#I am hoping our sleep will come easy today
nyandela-catalogue · 1 month
AU where Jonah comes back after the argument to pick Adam up, feeling awful for leaving him behind. Adam looks… emotional, genuinely emotional for the first time since Jonah met him.
“I have a disgusting secret, Jonah,” Adam says.
“Do you wanna maybe talk about it?” Jonah asks in return.
“Soon, I… I just need to process everything.”
“Wanna go get ice cream about it?”
Adam smiles. “That sounds great. Thanks man.”
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itsscromp · 3 months
5 months
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A story inspired by this TikTok I hope you all enjoy 😊😊 word count:1.2k
Simon woke up to the all to familiar bright lights and beeping sounds of the hospital. He groaned in pain as he felt like he couldn't move. Thankfully he was spared as you were there to dim the lights after seeing him awake.
"Hey buddy... How are you feeling ??" You asked, To which he replied to a dry cough, water please.
You gently handed him the cup of water and placed the straw into his mouth, Taking a few sips. "What... Happened ??" He asked.
You looked down for a little bit and sighed. "The entire building was rigged with explosives, We began to run out before i found out you weren't behind me. Me and soap began to move the rubble that was in the explosives... and well" You looked over at his badly broken body. Both legs were broken, One arm was broken and 5 cracked ribs.
"The doctor said you won't be back on your feet for a least 3 months"
"Fucking hell..." He sighed.
Regardless, you were happy to keep him company and help him whenever you could. 3 months came by and he was finally free of those damned casts. He could be able to move freely.
But one night, upon closer inspection when he got out of the shower. He lost a lot of muscle, and seemed to gain a little bit of weight too... "This cannot get any worse" He started to tear up, He was already self conscious about his body as it is, this was just almost insult to injury.
He tried to shrug it off for the next week, trying to squeeze in any workouts as he could. But every time someone walks past him, he would always get some form of comment. "Nice tits lieutenant" "Need a training bra ??" "Give us one squeeze please ??" He had to fight every instinct to not throw a weight at there heads... But they were right.
He stood there in his room, looking at his worthless body, His abs weren't as defined anymore. His pecs could hardly be called pecs. His biceps seemed to almost have deflated. Not to mention the pudgy sides around his waist seem to top over. As he started to tear up again, He began to repeatedly smash the mirror in front of him. he hated seeing himself like this. He did was a fucking passion.
You heard the smashed glass and rushed toward his room, Trying your best to pull him away. "Easy easy !!"
"Get off of me !!" He cried out.
"Simon relax, relax... It's just me" You gently took his hands and squeezed them gently. Looking at him in the eyes.
You could see the anger, sadness and insecurity the had, He has already been through a lot and this... This just fucking hurt him.
"Come here, let me have a look" You gently took his hand and inspected it, Just grazes, not deep cuts. So you went and got the first aid kit.
As you treated his wound, he looked down at the floor, seeing the tears fall down. "I fucking hate myself..."
"Simon... Please don't say that" You finished wrapping has bandages and looked at him.
"I do, y/n... Look at me... I'm not what I am" He started to cry a tad bit heavier.
You gently wrapped your arms around him, you knew this was hurting him badly, you didn't want to see him hurt. So later that night, you began to figure out a workout routine. One that was while excruciating, you knew this would get him back to what he once was.
The following morning, you burst into his room, blowing a whistle, and making him jolt awake. "What are we still doing sleeping around lieutenant !! Gym gear on and meet me in the gym !!" You did your best coach voice and urged him out.
Simon was a tad bit shocked when he saw you, But regardless he got his gym clothes on and soon followed you. You had set everything up. Weights, cardio, courses, and protein shakes. "For our warm up I want you to do 30 push ups"
"Don't talk back, Don't give up come on let's go !!"
He knew you meant well as he did his 30 pushups. Today you were his best friend and now his coach, You had him do a lot of things. But when it came to rest period, you brought him over to the mirror.
"I want you to take your shirt off"
He froze as you said that, But you gave him reassuring eyes knowing that it was just you two, He trusted you... So slowly he took off his shirt, He looked away from the mirror once he saw his pudgy stomach. But you gently went up to him. "You know what I see Simon ??"
He kept his eyes away from the mirror but turned to look at you, Giving you a soft look. "I see... Someone who has worked really hard today. Someone who is the strongest being that I have come to know and love. Someone who I know will work hard to see himself again. It will take time, But I know you got this Simon. Just don't beat yourself up... I know this"
You struggled for a while on your body and how you looked as well, You didn't want to see Simon sad and angry at himself.
"Yeah... Ok"
After the gym session, he went back to his room and saw that the mirror had been replaced, he didn't think much to begin with, But he took your advice in hand and went over to it. Taking his shirt off again, this time looking at himself, while yes it will be hard... "I can do this, I can... It'll take time" He said as he gently rubbed his stomach and patted it.
The training sessions continued and got harder, But you helped push Simon to his limit and to the point where he didn't know he was capable of, Downing every protein bar or shake he could, and making sure he looked at himself in the mirror after every session, to learn to love the body that he is in.
5 months later.
Simon wiped his sweat as he placed down the weights, It was hard, excruciating, and sometimes even painful, But it was all worth it, he began to workout shirtless again like he used to. Walking to the mirror with the upmost confidence, looking at himself, and flexing his biceps, he saw the snake-like veins had come back. His manly pecs have sprung back to life, he smirked as he began to pop his pecs, his Terry crews vibes were you could say... "Popping off" and his 6-pack abs have been upgraded to an 8-pack. But the smallest difference is there was the tiniest amount of pudge on his sides. but he could let that slide, all he knew was that he was happy with the way he was.
You walked into the gym and saw him looking at himself, all happy. "I knew you could do it" You smiled up at him.
"No thanks to you sergeant" He smiled and ruffled your hair, he was super thankful for you, his best friend and coach. He wrapped his arms around you and hugged you tightly. "Ok muscles don't crush me" You chuckled as did he.
Simon worked his ass off for 5 months, and it paid off big time. All thanks to you.
Taglist: @callofdudes
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sunnyhvnny · 1 year
Can I request Maegor roughly breeding his wife after she asked him if she could stop bearing him children since she already gave him a lot?
This reminded me of Aegon IV response after Naerys asked him if they could stop trying for children.
Tw: dubcon, breeding
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She was warm and comfortable under the heavy blankets as the moonlight filtered in through the open window. Ever since her youngest son had been born four moons ago, she rarely got any sleep. Tonight, though, he went down without a fuss as did his older brothers. She wasn’t one to believe in any of the Gods but she couldn’t deny that she believed a miracle had happened when her babe’s lilac eyes finally blinked shut.
She wasn’t sure if Maegor would join her in her chambers tonight. Since she had given birth to their first child, she had found him spending more and more of his time with her. His other wives didn’t seem to mind and even relished in his absence.
Things were different, now, though. She couldn’t quite place what it was but she had noticed a small shift in her husband. Similar to how he acted when he first married her and wanted an heir. Ever since their youngest, Valarr was brought into this world, she saw less and less of her husband. As she talked to his other wives or strolled around the Red Keep at night with her babe and toddler with her, she had noticed and heard Maegor with his other wives.
She wasn’t going to confront him about it. He had taken other wives for a reason and it only made sense for him to visit them and give them his seed. Truthfully, she was thankful for it. It was something she had been wanting to bring up to Maegor ever since Valarr was born. She had carried and brought five of his children into this world. She was exhausted and hoped that if she explained it to him he would agree to her not having any more children.
She admired her husband as he walked into her chambers. Maegor had an easy confidence about him. A confidence that she saw in no one else but him. He didn’t say anything to her until he had stripped himself of his boats and outer clothing. When he was in just his tunic and simple breeches, he finally turned to her and climbed into bed with her.
His smile was hungry as he crawled over her still form and his kiss was hungry when he captured her lips. She returned his kiss but refused to give in to the same hunger and pulled away before he could deepen it.
“Maegor, I need to talk to you,” she spoke quietly. Her face was only a few inches from his and she felt his grin more than she saw it.
“I have something I need to tell you as well, my dearest,” Maegor said with a peck to her jaw. She laughed lightly at his playfulness and motioned for him to talk first. “I talked with the maester today. He told me that you are not only healed enough for me to rejoin you in bed but for us to try for another child.”
She felt her blood run cold at his words. Was that why he was so giddy? Because he planned on putting another babe in her. Maegor must have felt her stiffen because he pulled away slightly and looked down at her with a frown.
“What is it?”
His news had knocked her off her axis and left her spinning. He was likely not to go for her idea now.
Her voice was breathy and nervous as she found the words to speak. “I was thinking of our children recently, my love. I have given you five children. Five heirs and I am tired. Not just from carrying them within me or birthing them, but of everyday things that come with raising so many young children.”
Maegor’s lips thinned and his face become unreadable. “Children can be tiring, my wife. That is in their nature.”
She bit her lip before continuing, “I know, Maegor, but I ask this as your wife and someone who loves you: please, no more. Have children with one of your other wives and let me enjoy time with the children we already have.”
At her plea, Maegor frowned at her and gripped the soft hand that was playing with his tunic in his much larger one. “I have many wives and you are the only one who has given me heirs.”
“I know but-”
Maegor pulled the blanket off of her and looked down and her figure. She was wearing a sheer red nightgown. It was his favorite color and barely concealed anything.
“You are my wife,” he growled and she realized that she could see the moment that he not only rejected her plea but the moment that her kind husband left and was replaced by a man that they called cruel.
With a hard tug that he made look easy, he ripped her nightgown from her body, leaving her bare beneath him. “You will perform your wifely duties and that includes taking my cock when I want and giving me as many children as I see fit.”
She knew it wasn’t possible but for a brief moment, as he threw off his tunic and began undoing the strings of his breeches, she could have sworn she saw fire in his lilac eyes. Her heart was hammering hard against her chest and the moment finally caught up with her. Not only was Maegor saying no to her request, but he planned on proving a point. He was going to put a babe inside of her again whether she liked it or not.
She tried to squirm and turn away to leave. To get out from beneath her husband but just when she moved an inch, Maegor grabbed her fleshy thigh and pulled her close to him. She looked at her husband and willed her eyes to tell him to let her go but what he saw on her face must have only made her angrier because he snarled and gripped her hips roughly in his large calloused hands. He swung her legs onto his shoulders as her lower half was lifted off of the bed to meet his cock.
She gulped and held on tightly to the sheets. His cock was large and throbbing and even it looked angry. She sent a silent thank you to whatever God might be listening that she was aroused every time she saw her husband nude. At least she wouldn’t have to take him dry. Because she knew he would take her whether she was soaking for him or as dry as the dunes in Dorne, she had learned that after he insisted they marry and her father refused. When he promised he’d be quick and that it was the only way to get her father to agree to the union.
“Maegor, please,” she whimpers as the head of his cock pushed against her entrance. Tears were starting to form in her eyes and she couldn’t tell what made that so. Was it the callousness in him or his roughness towards her? Was it the fact that she knew that this would not be the last babe that he forced onto her? That he would keep filling her and expecting her to birth his children until another one of his wives finally managed to bring a living child into this world.
He didn’t reply to her whimper. He barely acknowledged it as one hand left her hip and gripped his cock to move it to her entrance. He slid into her with a groan and didn’t think to go slowly or let her adjust to his largeness as he started thrusting into her. His other hand left her hip and her bottom was returned to the mattress below. She breathed heavily, gasping for air as Maegor slid almost completely out and slammed back into her hard. Every time his body collided with hers, the roughness sent her sliding further up the bed until her head finally hit the wooden headboard.
She couldn’t form a coherent sentence, not even in her head as her husband made it abundantly clear that her cunt and womb, while on her body, belonged to him.
She pushed her hands against his chest, trying to get some of the heaviness off of her but he only took them in one of his hands and pinned them to the bed as he rutted ferociously into her. Her whimpers had turned to moans in spite of herself. Every slide of his cock and every time it pounded against that sweet spot inside her made her body hum.
She lifted her hips to meet his but his pace was too brutal for her to keep up and he only managed to pin her hips to the bed beneath him as he switched from thrusts to grinding into her.
She choked out a loud moan at him not only hitting her sweet spot but him now grinding against her clit.
Maegor looked down at her and met her eyes for the first time since he forced his cock into her. His eyes hadn’t softened and she felt as though she was looking at a possessed man. His hand, which he propped by her head came to grip her throat. He squeezed hard but not enough for her to worry as he started to speak.
“You see, my beloved, this is what happens when you don’t want to perform your wifely duties.” He rolled his hips so hard into her she could have sworn she felt his cock in her throat. His hand on her throat prevented her from arguing or saying anything and he grinned humorlessly at her pathetic attempt. “I will not have a disobedient wife and you will bear all of the children you can for me. I don’t care if you cry or scream, I will force you to do your duties.”
His grip loosened and his hand found one of her bouncing breasts. She could barely see him through the tears in her eyes and she turned her head to look at the wall to her right as he took her.
He grabbed her breast hard and leaned down to lick her nipple, humming when milk started to dribble from it. After he sucked a bruise sloppily on one he moved to the other and she knew she wouldn’t be able to hide the purple blotches on her breasts or the bruise that was sure to be on her neck tomorrow.
For one horrific moment, she wondered if she would have to try and hide it. Would he let her out of this room or would he keep her in this bed and continue to fuck her until he felt satisfied that she would be with child?
She was brought out of her thoughts as she felt a tingling warmth in her cunt and abdomen. She knew she was close and she knew she couldn’t hold off, not with the pace and brutality that Maegor fucked her with. Before she could let him know she was already arching her back and rolling her eyes as her count fluttered around his cock.
Her husband groaned loudly at the feeling of her walls squeezing him and his own thrusts became sloppy. He looked down at her. She was sweaty and a mess and her tits, heavy with milk and covered in wet splotches bounces with every thrust.
The sight made a coil in him wind and before it snapped he leaned down, putting his full weight on her, and whispered, “you’re going to take my seed. You’re going to take it and not complain and when I fuck you again later, you’ll take it because even if you don’t know your place, your cunt does.”
With those words the coil in his abdomen snapped and with a loud grunt and one last hard snap of his hips, he spilled his seed into his wife’s warm cunt.
He lay on top of her, panting as she quietly sniffled. He didn’t bother to check to see if she was alright, he was still upset with her for suggesting that she stop bearing children for him. He kissed her collarbone and pulled out of her, watching his thick white seed spill out of her pussy. He grabbed his softening cock and ran it through his seed and around her cunt. He made sure that most of it made it back inside of her and when he pulled away, he admired the mess he made of her.
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omgkatherine01 · 6 months
I'll Be There For You
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Summary: You were sick, and Aegon came to take care of you.
Pairing: Modern!Aegon Targaryen x female reader
Masterlist (requests are currently open for now)
Note: Soft and short.
A/N: I want a soft Aegon too! Because I am feeling a bit unwell, so I got inspired to write this, lol.
Morning, Aeg... Can we cancel today's movie? I'm not feeling well, so I'm just going to be home all day, and take it easy.
The minute Aegon read your text, he grabbed his car keys and jacket and walked quickly to the front door with a call over his shoulder to his mother, "I gotta go!"
Aegon drove to your apartment and parked in the parking lot before quickly walking into the building to the elevator.
He pressed the button to the sixth floor and walked out the moment the door opened. He walked to your door and knocked on it.
He waited for a few seconds before knocking again.
"I'm coming, I'm coming," he heard you from the other side.
You sighed tiredly as you walked to the door and looked through the peephole. You frowned in confusion when you saw it was Aegon and unlocked the door. You opened the door and looked at him in pure confusion and surprise.
"Aegon? What are you doing here?"
"I, uh... you said you not feeling well, so I thought maybe come by and check on you," he said, hoping you couldn't hear the worry in his voice.
"I'm fine," you said and stepped aside to let him in. He walked in and he closed the door. "I just felt drained from the work, and woke up with this huge headache... I know it's supposed to be our day off and we--"
"It's fine," Aegon said, looking down at your clothes and realized you were still in your cute pajs. He looked toward the living room and saw your blanket on the couch and the TV was on.
"Do you want something to drink?" you asked softly as you two walked to the couch.
"Nah, not yet, but if I will, I'll take myself," he said, "Come on, sit." He placed his hands on your shoulders and gently pushed you on the couch.
You were surprised when he quickly pulled your blanket to your body. "Lay down." You did as he said because you didn't feel like arguing at the moment, feeling too exhausted to do so.
"Did you take something for the headache?"
You nodded as you muttered, "Yeah."
"Did you have tea yet?"
You shook your head as you muttered, "No."
"Okay, I'll go and make you some tea, you sit right here, don't move," he said and walked to your kitchen.
You closed your eyes as you let out a breath.
Without realizing it, you almost fell asleep until you felt a hand on your forehead.
You opened your eyes lightly and saw Aegon in front of you, checking for fever. "Yeah, you have a bit of a fever," he said and helped you sit up. He held forward the cup of tea, "Drink this."
"Thank you," you muttered and took a sip.
Aegon sat down on the table in front of you and took the tea back after you took a sip. He placed the tea next to him.
"Aegon, you can still go and have fun with Daeron," you pointed out softly, "Don't let me bother you with this. I'll be all right by myself."
"First of all, you are not a bother," he said, "And second of all, if I go now and my family will hear that you are sick and I left you alone to deal with it, my Mum and Nyra will murder me." That got you smile softly and let out a laugh. Aegon smiled. "Is that really what you want?"
You shook your head lightly, "Nope."
Aegon nodded, "Good. So, until you will feel better, I am staying right here."
You smiled softly and laid back down. You let out a soft sigh and hesitating took his hand.
He gently placed your hand on his lap and gently stroke your palm.
"Thank you," you said softly, "For being here for me."
"I'll always be there for you."
You closed your eyes as you felt his soft touch on your hand. As you felt you were drifting back to sleep, you felt soft lips touching your burning forehead.
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frostgears · 18 days
We Who Are Far From Home, ch. 1: Bree 1
"You should come away from the railing, miss. We're doing thirty knots, easy, with the wind in our favor like this, and the water's absolutely frigid. We lose anyone overboard, they're in trouble. Plus, I heard, the uh, the second mate, she said, uh…"
The catboy's tail swung nervously behind him, side to side.
"Spit it out, Henley," she said without turning away from the churning ocean.
"She said dolls don't swim so well."
"Yeah, all right," she grudgingly admitted, stepping well back from the wooden rail between her and the icy brine. And then, "Aren't you cold?"
"Nah. Cold-weather breed, me. Triple coat. And I swim just fine." he said proudly. "Proud nautical family, mine. Still, not looking to take a dip today. Aren't you cold, miss?"
"Can't feel cold any more."
"Captain awake yet?"
"Yes, miss. Captain's just finishing breakfast."
"Heard you were roaming around and scaring the crew," the captain said, spreading a piece of toast with jam.
"Hardly. Henley doesn't seem to mind me."
"Henley's blessed with the daftness of youth and an untrained eye for magic. The ship's witch refuses to come out of the crow's nest; they're sleeping up there now, even in this chill."
"My compliments to the ship's witch on our speed, captain," the doll said, dipping a precise curtsy. She'd meant it to be a halfassed curtsy, but even after years of upgrades, there were reflexes built into this body that were too strong to shrug off.
"I suspect they just want you delivered and off this ship."
"The winds have been good, so I'm not fussed as to whatever they think of me. Whatever gets me there fastest."
"And you will consider our debt settled then, I hope," the captain said, in a much-put-upon voice.
"Captain! I thought we were friends enjoying a sea voyage together. I had no idea you were such a mercenary."
She raised an eyebrow, a feat that had been beyond her until fairly recently, due to her previous set of eyebrows having been painted on.
"Yes, of course we're done, old man. I'm not an unreasonable person."
"You're not a person at all," he grouched.
"So I can't be an unreasonable one," she said happily, having scored a point in the long-running game that she played against the rest of the world.
"There we go, miss. That's the last of your things."
"Thank you, Henley." She slid an intricately jointed hand into the long-unused pockets of her old Academy greatcoat, found what she knew would be there. "Here. Little something for you."
"A pocketknife, miss? Thank you. This will come in handy under way."
"An Academy pocketknife. Take two steps back and open the big blade."
The catboy put a thumb over the tab for the big blade. She made a sharp noise.
"Ah-ah, Henley. Two steps back."
"Yes, miss."
The knife unfolded, an aurora-blade of ghostly light three feet long. Henley's fur stood on end.
"I… I can't take this, miss."
"You can take it, and you can use it, so you should. Most people can't even open one. Maybe your ship's witch…" She tilted her head, crystal eyes scanning nothing visible, and added, "I have to admit that it's not just out of the goodness of my heart. We're about to get jumped."
"You hear them too, miss?"
"Not hear, but… yes. I make three."
Two figures in crimson cloaks rappelled down from the roof of the building to the right. Another from the left.
"Four. Behind us."
She turned. A fourth cast aside their dull grey overcloak and tray of eel pies.
"Good ears on a good boy. They're Crimson Fist, Pact executioners. They're far from home, but so am I: no one's going to help us here."
The not-person in the Academy greatcoat adjusted a crystal cylinder in the open metal webwork of her left arm. Within it, something hissed; chill blue-grey fog streamed from vents, pooled at her feet, and began drifting in all directions.
"You don't have the stomach for a fight? Run now, quickly, back to the ship as fast as you can. But I think you'll be better off if you hold that blade and stand with me. And Henley?"
"Yes, Miss?"
Two of the three in front drew blades: jagged, showy things. The Fist was here to leave a mess and send a message. They'd leave witnesses. But Henley had helped her. Henley had carried her baggage. They probably wouldn't leave Henley.
"You said you were a cold-weather breed."
"Yes, Miss!"
"Still. Ware the ice."
She stepped forward.
"Hey. Hey," she shouted, as loud as she could; it had taken months of tuning to get it this way, and her voice still wasn't that loud, but it carried well enough. "Pact puppets. Future corpses. You know who I am?"
The center cloak unrolled a scroll. The Fist loved their drama. The scroll-carrier intoned, "The failed mage of the Splinter Territories known commonly as 'Bree the Blessed' has been convicted of high crimes against the people and order of the Crimson Pact—"
"Yeah, that's me… wait, 'the Blessed'?"
"–for which the sentence is death. Judgement will be rendered here forthwith—"
"You probably won't take it, but: one chance. Just walk away."
They never walked away. Except that one time they actually did. She felt a little better, given that one time. But so far it had just been the one.
"—so let all who have eyes take heed."
The one behind them incanted something she couldn't quite pick up. The two holding swords rushed her and Henley.
Right into the fog.
They never learned. Except that one time. This didn't seem like it was going to be like that one time. You had to stay alive to learn.
Bree snapped her fingers; the fog erupted into jagged blue-black ice; the two sword-wielders staggered, impaled by lances of horrible cold. She snapped again and they shattered.
Quick, at least, and limited. She'd used fire often enough that she'd come to appreciate alternatives. This one wouldn't spread past the targets of her wrath and burn the town.
Henley screeched and came swinging wildly for the one with the scroll. They caught the catboy's stroke easily on an armored wrist.
Too bad for them. An aurora-blade touching skin could burn. An aurora-blade reacting with a metal gauntlet sent fat sparks crawling over the Fist assassin's body and dropped them. The catboy might have a little more magic than she had thought.
So far, so good. She took a half-step back, turned, and opened her hand, willing the fog to condense for her into a keen-edged rapier, glinting icy blue light from its blade and freezing a trail of frost in the air.
The trip to the utter north had been worth it just to see what lay pooled there, where the world touched the cold void beyond, and on top of that, she'd been able to take some for herself. So far, it obeyed her, and she loved it for that.
The last Fist assassin, the false seller of eel pies, lunged at her, their own blade glimmering lucent gold with some invocation she didn't recognize.
She iced the ground beneath them just barely enough to trip them up. When they stumbled, she thrust, her rapier accompanied by a half-dozen reflections of itself, a hexagonal column of frozen death.
A hexagonal column of frozen death tore seven long slashes through a crimson jacket and skidded off the material underneath. She barely kept her balance. The Fist stood up, apparently unhurt, shrugging off their ruined uniform.
Bree stared, crystal eyes scanning again and again over what was clearly no armor. Her opponent bore articulations in metal and ceramic in a way that admitted no human occupant.
The Crimson Pact was human, by and large, except for the ruling minority that famously was not. The demons suffered no power that threatened theirs, and especially no permanent interference with the flow of souls.
