dazailover96 ¡ 4 years
First Impressions Pt 2- (Fyodor X a!Musician Reader)
So after like days of not being active, I made this to celebrate 100 followers. I’ll try to be more active. But I lazy. Im Sorry~~~~~
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There were only two things, that would make Fyodor leave the comfort and serenity, of the silence of his home. It would either be to enforce his cunning plans, in bringing society to fall or to attend and listen to the elegant dance of wind and wooden instruments, within an orchestra.
He would feel at peace knowing society would break down, from his actions, and the beautiful dance, the violin would play within his ears. This was how he finally came across someone as elegant and beautiful, as the violin they played; you.
Fyodor arrived early at the theatre, taking his place in an Opera box, far away from the other attendees. As much as Fyodor loved classical music, he couldn’t deny that all of the musicians lacked something important when playing their instruments. Every note they played felt, prickled and uneasy, never truly achieving the relaxing tone, he yearned for. He thought this trial for searching serenity in music, could no longer be achieved through others, concluding humanity was truly worthless.
This was until the final musician, began their musical dance, of Beethoven’s Violin Sonata No.9 (Kreutzer Sonata) (1st Movement). Standing in the centre of the stage, with confidence resting in the broadness of their shoulders, the musician strummed with elegant grace, making it seem as if they were a part of the musical piece themselves. Fyodor’s attention only held onto the musicians, relaxed, and yet straight posture, the (h/c) hair flowing with life, with every strum of the violin, and the shining (e/c) eyes that over-flowed with a dark light to them. Their white-laced long dress swayed along with her powerful and grand movements. He didn’t even realise, he was gripping the balcony railing, with such intensity, turning his knuckles white.
When the graceful musician, strike their last strum of the violin, Fyodor’s ears were enveloped in the sound of explosions, rupturing throughout the entirety of the theatre. Like Fyodor, the swan-like musician didn’t even flinch when the explosives rang out. Fyodor knew bombs were implanted under, the cushioned seats, so he ensured his explosive devices were disarmed. He stayed throughout the performance, mainly to find the terrorist and their intentions, but he already knew deep down who did it.
The (h/c) musician’s smile, told him exactly who executed such a beautiful performance.
For the first time through Fyodor’s life, he finally wanted something more than society’s destruction. It was the (h/c), violin musician, watching Fyodor, with a wide smile etched their face, and (e/c) eyes reflecting the same darkness, in Fyodor’s bright violet eyes. He finally found someone, like him. Their eyes told him everything.
Once the explosives stopped screaming, Fyodor’s eyes briefly scanned the bloody paradise, the musician inflicted. Not a single survivor, other than him and the musician was left.
With a dark booming voice, Fyodor broke the temporary silence, “Tell me, how can an elegant swan, create such a marvellous performance, while also bringing large bloody destruction?”
Giggling, the musician replied, “Oh please, you're making me blush. This swan’s name is Y/L/N, Y/N Y/L/N.”
Laughing along, Fyodor jumped over the balcony, landing onto the corpse of a small brown-haired child. He walked onto the stage and dropped on to one knee and held the musician’s smooth hands.
With his voice laced in happiness, he asked, “Would you like to continue to make such refined music and performances, like this?”
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dazailover96 ¡ 4 years
Uh. I am so shocked. I- I really don’t know I got so many followers. My stuff isn’t that good. But dude; I can not thank you guys enough. I’m genuinely SHOOK. 
So, to celebrate, I’m going to finally finish First Impressions; which I’m going to make it a Oneshot between Fyodor and the Reader. I should probably make all my previous head canons more of drabbles BUT OH WELL. 
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dazailover96 ¡ 4 years
Celebration (Soukoku Oneshot)
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The insomnia was starting to take its toll on Dazai’s mind and body. Every bone would scream in exhaustion when he soullessly rose from his bed. It was meaningless for him to even attempt sleeping if he knew it was never going to work. Time could be spent, on trying to discover the motives of Fyodor, or at least finishing his reports for the agency; but he would always come to the conclusion to sit on the couch and think. He knew every time he did it, on how stupid it was. It only made his yearning for death, to overflow and pour out of him, along with his tears. 
He hated thinking. It reminded him of his mistakes, his regrets, his faults. 
He couldn’t stop it though. 
