#but it was tough and i made it harder for myself with my own expectations for my results
taexual · 7 months
bruh, i am apply for MSc in Criminology and Criminal Justice and have got some offers too. if you don't mind sharing, why did you hate taking criminology?
it just wasn't for me! it's an underdeveloped discipline in my country, so no one really knows what a "criminologist" is, and i don't care enough to prove myself. i'd rather do something else anyway
but if it's something you have a genuine interest in, then by all means, do pursue it! it's tough, but if you have motivation, you can absolutely excel in this field 💜
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jpmarvel90 · 5 months
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Don't Belong pt 1
Masterlist Natasha Masterlist
Word Count: 8392
Relationship: Mother WandaNat x Daugher Reader
Summary: Y/n is the adopted daughter of Natasha Romanoff and Wanda Maximoff. However, when science enables her mother's to have twin boys who are biogloically both of their's, her relationship slowly changes. At 17 she's ready to move out and move on, is it too late for her moms to fix things?
Y/n's POV:
When I was 6, my life was saved by none other than the Black Widow. She came in like the hero she is and saved me from the hell that was Hydra. Whilst helping me to acclimatise to normal life, we grew close, and she was a mother figure I never had. I was so shocked when she told me that she wanted to adopt me.
It was everything that I could ever ask for. She was an amazing mom. Caring, loving and always there for me. She had this soft side that not many people got to see. To the world, and a lot of the team, she had this tough, steely exterior. But I never saw that. Not from the moment she found me. I always felt safe and loved around her.
A couple of years later, Wanda joined the team and soon enough, Mama fell in love. I never saw mama so happy. They had the perfect relationship and Wanda took me on without a second thought. When I was 9, she adopted me, and I had two loving parents.
We had quite a domestic life. Tony built us a separate suite at the compound so we could still be close by for when they were needed for missions. I loved having parents that were heroes. I was so proud of them. I ended up spending quite a bit of time with Pepper when they were on missions together, but when they came home, they always had a couple of days off to spend time with me to make up for being away. It was great.
Watching them make a difference in the world, was the reason I joined the SHIELD Young Initiative Programme. I wanted to be just like my moms. Steve became a huge support to me, and alongside him and mama, I was acing all my practicals and exams.
But before that, when I was 11, our family grew. With the help of Bruce and Tony, Mom got pregnant with twins, both biologically hers and mamas. Billy and Tommy made our family complete.
As soon as Mom got pregnant, Mama told Fury that she wouldn't be going on missions once mom got into her third trimester and that after the birth they both would be taking maternity leave. She also told him that they would only ever be sent on a mission together if it was to save the world. Otherwise, under no circumstances were they to go together. They wanted to be around for the twins as much as possible and didn't want them left on their own if they had to go on missions together.
For the first couple of years, everything was perfect. But when they became toddlers, they were a bit of a handful. It meant that mom's focus went to them and slowly I became less of a priority for them.
I found it hard as I was coming into my teenage years, and I felt like I needed my moms more than ever. But I understood at the start. I was old enough that I could look after myself and the twins needed more. But it got harder when every time I tried to talk to one of them, I was brushed off, or told to speak to them later. But later never came.
Once I hit 13, I was their personal babysitter whenever they needed it. Mama told me how they were trying to make sure that her and mom still had quality time together, so had a date night or day each week. Seems they forgot about quality time with their daughter. It got to the point I was expected to drop everything to be there for my brothers. Picking them up at school, taking them to soccer. It didn't matter what I had planned, I was expected to do my job for the family. I did it without complaining, because I thought if I could prove that I was a good sister, maybe they would start to acknowledge me more.
To try and prove myself worthy, I worked even harder for SHIELD. However, now I lost mama as my training partner. She was too busy with work or the twins to help me train. It hurt when she told me that but, thankfully, Steve stepped up more than he had. He became like a father to me. I could confide in him when my moms didn't have time. Though there were still things that I couldn't talk to him about.
Now I'm 17, working towards graduating the youth programme and into SHEILD as an official agent. We have our final exams coming up and I'm doing everything I can to be ready for them. The top two initiates will get fast tracked through the system and be able to go on missions sooner.
I want nothing more than getting that chance. I need to start making a name for myself and to stop being under my mothers' shadow. Once I wanted to be just like them, to make them proud. But now I know that's not possible. They have their perfect biological family. I was just the stray they took pity on.
"You know, you could take it easy today. You're more than capable of passing these exams even on a bad day. You'll be finishing top of the class and joining us for missions in no time." Steve tells me as he holds the punch bag for me. "I just want to be on top of my game." I tell him, hitting the bag as precisely as I could.
"Have you told your moms about the date for your final practical. I'm sure they'll want to be around when you get home." He asks, making me falter with my hits. "I did, but I don't think they were listening. Although they seemed to acknowledge it, Billy was showing them his Lego at the time." I share with him.
Steve knows what's been happening with my moms and the only reason he hasn't done anything is because I made him promise not to. All I need to do is graduate and then I can get moved into the SHIELD facility and start a new life without being a burden on my family.
"You know, you should talk to them. I know you've tried, but really sit them down and tell them how you're feeling." He tries once again. "It's been years now. If they really cared for me, they would notice that they barely see me anymore. I don't even remember the last time they said I love you." I respond, my hits getting harder.
"Ok, I'm calling this. You'll hurt yourself and then you won't even be able to complete your exams." Steve tells me, stepping between me and the bag. I sigh but know he's right. "Just try for me ok. Maybe after your exams. They'll be so proud of you." He pleads. "Ok, fine." I agree. "Now go shower kiddo. You stink!" He teases me before dodging a punch I try to land on his arm.
I smile as I head up to my room. As I walk into our apartment, I see the happy family sat together watching TV. "Hi moms." I call out when I enter. They don't even turn around, so I call out again, only to get the same response. I decide to go and join them but as soon as I sit down, I'm scolded by mom. "Y/n do you have to come in here like that. Go and shower will you." She tells me off. I look to mama who doesn't even glance in my direction. "Sorry, I was training for my final exam." I explain but once again, nothing. I let out a small humourless chuckle to myself as I leave the living room. Every day, I feel more and more like I don't belong here anymore.
I did it! I actually passed! Not only did I pass, I topped the class. I think I even saw Fury smile. I'm so happy, nothing can burst my bubble right now. As a class, we all decide that we're going to celebrate tonight. We've been a tight group and it'll be nice to actually spend time together without having to study or practice.
I practically run back to the compound, smiling ear to ear. "Someone's happy." Steve calls out to me as I rush through the kitchen. "Someone might be your partner one day!" I call out as I keep on towards my destination of finding my parents. "Can't wait kiddo. Well done! Knew you could do it!" Steve shouts after me.
"Y/n, don't run!" Mama scolds me as I find them in the living room. "Sorry, but I have to tell you something that I know you'll want to hear." I apologise with a smile on my face. "Not now Y/n. We're about to head out. The boys just need dinner and don't let them stay up late." She tells me. That's when I notice that she's dressed up in her best jacket.
"I can't look after the twins tonight. Our class are going to celebrate." I explain, hoping she might ask why we're celebrating. But that would be wishful thinking. "Time with your friends can wait Y/n." She tells me without even looking up at me, too focused on her phone. "Can't one of the others watch them. Just for tonight. I've never asked before. But just this once. Please." I practically beg, but to no use. "Stop being selfish and just watch the boys." She snaps, making a lump form in my throat.
"Fine." I mumble, leaving the room and head out of our apartment. "Where are you going?" She calls after me. "To see Steve. Don't worry, I'll be back to watch your precious boys." I talk back whilst leaving, hearing her call after me.
I make my way to find Steve. I know he'll be excited with my results. I wipe at my eyes for the few traitorous tears that fell. "So, I hear someone will be an Avenger in no time." Tony says as I walk into the kitchen. "I think I'll stick with SHIELD." I respond. I have no desire to be a full time Avenger. I'll be around to see my moms live their perfect life without me.
"I'm proud of you kiddo." Steve smiles at me, pulling me into a hug. "Thanks, old man. I couldn't have done it without you." I tell him truthfully, squeezing him tighter. "Your mom's must be proud. Especially Nat. Now's the time for celebrating." Pepper says. "Oh, I'm babysitting the boys tonight." I respond, trying to hide my disappointment. I notice that all others share a look.
They have all noticed how my relationship has changed with my moms, but thankfully, never brought it up. "We could watch them. Let you go out with your class. I know how much you've been looking forward to it." Pepper offers kindly. "Thanks, but mama said it had to be me." I reply. "Sorry kiddo." Steve says, wrapping his arms around me. "It's ok. I better go back before I get into trouble. I just wanted to tell you all about the results." I tell them.
"Of course Y/n. We're so proud of you. I can't wait to work with you." Tony pats me on the shoulder, whilst the others all give me a hug. "We'll do something together tomorrow." Steve promises and I nod. "I'd like that." I reply, taking a deep breath before heading back home.
When I get back to the apartment, both mom and mama are waiting to go. "Good, you're back. We'll be home late." Mom tells me, turning to leave. "And we'll talk about your attitude in the morning." Mama adds on with a stern look before turning to leave. "I love you." I call out after them. No response. My head drops. I really have just become the live in nanny.
The next day, I didn't have to face my moms in the morning. They had taken the boys to the park and out for breakfast. I didn't even get an invite. But thankfully, Steve is taking me for dinner tonight to celebrate the passing of my exams and my imminent graduation.
He's taken me to my favourite Italian restaurant. It's nice to have this time. Steve really has been the only parent I've had recently. I'm so grateful for him. "So your moms don't know?" Steve asks as I tell him that I've been told I can move into SHIELD accommodation in a few days. "I've tried, but as usual, I barely have a conversation with them anymore. They probably wouldn't even notice that I've gone." I admit the painful truth. "Do you think they even still love me?" I ask the question that has been haunting me for a long time now.
Steve looks at me with a sympathetic look. He reaches out and takes my hand. "Oh Y/n. I'm sure they do. They just got lost in the boys and have forgot, that even though you're a teenager, you still need them." He tries to defend them. "If you say so." I mumble, not believing him.
"Well, I have something that might cheer you up." Steve says, changing the subject. "Oh yeah, and what might that be Captain?" I ask with a smirk, making him roll his eyes. "I spoke with Fury, and he already has a mission for you. It's nothing too big, a simple in and out to get some data." Steve explains, making a smile grow on my face. "Really? Me on a mission already?" I question and he nods. "Fury would have had you on them earlier. You've been the best recruit the programme has seen. But he had to follow protocol. There is one downside though." He shares. "Oh God, don't tell me it's with my mother?" I ask making him laugh. "No, just this old man." He responds. "Really? I'm going with you?" I ask excitedly. "Yeah, you don't need me. But I wanted to see you in action on your first mission. I really am proud of you kiddo. I'm glad that I've had a front row seat to seeing you become the woman you have." He expresses honestly, taking me off guard.
The rest of dinner is lovely, and I have a really nice time. It's nice to actually have someone care about your achievements. However, that happiness soon disappears when I enter the apartment to two angry moms. "Where do you think you've been? You've not been answering your phone." Mama yells at me. I reach into my pocket and see that my phone is dead.
"Sorry, my cell died." I tell her, but that doesn't help. "So, are you going to share where you were without telling us? It's 10pm Y/n!" Mom now joins in. "I was having dinner with Steve." I share. "Until this late. Why would you be going out for dinner on a school night? Why didn't he ask us first?" Mama questions me.
"We went out to celebrate when I missed going with my class. And it's not a school night. The programme has finished now." I tell them, trying to keep my cool. "Is this about that party you couldn't go to last night?" Mom asks. "No, actually, it was having someone to celebrate with that I finished top of my class and am now officially a SHIELD agent!" I snap back, taking them both by surprise.
"You've had your final exams already?" Mom asks, stepping closer but I pull away. "Yeah, I have told you on a number of occasions. But apparently you don't listen to me anymore." I admit, feeling tears building. "You finished top?" Mama says proudly, but I just scoff. Her pride is too late. "Like you even care." I growl. "Don't talk to your mother like that." Mom tells me off.
"Like what? You haven't given me the time of day in years. Why do you suddenly care that I was out late. Was I not around to be your personal babysitter? Or were you just annoyed I wasn't there for the one time you noticed I wasn't around." I call them both out taking them by surprise.
"Y/n it was one night." Mom tries to deny more calmly. "No, it wasn't. It's always the twins this, the twins that. I have to make allowances for them in my life and stop what I'm doing to be there to babysit them. When was the last time that you spent any time with me? When did you last tell me you love me or even acknowledge me?" I shout, tears falling down my cheeks, as my parents stand staring at me in shock.
"I have worked my ass off with SHIELD so I can get in and earn my spot with them. Where I can have my own place and start a life for myself. Because I clearly haven't been a part of this family for a long time." I share how I've been feeling. I notice that both their eyes tear up. "Oh Y/n, sweetheart, that's not the case. Of course you belong." Mama tries to argue, moving closer with a shaky hand out in front of her. I don't reach out. In fact, I move away. "Well neither of your actions have shown it in the last few years." I point out, making mom cry harder. "Look it's fine. I get it. I'm not your biological child. Billy and Tommy are. I'll always be grateful for you saving me from Hydra, but you've got your family now. Don't worry, I'll be gone in a couple of days." I say sadly before heading to my room, my moms frozen in shock in their spot.
I slam the door shut behind me, locking it and falling onto my bed. I bury my head into the pillow and sob. All the emotions I've been bottling up come out. My whole body wracks with each sob as I realise, it's official. I really have lost my family now.
Nat's POV:
I feel the tears slowly falling down my cheeks as I realise that my daughter stood before me as a broken girl who thinks her moms don't love her anymore. By the time I come to my senses, Y/n is already gone, and I'm left facing my wife who is sobbing. "Have we really been putting the boys first so much she thinks that we don't want her anymore?" I say at a whisper, my voice getting caught in my throat.
"It's my fault. Things changed when I came into the picture, and we started trying for our own babies. We didn't even consider how that must have made her feel. We didn't even reassure her that we would still love her just as much, regardless of if the boys were ours biologically or not." Wanda responds.
I quickly move forward and wrap my arms around her. "It's not your fault my love. We both wanted that. Our lives are significantly better with you in them Wanda. But you're right. We should have tried harder to make sure we involved Y/n and showed her will still love her." I comfort her.
I can't believe that I've let Y/n get to this point. The day I found her in that cell, she changed my life for the better. She not only made me a mother, but she made me more human. She made me see there was more than being an Avenger. She is the reason that I who I am today. Yet I've neglected her. I got so focused on the twins that I didn't even notice how little I have seen Y/n.
