I think it fits you just right, Ron!" Kim said, smiling at him.
"Ronald, we are so proud of you!" Donna Stoppable exclaimed.
John Stoppable added, "You are finally doing a role that is not holding up the branches!"
"Thanks, Mom and Dad! I know I can count on you two!"
"Good luck out there!" Donna exclaimed, "It is our way of telling you to make us proud!"
Kim explained, "Everything went almost well in the play until it got to...that scene. Ron wolf-whistled at the female Robotics Team captain earlier in the week and she did not like that at all."
"You gotta hand it to her, KP...she did look pretty cute." Ron admitted.
Ron (playing the Cowardly Lion), Jamarcus Hall (playing the Tin Man), Josh Mankey (playing Scarecrow) and Marcella (playing as Dorothy) were walking along the Forbidden Forest to Oz on the stage.
Kim continued the flashback.
"There were supposed to be cardboard cutouts of the...things...but..."
All of a sudden, 20 Chimpy Monkey dolls rose on the stage. They were all tied to toy helicopters with smart sensors on them for some odd reason.
Ron screamed in terror as he ran off the stage. But the toy helicopters gave chase to him. Much of the audience was laughing at Ron.
Kim got off her seat and followed the toy helicopters.
Ron got to the entrance of the school and his Cowardly Lion costume got stuck on the door handle. Wanting to get away from the stuffed flying 'monkeys', he ripped through his costume...only to realize that he was clad only in his underwear.
The 'flying monkeys' continued to chase Ron with Kim chasing after them.
The female Robotics team captain whom Ron had wolf-whistled at earlier in the week, was controlling the head copter...as well as the entire Robotics Team.
"Fly, my pretties! FLY! FLY!"
She gave an evil laugh.
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aarcanevillains · 2 years
MoC- Entrance Exam
Masterlist - U2234
It’s time to show off what Izumi has learnt and do this freaking exam! Maybe she’ll even make friends?
Warnings: swearing, injuries, chaos
Part one - had to split in 2 was too long
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The UA Entrance Exam…. Izumi was scared shitless. Four exams, two written, two practical. Hero and Support, they were her best options to get into UA- they were the ones she wanted the most anyway. Tenko would be with her for her support exam practical - which hers would take place after the hero practical- to help her show off the gloves she’d made. Thank god for Shimura.
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She let out a huff of a laugh, almost tripping over the first step as she entered the familiar campus. A hand gripped her bag, pulling her back- a boy with red hair styled almost the exact same as Crimson Riot.
The boy snorted. Shit she said that aloud, slapping her hand over her face she squeaked and shuffled backwards- but the boy hadn’t let go of her bag quite yet so she didn’t move very far.
“Can’t go tripping on the first day, heard that’s bad luck. I’m Ejiro Kirishima by the way- good observation on Crimson Riot he’s my favourite hero.” God his grin was blinding.
As they began walking she gave an awkward giggle.
“Uh yeah, he’s pretty cool, his quirk is really interesting I don’t know any others like that… I’m Izumi Midoriya, nice to meet you Kirishima.” The boys grin only got brighter.
“We should probably hurry right- the written exam is supposed to be tough.”
“Yes, the mock exams were easy enough so I’m feeling confident for both of the written ones.”
“Both!” His eyes widened.
“Oh no, no. The hero exams and I’m also doing the support exams.” The boy breathed a sigh of relief.
“Scared me there Midoriya… ah looks like we have to split here I’m 2243.” He said showing her his ticket.
“Ah 2234.” She laughed. “See you later Kirishima.”
 The written exams were easy to finish- both hero and support written exams felt too easy and it’s probably because Nedzu had given her harder than necessary mock exams… but there was an analysis portion in the support exam and she may have gone overboard but who cares she’s finally up to the practical part of the exams.
Fuck her she had to sit next to Bakugou and thankfully he didn’t deem her worthy enough of his anger today as she sat beside him- instead, he was staring at his examinee card and glancing at hers.
“What is it?” She asked- a little too snippy but the boy didn’t seem to care too much at the moment.
“Looks like they are separating anyone who goes to the same junior high.” He grunted as he looked between their exam cards again- she was in battle area B while he was in A- thank Nedzu for this gracious gift.
“Nice.” She said.
“You’re cocky.”
“You’re a dick.” … fucking hell she’s spent too much time around Touya (and in all fairness if he knew about Bakugou and her less than amicable friendship her picking up his mannerisms would be the least of her worries).
“What the fucks gotten into you? Auntie Inko got pissy with the hag, you’ve been a brat- what is it?” He practically growled.
“Look let’s put this all out there while you can’t blow me up. I no longer see you as my friend, don’t want to even try anymore because you aren’t worth it. I’m not so much of an asshole that I can’t see that our schools did us both a disservice nor do I not want you to get better and become a hero but I’m over being your punching bag just because you can’t stand my quirk status. Not my problem, not something I can fix and certainly not something you can beat out of me. I have friends now and while I never told them what you did to me they know I’m not treated well and they taught me that I’m way fucking better than you.” She whispered angrily. Bakugou gulped (good looks like Inko’s anger was indeed genetic). He gave a huff after a moment, his face stern and annoyed as he turned to face Present Mic who had now entered the room.
“Friends my ass.” He muttered.
 God what she would give for her friends to be here right now as she tackled yet another hero hopeful to the ground and away from a robots foot.
“For the love of god do not get crushed during the exam!” She all but shouted as she rushed through again, jumping upon her sixteenth robot of the session. With a piece of metal she’d stolen from the first robot she’d attacked she began to shove the sword like piece into the wiring of the robots neck- it was all she could do but man was she having fun with it.
And another tackle of a student to get them out of the way, and another and another. Izumi also made note of the other candidates quirks that could be useful - even if the Iida boy came across rude she couldn’t help but admire the quirk he had, it was useful but perhaps he could find other ways to fight besides running and hitting with the debris around him- using his legs would be optimal considering how his brother, Ingenium, fights. A girl with gravity manipulation was doing well along with a blond boy who seemed to have an electrification quirk- all very interesting and useful.
 Again she tackled someone else to roll them out of the way, a blond boy who all but snarled at her before freezing.
“Why can’t I copy your quirk?” He wondered aloud; confusion written across his face.
“No time for that Copycat, take whatever metal pieces you can find and use them as makeshift weapons for if you can’t find a quirk to copy, okay I’m off! TTFN- tata for now Copycat!” She yelled as she rushed towards a purple haired boy with eye bags as dark as Eraser Head’s.
“Hey dude!” She called as she slammed into the small robot that was coming from behind- throwing her makeshift sword at him. “Aim for the neck it’s faster.”
“Uh… thanks?”
“These kinds of exams aren’t really made for people like us- so we gotta make… do. What the fuck is that?”
 Izumi knew what that was, in fact when she met Power Loader she’d seen him working on it- the zero pointer. The purple haired boy spun around after slamming the makeshift sword into the one pointers neck.
“What in the fucking hell?” He said. “Shit someone’s stuck.”
Izumi’s eyes focused to the pile of rocks in the way of the zero pointer… where a girl was stuck… and where everyone was running in the opposite direction from. It was gravity manipulation girl- last Izumi saw her she was helping a boy with a laser in his stomach from getting crushed. She searched the area. Ah Hah.
“Oi Copycat come here!” She called the stunned blond boy.
“You said you copy quirks right? We need to go help her I’m pretty sure her quirk is gravity manipulation or something. If you can help me get up to the robot we can disarm it while… eye bags- sorry I’ll get your names later okay?- you help get her out from the rubble.” As she pulled them towards the girl, running fast- and geez she was strong.
“Uh… okay.” The boys said as they began to run beside her, keeping up as much as they could.
 The purple haired boy crouched beside the stuck girl, aiming to lift the rubble off of her leg while the blond asked her what her quirk was, she answered albeit confusedly and when he touched her (copying the quirk) he was quick to spin around and half slap Izumi on the arm.
“Okay so tell him how to release the quirk after he throws me and I reach the robots head okay?” Izumi instructed; the girl nodded.
 Copycat spun Izumi around before releasing her into the air- and by Nedzu did that feel fucking weird- and once she safely hooked herself into the robots neck she felt her body grow heavy once again. With her makeshift sword (that she stole back from eye bags) she slammed it into the vital wiring making the robot freeze just as Present Mic announced the end of the exam.
“Holy shit.” She could hear people yell, her little green head poking out of the robots neck like some cute animal peeking out at the world.
“Little listener you okay?” Mic yelled, using as minimal of his quirk as he could.
“Yeah!” She yelled back. “Can I get a hand down or do I have to fall?” She could hear the crowd chuckle lightly at that- yeah she’d be fine.
 Final exam of the day, Izumi is sure she’s made the judges wait long enough and she’s so thankful Tenko would be able to help her- because she wouldn’t really have any other way to explain these fucking gloves- the other support item she made though… she hadn’t told anyone about because it wasn’t finished and was just in the design phases but Nedzu said a blueprint of that one should be fine for now and that she can always work on it with Power Loader another time… he was so sure she’d get into either course it was.. it was nice to have that kind of support behind her. Izumi waved at Shinsou and Monoma (as they had introduced themselves after getting checked over by Recovery Girl- and if she gets in her mother gets a job as a school Nurse as well isn’t that exciting!!!) as she rushed off to meet Tenko in front of her exam room.
Said teen was waiting with a grin on his face as she rounded the corner.
“You dyed your hair!” She exclaimed as she reached the door, reaching up to ruffle his hair as she did.
“Yeah kind of missed having dark hair.” He flushed. “Anyway let’s go in you are the only one left according to Power Loader.”
“Cool let’s do this shit.”
 “Hello Miss Midoriya, welcome to your support course practical exam, it’s to my understanding you are showing us two blueprints and one of the designs in person with Mr Shimura.” A masked man said, waving his hands happily. “You may begin whenever.”
“Uh yes sir, panel. My blueprints I admittedly designed with two of my friends in mind- one however I had been designing for much longer. Without further ado I will be showing my blueprint and prototype for gloves.” She smiled. “Now I know this sounds boring but please hear me out.”
The panel gave Izumi a laugh and she spared a glance at her friend who quickly squeezed her hand.
“I had noticed a fair few times that support items for those with five point touch quirks don’t really have support tech- more often than not, and with research on this, they are often told to wear simple cut gloves or put band aids over their fingertips. I propose a glove similar to what Mr Shimura is wearing on his left hand- these are simple and commonly used artist gloves; you can buy these at the store for up to seven-hundred yen.” She took a breath. “On the other hand- quite literally- I have designed gloves that with refining I believe would be a useful and smart tool for five point touch quirks in heroics or for the general public. As Mr Shimura is showing it is currently a thin metal mesh that I hope to transfer into smart fabric but as I do not have the funds I do hope you understand that I made do. The gloves look similar to the plain artist gloves with an extra touch of Midoriya magic- here above the wrist is a small button and as I will show you the mesh will fold back into a thin, functional, and fashionable- if that’s your thing- bracelet or band. This will make heroics for Mr Shimura a little easier so he doesn’t need to have stores and stores of gloves that’ll more than likely just end up broken or decayed. I would also like to show just for certainties that this product does work comfortably so Mr Shimura if you could please dispose of the plastic cup I have here.”
 With a proud grin and pep in his step Tenko holds the victim of his quirk up for the teachers to see. The glove Izumi made working as well as intended, being light and comfortable and with a press of the small button the mesh folded away and he could then decay the cup. The panel gave a clap with approving nods.
“I’m sure Shimura appreciates it.” A woman laughed, her smile was warm, friendly, and helped to ease Izumi’s nerves. Izumi dared a glance at her name tag, Magne what a cool name.
Mr Compress- the name tag read- gave his compliments as well along with the few other panel members who had joined them. “This is quite smart, do you believe it will take much effort to make, would it be better built in stock or one at a time?”
“I believe once the design is refined or we are able to use smart fabric it could be made in bulk- the most finicky part is the button but I believe with stable hands it’ll be easy.”
“Perfect. Well done Miss Midoriya.” Magne grinned, Power Loader and Mr Compress seemingly happy as well. “May we see your other blueprint now- is Mr Shimura required for this as well?”
“This is only a blueprint at current so Tenko… Mr Shimura is not needed for this assessment.” Izumi flushed as Tenko gave her hand a squeeze of encouragement for what felt like the hundredth time.
“I’ll go sit down.” Tenko said, bowing at the panel as he did. They nodded.
 “This blueprint I again made in mind of my friend. His quirk is blue flame, you’ll know him as Touya Todoroki.” Suddenly Izumi felt really nervous about this one. With a shaky breath she continued. “His quirk isn’t suited for his body; he has the constitution for ice yet his quirk is fire that reaches far hotter than that of Endeavour and so I propose creating coolants for his body. His body cannot quite stand the heat so to say and with coolants that would not only keep his body temperature regular but keep him from burning himself every time he goes overboard. Admittedly it may also be worth looking into his bodies composition to find out why his quirk factor is the way it is but believe that he cannot be the only one in the world let alone Japan who’s quirk was not meant for them. Devices like this coolant or heaters etcetera would be worth thinking heavily about for future quirk evolutions.”
“No wonder Snipe and Aizawa praised your intellect, these are wonderful ideas Midoriya.” Magne clapped, the others following along. “Thank you so much for your time please have a wonderful afternoon and we hope to see you on campus soon.”
 “I am here,” was not what Izumi particularly wanted to hear when she opened her UA letter… but she supposed it was good news overall if she actually got her letter.
“Young Midoriya it is my pleasure to announce your placement in the heroics exams running at seventh place. You scored twenty villain points and forty rescue points during the practical leaving you at an overall of sixty points and a splendid ninety-six percent in the written. You also attended the support course exams with an overall score of ninety-five percent.” Izumi was so relieved. She got in… holy shit she got in.
“With your highest results being in the hero course we are so excited to tell you- welcome to your hero academia. Plus Ultra.”
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neopuppy · 3 years
My First and Last. Part 3.
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Preview: You have to escape your packs land after a human hunter invasion. The Lee pack becomes your new home. Only one problem, future head alpha Jeno Lee can’t stand you.
Pairing: Alpha JenoxFemale Omega Reader
Word Count: 4k
Genre: a/b/o AU, M/F, M/M mentioned, angst, smut, enemies to lovers, numerous idols mentioned.
Warnings: tsundere Jeno, scenting, jealousy, dubious consent, crying, blood mentioned, violence
a/n: please read note at the end!
Part 1–>
Part 2–>
When you wake up you feel as if you slept on a cloud, like you were home again. You can’t get the smile off your face as you make your way over to the canteen for breakfast. You keep a fruit to munch on hidden in your satchel, still trying to get used to the grey sludge. When you walk in, many alphas who typically greet you warmly cringe groaning looking away. You slow down your pace, smile faltering looking over yourself confused. You cover your face shyly worrying you may look less presentable for any reason as you walk over to get in line.
“Hey! Good Mor.........ohh” Jungwoo starts to greet you as he approaches, halting to a stop. You frown watching his face contort, nose scrunching up as if he just smelled something foul. He backs away immediately, looking at anything besides you.
“Hey!” You say anyway moving aside, motioning for him to join you in line.
“Uhh..actually I uh...you know I have uh....uh, a thing! Right right...See you around!” He scurries away without further explanation. Your frown deepens, looking around at the alphas near you in line pinching over their noses. You pick up a tray feeling anxious by everyones weird behavior.
“Good Morning!..oh!” Mark squeals sniffing around you, face lighting up with joy. “Oh wow, I didn’t know! Oh this is exciting!” He squeaks out bouncing around beside you. You become even more distraught setting down your tray.
“What are you talking about?” You asks emphasizing bewilderment. Mark sets his hands on your shoulders, wide smile spread across his face.
“You and Jeno!” He whispers excitedly.
“Wait, what??” You glance around as bystander whispers grow louder. Mark moves you out of line for more seclusion in the corner.
“You’re covered in his scent. Sorry if you’re a little shy about these matters but, it’s quite obvious you two have been....together” Mark finishes with a brow wiggle. Your jaw falls open, almost comically.
“WHAT?” You scream out, drawing in the attention of more eyes. Mark smiles awkwardly waving off curious looks.
“Your scent! It’s completely covered in Jeno! I’d know that scent anywhere, I mean that’s my brother after all.” Mark exclaims. You continue to gawk slack jawed, wheels spinning fiercely through your mind.
“But? I....how! This makes no sense!!” Mark sighs shaking his head stroking over your arms to calm you down.
“Did your...pack never explain scenting to you? When you let an alpha lay claim over you....you know before mating anyway...you usually scent each other. Kind of like when an animal leaves their mark to stake claim, you know?” Mark explains, feeling more sympathetic for you now.
“Mark I know that!” You shout out in annoyance. Mark grimaces progressively becoming more upset with your reactions. Ten luckily shows up in time entering the canteen, zeroing in on the commotion you and Mark have stirred up.
“Oh my goodness....you reek!” He shrieks out as he approaches, inhaling the air around you.
“Ten, what do I do?!” You ask in distress. Without bothering to investigate further, Ten grabs onto your hand leading you outside.
“Go down to the stream and rinse off, your scent would probably anger a lot of the omegas in the showering quarters right now..” He says, face trying to conceal his own irritation for different reasons. You nod listening to his further instruction on which trail to take before heading off quickly. Ten watches you run off, hands on hips shaking his head to himself.
“Jeno Lee, when I find you..” he mutters out before heading back inside to eat breakfast.
You make your way down the path leading to the stream as Ten instructed you. Rubbing over your arms trying to rehash over the previous day step by step. Why would you smell like Jeno of all people? You were hardly ever around him! and why did you have to love the way his scent coated yours! You shake away those thoughts frustrated, nearing the sound of flowing water. You slow down approaching a large tree in front of the stream. Eyes scanning down the clear blue hues of water rushing by, placing a hand over your mouth gasping when you see him.
There Jeno stands alone in the water with a bowl in hand to pour over his head. He moves to stand straight, eyes squeezed shut as he tosses his hair back, water cascading off of him like slow motion. You watch the driblets trace down his face, past the defined jaw line, into the pools of his collarbone. Jeno rubs a large hand over his face, biceps curled in, flexing as the morning light shines down over his glowing skin. He opens his eyes gazing up into the clouds, blinking away the water gathered up in his clumped lashes.
“Is there a reason you are now following me and watching me bathe omega?” His voice bellows out startling you. You gasp again cowering behind the tree. His gaze travels over to you, eyes half lidded as they connect with yours. Your stomach turns violently as your knees shake unable to answer him.
Jeno continues to stare you down as he moves his way out of the stream. His moistened skin practically illuminated under the natural light as more and more of his body becomes exposed. You inhale in deeply feeling short of breath watching as he nears you. The scent around you submerging your senses, mind going delirious. Jeno reaches out grabbing onto your waist as your knee’s lock, losing balance. Your face meeting his dampened chest, heart beat racing against your throat from the proximity. Jeno squeezes his hands over your torso, lips tightening up into a thin line.
“Was I not clear enough when I told you it is not my responsibility to follow you around making sure you don’t crack your head open?” He grits out, voice strained, panting between words. You take deep breaths against his skin, burning all over, chest rapidly moving up and down trying to catch your breath. Jeno groans, squatting down to pick you up, body engulfed in his secure embrace. He walks back into the stream, dipping you in letting the cool water melt down your boiling skin. You sigh, eyes shutting, hands squeezing onto his shoulders. Jeno pulls his hips away from you, clearing out his throat as he pries away your hands.
“You need to relax, calm down..” he sighs, eyes twitching blinks away. His hand hovers near your head, fingers tingling to move your wet hair back. You pant lightly, the overbearing sensation taking over your frame finally pacifying. Jeno settles you against the edge, rocks pressing into your spine uncomfortably. “You should...rinse off.” His eyes skirt around, leaning past you to grab a small woven bag.
“Use this soap....” Jeno says placing it in your hands, arm curling up to rub over his nape nervously.
“But alph....” you start, Jeno shakes his head quickly, eyes shutting trying to tune you out.
“I have to go, be careful would you?” He finishes with a glare your way, shoving back to exit out. You watch his long defined legs as he pulls his body out, standing upon the grass. Jeno’s fist clench, back muscles hardening. He shakes his head, sharply snatching a cotton square hanging off the huge tree to wrap over his defined waist. You gaze at his retreating figure, even more unclear thoughts passing through you.
You head back into the pack’s main land after a long hour of cleansing, again feeling renewed. Finally clear headed enough to process over everything that has been happening. It was still not quite making sense to you, why would anyone think Jeno had been scenting you enough to leave a type of claim? Your pondering broken, noticing a crowd forming near the council’s lodging. Changing route in that direction curiously. You get on your toes trying to see over the larger alphas blocking the way, someone was kneeled down on the floor, only their long dark brown hair visible enough.
“TRAITOR! HE WAS PERCHED OUT NEAR THE WOODS! FOR WHO KNOWS HOW MANY DAYS!” Jaehyun yells, cracking a whip out. The sound of it landing against flesh, hisses following. “WHO SENT YOU!” He yells out deeply, another smack of the hard leather against skin following. You squeeze between two alphas, a face you thought you’d never see again coming into view.
“ALPHA!” your voice screams out rushing forward, the alphas you shoved through grabbing onto you before you can reach the figure kneeled down. His head lifts weakly, hair now long enough to cascade past his large shoulders. You cry out louder, kicking and beating at the powerful bodies holding you in place.
“ALPHA?!” Jeno’s voice responds in disgust. Fists clenching at his side, eyes bouncing back and forth between you and the captive.
“Here we go..” Jaemin mumbles from behind Jeno, he leans into his friend with a playful laugh. “Try not to be so obvious future head alpha..everyone is watching” his voice whispers into Jeno’s ear. Jeno grinds his teeth down, neck turning red with heat, veins bulging.
“LET ME GO! UNHAND ME!” You cry out, screaming in pain from the alphas forcing you in place. Ten bursts in through the crowd, seeing you being manhandled.
“Release her you fools!” He shouts out slapping over one of the alphas cheeks. They sigh shooting Jeno a scowl, now trying to control two unruly omegas. Jeno sighs, tight jaw nodding, the alphas shoving you away.
You fall down to your knees landing harshly, knees scrapping hard. Instinct over pain moving you to crawl toward the body held in place by the Lee pack’s squad of brutality.
“Alpha!” You cry out, hands lifting his face to look up at you. Blood trickles down his lip onto bare chest.
“Alpha?!” Ten’s eyes widened taking in the scene before him. You embrace over the male, tears flowing down your face.
“I found you..” he sighs out, breath shallow as his eyes shut. You cry harder clutching onto his large frame, fingers squeezing at his bloodied arms. The alphas head falls against your shoulder, too weak to hold himself up with the amount of blood draining out of him.
“No..NO!” You scream out, crushing against him. Jeno shifts to move closer, Jaemin grabbing his shoulder.
“I suggest you don’t” he says low enough for only Jeno’s ears. Jeno’s nose flares, emotions swirling throughout him, your scent heavily coated in pain and anger effecting him greatly.
Ten furrows his brows taking in everything slowly, only rushing over after the scene had become louder. He kneels down beside you placing a hand on your back gently.
“Your..alpha?” He asks timidly, not wanting to upset you further. You sob out, stroking over his messy tangled locks.
“My brother” your voice cracks out. Ten’s mouth drops open, moisture on the verge of escaping his eyes.
“Oh my godde..” he lets out, hugging you from behind. “I’m so sorry, oh my goddess..”
Jeno’s ears twitch, eyes widening as he intently listens. Jaemin squeezes over his shoulder, leaning in again.
“Nice going, almost killing the last family she probably has left.” He quickly mumbles. Jeno shoves him away moving forward, Ten shoots him a glare as he soothes over your shaking figure. His hands clench together anxiously watching your face squeeze as more tears wrack through your body.
“Let him go, get this alpha to the infirmary.” Jeno commands out. The alphas look around between themselves confused, why would they try to save a traitor? A rogue?
“But Jeno” Jaehyun starts, rope in hand connected to the tied down Alpha.
“TAKE HIM NOW. Do as your future head alpha says!” He yells out, eyes wide as he stares around at all the questioning looks. The alphas swiftly move into action untying the limp figure, lifting him out of your arms. You move to stand, knees and elbows scrapped up. Jeno instinctively reaches down grabbing a hold of you, pulling you up gently. You yank out of his hold, Ten behind you catching you before you can fall. Jeno clears his throat, hand burning where he had just held you.
“Is he....really your brother?” He softly asks, voice for once not being used to intimidate. You scowl at him, trying your hardest to give him a look full of disdain.
“He is” you spit at him. Jeno steps aside without further questioning, letting Ten lead you away to the infirmary. You both head off, with Ten’s help yet again carrying half of your weight over.
“What are we going to do about this Jeno Lee?” Jaemin asks, coming to stand near the other alpha. Jeno watches you weakly stumble away, chest aching.
“We will just have to wait for the unknown alpha to recover. We have to interrogate him, he could still be a threat.” Jeno nods, glancing at his pack alphas shooting him weary looks. Jaemin tsks out beside him, lightly punching at his arm.
“I mean about your little.....I mean, BIG crush. Jeno, you must really like her!” Jaemin whispers loudly, enough pack members cleared away now. Jeno’s eyes bulge, giving his best friend a look that could kill.
“Oh come on, I know you!” He shoots a few more weak punches. “We need to work on those er....courting? skills though, future head alpha. Great at leading this pack you may be, but....this is no way to treat a potential mate.”
Jeno splutters, shoving Jaemin away from him, stomping off furiously. Jaemin laughs to himself, crossing arms over his chest. His smile falters as Jeno disappears.
“Goddess, what am I going to do about him” he stresses to himself.
“I can’t believe you had an older brother all of this time. Goddess really led him to find you too!” Ten beams, cleaning up the cuts on your knees as you two sit beside the bed your brother rests on.
“I can’t believe it either, I thought I’d never see him again..” you faintly smile, fingers tracing over his sharp cheekbone.
“He’s soo handsome! By far one of the most beautiful alphas I have ever laid my eyes on! It must run in the family!” Ten sighs, eyes scanning over the alpha. “So tall...” he blushes. Your smile widens at his obvious interest.
“Without mate too” you throw a wink Ten’s direction, grabbing a dampened terry cloth to press along the alphas forehead. He chokes out on air, adams apple bobbing as he sucks in a deep breath. You sit up, moving onto the bed beside him. His eyes fluttering open, gasping in air.
“Johnny!” You exclaim, eyes locked onto each other. Johnny moves to sit up, hissing in air from his wounded side stinging.
“Don’t move, please, you need to heal up” You tell him pushing his shoulders back down gently. Johnny groans relaxing against the sheets, eyes forcing themselves to stay open.
“I found you, you’re alive..” he manages to murmur out, corners of his lips lifting as his eyes fall shut again. You wipe at the tears soaking down your cheeks, leaning down to hug him again. Ten smiles warmly, rubbing a hand over your back.
“I’m going to let you two be alone” he says before exiting quietly.
Johnny coughs up a few minutes later, you bring a cup of water to his lips. His dry throat swallowing down all of it. He opens his eyes again, taking in your face more alert now.
“I can’t believe you’re still alive” he weakly mutters. You smile again, pressing the damp cloth over his clammy skin.
“Once I spotted you here with the Lee pack, I thought they would kill you for sure.” He says, coughing between words. You continue to pour him water, confused why he would think this way.
“I have been here many nights and days now, no one has tried to bring me harm..” you reassure, Jeno passing through your mind making you feel like a liar.
“But they set us up, they tipped off the humans. That little rat that came and delivered us free rice claiming he needed to unload for his heavy travels ahead, he was from the Lee pack. He told the humans we would be out hunting when they attacked!” Johnny pushes himself to sit up, strong alpha physique enduring the pain. “They caught us off guard because of this pack! Our village! Our people! All gone! Ruthlessly killed! Father and mother!” Johnny begins getting riled up, eyes tearing as he explains more to you. You shake your head in disbelief, how could this be?
How could the pack that took you in so easily be the reason behind your pain and suffering?
You can’t control yourself, side eyeing Ten and Taeyong as they help you get ready for the nights festivities. Johnny staying in the infirmary over night, deep wounds taking longer to recover in such a weakened state. Ten smiles broadly, asking more questions about your brother.
“No Taeyong, I’m not exaggerating! You didn’t see him! He is sooo handsome, clearly a very strong alpha too! He found you all on his own and nearly took out half of our strongest alphas trying to get past the boarders!” He squeaks out, draping a silk garment around your body. Something much too nice for you to have acquired on your own, borrowed from Taeyong’s closet.
“Sounds like someone has a crush” Taeyong snorts out sorting through pieces of jewelry, he holds a black pearl against you. “Perfect” he smiles, moving around behind you to clasp the jewel around your neck.
“......someone sure does” Ten mumbles lowly to himself, cinching a leather strap around your waist. “I think our girl here might have a bit of a liking for a certain beta” he finishes with a wink. Taeyong gasps, grabbing your shoulders.
“You like someone?!” Taeyong’s eyes light up in excitement asking. You sigh, looking over yourself in a small mirror hung near the door.
“I don’t even know him”
“I told you, that doesn’t matter. We are wolves, it’s in our nature.” Ten says brushing your hair down. “When he see’s you tonight, goddess protect his sweet fragile heart.”
The alphas line up in order of hierarchy, attentively listening to Head Alpha Donghae calling upon the God’s of the moon to protect over them and the Lee pack through the upcoming savage Winter upon us.
“Goddess of the moon, look after our alphas on their journey over the next days as they face the dangers ahead. Shield them of any harm to return home safely, ready to uphold the pack for the season to arrive.”
Ten stirs up the blessed water, bathed under the full moon, mixing red clay in to thicken it up. He explains to you that the pack omega’s mark over the alphas bodies as an extra shield.
“Typically, head family will begin the blessings. Since this is your first time, and you are my family now, I want you to do it with us!” He smiles brightly. You frown, chest tightening, fighting befuddled emotions. There was just no way he could be involved with what Johnny had told you if it was true...
You nod following his lead, approaching the alphas. Jeno stands at the forefront, shoulders rounded out, chest pronounced in his stance. You sigh to yourself, scratching over your arm as Ten dips a thumb into the liquid. He nods to you, silently instructing you to watch. Ten lifts up Jeno’s right hand pressing the paint down onto his skin.
“Protect our alphas dominant hand, for he needs it to hunt!” He finishes with a smile. Mark giggles marking over Jeno’s left hand with the same sort of speech. You stare over his body, heart beat quickening in speed, temperature rising throughout you. Ten and Taeyong hold the bowl out for you. You take a step forward picking up ink, sucking in air as your nerves rise speedily.
“Protect this alphas heart” your hand presses to Jeno’s chest, his jaw clenching down, eyes narrowing. “For he barely has one.” you finish moving away quickly to the next in line. Jeno’s lip curls up, foot lifting ready to follow you for a fight.
“Down boy” Ten sighs rolling his eyes, grabbing Jeno’s arm. He stays put, fists squeezing down. “We need to have a serious talk” Ten pulls Jeno aside, moving away as the festivities commence. You go through all of the alphas that will travel off in the morning for the hunt, giving them your blessings and best wishes.
“Hey..” a small voice whispers out from behind. You look around, Jungwoo approaches timidly, rubbing over his nape. You can’t control the smile that breaks out over your face, okay...maybe your omega does like something about him..
“Long time no see yea?” You ask, folding your arms around yourself. Jungwoo smiles, head low nodding.
“I’ve been busier it seems, head alpha assigned me to working in the fields. It’s really a job for..stronger beta’s, I’m not uhm quite used to it yet..” he lets you know, cheeks flushing over. “I think..I may have angered someone...in charge recently..”
You furrow your brows together in confusion, Jungwoo’s eyes shifting to the side trying to have you catch on to his lead. You follow his small movements, eyes landing on Jeno across the way. An omega perched upon his lap rubbing over his chest as another massages over his shoulders nibbling over his earlobe from behind. Your chest tightens once again, gaze locked on dark eyes burning into you.
“I think..our future head alpha may not be pleased with me after our last altercation..” Jungwoo whispers beside you. Jeno’s teeth grit together, cheeks hollowed in, you wouldn’t be surprised if daggers shot out from his eyes by how intensely he was staring. You shake free, blackened eyes hypnotic locking you into them. Jungwoo takes a hold of your elbow concerned when you stumble back.
“Are you ok? You seem..” he starts, your head clouds over, ears feeling full of cotton. You weakly nod pulling away, trying to regain balance. You lock eyes with Jeno one more time, eyes still on you, the omegas surrounding him lick over his chin and jaw. You clutch at your stomach, a pain shooting between your core. Jungwoo follows you slowly, anxiously trying to keep his hands to himself as you stumble further.
“I need, bathroom..” you shoo at him with your hand turning to the direction of the omega bathing quarters. He nods biting over his lip.
“I’ll just.....wait around!” He nods watching you turn the corner past the wall that protects the omegas privacy. You fall to your knees once alone, slapping at the ground letting out a groan. Your heart beat picks up again, vision turning hazier by the second.
Well built arms lift you up to your feet, a moan falling out of your mouth. The pine scent rushing up your nose straight to your brain. You scream out, smacking at the arms around your waist.
“Unhand me! DON’T TOUCH ME! You....you murderer!!” You cry out, tears ripping through you. You feel weak, hot, out of control. Jeno sets you down along a bench on the wall.
“What did you just say omega?” He shouts back exasperated, chest rising and falling rapidly.
“You heard me! You killed them! THEIR BLOOD IS ON YOUR HANDS! My pack! My family!!” You scream out, standing up punching at his chest. Your ankles wobbling weakly unable to stand in place. Jeno groans taking a hold of you again before you can fall.
“Your family?! What are you talking about??” His voice yells out, sounding muffled through your ears. You squeeze your eyes shut, mouth hanging open, body shaking out sobs.
“You...you..how could you..” you faint against his solid body, too unstable to hold yourself up any longer. Jeno sniffs over you, eyelashes fluttering, hands shaking against your body.
“I....I..” Jeno squeezes his eyes shut, forcing himself to release you out of his hold. He maneuvers you back onto the bench, stepping away. Eyes shot open, covered in all black as his alpha fights to take over. Jeno steps back further nearing the exit, your eyes opening and closing as he retreats.
“Alpha..” your soft voice calls out, hand trembling reaching out toward him. Jeno resists the urge to charge back toward you, hand threatening to shoot out to grab you. He grits down his teeth hard, groaning out, running away.
Jeno makes way toward a figure in the dark near by, struggling to keep his alpha from taking over much longer. He growls, startling Jungwoo who turns with hands up defensively.
“Ugh! Why did it have to be you!” Jeno screams out, grabbing at Jungwoo’s neck. He glares into the beta’s eyes fiercely.
“The omega, she’s going into heat” he painfully manages to get out between panted short breaths. “Take care of her. Do not by any means mate her, or I will have your head!” Jeno finishes, releasing Jungwoo with a harsh push toward the entrance where you await inside. Jungwoo looks over his shoulder at Jeno, lip quivering, eyes widened in fear.
“Go! Now!” He growls out again, heart beat the only thing Jeno can hear passing through his ears. Jungwoo jumps, gulping and scurrying away.
Jeno falls to his knees, crying out, trembling and screaming as the wolf consumes him.
A/N: Question for my readers! Would you like heat smut with Jungwoo written out in the next part or skimmed over?
PS- This IS Jeno end game, in case there is any confusion.
Part 4–>
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teruthecreator · 3 years
sweet surprises
lord forgive me for the cringe i’m about to post. i fully blame this post and this post for planting the seeds of berdley having a crush on kris in my brain. also shouts out to izel for listening to me go insane at 3 AM about this. 
anyways, here’s a thing. 
Excitement is in the air.
Unlike the usual calm monotony of life at school, things recently have been quite...electric. Not because of the portal to the Dark World hidden behind the door of the closet, or the adventures had by a select group of students through the portal in the Librarby a few days ago. No, this isn’t about that.
This is about the Sadie Hawkman’s Dance. The once-a-year phenomenon where the school puts on its best interpretation of a formal dance for the incredibly small number of students who attend class. Students buzz in excitement for the event, preparing their most formal outfits and getting ready to dazzle their friends and fellow classmates with their dramatic entrances into the auditorium.
