#Still love my Galaxy Note 9!
ladyfarona · 9 months
Despite the gameplay being stale and repetitive I still enjoy Pocket Camp because it's doesn't ask as much of me as a regular Animal Crossing game does. Plus, you can be friends with people who make the coolest profile pictures. Like this!
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Frogger reference ftw!
Aaaand you can also be friends with people who make pics like this:
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I wish we had a chat feature because I'd love to ask CC here "what the fuck"...
Add me on Pocket Camp if you like!
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cressthebest · 2 months
Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 11
chapter 20:
1. god, i’m glad to know this bridge plan is stressing sirius out too
2. i love sirius’ pure ANGER at how reg and james’ love story is broadcasted to everyone when sirius knows that they deserve privacy.
3. 😟😧 is peter going to be a
5. 😧 vanity noooo
6. 😟 hodge would have turned 15 tomorrow. and james just pushed him in the river. fuck, well, that’s something james is gonna think about forever
7. i am NOT gonna get over vanity’s death
8. reg’s knife throwing skills came into use and yikes. i wish it didn’t have to
9. (bad timing, but nonbinary mathias has my heart)
10. oh god. irene asked regulus to give her mercy and kill her. this. wow. this hurts in ways i can’t describe.
11. everyone is fucking dying, and james just got hurt, and reg is trapped on the other side of the river. jfc this chapter is wild
12. reg, you’re having a panic attack. i understand those. listen to me and jsut follow my voice and breathe with me, okay? in and out. 1…. 2…. 3…. 4…. good. breathe please. i wanna help so bad. please i wish i could help reg breathe.
13. god, it’s hurts that in sirius’ pov, he knows that this is the biggest breakdown reg has EVER had
14. sirius, don’t do something stupid
chapter 21:
1. 😧 THIS is how the plan is formed? sirius talking to slughorn about two victors making it out as long as they’re from the same district? wow. i was almost looking forward to the death pact, while also knowing it would be out of reg’s character (and james’) so it would be unsatisfying. i like this a lot, actually
2. dorcas leaving her home in the most ratty-ass pajamas to run four miles 😭😭 she’s still a queen to me
3. marlene’s reaction is heartbreaking, honestly
4. i love how there’s the line about dorcas caring for vanity and hodge. she cares. marlene asked her to, chapters and chapters ago. and dorcas cared. this hurts
5. 😟 regulus is so angry that he plans on avenging james with what i assume is the most torturous murder to others
6. !!!!! is reg about to take that hint from slughorn? does he realize james is alive?
8. remus comparing sirius’ excitement about slughorn’s decision to a dog >>>>>>
10. sirius expects people to not listen to him, so he tells remus to just tune him out, but remus loves to hear sirius talk. <33333 they’re made for each other
11. sirius having worn a dress before and enjoying it >>>>>>>
12. “”Really, your body is a galaxy, and your scars are your stars."” (remus making sirius feel better about his scars) OH MY GOD!! this is gonna be my equivalent of atyd’s “you were beautiful”
13. remus’ shirt is off and sirius wants to cry over how gorgeous he is. (when i first had sex, i cried over how pretty my partner was. i do not judge sirius for this reaction)
14. the way remus gets his moony nickname in this fic, with his scars being compared to moon craters >>>>>>>>>
15. despite sirius wanting to have sex with remus, i love his decision to wait so he’s mentally in the right place for it. and i love remus’ treatment of sirius’ relationship to sex. that’s exactly what i, as an aroace spec person, needed to hear
16. i’m so fucking PISSED that the hallow took away sirius’ acceptance of pleasure. remus and i are gonna fucking take down the hallow for that
17. authors notes say that sirius is demisexual, and i am all on board. another demisexual!! me and sirius are twinning! i love this!!
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songsofaine · 6 months
A Box Full of Memories
So i had this fic idea hit me at 3am as i was feeding my baby.
Basic premise: Obi-Wan has a tonne of keepsakes of Anakin's Padawanship that he was saving to share with Shmi once Anakin reached Knighthood.
In this story Jedi have the option after passing their Trials and before they swear in as Knights to return to their home planet to make sure that swearing in to the Jedi Order as a Knight is truly the path they want to take. Granting them the opportunity to know their birth families before making the monumental commitment of being a Knight of the Jedi Order.
Obviously, Shmi died before Obi-Wan could send Anakin on his pre-Knighting trip. Obi-Wan knew that he couldn't tell or show Anakin the keepsakes, once he hears that Shmi has passed,so its all just sitting in his rooms in several cardboard boxes. Each of the trophies/assignments/keepsakes has a letter from Obi-Wan to Shmi, detailing its importance and personal backstory. Fond notes and recollections of how proud Obi-Wan is of Anakin and his hope to share that pride with Anakin's esteemed mother. (Let's face it, everything 9 year old Anakin knew about his mother has been repeated over and over to Obi-Wan throughout the years, and in between the rose coloured lenses of a young boy's recollections, Obi-Wan finds the shape of an incredible woman who he would feel honoured to know.)
There are two ways the discovery could play out:
The happy version:
During a campaign shared between the 501st and the 212th, early during the 3rd year, Cody gets sick of hearing Anakin's bullshit of how "Obi-Wan never supported or believed in me. He is always holding me back, jealous of my power." (You know, parroting the Palpatine Persuasion.)
And like, Cody is pissed, because Obi is Anakin's No.1 cheerleader, more than the Chancellor, more, even, than his wife, Amidala. Cody knows all about Anakin's illicit victories on the Coruscant lower level racing tracks as a junior padawan, a late night over paperwork Skywalker had incorrectly filed had revealed. Cody knows more about Anakin than he ever wished to know, Obi-Wan won't shut up about him sometimes, but he's a good friend/boyfriend/queer platonic life partner/husband, and listens, because this is Obi's kid.
They return to the Temple and are working on after action reports together in their still shared Master-Padawan apartment and Anakin makes a comment about how Obi-Wan doesn't really care about him except to find fault (or something). And Obi-Wan just looks devastated, Anakin isn't even looking up, just continues looking at his datapad like he hasn't ripped Obi-Wan's heart out of his chest.
Cody has had it. He stalks into Obi-Wan's room and drags out four heavy boxes, directly in front of Anakin, confiscated his datapad, says " Happy reading, you asshole, stop sending my partner into guilt spirals about not caring enough." He pulls Obi-wan out of the apartment. "We're going to Dex's, don't call until you pull your head out of your ass."
Ani, fuming about how misunderstood he is, but ultimately curious opens a box and spots his award for the Junior Padawan Saber Competition and together with it sees a picture of him at age 11, beaming with Obi-Wan smiling, so proud. He hasn't even started reading the attached note yet and he's starting to feel a lump in his throat. Then he spots it ' Dear Shmi.....'
Cue Anakin ugly crying, because even opening the box, he can feel the love and fondnes that saturates the contents. He wipes his face and notices that it's ordered by his age and documented and stored according to the Archival Practise Code as set by Madame Nu, you absolute nerd Obi.
Anakin feels so very touched that Obi-Wan was trying to include his mum even as his galaxy is being rocked. There was undeniable proof that Obi-Wan 'the perfect jedi' Kenobi loved him. It's as he starts reading through the notes that he realises that some of them are dated past his mother's death. It becomes less Obi-Wan talking about his progress and achievements and more him worrying about where the war is taking Anakin.
He finds a letter with his wedding photos on several pieces of filmsi and realises that Obi-Wan has known this whole time about his marriage. The only words of censure on this letter was Obi-Wan asking what he had done to make his padawan no longer trust him and his hurt that his friend Padmè had hidden it from him, marrying his padawan when he was still considered a minor.
Everything he was worried that Obi-Wan felt about him is all wrong. Obi-Wan is proud of him, Obi-Wan loves him. How could his friend, the Chancellor have been so wrong?
From there we'd move into a fix it, there would be repercussions for the various and sundry illegal actions that Anakin has done *cough* Sand People Massacre *cough* with a focus on rehabilitive rather than punitive consequences. Palpatine is revealed to be a fraud and gets offed with a poetic type justice death. Mostly happy endings all around because I'm a sap and want my blorbos happy.
2. The Angsty Version:
I typically do not enjoy riding the angsty mcangst train, but here's an attempt.
Darth Vader is going through the rooms that once belonged to Anakin, setting out to destroy what remained of the weak Jedi and his traitorous former Master. He stalks through the rooms, blocking out the warm memories that filled a place he once called home, destroying the furniture in his towering rage as he goes.
He enters the room of the man who should have loved him, but instead tried to murder him and finds these boxes, clearly labelled "Shmi Skywalker." The unexpected name jolts Vader out of his destructive rage and the small spark of Anakin still residing in his heart is curious and that curiosity consumes him.
He reads through all the little notes, the keepsakes are rifled through (in a quiet part of him, where the small, scared shadow of the child, Ani, resides, he longs to touch the lingering warmth embedded in them with his bare skin, he's so cold).
Through all the letters and stories that denote Anakin's childhood, words of love and pride for a man left to die on lava shores.
He doesn't know whether to rage or repent, the lies of his Master Sideous, had blinded him to the love of a father that he had so desperately craved and now, now it was too late.
He spends his life, a black hole of self-hatred and regret, drifting through the rise of his so-called glorious empire, alone, no wife, no brother/best friend/father. He cannot bring himself to burn and destroy the last evidence that Anakin Skywalker was loved. He was loved wholly and completely for who he was, not how powerful he was.
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danceswithsporks · 4 months
Calm-Part 9 (Finale)
Wrecker x Seamstress!reader
Parts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Chapter Notes: many new adventures await our lovers.
Authors notes: Here we are! The final part to Calm. This won’t be the last time we see Wrecker, Tech, Chai and Stitches. There’s still so much we haven’t learned about our friends yet! Thank you all of you for being by my side as we tell these stories. I never expected to fall into the bad batch fandom but as a clone wars girly I had to give them a shot and now they’re my loves.
The next part of the Complete Series will be Awake A Crosshair X Innkeeper (Doll)!reader fic!
Crosshair has seen both sides of the board when it comes to finding his place in a changing galaxy. Now that he knows the truth and is a free man, will he be able to adjust? Or will he need the guiding light of an innkeeper?
If you don’t want to be in the Taglist for Crosshairs story please let me know so I can remove you! If not then I’ll see you all there when it premiers in roughly a month!
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Chaos, your house was utter chaos right now. You’d somehow been talked into hosting the engagement party for Tech and Chai and thus your house, courtyard, and even your shop, were packed to the brim. The newly engaged couple was around here somewhere no doubt being harassed by countless well-wishers. You were happy for them, they were taking the next big step in their relationship. A really big step in all honesty. Tech had been home for six months now and had changed, they all had. No more were these rigid and fierce clones on the run. No, now they were just men trying to get by in the galaxy like everyone else. Well, kind of.
Hunter, Crosshair, and Echo still went out on missions but they were now infrequent and only if painfully necessary. Other than that they were slowly finding their place here in Pabu. Doll would never openly admit it, but she and Crosshair were in some kind of odd relationship where they were together but also not together. She’d confided in you about the situation one evening while you were dropping off their dinners. Mentioned how it had started as a stress relief for him but was slowly turning into something more. You had no advice to give her besides “follow your heart” it was the best you could do.
Echo had taken up a position at the school as the history of the galaxy professor. He was the least active of the three because of this. You’d asked him one night why he’d chosen that job out of all the jobs he could have taken on Pabu. He’d replied that he wanted to tell the tales of those now gone and make sure that people didn’t forget the past. Whatever the reason, he seemed happy. However, you could tell something weighed on his mind some nights when he’d come over for dinner or to tutor Omega. But he never seemed to share what it was.
Hunter seemed to be the most active of the three of them, struggling to settle while the others had found a new purpose. Almost monthly he was leaving for some kind of mission. Rex being the one to dole out the missions. Hunter would travel back to Ord Mantel and the tea shop there before leaving on whatever the mission was. From what he’d shared with the group, his main job was helping to locate higher-ranked clones who were still missing after the fall of the Jedi.
“Fox” he’d told you one night while Wrecker, Hunter, and yourself were sitting in your courtyard. “He’s the Husband to the Senator who helped us find Omega. We owe it to her to find out what happened to him.”
It had warmed your heart to know that he was determined to thank this woman in whatever way possible. That her help would hopefully be repaid one day. Hunter had told you that it had been close to two years since Riyo had seen or heard from her husband and it had made your heart hurt for her. You could barely survive two days without seeing Wrecker. Going years without seeing him or knowing if he was ok would be torture.
