#I'ma just curious
kalisbaby · 4 months
At this point I think I just need to admit I like being fucking angry cuz I keep setting myself up with shit that I KNOW will set me off. Reading tags/notes on here; reading the comments on IG/YT. Like I love myself and I need to start acting like it. I'ma have to force myself to stop this shit cuz, chile...
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skylarsblue · 1 year
✦Slashers With An ADHD S/O✦
This could also be taken as slashers with a s/o that has unmedicated ADHD, it's essentially just them responding to your info dumping or random-ass questions. This is definitely not me just wanting to project random facts onto people-
✧GN!Reader, mention of skinwalkers(in case you're worried bout the energy that might bring), brief mention of cannibalism✧ ✧Bo; He/Him, Vincent; He/They, Lester; He/Him, Thomas; He/Him, Bubba; He/She/They, Stu; He/Him, Billy Lo; He/Him, Brahms; He/Him✧
❀Bo Sinclair❀
He's gonna act so sick of it but he often gets wrapped up in what you're doing. I've always been on the fence if he's neurotypical, or if he has unmedicated ADHD.
If you ask a random ass question that he can't immediately answer, he'll try to brush you off, but then he'll get too curious. Leading to hours of you two coming up with theories or researching some obscure topic. Sometimes it leads to debates that might get heated, but they never turn into actual fights.
Although sometimes he's too tired to deal with your random shit. Like, if you two are in bed, and you roll over with a super obscure topic? He'll give you some tired grunts as responses, but eventually, he'll cover your mouth and tuck you under his chin. "Doll, I'ma need you to shut ya mouth." He loves you but he needs his beauty sleep.
You were washing dishes as Bo sat in the living room, sipping a beer and losing his focus on a TV show. Things were quiet and peaceful. He'd been a bit on edge today, but that was chalked up to his lingering headache. Aside from that? Nothing was wrong, and it allowed everyone in Ambrose to relax...assuming they weren't encased in wax. But your brain was not relaxed. Not with the question that had been bouncing around all day. Finally, it was too much to bare on your own, so after drying your hands you poked your head around the door frame to the kitchen. Staring at Bo on the couch. He sensed it, setting his beer on his knee as he looked over, expecting your words.
"Bo, how come you never see an ad for microwaves?"
His brow furrowed before his eyes rolled. "Really? Darlin' what kind of stupid ass question is th-..." He trailed off as he properly processed the question. You blinked, staring, waiting as you watched it settle over him. The same confusion. He shook his head. "Prolly 'cause everyone knows ya need one." He said, trying to brush it off, but that answer was not satisfying. "But then why are there ads for other appliances? Or toilet paper? Everyone knows you need that stuff." You replied. Bo bit his lower lip as he looked up, thinking again. "...well shit, I don't fuckin' know." He admitted. You jumped in the air and made dramatic hand motions. "SEE?! Right?! It's been bothering me all day!!" You exclaimed. Bo rubbed his forehead as he tried to come up with an answer, or perhaps bring forth the memory of a microwave commercial.
You hopped over the back of the couch and settled next to him. "Bo, it's been eating away at me. I can't come up with anything." You whispered. "I can't either...shit! Why is that a thing?!" Bo demanded, you laughed and put your face in your hands. "Nah nah, we're gonna think of something. This shit's gonna eat at me." He said, setting his beer on the coffee table. He was in too deep now. There was no escaping without an answer.
❀Vincent Sinclair❀
Vincent can't really respond to your random questions or factoids, his vocal cords are damaged and he only speaks when necessary. However, he'll listen! Most of the time anyway. Occasionally, they'll be too focused to hear what you're saying, but they'll pause and sign for you to repeat your last sentence. He wants to indulge you.
You'll remind him of Lester when they were all younger. For this reason, they won't get annoyed. They're a seasoned veteran of the random ramblings of an individual with ADHD. That, and it makes him feel at peace hearing you in the background of whatever he's doing. Reminds him of a more peaceful time.
Vincent's an insomniac. He can stay awake to hear your latest info dump, but, if he's exhausted enough? He's gonna pass out. It doesn't matter how loud you're ranting either. He finds your voice soothing and it's hard to stay awake when they're so tired, and you feel so safe. But don't worry, if you want, they'll ask you to start talking about the topic again in the morning. After their coffee, of course.
There was a quiet scraping sound mingling with the bubbling of wax in a large vat in the basement. Vincent's hands worked diligently as he formed the shape of a man's arm, carefully sculpting the subtle curve of a bicep. They were in their zone, completely focused. Taking even, deep breaths as they went to grab a more precise tool.
And the silence was shattered, making the man fumble with the tool, doing a short juggling act until he caught it. He looked over at you bouncing into his workspace, grinning. "Oh! Sorry, did I mess you up?" You asked as you noticed he was working. Vincent let out a sigh and shook their head, allowing you to relax, energy coming back full force. He set his tool down and signed to you. "What's wrong?" He asked, making you shake your head. "Oh nothing, but I just learned something super cool!" You walked closer and pulled up a chair, setting yourself on top of it.
"Do you anything about Egyptian mythology?" You asked with an excited grin. Vincent paused and tapped his fingers a few times on his leg before shaking his head. "Great! Okay, so there's this god, Anubis, also called Anpu or Inpu. He's a deity relating to death and the passing of the people of Egypt. He's got a jackal head most of the time, which is basically a canine. One of the things he's known for is this ceremony where he weighs a heart against a feather to see if it's pure, and if the heart is heavier than the feather, it's impure. So! He'll feed it to this other deity named Ammit. Which would basically mean your soul can't move on to the underworld." You paused to take a deep breath. Vincent had settled in his own seat at this point, listening intently. He'd never been much for mythology aside from his Greek phase in high school. But you were so passionate and admittedly? The factoids were interesting.
They'd gladly listen for hours on end, it made you so happy, how could he not indulge?
❀Lester Sinclair❀
This man is the king of random factoids, are you kidding me? Do you think he wouldn't be as passionate about your random topics? Fool that you are! He has just as many! It's definitely a bonding thing for the two of you.
The things he brings up most are bug & plant related, but he loves learning from you. He's got several learning disabilities so learning from a book is a bit difficult. This is partially why he loves learning from you. Be careful to have your facts straight though.
You could wake him up at two am and get him enraptured in a conversation with ease. He won't be mad, just a bit groggy at first. He utterly adores the fact you're so willing to share the things you're passionate about, no matter how random they are. And Lester is elated that you return the favor.
Wood shavings fell to the ground as Lester whistled a tune, carving a new knife handle out of some old cherry oak he'd found. He'd hoped to give this one to Bo, in order to replace the switchblade the man had that was starting to give up on him. It was peaceful on his cabin porch. Birds chirping, bugs buzzing, trees only swaying in a slight breeze. He stopped his whistling tune when he heard the screen door creak open and saw you walk out. He smiled as you sat beside him. "Afternoon' sugar." He greeted.
"Lester, I need you to confirm something for me." You said with an intense look. The man rose an eyebrow and looked you over. "Alright...what is it?" He asked. He watched you inhale deeply and finally open your mouth with the question. "Is it true that there are creatures in the ocean that look like tiny bunnies but they're slugs?" Lester blinked before he laughed a bit, a grin stretching across his face. "Yeah, there are! They're called sea bunnies! They're real small critters, buncha slugs in the ocean look real cool. There's one that looks like 's made of leaves too. It eats like a plant too! That photosin-photo, whatever's called." He mumbled. You gasped loudly.
"There are sea slugs that can photosynthesize?! Oh my god!" You cheered. Lester snickered and nodded vigorously. "Baby, I thought they were fake! They're so small and cute, I just wanna squish'em." You explained, making a little squishing motion with your hand. Lester hummed in agreement. "There's this other one. Looks like a dragon, but ya can't pick'em up 'cause they're real poisonous." He said, feeling his heart swell as you let out a sad whine. "All the cool things are poisonous." You complained. You looked back at him with adoration and a smile made from sunshine. "Can you tell me more about random animal stuff?" Lester couldn't have been happier to hear you ask. "Well, don't mind if I do." He adjusted himself in his seat, feeling joy rush through his brain as he started his factoid rant.
❀Thomas Hewitt❀
Alright, he's neurodivergent, but he's never been the type to info dump or even deeply explore his interests. Mostly because he's never had the time or ability. However, seeing how deep you get into your stuff will probably inspire him to indulge himself more.
He doesn't know what a hyperfixation is but he'll relate if you tell him about it. Thomas' tend to be things like sewing and, fittingly enough, mechanics of things like chainsaws. He used to be into old cars when he was younger but Luda Mae would often tell him not to poke around, for fear he'd get hurt by something.
Thomas finds your ease around him cathartic. Sometimes, when you're rambling, he won't be fully listening. Not because he doesn't care but because he's too focused on the fact you're with him. Even when he's at his most exhausted, he'll always find time and energy to watch you be passionate. To share those things with him? It feels unreal sometimes.