And, of course, there’s the all important ritual of asking someone to the dance.
There’s already been a few proposals made this week. Jockington rolled into class like a hula hoop and asked Catti to be his “best bro” for the dance, to which she happily agreed. (And by that, I mean she looked up from her phone, smiled, said not a single word, and went back to typing.) Temmie loudly announced to the class that she would be taking her egg, which was somehow...embarrassed that she mentioned it. And, of course, Noelle finally managed to work up enough courage to ask Susie to the dance. It was done in an incredible display of candy canes that spelled out the phrase: “CAN(E) YOU BE MY DATE TO THE DANCE?” Unfortunately, Susie was about halfway through scarfing the display down before she realized what it said. She then began choking on one of the candy canes out of disbelief, which wound her in the nurse for the rest of the day. But, when she could speak again, she very quietly agreed to Noelle’s proposal (and, if you happened to be a fly on the wall in that room, you could hear a tail thump rhythmically against the doctor’s bench as she did so).
Kris was pleased with everything. They were happy to see their friends so happy together. A long time coming, if you asked them. And they’d be just as happy attending the dance solo, since they’ll undoubtedly be dragged along by Susie. They’d never gone to the dance before--never had a reason to, truth be told. But with their newfound friends, they may just enjoy being a wingman for the night.
...Speaking of wingmen, Berdly will probably be going solo as well. Unsurprising, but Kris makes a mental note to ensure the bird will be in attendance. As much as he is kind of a lot sometimes, he’s their friend. And Kris is going to make sure all of their friends are having fun at that dance!
They walk into class thinking of this (surprisingly early, for a change), which is why they almost miss the massive display sitting boldly atop their desk. They freeze the instant it catches their eye and, for a second, they almost believe it isn’t real. Like some leftover thoughts of the Dark World lingering in their vision. But, after wiping their eyes and seeing that it’s still there, they decide to approach and...investigate.
The display is expertly crafted by someone who clearly knows their way around a glue gun. It is a heart-shaped arch that is decorated with a myriad of printed illustrations of Super Smashing Fighters Melee characters, all having cut-outs to hold different bars of chocolate. There are also numerous origami hearts glued around the characters on the arch, in colors spanning across the rainbow. The arch is painted in swirls of blues, pinks, and reds and covered with a border of glitter that sprinkles onto the desk when Kris reaches out to pluck a chocolate bar from its perch. On the desk itself is a big origami heart that says “TO KRIS” in gold calligraphy. It is by far one of the coolest, nicest, cheesiest things Kris has ever seen.
They look up from the display to see if anyone else is seeing this shit, and that’s when it all clicks.
Because sitting at the front of the classroom, fidgeting way more than normal, is Berdly. He keeps interlocking his ankles underneath his desk before unlocking them and kicking the air, turning around every half-second or so to try and catch Kris’s reaction. From the brief moments Kris can see the front of him, they notice he’s not in his usual white collared shirt and black khaki shorts. Instead, his shirt is buttoned all the way up, with a nice blue bowtie tied around his neck. He also traded out his khaki shorts for a pair of dress pants that look to be a tad too long for his legs. He keeps reaching up to smooth out the feathers on his head, which immediately stick back up from stress.
Now, Kris may be a straight B student, but they’re not stupid. Context clues are a very good thing, and all signs point to Berdly as the culprit of this public display of...affection?
Beyond Berdly is Ms. Alphys at her desk, who shoots Kris a look of deep understanding and maybe...guilt? She looks at Berdly for a split second and shrugs her shoulders, indicating he was probably in here long before she was and so she had no way of stopping him from leaving it there.
Kris looks back down at the display and picks up the large origami heart. As they begin to unfold it, they see a sprawling letter written in the same flashy calligraphy. Kris squints at the letters--they’re dyslexic, so everything kind of just looks like spaghetti on paper. Still, they’re able to make out the largely printed question of “WILL YOU GO TO THE DANCE WITH ME?” with no issue.
Huh, guess they won’t be going to the dance alone after all…? It’s a little confusing as to why Berdly would want to go with them, though. Like, they’ve hung out a little bit--usually whenever Berdly wanted a “worthy rival” to play video games with, he would come over and Kris would whoop his ass for a few hours. And, of course, there were the recent events in the Cyber World; but Kris is pretty sure them and Susie had thoroughly convinced Noelle and Berdley that that was all a dream. So, why them?
They’re lost in this train of thought for so long that they don’t even notice the other kids enter the room until they suddenly hear:
“Yo, Kris???????? What the heck is this thing????” Susie’s voice doesn’t startle them, but it is loud enough to get them to look up. Susie is standing next to their desk, looking at the display with genuine amazement thinly masked by disgust. She’s also loud enough to basically stop the whole class (who were all muttering amongst themselves about it anyway), which gives Kris only a second to gaze around the room before--
The door to the classroom slams shut, leaving one seat unoccupied.
“This thing’s got chocolate on it????” Susie continues to marvel at the display while Kris looks at the door, frowning. They feel...bad. It isn’t Berdley’s fault for trying to fit in with the other kids' proposals; he admitted to feeling like he needs to do more just to stand out enough for people to acknowledge him back in the Dark World. And this thing is really...thoughtful! The characters are all ones Kris typically mains, or ones they know Berdley mains, which means he remembers things about Kris. And the chocolate is a given, but it is nice to be able to stock their personal snack stash with some fancy stuff. Ultimately, it’s very sweet, and Kris can’t help but feel a little guilty for not saying anything immediately.
They turn and lock eyes with Ms. Alphys, who looks extremely out-of-depth with this situation. She makes a number of gestures from them to the door in a flustered way of saying I have absolutely no idea what the hell is going on please help me Kris I know I’m asking a lot of you but I don’t know how to deal with teenage angst I’m like thirty-five. They sigh, standing up and walking past Susie (but not before giving her a stare that warns her if a single chocolate bar is gone that they will be holding that over her until the day she dies) and following Berdly out the door.
It doesn’t take Kris very long to follow the trail of labored breathing to where Berdley is--in the abandoned classroom, hyperventilating as he teeters on a breakdown. Luckily, when Kris opens the door, it seems to put a halt to his spiralling because he just kind of...freezes. Like a deer caught in headlights. Or a Berdley caught in Kris-lights. Kris takes this moment to let the door shut behind them, trapping the two in here. Together.
“U-Uhhhhh, hi--he--Um. H-Hello, K-Kris…” Berdly attempts to put on his usual bravado, but his voice betrays him brutally by squeaking and cracking on every syllable. Kris can’t help the smile that comes to their face.
“Uh, hey,” they reply with a wave. Berdley continues to stand there and stare (almost like he wasn’t expecting Kris to care enough to follow him) before the present circumstances return to his mind and he begins breathing hard again.
“I-I-I-I, uh...I was. Um. J-Just, uh. G-Getting some fresh air! Y-Yes! The classroom can be s-so stuffy sometimes, I’m sure y-you--you, uh...you agree?” Berdley makes a valiant attempt at hiding his panic, which Kris almost takes pity on. But they don’t think the monster will feel any better if they just pretend what happened back there never happened.
“Yeah. I liked the display.” Kris says simply. Berdley stands stock-straight at that, looking even worse for wear in the “being normal and completely cool” department.
“O-Oh??????? That ol’ thing????? I, um--well I just--y-you see, I--uh. Um,” You can really hear the gears in his head turning as he attempts to come up with an excuse. “I-I-I just thought you w-would appreciate the craftsmanship of!!! A t-true artisan, such as myself!!! So, I!!! M-Made it!!! COMPLETELY PLATONICALLY, OF COURSE!!!! I-I would never imply that my intentions w-were anything other than for bro-sies, i--You didn’t read that whole card, did you?”
“I can’t read,” They mean this as a joke, but they can see Berdley seriously consider this for a second too long. “Dude, I’m dsylexic. I can’t really read cursive…” Berdley freezes up once more, which makes Kris realize they haven’t really projected that as loudly as they might’ve thought.
“Oh! Right! How could I forget! That you’re! Dsylexic!” Berdley’s smile is stapled to his face as he begins to rhythmically knock on his head. “And I! Wrote! That! Entire! Note! In! Cursive! Which! You! Can’t! Read!!!” Kris steps forward in an attempt to keep Berdley from bashing his own skull in, but that only makes Berdley more tense, so they take a step back. “I-I just--The note isn’t important! None of it’s important actually can we forget this interaction ever happened okay? Okay yes that’s great have a wonderful day Kris I will be returning home to sitinmyroomandneverreturntothecorporealrealmalrightgoodbyeforeverKris--” He attempts to sidestep around Kris and out the door, but is very easily intercepted.
“Stop.” Kris grabs him by the shoulders, which seems to shut him up for a second. “Can you just tell me what’s wrong?” Berdley gapes at them as his face steadily grows redder, which makes Kris feel as if there’s something on their face. But he quickly shakes it off, going from completely neurotic to...dejected.
“I just…” He starts, trailing off immediately. “You deserve to have a big proposal, same as everyone else. I-I see you in the back of the class, just...watching. And I, uh, felt it was time to...give you the spotlight! But that was silly of me, wasn’t it?” He looks off to the side at the floor, smiling sadly. “After all, who’d want to go to the dance with me…? I-I’m alone every year, standing in the background. Just kind of...taking it all in...and th-thinking about how it’d be...nice to be a part of it. But that’s...not probable. It was just nice to think about taking you to the dance because you’re--well, you’re nice to me, and you’re funny, and you actually listen to me when I’m talking, an-and you’re a good person and an incredible gaming legend...but I shouldn’t have put it all on you in front of everyone...I’m. I’m sorry, Kris.” He won’t make eye contact with the human, but Kris can still see the tears collecting in his eyes.
“Berdley, that’s stupid.” Kris says, which Berdley cringes at, “Why wouldn’t I wanna go with you?” That part is...not what Berdley was expecting. He looks up at Kris, unsure of where to go from here.
“U-Um…? Because of all the previously stated things? Like me being a complete loser who nobody likes?”
“I like you,” Kris replies immediately, leaving Berdley’s feathers sticking straight up as he flusters. “And I like your display. It’s...really sweet.”
“E-Even if you can’t read the note?” Berdley’s voice cracks.
“I mean, I could read the: WILL YOU GO WITH ME TO THE DANCE part, so, like. Yeah.” Kris shrugs. “Plus, you got me chocolate. Nice chocolate. Nobody...gets me things like that.” They smile, a light dusting of blush across their face. “I’ll go with you.” Berdley’s entire body seizes up for the third time, eyes wide and mouth agape.
“W-W-w-W-w-w-w-w-W-W-W-w-w-w-Wh-Wha-wh-w-w-wha-wha-w-wh-Wh-Wha-wh-Wha-wha-w-w-W-W-W--” Berdley continues to struggle with the word “what” for a solid minute and a half before he’s finally about to manage a: “What?!” Kris can’t help but laugh.
“I said that, Berdley,” at this, they move their grip from his shoulders to his hands, “I will go to the Sadie Hawkman’s dance with you.”
The circuits in Berdley’s brain struggle with this frequency for an extended moment before his face erupts in the giddiest smile Kris has ever seen the bird monster sport. He even begins to jump up and down, taking Kris along with him, as he cackles. It is a surprisingly cute display that Kris finds themselves blushing a bit at. It’s nice to be this...cared about.
“I-I--We have to start thinking of outfits immediately!” Berdley blurts out, returning to their usual demeanor. “I was thinking of some complimentary color schemes on the way to school today which I will be happy to show you at lunchtime. I’m also a master with a sewing machine, so if you are unable to procure an outfit that meets the color requirements, I would be delighted to take your measurements and--w-wait, don’t read into that phrasing, I just m-meant that I could make an outfit for you! B-But I’d need your measurements, and--Oh, goodness, hasn’t class started already, Kris?! We should head back, but--” He looks from the door to Kris and back again a few times before finally settling on something.
“I’lltalktoyouaboutthislaterseeyouinclassKris!!!!!” He says this right before he gives Kris a solitary peck on the cheek before bolting out of the abandoned classroom, leaving Kris blinking at the Berdley-shaped cloud he left behind. Their hand gently grazes the spot on their cheek--luckily not actually pecked by his beak, but more of a quick-kiss kind of peck--and feel their heart skip a beat.
They elect to not dwell on that feeling any longer and head back to class. They have to make sure Susie hasn’t eaten all of the chocolate on that display.
They wouldn’t want to make Berdley go through the trouble of re-proposing  just so they could rightfully claim their other sweet surprise.
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is-nini · 3 years
Genshin impact boys x reader(school au!)
|Will include: Diluc, zhongli,childe
(This will be the character for now also the characters age is 18+)|
Your name was heard across the hall way, you flich and look around slowly and sweat drop.
You whisper, trying to cover up your red face he just HAVE to make a scene in front of all people, his presence alone brings attention he is one of the student council afterall.
He jump and run towards you, flower seems to be floating around him, he hug you and rubs his head on your head while people around you are just staring.
"How are you~ how was your sleep last night~".
He cooed while you are dying with embarrassment. You try to push his head away from your smaller body but of course you failed..
"C-childe... y-you're making a scene...".
You whisper to him voice trembling.
"ahhhhwwww you're soo cute embarrassed!!!!".
Childe squeal he was about to say more stuff until someone else cut him off.
"Please don't make a scene in front of my class childe, (y/n)".
A deep strict voice was heard, there stood Mr. Ragnvindr the economic teacher.
"Ahhhhwww but Mr. Ragnvindr~ (y/n) is soooo cute with a face reddd don't you think~".
Childe stated while mushing your face togather and show it to Mr. Ragnvindr. When he see your adorable face being squished he can't help but want to take you and kiss you right then and there, but alas he have to hold it in and instead cover his red face and clear his throat.
"Please step inside the classroom (y/n), you are in my class today if i recall correctly".
Mr. Ragnvindr stated. Of course being a good girl, you follow his command. So you start to make your way to the classroom until you felt a strong big hand on your waist.
"Come to my classroom (y/n)~".
Childe say while putting his head on your shoulder, lucky for you Mr. Ragnvindr is there and he hit Childe's head making him let go of you.
"Go back to your class Childe or I'm going to report this behaviour to Mr. Zhongli".
Mr. Ragnvindr stated with a sharp tone and with that Childe scurry back to his classroom.
Diluc then look at (y/n) that's already starting to go inside the classroom. He move his gaze to the people around the hallway who are watching, and giving them a harsh glare that makes them tensed up and run to their own class.
Diluc sigh and then went inside the classroom too.
You sit in the middle of the classroom, not too far from teachers desk but not too close either, why is this important you ask? Well it seems like a certain teacher is watching you, whatever you do and as creepy as it sounds Diluc can't help it- you're so cute, your focus gaze on the exercise he has made the class do. Diluc will never get tired of watching you, Everything you do from sneezing, eating, even when you're walking you seem to bounce around making you so much more cuter-
His thoughts about you were cut off when the bell rings Diluc clear hus throat and stand up.
"Okay class make this assignment as your homework and please give it to me tomorrow. (Y/n) stay in class".
...whops.. Diluc face flushes red as he said the last word 'WHAT DID I JUST SAY?!' he thought to himself, face becoming as red as his hair but quickly try to calm his self down as he saw you walking towards him with a nervous walk.
"Y-yes Mr. Ragnvindr?".
You ask, confused but scared as to why he called you. Mr. Ragnvindr look at you and clear his throat.
"I would like to ask, has Childe been bothering you?".
You say, dumb founded to the question your teacher just ask, Mr. Ragnvindr then started to explain more.
"I saw him and you on the hallway and was wondering is he bothering you?".
Ohhhhhhhh the hallway incident you nod understandingly but quickly shake your head and put a hand in front of you to futher prove your answer.
"N-no Mr. Ragnvindr, it's normal for him to do that and I'm not bother by it, thankyou for asking about that Mr. Ragnvindr".
You said bowing your body towards him.
"no it's normal for me to take care of my students and you don't have to bow, please stand up".
Mr. Ragnvindr say with a strict tone while holding your shoulder so that you stand straight, there seems to be a hint of shyness(?) On his voice, but you proceed to ignore that thinking that it was your imagination.
"Also, call mr Mr. Diluc please".
You look up at him confused but happy either way so you smile up at him and nod your head.
"Okay Mr. Diluc!".
When he heard you call him by his first name his body is shivering... The way you speak his name is so...sweet his heart started to thump around and he quickly Clear his throat.
"T-thankyou (y/n) you may go now".
You nod your head quickly and walk with a little bit of bounce on your steps.
"See you Mr. Diluc! Thankyouuuu".
You said while waving your hand towards him, lucky for him you didn't seem to notice his state, face red and hands trembling. God you're just the most adorable person he's gonna pass out.
You close the door and make your way to the cafeteria. While walking you bump into none other than Childe...
"There you areeeee i have been looking for youuuuu".
Childe say with a big smile while hugging you and pick you up, which..makes you freak out.
you demand... Well you TRY to demand but it comes out as a squeaking noise and it makes Childe laugh.
"Hahhaaahaha why would i? You look so cute embarrassed! Let's go eat shall we".
Childe say while walking to the other direction, opposite of the canteen.
"B-but Childe! The cafeteria is that way!".
You manage to squeak out while he just pat your back and rub it.
"Were not eating there babbeeeee".
Childe say while patting your back. You heard what he say and you're EMBARRASSED childe called you babe, childe called you babe, childe called you babe. Your body is over heating. And worst..he don't seem to have any intention to stop doing it.
"Were here!".
You look around and look at the name of the room 'Mr. Zhongli's office'. You're confused you are aware that he and Mr. Zhongli is close but... You enver thought he usually have a lunch with THE Mr. Zhongli. 'so that's why he didn't disturb me when it's lunch time-' except today of course you thought.
You heard a door being slammed opened, shocked you look at Childe and saw him smile to Mr. Zhongli who seems to sigh and rub his temple.
"Childe...please don't slam my door..".
Childe seems to ignore the word that Mr. Zhongli say and proceed to drag you in and present you in front of Mr. Zhongli as if you're a Christmast present.
"Hereeee is the girllll Mr. Zhongli".
Mr. Zhongli seems to be tired but after seeing you his eyes.... sparkles a bit..?.. that's.. interesting.
"Hello miss (y/n) pleased meeting you here".
Zhongli say with a small smile on his face. You nod and quickly bow to Mr. Zhongli.
you shout out due to the embarrassment that childe has made you went through, suddenly a deep voice was heard throughout the room.
"What in the world is going on here".
Mr. Diluc asked his eyes narrowed to look at all three of you, when his gaze fell upon you his eyes soften a bit and turn his attention to Mr. Zhongli, feeling his fellow friend's gaze Mr. Zhongli sigh a little again and proceed to explain.
"Well a certain student of mine seem to have a very.. interesting attraction to Miss (y/n) here and he seems to be very exited to introduce her to me... despite me already knowing her".
Childe roll his eyes, hug (y/n) and proceed to squeeze her with his hug, he then rub his cheek on her cheek.
"Of course i am excited! I want to introduce my girlfriend to my favourite teacher afterall~ i want everyone to know she is mine~".
After he said that everything just stopped. The room becomes very quiet and the only sound is the ticking from the clock.
"Pardon me"
"Excuse me"
Mr. Zhongli, Mr. Diluc and you say at the same time, confused as to what lies that Childe has spit out. You then cough a little to gain the people in the room.
"I-i believe CHILDE here MEANT that i am his FRIEND that is a girl".
You stated sweatdroping a little bit, seeing the relaxed faces of your teacher, you become relaxed too.
Zhongli know you, how can he not..you have been the kindest girl he met, the way you walk around is very.. cute too you remind him of a bunny so cute, so kind, so soft. Sometimes zhongli just wanted to hug you for the rest of his life...how can he not? When you are such a cutie.. such a good girl for him.
"Well then Miss (y/n) and Mr. Diluc, would you both care to join me and Childe for lunch? You both has already spend enough time dealing with Childe your luch time is cut off short".
You nod while Childe drag you to sit between him and zhongli. While Mr. Diluc sit on the other chair, all of you makes your self comfortable with your seat until Mr. Zhongli decided to put you on his lap. Your brain just stopped working and your whole body freeze, Mr. Zhongli put his head on your shoulder while Childe and Mr. Diluc is shocked as to what happened before their eyes.
"I hope you don't mind me Miss (y/n), you smell so nice I can't help it but wanted to hug you".
Mr. Zhongli say with his deep voice, Mr. Diluc stand up, making everyone looking at him as he walk towards you, taking your hair and slip it behind your ear, he bend in front of you and kiss your cheek.
"Well then i hope you don't mind me (y/n) your cheek is very adorable, it's a shame that no one seems to clain it".
Mr. Diluc say while holding your hair and kiss it too, your heart just stopped beating at this point. This two hot teacher will be the death of you. While you're in your embarrassed and drunk like state, Childe pout and kneel in front of you, like a prince and flashes you one of his charming smile, he took your hand in his and kiss it gently and look up at you.
"In that case i hope you don't mind your true prince to kiss your hand that will hold a ring with my name on it".
Childe state. That's the last straw, you felt your sould left your body and acends to heaven, you faint- face flushes so red that Mr. Diluc's hair is ashamed of it self. Seeing your state the boys started to argue on who is at fault here.
In the end of the day, Miss lisa and Miss jean teach the boys a lesson on how to not make you faint again while aethet, lumine, albedo and sucrose is fanning you and helping you to hold your self.
This will be a normal day for you :)
/thankyou so much for reading this book, im still new to this Tumblr and writing so..if there is any complaints please don't be shy to tell :) also if there is any suggestion as to who you want to see next, please do tell. I will try to write it!/
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story-thief · 3 years
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Y/N- Age: 16, Hight: 5'6", Gender: female, Quirk: Plant Growth and Control, Class: 1-A
AU- None, Domestic fluff
Relationship background: You and Bakugo are really good friends and secretly have crushes on each other!!!
It was rather early in the morning and admittedly, (Y/N) hadn’t slept the best, her dreams being plagued with fantasies of hungry gators, with her on the menu. So in short, she needed her morningly sugar.
Walking down the halls of the dorms, she groggily made her way to the kitchen where she opened the fridge and grabbed herself a vanilla DrPepper. Popping it open, she shuffled into the living room and flopped onto the couch where she tiredly sipped at her drink.
Unknown to her were the three mischievous boys who had gathered in Sero’s room. “So here’s the deal…” The tall black haired male began to fill in his peers, Kirishima and Kaminari. “Yesterday, as I was out… I came across this guy who said that he had a special serum that can shrink someone…” He told them, to which their eyes practically bulged from their heads. “Wait for real?!” Denki cried, willing to believe his friend despite the height of the tall tale. Kirishima looked slightly skeptical, “Shrink someone??” He asked, despite how much he wanted to believe his friend.
Sero pulled a small bottle from under his bed with a wide, sly grin. “It’s pure extract from someone’s quirk.” He explained, shaking it gently  as the amber colored liquid inside sloshed lightly. Denki looked momentarily horrified, “LIKE THAT THING THEY DID TO THAT LITTLE GIRL, ERI!?” He cried, “NO!!!” Sero replied, “Yeah, Sero wouldn’t do that, come on man!... Though how did you get it??” The redhead asked, now fully on board. Their friend just gave them a slightly creepy smile. “I have my ways…” he admitted. “Anyways, the reason I called you guys here…” He continued, setting the glass jar down gently in front of them.
“You guys know (Y/N)....”
“Yeah!!!” “Of course man!!!”
“Know Bakugo…?”
“Oh?” “Where’s this going……”
“Well…. I was thinking we could help them come out of their shells a little bit…” He chuckles almost darkly. The other two gave him curious and expectant looks. “I say we find a way to sneak (Y/N) some of the elixir…. Then we leave her to Bakugo.” He says. The other two perk up, “YES!!!” Denki fist pumps, “That’s genius!!!” He laughs. Kiri on the other hand didn’t seem so sure. “I don’t know man… If (Y/N) found out we’d be in a lot of trouble…. And if Bakubro found out….” Kirishima needn’t finish as all three boys shivered at the mere thought.
“Its ok, Bakugo isnt gonna find out because nobody's gonna tell him.” Sero urged, both him and Kirishima giving Denki a death glare. “Wha- HEY!!! I WOULDN'T TELL, YOU GUYS NO THAT, I DON'T SQUEAL LIKE A PIG, I'M NOT MINETA!!” he whined, throwing his arms out before Kirishima quickly clamped a hand over his mouth. “But he will know if you’re not quiet…” He hushed.
“So are we going to do this then??” Sero finally asked, the other two glancing at each other briefly before nodding. “Great!!!”
(Y/N) remained on the couch, passively drinking her soda whilst tapping away on her device. The three boys all came in one by one, gradually as not to seem suspicious. The girl paid them no mind, only acknowledging Kirishima when he sat beside her on the couch, whipping out his own phone after wishing her a goodmorning.
After five or so minutes, The boys’ classmate got up to go retrieve her charger as her phone battery began to run low, leaving her DrPepper on the coffee table. As soon as she was gone Sero tossed Kirishima the bottle and he uncapped it, dumping its entire contents into the unsuspecting drink.  He then quickly screwed the lid back on and pocketed the empty bottle.
Shortly after, (Y/N) returned, retaking her place on the couch, grabbing her drink and taking a small sip.
All three boys couldn't help as devious smiles tugged at the corners of their mouths…
For the first little while she didn’t notice their creepy smiles as they watched her expectantly, her continuing to enjoy her beverage. Finally she looked up to be met by three pairs of eyes. “What??” She asked, furrowing her brows, confused at their behavior. "Nothing..." Kirishima smirked, chin on his fist as he refused to look away. "Riiiight.... Did you guys spit in my drink or something??" She asked, eyeing the other two who laughed, "No!!" Sero guffawed, "So.... Are you guys on drugs or something??" She pressed, feeling frustrated that she didn't know what was going on. "no, but you are...." Denki muttered under his breath with a snicker, getting smacked in the back of the head by his friend.
"Ok then, I'm going to leave you creeps to yourselves and get ready..." She stated, finishing her drink and tossing it into the recycling.
'What on earth was wrong with them??? Did they do something to my drink??? Were they just being dummies and trying to see how she would react???' (Y/N) couldn't help but wonder as she walked down the halls back toward her room where she'd shower and make herself presentable for the day.
Not long after she felt her knees turn to jelly as the air whisked itself from her lungs. Startled, she tripped over herself and fell hard to the ground.'What the heck just happened!? Was this because of Denki, Sero, and Kirishima?!' Her mind whirled as the fall to the ground felt far further than it should have.
The three men peeked around the corner at their classmate and watched as her legs gave way and she tripped, disappearing completely in the process, just her sweat pants and white T-shirt left on the ground.
"What just-"
"Did she-"
"Did we...?"
Their eyes were frozen open. It looked as if they had just vaporized her. "Well, we gotta see if she's ok!!!" Kirishima said, finally running out from their hiding spot, the other two chasing after. As they approached the discarded garments they were able to see a small form moving  underneath the cloth. "Is that-!" Sero's smile grew exponentially. Kirishima looked as if he would reach out and see if she was ok so Sero clamped a hand over his mouth, shaking his head in reminder that Bakugo had to be the one to find her.
(Y/N) Felt the ground shake violently briefly. She sat up, still a little shaky and trying to catch her breath. "What just happened, where am I?!" She cried, trying to look around only to see she was in some sort of large fabric covering. The boys remained silent, slowly backing away as to not be around if anyone else came down the hall. Luckily they had timed things right and the very man they wanted to see came walking down the halls.
The floor vibrated again with his footsteps. "H-hello??" (Y/N) called, a smidge of fear starting to creep in given she still didn't know what all was happening.
Bakugo had only just gotten up and was on his not-so-merry way when he heard a small voice. He stopped, noticing the clothing discarded on the floor. "Eh?? Who on earth just left their clothes on the floor??" He asked, grabbing each piece, unintentionally scooping the small woman inside up as well. "Whatever. If they want their stuff back they'll have to come get it back. I don't have time for this crap." He grumbled, making his way back to his room.
The three other boys just gave each other victorious smiles, the plan was set in motion.
Bakugo reached his room shortly, tossing the clothes onto a nearby chair. He was about to walk right back out when he saw that they were moving. He hesitated, eyes growing a little with curiosity. (Y/N) on the other hand was so close to getting out, "HEY!! WHAT'S GOING ON!!!" She shouted, pushing at the shirt that surrounded her. Bakugo's eyes widened more, was he going crazy or did the pile of clothes talk??? "IS THERE ANYONE THERE??!!" She yelled once more, finally pushing her way out, shoulders and up protruding from the linen prison. The ash blonde's eyes snapped all the way open, which, may I add, was most certainly a first. "Oi, what kind of a joke is this??" he asked, regaining his demeanor, reaching for what looked to him like some kind of doll. (Y/N) was still trying to process what all she was looking at around her when the giant hand tried to grasp for her. With a startled squeak she ducked back down, barely missing as the closing fist brushed the top of her head.
When he grabbed nothing Bakugo only blinked. Curious as to if he really saw what he thought he saw. Bakugo parted the clothes enough to see the top of  a miniature head. What was that thing?! he just stared at it for a second, trying to process what he should do. As he thought, the head turned to look up at him, and he was greeted by the tiny face of his classmate, (Y/N). Startled, he flinched away, goosebumps breaking his skin. "WHAT THE HECK!?" He finally yelled, "B-Bakugo!?" she yelled back, inching her way back out of the shirt just enough to peek up and out at him. "How'd you get so big!?" She asked to which he promptly shouted back, "Nothing happened to me, you're the one who shrunk, idiot!!!" "What!?" She looked down at herself to figure out if he was telling the truth, and soon learned that not only was she a great deal smaller, but she was also in her own clothes, meaning they weren't necessarily on her body anymore.
(Y/N)'s eyes widened and she hugged the fabric closer to herself. "Uh.... I don't think I have anything to actually.... wear" She told him, her cheeks lighting up with embarrassment. Bakugo rolled his eyes, shutting his door roughly, "Tch- well you're not walking around my place with your naked butt." He replied curtly, just standing there as if she should do something about it. "Well?" He asked. She looked around, growing uncomfortable, "Well....?" She responded, unsure of what he wanted. "Use your dumb quirk to make yourself some! You can grow plants from your body right???" He asked, lip slightly curling up as he spoke. "Oh!! i can make them grow from anything really, but it has to have the nutrients that the plants would need to sprout, so I could grow them from my own body, but they'd sap my energy and life force in a sense, plus that could be risky given plants can be kinda flimsy and delicate..." She responded.
Bakugo huffed, making his way over to the bed where he pulled something out from under. A small shoe box. The tiny girl leaned to look inside as he took the lid off to reveal the last thing she expected to see. Barbies.
"YOU HAVE BARBIE DOLLS?!" She cried out in disbelief, quickly covering her mouth as his head swirled to give her a death glare, "IT WAS A PHASE OK!? AND THEY'RE NOT BARBIE DOLLS, THEY'RE ACTION FIGURES!!!!" He belted, making her cover her sensitive ears. "Plus, I was ten...." He grumbled. pulling a few of the different girls out. "Pick whichever one you like, I don't care." the boy huffed, holding them out. "Umm, well I like the last one!!" She told him, pointing to one with a red, flannel shirt with a collar, and blue jeans. The ash blonde didn't respond, only set it down beside her and put the others away, his cheeks ever so slightly pink from embarrassment of the dolls.
"U-um... Could I maybe have some privacy???" The small girl asked, a little flustered. "Yeah, whatever..." he replied, turning around to stare at the wall, "Just hurry up, I have places to go and things to do." he told her, his tone returning to not a mean one, but also not necessarily nice. (Y/N) just nodded, staying within the safety of her shirt as she slipped the doll's clothes on. "Alright, I'm decent now." she told him, climbing from the wrapped cloth to stand before him, his crimson eyes turning to look her up and down. "Eh- They fit you well." he said after a moment of silence, making her blush, "Thanks!" She chirped, quickly turning his cheeks red, "NOT LIKE THAT, THEY JUST AREN'T TOO BIG!!!" He yelled angrily. The tiny couldn't help but laugh, a blush still set on her face. "SHUT UP!!!" He bellowed again, to which she responded, "Hey, no need to get all prickly, it was a nice compliment! Your yelling is hurting my ears though..."
Bakugo just scowled, letting out a terse huff. "Yeah, fine, whatever. I gave you clothes, you can go now, I just want those back whenever this is over." he told her, grabbing a duffle bag off the end of the bed. "Wait! You're just going to leave me here?! While I'm like this?!" (Y/N) sassily inquired, stopping the giant in his tracks. "Why not?? You're not some helpless little kid." he responded, to which she knew translated into another silent compliment. She understood that he thought that even like this she could handle herself just fine, and he wasn't a dunce, so she knew he meant it. "I know... but still, I'm still trying to get used to everything and, would you at least find me someone else safe to stay with?" she secretly hoped deep down that no one else would be able to, but she definitely wasn't going to admit that aloud whilst around him.
The Pomeranian let out a long sigh after glancing at his nightstand clock. "Tch- fine." He slung his duffle bag over his shoulder, then lazily grabbed his shrunken classmate in his fist before she could protest, his large fingers wrapping around her stomach and waist so as to not grip her anywhere that would restrain her or make her uncomfortable, being respectful in his own way. "Hey!!" She cried out in surprise, pressing against his hands. "You're fine." He told her, though he made sure his grip was loose enough he wasn't crushing her, but she couldn't get loose either.
"I never said you could just grab me!!" She objected, "And I never asked." He replied, walking out and into the hallway, toward the common room. (Y/N) just sulked, resting her head on her hands, elbows braced against the giant’s hand that wrapped carefully around her. As they walked in, the three boys from earlier plus Deku, Mina, Ochako, and Iida were all up and about. "OI! Extras!!" Bakugo yelled as he walked in, getting the attention of everyone there. "Who here can watch Flower Face for today??" He asked, waltzing up to the counter where he promptly set her down. (Y/N) stumbled, startled by the sudden and rough motion, trying to regain her balance. The eyes of everyone in the room popped from their heads, save the three boys who put her in the predicament to begin with.
Deku was the first to talk, followed by Iida, then Ochako, then Mina.
"Is that-?!"
"Woah!! How'd she get so small!?"
"So cute!!! What happened!???"
Bakugo let out a long, exasperated breath. "I don't know ok?? I just found her like this in the halls." He explained. Midoryia quickly fell to his knees, making himself eye level with the tiny as he gripped the edge of the counter, in absolute awe. "This is amazing!? Do you know what happened!?" He asked, his excitement enough to make it appear almost as if he were glowing.
(Y/N) stumbled back when he got so close so fast, his already large green eyes suddenly so much bigger. "Uh- well I was just fine when I woke up this morning, then I suddenly just got sick and shrunk..." She told him, still a little unsure of his enthusiasm, simply because of the drastic size difference.
"Wait, wait!! (Y/N,Y/N)!!! Could I hold you!?" Mina squealed, bouncing up and down, holding her hands out. the small girl was just about to answer when Bakugo stepped in. "Jeez, give her some space! She's still a living being and you guys are being super invasive." he growled, growing slightly protective, "And don't be so loud, she has smaller ears now you know." He added, hand raised as if he were ready to slip it in between them and the small. The others stopped to look up at him before realizing that they really must have been overwhelming her. "S-sorry!!" Deku cried, jumping back, "I guess I didn't stop to think how that may have made you feel, (Y/N), I'm sorry..." He said with a apologetic and flustered smile, rubbing his hands nervously. "No... You didn't..." Bakugo scoffed, making the poor boy feel worse. "It's alright, I know you didn't mean to." She chuckled, feeling slightly bad about Bakugo's unnecessary persistent comment.
"Now who here can be responsible and take care of her?? I have stuff I need to get to so hurry up." The grumpy teen curtly explained, leaning against the counter. Deku gave another apologetic smile, "Sorry... I can't today...." He said before looking at the clock, "I have to be somewhere in- IM LATE!!!" He jumped upon seeing the time, grabbing his stuff and running out the door. The girls watched with stifled giggles, "Sorry, we had a girls' day planned for today." Uraraka explained, Mina nodding, "Speaking of which, we need to go wake the others if they're gonna be ready in time!" she added, Uraraka nodding vigorously as they both jogged off. "What about you three?! You've been weirdly quiet." The Pomeranian growled at the culprits. Denki startled, "Uh- yeah well I have to go see my mom...." He said before running out the door, earning exasperated looks from Kirishima and Sero as he bailed on them. "Sorry Bakubro, gym day.." Kirishima said as he casually got up and quickly left, already in workout clothes and sneakers.
