#I must admit I'm not entirely pleased with the way it turned out but enough with the tinkering)
caxycreations · 7 months
Okay, I've been nerd sniped, I'm sorry
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NOTE: If you're going to reblog just to say "not reading that" or some other rude shit, DON'T. I've seen so many notifications of people just saying they couldn't be bothered to read it. I don't know if it's just that they don't see how incredibly rude and disheartening that is or if they know and don't care, but either way it really hurts to see, so please don't reblog if it's just to tell me you won't read it.
So let's go through the canonical likelihood they could each beat Goku. For the sake of keeping canon, we'll keep groups/pairs together if they would never reasonably be apart for something like this. Long post below the cut.
So first up are the ones I see that would, without a doubt, beat Goku.
Saiki K
Saiki is an omnipotent psychic/psionic with quite literally every single possible power out there. Now, this on its own isn't enough to beat Goku. Versatility doesn't mean everything, but Saiki is also powerful enough to rewrite the genetics and reality of everything within range, and his range is, so far, "Earth".
So this, on its own, would allow him to rewrite Goku's biology to make him Human. Bye bye zenkai boosts, bye bye Saiyan transformations. And Saiki, with his powers, has no trouble beating a Human of any caliber if he truly wanted to. And for those who ask "Why would he ever fight Goku?"
One simple reason: Goku would sense his immense power, and be excited for a fight. Goku is respectful enough to not force one if he's refused, but he's persistent enough to badger Saiki until he's given a chance. And Saiki, being Saiki, would simply take off one of his limiters, or both, and rewrite reality as such: "Being an alien isn't possible", thereby making it effective immediately that Goku must be lying/insane, and he is, in fact, Human. Easy win for Saiki.
And for those who would argue against this, bear in mind, the funniest way to beat Goku in this instance would be to simply make him weaker than Saiki, and Saiki is a gag character from a gag series, and it's already been shown in the world of Dragon Ball, and again in Dragon Ball Super, that Goku is incapable of defeating a gag character regardless of that characters canonical ability.
Saiki could win without gag character status, but even in the instance of Goku "beating" him, the gag would turn out to be that Saiki only pretended to get beaten, and is actually entirely unharmed because it was the easiest way to get Goku to leave him alone. Followed by a reveal that Goku will still show up now and then to ask for sparring matches, to drive the point home.
Gag character. Would get beaten handily, crawl his way to spinach, and then be exactly as strong as he needs to be to take Goku down in however many hits is funniest.
Bugs Bunny
The gag character to end all gag characters. Someone on this hellsite once described Bugs as a "Trickster God who traps us in our own societal expectations" or some such. Like convincing Thanos to remove the Infinity Gauntlet by establishing a security checkpoint with a metal detector and shaming him into cooperating by telling him there's others waiting.
He could beat Goku in a billion ways, and each and every one of them would involve some shenanigan like Goku throwing a spirit bomb, Bugs showing up behind him holding it, saying "Ehhh, can you hold this for a second?" and as soon as Goku takes it and Bugs is off-screen, it would explode and Goku would be a pile of ashes with blinking eyes. Bugs would win because Bugs' gag is that...well, he simply can't be beaten.
The Warner Trio
Gag trio. Yakko, Wakko, and Dot would snark, sass, and sarcastic-joke their way into the scene, and they would spend the entire time poking fun at him, roasting his look, being unfazed by his attacks because "Nice laser show but we didn't bring our glowsticks." and just being too unbothered to care.
They would undoubtedly annoy Goku into admitting defeat simply to get away from them.
Road Runner
Gag character. Would force Goku to chase him, Goku would fire some blasts, chase him around, and inevitably be led right into the path of a blast he fired earlier to be disintegrated by it.
Pop Team Epic
I know nothing about this series except that it is a gag series. They are gag characters. That means Goku is inherently incapable of beating them.
Gag character. Could beat Goku with a simple "Hello, Mine-Turtle!" or "I like Trains."
Heart Diagram
Goku was literally killed by a heart virus in Future Trunks' timeline. This is one that has actually canonically already killed Goku.
Gag character. Would likely be after S-Cells for some recipe and need to take Goku's as he's "The only Saiyan in this episode!" or some such, thereby ending the fight with a shot of Chowder wearing Goku's Gi for comedic effect while Dahl stirs raw Super Saiyan aura in a pot to hint that Chowder killed Goku for his S-Cells.
Force Ghost Trio
Gag versions of serious characters, and also ghosts. Goku is canonically unable to beat ghosts or gag characters, and these guys are both.
Those are the ones that would, without a doubt, beat Goku.
Now, let's go over the ones that could, potentially, be it likely or unlikely.
Kirby is often considered a gag character, but he isn't. He has a very specific level of power, even if that level of power is "fuck you" levels of power. Kirby has beaten Gods, but so has Goku, even more often and with greater ease. However, Kirby has absorption and power-theft. Kirby could, potentially, absorb Goku (he isn't the brightest and Kirby has his unassuming appearance on his side) and take on his strongest form, including its powerup, and given Kirby in base form is likely more powerful than Goku in base form (Goku needed SSJ to scare Supreme Kai, Kirby beats Gods in base), it's possible Kirby would be more powerful than Goku with the same power up.
Kevin McCallister
Okay, hear me out.
Kevin is technically a gag character, BUT. He is not TRULY a gag character. He just happens to be a comedy character.
So he isn't guaranteed to win, but he could still possibly do so. How you ask?
Goku has been somewhat injured or lightly shaken by the following: planet-shattering attacks. Punches that rock the universe. Energy blasts so potent they would destroy entire galaxies.
Goku has been rendered inconsolable from the pain of the following: chest pain and a half-heartedly, boredly tossed pebble.
It is canon that when Goku and the other fighters in the series are expecting an attack or primed for battle, they are protected by their ki, like armor. It's how they're able to knock away attacks that would destroy planets, or put their "bare" hands on plasma energy that would normally burn the skin off you from a mile away let alone touching it.
This is why when Krillin threw the rock at Goku, it left him in agony and bruised him despite Goku being in Super Saiyan form at the time. This is why Chi-Chi is able to injure Goku regardless of how strong he gets.
So, how does this relate to Kevin being able to beat him? It's everything. It's critical information.
Kevin McCallister's entire M.O. is unexpected attacks. You open a door, you see a bucket fall, think it's over, turns out no, second bucket pulled by the first, second bucket is full of paint and open, you're blinded, you get your bearings, you take a step and feel cars, you smirk and step over them only to find marbles, you slip, you land on the cars which turn out to have been rigged to break easier to let loose a single thumbtack which is now firmly stuck in your back or butt. You bolt upright only to slam your head on a 2x4 that was rigged to hang down from a rope when you fell because your impact shook things enough to make it fall from a precarious perch above.
You get the idea. Every time you think it's safe to let your guard down, that's when the next wave hits. So you say "well he would stop letting his guard down" right? You fool. You know nothing of Goku. He would never put his guard UP. This is a human child, Goku can sense his pitiful power level. His strength? His speed? His ki? Weak. Pathetic. Nothing. A scouter wouldn't even register his power it's so low.
Goku never raises his guard to Chi-Chi, or to Bulma, or to Hercule. He does not raise his defense against normal, powerless, non-combative humans.
"BUT KEVIN IS COMBATIVE" No. He isn't. Goku can sense intent, power, and location. But Kevin isn't actively intending to hurt Goku. He's intending to protect himself and his home. He's not actively wanting to hurt Goku, he's just wanting Goku to leave. He doesn't have power to threaten Goku with, so Goku won't pick up on any threatening aura. And while Goku could simply instant transmission to Kevin and do what he will, we're not talking about how Goku could win, we're going over the fact Kevin could POSSIBLY win.
Enough injury and Goku is down for the count. Otherwise, Goku leaves to avoid further injury, and thereby admits defeat. Both cases, Kevin wins.
This one took me...quite a while. I had to do a lot of extra research for this. So, my immediate thought was Shedinja is a Ghost type, so ghost rules, right? Nah. Bug and Ghost type, and they are the physical shell left behind that has been reanimated. So they very much are physical beings, and given their ability to faint in the games and show they are capable of being physically damaged.
But There's a real case to be made for Shedinja beating Goku.
It can learn Ghost type moves, which operate on ghost-logic, and therefore are a canon weakness Goku is known to have. So things like Shadow Ball, Hex, Curse, and the like would all effect Goku regardless of Ki or form.
It also has access to Wonder Guard, which renders it "immune to all damage types that are not Super-Effective". For those unaware, we can actually attribute Typings to Goku's moves based on attributes and traits they share with Pokemon moves. His melee is, by nature, Fighting type, which Shedinja is immune to. In fact, Shedinja is immune to ALL attack types except Flying, Rock, Ghost, Dark, and Fire type moves, which are all Super Effective.
Goku's most common methods would actually fall under Fighting and Normal type attacks. "But his Ki blasts-" would be Normal type moves. You want proof?
Focus Energy is Normal Type. Quick Attack is Normal Type. Self Destruct is Normal Type. Techno Blast is Normal Type. Tera Blast is Normal Type. These are all energy based moves similar to ki blasts. Know what other energy based move is Normal Type? Hyperbeam. Which is almost identical to the Kamehameha and every other beam attack in DBZ.
Those few attacks Goku has that aren't going to be Normal Type will be Fighting Type.
Shedinja is Immune to all Normal and Fighting Type moves. Goku literally can not damage Shedinja, but Shedinja can damage Goku through Ghost Type moves. Shedinja can beat Goku. But why is it not "absolutely will" beat him? Because Goku can also transform his Ki and if he finds out Shedinja is vulnerable to fire, he can and will use that to his advantage.
That's who could potentially beat Goku. Here's who absolutely could not.
I forgot to go over Saitama originally so here's the edit that features that analysis. Bear in mind I am saying this as someone who has seen Seasons 1 and 2 of the show AND is aware of some of the events of the manga.
A lot of reblogs over Saitama claim he is a gag character. But there is a case to be made that he is NOT. What is that case you ask? Well, for the sake of fairness, here is how I am handling gag characters: if their gag is in effect in 100% of all cases (such as looney tunes like Bugs or Road Runner) or if the gag is triggered in 100% of all cases (such as Saiki K or Chowder) then they are a True Gag Character and will insta-win.
However, if their gag has failed (such as Wario, or, yes, even Saitama) in ANY case, then it CAN fail again, and the fairest fight is one against two non-gag characters, so we can safely apply non-gag Saitama here since his gag has failed and Goku meets the conditions to cause it to fail again, which I'll explain.
So, first off, how does his gag fail? Well, his gag is that he kills everything instantly in one hit, unless he actively chooses not to. So we can safely say his gag fails if any of the following are true: he fails to instantly kill an enemy with a single hit while intending to do so, OR if he fails to kill an enemy with a serious hit intended to kill.
He meets both of these conditions. Boros survived for several seconds AFTER Saitama hit him with a Serious Punch. It was a single hit that intended to kill...But he didn't kill Boros INSTANTLY with it. Another example of his gag failing, if that doesn't satisfy, is Garou. Garou, in the manga, has survived MULTIPLE Serious Punches with intent to kill. This, on its own, is proof Saitama's Serious Punch does in fact have a limit to its output. It also proves his gag can, and does, fail against certain opponents.
So the next thing we need to look at is similarities between Garou and Boros to identify what they share that could possibly allow them to get around Saitama's gag, or to nullify it entirely. First similarity is that both are determined to have a good, satisfying fight. Boros crossed the stars seeking one, and Garou sought to become a true Monster powerful enough to force every hero, every do-gooder, to unite under one banner just to take him down. They both seek a battle to end all battles, even if Garou's intention is to end it in his favor, not simply enjoy the fight.
The second similarity is that they have incredibly unique circumstances, even by OPM standards. Garou is a man who has always felt love for the bad guy, he looks to the monsters as inspirations, as the misunderstood and the victimized by those claiming to be heroes. He's trained by an S-Class hero, and has developed into a being of unimaginable power in the pursuit of his dream. Very much a true foil to Saitama, who looked to heroes in comics as inspirations, as the righteous and unshakably moral, self-taught through and through and developed into a being of unimaginable power in the pursuit of HIS dream. Garou is, in this way, a reflection of Saitama, the Tails to Saitama's Heads, the dark to his light.
Boros on the other hand is an alien, forced to become strong by his homeworld's unforgiving conditions, developing a level of power necessary to survive and then some, and on realizing he was far too powerful for his own good, he sought purpose, meaning, and when he heard he may find a worthy opponent, he did everything he could to achieve that future, to realize his dream of facing a foe that would give him a true challenge.
So what are the similarities we can identify? Notably unique circumstances even by OPM standards, sharing strong similarities to Saitama's desires or dreams (Garou dreaming of becoming the greatest Monster vs Saitama dreaming of becoming the greatest Hero, Boros feeling lost in life and seeking a worthy foe vs Saitama feeling bored with living and wishing for the sensation of a real fight again), and the desire for a serious and ultimate battle.
Goku fits ALL of these conditions. He is an alien sent to Earth for his protection, grew up in hostile conditions (surviving on his own for most of his childhood, constant battles with Nation-level threats throughout his teen years, constant battles with world or universe-level threats throughout his adulthood), trained extensively until he was the best of the best, has the ultimate dream of a truly satisfying battle (a dream he routinely seeks out by facing down powerful foes), and being entirely bored with mundane life because there's absolutely no challenge to it, not to mention the fact he has the ultimate dream of becoming the strongest, something he shares with Saitama's pre-OPM self.
Since Goku fits ALL the conditions needed to make this battle exempt from the gag, we will NOT be considering it, as Saitama is not a True Gag Character, and Goku fitting conditions for nullifying it means we can assume actual power limits and such.
So let's look at feats of power. Saitama's Serious Side Hop technique allowed him to create AT LEAST 60 after-images (based on the manga panel) which, when compared with Sonic's 4, means Saitama was moving 15x faster than Sonic in that moment (bare minimum). An afterimage like that is created by moving at least 572mph, stopping in each position for at least 1/255th of a second (any less and the human eye can't pick up on it), so by moving from position A to B for 1/255th of a second and back to A, going 572mph between the two, you create the afterimage.
Sonic creates 4 simultaneously, meaning he needs to move to 3 positions and then back to starting position, or go from A to B, B to A, A to C, C to A, A to D, and repeat.
This means Sonic, to move into each of these positions in less than 1/255th of a second, would need to be moving ~4x faster than the speed for one afterimage. That puts him as moving at 2,228mph while creating those 4 afterimages. Given he is capable of Mach 5 speeds (he's said to be hypersonic) this feat is easy for him, as Mach 5 is 3,805mph. I assume, just as it's easier to move at top speed in a straight line than at sharp turns for a normal person, it's likely more difficult to create such consistent afterimages and so the difficulty that makes it his best attack is from the technique and reaction involved, not the speed itself.
In any case, if Saitama made at least 60 afterimages, putting him at 15x faster than Sonic's speed while creating 4, that puts Saitama's speed at 33,420mph just to account for the 60 we can count in the manga panel. This means 33,420 is the MINIMUM speed we can assume for Saitama's max ability. To be generous, given he wasn't winded after doing that and given he was able to react incredibly easily to the near-instant directional changes, I'll be kind and put his maximum speed at 10,000x this number.
That puts Saitama's speed at 334,200,000mph, or 49.8% the speed of light. We'll be kind again and say 50% the speed of light, round up that last .2%
So we have a speed value for Saitama. Now what about Goku? Well, let's look at Goku on Namek, for a moment. Base form Goku, at the start of his fight against Freeza. Goku, BEFORE his super saiyan transformation, was moving at 3.26 (we'll round down to 3) times the speed of light. How do I get this number? Buckle up, it's involved.
The Namekian ship Bulma, Krillin, and Gohan took to get to Namek made it from Earth to Jupiter in "seconds". That means less than a minute, so we'll say it took them 1 minute just to lowball it and to have a solid starting number. Jupiter, when the two planets are at their closest to each other (assuming shorter distance for slower speed, another lowball), is 365,000,000 miles from Earth. This means the Namekian ship moved 365mil miles in 1 minute.
That puts the Namekian ship at a speed of 21.9 billion miles per hour. They made it to Namek in 30 days of travel. The ship Goku took to Namek made the trip in 5 days. That means Goku's ship is 6 times faster than the Namekian ship. Don't worry, the ship speed DOES matter in this, I promise you.
So Goku's ship moves at 131,400,000,000mph. That's 131 billion, 400 million miles per hour. Or 195x the speed of light.
Why does the ship speed matter so much, you might ask?
Because King Kai could visually keep up with the ship. He was able to track Goku's progress with ease, and could see his ships movements without problems. This means King Kai's eyes and brain are capable of perceiving and processing things that move at 195x the speed of light.
Why does that matter? Because Super Saiyan is canonically a 50x multiplier to ALL base ability. Strength, speed, durability, etc.
And Goku, in Super Saiyan, was moving so fast King Kai stated he could no longer keep up. King Kai, capable of seeing and processing the input of vision on a ship moving 195x the speed of light, could not see or process the input of vision on Super Saiyan Goku.
We'll lowball it, and say Goku only needed to move 1 mph faster than 195x the speed of light for King Kai to lose track of him. So whatever value we get, we'll add 1mph to for Goku's base form speed.
So 195x the speed of light +1mph. 195/50=3.9x the speed of light. That's 2,616,900,000mph, adding in the extra mph makes it 2,616,900,001mph. So Base Form Goku moves at ~3.9x the speed of light, ON NAMEK. Super Saiyan is a 50x multiplier, putting him at ~195x the speed of light. Super Saiyan 2 is a 100x multiplier to Base, so 390x the speed of light. Super Saiyan 3 is a 400x multiplier, so 1,560x the speed of light. Super Saiyan God is a 20,000 multiplier so 78,000x the speed of light. Super Saiyan Blue is a 1 million times multiplier, so 3,900,000x the speed of light. And lastly, Mastered Ultra Instinct is a 300 billion times multipler, so 1.17 trillion times the speed of light.
Why did I bother going through all those multipliers? He wins in Base as of Namek saga lol. Anyway, continuing on to strength now that we've established Base Goku on Namek could move 3.9x faster than the Speed of Light while Saitama could only move at 0.5x the Speed of Light.
Strength. Okay. This one is harder to gauge, but we CAN gauge it. We'll go in terms of level of damage, so human level (would be on-par or less than peak human ability), town level (small towns), city level (large cities), nation level (an entire nation, less than a continent), continent level (one or more nations that span an entire continent), world-surface level (the surface of an Earth-sized planet), Planetary (capable of destroying an entire Earth-sized planet), Solar (capable of destroying a solar system), Galactic (capable of destroying a galaxy), multi-galactic (capable of destroying many galaxies), Universal (capable of destroying an entire universe), Multiversal (capable of destroying multiple universes).
We'll start with Goku this time. Goku's punches are, as of the Battle of Gods arc, strong enough to match Beerus perfectly to nullify the shockwaves of Beerus' attacks. Mind you, the mere shockwave of Beerus' attacks are enough to rip and tear the fabric of the universe itself, as stated by Elder Kai. This puts Goku's punches as being powerful enough to tear the fabric of the universe in when he first obtained Super Saiyan God. Why does this matter for Base Goku? Because Base Goku retained his SSJG power, as stated by Beerus.
So Goku in Base, post-battle of gods, is physically capable of punches that can tear apart the universe from the aftershocks alone. This is important to note because Elder Kai could physically feel the shockwaves from the World of the Kais. This makes Goku Universe-level in strength. This means Goku, post-BoG, in Super Saiyan is 50x stronger than what's needed for Universal, while Goku, as of current manga canon (assuming he didn't actually get any stronger since BoG and is simply more powerful due to new transformations) is capable of a form (Mastered Ultra Instinct) that puts him 300 billion times stronger than minimum Universe level strength.
And Saitama? Where does he fit here? Well, I thought this gap would be bigger honestly? But after researching, it seems the gap isn't all that big. Saitama has, canonically, with a Serious Punch, snuffed out an entire cylinder of stars and presumably every planet, moon, asteroid, and more, at a distance surpassing that of our solar system, and with a diameter surpassing it as well. This puts Saitama's power (if we lowball it MASSIVELY) at Solar. He could, in a single punch, destroy our entire solar system, and he wouldn't even need to be serious to do it. It's worth noting this is coupled with Garou's own Saitama-level Serious Punch, so we can assume this level of power is double Saitama's own.
So how do we determine the specifics? Well, he cleared an area large enough to cover, presumably, half the area of stars destroyed in the path of his and Garou's serious punches.
Through future revelations in the series we learn they didn't "destroy" every star in that path, but likely only several were destroyed, and possibly a galaxy, while the remainder of the void left behind was from the shockwave forcing every other star within range into a new position, creating a void in space that all stars had been moved from, save the few that were in the DIRECT path of their attack.
Another theory is that the Serious Punch^2 simply distorted the photons in the area, resulting in the appearance of a massive void, and this theory is based on the angles in the manga and comments made by other characters that paint Earth as the only thing in real danger from the power of the attack.
To be fair to Saitama, where we would lowball Goku, we'll highball Saitama, and say the Serious Punch^2 outright destroyed every star in the area. That level of power would, naturally, have shockwaves that push nearby stars out of the way AND distort photons in the area, resulting in a massive cone of destruction surrounded by a large cylinder of force.
This puts Saitama at, quite easily, multi-galactic level of strength.
But why did I say this gap isn't as big as I expected? One simple thing. Saitama has canonically punched his way into a different dimension in the manga. That means he's capable of brute-forcing his way out of the bounds of his universe. He is capable of physically destroying the fabric of the universe.
Meaning Saitama's strength is, bare minimum, Universal in close proximity. That puts him, strength-wise, on par with Goku, who through training has become stronger than Super Buu (who was so strong he could shout his way out of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, a dimension separate from our own), meaning Goku is also Universal in close proximity.
So...while I expected Saitama to be ~Planetary, MAYBE he'd be Solar at most...Research indicates he's actually Universal, or near-Universal, meaning the fight may not be too far a gap after all.
Goku may have Saitama beat on speed (given recent manga events in OPM, I'm willing to allow that Saitama is faster than light speed, but Goku having as many forms as he does (Kaioken, which he can combine with other forms and can hit a multiplier of x100 on top of whatever power he currently has, SSJ1-3, SSJG, SSJB, MUI) means even if Saitama matches Base Goku, he's likely not going to stand up to his stronger forms).
But on strength, I'd wager they're close enough for this fight to be one hell of a battle.
What about Durability? After all, all the strength in the world won't save you if you're as easy to kill as a simple bullet to the head, right?
Goku has withstood universe-ripping punches (from Beerus, the God of Destruction, and based on comments in the manga he's one of the stronger Gods of Destruction too), dimension-tearing attacks (from Goku Black, pre-Fusion), energy blasts that even the Gods of Destruction were nervous of (from Jiren during the Tournament of Power), and he survived multiple blasts from Granolah post-wish buff, who was renowned for his sniping power pre-wish, and post-wish was as powerful as he would be if he had spent every single second of the next 147 years training non-stop with the absolute healthiest amount of rest and physical care, making him, presently, as powerful as he would be at the END of that time, with the price paid being that he only had 3 years to live as he lost 1 year of his lifespan for each power boost.
It was also clear that Granolah was the strongest in the universe...at the time of his wish. Goku and Vegeta, who were already on their way, were not as powerful as Granolah even with their transformations. They became stronger during their fight with him, and stronger still during their fight with Gas (who was more powerful than Granolah after Gas transformed and mastered his transformation).
So we can safely assume Goku is Multiversal in Durability, as he himself was able to output Universal damage with each punch, and he was able to survive hits from beings drastically stronger than himself.
What about Saitama? Well, Saitama was able to survive the force of the Serious Punch^2 and he was able to casually bust his way into another dimension. So his Serious Punch, if he wanted it to, could easily destroy the barrier between universes or dimensions.
And given he survived the force of two of them impacting each other, I would put Saitama at, bare minimum, Universe-level durability. But given he was able to survive prolonged battle against Garou, who is a Power Mimic and has shown Saitama-level strength, we can safely assume Saitama is BEYOND Universal-level durability, and so we can put him right there with Goku at Multiversal durability.
So what do we have so far?
Goku has speed equal to, in Base Form, 3.9x lightspeed, and 1.17 trillion times lightspeed in his most powerful form.
Goku has Universal level strength in Base Form, 300 billion times that in his most powerful form.
Goku has Universal durability in Base Form, Multiversal durability in his most powerful form (300 billion times his Base Form's durability).
