#and im gonna put it in my room. clear the space behind my TV. and Theres where i wanna put out all my manga thats been in storage
orcelito · 8 months
Feeling some buyers remorse for buying 2 shelves yesterday online. But it's getting eclipsed by the excitement of thinking about where I'm gonna put them and rearranging my apartment a little bit
Is this what it's like to be an adult? Lol
#speculation nation#work sucked today but in brighter moments ive just been buzzing in excitement about furniture#i bought some storage shelves and then a bookshelf#im gonna put the storage shelves at the far side of my living room & put as many of my boxes as i can fit on it#removing Box Island from the center of my living room lol#i wanna also sort thru the boxes to figure out what things would be considered permanent storage (archival things)#which would be priority placed on the storage shelves#and then figure out what boxes i would potentially want to unpack in the coming months. to keep in easier to access locations.#yes ive been living here for 2+ years and yes ive only got like half my shit unpacked. such is life.#for my new bookshelf i wanna do a little more rearranging#the cats' fancy litter box is in the little hallway leading into the bathroom#placed there bc it was the easiest to access outlet for the self cleaning litter box#but it's chunky and gets in the way and with the non clumping litter those things are like fucking legos on the floor#crunch crunch crunch under my slippers. id like the litter box more out of the way.#so im gonna put it in the cat area of the living room. rearranging some stuff over there to make it fit.#and then where it is rn in the hallway. im gonna put my new bookshelf.#i dont know what books im gonna put on it yet. probably my less personal books. probably no manga.#im supposed to get a bookshelf from my dad sometime that's bigger than both my current and my new bookshelf#and im gonna put it in my room. clear the space behind my TV. and Theres where i wanna put out all my manga thats been in storage#idk. shelves!!! potential!!!! its all so exciting.#nothing like new furniture to make me feel like im gonna try to get my life back in order.#and Honestly having the living room suddenly so much cleaner has been... nice.#im gonna work on cleaning my room soon. it is Long overdue.
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imaginecolby · 6 months
prove it || c.b.
summary: after an argument between you, colby promises you that he'll do whatever it takes to get you to forgive him. requested by anonymous.
"i'm so tired of having this conversation with you! if you can't trust me, then we shouldn't even be in this relationship anymore!" you shouted, storming upstairs.
"you don't get to storm away from me in my house!" colby said, following closely behind you.
"well, maybe you should actually listen to me for once, and i won't have to storm off. i don't know how many more times i need to tell you that i don't want you for your clout, or your money. the faster you understand that, then the faster this fight can be over." you took a deep breath before speaking again. "colby, we have been going at this all day. i'm tired of fighting. until you get can get it through your head that i want to be with you, then i can't do this anymore."
you finished packing your things up, and made your way to your car to leave. you half expected colby to come running after you, but when he didn't, you finally let yourself cry. you drove back to your house in silence, letting the tears fall. this was the only thing that you and colby ever fought over, but after the fourth time having this fight, you didn't have it in you to continue to argue over it.
after a quick stop for food, you finally made it home. you sat on the couch, crying as you ate. you really were worried this was gonna be the end of your relationship, but you knew that you couldn't be part of a relationship where someone didn't trust you. you deserved better than that, and you weren't going to continue to put yourself through that.
a few hours passed with no word from colby. you figured you wouldn't hear from him tonight, and forced yourself to try to sleep. unfortunately, that proved to be easier said than done. you tossed and turned all night, mind racing with images of your night replaying in your head.
"god, this sucks." you sighed. you slept for a total of about two hours, and it hit you bad the next day. you moped your way through work, barely talking to anyone, or getting any work done. everyone was trying to get you to open up, and offer some comfort, but you weren't in the mood. you were just trying to get through the next few days, in case this was really the end. once you were finally off of work, you made your way home, and stepped straight into the shower. you sat in the bottom of the tub, letting the warm water massage your muscles, and washing away the stress from the day.
after your shower, you put on some pajamas and moved to the couch, turning on a movie. you rolled your eyes as all of your recommendations were romantic comedies that you were not in the mood for. you ended up turning on an action film that you ended up not paying much attention to. you spaced out as you ate your leftovers, feeling numb. you were all cried out, and now longer knew what to feel.
"god this has been the worst few days." you sighed, turning the tv off. you sat in silence for a while before there was knock on the door. you got up to the answer door, colby standing on your porch.
"hey." he said quietly. you stood there, your arms crossed across your chest, saying nothing. "can we talk?" you turned to move back into your house, colby following closely behind you. you say back on the couch, and he sat on the chair across the living room for you.
"talk about what? just so you can talk down on me some more? you've made it abundantly clear that i don't come from the same world as you and that i don't understand how the industry works." you spat, mimicking his voice. "news flash, i knew that when we met, and i knew that when we got together. you don't need to continue to make me feel bad about it."
"i know, i'm sorry. sometimes i just get too into my head about all this. you're the first real girlfriend ive had since i've been in LA, and im still having trouble figuring this out." he said softly.
"you can't continue using that as an excuse whenever you blow up at me. i understand you're having a hard time figuring this out, but sometimes it feels like you don't understand how badly it hurts when you say things like that to me. it makes me feel like you don't trust me and that you don't want to be with me."
"god, i'm such an idiot. i never want you to feel that way. i love you, and i love everything about us. i never want to make you feel like that i don't care about you, or i don't trust you. i regret that i ever did that to you, and i want to do everything i can to fix this."
"well, an apology is a start. but i need you to prove that you actually believe that and you do trust me."
"i do, and i will. i am so so sorry that i ever made you feel like i didn't want to be with you or that i didn't trsut that you were with me for the right reasons. i love you. i love you more than anything, and i want to be with you." he said, moving to sit next to you.
"i love you too." you said, pulling him into your arms. you hugged him tight and pressed a kiss to the top of his head.
"i'm sorry." he said again, looking up at you. "so so sorry."
"i know. and i accept your apology. and all the future ones i expect from you." you teased.
you and colby spent the rest of the night together, finally feeling better after the last couple of days. you hoped that things would continue to be good for you and colby, and you would stay in a good place for a while. maybe forever.
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meshiinuma · 2 months
Tumblr media
relationship: poly satosugu x reader
desc: clearly satoru has a type + bed time
wrd cnt: 3.3k
warnings: the reader is so fucking specific . like theyre chubby, brown, have glasses, dark hair, n dark eyes. sorry 2 anyone who isnt that HJSJDHSJ, gn reader, fluff
a(shley's)/n: first post whoopie !! also . chubby sugubooboo REALNESS !!!!!!! visit sometime is being worked on PROMISEEE its at 12k words rn n its only the first chapter [im planning on writing the rest of the chapters b4 publishing bcuz i feel bad abandoning things so its probs gonna b over 300k by the time im done w the whole thing . sigh.] ok. enjoy . [also u can tell whos my favorite]
the tiny couch the three of you crammed onto every evening felt incredibly warm. it did every day.
suguru was on the farthest left (when you’re sitting on the couch and facing the tv in front of it), laying back on the couch with a pillow underneath his head. satoru was on the farthest right, using the armrest as a prop for his head and playing on his nintendo switch. you were leaning back on suguru’s stomach, on your phone.
gurgle! grrk! 
“your stomach’s talking shit about you, suguru.” you warned, scrolling through the comments on a post.
“what’s it saying?” he asked offhandedly, turning a page.
“‘s gonna kill you man.” 
“crazy…” he trailed off and you noticed his reading glasses slipping down his nose slowly.
you pulled yourself up his body and pushed them up with your pointer finger, then laid a kiss against the apple of his cheek.
suguru looked down at you, dark brown eyes so clear you could see yourself reflected in them almost. he put a pretty bookmark with a nice yellow tassel between the pages and set it on the side table.
“now what do you from me? hm?” he drew you fully to his chest where he started to nip at your cheeks and jaw. giggle “kisses sugu! gimme kisses!” you exclaimed as he started to lay light kisses from the tippy top of your head down to your collarbone. everywhere his lips touched made little sparks fly under your skin, love flooding through every vein in your body at suguru’s affection.
you kept giggling with suguru, returning his little kisses, straddling his thighs, and wrapping your arms around his shoulders.
“ewww!” satoru suddenly interjected. looking behind you, your third was sticking his tongue out and powering his switch off, “get a room,” he said and tried to crawl between you and suguru. 
“what are you- ack!” satoru nestled himself sideways in the little pocket of space between and was already half hanging off the couch. suguru got elbowed a bit.
you pulled back and sat on your haunches to let satoru get comfortable, “everything good?” you asked, waiting for him to finish wriggling around, “it’d be better if you could get down here…” he asked and gazed at you over his shoulder coquettishly. the look made your stomach suddenly combust into a horde of butterflies that expressed themselves through possessing your body and draping yourself over your two lovers.
satoru got a kiss on the little circle at the top of his head where his hair grew from and a bit of scalp shone through, “better?” quietly suguru mumbled into the air. 
“mhm…” was satoru’s response.
you shifted around to get satoru and suguru in your sights at the same time, enraptured with the beauty of your lovers. if you lost the ability to see them everyday, you think you’d sob inconsolably.
eventually, you shoved yourself into the space between suguru and the back cushions, finding the best view. 
suguru had slid further down the couch, fully using the arm rest as a pillow with eyes closed and glasses firmly placed at eye level. satoru faced the tv, eyes closed as well, and was clutching suguru’s arm wrapped around him.
and then you. 
you glanced up to see a vague shape of your body reflected in the dark tv screen, a part of a blob of skin and other various hues. the final piece to the puzzle.
as you settled into the warmth of suguru’s chest (his arm went around you straight away, no looking) and wrapped your arm around satoru’s shoulder (he grabbed it and tucked it close to his chest), you faintly realized something.
“you have a type satoru,” you said quietly.
out of the corner of your eye you saw suguru’s eye peek open.
“no i don’t?” he rolled in place to face you, hot breath fanning over your exposed arm.
“yeah you do.” this time you were looking directly into his eyes, challenging his denial.
“oh yeah? what’s my type?” satoru fired back, cocky sounding.
“dark hair, dark eyes, glasses, brown skin, chubby, and a little mean to you.” that seemed to shut him up, suguru’s eyes fully open and filled with mirth.
“...dunno what you’re talking ‘bout…” satoru pouted at being found out so quickly. 
“think about it! i have dark hair, suguru has dark hair. suguru has dark eyes, i have dark eyes. we both wear glasses-”
“not all the time!” at satoru’s interjection, you and suguru shared a look and stared back down at him.
“...nevermind. continue.” 
“we’re both brown and chubby-” as you said this, you moved satoru’s hands up to yours and your dark haired lovers stomachs, making him squeeze them a bit. satoru blushed.
“and we’re mean to you! it’s like me and sugu are the same people, it’s crazy.” you finished and looked up at suguru for approval on your insight.
“they’re not wrong,” he added, “and we’re dating each other, so it’s like how people are attracted to similar personalities.”
satoru shook himself out of the brief pull you and suguru had on him, “then what does that say about you two for dating me?” he asked genuinely.
“hmm…” you held your chin, submerging into deep thought.
“oh! we like annoying guys like you!” suguru replied for the two of you.
now satoru really was pouting.
“but we love you for it ‘toru! its cute!” you amended, pulling his face towards you so you could pepper him with kisses.
suguru joined in and wrapped his arms around the two of you, giving satoru kisses all over his head.
“haha! okay, okay!” satoru’s face was tinged pink all the way up to his scalp and his smile stretched wide. you think his eyes were glowing twice as much, filled to the brim with emotion.
“getting shy?” suguru mumbled coyly into his ear. satoru looked away bashfully and his face turned five shades deeper, “no…” 
you planted a wet kiss right on his burning cheek mwah!, “cutie…now go turn the tv on,” you said with a snicker as the red slowly faded from satoru’s face.
“really?” he grumbled, but got up anyway to turn the tv on and grab the remote.
“thank youuu!” you cooed when satoru came back and rewarded his efforts with a kiss right at the junction between his neck and jaw.
he just mumbled something and cuddled back into you and suguru. the top of his head was a bit red.
“what do you wanna watch?” you asked.
“i demand...netflix!” satoru exclaimed and raised the remote high above his head. 
at the same time, you and suguru spoke, “alright.” satoru looked back, “jeez maybe you two are the same person…” 
you brushed the comment off and urged him to pick something to watch. satoru chose a k-drama series he was halfway through and started from the beginning, “just for you two! no one else,” he said and put the remote on the side table.
an hour or two later, the three of you reached the point satoru had gotten to. or rather the two of you, as satoru had fallen asleep after the first episode and was snoring into suguru’s hockey jersey sleeve. 
suguru had his head turned and was just staring at the screen, a bit bored looking.
you had both your hands buried under his jersey, absentmindedly kneading at the pudge lining his midsection and brushing his happy trail back and forth, “ready to sleep?” the question was gently whispered by you, taking care not to wake satoru. 
“yeah,” suguru said, moving the hand that was caressing your back to the back of your head and kissed your crown. he turned around to reach the remote, but you stopped him.
“wait! wait!” you protested quietly, “i can get it.” suguru gave you a skeptical look, “okay…”
and then you fully shoved yourself under his oversized st. louis blues jersey.
“wh- hey!” he patted your back, trying to track your wriggling body. you shoved your arm through the neck hole and scrambled for the remote behind suguru’s head. 
once you finally got a hold on the plastic device, you pointed it at the tv, “can you pause it and turn the tv off?” 
sigh “you know? i don’t think you and i are alike at all.” his hand engulfed yours and clicked around a bit before the remote was slipped away from your hand.
“you’re so warm sugu…” you slurred, the feeling of being comfortable and lack of sleep getting to you.
underneath suguru’s jersey, you were surrounded on all sides by warmth. 
above you was the white of his jersey, underneath you was his warm and fuzzy torso, and radiating all around you was warmth. you snuggled into the artificial embrace, kicking your legs underneath his.
then suguru suddenly yanked the top of his jersey above your head.
cold flooded straight into your bones. you expressed this with a shiver and tightening your fetal position on suguru’s midsection.
“c’mon. up.” he urged you up and off the couch, slinging satoru over a broad shoulder.
“you can cuddle when we’re in bed, alright?” he held your face in the palm of his very big hand and tilted his head to the side a bit, “yeah,” you said, a bit spacey at the thought of being cuddled up to one of the men of your dreams (you get to paw and chew at him like a dog every night, but that didn’t mean it felt like a bit of a privilege to haul suguru around in bed like that). 
he kissed your head, “good.” and trodded off to the bedroom with his two lovers in tow, of course. 
suguru laid satoru on the bed first and caressed the side of his face with the back of his hand. the love that suguru exercised for you and satoru shocked you to your core sometimes. it was easy to forget the gentle touches amidst all the roughhousing shared between the three of you.
after he leaned down and laid a featherlight kiss between satoru’s eyes, he looked up at you.
without waiting for a response, he glided to the bathroom. assured in your ability to follow.
a quick pit stop was made before you joined suguru in the bathroom. you hovered over satoru’s slumbering body, clad in an oversized band tee acquired the summer before and basketball shorts from suguru (maybe. possibly. it’s gotten hard to tell over the years). he looked beautiful with the moonlight flooding through the huge window next to the bed. 
with the same gentleness suguru possessed, light fingers skimmed across his forehead and drew his hair away from his eyes. you planted a big wet kiss right at the center of his temples.
that stirred him awake.
“mngh…” his eyes fluttered open, but eventually decided to close.
“go back to sleep for me baby, ‘kay?” you whispered into his ear, already holding the top of the thirty pound weighted blanket satoru slept with every night.
once satoru settled down again, you tiptoed to the bathroom, light already on underneath the door. 
“hi,” you said at a volume less than normal. 
suguru had his jersey sleeves rolled up and was applying face cream when you walked in, “hey.” he replied in kind, gave you a kiss on the cheek, and went back to making sure all of the product reached every nook and cranny of his face.
you slithered behind him and wrapped your arms around his cinched waist. you squeezed a little, making suguru wheeze a bit unexpectedly, an inside joke from before any romance entered your lives.
then your hands dipped above the hem of his jersey, still craving body heat.
“if you tickle me, i’ll punch you.” he warned, looking back at you over his shoulder. 
if you were to be on the receiving end of any of suguru’s attacks while he does martial arts training, you think you’d ascend to something higher than heaven. 
you didn’t say that though. all you did was look up at him dopily and smile, “okay.”
he looked at you suspiciously and went back to finishing his nightly routine. maybe you should start on your own as well. but what kept you from pulling away wasn’t the wonderful texture of suguru’s body, no, it was him expanding and deflating his chest in a timely manner.
he was breathing. and you were right there feeling that. 
this was real. the fact you got to wake up everyday, be with your two lovers, come home to a warm couch, and hold the people you love like this all the time made you feel like puking. in a good way.
suguru was completely oblivious to the lovey-dovey thoughts circling your head. he had moved on to dental care and was currently on the last step, scraping his tongue. 
you watched him through the mirror, sighing and swooning over every little action he made. the way he flexed a bit when he pressed the metal scraper on the back of his tongue, the way nails covered in flaking black polish pried the storage for the scraper open, the way he reapplied pomegranate chapstick, the way he turned to you with a look he only reserves for you and satoru, the way his mouth moved-
wait. his mouth is moving?
you snapped yourself out of your stupor and tuned back into the conversation.
“-and then we can sleep, don’t want to keep satoru waiting.” 
yeah, you have no clue what he’s talking about.
you tilted your head, a little smile teasing your lips, “what’d you say?”
suguru’s face fell from something loving and soft into a deadpan, the reading glasses he still had on emphasized his disappointment.
“you’re such a bad listener, you know that right?” he grabbed his bottle of amla hair oil (almost empty, you’d need to stop by the international grocery store to get more soon) and placed it on the counter.
“i just need you to oil my hair for me, it’s been getting a little dry.” a simple request you’ve fulfilled many times before.
you don’t think suguru needed a verbal response with the way you pulled out the shower stool stored under the sink and patted the seat, urging him to take a seat.
he sat down and tugged the hair tie holding his half bun in place. a bad habit suguru has is leaving his hair ties anywhere and everywhere, today was no exception.
suguru flicked the scrunchie away somewhere in the bathroom and let his lovely tresses fall down his back. 
one of you would get that. later. 
for now, you wanted to focus on suguru’s dying and unhydrated hair (it wasn’t that bad, just felt a little rough in your hands is all).
the motion of pouring oil onto your hands, rubbing them together, then starting at the roots was a well practiced routine. oftentimes, you and satoru would tackle suguru’s full head of hair at the same time to split the workload and provide the man with a relieving head massage. 
unfortunately, satoru’s incapacitated state on the bed meant he couldn’t help out this time. whatever. you’d get all the kisses and cuddles from suguru as a reward later.
you finally started to get to the ends of his hair, a particularly dried section.
“careful with the oil, don’t want it to stain my shirt.” he says that every time. 
and you were careful. every time.
suguru’s hair was freshly oiled and you dried your hands with a hand towel hanging on the towel rack while your boyfriend pulled on his long satin bonnet. he started to walk out of the bathroom before you remembered something, “!”
he turned around at the doorway, “what?”
“i forgot to do my own routine,” you said, turning to the vanity and picking out what you needed for the night.
“i can wait.” suguru closed the door and slumped onto the toilet seat cover.
“you don’t have to-” 
“i’m staying.” he leaned back, crossed his arms, and closed his eyes.
you just rolled your eyes and started your night routine.
the silence between the two of you was nice. all that filled the quiet was the low hum of the bathroom fan. (you missed the way suguru was eyeing you with hooded eyes and a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. he really loves you.)
by the time you finished, suguru had gone back to his stationary position with his eyes closed. you admired him and then leaned down to nuzzle your head against the crown of his head, his eyes opened pretty fast after that.
you laid a sweet kiss right against his lips, the fruity taste from his chapstick transferring to your own. then to tease him, you licked a little stripe up the center of his lips, coating his ashley piercing in spit.
“blegh! don’t do that!” and he smacked you away as you giggled.
suguru stood up and started to walk ahead of you, “i think the lack of sleep is getting to your head…” 
“whatever.” you turned the bathroom light off and closed the door behind you.
you threw yourself onto the bed and writhed in place a bit, trying to find the best sleeping position. on the contrary, suguru sat on the bed, swung his legs around, and tucked himself under the edge of the blanket pretty fast.
eventually, you found a good position. your back was to suguru’s front and you were curled facing satoru’s sleeping front. this was what you settled on every night.
but despite how tired you were, something in you still made you want to twist and turn in place like a worm. just to get all the energy out.
behind you, suguru was setting the digital alarm clock on the nightstand for some ungodly time in the morning (so he can get his workout routine out of the way). you found your perfect victim.
you pounced on suguru as softly as you could (once he turned around of course, you’d feel bad if he fell off the bed) and smothered him in kisses. 
“hi, hey, what’s up?” he sounded like he was trying not to giggle and laugh too loudly, for fear of waking up satoru.
“i dunno.” you teased and peppered featherlight kisses from the bottom of his frames down to his little double chin, giving him a big kiss where it dipped down the most. (a little freckle was right next to it. your eyes hadn’t adjusted to the darkness yet, but you knew it was there.)
suguru returned your affections with kisses on your cheeks that pushed so far you could feel the pressure on your tongue. you snickered bashfully and kicked your legs a little.
after that, all the fight and energy left you in favor of fatigue slipping into the cracks. you flopped beside suguru and gave him a final kiss on his right temple, “love you.” you whispered.
he turned your body around so you were back on your side and facing satoru. “love you back.” suguru whispered and kissed the back of your head.
you missed your third dearly. so in tandem, you and suguru reached out to pull satoru into your combined warmth.
at the same time, you and suguru each gave him a kiss at random points on his head, whispering the same thing, “love you so much.”
satoru woke up at the combined affection. just enough to finish the final step before sleep could claim you. he leaned forward enough to brush his lips against your nose, “love you baby.” then he reached as far as he could and kissed suguru’s neck, “love you su.” and he collapsed in front of you, back to sleep.
suguru shifted behind you, something clacking around on the side table. he put his fingers around the bridge of your glasses and folded them carefully. they clacked next to his.
your eyes closed as a big warm arm laid across your waist and extended outwards to the body in front of you.
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butterflyyeo · 3 years
pairing — han jisung x reader
genre — angst (?)
tw — slightly suggestive (?)
wc — 3035
a/n — yall idk wtf this is im trying my best to get better at writing angsty (???) stuff so im really sorry if this is absolute trash T^T. feedback is appreciated !!
you hadn't seen your brother, chan, for a long time, six months to be exact and of course you missed him dearly. when he called to tell you that he was coming home for a while you nearly cried of joy, however, the happiness faded when he mentioned that he'd be bringing his band mates, that meant changbin... and han jisung.
it wasn't exactly a secret that you didn't get along with jisung, and you never knew why. he always just irked you a bit, and on purpose too. it was constant bickering between the two of you, fortunately, chan and changbin had learnt to tolerate it. speaking of changbin, you actually quite liked him and he was rather fond of you too. chan knew this, in fact, chan saw all the underlying tension between you and the rest of 3racha. he was thankful that he was your brother, but he didn't have to intervene, he was fully aware that you could handle these things on your own. unless of course you asked for help, and in that case, he would go to war for you.
a sturdy knock hit the door a few times and you ran to the door, unlocking it.