(Y/N) watched as one by one, they each left, the chances of her having to stay with Bakugo growing, along with the nervous butterflies in her stomach. Then Iida piped up, "Don't worry, Bakugo, I will gladly keep watch on-"
"Oop- Iida was going to go visit his brother today!! And I have elsewhere to be!!" Sero interrupted him, clamping a hand down on his mouth and dragging him out of the common room.
Bakugo growled, "WHAT!? YOU CAN'T ALL BE BUSY TODAY!!! YOU LITTLE BRATS, GET BACK HERE!!!"  He cried as they left, "Tch-!!" The man was beside himself, they really just left him to watch over her. "Come on Bakugo, I can't be that bad!!" (Y/N) laughed, though part of her felt slightly hurt that he seemed so reluctant to spend time with her. The ash blonde teen rolled his eyes, "Not that bad?? Taking care of your sorry butt would be easy, but it gets annoying when I have to do it while doing hero work..." He grumbled, "I don't have time for this!!" he said, gripping the bridge of his nose. "Oh... Well, I won't be much trouble!!" (Y/N) pressed, still determined to go with him. It'd be better than staying here all day where she wouldn't be able to do anything. The boy just stared at her long and hard before he grumbled, grabbing his bag again and holding his hand out. The tiny girl stared at it for a moment before her face lit up and she looked up at him with a glittering smile, "Wait- I can-!?" She started to ask before he glared, face heating up as he tried to ignore the throbbing in his chest at the sight of her so stoked to go with him. "Hurry up will ya, I already told you I'm in a rush!!" He complained, trying hard to hide the faint coloring in his cheeks.
(Y/N) enthusiastically jumped on, wrapping her hands around his soft yet rough fingers. Bakugo walked out of the building and towards The Best Jeanist's agency. Bakugo had agreed to work with him for a short time whilst he looked for a more permanent position, all under the condition that he wouldn't wear those cursed skinny jeans or have his hair combed back. "Before we get there and I'm officially on patrol and whatever, we'll need to get some things straight. I'm not babysitting you." He stated, still holding his hand up and out where she sat. The girl turned to look back at him as he spoke. "You and I both know you're not some flimsy little pansy, so if you get in a tough spot don't expect me to come in and save you right away, you'll have to be fine holding off as long as you can, got that??" He asked, her nodding her head. (Y/N) noticed he was a little more straightforward with her and honest about his thoughts, a privilege that only she and Kirishima shared. As the thought occurred she couldn't help but blush.
"Oi, earth to Flower Face!!"
His voice broke her train of thought. "Oh!! yeah??" She responded, finally coming to. "I'm getting tired of holding you like this." He told her as he kept walking. "Oh!! Sh-should I move??" she asked, not wanting to do anything without his say so. "Well I didn't tell you just to waste my breath now did I?" He replied, it being as much of an 'okay' as she'd get. "Right!! Is your shoulder okay??" She asked to which he didn't answer other than lifting his hand closer up to his shoulder. Carefully, she climbed on and quickly situated herself to be standing with some of his blonde fluffy hair clutched in her fists to help support her. Bakugo kept walking, seemingly thinking to himself the most of the time, so (Y/N) made herself busy braiding his hair into tiny, spiky braids that followed the natural flow of his messy head. Before she knew it she had braided everywhere she could reach from his right shoulder. 'It'd look weird if I left his hair like this...' she thought to herself, her natural next move being to braid the rest. She grasped each soft clump of hair to keep her from falling as she moved with careful feet to the back of his neck.
As she began to cross she felt him shiver as it quite obviously tickled, his neck and shoulders tensing beneath her feet. "What the heck are you doing??" He asked, the tiny's foot holds vibrating with the hum of his voice. (Y/N) looked down at his feet that kept pace, coming behind him just enough to push off and into the next step. "Oi, What are you up to you little dummy!" He asked again, this time getting her full attention, "Just wanted to see what this'd be like!" She exclaimed, carefully testing to see if his shirt collar would support her. "Yeah well don't get used to it!! And don't fall, you've already made me late enough!!" The Pomeranian warned her as she looked out over the ground they had covered. "Ok!" She chirped back, before  getting to work on his hair.
Crossing each large tuft over the other she soon reached the smaller hairs along the base of his neck that were too small to braid. The tiny girl ran her hands through the far softer, finer hairs that bristled straight up. "So soft!!!" She giggled quietly to herself, eventually burying her face in the fluff and nuzzling the boy's neck.
Bakugo could feel everything the girl did. Truth was that he had been thinking to himself around the beginning of the walk but as tiny fingers began working through his hair, his mind wandered to them. He couldn't tell what exactly she was doing but it felt good and he thought it was kinda cute. She was the only person, other than maybe Weird Hair, that he wouldn't yell at for doing this, plus he knew she was a very hygienic person. Though he grew curious as he could feel tiny hands and feet ever so carefully creeping toward the back of his neck. Bakugo could tell as hands tickled the base of his neck  where the baby hairs were and heard her praise his hair. He couldn't help but scowl harder in an attempt to hide the blush that painted itself across his cheeks. Soon something a little bigger than the minuscule fingers began to nuzzle against him. Shivers ran up his back and goosebumps broke his skin in a mixture of tickle and good feeling sensations washed over him.
"Hey!! No one said you could just do whatever you want back there!!!" The ash blonde growled, reaching back and plopping her on his other shoulder. "Sorry!" She laughed as his hand let go of her and she fell flat on her stomach. "oof-" She let out a little noise before pushing herself back up and looking up at the side of his face which was still very hot. "DUDE YOUR EARS ARE SO RED!!" She exclaims with a snicker, startled by the sudden change in color. "SHUT UP, IT'S JUST A SUNBURN!!" He roared back, shoving his hands deeper into his pockets. "That's a fast sunburn!!!" She retorted to which  she could see a sneer curl at his lips, "You're about to get a fast burn...." He threatened.
(Y/N) shrugs it off and doesn't think much of it, beginning to work at his hair again. "What are you doing anyway???" He snarled after some time to which she realized just how ticked he'd be if he knew she was doing this. "N-nothing.... just- playing with your hair, you know...... fluffing it and stuff." She responded, turning sheet white. "Just don't do anything stupid or I'll blow your sad little butt to shreds." He tells her impatiently, to which she nods, continuing the braids slowly now. "Yep, definitely nothing stupid." She added, only adding to the blonde boy's suspicions. "Yeah, whatever." He sighed, rolling his blood red eyes as he kept walking.
At last the braids were done, and (Y/N) thought they looked amazing!!! She couldn't help but giggle and feel proud as she looked at their reflection in a window of a building they walked by. "Eh?? What's so funny?" The boy asked as he twisted his head to look at his tiny crush. The little girl was still grabbing his hair for support, so when Katsuki turned his head, (Y/N) lost her grip and wobbled before falling back and onto the giant's face. "Hey-Woah!!" She cried as she tipped back and fell against his nose and mouth to which he startled, clearly not expecting her to latch onto him for dear life. "HEY!!!" He hollered, making her grab tighter to his nose as her foot caught in his mouth. "GET OFF ME!!" He then began trying to grab at her. "I'M TRYING!!!" she shot back, her surprised but feisty, small, glittering eyes, meeting his much larger, glaring red ones.
He managed to grab her in his fist and give her quite the look. "WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT FOR, HUH!!!???" He bellowed at the tiny that tightly gripped his fingers. "It wasn't on purpose!!" She countered, growing more and more conscious of the smoke that seeped from his palm and the rapid heat that generated around her as well. Bakugo's response came with a hard glare. "Well then be more careful idiot!!! I don't want you all over my face, who knows where on this blasted planet you've been!!" "No, you should be more careful!!!! I was fine till you tried to look at me without giving me any warning!!!" She corrected Bakugo quickly, earning a huff and a growl as he looked away for a moment. "Well I'm not gonna tell you every time I wanted to turn my own blasted head...." He didn't answer any more despite his softened attitude. He knew she was right and that he was letting his anger get the best of him.
"So are you gonna carry me in your hand again, Pufferfish??" The tiny girl asked. Bakugo scoffed, "Well you're not going back on my shoulder." He responded curtly, shoving her down in the pockets of his baggy jeans.
Once again, she was plunged into an ocean of cloth, only this time she was pressed up against his hand that rested casually beside her. Put out, the small girl began squirming around against his hand and in the pocket to get comfortable. "The heck you doing??" She heard his grumpy voice ask, and she promptly ignored him, wiggling into the inside of his hand and pressed herself to the Pomeranian's palm and fingers. She heard him scoff lightly before his hand curled inward and around her. She smiled and snuggled into his rough, work worn hand. She allowed her eyes to pull heavily closed, the swaying motion of Bakugo's walking soothing her.
(Y/N) awoke suddenly to being squished against the giant's leg by his hand briefly. "Oi, Watch it." His voice angrily chided. It was clear she had fallen asleep given that she could hear the sounds of a bus humming and every step seemed to drop her lower and lower before she could hear the vehicle start and drive off. How long she had been asleep, she didn't know, but the miniature girl was tired of being carried around in Bakugo's pocket. "Hey!!" (Y/N) began trying to climb up his arm before he pulled his hand out, leaving her in his loose pocket by herself. "Bakugo!!" She whined, trying to pull herself out before failing.
Bakugo was getting off the bus as a stranger got on, slamming into his side where the tiny was in his pocket. "Oi!!! Watch it!" he barked at them, silently hoping that she was okay. She had fallen asleep quite a while back and he was now at The Best Jeanist's agency when he heard her call from his pocket. "Hey!!" (Y/N)'s small and soft voice chirped. He could feel her pulling herself out, but he needed her to stay hidden or Jeanist might try to confiscate her, saying it wouldn't be smart to take a tiny girl like her on a hero patrol. So he paid her no mind as he pulled his hand out without her to open the building's doors. "Bakugo~~" She continued to complain and protest as he walked in, heading straight to check in with his temporary mentor. "Shuddup." He said quietly, cupping one hand to his pocket to keep her from wriggling around too much, clearly having the opposite effect. "Quit it alright?? I'll let you out in a minute," The giant whispered harshly, bopping the little body in his pocket gently. Luckily she stopped moving and he was able to get his patrol route and head to the changing rooms.
After a while of him walking something began poking hard against his leg. He was confused at what she was doing before he figured that she was probably kicking him. Bakugo ignored the little human who continued to relentlessly jab at him until her protests began to come a little too close to a certain sensitive area he did not want to be kicked in. His eyes widened and he quickened his pace to reach the privacy of the changing room as each rough nudge seemed to creep closer and closer to his midsection.
He swiftly threw open one of the locker room doors and dashed inside, setting his duffle bag down and quickly fishing the girl out right as she threw a hard kick. His hand tightened around her harder than he meant as he folded in half. Her small size did not affect her strength in the slightest. Bakugo then shakily pulled (Y/N) from his pockets and gave her a murderous glare. She looked up at him absolutely clueless as to what she had just done, her face a mix of confusion and surprise. "Dude..... Y-you okay????" She asked with furrowed brows. "Im fine." He responded in a strained voice, "But I'd be better if you didn't plant your gosh darn foot between my legs." He added, rage trickling into his voice with each word.
The tiny's eyes grew large as understanding dawned on her, "WAIT FOR REAL!!??" She quickly lost it, wheezing and choking on her laughs at the giant's misfortune. He held his breath for a few moments, resisting the urge to squeeze her just enough to get her to stop laughing and maybe, just maybe exact some extent of revenge. "Would you quit that?! It's not funny, alright!?" He yelled as she continued to laugh and apologize, "Sorry, I just-" she giggled, tears streaming down her face. "You don't sound gosh darn sorry!" He growled before setting her down roughly on the bench beside the bag. "Just be quiet, alright??" He snarled, unzipping it and pulling out his costume.
"Why didn't you let me out??" She asked carefully, calming herself, but not wanting to upset him any further as he remained still somewhat bent in half. "Because Greasy Hair would try to take you if he knew you were here." He told her, quickly pulling off his shirt to which she just stared, "Dang~." (Y/N) cut herself off face turning bright pink as she looked up at the boy's well built, bare chest. "You look like you work out, do you work out??? Would you like to work out together sometime???" She asked, making him roll his eyes as he tossed his shirt onto her. "Don't make this weird alright??" He told her, taking the opportunity to swap his pants whilst she tried to crawl out of the sweaty cloth.
"Hey!!" She squawked, pulling herself from the shirt and looking to see him sitting on the floor and pulling his boots on. She opted to just sit and watch as he put on the rest of his outfit. The room didn't have a mirror so he had to blindly do his eyeliner that he used to make the area around his eyes black and fit in with his mask.
"You missed a spot," The tiny chimed as he picked up the mask, about to tie it to his face. "Eh? Where."
"Right there."
"Well I'm gonna need something a little more specific than 'there'."
"Here, let me get it." She offered. Bakugo didn't respond, only leaned in close to the bench so she could reach his face. "Right here." She responded, stepping forward and placing her tiny hands on the soft skin beneath his eyes to carefully spread the thick black makeup. He didn't close his eyes while she did this, the giant blood red spheres just followed her every movement. The minuscule girl couldn't help but look back up and into his large eyes, every detail becoming very visible. Being this close up to his face, she had to admit, made her heart hiccup. She watched his large pupils dilate as they stared at her, shifting ever so slightly with his studying her tiny form. It was hypnotizing....
"You done??" His voice broke the silence, puffing a small, warm breath across her little body. "Oh, Yeah!!!" She replied, stepping back as he pulled away, tying on his mask. "Thanks I guess," He muttered before scooping her up in gloved hands, far more gently than the last few times- er- all the other times.
"Whoah!" She let her surprised reaction slip from her lips as she was tucked into the hero's belt loop, typically where a grenade would hang. "ah- This isn't very comfortable you know..." she complained, trying to change her position as she was held up by the strap that ran across her chest and under her arms. "Well you've pretty much lost the privilege to ride anywhere else." The ash blonde told her, opening the door and marching out and into the streets, though he walked with a bit of an awkward limp, presumably from her kick. "I'm not a baby, Come on!!!" She proceeded to whine at his stubborn responses. "You may not be one, but you get into about as much trouble as one." He responded as he walked, not even throwing her a glance. (Y/N) let out a huff equal to her size.
Things seemed pretty uneventful as Bakugo walked around, snapping at the occasional fan, and pretty much just marched around his route, with his tiny classmate hanging from his belt. Surprisingly enough, hardly anyone seemed to notice her. Two or three people did and Bakugo easily passed it off as her being his 'sidekick' or 'partner' but that was the most interesting thing to happen so far.
That is.... until a commotion broke loose...
A building not too far from them suddenly exploded as the side wall flew outwards in thousands of pieces, causing the explosive boy's head to whip around, a crazed grin stretching across his facial features, "Finally!" He cheered, a little too eagerly, as he took off running. (Y/N) was being shaken up and down violently by the mere motion of the giant's sprint. Suddenly they lurched forward as Bakugo rocketed forward with his own explosions, landing just a few feet from a startled bystander, "WHATS GOING ON!?" The angry Pomeranian demanded, startling the poor man even further. "I- I- I don't know!! I was just on my way back from the-" "I don't need to know that crap! It blew up, I know!!" He cut the man off quite rudely as he took to a speedy sprint toward the source of the panic.
As they approached the explosion sight, three figures could be seen coming through the smoke. "We've done it!! Now hurry up and let's get out of here before the pros arrive!!!" One masculine voice could be heard, followed by two more voices, one sounding male, the other female. "Sure thing!!" "Less chatting, more scramming!"
Bakugo couldn't resist the urge but to call out, "Not so fast!! Where do you brats think you're going?!" He taunted with the same frightening smile. "go." The first voice instructed and the other two bolted. The tallest of the bunch stayed, presumably the first to speak.
"Mind your own business kid, this doesn't concern you." He said sharply, raising one arm before it came whistling through the air, stretching out like a whip. Bakugo reacted quickly, using his own blasts to flip over the on coming threat right before it slammed into a nearby pile of debris with a sickening crack. "LIKE I GIVE A CARE!!" The hero in training shouted back, one hand held protectively in front of (Y/N). The figure paused before approaching, the long tentacle-like arm retracting into the thick fog and by their side. "Well then, I suppose I've warned you proficiently..." The figure mused, emerging from the dense aerial soot with a slow but powerful stride, "I have no intention of killing one so young, but I can't make promises, the fight tends to get away from me..." He added early with a sickening grin as he came into the light enough to tell the details.
The man was staggeringly tall with shaggy but well kept black hair, he had a long scar that ran up the night side of his face, painting one of his striking blue eyes a milky, blind white. He wore a battered suit and tie, dress shoes replaced by heavy duty combat boots. Two strange scars crept up from the corners of his mouth to his long pointed ears; sharp fang looking things jutted from the scar.
Bakugo couldn't help but smile wider as the man approached, "Same here, Bean Pole." He chuckled, more under his breath than out loud.
Then, with a loud ripping noise, The villain's arms split into many different tentacles, all rushing forward hastily. Bakugo blew up each one as they reached him, smoke and flame firing off in all directions with ear splitting noises. Bakugo grew careless, excitedly flipping and spinning about, propelling himself dramatically with his hand explosions that were each aimed strategically at on coming tentacles and arms that swung about with startling amounts of force.
It was then that he didn’t notice a particular limb until it slammed into him from behind, knocking the air from him as he was flung toward the ground, flinging the tiny (Y/N) from his belt just before he hit the ground.
(Y/N) watched as the world whirled about her as she fell, the wind whistling loudly in her tiny ears as the unknown of how far she’d fall threatened to plant fear in her chest. Reacting quickly she covered herself in cushioned mushrooms that bounced her gently whilst her tiny form rolled across the ground.
Peaking one eye open she shook the shrooms from her body and looked around in hopes to study her current situation. With shaky legs she stood and observed Bakugo swiftly standing and quickly checking his side where she was previously, he looked panicked as he looked around himself and even under his boots, and where he sat. “Crud-“
“What’s wrong??” The figure asked tauntingly as he walked closer, cradling one particularly burned tentacle close to his body as the others crept closer to the panic stricken hero. "You lose something??? Aww~ That's too bad isn't it... especially since you're about to lose consciousness as well...."
The pale blonde whirled on the villain, firing a barrage of explosive shots at him, each one hitting a tentacle and the villain in the head. The man let out startled cries of pain and surprise before shaking it off, "You little-" He started before Bakugo flew at him with outstretched hands that crackled and spat sparks. "I'll make you pay you filthy low life!!" The hero spat, pouncing on the man who deftly dodged and defended himself against the explosive demon boy that tore at him like a feral animal.
(Y/N)'s eyes widened as she observed the giants fight. She had to help, but she couldn't get close, or she'd risk getting crushed. That's when it occurred to her. She looked down at where she stood to see exposed dirt.
Placing her hands on the ground, they glowed a bright green and long, dark vines began to creep along the ground quickly, toward the two who fought. With careful control she aloud the plants to ensnare the tall man and slowly entangle themselves around his body. "What the?!" Both men asked in confusion but Bakugo's eyes quickly widened with relief and realization as he remembered your quirk.
The villain snapped the vines quickly, "How do you have two quirks?!" He asked in astonishment and confusion before his eyes caught that the plants crept from a further and smaller human form. "Isn't it obvious?! Cause I'm the best gosh darn hero this world will ever see!!" Bakugo yelled back, not wanting him to know about his minuscule classmate and crush who was somewhere he was unaware of.
Narrowing his eyes, he focused all his extensive arms on the explosive teen, cocooning him quickly before tossing him off to the side brutally. He then snapped his head to glare at the tiny girl. (Y/N) startled as the villain walked slowly but steadily toward her, stunning eyes fixated on her. She quickly looked behind herself, silently praying that he was looking at someone or something else. But when she turned to look back he was bolting toward her, long arms outstretched.
The small girl let out a startled scream as she turned to run the other way before one of the scaly limbs wrapped itself around her and pulled her off the ground. "So you have an accomplice!" The villain chimed, turning to look back at Bakugo who was standing up from a pile of crumbled stone, one hand clutched to his side.
Bakugo's eyes widened with genuine fear once they spotted the small. He began to run at the villain with startling speed, "GET YOUR FILTHY LITTLE-"
"Uh-uh -uh! I wouldn't do that if I were you!!" The man teased maliciously, tightening his grip on the girl's small form as the scars opened themselves along his jawline to reveal a startlingly larger mouth full of dagger-like teeth. (Y/N) paled. "Make one wrong move and I'll make sure she isn't a problem.... got that??" he asked, still with a sickeningly terrifying grin playing across his facial features.
Bakugo skidded to a stop, growling as he was left in quite the predicament. "What the heck do you want then....." He asked through gritted teeth, his glare hardening on the criminal. "Let us go and I'll give your friend back." He responded before continuing, "I'm going to take her with me to make sure you don't follow, because if you do...." the man trailed off, flashing a very toothy grin.
Bakugo just glared back, carefully running ideas and scenarios through his head as to how to get his tiny friend back without getting her hurt or putting her in any more risk.
(Y/N) on the other hand gripped the villain's arm that held her and let her quirk go crazy, sapping his energy as thorns exploded across his body, rapidly tangling and ensuring him and each other.
The blonde took the opportunity to jump on the villain whilst he struggled against his restraints, roughly pulling the small woman from his grasp and striking him unconscious. "Stupid extra." He spat under his breath before returning his attention to his miniature crush. "You miss me??" She asked with a bright smile despite her shaky voice, to which he turned her in his hand, setting her on his palm. He began checking her up and down for potential injuries, poking, prodding and feeling at her with careful fingers, "You break anything, idiot??" he asked, avoiding her question, and hiding just how petrified he had been for her safety.
The tiny giggled as he hit some ticklish spot and swatted at his large fingers. "Yeah, i'm fine!!! it'd take more than some creepy Slender-Man dude to take me out!!" She told him to which he sighed, giving the thorn ball on the ground a rough kick. "Yeah, whatever, come on, we can't let those other guys get away." He told her, looking down at himself for a safer spot to place her.
(Y/N) watched him study himself, noticing that the braids were still intact. Honestly a beautiful sight!
"You know what, i don't even care anymore!" He grumbled, interrupting her train of thought and quickly plopping her onto his head, "Grow some dumb vines to secure yourself or something." He told her, marching off before breaking into a full sprint in the direction the other villains had gone. "Wait what about that other guy??" She asked, quickly growing some vines off his head to secure her tightly to him. "What, Bean Pole?! That dunce is done for, the other heroes will take care of him." He chuckled darkly as he continued to run, following a strange trail of blue slimy residue footsteps.
(Y/N) just lied back into the tall, crazy, spiky blonde hair. There was a stunning amount of it and its ridiculously soft texture made it clear that it held its messy composure without any kind of gel or treatment. Good gracious was she glad she didn't have shoes. She couldn't help but wiggle her feet back and forth through his silky tufts, fluffing strands and clumps of it through her hands and against her face as well.
Bakugo knew full well what she was doing and smiled softly to himself as he kept running, doing his best to ignore the burning in his ears as they turned red.
Soon they could hear voices...
"Do we just wait here for the boss???'
"Duh, what else would we do?!"
"Well, what if he got caught?"
"By that kid?! Please, Kanja Kaiju​ise wouldn't get taken down by a silly little twerp like that, just be patient, he said to wait here so we will." a feminine voice chided in an annoyed tone in response to the nervous male one.
Bakugo gave a sadistic grin at their confidence in their leader. “You should watch who you're calling a ‘Silly little twerp’!” He yelled, swinging himself around the corner with a powerful blast, using both legs to kick the two from behind, knocking them to the ground where he pinned them by standing on them. “WHAT THE-?!” They both exclaimed in surprise, grunting as they were pinned beneath the ash blonde teen. “IM GONNA BLOW YOU TWO IDIOTS ALL THE WAY TO HELL...." he rasped harshly in their ears. The woman was stronger built than the guy and her skin was a transparent, glossy blue. "I'd like to see you try, punk!!" She hissed though she didn't seem to have any mouth. And just like that she flattened beneath his feet, upsetting his balance briefly. "What on earth??" He muttered as a large, sticky blue puddle and empty clothes replaced the woman.
Like water, the strange substance began to sift from between Bakugo's feet and took shape behind him. Suddenly a sharp pain connected with the back of the boy's head, sending him flying forward. Miraculously, he stopped himself  before he ended up crushing (Y/N) who gripped onto his hair with surprising strength, tearing at his hair ever so slightly. "You alright Flower Face??" He asked, hands cupped over his head before a shaky answer came, "Y-yeah, never better!! Just focus on kicking this girl's butt!!" She squeaked, gaining a very eager grin from the giant, "Alright then, hold on tight!!" He warned. She tightened her grip before he flinched, "Ow, ow, ow, not that hard dummy!!!" He winced at the feeling of his hair being yanked at.
Turning to face his opponent, he was met by the sight of the women, her entire body made from the blue, glossy slime. It looked as if she wore a loose body suit as the goop lacked any other details. The blonde grinned, sparks popping sporadically, from his palms,  "Come at me!!!" He jeered, both crouching down into battle stances.
"RAHHH!!!!" The woman let out a fierce battle cry, rushing forward and morphing around Bakugo's attacks, delivering heavy blows in return. The giant boy coughed and grunted, catching a second wind before sprinting at his sludge-like enemy. "DIE!" He bellowed, utterly missing again.
(Y/N) on the other hand acted quickly in an act of desperation, she generated a long twisted, horned vine and allowed it to fall back around the woman in attempt to trip or snag her, though it caught around her neck, and went right through the glop, severing her head from the rest of her body in a way that looked a great deal like cutting jello. The rest of her body completely melted. The tiny was left star struck and terrified of what she had just done. That was, until the woman's head touched ground and the rest of her quickly formed back. "OH MY-" her breath caught in her throat as she witnessed what she had thought had just been her own manslaughter. But that's when it clicked, "BAKUGO!! I KNOW HER WEAKNESS!!! ONLY THE SLIME CONNECTED TO HER HEAD CAN BE CONTROLLED, SO IF YOU SHRINK HER DOWN YOU CAN BEAT HER!!!" The minuscule girl yelled, making the boy's eyes snap in realization.
It had happened so quickly, all within the time the giant stopped his missed punch and whirled around to see her form again. "I KNEW THAT DANG IT, JUST SHUT UP AND DON'T GET YOURSELF SPOTTED!!!" He yelled back, "Don't tell me to-!!" "I SAID SHUT UP AND DIIIIEEEE!!!!!" The hero whirled on the woman, this time, using her dodging tactics to blow up or kick off small amounts of goop at a time, instead of trying to blast her face into the floor. With each quick, controlled blow strategically taking out inches at a time, they fought till he towered over the woman who stood at only 3-4 inches tall. "Heh heh heh heh, whatcha gonna do now pipsqueak?!" He asked with a devilish grin, having her backed against a wall.  "You should watch who you're talking to you little-" She was cut short as Bakugo slammed a glass bottle over top of her, trapping her inside. "Can it!" He laughed maliciously at his own pun. She let out a frustrated growl as she banged slimy fists against the glass whilst Katsuki pocketed it in one of his heavy duty pockets on his pant legs, filled with other gear and equipment. He turned to see that the other villain was gone. "Coward!" He rolled his eyes with a click of his tongue. "at least he left the money,..." The boy muttered,. "Oi, Flower Face, you still alive??" he asked to which she answered sassily, "Psh- Yeah!!" she chirped whilst he sighed, grabbing the many, heavy duffle bags off the ground, slinging some over his back, the others over his shoulder, and the last two in his arms.
With a light grunt, he lifted the loot and marched back toward where the fight initially broke loose, where the other pro heroes and police were inspecting things and indeed dealing with the so nick-named "Bean Pole".
"Dynamight!!" a voice called as he marched over. "Eh?" He grumbled as a news reporter rushed over, "It seems you single handedly took out the leader of the villains responsible for this attack!! What can you tell the rest of us!?" The lady asked before practically shoving the mic into his face.
"Well (A, I took down two of those gosh darn villains, and got the money back, (B, i didn't do it alone, so get your stupid facts right." He finished his snide remark before shoving past her and marching steadily toward the police. "What are you talking about 'didn't do it alone', i didn't do squat!!" The tiny asked, genuinely confused. "Well, you wrapped Bean Pole in thorns and helped me figure out how to beat Pipsqueak, didn't you??" He asked, though it came out as more of a declaration. (Y/N) just smiled.
After a long chat with the cops about the third man, Bakugo handed the slime girl over to them, along with the stolen goods. Then they finished up an otherwise uneventful patrol and headed back to Best Jeanist's where the blonde would check in, change back into normal clothes and head home for the day.
Bakugo walked into the agency, no longer determined to hide his miniature crush as he had already gone on patrol so it didn't matter anymore. He reported quickly with Jeanist who was, as the boy predicted, angry that he had brought her along but couldn't do much about it any more.
He then went into the changing rooms, this time getting one with a mirror. "Alright, as soon as we get back to the dorms, i'm-!!!" "THE HECK!?" "DID YOU DO THIS YOU LITTLE FUN SIZED PUNK!?" The ash blonde giant roared, staring in horror at the neat little braids that followed the sides of his head all the way around.
(Y/N) paled, "Um well-"
"NOOO!!!! They look so cuuuute~!"
"Can we leave them-"
Bakugo was livid with her and clenched her in a hot, smoking fist as she was forced to undo the little braids that were far too small for his large fingers to fix. Though unknown to him was the fact that she left a particularly favorite one of hers in the back, where he couldn't see. "No way I'm letting you anywhere near my hair again!!" He snarled, earning a complaining whine from her. "And if you freaking kick me I will kill you..." the explosive giant growled as he stuffed the tiny (Y/N) into his pocket after having changed back into his clothes.
(Y/N) knew full well that he'd send her flying if she did so, though she didn't plan to. Instead, she made herself busy playing with pieces of lint, like one might a cloud or cotton candy, squishing and shaping it in her hands.
Sooner than she would have thought the sound of a door opening and closing caught her attention. "Hey!! Are we home!?" She asked, standing on his thumb to peak out of the pocket. Her question was answered simply by looking around. They were in a simple convenience store. "Tch- Whats it look like??" He asked with a click of his tongue. "Wait, I thought we were gonna head back to the dorms?" She asked to which her classmate let out an annoyed sigh, "We are, dummy, I just wanted to grab some snacks to eat before we get back."
"What do you mean?? You already have a snack!!"
"Eh? what- that plain crap ramen and potato chips back home?? I'm not eating that trash-"
"No, you've got me!!! I'm a hot pocket!!!!"
"Cause I'm hot! And I'm in a pocket!!!" Bakugo just stared at her with a blank expression as she returned one that clearly stated that she knew full well and was proud of her bad pun. She could have sworn his cheeks and ears turned red though, "Are you blush-" "Shuddup!!! Just pick something out already so we can check out!!" He yelled, turning to look away from his pocket and hide his face as his hand shifted beneath her, catching her tiny figure in his palm as he lifted her out of his pocket. (Y/N) decided not to push, but the thought alone that her comment had made him blush caused a hot pink to dust her cheeks whilst her heart swelled.
Bakugo carried her around the small gas station store to pick out some sweets and snacks. A certain treat caught the tiny's eye, "OOO, GRAB THOSE (fav unhealthy snack)!!!" "Are you serious!? Do you know the havoc those things can wreak on your body!?" He asked, disgust lacing his tone. "Yes!!! NOW GIMME!!!" Bakugo rolled his eyes, "Fine, just know I'm not gonna let this be all you eat, you better save room for something healthy!! There's no way I'm letting you eat too much of this junk!!" He chides, (Y/N) just laughing at his comment. "ok, I won't say no to that!!" she giggled.
After picking out some stuff for her, Bakugo bee-lined for the spicy ramen and other hot snack foods, grabbing some ghost pepper potato chips, dried chili peppers, and spiced almonds. "You want some food with that hot sauce??" The tiny asked with a sarcastic little scoff. "Ha!! This is the mild stuff!!!" He said, grabbing a pack of Carolina reaper snack sticks off a shelf. "This.... is the good stuff!!" He spoke with a triumphant laugh as her eyes popped, looking at the pack of seasoned sausages he shook in his hand. "Holy crap man!! How can you even still taste anything!!??" "I can taste plenty fine, and you're gonna eat these with me!!" He laughed, tossing them into the little basket he held. The tiny girl paled as she looked down into the basket below her, sitting on the wrist of his hand that held it. "No way, and you can't make me!" She responded after a moment as they came up to the register. "Oh yeah!? We'll see about that, Flower Face!" he laughed, setting the ingredients and snacks they planned to purchase on the conveyor belt.
The cashier rang them up, casting countless looks and glances at the shrunken human that sat on Bakugo's shoulder. It clearly got on the hot head's nerves as he eventually yelled at the poor guy to stop staring. The adult got defensive and demanded that the temperamental boy give respect to his elders.
"Oh yeah!? And who are you to make me!?"
"Someone who can kick you out of here without your food!"
"Try me Spider!! You're looking at the future number one hero!!!"
"Number one hero!? You're not going to be squat with that attitude!"
"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!? I'LL SHOW YOU WHAT AN ATTITUDE LOOKS LI-" The blonde was promptly cut short as the shrunken girl pressed both her hands against his face, squishing his cheek and getting him to stop. Bakugo had already gotten up and onto the counter, one leg propped up high the other ready to launch him forward as both hands sparked. "Sorry, he's a little hangry, if you'll pardon us we'll just pay for our food and get out of your hair!!" She apologized, still leaning against the boy's face.
The man just stared as Bakugo began angrily fishing the money from his back pocket with a sneer. "Fine whatever, just get out of my store already..." the cashier huffed. Bakugo clearly got angrier at this and moved to further threaten the man but (Y/N) pulled one of the blonde tufts of hair. "Come on, let's just go home and eat!" She urged before he snatched the bag of food and stomped out, "Whatever... " The small girl just let out a long sigh, "good grief..."  she groaned with a soft chuckle.
Bakugo then began walking back to the dorms with her still on his shoulder.
They soon arrived and the teen went straight inside where they were met by the three from earlier who had started the whole thing. "Yo! Bakubro!! How was your time out!? Where'd you guys go?? What'd you do!?" "It was hero work." he replies, giving the red headed, Kirishima, a skeptic glare. "You took her on a hero patrol!?" Sero asked sitting up from his spot on one of the common room couches closer to the kitchen where the blonde set down the food. "Well what else was I supposed to do?! You idiots were all too busy to provide any other supervision... if what you would do could even be called that." he added with a click of his tongue, (Y/N) laughing at his comment, knowing full well how true it was. Denki piped in, "Yeah but how was it???" He asks with a sly grin. Bakugo's scrutinizing scowl returned, "Why do you three dummies care huh?" "No reason, no reason!!!" They all quickly shut him down, throwing each other glances. "Yeah right...." He muttered with a roll of his eyes before grabbing out a pot for the ramen with the tiny girl still perched on his shoulder.
(Y/N) just observed him start the boiling water, silently praying that he forgot his little vow to make her eat the spicy food. "Why the heck did you go quiet all of the sudden, huh?? Usually your mouth runs like a stinking river." The boy commented as he fished out an apron from a kitchen drawer. "Oh! I don't know, just watching I guess." she shrugs. "Yeah well, remember that you're technically not even supposed to be up there so just don't get too comfortable." The boy commented with a sharp exhale.
Bakugo then pulled the strap around his neck, unaware that it loosely wrapped around (Y/N) till he pulled it tight and she was yanked up against his throat. "Hey!!" She cried out in surprise as the previously loose strap suddenly came up and around her stomach, pulling her tight against the giant's neck. "Oi, What are you doing?" "Nothing! The apron strap got me!!" she laughed, gripping the cloth strap around her waist. "The strap-? oh." And with that it loosened and she was able to slip free.