"We should go and talk to her." I suggest whilst Wanda still clings to me. "She was angry. We should give her some space. Let's take her for breakfast in the morning. I'll ask Pepper to watch the boys and we can start to make this right." She counters. "But..." I start, not wanting to leave this longer than we have to. "This is our daughter we're talking about. She has your temper." Wanda tearily chuckles. "Hey!" I poorly defend. She's right though. She might not be biologically mine, but she is my mini me.
That night I don't sleep. All I can think of is every time that I blew Y/n off and decided to spend time with the twins instead. When did we stop doing things as a family? I try and think of the last time I trained with her or helped her prepare for her exams. God, how did I not even know she was taking them this week?! "Your thoughts are loud Detka." Wanda mumbles sleepily as she turns over to look at me. When she sees the distress on my face, she gives me a sympathetic smile. "She has worked so hard, and we didn't even know she was completing her final exams. She told us yet neither of us remembered or even heard her apparently. We are awful moms!" I sigh.
Wanda moves and pulls me into her embrace. "I know. I feel awful too. I'm so proud of her though. She finished top. She's just like you." She shares. "She's moving out." I realise whilst Wanda just looks at me confused. "What do you mean?" She questions. "She said she would be gone in a few days. She must have been assigned a room at SHIELD. Our little girl was ready to leave the nest and we didn't even know." I respond, another wave of sadness washing over me.
"We'll talk to her and make her see that she is still very much wanted here. If she still wants to move out that's fine, but she has to know that we love her and always have. We can't change the past but we sure as hell can make sure we change the future and how see feels." She says determined.
Neither of us really sleep. I think we regret not talking to her last night. But our tiredness soon takes over and we get some much need kip. It definitely won't do any of us favours when we talk to Y/n in the morning. She won't make it easy on us and I don't want to snap because I'm too tired.
When we eventually get up, we check on the boys and I go to ask Pepper if she would mind watching the boys. "Is Y/n not available?" Pepper asks with a humourless chuckle. "What? No, we're going to take her to breakfast." I respond, surprised at the bite to her tone. She hums in surprise. "I'll take the boys. Make sure you treat that girl. She definitely deserves it." She tells me firmly. I nod and thank her before going to get the boys.
"Everything ok?" Wanda asks me when I take Billy from her. "Whilst we've been failing to notice Y/n, I think everyone else has noticed our behaviour. It's very frosty down there." I tell her and she nods sadly. I guess we can't expect anything less.
It makes me wonder what could have happened if we didn't have everyone else around. They have clearly been supportive to her and been there when Wanda and I should have. What if she didn't have that support, would she have even still been with us?
Shaking off the thought, Wanda and I take the boys to the compound living room, where we receive a number of glares from the team that were there. Thankfully, nothing is said, but my guilt keeps on growing.
With the boys sorted, I take Wanda's hand and we head to Y/n's room. I take a deep breath and knock on the door. We wait anxiously but get no response. I try again, calling out to her this time. "Y/n, honey. Can we come in?" I ask, but once again, we're met by silence.
I look to Wanda who's got a concerned look on her face. "Sweetheart, we're going to come in now." Wanda speaks up and pushes down on the door handle. I'm surprised when it opens but that is soon replaced by shock when I see her room practically empty. There are a couple of boxes with her stuff in, but most of her clothes have gone.
I let go of Wanda's hand and quickly move into the ensuite to see if she's in there, but I'm met by more empty cabinets. Panic builds within me to know that she's gone. "Where is she?" Wanda asks as stands by the chest of draws, picking up photos that had been turned upside. She lets out a muffled sob when she sees they're our family photos. What have we done to our daughter.
"She's probably asked Fury if she could move sooner. Considering how much he loves her, I'm sure he would have done anything to get her in as soon as possible." I respond, letting out a sigh. "But she's only 17. She's still a kid." Wanda argues. "I know babe. But when she signed up, it was part of the contract that I signed as her parent. Besides, she turns 18 next week and we'd have no say anyway." I admit.
"Shit, is it already her birthday? We've done nothing to prepare for that. In fact, I'm sure we both forgot." Wanda exhales, running her hands through her hair, whilst I made sure all the photos were back upright. Though, I notice our last family photo was back when Y/n was just 15. We've got hundreds of photos with the twins, but it's been over two years since we've had a complete family photo.
Wanting to know that Y/n is ok, I grab my phone out and hit Fury's number. It rings out and I let out a sigh before trying Maria. "Romanoff." She greets me. "Hill, I was wondering if you could tell me if Y/n has moved into her room yet and if so where she's been placed. Wanda and I want to surprise her." I try my luck.
"I'm sorry, Y/n has asked that we don't disclose her room location at the moment. She has been allowed early move in, so will be in a position to share once the other agents are moving." Hill responds. "Please, Maria, I'm asking you as a friend. We really need to see Y/n." I plead, hoping she'll have sympathy on me. "And I'm telling you as a friend that how you treated your own daughter is unacceptable. Do you know why she was the best cadet to come through?" She calls me out. "No." I respond in a whisper. "Initially it was because she was trying to be just like her hero mothers. But she got even better when she was fighting to make her own name for herself to start her life over. I watched her personality change to become guarded and her walls built high. That's what you did to her Nat." She scolds me through the phone.
"I know Maria. We have fucked up more than we thought possible and we're trying to make this right. We can't do that if we can't even speak with her." I counter. "This isn't something you can just fix with a talk and a hug. This is years of you slowly neglecting her. Pushing yourself onto her is not going to help with that." Maria warns me. I know she's right. We'll end up pushing Y/n away if we're not careful. But I also know that I can't wait to fix this. I want my baby girl to know how much I love her. Despite my inability to show her these last few years.
Wanda and I spend the day trying to get any information on where Y/n might be. We get a lot of cold shoulders, and our questions often go answered. I even spend time hanging around the Shield accommodation to see if I can catch a glimpse of her. My lucks not in and I return home deflated.
When I walk through the door, a smile forms on my face as I see Wanda giving the boys dinner. "Any luck?" She asks. I just shake my head. "We'll find her." She says confidently. "When was the last time we had dinner with Y/n?" I ask, looking to Wanda who's looking at me sympathetically. "Detka, you are punishing yourself by think that." She scolds me lightly. "It's true though. She asked when we last said I love you to her. I've been trying to think, and I don't remember. How can a mother not remember when they last said I love you to their child. Have we really subconsciously disregarded her because she isn't biologically ours?" I share my thoughts, tears falling freely down my face.
Wanda quickly moves from the table, leaving the boys to carry on talking about the latest Nintendo game they're playing. She wraps her arms around me and pulls me in close. "We let ourselves get lost in the boys. They were a handful and we were blessed with a daughter who was selfless and caring. Subconsciously, we took advantage of that. But that changes now ok." She responds as I nod in the crock of her neck. We really need to fix this.
It's been a few days and we've still had no luck in seeing Y/n. Wanda and I decided to go to Shield to talk to Fury today, whilst the boys were in school. I head straight to his office, knocking twice before heading in, not caring if he's busy. "Romanoff, Maximoff. What can I do for you?" He asks, moving his gaze from the laptop in front of him.
"It's been long enough now Fury. The other agents have started moving in and Y/n is still only 17, so tell us where she is staying." I demand, my tone harsh. "I can give you her room allocation, but she's not there." Fury responds, just angering me more. "Then where the hell is she?!" I shout, only calming down when I feel Wanda squeeze my hand. "She's on a mission. She'll back tomorrow." He responds nonchalantly.
"A mission? She's 17 Fury! How is she already going on a mission?!" Wanda responds before I even manage to direct my own anger into words. "She is almost 18 and finished top of her class. You knew that was a possibility when you signed her up Romanoff. She has the potential to be the best agent we've seen. She is ready." Fury retorts, but I'm still not happy. "She's just a kid, she could get hurt." I growl, worry taking over me.
"Natasha, she is far from the kid you think she is. If you still trained with her, you'd see that she can almost beat Steve in hand to hand combat and her weapons skill matches your own, if not better in some instances." He points out and I realise how little I actually know my daughter right now. "Look, I'll keep you posted when she's back." Fury concedes after a moment silence.
"Thank you. Is she on her own?" I ask but he shakes his head. "Steve went to be on comms." He replies and that puts my mind at ease a little. He loves her like his own, he'll do everything that he can to protect her. "Ok. Thank you." I say, taking Wanda's hand a heading home.
"We've missed so much Nat. Y/n used to tell us everything about her training and classes. We've created an environment where she doesn't feel like she can share with us anymore. She was probably so excited to get a chance on her first mission. But instead of us being with her and making sure she's prepared, we didn't even know she had gone." Wanda agonises.
"I'm worried that we may not be able to fix this. If her walls have gone up, they'll be near impossible to knock them down." I sigh. "You had walls once. What helped you to let them down?" Wanda asks. "Y/n." I respond, my gaze dropping to my hands. "Then we find away to be the same for her." Wanda tries to comfort me. But how can the people that caused her this pain, be the ones to pull her through.
The next morning is quiet whilst we get the boys ready for school. They asked this morning where Y/n was and that they missed her. It broke my heart. Because of our actions, not only is Y/n feeling alone, isolated, and not part of this family, but her brother might lose the chance of having their sister in their lives.
When we get home, we end up just sat waiting for any news that Y/n is on her way home so we can greet her. I want to be able to hear all about how her first mission went and actually be apart of something so special to her. I may not have shown it, but I've always been proud of her. She is talented and I loved training with her. I had always planned to join her again once the twins were old enough. But I didn't and it seems that I have missed out on so much.
Whilst I'm preparing lunch, I hear Friday's alarm go off and my ears tune in. "Emergency medical team to the landing bay. Emergency medical team to the landing bay." I don't even think before I'm dropping the knife onto the countertop. I go to call for Wanda, but she rushes in from the bedroom. "Something's wrong with Jess. I can feel it." She says worriedly. "Let's go." I say, taking her hand and rushing through the compound to get to the landing bay.
Cho is waiting, along with a nursing staff. "Is it Y/n?" I ask as we come to a halt next to her. It feels like an age before she responds. A small nod of the head breaks my heart. "H-how bad?" Wanda asks, a tremble to her voice. "Steve confirmed a gunshot wound. She's lost a lot of blood." She responds. I run my hand through my hair, my stomach in knots.
It feels like the world around me has become muffled. I don't hear the orders that Cho is giving her team. Had I been able to, maybe I would have known more about her condition. My chest feels tight at the thought of her being hurt and the chance that she might not make it.
It's not until a pair of hands cup my face, that I zone back into the environment around me. "Breathe for me baby." Wanda's shaking voice tries to calm me. But the complete fear in her own eyes doesn't do much to help. We're facing losing our daughter and she doubts the depths of our love for her.
I do my best to bring myself out of this panic attack. I can't be a broken version of myself. My wife and family need me more than ever. If I can't pull through now, I'm not worthy to be a mother. "That's it detka. Deep breathes." Wanda guides me. I take one more deep breath and stand straighter. This isn't about me.
I can see a frown on Wanda's face form as she sees me put up my own walls. I know that she hates when I do this, but it's the only way I know how to get through what's about to happen without completely breaking down.
It's not long until the QuinJet comes into sight and slowly starts to descend on to the landing pad. I feel like I'm holding my breath as we wait for the ramp to lower, and we can see how bad this is. My heart is thumping against my chest as it begins to lower, and I see Steve's face first.
Cho and her team move forward, a bed waiting, whilst Wanda and I hold back. I want to be by her side straight away, but I also know that we'll just be a hinderance to her care if we insist on being with her.
When we get a full view of Steve, I hear Wanda let out a sob beside me. He's holding our unconscious daughter in his arms. His own suit is covered in blood and my eyes instantly land on the blooded dressing on her stomach. "I tried to staunch the bleeding as best I could. But it just kept coming." Steve explains. I've never seen him so shaken up before.
He places Y/n on the hospital bed and moves out the way, before staring at his bloodied hands. Cho doesn't wait before rushing Y/n off to the medical bay, the three of us closely following behind.
"Is she going to be ok?" I ask as they start to get to work. But before she has a chance to respond, the machines start to go crazy and they move even faster to help my daughter.  "I can't answer that right now Agent Romanoff. I need to focus on Y/n, but I promise I'll keep you updated." Cho says, her polite way of telling us to leave. I'm reluctant, knowing that in this moment, Y/n is on the verge of life or death. But with a subtle tug of my hand from Wanda, I follow to watch through the window outside.
My gaze doesn't leave my daughter as I watch over as the team work to save her life. I don't notice that another person has joined us until I hear a bang from behind me. My head shoots around where I see Steve pinning Fury to the wall. "You told us it was empty! That all she needed was to get to the drive and out again." Steve growls at Fury who's holding his hand up in surrender. "I know." He responds, but Steve isn't happy when he slams him against the wall again.
"Then why the hell is she led in that hospital fighting for her life. There was a whole guard waiting for her!" Steve yells. This information makes the anger inside me grow. "You sent her into an ambush?!" I join in now, furious that he has put my daughter in danger.
"I didn't know! I'm as surprised as you are." Fury tries to explain, but Steve isn't letting up. "Talk!" Steve spits. "I had an agent scout the base for two weeks! Every report was how there was no activity. I would never have sent her had I know there was any more risk. It was supposed to be an easy mission for her first." Fury explains.
I can see the honesty in his eyes, and I know Steve does too. Fury has been like family to Y/n and I do trust he would never willingly put her in unnecessary danger. "So, either Hydra suddenly decided to man the base or..." Steve starts. "The agent tipped them off." I finish off as Fury nods. "I've detained the agent, and he broke within minutes. It was a perfect opportunity for them to fight you without back up." Fury shares as Steve lets him go. "Except I wasn't meant to go in. So, they were faced with Y/n." Steve concludes.
"I'm sorry Nat. I really am. I never would put Y/n in danger like that. I wanted her to have a successful first mission. One that would build her confidence." Fury apologises with a sincerity that he rarely shows. "I want to see him." I state firmly, to which Fury sighs. "Me too. It's because of him that our daughter is fighting for her life." Wanda steps beside me, her eyes glowing red. "Not now, not while you're both angry and worried." Fury refuses. "He could be the reason my daughter dies!" I shout at him, but he doesn't budge. "And he'll also be the reason I have to arrest you for killing him. If it's not you it'll be Wanda. I'm not letting either of you do that." Fury once again declines.