"channie!!" you leaped onto him and hugged him tightly. he dropped his bags down to the floor just so he could hug you back. "i've missed you so much!" you said as you hopped down and picked up both of his bags.
he grinned, "i've missed you too, y/n."
your smile dropped almost instantly as you saw jisung leaning against the doorway, a smirk across his face that just made you want to slap him. faking a smile, you greeted changbin, "hey changbin! good to see you." he gave you a sincere nod and smile before picking up his suitcase. "now chan, shall i put these in the guest room?" you asked, chan was already going through the fridge, looking for food.
"mm." he mumbled. you took it as a yes and heaved his bags to the guest room, dumping them beside the bed. as you turned around to help changbin with his luggage, someone blocked your way.
"you didn't say hello to me?" jisung questioned, though, it sounded more like a statement.
huffing, you responded, "why would i?"
"because you love me," he said as he leaned in close. "and you missed me."
"you must be confused." you shrugged and pushed past him. that was too close for comfort. you thought as you walked out and picked up changbin's last bag.
"hey y/n," chan began, "what's for dinner?"
you sighed, "i'm gonna have to go shopping chan, i don't have enough food for all of you." you went to put your shoes on and a jacket too, since it was getting late and more chilly outside. "who wants to chauffeur me to the grocery store?" you joked.
"anything for you, my love." jisung said teasingly as he held his hand out to you.
"uh, i'd rather not." you swatted his hand away. "c'mon changbin, let's go!" you said while dragging changbin up from the sofa. he groaned, but honestly he didn't mind so much. he was just being a big baby.
the car trip was short and quiet, mainly because changbin was tired from all the travelling they had done to get to your house. plus, their schedule has been so full lately, they were lucky to have this time off.
wandering through isles, you began picking up ingredients and placing them intro a trolley.
"you really missed us?" changbin began, "me and chan of course..." he trailed off but a playful smile tugged at his lips.
"of course i am! jisung on the other hand..." you rolled your eyes, pushing the trolley along.
he chucked, "you really still hate each other? after all these years?"
you huffed, a little too obnoxiously, "yes. i do still hate him. and i'm sure he despises me too. i don't even know what it is... it's just... the way he treats me. he acts like he deserves my friendship, which he doesn't. it's something you earn."
"remind me to never piss you off." changbin laughed as he put a bag of chips in the trolley.
once you had everything you needed you put it through the register, changbin insisted he paid, since you were letting the three of them live with you.
shortly after you arrived home, you began cooking. while he wasn't the best, changbin offered to help as best he could. you actually thought it was really sweet. he passed you utensils, condiments and he even set the table.
meanwhile, chan was fast asleep in the guest room and jisung was showering in the provided ensuite. you turned to changbin and high fived him, "we're all done! i should wake up chan. you can start eating if you want." proud of his efforts, changbin sat down and began to eat.
gently pressing the door open to the guest room, you whispered, "chan? dinner is ready." you walked over to him and was about to softly shake him when jisung walked out of the bathroom, only a towel around his waist. his tousled wet hair dripped little drops of water down his chest and it was rather overwhelming to see him so exposed.
contrary to your thoughts, he couldn't care less, he enjoyed watching the way you panicked and blushed heavily. if this is what it takes. he thought.
"oh! um, jisung. i'm so sorry, i was just coming to tell chan that dinner is ready, i should've knocked or-" you blurted out in a quiet voice, weary of chan waking up.
jisung let out a low chuckle, "it's fine, y/n. i'll wake him up once i've dressed."
"thanks," you said as you went to leave, "wait... no snarky comment?" you puzzled.
he said nothing, just winked at you as you closed the door.
you joined changbin at the dinner table, sitting across from him. "how's the food?" you asked as you took a bite for yourself.
"y/n it's amazing! you're seriously a great cook. man, i wish i was this good." he said as he took a small bite of the spaghetti you had prepared.
at that moment, chan dawdled out the door and jisung closely behind. they joined you at the table and also began eating.
"don't worry about it binnie, i can teach you to cook, years of living on my own without chan seems to have payed off a bit." you joked.
"binnie?" jisung questioned the nickname you had given to changbin, whilst changbin sat there furiously blushing. he tried to hide it by lowering his head but that honestly seemed it give it away more.
"sounds cute." you shrugged, not thinking much of it.
chan cleared his throat, "okay so here's the plan for tomorrow," he began, taking another bite of spaghetti, "changbin and i have to go talk to JYP about an upcoming show we are doing, so we could be gone all day with that. there's lots to plan."
"wait a second, why am i not going? i'm apart of 3racha too." jisung stated.
changbin replied, "did you get the email from him?"
jisung shook his head, "well, no but-"
"then you're not coming." changbin grinned cheekily, knowing this upset jisung.
when everyone had finished with their meal, changbin stood up and collected all the dirty dishes, only to begin washing them in the sink. you quickly tried to stop him, "oh, changbin! don't worry i can do that." you said as you tried to take over, but he refused.
"no. you won't. dinner was great! you've done enough for today, if we are gonna be living here for the next few weeks then i might as well be of some use." he smiled at you before nodding to the tv, signalling for you to relax.
tired as ever, chan come over and kissed your head goodnight before going back to sleep. by now it was nearly 10pm, you had a late dinner but that was because they arrived later than expected.
you sat down on the sofa and began browsing movies. you decided to watch your favourite, even though you've seen it a million times. once he was finished with the dishes, changbin joined you on the sofa to watch the movie, you quickly filled him in on all the little details of the plot.
jisung was still sitting at the dinner table, scrolling through his phone, he was contemplating coming to join the two of you in watching the movie, but decided against it when he saw changbin put his arm around you. rolling his eyes and scoffing a little too loud, jisung stood up and went to the guest room he was sharing with chan. he tried his best not to slam the door but somehow that didn't happen.
"huh, wonder what's up with him?" changbin asked, looking at the door wide eyed. "i'll go check, sorry, i'll be back in a sec." he followed jisung into the guest room, you heard changbin quietly ask if he was okay.
what started as a whispered discussion soon became a hushed argument, you were worried that soon they would start yelling at each other. luckily chan was a deep sleeper, he also slept with earphones in, so you were pretty sure he wouldn't hear any of it.
the minutes passed and their quarreling continued, you debated going in there to try and make some peace but you decided against it, this seemed to be something personal between the two of them. instead, you switched off the tv and the lights, and went got ready for bed. as you were about to close your eyes you heard the jingle of keys and the sound of the door opening and closing. whoever it was, you knew they could take care of themselves, they were both adults and probably just needed some space.
when you woke up, it was around 7am. you quickly threw a hoodie on over your shirt, feeling a bit cold and walked into the living space to see changbin, sleeping softly on the sofa. it only just occurred to you that there wasn't enough beds for all of you in your current living situation.
you gently peeked into chan's room to see him sprawled out, sleeping a deep sleep. you smiled to yourself, knowing that he got all the sleep he deserved. the empty bed in the room didn't go unnoticed however.
it was jisung who left last night. and he didn't seem to be back yet.
slightly worried, you decided to cook up some bacon and eggs for when the boys woke up.
"morning y/n." you turned around to see changbin leaning against the kitchen counter.
you smiled, "morning! sorry if i woke you up, i'm just making some breakfast, you've probably got time to shower if you want to before you eat."
"serious? man, what did we do to deserve you?" changbin said looking at you sincerely.
you laughed lightly, "nothing, now go! and please wake chan up when you get out."
he just chuckled as he walked away and closed the guest room door behind him. you wondered if you should make enough breakfast for jisung, would he be back soon? if he wasn't, he could just re-heat it, you thought.
the last few pieces of bacon finished cooking so you begin buttering the toast, you made a lot knowing that chan has a big appetite and there was a good chance they wouldn't have time to eat today. your train of thought was interrupted once again by changbin.
"anything i can do to help?" he asked, he was dressed quite smartly, but you understood as he was going to console with JYP himself.
"nope! i'm just about done, plus, you wouldn't want to dirty your clothes," you said as you began serving breakfast.
"ah okay, i woke chan up, he wanted to have a shower so he shouldn't be too much longer." he said, "can i?" he asked, pointing to one of the cups of steaming hot coffee you set on the counter.
"of course!" you said. a question burned in the back of your mind and you wondered if you should ask or not. "uh, changbin..." you began.
changbin knew exactly what you were about to say, "he's okay, y/n. he just wanted some space." his eyes stared at the wall blankly. there was more to this than needing space.
"so.. why was he upset then? you guys had a pretty heated argument.."
changbin's eyes met yours, "i'm sorry you had to hear that." he took a sip of coffee, "we just had a bit of a disagreement, it happens all the time... you see, the thing is-"
"good morning to my favourite people!" chan said as he waltzed out of the guest room, also looking rather sharp.
you and changbin smiled at his enthusiasm, "morning!" the two of you chimed back.
"breakfast made? hot coffee? you seriously are the best sister in the world! it's like we're staying at a five star hotel." chan said picking up a mug of coffee.
you laughed, "i'm your only sister."
he shrugged, "still the best," he took a sip and hummed, looking around the room, "hey, where's jisung?"
"i don't know. i heard him leave last night." you said, placing two plates of food at the dinner table.
chan sent a red hot glare at changbin, knowing exactly why jisung would've stormed out. changbin looked away sheepishly.
"okay, well, breakfast is ready! eat up, you guys have a busy day." you said sitting down in front of a plate.
chan and changbin began discussing things for later with JYP, while you just sat their mindlessly eating your breakfast. you still couldn't help but wonder where jisung had went, and why he wasn't back yet.
you had completely zoned out and was just picking at the scraps of your plate when chan spoke, "well that was seriously great y/n! what a good way to start the day."
you smiled at your brother, "ah, it's the least i can do, maybe you could ask JYP if you can dedicate a song to me in return."
the three of you laughed and you began to clear up the plates while the boys finished getting ready. shortly after, they said their goodbyes and closed the front door behind them. although the door muffled his voice, you heard chan say to changbin, "you seriously fought over that again?"
you sighed to yourself, what were you going to do all day? you decided to finish cleaning up and have a shower.
you let the water run until it was warm before stepping in, you had to remember to be mindful because you often got carried away and distracted in the shower and lost track of time.
which is, exactly what happened, before you knew it you had been half an hour. shit, you thought. as you wrapped a towel around your body, you remembered jisung and how you saw a little too much of him after he showered. you blushed furiously just remembering it. that's when you realised that your feelings for changbin were just a deflection of the feelings you have for jisung. you're ridiculous, you thought. he hates you, despises you, enjoys making fun of you. you quickly ruled out the possibility of him ever returning the feeling and finished dressing.
you spent the day multitasking some of your studies while watching movie after movie, trying to be somewhat productive. your stomach suddenly growled and you checked the time, "must be time for lun-" you said aloud, "oh, it's 5pm." you laughed at your silly sense of time and how you had got carried away all day. but you soon frowned, 5pm and jisung still wasn't back?
since the boys weren't home you made yourself a light meal and sat at the dinner table alone, listening to some background music. it was actually quite relaxing. the evening golden sun shone through the window as you finished eating. you quickly began washing up your plate, when you heard the door creak open.
"oh, chan you're home! i just finished eating, but i can make something for you and changbin just give me a min-" but when you turned around to greet them, it wasn't chan or changbin. it was jisung. "jisung."
"are you gonna admit that you missed me this time? or do i have to leave for longer?" he smirked but you just sighed in relief. you hated to confess that you worried you wouldn't hear his stupid comments for a long while.
you spoke quietly, "of course i missed you. i was worried sick."
"oh? worried now?" he toyed.
"yes, worried! i heard you arguing with changbin and then you left!" you exclaimed.
his face turned away at the mention of changbin's name, "well sometimes changbin and i argue, it's normal."
you scoffed, "that's what he said."
"he told you?" jisung asked.
"no, he didn't tell me what you fought about, but it would seem that it isn't the first time because i heard chan scolding him after they left this morning." you admitted.
"they're not back?"
you shook your head, "nope," jisung looked away, "look, i just had dinner but is there anything you want?"
"yeah." he began.
"what would you like?" you asked.
"you." jisung said bluntly, catching you off guard. "and changbin wants you too."
it all made sense now. "oh, i, i see.." you said, quite taken aback. "jisung, it could ruin everything, we'd be playing with fire."
"i don't care, y/n." he said taking a few steps closer.
"but, chan is my brother." you said.
"he's my best friend." jisung countered, coming closer again.
"what about changbin?" you asked.
"he's also my best friend." at this point, jisung was standing face to face with you.
"hang on a second," you took a step back, hitting the counter, "i don't owe you anything." you whispered, pressing a finger to his lips.
he smirked, "but i owe you everything."
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worldwidemochiguy · 4 years
Ours (yandere! rapline x reader)
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You've always known that Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok are ‘dangerous’, but when one of your classmates decides to try and approach you, you learn just how dangerous they really are....
Warnings: 18+ DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE A MINOR, Yandere behaviour, possessive behaviour, graphic sex scenes, Dom/sub dynamics, name-calling, face-fucking, comeplay (this is rly nasty y’all I'm sorry)
Word Count: 3.4K
a/n: thanks to anon who requested rapline x reader when a guy tries to approach reader! tbh that part only accounts for like the beginning and the end and the rest of it is just smut y’all im sorry idk how this happened lmao
“I’m sorry, what was your name again?”
The man in front of you slumps slightly, before mumbling out a desolate “Jongin,”
“Well, listen, Jongin, uh, it’s really flattering that you… think of me like that, but I’m not single, so… sorry?”
The man shuffles off without another word, disappearing into the library stacks, head bowed in embarrassment. You cringe slightly. Jongin was your partner for a group project a while ago and ever since then you’ve been able to feel his gaze trail over you sometimes during class, but you never thought he would actually make a move on you.
It’s pretty well-known at your college that you’re not available. Your boyfriends take pains to make it as clear as possible. They even have a rota, taking turns to pick you up each day after class, each time in a ridiculously ostentatious car. This morning you had been dropped off in Hoseok’s red Aston Martin, and you’re pretty sure it is Namjoon’s turn to pick you up in the Lamborghini once you’re finished studying. 
Even though your boyfriends always want to hear everything about your day with no detail omitted, you decide to not disclose the fact that one of your classmates had approached you. Jongin was a nice guy, after all, and you didn’t want to see him come in one day covered in bruises, or worse, not come in at all.
Your phone buzzes, and you start putting away your books without even having to check who it is. Only your boyfriends have your number now — they bought you a new phone because the old one mysteriously went missing. You take a quick glance anyway. 
[groupchat: You, Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon]
I’m outside waiting for you, Princess. 
I’ll be out in a sec! 
Can’t wait to see you! <33333 
You tap out a few brief responses — they hate to be left on read — before swinging your bag over your shoulder and leaving the library. As you expected, Namjoon is leaning against the Lamborghini illegally parked in front of the main entrance, subject to more than a few admiring glances tossed his way, though you can’t tell whether they’re checking out the car or him. 
As soon as he sees you, his full lips tug into a smile, exposing his dimples as he reaches out to take your bag for you. You go up on tiptoes to kiss his cheek in thanks, and pretend that you don’t feel a curl of smug possessiveness flare up when you see the girl who was checking him out scowl and turn back to her friends.
He opens the door for you and helps you into the car, before walking around to place your bag in the trunk and getting in the drivers seat. Soon enough, the rolling purr of the engine starts up and the college library starts disappearing in the rear view mirror. 
The two of you sit in companionable silence, Namjoon’s hand resting comfortably on your thigh.
“I didn’t know you were so possessive, Princess.” Namjoon breaks the silence with a seemingly casual remark, though it is easy to detect the self-satisfied undercurrent in his voice. 
“Oh, so you’re playing innocent? Cute.” He smirks, beginning to smooth his hand along your thigh. You try not to squirm under his attention. “That girl who was watching me, you didn’t like her, did you? You smiled when she turned away after you kissed me. Don’t you realise I notice everything you do?” 
Your cheeks burn as Namjoon deftly unravels your thoughts, embarrassed that he finds you so easy to read. You mumble something quietly under your breath, and within the blink of an eye Namjoon pulls over, takes his hand off your thigh and uses it to grip your chin, tilting your head up firmly so you are forced to meet his eye.
“What was that, Princess?” He smirks, and you know he won’t let you get away with not replying. 
Your cheeks flush deeply, and Namjoon briefly trails his thumb over the inflamed skin, before catching it on your bottom lip and tugging, a cue for you to speak before he gets impatient. 
“I said, wouldn’t you be possessive if you saw a guy checking me out?” You ask meekly, and Namjoon’s gaze darkens. 
“I’d destroy anyone who dared to even touch you. You’re mine. Ours.” His fervent response does not shock you, but just solidifies your resolution in your mind.
You hate lying to Namjoon, and Yoongi and Hoseok as well, but you know that if you tell them Jongin asked you out, it would only end in needless bloodshed. Anyway, it’s not like he was persistent or anything, it was a one off and you don’t think it’s necessary for him to be punished so harshly. 
By the time you make it back home, Namjoon’s sucked three fresh bruises into your neck to join the already-present necklace of love-bites. Having three deeply possessive boyfriends simply means having three times the hickeys a normal person might receive — not that you are complaining. You like to feel like you belong to them. 
Before Namjoon can even type in the code to unlock the door, Hoseok has swung it open and gathers you into his arms eagerly, tugging you backwards into the house.
“Princess!” He exclaims in between the kisses he peppers over your face, your hair, anything that he can reach. Behind you, Namjoon chuckles quietly. “Oh, you were gone so long! I missed you.”
“I missed you too, Hobi.” You giggle, and his eyes widen with joy.
“I wish you didn’t have to go at all. Do you really have to get a degree?” 
“She should get an education.” Namjoon asserts, and you nod at Hoseok, agreeing with your other boyfriend. Hoseok grumbles, before leading you towards the couch, tugging you on top of his lap as he sits down. 
“It’s not like you’re gonna need to get a job or anything. We’ll support you, won’t we, Namjoon?” Hoseok raises his voice so Namjoon, who’s gone to the kitchen to arrange a small meal for you, can hear. Yoongi, the resident cook, won’t be back for a while, but Hoseok and Namjoon would rather let themselves starve than let you go hungry, which could be possibility since Namjoon really is an atrocious cook. 
“Of course she won’t get a job.” Says Namjoon as he brushes into the room with a bowl of microwaved popcorn for you. Hoseok’s already started the film, some kind of horror flick, and he settles you comfortably in between himself and Namjoon, who’s just sat down. They love to make you watch horror films because you always get scared and hold onto them tightly, it makes them laugh so loud it almost drowns out the monstrous noises coming from the TV.
“Is it over yet?” You mumble, voice muffled in Namjoon’s sweater. You feel his chest rumble as he laughs, Hoseok’s high-pitched giggle joining even as he runs a comforting hand down your back.
“We’re only forty minutes in, Princess.” 
“How much is there left?”
“About an hour.”
You release a whine which induces their laughter again, until they are interrupted by the opening and shutting of the front door.
“You guys are watching Saw again?” You hear Yoongi’s dry voice ask and you point your arms in the direction from which you think it came from, fingers splayed, needy. He immediately joins you on the couch and wraps you in his arms, displacing Hoseok who lets out a dismayed noise. 
Yoongi hates horror films just as much as you do, no matter how tough he is in real life. You survive through the next hour with your face pressed into Yoongi’s chest and his hand gently stroking your hair. After the ordeal concludes, you join Yoongi in the kitchen to make dinner, sat on a stool by the kitchen island and watching, since Yoongi doesn’t want you close to any of the hot surfaces or cooking knives in case you get hurt. 
Namjoon sits and does his paperwork on the dining table, and you occasionally drift over to sit on his lap and mouth along his collarbones, trying to help with the stress that his job brings. Every so often, you go and check on Hoseok, who is practising in the studio. Seeing him so focused and sweaty from the exercise causes something to surface within you, and when you stumble back to the kitchen with mussed hair and swollen lips, Namjoon takes one glance at you and drops his pen.
“That’s not fair.” He breathes.
“Hoseok can’t keep you all to himself like that. Especially when you look like that.” 
“Like what?” You ask with faux innocence, and he rises from the table and begins to stalk towards you slowly, a predator cornering its prey.
“Like you’ve just been ruined. Like you’ve just had a cock in you and can barely stand. Like you’re still hungry for more.” 
“And what if I am?” You whisper as he comes closer, so close your back hits the wall and his chest touches yours. 
At your question, Namjoon groans and he wastes no time before crashing his lips against yours, all tongue and teeth and fire. His hand reaches down beneath your skirt and wrenches your panties aside, shoving his fingers inside you to play with Hoseok’s cum, still warm inside you.
“Fuck,” he bites out against your lip, “Already had one cock in you and yet you’re still so fucking tight.” 
You moan breathlessly as he plunges two fingers into you, already scissoring them and twisting them mercilessly in a way that has your legs weakening so much that he has to support your weight. 
“You need my cock, don’t you Princess? You need me to fuck you loose and sloppy, huh? I can’t believe you want two cocks within the space of a minute, you little fucking slut.”
His words cause the heat building in your gut to ratchet upwards, already on edge and over-sensitive thanks to the two orgasms Hoseok strung out of you. You’re almost delirious, panting and whining and begging as Namjoon fingerfucks you. 
“Well, Princess? Do you want my cock or not?” He growls impatiently, and you moan loud enough that Hoseok can probably hear you in his studio, even over the music.
“Yes, I want- I need your cock. ‘m want you to fuck me sloppy, please, c’mon-” You whined against Namjoon, your head slumping down onto his shoulder, and he curses harshly to himself. 
Somehow, he removes your skirt and panties — though he is still fully clothed with the exception of his open fly — and thrusts into you in one long, smooth motion. There is something so degrading about being basically naked while Namjoon is completely covered, but it just turns you on even more. 
You’re so sensitive, having just been taken Hoseok up against the mirrors in the studio, his dancer’s hips fucking into you unrelentingly, and it doesn’t take much to bring you to the edge. Namjoon pounds into you, so hard that your head knocks back against the wall, and you know you’ll have bruises on your back where you’re being pressed against the wall too hard.
The pain only makes everything more overwhelming, makes it better, and you come on his cock with a wailing scream. His thrusts do not falter, and he only pushes you further up the wall, lifting your legs to wrap around his waist and taking you in his arms so that he is bouncing your body up and down on his cock like a fucktoy. 
“Yes, Princess. You take it so well, you were made for my cock, weren’t you? Made to be used like my own little fuckdoll. My precious slut.” The new angle is hitting that perfect spot within you, the spot that makes your vision swim, and you are barely coherent, babbling nonsense and encouragement as he just keeps going. 
You lose count of the amount of times you come before he eventually slows down, spilling into you and then pumping it through you slowly, mixing in with Hoseok’s from earlier. As he pulls out, his seed trickles down your thigh and dries there. You go to wipe it off with your discarded skirt — it would ruin the skirt, but they would always just buy you a new one — but Namjoon stops you with a tight grip on your wrist.
“Leave it there.” He commands, and you nod, wide-eyed. “You look so pretty with my seed marking you. You look like you’re mine.” 
“She’s mine too, you know.” A low voice utters, and you startle when you remember that Yoongi was still in the kitchen, and could have been watching the whole time. Must have been, considering the impressive erection he’s stroking with one hand, eyes hooded as they watch you. Despite yourself, you lick your lips, and Yoongi coos. 
“Baby still wants more, huh? Even after two cocks inside her?” You nod, just like you know he wants you to, and he gives you a satisfied smile. Yoongi takes his time, moving towards you in slow, measured steps. Behind you, Namjoon forces you to your knees, holding your hands behind your back.