Thomas huffed as he tossed a small bale of hale towards a pile in the back of the dilapidated barn. Sweat rolled down his skin, which he wiped with the fabric of his shirt. He tilted his neck and only slightly winced when it cracked loudly. "Tommy!" And there it went again, feeling his heart melt and his stress fade away. Usually when his name was called it meant someone needed something, that he was about to be insulted, that he was doing something wrong. But not with you. No, you always said his name in the sweetest tone. He turned to face you, watching you run up to the barn with a smile. You remembered to step over the board at the entrance since it had unhidden nails.
"Tommy! Okay, baby, I know you're working but can I tell you about something really cool?" He exhaled and his gaze softened. With a deep grunt and a nod, he moved a hay bale off to the side and motioned to it. You cooed and walked up, sitting down on the bale with a grin. "You're a sweetheart." You praised, making him blush. "Okay, so, you know how Native Americans have super rich history? And like, they even have things akin to cryptids and they have their own folklore?" Thomas nodded as he went back to work, showing he was still listening.
"Alright, well, don't take my word for everything here because I may be wrong on some of it. But! There are these things called skinwalkers, in English anyway. They're a thing most notably spoken about from Indigenous tribes around the southwest, like here and Oklahoma and stuff. Typically they're described as shapeshifting beings with deformed, almost, humanoid bodies. The origins kind of vary based on where you get it from, but some traditions say that they used to be powerful medicine men who succumbed to evil. Some other origins think that they're people who committed a deep sin." Your hands moved with your words and you occasionally paused as to not stutter over the words. Though it was a taboo topic to speak about and not something Thomas would've ever sought out, he listened. Pausing his work to stare at you lovingly as you rambled about a creature that was probably pretty nightmare-inducing. He couldn't bring himself to be disturbed. Only succumb to the adoration in his chest.
❀Bubba Sawyer❀
Bubba's neurodivergent as well, they have their hyperfixations, but sadly can't share them much. One, because her family often expressed annoyance so she's no longer willing to show them. Two, she can't really talk. He's only able to babble things that sometimes sound kind of like words.
But oh, oh he ADORES when you share your interests or ask him weird questions. It brings him so much joy. And they feel so seen when you acknowledge they want to share something with you as well. You become Bubba's hyperfixation safe space and he returns the effort tenfold. (Her fixations are jewelry & fashion magazines)
She'll never not listen to you. Of course, if he's working, he'll need to be focused on that. But you're more than welcome to sit nearby and keep talking. They take note of everything you say, and if it's something he can find and give to you? They'll search for something you'll like so hard every chance they get.
Bubba patted his hands on his lap as you sewed a hole in his apron. Though Bubba knew how to sew, and enjoyed it, sometimes their big hands made it difficult. That and their random muscle spasms. But, you were always willing to help, something that made his love for you triple almost every day. You smiled as she leaned in to watch you work more closely. "You know, Bubs. Maybe I should make you a dress. I have a few designs I think you'd look great in." You said. Bubba's brown eyes widened and she squealed, watching you finish the stitch, placing the needle down. As soon as he was sure you wouldn't get pricked, he squeezed you in his arms, making you laugh.
You set his apron in his lap and stood up, grabbing a busted-up sketchbook that they'd grabbed off a meal once. You sat back beside her and flipped open to a page. Bubba flapped her hands excitedly as she caught sight of a chubby figure in the concept of a flowy dress. "See, I tried to consider what would be best with your work. I figured sleeves would get in the way so I kept them either short or just as straps, adjustable of course." You explained as you pointed to the sketches. "I mostly took inspiration from those magazines you have. Most of those dresses have shirt tops and blouson cuts, but I couldn't help myself by when I imagined you in a sundress." Your smile grew wider as Bubba wiggled in place, letting out happy squeals and excited squeaks.
You began to ramble about different waist cuts and fabric patterns, colors that you felt would compliment Bubba's skin tone. Eventually ending up in his lap as he squeezed you, rocking back and forth. Feeling adored and cared for. No one else had ever put in this effort to indulge her and she felt ready to cry from joy. You hummed and turned a page. "You know, I think a babydoll cut nightgown would also be real cute on you.~" You purred, going to slowly turn the page again. Bubba caught sight of a slightly revealing babydoll cut "nightgown", with detailed lace, clearly meant to be a bit see-through. They squeaked and covered their face. You laughed fondly and reached to place kisses on the backs of their knuckles.
❀Stu Macher❀
Again, you think this dude doesn't have ADHD? There ain't no way in hell. This man is a poster child for unmedicated ADHD if I've ever seen one. His hyperfixations being horror movies and true crime, clearly. He loves to have someone to rant about these things with, but a lot of people aren't down with it. Imagine his joy when he found out you were. And even more so when you do the same back.
He's a bit hard to get into things that don't already interest him. But, he does his best to listen anyway, since you do that with him. However, if you have a similar interest to him? Stu is all over that shit. He finds you so sexy when you rant about the cinematography of your favorite movie or the psyche of a fictional killer.
If you know you have ADHD and tell him, you might actually be able to convince him to get tested. It won't change anything, but Stu being on meds would probably help him out in school...or it would just help him be more down to earth. That's wishful thinking though.
"Babe! Baby, babe babe babebabebabe!" Your voice cut over the movie Stu was watching, making him pause it. The image of Jason standing in a doorway to a cabin fizzled and glitched on the old TV. He laughed when you dove over the back of the couch, setting down the snacks and drinks you brought, quickly turning to face him. "I have theories and I need to spill them before I forget about them." You said. Stu grabbed a soda and cracked it open. "Well spill then baby! I'm all ears!" He grinned, taking a large gulp of Dr.Pepper. You got yourself comfortable and cleared your throat, starting off with a deep breath. "It's about the Ghostface killings recently." Now that caught his attention. "Yeah? What'cha got, babe?" Twisted excitement formed in his chest as he awaited your words.
"I don't think there's one killer, I think there's two." His brain sparked up and his heartbeat arose, leaning his arm on the back of the couch as he listened. "See cause, when Casey was in her house, she was called on the phone and the killer talked to her right? They probably were giving her things to make her think she could survive, if it were me I'd choose...like, a trivia thing. Get the answers right, ya live. But of course she didn't They killed her boyfriend on the porch while she was still on the phone, but then evidence showed someone was in the house to hunt her down. That doesn't make sense! There would be no feasible way only one person could utterly tear Steve's organs out and then get into the house without her noticing. She probably had both doors locked anyway! But, if someone else was already inside while a second killer Jack-The-Ripper-style killed Steve, it would make so much more sense!"
Stu ran his tongue along his lower lip, watching you get more animated and invested into your theory. Despite talking about a recent murder of peers, the terrifying concept that there were two people out there ready to commit horrific acts, you were smiling. Buzzing off excitement while talking about a murder. "And! The amount of strength and time it would've taken to tie her and pull her over a tree branch, not being seen? One person doing that is hard to believe, but two people? That's a piece of cake!" You declared, only to be cut off by a passionate kiss to the mouth. It silenced you for a moment, but it didn't do anything to your stuttering heartbeat. Stu pulled back with a smug grin. "You're so sexy when you dissect murder plans." He said. You snorted and let out a loud laugh. "I'm a fuckin' freak, huh?" Stu laughed. "And I love it, baby!"
❀Billy Loomis❀
He deals with Stu every day, he's used to it. Billy's not one who infodumps or hyperfixates, but he's not incredibly annoyed by it. Most of the time anyway.
If you catch him in a bad mood, he might ask you to be quiet, but it's not personal. It's not that he doesn't care or anything, he's just not in the mood for a lot of information being said to him at a fast rate. Most of the time though, he'll be perfectly fine with it.
He won't really get into it with you, but he'll support your interests and occasionally entertain your weird questions. Billy's particularly happy if your hyperfixation benefits him, however. Like with Stu, true crime & horror movies are things he's always willing to hear about.
Billy paused the movie and looked over. "You've been chewing on your lip this entire time, just spit it out." He said bluntly, though he had a calm smile on his face. Both of you were sat in your bedroom on your bed, watching a copy of Halloween H20 that you'd rented. Billy didn't really like movie talkers so you'd tried your best to hold it all in until the end, even if you had a million things to say. But he knew better and he was in a good mood. As long as you weren't talking over the movie, he wouldn't have a problem. He bit back an amused snicker as you let out a relieved breath and got ready to rant.
"I was just thinking if there was maybe a reason Michael can survive so much. Cause like, he is human. He needs to eat, we hear him breathe, even if he doesn't die he does get wounded by people attacking him. So it's not that he's a demon, even if Loomis calls him pure evil, so maybe there's a medical reason he can withstand all that!" You began. Billy set the remote down and pulled himself up to sit against the headboard, crossing his arms and nodding, urging you to continue. "Okay, so, hear me out. What if he just has a surplus of stem cells? Like, they're out of control." You said, starting to talk with your hands. "Stem cells? Remind me what those are again."
