#bi peter is my JAM
therosebunpost · 1 year
Bicycle Race
Inspired by Queen and my oblivious self as a child:
Steve liked Queen. He’d hum along to the music while driving, or whenever it came along on the radio. While he never said he was an avid fan, he had a few songs on rotation on his mixtape. We Will Rock You, Somebody To Love, Don’t Stop Me Now, Bohemian Rhapsody. All great, fun tunes to pop into the player when he felt like it.
But there was one song that Steve always perked up at. Where his eyes got a little shiny, and he’d sing along to no matter who was in the car with him.
Eddie learned this about Steve pretty early on in their friendship. With the former king of Hawkins driving him around so much, he was bound to see this side of him.
“I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my bike~!”
Steve had a great voice, Eddie realized. Even if the music wasn’t exactly his scene, he could listen to Steve sing along for hours.
“I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride it where I like~!”
Bitting back a joke, the metalhead focused on Steve instead. On the way he danced in his seat, tapping in time with the music. At the way he knew the lyrics by heart, and the way he giggled through “I say hey man, Jaws was never my scene and I don't like Star Wars!” With a little “Fuck You Keith!” Added on with so much gusto, Eddie knew he had to ask about it one day.
The third time Bicycle Race came on when they were in the car together, Eddie was ready. Was it a dumb idea? Probably. Did he hope Steve would find it funny anyway? Absolutely.
They were sitting in front of a long red light. Steve was jamming along in his seat, singing away like usual. He had asked once, if Eddie minded, and the memory of how quick Eddie was to assuring that he didn’t was only just a bit embarrassing.
“Fuck you Keith~!”
Eddie hoped his smile wasn’t too noticeable, or the way he swallowed down a laugh. He needed to be ready.
“You say Rolls-“
“I say Royce!”
Steve stumbled, blinking over at Eddie, who was already looking at him. “You say God give me a choice!” Eddie added, internally praying to whatever cosmic being who would hear him that Steve didn’t get annoyed.
The smile Steve flashed him was beautiful.
“You say Lord-!“
“I say Christ-!”
“I don't believe in Peter Pan, Frankenstein or Superman, All I wanna do is-!”
A loud honk interrupted them. The two jumped, looking up at the green light and then at the man driving past them with a waving fist. Steve looked at Eddie, Eddie looked at Steve.
“Bicycle~?” Eddie sang, laughter making his shoulders shake. Steve wheezed, soon driving down the road. “Bicycle!”
“I want to ride it where I like~!”
The song soon ends, but the two were still giggling over it. “I didn’t know you liked Queen?” Steve ventured, turning a corner. “Like, it’s not very uh..metal?” He added, almost like he was trying not to offend him. “I don’t listen to him a lot, no, but Y’know that song kinda speaks to me.” Eddie jokes, looking over at Steve knowingly, only for him to look confused.
“It’s the first one you heard too?” He ventures, and Eddie weighs his next words carefully. “Nah, it’s uh…cuz I’m Bi. Or well, I usually go with Pan but there aren’t a lot of Pan songs.”
There’s a long silence, and Eddie can feel the ache in his stomach. In his heart. Had he misread Steve wrong? “I’m just joking man, I-“
Steve starts laughing. “Wait, that’s what that song is about? Oh my god…Well, that explains a few things about myself.” He turns to look over at Eddie, who slow blinks. “Wait you-“
“Yeah.” Steve admits, and he’s gazing at Eddie with a look that left the metalhead’s cheeks heating up. “I thought I just realized it this year, but I guess even back then some part of me knew.” He snorts, leaning back against the seat with a heavy sigh. “You’re the only other person I’ve said this to other than Robin.”
Eddie fiddles with one of his rings. “You’re the first person I’ve told directly, other than Wayne.”
The rest of the drive isn’t eventful, but as Steve drives Eddie up to his trailer, the two pause as another song floats from the speakers. Steve smiles, tawny brown eyes shifting over to look at Eddie. There was a hope in his eyes that lured Eddie back into the car. The sound of it clicking closed barely registered to the metalhead as Steve’s voice filled his mind.
“Can anybody find me somebody to love~?”
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ok really quick, what if the mcu let there characters be lgbtq+ ?
Clint Barton and his little pan heart will be perfect
Pan strange, yeah you heard me. This ain't a stretch read the comics
Bi question Steve. But then confirmed with
Gay Bucky
I can't decide between ace of lesbian pepper pots.
Lesbian Natasha for the win
Did someone say bi Tony ( literally I love this so much for the fact that then it makes sense for strange and him to fu-)
trans Bruce, I have always had a soft spot for this au version of him (can someone recommend a fanfic about this??!?!)
pan Thor. I mean this isn't a big deal for him seeing in Asgrad description isn't a problem.
Gay Harley Kenner, I will let you decide if he tops or not
TrAnS pEtEr PaRkEr. I think I need medical help because of how much sleep I lose from reading fics on this.
Lesbian Suri and MJ. They are each other's main hoe
PAN! and genderfluid Loki. In the comics it is literally everywhere.
Sam being a chill bisexual
War machine is a proud trans figure for Peter.
Scarlett witch being lesbian
Pietro being pan. And yes no one died in this perfect au. So ship your heart out.
Happy as a happy gay uncle???
Morgan can be anything she wants to be. That includes being a toaster. I mean like.... Tony and pepper really won't be a thing in this AU she existence. Tony and pepper will still be good friends tho.
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foldback · 2 years
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Humble Pie - Performance: Rockin' the Fillmore
You know that feeling where it's obvious that nothing is right, but in the immediate area, everything is the same? I don't know how to reconcile the two feelings, with global reality on one side and my literal day-to-day life on the other.
It snowed again today, so there was another foot of snow and slush and whatever the hell happens when it comes in contact with the pavement and turns into a dark-brown-rocky-road-looking paste, so clearing that out became a bi-hourly task, staying ahead to keep from falling behind the snow plows that seemed intent on knocking over my garbage cans and walling off the driveway I'd just worked so hard to clear out.
And then, in comes the night. And I've had a beverage or two or more, and now it's time mellow out properly. So of course I choose a record that's almost all amped up at all times. Humble Pie jams out pretty well on "I Walk On Gilded Splinters," but otherwise, it's all vamping groove and ridiculous Steve Marriott wails and Peter Frampton modal solos taking the whole boogie vibe to this unique, other-worldly place.
It’s incredible, but none of this helps, not really anyway. But it's how I'm capping the night. Tomorrow, maybe more news will come out and there will be a way through to something better. But until then, this is an action that means nothing. It's just me putting a lid on another day. And that's not an especially great feeling.
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tkc-info · 3 years
Confession At Night
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OCtober 2021 day 2 - glass
“Did you know that glass is made out of sand?” Oliver asked.
Cal hummed. She wasn’t paying much attention to him, but rather was laying on her back —heedless of how her scalp would be itching with sand for days— with her eyes trained on the sky. Tonight, like most nights, it was almost devoid of stars; yet Cal insisted, like most nights, on checking for her ‘second star to the right’.
“It’s molten at a very high temperature to create a whole new material.” Oliver continued. He was rambling, and knew it.
“Lovely.” Cal murmured noncommittally “That means that if we set this place on— ah, there!”
She clutched his shoulder (not his hoodie; she was wearing that) and yanked him down to the sand. Then, she pointed up at two stars in particular. “‘Second to the right, and straight on till morning’. That, Peter had told Wendy, was the way to Neverland.” she slapped his pectoral “I told you today was the day I’d find it.”
Oliver snorted. His parents had decided to bring them to a beach outing so that they would destress from school. Oliver, of course, knew the trip was but a plan to get him to see whether Cal was Saz, but Cal had proudly declared today would be her lucky day because ‘beaches weren’t all that polluted and shit’.
“I thought the place was called Wonderland.” he said as he propped himself up on his shoulders. Just to annoy Cal.
And indeed, Cal was close to enraged. “Neverland, asshole.” she lightly kicked him “Don’t compare a piece of art to such bloody rubbish.” she groaned, then sat up “Really, I don’t know what kind of crack Lewis Carroll was on when he wrote those books. I finished Alice Through The Looking Glass last week, and it’s all nonsensical. She goes through a mirror and ends up in a world similar to her own, but where giant insects take the train and laws are impossibly alien? Oliver, dude, what does jam tomorrow and jam yesterday but not jam today mean?”
Oliver shrugged. “As if I knew.”
But Cal’s words secretly bothered him. In his current state of tension, he couldn’t help but think of his homeland. Her homeland.
Mirror was a reflection of the only world Cal had ever known. In a metaphorical sense, a thin coat of glass separated her reality and the life she should have lived as Saz. The Kinship was much like the literary world she found so nonsensical: a united nation hidden in the depths of the Earth, twisted conservatism, beings who could pretty much become talking insects, people who could bend reality in unimaginable ways…
Cal stood up and walked to the freezing sea as a familiar guilt enveloped Oliver. There was also a wall of glass standing between his best friend and him. A one-way mirror that showed him everything about her, and her only what he was allowed to show Aboveground.
Heck, Oliver knew more about Cal than Cal herself. He knew what her parents were —had been— the position her aunts and uncles had in The Kinship, the friends that so fervently wished for her safety… and a dozen other secrets she should’ve been entitled to knowing.
Oliver looked at the sand, hesitating momentarily before deciding to go for it.
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‘I’m sorry’, he wrote. In Sazla; Oliver may have grown up in Aboveground London, but Sazla still was his native tongue and the one he felt the most comfortable in.
The guilt over lying to Cal had began gnawing at him when he was around eight. At the time, he’d promised himself never to keep non-Saz secrets from her. He’d succeeded. At least for the most part. Recently he’d realised something about himself he needed to tell someone —Cal— but whenever the opportunity to tell his secret to her arose, Oliver always backed down.
Cal came back to him with her legs freezing wet; on her hands, the bottle of iced tea she’d buried underwater a few minutes ago. She plopped down on the sand, opened the bottle and chugged down half its contents. “Tea?” she offered Oliver, who took the bottle but didn’t move to drink from it.
This morning he’d promised himself he’d tell Cal that secret of his. No matter what. Oliver knew he had to tell her or else he’d explode.
“Oliver, what’s wrong?” Cal’s laidback demeanour promptly disappeared as she noticed the change in Oliver. Gingerly, her hand moved to grab his —Oliver noticed she’d began doing that when she wanted to comfort but didn’t have the necessary words.
Oliver squeezed her hand gratefully; closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and said, “I want to tell you something.” he opened his eyes and turned to her “Mind you, I’m irrationally scared of telling you this.”
Cal tensed. Oliver wasn’t allowed to do this, but he reached out to her and willed her shoulders to relax ever so slightly. Using his insignia helped release some of his own tension, and when he next spoke, his voice didn’t sound as scared as he’d feared. “I’m bisexual.”
He studied Cal’s face to see her reaction. At first, she only blinked at him —processing the information— but a second after his confession, she exhaled as if tremendously relieved. She used her free hand to also take Oliver’s, and pressed her forehead to his arm. Oliver could feel her silent laughter.
“Cal?” Oliver asked “Did you hear me? I’m bi.”
“Yes, yes. I did.” Cal drew back and met his eyes, a small smile grazed her lips “I just— Oliver I thought you were going to tell me you’d been diagnosed with something, or were moving to —I don’t know— Gloucestershire.” she smiled at him “But you’re bi. That’s amazing, dude.”
It was as if a part of the weigh he’d been carrying since childhood had been lifted off his shoulders; and if Oliver couldn’t quite walk straight, he now could at least walk on lighter feet.
“Of course it’s amazing.”
