#These guys run around like my lil caterpillars
duskffyart · 2 years
To whoever gifted me 24 hours of crabs, please know I love you
These guys are amazing sjgsjfajafjfajfa
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kaaytea · 4 years
HI 🖐🏽 I read some of your work and it's so good. I love it. Especially 'Oikawa with braces' UwU and 'Getting rid of bugs for you' that was my fav reminded me of when I had a run in with a bunch of cockroaches at 3AM 😅😂 Would you mind doing a 2nd part for it with Kuroo , Oikawa , Terushima and Yaku THANK YOU 💖
Hello anon! Thank you for the kind words, I had the dumbest smile on my face reading this 🥺 Bro I feel you on the roach thing, I've had my fair share of roach encounters..it's not fun😔 thank you for requesting, I had a blast writing this!
Getting rid of bugs for you pt.2
⤷Includes: Kuroo, Oikawa, Yaku, and Terushima
Warnings: Roaches, centipedes, wasps, and crickets
He's so smug about it
"oh you want me to get rid of this bug? Give me a kiss first"
If he can actually tell that you're really shaken up tho he's very serious about it
He hates seeing you scared, it just doesn't sit well with him
He'll probably requests a kiss after he gets rid of the bug tho
It was a cool summer evening, Kuroo was in the kitchen starting to cook dinner and you were lounging on the couch with a novel
You were just about to flip the page when something landed on the book
So uh big wasp, that will probably get angry if you try to kill it, is crawling around towards your hand
Great......just peachy
Thank God Kuroo was In the kitchen bc he probably wouldn't have heard you whimper out his name if he was anywhere else in the apartment
"What's wrong, (y/n)?"
"help me....please"
Ah...now he understands
He grabs a glass from one of the cupboards and swiftly makes his way over to you
He's VERY careful when trapping the wasp bc that last thing he wants is for you to get stung
He somehow directs it to crawl on to the cover of your book and traps it under the glass. He then quickly goes to release it on the balcony of your apartment
Immediately goes to check on you. He pulls you into his chest and kisses the top of your head asking if you're alright
"You alright, Kitten? Not hurt?"
"no I'm okay. Thank you for saving me for the hundredth time"
"I'll always make time to save you.....Now, I think I deserve a kiss, I risked my life to save you from that wasp."
Yaku's a bad bitch nothing scares this guy
Will always get rid of bugs for you no matter the size
He likes feeling needed and LOVES protecting you; you are his baby and he'd do anything for you 💖
If you text him saying there's a bug in the house he will actually drive home and leave what ever he's doing to come save you
You had just finished washing your face and went to reach for the small towel that was hap hazardously tossed on to the bathroom counter
As you lifted the towel a large roach scUttLeD from under it
You let out the loudest shriek, dropped the towel and bOoKeD it out of the bathroom
Yaku was already running to find you when he heard you scream so he entered your bedroom just as you slammed the attached bathrooms door closed
He was really worried so he was in front of you in seconds grabbing on to your hands and asking what was wrong
"shhhh calm down calm down, what's wrong?"
"There's a roach in the bathroom!"
Ok so there's a roach locked in the bathroom
This is new
He peeked into the bathroom and yep you weren't kidding, there was the roach sitting in the sink
Damn it is pretty big
Yaku didn't really know what to do. He was kinda iffy about killing the roach bc he didn't want to deal with..Uh.....cleaning the remnants of it, but what would he do with it after he trapped it? Where do you take a live roach?
He decided to just kill it, carrying a live roach around the apartment would send you into cardiac arrest
One good thwack! Later and thoroughly washing his hands in an attempt to get rid of that creepy crawly feeling, the bathroom was officially Roach free
You really snuggled up to him after the roach fiasco, giving him a tight hug and a kiss
"Thank you so much Mori, you're the best!"
"Anything for you :) 💖"
Ok so Oiks doesn't despise bugs, he's best friends with Iwa so he's seen his fair share of giant beetles and caterpillars, but he's not completely comfortable around them
If it's a tiny spider? Sure he's got this, just get him a paper towel
But if it's big? Yeah no he's just as freaked out as you are
He masks it very well tho
On the outside he's all: "don't worry babe I've got this, let your big, strong boyfriend handle it 😌✨"
But on the inside he's like: "oh fUck it's huge! Ah um ok... This is fine...wHy iS iT mOvInG sO fAsT?! Don't touch me don't touch me don't touch me!"
Looks cool, calm, and collected but is an actual disaster
You were tidying up your bedroom, nothing too fancy just putting away some clothes, dusting here and there
You were just about to go celebrate your hard work with some ice cream and your favorite movie when you spotted a hair tie on the floor
Huh....How did you miss that?
You were jUst about to pick it up when you realized something
Hair ties don't have legs
Apparently the centipede didn't like you much as it started rUnnInG out of the bedroom and into the living room
You followed it so you could see where it was going
That's when your wonderful boyfriend came home 🥰
"Tooru! Get it, quickly!"
"what am I doing?"
He kinda panicked bc you were yelling at him and you were scared and wOW does that thing have a lot of leggys!
He slipped off the shoes he was wearing and just yEETED one at the bug boi
The both of you were just kinda staring at the shoe like 🧍
You turned to go thank him for dEmOlishing the centipede but stopped when you saw that pout on his face
"What's wrong?"
"I just bought those shoes, now one of them is tainted with centipede bits :("
Will he laugh at you? Perhaps, but it's not to make fun of you, he just thinks you're really cute~
He’s not bothered by bugs at all, he actually thinks they’re super cool
Refuses to kill them bc, “They’re living creatures babe....plus look at how funny it walks! Why would you want to kill something this dope!”
It was movie night so you were on snack duty while Teru looked for something to watch on Netflix
you decided to just pop some popcorn and call it a job well done, plus all of the chips you had went stale bc Teru NevEr closes the bags well
You grabbed a bowl and threw some popcorn into the microwave 
You sat on the counter and scrolled through your phone as you waited for the microwave to go off
Did...something just move right next to you? 
Just as you glanced up you saw something jump into the bowl next to you
you were too scared to look into the bowl so you just called Teru to come investigate
“Yu?...Yuji there’s something in the kitchen!”
Teru is very used to this behavior and found it particularly amusing when you hid behind him as he stepped into the small kitchen
you watched from the entrance of the kitchen as Terushima placed a glass over what ever had jumped into the bowl
He was absolutely BEAMING as he watched the mystery creature in the bowl
“Babe come look it’s a cricket!” 
 “What? are you crazy? I’m not going anywhere near that thing!”
“But its soo cool! You have to come look at how high it can jump, this lil guy has mad hops” 
“I don’t care if it can jump to the fUcKing moon and back, just get it out of the kitchen!”
:(( ok he’ll get rid of the cricket, he really thinks you’re missing out tho
He lets the bug go outside and comes back to find you vigorously washing the bowl it had jumped into 
 He chuckles at your paranoia and goes to give you a back hug, pressing a kiss to your neck as his arms wrap around your waist 
you really were adorable to him 
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i8jisoo · 4 years
𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐘 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒 ⇉ stray kids & nicknames
skz x reader | reactions
↬ genre; fluff
↬ warnings; nothing
↬ notes; i thought this was rly cute idea anyways
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personally, you two would probably only use these alone but there would be your slip ups where you used the nicknames around each-other. i honestly see you calling him like either channie or roo, but he’d probably call you the standard names like baby or babe, but also like i somehow see him calling you like little joey strangely enough?
he’ll come back home and just go, “i’m back babe!” or he’ll have you coming to the studio and be like, “there’s my little joey!” 
in your case you would probably use these while you two are on the sofa cuddling, bored out of your minds, and you’d just be like, “channie, what do you wanna do today?” or if bangchan is upset or stressed, you would just run your hand over his hair or leg, just like, “roo, what’s wrong?” 
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i sorta imagine you using nicknames more than him, which he really enjoys but nicknames just can’t seem to fall from his lips as often as you let out. i feel like he prefers just using your name or sometimes — rarely — calls you kitty. your nicknames could range anywhere from honey or catty. catty will only come out if he’s acting like a baby or you are returning his nickname for you.
minho will be laying in bed, bundled up while looking at his phone, giving you a huff as you were still drying your hair. “kitty!! come to bed.” he’d whine, your lips perking up into a smile. you’d turn around so quickly, dropping your towel for your hair. 
“catty!! i’m here!!” you’d shout, joining him in bed with soaking wet hair.
or you two would be together, at a dinner with the rest of the boys and you’d let the words slip. “honey!! he’s asking you a question!” minho getting so flustered and just everybody going crazy at your nickname, “y/n..” 
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he loves it 100%. he is nott afraid to let you use any nicknames for him and he’s not afraid to use any for you. names like binnie and baby-boy especially he melts at, this man is weak at the knees when you say those names. he might call you angel or poppet, he learned how to say poppet and it was set as your contact name everywhere. 
one day the boys would all be together, sitting for a break in the practice room. “hey who’s pop... pet?” jisung would question, looking over changbin’s phone. changbin would reach for his phone so quickly, going into text back to you. 
6:43 - poppet    what should i make for dinner binnie!!
6:45 -  baby-boy      just get takeout angel
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he doesn’t mind these names being used, usually liking it and just going with it whenever you decide to call him princess or sweetie. princess is definitely used during private intimate moments, whether it be lewd or just you two lying together, you’ll call him princess. i kinda have a thought of him calling you sweetheart or bug, like a tiny bug - definitely not caterpillar but more ladybug in mind.
at first he was unsure about princess, but one day you just said it while you two were cuddling, feet tangled with a fuzzy blanket thrown over you both, and you just went, “princess, i love you.” he’ll just cuddle into you, turning so soft and blushy at your words, “mhm, love you too bug!” 
or if you’re around others, sweetie is the way to go. “sweetie, which one do you want?” or “sweetie, which one do you think looks better?” he’ll be like, “this one sweetheart!”, pointing at something or grabbing whatever he wanted.