“Does the little slut want her dinner now?” You try to nod, and Namjoon tightens a hand into your hair, making you whimper. 
“Take her shirt off.” Yoongi says and Namjoon rips it off your body without a warning. You gasp as your skin is exposed to the cold air, a gasp which tapers into a whine and Yoongi reaches down and pinches one of your nipples hard.
“So sensitive.” He chuckles, before cupping your jaw. He moves his shoe forwards so it presses in between your legs, right up against your too-sensitive core. You mewl and wriggle away from it, but Namjoon holds you firm.
“Listen, baby.” Yoongi starts, his hand at your eye level stroking up and down his cock leisurely, “I’m going to fuck your mouth, and while I do that, you’re going to get yourself off on my shoe.” You start to whimper, shaking your head but Yoongi hushes you. “That wasn’t a question. If you don’t come before I do, you’ll be punished.” 
You shiver, but still try to protest meekly.
“Yoongi, it’s too much, please, I can’t-” But Namjoon forces your jaw open and Yoongi shoves himself into your mouth before you can finish.
You moan around his cock, the feeling of being full always mindlessly satisfying you and, after a moments hesitation, you start grinding against his shoe. The sensitivity makes it almost painful, and you sob around his cock, eyes already leaking tears as Yoongi thrusts deep into you over and over again, at one point holding your nose against his hip until you thought you were about to pass out, before pulling out and slamming back in. 
“Fuck, look at you.” Yoongi grunts, fucking your face like there’s no tomorrow. “Such a fucking slut. Look Namjoon, she’s panting on my cock, getting the come of all the men she’s fucked all over my shoe. I hope you know you’re going to be licking it clean, Princess.” 
At his last statement, all the pain and arousal and humiliation forges itself into one white-hot surge of pleasure and the orgasm rips through you almost violently. Your throat tightens against Yoongi’s cock and a few seconds later he’s yanking himself out roughly and coming all over your face and chest. 
“So beautiful.” He murmurs as you slump backwards against Namjoon’s thighs. “Covered in our essence. You’re ours, and you always will be.” 
Since Yoongi practically abandoned dinner and let it burn, the three of you order take out, and they take turns feeding you as you perch — still entirely naked and covered in their dried come — on Hoseok’s lap. After dinner, the four of you have a warm bath where Hoseok uses his magic fingers to massage all the aches and groans out of your body, all the while praising you for how well you took them, how beautiful you are, how proud you should be. It ends up with him taking you slowly against the side of the bath, water rushing around you while you stretch yourself enough to take Yoongi as well, leaning over to take Namjoon in your mouth. 
By the time you stumble into bed, you are well and truly exhausted, and you fall asleep right away, wrapped in Hoseok and Namjoon’s arms, with Yoongi sprawled on top of you, feeling safer than you’ve ever felt in your life. 
Next week, you are getting a coffee during a break between classes — normally your boyfriends would come and visit you in this time but Yoongi was being held up at work, as was Namjoon, and Hoseok was trying to nail down a new routine — when Jongin approaches you again. 
He looks nervous, and you surprise a sigh.
“Look, Jongin, I’m flattered, but-”
“I know you’re dating those men, but honestly, Y/n, they are not who you think they are.”
“Excuse me?” You ask incredulously, anger flaring within you at the criticism of your boyfriends.
“Listen, I’ve looked into their backgrounds a little and they’re dangerous, Y/n, you don’t want to associate with them.” 
“I think I can decide what I want for myself, thanks.” You reply frostily. “I know you have a crush on me, and I was willing to let that slide, but this really is pathetic. Maybe you should think for a second; if they’re so dangerous, then what do you think is going to happen when you try to take what’s theirs?” 
His eyes widen in fear, and for a second you feel smug that you managed to cow him into such a level of fear, and then you feel an arm wrap securely around your shoulders.
“I couldn’t have said it better myself, Princess.” Namjoon says, giving a now-trembling Jongin a death glare. 
“Telling lies to our girlfriend is certainly a dangerous thing to do.” Hoseok purrs, flanking Namjoon’s shoulder. 
“And telling her you have feelings for her is even worse.” Yoongi smirks, moving in between you and Jongin. 
“Honestly, if I were you, I would start running.”
Jongin turns tail and flees out of the coffee shop, followed by many curious glances. Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi exchange a smug smile before they start leading you to the car — a modest Rolls Royce today.
“I- I thought you couldn’t come today?” You ask, confused, and Namjoon huffs a laugh.
“We wanted to surprise you.”
“Of course, we should have realised we’d have to scare off one of your admirers.” Hoseok laughs, though his eyes are tight. 
“I didn’t realise he would go that far. I just felt kind of bad for him, but if you hadn’t arrived today I would definitely have told you the second I got home.”
“You should always tell us everything, Princess.” Yoongi growls, before pushing you into the back of the car. 
Hoseok slips into the drivers seat whilst Namjoon and Yoongi flank your sides in the back seats. 
“From now on, you tell us everything, ok? No secrets.” Namjoon says sternly, and you nod. 
“What about Jongin? Are you going to catch him?”
“Don’t think about that filth.” Hoseok instructs from the front, “We’ll take care of him. You don’t have to worry about any of it. We’ll call the college and say you’re sick for the rest of the week so you can have time to recover.” 
“Ok.” You reply quietly, burrowing into the car leather.
“You really don’t have to worry, Princess.” Yoongi reassures you, taking your quiet behaviour for fear. 
“We won’t let anyone take you from us. Ever. You’re ours. We’ll kill anyone who tries to lay a single finger on you, sweetheart. And if anyone tries to take you away? I’ll make sure they suffer so much they’ll be begging for death. That’s how much I love you, baby. We love you, so much.” 
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Pink Chains (cont.)
Kyotani owns a grunge /punk apparel shop after leaving the Sendai Frogs after a incident with the Black Jackals. He designs his own clothes and hires Oikawa & Iwaizumi as his employees. Everything goes smoothly for awhile, till you walk in; pink dress, big smile , and bubbly personality. His whole life stops in that moment. 
Punk! Kyotani x Bubbly F! reader. Aka my favorite cliche trope. It lives in my head every second of the day.
Brief Violence
The rest of the first half and all ive got so far ! / first half at the bottom !!
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Your home was a cheap studio apartment not far from the college; a small studio with a cute bed by the window , a table with a bunch of markers with a big sketchbook sitting in the middle . You had the basic needs and a little couch in the corner but no tv , but there was a little pink cat bed next to the couch.
Kyo stuffed his hands in his pockets looking around the studio , it was weird being in a small studio for him since he has a home . Everything seemed shoved into one or two spots. He sat down on the couch and you were looking a little embarrassed, fussing with your dress .
“I know its not much but ! Its my little space heh, Mocha is probably in her little house sleeping. She will wake up soon though now that im home !!!” You picked up some clothes out of a basket. “Ill be right back , make yourself at home!”
“Okay sweetie.” He leaned forward dipping his head down to look in the cat hut . He could see a tiny kitten sleeping in it and smirked leaning back into the couch getting comfortable, well as much as he could in tight jeans. Kyo peeled his jacket off and pulled his phone out to check it .
Group Chat
Mattsun/ picture
Oikawa/ OOOOOO
Iwaizumi/ i knew pink was your color
Kyotonai/ guess where i am
Iwaizumi/well i dont see you so not at home
Oikawa/ are you at her house ?!?
Kyotani/yep, invited me to stay the night
Mattsun/ oh my , how adult
Kyotani/ shut up Mattsun
Oikawa/ hope you brought condoms
Iwaizumi/ be gentle with her
Kyotani/we aint gonna fuck i just didint want to leave yet
Oikawa/ 😙😙😙😗😙😙😙
Mattsun/ 😳😳😳😳😳
Iwaizumi/ 😒
Kyotani / i hate all of you
Iwa,Kawa, Mattsun/ 💕💞♥️
Kyo put his phone on the table when he saw you come out of the restroom, you were wearing a red panda shirt and matching shorts . Mocha emerged from her home too and meowed for attention . Kyo could not stop looking at you, so cute, so , so cute..
“Mocha! “ you bent down and picked up the brown kitten taking a seat next to Kyo to show him. “Shes a rescue ! I saw her all alone and i just had to help her.”
Kyo took the kitten from you and set it on his lap to pet her. “Shes cute” he leaned back tugging at his jeans trying to relax.
“Whats wrong?” You asked, Kyos lap to pet the happy kitten.
“Had these jeans on all day, i dont want to.. make you uncomfortable.”
Mocha nuzzled into Kyos stomach getting comfy and looked like she was not movin for any reason.
“I dont mine but.. you better do it fast because Mocha is not gonna care that you wanna take em off.”
Gently he lifted to kitten to fuss with his belt , you giggled getting up and grabbing your sketchbook. “Can i show you.. heh my drawings.”
“Of course sweetie, you draw?” He asked , pulling his jeans down with one hand and Mocha in the other. Kyo had on black and pink boxers . “Ugn finally..” he set Mocha back on his lap and placed the jeans on his jacket feeling a little unsure if he should have taken em off.
You hid behind your sketchbook when you saw him on the couch in his boxers. Kyo had tone legs from volleyball and a few tattoos on his legs along with some bruises and knicks.
Kyo looked down at Mocha feeling a little embarrassed. Why were skinny jeans so damn uncomfortable after a while? He asked as he pet the little kitten.
You sat down with him criss cross with the sketchbook on your lap. “Yep! I'm in college for art and design. I want to one day get picked up by a clothing store and have my drawings on shirts”
Kyo leaned towards you looking over the sketches with wide eyes. They might have been all cute things; like kittens, red pandas, hearts, patterns and space but they were so damn good. “You have a real talent these are awesome.”
“Yes sweetie. Id put these on my shirts. Oh that reminds me..”
“Oh my gosh!! Kyo that would be so cool!” Gently you placed the sketchbook on the table and looked at Kyo, he was a looking a little unsure of himself. “Whats wrong..?”
“Why exactly did you come into my store ? Ive never seen you in it before”
“ uhm Kyo.. you have a shirt in the window with kittens on it.. so.. “
He laughed wrapping his arm around you making you laugh too. “My ‘Sad Day’ shirt? With all the grumpy cats?”
“Its so cute, how could I not!!!” You hit his chest lightly not liking his tone.
“Okay okay.” Lightly he grabbed one of your hands holding it close. “Happy you did, really.” His eyes drifted off you and around the room.
“Kyo?” You inched closer, picking Mocha up leaning down to place her in her hut.
Kyo picked you up and sat you down on his lap facing him, placing his hands at your hips. He leaned back spreading his legs. “Yes? Sweetie..?” You could feel he was a little hard, it was really hot between your legs..
“Im happy i did too.. i really like you.”
His heart thumped a few times. “First girl to say that to me…” he rested his elbow on the arm of the couch to support his head. “I wasn't the nicest guy in highschool, i'll never forget the day Yahaba slammed me into that wall and told me to get my shit together.”
You looked a little sad at his words, Kyo only mentioned his aggression one other time but even then he sounded upset and full of regret.
“Do you want to talk about it?” You asked him , cupping his cheeks so he would look at you. His eyes told you ‘yes, yes please.’ But.. “No, i just want to hold you if that's okay.”
“Okay. If we fall asleep my alarm is going to go off at 8 so sorry in advance.” You got comfortable on his lap and Kyo tipped your chin up so you were looking at him.
“Would you be more comfortable on the bed?”
“Yes i think so. I dont think i can sleep like this. Hehe.”
Kyo gripped your hips picking you up, he stepped over Mochas hut and brought you to the bed to lay down with you, his face a little red. You latched onto his sleeve closing your eyes and drifting off. “Night Kyo..”
“G’night sweetie..”
Fuck what was he doing ? Talking about it will help.. right? Kyo had to wait a bit before you were fully asleep to get up and grab his phone.
Kyotani/ Iwaizumi
Iwaizumi/ Yes
Kytotani/ keep this between us
Iwaizumi/ you didn't hit it and ditch did you?
Kyotani/ what? No.
Iwaizumi/ are you scared to make it official Kyo
Kyo stared at the text for a few minutes reading it over and over .
Iwaizumi/ is it the anger issues
He squeezed his phone and sat down on the couch dialing his phone.
“Im scared ill lash out or something”
“Mm.. when was the last time that happened again?”
“The Tourney against the Black Jackals.”
“Ah yes, think Kei had to pry you off Bokuto or something right?”
“Yes… Iwaizumi i can't lash out at her. I just can't, i mentioned Yahaba and that day and she asked if i wanted to talk about it”
“You said ’no’, didn't you” Sigh “Kyotani she's not a threat, she's not an enemy . She's literally just a girl who likes you. Open up to her”
“Uuhhmmmm, tell her you want to talk about it. I'm going to bed. You can do this Kyotani”
He hung up .
Kyo rubbed his face for a minute and glanced at you for a minute then back to his phone opening up Messages.
Kyotani/ Mattsun i know your asleep but invite Yahaba to the beach volleyball.
He set his phone down and very slowly made his way back to you. He wrapped his arms around your sleeping body and shut his eyes tight trying to sleep.
In the morning Kyo was awake early browsing on his phone, he stared at the screen for a minute before pressing Play on the video.
-flash back-
‘Another score for the Black Jackals!!! It is Match Point !!! ‘
The Sendai frogs were tired, sweaty and losing this Tournament. The Black Jackals were still full of energy and ready to go . It was a very hard game for both sides and Bokuto kept testing Kyotani, this was the first time he met the loud grey haired boy and he just did not like him. He knew Hinata but he did not like him too much.
Kyotani was doing better at keeping his temper under control and his team figured out how to hype him up without making him angry. Kei was not too fond of him but then again he did not really need to be, they just needed to be on the same page on the court.
That owl boy though, he was loud, annoying , and just testing him. Kyotani knew it, every serve, block, and spike was for him to clear or get rid of . Kyotani got hit with the ball a couple times and thats when he lost it.
‘Kyotani has taken another hit from the ball!!!’ Yelled the annoucer .
“Hey hey hey?!! Eye on the ball yea!??”
“Dont let it get to you” Kei told him .
He was on the other side of the net ontop of Bokuto punching him .The whole building was dead silent.
The last thing Kyotani remembered was hearing the announcer describe what was happening and Kei pulling him off of Bokuto.
He quit the Sendai Frogs that day, took his last check and left not looking back. He opened an apparel shop he called The Dog House and got in touch with his old highschool teammates starting over.
-end flashback-
You woke up to see Kyos hand on your head , you were not fully awake so you just laid there enjoying the nice feeling on your head. Mocha had also joined you in bed and was between you both sleeping. Kyo smelled like leather… an old leather that was renewed, it made your nose crinkle a bit. Looking up you saw he had a collar tattoo with spikes on it on his wrist . It was kinda silly but kinda cute too , although you wondered what it meant.
A minute later your alarm went off and you whimpered letting Kyo know you were awake. He let go of your head to slam your alarm clock off. He looked upset or angry in the face, and he was still staring at his phone.
Slowly you got up and gently placed Mocha on your pillow so you could scoot closer to him. “Kyo? Did you get any sleep?”
“I have to show you something.” He said as he turned his phone to you pressing Play again.
You were holding the phone now, it was alot heavier than yours . You had watched the video a couple times and everytime Kyo punched Bokuto you flinched. After the second time you placed the phone down to sit facing him.
He looked the other way running his hand through his hair.
He wanted to run away so bad. Start over again. Someplace without people like -
You were between his legs now , he had his knees up and was resting his elbows on them and still did not look at you. Dammit Mad Dog just say something to her, she's right there, dont shut her out.. dont shut..
You grabbed his face turning his head, kissing him, catching him very off guard. Kyo fell back taking you with him . You had no intention of stopping and just kissed him more and more even though he cursed between breaths. Kyo grabbed you lifting you up off his face and chest. You frowned at him and sat down on his lap once he let you go, cheeks flushed and very embarrassed.
“You aren't like that anymore!” You told him while you rubbed your eyes.
“Sweetie no don't cry please..” he sat up taking you in his arms rubbing your back in circles. “Sshh..”
“Please.. talk to me..” You sniffled into his neck squeezing him tight.
Kyo was shaking .. you were shaking . He laid his head on your neck starting from the beginning.. the very beginning. Every few minutes he would stop to check if you were still crying. He would cup your face and wipe under your eyes and ask ‘Are you Afraid of Me’ and you shook your head saying ‘No’ every single time. You were both tearing up by the end of it, Kyotani told you about Yahaba, Highschool after Iwa & Kawa graduated , how he became a Pro and Bokuto. The look on his face just made you so sad and seeing you sad was something he never wanted to see.
“Sweetie.. how , how can.”
“I like you Kyo, a lot. I'm not scared, never will be.”
“I'm so scared ill lash out at you sweetie.”
You grabbed his hand holding it and running a hand up and down his sleeve while you talked. “Kyo.. you let me touch your wolves. When we first met in your shop i noticed you were rubbing it a lot , like you were worried or you thought id just out right touch it”
You kissed him again and wiped your eyes free of stray tears. “I want to be with you Kyo, i wanna.. see red pandas with you”
He laughed at that and so did you.
“I already said i'd take you didint i?” He asked cupping your face .
“Just making sure you know i really wanna go heh..”
“I know sweetie, believe me i know.” Kyo kissed you and you blushed wrapping your arms around him.
The alarm went off again too.
@zoppzoop @mocha-babes @haikyuu-but-low-iq @milkbreadcat @kozushiki
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arcadianstuff · 4 years
Movie Night ( Douxie x reader)
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You’re having a movie night at your house, inviting your friends: An odd bunch made up of aliens, trolls, troll hunters and wizards. Plus a talking cat. Oh and Toby.
Stand alone fic
Judging from the screeching sounds coming from your kitchen, you guessed it wasn’t a good idea to let Aja and Krel handle making the snacks. All it was was was some popcorn, and yet it sounded like they were taking apart a motorcycle in there.
You glanced around your living room, which was currently way too packed considering there were two trolls, five teenagers and one wizard crammed in. Your eyes landed on Jim, who was sitting on the couch next to Claire, arm around her as they laughed.
“Jim, hate to ruin the really cute moment but could you go in the kitchen and save our snacks please.” Asking your cousin nicely, you watched him scowl as you wiggled your eyebrows at the pair.
Laughter erupted from Claire but she also turned bright red. Jim on the other hand gave you a small scowl but quickly lightened up, smiling as he nodded.
“Sure thing cuz.” He got up waving as he headed into the kitchen to fix the damage your alien friends probably caused.
“You know you and Jim are really cute. You guys really found each other.”
Once Jim got up you took his place next to Claire, sitting down cross legged on the comfy sofa.
“Yeah I guess we did, there’s nobody else like Jim. He’s something special.”
A warm smile graced Claire’s lips as she looked lovingly towards the kitchen where Jim was. Although it was slightly sickening sometimes to see how much they loved each other, you were happy for the pair. Especially, since Jim was your younger cousin and you wanted to see him happy.
“Oh yeah he’s special alright, Trollhunter by night and just below average student by day.”
You made sure to say the last part just loud enough for Jim to hear, who let out a squawk of indignation from the kitchen causing the others around you to laugh.
On the floor, Toby was arguing with Steve and Eli about what film to watch. It was currently between Killer Robot 3, Ouija Board and Holiday Romance....Yes, Steve did choose Holiday Romance but he kept on denying it and saying Eli chose it. Of course Eli went along with it, being the supportive friend that he is.
Unbeknownst to you all, Aaaargh was happily sat on the bean bag in the corner, chomping away on some old DVDs and VHSs, happy that everybody was safe for once.
“You humans have very strange forms of entertainment. What is this contraption ? Oh it glows.”
Beside you and Claire, Blinky pressed down on the button that turned your lava lamp on. It was a gift you’d gotten from your boyfriend Douxie, who was running late at the moment with the pizza you’d asked for.
Blinky watched fascinated as the lava floated from the bottom of the lamp, until it reached the top, and slowly descended down again. It was amusing to watch the scholar be entranced by something so simple.
“Hey where’s Douxie with the pizza ? I’m starting to get hungry.”
Claire spoke from beside you and, as if to confirm her hunger, her stomach growled moments later leaving her a little embarrassed and you giggling.
“He should be here soon. For someone who’s been alive for nearly a Millenium you’d think he’d learn to tell the time”
You responded jokingly, making Claire laugh and the person who’d just entered through your doorway.
“Cheeky love.”
You turned around quickly to see your boyfriend standing there in all his punk glory carrying six pizzas and a bag of fizzy drinks.
“Wooooo food !!”
Cheering, the teens got off their butts and ran over to Douxie, practically trampling him as they snatched the food away, having not eaten for hours, before quickly running back to sit down in front of the TV.
With a laugh, you got off your feet and made your way over to the wizard, who looked like he’d walked through a tornado. His lips curved into a smile at the sight of you, his lovely girlfriend in sweatpants and a Papa Skull T-shirt (that was definitely his).
“Hello love.”
He greeted you with a kiss on the cheek which you returned, kissing him gently on the lips as his arms entwined around you.
Four snickering teens giggled at the pair of you as you broke apart. Your face had turned beet red whilst Douxie just rolled his eyes.
“Get a room you two.”
Steve hollered, pizza cheese smeared along his upper lip.
“Well Steve this is my room so.”
You snarked back with a laugh watching as Eli tried to wipe the cheese off of Steve’s face with a napkin. Sadly, Steve was not enjoying being babied by his friend and was thrashing around.
“Stop it pepperjack. What are you doing bro!”
You rolled your eyes at the pair of arguing teenagers, watching as Claire and Toby debated over which film to watch as Blinky came to join them.
“Hey Aaarrghh come over here big guy, got a space for you here.”
You called your large troll friend over who had struggled to fit into your “cave”, as he’d put it, due to its small size but you’d cleared a space just by the sofa for him, having pushed back some furniture.
Grateful for the consideration Aaaargh, with a bit of clumsiness, plopped down in the space, right next to his wingman Toby.
“Thank you. (y/n) is very kind.”
His large hand patted you on the head as he thanked you, smiling widely.
A giggle left your lips as you told him it was nothing, still cuddled up under Douxie’ arm.
“Hey Doux Im gonna go check on the kids in the kitchen. It’s suddenly gotten very quiet. Try and get them to choose a film please.”
You untangled yourself from under Douxie’s arm and made your way into the kitchen.
“Im not a bloomin babysitter love.”
Douxie let out a little grumble as he glanced at the now full on arguing teenagers who couldn’t pick a film for the life of them.
The kitchen was, well to put it lightly, a distaster. Butter and popcorn scattered the floor and surfaces. Some strange yellow liquid was smeared across the cabinet doors, and a strange machine that resembled a blender stood in the middle of your kitchen.
Aja and Krel were rushing around trying to clean up the mess, whilst Jim was microwaving the rest of the popcorn that had survived the ordeal.
“You know what I’m not even going to ask.”
You waved a hand and left them to it, not really feeling like stressing out over something so small. Plus you knew they’d clean it up properly....eventually.
Back in the living room, Claire was standing on the sofa pointing an accusing finger at the boys who were clutching onto Robot Killer 3.
“We are not watching that stupid excuse of a film !”
From out of nowhere she whipped out her shadow staff which darkened with power, a sign that she was getting serious.
Eli and Steve gulped nervously, backing up behind Tobes who brought out his war hammer. The pair locked eyes, filling the room with as much atmospheric tension as a stand off in a Westen movie.
“Now Tobias and miss Claire we can figure this out without resorting to violence.”