You huffed and muttered something fondly about how he failed biology. He snorted at the comment. "Stem cells come from your bone marrow and they're what helps you heal from stuff. Like, if a section of your liver is removed? Stem cells will make the organ grow back to the perfect size for your body. When we get older, they tend to slow down, which is why it takes longer to heal from stuff. But theoretically, if Michael just has a fuck ton, he could come back from almost anything. As long as he has bone marrow, he'd keep producing stem cells, and he'd keep healing. At that rate, even old age couldn't kill him. Old age doesn't kill you, it's just your body's functions shutting down because of old dying cells." Billy hummed and rose his eyebrows, considering your theory for a moment. He then nodded with a smile. "That would actually make a lot of sense. A lot better than the cult idea." You beamed. "Thank you! Also yeah, that movie was fuckin' awful." He laughed and opened his arm, allowing you to lay against him. "You gonna let it play now?" He asked, to which you nodded. He patted your arm and grabbed the remote, allowing the movie to play again.
❀Brahms Heelshire❀
Aight, he's autistic, he doesn't have ADHD. He needs strict structure, he has no idea how you just wing everything. You're all over the place! It's frustrating! ...sometimes, other times it's fun to watch and listen to you. Brahms hasn't ever really had friends, not ones that seem so excited to talk to him anyway. It's a nice change, actually.
He'll start to be more comfortable with sharing his own thoughts on things he's really into. Brahms has never been able to speak for an hour on a chapter in a book before, and he feels really at ease when you listen to him. He's a bit hypocritical and occasionally tunes you out when you're ranting, but he'll usually try to listen.
Brahms is amazed at how many topics you can seemingly flow into, even when starting on something completely unrelated. He's endlessly entertained by you, so much so, that it'll occasionally make up for you accidentally letting time get away from you and going off schedule. Occasionally.
Brahms cleaned his brush as you spoke, running it over a napkin to dry it off and ensure it wasn't holding any more of the green paint. You'd been rambling for an hour now, more so to yourself than to him. The noise was a nice change from the deafening silence that he'd been used too in the walls. Brahms lifted his mask slightly to take a bit of the sandwich you'd made him, allowing himself to tune back into your rant. "Actually, some people have said that there's a stage of decomposition where the stench is almost sickeningly sweet. I've never smelt it like that though, the stench of death is pretty recognizable as not sweet." Brahms stopped mid-chew and stared at you. Where in the hell had you gotten this from? He could've sworn you started on food first.
"I wonder if cannibals found that smell appealing, actually. Maybe they considered it the "still safe to eat" time for when a body is already dead. I imagine they'd want it fresh though." You muttered whilst putting away a glass. "Actually! Interesting fact, some cannibals have described human meat as being akin to pork, just with a strong & bitter aftertaste. And the more muscular someone is, the chewier they are. Also I think I read once that tattoo ink has a terrible taste, which would make sense I suppose. In history, human was sometimes described as long pig or hairless goat!" Brahms cleared his throat and snapped you out of your train of thought. You made eye contact with him through his porcelain mask, seeing his look of confusion and slight concern. You chuckled bashfully, rubbing the back of your neck. "I don't know why I know these things, but I promise it's not from personal experience." You reassured.
Brahms sighed and shook his head. You untensed a bit when he let out a little chuckle, one that was deep and genuine, not covered by his "child" voice. "You have got to be the most interesting nanny I've ever had." He said, accent thick as he spoke. Your face heated up and you let out a soft laugh, nodding. "Probably the most out there for sure. I'll take that as a compliment and uh, stop talking about cannibalism now." Brahms nodded and took another bite of his sandwich, pushing the chair out next to him with his leg. You took it with a smile. "How about you talk instead, hm?" You offered. Brahms cleared his throat again and nodded, he had plenty of things to discuss. Perhaps the eras of painting styles would be a good choice.
(bet you thought the cannibalism was gonna be in Thomas or Bubba's huh? YOU THOUGHT WRONG)
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triasticalwarlock · 2 months
yandere bob with a reader who has an odd fascination with cannibalism? shes never tried human flesh, but she certainly wouldnt be opposed
Deadly fascination
Hope you like this! Bare with me since like the other characters I write for, I'm still perfecting his personality. But I hope you liked this! Also, sorry if it's short. Enjoy! :)
Pairing- bob velseb x reader
Relationship- Romantic/platonic
Warnings- yandere behavior, cannibalism, when he's a red flag but y/n is color blind, fascination with cannibalism, murder, possessive behavior, obsessive behavior, controlling behavior, non-con bob,MDNI.
Genre- yandere, fluff(?)
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I personally believe that for both regular and yandere bob, they would both be ecstatic. Finding someone who wasn't terrified of them just from this fact, accepting the hunger for flesh without a second. They would be even more happy once they find out about your weird fascination with it, the first thing coming out of their mouth.
"Ya wanna try it?"
For yandere bob, he wouldn't really care if you wanted to try it or not. If he has to, he'll force feed you. While regular bob, will still try to get you to eat it, but will respect your decision after the 2nd time of trying. But knowing how you wouldn't be opposed of trying it, would send bob into a frenzy. Making a whole ass thanksgiving dinner but with human meat for you, standing in front of you. Fidgeting in excitement, waiting to see what you think of it. Now, if you like it, this man is mentally jumping in joy and shouting ' HURRAY!' and then will tell you to keep the eating. If you don't like it, he really doesn't care, will still make you eat it.
If you're fascination is that strong, he'll gladly let you watch him kill and cook his victims. Both Bob's are addicted to your attention, loves it when it's on them. But with yandere bob it amplified by 1000x. So having you watch him is like a blessing to him. Asking him questions about the process with make him rant about all the facts of cannibalism he knows, look at his search history and all of it is just, ' facts about cannibalism'. While he is a cold blooded killer, and cannibal. He is such a goddamn nerd. It's insane how much he knows about this way of eating.
Also, biting. Let's talk about that. If you want to, he'll gladly let you take a bite out of him. Biting and eating your partner is a love language for him. So that means he'll do it to. The places he normally goes for are; the arms, legs, neck, and fingers. But he keeps in mind not to take a bite out of you to much! Wouldn't want you leaving him would we?
Feeling the softness of his stomach Beneath your foldes legs feel like they were on a cloud. His large hands holding your hips just to hold you. Placing your hands on his shoulders, which was covered by his regular blood-red sweater. Sending you a grin, he tilts his head in a curious manner. " Watcha waiten' on suga?" Lifting one of his eye brows at you. You look away for a moment, thinking. " Well, I don't know where to bite you at." Letting out a booming laugh, slightly moving you up and down from your placement on his stomach. Before stilling. Still letting out a few chuckles" Please, hun. I've bittan inta' more people than ya could blink. I'ma be fine." Tilting his head more to give you room, his turtle-neck pulled aside. You nod, deciding to trust him. What else could you do? You knew he would force you if you didn't, he always did. But it wasn't like you wanted to stop, you where just making up scenarios. Leaning into the nave of his neck, you bite down. Not softly, but not rough either. Comfortable. You feel the rumble through his neck when he groans. Knowing him by know that he more than likely had some drool running down his stubbled chin. Lifting your hand, you dig it in his dark, black hair. Massaging his scalp as you bite harder. Making a iron-like taste invade your mouth. You feel Bob's arms wrap around you, pushing you against him harder. The position of your legs making it slightly uncomfortable, but you manage. The sounds falling out of his mouth sound like one of pleasure, not even in a sexual way. Just knowing that you were the one doing this was comforting to him. So, while it last. He indulged as much as he could.
Bob is also fiercely possessive. And just the thought of having a piece of himself inside of you( shut up, I know what you all have going through your heads right now)? Makes him happy, it makes him feel at peace. Because where ever you go he'll always be with you; protecting you, keeping you, owning you. you get this gist. And having a piece If your flesh in him does the same thing. You'll always be with him no matter what.
If you want, he'll let you kill someone yourself! He'll watch like a proud dad as you stab them. Pointing at you and going, 'see that? That's my wife that's killing you' then, he might let you cook with him! The reason that he doesn't do it without some convincing is because cooking for you is one of his pride and joys, mostly his pride. And he likes taking care of you, it makes you rely on him.
But, by some god you do manage to convince him. He'll be instructing and watching your every move. To make sure you don't get hurt and still having some control over your actions. Besides, he was a literal cook once, and he eats human flesh like it's a religion. You know that he knows what he's doing, so you listen.
But overall, regular and yandere bob would be happy with your interest in cannabism. They have your attention on them and are able to be in your presence. Which puts both versions at ease.
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Version-not edited. Will if I notice something I didn't before.
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lowkeyremi · 1 month
A drabble based off Samu's part of this post cuz I miss little haruki
summary: haruki has to hang out with his uncle 'tsumu while his parents are at the hospital
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Atsumu and Haruki have been staring each other down since Osamu dropped him off ten minutes ago. Haruki has seen his uncle 'Tsumu many times before, even on TV, but never has his uncle babysat him.
"So kid... what do ya wanna do?" Usually when Atsumu's with his nephew it's under the supervision of you or Osamu. Being completely alone with him is new to both of them.
"Um. I don't know, do ya have any toys?" Your carbon copy asks.
"Nah, I don't play with toys, I'ma grown man." He explains to his nephew. The small child doesn't like that response, "When I'm a grown up I'm gonna play with toys!"
Atsumu ultimately forgets that Haruki is a little boy with childish ideas, so he chuckles at his statement.