"So you're making dolls now?" she said aloud.
The Pact assassin ran her free hand through her hair, fanning golden tresses behind her. Shreds of crimson trailed her in the slight wind. Crystal eyes met hers. They looked just like hers — or Lyric's — if rendered in pitiless ruby.
"Only," the Pact doll said, "in the service of unmaking other dolls."
The Fist really did love their drama. But she had to admit that the other doll was a work of art, a sculpture of martial glory.
"That's a hell of a compliment," Bree said. "Good luck with that."
She moved to interpose her armored frame between the Pact doll and Henley, and then let go of her mind's grip on the frozen rapier and the surrounding fog, all at once.
In the chaos of the ensuing cryonic explosion, she picked up the catboy, threw him over her shoulder, and ran. This wasn't his fight. She'd dump him somewhere safe, and then…
Her mind already churned with plans and stratagems and half-formed invocations. Another doll… Had she become threat enough to actually rattle the Crimson Pact? What could that other doll do? And were people really calling her Bree the Blessed?
She thought that, just for a moment in her flight, she saw the flicker of a certain silver radiance, but told herself it was just sunlight off the harbor. Had to be. It wouldn't dare get in her way.
prev: We Who Will Not Bow next: We Who Are Far From Home, ch. 2: Lyric 1
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ninapi · 2 months
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┊┊┊✧ ⁺ ⁺╚══ Upper Moon Four╝
Premise: Obsessive emotions can rut anyone away, appreciating love with fear, anger, joy, pleasure and sadness can overwhelm even the purest of hearts.
Word Count: 2638
Note: You can read the first installment of this story here, this was requested by the lovely @star-dust-wanderer, sorry it took so long for me to finish this! 🫣
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Fear is an incredibly powerful emotion.
It’s very much needed for survival, that is a fact, as it helps you keeping yourself safe and away from all dangers life can bring your way.
But when it comes to love and those sort of complicated feelings, fear can become your worst enemy.
While the rest of the clones had their fair share of excitement with this flower girl, Hantengu hasn’t stopped shaking since the moment you escaped.
Were you safe?
Were you able to escape from this awful series of unfortunate events?
Were you sad and alone waiting for someone to come and get you from a hidden cave in the woods?
Just why he kept thinking about all this was entirely a mystery for him. But he couldn’t sleep, couldn’t even drink blood anymore. He was in physical pain from all this irrational fear to a point where Muzan told him to take a break, sort of…
“Get out of my sight, you useless creature…if I see you once more shivering in a corner today I swear I’ll crush your skull…”
His harsh words only made the grunting and shaking worse, if this wasn’t enough on it’s own he managed to anger his lordship. Why did his clones get him in this mess? Is not like he did willingly, he just absorbed them back, this never happened before, never their emotions were so high they would end up rubbing on him, this was a first and he didn’t know how to fix this.
“I need this to go away before Muzan-sama ends up eating us all…” quivering behind a rock he summoned them four, while all he could feel was fear, annoyance was as clear as water in his eyes.
“Fix this now!”
Sekido as usual was the first one to talk, “This is all your fault to begin with! YOU sent us her way, you agreed on taking this mission! And now you want US to fix it?” scoffing he just paced around said rock, “So easy of you to say…you never take on the dirty work…”
Karaku on the other hand was delighted with the news, “Do we know where she is? I can’t wait to see that gorgeous body of hers again…ahhhhh….my love….I hope she’s dying to meet me just the same way I am…” loud scoffs was all that could be heard in the background, presumably coming from Sekido.
“I just hope she’s still alive…poor girl…she didn’t do anything wrong and she’s so nice…so kind…” Aizetsu kept sighing from his place underneath a tall tree.
“She’s fine, I’m sure. I’ve never seen a stronger woman before. She even likes Sekido!” Urogi was circling them all from above, happily flying with excitement.
“I don’t know where the woman is, just go find her. Don’t come back until you get rid of her!”
“WHAT?” the four of them said in unison, dumbfounded by their counterpart’s instructions.
“I can’t keep living like this, you need to make sure this stops right now. I need her out of our life!”
“I don’t think getting rid of her would fix this problem…if any…my own emotions will drown you further…” Aizetsu rarely has any valuable input in a problem, being driven by sadness isn’t the solution to any problem, but this sounded about right.
“Sekido will consume you from the inside too…” 
“Ugh…We won’t kill her…but I’ll think of a way of fixing the problem.” without acknowledging  their higher self, they followed their self imposed leader, at least he didn’t want you dead.
“Aizetsu, can you track her scent?”
Pulling a little piece of cloth from his pocket, he sniffs it like a pup. “You had a piece of her kimono with you all this time? You disgust me…”
“Don’t listen to him, he’s just jealous because he doesn’t have one himself.”
“She’s in that direction…” he pointed south, the familiar scent he’s been craving so much filling his lungs causing a few tears to roll down his face.
“Yes sir!” flying as fast as he could through the vast forest, an immense amount of excitement filled his chest. While he’s the most calm of the bunch, just thinking of being able to see you once more was enough to make him forget about how hungry he was.
The night was dark, the moon kept hidden by pesky water filled clouds. Of course nothing that would stop Urogi from finding his prize, yet a bit troublesome to say the least. Storm winds kept pushing him on the opposite direction, washing away the soft floral scent he got to love so much.
“(Y/N)!! (Y/N) baby can you hear me? It’s Urogi! (Y/N)??? C’mon love stop hiding!” he screamed at the top of his lungs while flying low. He knew you were there somewhere, he could literally feel it, yet you were nowhere to be seen.
A little branch cracking caught his attention, his eyes glowing brightly in the darkness as the figure he’s been dying to see again finally reveals in front of him.
“Urogi-san? Is it really you?” unlike him, you couldn’t see in the dark, yet the powerful sound of his wings was a memory you treasured dearly and would recognize anywhere.
“(Y/N)!!!” a loud thud could be heard as your body hit the ground, a very heavy mass of muscle and wings crushing you and smothering you with kisses. 
“Urogi-san! I thought I’d never see you again! Why are you here?”
“We were a bit restless thinking of what became of you. Are you hurt? Have you been eating?” 
Giving him that lovely smile of yours,  you just shook your head. “I’m not hurt, all thanks to you all. Aizetsu-san made sure I got to escape safely. Are you four ok?”
“We’re fine just worried about cha. Let’s go find the others, shall we?” he didn’t really gave you time to answer, scooping you in his strong arms and giving you forehead a soft loving kiss while he crossed the forest once more, with you in his arms the storm winds were nothing to him, pure joy elated his heart and that was more he could ever wish for.
Once he managed to get back to others, he put you down puffing his chest proudly, “Found her~”
“Sekido-san!!!” you tackled the demon, wrapping him in a warm embrace, while the others knew you were quite fond of him, they never expected to see such a thing.
“Are you ok? You’re such a dumb woman, I’m sure you’re hurt everywhere, aren’t you? Show me your injuries, you idiotic pest!” 
His angry outburst made you giggle, even if he was angry he was worried about you, that much was clear. “I’m fine. Don’t worry, I’m tough, remember?”
Scoffing he stopped resisting your snuggling, “Yeah right, like a useless human could do anything on their own…”
“I wasn’t on my own though…Aizetsu-san helped me get out of there unscratched.” reaching a hand over to Aizetsu, you pulled him into the warm mess of tangled limbs you called hug. 
“I missed you…” the sadness in his voice was palpable, while the other three missed you as well, they were incapable of showing it the way he could.
“I missed you too. Did you manage to escape alright too?” you cupped his cheek, tenderly caressing it with your thumb, while he couldn’t smile, his eyes watered with intensity from your soft loving touch, nobody had ever shown such tenderness to him, he was a demon, undeserving of such delicacy.
“Yeah…we are all fine. Better now that you’re here…”
Karaku was enjoying the show from up a tree branch, drinking some sake while admiring your beauty from afar, “We need to get you back to safety, sweetheart. Otherwise our emotions won’t be at peace. Though, I still want to strip you naked and drink from your-“
“Shut your mouth if you ever want to use it again.”
Sekido’s outburst made you giggle once more and snuggle further onto him. “Are we going back to the cottage? Or is it still not safe?”
“The cottage should be fine, right boss?”
“Yeah the demon corps left the area a while back, even if they did a human living there on her own wouldn’t be suspicious.”
“As long as we aren’t there, that is. We would only bring her troubles…” Aizetsu sighed heavily, sinking further into your embrace as if trying to engrave this moment in his memory for eternity. The warmth of your body, your little squeezes, the soft touch of your loving kisses…in all honesty he wished he could enjoy those all his life. 
But there was no way he could.
“Let’s go, gorgeous. I’ll carry you in my arms so you don’t have to walk.” flying with Urogi was quite thrilling, though it was also pretty fast to arrive to wherever the aim was and that was something you didn’t want right now. “As much as I enjoy that, I think I would like to walk with all of you, if you don’t mind.”
They were all as surprised as the other by your response. It almost sounded like you wanted to spend time with them. But that couldn’t be true, they were your captors, they literally kidnapped you and forbid you to return to your home town, not even to retrieve the corpses of your departed family.
Aizetsu held one of your hands in his, gently caressing your knuckles with his thumb, “Let’s go.” 
Taking the lead was never reserved for Aizetsu, he lacked assertiveness, but even sadness can be useful when it comes to real love.
He had the most intense feelings out of the rest, while some might think Sekido was the obvious answer, sadness is more powerful than anger, it tears you apart from within, it makes you take stupid decisions, clouds your view of every possible positive outcome. But it also clings to the beautiful feeling of love, craves it like no other as it soothes their lonely heart.
Aizetsu was the one who triggered such anxiety in Hantengu, he was the sole reason for his constant breakdowns.
While the other three contributed to this, Aizetsu kept flooding his mind with insanity.
The moment you smiled at him and held his hand back, his heart just couldn’t take it anymore, sobbing, he kept on walking north, he needed to bring you back to safety, back to a place he could always find you at.
“Oi Sekido…If we bring her to the cottage…does that mean we can just visit her whenever we want?”
“Ugh…I guess…but try to suppress your joy or he will notice…”
Urogi danced in the gloomy night sky, even if Aizetsu had the best interaction with you this time around, there was always a chance to see you again, he could come and smother you with kisses whenever he wanted, he could just stop feeling like he was drowning. Being happy all the time can be as exhausting as being sad or angry, it makes you question your own choices, your own words, your own truthfulness, yet with you around he never had to question anything, he could utterly enjoy his joyful self, making you giggle, causing you to smile, being a source of happiness to you was more than enough for him.
Sekido on the other hand, had his mind filled with uncertainty.
While he knew you being safe would bring order to his messy thoughts, he also knew it was very unlike him to enjoy your company, your touch, your smile. He was in rage with his own self, he wanted to kick himself real bad, rip his own head off, he couldn’t fathom anger itself could bring something like love to bloom.
What angered him most was the fact that you didn’t mind any of this. You were surrounded by demons, demons that could eat you alive at any point in time, you were facing Karaku who could ravish you to pieces, and all you did was giggle like a fair maiden, blush at their words, cuddle them like they were a bunch of puppies. You’d end up dead at this rate…if you accepted them just fine, you could accept any other demon, they would not think twice and dismember you like a chicken for supper, drink your delicious blood like nectar from the gods.
“Woman. You can’t let anyone enter the cottage but us, you hear me?”
“What do you mean?”
“You…your scent…calls creatures like us…they won’t be as generous…”
“Ah….yes…anyone would party in that beautiful body of yours, my muse…I would if Sekido wasn’t as noisy…” the scowl in Sekido’s face was almost comical, yet he was absolutely right and that was a terrifyingly infuriating thought.
“Got it. Will you guys bring food to me then? If I can’t go out?”
“You can go out, dumbass. Just not at night.”
“Oh…that makes things easier, yes. But you will come and visit me, right?” the pleading look in your eyes made him feel somewhat light headed, an unusual sensation at that.
“Yeah yeah…”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The cottage was still the same way you left it, remains of the rope that held you captive, charred coal from Karaku’s bonfire…Urogi’s scratches on the floor, it held so many dear memories, even if they were fleeting, they were all very much treasured memories of yours.
They were hard at work reinforcing the door and windows, setting traps around the cottage, making sure no demon would dare to touch their prey. 
Aizetsu though, couldn’t bare being away from you and was currently laying his head on your lap while you caressed his long fluffy hair. 
While he was still sad about leaving you here on your own, he knew there was noting he could do, he couldn’t stay here to protect you, though he could come at any time, see your face, have your soft soothing touch all to himself.
“Aizetsu-san…I wanted to thank you…” your voice was nothing but a whisper, yet he could hear all of it and it made his stomach drop with anticipation.
“You were always so kind to me, from the start. Gave me a sense of safety I never felt before…” your words turned to silence yet your loving touch said more than your words, he could feel how much you cared for him, for the others, how you accepted them even knowing what they truly were, a sense of belonging bloomed in his chest the same way it did on the others.
“I’ll come visit when I can…will you…will you caress my hair like this when I do?”
“Of course, sweet stuff. As much as you want…”
Unbeknownst to you both, the other three were watching the entire interaction. 
They were connected after all, they were one.
That sense of belonging bloomed in all of them at once, and not an ounce of jealousy could be felt within any of them, not even Sekido.
This is where they belonged. 
Not by Muzan’s side, not fighting demon hunters, but in your arms.
A realization that was not only worrying but wholesome, as much as troubling.
Demons can’t fall in love, can they?
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angstywaifu · 2 months
The Lost Sister - Part 19
Synopsis: Xaden is known as an only child due to his sister who 'died' during the Rebellion. Little do they know she didn't die and has been so close this entire time.
Garrick Tavis x OC A/N: Hope you are ready to see our girl get angry at our boys. Garrick really needs to think before doing things sometimes. Being observant sometimes always doesn't pay off.
The Lost Sister Masterlist | Masterlist
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That night I don’t see Xaden, Bodhi or Garrick. I had looked everywhere and come up short. I had even asked Mealladh if their dragons were there. When she came back with she couldn’t find their dragons I knew they were off doing something. But what? The last few days had been a blur. Violet and I had nearly been assassinated. Amber was now dead because of it. I had manifested my signet. And Jeremiah…. Jeremiah had gotten his and died. Jeremiah who had read some of Garrick’s mind. Who I had sworn was about to say Aretia before Xaden cut him off with his shadows. Why had Garrick been thinking about home? Yes my thoughts occasionally went back to there. But his thoughts had been panicked. Worried he would find out about something to do with Aretia. I was sure of it. That night my dreams took me home. To Aretia.
I wake to the sun shining through my window. I groan as I shield my eyes. I had left the curtain open like an idiot. Today was a very rare weekend day first years had off. And my dumbass had left my curtains open on the one day I could sleep in. Though it was still a small win, I had gotten to sleep in longer than I normally would. As my eyes adjust I notice the small package on my bedside table and a note attached to it. Someone had been in my room while I slept. Someone had gotten past my so called bodyguard. I sit up and carefully grab the note has my heart rate picks up. But as I see the handwriting it settles. It was Garrick’s.
’Sorry I wasn’t around last night. Hope this makes it up to you. - Garrick.’
I can’t help but smile at the note. We hadn’t gotten as much time together since we’d had our talk and celebration. Both of us busy. But I knew today I would have to find him and get what time I could. I had to talk to him and Xaden about my signet and the Jeremiah thing. I had to get answers. I was still yet to tell any professors about my signet. And I couldn’t delay it for much longer. I needed to start taking Professor Carr’s class. I needed to understand my signet and learn how to control it. Though so far I seemed to have pretty good control over it.
You have amazing control over it. You should be proud. Mealladh says to me.
I just feel like it has come so easy. Too easy. I reply.
I told you I picked you for a reason. You are perfect for this signet. This is only the beginning. But you do have incredible control over it already. I am proud of you. I can feel through the bond every word she speaks is true.
She throws her shield up leaving me alone again. She must be out hunting or something. I had felt her slight hunger through the bond as we spoke. I turn back to the package from Garrick and pull it into my lap. I pull on the string he used to wrap the brown paper around it. Inside is a box. When I open the lid a huge smile breaks over my face. Inside is one of my favourite treats from back home. It wasn’t something we could easily get back home either. It was something the Gryphon Riders would trade with us only a few times a year. My eyes go wide. Wait. Only those from Poromiel knew how to make this. They’d never taught us. Only Gryphon riders brought this to us. Garrick wouldn’t know how to make this. It’s as if my mind pieces it all together. The multiple nights they have been missing. Jeremiah reading Garrick’s mind and almost saying what I swear was Aretia. And now the food that sat in the box in my lap/ I throw my sheets off me as I quickly remove my sleep attire and pull on my uniform. I grab the box before running from my room. I push past Liam who tries to stop me till he see’s the box in my hands. I swear he goes slightly pale at the sight. But I don’t have time to ask him anything. I rush to the dining hall. Garrick or Xaden nowhere to be seen. I go to the gym next. Not there. I go to head to the flight field when I see Bodhi walk out from the dinning hall. I rush over to him. He smiles as I rush over.
”Where are they?” I demand, cutting him off as he goes to say hello.
His eyebrow furrows and then he looks down to my hands and see’s the box. I watch as his skin turns pale like he’s seen a ghost. He looks back up at me as he swallows nervously. He knows I’ve put it together.
”Ophelia I-”
”Take me to them. Now.” I cut him off angrily.
Bodhi merely nods before leading me into the academic building. Towards the tower Xaden and I had found to get away from the quadrant. I can sense how nervous and scared Bodhi is. His weakness right now is the truth they’ve been hiding from me. The truth that is about to come out. And he is scared. Our steps echo off the tower walls as we ascend the stairs. My heart thuds with each step I take. What the hell was I going to say? What the hell did I want to say? They’d lied to me. Hidden something important from me. As we ascend the last few steps I push past Bodhi and throw the door open. Garrick and Xaden turn to me, shocked at my sudden appearance as Bodhi slowly joins us.
“Is everything-”
I throw the box at Garrick, cutting his sentence short. Xaden goes pale as his eyes narrow and glare at Garrick.
”Want to explain how you got that?” I hiss at the men in front of me. “And don’t you dare say you made it. Because I know you didn’t.”
They all stare at me with guilt all over their faces. Except Xaden who looks like he might actually want to kill Garrick right now.
”You’re right. I didn’t make it. You know where I got it.” Garrick says in the most monotone voice I’ve ever heard from him as he looks me in the eyes.
I narrow my eyes at him. “I want to hear you say it.” I demand.
He gulps nervously and nods slowly. “Gryphon Riders.”
I turn to Xaden. “That’s why you panicked when Jeremiah locked onto Garrick’s mind. He was going to say Aretia before you cut him off. Wasn’t he?”
He begrudgingly tears his gaze from Garrick. “Yes. We had been talking about it before he burst into the courtyard.”
”And why were you talking about Aretia? Our home? Cause last time I checked it was gone.”
I was smart enough to piece together the puzzle in front of me. But I wanted to hear it from them. I needed to hear it from them. There was a reason Xaden had seemed so similar to our father recently. But I needed to hear it from the three people I held closest to me. The only family I had left.
Garrick and Xaden look at each other and they both nod, Garrick sighing in defeat as he prepares to tell me. He steps forward and holds the box out to me. I stare at it for a moment before I take it back angrily.
”Because we’ve been smuggling weapons to them. To help them. To protect them. To build an alliance with them. We’ve been doing it as soon as we were able to get away from the quadrant without raising suspicion.” He tells me quietly, as if he’s scared I will run off.
I can feel Garrick’s presence and I reach out. I can practically hear his rapid heartbeat beat through whatever connection I can make with this signet. He’s scared as hell. Everything him and Xaden have worked towards is out in the open. I also feel the worry of him losing me over this. He’s nervous at how angry I am. Damn right he should be.
”You’re building an alliance for another rebellion aren’t you?” I ask after silence falls over us.
Xaden stares at me intently as if trying to read my thoughts. His brow furrows in confusion before he nods. “Yes.”
I shake my head before walking back and forth in front of them. They hadn’t lied to me per say, but had kept something big from me. Something they all knew I would want to be in on. Aretia was my home. And we had all believed in my father’s course of action. Because it was the right thing to do.
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner? Why did you keep me in the dark?” I finally ask as I lean up against the railing over looking the quadrant.
“I just wanted to protect-“
I whip around to face Xaden who had stepped forward to talk to me. “To protect me? Gods, I don’t know how many times since I have been here that I have proven I don’t need protecting anymore! I am not that little girl you said goodbye to that day in Aretia!” I yell at him as Bodhi and Garrick look at us in shock, Garrick stepping back to stand near Bodhi.
“You’re my sister. A sister I thought died all those years ago. I will not lose you again!” Xaden fumes as he storms over to me.
“But you didn’t. I spent five years with him. Spent five years fighting for my life every single day. One wrong move and he would have ended me and we both know that. Five years I played the part he wanted me to play. The small naïve Riorson daughter who didn’t know better at the time. I fought every single day to make sure I could come back to you all. So don’t you dare say to me I need fucking protecting Xaden. Because I have proven I can look after myself. I have proven I don’t need any of you to do it for me. Because I did it for myself for five years.”
Garrick and Bodhi stand behind Xaden frozen in place as we stand toe to toe. Xaden and I had never raised a voice at each other. Yes we would butt heads and say some colourful words at each other. But this was a first. Bodhi and Garrick looked torn at pulling us apart or coming to defend the girl they use to know. I was not letting them push me around and coddle me like the young girl I was. I had proven I could defend myself.
“I don’t need your bodyguard. I don’t need you to have the other marked ones keep eyes on me like I’m some fragile little girl. She died the day she left Aretia.”
“Yes she did die. She literally did for all of us five years ago. We all thought you were dead. I cannot go through that again. I won’t go through that again.” He almost pleads to me as he goes to put his hands on my shoulders. “Just let us watch-“
“No!” I yell as power surges through me.
All of a sudden we are not standing in the tower anymore over looking the quadrant and the valley surrounding. We’re standing in the courtyard of Aretia. Except it’s were not. Its not real. There’s a sheen to it as if it’s a figment of our imagination. All four of us staring at our surroundings in awe. Xaden is the first to snap out of it as he turns back to me, his eyes wide with shock. I had somehow managed to feed on our collective weakness right now. Our home. Our home was our weakness and we would all fight for it. Like we were right now. I had somehow projected it for us all to see.
“How…. How did you do that?” Xaden asks as I look back at him.
“I-I don’t know. It just kind of happened.” I say as I look around in shock.
The image of Aretia slowly fades away, putting us back in the tower. Back in the quadrant. As it does so I can feel the presence in my head that I had tugged at. Xaden. I had pulled at his presence. But I hadn’t fully felt it when I did. As if my mind had reached out with out me willing it during my out burst at Xaden.
“You need to keep that part to yourself. If the professors find out you can do that…. They might see you as innistic.” He says sternly.
I slowly nod my head. He was right. Even though we were yet to tell the Professors I had manifested my signet, revealing I could cast projections like that would definitely have them questioning me. As Xaden had always said, I had an uncanny ability to see peoples strengths and weaknesses. And now it seemed I could project on that. Make them see it. Something the higher ups would want to either cut out or use for themselves. And I’m sure Melgren would find a way to keep me for himself if he found out. Seems I could do a lot more than just will things to move with my mind.
Behind him Bodhi and Garrick are staring at me shocked. They had seen me throw someone against a wall and float things towards me. But being able to get in someone’s head and project something like that was something neither of them had expected.
“Now can you please let me in on this. Let me fight for our home again. Let me help.” I plead to Xaden. “You know my signet can help. I can help. I want to fight for my home.”
He sighs before shaking his head. Torn at if to let me help, or keep trying to protect me. “You need to get it under control first. But you are right as much as it pains me to say.”
“Xaden.” Garrick goes to start before Xaden raises a hand silencing him.
Garrick’s lips tighten into a thin line as he holds back the words he wants to say.
“I can’t let you on the supply runs. It’s too risky with a first year. Too hard to explain. Especially if Melgren is keeping an eye on you. But I can tell you what is going on. Next year I can give you more. I’ll need someone to help Bodhi here when Garrick and I have graduated.”
I can tell the words are hard for him to say. But he knows I can help. Even if it’s just being in on what’s happening, it’s better than being left in the dark. Eventually my signet could be a big help. Meaning I would need to focus as much time as I could into mastering it and strengthening it. I let out the breath I didn’t realise I was holding as my anger starts to dull.