Blinky, sensing the tension, stepped in as he was sort of the pseudo-parent around here. He reached out and pushed down their weapons, giving them both a stern look. Whilst that was happening Steve and Eli had quickly escaped over to Aaaargh, hiding behind him for protection.
“No fighting wingman. Watch fun film. No violence.”
Aaarghh’s request settled both Toby and Claire down, who hadnt even considered that Aaaargh couldn’t watch a film with too much violence in it. It’d probably trigger his PTSD and make him too anxious.
“Yeah wingman we can watch Holiday Romance.”
Sighing, a little dejectedly ,Toby agreed with Aaaargh smiling at him.
“Oh yeahhh !!!”
From behind Aaaargh, Steve’s head poked round as he celebrated and started whooping, until he saw the surprised looks on everybody’s faces.
“I mean pshhhh lame, that films for chicks.”
Trying to play it cool or crispy, he sauntered out from behind Aaaargh, followed by Eli and laid down in the sofa only making a small amount of room for Eli.
“Uhuh sure Steve sure.”
Claire and Toby laughed a little as they plopped down in front of the sofa, Blinky between them. You looked round and saw your boyfriend in the armchair in the corner of your living room, stroking Archie who must’ve flown in through the open window.
Noticing you looking at him Douxie winked at you, smirking a little at the way you blushed. Rolling your eyes, you smiled amused before looking at the kitchen as Jim, Aja and Krel emerged with minimal scathing.
“We have corn that is popped !” Krel cheered shoving the popcorn into your face as if to emphasise his point.
“Nice job Krel, I knew I could count on you guys....”
You let out a small laugh as you trailed off thinking about the mess your kitchen had been in and hoping that they’d cleaned it up the best they could.
“Hey wheres the pizza ?”
Jim’s question caused you to look away from Krel’s bowl of popcorn and to look around the room. Sadly, you only found empty pizza boxes and four very guilty looking teens.
“Hey sorry Jimbo. Got hungry you know, missed out on dinner.”
Toby scratched his head nervously as he admitted to eating the last of the pizza. The others looked just as guilty, especially Steve who still had a cheese moustache that Eli had failed to wipe off.
“Oh fudgeknuckles, fine I’ll go get some more.”
Sighing, annoyed, Douxie got up from his chair, pushing poor Archie off onto the ground who looked very unhappy with the action. A few cheers ensued as the two alien royals and troll hunter made themselves comfortable among the others in front of the TV.
“Thanks Douxie, can you get pepperoni.”
Jim smiled genuinely at Douxie as he asked for his order whilst Krel beside him was trying to make up his mind.
“Oh oh ! Can I have the one with the fruit and meet on it...what I’d it called...hoowian...Hawan....”
Struggling to place the name of the pizza Krel scratched his head looking a little frustrated.
Aja suddenly appeared enlightened next to Steve and let out a yell of:
“Hawaiian ! You want Hawaiian pizza !”
Krel smiled at his sister happily who in turn smiled back at her brother before snuggling back into Steve’s side.
“Yes that’s it I want one Hawaiian please.”
Good naturedly, Douxie smiled at him and nodded before heading to the door. His famialir had found a comfortable place next to Claire who was petting him and also shooting away Aaarrghh who was staring at the cat hungrily.
“Alright I’ll be back in fifteen tops.”
Shuffling out of the door, Douxie waved goodbye, only stopping when he felt your hand on his as he turned the doorknob.
“Im coming with you.” You announced, smiling as you did up your jacket. This caused a wide smile to grace Douxie’s lips as he laced your fingers with his holding onto your hand.
“We’ll be quick guys. Nobody make a mess whilst we’re gone !”
Yelling out the last part you shut the door, hoping that your apartment would be in one piece when you got back but knowing it probably wouldn’t. Which was okay. They were your friends: A rag tag group of teenagers, ancient trolls, aliens and wizards.
Outside the sun was setting as the evening faded into dusk. Pinks and oranges melted across the sky as if a paint brush had swirled the sky. It was beautiful.
With Douxie’s hand in yours you both walked down the quiet street, heading towards Mario’s Pizza place in the plaza.
“So, you reckon the place will be in one piece when we get back ?” Douxie let out a little chuckle at his question, already imagining the chaos the group would be causing.
Sighing but with a smile across your face you answered:
“Probably not but that’s okay, it’s part of the charm you know, the unexpexted and exciting. Plus I don’t mind as long as they are all having fun for once.”
You turned a little wistful at the end, recalling in your mind all of the past hardships your friends had endured and probably the many more they’d face in the future. For now though you’d given them a safe space to have fun and be teenagers.
Douxie watched the wistful look on your face appear, and felt a deep admiration for your protectiveness. It was one of the things that had attracted you to him, how strong you were and the lengths you went through to protect others. Plus your snark and sarcasm bounced well off of his flirting.
“Im sure they are love, this was a great idea. Didn’t think you had it in you to think so well.” He joked poking your forehead playfully.
“Oh shut up that’s really rich from the guy who thought the man bun was a good look.” You laughed loudly as Douxie’s face fell at your insult.
A red tint pased across his cheeks as he pulled you into him in a very loose headlock, where he then started to mess up your hair. In response you shrieked, trying to shake his grip as he messed your ponytail up and moved onto tickling you.
“Hisirdoux you stop that right now or I’ll...I’ll...”
You were breathless as you threatened him in between your laughter. Tears started to form at the corners of your eyes as he continually tickled you whilst you guys made you way along the street.
“No can do love. That’s what you get for being cheeky.”
An evil grin could be seen on his face as he kept on tickling you loving the sound of your lighthearted breathless laughter. It had been too long since you’d laughed like that. You’d become so stressed out, continually worrying about your friends who you felt responsible for.
Since you were one of the oldest among the group you’d become a caretaker of sorts. Of course they could handle themselves, Krel and Aja were aliens for Merlins sake, Jim was a troll hunter, Claire a sorceress, Steve apparently had become a knight in Camelot and well Eli and Toby could probably defend themselves plus Aaaargh had been a war machine. Blinky. Blinky had his books.
Whilst your cousin had become the trollhunter and you’d continued going to Arcadia Oaks high starting your senior year with little knowledge of what was really going on, by the end you’d found out everything and even a secret about yourself. You were a sorceress, a desscendant of Morgana La Fay herself. The Arcane Order had sought you out, looking for the descendant of Morgana to join them. Of course you’d refused but they took you prisoner, hiding you captive for weeks. Just when you’d given up all hope of seeing your family and friends again the troll hunter team, along with Douxie saved you. That was the first time you’d met him
Now the pair of you were inseparable.
The others looked up to you, naturally as you were older. Claire came to you for advice or just a girl talk that she didn’t want to share with Darcie or Mary. Jim was your cousin so he was already family to you and you’d do anything for him whilst Tobes you’d known since he was five and watched him grow up. Of course Aja and Krel were new but you’d felt so sad learning about the state of their home world and saw that they were struggling to fit in. You were there go to for human advice or a hug, an earthly custom they’d grown to like. Steve and Eli you weren’t as close to, but you knew Steve was dealing with a lot of stuff, more than he let on and you made sure to go the extra mile to make him feel accepted.
Yeah so you were basically superwoman in Douxie’s eyes. He had no idea how you did it all. But of course it was just natural for you to protect others. You’d lost your own family when you were younger and were very protective of the new one you’d acquired, trolls included.
“You’re amazing love. I mean it (y/n). You’re magic.”
Winking at the end of his pun Douxie watched you roll your eyed in mock annoyance before laughing and squeezing his hand tighter.
“It’s nothing really, I’m just looking out for them. It what you do you know. For family....” You trailed off towards the end of your sentence glancing up at your boyfriend who looked a little surprised at the end of your sentence, but in a good way.
Ever since Merlín had died he’d felt a little lost. Sure he had Archie and whilst his famialir could get on his nerves he loved him like family but he’d been wanting more. Having been alone for so long in his 919 years on earth it tended to leave a yearning for home.
“I bloomin love you (y/n). There’s not a person like you, never had been and never will.”
Douxie confessed seriously, voice heavy with emotion as he twirled you into a hug, arms ensnaring you. Your face met his skull shirt and you took a breath in, loving the scent of old books and indistinguishable herbs that radiated from him. It smelt like warmth and home to you.
“I love you too Doux.”
You reached up and kissed his cheek grinning as they turned a little pink. For a moment the pair of you stayed like that wrapped up in each other’s embrace as the sun set casting a golden glow around you. For the first time in a long time to you felt at peace, like everything would be alright.
That was until you head the smoke alarms going off from your house.
The pair of you said at the same time as you saw billowing smoke emerge from the end of the street.
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caysophia · 4 years
Sam Guthrie x Reader (f, smut) Dirty thoughts
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"..."-actual talking
'...'- y/n talking with others telepathically / others responding to her
y/n pov
I rolled around my bed a little thing to get comfortable "Good morning. It's 8:30..." Rang out the speaker in the corner of the room. I groaned and sat up, pushing my hair out of eyes and rubbing my face "We get it, we get it." I groaned and stood up slowly from my bed walking over to the dresser of clothes and getting dressed.
I put on a black flannel, some ripped jeans, and some slides. I sat down at the metal and wood desk in front of my bed and put on some mascara and eyeliner, not a lot as it looked like it was gonna rain.
I walked out of my room, an actual room. I walked down the many halls to the bathroom to do some stuff and then going to the cafe to make a cup of tea, it was a tea day today. I opened the metal and glass double doors being the first one in. I boiled some water and prepared my tea, it was just black tea with honey.
I stood at the counter hearing footsteps, they weren't heavy so it isn't Sam or Roberto.
'Hello' i said as the person walked in, it was Dani "I forgot you were telepathic, to early for that y/n." she said with a laugh 'sorry, I don't t feel like talking right now.' i said and she nodded "We going mute today? or just not in the mood?" she asked as she sat down at the table closest to where I was." I cocked my head and thought about it.
'not in the mood right now.' i thought as I bent back making my back crack, and stretching out my neck "What are you doing today? It might rain." Dani asked as she stood up grabbing a random fruit from a bowl on a metal counter.
I poured the boiling water into a mug and stirred it 'I think I'm just gonna head back to my room, or go into the lounge. oo the attic to maybe, the rain sounds so nice up there.' I chuckled and she smiled 'what about you?' I asked as Dani threw away the apple core "I don't know, I have more testing." Dani said as Rahne came in, she waved and we waved back.
"Hey!" Dani said as the girl walked over, I waved again and pointed to the door "See ya y/n."Dani said with a smile "Bye y/n."
I exited the cafe with my cup of tea and walked around wasting time before seeing same down the hallway coming towards the cafe 'Hey starshine.' i said and waved, he waved back and jogged down the hall slightly meeting up with me 'Morning handsome' I said with a wink, he rolled his eyes "You just gonna invade my thoughts now." Sam said and I laughed talking another sip of tea 'Of course, I always do.' i chuckled.
'Im gonna go outside. bye-bye country boy.' i said as I took a sip of tea "See ya." he nodded his head as he fixed his hat. I and sam split ways, I walked down the hallway more making it to the front exit of the building 'Reyes please open the front exit door' and heard the door open 'thanks.'.
The metal doors closed behind me, over the forest beyond the gate were dark clouds 'Nice...' i walked over to the concrete block that sam used when he goes into rocketship mode. I jumped onto it and sat down, The placement of the block made it perfect to watch the sky and field at the same time.
I spent a few minutes there, completely spaced out (like no thoughts, no hearing, head empty) I felt a tap on my shoulder "What the fuck!" I screamed and also spilling the cup of tea on me. I jumped off the block and turned towards the person who touched me. Rahne put her hands up in the air "Woah, chill. Didn't mean to scare ya. It group time." I raised a brow "It's only like 9:30..." Rahne shook her head "It's 11, you've been spaced out for a while..."
I looked at Rahne "I-" I stuttered out and laughed "I-yeah okay, time for a group I guess... let's go, thanks for getting me." I thanked Rahne and grabbed the mug, and walked towards the door. I poured the cold tea into the dead bushes and walked in the building dropping the mug off at the cafe and then heading to the group.
Rahne walked into the room sitting down next to Dani "I'm glad you could make it y/n. Did something happen?" Reyes asked as I froze, the room went quiet "head went empty, no thought." I said quietly and sat down in between Roberto and Illyana, Illyana chuckled 'Shut the fuck up blonde bitch.' I smiled and she glared.
"Okay, now that everyone is here, let's start," Reyes said with a smile. I looked around the room making eye contact with Sam. Sam shook his head slightly, I smirked 'hi.'  he rolled his eyes fixing his hat 'Yeah?' i smiled slightly looking at sams sitting from up and down 'You looking kinda cute today.' Sam locked eyes with me 'I know where this will lead, no. Not now.' I pouted 'You're no fun...' i pouted, sam scoffed out loud "Yes sam?" Reyes questioned looking in between me and him "Nothing, sorry." Sam muttered out and looked at me, Reyes nodded "Y/n, stop please." I nodded and looked at the floor, Reyes went over ways to control the powers of the other.
"Why is y/n here?" Illyana blurted out stopping Reyes mid-sentence "What do you mean Illyana."  Reyes fixed her posture in her seat, I looked at Sam 'I've been here for a year, how the fuck does she not know?'  Sam shrugged his shoulder 'She doesn't like you, you know that. She's just trying to cause trouble.'
"She doesn't have any powers beside for fucking physic powers." Illyana scoffed, I laughed at her. Reyes looked at me "She is here just like everyone else. Something happened, putting her and others in danger." Reyes said softly glancing at her "You do realize, telepathic powers are mind not just mind linking right?" I questioned the blonde looking at her "It's the power of invading the mind like Mind Control, Illusion Manipulation, Psychic Torture. I could fuck with your mind so hard that your safe plane wouldn't be a thing anymore." I threatened and Reyes snapped her fingers, just something she found out stops me from hurting things...
"Well, what you do? kill your parents?" Illyana mocked and I laughed "kind yeah. I lost control and made a bus driver drive a bus into a body of moving water and everyone drowned. Besides for me somehow." I said in a smart ass tone fighting the lump in my throat 'im going to fuck this bitch up, either making her see smiley men or just giving her an uppercut to the jaw.'  i said sam and cleared my throat. Reyes wrote some notes down "Ok, we're done here. Everyone can leave." I stood up and walked to sam and gave him a fake smile, Illyana bumped into my shoulder and smiled "Sorry." she laughed 'try me, you'll see smiley men.' i smiled as she glared at me and walked out. "What did you just say?" Sam said as he throws his jacket over his shoulder "Oh nothing." I smiled and grabbed his hand and left the room.
I and sam walked to the lounge in silence, my mind rushing with flashbacks from the crash. Even though I didn't get hurt, it still haunts you. When we got to the room Dani and Rahne were already there turning on the Tv "Hey guys!" Dani said in a happy tone "Hey." me and Sam said, sam going to the foosball table with Roberto, I jumped over the couch next to Rahne "You talking now?" She asked I shook my head "Oh boy, ill be doing more than talking if Illyana tried anything." I said and looked at the tv, a random movie turning on.
Rahne patted my shoulder "Hey, she stepped over a line. Yes. But you can't make her live through her fears." I laughed  "Okay." I said and looked over the couch to sam 'You looking kinda hot right now.'  Sam shook his head not stopping the game to respond 'what? You're not gonna respond?' i teased him, no respond 'Your asking for it. watch it.' i waited for a response nothing. I turned around and watch the movie on tv.
3rd person (it's gonna start getting graphic and smut.)
Y/n continued to tease and bother sam more and more, making him lose a bunch of foosball games against Roberto "Well you suck." Roberto laughed as he fixed the players on the polls, Sam rolled his eyes and put the ball in the middle "Is y/n talking to you through brain waves for some shit." Roberto laughed and took the first hit Sam laughed and started to play "Oh no, definitely not." Sam laughed.
'You're not talking about me, are you?' Y/n voice popped into sams head, Sam rolled his eyes 'Why would I? It's not like you don't invade my head every day.' Sam replied y/n chuckled from the couch where her, Rahne, And Dani were sat watching a movie 'You're too cute sam, you know that? Oh and don't even get me started about how big your hands are, I wouldn't mind them on me.'  Y/n teased, sam took a deep breath not wanting to lose the game but also not wanting  Y/ns comment to go to his head.
'Oh come on big boy, don't ignore me. I can see your breathing patterns change.' Y/n said making sam frustrated, and groan "Oh my." Sam glared at him "Stop it."
'You wanna leave the lounge? go up to my room and see what is a coal miner does to the body?  I bet it does wonder.' y/n flirted, Sam scored a goal against Roberto "Imma go, see ya." and sam left, y/n rolled her eyes "I'll be back." and left the room after Sam.
Y/n exited the lounge going after sam "Sam!" Y/n yelled down to him as he walked down the hall ignoring her "Sam! come on, stop it."Y/n said as she ran down the hall trying to catch up to him. Sam continued to ignore y/ns calls as he walked down the hall, he was embarrassed and a little angry.
'Sam, come on. I'm sorry okay?  I should've told you earlier and tried to stop, okay but it's hard when you hearing the thoughts of everyone around you .' Y/ns voice echoed through sams head, sam stopped and turned around to face y/n who was only a few feet away from him "Why?" Sam asked, leaving y/n confused "Why what?" Y/n gave a nervous chuckle worried about what he was gonna ask.
"Was it all a joke? Just something to get a laugh at?" Sam scoffed y/n laughed at his comment, leaving sam confused "What?" Y/n bent over laughing before catching her breath "Oh my! you are clueless Sam. You don't think I would've made sexual jokes for fun? I might be a bitch but I don't play with feelings sams." Y/n said with a smile, Sam glanced down at Y/n "Sam! I like you your clueless puppy!" Y/n Yelled but not loud enough for the group down the hall to hear.
"Oh so- oh... oh." Sam said out loud as he thought, he smirked at y/n "Ill take you up on that offer." Y/n laughed "Bet." and with that Y/n grabbed Sams wrist and the two of them ran down to the dorms.
Y/n pulled Sam into her room, locking the door and covering the camera in the corner of the room, y/n turned around taking off her shoes, sam already doing that  "You ready?" Y/n smirked, "As all hell."
Y/ns pov
Sam pushed me onto the bed and got on top of me. bringing sam into a kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck one hand in his hair and throwing his hat off.  "You are a naughty girl," he said looking at me in the eyes, I winked "I know." bringing him into a rough kiss letting him lead. Sam started taking off his flannel and shirt, I doing the same.
I pulled sam back into a kiss now just in a bar and jeans. Sam kissed down my jaw and onto my neck leaving hickies and bites. I moaned once he hit a spot right below my jaw, he worked on the spot for a while before moving to my chest. His hands traveling down to the hem of my jeans. Sam looked up "You ready?" He asked I nodded. Sam Unbuttoned my jeans and sticking his hand in.
He started playing with my clit with us thumb, "wet already ?" He said smirking, I moaned "just fuck me Sam " I moaned, throwing my head back fisting my sheets in the bed, "not yet baby," he said inserting his middle fingers. I arched my back and moaned "s-Sam f-faster " I said breathless moaning, Coming close to an Orgasm, he inserted two more fingers going faster, I was a moaning mess "I-I'm cL-close " I moaned out and came on this hand.
He licked his hand clean, and took off his jeans, and stroked his penis, he groaned and I flipped us around so he's on the bottom and I put his member in my mouth it was at least 10 inches so there was still a good amount not in my mouth so I rubbed the exposed part. "Y/n," he said putting his hands to his face before grabbing my hair.
After a while, he comes into my mouth.
I looked at him and started kissing him, giving him hickeys down his jaw and next, while my hands went down his abs, I gave him hickeys on his neck where he couldn't hind them and down his stomach. After Sam flipped us so I was under him, he put a condom on and slid in me, I moaned his name digging my nails into his shoulder blades leaving marks. Sam groaned giving my neck hickeys. "I-I'm close Sam," I said moaning. San put my hands above my head and held my hand. "M-me too," he said and we both released, and plotted down next to me. Both of us out of breath.
"I bet you don't like dirty thoughts anymore huh?" I joked Sam chuckled.
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platonicavengers · 4 years
Pinky Promise
pairing: avengers x teen!reader; platonic!steve x teen!reader; platonic!natasha x teen!reader
word count: 1,772 (hehe told y’all)
warnings: sadness, depression, maybe swearing?? idk i don’t pay enough attention, post-infinity war feels
author’s note: im :) fine :) not :) sad :) at :) all :) also why do i always write angst am i that incapable of letting anyone be happy hahahah help
summary: it’s been a year since thanos snapped his fingers, and you still feel just as upset as you did the day it happened, but steve and nat are there to try their best to help you :)
my masterlist | read it on ao3 | read it on wattpad
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One year; 12 months; 52 weeks; 365 days; 8,760 hours; 525,600 minutes; 31,536,000 seconds.
Since it happened. It, of course, being Thanos snapping his fingers, successfully eliminating 50% of life throughout the entire universe. Since you lost so many of your closest friends, your family.
Some people say that it gets easier with time, that eventually, it stops hurting as much. That after a while, the pain just isn't as bad.
But they would be wrong.
It's been an entire year, and for you, it's only seemed to get worse. The pain just grows each day, the loss of some of your favorite people just taking a larger toll on you as the days go by.
And the team could tell. What's left of the team, at least. Even out of the survivors, not everyone stayed around at the compound, as it would just bring back memories of those they've lost.
Tony had gone to live with Pepper and their daughter, Morgan, in a cabin on the lake. Bruce had gone somewhere, you weren't even sure where he was, and the same with Rhodey. Thor left to go establish New Asgard, and you hadn't seen him since. Carol, although technically not an official member of the team, was up in space most of the time, so you never saw her, either. That left only you, Natasha, and Steve.
Natasha was the first to notice. The way you rarely left your room, and if you did, your eyes were rimmed with a red tint, and your cheeks were puffed up. And if she ever got the chance to speak to you, you would only give her one or two word responses, far from the usual energetic and lengthy ones you used to give.
Steve noticed not long after, partially because Natasha pointed it out to him, and partially on his own. He saw the way you always wore sweatshirts or t- shirts belonging to your fallen friends. He heard you crying at the late hours of the night, when you thought no one else was awake.
So the two of them came together, trying to think of any and every way to help you, to take your mind off of everything, even just for a few minutes. But you did know this. You still stayed locked up in your room, today, especially, not even attempting to drag yourself out of bed, knowing that the only thing you were capable of doing today, was mourning.
The minute your alarm clock went off at 7 AM, you could already feel the familiar sensation of a wave of tears approaching. You were used to it by now, and just let it happen on its own.
With the sleeves of one of Wanda’s hoodies folded over your hands, you pressed your wrists to your eyes, trying to stop the stinging feeling of the tears. Your attempt was futile, and a steady stream started flowing down your cheeks, onto the comforter below you.
You sighed in frustration and annoyance when the tears wouldn’t stop. It seems like everyone else has moved on already, you thought to yourself, so why can’t I?
You buried your face in your hands and let out a loud sob. You shook your head, slowly lifting it from your hands as you stared up at the ceiling for a moment. You internally swore at yourself, knowing that what you were about to do was immature, but you were going to do it anyways.
“Hey, u-um,” your voice was quiet, hoarse from going so long without speaking, not to mention nasally from all the crying you’ve been doing lately. You brushed your messy hair out of your face, sniffling loudly, “I-I don’t know if anyone can hear me, but I, uh. I wanted to try an-and say something, just in case any of you guys a-are listening right now.”