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kinda thought of the names squish and little squirrel, meanwhile he might call you, petal or squirt. he thought of the turtle squirt from finding nemo everytime he saw you, so why not give you the name squirt? i think petal would be a more domestic nickname, using it around the house when he’s tired or maybe when just being around you anywhere in the house. 
the name squish really came from when you were on his lap, your hands pressed against his cheeks while he was giving you a pout. “look at my squish!” jisung’s eyes literally glimmering when he hears your nickname. “and look at my squirt!” he’d shout, mirroring your actions and squishing your face as well.
or he’ll be writing really late at night, you’re just standing at the doorway, “hey, little squirrel,” the l dragging out at the end, “you need to come to bed.” jisung sighing while turning in his chair, “but petal..” he looks at you, “no buts, you can finish in the morning you’ve been up in here for hours.” 
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i see the common lix being used, otherwise you call felix bun-bun. it came naturally, felix is your little bun-bun. his smile and freckles, with his cute lil nose just gave you the nickname bun-bun. i think felix might tend to call you chickadee or sunshine, he is with it when it comes to cute nicknames to call you. you guys will use the nicknames anywhere, i think y’all are pretty used to them so you guys may or may not have forgotten your real names. 
“lix.. m’tired..” you murmur, spreading out like a starfish in his lap. he’d pout, laughing at you. “well sunshine, it’s time for bed! no wonder why!”
felix will come up to the counter, sitting on top of it while watching you. “what’s up chickadee!” you turning and smiling at him, looking at his pajamas and slippers on his feet. “what’s up with you bun-bun, you’re up early!” his hands coming up to his face, blushing at the nickname with a big bunny smile.
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obviously you call him minnie but something about you calling him pretty boy will make him so shy. he blushes instantly at your words and turn into a mess, especially if you give him a kiss or play with his hair after. i think seungmin would call you bubby or mousey, the names rolling off his tongue naturally when he first started to call you that.
“minnie!! can you come here real quick!!” you call, he’s already out of his room and down the hallway to come to you. you’re probably on the couch and he’ll join you. “hey mousey!! what’d ya’ need?” he’d ask, cuddling into you, and just running a hand through his hair, smiling. “nothing minnie, just wanted you.”
he’ll be leading you around the store, leaning on the cart, in pajamas at two in the morning. your tired appearance contrasts his excited appearance, he’ll be standing looking at the bags of snacks in front of him before side hugging you. “bubby wake up!!” he says excitedly, way too excited at this hour. “you tire me out pretty boy.” seungmin literally beaming at your nickname, already leading you to the next aisle.
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imma start off with his, he uses this all of the time, regardless of where you two are at or how loud he says it, he calls you dummy. he’ll say it and then smile, a literal demon. he also calls you pet, for whatever reason, pet stuck with you. you call him puppy, but think of a chihuahua who doesn’t stop barking, that’s exactly what you mean. you also call him hon, giving his cheeks a little squish. 
you two will be brushing your teeth together, side by side, jeongin will have his toothbrush in his mouth. “dummy, you have toothpaste everywhere.” he says, pointing at the paste dribbling down your chin. “hon, sorry, but i hate you.” you mumbled, spitting out your toothpaste in the sink and cleaning your face. 
“pet!!” he whines, pouting at you. “puppy..!! what!!” you exclaim, pretending to be annoyed. “can you get me water?” he gives you his little sad eyes, you frowning and groaning as you got up from bed to go retrieve his request. 
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©️ skzdiors 2020 :: all rights reserved. do not repost my work on tumblr or other platforms.
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kkoongiee · 3 years
stray kids scenarios — nicknames you call eachother ‹𝟹
notes, dis was on my first blog but i decided to post it on here .. if anyone has seen this on maysdiors .. feel free to um like again, if u havent? welcome ^_^
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personally, you and chan would probably only use these alone but there would be your slip ups where you used the nicknames around each-other. i honestly see you calling him like either channie or roo, but he’d probably call you the standard names like baby or babe, but also like i somehow see him calling you like little joey strangely enough? he’ll come back home and just go, “i’m back babe!” or he’ll have you coming to the studio and be like, “there’s my little joey!” in your case you would probably use these while you two are on the sofa cuddling, bored out of your minds, and you’d just be like, “channie, what do you wanna do today?” or if bangchan is upset or stressed, you would just run your hand over his hair or leg, just like, “roo, what’s wrong?” 🥺
i sorta imagine you using nicknames more than minho, which he really enjoys but nicknames just can’t seem to fall from his lips as often as you let out. i feel like he prefers just using your name or sometimes — rarely — calls you kitty. your nicknames could range anywhere from honey or catty. catty will only come out if he’s acting like a baby or you are returning his nickname for you. minho will be laying in bed, bundled up while looking at his phone, giving you a huff as you were still drying your hair. “kitty!! come to bed.” he’d whine, your lips perking up into a smile. you’d turn around so quickly, dropping your towel for your hair. “catty!! i’m here!!” you’d shout, joining him in bed with soaking wet hair. or you two would be together, at a dinner with the rest of the boys and you’d let the words slip. “honey!! he’s asking you a question!” minho getting so flustered and just everybody going crazy at your nickname, “y/n..” 🧍🧍
changbin loves it 100%. he is nott afraid to let you use any nicknames for him and he’s not afraid to use any for you. names like binnie and baby-boy especially he melts at, this man is weak at the knees when you say those names. he might call you angel or poppet, he learned how to say poppet and it was set as your contact name everywhere. one day the boys would all be together, sitting for a break in the practice room. “hey who’s pop… pet?” jisung would question, looking over changbin’s phone. changbin would reach for his phone so quickly, going into text back to you. bye sometimes he gets a lil embarrassed 😭 binnie do love u and ur nicknames tho
hyunjin doesn’t mind these names being used, usually liking it and just going with it whenever you decide to call him princess or sweetie. princess is definitely used during private intimate moments, whether it be lewd or just you two lying together, you’ll call him princess. i kinda have a thought of him calling you sweetheart or bug, like a tiny bug - definitely not caterpillar but more ladybug in mind. at first he was unsure about princess, but one day you just said it while you two were cuddling, feet tangled with a fuzzy blanket thrown over you both, and you just went, “princess, i love you.” he’ll just cuddle into you, turning so soft and blushy at your words, “mhm, love you too bug!” or if you’re around others, sweetie is the way to go. “sweetie, which one do you want?” or “sweetie, which one do you think looks better?” he’ll be like, “this one sweetheart!”, pointing at something or grabbing whatever he wanted.
jisung kinda thought of the names squish and little squirrel, meanwhile he might call you, petal or squirt. he thought of the turtle squirt from finding nemo everytime he saw you, so why not give you the name squirt? i think petal would be a more domestic nickname, using it around the house when he’s tired or maybe when just being around you anywhere in the house. the name squish really came from when you were on his lap, your hands pressed against his cheeks while he was giving you a pout. “look at my squish!” jisung’s eyes literally glimmering when he hears your nickname. “and look at my squirt!” he’d shout, mirroring your actions and squishing your face as well. or he’ll be writing really late at night, you’re just standing at the doorway, “hey, little squirrel,” the l dragging out at the end, “you need to come to bed.” jisung sighing while turning in his chair, “but petal..” he looks at you, “no buts, you can finish in the morning you’ve been up in here for hours.”
for felix i see the common lix being used, otherwise you call felix bun-bun. it came naturally, felix is your little bun-bun. his smile and freckles, with his cute lil nose just gave you the nickname bun-bun. i think felix might tend to call you chickadee or sunshine, he is with it when it comes to cute nicknames to call you. you guys will use the nicknames anywhere, i think y’all are pretty used to them so you guys may or may not have forgotten your real names. “lix.. m’tired..” you murmur, spreading out like a starfish in his lap. he’d pout, laughing at you. “well sunshine, it’s time for bed! no wonder why!” felix will come up to the counter, sitting on top of it while watching you. “what’s up chickadee!” you turning and smiling at him, looking at his pajamas and slippers on his feet. “what’s up with you bun-bun, you’re up early!” his hands coming up to his face, blushing at the nickname with a big bunny smile.
with seungmin obviously you call him minnie but something about you calling him pretty boy will make him so shy. he blushes instantly at your words and turn into a mess, especially if you give him a kiss or play with his hair after. i think seungmin would call you bubby or mousey, the names rolling off his tongue naturally when he first started to call you that. “minnie!! can you come here real quick!!” you call, he’s already out of his room and down the hallway to come to you. you’re probably on the couch and he’ll join you. “hey mousey!! what’d ya’ need?” he’d ask, cuddling into you, and just running a hand through his hair, smiling. “nothing minnie, just wanted you.” he’ll be leading you around the store, leaning on the cart, in pajamas at two in the morning. your tired appearance contrasts his excited appearance, he’ll be standing looking at the bags of snacks in front of him before side hugging you. “bubby wake up!!” he says excitedly, way too excited at this hour. “you tire me out pretty boy.” seungmin literally beaming at your nickname, already leading you to the next aisle.
to start it off with his, jeongin uses this all of the time, regardless of where you two are at or how loud he says it, he calls you dummy. he’ll say it and then smile, a literal demon. he also calls you pet, for whatever reason, pet stuck with you. you call him puppy, but think of a chihuahua who doesn’t stop barking, that’s exactly what you mean. you also call him hon, giving his cheeks a little squish. you two will be brushing your teeth together, side by side, jeongin will have his toothbrush in his mouth. “dummy, you have toothpaste everywhere.” he says, pointing at the paste dribbling down your chin. “hon, sorry, but i hate you.” you mumbled, spitting out your toothpaste in the sink and cleaning your face. “pet!!” he whines, pouting at you. “puppy..!! what!!” you exclaim, pretending to be annoyed. “can you get me water?” he gives you his little sad eyes, you frowning and groaning as you got up from bed to go retrieve his request.
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sambergscott · 4 years
a peralta guarantee
“I promise I’ll come home safe, Ames. That’s a Peralta Guarantee.”
