#because i'd have to keep taking time off to drive my grandma around to things etc
sylvieons · 1 year
my desire to make more money vs my inability to hold down a steady job vs the countless other things i have to do that interfere with holding down a steady job even if my mental health were 100% fine vs new physical ailment that plagues me every few months that is mysterious and undiaganosible and then doesn't go away
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armpirate · 1 year
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Pairings: tattoist!jk x fem!reader
Genre: smut, angst, friends to lovers, tattoo au, virgin reader.
Summary: They say there are two versions for every story, and it's important to hear both of them. Everybody is hearing your side of the story, but it's just fair to get to know his.
After breaking up with his girlfriend, the only thing he wanted was to have fun with no attachment. You wanted to get rid of your virginity, and he wanted to tick you off his list. What he didn't expect was getting so emotionally attached to you that he would regret the deal.
Previous || Next
She doesn't live in one of the best areas of New York, but it's not the worst one I've been in either. Although this building... It looks like it might fall down at any point.
The cracking sound of the door draws my attention back to Y/n, finding her fighting to open the door. Her left hand twists the key, while the right one keeps pulling from the door until it finally opens. That sudden move almost made her fall to her back -and I say almost because I hold her by her arm before she's able to stumble enough to fall.
When she's aware of my hold, she hawks and moves her arm away cautiously.
—You do this every time you go in? —I look at her surprised— Last week I thought you were just so mad and frustrated you fought with the first thing you found.
—It'd be easier if we could fix it. But most of us earn just enough to survive every month.
I understand what she is trying to say. I guess that, if they're living here, it is because they can't really afford a lot more than enough to survive. But it still doesn't take away the fact that living like this is a headache. What if one day that trick doesn't work out and she's just stuck outside?
Sooner or later, they'll have to repair that door. Either it'll be by choice or they'll be forced to do it.
—Lift or stairs?
—It depends —I put my hands in the pockets of my cargo pants.
—I live on the fourth floor.
After driving for more than four hours, only stopping to get some gast? Yeah... no.
With no need to say a word, I lift my hand and point to the closed metallic lift. And if the door problem was something to worry about, the elevator only makes me concerned for her safety and genuinely makes me ask myself if she actually dares to go up and down on this thing. Being able to see the wires in charge to move this box up and down the building, the flickering lights giving the best horror movie environment and the buttons that Y/n almost had to punch to get this thing to move? She shouldn't be living in these conditions.
—Welcome to my humble home —she informs me after opening her door.
The big contrast is mind-blowing.
Opposed to the unkempt building, her house is tidy and cozy. And that floral scent that welcomes me as soon as I step inside only makes it even better. Everything just sticks together. There's a lot of white, gray and pastel colors -which is something I'd have never related to her if I had had the chance to guess.
Somewhere across the room, I see a similar turntable I have at home, and it seems like she has a big collection by the big amount of vinyls displayed on the small shelf next to it.
—Oh —I point to the old turntable in the living room corner—, I have the same model.
Pathetic way to try to start a conversation with her right now. I'll give myself that.
—It was my grandma's —she shrugs—. I also have a collection of all the vinyls she bought —she points to that same shelving, that's as tall as the furniture where the turntable is lying on.
Pressing my lips together, and aware of the grimace expression I've made, I simply nod and keep looking around, trying to find something to talk about. Or more like trying to find something that could give me a hint about who she actually is.
—Do you want something to drink?
—I'm fine.
I walk around, looking at all the details and seeing some pictures displayed on the furniture near the entrance door. A more innocent and smiley Y/n appears in one of the pictures, next to an old woman.
—So, are you going to rate my house?
And there she goes. Peace lasted way too long.
—Will you still play the enigmatic and interesting role? —I turn to her— You were about to set some rules.
—About that...
It doesn't take me long to guess she didn't think about anything, and probably she was sure she'd be able to come up with something while I was here.
—You didn't think of anything —I finish and think of the most important rule—. Then let me start: let's stop bitching at each other. Let's move on from that.
Whatever happened between us, needs to stop. We're both grown ups to still be bickering and fighting because of a misunderstanding three weeks ago.
Time to let that shit go if we're doing this.
—Two: Limits —she continues—. I want to set the pace of whatever this will be.
Which makes total sense.
—Of course —I let my body fall on the couch—. Three: Communication. If you don't feel comfortable with something, or you think you aren't ready, I need you to tell me. I will stop and I will mold to you. Like... If you don't feel like talking with a dude, or do something in bed with me, it's fine. We are here for that, so no need to rush it.
She crosses her arms on her chest, keeping her eyes on me as I sit comfortably on her sofa, as if I had been here more times than I could count them.
—Four: We can't tell anyone —she points a finger at me, as if she were warning me—. Let's keep it between us and as low key as possible.
—They'll think it's weird we get on well out of nowhere.
—As if they'll care that much about it. I'm sure they have more things to think about rather than you and me, and our childish fights —she interrupts me—. Doubt they'll notice.
I tilt my head, accepting her proposal.
—Five: No jealousy.
She cackles at my idea, which makes me frown.
She's laughing now, but at some point it'll happen -and probably it'll be from her side. It's good to set some things straight before we get into business.
—Okay, fine. I'll try not to fall for you. And I'll try not to fight every girl that drools for you. Alright?
Rolling my eyes, I decide it's a good idea to write all of this down. So as I try to remember everything we settled for now, I typed them on the phone.
—We need to write down all of this —I justifies myself—. I'll send you a screenshot when we're done. Your number, by the way? —I look up to her, and huffing, she finally gives me her phone number—. Six: You can't go out with the same dude more than once.
She huffs again, and I'm seeing every intention to protest against it. But I stop her before she's able to.
—You need to hang out with different guys to be able to get all the skills you need.
—Or more like you won't be able to enjoy your part of the deal if I fall for someone.
Oh... she really thinks I haven't thought about that.
—Let me get there —I type the rule on my phone before I say it out loud, sitting carelessly and resting my back on the backrest—. Seven: You can't fuck anyone. At least not until I do it first.
That sassy smile slowly vanishes away when I speak up about my idea.
What did she expect? Me getting her ready to be with a random guy, just for them to get a reward of all my hard work? That's not fair.
—You're kidding, right?
I shake my head, playing with my fingers on my lap as I let my phone rest on my thigh.
—It's a transaction, that's what the deal is about —I continue—. This is your part of it.
—And what if I like someone and I want him to be the first time?
—That's exactly why the sixth rule exists —I smirk—. I want to be the owner of all your first times, Y/n. I'll be working for it, and build you up to be ready for it.
And being the first one to taste her and feel her, after the big challenge she's been, is the best reward I could think of right now.
Moving my phone to the side of the couch, I reach for her hand, guiding her to move closer to me so she ends up standing in between my thighs. Both of my hands bring her closer by pushing her from the backside of her thighs, something that cuts her breathing momentarily as I try to place her on top of me, straddling my lap. My hands move up, until they both cup her hips over her gym pants.
—If I can't fuck with other guys —she whispers—, you can't fuck other girls.
—You want exclusiveness?
—No, fairness —she corrects me—. This is our deal, remember?
And I think it's a fair rule.
—Rule number eight: My release is yours —I rub my lips against hers.
—And my first times are yours —she finishes under her breath.
I move my hands over her body, delighting myself with being allowed to touch her this way after thinking about it for so long, deprived and forced to look at her from the distance.
I trace her jaw with my fingertips, moving up to her face to place one of her locks behind her ear. A route that my lips follow, from her lips, to her jaw, until they reach her earlobe. I can feel her fast paced heartbeat against my mouth as I travel over her skin, and I'm convinced she likes it when her mouth lets out a heavy breath as soon as my teeth get in contact with the spongy part of her earlobe.
Still holding her with my left hand on her neck, I reach the phone and manage -hardly- to type the rest of the rules down on the notes. I can see her eagerness and impatience whenever my eyes go up to her. And I know she's totally done when both of her hands rest on both sides of my head, as she tries to bend closer to my neck to be the one teasing me. But I move faster. I throw my phone somewhere on the couch, and cup her face with both of my hands again just to redirect her lips to mine before she can even think of being in contact with my neck.
Her lips are a bit clumsy at first, finding it difficult to follow my moves. But damn, don't they feel soft and addictive. Slowly, she catches the pace and encourages herself to directly touch me, making it hard for me not to groan when her cold fingers lie directly on the exposed skin of my neck.
She opens her mouth a bit wider, letting my tongue dig in her cave. That first touch with her tongue, mixed with the taste of her spit is making my brain go places it shouldn't go to right now. She gasps when I twirl my tongue around hers, and I can't help but grin at that reaction.
It really is making it difficult for me to hold back everything I want to do right now.
—Is this your first kiss? —I ask, breaking up the kiss.
She doesn't answer straight away, instead... I kind of feel bad for making that question when she frowns, and looks at me concerned.
—Was it that bad?
I move my thumb on her cheek. It was obvious she's inexperienced, but not in a bad way. If I hadn't broken up the kiss, I'm sure I'd be hard like a rock in my pants.
—Not at all, and that's dangerous.
Stopping myself before it's too late, I lift her up and let her rest back on the couch. She's confused, probably expecting more from this first time than just a kiss.
—You're leaving? That's not fair, you're such a teas...
—I'm leaving —I start walking to the door—. Now we're in a tie.
Of course mentioning what happened in the studio is way better than saying I'm so turned on, I'd probably would be ready to fuck her just with a kiss.
She doesn't need to know that.
—Anyway, this was an introduction of how it'll go between us from now on —I make a small pause—, cocktease.
—Stop calling me that —she warns me.
Oh, if she only knew she's only encouraging me to use that as her nickname from now on. The more she hates it, the more I'll use it.
—Okay —I sigh—, cocktease.
I rush to close the door of the apartment as soon as I see her taking her shoe off and see it fly across the room. Although I'm fast enough so I just hear it collide against the door.
Smirking again, I take my phone out and see her contact. On her name, where she wrote "Y/n", I edit it just to write "Cocktease".
It'd have been better if she had just ignored it.
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takitafulily · 1 year
Can I pull these TWST Characters? (& would their parents approve?)
Realistic answer is no for everyone but one can dream-
Inspired by mod A at @imaginefandomheadcanons!
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Riddle Rosehearts - Yes we can bond over mommy issues and I would hyperfixate on learning all of Queen of Heart's Rules Trey Clover - Maybe? I mean I like baking but he's a bit too much of an enigma for me to figure out Cater Diamond - 50/50 I can see his insecurities under that loud facade but I don't know if I'm right for him Ace Trappola - No he's a bit too mean for me even if he's joking I would probably take it to heart Deuce Spade - Yes he's already flustered around girls and I understand his shame for disappointing his mom
Leona Kingscholar - Maybe? I can understand his frustration with always being second best and eventually giving up on trying but I find it hard to imagine he'd take a interest in me romantically Ruggie Bucchi - 50/50 he's kinda tricky to get close to but I understand what it's like to be scared of not being able to put food on the table and know that richer people will always be better off no matter what Jack Howl - Yes I can sit on the sidelines and be his biggest supporter but wolves are quite possessive and a bit of miscommunication can end the whole thing
Azul Ashengrotto - No but I want to- He probably won't drop his walls enough for me to get through but god damn it I'll fucking try Jade Leech - 50/50 I can't really understand him as much as I want to, he's kinda like Trey but more dangerous, I'll be in the mountain lover's club to genuinely learn from him tho so who knows Floyd Leech - Maybe yes? It'll only last a day, I'm probably not interesting enough to keep his attention on me but I can kinda relate to his impulsiveness
Kalim Al Asim - Yes but I might not be able to keep up with his energy Jamil Viper - No but I want to- Drop your fucking walls and let me through damnit-
Vil Schoenheit - No he's too high maintenance for me, my inner curiosity wants to learn all the skin routines from him but I don't think I can keep up with his drive of working to be the best Rook Hunt - Yes and weirdly I can appreciate it Epel Felmier - Maybe? idk how to explain this one
Malleus Draconia - Yes not only because of Yuu but I can relate to the feeling of loneliness and being left out because you're the odd one out, also we can hyperfixate on gargoyles together Lilia Vanrouge - Yes now this amount of energy I can handle, also we can reminisce together, time is both cruel and merciful Silver Vanrouge - Yes I can take care of him when he falls asleep and match with his gentleness Sebek Zigvolt - Maybe? I have sensitive hearing so I can't take his shouting all day but I get his drive of wanting to protect people he cares about
Say I did pull them, would their parents approve?
Riddle Rosehearts - No, a magicless person is a magicaless person no matter how good their grades are, and it'll backfire if my grades are better than Riddle's Trey Clover - Yes, Clover parents are such sweethearts Cater Diamond - Yes but keep his sisters away from me I am only selectively clingy Ace Trappola - Yes they'd probably have too much fun teasing me Deuce Spade - Yes Spade mama is a big softy I love her
Leona Kingscholar - No they probably wants Leona to benefit the kingdom by marrying royalty from another kingdom, also no blood-related children Ruggie Bucchi - Yes grandmas love me, plus I'm bringing some homemade food Jack Howl - Maybe? They'd probably already talk about marriage and I'd feel pretty uncomfortable
Azul Ashengrotto - Yes they'd be happy that Azul's finally found someone who accepts him as he is Jade Leech - 50/50 They'd probably think I'm too innocent Floyd Leech - 50/50
Kalim Al Asim - No even as part of his harem they'd want someone beneficial, also no blood-related children Jamil Viper - Yes they're glad Jamil found someone who understands him but they wouldn't want to continue the Viper servant line
Vil Schoenheit - No my work drive can't keep up with the whole family plus my looks are average Rook Hunt - Maybe? They're too much of a mystery to me Epel Felmier - Yes Meema would love me
Idia Shroud - Maybe? Idk I haven't played through Chapter 6 yet but I have a vague idea
Malleus Draconia - No grandma Maleficent would prefer Malleus marry some royalty, also no blood-related heir Lilia Vanrouge - I'd have to obtain the ability to talk to the dead first Silver Vanrouge - Yes I'm calm enough for Silver but I can vibe with Lilia, also grandbabies (stolen adopted because I don't want to give birth thank you) Sebek Zigvolt - Yes his parents would probably find it funny that the human kink passed on
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screechingsigh · 8 months
Dad is probably angry. He let my strictly indoor cat run outside. He might get lost outside and never come back. He might get run over by a car. I'd never see him again. He is a picky eater who'll give him food that he likes.
Dad often tells me I am being too much and my cat is an unnecessary addition. There are 5 cats in the house right now. Dad brought the first one. She was tiny around 4 days old. He rescued the kitten brought is home and he was done. I bought bottles, learned to make replacement food for the kitten and the bought KMR with my own savings. I took care of a 4days old kitten feeding her every 2 hours for 24 hours round the clock. Fed her, help her pee, hot water bags. Every 2 hours. She was weak a terribly weak kitten. Nobody thought she'd survive.
My dad brought my Grandma home and asked me to share my room with her because my grandma needs someone to keep an eye on her. 96 years old is pretty old. I was stuck between a 2 weeks old kitten and a 96 year old grandma.
I would run to the kitten whenever she meowed. At two weeks old she didn't grow enough fur like a healthy kitten would.
My grandma is a weird person she'd ask for my help even when she needs to walk to the washroom while she could actually go by herself. I'd always keep an eye whenever she went to washroom anyway. She would not get up to eat she wants to eat lying down. I helped her everytime to get up and eat while sitting. Then one day I saw she simply got up by herself and went to washroom then came back and lie down again. She was fast and swift. And here I thought it's difficult for her to move by herself so I needed to be her walking stick. She never used one btw. Then I got in the room with her food and as usual she refused to sit up and eat. I was dumbfounded. If you can move that fast and efficient why would you not sit up and eat?
And there was the thing she did. Every half an hour she would ask me to switch on/off the fan. Sometimes every 10/15 mins. Even if I was taking a nap (I barely slept for around 3/4 hours a day while taking care of the kitten my dad brought and grandma). I was sleep deprived. Well I do have insomnia but that doesn't mean I need no sleep. My eyes and head hurt every single day. I kept up for 2 months like this.
During these two months my dad was very amiable with me. He actually gave me 45$ after that two hellish months saying I earned it. Which I ended up spending behind the cat he brought. Cats are costly. Not for my dad but for me a recent graduate with part-time online job and loads of failed interviews.
The only positive thing my grandma every said to me that I was taller than her. She also often speak about how my hair is short how I am not girly enough how I am too tall to find a good husband
how my skin color isn't bright enough
Now a days I don't care about her much. I left my room to her. Moved inside the storeroom. Shut the door turn off the light put on my earphones. Finally it's peaceful.