"No ya won't, kid."
"Yes I will!"
"No ya won't."
"Yes I wi-"
"Hey! How 'bout we play some volleyball, huh?" The blond athlete realizes there is absolutely no point in fighting with a six year old.
"I hate volleyball, it's boring." A loud gasp escapes Atsumu's lips and he feels like he's been shot right in the chest.
"Yer lying, right? Haha that was pretty funny, made me laugh." He refuses to believe that any nephew or niece of his would hate volleyball. He has to be joking...
"'m serious! Papa took me to a volleyball camp last year 'n I hated it! Everyone was so mean to me 'n they kept telling me I couldn't hold the ball for myself." Well, there's the problem. As a six year old everything is about you, you, you. So, Atsumu assumes Haruki didn't like it because he wasn't the center of attention.
"Let me tell ya a lil' something. I'm gonna go get a volleyball and I'll tell ya this story while we're outside." Haruki's obviously skeptical of what his uncle plans on doing but he'll go along with it for right now.
The little boy sets his Sonic themed backpack down by the front door, when he makes sure all his toys are secure in his bag, he slowly stomps his way to the sliding glass doors that lead to his uncle's backyard.
There's a net that's way too big for Haruki to hit anything over it outside, which immediately discourages him. Atsumu soon returns with a volleyball in his hands, Haruki would assume with all that money his uncle makes he'd have a nicer looking volleyball, but the one he's holding is all beat up and dirty.
"Are ya too poor to get a better ball?" Atsumu doesn't even take it to offense because he knows Haruki is genuinely curious and not trying to be rude.
"Nah, this ball is older than ya are. 's the ball me n yer papa used to use when we were first startin' out." That seems to ignite a new interest in the little boy, well, if his excited gasps were anything to go by.
"I'ma give it to ya so ya'll have somethin' to use when you play." This isn't enough to convince Haruki to play volleyball but Atsumu's not done just yet. He still has to tell him the story, but first they have to set up the small net, so Haruki can hit over it.
Atsumu opens up his shed to find the little beat up box that contained he and Osamu's old volleyball net from their elementary school days.
"Woah! That net is the perfect size for me!" His nephew screeches in excitement.
"Yeah 's also older than ya." The two set up the net and Atsumu teaches Haruki the form to receive. He tosses the small boy a few so he can get used to receiving.
"Okay, so, I wanted to tell ya that, volleyball ain't all about you, but at the same time it is," Haruki doesn't say anything in return. No little kid wants to hear that everything isn't about them.
"I had trouble understandin' that m'self when I was growin' up. I thought- nah I knew I was the shit so I acted prideful 'bout it." His nephew gasps at him saying a bad word, but he doesn't interrupt his story.
"'n I really don't care who likes me and who doesn't. I was like that back then too, so I never really had anyone besides 'Samu to play with. Which was fine when we were young, but in a real game, ya need six people." Haruki nods his head to let his uncle know he's listening.
"I had to realize that volleyball was a team effort 'n I couldn't play the whole game, m'self," He pauses for a second to bump the ball back the Haruki.
"That was also when I started to realize, it really was all about me, 'cause if yer a good setter all yer hitters gotta rely on ya. They need ya to set to 'em." Haruki pauses for a second.
"What if I don't wanna set? I wanna be a hitter like papa was." Atsumu smiles at him.
"It applies to hitters too, if yer a good hitter then yer setter will most likely set to ya the most often, 'cause ya can score." Haruki's eyes light up with a new sense of hope.
"Will you teach me more about volleyball, Uncle 'Tsumu?" Atsumu's earlier dread has completely left his body, his nephew didn't hate volleyball, he hated not being the center of attention, just like Atsumu did.
The two go back into the house when the sun is almost down. Haruki had learned so much from his uncle, and he was excited to show all of it to you and Osamu.
Atsumu goes to call his brother to realize that he had missed 4 calls from him and a few texts with pictures attached.
"Haruki! Hurry up 'n get in here! Yer sister is born!!" Haruki comes running in with his new (old) volleyball.
"Lemme see her!!!" He tries to grab his uncle's phone.
"Be patient, ya little gremlin." Atsumu pulls up the picture and hands his phone to tiny, grubby hands. You look very tired, but a small smile graces your face and you're holding a tiny little bundle in your arms. The next couple of pictures are Osamu holding his daughter too.
"Ew, why is she so wrinkly?" Atsumu tries and fails to hold in a chuckle. His nephew's face is all scrunched up and disgusted.
"'s 'cause she was just born. She's been swimming 'round in yer ma's belly for the past nine months. Kinda like how ya stay in the bath for too long and yer fingers start to get wrinkly." Atsumu explains, Haruki's not convinced, at all.
"Ya looked the same way when ya were born." Haruki shakes his head so fast Atsumu wouldn't be surprised if his head popped off.
"Nuh-uh. I was never wrinkly!" Atsumu is quick to go through his albums to find the one of Haruki's birth.
"Yea ya did, look." Haruki takes a good look at the picture before jumping up in surprise.
"EWWW I WAS WRINKLY!!!!" He starts running around like a crazy animal on the loose, screams leaving his lips.
Atsumu snorts, "We were all wrinkly babies at one point." The setter also learns how rewarding being an uncle is.
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©𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐊𝐄𝐘𝐑𝐄𝐌𝐈 All works are written by me! Please do not copy, translate, or upload onto other sites thanks!
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thelovelylolly · 6 months
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Summary: But I'ma be under the mistletoe... Warnings: none :) Notes: OKAY OKAY I KNOW ITS A JUSTIN BEIBER SONG BUT LIKE IGNORE THAT OKAY? OKAY
It was Robin who had dragged you to Steve's holiday party. Knowing Steve, you expected a packed house with alcohol and decorations being trashed, but you were wrong. It was just your friend group, along with some of the younger kids. It was nice to just relax and enjoy the holiday spirit with all of them.
But you could tell something was up with Robin. You had known her since middle school, so you could read her like a book. She seemed to be a bit more...on edge, maybe? She kept glancing around the room, bouncing her leg and biting her nails. She constantly kept looking at Steve, who would just nod towards her.
Your best guess was she planned something with Steve and was just anxious to make sure everything went right. Now, you just had to figure out what it was.
You excused yourself from your conversation with Nancy to refill your cup. You went into the kitchen and started to pour some punch from the punchbowl into your cup. You heard footsteps approach and you glanced up to see Steve.
"Hey, Steve. This is a nice little get together," you said with a smile, leaning against the counter.
"Yeah, glad you could make it," he replied, filling his own cup up with punch.
"Probably wouldn't have come if Robin didn't convince me."
Steve took a sip of his drink then turned to you. "So, uh, what do you think of Robin?"
You giggled. "She's my best friend, I love her to pieces. Why do you ask?"
"Umm, no reason, just curious," he quickly replied. He glanced at the living room and you followed his gaze.
Robin was looking at you two, and when you caught her, she quickly looked away and started talking to Nancy. You smiled.
"Yeah, I love her to pieces."
The party/get together went on and some of the younger kids had to go home as the night dragged on. You floated from conversation to conversation, just sipping your punch and enjoying your friends' presence. But tiredness caught up with you and yawns slipped in. Eventually, you decided to go home.
"Let me walk you to your car," Robin quickly said after you stood up and said goodbye.
You smiled at her and the two of you disappeared down the hall. Robin stopped in the doorway of the entryway while you started to wrap yourself up in your coat and scarf. You paused, looking at her.
"You okay, Rob?" You asked softly.
"Oh, um, yeah. Why do you ask?"
"It's just...you kinda seemed off tonight," you stepped closer, "like, a little on edge."
Robin sighed. "Do you want me to be completely honest?"
You nodded, and she went on. "It's just...I finally worked up the courage to tell you something, but when you got here, it all went out the window. I mean, I even planned something with Steve to help with telling you, so I couldn't really not do it."
You glanced up at the door frame and tilted your head to the side. "Robin-"
"All night, I've been trying to find my courage again, but seeing you just being yourself made things hard. Not in a bad way, of course, but...I didn't want to mess things up. I didn't want to ruin your night, or anyone's night."
"I guess I'm trying to say that I have something to tell you, but I don't know if I-"
"Robin! Look!" You cut her off, pointing up at the door frame. She did and saw the mistletoe taped to it.
"Oh, so that's where he put it," she said.
"That's where...? Robin, is this what Steve helped you with? Is this why he asked me what I thought about you?"
You both looked down and met the other's gaze. You could see Robin start to blush, and you smiled.
"Do you wanna kiss me?" You asked, stepping closer.
Robin nodded her head. You wrapped your arms around her neck and pulled her close before smashing your lips to hers. You could tell she was hesitant, so you pulled away after a second.
"You okay?" You asked.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm good- great. I'm great," she answered with a laugh. "It's just...I don't know, this is all kinda crazy, I guess?"
"Crazy how?" You started to play with the collar of her sweater, smiling at her.
"Never expected to be kissing you."
"I can say the same thing, but here we are. And, uh, you said you'd walk me to my car."
Robin smiled. "Right, yeah, but one more thing."
