#Kill the stalker
loshik-orig · 1 month
Kill a stalker
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It's disgusting. He's watching Sonbe again. How dare he? I want to rip out his eyes.
You see this guy again when you pass by the house of your unrequited love. It's too disgusting. How he got it.
A new school day, but so happy. Sanu and I are a couple together today and he's sitting across from you. And it doesn't matter what the lecturer says anymore. You can only imagine him next to you, how you will live happily. Oh, and his pleas for life. So cute.
As he passes by, he constantly smiles at you, and you smile at him. What he didn't know was that underneath the sweet smile there was a manic addiction. And that's good, you shouldn't scare him ahead of time. Let him consider you one of the fans.
You've been walking past his house for a week now and you see a black-haired guy. He's disgusting. Trying to break down the door of your love. And what a surprise it was when he opened it.
Approaching Sanu's house and standing in front of the door. You didn't even have to guess with the code. You enter 4528 quickly. The door opens.
Once your passion got sick, and his friends sent you to him to help him catch up with the program in related subjects. Thanks to them.
Strange. This guy was nowhere to be found. Although… It's dirty. I was lying on the bed and self-satisfied. What an abomination. It's time to kill this stalker.
A light swing with a monkey wrench at the guy's skull, and he fell dead. Funny. He's so weak. You can't even play with him. But Sanu is different. He will definitely be stronger. He will definitely be there… Yours.
After that, the door was heard opening. You hid in one closet, watching through a crack as Sanu goes to the kitchen. He hasn't noticed anything yet. You can show yourself. It's only worth hiding your toy behind your back. He might get scared.
And you see a muscular back. He's so beautiful, but he's going to be even more beautiful. Especially when, after being hit on the shin, he falls to the floor, trying to attack you. But your bones are intact. How funny.
—Honey, don't be afraid, be a good boy and behave yourself.
He grabs you by the shin, but the precise blow shifts the bones on the metacarpus and he howls as you continue to beat him, breaking more and more bones.
But don't just torture. Therefore, you sit him down, and begin to cover the guy's face with light kisses, undressing, and then bringing the first-aid kit, starting to rewind the bruises, kissing each one, causing new screams.
— You're yelling so sweetly…
— You fucking bitch!
— Well, you can't do that with your girlfriend.
You grab him by the throat and then hit him against the wall, watching as a bloodstain appears on it. He's been holding on a lot longer than you expected.
After some tinkering, you brought him into the room, putting him on the bed and removing the stalker's body. When you threw the body down the stairs to the basement, you followed it down. Can I give a gift to my beloved?
Sanu woke up in his bed, in a clean bed, and you were lying next to him. I didn't sleep, I just smiled and looked at him.
— You're going to die…
— And I love you. You can eat today, I've made you breakfast. And a gift.
You come back after with a tray of food and start feeding the guy. Alas, his hands are bandaged.
— Don't worry, two weeks and you'll get used to it and we'll go for a walk with you. In the meantime, I'll take care of you. Don't be afraid, everyone knows you're sick. Eat up.
And of course he would have eaten. At knifepoint. I even crossed the threshold. He understood his victims now. Now he felt sorry for them.
— And here's a present.
You smile, opening a beautiful box in front of him, which turned out to be the eyes of that boy.
— He looked at you so often, so I decided to help. Now he can look at you even after death.
She's crazy. Fucking. A sadist.
Only these words were spinning in his head. He wanted to die, but you wouldn't let him. You tortured him constantly, but as soon as he closed his eyes, you brought him to his senses.
It's been almost a year. A year. He's already used to it. He's already fallen in love. He poked you just so you wouldn't pull out his nails again. As long as she doesn't dislocate her joints again. As long as she doesn't get mad again.
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addicteddrud · 1 year
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potential killer, soul taker and destroyer of this fucking world(?¿)
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porcelana-r0ta · 1 year
I literally never planned to do anything more with my one shot of Wes being a Wayne Enterprises intern but the thought of Tim Drake and Wes Weston being friends (if not boyfriends) scratches my brain so perfectly like they could really be out here being stalker buddies 💙
Tim, looking at a surveillance pic of a masked villain who robbed WE: (trying to be unsuspicious) the Bats really need to figure out who this new villain is and take him down >:(
Wes, who saw the villain's civilian persona for 0.5 seconds while on a Batbucks run: oh yeah I know him his name is Darry and he likes mocha fraps with a chocolate wall but also his card declined so that was sad :/ wonder he's robbing Wayne Enterprises
Tim, under his breath: I love you and I'll always make sure you get home safely after your shift
Wes: what?