"You alright?" His question startled her. It came softly, as if meant only for her ears, despite being close to the boy's voice box. "I- Yeah I'm ok, just startled me" The small giggled, discovering herself slightly flustered at the fact that he cared enough to ask, especially given that he did not often check on people like that. "Don't take it like that, gosh dang it! I just wasn't sure if it caught around your stupid windpipe or something!" He yelled, though looking up at the subtle color of his face told her otherwise. "I thought you said you knew I could handle myself!" (Y/N) was unable to resist another chance to tease him."Shut up!! Don't think I've forgotten about our little deal!! I'll spice it up just for you if you keep being a little pain in the neck!"
"heh- pain in the neck~"
"I said to shut it already!!"
The blonde then carefully retied the apron, sure to not get the tiny caught up in it this time. (Y/N) Just beamed as she ventured to stand, carefully placing a hand along his jaw. She enjoyed criticizing his cooking and pointing out the few tiny and unimportant mistakes or differences in cooking that he made; be it the way he chopped green onions, the way he de-shelled garlic, or his choice in extra seasonings, she nagged him over everything. It very clearly was ticking him off more and more as she just got a kick out of the whole thing.
"Fine!! I guess you want me to dice up some raw ghost peppers!!"
"NO!!! NO No No Noooo Nonononononono!!! I'll stop, I'll stop!!"
"Heh, that's what I thought, you little punk!"
"Don't be spiky! You porcupine!!!"
"Tch- spiky?! I can show you spiky if that's what you're wanting to see!!!" Bakugo kept on grumbling at her remarks.
"Oh I've seen plenty!!!" (Y/N) laughed before following up, "I wanna help cook." The giant blinked, not only was her comment off topic, but how did she expect to help cook when only a few inches tall?  "Oh yeah?? How so??" "I don't know, but I feel like I haven't really done anything other than be carried around! I wanna help!" She pressed. It had been bothering her since they left the agency. "Alright, Peel the garlic then." He instructed, continuing to cook without giving her much of a way down from his shoulder. (Y/N) knew full well he wasn't going to stop unless she asked, silently giving her her wish of a chance to display her independence. "Okay!!" She cheered, waiting till his arm was hovering over the counter and near the garlic before she slid down, landing rather sloppily before standing back up with a laugh and dusting herself off. The tiny noticed a faint smile tugging at the corners of the blonde's mouth as she got to work on the garlic as he had requested.
She soon finished, and before she could say anything on the subject he scooped it up and plopped it onto the cutting board, promptly dicing it into tiny bits. "What next!?" She chirped. Bakugo scoffed, shaking his head lightly with a soft grin. "I need some of the chicken seasoning in the cabinet." He stated, nodding his head in gesture to the cabinet just above the floor and not too far from her. He felt he should test her with slowly bigger and bigger tasks.
(Y/N) took one glance and replied with a bright and determined smile, "Easy!"
And with that she jumped off the counter, sprouting a large and frilly flower from the soles of her feet, saving her from a dangerous fall. The giant teen watched her scurry across the floor from the corner of his eye, keeping tabs on her as he moved about the kitchen, careful to watch his feet.
The small girl swung the cupboard open with little effort, easily accessing its contents. The seasoning jar was about as big as her, so carrying it was the harder part of the ordeal. With a soft grunt she managed to lift it up and move it out and onto the floor where she rolled it up to Bakugo as he stirred their meal. "Got it!!" (Y/N) cheered in triumph.
"Took you long enough." He chided, her response coming back playfully, "Hey! I did really well given my size!!" The ash blonde just rolled his eyes as he picked the jar off the ground and added some of the dry mixture to the boiling liquid in the small pot.
"What else!?" "Eh? Now we just let it cook for a couple minutes, so why don't you make yourself useful and put stuff away." "Ok then!! Give back the chicken stuff!!!" With that, the giant set the jar on the floor before grabbing other items off the counter tops to return them to where they belonged.
(Y/N) watched the giant move around above her. Being on the floor was both terrifying and exciting. It was cool to watch him shuffle around from below, his feet being careful not to come too close to her, though he did occasionally step over her, his towering shape moving just overhead. She was quick to deftly put the dried herbs back into the cabinet. She then realized that everything else, including her friend and crush, were above her, and she was still on the floor.
She could either ask Bakugo for help, or further prove her independence and find a way up herself. The answer was obvious.
As the giant stood at the fridge, putting things away, (Y/N) took her chance. Moving quickly she climbed onto the boy's stationary feet, causing them to shift ever so slightly beneath her as he looked down to see his shrunken classmate. Bakugo just watched as the small began pulling herself up his pant leg til she reached his pocket where she managed to pull herself inside.
Bakugo couldn't help but smile at this. But he pretended not to notice, moving to grab two bowls of different sizes and serve the ramen. He then grabbed himself chopsticks and her a couple of toothpicks before he grabbed the bag of snacks. "Oi, Flower Face, Ready??" he asked, glancing down at his pocket where she peaked out, giving him a thumbs up. "Yup!!"
Bakugo marched up to his room, sending (Y/N) through another roller coaster of swaying motions. "We're going to your room??" "Yeah, so what?" "I just don't think I've ever seen it before if I'm being honest." "You were in here this morning..." "Oh yeah!! I guess I just didn't pay much attention then..." "Yeah, well then don't make it weird or I won't ever let you in again." He grumbled, opening the door and walking in.
His room, quite honestly, was an absolute aesthetic. The shelves were decorated by comic books and traditional books, he had some small string lights that draped over them too. Small succulent plants and potted cacti could be found here and there. His bed was up against one wall with storage underneath and in the headboard; a cork board hung above it. He had some posters up on the walls, some of U.A., others of All Might, and few of other topics. A laptop lay open on his desk, along with other supplies and small books. An open window allowed the wind to flow through the room. Over all the room's decorations were simple but homey, theming more around a sort of Lofi feel.
"DUDE!!! YOUR ROOM IS SO COOL!!! HOW COME YOU'VE NEVER LET ANYONE ELSE SEE IT BEFORE?!" "Tch- Because I never felt like it." He scoffed, setting the food down on the desk before clearing it up a little. "Well okay, but your room is so cool!!!!" She continued to compliment him. "Yeah yeah, now are we gonna eat this stuff or what??"
That's when (Y/N) remembered that the ramen was spicy, as in spicy spicy......
"Ohhhh.... Yeah.... Well-" She started before the explosive boy cut her off. "You're not bailing on me, are you?!" he taunted, flashing her a devious grin. "I- No!!" She shot back before realizing what she had done. "Good!" He laughed, pushing the small bowl forward. "Because this batch should be really good!" He chuckled darkly.
The bowl was gigantic in comparison to the tiny. There was no way she'd be able to eat all of it, though knowing Bakugo, he'd try and get her to eat as much as she possibly could. "Eat up Bite Size!" He coaxed, using a new nickname.
(Y/N) gave him one last foreboding glance before grabbing the makeshift chopsticks and lifting a noodle out of the bowl. Bakugo already had a full mouth and let a slight grunt of approval to the meal escape. "Well?! It's not going to eat itself!" He managed through his full mouth, finishing and quickly shoveling in another bite. "It's not even that spicy!!! Still pretty flavorful though." The small girl wasn't sure how much she trusted his judgement on that, but nonetheless she took a large bite.
Yup. It was bad.
The tiny human quickly swallowed it before exploding into a coughing fit, making Bakugo almost spray his food. Whilst (Y/N) fanned at her mouth frantically, tears began to well up in her eyes as her nose went bright red, becoming runny from the spice alone. "HOT HOT!!! OH HEAVENS THAT IS VERY VERY HOT!!!" She gasped and sputtered between coughs. "IT'S NOT THAT BAD!!!" The blonde giant guffawed at her predicament. "JUST GET ME FRIGGIN WATER!!!!" "FINE WHATEVER!!!" Bakugo was now choking on his own laughter as he got up and ran out of the room. Had he seriously not grabbed any kind of liquid before trying to get her to eat the stuff?! What was that idiotic brat of a gremlin boy thinking???!!! After what felt like eons of fiery mouth pain, he came back in, slowing from a run.
He dashed over, holding the large glass in his hands, moving to help her drink. In both their hurry to help (Y/N) with the spice, neither thought to be very careful, and the teen ended up drenching his friend in the process, tilting the still sloshing glass of water a little too much. "DUDE!!!" The girl yelled, getting more upset from the pain in her mouth than the actual water. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" The giant lost it, dropping the cup as it further soaked her. "BAKUGO!!!!!" She screeched, no longer in pain given that she choked on an entire wave, but now hopelessly soaked. 
The laughing Katsuki lay face down on his desk, face in his folded arms as his shoulders heaved from his chortling fit. "DUDE! YOU SOAKED ME!!!" "Sorry~" He managed between laughs, "You don't sound sorry." She huffed, folding her arms and glaring at him. Bakugo didn't answer, he just kept laughing.
Despite being sopping wet, (Y/N) couldn't help but smile. He didn't smile much so it was really nice to see. "Well then, since it's so funny, you got me wet, you can dry off!" She exclaimed before throwing herself onto him and scrubbing herself against him furiously. "Hey, get off me idiot!" He half laughed, half yelled, still grinning wide. The miniature girl clung tight, burying into his sleeve and drying herself even more violently. "Dang it! Let go of bite size punk!" He cried, wrapping his fist around her and trying to pull her away with little to no success as she continued to stubbornly cling. "The heck!?" The giant pried and pried, but his best efforts weren't enough. "I'll dry you the fun way if you don't LET GO!!!!" He threatened, his fist becoming increasingly hot as both steam and smoke rose from between his knuckles. "BET!!!" And with that a sharp pain collided with her entire torso, predominantly where he had been gripping her. "OW!" She startled as a loud crack filled her ears and bright light obscured her vision, a strong wave of heat washing over her for a brief instant. "You asked for it you little brat!"  he chuckled, dropping her roughly onto the desk whilst she shook herself from her daze. Her only response was to let out a few short coughs, still a little out-of-it from the blow.
"Tch-" Bakugo clicked his tongue, scoffing at the tiny. "Well... At least I'm dry and okay, but come on bro! What the heck!!" (Y/N) punched his hand that rested by her, causing him to flinch slightly. "Don't look at me Bite Size, I gave you fair warning!"
"That's what I thought, now hurry and finish your ramen!"
"Are you insulting my cooking?~"  The question came dangerously, as if testing waters that were sure to be filled with sharks. "N-No!! It's good, it's just too hot for me!!" She exclaimed, as she began to lightly shiver from the cold of her still lightly damp clothes and the wind blowing through the open window wasn't helping. "Yeah, well at least you handled it better than Dunce Face and Soy Sauce Face." "What's with you and ____ Face?" "Shut up. Plus I'm calling you Bite Size now." "That only concerns me further." "Just have your junk food or whatever." Bakugo scoffed, rolling his eyes with a faint grin still drawn up on his features.
(Y/N) gladly accepted the sweets and ate them quickly, Bakugo finishing both his and her servings of ramen. When he was done, the boy swiftly cleaned up their mess and returned to his tiny friend. When he returned to her, she was shivering violently. "Oi, What's wrong??" She startled a little, previously lost in thought and caught slightly off guard by his question. "Wrong?? Oh! N-Nothing I'm f-fine!" she stuttered out between chattering teeth. "Don't even think about lying to me, idiot." "No really I'm ok." "No you're not, you're freezing, gosh dang it." He huffed back, carefully scooping her tiny figure up in both his hands. "The heck, you freaking ice cube...." He commented softly before lifting her in cupped hands up to his mouth where he began puffing warm breathes across her small body.
Being this close to his face, and mouth no less, made her antsy; not to mention the boy's breath wreaked of peppers and literally everything else hot, and it took a decent amount of self control to not cough from the prickly smell. But his breath was warm and it felt very very good, so who was she to complain?
"Better??" He asked after a moment or two, her response coming as a slow nod, content from the heat. "Good. Wanna get changed into some of the dry clothes??" "Dry clothes??" "Yeah dummy, from my action figures." He clicked his tongue at her before cradling her in one hand, reaching under the bed for the shoe box. "Oh! The barbies! Yes please!" (Y/N) made the mistake of calling the dolls by their real name. "Action figures!!..."  Bakugo hissed back angrily, pulling the box out along with the little figures inside. One caught (Y/N)'s eye, one that Bakugo hadn't pulled out last time. It was a boy so that was probably why, but he wore some simple long sweats that looked especially warm, and the tiny girl wanted them very badly. "That one, that one!!" She cried excitedly, pointing to the very doll. "Him?" "YES." "Geez, chill."
The giant pulled the doll out and stripped it, handing her the clothes. "Be fast alright?" He instructed, placing her on his desk before turning around to face the other way. (Y/N) felt rather uncomfortable changing clothes without what felt like proper privacy, but he wasn't looking and she didn't have any other options, so she swiftly swiped her clothes, making herself decent. "Done!"
"Took you long enough!" Bakugo groaned, taking the wet clothes and laying them out by the desk light that was on.
"Thanks by the way!" The miniature teen girl chirped, earning the boy's attention. "Eh? For what??" Bakugo gave her a curious glance. "For taking care of me!" "You make it sound like some kind of dumb mushy thing, all I did was carry you around." He acknowledged her thanks with a gibe, trying to cover the fact that he really did enjoy it. "Plus I don't really care, it wasn't much effort..." (Y/N) just smiled, wrapping herself around his hand, "Well thanks anyways." She says with a bright smile. Bakugo gains a light blush before covering his mouth with the other hand. "Yeah whatever, I wasn't gonna leave you to get crushed by those idiots." He says before lightly shaking his hand and wiggling it from her grasp.
"Anyways, we have the whole rest of the afternoon, so what do you want to do??" The giant asks, gesturing to the  digital clock which read 4:26pm. The small just shrugged in return, not quite sure herself.
Since neither of them knew how much longer this would last, it seemed that now all they could do was kill time until (Y/N) turned to normal. "Well.... We could play a game??" She suggested half heartedly, shrugging whilst she said it. The ash blonde scrunched his nose, "What kind of game, cause most I can think of won't work for you right now...." He made his point. "Hmmmmm, got any multiplayer games on your phone???" She asked. "Tch- like what?" "I don't know, like Jelly Jump, Astro party, or Fruit Ninja??" "Really?? Fine... But they better be free. I'm not downloading some cheap-crap game if it's gonna rip me off my money." He told her, pulling out his phone and tapping around for a minute or two before setting it down, and confirming with her that they were the right ones, messing around a bit longer before setting it back down, the screen showing the three games downloading. (Y/N) smiled, "Have you ever played them before???" "Tch- no. I don't bother with lame games like those..." He scoffed. But this only made the tiny girl smile wider. "We'll see just how lame they are when I'm beating your sorry butt to a pulp!!!" She declared mightily, giving him a competitive grin. "What was that!? I don't care what these games are, I'll rip you to shreds!!!" Bakugo barked back, suddenly sitting more upright and attentive, until he leaned down to get somewhat in her face. "See you at the finish line!" "Yeah right, I'll make you eat those crappy words you dang Bite Size!!"
Once the games were installed and ready, Bakugo opened the first being the one titled Jelly Jump.
"Ok, so how does this work??" The giant asks gruffly. "This one is a teamwork one, and it's pretty simple." She explains. "Tch- teamwork?! How do I know you're not gonna just drag me down the whole time??" He complains as the screen turns to show a little gelatin like cube. "This already looks lame..." He adds with a grimace upon seeing the little thing. "Shush! Now gimme the phone, I'll show you how to play on one player mode!!"
Bakugo set the device on his desk for the ecstatic little girl. She quickly displayed how to play and spelled out how it applied for two player mode. Pretty soon the boy's room filled with vigorous yelling as the two tapped violently at the phone. (Y/N) was pretty much just slapping the screen, but it worked as they waited and timed things just right for the two small jello-like squares to keep jumping up levels.
"WE DID IT!!!" "WELL DON'T STOP!!!" And it was then that their luck ran cold.  "NO!!! GOSH DANG THIS STUPID GAME!!!!!" Bakugo leaned back in his chair, gripping his hair in enraged fists, fluffy clumps sticking out between his fingers. "WOOOO!!!! WE DID IT, HAHA!!!!" (Y/N) on the other hand found a victory dance more appropriate. "Fist bump!!!" She cheered, sticking her arm out in waiting. "Yeah, whatever, I guess we did alright..." He grumbled, watching his tiny crush doing her funky little jig softening his mood. He complied and tapped his finger against her fist as she beamed up at him, her smile alone like an entire freaking sun.
Bakugo just smiled, though he quickly caught himself and stopped, "What were the other dumb games again??" He inquired, trying to distract himself from the cute and panicky thoughts running through his mind. "Oh! We could do Fruit Ninja now if you like, that one is a verses and is super duper fun!!!" He scrunched his nose. "Mmmm." "It also has brutally murdering fruit with knives." "Ok fine." (Y/N) couldn't help but smile wide at his quick cooperation.
They opened the app and let's just say the explosive Pomeranian didn't need any sort of instruction, and took to quickly wiping his shrunken classmate out, battle after battle.
"Ok, I'm done with this game..." She eventually pouted after finally running out of juice and just accepting defeat. "The heck?? Did I really whip your butt for a full two and a half hours!?" The ash blonde laughed looking up at the clock and making her slouch more. "Yeah- very modest about it too!" she sassily shot back, earning a cocky smirk from the boy. "Oh?? Not so high and mighty now, huh Bite Size?! What happened to beating me to a pulp?!" He taunted with a wide and malign smile. "Be nice!!" She whined, flopping back and onto the hard surface. "Enough mopping you cry baby, you're almost as bad as that dang nerd." He shook his head, still smirking as he grabbed the plastic shopping bag off the desk not too far from where (Y/N) sat. He then pulled out the Carolina reaper sausages and some fresh fruit. "That's dinner??" She asked, slightly confused, mainly because she was so used to Bakugo cooking something in one way or another. "Yeah. It is. Now don't complain. I'm having to take a lighter day on everything because of you, you know." He berated her, pulling out a pocket knife from one of the desk's drawers.
"You have a pocket knife?!" She asked in disbelief. The explosive giant took a long, annoyed sigh. "Yes. Now would you just be quiet for a minute and stop questioning everything I do??? Geez...." He exhaled sharply before continuing in cutting up the fruit into slices including small edible cubes that were perfect for the tiny. "There, eat up." he instructed, setting the pile of minced fruit in front of her before grabbing some of his own fruit and popping it into his mouth. (Y/N) gratefully took the food and ate quickly, finding that even after such a large amount of food she was still a little hungry. "Could I have some more??" She questioned, taking some cautious steps forward and toward the giant's food. "Eh?? You finished yours already!?" "Yeah... And I may or may not still be hungry?" She tries carefully, watching his brows knit together. "More!? Tch- No way!! You had your share!! Don't be stinking greedy!" He scolds harshly through a mouthful of nashi pear.
So be it.
While the boy's eyes fixated on something else for a brief moment, the dwarfed hero-in-training took her chance to quickly latch onto a thinner slice of fruit and swiftly drag it a small ways away and begin eating quickly. "HEY! I TOLD YOU NO!!" His angry voice startled her as she devoured the slice of crunchy pear. "And I told myself yes!!!" She shot right back at him before shoving the last few bits into her mouth and turning to give him a sort of 'try me!!!' look. "Stupid little idiot!! Well that's all you get so make yourself busy doing something else to waste your gosh darn time, got that?!" He growled at her before returning his attention back to what it had previously been on.
Still hungry...
She watched the temperamental Pomeranian before snatching the last one. "YOU LITTLE-!!" She heard him yell and let out a surprised squeak before her legs involuntarily began carrying her further than she had meant. She cast a glance over her shoulder to see a large open hand extended toward her and that was enough to really get the tiny going.
Soon the minuscule little trickster was tearing across his desk, dodging grabby hands that barely missed her each time. That is till he got to close and she jumped up and onto his arm. Still running.
"The heck you think you're doing Bite Size!?" He snarled, his other arm flying to quickly snatch her up before she deftly dodged, "Quit it!!" He yelled at her as tiny feet scampered up to his shoulder, then neck. (Y/N) had dropped the pear by now and it was clearly more about him catching her and her keeping out and away from his dangerous hands. "Heh heh heh! Looks like you've run out of places to run!!" The blonde chuckled maliciously, both hands now quickly closing in and toward her as he bent his head down slightly, making things easier for him.
Clearly she hadn't really thought this far... or like- at all.
Panicking, she made to step back and away from his approaching hands before she realized there was nothing under her foot. Both her stomach and heart dropped in surprise as quicker than either of them could register, the tiny girl slipped and disappeared down Bakugo's shirt.
The explosive teen just stared forward, wide eyed for a minute and frozen in place as the girl disappeared off the back of his neck. "THE HECK!? GET OUT!!!" He cried out, a shiver crawling up his spine as (Y/N) fell about halfway till where his back was pressed against the chair stopped her, entrapping her between the cloth and the boy's bare back, before he arched his spine and made things worse.
One moment (Y/N) was on her classmate's shoulders, the next she was plunged into another ocean of fabrics and cloth, only this time she was pressed against Katsuki's spine. She tried to process what had just happened and began to shift when everything around her started moving, dropping her further down. "STOP STOP, YOU'RE MAKING IT WORSE, YOU'LL CRUSH ME!!!" She quickly yelled back as she quickly got tangled up in the clothes. "THEN GET OUT OF MY GOSH DARN SHIRT!!!" He belted back. The teen had clearly didn't know what to do and was panicking as he just sat there, trembling with rage from the embarrassment and the uncontrollable tickling it was creating. "I'M TRYING, STOP MOVING ALREADY!!" She ordered to which he didn't argue, using all of his will power to keep from jerking or accidentally smooshing her.
The shrunken high school student then managed to get herself loose and began trying to first figure out where exactly she was. "C-can you feel me??" She asked, tentatively reaching a hand out to rub his tense body. "Yes." He snapped, his voice strained. "Ok, where am I?? Which way do I go?" She asked, not wanting to move until she knew what to do. "Just go up." He instructed, to which she began to make her way back up to his shoulder. His shirt wasn't super loose but it wasn't super tight either, so she was able to move about with surprising ease. As she climbed, she could feel each muscle tense and trembled beneath her hands. It was kinda terrifying, felt like he might give in any moment and suffocate her. "Hurry. Up." Bakugo growled through clenched teeth as every part of him twitched and vibrated. It was humiliating to have to sit there and try to not flip. It tickled like heck and he was getting impatient.
After what felt like forever, the ash blonde could see (Y/N) heave herself onto his shoulder out of his peripheral vision. Finally.
Both their faces were beet red and Bakugo didn't move for a minute, seeming to try and calm the embarrassment that had just boiled up. His mini sized friend on the other hand was a giggling mess. "What so funny, huh??" He quickly accused, glaring at her from the side of his vision. "Nothing- its just- Everything!" She snickered, "I guess I'm just so relieved things didn't go worse than they did!!" she added before his expression softened. "Well, just don't ever speak of this to anyone else, ever..." He muttered, still red though calmed down. The small just gave a slow nod, still laughing lightly, draped lazily over his shoulder.
"Oh, and for good measure-" Before (Y/N) could react, Bakugo wrapped a tight fist around her and brought her up to his face where he gave her a victorious grin. "I win!" He taunted smugly before setting her back down on the desk and grabbing the discarded nashi slice and popping it into his mouth. His small companion just gave him a pouty glare, silently promising payback. He just laughed.
Bakugo flashed another glance at the clock before his brows raised slightly. "Mmm- it's getting late..." He commented before glancing around the room as if contemplating what to do first. (Y/N) turned to do the same, reading it. "Late!? Bro it's only like 7:43!!" She exclaimed, her gaze meeting his scowl. "Tch- just because you go to bed so dang late doesn't mean that's when you should go to bed." He scoffs. "Come on! There's no way-" "I have to take care of you, so that means I say when we head off to sleep." He cuts her off abruptly, earning another very annoyed look.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm going to get into something more comfortable." He tells her, getting up and walking to a nearby dresser and opening a drawer to pull out some lazier, and more comfortable clothes. The tiny turned away whilst he swapped out his outfit. Then, without much else warning, two large fingers wrapped around the minuscule girl's underarms, lifting her up and off the table top. "woah~" she squeaked out another cry of surprise. She was carried by the boy off and over to the lights where he flipped them off, and then to the bed. "Come on, I'm tired and ready to sleep." He told her, setting her gently on the headboard before rummaging around in the cabinet space underneath.
After some searching, Bakugo pulled out a match box and a little towel and some cotton balls. He then put the three together and created a makeshift bed for his small classmate and friend. "There, you can use this for tonight." He told her, setting it beside her gently.
"Wait!!! This is still super early for me, and I don't think I'll be able to sleep.... Could we maybe talk for a little bit??" (Y/N) asked timidly, watching his blank face for a moment before he let out a short sigh, lying down on the bed, having already thrown back the sheets. "Fine. Whatever. What do you even want to talk about anyway??" He asked, his tone becoming calm and quiet, reflecting the exhaustion that was coming over them both, though the small was determined to stay up. "I don't know, what if we just took turns asking each other random questions???" She offered, watching as he thought about it for a moment before slowly nodding, "Sure." "You go first!" she chirped, walking over the edge of the head of the bed before dropping down and into his blonde mess of hair.  "Me?? Fine..." The giant teen looked off to the side as he thought, not reacting much to the tiny now on his head. "I don't know, Who are your closest friends here at UA??" He inquired.
(Y/N) just blinked, it was a rather mundane question for someone like Bakugo, so she wonders if it had ulterior meanings. "Uhhh, Well, definitely You, Kirishima, Mina, Ochako, Deku and Iiida are really nice, But so is everyone, I guess that's just everyone I'm super close with...." She admitted, bracing her elbows just above his brows, chin in her hands.
The giant's large eyes scanned the ceiling for a moment longer before they fixated on her, dilating dramatically. "Mmm." He responded to her answer. The soft glow from the moonlight outside illuminated the room just enough to make out the soft details on each other as they both stared for a moment before the mini sized girl broke the silence. "My turn. Who are yours??" She asks, not sure what kind of answer she'd get, nor sure what she expected.
"Ugh- This is between you and I okay?? Share this with anyone else and I'll never tell you anything ever again..." He let out a low growl before taking a deep breath. "If I had to choose someone to consider my friend I guess I'd choose..." He seemed hesitant with his next words. "Don't take it weird, but probably you and weird hair... Then maybe Soy Sauce Face, Dunce Face, and Raccoon eyes..." He replied.
(Y/N) was ecstatic, "Wait really!?" She cried, perking up. Bakugo's face grew hot beneath her, "I said maybe!!!" He insisted, face contorting into an embarrassed glare. When he moved his eyebrows, The tiny fell forward, face-planting into the bridge of his nose. "Would you quit it with the being all over me?!" He growled, scrunching his eyes shut in instinct before grabbing her by the back of her shirt and lifting her off him. "Sorry..." She giggled before he let out an annoyed breath, gently placing her back where she previously sat.
"Who do you think will be the number one hero??" He eventually asks, resuming their little game. "Aha- obviously me!!!!" She laughed, "Ok but for real- Ummmmm either.... You  or Deku... I think Shoto, Momo, and Kirishima have pretty good chances too, maybe like top five for them, but like you or Deku for number one." She replied thoughtfully. "Tch- That dang nerd is good, but nowhere near as much as me." Katsuki scoffs, earning some merry little laughs from his fun-sized companion. "Right! Anyways, Okay, okay, Do you think I'll be a good hero??" "What kind of lame question is that!? Of course, idiot!!" "Really??" "Duh!!! You're smart, you're good at combat, you're strong, you're spunky, and stubborn, and I have no doubt you'll beat the heck out of any and every villain you meet." He says proudly, rattling off his little list as if he's given it much thought.
"You think so??" She asks softly, "I mean- what if people don't like me..." She tacks on, it's clearly something that's been honestly bothering her for quite some time now. "Then they can-" And with that the giant proceeded to use some very colorful language to further make his point. "(Y/N). You've got everything you need to become an amazing Pro-hero and more, way more than you credit yourself. And if you don't believe that. That's ok. I will... till you can." He told her. She wasn't sure if she had ever heard him speak so genuinely or passionately about something and it made the girl tear up.
"Th-thanks!!!" she stuttered out through teary eyes, sniffling softly as she wiped at them. "Hey, hey, calm down okay??" His voice comes tenderly, a cautious finger reaching up to pet her head and back, like one would a small animal, but (Y/N) didn't mind, it felt good. "You good, Bite Size?" He asked after a minute or two. She could only muster out a quick nod, not trusting her voice to not betray her and crack like a dry salt pan.
"Alright then, my question... Have you ever been in a relationship before??" He asked, his skin becoming increasingly hot against her own. "I- um- no??" "Really???- I mean- yeah, ok,"
"Do you-... do you have a crush??....."
The boy remained silent for some time before speaking. "Tch- Who needs crushes!!!"
"oh- ok."
"No I-...D-Do you?"
They sat in silence before the tiny continued.
"Do you like me?"
"......... Do you like me???"
"..... BRO I JUST CONFESSED TO YOU AND THE FIRST FREAKING THING YOU ASK IS WHY!???" The shrunken girl was beside herself with a flustered mix of fear, excitement, anticipation, and confusion. "I DON'T KNOW!!!! I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING OKAY!?? I DON'T GET WHY YOU WOULD LIKE ME!!! I'M LOUD, I'M A BRAT TO ANYONE AND EVERYONE, I'M HORRIBLE WITH EMOTIONS, I'M TEMPERAMENTAL, AND I'M A HORRIBLE PERSON!!!" He cried, balling his hands into large fists and shoving them into his eye sockets.
"That may be true... Not the horrible person part but- you're also super kind and caring in your own way, you're considerate, you recognize your faults and are working on them, you're loyal, you're determined, ambitious, and you're an incredible friend." She said, "And that only scratches the surface...."
"Oh and you're like super duper hot like- really hot." (Y/N) adds quickly, the last part making him let a singular laugh slip loose. "Ok then..." he mumbles after a minute, the soft and subtle glisten of tears welling up in his large crimson eyes able to be seen.
The girl just lies there for a silent moment before pressing her previous question. "So do you like me??"
"I- I think so..."
"Well, what do you mean "you think so"??"
"I don't know. I do!! I like you!! A- A lot, I just- don't know if I'm ready for a relationship right now... or if I'm even looking for one... But at the same time...." He trailed off again, now refusing to make eye contact with her. (Y/N)'s mind began to race before it was quickly interrupted with the giant's gravelly voice. "But here-" And before she could really respond, a large and gentle finger was placed to the back of her head, whilst he tilted his up, bending her carefully over his nose to plant a very large, but soft and innocent kiss onto the entirety that was her face.
It seemed to last forever, but not long enough. A single blissful moment when all time stopped and everything was perfect. A single moment she wanted to experience as much as humanly possible, something one could truly describe as amazing. When she finally pulled away, she caught a breath she hadn't known she had been holding.
"There, I'll think about it, but for now, I won't keep you waiting..." He told her kindly, her still draped over his nose, each word humming a warm breath onto the tiny's face as she continued to try and process what all had just happened. "But for now, I'm tired, so let's get some rest..." He finished, careful fingers gingerly scooping her up only to place her back down on his chest where he then draped one hand over her like a blanket, in a very protective manner.
"Goodnight (Y/N)..." The boy hummed, "Oh- G-goodnight!!" The young girl finally managed to retrieve herself enough to speak and actually make out what was happening around her, that it was real, and that she wasn't dreaming.
And with that, the shrunken girl was able to drift off, the powerful sound of the giant's steady heartbeat and the chorus of each strong breath flowing evenly through his enormous lungs just beneath her lulling her to sleep like a sort of lullaby.
(Y/N) awoke to one of the best nights of sleep she had ever had. And to some place she didn't quite recognize. As the girl was groggily coming to, she slowly pieced things together, finding herself still carefully wrapped in a careful, loving hand, clutched to the giant's chest. She honestly wanted to just curl back into his warm hands and go back to sleep, but she wanted to know if Bakugo had made up his mind yet, and was concerned about the fact that she was still no bigger than a few inches.
So cautiously, she wormed her way out of his fingers and began carefully walking up to the boy's face, where she pulled herself onto him and flopped. "Bakugo." The tiny lay sprawled across the lower half of his face, head resting on her folded hands that lay on the tip of his nose.
"Good morning!!" She greeted, though there was no initial response. "Bakugo! Wake up!!" She made a second attempt as his crimson eyes flew open before he remembered the night before "Mmm...." The boy grunted, shifting a little. His eyes quickly dilated upon spotting her, his mouth curling into a tender glow. She had to admit she absolutely loved how his eyes grew larger every time he looked at her, it honestly reminded her of a cat.
"Hi!" The tiny chimed, grinning from ear to ear. "How'd you sleep!?" she asked, still splayed across him. "I slept fine I guess..." He mumbled, careful of the fact that his tiny crush was over top of his mouth. (Y/N) let out a little yelp, surprised by the ticklish feeling created by the vibrations of his words against her stomach. Bakugo snickered, only making it worse as she squeaked again, quickly sitting up before tumbling off his face, landing on the giant's collar bone. "Oi, watch it, I don't want to have to take you to recovery girl this early, alright??" He chided softly, cradling a hand beneath her before sitting up in the bed, allowing her to slide into his large but gentle palm. "Sorry!! Just startled me!!" She giggled.
"Do-.... do you have an answer for me??" She asked after a few silent moments of inner debate. The ash blonde furrowed his brows in confusion for a mere moment before the night's previous events came back to him entirely. He seemed to linger on her decision before telling her,  "I- I guess we can try it but- don't go telling anyone about us just yet alright??" The usually so confident teen avoids her gaze whilst a bright red glow warms his face. "REALLY!!??" She cried, jumping to her feet, suddenly much more awake than before. "Geez, yes!! Just don't make it weird, got that!?" He warned, his second hand coming up to catch her should she fall.
"This is too good to be true!!!" she squeals, bouncing up and down eagerly, clutching to his thumb to keep from losing what little balance she had left. "I get it, I get it, just calm down already, I don't want to drag the nosey attention of everyone else in the entire stinking dorms!!!" He continues to try and hush her excitement in vain, more and more embarrassment filling him.
"Best day ever!!" (Y/N) squeals clearly not listening to a thing he had just said, lunging forward before falling onto his face yet again and stretching her arms to hug as much of the Pomeranian as she could. Bakugo panicked when she dove for him, her high energy so early in the morning just not being what he had expected. But as the miniaturized hero-in-training clung to him, he couldn't help but smile, "Tch- yeah, whatever..." He finally gave in, taking her up into his hands once more as his expression softened before pulling her down and into another kiss. 
Just as the previous one, the tiny was able to nuzzle her entire face into his show of affection, enjoying every moment of it. Upon finally breaking away, he brought her up eye level, holding her close. "As much as I'd rather stay here than deal with those nerds out there, we've got a full day ahead of us, we should get going." Bakugo whispered, and despite (Y/N)'s reluctants, the ash blonde was eventually able to coax her into greeting the day.
A request for: WinterKlover
WOW. OKAY. THAT WAS A REALLY REALLY LONG REQUEST!!!! I DONT THINK THEY WILL EVER GET AS LONG AS THIS EVER AGAIN BUT I HAD A LOT OF FUN WRITING THIS!!!! This was super fun despite its ridiculous length!!! Thank you to WinterKlover for being my beta reader and helping me sort my story to its finest!!!!! Keep up the cute requests!!! Ill be working on them as much as I can!!!!
Up next: ( ∆ requested, Ω inspiration)
∆~ Giant deku x YN - Baby Bird
∆~ Tiny Bakugo x YN - Dynamight!? More like Firecracker!!!