"You can tell me if I'm going too far with this, but I feel like this is the perfect time to tell you that...I love you. And I have, for a while."
Your hands fell from her shoulders and you intertwined your fingers with hers. "I love you, too, Rob."
You both smiled as you led her out the door and walked to your car. You two were both giddy from the kiss and from just each other's presence. When you reached your car, you let go of her hand and grabbed your keys from your pocket. You opened your door and turned to her before you got in.
"By the way, the mistletoe was a cute idea," you said.
"Really? I didn't want it to be too cheesy," Robin replied, hugging herself in the cold.
You took a step closer, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. "I'll call you tomorrow, okay?"
"Y-yeah, okay."
You got into your car and left. Robin stayed out in the cold, watching your car disappear into the night. She smiled to herself, blushing as she kicked some snow on the ground. She wondered back into the house, eager for your call tomorrow.
lovely's holiday special
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dumbdollii · 1 year
pairing ! ━━ plug!dabi todoroki  x  sneaky!link! black!reader
cw ! ━━ minors do not interact. reader is black and thick coded, getting high w/ dabi, high!dabi slutting you out on the couch, pet names, mentions of nudity, dabi taking pics of u slumped out :((, breeding, sharing smoke by kissing with plug!dabi, fingering with his dick still inside, teasing.
note ! ━━ axe had me snickering Abt this au n now I'ma write abt it bc God knows how much she loves her lil burnt man.
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"dabi, I'ma need to get put on with sum'. Its rough out here and you're my only hope." You said over the phone, heavy silence filled the phone, dabi laughing quietly. "You really are somethin', princess. 'ight, I'll give you somethin' good. Just wait outside your door, I'ma be out there in a lil while." He scoffed out, hanging up the phone as soon as you were gonna respond to him. 11:25 PM, that was the time you left the house and waited outside with nothing but some shorts, a sleeve shirt, and your bonnet. As the cold, silky wind hit your legs, look who dropped in, Dabi. He drove up to your block, already smoking a blunt with the shiny, tinted windows down.
"finally! Your ass took too fucking long..I'm freezing out here." Your tone sounded annoyed, considering dabi had you stand outside for a whole hard minute. "Relax princess, be happy I came just in time to see your pretty ass," He said as he parked the car and came out. Givin' your ass a slight slap, you jumped up a bit in pain and slapped his hand. "Harsh, but ight'." "nigga please don't start, what's harsh is that hairline of yours." You said as you laughed out loudly, he wasn't having it and scoffed. "Yea, right."
You walked to the front door and opened it, swiftly moving your body to the couch. With you bein' all bothered you started sighing and held your hand out, looking up at him with curious eyes. "Oh. My apologies. here you go, doll." "Thank you, roki." He throws you the bag, opening it and rolling up a blunt. His eyes widened at The nickname, surprised you'd even use his last name as a silly nickname for him. A few moments passed and you were already all up on Dabi, laying on his big, muscular frame.
Both of you were both heavily high and everything was like euphoria all over again. "I wanna try something new, roki." You whined in his ear. "Oh yea? Like what, rubbing your pussy all over me or what." "No, what? I-" he stopped you from speaking. "Actually, don't even tell me. I wanna try somethin' new with you," While he still was smoking the fuck out the blunt he had in his hand he kept the smoke in, kissing you in the process and letting it out into your mouth. Your body stiffened and the strong smoke rested in your mouth, kiss after kiss it was sloppy. The smoke came out through your nose with a stern huff. "fu..roki...~" You said, moaning out to him. "Damn princess, your moans are just as cute in real life then on the phone." And that's when he pulled away. Your body was so blissed out from the kiss, feeling a wet pool in your panties.
you really were never fond of dabi todoroki. He was always teasing you as a kid, and to see how much he changed, how much he longed to want you ; really did shock you back into reality. "Was that even...did you just put that in my- oh my god." He laughed in response. "What? Too shocked about what the hell I did to you? Don't worry, I know you wanted it Y/n. Let me slut that pretty pussy out, promise I'll make it your while, doll."
"you? Make my while? How bold of you Dabi Todoroki. I wouldn't hear your brother sayin' this shit at all. I'm surprised twice didn't come pop a damn cap in ya' ass." You said with annoyance. "Ohh, you wanna be funny, huh? Yea. I'ma make you moan then you gon' stop laughing." Obviously you didn't take that seriously, but knowing him it would be impossible to turn down an offer like this. "Soon as I get home you gon' miss my dick thrusting into you." You gulped. "Uhuh...yea."
Not even a moment after that happened you wouldn't expect yourself to be underneath him, being so submissive for him and moaning. Your tits bouncing back and forth while he slut you out on the same very couch you guys sat on. His fingers were still inside you from fingering you a while ago, thrusting harder into your tight cunt. "Goddamn, this pussy all mine, got that? All fucking mine. Sooner or later you'll learn to take my size every time I come to visit." Groans and huffs were heard from dabi, his body was shaking slightly while he fucked into you. He grabbed you thighs, throwing them over his shoulder and kissed your inner thighs with ease as you squirmed and huffed.
"Pl-please..ah!..I fucking h..hate you..~" "Hate me? Nah baby, you fuckin' love me. Don't be so stubborn when you're the one clamping around my dick like a bitch outta heat." His tone darkened. Nothing made him more horny then to see your pretty body on his, oh how he longed to touch you. You were just so...beautiful, how could he not resist making you have sex with him just this once? "Heh..~ look at you, drooling all over yourself and cryin' like a baby. Want me to take my fingers out, my lil' baby? Don't wanna squirt all over me?" Humiliation. The way he made you feel embarrassed only turned you on in the slightest second.
he pulled his phone out, knowing you were about to reach your climax soon. "Augh~! Shit...! Can-t, 'm gonna cum!". He felt your pussy flutter around his dick. Letting out a stern moan with it, he also felt himself coming to a halt. "Fuck..Y/n..shi...c'mon! cum on this dick, tryna feel your pussy all on me." You whimpered in response, now you know not to bet this nigga on anything.
You finally came, and so did he, but inside you. While trying to focus on your breathing he took his fingers out, and took his dick out too. Cum seeped through your needy hole, and that's when he took a picture of it. Taking videos and pictures of him teasing your pussy while you were blissed out, rubbing your clit while recording just to see his cum flow out. "Shit, honestly you did good. 'hope you alright though. Maybe this should be a daily thing." You finally had the strength to get up and dabi was already getting ready to clean you up. "Daily thing? Whew boy..you got something coming if u think this is gonna be something daily. I'ma miss you coming over though." You said as a stifled laugh left your throat and he rolled his eyes, ignoring you. "Yea, I'ma miss you too, princess.
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all works ©NEKOWEB. Do not Plagiarize , redistribute , or post my work as your own, that will get an instant block.
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bonbonshideout · 1 month
Hi👋can u do a x-virus headcanon?
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X-Virus Headcanons
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Prior to
♤ Cody was a normal, curious kid. He would always go deeper into a topic if it interested him. He preferred science over every subject in school, he liked biology and learning about human anatomy.
♡ He didn't use too much 'protection' before. He would usually just have a surgical mask and carry hand sanitizer with him everywhere.
◇ He was considered selfish in school, alongside being seen as weird. He never shared his things as he was very picky on who he would even let use of his belongings. He was even very wary of his teachers handing him things. Would kind of annoy them.
♧ He loved projects when it came to his science classes, especially when he was able to participate in the science fair. He went all out, he didn't do the cliche volcano, he found a rat and decided to use that as his test subject, though it ended with its death, and him being called to the principal's office... he still looks back at that day fondly.
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♤ Cody being young and curious about human deaths, he likes to go around blending in with crowds and be a bystander for accidents and deaths.
♡ Since his first kill, he likes to create some virus, find a victim and inject it; instead of it being a semi-instant kill, he has managed to find a way where the person can go on their lives as if normal, he follows them around and watches as the person begins to slowly spiral until their deaths.
◇ He knows Toby, considers him his brother due to assuming they have similarities, but he also kinda hates him. He sees him as a copycat, as he notices they kind of look alike.
♧ He hates cleaning up after people. If he goes somewhere, when blending in, sit down at a table or stay anywhere; he hates seeing or noticing little dust or dirty. Though he hates cleaning in general, he usually moves to another spot.
☆ He's a germphobe. He's always wearing clothing that covers his entire body, a mask, and goggles. If he tries blending in, he wears a surgical mask and sunglasses and gloves as well.
♤ Cody, as I mentioned, was very into science and now causes a virus to kill people; he likes mixing chemicals and other elements together to create these, do to this, he is very knowledgeable on every item he uses in his viruses.