(missing scenes from 7x08 - amy worrying about jake)
hUge thanks to johanna for inspiring this fic and helping when i had a lil breakdown halfway through
When he approaches her desk mid-afternoon with a decaf coffee and the white chocolate chip cookies she’s been craving from the bakery across town, she knows he’s either a) broken something, b) wants something or c) has bad news. She narrows her eyes suspiciously, detecting an excited bounce in his step which can only mean it’s b and c; he wants something she’s not going to like.
“Hey, babe,” he tries to play it cool, clearing a butt-sized space on her desk on which to sit. “I come bearing gifts.”
“What do you want, Peralta?” She cuts to the chase.
“Damn it, you know me too well,” he mutters. “OK, so, here’s the thing: Doug Judy’s gettin’ married. He invited me to his Bachelor Party this weekend and I know he’s a criminal, Ames, but I really wanna go. Like, so bad. Would you be cool with that?”
She conjures up a mental pro and con list. On one hand, Doug Judy is The Pontiac Bandit, known felon, committer of God knows how many crimes, an overall bad dude. On the other, he’s Jake’s friend, singer of the smush songs CD in the glove box of their car that they always forget to take out, giver of the Le Creuset pot she adores. He’s always been nice to her and—.
“Sarge?” Gary interrupts her decision-making process with a quick question about a perp he just brought in, snapping her back to reality. She’s a Police Sergeant, her job is to serve and protect the city they call home and as much as she loves cooking her mom’s beef casserole recipe in Judy’s awesome wedding gift, she has a responsibility to bring him in.
“I’m sorry, babe. I just think it’s a bad idea.”
His face falls, his disappointment coming through loud and clear.
“What were you expecting me to say? Ignore the million arrest warrants out on this guy, many of them submitted by you, so you can drink beer and go to strip clubs?”
“You’re right,” he sighs. “You’re obviously right. Man, being good at your job sucks.”
She nods in agreement. “Remember last month when I had to shut that binder store down for running a secret drug dealing operation out back?”
“How could I forget? You cried for three days straight.”
“They had the best binder collection I’ve ever seen!”
(It was actually what was so fishy about it. In four trips to buy pregnancy binders, she hadn’t seen any of the founding members of the Brooklyn Binder Babes blog — Mary Sue, Catherine, Margaret or Jane — once. And there’s no way a stationery start-up would attract such long queues without their recommendation. It was a pretty easy solve from there).
“The point is, you can’t go to a criminal’s Bachelor Party.” She pats his hand. “You’ll just have to come maternity clothes shopping with me instead. None of my jeans fit me anymore.”
“As much as I would love to, you can take Kylie. I’m going to the party.”
“What?” She double-takes. “Jake, did you not listen to what I literally just said? We’re cops. We cannot be friends with criminals.”
“But we can be friends with informants who have helped us catch numerous, even bigger, more dangerous criminals,” he says with that look on his face, the one he gets when he finds a loophole that he can use to his advantage. She recognises it from home videos Karen has shown her where, instead of tidying his room like she asked him to, seven year old Jake shoves everything under his bed and carries on enacting a police chase with his race cars. “Captain Holt has given him immunity before, so technically I should be able to go party it up with him in Miami!”
“Wait... It’s in Miami? Miami... Florida?”
It’s a stupid question, she knows. Of course he means Miami, Florida. It’s just... they both promised on the flight home that they would never, ever go back there. After everything that happened with Figgis and not knowing if they’d ever see each other again, a statewide travel ban seemed a good way to put it all behind them, focus on all their future moments together, not on all the moments they missed.
“This isn’t like last time,” he reassures her. “It’s only for a weekend and then I’ll be coming straight home for snuggles with you and —,” he lowers his voice to a whisper because they haven’t told anyone she’s pregnant yet, “the baby.”
Her eyes fill with tears and she bites her lip so hard to stop them overflowing in front of all her uniformed officers. It’s pretty clear that he wants to go and she never wants to be one of them wives who control their husbands’ every move. All she wants is for him to be happy. And if going to Doug Judy’s Bachelor Party makes him happy, he should go, no matter how much she hates the entire state of Florida. She agrees, on one condition: “You have to text me hourly updates to let me know that you’re still alive.”
“Don’t I text you constantly anyway?”
“I guess so,” she sniffs.
He lifts her chin so she’s looking him in the eyes. “I promise I’ll come home safe, Ames. That’s a Peralta guarantee.”
“You better,” she warns, tears suddenly flowing down her face at the thought of him not coming home, not being there to watch Property Brothers with her, not raising their baby and proving to everyone what a great dad he will be.
Used to her extra strength pregnancy hormones shifting her emotions from 0 to 100 faster than John McClane can say “Yippie-Ki-Yay, motherfucker”, he pulls her into a tight hug, careful not to crush the precious cargo that is behind said mood swings.
He strokes her hair and whispers that he’ll be home before she knows it and that nothing, not even the worst state in the country, will tear him away from her.
When it’s time for him to leave, she follows him out to the street and, after a brief argument over the fact he packed his bag before he OK’ed the trip with her and another hormone-induced cry when his cab shows up, reluctantly waves goodbye.
True to his word, he texts her before the car is even out of sight. Miss you already 😘.
Her phone buzzes periodically throughout the rest of the day.
In a meeting with Holt and Terry: flying on mark cuban’s dope ass private plane!!!!! ✈️
Cooking dinner: florida is HOT (not as hot as u babe, dont worry)
Doing her crossword in bed: g’night ames, g’night baby, love u both SO MUCH
She smiles, tells him she loves him too and braces herself for the barrage of drunk texts and selfies coming her way.
Sleeping without him sucks. The bed is cold, her pregnancy pillow is not as good of a cuddle buddy and she tosses and turns all night worrying about him, where he is, what he’s doing, whether he’s safe.
Her eyes finally slip shut around 1 am when her phone buzzes. Again. And again. And again.
She tries to ignore him, bury her head under her pillow and go back to sleep, but the messages keep coming thick and fast. She groans, giving up and unlocking her phone.
There are 47 new messages from him.
Her initial annoyance at being woken up quickly disappears as she scrolls through the thread. He’s mostly sent her random, meaningless emojis and keysmashes, interspersed with the odd “I love you”, “you’re my best friend” and “I’m thinking about you” that warm her heart. He mentions something about their proposal, about crying with Doug Judy, which obviously makes her cry too.
(Dumb pregnancy hormones).
By the time she reaches the bottom, he’s sent her 10 more.
She decides for her sake — and the sake of all of her officers who would have to deal with a tired, emotional pregnant lady — to turn off her phone and reply to him in the morning.
She returns her phone to her nightstand, settles back into a comfortable position and closes her eyes.
She lies motionless for what feels like hours, unable to fall asleep. She tries the breathing technique her brother David brags about constantly, counting sheep like little Matthew, even reciting police codes like Teddy used to go to sleep after sex. Nothing works. She’s still awake.
She turns her phone back on to see what Jake’s up to now, only to see his messages ended abruptly with a caterpillar emoji over an hour ago.  
She immediately panics, dialling 911 into her phone.
Her thumb hovers over the green call button.
She’s heard thousands of crazy operator call stories, frequently reminded the general population to only call in a genuine emergency and watched the YouTube compilations for fun. She deletes the number, positive that if she told an operator her husband was missing because she hadn’t heard from him while he’s at a Bachelor Party, she’s positive she would be added to those videos.
In an attempt to stop her spiral, she contemplates the possible scenarios in which his constant texts would cease.
Scenario 1: He’s living in the moment and has put his phone away (something she has been encouraging him to do lately to reduce his screen time)
Scenario 2: He’s very drunk and has completely forgotten about his promise
Scenario 3: He used up all his battery texting her and his phone has died
Scenario 4: He’s fallen asleep (although a quick check of Trudy Judy’s insta reveals the party is very much still in full flow)
Scenario 5: Judy’s criminal buddies have killed him and thrown his body into the ocean
Once the thought pops into her head, no amount of squeezing her eyes shut will make the image go away.
Holt giving an emotional eulogy about wearing ties and being an amazing detective/genius.  
Some rookie taking over his desk.  
The sympathetic looks when she tells all the other moms in baby group that her husband died.  
Usually Jake is there to hold her when her nightmares get bad. She rolls over, expecting to see his kind eyes and soft smile, the untouched side of his bed only serving to make her cry harder.
She can’t lose him. Not yet. Not until they’re old and grey, and maybe not even then. She spent so long denying her feelings for her dorky partner, rueing every missed opportunity to be together, and when they finally, finally took the plunge, she had never been happier. She can’t lose him yet. They have so much more life left to live.
She can’t lose him because he promised her he would come home safe. He guaranteed it.
She clings onto the tiny grain of hope like one might cling onto a raft in the middle of the ocean.
He would never break a Peralta guarantee.
Her phone finally buzzes again an hour later.
From: Unknown
Ames, it’s me, Jake. Judy’s buddies found out I’m a cop + destroyed my phone. So sorry I couldn’t text before. Hope you didn’t worry too much, although I know you probably haven’t slept. You can stop worrying now. I’m safe. Love you + see you tomorrow.  
Love you too, she responds, yawning as she places the phone back on the side table.
Relieved that he’s OK, and exhausted from all the worrying, she falls into the easiest sleep she’s ever had.
Before she knows it, it’s the next afternoon, Jake’s keys are turning in the lock, he’s dropping his holdall on the floor and rushing to her side to kiss her all over her face.
“I missed you too,” she laughs, kissing him properly.
“Sorry it took so long — Doug and Trudy made me fly commercial —.”
“Don’t worry about it. You’re home now. That’s all that matters.”
“I’m never leaving you two again,” he swears.
“You’ll have to leave us eventually to go to the bathroom and stuff,” she points out, raking her fingers through the unruly curls that she so hopes their baby will inherit. “Just don’t go back there.”