“And no more bodyguard.” I add as I look between Garrick and Xaden. “I’ve proven I am just as good as Liam.”
Xaden goes to object as Garrick steps forward and places a hand on his shoulder. “She’s right Xaden. She doesn’t need one. She has proven she can defend herself as much as I hate to say iot. She’s not the girl we use to know. And if you ever get worried she can stay in my room. I’ll look after her.”
Xaden looks between the two of us. Clearly he’s not overly impressed about the idea of Garrick and I sharing a room even though he is happy we finally sorted our shit out. But eventually he slowly nods. Garrick would pretty much always be with me minus some classes, where I would be with Liam anyway. Meaning outside of classes Liam would only have to keep his focus on Violet.
“Fine. But I swear to gods you two better put up silencing wards. I do not want to hear anything.”
Part 20 Tag List
@riorgail @going-through-shit @fw-gt @bbkissme99 @xceafh @leptitlu @came-to-laugh-but-cried @onthewaytotimbuktu @daardyrnitta @lovemesomevesey
66 notes · View notes
imabeautifulbutterfly · 3 months
Star Wars Fic Roulette
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@dragonrider9905 hey love, so I finished the second request. So this is 29 and 48. I hope you like it.
It turned out more fun than expected.
Love oo,
Get Away
Warning: Betrayal, infidelity, hurt, looking for a fresh start, fluff, angst, gossip, fed up with being gossiped about, I think that's it. If I miss any please let me know
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Main Master List   |  Star Wars Fic Roulette
You sat in the cafeteria of Kamino nursing your caf. You really didn’t want to see anyone today, much less do any kind of work. How were you supposed to work, when the man you were supposed to marry just told you, he was in love with someone else. You understood, after all you had been on Kamino for the past seven months working on getting your medical licence. What shocked you however, was when he told you the person he was leaving you for, was none other than your best friend. 
Oh and he also felt it was relevant for you to know they had actually been sleeping together for the past year. So, not only did you lose a best friend, a fiance, but you were being cheated on, while you were with them. While the three of you would hang out. Go to the holovid cinemas, shopping, having lunch or dinner; all the while they were putting on fake smiles, they were betraying you behind your back. 
Word spread around Kamino faster than a gundark looking for its next meal, before you knew it you were being referred to as that medic. The medic with the broken heart, the medic with the cheating fiance, the medic who suffered betrayal from your closest and best friend. How they found out about who your fiance cheated with was beyond you. What you needed however was to get away, to do some real work, be transferred to the front lines. 
So you sat in your supervisor’s office, pleading to be transferred to a Commando unit or a unit that needed a medic. 
“I don’t think it’s a good idea. You’re emotional, and you could foul up in the field.” Your supervisor who never even cared for a second reiterated for the third time. 
“Excuse me, but you’ve never cared about me, so why now?”
“Listen, it’s not that I don’t care, it’s that I have to be fair.”
“So having me sit day after day as my personal life is being gossiped about and talked about is fine and dandy to you! Why aren’t you concerned that my emotional state right now isn’t affecting my performance! If anything, getting away from the gossip will ease my mind and heart.” You put all your effort into this speech, you just needed a break. 
She let out a sigh as she eyed you carefully, “Alright. I do know of a unit that could - - somewhat, need a medic. However…” she raised her finger to make a point, “if you foul up, if I get one negative report from the Sergeant in charge, and you’ll be right back here. Understood?”
“Yes. Thank you.” You held your hands together thanking her and the force for actually giving you a break. 
“Alright, I’ll contact the sergeant and send you your orders. They’ll be leaving soon for their mission. I suggest you get your bag ready, and be prepared. They won’t be coming back to Kamino for at least several rotations.”
“How many?”
“Last time it was nearly six months.”
You nodded understanding this wasn’t going to be an easy assignment, you headed to your quarters, packing what you deemed were essentials. It was about three hours later when a knock came at your door. 
You didn’t hesitate to open the door, surprised however to see a clone that had rather long hair and a red bandana tied around his forehead. 
“Can I help you?”
“Sergeant Hunter, Clone Force 99. I understand you’re our new medic.”
You blinked a few times, at his smooth voice. Most clones had a soft and determined tone to their voice, a commanding tone. However, his tone was warm and welcoming.
“Uh… sorry,” you apologized from spacing out, “Yes. I am. Well at least, I think I am. I haven’t received my orders yet.”
“Nope, because they’re here.” He passed you the datapad, “I understand you requested this assignment.”
You looked at the orders, assigning you to Clone Force 99 aka Bad Batch for the foreseeable future until your services were no longer required, you died, or they found someone better. You shook your head at the order and tossed the datapad on to your bed.
“Well guess, I’m with you guys. Nice to meet your sergeant.” You stuck out your hand to shake his. He nodded, shaking your hand. 
“May I ask why you requested it?” He pulled his hand away, he was glad he wore his gloves, he didn’t want you feeling how much his palm was sweating. He never experienced such fluttering feelings in his heart or stomach, just from meeting someone. Maybe he was coming down with something. 
“You mean you haven’t heard gossip that’s all over Kamino?”
Hunter smirked, so you didn’t know why his brothers were special or why they were in a class of their own, “We … my brothers and I aren’t exactly popular with the Regs.”
“The regular clone troopers.”
You furrowed your brow confused, as you pointed to him, “You’re not a regular clone trooper?”
A smile appeared on his lips as he shook his head, “No. Not at all. We can go into details about that later, what are you doing though?” His eyes focused on the three bags you had packed on your bag.
“Oh, well my supervisor said to pack since when we leave tomorrow, we might not be coming back for a while…” you looked over to your bed and realized how much overpacking you did. “Ah, I overdid it, didn’t I?”
“More than somewhat. The Marauder isn’t a big ship. There is a cargo hold, but that usually carries our weapons, explosives, food rations. We each only have three body suits which we rotate, wash and mend ourselves. You may be able to bring two of those cases, but not more than that. And I would say two is stretching it.”
You turned back to look at the cases, “Well one of them is actually food, spices, and snacks. The second one is medical stuff, gauzes, medicine, surgical stuff, scanners, etc., and the last one is just personal stuff.”
“Hmm” Hunter tilted his head to read what was written on your personal pack, “You’re the stars to my galaxy, without you there is no light. Is that a message from your family?”
Your eyes focused on the scrawl that was on your bag, and you laughed, “No. That … that was my youngest cousin who wanted to leave me a memento of herself. It’s a line from her favourite song.”
He couldn’t help but smile at that, he liked it. ‘You’re the stars to my galaxy, without you there is no light,’ it somehow held a special and deeper message for him, yet he wasn’t sure why. 
“I like it.” He cleared his throat, focusing back on your bright and beautiful eyes. Somehow, that sentence made more sense as he looked into them, “Since it’s food and medical supplies. We’ll find room for it. Just don’t let Wrecker know about the food, it might dwindle faster than you anticipated.” He chuckled. 
“Who’s Wrecker?” You asked a little confused. 
“Oh you’ll meet them later today. Once you’re done here, join us in the cafeteria for a late dinner. We’ll be there at 1930 hours.”
You glanced at your watch and nodded, “1930 hours, I look forward to it, Sergeant.”
“No one calls me, Sergeant. Not unless they’re in trouble. Just call me Hunter.”
“Oh, okay. In that case, just call me by my name too.”
“Alright, mesh’la. I’ll do that. See you tonight.”
He waved and headed to his barracks, his cheeks blushing from the slip of calling you mesh’la, hopefully you didn’t realize it meant beautiful. 
Main Master List   |  Star Wars Fic Roulette
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@liadamerondjarin @badbatch-simp24@spicymcnuggies@lady-ren @firstofficerwiggles @darkangel4121 @discofern @kavecika @monako-jinn-stories @ladykatakuri @avathebestx @theroguesully @furyhellfire66 @carodealmeida @ciramaris @sprout-fics @twinkofthedink @dindjarin-mandalorian @ulchabhangorm @littlemisspascal @tortor-mcgee @vodika-vibes @clonethirstingisreal
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holdmytesseract · 9 months
Hello bestie I am back with another request 👀🎉
Magnus crushing on a barista and a robber coming into the coffee shop and him coming to her rescue 🥹👀
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Knight With Curls and Blue Eyes
Magnus Martinsson x fem!Reader
Summary: Magnus has a crush on you - a barista. When the coffee shop you are working in gets robbed, the curly haired policeman is more than eager to save and protect you...
Warnings: police things, guns, bit of violence, blood? robbery of a coffee shop, fluuuuff!
Word Count: 3,1k
a/n: Since I'm going to go on holidays on Tuesday and therefore won't be as active for a few days, I thought I'm giving y'all a bit of Magnus to read. 😊
That oneshot was SO much fun to write! 🥰 Magnus, our sweet little meow meow. 🥹 Hope y'all like it - especially you, bestie @muddyorbsblr ! I think you are probably in need of a bit Magnus fluff at the moment. 😉🥺
Also, please go easy on me, guys. I haven't written for Magnus that much yet. I hope it's good, though. 🥺
Tagging: @muddyorbsblr @lulubelle814 @km-ffluv @loz-3 @vbecker10 @jennyggggrrr @chantsdemarins @multifandom-worlds @fictive-sl0th @lovingchoices14 @simping-for-marvel @stupidthoughtsinwriting @vanilla-daydreaming @lou12346789 @lady-rose-moon @evelyn-kingsley @smolvenger @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @wolfsmom1 @lokidbadguy @icytrickster17 @mandywholock1980 @november-rayne @lokiforever @hisredheadedgoddess28 @mischief-dream @jaidenhawke @crimson25 @cakesandtom @buttercupcookies-blog @salvinaa @javagirl328
°☆• Masterlist •☆°
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"Do you really think this is the best strategy?" Magnus asked his colleague, as he looked through the binocular; gaze undoubtedly directed out of the car window and focused on the small seaside cottage. His question stayed unanswered, causing him to frown and peel his eyes away from the object in his hands. "Kurt?"
Looking over at the driver seat of the detective's black Volvo, Magnus noticed that said detective had fallen asleep. Unable to suppress a small laugh, "Kurt. Hey, Kurt." the young policeman gently hit the older man's arm, causing him to literally wake with a start. Alarmed, Kurt looked around; anticipating the worst. "What is it?! Did you see something?!" The man with the curly haired mane on his head chuckled. "No, it's nothing. You fell asleep. I just thought I should wake you up." Kurt groaned; running a hand over his face. "Dear god, Martinsson..." Magnus rubbed his neck; "Sorry." smiling uptight. "But hey, I told you to get more sleep!" "I'm trying! It's just not that easy..."
A strange atmosphere spread throughout the car after the experienced man's words. Magnus knew what Kurt was talking about. The last years hadn't been easy and not always kind to him. It also caused silence to fall over them; both policemen just staring out of the windows and observing their main suspects cottage - until Magnus decided to 'break the ice' again.
"You up for some coffee? I feel like we could both use one, eh?" Kurt's gaze fell on the younger man again; a small smile tugging at his lips. He nodded; starting the engine of the car. "This is the first reasonable thing you're saying today, Magnus," Kurt remarked; teasing his colleague. Magnus just shook his head with a smile.
No ten minutes later, Kurt pulled up the car bedside the cosy, little coffee shop, which wasn't far from Ystad's småbåtshamn - and the police station. It was the go-to coffee shop for the policemen and women. Nobody knew why, it just became some kind of tradition. A habit.
The detective stopped the car and turned off the engine, before he nodded at his colleague. "You know how I drink my coffee." Magnus blinked; pointing at himself. "You want me to get the coffee?" "You suggested it. Besides, I'm the driver." A groan left the curly haired man's lips. "But I'm always doing the coffee run..." Not without reason, Kurt stated in his head. Instead of saying what was on his mind, though, he just shrugged his shoulders; trying desperately to hide a smile. "Well, I guess you're the chosen one."
"Fine," Magnus grumbled underneath his breath and unbuckled his seat belt, before he got out of the car and crossed the road to enter the coffee shop.
Kurt, who stayed seated in the car, had a victorious smile displayed on his face. He knew exactly what he had done. After all, it was no secret throughout the - meanwhile whole police station, that the young policeman had a massive crush on the cute and extraordinarily kind barista, who worked in that very coffee shop. Magnus was very bad at hiding it. Let's put it that way. Everybody noticed, but Magnus didn't notice that they had noticed. He may have been aware of the crush he had, but that his colleagues always send him on the coffee run because of that hadn't occurred in his mind yet.
Feeling his hands already getting sweaty - like every time when he looked through the big window pane and saw her standing behind the counter, he wiped his palms off on the dark blue fabric of his jeans. Tucking his white shirt properly back inside his jeans after and giving himself a short once-over, Magnus stepped through the glass door. The little bell above the door announced his presence. Usually, the so popular coffee shop was very crowded; filled to the brim with people, but not in that very moment. Well, it was late in the morning and the most Swedes were at work. He stepped closer; watched with a soft smile how you handed a steaming mug on a tray to an elderly woman.
"Varsågod, fru Olsson." The woman smiled; taking the small tray with a slightly shaking hand. "Tack så mycket, min kära." You smiled brightly. "Ni är hjärtligt välkomna. Njut av ditt te." The woman stepped away then, passing by the young policeman. "God morgon," Magnus greeted the woman; tipping his head with a smile. He may be of a younger generation, but he still had manners. The woman looked at him with a smile, "God morgon, unge man." and passed him by to sit onto one of the comfortable benches. The man watched her for a moment, before he turned his attention towards the counter. Towards you.
You already greeted him with that sweet smile; causing the curly haired policeman's knees to go weak. You recognised him of course by now. He was a regular customer. "Oh god morgon, herr polisman," you said in a cheerful, happy voice. You never failed to make Magnus smile. Always a ray of sunshine. It made his heart skip a beat. "What can I get you today? The usual, or something different?"
Magnus just stared into your breathtakingly beautiful face for a moment; noticing how your Y/E/C eyes sparkled with joy as you spoke. Your hair was bound together as always. You wore your black apron as always, but you didn't wear a white blouse underneath today - like he noticed. Your blouse was a soft, light blue. Oh fuck, he thought; catching himself staring. I'm in so deep.
"H-Hey, um, god morgon, I..." He stammered; losing his composure for a moment. "No. Not the usual today, I'm afraid." Magnus quickly tried to turn the corner; giving you a dazzling smile. "I'm on patrol with my colleague, so... It's just the two of us." "Ahh, I see," she said; wiping her hands off on the apron. "Well, your wish is my command." The policeman couldn't help but smile again. "One black coffee please and-" "One coffee with cream and two sugars, right?" You chimed in; interrupting him and already went to work. Magnus just blinked at you. She remembers how I like my coffee... She remembers!
You saw his distraught face; immediately thinking that you did something wrong. Clearly it was disrespectful to interrupt the sweet and kind policeman with the untamed, blonde-brown curls. "I shouldn't have interrupted you. I'm so sorry, I-" "No!" Magnus jumped in on an instant. "No... It's alright. I'm just stunned that you remember." He admitted with a soft chuckle; cheeks turning red. Your body relaxed again. "Well, I always remember, Mr. Martinsson. You come here very often, you know." That was true. "Well, yeah, I... My colleagues always condemn me to do the coffee run..." You giggled - it was like music in Magnus's ears; "I noticed." and placed two cups of coffee on the counter in front of him. "One black coffee and one coffee with cream and two sugars to go." He smiled, paid and took the cups in his big, veiny hands. "Thank you." You mirrored his smile. "You're welcome. Enjoy the coffee and have a great day." "Thanks. You too." With his eyes still lingering on you, Magnus turned to leave and almost ran against the door, because he couldn't tear his gaze apart from you. He noticed it in the last second, though, before it was too late. You hadn't seen any of it, because you were already busy with the next customer's order. Cursing under his breath, he made his way out of the coffee shop and back to the car.
After handing Kurt his cup of black coffee through the opened window, he rounded the car and got in the vehicle. "What took you so long?" Magnus shrugged; taking a sip. "Had to wait."
Kurt answered nothing; started the engine instead and drove off - smirking. Something that slipped Magnus notice. Unbeknownst to him, Kurt had witnessed everything...
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"No, I think we can't exclude Svensson," Kurt stated; looking at his team. They were all seated in the small conference room. It was late in the evening. Everybody sat on a chair around the big, quadratic table; except for Magnus. He was leaning against a desk; arms crossed.
"But he has a watertight alibi, Kurt," countered Ann-Britt - another detective. "Yes, but his motives are clear and I don't trust this. I'm going to-" The loud ringing of a telephone cut suddenly through the air; interrupting the older man. "Magnus, telephone," Kurt said; looking at his younger colleague and sending him - like so often, to pick up the call. With a sigh and internally rolling his eyes; the curly haired man made his way to the desk on which the ringing telephone was located, while the others kept on discussing.
"Ystad Police, Magnus Martinsson."
"H-Hello? I-I need h-help."
Magnus's face fell; facial expressions derailing. He knew that voice. He'd recognise it everywhere. It was hushed and quiet, but it was undoubtedly yours. It sent a jolt through his heart.
"Okay, stay calm. Tell me what happened." The young man tried to stay calm as well - which wasn't exactly easy, given the fact that his crush was on the phone - and obviously in danger.
"I-I closed the s-shop a-and went to... to the backroom to do a f-few things, b-but-" Your voice became silent.
Unbeknownst to Magnus, you sat huddled in the little broom closet inside the coffee shop; shaking like a leaf in the wind - and now holding your breath, since you heard steps. And they got closer.
"Y/N?!" The worried policeman's voice brought you back. "S-Someone's here. I-I can't t-talk."
Magnus thought so. He had quickly connected the dots and was already grabbing his jacket. "Okay, Y/N, listen to me... Try to stay calm. We're on the way." "O-Okay," he heard your quiet, but ragged and shaky voice through the phone; causing his heart to clench.
The young policeman quickly hung up, slipped in his jacket and ran back towards the conference room; interrupting his colleagues. "We have to go! There's a robbery going on!" Not hesitating for another minute, Magnus checked on his gun and grabbed the car keys. He was already marching off to the door, when Kurt came running after him. "Magnus! Magnus wait!" The curly haired man stopped in his tracks; turning to face the older man. "Where? Where is a robbery going on and what is even happening here?" "The coffee shop."
Kurt's eyes widened.
"The coffee shop?" "Yes. Y/N was on the phone. She needs help. I have to go." With that sentence, Magnus's already obvious crush became even more obvious. Now Kurt knew for sure - and before he could answer something, his colleague had already walked off again. Kurt cursed underneath his breath and followed him again. "Damn it, Martinsson!" He yelled after him; catching just so up to Magnus. "Have you forgotten everything you learned?! You can't act so headless now, only to play the knight in shining armour!" The experience policeman placed a hand on his younger colleague's shoulder; holding him back once again.
"If we are really dealing with a robbery here, we have to act careful. Not headless. I know you want to save her - and we will, but we do it right. Okay?" Magnus's breathing was quick and unsteady; adrenaline flooding his veins, but he nodded. "Okay."
So, they did.
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About ten minutes later, Magnus, Kurt and quite a few other policemen were ready to storm the coffee shop. Now dressed in a bulletproof vest and gun in hands, the curly haired man stood pressed against the wall beside the backdoor of the shop. His heart was beating fast; as if it had to win a marathon.
Not that he didn't do all this before, but... This was different.
Exchanging a nod with Nils - his colleague, they quietly entered the shop through the backdoor. Taking step after step; Magnus's breathing quickened. It was quiet. Too quiet.
Lurking around the corner, inside the only room down that little hallway, Magnus saw a man. Dressed in all black. A mask over his head. He was rummaging through a little box with one hand. The other was outstretched; holding a gun and- The young man's eyes widened. It was pointed towards you. You sat on a chair; hands nestled in your lap. Your bottom lip wobbled dangerously. You were visibly afraid and tried hard to make not a single sound or god forbid, cry.
"Damnit," Magnus whispered quietly under his breath. He wanted to storm that room right then and there, but he knew better. He knew he should do as he was 'taught'. So, he kept looking out for any signal Kurt - who was entering the shop from the other side, could be giving him. And when he saw it, everything happened so fast...
Gun ready to shoot, the policeman stormed the room; followed by his colleagues. "Polisen!" Magnus shouted; pointing his gun at the man - who was visibly shocked and surprised that he was caught. "Släpp vapnet!"
The robber froze for a moment, but then the realisation kicked in - and he loaded his gun; pointing it straight to your head. "Försvinn, annars skjuter jag henne!" Yelled the man back; stepping dangerously closer to you. Magnus clenched his jaw; hearing you wince and watching how the first tears escaped the corners of your eyes. He was losing his patience.
"Jag sa släpp vapnet," he snarled. The robber didn't move a muscle - and Magnus lost it; too afraid that something might happen to the woman he harboured feeling for since such a long time. Everybody seemed to hold their breaths. You, Kurt, the other policemen - except Magnus. He was high on adrenaline. High on emotion. Nobody had seen the young man act like that before. Not even Kurt. So they were all stunned.
"Nu!" Magnus shouted - in vain. He saw the man's finger twitch against the trigger - but Magnus was faster and shot the man in his left leg, before he could shoot you. Crying out in pain, the criminal sunk to the floor.
While Kurt and two other men dragged the wincing man off the floor and walked him off, the curly haired man literally threw his weapon away and stumbled towards your side; checking in on you immediately. "Y/N! Y/N, are you alright?!" You were still shaking and crying; the shock was profound. The policeman squatted down in front of you; worried blue eyes looking into your Y/E/C. "Hey..." He spoke softly. You began to nod slowly. "Y-Yeah, I think so. I-I'm just-" "Shocked. I know." Magnus finished your sentence. His oceanic blues calmed you down; functioned like an endless pool of calmness in which you could drown in.
"Do you want me to get an ambulance, to check on you? Or should I call somebody?" You shook your head. "I... I could go to my p-parents." Magnus nodded; thinking that it was a good idea. You shouldn't be alone tonight. Of course, he'd gladly volunteer to stay with you and look after you, but... No, no. That would most likely be crossing the line. "I-I don't want t-to be alone tonight." You whispered; wiping a stray tear away. "Yes, you shouldn't... I can give you a lift home?" Glassy, red eyes were meeting his once more. Ugh, how he'd love to hug you right now. "Y-You would do that?" Cuddle up in bed with you, pull you against his chest and tell you that everything is going to be alright, because he's here to protect you. He'd always be. "Sure." Magnus gentlemanly helped you stand up and escorted you towards the door. "Kurt, I-" The older man was standing beside his car; typing away on his phone. When he heard his colleague calling out his name and saw what was going on, he nodded, "Of course, Martinsson." and interrupted him with a smile. Magnus knew that look on Kurt's face and had a hard time to stop himself from blushing.
He opened the passenger door of his police car for you to sit inside, before he rounded the vehicle to join you and driving you home - or well... To your parent's home.
Arrived there, he parked the car and killed the engine. "There we are." The light was still on inside the little, cosy looking Swedish house.
"Thank you," your soft voice was urging to his ears once more and when he turned his head to look at you, he saw nothing but pure thankfulness and relief in your face. "For driving me home a-and especially for saving me. You are definitely my knight in shining armour now, herr polisman." During the car ride, you had visibly calmed down. Sure, you were still troubled after what had just happened, but it was better now; being in the safety of the sweet and kind policeman.
Magnus had again a hard time to not blush. This time because of your words. "Magnus. My name is Magnus." Magnus... You couldn't help but smile a little. Handsome name for a handsome man.
Magnus, telling you his name reminded you of something... "How... How did you know my name?" The curly haired man chuckled softly beside you; hands fumbling nervously in his lap. "Well... I, I heard your name being called the first time when I walked into the coffee shop and I, um, I couldn't forget it - you since then..." This time, he couldn't stop his cheeks from turning pink.
Your eyes widened. "Oh, really?" Magnus nodded; awkwardly. "Uh.Huh." And you? You just smiled; tucking a loose strand behind your ear. "Well, Magnus..." The way you rolled his name off your tongue send a shiver down his spine. It sounded so right. "We should go, eat something together sometime." His heartbeat immediately sped up when he heard that. "Is... Is that... Are you asking me out for a date?" Your smile widened. "Perhaps..."
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småbåtshamn – marina
Varsågod, fru Olsson. – There you go, Mrs. Olsson.
Tack så mycket, min kära. – Thank you very much, my dear.
Ni är hjärtligt välkomna. Njut av ditt te. – You are most welcome. Enjoy your tea.