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I'ma be honest, I don't know much into X-Virus as much as I'd like to, but these are some thoughts I get when I think about his character, so I hope this is ok 😭
edit: I was listening to Eleanor Neale's true crime video, and one caught my attention, ❝The Teacup Poisoner❞; and while listening, I'm realizing some things align with these, and I swear I never head of this guy before 😭
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dominantslasherking · 2 years
Art The Clown With Dominant Male S/o
My Stories are meant for the much more mature audience, 18+
Backstory: After finishing up from a house party [Name] and his two female friends head to the diner where they meet a certain Clown, who seems to be infatuated entirely with You. And to say the least, Art the clown really wants to mate with you, he wants you to breed him. Not full on sex but leads up to it, Wanna part 2? DM me and we shall see
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You sighed watching as Dawn and Tara speak to each other, Dawn slightly wobbling on her feet from being so drunk. Tara let out a hum, helping Dawn walk, as all three of you decided not to drive, because of how many drinks you all had.
"Let's head to the diner and try and sober up, I'm starving anyway." You gruffly spoke out, your eyes catching sight of the black and white clown, holding a full trash bag slung over his shoulder.
Tara seemed to get uneasy, b the unsettling gaze the clown gave her, and [Name]. "You guys..." Tara mumbled keeping her eyes on the clown. You titled your head, "It's nothing, just a Halloween costume right...chill out." Your voice spoke up, Dawn the blonde one, agreed with your words, her voice slightly slurred as you all headed inside and sat down.
"Burger and fries." You ordered, leaning your head down on the table before stretching your arms a bit in your costume. You take off the Deadpool mask and grab the swords from your back, placing them down as if it was uncomfortable to sit in.
Out of Tara, Dawn, and yours, your costume was more realistic and looked like it was pulled from the actual Deadpool movie. Let's just say your costume, cost a lot.
It aligned with your rather lean body nicely and toned out everything good.
You ruffled your hair a bit to try and fix it, as it was rather messy. Tara stiffed in her seat her eyes gazing at the door only for the black and white clown to come in and stare.
He sat down across from you bunch, the clown sat up sharply clasping his hands together while looking at you, and soon a large smile formed on his face.
Art the clown gaze never left your form as he continued to watch. "[Name]! What are you doing?" Tara asked grabbing your arm to try and stop you from getting up.
Grabbing your Deadpool mask and swords, you plopped yourself over to where the clown was sitting. Instead of shying away, you stared at him, setting your things down.
Dawn pouted slightly while pulling up the camera app, she made her way over to the clown, "Uh, Excuse me? Excuse me? Can I get a picture with you?" Dawn rudely asked, snapping her fingers in front of his face, which never wavered away from you as you gave a little smile back at him.
"Okay! I'ma take that as a yes!" Dawn giggled, grabbing the clown's arm and sitting on his lap, she smacked his hat off him, causing his attention to move onto her and off you. His smile fell. Dawn snapped a pic while forcing his face to look at her camera.
After Dawn was finished she moved back over with Tara. Art glared at her before turning back to you, he gave a little wave with his hand. You slowly spoke, "Hello." Your husky voice rang into the clown's ears.
The demonic clown grew giddy with arousal at your attention on him, he nearly, just nearly forgot about the annoying women trying to pester you away from him, it made him frown.
"Hey-! Hey! If you aren't going to order anything you need to leave!" The owner grumbled out at the clown, noting the scared look at Tara. While Dawn was just amused, and you were curious.
As the owner walked away, Art got up from the seat, pointing his finger at you, as if saying 'wait'.
He walked a bit over to a different booth and grabbed some change which was left for the waiter as a tip, he grabbed the change, lifted it, and show it to you.
Plopping the coin in the little goodie dispenser, Art grabbed the prize.
It was a little skull ring. Art went over to you, crouching down, and waved the ring around taking your finger, it didn't fit on your ring finger, so he slid it onto your pinkie.
"Oh?" You curiously murmured, leaning a bit closer to let your breath blow down on the clown, causing his big smile to return.
He tipped his little hat and kissed your finger, you swore, feeling his tongue slurp on your hand, but maybe it was your imagination.
Art then got up and went to the back, much to your disappointment.
You weren't really sure what was happening, one second you were in the care with Dawn waiting for Tara, and the next thing you saw was the clown in the backseat with you, knocking you completely out.
Letting out a groan, you realize your body movement was restricted, tilting your neck slightly as it ached. groggily opening your eyes, you looked around to only see a mutilated Dawn sawed in half.
Tara was on the floor, shot dead multiple times. Somehow, you didn't feel bad or any remorse, it was like emotions that weren't your own were flowing into you, sending you calming waves of emotions, overriding the fear and the shock.
Blood was everywhere. "Fuck.." You groaned out in disbelief, closing your eyes for a mere moment.
When you opened them you were met face to face with Art. He suddenly sat don't your lap, tilting his head side to side with a big smile, he put both of his hands on his cheeks as if he was happy to see you awake.
His body was rather petite compared to yours, you were leaner while he was on the skinny side, and not to mention you can tell his waist was small, you imagine what it felt like with your hands wrapped around.
"So, are we going to have, hot bloody sex or what?" You joked, only to see him silently make laughing gestures with a shy wave of his hand.
Art tapped his finger on his mouth as if to think, he slowly got off your lap and started to untie you.
After doing so, he gripped your suit to take it off, he began to peel it off your body, letting his gloved and blood hands roam around your body, not caring about smearing blood everywhere.
An animalistic growl erupted from his mouth as he made it to your groin.
'Fuck how am I turned on by a sadistic demon clown' You thought as the Clown jerked at your hard cock teasingly. Your mind was filled with lewd thoughts of breeding and filling the clown with your cum
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arsonistazzy · 7 months
Tadc theories.
I'ma just ramble here
Don't yell at me 😕
When looking into tadc it makes you wonder why everyone even looks the way they are, why they have their names and whatever.
Even though pomnis name was randomly generated. I don't think it was random. Her name means remember. What can't she remember? Her name. And her life.
I don't think it was an accident Caine named her pomni.
And she goes insane when looking at the computer because that's what got her into there. As she stated.
It makes her go crazy because it seems familiar to her. But it's not an exit. She's looking for an exit, and to her knowledge it could fuck her over or some shit. Maybe she used to be an office worker, which explains why her exit doors were all office scenes. Maybe the VR was in a room she ran to to escape her job. She found it, and got curious. Which is why she was scared when she first appeared
Okay moving on to gangle,
Gangle has a comedy and tragedy mask to personify depression. No matter how much she tries to be happy and fix a happy face for others, deep under that very fragile mask is the truth, it's the sadness shes trying to hide from everyone. Maybe in her real world she struggled with depression and the vr was one of her last resorts of happiness.
The ribbons could be a representation of how she's always been wrapped around depressions fingers like some sort of leash and hell or sum
Zooble, zooble is unstable, which makes me think she always tried to change herself for others around her. No matter what he did he was never enough for anyone. No matter how much he changed himself or fixed her personality it wasn't good enough for everyone around. So in order to escape that they put on the VR, which ultimately trapped them.
In the digital world they're just a bunch of everything really. They fall apart easily just like how easy it can be to push someone to their *breaking* point.
Jax, I don't have much of a theory on him, but I'm wondering why he has keys.
Nobody else has keys, and why else would he have keys besides maybeg being a locksmith robber irl.
Jax is obviously a big ol bitch. And he finds it funny, what if he was robbing someone's house with one of his many tricks to unlock locks, and found the VR, anf when he put it on it sucked him in. Which could explain the keys.
But what about his appearance. I've heard someone else say he's not just a rabbit but a jackalope. Jackalopes are just bigger, bitchier versions of rabbits and have antlers. What is Jax? A big (tall) bitchy rabbit.
Idk much about Caine since he's an NPC and not someone trapped. But if Caine is an npc how come he knew pomni got trapped in by a computer, which has been confirmed at the end, that that compyter that made pomni go crazy is where tadc is. But how would Caine know that and what it looks like. If Caine is an npc.I never explained pomnis outfit
I believe pomni is a jester because her whole life leading up to that point she's been "amusing" others and doing things to make others happy and not herself. Which makes her a fool. A kings fool is a jester. She's Caine's, who's the king(not kinger) fool. That's why she's a jester and not a clown like kaufmo.
She's a fool for how she lived. Kaufmo was probably just really manipulated and fucked over. Making him the "clown". Which could also be why he abstracted easily..he was already so over everything. This was the last shove he needed
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alpimerealmsystem · 9 months
hihihi could you go into detail about what stuffs you researched about endogenic systems !? bc im very curious and i'd like to learn more about them myself lol btw i love your blog :3
GLADLYYYYY I'ma just rant because I can and I love talking about this
Endogenic systems are systems that do not form due to trauma and via other means. Examples: (a long list of em)
Parogenic: Parogenic systems are systems formed from free-will. This includes tulpamancy, thoughtform and soulbonding.
Quoigenic: Quoigenic systems are systems that 1) Don't know and don’t care what their origin is 2) Don’t wish to disclose their origin 3) Are mixed origin
Protogenic: Protogenic systems are systems that were born plural or have been plural for as long as they can remember (from what I've noticed this seems to be the most common)
Neurogenic: Neurogenic systems are systems that are formed by pre-existing mental illnesses or neurodivergencies
Tulpa: Tulpa systems are intentionally created systems using tulpamancy/thoughtform processes.