It wasn’t only that keeping unnecessary secrets from Cal hurt him. He had needed to tell someone, and to be reassured that his bisexuality was valid. No Saz would ever care about him not being straight, but Oliver lived at the other side of the wall of glass.
He’d heard his classmates say horrible things about queer people, and was terrified of what their reaction to him would be. Clara and Carter Whitaker always told their son not to care about his inferior’s ‘senseless bigotry’, but Oliver had to care. Otherwise he’d become the target of their hatefulness.
“Are you going to come out to everyone?” Cal eventually asked.
A breeze of salty air pulled her hair backwards, allowing Oliver to fully see her face: Cal’s eyes shone with fondness, and something else. Was it…? But no.
“I have to, don’t I?” Oliver shrugged; half achieving the confident tone he’d been going for.
“No.” Cal snorted, but wiggled closer to him “Your bisexuality is yours to share. No one’s entitled to knowing your secrets.”
“I know that. But I want to be out —or at least reach a point where if people don’t know I’m bi, then that’s on them— and talk about boys comfortably.”
Oliver didn’t ask for anything too extravagant, just to be recognised and respected. That wasn’t too hard, was it? His classmates and teachers would surely understand him.
But Cal frowned at him. Oliver thought she’d say something, but the only thing she did was lean against his shoulder silently. “I’ll kill whoever’s homophobic or biphobic to you.” she eventually said.
Oliver snorted. “You’re the best, CC.” he thanked, putting his arm around her shoulders and briefly kissing the top of her head.
“Oh, come on, don’t cover my hair in saliva.” Cal protested, but didn’t move.
“It’s already full of sand. How are you even going to get it off?”
Cal rolled her eyes. “You. I’m helping you dye your hair, you’re helping me wash mine.”
The two sat in silence, then. Oliver allowed himself a contented smile as he basked in his first moments of being out. This was good, he thought. Just the feeling of being accepted and loved unquestioningly. And Cal had said it was amazing that he was bi. Oliver felt on top of the world.
“Thank you for telling me.”
Oliver quirked an eyebrow at her. “Prepare to hear it many more times. ‘I am bisexual’; it sounds good, doesn’t it?”
@oc-growth-and-development @wagnerthedragon @iloveallmyocs @littleturtle95
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retvenkos · 3 years
i have a headcanon i’d like to offer you — the carrie wilson and ej caswell bestie twin agenda, aka caswilson (alternatively the ej caswell and reggie peters flirtationship best known as petewell; stan our bi boys)
ej does his soul searching gap year in la, casually meeting carrie at the eats and beats cafe during one of their open mic nights; he’s absolutely in awe at her craft and while she originally thinks he’s flirting with her, he genuinely just wants a friendship because he’s lonely in la. they are now roommates and own a house together (bc they’re rich, family money yk??) in burbank which is close to both their colleges (calarts for carrie as a dance major and caltech for ej as an electrical engineer major) carrie also knows about a billion sorrys and ironically sang it whenever she apologized for a minor inconvenience, and while he hated it at first they now unironically sing along and jam to it together-
ugh don’t get me started on petewell, they’re surfing buddies. reggie taught ej how to surf because he lived on the beachside and reggie casually flirts with him and ej has a crisis unaware if he’s joking as in no homo bro or it’s a blatant call to date him. reggie also has songwriting workshops with ej because the a billion sorrys news spread v v quickly and they can’t have that. reg convinced him to pursue pop country, because ej just has that vibe and he needed someone to join his country music endeavors
okay yeah i’d write for more them but i’m burnt out so let me just share my agenda okay love you bye !!! 💓 ps ik it sounds like a weird combo of people but they also just?? make sense in a way??
ohmygod,,,,,, all of this???? i love it so much???
first of all, carrie and ej would click. they both have similar motivation imo - they both fear failure so much it kills them - and so they 100% recognize it in each other. if confronted with it, i feel like carrie would more likely be the one to deny it, and ej would try his damndest to laugh it off, and the different approach to the same problems feels like a ~learning opportunity~ and you know how i feel about some good, mutual self-discovery. and them getting a house together,,,,,,,, becoming the enthusiastic dad and the wine aunt of the group,,,,,,,, their power.
(and since crossovers exist outside of time, 100% carrie is just slightly older than ej, and she tries to be the knowledgeable™ one and ej just goes along with it because he 100% has always wanted to have an older sibling. just someone to dote on him... someone to call him an idiot... someone who would give him their left kidney... someone who would rather argue for 40 minutes straight than give you their phone charger...)
and reggie x ej ????? reggie teaching him to surf???? your mind is truly unparalleled. mere mortals like us could n e v e r . they're dynamic would honestly be such a fan favorite???? we need to get you in a writing room sTAT. and the country album featuring elton john caswell,,,,,,,, the cowboy hats they would wear,,,,,,,,, you put this image in my mind and at what cost????? i will never stop thinking of this. my mind exists solely of one (1) thought and it's the country album,,,,,,,, featuring a duet with ej and reggie,,,,,,,, julie on the fiddle,,,,,,,,, i'm screaming.
also, peak comedy is ej turning off his social media for his ~soul searching gap year~ and suddenly gina is like "ej got a house with cARRIE WILSON?????" and it's an instagram story video of ej and carrie having a housewarming party, listening to a billion sorrys and ashlyn texts ej saying she gets royalties when?
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friendly-jester · 3 years
I thought of roles for some of the other Avengers for my SamBucky AU I’m calling School of Fish AU bc school?? fish?? Bucky’s a teacher and Sam’s a fisherman?? get it?? lol
Like I said previously, Sam’s the local fisherman. He’s living with Sarah and helping her raise the boys like a good uncle and he meets Bucky and is like 👀. Bucky’s the history teacher at the local high school. He’s still pining over his childhood best friend Steve who recently got engaged to his longtime girlfriend Peggy.
Steve Rogers - I see him running a mechanic shop for some reason??? I don't know why but that's what I'm feeling rn. He’s been friends with Bucky his whole life and thinks of him as his brother. He doesn’t know Bucky’s in love with him bc he’s oblivious. 
Peggy Carter - I don't actually know what she'd do for work (maybe the English teacher??) but every Tuesday and Thursday evening she teaches a self defense class at the community center. Nat and Valkyrie help co-teach from time to time. She does know Bucky's in love with Steve because she's not oblivious but isn't jealous or anything like that. She understands why Bucky would fall for Steve and wants Bucky to be happy. They actually get along pretty well.
Sarah Wilson - Helps with the family fishing business like in canon. Also like in canon she’s a single mom taking care of Cass and AJ with Sam’s help. Every Saturday is lady’s night where she, Pepper, May, Wanda, Natasha, Peggy, and other ladies of the mcu I’m forgetting get together at Valkyrie’s bar and just chill together. I just want more woman friendships in the mcu so I’m giving it to myself as a treat. 
Tony Stark - Stay at home dad of Morgan. Before Morgan was born he was a scientist in the nearby city. He is the PTA’s number one volunteer for stuff. Married to badass business woman Pepper Potts. #malewife
Pepper Potts - Like I said, badass business woman. I think Aunt May would be a business partner just because I love imagining those two having a friendship 👌 I don’t actually know what the business would be (I haven’t thought that far ahead) but she works in the city that’s like 30 minutes away.
Peter Parker - High school student who tutors and babysits a bunch of the younger kids in the town they live in. Still a super smart nerd and lives with Aunt May just minus the super powers. Good friends with Ned, Shuri, and Michelle.
Wanda and Vision Maximoff - Owners of the small bakery/café in the town square just because that seems like it would be their jam. Met in college and married about a year ago with twin sons on the way.
Natasha Romanoff - Besties with Clint. No one actually knows what she does for a living or what her life was like before she moved to the town a few years ago. I honestly don't know what she’d do for a living but it wouldn't be as exciting as everyone in town thinks it is lol
Clint Barton - Owns a farm a few miles out of town where he lives with Laura and the kids. Goes to the farmers market in town every weekend to sell the stuff they grow on the farm. Laura is the local librarian because she gives me librarian vibes.
Bruce Banner - The science teacher at the high school. He and Tony are old college roommates bc science bros.
Valkyrie - She owns the bar in town and know everyone's secrets because they get drunk and tell her. Very bi and besties with Thor. 
Thor Odinson - High school gym teacher seems obvious but it just suits him okay?? Coach of the football team too. He's a lot of the kids favorite teacher just because he's so kind and understanding. If a student has a problem they'll most likely go to Mr. Odinson for help. In a long distance relationship with Dr. Jane Foster who’s doing science-y stuff in a different state but should be coming home soon.
Loki Odinson - Drama teacher. I picture him being like Mrs. Darbus from High School ​Musical.
T'Challa - The charismatic town mayor who’s always reeclected because everyone loves him and he's doing a fantastic job running the town.
Shuri - T’Challa’s younger sister and student at the local high school. She and Peter have a friendly science rivalry that has caused a few minor fires and explosions.
Dr. Stephen Strange - I feel like doctor at the local hospital is too obvious but I don't know what else he'd be?? A librarian maybe?? I'm vibing with doctor tho.
I know I'm still missing a bunch of characters but that’s all I’ve got so far. I kinda like the idea that the Guardians of the Galaxy are a group of hippies that just showed up in town one day and haven’t left lol
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parkersharthook · 3 years
Love For All
Peter Stark-Rogers & Stark-Rogers!reader (twins)
warnings: mentions of drinking/being drunk, pretty fluffy
1.8k+ words
series masterlist
a/n: happy pride month (lol I queued this in february just so I didn’t forget to post it) anyways im bi and pls know my page is a safe space for everyone 💗💜💙
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Fluffy piece where Tony and Steve are chosen as the grand marshalls for the pride parade and it becomes a family affair.
“this just in, you all officially have the coolest dads in history!” Tony bellowed as he dramatically entered the common space, Steve right behind him with a plethora of eye rolls.
Right as you were about to protest, Bucky chimed in, “neither of you are my father.”
“with the way I’ve saved your sorry ass? Might as well be.”
“saved my sorry ass? Oh Stevie, have you forgotten who pulled your ass out of every back alley fight you got into? Or have the years 1932 to 1941.”
“I did not start a fight in 1932!” Steve argued back, hands placed firmly on his hips.
“bullshit! 5 years old, playground 2 blocks over, Arthur Williams.”
Steve frowned slightly, “damn I forgot about that.”
Beside you Peter snorted, “you got into a fight when you were 5?”
“Wow darling, you came out of the womb with righteous indignation didn’t you?” Tony added with a small smirk as he moved to rest against the back of the couch.
Steve threw his hands up in defeat, “oh haha laugh it up. Yes I’m old, yes I’m stubborn. Can we please just go back to how we’re cool?”
“Wait before that, back to the ‘not my fathers thing’ does this mean you see yourselves as the team fathers? Because if you’re adopting more people, I want in!” Clint said cheerfully.
“Sorry we capped out at four.”
You stuck your tongue out at Clint with a little ‘ha ha’ because you were mature like that. “anyways… why do you think you are the coolest dads? I wanna get my rebuttal in soon.”
Tony bopped the back of your head playfully as he dropped a very rainbow piece of paper into your lap. Peter instantly leaned into your space to read it. You pushed him back with a shove to the forehead. “relax nerd I’m gonna read it out loud.”
“hurry up I’m getting antsy.” You threw an unimpressed look at Clint who had practically crawled into Bucky’s lap to get closer, not that Bucky minded.
“Chill.” You smoothed out the paper and held it up, “All hail the next Grand Marshals of NYC Pride, Tony Stark and Steve Rogers. We are happy to formally announce the two superheroes and super husbands as our fearless leaders of the float parade this year.”
“That’s the public announcement they put out, turn it over to read the letter they sent us.”