“Credit for your thoughts?” A warm and loving voice pulled you from your thoughts and back to the party happening.
When had you walked out into the courtyard? When had you placed your wine down on the courtyard wall? “Just thinking about these last few months. How lucky Chai and Tech are. How lucky we all are.”
Wrecker smiled while placing his beer down next to your wine. “We are lucky, aren’t we? Got a safe place to call home. Omega is safe and happy. We’re all together and most importantly, we have people who love and care for us.” Reaching up, he ran his thumb across your bottom lip gently. You kissed the pad of the digit making him hum softly. “Come on, let’s make a break for it.”
“Break for what?” You laughed softly while watching the elderly ladies from your shop reprimand some of the kids who were running through the crowd of people. Shaking your head at them, you looked back to your beloved clone.
His thumb traveled from your lip to gliding across your cheekbone before he held your face gently in his large palm. “ Break for the Marauder. Tonight’s the night, Sarad.”
It took you a moment to understand what he was referencing. What was tonight? Then it hit you, the nebula. Tech had located one a few systems over from yours and Wrecker was instantly intrigued. “W-why tonight?” You weren’t ready, you were barely flying the Marauder here in the atmosphere. Now he wanted to take you fully off planet and through hyperspace?
“Tonight’s a night of celebrations. Why not have our own private celebration and finally get you off this rock?” A light sigh came from the large clone as he knelt in front of you. “I’ll never force you to go, but know that I wouldn’t ask this if I didn’t think you were ready.” He looked at your perfect eyes carefully. “I want to show you something wonderful. Will you let me?”
“W-Wrecker, I can’t do this.” You stared at the vast emptiness of space waiting for you just outside the atmosphere of the planet. The Marauder was currently idling as Wrecker passed the controls to you.
“Yes, you can. You are the most amazing person I’ve ever met. You’ve helped me conquer my fears. I know you can conquer yours.” He reached over and placed his hand on top of yours while it squeezed the yoke.
You looked at that brown-eyed clone with fear coursing through your veins faster than you thought possible. “What if something happens? What if …”
Wrecker released your hand and pulled your face into his hands. “What if the stars fall from the sky and your teeth fall out? Nothing is known for sure besides three things.”
“What’s that?” You watched as that adorable smirk of his made an appearance.
He pulled one of his hands away and held up a finger as he named off his list. “One, this is one of the fastest ships in the galaxy. Techs outfitted her with the best parts credits can buy. If anything happens we will escape. Two, if they somehow catch us then I will defend you and keep you safe until my dying breath.”
A shuddered breath left you as you listened to him. “Three?”
Wrecker leaned in and kissed you deeply and fiercely. “I’ll tell ya when we get to the nebula.”
“What?” He was going to keep that from you and use it as a bribe to get you there? Damn, he must have learned that from Tech. Swallowing the large lump in your throat, you looked back out of the window and towards the waiting darkness of space.
“Get us to the nebula and I’ll tell you the third thing, Sarad.” He stood from his chair and walked around behind yours.
Large hands reached down and found purchase on your shoulders giving you the courage you suddenly needed. You could do this, you were brave. How many times have you circled the planet within the atmosphere? How often had you dreamed about seeing the stars up close like this again? Going to different planets and seeing a nebula in person? You adjusted your grip on the yoke once more before taking a deep breath and pushing forward. The Marauder shot like blaster fire through the clouds and atmosphere before finally breaking through into the vastness of space.
A shaky breath left you as you stared at the endless star-filled void before you. You’d done it. You were in space for the first time in nearly a decade. Shaky hands released the yoke as you slowly stood and turned to face your lover. He was beaming with pride for you and before you could speak, he pulled you into his arms and kissed you. His kisses always made things so much better. Were you terrified? Stars, yes. But in his arms everything was ten times better. You were safe in space with the man you adored.
“I’m so proud of you, Sarad. So. Incredibly. Proud.” Each word was accompanied by a fierce kiss. He wasn’t sure of any other way to share how proud of you he was besides kissing you. You, his perfect wonderfully brave riduur. He savored the lingering taste of wine on your lips as he kissed you once more for far longer than he probably should have. The two of you released each other's lips and took in much-needed oxygen. “Come on, my beautiful girl. Let’s get you to that nebula.”
Oh, how your knees went weak whenever he called you his girl. He pulled away from you and with a smirk that you knew far too well, he started to undo his pants. “And what may I ask, are you doing?”
Wrecker winked at you and pulled down his pants revealing his rock-hard erection. He moved around you and took a seat in the pilot's chair before patting his bare thigh. “Come on, pretty girl. Let me take you to your nebula in style.”
Like you’d say no to an offer like that. Grinning, you reached beneath your skirt and pulled off your panties in one swift movement before passing them to Wrecker. The thick clone took the offered garment and placed it to his face where he inhaled deeply, his eyes fluttering at the scent on them. You wondered why he liked the smell of your panties so much but what usually came next drew your attention away from the question every single time. “Mmm, my favorite seat.” Walking over to his lap, you straddled him and smirked. “Sure you can focus on flying while screwing my brains out?” You asked while raising one of your hands to your mouth.
Wrecker watched as you licked one of your hands in a way that had him groaning. You’d done this before and it had made his head swim. The saliva-covered appendage was lowered to his aching cock and wrapped around firmly. “That’s …kriff. That’s what the autopilot is for, riduur.” You’d be in hyperspace for approximately three hours. More than enough time for him to fuck you in here and on one of the bunks. Your hand moved up and down a few times, lathering his cock before you pulled it away and impaled yourself on him. “Kriff, there’s that right little cunt I love so much.”
“Mmmph, here I thought you loved me for me. Not just my cunt.” You sat comfortably with him inside of you for a few moments, taking in his size and wondering if you’d ever tire of this full feeling. Probably not and if you did well it would be clear something was wrong with you.
Wrecker buried his face into the nape of your neck and sucked the skin gently. “Don’t worry, I love you for both.” Turning the chair to face the yoke, Wrecker gripped your hips and lifted you up and nearly off of him. Then he released you letting your body slam down onto him while he released the most sinful deep groan possible. Damn, he needed to focus on flying but you just felt too damn good. “Do me a favor and entertain yourself while I get us to jump?”
You panted needily before nodding. “Ok.” You placed your hands on his shoulders and lifted yourself almost off of him before sliding slowly back down his impressively thick length. It burned and stretched you in all the right ways and you moaned loudly making him chuckle.
He kept one hand on the yoke and the other on your ass guiding your body up and down.“Good girl.”
Thick fingers stroked your bare back while you lay against Wrecker's bare chest. Your body was tired after the long hours of sex and thus you had no energy to even get up and get dressed. His soft being cock was still buried inside of you from where you’d ended back up again. In his lap and the pilot's seat. After you’d made the jump to hyperspace he’d proceeded to impale you repeatedly on him before lifting you and carrying you towards the bunks in the back. There he’d screwed you into his bunk so perfectly your head had been spinning. You’d cum a second time around him after he’d pressed you against the ladder leading up to Omega's old room and screwed you hard enough to leave some marks on your back. As you came down from your orgasm he’d whispered how thankful he was that Tech kept the medkit properly stocked before leaving you to grab some bacta spray for your back. The third round had you starting in his bunk and finally ending in the pilot's seat once more. Your body was tired and hunger was growing in your stomach, but stars were you satisfied.
“Sarad, we’re about to drop out. Wanna get dressed?” He looked down at you and stroked your cheek gently. Maker, you were beautiful in his lap. How he ever got lucky enough to have you in his life was beyond him. If he could go back in time and tell a young cadet that he would have a woman as magnificent as you in his life one day. Well…he probably would have called himself crazy.
Stars, he was so damn warm! You nuzzled against the warmth he offered and shook your head. “Too comfy.” You could easily fall asleep like this. These strong arms holding you close while a hand stroked your skin giving you goosebumps. This was bliss. Wrecker chuckled deeply, making that broad chest of his vibrate.
He wasn’t going to argue with you about this in the slightest. “Okay, Close your eyes?” He raised his hand to your eyes and gently swiped down, closing your eyelids for you. “I want ya to see it in its entirety for the first time. Not while we pull up to it.”
You smiled softly and nodded while feeling him adjust his arms to steer the ship toward the nebula. It didn’t take too long for you to feel the ship stop, excitement now building within you. Finally, after months of hearing about the beauty of a nebula you were about to see it. Wrecker stood with you securely in his arms before you felt him lift you slightly allowing his softened dick to fall out of you. You shivered at the odd sensation before you heard him tell you to place your feet down. Doing as you were told, you felt his arms leave your body.
The large clone took a few steps away from you to give you a moment and then took a deep breath. “Ok. Open your eyes.”
Opening your eyes to the sight of the nebula was like waking up in a new universe. It was beautiful, no, it was breathtaking. The nebula appeared like a delicate celestial painting, swirling clouds of gas and dust dancing gracefully against the backdrop of space. Its colors, ranging from vibrant hues of red and blue to subtle shades of pink and purple, mesmerized you. In that moment, you felt a connection to the universe, as if you were witnessing the birthplace of stars and planets firsthand. It was a breathtaking experience that left you humbled by the sheer beauty and magnitude of the universe.
“Oh, Wrecker. It’s amazi-“You’d turned to look at your lover and found him staring at you in a way you’d never seen before. “What?” You ran a hand through your messy hair. “Does my hair look weird?”
Wrecker closed the space between the two of you and wrapped his arms around you once more. Never had you looked so beautiful to him. Not in the first time you’d been naked in front of him, not in the afterglow of your orgasm, not even when you told him you loved him. Don’t get him wrong, you were beautiful in each of those moments. But right now with your nude body being bathed in the blue glow of the nebula, you looked beautifully ethereal and all he wanted to do was hold you. “You look perfect, riduur.” Leaning down, he kissed you deeply.
“Thank you, Riduur. This is … well it’s breathtaking. I can’t describe it with any other words.” You now understood why he always said nebulas were beautiful. Though, you still couldn’t see how you were more beautiful than the sight outside the ship. Now, that was the most beautiful sight in existence.
Riduur coming from your lips always sent a chill down his spine. You were calling him your partner, your spouse in the language of the clones, his language. A language that you were trying to learn for him. How amazing could you get? “Sarad, you should know something.”
“Is it point number three?” You smiled at the serious look on his face making him smile back. “You told me you’d tell me when we got here.”
You were right. He had told you that hadn’t he? Maybe he could kill two birds with one stone. “Point number three is that I am undeniably and insanely in love with you. I can’t see my life without you in it. You mean everything to me. You are brave and strong and more beautiful than that nebula outside. I adore you, Stitches and I need you by my side forever.”
Your bottom lip trembled as he confessed his undying love to you. Yes, he’d told you he loved you countless times before but this. Stars, this was so much more intense. “Oh, Wrecker. I love you so much too. I never want you to leave my side.”
Wrecker took a deep breath before speaking. “Mesh’la, I haven’t been honest with you about what Riduur stands for.”
“It means partner or spouse. I know already, my love.” You tapped your nails against his chest as he continued to hold you close. “Omega told me the same night we went to the waterfall the first time.”
But that was months ago, nearly a year now and you hadn’t said anything? “You’re not mad?”
Your head shook quickly “How could I be mad when I feel the same way?”
“You do?” Wrecker felt something inside of him well up. You were ok with being called his riduur. You saw yourself as his wife! He watched you bite your bottom swollen lip and nod quickly. “T-then … will you marry me?”
Tears burned your eyes as you nodded and cried in happiness. “ Of course! How could I say no?” He picked you up and spun the two of you in happy delight making you gasp and wrap your arms around his neck.
“I don’t have a ring. B-but I’ll get you one. Any style you want! We can head to Ord Mantel right now.” He wanted to jump into the pilot seat and fly straight to the planet right now. But he also didn’t want to let you go. No, he wanted to hold you forever and ever.
Your laugh filled the air as you wiped tears away from your eyes. “Wrecker, there’s no rush. We’ll get one when we get one.” Plus it would be less attention on you two right now when everyone was celebrating Chai and Tech.
“Are you sure? We can go right now and be there in less than six hours.” You had more than enough fuel to make it and you two could stay at the tea shop. You nodded to him, making him hum in thought. “Ok. But as soon as we get the chance. I’m getting you the most beautiful ring in existence.”
“You could get me a piece of twine and I’d wear it with pride.” He chuckled against your lips before he pressed his against yours in a passionate kiss. “I don’t need a ring for you to show how much you love me, Wrecker. I just need you by my side.”
