#which would be priority placed on the storage shelves
orcelito · 8 months
Feeling some buyers remorse for buying 2 shelves yesterday online. But it's getting eclipsed by the excitement of thinking about where I'm gonna put them and rearranging my apartment a little bit
Is this what it's like to be an adult? Lol
#speculation nation#work sucked today but in brighter moments ive just been buzzing in excitement about furniture#i bought some storage shelves and then a bookshelf#im gonna put the storage shelves at the far side of my living room & put as many of my boxes as i can fit on it#removing Box Island from the center of my living room lol#i wanna also sort thru the boxes to figure out what things would be considered permanent storage (archival things)#which would be priority placed on the storage shelves#and then figure out what boxes i would potentially want to unpack in the coming months. to keep in easier to access locations.#yes ive been living here for 2+ years and yes ive only got like half my shit unpacked. such is life.#for my new bookshelf i wanna do a little more rearranging#the cats' fancy litter box is in the little hallway leading into the bathroom#placed there bc it was the easiest to access outlet for the self cleaning litter box#but it's chunky and gets in the way and with the non clumping litter those things are like fucking legos on the floor#crunch crunch crunch under my slippers. id like the litter box more out of the way.#so im gonna put it in the cat area of the living room. rearranging some stuff over there to make it fit.#and then where it is rn in the hallway. im gonna put my new bookshelf.#i dont know what books im gonna put on it yet. probably my less personal books. probably no manga.#im supposed to get a bookshelf from my dad sometime that's bigger than both my current and my new bookshelf#and im gonna put it in my room. clear the space behind my TV. and Theres where i wanna put out all my manga thats been in storage#idk. shelves!!! potential!!!! its all so exciting.#nothing like new furniture to make me feel like im gonna try to get my life back in order.#and Honestly having the living room suddenly so much cleaner has been... nice.#im gonna work on cleaning my room soon. it is Long overdue.
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lillslillslilly · 2 months
Chapter one
One and a half months of this and finally, she dragged the last box labelled ‘Maxine’s books #8’ towards the three-shelved bookshelf in front of her bed, which faced her door. Alphabetical order by author name or title? Author name, definitely. She scraped a pair of scissors across the tape along the seal of the box and proceeded to pull each book out one by one, appreciating each and every one as she did so. She’d repeated this cycle with all seven other boxes, storing each of her prized possessions onto the shelves in her room and in the living room, caressing each one’s cover as she did, though she was running out of space and therefore would have to start storing her at-home-library in other places around the apartment soon if she planned to buy anymore, which of course she did.
“Jesus, Max, got enough fairy lights? It looks like Blackpool bloody Illuminations in here,” she heard a voice giggle from her doorway. “At least now I won’t get lost on my way back from the bar.” Wrenn, Max’s best (and only) friend and roommate - the ‘IT girl’ or ‘Miss Perfect’ - chuckled as she sat down on the end of her friend’s bed, tugging at the knitted grey and white blanket. She proceeded to wrap it around herself as Max looked up at her from the ball she sat in on the floor between the shelf and her bed.
“That reminds me, I have some more somewhere,” she mumbled as she stood and walked over to her closet and started to rummage through the storage at the bottom. “Ah, here, for the balcony.” She tossed the bundle of lights at Wrenn and smiled a warm smile.
“Is this necessary? I mean, you’ve put lights up in every corner of this apartment already. The second we got the keys you were pulling them out left, right and centre.”
“Yes, it is necessary. I need to be able to see what I’m reading if I’m sat on the balcony. Besides, fairy lights make everything cosy.” Max replied as she repositioned herself back onto the floor, her legs tucked underneath her, stashing each book in its designated spot on the shelves above.
Everything was new for the girls now: a new apartment, a new city, a new life. For Maxine, this meant a fresh start; independence; a life of her own, finally. ‘New’ meant the chance to finally chase her dreams and open her own bakery in a big city. It meant having her own apartment with her best friend that they could decorate and admire as theirs. ‘New’ meant that all their hard work had paid off and they finally had the lives they’d hoped for since they were seven and sat on Max’s parent’s porch swing talking about having their own house with their own rules and how they would marry princes. They had done it, well, except the prince part anyway.
As for Wren, ‘new’ meant finally a place to sleep that wasn’t the couch at Max’s parent’s house, a job at the bar down the street, a new city to paint and a new circle of hook ups waiting to happen. ‘A girl has needs’ she’d say to Max, but really, she was just anxious about committing to one person and consequently losing the freedom being single gave her. She’d quote the same monologue whenever her best friend questioned it: ‘When you date someone, your life stops being about you and instead becomes all about them. Your top priority should always be you, not some loser randomly walked into your life one day. Imagine watering down the things you love and enjoy for someone else’s satisfaction. That’s so boring. Why would anyone want that?’ so she didn’t often bring the topic up, but she knew her friend well enough to fathom that there was more to it than that.
On the contrary, Maxine romanticised the idea of putting everything she had to offer into one person, probably due to the insane number of romance media she consumed. Her thoughts would circle around, craving how it felt to experience the perfect combination of loving another and being loved by another as she consumed each word on each page of each of her books and in some ways, she envied that. She envied Wrenn most of all however, for being careless; for not being tangled up like one of her protagonists on the idea of completing themselves by connecting with another person – a soulmate. 
Wrenn’s eyes fluttered across Maxine’s room approving of the result of the décor. They stopped just above the grey headboard of the bed, where they focused on a painting of some white lilies – a painting in which she had done for Max a couple of years prior. She had always painted, though had a lack of inspiration for the last year or so. However, Max was sure that the new city would motivate her to start again (and Max was never wrong) and so she was enthusiastic that it would.
Her eyes were fixed for a moment and then she released them, continuing to scan the room. Her eyes locked again, this time onto a collage of photos of her and her best friend posted the wall by the entrance of the room. She must have missed that when she first walked in. She smiled a toothy, gentle grin.
“I love what you’ve done with your room, Maxie, honestly. It’s very you,” she giggled.
Wrenn was the kind of girl that even Aphrodite would have envied.  Her long, wavy locks – a sort of sun-kissed-gold colour – flowed down to her waist and bounced as she moved. A silver, glittery eyeshadow sat upon her eyelids accenting her Californian-ocean blue eyes. Rosy undertones blushed through her clear yet glowing skin as she smiled – a natural blush. She was the human embodiment of the sun, or an angel (something sparkly and bright), Maxine would say.
Max thanked her as she admired the last book she had extracted from the box. A small smirk painted itself across her lips as she analysed the title of her favourite book.
“To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before… Jenny Han. H, H…” she mumbled as she located the last slot for it, slipped it onto the shelf in front of the rest of the set, and eventually dived onto the bed next to her best friend laying her head gently on her lap. She looked up to the ceiling as Wrenn locked her arms around her, inviting her into the blanket she had earlier wrapped around her.
“What time does your shift start tonight?” Maxine asked.
“Seven. I finish at one.”
Max paused for a moment and Wrenn could see the cogs turning in her head. After a few seconds, she repositioned her eyes from the ceiling to her friend’s face. “Well, it’s only three-thirty now so I can make some soup so you can eat before you leave if you want,” she proposed. Wren’s face lit up and her eyes shimmered with glee. Maxine knew this meant a definite yes, so without hesitation she hopped up from the bed and headed towards the door. Maxine didn’t paint like Wrenn, no. Food was her art: baking, cooking, stir frying, boiling – and her art was to die for.
Just as Max reached for the door handle, she was stopped by the soft, feathery sound of her roommate’s voice. She questioned if they had any of Max’s handmade dumplings left over from the last time that she had made soup as she was so fond of them.  
“I think there is a portion left in the freezer actually,” she replied, waiting and watching Wrenn slowly stand, re-folding the blanket she held, slowly placing it back into position on the end of the bed where it had previously laid. She clasped onto the fairy-lights Maxine had earlier tossed at her and held them to her chest. The two traded a final warm smile and exited towards the kitchen.
Maxine curled up into the corner of the balcony. The fairy-lights she had successfully convinced Wrenn needed to be wrapped around the sofa-like bench were twinkling above and beside her head, which added to the moonlight and the fluttering of the lavender candle on the small wooden table just a few inches to her right, lit up the book she held between her hands and rested against her knees, which were raised to her torso. Although she would normally be completely engulfed in the literature sat before her, she couldn’t help but to just observe the view of the city. Her mind was completely clear – peaceful even – for the first time in a long time. After a month and a half of organising her new home, renovating her very own bakery and memorising the streets of this new city, everything was quiet; finished; accomplished. Everything in her life was finally falling into place and it felt unreal. Tomorrow, she would be covered in cinnamon and flour and sugar, baking breads and buns and cakes and biscuits and brownies and sandwiches and muffins and…
But for right now, she was here: in her home with her curly, shoulder-length, chestnut hair cushioning her head against the wall of the balcony, watching the city lights glimmer in unison to that of the stars.
She couldn’t help but murmur to herself, “What a beautiful life.”
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firstpageseoagency · 25 days
Designing Dreamy Spaces: The Best Beds and Furniture for Your Child’s Room
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IntroductionChoosing the right furniture for a child's room is more than just a matter of style; it's about fostering a safe, functional, and inspiring environment where children can rest, play, and grow. From transitioning from a crib to a toddler bed to maximising space with clever furniture choices like bunk beds, each piece plays a pivotal role in developing a child’s autonomy and creativity. This blog explores essential furniture pieces—toddler beds, bunk beds, and other key items of kids' furniture—that combine safety, functionality, and fun.
Choosing the Perfect Toddler BedToddler beds are designed to be a safe and comfortable transition for young children moving from a crib to their first ‘big kid’ bed. These children's transitional beds are generally low to the ground to allow easy access for children and include safety rails to prevent falls. What makes toddler beds especially appealing are their sizes—perfectly suited for crib mattresses—and their enchanting designs, ranging from race cars to fairy tale castles.
When selecting a toddler bed, safety should be your top priority. Look for a sturdy frame that can withstand the usual jumping and general wear and tear that it might encounter in a toddler's room. Additionally, the bed should be certified as safe according to national standards. Aesthetically, choose a theme that resonates with your child’s interests, as this can make bedtime more appealing and help ease the transition from crib to bed. Complement the bed with soft, cosy bedding that matches the overall decor of the room to create a comforting and inviting space.
Maximising Space with Bunk BedsBunk beds are a quintessential solution for families with multiple children, or for a child who enjoys having sleepovers. They are an excellent space-saver, utilising the vertical space that would otherwise go unused. Space-saving loft beds come in several configurations: the traditional twin-over-twin, twin-over-full for an older sibling sharing with a younger one, and loft-style, which often includes a desk or storage underneath.
Safety is crucial with bunk beds. Ensure the product has sturdy guardrails and a robust ladder that is securely attached to the frame. The top bunk should have guardrails on all sides, and the mattress should fit snugly within the frame to avoid gaps. Regularly check the structure for any loose fittings or wear. For styling, bunk beds offer a lot of versatility and can be dressed up to suit any room theme, from jungle adventures to nautical voyages, making them a fun and practical addition to a child’s bedroom.