I am preparing for a job interview again. Hopefully I'll have better luck this time. And the male cat I adopted so my dad's cat (which I took care of) wouldn't develop a single kitten symptom.. I just hope my dad won't drive him away.
It's not that unlikely for dad to drive my cat away. He wants me gone as well after all. We are both unwanted. I wish I could function like everyone else does. I'd have been easier to secure a job.
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annieintheaair · 2 months
Hello Weekend
I honestly can't believe that I finally made it to Friday. This week has been incredibly long and I'm so sleep-deprived that I'd probably be happy with a weekend spent catching up on sleep at this point.
I have mixed feelings about it being Friday. Of course, I'm glad I'm done flying for the week and the rest of my month should be a little easier with only three trips per week, so that's something to look forward to. On the other hand, I became so used to the normal Friday of getting home from work, working my other job, napping, going to yoga at noon, and then loading myself and the dogs into the car to drive up to Todd's for the weekend.
I considered going to Disney World this weekend just to get away and go to a happy place. I went there not long after James and I broke up and it helped to get my mind off of things and feel happy again. After that breakup, I had planned out a whole train trip around the country. I had every intention of taking it but then realized that the last thing I needed right then was to take a trip alone. I felt like I just shouldn't be alone at that time. Instead, I went to Florida to visit my childhood friend, Pat, and we went to Disney.
I couldn't find a dog sitter for this weekend but I also knew that I shouldn't be spending the money right now when I have so many things coming up that cost a lot of money (like moving).
I got home from work around 7:30am today and was able to take a shower, get some work done, and then turn on the TV and fall asleep. When I woke up, Facebook reminded me that I had memories today. One memory was three years ago when I thought about my Grandma and just missed her so much. It's hard to believe that she has been gone so long. In the post, I talked about how when you love someone, you never stop missing them. I finished the post saying:
"Hold those you love close and tell them you love them. Our time here is so limited and our time with those we love is never long enough."
I still believe all of that today. There are lots of people like my Grandma and Dan, who I unfortunately, get to miss indefinitely. All of the people who once served a purpose in your life, random things happen in your day and it just makes you miss them all over again. Somehow, it feels worse to miss someone who is still here. It's almost easier when you know they're gone because they passed away. Missing someone who still exists in this world is incredibly painful.
Another post, from nine years ago, when I first started flying, was about my work trip to Chicago where I got to explore the city and walk 13 miles in one day all by myself because my crew wanted to stay in their rooms and watch Netflix all day. That day, I fell in love with Chicago. I said in the post, "In life, if you don't go alone, you probably won't go at all." My mom commented, "I just know that in this big beautiful world, there is someone waiting to travel with you!"
That Chicago post was NINE years ago! I'm STILL waiting for someone to travel with me. Dear God, I am EXHAUSTED!
I can go back and forth -- like, I'm ok on my own. But then, I keep seeing all of these events happening and fun things to do and I'm like, I really can't do any of those things alone and even if I tried, I don't think I'd enjoy any of it because I would feel lonely. Not having Todd to do all of the fun things with really sucks.
I can't go back in time and I feel like I can't fix anything. In therapy yesterday, Jose encouraged me to try to do the things I enjoy even on my own. We talked about how it's hard for me to do all of those things when everything means driving an hour. It was one thing to do it so I could spend the weekend with Todd but it feels like a lot to do it in one day just because.
When Todd and I were looking for a place together, there was more of a sense of urgency for us to find a place. Since his lease ends in June, we knew we needed to find a place by then. My parents seemed ok with that and so that became the timeline. Now, my mom seems to think that I should stay here forever until they find a buyer because she thinks I no longer have a timeline. Regardless of Todd, and even before we had started looking at places together and I thought I'd be moving on my own (which I am now, again), my timeline was still May/June. I wanted to move before summer when it gets too hot and I really don't think I can handle another summer without a pool.
Jose agreed that I'll feel better and happier once I'm back where I feel like I belong. He encouraged me to tell my parents that I still have that timeline even without Todd. When I tried to tell my mom that last night, she became really mad at me. Coming full circle here, that is exactly how I ended up with an anxious attachment style. When you have an anxious attachment style, your feelings can feel overwhelming and as a child, you learn how to manage them on your own because you feel like, no matter how hard you try to be close to people and how much you want them to understand you and accept your feelings, people treat you like you're too much.
I've been reading the book Secure Love and it made me think about times in my childhood when I felt like I was invisible. When I was 4 I ran with a noodle on my nose and ended up splitting my head open and needing 20 stitches. This was a call for attention. The same thing happened when I jumped off my bunk bed and nearly broke my nose. All these attempts at getting people to notice and care about me and even though I know my parents love me, sometimes when someone yells at me, like how my mom reacted last night, makes me feel like I can never do anything right. In the book, they call this "getting big" because it's how we get people to notice us when we feel ignored.
All these years later, I still can't stand to be ignored. Being ignored makes me feel like I'm being punished and like I can't do or say anything right.
The book I'm reading isn't only an attempt at fixing relationships, but also better understanding myself and those around me. I'm trying to be understanding when I feel ignored because I know that people with an avoidant attachment don't know how to process emotions and sometimes need time. I can't help but feel impatient because I just want to try to fix everything but I'm reading the book and working to become a securely attached person, instead of an anxious one. I just wish someone would notice my efforts and meet me halfway.
Well, I'm off to yoga to hopefully calm my mind and heart.
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heresathreebee · 3 years
The One Where She Got A Dog
Yelena Belova X Reader
Summary: how Yelena became a dog mom Masterlist Part 2
Tags: E | 1.8k words | scary movie, winter, secret pasts, sapphic
AN: Black Widow movie really got me in my feelings about those characters, Yelena in particular. I havent watched The Thing in almost a year please look the other way if movie events are out of order.
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Pretty Russian girls are not usually your type, but fuck if you weren't absolutely obsessed with this one. You laughed when she told you she was from Ohio.  She laughed when you said you were too. 
Aquavit and your grandma's biscuit recipe brought her into your cabin on the edge of the world where she admitted to you she had never seen John Carpenter's The Thing before. You turned it on just as the snow storm set in and wrapped up in your thickest blankets with her. You're trying not to get your hopes too high but she's not shy about asking you to scoot closer. 
"Skäl," you cheer just as the ominous opening credits end and they find the mysterious ship in the frozen wasteland of antarctica. 
"Have you ever been?," Yelena asked. 
You grimace at the strong taste of aquavit. It's like vodka but with caraway for 'flavor'. You look at her from the side and poor yourself a second shot. "Been…?" 
"There." She points at the screen. 
"I have actually," you admit in a way you hope is flat and uninteresting, "have you?" 
Yelena shook her head. It's possible she might think you're being sarcastic (you cross your fingers under the blanket and hope she does). She's smiling at you, thinking something (but still watching the screen with interest). 
She drops the subject until you have to pause the movie to pee. You unwrap yourself from the cocoon of blankets and as you stand she asks you another question. 
"What were you doing there? in Antarctica, I mean." 
You sigh and pretend to brush something off of your pants. "Science trip with my parents. Shitty vacation for me I'd rather be in the Bahamas." 
You resist the urge to look at her. After taking care of business, you come back just in time to put the biscuits in the oven. You hear Yelena lean into the kitchen archway as the floors creak immensely here. 
"No timer?," she asked. 
"No timer," you confirm. "I use the timer of my heart." 
Yelena scoffs. "Please don't burn them, I'm curious about these… what are they– pastries?" 
"Something like that." 
The two of you went back to the movie just as the gang on screen is trying to decipher who is human and who is not. You feel like something between you has changed and sadly not for the better. 
But she can't know. 
"I hate this part," you say, making absolutely no move to avert your gaze. 
Yelena is startled when the doctor's arms become trapped in the bear trap belly mouth of the "man" on the table. She quickly covers her eyes and giggles manically, slapping your chest for the vague and unhelpful warning. You realize she's not as close to you as before…
There's 20 minutes left of this movie and you haven't seen a single thing on screen. Yelena stopped asking you questions when you stopped being coherent with your answers. All you can think about is telling her. 
But you can't tell her. She would never understand. You barely understand and it's about you. 
"I lied." Your heart beats in your throat as you see her face you but you can't look at her directly for fear of losing your nerve. "About the science expedition? That's not why I was in Antarctica…" 
Yelena seems to wait for you to continue but… 
"Eh, no offense but, " you gesture with your hand, "I don't really know you like that." 
Yelena gave your reply a single nod. "I suppose that's fair." 
You can't help but fidget in your seat. "Idliketo" 
"What was that?" 
You cleared your throat. "I said… I said I'd like to. Know you like that, I mean…" 
Yelena gives you a smile. "I would like to know you like that, too." 
The movie ends, the biscuits are not burnt but buttery soft and golden brown, and the blizzard outside has subsided some. It's still going but at least it's not buffering the doors and windows like before. 
"How can you watch that film in a place like this?" Yelena cannot get enough of those biscuits, stuffing them in her mouth 2 at a time. "Does it make you paranoid?" 
"Yes it does," you say, putting your coat on, "I think that's what makes it so much scarier–  looking outside and being scared every person you come across ain't who they say they are. Sometimes its not a bad thing though... I think it is rather… poetic, too." 
Yelena's eyebrows furrow. "Where are you going?" 
You put on your boots and hope the duct tape stays on the hole you covered earlier. "Dogs are out in the shed. It's heated and they have food, but not for days and I'd rather have 'em in the house where I can take care of them." 
As you finished your sentence you reached for the door,  but stopped when you noticed Yelena getting dressed too. She gives you a nod as soon as her hood comes up, and you give this brave thing an appreciative once over. 
The snow that nearly all melted before is up to your knees now. Fresh, white, and fluffy. It muffles sound like the world's sidelong turning. The odd snowflake wafts lazily from the sky, but for the most part it's died down. You teach back and take Yelena's gloved hand to keep from staying too far apart. 
"You know I always wanted a dog," she said. She could have said it in a whisper from 100 yards away and you still would have heard her–  that is how eerily quiet it is. 
Yelena squeezes your hand and you squeeze back. She's probably remembering the movie. You try to distract her by saying, "Oh yeah? You can have one of mine then." 
Yelena laughs, then stops. "You serious?" 
"As a heart attack." You finally reach the door to the shed and unlatch the door. A chorus of barks begin and you charge forward to nudge them back to give Yelena space to come in as well. "I do some breeding up here–  just a side job. They're usually working dogs but they can be pets too." 
Buck licks your face from chin to forehead and you push him back. "Down, boy! Show some respect!" 
Yelena has two of the mongrels circling her, sniffing all her clothes and demanding to be pet. "That's Burt, Barney, and Bella. Buck's my stud, but these heathens are going to a farm. They've got sheep to watch." 
Yelena chuckles as her hands get covered in slobber. "I love them." 
They're almost grown, three quarters the height of their father. Buck didn't even look in Yelena's direction because he knows you give him treats. You take your scarf off as the heat of the shed threatens to smother you and search your pockets for jerky.  
"She's in there with the new puppies." You point to a darkened closet. "Don't get too close now, she's still a little protective." 
Yelena creeps closer. You see her look at you from the corner of her eye. Probably terrified by the morphing dog scene from the movie. You give her an encouraging smile and tell her where to find the light. It's a pull cord and it bathes the room in a warm golden yellow light. 
Yelena's heavy, controlled breathing turns into a coo. Mama dog is laying on her side watching the newcomer closely. There's a pup asleep in the nest of her legs, another chewing on the hay that litters the ground, and the last one is biting their mother's ear. Yelena looks back at you with an adorable pout on her lip. 
"So cute…" 
You chuckle and put your arm around her. Buck knows to steer clear of mama dog and slinks off. You make your guest walk closer with you to show mama she's got your confidence. 
"Yelena, this is Beyonce." Mama dog's ears perk at the sound of her name. "Beyonce, this is Yelena. Be nice." 
You reach down and scoop up the hay eating puppy at your feet. "This one's always hungry." 
You put the pup in her arms and scoop up the biter. "This one likes to play. All the time. Got more energy than the blue Energizer bunny actually." 
The pup in question is literally trying to wriggle out of your hands in its eagerness to climb you and eat your hair. 
"And that one sleeps a lot?" Yelena nodded her head at the last pup. 
"Pretty much." You put the writhing excited puppy down before it hurts itself and look up into the rafters. "And then there's the climber…" 
You both turn your heads when you hear a tiny bark. A cute little face stares down at you from the rafters and there's a feather stuck to its nose. You shake your head knowing this pup got it from ripping up pillows in another part of the dog house. 
"Better go get her," you said, not moving an inch to do so.  
Yelena sees your challenge and rises to it. As if trained to do exactly so, she assesses the wooden interior for foot and hand holds. You can see the wheels turning in her head as she calculates what will and won't support her weight. In the sweep of a single moment, she rises from the door and swings herself into the rafters using a build up a momentum to propel her fast in an upperward direction. She completes the climb and balances with ease, reaching out to collect the happy wagging miscreant from her mountain top, tucks her in her jacket and climbs a different way down. 
You stare at her. "Were you raised by trapeze artists?" 
Yelena laughs. "I thought everybody was." 
The pup is safe and happy and eager to explore its new friend. Yelena lets her lick, sniff, and scratch at her skin, her clothes, her hair. The pup catches Yelena with a tiny lick right on the tip of her nose and Yelena looks back at you with adoring eyes. 
You smile. "Got a name for her already don't you?" 
"Yes," Yelena whines, "no, are you sure about this? I should probably tell you I've never had a dog before…" 
"I can tell your good people," you reply. "And smart as a whip. You'll adapt, just call me if you ever need anything." 
Three weeks later you get a phone call from an unknown number. It's Yelena giving you an address and making you swear never to tell anybody about it. You don't have any friends so it's an easy secret to keep. 
You drive a few miles south and stumble upon a stationary trailer in the middle of nowhere, nothing but clearings and trees and sky. Actually very similar to your own home. 
The door opens and Yelena greets you with a beer and the pup under her arm, already almost a foot bigger than she was before. 
"Her name is Fanny." You both laugh yourselves hoarse and pile into the trailer to puppy proof the place. 
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sinswithpleasure · 3 years
The Playgirl (ft. LOONA’s Yves) [Part 5] [Female Reader]
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This chapter is also on AO3 and AFF.
Beta read & edited by the wonderful @existslikepristin​ and @ggidolsmuts​
Yves sits in front of her grandma's headstone, a bucket of water and a cloth next to her. You sit under a nearby shelter, watching as Yves starts cleaning the headstone. 
Yves seems to be saying something. As much as you don't want to interrupt the moment, you can't help but want to know what's going on. After all, it's not like Yves said not to come close to her during this time. You slowly wander towards Yves, wanting to go surprise her with a hug from behind.
As you get closer, you start to overhear what Yves is saying. She doesn't notice you at all, with how quiet your footsteps are and how focused she is on her task. You hear a few choice words before you sneak close enough to hear everything.
Hey Granny, it's me, Sooyoungie. I'm back again.
I'm doing fine with school, a lot better since you left, actually. I got myself a tutor, and am finally taking the time to study again, instead of chasing all the fun. 
I still miss you a lot. I wish I could have said goodbye. 
Alright, on to happier things.
I've been having a lot more fun in school recently. It's not just because of studying. I still have the urge to attend every party and drink all the alcohol I want, but I'm… trying not to right now. I have this girl I really really like, maybe… maybe I'm in love with her, and I promised her I'd study and ace the exams. 
I used to think she was just another girl, at worst just annoying. When we were placed together as seatmates, we'd argue a lot about who was right: is it good old me, the "cool kid", or her, the good girl who prefers to chase stability and plan for the future? I still think she's wrong sometimes, and I still think I'm mostly right, but she… she made me reconsider some points recently. I can't just chase fun, because I've slowly come to realise that I want a future, but I want that future with her in it. I'm really considering keeping her, hopefully for a really long time. I guess she's right in some ways. I'm trying to fit her in my future now. 
She's somewhere around here, Granny. She said she wanted to wander around, so I let her. 
Yeah, she's my tutor and my seatmate. The same girl. I think I love her. I want to make her mine, but I'm scared, Granny. My reputation… isn't the cleanest these days, and I'm scared if she lets me take her, then people might say bad things about her. She's perfect, Granny. I'm scared that I won't be a good fit for her. 
I know you're asking how I know, so here's storytime, I guess. She was always annoying until recently, when she was made to tutor me. At first, I didn't take her seriously, but she kept calling me and bothering me until I showed up. If anything, she was relentless, and I hated it. However, I pissed her off one too many times, and she confronted me. The way she did it was… unexpected, and that made me look at her differently. 