“I can do that, riduur.” He whispered while lowering the two of you to the floor, his cock hard once more. “I can do that.”
“Look at that ring! It’s gorgeous!” Chai held your hand up for Doll to see.
The three of you were currently in your shop designing Chai’s wedding dress. They were planning the ceremony in such a short amount of time you worried slightly if it would be finished in time. Four months wasn’t long when it came to designing and sewing a dress. But with Magda and Sue by your side, you may just be able to finish it in time. You blushed as you held the ring up for both women to see. “It’s black opal. Wrecker had Tech help him pick it out because it reminded him of our nebula.”
“How romantic.” Doll sat with a bolt of silk fabric in her lap, her fingers gently stroking the cool material. “It looks like a little tiara on your finger.”
“You’d know all about tiaras wouldn’t you, Miss Pabu, three years running.” Doll was gorgeous and she knew it, as did everyone else. It wasn’t a surprise that she won the island pageant every year.
“Think I’ll be hanging my tiara up this year. Give some of the other girls a chance.” She sighed softly as she stared at your wring. The metal was black for your band and went into a diamond shape that made it look like the top of a tiara with the black opal in the center. Little stones cradled the metal drawing the eye towards the hypnotic trance of the stone. “I can’t believe he flew you to a nebula to ask you to marry him.” It was just all so romantic. You with your Prince Charming and Chai with her knight in shining armor. She wanted that to be her, but Crosshair was a stubborn ass who wouldn’t let her in.
“I can’t believe Tech hung from the side of the island with Chai to propose. Think that has mine and Wrecker beat by a long shot.” You watched the way Doll became lost in her thoughts. It seemed whatever situationship she and Crosshair were in was currently not doing great. She hadn’t told you much but from the way she was sighing and staring off into space, you could tell it wasn’t good. You’d ask her about it but she’d seemed adamant about Chai not knowing yet. The poor girl would be too excited for something that wasn’t even a full relationship yet. Shaking your head, you looked back to Chai who was standing in the mirror looking at herself. “With these gorgeous shoes from Ahsoka’s friend as a starting point to design the dress around, I don’t see us having any issues deciding on a style.” You motioned to the shoes sitting in their box still. “You’ll have to send her a thank you note. Couldn’t have been cheap to ship from Naboo.”
The tea shop owner nodded as she turned and eyed her body carefully. What style should she go for?“From what Ahsoka told me, her friend died a while ago but the person handling her assets was positive she’d want another bride to wear them for her wedding.” Chai stared at the gorgeous heels with flowers embossed on the gold material. “Apparently her wedding was at a lake. I asked if she wanted them returned but Ahsoka said to keep them.” It was far too kind for shoes that looked more expensive than she’d ever spend on shoes. But the lovely gift would be a treasured moment in their ceremony.
“Oh, how sad.” You made a mental note to make sure the expensive shoes were properly cared for. “Did the husband not want her things around?” The memory of when you’d tried to throw all your parent's stuff away after their death came back to you. The sight of your dad's jacket or your mom's scarf would hurt too much to see them around. You were glad that Phee had stopped you from discarding the items.
Chai turned and sat on the stool she’d been standing on. “Apparently he died around the same time. Super tragic. But from what Ahsoka told me, she’d never seen two people more in love.” That was all the mysterious Jedi would share about the owner of the shoes and her life. Chai hadn’t felt the need to push the topic.
“Oh, how heartbreakingly tragic!” Doll leaned back in the chair. “I hope they’re with one another now. Happy and still in love.”
You hoped that Doll wasn’t about to cry on that silk. It was from Naboo and worth a good chunk of credits. Your oldest friend was a hopeless romantic when it came down to it. With others, she acted as though she didn’t care but romance novels and movies were her guilty pleasure. “That’s all any of us really want. Isn't it?” You gave your friend a reassuring smile before tapping at your datapad. “What about something with puffed sleeves?”
Chai made a face at you making all of you laugh brightly. It had been a while since all three of you had been together like this. You’d missed it. “Ok, ok. How about…” you tapped at the screen a few times. “Something like this?”
“Oh, Stitches. It’s perfect.” Chai walked over and stared at the design on your screen. Yes, that was her dress.
You couldn’t believe what you were seeing. It seemed Doll and Crosshair had made up just in time for the wedding as he was currently leading her towards the side of the Archium. You nudged Wrecker and pointed towards the two. “Would you look at that? Looks like Crosshair is settling in.”
“That’s my brother! Always good with the ladies.” He placed a hand on your shoulder with a proud smirk. “She’s gonna be good for him, right?”
“Yeah. She’s sweet and has a wart of gold. Only thing I worry about is the romantic notions she has. She can fall kinda easily for someone.” The poor girl had just gotten over a crappy relationship right before Crosshair and the others had returned to the island.
“Cross is still recovering … but I think he’ll take care of her.” He stroked his chin in thought. “Don’t worry, if he hurts her, I’ll hurt him.” Though he doubted it would ever come to that.
“Sounds good.” A noise on the opposite side of you caught your attention making you look towards the source. You watched as Chai and Tech tried to make their secret exit from the party. Her dress had come out beautifully and was perfectly paired with the golden heels she’d been gifted. The pressed flowers between the layers of her dress had come out exactly as you’d hoped. It had been touch and go for a while but you’d somehow pulled it off. “I don’t think they’re being as secretive about leaving as they think they are. You chuckled softly to your fiancé next to you.
Wrecker watched as Chai made a gesture to her brother begging him for silence as they made their way out of the Archium courtyard. “Not even a little.” He looked down at you and smiled while brushing some of your hair over your shoulder. “So what’d ya think? Wanna have a big wedding like this?”
A laugh left you as you shook your head. “Not in the slightest. Far too many people and far too chaotic.” You placed a hand on his bicep and stroked it lovingly. “Just me, you, and Shep to officiate. Plus the rest of our little family. But that’s it. We don’t need the entire island there.”
“Sounds good to me. Means we don’t need a big party and I can have you all to myself.” He leaned down and kissed you gently. “We’ll still have cake, right?”
“Of course.” You winked at him before stepping over to Omega and shaking her awake gently. “Can’t deny this one her cake.” The child had eaten herself into a sugar coma and was currently nuzzled under the large tree in the courtyard. “Come on, ‘Mega. Time for bed.”
Omega yawned while stretching her arms over her head. “But I’m not tired.” The plate of half-eaten sweets and treats fell to the side as she adjusted. “What about the party?”
“You’ve been sleeping the last thirty minutes!” Wrecker joked while reaching down to pick up his sister. “Tech and Chai left already. Time for bed.”
“But I didn’t get to say goodbye,” Omega whined while climbing into Wrecker’s arms. Her body felt so tired and her head kind of hurt.
“We’ll see them in a few days.” Smiling, you picked up her plate and walked it over to a nearby trash while Wrecker followed you.
“Will they have babies next?” She kicked her feet lazily from Wrecker's shoulder.
You froze and looked at her. “Well … I don’t know. Maybe. That’s kind of a discussion for them to have.”
“Oh,” Omega thought silently to herself for a moment before speaking again. “Are you and Wrecker going to have babies?”
“I … we …” you stumbled over your words as you tried to find the right words. Quickly, you looked at your lover for help.
“That’s one of those adult conversations that Tech was telling ya about.” Wrecker adjusted the girl on his shoulder.
Omega chewed her lip in thought for a few minutes. From the way you were acting, it seemed like it had been an uncomfortable question. “Will you, please?” She was so tired that the question had just slipped from her lips.
The three of you had started walking towards the house when she made her request. “Omega?” You stopped and looked up at her. “Why do you want us to have babies so badly?"
Wrecker lowered the sleepy girl to the ground before taking his place next to you and kneeling. Omega shifted a few times before finally laying her heart out to you both. “When I found out that Emerie was a clone it was like something changed inside me. I had a sister. A blood sister. But then Hemlock killed her to punish me and it… hurt a lot.” She toed the cobblestone a few times. “I want family members my size, my age. I miss seeing the babies and kids around Kamino.”
“Having babies the natural way is … well it’s difficult, sweetie.” There was a lot to it and honestly, you weren’t sure the clones could even reproduce. Wrecker had told you that he’d been told that clones were unable to reproduce. But he’d also been told there were no female clones and right now you were both staring at the truth. “For now, let’s just enjoy being our own little family, like we have been, yeah?”
Omega nodded while wiping a few tears away. You reached over and took one of her hands while Wrecker took the other and continued your walk home. After a few minutes, she spoke once more. “What does fertile mean?”
Once again you froze midstep. What the hell was in that cake that she was asking these types of questions? You turned and looked at the blonde with a tinge of concern in your eyes. “W-why do you want to know that? Did someone say that to you?”
“Nala Se and one of the other Kaminoans were talking about the reproductive capabilities of the clones. Nala Se they were told something about being infertile but were actually very fertile. What does that mean?” Omega watched as some kind of look crossed your face. Shock? Confusion? Surprise? It was hard to tell.
Wrecker felt like his knees were going to give out. Fertile. If Tech said that infertile meant unable to reproduce then fertile was the opposite and she said that they were very fertile. Which meant that they could have kids. Kids, he could have kids. The two of you needed to talk ASAP. But what did he say? Was he supposed to tell her the truth? Raising kids was hard. “W-well you see. It means … “
“It means they’re great at farming. Why do you think Cut and his family are doing so great?” The ease at which that fell out of your mouth was slightly concerning. But you’d question that later. Right now, Wrecker was giving you a smirk that was making your heart skip. Kids, you two could have kids. “Come on, let’s get you home.”
“So … guess we should talk about tonight’s revelation. Huh?” You sat on the edge of your bed in your nightgown with your feet swaying.
Wrecker nodded as he pulled his shirt over his head. “Guess so.” All he’d been thinking about since that moment an hour ago was you carrying his child. The idea of your stomach swollen and full because of him had unlocked something within him. Wrecker stepped over to you with just his pants on. Kneeling in front of you, he took your hands in his. “I know what I’m thinking and how I feel. What about you?”
You blinked a few times trying to keep yourself calm. “I … like the idea of us having a child someday. I’ve always liked that idea. I just … didn’t think that was a possibility for us.” Your eyes stung as you began to fight back tears. “B-but now we can. Now we have that chance.” A few tears ran down your cheek. You sincerely hoped he felt the same way. “What do you think?”
“I think you’ll look amazing carrying our child.” He whispered before leaning into you and kissing you deeply. His hand wrapped around the back of your head and kept you close while he felt the wetness of your tears run against his lips. “You’ll be beautiful and I’ll care for you, Omega, and our baby in every way possible.”
“You sure I won’t disgust you with my swollen ankles and morning sickness?” Sweetly, you ran your nose against his while leaning back into the bed.
Wrecker laughed brightly while crawling over you and caging you beneath his body. “I’ll find you the sexiest woman in the universe.” He bent down and kissed above your breast. “I’ll get you whatever weird cravings you want. I’ll sleep with the house like a frozen tundra or like the sands of Tatooine.” He kissed above the other one while moving towards your shoulder where the thin black strap of silk material held the dress up. “If you want the house to smell like fish then so be it. If you want us to stop eating Mantel mix because the smell makes you sick then we will. Whatever you desire, I will do it.”
His lips pressed against the crook of your neck while his sweet words danced in your ears making you sigh in need. “All I’ll need is you by my side, riduur.”
“I’ll be there for you. Always. Either inside or beside you, my nebula.” Rough lips pressed to your jaw before finally finding your lips once more. He raised his calloused fingers to your thigh and slowly pushed the material up, pleased to find you’d forgone panties. “You’re missing something, Sarad.”
His thick fingers pressed into your thigh pulling a small moan from your lips. “I thought we could practice some more.”
A deep dark chuckle left the clone as he pulled away from your lips and leaned back to stare at your needy body. Your legs were spread open with the dress pushed up around your waist and your heat glistened in the light for him. “Kriff, I’ll never get over how delicious you look, Mesh’la.” He moved to the edge of the bed and pulled you with him, making you squeak. “We’ll practice as much as you want. Not in any rush to share ya just yet.”
You prepared to comment back to him but instead found your words replaced by a long moan. Wrecker had flicked his tongue right over your sensitive bud and was quickly turning you into a puddle. “P-practice time?” He growled an ‘mhmm’ from between your legs sending a vibration through your body. Kriff, how were you supposed to be quiet when he moved his tongue like that?