Saitama has speed equal to, at minimum, 0.5x lightspeed, and at maximum, if we highball it, 2x lightspeed.
Saitama has Universal strength.
Saitama has Universal durability at minimum, and Multiversal durability at maximum.
At this point, I'm convinced the speed difference between Base Goku and Saitama means nothing. Saitama's durability means even with Base Goku moving at his top speed, his impacts won't be enough to beat Saitama. At top speed Base Goku may be putting out Universal damage, but he's not putting out enough to actually BEAT Saitama. Only injure.
Making me rethink my "Goku wins in Base lol" claim earlier, how dare you!
Anyway, at this point, Goku would HAVE to transform to beat Saitama. His ability to sense power and Saitama's evident inability to suppress it (as evidenced by multiple characters sensing his ungodly power even while Saitama is completely relaxed) would mean Goku would know, right away, he needs to transform for the fight.
Saitama's durability means Goku would likely need Super Saiyan 2 or 3, or, more likely, SSJG. Super Saiyan God's multiplier to Granolah-arc Goku, after all of his training with Whis and Vegeta, would most likely be enough to beat Saitama. And given SSJG is enough to "most likely" beat him, then Super Saiyan Blue (aka Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan, the form above SSJG) is surely enough, and Mastered Ultra Instinct (a form drastically more powerful than SSJB) is absolutely more than enough to beat Saitama.
And given Goku's mastery over the Kaioken technique, and he's been shown to enter Kaioken x 20 while in Super Saiyan Blue for fair amounts of time as of the Moro saga, meaning even if SSB wasn't enough, given MUI is overkill, it's possible SSB x10 or x20 would be.
The point being, Goku wins this fight due to a combination of technique, experience, and power from his transformations. Given Goku is faster than Saitama and would sense his power as Saitama doesn't know how to suppress it, nothing Saitama could do would be a surprise attack to Goku, meaning Goku would have ample opportunity to react to everything Saitama does.
And given the relatively similar strengths the two bear, Goku would recognize he needs to transform to beat Saitama's output.
And given Saitama's greater durability than Base Goku, and greater durability than even what Saitama himself can put out, Goku would see he needs to transform to have enough of his own output to beat Saitama's durability.
Conclusion: Goku would absolutely win this fight, BUT...I'll give Saitama credit where it's due.
Out of everyone on the entire list, Saitama is the fairest matchup here, and the one most likely to give Goku a truly satisfying fight, given it would be a battle on par with those Goku has enjoyed most.
Kingdom Hearts Mickey
K.H. Mickey has a clear power limit and ability set. He is not strong enough, fast enough, smart enough, or durable enough to beat Goku, but he is just enough of a threat for Goku to actually put his guard up, which is why K.H. Mickey would lose; Goku would see it as a fight, unlike with Kevin.
Crash Bandicoot
Crash isn't nearly powerful enough to be a threat to Goku, but he IS insane enough to push Goku to hostility. Goku would feel the need to put effort into getting him away and that is his downfall.
Hatsune Miku
Goku would assume she is a Red Ribbon android and fight her on assumption she's trying to kill him or bring harm to Earth. He would hit her full force expecting her to tank it and she would keel over dead instantly.
Everything he could possibly do, the Red Ribbon Army has tried and done better, and they've never beaten Goku. Neither would he.
Lost to a child with slightly above average human determination, and standard human strength and speed. He does not beat Goku.
And just because you specifically told me not to @ you, have this :)
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faebaex · 4 months
Tangled in Wonderland - A Simulation
author note: ... so this got out of hand and ended up being over 6500 words x-x really curious to see how you guys like it and react to the twist. i'm so anxious if you guys will enjoy it that i can't even right my usual rambly A/N!!
characters: Idia Shroud x GN!Reader, Ortho Shroud (Platonic)
Thump. Thump. Thump. Slam.
You sighed.
The sound of quarrelling which, through Ramshackle’s thin walls, sounded like it could be happening right next door to you.
The sound of a quiet but stern lecture, a voice full of authority that would not stand being questioned.
You rolled over in bed and checked the time on your phone. 7:00 am. On a Saturday. You groaned and rolled onto your stomach and buried your face in your pillow – not the best quality but comfortable enough – as Grim snored, spread out at the foot of the bed. You were pretty sure he could sleep through a hurricane.
Just why had you agreed to allow the NRC Tribe to stay here, again? Perhaps it was masochism?
But that didn’t do Vil any justice. He had warned you that tenacity was Pomefiore’s thing.
The morning after Vil had grandly declared that he had moved in was… Something. The best way you could describe it was that it played out like a fever dream. You had hoped it was, actually. You kept pinching yourself, hoping you’d wake up any moment. Of course, you didn’t.
You had woken the next morning to Vil knocking on your door. He was rather insistent, as he didn’t leave even when you ignored his knockings in favour of burying yourself further into the warm comfort of your bed. Finally, you dragged yourself out of bed and ripped open the door, glaring bleary eyed at Vil, who stood looking annoyingly immaculate for so early in the morning.
“I’ve prepared us some breakfast. I see you need time to get ready, but please do hurry. I have a schedule to keep.” Vil informed you, not even waiting for your response as he turned on his heel and walked down the hall. You grumbled and slammed the door shut, reeling both from the early morning veiled insult and the fact that somehow Grim had slept through it all, still snoring away peacefully on your bed.
You readied yourself as quickly as you could but took an extra few moments to smooth out your appearance more than you usually would. You’d be sitting opposite Vil Schoenheit after all, and you could really do without his comments this early in the morning.
You walked down to the lounge to see that Vil had indeed set the table up for breakfast. Mismatched bowls filled with yoghurt, berries, and some sort of… Seeds? A jug of orange juice also sat on the table, just enough for one glass each, along with a heartier jug filled to the brim with water. You had to admit, you hadn’t had such a healthy, well put together breakfast since you got there. Most days you had to forgo your breakfast entirely in order to stop Grim terrorising the school population before first period began. If this was Vil’s charm offensive, you could get behind it.
“This was the best I could do with your dorm’s… Limited implements,” Vil sighed as he drizzled a modest serving of honey on his own bowl of yoghurt before pushing the honey container towards you, “I would have brought my blender but I wasn’t if Ramshackle had running electricity.” Vil commented dryly, “does Crowley not ensure you have the needed facilities to live adequately? That man is shameless.”
Now this was a conversation you could get behind.
“Crowley doesn’t ensure anything ever.” You grumbled as you drizzled some honey onto your own yoghurt bowl under the watchful eye of Vil. The amount you put must have been satisfactory because he didn’t say anything, only began to mix his spoon in his own bowl.
“The prize money from the SDC would help change that. You could get yourself better kitchenware, maybe some more soft furnishings…” Vil began, and you rolled your eyes as you munched on some berries. Nice segway.
“Not interested.” You responded bluntly, although Vil didn’t seem too surprised by that. He picked up the orange juice jug, pouring you a glass first before filling his own, as manners would dictate. “Why are you so against the NRC Tribe staying here? You only stand to gain from doing so. Whilst there may be a bit of disruption, I’ve assured you that I would keep disruption to your routine to a minimum. I must say… I do find your stalwart refusal a little odd.” Vil stared hard at you now, and you tried not to visibly squirm from the intensity that he was studying you.
It seemed that all your efforts to not bring attention to yourself were doing the exact opposite in this situation. Vil found your behaviour odd, and Ace and Deuce had also found your behaviour odd when you didn’t attend the Pomefiore ballroom when you were requested to do so. It was rather annoying, actually, how all your hard work to be as unnoticeable as possible was turning out to be fruitless.
But if there was one thing you could rely on for a believable defence, it was the inherent selfishness of the Night Raven College students (and arguably, staff).
“Why should I go out of my way to help you? Regardless of what you offer, it sounds like a pain. I have to accommodate seven extra students? On top of all the trouble I get from Grim anyway? Sounds like a drag. Plus I enjoy having my own space.” You quipped back, your expression indifferent.
“Hmph. It seems like you fit in here more than you think.” Vil shot back sassily, an elegant eyebrow raised at your open self-centeredness.
All throughout breakfast you and Vil had an unproductive back and forth where he tried to gain some ground on getting the training camp to go ahead in Ramshackle. It was exhausting, but you managed to hold out long enough that breakfast was over and there was no reason to stay at the table any longer, for either of you. You were just leaving the lounge when there was a energetic knock on Ramshackle’s main doors. You sighed, wondering why someone else was now knocking on your door, but for all you knew it could be Ace and Deuce, wanting to walk with you to class. That reminded you that you needed to get Grim up too. Reluctantly, you walked towards the entrance, pulling one of the creaky doors open.
You slammed the door shut.
“That was rude. Rook is here to walk with me to class. He also is delivering my blender.” Vil scolded, having followed you partially to the entrance, obviously predicting that it was Rook. You groaned loudly regardless of this, bumping your forehead lightly against the entrance door’s old wood. You had to deal with Rook Hunt now too? This was getting out of hand.
Grudgingly, you pulled open the door again, not bothering to mask your expression of displeasure as you stared at Rook, who stood with his usual enigmatic smile on your doorstep, with a blender tucked carefully under his arm.
“Ahh Trickster! How delightful your disgruntled expression looks first thing in the morning! Magnifique! Like a raging storm cloud threatening the blue skies! And Roi de Poison, as radiant as ever! Like the brightest of suns in comparison! Oh, how I wish I could burn this image into my mind forevermore!” Rook enthusiastically sang, and it was as if you could feel your mood plummeting in real time.
“Oh give it a rest…” You muttered under your breath, having to duck out of the way as Vil breezed past you and grabbed the blender off of Rook. “Yes, that is quite enough of that, Rook. There is no cloud on this earth that could threaten my shine.” Vil commented, disappearing back into Ramshackle to no doubt deposit his blender in the kitchen. “Of course not, beautiful Vil!” Rook eagerly agreed.
Now why were you catching back handed insults from both Pomefiore housewardens?!
You grumbled under your breath about this, but Rook didn’t seem to mind or care. He continued to smile at you, watching you with those ever-observing eyes.
“You seem agitated, Trickster! But might I say, you do look beautiful this morning. A fine colour to your cheeks and a wicked glint in your eye! I see that your shared breakfast with Vil has done wonders for your complexion and spirit already.” Rook continued, managing to look harmless and sly at the same time. Quite the feat.
How exactly did he know that you had breakfast with Vil?! Had he been watching you? You cursed internally, swearing to yourself that you’d buy some thick curtains for Ramshackle out of your next allowance. But knowing Rook, that wouldn’t be enough.
Instead, you glare at Rook and point a finger at him, which he watches with glee, as if he is enjoying the situation. “Stop talking.” You say firmly, and he holds his hands up genially, not at all offended at your shortness. In your opinion, Rook Hunt was a whole valid reason on why you didn’t want the NRC Tribe to stay at Ramshackle.
“Rook, it’s time for us to go. I don’t want to be late.” Vil declared as he strode out of Ramshackle, and you had to agree with Rook in that the run down exterior of Ramshackle didn’t take away from Vil’s shine in the slightest. It was quite amazing, and also kind of irritating. “You should leave shortly too, being late would be unbecoming of a dorm Prefect.” Vil sniped over his shoulder at you as he began to leave with Rook. Rook gave you a hearty parting wave, “farewell, Trickster! I do hope to be sharing a dorm with you soon!”
Not at all ominous, thank you Rook.
“And don’t forget about Grim.” Vil called, not even bothering to turn towards you as he continued on in the direction of Night Raven’s main school building.
Oh, damn it. Grim! You rushed back upstairs, on a mission to get Grim out of bed and out of Ramshackle before you were late and Crewel chewed you both out again.
After that, Vil was a semi-permanent fixture at Ramshackle. He would return in the evenings, no doubt after running the NRC Tribe ragged during practice, and then he would put you through your paces. He’d critique most of the things you did, and it wasn’t like his words of advice were unhelpful, it just didn’t help that they were delivered with the trademark Schoenheit sass. More often than not you were left reeling because he delivered his flyby judgments with such poise and poison, you were suddenly gaining a new appreciation for poor Epel.
Eventually you relented and agreed to allow the NRC Tribe to stay at Ramshackle until the SDC, but under very strict conditions. You would be receiving Vil and Rook’s share of the prize money if they won. You were not to be disturbed under any circumstances by the members of the NRC Tribe, and they were strictly forbidden from entering your bedroom. Groceries would be provided for the duration of the training camp. You also made it clear that you would not be responsible for any shenanigans that Grim pulled off during their stay, so not to even bother pestering you about it. And lastly, you would not be attending the SDC.
It was a difficult decision for you to make, but you realised that with Vil hounding you about allowing the NRC Tribe to stay, you were perhaps interacting with Vil way more than you potentially would during book five’s story path. A foul thought crossed your mind, Vil overblotting because negotiating with you had eaten into his preparation time for the SDC. At least with these conditions, you effectively minimised your role in book five to pretty much nothing, and if book five’s story decided to run its course like normal, then it was nothing to do with you.
Vil had stared at you with a knowing look when you first came to him telling him that you would agree for the training camp to go ahead, but his face slowly fell into a judging frown once you got to the end of your conditions.
“You don’t want to see your friends perform at the SDC? You do realise this is one of the biggest events of the school calendar? There might not ever be another opportunity for you to witness such a spectacle, let alone one that your friends are performing in. Not to mention… They’ve been working so hard.” Vil questions you, his tone almost scolding, and his eyes wrought with curiosity as to why you’d be so callous to the two who you’d known the longest since arriving here.
You kept your expression indifferent, giving an excuse that loud spectacles weren’t your thing. You did feel bad that you would miss Ace and Deuce’s big moment, but there was no way you could allow yourself to get dragged into a potential overblot situation again.
Of course, all of that felt meaningless now, considering that they weren’t even complying with the conditions that you had set out.
You could vaguely hear Ace complaining to Deuce about having to be up so early despite Vil technically giving them the morning off, whatever that meant. You hoped that the voices would eventually die down and you could get a couple hours more sleep, but the banging, thumping and voices went on and on. You even attempted to pass sometime by playing around on some mobile games that you had downloaded, a guilty pleasure that was a temptation too hard to resist when Crowley gave you the phone. But the noise never abated, and with a disgruntled sigh you got out of bed and decided to get ready for the day.
It felt weird being on campus so early in the morning on the weekend. It was mostly empty, which you assumed had to do with most students forgoing breakfast to sleep in, although there were a few early risers milling around campus. Some were heading towards the gates, likely heading out to town, whilst others made their way to the many other facilities that Night Raven had to offer. You yourself had decided to visit the mystery shop on a whim, thinking you could pick up a snack or two for during your breaks at the library.
You were walking up the path towards the shop when some… Large boxes came floating out the door… You stopped in your tracks, blinking several times. Were you that tired that you were seeing things now?
“Sorry Prefect, I don’t want to accidentally bump you!” Said a chipper voice coming from behind the boxes, startling you and making you hop out of the way. Behind the boxes was one Ortho Shroud, and suddenly the floating made sense. Not so much the boxes, though.
“Ah, my brother got a little caught up yesterday and forgot to do his usual food order, so I came to the mystery shop to pick up a few supplies to tide us over!” Ortho told you as he saw you eyeing up the boxes in his arms in confusion. He floated towards you where you stood off the path, and gently placed the boxes down, and they were nearly as tall as you were! Just a few supplies?!
“What are you playing?” Ortho asked enthusiastically, and you belatedly realised that you had one of the mobile games you had downloaded open on your phone, and muscle memory made you want to close it down immediately, but Ortho’s big, excited eyes made you feel too guilty to do so.
“Oh, uh… It’s just a game I downloaded, I don’t know much about it…” You fielded awkwardly, hoping to brush the topic away but Ortho only floated closer to get a better look at the screen.
“My brother plays that one too!!” Ortho gushes with glee, the sudden burst of elation catching you a little off guard. Really? This didn’t seem like Idia’s type of game… You swear you vaguely remember him saying he wasn’t that into dating sims… Although, you did suppose this one wasn’t a conventional dating simulator at the very least.
“But what happened to your screen?” Ortho asked, ripping you out of your thoughts, his head tilting to the side curiously. Now that did make you lock your phone to attempt to hide your shamefully cracked phone screen. Kalim, that’s what happened, you thought dryly. “Oh it’s nothing,” you said quickly, “I just had a small accident with it. It still works just fine!”
“Let’s get my brother to fix it!”
Oh no.
Ortho was beaming at you, eyes sparkling at the idea. You could feel your heart sinking.
“Oh no, no. I wouldn’t want to bother him! It’s totally fine, I promise!” You said hurriedly, hoping to derail the idea and make a quick escape, but it seemed like the idea had already firmly taken root in Ortho’s brain.
“It wouldn’t be a bother! My brother is really good with machines, he’ll get it fixed in no time! Plus, you two can talk about that game together! I’m sure he’d love to know there was someone else on campus who likes the same game as him!” Ortho encouraged.
Ah. So that was what this was about.
Book six had Ortho really encouraging Idia to share his gaming interests with the other students at Night Raven. Considering that the Ignihyde chapter was the next in line after book five, it did make sense that Ortho was taking this coincidence and running with it, considering you had just made it a thousand times easier for him to do so by just happening to like the same game as his beloved brother.
… But how were you supposed to say no to those eyes?! How were humanoids allowed to have such heart wrenching eyes?! It wasn’t fair.
You chewed on your bottom lip in indecision. It would be useful to get your phone screen fixed, even to stop Vil’s sassy barbs that he kept firing at you whenever he caught sight of it (something something “your belongings are a reflection of you” something something, blah blah). And this was Idia you were talking about here. He would probably freak out as soon as Ortho brought you to his room, fix the phone as quickly as possible and kick you out. Win, win?
“Okay, sure.” You relented, watching as Ortho lit up even more at your positive response. You swear you saw his hair get brighter. “But I can’t stay for long, I have other things planned for today.” You stated firmly, giving yourself an escape plan if needed. Ortho still seemed delighted regardless, moving once again to pick up those ridiculously large boxes he had been carrying. You followed suit, picking up the box from the top of the pile, much to Ortho’s surprise.
“It’s okay, I can carry them!” Ortho assured, but you shook your head, adjusting your grip on the box. It was a little heavy, but nothing you couldn’t handle. “Nah, I can’t let you carry them all by yourself. Besides, this is the least I can do if you’re going to fix my phone for me.” You remarked casually, beginning to walk with Ortho towards the Hall of Mirrors.
“You’re very kind, Prefect.” Ortho hummed, seeming quite taken with your courteous gesture.
The walk to the Hall of Mirrors from the mystery shop wasn’t long, and as you stepped through the Ignihyde mirror, you realised that you’ve never actually really seen the inside of the Ignihyde dorm. Sure, the game lets you buy Ignihyde backgrounds such as the entrance and the lounge, and you can get Idia’s dorm room as a background on his birthday, but other than that, the Ignihyde dorm has largely been a mystery compared to the other dorms. You had no idea what to expect.
It was… Very white. And shiny. Kinda made you wish you had brought a pair of sunglasses. The hallways were deserted, and you felt like you stood out like a sore thumb. You suddenly started to feel uneasy about the whole thing.
You followed closely behind Ortho as he led you to Idia’s dorm room, not trusting yourself not to get lost. He seemed to know exactly where he was going, even with the boxes he was carrying partially obscuring his view.
“Ortho, are you sure this is okay?” You asked, unable to hide the unease in your voice. Ortho didn’t stop, continuing to float along the hallways and making turns where necessary. “Don’t worry, Prefect! It’ll be fun! We’re almost there!” He insisted, and you very much felt that you and Idia were about to be in for a very unfun time. Ortho suddenly turned and opened a door that you would have missed if it wasn’t for him, as it blended into the wall so well.
“Idia, I’m back!” Ortho announced, floating in nonchalantly. You followed awkwardly, managing to bump the door closed behind you and place the box you were carrying on top of the other ones that Ortho had left by the wardrobe.
You took a moment to glance around the room. It wasn’t… As messy as you thought it would be. Wow, the background you can buy in the game really doesn’t do it any justice. That or Ortho cleaned up.
“Ah Ortho! Come check this out! I finally beat the final boss in that boss rush and got some cool new— Gah!!”
Idia had swivelled in his chair to look at Ortho but saw you instead and almost tumbled straight out of it with the way he flinched backwards, face morphing into terror. You gave him a small smile and waved awkwardly, but that only seemed to make it worse.
“I invited someone over!” Ortho stated cheerfully as Idia ducked behind the high back of his chair to avoid being seen. Rather fruitlessly too, considering you could still see his characteristic flaming hair.
“I-I can see that, Ortho! W-w-why did you invite an extrovert into my room?!” Idia complained, trying to keep his voice low but not really succeeding. The interaction was so odd to watch that you wondered if you should leave but settled for looking away instead. Ortho didn’t seem bothered at all, smiling at Idia like nothing was wrong.
“This is the Prefect from Ramshackle! I ran into them at the mystery shop, and they helped me carry our shopping back! Wasn’t that kind of them?” Ortho rambled on, floating over to his brother. Idia seemed to pluck up the courage to peek over his chair to get a better look at you, prompted by Ortho’s words, but when you looked back towards him, he shot back down in his chair, the ends of his wispy hair turning bright pink.
Wait, was he blushing?
“B-but Ortho…” Idia stammered out, but it seemed that Ortho had no mercy for him today.
“The Prefect’s phone screen is broken, and I told them that you could help fix it!” Ortho piped up over Idia’s stammering, his smile taking no prisoners, “you can help them, right Idia? Something so simple won’t even take you ten minutes.” Ortho encouraged, beaming smile still on his face.
Talking tech seemed to kick Idia out of his fluster somewhat, and you could hear Idia’s back thump against his chair as he opened one of his desk drawers and started rifling through it. “Tch, typical normies with no protection on their device, then crying when it gets bodied. So noob coded…” Idia muttered under his breath like he’d forgotten you were right there as he finally found what he was looking for, pulling the kit he was looking for out of his drawer and placing it on his desk.
He pushed his keyboard back, assumedly making space to him to work. “Gimme. The quicker I fix it, the quicker they leave, right?”
“Prefect isn’t a normie! They play the same game as you!” Ortho retorted and you cringed, as you sincerely hoped that wouldn’t get brought up into conversation before you could leave. But apparently, Ortho had taken it upon himself to defend your honour from his brother. Lucky you.
“Show him, Prefect!” Ortho compelled you, and you would almost find it funny how he was basically strong-arming Idia to have an interaction if it didn’t involve you. You sighed internally, powerless to Ortho’s big eyes, and walked slowly towards Idia’s desk, loading the game up on your phone. You held it up, arm outstretched so you didn’t get too close and give the guy a heart attack.
“It’s this one. I don’t play much, but this is the game I play the most. I at least make sure to login every day to get the bonuses and stuff…” You mumbled awkwardly, not actually understanding why you felt so awkward either. It wasn’t like it was a big deal. But suddenly your phone was snatched from your hand, and you were startled to see that Idia had grabbed it.
“You play this too?! I’m so into this at the moment. How far are you in the story? What cards do you have? Who is your favourite? Ugh, this screen totally kills the vibe. Hang on, let me just…”
You blinked in surprise as Idia rapidly fired off multiple questions about the game at you before putting your phone on his desk and hunching over as he got to work. It was like he was a completely different person. You knew it was the case that he could become very lively when he got to talk about his hobbies and interests, but seeing it happen in person was… Truly something. You looked between him and Ortho, with Ortho looking absolutely delighted about the interaction, and gesturing for you to take a seat on Idia’s bed whilst he worked.
“Oh, uh… I’m not very far in the story, I cleared the prologue but that’s about it. I don’t get the chance to play often… I don’t get many chances to roll the gatcha either, I never have any currency…” You answered. You didn’t really know any of the characters well enough to say what cards you had or who your favourite was, so you kept quiet on that.
“Sounds like you’re still in noobville. I’ll teach you how to play, but first I have to… Whee hee hee…” Idia volunteered, his voice pittering out as he got more entranced on working with your phone. The room lulled into silence, and you began conversing with Ortho instead, random giggles and mumbles from Idia in the background as you and Ortho chatted. Midway through one of your conversations with Ortho you noticed that Idia had been working on your phone for way longer than ten minutes. Now, you had no idea how long it took to replace a phone screen, you were no engineer. You also factored in that Ortho could have just been bigging up his brother’s ego when he said it would only take him ten minutes, but did it really take that long to fix? It felt like you had been in here way over an hour…
Ortho was projecting some clips of his favourite video games when Idia finally swivelled around, brandishing your phone with a manic grin.
