#bad romance quote
icekreme · 2 months
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earlywintermourning · 9 months
dangerous romance is fun because its completely character driven and none of the characters know if they want to be in a romcom or a drama
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wanderingsoulstuff7 · 6 months
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Beach + sunset + YOU
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thatstolenpayal · 2 months
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"chaand dekha tumne?"
"dekh raha hoon"
silent conversations in the moonlight, you and me
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jemsbitch · 6 days
Emma carstairs and Julian blackthorn are just tessa and Jem in another font while jace and clary is Tessa and Will but y’all aren’t ready for this conversation yet
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utilitycaster · 8 months
Sort of a distant tangent off my post about Ashton, but I'm growing more and more suspicious of the fandom claim that there's no time for small RP moments in Campaign 3. I do think that it's been challenging to get deeper party bonding or serious conversations that aren't about the big philosophical questions they're facing, since those do take much more time; but then I think about Calamity, or Candela Obscura. I can genuinely give you at least a couple paragraphs about pretty much every relationship in the two Circles, or in the Ring of Brass. I can also point to no shortage of small moments between characters in the Mighty Nein Aeor or Vox Machina Vecna endgame episodes, which were all extremely plot-heavy and fast-paced, and D20 consistently nails character relationships in a fraction of the time.
I think it really does come down to, as Brennan Lee Mulligan always says, the character creation phase. Laying down a solid groundwork in which everyone has a detailed, rich backstory and sense of personality and relationship history (in the case of characters who knew each other prior to the start of the series) is absolutely crucial, and even in the case of characters who don't know each other before going in, a good amount of time spent in character creation ensures that it's easier for them to develop those interpersonal relationships on the fly. I know in actual play there's some degree of finding the character as you play, but there are games for which there is a very short runway, and I don't think it ever hurts to do more extensive character prep than the bare minimum. And if there are gaps, I think it also helps to go back and fill those in mid-way, away from the table - Travis clarifying Chetney's backstory being a great example that allowed the history of Chetney and Deanna to feel realized and full, despite only a few episodes.
I'll also be blunt: most of the time when people complain that there aren't moments because the plot keeps moving...they're mad about shipping. Which has always rung hollow to me. It was a common complaint in C2, that no time was taken for character relationships, despite them taking an entire half of an episode for the Beauyasha date and despite no shortage of moments for all three of the other couples (and plenty of platonic moments between friends). The issue was never a lack of time; it was that the characters they wanted to talk to each other didn't actually have the relationship in canon that the fans had dreamed up, and so, when the chips were down, they went to other people.
It takes two seconds to say something like "I hold their hand", even in the middle of plot-heavy adventuring. If someone doesn't say it, it's rarely the GM rushing them; it's the player either choosing not to do so, or not remembering to do so, and either of those is quite revealing regarding how the player feels about that relationship and where it stands in their priorities.
#i've felt this for a while but like. fundamentally? C3 is just...uniquely not set up for terribly satisfying shipping#even the ships I do like and that get small moments are relatively background#like 80% of quote unquote ship content is like. fanon goggles overlaying either parallel play or standard battle mechanics#which is fine! I think it's a different vibe and approach than the past 2 campaigns#i think especially in character creation; self-insert or easy for new players (c1)#followed by Morally Gray Campaign; Prove We Can Replicate This Success; Serious Characters (C2); followed by Let's Get Silly With It (C3)#which is less conducive to that profound connection of c1 or c2. which is not a bad thing!#but god. if you complain about the D&D show having too much d&d plot and not enough romance...yeah pal it's d&d not a dating sim#like I enjoy when there is romance in my fantasy but it's not a requirement. there is a genre full of romance. it is called romance.#i'm also thinking about this bc I need to watch wot s2 but i've been told that the fandom has gotten weird#like wow so moiraine/siuan is not the A plot? in a high fantasy Good vs. Evil series? WHO'D HAVE THOUGHT.#getting back to this...i'm also thinking about my own life and like. i moved to where i live not long pre-lockdown#and so i'm finding myself a resident of this area for 4+ years but with weaker connections than i'd have otherwise. and that's fine!#but psychologically i feel so weird about just starting to find my place bc it's been so long even though there's a good reason#and i wonder if the cast/Hells feels the same way ie why are we only just bonding now 70 eps in and so they're hesitant#that I Waited Too Long And Now It's Awkward feeling; that I Should Be Past This By Now fallacy#which. again. i think things early on could have been done differently but that time is past you need to live in the present now.#cr tag
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belamercado · 7 days
Finally, in a low whisper, he said, "I think I might be a terrible person." For a split second I believed him - I thought he was about to confess a crime, maybe a murder. Then I realized that we all think we might be terrible people. But we only reveal this before asking someone to love us. It is a kind of undressing.
- Miranda July, The First Bad Man
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replaytech · 2 months
yeah i’m fine (sometimes fictional characters are the only people i feel loved by)
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his-littlefox · 2 months
guys!! reblog with your fav song(s) from ttpd!! 💘
🎀 down bad
🎀 guilty as sin?
🎀 but daddy i love him
edit: im adding a third song bcc!!!
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vampireink · 5 months
I would steal the stars for you but your eyes already shine brighter than anything in the whole universe
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earlywintermourning · 10 months
the entirety of dangerous romance is just kanghan vs the consequences of his own actions
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Suzaku: Ugh, crushes are the worst. Whenever I’m around mine I end up acting all stupid. Lelouch: But you always act stupid? Suzaku: Yeah…don’t think about that too hard, ‘kay?
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vivwut · 11 days
Getting hurt by the one you love the most is such a humbling experience.
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responsible gunpowder
so this relationship feels more like
the angry punishment of some dude who
never got to grow up because of the
emotional enmeshment of his mother
your mother wound that umbilical cord
so many times and tight around you two
that you forgot who you were
and who she was
and who the fuck I am
time is a motherfucker
and I'm his daughter
the man of my house
was me the eldest daughter
a power I never wanted
but a game I learned how to play
you made this game
you set the characters
and I'll match all your energy
and let it burn like the gunpowder
I accidently left in a ritual
all over the floor
in a mandala design
just for fun
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this-is-youniverse · 1 year
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Crash Course in Romance (2023)
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wuthering-high · 9 months
Hmm. Maybe I was put on this earth to write bad poetry and to read my silly romance books and to listen to Taylor Swift and to daydream and be kind and maybe tearing up a little bit everyday.
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