God morgon (unge man). – Good morning (young man).
herr polisman – officer
polisen – police
(Jag sa) släpp vapnet – (I said) drop that gun!
Försvinn, annars skjuter jag henne! – Piss off, or I'm going to shoot her!
Nu! – Now!
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xoxomoonlightxoxo · 4 months
Somewhere Between Hello and Goodbye | Ch. 4: Strangers With Memories
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a/n: more angst but at least they aren't as awkward, however, after this chapter, I fear it's only going to go downhill for my babies :(
The dreadful No Contact Rule. Difficult not to break when the relationship is over and even more so when the relationship comes to a sudden halt but the feelings are still brewing inside. When the distance is forced and fueled by the guilt of losing that person again. However, I would be lying if I said that Jungkook is no longer part of my life. That I have somehow completely barricaded myself from his presence. How could I, when not even a conscious stream of thought can overcome the yearning of a broken heart? One that still longs for his touch, his sweet smile, his laugh. One that has been holding on to the memories of our past despite the lack of recollection in Koo’s eyes. To him, we are simply picking things up from where they were left off. Not a complicated task in nature until you realise that our story left off with his first and last “I love you, Mira”. So, no matter how hard I try to push him away, the heartstrings of my own soul seem to pull us back together. Even if he sees me as just a friend, I am willing to fight for everything we could have been, until one day he finally remembers it all. Remembers me, remembers us.
Unfortunately, with school starting, everyone has been getting back into their routines, leaving little time or opportunity to actually hang out. Despite this, Jungkook has made a special effort to “build back what he can’t remember”. So, seeing him has actually become part of my daily ritual. Whether that be going on a morning jog or grabbing a quick coffee after class. Like the good old days, we are connecting as close friends, since everything began that way. Before anything, Koo was my friend, one who somehow filled the void of my family when we were separated by an ocean. For that, I will forever be grateful to him. 
Today was like any other. Tae and I met our new cohort leader, the head of the ER department in the local children’s hospital, who was this older gentleman who wasted no opportunity to crack one of his dad jokes. He absolutely adored Tae, said that he saw his younger self in him, and unless he was a sleep-deprived, broke college student, I’m not sure what the correlation was. To be honest, Tae hasn’t been having it easy either. His grandma was recently diagnosed with pneumonia, so he spent the entire summer working three jobs to send as much money as he could back home. Being the only man, and thus, the breadwinner in the family after the passing of his father, he constantly tells me about the guilt he endures being far away from his mom, younger sister and grandma. The three women in his life he would give up anything for. And, as I’ve watched him slowly run himself thin, I have grown to be protective of Tae myself. Although he is older, in my eyes he will always be like a little brother to me. One whose shoulders carry the weight of a whole lineage.
Packing up our staff after class, Tae recommended we try the new pastry shop that opened by our dormitory. One that he first mentioned when Jungkook was admitted into the hospital in hopes of cheering my numb self. However, during that period the aching pain in my heart wanted nothing more than to be by Koo’s side. So, seeing that this time Tae was the one in need of support, I made sure to take him up on the offer as we indulged in our daily debrief. At the end of the day, we might not know how to properly give an IV but you best believe that we know how to run our mouths. In the span of half an hour, we managed to cover every possible topic known to men, ranging from the rise in the cost of eggs to the hideous new haircut the grumpy librarian decided to debut today. Our conversation could have gone on for hours until it was abruptly interrupted by the buzzing of my phone. 
Koo: Will 20 minutes be enough for you to get ready?
Mira: Depends … where are you taking me? 
Koo: It’s a surprise, just wear something comfy ;)
“Who got you smiling like that?” Tae chuckles teasingly, seeing that his words have lost my attention.  
“Oh nothing, I’m sorry, it’s just Jungkook,” I say, nibbling on my lips to suppress the urge to keep smiling. 
“What did he say?” he leans forward taking a sip of his Americano. 
“I think he wants to go somewhere?” my words drag on as he searches my scattering eyes. 
“Well, no you’re right, I’m just gonna tell him that I’m busy,” I try to comfort Tae with a smile, sensing the guilt of leaving him alone.
“No, I mean, don’t you want to freshen up? How much time do you have?” he mumbles, gaze softening at my flustered state. 
“Oh, are you sure? I hate to pause our little hangout,” 
“There’s always tomorrow,” Tae assures with a boxy smile. 
“Okay, I’ll see you at breakfast, alright?” I say, packing up my stuff before we wave each other goodbye.
Thank God, the pastry shop was a short walk away from the dormitory as I suddenly realised how valid Tae’s suggestion of a shower was. Let’s just say that today’s clinical was one for the books. Not only did I spill a whole IV bag on my scrubs but I’m pretty sure that there are still some pieces of dried cream in my hair as one of the older patients refused to cooperate. So, as I finally managed to open the front door, I headed straight into the shower, washing myself free of the chaotic aftermath. 
Debating between a woven sweater and a cashmere pullover I settled on the one Koo loved the most. “Peaches, you’re so soft,” he used to say, pulling me into a tight hug as his hands caressed the delicate cashmere. I wore it on our last date before the incident, the one we spent on Oceana Beach talking about the future, our future. Miraculously, after all this time, it still had his scent, the sweet vanilla musk lingered like the memories of our past. I remember crying sleepless nights, holding the cashmere close to my heart as if it were the only thing left of Jungkook. With my eyes closed, I could almost feel his warm embrace. 
Beep Beep 
My reminiscing, however, was interrupted by Jungkook’s arrival. Quickly touching up my makeup, I grab my purse and phone before locking the door behind me. Maybe it’s from the actual physical rush or the fact that I get to see him again, but my heart sure is beating hard. I could practically feel it in my throat. And, the appearance of his bunny smile as our eyes finally met certainly did not help it either. 
“Sorry to make you wait,” I say out of breath, tucking some stray pieces of hair behind my ear. 
“No worries, I just came,” Koo assures softly, leaning back on his car. 
“So, where is this mystery destination?” I grin teasingly, folding my arms in front of my chest. 
“Surprise, remember? Ladies first,” he grins back, opening the passenger door, before helping me buckle up. And, just like that, my heartbeat went through the roof again. 
Driving down the bridge, we were in awe of the beautiful sunset that covered the sky in warm tones. Blasting our favourite song, Jungkook rolled down all the windows before pausing his phone just in time for the high note. And, as silence filled the car I could feel the flush rise up my cheeks from the sheer embarrassment that was my singing. It wasn’t just a voice crack, it was the complete demolishment of my dignity. 
“Yah, how could you betray me like that?” I scoff in disbelief, rolling the windows back up to shield myself from the passing cars. 
“I couldn’t help it, you looked so concentrated,” Jungkook chuckles, mimicking my singing face. 
“Okay, relax, eyes on the road bunny boy,” I smirk, turning the music back on.
“We’re here,” he says, turning into the parking lot. Looking around, chills run down my spine as I realise where we are. The Oceana Beach. This means that while I was fully immersed in our karaoke session, Jungkook unknowingly drove past the exact spot where he lost consciousness on that cold, winter night. All this time, I’ve been trying to avoid this place in hopes of erasing the image of Koo’s frail body lying on the side of the road. Now, I have to act like none of that happened, since he doesn’t remember any of it. 
“Hey, are you okay?” Jungkook’s voice pulls me out of the spiral, as my chest heaves up. Feeling his hand on mine, my body almost jolts from his touch, unable to hide the fear rushing through my veins. It all felt so surreal, to be looking at him alive in flesh but knowing that the Jungkook I once knew was no longer there. 
“Yeah, I … I just remembered something,” I lie with a nervous chuckle, unbuckling myself. Helping me out of the car, Jungkook looks concerned, eyes searching mine. 
“You sure, you’re alright? I can drive back jus…” 
“No, no don’t be ridiculous. I swear I’m all good,” I interrupt his sentence with a reassuring smile. Reaching for my hands again, only this time with slight hesitation, his worried eyes meet mine as his thumb caresses the back of my palms. 
“Mira, you’d tell me if something was wrong, right?” his words are layered with a tone of fear, uneasiness, and genuine worry. But, there’s a short period of silence, as my mind filters through possible replies. 
“Of course,” I manage a small chuckle, swallowing down the lie. With a nod of acceptance and a soft sigh, he intertwined his fingers with mine, taking the bags from his trunk before walking us toward a small spot by a campfire. Setting everything up, I was commanded to just relax, covered under a woven blanket.
“I used to love making smores when I was little,” Jungkook smiles, handing me a bag of marshmallows, before covering himself under the same blanket. Jimin was right, he could still remember the earlier years of his life, but nothing of the recent events. 
“Can’t relate, I somehow always burned mine,” I frown as he can’t help but laugh, scrunching his nose and letting that bunny smile come on full display.   
“Hey, don’t laugh,” 
“I’m sorry, but how does one mess this up?” he leans closer, nudging my shoulder before looking back at the sparks. If only time could stop and we could stay this way forever. If only he could feel the way my heart ached at that moment. 
“So, Mira, do you have a boyfriend?” his sudden question brought me back again, as my eyebrows visibly furrowed from the bluntness of his curiosity. 
“Why? Are you trying to pitch an offer?” I chuckle, leaning closer to the fire to warm my hands, before looking back at his teasing grin. 
“Just trying to figure you out,” he replies softly, eyes searching mine. 
“I used to,” 
“Oh, yeah? What happened? 
“He moved away. Long distance didn’t work out,” I reply slowly, allowing the fake story to play out without succumbing to the tears. 
“That sucks, you guys don’t keep in touch at all?” Jungkook’s curiosity is innocent in nature but naive to our past. I can’t even get mad at him for digging deeper, even if it hurts.  
“I’m not sure he remembers me anymore,” I sigh, replying almost defeated. 
“That’s a lie. Who could forget you?” he laughs, shaking his head in disbelief, blind to the irony of it all. 
“Yeah …” a little chuckle escapes me as well, as my eyes dissociate into the distance. “I'm pretty unforgettable, aren't I?” 
“Pretty and unforgettable,” Jungkook replies with a quick wink, covering my shivering body with his share of the blanket before taking a bite of my half-burned marshmallow.
Replaying our last conversation in my head, I felt bad for snapping at Jiah at the mall. It was totally uncalled for and simply a projection of the thoughts that haunted my mind. Not a fibre of my being meant it as we rarely ever fought or even came to a slight disagreement with each other. To be quite frank, during that time it seemed like every interaction I had was like walking on a minefield. With one wrong move, I was destined to blow up and take everyone else down with me.  
Not being able to talk to her freely pained me, as I grew to miss my best friend with each passing day. And if one thing was for sure, then it was that Jiah deserved an apology as she fell victim to my self-destruction. So, after a few hours of crafting a well-developed apology, I made my way to her apartment, which was literally a level below mine. Nonetheless, the walk there seemed never-ending, most likely due to the sheer panic I was experiencing. It wasn’t fueled by the fear of her reaction but the shame I felt from how I treated Jiah. However, none of it mattered anymore, as I stood in front of her door, hand ready to place a few knocks. That is until it suddenly swings open and our eyes finally meet again. 
“Jiah,” I mumble before she pulls me into a tight hug as tears stream down both of our faces. No words needed to be said. Everything was understood through the emotions we were experiencing. Melting deeper into her embrace, my face dug deeper into her hair as the sweet smell of coconut filled my senses, reminding my body of her aura. I missed her so much that I could physically feel the void in my heartache as my teary eyes searched her sad gaze. 
“Jiah, I’m so sorry,” I manage to let out as she gently wipes the tears off of my face. Holding onto her hand, I keep it close to my chest as my heart beats faster. 
“It’s okay, love. I’ve missed you so much,” she says softly, tucking a few pieces of stray hair behind my ear. And, just like that, we were back in each other’s embrace, making up for the lost time we were apart. Catching up, we spent the whole afternoon discussing everything that happened since our falling out. She showed me the emerald jewellery set Jimin gifted her for their 1 year anniversary and the pictures they took following their celebration. They looked so happy that I couldn’t stop smiling. If they ever break up then I’ll know that love isn’t real, because in my eyes they were destined for each other. No one understands Jiah better than Jimin and no one cares so deeply for Jimin more than Jiah. Simply put, they’re soul mates. 
Feeling lightheaded from all the tears we’ve cried, I suggested we go out to grab some late lunch, or early dinner before going on a walk around campus. Jiah was quick to agree as she changed into some jeans and a hoodie before grabbing her purse and keys. Stopping by my dorm, I quickly touched up my makeup in hopes of not scaring innocent civilians from the aftermath of my mental breakdown. And, as we rode the elevator down to the main lobby, Jiah and I were inseparable once again. That is until my eyes widened at the sight of Jungkook standing by his car, shuffling in place to keep himself warm.  
“Oh? Jungkook? What’s wrong?” I stutter, worried eyes searching his. 
“Sorry Jiah, but could I steal her from you?” he asks softly, as Jiah's face turns to mine. Hiding the way her chin was trembling, she didn't know how to reply before taking a deep breath. 
“Call me when you get back?” she nods, separating her hand from mine as I pull her into a hug.  
“I’ll bring you some pastry from the new shop Tae recommended,” I say with a reassuring smile before waving her goodbye. Making sure she got in safely, my eyes turned back to look at Jungkook’s bunny smile. 
“How did you know I was here?” I ask with a skeptical tone, slowly making my way towards the car. 
“You really don’t think I pay attention, huh?” he says teasingly before opening the passenger door. 
“You mean to tell me that you’ve memorized my schedule?” I scoff, looking up at his softened gaze. 
“Pretty much,” he replies with a grin, leaning onto the door frame before caressing my cheek with the back of his palm. 
“Hey, were you crying?” Jungkook asks, concerned, as I cover my red cheeks with my hair. Way to not be obvious, Mira! I guess, my attempt to hide the fact that I’ve been sobbing for hours failed miserably since he managed to notice it after one glance. 
“Oh, yeah, it’s nothing. I promise,” I shake my head with a soft smile before looking back up at his worried eyes. 
“Mira, you know you can always talk to me, right?” his words are followed by a deep sigh as he crouched down before my still form. 
“Of course, I know that, Koo,” I manage to let out a giggle, patting his head in hopes of making him feel at least somewhat at ease. In all honesty, however, I knew that he wasn’t fully convinced, but I also didn’t necessarily hate that. Because a small part of me hoped that maybe, his curiosity would somehow help him regain the memories he once lost.
“Anyways, where are you taking me this time?” I try to change the subject, as his eyes look back at mine. 
“I need your help,” he replies, buckling my seat belt before heading to the driver’s side. 
“May I know with what?” 
“A song. A love song,” his voice is abrupt, but still layered with tease. 
“I beg your pardon, a love song? Jungkook If you think I’m going to sedate you with some vocals then you are greatly mistaken,” I scoff with my arms folded in front of my burning chest. A love song? As if seeing him again isn’t hard enough. Now, he is giving me yet another reason to cry at night. 
“Shhhh, I’ll explain everything when we get there, just sit back and relax,” he assures me with a sly wink. 
“Mmhhm,” I nod, loosening up the seatbelt before crossing my arms over my chest. Navigating through all the turns, my mind is trying to piece together our destination, until we finally stop at a brick building near the campus gymnasium. 
“Koo, where are we?” I ask cautiously, scanning the premises as he opens the passenger door. 
“It’s a studio my buddy owns. Don’t worry the inside looks more welcoming than the outside,” Jungkook grins, locking the car as we make our way up the stairs.
“Be careful here, they’re still under construction,” he points to a hole in the wooden floor, grabbing my hand as I tip-toe behind him.
“Right, and this buddy of yours, you know how?” 
“He used to produce for the band the guys and I were in. The Bulletproof Boys,” he replies proudly until I burst into a cackle, which promptly faded the smile on his face. I couldn’t help it, I was still not over the first time he mentioned the infamous band name. The Bulletproof Boys. Peak comedy if you ask me. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I’m not laughing at you, I’m laughing with you,” I try to regain my composure looking at his pouty lips. 
“I’m not laughing,”
“Okay, then I’m laughing at you,” I tease again, poking his side as he opens the door to what seemed like a small recording studio.  
“Hey, guys! Come on in,” a man’s voice welcomes us into the dimly lit room. 
“Hi hyung, thank you again,” Jungkook shakes his hand, before looking back at my flustered face. I’m usually not as awkward but something about being in a room with a stranger, Jungkook, and a hypothetical love song just did not sit well with me. 
“This is Mira, she’s going to be our female lead,” Jungkook smiles, giving me a sly wink. A lead? I really do hope he is kidding. Is today April Fool's or something? Where are the cameras? 
“Sounds good to me, who wants to go first?” the man asks the both of us, as I try my best to avoid his eye contact. Fiddling with my thumbs, Jungkook could sense that I was becoming more and more uncomfortable. So, he suggested that we go in together since it is my first time doing something like this after all. 
“Just follow me okay?” he says softly, helping me put on the headphones before handing me the lyric sheet.
“Alright, let’s just see how the melody plays out, okay? Jungkook, if you want to jump in with your vocals now, by all means. But, Mira, you can just use this take as practice. I want you to get comfortable with the lyrics,” the producer explains, giving me a thumbs up as I nod okay. 
Following Koo’s lead I tried to mumble the words under my breath, getting the feel of the song. And, to my and probably everyone’s surprise, everything was going somewhat okay? We were able to finish recording the intro in under an hour and have just gotten to the pre-chorus. After some practice, I was beginning to feel capable of managing this project, until my ears were pierced with a sudden “I love you,” projecting from Jungkook’s microphone. 
“Oh?” I let out a loud gasp, covering my mouth as my eyes shot up at his form across the booth. Searching my flushed face, he grins, pointing to the lyric sheet on my stand. Furrowing my eyebrows I begin scanning the lines with my finger, realising that he was singing one of the adlibs. However, what came after almost made me sick. Suddenly, it all felt a bit too real. Shutting my eyes, I tried to regain my composure, and within a second, I was back in that hospital room, sitting across from Koo’s frail body as his thumb caressed my palms. 
“I love you, Mira. I’ve been loving you this whole time,” his sweet words played in my head, as tears rolled down my face. Feeling the knot in my throat, I was practically screaming, but nothing came out. I couldn't do it, not then and not now. I couldn’t say the words he desperately deserved to hear. And just like that, I was back in the booth, only this time, my heaving body was plopped on the floor surrounded by both Jungkook and his producer. But, before they could ask me anything, I rushed out of the room, virtually sprinting towards the nearest washroom, where I hoped to lock myself from the outside world. Closing my eyes, all I could see were the replays of that scene before they were suddenly interrupted by the knocking on the stall door.
“Mira! Mira, open up, it’s me,” Jungkook’s voice is heavy, almost breathless. 
“Are you in the women’s washroom?” I yelp in disbelief, wiping the tears off of my face. 
“There’s no one here, come out, please,” he pleads softly, moving back as I slowly open the door. Lowering my gaze, I fold my arms over my chest before leaning back on the stall as if I didn’t just pass out in front of him. Taking a deep breath, I tried to explain myself before feeling his arms wrap around my shoulders as our bodies melted into a tight hug. Oh, Koo, if only you knew how much I missed your warm embrace. 
“Mira, please tell me what’s wrong,” Jungkook whispers, burying his face in the curve of my neck, as I feel his breath on my skin. 
“Koo, I told you, I’m fine,” I managed to lie, placing my hands on his shoulders to create at least some distance. 
“Fine? You dropped to the floor and were unresponsive,” he shouts, furrowing his eyebrows from frustration as his hands grab mine. 
“I … I think my period is coming soon. The days before are always killer,” I explain, trying to convince the both of us, before feeling his worried gaze search my scattering eyes. 
“Your period?” he confirms. 
“Mmhm,” I give him a few nods, feeling his grip on my hands slowly loosen. Tucking the stray hair behind my ear, Jungkook leans closer, tracing the trail of dried tears on my face before letting out a soft sigh. 
“Okay, I believe you. I’ll always believe you, Mira,”
Please, don't.
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onyourhyuck · 1 year
Dive. | K.JW
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— Prologue: “What I’ve always dreamed about, diving into you.”
— Summary: It’s not easy being rivals with Jungwoo in a competitive music industry workplace. You’re both striving to be the better one.
— Genre: Romance office setting. Office smut minors dni. Jungwoo is always hating on y/n here. Y/n is trying to be civil. There will be a lot of angst + y/n has little traumatic fear of being yelled at. There is little fluff and wholesomeness between them later on. Mutual masturbation over call? Y/n cries at one point in the fic. They hook up later on. Dom!jungwoo. Jungwoo’s actually very whipped for Y/n he just has a hard time showing it.
— Notes: Prompt idea from @yujuvly
You’re rushing out of your car not even properly dressed your clothes being half on you and half off you. You couldn’t look in the mirror because you’re late to work and today was the day you get a partner to work on a project of your choice. You work for a music industry music company where a bunch of song writers produce lyrics to certain boy or girl groups, even solo musicians such as Eric Nam. You’re very talented because you have an unique imagination but what you lack was time management.
You couldn’t help it. Last night you couldn’t sleep and you went to bed late because of that now you’re rushing on your way to work. Your hair was done but covered by the wind outside messes it up and all your hard work on your hair went down the drain. You hold your high heels you wear to work in your hand, your blazer and trousers were properly zipped up. You fidget in the elevator picking the number ten.
Looking in the elevator mirror you fix the roughed up crinkle clothing on you, cussing gentle and breathing heavily out. You brush your hair with your fingers as it’s the only thing you can do to fix that hair problem — next you take off your trainer shoes and put on the heels.
When the elevator opens you get off and walk to the music song writing department which is you. Your ID card around your neck scans access opening the door department and you walking in caused so many people to go and stare at you.
Your boss mentally slaps himself seeing you walk in and you bow down to your boss hoping he will forgive you this once for your mistake.
But you had a feeling someone else wouldn’t forgive you.
“I’m sorry for being late boss.” You said out genuinely terrified but your boss seems reluctantly with you for once he weren’t screaming at you. He looks up giving you the meeting details in one singular file. “Forget it. Go to your new partner, you’re meant to come up with a song good enough for the biggest company in whole of South Korea.”
Your eyes widen. “SM Entertainment?”
“I know you’ve been my star employee for a few months but Jungwoo has more experience. He might help you out. Now leave my office get to work.” He nodded and you slowly turn around looking at the file as you left his office. You sit down at your desk and shockingly gasp out wanting to pull your hair. ‘Why am i paired up with Kim Fucking Jungwoo?’
The devil himself appears at your desk not impressed nor glad to be paired up with you. Jungwoo sat down next to your desk slamming down the files and staring at them but his mean disliking voice that did nothing to hide his disappointment with you speaks to you and your shimmering confidence.
“You were late. How are you still allowed to walk into this building without being under the impression that you’re probably the worst worker here?”
You turn around trying to be kind as possible but today it just wasn’t going with your mood. You weren’t feeling as kind as before and today wasn’t exactly your best day.
“You’re going to keep being like this just because our boss likes me better and prefers my song writing to yours.” Your fake smile could boil Jungwoo down a large cauldron and he wouldn’t even notice how your sarcasm was there.
Jungwoo is a young handsome man working in the same company as you. He is your work rival, work nemesis, work enemy. You name it anything against you and he’s exact definition of that. He had it out for you ever since you joined. Ever since the first day you arrived to this department he made it clear he disliked you and wanted nothing to do with you. You hate that you don’t dislike him though you just find him unbearable to deal with because he’s using all his energy to hate you everyday. You come to work and all you see was Jungwoo demanding you do this right or he disagrees how your work style is different from him and now I’m appearing to be the wrong one. He acts like he’s better than you.
He was handsome though and you couldn’t lie about that the first day you met him you deem him to be a cute man who looked kind, he had this sweet alluring aura about him on his face. He was quite pale but he looked smooth and innocent. His large doe like eyes were almost like puppy eyes constantly and you found yourself staring at them a lot. He was tall surprisingly very tall. He’s the tallest out of you and the rest of your coworkers.
But the moment his mouth opened it was quite the legit opposite of whatever cute was or handsome will ever be. The first thing he said to you was “I don’t like your outfit today. Please don’t wear this colour to the office again. You’re distracting everyone from their work.” You wanted to tell him that’s absurd. You wanted to tell him ‘Girl it’s legit navy blue how is it..’ but you didn’t. You stayed respectful! You stayed the kind one and the wiser one stepping down.