Essential Kids' Furniture for a Functional RoomBeyond beds, a child’s room needs a variety of other furniture items to be fully functional. Storage solutions like drawers, shelves, and toy chests are imperative to keep the space organised and tidy. A sturdy, appropriately sized desk and chair set is essential for school-aged children, providing them with a dedicated space for homework and crafts.
Check here:
Kids Tables & Chairs
Under Bed Storage
Chest of Drawers
Baby Cots
Storage Boxes
Bed Drawers
When choosing furniture, consider pieces that can adapt to your child’s growing needs. Adjustable desks, for instance, can be modified in height as your child grows. Look for materials that are robust and easy to clean—laminates, treated wood, and metals are all good choices. Ensure that all furniture has rounded corners and non-toxic finishes to keep the environment safe and healthy. Colourful, themed furniture can make the room more enjoyable, encouraging your child to spend time in their personal space.
Creative and Practical Layout IdeasArranging the furniture in your child’s room requires thoughtful consideration to balance aesthetics, functionality, and safety. Place the bed in a position where it is not directly against a window to avoid drafts and excess light during bedtime. Utilise the layout to define areas within the room: a corner for sleeping, another for studying, and a separate area for play.
Themes can greatly influence the layout—space-themed rooms might feature a loft bed resembling a spaceship, while a princess-themed room could have a canopy bed with a royal desk setup. Integrating interactive elements like a chalkboard wall, a small tent for reading, or a wall-mounted art station can encourage creativity and make the room a fun and engaging space for your child.
ConclusionSelecting the right beds and furniture for your child’s room is crucial for creating a space that is safe, comfortable, and conducive to creativity. With thoughtful choices, your child’s room can become a haven that supports their development and reflects their personality.
Have you recently redesigned your child’s bedroom, or are you planning to? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below, or post photos of your child’s dreamy new space. We’d love to see how you’ve brought creativity and function together in your designs!
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Home Remodeling: Which Room to Renovate First?
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So, you’re staring at your home, itching to make some changes. Ever wondered which room you should tackle first for a remodel? A good starting point can not only transform your living space but also add value to your home. Let’s see which room deserves your attention first.
Setting Priorities for a Home Remodel
First things first, every home and homeowner is different. Your family’s needs, your home’s current condition, and your budget all play critical roles in this decision. But, let’s get into some universal truths and tips to guide you.
Kitchen: The Heart of the Home
Why start here? Well, not only is the kitchen the heart of the home, but it’s also where you’ll see significant returns on your investment. Kitchen remodels can be a game-changer. In areas like Home Remodeling Danville, a sleek, functional kitchen can significantly boost your home’s market value.
Quick tips for a kitchen remodel:
Focus on functionality and flow.
Update appliances to energy-efficient models.
Consider open shelving for a modern touch.
Bathroom: A Close Second
Following closely is the bathroom. Whether it’s the master or a guest bath, revamping these spaces can dramatically improve your daily routine. Plus, in places like Home Remodeling Walnut Creek, a luxurious bathroom can be the deciding factor for potential buyers.
Bathroom remodel essentials:
Waterproofing is key.
Invest in quality fixtures.
Maximize storage without compromising on style.
Living Room: Make a Statement
Your living room is often the first impression of your home. It’s where you entertain guests and relax after a long day. Giving it a facelift can not only elevate your home’s aesthetics but also its functionality.
Enhancing your living space:
Upgrade lighting for ambiance.
Consider durable yet stylish flooring.
Integrate smart home features for convenience.
Bedrooms: Your Personal Oasis
Lastly, don’t overlook the bedrooms. While they might not offer the same ROI as kitchens or bathrooms, your comfort is priceless. Especially in master suites, where upgrades can turn a simple bedroom into a retreat.
Bedroom remodeling tips:
Prioritize closet organization.
Select serene color schemes.
Incorporate eco-friendly materials for better sleep.
Your Home Remodel
It takes a reliable partner and a well-thought-out plan to start a home remodeling project in areas like Home Remodeling Richmond, Virginia. To guarantee that your renovation not only fulfills but surpasses your expectations, a house remodeling contractor in California can offer priceless guidance and construction services.
How to choose the right contractor:
Find people who have experience and knowledge in the area you want to develop.
Read reviews and look at examples of past work (portfolios)
From the start, make sure there is clear contact and openness.
What are you going to do? Would you start by remodeling the kitchen or the bathroom to look like a spa? Whatever you decide, have fun remodeling!
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littlewalken · 4 months
feb 21
Rain or not we have to go out and do real life stuff and things. The only driver in the household seems to forget we have a good car now that can handle weather.
Next paycheck I think I know what kind of shelves I want to get for my books. Too many things sold as book shelves couldn't handle the weight of my circus history coffee table book, Bowie's Moonage Daydream, and all those Cure books.
I also get to look for an interesting shelf to go in the corner outside of my door to hold interesting items.
But damn if I'm not starting to feel better in general as I get more fresh air and realize the last place had a nasty carbon monoxide leak and only the drafts and kitchen door that wouldn't completely shut was keeping us alive.
Next time we're given a GTFO notice after 10 years during a pandemic with an eviction moratorium and the only place we can find is where someone died but we're white ladies and don't care about that I'll put 'make sure stove doesn't leak' as a priority.
And to splain more to a doll board member about moving/storing all the extra stuff we're now getting rid of-
We're generational hoarders
The move in 2021 was a 60 day notice for a place we spent 10 years at, a double wide trailer with 6 "bedrooms", out buildings, critters and so on. There was no time to sort, only pack and condense anything you wanted to keep which included all of the mooch's things because we didn't know the bitch was going to abandon it all. Something something guess where I found things I haven't seen in years something something.
The shit shack didn't have any sort of cabinets or closets so we had to provide our own storage and not knowing where we were going to end up the smothering unit thought we'd need it.
I had bought a teal iron in the mid 2000s for my sewing, suddenly it had vanished from its place, was told it probably got swept up in a junk purge because no one (me) was using it. I buy my purple iron to replace it. On arriving here we not only find the teal iron but an older one I could have used. Only the purple iron remains in the household.
Things we once did use, like the three different colored sandwich keepers, but either our lifestyles have changed and we do not need them or they have bad vibes and have to leave the household for spiritual reasons.
Shit like clothes the mooch used to wear all the time that I would set fire to and go cold/naked before I ever wear them.
Stuff I haven't seen in decades because when we were young we moved so much that we had boxes with multiple names on them and not only would my things get repacked because I hadn't done it "right" they would also end up in someone else's room because of reasons I still take Repressitall for.
The shit shack was supposed to be the place of sorting but as it was literally too small to even breathe in all that had to wait until we got the room and now we're also on the same page with a lot of this shit.
Meanwhile I did do some free writing yesterday, my Imagination Land trips are still to Grease 2.
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Kind of wandering around with different times in the plot of when and how Michael could have told Stephanie that he's the Cool Rider. Good exercises for writing and I might be able to pull something a bit more original out of it later.
Things swirl around like "he knew what she tasted like" and when Stephanie figures out/is told Michael is the Cool Rider it becomes their shared secret. The Cool Rider is the talk of the school but no one else knows it's him.
Talk about remaking a movie that had a good idea but didn't quite execute right.
Getting more and more ready to sew but I want to get my PVC needlework frame here, to see if that will affect how I paint with Inktense on fabric, and a few other odds and ends. I would like to have my everything here and be done with the storage trips before I really get in to an astronaut project.
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badbearthings · 4 months
Enhance the look of your dining area with sideboards
Enhance the style and functionality of your dining area with dining room sideboards. Available in a variety of styles and designs, the sideboards and servers can click here to learn more accentuate different home decors. You can store your glassware, silverware, and cutlery in these sideboards.
Would you like to give a makeover to your dining area? Are you thinking of increasing the storage space and enhancing the dining room decor at a time? Add sideboards and servers for your dining room. Basically designed to hold glassware, silverware, and other essentials, dining room sideboards can also be used to enhance the look and feel of room interiors. Sideboard is also known as buffet server, sideboard server, or serving table. Readily available in the market as part of dining room table set, the sideboard can also be obtained as a separate piece.
Add Storage Space
Enhance the storage space in your dining area with sideboards and servers. You can store linens, tableware, and other accessories in sideboard tables that come with drawers and shelves with doors. You can also display china, glassware, and other family heirlooms on top of these sideboards for your guests to enjoy. In case you are hosting a party for a large group, you can also place cooked dishes on these servers and ask your guests to help themselves to the food. The sideboards can also be set up to display glassware and serve drinks if you have a home bar.
Bring home the Jofran Saddle Server in Brown Oak with two drawers and spice up your dining area. Go for the Adrienne-Lynn Server from Homelegance if storage space is your priority. It features two cabinets on both sides and three drawers in the center to store all your dining room accessories.
Enhance the Room Decor
Dining room sideboards add to your dining room decor instantly. You can choose from classic, contemporary, or traditional set based on your preference. Made from wood, marble, metal, glass, and many other materials, sideboards and servers come in a wide variety of make and finish. Make sure that the sideboards and servers complement well with the rest of the dining room furniture. Take into account the safety factor if you have children at home. Wooden and tile top servers that don’t have sharp edges are ideal for such homes.
Spice up your dining room with the Homelegance Daisy Server which features a stylish tulip base and glass top. If a classic styled sideboard table is in your mind, check out the Hillsdale Brookside Fossil Server. Made from metal with a stone table top, this ivory colored server with intricate designs can very well improve your dining room decor.