∆~ Shoto x Tiny YN - Baby It's Cold Outside
∆~ Giant Shinso x YN - Forest Spirits
Ω~ Giant Kirishima x YN - The Crown Jewel
Ω~ Tiny Deku x YN - Hickery Dickery Dock
Ω~ Bakugo x Tiny YN - Pest Control is For Pests
Ω~ Tiny Bakugo x YN - The Prize Fish
Ω~ Giant Kirishima x YN - Baby Shark
Ω~ Giant Kirishima x YN - The Big Bad Wolf
Ω~ Tiny Deku x YN - Peter Rabbit
Ω~ Tiny Bakugo x YN - He's A Pop-Rockin Pixie
Ω~ Tiny Kirishima x YN - Dragon, not Lizard
Ω~ Deku x Tiny YN - The Innocence of a Child
Ω~ Giant Kirishima x YN - I Fear No Man... But That Thing.... Scares Me
Ω~ Tiny Kirishima x YN - Crossing Worlds
Ω~ Tiny Bakugo x YN - A Figment of Imagination
Ω~ Tint Deku x YN - Shoulder Angel
Ω~ Giant Kirishima x YN - One Heck of a Softy
Ω~ Deku x Giant YN - A Pure Soul
Ω~ Kirishima x Giant YN - Snakes Are Very Manly, Very Manly Indeed
Ω~ Giant Deku x YN - ~Blep~
Ω~ Tiny Bakugo x YN - Red on Black, Poison Lack
Let me know if you guys want some of these sooner than others, I will count it as a request and add it to queue, right now they are in the order of request to inspiration. Requests willl come before inspiration.
This is my art please do not trace or repost without my permission. Feel free to reblog i, I would appreciate that!
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So, you get got writers block eh? How about Toshi being absolutely smitten with the new teacher at UA and has been in love with her stern, hardcore attitude? And then he forces her into dancing with him while he serenades her (or them whatever is fine w/you) and then they date. This lives quite rent free in my head and I'm bad at writing sooo.... Here, it's your problem now.
Coming riggghtttt up! 
Violet Enigma
Toshinori Yagi x F! Teacher! Reader
Warnings: mentions of chronic illness (very very subtle), and that’s really it
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Not many things have absolutely stopped All Might in his tracks. No, he's well used to seeing the usual gore and violence, the high stakes, the horrific circumstances. None of them have ever made him pause, not even for a moment.
But when she walked into the office, her heels clicking against the tile, he nearly tripped over his own feet.
She didn't notice, of course. She was much too busy staring straight ahead, cooly.
That was until her eyes caught his. In that moment, time stood totally still. It was almost as if, no, it couldn't be.
Her eyes seemed to flash purple.
But no, he assured himself, it was surely a trick of the light.
He could scarcely blink before her gaze was back to her target and she seemingly forgot all about him.
"Hey, uh... Who's that lady?" Toshinori whispered, cradling a cup of tea. Aizawa lazily pressed some buttons on the microwave, heating up last night's pizza.
"What lady? How can I possibly know who you're talking about?" He yawned.
Toshinori flushed at the realization that, in fact, not everyone had her image permanently implanted in their minds.
"You know...the one with the... hair? And the, uh...the new one?"
Aizawa sighed, thinking for a moment.
" I think that's y/n," he replied, plopping himself down next to his coworker.
"Thanks," muttered Toshinori. Just as he took a sip of his tea, an unfamiliar voice filled his ears.
"What's got you so curious about me, sir?" The woman asked. She was carrying a clipboard, scribbling something.
The blond had nothing to say. He was so shocked by her presence that he could just stare for a moment.
She sighed, biting the tip of her pen.
"Do you know where room number 512 is?" She asked, not even looking up from her work. Toshinori sighed in relief of her changing the subject.
"Its upstairs and to the right."
"Thank you, Mister...?"
"Toshinori. Or Yagi. Or...um...well, nevermind. Aren't you going to eat something?"
"I will. Just not right now. I've got a lot to get done, Mr. 'Nevermind.' "
And like that, she was gone.
The following day, Ms. Y/N entered the office once again, her pristine outfit looking as fresh as a pressed uniform.
She paused for a moment upon seeing All Might in his muscular form, however.
"I don't believe we've met," she mumbled, "You may refer to me as Ms. Y/N. And yourself?"
He subconsciously looked down.
"I'm All Might. Haven't you... seen me before?"
She raised an eyebrow.
"I can't say I have. I don't watch television. What's your real name?" She asked skeptically. For a moment, it almost looked like her eyes flashed again.
"Well, uh, you see-".
"It's fine. Do you know when the next meeting is being held, Mr... Sir?"
At lunch, she was no where to be seen, as always.
Usually, Yagi would make himself comfortable in the staff room with a cup of tea and a book.
Today, though, he'd decided to find her.
He aimlessly wandered the now empty halls, passing rooms where classes were being held, the ever noisy lunchroom, peeking into each open door in an attempt to spot her.
Miss Enigma. That's what she goes by as a pro hero. But, she's not the type of hero you'd see get the credit. She'd much rather work alongside a group, blending into the background, and staying subtle.
He found that name quite fitting for her, though.
Especially because he didn't even know what her damn quirk was. No one did.
Finally, he reached the computer lab all the way at the end of the hall. The lights were off, which would usually signal that no one was in there, but based off of the rapid clicking of keys, someone had definitely snuck in there.
Probably a student. Kids like Shinsou and Deku would usually hide themselves here during lunch, getting their homework done in leiu of eating.
Upon opening the door though, he quickly realized that he was wrong.
It was her.
She jumped, startled terribly by the unwanted interupption. She quickly regained her composure as she turned around.
"What are you doing here, mister?" She asked, her eyebrow raised.
"I can ask you the same," he retorted with a small, semi confident smirk.
She sighed.
"Why does it concern you?"
Toshinori's face grew pink, embarassment growing in his chest, suffocating him.
"Uh, I...um, I j-just-"
"I'm busy. You may speak to me later," she stated, spinning around to face the screen once again. Yagi stood there for a moment in shock before closing the door and doing as she wished: leaving her alone.
He did not look for her, though. Her merciless tone was enough to slice him to the bone. He didn't want to hear any more.
It was right after classes ended when he was on his way to his dorm. He passed room 512, Ms. Y/N's class, and as he passed the room, he paused, hearing her scolding a student.
"There was absolutely no reason for you to earn this grade in my class, young man. None. You can do so much better than this."
"B-but, it was a 96," whimpered the boy. He couldn't see exactly who it was, but he could tell by his warbled tone it was Young Midorya.
Isn't a 96 good though?
She sighed.
"It was a silly mistake you made. It could have been 100. Listen, I know the kind of student you are. You're smart. You should be competing with students like Iida, who earned a 102."
She continued to speak, but Toshi had heard enough. He was exhausted as it is, but hearing something so silly as that just exacerbated it.
The next morning, a stiff hand squeezed his shoulder as he sipped his coffee.
He looked up, wide eyed, meeting Y/N's steely gaze.
"I didn't see you yesterday. Didn't you wish to speak with me?" She asked.
"Oh, uh...it was nothing, really," he stammered out, looking down. She squinted her eyes.
"That feels like it's not entirely true. Either way, I will be available for a...chat... If that's what you were hoping for, this lunch period. If you'd like," she offered, her hand still on his shoulder.
"Really?" He squeaked, his shyness peaking through. She nodded silently before delicately seating herself at her desk.
It took centuries, but finally, lunch period arrived.
And so did she.
Before Toshinori even had the chance to get up to find her, she was standing at his desk.
"Are you ready?" She asked, holding a lunch bag in each hand.
He nodded. In response, y/n handed him one of the bags.
"You never eat anything. It's not healthy, you know."
He chuckled.
"Yeah, yeah, I've survived a lot worse."
"Well, I'd rather not say. Not...now, at least," he scratched the back of his head, praying that she'd change the subject.
She didn't. Instead, she simply stared blankly at him.
"Where are you taking me, anyways?" He asked. He internally screamed as he waited for her to use that to spark a conversation.
"I don't like being around people. We could go to the library, or my dorm, or your dorm, or anywhere where it can just be you and I."
He nodded.
"L-lets just go to your dorm," he mumbled, realizing his was quite in a state of dissarray at the moment.
She nodded.
The walk was pleasent enough. As pleasent as a near silent walk could be.
One thing about Ms. Enigma is that everything she does, no matter how seemingly miniscule, is done with a sense of urgent purpose. Her eyes are always fixed upon some sort of goal, and each with each breath, she is calculating her next move carefully.
It helped her be an efficient, yet stern teacher, but a hard person to chat with.
Finally, the pair reached her dorm. Number 111.
The door opened to reveal an utterly spotless bed and kitchenette, surrounded by piles and piles of books, scribbled notes, calculators, and empty soda cans. She stepped over the piles gracefully, scarcely looking down, while Toshinori carefully tip toed around every discarded item in order to avoid damaging a single item.
Frankly, he feared what a scolding from her would comprise of for him.
She sat herself onto her bed, cris crossing her legs. He, on the other hand, took his place at the kitchenette.
The silence was unbearable.
“So, um...what did you wanna chat about, Enigma?” he muttered.
Pushing up her glasses with one finger, she replied plainly, “You tell me, Yagi.”
He shrugged.
“Eat,” she ordered.
Captured by her spell, he obeyed her, eating the food she’d prepared. It was a humble little meal, one that she’d surely planned out, and was in a word, delicious.
Thankfully, the silence changed from an uncomfortable one to one that he would be content with curling up and living in for quite a while.
After that day, Y/N would always be somewhere near Toshinori during lunch period. Whether it be in the same room, or right next to him, she was there.
She usually was hard at work or silently eating. That didn’t mean, though, that she wouldn’t urge him to eat something. He’d find small lunches made up for him at his desk on days where she wasn’t there, and on days she was, she’d silently pause every once in awhile to glare at him if he hadn’t eaten.
Despite that seemingly caring action, though, she didn’t seem at all interested in the blond. He didn’t attempt to flirt, or anything that could possibly elicit a raised eyebrow, but that was simply because he felt as if he couldn’t.
What if she rejected him?
I mean, she works right across from him. They see eachother every single day.
It’d be hell.
What if she didn’t?
“Alright, we need a couple chaperones for the spring semester dance. Who’s up for it?” Aizawa asked boredly. Miss Midnight and Present Mic raised their hands excitedly.
“Alright, I’ve got you both down. I need two more.”
“I’ll do it,” offered Y/N. The entire conference room grew quiet for a moment.
“You do realize that you can’t give out detention slips at a dance, right?” Hizashi scoffed.
“I am aware of that, sir. Are you aware of the existance of an ‘inside voice’?” she gritted with condecention seeping through her teeth.
He put his hands up, indicating that she’d won that particular battle.
“I’m free on that night, too,” Toshinori added. His comment broke through the thick silence that had fell onto the room.
“Thank you, A- ahem, Toshinori,” Aizawa nodded, penning the final name down.
After the meeting, Y/N was the final one to leave, alongside Toshinori.
“You know, there’s gonna be a lot of people there on that dance,” he whispered.
“I know. Maybe I’d like that. You seem like you do,” she replied, a tiny smile pulling at the edges of her lips. No one else would’ve noticed it, but after spending so many monotone days with her, he recognized the new expression instantly.
“I don’t, particularly. But...”
“Nothing. It’s...nothing.”
“If you say so, Mister. I’ll see you then,” she allowed herself to smile as she once again, left him in silence.
That week passed by without much issue. There was the usual ruckus coming from class 1-A, but nothing too serious.
The night had arrived. Just outside his dorm, he could hear the clamour of excited chatter coming from students on their way to the gymnasium.
He sighed, tying a red tye around his neck, a nice contrast against his suit.
He hadn't exactly planned on dressing like this, but upon realizing that he didn't have anything less fancy than this and more fancy than what he usually wore to work, he settled on being a little extraordinary.
As soon as he exited the dorm and was greeted with the wave of students pushing past each other in the halls, he knew he'd made a mistake.
"Oof! Oh, hey, um...?" Midoriya squeaked, pressed against the wall and cramped. He’d caught himself before he called him by his hero name, but his real name slipped his mind at that exact moment.
"Toshinori. What is it, my boy?" He smiled, ruffling the boy's messy hair.
"Uh, I dunno, I don't usually do stuff like this. Are... Why are you wearing that? Isn't it a little fancy?"
Toshinori blushed instantly.
"Oh my God. Who is it?" Izuku squealed excitedly, cursing himself for forgetting a pen to take some notes.
"Geez, kid, keep it down a little, won'tcha? It-she-"
"Single file line or none of you will be attending tonight's dance," stated a voice that ascended effortlessly above the crowd's noisiness.
Instantly, everyone calmed down and began to form a line, neatly making their way to the gym.
Toshinori closed his door as he whisked the boy away, urging him to go have a good time, and to 'enjoy being young while you can.'
It was merely seconds after he was standing alone, against the wall, waiting for the crowd to die down as he noticed her.
Y/N had been standing there for quite a few minutes, in the same position as he, and just about 4 feet away.
It was hard for him to believe that he'd missed her. The dress she'd worn was absolutely more extravagant than any gown he'd seen in an event like this. It was sparkly and red, reflecting every ounce of light that hit it from all directions. It accentuated her body beautifully and perfectly fit.
In short, she was stunning.
"My, my. You sure do look nice today," she grinned.
He nodded dumbly. He was just about as red as the dress she was wearing.
Finally, it was time for them to make their ways to the dance.
"Are you ready for this?" She asked.
"I hope so," he replied, toying with his tie.
Music boomed in Y/N's and Toshinori's ears, accompanied by dealing with the antics of goofball teenagers and breaking up silly fights.
Once things began to calm down quite a bit, Y/N approached Toshinori, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder and leaning in close to his ear.
"Meet me on the rooftop," she whispered before dissapearing into the crowd.
So, he did.
She sat near the edge, staring into the inky violet sky.
Toshinori took his place next to her, handing her a much needed bottle of water.
She thanked him before turning to him with a deep sigh.
"There's something I'd like to tell you," she mumbled. For the first time, she actually looked nervous.
Taking a sip of the water, she continued, "You know, I never really do things like this. You've probably gathered that by...my nature. But, I must admit, you are one person I can't seem to get off of my mind. And, well, frankly...I like you, Toshinori. To quite a degree."
He blinked, slack jawed, shaking his head.
“How could someone like you like someone like me?
“Good question. I like you because you're...well, I suppose I don't really know. You're just you, and that's what I like about you. Plus, I know you’ve done so much for so many people. Why dont you like you?”
He paused, his heart absolutely seizing at that for more than one reason.
"Oh! I suppose I should tell you about my quirk. But...I expect full confidentiality from you. Essentially, I can find out one's secrets by looking at them. Surely, you've seen me activate it before."
He nodded, covering his mouth.
"W-what do you...know?"
"Don't worry, not much. I respect you too much to dig that deep. All I know is that, in some point of your life, you were probably some type of hero. All I know, is that in your life time, you've saved many lives, and touched countless others. As to why you'd want that to be a secret, I have no idea. But, I do find it interesting," she explained.
"What do you do with the secrets you know, then?" He asked, his voice still pinched with fear that his secret could be compromised.
"With yours? Nothing. I have no friends to share it with, and not enough details or desire to post about it online. Frankly, I don't give a damn about who you used to be. I care about who you are. Your secret will always be safe with me."
He sighed deeply. It wasn’t as if no one was aware of his secret; plenty of people knew. But the more people who did, the higher at risk the school, as well as the students and staff, were placed at.
Plenty of people,too, wanted him dead. Even being retired, he is still considered a threat to villians across the globe, thanks to his notorious acts of heroism throughout the decades. With him in his sickly, weakened state, he’d be easy to assasinate, and the people who would go that far wouldn’t be opposed to taking others down with him.
He...couldn’t have that.
So, before Y/N was scheduled to begin work, it was decided that she’d be left in the dark about his identity, as well as any newcoming staff from thenon out. It’d be safer that way.
Her eyes dreamily stared off into the infinate stars as she silently pondered on what to say next.
“Would you like to know the rest?” he asked. His voice shook a little, causing her to look at him.
She nodded.
“I’m All Might.” “Oh, you’ve gotta be kidding!” giggles y/n, dumbfounded.
“Yeah, yeah, I know I’m pathetic,” he sighes. He rubbed his forehead, looking away ashamedly.
“No, no! I mean, I can’t believe I didn’t see it earlier! I mean, you guys do look pretty similar.”
He shrugs.
“I’m serious! Plus, I mean, it’s kind of obvious now that you mention it. I mean, I guess you guys do wear the same clohtes to work everyday, and I haven’t seen you two in the same room before, so yeah, I can definiately see it,” she paused, her eyes growing wide and her cheeks bright red.
“God, I’ve probably said ‘Good morning’ to you and...er...you, twice every day. Why’d you let me do that like a fool?!” she teased, play punching him in the arm.
He laughed, absolutely relieved that she didn’t ridicule him for how he’d taken care of his body for the past few years. It seemed that her attitude had completely changed from the one he’d known for so long, but in a good way.
In a happy way.  
She stood up, still smiling, “We need to go back to the dance, Mister. We have a duty, you know.”
“Oh, I know. I’m well aware. You can almost hear the music all the way up here, can’t you?”
She nodded, walking towards the door to the stairs. He grabbed her by the arm before she could escape, though, and leave him alone with his thoughts and hopes and dreams like she had so many times.
“You... you didn’t get my answer,” he breathed, pulling her in. She raised an eyebrow skeptically.
“What exactly- oh!”
The music from downstairs was slow, romantic, and jovial. Perfect for this moment.
He gently took her other hand, guiding her into a dance.
“I-I can’t...I don’t know how to dance, Mr. Yagi,” she mumbled, looking up at him.
“I’ll teach you. Just follow my lead,” he smiled back.
And just like that, the Enigma was gone, leaving just Y/N in her place. She was no longer an Enigma, but rather a glimmer of what he’d never gotten a chance to be: in love.
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carelessannie · 3 years
maybe it goes like this: tony courts peter (part 3)
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten
Read on A03
Read the Stuckony backstory WIP
Starker focus (Tony x Peter), Stony (Tony x Steve), with reference to Stucky, Winteriron and Stuckony
Let’s see how Tony does courting an Omega...
Major warnings: D/S Au, A/B/O Au, Misunderstandings, Soulbonds (?) 
Maybe it goes like this:
Mr. Stark’s been acting weird.
None of the other interns have said anything, but Peter has noticed increased attention towards him, specifically, in the lab.
And it’s innocent, normal things like,
“Hey Pete, want any feedback on this project?”
“If you ever need extra time in the lab, just let me know, I’m often here after hours,”
And lately,
“I’d love to work with you one on one, Peter.”
It’s innocent. It’s frequent. And it’s infuriating.
Right now is one of those times where Mr. Stark— or, Tony, as he keeps insisting— is doing his rounds, and singles Peter out. Again.
“You know, Pete, sometimes working with a team is best for accurate results in this type of work. I’d love to help double check your numbers, if you’d like to stay after for a bit?”
And, as usual, Peter has to stop himself from rolling his eyes, instead responding with a clipped, “No, I’m fine, thanks.”
Peter can see his boss shifting uncomfortably in his peripheral, and just knows the man is going to respond with, “Oh… okay, Peter. Let me know if you change your mind,” and rocks back and forth for a moment, before moving on to the next intern.
And it wouldn’t bother Peter, alright, except he is the only person being singled out. The only one Mr. Stark makes sure to check up on, and certainly the only one offered extra work time for his projects and to double check his results.
It makes sense, he concluded a few days ago, I am the only Omega in the lab.
He honestly thought working with SI would be different, that he would be treated equally in an academic setting, similar to his classes at NYU. But even though he loves what he’s doing, it’s hard to go home feeling like he’s excelling in research and simultaneously falling short of his peers.
Now, after a few weeks of special treatment and Mr. Stark practically babysitting him in the lab, he plans on bringing it up with his boss after the other interns leave for the day.
“Mr. Stark, can I talk to you privately?”
Tony whips around from his workbench, where he was reviewing another intern's work, to see Peter waiting a few feet away in the otherwise empty lab. Huh.
“Tony, please. And yeah, of course. Uh, where did— are the others gone?”
Peter takes a look around, nervously nodding, “Yeah, they all went home, Tony, but I thought we could talk for a minute, if— well, this won’t take long.”
As Peter takes a seat, Tony’s confusion grows. Although he’s been subtle about his interest in the Omega, maybe Peter’s noticed and grown uncomfortable? Or maybe he’s having an issue with treatment from his peers? Either way, this can’t be good, and as Peter steals himself to talk, Tony’s concern grows.
“Alright Peter, what’s up?”
Peter takes a deep breath, “Tony, you know how thankful I am for this opportunity, and I’ve enjoyed it immensely,” he drops his eyes, and Tony lets him gather his courage to continue, “but, Tony, I feel as though I’m being treated differently in the lab.”
Okay, that’s not what he was expecting.
“Oh, okay Peter, I’m sorry you’re feeling that way. Is there anyone in particular who’s causing problems for you?”
“Tony— I just. I don’t. None of my peers cause problems for me. But you— ”
Oh, shit.
Peter squeezes his eyes shut, voice small,
“Is it, is it because I’m an Omega?”
After a beat of silence, Tony confused as hell, Peter’s eyes fly open and he continues, losing his timidity, “Because I honestly didn’t expect it from you of all people, Tony. I’m working hard, and I feel like I’m doing well, but every day it’s always, ‘you need help, Peter?’ or ‘need extra time for that, Peter?’ but never to the other interns, right?”
Tony is speechless, and Peter stands up, moving closer as he speaks,
“And Tony, I get that I’m young and I know since I presented late I’m not always the best Omega, but dammit if I didn’t work hard to be on this team. I deserve to be here just as much as the Alphas and doms do, and if you don’t believe that, I can—”
“No, I’ll leave, I swear, Tony— ”
“Peter. Please.”
And Tony watches him visibly deflate, face setting into an upset pout as tears gather in his eyes.
“Peter, I— I’m so sorry. I had no idea my offers were patronizing to you, and you have to know that I’m convinced you are the smartest and most interesting person in this entire group.”
Confusion flashes over Peter’s beautiful expression, and he whispers a small what that has Tony shaking his head.
“I knew it would be a bad idea to do this, but Peter you need to know the truth.”
The younger man sits up straighter, Resolve in his scent, and wipes at his face with his long sleeves, gesturing for Tony to finish.
“Peter, I haven’t been giving you attention because I think you need it. I’m trying,” he sighs, and looks the omega in the eyes, “I’m trying to court you, Peter.”
I’m trying to court you, Peter.
Tony’s into him?
Peter reels as his entire worldview shifts around the new information, his mind turning rapidly to readjust how every time Tony offered his assistance, it was out of interest in his company instead of disappointment in his productivity.
“You— what!?"  Peter squeaks, sounding shrill even to his own ears. Tony stands, probably slowly, but much too quickly for Peter’s current processing speed, and Peter falls out of his stool.
He curls his hands over his head, bracing for an impact—
Oh, not Chai after all.
And suddenly he’s sitting outside, cuddled into May as Ben kindles the fire. It’s chilly out, so he’s wrapped up tight in a quilt with a steaming mug of hot chocolate, spiked with spices that his uncle insists are “the exact ones they use in Mexico, Peter.” He sips at the spicy drink, inhaling deep the scent of  
Cinnamon and Fall Bonfires.
Strong arms haul him upright and he blinks his eyes open, staring helplessly into Tony’s deep, dark eyes.
And yeah, he gets it now.
Of course he’s always thought Tony Stark was attractive. From that first day in class he knew they were quite possibly compatible, but not like this. Never like this.
Pressed against each other and breathing each other’s air, Peter closes his eyes, lifts his chin, and relaxes his body.
He hears a faint growling and feels a tender touch to his face, but is just lost in the scent, and the tight hold, the warmth—
“Peter, baby, please. Please stay with me, okay?”
ConcernedUpset... Calming Beta scent filters through Peter’s haze along with pleading words, and it helps him climb out of the space he was certainly heading towards.
“Beta— ”
Tony groans and shifts, no doubt feeling his instincts wage war to Take and Claim the compatible Omega.
After a few minutes of grounding himself, Tony holding him the whole time, Peter returns the sweet touch on Tony’s face.
“Tony, do you— did you feel that?”
The Beta shakes his head, “Honey, I’ve never felt like that before in my life. You are so sweet, you scent so sweet.”
Peter hums in agreement, pulling back slightly to look at Tony, eyes blown wide and lips parted in awe.
“Please, sweet Omega, can I court you?”
Peter smiles wide, nodding, “Yes, please, Beta.”
With a sigh of relief, Tony pulls back all the way, keeping one of Peter’s hands in his larger ones. He scents so happy, and Peter promises him silently to always make him smell this way.
“Good, good Peter, I’m so happy. And I’m so sorry about the misunderstanding before, you know—”
“No, Tony, please I understand. You’re just— have you never courted an Omega before?”
The older Beta flushes slightly, avoiding eye contact, “That obvious?”
Peter can’t help but laugh, this man is adorable, and brushes his fingertips over Tony’s cheek. How did he miss this? Tony looks at him with such child-like wonder, and Peter feels so damn foolish.
“Don’t feel bad, I’ve never been courted before. I don’t even— are we even allowed to be together? You technically being my boss and all?”
Tony shakes his head, “I don’t know, but I’m convinced Pepper is actually your boss,” he pulls Peter over to the workbench, purposefully putting the table between the two of them, causing Peter to pout, “Aw, don’t do that. We need to talk logistics, and I cannot be holding you and trying to think straight, honey.”
Thankful for the direction, Peter settles in and checks the time, sending a quick text to his pack that he’ll be home later and not to worry.
Tony is watching him when he puts his phone away, “First, I want you to know that I’m in a pack, Peter. I have every intention of courting and possibly mating you, but want you to know I am intimately involved and intend to be bonded and mated to my entire pack. If this isn’t something you’re interested in, that’s fine, just please let me know before we get to know each other so I can prepare for something short term with you.”
“Do you want something short term with me?”
Tony looks hurt, “No, honey, I know I want long term with you. It’s just… you’re twenty. And so beautiful. And the smartest man I know. I don’t want to assume that you want a permanent pack.”
Peter feels his heart clench, “Oh, Tony. Please let me meet your pack. I have a Beta and Omega, although none of us are that intimate unless someone drops, and none of us primarily swing dominant. I’d love for you to meet them, and talk more about a permanent pack, okay? But let’s get on a date first, because as much as I could sit here with you forever and talk, if you want to court me we probably need a chaperone, right?”
“Shit , you’re right, Pete. Can we meet for coffee next week, one day after your classes if you have time?”
“Sounds perfect,” and it really does, “and we can both bring a chaperone from our pack, although can I request, maybe ask your Omega? One of my packmates has some bad history with Pack Alphas, and I’d feel more comfortable with you being the most dominant in the room, if that makes sense."
Tony’s hands flex and unfold, looking as though he wants to reach out and devour Peter,
“Perfect sense, beautiful, whatever you’d like.”
Peter could get used to hearing that.
As Peter leaves, Tony collapses onto the couch towards the back of the lab, waiting for Steve to come scrape him off of the floor and take him home, since they drove into the city together that morning.
He doesn’t even hear the doors to the lab open, but feels a solid weight settle on his left side.
“Rough day?”
Ah Steve, always so perceptive.
“Overwhelming, not bad,” Steve hums in acknowledgement, silently letting Tony continue.
“Steve— did you have a Compatible Memory when you first scented Bucky? Like, first really scented him?”
He can feel his Alpha tense up and pull him closer while considering, “I did, Tony. And so did he.”
“Did it— was it—”
“I was suddenly in my childhood home, sitting on my mother’s lap, as she cut up fresh fruit for a salad. She could rarely afford to feed us produce, but it was a special summer day. She had already poured me a glass of milk, handing me my bowl of fruits and a Hershey’s bar. I picked out my favorite fruits, and ate the Oranges and Milk Chocolate together.”
“Oh, Steve.”
“I don’t know if we have soulmates in this life, Tony, because I know you and I are compatible as hell. But I also know that moment is something Bucky and I share that we probably won’t have with someone else again.”
It’s silent for a moment.
“Tony, did you—“
“His name is Peter. He’s been working in the lab as an intern from NYU, and I’ve been trying to court him, Steve,” the Alpha looks surprised, then offended, and goes to complain, but Tony stops him, “we didn’t tell you because I hadn’t discussed it with Peter until today, and we knew you would overreact—“ and Tony realizes his mistake.
“Did Bucky give you this advice? Did you tell him before you told me?”
Tony rolls his eyes, thankful that Steve’s Dominant Alpha tone has no effect on him, and works to emit Calm Beta for the overexcited Alpha.
“It doesn’t matter, Steve. I needed advice about courting a submissive Omega—“
“And you didn’t think to ask me, a man who has successfully courted an Omega?”
Okay, good point.
“No, I didn’t, Steve. But I— babe, you’re gonna love him, I swear. He said yes when I asked him out next week, and we’re both bringing a chaperone.”
“You understand, right? Steve, he’s so submissive and such a sweet Omega, and I don’t know him at all.”
“No, I get it. I’ll meet him once we do official pack introductions, if it comes to that.”
Tony turns on the couch, looking up into his Alpha’s handsome face.
He reaches up to trace his thumb over Steve’s jaw, his brow, and leans in for a slow kiss, humming as Steve strengthens his hold and pulls him in closer. They’re both used to fighting for dominance in their relationship, so soft moments, where they can meet each other in intimacy, are Tony’s favorite.
He gives Steve’s lower lip a gentle tug as he pulls away, and admires the way his face has softened, filling Tony with pride at taking care of his packmate.
“He fell, right off the chair, and I didn’t even hesitate to jump and catch him.”
“Peter, right?”
“Yeah, and he fits so perfectly in my arms. I had caught scent of him before, and it was lovely, but this time I was out in the field behind my parents' house, running through my mother’s garden and out toward the tree line. I could hear my butler and mother chasing after me, calling my name, because I had stolen the cream for their coffee. I crawled under a few thick vine coverings, into my favorite hiding place under the trees, and settled down for a while to enjoy plucking and drinking Honeysuckles and sweet Vanilla Cream.”
Tony sighs and stands up, holding out a hand to pull Steve to his feet. Once Steve is standing, Tony pushes up on his toes to dot a kiss underneath his jaw, before pulling him towards the doors.
He stops, turning, “Yeah?”
Steve steps up and pulls Tony into a quick hug, running his fingers through the short curls on the top of his head before kissing them.
“You’re right, I’m gonna love him.”
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hansolmates · 4 years
jeongguk; a royal exchange (02)
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feat. the rom-com college!jeongguk x princess!reader au no one asked for
she’s the man!au where the princess impersonates her brother yoongi in order to finish his degree on time while yoongi is thrusted into princely duties. jeongguk is in the mess purely through room arrangement.
notes: p.2 is a straight up roll of pure crack and fluff. lil sexy for like .2 seconds. super self indulgent and inspired by the princess diaries. princess is stressed the whole time and we live to see her suffer
w.c: 7.1k 
01, 02
“I’m sure this is probably the hundredth time you’ve heard since you’ve landed, but welcome to Illyria! The palace welcomes you to your new home away from home.” 
“Ho-ly,” Jeongguk slaps a hand in front of Taehyung’s offending tongue, in case swearing is forbidden on royal territory. Wouldn’t want their scholarships taken away over Taehyung’s potty mouth. 
“Excuse me, Mr. Hoseok, sir?” an exchange student from a university in New Zealand (yet Korean-born, ironically) pipes up, “why does the infrastructure of the building look like that?” 
The student is referring to the ravines of gold metal that stream the walls of the palace. While the architecture is classic, the sheen of the metal definitely gives it an air of regality. 
“Good question, Namjoon. The castle is wired and designed after our main export, Illyrium. The element was discovered in the early 1850s in what is now the ruins of Oros,” Hoseok quips brightly, patting the stone affectionately. “It has a conductivity percentage of 106% percent, more than silver. It is also quite durable.” 
Namjoon’s deep laugh echoes throughout the pavilion, “I was just asking because it makes the castle so beautiful. Thank you.” 
Jeongguk takes the time to snap more pictures of the castle, switching between his Sony and his phone. He zooms in on a low balcony overlooking the terrace they landed from. A figure rolls into his shot, stumbling barefoot with a ruby silk robe swishing between steps. You’re tired, sleep-laden as you clutch a snow white mug between your two hands, leaning your elbows against the metal bearing. You’re staring at nothing and everything, glazed over your backyard that seems to stretch on for eons. 
“You’re right,” Jeongguk marvels at your visage between his lens, “absolutely beautiful.” 
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“Can I please get a better assignment, Jimin?” 
“Your highness,” Jimin frowns, following after you, “you love teaching the exchange students, what has changed?” 
“Exactly, Jimin,” you sigh, stopping in the middle of the hallway. Jimin’s nose nearly bumps into yours, “nothing has changed. I teach students every quarter, the same subjects every time. It’s not to say that I don’t love teaching,” you exhale, blowing into Jimin’s honeycomb bangs, “but can’t I have a more challenging assignment? Conversing with dignitaries, renovating the town square, I’ll even do culinary!” 
Your poor secretary squeaks, pushing up his rose gold iPad to carve some distance between you two. “You-you know those jobs aren’t suitable for a Princess,” Jimin cuts himself off once he sees your eyes soften in defeat, “b-but! I’ll see if Hoseok would be willing to take on another class? And maybe we could arrange a presentation to the King in regards to your proposals?” 
“Right,” you smile sadly, folding your arms and stretching the tight blazer your mother forced you in, “as if another Google Slideshow will impress him.” 
Jimin squeezes your shoulder, as if he could tell you all the things he could never say through body language. “Showtime’s in two minutes, your highness.” 
You nod, making haste to the large double doors that lead to the main living room. Normally, the scholarship program’s presentation is done in the throne room, a big show of bravado and an ego booster to your family. However, this particular class is entirely post-grad and under ten students, so you figure they were placed in a more intimate area for the sake of comfort. 
Jimin pulls a lint roller out of nowhere, careful to catch every bit of dust that dares meet your presence. You tug uncomfortably at your collar, and give the signal to the door bearer. You fight the urge to flinch at the usual bombastic announcement. 
“Introducing, the Princess of Illyria!” 
The students and staff are bowing when you enter, and you send a look to Yoongi, who only offers you a lazy smirk. It’s a look you’ve feared since childhood, an explicit tell that he knows something you don’t. Nevertheless, you tack on a smile, standing in front of the ten students who are still dutifully lowered. You have to hand it to them, the undergrads would already be turning heads to get a peek at the princess. 
“You may rise,” you voice floats. As mother always said, your voice must replicate a dandelion seed, bouncing in the wind. 
The student directly in front of you elevates, a pair of doe eyes taking his sweet time to appreciate the view. 
Jeon Jeongguk gives you a lazy smirk, mirroring your brother’s. The smile evaporates from your face, taking in the handsome man that you lived with for two months over two years ago. His eyes have certainly not lost their spark, but his hair is trimmed and showing off his forehead. A Sony camera wraps around his neck, held tightly by a strong pair of hands. He’s even dressed brightly, wearing a navy blazer over a plain white tee and a pair of dark jeans. Something twinges in your heart when you see that a familiar pair of black combat boots remain. 
Jeongguk is the first to break eye contact, deciding to at least pretend to care about Hoseok’s presentation on the flatscreen. An overplayed video about Illyria’s history drones on, while Hoseok and Jimin are exchanging schedules in between. You’re sure that Jimin is passing on your word about choosing not to teach this quarter, and now it’s personal. 
This urges the students to take seats on the couches, while staff floats around with various pastries and refreshments. 
Your family takes their respective seats, and you fight the urge to pinch Yoongi as you hiss, “You knew about this?” 
“Surprise,” Yoongi sing-songs, munching on a linzer cookie. “I handpicked all the students.”
“Couldn’t give your sister a heads up?” you snap hotly, making sure no one was looking as you pop a whole cream puff in your mouth. 
“Sorry,” Yoongi leans over the shell of your ear, “Your hot ex-roommate is here, just wanted to let you know before you eat the dessert table.” 
You mouth a fuck you, taking a stab at him under the table with your heeled foot. 
After Yoongi’s not-so-subtle reveal of each other’s identities in a crowded Chinese restaurant two years ago, you’ve since cut off all contact with Jeon Jeongguk as you resumed your life as Princess of Illyria. Simultaneously shocked, but not surprised due to the obvious hints of suspicion, Jeongguk had forgiven your lie and allowed you to leave in good spirits. You remember leaving him at the front door of your dorm, hugging you warmly and bidding you safe travels. 
It confused you, because it would've been easier to leave if Jeongguk had gotten angry at the complete breach of trust and kicked you out. 