“Dear Mr. Anthony and Steven Stark-Rogers, we are so excited to welcome you into our NYC Pride Parade family. As this year’s appointed Grand Marshals it is both our duty and pleasure to pass the Pride Baton over to you. Included in this letter you will find the rules and expectations of our Grand Marshals, as well as what is permitted for first floats. We would love if you extended this invitation to your entire circle of family and friends to join you in the parade and on your float.”
You put the paper down and tilted your head back to stare at your dad, “you? Grand Marshal? Really?”
“What’s so shocking about that?”
“umm…. You’re old and not cool.”
Bucky sputtered a laugh beside you as Tony bopped you on the head again.
“Was this your way of telling us to come to pride with you?” Peter asked.
Steve shook his head as he flopped into a nearby loveseat, “actually this was our way of telling you that we need your help coming up with ideas for the float and how to decorate it. But of course we want you to join us on the float, we’ll be inviting the rest of the team as well.”
“I’ll help decorate but Bi-derman is making another appearance this year.”
Tony slapped his forehead, “can you take your old suit at least? The paint was a bitch to get off last time.”
Peter rolled his eyes, “the old suit chafes.”
You grimaced, “I hate this conversation.”
“I think you should do a dog themed float, Lucky can be our mascot.”
Bucky sighed, “of course that’s your suggestion.”
“what about the history of pride? Recognizing the Stonewall Riots and the two black transgender females that started it all. Plus then we can also advocate for Black Lives Matter. Make it clear that to support one, you have to support the other. Educate and entertain.”
Tony smiled, “that’s not a bad idea y/n.”
Steve looked at you with hopeful eyes, “are you willing to help organize and coordinate?”
“can I invite friends to help?”
You smiled, “then yes.”
“when I said organize and coordinate, I didn’t mean take over the conference room we use regularly for avengers meetings.” Steve said with a deep sigh
“it’s the only one with a vending machine.” MJ helpfully pointed out, taking another large bite of her pizza slice.
“yeah it was the only way to get Clint to sit through meetings without leaving to get food.” Steve explained as he stepped into the room and took in the large array of papers everywhere. The four teenage girls that occupied the room were all busy with one thing or another, looking intense and determined.
MJ snorted, “figures.” Her hand ghosted over the page again, dragging the pencil with it and creating another addition to her sketch.
Steve’s brow furrowed for a moment and he took a step closer to get a better look, “is that me?”
MJ nodded coolly but offered no other explanation. Betty huffed a laugh, “we’re trying to design both you and Mr. Stark crown-like head pieces.”
You rolled your eyes, “Pops, you really do only hear what you wanna hear. Crown-like head pieces. I know dad would go for a full ass crown but I knew you wouldn’t and we want you two to match.”
Steve studied the photos of celebrities that were projected on the wall. “and that?”
“The 2018 Met Gala. Theme: heavenly bodies. There were a bunch of great head pieces that night, we’re using it for inspiration.” Gwen supplied, “let us know if there’s any you like.”
“I wanna go in a Cardi B direction.” You stated without taking your eyes off your computer screen, you’ve obviously already committed every possible headpiece to memory.
“don’t taint his selection with bias!” Betty cried
MJ waved her off easily, “there’s no way he knows who Cardi B is.”
“thanks for the confidence MJ.” She just smiled cheekily at him.
“I think he should choose something like what Frances McDormand was wearing.” Gwen stated with a small smile
MJ laughed, “as much as I think that would look amazing, there’s no way he’s picking that.”
“who’s this?”
You barely had to glance at the photo to recognize the red and gold dress and of course the iconic headpiece, “Black Lively.”
“Okay well I like that, it’s simple.”
“what about…” Gwen drawled as she typed something and new photo, a larger one, took over the whole wall, “Something like SZA’s?”
Steve took a step back and grimaced slightly, “it’s kinda… big.”
“But if it were smaller?” Gwen pressed politely
“I suppose.” Steve glanced around at the four girls. “You guys have a lot of stuff planned.”
“Oh yeah.” You looked up with a big grin, meeting your dad’s eye. “It’s gonna be great.”
“You’re not designing us costumes too are you?”
“Well Tony specifically said not too and that he already had something planned.” MJ said before eyeing Steve up and down with the critical eye of an artist, “But we could design something if you wanted us too.”
“No, I kinda of already have a plan too.”
You rose a questioning brow, “oh yeah? Please tell me you’re not going to be wearing something boring.”
Steve rolled his eyes at you and obnoxiously bumped his hip into your side as he walked out, “I’m not clueless on how to dress for Pride. Plus, I like dressing up for it, it’s fun. And it’s not something we got to do back then. I’m planning on taking full advantage.” And with that he walked out dramatically and closed the door.
Betty laughed slightly, “ten bucks that he paints the shield.”
Gwen shook his head, “No way. I think he’s gonna wear one of the flags as a cape.”
MJ clicked her tongue, “I know for a fact he’ll be wearing his ‘trans rights are human rights’ shirt.” Pause. “and probably his rainbow pants.”
You looked at MJ with a perplexed expression, “why do you know about my dad’s rainbow pants?”
MJ smirked slightly, “he wore them to pride a few years ago. Plus, me and peter talk about things. You’re not the only Stark-Rogers twin I hang out with.”
Gwen obnoxiously nudged Betty with her elbow and a large wink, “Oh yeah… she talks to Peter.” MJ scowled at the two as you snickered behind your hand.
MJ grumbled slightly, “let’s just get back to work.” It was silent in the room until the three other girls heard MJ mumble, “I never have to deal with this at college.”
You burst into a fit of laughter.
Pride was without a doubt a 100% success.
The float looked great. The area had already been swept for trouble. One Grand Marshal was moderately drunk. And Everyone was dancing and partying. Perfect.
Even the float attendees looked great. Clint was the brightest of the all. With no shirt on, glitter all over his chest, a rainbow tutu around his hips, tight purple booty shorts underneath, knee high socks with the pan pride flag on them, plus his signature purple converse… he looked good.
You’ve been snickering every time you catch Bucky not so subtlety looking Clint up and down. But that being said, Clint was doing the same to Bucky because he had someone managed to get the stoic and whiney super soldier into a rainbow button down. Nothing else, as that wasn’t Bucky’s jam. He paired the shirt with simple jeans but you were sure that he would be covered with glitter later.
Peter had been swinging around the parade, his first Stark suit now painted a vibrant pink, purple, and blue. Plus there was a large, messily painted on heart over where the spider sat in the middle of his chest.
You and all your friends had taken up the dance floor on the float, and if you said so yourself, you all were killing the dance moves.
Tony was more than tipsy because Bruce was on babysitting duty tonight for Morgan, so he let himself go and lean heavily against his husband, who just grinned at him all lovingly.
In the end, it was a good day. You threw beads and candy to the crowd, joining them at times for drinks and dance parties. You laughed endlessly with your friends and your family. And yeah… it was a good day.
Plus, all your friends had been correct.
Steve wore his trans shirt in solidarity with the ongoing movements and the float.
He wore his rainbow pants because they were “super fashionable y/n” and to support everyone.
He painted his shield purple, blue, and pink to show off his own sexuality and support Peter.
And he had a pansexual flag tied around his neck to match with Tony’s pink, yellow, and blue shirt.
He looked great.
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dear-evanrosier · 3 years
It was a normal day in the Black House. Harry was back from his sixth year at Hogwarts at his godfathers' house. After James and Lily's deaths, Remus convinced Sirius to not go after Peter, since Harry needed him. They took him in and he had lived with them since. It was about eight in the morning of the second day back of the two-week break when he approached them, hoping to talk about something serious.
"Hey, Sirus, Remus, can I to you guys talk about something?" Harry asked, timidly sitting in a chair across from the pair, who were chatting over the Daily Prophet and drinking tea. They looked up to be met with a worried Harry, fiddling with a hole in his pajama bottoms. Remus set down the paper and shared a worried look with Sirius. "Of course, Harry. What is it?" Sirius spoke, folding his hands neatly in his lap before discretely grabbing Remus' hand without Harry noticing. He didn't know about them yet, since either man did not know how he would react.
Harry steeled himself and looked down, staring at the ring his boyfriend had given him a year before. "Ok. Well, I'm bi." He said it so quietly that they almost didn't hear him. "Oh. Harry, we don't care. We still love you." Remus told him, and Sirius gave his hand a reassuring squeeze under the table. "I know. I know this doesn't change your opinion of me. But that's not all." Sirius looked back at him, raising an eyebrow questioningly. "I-I have a boyfriend. And we've been together since our fourth year." Remus, who was drinking a sip of his tea, spit it out and sprayed the hot liquid down his lap. Immediately letting go of Sirius, he hopped up and ran to the bathroom, trying to soothe the burn. "Fuck!" Harry watched as Remus pranced around the house trying to make his legs stop hurting, which was almost comical.
When Remus had finally changed his pants and applied a healing charm, he sat back down to a laughing Sirius and a Harry who was barely holding in his laughter, his whole body shaking with silent laughter. Remus sighed and rolled his eyes, pushing the tea far away from him. "Why didn't you tell us before, Harry?" He asked, once again grabbing Sirius' hand. "Well, I didn't know how you would react to who it is." Harry was twisting the snake around his finger absentmindedly. He had no idea how they hadn't noticed the silver wrapping around his finger with emerald green jewels for eyes. Not to mention the engraved initials, 'D.M' on the bottom. "Well, who is it?" Sirius asked, keeping his eyes on Harry the entire time. "I don't know if I should tell you just yet. I just wanted to tell you before you found out from someone else." They nodded, and Harry left the kitchen, hiding his hand with the ring in his pocket. He ran straight up to his room, setting a treat on the window for Hedwig while he wrote a letter.
Dear Draco,
I told Sirius and Remus that I was bi and that I had a boyfriend. They took it really well, but I'm not surprised. But Remus did burn his legs after spitting out his tea when I told them about you. I didn't tell them who you were though, since I didn't know how they would think of your family. But when I do tell them, I hope you can be there with me. I know it's only been two days since I've seen you, but I really miss you. How has your break been? Did you manage to tell your parents, or are you waiting till Christmas Eve? It's up to you really. And if you need anything at all, please owl me. I don't want you hurt or uncomfortable.
Love from your Scarface
Harry sealed the letter and put it in an envelope, just in time for Hedwig to fly in the window and eat the treat. He wrote 'Draco Malfoy' on the front, and tied the letter to her leg. "Take this to him, but don't get caught." He told her. She gave an affectionate nip of his fingers before flying out.
He smiled to himself and walked back down to the kitchen, getting the breakfast he hadn't eaten that morning. Walking in, he saw Sirius on the counter, Remus between his legs. Neither noticed Harry it seemed as Remus continued kissing Sirius' neck. They didn't break apart until they heard the cabinet door close. The couple whipped around to see Harry casually making some toast, not even paying a second glance to the two snogging. Harry finished heating the bread and turned to get some jam, but found him to be looking at Remus and Sirius, both very red and avoiding Harry's eyes. "You guys ok? You seem embarrassed." Harry asked, pulling out the jar and spreading generous amounts on the bread.
"Uh, this is not how we wanted you to find out," Sirius mumbled and Harry laughed. "Oh, I knew a while ago." He stated it as if it was a fact, and put the jar away, turning around and pouring himself some tea to add to his toast. "Wh-what? When did you find out? How did you find out?" Remus didn't understand how Harry knew, they were so careful. "Like the second year. You guys keep forgetting silencing charms, unlike me." He grabbed his plate and walked out of the kitchen, up to his own room.
