#yagi toshinori ao3
volya-horisvit · 7 months
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BRO 😭😭😭😭
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ilentari · 5 months
Ugh, he didn’t want to be subjected to this boring monologue anymore. Perhaps this was All For One’s plan? Rant to him until his ears began to bleed?
All For One cleared his throat and started back up where he left off, and All Might sighed in irritation. “Why are you like this?” he groaned, wanting the villain to shut up.
All For One initially had seemed annoyed by the interruption, but quickly brightened at the question. “I’m glad you asked!” He flourished his hands dramatically. “You see, once upon a time there was a baby born as evil as one could be—”
That was stupid. All Might snorted. “Babies aren’t born evil.”
@ginkotracks and I were throwing some crack ideas back and forth based on the latest manga chapter and the AFO backstory reveal. I decided to put them together into a crack fic 👏😩
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straw-of-the-hat · 7 months
The Method (BNHA)
Summary: Izuku requests to see All For One after he's arrested. He'd never said why, but All Might never, ever would've assumed it was for this.
Or: All For One is Hisashi Midoriya. Izuku has a few things to say to him.
Tags: Dad For One, Izuku Midoriya, BNHA
Word count: 3,802
Third person pov
"Are you sure you want to do this, my boy?" Toshinori Yagi wasn't the best teacher in the world, he knew. He'd made for a decent Symbol of Peace, and had done his best to uphold the people's spirits. He just… couldn't help but feel he'd failed his charge.
He'd defeated All For One, but at the price of his strength. He was now nothing more than a gangly shadow of the hero he once was, emancipated and weak. Izuku was on the fast track to filling the gargantuan shoes he'd left behind. While he didn't doubt the freckled boy could do it, it was a lot of pressure to put on a teenage boy.
Izuku gave a smile. It was small, and bordering on sad. There was something he wasn't saying. Toshinori didn't want to push. He knew this was a trying time for Izuku. It was a trying time for most of Japan, but especially for the curly-haired boy. Now that All Might was retired and out of the picture, eyes were falling upon the next generation of heroes. 
With Izuku wielding One For All and taking on the challenge of becoming the Number One Hero, the entire world was watching and waiting for him to slip up. To show some sign of weakness. It was a terrible weight for a child to bear.
"I'm sure." Izuku said firmly, looking Toshinori in the eyes, and then Tsukauchi.
You see, while All For One had been defeated, he was far from dead. He was being kept in a high security facility free of any other criminals. It was a place built just for him, filled to the brim with trained guards and pro heroes, ready to strike when needed. Kept in a straight jacket at all times, locked in a windowless room with automated machine guns pointed at him that would fire off and take his life at the slightest hint of movement, it was safe to say All For One wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon. 
Why Izuku was so intent on visiting him, nobody knew. That’s not to say they hadn’t asked, of course.
When he'd first approached Toshinori about it, timid, unsure, and very clearly nervous, it had been a hard no. All For One was the height of all evil. There was no way on God's green earth Toshinori was letting his precious successor anywhere near such a monster. All For One had lived longer than any man should, and had accumulated vast amounts of knowledge and refined his ability to manipulate just about anyone who dared show the slightest bit of weakness in his presence.
That should have been the end of it, but Izuku had come back just a day later with the same request. This time he'd seemed more intent on it, more sure of himself. Toshinori had still given him the same answer. An uneasy yet firm 'no' that was full of questions that he received no answers to. 
He'd dwelt and dwelt on why Izuku may want to visit a mass-murdering immortal without a moral compass or any value for human life. He'd come up dry. There was simply no plausible explanation. Why would Izuku want anything to do with that man, knowing what he was and all he’d done?
The third time Izuku asked, he reluctantly agreed to talk to Tsukauchi. He was the most trusted detective on the police force and had never failed to rally with Toshinori and UA High. He was on their side, and working closely in the All For One case. He was one of the few they could count on. The man was earnest, and someone Toshinori considered a close friend. 
