twilightmalachite · 13 days
Hi! Can I use screenshots from your translations as analysis on tumblr (with credit) or is that not allowed? Thanks for translating!
yes you may! go ahead!
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twilightmalachite · 29 days
Poltergeist - Garbage Heap Sketch 2
Author: Akira
Characters: Madara, Anzu, Natsume
Translator: Mika Enstars
Proofer: Revoltrad
"Our president sure is unreliable, huuuh… How can you make a wish come true if you aren’t a god, but a mortalll?"
[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Season: Winter
Location: Mountain Forest
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Madara: Hahaha! Clear as day! The atmosphere feels suffocating, and there’s suspicious-lookin’ scrap wood strewn about everywhere!
This wood looks like it burned at a high temperature… Perhaps this is why there’s somethin’ suspicious' in the air[1], hmm?
I have a feelin’ there’s definitely some strange flowers blooming here again[2]—Hm?
Yeah yeah, I gotchaaa. Let’s stop with the detours and head on then, Anzu-san.
To Maizuru House, the topic of our discussion.
While it’s true I’d hoped to be doing this MaM-like job solo… I’m a bit concerned about what I’m going to be asked to dooo…
Our president sure is unreliable, huuuh… How can you make a wish come true if you aren’t a god, but a mortalll?
Location: Maizuru House (Exterior)
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Natsume: Mikejima-senpa~i. ♪
Welcome to the Maizuru House children’s orphanaGE…♪
Madara: Oooh? Natsume-san! What a coincidence to meet you here!
Natsume: Do you seriously think it’s a coincidenCE? Not even a little bIT, I’m a helper sent to assist you on your jOB, you knOW.
Madara: A helpeeer? Hahaha, that’s usually what my job is!
Natsume: That’s because things are fundamentally different than usual this time arouND. The leading role for this job is MaM—a.k.a. yOU, Mikejima-senpai, rigHT?
We’re just here to accompany yOU—a supporting roLE, so to speAK.
Madara: “We?” It’s not just you who was sent out, Natsume-saaan?
Natsume: Seeing is believiNG. As I guide you around the Maizuru House, I’ll introduce you to the other staff membeRS. And to the children tOO, of courSE.
Madara: Children?
Natsume: What did you think this place wAS? It’s an orphanaGE. So, naturalLY, there are about thirty or so very young children living heRE.
Be extra careful not to step on thEM, “Mr. Giant.”[3]
Madara: I’ll do my best…
Natsume: WonderfUL. Well thEN, I’ll show you around and inform you of the various things you need to know and about the work that you’ll be doiNG.
Madara: That’d be greaaat. To be honest, I don’t have a single clue what’s going on right nooow.
Natsume: I’m suRE. The president’s to blame for that tOO… Even if that’s just who he iS, that makes it even worSE. The cameras have already begun rolliNG, and the program has already startED.
So you can’t run away now like you usually do just because you don’t like the job descriptiON, okAY, Mikejima-senpai? ♪
Madara: ……?
Natsume: NoW, coME. Follow after mE.
And just to be cleAR, don’t do anything unnecessaRY, okAY?
You absolutely cannot wander around without permissiON. I will explain the details latER, but there are some rather dangerous areAS—Such as right heRE.
Madara: Yessir. I may not understand why, but I understaaand!
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Madara: (Hm~… This is a strange situation I’m in, huuuh.)
(I had said I wanted to do work as MaM, but it was asked sooomewhat in jest. I wasn’t expecting something like this at all.)
(There’s no way I can live as a proper idol after all this tiiime…)
(I feel restless and uncomfortable through and through.)
(Speaking of discomfort, this building, too… This Maizuru House. Isn’t it too quiet for a place with about thirty children living in iiit?)
(Is this how it usually iiis? Or maybe it’s nap time now? Hmm, I’m not often around kids, so I’m not suuure?)
(Even if I try to remember when I was a child to use as reference…)
(Mmm, I think I was a pretty special caaase.)
(Maybe because I grew to be more mature than the other kids; I was always doing things like taking care of the neighborhood children and my sister, who was always in poor condition, as well as “god”.)
(Even though I was just a kid, too. Hahaha, what a difficult and painfully gray childhood!)
(Well, it’s not like I didn’t enjoy taking care of everyone else.)
(If anything, back then I think I was smiling more innocently and normally than I do now.)
(I wonder: Exactly when the hell did I become the twisted person I am nooow?)
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In Japanese, something suspicious/fishy is described as a “scorched smell”.
Likely referring to A Myriad of Colors and Flowers, where petals from a strange flower (ones distinct to the flower garden he planted by the Shinkai residence) are hidden as bait to lure him out.
“Mr. Giant” is the appellation that Sora uses for Madara!
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twilightmalachite · 29 days
Poltergeist - Garbage Heap Sketch 1
Author: Akira
Characters: Madara, Anzu
Translator: Mika Enstars
Proofer: Revoltrad
"(Actually, come to think about it, it’s been a while since Anzu-san worked with… me.)"
[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Season: Winter
Location: Mountain Forest
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1 week later. On a trail leading up to Maizuru House, a children’s orphanage somewhere in Tokyo…
Madara: Maaan, pleasant and exhilarating[1]! I had to say it!
Y’know, I was totally stumped being told any wish of mine would be granted outta nowhere like that!
Then I came up with the most brilliant idea, you seeee! I asked the president if I could work as MaM, which I haven’t done in a long tiiime.
Aside from the SS preliminaries, I’ve only been active as Double Face.
But, I think it’s about time for my partner Kohaku-san to concentrate on his activities as Crazy:B—
And now that I was able to get my name out there in SS, I think it’s also a good time for me to resume my activities as MaM in earneeest.
Then Double Face, which has become difficult to handle, can disappear unnoticed!
After that, Kohaku-san and I can primarily work as Crazy:B and MaM respectively.
Double Face does dangerous undercover work. It’s not something meant to last forever.
Truth is, we have a lot of eyes on us from all around the industry for doing some crazy stuff.
If things come to light one of these days, we might even get driven out of the country like Gaaaatekeeper.
People of this country are strangely obsessed with cleanliness, after all.
I’d be fine with it, but my heart would ache to drag Kohaku-san into a situation like that.
The time’s just come for it. Or more like, it’s just time to pay our dues. Our paths were never meant to cross in the first place, so from now on… It’d be for the best if we go our separate ways.
So instead I asked the president to “give me a MaM-like job!” Hahaha!
Now what exactly is a ‘MaM-like job’? Even I can’t answer thaaaat—I guess I don’t even know anymore, huuuh! Hahahahaha!
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Madara: (…So awkward!)
(I’d requested the president to make Anzu-san the producer in charge of my work as MaM—)
(Anzu-san, you’ve been wearing a straight face and haven’t said a single word the entire way here! What’s wrong? Does your stomach hurt, maybe?)
Anzu-san, Anzu-san! Isn’t it about time you stop being so mean and explain to me what the details of this job aaaare?
How come you seem so irritateeed? Anzu-san, girls are prettier when they smile, y’knooow? C’mooon, smile, smile~! ♪
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Madara: —Eek!?
(W-Whaaat? Why are you looking at me with eyes that scream “Shut up, I’ll kill you!”, Anzu-saaan? Seriously, what’s going ooon? Did I do something wrong agaaain?)
(Hmm~… Anzu-san was put into an inconvenient position during SS, so she might be under a lot of stress…)
(Actually, come to think about it, it’s been a while since Anzu-san worked with… me.)
(Huh? When was the last time we worked together? Now that I’m thinking about it, this is the first time we’ve been able to have a private conversation in a while… Since the Antique Market, right?)
(I have a feeling I had said some terrible things to Anzu-san back then when we parted. “Goodnight, and farewell, Producer-san”…)
(But I mean, at that time, I had seriously thought it’d be best if Anzu-san wasn’t involved with me anymore. I thought it was the most appropriate thing to do then.)
(Besides, Anzu-san, I’ve already said every hurtful thing I can, haven’t I?)
(But even if my words didn’t hurt her, she might be pissed off over having them thrown at her one-sidedly, and without context. Is she angry? Is that what’s going on, I wonder?)
Anzu-sa~n…? Do you think you could maybe tell me why you’re angryyy? Isn’t saying “Figure it out yourself!” something that little kids dooo~?
And you’re not a troublesome little girl like that, right Anzu-san?
—Eek!? Huh, what? We’ve arrived at our destination?
Which is…
Oh, so there’s something out here all by itself in a remote place like this, huuuh? What’s this building, is it a hospital?
Ummm, what did you say…? Maizuru House, an orphanage?
This is an orphanage? Umm, so am I here to give a performance as an idol to cheer up the kids here?
Is that my job here? Could that be it?