In a huff, I drop to the seat in the waiting room, my head falling into my hands. He's right. I will kill him if I get my hands on him. "Be here for Y/n. She needs you now more than ever. Leave the rest to me. I can promise that he will not get away with it." Fury orders, the formality coming back into his tone. We all reluctantly agree, and he leaves content that, for now, a homicide will not be occurring.
"What happened?" I ask Steve when the silence becomes almost unbearable. He takes the seat next to me and his gaze falls to his blooded hands. "It was meant to be a simple mission to test her hacking. I was in the QuinJet for support, and she was to go in, get to the mainframe computer and download as much data as possible." He starts and I nod along. "It was going fine, and she was doing everything by the book, clearing each room one by one. Part of me was sure she would be just like you and be impatient to get what she needed." He shares, with a small smile, making me chuckle. "Thankfully, she's a far better agent than I am." I respond, feeling Wanda's hand interlink with mine.
"It was as she got to the second floor, she said something felt off. It was warmer and it didn't smell as damp and musty. She said there were signs that this floor had been used recently. Knowing the risk that could entail, I told her to pull back and we'd get a team to help us clear the base. It wasn't something we should be doing on our own." He continues to explain, my anger towards the double agent increasing by the minute. But I also feel pride at how she was able to establish that something was wrong.
"She did as I ordered, but she was ambushed on her way out. I was already on my way in to meet her when I heard gunshots start. By the time I reached her, all the agents were down around her, but an alarm was blaring, and I knew others would be on their way. I grabbed at Y/n's arm, but she didn't move. As I moved in front of her, it was then I saw where her gaze was fixed. She's been hit. I got her out of there as quickly as I could and set the QuinJet to fly on autopilot. I tried everything that I could to stop the bleeding, but there was just so much. I-I...." Steve starts to crumble as he aggressively rubs at the blood on his hands.
I reach out and place my hands over his, stopping his actions. "I know you would have done everything you could Steve. We don't blame you. I'm so grateful that you were there to help our daughter." I try to reassure him. "I'm going to clean up. I can't sit here with...this on my hands any longer." Steve says, standing up holding his hands out in front of him.
Silence falls again when it's just Wanda and me. I want to look through the window again, but I don't think I can see them working on her. If she dies, I can't watch that. She looked so small as Steve laid her on the bed. "I had always hoped I'd be with her on her first mission." I speak up, guilt building once again. "Hmm" Wanda responds, turning to look at me. "When we used to train together, I always knew she would be one of the best the agency we would see. I couldn't wait to work along side her. My pride was overwhelming." I share as Wanda smiles softly at me.
"What happened? Why did I let myself lose sight of her. I have no excuse for treating her how I did. When I adopted her, I promised that she would always be loved and safe. Look at her now. I wouldn't blame her if she never forgives me." I lament, tears stinging my eyes. "It wasn't just you babe. We both have done wrong by Y/n and it's not forgivable. But we can work to earn her trust back and be the mothers that she deserves." She tries to comfort me.
"What if she doesn't make it and we don't have a chance to make things right? Or she does make it through, but she wants nothing to do with us?" I question in a panic. "I think she always hoped you'd eventually pull your heads out your asses." Steves voice takes us both by surprise as he rejoins us in a pair of sweats and a hoody. "What do you mean?" I ask, confused.
"Fury loves that kid. If she had asked to move out sooner, he would have allowed her too. I think part of her didn't want to go just in case you started being the loving and caring mothers you once were. Ultimately, she was still a kid and desperate to still have you in her life." He clarifies. "But she had already gone. We blew our last shot." Wanda speaks up. "Maybe you're right. But if anyone is worth fighting for. It's her." Steve points out and I couldn't agree more. I know that I'll do anything in my power to make things right and hopefully prove to my daughter that I love her more than I can express.
After hours of waiting, too scared to even glance through the window, Cho comes out of the medical room with a solemn look, and it feels like all the air has been sucked out of the room. I feel my breathing pick up once again, the thought of not being able to fix everything with Y/n becomes suffocating. It's not until Wanda grasps my hand that I find myself zoning back in.
"H-how is s-she?" I find myself asking in a quiet, unsure voice. Cho sighs and takes the seat opposite us, her hands interlocked. "Y/n suffered a gunshot wound to her abdomen. The bullet went straight through her liver. We were required to remove part of her liver, to ensure we saved her life. This was harder with the amount of blood that she lost. However, we were able to stabilise her before repairing the damage done to her liver." She explains.
"So, she's going to be, ok?" Wanda asks to clarify. "It's going to be touch and go. She's extremely weak right now and the next couple of days are going to be critical to her recovery. If she can pull through these next few days, I believe she'll make a full recovery. Though it'll take a lot of rehab to adjust to the changes to her body." Cho confirms.
I let out a small sob, knowing that she can pull through this. I have to believe that she will make it through these next few days, and we can be there to support her through her recovery. "Will she be able to return to full field duties?" Steve asks, clearly agitating Wanda. "Really Steve. That's what you're concerned about right now?" She snaps.
He turns to look at us and I know exactly why he's asking. "The SHIELD programme is everything to Y/n. To lose it after only just achieving it, that will crush her." Steve defends. "I think she would rather be alive right now." Wanda snaps back. "You just don't want to face that the honest truth is that without this programme, Y/n will feel like she has nothing, and I hate to say it, but she won't be too happy about being alive." Steve shares, an angry, yet sad look on his face.
Wanda goes to argue back, a look of hurt washing over her face. But I hold my hand up to stop her. "He's right my love." I interrupt her, making her snap her head to me. "SHIELD was the only family she thought that she had after she believed that she didn't belong in this family anymore. It will break her if she can't carry on what she worked so hard to achieve." I admit sadly.
I lock eyes with Wanda, and I see her heartbreak even further, if that's possible. "It'll take time and a lot of hard work, but I believe that Y/n would be able to return to full duties within SHIELD." Cho chips in, reminding us all that she was still in the room. "But first, she needs to get through the next few days." She reiterates, making all of us nod.
"Can we see her?" I ask, desperate to be with her and to hold her hand. "Of course. I'll be in my office, but the nursing staff will monitor her hourly." She smiles at us and leaves us to it. I take Wanda's hand and lead her towards the door and slowly push the door open. I let out a gasp when I see my little girl led in bed. She has a tube down her throat and wires attached to so many machines.
I've seen many people in this situation. But when it's your own daughter, there aren't words to describe the pain you feel. How helpless you are to make them better. All you can do is sit and watch as you wait for fate to take its course. Praying that you get your daughter back.
I instantly move to take a seat next to her bed, taking her hand in mine and holding it tightly. I notice the bruising to her knuckles, showing she fought. It brings a small smile of pride to my face.
Wanda goes to the opposite side of the bed and gently places her hand on Y/n's head. "I'm so sorry moya Lyubov." She whispers, leaning in to press a kiss to her forehead. "We promise we're going to make things right. We are so sorry that you ever felt like you didn't belong in this family. You'll never doubt this again!" I make promise to her now, one that I will repeat when she wakes up. Because she will wake up.
Part 2
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misomiho · 10 months
now playing...
𝙈𝙞𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙁𝙖𝙞𝙡𝙘𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙛𝙪𝙡
⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻
Genre: Sfw, Fluff
Pairing: Fushiguro Megumi x Fem!Reader
A/N: Reader is from Kyoto! Contains two cringey teenagers experiencing love
✩Synopsis: During the annual Kyoto Sister- School Goodwill Event, you were captivated by someone. Now Nobara's mission is to spark Megumi's interest with you, will it fail or not?
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"You're here to kill Itadori Yuuji aren't you?"
You didn't had any time to react when his weapon lounge on you straight to your neck, you gasped and your breath hitched but with great precision and calculated movements, you dodged it. Barely.
'That was close. I could've sworn I saw my life flashed before me.'
You glared at him, narrowing your eyes as if you're looking down on him even if you're pretty intimidated already. The boy infront of you is the inheritor of the ten shadows technique from the zen'in clan, you had an eye for him from the very start of the event. He held a relaxed face while composed within a calm demeanor yet you knew there's confidence radiating from him that screams 'Im strong'.
You had no doubt it is true.
You jumped towards a tree and summoned your weapon. Pointing the blade at him in threat that if movements were seen, you will throw it at him without warning.
Curse technique: Conjure, being able to create weapons out of thin air stuffed with curse energy, normal weapons works alike however having the advantage of being able to get it appear and disappear in thin air out of your own will is way better, it's enough advantage to throw off your enemy. Mere seconds ahead can guarantee a victory.
Megumi knew you're a tough opponent too.
"Listen, I'm not here to kill Itadori Yuuji" your head hung low and you lowered your weapon. You glanced at the boy infront of you and distrust was shown in his face.
"I don't trust any of you Kyoto students"
You're not gonna try and reprehend him. Everyone from Kyoto is clearly trying to execute some poor boy.
"Say what you want but I'm only here to fight, to prove myself I have what it takes to be a sorcerer not someone who follows an order like a-
'Cursed speech?! I completely forgot Kamo's advice wait-'
Your body contradicted your mind while your movements were restricted, it suddenly feels like being paralyzed. Your eyes rolled back in to your head and without a second you were put in to deep slumber.
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"Ohh so that's what happened?!" someone's curious gazed stared at you. Recalling everything that happened made your head ache but the girl infront of you with her palms supporting her face and elbows placed at your sheets expecting some kind of backstory made you think harder.
Nobara Kugisaki. The brunette girl was already in your room when you woke up, waiting patiently to return your weapon when you completely forgot to return it back the second you were paralyzed. Megumi asked her to do so.
She explained everything that happened when you were fast asleep, it seems that the black haired boy back then took care of you before the veil was placed.
You were embarrassed, sure, but you were grateful, you could've got more injuries if he completely abondoned you there. There were curses roaming around with the intention of hurting you after all.
You couldn't help but pull the blanket up to your head and squirm under as if Nobara isn't there to witness it. She covered her mouth and gasped in realization while a snap of her fingers was heard.
"Oho you like him don't you? you have great taste actually, Megumi likes people who has-"
Before she could even finish her sentence, you pulled down the blanket and blinked several times, eyes gleamed in anticipation.
"M-megumi?! is that his name?" you were more excited now, your heart thumped from merely hearing his name.
Nobara blinked her eyes the same way and squealed, she was more intrigued than you, here she is witnessing forbidden love before her very eyes. Not completely forbidden but the tension between two schools were enough. Both hated each other's guts.
Not anymore tho.
Megumi Fushiguro is your crush.
You and Nobara just met yet everyone who intends to walk into the room will assume you're two giggling sisters discussing about guys like the usual teenage girls you are.
"Okay girl, I got you!" She crossed her arms and lifted her chin, "From this day on I have a special mission called, Getting Megumi to Talk to You Mission"
You clenched your fist and held them up to cheer Nobara on, it seems like a reasonable first mission for you. You just needed to thank him then the next mission would be to invite him for lunch.
It seems easy, right?
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"Not interested"
Megumi nonchalantly walked away as if the girl behind him didn't beg in her knees, "But Megumi..! she's literally your type!" Nobara's plea were unheard when Megumi walked further and further away.
Nobara sniffled, she was so sure your wishes were in her command but yet again you're gonna be disappointed. She wasn't gonna back down no matter what. You're her friend now after all.
"You sea urchin...I'm not done yet!" she childishly stomped her foot as she slowly followed the blackette.
The uninterested boy groaned, agreeing to being forced in to a blind date will happen if hell freezes over. He hates being forced into things he doesn't like and Nobara urging him to meet a nobody doesn't make it better.
Getting away from the persistent girl was already hard but with an injury straight to his abdomen from the fight makes it harder. He was limping around the hallway and the pain was unbearable.
"Gojo-Sensei couldn't have waited for me to reco-"
His frustrated banter was cut off when a sudden pain surged through his stomach like being stamped on by burning hot iron. He wobbled and nearly stumbled when an arm caught him, much to his surprise.
"A-are you okay..?!" a voiced called out to him full of worry. It was you who caught him. Your sensei Utahime was calling out for you to talk about your injuries during the event and fortunately for him, Megumi would've face planted towards the floor if you weren't there.
The boy didn't care who it was right infront of him, the pain was getting into him and leaning towards them to hold himself steady was the least of his worries. He didn't care how inappropriate it was, explaining comes later.
You were even more surprised when this boy's body was pressed in to you, your hand didn't know where to place themselves and just decided to hold his back to keep him and yourself balanced. He was larger than you and you considered wether it would make him comfortable or not.
You were secretly thanking the heavens and your sensei while Megumi were secretly cursing his. Unbeknownst to your teachers that they were one of the prime reason for this interaction.
You were snap out of it when Megumi infront of you was breathing heavily, you took notice that he's warmer than usual. You mentally slapped yourself for your 'borderline taking advantage of this situation self' when the boy infront of you is clearly vulnerable.
"I'm sorry, I just-I needed something to lean on and you were right infront of me"
His voice was as clear and his breathing sent shivered to your spine. He's mouth is right beside you ear. You can hear his breathing and the warm air radiating off him. His chin was pressed into your shoulders and his right hand were dangling onto your other shoulder.
If other people approaches the both of you, they would assume you're two lovers having an intimate moment.
"No no, it's okay, at least I was helping, this is also kind of my payback for your kindness back when the cursed speech user made me fell asleep"
Yeah, this couldn't be more worse for him.
Judging from your form, hair and voice, you were the conjure user from that day. He was even more embarrassed, he would've preferred if it was Todo standing right infront of him but no, out of all people, it was you.
He's hiding the fact that he was a bit interested in you. The way you carried yourself elegantly but with pride was enough to keep him up for days. Pity that he wasn't the one to return your weapon because of his injury.
Nobara watched the scene before her with teary eyes even if her role in this story was not important at least she played a major role in the situation before her. Unfortunately for her she had to fled the scene immediately, that was enough for her and she wanted you two to have your private talk. She wanted that forbidden love trope badly.
"Do you want me to..help you go to your room or infirmary?" you asked softly, tapping his shoulders gently to get his attention.
You were surprised. Megumi was surprised. He did not expect that to come out of his mouth, he didn't mean that in any bad way.
He wanted to stay in your arms longer, your body warmth was comforting somehow but most of all there isn't any other situations where this would happen again.
"Um, I mean I'm in a bad shape right now, I want the pain to be a bit more bearable before moving.." his attempt to make an excuse was the worst, he didn't know wether you'd believe that-
Wait what.
Well at least his intentions wouldn't be questioned. While he was having his own crisis, you were giddy to hold him for a longer time. The strain in your legs were hurting but his embrace was enough to ignore it completely.
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While the others were celebrating the loss and victory of the baseball game. You were busy tilting your head around the Tokyo students to see if a familiar spiky head was somewhere to be seen.