Going to the man for advice was a no-brainer. Toshinori felt out of his depth, torn between possibly alienating his successor by denying his request versus letting Izuku be exposed to one of the world’s most vile evils. 
Tsukauchi had admitted that a meeting between All For One and Izuku would be possible. Tsukauchi and All Might had pretty much full control of what happened to the man and where he went. Japan's Hero association had no idea what to do with the old cryptid. Toshinori was the one who knew his abilities and history the best, so they hadn't hesitated to throw the issue at him. 
So long as All For One didn't kill anyone else, they were willing to let All Might do just about anything with the old fart, barring releasing him and unruly things of that sort. Though they probably hadn’t assumed All Might would ever be considering taking an up and coming hero, a child, to see him.
Izuku had asked a fourth time, and Toshinori had finally point-blank asked why. Izuku's response was nothing short of evasive. He'd simply insisted that it was something he had to do without giving any reasons as to why. Toshinori had wanted to say no again, but the look in the young boy's eyes...
He was all but begging for trust, his eyes alight with hope and determination. He wasn't lying when he said this was something he needed to do. You could tell that just by looking at him. Why it was something he needed to do was what had Toshinori stumped.
So here they were, at a building in the middle of nowhere that looked more like a block of concrete than a regular structure. It was surrounded by tall walls that arched overhead, nearly forming a dome, but stopping just short of doing so. Cementoss and several other pros had worked together to make this place as secure as possible. 
Now, it crawled with trustworthy men and women who wouldn't hesitate to do what was needed were All For One try to stage a breakout. The man was too weak right now to do anything, but… well, being overly cautious never hurt anyone. Who knew what he was capable of.
"We'll just be in the next room over observing on the monitors, Midoriya. Shout if you need something. We'll get you out of there pronto." Tsukauchi gave a reassuring grin that made Izuku look a little less like he was marching off to his death. The boy looked like he was dreading this, and yet he was doing it anyway. 
Toshinori didn't get it. There was something he didn't understand. Izuku had pushed for this, but he knew his successor. He looked absolutely terrified.
"He's right. We'll be right in here." Toshinori also smiled. Izuku nodded firmly back, face set into an expression that was grim yet sure. Tsukauchi sipped at his coffee as he watched the curly-haired boy march out of the room and to the heavily guarded door to be let in. The ID card he was holding as well as the fact that everyone had been told in advance that they'd be coming allowed him instant access.
Toshinori steeled himself, settling down in one of the rolling chairs tensely. Tsukauchi took the one next to him, grimacing at the screen as the electronic door opened. Toshinori didn’t think All For One would try anything-- he never would’ve let Izuku come within ten miles of this place if he thought the man might. He was still just… uneasy.
All For One was a stubborn man. He'd been grinning since he got here, for one thing. The coy smile hadn't faltered even once. Toshinori had gone in to talk to him, along with Tsukauchi and a few others, but it was to no avail. He'd said a total of two things since he got here. Two things, and no more than that.
A part of Toshinori was glad, and hoping maybe that meant he wouldn't talk to Izuku. He knew that was just wishful thinking. All For One knew exactly who Izuku Midoriya was. Toshinori didn't doubt the man had some form of sight that allowed him to identify people. Even with the copious amount of quirk restraints on his person, he'd immediately coined Toshinori when he came in, as well as Tsukauchi. Those had been the two times he spoke.
He wouldn’t miss a chance to mess with Young Midoriya. Toshinori anxiously tapped his foot, throat feeling uncharacteristically tight and heart thumping hard in his chest. It would be fine. Young Midoriya was strong-- far stronger than Toshinori was at his age. All For One was just… a different sort of beast, that’s all. 
Sitting next to him, Tsukauchi could tell his blonde friend was nervous. His shoulders were stiff and hunched, and the tension hanging around him was so thick you could cut it with a knife. The detective couldn't blame him. He too had tried asking Izuku why he wanted to see All For One, and Izuku had responded with a very intent, "It's just something I need to do." 