I started getting interested when… when she came to class one day in a dress. You told me, Granny, when you first saw Grandpa in what, pants, suspenders, and a dress shirt with a cap? Was that what it was? Anyways, you said that when you saw him in those, time stopped, and all you could feel was the pounding of your own heart? Yeah, that was… that was me with her. She looked so beautiful, Granny, like… like the sun shone from her skin. 
I dunno if she noticed then, but I think she did. She's been wearing a lot of dresses recently, and it's not helping my heart at all. She looks so beautiful, Granny, and everything in the world seems brighter. So much brighter. 
Have I told you about her eyes, Granny? They're brown. I know brown isn't anything special. Just brown. But she… her shade of  brown is special, Granny. The brown in her eyes shines with personality, with dedication and drive to do her best. I love it when her eyes flash with determination when she tries to teach me Math, Granny. When she looks at me with patience while figuring out how to get me to understand what she's talking about. You used to tell me that Grandpa looked the best working on his passion, and it makes sense now. I finally understand all you've said.
She's so kind, Granny. So, so kind. You know how outside our apartment there's that stray cat, Granny? The one you kept feeding even when told not to by the guard? She does the same, Granny. She brings treats for the cat every time she comes over, and when she plays with the cat, she gets this beautiful smile that I don't see often. When she does something nice, like give money to buskers, or like… shares food with me, she always has this really beautiful grin, like she's so happy to do nice things. She's so gorgeous, Granny, and I don't know what to do with myself. I want to hug her and never let her go, Granny, and you know I'm not like that. 
There was once she fell sick and I went over to her place to look for her. She told me she was sick and cancelled our study session abruptly, and I worried so much. I worried so much and brought her your porridge, the one you always made when I was sick? Yeah, I rode over to her place and visited her. She tried to chase me out so I didn't get sick. Even when she wasn't well, she still cared. I stayed though, because… because I didn't want to leave her alone. I wanted to make sure she was okay.
I told her a bit about Dad and Mum, and showed her our pictures. I now know why you took so many when I was growing up, and I thank you for it, Grandma. I'll do the same with her, and I wish you were here to meet her. I think you'd love her too.
Maybe… maybe one day she'll be mine. One day I'll tell her, and I hope she accepts me. If she does, I'll come and tell you, Granny. I'll bring her too.
I'll come back, okay? I'm starting to miss her and I kind of wanna go bother her. Love you, Grandma!
"Hey babygirl."
"Hey. A bit of a long chat, huh?"
"Yeah, I spilled my heart to her."
Yves takes your hand, slowly walking with you out to the parking lot. She is silent, a lot of thoughts visibly going through her head. Similarly, you have a lot of thoughts going through yours too.
"I talked about you."
"I told her about you." 
"What about me?" 
A futile question, of course. You know everything. All of Yves' feelings, bared to her grandmother, but also unintentionally bared to you. You do not know how to feel—this is knowledge you're not supposed to have, and yet you're aware of how much Yves feels for you. 
"It's a secret, babe. You'll know soon."
"What if I wanna know now?" 
You do. You want Yves to tell you how she feels. You want to confess to her too. You nearly spill everything to her on the spot, all your feelings, desires, and love for her. You want to pull Yves into your embrace and hold her against you forever.
Yves pulls you to face her, her lips inches from yours. You start to panic, and Yves strokes your cheek. 
"Calm down."
She moves in, and you close your eyes. Her lips impact the edge of yours, just at the side. 
"Are you going to ask again?"
You shake your head, blinking rapidly. 
"Fucking hell, you're so goddamned cute."
Yves kisses your forehead, arranging your hair when she's done. 
"Let's go. I'm hungry."
Over lunch, Yves asks you in between bites of a burger, "Did I ever tell you why I preferred chasing fun over what you'd do, chasing stability?"
"No, why?"
"Because Granny just passed like that. Life is short, babe. I don't think I should sweat too much when I could just… suddenly not be having fun anymore."
You think about it for a while. 
"But what if you do have a long life left? You never know. Plan for it."
"And I agree. I gave it some thought, and I think you're right. I've got some things I should sweat for, and I'll do it."
Yves rests her chin on her palm, tilting her head to the left. Her eyes soften as she looks into yours, lips curled up into a soft smile. You want to lunge across the table and plant your lips on hers. You want to let her know that she already has you, that she doesn't need to second guess herself and her worth, that she's the girl you love too. 
However, she isn't ready. As much as you want to rush ahead to officially call her your girlfriend, you have to wait. She's not ready, and you're not about to rush her either. 
You know you have her, and she has you. That's enough.
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choptop-sawyer · 3 years
Hi again 😎💫 im here to dig at ur brain again bcs i. M. Aaa sorry i just love ur stuff but. I have this kinda rly specific storyline type hc area and I'd love to hear any hcs you might get from it if its at all jr thing. But um I keep sometimes thinking back to the idea of kinda, vaguely growing up in the same area as the Sawyers, being childhood friends (and being stupid 2gether, running arount the countryside, ditching school & playing in corn fields) -
But then having to leave in your late teens to school / whatever (I mean 😎 my sappy ass also thinks abt mutual pining w Bobby but you know...... nearly unrelated.......)
Then, later on (Bobbys now Chop Top, Nubbins is..... dead I guess but also >:( maybe not, the family is up to being a mess etc) returning to town to take a break from work or whatever. N meeting up w the family again, i mean, oblivious to the bullshit they get up to but.... yk
This is a bit rambly i should probs have waited to sleep but I can't get the thought of returning to the Sawyer door wearing Bobbys tie dye sweatshirt that hr borrowed u years ago and all the impact of being a former family member bc u were also kind of an outsider or whatever but also the drama of leaving so uwu sksjd
This got so long. All i wanted to ask is: sawyer family headcanons for a childhood friend returning to town after being away for years. Rip.
THANK YOU FOR SENDING THIS god I love the image too of just standing in the doorway,, you're not home, you've changed a little bit, but you still fit into some of the old aspects you know so well they fit you and cover you.
Actually this is great because that fic that I swear exists has pretty much the same premise but!!! I can make this one less tragic than that one. 😎
(This is mostly Chop Top n you centric please don't mind)
Also this timeline is all fucky. I think that as soon as Chop came home from Vietnam the Sawyers had basically uprooted themselves and were living in North Texas because of the... Hardesty incident. But like can we pretend that that never happened they r still there in Newt? Just for this. (Hope you like it!)
Chop Top's Childhood Friend Returns
You don't think you would have turned out the way you did without the Sawyers.
They were the main element of your childhood, a mystery that you had to be a part of. A mystery, because they were closed off. Mistrustful. The sickness of small towns carried to the extreme, because they were mostly alone. The loneliness made them more miserable, the misery made them more isolated. A cycle, a legacy.
So it was a a miracle that you were even allowed to be apart of some of it, but you attribute that miracle to Bobby.
He seemed to think you were as much of mystery as what you thought the Sawyers were. Two kids looking through a small window into another world. But he liked that. He liked that you were something different, something new. From beyond that small world of loneliness that lived in the house.
You learned quickly that he had a desire for anything beyond that world. So he'd invite you out with him, when you were kids, to run free in the tall grass, when you got older, to drive with him to places unknown. He had a knack for finding these odd places, and he always brought you along with the music cranked up loud on the radio.
Bobby told you many times that he wanted to see the world. He had this lust for life that went beyond the restlessness of the young. He also said that he wanted to bring you along with him when he saw the world. You didn't ever mention how that always made your heart skip a beat when he said that.
Maybe you should have. But the past is the past and you can't change that.
You knew the other Sawyers too, but Bobby tended to avoid them sometimes. But occasionally, you got to hang out with them.
Nubbins was an enigma. You didn't think Nubbins was his real name. But that's the only one you heard from him, but the name situation was the least confusing thing. He was the most open person you knew. And yet you couldn't understand him, and decided at some point that you wouldn't ever. But he was fun. His energy was infectious, if he was filled with joy, you couldn't help but laugh with him too. That was Nubbins, so absent of any purposeful deceit that he was almost a mirror, you saw yourself around him, sometimes it was uncomfortable, but other times it was fun.
Bubba was the opposite. He seemed to be legitimately wary of you. Bobby once told you that Bubba didn't like to leave the house, ever. He stayed and did the chores. You wondered if he minded, being stuck with all the chores but Bobby said he didn't. It was comforting for him. Always having something set to do. You only saw him once. Nubbins had made him tag along when he needed him to hang some things from a tree. Bones from indeterminate animals, a clock with a nail through it. You don't think Nubbins actually needed Bubba to reach the branches (he climbed pretty well) but he just wanted his little brother to see his work. Bubba didn't make eye contact with you the entire time. He was wholly focused on his task of helping Nubbins. But he was gentle when he helped his brother, careful, and for that you liked him.
Drayton was... well. He was the one Bobby argued with the most. He was his brother, but with how much age between the two, it was almost hard to believe sometimes. Drayton was the one that everybody in Newt knew the most. People liked him well enough, but they said he was odd behind his back. He knew that. You don't think he trusted anything outside the insular world he and his family had existed in for years, and was at odds with Bobby because he didn't get why Bobby wanted anything to do with the world outside.
Oftentimes you would see Bobby after he and Drayton got into it. He'd be fuming, but he'd smile when he saw you. You'd leave with him whenever he came to you. These adventures were the most fun you had when you were there.
The other times you'd go off were when he'd convince you to skip school. Bobby never went himself. He didn't get the idea of all those kids sitting in classrooms for hours, doing nothing but writing and listening. Why do that when you can find things out for yourself? Get into some trouble? In his mind, he was saving you from a very boring thing.
You two knew the area around Newt well. The fields and the flat expanses were the best kind of playground. Your dreams were still set in them. A kind of sunshine filled melancholy.
Bobby told you things in the grass. His dreams yes, but his own thoughts. On music, on late night radio, on movies, on you. He perhaps thought of you as wonderful as voices on the radio, stars on the screen. He never told you that though. But your name was never far from his mouth when Bobby talked about the things he loved.
You and him loved each other as much as two kids who didn't know how to could. He was always on your mind now, with not much tangible objects to remember him with. A photograph taken by Nubbins, your faces blurred because you were laughing. A button, the pin on the back bent. A sweatshirt, which he tie dyed himself, and gave to you one night. The colors were faded. You never did get to return it.
The years away did nothing to lessen thoughts of him. No, they just blurred all together now, and the stream of the sunshine filled melancholy was almost endless. You needed a break. There was only one place you could think of that could help you with that.
So you came back. All things led back to this place eventually. Newt was dying, or dead. Didn't you see somewhere that when a ship went down, it took everything with it? You didn't want to stay for long. But you had to see all of them, you had to know that they were all not these strange figures you had dreamt up.
You went right to the house. You'd never actually been allowed inside, Bobby just always said something along the lines of 'Grandma and Grandpa are napping upstairs' or 'there's a mess' (never mind that he could care less usually about messes.) But you figured he had had a good reason. Maybe he was embarrassed.
When you knocked on the door, your heart was pounding. And that was all. Nothing happened, no indication that anyone was there. You waited, the sweatshirt was too hot but you didn't want to take it off.
Maybe you should come back another time. You were just about to turn around and leave when the door burst open, almost whacking you in the face. And there (you couldn't believe your eyes you couldn't this was a dream) he was.
Bobby had a hammer raised over his head, grinning, he was poised to swing it down, but then he saw you and he felt as if he was in a dream too.
It's been so long. He thought he made you up, a dream to carry him through misery, and you looked the part, even as you stood before him on the doorway. The light of the setting sun shone behind you, heat waves shimmered in the dusk, and you... you.
Facing each other, you stood, just staring. Over head the sky grew colorful, in the fields the grass whispered in the wind. Nothing had changed. Everything had changed. Bobby dropped the hammer and grabbed for your face, and he held it, fingers digging in so tight it hurt.
"H-hey you." He said, and fell to his knees, releasing your face. You numbly touched the marks his fingers left. Bobby still looked like a man who had seen a ghost.
You called his name, and his eyes looked lost, like he hadn't heard it in a long time. He looked up at you, and you could really get a good look at him. His face was leaner, he looked sickly and wiry, but his eyes were just as you remembered. You sank down to the porch to sit with him.
"Fuck... FUCK I didn't... I- I thought ya'd forgotten all about me... uh.. uhm. Fuck! I mean, r-really! Turnin' up out of the blue like you're some kinda... ghost or whatever... WHOA man... like, ya here to return m-my, my sweatshirt? You're wearin' it, you can keep it! You look better in it anyway... heh, fuck." He rambled on and on, hands tensing and twitching as if they were moving to touch you again, just to reaffirm your existence. Did he know how glad you were to see him? Did he know that you hadn't felt right for the longest time being away?
You forgot all about the sweatshirt, the hammer he had raised with a sadistic grin. You reached out and held one of his twitching hands, and he stilled and stopped talking. There was a peace now.
It didn't seem possible for your heart to feel this full. But it was. And by god, if this wasn't the best decision you made in your life to visit your old hometown, if only just for this moment.
Bobby stood, with your hand still in his, pulling you up. He smiled at you, and you knew you still loved him, and in your deepest heart, you knew he loved you too.
But this time around, maybe you and him could love each other right.
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Go Go Let's Go! Let's Go! Dateko! (Pt 2. Smut)
Warnings: swearing, gross amount of fluff, oral sex (female and male receiving), vaginal sex, unprotected sex, cum play, cum eating, implied shower sex
Word Count: 7,000 +
Kenji refused to tell you where the tournament was in hopes that you would just not show. But you knew better. Not only would you get to see your son play but lord that coach!
You wandered into the Date Tech section as you lean over the railings. The team is gathered around the bench ad the coach is giving them a pep talk before the game
"Futakuchi you're mom came" Obara laughs as he nudges Kenji.
"Please don't make eye contact with her it will only encourage her" he says as he places his hands on his face.
Coach Oiwake turns to see you beaming as you wave to the team. He gives you a small nod and a smile as you blush and take your seat.
"Miss Futakuchi?" A voice from besides you says.
"Oh Moniwa! It's so good to see you!" You smile as you wave to the other boys.
The boys look at you as Moniwa introduces you "this is Futakuchi's mom! Miss Futakuchi, this is Kamasaki and Sasaya both former third years on the team."
"It's so nice to meet you boys! I'd like to apologize for my idiot son's ignorance as an underclassmen. He deserves to feel the pain of being team captain" you say as you smile to the boys.
The game progresses quickly as you catch glimpse of the coach looking up at you when he is able to spare a second. You catch his eyes smiling at him.
Kamasaki whispers to Moniwa and Sasaya "damn coach has got it out for Futakuchi's mom. You see those looks." 
 Moniwa rolls his eyes "come on man knock it off"
He looks to you ad he sees his former coach staring right at you
"Ok you right" Moniwa says as Kamasaki crosses his arms laughing.
After the game you proceed the hallway to wait for the boys with the third years. Kenji and the team walk up to you as Kenji rolls his eyes and buries his face.
"Oh knock it off Kenji. You act like I'm the most embarrassing thing in your life" you say as the third years and the team laugh.
"Mom notice how no other parents are here? That's because they care about their kids reputations" he says as he glares at you.
"Awe baby I care. Just not enough" you say as you laugh walking past the boys.
"Good game guys" you say waving as you round the corner.
You walk straight into coach Oiwake as he's reviewing his notes.
"Oh Y/N. I'm so sorry I didn't see you there" he says flustered
"Oh gosh it was all me! I'm such a klutz" you says laughing awkwardly.
"Say thanks for coming out to support the team. I know the boys appreciated it" he smiles.
"Everyone but Kenji" you chuckle as he laughs.
"I'm sure Futakuchi enjoyed it too. He's just into his roll as captain" coach says as he looks down.
"Say Y/N I was wondering" he says as he scratches the back of his head "would you like to have coffee sometime?"
You smile softly "of course Takuro! Only if we don't tell Kenji."
"Deal" he says as he smiles at you.
You started seeing Takuro as often as you could. You could talk nightly on the phone and see each other when you could. It helped that Kenji was the team captain and had his own active social life. Still it was hard to sneak away without him noticing.
You had been secretly seeing Takuro for a few weeks. Things were getting pretty steamy between the two of you. You had several heated makeout sessions with Takuro but nothing even went further. You always had to leave because Kenji expected you home and you already hated lying to your son about your relationship with his coach.
Takuro had asked you to spend the night with him the week prior and you had agreed. All you needed was a plan to convince Kenji of your absence. You start pondering as you begin preparing lunch. You had to tell him something as go why you wouldn't be home. He knew you didn't work this weekend so that wasn't good enough.
"Hey mom I won't be home this weekend" Kenji said as he rushed into the kitchen
well shit that was easy
"Oh where are you going" you question.