Tim: I said that as my intern I need you to get me a Death Wish coffee
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obssessive · 9 months
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winwintea · 17 days
secure that card! 18. ignorance is (not) bliss content warning: mentions of stalking, violent threats
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SUMMARY ▸ zhong chenle is the owner of many cards. a black card? he owns that. he even has a stanford student id card. the one card he doesn’t own though? a green card. and if chenle plays his cards right, he just may be able to secure one by wooing you. or it could all fall through… who knows?
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slashfuhrer · 2 months
barry keoghan's characters + sexy text posts
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(also i love that both jonny and dympna do the "good boy" thing)
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celaenaeiln · 8 months
something i’d love to see more of is angsty rebellious teenage dick grayson. i don’t know why i enjoy the trope but the image of dick “golden boy” grayson getting plastered with roy as he slowly sinks into depression before somewhat getting his shit together is an interesting picture
also he just seems like the guy to get impulsive piercings. dunno why
oooh yeah that fantasy's a guilty a pleasure of mine.
I am 1000000000% an enforcer of Dick was not an angry robin. And he wasn't because the comics show just how happy his demeanor was and how fun he is. But angsty teen Dick? 16/17 year old Dick?
Again throwing a little bit of canon in
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"When we started this you were open and encouraging. You were my father...but these last few years...all you've been doing is trying to control me even more."
This is so loaded.
The anger Dick feels when Bruce is trying control him, trying to lock him in a cage in the batcave because of worry, has so much ao3 potential.
Like angsty teen dick is so complicated to think about because Bruce acts a bit like an alcoholic father and Dick's compartmentalization issues come from his parents' death. So what would this result in?
I have no fcking clue.
Because Dick would totally get wasted with Roy, hazy blue eyes staring emptily into space, watching with a flushed cheeks as his short black hair fans out on the back of a beaten blue couch at Roy's place, just breaking down quietly as Roy rants and screams about life's injustices in the background, slinging an arm around Dick and jostling him.
Or maybe he and Roy would also go bar hopping, both of them sloppy drunk, laughing and crying at the same time while they max out their daddies' credit cards and then crash somewhere in someone's pool. Maybe they end up inadvertently on Katy Perry's Friday Night music video.
Or maybe Dick would be a hurricane of disaster, lashing out with knives of sharpened words stabbing the deepest, sorest spots of pain in people, his anger alighting a fire in all. He would be magnificent, ferocious, and catastrophic.
He could be any of these three and all three at once.
He would feel the need to act out if Bruce was becoming more controlling.
BUT AT THE SAME TIME, Dick raised Bruce and that perpetually sense of responsibility he's instilled into himself from a young age as well as his self-sufficiency is never erased so one night he would be blacked out from the excessive alcohol but next morning 6'o clock his body's walking up and he's going through his morning routine like a machine and out the door to work. He just keeps going like this day and day until he collapses and the titans intervene or Bruce drags him back to the manor, screaming in love and fear and Dick screams back and the cycle begins.
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Nightwing (1996) Issue #135
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Like canonically Dick ran away from home at 16, got a job, got caught up in a major anarchist group, and did a whole freaking investigation while Bruce sulked in the cave because Dick ran away.
There's so much angsty dick potential that could go in so many ways because he's such a complex character that all of them apply.
LOL!!! I totally think he would get impulsive piercings too. Maybe when he's drunk and pissed and then the next day he would wake up be like wtf. He'd sit in turmoil and a little regret for a while and then be like whatever because these piercing are freaking cool.
Bonus: no one (except the og titans and Alfred bc Dick never keeps anything from Alfred and the titans are family) ever find out about the piercings and it's kept a tightly guarded secret until a decade later when he does something in the batcave and one of the batkids notice and they're like, "DICK YOU HAVE A PIERCING?!" The rest of them just about break their neck whipping their head around to look at him. Dick just shrugs nonchalantly because time has tempered him and goes, "oh yeah. I guess. I forgot." Bruce passes out and wakes up on the floor to Dick hovering worriedly over him while the rest of the family watches in amusement at his predicament and also half brokenly because their golden boy big brother has piercings. Plural.
Bruce gasped out a pained breath, "Piercings?"
Dick stared at him silently, gemstone eyes holding his gaze as the quiet of the cave melted the seconds into hours. His eyes slowly slid from Bruce's to where the rest of the family was standing, watching them with bated breath for his answer, before they met Bruce's hopeful ones again.
"No." Bruce, with all the strength left in his body after recovering, raised a questioning eyebrow as Dick continued, "I don't have any piercings and never did."
"Hmn." But he swore he could've seen-
The kids erupted in protests.
"Dick, come on!" Jason hollered, pushing forward. "We clearly saw it there-"
"Where?" Dick asked, spreading his arms wide and invitingly, offering them to see for themselves.