Tsukauchi's quirk, Human Lie Detector, had registered that firm statement as the truth. Which was perhaps the most jarring part of this all. Whatever this was, Izuku well and truly believed he had to go through with it. 
They watched Izuku hesitantly step into the room. A pane of bullet proof glass was the only thing separating him from the world's greatest villain. The door shut and locked behind him with a loud bang and click that caused him to jolt forward. Toshinori could see his student's adam's apple bobbing precariously as he shuffled to the single chair bolted to the floor, frowning deeply and fiddling his thumbs. 
He reluctantly sat down, and that's when it happened.
All For One's grin absolutely dropped . For the first time since becoming imprisoned here, his expression melted into something else entirely. Tsukauchi and Toshinori had both leaned closer to the monitor, expecting his new expression to be one of malice or hate. Perhaps annoyance, or some sort of twisted amusement.
But no… no, it was the opposite . It caused both men to pause and stare dumbly as All For One's mangled face morphed into one full of disbelief and apparent horror, maybe even fear. The look was out of place on a man like him.
His already pale skin got paler, and he tensed, leaning back as far as he could. Izuku simply stared at him with wobbling lips and teary eyes, hands clasped together so tightly his knuckles were white. You could see the raw disapproval on Izuku's face. 
Not fear, not anger, but disappointment instead. Toshinori and Naomasa both shared a look, the detective bringing his drink to his lips and taking a long gulp. He was going to need something a little stronger depending on how this meeting went.
"...What are you doing here?" All For One breathed out the third ever thing he'd ever said in this accursed place, so quietly the cameras almost didn’t pick it up. The skin around his scarred over eye sockets stretched, and if he had eyes still, Toshinori was sure they'd be wide as saucers. 
His voice sounded so distant, so shocked and disbelieving. It caused Toshinori's teeth to clench and his eyes to narrow. Tsukauchi checked for a third time to make sure this was all being recorded, bringing up his coffee for another swig.
The smile Izuku gave was watery and nothing short of absolutely heartbreaking. 
"Hey, dad." The freckled boy choked out. The reaction was instantaneous. 
Blood sprayed from Toshinori's mouth like water from a broken faucet, sunken eyes wide and jaw dropped as the scarlet liquid began to drip down his jaw. Tsukauchi had been mid swallow as Izuku dropped that cataclysmic statement, resulting in his drink going down the wrong pipe. He began to choke, his eyes just as wide as his friend's as he wheezed and thumped his fist against his chest. 
"Izuku..." All For One trailed off, voice broken and sounding horrifyingly human.
"When I first heard your voice at Kamino, I thought I was hallucinating." Izuku's voice was quiet but level. "It was a voice I heard every Friday for years upon years. You never failed to call, dad. And I never failed to pick up. I haven't seen you in so long, and it makes sense now, I guess." 
The nerves from before were gone. Izuku spoke with certainty that showed he’d thought long and hard about exactly what he wanted to say, and exactly how he wanted to say it. There was a steel resolve in the clench of his jaw and the draw of his brows.
"Izuku, I-" All For One was cut off before he got the chance to continue. The taste of blood stayed strong in Toshinori’s mouth.
"You weren't on a business trip in America." Izuku grit his teeth, his tears falling. These were not the type he tended to burst out with, where he practically dehydrated himself with the force of his wailing. These were silent and far, far more tragic, dripping slow and salty down his face.
All For One flinched as though he'd been struck. Toshinori, with his mouth still agape, realized he'd never seen the man look so vulnerable. He wouldn't have thought it possible if he weren't here witnessing it at this very moment. Next to him, Tsukauchi sucked in a few breaths of deep air, still hacking so hard he was surprised a lung didn't come up.
"...No, no I wasn't." All For One whispered. Izuku bowed his head.
"You got hurt. By All Might." Izuku clenched his fists. His voice waned with the force of his emotion. "A-And... you knew I was his successor. And that night, at Kamino, you-"
"I would never hurt you, Izuku." All For One's voice was steadier now, but only slightly. "I would never hurt you."
It was a sour promise. Izuku seemed to think so too, if the way his breath and shoulders hitched was anything to go off of.