Anzu-sa~n? Can’t you at least reply to my questions, pleaaase…?
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This is his familiar yukai tsuukai (愉快痛快)!
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twilightmalachite · 29 days
Poltergeist - Prologue
Author: Akira
Characters: Madara, Natsume, Tsumugi, Sora
Translator: Mika Enstars
Proofer: Revoltrad
"Trying to solve your mistakes with monEY… That’s a scummy adult moVE…"
[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Season: Winter
Location: NewDi Office
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ES’ first year of establishment, early January. The first work day following SS—NewDi Office…
Madara: Happy New Yeeeeeear ☆
I’m here to answer your call! Happy New Year! MaM’s Mikejima Madara is here! Time to welcome in the new year!
Hahaha! May you have a prosperous New Year! I wish for our up-and-coming idol agency, NewDi, to experience a bright future this year, too!
That is all! New Year’s greetings are over! I’ve done what I needed to do…☆
Natsume: WaIT, waIT. Were you a bomber aircraft in your past liFE? Can you not just come in shouting and yelling all over the place and then just walk away satisfiED?
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Sora: Auauaua~? Auauaua~…?
Tsumugi: A-Are you alright, Sora-kun? Is it your eyes? Do your eyes hurt?
Sora: A-A huge color burst out when Sora let his guard down, so—
Madara: Ahh, that’s my bad. Sorry, sorry. Did you recognize my loud voice as color and feel it through your eyes, Sora-san? That’s pretty interesting!
Here, let Mama give you a New Year’s envelope as an apology for bein’ a bother! ♪
Sora: Yay~! ♪ With this New Year's money, now Sora can buy up all those games companies are shelling out for children for the new year!
Natsume: Trying to solve your mistakes with monEY… That’s a scummy adult moVE…
Madara: Wouldn’t it be more creepy to see a squeaky clean adult~? To live is to become dirty, no~?
Besides, since the conclusion of SS turned out to be a farce laughable enough to make tea boil in your gut[1], those of us idols who participated in the main competition were rewarded accordingly.
The massive amount of money that should’ve originally gone to a single unit has been distributed evenly.
Tsumugi: Yep. As a result, we’ve received more L$ than we know what to do with. NewDi has been struggling financially for a while now, so it’s a great help.
Natsume: As the experiment in SS nears completiON, the profits from SSVRS should be reaching our pockets shortly as weLL.
Madara: Mhm! But if I’m being honest, I don’t know what to do with all the money I’ve gotten!
I’ve attempted to give it out to show my thanks to the friends who came to help MaM out during SS…
Nearly each and every one of them snapped back at me, saying “It’s not like I came to help you for the money or anything!” in some old-fashioned tsundere style—I was completely pushed away!
So now I have way too much money left over. What should I do?
Sora: Does Mr. Giant not have any hobbies? Does he want Sora to recommend a game to him?
Natsume: It’s less that he doesn’t have any hobbies and more that he has his hands full touching grass in the real worLD, rigHT, Mikejima-senpai? You knOW, you’re a surprisingly empty persON.
Tsumugi: Is that surprising?
Madara: Quieeet! What’s up with you guys? The new year has just begun, and you’re toying around with my faults~?
If you’re looking for fun, can’t you just play Fukuwarai or Hagoita?[2]
Tsumugi: No need. Actually, Mikejima-kun, I have some news that should make you happy.
Madara: Yes? What could it be? I can’t recall anything, anything at all, but if you’re lecturing me for something that’s my fault again, then—
Natsume: Just why would you not remembER? Have you been rampaging on for so long you can no longer feel remorSE?
Madara: I’m a no-remorse, no-regrets kinda guy! Which is why I don’t like to be yelled at, because to me, I didn’t do aaaanything wrong!
Tsumugi: Hehe, so basically, Mikejima-kun, you just wanted to give us your greetings and head back before you could get a scolding, huh? You’re like a child who has misbehaved.
Natsume: Aptly pUT. You’re just like thAT, a chiLD, but with a massive boDY.
Madara: He~y, are you messing around with me for kicks again?
Natsume: Oh, not at aLL. RathER, it’s the opposiTE—ActualLY, our presideNT, who is still traveling overseAS, sends his congratulations to yOU.
Madara: Congratulations? Our president, who has a reputation for having too little presence in the company, is giving me what-now?
Natsume: Well you sEE… Thanks in part to SS, NewDi’s managemeNT, which has always been small and weak as an agenCY, just like a little peeping baby biRD, has begun to show signs of stabiliTY.
Thanks to your work in Double Face, obstacles behind the scenes have been eliminatED, tOO.
Developments continues on like sO, so operations are going strongly within the agenCY—
As presideNT, he wants to reward us for NewDi’s breakthrough as its affiliated uniTS… It’s sort of like thAT.
Madara: Is that true? So if we hadn’t been holding down the fort, this small and weak agency would have been crushed and eradicated long ago?
Tsumugi: Maybe so. But through this, we were able to survive.
It’s likely not a gift to us in the spirit of the New Year, but rather… As a way of recognizing our achievements thus far, the president has awarded us a bonus.
Madara: A bonus? More money? Right after I said that I don’t need any more of it?
Natsume: YeAH. That’s about how the rest of us reactED, tOO. The idols within our agency aren’t too obsessed with monEY.
Tsumugi: Ahaha~, which is exactly why we’re losing in this competitive capitalistic society! ♪
Sora: HaHa~♪ When Tsuka-chan in Knights heard he was going to get money, he said “Is this an insult!?” and got all angry for some reason~!
Madara: Hahaha, we’re quite the troublesome bunch, aren’t we? ♪
Natsume: You’re at the top of the liST, you know thAT?
StiLL, if we rejected the bonus like thAT, it’d make the director lose faCE. In other worDS… Seems even the president was a little uneasy about thAT, you sEE?
And so he started saying that it doesn’t have to be monEY, but he’ll grant us anythiNG, anything at aLL.
Tsumugi: He basically said, “Now, make a wish. I’ll make it come true, no matter what it may be.”
Madara: I don’t remember having collected the Dragon Balls.
Tsumugi: Well, anyhow, if you have any wishes, now's the time to tell me, essentially.
Natsume: The president boasted “any wish you waNT,” but this is a small and weak agency in the eND—So your wish can only be so bIG.
Tsumugi: But the president really seemed willing to do anything you’d like. So if there’s anything you have qualms with, please let me know, this might even be your chance to speak out about agency management policies.
Madara: Hmmm…?
Tsumugi: Well, by all means, take your time to think about it. Apart from that, Mikejima-kun, are you free right now?
Madara: Aren’t I always free, whether I like it or not?
Sora: Wanna come with us for Hatsumode[3], then? It was too busy to go during the New Year’s holiday, so Sora and the others were talking about going now~! ♪
Madara: Haha, everyone’s still feeling the New Year’s festivities, even though today’s supposed to be the first day back at work…♪
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Madara: (…I wonder if that’s why I’m feeling festive too. I just came up with an “outlandish idea”~. ♪)
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The Japanese saying heso ga cha o wakasu (lit. to boil tea within your navel) is used to describe something ridiculously laughable, comparing one's belly when laughing hard to a boiling tea kettle.
Two popular New Year's celebration games. Fukuwarai is a little similar to “pin the tail on the donkey”, but with players trying to correctly arrange facial features on a blank face while blindfolded. Hagoita, or Hanetsuki, is a racket and shuttlecock game, much like badminton but without a net.
Hatsumode is the first shrine visit of the year, as part of New Year's festivities. Typically done on the first couple of days of the new year. Traditionally, New Year's wishes are made and omamori (good luck charms) are bought. It's also popular to draw an omikuji to receive your fortune; hence the omikuji feature during Enstars' New Year's campaigns.
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twilightmalachite · 1 month
Is it alright if I borrow the Remplacer*The Speaking Doll and Raison d'êtr translation for the Valkyrie song analysis? ( I remember to tag you in! )
of course!! feel free ^^
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twilightmalachite · 1 month
Hello, can I translate PORTRAİT into Russian? For other people who don't know English!
yes you may, as long as i'm given credit as the english tl you translated! thank you for asking!
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twilightmalachite · 2 months
hello! is it okay to use your translations for a quote bot? with credit, of course
yes you may!! thank you so much for asking permission!!
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twilightmalachite · 2 months
Yuuta Aoi - Budding Season
Author: Yuumasu
Characters: Yuuta, Rinne, HiMERU, Kohaku
Translator: Mika Enstars
"(I-Ignore him, ignore him…! If I react, I lose!)"
[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Season: Winter
Location: CosPro Office (Conference Area)
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Yuuta: (Yaaay, I got some super-spicy rice crackers from someone at the agency!)