“The freshly refurbished Prefect Custom Gamer Deluxe! I replaced the screen and reinforced it so it won’t break again but still has high grade touch screen sensitivity. I upgraded the battery to a larger capacity model so that you can game for longer, and of course a 2TB memory card. The original memory was awful, where did you get it? Sam’s bargain basket? Kek.” Idia gushed about your newly juiced mobile, fully in his element, “I didn’t know what your preferred colours are, so I didn’t add any custom lights. Blue’s good, though.” He commented, and that is when he finally caught you blinking at him, staring rather blankly.
“… Did you get any of that? Sigh, noobs OTL…”
You didn’t want to look a gift horse in the mouth, so you quickly snapped yourself out of vacant stare and quickly spoke, “I think so… It means I won’t have to delete anything to update my games anymore, right?”
That seemed to be enough, because he was smiling that startingly sharp toothed grin again. “Exactly.”
The room fell into silence again, with Idia seeming to realise that he’d burst out into a rave about his interests. He held out your phone towards you awkwardly for you to take, and you stepped forward quickly to take it, but Ortho was faster.
“Show the Prefect your cards on the game you both play!” Ortho insisted cheerfully but forcefully, clearly not willing to let this interaction between you and Idia ends just yet. You don’t know if it was because it was a game, or because he had been suitably warmed up from the tech talk, or Ortho’s wide, eager eyes. Maybe even a combination of all three, but either way, Idia agreed.
“So… Uh… Did you hear all the aggro online about what’s happened?” Idia muttered as he waited for his game to boot up. It booted up a lot faster than yours usually did. Is that what he did to your phone? If so, you weren’t going to complain.
 “Can’t say I have…” You answered honestly, and Idia scoffed lightly under his breath. “Oh right. I forgot you’re a casual.”
Why did it sting when he said it like that?!
Idia spent some time giving you some tips on free ways to get in game currency so you could roll on the gatcha more, and even recommended some social media accounts you could follow to get information on future events so that you could plan your resources and gatcha rolling accordingly. It was… Pretty helpful, actually. It was oddly nice to just chat innocently about a hobby for once, instead of constantly having to have your guard up in case someone tried to screw you over.
Idia made you boot up the game on your own phone (which you were pleasantly surprised to notice loaded up just as quickly as his own) and took a look through your card collection. He wasn’t impressed (“do you even statgrind?”) but gave you some advice regardless on who your best cards were and the more effective way to power them up, so you didn’t get locked out of the story when you progressed.
“Now show them your cards, Idia!” Ortho suggested yet again. You hadn’t missed his thrilled expression as you and Idia had been chatting, realising that he was likely delighted that Idia was talking to someone in person for once. But he was being awfully pushy about Idia showing you his card collection, even when the conversation didn’t need to be facilitated by him…
The tips of Idia’s hair went bright pink yet again, and you couldn’t resist raising a brow. What was he so embarrassed about? They were just cards, right? Idia tucked his chin in, turning his screen away suddenly. “I-I-I don’t know, my collection is pretty a-average…”
“No way! You have so many cards, show them!” Ortho tugged on Idia’s arm, with Idia trying to hide his phone in his lap, “or I’ll just project your cards for the Prefect to see!”
Idia sat up straight, looking very panicked at Ortho’s oddly specific threat. “O-okay, okay! Let me just…” He tapped away at his phone, and you had no idea what he was doing, but eventually he turned the screen back to you, showing you his card collection in all its glory.
Wow. He had tons of SSR cards. Even some UR cards… By the look of it, he seemed to only go for the ultra-rare cards of the same characters, so they must be his favourites. You looked at his card collection, nodding appreciatively and making a comment here and there, but otherwise you didn’t really have much to say. Idia’s hair was still tinged pink, and even his cheeks had an awkward half blush for reasons that escaped you.
Out the corner of your eye you saw Ortho staring at you rather insistently, as if he was urging you to keep the conversation going. Just why were you allowing yourself to be exhorted by this kid? Clearly, Ortho Shroud’s powers of compulsion know no bounds.
“Who is your favourite character?” You blurted out, hoping that would satisfy. To your surprise, Idia’s hair burned brighter, the pink flaring up at your question.
“O-oh, um… I-i… I can’t show you, because of… You know, all that aggro online…” Idia mumbled under his breath, looking down at his lap. What was up with him?
Either way, now your curiosity had been piqued.
“Tell me about the drama.” You asked, although you supposed it came out sounding more like a demand. Idia looked up at you suddenly, staring at you for a long moment, “… a-are you sure? It’s pretty long…” He mumbled, and you nodded anyway. Perhaps this would finally satisfy Ortho and then you could make your exit.
Idia’s demeanour entirely changed again, his elbows landing on his knees and he leaned towards you, his hands caging his phone. “This has been big news in the community. Like, God tier discourse. Everyone has come together to try to figure out what is going on, scrubs and tryhards alike. People have been mining the data files, I’ve tried hacking the serv—”
“Wait, wait, wait!” You stopped him, waving your hands to get him to slow down, “tell me what happened before you talk fandom dramatics.” Idia rolls his eyes but acquests.
“So a couple of months ago, something happened to the game. I’m not talking a limited time event or anything like that. I’m talking one day, every logged in for the next daily login period, and a character was missing.” Idia informed you, and you raised your eyebrows at this.
“Like, gone?” You questioned, and Idia nodded, frantically enough that his wispy hair bounced a little. You scratched your cheek, finding yourself slightly intrigued in this despite just doing it to get Ortho off your back. “I don’t think I follow what you mean…” You admitted, almost a little sheepishly, “how can a character just be gone? Wouldn’t you still have their cards?”
Idia, to his credit, didn’t seem to be bothered by you not following, only nodding along eagerly with your train of thought. “Right? But that is where it gets even weirder…” Idia begins to tap at his phone again, changing the filters on his card collection before turning the screen back towards you again, “because the cards are still there, but the character is missing.”
The sight was eerie, almost ominous. You deduced this character must be one of Idia’s favourites, considering how many cards he had, all maxed out. It made sense why he was so invested. But the cards themselves, they were…
The cards were still there, in his collection. The background of the cards was still visible, even the other characters that appeared in the art were still there. But the character the card belonged to? Gone. Just an odd, inky smudge left in their place.
“That’s…” You couldn’t finish your thought, finding yourself at a loss for words at the bizarre, oddly chilling sight.
“Right?!” Idia hissed, really getting into the conversation now.
“Surely it must be some sort of event, right? Something to do with the story?” You tried to reason, and Idia shook his head wildly.
“That’s what we all thought, at first! Maybe they were springing some big event on us that none of the info trading accounts had managed to dig up. Sure it was a bit early for a Halloween event, GG developers, but it wasn’t like that hasn’t happened before.” You nodded along to Idia’s logic, this was exactly what you had assumed. The creepy feel of the cards definitely gave a Halloween vibe.
“But the official game pages never posted anything about it. And they weren’t responding to comments or messages about it either. So, we started to wonder if it was an update gone wrong, or a bug, and the devs were going to patch it. But still, we heard nothing from any official channels.”
You were staring at Idia, transfixed by this odd phenomenon. You’d never had anything of the sort happen in any of the games you had ever played, that’s for sure.
Idia’s cheeks flared a little pinker as he continued, “I-i have every one of that character’s cards, so I was able to check that it wasn’t just one card that had the issue, it was all of them. Other players reported the same issues, so that’s how we knew it was a game wide issue. The devs finally issued a statement, some vague BS about how they would be troubleshooting some issues with the game but not exactly what they were trying to fix. I personally think the devs have no clue what’s going on. Which is stupid, who doesn’t know what’s happening with their own software? Is it amateur hour over in that studio…” Idia finished, starting to mutter under his breath.
You mulled all this information over. Wow, clearly fandom drama in Twisted Wonderland was way more over the top than in your world.
“That’s really… Wow.” You hummed, which you thought summed up the situation quite well. You were pondering over it, eyes back on your own phone as you opened your card collection back up. You guessed you hadn’t noticed because you hadn’t rolled any of that specific character’s cards in the gatcha. You were kind of grateful, actually. It probably would have given you a fright.
“Uh…” You heard Idia hum, and you looked up at him, seeing him watching you with an apprehensive expression, “I have something to show you, if you want to… See… But you might find it weird…” He said slowly, his posture more hunched than before.
“Oh, okay?” You nodded, waiting for him to continue. You wondered if you were making him uncomfortable and had overstayed your welcome, considering Idia was starting to become more withdrawn again. His social battery was probably starting to go flat. You’d leave after this, you decided. Maybe quicker, if he was going to show you something really weird.
“The character is gone from the game’s cards, but they still appear in promotional materials that were posted online. Do you… Want to see?” Idia asked hesitantly, and whilst you found the way he asked the question a little odd, you had no reason to decline.
“Sure, why not? I feel like I’m invested now.” You smiled at him, but he didn’t smile back, only turned his gaze to Ortho. “Ortho, can you project the promotional art?”
“Easy! Searching promotional art… Loading… And, done!”
… … …
You felt your blood run cold instantly and you couldn’t stop the look of petrified horror that froze upon your face.
Projected onto the muted walls of Idia’s bedroom, in crystal clear clarity, was the promotional art of the character that Idia had been telling you about, just as he had asked Ortho to do. There was no inky smudge replacing their appearance, and they were posed rather dramatically, the norm for promo art. But something about it had your heart stopping in your chest and your hands trembling in your lap…
The promotional art…
The promotional art looked exactly like you.
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tac-the-unseen · 30 days
COD characters finding out that Reader's past lover(s) have never given them an Orgasm.
Am I exactly sure what Anon is asking? No, But I will persist.
I'm choosing to write this with the interpretation of Reader never having an orgasm even though they've had sex with others. (The other way I read it was that Reader just flat out never had an orgasm before, and I think that's extremely unrealistic. So we're going with that one) ALSO because of the prompt You and the guys have yet to bump uglies!
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•Simon is a little confused "Like...None of them?"
•He takes it very seriously
•He asks you to elaborate a little more. He just wants to know if the other guys sucked (or just didn't in this case) or if you two needed to do something specific in order to please you.
•He understands if you need some kind of accommodations and will ask you what he needs to do
•You and Simon have a long discussion over what you want your first time with him to be like. He makes sure you both have a clear understanding of what's to come (ha).
•First thing he says is “Would you like to?”
•He thinks it's a little funny but really sad too
•”Darling, you're too pretty to let subpar men just use you.”
•He immediately wants to show you how it's done and what you've been robbed off
•He asks if he can take you for a “good ol' mustache ride”
•”Young men are dumb.” He says and takes a drag from his cigar
•”But I guess it's nice to know I have no competition.” He smiles
•He does talk to you about your needs and what he needs to do to meet them properly
•He takes you out on a nice dinner date, goes on a nice walk with you, and end up with his hands wrapped around your waist taking you home
•Can not stop laughing
•As soon as you tell him he erupts into a fit of giggles. He takes him a full 3 minutes before he calms down enough to hug you and pat you back.
•”You poor thing.” he chuckles and kisses your cheek. “I'll make sure to make up for all their failures, Mi querida.”
•He’ll ask you what they were doing down there the whole time. Which leads to even more laughter when you tell him.
•”But I think I should buy you a nice dinner first.” he winks
•Absolutely floored
•”Like never?” He signs. You can see the horror in his eyes
•He’s got his head in hands, contemplating life. He's so concerned for you. He has to take a moment of silence to comprehend the level of incompetence the men in your life must have had.
•When he finally sits up he looks you directly in the eyes and signs “Thank God I'm good with my hands.”
•Slowly turns his head to look at you with his brows furrowed and confusion
•Is too shock to speak
•He gets up to pour himself some Scotch
•”How many times have you had to fake an orgasm?” “8” he proceeds to down the entire drink and pour himself another
•This time he hands it to you “You need this more than me.”
•He gets up and takes a lap around the house
•When he gets back he pulls you into a hug
•”You deserve so much better, Mi Tesoro.”
•Kisses your jaw and runs his hands down your back. “I can give you so much better.” He tells you in-between kisses
•He offers you himself until your properly satisfied, for however long that takes
•”Why do you like incompetent men?”
•He means it in a genuine way, But he accidentally reads you to filth.
•”Why spend your time and affection on someone who cannot please you?” he asks. “I didn't want to seem shallow.” You replied. “Shallow? Liebste, No.”
•He practically scolds you for allowing such men into your life. It's actually the most you've ever heard him speak. Which really tells you how upset he is.
•”You're Lucky I'm here. I will not let such things happen ever again.”
•And fuuuck, he means it
•”Other men are filthy animals.” he tells you like it was a normal thing to say
•He gets in close to you and rests his arms on your hips. “Don’t get me wrong, I'm a man whore.” He laughs lightly and kisses you “But you knew that.”
•He asks you for all the funny details and thinks it would make a decent bonding experience.
•He tells you about his less than great sex stories and failures
•”Rest assured sweetheart, I'm a pro at making people scream.”
Thanks for reading <3
(I realize now that I wrote them all in different mindsets of this prompt... Good luck with that, I guess)
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dorabledewdroop · 3 months
The White Healer Chapter 2
Summary: Reader wakes up somewhere unknown and ends up meeting the avengers
Chapter warnings: nothing really? Panic, anxiety?
I know I'm pacing this slowly but I'm doing this the only way I know how. I really hope everyone likes it.
Series Masterlist
Beep. Beep. Beep. 
Your entire body tensed as you registered the beeping sound. Your eyes shot open and to your horror, you were in a bright white room. An IV attached to your arm and a machine beeping your increasing heart rate. 
No no no no. Please no
Not waiting for a moment, you ripped anything attached to you off and immediately ran out of the room. Not knowing where you were going. Just knowing you had to get out of this place. You turned in random directions. It was all going splendidly, that was, until you heard the alarms ringing. 
Great.This is just what I needed. you thought. 
Not thinking you ran straight into a room that looked like… a lounge?
You froze, as did every single person in the room. All eyes on you.
They stood up slowly. Afraid to scare you even further. You took a step back, clearly hyperventilating. Within a moment you turned around from where you came and sprinted out. Only to run face first into a wall of muscles. You quite literally bounced back and fell flat on your ass. The bearded blonde man’s eyes widened as if he had barely noticed you running into him. 
“My deepest apologies. I didn’t see you there” the bearded man said in a deep British accent. You gasped at what he was carrying. It was a hammer. A huge one. Surely he wouldn’t use that on you? Not taking a chance you scrambled back and ran the other way only to run into another body. 
What the fuck do these people eat?? Why are they made of bricks?  You think as, once again, you fall back. 
This time however it’s the white haired boy you had saved. You remembered he called himself Pietro. 
You grabbed his hands. 
“Please don’t let them take me. Please I beg you. I can’t go through that again” you whispered desperately. 
Pietro’s eyes narrowed in concern and slowly nodded his head. The moment he put a protective arm around your shoulder, you sighed in relief. 
“Nobody will harm you here. I promise” he said gently. “Can I introduce you to them?”
Breathing deeply through your nose, you nodded. 
He guided you the room you had scrambled away from. He beside you as you actually took a look at everyone in the room, including the bearded man with the hammer. 
Did he really carry that everywhere he went? That must be quite inconvenient. 
Shaking the thoughts out of your head you allowed yourself to actually look at everyone’s faces. You felt the blood drain from your face as you recognised most of them. 
“You’re… you’re the Avengers..” you whispered. Loud enough that they heard you. Some of them chuckled. You did not.
“That we are” the guy with the hammer said as he took a step forward. He laid a brief kiss on your knuckles as he took your hand in his.
Chuckling you curtsied.
“My name is Thor Odinson, god of thunder” He stated, his hands sparkling with electricity.
“That’s enough Point Break. How about we all introduce ourselves as well?” Tony Stark said, putting a hand on Thor’s shoulder.
Eventually, everyone introduced themselves: Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Thor Odinson, and Sam Wilson.
It took a second for you to notice everyone staring at you expectantly, your eyes widened as you realised what they were expecting.
“I’m y/n. Y/n y/l/n” You said as confidently a you could. Which, let’s be honest, wasn’t that confident to begin with.
As everybody went to sit around the sofas, you sat on a chair awkwardly. 
Steve cleared his throat. ��So y/n, Clint here told us that during the fight in Sokovia you were-“
A flurry of noise outside caused you to turn around and see a rush of brown hair charging towards you. Panicking, you stood up ready to run. Before you could, the brunettes body slammed into you in the form of a hug. 
I have to admit.. this is pretty nice 
You found yourself relaxing into the hug regardless of how hard this person was hugging you. You felt weirdly… safe?
Pietro cleared his throat with what could only be described as a shit eating grin on his face.
“This is my sister, Wanda Maximoff” he introduced.
Eventually, Wanda broke the hug and looked at you, her face slightly red.
‘Holy shit she’s fucking gorgeous’ you thought to yourself.
You looked at Pietro, a little confused. Not noticing how her face turned the shade of a tomato.
She looked at you with her forest green eyes. You were immediately lost in them. Fuck everyone else, you were going to spend the rest of your life looking into those eyes.
You saw her mouth move, not registering what she was saying. A small smirk on her face brought you back to the present.
“I’m sorry what was that?” You said blushing.
From the corner of your eye you saw Pietro’s face about to split with how wide his smile had gotten.
“Thank you so much for saving my brother’s life” She repeated. “I- I felt.. I couldn’t feel him for a second.”
A dark look took over her face, anguish filled her eyes. That’s when Pietro stepped towards her and grabbed her into a hug
“I’m fine, Sestra” He said, rubbing her back soothingly
You looked away to give them privacy, to notice mostly everyone else had done the same.
Once Wanda was feeling better, she sat down besides her brother.
“By the way y/n” Pietro started “Are you sure you want to continue wearing that hospital outfit?”
Huh? HUH?
You look down at yourself and notice you’ve been wearing.. scrubs? Why the fuck were you wearing scrubs??? You’re not even a doctor? Why did anyone allow you to wear scrubs.
“That was actually me..” A new voice said from near the door. 
It felt familiar.. It was as alluring as Wanda’s voice. Your head shot to the door and saw another equally drop dead gorgeous woman.
Why the fuck are the women in this building so fucking attractive??
“I presumed that princess here wouldn’t take too kindly to waking up strapped to machines in a hospital gown.. I’m Natasha by the way.. Natasha Romanoff” Natasha continued.
You blushed even harder at the nickname. You were still distracted by her beauty when Wanda clapped her hands, startling you ever so slightly.
“It’s settled then” she said with a smirk. “Nat and I will help y/n change into something more comfortable while the boys order in some food for lunch.”
Before you could react Nat nodded her head as Wanda grabbed your hand and led you outside the room.
‘What the fuck is going on.’ You thought as both of the girls held each of your hands and guided you towards what must be the living quarters.
Oh this is going to be a long day…
I hope everyone is enjoying.
Tag List (I really hope I'm doing this correctly, I'm sorry if I haven't):
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koolades-world · 5 months
Behind the Scenes
All it took was the watchful eye of your best man.
“How was yer day?” Mammon took your bag from you as the two of you began the walk home from RAD together.
“Uneventful mostly, but not bad. The fact that you were there during Seductive Speechcraft today was more than enough to turn my day around.” You turn and smile at him.
“What’d ya mean?” He glanced over at you.
"Just a bad day. Having you at my side make it better." You try to deflect.
"What happened?" He reached out to grab your hand, which you took.
"A couple things." You avoid his gaze.
“What’s the matter, darlin’?” Mammon stopped you in your tracks by standing in front of you. He looks right into your eyes, and holds your chin in his hands.
“You’re so caring Mams, but I’m fine. Thanks for asking.” You place a hand on his arm, trying to continue walking. He stops you, holding you close.
"Ya've been havin' bad days for a while now. What's the root? Ya can't hide this from me." You sigh, realize the jig is up.
"There's been this demon at RAD who's been picking on me. Today he stole my Potions homework, shouldered me into my locker, and almost drowned me in the bathroom. Thankfully the professor let me off since I never forget my work at home, but next time I might not be so lucky." You admit.
"He what? Forget the whole homework thing, I'll kill the bastard. Who did this to you? You gotta tell me about this stuff. Where does it hurt? Tell me the truth." Silently, you lift one of your sleeves to reveal the bruise you got from being slammed into the locker and pull down the collar of your uniform reveal the outline of fingers on the back of your neck. You wince at the memory. “What were ya planning to do? Suffer in silence? Mc, I don’t tell ya enough that I love ya.” He cupped your face in his hands, speaking to you gently.
“Usually when this happens, I just use a spell to cover it since I'm not good enough at healing magic yet. I’m sorry. I’m sorry for not telling you and I’m sorry for worrying you, but he…” You trail off, glancing around. “I don’t think I should even be telling you this.” Mammon looks at you, then around the both of you as well.
“Ya know damn well ya can tell me anythin’. Fuck him. If ya want, ya can wait until we get home.” Mammon knew whoever this demon was wouldn’t dare to both you while he was around.
“I want to wait until we get home.” You said. That was the only thing you had been sure about that entire conversation. Mammon, instead of letting you walk, opted to carry you, insisting it was for your own good. You couldn’t shake the feeling of paranoia, that he was somehow listening and that you said too much.
One you both arrived home, Mammon sat you down in the living room and called over everyone that was home. In a matter of minutes, Levi, Satan, and Asmo were gathered around you, concerned at how oddly serious Mammon had approached them. While you sat silently, Mammon explained. You could see the rage blossoming on Satan’s face, and the horror on Levi and Asmo’s.
“Sweetie, why didn’t you tell us sooner?” Asmo cuddled you in a similar way that Mammon did when he found out.
“I was afraid…” You search their faces for their reactions.
“What did he say to you?” Asmo asked.
“He told me he would hurt my family if I told anyone. Not you guys, my human family. I haven’t seen them in so long and I didn’t want anything to happen to them. I really miss them. He said it would be fun to…” You couldn’t continue. A silent tear makes its way down your face. Mammon wiped it away.
“You don’t have to continue.” Asmo pulled you in closer to him.
“What’s his name?” Satan speaks up for the first time. His face was a little red and his eye has begun to tick, but looked eerily calm otherwise. To the untrained eye, it may have looked like he was calming down, but that couldn’t be more wrong.
“Please don’t hurt him.” You begged them.
“Why?” Levi, who had also been silent, nervously asked.
“He must have a reason for acting the way he has been. He probably has a family, and friends. I don’t think he deserves to be hurt, just maybe talked to.” Asmo gripped you hand tighter at your words and swept some hair out of your face.
“We’ll see what we can do, honey.” Asmo exchanged glances with his brothers. “How about this? We take you to Purgatory Hall to spend time with whoever’s there right now while we go talk to Lucifer, Belphie, and Beel.” He asked you.
“Can’t it wait? What if he’s listening?” You pleaded.
“I can assure you if he is out there and dares to act on his threats, I will see to it personally.” Satan’s tick was stronger and more noticeable.
“Anyways, I trust Sol with my life! If there’s anyone I would let look after you, it’s him.” Asmo told you.
“Ok, if you’re really sure. I trust you. Thanks guys. Can I have a hug?” You rose from your stop to be swarmed by the four demons around you. They took care to not hurt you more. You felt safe in the middle of them.
All of them personally went with you to drop you off at Purgatory Hall. Simeon answered the door, and as soon as he took in the scene, his usual smile faded and called for Solomon. Mammon explained the situation, to which they promptly agreed to help. As Asmo transferred you to Simeon, you heard Solomon asking them to save him a piece. It send a sharp shiver down your spine. As soon as the door shut, their facades dropped.
“They never told us his name. Even if it means I have to check every student at RAD, I will. After all, there can only be so many who meet his description.” Asmo chuckled. Satan was still doing his best to hold in his explosive rage until they were far enough from Purgatory Hall.
“Levi, take Satan somewhere to decompress for a while. We’ll reconvene here once we find the others.” Mammon took out his DDD and began making the calls he needed. Asmo also took out his DDD to check as many Devilgram accounts as he could to see if anyone looked particularly guilty.
As soon as Lucifer found out, he practically flew out of the place to meet up with his brothers. It was easy to see the similarities between him and Satan at this point. Belphie and Beel weren’t far behind. It was rare to see them both so agitated. The three of them quickly went in to see you, to see for themselves that you were ok, and to ask for the name of who has been bothering you. After much coaxing, they finally got it. Lucifer made Simeon promise to heal you, and with that, they vanished again. You didn’t know what to think, and hoped they would adhere to their promise.