You sobbed again, swearing under your breath, “Get it together, Y/N,” you whispered to yourself. You cleared your throat, trying once more to speak, “U-um. I just wanted to say that, um, I miss you all,” your voice broke off, the tears falling faster now, “so much. Uh, I miss you and love you all so much. I would do anything to get a-all of you back here, right now. Whatever it would take, I don’t care. I-I need you all, so badly.”
You cursed at yourself again, much louder than you intended to. Unbeknownst to you, Steve and Natasha heard you. They shared a look, before stopping what they were doing, and standing next to your closed door.
“I’m so, so, so sorry I didn’t do good enough. I tried, as hard as I could. I tried everything I could think of to get everyone back,” your voice had fallen into a low whisper, “b-but nothing worked.”
The pair outside your door felt their hearts break. It hurt them so much to hear you in such pain, and they knew they couldn’t stand to listen any longer. Natasha glanced at Steve, communicating with him through their eyes. Steve sent her a slight nod, knowing what she wanted to do.
The redhead slowly stood up from her squatting position, softly knocking on your door. She spoke quietly, a warm and caring tone laced through her words, “Y/N, sweetie? Could you open the door, please?”
You froze. You hadn’t expected for either of them to try and talk to you. Lately, they had stopped trying to get you to unlock your door, to open up, even just a little, after realizing that you refused to. You stayed silent for a moment, not knowing how, or if you wanted, to respond.
“Please, Y/N. We just want to help you, I promise, honey.”
Natasha’s voice was so calming, with the slight motherly tone coming through her words. You felt your resolve falter for a second, and you contemplated whether to let her in or not. On one hand, you didn’t want them seeing you like this, although you knew they wouldn’t care. But on the other, you so desperately craved comfort, reassurance, especially from those you trusted and cared for so deeply.
“Please,” this time it was Steve that spoke, “we know you’re hurting, and we want to help.”
With his words, you broke. You felt the sobs building up in your chest, and you ran to the door, unlocking and it and yanking it open roughly. You fell into Natasha’s open arms, sobbing. Steve wrapped his arms around you as well, joining the embrace. Your body shook painfully, but the feeling of two of your closest friends holding you so tightly helped soften the blow.
It took you around fifteen minutes to calm down. The whole time, both Steve and Natasha stayed with you on the floor, still holding onto you tightly, occasionally whispering short phrases of comfort into your ears.
When you eventually did settle down, you could feel your body growing tired from your sobs. You slowly lifted your head from Natasha’s shoulder, and she sent you a small smile. She wiped away the tears from under your eyes with the pads of her thumbs, and tucked your hair behind your ears.
Steve shifted so he was in front of you, and he could see your face as he spoke to you, “How ‘bout we have a movie day today, huh? No work, no responsibilities, just hangin’ out and watching movies? Sound good, hmm?”
You weakly nodded, trying your best to send him a smile, but the corners of your lips barely lifted up. He smiled back at you, helping you and Natasha both up from the ground, and the three of you walked together to the living room area.
You sat down on one of the couches, Steve taking the seat next to you. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders, slowly rubbing your arm as Natasha stood in the kitchen, gathering snacks for you all.
As Steve picked up the TV remote, going to put the first movie on, a memory of a day similar came to mind.
“Everybody sit your asses down, it’s movie day!” You grinned widely as Tony shouted at the rest of the team. You plopped down on one of the couches, Steve on your right, and Wanda on your left. You loved having movie nights with the team, as they were a rare pleasantry in a life as hectic as yours.
“Yo, Tiny! Heads up!” Sam called out to you, chucking a bag of popcorn towards you. You giggled as you caught it, quickly ripping it open and shoving a handful of the snack into your mouth.
Steve reached a hand into the bag, trying to steal some of the popcorn, but you quickly smacked his hand, causing him to send you a playful glare. Your eyes widened as you saw popcorn floating out of the bag, but you jokingly rolled your eyes as you turned to your left, seeing Wanda using her magic to grab some of your food. You sighed, a small smile on your lips, “I really can’t have anything around here, huh?”
You were cut off by a loud “Shh!” and you glanced over to one of the other couches, offering a sheepish smile to an impatient Natasha.
You were brought back to reality by a loud shout of your name, and you blinked your eyes a few times, seeing both Steve and Natasha in front of you, worry clear on their faces.
They both visibly relaxed when you looked at them, but their concern quickly returned when they saw your eyes well up with tears, and a sob break its way past your lips.
Natasha wrapped her arms around you, bringing you to her chest and slowly rocking you back and forth, “Hey, hey, what’s wrong?”
“I-I miss them s-so much!” You stuttered out between sobs.
Natasha felt herself tear up, her hold on you tightening, “Oh, sweetie, I know, I know. I miss them too.”
A few minutes later, Natasha released from the hug, but kept you tucked into her side, running her fingers through your hair. Steve grabbed ahold of your hands, gently rubbing his thumbs on top of your fingers, “I promise you, Y/N, we’re gonna get them back. We’re gonna get them all back.”
You wiped away a lone tear, whispering, “Pinky promise?” You knew it was immature, but you held up a shaking pinky, desperate for reassurance, no matter how childish it made you seem.
Steve chuckled softly, wrapping his pinky around yours, “Pinky promise.”
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superspookywombat · 4 years
falling {j.h} chapter five
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Warnings: mentions of blood, uhh everyone acting weird??
Bella sneaks out a lot in the night. You’re not sure where she goes, but when she comes back she always falls asleep with a smile on her face. Charlie has been nagging her to go hang out with Jacob, and he tries with you, too. But something about Jacob made you feel off. 
“Hey now, that’s the last one tonight.” Charlie warns you as you pull another beer from the fridge. 
“Yes sir.” You giggle with a mock salute. He side-eyes you, then reaches over the foot of space between you two and grips the neck of the glass bottle. 
“I think you’ve had enough.” He says, pulling the drink from your grasp. You gasp, then cross your arms and return your eyes to the game on tv. “It’s getting late.” 
“What, are you giving out on me, old man?” You tease. He scoffs, getting up from the couch and putting the beer back in the fridge. You click off the tv as you hear him stomp upstairs. Walking into the kitchen, you open the door and grab the beer. You copy him by going up the stairs, but you change his routine by entering your bedroom. A cool breeze stops you in your tracks. You grip the bottle a little tighter, then you back up into the hallway.
“Hey, dad?” You call out to the closed door that leads to Charlie’s room. “Did you leave a window open in my room?” 
“Like I’d voluntarily go into that pigpen?” He answers, voice muffled by the dense oak. So, no then. You take a breath, then push your door back open. You glance around the room and you see something move out of the corner of your eye. You freeze, ice pumping through your veins. A light blur moves again and you scream ‘Charlie.’ Almost immediately, with a whoosh of wind you’re knocked over. You grunt as you land on the ground, your forehead hitting the doorframe on your way down. The crash of glass against the flooring is quiet compared to the ringing in your ears. You groan, sitting up on your elbows. Charlie runs into the room, half naked with his gun drawn. 
“I-” You spit out, not sure what to follow the syllable with. Charlie holsters his gun, falling to his knees and scanning your body with a hard gaze. 
“What happened?” He asks, his eyes moving from your body to check the room. I’m not even sure.
“There was someone in here. I saw someone.” You choke out. “I.. I think I hurt my head.” You reach to your forehead, and when you pull your hand away, it’s covered in warm, sticky blood. Charlie looks over at you, his face paleing. He jumps up and goes to the landline on your’s and Bella’s shared desk, no doubt calling the police station. A door slams downstairs, and Charlie looks at you, then raises a finger to his mouth in a “shushing” manner. You nod, then he pulls his gun back out and creeps out the door. Your heart races as you wobble over to your dresser, then pull out a sock. You hold it to your head and try to stay as quiet as possible while Charlie clears the downstairs. You hear Bella call out Charlie’s name, and you let out a sigh. Just Bella. You walk over to the stairs, but stop short when you get light-headed. You press a bloody palm to the wall, hovering over slightly as you regain your balance. Hurried footsteps are heard going up the stairs. 
“Y/n? Oh God.” Bella’s voice says. You look in the direction of the sound, but blood dripping over the barrier of your eyebrows causes your eyes to close. A set of hands are placed around your waist, helping you lower yourself to the ground. 
“I called the station, some guys are on their way.” You hear Charlie say. You nod, not sure that he can even see you. “They asked if they should send an ambulance.”
“No!” You cough. “No. ‘M fine.” 
“There’s so much blood.” Bella says, sounding out of breath. “I..” You assume her and Charlie are making eye contact. 
“Maybe I should call one.” Charlie offers. More footsteps come up the stairs. 
“We could take her to Carlisle. He could tell us if we need to go to the hospital or not.” Someone- sounding like Edward- suggests. 
“Well, I don’t want to impose..” Charlie sighs. You bring up a hand and wipe the blood from your eyes. You look around and see Charlie leaning over you while Bella has an arm around Edward’s waist. 
“Dad, I’m fine. It’s just a cut.” You say. The sound of sirens and the tear of tires pulling into the driveway catches everyone's attention. 
“Fine. No ambulance, but you’re going to see Carlisle. If he says hospital, then you will go. Understand?” Charlie warns. You roll your eyes. 
“Fine.” You mumble.
Tires pull to a stop. You look out the back window of the sleek car you’re in. A modern house sits perched in the trees, so beautiful it almost takes your breath away. Your door opens, and Bella stands there holding out an arm to take. 
“I’m fine, Bells.” You say. She sighs, but still hovers close to you as if you could fall over with the slightest gust of wind. You glare at her, but she ignores you. You three make your way up the drive, until you reach a big door. Edward twists the knob, and the door opens to reveal a spacious entryway. Holy crap. Two people wait for you there, one you recognize as Doctor Cullen, the other a woman with beautiful auburn waves. Doctor Cullen strides over to you, pulling away the sock from your head. Chills shook your body, half because you were cold from Edward insisting the windows were down in the car, and half because the doctors hands weren’t any warmer. 
“Cold?” He chuckles. The woman walks over to what you assume is the living room and returns with a blanket. She hands it to Bella, then backs up so she’s a good distance from you.
“Hi, I’m Esme.” She says, her soft-spoken words drifting through the air. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” 
“Even if it is under less than desirable circumstances.” You joke. She smiles, but shows no teeth. 
“Come into the living room.” Doctor Cullen tells. You follow him to a modern-looking room with comfortable looking furniture. He motions for you to sit down, and you quietly do so. He walks upstairs, leaving you with Edward, Bella, and Esme. Esme excuses herself, and Bella sits in a chair while Edward leans against the armrest. Hushed voices are heard from upstairs, mainly because it’s dead silent in the living room.
“So.. Charlie didn’t really explain what happened..” Bella says. You nod, swallowing. You look up and see now four faces looking down at you. Your eyes widen as you see Jasper staring at your forehead. 
“I thought I saw something,” You start. Jasper looks like he’s in pain, he doesn’t even look like he’s breathing. His nostrils flare, and his lips are pulled tight into a thin line. “I thought it was nothing, I may or may not have been drinking.. But then after I called for Charlie something knocked me over. I didn’t even see it, it was so fast.”  
“That’s.. Weird.” Bella says. Edward, Bella, and Jasper all make oddly prolonged eye contact. Jasper takes a step towards you. “Jasper..” 
“I’m fine.” He says, his southern drawl enunciating his gravelly voice. You look from him to Bella. 
“What?” You ask. “What?” Bella looks at Edward. Edward stares down Jasper. Jasper just keeps his eyes on you.
“Jasper gets a little queasy around blood.” Edward says. You look to Jasper. Okay, this is weirdly tense. 
“I said I’m fine, Edward.” Jasper snaps. Woah. Why was that kinda hot, though.. Doctor Cullen comes back downstairs, a first aid kit in his hands. He approaches the situation in the room and stares pointedly at Jasper. 
“Is someone gonna tell me what’s going on? Or are you just gonna keep looking at each other?” You say, fed up with them. Bella looks at Edward, Edward looks at Doctor Cullen, then they all look at Jasper. 
“Jasper was just leaving.” Doctor Cullen says with a diplomatic smile. Jasper looks at Edward, then Doctor Cullen, then back at you. His jaw tightens, then he walks to the front door and opens it, slamming it behind him. You flinch as the sound shakes the house, how he didn’t shatter the door like glass was beyond you. Doctor Cullen strides over to you and peels the sock off your forehead again, then he takes gauze and holds it to your forehead.
“Ow!” You groan, flinching backwards.
“I’m sorry, this will only hurt for a little longer.” He says. You muffle any further complaints, and soon after Bella follows Edward upstairs. After he cleans the cut and determines it doesn’t need stitches, he sends you on your way. 
Bella, Edward, and you walk out into the cool summer night. Someone approaches from the side. Edward takes a defensive stance as Jasper exits the woods, his face shining with a sense of clarity.
“Apologies about earlier, everything’s okay now.” He says with a reassuring smile.
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aries-writingblog · 3 years
Atlas (1)
Summary: After years of being imprisoned on the Raft, Tony negotiates freedom for his sister Tessa. When she’s free- so is her past, and it will never stop hunting her.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OC(Stark)
Chapter Word count: 1,666
Warnings: PTSD (subtle ish), trauma, torture (in later parts), suicidal behaviors and thoughts, mentions of death, character death, injury, violence, angst, and a lil bit of fluff in there
Disclaimer: Atlas is my own, original work with characters belonging to Marvel (except Tessa and Dr. Clifton). Plagiarism is not cool kids.
A/N: this is my first work Im posting to this platform and I’m really excited and nervous about it. Hope you enjoy- constructive criticism is always helpful as well!!
The Avengers Tower. Former Stark Tower. 93 floors of office space, labs- people carrying out their business. People going about their day. At the top of all of them is Tony Stark. Waiting. Waiting in silence. Typically, he isn’t one to wait on anything or anyone but today... today is different. Today is special. Finally, the silence is broken by a shrill ring of his phone. Tony snaps it up, immediately accepting the call.
“Mr. Stark? Reid Kerrings.” The man’s voice carried through the phone, introducing himself. “Listen, I hear you’re trying to to negotiate a prisoners freedom?”
“She shouldn’t even be a prisoner,” Tony grumbled before plastering on a thick business tone. “Yes, that’s what I’m trying to do here. Thing is, I have a plan that I ran by Fury and Coulson and they seem to think it’s a great idea. Only thing is- that prisoner of yours is apparently ‘dangerous’ and she’d need stipulations on if she were to be released into my care.”
Tony hated this- speaking about her as if she were a terrorist. He hated that she’d been in maximum security prisons for six years. He hated that she was on the raft now. But, if he wanted to play ball, he had to agree to the terms. And unfortunately, that was one of the terms. He’d tried it his way two years ago and it got shut down. Several times.
“Well... you’re a damn maniac- prisoner 067112 is a psycho-“
“Her name is Tessa and that’s my sister you’re talking about so if you’d like to see your job another day I’d keep quiet.” Tony snapped, clenching his jaw. The phone fell silent before Kerrings cleared his throat.
“She would have to meet with an appointed therapist three days a week. She would also have to have a check in twice a week with a parole officer. If there is any flare up of her enhancement that is not accounted for by a member of your team, she comes back here and is no longer allowed parole. She is to be on a tight leash.” Kerrings read through the conditions of the agreement that Tony and Fury had worked out. “She must agree to these terms before her release. If she does, she will be escorted to your property tomorrow at 10:00 AM. Do you agree to these statements made today?”
“Yes.” Tony felt an excited, nervous bubble form in his stomach. He was doing it. His sister was almost free.
“Excellent. The escort team will run a security check on the building and perimeter.”
“Oh, well, not to brag or anything but- it’s the Avengers Tower. I ’m pretty sure this is the best it gets in terms of security.” Tony scoffed, turning when he heard the door opening. Steve Rogers stepped into the room, intending on speaking with Tony about another comm unit. He broke his. Again. He stopped short, hearing the man on the phone.
“This woman shouldn’t even be out of her cell here- she’s dangerous, I don’t care if shes your sister or not. The power of this woman is something that should be contained. not roaming around New York on a Thursday afternoon.”
“She’s a human being. No telling what you freaks have put her through in the raft- that’s probably why she’s going insane. You don’t even allow sunlight in that dingy of a prison. You treat someone like an animal, that’s what they become. Now, if you’ll excuse me, i’m going to run my own safety diagnostics on my own tower.” Tony quickly ended the call and lifted his eyes to meet Steve’s. “Can I help you, o wise elder of the yonder village?”
“Just... a new comm piece.” Steve stepped forward and tossed the broken pieces to the desk before meeting Tony’s eyes again. “What was that all about?”
“That is a surprise for the team I’m arranging.” Tony sat down at his desk, pulling up an image of a new weapon system, one that they’d encountered a few weeks ago on a mission. “These thugs were dealing with now... they’re sophisticated. They’re playing on a new ball field. So... I’m leveling it.”
“You can’t just do that without consulting the team first.” Steve scolded, his arms crossing over his chest. “What are you doing?”
“You’ll see- tomorrow morning at ten, have the team all meet in the conference room. I’ll bring my surprise to you.” Tony grinned, feeling strangely optimistic for once. Steve only sighed, knowing he wasn’t going to get anywhere with Tony.
“Fine- I’ll call a meeting.” Steve spun on his heel and marched out of the office. Tony sank further into his chair, spinning it to look out of the window.
“Friday, make sure floor ninety two is fireproof.” Tony called out, a twinge of doubt forming in his mind. He was quick to shake the thought from his mind, funneling all his belief into his sister. It had to work. For her sake.
Sitting at the oval conference table, Bucky felt an impatience he hadn’t felt in months. Steve had let it slip- more like Bucky could tell there was something and kept prying- that Tony was on the phone with someone, talking about a prisoner. A woman prisoner. Bucky wasn’t sure what to expect and that caused a great deal of anxiety to pit in his chest. He didn’t like being kept in the dark.
Beside him, Steve sighed heavily, leaning his head on his fist, resting on the table. Being roommates with the guy, he knew Steve hadn’t gotten a lot of sleep last night, like most nights. He knew this because he himself was also up, roaming the apartment, watching tv and staring off the balcony.
“Anyone know what this surprise it stark mentioned?” Natasha pressed, becoming quite impatient herself. They’d all been sitting at the table for fifteen minutes. Waiting.
“No clue- I hope it’s better than the last surprise- the one that exploded while in use on the field.” Sam commented, scrolling absentmindedly on his phone.
Finally, the door to the room burst open, revealing Tony Stark marching in with purpose. Behind him, a woman in heavy chains, with metal cylinders encasing her hands, was being escorted in by two men in fire retardant kevlar uniforms. Her head was bowed, dark brown hair shifting to cover her face. Bucky sat up, seeing the woman marched in, heavily restrained. Tony clapped his hands, rubbing them together afterward. He gave the crowd a large smile and nodded once.
“Surprise, Avengers! This is my favorite sister, Tessa Stark, Tess, this is everyone. I’m sure you were given the brochure.” He turned to the two men. “You fulfilled your duties, you can go now.”
The men unclipped the chains and then pressed their thumbprints to the pads on the cylinders. They released with a hiss of steam, Tessa rubbing her wrists once they were free.
“I know you.” Sam’s voice broke into the conversation. Tessa’s jaw clenched and her eyes stared into the floor. She swallowed harshly, keeping her back ramrod straight and her hands in front of her. “Stark... oh, shit- where have I seen you...”
“Anyways folks, she is here to help out on our new group of rogues... she has a, ah... particular set of skills. Mostly explosives and fire. And since that’s what we’re dealing with, I’ve brought in the big guns.” Tony explained, settling in his chair and gesturing for Tessa to take a seat as well. She seemed wary of sitting beside Wanda but did it anyways, sitting barely on the edge of the chair. “Now, we’re gonna need a new plan of attack with-“
“Atlas!” Sam snapped his fingers, pointing at her. Tessa stiffened, caught off guard by the level of his voice. “That’s it! Code Name Atlas, Operation Dry Sands! You served in the army- I’m Sam Wilson, I flew with-“
“Riley...” her voice was raspy and low, rusted with disuse. “I remember you.” Bucky watched as she seemingly tried to melt into the chair, trying to hide herself.
“You were baller, man! She cleared missions like it was nothing!” Sam praised her, excited to finally meet her. “There was talk of her all over camps- everywhere!”
“Atlas?” Natasha asked, a brow raising. “That’s a peculiar code name- sounds... specific.” Tessa didn’t respond, keeping her head low. When the room fell silent, Steve took control.
“Right, well, Tony you mentioned a new plan of attack?” He expertly guided the topic over to a new path. Bucky couldn’t help but let his attention drift back to the new mystery in the room. He allowed his eyes to scan over her, stopping on her forearm where there was black ink. A tattoo of the army symbol, numbers below it. Maybe her squad number? Her arm shifted and Bucky looked up, meeting her eyes. He knew he’d fucked up.
Her dark brown eyes smoldered- a red tint glowing under her irises. Her lips were pulled into a scowl. He quickly lowered his gaze, catching a glance of her veins in her arms. glowing lightly orange. Bucky clenched his jaw and leaned back into his chair, a fierce scowl building on his lips. He didn’t like this woman, She seemed... violent. closed off. Hell- maybe she was just too much like him. And maybe he shouldn’t make a snap assumption but for some reason...
“Alright well, that’s all for now, Tessa- welcome to the team, please make yourself comfortable and if there’s anything we can do to help out- let us know.” Steve nodded as he stood up.
Tessa only nodded, stood up and spun on her heel- leaving the room without a word. Everyone glanced to Tony. He only shrugged and stood up.
“I’m gonna go make her feel at home- just got out of prison and all, see you around.” Tony gave a small wave over his shoulder and walked out, trailing out after his explosive sister.
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dnvrsmedia · 4 years
You Feel Safe?
Carol Danvers x reader
summary: You and Carol are sent on a mission together for the first time.
warnings: none! good ole fluff! mutual pinning & my fav troupe the “only one bed” :)
AN: IM BACK! I am SO sorry i’ve been gone for like 2 weeks, but I had the WORST writers block omg! Hopefully this gets me back in the time of everything & I hope y’all enjoy! as always requests are open!
part 2
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You were called to be on a mission yesterday. If it were any other day you wouldn’t have minded so much, but it was supposed to be your first weekend off in almost a month. You could almost taste the short lived freedom as you stepped into your room that friday evening, but of course, the world had other plans for you. The literal moment you set your bags down,friday informs you that steve needs you in the debrief room.
Obviously pissed off that you were robbed of your planned relaxing weekend, you trot to the debrief room with heavy steps and a frown. You’re known as the cheerful one around the compound. You’re always worried about others safety and health. So, when you passed Nat on the way to meet Steve without saying hello, she immediately knew something was off. Not wanting to interrupt you, she shrugs it off and makes sure to make a mental note to ask you what’s wrong later on.
You finally reach the debrief room and see a familiar tall blonde talking to Steve. You’ve only met Carol about two times, but you wouldn’t really call that a formal meeting. The two of you were too busy trying to save the world from thanos to really indulge in a conversation. But that doesn’t matter right now.
“Stevie, you know I love you, but why the ever loving fuck are you calling me on my weekend off. You know I haven’t gotten one in a while!” You exclaim as you go in to hug him. Steve has also been away on a mission for a while, so you haven’t seen your older brother figure in a while.
He gives out a hardy chuckle and gives you a tight squeeze before letting go. “I know y/n and I feel horrible doing so, but you’re the only gal for the job. Plus, you haven’t properly met Captain Danvers over here yet!” He points to Carol as she sticks out her hand to shake.