“That’s right, be a good girl and be quiet. Don’t want ‘Mega hearing us.” He smirked up at you from his happy place between your legs, watching as you bit your lip in need. Sure, making you scream while forcing you to be quiet was mean but you were so damn pretty when you fought your voice. “Don’t want her to hear us farming in here.” Wrecker gave you a teasing smirk.
“Ugh, I panicked.” You laid your arm over your eyes and sighed as Wrecker's breath ghosted your core. “I will admit, you’re pretty kriffing amazing at f-farming.” His tongue swirled around your pearl and you were instantly a moaning mess.
The large clone chuckled before he gripped your thigh and squeezed it. “We’ve been farming a lot lately. Lots of practice.” He moved his free hand below his chin and ran a thick digit across your opening. Your cute whine beneath him made his hips roll against the edge of your bed. His cock was getting too hard in these pants, he needed to take them off. “Be a good girl and play with yourself while I get undressed.”
You watched him stand and slowly begin to unbutton his pants. Reaching between your legs, you slowly rubbed your clit. It wasn’t as good as his tongue, you’d found that nothing could be as good as his tongue. But it was doing enough to keep you stimulated and in need of him. “Wrecker” you gasped softly while rolling your hips against your hand, your speed picking up. “Need you. Now. Please.”
He growled while watching your fingers dance across your core. “Such a good girl.” Came as a whisper from him as he lowered his pants and stepped out of them. He watched as your fingers slid closer to your opening and quickly, his large hand reached out and grabbed yours while tutting at you. “That’s my job, sarad. Ya that needy that you forgot?”
A long whine left you as you took in the hard member between his legs. Screw his mouth and fingers! You wanted him . Sitting on the edge of the bed, you reached out and wrapped your hand around his cock while using your other hand to beckon him closer. Wrecker happily moved closer to you and let out a long sigh as your hand started to pump him slowly.
“Eager, ain’t ya?” He rocked his hips into your hand, helping you pump him.
“Need you filling me up.” Knowing that you could have kids with him was making you so unbelievably needy for him to screw you.
Wrecker let you work on his cock while bending down to kiss you. “My sweet nebula, are you asking me to breed you?” A sentence he never thought he’d say.
Was that what this was? A desire to be bred and swollen with his seed? Stars, you never thought your life would get to this point but you had to admit you loved the idea. “Yes! Please, breed me Wrecker.” His hips stopped moving and instead, you were pushed back onto the bed.
You were so damn hot when you begged for him like this. Like hell was he going to say no. “Get on all fours, sarad. Gonna screw ya good and hard.”
You moved so fast that you would have thought your life depended on it. His strong hands wrapped around your waist and held you firm. The strong demanding feeling of his hands on your body was so mind-numbingly amazing feeling you could easily get lost in it. The tip of him was rubbed against your folds gathering the wetness from his mouth and your need to help ease him entering you. You shuddered at the feeling as he lined up with your entrance before carefully and slowly pressing into you. A long hiss left you as you felt the telltale pressure of him inside of you. He filled you perfectly in all the right ways. Your lover shifted before pulling away and thrusting into you once, twice, and three times. You were a howling mess instantly. “Yes, Wrecker!”
Wrecker watched you fall onto your elbows and bury your face into one of the pillows, no doubt trying to muffle your cries of pleasure. He hummed at the delicious sight of you bent over in front of him, his dick buried in your core. “Look so good like this.” He thrusted languidly a few more times before he watched your arm move beneath you. Suddenly you were clenching him and keening even more into the pillow. You were playing with yourself while he fucked you, perfect. “That’s right. Work yourself while I fuck ya.” He groaned as you squeezed him. He’d fucked you the night before and yet your cunt was as amazing as ever. Lasting long wouldn’t be in the cards for him that night. Not when he knew you wanted him to breed you. That delicious idea of his seed filling you was single-handedly driving him to his climax.
“Wrecker, fill me with your cum. Please. Fuck me and fill me.” His hands tightened around your waist as his speed increased. “Oooohhhh.” Between him hitting that spot inside you and your fingers working between your legs, you were becoming a blubbering mess. Suddenly, his hand was on one of your ankles and pulling it up. You turned to the side slightly and found him placing your ankle near his ear. The position allowed him to sink deeper into you and after four hard deep thrusts that was it for you. You came in a stifled cry as he continued to fuck you through your orgasm.
Kriff, your cunt held him for dear life, practically begging for his seed. Who was he to hold back? He gripped your thigh tight and held you in place as he deepened his thrusts and his speed. The lewd sound of your sweaty bodies slapping filled the room as the bed began to squeak. He didn’t care, he was ready to fill you. “Say it again. Beg for it.”
“Please, Wrecker.” You sighed through your post-orgasm haze. “Fill me with your seed. Let me milk you.”
You said it in such a sensual and needy way it had him falling over his edge. Each thrust of his orgasm was deep and hard as he tried to plant himself as deep into your body as possible. The hot strings of his release coated your walls and filled you as much as possible, nearly overflowing from your body. “Fuck, so good at milking me.” He continued to thrust slowly to ensure all of him had been planted inside of you.
Once he came down from his high, he didn’t pull himself from you. Instead, he kept himself buried inside your warmth to ensure none leaked out of you just yet. Your ankle was lowered back to the bed and he fell behind you before placing kisses across your shoulder. “Think that’ll take?”
Reaching behind you, you stroked his cheek sweetly while humming. “That would be nice. But if it hasn’t taken thus far then we may need more practice.” You hadn’t lied to Omega when you’d stated it could take a couple years. Your parents had tried for three before you were born and were never able to conceive again.
“Hmmm, don’t mind the practice. Only practice I’ll look forward to.” He whispered into your ear, his fingers ghosting your arm. While he enjoyed screwing you, this post-sex cuddling was his favorite part. In this moment everything in life was perfect. You were perfect and glowed with a post-sex aura. All he wanted was to be near you when you were like this.
“Then we’ll keep practicing. You know what they say, practice makes perfect.”
“Sarad? What are you doing out here?” Wrecker was surprised to find you outside. Chai and Tech's new baby, Ashla, was inside your home and you’d done nothing but talk about how excited you were to hold her.
You turned from the courtyard wall and looked at your love. “Thinking.” You leaned back against the wall to the distaste of your fiancé. No matter how much had changed and how brave he’d become when it came to his fear of heights, he still hated that you liked to lean against this wall. Some things never changed.
Wrecker walked over and leaned against the wall next to you. His hand took yours and held it up so the sunlight could glean off your engagement ring. “About what?”
Well, maybe some things didn’t fully change. When you first met you couldn’t even get him to come over here and lean against the wall. Now he was willingly doing so. “Our wedding. How many people were inviting.”
“Having second thoughts about the size?” He tugged at your hand and pulled you into him. His arms wrapped around your waist as you pressed your back into his chest. “What a big wedding?”
“Nah, but I think we may have forgotten one or two people.” His arms squeezed slightly before he chuckled.
“Shouldn't be a problem then.” Wrecker leaned down and kissed your cheek sweetly. “That all that’s on your mind?”
You chewed your lip in thought before tilting to the side and looking up at him. “Why haven’t you held Ashla yet? She’s nearly five months old.”
Wrecker shifted awkwardly. “Afraid I’ll hurt her. She’s so tiny and my hands are so big.”
“You won’t hurt her. She’s delicate but not breakable. I know you’ll be careful with her.” You pulled one of his arms from your waist and held his big hand up for you both to look at. “You gotta get used to holding babies, my love.”
“Why’s that?” He placed his head against the top of yours and closed his eyes. To his surprise, you took his hand and placed it on your stomach. “Sarad?”
You bit your lip as his thumb stroked your stomach, how he hadn’t noticed the little bump growing there had amazed you. “Took almost a year. But … well … we’ll have two of our own soon.”
“What? Two? Babies?” Wrecker's mind was scrambling to put the pieces together and to fully understand what you’d said. ‘Two of our own’ your own … “we’re having twins?” You nodded in front of him and he let out a victorious yell. The sound shook the ground around you.
“When you farm, you do it perfectly.” Blushing at his excitement you stepped away and turned to face him. You pulled the bottom of your shirt up a little and turned to the side for him to see. “I’m three months along.”
It took him a moment to notice but sure enough, there was a little bump. Three months, that only gave him six to learn all he could about babies. What did they eat? He’d seen Chai feed Ashla earlier with a bottle. Was that all they ate? Bottle stuff? What about caring for them? How did he stop them from crying all the time? And their diapers! How did he change one of those? They smelled so bad too, would he just get used to them?
“Wrecker?” You could see him getting lost in his thoughts. “Are you okay?” Lowering your shirt, you moved back over to him. “Hey, my love?” You grabbed his hand and placed it back against your stomach. “Talk to us.”
Wrecker blinked a few times before feeling the warmth of your body. “Us …. Us” that’s right. It was no longer just you two. You’d be a family of four in a few months. “I have … a lot to learn.”
You chuckled brightly while nodding. “Yes, you do.” Taking a step towards the house, you pulled him with you. “Starting with holding a baby.”
Calm, that’s how you’d describe Pabu. The weather was always perfect, save for a rare storm every few months, and the waves always crashed against the rocks of the island in a calming rhythm. Standing in your living area, you watched your little family celebrate the news of your pregnancy. Your best friends Chai and Doll sat with their respective partners, Tech and Crosshair, while the love of your life nervously took Ashla from Omega. Echo spoke hastily with Dove about something closer to the kitchen and Hunter watched the entire group with a protective gaze.
Outside you could hear the foghorns of the fishing boats out at sea, working their lives away to provide for their families and those of the island. You were born here, raised on the sea life brought in daily by the fishermen. While others had escaped whatever horrors they experienced out there in the galaxy by coming here, you’d learned to walk on these cobblestones. Scraped your knees in the plaza at the top of the island and learned to swim in the bay on the back of the island. One day so would yours and Wrecker’s children.
This was your home, where your little family went through disasters with one another and came out stronger on the other end. Where laughter and tears were shed and new loves were formed.
This was Pabu.
This was home.
The End
@rndmpeep @sarahskywalker-amadala @queenariesofnarnia @idoubleswearimawriter @bambambunny @ravenclawbitch426 @jupitersaturnapollo @mzjakao @heylosers06 @dangraccoon @impala1967666 @andrakass2 @ducks118 @motte-the-goblin @rintheemolion @merkitty49 @jediknightjana @onyxtides @moon-wrecked @mssbridgerton @griffedeloup
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dispatchwithlove · 4 months
In Your Arms Chapter 9: Heat
(old chapter, i just love this part)
When he’d first laid eyes on her it hadn't been her height that he noticed, but the immense quality of her spirit. From his desk, he and Nihlus had watched her approach. She wore black military-style boots, but shorter, just to the ankle. Black unbuttoned jacket, black pants, and a light blue shirt neatly tucked in but also defiantly loose. Her hair, shorter then, framed her face, brushing her cheeks as she turned to take in the room, her desk, him, with green, sharp eyes flicking from one place to the next. She was so warm, soft but searing. He’d immediately felt lulled, but also on edge, like something important was about to happen, and he better be ready for it.   
How do you tell someone they came into your life like a supernova, though, tipping an equilibrium, setting everything ablaze, without admitting that you’d been mesmerized by them ever since?
Measure it back, of course. “I thought you looked strong, and smart,” he said, voice steady but still too warm. “And when you told Nihlus to get his ass off your desk, and he actually listened to you, I thought I was luckier than all the other detectives, so I better hold on to you. Damned glad that I did.”
Her smile didn’t fade, but something happened, some shift in her demeanor that was so subtle, and so sudden, that he wasn’t sure if his words were the cause, or something else. The scattered starry warmth in her eyes gathered into sparkling clusters. 
Suddenly she felt too close, too close for him to keep her in a compartment where his feelings didn’t overtake the space between them. 
His chuckle was meant to wash away the awkward silence, but then he felt pulled into her so close and so tight, that the birds, the coffee shop, and all the quick-footed people shifting down the sidewalk blurred. It didn’t feel like he was sinking, or lifting, but spinning. The galaxy spun and all he felt was heavy and solid and all he saw was her. 
“Not going to share your actual first impression of me?” he asked, trying to settle despite the whirling. 
She was going to say something funny, thankfully, he could tell in the way she kept her face straight but hunched her shoulders an inch. Her hand rustled her hair.   
“My first thought was that they would’ve recruited more people if they'd sent you to Earth to stand next to the asari C-Sec rep.”
“The unhinged, uptight turian? Pardon my pessimism, but I’m doubting your sincerity.” 