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arthurjflamel · 10 months
object 020 : ARC research centre
research orders: due to the all the possible information within object 020 and its relationship with the so-called A.M.T.F, object 020 is at the highest research priority, all notes and manuscripts are to be photographed and seized for investigation
description: object its a research which can be located via placing object 007 near the exit of object 014 (which is catalogued as an 007-014/3 event) doing the following will result in a gateway being opened towards the storage area in the facility (refer to image #1), this first room consist of some shelving, a staircase leading to a second floor, and a backdoor leading to what appears to be a testing chamber, the stairs lead to a second floor, wich has some rubble (refer to image #2) and leads to an main office, this office contains notes wich pertain various instances of known and newly catalogued anomalies,the folowing is a transcrip of these notes
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image seems to show the area near the lake in the main area of the map, the "ritual" that seems to be performed in it is of unknown purpose, replicating it without putting the sphere in causes no discernible effect, putting the sphere (which can be grabbed from the first developer room near the dark room) on top of the sigil as the image shows also doesn't seem to cause any discernible effects, dropping the sphere into the sigil however causes an explosion which disintegrates all parts of the sigil
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image two, and also the last image within the lot, shows someone with a gas mask, suposedly taking a "selfie" inside the mirror room, the person seems to be holding a crowbar, nothing else is known about them
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this image, though inconclusive, confirms that the ARC, whoever they are, knows of the existence of mingebags at the very least, these and other notes also seem to refer to research on the white and dark rooms, as to the nature of this research, i would not know
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this note also refers to the white room, more importantly it seems to imply that the white room that is currently in the map, is not the real white room, or at least not the white room in its "natural" state, neither them nor me seem to know how to revert this process as of yet
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this note also implies something, that being that the outpost in wich these notes can be found, its probably not the first attempt by the ARC to establish a permanent headquarters within the anomaly, and that whatever this first base was, it has been lost somehow and is now "unidirectional", wich implies its still there, just not somewhere you can leave afterwards
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until now ive displayed the notes in a way that isnt exactly arranged really "orderly", however all the notes below this one are complete nonsense wich i consider can only be explained by this
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no comment
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this note probably refers to image #7, wich explains the existence of it at least
within the first floor there are two (refer to images #3 and #4, respectively) places marked down, the first , denominated object 020-2 is made with red crayon and is labelled as 019, going inside this marked area, one is set for an undetermined amount of time , the second is marked with yellow neon lines, it doesn't appear to have any anomalous behaviour to it within the first floor there are two (refer to images #3 and #4, respectively) places marked down, the first , denominated object 020-2 is made with red crayon and is labelled as 019, going inside this marked area, one is set for an undetermined amount of time , the second is marked with yellow neon lines, it doesn't appear to have any anomalous behaviour to it
in the backdoor inside the first floor is a kind of chamber(refer to image #5), this mechanism is inoperable, there are desks filled with monitors and computers,these are also inoperable, beside the chamber is an instance of object 014-1 (refer to image #6)
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an 007-014/3 event creating a gateway to object 020
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rubble in the second floor of object 020
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the inert instance of object 020-2
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anomalous instance of object 020-2
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closet in the first floor of object 020
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instance of object 014-1 in the first floor of object 020
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rubble beside the main room in the complex
author notes: so, according to Tumblr this blog is now a year old, so I finally decided to revamp these articles and come back to this, unfortunately I forgot formatting, sorry PS: thanks for waiting if you were waiting, take this as confirmation I'm alive if you were wondering, id also like to clear up this is not fully made up by me, this is basically just me stumbling around a very weird gmod arg which i refuse to look up a guide to, all ive added is the descriptions and the lore i haven't fully added yet but will be put in there sometime later PSPS: id also like to ask for a bit of feedback on my writing, if you havent noticed already, its quite crude, i struggle a bit between writing in the style often used by scp articles and a more personal more "diary like" style wich though comes more easily for me to make, it really does not fit in what these articles are meant to be, sorry
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Bad habits that are making your home messy
Certain habits are hard to overcome, and when it comes to cleaning, we may have caused the mess! Don't worry, you're not alone; we've included some typical poor cleaning behaviors below to help you get rid of them, Bad cleaning habits are the breeding grounds for pests in a messy home.
Reusing your kitchen sponge
When did you last buy kitchen sink sponges? Last month? 6-months-ago? Many assume sponges become clean by using soap. Sponge bacteria multiply, so this myth may really hurt you. Germs thrive under continual wetness. Replace kitchen sponges every three weeks to wash the dirty dishes.
Leaving clothing in the washing machine
Laundry is undoubtedly one of your least favourite duties, and we bet you leave your clothing in the washer longer than you should.
Putting them in for too long might cause the garments to smell bad and need rewashing. Moisture just like sponges! When moist clothing is allowed to dry in a confined location, you must run the washer again without cleaning products.
Tabletop mess
Most families have everything right there, usually a tabletop full of knickknacks, shopping bags, school supplies, and more! It's simple to pile everything in one place, but it affects your home's appearance.
Put items in their places and your house will appear clean in no time. For tidy households, "a place for everything and everything in its place" applies.
Dirty cleaning tools
Do you clean your cleaning tools too? Cleaning items, like the kitchen sponge, need maintenance and replacement.
Cleaners often cross-contaminate. Would you clean your dining room with a bathroom brush? If we don't clean properly, germs in high-traffic places like bathrooms might hurt us. Sanitize and clean instruments after use to avoid COVID-19. Replace kitchen and bathroom sets regularly.
Ignoring fridge cleaning
Food may rot and contain bacteria even in a cold, dry fridge. Leftovers, overripe produce, and unsealed food packages in the fridge are health risks. Clear out old items. Monthly, clean the fridge with water and white vinegar.
We know your definition of hoarding is keeping everything to the point of being overrun, yet everyone has modest hoarding tendencies, whether they realize it or not. 
Look at your cupboards, drawers, and shelves. How many things can you claim you use every day? You probably have stuff you haven't touched in months or years. They sit in the garage or storage closet, collecting dust. We know that now is the best time to declutter and get rid of unneeded stuff.
Outside shoes indoors
A second pair of shoes or slip-ons for home can help keep the floor clean. Outdoor shoes may leave dirt on the floor and carpeting, which is unsightly and difficult to clean!
Carpet stains settling
Carpet fibres are absorbent and difficult to clean if not treated immediately. Pressing the paper towels may make the stain harder to remove. After removing most of the stain, try DIY cleaning (link).Dirt2tidy.com.au
Unmade bed
Making your bed in the morning might help you be more productive. According to some research, bedmakers sleep better, nap less, and are happier. We think it's because you crossed something off your to-do list.
Oven storage
Ovens aren't storage spaces. Make room in the kitchen for grocery overbuys. If you store unwanted dishware in the oven, you may have too many plates and pans and should declutter.
Cleaning isn't habitual
Inconsistent cleaning is the main cause of an untidy house. Oven cleaning must be done regularly to develop a habit.
We understand if your work, kids, or relationships are your top priorities right now. Pristine Home understands life's many responsibilities. Trust us for weekly or biweekly cleaning. Our reliable house cleaners clean your home to the best of their skills.
Guest Contributor: Chelsea Rogers
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How to Effectively Manage Inventory in a High SKU Warehouse?
Every warehouse has the things they need to store and organise, but some warehouses have more to store than others do.
A great number of warehouses are beginning to experience an increase in the total number of SKUs that they are required to monitor and manage. A good starting point is to invest in quality inventory shelving systems and custom fitting solutions. But is it enough? Your warehouse may be looking at a higher number of SKUs in your inventory than it ever has before as a result of factors such as the growth of e-commerce, the expansion of retail outlets into new areas of sales, and the increased demand for product storage and distribution.
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Which is something to look forward to, right? Even if it does tend to lead to bottlenecks in productivity, it is preferable to the alternative, which is running out of inventory, which can lead to you running out of business. If your warehouse has begun to deal with a larger selection of SKU counts, here are some suggestions for keeping everything organised and ensuring that everything can move freely:
Beginning with regular maintenance:
When you first got started, your warehouse may have been well-organized and productive, but even the best-laid processes have a tendency to fall apart when inventory levels start increasing. This may have been the case in your warehouse. Take a look at certain key performance indicators (KPIs), such as the average product handling time, which SKUs tend to move more quickly than others, and which daily tasks may have begun to be neglected as a result of the increase in products, and start making a "to-do" list of what to begin looking into based on your findings. If the metrics tell you that you need better inventory shelving systems and custom fitting solutions, do it!
Examine the products that have sold the most:
Having knowledge of which SKUs sell the most will have a significant impact on nearly every other facet of your inventory management strategies moving forward. Look at the numbers of sales for the products that move the most quickly through your store to get an idea of what you should put first and how to do it. Obviously, simply being aware of the sales figures is not going to be sufficient...
...and assign a priority to them:
The proper organisation of a large number of stock-keeping units (SKUs) is one of the simplest ways to bring that number under control. Once you've identified your top five to ten best-selling products, you should investigate where they are stored and how they are currently being managed, and then make adjustments as necessary. Is it situated in such a way that it can be accessed in a manner that is both easy and safe, or do you need to rearrange the shelving in your warehouse so that it can better accommodate these SKUs? Are they being stored properly, or would a different kind of shelving, such as pallet racks, be necessary to support their weight and make it possible to access them in a manner that is less hazardous? Examine your inventory shelving systems and custom fitting solutions and make certain that the products that are most in demand can be managed in the appropriate manner.
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Examine the procedures you use to count:
Your methods for tracking your inventory might require some assistance as it continues to grow in size. You should think about switching to cycle counts so that you can perform more frequent updates on inventory, particularly with products that sell out more quickly. Additionally, you should make sure that everything is checked as frequently as possible and with as few errors as your current system can manage in order to prevent additional discrepancies in the future.
Clear the way for the arrival of:
Even outside of the general storage area, a significant number of mistakes in inventory counting take place during the receiving stage of the shipping and tracking process. Do not simply assign your receiving area a minuscule office on the incorrect side of the building; instead, designate a receiving area right next to the shipping area and provide them with an ample amount of wire shelving and work surface. This will ensure that all incoming inventory is processed and tracked as accurately and correctly as is possible.
Make time in your schedule for housekeeping:
If you have a warehouse that deals in a large number of SKUs, it's a good idea to give your employees some time at the end of each shift to clean up and put everything back where it belongs. This is a good strategy for any warehouse. Stop processing orders and taking in new inventory thirty minutes before the end of each shift, and instead use that time to tend to housekeeping responsibilities that have come up during the shift. Clean up, put everything back where it belongs, and perform some last-minute counts of items that might have been moved around quite a bit during the previous shift in order to prevent further errors down the road.
These are just a few ideas to get you started; however, remember that staying proactive is important no matter what you end up doing, so keep these in mind. When it comes to large inventories, having a solid defence is much more important than having a strong offence.
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home2decor2022 · 2 years
Are you seeking for pursuing a kitchen renovation project from Modular kitchen interior designers in Raipur? The very first thing that you need to consider is creating a kitchen design. The reason behind so is to design the kitchen is not so easier. Much as possible you must hit a balance between functionality and aesthetics. While you want your kitchen to look tempting visually to boost the appetite. Also, you would like to ensure that it’s advantageous for food preparation and for cooking. When it comes to planning the kitchen design, here are several aspects that you must consider compulsorily-
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1- Layout-The preliminary step that you must take when it comes to designing the kitchen interior is the layout. It entails where to place the main parts and components into the kitchen like- countertop, chairs & tables, kitchen sink, refrigerator, and so on. Ensure that the whole layout seems to be well structured and streamlined. There is no need to have the layout cluttered and must ensure that everything is in a well-defined manner. By doing so you will ensure yourself greater efficiency and functionality of the kitchen construction.
2- Storage-The next comes is kitchen storage plays a crucial role. As many kitchenware involved and food items to be stored, you must use and make ample area. For example, you must consider having more drawers, overhead cabinets, shelves in appropriate proportions for your kitchen. When coming to the storage, your aim is to eliminate the clutter there in the kitchen. Also, you want to foster a safe atmosphere that’s right for the preparation of food and for cooking.