The darkness that swelled within him, would snake its way into his deepest insecurities, warping all his kept-up emotions to pour from him. He couldn’t stop anything that poured from him. His anger from not stopping Oda fall victim to his emotions, the disparity that followed the five years of loneliness and depravity from life, and the emptiness of forcing himself to avoid someone he cared for. His emotions will only cause others to suffer and fall; he didn’t want the people he cared for to suffer. A particular person had suffered enough from the betrayal of his friends, which had caused him to lose trust in almost everyone. 
This never-ending cycle followed him for every second, of every day. He submerged himself in his sufferings, making him feel something close to death. 
Today was no different. The single thing different was that it’s was his birthday. A constant reminder that he lived for another year, while others didn’t. 
It hurt. It hurts him so fucking much. 
Letting the darkness slowly sweep away, and the panic attack fade, Dazai was conscious of the present. He was no longer swept back in the past. 
He wrapped his arms and body with white thick bandages, covering each cut etched into his smooth skin; completely his usual routine from every morning.  He wouldn’t be going to the Armed Detective Agency today. Dazai never did on this particular day. None of them knew why he wouldn’t go to work, today, and he made sure to keep it that way. 
No one was going to get hurt. He’ll celebrate today the same way; he does every year; protecting his family from anyone. 
‘Family’. Dazai hated that word. It was a word, that would always result in him suffering. Oda and Ango were like family to him and look at how that ended. In death. 
Before he could continue his yearly tradition, Dazai had a stop to make before he began hunting down all underground organisations, out for the agency’s head. This was the most mentally challenging part. Every step he would take would get heavier and heavier, every breath becoming shorter and shorter, sweat beading down more and more. It was like chains, snaking around his spine, pulling and tugging him back. He didn’t want to go, he didn’t want to lose himself to the past again, but he had to. It was the only way to move on. 
Dazai stood idle, amidst the short bright-green grass, watching the wind blow in the giant-oak tree. Underneath the aged seedling, rested his departed friend; a friend who changed his entire life. Someone who he can never get back, someone who didn’t deserve to die. With heavy chains tugging his ankles, Dazai eventually made it to the grim grave headstone. “Oda Sakunosuke” was engraved across the head of the slab of stone; with the tips of grass, tingling the bottom of the grave. The sky began to grow grey in clouds, with rain beginning to pour down gently. 
It was so hard. It was so hard to walk, still breathing, when someone who tried to live so hard, died. It was so hard to stare at their grave, while the rain poured down. It was so hard to live when he desperately wants to die. 
It was so hard to keep up the “happy” act when his whole life was falling apart. 
Dazai fell to his knees, drenching himself in the mud that formed from the downpour, not caring if he got sick, or ruined any of his clothing. Tears overflowed from his eyes, letting every pent-up emotion fall, onto the ground. It was so tiring to laugh, smile and to be a lie. He was so tired of it all. 
Dazai’s muscles tensed, at the sound of his voice. His deep voice was strained like a foghorn. There was an undertone of sadness being strained, in the pronouncement of his name. For a brief moment, Dazai forgot the owner, of that delicate voice. He had forgotten every moment he teased him, every moment he would him hold him when his organisation betrayed him, and he forgot how he would protect him through everything. He had forgotten the one person, amidst the billions of people roaming the earth, who understood his pain. 
He forgot he pushed that person away. 
Small hands wrapped around Dazai’s figure, holding onto him so tightly, making it seem that they’ll never let go. Salty droplets of water began to fall, down his back, as the person began to cry, as they clutched on to Dazai.
“Why did you leave? Why did you leave me?” his voice whimpered.
Dazai quietly hushed in reply, tears still falling off his silky face, 
He turned around, engulfing Chuuya’s body in a tight hug, pushing his face into the crook of Chuuyas neck. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry” Dazai voice broke, repeating the same words over, and over again. He kept repeating, in hopes of being forgiven for everything he did to him. To be forgiven for forgetting their past, his mistakes, for leaving him and so much more.
When Dazai’s apologises began to quiet down, Chuuya soft voice slipped into his ear, 
“I knew Oda died, I knew you would go to his grave, I knew I would meet you if I came here,” 
Chuuya put his hands, on Dazai’s chest, and stared into his dark chocolate brown eyes, that he missed so much.