She smirked. “Notice that I said stand there , not open your mouth . You’re pretty, but…”
A laugh pulled out of him, his mandibles fanning out wide. 
When they stopped chuckling she said, “I was terrified, honestly. But you kept your talons filed, and no one else did. And you lifted me up on crates when other humans were told to focus on evidence easier to get to. And you were funny. And you liked my cat, and you were so sweet to Gran and Papa when they wanted to get to know you. Didn’t take long to see that I got lucky, too.”
As the last note left her, everything slowed, but the heavy feeling persisted. How could she not know how easy it had been, being her partner? It should have felt like a struggle, like it did for everyone else, but it never felt that way to him.   
“Ed and Alice are wonderful,” he said. “ My family…”
“Is perfect.”
“Forced you to come over for dinner once a month.”
“It was nice enjoying a meal with a family. It was something to look forward to… Still is.”
They stopped talking then, only smiled with the chickadees over their heads hmming to each other. Just as Garrus thought it would take a cataclysm to pry their gazes apart the chickadees burst from their perch into the bright sun, Jane’s eyes sank down to her omni-tool, and he was left staring at her, pulling in a quick breath. 
“Shit, we’re late,” she said. 
He stood. “Yeah.” 
Everything stilled, finally. The sky-bound birds with flickering wings, the packed coffee shop, the rushing people, all settled, tethered by rigid rope to solid ground. 
His mind focused on maps, streets, traffic lights and travel times from point A to point B. A car shooting thruster patterns into free-growing grass, and a watch lying haphazardly on a wet concrete ledge. 
They had a case to solve with, so far, no leads. 
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thecrxwclub · 2 years
Six of Crows as Psych Quotes
Nina, to Kaz: The plot, unlike your hair, continues to thicken.
*talking to Jan Van Eck*
Jesper: *sneezes*
Kaz: Sorry, he’s allergic to rich white people.
Jesper, on the phone with Inej: Are you in my apartment?
Inej: Please, I haven’t snuck into your apartment in weeks. Which reminds me, you’re all out of peanut butter.
Kaz: A lot of people want to kill me. I take great pride in that.
Jesper trying to sound smart while flirting with Wylan: You heard about Pluto? That’s messed up, right?
Nina: Just because you put syrup on something don’t make it pancakes.
Kaz: You’re acting like a child.
Jesper, stomping his foot: I am not acting!
Jesper: They say I’ve been diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder. But the truth is, this lustrous hair and dimpled chin are merely chapter one.
Wylan: I don’t lose things. I place things somewhere that later elude me.
Jesper: Well, much like Lady Gaga, I was born this way.
Nina: You need to stop acting like a child. People have sex and then they kill each other, that’s the real world. Not some magical feelings place.
Jesper: There are over 400 stars in our galaxy. Maybe more, no one knows for sure. Many have said that the universe is even larger than the Indian Ocean.
Nina: You’re mad.
Kaz: No, I’m not mad. I’m happy, I’m thrilled, I love looking like an idiot.
Nina: That explains your shoes.
Jesper: The victim was killed by 9 M&M’s.
Inej: That’s impossible.
Jesper: You’re right, that seems low. 9mm gun.
Inej: Oh.
Nina: Everyone stop what you’re doing and only pay attention to me.
Jesper: It’s a gift that I use on only rare occasions and practically all the time.
Jesper: Do you think it could be PTSD?
Matthias: I think it’s far more interesting than a mere menstral cycle.
Wylan: We’ve been injury-free since June, when Jesper broke his finger flipping the injury countdown calander.
Matthias: I’ve never been murdered before, it’s liberating! (i’m sorry for this, i couldn’t not)
Kaz: First question, what is your name?
Inej: There is a murderer on the loose!
Kaz: That is not your name.
Wylan: I’ve seen it all.
Kaz: You’ve seen it all through the cracks of your fingers while you were hiding your eyes.
Kaz: You brought a date to the crime scene??
Nina, holding hands with Matthias: It was either this or ice skating.
Per Haskell: But know this, one stupid move, and I’ve got more than enough plastic bags for your body parts.
Kaz, turning to Inej: Note to self, call Hefty with a commercial idea.
Matthias: You believe in karma, right?
Nina: Yes, but that’s only because we’re karma chameleons.
Inej: We come and go.
Nina: Kaz, it’s official. You’ve won bitchiest banana.
Jesper: Just call me the suck-stopper. No wait, don’t call me that.
Inej: Just so you know, if you go to prison I will not wait for you.
Kaz: You won’t have to, I’ll escape. We both know that.
Matthias: Remember, you treat a woman like a a person, then a princess, then a Greek goddess, and then a person again.
Kaz: Have you not listened to anything I’ve said?
Jesper: I certainly haven’t, but I didn’t think you’d notice.
Jesper, to the other crows: We get caught together, we face death together, it happens every week!
Van Eck at the beginning of SoC: I’m gonna ask you to be respectful here.
Kaz: I will politely decline.
Wylan: What isn’t clear is why people always say ‘goes without saying’, yet still feel compelled to say the thing that was supposed to go without saying. Doesn’t that bother you?
Jesper: When it comes to mental focus, I’m sharper than a—
Kaz: *hands him a candy bar*
Jesper: Ooo thanks man I’m starved. When they say these things really satisfy they are not lying.
Matthias: I need to get something off my chest.
Nina: Is it your shirt? Please say yes.
Inej: Don’t say a word.
Jesper: Fergulous.
Inej: I said no words.
Jesper: Oh, I see how it works. Two weeks ago we’re playing scrabble it’s not a word, but now suddenly it is a word because it’s convenient for you.
Kaz: Do not go down there and start winging it! That’s not how we operate.
Jesper: Dude, where have you been for the last five years?
Jesper: I can’t help but notice there are two graves here, and yet there are six of us.
Van Eck: Obviously, you will have to share.
Jesper: Yes but I think I speak for the party when I say who shared with who?
Matthias: I’m not going with Kaz.
Kaz: I think Inej and I should have our own grave.
Jesper: Excuse me, after all we’ve been through, I’ve earned the right to rest beside you just as much as Inej.
Nina: Alright, look, if nobody wants to take Jesper then Matthias and I will take him. Wylan, why don’t you go with those two?
Jesper: Man, I’m nobody’s charity case. I demand to dig my own grave.
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vera-deville · 8 months
Vera's Hauntober 2023
Day 9 - Stars (Azul Ashengrotto)
10/06/2023 - 10/07/2023
Pairing: Azul Ashengrotto x Reader
Word Count: 439
Warnings: None that I can think of!
Gender: GN
Taglist: @animusicnerd, @leonistic, @pyroxeene, @savanaclaw1996, @thequeenoffishburrito, @ellssbellss, @reshi-galaxy, @hanafubukki, @hitoshislover, @purplecandything
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"Azul, you have to try this!" You bring a small tart to Azul's mouth, carefully cradling it with your other hand to make sure no crumbs spill.
Azul moves his gaze from the stars to you, then to the tart in your hand and slowly leans in for a bite. You were sprawled over the picnic blanket that he'd set up, and somehow you were not freezing to death. Unlike him.
Though the tart did make him feel a little warmer on the inside.
"How is it?" You ask him, before taking another tart for yourself.
"It's sweet. Lemon raspberry, right? I think there's a hint of chamomile too." Azul tried savoring the taste to figure out of he'd missed any other flavors. "Though it tastes delightful, it doesn't seem to fit the season, does it?"
"That doesn't matter." You quip back, licking the crumbs off the corner of your lips. "You should be applauding my delectable baking skills, instead of judging the flavors." With a wry smile, you say, "Besides you like it. Isn't that all that matters in the end?"
Azul pondered this. Though the flavors of lemon, raspberry, and chamomile were a lovely combination, they did not by any means fit the steadily growing chilly weather of the times. They were befit to be eaten on a hot summer day, or perhaps in spring when the weather starts to get warmer. But you were right. Did it really matter when in the end, he enjoyed it and everything else with you?
He supposed it did not.
Lying down, he gently pulled you along with him, snuggling closer to you for the warmth he needed. You pulled the thick blanket you'd prepared earlier on top of the both of you and smiled.
"Why did you want to come star-gazing today anyways?" Azul asked. Looking up at his gunmetal grey eyes, you smile.
"I wanted to see the stars like this one more time."
"What do you mean one more time? Why can't we watch the stars again?" Azul asked, his concern dripping from his voice. Giggling, you sneak you arms around his neck and roll over so that you could be situated on top of him.
"Because if we go stargazing for as long as we do any time after today, we may as well become popsicles." Azul tittered. "And I would rather my boyfriend be alive and well, and not frozen half to death." Wrapping his own arms around you, the octopus merman gently pressed a chaste kiss to your forehead.
"Then we'll wait until spring blooms so that we can be reunited with the stars."
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Author's Note: I was planning on making this fic a little longer, but then I was running out of time, woops-
And if you hadn't noticed already, I tried writing in a different style! I normally go for a 3rd person point of view, but I wanted to try a 2nd person point of view (because I've read some really good ones lately). I can't say that it turned out as well as I would have liked it to, but it was still an interesting challenge.
See you in the next fic!
Masterlist Hauntober 2023 Masterlist
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vvienne · 1 year
Once Upon An Us by crashbang
Somewhere in the middle of the Andromeda Galaxy, thirty thousand light years from Rao, Damian Wayne wakes up drenched in sweat and wet between his thighs.
(Or: After Damian’s first heat, he takes Jon’s absence for the answer that it was. But after their Bond reawakens unexpectedly, he finds himself with a map to the one person he had thought would never leave him.)
For the First Time by rotasha
Jon has a realization. Actually, he has several. And it all starts in the Waynes’ home gym.
Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow? by poisonivory
After years in the future with the Legion of Super-Heroes, Jon is finally back in Damian's life, and Damian's determined to keep him in this century. If that means a little fooling around between friends, so be it. It doesn't have to mean anything.
(It just might mean everything.)
Those Who Wait by InsaneTrollLogic
The best way to socialize an angry assassin boy: Set up a playdate with someone functionally invulnerable.
[Jon and Damian through the years. Reverse!Robins universe. Stands alone.]
It Wouldn't Be Make Believe (If You Believed In Me) by poisonivory
When Damian traces the source of a lethal new party drug to Metropolis University, it only makes sense to go undercover as a student to ferret out the culprits. He doesn't expect to run into Met U student Jon Kent, and he definitely doesn't expect to get mistaken for Jon's boyfriend. But hey, what harm could it do to play along?
This is going to get complicated fast.
someone will remember us by yellow_caballero
(note: not damian/jon centric, but the rship features fairly prominently)
Robin Reversal AU. It is the year 2019, Damian's father is dead, and he's left with the legacy of Batman and a small child with crystal blue eyes. It is the year 2004, and Damian is a Muslim in post-9/11 America, son to a cryptid who works alone and doesn't realize that a Batman needs a partner. It is the year 2018, and a criminal called the Red Hood is terrorizing Damian's broken family. It is the year 2012, and Damian's father has replaced him with the neighbor next door. It is 2006 and Damian meets an alien who's also just a kid, it is 2011 and Damian is in love with an alien. It is hard being the oldest son and heir to an idiot, but Damian has Young Justice behind him and his future ahead of him. He'll cope.
Damian Wayne: a life in reverse.
'Cause I Made My Mind Up You're Going to Be Mine by poisonivory
Jon’s heart started pounding so hard he would have been concerned if he’d heard it in a regular human’s chest. “Are you saying that you’ve been courting me?”
Damian’s brow furrowed. “Yes, obviously.”
“Obviously?” Jon echoed. “When did...how? What was the courtship part?” And how had he missed it? This was so unfair.
Damian's been acting strange. Jon's unprepared for the reason why.
a remedy for all things by WizardEffect
(note: part of a series!)
After escaping the league of assassins, Talia needs a new home for her and her son to hide out--and stumbled across Hamilton county. It's quiet, remote, unassuming, and best of all, in the backyard of the most powerful man on the planet.
Damian and Jon become friends almost by accident.
Unfiltered by Starlinghue
Caught in the tricky balancing act of  university classes and caped crusading, Jon rarely feels like he has time to just be himself. A trip to Gotham and a visit with his childhood best friend might be just the refresher he needs.