“Please, call me Carol.” She winks. You shake her hand as your face burns bright red. God y/n keep it together! You can’t help but to stare at her beautiful being. Everything about her is absolutely gorgeous and you can’t seem to get enough. Your eyes trail down to her strong biceps. All all you can think about is how much you wouldn’t mind if she put you in a choke hold i mean-
Steve clears his throat and asks you if you heard a word he just said. Now you start to blush profusely. She had to notice you staring, because she’s sporting a wicked smirk on her face.
“S-sorry I got a little uh...distracted.” You clear your throat. You notice Steve rolling his eyes and continues to debrief the mission. The both of you were to go undercover as girlfriends to a ball. This wasn’t any ordinary ball though. At the ball, there is an underground auction on alien tech. The reason you were picked and not Nat is because you can turn invisible. Once invisible, you were to sneak into the auction and take back that very valuable piece of tech. Carol is tagging along because of her extensive knowledge on alien tech. This mission was clearly meant for the two of you.
Soon after, you were dismissed to your quarters and packing for the three day long mission in Tuscany, Italy. Luckily for you since you don’t own many dresses, Nat popped by to let you borrow a few. She originally came by to see why you were so upset, but as soon as she saw you packing your bags she already knew.
“So, are you excited to play girlfriend with miss twinkle hands? Last time you two met you could barely take your eyes off oh her.” She slyly smirks as she folds your shirt. You immediately scoff as your face starts to heat up.
“I was just making sure she didn’t die! I do that every time with everyone when we’re saving the world!” You squeak. Nat could definitely tell that you were lying. I mean come on, she’s a highly skilled spy. She just mutters a ‘yeah sure’ and rolls her eyes. You shoo her away so you could ‘get your beauty sleep’ before you leave for the mission. Moments after you finally get settled in bed, you hear a knock at your door. Too tired to get up, you ask friday to let whoever is at the door in. Soon later, you’re eye to eye with Carol herself.
“Oh were you about to sleep? I’m sorry I can go if you want.” She shyly smiles and starts to walk away. You’ve never seen Carol like this before, and you wish you could see more of her.
“No,” you sit up and pat the space next to you on the bed. “It’s okay I promise. Come sit.” You gently smile. Soon after your smile is taken over by a big yawn. You hear Carol chuckle and sit next to you.
“You sure you aren’t gonna fall alseep on me, y/n?” She teased.
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” You lazily smiled. “Now, why did you want to see me?” you questioned.
“I just uh wanted to get to know you better. I mean if you’re gonna be my girlfriend, then I should actually know you, right?” she answered. You blushed majorly at her calling you her girlfriend. Yes, you know it’s only for the mission, but you can’t help but feel giddy.
“Well, what do you want to know? I’m an open book.” you replied while looking into her eyes. You could get lost in her perfect chestnut eyes. You can tell that she is a strong and loving person, but she also has been hurt. You wish you could take her pain away, but sadly that’s not how it always works.
From then on, the two of you spent your last hours before the flight to Tuscany talking about anything and everything. You told her things you don’t even think you’ve told Nat or Steve yet. Just something about Carol makes you want to pour your deepest darkest feelings and thoughts out. She’s just so welcoming and warm. You do end up falling asleep due to the day of hard work you endured. Carol soon notices and covers you in your blanket before leaving. The two of you have about four hours before the flight and she still hadn’t packed. She leaves your room with the widest smile on her face.
You wake up two hours later to your alarm. You always set your alarms according to, so you don’t get behind schedule. Before missions, you like to get a light workout and combat in. You groggily get up from your bed and change into your workout clothes.
You get down to the gym and immediately notice Carol at the punching bag. She was wearing a black sports bra with matching athletic leggings and hair was in a pony tail. You are completely in awe. Of course you’ve seen her fight before, but that was in a life or death matter. You didn’t have time to gawk at the way her back muscles contracted every time she moves. Or hear the little grunts she huffs out as her fist collides with the punching bag.
She must’ve felt someone staring at her, because she turns around in the middle of punching the bag and smirks. Your face seems to permanently be red because of her, but you couldn’t really complain could you?
You shake your head and get straight into your workout routine. You turn on your favorite playlist and get straight to work. You get in light stretching before you do your 2 miles on the treadmill. You hit the weights right after. Throughout your whole workout, the both of you share stole glances. You catch her looking at your ass through the mirror as you back squat and chuckle. You’re just about to bench press as she walks up to your station.
“Here, lemme spot you. I don’t need the bar falling on your pretty face.” She smirks and steps behind the you.
“How nice of you, Captain. You know, I’m a lot stronger than I look. Trust me, I’m a big girl.” Now it’s your time to watch as her face gets red.
“Oh trust me I know. You can never be too cautious.” She winks and you playfully roll your eyes.
About an hour after, you finally finish your work out. You thank Carol once again and go on your way to your room to take a quick shower before meeting her at the quinjet. You say bye to your fellow avengers (well who’s not on a mission), and go on your marry way to Tuscany. The both of you arrive in Tuscany at 8pm. You were visibly tired, so you couldn’t wait to eat something and curl up in your own bed.
Carol helps you with you bag, although you said you can cary it, and takes the both of you to the room. The view from the room is astounding. Your eyes pan all over the room, then you see it. To your surprise, there is only one bed and a very uncomfortable looking couch. You can tell Carol notices as well as she starts to put her things by the couch.
“You can take the bed, trust me I don’t mind.” She smiles her adorable smile.
“Are you kidding me? We’re both adults here, Captain. We can share the bed and I’m not letting you say no! That couch looks so uncomfortable!” You rant as you move your things over to the bed. “Now, what do you want for dinner?” You turn your head to see he smiling at you.
The pair of you decided on some authentic Italian food for take out. So here you are, currently eating fancy Italian food with a beautiful girl in romantic Italy. Seriously what could get better than this. You guys talk for hours until it’s time to go to bed.
You’re the first one to freshen up in the bathroom before bed. You step out in only your towel, and Carols face heats up so quick.
“I-I’ll just go uh go in there uh I uh- yeah.” She mutters out as she grabs her things and rushes herself into the bathroom. You laugh to yourself then get dressed. You snuggle up in the bed with one of your books and start reading. You finish a chapter when you hear Carol get out the bathroom. You’ve never seen her look so casual before. You can’t help but smile at her Captain america pj pants.
“Steve gave em to me as a gag gift for my birthday last year.” she chuckled and gets into bed with you.
You put your book down and turn on the TV to entertain the two of you. The TV was nearly there for background noise, since you weren’t paying attention at all. You say there thinking about how happy you’ve felt around Carol for the past two days, and hoped she felt the same. A loud lawn broke your trace. You realized it’s getting late, so you turned off the TV and got comfy in the bed.
“Sleep well, Y/n.” You hear Carol say as you’re about to drift into sleep.
“Goodnight, Carol.” You day softly as you nod off into the dream state.
beep! beep! beep!
Your overly loud, yet useful, alarm wakes you up. You go to reach to turn it off but you can’t reach it. You look down and see a sleeping Carol lying on top of you. Her arm is wrapped around your waist as hair is strewn across her face. You smile down at her and admire how soft she looks. You take your free hand and move her fly aways from her face. She stirs awake and looks into your eyes. She throws herself back and starts to apologize profusely.
“Hey, hey, look it’s okay I uh actually enjoyed it. If we’re being honest I haven’t slept that well in a long time.” You blush as you look down at your hands. Carol soon takes your hands and gently caresses them with her own.
“I haven’t slept that well in a while either actually. I normally get nightmares, but with you...” She whispers.
“You feel safe?” You ask as she nods her head with a smile. “That’s exactly how I feel too.” You beam.
Carol scoots closer to you and places her palm on your cheek. You heart begins to race as she slowly inches forward to kiss you. Just as your lips are about to touch, your alarm blares once more and the two of you bump heads.
“I should probably turn that off.” You groan.
“Yeah,” She chuckles “You should.”
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wienerbarnes · 4 years
Breathe Deeper
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Pairing: Bucky x Reader (Cheek to Cheek)
Word Count: 2,324
Prompt: “Why is it always murder and mayhem with you? Don’t you ever just do normal person things? Eat a sandwich? Brush your teeth? Do you even brush your teeth?” (from a random prompt generator)
Warnings: murder, violence, staging a suicide, ~feelings~
A/N: cafe bustelo does wonders for you at 1 am anyway ive been trying to finish this for like two months. have a couple more ideas for these two but feel free to send me any ideas or requests and ill do em if the inspo strikes! also title is purely the song im listening to as i type this out and has no correlation to the story LOL but hey if yall like tame impala enjoy
A single pop is heard as a bullet flies out of your gun into the head of the old man who opened the door.
“Christ! No build up?! No tension?! No confirmation that it’s even him?!” Bucky yells as he wiggles his ear to rid the ringing from it.
You brush past Bucky and slide the gun back into the holster strapped to your thigh. You step over behind whatever his name was, Bucky’s having trouble remembering after that blow to his eardrum, and hook your hands under his arms in order to  drag him back into the empty house.
“Why is it always murder and mayhem with you? Don’t you ever just do normal person things? Eat a sandwich? Brush your teeth? Do you even brush your teeth?” Bucky questions you as he closes the door behind him, stepping in between splatters of blood.
“Nope, gotta leave leftovers for the bugs that live in my mouth.”
“That’s gross.”
“Shut up, help me lug this guy to the bedroom.”
The two of you are in a small town in Northern Oklahoma on the property of one of your ex-Hydra handlers. After a few days of researching, the two of you were able to figure out where he moved to and what he changed his name to after retiring from his prior lifestyle.
“I knew it was him from the second I saw him. You never forget.” You explain to him, both of you positioning his body in the corner of the room.
“You go clean up the entryway, I’ll finish staging over here.” Bucky offers it to you. He takes out his own gun from his own waistband and fires a single shot through the same hole you put in between the guy’s eyes. The splatter that explodes on the walls behind him are perfect, artistic almost. Bucky then starts looking around the room; in the closet, under the bed, until he reaches the night stand where a pretty little pistol lays. Not the same gun as his, but he has a feeling the police system in such a small and unpopulated town won’t bother to investigate this death as a murder as opposed to the obvious suicide that took place.
Bucky notices the small skull and octopus stamped into the side of the gun as he places it in his hands. He rolls his eyes before making his way back over to the entryway where you’re sat on the ground, scrubbing away with a rag in your hands and a bottle of bleach next to you. 
Bucky walks over and takes a seat on the loveseat positioned a few feet away from where you are.
“So, where we heading after this?” Bucky asks you, leaning forward and resting his elbow on the arm of the seat.
“Back to New York? You probably gonna be busy working on that murder case.” You glance at him confused before going back to scrubbing.
Bucky pauses before speaking again, “How do you know about that?”
“I… keep up with my fair share of news.”
“You don’t pay for newspapers nor do you have a TV or a phone; you don’t have news. Besides, we haven’t released any information to the public about anything before we get more leads. So, how do you know about that?” Bucky stares at you, eyebrows pinched a bit in the middle as he awaits your answer.
“Do you wanna stop and get some pie on the way back?”
“No. Did you see something about the murders?” Bucky ignores your attempt at changing the subject.
“You just said you haven’t released anything-”
“I don’t mean on the news, I mean in that empty head of yours.” He teases.
You sigh, “I hate when you ask me about my… head.”
“Well, you could be helping here! You can try and be good!”
“I’m sitting on the floor scrubbing an old guy’s blood out of the wood of his own house after I’ve just blown his brains out.”
“Yeah, a bad old guy!”
You get off the last of the specks of blood before standing up and screwing the cap back onto the bottle of bleach. “I didn’t even see anything about the killer, anyway.”
“So, what did you see?”
“You’re not gonna let this go, are you?”
“Fetch me a bone here, doll.”
“Yeah, I’m sure you’d like that, dog.”
He grabs the bleach and rag from your fingers to free up your hands from carrying anything. Tingles travel up the tips of your fingers and flow up through your wrist into your chest. You glance up and make eye contact with Bucky and the dramatic puppy eyes and pouty lips he’s throwing your way. 
You stare for a few more seconds before looking away, “Check that huge pond in Central Park tomorrow. His next victim will be floating there.” You satisfy him before turning and making your way back outside and to the car the two of you took on your little road trip.
While walking back to the parked car, Bucky quickly rushes in front of you and grasps the handle before you can reach it, allowing you to get in the car while he holds it open for you. He throws you an innocent looking smile, a smile coming from a person who surely didn’t just stage a suicide. You bite back your own smile before taking a seat and letting Bucky close the door behind you.
When you open your eyes after your nap, it's dark outside the moving car. You slowly lift your head up off the car window and glance over at Bucky, who you now realize is on the phone with someone.
“I told you, it was a weird anonymous number, Sam. I don’t know where it came from.” Bucky speaks softly on the phone before turning his head to look at you in your sleepy state.
“All they said was to check the pond in Central Park tomorrow. I know it’s sketchy, but we don’t have any other leads anyway, we might as well try it.”
“We sounds like a lot of people, ain’t you say that to me one time? Not all of us are on vacation, you know.” You hear another deep voice through the tiny speaker of the phone against Bucky’s ear.
“Yeah, yeah, I know. I’ll be back the day after tomorrow, man.”
Bucky wraps up his conversation as you process what you’ve heard. Bucky has lied, again, to the government, to Captain America, in order to protect you and your existence.
“How’d you sleep?” He asks before your thoughts can get too far from you.
“Fine. We’re already heading back to New York?” 
“We’re stopping at a motel for the night, but after tomorrow’s drive, we’ll get there by sundown.”
You sit up proper and stretch your legs as far out in front of you as you can, the bones crunching and popping in relief at the new position. Bucky cringes next to you. He glances at you and watches you pick at the crust gathered at the corners of your eyes, a yawn escaping you along with the last of your grogginess.
Bucky doesn’t know how he’d fully express it to you, but he’s so happy to see the person you’re growing into. Everyday a little bit more of your personality, your mannerisms, your weirdness, your humor, your ideas; everything about the real you, shows more and more. He sees this beautiful woman who, maybe a year and some ago, was walking the line of death and now sits beside him with neon green nail polish and mismatched socks and cute flower earrings adorning the curve of your ear. He stares at the tattoo on your neck, that angry red face with large eyebrows and wonders whether or not that was your idea or not. He wonders if you have any other tattoos hidden among the space of your skin, he doesn’t remember seeing any along your sides or stomach that nightmare of a night in his apartment-
“You’re swervin’.” 
Bucky clears his throat and snaps his head forward, fixing the car to drive straight on the road. Soon, he sees the promising sign, “Motel in 10 Miles,” and the two of you park in the small lot of the light orange building.
The inside smells of old people, an aged scent that isn’t necessarily bad, but makes you scrunch your nose nonetheless. No bugs in clear sight and the roof is still intact, so it should be suitable for a night of rest.
“We only have rooms available on the first floor for tonight, I’m assuming you’ll want one bed?”
Bucky's throat goes dry for a second, “Yes, that’s fine.” He doesn’t want to consult you as you look far off out the front window of the lobby, back turned to the young woman at the front desk. No matter how small a town in whatever state there is at this point in their journey, there is no risking anyone recognizing you, even if your search mission has been deemed unsolved.
A plastic card is slid into Bucky’s right hand and he begins making his way back outside and down the walkway towards their room for the night. You follow him silently.
“I call showering first, I think there’s small clumps of blood still stuck in my hair.” You tell him, flinging your backpack onto the bed, and pulling out a large sweatshirt and panties and taking them into the bathroom with you. 
While the water begins to run, Bucky undoes the blankets, looks thoroughly through the pillows and in between the sheets in search of bed bugs. Next, inspecting the lamps, outlets, and anything else that could possibly hide a camera, microphone, or any other device. He even contemplates tearing apart the carpet under his feet, but decides against the extra work. He places your bag along with his own backpack on the small table in the corner of the room and fixes the bed to not look like he tore it apart recklessly. I wonder what side she prefers-
The bathroom door opens and a cloud of steam flows out, you soon emerge with a towel wrapped around your head, large sweatshirt hanging off your frame and bare feet digging into the soft carpet beneath you. You fling the towel off of your head using momentum from throwing your head and neck forward, the towel landing on the floor in front of you and your wet hair sending a light spray Bucky feels on his warm face.
By the time Bucky finishes with his shower, the room resembles a sauna and his metal arm has gone hot. A long sleeved shirt and cotton shorts are slipped onto his body along with a pair of thick socks to keep him warm at all times. He steps out of the bathroom, using his towel to rub through his hair, and he spots you using the small mirror on the wall. 
Your legs are on display and your underwear is in sight. Bright pink with WEDNESDAY printed on the behind in bubble letters, it’s Friday, the bottoms of your butt cheeks hanging out the bottom of the fabric. The cotton hugs your body and Bucky can’t help but blush at the sight. His mother would smack him over the head if she were here right now. 
Your shirt is lifted, one of your hands holding it high on your chest where Bucky can see a slip of under your breast peeking, the curve intriguing him. Your other hand is occupied rubbing a colorless liquid along your side, Bucky focuses his attention and realizes your rubbing along the scar he left you from your stitches. The bottle on the table has a label that read Vitamin E Natural Oil. 
Your fingers seem unbelievably soft and gentle as he watches them glide along your side, massaging the shiny oil into your smooth skin. You drop your sweatshirt and gather a bit more oil on your hands before rubbing it into your hips where Bucky can see the faintest stretch marks.
“Sorry ‘bout the scar. O-on your side, I mean.” Bucky stutters out, convincing himself that his body is warm from the shower he took. 
“It probably saved my life, so I can’t say I’m sorry about it.” You respond without turning around, as though you knew he was there watching you lather yourself in oil like the beginning of a softcore porn but didn’t mind him enjoying the show.
“What’s that stuff for, anyways?” Bucky asks as he gathers his old clothes back into his bag, folding each piece before placing the packed bag next to yours on the table. Your bag that clearly does not have folded clothes, only crinkled ones. Bucky empties your bag and folds your clothes for you before neatly packing it and closing the zippers.
“Helps fade scars.”
“Yeah, but why? Scars are cool.” 
“I suppose. I’d still like to lighten them a bit. So they look better, prettier.”
“You’re probably the most beautiful woman I’ve seen in the last few decades.”
“You don’t even remember most of the last few decades,” You try to joke.
“I mean it. It’s a compliment. It’s okay to accept and enjoy compliments, doll.” Bucky looks at you, forcing you to meet his eyes. You see in your peripheries as he puts the cap on the bottle of oil and places it next to your bag. A small smile adorns his face as he looks at you, and you can’t help but feel a knot form in your throat.
It’s been a long while since you’ve received any kind of love, whether that be physical, emotional, mental, or self. It’s an overwhelming feeling when someone who you aren’t actually the closest with gives you such a deep and personal compliment. 
Aren’t the closest with- this is your only friend he the only person you even know. The point is, being the most beautiful woman of the century is much different than having pretty hair or a good sense of humor.
You look away from him before the small bit of wetness can gather in your waterline.
“Which side of the bed do you prefer?” Bucky whispers softly to you, as to not break the safe atmosphere created by his sweet comment.
You clear your throat that now feels thick with tar, “The right.”
“Good. I prefer the left.”
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hunflowers · 4 years
hiii are your requests open? I just wanted to request a imagine where harry is jealous y/n was hanging out with some of her male friends and he call her and pick her up from the club she is and they fight in the car, a little angst and then it end up smutty 🥴
because i managed to delete my first response im sorry if this is shitty sigh...............
so the way i’m imagining this is ...
You and Harry had made plans with your friend group to go out this weekend. It had been a long week for everybody so this was your perfect getaway to let loose and forget the responsibilities of adult hood for just one night.
So that Friday night you were anticipating the night, and you couldn’t wait to feel the familiar burn of alcohol trickle down your throat. When time was ticking down to finally head out, Harry had walked through the door of your shared home, giving you the news that he wasn’t feeling the best and it would be best if he stayed home to get some proper rest.
You wanted to stay home with him because going out without him just didn’t feel right but he insisted you go and have a good time because just like him, you deserved to have a night out. After a lot of convincing, you made your out with your friends, promising to text him throughout the night, keeping him updated on your whereabouts.
It was when you stopped texting periodically that Harry grew worried and frustrated because minutes before, you were posting videos on your Instagram – and most predominantly, the men that attended the night with you – yet you hadn’t responded to his latest message from fifteen minutes ago. He knows he shouldn’t be going crazy because you were allowed to not have to check in with him because you are a grown adult, but he still wishes you wouldn’t ignore him.
Then when thirty minutes passed and it seemed you had no intention on texting him any time soon, he called you. You hadn’t posted on your story either in some time, so really he was just seeing if you were okay at this point. Not for any other reason or anything.
You answered on the last ring, scurrying off to the bathroom to accept the call and so you could hear Harry properly. “Hey!”
“Y/N, why haven’t you been answering my messages?”
You furrowed your eyebrows at his question, quickly scrolling through your phone to see that you accidentally clicked on his message from before but forgot to respond. “I’m sorry! I didn’t see your text, but yes, it’s going great! Wish you could be here, Tom and Nick are heading up next for karaoke. They went before and it was absolutely atrocious, thought they could give it another try.”
Silence loomed over the other end of the phone, making you quickly wonder if you had accidentally hung up the call. You tended to do that sometimes and you needed to learn how to not click away so fast.
“I’m coming to get you,” you finally heard from Harry, and you made a face as if he could see your confused expression.
“What do you mean?”
“You seem drunk, I’m gonna come get you. You’re at Jake’s 58 right?” He questioned and in the distance you could hear the faint shut of a door, and you could tell he was already on his way.
“Harry I had one drink an hour ago–”
“I’ll see you soon, stay there.”
Then he hung up the line and left you in a pit of complete and utter confusion. You looked to your phone as if it held the magical answer as to what crawled up your boyfriend’s ass, because from what you could tell from his monotonous voice, he wasn’t in a chipper mood. If this was all over you missing a simple text from thirty minutes ago, he sure had some explaining to do. He wasn’t your father, he didn’t have the right to rain on your parade like this.
Storming out of the bathroom, you quickly walked over to where the rest of your friends are, ushering a small apology for your early departure, blaming it on not feeling well anymore. No one suspected a thing even though you were sure it was obvious you were angry.
Bidding your goodbye, you marched your way outside and into the cooler night air. Even though you were angry to be outside, you were somewhat grateful because it felt refreshing to feel the chill of the night wash over your skin, contradicting the hot air from inside because of the overcrowded space.
Keeping yourself busy on your phone, you thought of all the ways you were going to put Harry in his place when he arrives. It was just so hard for you to believe that he could act like this without any justification. When you saw the familiar car park against the curb, you rolled your eyes in annoyance at the sight of Harry’s face. Normally, you wanted to see his face every second of every day, but in this moment, he was the last person you wanted to lay your eyes on.
Walking up to the passenger door, you opened it and slammed it behind you as you settled yourself on the cool leather seat. Locking your seatbelt into place, you let out a very obvious huff, letting him know that you weren’t happy with him.
When Harry opened his mouth to speak after a few moments of awkward and tense silence, you were quick to talk over him, just the way he hated.
“Care to explain your hypocracy? You were so insistent that I go out, yet here we are now as you are insistent to get me home.”
“You’re not my fucking father, Harry. I’m allowed to go out and have fun and drink if I so choose to.”