(Thanks for the mea~l. *chew chew*)
(Ah~, delicious! This tingling sensation that lingers on the tongue is just the best…☆)
(Since we’ve advertised ourselves as “the older brother who likes sweet food” and “the younger brother who likes spicy food” to emphasize our twin characters…)
(Those around us can tell us apart, and I don’t have any problem getting spicy food these days~.)
(I get told things like “It was a gift from a business partner, so I saved it for you, Yuuta-san” and “I saw this during a business trip, so I bought it for you”…)
(I’m so glad I’ve been using my love for spicy food as my appeal…☆)
(I’ll have to remember to mention that in my in my interview with the idol magazine today. ♪)
(…I have a lot of solo work tomorrow, too. I’ve gotten a sudden increase in individual appearances lately…)
(I guess it’s because half of 2wink, that sold themselves for their identical looks, suddenly got an image change?)
(Though my blood does boil when trashy gossip mags will write about it and call it a “rebellious phase that came late” or an “agency policy” or whatever.)
(But I try to tell myself it’s better than not being talked about at all.)
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Yuuta: (…But it seriously pisses me off though when it happens, though~.)
(Anyhow. The attention I’ll be getting for this is temporary, so I need to make sure I don’t get too cocky.)
(Right now, it’s just bonus time. I’m only being featured out of amusement, because they find it unusual and unheard of—)
(I need to properly give thought on how to proceed myself as 2wink, and as Aoi Yuuta…)
(I know things won’t be the same as they used to… How can I convey who I am now…?)
(Nope, I don’t have any ideas…)
(Maybe I’ll read idol magazines and ponder it.)
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Rinne: Heya all~, Crazy:B minus Niki has arrived! ♪
Yuuta: (Ugh. Someone troublesome just came in!)
(I’ll hide my face behind this magazine to not be noticed…)
Rinne: Ooh, I see a little cutie! Yu~ta ♪
Yuuta: (Ignore him, ignore him…)
Rinne: That’s the magazine with Crazy:B’s gravure!
Are ya takin’ notice to me? I’m embarrassed~, Gyahaha! ☆
Yuuta: (I-Ignore him, ignore him…! If I react, I lose!)
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HiMERU: —Amagi, quit it.
Kohaku: What he said. Can’t ya see you’re botherin’ Yuuta-han?
Rinne: It’s fine, it’s fiiine! Yuta and I are buddies!
Don’t ignore me, Yuta! Come have a nice chat with your big bro, ‘kay?
Yuuta: You are not my big bro!
Rinne: Theeere we go. Finally lookin’ at me, eh?
You eatin’ those spicy rice crackers again? Won’t ya upset yer stomach eatin’ too much of that stuff?
Yuuta: None of your business.
Rinne: Hmm… Are ya growin’ your hair out more?
Yuuta: It’s less that I’m growing it out, and just that I’m not cutting it.
I’m free to do whatever I want with my hair, as long as it doesn’t get in the way of work, aren’t I?
HiMERU: HiMERU agrees. Growing your hair long means more options for styling it.
Kohaku: Is that the reason why Niki-han’s got long hair too?
Rinne: In that guy’s case, growin’ it out would do nothin’ but just have it be longer, wouldn’t it?
He had his hair pulled back when we first met too, just shorter than it is now.
Kohaku: Is that so? …Yuuta-han, can I ask ya a stupid question that’s been on my mind for a while?
Is that hairstyle some sorta show of respect to Madara-han?
Yuuta: Huh, Mikejima-senpai?
Kohaku: Y’know, the half-up sorta look. It’s similar to how Madara-han wears his hair, y’know?
So I figured it maybe was a matter of respect. Doesn’t seem to be the case though, judgin’ from your reaction.
Yuuta: Ahaha… Yeah, it’s just a coincidence. I figured it’d be a little boring if I just grew it out.
It’d get in my face when I move around, so I just tied the sides of my hair up.
It’s a surprise to me that it was taken as a sign of respect for Mikejima-senpai. If I’m gonna grow my hair out, I gotta learn how to style it, huh…
Rinne: How ’bout we Crazy:B try givin’ producin’ yer hairstyle a try, Yuta? We’ll cook ya up a good meal!
Yuuta: Thank you very much~, if you’d be so kind, I’d appreciate it, then~.
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Rinne: Ah, I thought ya would never agree to that in your life.
Yuuta: Ahaha. ♪ Seems like the magazine reporter is here to see me, so you’ll have to excuse me first.
HiMERU: Yes. I apologize for our Amagi.
Rinne: The hell you mean by that?
See ya later then, Yuta.
Kohaku: Do your best at work!
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Yuuta: (Produce my hairstyle, huuuh?… Crazy:B’s changed, too. They weren’t that type of character when they first debuted.)
(…Guess the same goes for me. Back when I first debuted… No, even since when we’d perform on the streets, all I did was imitate Aniki.)
(As the two-in-one twin idols, 2wink.)
(Because, that was the strongest weapon we had.)
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Yuuta: (…How will I change? How will I grow and who will I become?)
(I don’t know, so I’ll just do what I’m able to do now. One by one, as Aoi Yuuta would.)
(If I build myself up carefully like this, then one day—)
(I believe I’ll reach the future I desire.)
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twilightmalachite · 3 months
Hinata Aoi - Immersing in the Reverberations 2
Author: Kanata Haruka
Characters: Hinata, Sora, Anzu
Translator: Mika Enstars
"Umm, really, why are you here, Anzu-san? If you need something with Game Research, I can leave…"
[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Season: Winter
Location: Yumenosaki Academy Game Research Club Room
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Hinata: Whoa, just what is this crazy barrage?! I’m not sure if I can dodge it!
Oh no oh no oh no! Sorry Sora, I can’t do this anymore~!
Sora: It’s okay! Leave the rest to Sora! There’s a safe spot here from the boss~. Hang around the area, and attack when there’s an opening, and…
HaHa~! Sora and Hina-chan were able to beat it in co-op!
Hinata: Amazing! The boss was defeated so quickly… Was I dragging you down then, Sora-kun?
Sora: Nothing of the sort! There were times Hina-chan drew the enemy’s attention and really helped Sora out!
Hinata: I’m glad, then, but… Since you’re so good at this, I’m worried I’m making things boring for you.
Sora: No need to worry, then~! It’s a lot of fun to play games with Hina-chan!
Besides, Sora’s always playing this game over and over again with Shisho~ and Anzu, so it makes sense he’s good at it~. ♪
Hinata: A-ahaha… I see, so you’ve been playing it with Sakasaki-senpai and Anzu-san~…
…So, does that mean that the reason Anzu-san came here was also to play games~…?
Sora: HiHi~! Sora’s very happy when Anzu comes to play too~! ♪
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Hinata: (I feel awkward. And it was really a great help to have Sora-kun here with me too…)
(But I can only distract myself with games so much. Maybe it’s because Anzu-san keeps glancing over at me…)
Umm, really, why are you here, Anzu-san? If you need something with Game Research, I can leave…
Huh? I’m the one you need something with?
Yuuta-kun contacted you through HoldHands to tell you I was struggling with the Feature Live?
I’m so touched by Yuuta-kun’s consideration! He didn’t abandon his Onii-chan after all that, huh!
(Though, I feel it was pretty mean-spirited of Yuuta-kun to reach out to Anzu-san, but…)
(In reality, the easiest way through all this really is to consult Anzu-san~.)
(I couldn’t bring myself to reach out to her, so honestly, I think I really am grateful for Yuuta-kun’s consideration.)
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Sora: Anzu wants to play the game too? Wanna try a bit after watching huh!
Hinata: Ahaha, well, it’s hard not to wanna play after watching other people play, right~?
Huh? Anzu-san, you’re surprisingly good at this, aren’t you? You’re easily getting through the part I struggled with!?
Sora: Sora plays this game a lot with Anzu~! ♪ It’s a game that brings back lots of memories!
Hinata: Really~? Just listening to the game’s BGM brings back memories of playing the game with your friends?
It’s true, I often feel nostalgic listening to things like the BGM of games I used to play~.
And listening to nostalgic music in the Light Music Club room makes me wanna play instruments.
Speaking of which, maybe I’ll take a quick peek around the club room…
Sora: Does Hina-chan wanna go to the Light Music Club room?
Hinata: …Yeah, I was thinking maybe I could come up with some good ideas for a candid shot.
Sorry, since you went through the trouble of inviting me over to play!
Sora: It’s okay! It’s for Hina-chan’s Feature Live, so Sora’s rooting for Hina-chan too~! ♪
Location: Yumenosaki Academy Light Music Club Room
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Hinata: S’cuse me~. Ahaha, there really isn’t anyone here, huh?
(Shoot. Now I’m alone with Anzu-san. No, I shouldn’t be surprised, I’m here to ask for advice…)
(Uu, so awkward. I wish Sora-kun came along.)