3- Lighting-Remember that kitchen lighting shouldn’t be avoided. The reason is that kitchen lighting created an amazingly perfect ambiance for your kitchen. With the appropriate lighting, it will set your mood in the kitchen. Aside from this, the ranges of lighting sources in your kitchen will assist you to cook food ensuring full safety. There are different light alternatives available that you need to consider for your kitchen design. For example, you can incorporate ambient lighting for the whole room or can add accessories for the enhancement of the light.
4- Flooring-Also kitchen flooring is an essential part that you should look at priority. The reason is that improper flooring may compromise the safety of the household wholly. You may go for safer and lighter sort of flooring items. The light material may create a light and airy space for the kitchen. They will let you see probable hazards and spills onto the floor. When it comes to food cooking, safety should at the top priority.
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5- Ventilation-When you design the kitchen interior you must consider another important aspect that is ventilation. The proper ventilation makes sure to have proper airflow into your kitchen. It’s important when you prepare or cook food and is more important when coming to maintaining the smell. Of course, you don’t want cooked food smell to be there in the kitchen for so long. You may choose a quality range of lid with a powerful extractor for the ventilation in your kitchen. If you have no much idea how you can provide proper ventilation to the kitchen you may leave this to your chosen Modular kitchen interior designers in Raipur
6- Corners and doors-The corners and doors always don’t go together. The classic kitchen mistake is to put the kitchen cabinet into the corner and it, therefore, doesn’t open up properly. At the time of installing the kitchen cabinet, you must compulsorily consider the direction in which it gets opened up. And the same thing is applicable to the drawers as well. That’s the reason why the expert keeps an eye on such a thing. And Modular kitchen interior designers in Raipur very well about all the mistakes that need to be ignored at the time of kitchen designing.
7- Budget-The last and another important aspect must be considered equally is budget. After all, everything depends on the financial plan. Without money, none is there to get the kitchen designed for you for free. You must know how much you can spend and what’s the cost estimation from the designer’s side. Compare very well and try settling with the one you feel worth you as you cannot exceed budget limit nor you can compromise with quality. Above These are the important factors you can consider when coming to kitchen interior designing.
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tokensbossh · 2 years
iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone Pro Max - All the Details So Far
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You will find all iPhone 14 Pro rumors and leaks in one place. iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max will be the most expensive iPhone models, and all the details are starting to become clear. Thanks to the leaks to date, it is now largely certain that Apple will launch four different iPhone models this year. These four models that Apple will launch in September: iPhone 14, 14 Pro, 14 Max and 14 Pro Max. Although every new iPhone released in our country is much more expensive than the previous one due to the increasing exchange rates, there are no major changes in iPhone prices in the USA. Or at least it didn't happen until now. However, the recent emergence of inflation in the USA seems to cause iPhone prices to increase more than usual. So much so that according to the latest news, the iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max will be the most expensive iPhone models to date.
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According to new leaked information, the iPhone 14 Pro will take its place on the shelves with prices starting from $ 1099. This means that the new model will be $100 more expensive than last year's iPhone 13 Pro. However, the iPhone 13s released last year were offered for sale at the same price as the previous year's models. Moreover, the 14 Pro Max will be even more expensive. The 128GB version of the phone is said to be available with prices starting from $1199. If these claims are true, the 14 Pro Max will be the most expensive iPhone in history. Because the price of the version with the top RAM and storage of the phone can reach $ 1699.
Apple iPhone 14 Pro camera
Ming-Chi Kuo has published his latest analysis of the Apple supply chain situation. According to the report, the A16 processor will be exclusive to iPhone 14 Pro and 14 Pro Max phones only. According to the report, Apple will increase the ratio of non-flagship chips to non-flagship chips to 60%. This means that the company expects to sell more iPhone 14 Pro units and will adapt its marketing strategies accordingly. It's also likely that the iPhone 14 duo will become a second priority. Thanks to the increased rate, component suppliers are also expected to see annual growth. Sony, Largan and LG Innotek are likely to generate 20-30% more revenue compared to last year's orders. Kuo also stated that Sony (sensor manufacturer) and LG Innotek (color correction matrix manufacturer) products will only appear on iPhone 14 Pro devices, meaning the iPhone 14 will not receive the promised camera update. This may have been a small disappointment for those who are eagerly waiting for Apple's new devices. Because when the technology giant presented the 13 series last year, expectations fell a little. The technology giant will introduce the iPhone 14 series this fall. We can say that the full features of the series, which is expected to appear with a salty amount in terms of price, will also become clear at the said launch. Apple's iPhone 14 Pro is set to be the telephone that could stir up the iPhone territory by possibly getting a remarkably unique plan from the iPhone 13 Pro. Up to this point the bits of hearsay have indicated everything from the demise of the score to the arrival of Touch ID.
iPhone 14 Pro reputed delivery date and cost
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Going by every one of the tales up to this point, we figure September 13 will be the day for kickoff for the iPhone 14 territory. From that point forward, we can expect pre-orders of the iPhone 14 territory to go experience the Friday after the Apple occasion, September 16, with the telephones being delivered seven days after the fact, possible on Friday September 23. This would be 10 days after the reputed Apple occasion. Fairly dependable leaker LeaksApplePro has guaranteed three of the four iPhone 14 models are tipped at a cost climb, however it's most certainly only gossip. Notwithstanding, it's talk a many individuals are becoming involved with, as an ensuing report likewise guarantees an iPhone 14 Pro cost climb is underway. In view of these reports, the iPhone 14 Pro would begin at $1,099, which is a $100 climb more than the $999 iPhone 13 Pro. What's more, the iPhone 14 Pro Max might see a comparative $100 increment, hitting $1,199. This somewhat critical jump in send off cost would positively sting the wallet of anybody expecting to score a very good quality cutting edge iPhone 14. Do likewise look at our initial glance at the iPhone 14 versus iPhone 14 Pro to perceive how the Pro setup will vary from the standard iPhone — and perhaps legitimize that greater cost. Moreover, when another iPhone shows up it frequently spells almost certain doom for the line for more seasoned iPhones, with the iPhone 13 scaled down seeming to be the possible telephone to get cut from Apple's cell phone arrangement. As such we've dove into which iPhones could be stopped when the iPhone 14 send-offs.
iPhone 14 Pro plan
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Insider Jon Prosser has displayed a set-up of renders evidently founded on spilled data, which uncover conceivable large changes for the iPhone 14 Pro. Prosser's renders show a triplet of cameras flush with the iPhone 14 Pro's back. In any case, assuming that sounds decent, you may be disheartened by some opponent schematics that show the iPhone 14 Pro models seeming to be their iPhone 13 partners. The raised camera exhibit is back, and, surprisingly, greater on the iPhone 14 Pro; the new telephones are likewise reputed to be 0.2mm thicker than the iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max Different reports additionally have the back camera module tipped to get greater. The justification for this as per dependable Apple investigator Ming-Chi Kuo is that a bigger module is expected to house a 48MP camera. Thus, one more break guarantees the edges of the iPhone 14 Pro (however not the Pro Max) will get rounder to all the more likely match the bended corners of the new module. Maybe the most remarkable reputed plan change for the iPhone 14 Pro is the evacuation of the now notorious presentation indent. Show expert Ross Young anticipates that Apple should offer a pill-molded pattern for Face ID alongside a poke hole, so there would be two patterns. This plan is currently apparently secured by reports from EverythingApplePro. A supposed schematic from a leaker on Weibo showcases what an indent free iPhone 14 Pro plan could seem to be. However, we don't know this would be an improvement over the indent. These bits of hearsay were given more trustworthiness with what has all the earmarks of being a spilled inventory network photograph flaunting the presentation boards for each of the four iPhone 14 models. While the patterns is by all accounts occurring for the iPhone 14 Pro models, the standard iPhone should stand by one more year before it gets an indent less presentation, as indicated by bits of gossip. That ought to additional lift the allure of going star with the following iPhone. One more set-up of CAD renders have given us one more taste of what the iPhone 14 Pro could resemble with an indent less plan. The to some degree lopsided look appears rather un-Apple yet it's most certainly particular. Our best gander at what all the plan switches add around to should be visible in some iPhone 14 models posted by Alibaba and shared by Macotakara. On account of the iPhone 14 models, you not just see the two patterns on the front showcase, however the bigger camera module — Macotakara reports that iPhone 13 Pro cases won't fit the iPhone 14 Pro due to that greater module. There were a few early reports that Touch ID could make a return as an under-show unique mark scanner. Nonetheless, the jury is still out on how likely this is. Expert Ming Chi-Kuo figures that there will not be an iPhone with Touch ID, or under-show Face ID, for an additional couple of years. This would have been really frustrating, as during these veil wearing times, having a choice to Face ID is exceptionally convenient. However, with iOS 15.4, Apple has made it so that Face ID can perceive a genuine client in any event, when they are wearing a cover. it functions admirably, meaning Apple might have avoided the requirement for finger impression driven biometrics. We've just had one hole address the variety choices for the iPhone 14 Pro. A Chinese leaker guaranteed that close by the recognizable Graphite, Silver and Gold Pro iPhone tones, the new choice during the current year would be a dull purple. You can see that beneath in one more arrangement of renders, these ones coming from craftsman Souta(opens in new tab). In May, MacRumors(opens in new tab) summed up the situation with iPhone 14 variety tales hitherto, with the expansion of the purple choice the most extreme change. In any case, the report has the dark, white, blue and Red choices that make up the ongoing iPhone 13 and iPhone 13 areas. (Note that Apple has begun referring to its highly contrasting telephones as "12 PM" and "Starlight," individually.) The pink and green varieties would be dropped this time around. With respect to the iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max, the new purple shade would join silver, gold and graphite as the revealed variety choices. Both the Sierra Blue tone accessible since the iPhone 13 Pro's send off and the Alpine Green rendition presented in the spring would be dropped from the arrangement. Will there be a deferral for any models this year? Right now, we don't have the foggiest idea. There are tales that one model could be postponed, the iPhone 14 Max. However, we're far enough away from the delivery that things could change a considerable amount.
Anyway, what date, precisely?