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quohotos · 2 months
Today's prompt in character Design club was to redraw an old design
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2024 version^
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^original 2018 version Don't think I ever gave her lore, she was just something I drew to test out my Samsung Galaxy Note 9's pen (still love that phone). Think her name was like Forswygyr the Hunter or something. Wasn't into Hunt: Showdown at the time but now it's giving me Hunt Vibes
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raccoonfallsharder · 5 months
Window Across the Galaxy ✧*:・゚updated 1/17
18+ only | rocket x f!oc | 25/27 chapters | wip| word count: pending. ♡ check the masterlist for expected updates ♡ ♡ see the "holiday special" ⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅*̩̩͙‧͙ Winter Across the Galaxy * ‧͙*̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆ [new 12/5] ♡
see new fan art of my girl jo! a few gorgeous sketches by @moonnpiie ♡♡♡♡ and a Chapter XXIV jo by @frostedwitch ♡♡♡♡
girl falls first; racoon falls harder.
Rocket isn’t sure how he continues to be surprised by her, or how he never seems to anticipate her next move, especially when — cosmically speaking — Jo’s the most predictable frickin’ person he knows. For one damn thing, she is constantly dropping down to the ground in front of him: in front of the cage with a plateful of food. In the streets of Conjunction. By his bed while he slept. The very first time she’d used her mouth on him. And then the next time, too. That whole experience had been so brain-melting he still isn’t sure he’ll ever recover. But for whatever reason, when she sits down at the foot of his chair this time and takes his hands in her own — so carefully — his heart is suddenly, unexpectedly, in his throat. He can’t breathe around it, can’t swallow. When she starts speaking, he already knows what she’s going to say. He can feel it in the air, like static electricity building toward a spark. Because, just as she’d said, she’d already told him a million times before. With and without words. But still. He can’t breathe. And once she’s done confessing, and gives him two kisses — one pressed into each palm, to keep — she looks at him patiently and shifts like she’s about to rise to her feet and go about her night, like she’s not expecting anything back. Because of course she’s not.
[NEW 1/9] ✧・゚:*Chapter XXV. Little Love Stories. in which both of our heroes learn a little about themselves. ❤︎
i know there are parts of this don't read smoothly (sorry sorry sorry) but in general i am so so so happy with this chapter. drax. (╥﹏╥) we have two more chapters to go, which is.... kinda making me cry tbh. i already miss these two idiots so much. ~♡
explicit lines or references* abbreviated explicit sequences ❤︎ detailed/prolonged explicit sequences ❤︎❤︎
General summary/notes + links to recently preceding chapters behind the cut.
let me know via comment, message, or ask if you'd like to be added or removed from my fanfic taglist ♡
Rocket is captured by a Ravager crew hoping to get rich off the excessively large bounty on his head. Throwing a wrench in everyone’s plans is the Terran girl they hired to do some freelance assessing on a recent haul of goods they’ve seized from a Xandaran luxury liner. Oops.
slight AU starting pre-GOTG volume 1 (but will hit most of the same major plot points). slow burn + eventual smut with a lot of pining in the middle. kinda enemies-to-lovers? (but only one of these idiots thinks they're enemies).
let me be real with you: this fic is really about wish-fulfillment. not just the eventual smut (but that too). mostly i just want someone to be nice to my best boy raccoon
Chapter I. A Delicacy. in which our reluctant heroes meet atop a crate of Sovereign porn in the bowels of a Ravager ship.
Chapter II. Monster For A Pet. in which one hero wrestles with his inner Groot, and the other is quite possibly a moron.
Chapter III. A Kindness. in which Rocket gets in his own damn way: not for the first time, and certainly not for the last.
Chapter IV. Got There First. in which our heroes obtain an arsenal and street food.
Chapter V. Things No-One Has Said Before. in which one hero refuses to babysit and the other refuses to leave.
Chapter VI. Two and a Half Billion Units.in which we lean into the “they were roommates” trope. Jolie has misgivings, while Rocket has fantasies - about getting rich, of course.
Chapter VII. I'm Here. in which we visit Knowhere.
Chapter VIII. The Care & Feeding of Human Pets. in which our heroes practice breathing and we lean into a new trope: “there was (technically) one bed.”
Chapter IX. Scrapmetal and a Dream. in which we redefine homemaking.
Chapter X. Thin Fucking Ice. in which our heroes get fucked. Not in the good way.
Chapter XI. Let It Be. in which Xandar is saved and good lives are lost.
Chapter XII. So Much It Hurts. in which we try not to fuck up the vibes.
Chapter XIII. Don’t Wait. in which a lost sister is found and Drax grapples with the concept of sarcasm.
Chapter XIV. Exactly Like a Flower. in which comfort is shared.
Chapter XV: Galaxy-Breaking Shit. in which more comfort is shared, and life is good. Briefly.
Chapter XVI. Run. in which Rocket falls victim to his superstitions.
Chapter XVII. A Seedling. A Fox. A Little Girl. in which the party is divided.
Chapter XVIII. I Happen to Know a Guy. in which our heroes get fucked. Again. Still not in the good way.
Chapter XIX. He Was Loved. in which a planet is killed, a friend is made and lost, and nobody still has any frickin’ tape.
Chapter XX. Some Nerve. *in which an ultimatum is given.
Chapter XXI. I Very Still. ❤︎❤︎ in which our heroes get fucked. In the good way, this time. Finally.
Chapter XXII. Got There Worse. ❤︎❤︎ in which Rocket does not say "I love you."
Chapter XXIII. We're Gonna Need a Bigger Table. ❤︎ in which the galaxy continues to spin.
Chapter XXIV. Space Would Be Better. ❤︎❤︎ in which Rocket ~discreetly~ claims the title of boyfriend.
Chapter XXV. Little Love Stories. * in which both of our heroes learn a little bit about themselves.
Chapter XXVI. Other Side of the Window. ❤︎
Chapter XXV. The Most Beautiful Thing in My House. ❤︎❤︎
⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅*̩̩͙‧͙ Winter Across the Galaxy * ‧͙*̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆A Holiday Special *
Epilogue: Interviewing Rocket & Jo. ten years after Window ends. short/drabbly, silly fluff.
explicit lines or references* abbreviated explicit sequences ❤︎ detailed/prolonged explicit sequences ❤︎❤︎
taglist ♡ @evolvingchaoswitch ♡ @wren-phoenix ♡ @pretty-chips ♡ @suicidalshitstick ♡ @glow-autumz
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galaxyostars · 6 months
My Archive Of Our Own Wrap-up
I wanted to put together a thank you to all the fanfic writers who have gotten me through this year.
This wrap-up is me going through my history month by month to see which fics I'd visited the most (because you can be damn sure I read through them over several days).
So this is a celebration of the wide variety of fics I've read and/or bookmarked and/or subscribed to. Thank you to every writer on this list for keeping me entertained.
My first fic of 2023: Finding the Balance, by Amberlioness
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Events following ‘Bound’, leading up to ‘Demons’. Trip and T’Pol begin to explore what their bond means and how it affects them. Follows “Beginning in Earnest”. I’ve tried to keep as close to canon as possible, while filling in events and back story as the muse commands.
2023 in fics I kept returning to by month
Brand New Day, by cecilyjones
Star Wars Rebels, rated T. Completed 2023-03-29.
The Force wasn’t the only great power in the Galaxy. There were also the laws of physics. Kanan was strong in the Force, but the bind he had gotten himself into had to do with physics. (My inevitable “Kanan lives” story. He survives, and the story unfolds from there. Some of it resembles the story we already know, and some of it doesn’t. The ripples travel out.) Update: Chapter 1-8 is a complete story, you can stop reading there and get some nice closure. After that, I’m just kind of adding as I get ideas. Mostly I just like seeing Kanan get to be a dad so that’s what I’m doing. Thanks!
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Synced To You, by TuppingLiberty
Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, rated E. Completed 2017-04-09.
Canonverse but Omegaverse: Though everyone can choose whomever they want as mate, your one true mate, the mate with which you 'sync', is your one best match in the entire galaxy. Poe recognizes Finn as his sync-mate immediately, but Finn is reluctant - extremely. Chapter 3 and various chapters thereon are explicit. This fic is now in epilogue-mode. Everything after Chapter 13 is epilogue. I will come back to it as it pleases me, which, right now, is often. :D
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Poor Wayfaring Stranger, by lithos_saeculum
Final Fantasy XV, rated T. Last updated 2022-08-04.
Out on a mission, Cor Leonis finds a teenager, lost and sick and partway to becoming an MT. Against the advice of all and sundry, he brings him back to Insomnia. There's not a lot of love lost for MTs in the Citadel, but some of its inhabitants may still be young enough to put aside their prejudices.
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Three Bullets, by The_Midget
Grand Theft Auto V, rated M. Completed 2021-01-27.
After Michael is shot in the street, his friends and family can all agree that it was an act of retaliation. However, none of them can agree on who pulled the trigger.
Bookmark note: The one where Jerry White is a piece of shit and also Trevor, Michael and Franklin have to deal with white supremesists. I don't think that's how supremesists is spelled. Lemme look into that.
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Over And Over, by Nightwinging_it
Borderlands, rated M. Completed 2020-12-17.
Timothy Lawrence has resigned himself to his fate as Handsome Jack's property, even if it means losing himself. When an attempt by a friend to rescue him lands him in trouble with Jack, Timothy is banished to the casino as punishment. Angry and betrayed, Timothy is all too eager to seize the chance to escape, even if it comes in the form of a brash Operative. When Zane Flynt is hired to steal weapon schematics from Hyperion, he finds himself needing the help of Handsome Jack's Eridium addicted doppelganger. It's supposed to be a simple job, and he and the doppelganger will part ways the moment it's over. Only Zane didn't expect to get so damn attached to Timothy. (OR: Zane accidentally adopts Timothy, and chaos ensues)
Bookmark note: The one where Timothy's made to be hooked on eridium and Zane basically nurses him back to life.
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Finding Home, by Iha_1419
9-1-1 Lone Star, rated E. Last updated 2022-08-08.
TK Strand’s life has been filled with pain and rejection. His parents, extreme traditionalists, hate him for being a male omega and have kept him isolated for most of his life. When he finds out that he is going to be bonded to an alpha named Carlos in his Uncle Owen’s pack, he doesn’t know what to expect. Years of enduring verbal and physical abuse from his parents have left him withdrawn and wary of his new mate. Carlos is determined to get the omega to trust him, but TK’s scars run deep and old habits are hard to break. Can Carlos and the 126 help TK overcome his past and embrace his future?
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Ultraviolet, by @five-7
Borderlands, rated E. Completed 2021-11-11.
After all the shite they'd been through together, Zane doesn't quite know what to think of them. Amara might have an idea. [Shameless and massive Zane-centric fic]
Bookmark note: The one where Amara and Zane have a friends with benefits thing that accidentally falls into something more serious but then shit goes a little wrong and there's a few chapters where they're fucking dumb but it's okay because they eventually work it out.
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Bless Those Tired Eyes, by thenewradical
The Martian, rated T. Completed 2015-12-20.
Johanssen suggests that Beck sleep in her bunk since it's closest to the med bay and Watney. This goes exactly as well as you would expect.
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Sick Days Not Needed, by Jillie_chan
Star Wars Rebels, rated G. Completed 2015-02-21.
“You’re sick.” Kanan said, resting his hand on the back of the seat. “So?” Ezra asked, resting his head on his fist. “I’m not holding you back.” “Not holding us back?” Kanan echoed. “On missions,” Ezra clarified, “It’ll pass in a few days.”
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True Colors, by Cinderpaw1, dancer4813
Critical Role (Vox Machina), rated E. Completed 2017-08-26.
Vex knew her father hated them. It had been obvious when he left their mother alone to raise a pair of twins by herself. But she had never imagined he would hate them enough to stick them in foster care only a few months after losing her. Now Vex is scraping by on the streets, using her artistic talent to make enough for her and her dog to eat, searching for the twin brother who had been taken away from her because of the system. She didn't realize that when her search took her to Emon, the bustling city held both promises for the future and ghosts from the past.
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Struggle, by ela11
Mass Effect, rated M. Completed 2014-12-06.
Two people would have no idea of the struggle ahead of them… For their existence. For their love. (Femshep/Kaidan from Mass Effect 1 to 3 and a little beyond.) Contains canon, altered events, and new events. Alternative ending.