A solemn understanding passes over his face and he nods. “Never again. Not even if our kid wants to go to Disney World. We’ll take them to the California one instead.”
“Smort,” she says, stealing his line and in an instant, that familiar grin is back.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
A dozen memories flood back, of oldies in short shorts and shuffleboard and Doug Judy getting away again. Of noice and smort and saying “I love you” for the very first time. Her eyes fill with tears — dumb pregnancy hormones strike again — as she buries her face in his shoulder.
“Let’s go to bed,” he whispers, pressing a kiss to the top of her head and lifting her bridal style to carry her to their room. He places her carefully onto the mattress and flops down next to her.
She snuggles into him, eyes closing once more. “Did we even get an invite to the wedding?”
“Not even close,” he sighs.
“Damn it. I would’ve loved to see that trainwreck.”
“You and me both, babe. You and me both.”
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April 9, 2021
  I laugh to myself when first opening your letter email because it feels like somehow we've unintentionally joined a 7,371 mile-away book club. I ordered When Things Fall Apart shortly after you told me about it and dove in a few weeks ago. This concept of hope precedes me and I'm curious how this idea and your thoughts on it continue to take form. I'm also curious what your days look like, the kinds of people you've met and the different perspectives you've probably been building and rebuilding since you left. That being said, I can't wait to hear more about the tidbits when you have the time and space to share them.
As for this hope debacle, my initial reaction is to agree. Yes, hoping for one's self alludes to their own unsatiated place of discontent in where they reside... but it makes me wonder if hope (or even a wish) for another could be a different debacle all together. It makes me wonder if this wish would instead hold positivity and ambition for someone else. Maybe hoping for another makes sense because you don't know the inner workings of their current state of mind so holding a space of hope for someone else, even if it's only a wish that their current state is present and well, could be inherently good. Pema Chodron doesn't talk about that (or maybe she does and I haven't gotten there yet), but I'm curious as to what her stance on having hope for someone else would be.
I keep seeing these gosh dang red cardinals. And when I say keep seeing I mean KEEP SEEING. You won't believe this but as I'm sitting in my bed writing this, feeling the warmth of the sun as it starts to sprinkle light onto the trees outside my window, a small, chirpy guy has landed right within my line of sight. I just laugh to myself again because at this point that's the only reaction that will suffice. Could it be that there's just a fuckton of cardinals around at the beginning of spring? Absolutely. But hey, this is my world to interpret.
A few weeks ago, but more specifically a week before the dress-like-a-dad birthday barbecue, I found myself continually reaching for meaning in these cardinals. Which reminds me of the Tibetan word re-dok, a combination of the words meaning hope and fear. Chodron writes "In the world of hope and fear, we always have to change the channel, change the temperature, change the music, because something is getting uneasy, something is getting restless, something is beginning to hurt, and we keep looking for alternatives." And I realized... this searching, or hoping rather,  to find meaning in one of these little red encounters all came down to restlessness. It all came down to a combination of hope for better and fear of not enough that led me to search for alternatives in the life I was living. It sent me on a mental quest for some kind of reason to make a call that I already knew my intuitive self wanted to make. I'll spare the details, but in short – I ended things with Alec. I'm not sure if I'd shared this previously but we were on that whole official, 7th-gradeesque boyfriend/girlfriend terms thing. Oof. There were cardinals left and right (one landed at my dang feet as I walked down 36th street one day I almost squeeshed the little bugger!). All the while there might not be meaning to any of it. But I think the curiosity for it, the drawing in, the reflection, the time spent pondering and all that comes with it is what makes it worth the time. In the end, all that humbo jumbo of signs and interpreting them aside, it was just me asking for my intuition to come forward. Even as I'm writing this though, I'm starting to see that hearing my intuition isn't the hardest part anymore. It's actually listening and choosing to act from it.
Since then it feels like the flood gates have opened. Or maybe they've only begun to crack at the edges, spilling water over the sides of the walls my conditioning has built around me. I guess I'll never be able to gauge the amount that feels to be transforming at the time because there always seems to be more to uncover. Either way, it looks like your birthday wish made its way here. Maybe it attached to your email and traveled through however the heck emails travel through the emailverse, but that's exactly how I spent my day – just allowing for what is. Being that it was Easter, the world around me seemed both happy and quiet all at once as folks spent time with their families and it seemed like the outside world melted away for a bit. I intentionally spent the majority of my day alone, but not lonely (because we all know those are two different concepts), walked to a park to read at sunset, then cooked my first fun meal in ages, all sparking what feels like the beginning of an internal forest fire. As simple as this day was, I hope it was an indicator of how 26 looks. I'm questioning everything these days, engulfed in a state of bringing forth new ways and letting go of old. It's exhausting or ye tang che to strip oneself of bits of an identity that my defensive parts have clung so longingly to. But it's also exciting. My yoga instructor recently said "Fear is excitement without the breath." And so I've decided to step into this next unknown chapter with excitement while gently reminding myself to breathe. I laugh in the face of danger mwahahaHA (an image of little Simba in lion king that I seldom forget).
I've laughed a lot writing this. Not in the "haha" way but in a way that feels funny in it's own right (and not only because of all the run-on sentences). Chodron has me thinking a lot about words and their definitions (because let's be honest, the English vocabulary isn't very creative) which has me thinking a lot about inventing new words. I'm searching for a word that means "to laugh at something with appreciation for materializing in spot-on alignment" This is how I laughed when I opened up Ashley's book of knots, rope dangling in hand and eager to somehow soak up the pages and regurgitate their forms with a quick over-under maneuver. In conclusion - knots are freakin hard. But I'm knot gonna stop trying (ey ey, you know the drill). Thank you for my birthday wish and thank you for my books and rope kit, I (insert new word here) at their timing and intention. You just wait, ya hear – I'm gonna be king-of-tying-knots, you-want-your-knots-tied-you-go-to-him good by the time you get back.
P.s. I attached the meditation (along with a photo of Mooji's happy lil caterpillar face) that I listened to this morning when I woke up. I'm not sure what kind of audio you have access to or if this clip will even load but heck I thought I'd give it a shot to sharing. In this mediation, Mooji talks about starting your day at 0 before you start "counting' or "bringing in the thoughts and places and others of the world. First, be with yourself and who you are before the rest rushes in." I realized that this is why I've enjoyed the mornings more than the nights these days, soaking up every ounce of the time I have before the rest of the world rushes and bringing with it waves of unknown (there's a sailing pun out there for everything isn't there?).
Sending you hugs often. I know that all of us Tom Hanks folks back home are sending our love in addition to the cheery "You've Got Mail" dings accompanied by words of support for your journey. They might get to you faster if only you were running the old bookshop across the street. Speaking of streets, if you somehow get an address let us know.
  Hailey B.
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shaekingshitup · 5 years
A/N: EEEPP. This is my first attempt at a reader insert. Reader is always gonna be black. I missed a many of days. Here is the day 3 prompt because I liked this idea! Kind of based off my favorite coffee shop. Maybe I’ll do more for this lil story? 💁🏿 The chime for the door is literally from this song here. 
Summary: Reader goes back home to open a coffee shop and meets a man that stirs some things in her. 
“I love the concept,” you commented, “ I know we were only interested in black and blue originally. But can you do a mock up with gold lettering as well?”
“YAS! THAT! I like THAT! exclaimed Ray
“Already done,” Lulu noted and pulled out a secondary growler mock up from behind the print that you were assessing.
“You know me so well,” you smiled.
“Yeah, your ass is kinda predictable” she smiled back which earned her a tongue out.
This was your first meeting of the month and so far everything was going great. You loved that you could live out your dreams with the two people you trusted more than anyone in the world. Lulu had been by your side since you both realized you were the only two Spelman freshmen who were both from Cali in your class.  By your second semester y’all were so inseparable that everyone thought you were sisters. And by year 2 you were already living together. Thank God y’all had separate interests which kept your friendship and now your business in a healthy and ever growing state. You were engrossed in the world of science. You had been a bio major who often volunteered at the local greenhouse. That helped you establish your small but busy coffee shop a year and a half ago. Lulu was a graphic artist whom also was in charge of all Grindin social media and the unofficial pastry taste tester. Ray had come along when the ladies were rooming together off campus. He was a community college to 4- year transplant at Clark Atlanta but the boy was born and raised in Macon, Georgia and he’d never let you forget it. It was evident that once he met the girls at a mixer in his first week, the friendship was a wrap. That spawned regular visits back to his parents’ homes on the weekends and even some holidays spent in the south. After graduation, the bond never broke. You and Lulu returned to Cali with Ray in tow so that he could use his business degree to help birth Grindin.
You glanced over to Sherell. The Brewista Lead for the morning shift. You knew that Sherell had been strugglin to keep up a healthy sleeping schedule with finals right around the corner and the nerves of her impending graduation from Lincoln. She was a sweet girl and you couldn’t stand to see her bare any more stress. You were so caught up in your thoughts about Sherell that you had missed the very clear topic change amongst your friends.
“Okay, but that nigga’s arms? They biggg. You know what that mean!” sad Ray pointedly at Lulu
“HA” she cackled, “ that don’t mean nothin’. My guy has really soft eyes and you know Y/N loves a guy who is easy on the eyes,” Lu quips
“Bitch, you see the caterpillar above those eyes? We don’t nee her birthin the next Helga Pataki in these streets”
“Ugh” you groaned as you rubbed your temple. “I don’t know how many times we have to have to do this but I do not under any circumstances want you two meddling in my love life,”
“But” they chorused.
“BUT NOTHING! Every human with an assumed penis and who looks like they got more than $150 in the bank becomes a contestant for your little game of ‘Win a Date with Y/N’! I run a coffee shop! Not a dating service. I’m done explaining shit to y’all. Stop harassing my customers and let my ass worry about who I am with! I mean that shit.”
“I told you we should have started addin females to the list,” whispers Ray as you walk over to the counter.