Apple favors Tuesday as its greatest day for exceptional occasions, however Monday and Wednesday are not precluded. One justification behind Tuesday is the requirement for press agents to fly in from around the world. Apple generally picks the first or second seven day stretch of September, as opposed to later in the month, which provides us with a decision of two dates, Tuesday, September 6 and Tuesday, September 13. Since Monday, September 5 is Labor Day, that standards out September 6. You're expecting it's a live occasion? This is the significant inquiry. On the off chance that it's a virtual occasion, either date is conceivable, however my conjecture is that Apple will need to either have a full face to face occasion or a cross breed set-up, for example, was utilized for WWDC: a reflexive, high-creation esteem film made ahead of time yet with an in-person screening of it. This enjoys the benefit that assuming things got ugly, Covid-savvy, that the in-person component can be dropped yet there's as yet something to show the world. I accept that Apple will strain each muscle to have an in-person occasion however will have its Hollywood-blockbuster recording all set. And that implies? On the off chance that it's virtual-just, any day in the initial fourteen days is conceivable, however I'm almost certain it will be a cross breed occasion, so either Wednesday, September 7 or Tuesday, September 13 appear to be probably going to me. I'm putting my cash on Tuesday, September 13. Thusly, this implies the telephones would go marked down on Friday, September 23, 2022. What time? All things considered, I vowed to be definite. It'll be, as it forever is, at 10AM neighborhood time and, as I'm certain it'll happen in Cupertino, that is 10Am Pacific. What will it be called? Last year, there was some inquiry regarding whether Apple would call its 2022 delivery the iPhone 12s or iPhone 13. The way that Apple went straight for iPhone 13 shows to me that iPhone 14 is what we can anticipate this year. The iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max are obvious choices for the exceptional telephone, which leaves the fourth telephone. Up to this point, it's for the most part been known as the iPhone 14 Max, as it's accepted to have a 6.7-inch show, similar to the iPhone 14 Pro Max is supposed to have. However, a new report proposes that it very well may be called iPhone 14 Plus all things being equal. We'll see. More subtleties will arise, I'm certain, in the approach September, so if it's not too much trouble, return.
iPhone 14 Pro USB-C
There are bits of hearsay that recommend Apple would at last go the USB-C port course with the iPhone 14 Pro, and that would seem OK as a significant number of its gadgets as of now have USB-C network. Anyway later bits of hearsay case there Apple will stay with Lightning over USB-C yet change to refreshed Lightning ports with quicker USB 3.0 information move. That comes as the EU draws nearer to making USB-C the standard charger for versatile gadgets like the telephones. For certain individuals, USB-C on the iPhone 14 Pro would be a priority include. As a matter of fact, the Lightning connector is ostensibly the most terrible thing about the iPhone , as it can wear out over the long haul. This can make it truly challenging to charge your telephone. Tragically, Apple is probably not going to forsake Lightning except if it needs to, considering how laid out the norm, and its environment of extras as of now is. In the mean time Ming-Chi Kuo predicts that Apple will change the iPhone to USB-C, however not until late 2023. Assuming he's right — and another report in Bloomberg proposes that he is — it implies we won't be seeing an authority USB-C iPhone until the iPhone 15 shows up.
iPhone 14 Pro presentation
One of the greatest updates of the iPhone 13 Pro conveyed was a 120Hz dynamic revive rate show. Because of the utilization of a LTPO board, the screen could go from 120Hz to just 10Hz when a quick revive rate was required, and in this way that aided save money on battery duration. As per a few reports, the iPhone 14 Pro could expand upon this and scale down to just 1Hz, lessening the power channel of a presentation. Furthermore, this could empower the revealed utilization of a consistently in plain view. Long supposed to be an impending component for cutting edge iPhones, Bloomberg's Mark Gurman has guaranteed the iPhone 14 Pro will at last get a consistently in plain view and it'll be utilized to show "climate, schedules, stocks, exercises and different information" on the lock screen, with the a low revive rate helping save battery duration. The patched up iOS 16 lock screen reviewed by Apple in June appears to make way for this component. Conversely, the standard iPhone 14 models are currently tipped to get a 90Hz presentation, which would be a redesign over the 60Hz of the iPhone 13 yet not exactly up there with the Pro telephones. With respect to screen sizes, as per Ross Young, the iPhone 14 Pro could increment in size from 6.06 crawls to 6.12 inches, and the iPhone 14 Pro Max from 6.68 to 6.69 inches. This will obviously be a result of supposed slimmer bezels and new score plan.
iPhone 14 Pro specs and battery duration
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Following on from the A15 Bionic, we'd hope to see an A16 Bionic chip in the iPhone 14 Pro series, with further developed execution no matter how you look at it as per claimed benchmarks. In any case, a set-up of bits of gossip so far have the iPhone 14 tipped to stay with the A15 Bionic chip, which would make a difference between the models center specs. This would be a first for Apple as it has consistently furnished new iPhones with redesigned silicon. Ming Chi-Kuo has tossed his weight behind this chip gossip, adding that Apple intends to send more iPhone 14 Pro models than standard iPhone 14s. "The most recent A16 processor will be selective to two iPhone 14 Pro/very good quality models, altogether helping the shipment extent of new iPhone top of the line models in 2H22 to 55-60% (versus 40-half previously)," Kup wrote in a Medium(opens in new tab)(opens in new tab) post. This will probably mean Apple hangs hard in advancing the iPhone 14 Pro over the iPhone 14. The iPhone 14 Pro is probably going to offer a particular climb in processor, illustrations and brain handling execution over the A15 Bionic. How much that will be perceptible to the typical client probably won't be so clear. Capacity is probably going to go up to 1TB, however there have been no strong stockpiling bits of hearsay for the iPhone 14 Pro at this point. A source from Weibo professing to know the battery limits of the iPhone 14 family shows that all models with the exception of the iPhone 14 Pro Max will get a slight expansion in size. The 14 Pro Max is as a matter of fact contracting somewhat, yet ideally insufficient to influence the telephone's general battery duration. We'd be sure that the iPhone 14 Pro will coordinate or surpass the 11 hours and 42 minutes the iPhone 13 Pro did in our battery test, which powers the telephone to perpetually reload pages on a cell association until it kicks the bucket. The iPhone 13 Pro Max dealt with an extensive 12 hours and 16 minutes, so we'd anticipate that the iPhone 14 Pro Max should do likewise or better as Apple help chip and telephone effectiveness. With respect to 5G, we're anticipating that the iPhone 14 Pro should utilize another more modest 5G modem chip. The more modest size ought to mean it takes less ability to run, and that there could be additional space for the battery to venture into. That would mean the generally noteworthy battery duration of the iPhone 13 can be enhanced much more. Read the full article
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hanoella · 3 years
Affettuoso- With Feeling (Part 1)
Pairing: Bucky x Pianist!Reader
Set after the events of TFATWS: In an effort to start over and make a home in Louisiana, Bucky meets a friend of Sam's who ends up being his landlord. With only a driveway to separate them, he finds that he's not the only one looking for a fresh start.
Series tags/warnings: Slow Burn, Eventual Bucky x Reader, Mentions of Domestic Abuse, Canon Level Violence
Read Part 2
After everything that happened with the Flag Smashers and the GRC, Bucky thought that laying low with Sam in Louisiana was a good idea. He had been looking for a fresh start anyway. Between losing Steve and making his last amends, New York as of late had only been full of sad memories and regrets. Louisiana was so different- slower paced and fresh, no negative feelings. No feelings at all, actually. Sam was more than understanding, letting him stay with them until he found a semi-permanent place here.
Currently, Bucky was staring out the window, watching the breeze make little waves in the grass as he ate his sandwich. Sarah and the kids had gone out to the boat, making the house feel virtually abandoned. There was too much space and not enough people. For just himself, it was only a reminder that he would continue to stay as he always had- alone.
Sam walked into the kitchen where Bucky was, effectively breaking his train of thought. He raised an eyebrow at Sam’s mischievous smile- or maybe it was a regular one. He always looked like he was up to something, at least to Bucky.
“Great news,” Sam started. “I just got off the phone with a friend of mine. She’s moving down here for some work and is looking for someone to live on the property with her.”
“She?” Bucky questioned.
“Listen, I know what you’re thinking but before you say anything else, let me explain. So she already bought the house, it’s less than 10 minutes from here so you can still see us whenever you want. The property’s a couple acres so it’s got tons of space. It comes with an apartment over the shed, so you don’t have to share walls. She keeps to herself so she won’t bother you,” Sam said, counting the pros on his fingers as he talked.
“And the best part is: you don’t need to pay rent. I explained the situation, with you being a hero to the world and all, and she said as long as you can help her out with the heavy-duty stuff like taking care of the property and the occasional repair, you don’t have to worry about it.”
Bucky eyed the couch that had been his home for the past several weeks. Don’t get him wrong- being here with the boys was fun. Unfortunately though, he was still in a place in his life where he needed time to think, heal and meditate. The nightmares, although less frequent, were still occurring. Sam was always supportive, but Bucky didn’t want to keep putting him out. Sam noticed the hesitation and spoke.
“You don’t have to decide right now, but she’s moving here in a few days and could at least use some help. She said we could go look at the property now- no pressure though. You’re welcome to stay here as long as you want.”
Bucky paused a moment before nodding.
“Okay, let’s go.”
Sam turned into a dirt driveway lined with low hanging trees on one side and a field on the other. Bucky wouldn’t have even noticed it if not for the mailbox on the street.
“See, well this is perfect for you, it’s back in the cut.” Sam said.
Bucky could understand from context clues that that meant secluded. Probably.
It took a few seconds down the driveway before the trees on the left cleared and the water was visible. On the other side, there was a light green house with white trim. With the typical Southern architecture and porch, it was the picture perfect place to live. No neighbors- just trees and water.
Sam whistled as they pulled up at the end of the driveway by the house. Now that they were closer, Bucky could see the large garage on the opposite side of the driveway. It almost looked like another house but much smaller, and with a small dock in the water. The bottom floor of the garage had two large doors that opened upwards, and one regular doorway. The top floor had several windows with curtains in them, shrouding the inside. Getting out of the car, Bucky walked around the car to where Sam was opening the door to the garage.
Going in to inspect the garage, Bucky blinked to adjust to the dim light. He looked around to find several yard tools, some cans of paint on shelves, and a riding mower. On the back wall was a door. Hearing a rustle, he turned to find Sam feeling up on the highest shelf.
“Found it!” He said triumphantly, holding the key to the apartment up.
Walking over to the door on the back wall, Sam unlocked it and pulled it open. Bucky poked his head through the doorway and looked up to the staircase at his left. He turned to meet Sam’s eye, who shrugged before gesturing to Bucky to take the lead. It led up to the top floor of the garage, which was fitted with an apartment that turned out to be nicer than he thought.
It was simple but in good condition. Dark hardwood floor, white trim, pale steel blue walls. Where they had walked up was the living room. Directly across from it was a kitchen area with a veranda to walk out on. The open space then shrunk to a hallway to the left. The bathroom being the first door and a bedroom at the end of the hall. Overall, plenty of space for one person.
“I don’t know about you Buck, but this place seems perfect.” Sam said as he opened the glass sliding door to the veranda. It overlooked the undisturbed landscape, hidden from the nearby town.
“It does.” Bucky responded simply.
He took a moment to walk out onto the veranda with Sam and view the birds wading through the water.
“Well good,” Sam said with a chuckle. “This way, you can stop hitting on my sister.”
Bucky laughed and punched him in the arm. Sam feigned physical and emotional injury.
“Haha, Very funny.”
Sarah was a nice gal, but focused on her life at the moment. Sure, there had been a few sparks, but ultimately she had made it clear that her priority at the moment was her boys and her business. Bucky had been a good sport about it. It just felt good to be back in the game without it feeling forced.