He glares not liking that you hit where it all was soft and mushy in his heart. Ever since you came to the company he wasn’t star employee and you got the attention unlike him. He was the best till you came and now he’s got a freaking rival to deal with. He’s constantly fighting to be no.1 but you’re in the picture all the fucking time. It’s starting to feel like you’re here to punish him. But instead you don’t understand why he’s like this to you.
You don’t even understand why he’s so mean to you all the freaking time, you just assume he is like that to everyone. You don’t care though he can do whatever he wants, you’re going to stay on top because you’ve worked hard to get here. Your hard working can’t go down the drainage like this.
“I don’t need to be like this because of that. I just don’t like you and your attitude towards the work is mild and lazy. You’re work to this company has done nothing. I don’t want you to be my partner because you will take all the damn credit.”
You wanted to roll your eyes at him when he said this. Seriously ‘Take all the damn credit?’ What does he take you for a Freud? A con artist? You couldn’t believe your ears but Jungwoo truthfully disliked you because he just did and you can’t help it but slam down your keyboard.
The loud slam in the office coming from your keyboard as you stood up from your chair. Jungwoo flinched suddenly wondering why the heck did you do that until you face him announcing loudly.
“I’m going to get coffee.” You stare blankly turning around tiredly of his bullish tone and his bullying words. Jungwoo glares murmuring. “What a psycho… geez does she need to vandalise the building.” He whispers as you left to make your own coffee in the staff room.
You don’t think you can survive being partnered up with Jungwoo. There are way more cons than pros to this but you hope and pray that the pros can out weight the cons and therefore it’s not going to give you a bad performance rate.
You need this promotion. You need it. You also know Jungwoo needs it. You won’t let him have it however so no matter what you’re going to try your hardest.
It’s officially the time where you might reconsider leaving the department because Jungwoo being your working partner was the worst decision ever you might feel like this might start a whole new war between you both and you don’t need that on a pile of him being your nemesis, enemy and rival all in one. God he doesn’t need another factor to become your reasoning of death either.
It’s been two days since working together and when you say ‘working together’ you mean segueing an argument about every song you’ve wrote opposite wise. You both have different music tastes for SM entertainment you’d want to use and you can’t submit two you have to submit one that you both produce together. Together. Yes together and you’re not doing that exactly. You’re working separately because you both refused to.
“Look maybe you need to stop writing and let me do all the writing and all the producing and all the everything and you can just sit there and look like a dumb lost child.” Jungwoo snapped.
You sit there rubbing your hands through your hair unbelievable of the man in front snapping at you when you’re at your wits end with him. You can’t do this anymore and you just turn around with your child very slowly paring your dagger pushing eyes into him.
You try to be kind no matter what. You respect him. He isn’t respecting you. But you know very well you can’t snap at him because you don’t have the meanness in you to do something like that to him.
“Jungwoo that’s not working together.” You say back and Jungwoo looks away scoffing. “It is. Your name will be on my piece of work isn’t that enough for you?”
‘What a jerk.’ You thought.
“Is there anyway i can help i don’t want to sit back and do nothing. I’m also working here Jungwoo.” You look back at his song writing sheet grabbing it from his desk, the man turns around twisting to grab it back but you held it with your hands. “Here how about i make your ballad bridge better? That way some of my work is on there.” You said with a smile looking up.
His gaze didn’t change but his eyebrows twitch in annoyance grabbing the paper off your fingertips snatching it away and him turning around scowling, rudely pulling at your attempt towards his work. “You can’t do anything to help. You’re bad at song writing alright, just go home or something.” He urges.
“You’d do me so much more good if you left and stopped distracting me.” He says and you stand there feeling useless and completely beaten down by his horrible words to you.
Your gaze sadly looks over closing the computer and standing up grabbing your jacket and bag. You don’t say anything until you sigh looking at him.
“Suit yourself. Call me when you’re done.” You say blankly not fighting with Jungwoo anymore. You’re tired and it is what it is. You can’t work with him because he refuses, so might as well join em if you can’t change them.
You left the night hours where your attention goes on to the phone contact calling. ‘Honey’ and it was your boyfriend. Tonight it’s date night at his place usually it’s your apartment but tonight he was convinced by you to have it at his place.
You were suddenly feeling slightly happy to see your boyfriend of few months. It might be only four months but you’ve been enjoying your time with him and these days after work he was the only good thing coming out of a horrible day with Jungwoo.
You manage to drive to his place and you park it outside the lot getting out. You held your hands in the pockets until reaching the doorstep you lift the door matt and underneath was the spare key he would always tell you to pick up. But as you did you unlock the door and entering in to see a young woman and man giggling in a dark setting living room with candles lit up and rose petals on the flooring.
You crush your eyes at the ideas running to your head and you refused to believe it was for you the moment your hands push the living room door to see a man and young woman that wasn’t you snuggling to his chest.
You tilt your head entering. Your so called boyfriend saw you and he jumped up still in his boxers and half naked. He was shirtless and embarrassed on his face.
“Y/n! You… left work early.” He trails confused and how to fix this deal and situation. In other words he’s trying to lie to you and you could see it on his face. You were so dumb wondering why he would be so refusing to let you stay over at his place.
The woman looks back at the man and you. “Honey who’s this woman?” She looks back at you pointing your voice at him. “What are you doing here with my husband?”
You widen your eyes at him. ‘Oh I was the side chick.’ You let out wondering what the heck happened now. Zero from a hundred your pain felt worse now that you possible home wrecked a relationship you didn’t want. A marriage you had no idea about. God you feel so awful about yourself and feeling so bad that you believed this man wasn’t married.
“Your husband was cheating on you with me. I had no idea he was married.” You blankly trail looking around opening your phone screen with his contact name and his number. The woman was equally shocked and turns around to the man and you again.
“You mean you knew he was married?” She spat and you look at her widen eyes. “No I didn’t know he was married. I wouldn’t of dated him if he was.”
She scoffs. “Sure, every side chick uses that excuse.”
You clench your eyebrows together scowling. If she refused to believe you that’s up to her but you couldn’t help but feel defensive. You don’t want to be painted as someone who was fucking behind the scene with a married man, that’s the worst trait anyone could have on their profile. You’d hate that.
“Your husband is the problem here.”
He comes up to you pushing you out of the house. “No! You manipulated me! I don’t even know you. God Honey these woman keep on coming trying to separate us.” He urges you and you shout pushing him. “Don’t touch me you cheater.” You croak out walking yourself out of the house.
You spit on his door in disgust and shame. “Have some respect for women asshole none of them would want a man balding in his thirties.” You tell him walking away.
The man angrily runs to you grabbing your hair and slapping you but you held your ground and through watery tears look up. Your high heels step on his bare foot on the ground and he grabs falling backwards and holding them tight.
“Don’t touch me again.” You say feeling disgusted.
You couldn’t believe you were easily fooled by a married man and you found yourself feeling stupid. More stupid than before. God you were so wrong about many things and you’re always wrong you feel; at this point you feel like you’re never doing anything right. If your work department isn’t going well and your love life department isn’t either your whole life was going to collapse. Maybe it’s already collapsed but you’re now crumbling since it’s your turn.
You drive back to your apartment very late. You drove back to Seoul and you couldn’t help but break down the moment you enter your apartment closing the door. You take off your jacket throwing it loosely on the couch. Your heels slowly come off but you felt loose on motivation to do anything and all your heart could take was breathing, but even that felt like a chore to do. You had no one to turn to.
You sat on the couch drinking soju you kept on your fridge for special occasions — now they’re just used for sad occasions you have today.
You had your mother but you don’t want to burden her any longer than she could deal with. After all your mother has to be the least person to see you struggling you can’t let her know the truth behind your happy work and happy life façade. You can’t do that. You break down when you open your phone unable to take it anymore.
You didn’t want to be here standing anywhere. You wish you were somewhere else. Perhaps someone else. You wish you were Jungwoo who looks like he has it all in life. He has everything he could ever want you wish you were your damn rival; the one who hates you.
No he doesn’t hate you. He is the one who despises you; because if you were him you’d probably hate yourself too. You would also hate you if you were someone else and that’s what makes you completely unworthy of having that job. Jungwoo said it and you’re starting to believe him.
Your phone opens the contact of Kim Jungwoo. You felt so stupid but you wanted someone to tell at you and be there for you. However Jungwoo was the least person to provide you of that you called him anyways.
The moment he picks up the soft lingering voice was there asking who it was calling him. “Hello Kim Jungwoo speaking?” But the minute your voice heard his sweet voice you were on your way down sobbing midway.
“Jungwoo… how are you so fucking perfect all the time.” You trail as you take a large sip from the soju. Jungwoo’s eyes widen hearing you sound so different from the way you left the office.
Many things rang in his head. He thought at first what are you on about, but then he heard you crying and he stopped working. The way his brain shuts down all his purposes when hearing you cry on the other line of the phone and he was worried for once, he really was. You’re not the type to cry. You’re not the type to call him unless you really had to do he knew it was serious when he heard it’s you.
He trails in a broken sentence. He wasn’t sure what to say to you honestly but he was worried. “Are… Y/n what are you saying. What happened to you?”
“I’m agreeing with what you’re probably thinking.” You say putting the soju down. Slamming it on the table rather. “I’m useless. I’m so stupid for believing him. I cant even keep a relationship, nonetheless a freaking job.”
He looks around his bedroom late at night before you called he was working on the song Dive he was going to call it. He couldn’t help but think perhaps you were drinking and maybe you called the wrong number but no, the next minute you kept chanting his name in all sorts of cute noises. He couldn’t believe he was this much on your mind it made him think perhaps you were admiring him but at the same time hating him that you look up to your rival this much.
“Jungwoo… Jung…. Woo… why must you be so mean to me… what did i ever do to you? If i did something… tell me Kim… Jung… woo…”
You were getting more tipsy than you first thought you were getting and planning. Jungwoo smiles uncontrollably behind the phone hearing you speak and say his name. In reality he never once hated you, in fact he never once disliked you.
He found you someone that he was envious of but he never once said he hated or disliked you. He just disliked the way you were talented and he couldn’t bring himself to say it to you because of his horribleness behind the pride he has. Nonetheless he was looking up to you. You looked like you had your life together something which he has not. You were beautiful too, probably the most beautiful woman he’s ever encountered and he can’t lie anymore.
You were drunk and he could feel himself being the real him to you. The nicer version, the one that actually fell for you at first glance but he was scared so he put on a terrifying persona to keep you away.
The ironical distinction was that Jungwoo happens to have a muse which was you. You were the muse to all these sudden romance song writing he was doing in the spare time and they were all about you. In fact this song Dive was about you.
It’s why he was so persistent about keeping it and letting him do it because he wanted this song to be about you. He wanted this song to come and go from his imagination the way he imagined you. You’re someone he would dive in and take a taste of. All these imaginary scenarios he has of you, he can imagine you drip dropping if he was there with you. You’re someone he loves from the sideline.
Where you least expect it.
He slants back answering you cutely. “You didn’t do anything Y/n. I don’t hate you.”
You crawl off the couch getting up and slowly walking to the bedroom flopping on your bed. Your clothes shift off your body and you slightly moan out drunkly.
Jungwoo felt himself go red hearing you and he sat up. You let out a long straining huff out feeling your face become warm thanks to the alcohol flushing your cheeks bright red.
“why are you… so mean to me then…” you lay there on your bed undressing with Jungwoo on the other line hearing you change your clothes.
He gulps but turns away trying not to imagine all sorts of things this late. He didn’t want to perv on you. It was clear you weren’t well and you cried to him for comfort. He should at least do that to you.
“I’m jealous of you Y/n. It’s what jealous people do. They hate on you because you’re better than them.” He whispers and you lay there crawling under the covers, sniffing with your wet nose because of how much you bawled your eyes out.
“Why were you crying Y/n?” Jungwoo would ask you this time you felt yourself twist around murmuring in broken tones.
“I just found out my ex boyfriend was married… and I felt like an awful person not knowing he was.” You lay there staring at your ceiling with the phone close to your ears. You could hear Jungwoo’s soft tone become slightly more intense but he still kept this comforting warm hug around you almost even though he was not there physically in your apartment.His words felt like a warm diving hug from the virtual screen.
“You deserve better Y/n.” He lingers laying back. ‘You deserve to be with me at least…. I’m better than that asshole who broke your heart.’ It’s what he wanted to say but he couldn’t.
You close your eyes. “I don’t know… I feel frustrated. I was hoping our date night would end up well… I even dressed up nicely for him today…” you couldn’t feel anymore stupid realising the things you’ve done prepping that perhaps after the date you could sleep with him but no. He was married.
“You did look pretty today.” ‘You always do.’ Jungwoo thought clearing his tongue tight so he couldn’t let you hear his obvious thoughts.
You felt your cheeks go warm because of a rare compliment from your rival, Jungwoo, on the other line of the phone. You felt maybe it’s the alcohol playing you but you could feel that maybe it was not.
“You thought I was… pretty today?” You repeated.
There was a lingering pause from Jungwoo but he was soon getting the courage to agree with you. It was a cute and wholesome thing he said for a long time, maybe the first time, you can’t remember a time where Jungwoo was nice to you at work or outside of work.
“Mhm i did say that.” Jungwoo told quietly.
You couldn’t believe it but something made your heart race unexpectedly fast you thought you were getting sick inside but all you were was Jungwoo’s puppet falling for his romantic tactics. His sweet words possessed you like a doll and took away your mind from that lingering breaking up sadness. Somehow you aren’t drunk on alcohol you’re not drunk on Jungwoo’s praises.
You gulp stuttering out shyly. “How about we call on my laptop and do some… more work… i wanna see your work that you’ve done.”
Jungwoo looks at his laptop on the side next to where he sat opening his song he written and he hums looking at the time. He could spare a few hours with you if it meant he could listen to you blabbering more and more.
“Okay call me then, I can spare a bit more time for you.”
As much as it pains you not being able to do much song writing you felt a sort of relative knowledge about how good Jungwoo was at making lyrics seem so real and romantic. Unlike you your lyrics have a different vibe and feeling to it making the lyrics mean something else that wasn’t romance. He went for a romance that was hidden from someone.
The lyrics were beautifully well written it felt like a secret admirer who wouldn’t want to be discovered. You wonder if he wrote this from a perspective of someone or if he wrote it from a perspective such as his own and if there was a person that makes him feel these feelings that the lyrics portray.
You hate to admit but you loved the song. You were glad you didn’t do anything to it. When Jungwoo saw your face becoming satisfied reading the lyrics analysing each one from the other you were exposed and Jungwoo wanted to let you know how he feels through his songs to you.
You hum. “I love the song. The lyrics are meaningful and melancholy almost. I never understood how you get the inspiration from. I could never write things like this.” You tell him looking at the camera through your laptop. Your cameras were on and you were sitting at the same position in your bed both in your pyjamas which made this somehow more comfortable and less formal.
You were speaking casually together and nothing rude came out of your mouths. You were just relaxing and discussing work, as if you were friends. Not rivals.
You discuss more songs you got end up having on the album because the company arranged a young boy group debuting from SM to be the group with that title track Dive song. However you suggested adding more and Jungwoo suggested afterwards that you should write something for another song they could perform to.
You were happy to be able to write a song finally to your liking and Jungwoo let’s you surprised you knowing he was very against you becoming a writer. But he was fine as long as you leave Dive as it is.
You work in silence for a while until it became very late. You both were on the verge of nearly sleeping midway working and suddenly you saw Jungwoo has fallen asleep on his bed softly facing the camera away and you couldn’t help but smile watching the soft boy sleep away. He must’ve been tired, you called him up to do more, he was probably meant to be sleeping a while ago but he stayed up for you.
Nonetheless you continue working until you found yourself getting sleepy again. You need to wake yourself up somehow but you couldn’t think of anything. Slapping your face together with your palms wasn’t doing the job.
And the suddenly a thought crossed your mind and your eyes widen at the idea that could easily go wrong if you aren’t careful. You hesitate moving your laptop up front and moving the camera away so you you were out of the view a little. You pull yourself apart and slowly start to touch yourself in ways you couldn’t imagine if you were on a call with someone from your work or anyone actually, but something in you was emerging you were somehow liking the idea of it.
Your fingers pleasure you a little and all you were letting out was swallowed breathes that became heavy or soft depending how far and soft you went with your fingers down at your aching pussy. You couldn’t believe you were doing this but the shame dies down and you engulf yourself with a little self pleasuring energy,
Until a voice broke you off.
“Y/n are you moaning?” The voice was rasped. Jungwoo couldn’t believe his ears but he woke up to heavenly sounds of you and his urges made him now unable to sleep.
He was rock hard from only hearing you and your shake came back twicefold because now you wanted to bury yourself alive and panic. However what Jungwoo said next made you solely believe that he was twice as loose screw as you were, he wanted you. He wanted to see you and he wanted to help you out with equal amounts of parts.
He darkly demands staring into the camera. “Move your camera down so i can see you, Y/n.”
You gulp and slowly found your body doing as he said moving the camera down revealing your lower pyjamas taken off as well as your panties letting you expose your beautiful body in sight resting on your bed there and your fingers apart from the view. He could drown on your beautiful body and face he could drown at your scent at work so without a doubt he would want to Dive in you.
He leans his head back suddenly stroking himself in the camera. One look of you being naked in the camera has made him feel so many sensations it’s been edging him everyday at work seeing you and now his dream is happening. Was this a dream? It certainly felt real but everything that has happened in his dreams is now happening right in his eyes.
You ache out. “Jungwoo…”
He looks down at you humming. “Yes? Do you want me to lead you on?”
You couldn’t help but nod at him. You knew what you were doing when he wasn’t looking and now you’re overwhelmed by his stare you forgot how to move. He smiles slightly seeing you look so confused and he motions to your hand through the screen.
“Grab one finger and push it inside you slowly. In and out.”
You do as you were told putting in one finger letting your single digit going in you very slowly becoming tight and tighter when you go pull it out and in. It left you letting out a small wet dripping sound through the video call Jungwoo couldn’t help but get drunk on it to hear you dripping and dropping endlessly.
None stop too, he stroke his cock watching you at the same speed as your fingers, very slow and gracefully. As if you were made of porcelain fragile glass you were treated like you’re easy to break. Jungwoo knew one touch from him would have you melting and he knew damn well you would have him go on his knees for you.
Heck, he was losing his mind to you all this time and you haven’t even realised it.
He’s obsessed with you. He needs to breathe you.
“How does it feel y/n?” He asked you deeply wanting to hear your voice, your moans weren’t enough. He needs to hear you talk until you can’t anymore.
You voice out when Jungwoo lets you add another digit to the single one. The two fingers stretch your whole out and Jungwoo was addicted seeing you so stretched he could just imagine how tight you feel round his entire shaft he was in need to have you right here physically. It was unbearable.
“It feels good…” you couldn’t help but think that his fingers would be so much better you wanted him to have you stretch out like you were made up of nothing but soft clouds and cotton candy. You wanted to wet his fingers and you wanted his mouth the most to be on yours.
Jungwoo was practically delusional on you straight up watching you pleasure yourself and become a moaning mess was not enough for him he had to meet and touch you. Speak to you and tell you all his feelings he’s been hiding from you all along. That he doesn’t hate you he was just envious and all along those romance songs were about you. He was coping with writing about you, and you weren’t aware.
“I wish it was my fingers deep inside your cunt, hitting your g spot so quickly…” oh how badly it was hurting him and you to imagine these things it really messes your perceived image of Jungwoo from before. Maybe it wasn’t so bad after all, but he certainly has your body having a mind of its own. You fit your hips forward chanting.
“Jungwoo… Jungwoo please tell me to go faster… tell me what to do… what should i do for you?”
‘God you lost your sweet innocent mind.’ Jungwoo pleads for mercy because he hung forward watching you lose your own self and you were chanting all sorts of things for him to take. He grips his swollen rip pushing his thumb on it and gripping it tight the entire long length and he pauses watching you.
He won’t come without you. You have to at least come two times before he can come with you again he wants you to be the one pleasured and fucked out on the camera.
“Go fast and don’t stop. But you can’t come without my permission.”
He was mercifully taken off you and you couldn’t tell if you were punished or if you were pleasured, perhaps it was both. You wanted fast but you wanted to come more and now you won’t be able to last much, yet he’s asking you to not release without his own permission of your body. You strain yourself mentally ignoring the burning warning sign of your abdomen wanting the orgasm to happen.
Your fingers were fast on your clit watching the swollen redness become more and more apparent to your fingers rubbing it quicker. He enjoys watching you get yourself off, he enjoys hearing his name come out of your mouth, he enjoys watching your face squeezing tight when you were close but you couldn’t release yet; the way your messy hair was flowing on your shoulders but away your face. It’s your fingers digging in and out of you, but also overstimulating you. You knew what you were doing, but you wanted someone to lead you. It aroused him.
Your simple actions arouse him beyond anyone’s comprehension of this world. He was down bad for you and you were the thing he hates the most because of how much he wants you. How much he needs you makes him despise you and it’s a conflict war between the mind and the heart.
You hoarsely missed out on your voice nearly. “P-please can i? Can I come… please… Jungwoo… may i?” It was a pleading battle between you and your pride wanting to stay still and do as you were told but to see you begging was something Jungwoo never knew he needed to hear.
His cock twitched with every stroke he did to himself but your voice made him twitch out of control hearing you speak so lowly and quietly, in a hushed moan fucked out voice.
He darkly gazed at you. Without realising it he was diving in your mind like a floating ocean made him swim around with a forward stroke, each paint of his voice took over your mind making a hole in your brain, mind, heart and spirit. You felt yourself loose a part of yourself in the best way possible because he was tugging on your strings. He awoken something inside you just as much as you’ve awoken him.
Something ready to drip out, Jungwoo was measly diving in enjoying your worn out body sweating with beads upon beads of water your body producing a little smoke just like how hot you looked. You were feverishly staring at him, obediently waiting for an answer like the good girl you were. Jungwoo roughly looked at you and you enjoyed seeing his gaze that he was staring at you with.
You were spreading towards him wider enough to make his dull dry heart feel your midnight rain soaking it up. He was changing to you. He was falling for you, deeper and deeper. You didn’t know until you were seeing the way his eye crease half lidded with emotion behind those black eyes.
You’re the sweet rain coming to him like a wave he couldn’t control or tame down so he simple lets it overtake him, harder and harder watching you please yourself on his voice you could go hours on.
Precum drenching his cock thanks to your voice filling his brain to a brim of you and only you. It was a comfortable silence between you that you couldn’t put a finger on. You were in a longing quiet place between where no talk was happening but your breathes were like one. You breathe out heavily and so does he, your hands move in one motion and so did your beating hearts in your thumping chest.
Without hesitation he would dive into you. You knew that the moment you met eyes with him through the screen.
“What I’ve always dreamed about, diving into you.” He lets out sultry voice groaning out more and more than you could handle to hear.
His voice sections lingering. “Deeply, deeply into you.”
Your brain caught on a few seconds later he was saying his lyrics of the song Dive he wrote and you couldn’t help but smile out with your feverish face and your steady eyes hitching your stomach into your body. He growls out a few words such as ‘You can come, come with me’ and you felt rewarded like it was the most prized thing you’ve wanted all year and finally Christmas came and you finally got it. It felt exactly like that, a wonderful release you needed and begged for since a lifetime.
And then you release together. Jungwoo had the pleasuring experience of watching you get off like a freaking water park. You had the most thrilling orgasm out of you two his was quick and clean while yours was a dripping mess he always imagined it to be. Just like he wanted it to. It was perfect, you were perfect. The water coming out of you was nearly touching his screen but you put the laptop further to make sure it didn’t get hit. You gave him a show and he was happy, like a massive weight has been lifted off his shoulders now that you knew he didn’t hate you.
He liked you. He was hiding it was all behind that mean persona he always sought out to end you.
And just like storm ends after the the sea the calming ocean goes to sleep and goes into sleep land but none of you wanted to go yet. You both were watching your faces through the video call after you both cleaned up and no endless stream can compete to you and Jungwoo’s rain you both shed. It comforts your hearts to me in this mutual silence that you were both happy hearing. Your eyes spoke enough words for today and you only wanted Jungwoo by your side now.
You never once thought you’d want Jungwoo to sleep next to your bed, and wish he wasn’t in a computer. It makes you laugh thinking that aloud because you always thought you would never see eye to eye. You guys sorta do now.
Jungwoo pulls your head away and makes you look up to listen to him and wondering what he has to say to you, winds your heart like a marionette in a box.
“Together with you, I’m dreaming of this moment when i can dive into you again.”