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Fics saved in 2023 (My notes in bookmarks)
Two for the Road by Spacewidget - The one where Daryl and Connie pose as a married couple to gain access to a group. [The Walking Dead]
Run by justtakemehome - The one where Michael and Amanda De Santa get a bounty attached to their head and they basically have to Mr & Mrs Smith their way out of trouble. [Grand Theft Auto V]
Witch Ways by @aliquistis - The one where a druid learns to put up, like, and maybe even love Gale. [Baldur's Gate]
you can fake it for a while by nighimpossible - The one where Percy creates Vex's titles and a fake marriage, and they fall into a legitimate relationship. [Critical Role (Vox Machina)]
And They Lived Happily Ever After by @ginger-floor-goblin - The one where Keyleth and Vax get their happy ending. But also consequences to deals made. [Critical Role (Vox Machina) / The Legend of Vox Machina]
Pieces Still Stuck In Your Teeth by @howlsmovinglibrary - The one where Astarion lost all the kids in the divorce. [Baldur's Gate]
We Circle by Night by @insanitysilver - The one where Caleb goes back in time to fix his past, only to accidentally save Mollymauk from his demise. [Critical Role (Mighty Nein)]
I'm finishing 2023 with...
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Ship to Wreck by Snailsol
Witch Ways by Aliquistis
Pieces Still Stuck In Your Teeth by howlsmovinglibrary
Resistance by ela11
Thank you to every fanfic writer whose work I've had the pleasure of reading this year. <3
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clonemedickix · 8 months
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I'm just a simple gal making her way through the galaxy, making daily doodle art and chipping away at a very long, epic fan fic. You've landed on my Master List, in which you will find the chapter links to AO3 where my fiction is housed. It is still a very long work in progress. I keep my art on AO3 as well to cut down on link usage on Tumblr
Thanks for stopping by!!
Art Link
To visit all of my current art, click here
If you'd like to be tagged for WIP or new ART, click here
If you’d like to commission artwork, click here
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Fan Fiction
If you’d like to get tagged for new fan fic posts, click here
Author’s Note - My story chronicles the love between OC General Lara Lin and her relationship with Captain Rex, Fives, Echo and her leaders of Dragon Company, Primer, Boost and Volte.
NSFW chapters will contain P in V sex, oral sex M & F receiving and giving, mention of open marriage.
SFW chapters may be heavy on description of fighting, fighting technique, medical trauma and/or procedures, blood and some gore due to fighting. A few chapters contain mention of child birth, child loss, and the coping thereof.
Fanfic Chapter Links on AO3:
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For The Love of a Man In Uniform
Chapter 1 (Image)
Chapter 2 For the Love of a Man in Uniform SFW
Chapter 3 Battles on the Ground, Battles Within SFW
Chapter 4 Coruscant. SFW
Chapter 5 The Price of Being the Army’s Man. NSFW
Chapter 6 Quit Playing, Already! SFW
Chapter 7 Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road? NSFW
Chapter 8 Blood Vows NSFW
Chapter 9 Welcome to the Jungle SFW
Chapter 10 Moves Like Jagger SFW but with a NSFW euphemism convo at end
Chapter 11 When the Echos Stop NSFW
Chapter 12 For What We Want Most NSFW
Chapter 13 Marshal Commander Neyo SFW
Chapter 14 And Now a Word From Our Sponsor. SFW
Chapter 15 There is a Cost Must Be Paid In The End. SFW
Chapter 16 Keeping Busy SFW but with heavy medical trauma and loss
Chapter 17 The Reunion SFW
Chapter 18 Continuance NSFW
Chapter 19 A Trip Home SFW
Chapter 20 Order 66 SFW but with heavy medical trauma
Chapter 21 After the Carnage SFW but with mention of medical procedure
Chapter 22 Chasing Tails SFW but with mention of child Jedi deaths
Chapter 23 Eternal Father, Strong to Save NSFW
Newton’s Third Law
Chapter 1 Let’s Start at the Very Beginning NSFW
Chapter 2 The Equal and Opposite Reaction SFW
Chapter 3 You Really Should Come With A Warning Label. NSFW
Chapter 4 Earth Below Us, Drifting, Falling SFW
Chapter 5 Country Road, Take Me Home SFW
Chapter 6 The View From the Cheap Seats SFW
Chapter 7 The Deceiver SFW but with medical trauma
Chapter 8 Damn You, Elisabeth Kibbler Ross! SFW but with medical trauma, child loss, grief stages
Chapter 9 Three-Thirty In The Morning, Not a Soul In Sight. NSFW
Chapter 10 No Sleep Til Brooklyn NSFW, loss of Tech
Chapter 11 Daniella Elbert’s, Most High Princess of the Balance SFW but with medical trauma, procedures and birth
Chapter 12 Disobedience, Contrariness, Stubbornness, And a Total. NSFW lite
Disregard For the Guidance or Advice of Others
Chapter 13 Down Time NSFW for real, also medical procedure, birth, medical coping
Chapter 14 Primed and Ready To Go. NSFW, much like The Dream
Chapter 15 To The Rescue. NSFW, angst, battle
Chapter 16 What IS The Answer to Life, The Universe and Everything
SFW, angst, grief, medical trauma, death from multiple angles
Chapter 17 Anger Management. SFW, angst, child birth from a medical perspective, high risk child birth
One Shots:
The Dream NSFW, so very not safe
Just A Little Ghost Story. NSFW
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baifengxis · 11 months
What are some of your fave cdramas that you would highly rec? I’m looking for something to watch and I would be grateful if you can share some. Thank you!!
Oh, thanks so much for this question, I love recommending cdramas haha!
LEGEND OF FEI [2020] Gotta start with the obvious, because I'll recommend this drama forever even to everyone who has started and can't get into it, I'll always be like, please try again lol It's feminist, fun, feel-good but with very nicely done heavy moments every few episodes, important messages about life and about becoming who you want to be, it has my, at this point, favorite cdrama ship ever, yunfei my beloved!! relationship goals! friendships, funny dynamics, siblings, AMAZING characters and...so much more, I won't continue because I'll never stop lmao
UNEXPECTED [2018] Such an underrated Drama! I don't know why it's so underrated, especially because it's made by the same writer as a very popular drama (The Romance of Tiger and Rose) and the stories are very similar, which I know can be boring but they also have differences that make each drama unique, there's just the same premise of a writer traveling into their own story.
I'VE FALLEN FOR YOU [2020] The perfect rom-com historical drama, with a very fun plot and with plot twists you don't expect, such good characters and two amazing ships! Comfort drama for sure!
THE LOVE BY HYPNOTIC [2019] If you love palace romance, arranged marriage turned true love, a few crazy (but very entertaining) villains and a love story for the ages! Even though it has some very heavy moments, it's one of my comfort dramas as well, because it also includes some VERY FUNNY moments, like I just love dramas that can somehow balance comedy, romance and serious moments so well!
THE QUEEN OF ATTACK [2021] There's so many short dramas nowadays and 80% of them have the same plot of someone traveling into a story lol and yes, this is one of them BUT it's such a good drama like it's insane, I'll wish forever it was a normal length one, but it's still so good, the episodes are 9-10 mins each but there are two seasons, and the episodes have been combined, so eventually it's like having a normal drama with 12 normal length episodes (6 for s1 and 6 for s2). It's so worth it and the two actors are so talented and have such good chemistry, plus the story is unique too, yes this premise has been done many times but I think they still made it so unique and different from others.
THE STARRY LOVE [2023] A recent drama and quite popular, but I'll still recommend it always. Other than the last episode that was a bit disappointing and rushed (still a happy-ish ending though), it's my favorite Xianxia and it was just so good, the story, the cinematography, THE OST, the actors, the ships, the friendships, the sisters, ALL THE WOMEN, youqin literally making all other MLs take notes from him on how to be the best ml out there, so many reasons to watch this drama, just ignore the last part and pretend we saw what they forgot to show us lol
LOVE LIKE THE GALAXY [2022] Where do I even begin??? (This is the first Zhao Lusi drama i recommend in this list, but I just wanna mention, I recommend almost all of them.) Anyway, LLTG is by far my favorite political drama, and non wuxia/xianxia historical cdrama. It's so different and unique, there's literally nothing like it. It's a slow paced drama, with very long scenes (you might only have 3-4 scenes in one episode for example) and it's the reason why It got me a while to get to it, but now I'M SO IN LOVE WITH IT!!! There is not an episode I don't enjoy, it's pure art. Cheng Shao Shang is one of my favorite girls ever and her and Ling Buyi???? I'D DIE FOR THEIR LOVE. Their chemistry is so so so good, now Zhao Lusi can have chemistry with a tree, it's true but still, one of the best cdrama ships out there. Even though I never truly watched classic cdramas like Nirvana on Fire and those "older" ones, I think LLTG somehow is the closest to those except it also loves its characters and focuses on romance more than any older political cdrama did but it works so so well.
LIGHTER AND PRINCESS [2022] Favorite modern drama! I gotta be honest I'm not verrrryyyy into modern cdramas, I like a few, even love some, but generally it's hard to find a modern cdrama I'll go crazy over...but L&P changed that. Or well, it's still hard, maybe even harder now, to find something that tops it, but L&P is just so so good. Again, a quite popular drama, maybe it doesn't need the recommendation, but I have to mention it anyway 'cause it's my baby and I just cannot make a favorite cdramas list without it! Some reasons to watch: One of the best love stories out there, with such good angst and just everything you need on a ship, two main characters so unique that you'll definitely relate to (at least in some aspects), one of the best OSTS ever, perfect cinematography, directing and writing and one of my favorite endings on any show ever!
Some more dramas I recommend but I won't dig deeper (I talked a lot already):
Couple of Mirrors [2021]
Who Rules The World [2022]
Love Between Fairy and Devil [2022]
Young Blood [2019 - S2 starts tomorrow!]
Wait, My Youth [2019]
Zhaoyao/The Legends [2019]
Arsenal Military Academy [2019]
There's probably more but I think that's good for now, I hope I helped you find something to watch and I'm always here for more recs if you want :P <3
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ex0rin · 1 year
@febuwhump End Notes/ Masterlist
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So... this was my second year and, hell, guess who did it again??
28 days, 28 prompts, and slightly less words than last year but STILL somehow over 45k but the thing is... last year I hated my job, was on the verge of quitting AND was going out of my way to ignore it but not this time. This year I have a job that I LOVE and have taken on a bazillion additional responsibilities. I threw a party and did a speech for ONE THOUSAND people in the middle of the month, like WHAT? How did I still hit 45k??
I'm gonna tell you, so uh, sorry in advance if this gets lengthy - it's time for the yearly awards speech (you can see the last one here) 😅
Super mega shout-out to @5ummit and @sparklingbinjuice who built on every single prompt each day to give me something to run with, who sprinted with me pretty much daily, who fed me encouragement and fucking poked and prodded at me until I forced out some words when I was having hard nights trying to manage fandom and life and work. AGAIN, Wendy, your goddamn gorgeous galaxy brain saved me (and Abby, the smutty RP helped too 😏)
I also want to say thanks to AO3/ tumblr users: trinipedia (AO3) @winterbonesthings @justalostsoldier @possumwoodpie and @astralhux who basically commented on every single thing I wrote all month - you're all insane for that and I love you very much. AND everyone else who commented or kudos'd, even on only one, you made it easier for me to keep going and I appreciate it so goddamn much.