Sam watched as Bucky stared out at the water before switching to a serious note.
“So… You feel like you’re ready?”
Bucky slowly nodded.
“Yeah. This is it.”
Sam smiled wide as he handed the key over and placed a hand on his shoulder.
“Welcome home.”
Bucky had very few belongings from New York that came with him. A small wooden table with chairs. A few books. A bed, a couch, a TV. There wasn’t really a whole lot that couldn’t be replaced if needed. He had been able to take the trip to and from in a few days, already moving his belongings into the apartment. The only big thing he had done was bring Steve’s old Harley out of storage. He probably should get a car at some point since it wasn’t the city anymore but he’d figure it out.
After saying goodbye to Sarah and the kids, Bucky opened the door to Sam's truck.
“Promise you’ll visit?” shouted one of the boys before clinging to him.
Bucky smiled and patted the kid on the back.
“Of course, I will.” He said, looking at the other boy before gesturing for him to join the hug.
“Uncle Buck’s not going anywhere boys,” Sam promised across the center console from the driver’s side.
Both boys eventually peeled off of Bucky’s side. He got in the truck and rolled down the window.
“Be good for your mom okay?” He said to the boys as he waved and nodded at Sarah, who smiled back as the truck started.
“Okay, bye!” They shouted until Bucky could no longer see them in side view mirror.
He really would miss those kids.
They drove in comfortable silence until they pulled up to the house where a light blue sedan was parked next to a storage pod that had been delivered. After parking by it, they exited the truck as you were stepping out of your car.
“Sam!” You exclaimed cheerfully, as you went in for a hug. He lifted you slightly off the ground and you laughed, smiling wide. Bucky stood to the side and observed the interaction, giving you a once-over. You were dressed appropriately for the work you were about to do- light-wash high-water jeans, a white t-shirt with a chest pocket, canvas shoes, and hair up in a slightly messy bun with a few gold bobby pins thrown in to hold back any loose wisps of hair.
After Sam set you down, he turned to Bucky and introduced you.
“… and we met during a charity event that Tony hosted. She offered her services free of charge to help us raise money for the VA.”
You held a hand out to Bucky.
“It’s very nice to meet you! Thanks so much for helping me move in, I really appreciate it.”
Bucky smiled lightly and nodded as he shook your hand.
“Nice to meet you too.”
You smiled and took back your hand before looking at the house.
“Shall we?” You inquired, gesturing towards the storage pod.
“Of course,” Sam replied, opening the door to the pod. As Bucky looked inside, he noted that it was mostly just boxes. The noticeable items were the same as his: the bare minimum- besides a fancy electric piano.
“How’re you gonna fill up this house with a few pieces of furniture?” Sam joked.
“Hey, it’s better than having too much stuff! Besides, don’t guys always say that women have too much stuff?” You quip back as you reach for one of the larger boxes in the pod.
“Ah-ah-ah, no you don’t,” Sam said as he intercepted you and picked up the box.
“Oh, c’mon Sam. I’ll feel bad if I make you guys do all the heavy stuff.”
“You’re not making us do anything. Besides, I’ll be fine, and the old man could use some exercise,” he said, nodding towards Bucky.
You smiled timidly at Bucky.
“I have a bad shoulder.” You explained while gripping the top of your right arm.
“I get what that feels like,” he sympathized, nodding to his metal arm.
“Ah, yes, I’m sorry, it’s not nearly as bad-”
Bucky cut you off.
“Don’t be sorry. If it’s hurting you, don’t worry about it. We can handle it.” He said gently, pausing for a moment before continuing.
“Or at least I can.”
Sam tilted his head back and feigned hurt feelings while you picked up a lamp base and shook it lightly at him.
“Does this meet your approval, Mr. Wilson?” You asked teasingly.
“Why yes, yes it does. Now come on.”
He walked into the house, you right on his heels. Bucky eyed the two of you together for a moment before picking up a few boxes himself.
A few hours later, he was sitting on the worn leather couch next to Sam while you went to get them some drinks in the kitchen. You appeared under the white trimmed archway into the living area holding three glasses.
“One sweet tea for the guest, one lemonade for my new neighbor, and a half and half for the gracious host.” You said, holding up your glass after handing the others out.
You three clinked glasses and you sunk into a sage green armchair with dark wood.
“So… how does this work?” Bucky asked, taking a sip of his drink.
“Mmm, yes.” You said, swallowing the sip you had taken.
“Uhm, basically whenever you’re not off saving the world with Captain America,” You started, smiling with pride at Sam. “If you could just make sure the grass doesn’t get too long and help me with some of the more physically demanding repairs and jobs around the house, that’d be great. Of course, that only applies if you’re here, and even then, as long as it’s not urgent, you can take your time getting around to it. Other than that, you’re free to do as you please.”
“That’s very generous of you.” He remarked.
“Well, don’t say that yet,” you said while laughing. “The property is huge so it might be more of a challenge than you think. But like I said, there’s no need to rush to anything. Besides, I should be thanking you. You’ve done a lot for the world.”
Sam interjected before Bucky could respond, which was okay because he still wasn’t used to accepting thanks instead of apologizing.
“Where’s my thank you for saving the world?”
You rolled your eyes and sarcastically rattled off a thank you. Bucky cleared his throat after a moment.
“Anything you want me to start working on?”
“Oh, please get settled in first. I have some furniture getting delivered that I might need help assembling in a few days but otherwise, there’s nothing else. If you have any expenses like paint or tools, you can just use this card and let me know.” You said, handing over a credit card.
“We should also exchange phone numbers too. What’s yours?”
Bucky stalled a moment before rattling off the numbers. It was a foreign feeling- giving out his phone number. He was most definitely having PTSD from his therapist chucking his phone at him. He watched as you typed away on your phone. Feeling his phone ping, Bucky looked at it and saw a message from an unregistered number.
“Hi, It’s me :)”
“That’s my number. Obviously.”
Bucky nodded his head in thanks while registering your number. It had been a while since he had added anyone’s number. You and Sam started talking about something else while Bucky exited back to the main list of contacts. There, your name was italicized and highlighted at the top. What a strange feeling.
Later that night, Bucky was relaxing, enjoying the peace. It was warm for autumn, and the water was reflecting the moonlight. He couldn’t sleep. Not that that was surprising. He walked out of the apartment down to the small dock to sip on a beer and celebrate his newfound independence. Sitting on the edge where his feet barely touched the water, he leaned back onto his hands and took a deep breath in.
That’s when he heard it.
Just barely, with his enhanced hearing, he could hear your crying. It was like you were wailing in pain. Not a sharp new pain, but an intense never ending one. The kind that you hear from an animal that’s been maimed- the kind you put out of their misery. Whatever you were holding in, it had been building up for an impossibly long time and finally, exhausted, you found a chance to let it out. Being able to hear it felt like a dirty invasion of privacy.
Bucky swallowed and took another deep breath before trying to focus on the sound of the wildlife around him. But it was no use. Here you were. Here he was.
No longer the only runaway seeking refuge.
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prepperjournal · 3 years
Building Your Survival Food Pantry
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When I was a child, we had a bomb shelter. My parents didn’t build it – it was there when they bought the house. But they did stock it with what they believed to be the most important survival items, should we ever get “hit.” I remember several battery-operated items – radio, flashlights, and such – and of course, clothing and bedding in a trunk. But then there were the food and drink items - our survival food pantry. There were all sorts of canned goods, of course, and large bottles of water (only glass in those days). Foods that normally came in boxes (e.g., cereal and powdered milk) were put into glass jars. Times have changed. Now that we have plastic and bagged items with long shelf lives, bomb shelter food would look very different today (except for the powdered milk, I suppose, which I always hated). And there are plenty of ways to keep food items water-proof. A nuclear event is not the only disaster for which we need to be prepared these days. Earthquakes, fires, floods, hurricanes, and tornadoes are all on the rise, as well as real threats from people both within and outside our country. Then there are blizzards, pandemics, and long-term power outages as we recently saw in Texas. And the Boy Scout motto of “Be Prepared” should still guide our preparedness. So, let’s take a look at what a survival food pantry should look like today. Whether we face a short-term or long-term disaster, it is best to plan for a long-term food and water shortage at the onset. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9J31WXxAEwY Survival Food Pantry Basics – The List - Water: It’s the “rules of threes” here. You can survive three minutes without oxygen, 3 days without water, and three months without food. If you are breathing, then water is the next priority. If you are planning a pantry for “bug-in” survival, you will want between ½ - 1 gallon of water per day, per person. This also presupposes that, if you have a means of cooking, you may use some water. And there is personal hygiene to think of too. In short, water must be your top priority. If the public water supply is disrupted, then any tap water will have to be purified once that supply is restored. A few drops of household bleach per gallon will do the trick and save you from the necessity of boiling if your power is out. If you are thinking in terms of a “bug-out” survival, water will be too heavy to carry. What you want instead is a water collection device and filters. And, if you have access to wood and bring matches, boiling water is always an option here. FIFO Can Tracker | Stores 54 cans | Rotates First in First Out | Canned Goods Organizer for Cupboard, Pantry and Cabinet | Food Storage | Organize Your Kitchen | Made in USA - Organize Your Food Pantry - Our patent designed FIFO Can Tracker keeps your kitchen organized by storing and rotating your canned goods on a First In First Out model saving you from expired food cost and waste! Designed to store cans from 4 to 15 ounces. Perfect for diced chili cans, soup cans or standard vegetable cans. Holds up to 54 cans. Perfect to organize your food storage. - Sturdy Design - Made in the USA, this product is built to last and will be a permanent solution to your kitchen organization problem. Easily connect multiple units together to expand your storage. - Easy Installation - Put together in just minutes following a simple 4 step process. - Fits on Existing Shelves - Product dimensions are 12" H x 16" W x 16" D allowing you to organize your pantry, cabinet and cupboard. - 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee - If you are not satisfied with your purchase and feel this product has not solved your pantry organization problem simply return for a full refund. $38.99 Buy on Amazon - Canned Goods: These are absolute staples if you are sheltered in place in your home. And they will provide a variety of foods so that you don’t face “food boredom.” Think in terms of canned meats, beans (a great source of protein), fish, fruits, and veggies. Variety is the key here so that you and your family members have choices. And these can be eaten without cooking. After all, your instant pot may not be an option right now. Canned soups are a great option if you buy those that are not concentrated. They can be eaten right out of the can without the need for water or cooking. Ensure you have a good rotation plan also. - Food in Jars: Here’s where the advent of plastic comes in. There’s a huge list of food and drink that now comes in plastic jars that prevent breakage and are less in weight. Think peanut butter and jelly; think bottled juices; think fruits. They, too, have long shelf lives and can provide a good variety. - Snacks: Snacks can provide a bit of a respite from the boredom that comes from lack of electricity and Wi-Fi. Crackers and chips come boxed and bagged. If humidity is an issue, then it can be stored in plastic bags. They have a long shelf-life and will not have to be “changed out” too often.  