Once they found him, they didn’t know what to do first. Question him or get straight to what they were there for: to make him pay for what he did. Each of them had their own idea, that they would never dare tell you. While you were safe and sound at Purgatory Hall, the brothers were having the time of their lives. It was a side of them they would never let you see; the side of them that truly reveled in misery and pain.
That demon vanished.
About a week and a half later, he reappeared a changed demon. He apologized for everything he did and remained out of your way from then on. He seemed physically fine, but was a different demon altogether. He was much nicer, and quieter. His friends avoided you like the plague, afraid of something you didn't understand. In fact, after that, everyone treated you like gold if they didn't already. You weren't stupid. You knew the brothers did something but nobody dared tell you. It was a little uncanny as everyone outside your household was pretending nothing had happened in the first place.
But the brothers were kinder, if possible. They kept bringing you small trinkets and gifts, like flowers and anything they thought you would like. They checked up on you more frequently and took you out more frequently. They always made sure you had everything you wanted even if you didn't ask for it. They even arranged for you to see your family in the human world with one accompanying you, although you suspected the others were watching from a distance. It was still chilling to think about what they did to that demon to make them stop so suddenly upon their return, or where they even went, but you settled on never knowing what they did. You just took their gestures at face value and appreciated them for it.
The brothers were glad you were recovering from everything. Anything you refused to tell them, they got out of the perpetrator. Simeon was an amazing healer, and even Lucifer wasn't sure how he brought him back together, mentally and physically. You could never find out.
errrr i don't really like this </3 the concept was more fun but I can't scrap it after how much i put into it
i kinda wanted it more ominous with less words but i think I need more writing practice for that lol
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Hello hello - please feel free to ignore if it's not your jam but I'm in love with future fic rockstar eddie/ non famous steve being sickeningly in love - especially outsiders getting jealous when eddie only has eyes for steve!
I got two rock star Eddie requests in a row so I had to break them up a little. I love the idea of Steve like surviving some of the worst shit to happen and then absolutely not able to deal with the crowd at a concert. He is clearly traumatized by what happened, and has to face his fears a bit, and it doesn't go so well. This could have been kind of a time skip thing, but I decided to make Steve suffer more because I'm suffering and that's just how the world turns. Thank you for this one! - Mickala ❤️
Steve’s favorite part of going on tour with Eddie was being able to watch soundcheck.
Eddie always put on a great show, and Steve watched from the side of the stage as often as he could, but he went to soundcheck because it felt more intimate.
He could stare openly, not hide the fact that he was one hip thrust away from drooling all over the floor.
The guys in the band just rolled their eyes, used to it for the last several years since Steve started coming with them.
They were all perpetually single, hooking up in some cities, but mostly just enjoying the ride as a group.
Steve could admit though, he was hesitant to go to actual shows, and that was the main reason he never missed soundcheck.
About a year ago, Steve was front row at a show, trying his best to just blend in. It was easier that way. But sometimes blending in wasn’t good enough, not for the hardcore groupies.
They recognized him, and while they didn’t know he was Eddie’s boyfriend, they knew he was special to the band in some way. They quickly got too close, much too close for Steve’s comfort, even for general admission at a metal concert. They crowded him.
He really thought they were just being overly friendly, trying to get backstage, tried to just suck it up and deal with it for the remainder of the show.
But then Eddie did his song. The song he wrote for Steve. He always sang to Steve, in the subtlest way he possibly could, which wasn’t very subtle at all.
He looked towards Steve the entire time. He would smile at him, sometimes even find his way to the side of the stage and blow him a kiss. With a crowd around, it would be nearly impossible for anyone to know who he was blowing a kiss to.
But for this particular show, the groupies surrounding him were almost completely blocking his view. If Eddie wasn’t elevated on stage, he wouldn’t have even been able to see the top of his head.
He knew Eddie must have seen him in the group, must have noticed his predicament.
The music stopped. Dead silence in a metal concert was never a good sign.
“Everyone take a step away from the person you’re closest to. Everyone’s pushing too much.”
Some people listened, but not the groupies surrounding Steve.
“If everyone in the front doesn’t take a couple steps back, I leave. Security will clear this place out, and we never come back. Got it?”
Steve felt the groupies to his left start inching away, and hoped the rest would follow.
Eddie was now standing right in front of Steve. He looked concerned, and Steve knew he probably looked a bit panicked.
“Stevie, give me a thumbs up if you’re good.”
Steve wanted to, he wanted the show to go on, and make this just a distant memory of one of his least favorite Corroded Coffin shows.
But the group around him didn’t seem to like the attention on Steve. Not when they wanted attention on them.
Plus, his arms were pretty much glued to his sides from how close everyone was to him, so even if he was feeling okay with the situation, he had no way to put his thumb up.
“Alright, sorry everyone. Some of you can’t listen, now all of you suffer, just like school. I need security to the front, my left now.”
The crowd was pissed, but once Steve was pulled from the crowd by security and set up on the stage, Eddie pulling him backstage, the rest of the guys following, almost as concerned.
Eddie never stopped a show, never canceled one, never postponed one, never gave less than 150% on stage every night. If he was doing this, it was for a good reason.
Once everything was explained, Eddie had security find out who it was near Steve, and make sure they got banned from all of his shows.
But they were long gone, and Steve obviously didn’t know their names, barely could have picked them out of a lineup.
He decided to stop watching shows from anywhere but backstage, and then it became only watching soundcheck.
But he and Eddie kind of loved that, loved having their moments without having to hide.
The guys would roll their eyes and complain, but they didn’t mean it. They were just happy to have some decent food waiting in leftover containers for them when they got back to the buses or hotels because Steve cooked while they performed.
Eddie would run through a few of the songs, always including Steve’s song even though he didn’t have to.
The venue for tonight was smaller than most of the rest of this tour, intended to be that way so they could go back to their “roots” and have a more intimate setting with fans.
Eddie asked if Steve would want to watch this one, maybe hang out by security at the front of the stage.
Initially, he said no. But Eddie seemed disappointed, even though he insisted he understood and he didn’t want Steve to be uncomfortable, and Steve didn’t want him to be disappointed.
So the day of the show, while watching soundcheck from a chair on stage, he yelled, “Got a ticket for me, big boy?”
He could do this for Eddie. It wouldn’t even be that many people in the crowd, and the chances of the same thing happening again were slim to none.
He’d been through worse.
The way Eddie’s face lit up at his words, his excited bouncing causing his guitar to sway around him.
‘I always got a ticket for you, sweetheart.”
One hour before the show, the guys usually ignored visitors, choosing to use their time to get hydrated and snack, sometimes smoke a bit if they weren’t focused right.
Steve was rarely part of this, even he knew this was a band thing he shouldn’t force himself into.
But tonight, Eddie used the hour before the show to make sure he was taken to a good spot by the stage with security, had a water bottle and granola bar so he wouldn’t have to leave.
Since there was no one but security there, Eddie planted a quick kiss to his forehead before walking away.
“Enjoy the show, Stevie!”
“Always do, Eds!”
The crowd started trickling in only a few minutes later, excitedly getting up to the barricade, talking amongst themselves about the set list. A few people were next to him, but there was enough space that he didn’t feel worried.
He relaxed a bit, taking a few sips of water and smiling at the security guard.
As more people came in, they crowded behind him and next to him. He was somewhat pushed further to the side, but he didn’t mind. He wanted fans to get a great experience, and if that meant he only saw some of the stage, he could live with that.
The lights went down, and he felt a few people crowd in closer to him.
It was fine.
Until the guys took the stage, Eddie immediately bouncing over to his microphone stand and starting on the first song.
The crowd moved in more.
It couldn’t be possible that he was being shoved between people, but he was.
The room was closing in, literally, around him, and he had no idea what to do. The security guard was watching the front row closest to the band, not paying attention to the way Steve had been drawn into the crowd.
He took a deep breath.
Then someone yelled in his ear.
“Hey! You’re Steve right? Like, with the band?”
He managed to nod, but he didn’t want to have a conversation. This was a concert, a loud one. It wasn’t really the time to talk.
But the guy didn’t stop.
“Are you like an assistant? Or a tech guy?”
Steve shook his head.
He couldn’t breathe.
“Well, you go to all the shows right? What do you do?”
He wasn’t going to stop. Steve had to leave.
But there were now a few people in front of him, and he was completely surrounded by people having the time of their lives.
He just needed the security guard to look his way, he could signal him, and he’d be out.
“They stopped that show for you before. People kind of hated you for a while.”
Okay, Steve was done. He knew people kind of hated him for a while, he hated himself for a while. Hated that his reaction caused a whole 2500 people to miss out on half of a show they paid for.
But he reminded himself, the same way Eddie had for weeks, that it was Eddie’s call to end the show.
Any fans that wanted to blame Steve, could take their blind idolization somewhere else.
“I was there. Actually, right next to you. I doubt you remember me.”
He got that right, he didn’t remember him.
“I told everyone you and Eddie must have something going on if he’s willing to stop a show for you. No one believed me.”
Steve remained silent, his breath coming in short pants. He could see Eddie singing to a group on the opposite end of the stage.
“But that’s what it is, right? You two are together and he’s so whipped he ended a show because you can’t handle a crowd?”
Steve had to go.
The guy was touching him in most places, half of it out of necessity, but some of it not. His hand was wrapped around Steve’s wrist, much too tight for it to be accidental or just to get him to move.
“Let go,” Steve managed to say, loud enough to be heard, but his voice was shaking.
The guy did let go, but he didn’t give him any space.
“My friend fucked him once you know.”
Steve rolled his eyes.
Eddie had slept with two people before he met Steve, and he didn’t even remember their names. One was a guy at the bar in Indy he frequented, celebrating his 18th birthday in a way he regretted the next morning. The other was a girl, admittedly a test of his sexuality and she probably knew it from the way he fumbled around the entire time.
So whichever one of those people was this guy’s friend, clearly they were telling whatever story got them attention from other fans.
“Good for them,” he said, trying to focus on Eddie.
If he focused on Eddie, he’d be okay.
“Eddie promised to call him and never did. Kind of sucks to be left like that.”
Steve knew that too. That in Eddie’s somewhat drunken stupor, he’d gotten his number and said he would call him, but lost the paper at some point and never went back to the bar.
“Happens to the best of us.”
“Yeah, but not to you apparently.”
Steve started pushing forward, desperate to leave.
Eddie was talking to the crowd now, introducing the guys like he always did after the first two songs.
“You’re not even into this music. Why does he like you?”
Well, that’s certainly a question Steve asked himself often. Couldn’t help it, really.
Eddie, especially now, could have anyone he wanted. Any famous person would probably drop whoever they were currently with to have even a moment of Eddie’s attention.
Steve loved Corroded Coffin’s music, he loved the passion they all put into creating it and performing it, loved listening to Eddie at two in the morning furiously scratching down lyric ideas. He loved hearing some of their influences over the years, even going to some shows for Metallica because he knew it meant a lot to Eddie.
But it’s true he wasn’t a huge fan of this kind of music. He liked pop, he liked stuff you heard on any standard radio station driving down the road. He liked being able to dance along to it when he was cooking.
But that didn’t mean he didn’t belong here just the same as anyone else. He did. Anyone could enjoy this band, just as anyone could enjoy any band, even if it didn’t mesh well with their other interests. That’s regardless of the relationship status between them and the lead singer.
So Steve kept pushing forward, doing his best to get out of the crowd, away from this guy who was much larger than he was.
“Where you going? Can’t handle people knowing you aren’t worth his time?”
Steve’s heart was beating fast, so many sweaty bodies pushing against his on his way to the security guard who looked like he was finally noticing what was going on.
“Can’t believe he wrote a song for someone who doesn’t even watch his shows!”
That one hit Steve in the chest, hard.
This guy was why he couldn’t watch Eddie. He wanted to. He would be at every single show if he could.
But clearly that wasn’t in the cards for him.
He could feel bad about that later.
His focus was entirely on getting backstage for now, ignoring the shouts of everyone he was pushing through.
“Dude, you can’t just push to the front!”
“Who do you think you are?”
“Should’ve been here earlier if you wanted front row!”
Steve’s heart was racing, but he was trying to get to the security guard who was coming towards the barricade.
He reached him, but got shoved hard into the barricade.
The guy from earlier had managed to follow him through the crowd and just pushed him. If there were less people around, he would’ve fallen on his face.
He felt the edge of the barricade dig into his ribs, but it was a minor pain compared to things he’s felt before. He just wanted to go.
He stood up straight, took the biggest breath he could, and let the security guard lift him over the barricade.
Somehow Eddie must have seen it, and he immediately stopped playing.
“What’s going on? Stevie?”
Steve held his thumb up, hoping Eddie would continue and he could sneak out back without causing any more of a scene.
But Eddie must have seen the way Steve was hunched over, holding his rib where he’d been pushed into the barricade.
He was immediately on the edge of the stage, asking the security guard to help lift Steve while he pulled him up.
He was honestly too far into a sudden panic attack to even resist.
Eddie’s hands were on his cheeks as soon as he was sitting on the stage, his wide eyes looking over everywhere. The rest of the guys had all come over to see what was going on.
“Stevie, what happened, sweetheart? Are you hurt? Who did this?” He turned to the guys before Steve could even try to answer. “We’re done. Send everyone home.”
Steve was shaking his head. He didn’t want this to happen again, not because of him.
“People will hate me,” he managed to say.
“What? Sweetheart, no they won’t. You’re hurt.”
“I’m fine. Just let me go backstage.”
Eddie was watching him, trying to figure out if he was faking being okay.
He was, and he knew Eddie would see it, and he would cancel the show, and even more people would hate him.
“We’re done. If people hate you for it, they can hate me too.”
The guys all agreed, because they’re the best, and they know they can’t put on a real show without Eddie anyway.
Steve focused on the way Eddie’s hands felt on his face, his neck, his shoulders. He took a few deep breaths, managing to calm down enough to see the lights come on and the tech guys come out to start breaking down.
“Think you can walk or do you need me to carry you? Where does it hurt, love?”
“I’m okay.”
“That doesn’t answer my questions, sweetheart.”
Oh. Guess not.
“I can walk. It’s just my ribs. Not broken.”
“Who did this?”
Steve knew he could probably still find him in the crowd, had managed to glimpse enough of his clothing and face to point him out if he was still inside.
But it wasn’t worth it.
This would continue to happen. As long as people loved Eddie the way they did, as long as they didn’t like Steve, this would happen.
And Steve was okay with it, he had to be. He knew Eddie would take this harder than he did, maybe even the rest of the guys would too.
“Just a guy. He didn’t like that you never called his friend.”
Eddie’s brows furrowed.
“You remember your 18th birthday?”
“Are you kidding me?”
Steve nodded.
“Fuck them. Seriously, fuck him for seriously thinking a one night stand was gonna go anywhere. Jesus Christ.”
Eddie kissed Steve’s forehead, forgetting that there was still a crowd of disappointed fans, though pretty much everything that had just happened made it pretty clear Steve was his boyfriend.
“Let’s go back to the bus, get on our way home. Wayne’s baking you a cake for the birthday you had to celebrate with us. Said there’s no way the cake we got you was as good as his homemade butter cake.”
“He’s right,” Steve smiled.
This is what it came down to, in the end.
Eddie loved him, loved him enough to come out on stage just to make sure he was okay. Eddie loved him enough to bring him home to his family whenever they could, knew Steve needed to see the kids, see Wayne and Robin whenever possible. Eddie loved him enough to make sure he had a special spot for every soundcheck, sang his song to him every time so he could get his own personal show.
Steve loved him enough to deal with the fans hating him, for some fans to hate them all for supporting Eddie despite the fact that he was queer. Steve loved him enough to let Eddie baby him even though he hated it, especially in front of others. Steve loved him enough to watch every soundcheck like it was a sold out arena show.
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shinjisdone · 11 months
I saw you're doing requests and I do not request often but- Take this if you want?
Yandere! Link (Twilight Princess) (Romantic as I think he's an adult in the game? Sorry if not, been awhile. Platonic works too) with Female! Reader Scenario? (One of my fav games, lol)
Do what you want with it... idk what prompts to ask for :/
If you don't want to do this please tell me! I read the rules and picked something simple :) Take your time! 🐈‍⬛
😳 THE yandere-galore panther taking requests from me? Usually its the other way around haha
Prompts are not a must if you really don't know what you want, though I gotta admit I had to ponder a bit since the request has no specifications. Things are pretty general therefore but I had to add a few things to get creative. This turned out longer since I like to develop Yandereness especially - it's always interesting to see from where the sprout stems from and how it'll grow. Otherwise it feels too forced and sudden to me. Have been following for quite a while, hope you like this!
TW: Yandere behaviour, obsession, long pining, idolization, one-sided feelings, obliviousness, stalking, aggression, blood and killing
Yandere! Twilight Princess! Link Scenario with Female!Reader (Romantic)
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All your good deeds turned into sin, it seems.
Or at least some form of karma, but you didn't know enough about that to truly tell. It was just a gut feeling.
You are nothing but a wandering traveller. Knowledge of self-defense goes without saying, especially since the land of Hyrule turned so hostile over time. According to old legend a calamity is soon to approach, which only makes you yearn for serenity even more.
Ordon village sounds so tempting. Small and humble, the entire village feels nothing like the rest of the outside. The people certainly looked at you weird for deciding to stay here for a while - the most exciting thing to happen after all are raging goats!
Thus you were saved from one by a quick-witted, local fellow seemingly grappling with the animal before it calmed down and he offered you his hand. His light brown hair and deep blue eyes were welcoming and you took the offer.
"Thank you."
He said his name was Link.
»»————-  ————-««»»————-  ————-«
The children weren't as relaxed as the adults though. Even as their parents called out for them to help in the shop or with the goats, all four of them would stick close to you, each jumping to your side as they asked questions upon questions about 'the traveler lady!' The rest of Hyrule wasn't something they'd see or even hear from often. It was deemed as exciting to be able to go to the castle town to deliver some milk.
How is the town? Have you ever crossed that big bridge? Were you ever up at that Death Mountain? Can you catch bigger fish in that giant lake? Have you met the knights, soldiers and their princess?
All of these things were also asked by Link.
He bashfully admitted to being a regular country pumpkin as you sat beside each other by the river, fishing. He managed to please the kids with a promise to play as they finally left you alone. Rubbing the back of his neck, he couldn't hide the excitement on his face nor the stammer in his voice as you told him of your stories.
"The most exciting thing I'll ever do in my life is probably deliver that milk. Can't lie, I am lookin' forward to it..." He chuckled sheepishly. Shaking your head, you offered a smile.
"You should go out of the village more often. You're old enough now, I'm sure you'll grow to like everything you'll see and meet."
You smiled at him. It cheered him up, admittedly. You looking at him like that felt special too, perhaps because you weren't from here and encouraged him to go, even if it meant leaving the village and his goat-herding duties behind for a while.
»»————-  ————-««»»————-  ————-«
If only he never left.
Though for whatever reason that thing called it a lucky coincidence, a deal.
He ran back towards the forest, rushing by the familiar lake where the children went missing. It happened too fast and even though they adored him, looked up to him, he could barely realize what was happening before the world went dark and darker and darker.
His heart pounded against his ribcage, the shadow tailing after him in high speed which only made his panic grow more. How could this have happened? Where is everyone and are they still well?
His pants turned and echoed in a yelp - then a growl. He couldn't control it, it sank into his brain as he saw the glimmer of a blade shooting up this close to his face.
Gritting his teeth, his blue eyes shot up big. Frozen in place he looked up as the weapon was slowly withdrawn.
"...You don't have to be scared."
Link did not notice he was shaking.
Quickly he realized it was you, the 'traveler lady', as you kneeled down and took a good look at him. The young man was confused on how you kept calm as your hands gingerly grazed his fur. Your hands went down to his chained paw and a frown graced your face. "You poor thing. No wonder you are so terrified."
Link was hesitant but could not deny your guess.
Eagerly you tried to remove the chain, even if it did not affect him. Adamently working on it you suceeded even if it costed you time and tools...your gentle hands soothed the irritated skin with your own oilments that you carried.
"It's best if you don't go into the village. The children went missing...and the parents are distraught. You better go home to your own family, little one."
You gave one last pet and smiled as you returned to Ordon Village.
»»————-  ————-««»»————-  ————-«
You thought this would be last time you saw the curious wolf. Yet here he is, having trouble as he carried a wooden shield and hauling it through the dark. As the villagers investigated the strange sounds coming from him, you were quick to distract them. Swiftly hiding him behind a house, you ducked him down.
You ask him what he is doing here, take away the shield - which he fights against almost pleadingly - and shush him from the worried parents.
"Everyone's drowning in worry." You pet him up and down, whispering, "...I really hoped I could stay here for a while, get away from all this chaos outside. But even such a sweet village like this one gets attacked...kidnapping kids...and the Link fella is gone, too..." You trail off but try to smile as the wolf whimpers. Inhaling deeply and forcing a grin you drown him in pats and cuddles. "But don't worry...! I promised them to get the children back! I don't know where they are or where to start...but I'll get them back. I swear, Wolfie!" You laughed as you petted him more, which only made the animal grin. He had long sat down and listenend to your words.
Link was unsure if you were even real when he first saw you that night. The twilight blinded him as that Midna thing mockingly told him of the possible fate of his friends. The people, the spirits - they all whimpered as his sight, smell, touch and hearing changed. All that he knew was different and he might never turn back into the real Link.
You, this new and mysterious woman, were the only thing that seemed real to him. The blade you shoved into his snout, the paw you healed and your hands that combed through his fur - all of this were the only things that felt warm and familiar in this twilight. He hoped you'd be fine. If only he could turn back to his real self and help you. He'd feel better if he had you as a companion and not that shadow imp.
»»————-  ————-««»»————-  ————-«
Lake Hylia is grand, Death Mountain steep, and the castle town empty. It's strange to think that he is right here, seeing all the things you saw and encouraged him to. Though the circumstances turned out to be much more meaningful than a simple country pumpkin such as him could have ever imagined.
Midna was right, Hyrule is so close to its doom. All he wanted was to get back to the children and maybe meet you again as you were looking for them too. Though still as a wolf you left for your quest. And now here he is at Kakariko Village. Here to save the kids but to also have to climb Death Mountain first. It's what he as a 'chosen hero' has to do.
Still, he ignored Midna's request as his blue eyes wandered the dry and sandy place. Link found the children quickly and as they pointed to the an opening door, his face lit up. A familiar woman stepped out and he could see you squint your eyes in confusion while he ran up to you. Holding firmly on your arms you were first startled before the young man explained himself.
"Link? Oh, Link! I didn't recognize you, you're so green now!" You pointed out and he couldn't help but laugh. He told you of what happened and what he had to do.
"Are you sure you must? You went missing too, I mean you must be as confused as the kids. You don't have to force yourself if you were hurt as well." There was your concern again, the same one on that night. Even as he assured you, you offered to help but both of you decided that you stay with the children...even if he would have loved to have your company and spend some time together. He was sure you would be of great help and support.
"Well, Death Mountain is hot and dangerous but if you made it so far, you'll be fine. Might as well finally get to see it." You chuckled sheepishly, trying to lift the mood.
»»————-  ————-««»»————-  ————-«
He thought he'd be free from his curse already, the spirit said so. Promised him so but here he is back on all four paws with Midna dying on his back. His pants grew rapid, panicking as the shadow imp almost fell off when he acted to quickly and too carelessly.
What to do? Where to go? Midna is dying...and he is just some animal again! Stuck in this lake, in this desert! The night grows darker and the people more hollow. With a pounding heart he tried to sneak out of the Kakariko's cave first -
If it weren't for you again.
You knelt down to him as he anxiously turned his snout to his back. Carefully you took Midna, for who you mistook for some kind of baby. As you nervously tried to make sense of the situation, the wolf jumped at you, his eyes wide and bright with his paws on your shoulders as he barked and barked and barked. Please, please, please, do something as you did in Ordon. You have to, you must.
Link is useless like this.
"...Hey," Gingerly you cupped his cheek and wondered how a wolf could be getting misty-eyed. You wiped the fresh tears away. "Wolfie, Wolfie..." Whispering you lean his head against yours and onto your shoulder. You shush him as Midna lays on your lap, caressing his back as he ceased to shake. "You poor thing." Again, you said that again. Adjusting the creature on your lap, you wrapped your arms around the animal and nuzzled his fur. Your lips met his cheek and lingered there as you whispered; "You'll be fine. Everything's gonna be fine again, I promise you."