(But then I’d feel bad for dragging Sora-kun into such a delicate atmosphere…)
I-I thought Oogami-senpai might’ve been here, but he’s graduating soon, so guess he’s busy.
Ahaha, Oogami-senpai will be graduating soon too, huh~? That means after that, it’ll be just Yuuta-kun and I left using this club room, huh~.
You’re going to miss it? Nahh, you say that, but it’s not like you really care about the Light Music Club, don’t you, Anzu-san?
I mean, it’s not like you come around too often since you’ve moved to the Production Department.
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Hinata: Sob, sob… It was so lonely, you wouldn’t come to see me at all!
I’m gonna miss you? Well, I’ve worked with you for quite a long time, Anzu-san…
It was this place where you and 2wink’s first encounter, when we kidnapped you over here.
Well~, I do feel bad about the trouble I caused you back then. But Sakuma-senpai ordered me to, so I didn’t have any choice. ♪
…Strange~. I thought I didn’t have many memories with you here in the clubroom, Anzu-san, but now I can remember them all so easily.
Hm? Oh, now this is a nostalgic music score~. I’m pretty sure I still have the original sound on my smartphone… Here it is!
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Hinata: ♪~♪~♪
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Ahh, sorry! I forgot you were there and put on my headphones.
You wonder if you can recognize the song? Fufu, curious about what song it is?
Here’s a hint; it’s definitely a song you should recognize, Anzu-san. It’d be really embarrassing if you couldn’t. Think you can answer~?
Hinata: Oh, that’s correct! Amazing as always, Anzu-san. The song really takes you back, doesn’t it?
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It’s the unreleased Light Music Club song for Trickstar back when the unit was getting its start… Well, that’s a weird way to put it, since it’s released now.
But back then, it was 2wink’s opening act for Trickstar. It wasn’t even that long ago, but it feels waaay back.
…Hey, Anzu-san. Thinking about it, a lot sure has changed since then, hasn’t it?
You overcame a lot at the academy, and now you’re earnestly working in the world of idols at ES…
In order to survive in the idol industry, I’ve changed a lot too.
But it’s not just me. The same goes for Yuuta-kun and Sora-kun too, you know.
And we’re going to have to keep changing if we want to keep on fighting in this world.
And I’m fine with that. I know it’s something that needs to be done.
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Hinata: But… That’s also why it’s nice to have moments like this to reminisce every once in a while, right? Immersing yourself in a memory-filled place, listening to memory-filled songs…
*camera snap*
Eh, when did you have that camera, Anzu-san? Did you just take a photo just now?!
I’m embarrassed, you just took a photo of me being somewhat sentimental!
Wow, you have a huge smile on your face, Anzu-san. Are you that glad over how I was?
…I see. Well if you say so, then I’ll believe you.
But, I kinda feel like I was just pranked by you~.
Ahaha, guess it’s not too bad getting pranked on every once in a while. ♪
(I kinda feel things are less awkward, somehow? Do I have Anzu-san to thank for that?)
Alright, time to get serious about figuring out what to do for my Feature Live!
‘Course, you’ll be accompanying me, won’t you, Anzu-san?
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twilightmalachite · 3 months
Hinata Aoi - Immersing in the Reverberations 1
Author: Kanata Haruka
Characters: Hinata, Yuuta, Sora
Translator: Mika Enstars
"(whispering) You see, you know how Anzu-san and I are a bit awkward, right, Yuuta-kun?"
[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Season: Winter
Location: Yumenosaki Academy Classroom 2-B
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Hinata: Hmm… Hmmmm…
Yuuta: What’re you doing, Aniki? Class is over. Not heading back?
Hinata: Agh, will you listen to my woes, my brother? You see, I’m struggling quite a bit right now…
Yuuta: Oh I see. Well, take care today, you take your time~.
Hinata: Wait, wait! I’m sorry, please hear me out. I really am struggling with this, so please help!
Yuuta: Don’t make a joke out of it first thing next time, then. So? What’re you struggling with?
Hinata: So, at around noon, Anzu-san told me on HoldHands it’s time for my Feature Live.
Yuuta: Ohh, finally your turn, huh, Aniki? So that’s what you’re struggling with?
Hinata: Yeah. Like the songs I want to sing, the configuration of the live… I’m clueless about everything~.
Right, and I was struggling with what kind to do for the candid shots for the pamphlet, too…
Yuuta: Aren’t these the sort of things you can just talk to Anzu-san about?
I’m pretty sure she’d be more than willing to help you out with that sort of thing.
Hinata: Well, you’re right about that, buuut…
(whispering) You see, you know how Anzu-san and I are a bit awkward, right, Yuuta-kun?
Yuuta: What’s with the whispering? Yeah, I do know you two are a bit awkward, but…
I thought you said you’ve been able to sort things out?
Hinata: We have, but your Onii-chan doesn’t quite feel comfortable being alone with just her just yet…
Yuuta: Well either way, it's gonna be just be the two of you get the candid shots done. You're over-thinking it.
Hinata: I have an idea for that, too!
That for the candid shots, maybe I could be doin’ somethin’ alongside you, Yuuta-kun~—
Yuuta: And if I don't wanna?
Hinata: An immediate answer?! You don’t want to be with your Onii-chan that bad, Yuuta-kun?!
Yuuta: Well, it’s not like I hate it to death or anything. But this is your Feature Live, isn’t it, Aniki?
Meaning the candid shots should be centered around you too, Aniki. That’s what I think.
If there’s me as your twin in the picture, I feel it’s gonna make the color of 2wink too strong at the very least.
Hinata: That… is certainly true, yeah~…
But just what would be left of me if you take Yuuta-kun away?! I’m an Onii-chan who wants to give everything and anything all to my beloved brother!
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Yuuta: Take caaare~!
Hinata: Ah, Yuuta-kun, wait! Don’t abandon your Onii-chan!
Yuuta: Well since you’re making a joke out of it, it means you’re not that seriously worried about it, right? So…
Hinata: Ahh, he actually left. Well, I kind of knew that was coming…
But, what Yuuta-kun said was true, I can’t really argue~…
A candid shot centered on Aoi Hinata… Hmm, do I have any good ideas…?
Location: Yumenosaki Academy Garden Space
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Hinata: …After worrying about my worries, I ended up coming out to the garden. But I think this works out.
It’s almost spring, so if I want to plant seeds, I’ll have to till the land.
Sora: HaHa~, Sora found Hina-chan! Hello~! ♪
Is Hina-chan free right now? But his “color” looks like he’s struggling with something~?
Hinata: Heya, Sora-kun. Can’t hide anything from you, huh~?
I was worrying about what to do for the Feature Live pamphlet, actually.
More particularly about my candid shot, so I was thinking about what I usually do in my free time.
Sora: For Hina-chan, maybe something like playing a prank?
Hinata: You think so too, Sora-kun? That’s also the first thing that came to my mind…
But that’d make it a candid shot of a prank towards my fans, wouldn’t it~? Even though I loooove pranks…
So I was thinking of something else, like messing around with instruments, but that’s something Yuuta-kun also does.
After worrying about that, I came up with the idea of working in the garden, which is sort of like my recent boom? So I came out here~.
Sora: HiHi~! Sora think’s that’s a good idea!
Sora’s familiar with Hina-chan working in the garden, but those who don’t know about the school farm probably aren’t familiar with that Hina-chan at all~!
Hinata: I do some activities in Gardenia too, but that’s just a dormitory circle.
But, I feel like a photo of someone doing field work is pretty plain~. So I should probably think of something better…
Sora: How about coming to Game Research then? Play some games together with Sora!
Hinata: Oh, that might be good! I haven’t been able to play many games with you lately, Sora-kun. ♪
Wait, huh? Is that just an invitation to play rather than a candid shot idea?
Sora: HuHu~, that’s right! Originally, Sora came here to invite Hina-chan to play!
Hinata: You’re right, you were looking for me when you came here, weren’t you?
I think it’ll make for a good break. Maybe I’ll drop by Game Research for the first time in a while, then. ♪
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twilightmalachite · 3 months
Yuuta Aoi - Little Bro Talk
Author: Yuumasu
Characters: Yuuta, Ritsu, Hiiro
Translator: Mika Enstars
"Myyy bad. Unlike Aniki, I don’t have many friends."
[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Season: Winter
Location: Garden Terrace
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Yuuta: (…Sigh. Eating alone at the garden terrace is so dull.)
(And I was having fun spending time with Shinobu-kun, too. But then he had to leave immediately to run an errand for the student council.)
(You dare take Shinobu-kun away from me, you damn Student Council~…)
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Ritsu: Hmm, it’s one of the light music club twins.
Since your hairstyle’s different and you’re all alone, you must be Yuuta-kun.