"You looking for Fushiguro? he's behind that building, probably washing his face..."
A familiar looking figure with pink hair whispered to you out of nowhere "H..how did you know I was looking for him..?" you whispered back as if both of you are exchanging valuable information.
"It was written all over your face, like 'where's my lover Fushiguro'"
"Lovers...no! if that's what you're thinking, it's nothing like that!"
"And here I thought you two were dating..I saw you guys standing in the hallway hugging each other"
You gasped as you covered your mouth in shock, now here you thought the others were outside that time. Feeling like you got caught scheming war crimes, you dashed out and located what the boy told you.
You couldn't stand there anymore and hide the panicked face you had, you felt like smacking your face to think straight and forget that unforgettable moment you two had.
'They knew?! what if the Kyoto Students found out? honestly I don't care anymore, if Mai made fun of me for liking her nephew or something or that damn Todo, so be it'
Sweat rolled downwards your neck as you huffed out breathless. You need to hurry up and find that boy, the Kyoto school are departing sooner or later and you won't know when you're gonna have such opportunity again.
You were running like a female lead in a shoujo manga, looking for her male lead who's gonna separate from her when the actual bullet train ride from Kyoto to Tokyo were just 3 hours minimum.
But that doesn't change anything, you don't even know if he's interested. You heard from Nobara about what happened when she was about to introduce you. You were happy your name wasn't mentioned before Megumi said he isn't interested but then again that doesn't change anything-
"Where are you running from?"
Your steps abruptly stopped when his voice called out to you. Take your chance!
You two blinked, one chuckled and the other glanced to his side while a tint of pink spreads out of his cheeks.
"I was about to say something..!"
"Me too.."
"Let's do it together then?"
"Is that even a good idea?"
"Just do it! 3..2..1"
"Do you want to go out sometime?"
"Let's go out sometime"
Nobara's mission was far more successful than you thought.
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faegoddessog · 4 months
Not 'till Monday
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Warnings: Explicitly mature content, 18+ only, clit play, fellatio, cum swallowing, cunnilingus, snowballing (male to female), Austin taking SUCH good care of you is SO many ways.
Summary: Recovering from surgery is tough. Doing it with Austin at your side is amazing with one exception-no orgasms allowed. I mean how did the doctor expect you to NOT be turned on when Austin is caring for you? It was fine for the first bit, but as you near the end of your blackout period it gets harder and harder, especially when he's vowed to abstain as well. Monday morning could not come soon enough and that goes for the both of you.
A/N: This little one shot was inspired by a convo with @purejasmine. I basically vomited it up in 24 hours. There are wee references to my other works and yeah, I have completely self serving fantasy that he'd read my work and go... 'damn... that's hot'. LOL! Let a girl dream!!!
Enjoy! let know if you'd like to be added to my tags list!
@purejasmine @slowsweetlove @richardslady121 @austinbutlerslovers
You weren’t gonna read it, your T-besties new dirty smut,  but the line just jumped out at you and now you couldn’t stop reading and re-reading just that one line.
“Is this what you want? For me to fill you with my cock?” 
Holy. Fuck. You shouldn’t be, but you are so fucking turned on right now. The fucking buzzing and throbbing of your pussy is out of control! Fuck! It is so intense, it's no joke.  You give in and read on. When you get to the mutual orgasm part, you squirm in your seat feeling your wetness literally bubbling out. What the actual fuck!
“I can control myself” you think, literally shaking.
Your throat vibrates with a needy groan as you toss your head back. ”Stop triggering me, bro!” you assert to the ceiling. 
“Are you ok, Princess?” his concerned voice calls down the hall from your bedroom. 
“Yes, I’m fine.. Well not fine.. But I’m ok” you shake your head, sighing, texting your t-bestie to fucking stop, tongue in cheek of course. You never want her to stop. 
“What’s wrong, what’d I do Baby,” his voice is hot in your ear, just moments before his hand crosses your upper chest. 
“Nothing you did Austin, my love. She’s just at it again,” you hold up your phone to show him the latest smut. 
“Princess, you should not tempt yourself. You know the doctor said no orgasms, not until Monday. You can hold out a couple more days,” he lightly kisses your cheek and walks around to sit on the couch with you. 
“I know, I know and I’ve been really good and you’ve been amazing. But she writes you so well… plus just having you around keeps me wet all the time.” 
“MMM I know, that’s one of a long list of my favorite things about you,” he purrs at you.
Austin has been a freaking angel sent from the beyond since your surgery.  Well, longer than that. He’s cooked for you, made sure you’ve stayed on top of your pain meds, stayed up at night to hold you in his arms until you fall asleep. He’s never missed a chance to take your walks with you. Even though they’ve had to be a little slower than usual. He holds your hand and points out animals and trees and the beauty of nature. You are so in love with him, he is the best thing that ever happened in your life. He even declined a project that was supposed to be starting this month because he knew you’d need him. 
“Bah, there will be others,” he’d said when you had protested, “I wasn’t sure I wanted to do it anyway. And I couldn't live with myself if something happened to you after surgery.” 
The flip side is that everything he does just turns you on, he is like your own personal interactive pornography. You have excellent self control, something you’d had to cultivate in your previous, toxic relationship. But this was testing your limits, you were starting to have a hard time concentrating on anything.
“I love that you don’t get weirded out by reading her smut that is about you.”  You nestle into his arms.  You two frequently read her stories together, getting so turned on that you fucked like bunnies. She absolutely loved the idea that her mind fuckery got the two of you off. 
“Heck no, not when she’s given us some of the best fucking ideas… like that one about cockwarming…or the one where I dominate you and call you Pet… damn that was one hot time.” He reaches down and adjusts himself. It’s been a while for him too, he vowed no orgasms for himself in solidarity. 
“Sweetheart,” you cover his hand with your own, your pinky brushing his burgeoning bulge, “if you want to you can jerk off. You want to cum in my mouth?” You feel bad for him, and you fucking love the taste of his cum. The idea of it makes your pussy throb. 
“No, no my Princess. I made a vow and I’m sticking to it. Besides, I was once a teenaged boy, I’ve had plenty of hard-ons that I’ve not played with, and I KNOW how hot that makes you. No way.” 
 He stands up and offers both hands to help you stand up. 
“C’mon, I have a surprise for you.” 
He leads you down the hallway, through your shared bedroom and into the bathroom. The tub is filled with steaming water, the scent of lavender and chamomile drift in the air. Two glasses of sparkling water and a plate of your favorite foods sit by the side. You two bought this house in part because of the huge tub. Both of you love baths and wanted something big enough that you could share. 
Austin helps you strip naked, put your hair up, and get into the bath before stripping off his clothes. If this was supposed to help you calm down, it’s a disaster. You fucking love the sight of him. He has been working out especially hard and he is fucking ripped right now. His lats pop and the ripples of his torso are fucking gorgeous as he bends to pull his joggers off. He doesn't quite get the first leg off and hops a little, giggling. He is so adorable and sexy at the same time, quite the enigma.  
You lean forward as he slides in behind you. You feel the hardness of his cock slide down your back and nestle at the base of your spine. He wraps you in his kind, gentle, strong arms. You melt. 
“Fuck Austin, I know you meant this to help… but it’s fucking hot,” you are struggling to keep your hips still.
“You want me to run some cold water?” he says helpfully. 
You purse your lips and twist to look at him. He is smiling ear to ear, chuckling. He knows what you meant. 
“Just wait love,” he whispers in your ear, “wait and I'll give you the most mind-blowing orgasm with my mouth in a couple days.  Then I’ll cum on your tongue, but you have to promise to swallow.” As though you’d ever do anything else but swallow his seed. His cock twitches against your back, his teasing of you is turning him on too. 
“Austin, you are not actually helping.” you giggle. Giggling is the only recourse you have right now. You fucking love this teasing, love this mind fuckery. At least you know you’ll get it eventually. Get his mouth, his tongue, his fingers, his body, his cock, his cum. FUCK now YOU are not helping. 
“I’m sorry my love, here let me feed you. At least we can appease your slutty tastebuds if not your slutty pussy,” he kisses your cheek and grabs the plate. 
“My pussy isn’t slutty!” you say with mock indignation, “it’s only for you Austin. How can it be slutty?” 
“Mmm, you are right,” he reaches down to cup your pussy in his hand, but stops himself just before plunging into the water. making a fist instead 
“Your wickedly wonton pussy, then” he breathes into your ear. Dear goddess in heaven, he is not making this easy.
He proceeds to give you little tidbits of perfectly cooked bacon, rare steak with goats cheese, roasted root veggies, fruit and yogurt, perfectly ripe avacados. You suck the bits off his fingers as he feeds you. 
“My Princess needs her protein for healing,” he kept saying every time he cooked for you inthe past two weeks. He did, indeed, treat you like a princess. 
The next two days pass without incident. There are no new story updates, and Austin keeps it surprisingly G rated. Though there is an undercurrent of sexual tension throughout the house. Sunday night is like fucking Chistmas eve, the anticipation is driving you mad in the best kind of way. As you cuddle on the couch watching a film, a standard Sunday night in your joint home, his arm is draped over your shoulder. His fingers lightly stroke your collarbone. You think they are shaking slightly, as though he is a nervous teenager hoping for a gratuitous movie theater-like grope session.   Is your mind playing fuckery tricks with you? 
You hear him sigh. It’s nothing to do with the movie on the screen. You thread your fingers through his, rubbing your thumb on his palm. You can feel his eyes on you. You tilt your head up to look at his perfect face. His little dimple appears, the one that you can’t help but kiss. Now is no different. You lean up and press your lips to his. His fingers curl around yours as he deepens the kiss almost instantly. You are instantly wet, well, more so than you always are with him. Your tongues touch then caress lips. Lips are momentarily trapped by teeth, before opening to be sucked and stroked by tongues ones again. God his kisses are like fuel to your fire. Your hand drops to his chest, and you turn towards him, fully engaging in the act of kissing this perfectly amazing man. Kissing that quickly ripens into full on making out, including his hand sliding up your shirt to fondle your breasts. Movie theater grope session indeed. 
The blaze of passion that ignites in your belly is ridiculous. This is the first time you’ve really kissed like this since the surgery.  The forbidden fruit effect is full on. The fact that you can't have it, makes you want it all the more.  
‘Fuck it’, you think, your mind clouded with lust, ’what is a few less hours.’
You move to straddle him and at the same time your hand reaches to undo the button on your jeans. 
“Whoa, Princess,” his deep voice husky with desire, “not below the waist, not until tomorrow.”
“But…” your face is a mask of petulance, forehead crinkled down and lip stuck out. Your frustration is evident. 
“No, my Love, I promised I’d take care of you and that means following doctors orders. No orgasms until Monday, and four weeks still until I get to sink into your tightness,” he reaches out to pet your protruding lip with one long finger. The finger that you want rubbing your clit right now. “I’m sorry I gave in to temptation, Baby.” With both hands he tilts your head down and kisses your forehead. 
You close your eyes, breathing deep. He is right, dammit. 
Later that night, he is propped up against the headboard. You curl up in his arms, grateful for his love of a good snuggle. He opens the book he is reading out loud to you. His gorgeous baritone lulls you to sleep.
You must be in an orchard, you have to be. What else smells like vanilla and citrus? The tall grass you are walking through brushes against your naked butt. The grass reaches and gropes along your thighs, trying to get to your pussy.  It feels good, the grass caresses your ass. You realize it’s not the grass but a shining ethereal being standing next to you, hands cupping your genitals front and back. Warmth radiates from its hands and soaks into your skin. You feel an intrusion inside you, malleable and warm. A sense of peace glows in you, from the inside out and the light erupts from your sacral chakra, like water over pouring from a vase. It feels divine, like an orgasm of light. Then you feel a concentrated rubbing against your mons. You hear a moaning and realize it’s your voice. 
You come to full waking consciousness and feel Austin next to you, on his side.  The palm of his hand rubbing circles on your vulva. You realize you have been moaning and just came in your dream, or maybe here in waking life too. 
“Yeah,” you hear in your ear, “that’s it, cum for me.” You can smell the orange and vanilla on his wrist as he brushes hair away from your face.
You eyes flutter open so see Austin staring at you, biting his bottom lip, nostrils flaring. When he sees your eyes open, his mouth curves just enough to expose the dimple at the corner of his lip. That fucking dimple, it melts you. Then his mouth is on yours hard and fast, the clean taste indicating that he brushed his teeth and rinsed with mouthwash. 
His finger dips inbetween your labia, you are so fucking wet, he doens’t even need to pull wetness over your clit. It’s already bathed in your juices. You are pretty sure that you already came once, which is fantastic as you were nervous that something inside might hurt when you finally got to orgasm. 
His fingers start working their magic, circling the hood of your clit, over and over. Then switching side to side. His mouth is constantly on yours. You want to stop him and tell him you want his beautiful mouth on your pussy, but it all feels so good. Usually he would gradually get faster, but he keeps a steady pace. It’s mere minutes and your orgasm washes over you. Your body freezes,  spine jerking and your little grunts are swallowed by Ausitn’s mouth. 
“That’s my girl,” he gently pets your vulva, “How was that my love?” 
“Please, please keep going,” you pant, eyes pleading for the overstimulation that he is so freaking good at. You can’t stop your hips from pushing forward and back against his hand.
“No babe, we are gonna take it slow at first,” he smiles, eyes full of love, “don’t want anything to… burst or whatever with a crazy hard orgasm.”
“Hmmmmm” your voice whines, “can I at least have your cum, baby. I need it.”
“That I can do,” he nods imperceptibly, “C’mere sugar.”
You help him pull back the covers as you sit up,  unwrapping his gorgeously perfect naked form next to you. His cockstand is a fucking dream, thick and long lying on his chiseled stomach. Your pussy practically drips at the sight of it.  You snag the bottle of water from the bedside table and quickly drain it. 
“Get that mouth down there, I need to be wet,” his voice is grizzly with need. 
You could live off Austin’s cum. In fact you usually get it almost every day. The past two weeks have been torture, not having his milky seed in your mouth. 
Eagerly you straddle his leg, bending down. He pulls your hair, still in its sleepy bunny ears, away from your face. He fucking loves watching your mouth on him. You lick your lips, looking at his eyes as he tucks one hand behind his head for a better view.  He knows you struggle with your gag reflex and he has never asked you to go beyond your comfort zone. 
Tongue out, you lick his soft tip. He releases a shaky sigh. He has missed this too. You bring your lips together pushing saliva out between the seam with your tongue, letting it run down his cock. You push your closed mouth down, tongue flicking his tiny hole. You seal your lips over his red tip,  chasing the rivulets and sucking them back up as you pull back. You dive down again, only taking his tip. Your cheeks hollow and the sound of wet suction follows. 