"But you have!" Izuku protested wildly, eyes wide and flashing with warning. "Don't you get it?! You left mom and I! I was bullied my whole life, quirkless, beat down! And then, you tried to take away the one person who came along and told me I could do it?! You tried to take away the person who's been taking more care of me over the past year than you ever have?!"
All For One's face was riddled heavy with guilt, and with bits of anger. Not at Izuku, no, he could never be mad at his son. Maybe the rage was for himself, or perhaps it was better aimed at those bullies Izuku spoke of. Maybe at Toshinori for swooping in and being Izuku's saving grace. 
That damned man didn't know when to quit, and... All For One was almost glad for that, because his son was here, strong-willed, ready to fight, not afraid to confront him. And it sure wasn’t All For One who’d helped him grow to be that way.
All For One had made a great many mistakes in his long lifetime, but falling in love was not one of them. Some might argue that a man like him wasn't capable of such a thing, and he never would have begged to differ. Not until he ran into Inko Sakiaki, that is. 
She was witty and clever, with the biggest green doe-eyes and the most beautiful, earthen hair. She'd looked him right in the eyes and seen right past that polite and unassuming facade he presented carefully to the world. And she’d smiled at him anyway.
Inko was... enrapturing. She was sweet, kind, and caring in ways he never would be. Everything heroes were meant to be, but weren't in his eyes. So he'd fallen in love, and he'd asked her to marry him, and... that's what happened. Simple as that.
For the first time in a long time, he was once again Hiashi Midoriya instead of All For One. A man capable of loving and caring, of making jokes and ruining the kitchen, of breaking a vacuum cleaner and rolling his eyes at mundane TV shows. For a while, he was simply human. It was possibly the best, brightest time of his life, and he’s not afraid to admit such. 
Izuku was born shortly after they were wed. He was the most perfect thing Hiashi had ever seen. He'd inherited Hiashi's wild, curly hair. Fondly, even now that he was blind, he could recall Izuku's freckles, so similar to those of his uncle's. He was such a brilliant little boy, so smart and ready to help. 
He had the heart of a hero, just as his uncle had held all those years ago. Izuku was something to be cherished. He was something to be loved. He was someone that All For One had wanted to give the world. 
But it was all ripped away when All Might and him fought. Perhaps anger had driven him to this point. He'd been sour, wanting desperately for his son and wife, but knowing he'd only scare them with his deformed face and growing bitterness. 
Hiashi once again became All For One, burying himself in his work. It was the easiest thing in the world to slip back into the role. He was going to kill All Might if it was the last thing he did, he’d decided. He created Nomu's, got a hold of Nana Shimura's grandson and begun to groom him. He put together a league that would be the Symbol of Peace's end.
He was All For One, the greatest villain in the world. 
Except on Friday's, between the hours of five to eight PM. 
During that time, he was Hiashi Midoriya again. His phone calls with his son and wife were a great escape. He'd pretend he was just fine, not at all injured or damaged or evil down to his bones. He'd talk about the weather in America and tell them how much he missed them and wished they were there. 
He'd cheer Izuku on, because if his son wanted to become a hero, then Hiashi was sure he'd be the best one to ever walk the planet. While him inheriting Toshinori's power was a cruel twist of fate, there was no better person to wield a power once belonging to his younger brother. If anyone deserved it, it was Izuku.
How it had all gone so wrong, he wasn’t sure. He just knew it was his fault. He’d always tried to be a good father, but men like All For One weren’t made for it. He wasn’t built to care for others. Something in him was broken, and try as he might, he knew… he knew hurting those he dared to love was a horrific inevitability. 
"I'm... I'm sorry, Izuku." All For One murmured. Izuku bit the inside of his cheek. Anger pierced its way up through him, intermingling with his sorrow starkly.
All For One was a horrible person, he’d thought. Someone Izuku had grown to loathe during his time as All Might's apprentice. Tales of all the vile things he'd done and all the suffering he'd caused were sparse, but always gruesome when All Might did dare to murmur them. They painted a horrifying picture of a ruthless man incapable of love.