Remus and Sirius stared at each other, comprehending what he just said. "Did he say that he doesn't forget silencing charms?" Remus asked, playing with a stray hair falling out of Sirius's hair. "I think he did. We'll have to talk to him about that." Sirius noted, and Remus nodded. "Do we have to do it right now, though? I'm sure we could wait just a little while." Sirius brushed his thumb over Remus' bottom lip and winked. "Of course not, love." And with that, Remus attacked his boyfriend's neck with more kisses, making sure he cast a silencing charm.
It was hours later when Harry had gotten a response from Draco. He read it slowly, taking in the slanted writing that he loved.
Dear Harry,
I figured that they would take it well, it's quite obvious they have been dating. I can't believe that he burned his legs. He's usually more level headed, what was so surprising about it? I also hope I will be there when you tell them it's me. I want to be there for you-
Before he could read the rest of it, there was a knock on the door before it opened, giving him barely enough time to hide it under his leg without them seeing the name at the bottom. "Hey, Harry. Is that a letter from your boyfriend?" Sirius asked, sitting on the edge of the bed. Harry nodded and readjusted his leg, making sure the writing was completely hidden. Remus smiled and moved to sit next to Sirius. Harry looked between the two, waiting for an explanation. "Er, am I in trouble or something? The last time you sat me down like this is was when I broke into the ministry and you almost..." Harry trailed off, not wanting to remember when he believed Sirius to be dead.  
"What did you mean when you said you don't forget silencing charms?" Sirius asked, just going for it. Harry relaxed and smiled. "Well, what do you think? We can't exactly use the room of requirement, people would know we were missing all the time. And when he's here, I don't want you guys to hear him talking to me. " Remus' eyebrows furrowed before Harry realized what he said and slapped a hand to his face. He's been in here?" Sirius asked, jumping up and knocking Remus off the bed. "Yeah. Twice. We didn't do anything just talked because he didn't want to go home." Remus nodded, but Sirius still looked suspicious.  "Whatever..." And they left Harry alone in his room, both still giving him suspicious looks. After making sure the door was locked, he continued reading the letter.
I want to be there for you when you tell them who I am. I really miss you too. The house has been unnaturally quiet since I got back, and I'm a little worried about it. But I may just be paranoid. I'm going to tell them on Christmas eve, just so I can work up the courage. Don't send a reply to this, I believe my father is going to start checking my mail. I love you, and I will tell you if I need anything.
Your Ferret
Harry smiled to himself and put the letter up, making sure he hid it under his pillow.
They were sitting in front of the fire, chatting merrily and sipping tea, all of them in Christmas pajamas Remus had gotten from a muggle clothing store. Remus and Sirius didn't try and get any more information out of Harry about his boyfriend, just teasing him about being able to keep it a secret for so long.  It was now almost ten o'clock when the fire turned bright green and a boy toppled out of it, crying and barely standing and covered in bruises, with a choked "Harry" coming from his mouth. Harry dashed to his side before his uncles even knew what was happening. He picked Draco up and set him on the couch, resting his hand on his leg. "Accio wand." The object flew from the couch opposite them. "Episkey." The bruises cleared quickly, but he still had some blood peeking out from under the neck of his shirt. He set the wand on the floor next to his foot.
"Dragon, breathe for me." Harry kept repeating, rubbing soothing circles over Draco's knee. His breathing slowed down and he looked at Harry. He wiped a few tears away, grabbing Draco's hands. "Tell me five things you see." Draco looked around the room. "The fireplace, your obnoxious scar, your glasses, and your uncles staring at us." Harry nodded. "I'll worry about them in a minute. Four things you feel." Harry placed a small kiss on his hand, and Draco gave a small smile. "Your hands, the couch, this really uncomfortable suit, and my socks." Harry nodded and kissed his hand again. "Three things you hear."  "Your house-elf grumbling upstairs, the fire, and your voice." Harry smiled. "Two things you smell." Draco took a deep breath. "Your cucumber lavender shampoo, which combination still makes no sense because who wants cucumber and lavender together unless it's in the hair of the cutest boy alive, and burnt cookies from your kitchen because you cannot bake to save your life." Harry chuckled and shook his head. "I'm not the one who baked this time. One thing you can taste." He swallowed and more tears came, which Harry wiped away. "The mint I had right before I told them."
"Ok." He placed a quick kiss on Draco's mouth before sitting on the couch next to him. "Will you tell me what happened?" Draco just looked down at his lap to where their hands were still together. He fiddled with the snake ring on Harry's finger, which the two adults finally took notice of. "Crucio." It was a choked sob, but Harry still understood it. "Ok, come on." He grabbed Draco's hand and his wand and walked to the foot of the stairs before remembering something and turning around.
"Er, I'll be back in a few minutes." He told Remus and Sirius, who was still surprised the boy had come from nowhere. He took Draco up to his room, finding some pajama's for him to wear. "Here, love. Put these on." He passed him some flannel bottoms and a snitch tee shirt. Harry left the room to pull some muggle ointments from the bathroom cabinet. He came back to his room with Draco just pulling the pants above his hips. Harry caught sight of a large gash diagonally across his collar bone. He gasped and Draco gulped, not wanting him to see that. He quickly pulled the shirt over his head, wincing when it grazed the cut. "Dray..." Harry reached forward, putting a gentle hand on his shoulder. Draco grimaced and pulled away, sitting on the edge of Harry's bed. Harry walked downstairs as fast as possible, needing a different spell.
"Is there a spell to heal large cuts?" He asked, breathless from practically running down the stairs. Remus and Sirius were on the couch, quietly talking when Harry ran in there. "Yeah, try Vulnera Sanentur. For what?" Remus told him, but Harry didn't even answer the question, he just turned around and ran back up the steps, the two men behind him. He opened the door gently, trying to not scare Draco. He sat next to him, grabbing his wand from where he abandoned it on the desk. "Please let me see it." Draco looked away. "Please?" He sighed and pulled the back of his shirt up over his head, tossing it to the side. He got a closer look at the cut, thumbing the edges but not enough to put Draco in any pain. "Was it him again?" Draco nodded, and Harry pulled him into a hug, making sure to not touch the wound.
They sat like that for a few minutes, Draco wrapped in Harry's arms, taking in the smell of pine trees, since there was a muggle scented candle on his dresser. They didn't notice Remus and Sirius watching them from the doorway, hidden in the shadows. When Harry let go of him, he brought the wand to the top of the cut, Draco wincing and sucking in his breath when it touched the skin. "Sorry, Dragon. I asked Remus for a spell, and he gave me this one." Harry told him, and Draco nodded. He pulled the wand down the cut gently, murmuring the spell, "Vulnera Sanentur." The gash shrank inwards, becoming thinner. He kept doing and repeating it until instead of a large gash, it was just an angry pink scar. "Thank you." Harry nodded and set his wand back down before gently kissing him. Draco smiled into the kiss, throwing one arm around Harry's neck and the other around his waist. Harry broke the kiss but didn't move his hands from where they were, one hand on his hip and the other on his good shoulder. "I'm so sorry, love. I should never have let you leave my arms on the train."
Draco shook his head and kissed Harry's nose. "It isn't your fault, Haz. I needed to tell them, I just wished I didn't interrupt time with your family." Harry pulled his face away from him, still staring at Draco. "You are part of my family, Draco. Don't forget that. Ever. Ok?" Draco nodded, and Harry kissed his cheek. "I love you, Harry." He rested his forehead against Harry's and smiled. "I love you too, Draco." They hugged again, and the two in the doorway smiled. They began to move away, but Draco's voice stopped them. "What about Remus and Sirius?" Draco asked, and Harry shrugged. "I'll talk to them in the morning. For now, just sleep. I'll stay with you." Draco pulled away from him to look at him, worry etched in every line of his face. "What if they don't want us to be together? What if they make you break up with me?" Harry sighed. "I don't care if I have to leave here, I'm not leaving you." Draco nodded and kissed him again. Harry let go and picked him up bridal style, walking around the side of the bed and sliding in, arms still wrapped around Draco. He pulled the covers over them, wrapping an arm around his waist from behind. "Nox." He whispered, and the lights around his room went out, leaving just the candle casting light across the walls.
Harry hummed a random tune gently to his boyfriend, who was wrapped tightly in his arms. His body was curved around Draco's under the soft grey duvet, rubbing circles over his abs with his thumb. "I'm so sorry, Dragon. I hate your father so much." He mumbled softly, not expecting him to answer. "The feelings mutual, Haz. I can't wait till everything with the war is done and over with and he gets shipped off to Azkaban." Draco fell asleep moments after that, Harry still humming gently in his ear and making the circular motions. Harry laid awake, and called out quietly, "I know you guys are out there, come in here."
It took a moment, but he was met with the sheepish faces of his uncles moving from the doorway and coming to the end of the bed. Sirius sat on the desk and Remus just sat in the chair, like a normal person.
"So, do I have to leave in the morning?" He asked, pulling Draco tighter into his side. He shuffled in his sleep, but Harry pressed a soft kiss to his neck and he stopped moving, smiling in his sleep. Remus shook his head, but Sirius looked hurt. "Of course not Harry. Why would we make you move out?" Remus asked, but Harry just shook his head. "Hold on a second," Harry told him, moving his arm out from underneath Draco gently. He slid out of the bed quietly, trying not to disturb his boyfriend. He straightened his tee-shirt and crept out of the room, motioning for them to follow him. He brought them up a floor to the room he had hardly been in.
It was just a simple drawing room, housing two desks, a trunk that kept rattling (Harry was sure there was a bogart in there), and the black family tapestry Sirius had yet to find a way to take off the wall. He pointed at the names 'Bellatrix Lestrange' which had a thin gold line leading to 'Andromeda Tonks' and 'Narcissa Malfoy'. Her name was connected to 'Lucius Malfoy' and the name 'Draco Malfoy' in between them.
"That. That's why. It's why didn't tell you. Not because I'm embarrassed by him, quite the opposite really. I love him too much for that. I was just worried because of his family. You saw what they did, and he just told him he was gay. I had no idea how you would react when you found out I'm dating someone who's aunt tried to kill you." Harry stood there awkwardly, just breathing shallowly and staring at the spider-like webs between the names. Remus just looked at him. Sirius looked across the web, staring at the cigarette sized hole where he was supposed to be. Remus was about to speak, but he heard a crash coming from the floor below, sounding like it was Harry's room. Harry didn't spare a second thought, just dashing from the room and to his own.
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lupin-for-president · 4 years
My Top 20 HP Characters In Order (+ Explanations)
Remus Lupin: He’s all around an incredible human being that has went through so many things that would make any normal person bitter, but he is still kind and compassionate regardless. He helps Harry, comforts him, and fights by his side until the very end. And soft boy make my heart go whoo.
Sirius Black: He’s a badass that doesn’t give two shits what you think about him and will do whatever it takes to protect and care for the people he loves. Even after spending twelve years in Azkaban he was still a better man than half of the other characters could even dream of being. And I really just like a man in leather.
Regulus Black: This man would make me risk it all and I am not at all ashamed. He sacrificed his literal life in the attempt to stop —or at least delay— Voldemort, separated himself from his brother just to protect him, and carried the deatheater mark all on his own with absolutely no complaints. He’s a beautiful soul.
Minerva McGonagall: She is obviously just an iconic woman that will tolerate no bullshit from anyone at anytime and always has her students best interests at heart. She is a precious soul and I would die for her. And I really want her to offer me a biscuit.
Draco Malfoy: He did not get the redemption arc he deserved and I am still pissed about it. He fucked up along the way, yes, but even still he did everything in his power to try to do what little good that he could. He literally lied to his family about recognizing Harry and that says a lot by itself.