"Obara invited me to a party tonight and them tomorrow we are having a game with the third years. Those losers keep hanging around so we might as well put them to use" Kenji says as he chuckles.
You laugh "ok well don't do anything I wouldn't do"
"Geez mom don't set the bar too high. You literally use to sneak out of grandma and grandpa's house all the time" he laughed
"Hey HEY" you say trying to stay serious "ok yeah I was an awful kid. Go be free my child". You wave Kenji off as he bids you goodbye.
You smile as you text Takuro that you will be over tonight. You tell him your going to run to the store to grab ingredients to prepare dinner for the two of you.
As the night approaches you leave for Takuro’s house. You arrive at the store as you begin to shop. Suddenly a hand snakes around your waist as a face presses to your neck.
"I SWEAR TO GOD I HAVE A TASER" you scream as the voice laughs.
"I can't ever be cute can I?" Takuro laughs as you calm down from your near heart attack.
"Well not if you're going to stalk me! Jesus Takuro" you huff.
"I couldn't wait to see you sweetheart" he says as he kisses your neck. You giggle as he focuses on your sweet spot. 
 Unbeknownst to you, 2 pairs of eyes watch from outside the store window.
"Futakuchi isn't that your mom?" Obara says as he stops walking outside the store.
Kenji looks up and sees you hugging Coach Oiwake as he kisses your neck.
"What the fuck?" Kenji says angerly.
"Dude let's go before they see us" Obara pushes Kenji past the store window as Kenji feels his face heat with anger.
How could you lie to him?
You grab your groceries as Takuro carries them to your car.
You arrive at Takuro's house as you prepare to exit your car. He runs up to your car door, swinging it open as he grabs you from the seat.
"JESUS CHRIST TAKURO YOUR'RE GOING TO GIVE ME WHIPLASH" you scream as he tosses you over his shoulder, spanking your ass as he carries you inside.
He sets you down as he starts to kiss you deeply, pulling his track jacket off as he pulls your cardigan from your shoulders.
You giggle as he releases you lips and travels to your neck "impatient much? I just got here what's the rush big shoots?"
"Can't wait any longer" he says as he pulls away from you looking at you "you just drive me nuts Y/N. I just need you so bad."
He kisses you neck violently as he grasps you ass pulling you up to him. He signals for you to jump as he carries you to his room.
"Wait the groceries" you say in-between his kisses as his hands start to travel up your tank top.
"It's fine baby" he says as he lightly tickles your skin as he kisses you. He licks your lower lip asking for access as you pull away. You get up on your knees and crawl away from him towards the top of the bed. You sit on your knees and you cross your arms over your chest.
The man is flustered. His head hangs low as his arms rest on the bed, his muscles stretching his white t-shirt.
"No more sir until you get my groceries in" you pout as you look away from him trying to keep a straight face.
"Fuck-ok" he says waving his hand as he walks to your car to retrieve the groceries. You take the opportunity to strip your clothes, revealing your matching lace bra and panties set.
You kneel at the edge I the bed, waiting for Takuro to come back. Your hands resting on your lush thighs.
"Ok baby no-" Takuro begins to say as he walks into his room.
He stops as his eyes literally bulge from his head.
"Fuck" he whispers as he falls falls to his knees at the sight of your gorgeous body clad only in a small amount of fabric.
"D-Do you like it?" You say shyly. It wasn't like you to be self conscious but then again you haven't had sex in years.
Takuro can't speak.
you literally broke the man Y/N. RIP Coach Oiwake Takuro 2021
He just stares as you start to feel self conscious.
He gets up and walks over to you as he leans in front of you face. He smiles at you as he grabs the back of your head pulling you into a heated kiss.
He guides you back on the bed as you toy with the hem of his shirt. He straddles you as he sits up removing his shirt.
Fuck the man is built. For being in his late 40s he's sculpted like a Greek statue. You feel up his chest as he kisses you deeply exploring your mouth with his tongue. He releases you from the kiss as he stares down at you.
"Y/N I'm going fucking worship you baby" he says as he kisses down your neck.
You feel your core heat up as your panties begin to get wetter and wetter with every kiss. You can't help but moan as he reaches your sensitive spots.
He works his way down your chest. He kisses your nipples over your lingerie as he moves the straps down to kiss your shoulders.
"We are going to leave this on because it's driving me insane" he says as he tugs at your bra. The straps down on your lower arms as the cups barely hold your full breasts.
He moves to your stomach as he kisses every square inch. The man is romantic as hell!
"You ready sweetheart" he says as he moves his fingers into your panties.
You nod as you pull your lip between your teeth. You can't believe how wet you are.
Takuro slowly pulls down your panties as a string of your essence glides with the panties.
"Fuck" he says as he rests his head in your thigh "whatever God decided to bless me fucking THANK YOU"
You giggle as he kisses your inner thighs. You moan at the feeling and growing sensation. He looks up at you as he spreads your pussy lips with his fingers and takes a long lick of your wet slit.
You shiver as your back arches. Takuro takes no time diving into his new home.
Fuck you were so wet and you tasted so good.
"Holy shit Takurō. Fuck right there" you screams as your back begins to arch high and higher. You've never had oral like this before.
"Fuck yes yes yes right there keep going. Omg fuck I'm going to cum" you say as you grab his head and push it further into your cunt. You rub your cunt on his face as the rope inside you snaps.
You screams as you cum hard on your lovers face.
Takuro backs up as he kisses your thighs. He slowly inserts two fingers into your already sensitive pussy as he begins to move them.
"Cum again sweetheart. I need more" he says as he pushes two fingers into your sopping wet cunt. You're still riding out the high from your previous orgasm as he leans over, pulling you up to meet him in a deep kiss.
He grabs your hair as he pulls it back exposing the column of your neck to his lips. He probes your cunt faster as you feel yourself building up.
"Ahhh ahh fuck Taku, ah" you cry as he kisses your neck quickening the speed of his fingers.
"Come on baby give me one more and then I'll fuck this tight little pussy. Please give me one more" he says as you feel your core snap as your cunt spasm around his fingers.
You fall back to the bed as he stands up removing his pants. You stare at his long cock with wide eyes.
"I'll be gentle angel" he says as he reaches for a condom.
You shake your head "I want you to cum in my mouth. Fuck me raw and cum in my mouth Takuro" you say seductively as you pull your lower lip into between your teeth.
"Baby you- you can't say shit like that. Fuck" he says as he flips you around to all fours as he lines up his cock.
"Let me suck you please" you say looking over your shoulder with doe eyes.
"Later baby later I-I'm not waiting any longer to fuck you" he says as he slowly starts to push is cock into your wet entrance.
"Holy- Y/N baby you need to relax" he says as he grabs your hips stopping himself from moving further.
"Relax? I haven't been fucked in years and you want me to relax?" You say as you trust yourself backwards impaling yourself on his hard cock.
"Fucking shit Y/N! God dammit I want to last longer than a minute" he shouts as he spanks your ass. You refuse to listen as you propel yourself back to his cock as he tries to hold you off.
"I swear to God if you don't fuck me-" you say as he flips you around standing up and yanking you down to the edge of the bed as you lay on your elbows.
"You'll do what Y/N?" He says in a sadistic voice as he pushes his cock all the way into your cunt in one swift movement.
"Shit" he chokes "God baby this is the tightest cunt" he says as he pulls back, setting a brutal pace as his balls slap your ass.
Your eyes roll to the back of your head as you feel every single centimeter of his cock on your inside walls.
"Fuck Y/N baby are you close" he says as he looks down to you.
You're gone. Where even are you Y/N? Come back to earth Y/N!
"Shit baby I'm going to cum soon you feel so fucking amazing. Fuck I'm going to worship this pussy everyday until I die" he chokes
"Oh Takuro, fuck-fuck I'm going to cum please keep going" you manage to say as he pushes forward trying to bring you to orgasm.
You feel your core snap again as the quick rise and fall of your orgasms over sweeps your body.
"Fuck baby are you ready" he says giving you a moment to recover.
He pulls out as you sink to the floor between his legs opening your mouth to receive his juices.
He jerks his cock as you sit with your mouth wide open "Oh fuck Y/N- baby UGH" he says as he shouts rope after rope of cum into your mouth.
You happily accept his gift as he groans and pants, his abs retracting from the intense orgasm. He throws his head back as he finishes and you wipe up the little cum that managed to fall to the side your lips.
He pulls back ad he sees his fluids in your mouth and on your tongue. You close your mouth, reopening to show him that you had swallowed what he had offered to you.
He kneels down to your face as he pulls you into a deep kiss.
"That was the best sex I've ever had" he chuckles as you smile.
"Yeah it was at least a solid 8" you tease as his eyes widen.
"An 8? Well we can't have that now can we. Date Tech strives to be the best so I only accept 10 and above" he says grabbing you as he carries you to the shower.
He fucks you in the shower until your brain is numb. He suck is cock as you make him finish for a second time during your hour long shower. You both emerge completely blissed out and exhausted.
"I’m hungry" you say as you cuddle into his stomach and he pulls up close.
"Well it's a good thing I brought it those groceries" he says.
"You mean the groceries I MADE you bring in" you say looking up at him.
"Well the trip was worth it because look what I came back too" he says as he hoisting you above him to straddle his waist.
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hey writer grandma!! hope you're doing well :))
i've hit a bit of a wall at the moment. since i started writing fanfic back in august, i've been on a roll; writing has always been something that's come super easily, especially for school, and it was no different when i started my first fic. the scenes would materialise in my head in an instant and then i usually wouldn't have any trouble getting them onto the page. of course, there were times when a certain scene wouldn't work out the way i wanted it to, or i'd have trouble finding specific words, but i got over those fairly quickly and was always able to continue.
now though, i'm not sure what's happened. i've been trying to write a chapter for about a week straight and every time i open the document nothing i can think of works. it's like the writing ability i had during the autumn has just vanished. nothing's coming to mind when i want to write. it's not like i've lost motivation, because i do want to write, especially continue with this chapter because i have scenes planned for future chapters. but it's like everytime i try to write this, or continue another fic of mine i need to update, i feel drained. suddenly writing has become a chore.
i find myself repeating phrases, using basic vocabulary and struggling to link dialogue. i'm not sure if i'm burnt out because i was doing so so well! and because this has never happened, i don't know what to do. i'm not used to feeling like this about my writing; it's always been the number one thing in my life i've been 100% confident about. when it comes to english essays or assignments, my mind works super fast and i finish them in very little time, and usually get a good grade on it. it's like my mind is programmed to know what to write. but now it's not working as well, and it's left me feeling lost.
sorry that this is so long! but if you have any advice on how to get out of a rut or how to stop it feeling so... awkward, i'd love to hear it!
hope you and your loved ones are keeping safe <3
Hi Homosexualgae! It's Friday and I finished work early so I am doing amazing. I'm sorry to hear that you're having a bit of a creative slump though. I hope you're otherwise doing alright.
It is absolutely normal to have fluctuations in your creative output. Regardless of what kind of creation you are making, there will be times when you're on fire and you're churning out stellar work and every day you wake up and you are ready to do more! And you will have times when you just don't.
Think of it like a turkey baster, you draw in all the stimulus, energy and ideas from all around you until you're full of excitement for the project and then you pour all of that into your work but eventually you will run out and you will have to recharge. Especially if you've been going strong for a while.
This is a tough time of year not only because of the holiday season changing the entire atmosphere of reality but also because there's less sunlight, less warmth, less outdoor activities, etc. If you work a day-shift job, your daylight hours are taken up by work to the point that even driving home can end with darker skies than it started.
All this to say, don't despair. Try to take the pressure off yourself. Instead of opening your documents or pressuring yourself to try to force out a scene, take a small vacation from writing entirely. Spend that time you would have normally spent writing as guilt-free as possible but doing something you enjoy that refreshes and relaxes you.
Hot baths? Long walks? Watch movies? Bake cookies? Read books?
Take AT LEAST few days but maybe up to a week and ease back into your story. Reread what you've already written, think about your next scene, and when you think you've got it try to write it out.
After your break, if writing is just a hassle, start by writing anything. Describe a chair, your day, your car, the weather, the smell of rain. Just write something and you'll trick your brain into getting over the fear of getting started.
Take it easy on yourself, friend. Recharge.
Thanks for the ask! Good luck to you!
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d-targaryenshoe · 4 years
Falling, Fallen • Jackson Avery
Notes: I'm a huge softie for Jackson Avery. Don't @ me. And I had this idea since forever 🥺
Summary: Y/N is Jackson Avery's wife and decides to ignore her husband's good advice.
Warnings: needles, medical terms
Word Count: 1891
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Jackson Avery. Someone who gave you a lot of heartache back in the days. Watching him love a few woman.
Then seeing him gave one of your best friends a love speech and running away with her from her own wedding.
Those moments were the most hurting times, but when the both of them needed help it was you who would be there for them. Because you knew in the end they were still your friends.
Although your feelings never went away. You still secretly loved him, but your mouth was muted. You didn't want to ruin what they had.
But a single talk together with Alex Karev made words fly around in the O.R and into the ears of Jackson Avery. Which made your secret not so much of a secret anymore.
After 6 months You were living together. Then a year after the two of you got married but now a year and a half you were waiting for the worst pain ever. Called labor.
Pregnancy. Something you thought you were not going to experience anytime soon. But yet you were experiencing it. Anytime as you were sitting on the couch in April Kepner's couch.
"You're all round and almost popping, you should be in laying bed, not sitting in my couch Y/N." The ginger female sighed, placing a pillow behind your back. "Pregnancy is not a joke."
April was the most worried friend you had. Although you never expected her to be this okay with you and Jackson being together. Because you knew how much he meant to her.
"I'm going crazy in that penthouse just waiting for a single sound to make me feel alive." Caressing your belly, you leaned your head back on the couch, staring up at the ceiling.
"Says the 40 week far pregnant woman, who's most likely to have a baby today or tomorrow." April raised an eyebrow at you while she placed both of her hands on your belly. "It's moving down."
Giving her an deadpanned stare you tried to get up from the couch as you leaned on your hands. Walking over to the female her fridge.
"Did you just spill my bottle of water?" April asked, knowing you were clumsy at times, or all the time.
Hearing the footsteps come closer to you as you just stared down to your feet, a small pool of water on the floor and no way to get out.
"Oh my- okay, stay calm. You're gonna be fine okay? I'll take care of you. My car keys." The ginger haired woman rambled, grabbing the black keys off the hanger on the wall.
Running a hand through her ginger colored locks April held open the door as you walked through and fresh air met your skin.
Opening the door of the car and getting in, you noticed April's nervous state as she quickly got around and sat down next to you, twisting her keys in the contact.
"Just keep breathing and don't die, okay?" April squeaked, placing her hand on yours as she gave you a much saying face. "That was dark wasn't it?"
Releasing a slight breath through your nose, you nodded at your friend as she drove out of her parking spot, not exactly slowly. "A little too dark."
"Jackson is going to freak out when he knows I didn't ignore your attempts to get out." Spinning her steering wheel towards left, she bit the inside of her cheek.
"If I didn't come to you. I'd be in that penthouse going into labor all by myself, Apes." Placing your hand on the dashboard, you leaned over while holding the bottom of your belly. "Constraction."
Coming to a halt you saw the light of April's phonescreen as she tapped her stopwatch app and she passed her phone to you. "Tap it every time you get one."
Tapping the icon, you breathed out, watching the stop lights turn green as April started driving again, giving you a quick glance.
"We're almost there, I just need a damn parking spot, okay?" At this moment the only thing you were able to do was throwing all your trust in April's hands but also in yourself.
Leaning your head back, you closed your eyes in pain but also in hope that all of this would be over soon. But the sound of a car door slamming shut made you opened your eyes again.
"Come on, take my hand." April took a hold of your hand as she pushed the door closed behind you with her free hand. "Y/N Y/L/N you're not having this baby in this parking lot."
Releasing her hand, you ignored her rambling and walked up to the double doors of the hospital with a fast tempo.
"Hey, I wasn't done talking!" The female retorted, pushing the door open before you walked through, placing your hand on top of your belly, breathing out.
"In and out, good job." April answered as she breathed in and out together with you. "Just like that."
"Oh god! Is it this far? Am I becoming a grandma?" Your eyes moved up as Catherine Avery strolled over to you with a nervous smile covering her lips before her eyes fell on April. "Oh and April, I've got her."
April frowned at the older woman, fiddling with her car keys as she placed her hand on your back, trying to release the pain somehow." But I just-"
Knowing Catherine Avery wasn't one of the easiest person the two of you have known, things didn't make it any easier.