Hoseok is now presenting a slideshow of the intended schedule and itinerary for all students. You’re now glaring at the back of Jeongguk’s head, trying your damn hardest not to shove three brownies in your mouth in the presence of guests. Your tiny dessert spoon picks pathetically at the measly crumbs, and Jimin is urging you to smile from his position opposite you. 
“And as always, our lovely princess will be conducting our class on Modern Illyrian Anthropology and will be organizing your field studies!” Hoseok practically shouts across the room, where you’re sitting wide-eyed with your family. You feel Yoongi reach over to dab the crumbs off your lips, enjoying your suffering. 
You shoot a look at Jimin who was supposed to take care of things, and he gives you a pained expression that reads don’t fire me.  
With a tight-lipped smile and feigning ignorance to Jeongguk’s interest in you teaching, you reply to the expectant students, “It’s always a pleasure to teach, I promise to not bore you with Illyrian history, that’s Hoseok’s job.” 
“Hey!” he scrunches his nose, then turns to the students who are hiding their giggles, “Better get on her good side if you want a nice field assignment.” he warns good-naturedly, giving you a mock glare. 
You suppose giving Jeongguk a field assignment far, far away from the castle. 
After the long-winded presentation and a handful of brochures, the royal family is escorted out to retire for the day. As the youngest in the family you're the last one to leave.
Out the doorway you hear Taehyung utter, "That's her? What a babe!" 
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As to not arouse suspicion, it takes longer than anticipated to get a private moment with Jeongguk. No one but Taehyung and Jimin know of your circumstances, and it is to remain that way due to the fact that you and Yoongi committed fraud, royal or not. 
Jeongguk is a quiet student, surprisingly. Choosing a seat by the window, he spends most of your classes doodling and looking out the pavilion. As stimulating as Namjoon and Irene’s questions are, you’re a little disheartened at the fact that Jeongguk has made little effort to talk to you, even if it’s as impersonal as classwork or office hours. 
Today Hoseok’s teaching, and that gives you ample time to work out where you want to assign the students for field study. You’ve shaken off Jimin for now, and you’re currently roaming the halls with your phone, checking off your schedule. 
Called the Museum of Modern Illyrian Art for Namjoon … check. 
Sent staff to the villa in prep for the kiddies’ weekend getaway … check. 
Sent e-vites and physicals to the Genovian royals … next.
Find a quiet corner to stress cry before 2:30—
A hand flies out of nowhere, grabbing your waist roughly and throwing you in a small room. The hand clasped over your mouth swallows your scream as the door shuts tight. 
The captor turns on the singular lightbulb, grinning at you like a madman. “Hey Princess—what the fuck!” 
You grimace, putting down your switchblade that was dangerously close to Jungkook’s jugular. “What the hell, Jeongguk! I could’ve killed you!” 
“Dang, princesses are something else nowadays. Where on your body are you hiding knives?” Jeongguk marvels as if he wasn’t ten seconds away from being dead!Guk, patting down your lavender pantsuit in a way that’s highly inappropriate. “What are you, Ty Lee?” 
“Self-defense secret,” and under your breath you add, “and Mai’s the one who hides knives. Ty Lee’s the acrobat.” 
The grin easily returns to the tall boy’s face, burnt eyes shining against the naked bulb. This is the most emotion you’ve got out of him since classes started, and it’s doing nothing to ease the butterflies in your stomach. “So, come here often?” 
“To the storage closet?” you snort, “not particularly.” 
“And where’s a place I can go that you do come often?” 
“My office hours,” you deadpan, “in which you haven’t visited, by the way. As a friend and as a teacher, I’m insulted.” 
A low whine erupts from his throat, and he leans against the shelves, long arms spread across the three-ply toilet paper. “But your little secretary’s always there. It’s awkward when we’re not alone. I don't know if I should act like a friend or a student. Speaking of, where is he?” 
“Ah, Jimin’s getting Starbucks.” 
“Lit, can you tell him to pick me up a pink drink?” 
“No,” but you send a text to Jimin anyway. “Shouldn’t you be in class?” 
“I’m supposed to be coming back from the bathroom,” he air-quotes, “AKA, running around the palace until I can corner you.” 
You sigh, fiddling with the hem of your blazer. 
“Are you annoyed at me?” and for a second, Jungkook’s eyes betray a hint of vulnerability. “Am I being too forward? Or do you not want to catch up? I don’t know, I figured you’d be excited to see me but you’ve just been so busy.” 
“Jeongguk,” you put a hand on his shoulder, ceasing the rambling. He opens his mouth to add more, but you squeeze his bicep. “I’m not annoyed at you. I’m annoyed at the situation. I’ve missed you,” you offer him a shy smile, and he returns a small, hopeful one in return, “but you’re right, it’s been really busy with the usual duties and I’ve been a little on edge with keeping things together without letting any secrets out.” 
You’re also confused as to why you’re still harboring feelings for him, but that’s another secret you keep to yourself. 
“Well, your duty is doo-dy.”  Jungkook huffs, but is placated by your confession. “Don’t worry Princess, I’ll think of something.” 
A knock startles the both of you, and Jeongguk squeaks, brandishing a plunger in defense. With a dainty finger, you push the plumbing tool back to the ground, as the knockings did not stop. 
“Ohmygod—am I going to be beheaded for kidnapping the Princess?” Jeongguk panics and checks his phone, realizing his bathroom break turned into a straight up game of hooky. “Do you guys still behead? I mean if you’re pulling out knives from who knows where—” 
“Guk, relax,” recognizing it immediately as a code between you and your brother, you swing the supply closet open. 
Yoongi looks between the two of you, gauging the situation. When he notices that no, you two did not just romp between the 3-ply and were in fact only talking, he huffs. “Losers,” he mutters under his breath, hiding a grin as he leaves you two to splutter. 
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It’s already well over twenty minutes past your class time, but Taehyung just wouldn’t shut up. 
You can’t blame him, he’s thrilled that you managed to snag him a field study with your personal couture designer. He’s lit up like a good boy on Christmas eve, getting his present early. He’s gushing about how excited he is to use authentic Swarovski crystals and rub noses with the fancy fabrics. 
“I’ll make you the perfect dress for the upcoming gala, Your Highness.” Taehyung’s vibrating in a manner you never imagined on a human before.
“Thank you,” you reply awkwardly, “I’m sorry, but what gala are you referring to?” 
He shrugs, “I’m sure there’s a gala you have to go to sometime. I’ve just always wanted to say that, makes me feel special.” 
“Tae,” Jeongguk is sitting on your desk, heels bumping into the mahogany. With a stiff jerk of his head, Tae’s lips morph into an ‘O’ and he finally gets the hint, bowing to you and scurrying off. 
“Y’know, his fashion’s kind of eccentric.” he nods over to the excessive fur lining on Taehyung’s slippers, “I’d make sure your designer keeps a close eye on him.” 
“And what do I owe the pleasure of your presence,” you click, “twenty minutes after class?” 
Jeongguk has the audacity to roll his eyes, rolling his head back to crack out the stiffness. “The chamber choir, really?” he exhales, dropping the itinerary you spent the better half of your nights preparing. 
You raise your eyebrows, “What? It pertains to your major.” 
“For the past six years all I've done is eat, sleep, and breathe music,” he says, and you’re suddenly reminded that you had a glimpse of that version of Jeongguk two years ago. A slave to the music, as much as he loved the subject, it sometimes felt like a tether that weaved far too deeply under his skin. “Can’t my field assignment be something different? More eclectic?” 
“Do you have anything in mind?” 
“In fact, I do.” Jeongguk lolls his head to the side, chestnut bangs falling softly. “For my field study, I want to shadow the Princess’ duties.” 
You slam your hands down, standing up so you’re nearly nose-to-nose with the young man. “Are you crazy? Do you want Yoongi and I to get caught?” 
“Listen, I’ve thought about it all throughout class—”
“—what? You didn’t listen to my lecture?—”
“—and today in class you mentioned that you graduated with a Master’s in Public Affairs, because in fact I always listen to you,” Jeongguk presses a finger to your lips when you try to cut him off, “and lo and behold, one of my minors was in public affairs! What better way to get more experience in the business when I have the master right in front of me?” 
“I don’t know, Guk,” you try, mulling through all the possible situations and horrors that could occur because of it. 
“Princess, we’re killing two birds with one stone!” Jeongguk pleads, giving you the puppy eyes, “not only do I get a far better field study assignment, but it’s far better because I get to spend more time with you!” 
You hate how absolutely weak you’ve become under his gaze. In the span of less than three weeks, Jeon Jeongguk has re-entered your life like he never left. He wanted to spend time with you. The selfish part of your brain says you wish the same. Who are you to deny such a simple desire? 
“Fine,” you spit out, putting up a front and pretending to be annoyed, “but you better not get all huffy around Jimin.” 
He shrugs, throwing his bag over his shoulder. “Worth it.” 
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“You’re different,” Jeongguk states bluntly, actively ignoring the way Jimin tries to push between you two. Jeongguk continues to press into your shoulder as you weave through the gardens. You’re picking flowers for a specific theme arrangement and pattern. A diplomat from Spain is coming and he is bringing her young daughter. You've heard that she’s recently taken in interest in constructing flower crowns. 
“Well, two years can do that to a person,” you reply airily, dropping a tiger lily in the wicker basket Jeongguk insisted on carrying. 
Having Jeongguk follow you around like a duckling is fun, to be frank. Jimin is no longer hyper-focused on you, forcing him to spread his attention between you and your overly-attentive  student. Jeongguk can’t attend every single one of your events because some of the information’s sensitive, but when he does it makes your job feel less of a job and more like a fun group project. 
Like when you and Jeongguk would stumble in the farmer’s market every Sunday morning, hungover but aching to fill your bellies. You two were walking zombies, forcing yourselves out of bed to feed yourselves. But it was always fun because you were together, whenever it was Jeongguk’s turn to pay, you’d sneak in more KitKats for yourself. Whenever it was your turn, Jeongguk would smuggle more cartons of banana milk. 
“No, no. It’s not that,” your friend admonishes instantly, “your personality’s still the same, even though it was Yoongi-fied. Your heart hasn’t changed,” you turn your head sharply towards a field of carnations, concealing your flush. “I mean, you’re more confident.” 
“In other words,” Jimin pipes, looking up from his iPad, “an air of regality.” 
You scoff, putting a hand on your hip and looking expectantly at the two boys. “You’ve changed too, Guk,” you reason, shaking your head. “Old Jeongguk wouldn’t be wearing white dress shirts and shoving princesses in closets.” 
“You shoved the princess in a closet—!” Jimin starts, having half a mind to cancel the field study all together.
“Well, Old Jeongguk didn’t have a chance to really get to know you,” Jeongguk twirls a baby’s breath between his fingers, tucking it in-between your ear. “That’s New Jeongguk’s job.” 
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“So, you’re the Princess’ head of security,” Jeongguk tilts his head to look up at the slightly taller man, his visage covered by a pair of shades. The bodyguard is never really present, only when citizens enter the castle or you’re out of town. “You know you’re inside, right?” 
The man only slightly inclines his head to acknowledge Jeongguk’s prodding. Hmph, he looks like a talker. 
“If you’re her head of security,” Jeongguk leans closer, trying to avoid any further attention to his conversation, “do you know where she hides her knives? Because sometimes she wears those tight pencil skirts and I can’t help but wonder—”
“That’s classified.” 
“Alright, where do you hide your knives—”
“Also classified.” 
“Jeongguk,” you relent, sliding your footrest next to your throne, “leave Seokjin alone and come here, please.” 
You can’t blame him. It’s always been a pastime of yours to ruffle Seokjin’s feathers, but you must admit that meeting with citizens is a long and frankly, boring process. The routine is fairly simple, the citizen bows and offers something for the table, and in return you lend your ear and offer assistance if possible. 
“For your table, Your Highness,” the next citizen bows, carrying a foil-lined tray filled with fresh baked bread. 
“Smells delicious, Bertrand.” you beam, ripping open the tin to snatch a hot slice off the top. Rosemary and thyme are egg washed atop the brown bread, and you proffer a piece to Jeongguk, as you could imagine the poor guy is as antsy as ever. “And may I introduce you to my student, Jeon Jeongguk? He’s studying my diplomacy for his field study.” 
Bertrand tips his head, “Lucky you, she’s a true leader.” 
Jeongguk nods shyly, nibbling on the crust. “Truly an honor.” 
Jeongguk offers to bring the gift to the table with the other offerings across the room, and you nod, conversing lightly with Bertrand. His worries are simple enough, he feels pressured by a catering request from an Illyrian Duke, and wishes to serve a party fit for a royal. In resolution, you offer to send a palace chocolatier and chef to help with the preparations. Jeongguk returns to his seat next to yours just as Bertrand leaves. He pulls up his iPad, feigning notes that he should be writing while observing you. 
The next citizen hobbles over, holding a large ivory wicker basket covered by a beige tarp. “For your table, Your Highness,” they bow, “I hope you like omelets.” 
If you weren’t on the throne with an audience of one-hundred, you’d be delivering a very confused expression, coupled with panic. “May I?” you inquire, forcing a smile as you lift open the tarp.
In the basket there are two small jars of marmalade, and one huge chicken sitting fat and proud that its skin overflows between the gaps of the wicker. Its head twitches in your direction, barely turning because its neck is hugely bulbous with excess weight. Its beady little eyes mock you. It smells fear. 
“Her name’s Dixie,” the citizen supplied helpfully. 
“Holy shit,” Jeongguk whispers next to you, but not soft enough for it to not echo in the throne room, “Dixie, you are a thick chick.” 
“Jeongguk!” you exclaim, which causes the whole room to reverb at your shrill cry. 
Of course the chicken has to freak out, flapping its wings and freeing itself from the confines of its package. The animal dives for you, and you press yourself as much as you can against the throne. Jeongguk knows no bounds, throwing himself in front of you to catch the large bird. Feathers weave unto his umber tresses as the bird meets gravity, Jeongguk unable to calm down Dixie. 
 It’s more or less a wild goose chase (chicken chase?) after that, Jeongguk follows Dixie down the platform and around the throne room. The citizens and staff are clutching their stomachs in laughter, endeared by the young man following the chicken. Jimin is laughing and slapping Seokjin’s shoulder, his face breaking in an unabashed smile. 
And you can’t help but laugh along with them, trying to smother your giggles by covering your face with a silk fan. You peek over the thin fabric to see Jeongguk looking especially concentrated on his mission. It wasn’t like the chicken was going to escape the throne room because the doors are closed, but surely it will be a workout as Dixie’s a trooper and isn’t going down without a fight. 
“Don’t worry Princess, I got this!” Jeongguk’s voice reassures you from the far edge of the throne room. He’s taken a break, but the glint in his eyes show he’s committed to catching Dixie as she scuttles in circles.
He flashes you a breathtaking smile, all gums and pearly whites as he runs a hand through his wavy locks. Your smile falls slightly, and you clutch your fan tighter at the realization. Oh, you are besotted. 
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“Hoseok’s had me on my back about teaching a full class before your weekend getaway but I’ve long decided,” you lift your chin haughtily in a way only princesses do, jutting out your lip in confirmation, “that you should enjoy the time you have here. Summer’s almost over. You all should get a headstart on your packing so you can get to the beach early.” 
Your class erupts into hoots and hollers, the Powerpoint presentation about the minerals of Illyria long abandoned. Two months have already passed, and in a couple weeks they’ll be saying their goodbyes. A twinge of sadness hits you as you relish in your students’ happy smiles. As each semester passes, each group leaves something behind you’ll never forget. This summer, as much as you taught them, you’ve learned a lot from them as well.
Students are already starting to pack up, but Namjoon’s butt is firmly planted in his seat, raising his hand. “Sorry, I have a question.” 
You smile goodnaturedly, already used to his usual spiel. “I can email you the Powerpoint and we can go over whatever you want on Monday.” 
“Ah, no. I was wondering if you were coming with us,” Namjoon mutters sheepishly. 
You’re surprised, even moreso when Irene and Yerin insist that you should go. “Yes, you have to go!” Yerin bounces in her seat.
“Oh,” you blush, “I can’t. I don’t normally go on these things, wouldn’t it be weird to have your teacher at your party?” 
“Hell no!” Yerin gasps shamelessly. It’s one thing you liked about this class, after class is over, they always managed to make you feel normal. Maybe it’s the closeness in age and education, but they remind you so often that you’re still young. After all, they weren’t Illyrian, and while outside of class they put on the whole shebang for you, it didn’t take long for them to get comfortable around you. “We can show you what real college life is like! We can roast barbeque on the beach and tell scary stories!” 
Taehyung snorts, already halfway out the door, “I’m sure the Princess doesn’t wanna see you shitfaced in the ocean.” 
You placate Yerin with a small smile, “I have to work after this, but I’ll see what I can do.” 
Namjoon walks up to your desk as the rest of the students file out. He runs the spine of his journal along your desk, “Prince Yoongi and Hoseok will be there too, if it makes you feel any better. Hope you can come.” 
The room is soon vacated, leaving you and your Star Student alone. 
“‘I’ll see what I can do’, really?” Jeongguk rolls his eyes, plopping himself atop your desk. Your eyes snap to the way the dark denim cords around his thighs, and you make a deal of slamming your laptop shut. “C’mon, of course you wanna come. I’m not taking no for an answer.” 
“Not really,” you admit. “I used to really like spending the weekend at the villa. I loved getting to know each class and know what it feels like to be like you guys,” you downplay yourself, stuffing books and electronics in your briefcase. “But ever since we roomed together two years ago, I can’t bring myself to go anymore. It’s not the same when you’ve actually had a taste of it.”
Jeongguk’s eyes soften at your confession. You could feel that he wasn’t prepared for your honesty, and you don’t blame him. He swallows, Adam’s apple bobbing. “I leave in two weeks, you know.” 
“I know.” 
“Can you at least try to come, for me?” 
You lift your head up to reach his eyes, looking equal parts nervous and vulnerable. You’re suddenly thrusted back to two years ago, cornered in your dorm room where Jeongguk was upset at the thought of hurting him, lying to him. You didn’t want to hurt him, or yourself. 
But as Jeongguk’s large hand reaches across the desk to your smaller one, you don’t think to pull away. 
“Your Highness!” Jimin interrupts the two of you, and Jeongguk snatches his hand back with a glare. Jimin ignores him, looking breathless as he leans against the door of your classroom. “Your 3 o’clock is ready. We have to hurry if we want to get through the crowd.” 
With one last look, Jeongguk excuses himself, brushing past Jimin with a gruff “Bye, Princess.” 
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“Today’s not your day to meet with citizens,” Yoongi mumbles next to you, looking disapprovingly at the way you wait for the next citizen to approach you. 
Seokjin holds the crowd off as you converse with your brother, who looks ready to leave to the villa. He’s dressed in a plain white t-shirt, foam slides and baggy slacks. If it wasn’t for the family crest proudly presented on his right breast pocket, he could easily be mistaken as the average citizen. “Mother insisted,” you reply shortly, growing more irritated by the second. 
“Really?” his brows disappear under his bangs, “because from the way she said it, you were looking for work.” 
Caught, you turn away from his watchful gaze. “I have a problem, okay?” you say stiffly, “I needed a distraction.” 
“Alright,” Yoongi shrugs, leaning close to your ear to murmur, “where’s the dead body?” 
You slap his arm, “Yoongi! I didn’t kill anybody!” 
“At this rate, it looks like you’re wasting yourself away.” Yoongi replies bluntly, stuffing his hands in his pockets. “C’mon, Loverboy was all pouty in my room not too long ago. Don’t disappoint him.” 
With that, Yoongi turns on his heel and walks off. Citizens bow at him like dominos as he exits, your break definitively over. 
Whatever is blooming between you and Jeongguk, is and never will be fair to the both of you. In your eyes Jeongguk isn’t the type to settle, not relationship-wise, but life-wise. He wanted to grow and cultivate his art, and taste freedom every step of the journey.
You weren’t freedom or growth, and you could only hope he realizes that before you become too selfish. 
“Your Highness?” you break out of your reverie when a young woman your age looks at you shyly, “My name is Wendy. I didn’t get anything for the table but, I got you a caramel macchiato.” 
She brandishes a venti iced caramel macchiato, condensation dripping from her fingers. Your face lights up, accepting the caffeinated drink. “I really needed this!” you perk up immediately, taking a sip and letting the cool flavor soothe your tastebuds. “Thank you, Wendy. What is it that you request?” 
“Advice,” she admits, a blush creeping from her neck. She looks down at her work boots, caked in grime. “I’m an engineer who works in manufacturing Illryian technology.”
“We are eternally grateful for your service to this country,” you reply evenly. Engineers are highly revered in your country, as your economy is dependent on their brilliant minds. 
“But I have fallen in love with a man who is under my station, and wishes to find work elsewhere,” she bites her lip, her eyes growing glassy. “I haven’t told him my feelings yet, however I’m also worried for my family who finds men like him to be unworthy of an engineer like myself.” 
“Ah, bound by duty and expectation.” you reply grimly, “a rock and a hard place, huh?” 
“Yes, forgive me for my crassness. I felt as if you would understand my predicament.” 
Putting your drink down, you reach for her hand. Oil and dirt cake her fingers, and she attempts to pull away as to not soil you, but you hold on tighter. “Tell him how you feel, Wendy.” you whisper, a conversation so intimate it’s only proper it be for her ears and her ears only. “Whether he leaves or not after you tell him is his decision. However, I assure you it will hurt far more if you don’t give yourself a chance.” 
Her voice cracks, “But what if it doesn’t work out?” 
You start to feel a little teary at her candor, and you run a thumb over her palm. “Then you’re one heartbreak closer to happiness. Nevertheless, you are a strong, intelligent, beautiful woman. Don’t let your fears reject that.” 
Wendy finds the strength to squeeze your hand, and you belatedly realize that if this piece of advice was personified, it’d be slapping the shit out of you. 
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“You came!” 
Hopped up on bitter caffeine and potential regrets, you stand in the living room well past midnight, party in full swing. Jimin trails behind you sans iPad, feeling lighter in a pair of trunks and a black tank. A playlist of Namjoon’s organizing is blasting from the surround sound, coupled with the flatscreen television projecting an intense lap of MarioKart. Irene and Taehyung are shoulder to shoulder, concentrating on getting that Mushroom Cup. The sliding doors that lead from your villa to the beach are cracked open, wide enough to hear the conversations the other students are exchanging. 
It was always nice to have your villa occupied like this. Less empty, more familial. 
Yerin is the first to greet you, throwing her arms around you and smelling like seasalt and vodka. She’s drenching your clothes, clad in a yellow polka-dot one-piece. “This weekend’s gonna be killer,” she whispers in your ear, causing the hairs on your neck to rise. For a petite thing, she really wastes no time cutting to the chase. 
You detach yourself, holding up a bag of pastries. “Snagged some munchies for your inevitable drunk crash,” you smirk, placing the container on the kitchen island. 
Yerin gapes, red tinted lips mouthing an ‘o’ at your language. “You’ve been hidin’ out on us, haven’t you Princess?” Yerin then brushes past you, ready to get her fingers on the confections. You’re over her shoulder, pointing out both Illrian delicacies and pastries she’s familiar with. 
After Irene snags the Mushroom Cup they’re joining you at the island, lips coated in powdered sugar and jam. The girls laugh when some powdered sugar gets into Taehyung’s hair, Irene patting him a little too hard on his bangs. 
“You’re here!” 
You whip around to see Jeongguk sliding the glass doors hurriedly, bare feet slapping across the tiled floor to reach you. He’s dripping wet, ocean water rivering around his body. Your eyes can’t help but follow the flow of the cool liquid, finding purchase between the planes of his chest and honeyed abs, glowing from the heat. 
Three years of your life were spent studying preparation and execution for war or nuclear threat. Unfortunately, at this very moment you feel way more prepared for war than Jeon Jeongguk standing in your villa, looking like that. 
Instead of the usual pleasantries, you hold up a leather wallet. “You left this in the classroom,” you chide. 
It’s a baldfaced lie. Somehow, Jeongguk’s wallet had conveniently ended up in your office between reams of paper. The bastard himself has the audacity to feign surprise, coral lips gaping in relief. “Wow, Princess. Totally not a ploy to get you to come here.” 
“Give it here, I’ll drop it off in my room.” 
“Wait, wait!” you hold up both your hands, centimeters away from Jeongguk’s pecs. You’re nearly eye level with them, and you force yourself to look up at his smug face. “You’re dripping wet on the tile! Your feet still have sand you heathen! Do not get our carpets dirty!” you hold the wallet to your chest protectively, “where’s your room?” 
He tilts his head adorably, droplets flecking from his slicked back mane. “Third door on the right.” he doesn’t dare to argue with your sudden passion to keep your villa clean. 
You nod, “go enjoy the water. I’ll be right out.” You don’t give him a chance to reply, kicking off your sandals as you reach the cosier part of the villa. Soft carpet meets your toes as you pad off to the guest bedrooms. 
Jeongguk managed to snag the corner room, albeit smaller, it’s a single with a full mattress. You see his Superdry backpack open on the floor, its bottom worn with the white lining peeking through. Despite only arriving in the afternoon, his fresh scent is palpable. You drop the wallet on his desk, and you notice that his laptop’s still on. 
The Macbook Pro glows confidently, his screensaver revealing a photograph of you on your balcony. 
“Snooping around, Princess?” 
You whip around, seeing Jeongguk appear fully clothed, running a towel over his hair. He is no longer dripping water or sand, but he still smelled like salt and fire. He nonchalantly closes the door behind him, taking a seat at the foot of his bed. 
“You know it’s illegal to take unsolicited pictures of royalty, right?” 
“And who should I answer to, hm? The Princess?” he teases, face blooming from the fluffy white towel. 
You’re not upset about the picture, he knows that. But there you sit, slumped over his desk, looking forlornly at his picture of you. 
“I’ve locked the door,” Jeongguk pipes up, looking at you worriedly. “Yoongi mentioned that the room’s are soundproof. He said you looked upset today. Tell me what’s on your mind.” 
The room feels smaller, swallowing you whole. You’re tired from today’s events, both emotionally and physically. Jeongguk is having nothing of it, reaching between the two of you to pull the arms of the desk chair, wheeling you between his thighs. 
“Jeongguk,” you start, “why weren’t you mad at me when you were right? Right about me hiding something from you.” 
His brows furrow, “You made a sacrifice and protected your brother. Why would I be mad at that?” he says honestly, “sure, I was upset at first. Who wouldn’t be? But you did it out of love.” 
You smile wanly, knowing that there wasn’t going to be a chance that he’d be upset at you. It was out of your devices. “I wanted you to be mad,” you admit, wringing your fingers between your skirt, “it would’ve made it easier to leave.” 
“It would’ve, wouldn’t it?” he replies, his voice cotton soft. “After you left, Yoongi wouldn’t let me talk to you on the phone. Said you needed time. But I got him to tell me stories about you, stories that made me realize that I missed getting to know you.” 
It’s then you feel the weight of today express itself onto your cheeks, the wetness dampening your skin. You feel his thumb brush away the tears. 
“Tell me,” Jeongguk requests softly, “tell me what you really feel.” 
You let your head collapse in his hands, relishing the warmth and comfort it brings. “I feel hurt. And confined.” 
“More,” Jeongguk bids, his other hand squeezing your thigh, “let it out, Princess.” 
You are a strong, intelligent, beautiful woman. Don’t let your fears reject that.
“I miss acting like fools at the grocery store, falling on top of each other half-asleep.” Everything tumbles out shamelessly, like a waterfall. “I hate how frustrated I am when you call me Princess, because while it is my title, it turns me on in the most devastating way when you say it.” you drop your head in the crook of his neck, embarrassed to see his reaction. “I want to laugh with you, hold you, I want you, so badly. But I want you to be happy, to make music and art, and travel the world to find your muse,” you shake your head, pushing yourself away from him. “I feel so stuck here, I can’t hold you back when you’re free and—”
“That’s enough bullshit,” and he’s kissing you, a clashing of teeth that has you sensitive and reeling. His hands grasp your cheeks, and you’re stumbling in your chair as the wheels make moves on their own. You squeak against his lips before you’re wheeled back to the bed. Hot hands pull you forward to teeter your body onto the bed, keeping you in place. 
The man in question breaks apart, but close enough that his lips brush against yours when he speaks, “I’ve never kissed a princess before,” Jeongguk says wryly, cupping your cheek, “but if you make one more gripe about freedom and your stupid self-righteousness and I’ll stop.” 
A pure, unprepared whine escapes your lips, shame be damned. 
“You’re my muse,” he plants a kiss on your forehead, “I bothered Yoongi for weeks, working tooth and nail for that scholarship,” a kiss on both your nose, “you’re what it means to feel free.” 
And that’s all it takes for you to surge forward, toppling over him until he’s pushed against the headboard. Capturing your lips with his, you catch droplets of saltwater and a flavor that’s so distinctly Jeongguk, feeling high off the taste. 
Your skirt rides to your waist, your underwear damp from the ocean and arousal. You straddle him, feeling so unbounded and free as Jeongguk lets you do what you’ve both wanted to do. With a roll of your hips Jeongguk grunts, forehead pressed to yours. “Princess,” he rasps, meeting your thrusts, “we have until Christmas to do this, no need to rush.” 
Wait, Christmas? 
Jeongguk grins, kissing away your surprise. For now, you’ll ignore the burn between your thighs. “Before we left today, Yoongi and I asked the King, your father, if he would consider extending my scholarship for a full semester. I mentioned that Yoongi and I had some unfinished projects from undergrad,” he pecks your lips, “and he’s going to help me produce a full album for my final thesis.” 
“That’s amazing!” you cheer, pulling him into a hug. “I’m so proud of the two of you!”  
“Mhm,” he nuzzles your neck, pressing featherlight kisses to your skin, “can’t produce anything without my muse around, so I’d say Illyria is the perfect location.” 
Your fingers thread into his damp locks, and you feel your heart swell with happiness. Here, under the gaze of the beautiful boy who wanted to offer you his heart and his world, you felt free. 
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It takes the strength of both your hands to pull Jeongguk in the storage closet, but it isn’t like he’s putting up a fight anyhow. 
“Come here often?” you drawl, leaning forward to press a kiss to his cheek. 
“Impressive,” he chuckles, “usually it takes you an hour to shake Jimin off ya. It’s only been thirty-five minutes.” 
“I just wanted to show you something funny,” you pull up your Instagram, and play the featured video. While it was posted weeks ago, it started to pick up traction after Yoongi liked the post this morning. Jeongguk is dashing around the palace, sweating bullets and cooing “c’mon Dixie!” to the sprinting chicken in the throne room. 
“You’re viral!” you giggle, “you put Illyria on the social media map!” 
Under the lowlights, it’s still easy to see Jeongguk’s skin has gone placid. “If I ever hit it big, that shit better not haunt me,” he groans into your neck.  
“Please,” you roll your eyes, “every famous person has a backstory. Aubrey Graham had Degrassi and the Yodeling Wal-Mart boy–”
“Are you really gonna compare your boyfriend to the Yodeling Wal-Mart kid? Tell me what you really came here for,” And like a teenager, Jeongguk reels it back in, winding his hands around your waist. He gives you bedroom eyes like it's a session of Seven Minutes in Heaven, “so, we’re gonna make out or what?” 
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sxveme-2 · 3 years
blueberry pancakes // bucky barnes
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Description: A single mother. Juggling being a mom, a full time pediatrician, and a difficult ex who believed now would be the best time to finally be a father. A soldier ripped out of time. Ex-assassin turned superhero. Learning how to balance a new domestic life with handling demons of his past, while facing the trials of the future. a love story began over something as simple as chocolate chip pancakes with hidden blueberries.
Disclaimer: I do not own any original Marvel characters! All canon plots and canon characters belong to Marvel Comics and Marvel Studios. This is an original work. You may not publish it anywhere else
Status: Unedited
Note: Takes place after endgame. I have elected to ignore Tony's death and Steve's leaving. Did not happen. Quick Reminder! My works are only published here, AO3 and on Wattpad, thank you.
Chapter Twenty Three: The One When They're Alone
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 4040
     Lily knew was never a huge fan of Christmas. The only reason she put the amount of effort she did into it was for Hunter. He loved the holiday. As a child, it was usually one of the only days that his father would be home the whole day. But it was one of Lily's least favourites, because her parents weren't typically home for Christmas. Usually, Lily and her siblings would find themselves up at their grandparents. She wasn't complaining, she loved her grandparents, and she knew her parents wanted to be home, but their work was essentially them constantly travelling. And then further in her future, Scott may have been there for Hunter, but he was not there for Lily. He was seemingly at his worst during the holidays...and she just happened to be the one on the receiving end of his anger.
Lily hadn't seen Bucky get angry yet. It sat in the back of her mind like a looming threat, and she wondered if the past few months had simply been a facade. That in reality, he was no different. Did she think it was true? No, no she didn't think he would ever hurt her. But she had suffered such trauma from Scott that she just...she was never too sure.
"Your turn, doll," Bucky smiled, picking up two boxes that were very clearly wrapped by Rose, seeing as the girl was sending a knowing nod at her older sister, "Yeah yeah Rose wrapped them, my attempt was sad."
Lily laughed and kissed the man's cheek before turning to his presents that sat in her lap. She picked up the first one, it was long and rectangular, not too large either. Raising her eyebrow, she carefully unwrapped the box, revealing a lovely leather case with her name scripted on the top of it. Looking over at him, she pursed her lips before lifting the black lid, feeling the tears prick at her forest green eyes. She stared down at the silver necklace, running her hands over the scripted letter that hung from the chain. It was a small pendant, simple and discreet. But it was something that made Lily's heart grow three times its size. A simple B hung from the chain.
"Buck..." she whispered, looking up at him with glazed and teary eyes, "It's lovely." she cooed, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to his lips before lifting it from the white pillow it rested on.
"Let me." Bucky chuckled, taking the piece of jewelry and moving her blonde hair across her shoulder. She turned her back to him and shivered at his metal hand brushing against the back of her neck as he clasped the necklace together.
"Alright open the other one." Gen said excitedly, earning a head tilt from the blonde. Bucky chuckled lowly from behind her and Lily readjusted herself in her seat, carefully unwrapping the next box.
As she opened the lid of the next box, her confusion only grew. Inside the box laid a single white envelope with her name written. Reaching in and pulling out the box, Lily furrowed her eyebrows. Opening the envelope, her heart only continued to grow. Inside sat a picture of a cabin, covered in snow and decorated with lovely garland. The cabin was built of logs, and had a fire burning on the inside. The snow was so perfectly landscaped it almost seemed fake, but she knew it was just a picturesque image taken to lure people in for what she figured would be a vacation. In the bottom, a handwritten note was written out in Bucky's hand writing, with a simple few words summing up exactly what it was.
"Just the two of us." He repeated aloud, hand resting on the small of her back, tracing gentle patterns, "It's Steve's cabin. Y'know with him retired now, he doesn't exactly have a lot to do. But he said it's ours for as long as we want it." he continued, resting his chin on her shoulder.
"It's perfect, Buck," she whispered, a gentle chuckle lacing her voice as she turned and placed a kiss to his forehead, "Absolutely perfect."
And it was. Bucky and Lily had decided to take Steve up on his offer the weekend of Valentine's Day. The couple had reached three months together officially, and she figured it would be nice for them to experience the romantic weekend alone together. No kids, no sisters, no work, no distractions. Bucky had promised her that there would be no interruptions, and that it was just going to be the two of them. He made an emphasis on the whole 'no work' part, and Lily would be sure to hold him to it.
Turning off the car, Bucky turned to look at Lily with a kind and loving smile on his face, "Alright doll, we've arrived."
Lily glanced out the window and smiled at the snowy landscape. It was February so the cold wasn't unbearable, but it wasn't exactly a comfortable temperature either. Lily was a Long Island native, so Northern New York weather wasn't exactly her favourite thing. It dipped down quite low and she would have to estimate it sat at about minus ten celsius currently. Either way, she was just grateful for the time alone with Bucky. It had felt like ages since the two didn't have something going on around them. Whether it be Bucky's work, or Lily's. Not to mention, Rose was nearing her due date and constantly stressed about the arrival of her baby, while also finding somewhere to live that wasn't Lily's.