Cedric Diggory: This man chanced the fucking cup and gave his life just to help Harry’s smartass and if that doesn’t say enough about his character then I don’t know what will. He is by far one of the most selfless people in the entire franchise and did not deserve to die.
Fred Weasley: This man is one hell of a good prankster and an all around joy to be around. He literally lights up any room and always makes sure that his friends are smiling no matter what. Plus I think he’s kinda hot.
Marlene McKinnon: I mean do I even need to explain this? Marlene is a fucking angel and a lesbian icon and I have no choice but to love her. She gave her life to the order and didn’t show a single sign of weakness whatsoever.
Teddy Lupin: This little shit is a fucking fireball, punk rock (he gets it from Sirius), prank pulling, muffin baking, model of a man and no doubt has given Harry his fair share of heart attacks over the years. I would love to jam out to Def Leopard with him while we paint our nails.
Luna Lovegood: She is an angel that fell straight from heaven and that is a hill I will die on. She is the most beautiful person in the HP universe, and I don’t just mean on the outside. She always drops everything for someone in need and is never disrespectful and I love her.
James Potter: Jamie-boy has a heart of gold and did not deserve to be killed so brutally. The amount of love and compassion bottled up inside of this one human being is surreal and I can’t help but marvel at his sacrifices.
Ron Weasley: Let’s get one thing straight, I will not tolerate any hate toward Ron Weasley ever. Sure, he’s had moments where he was a total prick but so has everyone else. He cared so much for Harry and even stole his dad’s car to rescue him from his abusive family. He’s a damn good friend and completely underrated.
Scorpius Malfoy: Scorpius is a polite little godsend and deserves the fucking world. He is the polar opposite of his father except the part where they’re both hopelessly gay for a Potter and honestly just a precious human being. He definitely is the only thing that keeps Albus’ fiery temper in check and I love him for that.
Neville Longbottom: This innocent bean of a man slaughtered Nagini single handedly and if that doesn’t give enough explanation as to why I love him then I don’t know what will. He learned to roll with the punches and was never cruel to anyone.
Lily Evans: She saves her son’s life with just her love and I think that is fucking badass as hell. She made sure to put James Potter in his place and was always a best friend to Remus when he needed it most and fuck I love her.
Blaise Zabini: He’s mostly just on this list because I think he’s god level attractive. I also have a type for pompous dicks and at first encounter Blaise fits into that category pretty well, but I really do love his personality to be honest.
Peter Pettigrew: Yes, Peter is a backstabbing twat, we all know it, but I can’t help but love him. During his school years he definitely snuck food into the Gryffindor Commons just to make sure all the younger kids ate properly and you can’t change my mind.
Harry Potter: Harry is a sassy, sarcastic bitch and I absolutely love him for it. This boy faces death every year and just keeps coming back like it’s nothing more than a slap on the wrist?? Love it. And he’s also a chaotic disaster bi and that’s something him and I can relate on.
Seamus Finnigan: Seamus is really only on this list because when I was younger I used to be like, completely in love with him. Honestly now he’s only within the top twenty because he snogs Dean 24/7 and I’m not ashamed to admit that.
Severus Snape: Okay I fucking loathe Severus as a person, he’s an abuser and a coward, but as a character I love him. He is probably one of my most favorite villains (yes I classify him as a villain don’t come for me) and I refuse to accept his “you have your mother’s eyes” bullshit as a redemption arc. If Draco has to live with his burdens, you do too, Snivellus.
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Rewatching “Fright Night” (the 1985 version)
No I ain’t watching the remake with David Tennant.  ‘Cause I said so.
*does Borat impression while loading the movie on Amazon Prime*
“Sit here beside me on the veranda.”  Is this the... TV show scene?  The show with Roddy McDowall?
“So... luminescent.”  *laughs*
Those were some... horrible kissing noises
I like the out of context implication that as soon as the woman asks the dude to lay on her chest, Peter Vincent’s like “NONE IN THIS HOUSE!”
What idiot puts their smelly ass soccer cleats on their headboard?
“We’ve been going together almost a year, and all I ever hear is ‘Charley, stop it.’“  Well then maybe that’s a you problem
Also what the hell is that map thing next to Amy?
“Let’s get into bed.”  *bug eyes*
Amy, that is not the look of someone who is ready to have sex.
“It says right here that the divorce rate is 76% higher among couples who don’t argue before marriage.”  Shut up, Mom.
“Thank you [Amy] for helping Charley with his homework.”  ...I was gonna make a sex joke here but nah.
Oh I hate Charley’s friend in his movie.
Charley’s car, while super nice, looks like a sunburnt cow
“My luck.  He’s [the neighbor] probably gay.”  AAAAAHHH THEY EVEN SAID IT!
I really Charley to slap Teach [Ed] at some point but I know it’s never gonna happen.
For a moment, I thought that the carpenter dude partner was gonna be like Kenny from “The War at Home” but nah.  He probably just uses his teeth a lot.
*silently jamming to the background synth music*
*Charley spots a woman removes her bra in the window*  What was this rated again?
AN:  It’s rated R
*yells when Jerry looks over to see Charley through the window*
*Shot of Jerry’s hand pulling down the window blind*  That... is a lady hand.
AN:  They were actually extensions that Chris wore and he helped apply them himself so that he could just rip them off after a day of shooting
*Charley’s mom ruins Charley’s cover*  DAMN IT MOM
This movie is basically “Who Cried Wolf” but with vampires?
“I’m his roommate Billy Cole.”  Can you believe just that the fact that this movie was made in the mid 80s when the AIDS crisis in the US was getting ready to happen and director Tom Holland and the screenwriter went “YES they’re gonna be GAY and THAT’S FINAL”
“You actually saw the body, Charley?”  Uh doesn’t that tone raise any suspicion from the detective STANDING NEXT TO HIM?
*snorts in hilarity when Billy jokingly does the sign of the cross*
Charley, I would not trust anything Teach tries to tell you.
My God, Chris Sarandon...
What’s with the celery?
Charley’s mom is the most oblivious character in this whole movie, I swear
I forget, do we ever see Jerry in vampire bat form or do we just see him as Chris Sarandon with fangs the entire movie?
Why yes, Charley, use your tiny crucifix.
Doesn’t the whole “enter with permission” count with bedrooms too or just the house in general?  If it counted with bedrooms, couldn’t Charley just put up a sign on his door that said “NO ADMISSION WITHOUT PERMISSION” and that would keep Jerry out?
Jerry is the most casual vampire I’ve seen so far.  Someone would just throw a chair at him and he’ll just No-Sell it like “Listen... I was just saying...”
There’s got to be a logical way to explain this Christmas thing.
We just need a vampire that’s like Catherine O’Hara from “Schitt’s Creek”
I love how Charley’s like 80% out the window and yet he can still reach for an entire mug of pencils
Christopher Lee!
THAT FRAMING [of Billy kneeling directly in front of Jerry’s legs] ISN’T OBVIOUS AT ALL TOM HOLLAND
The logic for this movie is something else.  Charley sees someone on TV perform a vampire killing ON A TV SHOW and thinks “YES I’m going to ask him to help me with this vampire situation!” 
This is like asking Drew Carey if he can assist in a vampire hunting
*imitates Peter Vincent shooing Charley away*
*snorts at Teach and Amy walking in on Charley setting holy stuff ALL OVER HIS HOUSE*
Also I absolutely forgot about the weird side plot with Amy being an incarnation of a past love.  What is it with this and Bram Stoker’s Dracula going this route?
Man, Roddy McDowall is just a masterclass in classical acting.  You can tell the different style between him and the other actors.
There’s a bust of Klaus Kinski’s Nosferatu in the glass box!
AN:  *in best Janet from ‘The Good Place’ impression*  Fun fact, Klaus Kinski was actually an asshole
I like the red and black plaid night coat
God, all those clocks going off at once reminds me of the scene in Pinocchio.  That would give me so much anxiety in real life.
*imitates Peter Vincent saying “Good evening good evening”*
*going through AO3′s Fright Night 1985 tag as Peter explains what he’s doing*  Wow there’s four pages.  I might have to bookmark some of these.
Ohhhh kay, nevermind on half of these.  Not into that.  Nope nope nope.
I forget, is Billy also a vampire?  Or is he like some ghoul?  Werewolf?
...Interspecies romance?
For a fact, I know that if CinemaSins covers this movie, they would award Jerry the “eating an apple because he’s an asshole” sin and I would laugh
Oh he’s [Jerry] gonna go for the hand kiss, isn’t he? 
*has to still register it*
Wait, did Jerry hold the bottle up in front of the fire in case there was actually holy water?  Would heating it up counteract the holy water inside?
How did they do that?  Did they just... comp Chris Sarandon out or did they have him tuck out of frame but still say his lines?
AN:  Tom Holland originally goofed up the shot I guess but they ran with it
The overhead tracking shot following Ed in the alleyway is actually pretty good.  And the way it slides to a normal shot is great.
Oh they do the creepy Dracula fog!
Wait, this movie came out the same year as Nightmare on Elm Street 2.  Dang.
And that movie also had a weird homoerotic tone to it.
You know what, the way Jerry offers Ed salvation only to attack him was actually pretty solid.  Just good acting from both of them.  I was sold.
*Peter presses a cross to Ed’s forehead*  Great prosthetic too, holy crap!
*jams out to the song playing at the club*
Why do Jerry’s dance clothes look like either my pajamas or really lame exercise clothes?
God, it’s [Jerry pacing back and forth watching Amy] like a cat stalking a bird holy crap
*jaw drops when Jerry runs his hand up Amy’s leg*  NOOOOOO
Not gonna lie, this song almost sounded like a remix of the Nightmare on Elm Street theme
Amy’s hair just gets wilder and wilder during this dance sequence
Quick, Charley, start a fight!  Just... punch someone!  Commotion!
*just yells when Jerry steals a kiss from Amy*
*Amy wakes up in a white dress in Jerry’s house*  NOPE
God and he [Jerry] took off his shirt too just *hides face in hands*
*covers mouth with hand in attempt not to say anything*
*Jerry’s dragging finger scrapes off wood on the banister*  Oh that’s just mean
*Jerry drapes his arms over the back of Billy’s shoulders*  HMM
They would be that duo who would pick up a phone and take turns to go “...surprise, Sidney...”
*A wolf walks out of Mrs. Brewster’s room*  WHAAAAATTT?!?
Dang they really just tossed a plushie wolf off the stairs
WAIT the guy that did the VFX for this movie also did “Ghostbusters” if I remember correctly
AN:  Yes
They are just... really dragging out Ed’s death scene
That kinda exasperated look Peter gives the smoking house is great
Wait is Billy a vampire too?  Zombie?  What is he?
I really just want Charley to reach out and just slightly poke dying Billy in the chest so that he crumbles backwards.  That would have been hilarious.
How long is Amy’s hair?
Real plot twist would be that the bat bite also starts turning Charley into a vampire so Peter would have to kill three birds with one stone (heal Charley and Amy and kill Jerry)
Boss move:  Peter closing the coffin in front of Jerry
And it ends with the same shot as the opening!
“Oh, you’re so cool, Brewster.”  So is Ed alive?
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twokinkybeans · 4 years
Peter Parker and the Bisexual Anthem
Sooooooo since I have TOO MANY FICS GOING ON I’m just going to type this out as a quick idea/headcanon post ehe. I found this song called ‘Bisexual Anthem’ by Domo Wilson today (go listen to it it’s the best thing omg):
Peter gets a text from MJ that morning with a link to the song. Peter is just chilling in his dorm anyways so he listens to it. 
Holy fuck this song is his new jam. He listens to it all day long, while jogging, while studying, while patrolling the neighborhood. “I like girls, oh my gosh, big booty, big tits. I like guys too though, super sexy big dick.”