Link felt like crying again. You were the only one.
»»————-  ————-««»»————-  ————-«
Again, you were the only thing that seemed real as his existance as a wild animal.
Midna was the only one to talk to and her personality and motivation left a lot to be desired. She proved her heart was noble but that wouldn't deter her from her jabs. Link could only show his unrest through growls and yips, which she only brushed off with a roll of her eye and taps to his back to hurry up instead.
Even as he ran through the swamps and forest, the dead castle town and plateus, he could often sniff you from afar. Often you found yourself meeting up with the mysterious wolf and it was delightful after he got better. It was even more delightful for Link.
Whatever happened to the 'baby' was left as an enigma to you.
With a groan Midna would retreat into his shadow, mumbling how much time they are wasting again on his little, favorite human, as the wolf appraoched you with a wagging tail. Small recaps of your own adventures and a round of pats were always included.
You could be focused on a task at hand, fight off against monsters or ride through the meadow but the moment you noticed him you'd turn around and your lovely face would lit up. 'Wolfie!' You'd yell out and Link has grown to love no word more than this one. It felt a bit demeaning at the beginning but that just meant you always liked him from the start, right?
Liked him even while he is stuck in this hideous form. He didn't know how long he'd be stuck in there and if he will ever get his human form back, no matter how much Midna promised him, but at least, at least you were here. This wonderful woman with a smile that could rival the sun.
"You be careul on your way now, okay, Wolfie?" You chuckle as he barked in response, turned in a circle and jumped up on you again. His snout searched for your lips.
»»————-  ————-««»»————-  ————-«
You inhaled deeply. This must be...the third time now, if you aren't mistaken.
Castle town seemed dimmer and more hollow the last time you were here and while it was a firm reminder of how much you wanted to leave in the first place, something more sinister has entered this place recently and you can't shake it off. The town square is brimming with a hopeless crowd but you reckon you always hear a cheerful voice calling out to you. Often you find yourself turning around and seeing the image of a hand waving as green ghosts around and between the merchants. The calls seem to drown between the mumbles and even the bar, the one place still full of superficial but pleasant talks felt suffocating. As if entering the wide space was walking into a pair of arms squeezing you from both sides.
The woman behind the counter often raised her brow when you entered until one day she finally spoke up. Apparently somebody's been looking for their good friend, a beautiful gal and you fit the regular's description perfectly. From head to toe. With a worried tone that you couldn't hide, you told the barkeeper that you travel alone.
»»————-  ————-««»»————-  ————-«
Castle town became too asphyxiating, your gut feeling telling you to escape in a hurry to Kakariko village, to familiar faces. You still owed the Ordon elders the promise of returning their children unharmed, after all.
And so you did, pushing Colin out of the way and losing sight of the world as a monstrous goblin took ahold of you with the last thing you heard being aggressive galloping and your name screamed out.
Eyes shot awake as you tumbled to the ground, rolling away from the Elden bridge, coughing. Your arms were too weak as you shakily tried to sit up - the rest of the world blurry and dipped in twilight as more screams echoed about. Squinting, you turned around to see something akin to a giant boar falling down right after Link pulled his sword out of its abdomen. With a squishing sound the blinding blade was torn out of it, creating a bigger hole in its flesh. The cry was cut short as it fell to the ground and a pool of blood quickly tainted the rest of its body.
You let out a gasp and at the slightest sound, Link's ear twitched and he swiftly turned around, his face immediately morphing from a glare to a grin. Swinging the blood off his weapon, he rushed over to you and putting his sword back. He unwittingly created a small trail of blood after him. His bloodied arms shot out for you, supporting you as he sat you up. The young man started talking and gushing while you stared up at him, helplessly leaning on him while still beside yourself.
"...Link...?" "You're safe now." He instantly countered with a smile that was meant to reassure you. You swore his eyes were cold as he gave the final blow but now they are the softest you've ever seen. "I saw what you did, you saved Colin. That was so...amazing of you but you gave me a heart attack." Finally, you were able to slowly go back to your senses. "What? You weren't there..."
"Didn't you hear me call you?" You blinked and again, asked him what he meant. 'At Castle town', he grinned and said he saw you. You didn't hear him though. And when he arrived at Kakariko also you did not hear him.
"W-What...?" You let out but were shushed as your head was put on his shoulder. Closing his eyes as he combed through your hair and pressed you further into his body. "You'll be fine. Everything's gonna be fine again, I promise you." He shushed you again as you attempted to speak up and just nuzzled you.
It felt good to repay a favor, be the one who saved you this time. It felt just as good, if not a bit different, to have you in his arms, with him being your hero.
Not the other way around. Though he does not mind that.
»»————-  ————-««»»————-  ————-«
Colin's face soured as you explained yourself.
How could he not? A child that you promised to bring home watching you leave for an 'extended period of time' leaving all of Eldin to go to Ranelle. Far, far away.
The little tent you built yourself in the corner of Lake Hylia should be safe and hidden enough. Close enough for fish and far away from monsters. Yet just as you were about to lay down, you heard unusual bickering and turned around, only to once again meet green.
Letting out a yelp, you dropped your weapon in shock only for Link to bring his finger to his lips and shush you. He pointed to himself again and again that he was indeed Link. "What are you doing here?" You manage to let out as you calmed down, "I have to be here." He answered quickly yet you doubted that. "Why are you here? You just left and," He licked his lips, "I was worried about you!" He took a step closer before you could reply.
"It's dangerous to be alone out here. Especially for you, yer..." He couldn't help the grin, "You...you're a beautiful gal and it's best if you aren't alone...say, since we both are here, why don't we stick together? You offered me your help once and I always would have loved to have you with me for a bit..."
"How did you find me?" You took a step back and eyed your weapon on the ground. Link only looked confused. "I...saw you here on the way to the lake. It's easy to spot you." He chuckled sheepishly but you only shook your head and crossed your arms. "...No, thank you. I came here to...relax a bit. The recent events were...frightening."
"I can imagine," Once again his blue eyes softened and he neared you again, putting a hand on your cheek. He missed the way you twitched. "None of this is your responsibilty...yet you choose to help anyway. You're kind...and sweet as honey. That's so amazing of you." Link almost seemed mesmerized as his eyes narrowed. "But you'll have me...I can look out for you, I can protect you-"
"I won't go." You take his hand off your cheek and distance yourself again, finally having the courage to glare at him - in turn, he only looked more confused. "But why? You love Wolfie but when it comes to me, you vanish. Are you shyer around a human than an animal?" He tried to laugh it off even as he saw your face morphing into shock. Quickly you ask him with a stammering voice how he knows that but he seems to ignore it. "I am no different...you saved me a dozens of times! And I," He hesitates but lets it all go as he takes ahold of your shoulders, "I...I think I fancy you and I have been waitin' for so long to at least spend time with you! The only other times we see each other is when you don't understand me, when I'm just some wild beast!"
"But even then you seem like the only one who understood me, the only real one between all these ghosts! So, as payback, at least let me protect you...let me help you. We could be doin' this together."
Link wastes no time to shove you into his chest, into an embrace. He nuzzles your head and his lips met your temple. "I'll defeat the darkness and then we can see the rest of the world together, okay?"
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Comfort Part 3: Astarion
If you haven't read part 1 and 2, you don't have to to read this one. This is part of a group of indulgent fics for wholesome hurt/comfort moments that I think other people could use as much as I did. 1 and 2 feature Wyll and Gale respectively, if you're interested.
This one is set around act 2, but doesn't include spoilers, really. It's right before Astarion's second scene, abouts.
Anyway, enjoy, and if you like this fic, please give it a reblog so other people can see and read it as well💖
You can't seem to stay asleep.
You toss and turn, but nothing seems to be comfortable enough.
Maybe there's a rock underneath the tent floor, or a bit too much lumpy ground, or maybe your pillow isn't in the right position.
Either way, sleep evades your grasp, like a teasing lover just out of reach.
Eventually, you give up. Your mind swirls with thoughts, tomorrow's problems crowding in and shouting in your ears.
They're impossible to ignore.
There is, however, someone who can distract you.
Finding Astarion is surprisingly easy. You catch him right as he's about to enter his tent, his cheeks almost flushed with the recent satiation of his hunger.
He smirks as you approach, his body loose and languid. “If you were going to offer a nibble, darling, I'm afraid I've already had my dinner. Slim pickings, but I've made do.” That expression fades as you get closer. “You seem troubled, lover.”
He pretends not to care, for the most part. Here in the privacy afforded to you two by the night, however, the worry snakes its way through his artful mask, and in return, it eases you slightly.
You sigh and smile at him. “Any chance you'd be willing to help me forget them?”
Something flickers across his expression. He's been doing it for a while now, the further you get into the shadowlands.
He'll tell you when he's ready, you know. Pushing Astarion tends to make him snap and withdraw.
Instead, you wait, and he rewards you by opening his tent flap. “Well, since you insist,” he sighs. He gestures for you to go inside.
And for a while, you're distracted. Despite his noting his lack of hunger, he still sinks his teeth in, and the pain mixed with pleasure clouds your mind.
It is almost enough.
More and more, lately, he stays afterward. Especially considering this is his tent, but he doesn't encourage you to leave.
Instead, he studies that creepy tome of his as you catch your breath by his side.
It's quiet in the night, the only sound is his turning of the page.
Eventually, however, he huffs and puts it aside.
“Alright, enough of this. Speak to me. What is plaguing you so? Usually you're asleep by now. Not that your company is entirely unsavory, but you should…talk about it.” He pushes the words out, and you look up at him in surprise. He's bare, pale skin out on display, but he looks at you intently. He doesn't waver.
“I…” You close your eyes, if only to find some reprieve from his gaze. It's hard for you to focus under the full weight of his attention.
“I can't sleep. I can't stop thinking about what's ahead. Our tadpoles. The next step. Everything feels like it's an uphill battle from here.”
He's quiet, and you open your eyes to look up at him.
Astarion is no longer looking at you, but out into the distance, deep in thought.
“Neither can I,” he admits softly. “I don't think any of us can, darling. We're all running from our own demons, some of us more literally than others. I mean, have you seen Wyll? That woman won't leave him alone!”
He smirks a little as you snort, a smile reluctantly tugging onto your face.
“There you are,” he murmurs. He leans in towards you, hesitating for just a second before cupping your face. “If I must be the voice of reason, remember this. You-” he chokes for a second, his words stuttering, before he forces himself to continue. “You are not alone. You're not.” The words seem to be as much for him as they are for you. “Everything is bad right now, and we could turn into mind flayers at any second. Or, heavens forbid, Cazador could show up at our doorstep and wipe us all out in an instant. But right now, here, you are not alone. Gale would probably have something more eloquent and long-winded to say, probably nattering on about Mystra and the Weave for an hour or two, but fortunately, darling, you've got me.
He moves his hand to your chin, tilting it up so you're forced to meet his crimson gaze.
“Remember that. Tomorrow will most likely be hard, and who knows what will happen. But tonight, you get the privilege of sleeping in my tent, and I'll watch over you. So rest for a bit, and remember that tonight, you are safe and in good company. Alright?”
You nod, and his expression softens minutely.
He leans down, and steals a kiss.
It surprises you, in its mundane nature. It's clear he doesn't expect any reciprocation, and even seems a little startled himself.
It is the first kiss he's offered without reason, and in that moment, you realize that something has shifted between you two.
There's a relaxed intimacy that wasn't there before.
He huffs and looks away. “Anyway, go to sleep. We've got another long day of walking about in the mud, and you still need rest, so you should do so.”
You smile as you settle down to sleep, curled up against his side.
As your eyes close, a cool hand gently begins to stroke your hair.
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hybeboyenthusisast · 9 months
Better Than You / psh
post dividers by @cafekitsune
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"Why do you act like you're better than me?" "Because I am better than you."
pairing: park sunghoon x afab!reader
genre: ice skater au, rivals to lovers, car sex
rating: 18+
warnings: oral (m and f receiving, m and f giving), penetrative sex, unprotected sex, sunghoon is kinda an ass but it gets sorted, also hoon is pervy, marking, biting, public in private sex, car sex, their coach is the driver, both yn and Hoon are pervs, nicknames, innocence and corruption kink, degradation,cum eating, probably more that i cant think of (let me know if i need to add anything!)
permanent taglist (open): @junnmizz @ashxxgyu​ @igotkpoops​ @xiaoderrrr​ @alyssajavenss @mintxts @fanfangying1304 <3
wc: 4.7k (the longest I've written!)
if you like what you read, please consider leaving a comment and/or reblogging! it helps so much!
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You stood up from your crouched position, your choreography for your next competition slowly being perfected the more you practiced it. Your coach cheered you on as the speakers cut out, the upbeat song coming to its end. You skated over to the exit to the ice rink, grinning at your coach as she applauded you wholeheartedly.
"You get better each time! It already looks so good," Coach Lee grinned at you, patting your back gently as you stepped off of the ice and back on the rink's normal flooring. You smiled, your chest puffing out a bit with pride after hearing your coach's compliments.
You could basically hear the eye roll Park Sunghoon did, or maybe it was just because of his very audible scoff. Your self-proclaimed rival on the ice, and the biggest pain in your ass. Despite having been training under the same coach for years, the two of you never could seem to get along.
You blamed it on him, though. He was stuck-up and snooty, and always made these little comments to undermine your progress and accomplishments. He must have thought he was perfect; maybe because you didn't point out his mistakes like he did to you. It was true that he had more experience, having trained for two years before you, but you had enough natural talent (as your coach said) that you were on the same skill level as Sunghoon within a single year.
"Hi, Hoonie." you cooed, knowing no matter what you said, it would piss the tall man off. Might as well have fun with it.
"Yn," he greeted you curtly, ushering you out of the way so he could have his turn on the ice. Your coach was used to your bickering, and had long given up on trying to make the two of you friends. "Move, damn it, you're so slow."
"I'm not slow! I just don't wanna move for you," you rolled your eyes at Sunghoon, leaning on the railing of the entrance in such a manner that kept your body blocking it entirely.
Sunghoon made a grumbling sound, perhaps he had even said something, but you weren't paying attention, and frankly, you didn't really care. "Yn sweetie, Sunghoon needs to practice today, too," Coach Lee gently coaxed you to ease up and move out of the way. She gave you a small smile and said her goodbyes before scurrying off to the bleachers, where she could get a proper view of Sunghoon while he practiced.
You slowly made your way to the bench where your stuff sat, grateful that today the ice rink was closed to the public. Nobody would be there to touch your stuff or steal anything, unless Sunghoon decided one day to become even more of an ass.
You sat down with a heavy sigh, your mind finally resting after being so caught up in the thoughts of your choreography. 'Okay, arms must be gentle, core must be tight- don't spin too fast.' 'You're a bird, flying, act like it.' You hadn't been able to just figure skate for fun in so long, but you had a serious training schedule and couldn't afford to play around and injure yourself.
No matter how much you disliked Sunghoon, you had to admit he had a good taste in music. His chosen song for his choreography for the next competition was actually one of your favorite songs, and you always found yourself humming along while he was practicing and you were getting ready to leave for the day. You hated to admit it, too, but he was very talented and moved so smoothly on the ice. You deeply admired his dedication and how good he has become over the years, but you would never tell him this.
Perhaps if he didn't spend nearly every moment making your life just a little bit more miserable, you would, but, alas. With the next competition rapidly approaching, you were dreading having to spend the 3 hour drive stuck in your coach's van with him. Most competitions the two of you participated in were more local, but as you were getting better and better, you began to compete in more popular events; which meant traveling.
Your coach always drove the pair of you to these farther away competitions, but it was never more than an hour, until now. Sunghoon always made those hour drives feel like hell, and you knew it would just be even worse with these longer drives. As if you weren't nervous enough before competitions, Sunghoon always managed to say something that made you doubt yourself; with an increased time frame to do this in, you were honestly very worried how he would affect your confidence and ability to perform.
You just had to ignore him.
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Time flew by way too fast, and before you knew it, the day of the competition had arrived, and your coach was helping you load your gear into the back of the van. Sunghoon was already in the van, not bothering to help, of course. You would have refused his help, anyway. He'd probably find a way to break your skates or rip your costume.
"Are you nervous?" Your coach asked you, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. You shrugged, not wanting to be too obvious, but yes, you were very nervous. You didn't feel like you had practiced enough, and you could already hear Sunghoon telling you that and telling you that you'll do terribly.
"I can do this," you responded, trying to convince not only her, but yourself. Your lips quirked up in a smile, moving to the side of the van and opening the door. Sunghoon sat, leaning back and already comfortable. He didn't even spare you a glance as you sat down next to him.
"Good morning, Sunghoon," you cheerily grinned, hoping a faux happy mood would turn into a real one. Sunghoon merely grunted in response, too engrossed in playing a game on his phone.
With any luck, this car ride would be quiet, and his stupid game would keep him entertained.
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He was entertained, but not by a game on his phone like he pretended. You were wearing a skirt that showed off your thighs, and his eyes kept drifting over to them. You were too busy staring out the window, listening to music, to even notice his constant glances. Your skin looked so soft, so plush, and he just wanted to spread your legs and bite into your sensitive flesh.
It wasn't always like this; he genuinely disliked you for three years, until one day.... he didn't. He didn't even know when it had happened, but one day he was wishing you would quit ice skating, and the next, he was captivated by you as you skated around on the ice. Your choreographies were never sexy or sensual by any means...but he found himself so turned on when he watched you.
You looked so innocent, so pure, skating around and using your body to tell a story of hope and longing. Your face was always so soft when you were skating, contrasting the hard expressions you always wore when you were around him. He wanted to see you smile at him for once, but he couldn't bring himself to be nice to you. Even though you were his junior, you were so talented and expressive, always doing an excellent job of getting the story behind your choreography across. He refused to believe you were just as good as him, if not better, and so he continued acting like he always had.
He was just waiting for the day you realized you wanted him too- and hoped you would make the first move. He had always been so mean to you, there was no way you'd take him seriously if he asked you on a date or made a move. So he watched you from afar, mostly. It was always exciting being in close proximity to you, even when you had a scowl on your face because of him, but he loved watching you skate. He had secretly recorded videos of you practicing, watching them late at night when he jerked himself off and called out your name.
Sunghoon had done that last night, actually, and this morning before his coach had picked him up. This was a very, very bad mistake. The goal was to get all his horniness and desire for you out of his system, so he wouldn't lose his mind or go feral upon spending so many hours sitting next to you in a moving vehicle where you couldn't escape.
But he kept thinking about how the van had one of those panels separating the driver and the passengers, which your coach always used to give you both your space to mentally prepare for the competitions (really, it was so she wouldn't hear the arguing). If he started touching himself right there in the van, his coach wouldn't know, and you might not even notice.
Oh god, he was such a pervert.
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You were minding your own business, letting your mind wander as you zoned out, staring out the window as the van drove along. You nodded along to the beat of the music you were listening to, not giving any attention or care as to what Sunghoon was doing.
Until there was a lull between a song ending and a song starting, and you heard him moan. At first you had no idea what to make of it; maybe you were just hearing things? Maybe he was watching a movie and the characters were having sex, and it was so loud you could hear it through both your headphones and his? You unlocked your phone, pausing your music.
You still weren't sure what was happening, but you could definitely hear heavy panting and quiet groaning. What if he was sick, and you did nothing to help him? Maybe you shouldn't have cared, given how he treated you, but you did. You turned to face Sunghoon and your jaw dropped.
His eyes were closed, thankfully, so he couldn't see you as you stared at him. His pants were pushed down his thighs, his boxers with them, and his hard cock was in his hand. He was jerking off, right next to you.
Your thighs unconsciously rubbed together, searching for some friction as you found yourself getting wet, watching your rival masturbate. Any normal person would freak out, call the cops maybe, do something other than what you did. But of course, you being you, instead undid your seatbelt and sank to your knees in front of Sunghoon.
Your movements must have scared the crap out of Sunghoon, as his eyes flew open and he immediately went to pull his pants back on, his cheeks blushing a deep red. You placed your hands on top of his, stopping him from redressing. Your face was crimson, too, as you stared up at him from the floor of the van.
Sunghoon froze as he stared at you, watching; waiting to see what you were up to. His eyes fluttered shut and a groan left his plush lips as you took his cock in your hands and playfully licked his red mushroom tip. The salty taste of precum made you moan, setting Sunghoon off again with another groan. He threw his head back as you slowly began to suckle on his dick, your mouth opening to take more and more of him.
Your tongue ran along his veins, enjoying how he tried to keep from fucking up into your mouth. His hands wound through your hair, pulling you down on his cock, as far as you could go. You breathed through your nose, squeezing your thumb into your palm to calm your gag reflex. You gazed up at Sunghoon as your nose brushed against his pelvis, your hands on his thighs, his cock poking at the back of your throat.
He was going wild the second you started bobbing your head and sucking on him. Your eyes sparkled in the sunlight that came through the windows, staring up at him with the most innocent expression while you were doing something so dirty. He thought you looked so sexy, sinful and pure all at once.
You just thought he looked hot as hell, strands of his black hair falling over his eyes, but you could still clearly see how much he was enjoying this. His hands massaged your scalp, helping you as you bobbed up and down along his aching cock. He was resisting the urge to just let go and fuck your throat, but he was so scared to take control; he thought it was a miracle you were even sucking him off in the first place.
As your eyes connected with his as saliva escaped your lips, creating a wet mess, you gave him a slight nod; you knew what he wanted. He was still hesitant at first, eyes widening as he realized you had stopped you movements and were pushing on his hands in your hand, trying to get him to take over. Your mouth full of his cock, saliva getting everywhere, he wouldn't even mind if he had died and this was his heaven.
He gently thrusted up into your mouth, eyes watching you carefully as you gagged around his length. You showed no signs of wanting him to stop though, so he began thrusting more, and more. You were moaning around his cock, gagging every so often, tears streaming down your cheeks as he began fucking your throat roughly.
His hands were pulling on your hair; not pulling you off, but pulling to keep you under his control. He loved seeing you like this; totally at his mercy as he ruthlessly fucked up into your mouth. The messier you got with every thrust, the better you looked, and the closer he was to cumming. You were sure you were literally dripping onto your thighs, your panties soaked as you let your rival fuck your mouth.
"Shit-" Sunghoon panted, his voice deep. "You take my cock so well, hm? Fuck princess, I'm gonna cum. You gonna be a good girl and swallow it all?" He gently pinched your cheek, cooing at you as you looked up at him with wide eyes.
With sloppier thrusts, he did exactly what he had promised; soon he was cumming, holding your head still, your nose pressed against his pelvis as he came in ropey spurts down your throat and in your mouth. He was muttering praises to you, pushing your hair out of your face and wiping away your tears as he pulled his now-soft dick from your mouth.
Your jaw was aching so much, but you found even the pain was enjoyable; as long as he kept looking at you like this. You wanted to hear more praises from him, swallowing his load, using your fingers to wipe up any cum that had escaped. Opening your mouth, you sat up on your knees and poked your tongue out so he could see you really did swallow it all.
His hands were gently as he pulled you up, so you were sitting on his lap, his lips connecting with yours. You moaned at how soft his lips were, pressing yourself into him, trying to taste as much of him as you could. He moaned into your mouth as your tongues fought against each other for dominance, tasting the remnants of his salty release in your mouth. You didn't want to pull away from his addictive kiss, but you did need to breathe.
And thank god you did. It was when you pulled away for air, that you noticed the van was driving off the highway to pull into a rest stop.
Scrambling off of Sunghoon, you helped him pull up his pants. You would just die from embarrassment if your coach discovered what the two of you had just done in her van while she was driving it. You situated yourself back in your chair, wiping at your face to try to remove any remaining evidence of your sinning. Sunghoon was fixing himself as well, sending you a smirk as the two of you locked eyes.
"I'm not done with you."
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"You are such an asshole, Sunghoon!" You yelled at him from across the room.
Hours later, you were at the competition location, trying to hype yourself up before your performance. Just like you predicted he would do, here he was, ruining it for you.
It had just been a 'casual comment' that 'didn't mean anything', but you were just so tired of hearing him say such negative things to you, especially after you let him fuck your throat earlier.
The two of you stood in one of the hallways leading to the changing rooms, arguing over how he spoke to you. You really thought that after your steamy interaction earlier in the van, he would treat you differently; but, no. He was the same asshole he always was.
He wasn't even responding to you anymore as you were yelling at him, just staring at you with a blank expression.
"Why do you act like you're better than me?" You asked him, crossing your arms across your chest, trying to look tougher than you really felt.