Yuuta: You’re right, but please don’t recognize me in such an unpleasant way.
Myyy bad. Unlike Aniki, I don’t have many friends.
Ritsu: I’m not saying it's bad, am I? It’s not like a person’s worth is based on their amount of friends.
In the past, I used to not have anyone I could call a friend, after all.
Some people prefer broad and shallow relationships, while others prefer more narrow and deep ones.
Everyone’s different when it comes to relationships.
Well, no need for one person to occupy all four seats here~. Can I sit here with you?
Yuuta: Go for it~.
But, allow me to correct you on one thing. I wasn’t alone here from the start.
My bestie, Shinobu-kun, was with me. But he had to leave earlier to do something for the Student Council.
Ritsu: Oh, what a coincidence. My situation’s like yours too.
I was gonna eat with Maa~kun, but he dumped me for a student council meeting.
Dreaded Student Council~. I hope a meteorite hits the Student Council room.
Yuuta: Ahaha, that’s pretty extreme~. It’d be a catastrophe if a meteorite hit.
Ritsu: It’s fine~, I’m sure if there’s an emergency, Ecchan will do something with all his authority and financial resources.
And even if the world is destroyed, Maa~kun and I will survive through the power of love…♪
Anyhow, compared to last year's Setsubun Festival, you guys seem to have moved on?
It’s like I never see you along with Hinata-kun at school anymore.
Did you finally understand what I meant back then? Did you finally get sick of being compared to your older brother?
Are you trying to make a point that you’re different from your older brother, that you’re your own person, perhaps?
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Yuuta: …
…Back then, I thought that our values were different. But now, I think I can understand what you were trying to say, Ritsu-senpai.
It’s almost like you knew this was going to happen…
Ritsu: Heheh. It’s because you haven’t lived a long life unlike me. ♪
Yuuta: You’re only two years older than I am…
Ritsu: It still doesn’t change the fact that I’m older, does it?
Anyways. I might not exactly dislike your change in character, Yuuta-kun.
Like I said before, the creature called the “older brother” has no value in living if the “younger brother” does not exist.
All you have to do is step back and treat them just well enough so that they do not die. For those like us, they are a constant nuisance that won’t leave us alone for the rest of our lives.
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Hiiro: —Hello, Yuuta-kun, Ritsu-senpai! Can I sit with you?
Yuuta: Oh, Hiiro-kun. Go ahead.
Hiiro: Thank you! So what were you two talking about?
Ritsu: We’re talking about how younger brothers can bother their older brother all they want~
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Yuuta: I’m sure you have it rough too, Hiiro-kun, having such a horrid big brother in your family.
You’ve been inconvenienced since the very start, haven’t you?
Hiiro: The start? Back at my hometown, It was me who was being an inconvenience.
Nii-san protected me ever since I was little. He loved me a lot.
I hope to return the favor, and all the love he gave to me. If possible, I’d like Nii-san to be an inconvenience to me, too.
Ritsu: You want to be caused trouble? Aren’t you a weird one.
Yuuta: I’m sure he’d give you plenty of trouble even if you don’t want it, wouldn’t he?
Hiiro: That’s not true. I still have a lot to learn, I’m not strong enough to support Nii-san.
Though… Nii-san did praise me once. That made me very happy.
I had gotten a phone call and had brought home Nii-san drunk, but… He told me I’ve been doing well lately.
I’m sure Nii-san’s forgotten all about it, though. But it’s one of my most cherished memories from my birthday.[1]
Yuuta: Ooh, so something like that happened?
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Yuuta: …Wait, wha? He had you do things for him on your birthday?
He seriously is diabolical… I hope a meteorite would hit Rinne-senpai.
Hiiro: A meteorite, huh? Yuuta-kun, you often get to have exchanges with Nii-san, don’t you? I’m envious.
Yuuta: Is it really an exchange, I wonder~? We just end up having a lot of contact since we work at the same agency.
Hiiro: Still, it seems nice from my perspective.
I’d like to ask you about something, who gets along well with my Nii-san, Yuuta-kun.
Yuuta: We don’t get along, but what is it?
Hiiro: I’d like it if you could help me pick out a birthday present for Nii-san with me.
We’ve got a long time until my Nii-san’s birthday, but we weren’t able to celebrate last year. And this is the first time we’re celebrating it in the city, so I’d like to get him something special. Think you can help me out?
Yuuta: A birthday present, huh~…
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Yuuta: (That’s kinda a hassle, though? As if I’d know what’d make Rinne-senpai happy. Why not just take him somewhere to gamble?)
(Though that’s just a joke—but Hiiro-kun’s got such a pure heart he’d take anything as genuine advice.)
(…Wait, hold on a sec. This might be my chance to legally (?) play a prank on Rinne-senpai! ♪)
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Yuuta: …Hehe. ♪
Ritsu: Whoa. That’s a horrible face you’re making, Yuuta-kun~.
Yuuta: Oh come on, don’t say such bad things about other people.
I’ll help you out if you’d like, Hiiro-kun.
Hiiro: Thank you! It’ll be reassuring to have you, Yuuta-kun!
Yuuta: Yeah, yeah! Let’s take pleeeenty of time to pick out a gift he’ll remember for his entire life…♪
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A reference to the events in Rinne’s idol story, A Cup's Worth By Yourself, from this card.
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twilightmalachite · 4 months
Love Letter - Mirror mirror 5
Author: Umeda Chitose
Characters: Yuuta, Rinne, Niki, Hinata
Translator: Mika Enstars
Proofer: Kirin
"Ughh, I never want you to call me a chuunibyou ever again…!"
[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Season: Winter
Location: Staff Dining Hall
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Rinne: Hey, hey, who are ya callin’ cursed?
Yuuta: I said the worst, not cursed… No, both of those apply to you, don’t they, Rinne-senpai?
Rinne: So I’m a man who carries the burden of being the worst and being cursed? What is this, didja catch a case of chuunibyou, Yuta?
Yuuta: Ughh, I never want you to call me a chuunibyou ever again…!
Niki: Now just hold on, Rinne-kun! The employee canteen is a place for eating, so I’d like it if you quieted down.
Rinne: How come there's nothin’ in your hands, Niki? Where's my food?
Niki: How am I gonna serve you anything if you don’t place an order for it. Please use HoldHands and order properly.
Rinne: But I wanna eat your yummy food for free! C'mon, quit your grumblin’ and get on cookin’…☆
Yuuta: Rinne-senpai, how are you not embarrassed extorting food from someone?
You'll spend money on gambling, but spending L$ for a meal is too much for you?
Niki: Ooh, razor-sharp argument there…! You're super right though, the only things I can provide Rinne-kun here are water and seasonings.
Yuuta: Here, help yourself to some seasoning if you want. We have cayenne pepper, tabasco, and death sauce you can eat, or I guess, lick?
Rinne: What kinda infernal line-up is this… Actually, what’re ya doin’ eating even more spicy food, Yuta?
Those rice crackers from earlier were fine, but now even the smell of spice is so strong it’s makin’ my own mouth sting…
Yuuta: Hehe, if you really don't wanna order through HoldHands, you’re welcome to take a bite from my plate, y’know! ♪
Rinne: Naw, hold on… Didja just add death sauce on that before offerin’ it to me?!
Yuuta: Ehehe, oops, you saw that?
Rinne: Hey, Yuta? You know that hurting yourself with spicy food is usually a way to cope with stress, right?
Right now, you’re tryna overload and erase your own pain and stress by overwhelmin’ your senses with spice and more pain, y’know.
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Yuuta: Please don’t doubt my love for spicy food. Extra spicy food is my favorite, and that’s all it is. It has nothing to do with my stress—
Niki: Oh! Is the thing you told me ‘bout earlier what’s stressing ya out, Yuuta-kun?
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Yuuta: (Shiina-senpai, no one asked…!)
Rinne: Talkin’ ‘bout what earlier…?
Niki: Some argument over 2wink's unit plans, I think. Somethin’ like that, right, Yuuta-kun?
Yuuta: (You're telling him about it, too!? I know you don’t mean any bad of it, so I can’t really get mad at you though…!)
…Yeah. Well, a bit. There’s all sorts of things.
Rinne: Gyahaha! ☆ Ya can't just keep sayin’ “all sorts” like that! ♪ Ya keep tryin’ to play it off, but your face is sooo sour!
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Yuuta: ……
Rinne: See, what a great face! I’ve gotten invested in this sibling quarrel of yours. So if ya need any help, I don’t mind helpin’ ya out, ‘kay? ♪
Yuuta: You say that, but you’re just here to use us as entertainment, Rinne-senpai.
The last thing I want to do is accept your help… I mean, who knows what you’ll do, or want me to do.
Niki: That’s right, Yuuta-kun! It’s better to not listen to what Rinne-kun says!