Dips are obviously out to “dress up” these items, but there are freeze-dried meats that will do, as well as peanut butter. If you can’t cook popcorn is out, but nuts are not. Stock up on a good variety. - Dried Foods: These were not around when I was a kid, but just go through any grocery store and look at all the possibilities. There are dried fruits and meats galore – everything from jerkies to fruit leather, to banana chips. Stock up on plenty of these – lightweight and nutritious. - Granola Bars: I put these in a separate category because they are a source of almost every nutrient we need – protein, carbs, a bit of fat, and even that need for something sweet. If you should have to “bug out,” they are lightweight, have a long shelf life, and can provide the energy you will need. Look for those that are high in protein – this provides long-term energy, while carbs and sugars are only for the short-term. - About that Powdered Milk: Fortunately, powdered milk now comes in cans, as opposed to those traditional boxes. You do not have to take measures to protect it from water damage. When reconstituted with water, it can be used on cereal and for cooking (e.g., mashed potatoes) if you have an alternative cooking method during power outages. If you have children who cannot tolerate the taste, then have a supply of canned chocolate or strawberry syrup to “sweeten the deal.” - Pasta, Rice, Noodles: These can be temporarily filling because of their carb content. But here’s the thing: they must be cooked, and that will require using your supply of water. If you are sheltered in place with your public water supply still available, then all is good. You can cook these up as much as you wish. But if your water supply is cut off, or you have to use alternative methods for cooking, these are probably not good options. Still, put them in your pantry on the chance that they can be prepared. - The Debate About Couscous: Yes, this is a type of pasta, made from small grains of a specific type of wheat flour. The beauty of it is that it is steamed rather than boiled and takes far less water to cook. Unlike traditional pasta, couscous cooks in about two minutes. On the other hand, it is extremely high in gluten. So, if you have family members with gluten sensitivity, it is not an option. Planning for Long-Term Survival in Place As mentioned above, your food pantry should be planned for long-term survival, even if an immediate event is only short-term. Our goal for long-term survival in place is to have those food items that: - Provide solid nutrition - Can be prepared using as little fuel and water as possible - Will be “damage-proof” - Are as compact as possible - Have a variety of flavors and consistencies, so that “food boredom” doesn’t set in Here are some things to think about as you stock that survival food pantry: - Avoid dried beans. While they are a great source of protein, they take lots of water and fuel to cook. Items like navy beans and great northern beans now come in cans. Opt for that alternative. - Water is still the highest priority. Have ½ - 1 gallon per person per day for about a month. Beyond that, you will need a water-collection device/process and water filters to purify that water. - Rely on canned goods as much as possible, but remember they have lots of sodium and sugar, so are not as healthy as other options. - Freeze-dried fruits and veggies are a must. They don’t take up much space, and they are sources of essential nutrients and antioxidants. They are also important to keep your intestinal functions operating properly. You will get the right amounts of vitamins and minerals through these freeze-dried items. - Honey has no shelf-life. It can last forever. Have lots of it to use as a sweetener, and it does come in plastic containers. - Instant oatmeal packets. Place these in plastic bags to preen water damage. They are reconstituted with a small amount of water and heat. Use honey for sweeteners. While sugar lasts forever too, it does not have the health benefits of honey and is susceptible to humidity. - A variety of oils can add “spice” and flavor to foods. And most come in plastic containers now. If you can cook, use them liberally. They are caloric heavy and can provide energy as well as better taste. - Ramen: This is a common survival food for college students on tight budgets, but there are survival benefits too. They are good sources of carbs and take only a small amount of water to cook. - Freeze-dried and dried meats: these can last over a year. - Canned tuna in oil: perfect source of protein and Omega-3. - Granola and protein bars: Perfect for snacks and well-rounded nutrition. One Keynote here: make certain that all foods that are packaged in boxes or paper-type containers are stored in water-proof packaging, such as mylar bags that are vacuum-sealed. If You have to bug out When you have to evacuate, you face unique challenges. Of course, you cannot drag jugs of water and canned goods in backpacks. A wheeled cart is certainly a short-term solution, but it will not house everything you may need for a long-term bug-out situation. Your options are limited, so focus on these items: - A water collection device and filters - Survival Matches - Flashlights with new batteries or headlamps - Fully lightweight nutrition bars and other freeze-dried items You Can do This... Planning ahead is the best scenario for survival. Water and food are key factors in that planning. Make a list of items for both short and long-term survival, get to your grocery store and other retailers with the right supplies and equipment. You can be prepared for any disaster, and that brings a lot of peace of mind. Author’s bio. Jessica Fender is a professional writer and educational blogger. Jessica enjoys sharing her ideas to make writing and learning fun. You can check her last review here. Read the full article
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weirdwurdz · 3 years
My Tiny Home
Travel is always on my mind and how best to live my life than to create a tiny home on wheels. Ideally, I will find a short bus with not too much mileage and remove the seats, floors, walls, and ceiling panels. The rewiring will need to be done to remove the alarms, speakers and lighting and add alternate lighting, stereo system, and solar paneling. The passenger heaters will then need to be removed by releasing the coolant from underneath the bus and pinching the hoses closed. Cleaning and painting the floors will be next, making sure to grind off any rust spots. If there are certain spots too weak for repair, they will need to be replaced with a fresh piece of metal. Then I will fill in the holes where the seat bolts were. Once the holes have had time to dry completely I will use oil-based paint to cover the floor. The walls and ceilings will then need to go through the same process as the floors. The windows will need to be inspected for leaks and if there is any leakage I will need to remove the old caulk and add fresh caulk around the trim. The same steps will need to be taken with the roof, making sure there are no leaks.
I will then need to replace the old insulation with newer, more efficient insulation. Not only will the walls and roof need new insulation, the floor will as well to maintain a comfortable temperature and cut down on road noise. The best option for this will be rigid foam insulation board which is load-bearing and can be installed on the floors, walls, and ceiling. The pieces of insulation on the walls will need to be surrounded by canned expanding spray foam to fill in the gaps and keep it in place. The floor insulation will need construction adhesive spread onto the bottom then seal tape will be used to cover the cracks between the individual boards. To finish the floors off I will put tongue-and-groove plywood subfloor down. To secure, I will use wood-to-metal screws which will go through the subfloor and insulation into the metal flooring of the bus below. Finally, the finish flooring will go down. Vinyl imitation-wood flooring will most likely be used but I am open to potentially using carpet or laminate depending on cost.
Now the designing begins! I will need to take exact measurements of the interior and make a scaled drawing. Then I can recreate the layout inside of the bus with painter's tape. By doing this method I can control whether certain areas feel too cramped and create alternate positioning. I plan to have a queen bed that turns into a couch at the back of the bus. My kitchen will be extremely compact with a small sink and overhead shelving. I will most likely have a small fridge and hot plate instead of a full stove. I'll have a pull-out grill at the back of the bus for the majority of cooking unless there is inclement weather. A fold down table near the bed will create a dining area with some added seating that flips out from the sides of the bus with stow away cushions. I also plan to add a wooden stove for warmth in the winter months. Lastly, the bathroom! Yes, I know, many people who do skoolie conversions either choose no bathroom or regret adding a bathroom, however it is high on my priority list as this will be my home long-term. My plan is to install a shower stall where the toilet will also be (I saw one in Japan and instantly knew it would work well in this type of environment). I will need to create the outpour spout for the waste and install a water tank. Then I will purchase a foldable bathroom tub that I can pull out and fill whenever I feel like it. The remaining areas of the bus will become storage.
Continue following along for more updates!
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nika-the-hunter · 3 years
House of Mist [Ch. 12]
Central Seattle Ruins. Pacific Northwest House Mist Territory +158 Days
 Nicole walked the short distance between the old art museum and the nearest market. Despite the heavy rainfall that drenched everything, Nicole headed down the overgrown street with a pep in her step. Her brand-new House Banner was proudly wrapped around her belt, showing where she had pledged allegiance, and Rykis had painted the House sigil onto her breastplate that morning. Also, the night before had been nice, there were no complaints from the neighbors in the morning. It was not the first time they had been together, nor would it be their last. 
As she approached the market, she saw that the House of Mist had strung up massive tarps, creating a shelter from the torrents of rain that came down over the old city. Nicole could tell the area it was in had been historical back before The Collapse; the brick buildings around her appeared far older than the steel and glass towers that surrounded the low open air market. Mist had been maintaining the area; the vegetation that had taken back almost every inch of the rest of the city had been cleared away, and the road visible enough that one could tell that this street had been paved with brick.
In the middle of the market street, House Mist had erected barricades around the hole in the road she had emerged from five months prior; but they did little to hamper the creek that flowed down the center line and into the old metro tunnels. Flanking the road on both sides, the market stalls were mostly all situated beneath the building's overhang. The architectural term that described the structure had randomly appeared in her memory after giving it a curious glance... It was an arcade, a covered walkway with a bunch of stalls. 
The distinct lack of any real memory, but still being able to remember what things are, had consistently been disorienting. However, since the discovery of her cause of death had yielded no answers, there was nothing that could be done. It might even just be her Ghost beaming definitions and words directly into her mind without telling her. Maybe it was the Great Machine itself providing guidance on a whim. 
Nicole walked through the market for the first time, and with the intent to actually buy something as well. Her Ghost had been stockpiling Glimmer on almost every outing they had been on; the strange glowing chunks seemed to just fall out of the pockets of the House Devils’ Eliksni whenever they went down. It was supposedly valuable stuff.
There were plenty of stalls selling old Human technology, but she was interested in some home-grown Eliksni gear. As she stood, without a ship, her Ghost was just about out of storage space in the weird digital realm that existed in her so-called 'backpack'. She needed one of those spheres that Rykis had.
Nicole window shopped for a bit, glancing through the various stalls, and still not finding anything she was looking for. Eventually, she approached an Eliksni sitting at a table near a pillar towards the outside of the market. A sign on the table said Information in English and scrawled beneath it were the words: I speak Human.
"Excuse me." She addressed the Eliksni in their own language. "Is there somewhere where I can buy some of your equipment? All that I see here is old Human salvage."
The Vandal glanced up at her. Their gaze going up and down over her armor. "Mm, you're that Guardian Viraks was talking about, aren't you? You speak well. If you are looking for our things, there are shops down below. Just follow the signs."
She looked back and could not spot the difference between a sign naming a shop to one giving directions. Bringing her attention back to the Vandal, "I don't yet have a good grasp on reading your language yet."
"Oh, well that sign there." They pointed off towards a sign with a few small arrows pointing every which way. "The bottom entry leads to a shop that might help. It's down the stairs."
"Okay, thanks for the help." She grabbed a small cube of Glimmer from a belt pouch and set it on the table. She was not sure if that was what she was supposed to do, but the Eliksni took the cube and pocketed it with a nod.