“Raymond Johnson the IV and Eyeluta Nicole Hathaway, if I hear one more word from either of y’all you both gone be banned from any pastries for the rest  of the month” you spat feeling like the unofficial mother of your group yet again. You took a deep breath and continued toward the counter. 
“Sherell, how’s it going?” you asked a you approached the register.
She sighed heavily.
“You know what? You need a break. Go in the back and relax your eyes a bit. I’ll man the front”
“Oh no. It’s really-“
You cut her off. “Get back there and relax a little. I think I know how to run a register,” you winked.
You were on the register and Antwon was pouring at the bar. You two were in a good rhythm. It was either bustling or there was one customer to tend to today. There didn’t seem to be any in between this morning. 
GRINDIN rang out as the next patron entered.
“Welcome!” Antwon called out as you were assessing the stock supply up in the floor.
When you turned around you were met with... Well, you weren’t quite sure how to describe him. Fine was an understatement. Standing six feet tall was a milk chocolate wonder with a physique that his dark turtleneck and three piece suit couldn’t hide.
Tumblr media
Keep it professional y/n
Before you could even get a breath out he growled “Y’all really got Clipse playin every time the damn door open?” He said this with his eyes glued to his screen as if looking up was such a difficult feat to conquer at 7:32 a.m.
“Yeah. It’s a signature touch,” you responded to the stranger. At your voice, he looked up and offered a smirk that probably made most women collapse at first sight. You still hadn’t made up your mind though.
“I’m feelin it.”
“Is this your first time here? I’m more than welcome to answer any questions you have about the menu or the store in general” you offered.
“Nah. I’ve been in a time or two before. Never seen you before,” he very openly eyed you up and down, “I normally let my assistant handle this shit though, you know Miss… “
“Y/N. Well, since you’ve been here before then you’re familiar with our unique take on the menu.” you supplied.
“Yeah, y’all rotate teas and coffees quarterly. You seem to keep a few staples- which I ‘preciate and y’all got some corny ass names for these drinks too.”
You bristled a bit at that last part. “There’s nothing wrong with a little creativity.”
“Never said there was, Y/N” At this point you couldn’t tell if you wanted to serve this man or show him the door. You chose the professional route.
“So, what does your assistant normally bring you Mr…?” you trailed off
“Just Erik is fine. My favorite is the single origin. Black.  It’s always the best way to start my day.”
“Mine too.” you smiled. Maybe he isn’t so bad after all
“If you’re into the single origin and you love that bold, black, taste something similar with just a little more sweetness is Brew Thang.”
He chuckled. “See what I be saying about these names? How you expect a grown ass man to order a drink called ‘Brew Thang’?”
“It’s good. Once you have a taste, you won’t have a hard time getting it to roll of your tongue.” you sassed.
Oh fuck . I didn’t mean it like that. I gotta keep this professional. I don’t need a bad review from this guy.
He raised an eyebrow at you. “Oh really? Then lemme get a taste,” he said licking his lips. Your eyes widened slightly but he caught it. 
“Size?” you asked looking down at the tablet screen. 
“Large” he said with a bld and dark stare, “How much I owe you?”
“This one will be on the house. I want to make sure you’re satisfied.”
“Antwon, let’s switch. I’ll take the bar. You take the register!” You yelled out and quckly you two transitioned so that he could help the growing line of customer and you could bang out the drinks. Erik followed as you moved to the bar where he watched you work your magic. Once you were done pouring his drink you gave it to him. You got started not the next orders not the board but made sure to keep an eye on him as he took the first sip.  
“Fuck ma. This shit good” It was your turn to smirk. 
“That’s what I was trying to tell you. So now you’re hooked on the Brew Thang?”
“Oh yeah, I’m definitely satisfied.” You failed to hide your giggle as you called out that Ricky’s order was ready. Erik stuck around for a little after that inquiring about other menu items that you told him not be too quick to judge based on their names. The initial tension had dissolved and you two were in a comfortable rhythm of commenting on both the menu and the changes you’d seen in Oakland during the last few years. Thankfully there wasn’t a rush at the moment and it was fine for your to be off to the side of the bar answering any questions he could put forth. He was attentive to your passion regarding the menu and all that went into the shop as a whole.
“Hol up. You ain’t a barista. This is yo shit?”
“I prefer Brewista and yes. I do co-own this shop with my best friend Ray and we have a great Graphic Artist, Lulu, on deck too” The more he learned about you. The more he wanted to know.
“Okay Miss Entrepreneur. I see you. Damn, does that mean that you tha one that come up with these corny ass names then?”
You scowled playfully. “You keep talkin on my name and you gone catch these hands. I’m a professional. But I grew up on these streets. I can throw blows Erik,”
“My bad baby girl. I respect your grind.”
“Okay. So who really is the corny one here?”
“Whatever,” he smiled. A genuine smile with teeth and this made you want to melt right there. “Anyways, speaking of Brew Thangs, you got  a ni-“
His phone rang and he glanced down cursing. He put up his index finger and gestured that he just need one moment. You nodded your consent.
“What up T?”
In that time that he took his call, you looked up and saw that you had a line out the door. Sherrell came back out to the floor and your two were in a great rhythm getting through the 16 drink orders that had come up. When you looked up again, Erik was no where to be found. Now that the shop was stable you let Sherell do her thang and went into the back to re-convene with Lu & Ray.
“Y/N we need to get you an award for best employer. You really be out here goin the extra mile for your staff,” Lu said. You lifted the corner of your mouth in a weak attempt at a smile.
“Uh uh. Hoe what’s wrong?” Ray said noting your dejected spirt.
“Now? Now you listen to me?!” you yelled. “ALLL the time, I tell yo asses not to intervene in my love life and the one time it may have actually been beneficial y’all were no where to be seen!”
“I know she didn’t” Ray said.
“Yeah. She did” Lu, retorted. “I’m gonna ignore your funky attitude because I can see you’re going through something sis. What’s the deal?”
“I was talking to this guy. This man. And y’all he was so charming and sexy as hell and he wasn’t afraid to talk about shit that matters and I just turned away to make some drinks and he disappeared! I really thought he was gonna make a move. Or at the very least that you two would move in on him and make me sit through another awkward date. But nooooooo, you two finally decided to respect my wishes for once and now Imma die alone!” you monologued.
“You done?” Lu asked.
“Yes” you pouted.
“Aww come here baby,” Ray said with his arms outstretched, “I’m sure he’ll be back.” He hugged your frame tightly and rubbed some circles into your back. “Especially if you turned around when you were in front of him, cuz BABY GOT BACK!!” He yelled.
You and Lu laughed as he started smackin your ass and shakin his own. Soon enough you were all in the back twerkin like it was the first night y’all meet all over again. Hopefully he’d be back.
I’m sorry I forgot who to tag! Soooo if you got tagged and didn’t wanna be I’m sorry. The inverse is the same 😁
@twistedcharismaaa @raysunshine78
@ghostfacekill-monger @yoursoulstea 
@shewrites02 @sarcastic-sunshines
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hopesong7 · 4 years
Summary: Sometimes, the universe aligns, and you make friends with a stranger. Sometimes, that stranger is actually multiple people and life just got a bit more interesting.
Genre(s): Fluff, Comedy, lil bit of Angst (Maybe), BTS (It’s a genre now)
Contains: Things that make me feel fuzzy, photography, social media, things I know nothing about but have googled extensively, and the power of friendship.
Word Count: 1405
Note: This is an introductory chapter. BTS makes their entrance in the next. This one is mainly to help understand a bit more about you - as the reader - and introduce background characters that will be referenced repeatedly and brought up often.
To say that you were excited was an understatement. 
Striding through the doors, you were met with Wonderland, quite literally. Alice in Fantasy Book was a cafe you’d had eyes on for awhile. Photos of it’s delectable treats had crossed your feed one too many times. Now, here you sat, Eun-ha practically vibrating with excitement beside you.
“Haru said she was on her way,” You informed her, taking a sip of your drink. You were ignored, the model opting to gaze at the decor in awe. You couldn’t blame her. The walls themselves were a sight to behold, canvases portraying various scenes from the novel. When coupled with the other various decorations - of which an abundance were hearts - it was simply awe inspiring. You wished you’d brought your camera, but supposed your phone would have to do for now. A gasp of awe caught your attention and you turned to see Haru making her way to you. While Eun-ha was a classic beauty, and you maintained a rather flattering appearance, Haru radiated the softest of auras. 
“Ah, you look stunning,” Eun-ha complimented. Purple hair - pastel, of course - covered pink ears as the up-and-coming singer took her seat.
“Oddly Cheshire today,” You teased, eyes on her striped sweater. Haru only shrugged with a cheeky grin. The three of you shared a small laugh, quickly placing your orders. “I can’t believe we’re all here,” You admitted as the waitress walked away. You were so glad she spoke English.
“I can’t believe it either,” Eun-ha agreed. “The fact that we’re all here in Tokyo… When was the last time we were all in the same city?”
“Too long,” Haru muttered. 
“So why are you two around,” you inquired, head tilted in curiosity. 
“I’m in between shows,” Haru admitted. “I just finished up in Osaka, so we’re taking a break before heading back home.” The singer took another sip of her drink before the two of you turned on Eun-ha.
The model gave a dismissive wave, “In town for a clothing shoot. The real question is why our darling ____ is here and not back home in lovely South Korea.” You smirked, tracing the rim of your glass and giving the waitress a polite nod as she delivered your orders. 
“I am here,” you snuck a quick bite, “because I really wanted to eat at this cafe.” Your admission earned nothing but flat looks of disbelief. “I kept seeing photos,” you defended, gesturing at the rather adorable caterpillar sushi in front of you. “I’ll probably make a vlog later today, take some photos.” You shrugged, “Honestly, I don’t have anything planned right now.”
“No jobs scheduled,” Eun-ha repeated, clearly shocked.
“I’m on sabbatical,” You joked. “Only photos I’ll be taking are for me and Instagram.” From there, the three of you devolved into casual chatter, occasionally squealing at how utterly adorable everything was. A trio of girls, all suckers for the wonderfully weird world of Alice in Wonderland. The fun ended once Haru’s phone chimed, her manager calling her back to the hotel.