He smirked at you (this bitch...) and merely responded, "Because I am better than you."
You knew he though this, but actually hearing him say it felt like a knife to the heart. Turning away from him quickly, hoping he didn't see as tears began to well up in your eyes, you hurried down the hallway, desperate to get away from him. His smirk dropped as he watched you run away, his heart dropping along with it.
He had never seen you cry, never seen you run away. You always took his comments in stride, seemingly never letting his words affect you. He didn't even think before he ran after you, following you outside the building to the parking lot. His heart dropped even more as he spotted you sitting on the pavement, leaning against your coach's van. Your arms were wrapped around your knees, your face pressed into your legs. Your body was shaking; you were crying.
You were crying because of him. Despite all his pride, everything he felt that propelled him to act so nasty towards you, he never wanted to be the reason you were crying.
"Yn," he said your name softly, crouching down next to you. He frowned at the sound of your sniffles and heavy breathing, moving to sit next to you and wrap his arms around you. "I'm sorry. It's not true, I'm not better than you. I'm so sorry," he whispered to you, resting his head against yours.
At his words you lifted your head, swollen red eyes locking with his. "Why are so you mean to me, Sunghoon?"
What a damn good question. He hesitated before he answered, knowing he could no longer hide behind his pretend ego to hide his own insecurities.
Sunghoon sighed, giving your body a gentle squeeze. "I'm so jealous of you. You're so naturally talented, and so expressive on the ice. You started training after I did, and you caught up with me so fast. I guess it just made me feel insecure about my abilities."
"I never intentionally did anything to make you feel that way, but you have gone out of your way to make me feel like I'm a failure, that I can't succeed no matter how hard I try," you whispered, fresh tears falling down your red cheeks. Sunghoon moved to wipe them away, and you let him, your eyes holding his captive. "I have wanted to quit so many times, just because of you."
Sunghoon's eyes widened at your revelation, one hand cupping your cheek, pulling you into him. He rested his forehead against yours, whispering his apologies. "My behavior has been awful, and there is no excuse for it. You do not deserve to be treated the way I have treated you. I'm so sorry, yn, for not treating you with respect and with love."
"L-love?" You stuttered, pulling back in surprise.
Instead of responding, Sunghoon leaned forward and pressed his lips against yours so gently that you weren't sure he was kissing you at first. Maybe you should have pulled away and slapped him, but you couldn't bare to break apart from him. Your lips danced against his hungrily, wanting to be as close to him as possible.
Sunghoon's lips never left your own as he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you up so you were standing with him. He pressed you against the door of the van, one hand cupping the back of your neck to pull you into him, the other searching for the door handle. He held onto you to keep you from falling as he pulled the door open, sliding it along before nudging you inside.
As soon as the door was closed behind you, Sunghoon had you pinned on the backseat of the van, his weight pressing into you as you laid down. You tugged at his shirt, helping him take it off as he pulled from the kiss. He shivered as you ran your hands over his toned chest, pulling him in for another searing kiss.
Screw air, you just needed more of him. In between kisses, more and more clothing was removed, until the both of you were bare. Sunghoon's heated kisses traveled down your neck as he pinned your wrists above your head. His lips found one of your pebbled nipples, suckling on it and running his tongue over it, doing his best to pay attention to what made you moan the loudest.
Your hands wound in his hair, pressing him into your chest as he switched to suck at your other nipple, his other hand going to massage your breast. "Fuck, Sunghoon, I need more, please," you whined, rutting your hips upwards, trying to find any source of friction.
"I never imagined you would be this dirty," Sunghoon chuckled, pressing a kiss to your stomach and making his way down, leaving a trail of wet kisses and marks as he found his way between your thighs. "You always look so innocent when you're skating, so pure. I've thought about what it would be like to ruin you, but you're already a pretty dirty girl, hm?"
You moaned as Sunghoon held your thighs apart, leaning in to nudge his nose against your clit, inhaling your scent. He peppered kisses along the insides of your thighs, always getting so close to where you needed him the most, but always skipping right over it.
"Answer me, pretty. You're a dirty girl, aren't you?" Sunghoon's hot breath fanned against your dripping pussy, so close yet so far.
You nodded, your hands holding onto the seat underneath you for dear life. "Y-yes, Hoon! I'm a dirty girl!"
He smirked against your skin, "You're my dirty little angel."
Your hands flew to his hair as he pressed a kiss against your clit, two of his fingers swiping at your wet folds. You moaned out as they entered you, falling into a fast pace instantly. His tongue swirled around your clit, sucking every now and then, doing his best to coax an orgasm out of you. As your moans got louder and louder, he was groaning against you, rutting into the seat underneath him.
You tasted so sweet, he could just eat you forever. He would, actually, if you let him. The sounds he coaxed out of you were just as sweet, something he hoped he would get to hear over and over again for many years to come. Now that he had a taste of you, he wasn't letting you go.
"Hoon, baby, I'm gonna cum," you whimpered, grinding your hips into his face. Hearing your words, he doubled down on his efforts, quickly bringing you to your peak. He groaned against you as you came, his tongue dipping down to your folds to lap up every drop of your essence that you blessed him with. You were shaking, coming down from your high, just barely registering the sound of Sunghoon slurping your cum off of his fingers. "P-please, Hoon, fuck me," you whimpered.
He didn't need to be told twice. The two of you let out loud moans as he thrusted into you, your tight walls squeezing his thick cock so well. He was definitely the biggest person you had been with, and you were loving how well he stretched you out. His lips found yours, gentle as his thrusts turned to a brutal pace.
He was already so on edge from eating you out, he was worried he wouldn't be able to last long with how tight you were squeezing him. He was determined to get you to cum on his cock before he came, thrusts beginning to alternate between a fast and rough pace to a slow and gentle one.
You scrapped your nails down his back, so lost in the pleasure that he was giving you. You were still so sensitive from your first orgasm, and you found yourself getting much closer to your climax with how well Sunghoon was fucking you.
"Baby I'm not gonna last long if you keep squeezing me like this," Sunghoon grunted, hips snapping up into you, reveling in the way your body was starting to shake. His hands roamed the expanse of your body; fingers gliding along your soft skin, twirling your nipples in his fingers, holding you with a bruising grip.
You moaned as he bit down on your shoulder, easing the pain by licking it over and kissing it. He repeated this action up and down your shoulder, leaving a trail of marks everywhere his lips touched. With one bite on your collar bone and his fingers toying with your clit, you screamed as you came around Sunghoon so fast that you couldn't even warn him.
Your orgasm triggered his own, your walls clenching so tight around him that you were basically milking him. His seed painted your insides white, his hips thrusting into yours as he rode out both your high and his. He collapsed on top of you, careful not to put his full weight on you. The only sounds in the van were yours and his heavy breathing.
Your skin was sticky with sweat, making the two of you rub against each other in an almost uncomfortable manner, so Sunghoon pulled out and rolled off of you. He sat on the floor, gazing up at you as you whined at the loss of him inside of you. You were so tired, your body felt heavy, yet you also felt more energized than ever before.
You giggled as Sunghoon kissed your nose, moving to grab your discarded panties and using them to wipe up the cum that was dripping out of your spent pussy. He grinned cheekily at you as he found his jeans and stuffed your dirty panties in his pocket. "These are mine now."
You didn't even realize what you were saying before you said it; you didn't even think these words before they left your mouth. "I think I love you."
Sunghoon froze, hand stopped on its way to gather your clothes for you. He looked back at you, seeing the look of horror on your face as you realized what you said. "I think I love you too."
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"Good luck, princess," Sunghoon grinned at you, his arms wrapped around your waist. It was almost your turn in the competition, and you weren't nervous at all.
You giggled as Sunghoon kissed your nose before placing a sweet kiss against your lips, squeezing your waist. "Thank you, Hoon."
"I don't know why you love me, but I am so glad that you do. I promise I will spend every day treating you the way you deserve," Sunghoon told you, his expression serious. He was determined to treat you like a princess from now on; after all, you had agreed to be his girlfriend.
You kissed your boyfriend sweetly as you broke from his grasp, stepping onto the ice. You locked eyes with your former rival, a smile gracing your lips as you got into position.

No matter the outcome of the competition, you were a winner.
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moon-alight · 9 months
I don't know if you know the game but i feel like you can easily tell someons personality from their animal crossing island.
What would playing acnh be like with &T?
I love Animal Crossing and I must admit, I'm a bit addicted.🤣
&Team reaction to playing Animal Crossing with you.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 952
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-Chaotic island #1
-Has a bunch of random stuff all around because he does not know what to do with most of it
-Funnily enough hates it whenever you move something because even though its chaotic and all over the place, he loves it a lot.
-Tries to speedrun through the game but forgets it exists and gives up a couple days in
-Only to love it a week later and then forget about it again
-Has the most random villagers and has no clue how to get rid of them.
-Marshal is his pride and joy <3
-Never plays acnh ever again once Marshal decides to move lol
-The cleanest and most gorgeous island you have ever seen.
-Seriously, everything is so aesthetically pleasing.
-This man has a bedroom with a queen-sized bed for the both of you
-Loves playing together and giving you sweet little gifts
-Has the cutest and most adorable villagers that fit his island
-Made an entire beach, playground and refuses to use vehicles because "it is bad for the environment"
-Dom is his favorite and he loves spoiling the damn sheep
-Knows what he is doing and does it amazingly
-This guy is a bit lost
-Swears he won't like the game because it is "boring" but you catch him playing at the most unholy hours just to catch fish
-Has no clue what he is doing but somehow his island turns out ok.
-Like, he has weird and random stuff but you can tell he put a lot of work into his paths and scenery
-Will melt when you two play together like watching the stars or visiting the museum
-Date night is usually you two grinding on Animal Crossing.
-His favorite villager is Eugene because -- and I quote -- "He looks like me"
-His first villager was Fauna and he immediately fell in love lol
-Tries his hardest but it never turns out the way he wants it to
-Gets a lot of inspiration from Fuma and sometimes even asks for help.
-Would love it if you visited and complimented his house (because he worked hard for it to look like that)
-The biggest grin whenever he catches a bug but cannot fish to save his life
-He has missed a lot of sharks because of his terrible skill
-His mission is to have every single different type of fruit without help so you can often find him on Nook-Mile islands
-Cries when Fauna tells him she wants to leave
-Chaotic Island #2
-This guy leaves trash around everywhere and then complains about the damn ants on his island
-Collected the ugliest villagers on purpose because he knows you hate them.
-His only decent looking villager is Marlo and he's only there because it was his very first villager so he is proud of him.
-Despite his island looking like a dangerous toxic environment, his house is really cute and pretty.
-According to him it's because he doesn't want you to feel uncomfortable whenever you visit <3
-Plants random flowers around your house whenever he visits
-The calmest boy ever.
-Plays everyday and does his tasks like he is supposed to but at the same time makes sure all his villagers love him.
-This man once received a gift in his mailbox from Mint and almost teared up because he didn't know they could do that
-Has made it his mission to write his villagers every few days to keep the good vibes
-Funnily enough, his house is pretty empty
-It's because he places everything that's useful outside so his villagers can enjoy it more than him
-Enjoys fishing with you or decorating his island together.
-Sends you letters and cute gifts almost everyday.
-He's determined lol
-Chaotic island #3
-Not because everything is everywhere like the other two but because it is indeed very chaotic.
-He has placed his buildings all around the damn island
-Has a random basketbal field in front of his Nook's Cranny
-Accidentally put his device in English so he has no clue whatever Tom Nook asks him to do
-Always comes to you to translate everything because he is clueless
-Has trouble understanding why his villagers want to leave but he also never speaks to them
-Except for Moe that is
-Harua loves Moe and always has long conversations with him
-Has many different pictures with just Moe and random fish in his hands
-This man had one mission and one mission only
-An island filled with horses and it is almost exactly like that
-The only non-horse villager is Shep and he cannot physically get it over his heart to bully this dog away
-It was his first villager together with Savannah so he decided to love Shep because he was really cute
-His island is pretty normal by the way
-Just does his tasks as normal and donates things to the museum
-Always laughs whenever Blathers shows a disliking into bugs
-Likes to go to other people's islands just to annoy them
-He is a pro at ACNH
-Makes his island look pretty and does his tasks until KK Slider has visited
-After that all hell breaks lose
-His members ask him where he gets all the cool stuff from but Maki knows about Treasure Islands.
-Sneaks the most amazing things from there and makes sure you get a copy of things he knows you'd like
-Does not tell anyone about how he gets these things and remains focused on his own island.
-All his villagers are different types of animals
-His favorite villager is Vic
-Simply enjoys his island and does not let anyone on it lmao
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For the 1,000 followers event (which I am so freaking happy for you about! Congratulations!) Can we get #3 with Manny? Please and a great big thank ya! 😘🩷
Red Light Blue Light
Contains: Mentions of sex, friends to lover, angst with a happy ending, car accident, mild injury, hurt/comfort, fluff. Takes place in a universe where there's no war with the Sons.
2.3K words
More than 19,000 people are injured annually in California hit-and-run accidents.
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"Come on Querida, I know it means you'll miss your show but you record it anyway." Manny called you just as you finished work, and you knew when you heard his tone what he would be asking for.
You sighed, "Why not. You better make missing the biggest scandal in reality TV since Willam cheating on Drag Race worth my while."
Manny chuckled, "Don't worry, I'll make sure you have a great time, I'll even buy you dinner at that Taco place a few streets away."
You rubbed your face, "Ok, fine, but next time you want to hang out, you're coming to my place. I'll cook for you and you know I have that fancy craft beer you won't admit to liking."
"Done, that's a fair trade. I'll see you tonight." He sounded so smug.
"Ok Manny, see you tonight."
Manny got off the phone and grinned at Coco, "She coming?" Manny nodded, "Alright, good, I haven't seen her in ages. Are you planning a repeat on the last time, or have you jumped back on the just friends train?"
Manny sighed, "It was one time man, and we agreed that it wouldn't happen again."
Coco tutted, "She didn't just fall on your dick dude. Give it a chance, she might feel the same way."
Manny shook his head, "You see many old ladies around here? You and Hope are the only ones who aren't fucking struggling."
Coco raised an eyebrow, "We'll see. This time next month, she'll be your old lady."
Manny had been smiling like an idiot ever since the call and his excitement only grew as sunset drew closer. He and Coco were out on the road, coming back from a day trying to lock down the prisons after Iron War filled the void that the Sons had left.
Coco waved his hand to grab Manny's attention and pointed to the road ahead of them before raising his voice above the roar of the bikes, "Is that y/n?"
Manny nodded, "Yeah." He chuckled, "Her and that car, she might as well wrap it in bubble wrap." Manny would laugh every time you compared his bike with your car and its side airbags and superior crumple zone.
"She must be on her way to the clubhouse, do you think we'll catch up with her?" Manny could see that Coco was calculating the distance between their bikes, your car and the next light.
Manny shook his head, "Nah, we'll just miss her." Sure enough, the light turned green and you slowly pulled into the intersection as they got going too.
It happened in a flash, and Manny could hear the revving of a car before he saw a flash of silver, then an all mighty crash as a vehicle slammed into the driver's side of your car. To make matters worse, the offending vehicle only stayed idle for a moment before reversing and speeding off.
Manny was stuck still as he tried to process what he saw and his mouth opened before he could think, "Go after the car."
Coco was already racing after the pickup truck and Manny sped towards the wreck. He was off the bike so far he almost fell over and then he wrapped his fingers around the twisted metal as he tried to pull the door free, "Y/n, Querida. Talk to me."
He heard a groan but the airbag hanging from the roof stopped him from seeing your face, "What happened?"
Manny relaxed, if only a little, "Someone slammed into you, Coco's got after them…."
A quick look at your legs showed you weren't trapped, but there were more pressing matters, "Manny, I can smell gas."
"Shit, I'm going to pull you through the window, cover your face." Manny took his blade and beat in the corner of the already shattered window before pulling it out of the housing entirely, "Grab on to me."
You stretched across the seat and grabbed your bag before you wrapped your arms around his torso as he leaned into the car and wrapped his around your waist and he let out a breath when he saw your legs were free despite the damage to the car. The movement was fast and left your head spinning as awareness of the pain you were in suddenly flooded into your consciousness as your feet touched the ground, "Ow fuck."
"I know but we gotta get away from the car." He dragged you across the street and the sound of another bike distracted you as Manny called for help.
Manny could tell by the look on Coco's face that he didn't manage to catch up, "I got the plate but the fucker was driving right for the station."
Manny was still holding you up as he finished the call, "Help's on the way. I take back everything I ever said about that car, I think it saved your life."
Coco chuckled, "That thing was a fucking tank. Those fucking pickups, I swear they flatten everything they run into."
"I don't think I'm that hurt. But a fire just caught." Sure enough, when they looked over, flames had started to flicker from the puddle of gasoline.
Manny and Coco shared a look, "The firefighters and EMTs will be here soon, just hold tight."
You nodded, "Can I sit down, my legs hurt?"
Manny shook his head, "Nope, just in case you've rattled your brain we gotta keep you awake."
Before you could say more, the sound of sirens drowned you out and people were rushing everywhere before the rush of water put out the growing fire.
A paramedic came into view and you did your best to disconnect from Manny and stand up straight, "I'm ok, the car took all of it."
The paramedic chuckled, "I can see that, we gotta get you checked out anyway."
You looked to Manny for support but he shook his head, "Go on, I know you've got good insurance. I'll follow you."
You sighed, "Alright. My poor car, I loved that thing."
"I know, but you can replace that, we can't replace you." He sounded more relieved than worried.
The paramedic nodded, "Your friend is right, ma'am, that was a very close call."
Manny pulled up to the hospital just after the ambulance and waited in the waiting room while the doctors looked you over. To his great relief, it didn't take long before a woman in a white coat came out, "Your friend is fine. Her thighs are bruised, and she has a sprained knee and a bruise from the airbag. Other than that, nothing is wrong. I don't believe in miracles, but this is as close as it gets."
Manny felt the weight lift from his shoulders, "So I can take her home?"
The doctor nodded, "Yep, we've given her a few days of meds so she can get some rest but other than that the only thing she needs is time."
"Thanks doc, I'll take her home now." Manny knocked and pushed the door open when your voice floated through the wood, "You ready to go?"
You nodded, "Yes but not on your bike."
Manny chuckled, "I had the prospect bring the car."
Once the hospital was out of view, Manny took a moment to look over your face before speaking, "Do the cops want to talk to you?"
You shook your head, "No, I wasn't drunk or high and I didn't see the car. There's nothing I can tell them, I can give my statement whenever I want so I can get my insurance payout and that's the end of it."
"I'm sorry, if I hadn't pushed you to come out tonight, this wouldn't have happened." You could hear the guilt in Manny's voice.
"You couldn't have known, this isn't anyone's fault. I'm ok, really." You hoped you'd sounded convincing but the look on Manny's face told you something different, "I want nothing more than to have a nice hot shower, take a few pills and get some sleep. Please don't beat yourself up about this, it isn't your fault."
Manny smiled softly, "Ok I won't but you gotta let me check in on you over the next few days."
You sighed, "Sure, if it will make you feel better."
The rest of the ride was had in conversing about the TV show you missed and by the time you pulled up to your home, Manny was just as pissed as you, "How could he cheat on someone so amazing? With a woman like that too. What's wrong with him?"
You shrugged, "He's a worm with a moustache."
Manny chuckled, "Well, I'll watch the reruns with you tomorrow. I spoke to Bish while you were getting checked out and you've got the whole day with me."
You huffed, "You could have let me know that while we were still in the car, I would have gotten snacks."
Manny placed his hand on your lower back and walked you inside, "We can do that anytime, you need to get some rest."
The weight of the day hit you just as you threw on your sleep shirt and hobbled to bed. Manny placed the pillow under your knee and brushed a strand of hair from your face, "You good Querida?"
You nodded softly, "Yeah, very sore but other than that, I think I'll be fine, the shower did wonders."
Manny took a deep breath, unsure how to break the news he got while you were bathing, "The guy that hit you's been done five times for drunk driving. The club's on it now."
"Figures, that explains why he ran." You rubbed your face, "the fact that you said the club's on it makes me think the cops aren't interested."
Manny shook his head, "No, they're not. He used to be one of theirs. Do you need anything else? Name it and it's yours."
"Please stay, I don't want to be alone tonight." You regretted it the second you said it, you had agreed after that night to keep things simple.
Manny smiled softly, "Sure, you want me to take the couch or.."
"Here's fine, if you want to, that is, it's not weird to share a bed with a friend." The way that Manny was looking at you made you think you might be more than that.
"I'm pretty sure I still have a pair of sweatpants around from that time I helped you paint your kitchen, can I have a quick shower and change before I climb into your nice clean bed?" Manny was always so thoughtful.
You nodded, "You do, they're in the bottom drawer and thank you."
Manny smiled, "What are friends for."
Manny was quick, leaving the door open to talk to you while he washed up. His chest was bare when he emerged and you flicked your eyes right to his to avoid gawking, "I can throw on my shirt if you want?"
You shook your head, "No, that would defeat the purpose of showering. I've seen you shirtless plenty of times Manny."
Manny dropped the subject and climbed into bed next to you, "Are you comfortable?"
You thought for a minute before turning on your side and facing him, while Manny repositioned the pillow, "I am now."
Manny smiled softly, "Good." There was a pause as you stared at his chest just inches before you and then you made a decision, one of which Manny seemed to come to simultaneously because just as you went to nestle into his arms, he was stretching them out to wrap around your body.
Nothing was said as sleep came over you, not even a good night but you swore as the last bit of awareness faded that you heard an "I love you" whispered into your ear.
The next day was spent smoking weed and eating while Manny's attention stayed glued to the TV so he didn't miss one second of what led up to the big scandal you had told him all about. He got a phone call just after six and hurried to the backyard to take it, coming back with a small smile on his face, "I've got good news."
"Ok, what is it?" You could tell by his tone it wasn't good news for someone.
Many sat down and popped a chip in his mouth, "We found the guy that hit you. Needless to say, he won't be hitting anything in a very long time."
You exhaled through your nose and shook your head, "I don't want anyone getting into trouble for me."
Manny smiled, "He did it to himself, we just gave him a push. Well, Coco did, but everyone else helped."
You took a moment before making your next statement, "I heard you last night and we need to talk about it."
"I meant what I said and I'm not upset heard me. I know we agreed to let go of what happened that night but I don't want to and you almost dying hasn't exactly made it easier to keep my feelings to myself." He had moved closer to you, his leg almost touching yours.
"And if I return your feelings, what then?" You knew what would happen.
His hand came to stroke your cheek, "What do you think Querida?"
Your eyes close unconsciously at his gentle touch, "I love you Manny."
He leaned in, his lips barely brushing yours in a soft request for persimmon before you closed the gap and sealed your lips to his. When you pulled away, his pupils were blown so wide that there was hardly any brown left and his tongue darted out to lick his lip, "As much as I would like to keep this going and have a repeat of that night, I am very bruised and it's not going to be any fun."
Manny scrubbed his hand over his face and huffed, "You're right, plus, I want to watch the whole series before the next episode airs and we don't have a lot of time."
You pecked his cheek, "I love you."
His nose nuzzled your skin as he returned the gesture, "I love you too y/n."
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toosexymommys · 7 months
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My son is so innocent he thinks I don't notice that half my nipples are out. Silly little boy
LOOKING FOR A ROLEPLAYING PARTNER! (please only approach me about roleplay after reading below:)
The roleplay revolves around mom having an impossible fantasy about incest with her son. Son is a moral and ethical person, who would never cross that line. Therefore, mom's strategy is to find ways to tease him in ever more seductive ways hoping that one day he'll brake and just rape her. So, she makes up false reasons, lies and excuses to provide a believable cover and plausible deniability for increasingly teasing and seductive activity like dressing, acting, talking and touching in incestuous ways - but always for some unrelated or mistaken reason. She must always keep her true intentions under the radar or she'll scare her reluctant son away.
As this goes on, son always verbally maintains his position of moral purity (e.g., "mom, are you sure this is necessary? I feel like this is crossing the line", or "careful mom I can see your X!"). However, he never physically stops his mother's actions, as he respects his mother and doesn't want to offend her. He refuses to believe that she would actually have perverted desires for him, so he prefers to believe her excuses, ridiculous as they may sometimes be.
On the other hand, it so happens that Son's moral objections and discomfort from his own attraction to his mother is exactly what mother lusts for and turns her on more than anything in the world - so the more he resists, the more turned on she becomes.