“Oh my god, Princess” he breathes.
You rub your smiling lips along his tip in a figure eight, like lip balm. You love hearing his sounds of pleasure. You engulf his head again, just a little farther this time. Your tongue rubs side to side along his frenulum. You bob up and down, up and down, tongue working him, slurping on the end of his cock.  
He moans, his hand rubbing down his stomach to the inside curve of his pelvis. His thumb and forefinger catching up the root of his cock. His long middle and ring fingers falling in the crevice next to his balls. 
“Yeah, that’s it gorgeous. Get me all wet with that pretty mouth,” he croons at you. His glutes start flexing slightly,  pushing his cock up. He’s trying for all he’s worth not to fuck your mouth. 
“Princess, I gotta… I’m… I need…oh god” he moans, not able to finish any sentence. You pull back as he holds his hand out, you drip spit into his hand and he wraps that big fist around that big cock. His hips thrusting up into his hand almost violently. He is so considerate and didn't want to do that into your mouth and make you choke. Clearly the last two weeks have taken their toll on his self control. 
You love seeing him play with himself. Last summer,  you ‘caught’ him jerking off. He had thought you had left.  You’d ran back inside to get something you forgot when you heard his moan. Peeking through the door, your pussy had gotten so wet when you saw him sitting at his desk, laptop open. You had almost slipped into his office to help, but when you realized what he was watching, you were too beguiled to interrupt. It was a video you two had made. A close up of your lips around his cock, both oral and vaginal. You didn’t let him know you were there, but you watched through the sliver of the door as he stroked himself to climax. Your hand was down your pants and your finger on your wet, wet clit.  It was so fucking hot. You loved the idea of being his porn. 
Now, your pussy is again activated watching him pump himself. You realize you have lowered down to his knee and are rubbing your wet pussy on his thigh, riding him.
“Fuck, Princess. That is so hot, you are dripping down my leg,” he seethes through his clenched jaw. “GAH!” he tosses his head back, a sure sign that he is close. His hand speeds up, and stops, speeds up and stops, edging himself just a bit. His forehead is pulled down in concentration, his plush lips form a little ‘o’ as he pants.
Holy fuck, he could not be hotter in this moment. His bicep bulging,  his pecs popped, abs contracted and tight, forearm veiny with effort, thigh flexed and wet with your juices.  Your mouth is open, tongue flicking.nYour pussy lips dragging back and forth over his skin. Fuck, it feels so good. So much deprivation has made you ultra sensitive. 
“Get that greedy tongue down there, so I can cum all over it,” he puffs out. 
You tip your head down. His legs are long enough that you can still rub against him and reach his cock with your mouth. Your tongue is out ready to catch. 
“Yesssss, here it comes,” he moans. 
The warm milky cum spatters your tongue, you know how much he likes to see it hit your mouth.  He groans in appreciation. Then you are down on him, sucking lightly, not wasting a single drop. It’s so fucking hot, such an activation for you to have his cum in your mouth. You sit up and grind into his tight quads just at the insertion on the patellar tendon. It's the perfect dune of muscle to rub your clit on.  You moan around your mouthful of cum, your tongue rubbing it along the roof of your mouth. 
“That’s it Princess, get it,” his hand is still on his cock, lightly stroking himself. He is so fucking turned on with your wanton display. His other hand is on your knee, somehow wanting to help, but not wanting to interrupt your flow. 
Your pussy tightens, good lord the friction feels good. Just as you can feel yourself tipping over that brink, you let his cum slide down your throat. Your eyes roll back in your head and your pussy gushes as your hips freeze forward. Your hips and head jerk in unison, grinding your pussy down on him with each jerk. It’s nearly overstimulating… nearly. 
You fall forward onto him, ass in the air, panting, shaking. He catches you with waiting arms. 
Cradling your head on his chest. 
“You good, Princess?” there is just a touch of concern in his voice. You love how he loves you. 
You nod, slowly getting your breath under control.
“Could be better,” you look up at him with a glint in your eye. 
“Oh yeah,” he gently swipes at a creamy drop on the corner of your mouth, offering the drop to your mouth. You greedily lick it from his finger. 
“Yeah,” you say after rolling the salty tang around your mouth, “I, uh, I seem to remember a promise a certain hot fucking man made me. One of a mindblowing orgasm with his talented mouth.” You smile at him,  running a finger along  the border of his lips. Those perfect fucking lips. 
“Oh yeah, when is he getting here?” he jests, chuckling.
You purse your lips and shake your head, you love his silly goofy side.
“Austin,” you kiss his mouth then roll off him, legs wide,”get down there and make good.” 
His eyes smolder at you, he loves it when you have just a touch of command in your voice. It usually doesn't last long, as he likes being in control in the bedroom, but it turns him on nonetheless. 
“Yes Ma’am,” he nods. Catlike he flips on top of you and slides down your body. In supporting his upper body weight, his shoulders bulge and ripple. That and his ocean blue eyes never leaving yours is enough to set you off.
He wraps his arms under your upper thighs. 
He inhales the smell of you.
His eyes close and he moans in pleasure. 
His mouth opens and he drags his tongue along your lips. 
“Just nothing in, not yet” you remind him. 
The apples of his cheeks pop as he smiles up at you, “I know darling.”
His tongue rolls around under your clit, pushing between your labia. He laps your little lips into his mouth, sucking them gently. 
You moan at the sensations, god you’ve missed his mouth. 
He nestles down at the bottom of your entrance and with a flickering tongue licks your wetness up, sucking your clit lightly into his mouth at the top.
 It’s fucking amazing. 
He licks again, his bottom lip dragging after his tongue, over and over. Until he settles on top of your clit. One hand slips from your leg and you feel two fingers press, not into your vagina, but in the crevices on either side of your lips. He licks your nub with the tip of his tongue and  presses rhythmically on the legs of your clitoris from the outside, milking your pussy. It feels incredible, you had no idea that was a thing, at least not for your body. 
Your juices start to flow freely, dribbling down. He greedily licks as much of it up as he can, sucking hard on your labia. Then his mouth closes wholly over your clit and the top bits of your lips. He sucks, the tip of his tongue flickering over the hard little button. 
Oh fuck it’s good. He is good. Better than good, with his fingers working their magic. Your hands fly to his hair, fingers tangled in his unruly locks. Breath flutters out his nostrils and onto your pubis. Your hips start pumping against his pretty face. You know he loves it when you just let go and let your body react. He starts groaning, his hips mimic yours, driving against the folds of the sheets under him. The fact that he is so turned on by eating your pussy is exhilarating. The vibrations of his moans send your pussy into overdrive. All of a sudden you are there; screaming, grunting, shaking under the magnificence that is Austin’s mouth. Pleasure floods your body. You writhe.  He shifts, letting go the suction and licks long, sensuous strokes along your quivering cunt. He flicks your clit at the top each time, making you shake in aftershocks, making you drip that much more. He closes his mouth wide over your pussy, sucking hard. Then, with a closed mouth he pushes up to his knees over you. His cock is rock hard and jutting out from his lean form. He is a fucking dream. He leans his head forward and dribbles a mixture of your juices and his spit onto his cock and into his hand. 
“God I miss doing that to you,” he moans.
You are panting, watching the sex god Austin stroke himself. His hooded eyes are brimming with desire and lust. 
“Touch yourself,” he commands, “I want to watch.” 
You immediately obey, your finger rubbing back and forth on your swollen clit.
“Yes, finger that clit, Princess,” it’s taking all he has not to slide into you, but he would never endanger your health like that. 
Your finger runs in circles around your clit.
“Pull your lips apart, I want to see it all,” his tone is intense, brooking no argument. 
You spread yourself for him and continue to circle your clit. Anything for Austin. He spits into his hand again, and continues to pump fiercely on his cock.
“Pull up, I want that little hood pulled back,” he is huffing, his face contorted and serious, “I want you to feel my hot cum as it hits your naked clit.” 
Oh. My. God. He has never said that, never done that. Your finger stops rubbing and pulls back your clitoral hood. The cooler air hits your exposed clit. You moan and clench. He watches as your pussy contracts, his breath hissing between his teeth. He glides hard on his cock. 
“Keep it up, don’t touch it.” His chest  expands in a deep, deep breath. His orgasmic groan begins as a rumble in his chest and blasts out his mouth in unrequited vowel sounds. Hot semen hits your vulnerable clit, it’s like fucking lightning. Your back arches and your hips shake, your orgasm is inches away. All you have to do is rub… but he told you not to. 
Suddenly and unexpectedly,  his mouth is sucking on you and hard. His tongue rubbing in his cum, back and forth over your clit. Your climax explodes over you like fireworks. You are so fucking lit.  Your spine and hips jerk, bouncing you on the bed.   He rides you down, lapping up his cum from you. Then he is over you, kissing you deeply with a mouthful of his own, sweet cum. It’s intoxicating, mind blowing, hallucinatory and nearly makes you orgasm again. You swallow every drop, curling your tongue into his mouth, desperate to get it all into you.
He pulls away shaking, having given you the same cum a second time. Clearly he found it just as electrifying. 
“Fuck that was unbearably hot, Princess,” he pants.
Your head shakes as you nod up and down, still completely aroused. You pull his fingers between your legs. 
“Rub Austin, please,” you beg. 
Austin can’t resist it when you beg like that. 
You spend the rest of the day either in bed, in the bath or in the kitchen. Austin made you cum in all of them. Orgasm Day, you’d come to call it, your own personal annual holiday.  Now, only 4 more weeks and the medical ‘ok’ until you get to feel his thick cock stretching your tight little pussy. Until then, well it’s Austin’s cum for breakfast, Austin’s cum for dinner and Austin’s cum for a midnight snack. 
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ala2ilas-s · 1 year
Neymar jr
Part 1
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A bitter laugh escaped my lips as I shook my head “don’t act like you actually care” I said finally looking up at my father for the first time that night.
“You’re being unfair.” he huffed crossing his arms over his chest causing me to clench my jaw harder.
“Oh spare me pretentious act. I’m just another pawn in your big game. An unfortunate burden that can be used against you.” I said through gritted teeth.
“You don’t need a reason to kill me. Everyone has an expiry date in your eye and mine ends when you no longer need to keep the facade.” I stood up and chugged the rest of my drink before walking to the door.
“I wouldn’t test that theory sweetheart.” I stoped at his voice. I hate that nickname. “Something rather.. tragic happening to a family member might just bring me the attention I need.” He said not showing a single sign that something happening to me would actually upset him in the slightest.
“I hate you.” I said gripping the door knob harder, my knuckles turning white.
“Tough..” He said and I didn’t waste another second walking out and slamming his door. Exhaustion weighting down on my body when the adrenaline started to wear off and I had to lean against the hallway wall to support my body. Heavy pants coming out of my mouth and I had to close my eyes to focus on my breathing if I didn’t want to pass out.
“So he told you..?” My head snapped up to my right. An unfamiliar man that I’ve been completely oblivious to, was leaned against the opposite wall watching me with raised eye browse.
“Who are you?” I said panic starting to build up in my system. Immediately going in fight mode at the sight of this unknown man.
“Your bodyguard sweetheart.” My face fell. So he is the guy that’s gonna be babysitting me for the next few months. He’s also what sparked yet another fight between me and my father.
“Don’t call me that” I growled, pushing myself off the wall and walking up the stairs to my room and pretending like he didn’t just catch me about to have a full panic attack.
“What? Sweetheart?” He mocked, trailing behind me and I rolled my eyes. Although I’ve met him less than five minutes ago, I could tell he’s not exactly gonna be my favourite person.
When I finally walked in my room, wanting nothing more than to just take a shower and sleep, a strong hand on the door caused me to halt and I looked back at him eye brows shot up waiting for him.
“I’ll be outside” he said in a serious tune and I just blinked at him not knowing how to respond.
After a minute of just starring at the closed door I huffed and started unzipping my dress pulling down the strings. Of course the bodyguard he assigned to me is just fucking beautiful.
My dress dropped to my feet and I made my way to my bathroom. My muscles relaxing the moment I lowered myself in the tub filled with warm water. The faint sound of music playing in the background calming my nerves. My head went underwater as I drowned everything and let out a loud scream before resurfacing again when I needed to breath.
The water started to get too cool for my liking and I had to drag myself out of the bathtub, wrapping a towel around my body as I walked out of the bathroom. A quiet scream left my lips when I came face to face with the pretty stranger again.. my bodyguard that I had yet to learn the name of.
“What took you so long?” He asked looking slightly pissed. My hands clenched the small towel covering my body as I half expected him to check me out like the other guards and most of my father’s companies would do shamelessly every time I was showing any skin which usually did not go unpunished for. To say I was surrounded by old pigs and to earn the same amount of respect that I would’ve had if I had a dick between my legs, I had to do things in the hard way, was an understatement. However, his eyes didn’t wavered from my own.
“What the hell are you doing in my room?” I said.
“I check up on you every hour and a half.” He said calmly while I stood there looking at him with wide eyes. “It’s the drill.” He shrugged.
“I’m in my room what can happen here.” I said frustrated about how I practically didn’t have any privacy what so ever.
“It’s the drill sweetheart.” He repeated making my blood boil as he casually strolled in my room looking out the window.
“You can get out now.” I glared at him pointing at the door even though his back was towards me. He hummed before turning on his heels. His jaw clenching every time he chewed on his gum making it harder to look away from his stupidly attractive face.
The moment he was about to walk pass me I snapped out of it and grabbed his arm not shying away from his intense gaze “and don’t call me that.”
His mouth curled up slightly, a smug smirk on lips causing my eyes to involuntarily moved down and in a moment of weakness I wondered how they would taste.
My attention was once again snapped back to his eyes when I felt him pushing a loose strand of hair behind my ear. If you look close enough you’d notice traces of green rings in his chocolate eyes.
“Noted sweetie.” He mumbled and stepped away from me causing my hand to fall from his arm “no.” I groaned watching him walk out of my room chuckling under his breath.
“Bastard” I mumbled.