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Yuuta: (…Ahh, but… If I do let Rinne-senpai help, I wonder if it’d surprise Aniki. I wonder if he’d get worried about me…)
(Eventually going, “Yuuta-kuns become a bad kid!”, or something. I wonder if he’d be at a loss, or even feel regret…)
(When I said those harsh things to Aniki earlier, he just went silent without a word. He didn’t even talk back.)
(You know why? It’s definitely because Aniki gave up! So he swallowed his words!)
(I wish he would just… Talk back to me without holding himself back! What do I have to do to make that happen?)
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Yuuta: ……
Rinne: …Niki, look! I think he’s considering it!
Niki: Come on now, he seems to be seriously pondering over it, so what are you doing making a joke of it?
Yuuta: (…Hey Aniki, you know what I should have told you? If you’re going to keep on sacrificing yourself for my sake, then…)
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Rinne: Ya sure took your time, Yuta. Your food’s probably cooled all the way down by now, huh?
Yuuta: Who do you think's the one making me waste my time? If you want to pay me back, then lend me a hand.
Rinne: Oh?
Yuuta: To be honest, I don't feel good about it. But, I thought it’d be the most effective way to get things done.
I’ll take it, your hand.
Rinne: …♪
Location: Break Room
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Meanwhile, in the break room…
Hinata: Ha… Haaaah~….
(What am I even doing…! Didn’t I see Yuuta-kun’s face at the end there?! That's definitely going to haunt my dreams tonight~!)
(Still though, I’d be happy to get to see Yuuta-kun in my dreams… No, nevermind that. What I need to do now is use this time to figure out what exactly I did wrong.)
(I need to cool my head too, not just Yuuta-kun. I need to calm down, and figure out what I should’ve done instead for Yuuta-kun.)
(…Wait, hold on… How come I get the feeling that there isn’t even anything I could’ve done in the first place?
(Hey, Yuuta-kun… What should I do for us to be able to have fun, together?)
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twilightmalachite · 4 months
i still can't believe you managed to translate the beast that is altered. i can't thank you enough for your hard work!!! have a good 2024.
IDK HOW I DID IT EITHER! what a beast. i translated so obsessively afterwards that i got tendonitis in my hands LASKFLDS
the event made me so so happy though. thank you for enjoying it too !!!
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twilightmalachite · 4 months
MIRAGE - Epilogue 3
Author: Akira
Characters: Yuuta, Hinata
Translator: Mika Enstars
"(…Is this really ok? Will everything be alright? Isn’t everyone watching gonna be taken aback thinking what’s all this all of a sudden?)"
[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Season: Winter
Location: Volcano Island Stage
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Hinata & Yuuta: “~…♪”
Hinata: “…Alright! We as 2wink are honored to have the privilege to perform Volcano Island’s famous opening song for our second appearance!”
Yuuta: “Peace, peace~!”
Hinata: “Anyhow, allow me to introduce ourselves again! We are 2wink, the twin idols affiliated with Cosmic Production!”
“I’m the older twin, Aoi Hinata!”
Yuuta: “I’m Aoi Yuuta, the younger one.”
Hinata: “Where’s your vigor, Yuuta-kun!?”
Yuuta: “I’m doing what I need to do, aren’t I?”
“Our gimmick may be how nobody can tell who is who, but…”
“Since you’ve already appeared on Volcano Island by yourself, Aniki, it seems we’ve each gotten our own fans now.”
Hinata: “You hear that~? We each have our own fans now! We’re beyond grateful!”
Yuuta: "Though, it’s more that only you have your own fans, thanks to your head start on Volcano Island.”
“At our regular live performances, these fans kept mistaking me as Aniki, and would cheer out “Hinata-kun~! ♪”, even!”
Hinata: “Nobody really wins in cases like that, don’t they? So we’re gonna give playing more distinct characters from each other a try, starting now!”
“The more sunny older brother Hinata, and the gloomy little brother Yuuta-kun!”
Yuuta: “Gloomy gives a bad impression. Can’t you say something more like, I don’t know, cool?”
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Hinata: “…As you can see, this is Yuuta-kun, my little brother who does nothing but complain!”
Yuuta: “Oh, come on.”
Hinata: “Yuuta-kun also took the opportunity to switch up his hairstyle a bit! Whaddya think? Now it’s even easier to tell us apart!”
Yuuta: “Of course, it’d be even better if you loved both of us as “2wink”, but I hope that through this, both of us will have more fans from now on!”
Hinata: “Yup! ♪ It’s somethin’ a lil’ bit different than our previous style, however I hope you continue to support us as we hope to shine brighter than ever before!”
“This was the older brother, Hinata!”
Yuuta: “And the little brother, Yuuta. ♪”
Hinata & Yuuta: “And the both of us together makes 2wink~! ☆”
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Hinata: (…Is this really ok? Will everything be alright? Isn’t everyone watching gonna be taken aback thinking what’s all this all of a sudden?)
Yuuta: (There’s no point in questioning it now! We’re just following what the producer told us to do.)
Hinata: (Right… Though, Oogami-senpai did tell us that this producer might be able to understand how we feel.)
Yuuta: (He wasn’t what I expected at all! Threw me in for a complete loop! And I had totally mustered up all my courage I could, and arrived at the meeting with my heart racing to give him the “Aoi Byakuya” disguise test—)
Hinata: (“So you that’s the direction you guys’ style is going in, huh! Are you hoping to bring out your individuality? Very, very good!”)
(“We staff at Volcano Island will do everything in our power to cooperate!”)
Yuuta: (That’s right! Exactly like that! I wasn’t able to mess with him at all! He just interpreted in a weirdly positive way!)
(…Well, he made a good first impression. He saw right through “Aoi Byakuya” and recognized “Aoi Yuuta but with a different hairstyle” at first glance.)
Hinata: (I don’t think he even suspected a thing. I think he probably really is taking us seriously, and just wants to do a proper job producing us, y’know.)
(That’s what a producer does, right?)
(He’ll do whatever it takes to reach success, and has been ever since the time he was active. He’d never miss out on an opportunity.)
(For idols, that’s just the natural thing to do. That’s even why I appeared on Volcano Island in the first place.)
(If you’re an idol, of course you’re going to want to seize the opportunity…)
(That request really was 100% in good faith, wasn’t it? They had only one slot to invite only one person—nothing more.)
Yuuta: (I dunno… I have a feeling that by doing that, he was testing us. If we were too fixated on appearing as twins, and instead refused to perform on the show that time…)
(Then it’d mean that 2wink wasn’t willing to do whatever it takes to succeed. In other words, he’d decide we were different creatures than him, and would lose interest in us.)
(We’d be deemed unworthy of being produced by him, basically.)
(That’s the feeling I got, y’know? He looked at us with the insight of a professional, the same gaze as the Vice Prez.)
Hinata: (Seems like you really hate being tested like that, Yuuta-kun. Didn’t you end up getting along with him really well?)
Yuuta: (I don’t have any reason to hate it. I’m just pissed that I was gonna test him, but he ended up testing me in the end.)
(That guy’s real serious as a producer, and challenged us to a fight.)
(But y’know, that’s exactly what I’ve been hoping for. I’ve been looking for someone who’d face us properly as equal business partners, someone who’d give it their all.)
(So, I have a feeling that once he recognizes someone, he’ll never desert them by any means. He does what he says he’ll do, and as such he’s giving his all to properly produce us.)
(Calling him a talented producer is no exaggeration. That’s why he’s in great demand; in that sense, we’re lucky to be even spared the time in the first place.)
(That being said, there’s no such thing as a perfect track record. There’s no guarantee that this strategy of differentiating ourselves will succeed.)
(But for now, I’d like to ride this wave.)
(I’m done with shutting myself away, bitterly grumbling and complaining, and making my friends and family worry. I’ll move forward. I’ll dive right in and make my mark on this world.)
(…I listened to the CD you passed on to, Aniki.)
Hinata: (Ah, the song the producer wrote and performed back when he was active? How was it, tell me!)
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Yuuta: (It was fucking amazing.)
Hinata: (I know, right~! It was sooo amazing!)
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Yuuta: (Yeah. It’s frustrating to admit, but it really was. It was a sparkling and refreshing idol song that blew away all of my grudges.)
(But despite being so good, it got buried and forgotten without anyone taking notice of it. This industry we live in is so cruel.)
(In order to fulfill his wish to be noticed in this heavily competitive idol industry, he relied on other people’s light.)
(So as a result, he comes off as having a reputation as an opportunistic bastard.)
(If people say that, then so be it. What’s so wrong with wanting someone to notice you, to love you?)
(And so, that guy used all that frustration as a springboard to ensure that this time, people will notice what he has to offer… And he produced with all of his might.)