By this point, you turned your body fully towards him, using your hands now as you talked, and whenever your hands came involved, you were deadly serious. Harry knew this, he knew you would be angry, but that didn’t stop him from acting like a fool.
Choosing to ignore your statement, Harry brought up another matter that still tied into you leaving early. “Don’t you have work in the morning anyway? Can’t be out too late, love.”
Your eye twitched.
It legitimately twitched.
“No. I got someone to cover my shift since I thought I would be out late,” you enunciated your last syllables, making it clear that you knew what the fuck you were doing with your life this night.
You weren’t some rebellious and irresponsible teenager, you know how to take care of yourself, and when you should be home if you have fucking work in the morning. He was acting more and more like your miserable father and you were growing more and more impatient with him.
He hummed in response, silence now falling over the two of you. The soft melody of the radio didn’t help to ease the uncomfortable atmosphere in the car and you were sure nothing at this point would. And when he finally pulled into the driveway of your home, you hardly even let him put the car in park before you were hopping out and striding up the steps to your front door. Taking your keys out of your purse, you inserted the small gold object, and hastily pushed the wooden door open. You hear Harry sigh behind you as you made your way into the kitchen, looking to get some water to see if that could calm you down at all.
You just didn’t understand why he was acting this way. It made no sense because he knew what you were doing and he knew where you were going and he knew who you were going with because he was originally involved in these plans! There was nothing he had to worry about, yet here he was, worried about you all because you didn’t answer a small text within two seconds?
You just couldn’t wrap your head around what made him this way, because the last time he was like this, he was–
Oh. My. Gosh.
When you heard him situate himself in the living room, flicking the TV on to some late night show, you rushed over to him, standing in front of the screen with your hands on your hips.
“Are you seriously jealous right now?”
Harry was quick to shake his head, which automatically meant that, yes, he was. His eyes flickered behind you, trying to avoid your stern gaze because he was feeling awfully nervous under this spotlight.
“Harry! How many times do I have to tell you you’re the only one I want?” You chided, tapping your sandal clad foot against the floor.
Harry pursed his lips, furrowing his eyebrows together and crossing his arms over his chest as he looked at you with those familiar pouty eyes.
“Harry,” you whined, knocking your head back in disbelief that he was seriously jealous.
“And how many times do I ‘ave to tell you Jack’s had his eyes on you since the moment you two met! Saw the way he was looking at you on Nick’s story, if he could, he would’ve fucked you right there on that table,” Harry snarled, the corner of his mouth turning up just slightly in irritation.
You let out a laugh at that one, not able to hold this back any longer. It’s true that Harry has told you countless times Jack has some sort of feelings for you, but that in no way meant you reciprocated them. Jack was a know-it-all who liked to think he was funny when in reality, he was just being a misogynistic idiot.
You stepped over to Harry, sitting down in the spot next to him on the couch, draping your one leg over his lap while your other bent at your chest. “Jack is a jerk who would never get the opportunity to touch me like you do. The only person I want fucking my brains out is you. So stop being a li’l bitch and accept that,” you patted his cheek sweetly, earning an eye roll in return from him.
Looking down to his lap briefly, Harry looked back up to your eyes while taking one of your hands and bringing it up to his mouth to place a chaste kiss on your knuckles. “‘M sorry for ruining your night. Just hate seeing him around you when I’m not there. Never know what can happen to you.”
“Just try and talk to me next time, yeah?”
Harry nodded his head in agreement, leaning forward and connecting your lips in a small kiss. A small kiss that led you to now want more. Harry was back in your good graces, and since you didn’t work tomorrow, better make the most of this night.
“Can you fuck my brains out now?”
He looked back to look at your properly, eyebrows shooting up on his forehead as his eyes widened at shock at your crass words. But, then that infamous smirk wormed it’s way on his lips, and his pupils dilated as he responded, “Do you even have to ask, darling?”
Then his lips connected to yours in a feverish manner, sending your mind into a frenzy as he laid your body down on the soft cushions of the couch, his body leaning over yours. There was nothing slow about the kiss as his tongue wasted no time in pushing into your mouth, running over yours. He enjoyed the remnant taste of the fruity drink you consumed earlier on in the night, basking in the sweet flavor.
Your one arm wrapped around his shoulders, pulling his torso closer to yours, your nails scraping over his back through the material of his sweatshirt. Your other hand traveled down his abdomen, quickly ducking under the sweatshirt and grazing his warm skin before you pushed past the waistband of his basketball shorts and cupped his growing erection in your hand. Harry wasted no time in rutting his hips into your hand, softly moaning at the pressure of your palm pressing down on him.
Removing his lips from yours, he trailed hot kisses down your jaw and your throat, leaving wet patches across your skin that felt cool as air continued to flow over them. Soon Harry nestled over your sweet spot, taking his time over the area, enjoying you squirming a bit under him as he bit softly into skin before sucking on it and running his tongue over the damaged skin.
At this point, you officially tucked your hand into his briefs now, wrapping your fingers around his girth, pumping him slowly and grazing your thumb over his leaking tip, earning a hiss from him. But, when he moved to fasten your movements, you removed your hand, very much wanting to be a tease, because when you tease, he really fucks you up, and since you didn’t have work in the morning you didn’t have to worry about hobbling the rest of the day. It would be completely worth it in the end.
Lifting his head from the crook of your neck, his darkened eyes bore into your own, a scowl resting over his sharp features. “Baby. . . you know I don’t like when you’re a tease.”
You loosely smiled at him, running your tongue over your swollen lips in your best seductive manner. Lacing your fingers in his hair, you pulled him closer so the shell of his ear was pressed to your mouth, your breath fanning over his skin, sending a shiver down his spine.
“What’re you gonna do about it. . . Daddy?”
And before you knew it, Harry departed from being on top of you. He all but ripped your jeans off your legs, along with your favorite pair of blue panties, leaving your bottom half completely naked and all bare to him.
All clothes were removed within seconds from both of you, and next Harry was flipping your body over so your chest was pressed to the cushion, and he lifted your hips up so your ass was now in the air. Giggling at his sudden assertiveness, you wiggled your butt at him to which he then smacked down hard on you, and you’re positive your skin was bright red now. You let out a yelp as he delivered another blow to your behind, then wrapping your hair around his fist and tugging your head back.
With his free hand, he dipped his fingers into your slick folds, gathering up your moisture and you could hear him put his digits in his mouth and suck on your juices. He moaned around the taste, bringing his fingers about to your center, slowly trailing from your dripping hole and to your throbbing clit.
“So, so wet for me, baby.”
You wanted to response vocally, but the only sounds that could come out of your mouth at this moment were breathless whimpers as Harry rubbed fast circles on your sensitive bud, but then would stop all of a sudden, taking a break for a few seconds before he would continue again.
Talk about being a tease.
When he didn’t hear words leave your lips, he leaned over your body, his mouth now pressing against your ear as he continued to attack your bundle of nerves. “Isn’t that right, Y/N? All wet and all for me, right?”
When you went to speak, he thrusted his fingers into your cunt, abrupting your train of thought, causing you to let out a guttural groan as his fingers caressed against your walls. He knew what he was doing, because you knew he hated when you didn’t speak up to voice your thoughts with him, and that would only encourage him to put you in your place; but since he was doing all of these things to your body that left you speechless, he knew you wouldn’t be able to respond like he wants.
You’re fully convinced he’s the devil in disguise.
“Words, love, need to hear ‘em. Who’s making you feel this good? Who has you dripping down your thighs, your walls clenching, your clit throbbing? Who, Y/N?” He growled in your ear, pumping his fingers in and out of you at much faster pace now.
Soon enough that familiar knot in your belly was growing tighter, and your legs were growing weaker as they began to shake and convulse at your impending orgasm. But, in order to reach your climax, you had to say something so he wouldn’t stop. So again, you went to talk but then Harry stopped all of his movements completely, pulling his fingers out of you, causing you to whine and push your hips back to get back the attention.
What you didn’t expect though, was Harry to replace his fingers with his cock so soon, thrusting into you quickly, hardly giving you time to adjust to his size before he was snapping his hips against yours in a hasty pace. His balls slapped against your clit at the speed, his tip hitting that special spot inside of you over and over again. You were a mess to say the least as you instinctively pushed yourself back to meet his thrusts, needing him to go rougher.
Placing his hands on your hips to stop your movements, he got the memo and pounded himself harder into your wet pussy, and pretty soon you would be seeing stars.
“C’mon, baby, use your words. Scream it– who’s doing this to you?” He murmured this time in a gentler tone, which was completely contradictory to his current actions.
That pressure in your stomach grew more intense and Harry could feel it too as your walls clenched around him, practically trying to push him out at the tight squeeze. And when you felt him twitch inside of you, you knew he was moments away too.
“Yo–” you started to say, but Harry yanked your body upwards so your back was fully flushed against your chest. He wrapped his large hand around your throat, applying slight pressure because he knew this is what would send you over the edge in due time.
“My name, Y/N, say my name,” he groaned, his thrusts getting sloppier by the second. His one hand that wasn’t wrapped around throat came up to your breasts, squeezing each one under his palm, finger tips tugging on your hard nipples, the sensitive sensation working as a push to let go of that knot.
With one final hit of your g-spot, you were seeing stars and didn’t even hesitate to scream out his name. You screamed his name as best as you could with his hand around your throat, a string of curses following and long drawn out moans. Soon, Harry followed in your steps, his own groans leaving his mouth as he released inside of you, coaxing your walls in load after load of cum.
You were both breathless, and when he let go of your body, you couldn’t help but collapse forward, gulping down as much air as you could, as if you had been suffocating this entire time.
Deciding to get someone to cover you in the morning definitely may have been your best decision as of lately, teasing Harry following close behind. You were at content with your night now, but you had a strong feeling Harry wasn’t planning on giving up any time soon.
You were proven correct when he spoke up, “Need you to clean me, love. Want your lips wrapped around my cock now.”
He wasn’t going to give you any sort of recovery period any time soon, and honestly, you were okay with that.
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emilyjunk · 4 years
bemily hunger games au pt 27
(part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4) (part 5) (part 6) (part 7) (part 8)(part 9) (part 10) (part 11) (part 11.5) (part 12) (part 13) (part 14) (part 15) (part 16) (part 17) (part 18) (part 19) (part 20) (part 21) (part 22) (part 23) (part 24) (part 25) (part 26) (moodboards) (playlists) (read it on ao3)
the days after the visit from beca’s capitol entourage, she’s restless and anxious. the momentary post-Games absence she’d had from that world had managed to numb some of the awfulness (not that she’d forgotten any of it), but now those feelings are bubbling back up in her, present and hungry
days are the worst. at night she dreams -- mostly bad -- but at least she’s asleep, not conscious of her thoughts. during the days, though, she has nothing to occupy her mind or her hands
emily’s at school, her dad at the mill. it’s just beca and that house, that too big, too extravagant house, her thoughts filling up every inch inside it until she feels crushed under their weight
sometimes she walks, just to have space to breathe, but there are always people, and her victory is still fresh on their minds. they always stare as she passes and sometimes they speak to her as she makes her way from shop to shop in the square, looking for anything emily’s family or her dad might need to get them through the winter. she’s got too much money and too many thoughts -- she can’t get rid of any of it
mainly she spends the day waiting for emily to get back from school. emily fills up that house with words and life and distractions. welcome, beautiful distractions, like her face, her laugh, her stories and her hands, chopping vegetables beca’d bought while she speaks, steady and confident from the many years spent looking after her sisters
she’s not just a distraction, though, beca thinks sometimes as she zones out in front of the tv, waiting, waiting. in the capitol, emily would be a tasty distraction to any person who can appreciate a pretty face
no. emily’s more than that to beca. she just doesn’t know how much more. emily is whatever she meant when she’d murmured who says i’m pretending against beca’s cheek. 
she’s a faulty radio broadcast stuck on repeat when beca wants to avoid thinking of other things. she’s a reprieve, a confusing but welcome dream. emily is an inhalation, taken deeply into the lungs, a reason to come home again
who says i’m pretending
she’s a warm presence in the night, she’s crisp winter air on the skin, she’s all limbs and soft eyes and inviting lips, a pretty pout, an easy smile, a magnetic mouth drawing beca’s gaze, constant yearning and uncertainty and wanting, wanting, wanting
who says i’m prete--
a knock on the door halts this incessant train of thought. but emily had to stop at her mom’s house after school and it’s too early for her to be back and, beca frowns, she wouldn’t knock anyway. not anymore
she opens the door warily, praying it’s not one of those other victors, what’s-his-face from three houses down wanting to see if she’s got any booze again
“hey,” chloe’s smile is bright, brighter than the autumn sun sinking lower in the sky behind her
“oh,” beca mouths, surprised and, without reason, suddenly on guard. she clears her throat. “uh, hey.”
chloe’s smile flickers, just for a moment, but then it’s back. “can i come in for a second?”
beca nods numbly, holding the door open for chloe to pass. she leads chloe to the kitchen, offering her some water. they awkwardly settle at the kitchen table, staring at each other
“so...” beca says without preamble. “what are you doing here?”
“what,” chloe chuckles, but it’s fake and beca hates it. “i can’t visit my best friend just because?”
beca shrugs
“right,” chloe clears her throat. “no you’re right. i’m here to invite you out actually. there’s a bonfire tonight before curfew. bunch of the old crew is gonna be there and i thought, i dunno, you might wanna come.”
“it’s gonna be small, just you know, like stacie and ash and jess and aubrey, and oh, hey! did you know aubrey is friends with emily? you should bring her along”
beca hesitates. “oh,” she says again, if only because she doesn’t know what else to say
chloe seems to realize she hasn’t sold beca on the idea and she leans forward, reaching for beca’s hand across the table. beca flinches, her hand twitching... but after a beat she relaxes, her fingers stilling between chloe’s
“please?” chloe says. “i miss you. and i think it will be really good for you to start getting back to normal”
beca frowns. “back to normal?” a bitter laugh escapes her throat “dude, i don’t think that’s gonna happen”
“of course it is,” chloe says plainly. “you just need to get out and stop moping around here thinking about it. what you went through was unimaginable and i can’t even begin to understand. but holing up by yourself and reliving it 24/7 isn’t gonna help you move past it beca”
beca twists her mouth. “move past it?”
chloe shoots her a small smile, still not getting it. “yeah.”
it’s out of becas mouth before she can help it “maybe i don’t wanna move past it”
chloe’s eyes widen and she leans back slightly. “what? beca”
“you dont get it,” it’s taking all of becas willpower not to shout. “i killed three people. even more died because of me. i can’t just move the fuck past that.”
“no,” chloe backtracks. “of course not. i just meant --”
“you meant that im not the same as i was and you want me to be because you cant deal with the fact that things are different.”
chloe huffs. “that’s not fair. and fine, maybe i don’t want them to be different! is it so bad that i miss you?”
“no but you dont just get to decide how things should be. how i should be!” beca’s vaguely aware of the sound of the front door opening and closing, emily’s shuffling footsteps in the hall. she takes a deep breath, knowing emily will call for her... but it never comes
she hears emily move down the hall, into the family room, quiet and cautious, and wonders if emily heard any of their conversation.
she pulls her hand from chloe’s and chloe leans back in her chair, face pinched.
“listen,” chloe murmurs, “i’m sorry if i don’t understand, but i just want to help. and i think doing stuff that will make you feel a little normal again might.”
beca scoffs. “nothing is going to make me feel normal again, okay? nothing is ever going to be how it was.”
chloe crosses her arms. “so that’s it then? you’re just going to hang around day after day waiting for emily to come home. you’re not going to have a life? friends?”
beca grunts. “that’s not what im saying.”
“it sure feels like that.” chloe hesitates, then-- “she doesn’t even know you.”
“maybe that’s the point. and sorry but neither do you anymore.” 
“fine,” chloe snaps, standing and putting on her jacket. “but i’m not just gonna stand aside and let you fester. she’s not the only one who cares about you.”
beca opens her mouth to respond, but a sudden noise slips into the kitchen, and the unexpectedness of it catches her off-guard.
“i..” she starts but can’t finish, distracted by the noise. music, she realizes. piano. 
she exhales, trying to focus but her attention is elsewhere. “look i appreciate what you’re doing,” she says to chloe, managing to look at her again. “but i’m not there right now and i dont know when i will be”
chloe looks at her for a long moment, and beca tries to dissect the emotions flitting across her face, but that’s when the music stutters, a botched chord, and beca’s attention dips again, her head turning toward the sound. 
is emily playing that? 
“fine,” chloe says and beca’s gaze flicks back as chloe starts to walk toward the front door. she follows, half of her attention on chloe and half in the other room. “but the offer is still open. and you’re welcome to bring emily.” she stops at the door, fingers on the handle, turning to look at beca. “i like her, despite everything.”
“despite everything?”
chloe’s face is unreadable, something beca suddenly realizes has never happened before. chloe has always been an open book. 
her eyes look over beca’s shoulder, toward the other room, before settling back on beca. “i just thought--” she frowns, cutting off, then sighs and opens the door. a gust of autumn wind blows into the entrance hall and beca shivers as chloe steps outside. “the games,” chloe says, eyes dark as they appraise beca from the front step. “us. everything that’s happened. I just hope she’s worth it all.”
she doesn’t give beca a chance to respond. just pulls her coat tighter around her and heads off down the front steps, turning into the road.
beca watches her go, mouth hanging open, until she’s nothing but a shadowy speck against the horizon
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crystalninjaphoenix · 4 years
Flashbacks & Forewarnings
A JSE Fanfic
There are a lot of different scenes in this one, but don’t worry, it’s not too long. About medium length for my fics, I’d say. First of all, we get a peek into one of JJ’s memories. Then we check in on Dr. Laurens and Schneep, see how they’re doing since it’s been a while. And there’s some minor other stuff as well. I know it seems like it’s a day late, but that’s because I’m moving my fic-posting day to Monday. Hope you guys like this one!
You can find the other stories under the pw timeline tag!
Midafternoon sunlight was streaming through the window. Jameson leaned over to look out the window, glancing downward at the street a few stories below. Then he took his watch out of his pocket and checked the time. Almost four o’clock already? It was almost time to leave. JJ began tidying up, starting the process of going home and getting things ready for the next person to man the desk.
“Hmm? Oh, are you leaving, Mr. Jackson?” Claire, the intern, noticed his cleaning up. 
JJ nodded. He paused for a moment, grabbing his notebook and pen from the surface of the desk nearby. Do you know who’s on the next shift?
Claire paused for a moment to read the question; though she was trying to learn BSL, she wasn’t able to hold a conversation yet. “Uhh...I think it’s Mr. Haddock,” she said.
That was what he suspected. Do you think you can handle things until he arrives? JJ asked. He didn’t want to put too much pressure on Claire—she was only sixteen, after all.
“Yeah, no problem,” she said. “Uhh...I just have to monitor the phone, right?”
JJ nodded again. Accepting phone calls was the highest priority part of the job, and also the only thing he couldn’t do. Sending emails, making sure things were filed correctly, getting things from the supply room, all that was alright. But not the phone, for obvious reasons. Luckily, answering phone calls usually fell to the interns. Don’t be afraid to ask Mr. Patterson for help. It should only be ten minutes or so until Timothy arrives, but just to be sure.
“Thanks, Mr. Jackson. Oh! Uh, wait.” Claire made a simple gesture. Thank you.
JJ smiled encouragingly. You’re picking that up quick!
“Really?” Claire brightened up. “Thanks!” She repeated the sign.
JJ stood up, gathering his stuff. I’ll see you tomorrow, he signed, edging around the desk and heading towards the elevator.
“See you.”
Now heading on his way down, Jameson checked his bag, pulling out his phone. Huh...it seemed he had quite a few texts from Chase. He scrolled through the notifications, ending up at the first one, which read: Hey J, remember that thing the detectives called me about ths morning? About Jackie? The second one read: Did you get my last text? The third one read: JJ i really have to talk to you about this. Should i call Marv first? And so on with increasing urgency.
Reading through the messages, Jameson could feel his pulse rising, tense. He’d almost forgotten about the events of that morning. A long day at work was bound to do that. The question had always sort of been lingering in his mind, though. They’d found some sort of break in Jackie’s case. That had to be a good thing, right? A pessimistic part of him pointed out that a “break in the case” didn’t always mean they’d found the missing person. Sometimes it meant they’d found the missing person’s body—
Jameson stepped out of the elevator, forcibly leaving that thought behind. It wasn’t the case this time. It couldn’t be. Even though he hadn’t known Jackie as long as Chase or Marvin had, he still knew him. And he knew he wasn’t the type to go down easily. Quickly, he opened up his texts and started replying to Chase. Sorry I didn’t see any of this, I was at work :( Just got off the lift now. What happened?
Chase didn’t respond for a minute or so, long enough for JJ to walk out of the building and into the crisp October air. But his reply came soon. Oh I forgot about that! Im so sorry.
No no, it’s not your fault. But do tell what happened. What did the detectives say?
The little typing bubble stayed up for a long time. JJ had arrived at the close-by bus stop by the time Chase finally said what he was planning. Uh...actually, can i call you about this? I know you cant answer, and you can say no, i just think itll be easier to say instead of type.
That...wasn’t a good sign. Sure? Jameson typed slowly. I can whistle or something if you need a response.
Immediately, his phone started ringing. JJ almost instinctively declined the call, but caught himself just in time and picked it up. Chase’s voice came through easily from the other side. “JJ? You there, bro?” JJ whistled a yes. “Okay good. Okay. Uhh...this is weird, not being able to see you. But anyway. The thing this morning. The good news is that Schneep’s first doctor showed up! So now he’s gonna have one that doesn’t hate him.” Chase laughed, a bit nervously. “But, uh, I dunno if she’ll go back right away. Because, uh...that’s the bad news. She disappeared because she got kidnapped. By the same person who kidnapped Jackie. And kidnapped Schneep before that. And...” Chase sighed. “You were right. The person who did that is this Anti.” He paused. “Are...are you still there?”
Jameson took a moment to react. And when he did, he hung up. So...it was him.
God, what were the odds? What were the goddamn odds that the two of them would end up in the same place once again?! True, this city wasn’t too far away from the town they lived in before. But he’d always thought Aneirin was the type to stay in a town like that.
Well, at least he didn’t know Jameson was here...
Jameson set down his book, checking the clock. It was a little past eight at night. Naturally, his eyes drifted over to the calendar afterwards. It was a month behind, still reading June 2007.
The front door slammed open downstairs. JJ jumped, then slid a bookmark into the pages of his novel and stood up, heading out the door and down the stairs.
“Hey, Jamie.” Aneirin smiled at him as he came downstairs. “Picked up dinner real quick. Sorry for being late.” He set a bag of McDonald’s down on the nearby coffee table and sighed, reaching upward to make sure his eye-patch was in place.
It’s fine, JJ signed. You’ve been busy lately.
“Yeah, uh...speaking of which.” Aneirin cleared his throat. “I have to go out again later tonight.”
JJ slumped a bit. You sure?
“Yeah...work shit, you know how it is.” Aneirin shook his head. “But hey, I mean, without my work, we wouldn’t have a house, so I’ll take it.”
That was true. Though...Jameson still wasn’t sure what exactly Aneirin did for work. It had odd hours, and Aneirin was hesitant to talk about it, in a way that JJ had initially shrugged off, but was now starting to seem a bit odd. He’d been living with him for a year now, wasn’t it weird that he didn’t know what his brother did? Alright, JJ signed hesitantly. But you owe me.
Aneirin smiled. “I’ll buy you another book.”
I have a lot of books, Aneirin. I haven’t even read them all.