"That drive felt like hours," Lily teased, leaning over and nudging Bucky's arm, "I'm just glad you didn't fall asleep on me old man." she quipped, popping open her door and stepping out from the car.
"You have been hanging out with Sam way too much," Bucky chuckled, following the blondes suit, "You're starting to sound like him."
"Well the man is a comedic genius, I should be taking pointers." She hummed, picking up her bag from the back seat and hauling it over her shoulder, rounding the car to meet Bucky.
"Don't tell him that, it'll inflate his ego even bigger than it is." Bucky chuckled, walking over and quickly grabbing her by the waist.
The blonde let out a bright laugh, curling over in his arms and stumbling along the snow. Bucky's chuckle filled her ears like a sweet song as the two stumbled back towards the log cabin belonging to their friend. His lips found her cheek and peppered loving pecks along it, causing her giggles to evolve into small squeaks as she fumbled to pull out the keys. When she found them, it didn't take long for the blonde to unlock the door and peel herself from the supersoldiers arms. Dropping her bag and tugging the grey knit hat off of her hair, Lily turned to look back at the man who stood in front of the door. Placing her hands on her hips, she admired him for a moment. Nothing was on her mind. Just him.
The way his eyes sunk a bit deeper into his face due to the years of struggle and trauma. The way he had let his beard grow out a bit, not fully a beard but a thicker stubble. Were his shoulders always so broad? Lily admired the way his arm flexed when he removed his own hat, swallowing deeply. But the biggest thing that stood out to her was the way he looked at her. That deep thought sort of gaze, as if he were doing the same thing she was. Admiring everything about the other. No exterior factors playing any games, just the two of them. Alone. He looked at her so lovingly, watching her every move intently and studying the way she acted. He was so in tune with everything about Lily that she began to blush, and he was merely looking at her, neither had spoken.
"What're you staring at, Barnes?" she quipped, raising an eyebrow.
"Nothin', Osborne." he retorted, closing the door and sliding his jacket off before turning back towards her, a smirk evident on his lips.
Pursing her lips into a smile, Lily ran forward and jumped up onto the man, wrapping her legs around his torso. Her arms snuck around his neck, while his found underneath her thighs. Their lips hovered mere centimetres from the others, breathing in the others' existence before finally connecting. It was cheesy and cliche but she felt fireworks deep within her stomach. The two moved together like ocean waves joining together, creating a large body of water. Lily's hands tangled themselves into the short strands on the top of his head and Bucky stumbled his way to the couch. He bent over and laid her gently on the leather couch. She hummed softly at the feeling of a yarn blanket tickling at her neck as he hovered above her. Both of their faces were flushed from the cold outside and the passionate moment they had just shared. Bucky's steel blue eyes stared down at her and he reached over the couch. Furrowing her eyebrows, Lily watched as he pulled out a black old fashioned camera.
"Surprised you know how to work one of those things, old man." she teased, covering her face with her chilled hands.
"Oh don't get smart with me now, doll," he purred, moving her hands with his metal one, "you'll regret it later." the man winked, quickly snapping a photo of the woman before tossing the camera onto the table.
"Is that a threat or a promise." Lily returned, a smirk evident on her lips.
"Well...I did tell Steve he'll probably want to hire a deep cleaning service after we're done." He chuckled, resting his weight on his heels.
"James Barnes!"
Lily hummed gently to herself to the song that played through the small kitchen in the cabin. Saving All My Love For You by Whitney Houston was her background noise of choice as she put together a romantic dinner for her and Bucky to commemorate their first night there. The lyrics left her mouth in a soft tone as she chopped up cucumbers for the salad, her hips swaying gently to the music. Bucky had stepped out to the grocery store in town to pick up a few things they had left back at the house, and Lily wanted to surprise him. She had packed a dress that her and Gen had found at a vintage shop in Manhattan, it was 40's inspired, with a deep forest green colour, a bow at the collar with a keyhole that exposed a bit of her collarbone, and hit just below her knee. It had short sleeves, and made her feel like she should be on the dance floor of The Cotton Club in Harlem during the 1940's. She had attempted the classic pin curls of the time but...they were subpar.
Glancing behind her, Lily stirred the marinara sauce as the chicken baked in the oven. But the lights of the car made her stomach drop. She was hoping the snow would slow him down enough for her to finish dinner and have it ready for him when he got home. Pouting to herself, Lily returned to her chopping. Well, as much as she wanted her plan to fully execute itself, she tried her best. Not to mention, he had shown himself to be a fast driver. Her voice continued to sing out the lyrics to Whitney, as she checked on the chicken. She popped her head up briefly when she heard the crunching of snow grow closer to the door. She stood, and brushed off the soft dress she wore as she waited.
"The snow is crazy, doll, I swear," Bucky's voice called, "but I got the snacks you wanted. I also rented a few movi- woah."
A blush flooded the blonde's face as she locked eyes with the man across from her. He was covered in snow and carrying four different grocery bags. But they fell from his fists as he stared at her longer. Insecurities washed over Lily at his silence and she crossed her arms over her stomach, that familiar queasy feeling returning. Her eyes shifted to stare down at her feet as she shuffled on the hardwood floor, waiting for him to say something, or anything at that.
She didn't even hear him take off his jacket, his boots, or anything. She didn't even hear him walk over to her. But she did feel the way his arms slipped around her waist, hands playing along her stomach as the music changed into the 40's love songs she had put in the queue. The gentle sounds of guitar played as Aubrey Hepburn's melodic tone filled the kitchen. Moon River began to play, and Bucky nuzzled his face into the crook of Lily's neck. Her eyes fluttered shut as he swayed behind her, his grip moving her with him. The food long forgotten about, Lily turned to face him, arms wrapping around his neck. Their foreheads met one anothers, eyes shut as they continued to sway back and forth in the kitchen. With the snow falling outside, and the delectable smells filling the cabin, Lily felt like she was in a dream. Any worry she had ever felt leaving her as the moment consumed her.
His lips ghosted hers as the song came to an end, but his grip didn't waver. The two continued with their dance, seconds turning to minutes as time seemed to cease to exist. The only thing both felt was the bodies of each other. His hands gripping her waist, rubbing circles through the silky material of her dress. The smoky musk of him filling her senses acting as though it were a drug, sending her into a state of euphoria. She knew they weren't a conventional couple, but it were these moments that reminded her that they could be. The couple that went on walks on the beach, or walked the dog through central park. Or danced in the kitchen at 3 in the morning. Went on ice cream dates, with or without Hunter. Spent time talking and telling the other just what went on in their heads. Growing together as separate people with a shared love.
But the fire alarm pulled her back from her daydreams, and reality smacked Lily in the face.
"Oh my god the chicken!" She exclaimed, pulling away from Bucky's strong grip as she grabbed her oven mitts and pulled open the oven, a puff of smoke wafting into her face.
Bucky laughed gently as Lily scrambled around, trying to salvage the rest of the meal she had planned. When she saw the sauce and chicken however, her heart sunk down to the floor. Groaning, the blonde placed her elbows on the counter and her face in her hands. She shook her head and felt the heartbreak spread through her at her failed evening attempt.
"If it makes you feel better," Bucky cooed, lifting his girlfriends chin to look at him, "I bought your favourite pizza, and rented your favourite movie...and just so happened to pick up your favourite ice cream," he grinned, wiggling his eyebrows, "and as hot as you look in this dress...why don't we just get into pyjamas and watch a few movies and veg out."
Lily smiled sadly at him and nodded, "I like that plan. I should have known that trying to cook alone would be a disaster."
"I give it an A for effort."
"Oh whatever, metal man."
Lily groaned as she stretched her arms above her head, before rubbing the heel of her hand into her eyes. Peeling the lids apart, the bright sun sent a shock through her system. Collecting her barings, Lily realized her and Bucky had fallen asleep on the couch. She had to admit, it was a pretty comfy couch. It was made of leather and had deep sides with the tufted coverings, and small cashmere blankets that were not at all big enough to cover anyone. But the two had grabbed a few spare from the closet before they settled in for their movie night. Glancing down, Bucky's head rested on her stomach, the man still sound asleep. She admired the calmness in his face, the stress lines faded and smoothed out as he rested. Reaching behind her, she grabbed ahold of the camera he had brought and quickly snapped a photo, admiring his gentle snores. She ran her fingers through his hair and tilted her head to the side. Lily had known Bucky was handsome, hell, the first time she saw him she knew it.
He had chiseled cheekbones, a sharp jawline that was covered with stubble. His cheeks hollowed slightly, and his eyes creased at the edges. His nose was straight with a slight bump to it, and it fit his face shape perfectly. His eyes were hooded and even closed, held stories that she couldn't imagine. While asleep, they were less noticeable, but there were creases in the centre of his forehead, and Lily's stomach did a flip. His breathing was still that of a deep sleep, and she couldn't help but trace the contours of his face. The aged lines that each told a tale of his life. The rough patches of hair that prickled at the blonde's still hands as she continued to admire him.
Moments later, he began to stir from between her legs, causing Lily to giggle slightly as his nose scrunched. His eyes seemed to force themselves open at the noise, and the same feeling she got from the bright light seemed to hit Bucky as well. Her soft coos caused a groan to emit from the man's throat as he burrowed his face deeper into her stomach, pulling the blankets further over them both. Shaking her head, Lily pulled herself up from underneath the large man, or at least tried to. His weight was on a certain part of her body that just held her in one place. Throwing her head back, Lily shook her head before looking back down at him.
"Buck, c'mon, let's get up." She sighed, ruffling the messy curls on his head.
"Five more minutes." He whined, pulling her closer by her hips.
"No. I'm a mother, I know what five more minutes means," she laughed, "and we are not spending all day on the couch. Lets go skate on the lake today, love."
Bucky shot up, eyes wide at her request, "No. No, I refuse."
Furrowing her eyebrows, Lily crossed her slightly cramped legs, "...and why do you refuse, Mr. Barnes?"
Bucky scratched the back of his neck as he avoided the intense gaze that Lily was sending his way. Lowering her eyes, the blonde crawled forward and took his face into her hands. They locked eyes and for a moment, she thought about kissing him. But she figured it would be better to figure out why he was so against going skating. Then it clicked, and she realized just why he was so against it. Pursing her lips to keep from smiling, Lily leaned back onto her heels.
"Bucky...do you not know how to skate?" She wondered, cocking an eyebrow at him.
"...Do not tell Steve or Sam they will be on my ass about it." Bucky quickly said, taking his girlfriends hands into his own.
"I won't, I won't, but I'm invoking the 'It's Valentine's Day' card. Because it's Valentines Day, and it will be romantic," she grinned, tucking a stray hair behind her ear, "plus, I'll teach you how to skate. It's not that hard I promise. I saw they have skates down at the lake so c'mon, gotta get a good pair."
"You're gonna be the death of me, doll."
"That's what I'm here for."
He wasn't lying when he said he didn't know how to skate. Lily skated gracefully out onto the ice, waiting for Bucky to lace up his skates. It had been a while since she had skated, seeing as it wasn't something she did commonly. She used to go all the time with Gen back in Long Island when they were younger, but eventually they stopped. But her muscle memory kicked in as she twirled and skated around the ice. She dodged children and couples as she warmed up her body. Only to spot Bucky hesitantly staring at the ice in front of him. Lily made her way back towards him, stretching her mitt covered hand out towards him.
"It's not going to bite, Buck," Lily smiled softly, moving a bit closer, "C'mon. I'll be here the whole time." she reassured, gripping his hand as he curled it into hers.
The moment he stepped onto the ice, both ended up falling. Him from a lack of balance, and her from the fact he fell. Bucky groaned while Lily laughed, pushing herself off the ground and placing her hands on her hips. He had flopped his arms out and let his head fall against the ice, a clearly forced pained look on his features. Rolling her eyes, Lily gripped his hand and yanked, attempting to pull him back up onto his feet. The thing is, he was a supersoldier, she was a doctor. She had strength, hell, she pushed out a child. But you see, Bucky was, once again, a supersoldier. Dropping his arm, and crossing her own over her chest, Lily glared down at him.
"I won't cook dinner for a week if you don't help me get you up." Lily threatened, arching her brow.
Opening his eyes, Bucky mirrored her expression, "Is that a threat or a promise?" He teased, resulting in a handful of snow to be thrown at him. A low laugh escaped from his chest as Bucky heaved himself up, gripping onto Lily for support.
"Wow you're such a comedian." She quipped, rolling her eyes and gripping onto his forearms.
The two skated for a few hours. Two to be exact. Bucky had essentially latched onto Lily's waist the entire time. She skated around, dragging him behind her as he bent over and hugged himself to her back, arms tightly wound around her waist. At one point, he did let go and try to stand on his own. He lasted about...five minutes. After that, Lily had to offer her back as support for the poor man so he didn't go tumbling face first into the ice. The entire time was spent laughing and stumbling, as well as Lily trying her hardest to just get him to stand. Sadly, she didn't have much luck. He continued to grip onto her even when they were heading back towards the edge to leave and take off their skates. It was endearing, but Lily had hoped to get somewhere with it. Still, she had a good time. And seeing The Winter Soldier be genuinely afraid to fall made Lily's heart swell. Seeing that more vulnerable side of him made Lily sure they were moving in a good direction in their relationship.
As the two neared the cabin, Lily saw a familiar car parked on the road across from where they were staring. She didn't think too much of it as they walked into the cabin, ridding of their coats and winter gear they had layered on, to face the bone chilling cold that had taken over the outdoors. Both then dropped onto the couch with cups of tea and coffee, Lily had the tea, and Bucky the coffee. His arm draped around her, drawing patterns into her knit sweater covered arm.
But the peace didn't last long.
A knock on the door surprised Lily and Bucky. They both stopped talking about their ideal vacations, and turned to look at the door. Lily placed her tea down and stood to her feet, making her way over towards the wooden piece. Her eyebrows were furrowed and she glanced over at Bucky before she pulled the door open. Her jaw went slack and mind went blank when she saw the person. Because she knew the reason he would be here.
"Hey Lily...is Bucky here?"
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Galactica, Chapter 65 (Group Fic) - TheDane/Veronica
A/N: Chapter 65 seems like a good time to tell you that there’s nothing we love more than talking to you guys about this story! We are both on tumblr (@theartificialdane and @veronicasanders) and we’d love to hear from you!! We also have other Galactica content there under the “galactica” and “galactica wardrobe” tags. XOXO!! Click here if you’re looking for previous chapters (or here if you’d rather read on AO3). 💫
Last Chapter: Bianca threw a wrench in the annual holiday party when she brought Courtney as her date, and Katya tried to (not) deal with her surprise pregnancy.
This Chapter: Miss Fame and the team work on the final lineup for the spring runway, and Katya figures some things out.
It was Violet’s luck that she was a light sleeper, the first note of her alarm barely ringing before she had grabbed her phone from under her pillow and turned it off.
There really wasn't a need for Violet to wake up at 6, for her to start her day so early since she couldn’t go to the gym because of her ankle, but habits were hard to break, and she liked how quiet the world was in the morning, how it felt like she was the only one awake.
She wasn’t hungover, had barely had a drink because of her crutches, but she had a feeling all of her coworkers would be wearing sunglasses and asking each other to shut up, the Friday after the Christmas party always an experience.
Sutan’s bedroom was dark, his curtains swallowing the ever present lights of Harlem, the man asleep next to her, his head resting on his pillow.
It took everything in Violet not to reach out and run her fingers through his hair.
She had been so annoyed with him last night, so uncomfortable in the beautiful red dress she had bought with his money, the simmering anger not leaving her until she had felt Sutan’s clever fingers undo the zipper on her back, skin against skin finally freeing her from the smoldering fire.
“Stop staring at me.” Violet froze, Sutan’s voice deep with sleep.
“I’m not.”
“Oh?” Sutan cracked an eye open, a smile playing on his lips as he reached out, grabbing her hip on top of her blanket. “Could have fooled me.”
“Well,” Violet smiled back, allowing him to pull her in, “Maybe I was. A little bit.”
As her alarm sounded, Courtney groaned, burying her head into Bianca’s neck. Bianca laughed, reaching over to hit snooze, giving them a few more precious minutes in bed before Courtney had to get up.
Bianca had never been much of a morning person, but she’d discovered that, in many ways, this was her favorite part of the day. When the world was dark and still, and they were curled together under the covers, naked and warm. She trailed her fingers up and down Courtney’s back, pressed a kiss to her temple.
“You okay, sunshine?” Bianca asked.
“Mmmhmm...I just don’t want to go to work.”
Bianca smiled, one hand settling into the curve of Courtney’s waist, enjoying the way they fit so perfectly together.
“Then don’t,” she stated, warming up to the idea of taking a day off, just the two of them. “Call in sick.”
“I wish,” Courtney scoffed, a deep sigh leaving her. “But I can’t, so…”
“Why not?”
“The day after a party? Everyone will think I have some crazy hangover.”
“Yeah, so?” Bianca laughed.
“Plus, I’m pretty sure Miss Fame is less than pleased with me right now. I don’t want to give her any reason to be annoyed. And there’s a big meeting to decide on the spring runway, and I have to-”
“Alright, alright...forget I suggested it,” Bianca said, holding up her hands in surrender. “I just really liked the idea of spending all day in bed with you.”
Courtney raised herself up on her elbow, gazing down at Bianca with a dreamy smile on her face.
“Maybe, um...can we do that tomorrow?”
“You’re on, angel,” Bianca said, reaching up to run her fingers through her hair.
“And...we still have about seven minutes before the alarm goes off again.” Courtney brushed her lips against Bianca’s neck, murmuring, “You wanna go back to sleep, or…?”
“Hmmm...” Bianca cocked her head, pretending to think. “I may have some other ideas…”
Courtney let out a delighted squeal as Bianca flipped her onto her back with a wicked grin.
Maxwell groaned as a loud clatter sounded through the design floor.
“Sorry!” Kiara whisper-shouted, quickly picking up the pair of scissors she had dropped. Trixie had gone to the department head meeting about 20 minutes ago, which meant that everyone had given up the pretense that they were working. Alexis had gone straight for the couch to take a nap as soon as the door had closed behind him, April still nursing a terrible-looking green smoothie at her desk. “Sorry everyone!”
“Don’t even think about it girl!” Bob smiled, his phone pressed between his shoulder and his ear, and Maxwell groaned again, sliding down so he could rest his head on his arms, Bob chatting away.
He loved his boyfriend, he really did, but there were few things more annoying than when Bob had managed to get into any tabloid, the perceived fame of it always going directly to his head. And of course, it was made even worse by his friends and family back home in Georgia playing right into it, acting as if it meant anything at all.
“Listen, I didn’t ask to be born fabulous, but it’s my cross to bear, and I’m-” Bob laughed, adding, “Exactly!”
“He’s really getting into it, huh?” Maxwell looked up to see Violet standing next to his desk, looking over at Bob, Jovan at her side holding three cups of coffee.
“Here,” Jovan smiled, giving one of them to Maxwell, the scent filling his nose.
“Oh god I love you,” Maxwell grinned, taking the liquid magic. It was probably not healthy to be on his third cup already, but he didn’t care.
“Love you too boo,” Jovan grinned, taking a seat on the edge of his desk, Violet doing the same, balancing her crutch so she could take her own cup. They didn’t talk, and Maxwell loved that, Violet fitting so nicely into their little boys club that he barely even thought about the fact that she was a girl and straight most days.
“Pearl! Pay attention!”
Pearl snapped out of it, the wheels of her chair squeaking as she moved, her eyes wide open at the commanding tone in Fame’s voice.
“Sorry!” Pearl sat up straight, Bendela hiding a snicker behind a sketchbook, her brown eyes clearly filled with delight over Pearl getting reprimanded.
“God,” Fame rolled her eyes, her hand on her hip, her outfit of the day a white cropped cashmere sweater and white linen high waisted pants, her blonde hair in a high delicate updo, a golden belt snug around her waist. “Did anyone come to work today?”
If they had been alone, Pearl would have opened her mouth to point out that she was the one who always arranged for the Christmas party to be on a Thursday, but they weren’t, so Pearl kept her mouth shut.
“Fame,” Raja’s voice was warm, and it apparently functioned just as intended, her tone a soothing balm on whatever had Fame into such a tizzy. “We’re almost done.”
If Pearl had to make an educated guess, she’d say it was probably the whole Courtney and Bianca thing, though it could be anything from her breakfast grapefruit not being ripe to morning traffic to a photographer catching a bad angle of her last night.
“You’re right,” Fame sat back down, sliding her chair over to Trixie. “So, fourth look. What do you have?”
“I was thinking about these pants?” Trixie held out a sketch, and Pearl folded her hands over her stomach, watching her best friend do his job exceptionally well.
Fame tapped her fingers against the table, french tips hitting the wood and Pearl made a mental note to see if she could sneak in a visit to Fame’s office, providing their boss with an orgasm before lunch a great Christmas gift to everyone in the company.
V-List Alert: BDR’s Latest Blonde Bombshell
[Pictured: A large photo of Bianca and Courtney kissing on the red carpet, along with a few smaller shots of them looking giggly and affectionate. And lastly, a grainy, low-res photo of them on the street after the event, kissing while a driver is opening the car door.]
Well, well, well…
Okay, so to begin with, let’s all admit that BDR showing up on a red carpet with some sweet young thing is nothing new. In fact, it would be strange if she didn’t. But the shameless PDA last night at Galactica’s annual Christmas party—both on and off the carpet—had us wondering...who the hell is the new paramour?
We did a bit of digging and strap in kids, cause it gets juicy…
Turns out that this little darling is named Courtney Jenek. Sound familiar? No? Yeah it shouldn’t. But she happens to have two very interesting connections to BDR: 1, apparently she’s friends with B’s baby sister, princess of the underground punk scene Adore Delano. And 2, even more hilariously, Lil Courtney here is the Executive Assistant to none other than Miss Fame of Galactica.
Wonder what the illustrious and brand-conscious Miss Fame thinks of her bestie using her staff in what appears to be an extremely filthy unprofessional way? And how’s it all gonna play out?
We can’t wait to watch this drama unfold…
As Courtney slipped on her coat and grabbed her bag to head downstairs for yet another coffee run, she glanced at her personal phone, laughing to herself when she saw the 17 missed calls from Morgan. She scrolled through the text messages in the elevator.
ADORE: You guys didn’t know? ;)
TATIANNA: Yawn, old news :p
Courtney called her back, laughing some more when she picked up even before the first ring.
“You know I’m working, right?”
“I am going to murder you,” Morgan announced.
“Wow Morgan. A hate crime? I really thought more highly of you,” Courtney replied with a giggle.
“Omigod, shut up! How could you not have told me already?!”
“Well...I don’t know, I wasn’t sure what it was at first-” she said.
“It’s still fucking major!” Morgan laughed. “I guess it makes sense, though. God, you always chose the worst men.”
Courtney chuckled, nodding as she exited the elevator and headed for the coffee shop.
“So what did your parents say?”
“Uhhh...I haven’t exactly told them yet.”
“What? It’s not gonna be dramatic or anything, you know my brother’s gay.”
“Omigod, Court, you absolute idiot. You have to-”
“One sec.” Courtney lowered her phone to give the orders for the meeting, then went back to the phone. “Sorry, I’m on a coffee run.”
“Yeah, I heard. Listen, Courtney, you have to tell them! Do you really want them to find out that you’re dating a woman who’s almost twice your age from a fucking tabloid?”
“I don’t think my parents subscribe to American fashion blogs.”
“Did you even read the link I sent you?! Someone’s gonna send it to them, trust me.”
“Alright, alright, I’ll tell them,” Courtney told her with an eye roll. She really didn’t see the big deal though; telling her parents was the last thing on her list of worries at the moment.
“Also…” Morgan’s voice lowered, taking on a sing-song, teasing tone now that the business was out of the way, “When are we hanging out? ‘Cause you know I absolutely need all the sordid details.”
“Soon, I promise.”
“Tomorrow night?”
“I’m kind of busy tomorrow,” Courtney admitted.
“Busy getting railed, you mean?”
“Ha, you slag.”
Maybe she was avoiding going home. That was certainly possible. But on Friday, Katya just seemed to keep finding things to do to prepare for the next week of school. It would be their last week before winter break, so she knew that any kind of serious learning would be difficult. Rather than spend her time fighting with the kids to focus when they just weren’t capable of it, she planned as many fun projects as possible, and though a lot of them were old hat for her by now, the prep work never seemed to end.
Which is why, when Jasmine, the woman who ran the afterschool program, came to her door at almost 6:45, she was still there.
“Hey, I’m sorry to bother you…”
“It’s no bother, come on in,” Katya said, a big smile on her face, especially when she saw that Jasmine had Grace with her--one of Katya’s favorite students.
“You know we close at 6, and Grace’s mom is running late today,” Jasmine said. Her tone of voice was light and cheerful, but her eyes told Katya a different story--that this wasn’t the first time it had happened, and that she was likely furious. “I gotta get home, and Dani’s out with the flu, so...do you mind keeping her here until Leslie shows up? It should be soon, she texted me ten minutes ago that she’s on the way.”
“No problem. We’ll have a great time, won’t we Grace?”
The little girl nodded, skipping into the classroom happily.
“You’re a lifesaver,” Jasmine said. “Thank you!”
Katya turned to Grace, who had dumped her jacket and backpack on the rug and was already prowling around the book bins, likely looking for her favorite Junie B. Jones stories. Soon, the two of them were settled into bean bag chairs in the comfy zone, Katya reading a few chapters out loud to her before realizing that she was probably hungry and suggesting a snack. Grace was just finishing her juice box and goldfish crackers when her young mother, Leslie, came rushing inside, harried and out of breath, apologizing profusely.
“Mama!” Grace jumped up from her seat at the little table, knocking the chair over in her excitement to leap into her mom’s arms. She hugged her tightly, face buried in her neck, and Katya could see some of the tension in Leslie’s face melt away.
Katya stood up from her own seat, picking up the book they’d been reading.
“I’m gonna put this book in Grace’s backpack so that you can finish it together this weekend,” she said, and Leslie shot her a look of pure gratitude, nodding.
“Grace, can you say thank you to Mrs. Zamo?”
“Thank you Mrs. Zamo!” she echoed cheerfully, taking the backpack and her jacket as Leslie dropped a kiss to the top of her head.
“Honey, can you go wait for me on the bench for a minute?” she asked, tugging gently on one of her pigtails.
As Grace skipped into the hallway to wait, Leslie turned to Katya, tears filling her eyes.
“I’m really so sorry about being late, I-”
“It’s okay,” Katya said, head tilted sympathetically. “I get it, things happen.”
“It’s been happening all week. I got this new job, and the hours are so tough and the commute is shit, but it’s an extra two dollars an hour and I can’t say no to that. But I just feel like...I feel like I can’t do anything right.”
“I understand,” Katya nodded, putting a hand on her arm. The truth was, though, she didn’t understand. Not really. She’d never been in a position where an extra two dollars an hour would make such a big difference in her life--not even when her dad cut her off. She’d always had money, and by the time her trust fund was depleted, she was living with Trixie, whose generous salary more than covered what they needed, her meager teacher’s salary mostly paying for fun extras, keeping them entertained and living their best lives, or just going in the bank.
She knew she was lucky, but until that moment, seeing the pain in Leslie’s eyes, the fear that she was failing at life and failing her child, maybe she didn’t understand just how lucky.
“I was sitting on the bus thinking about her waiting and waiting, wondering where I was.”
“Can I tell you something?” she asked softly. “Grace didn’t care that you were late, she was just happy to see you when you got here, because it’s really obvious what a good mom you are.”
“Sometimes I feel like the worst mom ever,” Leslie admitted, tears spilling down her cheeks.
“No way. Grace is an amazing kid. She’s smart and kind and enthusiastic--and it’s totally okay if you need some more help. That’s what all of us are here for. I can talk to Jasmine about maybe extending the hours next week, until you can get your schedule sorted. Or maybe Grace can go home with Joey’s mom...don’t you all live in the same building?”
Leslie nodded, a deep sigh leaving her. “Thanks, that’s a good idea. I...I’ll figure it out.”
“Okay. Just remember that you’re not in this alone, you know?” Katya handed over a box of tissues from her desk.
“Yeah. Thanks. Sorry, I-” Leslie wiped her eyes.
“Don’t be sorry,” Katya said, giving her a warm hug.
“Oh god!” Gigi groaned, pushing the door to the modeling apartment open, her shoulders aching, her fingertips numb. “Finally!” She dumped her bags down in the hallway, slumping against the wall.
She had been around the town with Sutan all day, shopping for what he called a model wardrobe, Gigi trying on several pairs of heels and flats, her new backpack and purse stuffed with a newly printed book and her brand new phone, their last stop of the day Gigi’s new gym that was just around the corner.
“Gigi?” Bimini popped her head out of the kitchen door, the golden rim around her eyes and her crimped hair clear indicators that meant she had been shooting, Bimini rarely bothering with removing hair and makeup on set. “Welcome home sweetie! How did it go?”
“I’m exhausted!” Gigi pushed out from the wall and kicked her sneakers off. “Who knew shopping could be that hard?”
Gigi heard Symone giggle, her friend sitting at the table and painting her nails, the apartment's newest arrival chopping vegetables for whatever vegan crock pot Bimini was cooking for everyone. They had someone new arrive every couple of days, most girls only staying for a night or two in the bunk beds in what Naomi had dubbed the summer camp room before they were shipped off again if they didn’t interest any of the agents.
“I told you, didn’t I?”
“I know,” Gigi groaned, dumping down in a chair to rest her aching feet, “but I thought you were kidding.” Symone had gone on the trip two weeks ago, her Instagram exploding with content now that she had a brand new phone to post with.
“Did he give you the drink speech too?”
She had eaten lunch with Sutan at an awkwardly fancy restaurant, three sets of cutlery surrounding her plate, her manager going through each set as well as her wine glasses, explaining it to her. Gigi’s mom had always insisted on good manners, but it hadn’t been anything like that.
“The ‘never leave your drink unattended’ one, I mean.”
“Mmh,” Gigi nodded. “The whole entire speech.”
She hoped it’d be unnecessary, but Sutan had run her through what he called the basic safety procedures like putting a hand or a napkin over her glass when she wasn’t paying attention, her manager drilling it into her skull that she shouldn’t accept poured drinks or opened bottles from strangers in clubs unless she saw the bartender prepare it.
“Is he seriously doing all that?” Naomi raised an eyebrow. “So far, all my agent has told me is that if I showed up in any tabloid looking messy, he’d drop my ass.”
Suddenly, Sutan’s mothering didn’t feel as smothering, the attention and assistance the man had poured over her nothing compared to the terrifying thought of being left basically on her own like Naomi.
At first, Katya wasn’t sure why she stopped at Macy’s on the way home. Especially now, on a Friday night during the holiday season, when the sales clerks were at their most frazzled.
She wandered around, unable to get Grace and Leslie out of her mind...and in particular, the look of pure joy on Grace’s face when her mother appeared in the doorway. Leslie was a single mom, and by the look of her, she was pretty young, but she had managed to raise an exceptional kid who was sure how much she was loved.
Why was Katya so afraid of having a baby? It was like she’d told Leslie--she wouldn’t be doing it alone. Not by a long shot. No, she was fortunate to have the most wonderful man in the universe by her side. And lord knew, Trixie would make up for any maternal instincts she may lack herself. And plenty of people, people much less capable and loving than her, had babies every day.
She stopped, looking around, realizing that she’d found herself in the baby department. Specifically, in front of a shelf full of tiny little infant shoes. She smiled to herself, knowing exactly what she needed.
When she arrived home, she was thrilled to see that Trixie had prepared dinner, heating up some leftover chicken and mashed potatoes and throwing together a salad--exactly what she was in the mood for.
She smiled when she saw him, announcing, “I brought you a present.”
Trixie’s face lit up, and for a split second she could imagine that exact same expression of joy on a tiny child, the thought making her insides warm as she handed him the little bag.
He looked inside, where the two tiny pink moccasin slippers sat in their plastic box, his head then snapping up to look at her with an expression of amazement.
“Kat, are you-” His eyes were bright with tears, hopeful but still a bit tentative.
She shrugged slightly, self-consciously, afraid to say what she’s been thinking out loud, but Trixie seemed to know anyway.
He rushed forward and swept her up into the biggest, tightest hug she’d ever had, repeating over and over how wonderful she was going to be. She took his face in her hands, kissing his tear-stained cheeks, finally sure that as a team, they could do it.
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I have no clue what I am doing!!!
But can I Ask for:
A squeal to the one with Midoriya’s quirk analysis of Ojiro. Bakugou bust in to yell about the noise, then does an experiment of his own.
Fandom: BNHA
Characters: Bakugou, Midoriya, Ojiro
A/N: I hope you enjoy!
Description: The two boys should have known that their loudness would attract some attention, but they weren’t ready for who’s. 
In hindsight, they may have been too loud. Midoriya and Ojiro both could feel their cheeks heat up from embarrassment as narrowed red eyes shot through them. Just as their tickle fight was ending, a certain blond bust through the bedroom door, looking irritated as ever. “Don’t you idiots know some of us are trying to use our time outside of class productively? You two screeching at the top of your lungs like kids isn’t helping anyone. So keep it down!” Midoriya quickly bowed his head, Ojiro anxiously playing with his tail. “Ah, sorry Ka-chan! We didn’t think we were being that loud,” Midoriya ushered out quickly. Frankly he didn’t want to be in this awkward situation any longer. 
“Ah, yeah. Sorry about that Bakugou,” Ojiro muttered sheepishly, his eyes looking anywhere but at the blond. Bakugou looked as if he was going to leave when something caught his eye. The nerd’s notebook was laying on the ground, wide open. With hero notes? Maybe, but he doubted it as he saw a sketch of…. a foot? “Oi, this isn’t art class Deku,” he grumbled as he grabbed the notebook, curiosity getting the better of him. “Ah, wait Ka-chan,” Deku gasped as he tried to retrieve it. Ojiro felt his face heat up worse. Why was him being ticklish something that had to be written down as some kind of important note! His quirk had so many other aspects to it yet Midoriya focused more so on such an embarrassing weakness!  
“Can it,” Bakugoug muttered as he held the book a bit higher. “You take notes on our classmates? Thought it ended at Proheroes.” He wasn’t fully paying attention to the two, a bit interested in the notes presented before him. “Ka-chan, just give me the notebook back.” Midoriya frankly didn’t want to deal with this; and was quite surprised when he actually was handed the book back. “If you two are going to be focusing on weaknesses, maybe you should take it somewhere more private or maybe try to be more discreet.” Ojiro’s face was as read as a tomato now, his tail twitching and swishing awkwardly. “Ah, right,” he mumbled sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his neck. 
“We’re sorry we disturbed you Ka-chan,” Midoirya mumbled as he placed the book down on the bed. “Yeah, well, you losers are gonna be,” Bakugou said rather tonelessly. He squatted down in front of a confused Ojiro, wanting to test what he had read in the document. Ojiro and Midoriya were both quite confused at this, Ojiro only catching on when the blond grabbed one of his ankles. “B-Bakugou hang on,” he pleaded as he tried to gently take his foot back. Katsuki said nothing as he just held the ankle firmer, pulling it into a headlock. “So, these pads are pretty sensitive huh?” 
Ojiro curled his toes with a whimper, pulling more at his foot. Midoriya stood in complete and utter shock as he watched Bakugou gently glide a dull nail up and down the top pad of Ojiro’s foot. “Eeeeemmmm!” There was a loud thumping noise as Ojiro’s tail reacted to the touch; Ojiro meanwhile, was trying to cover his mouth to attempt to keep some dignity. But it didn’t seem that Bakugou was going to let such a thing slide. Rather, he quickly added the rest of his nails, scratching and gliding; alternating these movements at random. Ojiro felt his tail tip poof before the thumping got worse. It tickled so badly! 
“Hahahahaha! No, p-please! Midoriya!” Ojiro was pleading for the other to aid him. But Deku was still frankly frozen in shock. “Try it nerd and you’ll also be a test subject,” Bakugou muttered as he reached up to uncurl Ojiro’s toes. Ojiro squeaked before reaching for the blond. “No, no! Bakugou! Stop it!” Bakugou felt a smirk crawl across his face. “Heh, I ain’t even tickling you yet.” Ojiro squealed from the word alone coming from the other’s mouth. “No stop,” he giggled out before screaming with laughter as nails found the soft, delicate pads of his toes. The shriek seemed to break the shock as Deku squatted down and quickly dove in to save his classmate. 