(He brought idols out into the shining sun, to make sure they didn’t get buried like he did.)
(I too want to shine beautifully, and reflect that brilliance.)
(I don’t want to keep feeling depressed every day, whenever I look in the mirror.)
(So, I won’t become someone nobody knows, like Byakuya Aoi—)
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Yuuta: (—Instead, I’ll become someone I can be proud of, someone I can love! I’ll become Aoi Yuuta!)
(Whether it’s changing my hairstyle or my character, I’ll do whatever it takes! I refuse to give up, not ‘til I’m dead!)
(For I, Aoi Yuuta, vow to earn a place in all your memories!)
“♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪”
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twilightmalachite · 4 months
MIRAGE - Epilogue 2
Author: Akira
Characters: Shinobu, Koga
Translator: Mika Enstars
"…Just what happened at the SS, de gozaru? Ever since then, Yuuta has been acting really strange."
[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Season: Winter
Location: Starmony Dorms Theater Room
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Shinobu: Right… I love ninja manga, and collect it, but…
I don’t really remember many details when it comes to the ones that were mass-produced just to suit the current trend, de gozaru.
…I’m scared of the idea that one day I might just be forgotten as “just another idol” like that.
Koga: Yeah. I also feel like I’m just Sakuma-senpai’s crude copy. I’m afraid that one day I’ll too be forgotten as just another part of Rei Sakuma’s enormous light.
It’s scary, man.
Well, that ain’t gonna happen to me anyways, right? Lately I’ve been puttin’ my all into songwriting to discover my own individuality!
Shinobu: I don’t think you’re as alike to Sakuma-dono as you think, though, Oogami-dono.
Koga: I see. You guys seem like a pretty unique group of numbskulls too though. Somethin’ like “The Hero Idols!” is pretty easy to remember. I dunno.
Shinobu: Seems you really are kind, Oogami-dono… ♪
Koga: ‘Scuse me?
Shinobu: Hehe. …I guess that means that 2wink may also be easy to remember. Twin idols are rare, after all.
Koga: Sure sounds so. I think it’s pretty damn complicated for those guys.
Everyone remembers that they’re twins, but only those who keep up with them know which one’s Yuuta and which one’s Hinata, right?
If you’re an idol, then you’re probably the type to be thinkin’, “I want you to see me for who I really am!”
And if that’s the case, then it’d be real though to only be thought as “one of the twins”, wouldn’t it?
Shinobu: Do you think that perhaps Yuuta-kun’s behavior recently is due to those feelings beginning to surface, de gozaru?
Koga: Huhh? I don’t fuckin’ know, I’m not Yuuta.
But that producer must’ve felt like that, don’tcha think?
That’s what I’m guessin’. He seems like the kinda guy all too familiar with how tough it is to have “yourself” be forgotten.
Shinobu: ? Have you met that Producer-dono before, Oogami-dono?
Koga: Nah, never have. It’s just what I got from one of his CD’s booklets, the only one he’s ever released under his own name.
He was feelin’ the consequences of his actions. ‘Cuz he had been relyin’ on other celebrities like a parasite, he lost his sense of “self”…
He wanted people to know him and see him for who he is, and so he released that CD. That’s more or less what he wrote in the booklet, at least.
But it seems that CD didn’t sell well at all.
Shinobu: W-Wow, I kinda feel bad for him…
Koga: Tsk, if everyone bought CDs cuz they felt bad, then we’d all be top idols.
But that guy kept goin’. After that he completely stopped workin’ as an individual—and went back to bein’ a parasite.
And well, he’s made a fortune and plenty of connections, he’s livin’ a life of luxury even today. No need to feel bad for him, he’s found his own happiness.
But still. The words of some guy the world saw as a carefree, superficial parasite, who finally opened up about his true feelings, were kept in my heart all this time…
The only words he spoke not as a parasite, but a human, overlapped with the words Yuuta spoke at the SS.
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Shinobu: …Just what happened at the SS, de gozaru? Ever since then, Yuuta has been acting really strange.
Koga: Hmm. If he hasn’t said anythin’ to you, then I got no right to blab on about it, but…
…That Yuuta, he just… gave up.
Although he told us a weight was taken off his shoulders now that he’s told us how he really feels, he didn’t look like he wanted us to understand him at all.
When we told him that we’d try to understand him, he didn’t look like he believed us one bit. I suppose that’s only natural…
After all, none of us had noticed how he felt one bit, up until then.
After us havin’ failed at being seniors, it’s no wonder they’ve given up on us.
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Shinobu: …
Koga: But y’know, it fuckin’ hurts when nobody understands. It’s somethin’ even a transcendental person like Sakuma-senpai can’t bear.
So that’s why I tried to show him—That there's at least someone out there that might be able to understand him.
Shinobu: Who’s that…?
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Koga: That guy, that damn parasite that nobody understood.
Back then he had been cryin’ ‘bout how nobody would see him for who he was, but he’s now a real popular and beloved producer both in and out of the industry.
I thought maybe there’d be somethin’ Yuuta and Hinata too could learn from his way of life, y’know. There’s no way to tell, but…
I’m sure that at least that guy won’t pretend he doesn’t see both Yuuta and Hinata… That’s how I felt, so I told Hinata ‘bout it.
‘Cuz, it’d be a shame to kick away someone who’d be able to understand someone like themselves, just ‘cuz you felt that he’s the enemy, right?
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twilightmalachite · 4 months
MIRAGE - Epilogue 1
Author: Akira
Characters: Shinobu, Koga
Translator: Mika Enstars
"(…But, it’s possible my feelings never reached Yuuta-kun after all.)"
[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Season: Winter
Location: Starmony Dorms Theater Room
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One week later, on Volcano Island’s broadcast date…
Shinobu: (*gulp*… Finally, the day has arrived, de gozaru.)
(It’s Volcano Island’s broadcast date, starring Yuuta-kun—or rather, starring Aoi Byakuya!)
(I wonder what happened in the end? Did Yuuta-kun actually disguise himself as Aoi Byakuya when he met the producer?)
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Shinobu: (…I wasn’t able to persuade Yuuta-kun.)
(That day, after we chatted and enjoyed ice cream together, we parted ways…)
(And since then, he hasn’t been coming to school, de gozaru. And not just Yumenosaki, he stopped showing up at the Starmony Hall and around ES either.)
(Although I’m rather certain it wasn’t because he got erased after enraging some important person…)
(If something like that had occurred, plenty of people would be making a commotion over it for sure.)
(From what I heard from their classmates from 2-B, it seems like the two from 2wink had contacted them saying they’re busy and need time off to focus on work.)
(I'm sure there’s lots of meetings and practicing to prepare for Volcano Island, so it makes sense that they would be busy, de gozaru.)
(So they should be alright. Nothing terrible happened to them. And I just have to trust in that.)
(…But, it’s possible my feelings never reached Yuuta-kun after all.)
(Maybe the reason I haven’t seen him since then is because he thinks I’m a nuisance now. Maybe he’s avoiding me because I make him uncomfortable…)
(He’s even stopped replying to me when I message him on Holdhands, and the instances he did it’d be unrelated, like food or something…)
(It was clear he really didn’t want “Aoi Byakuya” and the like to be brought up.)
(M-Maybe I really did cross a line that day after all…! Is it because he’s annoyed at me?)
(Ugh…! If we can’t meet up and talk, then I’ll just get more and more anxious!)
(Maybe I really did do something I shouldn’t… Maybe I pressed a button that I shouldn’t have pressed? And now, Yuuta-kun doesn’t think of me as his friend anymore…)
(B-But! Yuuta-kun was so troubled, it’s not like I could’ve left him alone…! I…I don’t know what I should have done…!)
(I don’t know, de gozaru, I don’t have enough experience with things like friendship…!)
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Koga: —Oh. Hey, the ninja boy’s here too.
Shinobu: Hyagh!? O-Oogami-dono…!
Koga: That’s me. What’re you doin’ wrigglin’ on the ground like that? Some cockroach impression?
Shinobu: Ah, errm, I was gonna record a show I was thinking of watching…
But I can’t figure out how to use the fancy equipment here at Starmony Hall, de gozaru… I’m a failure as a member of the broadcasting committee…
Koga: Lemme see. I know a thing or two after always being called in by Sakuma-senpai ‘cuz he doesn’t know shit about wirin’.
Shinobu: Eheh. Sakuma-dono, the man with nothing he can’t do, or it seems, de gozaru.
Koga: There’s a lot he can’t do, surprisingly. Well, that or he’s just pretendin’ to be useless like the senile old man he acts like he is.
…There, and we should be good to go. What’s the program you were wantin’ to record? I’ll plug the data in while I’m at it.
Shinobu: Oh, umm, there’s a music program called Volcano Island that’ll be airing soon after this, de gozaru.