“I came here, every day, for the past 5 years, in hopes of seeing you again. And every time you weren’t there, I had to fight back the tears that you caused. You could’ve been dead for all I knew. I fucking thought you were. I thought you had finally found happiness in death, and that you had left me to keep living.” Tears wouldn’t stop pouring from his glistening blue eyes, his eyes swelling from the sadness he felt. 
“Oda. Oda died” Dazai’s hush voice, held the memory of that day, Oda was ridden from the world.
Darkness and fury entangled Dazai’s words, “I DIDN’T WANT YOU, TO END UP LIKE ODA,”
Chuuya’s fury had stopped. His eyes wore confusion and worry. 
“Everyone fucking dies, abandons or hurts me, as soon as I want them to stay. As soon as I begin caring for them” Dazai’s voice had broken at this point.
“I loved you. I still do.
 It was like tearing off a limb, just to make sure you wouldn’t get harmed, and it hurt every single second of every fucking day”
“I’m sorry, if “ 
Chuuya grasped Dazai’s soft-skinned face and pulled him into a kiss. Their lips moved in sync, as they released the loving emotions, they kept from each other, for years. When they finally grew a need for oxygen, they pulled apart. 
“I love you too, you dickhead...”
“...Happy birthday, Osamu”
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dazailover96 ¡ 5 years
Headcanons: First Impressions Pt 1
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Dazai Osamu
- When Dazai first met you, it was the beginning of a love-hate relationship. It began when Mori first introduced you to Dazai. Dazai was already tired, of dealing with the constant annoyance of Chuuya, and disobedience from Akutagawa, so hearing that he had to take care of another mafia member, caused anger to rupture from him.
- “Why do I need to care of another spoiled brat?” he spat, when Mori stated, you would be partnered for the next mission.
- He thought you looked ridiculous in the oversized black coat, swallowing your figure. Although, your e/c eyes made it hard for him to look away. Dazai might’ve been spouting nonsense on how idiotic you looked, but deep down, he thought you looked adorable.
- When walking to the next mission, he insisted on informing you of everything wrong with you. From the little things of walking weirdly to the silence, you showed him. When he started pointing out your oversized coat, you ran up to him and straight up punched him.
- “Could you fuck off, please?! I’ve been silent for the past thirty fucking minutes, dealing with your bullshit, but of course, you must go on the longest list of how much shit is wrong with me? Do I fucking point out, your constant stupid suicidal methods, that will never fucking work because you’re too fucking incompetent to even die? NO. I DON’T. SO, FUCK YOU!” 
- A red hue had risen to your cheeks, as the fury within you had peaked. After a brief silence, Dazai laughed. It was a nice genuine laugh, that he hadn’t felt in such a long time.
- “Why are you laughing?”“You’re so cute, Y/N~”
- The redness in your face increased dramatically. You turned around, holding your face in your hands. “C’mon. We are going to be late if we don’t get going”
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Chuuya Nakahara
ABILITY: Spatial Awareness
It grants you the ability to sense everything in a 25-kilometre radius. However, it is dangerous to use the full 25 kilometres, as you can feel every step and movement within the area. You can redirect the pain to your opponent, but you both will be experiencing the same pains.
(Why did I add this? Because you have an ability and I love Demon Slayer)
- The sun was setting, in one of the poorest parts of Yokohama, the Slums. Chuuya met you, on one of his missions to find the perpetrator who stole over hundreds of thousands of dollars. It was when Chuuya was walking down a dark alley, that he ran into you. Well, your body. You were starved beyond belief and covered in wounds and dirt. He debated on leaving you, until he saw one of the bright gold coins, belonging to the mafia, in your hand. Picking up your body, seeing as you were in no state to walk or talk, he took you back to the mafia.
- He wrapped you in his jacket, as you were shivering cold. When looked at you wrapped in his coat, warm, he couldn’t stop himself from blushing. Even with all the pain etched into your skin, he couldn’t help but find you adorable and cute. However, you still had the port mafias money in your hand, meaning that you can’t be trusted; for now.
- After being well-rested and fed, Chuuya finally asked you how you got one of the port mafia coins. Fear laced your e/c eyes. You explained to him, about your ability, “Spatial awareness”, and how your parents left an unexplainably large debt into your hands. In order to pay for it, you would commit illegal work, from stealing to spying for information.