The piercing they had all gotten the barest glimpse of was gone from where they had seen it on Dick.
"But you said you! You said, 'yeah. I guess so. I forgot.'" Stephanie put her hands on her hips, "Admit it Boy Piercing!"
"Boy Piercing?!"
"Fess up, pretty boy!"
"Steph," Dick visibly bit his lip to keep from laughing, "I was joking. You guys should've see your reactions - they were so funny!! Dick has a piercing. OMG. You people were hilarious."
Damian clicked his tongue. "Enough Richard! Did you implement metal into you skin like a heathen? Richard, how could you?! Who dare touch-"
"No Dami!" Dick quickly interfered to prevent a possible murder on his behalf, "I was just kidding, okay? Besides, did you guys even really see it? Like full on?"
Harper crossed her arms. "Close enough."
Dick quirked his eyebrow at that. "But you didn't actually see it right? You thought you saw something shining and turned to look. C'mon you guys know what it is - peripheral vision hallucinations. Things you see in your peripheral vision that aren't real because you are tired," He pinned a look at each other, emphasizing the words, "and stressed."
Dick pressed his lips together and folded his arms. "Time for bed. Now. I know you all haven't been sleeping for the past few days so you all are going to bed. At the manor." Dick finished, shooting Jason a look when he tried secretly shuffling toward his bike.
The rest of them were unmoved for a moment but quickly caved under Dick's patented "I'm mom-ing you."™ stare as Jason liked to call it.
They trudged upstairs while Bruce and Dick watched in companionable silence.
Bruce turned to look at Dick as the sounds of their bickering and footsteps faded away.
"How did you do it?"
Dick hummed distractedly and tilted his head to look down at Bruce still sitting on the floor. "Do what?"
Bruce growled, impatience, annoyance, and apprehension swimming in his voice, "Don't lie. To me. How did you hide it? Now. And for so long?"
Bruce watched tensed as the tip of Dick's tongue ran over the ridges of his top row of teeth, the first sign of anger he had seen from him in weeks. The pink flesh of his tongue barely avoiding cutting itself on the slightly too sharp canines that Dick loved to call his vampire teeth since he was little. He had even threw a veteran-dentist-scaring-tantrum in the dentist's office when the man suggested shaving them down once.
Bruce watched warily as Dick crouched down, balancing on his balls of his feet like a cat on a fence, and forcefully tamped down the sudden urge to pull out a hidden batarang when the boy grinned, eyes lighting with the wild fire of joy and madness from his robin days that still had Bruce on edge for decades.
"How did you it?" He asked again, not sure if he really wanted to know anymore but the principle remained. There was no way Dick's activities could be hidden for so long. He didn't invest in his detective following skills for something like this to escape his observation. But at the same time Dick had evaded his tracking skills when he was seventeen and ran away from him. But something so obvious as a piercing would never escape his notice. But a whole 17 year old boy also shouldn't have escaped his notice. However, Bruce had improved. He had gotten better at his job and his skills. Right? Right, of course, he was the best in the world. Dick definitely did have a piercing. But...on the off chance...what if he really had just seen a flash of light? Sweat on a body? The edge of a birdarang? Peripheral vision hallucinations? "Do you?"
"Do I what?"
You already know what I'm asking. Bruce thought, frustrated with Dick for lying. Frustrated with himself for not knowing if Dick was lying.
"Do you have piercings?" Bruce ground out.
Dick laughed, his voice echoing like choir bells in the spacious cave and bouncing off the stalactites to create a ringing, haunting melody as he leaned in closer to Bruce.
"C'mon, B! You know every showman's got his own tricks," Dick grinned brightly.
And you're the whole damn circus. Bruce hissed viciously in his mind.
Dick's eyes twinkled back at him.