At NO POINT in the roleplay do either mom or son admit to their incestuous desires for each other. The entire roleplay revolves around finding excuses, reasons and lies that mother uses to allow for increasingly perverted activity to happen. I didn't give examples for these reasons as all the fun is in coming up with them. The story can be modified in any way to make the reasons work, e.g. defining the circumstances (e.g., lockdown) professions (e.g., she's a physical therapist, doctor, or psychologist), etc.
With that in mind, so long as we come up with good excuses, things can go VERY far. In fact, given a good enough reason/excuse, even full sex can occur (but it does require some real creativity to come up with a seemingly non-incestuous, non-perverted reason why it's necessary for son to stick his penis in his mother pussy and thrust repeatedly. But it's not impossible!)
Bonus game which I also love: Husband/Father also has a secret mom-son incest fetish, and so he's the one coming up with fake reasons and excuses why mom and son need to see or touch each other in ways that would normally be considered perverted. In this game mom is (surprisingly) cooperative with fathers suggestions/requirements, and son is still the reluctant/moral/innocent "victim" of the situation, though he doesn't physically stop it and must comply with his parents wishes. It's also possible to have a daughter/Sister in a similar role to this Husband/father (that is - who loves mom/son incest). In any case, all erotica revolves around mom-son.
I don't mind playing either son or mom (or husband/dad, or sister/daughter). My favourite - we switch between the characters.
I'm not interested in passive partners who just expect me to do all the writing.
When I come online, it's usually around 10pm-1am CET (Europe), 4pm-7pm EST (US), 2am-5am India.
I'm not interested in any roleplay that doesn't follow these guidelines. So please ONLY ask me about roleplaying if you've read all of the above and you LIKE it (don't expect me to compromise about the above 6 rules). However, so long as we're keeping within these (admittedly stringent) boundaries, I'm open to any scenario.
you can send me a message here on Tumblr or by email/hangouts at [email protected]
If all of the above sounds good to you, we may be a rare and incredible match, so I definately would be thrilled to hear from you!
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lunarbuck · 1 year
Dance With The Devil (7)
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Pairing: mafia!Loki x f!reader (any race)
WC: 1.7k
Summary: There's something there that wasn't there before.
Warnings: smut (p in v), choking, blindfold, fluff, happily ever after <3
A/N: it's the last one!!! i'm not crying, you are 😭 i hope you guys enjoy,,,, thank you guys so much for reading!! my author's note is the next chapter so feel free to check that out, I love and appreciate you all so much :) 
series masterlist | main masterlist | script | fic playlist
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Chapter 6 / Author's Note
Loki’s talented lips kiss down your torso to your panties, goosebumps erupting on your skin. He’s insatiable. Ever since that day a few weeks ago when you’d been reunited, he hasn’t let you out of his sight or out of his bed. You’ve spent days wrapped up in Loki and his embrace, though you have to admit, you don’t mind.
You gasp as Lok’s fingers tug your panties down, leaving you exposed for his tongue to taste you. Your fingers spear into his raven-black hair, pressing him even closer to you. 
Loki is a man starved, he devours you, plays you like a fucking fiddle. You’re entirely at his mercy, but that’s how you like it. He works you up easily, circling your clit with his tongue in a way that makes your legs shake. 
“Come for me, pet,” he groans against your pussy, sliding two of his slender fingers inside of you. You burst at the seams, putty in his hands. Loki grins, biting your thigh just enough to leave a mark, but not to break the skin. He’s left dozens of marks on your skin, so many that they practically are tattooed on you now. He’s showing everyone you’re his, and you love it.
Loki climbs up your body, biting and kissing your skin until he reaches your lips. You kiss him, tugging his lip between your teeth and giving him a taste of his own medicine. As if spurred on by your action, Loki roughly pulls his pants down his legs and thrusts into you.
You both release strangled moans at the feeling of him inside of you, at the feeling of you tightening around his cock.
Loki begins to set his pace, hitting you hard and deep and you can’t hold back the noise you’re making. He grins at your sounds, drinking them in.
A knock on the door makes your blood run cold but Loki’s smile just widens. You stare up at him as the person on the other side asks him a question, but you’re too caught up in Loki to hear the words.
“Go away,” he says, thrusting his hips hard, not turning away from your gaze. “I’m busy.” You hear the footsteps retreat and Loki fucks into you faster now, making your eyes roll back in your head.
“Oh my god,” you murmur, heat flooding to your face at the idea of someone hearing Loki fuck you. Your head falls to the side, suddenly aware that his men might be able to hear your wanton moans.
“No,” Loki grits, fingers gripping your chin to turn your head back to him. “Look at me. Look at what you do to me. Focus on me, on my cock and the pleasure I’m giving you.”
Your eyes screw shut, trying to tune out everything except Loki. It works for a moment, but the thoughts start to creep back in. Loki must notice, because for a moment, he draws away. When he returns, he has one of his black silk ties in hand. He holds it up and without even thinking, you nod, sitting up so he can tie it around your eyes.
The fabric is soft against your skin, pulled tight enough to not let any light in. Your breaths come faster now that one of your senses has been stripped from you.
“Loki,” you say, unsure of where he stands now.
“Now you have no choice,” he whispers in your ear. “You have no choice but to focus on me and the way I’m going to use your body. I’m going to wring every ounce of pleasure out of you until you’re sated and unable to go on. Is that what you want, pet? You want me to take all you have to give me?”
“Please,” you whimper. “Please, Loki.” You feel his hands grip your ankles, opening your legs back up for him. His fingers slide up your legs as he positions himself on top of you.
“You’re so beautiful when you’re begging for me, pet,” he grunts, pushing back inside of you. Every touch feels electric when you can’t see what he’s doing.
Loki’s breath fans over you, sending shivers through your body. You feel the tickle of his hair on your chest as he dips his head down, taking your nipple between his teeth. He grazes it lightly before running his tongue around it.
He thrusts into you slowly, making you feel every inch of his cock and you moan loudly. Your hands fly to his hair, tangling in it to hold him close.
“More, please, Loki,” you groan. All his touches are soft and fleeting, he’s torturing you and he knows it. 
Loki releases your breast from his mouth and kisses up your chest, up your neck, all the way to your ear. “What do you want, pet? Tell me what you want from me.” 
Your jaw falls open as he nips at your ear, soothing the marks with his tongue.
“I want you to fuck me.” Your voice is hoarse and low, but you can hear Loki’s breathing pick up. “I want you to use me, take everything from me.”
Loki laughs darkly, one of his hands circling around your neck. He presses lightly, hinting at what he could do, what he’s capable of. It just makes you even more needy for him.
“Your wish is my command, pet.”
Your senses are heightened without your sight, each touch more sensitive, each sound more precise. Loki loses control, fucking you like he never has before, drawing the pleasure from you viciously. 
Your body is tight with the promise of your orgasm, your belly floods with heat. Your mouth is stuck open on an “o” and all you can do is take it. Take the pleasure he gives you, take the love he pours onto you.
You come like you’re exploding, like you’re flying. Your eyes screw shut and your body shudders, but Loki just keeps going. 
“So fucking beautiful for me,” he grunts, squeezing his hand tighter around your neck. “But so filthy, pet. So fucking filthy.”
Loki follows you over the edge, holding your heaving body close to his, desperate for the connection. “I love you, my beauty,” he whispers against your ear, kissing the shell.
“I love you, Loki.”
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Loki pulls the car up to your house– your father’s house, and cuts the engine. It’s been a few weeks since that dark night, and you’ve seen your father nearly every day. The day Loki’s doctor cleared him, he challenged his uncle for control over the Laufeyson mafia. You watched from the sidelines as men loyal to Loki’s father decided how to proceed. Cade explained the agreement Loki had with his father, about marrying for love, and it made you think about Loki in an entirely new light.
He could’ve forced you to marry him, he could’ve forced another woman to be his bride. But he didn’t. 
You testified before Loki’s Uncle and family about your love for him, you told them about that night and how Loki fought, how you begged him to live.
In the end, Loki won. You can’t lie, you love watching him be in control, watching how he so easily commands a room of powerful men. He’s given more responsibility to Levi and Cade, leaving him plenty of time to fuck you on every available surface.
You officially moved in two weeks ago after Loki hired in-home healthcare workers for papa. 
So today, as the two of you walk into the house, you’re greeted by one of your father’s nurses, Carrie. She and all the other healthcare workers are trained in your father’s treatments, which are all covered by Loki.
You didn’t ask him to pay, you never planned to, he just did it. Part of you knows it’s because he feels guilty about the debt papa had been in to the Laufeysons, but the other part of you knows he’s doing it because he loves you. Papa’s debt has been forgiven, the money refunded to him so he can continue to pursue his passions while doing treatment.
Loki holds your hand while the two of you sit on the couch across from your father, who is currently tinkering with his newest invention. Since getting better treatments, he’s gained back more of his mobility; it brings tears to your eyes to see your father able to return to his passions. He’s not cured, there is no cure for Multiple Sclerosis, but he’s better than he has been in a long time, and it’s something to be thankful for.
Your father explains what he’s doing as he adjusts a few of the pieces and you nod along, squeezing Loki’s hand. Loki just watches you, a pleasant smile on his face. 
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I watch her face light up as her father talks. I never tire from seeing her smile, seeing her eyes brighten as he speaks. Maurice has been through so much, all of it my fault, yet he welcomes me into his home, he allows me to love his daughter. I am forever indebted to him.
I never thought I would have this, her . I never thought someone would love me, that someone would learn to see past the dark parts of me.
Though every day I wish we had started out differently, I am grateful that she came into my life. I am a changed man for her, I would go to the ends of the earth if only she asked.
My love for her feels like destiny, like fate, though for so long I thought them to be simply stories. My flower talks about love like she talks about fairytales, and I am starting to understand.
She is the beautiful princess and I’m the hideous monster, instead of falling for her prince charming she’s fallen for me, and for that I am thankful. She doesn’t need a prince charming, she doesn’t need a knight in shining armor. She is strong and capable and far superior than any knight.
She is my flower, my beauty. My love, and I am hers.
She will be with me evermore.
Certain as the sun
Rising in the east
Tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme
Beauty and the Beast
The End.
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please message me to be added to a taglist! must be 18+
Series tags: @huntress-artemiss @buckysteveloki-me @raelorns21 @yukiartistz @sarhabee @apollonshootafar @harlequin-hangout @mocswift @phantombaby @blog-the-lilly @vickie5446 @samsgirl93
General tags: @peaches1958 @pono-pura-vida @emi11ie @paulasocean @silverfire475 @lovingchoices14 @searchf0rtheskyline @writerwrites @late-to-the-party-81 @jobean12-blog @prettylittlepluviophile @prettywhenicry4 @nekoannie-chan
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Hey do you still do request? if you do can i request a vaas x hurt fem reader?
where reader and vaas were old friends, they ended their friendship couple years before jason his friends came to the island,Reader made herself a group of people who hated citra and vaas, jason find a group with girl leader, citra warded jason about, but reader was very welcoming towards jason, when jason went after vaas citra told jason that vaas and reader were old friends and she told him if he wanted to hurt vaas he had to kill reader, jason walked into readers house she was about to tell he something but she stopped when she saw the gun in his hand, vaas heard gunshots not to far away fro where he was, him and his group when went to look what the gunfire was, when he find readers group all died he knew jason and citra did it, he went into readers house and saw her blooding out on the floor with a gun in her hand, vaas thought she wouldnt make it back to his camp. i love your work so much!!
Crimson Allure || Vaas Montenegro x Female Reader
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A/n: I love this idea, hun. And I apologize it took so long to do. We added so much more to this plot, and it morphed into one hell of an idea, so I hope I got everything right. Please enjoy. Also, I will admit that I had on repeat Backlight by Ado the entire time I was writing this, so I apologize if certain aspects of the song found its way into the story.
Warning(s): Vaas being Vaas, blood and injury, minor character death, Female (Seed) Reader, gun violence, and vaginal sex.
No Minors Allowed!!
The rich earthy scent of mud permeates the air as you saunter from the main hut upon hearing your name. Your boots sink into the damp soil as you approach an unnamed man with various tattoos on his upper arms, leaning down in front of him. You aren't bothered by the dirt on your knees as your pants absorb the moisture from the earth; you were born in a poor neighborhood in Rome, Georgia where mud on your pants was not as concerning as the abuse you had suffered from your old man – a story for another time. So, when the native spits at you, almost hitting you in the face, you easily ignore it.
"Citra sent you here, did she not?" You ask.
Lifting your arm, you point toward a wooden crate sitting nearby.
"For those? Whatever is inside must be important to her; enough so that she sent four of her warriors here to steal it from us."
The man grins in response.
"You and the fake islanders are no better, stealing from the pirates; from that bastard Vaas."
You turn up your eyes. Unlike Citra, you are not scared to confront Vaas. You had made the call to swarm one of his outposts and retrieve the crate. If he came knocking, you'd be more than happy to welcome him with a gun to the head.
Gesturing toward the crate, you watch in anticipation as one of your men breaks into it with a crowbar. He reaches inside and yanks out an assault rifle; the kind of firepower you were hoping to gain. You turn your eyes back to the Rakyat (people) warrior, grinning.
"So, she's making a move on Vaas. But one crate won't do her any better than it does us."
"Our pemimpin (leader) has more than enough; she has a serdadu (warrior); one befitting of the Tatau," the man explains.
You've heard these words before. It's troublesome, but there is nothing you can do but confront the warrior when they start a war with you, and they will; you know Citra made damn sure to give them your name.
Standing with a sigh, you turn your back to the man, content with this information.
"The serdadu (warrior) is coming from your head next!" The man shouts.
You snort and peer over your shoulder at him.
"I hope so. The sooner this business is over with them; the sooner the Tinju (fist) of the island can drive away the devils plaguing it."
Leaving your warriors to deal with the man, you walk back into the hut, hearing your walkie go off. You recognize the impatient voice on the other end and quickly answer it, ignoring the gunshot that pierces the air.
"I'm here. Forgive me."
"Where the fuck are you?" Asks the voice.
You sit down at your desk overlooking the postcards and hidden letters that you had been fondly looking through before your name had been called, picking a postcard up. The image on the front was of a beautiful mountain range with the words: 'Greetings from the Whitetail Region, Hope County' below it.
"Answer me, girl," the voice of Hoyt Volker orders.
You frown, pressing down on the call button.
"I'm on the North Island. The walkies barely pick up here."
"The fuck are you doing over there?" Hoyt asks. He knows the answer; he's just testing you.
Unbeknownst to him, you are planning a revolution. The Tinju (fist) are natives of the Rook Islands who are fed up with Vaas and Citra murdering and puppeteering them for their gain. They are not as bloodthirsty or organized as the Pirates or the Rakyat (people), but their determination to see the islands returned to them is strong; so strong that they are willing to stare death in the face to get it.
"I came here to check on the island as you asked. Vaas is running around pissing off the natives and in protest, they are stealing guns and burning down marijuana fields," you explain.
It isn't a complete lie. Hoyt did ask you to see what was going on, only you've been the one orchestrating the entire thing; at least the two you had mentioned.
"I only want to make you happy, father."
It stings to address him as such, but you have no other option. He did adopt you after all; train you into the monster that you are now. Tears sting your eyes as you stare at the words on the back of the postcard; loving words from your older brother Joseph who welcomes you into his flock, telling you that Eden's Gate – his church – will always be home to you. Home is all you have ever wanted, especially since you lost yours when you were 13; the day you were kidnapped from your foster family and sold.
Hoyt had been the one pulling the strings, a human trafficker who seemed to take a liking to you. He had kept you by his side ever since, adopting you as his own and molding you however he wanted. You were already a broken thing; years of abuse from Old Man Seed and the separation from your brothers had made you colder, but once you got in contact with John, your twin, after seeing him on the TV, he promised that Joseph could save your soul.
You just had to finish your business on the island and then return to your brothers. Two years ago, it had not been your intention to become the leader of the Tinju (fist), but after seeing the remaining natives; the ones not bound to Citra's will or Vaas' insanity, you had gathered them together and given them hope. Perhaps you are more like Joseph than you had thought.
"That's a good girl. Get your ass back here when you can," Hoyt demanded.
"I will," you state.
And when you do, you plan to bring an army with you.
You set the walkie down on the desk, and then gather the letters and postcards from your brothers; one in particular from John had explained the symbolism of carving sins into your flesh as a way to atone through pain, so like him, you had etched 'sloth' onto your chest, crossing it out as a way to show that the sin didn't control you; not anymore; not when you were doing everything in your power to liberate the Rook Islands.
Taking the letters, you stash them away in your bag and then saunter over to the wall where a map of the island is pinned up with tacks. Several pirate outposts are circled in red and green; the Tinju (fist) and whoever Citra's warrior is liberated many of them. Your outpost is a small one located northwest of Amanaki Village, but you easily notice the recent pattern of red leading to your doorstep.
That's fine; let them come.
Perhaps there is a way to align both of your interests.
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The sound of gunshots wakes you from a restless sleep. You sit up on your cot and glance around the darkness of the main hut as something terrible transpires around you. The scent of smoke seizes your lungs, making you cough. What is going on out there? Hearing a noise outside your hut, one of your men runs in with a recently stolen assault rifle and claims in a panic that the hut is on fire; the warrior that Citra had made is here.
"We need to take you away from here, majikan (boss)," he mentions.
You are reluctant to do as he suggests, however. You can't leave them to protect the outpost alone.
"We are nothing without you. Let us protect you," he insists.
"That isn't true," you argue with a cough.
Your warrior seems reluctant to argue with you, but he rushes over and yanks you onto your feet and leads you outside. The cold mud squishes between your toes and in your haste, you forget to grab the walkie and your bag. The damage nearly makes you cry. Several of your people are dead and the outpost is in ruins; red and orange fire spreads quickly from one building to the next devouring everything from the armory to the hut that you frequently inhabit.
My letters.
All this violence without reason just to take your life. Fuck Citra! A rage burns in you as you stand there backlit by the flames. How dare she.
"I need a gun," you declare.
The man holding your arm stares at you for a moment in uncertainty and then hands you his secondary weapon. You pull away from him, yanking the hammer back on the handgun, and then you walk toward the sound of gunfire as your people attempt to protect the base from the intruder. You are incredibly scared but your anger forces you to act.
"Are you scared?" Hoyt had once asked you, as he forced a gun into your hand – the first time he made you shoot a person who crossed him. "Don't get scared. You make mistakes when you are scared."
You take a deep breath, remembering his cruel but practical words. He's right. You are acting out in anger and fear, and not thinking reasonably. Your brothers would urge you to try a more peaceful approach and speak with the warrior. You aren't Citra and you sure as hell aren't Vaas. But how to get their attention?
You spot a man you have never seen before; a foreigner with brown hair peeking out from behind a crate of weapons. Motioning for your people to cease fire, you approach him recklessly, keeping enough distance between you both in case he decides you aren't worth the breath you are about to take. His attention falls on you, staring you down, then he ducks behind the crates.
"Do I have your attention? I want to speak to you," you ask.
"My name is Jason," he replies. "Are you the leader here?"
At least you know his name now.
"I am, so shut the fuck up and listen for a moment!" You shout. Yes, you are still pissed about losing your letters. "We're not your enemy! I'm not sure what Citra promised you, but you're killing the wrong fucking people!"
Silence permeates the air, and you wonder if Jason had considered your words.
"Do you know Vaas?!" He asks with a shout.
What sort of question is that? You raise a curious brow.
"Yes. He's the only other asshole besides Citra and Hoyt on this island that I have to deal with day in and day out."
"He took my friends! I'm gonna kill that motherfucker! And if what Citra said is right, you are the only way to hurt him," Jason explains.
What sort of lie did Citra tell him? You and Vaas may have seen eye to eye before; four years ago, when Hoyt had introduced him to you, but things were much different now.
"Vaas and I--"
The said man suddenly interrupts you, standing up and firing his gun. You feel a sharp pain bite at your side and as you look down, you notice red blooming across your shirt.
He shot me... The fuck.
A wave of cold dizziness washes over you and you fall to your knees in the mud, gripping the wound. You aren't sure who starts it, but gunfire echoes around the camp. A pair of warm hands grab your arms, yanking you onto your feet and leading you toward a Scavenger parked near the gate. Two of your people enter the vehicle, ushering you into the back. You lean your head against the headrest as the driver steers from the outpost and tears down the dirt road, heading to where you hope is the Doctor's house.
You can't believe Jason didn't listen to you. Yes, you understand the reason, but he should have at least heard you out. So much for taking the high road. You shut your eyes in annoyance listening to the two argue in the front. The sound of the tires tearing down the road permeates your ears, then all at once you hear the sound of gunshots.
Is he following––
The Scavenger comes to a sudden stop, almost tossing you from the seat. You open your eyes and to your horror, you notice a vehicle parked on the road. A man in red – a pirate – stands behind the turret attached to the vehicle he's in, aiming it in your direction.
"Get down!" You shout.
A rain of bullets pelts the hood of the vehicle. You dunk into the floor behind the seat, groaning as your side erupts in burning pain. As the gunfire ceases and the air clears, you dare a glance into the front and passenger seat to see that your people are thankfully alive. The vehicle is not as fortunate. Smoke rises from the holes in the hood and vanishes in the gunpowder-scented air. Who would––
"Are you alive, cocksuckers?!" A familiar voice asks loudly.
Your eyes widen. What is Vaas doing here?
This is bad.
What are you to do? You need medical attention, but you know that Vaas will not be kind to either you or your people. Groaning, you ease into the backseat, remaining down in case he urges the pirates to continue shooting.
"Lie down your guns and do your best not to annoy him," you order the two in the front.
You have no idea if Vaas will spare them but perhaps you can keep him from immediately killing them. He may do the same to you; it's hard to say. Your people toss their guns into the floorboards, waiting for your next move as you slowly pop open the back door.
"We're unarmed!" You shout.
"¡Mierda (shit)! Is that you, Volker?!" Vaas asks, sounding more humored than concerned.
You hate when he calls you this. Without it, however, his pirates would not fear you; Vaas certainly doesn't, but at least he won't put a bullet between your eyes.
"It is!" You answer with a shout. It hurts to do so, and you are extremely tired, but you have no other choice. Honestly, it would be easier to talk to him face-to-face. "We're coming out!"
Easing open the back door a bit more, you step out first.
"Don't make eye contact with him and if he speaks to you, don't raise your voice," you order your people in a whisper.
Clutching your side, you stumble toward the Scavenger sitting in the road where Vaas is standing with three others whose names you don't know. Like it or not, you are his enemy and so resting on your knees in front of him is the only choice you have; your people follow suit.
"You look like shit, amiga (friend)," the pirate states with a snort. He saunters over and crouches in front of you, reaching down to force your hand away from the wound earning a groan of pain from you.
"I need a doctor. I'm bleeding out," you mention. A wave of dizziness crashes over you and for a moment and you have to slam your eyes closed to keep from falling onto your side.
Vaas presses his finger against the hole, bringing you to with a sob as pain surges through your side. You want to cuss him; to tell him to fuck off, but you know better.
"Who put a bullet in you?"
"That w-wannabe Citra has running around the island for her. He has a bone to pick with you for taking his friends," you answer.
Vaas raises a brow.
"Snow fucking White went after you? That pequeña perra (little bitch) has some big cojones (testicles)."
"Well, he got me," you utter. "And if I don't get to a doctor, I'm as good as dead."
There is no way in hell you are going to beg him to save you, but things are looking grim for you. It feels like any second you may pass out.
"I don't feel good," you utter with a weak laugh.
Standing up, Vaas motions for a pirate – a wall of a man with an assault rifle – to come closer, whispering something to him. The man looks down at you, then walks over and pulls you onto your feet. The sudden movement causes your head to spin, but you shake it off, turning to glance over your shoulder as Vaas takes out his gun.
You know exactly what he is planning.
"Let them go. Vaas please," you beg.
Struggling against the pirate, he opens the back door and pushes you inside. To your horror, your people are gunned down. Angry tears burn your eyes as you turn them to the floor, not wanting to see their bodies. You knew he'd never let them go; it was ignorant on your part to ask them to tuck their tails and accept death. Resting your back against the seat, you wait for Vaas to return, sitting beside you – a pirate in a red bandana sits on the other side. Glaring at him, he ignores you and orders the wall of a man – who he refers to as Carlos – to drive.
The dizziness sets in, and you whimper, leaning your head against his arm. Despite the heat, you're freezing. It's too much just to keep your eyes open, so you close them, fading out of consciousness.