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undercoverpena · 6 months
spotify wrapped.
so i kinda made a few friends do a Spotify wrapped of THEIR fics as a way to celebrate themselves and what they've written/begin plotting this year. and i may have hidden for a while from doing it, but... here it is [yes, i made mine square for the aesthetic, sue me]
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i think originally i had this as second, but the more i think on it, if it wasn't for this fic, i wouldn't have met so many of you. it wouldn't have gotten me through a tough depressive period and it wouldn't have healed the fear of writing romance. it is also the one fic i personally read to cheer me up, and coming up with new ideas for them is my FAVOURITE thing ever. i never expected a single soul to love them, but fuck, i'm so glad you all do.
i am a sucker for best friends to lovers, so naturally writing this has been a blast. it's special to me because my own husband was my best friend, and much of the themes are the same (minus the fwb part) and the best part of writing it, has been revisiting some of those feelings. i also really pushed myself with the spice. and that writing two people in love, who won't admit it, is actually so much harder than i thought.
a self-indulgent fic with joel miller? yes pls. no one will ever be able to understand how terrified i am writing JM. but this one flowed from me. everything from the storm to the way they look at one another made me grin. it was so much fun to write, and i'm so proud of myself for not letting fear stop me from writing it. also, this is hot as fuck - i cannot believe i wrote this.
this pair stole my heart when i first wrote them. they also gave me the confidence to birth late night texts. the softness in this, but also the cheek/wit, just had me grinning when i edited. I'll forever love this for what it did for me as a writer.
okay, okay. i cannot easily pick a fifth, so i chose two. but they're both so brilliant, and self-indulgent and born from this place of 'i want to write this, so fuck it' and yet, somehow, you all love it? and is that not a message for jo in 2024 to write more of the things she loves? also, cmon, one is pure fluff and one is pure spice ;).
[the specialist mention to nowhere to run. you were a beauty, you're brilliant and my brain created you with the hope of healing. and in some ways you did heal me, but you also made me sad, and anxious, but i'm glad you were written, and i do love you, even if i don't act like it]
tagging: if you see this, i IMPLORE you to celebrate yourself. here's a link to the canvas template to do it -> Canva Template Link
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twilightmalachite · 6 months
2×2 - Children on the Streets 1
Author: Akira
Characters: Yuuta, Shinobu
Translator: Mika Enstars
"Actually, why do you continue being an idol if you’re so dissatisfied, Yuuta-kun?"
[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Season: Spring
Location: Downtown
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Two days later, on the third day of shooting 2×2 episode 5, noon…
Shinobu: … …
Uu, uuu, uuuu…
Yuuta: Shinobu-kun looks like a wandering zombie during an apocalypse…
Shinobu: It’s so hard~, usually… My standard of living has dropped to the lowest level possible.
Yuuta: W-well things are going surprisingly well, right? Better than we expected!
It’s like riding a bike! Thankfully we lived in extreme poverty for the fourth episode, so we knew to find dollar stores and thrift shops to buy our essentials—
We then save money for that using our idol skills we honed at Yumenosaki and ES, a.k.a., performing on the street and asking money from those who pass by!
Since ES is nearby, there are often performers around town, which helps a ton. Passerbys are used to them, and typically give a bill or two.
Shinobu: Because ES promotes music, or rather, idol activities.
If this were the Special Music Zone, for example, that centers around “that”, we could have made money more efficiently, but…
Yuuta: We really don’t have either the money or energy to travel that far out… We’ve been doing a lot of street performances with the sun high in the sky, so I’m seriously starting to hit my limit.
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Shinobu: And I wonder if it’s even harder on me… Uu~, maybe it’s a genetic thing, but no matter how hard I train, I can’t build up physical strength.
Yuuta: We both have our genetic disadvantages, don’t we?
Shinobu: And to make things worse, our beds are atrocious, so we can’t recover our lost energy at all…
Yuuta: We were able to eventually save up enough money for a decent cardboard house, but…
There was a horrible draft in the end, and the blanket from the thrift store wasn’t enough to keep me warm.
Shinobu: Though if the temperature gets too low, we’ve been going to a cheap public bath to wash up and sleep in the break room.
Yuuta: We get two birds with one stone with that. We used to use those places when we were kids, I’m so glad those cheap bathhouses haven’t gone out of business~!
This is a show about idols, after all, we have to keep reasonably clean.
Shinobu: So every day, we make sure to wash our clothes at a laundromat and our body at a public bathhouse or internet cafe shower room.
It’s more than a matter of looking good, we also gotta keep clean so we don’t get sick, usually.
Yuuta: Living in the streets seriously is so tough. It’s just staying alive, but it’s so tough.
I seriously don’t know how we did it back then.
Shinobu: Yeah… I can say this from my heart now that I’ve experienced the hardship myself, it truly is amazing. It’s commendable.
At that time, you and Hinata-kun were just small children who still needed the protection of their parent.
Yuuta: And we ran away from that parent~. Didn’t we just reap what we sowed in a way?
Shinobu: Seriously though, I don’t know how you did it.
Yuuta: Aniki was strangely talented with these things, and I recall being able to live in this area rather comfortably.
But, back then too, Aniki was also just a small child, the same age as me—
He must’ve been having a really hard time, I just didn’t realize it… I’m sure.
Shinobu: Fufu, Hinata-kun’s done a lot for you, hasn’t he, Yuuta-kun.
Yuuta: Uu~… I didn’t ask for him to, though! He did it all on his own, meaning it was all just for his ego.
Aniki must have just been happy because was able to do what he wanted to do.
Whenever I wanted to do something, he wouldn’t let me. That is what was tough, you know!
So this time around, I’m rather satisfied. I’m able to do what I want, without anyone getting in my way or denying me.
Shinobu: But the burden of that’s being pushed onto me.
Yuuta: What? You have complaints? You know, if you don’t like it you can just quit, 2×2 is our show after all—Meaning you have nothing to do with it, Shinobu-kun.
Shinobu: That’s not an option… To abandon a job once undertaken goes against the code of a ninja.
Yuuta: Sounds inconvenient and a lot of work to me, but do what you want to do I guess, ninja.
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Shinobu: Actually, why do you continue being an idol if you’re so dissatisfied, Yuuta-kun?
If you hate it so much, why don’t you just quit?
Yuuta: … …
Shinobu: Ah… S-Sorry. I said a bit too much. Living marginally like this has put me on edge.
Yuuta: No, nevermind that. Look, over there.
Shinobu: Huh…?
Hmm? Over there, could that be—
Yuuta: —Aniki!
That bastard Aniki~! I thought since we were having such a hard time, surely he must have been as well!
What is this? Why on earth are those guys looking so happy!?
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veg-hotwings · 2 years
Things I expected from MHA because of the fandom VS canon
I started actively watching MHA last october, after dropping it years ago because the first two minutes bored me.
But in october I caught a fever and had absolutely 0 energy, so all I could do was resting on the sofa and watching TV. I decided to give MHA another chance, it looked chill and lighthearted after all, and I actually enjoyed it.
In fact, I enjoyed it so much I finished the whole thing in no time, and dragged one of my best friends along. In December I rewatched it with him again and ordered all the manga (including Smash, Team-Up Missions and the characters books). Now I'm up to date with every chapter, have merchandise, cosplays, read hundreds of fanfics and written a couple myself, and plan to go to one of the biggest conventions here in Italy all because of it.
I can almost say it saved me at the time. It wasn't a nice period, and MHA helped me a lot to ease my mind, find comfort and understand things from my own childhood. It gave me something to be excited for (like the weekly updates and the new season), other people to talk to, a creativity boost and even a job.
I arrived in the fandom quite late, and the biggest reveals and theories had been already made (no, I didn't expect Dabi to be Touya, so thank you fandom for spoiling this :'D I was so mad!).
So here's a list of every difference between fanon and canon that shocked me - in other words, what happened in the manga that I didn't expect because of fans' headcanons. I'll keep this updated for my own pleasure v.v
EraserMic family & Shinso: I sincerely thought that Aizawa and Hizashi would be living together with Shinso and Eri (blame this on denki.darling on TikTok), and that we'd be seeing Shinso more frequently.
Hawks and the LoV: I believed Hawks would be spending some time with the whole gang, including Shigaraki, but they never actually met! He didn't even stay at their hideout, he only knew the PLF mansion in Gunga!
Hawks and Dabi: This is a tough one, as they're my supreme OTP. As I remarked in another post, they only share 6 canon moments together. Six. It's nothing. I was really convinced there would be more scenes of them together, also to build up the divorce betrayal scene, but there weren't. I started shipping them because of the fandom, not the anime, and only later caught up with the manga, so I spent a couple of days feeling really stupid and sad and questioning myself on why would I ship them if they really barely talked to each other. We don't even know about their first encounter! But eventually I sobered up and started shipping them even harder. Also, I totally fell for the childhood friends thing. Another stab in my heart when I found out it was purely fanon.
Dabi's past: Reading plenty of fanfiction, I thought Enji phisically forced him to train his quirk and that was the reason why Touya burned up and became Dabi, so when I read Dabi's past in the manga I was very lost, to say the least. I couldn't get it. Endeavor surely wasn't a nice father, but he wanted to protect Touya from his own quirk. He didn't push him! Instead, he pleaded him to let it go and focus on other things. It was Touya who did that to himself, and now throwing a tantrum because his dad didn't pay attention to him anymore. I started to dislike the character, and man, was I wrong. I reevaluated his whole story after chapter 350 in April. Seeing Touya like that, seeing him being afraid, alone, heartbroken and still wanting to apologize and put everything behind him broke me. And then he comes home to a household that seems to have forgotten about him, to a father that still beats his children, and that was his last straw, the final confirmation that his life never had meaning. Only then I started reading character analysis and understanding the truth. That neglecting children is abuse. That feeding a child with dreams up to the point they become his whole world and purpose and then stripping him from them is abuse. I was so blind to this and to my own childhood, because something very similar happened to me. Since then, I began relating to Touya a lot more. Not justifying his actions but understanding his pain.
Deku's corruption: This is stupid, but I was almost convinced he actually would have joined the League to be with Toga XD
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ygodmyy20 · 11 months
Ramblings about Separate Ways Arc
I am rewatching Mob Psycho 100 with my fiancée right now and wow, Separate Ways Arc was tough before but rewatching it was way harder.
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I didn't really like Reigen much on the first watch through haha Until the end of season 2 that is. I was 100% with Ritsu. I thought "This guy is an asshole, how can he use someone like Mob like that?? Fuck him, I don't like him." I hate seeing a character get used by another—it reminds me too much of myself. So I had a weird satisfaction with Reigen digging his hole the first time I watched, like a character getting what was coming to them.
I was happy to see Reigen get dragged through the mud.
But then, I got to know Reigen's character more as the series went on. And after rewatching the start of the season and getting to this point, I was picking up so much more of Reigen's unsaid feelings, about himself, about Mob. I was seeing the little insecurities more, in different ways he was animated (even when over the top), in his dialogue, in just the framing of shots. God damn this show and all the little things it sprinkles in to add clarity and color to a character.
What I didn't expect on this rewatch, was feeling so sad watching these two episodes. All of his over the top antics, everything just made me...
really really sad.
Knowing that we're going to go from here...
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to here...
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God I just, I really get why people like him so much haha The separation arc rings so much more beautifully after I know where we end up. Reigen fucked up. Reigen said some bad shit. Reigen hurt the people he cares about, but in the end, Reigen cares so much, and his failure is like beautiful little vignette.
Shigeo is still my favorite character, and I love his arc above all else. But I am falling in love with Reigen's growth this second time around.
Even the monster of the week episode at the start of season 2, where he starts to really think about Mob and what his needs are, I felt myself being pulled into his character more than ever before. He had to be thinking about all that stuff when he says those awful things to Mob. Deep down he knew that Mob was struggling and trying to change, and he both wanted to embrace that because he knows it's right but also fears it because he is lonely.
God damnit Reigen. You and your...Reigen-ness. Making me feel shit.
ALSO I have been meaning to do little posts/thoughts as I rewatch with my partner. The Mogami Arc needs it's own post too, same with season 1 haha But maybe I can just start here, I dunno.
(I actually gave my partner a trigger warning before going into Mogami arc which I am glad I did that one was hard for him to watch)
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Complicated, I Guess
Fandom: Stranger Things Summary: Robin's always going to be there for her soulmate, no matter what their discussion is about or reveals. Warnings: Period typical homophobia/transphobia and mentions of being broken because of asexuality/aromanticism Word Count: 807 Ship(s): Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington
Archive link!
A/N: Am I projecting all of my identity onto Steve because he's my favorite character? Absolutely! I hope that you all enjoy this and please don't take anything here said as gospel because everything that Steve talks about concerning his gender/sexuality is just what I've been speculating about. Stay sissy and bitchy everyone <3
“I don’t know if I’ve ever really been in love.”
Evie was laying on the bed with her arm draped dramatically over her eyes. She was wearing one of Robin’s skirts, the flowy navy one with white spots but still in her own yellow polo because she felt that those were more comfortable. Her hair was hanging loose and unstyled around her face, one singular braid still in tact from their earlier activities. The other girl suspected that the only reason for that was because the strands were so close to Evie’s hearing aide, where she was used to feeling pressure and rubbing so didn’t pay attention to the sensations there.
Robin pulled herself up from the ground and flopped down onto the single bed, folding her arms underneath her so that they were supporting her face. “You really expect me to believe that?” she asked with a little giggle.
“Why wouldn’t you?” Evie pouted.
“Evie Harrington, sex master extraordinaire and Queen of High school, who had more girlfriends than anyone could count and even a couple of secret boyfriends, has never been in love? It’s a tough pill for anyone to swallow,” Robin replied. She made sure to replace the parts of the title that didn’t fit with her friend’s current gender. 
The last time that they had been like this, tucked away in the privacy of Robin’s room to escape the Indiana summer heat, Evie had explained that she didn’t always feel like as much of a boy as she was supposed to. That had resulted in them asking each other a lot of questions, stealing away to ask Joyce (who seemed to know a little bit about everything), and then figuring things out. It had been a slow process what with all of the Upside Down nonsense that had interrupted them before and after the Byers moved away. They had figured out that Evie felt like a boy sometimes, which was when Robin would call her by the name and pronouns that she had gone by her entire life, but sometimes she felt like a girl. Those days were harder and it resulted in Robin having to avoid the topic of her Platonic soulmate entirely to avoid misgendering Evie.
“I don’t know if that was actual love or if I was just making it up because people were telling me that I was in love,” Evie replied as she turned her head so that she could look at her best friend a little bit easier.
“Like… convinced yourself to feel feelings that didn’t exist?” Robin asked. She had tried to do that with a couple of guys when she was younger, around the time when everyone else in her middle school class claimed to be developing crushes.
“Yeah. But sometimes the feelings would be so real that I convinced myself they had been there the entire time. After a while they would fade and I thought it was just the relationship fizzling out but I was thinking the other day and I don’t know if I ever had feelings for anyone before I found out that they liked me. It’s almost as if every time I learned that someone had a crush on me, I was so used to thinking that I had to reciprocate that kind of thing that I just… made myself develop feelings for them,” Evie explained all in a rush. “I never wanted to have sex with them either, I just did it because I thought that’s what I was supposed to do.”