Later that night he’s in the lab with Tony to work on a new piece of tech for his suit. Tony promised him he’d teach him some basics on nanotech and Peter is happily spending all his spare time on it.
But, Peter has a habit of humming/singing when he’s focused on something. So while working on the tech, he starts mumbling the lyrics.
I like girls, I like guys I like to eat the pussy, then again I like to ride Yeah, I love kissing on girls and then I put the dick inside I'm bisexual bitch and I ain't got nothing to hide
Tony almost chokes on his own breath because oh shit- Did Peter Parker just come out to him? His fingers tingle with excitement. Peter - his crush - is bisexual? He’s got to keep it together though. So he ignores his own thoughts and decides to be a good friend or father figure or however Peter sees him.
“I like you for who you are, kid, no matter who you love.”
Only then Peter realizes what he’s done and his face flushes a bright red.
“I- eh, thank you? Fuck, I didn’t mean- It’s just a song, MJ sent it to me earlier and I thought it was fun so I listened to it on repeat and-”
“I’m bisexual too.”
Not even ten seconds later, Peter fishes his phone out of his pockets and puts the song on repeat for the rest of the evening. Tony and Peter singing together and shaking their asses to the beat.
Yeah I'm Bi, I'm Bi And I like 'em both, I got pride
- Fin - 
Ps. If someone writes this please tag us omg.
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mawbwehownets · 4 years
tim wright n tim stoker go
tim wright
First impression
i honestly didnt think he was gonna be an important character at all, i went into marble hornets almost 100% blind so i didnt even realize he was masky at first! i thought he was just some dude jay was gonna annoy a couple of times and that was all there was to his character
Impression now
Favorite moment
i have a lot with tim :’-) i love entry 59 and 66 so much, mr suttons acting really won me over from “whos this clown” to “oh my god i would fucking die for timothy wright”, esp 66!! also a lil wholesome moment i enjoy is in entry 69 where jay trips and falls over one of the holes and tim rushes to help him up . i just think thats cute . not even in a jam way just in a bros way . i love them
Idea for a story
Music Teacher Tim Music Teacher Tim Music Teacher Tim Music Teacher Ti
Unpopular opinion
uhhh if you draw tim skinny i dont trust you  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Favorite relationship
romantically? you know. you know its jam. platonically i love him and brian too!!! i love the idea of their friendship and mr thomas being such a magnet for antisocial losers like tim and alex . preppy jock/country goth solidarity we love to see it
Favorite headcanon
t..... tim merrick...........
tim stoker
First impression
“whos this slutty bi motherfucker i kin him and i love his voice”
Impression now
dude .......... i miss u every day king keep thotting it up in heaven ..................... FBJRjfbr i was like IMMENSELY frustrated by his character development which i think was the point and like . god . the sibling angst and the anger . like in how he acts and behaves i dont relate to him very much but in concepts and what his character is driven by??? Mood
Favorite moment
so theres two . one is from the s1 season finale where he busts through that wall with a fire extinguisher. the other one is from one of the few episodes of s5 ive listened to where its jons birthday tape and he goes like “we’ll have something to look back on when we’re all old and sick of each other”
Idea for a story
UH i dont really have any rn! though i love him, tim in general isnt a character i feel compelled to write about and im kinda zoned out of tma right now
Unpopular opinion
TIM HAS A DAD BOD!!! i will scream it from the rooftops dad bod tim stoker is my most galaxy brain idea
Favorite relationship
i like him and sashas friendship a lot :-] idk that i ship him with anyone in particular though!!
Favorite headcanon
him and peter in the afterlife kayak
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spider-babes · 5 years
pairing: peter parker x reader
summary: the time you quite easily find out Peter’s secret.
word count: 1.1k
**warnings: unedited writing (yikes), getting jumped, a few catcalls, and a whole lot of fluff
note: this is for @keepingupwiththeparkers’s 4k writing challenge! (based off the prompt “you’re lucky you’re cute”) I hope you guys like it ahh!
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You’ve always loved the streets of Queens during the nighttime. The lights of the city always seemed to talk to you, inviting you to wander the streets. It made you feel alive. It made you feel safe.
Your study session at the library had run a little late, by about 3 hours, not that anyone’s counting, and you had missed your bus back home, so you decided that the half-hour walk back home would help clear your mind before your chemistry midterm the next day.
You kicked a pebble as you walked, quietly humming to the song playing through your headphones. The silent jam session was interrupted with a buzz and you groaned, looking down at your unread texts. Three from your mother. One from MJ. Five from Peter.
You quickly tapped out an apology to your mom for staying out so late and assured her that you were coming home safely. MJ’s text was a corny chemistry meme, and you let out a small chuckle and replied with the rolling eyes emoji. Peter’s texts, however, were a mess.
Peter: y/nnnn, talk to meeeee pleaseeeee
Peter: you are a useless best friend you know, you never help me with my life struggles
Peter: are you still at the library?? It’s so late dude…
You smiled at his neediness, ignoring the way your heart sped up just a tad at his texts.
Y/N: relax loser, i’m omw home rn
Y/N: and i agree, what even is chem?
You really hadn’t paid much attention to the group of guys huddled together a few paces ahead of you until you passed them, but it took only a moment before you felt their presence following you.
You sped up, abandoning the pebble you had been kicking, and hoped they’d give it a rest and slow down.
“What’s a pretty little thing like you walking all alone out here?”
You sucked in a breath. Calm down. Keep going. Don’t turn around. Don’t stop. The words rang clear in your head, but your heart rate sped up and your hands began to shake just a bit.
“Come on, baby! Come talk to us,” another voice called out, sounding even more wasted than the first one. You shuddered involuntarily. The footsteps behind you were louder now. Don’t turn around.
You had just started to run when one of the men’s hand grabbed your shoulder, pulling you backward. You stumbled into his chest, tears springing into your eyes. You screwed them shut as one of the men lean closer, the stench of alcohol clogging your senses. You prepared for the worst.
“I don’t have any money on me. Please, just let me go,” your voice trembled as you pleaded with them.
“No? That’s too bad then,” the man tutted. “Oh well, we have better uses for you anyways.”
Fuck. You’re done for.
As quickly as the thought crossed your mind, the man in front of you was gone, disappearing with a whoosh.
“Now, now, that’s no way to treat a lady.”
Another whoosh and the grip on your shoulders was gone, leaving you to stumble forward. A gasp escaped your lips as you fell into yet another body, this one smaller and leaner.
Spider-man stood in front of you now, gently pulling you away from the men webbed to the wall. “You alright, miss?”
What is happening?
You really should have been thanking him, but suddenly, you were frozen in place. You knew that voice. You knew that voice and that posture and that grip. You knew him.
“Peter?” The white eyes on the mask widened almost comically.
He coughed, “I- I don’t know who you’re talking about? I’m S-Spider-man.”
You didn’t respond. Instead, you furrowed your eyebrows and reached for his mask, eager to confirm your suspicions, but, before your fingers could even brush against the red material, Spider-man’s hand was wrapped around your waist tightly, and you were both zooming up towards the sky.
You shrieked as he swung up to the rooftop of a nearby building and gently dropped you on it. “Peter!”
“How in the world did you find out? I barely spoke a word to you and you figure it out?” Peter paced back and forth while you catch your breath and try to slow your racing heart. He pulled the mask off and looked at you expectantly.
“I’m sorry, this is, uh, wow,” you breathed, still a little bit confused. “It wasn’t really that hard. I mean, your voice is pretty distinct I guess.”
Peter squinted at you for a second before he sighed and pulled you into a hug, “‘M sorry for all this. Are you okay?”
You sighed against his shoulder, the events from earlier fluttering back into your train of thought. “Yeah, I’m okay. Thanks, Pete. For, you know, saving my ass down there. I don’t know what would have happened if it wasn’t for you.”
Peter stiffened for just a moment in your arms, and you gave him a small squeeze before pulling away, “Spider-man, huh? You know, you still have to explain this to me. I can’t believe we’ve been friends, for what, seven years, and you didn’t tell me anything.”
“I was scared! I didn’t wanna put you in a position you didn’t want to be in, you know?” Peter mumbled. “I’m sorry, pumpkin.”
You really should have been mad. But how could you be mad when he was looking at you with those beautiful coffee-colored eyes of his that you could just drown in. How could you be mad at Peter when he’s gnawing on the corner of his lip in anticipation, and you want nothing more than to feel those lips on your own.
“You’re lucky you’re cute, Pete,” you breathed, giving him a small smile, “or I would’ve gone off on your ass for this.”
“Wait,” Peter sputtered after a moment, “you think I’m cute?”
Heat rushed to your cheeks and you inwardly groan, “Hmm? I never said that.”
“You totally think I’m cute!” He’s laughing softly now, and you press your face into your palms. “It’s okay, I think you’re pretty cute too.”
You’re sure you’ve never smiled harder.
tagging a few amazing people uwu: @starksparker @mcuspidey @spideypeach @hollandroos @madmadmilk @bi-writes @cutesparker @toms-gf @wazzupmrstark @upsidedownparker @galaxy-parker
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etymolo-drarry-ig · 4 years
Draco has been dropping hints. Harry has yet to pick up on any of them.
---Harry’s POV---
In hindsight, the first hint was probably from the end of my third year.
"I have to tell you something," Draco had waved me over after the end-of-year feast. "But not here."
So we walked across the school grounds together, for the last time that school year. "I've been doing some thinking," Draco fidgeted with the cuffs of his shirt. "And I'll understand if you don't want to be friends anymore—"
"Draco, just tell me," I interrupted him, and he took a deep breath.
"I'm gay," he said finally.
"Oh," I replied. I wasn't sure what the correct response was—my only experience thus far was from Seamus and Dean, but even I knew they fancied each other, and I'm oblivious. Neither of them were very subtle, after all.
Draco turned to me. "Do you—do you hate me?"
Now I was confused. "I don't hate Dean or Seamus, do I?" I pointed out. "I mean, sure, seeing them make out every single night does get kind of annoying," I laughed. "No, of course I don't hate you. You're still my best friend.”
Draco smiled gratefully, facing forward again. "I haven't told anyone else," he clenched his jaw.
Draco nodded tightly.
"I'm the first one you've told?" A warmth filled my chest. People didn't usually trust me with their secrets.
"How do—how do wizards feel about—er, gay people?" The words left my mouth rather clumsily.
"It depends, I guess," Draco shrugged, "we mostly don't care, but same-sex marriage is still illegal. I know that father expects me to produce an heir, regardless. I don't think mum will care."
I wrinkled my nose at the word produce, and Draco laughed.
"I think I'll tell mum this summer," he continued, "we're pretty good at keeping secrets from father," he smiled.
"I'm glad you told me," I responded, "thank you for trusting me."
The second hint came about halfway through fourth year. Draco had only come out to a few people: his mum, Pansy Parkinson, and me. My perception of gay people was totally flipped on its head when Draco came out—before, I assumed every gay person was just as flamboyant as Dean and Seamus, but Draco was definitely not flamboyant. He'd made me realize that gay people come in all shapes and sizes, too.
Therefore, I wasn't completely bewildered when I started noticing people in a brand new way. I knew something was up when Cedric Diggory and Cho Chang came strolling down the hallway, hand and hand, and I couldn't even tell which of them I was more jealous of.
"I have something to tell you," I approached Draco during lunch, and he scooted over to make room for me at the Slytherin table. None of his housemates batted an eye—I usually sat with Draco a few times a week, although it was usually for study purposes.
He raised an eyebrow when I subtly cast a muffling charm. "Remember what you told me about at the end of last year?" I asked, "the thing you had never told anyone else before?" I added, to make sure Draco understood.