- Chuuya had to leave the room before you finished explaining. He was mad beyond belief. How could someone be as cruel to force a debt, to their children? It took him some time before, Chuuya came back to talk to you. You told him about how you managed to sneak into the port mafia and steal so much money, which would cut your debt at least down by an eighth.
- “I have a better plan than paying so much money” “How?!” “Have you ever destroyed an entire organisation, in a night?”
- After he got rid of your debt, you joined the Mafia, making Chuuya ecstatic.
-“I’m glad you joined the Mafia” “Why?” “Because I know I get to see you more now”
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So, I’ve been on a break. Im sorry~ I should’ve told everyone I was going on a bit of hiatus. I’m not sure if I’m definitely back or not, BACK I’LL TRY TO CONTINUE UPDATING
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dazailover96 ¡ 5 years
Eternal Agony Chapters (Dazai x Reader)
Authors Note:
This is a place where all the authors notes are stored, in case anyone is looking for a specific note.
This is the description for the book Eternal Agony
First Meeting
First chapter
Leap Of Faith
Second Chapter
Port Mafia
Third Chapter
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dazailover96 ¡ 5 years
I’m crying. Stop. It hurts.
Dazai Depression
So I had a thought about Dazai and I cried and here it is. Suffer.
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Spoilers BTW.
Dazai felt like he lost everything before Oda dying. He told himself that he if ever wanted something, it will become lost. He just wanted friends and a reason to live, and he lost all of it. He lost Oda, Ango and every reason he was still alive. He lost everything and yet still no matter how much he wants to lose his life, he is unable to do it, causing him to be in eternal agony until he dies of old age or finally succeeds in suicide.
When he watched Oda go meet his demise, he knew he was going to die. Both oda and Dazai knew that. Yet, Dazai had to witness his friend, something he always wanted to have, go into a battle, knowing he will die. Oda was committing some form of suicide. Dazai watched his friend die before him. He only wanted to keep his friend, but it ended in Oda losing all his want to live.
Dazai still lived. He watched both his friend, who he cared for, die, and his other friend be a reason in causing his death. He lost everything that he wanted, and yet he still lived in the darkness, alone, for five years before finding the agency. For five years, he was totally isolated and had no one. No parents. No friends. No will to live. He only had the darkness and suffering of living, and the will to die. Yet, he still cannot fly free from his suffering, and is still tied to the world. Watching and making friends, that he knows as soon that he wants to keep them, he will lose. He knows. So, he protects them. But keeps that at a distance, so he knows he won’t drag them down into suffering with him. 
Manga Spoiler:
When he’s encaged with Fyodor, he has to keep calm and cool, when there is still the possibility of one the ADA members dying. But he knows he can only keep them safe when he is with the real monster. He tries to protect his family, by staying away from them, because he knows the same thing will happen if he goes with them. He knows. He always knows. He can never not know, because he is afraid of the uncertainty. He forces himself to predict future events, even when he knows it can result in suffering for himself or others. Like how he got shot during his meeting with Fyodor, and when he saw Fyodor in the cafe. He didn’t let any of his ADA family there, because there was the possibility of them getting hurt.  Dazai knows the ADA is his family, and he’s scared because he thinks he might lose them like how he lost Oda.
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dazailover96 ¡ 5 years
Head Canons:
Suicide: (Dazai X Reader / Kyouka X Sister(ish)! Reader)
Selfless: (Dazai X Reader / Tanizaki X Reader)
First Impressions Pt 1: (Dazai x Reader / Chuuya x Reader)
(Coming Soon!)
Celebration: (Dazai x Chuuya- Soukoku)
First Impressions Pt 2: (Fyodor x Musician!Reader)
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dazailover96 ¡ 5 years
Selfless (Head Canon)
Can you do Dazai fluffy headcanons with a affectionate and selfless s\o? My boo needs some love (T_T) Here we are! I didn’t do a great job, so if I ever comeback to this, I’ll make sure to do it better!
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Dazai Osamu
- Dazai had never met someone as beautiful and kind as you. In the beginning days, when he first met you, you would always make sure he was smiling and laughing. You were a place where he could feel relaxed and calm, feeling free of Fyodor’s schemes, Kunikida’s endless demands and Mori’s evilness. Whenever he was around you, he was home.