You cheese at how sweet he could be asking in other terms, when can you both hook up for real. Jungwoo had a way with romanticising things and you found it fascinating. Kind of cute too.
“Anytime you want, you can Dive.”
@onyourhyuck please refer from translating and copyrighting my work thank youu!! Please reblog and follow me for more updates it helps a girl out <3.
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The Mark of Cain
Pairing: Dean x Reader Word Count: 1,718 Trigger Warnings: Death, mentions of strangulation and bruises. Summary: Dean has the mark of cain, and Y/N is normally the one who can calm him. However, this time things go too far. Requested: Yes, @deanwinchesterwifesstuff "idk if you do Mark of Cain dean x reader, if yess, maybe dean gets the Mark. And the reader is like his Rock when the Mark wants to take over? Then the Mark does it, and he is in such a rage that he kills the reader when she is trying to get him to calm back down?, in the end he regrets it and burst into tears while he holds her lifeless body? If not its totally fine♥️" A/N: Hope you enjoy this one! Requests are open.
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The 2 months since Dean was given the Mark of Cain, had been long ones. It took awhile for us to figure out how to calm him, once he reached that level of absolute fury. It was by no means an easy accomplishment, I had turned into a type of security blanket for him. Sam only aggravating him when he was at that level of rage. I was the only one who could successfully calm him down, even that took hours at times. A lot of the time, I was covered in bruises after the fact. Not intentional, but due to how hard he would grab my wrists, or my arms when he was angry. It wasn’t Dean though, I knew that. It didn’t make it any easier to handle in the moment. Every time the anger would wear off, he would apologize profusely, showering me in love and affection. Yet every time, I would excuse myself and find my way to the bathroom, tears and anxiety overflowing. I hid it from him, not wanting to make him feel any worse, as he cannot be held responsible for how he acts when he enters that blind rage. Sam knows how it affects me and he wishes he could help more. However, anytime he intervenes the situation grows grim and you worry that Dean is going to kill Sam. 
It has been hard, the friendship that we had before no longer existent most of the day. The majority of our conversation taken up by him apologizing, and the rest of it by me talking him down. I am exhausted most of the time, barely getting any sleep. Fearing that something will happen while I am asleep, or that he will come in and kill me in his sleep. I have all but accepted my death at this point. I am not strong enough to push him off of me, or fight back. Not when he is Dean, nor when he has the strength provided by the mark. I have nightmares about how rough he is with me, his hugs and touch something I used to look forward to, but now I dread it. Never knowing which Dean I am going to encounter. I have turned to Sam for comfort now, his hugs the one bright spot to my day. He’s like the older brother I never had. On the other hand, I loved Dean. I have always loved Dean, but that mentality has been put on the back burner. I could no longer share a bed with him on sleepless nights, too scared that he would strangle me in my sleep. 
Today has been a relatively easy day, Dean has been himself. It’s been a quiet day in the bunker, resting and I had been taking the time to research the mark more. I am beyond ready to have my Dean back. Im snapped back to reality, hearing yelling coming from the kitchen, I close my laptop and hurry into the other room, anxiety immediately filling me to the brim. Dean and Sam are in the kitchen, the island between them, Dean verbally accosting Sam, and I can see him scanning the room for an object that he can chuck at him. 
“Hey, Dean, look at me.” I say, wedging myself in between him and Sam. I place one hand on either side of his face and try to bring his attention down to me. He snaps however, and grabs my wrist tightly pushing me roughly away from him, which causes me to slam my hip into the countertop. I take a breath, gaining my composure. Trying to ignore the throbbing in my hip, another bruise that will surely be seen later. 
“Shut up!” He growls, glaring at me. 
“Dean, love, please. It’s just you and me. You’re okay, but you gotta calm down handsome.” I say, walking between him and Sam once more. I get him to focus on me, and I can see in his eyes that he’s not himself. They are darker than normal, the only emotion registering in his eyes raw untamed fury. I can feel fear easing up my spine, I can normally sense some part of Dean within him, but not this time. The mark has fully taken over all of his emotions, all his actions and I am struggling to find an ounce of Dean himself. I plead with him verbally and physically touch him, trying to calm him ever so slightly. It seems to be working, the scowl on his face lessening and the anger emanating off of him seems to be decreasing. I allow myself to relax slightly, continuing to coax him down. That is, until something in him snaps and he turns on me. Anger igniting within him, bright and hot. His hands grasp my biceps firmly, shoving me away from him slamming me into the wall, which knocks the air out of me. Sam moves to intercede, but Dean punches him hard and quick, right to the face. Causing Sam, to fall as well, hitting his head on the counter and crumpling to the floor. I quickly back away from him, trying to put as much space between us while also trying to talk him down. I reach for my gun, which is tucked into the back of my waistband. It’s there, but could I really shoot Dean? I knew the answer as soon as the thought crossed my mind, no. I could never kill him, even if it meant losing my own life. He corners me, his shoulders puffed out and the veins in his forehead protruding. His eyes are dark, almost as black as a Demons. I close my eyes as he approaches, wrap my arms around my body and accept the fate that seems to be upon me. 
“Its okay Dean, I forgive you. I love you Dean. It’s alright baby, its okay. No matter what, it’s okay. I love you.” I say, my voice barely above a whisper, but repeating all of the words I’ve wanted to say for so long now. Over, and over again. Until his hands wrap around my throat, constricting and cutting off my oxygen. I open my eyes, pleading with him silently. But it’s not my Dean that looks back. I keep my eyes open for as long as I can, before my field of vision starts to shrink, black starting to overtake the green of his eyes as my world slowly fades to black.  
I blink, slowly coming back to my senses. My muscles aching, tired from whatever I had done while under the control of the mark. I come to and all I can see around me, is the mess. It looks like a tornado made its way through the bunker. Broken dishes scattered across the floor, new holes littering the wall, likely made by my fists. 
“Sammy? Y/N?” I call out, utterly confused as to why they’re not here with me. Normally Y/N is the one in front of me, snapping me out of the haze I am in caused by the mark. I don’t hear a response. I walk into the kitchen, and a wave of nausea rushes over me. Sam is there, crouching next to Y/N’s lifeless body. I run to her side, kneeling down and cradling her body against my chest. I check for a pulse, but there isn’t one to be found. Tears prick my eyes, my lungs feel as if someone has put them into a vice and they’re slowly turning it tighter, cutting off all of my oxygen. I gasp for air, sobs working their way from my throat. I gently trace my fingers over her throat, the hand shaped bruises starting to form. I look up at Sam, who is also in tears. His body language showing defeat. 
“Did I do this, Sam?” He doesn’t answer me at first, so I repeat my question, raising my voice slightly. “Did I do this to her?” He nods his head in response, his lips opening to speak but no words coming out. Overwhelming guilt floods my body, I pull her closer to me, rocking back and forth slowly, murmuring apologies and pressing kisses to her forehead. This was my biggest fear as soon as I got the mark, I tried to convince her to leave, but she refused. She was my closest friend, the one I would tell things that I couldn’t bear to tell Sam. I wanted more with her than we ever had. But now, she’s just gone. There’s no hope for the future that I wanted, I never got to ask her if she wanted that future with me. It is tearing my souls to pieces. I cradle her head in my hand, brushing away the hair from her face and she looks so peaceful, I could almost imagine she was sleeping. But that was not the case, she was gone and there was nothing I could do to change that. She had spent her life taking care of me, helping me, but at what cost? Did she know that I was capable of killing her?
"Dean." Sam says, his voice soft and concerned. I look up at him, tears still streaming down my face. "I came too, right before she died. She could've shot you, but she wouldn't. Her last words were that she forgave you and that she loves you. " He says, his face stained with tears as well. I nod, no words coming to mind, no response appropriate to the situation. My conscience on fire, unbearable pain and guilt filling my senses. I the guilt of her dying at my heads completely consuming.
"Fuck, Y/N, I am so sorry sweetheart, I love you so very much." I whisper, refusing to let her go from my arms.
Time passes slowly, the sun sets and rises and I refuse to move from that spot. Sam had called Bobby had come. He was in with me now, trying to coax me away from her body. Telling me we needed to give her a hunter's funeral. I couldn't bring myself to leave her. I didn't know how to move forward, living with the guilt left on my shoulders. I will always love her.
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ereardon · 1 year
My Girl [Chapter 18][Jake "Hangman" Seresin x OC]
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Summary: Jake Seresin could be the answer to all of your dating woes. He’s the full package: steady job, mature, dependable, attractive to a fault. The polar opposite of every guy your age and he’s everything you’ve ever wanted in a partner. But there’s one roadblock: he’s a single father to four-year-old Ellie. Jake is looking for a level of commitment you’re not quite sure you’re ready to give, and he’s not willing to bring someone into his daughter’s life who isn’t there for the long haul. And even if you are stepmom material, is Jake ready to let someone back in his life while still mourning the recent loss of his late wife? 
Pairing: Jake “Hangman” Seresin x OC [Lawyer Natalie West]
WC: 7K
Warning: Age gap, cursing, pregnancy, childbirth, mention of vomit
Series masterlist here
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Three Years Later
“Mrs. Seresin?” 
You turned with a smile on your face. “Yes?” 
“Doctor will see you now.” 
You nodded and pushed yourself up out of the chair. At thirty seven weeks pregnant, that alone was a feat. “Come on peanut,” you said to Ellie. 
She looked up with a grin and closed her book. Ellie loved joining your ultrasound appointments, especially when, like today, Jake couldn’t make it. 
In the room, you laid down on the table and pulled your shirt up, bunching it under your bra. The doctor sat down on her beige rolling stool and gave Ellie a smile. “How you doing, Ellie?” he asked. “How’s school?” 
“Good!” she said cheerily, eyes trained on the screen. Dr. Mason grabbed the abdominal wand and pressed it against your basketball-sized bump. 
“Alright, let’s see here,” he murmured, scooting in closer. “Baby’s measuring great, around eight pounds. That’s a healthy little man in there,” he said and you smiled. Ellie stood up and came to stand next to the bed, her eyes zeroed in on the baby on the monitor. “How are you feeling? Any Braxton Hicks?” 
You shook your head. “Not really. Can’t sleep at all and my heartburn makes me want to burn buildings down but other than that I’m alright.” 
He laughed. “Heard that before.” 
“Do you think I’ll make it to my due date on the ninth?” you asked quietly. 
“Well,” Dr. Mason said, “babies tend to come when they want. But I don’t see anything that would make me concerned for an early delivery.” He pulled the wand off of your belly and wiped at the leftover gel with a tissue. “That said, take it easy. And if you have any sudden symptoms like increased heart rate while stationary, or if you feel light headed, I need you to call my office, OK?” 
Ellie’s hand came out and grabbed yours and you squeezed it reassuringly. “Don’t worry, peanut,” you said softly. “Your little brother and I are going to be just fine.” 
“Dr. Mason said everything is good,” you murmured, running your fingers along your expanded belly.
“That’s great to hear honey.” Jake’s voice was a little crackly on the phone.
“Any more info on when you’ll be home?” you asked. 
“Still nothing,” Jake said quietly, “but I’m hoping next week. Can you two hold on that long for me?”
The baby kicked and you rubbed the skin over that spot. “We’re doing our best.” 
“How’s Ellie?” he asked. 
“She’s good. Phoenix took her to a movie this afternoon and she and Bob made dinner together which was really sweet.” 
Jake sighed. “I miss her. And you.” He paused. “All three of you.” 
You smiled. “We miss you, too.” 
There was a beeping in the distance from Jake’s end. “Sweetheart, I gotta run. I love you, I'll try to call you when I can, OK?” 
“I love you too,” you whispered. “Be safe for me.” 
“Always am, honey. Goodnight.” And then the line clicked and he was gone. You sighed, leaning back against the bed, waiting a few moments to psych yourself up enough to get out of bed and go downstairs for a snack. 
In the kitchen, you started to pull out an assortment of foods from the fridge — pickles, leftover pasta, an orange — placing them all on the dark granite counter. As you went to close the fridge door, you jumped. “Shit!” 
Bob stood behind the door in a pair of pajama bottoms and a long sleeve shirt, his hair slightly askew. “Sorry!” he said, hands in the air. 
You let out a breath and leaned one hand against the counter. “It’s fine, just didn’t expect you.” 
“I heard a noise, wanted to check and make sure you were OK.” 
Jake had asked Bob to stay with you and Ellie while he was on his three-week deployment. He had put in a formal request to defer the mission, but it was declined and he reluctantly went, pressing a kiss to your forehead in the doorway the morning he left, with tears in his eyes. He was terrified to miss a single moment of your pregnancy. You had told him it was fine, you would be fine. But the truth was, you were terrified, too. You didn’t have to tell him that, however. He didn’t need that added stress. You had simply told him that you loved him, and you would see him soon. 
You smiled and opened the pickle jar, digging out a fork and stabbing one. 
“I’m fine,” you murmured. “But thanks for checking.” 
Bob nodded. He turned to leave, but you stopped him. 
You stepped forward and pulled him into a hug the best you could with the belly. His hands wrapped around you carefully, like you were going to break. That’s how all of the daggers treated you, even Rooster. Hugging you while you were pregnant was like holding fine China. “Thank you,” you whispered against his shoulder. “For staying. For everything.” You pulled away and wiped at your eyes. “We couldn’t have done it without you.” 
Bob smiled. “It’s no problem, Natalie.” 
“Seriously,” you said, brushing away the hormonal tears. “Not sure how I got so lucky, but I did.”
“It’s what you do for family,” Bob said quietly and you almost broke down into tears again. 
But you stifled them back and gave him a grin. 
“Goodnight, Nat,” he said softly, turning toward the door. 
“Night, Bob.” 
You leaned over the kitchen counter, eating your midnight snacks. Once the pregnancy was confirmed, you and Jake had tearfully sold his old house, upgrading to a larger one with enough room for Ellie and the baby and a spare few bedrooms for when the daggers inevitably fell asleep on your couch. You missed the wrap-around porch and the memories from the old house, but Jake had slid his arms around your waist, rested his chin on your head as you watched the movers pack up the last boxes and murmured into your ear, “We’ll make new memories, baby. Any place I’m with you is home.” 
It started in the middle of the night. One minute you were asleep, the next you were sitting straight up in bed, a shooting pain rippling across your midsection. 
“Fuck,” you muttered to yourself, leaning over and grabbing your phone to check the time. 2:05 a.m. You leaned back against the pillows, waiting for another pain to strike. Fifteen minutes later, you felt the rippling pain again. 
Hauling yourself out of bed, you slid on a robe and eased the door open, wandering down the long hallway to the very last door and knocking gently before pushing it open. 
“Bob?” you whispered. 
The aviator jolted awake, sitting up and reaching for his glasses instantly. When he spotted you in the doorway, frazzled, he stood up immediately and crossed the room. “Natalie? What’s wrong?” 
You grimaced. “I think I’m having contractions.” 
“Shit,” he muttered, running a hand down his face. “Are you sure?” 
You nodded. “I’ve never done this before, but yeah, I think so.” 
“OK.” Bob jiggled his leg for a second. “I’m going to call the Admiral, see if he can get word to Jake’s squad and get him released. You go get your bags packed and wake up Ellie.” 
“We shouldn’t leave until they’re like five or six minutes apart,” you said. “That’s what the books tell you.” 
“Got it. In that case, you get your bag packed, leave it in your room, I’ll bring it downstairs. See if you can go relax and I’ll come check on you once I’m off the phone, will let you know what they say.” 
“Let’s let Ellie sleep,” you said softly. “We can wake her when it’s time to go.” 
Bob nodded. “Yeah, that sounds good.” 
He turned to grab his phone and your voice stopped him. “Bob?” 
“I’m scared.” 
Bob pulled you into a hug, his large hands warm on your back. “I know. You got this, mama.” 
The sun peeked its head over the horizon as you groaned, tossing your head back against the couch. Bob was frantically running around the house in his socked feet, trying desperately not to wake Ellie as he gathered your bags and loaded them into his truck, packing snacks in the kitchen, trying repeatedly to get in touch with Jake’s squadron. 
You bit back a moan as another contraction ripped through your side, eyes scrunched, when you felt the couch jiggle next to you. 
“Mama?” Ellie’s tiny voice pulled you out of your haze and you opened your eyes. 
Ellie sat in her red pajamas on the couch cushion, her feet tucked up beneath her, worry across her face. “Hey peanut,” you murmured. 
“Is the baby coming?” 
You nodded. “Yeah, he is.” 
Her mouth formed a little “O” shape. “What should I do?” 
You and Jake had talked extensively about what to do to prepare for the baby. He had been so excited, mapping different routes to the hospital depending on the time of day. Jake had his overnight hospital bag packed since your sixth month, just waiting near the door. He and Bradley had set up the nursery and had gone to the store to stock it with everything you might need: diapers, rash cream, a white noise machine. 
Meanwhile, you and Jake had initiated several conversations with Ellie about what it would be like to welcome a baby into the house. You had read book after book about how to add another sibling into a household, and what to do to make sure Ellie felt important despite all of the attention a newborn would undoubtedly take. 
What you hadn’t done was explain to her what was going to happen when you went into labor. 
You reached out a hand and brushed her hair back softly. 
“Have Uncle Bobby help you get a sleepover bag ready,” you said. “One change of clothes, toothbrush, toothpaste, underwear. And then some stuff to occupy your time like some books or a game or your iPad.” Her eyes lit up. You and Jake only let Ellie have thirty minutes of iPad time a night in the living room after dinner. “Make sure you bring the charging cord, OK? It’s cold outside, so pack a jacket.” 
She nodded and stood up from the couch. As you leaned back against the cushions, Ellie paused in the doorway. “I’m excited,” she said and you gave her a tired smile. 
“Me too, El.” 
Ellie skipped off upstairs and you looked down at your phone. No new messages. You slid your thumb over the home page and pulled up Cassie’s contact. 
“Nat?” She yawned. “What is it? It’s like six in the morning.” 
“I’m in labor.” 
“You’re WHAT?” Cassie’s voice was so loud you had to pull the phone away from your ear with a grimace. 
“I’m in labor,” you repeated. “And Jake is still on his mission and we haven’t been able to get in touch with him.” 
“Oh, sweetie,” she said, her voice a lower, more normal register now. “Honey, we’ll be right there, OK. Brad! Brad! Get the fuck up, we gotta go home.” 
“Cass,” you whispered into the phone. You could hear Bradley in the background zipping up suitcases. They were in Santa Barbara for the weekend and you felt guilty they were rushing home, but you needed Cassie. You needed all of them.
You needed Jake. 
“I’m fucking terrified,” you admitted. 
“I know you are,” she said. “Cross your legs and keep that little boy in there. We’re leaving now, it’s a five hour drive. Bradley!” She shouted. “You’re gonna get us there in four, right baby?” 
You heard Bradley’s deep voice on the other end. “Anything for Nat and my little nephew in there.” 
You smiled. “I love you guys,” you said. 
“We love you, too,” Cassie replied. “Tell Bob to call me with updates, OK? We’ll see you soon, Smalls.” 
“Bye, Cass.” 
Three hours later, the contractions were officially five minutes apart and you called for Bob who helped you into the passenger seat of his truck, Ellie packed up in the back with the bags. 
Bob dropped the two of you off at the front door and swung around for a parking spot. The nurses settled you into a L&D room, and you sent up a silent prayer that it was a private room. 
“What did the doctors say?” Bob demanded as he stepped through the door, carrying Ellie’s pink duffle bag and your green Goyard tote stuffed with distraction material: books, a bluetooth speaker, a mini chess board, a cooling towel. 
You shook your head. “Haven’t seen anyone yet, they’re just getting me prepped.” 
The nurse managing your monitors smiled. “You must be Dad.” 
Ellie laughed from where she sat on the couch in the corner. You smiled while Bob flushed with embarrassment at the mix up. “No, this is my friend, Bob. My husband is on deployment, we’re trying to get in touch with his squadron.” 
The nurse touched your arm gently, looking at you with soft eyes. “Ok, dear, let’s get you hooked up.”
It didn’t matter how many books you had read or the number of birth classes you went to, nothing could prepare you for birth. Not the discomfort of the IV, or the sweeping nausea that caused you to grab the bucket that Bob held out and vomit until you felt weak. 
Nothing could have prepared you for the sinking feeling that with every minute that passed you were more and more sure Jake wasn’t going to make it home to see his son being born. 
You had just shut your eyes, Bob and Ellie had gone down to the hospital cafeteria to get something to eat for lunch, when you heard a knock on the door. 
Your eyes flew open. Cassie stood in the doorway, eyes wide. “Cass.” 
She was on the bed next to you in an instant, her arms wrapped around your shoulders, and you felt salty warm tears rolling down your cheeks, landing at your lips. You didn’t even realize when you had started crying. 
Cassie pulled away and wiped at your face. “We made it.” 
You laughed. “You’re probably too early. Doctor said I’m only four centimeters dilated.” 
“How much is that?” Bradley grinned as he entered the doorway, carrying a vase of flowers. He leaned down and kissed your cheek and then proceeded to make a home for the flowers on the table next to the couch. 
You rolled your eyes. “The size of a walnut.” 
“Jesus, what kind of small ass head is this kid going to have?” Bradley teased and you laughed while Cassie threw him an annoyed look. 
“Cass!” he mocked and you laughed again. They were perfect together. 
“Uncle Rooster!” Ellie launched herself into Bradley’s arms and even though she was eight-years-old now and definitely not as light as she once was he caught her in midair perfectly, spinning her in a circle before pulling her in tightly and planting her back on the ground. 
“Hey honey,” he said softly. “How’s my favorite girl doing?” 
“We had pancakes for lunch!” 
You gave Bob a look and he simply shrugged. “Weird day, Nat. Can’t the kid have breakfast for lunch?” 
“Anything goes today I guess,” you sighed. 
“Have you heard from the squad?” Bradley asked. 
Bob shook his head. “Talked to Mav, but that’s it.” 
“Let’s try them again,” Bradley said, walking over to Bob and clapping his hand on the aviator’s shoulder. “We’ll be right back.” 
The two men exited the room and Ellie picked up her book, curling back up on the couch. Cassie dragged a chair next to the bed and plopped down. 
“Sorry to interrupt your weekend,” you said with a frown.
“Shut up,” Cassie said. “You know there’s nowhere else I’d rather be.” 
“Because hospital cafeteria food is so much better than the food at the Ritz.” 
She rolled her eyes. “How bad is it?” 
You shrugged. “Not pleasant, I’ll give you that. I already puked twice. Poor Bob had to hold the bucket for me.” 
Cassie grimaced. She hated vomit. “Thank God I got here when I did. Would have hated to see that.” 
You snuck a peek over at Ellie before turning your gaze back to Cassie. “What if he doesn’t make it, Cass?” You paused. “I don’t think I can do it alone.”
She grabbed your hand, the one that didn’t have the IV, and squeezed. “He’s gonna make it, babe. Jake would never miss this.” 
“What if they don’t get to him in time or he’s flying and doesn’t even get the call?” You were starting to panic. 
“Shh,” Cassie said, sitting up and brushing the hair off of your face. “Take a deep breath. If, by some horrible terrible worst last case scenario, Jake doesn’t get here, you won’t be alone. You have me and Ellie and Brad and Bob. And we fucking love you, Smalls.” She smiled down at you. “And we love that little bug in there, so just know you’re not alone, babe. You have a room full of people who love you. You can do this.”
“I needed that,” you sighed. “Thank you.” 
Bradley and Bob burst back into the room. 
“We have an update,” Bradley said. Your fingers locked onto Cassie’s. “We spoke to Admiral Simpson and they were able to get a call onto Jake’s ship. He knows you’re in labor and they’re making plans to lift him out as soon as possible.”
“Thank God,” you muttered. 
Another contraction started to build in your midsection and you groaned, leaning forward. Bob immediately reached for the bucket and Cassie’s eyes widened into saucers, pushing back in her chair. You grimaced, a small moan leaving your body, and once it was done you leaned back, waving away the empty bucket. 
“I’m fine,” you panted. 
Bradley stood in the door, frozen. 
You laughed a little at him. “Bradley, what did you expect?” 
He shook his head. “I don’t know, didn’t really think about it too carefully if I’m being honest.” 
“How about you and Cass take Elle home for a bit?” you asked. “It’s gonna be a while. Maybe watch some TV, take a nap, come back in a few hours? I’ll call you if anything changes.” 
They nodded and you turned to Bob. 
“Honey?” you said softly. “You should go, too.” 