“Something else, then. Whatever you want. Within reason, of course.” Chuckling, Aneirin headed through the doorway into the kitchen. Inside, JJ heard the sound of the coffeemaker—a new addition—starting up.
Frowning, Jameson poked his head into the kitchen doorway. He knocked on the wood, but Aneirin didsn’t turn around, focused on the coffeemaker. “Aan...?” JJ called.
“Hmm?” Aneirin looked over at him.
You aren’t supposed to be holding hot things.
“Jesus christ, I’m not a baby, Jamie.”
Just...remember what happened last time? Jameson pointed out at him. You burned yourself. I’m just worried.
“Yes, but now I know what not to do.” Aneirin shrugged, and turned around. “Besides, the mug will stay on the counter most of the time. So no need to overreact.”
JJ frowned, but left anyway, heading back upstairs to grab his book. He’d move downstairs to finish it, just in case Aneirin ended up needing help.
A couple hours passed. If the past was any indicator, Aneirin would be leaving around this time. JJ made a big show of yawning, and glancing over to the couch where Aneirin was sitting, eyes fixed to the TV but not really paying any attention to the show that was on. Standing up and grabbing his book, JJ signed, I think I’ll go to bed now.
Aneirin responded, “Alright.” without looking away from the screen. Go to bed was one of the sign phrases he could understand even out of the corner of his eyes.
JJ headed up the stairs, slowing down once he reached the second story. He walked over to his room, opening the door and closing it without going inside, instead just waiting in the hall. Immediately, he heard the television downstairs turn off. Footsteps crossed the living room and headed outside. The front door opened and shut. Jameson put his book on the floor next to his room and carefully crept down the stairs, sticking near the walls to avoid the creaks. He made a slight detour to grab his cell phone from the kitchen drawer where it was kept. Then once back in the living room, he crouched close to the ground and crawled over to the front window, peeking outside.
In the driveway, Aneirin was checking something in the trunk of his car. Well, technically, Aneirin always called it “our car,” but he was the only one who drove it. JJ didn’t know how to drive yet. And even if he did, he didn’t have a job and it was the middle of summer vacation, so where would he even need to go? Or at least, those were some of the reasons Aneirin listed when explaining why he wouldn’t teach Jameson how to drive. JJ watched as Aneirin closed the car trunk, and started walking down the block, as he always did when he went out working late at night.
After making sure Aneirin was far enough away, JJ rushed out the front door and over to the car. He opened the door to the back seat and climbed inside, squeezing into the space between the seats where you would normally put your feet. They kept a spare blanket in the car, and Jameson reached over and tried to cover himself, attempting to make it look like the blanket was naturally falling off the seat. Then he waited.
Just a few minutes later, the driver’s side door opened, and he heard Aneirin get inside. The car soon started, and headed out, with Aneirin having no idea Jameson was in the back seat.
He was tired of not knowing anything about where Aneirin went. And if he wouldn’t tell him, JJ would find out by himself.
They drove for a surprisingly long time, long enough for Jameson to start aching from being in this uncomfortable twisted position. He couldn’t exactly tell where they were going from his hiding spot, but he didn’t hear anything unusual, apart from the occasional strange commercial on the radio channel Aneirin was listening to. But of course, the car eventually stopped, and Aneirin climbed out. The locks thunked shut after he left.
Jameson waited a few minutes before sitting up and pushing the blanket aside. Looking out the car windows, he blinked in surprise. This...wasn’t what he was expecting. Instead of being parked outside some building on the outskirts of town, the car was pulled into a small gap in between two large, looming buildings. There was no light coming from them, and only the faint, watery street lamp beams to illuminate anything. Why would Aneirin have driven here...?
After a moment’s hesitation, Jameson unlocked the car door and stepped out. He walked out onto the street, finding it lined with similar tall, wide buildings. Where was this place? Some sort of storage? Why wasn’t anything lit up? JJ shivered, reaching into his pocket to double-check that his cell phone was there. He should find Aneirin, make sure that he was okay.
He looked left down the street, saw nothing, and looked right. There was a group of three people standing beneath one of the weak street lights. With them being the only people in sight, JJ headed in their direction. Eventually, he started picking up voices.
“—kid’s been a runner for three years, cut him some slack.” An unfamiliar female voice.
“No one gets slack at all.” An unfamiliar male voice. “Not even us, Kelly.”
“Still, he does his job.”
“Yeah, that’s right.” And that...that was Aneirin’s voice. Though strangely, his accent, a bit Irish from the years he’d spent being a foster kid in that country, had thickened. “Just give me the green.”
Jameson ducked around a corner of a building, peering out at the group of three. A man, a woman, and Aneirin. He watched as Aneirin handed over a backpack, and the man handed him a case. What was this? It seemed...shady. Aneirin couldn’t really be involved in something like this, right? 
The woman leaned closer to Aneirin, lowering her voice so it couldn’t be heard from where Jameson was watching. But judging from the way Aneirin tensed, whatever she was saying wasn’t good news. Aneirin responded in an equally low tone, and the man suddenly laughed. “You?! Tiny thing like you? Obvious blind spot and likely to collapse at any time? Nah, lad, we’ll go with the professionals.”
That was exactly the wrong thing to say. Aneirin bristled, and even from here Jameson could see the anger in his expression. “Easy there,” the woman said, her tone patronizing. “You wouldn’t want to fall down, would you?”
Aneirin lunged at her, and a scream rang out through the empty street. The woman stumbled back, turning enough so that Jameson could see the way her front was stained red. “You little—!” The man grabbed Aneirin by his jacket, and JJ couldn’t help but cry out.
He didn’t think it would be audible to the group, but both the man and Aneirin looked over toward him. JJ’s eyes widened, and he ducked behind the building. “Oh, you brought a friend, didn’t you, you little bastard?!” The man yelled. “Looks like you, too! Family field trip, is it?”
“Hey! Back off!” Aneirin snarled. It would’ve been intimidating, if not for the nervous crack in the middle.
“Oh no, I don’t think so!”
Jameson heard footsteps running towards him, and instantly took off, running down the gap between the buildings. But the man was much faster, and the footsteps grew louder. Jameson glanced over his shoulder, and the man was just a few feet away. He gasped, and pushed himself farther, turning onto another street, then running into another gap in an attempt to shake the man off.
“Don’t you run, you—AAARGK!”
The strange noise wasn’t enough to stop JJ from running. He continued to weave around the gaps in the buildings, until he arrived back at the one the car was parked in. He tore open the backseat door and practically threw himself inside, locking it behind him. He fell onto the floor of the car and stayed there, sitting, knees pulled to his chest and his heart pounding in his throat. His eyes were fixed on staring through the dirty glass of the car window.
A figure appeared there. Jameson made a strangled sort of sound, backing up. The figure knocked on the glass, then a flashlight turned on, shining into the car. Jameson blinked in the light, then squinted through it, recognizing Aneirin as the one holding the flashlight.
Aneirin pointed towards the driver’s side door, and disappeared, rounding around the car. The locks thunked, and Aneirin opened the door and climbed inside. “Jamie?” he called.
Jameson didn’t relax, but leaned forward, into the spot between the driver’s seat and the passenger seat.
“Oh my god!” Aneirin grabbed JJ’s head, one hand on either side, and pulled him even closer. “What were you thinking?! What are you even doing here?! Did you follow me? Why the fuck would you do that?! There’s a reason I don’t tell you what I do!”
Jameson was stunned into silence for a moment. He let Aneirin continue on in a similar vein for a while, then slowly signed, I was just curious.
“Curious?! I—” Aneirin leaned back, burying his face in his hands and taking a few deep breaths. “You can’t...do stuff like that, Jamie,” he said. 
...I’m sorry, JJ signed hesitantly.
“It’s...fine, Jamie, just...just don’t do that again.” Aneirin sighed, looking out the windshield. “Who knows what could’ve happened to you?”
Jameson fell silent for a moment, then awkwardly climbed into the passenger seat, settling into it. What happened to the man? And the woman?
“They’re...dead,” Aneirin said slowly.
Did you kill them? Jameson asked, eyes wide and disbelieving.
“...yes,” Aneirin’s voice was barely audible.
Aneirin opened the car door and leaned over outside, picking up something on the ground. He pulled the case from earlier into the car and threw it into the backseat. “Because we need money to live and shit, Jamie, that’s why. Someone offers you a lot, and all you need to do is...go back on your word, then you take it.”
JJ shook his head silently, shocked. Aneirin...have you done this before?
Aneirin shifted in his seat. “What, go to a regular drop-off then walk away with two people dead? No.”
Silence fell. Jameson dug into his pocket and pulled out his phone.
“What’re you doing?” Aneirin said, sitting up straight.
Calling 999, Jameson answered.
“Wh—no! You can’t do that!” Aneirin grabbed Jameson’s wrist, pulling it, and the phone he was holding, away. “Look, I know it looks bad, but there’s absolutely nothing to connect us to this. See? I’m wearing gloves, no fingerprints.”
Jameson stared at him, absolutely stunned. We can’t just let— he started to sign one-handedly.
“No, we have to. Jameson, if the police hear about this, they’re going to judge my place an unfit home, and me an unfit guardian, and they’re going to put you back in the system.” Aneirin tightened his grip on Jameson’s wrist. “I-I can’t let that happen! I can’t let you go back there! Who knows what’ll happen?!”
Jameson managed to pull his wrist away from Aneirin’s grip. They’re not going to put a seventeen-year-old into the foster system. I’m practically an adult.
“As someone who was recently seventeen, that’s debatable. And legally, you’re still a child. It doesn’t matter how close to eighteen you are, until your actual birthday, they’re not gonna let you go.” There was a strong bitter note in Aneirin’s voice. “I can’t...I’ve only had you back for a year, Jamie. After ten fucking years of wondering what happened to you. Please don’t...don’t leave.”
Jameson hesitated. Aneirin’s eyes were shining with a desperate light that could be seen even in the shadows the car was hiding in. And he had to admit, he didn’t want to leave his brother, either. He sighed gently, and put his cell phone down on the dashboard of the car. Alright, fine.
Aneirin practically wilted with relief. “Thank you so much, Jamie.” He twisted in his seat, starting the car. “I promise you won’t regret it.”
The car headed out, with Jameson and Aneirin sitting in silence. Jameson stared out the window, watching as they gradually traveled to a more well-lit part of the town. He expected them to head home. But instead, Aneirin headed to the town center, and parked outside a lit-up building. “Look,” he said, glancing in JJ’s direction. “I’m sorry about...the yelling, earlier. I was just stressed and worried. I’m sorry if I made you feel like I was angry with you.”
Jameson exhaled slowly. It’s okay, Aneirin.
“I’ll make it up to you,” Aneirin promised. “Look.” He nodded at the building they were parked outside.
Wait...JJ’s eyes widened. We’re going to Tompson’s?
“Yep.” Aneirin smiled. “Ice cream sounds good after tonight. Luckily they’re open late. You can get whatever you want, whatever size.”
Really? Anything? JJ asked doubtfully. Tompson’s was known for being relatively expensive, but also delicious. They usually saved it for special occasions.
“Of course. It’s on me.”
JJ looked back out the window. He started nodding, slowly at first, then faster. Well, alright then. Can’t do that in the car.
Aneirin laughed. “Course not. Hey, not even gonna say thank you?”
Jameson exhaled softly, and rolled his eyes. Aneirin was always like this. “Thhnk yu-yuh. Annn.” He could’ve signed it, but if Aneirin wanted that, he would’ve said ‘sign.’
“You’re welcome,” Aneirin smiled. “Now let’s go.”
The rest of the night was rather nice. Jameson almost forgot what had happened earlier. Almost. It turns out, these events would not be forgotten easily.
...Jameson was startled out of his thoughts by the sound of his text alert going off. Jameson?? Are you oaky?? Whyd you hang up? Chase asked. It was quickly followed by a *okay
I’m fine, Chase, JJ replied. I just had to think for a moment.
Are you actually fine or just saying that?
Jameson thought hard about this question. I won’t lie. I’m a little...He paused, wanting to type out ‘scared,’ but that might be a bit too far. That was probably something he should talk over with his therapist on Monday; now was not the time to unload everything. ...shaken, hearing about this. But I’ll be okay, I promise.
Alright, if your sure, Chase said. But if you ever need anyone, Im right here.
Thank you, Chase.
The city bus finally pulled up to the station, and JJ hopped aboard, pressing his bus pass to the card reader before taking a seat. He stared out the window as the bus started rolling again. He couldn’t help but glance behind him, even knowing that nobody would be there.
A few days passed, and Monday morning dawned cold and rainy. Dr. Laurens opened her umbrella as soon as she got off the bus, holding it with her unbroken arm. She sighed quietly. Well, looked like she had to walk to work today. And for a while, actually, until her arm was healed enough for her to drive again. She’d better get used to it.
A few drizzly moments later, Laurens stepped inside the main doors of Silver Hills. Awkwardly closing her umbrella, she walked up to the front desk. “Hi, I need to see Dr. Newson, is she in?”
The orderly at the desk looked up, and her eyes widened. “Oh my god, Rya?!”
“Hey, Theresa,” Laurens said, smiling tiredly. “Is Newson in?”
“Yes, I-I can page her—mother of god, what happened to you?” Theresa asked as she started messing with her pager. “You disappeared! Are you alright?”
‘Alright’? Well, that was debatable. The broken arm was not ‘alright,’ and Laurens was pretty sure there was a lot else that would not fit into ‘alright.’ But she’d waited this long. She’d spent time in the hospital, then practically begged to go home so she could get used to being on her own, without having to worry about threats to her life. But still, she couldn’t stop thinking about getting back to work. She knew Newson had taken over Schneep’s case, and she knew Newson hated him. How could she just stand by and leave this situation alone? So, if by ‘alright’ you meant ‘functional and willing to help others,’ then yes, she was alright. “I’m fine, thanks,” Laurens said. “Should I just wait for Newson here?”
“Uh...yeah, that would be great.”
Laurens took a seat in the reception area, looking around. It seemed a bit surreal to be back here after...everything with Anti and Jackie. Like she was last here years ago, instead of just a few months.
About five minutes later, footsteps came down the hall, and Laurens stood up as Newson appeared. Newson’s eyes immediately locked onto her, and she froze. “Wh—Rya?”
“Yes, it’s me,” Laurens stated.
Newson gaped at her, then rushed over to stand in front of her. “You’re okay! Oh my god, I—we were so worried!”
“Really?” Laurens asked, not bothering to hide the surprise in her voice. “I mean...from what I remembered, you were probably going to fire me—”
“No! I mean—I—” Newson stammered. “I didn’t want you to—look, I may have made a bit of a rushed judgement that day, and I...would hate for that to be the last thing I ever said to you. You truly are great at your job, a-and a great person as well. And I’m not going to fire you.”
“Great,” Laurens nodded. “In that case, can I take my patient back please?”
“Wh—” Newson seemed taken aback by the question stated so clearly. “I...mean...”
“Because I don’t believe that your methods work well with him,” Laurens said, voice and expression deadpan. “Unless something has changed in the two months I’ve been gone.”
“I...” Newson cleared her throat, collecting herself. “Of course you can take the case again. Do understand that I—hello, can I help you?”
Laurens turned around. A tall woman in a black raincoat had just entered the reception area, carrying a briefcase. “Actually, yes,” the woman said. “I’m looking for Dr. Jennifer Newson.”
“That would be me,” Newson said, patting down her coat and smiling cordially. “Do you need something?”
“Ah. My name is Aja Bakshi, I am from Henson & Singh At Law.” Bakshi set her briefcase on the reception desk, opening it up and slapping a piece of paper covered in type down on the surface. “My client wishes to sue you for malpractice, negligence, and abuse of power with your position. This is the notice, details are included on it, as well as my phone number.”
Newson was left speechless. She just stared at Bakshi, absolutely shocked, her wide-eyed gaping expression somewhat reminiscent of a fish. Laurens had to bite back a smile as the thought occurred to her. “Uh...” Newson finally said. “Who...who’s suing me?”
“Details are on the notice, Dr. Newson,” Bakshi said calmly. “We have scheduled a court hearing for the 23rd. We expect to see you there.” And with that, Bakshi snapped the briefcase closed, and turned on her heel and left, door swinging closed behind her.
“Uh...Dr. Newson, are you alright?” Theresa asked.
Newson didn’t answer, instead picking up the paper and scanning it over. “Maher...?” she muttered. “I know that name...”
“Well, I’ll leave you to that,” Dr. Laurens said. “For now, I’d like to see my patient. But I seem to have lost my keycard.”
Newson looked up sharply. “Uh...right. I’ll call Oliver Hopkins, he can take you to the room. Can you get a coat on with your arm like that? Dress code, and all. We have some in—”
“In the back room, I know,” Laurens said. “I’ll meet Oliver there, then.”
About ten minutes later, Laurens had made her way to the back room and pulled on a white coat over her cast before replacing her arm in her sling.
Laurens glanced over, watching as Oliver rounded the corner. She smiled. “Hello, Oliver. Your phone is poking out of your pocket, by the way. Be careful.”
Oliver laughed, and wiped his eyes. “Holy shit, you’re okay. I mean, your arm, but. You know.”
“I do know, thank you,” Laurens chuckled. She then sighed. “Anyway, I wanted to check on Schneep. I don’t think I’ll be able to start a session until tomorrow, after I get all the stuff sorted out for coming back, but I...just want to see if he’s alright.”
Oliver winced. “That’s a...that’s a good idea.”
Listening to his tone, Laurens was suddenly shot through with worry. Part of her had wondered if her concern was a bit strange, especially for a therapist-patient relationship, but that one sentence was proof she was justified. “Alright...let’s go down to his room, then.” Laurens turned and started down the hall.
“Uh, Doc?” Oliver called. “He’s not in his room. He’s in the quiet room.”
Laurens stopped, turning around to look at him. “...well,” she said. “Let’s get him out of there, then.”
“Yeah, uh. Good idea,” Oliver muttered. “I should probably tell you that he’s been in there a couple times, and he...doesn’t react well to it.”
“Of course he doesn’t,” Laurens muttered, already heading down the hall in the other direction. Honestly, they should just call the room what it actually was: solitary. She supposed it wasn’t a bad idea in principle; sometimes the more hostile patients needed a place to cool down where they couldn’t hurt anyone or themselves. But in situations like this, locking someone in a room alone did more harm than good. Especially now that she knew what had actually happened to Schneep in the nine months he disappeared.
The door to the quiet room looked identical to all the other rooms in the older wing of the hospital, with the only exception being that it didn’t have a room number. But once Oliver opened the door, it became clear what made this room so different. It was the only place in the entire building that had its walls padded, and there was no furniture inside except for a bedframe with a mattress but nothing else. Laurens stepped into the room, looking around. She quickly spotted the figure curled up on the floor in the corner. “Schneep?” She called softly.
Schneep had his arms wrapped around his head, but upon hearing his name, he flinched and moved them enough to see out at her.
“Hey, it’s me,” Laurens said, keeping her voice friendly. “Remember me?”
“Hm.” The small sound wasn’t a confirmation or a denial. Schneep’s eyes darted towards the doorway, with Oliver standing in it.
Laurens looked back towards the doorway as well. Get out of sight, she mouthed. Oliver looked hesitant, but stepped to the side, out of view. Laurens looked back towards Schneep, taking a few steps forward. “Schneep, I need you to answer me. Do you remember me?”
“...Jackie?” Schneep said, his voice hoarse.
“No, I’m not Jackie,” Laurens said. She took a few more steps forward, then got down to kneel on the floor. “You’re not with Jackie right now. You’re in the hospital, remember?”
This seemed to confused Schneep for a bit, but he loosened up, uncovering his head as he realized Laurens wasn’t a threat. “Hospital...” he muttered. “Which one?”
“Silver Hills,” Laurens said.
A short pause. “You are...not lying?” Immediately after asking the question, Schneep laughed. “You would say you are not, either way.”
“I wouldn’t lie about where you are, Schneep,” Laurens said quietly. “I wouldn’t trick you like that.” She paused for a moment, gauging Schneep’s reaction. “Do you need anything?”
“Do I...?” The question threw him off for a bit. “I...I do not want to be here. No, no. Not here.”
“Alright, then let’s go.” Laurens held out her hand, palm-up. Schneep flinched away for a moment, but then reached out and grabbed it. “We’re going to stand up now, okay?”
Schneep nodded, and Laurens unfolded herself from her kneeling position, awkwardly doing her best to stand up without using her arms. After a few moments of trying, she succeeded, and helped pull Schneep to his feet. He immediately stumbled, leaning against her. Laurens gasped slightly, noting the cloudy look in Schneep’s eyes and the way he was shaking a bit. There was no reason for him to be this heavily sedated. “How’re you feeling?” Laurens asked.
“Hmm...cotton,” Schneep said.
“I see. Can you walk?”
“I...I think so, yes.” Despite this assertion, when Laurens started to walk, Schneep only stumbled and almost fell.
“Whoa, take it easy,” Laurens said. “I’m going to call someone who can help, alright?”
Laurens looked toward the doorway. Oliver had poked his head into view, making eye contact with her. She nodded, and he came into the room, silently lifting Schneep into a carrying position. Schneep didn’t protest. “We’re going back to your room, Schneep,” Laurens said. “Okay?”
Schneep paused. Then: “You are the doctor.”
“Yes, I am a doctor. So are you.”
“I know. I mean, you are...you stopped coming,” Schneep mumbled.
Laurens nodded. “Yes, but I didn’t want to. I would’ve kept coming if I could. But now I’m back.”
“Very good. Good that you are alright.” Schneep sighed. “Can we please leave here?”
“Yes, we’re leaving right now,” Laurens said. She started heading to the door, glancing back to make sure Oliver and Schneep were following her. They were.
She sighed gently. This was Newson’s fault, she knew it. But now, hopefully, they wouldn’t have to struggle with that for much longer.
“Siri, what does GCS stand for?”
Jackie suddenly snapped to attention, almost hitting his head on the corner of the table. God, he hadn’t even heard Anti come into the room; he must’ve been buried deep in a daydream. Though, honestly, he couldn’t blame himself for that. It was much preferable to be in a daydream world than reality right now. In a daydream, he was able to forget about the cotton taste of the gag in his mouth, and the awkward angle his arms were handcuffed behind his back and around a table leg.
“Okay, I found this on the web,” said the robotic voice of Siri.
Anti was lounging on one of the apartment’s armchairs, dressed in an outfit that...wasn’t exactly his usual style. Jackie was oddly reminded of the way Chase dressed. Anti’s green glass eye had been replaced with a blue one, but he still had the old watch around his neck. “Three to five is good, then,” he muttered to himself. Anti glanced up, noticing Jackie staring at him. “Expecting something, hoodie man?”
Jackie flinched, and looked away, fixing his eyes on a water stain on the wall. He heard the sound of Anti shifting position, but didn’t look back.
A silver blade embedded itself in the wall inches from Jackie’s nose. Jackie cried out, flinging himself backwards and hitting his head against the table leg. Anti laughed. “God, you look like you just had a heart attack!” He paused. “Actually...Hey Siri, what do I do if someone has a heart attack?”
“Okay, I found this on the web.”
Jackie squeezed his eyes shut, trying to take deep, calm breaths. It was difficult, to say the least. Part of him wanted to shout at Anti, ask him what he wanted with him. The rest of him knew that would be a terrible idea, even if he could speak.
This wouldn’t last forever, would it? Something had to change. Or at least, that’s what he told himself.
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