It was easy to hate All For One when he wasn’t a person. When he was just a story, just a faceless figure that Izuku had never seen, had never met. It was easier to hate someone you didn’t know, and All For One was the worst of the worst. He had hurt thousands, would continue to hurt them, and Izuku… Izuku had thought him the most monstrous being in the world for all he’d done.
The moment Izuku heard his voice, that image fell to pieces and crumbled on the ground.
It didn't take him long to connect the dots, and he was devastated once he did. He'd been so lost and conflicted in the aftermath. All For One and Hiashi Midoriya were the same person . It just barely managed to click in his mind, and when it did, Izuku had been left clueless as to what to do.
How could someone who cheered him on as a hero, told him how much he loved him, and teased him mercilessly about things that had little to no significance in the grand scheme of things-- playfully, for the fun of it-- also be the world's greatest villain?
He could still recall his father's warm eyes alight with fondness as he told Izuku a bedtime story. The way he'd feel so, so tall when his dad put him on his shoulders. The man's reassurances over the phone that even without a quirk, he could be an amazing hero. That he’d be proud of him no matter what.
He'd been near tears when Izuku announced he was into UA, and a mixture of worried and angry when he found out the USJ had been attacked. There was no way that was all a lie, right? It couldn't be. Was his father nothing more than a fake construct meant to mess with him? Was he... Was Izuku a puppet?
"You took away my hero." Izuku grit out, wiping furiously at his eyes. His father's face hardened.
"All Might is still alive. You're... carrying on his will, I believe. As much as it pains me." All For One sighed. "But I will always love you and cheer you on, Izuku. You're my son. Nothing will ever change that."
Izuku felt sick. He felt relieved. He felt angry and upset and he felt yearning. He felt devastation and a pervading coldness that had been crawling up his spine ever since he finally learned just who his father was. He felt too many things at once to possibly name. 
"Not him." Izuku whispered. "Not All Might. He’s my favorite hero, but he wasn't my hero, dad. You were."
Toshinori was frozen. Tsukauchi held his breath, trying to get over his shock.
All For One seemed to dissolve at those words, what was left of his face twisting with horror as Izuku stood up. He lurched forward in his restraints, earning a warning beep in response as his son gathered himself. Izuku gathered the scraps of his composure with shaking hands and tear-stained cheeks.
Everything All For One was as a villain melted away at those two, simple words. Ones All Might and Tsukauchi never would have guessed would affect him so drastically. But he looked horrified. Guilty. Like he couldn't believe what he'd done. There was... regret .
It didn't make up for anything.
All For One felt his chest ache, and suddenly, he realized just what this was. Because he wasn't All For One right now. He had never been, in Izuku’s eyes. 
Right now, he was Hiashi Midoriya, and he'd hurt his son.
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I (Don't) Need a Hero
I (Don’t) Need A Hero by Ilentari
Midoriya Izuku is a thief. Not by choice, but by necessity. And while he might be labelled a villain by society—something he swore to himself he'd never become—he has his own moral standards he keeps to. He only steals from the rich; he only steals as much as he needs to in order to get by; and he never, ever physically harms anyone.
But trouble still comes to him when one day, Izuku doesn't properly scout out the place he intends to rob, too desperate for money. It shouldn't have been a big deal. The place seemed like an easy hit, with little security and an absent home owner.
How was he supposed to have known that it was the home of the freaking number one hero?!
Words: 1845, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Yagi Toshinori | All Might
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku & Yagi Toshinori | All Might
Additional Tags: Villain Midoriya Izuku, kind of, by their societal standards, he doesn't want to be though, thankfully he won't be for long if All Might has anything to say about it, All Might is rather…aggressively helpful in this one, the “I'm going to save you whether you like it or not” mentality, And good for him honestly, this is an All Might loving household, Parental Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Protective Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Midoriya Izuku Does Not Have One for All Quirk, Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, Alternate Universe, Izuku: “You shouldn't help me. I'm a villain.”, All Might: “Hi villain. I'm dad.”