“We can walk you back,” You offered. The two of you were obstinately ignoring Eun-ha paying behind you. You’d tried splitting the bill, but the model had refused, citing that it was “her duty” as the eldest. Eldest by three days, but you weren’t bitter. Nope, not at all. 
Haru shook her head, “No, they’ve sent someone to pick me up. You two should go explore, send me some photos!” You rolled your eyes, grabbing her into a hug. Eun-ha soon joined, obnoxiously resting all her weight on the pair of you.
“Yah! Get off me, you giantess,” your words were muffled by the sweater in your face, but she got the message, releasing you with a laugh. “Aish,” you muttered, trying to fix your hair. Haru merely snickered, seemingly unruffled by Eun-ha’s antics. 
“We should really meet up again soon,” Haru said, watching as a sleek car rolled up, the driver clambering out to open the door for her.
“Definitely,” You and Eun-ha agreed. “I'll message you,” You promised, giving her a wave as the door closed and the car sped off.
“I need to go too,” Eun-ha admitted sheepishly. “My flight leaves in a few hours and I need to pack.” 
You nodded sadly, “Where to now?”
“London, actually.” She pulled you into a hug. “Stay in touch, okay? And keep those videos coming, your last cooking attempt had me in tears,” She admitted with a laugh. 
You giggled, giving her a punch in the arm. “Next cooking video, you’re going to be in it,” You swore. The two of you laughed. For all the grief Eun-ha gave you, she wasn’t much of a cook herself. The only difference between the two of you was that she was capable of using a knife without injury, as opposed to your ongoing battle to not bleed everytime you walked by one. The two of you shared one last bittersweet goodbye before finally separating.
You made your way to your hotel room, grabbing your camera. Not the one reserved for photos, sadly, but rather the one you used when filming. Setting it up on the tripod, you double checked the lighting, adjusted the settings, and started recording.
“Hello everyone! I wasn’t sure if I was going to video today, but I’m in Tokyo, so I couldn't resist. It’s rather beautiful here and I just got back from lunch. Eun-ha and Haru were able to make it, so we dined in wonder! No joke though,” you shifted on the bed and leaned forward, “We went to that cafe I’ve been dying to try! It’s called Alice in Fantasy Book and not only was the food and service superb but, the decor-'' You stopped, blinking meaningfully at the camera. “I died,” you said solemnly, “and it was so worth it.” You sat back, running a hand through your hair, “You all have known me awhile, okay. Aesthetics, themes, anything like that? You know I’m going to be into it. This place was honestly gorgeous you guys. They had chairs like the at the Mad Hatter’s table, Queen of Hearts theme was there, the waitresses were all in Alice's dress and-” You muffled a scream with your hands. “The walls were some of the most stunning things I have ever witnessed. They were painted with scenes from the novel and the artwork, oh my goodness. I think I fell in love with the walls,” You admitted sheepishly. “If any of you get the chance, especially my Alice in Wonderland fans, I advise you to go.”
“Anyway! It’s my second day here, yesterday I just walked around. I probably spent too much money shopping but meh,” You waved a hand at the thought. “My Pokemon collection has grown and I have more Luigi merch. That is all that matters. I’ll probably wander around some more tonight, take a few nightlife photos, but what I’m really excited about is tomorrow.” You rubbed your hands together, smiling gleefully. “I,” You proudly announced, “am going to drown myself in art! There are so many art museums here and I’m ready. There’s one focused on photography specifically, so you know I’m going there. I won’t keep this video so short - I have standards - which is why when I’m finally done editing, you all will have a lovely montage of me making a fool out of myself yesterday, playing in three, two-” You stopped recording, a grin on your face, “One.”
Whipping out your computer, you started editing, removing any awkward silences that might have snuck their way in first. Next came the audio, double-checking that it didn’t cut out randomly. It had happened once when you first started, and you’d been paranoid since. The montage was already done, simply needing to be stitched into the clip from tonight. You internally thanked your past self, who’d had the foresight to get ahead. Triple-checking everything and making sure you didn’t miss something, you finally nodded, loading it up to your account and sending out a quick tweet that your new video was up. Instagram was treated to a selfie and the same message.
You stood, stretching, and grabbed your camera bag, the light of Tokyo shining through your window. For all that it was late, you had the oddest feeling that something good was going to happen tonight. It could wait until after you got coffee, though.
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tumblunni · 7 years
A random game idea I had! It could be really cool to have like a survival RPG where you play as a wild animal trying to survive in the world. Seriously there are barely any games about the coolness of nature from the perspective of the nature, and the only one I found was just a platformer/walking simulator type thing with not much appeal to it. Still worth wasting my money on it just so the universe can see there's a market for this genre, tho! So yeah anyway, random thoughts for this game idea!! * I was thinking it could be a bit more fun if you're exploring an entirely new world of magical creatures instead of a super realistic documentary on any real animal. Plus that's just more flexible for me to do whatever I want with how things work for this species. * My first thought was maybe like a very unusual 'dragon' that's more insectile in design. Like a long Asian dragon crossed with a fluffy caterpillar. Lotsa legs, and a sweet lil face! There's even that one species of Japanese caterpillar that has the big head with horns and an EVEN MORE sweet lil face, that would work perfectly!! And I was thinking maybe it can charge up and shoot electrical blasts from those back horns? Its still very much a small underdog creature in this ecosystem tho, usually all it can do is issue weak zaps to scare predators away but not really fight back all that well. And your lil babies can't zap at all until their horns grow in, so you need to be very strategic to choose your battles carefully and keep your family safe. * also I was thinking maybe the babies could kinda be your lives system? It'd be hard to finish the game while keeping them all alive, and if you lose them all its a game over from despair. And also they follow you around and are cute and helpful and love u lots! And ypu can see them grow up if you keep them safe for the whole game, you can watch them leave the nest in the end and be so proud! I want them all to have their own lil personality, I want the player to get goddamn attached to their lil monster fam!! * alternatively maybe you start off with just one baby and then gain more as the game progresses? Cos I'm picturing this as you playing as a single animal, you're a solo mama lookin after the babs. Maybe your previous mate died tragically in the prologue? Or maybe you just don't have one and you're just a sweet lil dragon who adopts abandoned eggs you find along your journey. You could go on quests to find all the hidden unlockable children around the world map! And maybe they could be a big ol variety of patterns, and different special powers. Multi talented bebs! * another idea for adding variety to game is 'what about customization?' Let's defy all laws of logic and have the player be able to choose the course of evolution for these critters! Your skill tree could be growing extra legs or fangs or becoming an omnivore all of a sudden. Who cares if it makes no sense! Tho that would kinda lend itself better to a plotless game with intimate amounts of generations, so we could at least make the evolution semi realistic. Inheriting traits instead of just abruptly mutating a million things within the same generation. But I kinda wanted this to be a more emotional journey of a single family surviving a small lifetime together. Just a lil warm and soft snippet of life in this world. Just a lil family that you can keep safe. * a random idea I had for a helpful NPC was a big giant scary monster of another species that you end up forming an unlikely friendship with. Big scary is only scary cos they're protecting their sick child, you can find out about this and help find the rare herbs they need to get better. And now you have won a very large friend's undying gratitude! Maybe they could remove an obstacle in your path by fighting off a giant unwinnable boss fight for you, so you can get to the next area. Or maybe you can ride on their back so they can carry you further away from your nest than you can usually reach. I'm imagining the player character being like the size of one of their eyebrows, lol! Oh, and maybe they could even help dig stuff so you can do bigger renovations on your nest? I was thinking it'd slowly upgrade as you gather more skills and materials throughout the game, and you could have a super complex luxury lil meadow grove by the end. * oh and a random other optional side quest idea! One of the various biomes you explore could be a wintery area, and you could find a prime spot where you can store your supplies and have like rudimentary refrigeration. Storing up food supplies in prime cache locations around the world would be a big gameplay element if you're playing as a herbivore, and this would be a gamechanger cos now meat can be cached away too. And I was thinking the Large Friend could also be a useful way to make the game equally playable whether you picked herbivore or carnivore. Herbivore players can trade meat to the Large Friend and thus still gain some benefit from defeating enemies. Large Friend can probably bring you cool exotic fruits from high up in trees you can't reach. Yay! * oh and I've kinda been calling those characters The Bigman and Bigman Larva. Cos I thought it'd be funny if this is some large mammal and the protagonist doesn't really understand the difference. Their babies totally come from eggs too, right? When's the lil guy gonna spin his cocoon? * ...it'd be even funnier if they actually did spin cocoons. I mean, its a magical world! I can make anything I want! Mice hatch into bats in the spring~ * also I had a neat idea of how to maybe handle 'dialogue' in this game. Cos it'd be a bit lame to just translate all this animal talk into English, and it'd be hard to have an RPG if its completely 100% silent. I don't have enough confidence in my abilities to say I could pull off the awesome nonverbal storytelling of Journey! So the idea I had was that maybe it could be.. A nonverbal language? You see your protagonist's thoughts as lil dialogue bubbles of images. Lil semi-complex rune type icons that the player slowly learns as they play through the game. Starting just with very basic representations of the actual gameplay commands like 'run' and 'hunt' and 'small larva whom I love and protect', and then by the end you're able to hold entire simple conversations with friendly NPCs. * also I thought it could be hella neat if you could acrually name your babies using this system! Pick two or three runes to combine into a lil squeak you shall squeak towards this particular ball of fluff. "I love you [FIRE] [FRIGHTENED] and [BRISTLE BUSH] [ACORN] [TAIL]" * also I was thinking a cool way to organically teach this language to players would be to kinda compartmentalize it? Youd start off with a library of basic words and then everything would be introduced using those basic words. Like 'predator' is [RUN]-[EAT], displayed with those two symbols when you first encounter this problem. But then after its become more of a common part of your life it'd be smooshed down into a new rune symbol that combines those two, and that's added to your dictionary. And now you're able to say things about that predator, and use the word predator as a modifier to other stuff. Like 'coyote' might be introduced as 'fast predator' and then if you spend a lot of time scavenging in the coyote territory and fighting them, 'coyote' would become an actual word too. And it could be kinda oddly satisfying to name your newest child after a word you didn't have the last time, symbolising how you've mastered evading that particular predator. Hold your head high, [COYOTE] [FEET], my new and prosperous son! * Also, hmm, it could probably symbolise 'this shit is wrong and terrifying' when something breaks the naming conventions and reminds you of the components that first made that word. Like every other predator is just [adjective] [RUN]-[EAT] but then a griffon is [SKY]-[EAT] and a snake is [LUNGE]-[EAT]. Hell, to someone who's literally never seen a flying creature before, they might just be classified as like.. 'Jump' creatures. It'd be a giant shaking up of the whole world for our poor protagonist who only sees things as a collection of running or not running! And humans would be even more terrifying cos they're the only predator that isn't 'eat'. Why on earth does this thing kill us and just leave the body there?? Thats TERRIFYING! Protagonist might even have nightmares of their poor kid's soul being unable to rest cos their empty shell was never returned to nature after they died. They don't have the capacity to understand that humans hunt for sport or exterminate things they see as pests... And man, I can imagine that scraps of human materials could be super useful rare objects along your journey and like.. HOO BOY its a good thing protagonist will never know how exactly humans make those things. 'Wow this weird human thing called a clothes is useful nest lining material!' she says, as she sits on a dragon skin coat. 'Odd how it reminds me of my grandma!' * anyway lol I have a bunch of ideas but they're not very organized so I apologise for this rambley post
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crimeshowtrash · 7 years
24 Hours of Torture
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Spencer Reid x Reader 
Part 2 of this 
The team had been waiting in the hospital waiting room for more than 12 hours. Penelope was asleep on Derek’s shoulder cuddling a massive pink bunny that she had bought for Annabel. Derek was flipping through Highlights, the only magazine left available. Aaron and David were sitting in the corner quietly talking. JJ was reading the Very Hungry Caterpillar to Henry, who had insisted on coming to see Uncle Spence and his baby cousin.