"I've. Got. Her. You're free to go." Catherine pointed out, placing her one arm around your waist and the other holding your hand, leading you towards somewhere else. "Thank you for taking care of her, though."
You just assumed April nodded at her, knowing somewhere deep inside herself she was grateful for everything April did for you. And so where you.
Pulling open the blue curtains, the only thing you did was opening the cabinets and grabbing a patient gown, walking into the bathroom to change yourself.
"Take your time okay, sweetie?" A soft knock was sounded on your door what made you sigh slightly, the woman had no patience at this moment. "There's no need to hurry, okay?"
Opening the door with a fast pull, you threw a single glare in the female Avery her way, being frustrated with pain and a watermelon sized child inside of you.
"April told me someone is having a-" Arizona Robbins her words were cut off as she noticed the long browned haired woman sitting on chair. "Baby."
"Yes and please as fast as i can, I'm dying." You snapped, placing your hands on the hospital bed, moving your hips around, trying to soothe the pain. "Give me an epidural and enough lidocaine."
You heard a slight snort in the room, knowing Catherine couldn't handle herself in bringing out her own opinion as she walked out of the room.
"We can do that, let me page Jackson first, yeah?" Arizona placed a hand on your shoulder, giving you one of her toothy smiles when grabbing her pager. "Let me check your dilation?"
Grunting, you slightly layed back on the bed, placing your feet apart from each other, placing your arm over your eyes, scared for the pain you'd feel.
"Just relax, I know it's not comfortable but I need to do this." Arizona comforted, hearing you take a deep breath in, feeling the pressure. "You're 5 centimeters dilated, so an epidural is an option, I'll need Jackson to keep your back arched, okay?"
Nodding your head in silence, you lay your feet back down, covering them with the white blanket.
"I told you to stay home, why are you so stubborn?" And this was the moment you didn't wait for. A preach by your husband, who would freak out. "You're unbelievable."
"Well I'm carrying a human watermelon inside of me, maybe you should just be quiet and let me do my job?" You snapped back, sitting up, noticing Arizona held back a smile.
"I need to place a epidural, could you move up your hospital gown?" Arizona smiled, gathering her supplies to release you from the pain.
Moving the hospital gown away from your back, you could feel the cold disinfectant being wiped on your back with a cotton ball.
"I will give you a local anesthetic, just a little sting." Looking at the man in front of you, you slightly shook your head as he bit the inside of his cheek.
"I need you to lay on your side now, Jackson I need you to hold her hands as I insert the epidural." Arizona lectured, giving him a small shove in his back, breaking his stubbornness.
Shuffling back on your bed, you turned to the left, taking a hold of Jackson's hands as you felt Arizona inserting a needle into the lower section of spine. "Oh, this is the last and only baby I'm ever having."
"And in two years time we'll be here again." Jackson muttered, releasing your hands, giving you a smile that said a lot. "You know I'm right."
"You wish." The sentence left your mouth and Arizona snorted at the words, removing the needle of the Epidural.
"Let me see how far we're standing." The paediatrician mumbled, motioning for you to place your feet away from each other. "And Avery one more cocky remark, I'll hit you."
Jackson opened his mouth but nothing came out, instead he sighed and crossed his arms at the blonde female.
"You're 9 centimetres, Jackson I need you to sit behind her, and Y/N, I need you to be badass, okay?" The blonde female explained, placing her gloved hand on your knee, with trust.
"I can do that." You nodded, leaning back in your husband's chest, sweat already covering your forehead, wanting to be done with this. "I'm freaking Y/N Avery, I can do this."
Arizona shrugged and smiled slightly sitting down on the chair at your feet. "See? Just like that, If you have enough power, I need you to push."
Leaning back on Jackson's shoulder, you placed your hands on your knees, as a pain struck your abdomen, leaning forward you placed all your power on your core.
"Push push, you're doing great." Arizona spoke up, giving you a single spark of hope. "If you have the power, you can push again."
Not giving a single answer, you placed your chin on your chest and pushed once again.
"Head is out, one more firm push, and you're almost done." The blonde surgeon spoke up, giving you courage, knowing it was almost over.
Getting al your power together and sweatdrops covering your forehead, you placed pressure on your body for the last time as a loud cry was sounded across the room and made you lean your head back on Jackson's shoulder.
Seeing Arizona stand up with a bundle wrapped in a white towel, you held out your hands toward your friend. "It's a baby boy."
"Well aren’t you the cutest little thing?” Jackson whispered, caressing his son's cheek.
"I carried that for 9 months, you better call me cute AND badass." You retorted, gazing up at your husband. "Because I am."
"Yes you are, and I'm proud." He answered, kissing you sweaty forehead. "You are."
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Hello love!! Can I get a male ship of Marvel, GoT and Vikings?? 🙈
I’m a photographer and social activist from the North of Spain, very interested in politics and meeting new cultures. I wish to travel the world with my camera and use my photography as a way of opening people's eyes to other realities. I started writing as a way of expressing my feelings since I tend to keep them to myself and now my house is full of notebooks and diaries. My music taste is rock, folk and country as the main ones but I listen to literally any genre. I'm a very social person and I love my big family but it's really important for me to have time for myself too. I love train rides, nature, reading with a cup of tea warming my hands and art. I started studying music when I was eight and I've been in a bunch of bands as singer and guitarist. I love sitcoms and I laugh at almost everything. I'm a sucker for board games and I'm always the friend of the group who annoys the rest with new plans. When I'm older I'd like to live in the countryside on a big house with a lot of children and animals running around. I'm a libra, hufflepuff, enfp, with rock/grunge/hippie style, 5'4ft with light-brown hair and brown-hazel eyes. To my grandma dismay I have tattoos and my ears are full of ear rings. I consider myself as a passionate, goofy, sweet, positive and naive person. I have a lot of issues in the "dating" area haha it's really hard for me to find someone who I have romantic interest in (more than just physical attraction) and open up to them. I'm the kind of person who prefers to not be attached to anyone but then misses having someone to cuddle with. As I said I good at making friends but not at showing vulnerability and love scares me sometimes.
Hope it wasn't too much information😅😅
Sending lots of love, Rach💖
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Just like you, Bjorn is drawn to foreign lands. He's curious about other cultures and beliefs, which is probably how the two of you would meet. Completely unplanned and by chance. It was a coincidence, really, that the two of you would meet while exploring a country unknown to both of you, you'd say. But Bjorn would call it fate. The two of you quickly notice the many similarities between you and soon you would be making new plans together. What attracts him to you first, other than your looks, is your unique and creative view on the world around you. He could listen to your ideas and visions forever, only stopping you whenever he has a thought of how to make the experience even better. Another thing he admires is your love and loyality to your family. With his own joining in, the two of you might be in for some trouble though, as it gets bigger and bigger and bigger. But then again, that might not be so bad. The two of you are so often away on your travels, that it is pleasant to be home once in a while, even if it might gets chaotic with your relatives, his brothers and all his nephews and nieces running around. It is quite understandable that you might need some time for just you after that, even if he might be reluctant to let you go at first (mostly because he's nervous something might happen to you out of his sight). Nevertheless he enjoys quiet evenings with only the two of you a lot. Snuggled into some fur, with some hot drinks to warm you up, there is nowhere he would rather be.
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Bucky is the right fit for you. He would steal glimpses at you when you first meet, but he would be quite reluctant to approach you. It would definetely take a long time before the two of you reach the level to have truly deep conversations with each other, but as soon as the step is taken, he gets much more comfortable. Since he isn't bound by a company like Tony, or a Kingdom like T'Challa, Bucky can freely accompany you on your adventures. He'd be fascinated by your work and drive all around the planet with you, preferably with one of you behind the wheel of a car, blasting your favorite music from the radio. Bucky would also be intruiged if you tell him about your time as a singer and guitarist. He probably even ask you to teach him to play (or learn it behind your back to surprise you). Family-wise he would be overwhelmed by so many members at first, being awfully silent when meeting them, until you give him a nudge to put on a smile. But don't worry, he'll get better at that, even if it takes some time. In addition to that, Bucky would never judge you for needing some alone-time. In fact, he feels the same way and understands it perfectly if you prefer some time for yourself once in a while.
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The best man to keep you safe in this case is Daario Naharis, and you will meet him when you least expect it. Once you have captured his interest, he doesn't hesitate for long. In fact, he doesn't hesitate at all. Despite his obviously flirtatious behavior, Daario carries himself with confidence around you, impressing you most with his knowledge about other cultures and especially the many languages he speaks (which is quite helpful ngl). He is able to show you the wildest and most untouched secret places wherever you travel, where there is nobody but the two of you. He is charming and always calm (seriously he gets never nervous or anxious) allowing you to get comfortable around him quickly. In addition to that he can fit in very quickly and has a lot of stories to tell, which is a big plus when meeting your family (he is in their favor so quickly, it's ridiculous). When your desire for alone-time arises he would play to be offended at first, tough when you don't let him off the hook he might say something the lines of: "alone with me, right?" It might take him some time to get it, not gonna lie, but eventually he'd get it. Without a doubt, he is the one able to make you laugh the most. He shares your love for boardgames and does not mind a future with a hoard of children at all.
A/N: Hey Rach! Thank you so much for that lovely ask (there is no such thing as too much information here, haha). Can i just say you seem super sweet and i really hope you like who i've picked out for you! Thank you!
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since-it-must-be-so · 3 years
A Wild Sheep Chase: Chapter 2 of Choujin X!
It's here! I've gushed about the chapter over at my Twitter, but like I said in my previous post, I want to see how the story progresses and keep a log about it. So here it goes!
Background info on Ely Otsuta
So before we delve into Chapter 2 which almost exclusively featured Ely... Let's take note of the new things we learned about Ely:
She's from a rural prefecture. I think she lives in the mountainside specifically since that's where she grows her tomatoes.
She's a greenthumb (we already kinda knew this from the previous chapter but we learn more about her life pre-Choujin X). I understand that even if the soil is infertile, she's able to grow tomatoes so nutritious and plump. So plump, they resemble butts, hence, "bumbums!" It appears she uses advanced equipment for her farming stuff. So yeah, based on these, it's established Ely has a green thumb!
Oh, and it appears that it's clarified that her "Grandpapi" whom she talks about in the 1st chapter is an adoptive grandfather (not biological, hence, maybe in the future we'd know her parents and learn why Ely is special).
It's just me but I get the impression that Ely is being introduced as some sort of "fertility" choujin, since she also dreams of having 9 kids. Haha!
It's kinda weird though why the burning tomato has a face. Was it just from her dream, since after plucking a bumbum - she woke up? Hmm, after some thought, I think the burning tomato with a face is just from her dream.
Ely Wakes Up from Reality
When Ely woke up, she finds herself in the South Yamato prefecture. Okay, so I think this leaning tower of some sort has a significance to the story.
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It's featured in every spread with the title "Choujin X" and also in the last chapter. Can you see it? Maybe it has something to do with how the powers are made, like pollution-related or a botched experiment. Dunno. Just my wild speculation.
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A Wild Sheep Chase
This is the exciting part. So when Ely wakes up, Chandra Hume offers to "escort" her, but really it appears he wants to kidnap her. And from, *checks the manga* page 10 to 40, we have Ely running away from Chandra until she fell in what looks like a similar area where Tokio and Azuma fought Johnny Kiyoshi Takeyama.
The chase sequence consisting of 30 pages were so fun and I was smiling all the while I was reading! Ely is so cute trying to parkour her way through the buildings (kinda reminds me of Touka?? I miss Touka!). Chandra looks really cool, he seemed to be flying too, using his powers (more on that later)!
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But not to be outdone, Ely borrows a "Roller Boy Yay-Yay" which basically is a scooter with something that resembles a driver's wheel. Its literal translation of ローラーBOYイェイ・イェイ -- which, checking Twitter and in Ishida's latest live stream, I think the locals found it hilarious too. Ishida is just unleashing his crazy here, I love it!
After that sequence, we get the tractor and sheep chase. Ah! I love it.. So what happened is that, Chandra and Ely fall off from their Roller Boy Yay-Yay. Ely who just claimed she can outrun Chandra if she were riding a tractor, suddenly found one right in front of her! Then Chandra lands near a gang... or should I say, a flock of sheep-bikers. They're all wearing these Kanji-printed tracksuits and basically look like they're a bunch of delinquents? They even describe themselves as "cryptid bikers"... Cryptid supposedly means mysterious? Idk why the weird choice of words for the translation though.
Funnily, I was just reading Haruki Murakami's A Wild Sheep Chase (羊をめぐる冒険 --- Hitsuji o meguru bōken or literally An Adventure Surrounding Sheep). I wonder if this scene something to do with this book?
Anyway, Chandra entices the sheep to help hip capture Ely by bribing them with a Docomo flip phone. I don't know why a flip phone - could mean the following: (a) the sheep are so poor, a flip phone is cool; (b) maybe flip phones are a status symbol in that universe; (c) maybe the setting is in the 2000s when the flip phones really were all the rage.
So they all chase Ely, but Chandra suddenly has a car too. Someone on Twitter said it's a Porsche? But I can't tell, though Chandra said his car is a four-wheel drive... Heh? Idk what to do with this info.
As for Ely, she is really good with the tractor as she said. The hilarity of outrunning motorcycles and what could be a Porsche. That tractor prowess! Later on, Chandra and the other sheep figure into an accident with a "safety-loving" truck (oh the irony, lol). Chandra flew off the car and so did his fancy shoes...
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Ely didn't exactly come out unscathed. Ishida allocated 4 double spreads for this epic fall. Some of the sheep definitely should have died from that spectacular accident.
At first, Ely was smug about escaping the sheep. But then, I think she was moved by compassion and I think she hurt herself in order to revive the sheep. I just wonder though, how she learned to do that?
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Then we get another awesome double spread of her transformation, similar to Tokio's. Augh Ishida-sensei. These are soooo good!!!!
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Because of her transformation, the whole area was engulfed with smoked and I think the sheep were effectively revived. It appears Chandra saw all this (while he was regenerating... so we now know choujins or at least smoke choujins like Chandra has regenerative powers), hence he marveled at Ely's newfound power. It was kinda confirmed that Ely was responsible for keeping the casualties to a minimum. Specifically he said Ely possesses: quick judgment, though resolve, persistence... making her a human with the makings of a choujin... while also kinda noting Ely's silliness.
Here we go again with Chandra's "fancy gentleman" facade... Even the way he talks is fancy ("I am well-acquainted with the roads here") but more than that... he's self-important. I talked about my other views on his character on Reddit. I get the impression he's something of a "Choujin supremacist", you know what I mean? So, he wants to kinda recruit Ely into his organization or whatever.
Ely is righteous
So we see that Ely is further introduced as a good character, standing up against Chandra and rejecting his offer to be his pupil or something. Ely was clearly upset about the grandma getting hurt (did she die? I hope she didn't) and made it clear she would never join him. Chandra takes offense at this rejection, especially when Ely said Chandra is worse than a turd.
As Chandra tries to inflict pain on Ely (something about marking her on the face), she recalls her resolve from Chapter 1: drones for farming, a greenhouse, her grandpappy, a mansion, the big dog, paying back the kid for his roller boy yay-yay, the Goldilocks hubbie, nine kids... But just before we can see if she can fight Chandra off...
The most handsome man of all Sui Ishida's works (haha!)
This buff mysterious man with a bandana reminiscent of the Teenage Ninja Mutant Turtles seemed to have blown Chandra and Ely (also the cars and motorcycles) away by a mere clap of his hands. It appears even Chandra is afraid of this guy and recognizes him... he leaves the scene using his smoke powers before the guy can do serious damage. I think his power has something to do with wind since there was like a little hint with all the ventilation stuff in the setting.
The guy manages to create a circle of protection around Ely. He tells Ely that Chandra's modus is to target "people with aptitude like Ely". He helpfully mends Ely's punctured hand with his bandana.... And when Ely looks up at his face, what do you know? Haha!
Our girl Ely has a love interest! Haha.
Tokio's Gregor Samsa moment
I've observed from the manga I've read that characters with transformation abilities always, always go through this adjustment period with the power. Gregor Samsa, Peter Parker, our boy Kaneki... Anyway, it seems Tokio doesn't know or can't turn back into a normal-looking person. But the last panel sure is interesting because we have them experiencing this transformation at the same time. Also, since it reminds me of Touka and Ayato's volume cover. I hope they find each other soon though!
Types of Choujins and initial premises on the Power of Choujins
So there are 3 confirmed types so far: Flexi (Johnny), Bestial (our boy Tokio), and Smoke. It seems that pretty boy Hoshi doesn't have a category yet, but like I said I think his has something to do with air or ventilation lol.