Gateway system: Gateway systems are systems that have a connection to another universe and have exits and entrances where headmates can come and go. (This is primarily what I am I do believe)
Median: Median systems are systems that are more connected than typical systems. The alters in these systems are most commonly called facets. Median systems bridge the line between singlet and system.
Soulbonds: Soulbond systems are systems with a lot of soulbonds. Soulbonds are souls from another universe that have latched onto the system or host. Typically these systems have a lot of fictives however the soulbonds can come from any universe not just fictional ones.
THESE ARE JUST A FEW :D I could list plenty more but I'll save you from that.
Now let's rant, next part is facts.
Most research shows that Disacoiative disorders such as DID and OSDD don't have to be caused by trauma, trauma simply increases the odds to have it. A lot of endos do have trauma but that's not the primary cause for their system and may not be a cause at all.
Several studies show endos do exist and some even say up to 2% of the population is simply naturally plural WITHOUT trauma.
For some systems it may take weeks to form a new alters, some a matter of minutes. It's been shown these experiences vary between endos and traumagenics pretty much equally. There is no one way to be plural, but we do share very similar experiences.
And lastly this isn't research but this is still knowledge about endos, so here are my experiences and views.
I am endo due to spiritual reasons but even when I was traumagenic, and my spiritual related alters were dormant, I've always sorta accepted endos. I didn't understand them at the time but do now and really people are quick to assume. We tend to follow other's leads, and so let's say if someone hates on endos, a ton of people are going to as well because subconsciously they now think endos are a bad thing. This goes for any community, so do proper research before hating on something and criticizing it. And well, don't even hate on something, let people live their lives.
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cervianthropy · 23 days
Heya pal! I don't think I've seen ya around before- I'm Scout! Or ya can call me Jerry, no biggie.
But uh, what exactly are ya? No offense. Just curious an' all..
- @thescoutgaymer
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it seems that the Scout has found my blog! Welcome inside!
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"And I'm not sure what I am...I know i'ma shapeshifter...maybe a faun?
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bonelyheartsclub · 2 years
Hi I'ma ramble for a sec so sorry bout that, but I just love Popular so much and am very curious bout them.
We know they use a cane, but on bad days does he use crutches, walker or wheelchair? Or does they just rest more?
Does she have bad days physically or are all of them about the same?
Are they the type to put stickers on thier mobility aids?
How does she indicate what gender she is that day? Does he have a color coded necklace or bracelet system? Or do they just go with whatever people call them? or does he just tell people? Or does she just go with like a default set of pronouns?
Anyway y'all are doing great with the game, make sure to rest and take care of yourselfs <3
-Poplar uses a cane and goes to PT for chronic pain; they do not require a wheelchair or crutches at the moment. -They have days where the pain is worse than others. -They will decorate their aids on special occasions, but in general keep their cane free of decorations. Stickers in particular they dislike because they eventually wear off and the sticky residue left behind is bad stim and not fun to clean off -They use a bracelet system, and will tell people in professional settings their system. They are prone to just going with whatever if they're at the grocery store or something along those lines as explaining it every time grew annoying.
Thank you for your interest and the well-wishes ^^
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e-adlirez · 2 months
I've read your treasure seekers rambles and ngl your thoughts on Luke as a villain makes me kinda curious on your opinions on most of the villains in the series as a whole :O
Most of the villains (the older ones, I'd say) are really good. Madame Hu is intimidating and probably a mommy people simp for (also the closest to being a proto!Luke), Mortimer MacCardigan is a properly self-centered dick to root against, Dunya is actually kinda terrifying, the corrupt judges in Dancing Shadows probably hit a bit close to home for the competitive performing artists out there, Sammy Sharkfur is capitalism incarnate-- you get the idea, all of them are really good.
The newer books do vary in quality, and they lean more into domestic-ish travel drama and stuff like that. Which I am fine with, don't get me wrong-- it can be done right, and they are done right (coughs and sips tea loudly at Fiesta in Mexico), but when they aren't they do be boring -m-
And then there are the occasional villains like uh Olaf and Ulfur in Frozen Fiasco, and those guys are hella basic, I'ma be real
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I get they can't use tranqs or guns or anything like that but C'MON A CROWBAR AT LEAST LIKE C'MOOONNN SHOW US A THING WHERE THEY'RE LIKE "If you don't want your friend or the pencil pusher to get hurt, you will cooperate with us" OR SOMETHING THAT JUSTIFIES THEM GETTING YA YEETED INTO A SHED BY THESE T W O T W I N K S
Madagascar Madness was kinda better at it since well, they were in the middle of the jungle and the animal traffickers can wrangle aforementioned exotic animals with perhaps ungodly reaction times/speeds (like lizards/iguanas), sooo at least it's somewhat imaginable and understandable that they'd be able to tie up eight people. They prolly used and abused the lasso tool /j
One notable villain in the newer books is the magician from Venice Masquerade-- that guy was cool, a magnificent bastard who was seven steps ahead until the girls figured out how to anticipate his anticipating. (Kinda. Hoping the misdirection thing Marco did when stumping the magician was just a Scholastic blunder because my god did it sound stupid in the English translation)
Anyway yeah the books do what they do well, but I can't deny that I miss the unabashed evilness of the villains in the old books. We need a little more of a big bad getting up in the girls' business enough for the girls to want to do something about it dammit
It's probably a bit of Scholastic cherrypicking the books to publish because like, we do have like, about 19-ish Thea Stilton books that haven't been translated to English, maybe one of them had a big bad we can root against -m-
But I dunno, we wouldn't know
Because they haven't been translated to English -m-
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In The Dark
[TWST AU]: An MC/Yuu who fights like Xu Shang-Chi
[Synopsis]: In this timeline, MC/Yuu was transported to Twisted Wonderland and uses their knowledge of material arts to survive through chaotic adventures.
[Gender Neutral MC/Yuu]
[(A/N)]: I love Simu Liu and how he acted as Shang-Chi to show Asian representation in the Entertainment Industry.
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The first time MC/Yuu came to Twisted Wonderland, they were in a middle of a battle against The Ten Rings clan.
MC/Yuu broke out of the coffin with their bare hands, shattering the lid into splinters and scaring poor Grim.
They were confused and still on defense mode then asked Grim who send him.
MC/Yuu: Who sent you? Wenwu?
Grim: Who-wu?
MC/Yuu: Never mind. *Sprints out of the room*
Grim: Hey! I need those clothes!
The chase still happens like in the canon storyline, but with some parkour stunts and losing Grim until later in the Library.
Crowley was almost knocked down while he came into scene, but you know you can’t sneak up on a former assassin.
MC/Yuu (plus Grim after he was captured by “The Whips of Love”) were dragged into the Dorm Sorting Ceremony and the same disaster happens.
MC/Yuu: *Witnessing a mess after under a minute* …This is crazier than seeing Morris the first time.
They brought Grim in as an emotional support buddy since their childhood wasn’t too good.
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MC/Yuu: *Blocks an attack and knocks out the Savanaclaw student* I told you to stop, but you didn’t listen. I mean, what were you proving? Your large physique or that attitude?
Ace: Whoa! How did you do that?
MC/Yuu: I was trained to be an assassin in a clan called The Ten Rings. They’re not good people and last time I was with them, Wenwu was tracking down his son after he left.
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[During Chapter 1]
Trey: Thanks for coming with me, MC/Yuu. I could use a set of hands.
MC/Yuu: No problem. If it saves Ace from being a “magicless student”, then he doesn’t have to complain about my living situation.
Trey: Yeah, it’s for the next Unbirthday Party. I just needs some over from that tree.
MC/Yuu: Okay. That sounds easy.
Trey: Careful, they have an outer shell covered in spikes. I provide some gloves-
MC/Yuu: *Kicks the tree which shook off some chestnuts* This enough for the tart?
Trey: *Surprised* Huh. They are enough.
[Back in the Heartslabyul kitchen]
MC/Yuu: Wenwu talked about some wannabe who was impersonating him as The Mandarin, the leader of the Ten Rings. Anyway, I found out he’s reintroduced to his career of becoming an actor.
Deuce: *Curious* When did that happened?
MC/Yuu: Oh, when Shang-Chi, Katy and I were looking for Xialing after she was imprisoned.
Deuce: Oh.
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[During Chapter 2]
MC/Yuu: *Fighting against Overblot!Leona* Is this what you want?! *Pulls out replicates of the Ten Rings* You sore fighter!
Ace: Beat his ass, MC/Yuu!!!
Deuce: Careful, Prefect!
Jack: Don’t kill him!
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Overblot!Leona: *Falls back from the impact and spat out the Blot stone*
Everyone: OH!!!
Ruggie: Ya didn’t have to knock him unconscious!
MC/Yuu: I’m sorry! I’m still getting use to the rings.
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[Karaoke Night at the Monstro Lounge]
MC/Yuu = Red Lyrics
Cater = Orange Lyrics
[Run It - DJ Snake (Ft. Rich Brian & Rick Ross)]
MC/Yuu: I picked a perfect song to start tonight.
Cater: Go for it, MC/Yuu-chan/kun!
[Song starts]
MC/Yuu: You can join in, too.