He nodded cautiously. "What are you getting at?"
I swallowed. "Me too, I think. Well, kind of. I mean, I like girls, but—well, I'm like you, too."
"Really?" Draco seemed to perk up a little bit. "So you're bi? Or pan?"
I nodded. "I guess so."
“Well,” he cleared his throat and sat up straight. "In that case, would you—um," his face flushed.
I tilted my head to the side, wondering why he was so flustered.
"Well, since we're both, you know," Draco continued, "maybe you would want to experiment?"
"Oh," I blinked. I hadn't really thought of actually being with anyone. Okay, I may have considered what dating Cho or Cedric would be like—but I hadn't taken it seriously . "I—I don't know," I admitted, "I don't know if I'm—what's the word?" I scratched my head, trying to remember the phrase Hermione had used. "Emotionally stable, I think? I don't think I could with anyone right now."
It was the truth, after all. Even if Cho or Cedric approached me, I don't think I'd be ready to be in a relationship.
"Oh," Draco returned to his mashed potatoes. "I just thought I'd ask. Hey," he nudged me with his elbow. "Now we can check out guys together, huh?"
I laughed and lowered my voice. "Have you seen Cedric Diggory? Merlin."
Draco laughed. "I'm more of a Victor Krum kind of guy, myself."
I chuckled. "Too bad for you, he's completely smitten with Hermione."
The next hint came at the end of fourth year. It was the last week before term ended, and for the first time in my life, I was excited for the summer. For the first time, I wasn't returning to the Dursley’s over the summer.
You see, fourth year had been kind of crazy for me. Aside from the Triwizard Tournament, (which Cedric won, of course, because he's amazing) I found out that I had a godfather—the reason no one bothered to tell me was because he was in prison.
Now that I was fourteen, I was allowed full access to my parents' Gringotts vault. I'd always thought there was something fishy about my parents' death—not the Voldemort part, but the fact that the only thing left of Peter Pettigrew was a finger. I mean, come on , there was a fully intact finger, but no bone fragments from the rest of the body?
So with the help of Ron, Hermione, and Draco, we tracked down my parents' will and discovered that not only had they changed Secret Keepers, but Peter Pettigrew was an unregistered animagus. A rat animagus.
And Ron's pet rat was missing a finger.
All it took was a quick trip to McGonagall's classroom to force Scabbers into his human form, and then… well, I didn't get very involved in the politics, but long story short, Sirius Black was a free man.
And I would be staying with him this summer.
Even better, in my opinion, was that Remus Lupin, another friend of my parents, would be staying with us, too. He and Sirius had started dating during school, apparently, and even thirteen years of Azkaban wasn't enough to drive them apart.
I was finally going to live with my family.
The Sunday before the end of term, Draco appeared at the Gryffindor table during breakfast. " Potter," he tapped me on the shoulder impatiently, and I turned to look at him. "Have you seen the Prophet?" He asked.
I shook my head. I never read the Prophet anymore—I had gotten tired of reading the rumors about me and my friends.
Draco shoved aside my plate to make room for his. "Well, you should read it."
I looked over to Hermione, who helpfully handed over her copy without a word. "Where should I be looking?" I asked.
"Page two, column three," Draco answered.
"Holy shit," I gasped, reading the headline. "’Same-sex marriage legalized in Wizarding Britain.' Hermione, Ron, look at this," I grinned.
I still remember the date. June 26th, 1991.
Even though most of them were straight, we were still crying by the end of breakfast. Seamus and Dean vanished for a celebratory makeout session, and Draco pulled me aside when I was done eating.
"This is fantastic," I told him, "Sirius and Remus can get married now, if they want."
"It's brilliant," Draco agreed. "Listen, since today's a special day and all, I thought I'd ask—" he paused, fidgeting with one of his rings.
I raised an eyebrow. "Ask me what?"
"Um, well, would you want to maybe be my boyfriend?"
My eyes widened. "Oh, I, um—" I stuttered. It didn't seem like a serious inquiry—he was only asking because of the legalization, right? "I don't—I don't  think I can handle that sort of thing right now," I confessed.
"Okay," Draco said easily, "you have a lot going on, after all. I just figured I'd ask." Then he left, leaving me alone and confused.
It was just a friendly question, right? Obviously he didn't actually like me—it was just a thing of convenience. He likes guys, I like guys, we're friends, so it was convenient.
Maybe if I'd felt more comfortable with the idea of dating someone, I would've said yes. He was my best friend, after all, and a great person. And he was quite attractive—not that I'd ever tell him that.
I sighed, putting the situation out of my mind for the time being. I wanted to write a letter to Sirius and Remus, after all.
Every year on Valentine’s Day, the professors collect valentines and distribute them to their intended recipients—thankfully, after the Lockhart incident in second year, the valentines no longer sang. Originally, valentines were sent like normal mail, but the horrifying number of valentines sent to me during first year had created an owl-jam, so the professors had to come up with an alternative.
For reasons you can probably guess, I'm not a fan of Valentine’s Day. I still read all the messages, though, but that's mostly because Fred and George always make sure to send me dozens of valentines, each one being more elaborate than the last.
During my fifth year, there was something a little different—one of the notes wasn't signed with a name. The valentines I got were never anonymous, so to have one signed "your secret admirer" was odd.
Dear Harry,
I apologize for adding to the torrent of messages sent to you this year, but I have something to get off my chest. I don't think you'll ever consider me as more than a friend, but I have a huge crush on you. Happy Valentine's Day.
-Your secret admirer
Something was bothering me about the handwriting, too. It looked oddly familiar.
"You okay, Harry?" Hermione watched me frown at the note in my hand.
"Yeah," I said, "I just don't know who this is from," I handed her the slip of parchment, and she shrugged.
"It says that you're friends, right?" She tilted her head. "Maybe that's a hint."
After breakfast was over, and I had vanished most of the valentines, I brought the note over to Draco. "Do you recognize this handwriting?" I asked, "I don't know who sent it."
"Probably because they didn't put their name," Draco said sarcastically, staring at the note in my hand. "Do you—do you recognize the handwriting?"
I studied the curvy script. "It could maybe be a girl's handwriting," I suggested
"It's not that feminine," Draco replied, "besides, you wouldn't know decent handwriting if it slapped you in the face."
"Oh, shut up."
Two weeks later, I still hadn't figured out who'd sent me the note. "Maybe you should see if the handwriting matches one of your friends," Draco suggested.
Hermione nodded. "Maybe you can check old notes you've passed in class."
"Merlin, are we still talking about this?" Ron rolled his eyes, "rook to D-8," he added, and the chess board adjusted accordingly.
"I think it's cute," Hermione mused, "you're invested."
"I'm not cute, 'Mione," I grumbled.
"Oh, but your secret admirer begs to differ," Draco teased.
"Bugger off, Malfoy," I grumbled, but I was grinning.
Draco sat against the tree trunk, the sunlight causing his hair to glow. "Have you still not figured it out?" For some reason, Draco was exasperated. "You compared handwritings and everything?"
I nodded. "I did everything you guys suggested." I laid back on the ground. I honestly didn't care who it was at this point, because the sender definitely wasn't who I hoped it was.
Yeah, that's right. Draco had asked me out last year, and it seemed to have gone to my head, because now I fancied him. Which sucked, because there was no way he liked me back—we were just friends.
"You're an idiot, Harry."
"Tell me something I don't know," I responded, avoiding his gaze. I was not going to blush, I wasn't, I—
"Look at me, Harry."
I blushed.
"Do you want to know who it is?" Draco raised his eyebrows, and I nodded quickly. "It's me."
"I—" what? "You? But that means—you have a crush on me? Wait, but— really?"
Draco waited for me to finish spluttering. "I've fancied you since third year," he deadpanned.
I sat up quickly. "Oh," I said. Think fast. "Er—then," I scratched the back of my neck, "do you want to watch the quidditch match with me this weekend?"
He frowned. "We're already going to watch toget— oh, you mean as a date?" I nodded quickly, and he rolled his eyes. "You know, if the roles were reversed," he gestured between us, "you would not have picked up on that."
I buried my face into my hands. "Oh, shut up."
The quidditch match was Ravenclaw versus Hufflepuff, which meant my loyalty was divided on account of the two seekers, Cho and Cedric.
"Who do you think will catch the snitch?" I asked Draco.
"Cedric, definitely," he scoffed, "he has the better broom."
"Cho makes sharper turns, though," I pointed out.
"Technique can only get you so far."
I narrowed my eyes. "Is that a challenge?"
Draco tilted his head. "Perhaps."
I huffed. "Fine. Seeker's game later?"
"You're on."
Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Ron and Hermione waving frantically to Draco from a few rows away. When I turned, though, they abruptly stopped. "What was that?" I asked him.
"Nothing," he said quickly, "I don't know."
I eyed him. "It's nothing, or you don't know?"
"I don't know," he repeated.
I sighed and turned back to the game, but Ron started waving again. "What are you doing?" I called to him, but he only shrugged, as if to say I don't know what you're talking about.
"Seriously, what's going on?" I asked Draco, who laughed at me.
"Why, what are you thinking?"
"I don't know, because you won't tell me, " I sighed in exasperation and turned back to the game, just in time for Cho to spot the snitch
She dove for it, and Cedric followed close behind. The snitch made a sharp turn, though, and Cedric wasn't able to change direction fast enough. "Told you," I elbowed Draco, who nudged me back.
"Told you," he replied as Cedric quickly gained on Cho until they were neck-and-neck. I grabbed his hand in anticipation as they got closer… and closer… and Cedric reached forward and snatched the snitch out of the air.
"YES!" we jumped from our seats, cheering loudly. Hufflepuff won, 220 to 80 points.
"I told you," Draco gloated, and I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever," I couldn't stop grinning, but it didn't have to do with who caught the snitch. My stomach fluttered—I was holding his hand.
The pitch emptied quickly, with Ron and Hermione helpfully leaving us behind. We grabbed our brooms and headed for the center of the field, not bothering to change into quidditch robes.
"Er, listen, Harry—" Draco said before I could release the snitch.
He rubbed the back of his neck. "I just wanted to say sorry, for, um—"
I furrowed my brow. "For what?"
"I dunno, for being too forward?" His eyes darted around the pitch.
"What? You didn't even do anything—" unfortunately.
"I feel like I did, though," he ran his fingers through his hair, and my heart fluttered. "What?" He watched me bite my lip.
"I—I have butterflies," I answered shyly.
"Well, you shouldn't have eaten so many butterflies, then," he replied cheekily, and I shoved his shoulder, laughing. "Why do you have butterflies?"
My face reddened. "Because I—because I fancy you," I answered, and his eyes widened.
"You do? But I thought—"
"I mean, you asked me out in June, and I know you meant it as a friend thing," I said, "but I guess it went to my head, because now—"
"Hold on," Draco interrupted me, "who in their right mind asks someone out as a friend?"
I paused. "You?"
He bit his lip. "You really are an idiot," he said softly.
I was silent for a moment, staring at his lips. "Can I—um," I heard myself say, "can I kiss you?"
Draco didn't answer; instead, he pulled me towards him, swiftly planting a kiss on my lips.
My brain seemed to short circuit, but at some point, I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, standing on my tip-toes to easily reach him. We stayed like that for Merlin-knows-how-long, standing in the middle of the quidditch pitch with our arms wrapped around each other.
We never did play that seeker's game.
(wattpad) (ao3)
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borhapparker · 5 years
ambs’ writing challenge!