We learned that Chandra is a Smoke Choujin, and Ely is now one too and she was may have been somehow infected by Chandra's smoke/fumes. It appears now that there are 2 ways to become a choujin: injection and inhalation. Chandra wonders if Ely was infected with his power... But I'm thinking the infection theory might not be that accurate. After all, it seems Ely has a green thumb.
But, I think as Chandra said, only some people have an aptitude for this. So, Ely and Tokio are examples. I wonder if Azuma also has choujin powers or did it not manifest yet? Is the aptitude inherent or something you can acquire? If so, what does Tokio have that Azuma doesn't, especially since everyone thinks Azuma is "better" than Tokio in all aspects?
We'll find out in Chapter 3 more or less!! I'm sorry for any grammar mistakes! I'd like to hear your thoughts or comments if any :)
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hardforbenhardy · 4 years
the perfect gift | benxfem!reader
summary: the first time ben is meeting your parents, and you are nervous. but not as nervous as you are to give ben his present
warnings: intense fluff so prepare yourself coz ben is a d o r a b l e in this
based on two prompts: "that's what your wearing?" and "i tested positive"
word count: 4.5k
thought i'd do a little christmassy themed oneshot considering it was ... yakno... christmas; it’s been in my drafts for a while so there’s no better time than the present (no pun intended😊) i had fun writing this so i hope you have fun reading it! :)
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Christmas had always been the same; through the 27 years of your life, you stuck to your traditions. You would always spend the time with your whole family, with the traditional Christmas roast and gift-giving. You loved it; you were extremely close with all your family, and spending time with them was always cherished since it only happened twice a year. However, there was one part that you couldn't stand. The worst part of it all was the fact that every year you were the only adult who was yet to find a relationship. All your siblings, your parents, aunt and uncles, grandma and grandpa, even some of your older cousins; they were all coupled up. You had even tried to convince them one year that you had finally found yourself a man; of course, you had simply bribed your best friend to pretend to be your boyfriend for the one day. He, however, was not as good of an actor as you thought he would be - caving in after only 3 hours in the household by accidentally spilling that he was in fact gay.
Though, this year you didn't have to pretend; you had finally found a man who you truly loved. He was the spitting image of what you considered perfection and you were sure he was the one. You and Ben had taken your relationship quite quickly, you had only been together for 10 months and yet you had already moved into a house together and adopted a small puppy. Though, you didn't see it as a particularly bad thing; you knew for certain that he was the man you wanted to spend the rest of your life with, the man you wanted to start a family with, grow old with. And you were also pretty certain that you were that woman for him; I mean, that's what he told you every single day. Every morning as you sat around the table to eat your breakfast; every lunch time when you'd facetime him from the office; every evening when you were snuggling in bed and he just had to mention it, which of course often led to more. You were absolutely hooked onto him, like a baby to a bottle; you simply couldn't resist him. So showing him off to your family was assuredly what you were most looking forward to this Christmas. You had already met Ben's family, and so it was now his time.
The two of you were about to leave to drive down for Christmas Eve, and the nerves were beginning to set in; what if they didn't like Ben? What if they thought you were both moving too fast? What if the nieces and nephews didn't want to play with him? What if they all took one glance at Ben and thought he could do better? You saw Ben as an angel, but you didn't know about them; after all, your mother had always wanted the perfect step-son.  She had been pretty adamant about it from the start. Nevertheless, you brushed the nerves off and paid attention to curling your hair. Your concentration was broken, however, by the sight of Ben entering the bedroom in the reflection of the mirror in front of you. You grinned widely at the sight before you, or rather behind you, as the strapping blonde man strode in wearing what you noticed to be a rather formal suit considering the fact you were only attending a Christmas dinner with your family. In fact, it was extremely formal considering the fact you were only attending a Christmas dinner with your family; meaning you couldn't help but giggle.
"That's what your wearing? Baby, we're going to my parents for Christmas, not a wedding!"
"What? I wanted to impress them!" He exclaimed rather seriously, which made you chuckle before standing up off the little stool to walk towards him to give him a small peck on the cheek; which funnily made him blush like a madman. That was something you loved about Ben; he seemed like every day he saw you was as if he was seeing you for the first time again. Somedays, he acted like a horny teenager who couldn't resist your touch. Other days, he acted like you were made of glass, as if you were the most precious, fragile thing on the earth which led to being peppered with little kisses and hugs of every form whenever he saw you. And other days, he acted like he was made of glass, and would blush or smile every time you even placed a gentle finger on him; and you had a strong feeling, this was one of those days. "I mean, what if they don't like me, or they don't think I'm good enough for their daughter? What do we do then? Because I love you, I really really love you and I want to spend my whole life with you but I can't do that if your family doesn't like me because-“
"Baby, I know they're going to love you, okay. Maybe not as much as I do, but trust me; my mum is going to take one look at you and she'll treat you like the son she never had. You look gorgeous, and as much as I am admiring the way you look in this suit, you need to change. Swap the shirt and tie out for a tshirt, and the tapered pants for some of your nice jeans." you encourage him, stroking his upper arm lightly and smiling up at his face which looked extremely defeated. You could sense the anxiety emanating from his body, he was just as nervous to meet your parents as you were for them to meet him. But you didn't tell him that, because you didn't want to worry him anymore than he already was. He simply nodded, taking a deep breath and unsleeving his arms from the blazer so that he could unbutton his shirt. You pushed his hand out the way and did it yourself, after seeing the way his hands were pretty much shaking. He still preoccupied himself, beginning to pull his trousers off to fasten the pace, as he knew you needed to set off soon to make it in time.
Once he was dressed in more appropriate clothing, which you deemed suitable for a first impression, you were finally able to leave for your parents. The car journey over there was a little less stressful, as Ben had began to calm down and forget all about his little moment in the morning. However, as you stood outside your parent's house, your own nerves began to set in. You had arrived a lot later than you expected to, having been stuck in traffic for a lot of the journey. Your hand trembled as you went to ring the doorbell, Ben stood a step behind you so that your parents would be able to greet you first. The door swung open after a few seconds, revealing the bright cheery face of your mother.
"Darling, hello! It's lovely to see you! Come in, come in!" she cheered, stepping to the side to allow you and Ben to enter. You gave her a warm hug as you walked in, in which she responded with a small kiss to your temple. Your father entered the room too, a smile emerging on his face, and you couldn't help but laugh as you noticed the apron he was wearing; it was the same one he wore every single year, with an awful christmas pun which to be honest was not a suitable apron to wear around children.
"Mum! Dad! I've missed you so much! Sorry we were late - the traffic was awful" you squealed, pulling your dad in for a hug as well, until you looked to the side to see Ben standing there incredibly awkwardly as you greeted your parents. "Mum, Dad, I'd love for you to meet my boyfriend, Ben"
"It's nice to meet you, Mr and Mrs LN. Thank you for having me, especially during a time which is meant for spending time with family" He greeted, holding his hand out to shake my fathers, but rather he pulled Ben in for a hug. You then realised you had completely forgotten to mention to Ben quite how open and friendly your family were, meaning he had quite a shocked reaction to the sudden embrace.
"Please, call us Lydia and Michael. And you are part of this family Ben; any friend of YN's is a friend of ours, lovie. Now why don't the two of you head up to your room and settle down - that way, you'll be awake in time for tomorrow morning when the kids come up and completely wreck your lie-in!" Your mum whisper-yelled, chuckling as she handed your suitcases over to your dad to help you haul them up the flights of stairs to your old childhood room that you and Ben were planning to stay in for the next two nights. Admittedly, you were a bit embarrassed considering you knew your mother hadn't changed anything about your room since you were 18 and moved out to University, so you were in for an awkward and humiliating moment when Ben first saw the posters of Roger Taylor and Queen all over your wall like you were some kind of crazy fangirl. Which, of course, you were but you didn't even think about having to explain that until now.
After a good 10 minutes of Ben laughing at your seemingly-passionate devotion to the band, you had finally settled down in your bed, which was thankfully a double. It was rather cold, being wintertime, so you and Ben were cuddled up extremely close together under bundles of blankets in an attempt to keep some warmth between you. You spent a majority of your nights curled up like this, Ben's touch providing a haven for you. And just like every other night, you ended it with the same words.
"I told you they'd love you, you practically had my mum wrapped around your finger!" You grinned, poking Bens stomach jokingly as he released a low chuckle at your point. He knew you were right, because you had mentioned that your mother was often more removed from people if she didn't like them.
"Okay, okay; I was worried for nothing, I'll admit it! But I had every right to be!" He defended himself, his warm breath on your shoulder sending shivers down your spine. You couldn't help but cuddle closer, wrapping your arms around his torso and place your head in the nook of his shoulder.
"I know, I know; I really do love you Ben"
"I love you too"
You were woken by the feeling of a small body pouncing onto your stomach, shouting and cheering filling the otherwise silent room; "Aunty Yn, Unca Bwen! Wake up! It's Christmas Day! And Santa's come!"
You chuckled, partly at your nieces urgency to get downstairs and open some presents, but mainly at Ben's low groan at being woken at 7 in the morning. Your heart softened at her reference to Ben being her Uncle, and not just a random man who had joined the family for the day. You urged the 4 year old to move off you so you could climb out of bed, grabbing the dressing gown screwed up in the floor and pushing your arms through the sleeves. "Lilah, give us 10 minutes and we'll be right down, okay?"
"Okay!" She squealed, wrapping her tiny arms around your legs before running off to shout to her brother Jackson that you'd be down in "twen" minutes.
"Baby, wake up" You whispered, shaking Bens arm lightly and kissing his forehead, only to hear him grunt and roll to face the other way. "Tired"
"So am I, but it's Christmas hun; come on, I want my presents!" You giggled, giving him a shove and jumping out of bed to tie the newly-clad gown. Ben pulled himself off the mattress and lugged over to the en-suite bathroom, mumbling that he was taking a quick shower before they head down. In the meanwhile, you busied yourself with helping your mum out in the kitchen to prepare Christmas dinner.
"Is Ben not joining us this morning?"
"He's just taking a quick shower, he'll be down soon" you explained, chopping the veg; you found yourself grinning at the mention of his name. Of course, your mother noticed this.
"You seem perfect for each other, you know. He seems like a very lovely lad too; your father and I are very happy you have found yourself someone" She smiled, elbowing your side a little which made you chuckle and grin widely; you were extremely happy that your parents actually accepted Ben into the family so unquestionably, and liked him. "So when can Michael and I expect more grandchildren!"
You saw the question coming; there was no doubt that your mother loved being a grandmother to Lilah and Jackson. But they were getting older now, Jackson being 7 and Lilah being 4, and Lydia desperately wanted a baby to care for. So, your next words came like a haven to her.
"What if I have reason to believe roughly 9 months?" You mumbled, placing your hand on your stomach and looking up at your mum with nervous eyes. Her own eyes widened in shock and happiness, taking in your words.
"You mean? You're pregnant?" She whispered, not wanting the rest of the house to hear. You nodded, worried your mother would think you and Ben were moving too fast, having only been together for roughly 10 months. "Darling, oh my gosh, that's amazing! I'm so happy! Does Ben know?"
"No not yet; in fact only you know. I was planning on telling him today, and the rest of the family, but I'm seriously beginning to second guess everything; what if Ben doesn't want the baby? I mean, we're not even married and Ben is always away for press tours and filming. What if he thinks we're moving too fast? I don't want to scare him away-" You stumbled, tears beginning to brim your eyes. Whether it was the hormones or your nerves you didn't know; but it was most likely a mixture of both. Your mother hushed you, rubbing your arm in a way to calm you down as she understood you tended to over worry about a lot; and of course, this is an extremely reasonable thing to worry about.
"Lovie, look; you will not scare Ben away. I see the look of lust in that boys eyes when he looks at you, and I can tell just how much he really loves you. This is a big thing, of course it is, but you need to tell Ben; whether you plan on keeping the child or not. He deserves to know, and if he turns you away then he was never a gentleman to begin with. You have this whole family to support you the whole way, but at the end of the day; it is both yours and Bens decision" She comforted, her words calming you a little as you realised she was right. You couldn't just not tell Ben, it was his child and you were a couple. And, to be completely honest, you were excited as hell to start a family with the man you considered the love of your life. The only reason you were hesitant with this was because you and Ben had literally never spoke about having children or starting a family, so you didn't have his opinion on the matter to fall back on. The moment between your mother and you was interrupted by the man himself, hugging you from behind and pressing a small kiss to your neck.
"Hiya love, everything okay?" He muttered, his arms wrapping tightly around your waist as you continue to chop the carrots as you were before the conversation with your mother. You hummed, leaning back into his touch, hoping he hadn't heard the previous conversation between you and your mother. You felt the smile on his lips against your skin, and he tucked his head into your neck.
"Why don't you go and meet my siblings huh? I'll be in in a few minutes, just finishing up with this" You suggested, to which he nodded and placed a small kiss to your temple, before walking into the living room to join your family. You could hear the loud voices of your older brother, Sam, and his wife greeting Ben from the other room, and painfully worried that Ben wouldn't get too nervous as your brother tended to be quite boisterous at times. In fact, your whole family did; which was extremely different to Ben's family who were much more calm and collected. Although by the sight you received entering the room a few minutes later, you were immediately filled with joy; the sight of Ben sat on the living room floor, cross legged, with Lilah on his lap and Jackson sat beside him, as he read them a story Lilah had begged him to. You were a little confused as to how he was getting on with them all so well; Lilah didn't usually warm up to people so well unless she had been properly introduced. And your mum was usually very judgemental of your boyfriends that you had brought home before. And your brother was often extremely protective over you. And your sister would most likely try to steal any guy you brought home and have him for herself.
You can't help but admire the way he is around the 2 children; it's as if he's done the whole parenting thing before. Lilah was smiling so widely, you thought her face was going to get permanently stuck like that. The two were amazingly engaged as he spoke the words on the page, acting out the story with little actions and different voices,  making sound effects when needed. Your brother's wife, Sophia, walked up to you with a small grin on her face before mumbling "You've got a good one there, don't ruin it" in your direction as she passed by to enter the kitchen. At the sight before you, you realised exactly how correct she was. You had got someone in your life who you could never lose; you'd be a fool to ruin what you and Ben had. So of course, you began second guessing telling him the news once again. If you told him the truth, he may leave and then you've lost him for good. But seeing just how well he was around the children and how engaged he was, you actually considered that this was a good idea.
The time came to finally exchange presents; no doubt after the children had nagged the adults for 20 minutes straight, asking "when can we open them?". The children spent the most time opening presents, getting excited after each one and showing it off to every single adult in the room. You were sat on the small armchair; well Ben was, and you were perched on his lap, an arm around his neck and head rested on his shoulder. You were admittedly beginning to grow impatient at telling Ben the news; as much as you didn't want to tell him, waiting to do it was becoming painful because it only gave you more time to re-evaluate your decision. Thankfully, your mother had finished giving everyone her gifts, so it was the end and you could give Ben his. You rushed out of the room to where your coat hung up, pulling out a small box that was wrapped in paper and had a bow placed on the top. Ben noticed the box and furrowed his brows, even more so when you went to hand it to him.
"YN, we agreed we weren't doing presents this year?" he questioned, hesitantly taking the box from your hand, almost as if he expected it to explode in his hand. You nodded your head a little, understanding his confusion. Honestly, you forgot that you had agreed to not give each other presents this year because you had spent quite a lot of money so far on your relationship, first buying the house and then investing in a pet.
"I-I know, but you wouldn't have got any other gifts, and I think you'll like this one" You mumbled, urging him to open it and trying to hide your nerves from Ben as you knew he had a strange talent of noticing when you were hesitant to do something. He was like a human radar; he knew when you were happy, sad, angry, nervous, excited. He had a mental notebook of all your habits for each emotion, so he could probably tell that you were absolutely bricking it right now. But you assumed that he just thought this because you were nervous he wouldn't like the gift; which you were, but he didn't realise why. He took his sweet time opening the present, unwrapping it slowly considering he had all eyes of the room on him at that moment, alongside the glare of a camera that your mother had pulled out in excitement of the moment. As he opened the flaps to the small cardboard box underneath the wrapping paper, his eyes widened and his whole body froze. You can't deny, so did yours. He slowly pulled out the small stick out of the shadows of the box to reveal two small pink lines on the small screen.
"A-are you... is this real?" he mumbled, looking up to meet your eyes. You saw the tears beginning to pool at the bottom of his eyes, and you saw a glint of happiness. You nodded, awaiting his reaction.
"I tested positive."