He shook his head, glasses slipping down his nose slightly. “I’m not leaving you alone.” 
“I’ll be fine,” you assured him. “I’m asking too much of you to be here the whole time.”
Bob looked exhausted. You could see it in the bags under his eyes, the frazzled way he kept running his fingers through his hair. But you also knew he wouldn’t leave you there by yourself.
Bradley clapped his hand on Bob’s shoulder. “How about this? Floyd, you go home with the ladies. Take a nap, take a shower, make some dinner. I will stay with Mrs. Seresin over here.” He winked at you. “How’s that sound?” 
Relief flooded your body. Cassie reached over and kissed Bradley and Bob acquiesced, grabbing his car keys from the side table. Ellie approached the bed and laid one hand on your belly. You reached over and stroked her hair. “Bye, sweetie, go have fun with Aunt Cassie and Uncle Bobby.” 
She nodded and followed Cassie out the door. Bob shot you one final look and you smiled at him reassuringly. 
Bradley settled into the chair that Cassie had pushed away a few minutes earlier. 
“Just you and me, Smalls,” he said. Bradley had adopted the nickname Cassie had for you. 
“You didn’t have to stay,” you murmured. 
“Jake would kick my ass if I left his girl alone giving birth,” Bradley said. His warm eyes locked on yours. “He’ll make it, Nat. I promise.” 
“He’ll never forgive himself if he doesn’t make it back in time,” you whispered. “I know him. It’ll tear him apart.” 
Bradley shook his head. “He’ll make it.” 
You nodded before another contraction started and your face scrunched up in pain, fingers tightly gripping the white hospital bed sheets. 
“What do I do?” he whispered, panicked. 
“Give me your hand,” you groaned and Bradley stood up, inching toward the bed and you reached out, taking his enormous hand into yours, bearing down until you heard him choke back a muffled yelp. 
When it was done, you let go, panting, and Bradley shook out his hand. “Fuck, you should enter arm wrestling contests, Smalls,” he chuckled. 
“Sorry.” Your voice wobbled and Bradley caught it immediately.
“Hey.” Bradley wrapped his arms around you from behind, his lips pressing a small kiss onto your temple. You started to cry, softly, as Bradley held you in his arms. “You’re doing so good, Nat. You’re a fucking superstar.” 
You sagged in Bradley’s arms. He was the best replacement for Jake that you could think of, but he wasn’t the real thing. Once your tears dried, Bradley pulled away and sat back down on the chair. 
“If he couldn’t be here for this part,” Bradley said softly. “I’m really glad I get to be.” 
Bradley leaned down and took your hand, pressing a kiss to the back and you giggled. “Don’t make me cry again, please.” 
He shook his head. “Never.” 
The sun was setting by the time Cassie, Ellie and Bob returned. You had progressed to seven centimeters. Bradley had quickly stepped into the partner role, rubbing your shoulders, whispering positive affirmations in your ear through the contractions. 
“How you doing, babe?” Cassie asked. 
“I’m fine,” Bradley replied and she shot him a look. “I meant Nat.” 
You and Bob laughed. Bradley grinned sheepishly. 
“I’m fine, guys,” you said. “Hey, El, how are you?” You patted the bed and she slid onto it next to you, one hand on the bump. You looked up. “Do you guys mind leaving us alone for a minute?” 
They nodded and left the room. You stroked Ellie’s hair softly. 
“Ellie,” you said quietly. She looked up at you. “I just want you to know that your daddy and I love you very much. I know it’s going to be a big transition to have a little brother, but nothing is going to change in terms of how much we love you. Does that make sense?” 
She nodded. “I know.” 
“We’re still going to do all of our own special things,” you whispered with a smile. “Getting our nails done and going to the beach to eat ice cream. That’s all you and me, kid.” 
Ellie’s hand flattened against your stomach. “What are you going to name him?”
You and Jake hadn’t been able to settle on a name. It had been a long debate over the last nine months. “What name do you like?” 
She thought about it for a minute. “I like Henry.” 
You paused and looked down at her. It was perfect. “I like Henry, too,” you said and Ellie beamed. “Let’s ask your dad when he gets here, OK? But if he’s OK with it, so am I.” 
“When’s daddy getting here?” 
You shook your head, arm tightening around her middle. “I don’t know, baby. I wish I knew.” 
“I hope he gets here soon.” 
“Me too,” you said. “Or else your Uncle Bobby is coming into the delivery room with me and that might scare him too much.” 
“Can I come in?” Ellie asked. 
“I don’t think you want that, honey,” you laughed. “Wait until you have a baby, if you want one. I think it’s something you only need to experience, not view.” 
She nodded. “OK.” 
Just then, another contraction hit and you winced. The monitor started to beep. Ellie quickly unfurled herself from the bed and stood up. 
“Should I get Aunt Cassie?” 
You nodded. “Yes, please, honey.” 
Ellie tossed open the door and ran out into the hall. You clutched your stomach and grimaced, a few tears sliding down your cheek. You hadn’t wanted to do this alone, without Jake. 
The day you found out you were pregnant, you simply sat on the bathroom floor and cried. 
It was such a different experience from the time you had taken the pregnancy test in law school. Back then, you had been terrified it would be positive. You knew Sam was wrong for you. You knew your life would be uprooted. You wanted more for your child than the life you were willing to give them at that age. 
This time, it was different. You had Jake and Ellie and a life. You and Jake had talked about having kids, but in a casual way. Despite Ellie’s pleas to Santa for a little brother, the two of you had taken a lax approach to adding to your family. 
That’s why the two pink lines were such a shock. 
You couldn’t even stand when Jake knocked on the bathroom door and found you crumpled on the ground, back against the white wood cabinets. 
“Nat?” He rushed to where you were, took in the dampness of your cheeks. “Honey, what is it? What’s wrong?” 
You looked up at him. “I’m pregnant.” 
Jake’s jaw dropped. In a second, he was crouched in front of you, pulling you into his arms. “Oh my God, Nat,” he whispered against your hair. 
He pulled back, his green eyes on yours. 
“Are you happy?” he whispered. 
“Of course!” you said and Jake let out a sigh of relief, pulling you against him once more. 
“We’re having a baby,” he murmured, one hand stroking your back. “I love you so much.” 
The contractions were getting stronger. Bob’s hands rubbed circles against your back as you leaned forward with a grunt. 
“Where is he?” you cried, leaning back with a sob, your eyes filled with tears. It had been five hours since Bradley had spoken with Admiral Simpson. You had expected Jake to be there by now. 
“He’s on his way, Nat,” Bob whispered softly, taking a wet washcloth and pressing it to your temple. “I’m sure of it.” 
“I need Jake,” you sobbed, eyes screwed shut. Bradley and Cassie had taken Ellie out on a walk. She didn’t need to see this part of the labor. “I can’t do this without him.” 
“You’re doing great,” Bob said softly in your ear but you heard the pain in his voice. What he was trying so desperately to hide: he was afraid Jake wouldn’t make it, too. 
“I can’t!” you wailed. “I can’t do it without him.” 
“Nat, you have to,” Bob insisted, squeezing your hand. You looked at him through the tears. “You have to do this, whether he gets here or not. You’re strong, you can do it.” 
You leaned back, the contraction finally ebbing, and shook your head softly against the pillow. “Bobby, I can’t.” 
He leaned forward, his blue eyes glued to yours when the door opened. You both looked up eagerly, only to see the doctor. 
“How we doing, Natalie?” she asked sweetly and you let out a rough chuckle. 
“Awful, thanks Doc.” 
She laughed. “I know, but we have to ask. Alright, let’s check how things are going.”
Bob stayed near your head as the doctor sat down near your feet and checked your cervix. “You're eight centimeters,” she said. “Doing really nicely, Natalie. It’s going to happen soon, now. Could be half an hour, could be two hours. I’ll come back to check on you in thirty minutes but the nurse will be in around fifteen minutes from now.” She stopped and patted your hand. “You’re doing great.” 
Once the nurse was out of the room, you leaned back and dissolved into tears. Bob held your hand in his, stroking it gently with his thumb. 
“Do you want me to get Cassie?” he whispered. 
You shook your head. “No. Please don’t leave me.” 
Bob squeezed your fingers. “I promise.” 
The door swung open again and you turned, expecting the nurse. 
A full sob left your lips as you locked eyes with Jake. 
Jake rushed to the bed, wrapping his arms around you, kissing your head repeatedly like he was trying to convince himself you were real. “Baby, honey, I’m so sorry. Nat, I’m so sorry. I got here as fast as I could.” 
He pulled away, tears streaking down his face. Your fingers reached out to lace around his arm and you pulled him back closer, his lips locked on yours. 
“I love you,” he murmured, one hand reaching out to stroke your belly. “I’m so sorry I didn’t get here sooner.” 
“You’re here now,” you said, shaking your head. “That’s what matters.” 
Jake looked down at you, wiping his eyes. Then he looked across the bed at Bob. “Bob,” he said, walking around the edge of the bed and pulling the other man into a tight hug. You watched as Jake shook as he teared up in the embrace and when they pulled apart you thought you saw tears in Bob’s eyes as well. “Thank you, for everything,” he said softly. “It’s more than I should have ever asked.” 
Bob shook his head and looked at you. “You don’t have to thank me.” 
You sat up and Bob approached the bed. You pulled him into a hug the best that you could, your fingers soft against the back of his head. “Thank you, Bobby,” you whispered.
“Of course,” he said softly, squeezing your hand as he backed away from the bed. Jake gave him a pat on the back as he rounded the bed, headed out the door. “I’ll let Cass, Brad and Ellie know you’re here.” 
“Thanks, Bob,” Jake said softly. He returned back to his spot at your side, hands traveling all over your body: your hair, your arms, rubbing your back, one hand resting on your belly, gold wedding band catching and glinting with the overhead fluorescent light. Jake sighed. “Thank God I didn't miss it. It’s all a blur, baby. One second I was on the ship and then they called me in and said you were in labor and they were lifting me out and I blacked out. I just remember running to my cabin to pack my bag and then running through the hospital doors.” He looked down at his green flight suit. “I’m a little underdressed for the birth of our son.” 
You chuckled, just as another contraction started to rip through your abdomen. You hunched forward with a grunt, and Jake placed his hands on your shoulders, whispering to you. 
“You got this, honey. You’re so strong. Take a deep breath, baby.” 
A small tear slipped out of your eye as you leaned back against Jake. He was so solid. You could do this now. “It hurts, Jake,” you moaned. 
“I know it does, baby,” he said and you could see the pain in his eyes. How much it hurt him to watch you in agony. He rubbed your belly gently. “I’m so sorry.” 
You shook your head, the contraction dying down. “It’s OK, you’re here now.” 
The door swung open and a nurse sauntered in, eyes trained on Jake. “Oh,” she said. “You must be Dad, then.” 
You nodded. “This is my husband, Jake.” 
She gave him a long look and then smiled at you. “Now I see why you wanted him around. Although the guy who was in here earlier was cute, too.” 
You laughed through the pain. She lifted the sheet and peered between your legs before looking back up at you. 
“Alright, Natalie. Are you ready to have a baby?” 
You glanced at Jake. His eyes were glued on you. You smiled. “Let’s do it.” 
They didn’t call it the ring of fire for nothing. 
You had your legs pulled back, fingers tight beneath your knees. You dropped back against the pillows, sweating, and turned your head to the side to look at Jake. He wiped at your forehead with a towel and smiled. 
“You’re doing great, baby,” he whispered. “I’m so proud of you.” 
You shook your head. “One, Jacob. We’re having ONE baby. This is it, sir.” 
The nurses and your OB laughed near your feet and Jake grinned, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “One is plenty, sweetheart.” 
Another pain slammed into your side and you hunched forward with a yelp. 
“Alright, Natalie,” your doctor said, her head just barely visible past your belly. “It’s time to push. Dad, you’re going to want to see this. He’s crowning.” 
Jake let go of your thigh and moved down, his eyes wide. He looked up at you with a massive smile. “I see him!” 
“Great,” you gritted. “Can you tell him it’s fucking checkout time?” 
Jake laughed as you bore down with a scream, a truly guttural yell, and there was so much pressure you thought you were going to break in two until you saw Jake’s face light up. 
“That’s the head,” the doctor said. “Take a breath and then give me another push, Natalie. Ten seconds.” 
Jake scrambled back to his place near you, his hands on your leg, and you sobbed, shifting forward, giving it your all. “That’s my girl,” he whispered into your temple. “You got this, baby.” 
And then there was relief. And a cry. 
You looked down as the doctor held up a squirming baby. 
Your son. 
He opened his mouth wide in a shrill cry and you started to cry as the doctor lifted him into the air, placing him on your chest. You looked up at Jake as he cut the umbilical cord. 
“Henry,” you said softly and Jake looked at you with tears in his eyes. 
You nodded, stroking his tiny arm with your finger. “Ellie and I decided before you got here. Hope that’s OK.” 
Jake smiled. “It’s perfect.” He leaned over and pressed his lips to yours. “I love you.” 
You were so caught up with the tiny, wiggling, perfect baby in your arms that you forgot to respond for a moment. 
“Hi Henry,” Jake whispered softly. “Your mama and I are so happy to finally meet you.” 
You broke down in tears, cradling Henry to your chest, Jake’s arm wrapped around you, the three of you with your heads pressed together. When you pulled back, you reached out a finger and wiped at Henry’s cheek gently. “Hi honey,” you murmured. “It’s mama.” You looked up at Jake with a smile. “Thanks for waiting for everyone to get here to start the show, little man.” Jake chuckled softly next to you, one hand rubbing circles on your back, the other resting gently on Henry. 
“We love you so much, sweetheart,” you murmured to the now quiet baby on your chest. 
You closed your eyes for a split second. And when you opened them again, you watched the way Jake was gazing at his son. You wanted to memorize that look for the rest of your life. Keep it in the back of your mind forever. You’d never get enough of it. 
Jake smiled at you once he caught you staring. “You did so good, pumpkin,” he said, lips pressed to yours. “I’m so proud of my girl.” 
The doctor and nurses took Henry away to get him cleared up, and Jake helped you get changed and cleaned up. 
“I’m going to go get Ellie,” Jake said as you sat with Henry asleep in your arms.
A few minutes later, the door eased open and you looked up. Ellie’s hand was slotted into Jake’s, and he led her to the bed slowly. 
“Ellie, meet your brother Henry.” 
Her eyes flashed brightly and she looked at you. “Henry?” 
You nodded. “I think it fits, don’t you?” 
Ellie stepped closer to the bed. You nudged the baby in her direction. 
“You can touch him gently,” you said and she reached out a small hand, stroking his tiny one. Henry squirmed and Ellie pulled away. “It’s OK,” you said softly. “You’re doing great, honey.” 
She nodded and reached back out, slowly petting Henry’s head. “He’s so small,” she said quietly. 
You and Jake chuckled. “Yeah, he is,” Jake said. “You were this small once, too, peanut.” 
“What’s his middle name?” Ellie asked. 
You looked up at Jake. “Well, your dad and I hadn’t actually discussed it, but I like Jacob.” 
“Like daddy?” 
You nodded. “Exactly.” 
“I like it,” Ellie said, her eyes glued on Henry. She slid one finger over his hand and he grabbed it reflexively and she giggled. “He has my finger!” 
Jake put his hands on Ellie’s shoulders. “You ready to be a big sister, El?” 
She smiled up at him. “I love him already.” 
“Us too, baby,” Jake whispered, leaning down and kissing the top of her head. 
The three of you stared at Henry for a little while longer, Ellie’s tiny laugh filling the room as she shook hands with her baby brother. 
“OK, kid,” Jake said softly. “Let’s go get your aunt and uncles, OK? Let them meet their new nephew.” 
Ellie grinned and headed for the door. 
“Be right back, sweetheart.” 
And then it was just you and Henry, again. He looked like Jake, as much as a baby could look like anything. You knew he would grow up and charm everyone. You wanted him to grow up to be the kind of man his father was. To be the kind of person you had fallen so hard and fast for. 
You couldn’t wait to watch everything he would do and all that he would become. 
“Knock knock.” Cassie slid the door open slowly, her eyes wide. Bradley and Bob followed on her heels, along with Jake and Ellie, everyone filing into the room in a single line. Cassie wrapped one arm around your shoulder, leaning down and brushing a finger over Henry’s face. “Well, aren't you handsome?” 
“This is Henry Jacob Seresin,” you said with a smile. “Henry, meet your Auntie Cassie, your Uncle Bradley and Your Uncle Bobby.” 
They were all crowded around the bed. Looking up, your heart swelled as you watched these people who had become such an integral part of your life gaze down at the newborn in your arms. 
“Can I?” Cassie asked and you nodded, carefully transferring Henry into her arms. She cooed at him softly, sitting on the edge of the bed. “He’s perfect,” she whispered. “You guys did good.” 
“It was all Nat,” Jake said. “She’s a superhero.” 
You leaned back against the pillows. “When it’s your turn, Cass, get the epidural. I don’t care what anyone says.” 
She laughed gently. “Never a doubt in my mind, sweetheart.” Across the edge of the bed, you caught Bradley with tears in his eyes. Cassie must have noticed it too, because her face morphed. “Brad, honey?” 
He sniffled and pushed the tears away. “You’re a natural.” 
Cassie grinned. “Do you want to hold him?” 
Bradley shook his head. “Later. I’m enjoying the view a little too much right now.” 
“Ew,” Ellie said and Jake laughed. 
To your left, you felt Bob’s hand come down on your shoulder, his fingers squeezing you briefly. “How are you?” he asked quietly. 
“I’m good,” you whispered. “Thank you, Robert.” You paused. “Do you want to hold your godson?” 
He looked down at you with surprise and then over to Jake who nodded. “Godson?” 
“If you’ll accept,” you said. 
Bob nodded feverishly. “Of course. Yes.” 
Jake chuckled, approaching Cassie and carefully lifting Henry out of her arms. You watched as Jake seamlessly crossed the room with his newborn son in his arms, smiling down at the baby, before gently laying him in Bob’s outstretched hands. Jake helped him cradle Henry’s head, the rest of his body resting carefully in his long, strong arms. 
Bob gazed down at Henry with a mystified look that you recognized all too well. It was the way you sometimes caught Jake looking at Ellie. It was unfiltered adoration. Genuine and absolute happiness. 
Bradley and Cassie had gone back to their house after you finally shooed them away, taking Bob with them. They promised to return first thing in the morning with breakfast. 
Jake had taught Ellie how to hold Henry as the two sat on the couch across the room. She treated him like a porcelain doll, and you thought you might never get tired of watching the way she gazed at him. Or the way Jake looked at the both of them. 
It was late, and you had barely slept for going on twenty-four hours. But somehow, the adrenaline coursing through your veins made you forget that fact. 
So when Jake and Ellie fell asleep on the couch, Ellie curled into her father’s chest, one of his large hands wrapped around her back, holding her close, you couldn’t help but stare at them. How perfect they looked. 
And when Henry began to fuss where he sat in your arms, you shushed him quietly, rocking him gently until he was lulled back to sleep. 
It almost terrified you, how much you loved the three of them. More than you had realized was even possible. 
Holding your newborn son in your arms, watching your husband and daughter — you had officially adopted Ellie the day after the wedding — sleeping peacefully across the room, you felt truly whole for the first time in your life. 
You closed your eyes and thanked God it wasn't just a dream.
A/N: This is the end, folks! Thank you so much for reading this series, I have absolutely adored writing it. I'm definitely happy to revisit Jake, Natalie, Ellie and Henry's lives in the future for drabbles down the road! xx
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bolderfunkyman · 1 year
♡ Yandere Kaveh Part 2 ♡
Okay it has been a while im sorry.. But I am back at it again! And i have part 2 finally done. it's gonna be several parts so there also will come a part 3 and 4. I don't wanna rush it. Link to part one = Part1
its kaveh x reader there are no mentions of genders.
Word count: 1,3K
im also testing a new writing format with a POV please let me know what you think of it!
Content: Lovesick, Obsession, Manipulation, blood, Mindillness, smut, fluff, possesiveness. MINORS DO NOT INTARACT
reminder as to where we lefr: You stayed at the library for way to long and kaveh was worried about you. He couldnt find you. You walked home alone and then you got jumped. Kaveh came to save you. But as suddenly as he was there, as suddenly he dissapeared again.
A playlist to set the mood -Link to playlist-
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Kaveh POV:
After he scared off the ermites. He couldn’t help but feel anger about what happened. So instead he followed you home without you knowing. And when he knew you were safely home. He went after the emirates. He couldn’t leave it be. They hurted you. That's not something he can accept. After a while he found them. They were killed. If you saw the scene it would have seemed as if a slaughter had taken place. But it was Kaveh who showed them how angry he actually was with them. He often repeated to them to stay away from his girl. Although she didn’t know yet she was his. He made sure to clean up the scene and made sure no traces were left behind. Kaveh quickly returned home, washed his clothes and went to bed.
Falling asleep thinking of you. Hoping you now saw him as your hero, a knight in shiny armor. 
Jump to present day reader pov -
As you woke up from your sleep you noticed that you had a hazy memory of what happened the night before. All you remember is that Kaveh left in a hurry and that you felt like something or someone was watching you walk home. You started your daily morning routine before heading to The Akademiya.
You kinda forgot you normally walk with Kaveh to the Akademiya, So when you heard someone call out your name you didn’t right away think it was him.
“Hey, why are you ignoring me? Did I do something wrong?” Kaveh asked.
Oh no i’m sorry! I kinda had a weird morning. My head was still filled with what happened yesterday’, you told him. “Oh… did they give you nightmares?” he looked at you concerned while saying this.
I guess so? I just have a hazy memory as if it was a fever dream but, it wasn't a dream it was reality, you looked at him while saying this. Do you perhaps know more? I know you were there as well, kaveh. 
“All I know is that I saved you from those ermites. And after that I had to hurry to a meeting, they didn’t do anything to you right?” he asked. No, they didn’t do anything. I got home safely. Although I did feel like something was watching me. Maybe it was my mind. Because of what happened. I also really didn't eat anything before bed. Not the smartest choice I made I guess.. You gave him a weak smile.
“Maybe I should take you home? You clearly aren’t feeling well” Kaveh told you.
No no I'm fine really, I take it easy today and after all this I just go home to eat and sleep. That probably will help me feel better. 
“Hmm if you say so. I’ll wait for you at our spot to walk you home okay?” he still looked very concerned at you. Yeah that’s fine. I promise I won't forget this time. 
Your day just passed by silently and slowly as if time barely moved. But it reached it’s end and you were able to leave the Akademiya. And indeed kaveh was sitting there waiting for you. He also already got you a drink. 
“Finally! there you are I got worried” He sounded energetic, like a puppy happy to see you. 
Mhm today was quite energy draining if i’m being honest. 
“Shall I carry you home then?” He joked. Oh My god have you been hanging out with Cyno a lot or something? Just as bad of a joke.
“But I wasn’t joking I wouldn’t mind carrying you home” And he indeed sounded serious about it.
No, I will be fine walking  by myself I believe. “If you say so, I am almost done with this design and then we can have a walk around or I will just take you home?” He said.
“They will be able to get home by herself, Kaveh” A man told him. You turned your head to see who was talking to him. 
"Al Haitham? What are you doing here?” He asked the man. He looked pretty annoyed. His eyes almost daggers at this man.
“Maybe you have forgotten kaveh? Do I need to speak it out? Do they already know?” He had a blank stare at kaveh. No emotion it seems. Kind of cold.
Know what? You asked. 
“Nevermind It. I’m sorry I have to go. I can’t walk you home today I'm afraid” And so he stood up and followed this man named Al Haitham. You did hear him bickering with this man a lot. You knew he always had something to say about him.. But seeing him argue with him is something else. 
You are interested in their relationship. If they are friends or not. But seeing as how tired you felt you decided it was enough for today and go home. Take a snack and then sleep. A good night's rest, it sounded like a dream for you at this moment. 
Kaveh POV: 
So why exactly did you have to interrupt me? I was having a nice time with them you know” You can clearly hear he was angry.
“I will leave you be more if you actually paid rent you know” Alhaitham still sounded stone cold. “And who are they even anyways?” he added.
They are my friend. And what does it matter to you anyways? it’s not like you ever bothered in someone else’ he said.
"Hm Perhaps. But you are right there is no benefit from knowing who they are. Anyways, I still want the rent. And you need to fix this door. It’s making that noise again.” Al Haitham told him.