Cater: Alright! #KaraokeDuet
Uh, rollin' in impalas but you too tame
I ain't from the South, but I appreciate the wood grain
Neighbor callin' me about the noise it's only two, man
Now I'm in the same building but the floors and view changed
I ain't for the waitin' now
I bought a 'Rari and I did it just to hear the sound
Drive safe really 'boutta lose all it's meaning now
Guess you love to travel when I pull up man you're leaving town
Say you're married to the game, and I'm just here to burn the gown
I got a flight in the morning
I see what you been tryna do and I'ma mission abort it
You think I never pay attention in my mind I'm recording
I'm 'bout to win and ruin all your goals and dreams out of boredom
Ridin' around with homies like we run the city (done it)
Lookin' fresh and feelin' like a milli (money)
Move in silence, you can never hear me (comin')
If you got a problem when you see me (run it)
Run it
DJ Snake
Rozay, woah
Bang, tryna show you what we came to do (huh)
Boss, only talkin' makin' major moves
Rolls Royce, no top, me
No one will ever stop me
Me against the world, I got my back against the wall (woah)
Know I'm hell bound (woah)
But I'm well now (woah)
On the road to riches I could never lay around (woah)
Told her don't make a sound unless she make it loud (ah)
Everybody scream (everybody scream)
Everybody scream (everybody scream)
Everybody scream (everybody scream)
That's my only thing (yes)
I'm a born winner
A Jordan 23 (woo)
All my people G's until the party ceased
Ace: *In the audience* Do a flip!
MC/Yuu: *Performs the impressive stunt*
[Cater attempts to flip, but flops instead.]
Cater: *Falls on his back* Ow…
MC/Yuu: Oh shit. You okay?
Cater: *Looks up at MC/Yuu* Did you get that on MagiCam?
MC/Yuu: Oh my god.
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Epel: You are so cool! How can I fight like you? Y’know, like the punching, kicking, and parkour stuff.
MC/Yuu: Uhh…it takes years to perform everything. But it’s not too late starting your journey.
Epel: What should we start with?
MC/Yuu: *Holds up a wooden board* Break it. Use whatever strength you possess and maybe we’ll start from there.
[Within a second, Epel breaks the board with his palm. Except he received 5 splinters.]
MC/Yuu: *Inhales with caution* Vil is gonna kill me.
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foxybananaaaz · 9 months
I know I'ma regret this. #9 for the angst prompt!
● Golden Thread ●
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《 “Of all the times to tell me, why now?” 》
ANGST ONELINER PROMPTS FOUND { HERE } Send an ask with a number
Summary :: A conversation between Feyre and Elain doesn't go as planned.
Pairing :: SQUINT Elucien
Word Count :: 1k
Authors Note :: It's been so long since you requested! BUT I have been trying to figure out the right way to write this. I'm sorry you waited forever! But here we go!
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“You aren’t who he would have chosen as a mate.”
Before the words had even fully sunk in, Elain had turned her head to her younger sister, only to see shock, mixed with frustration on her face. It wasn’t until the words, and their meaning, settled into her mind, that she fought, and failed, the urge to flinch back.
“That didn’t come out the way I meant for it to.” Feyre spoke up again, fully aware of how her original statement affected Elain, even though she wished it wouldn’t have.
Elain, proving to be more stubborn than either her sisters remembered, especially surrounding this topic, simply turned her head, and looked away. She hoped to give the impression that she did not care, nor did she wish to discuss him.
He was visiting, of course. Elains sisters only ever brought up the subject whenever he was around, but not near.
“He thought he had a mate, but the bond never snapped into place.” Feyre spoke, as though Elains dismissal of the topic had not happened.
Closing her eyes, she fought against the surge of jealousy that reared its ugly head. It was not hers, it did not belong to her. The emotion came from that thin golden thread that came from the deepest part of her being, and connected her to the red haired male. The emotion, though she knew what it was, and why it was there, was foreign.
“They loved each other so deeply, they genuinely believed they were mates.” Elains younger sister continued. She continued, ignoring, or just not knowing, the jealousy growing.
Elain hated it. She had no right to react this way. She did not wish to react this way. Yet here she was, jealous enough anyone who did not know the situation, might think that she had not ignored that thread.
“Clearly, they are not.” Elain clipped back. Her words, sharper, her tone, harder than she had planned. She hadn’t intended to respond at all, yet she could not help it.
“No. They aren’t.” Feyre responded, seeming to finally get a sense of where Elains mind was at. “It didn’t stop him from believing she was, even in the centuries after her death.”
Elain, as much as she loved to believe she was great at controlling her reactions, when it came to the golden thread, or him, she had a hard time keeping any reaction to herself, especially when she could not control it.
There was a small flicker of relief at learning this unknown female that he loved so much, had wanted to be his, had wanted the golden thread to tie him too instead, had no longer been alive. She couldn’t help it. She desperately hoped her face remained neutral. What kind of person had any sort of glee learning someone had died, no matter how long ago?
But there was one thing Elain could not figure out. This was not her sister's story to tell. She knew why her sister was telling her. Elain wouldn’t speak to him. But it still wasn’t Feyre’s story to tell.
Beyond that though, Elain was curious.
“Of all the times to tell me, why now?” Though she asked, she refused to look at her sister. Asking the question may have been too much, letting her sister think she was giving too much interest in him. Turning her gaze to her sister wouldn’t help Elain.
“I thought you should know, you aren’t the only one who found yourself in this bond, having had hope for a past love.” Feyre responded.
It was the first time anyone had mentioned, even though indirectly, Greyson, at all since the war. What he had done, had said to her.
He was the reason Elain had started ignoring the heartbeat she could still hear. Greysons cruel words, and the harsh way he spoke to her was the reason Elain would not look within herself, knowing she would only see the golden thread. The way Greyson had broken her heart was the reason Elain refused to look at the male with the red hair.
Refusing to listen to her sister any longer, Elain stood, and walked out of the room, without another word.
She was tired of everyone expecting her to do something about her situation. She couldn’t even try to distract herself, like Nesta could, without this situation ruining it.
Maybe she hadn’t done anything because maybe she may want to be happy like her sisters one day. But that day kept getting pushed further, the more her sisters brought up the topic like she should take pity on him.
Elain hadn’t realised where she was walking, hadn’t caught the flash of red through the window, hadn’t heard his laugh as she turned the corner. She wasn’t expecting anyone to be here.
Yet, when Elain had entered the town house, thinking she might be free of the entirety of him, she ended up face to face with him, barely registering his human friends.
He still had the laughter in his eyes, though it was quickly dying, as he realized that it was Elain who stood in front of him.
Elain couldn’t help the longing, the pain, the sadness upon seeing how quickly his laughter and joy died. She did that to him. And this was the worst part of this bond. The guilt, seeing his expression fall, anytime he saw her.
Though, now, her mind had something new to supply, seeing the fallen joy. Even though her sister hadn’t meant it in a way to be painful, her words came back, which added more uncontrolled, and unwanted pain in Elains chest.
‘You aren’t who he would have chosen as a mate.’
Without saying a word, Elain turned on her heel, and walked back out the front door, completely forgetting why she had come to the town house to begin with.
The only thing on her mind was how Lucien Vanserra’s face always fell, whenever she came into the room, and how it was probably because she wasn’t who he wanted.
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THIS, is the first thing I've written in a while! It's short, sorry. But also, tried to keep that angst. Hope I did well?
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liviavanrouge · 3 months
Cause I've been here once or twice
Livia(4): *Smiles, holding Sebek's hand, sitting in her garden*
Sebek(4): *Smiles at her, his cheeks tinted pink*
Maleficia and Nilo: *Smiles, standing not far from them*
Maleficia: Cute
Nilo: Very
Never worry 'bout the eyes
Livia(5): *Laughs, her arms wrapped around Malleus' neck*
Malleus: *Smiles holding her with one arm, their cheeks squished together*
Livia: MAL!
Malleus: *Chuckles* Yes, I'm here
Livia: *Giggles, pressing a kiss to his cheek*
Malleus: *Smiles proudly since he was always the first to get one of her kisses*
Never worry 'bout the eyes!
Don't just stand there staring, honey, try to move your feet
Livia(10): *Places her hands on her hips, looking curious*
Maleficia and Nilo: *Smiles at the other standing on either side of her*
Livia: *Perks up, looking surprised* OH!
Maleficia: *Chuckles* Figured it out I see
Nilo: *Smiles at the queen* She's very smart
If you think they're looking at you, they're looking at me
I could make it nice and easy, I'ma take the lead
Livia(14): *Smiles wide, hugging a white lion cub to her chest*
Maleficia, Diani, Isabella and Thea: *Smiles standing on Livia's right, holding their hands out in a presentation way*
Nilo, Malleus, Lilia and Benjamin: *Smiles standing on Livia's left, holding their hands out in a presentation way*
Silver(15): *Smiles sitting on Livia's left*
Sebek(14): *Sits in Livia's right, an arm around her waist*
They ain't even looking at you, baby! They're looking at me!
@anxious-twisted-vampire @yukii0nna @writing-heiresss @zexal-club @marrondrawsalot @yumeko2sevilla @abyssthing198
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