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we reached a milestone!! yaay! thank you guys so much, oh my gosh! since this is a new follower milestone, i want to do something with you guys. i’m doing a writing challenge, and feel free to join in! i’m super excited about this and i’ve been working on it for a while now! it does have new characters/actors you guys can write for and choose. prompts are below the cut, but these are the rules!
rules: - must be following (it is a follower celebration) - reblog this post to spread the word - three people per dialogue prompt, two people per song prompt - you can only choose characters/actors from the list i share, its just easier for me to read from fandoms/characters/actors i regularly write for - the deadline will be december 23, 2019 (so everyone has time to actually write and post their stories!) - no smut is allowed! - can be a one shot or a series - use the read more for anything longer than 500 words - send an ask with which prompt you’d like and who you’re writing for - add any warnings that apply - tag your entry with #ambswritingchallenge - tag me as well and i will add it to the masterlist! (and i’ll actually keep track of it this time, i promise) - no first person - characters you can write for: bucky, peter parker, aladdin (new live-action), roger taylor, brian may, warren worthington iii, barry allen, charlie nelson - actors you can write for: ben hardy, tom holland, sebastian stan, mena massoud, gwilym lee, grant gustin, sam holland, harry holland, harrison osterfield
prompts and tags can be found below! good luck!
dialogue prompts:
“isn’t the idea supposed to be you saved my life, now i owe you a debt?” “nope. other way around. you saved my life, so now i’m your problem. if you don’t like it, then kill me.”
“is it true?” “according to some sources.” “it was your wedding!”
“see, this is why we don’t kill our friends.” - @honeybucks w/bucky barnes, 
“you have no reason to be mad at me, you broke my heart.”
“oh my god, you’re in love.” - @strangertingle w/bucky barnes, 
“what the hell is wrong with you?”
“i can’t keep kissing strangers and pretending that they’re you.” - @funkytalia w/roger taylor, 
“don’t close your eyes! stay with me!”
“i shouldn’t be in love with you.”
“were you ever going to tell me?”
“i-is that... a blood stain?” - @spidergirlwanab w/ peter parker, 
“go ahead, hit me.”
“what if one day i wake up, and you don’t?”
“look me in the eye, and tell me that this meant nothing to you.” - @funkytalia w/roger taylor, 
“this isn’t what i wanted.”
“i wasn’t lying when i said i loved you. please don’t do this.” - @awkwardfangirl2014 w/ bucky barnes, 
“i told you not to fall in love with me.”
“can we just pretend like we’re normal for once?”
“it serves me right for wishing on a star.”
“my dream wouldn’t be complete without you in it.”
“how dare you? all of you! standing around deciding my future? i am not a prize to be won!” - @harringtonsbaseballbat w/ warren worthington iii, 
“the rest of the world may follow the rules but i must follow my heart.” - @blissfulparker w/tom holland, 
“d-a-n-g-e-r. shortcut!”
“you’re the best thing i never knew i needed.”
song prompts:
a whole new world by mena massoud, naomi scott
ocean eyes by billie elish
don’t stop me now by queen
all for us by zendaya, labrinth
don’t you worry child by swedish house mafia
alive by pearl jam
crazy little thing called love by queen
what do i know? by ed sheeran
see you again by charlie puth, wiz khalifa
who do you love by 5 seconds of summer, the chainsmokers
lover by taylor swift - @mamaskillerqueen w/ ben hardy, 
graveyard by halsey
circles by post malone
truth hurts by lizzo
don’t call me angel by ariana grande, miley cyrus, lana del rey
teeth by 5 seconds of summer
sucker by jonas brothers
@darling-marvel @hollandroos @madmadmilk @bens-hardy @grandmascottlang @underoosstark @strangertingle @peteparkrrs @spiderboytotherescue @peachyhollands @bi-writes @spiderrrling @blissfulparker @boohooiamthefool @deacydarling @spidergirlwanab @fanboy-tom @fanasiana @mrshazosterfield @fairytaleparker
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junetuesday · 5 years
12 Days of Christmas - *8*
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Pairing: Tom Holland x Female Reader
Warnings: none i dont think???? shocking i know
Word Count: 1353 (she’s a shorty fillery thing)
A/N: Yada yada late upload etc etc. It’s before 4am though so that’s something, right? Full disclosure, I heard a woman on tv say the line about cheese and @spiderboytotherescue thought it was about dick so I mean I had to put it in here. Also hope you guys get the Love Actually reference otherwise the last line will be extremely confusing. I haven’t proofread this and nothing really happens in it but heyho xx
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December 18th
If there was one thing that would persuade you to go out on a four-degree December day, it’s a Christmas market. And as luck would have it, there was one such market not ten minutes from your flat - and a particularly good one at that.
Bundled up in a knitted jumper, your winter coat, black jeans and an exceptionally cute cream beanie-scarf-gloves combo, you all but dragged Tom by the hand through the high street. You wandered through the stalls, peering into each little wooden hut as you passed. Most were selling food; homemade jams and chutneys in jars topped with gingham-printed lids populated one stand, another overflowing with different cured meats and cheeses. You stared longingly at a huge block of stilton, but Tom pulled you away, wrinkling up his nose at the strong smell. If there was one thing you would change about your boyfriend, it would be his aversion to, shall we say, more sophisticated cheeses - i.e. ones that require their own drawer in the fridge.
“So disgusting,” he grimaced.
“And yet I still want to put it in my mouth,” you sighed, ignoring Tom’s smirk and quirked brow.
Reluctantly, you left the food stalls behind to browse through a selection of handmade jewellery. You chatted with the owner, trying to ignore your growling stomach as the woman described the spiritual properties of each of the stones in a necklace.
“Which one’s the Mind Stone?” Tom murmured in your ear, pressing against you as he pretended to inspect a truly hideous pair of earrings.
You faked a cough, bringing your gloved hand up to your face to conceal your giggle and nodding earnestly at whatever the woman was saying about auras. You had been quite interested in what she was saying, but now Tom had planted the idea in your head and you couldn’t stop picturing the necklace around Thanos’ giant purple neck.
Excusing yourself as politely as possible without actually buying anything, you squeezed past other shoppers to rejoin the stream of shoppers looping around the perimeter of the market. Stopping occasionally to look at a stall or point out a dog in a coat, you made your way around until you were back at the food stalls. This time though, you spotted something you hadn’t seen the first time, and Tom’s arm very nearly popped out of its socket from the force with which to pulled him to the counter.
“One Nutella crepe, please!”
You watched hungrily as the owner poured batter over a cast iron plate, spreading it thinly across the hot metal as it cooked. Pulling your gloves off with your teeth (cream gloves and chocolate spread don’t mix well), you recorded a Boomerang on your phone as Nutella was drizzled over, melting deliciously over the golden batter. By the time the owner handed you your crepe, folded over on itself and wrapped in a napkin, you were salivating.
Biting into the hot pancake, chocolate oozing into your mouth, you moaned, your eyes rolling back in culinary pleasure.
“Enjoying yourself?” Tom smirked, chuckling when you nodded enthusiastically. “Think you could handle getting a hot chocolate or will that push you over the edge?”
Licking a smudge of chocolate from the corner of your mouth, you nodded again. Looking around for a moment, you jabbed your crepe in the direction of a nearby bench. With melted chocolate sticking to the roof of your mouth, words were not an option, but Tom got the gist.
The metal seat was cold beneath your thighs when you sat down, your legs bouncing to keep warm as you waited for Tom to come back with your drink. Munching happily on your crepe, you took the opportunity to people watch. Being a Tuesday afternoon, it wasn’t exactly heaving, but there were a fair few people out. You watched a young mother crouching down in front of her son’s pushchair, trying desperately to shove his woolly hat back on his head after each time he tore it off. Kids are weird, you thought, I wouldn’t take this hat off if you paid me.
Taking another bite of your rapidly disappearing crepe, you turned your attention to an elderly couple across the street. You’d seen them about before, the man with his walking frame and the woman walking in front of him, pulling him along by the frame like it was a supermarket trolley with a wonky wheel as opposed to a walking aid. You watched them shuffling along the street together, contemplating what their story might be as you ate. Were they childhood sweethearts? Maybe they were on-again-off-again lovers in their youth, separated by some twist of fate, only to be reunited as divorcees some forty years later? Maybe they weren’t even a couple, maybe they were siblings, cousins, friends - you’d never know, but that’s all part of the fun.
“Stop staring at that old man.”
Tom’s voice pulled you from your speculations, a steaming cup of hot chocolate in each of his hands.
“How do you know I wasn’t staring at the woman?”
You nodded matter-of-factly when he shrugged, popping the last of your crepe into your mouth. Wiggling your legs as you got to your feet, you tried to regain some of the feeling in your thighs that you’d lost from sitting on the freezing metal.
“Apparently that’s how you get piles,” Tom noted as he handed you your drink. “Sitting on cold surfaces.”
“That-ah-” you took a sip, panting when the hot liquid burned your tongue. “That’s not true, but can we please not talk about piles?”
Taking your hand, Tom gave an exaggerated sigh.
“You never want to talk about anything fun.”
You pottered around the shops hand in hand for a while, sipping your drinks once they’d cooled down (and a couple of times before - you never learn). You snapped a few photographs as you went - one of the Christmas tree in front of shopping centre, one of the phone boxes toppled over like dominoes on Old London Road - and a couple of Tom looking startled with fans who mustered up the courage to ask for a picture after not-very-subtly following you around John Lewis for twenty minutes.
“Why do you look so terrified?” you laughed as you walked away. “You’re literally on camera for a living but as soon as someone goes to take a picture it’s like you lose control of your face.”
“You’re such a bitch, anyone ever tell you that?”
“Once or twice,” you shrugged, squeezing Tom’s hand as he linked his fingers through yours. “No one important though.”
By the time you left the department store, heavily laden with bags and most of your Christmas shopping complete, you were about ready to head home and fall onto the sofa in a heap. You were just about to suggest this to Tom when he stopped dead in his tracks, a panicked look on his face.
“Oh shit-”
“What?” You rejigged the bags in your hands, the handles cutting into your palms as you looked over your shoulder at him.
“I forgot to- hang on.” He stepped to the side, out of the way of people coming in and out of the store before setting his bags down. “Wait here, don’t follow me, I’ll be back.”
He pressed a kiss to your forehead, leaving you bewildered by the umbrellas as he scurried away back into the depths of the department store.
Five minutes later he reappeared, slightly out of breath and his cheeks flushed pink.
“Ready to go?” He smiled brightly at you, picking up the bags he’d set on the floor.
“You know I can see the box in your back pocket, right?”
Tom’s face drained of colour, his mouth opening and closing uselessly as his brain flicked through possible excuses.
“That- well - it’s-”
You shifted your bags to one hand, holding his jaw still with the other so you could bring you lips to hover just over his.
“If that turns out to be a fucking Joni Mitchell CD I will murder you.”
tags:@starksparker, @bi-writes , @snowflakespideys , @buckyparkerish , @thwippeter , @cutiehollands , @loserparker , @madmadmilk , @hollandlovely@spiderboytotherescue , @santahollands @dtftomholland @moonkissedtom@cabbagebag @iknowisoundcrazy , @spiderman-n, @luvnyuh , @parkerpuff @thwip-it-real-good @positiveparker @ap93mcu @popculture-parker@christmas-marvel @younglove16 @girlreaderr @pineapplwz @thequeensardine@idk-who-cares @hollandroos @mikalaka  @thot–holland @awkwardfangirl2014 @booksaremylife602 @learning-howto-be-myselfx3 @dacrekaydaddict @lovelyspidey @summernykole @smashley816
@unicorn-princess-1999 @uwu-peter-parker-uwu @sleepwalkingdragon @adisneygeek01 @hs-medicine @thelazypangolin @curlyhairedparker @curlytoms
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