Robin blinked a few times as she processed all of that information. “You never wanted to date or have sex with any of the people that you got with? Even Nancy?”
The other girl shook her head. “I desperately wanted to be friends with Nancy. Like, she was so cool and perfect and pretty. I wanted to look like her and be like her. And I think I kind of told myself that was a crush. Which is why our relationship ended so badly and would have even without all of the Upside Down stuff,” Evie explained. 
The room went quiet for a while as they both lay on the bed, thinking about everything that had been placed into the open air. Evie sniffled and asked, “Does… does that make me broken?”
Robin immediately shook her head. “No. Even if you are broken, I’m also broken for liking girls when I should be liking guys. So we can be broken together, okay?”
She moved her hand down so that her fingers were interwoven with Evie’s. It was an affectionate move that they had gotten more and more comfortable doing as time passed and their boundaries decreased around each other. They cuddled up on Robin’s bed, hidden away in a place where they could be broken and different.
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vins-emotional-mess · 2 months
It's been tough trusting people lately. It feels like everyone has a hidden agenda or isn't completely honest. I've expressed how much it hurts when people deceive me, yet it seems to keep happening. Being open about my feelings has backfired, leaving me feeling just as dishonest as those who hurt me. Now, I'm grappling with this pain alone, pretending everything's okay to hold onto a relationship that feels increasingly distant.
I find myself questioning if I'm being left for someone else, someone they've talked about but I never had the chance to get to know. It's like I'm not good enough, and it tears me up inside. I search for reasons why they've pulled away, blaming myself or even their past abuser somehow worming their way back into their life. But they seem oblivious to how much this hurts me, and I'm forced to bury my pain to keep them around. It makes me feel like a liar. Lies by omission just like they did to me, both of us lying, and it makes me hate myself.
Despite reaching out and supporting them, I regret getting so attached to someone who's only caused me pain lately. I miss the times we could have fun - but it feels like that's over now. They couldn't handle my honesty or the fact that I leaned on someone else for support. Instead of being upfront, they hid things, making the betrayal even more painful.
They claim it all happened when everyone was exhausted, but how long did they keep this from me? I know they did for months. Since February here have been hidden truths (lies). Did they expect me not to find out? or for me to not be in this much pain when I do? It feels like they're ghosting me for someone "more fun," repeating the cycle of pain they themselves complained about with their past abuser.
Regular communication could mend some of this, but they don't seem interested. It's like they've moved on without considering how much they've hurt me. It's as if they fail to recognize that every action they took, supposedly to spare me pain, was more about projecting their own discomfort onto me, believing that they were saving themselves from anguish. And now, even if they reached out, I'm not sure I could believe it would make a difference amidst all this pain. I genuinely feel worthless when it comes to them.
This situation cuts deeper than any loss I've experienced, and it's left me feeling broken. Despite wanting to disappear, I've made promises to stick around for someone who vowed not to abandon me. But every day gets harder than the last... I'm sure they wouldn't reach out to me- not in time- if I tried to do so before I could take severe, permanent, action....
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risu5waffles · 10 months
This level is so close to being great, but when it missteps, it does it hard. The first ten minutes or so feel like a slightly tough, but ultimately forgiving introduction to the HARD(tm) style of level design. You've got a lot of the standard obstacles, but in smaller, or gentler forms wivout any really strung together in sequence, letting a player who might be struggling to really focus on their problem point (the only thing better would be allowing a player to select an obstacle to practice wiv, and teleport to it; but that would have made for a completely different level-feel).
On top of that, the level just looks really nice. Great choice of materials, wiv an eye for how the colours compliment and contrast, leaving everything very visually parse-able. The deep blue glass is an excellent hazard choice, both looking classy on its own, but also providing a strong contrast to the electrical hazard, which i find often gets washed out, especially when used in abundance.
There really is a lot to gush over about this one.
And then you get to The Obstacle.
Now, i should point out here that adsffff (LBP HARDmode YouTuber, wiv way more dedication than i could muster, to say nothing of skill) was kind enough to contact me and point out that hitbox changes from LBP to LBP3 were probably making that bit way harder than it was intended. And that was a little vindicating to hear. It's nice to know that it wasn't completely a skill issue (tho' i'm more than willing to take the L myself. i know that there are hard limits on what i can actually pull off).
i would still argue that The Obstacle is misplaced for that has come before it, tho'. It's requiring a level of skill and consistency that has not been asked of the player at all up to that point, and hasn't been built toward in the least. Like, the obstacle itself is actually really neat, and i appreciate how it uses player expectations against them; but the feeling coming off of it is far more frustrating than inviting-challenging. i can only imagine most players, even in the original format, giving it a solid try, and deciding to bugger off for kinder climes. -------------------------------------------
It's Friday! i'm so busy! But, as a notice to folx who might follow me here, but not on stream, things are really, really well right now. Even an egregiously busy day at work hasn't put too much of a dent in my good mood (tho' i am really, really tired). i'm actually looking forward to the future, even if right now it's just the future of a couple weeks away. That's a really big change! But! i do got to get the curry transformation sorted, like, right now, so i depart!
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lucy90712 · 2 years
Marc Marquez- So proud
No one tells you how hard it is to be a rookie in a series but they definitely should as I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I was brought into f2 last season but my god was it tough. Of course I've been racing for most of my life and been trying to get into f3 for a few years but then all of a sudden I was offered a seat in f2 so I took it right away. That was the best and worst decision I've ever made as it got me one step closer to my dream but its been so difficult to get to grips with the car and I've had just about the worst rookie season with a lot of crashes and only scoring points in a few races. Over the break I wanted to give up but Marc pushed me to keep going and work harder than ever and he told me just how much he believed in me which is the only thing that kept me going.
During the break I have worked incredibly hard to work on not just my fitness but also on my driving by spending hours in the simulator which has taken a lot of my time but it has been worth it. During pre season testing I feel like I really improved and ended up being one of the fastest in every test which for me was a huge improvement and gave me some new found motivation to keep going and prove that I can be just as good as the guys. However now that it is the first race of the season I couldn't be more nervous as actual races are very different to testing. After testing things went from one extreme to another as before testing many people were disappointed in my performance but after many put me in the championship fight and expected me to dominate from the start which feels like a lot of pressure seeing as I struggled so much last year.
To start with I didn't want to go to the race as I was so nervous but I had to go although it was made a bit better as Marc isn't racing this weekend so he came with me to keep me calm and to watch me race as he will always try and watch me race whether its in person or on tv. Having him  with me is great but it also adds a bit more pressure as he's one of the best motogp riders and although we are just dating I think people believe that just being with him should make me a better driver. I also feel like I have to do well or he will be disappointed in me even though that would never happen and actually he is usually the one telling me how great I did and how proud he is even if I had a bad race. However so far this weekend no one has asked me about Marc and he has really helped get me into the right mind set before each session which has helped me do my best right from the start instead of being nervous and taking time to settle in.
Friday morning we had practice which I used to get used to the track in real life not just the simulation and to see what my pace was by setting some fast laps towards the end. The whole session I didn't look at the timing screen as I wanted to see what I could do on my own but after the session the team showed me and I was top by just over 3 tenths which felt really good. After that we worked on how I could improve even more with the car and discussed sector 2 as that was my worst sector until it was time for qualifying and I had to get back in the car. Qualifying is a 30 minute session in which you have to set the best lap you can so instead of trying to be strategic or holding back like I used to I just went for it right from the start and followed my own schedule on when to come in and when to go back out. Doing my own thing seems to be the way  forward as I got pole position this time by 5 tenths which meant I had pace over my closest rivals.
Now that it's Saturday it's sprint race time which I'm much more nervous about as the top 10 places are reversed so I'll be starting from 10th on the grid which means a lot of work to get into the positions I would want to be in but deep down I know I can do it. All morning Marc has been trying to keep me distracted so that I don't spiral too much before the race but eventually I had to start thinking about the race so Marc switched to hyping me up and getting me ready to go out which he's pretty good at. He was with me right up until the last minute which meant he came out onto the grid and was the last person to talk to me before I got in the car which meant his words were the ones flowing around my head before heading on the formation lap and as I headed to the grid to actually start the race. Marc doesn't seem like he has a way with words and usually he doesn't but when it comes to before a race he always knows what to say somehow and I always use those words to get me through a race.
Soon enough the lights went out and everything went out my head and all I was focusing on was the race in front of me. The first corner has always been my nemesis as its where I've crashed the most and had some of my worst accidents but this time I made it round and even gained 3 places which I was happy with. For the rest of the first lap I tried to just be careful but after that I started to push and was steadily gaining time and overtaking where I could as well as avoiding collisions that happened right in front of me that last year I would have got caught up in too but not this year. After the longest 23 laps of my life the checkered flag finally came out and I crossed the line in 3rd which was not only my first podium of the year but my first podium in f2. Seeing the team at the pit wall cheering and hearing my engineer celebrate over the radio was a great feeling and I almost cried but I thought I'd save the tears for when I actually win a race.
Coming into parc ferme the whole team were ecstatic as they have all worked really hard to help me get to this point and they also helped me through the hard times which I very much appreciate. The second I got out the car I ran over to them and thanked them all for everything and talked with the team boss for a few moments who was very pleased with my performance. Once I talked to all of them I turned to Marc who was stood at the side with a huge smile on his face which only made my smile bigger. He moved closer and I gave him the tightest hug I could over the barrier between us before pulling away and removing my helmet so I could kiss him which I wouldn't usually do in front of everyone but I couldn't resist this time.
After yesterday I've been on cloud 9 since the podium celebration to the point that I kind of forgot about the fact that the full race is today and that I'll be on pole position. I wasn't feeling nervous until about half an hour before I needed to be in the car as that's when I had to do my warm up so it hit me that I had to do it all over again and this time the pressure is on as I was starting in a much better position. Having never been in this position before made the nerves worse as I don't really know what to expect or even what it's like to lead a race as I've never done done it before but I know the team will do al they can to help and if I work hard I'll be fine. During my warm up so many people came in from engineers and mechanics to other team members who were asking questions or wishing me luck which was nice but it kept breaking my concentration which is something I've learnt it so important to doing well in a race.
While doing my warm up Marc had some meetings so I didn't see him until I was about to take the car out to the grid and even then we couldn't really talk all we had time for was him saying he would see me on the grid as I got into the car. Most people usually don't have anyone but mechanics on the grid but when Marc is here I like having him there as he understands the feeling of being on the grid and he keeps me calmer than anyone else can. An added bonus is that he attracts quite a lot of attention so I get interviewed a lot less when he is there as people would much prefer to ask him questions. Of course he is also just a great boyfriend and will do anything he can for me and is there to offer support which is another reason I like to have him on the grid. I've had people question if I do it to show off but thats not the reason at all because I hate being compared to Marc's success and having people just ask me about him I do it because I love him and like his company before a race.
Before I knew it though everyone left the grid and I had done the warm up lap which meant it was go time and I had to nail the start and yet again I had Marc's words running through my brain right until the last second. Today he said something he never usually says which was 'show them what you can do' and that stuck with me as usually he gives me some advice but today he clearly believed that I could do it on my own which only made me more motivated as I wanted to show him that I could do it. With the extra motivation I got the best start I've ever gotten in a race  and shot straight into the lead comfortably which meant there was no drama for me in the first few corners and I could start to create a bit of a gap right from the start. Each lap the gap got bigger and bigger until I had to pit and lost a place but I soon got the place back and started to work on getting my gap back so that I could show everyone just how dominant I could be in a race. It worked very well as I crossed the finish line with 7 seconds from me to second place which I was really proud of.
Yet again the team were very excited and there was a lot of other people I have gotten to know in the paddock there to congratulate me as well which was so nice as it made me realise just how many people were happy to see me do well. The amount of cameras in my face as well was also overwhelming but I guess thats what I get for being the first woman to win an f2 race which is an achievement that hasn't yet sunk in along with the fact that I actually won the race. This time when I got out the car I took my helmet off and ran straight to Marc as I could see him in the crowd and he had the biggest smile on his so I couldn't resist going over to talk to him.
"You did it" he said
"I did it" I whispered back
"You were incredible out there I think that's the best I've ever seen you race" he said
"Thank you" I replied
"I think this may be the year you win a championship" he said completely seriously
"I don't know about that but I'll give it a go" I joked
Since the first race of the season a lot of crazy things have happened from some just bizarre races to some mechanical failures but despite that I'm going into the final race leading the championship which I would have never believed if you had told me that this time last year. Leading the championship is very stressful and has got to me more than I thought it would which is why the lead I had has dwindled through the last few races as I have let the pressure get to me which has meant I've not been racing very well and making stupid mistakes. In yesterdays sprint race I did a bit better and finished 4th which luckily was above my closest championship rival however today I need a podium to win the title otherwise I'm leaving it up to others to decide if I win or not. I have been very stressed all weekend and that hasn't been helped by the fact that I've barely talked to Marc as he has also been super busy as he's usually the one to calm me down.
Marc's POV
Finally after what felt like forever my flight landed in Abu Dhabi and now all thats left is a short car journey before I can finally see y/n. She has absolutely no idea I'm here and coming to watch her last race and to see her win the championship which she will have to work for but I know she can do it. I also know that she's been really nervous all weekend but especially today as her team have told me that they are worried with how quiet she has been so I'm hoping I can get there in time and talk to her before the race. We haven't talked very much over the last few days because I have been busy trying to get everything sorted to be able to come out here which I know will be part of the reason she is so stressed but I'm hoping it will be worth it when I get there and can see her get a step closer to her dream in person like she has done with me time and time again.
With the traffic heading to the circuit the car journey took longer than expected so the whole time is was checking my phone to know how long I had before y/n would be out on the grid and luckily by the time we made it I had 15 minutes to find her and talk to her before the sighting lap. As expected the paddock was packed but I ran as quickly as I could through all the people and ignored anyone calling my name until I got to y/n's team garage which is where I expected her to be but she wasn't there. Before I could even ask one of her engineers told me she was in the motorhome so I ran off there to find her. Once I got to the door I got my breath back a bit before opening the door as quietly as possible before going in and seeing y/n sat facing away from me with her head in her hands whispering to herself. Thats when the surprise I was going for went out the window and instead I just ran over and knelt down in front of her.