It had been 23 hours since Y/N had gone into labor, 5 days after her due date. She was still in the active labor phase and was only 5 cm dilated and had to reach 10 cm before any pushing could occur.
“Are you FUCKING kidding me?” screamed out Y/N as a contraction overcame her.
“Just breathe through it Y/N, you can do it” said Spencer to help ease the love of his life.
“Shut the hell up Spencer, I’ve been at this for almost 24 hours. I DON’T WANT TO BREATHE THROUGH IT” shrieked Y/N while squeezing Spencer’s hand.
“SHIT. Y/N don’t squeeze so hard” yelped Spence.
“Unless you have a cantaloupe pushing it’s way through your fucking asshole don’t tell me what to fucking do” Y/N screeched as another contraction pushed it’s way through her.
Spencer was at a loss for how to respond and simply said, “I love you Y/N”, before wiping the sweat off her forehead and placing a kiss.
After another 20 minutes, Y/N had finally dozed off. Spencer looked at his beautiful and loving wife and thought about the day he finally worked up the courage to propose. They had been dating for almost 4 years and Penelope and Derek were badgering him for the 1000th time about when we was going to ask his “Lil’ Mama” to marry him. What he didn’t tell them was that a couple weekends prior he had gone with JJ to buy Y/N’s ring. It was a round cut 18 carat white gold diamond engagement ring. It was simple yet elegant. He couldn’t wait till he could see it on her hand every morning when they woke up and every night before they went to sleep.
It was the 4th of July weekend and Spencer and Y/N had planned a small getaway to Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. They had booked a room at The Villas at Hatteras Landing. Their room had a queen sized bed, a living area, a massive bathroom, a private balcony, and even a small kitchen of their own. They spent most of their trip sleeping in and laying on the beach. That Saturday was the day Spencer finally did it. He woke up early and made an elaborate breakfast, well elaborate for him, of bagels, scrambled eggs, bacon, and coffee. After they spent a very lazy morning in the room the couple finally got ready to head out for the day.
Spencer had booked a boat tour for the two at 2 pm. After the boat tour they spent the day shopping. Spencer happily followed after Y/N as she smelt every single candle and looked through all the homemade soaps. He just held her hand as they hit all the souvenir shops on Highway 12  and Y/N looked through the tacky gifts. After an amazing afternoon, Spencer and Y/N had dinner reservations, at a restaurant that Y/N and her family went to every summer they spent at the Outer Banks, Dinky’s Waterfront Restaurant. They had their fill in fresh seafood and wine. After they ate till they couldn’t eat another bite the duo went on a romantic walk on the beach during sunset. During the walk, Spencer got down on one knee.
“Y/N, ever since you joined the team 5 years ago I haven’t been able to keep my eyes off of you. You were everything that I had ever imagined yet everything I also thought I would never have. The day you agreed to go out with me was the best day of my life. The past four years with you have been amazing. You’re the one I go to when I have a nightmare. You’re the one that takes care of me when I’m sick. I can always go to you with any problems. You make me a better person. You’re beautiful, loving, caring, selfless, and my entire world. So here I am, asking if you would do me the honor, of marrying me” said Spencer.
Y/N had tears streaming down her face and a look of awe.
“Babe, you have to answer me soon before I throw my bad knee out” said Spencer jokingly, although he had an irrational fear that she would say no.
Y/N, with tears still running down her face, rapidly nodded her head before saying, “Yes you idiot. Of course I’ll marry you”.
At that point Spencer, with a grin plastered onto his face, slid the ring onto the correct finger before standing straight. He pushed Y/N’s hair out of her face and wiped off her tears before saying, “I love you”, and pressed his lips to Y/N as she wrapped her hands around his neck sending shivers down Spencer’s spine. Y/N smirked into the kiss as Spencer’s arms grasped Y/N’s waist tighter and his thumb grazed the free skin available to him from the cutout on her dress.
Spencer jostled back into reality and rushed to his wife’s side as he heard Y/N scream, finally ready to push after hours of torturous labor. And after thirty more excruciating minutes they heard the angelic cry of Annabel Diana Reid.
“Look at her Spence, she’s gorgeous” said Y/N holding their baby girl for the first time.
“She already takes after her amazing mom” said Spencer before taking Y/N’s hand and gently kissing it.
A/N I wrote this piece because you guys liked the first part so much that it now has over 200 notes! You guys are freaking amazing! Also, I’m still accepting requests!
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lolbtsaus · 7 years
Preschool Teacher!Jimin
Before I start this, I wanna say thank you for 4,400 followers !!!! My mind is officially blown, you guys are always so sweet and wonderful so thank you so much for all of the support and just <3 Onto the post, it is time for one third of the maknae line, half of the Busan line, a squishy bub whose cheeks are 10/10 every single time, I am a sucker for chubby cheeks so fetus!chim is like I just wanna squeeze his lil face, Park Jimin aka chim chim
So someone actually requested something about this separately (before I started this series) so I’ll be combining that request and this one, the request was basically for single parent!reader and preschool teacher!Jimin 
The biggest softie in the entire world
He’s always really kind and generous to adults so just imagine what’d he be like with a bunch of lil munchkins running around him and using their puppy dog eyes and lil voices to get him to say yes (not that he’d say no in the first place)
The kids l o v e him so much like as much as he adores them, they adore him
He’s a giant kid most of the time and he’s got that really gentle voice and he’s always always always up for a hug
There’s this one time where one of the kids is sick so they stay home for a few days and when they get back, they literally run straight for him and just hug him for a solid five minutes and he’s so so happy
Any chance of being called Mr. Park is gone once one of the kids calls him chim chim
Like there are a couple of times they call him Mr. Park but normally it’s just chim chim or chimmy or, as one of the kids calls him, Jiminie Cricket
Similar to Yoongi, he’s really good with the shyer kids
Jimin is a shy shy shy boy sometimes, like he gets flustered at times and he has that shy smile he does and despite being an actual star, he stills gets really shy when all of the attention is on him (off stage of course)
So he totally gets it when they don’t immediately wanna talk or play with him and he normally just sits next to them quietly and talks to the other kids around them so that they aren’t alone but they’re also not being forced to talk to him
Bc if he just sat next to them, they may feel awkward or pressured to say something but if he’s there and starting a conversation with the group, they can feel more at ease to maybe speak up and join when they want to and they appreciate that
There’s always a kid holding his hand or being carried by him, they just love him so much and he’s so affectionate that they feel like that can be comfortable around him so they’re hugging his legs or his arms (when he’s sitting down) or holding his hand or sometimes sitting on his shoulders
He’s so playful with them like he’s the king of hide and seek
He walks around the classroom and pretends he doesn’t notice the very obvious shoe sticking out from under the table but then a few minutes later he comes back and starts tickling the kid bc their rule is that you aren’t caught until you laugh so he has to make them laugh first and that’s something he’s always been good at doing
So many arts and crafts like that’s basically an everyday thing
He always has new ideas for them like painting a pumpkin or making their own shirts where they get some fabric paint and go to town, anything that’s not too difficult or has anything that could cause some injuries (like scissors) but something where they still get to express themselves and be creative
He always has the class plant, which is normally just something simple and small bc then the kids can take turns watering it every day and they get to see it grow from a tiny seed to an actual plant and then on the final day of class, he takes them out to a community garden where they plant it in the ground so it can continue to grow
He does face painting when they’re in class on Halloween so all of the kids get to line up and he and the TAs make them into whatever they want, tigers, pandas, cheetahs
He’s so so gentle the entire time and he keeps them entertained by telling them a story that involves the animal they’re getting painted as and their eyes are so big and they’re hanging onto every word and he has to hold back a couple giggles bc they just look so cute
Speaking of stories, he’s a ma zing at story telling
He’s always brings in these really cute books and he actually spends a lot of time looking around and searching for good children’s books bc he really really cares about the kids and he wants them to have fun books to read/have read to them
The m o s t encouraging teacher you’ll ever meet
There are times where he’s not fully sure what they’re doing exactly but hey, go for it lil dude
It can be the smallest of achievements or the biggest, he’s gonna congratulate them, he gets so genuinely excited for them and his smile is so big which means they smile too 
That’s one of the reasons Jimin loves his job so much, he loves seeing (and helping) the kids grow and watching their personalities develop and seeing them discover new things that he didn’t even notice anymore
Like hell yeah, now that lil boy pointed it out, caterpillars are really cool
They always want him to sing for them at nap time and some of the kids can’t sleep unless he does sing but he doesn’t mind at all, he’ll sing for as long as they want
He also does dances for them like there’s this one time he dresses up as a puppy (on Halloween) and he’s so shy about it but they’re all so excited for it so he does the Snoopy dance
Your son is one of his students
Jimin is always really close with all of his students so of course, your son and him get along really well
Your son always comes home and tells you all the amazing stories of what happened today and he’s always so excited to go back to school bc he knows he’ll get to see Jimin and his friends
After hearing so much about him, you decide to set some time aside to actually be able to stay and talk to Jimin before their class starts and you immediately see why your bby loves him so much
He’s got a cute ass smile, he’s so bubbly but a lil shy and you can tell how much he loves the kids
While you’re talking, these two kids come in and they take off towards him and he just kneels down and opens his arms and you would think they hadn’t seen each other in years bc the kids are just so excited and they’re talking over each other and Jimin’s just giving them this really soft look and it’s official, you’ve got a crush
Jimin offers to have you and your bby over for dinner one night and you agree and your lil boy is just so so excited to be visiting chim
It’s really endearing to see your bby so happy with someone and so at home and Jimin’s so loving towards him the entire night, like he helps feed him his dinner and makes sure his shirt doesn’t get any food on it
You two are talking while bby boy is watching Tom and Jerry and you actually really like Jimin like he’s funny and charming but he’s also really down to earth and kind
The fact that he’s also really good with kids and loves your son who loves him just as much definitely doesn’t help the whole crush situation that’s happening bc you don’t even have to worry about whether or not they’ll get along
“So what do you say next time we go out to a restaurant, maybe just us two?? Like on a date??”