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Familiar voices reach your ears, pulling you into consciousness; your body fights back, begging you to go back to sleep but you manage to open your eyes and look around. A man in a dirty white coat catches your attention first and you immediately recognize him, Dr. Earnhardt. The other voice belongs to Vaas, who stands in front of the bed that you are lying on. His attention turns to you as you try to sit up.
"Rest, my dear," the doctor orders, walking to your side. "You suffered a nasty shot to the side, but luckily for you, I found someone who could give you a few liters of blood."
"I feel like shit," you utter weakly, resting on the mattress. "It's good to see you, Dr. E."
"Likewise," the said man mentioned with a smile.
You aren't sure which comment he is agreeing with, but you ignore it.
"How am I doing?"
"You're going to live, my dear. The bullet came out the other side, so there was no need to go fishing around in there for it. And as far as I can tell, your bowl was not perforated; you should be fine. I'm not a real doctor, however, so you should try not to exert yourself," Dr. E answers. He leans closer and grins. "I can however offer you something to take away the pain if you like."
You aren't sure you will fare well on whatever drugs he has to offer. His shit is strong, you hear.
"I'm fine. Thank you for patching me up though."
"No problem, dear. You know where to find me if you need me," the doctor states.
With a concerned look, he turns and walks out of the room, leaving you with Vaas. The pirate is quiet; you find this weird. You don't want to speak to him, not after he shot your people, but you do owe him a kind word for saving your life.
"Thank you, Vaas."
He glances at you and hums.
"The fuck was Citra thinking?"
"I don't know. All Jason said was that she told him to kill me because it would hurt you somehow," you answer.
Vaas snorts.
"Puta (bitch)! Thinks she knows how to get into my fucking head."
And now you are as good as dead. Vaas knows your plans; he can easily take you to Hoyt for betraying him. You rest your arm over your face, holding back a sob. It sucks to have come this far, just to be caught by the enemy. You would have loved to have seen your brothers; met your new sister, Faith.
"Can you do something for me Vaas?" You ask, removing your arm to look at him. "I don't want to be taken back to Hoyt after what my people and I did. He won't ever let me go; the sick fuck will probably respect the fact I tried to overthrow him. I'd rather die and I'd rather it be you who kills me."
Vaas grins.
"Is that what you want, Volker? To give papi (daddy) the finger. You are fucking loca (crazy)... but I respect that." He scratches at the scar above his eyes, then pulls his gun and tosses it onto the table nearby. Crawling onto the bed, he slides open your legs and rests between them.
You raise a brow in curiosity. What is he doing?
"If you are giving me your life, I'm gonna take my time with it. A bullet is too easy," Vaas explains.
Perhaps this is a mistake.
He leans down and presses his mouth against yours, causing your eyes to widen. He can't be serious. Pushing against his chest, you part from him.
"What are you doing?"
Vaas grins and presses his fingers against your bandaged side; you groan in protest.
"I'm fucking Hoyt's daughter."
You are speechless. Staring into his wild green eyes, you think back to the first time you had met him. He was a former Rakyat (people) whose eyes held a burning hatred in them. Hoyt seemed to like his passion, but you feared the damage he could do if left to his own devices. Two years later, he became a leader and his rage seemed to grow, powered by drugs and whatever anger he felt for Citra, who you later learned was his sister. There had been a certain allure to his madness that held you captive.
And hearing him admit to wanting to fuck you drives you insane with need. You lean up on your elbows despite the pain in your side, kissing him. Fingers slide into your hair, angling your head
You sink your hand down to his cock, rubbing it through his pants. Vaas groans against your mouth and then pushes you back down onto the bed. You watch him stand, undoing his pants and removing them. His hard cock makes your mouth water as you wait eagerly for him to get back on the bed. Once he does, he reaches for the button on your pants and helps you remove them, taking your panties as well.
"My hero," you tease.
Vaas snorts and spreads your legs, resting between your thighs.
"You're funny, no? Save your praises."
He lines his cock up at your entrance and turns his eyes to you. Vaas has to know you want him; you shouldn't have to beg, but you know it's what he wants to hear.
"Please. I want this... I want you."
With an uncontrolled thrust, he enters you, earning a moan in response. Your walls tighten around him as he begins to wreck your pussy, bouncing you. Vaas brings one hand up and rests it on the bed next to your head to support his weight; the other slides beneath your shirt and to your chest, reaching beneath your bra to caress your breasts one at a time. His warm hand makes your nipples harden.
"You know, I never knew you were into self-mutilation, Volker," Vaas mentions as his fingers cross over the word on your chest.
"It's a way for me t-to atone," you claim as you wrap your legs around his waist. He wouldn't understand even if you explained it to him. "And furthermore, if you want this pussy to stay wet, then you'd best not call me Volker."
Vaas snorts and pinches your nipple between his thumb and forefinger. Your pussy tightens in response. Releasing you, he traces your side and presses against the bandage. A terrible pain shoots through you as he does so.
"Easy," you groan.
Vaas lets up and though it hurts a bit his thrusts hit your cervix in a way that brings you pain and pleasure. It's almost too much, enough so that this won't last much longer. Tightening your legs around his waist, the sensation in your lower body continues to grow until you can no longer contain it. A surge of pleasure tears through you, causing your worn-out body to tense up beneath the pirate. With one hand he grips your hip; the other continues to rest beside your head as he pounds into you, grinning as your soft moans permeate the air. As you slowly come down from your high, Vaas pulls from you, covering your thighs in cum.
This almost seems unreal. You unwind your legs from the pirate's waist, allowing him to stand up beside the bed. Your throat is dry and sore as you attempt to clear your throat, pointing to the mess on your thighs. He doesn't expect you to let it dry, does he?
Tossing you his shirt to clean up with, he rests on the bed beside you. Once you are done, you resume your spot, groaning as pain shoots through your side. This isn't going to be easy to deal with, but at least you can maintain your cover by stating one of Hoyt's enemies had shot you. Vaas is a loose end, however. He can turn you in if he wants; an action you are curious as to whether or not he will do.
"Are you going to tell Hoyt about this? About the Tinju (fist)?" You ask.
"That fucker is gonna love this," Vaas teases, sticking out his tongue.
You turn up your eyes.
"He's going to shoot us if he finds out, Vaas – especially me."
"I'd do the same," the pirate admits. "And maybe I'll tell him before I put a bullet between his eyes. I fucked your daughter cocksucker; think of that on your way to hell."
You widen your eyes, not because of the taunt but because of what he had said before.
"You plan to kill Hoyt?"
"Who the fuck doesn't," Vaas retorts with a snort.
He has a point.
"But why?" You ask.
Vaas turns onto his side and puts a finger to your lips, hushing you.
"Doesn't fucking matter, Volker. Because you and I are gonna send him to hell... and then we're gonna finish this little game we're playing; the king of the fucking island."
You don't want to rule the island; you never did. Once Hoyt is dead, you plan to go home to the states if this war doesn't kill you first. But this is a story for another time. Vaas is giving you a chance to see at least one of your dreams come true. It's best not to look a gift horse in the mouth.
At least someone shares your rage; even adores you for it. Joseph wouldn't agree with your way of thinking, but this is something that needs to be done.
Whatever comes next is for fate to decide.
Perhaps it should be 'wrath' carved into your skin.
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apocalypseornaw · 2 years
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Sequel to finally home
This time a portal lands someone in your reality
Warnings: cursing and such
How do you move on from an entire life you'd built from the ground up? How do you forget friends that had become family? How do you forget memories that had been made?
You had to give it to Sam and Dean, they were patient. They made sure to avoid any mention of the walking dead, taking special care that you wouldn't see reminders after they saw how it effected you. You knew that was the past, an alternate reality that you were never meant to be in.
Time moved on and you began to forget. The tip toeing you and Dean had done for years around a relationship had finally found its way into feelings being admitted. Sam had met someone, a hunter named Eileen. All in all life was as good as it could get for a couple salty hunters as Dean would put it.
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You woke to the sound of Sam knocking on the door, calling your name then Dean's. You groaned before burying your face into Dean's chest "Why is he so loud?" He laughed lightly the action making his chest rumble under you "Must be something important sweetheart" he gently kissed your forehead before hollering to let Sam know the two of you would be in the library in a few. When Sam walked away you cut your eyes up at Dean "If it's not a hunt we're coming back to bed for a little bit longer"
The laugh he gave then made your heart flip. God you loved him. Yeah you hadn't worked yourself up to telling him yet, not after how long it took you to heal but you knew. Dean had your entire heart. "Now that's a deal Y/N" he placed a quick kiss to your lips before both of you moved to get dressed.
"She's not going" "Shouldn't that be her choice?" "Do you really wanna risk losing her again Sam? Because i damn sure don't"
You were tired of Sam and Dean talking around you as if you weren't sitting right there. You stood up, scraping your chair as loudly as possible across the floor "Both of you shut up. We need to get a move on. Dean baby I love that you want to protect me but I'm not a child. I've been a hunter my entire life. It doesn't stop because of one bad hunt. I'll stay right next to you hell I will hold your hand if it makes you feel better but Rowena needs us checking that magic surge"
He stared at you for several seconds clearly having a battle with himself. If he was honest he blamed himself for you ever getting sucked into that alternate reality. If he'd been closer, moved faster. He couldn't lose you again but he knew you'd never sit a hunt out. That fire was one of the many reasons why he loved you even if he'd yet to say the words. "Ok sweetheart. Just please stay close"
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You followed closely next to Dean as the three of you entered the building where Rowena had reported the surge came from. From what she said it had the same feel as the portal that'd taken you but it wasn't strong enough for the portal to still be active meaning something could've came through and be waiting to attack.
The moment you walked in you felt something watching you and immediately were on high alert. You turned to tell Dean about the time an arrow landed in the wall right next to his head. Him and Sam drew their guns but you stepped in front of them, your heart pounding in your ears as you spoke "It's me. It's Y/N"
Dean cut his eyes at you but a sound in the corner pulled all of your attention as Daryl stepped out, crossbow still pointed until he saw you. The crossbow clattered to the ground as he ran towards you, scooping you up in a hug.
"How are you alive?" He whispered burying his face into your hair. You pulled back from the hug to look up at him "What do you mean?" You saw a few tears in his ear so you wiped them before they could fall "I saw Negan hit you" "I'm ok Daryl. I promise, this is really me" he nodded pushing your hair back from your face to see the scar from the stitches that was on your cheek. "Never thought I'd see ya again. So much time has passed"
It was then you got a good look at him. He had more grey in his beard and his hair was longer. "How long has it been Daryl?" "Six years" "Who all did we lose?" You asked momentarily forgetting your boyfriend and best friend who was watching this interaction with confusion "A lot of people. Glenn died that night, Carl got bit.." you felt tears slide from your eyes "Not Carl"
The moment was interrupted by Sam clearing his throat when you looked back it was only then you realized Daryl's arms were still around your waist. You awkwardly stepped away from him "Daryl this is my best friend Sam Winchester" Sam shook Daryl's hand then before you could introduce Dean he spoke up "and I'm Sam's brother Dean" You gave him a curious look as to why he didn't say he was your boyfriend but given the current circumstance you decided to let it go for now.
"We need to get back to the bunker and figure this out" you nodded then looked back at Daryl "You good with that?" He shrugged "You know I trust ya"
Dean watched you and Daryl with a sinking feeling. What had happened between you and the archer during your time in his reality and did any feelings remain?
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You woke up and reached out expecting to find Dean but instead yet again found the other side of the bed empty. In the days since Daryl ended up being thrown into this reality it seemed like you'd woke up alone most mornings.
Maybe it was because Rowena said for her spell to work and for Daryl to get successfully sent back to the moment he was snatched out that the witch that originally cursed you had to be killed. Meaning she had to be found. Maybe Dean was just hyper focused on the hunt. Wasn't like it was the first time, or maybe it was dredging up what emotions him and Sam had gone through following your disappearance. Either way you'd be glad to have your boyfriend back fully.
Once you were dressed you stepped out into the hall in search of the other occupants of the bunker. You heard voices coming from the kitchen so you decided to check there first.
You walked in to find Daryl and Sam drinking coffee at the table. Seeing Daryl wearing an old pair of Dean's jeans and one of Sam's old shirts was almost comical considering you were used to seeing him in button shirts and his angel wing vest. "Morning you two" "morning" they both echoed.
You fixed yourself a cup then glanced over at Sam "happen to see Dean around?" His eyebrows furrowed in confusion "He said he let you know that he was going to check in with Garth on how the hunt for the witch is going" you shook your head "Didn't even wake me up"
You sat down across from Daryl who cut his eyes up at you "It's still weird if ya ask me" "What?" You asked with a laugh "You're a hunter. You chase demons and shit" you shrugged one shoulder "Not much different than killing zombies" he nodded "Good point"
The three of you spoke for a while. You and Daryl shared stories of your time in his reality then Sam shared stories of old hunts with Daryl. By the time you heard footsteps in the hall you hadn't realized enough time had passed for Dean to be back.
Dean stood in the hall for a moment listening to your laughter drifting from the kitchen as you talked about Eugene falling down in a mud puddle and thinking a walker had gotten him. He didn't want to feel jealous, hell in your reality Daryl was a character any other time. The fact remained that he was there living and breathing and had shared months of your life with you in an apocalyptic setting which was life or death and that shit bonded people.
He finally stepped into the kitchen and felt his heart flip when you smiled brightly "There he is" He stepped over to where the three of you sat and smiled when your hand slipped out to grab his "Couldn't wake me?" "You were sleeping good" he used as an excuse. He could tell you didn't quite buy it but you nodded "A kiss too much to ask?"
He leaned down brushing his lips against yours in a soft kiss. You melted against him cupping his cheek with your hand as your lips parted slightly in an attempt to deepen the kiss but he pulled away. You looked almost hurt until he pressed another quick kiss to your lips "I've got news" your eyes lit up "Do share"
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The witch was dead so now it was a waiting game for Rowena to gather the ingredients she needed. It almost felt normal to you Daryl being in the bunker then again you'd shared a jail cell with him for how long?
You were sitting in the library reading a book when a noise drew your attention. You looked back to see Daryl walking in. Seeing him barefooted in jogging pants and a t-shirt was downright strange though. "It's weird seeing you dressed like that" you laughed as he sat down next to you sliding a bottle of water in front of you. "Yeah very funny coming from someone who was running around in a t-shirt and Scooby-Doo boxers last night" you felt your face flush "in my defense I didn't know anyone else was still up"
He shrugged "Can't shake guard hours. I'll get lazy" you shook your head "Daryl Dixon ,lazy? Never"
He looked around the library "This place is something else. I see why you wanted to get back here" "It was more the people than the place" you laughed lightly. He nodded "Ya tell him how ya feel yet?" You raised an eyebrow and he rolled his eyes "I ain't the smartest but I ain't the dumbest. You love Dean. I see now why you always kept me at arms length. You need to tell him" you shook your head "Archer and relationship expert. We need to update your resume" he laughed then and said "Naw I just know you even after this long"
You pulled your legs up in your chair laying your head over on your knees before looking over at him "I missed all of you. It was hell readjusting. I was going to ask do you want Rowena to wipe your memory of this? You'll never remember coming here or seeing me" He shook his head "I want to remember. I wanna know at least one person I care about is happy and as safe as a hunter can be"
Before you could respond Dean walked in and looked between the two of you "am i interrupting something?" You shook your head "No just reminiscing" he nodded "Um Y/N can I talk to you?" You went to stand but Daryl stood first "I'm gonna go see what Sam's up to. I need some air and he said i gotta stay on a trail or something"
You watched Daryl leave before rolling your head over to look at Dean "So you're no longer avoiding me?" "I haven't been avoiding you" You raised an eyebrow at him so he added "I've just been giving you space"
"Space that I didn't ask for. What's wrong Dean?" He glanced back towards where Daryl had left and after a moment of confusion you realized what he meant "Because of Daryl?" When he didn't meet your eyes you pushed "Why do you think I want space from you because he's here?"
"Look Y/N...sweetheart I'm not trying to start a fight" you nodded moving to sit up straight in your chair "Then what are you doing?" He took a breath before finally meeting your eyes "The way he looked when he saw you. The way you hugged him. It was like me and Sam weren't even there. I mean I get it. You were thrown into a literal apocalypse, not knowing if you'd ever get home.."
You don't know what he was going to say next because you cut him off "You're asking if I slept with him while i was there" "It's obvious something happened" you jumped up from your chair not caring that it slammed hard to the ground "So what you think I was just gonna hop in bed with him?"
"I was just making it clear.." he tried but you threw up your hands "I fucking love you Dean. Maybe you're too stubborn to see that but open your eyes. Yes I care about Daryl but I am in love with you. When you can get over yourself long enough to talk like an adult let me know or better yet man up and ask Daryl"
You stormed out without another word, not caring that he was calling after you or that you'd just confessed your feelings for him.
Dean didn't know if he should chase you or let you calm down. The heavy door leading out of the bunker slammed shut and he knew how much force that took behind it. How could he have fucked up this bad? He let jealousy blind him. It didn't matter what happened in the past between you and Daryl.
He loved you and now knowing you felt the same? He felt like the world's biggest asshole. Why didn't he just talk to you?
Sam and Daryl passed you on the trail. It was clear you were upset so Sam offered to stay with you. "Ya ok?" Daryl asked and you nodded "Just need some air. The last few weeks have been a little weird" Daryl had even accompanied all of you on hunts yet not Dean chose to let his eyes turn a dark shade of green.
Daryl watched you storm off with Sam on your heels before heading back to the bunker. He knew you well enough to know when you needed to cool down. God he'd missed you and was glad to have had this time with you but he wanted to get home.
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When Daryl walked down the stairs Dean was standing at the bottom. "Guess I'm not who you were looking for" he guessed at the look on the other man's face. "Not quite" Dean replied.
Daryl went to walk towards the kitchen but Dean stopped him by calling his name "Can we talk? Man to man here?" Daryl didn't know much about Dean. He wasn't as friendly as Sam but seemed like a decent man and knowing you loved him earned him some trust at least. You had good instincts. "Sure"
The two sat across from each other, a beer sitting in front of them both. "You wanted to talk man" Daryl finally spoke breaking the silence. "Y/N means a lot to me. She has for a long time" "but?"
"But I know she cares about you. She was messed up when she got back. I just I wanna know if her getting with me was a rebound thing trying to get over you" Daryl took a sip of his beer before nodding "Ya ain't gotta worry about that. We weren't really nothing like that"
"She said to ask you what happened between the two of you" Dean replied and Daryl looked surprised "We were friends. We survived hell together" "Sounds like more" Dean pushed knowing when someone was hiding something.
"He saved my life" your voice from the door drew their attention. Both looked towards you seeing Sam motion towards his room before walking off.
You walked into the kitchen and sat down next to Daryl "Dean I love you and i need to know, do you love me?" He nodded "Yes I love you" You glanced at Daryl who asked you a question with a look so you took a deep breath and began telling Dean about the "claimers"
Dean listened intently and by the time you and Daryl go to the end of your story he was grateful to Daryl and just happy you'd made it back in one piece.
"I'm sorry" Dean tried but you shook your head "You didn't know. Now you do" you watched as he stood and held his hand out to Daryl "Thank you" Daryl shook his hand with a slight smile "No problem man. Just keep looking out for her"
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You stood next to Dean watching while Rowena prepared the spell. Once she was ready she gave a nod. Daryl shook Sam's hand then Dean's before coming to you.
You pulled him into a hug grateful that you both had the closure. When you pulled back you smiled "Take care of Connie" and saw a light blush color his face. He kissed your cheek "Take care of yourself"
You stepped over next to Dean feeling his arm slip around your waist before the purple of the portal engulfed Daryl taking him back to his reality.
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invsiblestrings · 1 year
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under the cut, you'll find [104] sentence starters from taylor swift's midnights (3 a.m. edition) album. please like/reblog if you find this helpful!
"my flight was awful, thanks for asking."
"i'm unglued, thanks to you."
"you wanting me tonight feels impossible."
"can this be a real thing? can it?"
"and by the way, i'm going out tonight."
"my flight was awful, thanks for asking."
"i'm unglued, thanks to you."
"you wanting me tonight feels impossible."
"can this be a real thing? can it?"
"and by the way, i'm going out tonight."
"i polish up real nice."
"i miss you, but i miss sparkling."
"some guy said my aura's moonstone just 'cause he was high."
"you can try to change my mind, but you might have to wait in line."
"if it feels like a trap, you're already in one."
"never take advice from someone who's falling apart."
"you don't have to answer just 'cause they asked you."
"you wouldn't take my word for it if you knew who was talking."
"did it matter if you got to wash your hands?"
"now that i know, i wish you'd left me wondering."
"if you never saved me from boredom, i could've gone as i was."
"you made me feel important, and then you tried to erase us."
"i regret you all the time."
"i can't let this go, i fight with you in my sleep."
"you did some bad things, but i'm the worst of them."
"i don't start shit, but i can tell you how it ends."
"she needed cold, hard proof so i gave her some."
"don't get sad. get even."
"what if i told you none of it was accidental?"
"if you fail to plan, you plan to fail."
"the first night that you saw me, i knew i wanted your body."
"no one wanted to play with me as a little kid, so i've been scheming like a criminal ever since."
"this is the first time i've felt the need to confess."
"i'm only cryptic and machiavellian 'cause i care."
"you knew the entire time."
"turns out it was that guy you hooked up with ages ago."
"i'm so in love that i might stop breathing."
"romance is not dead if you keep it just yours."
"i wanna brainwash you into loving me forever."
"it only hurts this much right now."
"i'll be getting over you my whole life."
"you know how scared i am of elevators."
"oh no, i'm falling in love again."
"you would break your back to make me break a smile."
"you know how much i hate that everybody just expects me to bounce back."
"how'd we end up on the floor anyway?"
"how the hell did we lose sight of us again?"
"ain't that the way shit always ends?"
"i feel you no matter what."
"i wake with your memory over me. that's a real fucking legacy."
"meet me at midnight."
"i've been under scrutiny. you handle it beautifully."
"i'm damned if i do give a damn what people say."
"all they keep asking me is if i'm gonna be your bride."
"they're bringing up my history, but you aren't even listening."
"i didn't know you were keeping count."
"you said i was freeloading."
"i bent the truth too far tonight."
"do you really wanna know where i was april 29th?"
"good money i'd pay if you'd just know me."
"seemed like the right thing at the time."
"you know there are many different ways that you can kill the one you love. the slowest way is never loving them enough."
"do i really have to tell you how he brought me back to life?"
"i have this thing where i get older but just never wiser."
"i should not be left to my own devices."
"one day i'll watch as you're leaving 'cause you got tired of my scheming."
"i'm the problem. it's me."
"it must be exhausting always rooting for the anti hero."
"i find myself running home to your sweet nothings."
"on the way home, i wrote a poem."
"this happens all the time."
"everyone's up to something."
"to you i can admit, that i'm just too soft for all of it."
"he stayed the same. all of me changed."
"i broke his heart 'cause he was nice."
"sometimes we all get just what we wanted."
"i never think of him except on midnights like this."
"he's gonna notice me. it's okay, we're the best of friends."
"i hear it in your voice. you're smoking with your boys."
"i touch my phone as if it's your face."
"i search the party of better bodies just to learn that you never cared."
"you're on your own kid. you always have been."
"i have my blood, sweat and tears for this."
"my friends from home don't know what to say."
"everything you lose is a step you take."
"you've got no reason to be afraid."
"sucker punching walls, cursed you as i sleep-talked."
"my hand was the one you reached for."
"i vowed not to cry anymore."
"maybe it's the pat that's talking, screaming from the crypt - telling my to punish you for things you never did."
"that was the night i nearly lost you. i really thought i lost you."
"there's no morning glory, it was war, it wasn't fair. and we will never go back."
"i vowed i would always be yours."
"you're talking shit for the hell of it."
"ask me what i learned from all those tears."
"every single thing i touch becomes sick with sadness."
"you were more than just a short time." 
"i've got a lot to pine about about. i've got a lot to live without."
"i'm never gonna meet what could've been, what should've been you."
"did some force take you because i didn't pray?"
"i'll say words i don't believe."
"by the way, i just may like some explanations."
"did you ever have someone kiss you in a crowded room?"
"can i ask you a question?"
"did you leave her house in the middle of the night?"
"do you wish you'd put up more of a fight?"
"do you wish you could still touch her?"
"does it feel like everything's just like second best after that meteor strike?"
"what's that that i heard? that you're still with her?"
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