You didn't know if this was a good reaction or a bad one because he didn't really show much emotion on his face. That was until a giant smile stretched across his face and his hands dropped the box so that he could wrap his arms around you. It was rather sudden, but he took you into the tightest hug you'd ever felt; his head rested against your shoulder and you felt the tears of joy seeping into your jumper. You obviously hugged back, relieved that he was actually happy about this.
"I-I'm gonna be a dad? W-We're gonna be parents?" He continued questioning, unable to believe any of this was true because he didn't think contentment like this could exist. You could barely speak your own words, only having the ability to nod and cry as well as Ben.  The whole family was now cheering with you, Lilah jumping on your lap to give you the biggest hug she possibly could, exclaiming that she couldn't wait to have a little cousin she could play with. Well, you assumed that's what she said, considering most of her words were indistinguishable.
"I can't believe this, this is the best day of my fucking life. God, we're gonna be parents in 9 bloody months, love. I love you so much, and you too" he gushed, tears brimming in his eyes once again and also yours. He bent down and gently kissed your practically-non-existent bump as he whispered "and you too" and you couldn't help but admire how well he took the news; you certainly didn't expect this much of a reaction from him and you felt a little stupid for ever second guessing yourself. Of course, being the bundle of nerves Ben tended to be, started questioning everything; "How far along are you? Have you been feeling ill? Because I'm sorry if I haven't been much help to make you feel better but I don't recall hearing you being sick of anything in the mornings so I don't know-"
"Ben, I've been fine so far; I'm only a month along and I've only had two instances of morning sickness, both of which you weren't home for so you don't have to worry. I suppose I've felt a little under the weather recently but nothing that I couldn't cope with." You explained, which brought comfort to Ben as he knew you weren't suffering too much in the time being. Though, he had heard of how harsh pregnancy can be for some women and he prayed to the Lord that you would not be one of the small percentage.
After finding out the exciting news, Ben had been non-stop protecting you like you were a piece of glass; not that he didn't before, he just did it a lot more intensely now. Every time you tried to sit down or stand up, he would help you so that you didn't 'strain your back'. Every time you went up the stairs, he would walk right behind you. Every time you yawned, he asked if you wanted to go to bed and insisted you had an early night so that you and 'bean' were well rested. Oh yes, and he had nicknamed the growing child 'bean'. You, thankfully, now found yourself wrapped up in the covers of your duvet after a long Christmas day and could not wait to fall asleep. Ben had jumped in beside you and cuddled close so that he could rest his hand on your stomach and head on your shoulder. You were so close to being asleep, until Ben decided to create conversation.
"You know, I thought your boobs had gotten bigger, but I didn't want to mention it in case you thought I was complaining" He mumbled into your neck, which woke you up immediately. You slapped his arm and chuckled loudly, making him wince in pain a little.
"They've also gotten a lot more sore so no touching. And alongside that, I constantly need to pee, very gassy and am continually getting mood swings; so good luck for the next 9 months because you're officially dating a zombie" you countered, making him chuckle gleefully. He didn't care how disgusting or gross you may have seen yourself; you were still beautiful to him and he was going to let you know that every day.
"A gorgeous zombie who I love very very much and is literally bringing my child into the world; with my help, of course." He smirked, making you roll your eyes because you completely understood what he meant by 'his help'.
"I'm so happy that your happy and I can't wait to have a family with the love of my life"
"And I can't wait either" He grinned, feeling happiness he had never felt before in his life. Now, all he had to do was propose; luckily, he'd been planning it all along
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roswelldetails · 4 years
RNM 2x07 - Como La Flor
Apologies for being so late this week!! Lots of translating to do, and research. Mucho gracias to @queenrikki for reviewing this one for me!
OLD WOUNDS — Liz (Jeanine Mason) is forced to revisit a painful part of her past when her mother Helena (guest star Bertila Damas) shows up at the diner unexpectedly. Michael (Michael Vlamis) urges Maria (Heather Hemmens) to seek help after she experiences a strange vision, and Kyle’s (Michael Trevino) attempt to get Steph (guest star Justina Adorno) to open up doesn’t go as planned. Finally, Helena’s arrival in Roswell sends Rosa spiraling. Nathan Dean and Lily Cowles also star. Barbara Brown directed the episode written by Danny Tolli & Carolina Rivera (#207). Original airdate 4/27/2020. 
Max and Isobel both describing to Rosa how it feels to use (and control) your powers.
"Ground your intention.  Feel the current running through your body, your hands guiding it with purpose."
"Okay, draw energy from your spine…"
Arturo on Rosa:
"I heard a little mouse crying in her room this morning."
Escamoles - like Liz says in the episode, they're ant larvae. One article I found called them "the Caviar of the Mexican desert". 
Helena calls Liz "mi corazón", which means "my heart".
"Arturito, te ves bien."
Arturo, you look good.
Adding "ito" to someone's name in Spanish can both be positive or negative.  It can refer to smallness or also tenderness (like an affectionate pet name).
@tasyfa pointed out that there was a little timeline error in this scene.  Arturo says that he hasn't seen Helena in 7 years, since Jim Valenti's funeral, but last season it was established in 1x12 that Valenti died in 2014.  Also, remember the show is a year behind reality right now, so it's still 2019. So off by 2 years.
The reason for Helena's visit - transferring her ownership of the Crashdown for Liz so that Liz can sponsor Arturo's residency for citizenship. I did a lot of research trying to understand and clarify why this is.  Thanks to those who weighed in when I was struggling to find a clear answer. Eventually I reached out to Define American, the non-profit org that provides support to the show on racial and immigration related issues.  Here's the response:
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The short version is that Liz has to meet minimum income requirements in order to sponsor Arturo, because she has to be able to certify that she can financially support him.  Since she's currently unemployed except for the Crashdown, transferring half of the ownership to her makes her a business partner and helps her to meet the income requirements. 
The Spanish:
"¿Cuánto quieres, Mamá?" 
How much do you want, Mama?
"She has a very thoughtful manicure."
If you don't understand, it's cool. I'm not going to explain here.  Feel free to DM me though! I won't judge, promise!!
Narrative thread about Max's nightmare/memory continues from 2x03 and 2x06.  Don't forget that 2x03 was just Isobel remembering it. Max was a hallucination. So when he brings it up here, it might be something they haven't discussed in a very long time.
The Spanish from Rosa on her red jacket:
"Eres una mujercita."
Basically translates to you're a little woman or young woman.  I assume the "cita" is supposed to be diminutive here.
"Mom is an opportunist.  If she found out she had a kid who came back from the dead she would use you to get to Anderson Cooper. And then she'd use him to promote her latest lounge singer gig."
"Isobel pays double.  Becky tax." 
A Becky, according to common colloquial use, is an annoying white woman, usually entitled and privileged.
Lead bartender quit..meaning there's a job opening at the Pony…hmm. Wonder if any of our characters need a job... 🤔
Maria's vision:
Michael drops the change
Flash to Kyle dropping his keys & bending down to pick them up.
Kyle staring into a bright light.
Maria shouting his name.
"My heart was broken.  Liz ended things and a part of me died."
Max's story to Valenti… not all THAT far off from the truth.
Note: has anyone told him about Valenti investigating him? We know Liz and Isobel were questioned.  Michael was present when Liz was questioned. Kyle knows the whole theory his mom was pursuing. And he just wanders in there like nothing happened?
"Try leading several short staffed investigations with the mayor breathing down your neck."
Another subtle reference to the mayor, including the election banners hung around town in S2 and his "anti-immigrant agenda" which was referenced in S1.
Max has been with the department since he was 18 - this is the first time we learned that.  In 2x05 we learned he was there at 21. So that timeline has now been further clarified. Which also means he was hired during Jim Valenti's time as Sheriff.
"I need eyes on you at all times now."
Definitely implies a lack of trust, or possibly still wanting to keep an eye on him for the purpose of her investigation (not a fact, just a theory).
Steph tells Kyle that she's always hanging around the hospital because she's doing admin work for her dad.
"I'm starting to feel like you're a ghost who only I can see."
"Ask them if they can see me. Or if you were just talking to a ghost." 
Note that ghosts have been a running theme this season with Rosa returning from the dead. This seems to be in line with that. Or are they subtly tying Steph to Rosa (I'm grasping at straws here, probably).
Liz leaves the safe on 3...but before she changes it is on 81. Helena leaves it on 78 after stealing the ring. Good continuity, RNM!
The whole "my mom hates cops" theme is a little confusing to me.  I mean, it makes sense given what we know about Helena. Except that she had an affair with Jim Valenti, who was… a cop. And also an addict.  Maybe it was different because they rehabbed together (just an assumption, not a fact). Or maybe the Jim experience contributed to her dislike of cops.
Liz...might be grasping at straws when she refers to police work as "something you love" to Max.  He didn't exactly seem enamoured by the job when we first met him in Season 1.
First time we learn Max and Isobel's father's name. And it is… Dave. 🤔
The Spanish Helena uses when she meets Max:
"Pero que guapo estas."
But how handsome you are.
"Cuidado Arturito."
Careful, Arturo…
Helena found Liz and Diego's wedding registry online. 
“Look there are medical reasons for non-drug-induced hallucinations - epilepsy, schizophrenia…”
“My mom has a degenerative brain disease. My grandma did too. I've always known I'd be next.”
Helena wanted to be Selena.
Which fits with Liz's lounge singer comment earlier.
And the "drunkenly singing in the car with your daughters in the backseat" fits with the story Liz and Rosa discussed in 2x02 about the car accident they got into as kids with Helena driving drunk.
Helena shows Liz her ten years sober chip, suggesting that she's been sober since Rosa died, but Rosa finds pills in Helena's car later in the episode.  Oxycodone. The same drug that Rosa used to steal from her mom as a kid (which we learned about in 2x04) and the same drug that she and Kyle discussed when he was checking her health in 2x01.
During Helena's toast to Rosa:
Preciosa = precious
Rosa Linda… still not sure personally if this is a continuity error or a pet name.  I’m inclined to go with a pet name. Throughout the whole episode Helena uses lots of pet names, nicknames, diminutives to address people. Rosa Linda may be just another version of this since Rosa's middle name was pretty well established as Helena in Season 1 between her grave, memorial pamphlet, etc.
Kyle calls attention to Steph's bandage on her arm.  She says she gave blood, but it feels like she's evading.
Also she calls him McDreamy, which is a Grey's Anatomy reference. Kyle called himself McSexy (another Grey's nickname) in 1x08 as well.
Note: I've seen some people talk about the speech about his sick friend as being about Maria, but I think he's really talking about Steph.  Or both, vaguely. He's certainly trying to get Steph to open up to him. Here's what he says:
"I just found out a friend of mine is sick. And I can't do anything to help her. And I hate feeling helpless."
Only after Steph puts her walls back up, does he gesture to Mimi's files.
The Spanish:
"Oh, ándale, gùero."
Ándale is like, go! Or let's go! Gùero we discussed earlier...basically white boy.
Por favor - please 
Rosa's art that we first saw in 2x05 now looks finished:
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Isobel's graffiti "In Pod We Trust"
Both Isobel and Rosa's graffiti:
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Isobel's assessment of Rosa's art
"That's a black hole. An unstoppable force of destruction. And it's getting closer. I see a girl looking into her own doom. She thinks it's inevitable, that she can't stop it, but she can. See, she created it. That means she can destroy it."
Rosa on Isobel's efforts to help her:
"You and Max, you keep talking about harnessing emotion and grounding myself, right? But I can't do that.  It is in my DNA to be screwed up. Literally. My mom's mentally ill. So, so am I. I was broken long before Noah did what he did. That's why he chose me to prey on.  That's probably why he chose you too."
Maria on her grandmother:
"When I was a child my Grandma Patty was the only adult who understood my make-believe world. Thing is, I was six.  So my favorite things about her were just illness, I guess…"
Maria on her mom:
"She was always kind of out there.  By the time I realized it was more than that, I just became obsessed with money. Wanted to be able to take care of her. I invested everything Grandma Patty left me, and I worked, scrounged.  It was about three days after my mom was finally fired from her job at the Pony, I bought the place."
Maria's blood does not contain the alien protein that Kyle found in the Pod Squad and Rosa after being in the Pod for a decade. (and yes, he actually said Pod Squad, which feels like an OG fandom victory)
"Look, there is one thing I noticed in your grandmother's file. Her insurance company is the same one that paid for my dad's cancer treatments...My dad got cancer because of an alien incident at Caulfield Prison. A fake insurance company established by Project Shepherd covered his bills."
"Okay so my grandmother got sick at the same alien prison where your mother died?"
More Spanish (there's lots of it this week).
Helena, when she gestures to the present:
"Abre tu regalo."
Open your gift.
Quinces is just slang for Quinceanera.
Just in case you're not familiar with quinceaneras (Liz's was also referenced in 1x02).
"Mija, me enseñas tus prom photos?"
Daughter, show me your prom photos.
Regarding the power outage.  Liz thought it was Max. Max thought it was Rosa. But the wire is frayed, like it was cut or chewed through. So it wasn't alien power related.  When Arturo finds the wire though, he says, "Must have been a little mouse." Which is how he referred to Rosa earlier in the episode. So the question is, does he actually think it was a mouse? Or does he think Rosa cut the wire? And if Rosa did cut the wire, then why? To distract them while she goes after her mom's car?
In the big Liz/Helena argument, Helena calls Max “a güerito cop”.  Güero means white person, similar to the more commonly used gringo.  But by adding the “ito” onto the end (like discussed before), Helena is basically diminuitizing Max.  She’s using the “smallness” above to basically imply that he’s some white nobody.
“I may not be the PTA mom who made cookies for bake sales or hosted sleepovers, but I sacrificed everything to come to this country to give you a better life.”
This is...not actually true.  Liz and Rosa are both natural born U.S. citizens, born in Roswell.  So she didn’t “come to this country” for that reason. She was already here when Liz and Rosa came into the picture.  And it’s not like she came pregnant with Rosa or anything, since Rosa is Jim Valenti’s daughter.
The ring that Helena took was ARTURO'S mother's ring.  It wasn't even Helena's family's heirloom.   
Liz and Arturo sharing flan for dessert.  At the start of the episode before Helena arrived they discussed making flan for Rosa.
Arturo admits that he always knew the truth about Rosa's heritage. (*fistpump* that's one of my headcanons coming true). 
"Rosa es mi hija, siempre y para toda la vida."
Rosa is my daughter, always and for life.
"Maybe you're right. I am playing the hero. Just like you're playing the politician's perfect arm candy.  See, I did a little digging. And your boyfriend, Dirk-- he ran for city council. It's very impressive. But there's no mention of your daughters. I'm guessing Dirk doesn't even know about Liz or Rosa.  Does he know anything about you, Helena? 'Cause it would be such a shame if he found out about a little town called Roswell."
Helena gives Max the ring, but keeps the box… maybe that's what Helena really wanted?
Huevos = eggs.  Basically, slang for balls.
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"I know that face.  You uncovered a massive conspiracy."
"I checked the Caulfield drives. No sign of a Patricia DeLuca, but there was a Patricia Harris. Her maiden name. She signed up to participate in an experimental trial. Government was interested in weaponizing alien abilities. They wanted to create super soldiers. Your grandma was one of the first human subjects."
"Kind of wish I was an alien instead."
"What happened to the experiment?"
"It was a total failure. Caulfield shut it down in the '70s after people started dying. I don't understand how your grandmother got involved."
"I do. Henrietta Lacks, Tuskegee, Holmesburg.  The DeLucas aren't the first black people to be secretly experimented on."
Highly encourage you to read these if you're unfamiliar with any of these references.  It's African-American history (and really a black mark on U.S. history) that's rarely taught in schools.
Henrietta Lacks:
Reality versus Maria's flashes… great gifset by @rosaortecho on this here:
Kyle rips his jacket, staggers out to the parking lot, drops his keys, and is almost hit by a car, but Michael throws him out of the way with his powers (and Kyle still ends up injured because he lands on a glass bottle).
"Now that we know your illness is related to Caulfield we can find a cure for it."
"Maybe it's not an illness. I saw the future today, Guerin. When I first found out Grandma Patty was experimented on, I was furious.  But what if my genetic inheritance isn't just injustice? It's also actual superpowers. Saved a life today. And not just any life-- Kyle Valenti's. Tomorrow he's gonna turn around and save five more lives."
Liz and Rosa's dueling big sister act is super fascinating.  Rosa admits that she wasn't going to burn the car, and then she saw Liz crying, felt helpless, and that's when her powers went all wacky and caused it to explode.
Meanwhile, Liz has spent the whole episode trying to keep Rosa safe from Helena, and is trying to comfort her here by talking about Helena's sobriety.
But--Rosa stole Helena's pills, so she knows Helena is not sober, and she doesn't tell Liz that.  Why? To protect her.