Koga: The one that Hinata and Yuutas appearin’ on?
Shinobu: Oh, you know about it too, Oogami-dono?
Koga: Well, it’s a famous show, ain’t it? I also was interested in it since 2wink’s performin’, I thought to watch it here too.
Shinobu: Ah, uhh, wanna watch it here with me, then? I’ll prepare you some tea, de gozaru! ♪
Koga: If I want tea I’ll make it myself. Don’t, if someone sees that they’ll think I’m treatin’ my juniors as servants, got it?
Hinata and Yuuta are no different, but everyone always doin’ it. Even though I never fuckin’ asked!
Hmph… But I guess it goes both ways, doesn’t it. It ain’t like they ever asked us to protect ‘em or help ‘em out, either.
I just was doin’ to others what I hate bein’ done to myself. Both of us were. Fuckin’ hell…
Shinobu: (N-Now Oogami-dono’s in a bad mood for some reason! I know he’s an incredibly kind and good person, but being scowled at is still so scary, de gozaru…!)
Koga: …Oh, it’s startin’. The hell are ya doin’? Sit down.
Shinobu: Oh, right…
(Eek! Why did I decide to watch the music program with a slightly scary senior? What have I done!?)
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Yuuta: “♪~♪~♪”
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Shinobu: Whoa! The show just started and Yuuta-kun’s singing right off the bat!
(Or rather! He’s performing with his hair in Aoi Byakuya-mode! What does this mean? Didn’t he say he was only going to be in that disguise for the meeting?
Koga: Ooh, so they let him sing the opening song for Volcano Island, huh? Talk about a fuckin’ break! That’s gotta be a huge honor, I’m sure.
Shinobu: I’m sure, de gozaru! I looked into it after it piqued my interest, apparently it’s one of the show producer’s signature songs he used to sing back when he was active.
Koga: Ooh, you’re well informed. As expected of a ninja!
Seems like that bigshot producer and that former top idol are really the same person, and they’re keepin’ it a secret from the public.
Shinobu: That looks to be the case, de gozaru. Nobody seems to have noticed, even though they have the same face.
Koga: I suppose it was just inevitable. That guy was famous for constantly superficially switchin’ up his style of expression to suit whatever was in at the time.
He’d switch bands to whoever was sellin’ the best at the time and boost his popularity by piggybacking on their success…
He was an opportunist—a bastard sellout, basically.
There’s plenty of people in similar positions nowadays, things like idols becoming producers, such as Cospro’s Glasses… but it must’ve been really rare at the time.
It’s like turnin’ into a different animal—Those who don’t notice won’t notice. I doubt they go holdin’ a formal press conference or anything.
Shinobu: Is that how it goes?
Koga: Yeah, it’s like that. People ain’t usually all too interested in other people, unlike you’d think. No matter how crazy obsessed you are with another idol, once you lose interest, they’re as good as a stranger.
In that bastard’s case, he changed his style so damn much that he lacked any individuality of his own.
You don’t really remember those kinds of people, do ya?
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twilightmalachite · 4 months
MIRAGE - The Most Beautiful Mirror in the World 7
Author: Akira
Characters: Koga, Hinata
Translator: Mika Enstars
"Anyways. Yuuta’s a livin’, breathin’ minefield right now, so don’t go touchin’ him carelessly, ‘kay?"
[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Season: Winter
Location: Downtown
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Koga: Oh. Ain’t that Yuuta over there by the convenience store?
What’s up with that guy… I take my eyes off him for a bit, and his hair’s already grown stupidly long… Well, I guess it’s for that “Aoi Byakuya” thing?
Huh, I feel like it’s been the first time in a while since I’ve seen him around downtown…
I dunno if it’s to suck up to the agency higher-ups, but it’s been all work, work, and more work with him.
You guys are usually always hauntin’ the premises, but not at all lately, huh?
Hinata: Haunting? Don’t make us sound like ghosts!
Koga: Huh… I’ve been nose-deep in thesauruses and stuff for songwritin’, so I think my vocabs gotten a little strange.
Hinata: That’s good, right~? Sakuma-senpai also has a pretty rich vocabulary. Sometimes I can’t even understand what he’s saying!
Koga: ‘Scuse me? Now tell me what’s exactly “good” about being similar to Sakuma-senpai?
Hinata: Jeez~, I can never tell what’ll set you off. It’s clear as day you’re influenced by him all the way down to your demeanor, but it’s crossing a line to say you’re similar to him…
Koga: I respect him, not ripping him off!
Hinata: Don’t see a difference, but okay~.
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Hinata: More importantly, Yuuta-kun—Where is he? What’s he up to? He’s been leaving me on read for ages now so I don’t got a clue what he’s been up to…!
Koga: You guys get along, y’hear? You’re family after all.
Hinata: I’m packed full of determination to get along with my family, though! I even talk to my father on the phone regularly! Is it not good enough!?
Koga: You’re fine, you’re fine. Nobody’s accusin’ you of anythin’, you’re doin’ just fine.
If anythin’, you’re doin’ too fine. Worryin’ about a teenager’s mental well-being isn’t even the big brother’s job in the first place.
Hinata: But when it comes to Yuuta-kun, I need to look after every part of him!
Koga: Nobody’s askin’ ya to do that, y’know.
Anyways. Yuuta’s a livin’, breathin’ minefield right now, so don’t go touchin’ him carelessly, ‘kay?
Seems he’s just eatin’ some convenience store sweets with a friend, so there’s no reason to worry.
Seems like the atmosphere is good, don’t go ruinin’ it. I was a lot like Yuuta when I was in middle-school, so I feel like I can kinda understand him.
Like that the entire world was out to get me. Even kind words spoken to me felt agitating enough to ignite a fire.
At times like that, the people around me could only watch without interferin’.
Hinata: Hmm… I don’t want that~. I’m so worried.
In that case, Oogami-senpai, how did you figure out how to disable that minefield-mode?
Koga: Well, I discovered rock n’ roll. Or in other words, Sakuma-senpai.
I got completely hooked on it and focused desperately on brushin’ up my guitar skills. Before I knew it, all that frustration in my gut disappeared completely.
Hinata: I guess it went fine for you since you work pretty simply, Oogami-senpai… Maybe it’s ‘cuz my Yuuta-kun is very sensitive…?
Koga: Who the hell you callin’ a simple idiot, haah?
Ah, whatever. It ain’t my place to get all irritated at shit like that.
I can at least do that much, or well, that’s about all I can do.
Actually, you should be movin’ your hands, not your mouth, you idiot.
Hinata: Yessir! But why’re we rummaging bargain bins for old-timey CD sales anyways? Is there something on that CD you want?
In this age I feel it’d be easier and faster to just download them off the internet.
Koga: That’s what I usually do, but in this case, I need the physical CD.
I only vaguely remember it, but I recall this CD’s booklet havin’ an interview of a certain idol published in it…
These things aren’t usually posted on the web in their entirety, I think.
But it’s just a memory from when I was a little brat. It’s possible I’m just misrememberin’ things.
Hinata: Hmm… I’ve heard of this “certain idol” before though, and… I dunno, they don’t seem to be the type of idol you’d like, Oogami-senpai. Aren’t they sort of flashy?
Koga: It’s not that I like ‘em. It’s an old CD of this shallow idol that my parents had.
I wanted to listen to somethin’ new but had no money of my own back then, so I was like, “whatever, I’ll give it a try”.
Hinata: Don’t worry Oogami-senpai, I won’t make fun of you even if you were a fan of those cute glittery female idols as a little boy!
You don’t have to hide it!
Koga: I’m not hidin’ anythin, and we’re not even lookin’ for a female idols’ CD! What kind of person you tryna make me into, you bastard?
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Koga: …Oh, here it is. Wow, really takes me back…
Idol from back then were always half-naked for some reason, huh. What the hell is this fashion sense?
Hinata: Oh I see, so this naughty CD was your sexual awakening, Oogami-senpai?
Koga: It ain’t naughty in the first place. This sorta thing was just considered artistic back then.
Anyways, give it a look. See the person on the cover?
Hinata: Nyooo~, my senior is trying to show me something naughtyyy~! I’m being harassed~! ♪
Koga: Cut that out. I’m not tryna joke around, this is relevant to you guys.
Hinata: To us? Wait, hold on… The person on the CD cover looks kinda familiar?
Isn’t this that one producer? He’s thicker now for sure, but that’s his face, isn’t it?
Koga: Yup. The same one that Yuuta’s been bad-mouthing indiscriminately, the “evil boss” that made you guys miserable.
Looks like he was definitely what one would consider to be a “top idol” back in the day.
‘Cause of that, they’re well-liked by all sorts of industry bigwigs, even though they’re a producer now.
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