- Every day, you would go to the Armed Detective Agency with another pastry, dessert or bento, and give it to him. The smile that rose to his face made it worth it each time. The way his light chocolate eyes gleamed at the delicious food, was better than eating the food itself. His relentless gratitude after, made it another ten times better, especially when he repays it with kisses. The way his lips tasted of the delicious sweets, made the actual sweet so much better.
- You love him. His dark rich brown hair, light chocolate eyes, clean pure skin and the bubbling personality he always wore. You loved his personality and everything about him, but it always seemed like he was hiding something. He never told you why he was drenched in water, why he had a bitten mushroom or the burn singed to his neck. He told you not to worry and that he’ll be fine. After every time, he said those few words, he would distract you by twirling your hair, slowly, and letting a few gentle kisses along your neck. You knew he was trying to distract you, but you cared too much about making him uncomfortable, so you just ignored it. That was until about two years after you met.
- When you first saw Dazai’s scars. You were going to surprise him with a birthday dinner and a gift. It was a newly crafter turquoise pendant, held together by a thin leather lace. His previous pendant had shattered, but he never told you how. When you took a step into his apartment, the burnt image of Dazai holding a thin sharp razor blade imprinted your mind. The blood dripping down his wrist, slowly flowing past every cut that littered his arm. You dropped the grocery bags, as your hands flew up to cover your mouth. Tears fell down your face as you fell to the floor, crying.
- Dazai had spun around and run over to you. He held your figure as you endlessly apologised for things that weren’t true. You said sorry for not being there for him, for never making his life easier and for being a burden. His voice softly replied denying everything you said and only told you it was his burden, not yours. You slapped him. Never. He had never seen you do something so out of the ordinary to have slapped him. - Taking every bit of strength in your body, you grasped his collar and pulled him down to leave a soft gentle kiss on his lips. Emotions poured into the kiss; finally letting Dazai know that someone in the world loved him. More than loved him. Letting go soon after, you told him to promise you to never take any more burdens onto himself and to never forget that you were there for him. Dazai took your gentle pinkie and wrapped it with his. His smile made the butterflies in your stomach, fly high and beyond any sadness. lacing his voice with the lightness of love and happiness, he calmly replies 
                                                           I promise.
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Tanizaki Junichirō
- Tanizaki always felt special with you. Naomi made him feel like an important special brother, but it never made him feel relaxed or a happy person. This was until he met you. You made him always feel important and like he had a place in this world. It was the one thing he needed, and you gave it to him, and so much more. To him, you were invaluable. - Whenever you would be completing tasks, for the agency, you made sure to buy him a Chinese cuisine, for lunch. He loved them. The way his beautiful violet sparkled, and his adorable smile stretch across his face, gave you every reason to keep on making him happy. In return, he would leave a soft gentle kiss to show how much he cared for you, occasionally licking your lips to ask for more. - Every week, you made sure there was time to take Tanizaki to one of his favourite places; the cat café. His love for cats made you slightly jealous, of how he would cherish all of them and show them so much, love. However, his happiness and joy was the most important thing to you, so it didn’t matter. He always noticed the little bit of envy, so he would pull you onto his lap, gently placing his chin onto your shoulder. The warmth of his breath hitting your neck caused you to lose focus on the kittens and become dizzy with euphoria. - Tanizaki would constantly persist in trying to repay you, always asking if you needed help or something. Every time you would tell him that you didn’t need anything, but that wouldn’t stop him. Eventually, he found about your love for anime, especially Bungou stray dogs. After months of asking Fukazawa, if he could take a couple of days off with you, he succeeded. Covering your eyes, he drove to the Jump Festa, a Japanese anime convention. Once you both arrived, he led you to the front of the convention and removed the blindfold.
- You were beyond happy. Tears of joy swelled and fell down your face. He freaked out because he thought he made you upset, so he hugged and endlessly apologise. He stopped saying sorry once he noticed the bright beautiful smile etched into your face. The amount of thank yous, you gave, were countless. The only way you could convey your happiness was to pull his white shirt and kiss him. Your arms snaked their way around his hips, as his soft hands tenderly held your silky-smooth face. When you finally broke apart, he charmingly smiles and lovingly tells you,
                                                      I love you.
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dazailover96 ¡ 5 years
Head Canons: (Suicide)
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Kyouka Izumi 
- Kyouka had always thought of you as her elder sister, you were there for her always when she needed someone. You were the person who helped her see the little bit of light, throughout her and your port mafia days.