I’m an architect. I draw, I don’t fix things like that. So you basically dragged me away for nothing? Kaveh felt he got angry because of this.
“oh well.. that’s a shame” Al Haitham told him while taking a book out to read. “also did you hear about 2 emrites missing?” he asked him.
No, what about it? Of course kaveh knew they were missing. He killed them after all for you.
“Their family is afraid they got killed by someone. And some speculations say they might have just fled to Liyue or something.” He simply answered. 
Oh okay. Well I guess I will keep an eye out for them then’ He lied to al haitham.
the following day - 
You were just walking around in Sumeru wondering what to do today. It was a nice day, slightly on the hot side so you didn’t feel like doing a lot. You were far lost in your own mind to really notice where exactly you were walking and whatever you might bump into, so you got quite the scare when you bumped into someone.
Ow, I’m sorry I should have looked where I’m Going’ You just said.
“You indeed should look around so you don’t make pitiless mistakes like this.” A stone cold voice you can recognize right away.
Oh Al Haitham, I’m really sorry’ you could feel your eyes heating up out of embarrassment. 
“oh you are the friend of kaveh right?” He asked you, sounding a little less.. Cold
Yeah I am hehe’ You felt quite awkward as of now. 
So what brings you here? You tried to have a neutral conversation with him. 
“Just enjoying the weather, It’s a great day to do absolutely nothing.” He answered simply, “would you like to join me on the walk? I will look out for you so you don’t bulldoze more people” he added. 
Ugh how dare he say something like that, it's so insulting, is what was going through your mind, you cannot obviously tell him what you thought. 
So instead you took him on the offer and had a little chat with him. He got to know a bit about you. Meanwhile you still didn’t know much about Al Haitham. Other than that he is a scribe at The Akademiya. 
And today again you felt like someone was staring at you, following you around. You couldn’t place where it came from or why you felt like it. 
But you could notice Al Haitham also felt like someone was watching the 2 of you.
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anonymousewrites · 8 months
One Hell of a Love (Book 2) Chapter Five
Sebastian Michaelis x Demon! Reader
Chapter Five: One Hell of a Cold
Summary: Ciel happily gets away from the circus but falls sick before he can handle the kidnappings.
            (Y/N) was up before the rest of the circus, and as a “rookie,” they calmly began preparing the food for the day. They skinned the potatoes with a sharp knife slowly and neatly.
            (Y/N) was imagining they were skinning Beast alive.
            Yes, they knew they had no claim to Sebastian, but they didn’t enjoy hearing him sleep with someone else, even with a filthy human just for information. (Y/N) didn’t want to imagine Sebastian touching others intimately when (Y/N) wanted it. So, (Y/N) was taking out their anger on the food instead of killing Beast.
            They took a deep breath as they picked up another bucket of potatoes and continued peeling. They could remember the last time Sebastian had slept with someone for information, the nun, Sebastian had said that humans were of no consequence to a demon, but the situation still irritated (Y/N). They had the possessive instincts of a demon, and even if Sebastian wasn’t theirs in any way, they hated the idea of anyone else touching him.
            “(Y/N)?” Speak of the demon.
            (Y/N) turned to him. “Sebastian.” They glanced at his ungloved hands before looking back up at his eyes. “You got the information, of course.”
            “Yes,” said Sebastian. “Baron Kelvin is ‘Father.’ ”
            “You were very efficient,” said (Y/N), clicking their tongue. Their nose twitched in annoyance.
            Sebastian smirked, enjoying what he hoped was jealousy. “Humans are so soft, such easy prey. It was simple.”
            (Y/N) glanced at him. “I’m sure.”
            “Forgettable, though,” remarked Sebastian.
            “How tragic for dear Beast,” said (Y/N), smirking in satisfaction that Sebastian would forget her.
            “Well, you understand how it is as a demon,” said Sebastian. He smirked. “Only other immortals are constants. Humans are of no consequences, coming and going in blinks of an eye across the millennia.”
            “Don’t tell our dear friend Agni that,” said (Y/N) teasingly, feeling more comfortable with Sebastian as once more it was proved that the humans he slept with were just business for his contract, which wasn’t something he could change.
            “Agni is an exception to the rule,” admitted Sebastian. He leaned towards (Y/N), and they looked at him. “But all the others? They mean nothing. We are the only constants in our lives.”
            (Y/N) smiled. “Yes, we are. It’s you and me.”
            You and me… Sebastian liked the sound of that. “Precisely.” He smirked. “And since I have the information we need, we can leave this circus behind today.”
            “Finally.” (Y/N) threw the knife they were using to peel the potatoes back into a bucket. “Let’s get out of here.”
            “Not enjoying yourself? I thought you liked performing,” said Sebastian with a smirk.
            (Y/N) glanced at him and decided to be bold. “Why? Do you like seeing me perform?” They grinned as he blinked and walked out of the tent.
            Sebastian placed a hand on Ciel’s forehead, and the boy’s eyes opened weakly. “Seba…stian?”
            “Good morning,” said Sebastian pleasantly. “Your fever seems to have broken. How are you feeling?”
            “Not great, but better than yesterday,” said Ciel, sitting up. “Did Freckle Face go to breakfast already?”
            “Yes, though I don’t think anyone’s going to find any breakfast since I stopped cooking,” said (Y/N) brightly.
            “Please have some water,” said Sebastian, holding a glass of water.
            “What happened to your gloves? Your nails and the seal of the covenant are showing,” said Ciel as he took a sip.
            Sebastian smiled innocently. “I am afraid I got them a little dirty.”
            (Y/N) rolled their eyes.
            “Well, that aside, I do hope you took care of the errand I left to you?” said Ciel.
            “He most certainly did,” said (Y/N).
            Sebastian smirked. He enjoyed seeing (Y/N) a little possessive. “Come.” He picked up Ciel. “There is no need to linger here further. Let us make our exile while everyone is breaking their fast. Or, more likely, searching for food. We can talk at leisure once we have returned to the town house.”
            They walked out of the tent, and William glared at them while they went past.
          �� “We have finished with our business, so we will take our leave,” said Sebastian.
            “As long as you are with your owner, I don’t give a toss where you go,” said William. “Now I can relax and get down to my business.”
            “You went off for two whole days without a word to me!” cried Soma as the three walked through the door of the townhouse. “Just a little longer, and I would’ve asked the police to send out a search party!”
            “It’s none of your business.” Ciel attempted to remain firm, but his coughing interrupted his tough façade.
            “What’s wrong with you? You look pale?” said Soma.
            “It’s nothing,” said Ciel. “Leave me alone.”
            “It’s not nothing! You’ve definitely got a cold!” cried Soma. “Don’t you have a fe—!”
            “No! My temperature’s fine!” argued Ciel.
            “You’re lying!” said Soma, following Ciel, Sebastian, and (Y/N) up the stairs to his bedroom.
            “No, I’m not,” said Ciel, making sure Sebastian shut the door behind him before flopping down on his bed and panting.
            “Young Master does lie quite a lot and keep many secrets, indeed,” said Sebastian, his teasing is barely concealed. “Even I was no aware that you have had a chronic illness from childhood. Why did you not tell me?”
            “You never asked. Besides, I’m already over it,” huffed Ciel.
            “Is that so? This attack says otherwise,” said (Y/N) as Sebastian procured Ciel’s usual clothes.
            “Better to be safe than sorry,” said Sebastian. “I shall read some medical texts on the subject of asthma.”
            “Is that part of your aesthetic as well?” said Ciel.
            “A butler must be able to deal with any situation that may arise,” said Sebastian.
            “Hmph.” Ciel allowed Sebastian to dress him. “Anyway, hurry up and tell me what you found out at the College of Arms.”
            “College of Arms…Ah, the identity of the person to whom that device belongs, yes…?” said Sebastian. “His name is Baron Kelvin.”
            “Kelvin?” Ciel raised an eyebrow.
            “Do you know him?” asked (Y/N).
            “I don’t much care for philanthropists and such, so he is not a personal acquaintance, but I think we exchanged greetings at a party that the previous Earl took me to,” said Ciel. “Well, that will do. Knowing his name is amore than enough. We’re going out.”
            “Yes, my Lord,” said Sebastian, opening the door with Ciel in his noble clothes again.
            They paused. Agni stood firmly in the doorway, blocking their path.
            “…Eh?” said Ciel, Sebastian, and (Y/N).
            “Fufufufu!” said Soma, looking around Agni. “Not so fast, Ciel! You won’t be able to leave this townhouse that easily while I’m in charge of protecting it! You do have a cold, and as Viceroy of this townhouse and your best friend, I cannot overlook it!”
            “Who’s my best friend, again? Don’t joke with me,” said Ciel, trying to walk by.
            “Agni! Do not let Ciel pass, no matter what!” ordered Soma.
            “Jo aagyaa,” said Agni somberly.
            Ciel’s eyebrow twitched. “Now see here you two…I have work to do! I haven’t the time to take part in your silly games!” He coughed. “Out of my way!”
            “Staying in bed and being nursed back to health is the only work a sick person needs to see to!” declared Soma.
            “I’m not like you, this is no—!” Ciel coughed.
            Agni knelt before him. “Lord Ciel, please return to your bed. That wheezing sound is characteristic of asthma. You are not well at all!”
            “Don’t you dare touch me so casually!” huffed Ciel. “Sebastian! Get them away from me!” He coughed.
            (Y/N) raised an eyebrow. They rather agreed with Agni and Soma. Ciel stood to collapse again if this continued.
            “Very good, sir,” said Sebastian, stepping forward.
            “And you, Mister Sebastian!” Agni whirled on his friend, and even Sebastian paused in surprise. “How can you call yourself Lord Ciel’s butler?!”
            “…Eh?” Sebastian raised a brow in confusion.
            “Let me say this as a fellow khansama, no…as your friend,” said Agni. “Your first priority must be your Master’s health! In this case, do you not consider Lord Ciel’s health and stop him forcibly, even if that should mean disobeying him? To always have your master be cheerful and healthy. For that, you must wager your life. Is that not the very essence of being a butler?!” Agni was unwittingly revealing just why (Y/N) and Sebastian actually respected him and called him a friend.
            Sebastian eyes widened before he considered. “…I believe my duty is to fulfill my Master’s wishes, but…certainly, there is an element of truth to what you say as well.”
            (Y/N) smirked as Ciel’s eyes widened in betrayal. A little fun was needed every now and then around the townhouse.
            Ciel found himself whisked into Soma’s arms as he glared at Sebastian. “Why, you! Why are you agreeing with him? What about my orders?!”
            “Based on that, the patient must go to bed!” said Soma. “I shall see to your care personally! Agni! Make some rice and porridge and have a medicinal bath ready!”
            “Yes, my Prince,” said Soma.
            “How dare you do as you please!” argued Ciel.
            Soma ignored him. “Ciel’s khansama, get his nightgown out! And an ice pillow!”
            “Yes,” said Sebastian.
            “Hey!” shouted Ciel.
            “Mx (Y/N), please grab an extra blanket!” said Soma.
            “Of course,” they said.
            “Why won’t you listen to me?!” cried Ciel.
            Within a few minutes, he was tucked into bed and glaring grouchily at the group.
            “There we go, what a relief!” said Soma in satisfaction.
            “Yes!” agreed Agni brightly.
            Sebastian smiled fondly at Ciel with (Y/N) chuckling beside him.
            “I said I was busy,” griped Ciel as Sebastian lifted the blankets around him.
            “We have already made many discoveries in our case, so doing as they say and taking a day to rest should be fine, no?” said Sebastian.
            (Y/N) placed a hand on Ciel’s forehead. “And your fever has returned. Rest. Don’t worry, we’ll deal with it all on the morrow.”
            Ciel looked up at Sebastian and (Y/N), his gaze softened as his eyelids closed and he fell asleep.
            The following day, Ciel was still in bed, and his team of caretakers dutifully looked over him again.
            “His fever seems to have gone down,” said (Y/N), feeling Ciel’s forehead as he slept.
            “His breathing has returned to normal, and his color looks much better than it did yesterday,” said Agni. “We too can now breathe easily.”
            Soma let out a sigh of relief, having spent the entire night looking after Ciel.
            “I have heard it said that the best medicine for human recovery is sleep, so let us not wake him,” said Sebastian.
            Agni picked Soma up piggyback as Soma fell asleep, and the group left Ciel’s bedroom.
            “Erm…Mister Sebastian,” said Agni. “I apologize for flying into a rage and raising my voice yesterday. I could not restrain myself.”
            “No.” Sebastian smiled. “Your words were of great interest to me and provided me with much food for thought.”
            “Oh, no!” Agni smiled. “I did not say anything so great as all that! Mister Sebastian is a far more perfect khansama than one such as I!”
            “But you’re not nice enough.” Soma raised his head slightly from Agni’s shoulder, and the servants blinked.
            “My Prince, were you aw—.”
            “I’m asleep!” denied Soma. “The one speaking now is Agni! Agni, move your mouth.” Agni dutifully opened his mouth while Soma spoke. “Compared to me, you are not nice to your Master at all.”
            “Not…nice?” said (Y/N), cocking their head.
            “Yes,” said Soma. “Ciel’s still a child! He’s of an age when he ought to be allowed to be idle in bed all day if he has a cold and have his parents spoil him. But he doesn’t have his parents to do that for him.” Now Soma spoke for himself, getting caught up in his words. “I didn’t exactly have my parents around, either, but…instead the old man and Mina doted on me with all their might and treated me most kindly. So…” He raised his head and looked at (Y/N) and Sebastian. “You should do the same? Dote on him and spoil him silly.” He jumped down from Agni’s back and ran down the hall. “Got it?! Be nice to him!”
            “Dote on him and spoil him silly, hm?” said Sebastian thoughtfully. He glanced at (Y/N). “What do you think?”
            “I’m not sure,” said (Y/N), shrugging. “It depends on the Young Master’s temperament.” They chuckled in amusement as they watched Soma run around. “But I do know he’ll be grouchy if he wakes up now, so I’ll keep a watch on the Prince.” They followed after him, and Sebastian watched them go.
            Agni stood beside Sebastian and glanced at him. “You should consider spoiling (Y/N), as well.”
            Sebastian blinked. “Excuse me?”
            “You should spoil them,” said Agni matter-of-factly. “People like to feel valued. If you want to win their affections, you should make sure they know you value them.”
            “…Eh?” Sebastian blinked. Agni could tell he loved (Y/N)? A human could read his expressions?”
            “…Eh?” Agni stared at him for a moment before blanching. “I-I mean, if I read the situation wrong, I’m deeply sorry, but you just always look to them with questions or when you notice something and you always stay so close beside them when there’s danger, so I thought that maybe there was something going on!”
            “You…You aren’t wrong,” admitted Sebastian. “I simply didn’t expect a hu—someone to notice. I thought I concealed my feelings well.”
            “Conceal them? Why?” said Agni.
            “It is unbecoming for my kind to have such affections,” said Sebastian. With Agni, his own human friend, he could be candid. He felt comfortable enough to speak.
            “Well, my friend, I think they prefer you to anyone else I’ve seen them around, so there is hope,” said Agni, smiling at Sebastian.
            Sebastian considered. (Y/N) preferred him to others? What a nice sentiment…
            “What is all this?” said (Y/N), glancing at the cart of food they were wheeling into Ciel’s bedroom. The moonlight streamed in through the window as they waited for Ciel to awaken.
            “It is my attempt to ‘spoil’ the Young Master,” said Sebastian.
            “Ah,” said (Y/N).
            Ciel jerked up from his bed. “What time is it?!” he demanded.
            “It’s 7:14 in the evening,” said Sebastian. “You are up at last.”
            “Why didn’t you wake me?” said Ciel.
            “He came to the conclusion that a butler should indeed think first about his master’s health,” said (Y/N). They gestured to the cart of food.
            “Today’s dinner is milk risotto with three kinds of mushrooms and a pot-au-feu of pork and wine,” said Sebastian. “For dessert, we have a compote of warm apples drizzled with yoghurt sauce. Now then, Young Master.” He took a spoonful of risotto and smiled. “Say ‘Ah.’ ”
            Ciel looked at Sebastian suspiciously, unused to him being so friendly. “What the bloody hell do you think you’re playing at, man?!”
            “Ah, is it too hot? Here, allow me to cool it for you,” said Sebastian.
            “Stop that this instant! I command you!” said Ciel, unsettled.
            “Prince Soma said a sick person ought to be doted on and spoiled. Was it not to your liking?” said (Y/N) in amusement.
            “I have no need of spoiling or such ‘child’s play,’ ” said Ciel. “Things like that make me sick.”
            “Is that right? I do beg your pardon,” said Sebastian, bowing.
            “Get me dressed,” huffed Ciel.
            “Yes, my Lord,” said Sebastian, grabbing closed. “By the way,” he continued. “We had a call from Mr. Tanaka around four. It seems Lady Elizabeth is visiting the manor.”
            “What?!” said Ciel in alarm. “Why didn’t you say something sooner?!”
            “I want you to partake of you meal at leisure, Young Master,” said Sebastian. “If you do not chew well, the absorption of nutrients will be reduced—” He was cut off as he put Ciel’s coat on.
            “Now see here,” interrupted Ciel. “Don’t parrot that duo of tranquil idiots.”
            “Lady Elizabeth does not intend to go back until she sees the Young Master,” said Sebastian. “So Mr. Tanaka wishes for our swift return.”
            “Ugh. I trust you’ve looked into the location of Baron Kelvin’s manor,” said Ciel.
            “Yes,” said (Y/N). “We’ve had plenty of time. From London, it would take a whole day by railroad and then carriage.”
            “You and Sebastian can get us there in less than an hour, can’t you?” said Ciel.
            “If you so command,” said Sebastian.
            “We shall resolve this matter without delay and return to the manor,” said Ciel.
            “Yes, my Lord,” said Sebastian.
            “Yes, sir,” said (Y/N).
            It was time for Baron Kelvin and his circus to be dealt with.
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mellonyheart · 5 months
This is the most self projecting thing I've ever written because guess what my body gave me for Christmas? Yaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy. Fuck my life. I still had to cook Christmas dinner too.
Mammon x Reader, first person pov, sfw, swearing because fuck is my favorite word today, slight angst, probably poorly edited. Edit: forgot to add 'reader is fem bodied. Whoops. Edit2: Actually gender is meaningless here and Reader could just as easily be suffering from menstrual cramps or a chronic disease/condition. So gn? The point is Reader has cramps. It's not specified what kind. Only that they hurt bad enough to not be able to enjoy going out.
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This wasn't how I wanted to spend my Christmas.
I was supposed to greet the boys at breakfast. We'd eat and hold back our excitement (some better than others) about the coming festivities. I was going to help with Christmas dinner. I was going to bake a truckload of Christmas cookies! We were going to decorate them together. It was going to be a chaotic blast! It wasn't supposed to end up like this....
My body seemed to have other ideas as I was now confined to my room by cramps. It's not fair! As if it wasn't bad enough I can't be in my (real) room but the boys were out spreading Christmas cheer for the rest of Devildom without me. And I was really looking forward to it!
It was hard to fight the tears as I remembered how Solomon left early to help out in my stead. I hope they can keep him away from the kitchen. That would be a disaster. Were the brothers missing me? They were right?
I missed them. I missed the present. I missed being a part of their wild world. I miss Mammon.
And now I really am crying. In no small part from the pain in my belly as much as my heart. My phone was suspiciously quiet too. Were they busy? Did something happen? Crap... you never know in the Devildom. Something is always coming up. I wanted to be a part of it. Why was fate so cruel?
I rolled over, still dwelling on my miserable thoughts. The pain killer was barely working. If I ever find this Nightbringer person (demon? Angel? Whatever...) I'm going to give them an earful. Not that my current situation was their fault but it makes me feel (infinitesimally) better to blame the entity that put me here.
Knock knock
Nope. Don't even think about it Solo. I'm asleep and I'm not eating your "soup".
Knock knock
I'm sleeping. Go away.
I could have sworn I heard a curse on the other side of my door but it was too quiet to make out. Weird. Solomon didn't usually curse.
I got a text message.
You awake?
It's cool if you're not.
The Great Mammon just thought it'd be a good idea to check in on ya. You should be grateful I'm such a nice guy.
Just thought I'd say Merry Christmas.
"Wait!" I shouted as I threw open my door and there was Mammon halfway down the hall looking back at me with a startled expression.
...Just in time for another cramp. Ow.
"So ya were awake! Hang on... are ya okay?!" Mammon rushed to back to me, likely noticing my distress. He helped me back to bed and as he tried to take a step back I held his sleeve. Such soft fabric... if I wasn't miserable right now I would complement his santa outfit. It was perfectly... him.
"Thanks Mammon. But uh... what are you doing here?" I had to know. Why couldn't I let myself just be happy that he was here?
"Is that any way to greet someone who came all the way here to see ya?! And look at ya... fallin' over and stuff. Wait. Does that make me a hero?"
"Sure. My Christmas hero. Doesn't answer my question though." How is it that he can make me smile so easily? That has to be a super power. Maybe he is a hero.
"Do I really need a reason to see ya?! Gimme a break would ya?!" He huffed. I could guess what he was really doing here. His golden heart was always clear to me.
"I'm glad you came. Thank you. I was actually getting pretty lonely." Honesty was easy with Mammon. Even if he couldn't be honest himself. He was blushing and looking away from me. Damn he was cute.
"Y-yeah... well I figured you'd be lonely without me. I mean... well it just sucks ya got sick on Christmas. It ain't right." And by all things holy and unholy he looked at me like he meant it. He did mean it. Mammon really could be ridiculously sweet. Maybe too sweet because I can feel the tears coming back.
"H-hey! I didn't mean to... I wasn't tryin' to..." Poor Mammon. He was panicking. I really did try to explain that it wasn't that he said something wrong. It was just hormones going a bit overboard. But talking is hard when you're trying not to sob because the demon you love is too sweet for his own good. So I just hugged him. Hard. If he wasn't a demon, probably too hard but how else can I express that I love him so much I want us to meld into one person? I'm emotional. Don't hold it against me.
Mammon tried to calm me down. He hugged me back and kept saying anything he thought would be soothing in his own Mammon way.
"Hey. Ya good?" He asked as I finally calmed. My eyes hurt.
"Yeah. I'm sorry Mammon. This probably wasn't what you had in mind when you came over." My face felt puffy and I could really use a snack and some hydration.
"Don't worry about it. Are ya sure you're okay?" Anyone who says Mammon only cares about himself is an idiot.
"Yes. You're the best Mammon. I really need you to know that." I wiped my face and attempted a normal, definitely not wet, smile.
"Come on... don't get all sweet on me. Oh! I almost forgot!" Mammon suddenly dashed back into the hallway. After a moment he came back with a small festively colored bag and a thermos. "Here. I got this for ya. I uh... wanted to give it to ya before the others got here."
"Hold on... the others?" I asked, bewildered.
"Aw crap... that was supposed to be a surprise! Ya gotta pretend to be surprised when the others call ya down. I was supposed to check how ya were feeling so we can throw ya a party downstairs. Ya know, because you probably don't feel like walkin' to the House of Lamentation or the castle. And then Solomon said you didn't want to teleport so..."
I should have known. I love them. All of them. And they love me. Of course they would try to plan a surprise party so that I didn't feel left out. I feel like the luckiest human of all time. Dumb hormones can't stop me from having a good Christmas.
"Mammon?" I interrupted him from his rambling.
"Huh? What is it?"
"Can I kiss you?"
"H-huh?! H-hold on! You haven't even opened your present yet!" Fuck he's cute when he blushes.
"Can I kiss you after I open my present?"
"S-sure, whatever you want! Just open it already!" Mammon pressed the bag in my direction as to put as much distance between it and himself. He looked at me expectantly.
Inside the bag was... cookies. Clearly handmade. They certainly weren't made or decorated by Luke or Barbatos. One was a touch burned.
"You made me cookies?" I asked.
"Tis' the season right? Look! That one is you and that one is me. I threw in a couple Christmasy shapes too. Ya gotta try 'em though!" He looked nervous despite sounding so excited. I bet he brought these privately because his brothers made fun of his amateur baking skills. And he made mini us!
I took a bite of a Christmas tree.
"It's good."
"Yeah?! I mean I tried extra hard to get the shapes right and Luke had to help me with the decoratin' but they look good right?!" He smiled like the first sunrise in Devildom. So I kissed him.
Then as he got flustered and admonished me for the surprise attack I made cookie us kiss too.
Marry Christmas.
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