Red eyes widened before gruff, forced laughter echoed about the dorm room. Ojiro felt the grip on his ankle fade away before he quickly snatched it back, rubbing the ghostly feeling away. However, dark eyes didn’t once tear from the rat bastard rolling about on the floor with Midoriya on top of him, tickling under his arms. “You fhahahaucking nehehehrd! Dheheheku!” Bakugou was hysterical, unable to keep his eyes open for more than a mere second or two. “Maybe I should add a page on you Ka-chan,” Midoriya teased. Izuku was going to regret that. “Oh yehehehah?” 
Midoriya felt gravity taking him as suddenly two hands grabbed on to his hips and whisked him to the side. Oh no. Bakugou quickly maneuvered to sit on top of the smaller, panting irritatedly. Guess spending all that time with his loser squad was useful; though he’d never thank any of them for preparing him for dumb moments like these. Looking down at Midoriya did give him a small bit of childish satisfaction though. Like Deku, all but Mina had been in this position before. Mina was the tickle queen, someone bakugou had yet to defeat. 
“Any last words, Deku?” Midoriya panted a bit, recovering from the shock of the sudden movements. Green eyes were wide, darting from red to dark ones. Ojiro smirked a bit before moving behind the blond who was instantly on guard. “You seem to think you have the upper hand here Bakugou,” Ojiro chuckled. “Don’t even think about it monkey boy.” The blond jumped as Deku poked at him. “Yeah Ka-chan, one against two.” Katsuki growled a bit, eyes darting between the two figures. Last time he knew Midoriya was stupid ticklish, and monkey boy seemed to be pretty bad too; on his feet at least. But Bakugou didn’t have any access to his feet at the moment and it would be too risky to tyr and knock him down now with Deku so close to him. 
Strategies quickly raised through his head as his body took action. He turned and launched up, knocking Ojiro back onto the dorm bed behind him. Deku was next. With swift movements, the blond managed to pick up the smaller and throw him beside the other test subject. It was time for an experiment of his own, for his own research. Ignoring the stammering from the two, Bakugou sat on a leg per person. “So, nerd, you have a page on your own weaknesses?” Midoriya’s protests fell as he felt his face heat up and stomach fill with butterflies from such a question. “Ka-chan, don’t,” he squealed. Ojiro was already giggling in anticipation, covering his mouth as his tail spazzed about. Bakugou merely chuckled, starting to gently glide his nails up and down each foot. 
“Oh ghahahhahad nahahao! K-Khahahah-chahan! Sthahaop it,” Midoriya shrieked. Ojiro held him gently as he squirmed around, laughing so heartedly. “Bhahhakughahaou,” he cried, shoving at the older with his foot. “Sthahahaop!” Said older was getting a bit annoyed by the kicking but worked past it as he moved up to under the toes. Ojiro sounded like an animal at this point. His laughter was too intense to make out his words, sounding like a different language not spoken by human. Whereas Midoriya was giggling and shrieking like a toddler. “Ah, Kachahahan! We’re sorry! Mhehehercy!” But Baku wasn’t listening. Rather, he gave false hope. He stood from their legs, giving the two exhausted bodies a short break. 
He grabbed the discarded pen and note book before sitting back on the two, ready to take some notes of his own. THey were mainly on Midoriya, but he couldn’t have Ojiro stopping him, now could he? Just when they thought it was over too. Deku was curious though what the other was doing with his notebook. However, before he could ask, he felt the cap of his pen gently tracing up and down his foot. 
Soft, delicate giggles escaped into the warm air as his toes alternated between curling and splayin, Ojiro having a similar situation with the pen itself. The blond was gently drawing on his paw pads; making a story that was keeping the tailed hero-in-training on edge. “Mmmmm hehehe no, sthahahaop,” the tailed male giggled. The kicking was now just weak shoving as Ojiro felt his energy from the day fade away. Midoriya on the other hand was jerking about, jumping and spazzing. His foot moved every which direction, attempting to avoid his inevitable fate. “Whahat are yhahaou doing,” he finally giggled out. “Taking notes, duh. If I’m going to surpass you as a hero, I’m going to need to keep in touch with your weaknesses.” He smirked a bit. “Quite frankly, I don’t think this one is ever going to change.”
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craftypeaceturtle · 3 years
A is for Arrival...?
Summary: Remus and Janus are shopping ready for the new arrival for their family.
Note: The start of an AU and series because I’m just a sucker for any type of familiar sides. Romantic Demus and Royality.
Next Part: B is for Baby Time
“Hey Jay?” Remus suddenly stopped; his eyes enormous. 
“Yes, dear?” Janus put on a dramatic Victorian tone, his spine straightening with his hand frozen poised with the packet of washing up sponges. 
“Do we need to get birthday stuff?” Janus immediately scrunched his face, “No wait! Listen. You celebrate your kid’s birthday every year so surely you celebrate his first ever one ever. Right?”
Janus stared into the distance as he dropped the sponges on the floor, “Call your brother.”
“No,” Remus whined but still pulled up his phone and promptly shoved it into Janus’ chest, “He’ll only make fun of me if I ask it. If you ask it, then maybe he’ll presume he’s the stupid!”
“Did he celebrate Logan’s first ever ever birthday? What would you even call it? First day of existence?” Janus frowned as he speed dialled the number. 
“If he did, he didn’t invite me!” Remus shrugged before picking up the sponges. He immediately crowded into Janus and smooshed himself into his shoulder. 
They picked up on the second ring, Patton’s sigh answering. Something that they probably weren’t supposed to hear. “Hello Roman. We just have a quick question,” Janus chirped. 
“Hey Janus. It’s Patton by the way. Wow, another question, huh?” Patton, meanwhile, gave Roman a stern look and thrusted the phone at him again. Roman pulled a face as he shrugged and ducked back down behind the sofa. Frowning, he put it on speaker so they could both suffer, “What did you want to ask?”
“Should we celebrate our baby’s first ever day? Like a birthday but for their very very first birthday?” 
“What!” Roman shrieked before leaping back on to the sofa; ever so suddenly finding the strength to talk. 
“What do you mean ‘what’! God, he’s such a douche,” Remus muttered.
“I’m a douche, oh am I? Why would you celebrate a baby’s first ever day. It’s their first ever day in this world! They get overwhelmed and scared so easily. It’s a big scary world out there and you’re going to shove a party in their face! The baby is barely old enough to move it’s own hands! It’s a baby!” Roman complained while Patton giggled.
“To treat this seriously for a second, when you finally get your baby, the very last thing you want to do is mess around too much. After all this time, all that waiting, you finally get this tiny fragile baby. A tiny itty bitty baby. All you’ll want to do is just sit there and watch them quietly. A party is the last thing you’ll think to do. Heh, me and Roman even forgot to eat that day and only remembered hours later,” Patton spoke softly with his own memories uplifting his annoyance. Roman smiled and knocked their shoulders together. 
“...So is it worth buying like finger food in case we forget to eat?” Remus interrupted.
“Uh... yeah? I mean, yeah that would work,” Roman fumbled.
“Okay. Cheers. Bye!” Remus called out while Janus rolled his eyes, “Wow. We really need to get them something for putting up with all this.”
“Well I’m going to keep talking to them, you weirdo.” Janus ran his hand through Remus’ crazed curls but he was quickly shrugged off as Remus went to evaluate which bleach was best for their toilet, “How are you two?”
“Yeah, all’s good here! Just your typical day, what are you doing?” Patton chirped.
“Baby shopping mixed with some normal shopping. Extremely exciting, I’m sure you’re jealous,” Janus felt his voice go soft at just the mere mention of his coming baby.
“Aww! That’s so sweet,” Patton sighed, “I miss that so much about Logie. Baby clothes shopping is the only reason worth becoming a dad.”
“Oh Pat! Such slander, I’m impressed,” Janus laughed.
“Oh hush! Everyone knows that baby clothes are the best cutest things in existence. Aw, are you going to buy Halloween clothes! Me and Roman saw some adorable skeleton onesies today and I came this close to buying it for the baby.”
“Yeah, I think at this point we’ve bought him more Halloween clothes than normal baby stuff. That’s the whole reason we still have to do some shopping. There were these pumpkin shoes and socks. Oh Pat! I swear if I wasn’t so macho and cool, I would’ve cried. Baby shoes are just so tiny!” Remus raised a brow at his squealing voice. But then he also knew exactly what Janus was talking about just from his tone alone. Those shoes were actually pretty cute. 
“They are right! Aw, do you know any more about the baby?”
“Well...” Janus drawled while Remus took a breath. They agreed that Janus was going to deal with this breaking news.
“We met up with the mother yesterday.”
“Oh! My! Oh! Oh, Jayjay! That’s amazing! How was she?” Remus quickly snatched the phone and flicked it to speaker. Janus raised a brow at him but he was only met with the most mischievous smirk back. He frowned but turned back to continue talking only now with Patton’s voice squeaking out across the aisle. 
“She looked exhausted. I felt so bad for her. Meeting up for a coffee looked like the very last thing she wanted to do,” Remus said. 
“Bless her,” Janus sighed, “She was lovely.”
“Aw, that’s good. We never really got to meet our surrogate, how come yours wanted to meet?”
“Well, she apparently had a bit of a health scare. All is good! Everything is all good! But she just wanted to sit down with us and actually go through everything that happened. So we sat and talked about the health of the baby. Again, all is good obviously. But... so... we may or may not have found out our baby’s gender,” Janus winced once the squeal erupted over the phone. Remus cackled at the amount of people who turned to look at them with dirty looks before he turned the speaker off again. Ah, yes wouldn’t be a trip to the shops if Remus couldn’t spread some mild chaos. 
“What’s their gender!” Patton screamed before launching up from the sofa. Roman was giggling as Patton jumped up and down and spun him around. 
“We’re having a boy!” Janus smiled. He would deny the glow in his chest for this rest of his life but he couldn’t help but grab Remus’ hand. Remus smiled, thankfully, and squeezed his hand with his own lovesick smile. Their baby boy.
“Oh a boy!” Patton squealed high enough for dogs. 
“Typical, not one girl in this entire family,” Roman chuckled. 
“Oh congrats guys! When’s the due date again?” Patton sighed.
“10th of December. I almost feel bad for the boy. He’s going to have to put up with the whole Christmas birthday combination.”
“I’m still upset that he wasn’t a Halloween baby,” Remus frowned. 
They chatted for a few more minutes before Janus finally hung up. They were still holding hands- they would look exactly like a couple from a lovey film if they actually dressed like normal people rather than Disney villains. All they needed to do now grab was some more normal baby outfits. A very simple easy task. Just look at some clothes and chose some cute functional clothes.
But every single time... every single time, they would find the most abnormal baby outfits possible. That and they always spent a good ten solid minutes of staring at the tiny shoes. They looked like build-a-bear shoes. They didn’t even look real. 
“I can’t wait until he arrives,” Remus mumbled as he picked up a hideous orange dinosaur patterned jumper set. Janus tried to hide the smile but he quickly placed his head on his shoulder as they stood there. 
“Neither can I. He can’t come soon enough. Just like how you can’t put back that gross set soon enough.”
“You don’t like it! I think it’s cute.” Remus tilted his head as if that made it cuter. 
“He’s so not going to be an orange baby.”
“You don’t know that! Does he even need a colour?”
“You’ve got green, I like yellow. He also needs a colour. While we can still have control over what he wears at least,” Janus stated like Remus was a toddler trying to argue that the sky was green. 
“So we both have our ugly colours. Then he also needs an ugly colour too! Orange is a disgusting colour!” Remus thrusted the jumper in his face. 
“Oh totally exactly, dear,” Janus rolled his eyes before he then felt the passion erupt from him, “Okay. Firstly, for your information, yellow is a beautiful colour thank you very much. You’re the one that chose the grossest colour of green to embrace. He can have purple,” Janus winced as he guided Remus’ hand back down to the shelf. 
“Yes. A beautiful colour. Not only does it screw over superfluous ridiculous gender roles, it also is close enough to match our dress senses,” Janus stated with a proud look. Remus opened his mouth but then snapping it shut with a respectful nod. Yep, that sounded like a plan.  
They eventually found some normal tiny eeny weeny pair of jeans and they used all of their collective strength to stay clear of all the Halloween clothes and bought some presentable jumpers. Janus was finally starting to get fed up with standing around in a shop before he realised that Remus’ eyes kept flicking to a shelf behind them. 
He never made any move to actually go look at whatever it was and he never mentioned it. Janus found every reason to keep looking at the same pairs of stripey socks to give him time but he still said nothing. It was so uncommon that Remus felt shy about suggesting something. What could be the harm? “What you looking at?” Janus asked while exaggeratedly turning around.
“Um... I just noticed...” Remus drawled off. It was just a discount shelf. It was stacked with just random broken items that clearly no one ever take any interest in. Remus shyly sulked up to it and pushed aside the chipped mugs and torn notebooks without any hesitation. He pulled up a baby blanket. 
It was the exact same incredibly soft material all baby stuff was made from. The stuff where your hand magnetised to its softness. It was a quilted baby blanket in a pastel lilac. It was cute but it wouldn’t be on a discounted shelf without reason. There was a large smudge of black marker on its corner. But as Remus held it up, Janus laughed. It wasn’t quilted. It was sewn to be a spider web pattern around the blanket. Clearly an old Halloween gimmick. 
He turned to ask if Remus was all ready to go then and was immediately punched in the stomach. Remus was all teary eyed and awkwardly looking anywhere but him. His fingers brushed through the blanket over and over again. 
“Oh Reem,” Janus cooed and tugged the blanket from his grasp but he didn’t let go.
“I don’t even know why I’m tearing up!” Remus pressed his arms against his face. Janus felt himself tearing up as well. Something about how Remus’ voice would go all wobbly and pitchy when he was on the edge of tears just always got to him, “Just... oh this is so fucking stupid.”
“Well you’ve got us both crying in a shop at 9 in the morning. I’d say it sounds pretty dumb,” Janus smiled.
“Just... he could be our little spider. Just like how I’m your octopus and you’re my snake,” Remus’ voice was practically crumbling away. Janus felt a disgusting childish tear slip down his face.
“Oh Reem.” Janus hugged him, only so he didn’t have to experience the embarrassment of people seeing his husband’s gross taste in blankets of course. 
“How much spider stuff have we bought him! Like that would be perfect. And this is purple and spider!” Remus felt a tear escape his control too but he just buried his nose in Janus’ hair. 
“Oh you are such a nightmare of a husband. I’m taking you back to the husband shop and refunding you,” Janus groaned, he broke away and snatched the blanket from his grasp and shoved it into their trolley. At least it was cheap. Plus they would probably end up staining it with gross new born baby vomit anyway. 
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pineapplesandpinas · 3 years
Air Mattress - Fred Weasley One-shot
Prompt: Imagine your OTP having to share an air mattress for the night. Person A is already in bed and comfortable and person B is very tired from the day. B flops down on the other side, launching A into the air.
Warnings: None this is literally all fluff lol
A/N: Hey guys! This is my first fic, so I’m really nervous to post this. Please give me any and all feedback!! I am accepting requests and will try and get to them as soon as I can. Thank you for reading!! 
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*Gif not mine*
Staring at the air mattress you sighed. The whole situation was your fault anyways, so you had no room to complain. While staying at the Weasley’s for Christmas certainly had its perks, there was the issue of capacity. While many were always welcome to the Burrow, this year the amount of people outnumbered the bed space. So, the air mattress had been brought out. The stupid thing wasn’t the most comfortable, and you all agreed that it wasn’t fair to make two people sleep on it the entire break. So, a plan was devised; split into pairs and when your turn came you would spend the night on the air mattress together.
In theory it was a great plan. However, it was now your turn with the mattress. And you had been paired with Fred. Had it not been for your massive crush the only thing you would be worrying about would be your ability to fall asleep. But Fate had a cruel sense of humor, and you had drawn the short stick. Now you had to spend the night next to the man of your dreams. How were you supposed to react?
You had concluded that the best way to avoid embarrassment was to fall asleep before Fred. Retiring early, you gave the excuse that you wanted to be up early for presents. Everyone bought the lie, and now here you were lying on the uncomfortable mattress. Sighing you knew that sleep would not come easily tonight but gathered the blanket up to your chin anyways.
You couldn’t tell how much time had passed but you had managed to drift off into a light slumber. The door creaked loudly, waking you. You could make out a tall dark figure and knew it was Fred. Trying to calm your now racing heart you shifted onto your side and tried quickly to fall back asleep. However, your senses had been thrown into overdrive.
Your ears perked up at the sound of soft clothes hitting the floor. The knowledge that Fred was undressing quite literally behind your back had you shivering. You heard him groan and move to the end of the bed. You were confused until you heard a whoosh of air and Fred hitting the mattress beside you. Hard.
Funny thing about air mattresses- the air doesn’t tend to stay in one place. So as all the air was moved from Fred’s side, it rushed to yours. Shrieking you felt yourself go airborne before hitting the hard-wood floor. Groaning you rolled onto your back, trying to catch the breath that had been knocked from you.
“Oh, Merlin are you alright Y/n?” Fred had jumped up the moment you hit the ground. “Bloody hell I feel awful. Can you get up?”
You nodded, unable to speak. You looked up into Fred’s concerned eyes, feeling his hands on your sides holding you up. Weakly you sent him a smile.
“Only you would forget about the physics of an air mattress Weasley.” You joked. Fred’s frown deepened. “Oh I’m only joking c’mon. Just get back in bed, I’ll be alright eventually.” You shrugged off his hands and crawled back onto the bed. When Fred made no move to follow you looked up in surprise. He was still watching you, guilt written across his entire face.
“I’m really sorry Y/n. I should have known that would happen. I was just too tired, and my dimwitted brain couldn’t comprehend anything.” This time it was your turn to frown. Fred certainly wasn’t dimwitted, quite the opposite in fact. Holding your arms open you motioned to him. Pulling him forward you wrapped your arms around him in a tight embrace. You could feel his hesitation before returning the hug full force.
“Now you listen to me Frederic Gideon Weasley. You may act like an annoying prat most of the time, but you most definitely aren’t stupid. Your one of the smartest people I know!” Feeling him scoff you hurried on before he could interrupt. “I’m serious Fred! I know for a fact that it was you who came up with the idea for the joke shop, and you’re the mastermind behind almost all the pranks you pull. No average bloke could think of half of that stuff!”
Pulling back, you looked grabbed his face and looked him straight in the eyes. “You are no dimwit. If you ever say such a thing again, I’ll hex you.” He smiled at that and you felt your heart warm at the sight. Glancing down at his lips you quickly pulled your eyes back up, only to see his dilate. Suddenly his lips crashed into yours, and you squeaked in surprise. You recovered quickly and pushed back, eyes screwing up as your heart exploded in fireworks.
The kiss ended before long and you were embarrassed to find yourself chasing his lips. He giggled at your response.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for a while now.” He murmured. You felt your cheeks go warm.
“Of course. Blimey Y/n, why do you think I offered to share the air mattress with you? All my time is spent thinking of you. The way you laugh at my jokes, how soft your hair is, when you get all worked up over a stupid test. What about you is there not to love?”
Your cheeks were flaming at this point. You hid your face in his shoulder and felt him chuckle. His long arms wrapped around you once again, and you enjoyed his strong hold. At some point you pulled back and gave him a small smile.
“What do you say we get to sleep. After all, tomorrow is Christmas.” His eyes lit up at the mention of tomorrow morning and you laughed. Laying down you faced each other, simply looking into each other’s eyes.
“I have to say,” You whispered. “Even though I haven’t opened any presents yet, you’re the best one I’ve gotten.” Together you both drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
Perhaps sharing an air mattress wasn’t the worst thing in the world.
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ohdeersthings · 3 years
(Spanish) A place where one's strength is drawn, where one feels at home; The place where you are your most authentic self.
Soo first time writing in a long time (Like since 2013? 2014? My poor tween self). Open to critiques. Just wanna do some angst and a little fluff because ya know. We love crying 🥰
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° You could still remember the day perfectly as if it was yesterday. The day everything had shifted, turning your world upside down as you could barely wrap your head around the new surroundings and emotions that flew by as you gazed up at the new school. Well, one could only feel so much at the ripe age of eight.
"Are you ready to venture inside?" Your mother, (M/N) asked with a smile, squating down beside you as your small hands clenched at your (F/C) skirt, not able to maintain eye contact. "(Y/N)? It'll be okay, you'll get to make new friends and learn more interesting facts about your favorite subjects," (M/N) tried to put you at ease but there was only so much you can do for a child whose natural, shy nature made it difficult for new transitions and surroundings.
You tried to relax your hands but failed as you gazed up your mother, (E/C) eyes a shade darker than yours staring back warmly, "But won't the other kids make fun of me? My quirks not very show worthy..Maybe we can try again next year?" You had pleaded hopefully, not wanting to leave the comfort of your home without your Mother. (M/N) could only sigh, running a hand softly through your (H/C) tresses, "I'm sorry my sweet girl, Mommy can't homeschool you anymore, I know it'll be strange since it's half way through the first of the year but you'll see," she smiled wide at you, and you couldn't help but smile back too, gaining confidence from her that made your heart warm so much that the flowers of purple and blue next to you sprung to life and bloomed. "Even the flowers agree too," (M/N) laughed as your face turned a soft pink from embarrassment, still not having full control over your quirk. Grabbing your hand softly, your mother stood up tall and gently led you inside, the new adventure waiting for you beyond the doors.
"Alright! Everyone settle down we have a new student joining us, come on in" The teacher announced, glancing toward the doorway where you stood frozen, heart racing at the thought of having to introduce yourself now an overwhelming feeling. 'Maybe if I run I can catch Mom?' You thought, but thinking back to her warm eyes and smile, you swallowed and walked in, looking down and trying to ignore the dozens of eyes staring at you. "Introduce yourself my dear," The teacher smiled at you, hoping to ease your anxiousness.
Finally gaining the confidence to look up, you looked around warily at the new faces. Some looking interested, others bored, a few who seemed a mixture of both depending on your introduction. "H-Hello there..My name is (L/N) (F/N), I hope we get along," you'd manage to squeak out, hands tense at your side as you bowed, looking back up as some people gushed over your now pink face. "How cute~!" "She's so flustered!" "Her hair is so pretty~! "Wonder what her quirk is?" Were a few you heard right away, making you smile nervously as your hands found your skirt again. "Calm down everyone, (L/N) you may take your seat in front of Mirio, Mirio raise your hand," a boy with bright blonde hair, stunning blue eyes and a warm smile greeted you as you made your way to your seat.
Nodding your head in thanks, you sat down and got out your flower covered notebook and sunflower pencil, beginning to take notes as the lesson began. A warm feeling creeping over your back, turning slightly to see the boy, Mirio, smiling at you with an inquiry gaze, head in his hands as he leaned in close. Flustering again, you quickly turned around hoping to have not been caught, but the same couldn't be said for the boy behind you, whose interest in you seemed to just grow more.
Outside break time seemed to come so fast yet so slow as you walked around, finding shade beneath a tree as you breathed in the fresh air, your body seeming to glow around you as the plants nearby leaned toward you, almost as if you were the sun itself. It was so peaceful and relaxing, true harmony as you let a smile grace your features. If only it could stay like this-
"HEY THERE!" A sudden voice cut through the air as you jumped, screaming in shock and falling backwards into the tree. "Oh gosh I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to frighten you, honest!" Opening your eyes, you glanced up to see Mirio, the boy from class in front of your with a smile still gracing his features. "(L/N) right? I'm Mirio Togata! Nice to meet you," he kept his smile up, holding a hand out to you to help you up. Accepting his hand, you stood up, trying to look around anywhere but him as your nerves came back again for the thousandth time.
"Uh, you alright there? Didn't knock any screws loose I hope?" He laughed, leaning in closer to you. The warmth that glowed from him seemed to rival the sun, and you couldn't ignore it any longer as you looked up at him, a small smile now reaching your face too. "He-Hello, it's nice to meet you too," your smile glowed back at him, just as radiant as his is.
"Hey I got a question for ya. Do you like Heros?" Mirio asked straightforward, wanting to get to know you better right of the bat. The question took you by surprise because, yes, you didn't just like Heros, you loved them. You simply nodded, nerves relaxing a little as a breeze blowed by. "Awesome! Say, you've gotta come meet my friends, we can talk about Heros until we go back inside! Oh, maybe we can even continue at lunch! If you wanna sit with us that is, maybe even after school. Wait you might be busy," he rambled off, suddenly excited it appeared to have a new friend.
You couldn't help the laugh that escaped you, your hand coming up to block your mouth to stop yourself since you didn't wanna come off as rude. "Sorry, got carried away a bit huh?" Mirio laughed, rubbing the back of his neck as his non wavering smile kept to his face. "It's okay, I don't mind," you answered back, (E/C) eyes meeting Mirios blue ones as you stared, perhaps longer than you should've.
The bell from the school filled the air, causing you to jump, the grass beneath your feet suddenly growing and towering over you and Mirio. "WOAH!" Mirio exclaimed, surprised at the sudden growth spurt of the grass. He looked at you with wide eyes, wondering if this was your quirks doing. It only made sense, seeing as how it was just you two around.
You blushed, hands to your skirt again as you looked down embarrassed. "Sorry, my quirk goes off if I have a sudden spike of emotion sometimes," you explained, glancing up at Mirio who could only grin at you wide eyed, "THATS SO COOL! Can you only manipulate grass? Or is it all nature? Just plants? You've gotta tell me more," he gushed, his hands clenched into fists, excitement pouring out of him.
You'd never seen someone so intrigued by your quirk before outside of your family. It caused a warm feeling in your stomach and chest, slowly pouring out into the rest of your body as you and Mirio exited the tall grass, now able to see the school yard and other kids who were walking inside to resume lessons.
"So what is your quirk? If you don't mind me asking," Mirio inquired, hands on hips and his warm smile on display as always. "I don't mind, uh to put it simply it's just a nature quirk, I-I can control any of plants around me, especially flowers. I really like flowers," you gushed back towards the end, a bright light in your eyes and a beautiful smile dawning your lips as you looked over to Mirio who could only gleam back too. "Thats so cool! You could definitely become an amazing Hero with that!" "Really?" "Definitely, come on let's go, you gotta meet my friend Tamaki Amajiki, he'll be so excited to meet you!" Mirio grabbed your hand and ran off back to the school, you dragging behind him and noticing how the sun bounced off him as if he were the sun itself. A smile rested upon your face as the warmth continued to spread across your body. In a way, it almost felt, Homey.
"Hey Mirio?"
"Yeah (Y/N) what's up?"
"Can you promise me that we'll work together as Heros? I don't know what I'd do without you, Tamaki or Nejire,"
Mirio couldn't help but laugh at you, your young, first year of high school face becoming pink as you gazed upon your long time friend and crush. "Of course we'll work together! I couldn't think of anyone more fitting to be my Hero Partner," he posed, a big grin plastered on his face as he looked at you, both of you standing just outside the U.A gates.
"S-So you promise? Anything we do, we do together right? As a team?" You gushed, leaning in towards Mirio who nodded, "Always (Y/N) now come on, the guys won't wait for much longer. We gotta go.." he trailed off, leaning towards you to finish his call out. "Plus Ultra?" You laughed, "No! We gotta go fast! Seriously we gotta go, the train is due to to leave in ten minutes!" He realized, grabbing your hand and rushing off, the same warmth erupting through you again as your hands meet. You sighed contently, nothing could ruin this moment.
Until, we return to the present that is...
You could barely breathe as you stared at Mirio, his costume torn, his cape draped over Eri who couldn't even move she was so terrified. The blood from Mirio caused your heart to clench at the mere thought of him in pain.
"I WONT LEAVE YOU," You shouted back, leaping from the ledge and landing next to Eri who had tears flowing down her cheeks as she could only stare in fear and uncertainty to both of those who had hurt her and came to help her.
"Oh? A new player has come to join hm?" Chisaki Kai muttered, eyes roaming over your body as you shielded Eri from gaze, Mirio a few feet ahead and breathing heavily. "Ya know I would say if you weren't diseased you'd be very attractive, possibly worth studying with that quirk of yours, Antheia, but you must be cleansed," Chisaki muttered, hands on the ground again as he disassembled and reassembled at a mass rate, you grabbing Eri and dodging as Mirio tried his best to handle Chisaki, his quirk now gone unknown to you.
"Mirio! I'll fight, you take care of Eri," you cried out, nearing Mirio who both dodged and protected you and Eri. "As long as he threatens you, I'll fight," Mirio gritted his teeth, fed up with Chisaki and his twisted ways. Reaching into your pouch, you pulled out a few lavender seeds, throwing them out and activating your quirk, allowing the seeds to grow and blossom, their scent extra powerful to make those around fall asleep. Hoping to get it to Chisaki, you grabbed Mirio at the last second, hand sinched around his hand as you pulled him back a few feet, away from Chisaki who could only chuckle, "nice try, but not good enough," as he assembled a spike behind you, Mirio noticing last second and throwing his body weight to the side, causing your still clasped hands to swing you around, dodging it with Eri still wrapped in your arms, shaking.
Mirio could barely stand, nearly collapsing against you but tried to stay strong. 'I can't back down, not yet. Not until this disgusting man is down and out. I have to protect them,' Mirio thought, adrenaline running high as he glanced at you.
You were a warm becon that filled his life, he's never felt more real, more natural around anyone else but you. You make him want to be better, you make him want to push himself to be himself and no one else. The best he can be. Yet you're standing here, wanting to stand beside him like you've always done, but how can he let you do that knowing you can cost your life too. He wants to be selfish, hide you away from everyone so you won't get hurt. He knows what you're capable of, the power you hide from everyone not wanting to draw attention. Power you've only shown around him through trust and respect outside of school and training. Nows the time to show it to the world.
"(Y/N)" Mirio mumbled next to you, making you glance at him yet still wary of Chisaki. "Deku and Sir should be here soon, lets show Chisaki what we're made of until they get here," he grinned, the stupid grin of his that made tears well up your (E/C) eyes as you nodded, gently placing Eri down behind you, sending her a sweet and strong smile of your own.
What seemed to drag on for hours was only mere minutes of you and Mirio throwing blow after blow and receiving blow after blow from Chisaki. As long as he didn't get Eri you'd be fine. Even as blood dripped down your temple from where you were slammed down and your vision blurred, your only goal was to keep Eri and Mirio safe. Just as Mirios was to keep you and Eri safe.
The next few minutes seemed to blur, between Midoriya and Sir showing up. Your body trying to give out into Sirs hug, the last real hug you never knew you'd ever get from him. The memories blurring as you and Mirio trudged out with Eri in tow. Before you could register what happened, your body dropped to the ground, Eri and Mirios faces of concern being the last you see before darkness consumes.
Images blur together as you come out of unconsciousness. The strong scent of disinfectant spray and rubbing alcohol makes its way to you, the smell both welcoming and alarming. Opening your eyes you notice Aizawa-Sensei by the door, you slowing attempting to sit up as he walks in, "Aizawa- Sensei! What's going on? Where's Mirio? Eri? Is everyone alright," you gushed out, head suddenly pounding, causing you to groan and grab your head. "Take it easy (L/N), it's alright. You're safe, everyone's safe now," he calmed you down, your head still pounding as you nodded with the new information. "So then, Midoriya, Sir Nighteye, they got Chisaki? Are they recovering from their wounds too?" You asked, looking up at him with (E/C) eyes showing hope that everything can now return to normal once everyone's healed. Yet, as Aizawa looks else where you can't help but ask, "What's wrong? Everyone is okay right?" The words that come out of his mouth next has you up, IVs ripped out as you ran out the room, Aizawa chasing after you.
Heart pounding in your head, you turn a corner, tripping over your feet sending you tumbling to the ground. Yet you got back up and kept running, catching a green haired boy, also known as Izumi Midoriya, by surprise as you ran up. "Midoriya! Please tell me its not true," you cry, tears welling up as you clench his hands.
He could only stare back at you, his own tears glimmering into his lash line too. "I'm so sorry (L/N)-Senpai, but..S-Sir Nighteye is...is," he couldn't finish the sentence, choking back a sob as your tears run down your face. Letting go of his hands you bring yours to your face, hoping to cover up your pitiful sobs that seem to echo the now quiet hallway. "W-Wheres Mirio?" You choked out, Aizawa now caught up with you. His hand softly grabs your shoulder, curling his arm and bringing you into his chest. He may not be a very affectionate man, but you were one of his more favorite students. Seeing you like this broke his heart. "Lets go this way (L/N). It'll be okay," he mumbled into your hair as he gave your shoulder a squeeze, leading you down the hallway away from Midoriya who was now joined by All Might.
Midoriya and All Might could only stare in sadness as they watched one of the Top 4 students of UA break down. First Mirio as he witnessed Sir Nighteyes passing in person, and now you as you woke up too late to say goodbye and having to realize that you'll never get the chance like they did.
Aizawa knocked on the hospital door, a silence followed for a few seconds before a soft "Come in," was heard from inside. Opening the door Aizawa saw Mirio sitting on his hospital bed, a smile plastered to his face. "Whats up Eraserhead?" He questioned, almost as if his whole life didn't go up in flames merely 12 hours ago. "Mirio, are you up for a visitor? This person could really use your help right now," Aizawa inquired, hoping that you two could heal eachother like you always seemed to do.
"Sure, who is it?" Mirio asked, head tilt. Aizawa didn't answer, merely turning his head to the doorway where you stood, hospital gown and all. Your eyes red from tears that had slowed down but still hadn't stopped yet.
Mirios face grew concerned, he stood up the best he could and hobbled over to you. Resching his hands out he pulled you into his chest. Your heart breaking all over again as you sobbed into his chest, Mirio tightening his arms around you. Aizawa simply nodded and left, shutting the door behind him.
"It'll be alright, (Y/N). We'll be okay, I promise," Mirio whispered in your ear, your sobs into his chest becoming quiet as he soothed you. "Sir Njghteye deserved so much more," you whimpered out, looking up at Mirio with glossy eyes that pulled at his heart strings. "I know, but we'll get better from here on out," he smiled, his voice soft instead of its usual loud and booming self. "Why are you holding it in Mirio?" You questioned, seeing right through his facade as he tensed. "I've cried my tears, you can let yours out with me it's alright," he promised, yet you could see the guilt, remorse, hurt and pain swirling inside.
You guided him over to the bed, sitting down with him as you took his hands into yours. "You may have cried but that doesn't mean you healed that quick, Mirio," you softly spoke, hand reaching up to graze his cheek softly and cup it. He could only watch mesmerized by your beauty as the morning sun beamed through the window, giving you an even more Homely glow than before. "You can fool them Mirio, but not me,"
His eyes suddenly had a pressure upon them and he couldn't help but clench his fists and eyes in anger and distrsught as he yelled out suddenly in a sob. The grief of not being strong enough to save Sir hitting him at once. The pain of knowing he lost his quirk surrounding his body, becoming heavy. The sudden empty feeling of knowing all those years were sudden lost in a sea and he was drowning.
Your hand caught him by surprise as he looked up, your smile soft and glowing, yet also full of sadness. "Don't hold it up inside. We can face it together," You spoke, his body suddenly tackling you down onto the bed as you gasped, cheeks a soft pink. As he shook, quiet tears pouring down his face he whimpered to you, "(Y/N)..Thank you...Thank you for letting me show my true feelings with you,"
You smiled, hands running through his hair. A soft kiss was placed upon his forehead as he looked up shocked, yet you could only giggle at his pink face. "I know it's not the time, but maybe in a while you'll let me voice my true self too?" You questioned, knowing that the boy healing could maybe have something to be the light at the end of his tunnel. His smile, warm and Homey filled the room again, this time authentic through and through. "Only if you let me voice mine too,"
Okay sooo. What did yall think? Yes, no? Maybe so? It's been years since I've written anything to please be nice with the critiques 😭🥰 Also can I just say that Mirio is Daddy-O? Like oh my gooddnneesssssss. Also Antheia is Greek for Flower or Blossom so that was your hero name.
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