- When you were helping her touch the light, it was only dragging you further into the darkness. Fear of Mori growing more powerful with every day, made the darkness inflict more pain onto you. Well, it wasn’t the darkness just inflicting pain; the razor blade sitting on you beside table did it too.
- It began to get too much for you. Balancing the heavy loads of work Mori enforced, trying to regain your health before every mission, every day, and pushing endless training sessions on Kyouka, so she could protect herself from everything you feared. 
- You eventually snapped when you first saw Kyouka come back from her first mission. Her dead dull eyes reflected the same eyes she held when she first arrived in the port mafia. You had caused this. It was all your fault. Well, that’s what you told yourself. Only yourself. 
- Kyouka found you in the bathroom. Your lifeless body was drained of all blood. It was your ability, ‘Blessed Rain After the Drought”. That ability allowed you to control all liquids within a certain range. This included the blood running in your body.She broke down. Every bit of pain from Kyouka’s past, pricked at her as she repeated the same words, that you said when life and light was still within you, “It’s all my fault”.
- Kyouka fell lifelessly on the floor, letting the pain of her head making contact with the ground, echo in the bathroom. Everything she loved was gone. Her Mum, her Dad, and you. She felt the last bit of light you gave her flicked, and slowly die out within her.  
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Dazai Osamu
- Dazai first met you, on Oda’s birthday. He was sitting alone, in a bar called Lupin, remembering every moment he had spent with his dear friend before his death. Death and suicide were the only things on his mind until he had met you. He had finally felt like living.
- You both talked about the darkness, you endured and how every day gets harder to get past, even though no one sees. The conversation eventually fell onto the topic of Oda. Dazai idolized Oda. He wanted Oda to follow his aspirations, and to become a writer that would’ve changed the world. However, the ambitions of his Boss had cut that short.
- In return you talked about the death of someone you loved, so dearly, and how their unexpected passing, had caused you to isolate yourself from the outside world. This was until you felt like suffocating within your home. The constant arguing between your parents about what to do with their 22-year-old daughter, still living at home, became too much for you, so you snuck out and ended up in a bar for a drink.
- It became a weekly thing, to meet up with each other and talk about everything that was happening. After a couple of months, the meetings stopped once Dazai noticed the matching bandages around your wrists. He questioned it immediately and out of fear of the constant darkness, that follows you, being exposed you ran.
- He had not seen you for months. That was until the Armed Detective Agency got a call. It was from a distressed mother stating that her daughter had an ability and she needed someone to help her. Nervousness and shock laced her voice. Fukuzawa sent Dazai and Kunikida to help the mother. 
- Once they arrived the mother directed both of them upstairs into the bedroom. Stepping in first, Dazai saw the H/C flowing hair scattering the bed, with a lifeless body resting in the middle. Burns singed all over her skin, leaving large burnt patches all over. Y/N. It was her. 
- Dazai fell to the ground, letting every tear he had held for twenty-two years, fall to the carpet below him. She understood him. She read every part of him. She helped him grasp the light Oda wanted him to have. He loved her. And yet, her body still didn’t move, to give him the warm smile he grew accustomed to, she didn’t move to comfort all the sufferings he felt, and she didn’t move to tell him everything will be okay. She was gone. Everything he ever wanted is lost now.                                                         
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dazailover96 ¡ 5 years
Here you can request any oneshot, headcannons or scenarios! However, Please follow the following rules!
1. I’ll do NSFW, but if there is a certain kink or theme that goes against my morals, then no. I’ll refuse, but I will explain why.
2. Please make sure you are very clear about what you want me to write; e.g. scenario, character and idea/theme. 
3.I can do other animes, depending if I am aware of them
Some animes I know are: MHA, BSD, Ancient Magus Bride, Demon Slayer, Angels of Death, Assassination Classroom, Death Note (Not Completely), Diabolic Lovers (Only Season 1), Satan Has A Part Time Job, Attack On Titan (Not Season 3), Black Butler, Tokyo Ghoul, Full Metal Alchemist, Your Lie In April, OHSC, Mob Psycho 100, Rise Of The Shield Hero and probably more.
4. Please do not expect me to complete them quickly. I have a very busy life, with lots of work and while doing all of that, I have to suffer the agony of procrastination
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