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43909167
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namelessuchiha · 10 months
ao3 down while i’m 64 chapters into an all-might fic
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s0larts · 2 months
[ Yagi angst doodle idea ]
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ao3screenshotss · 10 months
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dogwaterdish · 1 year
Midoriya: Are you reading fan fiction?
All Might, reading an article about extremely rare diseases: Wh- No.
Midoriya: Oh, is it on AO3?
All Might: This is CNN.
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sabindark · 1 year
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Please read this @aoimikans​ and @swiftwidget ‘s Toshinomu from their fanfiction (( Ao3 )) “I Am…”
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bkdk-fan4ever · 7 months
BkDk | Quirk Shenanigans | Bakugou Katsuki Is Bad With Feelings And Words | Confession Times | Fluff And Happy Tears istg
Worth Being Brave For by s_the_queen
"Fuck you," he hissed. "You're my friend, jackass. I just suck at shit like affection. I'm shit at showing it but I appreciate you."
Both of their eyes widened and they stared at each other with their mouths hanging open. Katsuki had expressed affection and appreciation.
This time it was official. Something was wrong.
Katsuki gets hit with a quirk that eliminates his brain-to-mouth filter. He sees...an opportunity.
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volya-horisvit · 3 months
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I have.... Thoughts.
A lot actually.
Evil thoughts.
He does something to me...
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flumet · 29 days
Sticky Notes
Read it on AO3
Aizawa Shouta/Yagi Toshinori
Raiting: Teen
After stretching he reached out his arm to the side without looking. Only to feel an empty bed. He turned his head and saw Toshinori’s side vacant with the duvet swept to the side. Shouta was about to turn around when he caught sight of something on Toshinori's pillow. He reached out and saw it was a light yellow sticky note. “Don’t go back to sleep! I have a surprise for you. But first you have to get out of bed sleepy head!”
Shouta wakes up one morning to find a trail of sticky notes leading him to the kitchen. He follows the trail to find out what surprise Toshinori has for him.
Words: 943
Chapters: 1/1
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ao3feed-dadzawa · 2 months
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dylawa · 17 days
Being engaged to All Might, of all people in the world, is nothing short of an improbable miracle. The love you and Toshinori Yagi have shared for the past half of a decade has carried you through numerous times of peace and trouble, joy and heartache, and life and death. Having saved the world a mere year and a half ago, you're nothing short of a miracle to the people of Japan and beyond, and as your wedding with the man you love fast approaches, it feels as if almost nothing can ruin your brilliant momentum. That doesn't mean threats do not still loom; the knowledge that Toshinori's life is likely on an inevitable timer always presses down on your heart, and even beyond the shadow of All for One, there are still dangerous villains waiting for the perfect moment to strike the public at large for their own gains. When a mysterious entity appears whose seemingly only purpose is to sow chaos and fear, how can you combat against them when they can use the weight of past, present, and future to crush you and All Might so heavily? And how can you manage the return of a demon from your own past at the same time? If you cannot overcome the fear within yourself, you may fall to it-- as will the Symbol of Peace.
At long last, the "Having Lived and Loved" series continues! Comet and All Might are back as they prepare to spend the rest of their lives together. Old characters return, new make their debut appearances, and new internal and moral dilemmas will be faced.
Will our heroic lovers make it "to death do us part?"
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shhhhhhhhhhtellnobody · 6 months
Does anyone remember that one ao3 bnha fanfiction where the reader adopts multiple hybrid packs? Is that still up or did the author take everything down? I could’ve sworn their work was on here as well.
All Might pack:
All Might - dog
Midoria - bunny
Ilda - snake
Bakugo Pack:
Bakugo - wolf
Kirishima- dog
Denki - dog
Aizawa Pack:
Aizawa - panther
Hizashi - bird
Shinzo - cat
Monoma (?) - cat
Enji Pack:
Enji - Tiger
Shoto - tiger
Hawks - hawk
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