At some point these two should probably stop keeping secrets to protect each other and start actually sharing what they know.
Kyle stitches himself up.
Steph quoted in this scene:
"I was up in the gallery contemplating American downfall thanks to progressive socialism."
"People tend to bail when things get real. I'm not into that."
Cameron's car was impounded a couple hours away.
Max is turning in his badge and gun and is turning down desk duty to search for Cam.
Isobel and Michael's discussion at the Pony:
"Do you think that Noah chose me because I was already broken?"
"I think you are the only one of us who ever keeps it together."
"I'm serious, Michael. The night that drifter attacked me, why am I the only one who started blacking out? I mean, Max literally murdered a man, but I'm the one who breaks?"
"You were traumatized. We were kids. At that age, trauma gets etched on to your soul."
"But what if it's not in my soul? What if it's in my DNA? Look, my whole life, I've played Stepford wife, because I thought that's what I was supposed to do. But...I need to understand myself now. I need to know where I'm from.  And if I don't know who my biological parents are, how am I ever gonna know who I really am?" 
"What are you saying, Iz?"
"I know that we said we shouldn't look into the past, but…"
"It keeps pulling you back. Me too. I spent my whole life thinking I'd build a ship and blast off into the ether. And then the minute I decide to leave that all behind and focus on this good thing in front of me, I'm sucked back in. Maria's family was experimented on at Caulfield. I need to find out more so I can find a cure for her illness."
Rosa takes one of her mom's pills. 😭
1. Cactus Groove "This World"
2. Shelly Fairchild "Drive"
3. Mathis Hunter "Mrs. Vinegar"
4. Big Stone City "Good For Zero"
5. Big Stone City "Way Down Below"
6. Selena "Bidi Bidi Bom Bom"
7. Elizabeth Moen "Best I Can Do"
8. Wagons "Keep Coming Back"
9. AG "Where Is My Mind" (Pixies Cover)
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bewitchingwitch · 5 years
Constellations Pt. 15
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Hey guys I’m so sorry for along so longtime o Update I’ve had writers block for such a long time. Thank you for encouraging me to fight through it and a special thanks to @lexxierave @hannah-mic @bowtrucklescamander and @fricktheitinerary for commenting on my posting and inspiring me to keep in writing and for showing me how much my work means to you! :)
So here it is part 15 featuring Adonis as Liam Hemsworth. I believe @newletas said that she saw Adonis as Liam Hemsworth and for this chapter it was very fitting! This is for you
Word count: 3, 170
Songs: One Of us- ABBA for the first part of the chapter and then My love, my life- ABBA for the second part
Your head was swirling, you were being practically pulled part as you struggled against Adonis. He had apparted away with you in his arms and you had been trying to pull away. You had no idea what would happen if you separated during a transportation, but you didn't care. Newt and Theseus were in danger. And so were Queenie and Jacob.
But it was no use he was holding onto you too hard. Wherever you were going it was taking an awfully long time. You never liked appartating or using portkey to travel it always gave you nausea. You much rather preferred driving in your car or walking. You felt lightheaded, you closed your eyes in a hope that it would ease your stomach.
How could you let this happen? You should have just gone back with Adonis when he had asked at the Quidditch game. And none of this would have happened. No. You should have never left home for that year. You should have stayed and prepared for the wedding. Then you would have never gotten the Scamander brothers mixed up in your family drama.
Your thoughts crashed down around you as you came to a jerky stop. You felt ground finally settled underneath your feet. You began to open your eyes and your vision came back into focus. At first you had no idea where you were but as you looked around you noticed certain features of this room. The high ceilings, the crisp white walls, the golden curtains that surrounded the roof high windows. They fluttered around encasing the whole room.
The sunlight streamed in covering the piano in a yellow glow. You hated playing the piano, during the summers your grandmother would make you practice your scales over and over on her grand piano until your back hurt from sitting in the small stool. But she would never let you leave because it was never good enough for her. A black tabby cat laid lazily atop of it. It stared at you with unnaturally golden eyes. It hissed at you. At that moment you knew exactly where you were.
You were back in a place you never hoped to see again. You were in your grandmothers house. 
A big black cat that was easily the size of a dog sauntered into the room. It's eyes glowed yellow, no pupil, no iris, just golden light emitting from its eyes. The cat that was laying across the piano sat up at attention and jumped off. It began to trail the big cat and one more similar to the other followed. Another dog sized cat sat in the corner of the room it's eyes cast downward.
The cat slowly began transforming into an older woman covered head to toe in white. One of the small black cats jumped into her arms while the other circled around her feet. It was your grandmother. "(Y/n)." She spoke stiffly.
"Grandma." You responded dryly.
"Lyra dear. Aren't you going to welcome your own daughter home. " Your grandmother called out to the cat like creature that was still tucked away in the corner.
You watched as your mother transformed into herself. Her hair was pulled back into a tight bun, she had the same hair color as you expect it was streaked with strands of grey. "Hello darling." Her voice was hollow. She seemed to be sucked out of life when she was here, when she was with your father was when she was happiest.
Your mother has fell in love with your father at a very young age, which was a scandal all on its own. But the fact that he was a muggle made it even worse. She was supposed to marry this rich wizard from Scotland but instead she ran off with your father. Your grandmother was disgraced by this. In hopes of reclaiming your family's pure blood legacy she was going to marry you off to Adonis. It was accident that you met him, you were supposed to marry the son of the rich Scottish wizard but when you met Adonis your grandmother was over the moon. He was of much better status. And you gladly content with marrying him. Which was fine until he went crazy and came to get you 3 months early.
The black cat that circled around your grandmothers feet was staring at you. You hated cats and yet it seemed ironic that your family curse was indeed cats. All of the women in your family had the ability to transform into these cat like creatures that were the size of dogs.
"So I see you're back early." Your grandmother clucked her tongue as she sat down in a chair motioning you over to sit next to her. You remained standing.
"Not at my own free will." You shot back. You crossed your arms over your chest. Your grandmother looked you up and down you could see the disapproval she had as you surveyed your messy hair and crumpled dress.
"Greens not really your color kitten. Neither is blue." Your pet name that your grandmother had for you made disgust run throughout your veins.
"I think it looks nice." Your mother spoke up from where she was standing. She was being so quiet you had forgotten she was even there.
You paused before answering. "Thanks." You were a little betrayed that your mother didn't think of warning you about Adonis arriving.
Adonis was still had a grip on your waist. He was starting straight ahead. His stubble was still very evident and he still smelled of alcohol. He was obviously drunk when he came to fetch you from the club.
"I can't say I was too pleased that Adonis decided to come and fetch me especially at your command." You glanced over at your grandma. She just gave you a sly smile.
Your grandmother lifted her hand in the air and snapped, the sound ringing throughout the house. Immediately Adonis stood at attention and dropped his hand from your waist. He moved to stand at your grandmothers right side.
"Adonis what are you doing?"
"Whatever I say. You see deary Adonis didn't come to get you at that Quidditch match."
Your interrupted her. "Wait how do you know about the Quidditch match?"
"I did."
Your grandmother smirked at you while your mother cast her eyes downward.  Your grandmother took out her wand from her coat pocket and held it to her lips. "(Y/n) where's your ring?" As she spoke so did Adonis he was like a moving puppet. You were horrified
For the first time you noticed how his normally brown Carmel eyes glowed golden like your grandmothers did now.
"What did you do?" You asked with a quivering voice.
"What I had too." Your grandmother placed her wand down but still Adonis was in her control. Her butler brought her a cup of tea in a white cup and she took it, taking a small sip. She stared at your through the smoke, her golden eyes looking like headlights piercing through fog. "You see there was a article in the  Daily Prophet a couple of days ago, saying that you were gallivanting around with the most eligible bachelor in the Wizarding world. Theseus Scamander. "
You remembered the paper and your were shocked that someone had managed to get a picture of the two of you kissing. It was supposed to be a private moment but it soon became the most talked about gossip in Paris.
Your grandmother continued. "Now you can imagine my surprise when I saw that my engaged granddaughter was running around with a ministry official. It wasn't long after that I received a visit from Adonis he came here drunk crying his eyes out. He was devastated that you were cheating on him-"
"I wasn't cheating on him I-" your grandmother help her hand for silence and if by magic you stopped.
"He was completely broken, I'd never seen a man so raw before." You snuck a glance at Adonis, your heart softened, you never intended to hurt him. "Anyway I welcomed him in of course and we sat here on this very couch. Now I knew your actions could not go with out consequences. I sat him down and offered him a cup of tea. He took it and he begged me to help him get you back. And I asked him if he would do anything for you. And he said I'd do anything. Are you sure I asked in return. And he responded with all my heart. And that was all I needed."
"You didn't."
"Oh but I did." Your world shattered around you. Your grandmother had done the unthinkable. She had put your family's special spell on Adonis. This spell when combined with a cup of tea, spiked with a bit of magic, those who agreed to the terms and drank it were under there control. Your grandmother was famous for it, it was how she "handled things."
You should have known before from the harsh words Adonis has said at the Quidditch match, to the way he was so rough and violent at the dance. He was under a trance. She had been speaking through him, manipulating him in her game.
Your grandmother set her teacup down at the coffee table and picked up her wand. She mumbled the counter curse and Adonis slumped forward, catching himself of the back of the satin couch.
He shakily probed himself up. He placed a hand to his forehead letting out a small groan. He blinked as if his eye sight was still blurry. You watched as the golden light seeped out of his eyes tricking down his cheeks like tears. "W-whats going on." His voice was raspy like he hadn't spoken for days.
You turned to your grandmother. "How could you."
"You left me no choice." She stood up and sauntered over to you. She was a couple inches shorter than you but none the less you cowered at her stance. "What was a supposed to do pray tell me dear granddaughter? Was I just supposed to let you do whatever the hell you wanted. You are no longer a kid (y/n), you need to stop acting like your actions won't have repercussions. I did what I needed to do for this family, I suffered for the sake of my family's legacy, I married a horribly abusive man for the sake of keeping our bloodline pure." You felt your eyes grow wide at this. You never really knew your grandfather, he never seemed to be around. But as you thought more about it your childhood memories seemed to resurface. You remembered visiting your grandmother and seeing purple bruises decorate her skin. But she never seemed to show any pain around you.
You wanted to hate your grandmother but this memory caused you to bite your tongue and let her continue her rant. "And here is a young man who loves you, who wants a life with you! For Merlin's sake actually cared about you and us not marrying you for your bloody namesake." Tears began to form at your grandmothers eyes as you looked you dead in the eyes, gesturing to Adonis behind her. He shot you a weary smile. "You are so naive. What must it be to not only hold the Keys to this boys hearts but to dangle those two boys in strings in your little love game. You think it doesn't affect them, you are so naive.  You are so stupid! You know what you have to do (y/n). Grow up and do what is right." She took a deep breath and wiped at her eyes with the back of her hand. She looked back at you and for a moment you could see just how much she had suffered for your family. This did not make you forgive her but it made you understand her. "So yes I did what I had to. I did what was best for you and for this family." She held her head high starring you down.
You looked around the room surveying those in it. Your grandmother had done her duty to the household and yet she was miserable. Your mother had followed her heart but at the same time cost her family everything. And in the end was she even happy? How could you be happy being separated from the love of your life and only being allowed to see them every once in a while. You came to the conclusion that no matter what you did you would always be stuck in this pressure to do what was right. So you made you decision.
You lifted your head up and looked your grandmother in the eyes. "Fine I'll marry Adonis." Your grandmother looked shocked at your words, as if she had not expected you to agree. "But for the family." You said the last part softly, but at the Adonis turned to you and you couldn't bring yourself to look him in the eyes.
You sat in up in your room your grandmother had for you. It still looked the same after all these years. The walls covered with posters featuring musicians or famous muggle artists. You laid across the bed on your back staring up at the sealing, the family crest painted up there. When you were younger you tried to paint over it but no matter what you did it burned through it. You could still see the faint outline of various murals you had attempted to do.
You tossed and turned it was a early in the morning but sleep seemed to have abandoned you. Reluctantly you transformed into your cat like state, you always seemed to sleep better this way. You paved around the bed, kneading it before you settled down. Sleep was slowly approaching when you heard a knock at your door.
As you jumped off of the bed you transformed back just in to open the door. As you did you cake face to face with Adonis. "Hey." His eyes were tired. He had changed out of his clothes and had slipped into an oversized ravenclaw sweater with sweat pants.
"Can I come in?" He rubbed his hand up and down the nape of his neck in a nervous manner.
You didn't say anything you just opened the door further and sat down on the bed. He followed and sat down weighing his side down. "I came to talk about to earlier. I'd didn't  mean to hurt you. I hope you can forgive me."
"Of course I did it wasn't you saying those things to me. It was my grandmother speaking through you." You kept your gaze cast downward.
You could feel his stare on you. "What did you mean when you said you'd marry me for the family."
"Adonis don't do this." You felt the lump forming in your throat. You felt the weight of the bed shift as he moved closer.
"Look at me."
"I can't."
"Why my love?"
"Please don't call me that. I'm unworthy of that title."
"Don't be silly." You felt his hand cup the side of your face. He ran his thumb over your cheek bone in a soothing manner. "You are the love of my life." You looked up at him. "I love you (y/n)." He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to your lips. You didn't even respond. He pulled away but kept his hand on the side of your face. You laid your hand over his.
His eyes watered, his face was stilled stained with golden tears and now new ones accompanied them. "Did. Did I ever have a chance?" His Adam's apple bopped up and down.
You felt tears escape your eyes and well. "Of course." You saw his shoulders relax. "But-" His shoulders tensed and he let out a shaky breath.  You threw yourself into his arms and buried your face in his shoulder. You aren't strong enough to tell him to his face. His familar smell welcomed you but you knew that soon it would no longer be yours. "That was Once upon a time, we're no longer kids. "
"But you are my one and my only." His voice quivered. "I grew up with you and watched your transform into the person you are today. Was it a dream, a lie."
"Never." You broke down and gripped on tightly onto his sweater. You sniffled.
"But I can see it all so clearly." He ran his hand through your hair. " I'm now sitting here today close to you and yet I there is a distance. I could see it in your eyes when I came here." He swallowed hard before pulling you as close as he could. "I can't lose you."
You pulled back and looked him in his eyes. They were back to his normal Carmel brown color. You rand your hand down his face and stopped close to his mouth. He pressed a kiss to your palm. "You never could you are my love and my life."
He ran a hand through your hair before tucking it behind your ear. He gave you a sad smile. "But I no longer posses you." He asked as he held on a little looser.
Your silence was answer enough. "What are we going to do?" You rocked back and worth him holding you tightly now as if he was afraid any moment you were going to leave him just like his family had. "You are all I have." He whispered far to lowly for your to hear. "I know I don't posses you but tell me why it's so hard to say."
"I'm going to marry you." You refused to look back at him, you wanted to at least enjoy this moment, you knew that moments like this were over.
"Even though you don't love me?" His voice was dull. He shifted to where you were holding him. You were on your back and he was laying on top of you, his face pressed against your chest listening to your calming heartbeat, his words muffled. You wrapped your arms around him.
You lifted his face to yours. "I love you Donnie I'm just not in love with you." You sadly smiled as tears continued to trickle down your face.
"You will still be my one and only, my love, my life. If if I no longer posses your heart." Adonis said as he kissed you softly and it was only for a moment. But he knew even if you married him it was no longer for love but for obligation. This time you kissed back. It was your way of saying goodbye. And yet it was never enough, because how do you say goodbye to your first love.You kissed each other as the sun began to rise and as morning came you knew that you no longer belonged to one another.
Tag list: @hearteyesmotherclucker @theroyalbrownbarbie @hoodedbirdie @annyinlovewithkpop @c8n10n4o2-geek @martarosado @nanjaeminie @moisoverennyi-thestarlessone @profangirllex @gaenahelleborus @melodramaticmelon2118 @michellekstr @nctyong-xo @preppy-by-the-c @sweetlyshinylady @emo-plaidin @dreacantsleep @theetherealbloom m @lily2089 @mywckdmind @barbarachern @imbiandiwanttocry @ollyoxenfrees @newtslatte e @pettylady @februarycalum @justanotherenglisheducationmajor @feelthefeelingsinsideyou @ombriescent @ztinge @liloefuru u @babywizardoll @heckin-kat @thewitchmadness @bunnie-kookie @the-fandom-life-forever @missanonyma @frozen-blue-eyes @newletas @sassycassyhoneybee @spookysunflowr @arosewithdaisies @spreaded-butter @dreacantsleep @constantdisgrace @madamnouiselle @pureawesomeness001 @hp-forever-generation @princeofsassgard @hereiamhereigo @coniumalces
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