She headed down the stairs, going deeper into the old structure, and the building got stranger the further she went. The layout was almost organic with twisted side passages and walls. Old, abandoned shops occupied small nooks and crannies; most were truly original installations with their contents looted and shelves long emptied in the past. She guessed that not much down there was actually used by the Eliksni in the present day. Once Nicole passed through another doorway, she found an area that was much better lit. Big open windows lined the passage, looking west through an active shop and overlooking the former bay and crashed Ketch that sat in its salty water.
The shop she found was large, occupying three of the original suites on the west side of the floor. There were tables upon tables of Eliksni goods and technology. And she was not the only one there to shop. A group of young Eliksni were browsing the selection with bags of scrap, likely to trade with.
There were a few of the flying machines they called Shanks hovering around near the ceiling. They seemed to be keeping watch over everything.
Nicole walked into the shop and scanned across the tables. Her earpiece crackled slightly as her Ghost spoke into her ear. "Hey, need another eye?"
Glancing across the many tables and variety of pieces before her, she nodded. "Yeah, you'd know best what's compatible with my backpack thing."
Without a reply, her Ghost appeared with a flash of his trademark light. The Eliksni younglings seemed surprised at her Ghosts' existence. They chittered to one another in hushed voices Nicole could not understand. Ghost went right to work at scanning over every bit of machinery on the table, while Nicole broke off to wander the shelves.
She was finding that not being able to read the language was quite the hindrance lately. Many of the parts were labeled and she had no idea what they were. There were plenty of portable lights around shelves she was at, but those were the only things she recognized.
Getting reading and writing lessons from Rykis would be her next priority.
Across the shop, her Ghost let out an excited beep. "Found one!"
She turned around and headed back towards his position. Sitting on the shelf behind a few pieces of armor was a cluster of spheres in a variety of sizes. The largest was about twice the size of her fist. Nicole plucked one of the machines off the shelf, it fit nicely into her palm. "Will this one work for what we need it for?"
His eye gave a nod. "Yes, Nicole. We should be able to store pretty much anything besides a vehicle for the time being."
"Great, now... just to find the one who runs the shop." She headed up to the front of the shop and looked around for an Eliksni in charge. There were plenty of others here, but none seemed to fit.
One of the Shanks descended from the ceiling and approached her. This model was unarmed and where the gun would usually be was a container. A speaker on it snapped on and it spoke. "Ah the Niakin. Looking to trade for that now?" The voice sounded old and gravelly. Then the lid on the container opened “What have you got?"
She looked the Shank up and down. “Do I just put it in the box?”
“Let me get a look at it first.” The Shank tilted down to get a look at whatever Nicole was planning to give him.
Reaching into one of her belt pouches, she retrieved a solid chunk of Glimmer about the size of her hand and showed it to the drone’s camera. “Five of these?” If her math was right, compared to what she spent on that wood sheet a few months ago, this was an exceptionally large sum. Close to thirteen thousand units of the stuff. The rest was stored in her Ghost.
The Shank sat there for a moment, and its camera sensors blinked. She could hear the small servos inside whine and adjust for a moment. “Mmm that is fair. Not much for haggling are you Niakin?” They trailed off into a laugh. “Just deposit your Glimmer into the box, and I’ll process the trade.” Nicole nodded, getting curious as to what Niakin actually meant, and placed all the Glimmer she had into the box beneath the Shank. Her Ghost floated over and spawned some more to match the amount agreed upon. With the box filled, the Shank flew off and disappeared into a vent embedded high on the wall.
Another Shank with a different object where its gun should be descended from the ceiling. The shopkeeper's voice extended from the new Shank, and a small actuator extended a sticky slip of paper with a few small Eliksni glyphs on it, “Take this and place it on the sphere. It shows that you legally purchased it from my shop. None of the security of the market will bother you if they see it.”
She took the sticker and applied it across the side of the machine in plain view. "Thank you, I'll be back here in the future for sure."
"Sure thing, Niakin. Good trading with you." The Shank zipped back up to the ceiling, leaving her just as confused as to the meaning of the name with no time to ask about it.
Nicole glanced up at the cluster of Shanks and shook her head. Whoever ran this shop was strange. But she had what she was looking for and she placed it into the pouch that had once contained the glimmer. Heading out of the shop, she headed back towards the stairs. "So how long do you think that it'll take for you to integrate the device?" Nicole asked her Ghost, who had remained in her orbit.
"Not long, do you want me to work on it now?" He blinked his eye and flew closer to her hip.
"Mm, maybe later. Once we're out of the market for sure."
The stairs up to street level were different from the set that she used to get down into the lower market. She was now on the other end of the street from where she went in, on the other side of the hole she had emerged from when she was rezzed.
There was a group of Humans bartering with Some Eliksni at a cart across from the market. From the look of it, it was the Humans that were the people doing the selling. She approached when the Eliksni group had finished up their trades and left the cart. Colorful fruits and vegetables were piled high in wooden crates, all of which she knew of only in the vague shadow memories of words, and none of which she had seen since she had been resurrected.
“Hey, good morning Guardian!” The man at the cart gave her a wave. “Looking for some fresh produce?”
Nicole looked over all the crates with all the greens, yellows, oranges, and even purples. “I don’t know, where did this come from?”
“Oh, those ancient greenhouses up by the old university have really held up through all the shit.” He picked up one of the oranges. “My family has been tending to the site since The Collapse wiped out most of the local farms.” “I see... how much for... do you have a box with some of everything in it? I’ve not had any before and I want to give it a try.”
He gave her a nod. “Yeah sure. I can have Sam whip up an assorted crate for you. What do you have to trade for it?”
“I have some Glimmer, name a price.” Nicole returned the nod. The guy looked back at the other person behind the cart, Sam probably, and exchanged a few words. He picked up a crate they had been working on and set it before Nicole. “Ah, probably a hundred units.”
Since her pockets were empty, she looked up at her Ghost and gave him a small nod. He flew over and spawned a large chunk of Glimmer on the table they had extending from their cart. “That should be a hundred.” Nicole leaned down and picked up the crate.
“Sounds good,” he picked up the Glimmer and placed it in a machine. He was satisfied with whatever the machine displayed and smiled. “We’re headed up to Fort Discovery later. Been there yet?”
“Yes actually, I was just there yesterday.” Nicole readjusted the grip she had on the crate. It was not that heavy, just a bit awkward to carry. Her mind wandered ahead, plotting the best route back to the museum.
“Ah alright, I figure I’ll hear all about it from Athena when we get up there." He shrugged. "If you need more produce, we set up here almost every other day."
"I'll try a bunch and see what I like. Then we will go from there." Nicole gave a goodbye nod and headed off back to the museum.
Leaving the market, she left the safety of the tarps and stepped back out into the downpour. The path south was dark and grey, and the sunlight that made it through the clouds was diffused and dim. It was also still morning, so it was mostly blocked by the ancient skyscrapers.
Nicole left her hood down despite the rain drenching her hair and face. It felt good, it made her feel alive. Surrounded by bright green ferns and trees that stood out even in the dim rainy morning.
With a shove of her shoulder, Nicole pushed through the museum's double doors and raced up the stairs to Rykis' space. She dropped the crate just inside the work area and took a look around. Rykis had gone back inside his home pod and was asleep on his bed. They had been up late the night before, and the morning had started early.
She placed the sphere machine she had purchased outside on the worktable for her ghost to work on and headed back into the pod.
Unclipping her armor's straps, Nicole stripped down to her underclothes and slipped into the cocoon of warm blankets that surrounded Rykis. She wrapped an arm around him and nuzzled his shoulder. She was happy, things were looking up compared to the last five months under Acskis' scrutiny.
Maybe now she should go see other parts of Mist's territory, like that one Baron asked.
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Bad habits that are making your home messy
Certain habits are hard to overcome, and when it comes to cleaning, we may have caused the mess! Don't worry, you're not alone; we've included some typical poor cleaning behaviors below to help you get rid of them, Bad cleaning habits are the breeding grounds for pests in a messy home.
Reusing your kitchen sponge
When did you last buy kitchen sink sponges? Last month? 6-months-ago? Many assume sponges become clean by using soap. Sponge bacteria multiply, so this myth may really hurt you. Germs thrive under continual wetness. Replace kitchen sponges every three weeks to wash the dirty dishes.
Leaving clothing in the washing machine
Laundry is undoubtedly one of your least favourite duties, and we bet you leave your clothing in the washer longer than you should.
Putting them in for too long might cause the garments to smell bad and need rewashing. Moisture just like sponges! When moist clothing is allowed to dry in a confined location, you must run the washer again without cleaning products.
Tabletop mess
Most families have everything right there, usually a tabletop full of knickknacks, shopping bags, school supplies, and more! It's simple to pile everything in one place, but it affects your home's appearance.
Put items in their places and your house will appear clean in no time. For tidy households, "a place for everything and everything in its place" applies.
Dirty cleaning tools
Do you clean your cleaning tools too? Cleaning items, like the kitchen sponge, need maintenance and replacement.
Cleaners often cross-contaminate. Would you clean your dining room with a bathroom brush? If we don't clean properly, germs in high-traffic places like bathrooms might hurt us. Sanitize and clean instruments after use to avoid COVID-19. Replace kitchen and bathroom sets regularly.
Ignoring fridge cleaning
Food may rot and contain bacteria even in a cold, dry fridge. Leftovers, overripe produce, and unsealed food packages in the fridge are health risks. Clear out old items. Monthly, clean the fridge with water and white vinegar.
We know your definition of hoarding is keeping everything to the point of being overrun, yet everyone has modest hoarding tendencies, whether they realize it or not. 
Look at your cupboards, drawers, and shelves. How many things can you claim you use every day? You probably have stuff you haven't touched in months or years. They sit in the garage or storage closet, collecting dust. We know that now is the best time to declutter and get rid of unneeded stuff.
Outside shoes indoors
A second pair of shoes or slip-ons for home can help keep the floor clean. Outdoor shoes may leave dirt on the floor and carpeting, which is unsightly and difficult to clean!
Carpet stains settling
Carpet fibres are absorbent and difficult to clean if not treated immediately. Pressing the paper towels may make the stain harder to remove. After removing most of the stain, try DIY cleaning (link).Dirt2tidy.com.au
Unmade bed
Making your bed in the morning might help you be more productive. According to some research, bedmakers sleep better, nap less, and are happier. We think it's because you crossed something off your to-do list.
Oven storage
Ovens aren't storage spaces. Make room in the kitchen for grocery overbuys. If you store unwanted dishware in the oven, you may have too many plates and pans and should declutter.
Cleaning isn't habitual
Inconsistent cleaning is the main cause of an untidy house. Oven cleaning must be done regularly to develop a habit.
We understand if your work, kids, or relationships are your top priorities right now. Pristine Home understands life's many responsibilities. Trust us for weekly or biweekly cleaning. Our reliable house cleaners clean your home to the best of their skills.
Guest Contributor: Chelsea Rogers
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