And just like, generally, to everyone: thanks for not unfollowing me while I was just posting text posts all month 😅
20/28 ended up being smut and I'm pretty pleased with that. Let's try for 28/28 next year 😘
Okay. OKAY. FEBUWHUMP 2023: HTP EDITION (or should I say winterbones edition 😅)
Day 1: Touchstarved (NSFW) Bucky/Rumlow, winterbones - 1410 words
NON-CON/RAPE, touchstarved, chains, choke collar, finger sucking, imprisonment, captivity, blow jobs, spitting in mouth, deepthroating, conditioning, hydratrashparty
Day 2: Flinching (NSFW) Steve/Bucky, stucky - 575 words
past non-con/rape, past abuse, whump, bucky’s broken dick, unsatisfying sex, this is not nice to anyone
Day 3: Muzzled (NSFW) Rumlow/Bucky, winterbones - 2150 words
NON-CON/RAPE, gags, gag mask, blood and injury, anal sex, no lube, handjobs, finger sucking, hydra trash party
Day 4: Knife to the throat Steve/Bucky (implied) - 240 words
past abuse, panic, mild violence
Day 5: "That's gonna scar" Rumlow & the soldier - 300 words
blood, knife wound, stitches
Day 6: Secrets Revealed (NSFW) Rumlow/Bucky, Steve/Bucky (implied) - 2200 words
NON-CON/RAPE, past non-con/rape, rape on film, Bucky’s broken dick, anal sex, choking, spitting in mouth, begging, crying, Steve whump, coming on command, coming untouched, pet names, hydra trash party
Day 7: Made to Watch (NSFW) Hydra Agents/Bucky, Rumlow/Bucky, winterbones - 1040 words Second part coming on Day 10: difficulty breathing
NON-CON/RAPE, prostitution, filmed without consent, jealousy, possessiveness, anal sex, hydra trash party
Day 8: Panic (NSFW) Rumlow/Bucky, winterbones - 1300 words
NON-CON/RAPE, anal sex, coming early, panic, punishment, come eating
Day 9: Voice Loss (NSFW) Rollins/Bucky, Rumlow/Bucky (implied) - 1450
NON-CON/RAPE, wet and messy, blowjobs, deepthroating, pain, ripped vocal chords, loss of voice, pet names, panic, hydra trash party
Day 10: Difficulty Breathing (NSFW) Rumlow/Bucky, winterbones - 2045 words Second half to Day 7: forced to watch
NON-CON/RAPE, jealousy, anger, anal fingering, rough sex, conditioning, confusion, name calling, begging, choking, smothering, anal sex, kissing, hydra trash party
Day 11: Fever Rumlow/Bucky, Rollins - 1100 words
fever, body heat, light grinding
Day 12: "Can you hear me?" (NSFW) Rumlow/Bucky (very implied) - 810 words
stream of consciousness, dethawing process, confusion, finger sucking (light)
Day 13: Forced to hurt a loved one Steve/Bucky, Rumlow/Bucky (past, implied) - 1590
past non-con/rape, past abuse, trauma, safe words, violence, choking, crying, begging
Day 14: Captivity (NSFW) Rumlow/Bucky (implied) - 1155 words Second chapter on Day19: “You deserve this.” 
past non-con/rape, past abuse, abuse, trauma, bad decisions, hydra trash party (incoming)
Day 15: ALT: Found Footage (NSFW) Steve/Bucky, Rumlow/Bucky (past) - 1815 words
past non-con/rape, past abuse, bucky’s broken dick, rape on film, masturbation, begging, guilt, blowjobs, deepthroating, betrayal, pet names, hydra trash party
Day 16: Semiconscious (NSFW) Rumlow/Bucky - 1610 words a continuation of Day12: Can you hear me?
non-con/rape, wet and messy, finger sucking, anal fingering, anal sex, disorientation, confusion, semi-conscious, possessiveness, hydra trash party
Day 17: Silent Tears (NSFW) Rumlow/Bucky (past), Steve/Bucky (implied) - 1310 words
past non-con/rape, past abuse, betrayal, crying, rape on film, masturbation, anal fingering, finger sucking, no lube, trauma, voyeurism, whump, hydra trash party 
Day 18: Can't Stay Awake (NSFW) Rumlow/Bucky - 2180 words
incredibly dubious consent, the soldier can’t consent, panic, panic attacks, anal sex, no lube, handjobs, the world’s most fucked up safety blanket 
Day 19: "You deserve this" (NSFW) Hydra Agent/Bucky, Rumlow/Bucky - 3690 words 
non-con/rape, improper use of a shock baton, dirty talk, anal sex, dehumanization, shame, guilt, anger, ~feelings~, jerking off, hydra trash party,
Day 20: Knife Wound (NSFW) Rumlow/Bucky, Rollins - 800 words
past non-con/rape, past-knifeplay, abuse, gaslighting, Rumlow is not a good person, Rollins is a sadist, blood, violence, hydra trash party
Day 21: Shackled (NSFW) Rumlow/Bucky - 1110 words
non-con/rape, spider gag, prong collar, anal hook, overstimulation, wet & messy, bad bdsm practices, handjob, hydra trash party
Day 22: Can’t Scream (NSFW) Hydra Agents/Bucky - 630 words
non-con/rape, inappropriate use of a shock stick, anal sex, double penetration, violence, abuse, hydra trash party
Day 23: “You’ll have to go through me” (NSFW) Steve/Bucky, Rumlow/Bucky - 3065 words
past non-con/rape, past abuse, shower masturbation, betrayal, violence, whump
Day 24: Bloody Clothes (NSFW) Rumlow/Bucky - 2240 words
holy fuck this is so soft, weirdly consensual winterbones??, hurt/comfort, injury, blow jobs
Day 25 ALT: Caged Rumlow & Bucky - 1385 words
abuse, cages, shock batons, violence, starving, handfeeding
Day 26: Forced to Choose (NSFW) Steve/Bucky, Rumlow/Bucky - 3635 words
Part Seven of ‘Til the End of the Line
past non-con/rape, past abuse, dialogue heavy, betrayal, breakup, unhealthy relationships, kissing, grinding, erectile dysfunction, Steve whump, Bucky’s broken dick, past hydra trash party, the end of the line
Day27: Survivor’s Guilt Rumlow/Bucky - 430 words
dreams, blood, buried alive, fucked up soulmates
Day28: “You’re safe now” (NSFW) Rumlow/Bucky - 2585 words Continued from Day20: Knife Wound
non-con/rape, past non-con/rape, (sing songs) the soldier can’t consent, past violence, hurt/comfort, conditioning, anal fingering (brief), anal sex, wet&messy, hydra trash party
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pew pew-pew -pew peeeeeeeeew
it's day two of @lovely-blue-galaxy's 2023 richjake week!!!
the prompt was instrument
Rich had come to terms that he was bi. It was hard to do that when you had a Japanese supercomputer parroting the words he’d heard his entire life.
He still hadn’t entirely come to terms that he was “in love” with his best friend. He could handle a crush, but love? Rich did not sign up for love.
The choir room was empty except for Rich and Jake. Rich had been the young choir teacher, Ms Madflou, favourite since freshman year even though he hadn’t done choir in sophomore year; because of this, she let him and Jake stay in the choir room while waiting for the rest of their friends who were rehearsing for the Spring Play.
Stray notes rang out as Jake sat by the piano, moving his fingers in a pattern that Rich couldn’t figure out. Well, he thought it was a pattern.
“You got any requests?” Jake asked, head still bent over the piano.
Rich was leaning against the left side of the piano, craning his head to look at Jake’s hands. (Really? His hands? Jesus Christ, Rich was sad)
“Do you know any rock songs?” Rich asked, his eyes focused on Jake’s hair. (Hair? God, he was like a preteen girl.) “Or do you only know fancy songs by dead dudes?”
Rich actually knew multiple classical composers (Courtesy of the supercomputer that was in his head for over a year). He knew that Jake’s favourite composer was Pyotr Illych Tchaikovsky and that in 5th grade he did a presentation on him and played Waltz of The Flowers on their Music teacher’s piano. He also knew that Jake could play Hall Of The Mountain King with his eyes closed. 
“I shouldn’t have expected anything better than you, your music taste is literally just pop punk and emo. You’re like a 13-year-old girl in 2010.” Jake began to form a melody from the seemingly discordant notes. Rich watched as Jake’s hands moved slowly and deliberately across the keyboard. Each note was careful and deliberate. Rich recognized the song, it was Chopin’s Nocturne Op. 9 No.2
And Rich suddenly understood every single poet who ever wrote about their lovers (He’s not your lover dipshit). Rich was already willing to be the Icarus to Jake’s Apollo, but now he was asking.
And if you were anyone else, you might not have seen it. But Rich saw the care and precision in the way Jake played. It was the same as the way he spoke to Rich in those rare moments on those dark nights when life was shit but at least his squip was off. At least he got to notice Jake’s soft hands and softer words.
Jake’s eyes were glued to the keyboard, and his concentration was stuck on the melody and the harmony. And before Rich knew it Jake had finished and Jake was looking up at him. And, oh my god the way he was looking up at him, and, oh my god his smile and, oh my god his, his eyes! Wait, am I moving closer or is he?Oh fuck we’re kissing. What do I do? And finally, when the kiss was done and they were wearing matching stupid grins, Oh shit, this is love.
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shakibone · 2 months
Ok, it's time. You may now infodump about The Rise of Skywalker
So I've thought a lot about Star Wars Episode 9
...not just as the actual film that got made, Rise of Skywalker, but everything that led to that film's flaws, and everything I would have done with the ninth episode of Star Wars and culmination of the Sequel Trilogy (but would not have been able to do due to the laundry list of executive meddling).
I am far from the first person to have tried to run a fix-fic on this trainwreck, and I'm far from the last. I'm pretty sure the last person will be Dave Filoni, engaged as he currently is in trying to build support beams beneath that film so that the whole franchise doesn't collapse when it decides to explore that era again. Good luck to him on that endeavor!
Before going in on my bulletpoint plotpoint list (because writing it up as a full fic is not worth anyone's time) for Shakibone's Episode 9, I'll clarify one thing: I enjoyed Episode 8 a lot and hold it up among my top three favourite Stwarses. That being said, it had some huge flaws that could be amended... I liked Canto Bight and Finn's character arc being about getting him from merely supporting the Resistance to protect his loved ones to fully wishing to fight the First Order, but I didn't like how that plot was executed by denying him any Jedi and Force business. With that in mind:
Finn is a jedi now (or at least training) and Rey has got a double ended lightsaber. Maybe she used the broken Khyber crystal from Luke's to make her double ender, or maybe who-gives-a-dang. It's cool and matches her previous staff-based fighting style.
Kylo Ren is our primary antagonist, and he hasn't rebuilt his stupid helmet. Assuming Disney mandates a redemption and a new helmet for merchendising, I have a redemption plan explained below).
Leia is either dead from the start, or offscreen throughout. No making a CGI Corpse Actress for Carrie Fisher, and no reusing previous footage to pretend she's there throughout. The film either opens with her dead (and the opening crawl starts with "THE GALAXY MOURNS" which I think is a solid opening line), or she's away on another mission and we see her through holograms and once at the end (via limited use of prior footage and a voice double).
With the New Republic HQ blown up and the First Order's flagship blown up, the Galaxy has descended into factionalism. The First Order is still strong enough to get these new factions to bend the knee, however.
Kylo is the Supreme Leader of the First Order, but he doesn't actually do his job. Hux is left with the actual day-to-day running his "Empire", which suits Hux just fine.
In case it needed to be said: Hux, the true believer frothing-at-the-mouth fascist is not a mole for the Resistance. That's dumb.
What's got Kylo distracted from ruling the First Order? He's busy hunting down ancient Jedi and Sith artifacts, and destroying them! Burn the past, remember?
Either that or he's hunting the Resistance.
Following Luke's big sacrifice, the Resistance actually has a decently equipped military as their allies have risen to join them.
By the end of the film there is no New New Republic, or New New Jedi Order. We gotta build something different for the franchise going forward, not just return to the Status Quo. The Galaxy is divided, albeit not destructively so. Focus on the idea that maybe the Jedi Order and the Republic, which gave rise to and were destroyed by Fascism twice, are not necessarily great ideas.
Palpatine cameo via pre-recorded message or Sith Holocron because Ian McDiarmid is a delight to see and I am no more resistant to clapping at the things I remember than anyone else.
On that note, Hayden Christensen shows up as a Force Ghost to give Kylo his (potential) redemption talking too. Speaking of:
So, assuming that Disney will mandate that Kylo be redeemed (because even in my fanfic I assume Star Wars will have executive meddling), here's my plan for Kylo's redemption:
Kylo does a big redemption moment of saving Rey and the Resistance or whatever. Maybe he had a heart-to-heart with Grandpa Anakin and saw the error of his ways.
Kylo, as his Empire burns: "Grandfather, I called to you for aid! Why did you never answer!?" Anakin: "I did answer. I was there every time you heard a voice telling you stop and go home." Kylo: "It's too late for that now. There is no saving me." Anakin: "Maybe… But it's not too late to stop, even if it won't earn you redemption."
What is important is that Kyle gets massively fucked-up-mangled in the process and is presumed dead. Then at the big Resistance party before the credits Rey turns around like she's gonna look at some ghosts smiling at her, but it cuts to a planet where some First Order Remnant trying to enslave some kids to be stormtroopers. Ben shows up in a suit like those Redeemed-Vader concept art that the scrapped Star Wars Battlefront 3 was gonna use and saves the kids. When they ask who he is he says: "Ben… from Nowhere". Ben turns around, sees Rey in the scene watching him, she smiles, he leaves. Ben gets to survive and redemption, but he's gotta spend the rest of his life dismantling the evil regime he built, and he'll get no fame or acknowledgement for it except from Rey.
Anyway, that's the sickness in my brain.
As a reward for having sat through my rambling, here's the cool Redeemed vader concept art:
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