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cemetery-slvt · 2 months
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designernishiki · 10 months
it’s kinda funny to me how that dumb scene in kiwami 1 of majima getting shot and left for dead in the harbor was basically just added as a half-assed way to explain majima not being around for a bit of the plot, but they accidentally(?) just made it seem like start of a chain reaction where majima ended up feeling slighted and heartbroken after being abandoned like that and then lashed out about it via smashing a big truck into the building kiryu was in. and yeah that isn’t inherently a romantic thing as-is but then they go and add the part where majima grabs a hostess and performatively hits on her as in-kiryu’s-face as possible, she says she’s already in love with someone, and majima lets her go immediately, no questions asked, making a big fucking point of it just to say see THAT kiryu? I appreciate when people are HONEST about their FEELINGS. people who won’t just BACKSTAB someone who CARES about them to save themselves. is that so crazy kiryu?? huh??? anyway make it up to me get down here and fight me right fucking now
#I think on another level he was sorta saying like ‘hey kiryu. you’re making it extremely clear that you don’t trust me and my intentions#and I’ve been trying to show you- over and over again- that I’d do just about anything for you and your safety#but I can’t just let my mask fall off in front of everyone- I need to keep up the unpredictable morally grey wildcard act for both my sake#AND yours. because disguising my helping you as crazy random violent outbursts and weird stalker behavior#is the only way I CAN help you. do you think it would go over well with shimano or literally anyone else if I was outright helping you out#of the kindness of my heart and fondness for you? stop being so fucking dense and look past the crazy wacky nonsense for a second and#maybe you’ll realize that all I do at the end of the day- really- is help you and put my own life and reputation on the line for you.#I am an honest guy when it comes to my real values and when I told you I wouldn’t let anyone kill you unelss it was myself- I meant it.#I’ve taken a knife and a bullet for you now. can you REALLY not see through the act yet? am I REALLY that unpredictable when you think about#it?’#that was a longer explanation than i intended but. it was difficult to put into words#I basically feel like it could be read as him implying kiryu shouldn’t backstab the people who put themselves on the line to help him#and/or pointing out that he’s never actually done kiryu dirty and has stuck to his word protecting him in the ways he can#trying to say yeah all this is a crazy act and all but when it comes down to it you Can trust me#it really makes sense when you think about it that he’d have to help kiryu/show affection towards kiryu in unpredictable convoluted ways#at that point in time because. I mean. there’s a reason he was the only person who showed up to welcome kiryu when he got out of prison#and that’s because A) he sticks to his word and his loyalty to people he cares about and B) no one else had the balls or the batshit insane#mask to wear to ward off anyone asking real questions like majima did. because ANYONE associating themselves with the supposed#patriarch-killer was a HUGE NO-NO at the time. someone important showing up for kiryu and welcoming him back outright could’ve caused#all-out warfare probably. except majima. because majima was dedicated and smart enough to use his widely-feared wildcard persona#(that everyone tended to view as incapable of having any Real agenda to worry about) to his And kiryu’s advantage#does that make sense??? I feel like it makes a lot of sense if you get it to click in your head#kazumaji#majima#kiryu#yakuza#kiwami 1#yk1#rambling
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the-possum-of-rsa · 23 days
No one tell Kalim what i've been doing as of late he's gonna be upset and Jamil will be mad because jam-jam (Jamil) might as well be Kalims diary with how he tells jam-jam everything 😓
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rotten7rat · 4 months
I love the idea of Duke being the normal one because, like, his father is literally some immortal being with magical god powers or some shit. He should be the least normal person there. And the fact that he isn't is so funny
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fir3flytv · 4 months
Stalker!SSKTJL!Batman x Reader
went a little crazy thinking of how KTJL Batman stalked TFX for some of the game and I’m not ok
tw: Stalking, kidnapping, reader is put in a cage and chained
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You’re just walking home one day and you notice a figure on the roof tops. You think nothing of it and go home. Everyday, it’s the same thing and it keeps getting clearer and clearer, until you finally figure out what it is. That night, when you go to bed, something feels off.
When you wake up, you’re not in your bed. You’re in a cage, hands and feet chained. The room around you is stone like, almost as though you were in a cave. Suddenly, the figure you’ve seen oh so many times comes out of the shadows, revealing just exactly who it is.
The Batman.
The man who was suppose to be a hero, a protector, had captured you, taken you, kidnapped you. And God knows what he’ll do to you.
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depraved-gf · 6 months
"Remember this moment," he growls deeply, withdrawing to the tip before pushing deeper inside of me. "Because the next time I fuck you, you will be deeply in love with me, Adeline. I'm your stalker and a murderer, and you will love me anyways."
- Zade Meadows, Haunting Adeline
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kttykssbpd · 2 days
I hope I find you in the next life. I hope I am kinder and more gentle. I hope my nails do not turn into claws. I hope my kisses do not turn into bites. I hope my hugs do not turn into suffocation. I hope I am better for you in the next life, and I hope I find you once more so I can love you one more time.
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beany122 · 11 days
Here are some funny images I made for the unrestricted section server
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Dead stalker and drunk stalker
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Boogie woogie
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The fact that the genders are swapped is not my problem
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I consider less then 20 to be "no content"
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I knew the executioner looked good in thigh high boots
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A meme made from @/ephemerasnape's comm for her fic paying the piper
Okay Goodbye 👋
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leviiackrman · 5 months
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Mineyo ‘MEow’ Ginnivan: “With all due respect, which is none…”
Rin ‘Whiplash’ Kyutoku: “Forgive and forget? Nahhh. Fuck you, and fuck that.”
Chika ‘Blighted’ Hōki: “Am I supposed to be grateful to have survived this?”
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