“I’d say that I’ll pick you up at seven”
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badgirl2chainz-blog · 7 years
Since I’m back and ready to express my thoughts and feelings about everyone’s favorite festival, here I am! Yes, my first blog was about Stagecoach, however it is no surprise that I would prefer Coachella over Stagecoach. Not in a conceited way, but I was one of the first people in my High School to attend both in the same year and have been fortunate enough to keep that going ever since. When April ends, the typical questions follow, “Which one do you like more?” or “If you had to choose which one would you go too?” As much as I loved country growing up, it’s no surprise that the vibes and the atmosphere you see and feel at Coachella are much more me. The most “eclectic music festival” they said, and man they weren’t wrong.  
After experience quite a few festivals, I think I can safely say what festivals are worth going to at least once in you're life and Coachella is 100% that one festival, no matter if the lineup isn't up to your “par” you still gotta go. Ya, just gotta.
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The reason I was so infatuated with attending this festival was because one of my pal’s was very into EDM and always talked about the Sahara tent. The Sahara tent this, the Sahara tent that. And he kept blabbing about something called the “Do Lab” and he would constantly say, “Mas you gotta go, you would love coachella!” I figured he knew me well enough that he wouldn’t suggest I go to some lame event. The more research I did the more I realized I had to go.
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My first Coachella experience began with my pal and I making sure we went to our Senior year English class because attendance mattered, but once the bell rang we were sprinting to the senior parking lot, yelling “Bye Triana!” It was literal go time. I had never been more giddy in my entire life, so giddy that I fell asleep immediately in the car on the way to La Quinta. Classic Carly for y’all.  But don’t you worry I woke up just in time for some in n out.
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I had worked hard and paid for my ticket with my own money, which at the time $350 seemed like a lot for a ticket, I do even remember my parents telling me I was rather insane, but little did they know how much money I would be dropping on festival tickets in the future. Anyways sorry I got a little off topic there, SO we get to my pals house and she is much more girly than me and she was ready to go, knew all the outfits she was going to wear and all I really had to my name was a mesh tank top and a flower headband, literally so Coachella of me, am I right? Don’t worry my outfits have definitely improved over the years, or so I would like to think. Not that it matters what people think of my appearance because I have always been one of those people to actually attend something for the music and the experience.
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Disclaimer - the thing about looking cute is really tough because you might walk into the sahara tent at 3:00 pm in 95 degree weather to see What so Not or Thomas Jack and you might just come out looking like you ran a 5K and haven’t showered in days, so just don't over do it with the outfits. Trust me your outfits that you ordered online in January will still be cool.
For someone that isn’t very crafty or artistic at all, the artwork at Coachella enlightens me every single year. I followed the snail around for about an hour and I took pretty heinous selfies of myself with the caterpillar. In all seriousness though, the art is much, much, more than a new twitter header, it’s interesting to see what artists are thinking and to think about why that piece of art is here.
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Now lets talk about my favorite topic once again; food and drinks. Yes there is the infamous lemonade. One year I counted that I drank 8 in one weekend. Raw talent, I’d say. This could also be because Coachella does have designated drinking areas. So unless you sneak something in you can’t just roam freely with alcohol. Last Coachella was the first Coachella that I was allowed in the Beer Gardens. Now this craft beer was extremely expensive but it was so necessary as a newly 21 year old gal. It was really cute and fun to be in there but not as worth the hype as I had anticipated. Now this doesn’t mean I won’t make my way into the beer garden again this year. I will of course, but I won’t be feeling like I have to in order to complete my Coachella weekend experience. Okay enough about the alcohol, I swear I am not an alcoholic. In reality I enjoy about 2 popsicles a day because it’s cheap and SO bomb. Plus if you have a few minutes it’s a great food to grab right after you’ve filled up your camelback.
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Talking about food and drinks is a great segway into my thoughts of buying a GA or a VIP ticket.  VIP at Coachella is extremely fun and well organized. The bars are fun and there aren’t designated drinking areas in VIP. There is also more food options in VIP and no lie they are much more upscale than the rest of the festival. So if you have a couple thousand to spend why not get that VIP ticket, ya know wha I’m sayin’?!
Weekend 1 or Weekend 2? Now that is the million dollar question, isn’t it. This upcoming Coachella will be my first time attending weekend 1, so based on my last 4 years at Coachella, I was a huge advocate for weekend 2.  The very first time my pal and I bought tickets we couldn’t get weekend 1 tickets so we were honestly just thrilled to get weekend 2 tickets! Then before we knew it, it became a tradition to always go that weekend, no questions asked. Is the grass truly greener at Weekend 1 than Weekend 2? Well time will tell and do promise to report back my thoughts.
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Watching Mr. B rap every single world to every Ice Cube and NWA song really made me realize that yeah, he is the golden child. Honestly, I’m still kind of getting over it, but in all seriousness, he was killing it and I couldn’t have been a more proud big sister. Now as for my Father, he was a whole other story. We were getting ready to take a family photo and Guns N Roses was starting and my Dad literally left the photo op and sprinted to the stage. My Mom, brother and I were standing there shook as hell, but we decided we might as well enjoy ourselves so we went to the show and I swear we could still hear Dicky screaming “Paradise City” at the top of his lungs from 20 plus feet behind him.
Getting Mamafred to see Baaur in the sahara tent was the move. She was always so afraid of “tents” but she handled herself wonderfully. She looked so precious with her bandana and her special festival dress. My favorite tent is the Gobi tent. The way the stage lights reflect off of the chandelier lights made my first time seeing Flume, Kygo, Purity Ring, Odezsa, all so special.
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Surprise Guests - Coachella has really done it all, from reuniting bands back together, incorporating Holograms, and simply shocking you more than you thought you could ever be. Now flashback to 2015, Drake brought out Madonna weekend 1 and even though they had an extremely awkward make-out session, I was so jealous, don’t worry not of the swapping of saliva but because I was thinking I wanted to see someone cool like Madonna. So weekend 2 rolls around and it’s Saturday night and my pal and I were at the Weeknd and as if Abel’s voice wasn’t enough he brought out Kanye. I was DEAD. I was screaming like a child. I remember being LOL at everyone who said weekend 2 sucked, because who truly received a better guest? Yeah most definitely weekend 2. Never forget last year that G Eazy brought out Lil Wayne. Mom was like “woah who’s this a milli guy”.
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Even though it’s my favorite weekend of the year, it can be extremely stressful. Now I know that sounds super lame but once the set times come out, my hands get clammy and I get a nice sweat going with the fearful thought that all my favorite people will be interfering. I once sprinted from Major Lazer to 2chainz to Ben Howard, it was absurd but I wouldn’t trade that for anything. I feel at ease with going to multiple sets during a set time. Now a lot of people aren’t like that, but I would rather see 4 songs of 3 artists in a set time than just one.
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It’s hard to decide what my favorite memories from Coachella are but I think a few would be seeing Kid Cudi as the sun was setting on that Saturday evening, maybe it was getting in a mosh pit by myself at Floss (no worries I survived), or it could’ve been sitting on the ground eating noodles watching ACDC, or maybe it was chugging Heinekens with my pal right before Tchami threw down the most epic set EVER. 
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However if you know me you know seeing my boyfriend Porter Robinson for the first time, front row is something I’ll talk about 5ever !!!
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Over the last 4 years I have spent 12 days at Coachella, eating high end food, attempting the running man, meeting new foreign friends, making Freddy memories, pulling all nighters, and craving the next year even more than the previous.
I can't wait to go this year and have friends who have never been see what the hype is all about and I can assure everyone, no one will be disappointed.  
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Besame Mucho & thanks for reading :)
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