The second she heard my voice she looked up and pulled me into a hug, I could tell from the brief look at her that she had been crying though as her eyes were red and puffy which only made me hold her tighter. Obviously it isn't the first time I have seen her like this but somehow every time it hurts just as much to know that she is upset and that I haven't been there to help. While I had her in my arms I ran my hand through her hair and rubbed her back gently to help calm her down and to let her know that I was here because it seemed like she just needed me to be here for a minute before we could talk about what's going on. After a few minutes she felt calmer and more relaxed so I let go of my hold on her slightly and sat down behind her pulling her on my lap.
"What's going on love?" I asked
"Its just the pressure is getting to me I know I made stupid mistakes and gave points away and now I have to get a podium if I want to win the title which sounds easy but what if I make a mistake again and then let everyone down and ruin my chances of getting anywhere in this sport" she rambled
"Oh love its ok it's normal to feel like that but you have to believe in yourself I mean you have had some brilliant races this season and you are second on the grid you can get that podium but it will only happen if you believe you can do it" I said
"But any number of things could go wrong that aren't in my control" she said
"Then you don't worry about them if its not in your control then its not worth thinking about all you need to think about is the race and I know its easier said than done but you need to just treat it like any other race" I said trying my best to give her advice
We talked for a bit longer before she had to go out on the sighting lap so I let her go but then went with the team to be able to talk to her on the grid. Sometimes its feels odd to be on the grid but not racing and today was definitely one of those days as I'm used to being in a race that decides the championship but today I get to watch and support the girl who has supported me the whole time we have known each other. When she came back round to the grid I could see the nerves starting to creep back in but some nerves is healthy so I just did everything I would at any other race in hopes that she would see it and start to think that it really is just like any other race. Like always the team let me be the last person to talk to her before we had to leave the grid as for whatever reason she likes me to be the one that gives her those last words of encouragement. Since I got on my flight I was thinking about what I would say and couldn't think of anything but in the end in the moment I just told her 'believe in yourself and you can do it' as that is what was drilled into me from a young age.
After the warm up lap the atmosphere in the garage was intense as everyone was just waiting anxiously for the race to actually start and for it to then be over. Everyone wanted the same thing but I know y/n wants it the most as she has told me many times what winning a championship would mean to her but also what it would mean to other women in the sport as it would show them that it's possible to win and she wants to be the one to prove that. As the lights went out and all the cars started to pull forward I realised that I was probably more nervous than y/n at this point as I had a very tight grip on the chair I was sitting on as if it would move without me doing anything and I also had to close my eyes for the first corner because I just couldn't watch. My eyes only opened when I heard the team cheering which is when I saw that y/n was in the lead and dropping the cars behind her quickly as they kept trying to pass each other.
Y/n remained in the lead for pretty much the whole race and she only dropped places because of the pit stop but as the team brought her in first and in the end she was back in first without having to do any overtakes. I felt like I was watching the first race of the season all over again where y/n really showed everyone what she can do for the first time, it was like the season had come full circle and I couldn't be enjoying it more. Finally the checkered flag came out and all everyone had to do was wait until she crossed the line which was the longest lap of my life but eventually she came around the last corner and crossed the line in first which not only made the the race winner but the championship winner too. Cheers immediately filled the garage as everyone got up to hug each other but I stayed sat down listening to y/n on the radio as she was screaming with joy and thanking everyone in the team. Once she stopped talking I could hear her crying but this time I knew it was tears of joy and realisation at what she had achieved and honestly hearing her so happy made tears fill my eyes too but I held them in at least for the moment.
Holding in the tears didn't last long as I couldn't help but cry when I saw y/n receive the trophy and be called the world champion because she deserved it so much after working so hard all season and putting everything she had into each race. After the podium though she had to go and do a million interviews so I waited patiently in the motorhome for her but it was well worth waiting as when she came back in she looked the happiest I've ever seen her holding the trophy for first in the race and the championship trophy. She put them down by the door and ran over just like she did after the race and thanked me for helping her win even though I had nothing to do with it. I let her get changed before we both sat down together to talk as neither of us have really spoke to each other properly for the past few days so there was a lot to catch up on. In the middle of our conversation her phone rang and she answered it with a look of confusion that quickly turned into a smile and then to disbelief before she hung up.
"I'm going to be in f1 next year" she said taking me completely by surprise
"No way I'm so proud of you see dreams do come true" I said kissing her
I guess thats one more thing we have to celebrate this evening.
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cwarscars · 1 year
Beep, beep. I've came with some kind of positivity and hopefully it will help in some way. I know it is hard right now to deal with everything, especially dealing with a death of a family. You already know this by now, but just know you go at your own pace. Don't force yourself to chat if you aren't feeling up to it. Don't force yourself to reply if you can't have the energy or heart to do so. Many of us, including myself, are happy to have you around and is happy to have you exist. At the same time, while I can't talk for everyone (and I am sure they may agree), we also want you to take care of yourself. <3
It's okay to be down in the dumps for a while. Grieving is never easy and doesn't have a linear timeline. Some days you will be okay. Other days you aren't. Don't push yourself to be okay if you aren't. A reminder that I am always here if you need anything. Just a message away. Or if you need any sort of distractions or anything I could do to help, I am happy to help out.
(( thank you for this, beck - i really debated whether to post this or just keep it close but i can save it in my happy tag to come back to.
i can't lie - it's been hard, probably harder than i imagined. at first, i kind of took everything in my stride. like my dumbass muses, i have sort of a 'don't show weakness' thing going irl but it bites me in the ass a lot. when things happened, i was the one who had to inform half of my family, later that day i saw him, gone. at the time, i thought i could handle it but now i keep thinking back and it really sucks.
it's been over two weeks & i truly think i feel worse now than i did then. it's a real mix of emotions that i wont go too much into but tumblr wise - i've felt guilty not being as enthusiastic or active. writing's been harder ( though i did get my drafts done, so that's something at least! ) but yeah, it's been tough in some respects. people i spoke to a lot have kind of dipped from talking to me and i'm taking it personally. others, i dont expect to know what to say but i resent myself for being weird or quiet to them
but / enough of me moaning, i think aside from being frank - what i wanted to say is thank you for this. truly. i know it doesn't mean much simply saying a thank you, but i really mean it from my heart. i read this when you initially sent it and it made me cry. and for once in the last few weeks, not in a bad way. it just eased things for me a little. you're such a kind and positive person to have around & i'm grateful for your attitude and your kindness. even going out of your way to send me this was incredibly sweet - it means more to me than you probably know. i'm incredibly appreciative to you reaching out & even simply seeing vasco and your love for him on my dash has been bringing a little smile to my face while browsing, so don't worry there about providing distraction, heh.
i know i keep saying it but - thank you again. this was really kind of you. you're wonderful. ♥ ))
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fruit-teeth · 1 year
I had a bit of a breakthrough tonight while I was sobbing in my room and I feel compelled to share it for some reason so here I go
Lately I’ve been dealing a lot with trust issues. Specifically: I’m socially anxious and I have very few irl friends (and online friends for that matter, I’m socially anxious on here too), but a big part of that is that I tend to instantly assume that people either a) don’t like me, b) like me at first, but then realize I’m annoying and decide to stop talking to me or c) will end up hurting me in some way if I get too close to them. These fears of mine are, as I’ve come to realize, a reflection of things that actually did occur during my life.
I had a friend who I thought of as my best friend for many, many years, only to have her randomly stop talking to me and join a completely different friend group. The last time I saw her, she barely said hello to me and acted like I was just an acquaintance. That encounter upset me so badly that I remember hiding in the bathroom and trying not to cry because I was so heartbroken. Even though it’s been years since then (this happened my senior year of high school and I’m an adult now), it led to a spiral of shame, anger, and resentment that eventually led to me deciding I would never call someone my best friend again. Not only that, but that same year, I had my high school graduation party, and I’m not even exaggerating when I say that NONE, and I mean NONE of my friends or really even any of my classmates showed up. I felt extremely betrayed by this, even more so when one those friends expected me to show up to HER party (allegedly she’d had to cover a shift for a coworker at her job at the last minute, which is why she didn’t show, but I still doubt the validity of this). These weren’t the only instances, make no mistake - I’ve had other friends that mocked my interests, and even one that turned out to be a straight-up bully towards me. She made fun of me for liking My Little Pony, and there was even a horrifying moment where she mockingly imitated one of my stims as a way of ‘teasing’ me. High school was tough on its own, but a bad system of friends made it even harder than it ever needed to be.
It’s been years since then, sure, but this has really destroyed my confidence when it’s come to making and keeping friends. I worry constantly if maybe my old friends thought I was annoying and that’s why I was so easy to cast aside like nothing, so now when I get into new friendships, I hide my true personality because I’m terrified they’ll see the real me and think it’s annoying or weird. At the same time, though, when someone is being nice to me and genuinely wants to hang out with me, I always think to myself “this has to be a trap or something, this is too good to be true”. I have a very small circle of friends now, both online and in person, but even with those friends I worry that when they see me or think about me they think to themselves “oh god not Mara again”. This leads to me being very distant, which also causes these friendships to dissipate sometimes. Social interaction is already confusing sometimes thanks to being autistic, but it’s made even worse thanks to the history I have with making and keeping friends.
I started thinking over these things today and remembering all the pain, the anger, everything, and I started feeling really hopeless. I started to feel like I was going to be alone forever, because I couldn’t trust anyone to not secretly hate me or leave me when I wasn’t convenient for them anymore. But it was during this that I suddenly remembered a comment my dad had made a couple years ago: “you don’t remember every time you ate a decent apple, but you certainly remember the times you bit into rotten ones”.
And…yeah. I don’t think about all the times people were kind to me, or the times people were gentle and said nice things to me. When I think about friendships or people in general, I tend to ruminate on all the things that have gone wrong, the times I was ignored or criticized, the moments I realized someone didn’t actually care about me. This realization broke me, though I can’t really hate myself for it. My brain is trying to protect me from future heartbreak by convincing me that there’s no point in maintaining those relationships, that my heart will just get stepped on again. That’s why the negative experiences get amplified while the positive ones fall to the wayside, it’s a method of protection. But it’s a rock and a hard place - either I open myself up to trusting again and get hurt, or I keep closing myself off and hurt myself by isolating from everyone. There’s no way to truly avoid or anticipate pain, though - we can only cope with it when it happens. That’s at least one thing I’ve fully realized lately, and it was NOT an easy conclusion to come to.
The times my old friends abandoned me, mistreated me, or shattered my heart will forever live in my memory. But the times my current friends have said kind things to me, hugged me when they were happy to see me, shared their happy moments and interests with me, even told me they loved me…those are things I can’t let myself forget. Even if my brain is trying desperately to protect me from feeling pain, I know now just how important it is to counteract those anxious thoughts with the memories of what it’s like to be loved and appreciated, because that’s one thing I don’t think anyone should ever forget.
So…I guess I’m sharing this because I think I’m not the only one dealing with this. I know how difficult it is to make friends and to open yourself up to trusting others after you’ve experienced pain, but I think finding people you can trust and who will love you for you can feel very worth it once it happens. Sorry I’m not making sense because it’s very late and I need to go to sleep but I hope you understand me
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crasherfly · 2 years
Overwatch 2 Is Just Bad Right Now
We all said farewell to Overwatch a few weeks back with the understanding that whatever might lie ahead of us, there was no going back.
You have to wonder now how many people might have retreated to the prior entry in the series had the servers stayed online. We’ll never know, however, because like it or not we are stuck with the mess that is Overwatch 2- and what a mess it is.
I’ve spent roughly 15 hours with Blizzard’s new hero shooter, splitting my time between the open queue and the role queue with a little time spent on Arcade. The much publicized changes- the new 5v5 format, the major hero tweaks to characters like Orisa and Mei- are expected and for the most part easy enough to swallow. But it’s the smaller changes that we are only just now noticing that betray an entry that at best just wasn’t ready to launch and at worst the product of a highly dysfunctional environment.
Setting aside the obvious server and connectivity struggles, Overwatch 2 is in a rough place. Bastion has already been pulled despite Blizzard having years to figure out what to do with the mobile bullet tube. The 5v5 experience- I wish I could call it an experiment, but this is life now- is faster, deadlier and much harder to sustain momentum in. Blizzard still hasn’t budged on granting aim assist to console players who want to partner up with their PC playing counterparts, despite every other big name shooter having found a compromise on the subject (can’t they just like, walk across the street and steal some ideas from the Call of Duty guys???). New players without the right cellphone plan are out of luck- and even if they could play, they’d be greeted with the most nonsensical slow-drip hero rollout this side of Smash Bros. Ultimate. And the battlepass can justifiably be called a grift, its progress pitifully slow with the promise of future heroes being gated at a ridiculously high level.
Issues like the battlepass wouldn’t be much to sweat over if Overwatch 2 could be bothered with giving you incentives to play more than just a couple of matches at a time, but at every turn the post-match UI seems bent toward making that prospect as uninviting as possible. Gone are the achievement votes and post-match stat screens where you can review your basic stats- they’re now buried in your Career Profile. Whether by bug or design the queue often does not load you straight into the next match, forcing you to hop back in line if you want to play more (my experience was on PS5/Series X, it is possible PC players are having an easier time). Indeed, all Overwatch 2 is interested in telling you about your post-game experience is how depressingly little progress you made on its battlepass. A good state game can still make a player feel decent even after a tough loss, but with no time to reflect in the post-game, losing players or left to stare at the sad little BP meter and wonder why they even bothered.
The laundry list of tiny issues that collectively could fill an ocean’s worth of complains continue, from the inexplicably designed stat screen during the match to to nearly unreadable tiny numbers and visual indicators associated with several hero’s powers. Say what you will for the original Overwatch, but it was a masterpiece in intuitive gaming- in its visuals and sound there was rarely a moment where the direction felt unclear. Somewhere along the way Overwatch 2 chucked those lessons out the window in favor for what seems to be change for the sake of change.
But despite the fact that Overwatch 2 has failed where even games like Splatoon 3 have been wise enough to know not to falter (if it aint broke, don’t fix it!) it still has a gameplay loop and sense of strategy (albeit diminished) that every other shooter lacks. On its own this will be enough to keep most people- probably even myself- logging in at least occasionally during the first season. But with faltering design decisions, an infuriating new meta (you’re going to die a lot, especially if you’re a support) and fewer reasons than ever for a new player to try it out, it’s reasonable to ask just what, short of a total overhaul, Overwatch 2 could do to improve its future outlook.
And if an overhaul really is necessary (it sure seems like it is!) then it might be fair to say it- Overwatch 2 isn’t simply a step down from the original- it’s just bad. But for the sake of fans everywhere, lets hope it doesn’t stay that way for long.
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